#vineyard worship
tiand · 4 months
"Shine Jesus Shine" by Vineyard Worship
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thedansemacabres · 2 months
Now that I return once more, something I have been thinking deeply about with Dionysus—now that the grapes are ripening—is him and the grapevine. One of the beautiful ‘paradoxes’ in mythology is the way he was said to have discovered wine, but then also is the ripening force of the vine—Dionysos Veraison—as I would call him is the one that transmutes the bitter grape acids, tartaric and malic, into sweet sugars.
In order for wine to ferment, veraison must occur. In becoming a wine god, did his red fingertips touch the vine and cause it to bloom, with the cluster falling to the earth, bursting forth, and fermenting into ethanol? Did in discovering wine and creating it did he understand the way the sun and vine vitality creates the conditions necessary? Or if we follow the myth of Ampelos, did his grief make him realise the eternal gift his love’s shorn form now possess?
mythology is truly so fun. Dionysos the winemaker as a man of grief and careful understanding of a natural process—does one become what they do, if they tie themselves to it so closely?
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
solace-2* (famous!harry x masseuse!y/n)
summary: part 2 to this (tq for 1k notes!)
words: 5.2k+
warnings: fluff- so much of it. smut. p in v sex, sex in different positions, creampie, kissing, dirty talk.
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Harry didn't reveal the full truth about the Italian coordinates tattooed on his hip. Instead, he simply smiled and changed the subject whenever Y/N tried to probe further about their meaning.
Y/N tried to shake off her nagging doubts about it too, but the sight of those precise geographic coordinates seemed to bore into her mind. She knew her boyfriend too well - he never did anything without intention or deeper meaning.
Over the next few days, she found herself scouring Harry's personal effects any time he left the room, searching for any other clues about what he could be hiding. Paranoid or not, she had to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Harry's laptop was password protected, as were his phones and tablets. Y/N briefly felt a pang of guilt going through his devices behind his back like this, but the need to uncover the truth overrode her hesitation. She tried every important date, nickname, and phrase she could think of based on their years together, but nothing seemed to crack his codes.
In his planner and calendar apps, she found no unusual appointments or Travel arrangements corresponding to those Italian coordinates. Harry's work schedule was booked solid for the next few months with the usual recording sessions, interviews, and meet-and-greets.
Rifling through his desk drawers, closets, and travel bags yielded no other obvious clues either. Just the typical miscellany of everyday life - old ticket stubs, charging cables, a modest collection of simple jewelry he favored.  
The more Y/N searched fruitlessly for answers, the more unsettled she became. Just what kind of explosive secret could Harry be keeping from her, going to such lengths to conceal it?
Harry, for his part, seemed to be going out of his way to be extra attentive and loving towards Y/N over those days. Bouquets of her favorite flowers in full bloom arrived for no reason. He suggested romantic home-cooked meals filled with all her most beloved comfort foods. At night, he initiated lovemaking with an almost frantic passion, settling between her thighs and worshipping every inch of her body like a man desperate and touch-starved.
"You know you're everything to me, don't you,dove?" He would pant against her sweat-slicked skin, emerald eyes burning with an intensity that simultaneously set her ablaze and lodged a kernel of anxiety in her chest. "You're my whole bloody world and then some."
It was like he could sense her pulling away on some subconscious level and was determined to overwhelm her with affection and reminders of their connection, reeling her back in before she could drift any farther. The more Y/N felt herself falling under the intoxicating spell of Harry's doting lover persona, the more unshakeable her doubts became.
What was he fighting so hard to distract her from? And more importantly, could their relationship withstand whatever seismic truth he was keeping from her?
A week later, Harry said he had an important audition for a new movie role. He needed to fly to Milan for a few days. As Harry packed his bag, Y/N felt that gnawing doubt and curiosity come back.
The moment Harry left for the airport, Y/N opened her laptop. She searched for the coordinates from his tattoo. The coordinates pointed to a small town called Bappino near Florence in the heart of Tuscany's wine country. More specifically, they pinpointed a large villa estate surrounded by vineyards and olive groves.
Y/N stared at the beautiful scenery on her screen. Her mind was spinning. Could this Italian villa be what Harry inherited from his family, like he had started hinting before changing the subject? If so, why all the secrecy and obvious desire to surprise her?
Y/N's thoughts kept circling as the days went by with no word from Harry about when he would return from his "audition" in Milan. She tried not to read too much into his silence, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something big was happening behind the scenes.
Five days after Harry left, Y/N woke up in the middle of the night. Her sheets were tangled and her chest felt tight. In the quiet flat, she could no longer ignore the persistent urge to take action and find out the truth about that location.
It was impulsive, maybe even crazy, but Y/N made up her mind. If Harry was truly keeping a surprise about this Italian villa from her, then she was going to travel there herself and uncover the truth firsthand. No more waiting in suspense for him to tell her.
Within a few hours, Y/N had booked a flight to Florence and packed a small bag. She didn't bother leaving Harry a note about her spontaneous trip. After all his secrecy, he didn't deserve that courtesy right now.
The long flight passed in a blur of nervous anticipation and fitful napping. As Y/N's plane began descending towards the rural airstrip near the villa's coordinates, her heart pounded in her throat.
What if she was flying all this way just to satisfy her own fanciful assumptions, only to find some reasonable explanation? Or worse, what if Harry's surprise was something she hadn't braced herself for at all?
The small rental car agency in the village center of Bappino was empty when Y/N's taxi dropped her off. Within twenty minutes, she had the keys to a sleek black Fiat.
Y/N checked the GPS for the coordinates to the villa. The dusty backroads leading into the hills were quiet. Cypress trees and grapevine trellises lined the roads. Y/N watched out the window, trying to stay calm. She was used to the noise and crowds of London, not this peaceful scenery.
When the villa's gates finally appeared around the next bend, Y/N felt like she couldn't breathe. The estate was even more beautiful than the photos - with terracotta roofs, ivy-covered walls, and elegant arches. It looked like a Renaissance painting.
Y/N pulled up to the tall iron gates feeling nervous. Her hands shook on the steering wheel. What if this villa was the surprise Harry had been keeping secret? How could she just show up unannounced?
Just then, an older woman in a flower-print dress came out of a side door. She squinted at Y/N's idling car, like she was expecting someone.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N got out and approached the gates on shaky legs. Up close, the woman seemed friendly despite her stern look. She smiled warmly and used an old key to let Y/N inside.
"Welcome, miss!" the woman said in English with an accent. "We've been awaiting you. Welcome to Villa Arca del Cielo."
Y/N blinked in surprise at the warm welcome. "There must be some mistake," she stammered. "I'm actually more of a...surprise visitor myself."
The woman studied Y/N carefully for a moment before nodding.
"Of course, of course," she replied pleasantly. "We've prepared everything for your arrival. Leave your car and follow me, dear."
Though still utterly confused, Y/N did as she was told. The woman led her through stunning gardens filled with bright blooms and cozy benches along the winding paths.
Eventually they reached a spacious courtyard centered around a bubbling stone fountain. Y/N's breath caught when she spotted the man lounging casually on the fountain's edge.
"Harry?" she gasped before thinking.
He looked like a living Renaissance statue - handsome in linen and tailored clothes. Harry's green eyes found Y/N's, shining with some unreadable emotion.
"Why hello there, darling," he purred in that deep, velvety voice she loved. Rising smoothly to his feet, his lopsided smirk made butterflies flutter in her stomach. "Fancy meeting you here of all places."
Y/N opened and closed her mouth, a million questions spinning in her mind. But before she could speak, Harry was crossing the courtyard towards her. In one fluid motion, he dropped down on one knee and pulled out a small black box...
Y/N felt like her heart stopped as Harry opened the little black box. Inside was the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. 
"Harry...what are you doing?" she gasped, barely able to speak.
Harry looked up at her with those bright green eyes and gave her that lopsided smile that always made her knees weak.
"I'm doing something I should have done ages ago, my love," he said in that deep, rumbly voice. "I'm asking you to marry me. Will you be my wife?"
Y/N's hand flew up to cover her mouth as she let out a shocked little cry. She couldn't believe this was happening! She thought for sure Harry must be hiding some huge secret. But instead, he had planned this incredibly romantic surprise proposal!
"You...you want to marry me?" Y/N finally managed to say. "Here at this incredible place?"
Harry's smile stretched even wider across his handsome face. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head happily.
"Yes, darling. More than anything, I want you to be my wife," he said sincerely. "And what better place than my family's historic villa? This estate has been passed down for generations upon generations."
He swept his free hand out, gesturing to the beautiful terracotta buildings, lush gardens, and rolling vineyards all around them.
"When I received word that I had inherited the villa, I knew immediately this was where I wanted us to start our lives together. This place is filled with so much love and tradition. The perfect fresh start for our new adventure."
Tears blurred Y/N's vision as she stared down at the man she adored. She felt silly for doubting him, even for a moment. His pure heart and romantic spirit shone through in this amazingly thoughtful proposal.
