#wandering witches layouts
rphunter · 26 days
Welcome to the Island of Direbrook!
A lovely little island off the coast of somewhere secret. Known only by those who possess something within them that makes them… fantastical.
A short distance out from land, surrounding the island, is a barrier. Put in place hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago, it protects the island, the surrounding waters and all its inhabitants. This magical barrier prevents any human from finding the island and crossing onto its shores. Because of that, creatures of all sorts wander about here, free to be out in the open, go about their day to day lives without any concerns or need to hide away, and away from humans.
Unicorns, Manticores, even that strange blob that no one quite knows what it's made up of… All sorts are welcome here!
Those more humanoid like Vampires, Witches, and so much more? Created a city to live and thrive in. Businesses moved in, homes were erected, and a community was born. Will you cross the barrier and make yourself at home?
Come to the island and explore.
We are an OC based, Slice of Life roleplay set on an island for fantastical creatures. We are always looking for new people to join, and are excited to make new friends!
All creatures are welcome, from typical kinds like vampires and werewolves, to more unique kinds like minotaurs and golems and EVERYTHING in between! The only exception? No humans!
What we offer:
Brand new!
18+ environment
Interactive server
Character diversity
Server wide events
LGBTQ+ friendly
POC friendly
Systems friendly
NSFW and SFW welcome
No post length requirement
OOC bonding
RL Face Claims
Forum layouts
Much more!
~☆~☆~☆~☆~☆~ Like this post and I'll send you the link!
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gierosajie · 11 months
Okay just dumping some genshin witch ideas, you don’t have to use them this is just for my autism. I apologize for the strange “natures”, I’m just fond of the stranger ones.
Zhongli Witch - Qinshihuang
The antique witch. His nature is torpor. Everything, no matter how seemingly indestructible will eventually become dust. That is something this witch is painfully aware of. Within his barrier, time does not pass and the many antiques and treasures within will remain gleaming forevermore. The witch detests any form of change as it is a sign that time will tick forward once more and threaten his collection. If he senses an intruder, he will stop at nothing to hunt them down and swiftly petrify them. When this witch perishes, everything in the barrier will become dust.
Rukkadevata - Uma
The witch of hanging gardens. Her nature is samudaya*. A benevolent and caring witch, she spends every waking hour building a paradise upon the ever growing tree that makes up her body. She collects knowledge via digging her roots into the subconscious minds of her victims and uses them to improve her heaven on earth, although leaving her victims husks if their former selves. If someone were to wander into her barrier, she would show them a dream tailored to the needs and wants of the person. Many people have willingly let themselves be painlessly consumed by this witch to eternally live in their specially made paradises.
Makoto - Ohirume
The witch of tempests. Her nature is nanakorobi-yaoki*. A witch who only has one goal planted in her head: make it back home. Despite the deathly storm that mercilessly ravages her barrier, this witch continues to trudge forward in the hollow hope that one day she will be able to return home. Her raincoat has thinned, her umbrella is just wires, and she is almost nothing but bones, but she continues to wander her stormy barrier for eternity fated to never find her way home. When the witch dies, the storm clears up and in the distance you can see the faint outline of a house.
*means “arising” and refers to the roots of suffering
*means to “fall seven times and get up eight”; perseverance
Anon I would kiss you if I could /p
The way torpor also has the meaning of apathy, and yet Zhongli clings onto so much that he'd try to destroy anything that would cause them to even slightly degrade through change
Also if you don't mind me adding on- I'm imagining him having familiars made from pressed flowers that keep the labyrinth in pristine condition, resembling the 3 people he couldn't protect and lost to witches (the 4/5 Yakshas aren't included because they're all as fine as they could be throughout the au <3)
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Something about pressed flowers being dead flowers (or leaves in Retuo's case) being preserved
Oh and imagine if his labyrinth looks like a mix of the floating parts of Enkanomiya and the Floating Abode Serenitea Pot layout, but everything is completely frozen like the Orchard of Paridaeza. There'd be a bunch of trinkets and paintings but all are slightly warped in a way
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(I can't draw)
Anyway, I could also see Rukkha's labyrinth also being made of pressed flowers and painted skeletonized leaves in the background while the entire "roof" is made from her hair with some hanging ornaments. Thinking about her witch form being almost as big, if not bigger than Venti's. She could also have her familiars being made from her own body like him, except she keeps expanding using hers while Venti slowly disintegrates when creating his
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Honestly, the witches really feel like they could very much happen
Like, I've briefly considered Zhongli having a similar situation to Homura in this post instead of Istaroth. Not outright a witch but there are Signs and stuff. I could very much see him turning into Qinshihuang ngl
Rukkha could've become one either after Deshret died or if she hadn't gone through with her plan on destroying her soul gem while fighting Venti. The way Uma keeps building a paradise could be related to her wanting things to have gone differently with Deshret and Nabu, and if we go to the Venti route, it's her final thought about wanting her little sister Nahida to be born into a gentler world that affects her witch form.
She'd probably end up that way from exhausting all her magic in either situation. Like, the only reason she resorted to destroying her soul gem in the fight with Venti was to have enough power to kill every piece of his witch form through all the portals she has open in one shot.
As for Makoto, she could become one if Ei somehow dies again. I don't think she'd take it too well a second time. If we go by the events in the AU tho, it's more likely to happen if Venti hadn't killed her first. It's a slow build up from the week's events, like she literally watched Venti straight up drop dead in front of her, found out where witches came from, and had to force herself to keep it together while they dealt with the situation for days
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Your description for her labyrinth and witch form made me imagine one made of tear stains and water damage and ink blots, perhaps even over a nonsensical map. Her obsession with going home could be her trying to get back to Ei. There's also faint whispers through the storm where one could hear faint murmurs about going home and "I'm all she has left"
Anyway yeah the AU brainworms sure is strong fjfgdjdvsnsx
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lillywillow · 2 years
The Cat, The Witch and The Woodsman
Summary: When Bucky hears of someone who might be able to help him, he sets out with his best feline friend to find them
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 2977
 Square Filled: C4- Scars
 Pairing: Woodsman!Bucky Barnes x Witch!Female Reader  
 Warnings: Mild angst, mentions of scars, mentions of past trauma
 A/N: Set in a magical AU
 Bucky had really been struggling as of late. Ever since he had escaped from the evil warlock association that had turned him into a puppet for their wrongdoings, he had been trying to adjust into normal life again. His two friends Sam and Steve had been slowly helping him to get back to the man he used to be but it was a long journey. Bucky wanted to do things on his own but working with one arm was hard. He had built a cottage for himself in the woods, away from anyone else. His friends came to visit from time to time, trying to convince him to go into town. Bucky would always tell them he wasn’t ready but would give them lists of things he might need. They were understanding but they really hoped that one day he might just join them.
 The nights were the worst. Most nights he would fixate on all the bad things he was made to do and whenever he did fall asleep, he was plagued by nightmares. His faithful companion Alpine was always there to help keep him grounded, her soft fur reminding him he was free… but he wasn’t truly. Not until whatever was in his head went away. Bucky couldn’t even do basic magic anymore. Bucky knew he had to do something about this soon or he may just go insane. Recently, he heard a rumour of a witch that lived deep in the woods who may just be able to heal him. Taking Alpine with him, he set off on a witch hunt. Cats had a sixth sense when it came to the supernatural so maybe she could locate the witch for him. At this point, Bucky was desperate to try anything.
 You were in your bird form looking for a patch of special herbs you used in your potions when you spotted a white cat wandering through the woods. Finding this strange, you moved in closer and landed on a nearby branch. Cats on their own weren’t all that uncommon but they were usually of the brown, tabby variety. This one was pure white. You watched as the cat walked around, seemly on the hunt for something.
 “See anything, girl?” a deep male’s voice asked.
 You watched as a man with long brown hair and one arm followed the cat. He was handsome and there was something about him that called out to you. The cat stopped in front on the tree you were resting on, her bright blue eyes fixated on you.
 “Is that her? Are you sure?” he asked.
 The cat meowed in response, her gaze never leaving you.
 “Okay… just hope I’m not talking to a bird like a crazy person,” he muttered, getting down on one knee.
 “Oh, mighty forest witch! I beseech you to come to my aid! Um… what was the next thing…?”
 Having heard enough, you flew to the ground and transfigured into your human form.
 “You’re being way too formal,” you sighed.
 “Sorry… I just… I can’t keep living like this…”
 The man looked up at you and you immediately saw the pain in his blue/ grey eyes which had dark circles from lack of sleep under them. You reached out a hand and felt the dark magic corrupting his own. Gently, you pat the cat on top of her head, her voice sounding like a silver bell in your mind.
 “Help, father…”
 How could you deny such an innocent request from something so pure?
 “Follow me,” you instructed.
 The man got to his feet and followed after you.
 “Thank you… I’m Bucky, by the way and this is Alpine.”
 You introduced yourself as you walked the pair of them back to your cottage. Bucky found; it was a lot like his own. Secluded yet homey but there was something magic about it as well. The interior was a lot like his too with a comfortable layout.
