#walker: independence fanfic
Like a Pheonix, We Rise, Chapter 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Relationship(s): Hoyt Rawlins & Cordell Walker, Abigail Walker & Cordell Walker, Cordell Walker & Original Characters
Tags/Warnings: Inspired by Jared's Cameo, Immortality, Immortal Cordell, Immortal Hoyt, Adoption, Grief/Mourning, Difficult Decisions, Character Death
Summary: Cordell just needs one more lifetime with his family.
Written for @yeehawgust Day 10: Undead Cowboy
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Cordell couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a mother.
He’s sure he had a biological mother at some point, but that was easily a millenia ago, if not longer. He didn’t remember anything about her, nor a father or any siblings he might have had. He didn’t remember anyone else who might have served a motherly role for him. Again, he was sure there must have been someone, some kind soul who wanted to take in a youngster with nowhere else to go.
But it had been a long time since he’d had something like that. It had just been him and Hoyt for years, to the point where they’d taken care not to die at the same time if they could help it.
Having a mother was strange. But Abigail Walker made a fine one and Cordell didn’t think he could ever repay her for that, nevermind her insistence that she was repaying him.
Abby treated him as one of her own children, something that didn’t change even after she actually had children of her own. She even brought Hoyt into the fold when he added another death to his tally 10 years later.
Cordell had 20 good years with Abby. He helped her start up the family ranch, looked after the little ones when days got busy (he had a particular fondness for her youngest daughter, Coraline), and even taught her a few of the recipes he’d picked up over the years. Then, his mind started wandering. He’d never stayed in one place for so long. He’d started to make friends and feel like part of the family. It should be a comfort but it just made him antsy. He could tell Hoyt was feeling it too, though neither of them would dare say it to Abby’s face.
At least she was literate. Leaving a note was always easier.
The immortal friends planned their departure in hush whispers under the light of the moon. There was no need to alert anyone to their plans. They packed some necessities and carefully penned a note expressing their gratitude.
It was almost too easy to leave when the night finally came. Hoyt and Cordell grabbed their bags and made their way to the door, leaving their note on the dining table on their way. Hoyt’s hand turned the knob and-
“Cordi? Where are you going?”
Cordell sighed and turned to see Coraline wiping the sleep dust out of her eyes. “I’m just going to check on the horses, sweetpea,” he said gently. “What are you doing up this late anyhow?”
Coraline sniffed. “I had a bad dream….”
Cordell’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. Here, let’s just get you back to bed, okay? You’ll feel better in the morning.” He cast an apologetic look to Hoyt over his shoulder and set his bag down so he could pick Coraline up.
He just couldn’t leave her with a bad dream like that. 
He stayed up until Coraline fell back asleep and promised Hoyt they’d try to leave again in a few days.
But in a few days, the family buggy broke and Cordell had to fix it, leaving him too tired to escape in the middle of the night. Then one of the older sons, Jared, fell ill and Cordell had to pick up his slack. Then there was a bad storm and Cordell had to help rebuild part of the barn and a few of their neighbors’ as well.
At least, he felt like he had to. Because this had become his home, his family, his friends.
He couldn’t just leave when they needed him, no matter how annoyed Hoyt got.
“You know this isn’t going to end well,” Hoyt told him one night. “They’re all gonna die one day and you’re going to be left alone. Again.”
“I know that,” he murmured. “I know. I just…. Aren’t you tired of running? Of constantly moving around, never having a place to just rest?”
“Yeah, but that’s just our life. We can’t have homes or families. We either have to leave or we get run out of town for being witches or demons or something. The longer we stay, the bigger the risk. You know that.”
He did know that. But that didn't keep him from hoping for the better.
“Would it be so bad to try, just this once?”
Hoyt sighed. “Look, you can get your heart broken if you want to. I can’t stop you. But I’m not gonna stick around longer than I have to.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying….” He sighed. “I’m saying I’m gonna go, but I’ll come visit you. If you want to stay, you can. I don’t think it’s a good idea, but I know how you get when you wanna do something. Just…. Be careful, okay?”
Cordell swallowed hard. They hadn’t split up since they found each other centuries ago. They had to be there for each other. No one else would be.
But now…. Now they were at an impasse. Cordell wanted to stay, to keep the life he’d started to build. And Hoyt wanted to leave, to keep going on as they always had. A part of Cordell wanted to follow his friend, just in case something happened to him.
But he really wanted to stay. He wanted to watch Coraline grow up and help Jared take over the ranch when Abby got too old. He wanted to help the neighbors with their harvest and share gossip with the Mulligan sisters at their store.
Just this once couldn’t hurt. Just one lifetime that felt normal couldn’t be so bad.
“Don’t stay away too long,” he requested. “I’ll…. I’ll miss you.”
Hoyt hugged him. “I’ll miss you too. I’ll always be around when you need me.”
The next day, Hoyt left, and Cordell stayed. Abigail understood and wished Hoyt well. She told Cordell that he would always have a place with her family, for as long as he wanted it.
So he stayed for a lifetime. He watched weddings and funerals pass by. He helped wrangle children and grandchildren and horses alike. He kept the ranch running when the others got ill and kept his distance from anyone who might want to make him an honest man.
It was one thing to become part of a family; it was another to be foolish enough to make his own.
About 20 years after Abigail Walker passed, Cordell had a bad horse accident. For the first time in a long time, he died alone. When he woke up again, he expected to still be alone. He expected that he would have to find his own way out and look for Hoyt again, as he always did.
He didn’t expect to find Coraline rocking him and humming a melody Abby used to sing.
Apparently, unbeknownst to him, Abigail had already passed on their story to her children. “She wanted you to always have a place here, if you wanted it,” Coraline explained. “You’re a part of the family, Cordi, no matter what.”
No one had ever done that for him before. Even the few others he had trusted with his secret were usually happy to see him on his way once he was no longer helpful. No one else had ever really wanted him around so badly before.
He decided then to stay one more lifetime. He couldn’t bear to break Coraline’s heart after such a  kindness.
One lifetime turned into two. Then three. Hoyt always floated in and out, offering to give him a ride out of town if he wanted it. And Cordell always thought about it. Part of him did miss running around the wild plains without a care in the world, living on the edge as if there was no tomorrow. 
But he had a life here. A home. A family, even. He wasn’t ready to give that up yet.
Just one more lifetime, he always told himself. One more lifetime, then I can go.
There would be plenty of lifetimes for him to run wild once he was done here. But for now, a little boy named Bonham needed a big brother to show him the ropes, and Cordell was more than up to the task.
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
Weekly Pond Newsletter
For those in the US, it's Memorial Day weekend, when we remember those who have died in service to our country. Though our leaders may not always be right, the men and women who fight under them put their lives on the line so the rest of us don't have to. As you celebrate this weekend, take a moment to give thanks for them.
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Old Business:
The fandom is still working hard to try and #SaveTheWinchesters! If you want to help, use the hashtag whenever you post on any social media sites. (We also support those who want to #SaveWalkerIndependence and #RenewGothamKnights, even though those shows don't technically fall under our purview.)
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt (via @writerswritecompany) was:
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Who's the cat? Who's typing? Is the cat a human who ran into a spell gone wrong (or right)? Tell us who this makes you think of!
New Business:
Angel Fish Award nominations are due by the end of the month if you want to be entered into this month's raffle drawing! Click here to learn how to participate!
Stay tuned for May's New Member Spotlight post! It should be posted in the next few days. We have some lovely additions to our fishy family we can't wait to tell you about!
Next weekend is Fishing For Treasures weekend at the @fanficocean! (The Pond will celebrate on the 17th and 18th.) In June, we're celebrating stories that have POC or LGBTQA+ characters! Nominate your own story, or someone else's story, by either submitting a link to their blog or dropping a link into the #fishing-for-treasures channel in their discord server.
Next weekend is also #SPNCHI in Chicago! If you're planning on attending and want to meet up with other Pondies while you're there, there's a channel in our discord server just for you. Attending another convention and don't see a channel for it? Let the admins know and we'll create one for you!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Could I request Cowboy Like Me with Tom Davidson please? So excited to see someone writing for Walker Independence!
Cowboy Like Me - Tom Davidson
Summary: Reader and Tom spend the duster together.
A/N: Finally finished the season! Does anyone know if it's been renewed?
TS Anthology Series
...now you hang from my lips, like the gardens of babylon...
The duster felt like it had come up out of nowhere. You were standing on the front porch of the dry goods shop, debating the cost of fabric for a new dress, when someone warned of it’s presence. And like a tidal wave at the ocean, the dust rose up out of the ground and floated its way toward Independence like a cloud of bad fortune. You’d abandoned the fabric and headed for the nearest place you knew to be safe from the storm: Hagan’s. If you were lucky Kate would be there, or one of the other dancers. Someone to ride out the storm with at least.  
The hotel and bar looked absolutely deserted when you finally managed to make your way inside. With the whole place closed up tight like this it almost felt eerie and there was a small part of you that was beginning to regret not finding a better place to ride out the storm. At least a more populated place so that you didn’t have to sit here alone.  
“I thought I heard someone down here,” a familiar voice called down the stairs and you realized that you had been so engrossed with the duster out the window that you’d missed the sound of footsteps on the staircase.  
