#want to do something with like comic!death and billie
gh0stsp1d3r · 1 day
also, found it very interesting how, who I’m guessing is Billy, is technically being protected by Wanda, even tho she’s supposedly dead ? maybe I missed something, but I interpreted it as she didn’t want agatha to know anything about Billy.
Because he said it normally, confused as to why she looked at him like he had suddenly grown three heads. Clearly, to him, he’s saying it, but to agatha it doesn’t come out. She’s not doing it, he’s not doing it.
was kind of confusing to me but if someone can explain it better pls let me know LMFAOO, I read most of the comics but I’m still very lost
does her chaos magic work after death.. or is she really just alive…? or am I stupid and missed a very big plot point in the comics
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monrageo · 1 year
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Saw a lot of Spider-Steve art so I had to jump in. Most art modernised him but I want my 80s, mallrat, neon lights Spider-Man + I wrote his origin story. *POSES FOUND ON PINTEREST*
Also Steve looks great in the classic red and blue but I wanted him to have his own costume so yellow he shall be. Now onto my headcanons.
In a world where Hawkins is a megapolis a teen boy gets bitten by a radioactive spider in 83’ while visiting Hawkins Lab (Think less abandoned more Oscorp/Alchemax) and so it begins. He starts doing small good things around the city, experimenting with his powers.
But he isn’t thinking about being a superhero or anything close to that (I imagine the drawing with the sweats and goggles is his first “costume”). Then he gets with this amazing girl-Nancy Wheeler.
Life is looking up for Steve he’s got these weird powers that get him to be the basketball and swim team captain. He’s popular, he’s got this amazing girl that inspires him to be better and better.
He looses his popular crowd friends, he wants to be better. He starts thinking about the superhero thing and actually goes through with it. He isn’t shouting it from the rooftops but news is getting around that a guy in spandex is busting criminals- Spider-man/King Spider.
Steve gets cocky, thinks he’s on top of the world, untouchable. Then Will Byers goes missing-that’s a whole separate story. Nancy and John start their investigation. Steve gets jealous etc.
In the end a battle breaks out and Steve is unable to save one person-Barbara Holland. His girlfriend’s best friend. That of course destroys Nancy. She doesn’t know Steve is Spider-man, she seeks comfort in him but things are not the same.
There’s this whole thing with Jonathan, the obvious attraction, the compatibility. But also Steve’s guilt, his self hatred. He realises he was too blindsided by his cockiness. Barb’s death is on his hands. He breaks up with Nancy and solely focuses on being the best Spider-man he can be.
That of course costs him friends etc. but when you’ve been through what he has high school drama just seems pointless… and so King Steve falls from the throne.
I imagine the Nancy story line parallels the Gwen Stacy one in the original comics (without the death and clones), maybe Nancy even blames and hates Spider-man the way Gwen did… that also contributes to the Stancy break-up.
Perhaps Nancy becomes hyper focused on catching this Spider-man so he can be held accountable for Barb’s death.
Anyways now Steddie, I think Eddie would love Spider-man / King Spider he’s some guy with spider powers and bright spandex that helps people, super camp, Eddie would love him.
I think Steve starts noticing Eddie in a new light when his lunch table tirades now also include how awesome spider-man is. This unapologetic support makes the now loser Steve feel like it is all worth it-the stress, the pain, the loneliness-
Tough he of course knows Eddie isn’t talking about him, he’s talking about Spider-man, the hero. Not the former popular guy Steve Harrington.
I have many ideas regarding a Stranger things!Spider-verse and which characters could be what. Maybe Barb’s death was something Lizard-like, but upside down version. Like something from the lap infected her? I like the idea of Steve’s father being involved in the labs, perhaps as a Norman Osborn parallel, without becoming the Goblin though.
The goblin/Norman/Harry Osborn storyline could be reimagined with Tommy perhaps??? Then Venom with Eddie (so perfect) or Billy (a tragic end)??
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Hii I little angsty request but could you do one where reader comforts hobie after his Canon event?
Somthing where reader keeps rambling because she doesnt know how else to fill the silence and they end up having the- "do you want me to shut up" "No" "do you want me to leave?" "...no"- conversation
ok so in the movie itself it doesn't really go into detail ab what hobie's canon event is exactly, and a lot of theories talk about it being him killing a police captain. then there's also the shot that shows him throwing away his suit. in the comics he kills president osborne and reveals his identity so that could also be it but idk!! maybe i didn't catch it but i left it as ambiguous so that you could kinda go with whatever.
hobie brown x fem! reader
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warning: mentions of death, ingury
wc: ±1400
a/n: this was slow-cooking in my damn drafts but i finally got it done.
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The pelts of rain that fall against your bedroom door in their uncoordinated rhythm does little to lull you back to sleep as you thrash around in the sheets, your mind torturing you with the recurring thoughts of 'what if?'
What if he got hurt? What if he's lying somewhere, bleeding out and slipping right through your fingers? What if he was already dead, killed in cold blood by one of the many people against him and the message he so fearlessly and shamelessly carries with him.
You turn around in bed once again, willing the thoughts away as you try to focus on something less pessimistic.
You haven't heard from Hobie in days, haven't seen him even longer ago. It wasn't uncommon for him to dissappear like this—you almost expected it from him considering what he did—but it's never been this long before. The longest he's been gone was four days. It's been ten today.
You knew he could take care of himself, and you knew he could protect himself well. Hell, you've both heard and seen what happened to the people that underestimated him. But you still worried, it was in your nature to worry about him every time he left you. He knew this, and he'd do his best to reassure you in his own laid-back, almost cocky way.
"You worry too much, love. 'll be back before you knowit, yeah?" was what he'd always say, leaving you with a kiss to the forehead. You couldn't exactly remember what he said when he left days ago.
At that, your mind whirred back to life, the what if's and gruesome scenarios plaguing you for the umpteenth time this day alone. Before these thoughts could once again pull you into a depreciating hole of anxiety and stress, you shot out of bed, the cold air at once causing goosebumps along the expanse of your arms
You had to do something; move around, clean your room, watch TV, fold laundry, anything to get your mind off of things, even if only for a little while. You decided to make your way to the kitchen, make yourself something to eat, considering you've been too on edge to stomach anything truly filling.
The soothing voice of Billie Holiday filled the kitchen from the old record player, as you absent-mindedly stirred at the pot of pasta, the pan next to it simmering with sauce. Your reverie was broken by the sound of your bedroom window being slid open, followed by the thud of boots and a loud sigh.
Your heart sunk down to the soles of your feet, as you quietly yet excitedly made your way to your bedroom. There he stood, pulling at his mask, the rest of him soaked from the heavy downpour. He pulled the mask from his face, and once his eyes met yours, you knew something was wrong.
You made your way over to him, your socked feet trying to avoid the small puddle his boots had made as you took his cold hands in yours. He took a second to look down at where your hands connected, and released another tired sigh. "Bee?" you asked, trying to get him to look at you. He looked up at you with sullen eyes.
"Are you hungry?" you asked softly. You didn't ask him where he was, or what he was doing. He wasn't going to give you a real answer anyway. Not right now, at least. You didn't pry at that part of his life, although the various news reports and newspaper articles kept you more than informed most of the time. That was if they weren't being filtered through by the regime of the higher ups, them not very keen on telling the story how it really is. Much more interested in keeping their hands seemingly clean, and painting him as the bad guy; the wannabe hero trying to further worsen the state of the already near-apocalyptic nation.
He only nodded at you question, and you nodded along with him, already seeing that it was going to be one of those nights; where he much rather preferred you did all the talking, while he mulled over whatever event had occurred.
"Go take a shower, I'll finish up the food," you said softly, leaving him and returning to the kitchen. After a while he emerged from the bedroom, changed into dry clothes as he made his way to the kitchen table. He sat by the island quietly, watching you cook and listening to you as you talked about what you'd been up to. He didn't miss the small "I missed you, bee. You had me worried," thrown in.
It wasn't long till the both of you sat in your small living room after finishing your food. You could see he wasn't really hungry, but he ate just to give you some peace of mind. The sound of Billie Holiday was by now traded for Amy Winehouse, her beautifully gruff voice mixing perfectly with the sound of the rain that still pelted against the windows.
"—I knew she was only joking, but I was still scared as hell. You know how easily I get stressed out," you rambled on about whatever stupid story you could think of, anything to fill the deafening silence between the two of you. You, by now, were on your third story already, and you could feel how irritating you probably were. You were trying to get him to react, to snicker, laugh, make one of his sarcastic remarks, anything to tell you he was alright. You could see he wasn't alright, though.
