#vld ask blog
ask-vsonder · 4 days
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[ find an introduction to the characters here ]
"didn't ask before making this but i'm sure everyone'll warm up to the idea once i spring it onto them.. hopefully! i do have my doubts about... certain... people. coughcoughkeithcoughcough"
waves so loudly
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kiisaes · 1 month
tell us about vld 👁️
(only if u want to)
i'll spare you a truly unhinged ranting for perhaps another time (even though this is gonna be long anyway) but tldr: vld is a show that could have been really good if it just stuck to its direction from the first two seasons!!! and also if its crew didn't accidentally breed the worst possible fandom ever!!!
it had a really good identity at the start— its characters were entertaining, its art and animation were charming if anything, the VAs were genuinely excellent picks and in terms of story it was simple (considering it's a kids show) but effective. the first two seasons focused on one-off, character-driven episodes that gave room for a lot of character writing, team bonding, and tone establishment. i believe that the reason why vld shipping was already so aggressive since s1 — without crew interference — was because the character writing was like, actually good. good enough where people could take their starting characterizations + team dynamic and run wild with it
vld was never going to be an enlightening, mature, groundbreaking show about anything super deep; it's a Y7 show about robot lions in space. but i'm sure most ppl going into vld didn't expect a piece of art, they just wanted to have fun with an atla-adjacent show, or they watched previous voltron iterations. and for what it was, it was very successful at the start! and one of the more popular netflix originals at its time!
but then vld tried taking itself more seriously in s3, and changed its primary storytelling method. now the episodes weren't usually problem-of-the-week, but each episode's plot had to feed into the next episode in line. which would've been fine, if the crew planned ahead and kept track of its characters and plot
but since the lion switch was also conveniently during this season (which inevitably implied switches in character arcs), keeping track of everything suddenly got way harder. also, the lion switch was ass. breaking my silence: that shit made no sense. why didn't they make allura the black paladin??? why do all those mental gymnastics with moving keith from red to black and lance from blue to red just to give allura blue, which was a lion that didn't even really fit her??? (i know the reason was cuz dotf did this lion placement, but is vld dotf? are the characters archetypes the same? no? i didn't think so!!!)
anyway because of the new serialized storytelling format, vld had to follow this really serious, high-stakes, even occasionally dark narrative to keep viewers engaged, and it just .. wasn't the same? like not only are characters' arcs dropping like flies, we're introducing new characters with barely any development or even personality, and it's not even that fun to watch anymore. what happened to my silly guys. what happened to goofin off in the castle. what happened to episode-long missions. this is not avatar. if i wanted to watch avatar i would just watch avatar.
and! in later seasons i think the crew caught on to how fans loveddd the episodic narratives in s1 and 2, so they tried bringing back one-off lighthearted episodes (dnd episode, game show episode, clear day episode, etc.) in an attempt to relive the old glory— and they were fun to watch on their own, sure, but were completely detached from the rest of the story atp. literally the only reason why i even remember these episodes is because they weren't a part of the narrative's incomprehensible sludge
don't even get me started on how the crew hated its audience. don't get me started on the ship bait, the weird canon queerbait situation(s), the irresponsible encouragement of parasocial fan relationships with VAs, artists, creators, you name it. it's how we got one of The worst fandoms in recent history. it's how vld was one of the newer fandoms that started an whole new era of fandom etiquette — namely, disregarding all previous fandom norms in favor of the most childish, pearl-clutching, moral-panicky discourse you'd find daily, and consequently you wouldn't EVER dare bring up to a normal person who exists in the real world.
the crew hated its audience so much, it essentially punished its fans by shutting down all fan theories, purposefully writing AROUND plot twists THEY SET UP, leaving a really messy and plot-hole-filled final script. they especially hated the shippers so much that they shut down BOTH main camps — klance and sheith — for canon allurance, a truly horrible way to end both their character arcs since neither character gets all that satisfying of a conclusion (lance becomes a farmer, allura fucking dies)
this is already long enough but i hope this gives you a general idea :') i have so many emotions about vld. someday i'll make the retrospective video essay of my dreams. this was my nonstop fixation for two straight years. i wasted two years on this shit.
also this show's 8 seasons were released all in a span of 2 and a half years.
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atiianeishaunted · 5 days
chat i know its like hella oldschool but !!!!!! what if i open up a lil askblog for sonder so i can provide , context on the au. in a fun way ,,,
also related i might get an ao3 acc so i can post the actual story(ies?) there,, if thatd be of any interest ,,,,,, im multitalented heh.. what can i say /j [i genuinely didnt expect the sonder thing to blow up as quick as it did] [actively QUAKING] also would ao3 be the right place thinking emoji???
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lanceypantsmcclain · 2 months
Hey There
I have been inspired to start an ask blog/character interaction blog. A little bit about the admin: You can call me Jul.
