auracamon · 19 days
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✨ First Day Waking Up at 5 AM: Here’s the Tea 🍵🌅
Today was my first day waking up at 5 AM, and it wasn’t just about being “productive” (because let’s be honest, waking up early doesn’t automatically make you better 🙄). I did it for something more meaningful: I’m absolutely in love with the calm of early mornings, the silence that wraps around me, and the peace of knowing everyone else in my house is still fast asleep. It’s my time to enjoy complete quiet. 🧘‍♀️✨
All summer, I promised myself I’d wake up early, but every time I tried, I’d just snooze right back to sleep. 😴💤 Then, a kind soul on my studyblr shared some tips that actually worked! If you’re in the same boat and struggling to wake up early, just like I am, here are some tips that are working for me:
1. Set your alarm far away so you have to get up to turn it off. (I put mine on top of my wardrobe so I literally have to stretch to reach it! 🙌)
2. Prepare yourself to be tired when you wake up. You’re not going to wake up all bright-eyed and full of energy. And that’s okay! 😌
3. After turning off your alarm, don’t go back to bed! Sit on a chair, a couch, or something else, just not your bed. 🚫🛏️
Today, I finally did it! There’s something magical about being awake before the world starts spinning. Here’s to more mornings like this: slow, peaceful, and full of good energy. 🌍☀️
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nuvyogi · 2 years
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stayjoy · 1 year
How To Wake Up Early And Not Feel Tired
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Do you find it difficult to wake up early in the morning? Are you a couch lover who loves to sleep but doesn't get up on time or feels tired upon waking? It is because you are playing with your body clock. Your body clock is very important in keeping you refreshed throughout the day. If you have trouble waking up early in the morning and want the best solution, try these scientific methods to wake up early in the morning. First of all, you need to understand why you feel tired when you wake up early. It is all because of sleep inertia, poor-quality sleep, sleep disorders or other health issues. “Quality Sleep is the Best Medicine to Stay Fresh All Day” Let’s train your mind & body to wake up early in the morning. 
Sleep on Time to Get up Early 
Yes, you read that correctly; if you want to wake up early with plenty of energy, you must go to bed early. Always remember this popular quote “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”. In this digital age, we are all surrounded by lots of gadgets, spend lots of time, and forget to sleep on time. Do you remember that when you don't have such gadgets around, you sleep on time and also wake up without any difficulty? Just try today to sleep without gadgets and feel the difference. Don't take gadgets to bed. As per experts' suggestions, we need only 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep to live a healthy life. If you want to wake up at 5 am, then you need to go to bed at 10 pm.
Don’t Eat Heavy Meals At Night.
Overeating affects your sleep. The more high-calorie foods you consume at night, the more likely you are to experience heartburn or insomnia. To get a good night's sleep, you need to avoid overeating at night. Always eat light food, and don’t go to bed immediately after dinner. Heavy meals make you feel heavy and drowsy, causing you to sleep more than necessary.
Stick to a Bedtime Routine
The regular bedtime routine helps you to sleep on time and wake up early in the morning. Try to sleep at the same time every day, for example, if you sleep at 10 p.m., try to go to bed at the same time every day.  Make a sleeping schedule and try to stick to it regularly. It helps to understand the body clock perfectly. Always make a bedtime routine before going to bed, like switching off screens, dimming the lights, and relaxing to get a sound sleep.
Avoid Caffeine Before Sleep
The caffeine effects last 8 to 10 hours, so try to avoid caffeine in the afternoon. The caffeine alerts your mind and wakes up your body for more time. If you want a sound sleep, then you must skip your caffeinated cup in the evening. You can try herbal drinks to sleep better at night. Some people prefer to drink milk at night, it is good for a sound sleep.
Alert your Mind to Wake up Early
To wake up early in the morning, you need to tell your mind that you want to wake up early, like if you want to wake up at 6 a.m., then just say to yourself, "I will wake up at 6 A.M.." It is a great trick to play with your subconscious mind. Have you remembered the last time you woke up early? Maybe you got sound sleep at night or you have a flight early in the morning, an important interview, or other important work to do in the morning. These are indicators of your alertness, which helped you wake up that morning. As a result, you must train your mind to be alert in order to wake up on time. 
Don't Hit the Snooze Button
Have you tried the alarm to wake up early in the morning but always hit the snooze button to take another 5 minutes to sleep, but always wake up after 1 hour? It happens to all of us, the sleeping cycle is the reason behind all this. If you wake up and feel lazy, it doesn't mean that you need more sleep. You should have to get up from bed and start your day.  If you are taking the help of an alarm clock, then try to place it far from your bed so you need to get up from your bed to turn off the alarm. Don't say that I need 5 minutes more and more. Your body knows how much rest it needs, but your naughty mind enjoys this sleep.