"So what do you say, my love?" Harry gave the ring box a little shake with a wink. "Make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? We can build our happily ever after together right here in this paradise."
A joyful giggle burst out of Y/N's chest. She launched herself at Harry, sending them both tumbling onto the soft grass in a tangle of limbs. She peppered his face with kisses, cradling it in her hands.
"Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" she exclaimed between delighted laughs. "I can't think of anything I want more than to be your wife!"
Suddenly a cheer went up around them. Y/N looked up in surprise to see the courtyard was now filled with a small crowd of smiling people - couples, families with children, and elderly folks. These must be Harry's relatives from nearby, brought in to secretly witness this magical proposal.
Harry easily regained his feet, pulling Y/N up into his strong embrace. He slid the dazzling diamond onto her trembling finger as the crowd burst into applause again. Someone popped open a bottle of crisp white wine from the villa's own vineyards and began passing out glasses.
As the well-wishers surged forward to hug and congratulate the beaming couple, Y/N pressed herself against Harry's side. She gazed up at her new fiancé with eyes shining with love and happy tears.
"You brilliant, wonderful, maddening man," she said through her megawatt smile. "You really had me going there for a while with all your secretive ways!"
Harry's deep laugh rumbled against her cheek as he kissed the top of her head. "What can I say? I do love a good dramatic surprise," he drawled unrepentantly. "But I promise, from here on out, no more secrets between us. Just you and me, partners for life, building our forever in this little slice of paradise."
Y/N felt her heart swell to overflowing with love and joy as Harry pulled her close to sway among their joyfully celebrating new family. Whatever surprises the future still held, she knew they would face them side-by-side, heart-to-heart. This enchanting Tuscan villa was now their eternal home - an oasis of beauty, heritage, and boundless devotion between two soulmates. And really, what more could anyone want than that?
It was Harry's big wedding day and he was super nervous. He was getting ready in one of the fancy rooms at the beautiful Italian villa where the wedding was happening.
"I can't bloody well do this," Harry groaned, struggling with his bowtie. "What was I thinking, putting all this together?"
His best friend Niall gave him a look through the mirror they were standing in front of. "Don't start getting cold feet on me now, mate. You've been dreaming of this day forever!"
Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm down. It was the morning of his wedding to the love of his life, Y/N. After he surprised her with his proposal a few months ago at his family's villa in Italy, they quickly started planning an intimate but fancy ceremony right there in the villa's pretty gardens.
Now as Harry stood there in his perfect tuxedo, he felt really anxious bubbling up inside. What if something went wrong? What if he messed up his vows or the weather turned bad suddenly?
"It's not the marriage part that's scaring me," he tried to explain to Niall, sitting down on the old couch. "I've never been more sure of anything than wanting Y/N as my wife. It's all this..." He waved his hand around at the luxurious room.
"This huge romantic, over-the-top destination wedding at a historic Italian villa. With all the family flying in from everywhere and the crazy timing to coordinate, it all feels a bit...overwhelming."
Niall raised an eyebrow at his lifelong friend. "And whose genius idea was it to have your wedding at this place again?" he said flatly.
Harry smiled a little, knowing Niall was right. He'd admitted before that he could be quite dramatic, especially when it came to being romantic with Y/N. But part of him worried that Y/N might think this whole destination wedding was too much or too showy.
"I just want everything to be perfectly perfect today, you know?" he sighed, running his hands through his styled hair. "Especially for her. Y/N deserves to have the most magical dream wedding after everything we've been through."
Just then, the door burst open and Harry's sister Gemma came in, looking beautiful in her robe with her hair and makeup done. She gave Harry a look, hands on her hips.
"There you are, worrying over nothing as usual!" Gemma fussed, pulling Harry's fidgeting hands away from his hair. "Honestly, H, with all this huge production you've planned, someone would have to be crazy to doubt how much you adore that girl."
Harry felt himself relax a little at his sister's gentle teasing. Gemma always knew how to put things simply and lovingly. He made a face at Niall, who snorted with amusement.
"Alright, alright, you've made your point, Gem," he said with a little laugh, kissing her cheek. "I'm just going to take a few minutes to myself to get centered, yeah?"
Gemma nodded briskly and shooed Niall out so Harry could have some privacy. Her warm eyes shone with real affection as she gave Harry's arm a reassuring squeeze.
"We both know today is going to be one for the books, love. Just focus on that feeling of pure joy when you see your bride walking down the aisle and everything else will fall into place. I believe in you."
Then Harry was blessedly alone with his whirling thoughts. He went over to the windows, breathing in the fresh spring air from Tuscany while trying to focus his energy. Gemma was right - none of the little details mattered in the big picture. The only important thing was honoring his everlasting love for the extraordinary woman he loved more than life itself.
Straightening up with renewed determination, Harry glanced at his reflection one last time before heading out to take his place. He was about to marry his soulmate in the place they would start their new life together, surrounded by their most cherished people. What could possibly be more magical than that?
Y/N could barely breathe when she saw the breathtaking wonderland that had been created for her wedding in the villa's garden. What was once a normal pretty garden had been totally transformed into something from a fairytale.
Everywhere she looked, there were vibrant splashes of jewel-toned flowers beautifully arranged into lush garlands, bouquets, or delicate sprigs woven into the soaring archway where she and Harry would exchange vows. The warm evening air was filled with the mingled sweet fragrances of peonies, roses, freesia, and sweet pea blossoms that drifted on each gentle breeze.
Overhead, thousands of twinkling lights were suspended amongst gauzy fabric and greenery stretched across the entire garden. As the golden Tuscan sunset faded into dusk, the effect was like being surrounded by a shimmering canopy of fairy lights and stars.
"Y/N, sweetheart, are you ready?"
The familiar gentle voice of her mother came through Y/N's dreamy haze and she turned, fresh tears pricking her eyes. Her mum looked impossibly elegant in her sleek champagne gown, eyes shining with barely contained emotion as she took in her only daughter.
"Oh Mum..." Y/N choked out, feeling a rush of euphoria and disbelief that this day had finally arrived. "I don't think I'll ever be ready enough for the honor of marrying someone like Harry."
Moving carefully so as not to disturb the delicate lace and tulle of her wedding dress, Y/N hugged her mother tightly and allowed herself a quiet moment to simply bask in the surreal joy. She had spent years picturing this day in her mind, imagining every possible detail down to her shoes and makeup. Yet now that it was really happening, she felt even more awestruck and humbled.
A gentle knock came and Y/N's dad was there, looking so handsome and proud in his suit. He cleared his throat roughly, but his watery smile gave away how sentimental he felt.
"Sorry to interrupt, but...it's just about time, petal." His warm fatherly gaze took in every inch of her bridal look - from the shimmering crystal-embellished bodice to the delicate beaded sleeves and sweeping skirt fanning out around her. "You look...well, I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life."
Y/N hastily wiped beneath her eyes, careful not to smear her makeup. Not that it truly mattered, of course. She would happily embrace any imperfections if it meant getting to marry her other half at last.
"Shall we, then?" she managed to say, linking her arms through her parents' and falling into step with them.
The walk down the villa's arched galleries leading to the main gardens felt both endless yet over in a blink. Y/N focused on drawing deep, calming breaths as she absorbed every sublime detail - the glow of the ornate lanterns, heady jasmine fragrance, and cheerful chirping of crickets.
Finally, she rounded the last archway and her gaze was instantly drawn to the man she had chosen to walk life's path alongside from this day forward.
He was standing beneath the towering archway covered in flowers, hands clasped loosely in front of him, full of nervous energy. For a single heartbeat, their eyes met and locked - shimmering forest green and sparkling hazel exchanging entire paragraphs of adoration, promise, and reverence in one penetrating look.
In that crystalline moment when their eyes met, everything else fell away. The decorations, the assembled guests watching, even the balmy Tuscan evening - it all faded. All that existed was Harry's reverent, loving gaze drinking her in like she was the most precious gift he'd ever received. A look that spoke straight to Y/N's soul, whispering 'you are my forever' without a single word.
As she glided down the petal-strewn aisle on her fathers' arms, Y/N took in every delicious detail of how heart-stoppingly handsome her groom looked. His polished boots shone, his tuxedo hugging his broad shoulders and narrow waist perfectly. The subtle patterns of his trousers and ivory vest added a dapper touch.
But it was Harry's soft, glowing expression that made Y/N weak - those bright green eyes sparkling with happy tears, pink lips curved in a radiant smile, cherub curls framing his chiseled jaw. In that moment, he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
Y/N barely registered her parents passing her to Harry's waiting hands under the arch, or the hushed scrape of the officiant clearing their throat to begin the ceremony. She and Harry simply stood transfixed, holding each other's gazes as the familiar words of the marriage rite washed over them.
Harry was the first to break the reverent trance when it was time for them to exchange their vows. He took a deep, steadying breath and squeezed Y/N's hands in his large, ring-warmed grasp.