He looked so tired, like something was eating at him, and it killed you to see him like this. It was obvious that whatever had happened was not just one of those nights, but something much more serious.
You followed his line of sight, where he had been staring at the coffee table with a blank stare, eyes trained on the cover of a newspaper you had bought.
"Do you want me to shut up?" you asked quietly, at your wits end. He finally looked at you, shaking his head slowly. "No," he added, voice gruff and deep from no use. You nodded, moving closer to him and placing your hand on his leg, giving it a light squeeze.
"I decided to buy one today, when I passed the convenience store 'round the corner from work," you started, "yeah...haven't read one in ages. There's actually an article about you in there, don't know how they managed to get that printed," you laughed weakly. "They called you 'Spiderpunk', I know how much you hate that," you added quietly, your resolve crumbling when the only thing you got out of him was a scoff. Usually he'd go on a tangent about how much he hated the term, but tonight he was so quiet, so sullen it actually unnerved you.
"I'm here if you want to talk, you know that, right?" you asked, and he gave you a nod. "Perhaps not right now, but when you're ready, I'll be here. I'll always be here. Even if we end up never talking about it, it's fine." For a moment his face faltered, looking as though he desperately wanted to talk to you about whatever happened, but the words got stuck in his throat, making him swallow dryly.
"D'you want me to leave? Give you some space?" you asked again, and when his eyes met yours, you could see every hidden emotion in them, every unsaid word he so desperately wanted to utter to you. The sight made your heart clench. How badly you wanted to wrap your arms around him, make him forget, but if he wanted distance, it was what you'd give him.
Once again it was just the sound of Amy Winehouse and the downpour filling the small room, along with Hobie's deep and steady breaths against your collarbones.
"No, stay a bit," he said, and you nodded once again. You moved impossibly closer to him, finally wrapping your arms around his neck and engulfing him in an embrace. He accepted your affection, responding by wrapping his long arms around your waist and practically pulling you into his lap, placing his head on your shoulder and letting out another exhausted sigh.
He can only hold her, miss Winehouse sang.
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chaoticjjcakes · 1 month
Ok, so I’m gonna go on a little rant on here.
I’m a marvel comics fan, my favorite comics were the young avengers comics and absolutely loved the dynamics between the characters. I particularly loved Tommy Shepherd, also known as Speed. Out of the entire lineup of Young Avengers, I somehow saw a piece of myself within his character. But his treatment in Marvel Comics definitely leaves something to be desired. Especially with the whole thinkfast breakup which is is my last straw.
First of all, the writers reasoning for breaking breaking Tommy and David up is ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT! Tommy has no connections to the x-men, no connections to Krakoa, ITS NOT EVEN CONFIRMED IF HE AND BILLY ARE MUTANTS OR NOT! (Which is a whole other ballgame I don’t wanna get into) Their reasoning is flimsy at best and bullshit at worst because of this, and it gets even worse when you introduce a new love interest so soon after they break up OFF PANEL with a seemingly insulting dig at Tommy within the comic.
Second of all, I’m worried how this will affect Tommy’s appearances in comics. The last time we saw him was the scarlet witch and quicksilver miniseries. He barely, if ever gets any appearances anymore and the ones he does show up in, he was with David (Which is probably why the writer thought Tommy was an X-men connection). Tommy is frequently left out of major story arcs and team-ups, leading to me feeling that he is somehow forgotten by the writers and creators at Marvel. While Tommy has been a part of the Young Avengers, he is often overshadowed by other more prominent characters like Kate Bishop, America Chavez, Cassie Lang who’s with Antman, Noh-Varr whos with the guardians of the galaxy, his mother, his uncle, even his own twin brother! He’s often underutilized as well and when he is there, he’s just the goofier version of quicksilver.
Third, we barely get any sense of actual character from him and in moments we do it’s just immediately dropped. First example: scarlet witch and quicksilver #3, where he actively mentioned Davids supposed death (cuz he definitely didn’t know that David was actually alive? I’m kinda confused about this?) and he seemed to be kinda disassociated from with stating he wasn’t there until Pietro snapped him out of it. This isn’t the first time someone has died and Tommy wasn’t there. He finds his mom’s dead body before Trial of Magneto and later in issue 1, seems disassociated when talking with Kevin. In the infinity comics, he states that people always forget about him. I see that he probably often finds himself overlooked and underutilized within the vast universe of superheroes.
Just to headcanon with fact: It’s somewhat implied he may have been neglected. I mean we barely know anything about his life before except that his parents were divorced and he was in and out of juvie until he was a teenager. Considering that they didn’t give a shit about him, leaving their child alone to the court system, and then not contacting him. (Though I doubt he would want that.) He so desperately wants a family, and he sees that in the young avengers, in the magnet family (even if they’re a little fucked up, they’re infinitely better). The team breaks him out, and a kid who looks exactly like him says they’re brothers and this powerful witch is their mother. He doesn’t want to believe it. He can’t believe it because that means he has another family that actually cares about him. Then they find out about everything Wanda went through and he takes in the connection even further. The team goes on a few missions and find out they could save his mom, and then they go through trauma via teammates dying and and the avengers/x-men fighting over his spirit mom. The team decides to breakup, he doesn’t want this to happen, the only thing he has being taken from him, he doesn’t want this to end. But it does, and it hurts, especially because his brother is willing to let go of it so easily. And it’s even harder because he’s living with him, his boyfriend, and other family who’s too nice and so he leaves and no one apparently cares. He goes on with heroics alone, working jobs, meets David and recruits him for a stakeout, then gets kidnapped by an entity. He then comes back almost a year later and has to take it in stride. He goes through so much traumatic and sad shit and either no one cares or they’re too busy. He doesn’t have much support. David seemed to be the only support he had and they’re broken up now. Wanda has her own shit, Pietro has his own shit, Billy has his own shit. HIS OTHER TEAMMATES HAVE THEIR OWN SHIT!
I’d imagine he’d have some type of resentment towards everyone, especially Billy. He has the perfect husband, perfect family, has a great relationship with their spiritual mother, and has unimaginable power. In the infinity comics master pandemonium seemingly implied Tommy has some kind of powerful potential, but we haven’t seen that yet. They haven’t even made any foreshadowing towards that. But I’d imagine after the whole break up with David, he’d have a mental breakdown from all the shit he went through. His boyfriend dying twice while he wasn’t there, after the second time David breaks up with him then gets a new boyfriend almost immediately (I don’t know the timeframe, I’m sorry), I’d crack too.
Considering all of this I introduce the following options:
1.) Put him in a new team. Have him be apart of a new team of youngish heroes, or better yet make him a mentor. He’s great with kids. I can’t think of any actual teams he could be on, but just let him be a part of a team. Please?!
2.) Have him interact with more characters. Have him interact with his family more. Wanda, Pietro, Lorna, Billy, fucking Magneto and Luna, give him more interactions with them. Have him mention talking to Kate Bishop. OR ELI BRADLEY ANOTHER CHARCTER YOU’VE SEEMINGLY FORGOT MARVEL!
3.) Give him his own miniseries. Or a fucking arc. I wanna see my baby do something cool, not play second fiddle to Billy for once. Billy gets several different comics to appear in and has so much power. Give Tommy a power upgrade like in the fanfics. Develop his powers more, like those headcanons where he could manipulate time and space. If the writers on ao3 can do that, you can do it too. Or better yet, have him be an antihero, that would absolutely fit him better. Didn’t he literally kill people when he first appeared? Have him be a bit more violent when dealing with bad guys. Not completely sociopathic, just a bit chaotic.
Anyway, please stop sleeping on Tommy Shepherd Marvel, he has so much more potential, you don’t even know.
Thank you for listening to my Ted-Talk!
Edit: Another thing I’d like to add to this is the fact that in other universes, Tommy is the magic twin…
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Or Billy and him have unimaginable power…
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So I know that Marvel can explore this. No excuse to just throw Tommy to the wayside like this while Billy gets all the glory.