Feel free to send me asks as Lance McClain, my sweet baby boy.
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ask-takashi-shirogane · 4 months
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
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This was given to me by the blades for this clone body I'm in. Do I know what it does? No, but it keeps the headaches away.
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kiyo-cant-write · 2 days
My inbox is open for headcanons and short imagines/scenes for the tagged fandoms. I start school soon so depending on how many are submitted it may take a bit of time, but I'm excited for this.
I write x-reader/self-insert content as well as canon/canon content for fandoms. You can request several characters but please do not request the entire cast or more than 6 characters total.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚:
I do not do any ships that break the DNI (tldr; incest, children with adults). I do write darker content like softcore yandere at times, but not that kind of darkness. This is a personal boundary. Thank you. Be sure to check the rules!!
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skz-miroh · 2 years
I’m looking for slow burn klance fics with very specifically the:
trope so if you have any recs please drop them in the comments
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void-tiger · 2 years
please tell me more about the fic where Ke/th doesnt get to be a paladin again, i keep seeing shit like how the team abandoned/failed Ke/ith and should have apologized to him when it was literally the opposite (i am sorry but the team almost DIED because K/ith fucked off to run off with the Blades, werent for Kuron entering Black they would have actually died, i do not understand how anyone can see this and say the team was in the wrong/Ke1th was in the right, and still be considered a team player let alone a team leader is beyond me. Really really sorry about salt in your askbox)
No worries! (Although, disclaimer: I had to set aside my voltron fics for a bit ‘cause I can’t work on them without getting salty, and too much salt is bad for you. So they’re…curing, I guess. I’ll stop with the bad salt jokes now XD)
But short answer? Keith’s their comfort blorbo, and it’s incredibly easy to have that become “can do no wrong ever it MUST be EVERYONE else!” and…not recognize that kneejerk bias. Ask The Real Fandom Olds TM who’ve participated in fandom culture since the 80s and 90s and that’s a key issue with Current Fandom and especially younger fans (ie, probably our generation and younger.) Add in that a lot of us online trend (in my antidotal experience) towards having untreated anxiety or depressive symptoms and/or undiagnosed neurodivergent brain wiring that an individual might’ve not quite learned how to cope with yet (and many come with emotional regulation symptoms) in addition to…human brains really just Don’t stop developing until mid20s regardless of someone’s birth gender and brain development is particularly chaotic and…well.
That’s a recipe for a volatile fandom, and since the VLD Characters in particular were geared towards Teens or Teen Nostalgia? [Comfort Blorboing Intensifies.]
Now, in one fic series Idea, Keith DOES become the Red Paladin again, but he has to work for it. Really work for it. Like, the Team is still incredibly hurt that he left and never really apologized for ditching them before THAT Scene where Jiro is forced to step in s4. I think I have in my notes somewhere [coughs] prolly a random post or very buried DM to a friend that Red Lion finally outright takes Keith for a joy ride (much like Blue and Black did with Lance and Shiro) and literally has him bouncing around in zero g and gforces until Red’s really willing to accept him back as Paladin. (Also it makes me feel better.)
[tags: blackbox verse, rewrite the stars, blackbox, veeladee fixit. Note that some of the older posts especially I’ve probably discarded. But I do my best worldbuilding thinking aloud, and hey. It’s fanfic. Who gives af about spoilers? Not me.]
But, in Blackbox verse, I wanted Jiro to have his very own Lion…and the Sincline Meteor is right there. Plus, y’know. Fixing-fixing. Making as much work as I felt like since it was intended to be a series, anyway.
Buuut, that’s not the fic idea you asked about.
The one you asked about is actually a Redo of The Black Paladin’s episode following alteanroyals’ prompt of “what if Shiro’s the one who fights the clone, and the clone gets to just come home. Have his own name.” Because, c’mon. The visuals would’ve been incredible, and Josh Keaton and Studio Mir adores Shiro and Jiro even if the EPs and arguably NONE of the writers (even the better ones trying to patch job before bailing out) gave a shit about Jiro as his own character.
So. Back to Keith.
He actually tries flying Black Lion, same as the (egh) canonical episode…and…
WHOOPS. He gets lasers shot at him for his efforts (hA HA~)
Allura steps in, and has a battle of wills against Black Lion, then realizes that what has Black so torqued is Keith tried to dominate the Lion. (Imo? The only reason why Keith could fly with Black in s2-4 was because of the bond they both had with Shiro. “Help me help you.”) And well. Allura’s learned a thing or two: trying to dominate a Lion does NOT work. She learned that for herself with White Lion, she’s now realizing that’s why Black Lion accepted Shiro as it’s Paladin over Zarkon at all. So Allura changes tactics, senses Shiro’s Quintessence still inside Black Lion nearly two years after he vanished, and calls the others in. They do a reverse-balmera ceremony via their voltron bonds and pull Shiro back out—in his OWN body, tyvm.