"My darling Y/N, I knew from the very first moment you walked into that massage room that you were someone really special, sent just for me. Do you remember how nervous and shy I got just looking at your beautiful face? I tried acting all cool and confident like I usually do, but you saw right through that act." He gave a little laugh. 
"You looked me straight in the eyes and said 'Cut it out mister, just be yourself. That's what I want to get to know.' And that moment changed everything for me. As your strong but gentle hands started rubbing out my muscle knots, it was like you were untying the knots around my heart too. You made me feel free just to be my real, imperfect self with you, no need to pretend."
Harry took a deep breath. "Our life together hasn't been perfect, babe. We've been through a lot of hard stuff that nobody should have to deal with. But through it all, you've been my one constant. My guiding light when I'm lost, my warmth and sunshine after the darkest days."  
Tears shone in his eyes. "You are my true home and safe place, Y/N. Where I can always find love, laughter, and acceptance, no matter how beat up I am. Choosing to spend forever with your beautiful spirit is the greatest gift I could ever get."
He squeezed her hands tightly. "So on our wedding day, surrounded by everyone we love most, I vow to cherish you, my endlessly patient and loving wife, through every happiness and struggle life brings. I'll always be your safe harbor to come back to. This is my sacred promise to you, my soulmate."
Y/N had to blink back happy tears as she squeezed Harry's hands. "My dearest Harry, my whole life changed that day you walked into my massage room too. You came in acting all charming and cocky with your messy curls and those gorgeous green bedroom eyes." She grinned at him.  
"But I could see right away I wanted to know the real you, not just some act. And that's when you truly captivated me - by wearing your heart wide open and feeling every emotion so deeply. Your childlike wonder at small joys, your kindness to all living things, your ability to empathize...that's when I knew you were someone who could break through all my walls."
Her chest felt ready to burst with love as she gazed at him. "This man standing before me is the rarest gem. You're boundlessly talented and creative, yes, but also so humble - using your art to uplift people and shine light into the darkness. Over the years you've uncovered the most beautiful soul, and I'm so honored to nurture that forever."
Y/N took a shuddering breath. "You are my safe haven too, my love. The place where I can let all my vulnerabilities show without fear, knowing you'll protect my fragile pieces as fiercely as I protect yours."
She raised their joined hands and kissed his knuckles gently. "So here, in our new beginning place, I vow to spend the rest of my days delighting in your spirit's brilliance. I'll nurture and endlessly celebrate your exquisite soul. Walking peacefully beside you is the greatest privilege imaginable. I'll make sure you never forget that."
His mouth was crashing over hers in a searing, all-consuming kiss that brooked no argument. Y/N melted into the hard planes of his body with a shameless moan, all thoughts of their reception and revelling guests evaporating like rain on desert sands.
They barely made it to the longue before articles of clothing began puddling at their feet in reckless abandon. All that existed for Harry and Y/N in that breathless, eternity was finally, surrendering to the long-anticipated unionn they had fought for.  
"Tell me what you want, love," Harry husked into the heated space between their mouths. "Want to give you everything."
Y/N whimpered at the gravel of her husband's voice, dragging him down into another searing kiss. She licked fervently into his mouth, savoring the smoky, masculine taste that was purely Harry. She craved him.
Harry growled in approval, palming Y/N's breasts roughly before giving the peaked buds a sharp pinch. She cried out, arching into his touch as liquid fire lanced straight to her core. Not to be outdone, Y/N rolled them with surprising strength until she was straddling Harry's muscled thighs.
His gaze followed the path of her hands as she slowly, teasingly trailed them down the sculpted ridges of her own torso. Y/N threw her head back with a breath when her fingertips grazed the slick, throbbing bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
"Jesus..." Harry bit out, hips punching up instinctively when Y/N began working herself in tight, frantic circles right in front of him. "You're so bloody gorgeous, darling. Don't know how I got so lucky."
Y/N hummed breathlessly, catching Harry's stare as she continued touching herself shamelessly in clear view. Her other hand drifted lower to wrap around his thick, achingly hard length. She gave him a few firm strokes, smearing around the pearly bead of moisture leaking from his tip.
"Want you inside me," she rasped without preamble. "Need to feel you stretch me wide open, baby."
A low, guttural sound tore from Harry's chest as he instantly surged up into a seated position, cupping Y/N's bum and grinding against her slick entrance. She keened at the prod of him nudging insistently between her folds.
"Yeah?" he husked against the swell of her breasts. "You want this thick cock filling you up, love? Fucking you raw until you're sobbing my name?"
"Yes!" Y/N hissed out on a broken moan, rising up on her knees until just the bulbous tip of him caught on her soaked entrance. "Now Harry, oh my god, please!"
Harry snarled something incoherent before crushing their mouths together in another all-consuming. He swallowed Y/N's shrill cry as he abruptly surged up in one slick, powerful glide - burying every thick, throbbing inch inside her with a lewd grunt.
"Fuck YES!" Y/N sobbed out, throwing her head back as her inner walls fluttered wildly around the stretch and burn. "Oh god, just like that..."
"Bloody fucking perfect," Harry gritted through clenched teeth as Y/N rolled and clenched around him experimentally. "Grip me so damn tight, sweetheart."
Both spurred into a frenzy, they instantly launched into a rapid, frantic grind atop the rumpled sheets. Y/N rose up and dropped back down with shameless abandon, chasing the euphoric drag of Harry's girth splitting her open over and over. Her nails left crescent-shaped indents across the muscles of his straining shoulders and back.
"Yes, yes!" she chanted breathlessly, meeting Harry's brutal upward snaps with her own. "That's it, baby, fuck me just like that!"
"Jesus, the noises you make," Harry gritted out, his large hands flexing around Y/N's hips hard enough to bruise as he guided their filthy rhythm. "So fucking sexy, love. Gonna come just from hearing you."
Y/N keened in delight at his ragged words. She somehow managed to yank him even closer, savoring the rigid press of his abdomen rubbing against her swollen, aching clit with each punishing grind. Her breasts bounced with the feverish motion, nipples pebbled and aching for her husband's mouth.
Seemingly reading her mind, Harry latched on with a snarl, laving and sucking at the tender peaks with focused intensity. The pleasure arrowing straight to Y/N's center had her throwing her head back on a broken wail.
"Oh shit, shit yes!" she babbled frantically, legs beginning to shake and tremble. "Right there, Harry, fuuuuuck don't stop!"
Lewd sounds of flesh on flesh echoed throught the room, paired with their moans and grunts as they made noises freely. They didn’t care about their guests listening to them, because, well, they owned this place.
"Stay right there," Harry suddenly grunted through clenched teeth, halting Y/N with a bone-crushing grip on her hips. He then snapped his hips up once, twice, burying himself to the hilt on each brutal thrust.
Y/N screamed as she finally came around him, every muscle seizing up in pure bliss. Her back contorted sharply as shockwave after shockwave of pure bliss blitzed through her nerve-endings. She could barely draw breath, completely shattered by the force of her release as it gushed hotly around Harry's relentless possession of her core.
"Oh FUCK," Harry roared out, head tossed back as Y/N's clenching finally dragged him over that edge as well. His whole body strained, tendons in his neck and arms flexing as he erupted torrentially inside Y/N with a long, drawn out moan.
They clung to each other throughout their shared ecstasy, trapped in an endless cycle of crashing between blinding highs and soft lows.. Harry's mouth was persistent, soothing across Y/N's damp hairline and temples once coherent thought became possible again.  
Finally, when the last ripples had faded away, he gently manoeuvred them onto their sides without separating their bodies. His now-lax biceps flexed around Y/N's hips, pulling her even closer so he could nuzzle fervent kisses beneath her jaw.
"You're everything," he murmured in a voice gone coarse and raspy from their cries. "My whole fucking universe, you understand me?"
Y/N shivered at his words, craning her neck to slot her mouth over his in a deep, intoxicating kiss. She matched his confession with one of her own without breaking the languid back-and-forth of their kiss.
"Forever, baby. You and me forever."
tell me if you like this! and also if part 2 lived up to the expectations lol.
please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
feedback | masterlist
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove @chronicallybubbly @angeldavis777
solace taglist (y'all asked to be tagged in part 2!): @lhhlver @mysteriouslydecaffeinatedfox @fangirl7060
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Hi! Love letters are open now and I realised Dionysus doesn't have one yet, if possible could you write one from him? Thank you! 💜
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Dear (Y/N),
In the vines of your eyes I find the sweetest fermentation, the divine intoxication that makes me lose myself in ecstasy. Like a passionate winemaker, I taste every trace of your essence, diving into the depths of your being like someone tasting heavenly nectar. As a god of wine and feasting, I am used to being worshiped, but you awaken in me a deeper desire, an insatiable need to have you all to myself.
Oh, how your beauty is like a field of ripe grapes in the sunlight, exuding a divine aroma that intoxicates my soul. Your every gesture is like a sacred dance, every word like a celestial melody that touches the deepest corners of my being.