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 month
Butchlander for C, R, W :3
(This Ask is regarding this.) ( ˘ ³˘)♥
C = Cum (where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum)
Both men like to creampie their partners. It’s canon. For Butcher, in S4, as well as revealing that Butcher had cheated on Becca years ago with a waitress, Joe Kessler asks him where his “soft spot for supes” started: “Was it when you shot your load and creampied Maeve?” As much as I despise cheater!Butcher now being canon, at the very least since this has now been written into the show, this better not be a throwaway line; I’d like to think the writers are setting up foreshadowing for a S5 payoff, especially with the Butcher/Maeve scene that Kripke asserted was included for a reason. In the comics, Maeve had a secret child with The Legend which resulted in Blarney Cøck and in the comics “Ryan” had been a baby Butcher stomped to death. I smell a potential comic reference setup, especially with evil Butcher era in S5. I HC, with Butcher at least, he would be a little more careful (if he’s not pissed drunk) and wear a condom. Or if he’s in a risky mood, he’ll pull out to stroke himself to release—before pushing his dick back in.
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For Homelander, I presume since he’d always thought his seed wouldn’t take, he operated under the belief he’d been shooting blanks all this time. Which equates to, he doesn’t need protection. Most impotent men would feel insecure about their masculinity so, likewise, with Homelander, he’s likely brainwashed himself into thinking: well, it’s probably a good thing he cannot get ordinary mudpeople pregnant; he’s genetically perfect; he’s a god. His seed is too powerful for ordinary unworthy mudpeople. If anyone’s going to be carrying his child, it’d be with someone like Maeve (if only she’d get pregnant). But, irony of all ironies, he got Becca pregnant. This man does not use protection. He sticks it in and will finish inside you whether you want it or not.
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. So if John the Homelander and William J. Butcher were to hookup or get into a relationship, their breeding kink fundamentally wouldn’t change. Billy, just to be an ornery bastard, would probably be the one in the relationship to at least ask if Homelander had been tested for STIs because he does not want to catch anything from this, which high-key offends Homelander and would earn a reactionary splutter along the lines of: “I’m a fucking god, William; I do not need to be t-tested; how dare you lump me in with other pathetic mortals? I’m clean. My blood’s probably purer than the rest of you.” (You cannot tell me, with the show’s bigotry connotations, that he wouldn’t say something like this.)
So, we’ve established both men cum inside. Billy Butcher would 100% cum inside Homelander. Sometimes, when the whim hits, he’d pull out early before ørgasm and stroke himself until he cums over the blond cunt’s gaping arsehole or over the curve of his back. Or, if Billy’s feeling a particular mood, he grunts for Homelander to turn over and to open his mouth for him so he can finish himself off, shooting all over Homelander’s face and his waiting tongue; or after releasing, he orders Homelander to get on his knees and clean his prick off (cards his fingers into his gelled blond hair, messing it up further, and breathlessly calls him a “good boy” whilst Homelander, still in his subspace, dreamily laps up any salty precum and sucks him off). Homelander’s usually prim and proper in their day-to-day so it satisfies something in Butcher seeing his load(s) drip out of him. I wager it’s a huge power-trip and turn-on for Billy, seeing the most powerful man in the world hungry for his cock. In Billy’s head, he’s doing the world a favor—preventing this monster from reproducing and creating more Homelander mini-me’s.
Both high-key and lowkey, I HC that Homelander likes the physical intimacy of feeling Billy pulsate and nut inside him. There’s just something primal about doing it raw—and being “bred” by his former archenemy. With Homelander being a vainglorious narcissist, there’s likely also the instinctual smugness and psychological reassurance of knowing that his bussy game’s so good, it’s made William J. Butcher—the man who notoriously hates him—cum inside. There’s also the feeling of ownership—of being “branded by,” possessed and “loved” so intensely by someone. He’s so desperate for intimacy, for that genuine human connection with someone, he’d find it very ironic but poetically fitting that he’s found it in the arms of the enemy.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I say it depends on various factors: what the risk entails, the appropriateness of the situation, their circumstances, the timing, the venue, and their mood, but yes they’re usually game to experiment and take risks. Both of them are impulsive, self-destructive maelstroms. Whether it’s stealing a moment for a quickie whilst Homelander’s on patrol or the both of them knowing they are seconds away from being caught with Billy’s crew just outside the doors, when you put these two men together, it often escalates to impromptu bad decisions made in the heat of the moment. They are each other’s worst enabler.
I’d like to think it’s also a big turn-on for the both of them. When one of them is particularly resistant for whatever reason, the other party taunts and eggs them on, and then it becomes a competition where the other party cannot resist the want to rub their win in the other’s face. Sure it might be inappropriate to do the horizontal mambo on The Seven conference table during office hours think of all the trouble they’d get into with HR if found out, but have you considered that William/Homelander called him a chicken? Their pride’s on the line here. Their ego, their masculinity, is at stake. If they do not prove the other person wrong, that person will have ammunition for the rest of their lives.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The costume and cape stay on during sex, same with the boots and/or socks. Homelander’s costume is a symbol, and it gets Billy fueled with ire hatefucking him with his pants shoved down. It’s like this meme:
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…except Billy probably shoves those “tactical trousers” and uncomfortable synthetic vinyl-looking eagle-mesh pants down Homelander’s arse and just penetrates him raw Homelander’s lucky that Billy is considerate enough that he won’t go in dry (plus, he’d chafe); at least he’d spit down there if there’s no “nice, big family-sized bottle of top shelf lube” readily available for either of them to use. The pants could easily be torn away by either him or Homelander, although it’s funnier to think of Billy being the one doing it because you get Homelander throwing a hissy fit being all like:
Homelander: Really? This is my one suit, you heathen. You couldn’t have been more delicate with it?
Billy: *smirks* Nah.
For Homelander, the suit serves as a defense mechanism. It’s his armor; it’s his shield. Like everyone else, he has his body image insecurities (like irl models/ celebrities, I presume he has to give some consideration to his caloric intake, his weight, any sign of weight gain, or aging, etc). Removing his costume and exposing his body to his partner takes a lot of trust and emotional vulnerability. Plus, there���s usually no time to strip all the way down. It’s usually a wild and rough tussle between them.
I will have to say, if Billy manages to get Homelander bare and exposed, he’s usually a lot gentler than normal. Because he’s not fucking Homelander; he’s making love to John. It’s a subtle but important distinction.
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gingiesworld · 1 year
The Lake
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Violence. Smut. Death. Amab! Reader
Taglist: @ginnsbaker @gb12d @lifespectator @imaginationeuphoria @louxbloom @mfd-101
Y/N had organised an autumn break for their family, renting out a lakeside cabin just on the outskirts of New Jersey. The twins were both excited to spend time with their parents. The two spoke animatedly about all of the things they wanted to do, like rowing out onto the lake and learning to fish. Play games and some sports with their parents. Maybe even share some ghost stories beside the fire before bedtime.
Once the two had fallen asleep, Wanda turned to Y/N with a gentle loving smile on her face. Y/N took her hand in theirs and kissed the back of it before intertwining their fingers. The simple gesture was enough to make Wanda's heart flutter, as it always did.
"So, how did you really find out about this place?" She questioned them.
"It was Pepper's parents place." They informed her. "She mentioned that it's rarely ever used anymore since they passed away and thought that the four of us could do with a break away from reality."
The rest of the drive was silent, both of the twins soon woke as they were near the cabin. Wanda relished in the peace and tranquility the place seemed to bring. Once they had pulled up outside the cabin, the porch light was on as the sun started to go down.
"It should be all ready." Y/N informed Wanda and the twins as they handed her the keys. "Pepper said that there is a caretaker who maintains each of the cabins here, so go on inside and I will get the bags."
Wanda nodded as she led the twins inside, soon the twins ran straight towards the sofa to sit down, looking around the room and seeing stacks of board games, even some they had never really heard of before. Wanda walked around the cabin, seeing there was only two bedrooms, a twin room and the master bedroom.
"It's perfect." Y/N smiled as Wanda nodded slightly. "Also there is some college students just a little way down so they may be a little rowdy." They informed her as they placed the bags down. "The twins are getting themselves settled in before dinner."
"Ok." Wanda whispered as Y/N's hands snaked around her stomach, pulling her closer to them as she soon started to relax.
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her as they pressed light kisses to her neck.
"I guess I am just missing my own bed." She told them as she held their hands over her stomach. "But this will be fun. We could do with a break." She told them as she turned to face them.
"That's the spirit love." They pressed a tender kiss to her lips before they pulled away from her. "Get in your comfies and meet me in the kitchen." She smiled goofily as she did as she was told, smiling as the twins were sat reading their favourite comics they had packed as she entered the kitchen, leaning on the counter as Y/N prepared the food they had brought themselves for the break.