“Just taking shelter from the storm sheriff,” you replied, turning to smile at him over your shoulder. You’d been hoping for Kate but you seemed to be having far better luck.  
None of your friends knew about your relationship with Tom, although you had your suspicion that Kai knew. He seemed to know about everything that went on in Independence. He hadn’t said anything outright to you about it, or to anyone else to your relief. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of seeing Tom just that you knew how your friends would feel about it, especially Kate and Abby. 
“Did you come in alone?” He asked, hesitating at the last step, taking a sweeping inventory of the room in case someone else had followed you into Hagan’s. He’d been relieved to find that no one was in the bar and hotel when he arrived though he had come looking for you. It was luck that he stayed and you had decided to come here.  
“I did.” You nodded. “Is anyone else here?” 
“Just me...disappointed?” He asked, the faintest hint of a smirk appearing on his face as he took his hat off and laid it on one of the tables. He walked passed you to the bar and you followed after, standing on the other side of the counter and watching as he fixed two drinks.  
“Not disappointed at all,” you replied, leaning against the counter to bring yourself closer to Tom as he passed a whiskey on ice to you. “Fancy,” you mused, taking it and sipping. “Say, you planning on keeping your distance the whole afternoon?”  
“Is that what I’m doing?” He joked.  
You regularly looked forward to moments alone with Tom. It was tricky, considering he was the sheriff of Independence and you were dancing on stage at Hagan’s. Not quite the pair that people would match up if they were asked to but something about the two of you worked. Maybe because you understood each other better than anyone else ever had. Both from families back east, both running from something and ending up out here in Texas, both falling into roles that you didn’t really want. When you were with other people in Independence, you felt like you were always putting on a show. Even with Abby or Kate. But with Tom, when you could find a moment to steal away together, or like today when the moment found you, it felt like you could truly be yourself.  
“Well I’m all the way over here and you’re all the way over there,” you teased, leaning forward again. Tom leaned forward as though he might meet you in the middle for a kiss, stealing a sip of his whiskey at the last moment instead.  
“Guess I’ll have to do something about that,” he mused.  
You nodded, backing away from the counter with your whiskey in hand, walking your way backward until you reached the table he’d left his hat on. You picked up the black hat he wore everyday and slipped it on your head, “You know what I was thinking?” 
“What’s that?” He asked, coming around the counter and following your movements as you slowly backed yourself to the stairs. You had a destination in mind, his office and room, and you could tell by the smirk on his face that he knew exactly where you were headed.  
“After this duster blows through, you should take a couple days off, let Gus take care of things here in town.” You said, “you been looking tired lately.” 
“Have I?” He asked, placing a hand on the banister as he reached the staircase. “And what about you? You takin’ off too?” 
“Why not? My feet are crying every night, might as well.”  
“And if we’re both hiding out? You think people won’t notice?” He asked, the light tone to his voice betraying the very serious question he was asking.  
“Let them,” you shrugged, turning to walk up the last few steps, “now come over and give me a proper hello.” 
“Whatever you say,” he downed the end of his whiskey, leaving the empty glass on a hall table as he followed you into his room, closing the distance between you and the office doors.  
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la-imp · 2 years
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Recoms!Deja Blu Unit - Science"Puke"! Reader
This is my first headcanon series and I am incredibly nervous because there are so many good ones out there already. I have read quite a few amazing headcanon series by various blogs who practically carry the whole Avatar Fanfic scene, which I am really grateful for! I know these sorts of scenarios have been done a lot by now, but I wanted to get one out and put my own spin on it. I hope to write more and update this series as well as take in requests, one-shots, etc, expanding on the characters as much as I can. I hope you enjoy! Avatar has consumed my life, lol...
Disclaimer: I do not own AVATAR, nor do I own its creative properties and original characters. I do, however, own the 'reader' character as well as other created figures that do not appear in the Avatar films, video games, or comic books. Characters involved: Miles Quaritch, Lyle Wainfleet, Alexander Ja, Mansk, Zdindarsk aka Z-Dog, Zhang, Lopez, Fike, Warren, Walker, Prager, Brown - mentions of Jake Sully
Plot Summary: The story takes place during the events of TWOW, right before the great reef battle. I won't spoil any crucial plot details (for those who haven't watched the movie yet), so I'll end it there. The reader is a militant medic with a biochemistry background, now assigned special care to ensure Project Phoenix's success. As their body chemistry is quite different and unique from that of humans, they require some help getting used to their new vessel. This is where you come in... and boy... you were not prepared for this. A bunch of Na'vi Human hybrids at the peak of their prime, fuelled by hormonal rage, primal instincts, and a knack for vengeance, they sure as hell turned your daily life topsy turvy. To them, you were nothing more than another science puke here to bore them out of their minds,  even though you had some military training as well. It is up to you to show them otherwise. To earn a place in their ranks.
Will (y/n) be able to handle this task or eventually fold like the others?
Warning(s): Cursing - Mild bullying - Negging - Foul language - Playful flirting
Content: SFW (Minors DNI) The reader is human and female. I plan to write specific headcanons for each individual character, but this was just a very long and detailed starter in order to get the ball rolling. Also this is not proof-read, so take this with a grain of salt. Happy reading! (also English is not my first language, so please bear with me) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hailing from a gentle background of academics and artists, you've decided to take a completely different route from what your family had destined for you. Going against their wishes and dissapointing a few members here and there was a price you were willing to pay in order to fulfill a lifelong dream. The prize of independence. Or perhaps you were tired of people telling you what you could and couldn't do. The idea of an adventure, exploring new worlds and galaxies, far far away from home was far more attractive than spending your years trying to fix a dying planet. But you also had a knack for helping and aiding those in need. Being a healer with a vast background of medicine and herbs only came natural to you. And as you graduated top of your class, you sought a new challenge. So you joined the space force. Military training was hard but you managed adquedately.  And as you finally becamea full-fledged medic, you signed a contract with the RDA to be shipped off to Pandora.
Save to say, the six years of light-year travel did take a toll on your body. It was often emphasized that dreams do not occur during cryo sleep. Yet, your case was the opposite. Over and over you saw visions of a lush, prehistoric forest that almost looked magical and foreign. Due to overpopulation and pollution, nature seized to exist altogether back on earth, so thinking of what this mythical Pandora may look like, sparked a fire in the pits of your stomach. You began to wonder if these dreams held any meaning to them... or if it was just your brain chemistry running haywire during the cryogenic sleep. The closer you got, the giddier you grew - excited and electrified at the idea of setting foot on one of the most precious planet known to man. Perhaps in the entire universe.
After your space shuttle finally docked at the RDA's space station, you were quickly briefed on your assignment by the announcers, guiding you to the nearest secretary. The secretary looked over her glasses and tossed you an illegible glare before sighing with a shake of her head, handing you your paperwork. "May God have mercy on you," she mumbled before calling for the next candidate. You took the papers hesitantly, brows furrowing in confusion before your eyes cast down on  on these said documents. Your eyes widened as your heart nearly sank. You were assigned to assist military Avatar personnel? You looked back up at the lady who was now grinning at you, a glint playing in her gaze. "Fresh meat for the grinder. It's a bit crass they decided to assign a small girl such as yourself to help these beasts," You slowly nodded, an awkward semi-smile forming on your lips, "I guess I like a challenge," you said, tone matching her sarcastic one. You have studied them for three years now, after all. You were prepared.
A few labcoats accompanied by a good portion of cleanroom suits were helping you find your way before passing you your exopack mask. It was the first time you'd ever seen one of those from up close. The concept of not being able to breathe the atmosphere was somewhat daunting. But it was something you had to get used to if you wanted to survive Pandora's 'Adapt or Die' rules. Wasting no time, you quickly strapped them on and secured the clasps, allowing the small piece of machinery to flood your nostrils with fresh oxygen. Impressed, you found it was much clearer and cleaner than that of Earth's... sadly enough.  You then remembered the comment from the secretary earlier on, echoing in your mind over and over again until it festered in the back of your subconscious. Anxiety began to take a hold of you, shaking your confidence ever so slightly.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you then issued a curt nod to your superiors who lastly gave you a clipboard, detailing all of your duties and rank among the Recom unit members. "Ready, greenhorn?" Dr. Vasquez piped up, drawing you from your trance. You blinked at him with a wide-eyed deer-caught-in-headlights look, lips parting, "Y-yeah." he chuckled in response to your nervousness before slapping a hand on your shoulder in confidence. "Don' worry, they may look very scary at first glance, but you will soon realize they are professionals just like us, alright?" You nodded, swallowing the lump down your throat before clamping the board beneath your armpit. "Alright then kiddo, let's rock'n'roll," he said with a smirk before punching in a security code to unlock the doors to the decompressors.
The air was filtered to fit the atmosphere of the recoms. Which was in turn, extremely toxic to humans. Unconscious in twenty seconds - dead in four minutes. The prospect didn't sound like very glamorous death. As the door opened, a hiss emitted from the pressure, giving way to the bright light of the sun peaking through the glass windows. Vasquez marched forward before beckoning you to join him. Upon entering, the energy of the room immediately shifted. It was almost palpable to the touch.