 “So… are you looking to do a cleanse?” you asked, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts.
 He stared blankly for a few moments before responding.
 “I… I want to get rid of the trigger words in my head… and get rid of any evil they might have left…”
 You nodded in understanding and collected a few things. Bucky watched as you gave Alpine some fish, water and a few toys.
 “This will keep her amused while we work,” you explained.
 Bucky smiled at your thoughtfulness towards his little buddy. Next, you handed him a robe made of fine silk.
 “You can change into this while I prepare the room. You can meet me in there when we’re done,” you said, pointing to a door with a seal on it.
 He nodded and waited for you to enter the room before he changed into the robe. Once he was changed, he went into the room. It was totally dark inside, with only candles for illumination. You encouraged Bucky to sit on one of the cushions in the centre of the circle of candles as you closed the door.
 “Physical contact is a requirement of this magic. Is that okay?”
 Bucky nodded.
 “I’m going to need verbal consent so I’m not misinterpreting anything. Is it okay to touch you?”
 “Yes,” Bucky muttered quietly.
 “Okay. First, I’m going to take the words out of your head. For this, I’m going to touch your temples. Is this okay?”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you let me know and we’ll stop right away.”
 Bucky stayed still as you gentle placed your fingers on his temples. He closed his eyes as you began muttering an incantation. Bucky could feel a dull headache beginning to form as you searched his mind for his triggers. Bucky could take it. Compared to what those warlocks put him through, this was nothing. You took each word and every dark thought left by those monsters and collected them, taking them out of his head. Bucky felt his head become lighter, the dull ache he felt from earlier gone. He opened his eyes to see you holding a ball of dark energy the size of an egg and watched as you slowly and carefully dunked it into a bowl of shining liquid. The ball fizzled as it touched the contents and started to dissolve.
 “Liquid mojo. Highly acidic and excellent at dissolving unwanted dark magic,” you explained.
 Bucky nodded and watched until there was nothing left of those nasty thoughts.
 “Are you ready to continue?” you asked.
 “I’m ready.”
 “Now, for this next part, I’m going to place my hand on your chest. It’s going to be the hardest part. Is this okay?”
 “Let’s begin.”
 You placed your palm on the centre of his chest over his heart. Closing your eyes, you focused on grabbing the dark energy. It was coiled around his core like an invasive strangling ivy. You tried pulling it but all his fear, grief and anger had entwined themselves around the dark magic making it harder.
 “Bucky, you’re fighting me…”
 “I’m sorry,” he whimpered.
 “You need to let go…”
 “I can’t… It hurts so much…”
 “It’s okay… You were a victim… You didn’t willingly hurt anyone. You’re allowed to be happy again…”
 Bucky broke down crying at your words and with his body’s permission, you were able to pull out every negative vibe, every piece of dark magic and bile and pulled it out of his heart and soul. It wanted to fight you every step of the way, desperately trying to escape as you put into the acid bath. The dark magic dissolved slower than the last but eventually did so. You did a final check to make sure you got it all but all you could feel was his good magic.
 “Can you… can you say the words? I want to make sure I won’t hurt anyone ever again…” Bucky asked, his voice raw with emotion.
 Carefully, you spoke each word in the order you saw them. Bucky waited for the spell that would turn him into a monster again but nothing happened. He pulled you into a tight hug and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
 “Thank you… thank you,” he sobbed.
 “You are truly free,” you quietly assured him as you hugged him back, taking care neither of you was touching the liquid mojo.
 You sat there holding him, letting him cry as much as he needed to. Once he was done, you helped him up and guided him back to the main area. You set him up with a large helping of stew and a glass of water while you cleaned up. Alpine trotted over to him and jumped on his lap.
 “I’m okay, Alpine… I’m okay…”
 Bucky was in fact okay. He was drained mentally, emotionally and physically but he felt lighter than he had in a long time. With each spoonful of soup, he could feel some of his strength returning. After you had cleaned up, you joined him at the table. Bucky noticed you looked just as tired as he felt. The pair of you ate in silence feeling just content with each other’s company.
 “You’re welcome to stay the night. I’m sure you don’t feel like travelling very far right now,” you offered.
 “Thank you… You’ve been far kinder than I deserve…”
 “Hey, look at me…”
 Bucky blushed as you grabbed his hand.
 “I meant every word I said in there. You are a good man who deserves good things. I know those warlocks. They take everything that is good in the world and they twist it into what they think is best…”
 “So… you?”
 You looked away.
 “It was a long time ago…”
 Bucky gently squeezed your hand, allowing you to continue but not pressing you if you didn’t want to. You had to admit… it felt nice to have contact with another being after being alone for so long.
 “Tomorrow, do you want me to work on making a new arm for you?” you asked, changing the subject.
 “I… I guess so,” he shrugged.
 Bucky wasn’t really sure what that would entail but he wanted to spend a little more time with you. You smiled a little, letting go of his hand so he could finish his soup.
 Alpine watched the pair of you intently. Father liked you and she certainly liked you. She could tell you were a gentle soul who had bad things happen to them just like father. Alpine hoped that maybe there was something she could do to keep you around…
 After dinner, you set the spare room so Bucky could sleep before retiring to your own bedroom. Bucky made himself comfortable and got ready for bed.
 “She’s pretty great, huh?”
 Alpine meowed in response.
 “I like her too. Do you think we should keep seeing her?”
 Once again, Alpine meowed at him. Bucky smiled as he settled down, soon falling asleep.
 Bucky woke from a dreamless sleep sometime around midnight. He wasn’t exactly sure what woke him but this was the first time he hadn’t had any nightmares for a long time. When he heard the front door open and close, his instincts as a soldier kicked in. Carefully, Bucky walked around the cottage, checking for any signs of danger. Finding the place safe, he decided to look around outside.
 Bucky noticed a trail of footprints heading away so he followed them. What if you ran into danger or needed help? He followed the path to a waterfall, blushing when he saw you bathing in it, illuminated under the full moon light. From his position, he could see the scars all over your back. He recognised some of the shapes from the tools they used back when he was a familiar. After a few moments, Bucky realised he probably look away and head back or he might seem creepy. The image of your scarred skin played out in his mind as he once again let sleep take him.
 Bucky slept in late the next morning. By then, you had already made breakfast and given Alpine something to eat. It was the best sleep he had in years. After he finished eating, you pulled out something from a chest.
 “For this spell, I’m going to have to place this over your shoulder against your skin. Is that okay?”
 Bucky nodded before giving his verbal consent. You carefully helped him to remove his shirt, for the first time noticing the scars that mapped his torso and the angry one on his stump. You hadn’t really noticed them in the dark room yesterday.
 “Do we have to go into that room again?” he asked.
 “No. I only used that room when working with dark magics. Seances, cleansing or purifications, the occasional exorcism… That room has been designed so the dark magic can’t escape back into the world. Out here will be just fine.”
 Bucky nodded and waited patiently as you placed some kind of metal sling over his left shoulder, fitting it roughly where his arm should be. You ran your hand down his right shoulder, down his arm to hold his hand and held your other hand out as if you were holding his other hand.
 “For this one, I’m going to need you to work with me. Close your eyes… Focus… imagine yourself holding my hand… Just like that… Picture your arm clearly…”
 As he followed your instructions, Bucky could hear a metallic clicking sound.
 “There… you did it,” you smiled.
 When Bucky opened his eyes, he was amazed to see a bronze arm with his green magic glowing from in between the plates. He moved it around and tested it out. It was perfect. Smiling brightly, he pulled you into another hug.
 “I can’t thank you enough, Y/N…”
 “You’re very welcome, Bucky,” you replied, embracing him.
 You stood there for a while before pulling away.
 “What do I owe you?” he asked.
 “For your services…”
 “Nothing… It was a privilege to help you,” you said with all honesty.
 “Please, I insist…”
 “Well maybe… you could stop by again sometime…”
 “I’d like that,” Bucky smiled.
 Over the next few days, Bucky improved massively. He still took a few things slowly but without the weight on his chest, he felt normal again. Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about you. When he described his experience with you to his friends, they noticed the lovestruck look about him. They encouraged him to pursue you if you truly made him happy. Alpine noticed it too. That’s why one afternoon, she put her plan into action.
 Bucky was out gathering wood when Alpine took off. Dropping everything he had, he followed the cat as she ran deeper.
 “Alpine!” he called.
 She didn’t listen, sensing your presence in the area. Alpine stopped at your feet, almost proudly.
 “Alpine? What are you doing here?” you asked, picking her up.
 “Helping father,” her sliver bell voice said in your mind, almost proudly.
 No sooner had you picked her up than Bucky ran up to you. Today he had his hair pulled back into a nice ponytail. It really showcased his handsome face.
 “Alpine! Don’t just go running off into the woods. It’s too dangerous,” he scolded.
 “Hello, Bucky,” you greeted.
 “Oh! Hi, Y/N… I’m sorry about Alpine…”
 “It’s okay… would you like to come in for tea?” you asked.