Light-In to Get Up Early
For a sound sleep, you need to dim out the lights, but to wake up early you need to light in your room. Enjoy morning light exposure and wake up your body to its go-out time. The natural lights help you wake up early. Let natural light to your room or add some artificial lights that automatically light up in the early morning. Lights awaken your mind, it's a waking-up time. If you are fortunate that your room gets exposure to natural lights, then you should let them come in. Invest in lighter curtains and enjoy the natural lights in your room. Conclusion: After all, getting up early in the morning depends on your determination and willpower. If your will is strong, then you can achieve anything. Above all, the methods help you only in one condition which is your willpower. It depends on whether you really want to wake up early or not. So set a goal for why you need to wake up early and what you will do early in the morning. Read the full article
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ramyasai · 1 year
Hey there! Have you ever thought about the magic of waking up early? Trust me, it's a game-changer. You know, a lot of us have this habit of hitting the snooze button and dragging ourselves out of bed way past sunrise. Especially the younger crowd, right? I've noticed many dive into bed around midnight only to rise and shine near 10 AM. And I get it, the logic is: sleep late, wake up late. It's all balanced, right? Well, not quite. Here's the thing – this late-night, late-morning routine? It's not really in sync with our natural rhythms. Nature has its own clock, and we're kind of going against it. But let's dive into the brighter side – the perks of being an early riser.
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lyfebanana · 1 year
How To Wake Up Early In The Morning
Aspiring to be a morning person can be a challenging task for many. With busy schedules and often unpredictable sleep patterns, it might seem impossible to wake up early in the morning. However, with some simple tricks and lifestyle modifications, it is possible to train your body to start the day earlier.
Here are 10 tips to help you wake up early in the morning.
1. Get Regular Exercise One effective way to wake up early in the morning is to make sure you are regularly getting exercise. Not only does exercise help you fall asleep faster at night, it also boosts your energy levels and metabolism, which can make you feel more alert and awake in the morning. Even just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can make a big difference in your sleep quality and wakefulness the next day. Whether it's going for a run or taking a yoga class, finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and can stick with can help you establish a healthy sleep-wake cycle and make waking up early feel less daunting.
2. Mind Your Eating Habits Before Bedtime What you eat and drink before bedtime can have a significant impact on your sleep quality. Try to avoid heavy meals or snacks right before bedtime, as they can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to wake up early in the morning. Instead, opt for light and healthy options that won't leave you feeling uncomfortable or bloated. Additionally, try not to consume caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime as these substances can interfere with your sleep quality. Ensuring that you have a peaceful night's sleep will make waking up early much easier and more enjoyable. So next time you find yourself reaching for a late-night snack, take a moment to reconsider your options. Opt for a nourishing choice that will not only satisfy your cravings but also promote a peaceful and restful sleep.
3. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine Creating a relaxing bedtime routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. This can include activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises. Try to establish a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible, even on weekends.
4. Limit Light at Night If you desire to wake up early, it is crucial to limit the light at night. The human body adjusts its circadian rhythm to the light-dark cycle, and bright light exposure in the evening suppresses melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep and increases alertness. You can limit light exposure by using dim or amber lights in the evening, avoiding electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops that emit blue light. By limiting light, your body can produce melatonin at a suitable level, which enables you to fall asleep quickly and wake up early feeling refreshed.
5. Adjust the Temperature Adjusting the temperature in your bedroom can make it easier to fall asleep. Experts suggest keeping your room cool, between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit, for optimal sleep. The cooler temperatures help signal to your body that it's time for rest and can improve the overall quality of your sleep. Additionally, setting a programmable thermostat or using a smart home device to gradually increase the temperature in the morning can stimulate your body to wake up naturally. To avoid feeling groggy, try not to vary the temperature too drastically from day-to-day and aim for consistency in your sleep environment.
6. Get Light First Thing in the Morning Exposure to natural light helps regulate your sleep cycles and can signal to your bodies that it's time to wake up. One easy way to do this is by opening your curtains or blinds right when you wake up, allowing sunlight to flood your room. If that's not possible or if you're waking up before sunrise, consider investing in a natural light alarm clock, which mimics the rising sun and gradually wakes you up with increasing light. You could also try going outside for a quick walk or jog as soon as you wake up to get some fresh air and sunshine.