A good part of your confidence was chipped away once you laid your eyes on your future teammates. Breath nearly caught in your throat. To say they were tall was a big understatement. They were huge - as a matter of fact - larger than life! Nothing could've prepared you for this. Most of them stood at around ten feet and nearly scraped the ceilings if they hadn't been adjusted to meet their physiology. You continued to saunter forward, one tentative step at a time, eyes still glued to their physiques without so blinking an eye. Their bodies were even more strange, striking you with awe. Slender, graceful, svelte, yet powerful. The complexion was a deep cyan or darker powder blue, decorated in interesting patterns and luminescent dots, all accompanied by a long prehensile tail that idly swung from side to side, giving them a more animalistic edge. They were all broad-shouldered, even the women, as you scanned the room with all the blue-skinned individuals lurking about, their poise signifying a certain strength and fortitude that of a warrior. They could easily toss a person across the room and break every single bone in their body with one blow if they wished.
Eyes were striking like molten gold peering from the shadows, intensely following your every move. Their previous chatter immediately died down as their eyes glued to you and the other scientists. Vasquez took his position next to someone who seemed much more commanding and authoritive compared to the rest. He stood slightly taller and wore a khaki tanktop, exhibiting a set of toned, muscular arms placated on his hips. You caught a glimpse of his tattoo on his left arm. A black eagle. A remnant of his previous life? Or something to distinguish himself from the others, perhaps?
The way he walked with a certain swagger, taking a stance next to Vasquez, sharp yellow eyes peering into the hall, had you nearly choke on your own saliva. He was an intimidating man,  "As you all know, we are sent here to accomplish a mission that we couldn't last time. To hunt down and terminate the leader of the Na'vi insurgency, Jake Sully.  And in order to ensure our success, we have been assigned our personal medical officers who specialize in Na'vi physiology. They make sure none of us step out of line and patch us up during missions. Treat 'em with respect, ya hear? They are as much our responsbilities as we are theirs," his tone was a low, commanding drawl, hinting at his possible origin back from Earth. He also sounded a tad older than his bio stats suggested.
"Wait, we're going to have these science pukes tag along?" Someone groaned in the background.
Doctor Vasquez nudged you with his elbow before whispering something into your ear. So he was the colonel. Colonel Miles Quaritch. The leader of the first recombinant unit Deja Blu, the first Avatar squad produced by Project Phoenix. Vasquez then nodded and brought you and another male medical officer. Thankfully you weren't alone. And as you peeked into the crowd, practically feeling their eyes rake over your forms in a very scrutinizing manner, you wished there were more human scientists to accompany you. "Listen up Recoms," Vasquez announced, matching Quaritch's energy. Which you had noticed, was now glancing at you over his shoulder with a lazed stare. You quickly turned away, hating that all of their attention was on you now. Just great. "Those are your new medical officers," he gestured to both you and your counterpart, earning him a few whispers and hushed conversations between the Na'vi hybrids. The heavily tattooed individual grunted loudly, expressing a clear distaste at the fact.
You watched as the one with the camo cap began to chuckle before leaning over to the tattooed female with the mohawk, gossiping something into her ear. Your eyes narrowed at her, hoping to God they weren't talking shit about you. The male medic next to you semed quite nervous himself, almost glistening with a faint sheen of sweat whenever the light hit his complexion. Oh man... what a great start. "This here is Mr. Ryan," Vasquez said confidently and clamped a hand on his shoulder before pulling you to his side with a toothy grin, "And this is Miss (y/n). They're going to do a quick checkup on your vitals before we make land on Pandora. Their status reports will affect your mission. If you have any further questions regarding any of that, feel free to ask them. Good luck and have fun," he said before departing, giving you a two-finger salute before vanishing out the door.
For a moment, you wished he hadn't abandoned you so soon, but as you stood there, again with the hundred yard stare, you instantly began pulling out your clipboard, training your eyes on the papers rather than the giant soldiers around you. Quaritch cleared his throat before stepping forward, closing in on your proximity. The heat practically rolled off of him. Almost radioactive in a sense. "Right. Welcome to the crew," he said as a deep rumble of chuckles resonated within the hall. You flicked your attention back on them, seeing as their expressions turned from scrutiny to amusement. The one with the hat flicked his chin toward Ryan, "So you get to touch us all around?" Ryan nodded cautiously, "Yes, in a sense. We need to do some physical checkups to make sure your bodies haven't mutated or caught any diseases on the way here and-"
"So you're gonna be cupping my big blue balls, too?" he said, making an obscene gesture as the team burst out in synchronized laughter. Mr Ryan pursed his lips in frustration. You felt his pain, it was nearly palpable.
You were so not ready for this... "Shut your horny mouth, Ja!" one of the female recoms hollered, smacking him on the back of his head.
Judging by the 'joke', you came to the conclusion that they were full-blooded jarheads. You sighed before ticking something off your clipboard. "And what about her? Is she good with her small hands?" At this your eyebrows twitched before you began searching for the miscreant of this statement. Seeing as the one with the bandana had crooked a finger at you. "Man, she does look cute tho... tiny lil thing. What's good, mama?" their banter continued, slapping and fist bumping each other, having the time of their lives. What a fucking farce - you thought to yourself begrudgingly. The behavior reminded you of teenagers experiencing the surge of hormones for the first time. You couldn't believe Vasquez had vouched for their professionalism. Perhaps he was in on the joke as well. "Shut your pie holes. They're here to help, not entertain you, you fucking lowlifes. Treat'em with respect or I'll have your ass handed back to the infirmary, you get me?!" Quaritch's voice boomed, immediately silencing the lively chatter among his subordinates.
Looking over at the colonel, you saw his hardened, chiseled features directed toward you with an unreadable expression. His pointed ears were tucked back against his head as he issued you a small nod. You repaid him with the same respect and inclined your head in acknowledgment before moving on to your first patient. "Brown?" you said, louder than originally intended before you flicked your gaze around the room, searching for any response. "Steven Brown?" you repeated with a bit more clarity. The mohawk lady merely snorted with arms folded, watching you as you searched for your first victim. Suddenly a blue hand lifted, alerting you of your designated recom, seeing that he looked a little less grim and intimidating. Although equally large, he seemed a bit more approachable, in your eyes at least. With that being said, it wasn't exactly a joyride pushing and squeezing yourself through, as some of them actively made an effort of staying rooted to the spot, entertained at your slight struggle. You could have sworn hearing someone wolf whistle at you but you pushed those thoughts aside when you reached your destination.
He was slightly shorter than the rest, not that you could tell right away as he was seated on one of the benches slightly hunched over, his posture overly lax. Much like the others, he sported that classical short military haircut and fade. "Alright doc, whaddya got for me?" he drawled with a certain bite. You decided not to overanalyze everything, as you were already extremely nervous. You meanwhile scribbled down all of the data before setting the clipboard down, looking him in the eye. He remained there, sitting there in silence, monitoring you with a peculiar glint playing in his topaz irises. "Alright, Mr. Brown, could you please stretch out your right arm? I need to take some samples and check your haemogram if that is alright with you," you explained as you flashed him a polite smile while the convos in the background resumed.
Brown simply nodded and muttered a small 'sure thing' before complying with your wishes. Once he extended his appendage, you got a chance to examine it closely - realizing just how large and sinewy his arm was. The texture was interesting too, differing not much from human skin, save for the lack of arm hair. "Finding a vein shouldn't be a problem," you jest before pulling out a small device for blood sampling. It was not a syringe, but a highly advanced gadget that locked down on the skin cell before drawing a bit of blood. "Alright, just let me disinfect this real quick..." you continued before wiping the spot with a small disinfectant wipe, clearing it from any bacteria. The feeling of his skin was curious, smooth yet somehow rougher to the touch compared to human flesh. Pandora's rough climates had evolved them to become perfect survivors as even their skin was harder to penetrate.  Brown tilted his head to the side, ears swiveling curiously when you placed the blood-letting machinery against the crook of his arm. A small pinch broke through his flesh, extracting only a few tiny droplets. "There we go, that's about it-" Before you could continue, however, you caught Brown sending you a mischievous wink. "Didn't hurt at all, doc."
"Got what ya need, Miss (y/n) or... did I get that right?" you felt blood rush to your cheeks, heating your face altogether. They were trying to rile you up on purpose now... "(Y/N) right, but just call me by my first name. No need for being formal," hoping it would somewhat diffuse the awkward tension between you and the recoms. However, things did not go as planned when Brown's brows lifted for a short moment before his ears rotated in your direction, more attentive than before. "Well good to know, (y/n), looking forward to working with ya," your breathing became heavy to his deliberate teasing as he allowed himself to lean forward. You nearly jumped at his sudden intrusion "So (y/n), what does my blood test say?" just then the analysis was completed, giving you a clear stats report on his bloodwork.