In your embrace, I find the ecstasy that only the gods can know. Your kisses are like the nectar of the gods, flooding me with a sweetness that transcends the limits of mortality. Your presence is my source of inspiration, my reason to celebrate life in all its fullness.
I promise you lust and devotion, intense emotions that only a god like me can offer. But I also warn you, my beloved, that I will never share you. I will not tolerate challenges to our union. If necessary, I will do everything possible to keep you by my side, even if it means resorting to madness. You have been mine since the moment our eyes met.
My love for you is as vast as the oceans, as eternal as the starry sky. May this letter express just a fraction of what I feel for you, as words cannot capture the magnitude of the love that burns in my chest.
May our journeys intertwine like vines in a vineyard, growing together in harmony and fertility. May each sip of wine be a toast to our love, each laugh a symphony of shared joy. So accept my love, my control, my protection. Be mine and mine alone, and I will lift you to the heavens, give you pleasure beyond the limits of mortality.
With devotion and eternal desire,
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earthry · 1 year
Sugar Papas ( Sugar Daddy Headcanons)
I’m stressed about financial things right now so let’s discuss Sugar Daddy Papas. This is very self indulgent.
tw: sfw mostly, a little bit suggestive, mentions of surgery, fluff
You make him feel young again and he loves indulging you in the things you enjoy. If you’re going to school or you have a passion project he’s more than happy to fund them. Loves to take you with him to vineyards and fancy high society events. Will bring you to tour world famous botanic gardens and spoil you the entire trip.
Probably goes to expensive luxury country clubs and brings you along— there’s a massage and spa service and you always get a nice day of relaxation. You relax in the hot tub together and sometimes things get a little frisky because he just can’t resist that little pleased look on your face when you’re enjoying the heated water and a cold fancy drink that’s sitting on the edge, there’s music playing and not too loud— it’s a good life. You’re pleased and fuck if that’s not the hottest thing to Primo.
Loves dressing you in expensive dresses and/or suits and showing you off on his arm. If you like feminine clothing he’ll take you to very fancy boutiques and wait while you try on dresses and the like. You always get 100% of the store’s attention and service because they know that Secondo will spend so much money if you like a particularly outfit. If you prefer masculine clothing, he takes you to expensive tailors and personally finds the best and most suitable fits for you. He’ll suggest several designs, but if there’s something you really have your heart set on he has no problem whipping out his credit card for you.
After retirement he enjoys traveling around Europe and will bring you with him. You always fly first class and his favorite game is ‘how far can we go before the flight attendant gets suspicious’. You have to learn to be quiet very quickly because Secondo has some very talented fingers that wander a lot. What you don’t know is that he’s already paid the crew off to not bother the two of you.
Loves to watch beautiful sunrises and sunsets with you so he always finds accommodations with the best views. He buys the finest wine and loves having you try his favorites or ones that are native to the region or area you are visiting. Loves to hear your opinion of everything— the wine, the food, the countryside. Could listen to you talk for hours.
This man buys the most expensive lingerie for you and has you ‘model’ it for him. Takes you to red carpet events and operas, treating you to fancy five-star restaurants with rich food and good wine. He may have a playboy reputation and you had fully expected for this arrangement to only last a few months, but the two of you are celebrating your third year anniversary soon. He’s planning to fly the two of you out to some exotic vacation spot for a full week of absolute bliss.
Every fancy hotel you visit he insists ‘breaking’ the bed in and after his appetite is sated, he will call room service and let you order whatever you want. Buys you expensive body lotions and oils and massages you, hands running up and down your body as he whispers worship and praises.
If you have a favorite tattoo artist you want a tattoo from, he'll do his best to get you a booking and fly you out. He'll sit there and hold your hand and help you take care of it after. And of course, he'll pay for the whole thing.
You go with him on tour and the ghouls consider themselves lucky to have you because Copia will book the best hotels for you because you deserve nothing less. You enjoy lazy evenings in between concerts nestled in his lap with your back against his chest as a movie plays on the big screen in your hotel room and Copia slowly hand feeds you fruit or cheese, stealing a kiss after each bite.
He loves to have his hands on you, loves the feeling and reminder that you are his. The expensive clothing you wear, the necklace and watch and shoes, those are all claims to him. Little touches against your shoulder, hand around your waist, lips brushing against your temple, you’re intoxicating to him.
Supportive about plastic or transition surgeries, he’ll pay for it all and it will be at the best places with the best care. He’ll pay for any treatments you want, will help administrator them if needed. He will give you so many affirmations for your body whether it be physical or gender-based, he’s more than happy to please. He just wants you to feel comfortable in your own body. Buys you the most expensive products for care.
Sets up an Etsy account for you and links his card to it— doesn’t care what you buy as long as it makes you happy. Almost cries when you buy a little keychain of him and tell him that way he can always be with you-- he immediately insists on finding someone who does custom art and keychains to get one of you too.
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
What Genshin Guys Are Like In Bed (NSFW)
These aren’t exactly proper smut but please, Minors, don’t engage it still has descriptions of sex!
I would be willing to go into a character on a more specific level if anyone would be interested. It of course does not need to be NSFW :D
Kaeya loves to tease you. So much that he'll act so oblivious, to the point where he makes you literally tell him exactly what you want him to do to you. He'll sometimes act a little patronising when you get frustrated. Be ready for irritating foreplay before he becomes the one who gets needy. He's so eager to please once that happens
Diluc will either be gentle and restrained or completely feral without realising it. He's got a pretty average, maybe slightly low sex drive so it takes a little for him to drift into that sort of mood. That's usually seeing you in all your elegant glory or getting into some sort of altercation with Kaeya or the Abyss. If he's gentle you'll get a huge amount of compliments and praise- his hands will not miss an inch of your skin as he worships it. If he's angry he won't take it out on you with words or any sort of degradation. Most of the time his actions become harsher- his thrusts get faster and harsher, and he might even leave fingerprint bruises on your hips if it was a particularly stressful day.
Venti can be pretty insatiable- usually at the most inconvenient times. He'll try his luck anywhere he can get away with. That includes but is not limited to: the top branches of the tree at Windrise, the huge statue of him in Mondstadt, and the vineyard at Dawn Winery. He's showy if you're into it. He's sort of playful about it, he'll be giggling and grinning while you both try to stay quiet.
Albedo has a very low sex drive, so I feel he'd only ever be in the mood if you bring it up. He's also very curious about what things you like the most. He intends to explore every part of your body to see how it works. He remembers all of these places too so that he knows how to better satisfy you. One of his favourites is just having you on his lap while he works in Dragonspine because it keeps you both warm and unites you both in a way he absolutely cannot get enough of.
Xiao seems like the type to accidentally break the bed during sex. Not because he's rough but because he's gripping the headboard to keep himself from hurting you. He tries to be gentle with you but it doesn't always work and sometimes he ends up losing the battle and wakes up tangled in the sheets with your hips and neck covered in bruises and hickeys.
Childe treats every moment with you like it could be his last (Because he knows it might be). He's fervent, unrelenting and frantic like a teenager, complimenting you with everything he can think of. Childe breaks the bed from sheer overuse and thinks of it as an achievement. He also gets very cuddly after sex so dont hope to leave his arms for a couple of hours.  
Zhongli always exhibits a great amount of control over himself. He's gentle and soft with you. It's romantic when he towers over you and tells you everything he thinks of you because undoubtedly it will be something wonderful. He likes to hold your hands above your head, intertwining them as he intertwines you. He also carries you to the bath each and every time.
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kazuha treats every moment with you like it's poetry. He needs to take his time and memorise each part of you. He admires you, and savours you like a windchime in a hurricane. Sex with Kazuha doesn't seem as much a sexual act as it does a romantic and sensual, uniting one. When he feels you, he doesn't only receive sexual pleasure but also soulful pleasure that spreads between you both.
Thoma is someone who is just so happy and grateful to have you do this sort of thing for and/or with him. He genuinely cannot think of anything but you during those moments. I imagine a constant stream of praise and thank you's spilling out of his mouth during any sort of activity you do for him. His whole body heats up too and if he isn't careful he could burn you by accident.
Arrataki Itto
Itto's already pretty empty head goes completely blank during that. He doesn't say anything but groans and mumble swears under his breath as he fucks you. He's another boy whos likely to break the bed from pure brute force. He thinks that's really amusing actually.
Gorou tends to overthink this type of thing. He wants to make sure that you are comfortable. He always tells you a safeword in case, and he never concerns his own please until he's gone down on you. He needs to be absolutely sure that he's pleased you before he can help himself to you. That’s especially hard since he gets worked up easily. He really tries to make it special for you both during those moments because you don’t always have a lot of time to do them.
Kamisato Ayato
He can get wrapped up in his work and forget about his needs so sometimes you might need to come to him. He's someone I think would enjoy cockwarming like Albedo because he can do that and do his paperwork.