7. Avoid Napping During the Day While it might seem tempting to catch a quick snooze, especially if you're feeling tired in the afternoon, it can really disrupt your sleep cycle and make it harder to fall asleep at night. Instead, try to stay awake and active until bedtime so that when you do hit the hay, your body is ready to get some restful sleep.
8. Enjoy a Morning Splurge To make it enjoyable, try incorporating a morning splurge such as brewing a fancy coffee or spending some time in nature before getting started with work. This can motivate you to get out of bed and start your day.
9. Put Your Alarm Clock Away From Your Bed This might sound counterintuitive, but it actually works by forcing you to physically get up and turn off the alarm. By doing so, you're more likely to stay awake instead of groggily hitting snooze multiple times. Additionally, if you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, consider using an actual alarm clock instead. This will prevent you from getting sucked into social media or email notifications that can further disrupt your sleep schedule.
10. Stick to a Routine Consistency is key when it comes to waking up early. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This can help regulate your body's sleep-wake cycle and make it easier to wake up in the morning.
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hongchicken · 2 years
How to create a relaxing morning routine
Mornings can often be chaotic, especially for those of us who have to balance work and family commitments. But, with a little planning and dedication, it is possible to create a relaxing morning routine that sets you up for the day. In this post, we’ll explore some of the ways you can make your morning more peaceful and productive.
Relaxation Practices
The first step in creating a relaxing morning routine is to incorporate some relaxation practices. For example, try incorporating a few minutes of mindfulness, deep breathing, or stretching into your morning routine. Mindfulness is a practice of focusing on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings. Taking a few minutes to practice mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety. Deep breathing is another great way to relax your body and mind. Simply taking a few slow, deep breaths can help reduce stress and tension. Finally, engaging in a few gentle stretches or yoga poses can help to relax your body and mind.
Make Time for Yourself
Creating a relaxing morning routine means making time for yourself. This can include taking a few minutes to journal, meditate, or just sit in silence. Writing in a journal is a great way to document your thoughts and feelings and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation is another great way to relax, as it helps you to focus on the present moment and become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Finally, taking a few minutes of just sitting in silence can help to reduce stress and clear your mind.
Wake Up Early
Another key part of creating a relaxing morning routine is to wake up early. This will give you plenty of time to complete your morning tasks and to take care of yourself. Waking up early also means that you will have more time to relax and be mindful throughout the morning. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety and make your day more productive.
Make a To-Do List
Making a to-do list can help to make your morning routine more organized and productive. Prioritize the tasks that need to be done, and try to complete them in a timely manner. This will help to reduce stress and ensure that you get everything accomplished before the day is over.
Drink a Cup of Tea or Coffee
Drinking a cup of tea or coffee can be a great way to start your morning. Not only is it a great way to wake up, but it can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. There are many different types of teas and coffees that can help to relax your body and mind. For example, chamomile and lavender are known for their calming effects.
Exercise can be a great way to start your day. Not only does it help to increase energy levels, but it can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. Even if you don’t have time for a full workout, taking a few minutes to do some stretching or yoga poses can help to make your morning routine more relaxing.
Listen to Music or Podcasts
Another great way to relax during your morning routine is to listen to music or podcasts. Listening to calming music can help to reduce stress and clear your mind. Podcasts can also be a great way to relax and learn something new. There are many different types of podcasts that can help to relax your mind and body.
Enjoy the Outdoors
Taking a few minutes to enjoy the outdoors can be a great way to relax during your morning routine. Even if you just take a few minutes to sit outside and soak in the fresh air, this can help to reduce stress and boost your energy levels.
Creating a relaxing morning routine is a great way to start your day on the right foot. Incorporating relaxation practices, making time for yourself, and taking advantage of the outdoors can all help to make your morning routine more peaceful and productive. With a little dedication and planning, you can create a morning routine that will set you up for a successful and stress-free day.