"So far so good... bloodwork looks normal. Cholesterol is in the green and.... well..." His face faltered a bit, "What?" "be sure to consume fewer sugary drinks or sweets but other than that, you're fine. Wouldn't want you to be the first adipose soldier on Pandora," his features continued to crack "You calling me fat, doc?" he said before warming up to a smirk. You leaned away from him to avoid his sudden boldness. "Nah, just reminding you to be on your best behavior if you want to keep up with the rest, alright?" Brown scoffed with a shake of his head as you took your clipboard with you, writing down all of the info as well as checking a few boxes. "I'll get back to you later, just need to do the same with.... uh.. Wainfleet?" you asked, squinting your eyes to spot someone a bit taller and a tad bit more athletic looking. He lacked hair, like some of the others as he wiggled his fingers at you flirtatiously, a crooked smile plastered on his lips. "The one and only," you grunted in affirmation, feeling some of the dread returning before you headed over.
A sudden ticklish sensation and force tugged at the crook of your knee, having you to stumble and nearly fall flat on your face. Walker clicked her tongue with a roll of her eyes, "Come on Kevin, leave the poor girl alone already!" Quaritch's nostrils flared when he caught Brown fucking with you. A move of his tail that hooked around your leg in order to trip you. "You better secure that shit, Brown before I clip that thing off, capiche?" He growled, causing Brown to stiffen immediately. Eventually, he lowered his head and ears ".... yes sir... sorry,"
You managed to calm your thundering heart as you eyeballed Brown with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. What an asshole. Is that how it was going to be all the time? Good lord... how much you began to regret signing up for this particular unit. "Mr. Wainfleet?" you said softly, approaching the man cautiously as he eyed you up and down with that same grin on his face.
"Call me Lyle, sweetums. Only my mother calls me Mr. Wainfleet. So.... here to check the goods? Or maybe even get a feel?" Lyle chuckled before flexing his built physique, making you watch his biceps bulge and swell. The action made your throat dry out like the Sahara desert. Just what in the world have you gotten yourself into...
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steddieunderdogfics · 9 months
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This week's writer's spotlight feature is: @rindecision! With forty-two works on Ao3 in the Stranger Things fandom, they've written thirty-one (!) works with the Steddie ship tag!
Nominated by @skjachukson, they recommend the following works by rindecision:
You Know Where to Find Me — Live Aid
Give Me Fuel, Give me Fire
From Hell and Back
Rindecision has been a great friend throughout the Steddie holiday exchange, and their writing is just so fantastic. - @skjachukson
Below the cut, @rindecision answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
It started when my partner asked me to. I’ve always loved writing, but I never got into fanfics until they asked me to write a specific type of story that led to the creation of The Devil of Hawkins. From there it was a slippery slope!
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Due to ADHD and the corresponding comprehension issues, I rarely read. Not just fics, but anything really. Although, I do personally enjoy whatever the sneaking around trope is. The characters being intimate in places or situations where they shouldn’t be.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
So far I’ve found that I enjoy FWB to Lovers with Steddie. Most of my fics tend to revolve around that.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I’m currently enjoying ‘I Think I Could Have Been Someone’ by @madaboutmunson
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’m new to fandoms so honestly I don’t really know a lot of tropes by name, but I have a long list of fics I want to write at some point. I have a ‘Through The Ages’ Steddie series in mind that I hope to do at some point. 
What is your writing process like?
Harrowing. It’s honestly pretty complex as I’m using writing fanfics as a means to improve as a writer in general so I can be more confident when I get around to my originals. But the short version is: Rough Draft -> Proof Read 1 -> Beta Proof -> Proof Read 2 -> Grammar Edit -> Text-To-Speech Edit -> Final Beta Proof.
Do you have any writing quirks?
Probably, lol. I try to keep my writing concise and leave little up to the imagination. The partner that requested I write fanfics has aphantasia (lack of imagination) and they read everything I write, so I want them to be able to enjoy it just as much as anyone else. 
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I’m kind of chaotic on this one. It depends on the fic to be honest. So far, I’ve found I prefer posting ongoing fics without a schedule that I just post a chapter on as soon as I’m done editing it, whenever that happens to be. Other than the ‘You Know Where to Find Me’ series, the only fics I’ve posted on a schedule have been event fics and it’s been a bit more stressful than I expected it to be.
Which fic are you most proud of?
That would have to be my ‘You Know Where to Find Me’ series. Particularly the first one: ‘Valentines ‘85’ 
How did you get the idea for You Know Where to Find Me — Live Aid?
I needed something powerful between ‘Independence Day’ and ‘First Day of School’ but couldn’t think of anything that would work. @stardust-walker helped me work out the details. That entry genuinely wouldn’t exist without their help. 
When writing Nectar, what was something you didn’t expect?
Managing to stay under the 20k word limit. 😅 
What inspired Give Me Fuel, Give me Fire?
A Twitter post about mechanic Steve in cut-off shorts.
What was your favorite part to write from From Hell and Back?
That’s a hard one. I don’t think I have a singular part that I liked the most, but I really enjoyed being able to explore the logistics and lore around Eddie being a shapeshifting demon. In and out of Steve’s bedroom.
How do/did you feel writing Give Me Fuel, Give me Fire?
I was surprised by the reception it got, and I can’t wait to get back to writing it as soon as I’m done with the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang
What was the most difficult part of writing You Know Where to Find Me — Live Aid?
The time limit. I had 2 weeks to write and edit nearly 30k words. It made me hit burnout HARD, but I got it back pretty quickly.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I think that would have to be the first kiss in The Devil of Hawkins. It was also the first Steddie kiss I ever wrote. 🤍
“You aren’t stopping me, Harrington.” Eddie’s lips barely grazed over Steve’s as he spoke. “I know,” Steve squeaked. The feeling of Steve’s lips plucking his like a guitar pick was more than he could handle. He leaned forward, finalizing the kiss. They both let out a small groan. Eddie placed his other hand on the back of Steve’s neck, holding his head carefully, yet firmly. Eddie pulled away for a moment and looked at Steve; there was a look of longing on his face. An expression that Eddie was hoping for. He faintly smiled before pushing Steve’s lips to his own, plunging his tongue between them. He could feel Steve tense below him before relaxing into it.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
‘You Know Where to Find Me’ will be coming to a close in March, but there will be at least 5 more entries to it. I will also be posting my entry for the STRBB in March. I hope after those are done I can jump back into my ongoings.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that’s read my work, and a platonic hug and kiss for those who have gone out of their way to leave comments or reblog them. It means the world to me 🤍🖤
Thank you to our author, @rindecision and our nominator, @skjachukson! See more of @rindecision's work featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer's Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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sweetheartreader27 · 2 months
Heyaaaaaaa, thank god my brain is braining, I finally scrape from my mind this new fanfic post coming right up, this one is Nick x Fem! reader. Hope y'all enjoy~
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Title: Emerald Shards
Pairing: Nick x Fem! Reader
Words: 1,750
Y/n Lockwood: a strong, independent, and brainy woman with a natural maple red hair color, who refused to reveal her face with a half wolf mask that exposing her lips with an old scar on the corner of her lip, to the group she was in right now. Even though the doubts were rising slowly on the group, they compromised and trusted her enough based on the information she provided to them.
Luke serves Y/n a bowl of noodles, without hesitation due to her hunger, she munches and enjoys it as possible.
Y/n: thanks
Luke: Don't mention it
thanking Luke for the generosity for the food. A couple of minutes, Nick came in and sat beside her.
Nick: Hey uh-I'm sorry about earlier, I kinda get aggro on it
Luke: Don't get too hard on him, he just lost his family because we thought we could sustain the bite from one of our member but... We couldn't... That person turned and bit his mom...
Nick: It's all my fault-
Luke: No one's at fault...
A silence lingers around the atmosphere, and Nick decided to break it off.
Nick: so uh, I hope you understand...
Y/n turned her head and looked at him behind her mask.
Y/n: No worries, you are just being cautious and protecting them from what could've happen, I will do the same too if I was in your shoes
Nick: thanks
She smiled softly at him and proceed to finish the meal while Nick left the room. After a couple of time, she put her dishes on the sink and wash it, Luke stated she could sleep on the living room floor and he apologize on the lack of rooms.
Y/n: that would work on me, Luke. Thank you
Luke smiled.
Luke: Goodnight, Y/n
Y/n: you too
And everyone starts to sleep in their respective rooms and spots.
(Time Skip)
On a shiny morning, Y/n woken up by Carlos, she responds quickly and start having her gear on and adjusting her mask, she was assigned to accompany Pete and Nick at the fish traps. She walks up towards Pete and Nick, ready to go.
Pete: you ready, kid?
Y/n nodded softly and now the three headed out.
Pete and Y/n start making casual conversations, Pete just telling her about Nick's first buck hunting, causing the tall man feel flustered and embarrassed that causes her yo snorted and chuckled. Until-
Pete: So Ms. Mystery, why you kept your face hidden from everyone?
That question causes her to stop her tracks and makes her smile nervously, then she got back at walking.
Y/n: I only show my face as a sign of trust, you just plainly don't know who you can trust in this world, sometimes the other hostile nor cautious survivors could memorize your facial structure based on spite or memories
Pete: Good move
Nick pays attention on her words, that causes him to feel thumps on his chest whenever he heard her talk, he doesn't understand what he is feeling right now on why he is being gushy at her. A little bit more, they got on their destination but only surprised by corpse of bandits.
Pete: What the fuck?