Tighnari gets oddly flustered at the moment and actually ends up rambling unless you stop him. He's quite nervous so try to guide him through it. It's a little ironic since I imagine him having a pretty normal, maybe even kinda high sex drive. If he gets too needy you guys might even go at it in the forest, but he'll be a little anxious about being found before losing it completely
He isn't mean but he's stern. He likes to be in charge and won't leave a bratty S/O unpunished. It's not anything actually bad. He's likely to edge you until you apologise. He wouldn't break the bed but that might be because he's more fond of taking you against a wall
Oh, he is so bratty. He would probably call you teasing names and pick on you for how needy you look when he edges you. He's mean during it but he gets surprisingly gentle in the aftermath. He won't mention it but he'll run you a bath and make you a drink. He'd prefer it if you never brought it up.
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aloysiavirgata · 5 months
He marries her on the Vineyard in October. She didn’t want to be a June bride. She didn’t want to sweat and have her hair frizz and her fine vellum skin be lumpy with mosquito bites. She wanted to be cool and auburn and lovely, and it’s why he married her at all.
He gazed at her like a siren on a rock, like she was the last thing he’d see before it went pitch-black. She wore silk the color of Labor Day whitecaps and her veil was summer-storm mist. He loved her the way we love fire; primal and aching and fiercely hominid. He burned for her because it is a pleasure to burn.
He could not have cared less about the wedding but hoped she would. She hadn’t, though she’d looked at the obnoxious ring with a certain grudging respect. “It’s carbon arranged in the most boring way possible,” she observed, letting all (nearly) three carats catch the light. “”And it’s gorgeous. I love it.”
Her sapphire eyes, her garnet hair. And he’d given her a diamond, so clear and bland.
She didn’t love it, not really, and he knew it. Knew she loved it because his mother thought Catholics were simpletons and, more importantly, staff. His mother was Jewish by blood and WASP by raising. His mother preferred natural fibers. His mother excelled at tennis.
It was a family piece. It was The Done Thing, even on her plebeian Catholic finger, slim and pale and lovely as a moonbeam. His mother flinched but never balked. She was properly brought up, and her son had made a decision. She was a lady and so was Dana’s mother, in her sweetly aspiring way.
Their mothers wept and he beamed down at her like a demigod; like the Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With The Sun.
He worshipped her properly later, before the applewood fire. He tossed his lot in with hers and he felt like some duke’s second son, unbound by obligation.
“Fox,” she moaned, and he loved that too. They were virgins again that night. They brushed one another like purple fruits, ripe to bursting on the vine.
He was appalled by how he wanted to put a baby in her, by how “wife” changed everything he thought he understood about himself.
The ring, clear as the waters of the Euphrates by day, was opalescent and clouded beneath the moon.
“Christ,” he moaned into the hot vanilla silk of her throat. “Christ, fuck, Dana…”
The tulle of her rucked-up gown left scratches on her thighs, like the tongue of a cat, and neither of them ever noticed.
She was a doctor again in the morning, and he was a Special Agent, and the sun was pale as straw in the weakening light.
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glitterslag · 1 year
anthroponymy in the bear
Apologies if someone's done this already, but I've been thinking a lot about the names of the characters in The Bear, and how almost nothing in this show is accidental. It's led me to wonder whether the names chosen are also intentional and if they can tell us anything about the characters and their journeys.
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Firstly, we have Michael. The name is derived from a Hebrew phrase meaning ‘who is like god’ (often posed as a question). It’s fitting in my opinion. His character certainly is a godlike presence, his influence and love felt but not seen in The Beef. As the eldest sibling, he’s presented as a leader, and Carmy and Richie worship his vision. 
There’s a creation aspect with Mikey. He plays god from beyond the grave, literally breathing life into The Bear through the money he stashed in the tomato cans - we have him to thank for its establishment. 
The tomatoes remind me of the bible story of the feeding of the five thousand. In this miracle, Jesus is able to feed five thousand hungry people from just a few loaves of bread and a few fish. In ep 1.08, a humble tin of tomatoes - just as much a symbol of modesty as a loaf of bread - is opened to reveal a wad of cash. From this money comes The Bear, which hopefully will go on to feed just as many hungry mouths, if not more! 
Interestingly, 'michelin' is a diminutive of 'Michel', an alternate spelling of Michael. I wonder if there's a connection there? Maybe the key to The Bear earning its Michelin star will lie with Michael? A recipe of his, or a piece of advice he gave Carmy? (Sidetracking, but I just think it’s cool!)
Next, we have Carmy, who’s full name is Carmen. I’ve looked at a few sources, and there seem to be a couple of different meanings for his name. The Latin meaning comes from the word for a song or a poem. The Hebrew meaning is garden or vineyard. 
‘Song or poem’ to me reflects Carmy’s creative nature, his love of cooking and drawing. ‘Vineyard’ is interesting, considering that Donna is an alcoholic, and that as far as we know, Carmy is either sober or drinks very little. 
Carmen is also a gender neutral name. For me, one of the significant themes of the show is masculinity, and how different ideas of masculinity are warring with each other. To me, Mikey and to an extent Richie represent one particular masculine ideal, one that’s maybe a bit toxic. Carmy meanwhile is not painted as the stereotypical masculine guy. Richie often insults Carmy’s masculinity, jeering at his culinary training, being homophobic, making fun of his lack of experience with women. 
There’s so much I could say about this dichotomy, even right down to the dishes that are associated with each character. Richie’s idea of The Beef serving ‘food of the working man’. The sandwiches - their red meat fillings. Mikey’s spaghetti, in its simplicity, its earthiness, its history as a staple food of the working class.  To me, it’s a masculine, down to earth dish, very at odds with the fancier, more elegant dishes we come to associate Carmy with. 
Then we have characters such as Luca and Marcus - both of whom are associated with baking. You don’t have to be a genius to know that baking is seen as a feminine art. Luca and Marcus arguably don’t fit the macho man ideal either - both of them being depicted as a lot more gentle, calm, and creative types.
Next - Sydney. It’s an Old English name, and there are a few different interpretations of it that I could find. One is ‘wide meadow’ or ‘wide water meadow’. 
When Syd breezes into The Beef in ep 1, she’s literally a breath of fresh air. She’s a meadow! Her vision for what the restaurant could be, both in terms of the food served and the way the kitchen could be run (i.e. mutual respect, a smooth chain of command, no psycho bosses) is an idealistic vision, a utopia, a garden of Eden type image.
This brings me to the link with Carmy’s name:
Remember how one of the meanings of Carm’s name was garden? In my opinion, this similarity only reinforces the writer's intentions for us to see Syd and Carmy as kindred spirits. Gardens, meadows… both peaceful, calm, beautiful places. To me, it tells us they’re each other’s peace. It also tells us if they learn how to work together, they can create that ideal vision for the restaurant that they both crave.
Another interpretation of Syd’s name is that it means island or island dweller. This brings to mind the phrase ‘no man is an island’, which to me perfectly summarises her character’s central struggle. The phrase means that humans need each other. We need support, and we can’t do things alone. I think Sydney is shown as someone who can be prone to bottling things up, and maybe finds it difficult to ask for help and to be vulnerable. She’s not shown as having many family and friendship connections, and we see a lot of scenes where she’s alone - eating in restaurants, on the train, cooking at home. In that sense, she is a bit of an island, and I hope we see her become able to rely on others a little more in seasons to come (and hopefully Carmy gets his act together enough for her to trust him to be her support!). 
Next up: Jimmy. Short for James, a derivative of the Hebrew Jacob, it means ‘supplanter’. A supplanter means someone who takes the place of something else, like a usurper. Now, in ep 2.06, Jimmy and Donna’s dynamic was a little suspect, and I think a lot of people would agree that we’re supposed to infer something was going on there, with Cicero figuratively and perhaps literally taking the place of Bear senior. My theory is that there was an affair, and that Jimmy is actually Mikey’s father. JAW and Abby Elliott look pretty alike I’d say, while John Bernthal has quite different features. Was this intentional? Who’s to say, but I think there’s definitely a case to be made for there being two different fathers. Equally, Mr Bear could be Mikey’s dad, while Jimmy could be Nat and Carm’s true father - he has their lighter hair and eyes, so who knows!! 
In Genesis, Jacob supplants his twin brother by buying his birthright. In the show, Jimmy attempts to buy the restaurant, which of course once belonged to Carmy’s dad. Although the show doesn’t give us the full story of the pair, we gather that Jimmy and Bear Sr. were old friends who were almost more like brothers, until a feud ruined their relationship. Interesting for sure!
Next is Tina. Short for Christina, which means ‘follower of Christ’. Her last name, Marrero, is interesting. Deriving from Spanish, it means stone-breaker or hammer, reflecting her strength of character. She’s a single mother, an immigrant, and has been working in male-dominated kitchens with all these shitty, angry men for years. As far as we know, she was the only woman at The Beef pre-Syd. She dealt with Mikey and Richie’s shit for years. You’d have to be pretty fucking tough. 