 “I would,” he smiled back.
 Alpine looked rather smug with herself. Maybe this would help the two of you find happiness…
 The pair of you caught up on everything that had happened over the last few days. You felt happy that you were able to take Bucky from such a broken man to the man you saw in front of you. As you spoke, there was one thing that continued coming to Bucky’s mind.
 “Y/N… there’s something I have to confess… that night, I saw the scars on your back…”
 You sighed and put down your teacup. There was no hiding it now.
 “I told you that I knew those warlocks… how they twist things to suit them… I used to live in a town where I was a healer. I never used to have any troubles, just went about my business… then one day, they came to town. They convinced the people that witches were evil and turned them against me… they hurt me… tried to get me to reveal the location of my coven… I never had one…”
 Bucky hugged you and held you close as you cried.
 “I was only able to escape because some of the people came to their senses… I’ve been afraid it’ll happen again…” you whimpered.
 “I’ll protect you…”
 You believed him… you really did. Bucky gently dried away your tears, keeping his hands on your face. Before either of you knew it, your lips were touching in a soft, warm kiss. This felt right for both of you.
 “Sorry… I should have asked permission first,” he breathed as he pulled away.
 “It’s okay… I trust you…”
 “Can I do it again?”
 “Of course…”
 As he kissed you again, you felt like this could be the start of something wonderful.
 You and Bucky officially became a couple after that day, agreeing to take things slow. Alpine was happier than ever to see her favourite person happy too. You helped each other come back into the world after being isolated for so long. Scars never went away but with the right person, they could fade.
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OPUS: Echo of Starsong - Full Bloom Edition
Developed & Published by SIGONO
Release Date 2021
Tested on Xbox Series X
MSRP 24,99 USD
I always do wonder what is the core factor when a game, a book or a movie really captivates me. Is it the story, characters or the presentation or something else out of my reach and understanding? OPUS: Echo of Starsong mixes and blends factors that may be deceptively seem simple to eyes artistically and cleverly that you feel you’re part of this story and the games makes you feel wanted in this plot. 
OPUS does not invent the story-driven narrative game genre, it simply…works in the best way possible. It has a great set of mechanics: an excellent space setting, Japanese voiceover, Japanese culture inspirations, game mechanics which are not tiresome, wonderful narrative pacing with marvellous world-creation.
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During my playtime, I could not stop myself comparing a game like OPUS to AAA open-world games which boast “massive world that you can travel across the map with hundreds of landmarks.” I do admire and appreciate story-heavy and linear games like OPUS just for the chance to experience to a story-rich game with none-to-zero bloated mechanics. OPUS is the game where the game flows and runs with you alongside, you are not left behind, ever. You are right there with the game, and the game opens itself to you with almost zero tutorial needed. Frankly, after spending two hours I realized there was not any tutorial regarding mechanics or controls. The menu, screen, windows and layout are so well-designed and -thought that you won’t face any difficulty navigating in the menus. 
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You’re going to ask me, what is this game about that you worshipped so far? Well, OPUS: Echo of Starsong is basically a flashback of the protagonist Jun, a story made of his memories, remembrances and his past. You start as Old Jun, casually (yet meaningfully) wandering in a forest-like overgrown building, and you start remembering what you’ve lived so far, then the flashback takes place, and now you are Jun, as young as day in his full bloom (pun intended, sorry.). Jun is a teenage prince of Lee clan, who is kind of (self)-exiled from his hometown planet after the gigantic Lumen War and what took place in his clan. Jun is on the run to find a lumen-rich un-discovered planet and mine so he can create a name for himself after being ostracised from Lee clan and he can return to his hometown planet head held high. Then there’s Kay, who is Jun’s right-hand, a sturdy man and Lumen War veteran. In flashbacks we learn that Kay backs up Jun when he is thrown out of Lee clan and shamed. Right there and then Kay becomes young prince’s guide in his mission.
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Shortly after setting out our mission, we bump into Eda, a witch, and Remie, her younger companion who’s a pilot at a bazaar. They become Jun and Kay’s companions soon after second encounter. You may ask “a witch? Wait what?”. The meaning of “witch” is pretty different from what you may prejudge, a witch is a person who can sense lumen in a proximity through waves of recorded special witch songs in the galaxy. Jun is a “runner” who can carry a stick ,which is loaded with special songs, and play it in front of particular gateways on planets that may open doors to yet to be explored lumen caves. From that moment on, Jun and Kay’s story gets intertwined with Eda and Remie’s.
Let me break down easy-to-understand mechanics of the game briefly, when you are in a location there are three sub-menus you can interact with besides location-specific options:
Memories: this menu includes all the collectibles, items, encountered objects, and major events, entries and lore-based codex.
Upgrade: improvements for the spaceship with the material you find or purchase.
Navigator:the main menu for travelling with the spaceship that opens a map.
There is Fuel, Armor Plates, Exploration Kit and Currency as well.
You spend fuel when you are travelling and you need to re-fuel from time to time otherwise you will be stranded in the galaxy and will meet some assistance crew that will tow your spaceship to the previous main location. Armor Plates are crucial in early-game when you are fighting with space pirates, when you upgrade your spaceship you can pretty much ignore it. Exploration Kits are consumed when you are on a non-major planet and you attempt to scavenge items, scraps as such. With Currency you can purchase fuel, plates, exploration kits, upgrade parts for your spaceship. You can earn money selling scraps and plants that you come across on planets.
You can watch the clip below to see how you can purchase parts and upgrade your ship:
At first glance at the map, you may be overwhelmed judging that it is an open-world game, but it isn’t actually. The game has a remarkable way of guiding you from one destination to another without making the game feel linear. There are main missions directly related to the main story and there are “abnormal signal” side quests, honestly they aren’t quests, more like side-story elements that are supplemental to the lore. For example, I did gamble on a small planet and did help send signals throughout the galaxy for a TV broadcast on another planet. These may seem forgettable in theory but I can assure you will appreciate them in first-hand experience, these are not “filler” side quests in massive open-world games, these are well-crafted short and lore-loaded experiences that stick with you personally. 
When you land on a planet, a menu like in the clip below welcomes you, interactions with green flag next to them are side-interactions, such as just having a talk with a random person on the planet, such as an old grumpy man, a worker, a doctor, a homeless person. These side-interactions make the planet feel alive and pushes the narrative further succesfully, when your whole interaction takes place in text, some kind of magic has to give to attract you and drive the story to the next level, you bump into an old woman, she talks about good old days long before the Lumen War, the dialogue lasts around a minute, you walk away and move on, yet this entire conversation is only a small part of elements that build the entire game, the game would not be able to catch the player’s attention without these dialogues.
The three-pillar icon points the main interaction at that location. 
Having completed a main mission, you receive coordinates for your next location, which is marked on the map and it tells you beforehand how much fuel it will require to reach the destination, for example in the clip below it looks like I did not upgrade my fuel-tank that much therefore I cannot travel to the given planet in one go, what I did was that I visited small planets which are marked as “abnormal signal” and I did scavenged items with exploration kits and found some some fuel, and I did fill up my tank and got closer to the main location by scavenging minor planets.
OPUS might the first game I’ve ever played that lays out everything takes place moment to moment, items, codex entries etc in one single menu that is not too crowded to figure out, Memories menu shows you everything you’ve experienced and collected so far. One more thing: codex entries are an afterthought in this games, not one bit, you get to read each entry with an item you come across while you are exploring or having a dialogue with a character, it can be a monument, a gateway, a plant, a tale an elderly person tells, coins etc. 
Having played 3 out of 6 chapters so far, OPUS is such a silent-hitter in the genre and it deserves even more recognition, I cannot stress enough how well-built this game is with almost-perfect lore supported by non-cluttered smooth narration.
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curhartwrites · 1 year
❤️ Happy WorldBuilding Wednesday! ❤️
What are your cities or towns like? Feel free to talk about the layouts or the people or the architecture, etc. and to talk about more than one if you'd like!