Y/n observe the corpses and noticed that they don't have walker bites but spotted bullet holes on their body
Y/n: They seem get cornered and ambush by some group, no walker bites only bullet holes
Pete: that's a fucked up news, whoever could do this? Y/n and Nick scattered around and investigate
Nick: What the no way-
Y/n: Understood
Y/n start doing what Pete said, ignoring what commotion Nick was trying to create. With a sigh of defeat, Nick start doing what Pete and Y/n up to. A couple of minutes has passed and been confirmed that all the bandits are now turned into fresh corpses, until a small horde of walkers walk on the scene.
Pete: Walkers!
Nick: Pete!
Y/n perked up on the noise and noticed Pete was about to be bitten, without hesitation-she help him right away, grabbing her hunting knife and put it on its skull and to another and another. She turned her head and noticed Nick was about to get crowded.
Y/n: Nick! Go! Run! I'll take care of Pete!
With a quick nod from the ocean eyed man, Nick starts to run away and Y/n and Pete did the same.
Y/n and Pete found their selves a non functioning truck but at least they can have it as a temporary shelter out from the walkers. She sat beside Pete and examined him for walker bites, fortunately he doesn't have one, she sighed in exhaustion yet she is glad that the old man was still human.
Pete: Thanks for saving my ass back there kid
Y/n: Don't mention, just returning the favor
Pete chuckled from her statement until a crack was heard softly that turned to crack louder. She froze and Pete noticed it, he faced her and saw her mask starting to crack in half and fall to her thighs. Pete's gasp filled the inside of the truck. Y/n sighed and starts to look at Pete.
Pete: Your eyes are shiny, what are you? made of emeralds?!
The statement Pete made makes her snort and laughs softly.
Y/n: Nope, just have emerald eyes, that's all
Pete: so this is why you hide your face, not only your eyes possess beauty, your full bare face possess beauty too
Y/n: yep
Pete: Why?
She focuses her gaze on Pete.
Y/n: hm?
Pete: I mean, why do you hide those beauties?
Y/n fidgets and looked down to her thighs.
Y/n: I'm just scared that others might think they are real emerald stones. I know this world was already fucked up and that's not gonna happen but... Possibilities are real... Others might just gouche my eyes out for sick collections
Pete: You're right about that one, kid...
A silence was made for a couple of minutes before Pete spoke again.
Pete: No wonder Nick was so determine to see your face, hehe
Y/n tilted her head on the side and gave Pete a very confused look, that causes the old man chuckles.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Pete: Nickie has a hint of a lil' crush for ya
He stated, causing her to blushes a pink tone on her cheeks.
Y/n: That's very impossible
Pete: I know my nephew, kiddo. He is not that quite good at hiding his feelings, sooner or later, he will confess at you
This made her heart thumps faster than to a normal heart beat, she is starting to question her feelings for the man she just met a day ago...
Y/n's thoughts: (n-no no no no no no, Nick? N-Nick have a liking to me? Oh boy, that's impossible... B-But why I'm acting so fuzzy when it comes to Nick? It could be we have the same feelings? I should not jump to the conclusion, I should not-)
Pete: Y/n?
Y/n Just got lost from her piling thoughts about the man that made her to hug her knees from flusteration.
Pete: Oh ho? It seems like you feel the same way about him, sweetie~
This statement causes her to blush hard and making her ears turn to pink, she start playing her maple red hair with her finger twirling on it. Pete smiled and decide to take a rest with a hope on his sleeve that him and Y/m will be found soon. Soon after, Y/n decided as well to lay down facing Pete's back and trying to get some shut eye, but her mind was filled by the tall man that cause her to hardly fall asleep but manage it.
Morning sun beam hitted her, making her up until she notices some familiar shouts. Without hesitation she ready her hunting knife, tapping Pete's shoulder causing him to wake up and noticing her stealth movements, he picked up the assignment and stayed quiet as possible while she ready her hand on the truck door.
She started to count from 1 to 3 then swinging the door open while keeping herself guarding Pete, but as soon as she focuses on the people, she noticed that it's Luke and the others, fully in packed gears. She decided to put her hunting knife back on its sheath and goes out of the truck, following Pete from her behind.
Everyone seems focus on Pete, they start giving hugs on the old man while she adjust her gloves. Soon after, Carlos spoke to her but she made a surprise impact at the doctor.
Carlos: Your eyes...
Everyone looks at her and couple of gasps and mouth open was made. She noticed what the doctor was trying to imply and she just sighed.
The commotion died and they started to walk forward again, Carlos starts explaining to Y/n why they're leaving the cabin, after his explanation-she quickly picked up the pace and nodded, she noticed some of the others glimpsing at her until she notice an adoring stare from her back that coming... from Nick.
Then all of the sudden, Nick came up beside her. She tries to give him some glimpse but she only did was stare directly to him while they walk, Nick stare back at her with a smile on his face, making her blush a little.
Nick: Thanks for sticking with my uncle
Y/n: it's fine, he didn't leave me too so, it's a fair trade
Nick chuckled on her simple pun that causes her to chuckled as well, then Nick proceed to look at her shiny Emerald eyes, observing every details of it, her eyes is starting to look like a replica of the emerald stone.
Nick: My guess was right, you really do have a very beautiful and shiny eyes
This makes her heart thumps even more faster, she grasp softly at her shirt.
Y/n: You also have a very beautiful eyes, it's like a calm ocean, Nick
Nick: O-Oh, thanks
They start to chit chat to ease up the tension from what Nick and the others got into. The group noticed how Y/n and Nicki syncing up to each other's sentences. They smiled at the scene they are witness.
Nick's thoughts :(Emerald Shards...)
Y/n's thoughts: (Ocean Eyes...)
Y/n's and Nick's thoughts: (you might be my lost piece)
A day and sign dictating the hope of the potential love birds to sprout their love soon.
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asyamill0222 · 1 year
Oh, hi everyone! This is my blog where I will share with you my little fanfics about Keegan. At the moment, this is one of my works (don't judge too harshly)
My Soldier🫡❣️ (1 part)
An American military base located on the outskirts of the city, under heavy guard by the best of the best. In the center of the area there is a bright, two-story building, decorated with white and blue tiles. Large windows attracted the view, and numerous Military personnel were in a hurry in all directions. There was complete chaos going on in the area. The commanding voice of one Military man who, waving his arms, indicates what to do, another with the words “Yes, sir!” completes the task. He is clearly just a trainee, and he is far from the elite and he knows it. So he tries his best. A young girl, having just graduated from the University, somehow miraculously ended up at the invitation of her Uncle Admiral in the Military Unit. She couldn't refuse such an opportunity. And after passing the exam, she was undoubtedly accepted. The girl is tall, about 175 centimeters exactly, dark wavy hair just below her shoulders, and her eyes.. The eyes are something with something. Otherwise it would be called heterochromia. For one eye is sky blue, like the clearest ocean in the world. And the second is brown, like the freshest coffee, to which no milk has been added, gently pink lips, a straight nose and beautiful facial features. The Girl herself is no more than 25 but no less than 20, about 23 years old. On the one hand, she is thin and slender. On the other hand, strong and independent. It is with her strong, slightly inflated physique that the Girl catches the eyes of Men. However, the Lady does not seem to pay attention to this.
Going inside the building, where men in uniform were walking around everywhere. Jenna, finding a familiar silhouette in the crowd, smiled warmly and headed towards the outline. Coming closer, the young lady put her hand on the shoulder of a middle-aged man. By his appearance you can tell that it’s time for the Man to retire, but he’s still a lively guy. The man turned around and smiled joyfully......
------- Jenna! Glad to see you, dear!
The Man said enough and embraced the Girl in a light embrace.....
-------- And I'm glad to see you Uncle Walter!
The young lady hugged the man.....
-------- Glad that you will now become part of our Military team. I'm sure you'll like it here, especially since there are a lot of different guys here. Maybe you'll find someone for yourself.
The man playfully pushed Jenna on the shoulder, the Lady rolled her eyes a little and sighed heavily.......
-------- Uncle Walter, I will work here. I'm not looking for a betrothed.
-------- OK I understood. I won’t get too ahead of myself, but for good service I can send you somewhere else. Wherever you want!
--------- This is great news, Uncle!
--------- But I told you this in confidence. So let's forget. And let's go meet your colleagues.
--------- Are there any Girls there besides me?
--------- Of course not. Girls prefer to sit and wait near the fireplace in their house for Guys than to go serve. That's why you're one of the Girls in this squad.
The man patted Jenna on the shoulder and grinned. The girl clearly appreciated such humor. Later, coming outside, the Admiral pointed to a seemingly small boxing ring. Where training was carried out with 5 soldiers who were eager to kick each other's ass. The young lady examined the tactics of the maneuver with interest, clearly immersed in her thoughts. Five muscular, stunning men who just touched your soul......
------- Watch attentively.
The Man ordered and pointed to one of the soldiers.......
-------- This is Logan Walker. Son of Elias Walker and younger brother of David "Hash" Walker. When he passed all the tests on the battlefield, he became a member of the Ghost Squad after being rescued by Elias and the Ghost Squad itself. He is the right hand man of Keegan Russ. He is now 31 years old.
The man rubbed her chin and again pointed at one of the soldiers.....