On the other hand, T is so warm and kind underneath it all and seems able to penetrate through the other character’s exteriors relatively easily - Richie, Carmy, Ebra, Syd. They can all be pretty grumpy, but they all have SUCH a soft spot for Tina and only Tina. She’s the stone breaker to their stony surface! 💖🥰💖🥰
Okay those are the main ones I wanted to talk about, but here’s a few more in brief:
Richie: short for Richard, which means strong or brave ruler/leader. In the final episode, we see Richie leading expo and doing a great job. He’s finally living up to his name - literally finding his purpose.
Donna: means lady in Italian. Madonna, or ‘my lady’ is another name for Mary, Jesus’ mother. The ‘mother of victory’ referenced in the prayer that Carm, Nat and Richie say before the soft open is the same Mary. Whilst Donna definitely doesn’t share many characteristics with Mary, I think the comparison is useful in showing the bear kids’ conflicting view of their mother. They of course still love her and crave her love and her blessing for the restaurant in return.
Natalie: means ‘birth of the lord’, literally, ‘Christmas’. There could be a connection here to the Fishes episode, which takes place on Christmas.
Pete: short for Peter, it means rock. When Jesus made the disciple Peter the first Pope, he said, ‘on this rock I build my church’. Pete is Nat’s rock and I think that’s beautiful!!!!!!
Ebra: short for Ebrahim, an alternate spelling of Abraham, which means 'father of many'. He’s a father figure for The Bear!
I know there are a couple I've left out from the main cast, one being Marcus, whose name means 'follower of Mars', the Roman god. I'm still figuring out whether there's a significance there - I'm sure there could be. Maybe I'll do a part two with the rest of the characters!
Anyways I just think it's neat how fitting a lot of the names are... and I really don't think a lot of them were accidental!
Pls feel free to add on and/or correct me if I got anything wrong!
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ghuleh-recs · 7 months
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In honor of @writingjourney’s birthday I've compiled some of my personal favorites of hers for you to check out. A mixtape, if you will. I don’t even know where to begin with Ibi. Have you ever read a description of a hug so romantic that your whole body physically aches? Well I have and it’s her fault. Not only is she an amazing writer, but she is hands down one of the loveliest people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in our satanic little corner of tumblr. She always has something kind to say in the tags and you truly couldn’t ask for a more supportive friend. Wouldn't it be a perfect gift if you read some of her work and left some kudos or a maybe sweet comment or two? Happy Birthday, Ibi! Thank you for sharing your writing with us. ♡
Recs under the cut.
I Knew Nothing But Shadows - Copia x F!Reader - E, 123k (wip)
Curious circumstances and a questionable curse from your childhood led you to becoming the resident artist of the local Satanic Church – and a sinister night you’d truly rather forget. Years later, you’re presented with another chance at proving your artistic worth. Only this time, you’re kind of falling for the awkward anti-pope who sits for you and he is oddly interested in the intricacies of your past that you’re so desperately trying to hide.
Let Me Help - Copia x GN!Reader - G, 2.1k
your papa is overworked and tired, too shaky to do his own make-up, so you offer to help
Better Than Your Hands - Terzo x F!Reader - E, 1.1k
You try not to wake your Papa when you come home but he's ever so perceptive as to what you're up to.
Ouch - Cardinal Copia x GN!Reader - G, 1.3k
Copia tries to retrieve a valuable item, you find him in this very unfortunate situation.
Friday Nights at the Vinothek - Secondo x GN!Reader - E, 26k
When the local vintner who buys his cigarettes at the kiosk you work at offers you a job you can’t believe your luck. But after moving to the vineyard where the attraction between you only grows, you soon realize that he is not quite who you thought he is – and that working for a vampire comes with unexpected dangers.
Bound By Lace - Cardinal Copia x F!Reader - E, 2.8k
After mercilessly teasing you at Papa’s birthday dinner, the Cardinal can’t have you sneaking away from him.
Heavens Away - Secondo x F!Reader - E, 2.8k
For a brief moment he feels like he’s standing in the chapel, gazing into the face of Lilith on the triptych, envying the serpent that is intimately wrapped around her body. He would worship you, he thinks, in much the same way.
Friday Nights at the Cinema Club - Primo x GN!Reader - E, 13.9k
The handsome old gentleman who attends the late night showings is certainly the best part about your small town weekend job. But as the gentle attraction between you slowly begins to bloom, you realise that there’s more to him than meets the eye – and promptly find yourself chased into the woods by an unexpected monster.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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sleepnowmychild · 4 months
From no belief in particular to Helpol
Just because I find it interesting that so many helpol people and pagans in general seem to be ex-biblical religions, here’s a slightly different story for you.
I never grew up religious. My dad is actually very anti-religion because of the sheer amount of people who use religion as a weapon to discriminate, and the way many churches can become almost like a tiny cult. But my mums side of the family is Italian Christians (don’t ask me how my parents were even together at one point because I have no clue). So on one side I had my dad telling me to never trust a pastor and that he’d never let me set foot in a church and my Italian grandparents going all in on Christmas family reunions with the nativity scene set up and crosses on all their cards and church Christmas morning.
It made me very neutral. I didn’t care what existed, I was just a kid who was exited to pick grapes on our vineyard (which looking back, the fact I lived in a vineyard and made wine is very,,, hello Dionysus) and get days off school for Christmas holidays etc. I didn’t believe in the Christian god, but as a kid I did believe in an afterlife. I think because it’s easier to process that as a kid than death being just nothingness.
In primary school, we did a whole term in Greek mythology. My first ever myth was echo and narcissus and I still have the painted tea towel I made with echo on it for the art potion of that class. I got very obsessed, very quick, as undiagnosed autistic kids do. I loved mermaids and sirens, nymphs and the sailing part of all the war myths. I’ve always had this deep link to the water, not just the sea but rivers and lakes, any water you can swim in. You’d think I’d end up a Poseidon or Aphrodite devotee because of that huh? Point is I heard the Greek myths young, and because those myths also have Roman equivalents, when my Italian family heard I was obsessed I’d get the Roman version of the stories from them.
For years I was just mythology obsessed with no particular beliefs. I didn’t like how hardcore my Italian family was in their ‘everything is a sin’ mentality and I also felt it was a bit mean of my dad to say every single religious person is a monster. As I came to realise I was trans and bi at around 15, suddenly I was privy to the sheer amount of queerphobia in religion. Turned me away from most of them hardcore. But by the time I was 17, I’d stumbled on the reason those shops with the crystals and little mythology statues exist. Because the old gods of mythology were still worshipped.
I don’t actually remember when I got claimed by Hypnos, but he definitely claimed me. I’d always liked him as a concept because he’s much more chill than some of the more intense gods, but he slowly started creeping into my life when I’d see something and go ‘Hypnos would like that’ or I’d jokingly be like ‘I’m so tired, knock me out Hypnos’ and I WOULD fall asleep easier that night. I can’t exactly explain why, but I’ve got this deep connection to the river Lethe as well. Although not in the sense Lethe is a god, in the sense of its connections to Hypnos. Like there’s a siren of the Lethe inside me screaming to go back home.
In all honesty, there was never a solid moment I was like “I’m helpol now” it just kind of happened. The gods, especially Hypnos snuck into my life back in primary school and slowly made their presence more and more known over the years. And I was fine with that, because this is what my Roman ancestors would have been doing, and this is a religion that doesn’t hate me for being queer.
This got long, I’ll cut it short here. But that’s a perspective from someone who never grew up religious for you.
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thedansemacabres · 11 months
A Modern Understanding of Dionysus Hestios
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Photo from a vineyard I worked on.
[ID: A close-up image of a Chardonnay white-wine grapevine with three clusters. The clusters are green with some red. Bright green leaves cover the top of the clusters, while below a black irrigation line is visible. The ground below is covered in woodchips, except for a single plant below the clusters].
HESTIOS IS A FUN YET OBSCURE EPITHET OF DIONYSUS.  We can infer some of its context due to Zeus Hestios, that being a protector of the home and hearth. This epithet of Dionysus is a favourite of mine—for my home and hearth, he is a household deity as I am a viticulturist and winemaker. My life and livelihood is partially bound by grapevines as I currently work at an orchard that is establishing a vineyard and my responsibility is to make it happen. 
The context of this epithet is little known beyond a passage in Pausanias’ iconic Description of Greece: 
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 2. 5 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "From the gate to the Kerameikos [in Athens] there are porticoes . . . containing shrines of gods, and a gymnasium called that of Hermes. In it is the house of Poulytion . . . [which] in my time it was devoted to the worship of Dionysos. This Dionysos they call Melpomenos (Minstrel) [i.e. of Melpomene, the muse of tragedy], on the same principle as they call Apollon Mousegetes (Leader of the Muses) . . . After the precinct of Apollon is a building that contains earthen ware images, Amphiktyon, king of Athens, Dionysos Hestios (Feasting or Of the Hearth) and other gods. Here also is Pegasos of Eleutherai, who introduced the god [Dionysos] to the Athenians. Herein he was helped by the oracle at Delphoi, which called to mind that the god once dwelt in Athens in the days of Ikarios."