This is particularly juicy subject matter for me and I love talking about it. The Citadels: These are walled temple compounds where important spiritual leaders live and work. The walls are rough and jagged. They're made of rocks, scrap metal, and broken glass - designed to keep out anyone who would hurt the people inside. But once you get through the gates, the Citadels are beautiful. Structures inside resemble cobb houses or "earthships," since sand and stone are the main resources available for construction. But human garbage and detritus left over from the old world is everywhere, and can be quite useful, so some homes have "stained glass windows" made of colorful bottles, or frames made from old pipes. It's a strange juxtaposition of re-emerging primitive building techniques, and leftover glimpses of what life was like before the drought. Temples and homes alike are highly decorated. Water imagery is common in murals, wall carvings, and stone-and-glass mosaics. Windchimes fill the air with music. Fluid, organic shapes are preferred over square rooms and hard lines. At the center of every citadel is a fountain or well. The Angels of Yema live inside the Citadels, as do their protectors and companions, the Waterdogs. The Townships: Outside the walls of the Citadel are settlements of people who are devoted to the temples and the Angels. Because the Angels' work gives them much more access to water than people living in other areas, they're able to grow food and medicine. Simple cobb homes are the norm here, usually a little less ornate than the ones around the temple. However, the structures outside the walls usually incorporate more of the old world trash, like plastic and corrugated metal. The people here are able to enter the walls more or less freely, for worship and festivals, or to visit friends and family who work and live inside. The families of Waterdogs usually live in the townships. Life here is simple, slow, and (knock on wood) quite peaceful. Stray dogs are fed and treated with kindness, since dogs are associated with the Goddex Yema. The Wasteland: Beyond the protection of the Citadels stretches miles and miles of desert, and the remains of old world towns half buried in sand. Out here, no one stays in one place for very long. People travel alone or in small groups. Among the wanderers in the desert are dowsers and water witches - people who do not have the gift of Yema's Angels, but who use other water-related folk magic. Some of them have real skills, and some are charlatans. Other wanderers include traders, sex workers, and bands of storytellers and musicians. (One notable group that travels in the wastes are the Last Days Dancers: a small and mostly harmless cult of hedonists who believe that there's no point in trying to build the world anew, and spend their days drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and dancing themselves into euphoric delirium until they die of dehydration.) The Outposts: Scattered here and there across the wastelands are places where travelers can stop to trade, rest, and hear the latest gossip. The atmosphere in these places varies depending on who runs them. Two notable examples...
The Bowl: A large dry lake bed that serves mainly as a trading outpost and a safe place for sex workers to operate. It's a No Weapons Zone, and anyone inciting violence is promptly escorted out. Buildings here are mostly crude lean-tos, though some of the larger structures are built from the skeletons of boats.
Jimmy's: A smaller outpost surrounding what was once a bar - the only original building left standing in the remains of a small town. It's known for gambling and prizefights.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 6 Trainer Free Download for Unlimited cheats. Download Left 4 Dead 2 v Full Cheat codes Trainer with Unlimited Mods Unlocked fully tested and working. Here you can download only the most current and working cheats on L4D2 for free. Many different features, see through walls, move quickly on the map. Our Left 4 Dead 2 trainer has 8 cheats and supports Steam. Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! Left 4 Dead 2 - v +2 Trainer - Download ; F10 -immortality ; F11 -infinite ammunition ; F12 -disable facilities. +7 cheats for game version: Steam v Last Updated: Options Infinite Team Health No Reload Infinite Ammo Infinite Special. Welcome to the Cheatbook Trainers section! Trainers are programs that allow you to alter the way the game works so that you could cheat. They enable features that are similar to cheat codes, for example you could get unlimited health, ammo etc. Find even secrets on our page. Set in a modern day survival-horror universe, the co-operative gameplay of L4D casts four "Survivors" in an epic struggle against hordes of swarming zombies and terrifying "Boss Infected" mutants. Left 4 Dead 2 adds melee combat to enable deeper co-operative gameplay, with items such as a chainsaw, frying pan, axe, baseball bat, and more. Introducing the AI Director 2. The result is a unique game session custom fitted to provide a satisfying and uniquely challenging experience each time the game is played. Featuring new Survivors, boss zombies, weapons, and items, Left 4 Dead 2 offers a much larger game than the original with more co-operative campaigns, more Versus campaigns, and maps for Survival mode available at launch. Co-operation of the Dead: The fan favourite co-op shooter returns with five brand new campaigns and a more detailed story. Survival equipment: Wield new melee weapons, including axes, baseball bats and a chainsaw -or make use of the new assault rifle or silenced machine gun. Mutant evolution: Face off against new mutant types, including the fast moving Charger, the new Wandering Witch and fire resistant zombies. Revamped AI director watches how you play and increases or decreases the challenge accordingly, even altering the layout of the levels as it sees fit. Trainer for the game Left 4 Dead 2, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes: Immortality; Infinite Ammo; Endless special ammunition; Endless hammers, bomb, vomiting fat; Super precision. Note: This cheat tool is for the original version v2. Left 4 Dead 2 - Trainer. Left 4 Dead 2 - Cheat Codes. Cheatbook on: Twitter Facebook.
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daisyachi · 4 years
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## (R3Q) 3L4iN4 M3SSY L4Y0UTS!!
pls like or reblog if used!
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beigguang · 4 years
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bora-in-tamriel · 2 years
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Current lineup of my Elden Ring Tarnished and others!
Felt like writing about them and I’m quite happy with how I got all their faces to look SO here we are vvv kind of storyline/kind of fun facts layout
Lancer and Eleina, Age of the New Order
- After Eleina lost her physical body to Mohg’s plotting, she continued her duty as a formless maiden. She found Lancer, who was a lowly Numen Tarnished and saw a glimmer of potential. A flame in need of fuel, to shape a man able to become Lord. - Lancer was plagued by Margit and had experienced his wrath on numerous occasions in various ways, but after Eleina joined him and he became the vessel to her spirit, he found himself more resistant to his Holy attacks and got a boost in confidence. - Though of course, he perished countless times by Margit’s hand regardless, but Eleina was always there to pick him up. Eventually she became more attuned with her own capabilities, and laid a shackling incantation upon Margit, allowing Lancer to claim victory and pass through Stormveil Castle. - Fun fact: Lancer is terrified of Heights and in an attempt to discourage the Tarnished from returning, Margit threw him off the bridge countless times. While it didn’t stop Lancer from returning, it sure did dampen his spirits a great amount as well as made him develop an even more negative outlook on the Omen. - Margit’s doings would later come bite him, when he was shackled once more in his pursuit after Lancer beneath Leyndell Capitol. The Sewers were still partly functioning in the chamber they were in and the water was quickly rising. Stricken with his own fear of drowning, Margit was in great distress, until Eleina made the choice to release him. This gave Margit a slightly different view of Lancer, unaware of Eleina's presence. This was until Lancer openly admitted, that he would have most likely left him in the waters in a way to return his unkindness. - I could og on and on but I got other guys to write about but always down to write more if there's something ppl wanna know :)c
Enver, Consort Eternal (He used to be called Lachlan like my other oc but I made Lancer, so ,, too similar)
- Enver was an experienced warrior, wandering through the lands between with little desire to follow the grace shown to him. He never approached the Fingers, pledged no loyalty to any entity, higher force or man. - Yulija used to be a traveling companion to him, until the two became like night and day and went their own ways. - The only grace-lead thing he did, was defeat Rennala for her rune, but was quickly met with Ranni in the aftermath. He became fascinated with the Full Moon Witch and entered under another’s servitude for the first time.  - Finding something curious about the lot, he remained under Ranni's service for a time, to see what he would find. In time, he found something he'd never quite imagined he'd enjoy having. Friends. Of some kind at least. - Iji was neutral to him, friendly as he was in turn. He enjoyed Blaidd's company, though pitied his position as Ranni's shadow the further his servitude to Ranni went. Seluvis was fascinating, amusing, annoying all the same. He found himself mostly bothering the Perceptor when Ranni was slumbering or Blaidd was away. Seluvis couldn't say he enjoyed his company, but he didn't shoo him away once he proved his usefulness. - Enver is definitely the type to enjoy deceiving others and playing cards others like to see on the table. This is how he found so much about Seluvis and how Iji was more open about Blaidd and Ranni. - Though he himself can be seen as a deceitful manipulator, in the end he was loyal to Rani until the end. Even when Blaidd laid bloody at the tip of his blade. - Aside from his time with Ranni's lot, he was the one who originally trained young Terriani to fight. She followed him like a stray and watched his battles from afar as a child, until he left her behind to pursue his own journey, growing itred of mentoring. - Enver takes no guilt or responsibility when Terriani pursued the Throne to burn the Lands Between, but did do the courtesy to Lancer to warn him about Terriani's greed to slay Tarnished for their Great Runes.
Rogan, The Lord of the Fell Curse
- A rather cruel, carefree old man. No qualms with hunting his own kind, no troubles when others do bad things. He just kills and lives his life in the Lands Between as a dark shadow in the night.  - Met Blackguard one day and was greatly amused by his attitude, so he bought his prawn. Surprisingly to Rogan, he became a lot nicer after that. To an extent, since Rogan had been a bit of a dark mystery to him, but he wasn't a dickhead anymore, so it was an improvement.  - Blackguard was the first who Rogan really stuck around and spoke to. He was so casual, just doing his own thing. Rogan found it was easy to just sit and exist around him.  - They kees-- - The Dung Eater comes into the picture when Rogan finds a Seedbed Curse and through it, gains the wretched pox. His resistance to it caught the Dung Eater's eye and drew Rogan to do sinister things.  - At first he resisted, held back by the faintest smallest tie to another being.  - After the Dung Eater killed Blackguard, Rogan had nothing holding him back. (In a world where Lancer/Eleina/Terriani don't exist) He released the pox, the curse upon the world in his fury, when he claimed the throne to be lord. Had he never met Blackguard, he may have done all of it for his own amusement, but his ambitions were overtaken by anger.