And well. Remember how it’s technically a “Shiro vs CloneShiro” prompt? Yeah, they fight. (I’ll try not to have them totally wreck the place. All Shiros are Good Shiros.) And when Black Lion comes for them now that the Lion can get a clear shot? Red Lion also comes.
Because Keith isn’t the only character who holds the needed qualities for a Red Paladin. (Reactive instincts, laser focus, loyalty, but often emotionally volatile.) Jiro does too. And unlike Keith, Jiro stayed even when he “no longer” had a Lion to fly from his POV, and he struggled with the rest of the Team to adjust to Lions that no longer suited them in the wake of Shiro’s Absence. So Red chooses Jiro and flies to him. (Black would’ve saved Jiro, too, even though Jiro wasn’t Black’s true paladin. But seeing a Lion accept him, and further proof that he’s not just a poor copy but his own person and even a Paladin in his own right?)
[gemini fic, shiro vs jiro]
Basically, in starting writing and continuing to ruminate on ideas, I realized that Gemini works best as a single fic, so having Firm Consequences make more sense. Other tidying up?
-Allura and the Paladins take the Castle and immediately head out for the Altean Colony while Shiro (and Black Lion at Black’s literal insistence) go after Jiro. (And with Shiro here to lead and analyze + Convenient Recap/Alternate Explanation, Pidge is able to shut down the virus far earlier before it makes the Castle truly dead in the water.) Haggar never gets her claws into them.
-Keith formally leaves the Blades. He had a family, and he turned his back on them. Those relationships won’t be what they were before (ie, symbolic in losing his Red Paladinship), but this time he’s willing to put the work in to repair their trust in him. Meanwhile, the Blades never were going to help him find his mother intentionally no matter how many times he sacrificed his life for them, and his life and the lives of all the other Blades ultimately meant very little to Kolivan and the Blades as an organization. He surrenders the knife to Krolia, and walks away if Team Voltron will let him stay. It not, he can do better good with the Rebels. (Infiltration was Pidge’s thing, anyway. He’s the showy diversion maker.)
-Lotor returns to Orionde. But when he faces the Ancients and White Lion again, he stops attacking and running from his sins. He sacrifices his full life force, and the Drained Alteans revive fully restored. The tragedy his family caused and he ended up perpetuating ends with him. (That does leave…y’know. The Galran Empire without an Emperor. But hey. IF I finish this fic, that’s potential sequel material, baby!)
…anyway. Point is, Keith Antis put a bad taste in my mouth, but the point of “Keith loses Red” wasn’t to punish Keith (okay…maybe a little. But that was still mostly Black blasting lasers everywhere. For catharsis.) The point was, “There are consequence, and while some relationships can be repaired or make new ones with the same people after you’ve hurt them, others can’t. You lose them. It’s important to put in the work, but it’s also important to accept loss and endings, especially after you’ve fucked up.”
And well. I felt that Keith Losing Red, Jiro Gaining Red made things narratively tidy.
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sendak-n-shiro · 2 years
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Decided to actually start a Shendak Askblog feel free to ask away and I'll draw out them sweet responses :)
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mothdustts · 2 months
heyoo i just opened an askbox feel free to ask me anything or if you wanna be friends :DD
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
What type of character are you going to play? You but like if that universe was real? Someone that is actually a toxic fan who thinks everyone who opposes them is toxic? Someone who likes to start drama despite claiming they don't or stays in their lane? Just asking because the asks I send will depend on the persona
it’s honestly just me (maybe exaggerated a little….so like when i was 12 💀)
me but my name isn’t Fluffy or Potatey anymore (wait i need a blog name for her). me with a pinch of toxicity bc she’ll be a loyal same universe girlie and just cannot tolerate antis.
she’ll try to stay away from the fandom drama and stay on the outs but if pushed, she will bite back. she’ll also discuss the fandom drama but will have her biases
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ask-vsonder · 3 days
For Keith : where'd you get your tattoos? Or are they a part of your body?
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"Honestly.. I don't get the curiousity.. As for being apart of my skin.. What a strange thing to ask. Lets just go with your first assumption. Nothing to think on too much, understand?"
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Which controversial ship is the best
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Explanations under the cut!
Galadriel/Halbrand (Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power) 60 reblogs - 5614 words total.
I didn't read it but it's something about homophobia and racism and misogyny if you like or dislike the ship, i'm not sure which one.
Katara/Aang (Avatar The Last Airbender) 58 comments - 65 reblogs - 796 words.