--------- Keegan Russ, fighter of the "Ghosts" squad. He is the team's sniper. He is just as fluent in bilingualism as Logan. He is currently the captain of their team. He loves to be obeyed and does not tolerate obedience. Performed many successful operations. Moreover, despite his leadership, he is quite silent. And older than his operatives, he is 33 years old.
Jenna nodded understandingly, but in her head she was developing a plan on how to get Keegan to talk.......
--------David "Hash" Walker. Older brother of Logan Walker and son of Elias Walker. We have a whole dynasty of this family in our squad. Since he is older, he is 32 years old.
--------- Thomas Merrick. Or just Merrick. Another soldier of the Ghosts team.
--------- Why "Ghosts"?
The Young Lady asked.....
--------- Because they have stealth and incredible tactics. You will be with them.
-------- What?? Why??
Jenna said indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest.....
--------- You have been assigned here, remember, for your good service, I will send you somewhere else. Be patient a little and try to find a common language with the Guys. Especially with Keegan. He doesn't like it when there are girls in his room.
The young lady hissed in annoyance, because it would be difficult for her. Later the Admiral shouted and the Guys looked at the Man. He showed a gesture, and the Soldiers abandoned training and headed towards him. The girl froze in place, because she was not ready for this........
------- Meet the fighters, now this is your colleague. Jenna Anderson, recently graduated from the University and I hope you get along.
The man looked at Keegan, who was not particularly happy with Jenna. However, the Young Lady managed to discern feelings of Hatred and lack of trust in her light blue eyes through the mask. Which made the Lady feel uneasy. The man patted the Girl on the shoulder and smiled warmly. And then he soon disappeared from sight. Jenna sighed with relief, but a shiver ran through her body when one of the Guys approached her and bent over a little......
-------- So these are lenses? Or one of the regular operations to change eye color?
Merrick asked, looking into the Young Lady’s eyes.....
------- This is heterochromia.
The Girl answered in a calm voice. While inside her the world was falling away under her feet from the dark eyes of men.......
--------- OK. Listen, this is not a resort and the concept of “weekend” does not exist. Here we serve, and we don’t give any favors to anyone. The main thing is, try not to get in the way and not get into trouble. Today you are here, and tomorrow you are gone. It’s unlikely that anyone will come to help, so you don’t have to hope. Have you expressed yourself clearly enough?
------- Extremely.
Jenna said calmly, crossing her arms......
------- Great, then now we'll go to warm up. A short cross-country run around the stadium, then rope crawling, then push-ups. All clear?
---------- Yes sir.
---------- That's great, try to keep up.
The young lady nodded positively. The guy grinned, and then everyone followed Keegan. Having reached the stadium on the territory, the Blue-Eyed Guy commanded, and the group ran lightly after the Commander. They ran like this for about 2 hours, and Jenna was tired of running because she was already exhausted, but she didn’t want to give up. Having finally finished her run, the Girl was able to rest by collapsing straight onto the asphalt. A few guys chuckled a little. And then they helped Baryashna get up from the cold asphalt.......
------- This is not a recreation center or a resort. Here they test your strength. And they decide whether you can participate in the Battle. So get your act together. We have a lot to do.
Jenna just nodded at Logan’s words and, gathering her strength, continued her training. So the Girl spent the whole day with the Guys. And late in the evening, having said goodbye to everyone, the Young Lady headed to her room in the building. Going inside, Jenna sighed with relief. My legs and arms hurt terribly after training. The lady approached the bed and collapsed tiredly onto it. So an hour passed, two, three. But sleep never came to the Girl. Tossing and turning in bed, Jenna was completely lost in herself. And she knows what she is thinking about, or rather about whom. And those light blue eyes that never gave me peace. Amazing physique.
- But why?! – the Lady hissed indignantly, hitting her head on the pillow. - What’s wrong?! – the fidgeting on the bed was already starting to irritate you quite a bit. Getting out of bed, She went to the table and poured cool water from the jug. Having come to her senses a little and calmed down her irritation, she began to run circles around the room. It was 2:30 on the clock. Giving up on sleep, you changed clothes and headed to the gym. Jenna decided that training would be better than suffering due to insomnia. Too much time and effort was spent to become the best, but I understood that you could not become better than your current colleagues, and especially better than the captain and part-time your patron in the squad. Always look up to him, always take an example. Today's sparring showed that the Young Lady's efforts were not in vain, although if you had not been distracted by one man who was extremely interesting to you, everything would have turned out much better.
“Keegan fucking Russ..!”
All the captain’s instructions fell on deaf ears, all the teams drowned in the pool of blue eyes, as soon as you met his gaze. You were literally stuck. It's a pity that nothing can work out for them. The only thing that binds you is work. And with her, feelings are a loss.
Approaching closer to the entrance to the gym, the Lady realized that there was someone there. Having opened the doors slightly, you froze at what you saw - Keegan himself was pounding the punching bag as hard as he could.
The gaze slid over his tense body - in the dim light of the fluorescent lamps he was fucking Apollo.
≤ You fucking...! ≥
Walking behind the man, for some reason the Girl really didn’t want to make any sounds - he was pounding the pear too desperately. She went to the table and began wrapping special protective bandages around her hands, and from under half-lowered eyelashes she continued to watch this perfect man. It became increasingly difficult to maintain composure. There was silence in the hall - the sounds of blows stopped. The man turned around sharply and froze - your eyes met. And it seems you heard the gnashing of his teeth........
- How long have you been here? Russ was the first to break the silence.
His hoarse, low voice sent shivers down my spine and my body trembled.
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slimearchon · 2 years
I watched Walker Independence and Calian has me like 🥵. It sucks though since there are basically only three fanfics of him on here and ao3 combined.
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No fandom is mine. No characters are mine. Posts will be reblogs of fanfics I come across and enjoy.
Warning: Minors, do not interact (DNI). This is an 18+/Not Safe for Work (NSFW) blog.
The Witcher
The Sandman
Star Trek
Lost Girl
Doctor Who
Time Traveler's Wife
One Tree Hill (I <3 Danneel Ackles)
Anything Neil Gamiman
(More to come)
Note: I have separate blogs for other fandoms:
Supernatural/The Boys/Walker/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester/Castiel/Adam Milligan/Michael/Heaven/Hell/Crowley/ Jack Kline/Gabirle/Lucifer/Casifer/Michael!Dean/MOC!Dean/etc. RPFs: Jensen Ackles/Jared Ackles/Misha Collins
Disney Plus shows, such as Moon Knight, MCU, Star Wars, The book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian, etc.
(edited: 2023-07-31)
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My thoughts on Clementine’s story in the “Skybound X” Comic
Okay, so before I jump into my opinion piece on the comic, I’m going to give a little explanation and break down of the issue, for all of you confused as to why everyone’s talking about this story.
What is it?
A while ago, Skybound announced that they would be continuing Clementine’s story via comic. It is supposed to be a trilogy taken place in the same universe as both the game and TWD comic series (with Rick Grimes). It is intended to be a continuation of The Final Season.
Why is everyone yelling about it?
Back when the comic was first announced, the reception was mixed with some people excited to see Clementine again, some who expressed scepticism on how Skybound would treat our beloved characters (and the ending of TFS which seemed like a perfect end note to Clem’s journey and arc) and wanted nothing to do with it, and some who were “cautiously optimistic” - shall we say, to what a sequel comic would entail for Clementine.
How would Skybound handle the choices? does this mean half of the playthroughs will no longer be canon? how can you even continue Clem’s story at this point without messing with the characterization or the playthroughs? 
Well, the comic finally released and people read it and...yeah, our hesitance was justified. 
So, it’s impossible to describe this comic without spoilers, so for anyone who wishes to read the comic themselves and form their own opinion beforehand - do not read below this cut as I will be going through the entire comic plot. You’ve been warned!
The Story
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So, the story starts off early in the morning, with Clementine gearing up to leave the school.
We follow her as she leaves the school grounds (alone), goes to the hut to pack supplies and finds a map. She hears a noise outside, which turns out to be a walker so she leaves the hut and kills it. Then goes back to looking at the map.
So far, so good right? like it seems odd that Clementine’s leaving the school in crutches alone with no back up, but hey, maybe she’s just trying to regain some independence and get in some early morning hunting for the group or something, right?
Well this is when shit starts to go South...
Clementine hears another noise, and thinking it’s a walker she opens the hut door wielding a knife, only for it to be AJ.
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(Also I think it’s been a couple of years since TFS, because AJ’s looking pretty tall for a 5 year old and apparently they’ve got new settlements to trade with).
It turns out, that Clementine was planning on ditching the school and setting off on her own. Without even a single goodbye or bothering to tell anyone about it. AJ is rightfully confused by this (fucking same, little buddy). And it leads to this exchange:
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Yup. So Clementine, not only was planning on ditching her new family and home, but she was also going to leave AJ without a single goodbye and just vanish from his life. Breaking any promises or teachings she told him from their time spent together.
And you know what the worst part is?
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She’s doing it because she’s “not happy” (and no, she doesn’t elaborate on this, we’re just supposed to accept it). AJ just tries in earnest to convince her to stay and that he can make her happy and all Clem says is “you can’t”.