"So, you have turned into a chef now?" She teased them as she took the wine that Y/N had already poured for her.
"You know very well how I can cook." They smirked. "I remember you saying that my lasagna was almost better than sex." They whispered as Wanda just giggled at the memory.
"Ok." She laughed as she swatted their arm as they prepared the vegetables. "Can I help?" She asked as she placed her glass down.
"Yes, you can just stand there and look pretty." They told her as she huffed. "You cook, clean and look after the twins and I all of the time. Let me look after you for a change." She just nodded with a growing smile at their kind words. Kissing their cheek before she decided to join the twins.
The music from the cabin down the way was travelling through. Y/N smiled as they remembered what it was like to be young and careless, well that is indeed how the twins came to be.
Billy looked up from his book for a moment after seeing something in the corner of his eye. His eyes found a darkened figure just outside of the window, soon completely frozen until his mom entered the room.
"Your O'pa is cooking dinner." She informed the twins as she took a seat beside Tommy.
"Can they even cook?" He questioned as Billy turned his head back towards the window to see the figure gone.
"Hey! I heard that!" Y/N called through making them chuckle as Billy struggled to tear his eyes away from the window. Unsure if it was his mind playing tricks on him.
As the night wore on, he never saw it again so he decided to believe that he was exhausted, so he opted to get an early night. Which Wanda had agreed was a very good idea so they all turned in. Y/N made sure the cabin was locked before they joined Wanda in bed. Wrapping their arms around her as she pushed her ass into their crotch. Y/N groaned as she grinded against them, their cock hardening as they moved their hand around to play with her clit. Wanda turned her head and moaned into the pillow, soon shuffling to remove her bottoms and underwear along with Y/N's who soon inserted themselves into her. The two moaned breathlessly as Y/N started to thrust their hips. Wanda kept her head in the pillow as to the not make any noise, especially when Y/N had decided to play with her boobs, pinching her nipples as her moans threatened to become louder than they already were.
"Fuck." They grunted as they could feel Wanda clench around them. "You close love?" All Wanda could do was nod frantically as Y/N gave her breast a harsh squeeze. "Cum with me." And that she did, as she came Y/N had filled her up. Soon the two fell asleep as Y/N remained inside of her, their hands still resting underneath her shirt.
The days went on as Y/N and Tommy went out on the lake fishing as Billy remained with Wanda, playing board games or walking along the lake.
"We should take an evening stroll." Wanda suggested as Y/N raised a brow. "All four of us, it could be fun."
"Ok." Y/N agreed easily as both Wanda and Billy beamed.
"Can I stay here?" Tommy questioned as he groaned as Y/N shook their head as Wanda looked at them.
"They're 12 Y/N." She stated as Y/N nodded.
"I know that but I prefer to keep them both in my sight." Y/N told her. "Especially since we don't really know the area that well."
"I can stay in the room. Maybe leave your phone so you can still get a hold of me." Tommy suggested.
"Or I can stay here with him too." Billy suggested as both Y/N and Wanda looked between the two of them.
"Fine." Y/N caved in. "But the cabin remains locked at all times until your mom and I return ok."
"Yes." The two answered in unison. Both Y/N and Wanda chuckled as the twins ran towards the games as the couple cleared the table.
"You go ahead and grab your coat and shoes." Y/N told Wanda softly. "I'll just finish up here and make sure everything is secure." Wanda did just that as Y/N even gave the twins their phone. "Only answer it if you see your mom's name." The two nodded as Y/N finished securing the cabin before linking arms with Wanda, walking beneath the setting sun as the twins played battleship.
"Do you get a funny vibe here?" Billy asked Tommy who looked up at him curiously, waiting for him to elaborate. "I keep seeing this figure outside the window."
"It's tall with yellow eyes." Tommy stated as Billy nodded. "I keep seeing it but I thought it was all in my head."
"This has been the perfect getaway." Wanda told Y/N as they walked along the bank. Leading up towards the oddly quiet college cabin.
"It has." They smiled at her before noticing the cars there were all slashed. Y/N was curious and decided to approach the cabin, releasing Wanda from their hold. Wanda followed them with caution as they looked through the windows, seeing the floor was cover in a red substance. It wasn't until they heard screams coming from the back. Sneaking round to see a blonde man with a manic look in his eye, wielding an axe and striking the college kid who was trying to escape. Wanda gasped as Y/N remained frozen at the sight.
"Come on." Y/N pulled Wanda along with them as they ran back to the cabin. Opening the door and running straight for the twins. "Car. Now." They said as they picked them both up. Approaching the car as Wanda had a defeated look on her face.
"The tires." Y/N looked to see them slashed, before looking up and seeing the man with the axe slowly approaching.
"How are we going to leave?" Tommy asked as Y/N looked defeated before turning to face the twins.
"We are going to run." They told them. "Whatever you do, do not look back." Wanda watched as Y/N went into the trunk to get their bowie knife, what they use when they hunt, although their gun remained in the gun locker.
"We are going to discuss that knife being in there." Wanda scolded as Y/N gave her an exasperated look before turning towards the figure steadily approaching them.
"What are you waiting for. Run!" Y/N told them all as the man was getting closer.
"The trees." Wanda stated as Y/N nodded in agreement. Ushering the twins to follow their mom through the trees. Wanda led the way as Y/N remained behind the twins. Looking over their shoulder occasionally to see the figure still behind them. He had picked up his pace as the bloodied axe was in his hands.
Billy squealed as he tripped over a fallen branch. Y/N stopped to help him up only for him to gasp as he put pressure on his foot. He screamed as the man lifted the axe ready to swing it at them. Wanda's eyes widened in terror as she looked back.
"NOOO!" She screamed as Y/N started to run, just about getting away from the axe as it made connection with a nearby tree.
"Run!" Y/N yelled at both Wanda and Tommy. "Do not stop running." The two soon listened as Y/N had caught up slightly as the man was still following them. It seemed to be more of a game for him, a hunt as the four managed to get out pf sight. Y/N soon found some overgrowth and led them all to hide there.
Their hearts beating in their chests as they heard loud footsteps nearby. Y/N placed a finger over their mouth to signal for them all to be quiet.
"I know you're out here." The voice of the man was gruff, venomous even as he spoke. "I can feel you." Y/N shook their head at Wanda who wanted to move. Billy gave Y/N their phone as they sent a brief message to Wanda. Her phone vibrated as she read the text.
'Get to the boat.'
Once the sound of the footsteps faded away slightly. They had picked up Billy once more before looking around to see that the man had indeed moved further away. Nodding to Wanda and Tommy to lead the way they came. The man soon turned to face them, smirking as they all ran before he started behind them. Y/N soon tripped themselves, getting their foot stuck in the roots of a tree.
"Follow your mom." They told Billy as they tried to get free. "Get to the boat and get on the lake." They told him. He just nodded as he followed his mom towards the boat. Y/N's heart raced in their chest as the man approached. Trying their best to get their foot free just in time to dodge the hit as the axe made connection with the earth.
They limped their way towards Wanda and the boat, Wanda had the twins situated on it as they were ready to leave. Wanda watched with horror in her eyes as she watched the man swing the axe and catch Y/N's back. Hearing them scream out in pain as they fell to the ground. They turned over in time to see Wanda and the twins head out into the lake. A smile on their face before they watched the axe connect with their stomach. Before he could swing again, Y/N used the knife and plunged it in his chest.
Watching as he looked down with fear in his eyes. The same fear that he inflicted on his victims. The axe fell to the earth with a thud along with his body. The twins kept their eyes squeezed shut as Wanda watched him collapse beside Y/N. Wanda wanted, no she needed to go back for Y/N. Her eyes never tore away from their form until she saw them move their hand to their stomach.
"I want you both to stay in this boat and call your uncle to get here. Now." Wanda told them as she docked the boat. Getting out herself as she walked towards Y/N cautiously. Her heart beating loudly as the sound drowned out all of her surroundings. She gasped as she approached them, seeing as they held their intestines in their hands. "Baby?" She whispered as she knelt beside them. Helping as they held their wound.
"Are you all safe?" They questioned as they swallowed thickly. Wanda just nodded as she looked around.
"The boys are calling Pietro." She informed them. "And an ambulance."
"It's not going to work." Y/N whispered tiredly as they gave her a sad smile.