Yulija (yes named/made after my elder scrolls gal)
- Noth much about her, I put like 20 hours into her lol she was my first gal but I still like her and want to develop her more. - more tba eventually, but she follows along with Lord of Stormveil quest I think, helps Nepheli Loux and becomes her friend and warrior in arms?
at last, the favorite girlie,,
Terriani, Lord of Frenzied Flame
- Raised by an unknown Nomadic Merchant for most her youth, before she wandered off with a strong warrior (Enver). Always fascinated with sword fighting and being a warrior of great renown. - Enver didn’t care for her, she was on her own, but in turn for surviving, she saw him fight and even was taught a bit by the older warrior.  - She became a great swordswoman in her youth and while her skills were quickly honed and her passion to fight was emboldened, she also grew darker as years passed.  - Terriani was the one who received Torrent from Melina and first promised to help her reach the Capital.  - (in her original story, still fiddling w this) She met Eleina (while she was taking her own form on Lancer) and fell in love with the woman. But Eleina (and Lancer) were not returning these feelings and prioritized leaving for Leyndell by themselves rather than following Terriani in her journey.  - Terriani had never been in love and had never felt so jealous, so in need of someone, so Eleina leaving her was the second major negative event for her.  First being Enver leaving her behind.  - She felt alone, hurt by other people’s drives to follow different paths. Eleina being taken away by the drive of grace is what pushed Terriani to find a way to stop what was in motion. This is when the Three Fingers beckoned for her.  - Melina left her company as well, when she reached the doors to the Frenzied Flame and left to find a new Tarnished to help her stop Terriani. First asking Enver, but he wasn’t interested, following Ranni down a path where Terriani’s doings would not affect him. After him, Melina approached Eleina and Lancer, who were later warned by Enver as well, when Terriani slew Radahn at the festival. This is where Enver saw how powerful, yet dark Terriani had become.  - Terriani pursued all Tarnished, especially Shardbearers, which included Enver, until he got rid of his Great Rune, giving it to Lancer.  - Terriani obtained Mohg’s rune, but was just a hair away from killing him, due to one of his servants fighting her into a standstill in his palace. She left with what she came for, though the servant, soon to become Mohg’s Champion, pursued her for a time.  - Terriani was heading for Malenia, but to her annoyance, Lancer beat her to it. Malenia would have been Terriani’s proof of her skill, but instead she made Lancer her target for this purpose. If he was a match for Malenia, Terriani wanted to be the one to kill him.  Fun facts! - Terriani has died only twice. Once when she was a young girl and accidentally faced off with a Runebear and once in her adulthood when fighting against Lancer. The former showed her she was blessed by grace and held the gift to second chance. This was the grace’s mistake.  - Lancer has died the most out of all my characters. He was a terrible fighter and met his doom by Margit’s hand the most, later by Morgott’s as well. The two had an Enemies to Lovers moment fr.  - Morgott didn’t know Eleina was in Lancer and when he found out, he was ridden with guilt and frustration over what he’d done to her vessel and in turn, to her. - The merchant who raised Terriani never got to see what she became, as he was slain by Nomad Hunter. (A misc character, who slays merchants) For all he knew, she became the best swordswoman like she always wanted to be. I’ll just keep writing unless I stop myself, so I’ll pause here but I am, always, very much open to talking more about them :)c might not have thought of something until you guys ask about it
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demonicxrocker · 2 years
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current inbox status: anon + non-anon requests are on. feel free to request stuff, just don't be a fucking cunt ty
current number of request(s) in inbox: 11
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hey hey— the name's mod corey. i use they/them pronouns; they/them is preferred but feel free to use the he/him ones instead if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
main blog is @coreys-riffin . im also mod blaze in the @pr0ject-chaos group editing acc as well
top and bottom graphics are made by me— headers are linked here and here
please stop asking me why i don't like spam-liking or spam-reblogs, i swear to god. /srs
[more info is under the cut :thumbs up grinning emoji lol:]
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🔥 || content
pride icons
reply icons
gif icons
matching icons
care kits/clothing kits (is that what they're called?)
wallpapers (very selective bc it's been a bit)
name sets
pronoun sets (selective xp)
color picked pride flags
transparents (will be posted onto my transparents account and reblogged here)
probably more things im not thinking about atm tbh lol
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🎸 || sources
(favorites are in bold)
canadian cartoons (grojband, looped, yin yang yo, camp lakebottom are the ones that pop up in my head first, but im down for editing almost all of them)
sonic (somewhat selective since im not that heavily into the franchise)
pokemon + pokemon media (ie the starters series by movieunleashers, etc)
any generation of my little pony, littlest pet shop, strawberry shortcake, care bears
any show that aired on qubo in it's lifetime (ie. pecola, sitting ducks, babar, sandra the fairytale detective, sally bollywood, etc etc)
disney animated shows (amphibia, gravity falls, wander over yander, the owl house, etc) (semi-selective)
SOME nickelodeon animated shows/nicktoons (making fiends, danny phantom, fairly oddparents, my life as a teenage robot, etc etc)
rise of the tmnt (friends/mutuals can request other tmnt series)
cookie run (ovenbreak + other games, mainly. will do kingdom but it's VERY fucking selective)
super phantom cat games, spoon pets / neko atsume, postknight 1 + 2, etc (mobile games, basically)
super cat bros / super cat tales games
browser games like heart star, double panda, and etc. their mobile game counterparts are allowed too
harvest moon / hometown story franchise
cartoon network shows (adventure time, regular show, over the garden wall, etc etc) (semi-selective)
lego shows (ninjago, monkie kid, nexo knights, etc etc) (selective)
sanrio (aggrestuko included)
all saints street, little witch academia, and any of the monster collecting animes (digimon, bakugan, yugioh, yokai watch, etc)
panty and stocking
minecraft, minecraft story mode, and mcyt in general (hermitcraft, last life series, empires, etc etc.)
dsmp (unproblematic creators only i stg) (VERY selective)
dude, that's my ghost!
webshows (group 5, dick figures, happy tree friends, bravest warriors, and etc) (semi-selective)
webcomics (ie. sparklecare, ghost eyes, it hurts, serendipity, deathsitter, etc etc) (semi-selective)
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🧨 || unfamiliar sources but will still edit for
pretty much anything, to be honest. just make sure i haven't said outright that i won't do it. ocs also fall into this category most of the time
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💢 || sources i absolutely WILL NOT edit for
object shows
clone high
madness combat
stardew valley
spooky season or anything by sr pelo
any horror game (fnaf, poppy playtime, etc)
boyfriends webtoon
friday night funkin
genshin impact
any irl source (yes, this involves dhmis)
total drama series + 6teen
any animated disney movie
anime in general
pokemon creepypastas, mlp creepypastas, or various other creepypastas. also just creepypastas in general tbch
hazbin hotel / helluva boss
avatar the last airbender / legend of korra
south park
arcane / league of legends
welcome home (also just horror args in general. lol)
warrior cats
hetalia / countryhumans
musicals in general
irl people in general (with the exception of some minecraft youtubers)
harry potter
paw patrol or thomas the tank engine. (yes seriously)
probably forgetting some stuff here but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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⛓️ | blacklist / general things i will not edit for
weirdcore, traumacore, "sanriocore" (*actual* sanriocore is fine, im talking about the kind that's essentially just traumacore but with sanrio characters whatnot)
fetish-y type shit (i am NOT explaining this one.)
laney + corney (grojband character n grojband ship)
lloyd, harumi, or garmadon (ninjago characters)
lloyd x anyone ships
extreme body horror / gore
agere, babycore, angelcore— stuff like that (not against it by any means but it's just not my personal thing tbh)
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Secrets // D.M.
Request: CONGRATS BOO!!! Could I get a Secret relationship with Fluff 4 for Draco Malfoy pretty please at Hogwarts??? Also I was wondering if it could be with a Hufflepuff reader? (I love Hufflepuff x Slytherin pairings) THANKS AGAIN FOR DOING THIS BOO AND CONGRATS 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 - @herstory-study
Fluff 4: “Is that my shirt?”
A/N: The first of my blurb celebrations!! Thank you, lovely!! I hope you enjoy!! It could be argued that I got carried away but there’s a large chance I could end up writing full fics for each request 😂 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Fem!Reader
Warnings: secret relationships, some kissing, some feelings, a whole lotta fluff, a cheesy ending and an abuse of commas and semi-colons
Word count: 2.7k
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There were some aspects to History of Magic that could be classed as interesting; the witch-hunts of Salem, for example or even the brief study dedicated to the founders of the very school you sit in. However, there was nothing remotely interesting about hearing the tale of the Goblin wars for the sixth year in a row.
You tap the feather of your quill to your cheek; jotting down a sentence every now and then to make it look as if you are paying the strictest attention to whatever Professor Binns happens to be mumbling about in that particular moment. You fade in and out of daydreams; letting your mind wander back to two nights ago when Draco had snuck you back into the Hufflepuff common room – stopping every few so often to draw you into another laughter-filled kiss.