If I were to analyse this short scene, I would say that perhaps it’s an internal war Clem’s got going on in her head, where there IS no rational reason for her leaving, but rather it’s something mentally that she can’t get over (possibly depression) and she feels like she has to leave to deal with it better. Honestly, in any other story this would be an incredibly interesting character complexity to witness.
The issue here is that it does NOT at all match Clem’s characterization from the game.
Clem was happy with the school. All she ever wanted in her life was for somewhere safe to call home and spend the rest of her days without constant fear and having to be on the move. She wanted to belong somewhere after losing Lee and her family. 
Clem’s character has never been about this badass who’s always on the move for thrills or looking for adventure or excitement. Does it happen to her? yes. But her character has always wanted to settle down somewhere with people and to have a family. She’s a homebody at heart, and the ending of TFS even plays with this by having her be the leader (which is what the series was building her up for) who strategizes and sends other people out while she stays in the middle of it all. The reason that ep4 was so beautiful was it came full circle with Season 1 in that Clementine can finally rest and LIVE her life now, without fear of being on the run or having to feel alone anymore, knowing everyone around her is safe and happy.
You mean to tell me, that Clementine would risk her life to save a community of people and protect “a home” only to up and abandon it because “idk it’s not for me” - fucking bullshit, Skybound. Clementine loves the Ericson kids and AJ, even if she didn’t form a romance with Louis or Violet. Those people meant something to her, and even if she did feel like it was safe to leave them, she wouldn’t. Because she enjoys being with them and loves them.
Clem did not go through hell for these people and spend years hunting down AJ only to up and ditch them - WITHOUT EVEN A GOODBYE, mind you.
She has plenty of opportunities to leave them, and she didn’t. Not even when there was a risk to her life.
Also, the best part about this? after Clem gives us her pity me tears, a walker sneaks up behind her and AJ shoots it before it gets her. 
It’s supposed to represent how well Clem has taught him throughout the years, but I find it hilarious because we’re now supposed to be okay with Clem venturing out on her own after almost getting chomped (again).
AJ finally accepts her decisions and runs back to the school, while the final shot is of Clementine walking into the horizon.
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Final Thoughts
Honestly, the fact that even the writer of this comic couldn’t even bother giving Clementine a reason beyond that vague “I’m not happy” statement is a slap in the face itself, and just goes to show that even they don’t fully believe in the plot of the story either and it’s purely being used as a means to cash in on a Clementine spin off without having the other characters there and the potential backlash of referencing the game choices.
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Oh it was something special, all right. It’s like an angst fanfic.
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HOW on earth is this comic staying “true to Clementine’s journey”? did you even play the games, Skybound? because besides a few quirky buzzwords like “still not bitten”, I don’t think you understand the story of TWDG or Clementine’s “journey” at all.
Not only was this comic unnecessary, but I’m confident that even the writers of TFS never believed this to be an outcome for Clementine either give how often they spoke about ep4 as being the conclusion to her story and her arc being “finding a home and what it means to protect one”.
With all that said, please don’t send hate to Tillie Walden. If anything, it’s Skybound themselves that should be scrutinised for greenlighting this script and thinking it was an appropriate sequel for the game (if it even needed one).
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(Also apparently adventurer Clem is no longer tying her hair up anymore and is growing it out, which makes 0 sense when she’s out exploring).
In Conclusion
This short comic was a hot mess, but we’ve got 2 more to go.
The only way I can see this comic being salvaged is if they pull off the cliché storyline of Clementine realizing she was wrong and that the school IS her home and where she wants to be, so returns back to Ericson’s in the end.
But that would be both pointless and still make this entire intro nonsensical, so I guess we’ll just need to wait and see.
I’ve honestly no clue how Clementine is expecting to find something better out in the world for herself that makes her happy, when she herself knows how rare it is to find a home like that in the apocalypse and how dangerous it is elsewhere.
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A Friendly Game
Relationship(s): Hoyt Rawlins & Abigail Walker
Tags/Warnings: Friendship, Poker, Fun and Games, Friendly Bet, Rawlins Family Heirloom, Origin Story
Summary: How I think Hoyt got the heirloom necklace
Written for @yeehawgust Day 28: Texas Hold 'Em
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
“Hoyt, you know I’m not a gambling woman,” Abigail said.
“Well, we don’t have to bet anything! I just wanna practice, that’s all. This game is catchin’ on and I wanna be ready to beat every sorry soul that runs through here.” Hoyt shuffled the cards. “Are you in or not?”
Abby sighed and sat across from him. “Fine. Teach me and maybe I’ll fleece you after a few rounds. Again.”
Hoyt grumbled and dealt the cards. “You got lucky that time. I was sick and couldn’t keep my poker face.”
“Sure, we’ll keep going with that story.” Abby smirked. “What is it again?”
“A new type of poker called Texas Hold ‘Em.” He quickly went over the rules while he set out the cards. “You ready to play?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Poker wasn’t Abby’s best game but Hoyt was still learning too; that should even the odds a bit.
“Alright. Game on.”
After a few rounds, Hoyt was starting to feel more confident in his game. Which meant he was willing to up the stakes a bit. Couldn’t practice taking money from strangers if he didn’t take a little from his friends first, right?
He’d pay them back in drinks anyway.
“Hey, you wanna up the ante?”
Abby sighed. “I told you, I’m low on cash right now.”
“Well we don’t have to bet money. You know what? Here.” He put his pistol on the table. “I’ll bet that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Here.” She reached for the clasp on her necklace and set it on the table. “There’s my bet. Now deal.”
Hoyt smirked and did just that. “You know what, just because we’re friends, I’m not gonna hide any cards in my sleeve this first time.”
“How generous of you,” she said dryly.
Abigail Walker was better at cards than she let people believe. She was smart and used her innocent looks to her advantage.
But Hoyt knew better. Knew her better. He knew (most of) her tells. And he knew the cards like the back of his hand. He may have gone easy on her the first few rounds, but he was playing to win now.
And win, he did.
“Good game,” he said, holstering his gun. “Thanks for playing. You can have your necklace back.”
Abby smiled. “Thank you, but no. You should keep it; you earned it.”
“Are you sure? It was just a fun game between friends. I don’t mind, really.”
“No, I’m sure. Besides, I’m sure you could use a gift for Lucia next time you get kicked out.” She chuckled and got up from the table. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to work.”
Hoyt waved her off and picked up the necklace. It was a nice necklace. Maybe it would make a nice gift for Lucia, or some other special lady. He slid it into his pocket and shuffled the cards again. 
Time to look for some suckers.
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
Weekly Pond Newsletter
This weekend is Fishing for Treasures weekend, and we've been celebrating Ship Fics! (We especially love rare pairs!!) Check out the blog for a ton of non-reader insert fics of all types!
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(Could a canon ship be considered a rare pair if few enough people actually ship it? Things that make you go hmmmm....)
Old Business:
The SPNFamily has gone into high gear to try and help our favorite actors get their new shows renewed by the CW or saved by another network/platform. If you want to help, too, there are petitions on change.org, and you can add the hashtags #SaveTheWInchesters, #SaveWalkerIndependence and #RenewGothamKnights to all of your social media posts. Adding the hashtags, even to somewhat unrelated tweets/posts keeps the hashtags trending and helps a future network or platform see that there is a lot of support for the show in question. Since shows can't really be shopped around right now due to the WGA strike, anything we can do to catch the eyes of the guys with the money can help!
The WGA strike is in full gear! Everywhere we look around Twitter, we see more stories of how shit being a TV/movie writer pays, these days. And that's just one of the many issues that the WGA is fighting for on behalf of its members. From the use of AI to replace writers to fighting against things like writer mini-rooms, which pay pennies to writers but get full scripts in return, and not having writers on set to make last-minute changes based on changing conditions in shooting. There are a ton of stories out there giving fantastic examples of why these things are important, so if you haven't read about them, follow some of our SPN writers to learn more about it! (And use the hashtag #WGAStrong when you post your support on social media!)
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt (via @writerswritecompany) was:
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(This one has kind of a Doctor Who crossover vibe with the Vashta Nerada, doesn't it? How would the Winchesters fight those shadow monsters?)
New Business:
Manta Rays in the discord server! At the end of this week, THREE of our Manta Rays will be hanging out in the discord server! @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, and @mrswhozeewhatsis will be in there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, respectively. Keep an eye out for announcement posts or check out the Pond Google calendar for dates and times in your time zone!
Angel Fish Award nominations! We're more than halfway through the month, which means that the deadline to get your entries into May's raffle is approaching! Remember, every nomination you send in is an entry into the raffle for awesome prizes! Click here for more info about how to participate and get a look at what you could win! (Spoiler: SPN season DVD sets, SPN shirts, writing tools, fic and art commissions, and so much more!)
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Question...? - Tom Davidson
Request: Question x tom davidson from walker indepence?
Summary: After leaving your home in Boston for a new life, a ghost from the past rolls into the same place and you can't shake the feelings you once had for him.
A/N: First time writing Tom Davidson or Walker Independence so hopefully did it some justice.