Dionysus Hestios is mentioned in Athens, along with his myth of his devotee Pegasos bringing his cult to the city. Other than references to Zeus Hestios, I have not found any more context for this epithet beyond protecting the home/hearth. Therefore, this aspect of him will be a contender for a strong upg basis. 
In my times in wine, I’ve gathered my own gnosis of Dionysus Hestios. He is a protector of the hearth, but in my personal experience, the table wine aspect of Dionysus.
Table wine is named exactly for what it is, a wine that sits at your dinner table and a key part of a meal. Italy especially is famous for its cheap table wines, many of which I’ve had at my own tables and dinners. Most commercial wines these days are made to be drinkable on their own—while table wines are uncomfortable and harsh on the tongue. With food, they transform, turning these harsh and bitter wines into something truly enjoyable. It also makes the food taste better. For anyone unknowing, that’s why wine and food pairing is a thing. Unfortunately, the table wine market is slowly beginning to crumble—most modern wine drinkers enjoy more of a good tasting drink instead of a complement of one’s meal. If you have the chance, I recommend buying some and trying it in pairings—it’s a dying market, sadly, and one that has an ancient history behind it. 
While table wines slowly fade, there is always a place for them in our lives. I myself have fond memories of a terribly bitter wine being served at my family’s table, and while I hated the taste, I’ve come to fall in love with them in recent years. Dionysus Hestios as a god of the home is a god of table wine, the happy smiles and festive memories of people having their Chianti with some steak or pasta. It’s the thrill of a good food pairing, a decanter, and the hundred years history of people making wine for the common folk instead of just for the aristocrats and their “noble” grapes. 
Dionysus Hestios, Hearth warmer, master  Of your craft, joy becoming  Protect our heart and wine, Let us dance and joy,  Under your blessings  Of the woody grapevine. 
DIONYSUS CULT 1 - Ancient Greek Religion. (n.d.). https://www.theoi.com/Cult/DionysosCult.html
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beezonia · 6 months
Some more stuff for the worlds in the magic retold!
This is gonna be a long post btw!!
I think this is just gonna be for Solaria and Domino for now cause it’s getting too big for me to put all the planets on here!
Solaria’s capital city is called Sunburst (this is where the Palace is too!)
But the Seleneites call their main city Moonshine city (more temples are here but they have a smaller palace type home for the guardian of the Seleneites)
Solaria is basically one big landscape with a few smaller islands surrounding it
Think beautiful blue seas, sandy beaches and a whole lot of vineyards (Solaria is technically a big supplier of alcohol)
There are a whole lot of coastal towns in Solaria and some of them attract a whole lot of tourists from Magix and other planets
For the Seleneites like I said there are more temples, they worship the moon and celebrate the gods bit more then the sun part of Solaria does
There was tension between the two factions of Solaria because they did things completely differently from each other
Solarian’s worshipped the sun and mostly worked through the day and slept during the night
Seleneites worshipped the moon and worked through the night and slept during the day
So there were complications when Radius’s father wanted to bring the two together (he and his wife Raye were both pure solarian btw)
So when Radius decides to marry Luna it comes as a huge shock to both factions as it had never happened before
Stella was technically the first Solselene child since there had been no recorded birth of one before her
Solaria is home to a lot of performers
Like beast tamers (More from Domino)
Fire breathers (these hail mostly from Domino though)
Dancers (they also hail from Andros)
Magicians (although these are quite scarce now)
There are lots of circuses and just random performances going on around Solaria at times
Especially during the festival’s!
Domino next!
It’s capital city is called Sparx (yeah cause I’m not changing domino to Sparx no way)
The people of Domino live quite close to the five lakes and it means there are several bridges connecting towns and cities
It’s also quite barren in terms of greenery due to the dragons so they have to import a lot of stuff
Domino being the home of the dragons does mean you also have areas that are bare ground or down in caves so they don’t hurt the people
Most in Domino have skills with communicating with dragons and magical creatures due to their being a lot of them on Domino
The royal family have guardian dragons
Marion’s father had a dragon named Alfor whilst her dragon is named Elowyn
She’s very good at dragon riding because of this (sometimes she’ll teach the new guards in case they need new soldiers to fly)
So yeah there’s dragon riding for the royal family and for those lucky enough to connect with a dragon (also the royal guard have dragons or Pegasi)
Like I said Dominon’s connect with creatures easily (like how Linphean’s connect with plants easily) due to the fact that the dragons brought more animals when they landed
Which means these people had to make sure they lived in harmony so they didn’t taint the relationship with the dragons
So it’s often you’ll see a family being close with wolves or reptiles due to this, for example Oritel actually bonded with a panther cub named Fell and he grew up with him!
Domino has festival’s like the dragon dance or the masque ball of autumn
Dragon dance -
The Royals will basically put on a show with their dragons, showing the bond they have
Masque ball of autumn -
Basically a chance for everyone no matter what status to be equal and celebrate the death of autumn so they are well rested for the hard work they’ll have to face in winter!
(It’s also a chance for romance to bloom 👀)
I’m also gonna quickly note about the five lakes they are the lakes the og dragons landed in before they settled on Domino!
Yeah Domino is quite a strong planet! But it welcomes connections with the others to keep peace!
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hello hello beautiful people of the internet, i’m feeling Some Sort of Way tonight and would like to wax poetic about my views on Dionysos’ appearance:
i think of Him only as a Him because it subverts the image of the god i used to worship. gone is the He/Him who thinks of me as a disgrace, as something to be changed, as something to be hated. in its stead is the He/Him who takes my hands and truly claims me as His own, just as i am.
also He’s a He/Him as in He has top surgery and phalloplasty scars in gold, and a He/Him like a butch lesbian in the 1950s using those pronouns so His femme wife Ariadne can have a semblance of a “normal” life, and a He/Him like some super feminine gay guy, and a He/Him like you’d call a particularly friendly cow/cat/snake/other wild creature.
He’s got long, dark hair that falls down His back, and always seems to have just come undone. His skin is dark, and seems to change colors as though He were perpetually sitting under a sunlit tree - lighter to darker, darker to lighter. He smells of frankincense, but somehow it’s not the kind you get in churches. His body is soft, and seems to pose no threat - appearances are nothing when you have power. He is painted with red paints depicting fearsome animals, but also vineyard scenes.
Dionysos is constantly wearing crowns of something. He’s wearing crowns of ivy, or of vibrant flowers and foliage that Ariadne makes for Him. two bull horns sprout from His head; they are decked out in brilliant golden rings and chains - there is irony in this, and He knows it.
He wears clothing (sometimes), but what that clothing is is never certain. it is soft and warm, but smooth and cool at the same time. it is something that is fitting of a King, but can be worn to run wild in the woods. usually it’s a dress, sometimes it’s simply a fawnskin draped over His shoulders.
His voice is something loud and chaotic, but only a few are blessed enough to ever truly hear it. it strikes fear into the heart, but is followed by intense peace. He never speaks alone - the retinue that follows Him does plenty of speaking as well.
And, finally, He brings with Him a beautiful joy. it’s a joy that is felt in a gently weighted hand while praying, it’s that joy that comes from fruits given by strangers, it’s that first rush of tipsiness in a bottle of wine, it’s the feeling of wildflowers and grasses brushing against your ankles, it’s the first breath of warm air in the spring and the first breath of cool air in the fall. sunny days and starry nights are celebrated equally joyfully under Him, and He holds His followers through every day.
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welcomingdisaster · 5 months
Scene Saturday!
i was tagged by @thescrapwitch and @eilinelsghost to share a little something from a WIP. here's something i'm writing for russingon week!
The last days of a stark, white-blue winter fade in the opening notes of the coming spring. Crisp light flecks of snow give way to heavy crystalline flakes, bunching together in formations as many-petalled flowers, or splayed out silhouettes of elves and men alike, twisted into oddly slumped figures. Then comes the spring rain, in fresh heavy drops that seem to wash the sky of clouds, the sprinkles of spring snowdrops in while spring ice, delicate as lace, the scatters of spring blooms, magnolia and cherry and apple, dogwood in bright pink and virgin white, quite as clean as the snow. Spring stars shine out of the spring sky, cheerful and fey, and Fingon Fingolfion goes to horse-races and sits sketching. Dives below ice into spring lakes while his lover shivers on the shore. Eats flat-bread with honey. Follows his lover to dog-shows, where they link arms in public, Fingon’s hand resting on the smooth, unscarred stub of Maedhros’ right arm, tracing circles around the bone of his wrist, and comes home with two wonderfully soft dachshund puppies, one a long-furred dark grey and one a mottled chestnut, little teeth sharp as needles and little velvet tongues stinking with puppy-breath. 
He smokes with his brother on the white cliffs overlooking the sea, sitting shoulder to shoulder, sampling new strains of pipe-weed brought over from other lands and laughing at jokes that would not be funny sober. He rides with his sister to the edges of isle, sleeping in the hollows of trees when they grow too exhausted to continue. He draws maps with his father, plotting out the outlines of new continents, and together they entertain the modest hobby of vineyard-keeping. 