You startle when a piece of parchment falls onto your desk. Folded like a paper crane, you only knew who this could be from. A sly glance over the blonde-haired teenager who’s attention is most definitely on the pacing of Binn’s ghost confirms your suspicions.
You delicately unfold the piece of parchment; smiling to yourself as begin to read Draco’s elegant scrawl: “Meet me at the Room of Requirement? 7:30pm?”
Anticipation curls in your gut like a ball.
A brief glance is all it takes for you to confirm. A brief glance in your direction from Draco; a subtle nod from you and your plans for the evening have been wiped clear and replaced entirely with Draco.
The bell rings. You stand, gathering your things together and placing them in your bag. A slight brush to your side is the only contact with the Slytherin you’ve found yourself head over heels for. A slight brush to your side and it feels like every inch of you is on fire; a reaction that only Draco has the power to elicit from you.  
The day passes by slowly now that you have something to look forward to. A day where short moments are stolen behind tapestries or on less traversed corridors. Five minutes each time between lessons where you can quickly whisper a hello before dragging him into a kiss by his green striped tie.
Keeping your relationship a secret was a mutual decision; the fallout on both sides being something neither of you could be bothered to deal with right now. Instead, you were happier hiding in empty classrooms where you could have your fill of the Slytherin Prince, and he could whisper sweet nothings in your ear without the risk of anyone overhearing.
There were times when it was stressful; when the week had been too long and there had been no time to see one another. It was only then that you questioned the secrecy of your relationship.
But when you came together after a long period apart; everything returned back to normal and a smile found its way back to both your faces.
Your excitement for the evening makes it almost impossible to eat; picking at the food on your plate as you think about finally seeing Draco tonight. From your position at the Hufflepuff table, you have an excellent view of him, and he knows it. All evening, Draco sends you subtle winks and smiles from his seat at the Slytherin table.
You clench your fist; your fingernails biting into the sensitive skin of your palm as you resist the urge to throw yourself across both tables to him. You resist the urge to simply kiss him in front of his housemates.
You resist it all; every single feeling and urge because you know that in a matter of hours, he would be yours for the entire night.
Instead, you send a flirty smile back to the blonde-haired teenager before returning your attention back to your meal.
The Room of Requirement is located on left hand corridor of the Seventh Floor. You knew from how he rushed out of the Great Hall that Draco would beat you to it.
With a large grin on your face, you walk past the section of wall opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy three times. The entire time, thinking of Draco and how you’d like to see him.
On your third walk past, the large, ornate door appears. You don’t hesitate to pull it open and duck inside.
It’s never a different layout; always the same one that Draco imagines. A large, almost cavernous room with a grand fireplace that’s already lit and warming up the room. In front of the fire sits a couch big enough for an entire Quidditch squad but you know from experience that it’s perfect for the two of you to lie down on comfortably. A great bookshelf covers one of the walls; filled to the brim with ancient looking tomes and books, all there ready to read. You’ve taken advantage of such an offer in the past; reading to Draco after a particularly bad day.
Finally, pushed up against the furthest wall is a four poster bed covered in a thick, downy quilt and topped with blankets – both green and yellow to represent both houses. It was the cheesiest section of the room, and you had brought it up to Draco before – teasing him, but he simply shrugged and distracted you from further conversation.
You throw your outer robes on the bed, leaving you in your blouse, tie and skirt.
Draco remains seated on the large couch; his gaze focused on the flickering flames of the growing fire. Your arms snake their way around his shoulders; your hands trailing down his chest as you lean against the back of the couch. Pressing a small kiss just under his earlobe, you whisper, “I missed you today.”
Draco leans his head back, kissing the side of your jaw, “I missed you too.”
Letting go of him, you take a seat on the couch. In times like this, you never stray too far from the blonde-haired teenager, worried about how long it’ll be until you have a night like this again. An arm opens for you; you automatically press yourself into his side, inhaling the familiar scent of cashmere musk and roses. It was heavenly.
“How was your day?” He asks, voice quiet.
“It was boring until a note landed on my desk. Then it started to look up.”
Draco smirks, “How odd. Mine was taking the exact same route until someone responded to my note.”
You shift out of his hold; resting your head on your elbow that’s perched on the back of the couch. Your other hand pushes his hair back; pulling it out his eyes. He’s grown it longer over this year and stopped using so much product; it’s nice, more natural and a lot easier for you to run your hands through.
You open your mouth; trying to think of something to say but nothing comes to mind.
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Draco captures your lips in his. One of his hands settling on the back of your head whilst the other pulls you across his lap to straddle him. You smile into the kiss as your hands brace themselves on the back of the couch.
Breaking the kiss, you ask, “What was that for?”
He shrugs, “Nothing. I just missed you.”
“You’re missing me an awful lot.”
He kisses the underside of your jaw, “Can you blame me?”
You hum, “I don’t think I can. I’m missing you more too.”
“Then let’s not miss each other anymore,” Draco murmurs against your skin. Lifting his head just enough, he draws you in for another kiss effectively ending all conversation for the night.
You wake up tangled in the sheets of the four poster bed; Draco’s arm heavy across your waist.
As your eyes get used to the brightness of the room, they focus in on the clock on the beside table. Your eyes grow wide as you take in the time.
You’d slept through the lesson of the day already.
You launch yourself out of bed, shrugging off your pyjamas and rustling around to find your uniform.
“Draco!” You shout, pushing your arms through a shirt, “We need to get up, we’ve missed the first hour.”
Draco rolls over, groaning. Fastening your skirt, you kneel on the bed, “Love, we have to get up before the bell.”
He blinks his eyes open, grinning sleepily at you. Your resolve almost breaks then and there; happy to say to hell with it and get back into bed with him.
“I’m free second lesson,” Draco mutters.
You roll your eyes, kissing his lips briefly, “I’ll see you later?”
He nods, stretching his arms above his head, “I’ll see you later.”
Grabbing your outer robes and your bag, you rush from the Room of Requirement, fastening your tie as you bound down the stairs to Transfiguration.
“Where have you been?” is how you’re greeted by Miriam, your close friend and dorm mate.
You shrug, biting your lip knowing that there was no way you could lie yourself out of this.
Miriam narrows her eyes at you, “You never came back to the room after dinner and then you didn’t show up at breakfast. I was seriously worried. Where did you go?”
You look either side of you; checking that there’s no-one listening to your conversation, “Can you keep a secret?”
Miriam rolls her eyes, “Of course I can.”
“I was with Draco Malfoy,” You rush out in a single breath.
Miriam’s eyes widen and she pulls you to one side, “You were with Draco Malfoy? All night?”
You nod your head. Miriam puffs out a breath, “Well I didn’t expect that. How long have you been seeing each other? Tell me everything please!”
You laugh, “It’s almost ten months now, and I’ll tell you more at lunch, I promise.”
Miriam bites her bottom lip; glancing between you and the now open door to Transfiguration, deliberating whether it would be worth skiving the entire day to hear about your exploits with the Slytherin Prince.
She sighs heavily, deciding not to risk McGonagall’s wrath, “I want to hear everything at lunch – do not leave anything out, promise.”
Laughing once more, you cross your finger over your heart, “I promise.”
Until lunch, Miriam sends you excited glances and knowing smiles. In between second and third period, she comments on the fact that she didn’t even think that you were seeing someone – not to insult you, but she just assumed that you holed yourself up in the library where you studied as late as you could.
Miriam practically bounces up to you when the bell rings announcing lunch. She keeps her questions to herself until you both take a seat at the Hufflepuff table, filling plates up with whatever took your fancy.
“So how did it start?”
You take a sip of pumpkin juice before beginning, “Over last summer, my family got invited to one of the many balls thrown by his parents. I don’t usually go to those things, but my parents asked me to join them this one time; I think they were worried because I’d spent too much time in the garden studying the plants. So I went with them and Draco’s father asked him to ask me to dance and it all stemmed from there.
“He sent me a letter the day after thanking me for an entertaining evening and wondered whether I would want to meet up again. I agreed and then from there it evolved into this.”
Miriam’s smile drops into a frown when she asks her next question, “Why keep it a secret? Was it his decision?”
You shake your head fiercely, “It was both ours. We were both equally as worried about the fallout from our families and our houses.”
“But surely if Lucius Malfoy asked Draco to dance with you, he wouldn’t mind?”
You tilt your head, thinking, “Perhaps not. He wouldn’t mind the blood status, but he might mind my being a Hufflepuff,” You shrug, “Anyway we haven’t gone public yet.”
“Ten months is a long time to keep this a secret.”
“It’s not like it hasn’t been hard and that there haven’t been times where I wanted to shout it to the entire wizarding world, but for now, it’s a secret.”
Miriam nods; the frown still expressed on her face. She reaches out her hand to yours, taking it tightly, “You’ve told me now though so that’s a shoulder to lean on should it get too much again.”
You beam at your friend, “Thank Merlin for you, Miriam.”