← Midnights Masterlist | TS Anthology Series →
✰ Does it feel like everything's just like, second best after that meteor strike? ✰
You’d chosen Independence and a job at Hagan’s Hotel because it seemed like a safe haven from your past life. As far away as you could afford to go. Somewhere that didn’t remind you of Boston or the east coast. Somewhere small and quiet and easy to hide in.
And then, three weeks into your new life a familiar face walked into the bar, a gold star shining against his black clothing and you felt the bottom of your stomach drop out. Maybe part of you should have known that running in the same direction he’d gone would have eventually led you onto the same path but you’d been hopeful when you moved out west that there was no chance you’d ever see the man again.  
Hagan’s was still something of a safe haven from the long arm of the law and the ache that always pulled at your heart when you saw him. If you just went to all the places he didn’t go, then you’d never have to have the conversation you’d always thought you wanted to have. You’d never have to wonder why he left (or at least you could tell yourself it had nothing to do with you).  
But peace never lasts, especially not when you know it’s running thin, “I knew it was only a matter of time,” you mentioned when Tom stepped up to the bar as you were working. He’d kept himself distant too, using Kate as a go-between. But the boxing match had been invigorating and the near-death shoot out a few days earlier had him thinking that maybe it was time he set down all the baggage that was keeping him away from you.  
“Before I came over here?” He asked, taking the drink you mixed him. A few people bumped passed him, congratulating the sheriff for the win.  
You hummed, contemplating what you wanted to say. It was true that you’d been waiting for him to finally come over and talk to you but after watching him in the ring tonight, it was another thought, one that surprised you, that was winning out. You’d always been prepared to feel nothing but longing for him and maybe there was still a piece of you that wished things had been different between you but then you’d seen the way he looked at Abby.  
“Before you moved on.” You replied, casting your gaze over his shoulder. The mysterious stranger from Boston, coincidentally, was standing near the piano chatting with Kate.  
“I don’t-” He began to say, looking almost guilty (whether about actually moving on or just being found out, you weren’t sure). 
“It’s alright,” you lied, “like I said, I knew it was only a matter of time Tom.” 
“What are you doing in Independence?” He asked, changing the subject abruptly. “Thought you were engaged to that broker from Philadelphia. Heard from your sister that you were planning on moving down there.” 
“I’ve been here longer than you have...when’d you hear anything about me?” You replied, searching his eyes for any hint of an answer. You knew he’d never be straight with you about things but you couldn’t help being caught off guard by his admission. It was after he left that your family had introduced you to the Philadelphian. “Keeping tabs?” 
“Came up in conversation.” 
“Course it did.” You rolled your eyes, unable to keep your guard up as you leaned closer to him, “You really screwed me over Tom.”  
“How’s that?” He challenged, taking a sip of his drink, “far as I remember, you were moving on the moment I left. Now you’re telling me about moving on as if I’m doing something wrong? So what if after all this time I’m not still waiting on you.”  
You faked a smile as someone came up behind Tom, clapping his shoulder and telling how impressive the fight was before offering to buy him a drink. You obliged, pouring the whiskey for him as the other man congratulated him again and finally moved on.  
Patron gone, you could speak freely, “I think you’re remembering things wrong. It was you that left...trust me, I’ll never forget waking up that morning alone.”  
Tom hesitated in his response, giving you time to walk away, grabbing drinks for someone else that had approached the bar, making small talk with a regular. By the time you looked back again, he was gone. The half empty glass of whiskey sitting on the bar and no sign of the sheriff in the weening crowd. You clutched the dish rag in your hand until you felt your knuckles turning white and heard Kate call your name, asking if you were alright. She was a keen observer and you almost wondered if asking her where Tom went would be a good idea. No doubt she knew but then she’d want to know why you needed to. And then you knew she’d pry, in that way she did that didn’t even feel like prying at all.  
As the bar started to thin out to closing, just the few stragglers that never knew when to call it quits and the actual guests of the hotel were left in the lobby, you passed the towel to someone else and excused yourself from serving drinks. It was getting later than you liked to be out but you weren’t done having a conversation with Tom. You’d both spent more than a month avoiding each other in a town as small as a block in Boston but he’d ended that when he approached you in the bar. Now you needed to know what he wanted to say because otherwise you were certain you would burst.  
Your mother always said it was the not knowing that killed a man and you supposed that was true about you as well.  
So, dark already settled in, you headed out to Tom’s dwelling, a lantern glowing in the window of the little house. He was home then, at least. It was hell walking the distance at night but you supposed you should’ve been thankful that no prying eyes could see you. The gossip would've been hell if they could. Might still be hell.  
“Tom,” you called out after knocking on the door and receiving no immediate answer. “I know you’re in there...can we talk?” 
The door swung open, Tom crowding the door way as he leaned against the frame, “what’s there to talk about? What’s left?” 
You weren’t really sure how to answer that. Honestly, what else could either of you say about what happened between you in Boston. All you knew was that he had finally started talking to you and you were terrified that he would stop. That’d you have to watch him with that Abby Walker or someone else in town that caught his eye and you’d be wishing it was you. Knowing that every man you’d been with came second to him, even after all this time.  
“I...” you paused, shook your head, tried to regroup. Tried to leave all the nonsense and bullshit out at the door and be honest with him, “I just wanna keep talking. I don’t want to stop hearing your voice.” 
For a beat, neither of you moved, just standing there in the doorway of his cabin staring at each other until finally he stepped to the side, just enough that you could slip passed him. So you did, and the door closed after you, latch locking it into place, keeping you and Tom from the rest of Independence, if only for the night.  
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moodmusicmonday · 3 years
Pardon the delay, but this week's playlist is definitely worth the wait! As always, HUGS to our writers for sharing the music inspo for their upcoming fics with us! And also, massive HUGS to our readers that are ALWAYS so supportive of our writers AND lovingly share with us songs that remind us of their favorite fics and/or scenes from gameplay! Each and every one of y'all make MMM incredible!
Sign-up is still going on the The Luck of the Draw! Remember: this event is not just for writers! It's for creators of all types (think edits, artwork, IG edits, etc)! Click on the link above for more information! Sign-up ends March 15th (1 week from today!). 🍀
“Till The Sun Comes Up” - Gavin James; Breaking Point, Party 8: You Tell Me I’m Worth It (TRR; Liam x MC)
“I” - Yiruma; A Piece of Heaven on Earth, Part 1 (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“Miss Independent” - Kelly Clarkson; University Student Ellie, Chapter 4: Ice Cream Social (TRF and beyond; no pairings)
“Shine” -Years & Years; (Less Than) Nobles Intentions, Chapter 11: Demons (working title) [TRR; Drake Walker x OC (Harper Gale)]
✨A Song Shout-out to Fic Writer @walkerismychoice
“Holding Out for a Hero” - Bonnie Tyler
Queen of my Heart, Chapter 9 (TRR, Drake x MC)
“When the MC’s horse gets spooked and takes off and Drake on his (faster horse) comes her her rescue. That lives rent free in my head. ❤ that cowboy! Thank you, @walkerismychoice!"
“Fidelity” - Regina Spektor; Irreplaceable, Chapter 15: Suppose I Never Ever Met You (TRR AU; Leo x Riley; Liam x Drake)
“Speechless” – Dan & Shay; TBD, one-shot [TNA; Sam Dalton x f!MC (Marie Castro)]
“Tera Yaar Hoon Main” - Rochak Kohli, Arjit Singh; Return of the Iron Lady, birthday one-shot [TRR, Olivia x OC (Jessica)--platonic]
@alj4890 @ao719 @erenphoria @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam@twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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brainrotmeta · 3 years
I just love how goob keeps being embarrassed so publicly lol. First it was, Walker prequel isn't even close to getting a deal like spn prequel, now that they got announced together it's 'ooh it'll never get filmed as soon as spn prequel.' Goob did the same thing with the finale too with the 'oh we won, loved the finale, destiel wasn't mentioned so we can write fanfics that it happened off screen...wait come back followers I meant the finale sucked, cw homophobic, don't leave' 🤣
What’s he up to now
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Changing goalposts it looks like. Last I checked, he was saying that Winchesters are way ahead of walker independent.
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twoboysacar · 2 years
Matching totalement délibéré !!!
Hier 19.mai.2022 avait lieu le CW Upfronts à New York. Et pour notre plus grand bonheur, J2 ont partagé la scène. Pas longtemps, chacun avec un projet différent.
Mais là n'est pas le sujet. Le sujet, c'est la tenue de J2 sur scène !
Ne sont-ils pas mignons tous les deux avec leur tenue identique, quoi que de style totalement différent ?
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Mais ce qui a fait reluire notre chapeau d'alu, c'est cette photo publiée par Philemon Chambers.
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Où on peut voir tous les acteurs de Walker Independance dans leur tenue de scène, et J.P. vêtu d'une veste de cuir sur son t'shirt des Vétérans.
Fanfic ? Que l'on nous prouve que cette photo n'a pas été prise avant l'arrivée de J.A. qui amenait avec lui la chemise destinée à achever la coordination de leur tenue !!!
(Sur un sujet plus polémique, peut-être à cause de la haine déversée contre lui depuis l'annonce du prequel, on se réjouit de pouvoir visionner The Winchester et de nous faire notre propre opinion basée sur des faits, et non pas des spéculations).
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