He goes and worships at the temples of the air, shuts his eyes in meditation and sees himself quite contentedly as one small cog of a machine beyond his understanding. He runs his fingers over the prayer beads in his hair and breathes through them, feeling the air cycle through him, each vein humming with the greater powers of Arda. 
He comes to know his new body quite as well as he had known the old, and then better. He fucks Maedhros and is fucked by him; indulges in a variety of sex-acts that in a past life he might have left firmly to the realm of Men and Dwarves. He lays in his lover’s arms, most nights, and lets himself be soothed by the feeling of hands undoing his braid. 
It would be unfair to say all of his days are the same; indeed though sweet they are quite as different from one another as the snowflakes of the fading winter, and all the sweeter for the knowledge that he ought not expect them to end. 
Of course Fingon is not untroubled. Ill dreams find him, now and then. The weather turns and he feels a different cold in his bones, or else something catches him oddly in the mirror and the ghost of fire lingers in his blood, chasing him out of his sunlight villa and into the lake. Sometimes he misses Húrin so intensely his chest begins to ache with it, and he reads again and again of the Man’s fate, more unsettled each time. 
At times he worries for Maedhros, who is not precisely friendless but certainly not so well-loved as Fingon is, seeking company when the desire strikes him mostly from distant scholarly connections or Fingon’s friends. He has his hounds, of course; an endless stream of them, mostly quite small and rather useless, and when a certain mood strikes over him he goes down to work in the vineyards, to write something or other of the crossing of plants. 
At times he worries that Maglor has not come; that Maglor, they feel, shall not come. No ships will bear him here, he who has not died; and he will keep living, stubborn, in that other land which is now his home. 
(At times, Maedhros says, they share dreams. He wakes weeping, and longing, and sorry; but there is nothing, of course, to be done for it.)
But these troubles are scattered, and few. The morning that the Spring festival, the festival of rebirth, Fingon wakes quite content on his side of the mattress—pleasantly firm, unlike the horribly soft bedding on Maedhros’ side, because his lover likes best to be sucked into his bed’s embrace so well it is a miracle he can rise at all—and rises with a pleasant anticipation, perching in the windowsill with his silver mirror to do his makeup by the light of the sun. 
Maedhros groans, perhaps dreaming, but when he wakes he cannot remember it. There is nothing in the day that would make it seem a turning-point, a beginning, an end.    
credit to @sallysavestheday for the stoner turgon HCs lmao... i'll tag! sallysavestheday, @thelordofgifs @zealouswerewolfcollector @that-angry-noldo @polutrope @jouissants @searchingforserendipity25 @swanmaids @meadowlarkx and anyone else who wishes! <3
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mystieris · 8 days
Urban Gods Worship System
(I'm terrible at posting information about this project xD; )
So in the world of Urban Gods, it's basically the world of the myths, they just have cars and Instagram (btw, I'm open to suggestions on how to make "Instagram" a Greek mythology pun xD), and I wanted to come up with a replacement for animal sacrifices since that's no longer really a thing in our modern day society. While it is common to use altar worship, item and food offerings and prayers of a lot of modern worshippers in our world, since this is a world where gods are also active members of society, there's another, far more popular method - patronizing establishments owned by the gods themselves.
Several major gods own restaurants, hotels, chain stores and other establishments, while more minor gods, as well as nymphs, satyrs, and other benign creatures, will often be employed there. The following is a master list of establishments I have plotted out so far, and who owns and works for them...
Hades - Inferis - A subterranian casino resort in Athens; Charon, the Furies and the Keres will cycle working the different security posts, Thanatos works as waitstaff in the bar/restaurant areas, Hypnos works the front desk on the hotel side, Hecate appears to work some sort of upper management position, and Minthe works as the casino host at the beginning of the story, eventually being replaced by Persephone. Hermes frequently works as a bartender, and all other positions are often filled by unnamed nymphs, gorgons, and other Underworld creatures.
Zeus - Vronti - A luxury hotel chain, with the flagship location in Athens, overlooking the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Thetis works as the concierge, Hermes will work odd jobs throughout the whole building, Hephaestus leads the maintenance crew, and Hera appears to have some sort of job there, but it's somewhat unclear exactly what as through most of the story she and Zeus are hovering between their good terms and their bad terms xD
Poseidon - Atlantis - A small chain of beach tiki bars with "hidden" drug den areas. I haven't quite worked out where the flagship location is, but most of the time the location seen is the one in Athens. And yes... Athena hates that he has a location in Athens, which Poseidon denies being because of his grudge. Claims, "Well, my brothers have their flagship locations here, mortals would ask questions if I didn't, too...!" Pretty much all positions are filled by different sea nymphs and creatures and aren't individually identified yet.
Demeter and Dionysus - A farm/vineyard in Sicily with a shop attached. Basically it's an enormous farm property that different parts are run by Demeter or Dionysus, Persephone basically runs the shop, Plutus offers financial consulting, Triptolemus cares for the animals on site, and various nymphs and satyrs assist in other areas. Additionally, Dionysus also works as the drink master for all three of the kings' establishments.
Athena - A university in Athens. Not much else is developed about it so far as the only scene written involving it is a brief shot of a classroom and just exposits how the gods are "technically not related" according to my world, but Athena is the dean as well as teaching classes.
Hephaestus - Has no direct stores or anything, but is basically the diving force behind mortals developing computers and robotics.
Ares - Basically runs the this world's equivalent to the UFC, which, because it's run by Ares is a mite more violent than in our world. He also has a gym he operates in Sparta that Phobos and Deimos can often be seen working as personal trainers ar.
Aphrodite - A chain of adult toy stores that are franchised to Eros and the rest of her and Ares' kids, while she'll also offer love advice for a fee at the flagship location in Sparta (somewhere within walking distance to Ares' gym).
Apollo - Works as a pop idol, beyond that I don't really have much developed.
Artemis - Like Apollo, not very developed yet, but the idea that she runs a popular hunting blog.
Hestia - Owns a spa resort known for its luxurious food and services.
More will be edited in as I develop more/remember things as I was sick from stress at the original time of posting this. Follow me for more updates on this project and incorrect quotes! :)
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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Parashat Behar
(On The Mountain)
Commentary on Parashat Behar, Leviticus 25:1-26:2
God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and told him to tell the Israelites the following:
When you enter the land that I give you, the land shall observe a Sabbath of the Lord. Six years you may sow your field and prune your vineyard and gather the crops. But in the seventh year the land shall have a Sabbath of complete rest, a Sabbath of the Lord. You shall not sow your field, nor prune your vineyard; it shall be a year of complete rest for the land. You may eat the Sabbath produce of the land.
In the seventh month, on the 10th day of the month, it shall be the Day of Atonement.  You shall sound the shofar horn loud throughout the land.
You shall make the 50th year sacred and it shall be a jubilee for you. In the fiftieth year, the Jubilee Year, you shall not sow, nor reap. You may only eat the growth direct from the field. In this year of jubilee, you shall not wrong another in buying or selling property.
You shall observe My laws and faithfully keep My norms so you may live upon the land in security, and the land shall yield its fruit and you shall eat your fill. If you ask, “What are we to eat in the Sabbath year if we are not to sow or gather our crops?” I respond that I will ordain My blessing for you in the sixth year in order to yield a crop sufficient for three years.
The land must not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and settlers with Me. You must provide for the redemption of the land.
If your brother is in trouble and has to sell part of his property holdings, the nearest closest relative able to redeem the land shall come to redeem it. If a man has no one to redeem for him or if he lacks sufficient means to recover it, what he sold shall remain with the purchaser until the Jubilee Year. In the Jubilee Year it shall be released and he shall return to his holding. The redemption laws regarding dwelling houses in a walled city are different, as are the redemption rights of the Levites.
Treat your brother who is in trouble fairly and do not exact from him advanced or accrued interest. If your brother becomes impoverished and must give himself over to you, you shall not work him with slave labor. He shall remain under you as a hired laborer or resident and shall only serve until the Jubilee Year. Then he and his children with him shall be free of your authority. He shall go back to his family and return to his ancestral holding. You shall not rule over him ruthlessly, nor sell him in the manner of a slave.
Male and female of the nations about you may become your slaves and be your property. You may treat them as slaves. But as for your Israelite brothers, no one shall be subjugated through hard labor.
If a stranger who is a settler becomes rich, and if your brother, being in trouble, gives himself over to this stranger, he shall still have the right of redemption. One of his brothers or family members shall redeem him or, if he prospers, may redeem himself. The payment for redemption will be as if he was a hired laborer until the Jubilee Year. In the Jubilee Year, even if he has not been redeemed, he and his children with him shall go free. For it is to Me that the Israelites are servants: they are My servants, whom I freed from the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.
You shall not make idols for yourselves, or set up for yourselves carved images or pillars or place stones in your land to worship upon. You shall keep My Sabbaths and honor My sanctuary.
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