Miriam goes to reply but she’s distracted by someone approaching the Hufflepuff table. She lets go of your hand and nods her head to something behind you.
Turning in your seat, you find Draco patiently waiting. You smile at him, “Draco, how can I help?”
“I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute… about our last History of Magic lesson? You see, I didn’t take any notes and I was wondering if you had some.”
You smirk, “Why don’t we go outside? That way I’m not cluttering up the table for the others that are still eating.”
Draco grins, nodding at you understandingly, “Wonderful idea. Lead the way.”
Hoisting your bag on your shoulder, you send a wink in Miriam’s direction. She returns one with a laugh before beginning to eat once again.
Draco follows you from the Great Hall and to a less busy corridor. You lean against the wall with a smirk, “Now did you really want my notes, or did you already miss me?”
“More the latter than the former,” Draco admits with a small smile. He frowns though as he takes in your uniform, his eyes running up and down, “Is that my shirt?”
You look down at your clothing, only now realising that the shirt you had put on in a hurry this morning was indeed Draco’s. The arms being too long that you had to roll them twice before you could even start writing something.
You giggle, “I think it is.”
“I only wondered when I had to walk back to my common room shirtless.”
“No!” You shout, delighted at the thought of Draco running shirtless through the corridors.
Draco laughs, nodding, “I had my outer robes of course, but there was very little underneath.”
You clap your hands in sheer delight, “I’d give you back your shirt, but I’ve become awfully fond of it, you see.”
“Oh you have?”
Nodding, you say, “I have. It smells a lot like you which is great for when I miss you.”
Draco groans, throwing his head back, “If we weren’t in public, I’d be kissing you senseless right now. I didn’t realise how good you would look in my shirt.”
“Why don’t you?” You challenge.
Draco’s mouth drops open, “What?”
“Kiss me senseless.”
“Are you sure? We’ve kept this secret for so long,” Draco comments, a finger pointing between your two bodies.
You shuffle closer to him, “I’m sure. Ten months is long enough to keep you a secret, I’m happy to tell everyone now.”
Draco wraps you in his arms, not hesitating to kiss you. You gave yourself entirely to the kiss; pushing yourself off the wall and wrapping your arms around his neck. Your heart skips a beat when one of Draco’s hands starts to draw aimless patterns on the small of your back, sending heat rushing through your body. You sigh against his mouth before pulling away; repressing the urge to continue as the need for oxygen has become too great.
He presses one last gentle peck to your lips before grinning widely, “Are you really sure you want to go public?”
“Super sure. So sure in fact I’d make out with you again to prove my point.”
Draco raises an eyebrow, “Tempting but I say we go back to lunch. I think your friend had more questions.”
You grin at the thought of Miriam’s reaction to see you walking with Draco, “It sounds too good to pass up,” You hold your hand out to Draco, “Lead the way.”
It was all worth it when Miriam’s reaction to seeing you sit back down at the Hufflepuff table with Draco in tow was to spit out her pumpkin juice.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @harrypotter289​ @dreamer821​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @figlia--della--luna​ @bforbroadway​ @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @teheharrypotter​ @chaoticgirl04​ @accio-rogers​ @msmimimerton​ @izzytheninja​ @slytherinprincess03​ @iamobscuring​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell​ @obx-beach​ @obxmxybxnk​ @sycathorn-slush​ @dracomalfoyswifey​
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magnoliidae · 7 years
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Building out a messy studio apartment for Mariella’s bestfriend, Em Dash - a student studying science in San Myshuno who is also an avid believer in the existence of aliens. 
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deascheck · 3 years
Problem Solved
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Prompt: "Whatever that thing is, it is not what we are looking for so, Dean put it down immediately! Cas stop fooling around like an idiot, and Sam, what the hell are you even doing?"
Summary: The reader’s hands are full when Dean, Sam, and Cas are all affected by an object cursed by the witch they’re hunting.
Word Count: 1553
Trigger warnings: Death, brief mention of blood
A/N: Would love to know what you think! Comments and reblogs are amazing!
Edited by @winchest09
You glanced at Sam as he picked the lock with nimble, practiced fingers. A slight smile ghosted across your face as you checked the yard and surrounding properties for any witnesses. There wasn’t a lock that Sam couldn’t pick. 
Dean and Cas had split off and gone around back. The house was huge, with cameras everywhere. The property was thick with flowers and plants surrounding the house, making it easy for the two large men to hide as they worked their way over to the security box. 
The lock clicked, and you and Sam crept forward through the door. Guns drawn, you moved around each other with practiced ease. Thanks to Dean’s ungodly ability to flirt, the four of you had gotten blueprints of the house and had memorized them down to the last brick. You moved swiftly to the upstairs, followed by Sam. 
You knew the witch was home – you had seen her arrive. Stealth was key in this case. She’d killed eight people with hex bags already. They were gruesome, horrible deaths, and you wanted her dead like you’d never wanted anyone dead before. 
Once Dean and Cas had cleared the downstairs, they joined you and Sam upstairs. You peeled off towards the bedrooms with Dean, and Cas joined Sam. The hallways were dark, and there were nine doors to check behind. As Dean entered the master bedroom, you spared a glance over your shoulder towards the other two before you went with him. 
As you finished clearing it, trying not to bump into the bed, dresser, desk, or table, you heard a strange thump and then a yell. 
You and Dean barreled out of the room and down the hall. You skidded to a stop when you reached the open doorway and stared. Dean all but ran into you as his sprint was halted by your body blocking the door.
Cas had a stupidly silly smile spread across his face, and was dancing around in big circles with his hands waving in the air. Whereas, Sam had his mouth wide open and was measuring with his hands how big it was. 
Almost as soon as you’d taken in the ridiculous scene, Dean knocked you into the doorframe as he shoved forward, eager to figure out what was going on. He grabbed some sort of ancient looking scroll from Cas’s hand, and almost immediately started mirroring Sam’s actions.
“Dean!” you whispered angrily. “Dean, whatever that thing is, it’s not what we’re here for! Cas, stop fooling around like an idiot! And Sam, dude, what the hell are you even doing!?” You couldn’t believe you had this to deal with now. You had three men who were currently no better than children, and a dangerous witch you still hadn’t seen. 
Backing away, you shut the door quickly, hoping to contain the noise that Sam, Dean, and Cas were all making. With these circumstances, you’d do better against the witch on your own, which still didn’t mean things would go well.
As you turned around, you came face to face with a very smug looking woman. She had brown hair slightly past her shoulders, had a pretty, long face, and looked like she knew how to handle herself. It was the witch herself, Elizabeth.
“Shit,” you managed to get out before attempting to take a shot at her with your gun. She knocked it from your hands as you fired, spinning you into the wall. You retaliated by launching up and taking a swing at her with a mean right hook. She ducked, and you recovered quickly, doing your best to keep your back to the wall. The two of you fought your way down the hall. The blows and kicks were vicious, and you knew this wouldn’t end unless one of you was dead. If you could keep her busy enough to not say any incantations, you figured you might have a chance to extend your life by a few minutes, but without your gun, you weren’t sure how in the hell you were going to kill her.
The fight wore on, and it was becoming apparent that you were at a disadvantage. Primarily because Elizabeth knew the house best. Even having memorized the blueprints, there was a difference between studying the layout of a house and living in it. She knew when there was a corner to throw you against, a table to flip you over, curtains to tangle you in. You’d never admit it, but you were starting to wonder if she was in better shape than you. Being a hunter, you had your fair share of fights, but you’d always had Sam or Dean to come help take out whatever monstrosity you were fighting with.
With a loud smash, you went flying over the kitchen counter and hit the fridge with considerable force. As you lay on the ground, slightly stunned, you fisted your hands angrily, your fingers closing around something which caused you to glance down. It was a knife. 
You quickly scrambled to your feet with a maniacal grin across your face. Elizabeth advanced and you launched yourself at her, the knife coming into her view too late. You ran the blade right through her neck, forcing it through her windpipe and into the spinal vertebrae. Elizabeth’s eyes went wide, and her mouth moved like she was trying to speak. But instead of words leaving her mouth, it was blood. As crimson liquid dripped down from her mouth, you heard another commotion coming down the hall. Sam was weaving around in the hallway, smashing into the walls as hard as he could as he walked, chuckling stupidly. You sprinted over to him while the witch was in shock from your attack. You reached behind Sam’s waist to grab his gun, which was filled with witch-killing bullets. 
You heard her gurgle as you spun around and fired without hesitation. Elizabeth stared at you lifelessly before dropping to the floor. You smiled grimly at her and then kicked her hard with your booted foot. 
“That’s for the innocent people you killed, you bitch.”
You watched her for a minute, and then realized you weren’t hearing any stupid noises from Sam. You turned to look his way and saw him looking proudly at you. “Well done, Y/N. I can’t believe you killed her by yourself!” 
“Yeah, well, I can’t believe you let yourself get cursed when you knew we were in a witch’s house,” you teased.
As the beating you took stared to cause your body to ache something awful, you thought, Shit, this is gonna hurt tomorrow. 