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selfimprovefy · 2 years
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Leave a “YES” below if you agree👇 When you wake up early, you get more time for extra activities.💯 Follow: @selfimprovefy . . . . . . #selfimprovement #selfimprovementsdaily #wakeupandwin #wakeupearly #selfimprovefy #getmoretime #extraactivity #wakeupearlyinthemorning #productivitytips #personaldevelopmentjourney #successsecrets https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWUkjhsnZE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yourgrowspace · 2 years
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[👀] Self-Belief is the foundation for confidence! When you promise someone something, do you normally fulfill your promise? Are you just as good as keeping the promises you make to yourself? Keep the promises you make to yourself. If you tell yourself you're going to do something, do it! Every time you break the commitments you make to yourself, you diminish your self-belief. Which in turn, impacts your confidence. If you struggle with self-belief or creating & sticking to a routine... ✅ Send me a DM right now so I can help you through my program. Don't put off the most important aspects of your life. . . . . #negativethinking #negativeselftalk #selflovethread #selflovemovement #wakeupearly #singlewoman #morninghabits #fashionistaa #bossladyquotes #mindsetquote #womenwhoillustrate #womenwholovewine #travelinspirations #yogamommy #indigobooks #weaknesses #selfbeliefquotes #knowyourtriggers #millenialmom #knowledgeispower📚 #selfawarenessjourney #millenialentrepreneur #millenialwomen #morningroutines #the5amclub #peaceofmind✌ #routines #powerfulwoman #selfbelief (at Kitchener, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPUKXArKC5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulfastromdotcom · 2 years
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#wednesday #happywednesday #halfoftheworkweek #morningwalk #earlymorningwalk #goodstartoftheday #freshmorning #wakeupearly #enjoytheday #haveaniceday #feelingfresh https://www.instagram.com/p/Cku7SfQrjHY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Pronti a partire per Milano! Ready to go to Milan! #course #nttdata #italo #train #travel #training #wakeupearly #fun #readytoplay #consulting #motivation (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKegyHjqPC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sarllegroupeconfig · 5 months
Here’s to getting up an hour earlier so you can LIVE an hour more! #WakeUpEarly #2018Goals #DTDchallenge2018 #slenderiizchallenge
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healthyyhabitshub · 1 year
This is Why you Need to Wake up Early #wakeupearly #healthylifestylechange #healthylifestyletips
This is Why you Need to Wake up Early #wakeupearly #healthylifestylechange #healthylifestyletips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCN5oxnPxQY Want to create automated professional videos? Visit the following link: https://ift.tt/mC9EBX6 ✅ Important link to follow: 👉 Pictory AI: https://ift.tt/mC9EBX6 ✅ Stay connected to Us. 🔔Please Subscribe to our channel to get more valuable tips to live a healthy life: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Transform Your Life with the top Alkaline Foods| Health Benefits of Alkaline Foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i-WZc4ZXU 👉 5 Ways to Stop Bloating Fast | How to get rid of Bloating Fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVwjUdD6QF0 👉 Top 10 High-Fiber Foods for a Healthy Diet | High fiber foods list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSfocGEFwg 👉 Joint Pain Enemies Exposed: Unveiling the 6 Worst Foods for Arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90zgHZdIixo ✅ Welcome Healthy Habits Hub: Welcome to "Healthy Habits Hub" We'll share amazing facts about your body and motivate you with health shorts. You'll learn inspiring stories and helpful tips for a healthier life. Discover the secrets to balance, debunk myths, and improve your well-being. Let's start this journey with The Clear Mind and live happier and healthier! 🔔 Please Subscribe to our channel to get more insights on topics like healthy And fascinating facts about your body: https://www.youtube.com/@healthyhabitshub-zk9fz ====================================== #sleepscience #bettersleep #sleephygiene #sleepoptimization #sleepdisorders #healthysleep #sleepoptimization #healthysleephabits Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain copyrighted music and images. Any public, media, and any other business usage are subject to a business license. Unauthorized usage and publications are prohibited. © Healthy Habits Hub via Healthy Habits Hub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauUf6FRrLX90ye_EJy6w2g September 12, 2023 at 02:30AM
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peterestevez · 2 years
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Double tap ❤️ Save this post for future reference 👆👆 #PeterOEstévez #PeterOEstévezShow #FromLiesToRiches #LatinLeadership #TheFivePillarsToAnAbundantLife #inspiration #transformation #empowerment #LatinPodcast #LatinTalks #entrepreneur #Latino #seEXCELENTEbeEXCELENTE #read #liftweights #ignorenonsenseandgossip #listenmoretalkless #learnfromkhaby #focus #invest #wakeupearly #sleepenough #smilemore #eatwell (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHgwLqunLH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mahworkouts-blog · 6 years
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wildpowwers-blog · 6 years
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Welp that tour was one for the books! We’re crazy about our buds/new family, @constantlovers 💙. Go love on this band, they’re amazing. XOXO #wildpowwers #constantlovers #plumpies #dingos #daddies #summerbod #wakeupearlier (at Tejon Ranch)
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