"Yes. It is." She told them sternly as they shook their head no. Tears filling both of their eyes as reality set in.
"My insides aren't inside me." They told her tiredly. "I am dying."
"No." She cried as she shook her head frantically. "You can't."
"I'm sorry." They whispered as they gave her a sad smile. "I had the best life." She smiled slightly at those words. "I have a loving wife and two amazing boys who take after their mother."
"I don't know what world you're living in." Wanda teased making them laugh, the smile soon faded as they began to cough up blood. "I love you Y/N. So much." She whispered as she kissed their forehead.
"I love you more." They smiled at her. "And those boys, can you tell them I love them."
"Of course." Wanda nodded tearily. "I'll tell them everyday."
"That would be nice." They smiled as their eyes grew heavy. "This is nice. Dying in the arms of the woman who has my heart." All Wanda could do was nodded as she held in a sob, watching as they took their last breath, their hands grew limp, leaving Wanda's hands on their stomach, holding in their insides as the sobs racked through her.
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing break for the family become a nightmare come true. Something that will take years of therapy to overcome.
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
Where did you learn to write for tv animation? Were you always interested in writing? Do you ever wish you could make something with deeper themes than what you write now?
I don't think that working in Kid's TV Animation prevents me from dealing with deep themes. We weren't really allowed to deal directly with death as a theme in Billy & Mandy, but it was in there. Along with fear, (ultimate) power, responsibility, and growing-up-as-horror. On Jellystone we've got episodes in Season 2 that deal with the pandemic, politics, and justice... if you're willing and capable of digging through the satire to find it.
When you're pitching shows, networks always want something "from the heart". Meaning that they get a lot of pitches from hacks looking to earn some cash who may or may not have a vested interest in making a good show. I don't have that problem because my one mission is to get what I want. That's my Mandy side. Put me on a show that I think is a destined-to-fail crapsack, and I'll still find a way to please myself and squeeze in every theme, character type, and gag that I wanted to... one way or another. Because that's what I care about.
Would it be nice not to have to fight for every little thing I want to say while also jumping through hoops to meet unreasonable schedules, to protect my crew, and to process external feedback from people who are more worried about looking good within the company than making good TV? Sure would. That's where my renewed desire to do something indie comes in.
Looping back around to the first question, I've always loved writing (and drawing). For me, it really did all start with silly comics and storyboards for amateur movies. I guess (like most things) I just learned along the way because it's what interested me. I read a bunch of books on writing and took creative writing, literature, and screenwriting classes in high school and college, but a good bit of it probably came from learning on the job and trying to improve.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
HL Characters and their Horror Movie Tropes
+ a Horror movie character I think they're most similar to and their likelihood of survival!
I randomly got hit with this idea in my sleep, so now it's on my blog! Hopefully this hasn't been done before! Of course these are my opinions based on my stupid little brain, but feel free to nicely let me know your thoughts. Also, because this has to do with horror movies, there will of course be mentions of D34th, so please keep that in mind. And if I gave your favorite character a low chance of survival, know that I am truly sorry, but someone's gotta go in a Horror film!
Some spoilers will be present for some movies, so please be advised.
Ominis Gaunt:
Trope: Ominis is the resourceful friend. The one who's instantly trying to find a reasonable escape route. He's the one you want when you're trapped in an escape room. Ominis is determined to figure out who the killer is and TAKE THEM DOWN. Final Girl energy to the max. Not even his disability is stopping him.
Character: Erin - You're Next (2011) - Such an under rated Final Girl. Erin is resourceful, knows how to put up a fight, and she's got a rough background that helps her survive. No doubt that Ominis's ruthless upbringing as a Gaunt would come in handy when it comes to survival. He likely knows how to fight, and would get brutal if it came to saving himself and his friends. Erin uses her environment to her advantage, which I know Omi would. (i know there's debate as to whether or not Erin does live, but I'd like to believe she does!)
Likelihood of survival: 96%
Garreth Weasley:
Trope: Garreth is the comic relief friend. May or may not be helpful in terms of escaping, but at least he's good at keeping the group entertained while they're trying to escape the haunted house. He's eager to help and subdue the killer, although he may screw up sometimes. It’s really up to chance whether he’d live or not, which breaks my heart to say cause I love my baby boy Garreth, but I'm trying to be realistic. If he did die, his death would be the most devastating for the group and the audience because of how much of a loved character he was.
Character: I have two that fit Garreth fairly well! Dewey - Scream (1996) and Marty - Cabin in the Woods (2011). Dewey because like Garreth, Dewey is a lovable goofball, but can put up a fight when needed. He cares about his friends, is brave, and still survives despite taking some nasty hits, and I feel like Garreth could take a few hits without being fatally hurt. And then Marty because Marty is hilarious, like Garreth. We all know Garreth would be a stoner a modern day setting, like Marty, and despite Garreth's goofy nature, he isn't dumb by any means, like Marty (Marty is the one to first notice something is up). Plus, like Marty, Garreth is the secret hottie. Movie fun fact - in the scene where they all swim in the lake, Marty is the only one that doesn't take his shirt off and jump in because the actor was actually MORE RIPPED than Chris Hemsworth, and it would have ruined the illusion of Marty being the lanky stoner and Chris being the hot jock.
Likelihood of survival: 75%
Sebastian Sallow:
Trope: Sebastian would try to be the hero for sure (if he isn't the killer). He's eager to find the killer, especially if his lover is in danger. He'll protect them and the rest of the friend group as much as he can. He definitely has Final Girl energy as well, but is at super high risk of dying if he's not careful due to his eagerness to fight the killer off. If he's the killer, he would be the jealous, jilted, boyfriend type, the hot jock guy that you wouldn't suspect (or maybe you would). He's doing this because he was hurt and is getting revenge. His Final Girl will have a lot on her plate.
Character: For the hero role: Ash - The Evil Dead (1981) - Boys can be Final Girls too!! Ash kicks ass and looks hot doing it. He's determined to survive and stops at nothing to do so. For the killer role: Billy - (Scream 1996) - Hot jilted boyfriend. Billy is ruthless in his killing, but thankfully he has an awesome Final Girl to put him in his place.
Likelihood of survival: as a hero - 85%, as the killer - 40%
Imelda Reyes:
Trope: Imelda is the bitchy popular girl that you grow to love as the movie progresses. Sadly she will not survive, and she'd be another sad fan favorite death. She deserved to be a Final Girl with her confidence and attitude, but sadly survival was not in the cards. She did put up one hell of a fight though!
Character: Tatum - Scream (1996). Tatum is confident and tough, and absolutely deserved to be a Final Girl. Tatum even taunts Ghostface before he attacks her, which is totally something Imelda would do. She puts up one hell of a fight, but loses the fight eventually, we know Imelda is fiesty and would fight the killer to the bitter end. 
Likelihood of survival: 10%
Leander Prewitt:
Trope: Leander seems like the type to trust very easily, which means he would put way too much trust in the killer, and it might be his demise. As much as I love Leander, he would be easy to lure in. He would put up a fight, but it would be futile. He would at least have the opportunity to warn the others that there's a killer in their midst, giving the group a fighting chance. There's also a chance he could just get knocked out by the killer, the killer thinks he's dead, but he's not! (It hurts my heart to potentially kill him but not everyone can live in a Horror movie!) If you have a better trope idea please let me know cause I felt bad for him!
Character: Aaron - Creep (2014) - (Major spoilers incoming for this one and the sequel) Aaron should have left at the first sign of Joseph being weird, but he didn't. He stayed for far longer than he should have, and even when he DID ESCAPE, he still agreed to meet with him later, which led to his end. My hope is that Leander would be more like Sara - Creep 2 (2017). She also makes the mistake of trusting Joseph far too much, but she at least escapes and survives the film (although Joseph is definitely still looking for her. )
Likelihood of survival: 30%
Amit Thakkar:
Trope: The smart one!! The one who told the group not to touch the cursed object/not to go in the haunted house. Although he'd definitely be a scaredy cat, he'd be eager to find them a way out. Will likely not try to fight the killer though, and will just be focused on escaping. That is of course, if he even ends up in that situation in the first place. He’d be the type to not even follow the group to begin with, thus escaping the entire movie.
Character: Gavin - The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014) - As soon as Gavin realizes something's not right, HE LEAVES. He doesn't wait around for shit to hit the fan. He quits the documentary while everyone else fucks around and finds out. Thus, surviving the movie.