The arguing actually happened on the Katara/Zuko poll, but it was about this ship. Mostly Zutara shippers complaining about Kataang shippers but i saw maybe 2 kataang shippers in the comments. I repeat: Kataang is on here because it was incredibly controversial on my blog
Laios/Toshiro (Dungeon Meshi) A few comments and reblogs, 228 words out of what I can count + someones 644 word post that was linked to me.
The reason for this is because I jokingly used the tag "shuro has the worst case of allistic disease i've ever seen", because the way he exploded at Laios reminded me of the experiences i've had with allistic people who secretly hate me but never told me. This means I hate asian people and think only white men can be autistic.
Shiro/Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender) 43 comments
This ship is pseudo-incest and a man grooming a teenager because they met when Keith was an unspecified younger age and Shiro was an unspecified older age. I'm gonna pass away
Zim/Dib (Invader Zim) A few comments and an ask but it stopped quickly
I haven't watched Invader Zim, but I allowed it on the premise that Zim is seen as a child (because I don't like adult/child ships obv). But Zim's age is a big debate.
Yugi Mutou/Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh) Many reblogs saying the same thing about me
I haven't watched the anime. I saw the same guy twice with the same name and tagged it as "selfcest" incase someone had the tag filtered. This singular tag caused multiple comments and reblogs telling me that it's not selfcest and that it's offensive to DID systems to call it selfcest. I almost snapped here, honestly.
Time to vote! Explode my notes if you want, there's multiple good choices to pick from.
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star-dust-shark · 2 months
★ nice to meet you and welcome to my blog ★
☾⋆。 °✩ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇ ☾⋆。 °✩
🛸.˚✧₊˚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.🛸
About me
𖦹 call me Mack / star dust / sharky
𖦹 part of the kult of kermit ( HE KNOWS ALL, HE SEES ALL, HE IS ALL, HE IS KERMIT )
𖦹 taking art requests
𖦹 I use he/him pronouns but other ones are fine, too :)
𖦹 I’m greyromantic and demisexual ☀️
𖦹 I’m also gay, and transgender 🌊
𖦹 my favourite colour is pear green 🍐
𖦹 my favourite animals are sharks! 🦈
𖦹 I’m a virgo ♍️
𖦹 ADHD and sorta diagnosed autistic
𖦹 calico cat, golden retriever, coyote and racoon therian
𖦹 my other blogs are @star-dust-shark-reblogs and @percy-jackson-twitter-memes
𖦹 want to know more? Send me a dm or ask below! 💌
🛸 .  •.  🌎 ° .• 🌓 •  .°•  • 🚀 ✯. •. . •.
 . • ★ *     °  .  🛰  °·  •.      ๏        .•       🪐
. • • ° ★ •  ☄. ๏ •. . •. . •. . •. •
My moots
𓉸ྀི @lucasthedoofus-mushroomskulls ( one of my best friends, Nico Di Angelo’s reincarnation, needs therapy )
𓉸ྀི @crowwolf8 ( my amazing boyfriend, light of my life )
𓉸ྀི @justagremlinoncaffeine ( basically my sibling, great friend )
𓉸ྀི @freak-nation ( cool twink, stalking me?, my number one fan )
𓉸ྀི @four-leafed-queer-gal ( nice girl, look up to her a lot actually )
𓉸ྀི @lunariasky ( appeared and seems to be vibing )
𓉸ྀི @cordyline-uki ( dab me up )
𓉸ྀི @imarayoffuckingsunshine ( amazing girl, very kind )
𓉸ྀི @imqueerandadeer ( the fuck is gender? I vibe witchu dude )
𓉸ྀི @wordsofwizdumb ( perfect music taste? )
𓉸ྀི @seagull9111 ( bro. homie. dude. )
𓉸ྀི @kairos-in-space ( *nibbles on ur gender* ur so kewl )
𓉸ྀི @iloveyapping ( SOOO COOL WHATTT )
𓉸ྀི @gaygoose09 ( my silly lil pal )
𓉸ྀི @anxious-alyssia ( nicest person to exist I kid you not )
𓉸ྀི @aesthetic-writer18 ( pookie, made my current background! )
Favourite artists ( and my favourite songs of theirs ):
.My Chemical Romance
.Chloe Moriondo
.Alex G
.Tv Girl
.Chappell Roan
.The strokes
𝕾𝖐𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖉𝖎 𝕿𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖙
★ vld
★ spvtw
★ pjo / hoo / toa
★ bobs burgers
★ lotr
★ star wars
★ potc
★ cherry crush
Find my art here
My YouTube channel
My writing
My Spotify
💿✮.𖥔 ݁ ˖🛸₊˚⊹♡
Have fun!! Luv yew<3
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I'm behind on questions but the Ask box is still open. The Garrison has been keeping my ass busy and General doesn't understand I need time to myself... He said hi and asked how you all were doing? I've not told him that you guys are just people who follow my SM page yet. He still thinks this is just people I know at the Garrison.
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