Groaning to yourself, you walked back upstairs with Sam to find out what had befallen Dean and Cas. You opened the door, and immediately was knocked off your feet by two well built men falling out of the door.
All of you let out grunts and “oof”s as the three of you landed in a pile on the floor. Immediately on top of you was Dean. You looked at each other in surprise and relief. 
Both of you started talking at the same time. “What the fuck are you doing?” “How’re you still alive?” He laughed as you chuckled weakly. 
“Get off me you big lugs,” you moaned. They got up good-naturedly and looked at Sam, waiting to be told how the spell was broken.
Sam responded to their expectant looks by saying, “The only thing I can think of is that Elizabeth had cursed the scroll herself to cause whoever touched it to lose some sanity. But since it ended, I’m assuming that curse was tied to her life force.” He looked pensive and then shrugged. “I mean, kinda rare, but I’ll take it.”
Taking their pause as a cue, you spoke proudly, “I killed her.” Dean and Cas looked at you in shock. Continuing smugly, you said, “I mean, she was kicking my ass, let’s be real. But she made the mistake of throwing me over the kitchen counter.. By the knives.” You paused briefly to give them a knowing look and then kept going with your story. “So, I hit the fridge, and as I made a fist - cause man, am I pissed now! - my hand closes on a silver knife. How lucky was that!” You laughed. “I grab the knife, and launch myself at her before she can attack first. Got her right in the windpipe. Then Sam, who somehow got out of the room I shut y’all in, wandered right into my lap with his witch-killing bullets. Problem solved.” 
Sam gave you a hug and helped you up. “I’m sorry we weren’t able to help you, Y/N.” He looked at you proudly, but behind his eyes you could see guilt warring with pride.
“We’re proud of you, Y/N! Couldn’t have done it better ourselves,” Dean said, “C’mere!” He reached for you and grabbed you in a big bear hug. Squished against him, barely able to breath, you peeked over his shoulder, and saw Cas smiling softly at you. 
You extracted yourself from Dean’s hug, as much as you loved the rare moment, and gave Cas his turn. He let you go quickly, since he was still a bit of an awkward hugger. You chuckled, and said firmly, “Let’s go home, shall we?”
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 years
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Well, if I'm going to be posting about my paracosm, I might as well start with the location majority of my paras are at one point or another.
RoseWood Manor was commissioned to be built by a wealthy vampire by the name of RICHARD IRVINE in the 1300s. He's lived there building his own business where...okay, I don't exactly know what, but he's very well-known & respected in the circles he's involved in.
In 1963 he sold the mansion to ALEXANDER FRANKENSTEIN, which is then passed down to his daughter LUCILLE ROSWELL, who sold it in the 1990s back to Richard, who started renting it out to his employee DANIEL HAYWARD around the same time.
The house has, in total, 5 floors: Basement Floor 1, Basement Floor 2, Floor 1, Floor 2, & Floor 3. The exterior includes an outdoor pool, pool house, green house, stables / barn, and an infirmary.
B1 is uhm....full of torture devices & other questionable things.
B2 is a normal basement where the laundry room is located.
F1 has a kitchen, training room / gym, a living room, pool that leads outside, dining room, & bathroom. There is also the door to the basement & stairs leading up to the other floors.
F2 is where everyone's rooms are. The rooms have built-in bathrooms & some share a room. A few rooms have balconies, but not many.
F3 is haunted, so not many people go up there. Though, it is where most of the entertainment is, having a music & art room, a large library, an office, an investigation room, and a med bay.
Generally speaking, the manor is plagued with ‘Terrors’. Terrors are random things that happen in or around the house, usually something that will bring harm to the residents. These are not normal occurrences, the things that bring them harm are supernatural in nature & cannot be explained rationally. The Terrors are as follows:
Mirrors — You can’t even trust your own reflection here. If you look into a mirror for too long, there's a risk of getting possessed or creating a doppelganger.
Shifts — Sometimes rooms aren’t where they’re supposed to be. A room on the second floor can suddenly replace a room on the first floor without explanation. Normally it isn’t anything major, but it’s best to keep personal belongings in your bedroom & be asleep by 10:30 - 11:00 PM if you don’t want to get lost between Shifts.
Woods — The deeper you go in the woods, the more dangerous it gets. There are certain paths that relatively "safe" or, a the very least, lessen your chances of getting attacked by whatever creatures live there.
Not all who enter leave, for better or for worse.
Emory Warwick — I've already talked about him a bunch recently, so I'll keep it short here. He's basically a "stray cat" that comes & goes as he pleases.
Delilah Warwick — A Ghost (& Emory's younger sister). She's often around the stables or wherever animals are.
Myriam Travers — A witch-turned-poltergeist that's often seen in the mirrors around the house. Better known as the urban legend, Bloody Mary.
Cyril & Céleste Aydolette — Twins that died in the 1790s. Like Mary, they're Poltergeists & are often seen in the mirrors.
Claude Aydolette — Cyril & Céleste's older brother who they drove insane, causing him to kill himself. He's a Ghost & doesn't do much anymore tbh...usually just wallow in his own guilt.
Willow Murphy — A Ghost that hangs around the surrounding area.
Connor Wolfe — A cannibalistic werewolf that really wants nothing to do with Rose or its residents but it's close enough to where people often accidentally wander into his territory. Yeah, he's about 80% of the reason the woods are so dangerous lmao.
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witchyfictional · 3 years
Week 1 (SPRING 1/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: Kiara, a vampire child (bitten, not born) who works as a bloodletting assistant for the local physician in High Rannoc. She is obviously older than she looks but still acts quite childish, in my opinion.
Ailment: Frogified [wart*] [poison*] (T6) Apparently she has been obsessively kissing frogs in an attempt at someday turning into a princess. Someone has mislead her about how that curse works.
Recommend: Smooth-Croak for the warts, Skullcaps for the poison
Field Notes:
Went to the Loch to forage, and happened to meet a family of elves living in a giant’s shoe. Apparently it was abandoned there on the shore, so they cleaned it up and converted it into a rather large bed & breakfast. I introduced myself and joined them for tea while Shadow rounded up all the Smooth-Croak frogs we needed by himself. The elves & I had a long conversation about the previous witch, Kevyn, and I told them that he’d actually left a note and instructions intended for whoever replaced him – so he must have gone of his own free will, wherever he went. He seems like a flighty fellow.
The shoe elves pointed me toward a local dungeon haunt called Hero’s Hollow, popular with the adventurers passing through. I headed there next, expecting it to be an ideal cultivation ground for Skullcaps, and I wasn’t wrong. Just outside of the dungeon entrance, however, I found an old map of the place half-buried in the dust. I thought it was nicely convenient, until I wandered around inside long enough to realize how terribly outdated and inaccurate it was. The good news is that it led me straight to a patch of Silverleaf, so I made sure to gather plenty of it along with my Skullcaps on the way out.
Hoping to make a good impression with my first patient in the area, I hurried back home to mix her cure in less than half the time I needed. I call it -
“Anti-Toad Antidote”
Crush Skullcap mushrooms into a paste
Boil the mucus out of Smooth-Croaks (discard the bodies - I fed them to Shadow)
Stir together with the mushroom paste until the Skullcap pulp dissolves
End result should have an oily consistency & a mild umami taste
Paid: +20 silver Kiara seemed relieved and thankful, if a little embarrassed. I told her that kissing frogs would never get the result she wanted, and she seemed to concede, although I didn’t like the gleam in her eye when she left.
Additional Notes:
Explored the village a bit this week. I ran into a newly formed adventuring party, lingering around the general store as they prepared for an expedition into Hero’s Hollow. I offered up the old map I found to them, in case it could still be useful, although I did warn them that it’s mostly out of date. They asked me to come along with them in person and act as a guide, instead – so I agreed, thinking this could be a good opportunity for more foraging, and it would be useful to know the layout a little better.
During our exploration I found an ancient-looking whiskey bottle with the seal unbroken despite its age. I’m excited to crack it open sometime and see if it’s really whiskey inside, or something else. Scattered around where I found the bottle was a good number of Hermit Snail shells as well, so managed to gather a good handful. I also picked up a few more Skullcaps, growing around what might have been a tapestry at one point (now it was just scraps of rotted cloth with hints of embroidery on the clean edges). I found a second batch after we struggled our way through something called “the puzzle room,” which is accurate if not expecially creative.
The adventuring party - they call themselves the Bacchae - told me they’ve heard rumors of Wyrd Water sometimes found in the depths of certain dungeons. I’ve studied the idea of Wyrd Water - I’m fascinated by the thought of an entirely separate dimension of reality - but I’ve never handled any personally. I got a little too ambitious and began to search for some while we continued forward, and I was less cautious than I should have been. I fell into an active trap when I wasn’t paying attention and it wounded me badly enough for the expedition to be cut short, as a few members of the party had to help send me home to recover.
OOC: Rep – 6 [Novice] Silver – 20 Tools – basics Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x2)
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