Likelihood of survival: 90%
Poppy Sweeting:
Trope: Poppy is a sweetheart! She’s friendly and cares about animals (beasts). She wouldn’t hurt a fly. Right? You ever meet someone that’s just too nice and you can tell there’s probably a darkness to her, waiting to be unleashed? Poppy seems like the perfect killer because of how unexpected it would be. Her bubbly personality is a perfect way to lure someone in before she attacks. We all know she doesn’t bat an eye to the use of unforgiveables on poachers. On the brightside, she isn’t that difficult to take down once you outsmart her. 
Character: (This is going to be an obscure one. If you know what movie this is, please let me know cause I want to be friends!!) Rebecca - Superhost (2021) - Superhost is an indie horror movie about a vlogging couple who vlog from Airbnbs. They stay at this one Airbnb owned by a Superhost named Rebecca. Rebecca is bubbly and sweet, but there’s just something off about her, and she gets progressively scarier as the movie progresses. Her character is adorable, sweet, but totally unhinged. If Poppy was into vacation homes instead of beasts, this would be her. 
Likelihood of survival: 50%
Natty Onai: 
Trope: Natty is a true Gryffindor. She’s brave and protective of her loved ones. She has the makings of a Final Girl, but her eagerness to fight back puts her in danger frequently, and she could possibly go as a result. She would need to scale back and not act on impulse if she wants to survive the film. 
Character: Helen - I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) - I know I just said Natty has Final Girl vibes, but there’s too many Final Girls on this list already, so for her I’m picking a girl who SHOULD have been a Final Girl, and definitely had the makings of one. Helen is badass, popular, and puts up a fight to stay alive. She would have been a much better Final Girl than Julie (Julie sucks!!). Helen’s death was lame, but heartbreaking. Another fan favorite unfairly taken away. Also, Helen’s actress is also miss Buffy FREAKING Summers, another badass lady who I feel like Natty would vibe well with.
Likelihood of survival: 40%
Character: MC is another character that could be either the hero or the killer. As the hero, they are determined to protect those they love, and fight the killer to the bitter end. They obviously have major plot armor. They might discover they have superpowers just when they're about to die, and they use the superpowers to fight off the killer, thus surviving the movie. As the killer, they would definitely be the type of killer who didn’t start off that way, and turned evil due to the things that were done to them.
Trope: As a hero - Sienna Shaw - Terrifier 2 (2022) - Why does she have super powers? Who knows? But she's cool and just when hope is lost, she's able to use her powers to protect her loved ones and defeat Art the Clown. As a killer - Jane Doe in The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2014) (major spoiler for the movie incoming!!!) she wasn’t inherently evil, but after being tortured and being accused of witchcraft, her corpse became evil, cursing anyone who dares touch her. She’s also super powerful considering she doesn’t move for most of the movie. This level of overpowered-ness is also a trait of our MC. 
Likelihood of survival: as a hero: 98%, as the killer: 98%
Bonus! Duncan Hobhouse LOL
Trope: Duncan would bring about the horror to begin with. He's the one accidentally reading from cursed books out loud, the one who's accidentally watching a cursed tape, and the one using the ouija board. He's not surviving. BYE. He'll be screaming the whole time, giving up the group's location to the killer constantly. The other characters will spend the rest of the movie hating him because he got them in this mess to begin with.
Character: Every person in the Evil Dead franchise that plays the recording that raises the deadites. You should never play mysterious records, especially ones you find in a creepy cabin or in a hole in the ground. 
Likelihood of survival: 2%
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itshype · 2 years
My DC x DP Masterpost
Here is my masterpost of works that fall into the category of a crossover of DC comics and Danny Phantom. Mostly, these will be notfics. If any of the links are broken please message me ASAP. Edit: I will not be doing taglists because people are quite frankly abusing the idea.
What's a notfic?
So, this was really common in fandom like 10 years ago but it's less common now so I'm just including this quick explanation in case. Notfic/Not!Fic is the halfway point between an actual fic and a prompt. It mostly sort of has the tone of describing another fic to somebody, or working out an ongoing plot with a friend (e.g. Instead of writing out an entire set of dialogue, a notfic might just put "Jason and Tim discuss why they both want to fake their deaths").
Permissions Housekeeping
I totally don't mind if anyone wants to take all or part of what I've written for any prompt and write an actual fic or create another transformative work as long as I'm appropriately credited. If you're just taking the most oblique inspiration from something I've made I'd appreciate at least a tag so I can read it!
Also if you'd like to tag me in any of your works please do, provided that it's the first if it's in a series and not Jazz/Jason as the main pairing, please.
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, Crowntaker, Realmshaker
Danny isn't the Ghost King but after defeating Pariah Dark the new king knows Danny has massive political influence.
Navigate any storm, with nothing but the stars to guide you
Danny is obsessed with space so the whole 'superhero' thing is on the backburner.
Please don’t pet me! I am working!
Repeat after me, SERVICE ANIMAL CUJO. (Minor Connor Kent/Danny Fenton)
It's a boy, congratulations... to me!
Danny insists Connor is his clone even though he's really not.
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood
Danny gets caught and tells the JLA that neither he nor Vlad are ghosts.
New type of Vlad just dropped
When a ghost's obsession is destroyed, they get a new one.
Mother of the Year
Talia Al Ghul gets to be a good mother. As a treat.
Amorpho Whomst?
Danny, Dani and Dan trade off on responsibilities.
Halfa? Half a What?
Danny's half human, no one's sure what the other half is.
The second, secret Justice League
There's another Justice League that not even the Justice League is cleared to know about.
Excuse me, do you work here? Danny is sent to represent the first, non-secret Justice League.
Triple Threat
The Champion of All Magic and The King of All Ghosts have a mutual triplet.
Like peas in a pod [person]
Jason is healed of the pit rage but has a whole new problem.
There's a Mr Wight Hood to see you?
Jason adopts Danny instead of being the Red Hood.
The Wight Baby For The Job Sequel to Mr Wight Hood
You Make Miso Scared
Danny's always talking about soup time.
Reverse Bruce
Give baby Jason MORE PARENTS!
Work Experience
Danny has to learn about Ghost culture before he can rule it.
Mansplain Yourself
Constantine probably knows best about ghosts over the Justice League's newest member...
The Opposite of a Golden Ticket
International star Ember McLain is in danger
Haustoria Horror
Undergrowth's got Poison Ivy
Like and Survive!
Danny runs an advice website for young heroes
You're not the Boss of me!
Batman accidentally outs his family to Danny
This is a PSA
Danny's Wail affects the JLA
Floral Fiasco
Poison Ivy errs
How I Met Your Brother
Dan joins the JLA
The Manhunter's Manhunt
There's a miscommunication with the Martian Manhunter
The Green Knight
Jason lives (just this once)
The Job
Danny's gotta put food on the table (Also available in DP only version)
Always A King (DC x DP)
The Realms must have a king
Series: The Surprise Obsessions of the Ghostly Batclan (image heavy)
Ghost Bruce HC
Ghost Jason HC
Mini prompts
Danny Phantom vs The IRS ; part 2
Phantom's mistaken identity
Billy and Danny are secret twins
Danny scars the batfam
Superheroes need more therapy
All-caste Jason
Poison Control
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ihni · 1 year
The best gifts are the ones someone put some thought into
For @harringroveweek day 2, "Steve Harrington's Jockstrap" (+ the daily set word count of 666 words)
(Read on AO3)
Billy had explicitly stated that he didn’t want a celebration. Which was probably exactly why he was now sitting in the couch at Hopper’s cabin, wearing a glittery party hat (against his will), flanked on both sides by Steve and Robin Buckley respectively, and being forced to blow out the nineteen candles on the cake that had been placed on the coffee table in front of him. Because the little shits never listened. Or, according to Steve, they listened ... and then did their best to do the exact opposite of what they’d been told to do.
Said little shits were all sitting on the floor around the table, ready with their plates to dig into the cake (courtesy of Mrs. Byers, who was standing with Chief Hopper in the corner of the room; they were also watching, but at least they kept their distance, unlike Max and her little friends). Rolling his eyes and sighing, Billy blew out the candles and endured the cheering and clapping as he did. He got a kiss on the cheek, and glanced over at Steve, who smiled at him from under his own glittery party hat.
“Cake!” Mrs. Byers proclaimed, just before the kids descended on the cake. “Then presents!”
She made good on her threat twenty minutes later, when everyone had gotten their fill of sugary sponge cake and blue frosting. Billy, who was still trapped between Buckley and his boyfriend – no doubt they had planned it like that so that he wouldn’t be able to escape, knowing he wouldn’t be used to being in the center of this kind of attention – had no choice but to bite back his protests and let them pile a small mountain of presents on the table in front of him.
Not looking anyone in the eye, he reached for the first one – he wouldn’t get out of it at this point, so he might as well just get it over with.
He got a shirt from Mrs. Byers, a handwritten ‘get out of jail a speeding ticket’ card from the Chief (who knew the man had a sense of humor?), a copy of “Rocky Horror” on VHS from Buckley (which, he never should have told her he liked that movie, now she wouldn’t shut up about it) and four different comics (two Marvel, two DC) from Max’s little friends. It was more presents than he’d ever gotten for a birthday before, and he hadn’t even gotten to the ones from Steve or Mrs. Henderson yet. Feeling warm, but less in a feverish way and more in a pleasant way, he reached for the next box on the table. This one was badly wrapped in something that looked like taped-together napkins, and there was no name on it.
“It’s from me,” El said, probably having seen him turn it over to try to find a card.
He gave her a small smile as he set about opening the box. When he got it open, it took him a second to understand what he was looking at. A second during which Steve and Robin both leaned in to see what it was. When understanding dawned, Billy squeaked and shoved the flaps of the box closed, face burning. Next to him, Steve choked on air.
“Uh, El?” Robin said from the other side of him. “Is that a … jockstrap?”
Eyes wide and guiltless, El nodded. “Yes,” she said, before informing them helpfully, “It’s Steve’s.”
Billy squeezed his eyes shut. God, no.
“Why are you giving Billy Steve’s jockstrap?” the Chief asked, and oh great, he’d walked closer and was now standing just behind them.
“You said good presents should be something that a person likes,” El said. “And Billy said he loved this.” She smiled angelically and looked proud as she added in a conspiratorial whisper; “I snooped.”
Hiding his face in his hands, Billy pressed the box to his chest and wished for death. Steve was stammering next to him. Robin burst out cackling.
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inbarfink · 5 months
Current Status: thinking on these two High School Productions of ‘Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog’ I found on YouTube 
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Where Penny’s death is kind of a Heroic Sacrifice.
Like, when Captain Hammer tries to shoot Dr. Horrible with his own death, Penny tries to rush in to stop him (shouting "Please, don't-!" in the Norwood High version, and "Captain Hammer-!" in the LIVE version) and that’s what gets her caught in the blast. 
I mean, first of all, I do find it kinda amusing to think that there were two totally separate groups of teenagers in 2012-2013 who looked at Penny getting Fridged and were like “Actually, that kinda sucks??? Can we do something to give her a little more agency?”
And second of all, like, there’s a lot of Discourse about how to fix the way the narrative treats Penny. There’s talks about Superhero Penny or Resurrected Sequel Penny or adding elements from the comics or adding in popular headcanons… 
But if you’re just looking for the quickest of quick fixes, like, you’re not aspiring to make a total rewrite of the musical, you’re not that confident in your ability to write new scenes in the voice of the script, you really wanna preserve ‘Everything You Ever’ as accurately as possible cause that’s the emotional climax of the story, you really want like - minimal change but maximum impact - that really does kinda work?
Like, it’s not a perfect patch-job. It doesn’t fully address every problem with the narrative treatment of Penny. And... well...With the Norwood version, it’s not like it makes Penny’s last words still being “Captain Hammer will save us” TOTALLY not make any sense - but it is incompatible with some of the common interpretations of it. So if every single possible interpretation of this line is super-important to you, you’re probably not gonna like this change.
(But it still works with MY interpretation so I'm 100% cool with it hahaha!)
But this does give Penny some level of agency in her death. Connects it to her primary characterization of being good and kind and the only real hero in this world - she died because she still held on to some faith that Captain Hammer genuinely cares enough about her to listen to her, or maybe because she still believed that Billy was someone worth saving. Trying to Be a Hero in Her Own Way, only for all of her faith in humanity to backfire on her horribly. It also makes Captain Hammer a little more detestable by ignoring Penny, if not actively putting her in harm’s way. 
And it makes sense why Dr. Horrible would be so emotionally devastated and probably blame himself for what happened. And, she tried to do something kind and good for him which did nothing (he was too low to the ground to get hit by the explosion anyways) but get her killed; there’s a throughline from here to why that action will inspire Dr. Horrible to abandon kindness and goodness completely himself, that’s not just treating Penny as a representation of Dr. Horrible’s goodness.
You can even argue that this is kinda already happened in the original DHSAB. Cause the reason why Penny was hit by that explosion seems to be because she was the only one who didn’t duck from the debris. 
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And we do see her standing up, when she sees Dr. Horrible, or rather her buddy Billy, hesitates shooting Captain Hammer in the face. 
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So one could argue that the intention is that she was still standing, considering whether or not she should or could intervene when Captain Hammer pulled that trigger. But the way it works in this High School Production Version is a lot more explicit.
This is probably far from my favorite way to try and fix the Problem with Penny, but in terms of how well you can incorporate it into an otherwise faithful adaptation… I think it’s pretty amazing how just giving Penny two extra words to shout can change so much. Really, one of the main things I like about live theater as a medium is how it puts focus on the little differences. 
How little details changing between different productions of the same script - and even different performances of the same productions - can really change how one looks at the characters or even the whole story. Especially in such a dialogue-heavy story like DHSAB, even when delivering the exact same lines, actors putting different emphasis on different words can really change the meaning of what they’re saying.... I dunno, I just think it's Neat.
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Homelander is great example of how desensitized and normalized actual grooming, trauma, and victim blaming are in society from multiple facets.
Every scene of him with Madelyn is intentionally made creepy and gross in the show, but people ignore this and what is being portrayed in favor of sexualization, even with eerie music or sound designed to make the interactions off-putting and sinister.
With victim blaming, there are as many people willing to blame Homelander for his situation and upbringing as there are people willing to blame Becca for being made a victim because of Homelander. All while ignoring the true root of the problem, society. Or in this case, Vought. And ignoring that sometimes the abused can and do become abusers.
It's a little disheartening because even some with genuine sympathy for Homelander seem to relish in the idea of him suffering further, being de-powered and tortured, or put into the same abusive dynamic if not similar to the one he had with Madelyn Stillwell. But then try and call it healthy, healing, and redemption.
Speaking from experience. Repetition of the trauma that you've been through doesn't help you get out of the place the trauma created. It just reinforces the walls and gives you new trauma.
Tough love isn't real. It's just the excuse people make when they want to be cruel without taking accountability for their actions. You can teach someone to be strong without being an asshole or abusing them.
I actually want one of two endings for the show. Either it's something a bit akin to the comics in which Homelander (in place of comics Noir) likely kills Soldier Boy (in place of comics Homelander), and then is killed by Billy, who's then killed by Hughie (spoilers I guess for those who haven't read them). Likely with the Boys forced to pick up the pieces and continue trying to dismantle Vought.
Or I want to see Homelander lose his shit and completely destroy Vought with no chance of the company recovering, probably because of something Billy does or says. Then disappearing for a while. Maybe being found as a completely different person in the future. Not necessarily redemption, but freedom from his tormentors, including the internalized ones.
But I feel the ending might work best if either both Homelander and Billy Butcher die, in which there is reflection on the hands they'd been dealt in the aftermath of their deaths. Or that they both survive and manage to stop that proverbial hand from dragging further victims into the fold.
When it comes to fandom and fics, I always find it a little odd but as an idea I have yet to see used? I think Vought could be brought down with the evidence of Homelander's upbringing being released to the public. One vial of compound V was enough to stir up a little trouble but nothing they couldn't sweep under the rug.
But with so many skeletons in that proverbial closet, if anyone could convince Homelander that Vought was the true enemy and his abuser. The archives he has access to would bring down Vought faster than the Nazi shit brought Stormfront down. And I do not understand how I haven't seen fandom use this concept. Maybe I haven't searched far enough, fair enough.
But I do find it a little ironic that while knowing and complaining about Vought being the true villain, people still individualize the problem and prefer to go after Homelander in fics. Even the people who claim to love and adore him.
Anyway, just a couple thoughts I wanted to chime in on. I could definitely hope for the survival ending, but I expect the death all around ending and hope at least for the post mortem reflections and maybe revelations of Homelander's past. I do wish fandom could be a little better on some things though.
This might seem crazy. But there is a lot of grandiose self importance and holier than thou attitude that goes around in The Boys fandom. I get that show plays with morality a lot and has people polarized as much as nuanced but Jesus fucking Christ.
And no, Justice is not Vengeance.
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See MassiveSpaceWren’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Discord: massivespacewren Tumblr: massivespacewren / wrenchirps
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: I’m open to almost anything not mentioned in the “Do not want” section. If you are unsure or have your heart set on something very specific, feel free to ask! Happy couple-y scenes, fighting together, fighting against each other, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, character being tied up or hurt, armor or no armor, all good! I like AUs too, especially medieval/fantasy AUs, fairy tale, canon AUs, Western AU, Roman AU, Viking AU, etc. Story wise, I love secret identities, enemies to lovers, pining, forbidden romance, secret relationships, and other fun tropes!
Will not create works that contain: NSFW content, mpreg/pregnancy, D/s AU, daddy kink, eye gore/eye stuff, general heavy gore, kids, dogs, actual major character death, Superior Iron Man (unless AU), smoking cigarettes, eyelid kissing, genderbending to make m/m into cis m/f (crossdressing, trans, nb, gnc, bending into f/f are all awesome though). I prefer Tony with a goatee instead of just a mustache, but will make exceptions in digital art. If you are unsure if I would do it, feel free to contact me.
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1111
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, Earth-TRN591, Earth-TRN944, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, Old Man Logan, Secret Wars: Civil War, Secret Wars: Planet Hulk, Ultimates, What If..? Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, Earth-TRN591, Heroes United, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Marvel's Avengers (video game), Next Avengers, Noir, Secret Wars: Civil War, Secret Wars: Planet Hulk, What If..? Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, Secret Wars: Civil War, Secret Wars: Planet Hulk, What If..? Loki/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, Arcadia, AvAc, Earth-TRN193, MCU, Noir, What If..? Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan - 616, Noir
Work Description: Welcome to MassiveSpaceWren’s auction sheet for art or comics! This auction is for a custom piece of art/single comic panel that can be upgraded to more standalone pieces of art or more comic panels. The tiers are: <$60: A single drawing / single comic panel from $60: up to 2 standalone images OR 4 comic panels from $100: up to 3 standalone images OR 7 comic panels from $150: up to 4 standalone images OR 10 comic panels from $200: up to 5 standalone images OR 13 comic panels from $250: up to 6 standalone images OR 16 comic panels from $300: up to 6 standalone images OR 22 comic panels from $400: up to 6 standalone images OR 28 comic panels from $500: up to 6 standalone images OR 34 comic panels from $600: up to 6 standalone images OR 40 comic panels The art will be lineart or black & white, with a little bit of grey shading or some single colors. Please be aware I have a maximum of 6 standalone images and 40 comic panels, no matter how high the bid gets after these goals are reached. The standalone images are allowed to have up to 3 characters (without too complicated background) in it; the complexity of the comic panels will vary depending on the story. For the standalone images, I am happy to work with prompts or descriptions; for the comic, you can send me a script or a rough idea and I will work from that. I will show the sketches/page planning to be okayed by you. Since a page can have a different amount of panels, the page number will vary depending on the story, and I will send sketches for the arrangement on the page to be okayed by you. At least two changes to the sketches/planning are included. If your story idea doesn’t exactly fit the panel number, we can discuss options and work it out after the auction. If you have special wishes such as that you definitely want fullcolor art, or a very complicated background, please message me beforehand and we can talk about it (or take a look at my second auction). For example comic pages, click here. For example lineart, click here. Digital or traditional is up to you, in either case you will receive a digital file. (If you want to have the physical art, you will have to pay for shipping, might cost up to $10). I might be open to other ships depending on prompt and setting, so if you are interested, please message me beforehand and we can talk about it (or take a look at my second auction). It will take a while to finish it, since my real life takes a lot of attention, and other events also exist, and comics/multiple images can take a long while to complete. Please be patient. Good luck bidding and have fun with all of the great content in all of MTH! :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 2059
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, Earth-TRN591, Earth-TRN944, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, Old Man Logan, Secret Wars: Civil War, Secret Wars: Planet Hulk, Ultimates, What If..? Tony Stark/Victor von Doom - 616, AvAc, Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, Earth-TRN591 Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow - MCU, What If..? Tony Stark-centric - 616, 1872, AvAc, AA, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, Earth-TRN193, Earth-TRN591, Earth-TRN944, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, Secret Wars: Civil War, What If..? Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew - 616, 1872, Arcadia, AvAc Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616, AvAc James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, AvAc, Bullet Points (BP), Dark Ages, IM:AA, Marvel 1602, MCU, Next Avengers, Noir, What If..? JARVIS/Tony Stark - AvAc, MCU, What If..? T'Challa/Tony Stark - 616, AvAc, MCU, What If..? Richard Rider/Tony Stark - 616, AvAc
Work Description: Welcome to MassiveSpaceWren’s single image auction sheet. In addition to the listed ships, I am also open to doing art for other rarepairs than the ones listed. If you are unsure, please ask me beforehand. Do you like a weird small comic universe, or obscure characters with only a few appearances? I am likely up to drawing them. I may not have drawn all of the characters super often, so you may have to give me some reference. If you want a friendship with characters not listed (especially for female comic characters), I am likely up for it, just send me a message to ask maybe :D This auction is for a custom piece of art, that is: If the bids stay under $80: A black&white or greyscale or lineart style drawing, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. If the bids reach $80 or more: A full colour drawing/painting, maximum of 2 characters with no complicated background. If you want a more complicated background, please talk to me beforehand :) You can find general examples of my art here. - Black and white style - Watercolour style - Digital art Digital or traditional is up to you, in either case you will receive a digital file. (if you want the physical art, you will have to pay for shipping. It may cost up to $10, I am located in EU) It will take a while to finish it, since my real life takes a lot of attention, and other events also exist. Please be patient. Feel free to ask questions, I’m up for drawing almost anything! If you want a ship I don’t have listed, you can still ask (preferably beforehand). Good luck bidding and have fun with all of the great content in all of MTH! :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
Hii im new too is blog but first of all i really enjoy reading is posts and you for taking the time to write <33
TW; abuse
Could you maybe do a platonic hellfire/eddie munson x reader where she's a member of the club and they all view her as a little sister but she is billy's biological little sister and he used to protect her against neil (lets say he never left hawkings) but since he died she's became the main target of his abuse, so they begin too notice and maybe eddie and the guys beat the shit out of neil when they onetime come to pick her up for a game while neil and her are having a bad fight.
I was in a situation like this a year ago and i wish i had friends like that
Sorry of this is a triggering subject!!
Stick Together
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Summary : After the death of your brother, your father's abuse is redirected towards you and your brother isn't there to protect you anymore, but Eddie and the rest of Hellfire are. Warnings : physical and verbal abuse, mentions of death, violence. this is one of my heavier fics so please read with caution! (let me know if ive missed any warnings) Notes : thank you for the kind words and the request <3 i hope i did it justice and im sorry you had to go through something like this.
You missed Billy. You wished he didn't die because then your dad wouldn't divorce your step-mom and separate you and Max. Then you wouldn't be alone. You wouldn't be forced to deal with your dad's abuse.
It didn't start right away. The first time was a few days after the funeral. He had a bit too much to drink and hit you when you tried to clean up the beer bottles scattered around the house. Your step-mom and Max had already moved out and it was just you and your dad. You didn't have anyone to call out for anymore.
You tried to fight back the first time, but he just got more angry. You don't remember much from that day. All you do remember is your dad hit you, you had bruises and you cried yourself to sleep.
It would only get worse as time went on.
You tried to spend most of your time at school or somewhere else, but your dad would get pissed off for you not being home on time. You went home right after school like he asked, but he would find little reasons to get mad and yell at you. Sometimes he wouldn't touch you, just point out every little imperfection you had.
You were so tired of it, you wished for Billy to come back and protect you. You just wanted to feel some sense of normalcy and happiness in your life.
You found that happiness and normalcy in the Hellfire Club.
You had joined the club a month or so after you moved to Hawkins and you were quickly accepted by the group of outcasts. You were happy that you got to escape from real life for a bit. The leader of the club, Eddie, became one of your closest friends. You two spent time together outside of the club, but you never told him about your home life. You didn't tell anyone in the club about your home life and you didn't want them to find out.
It was a Saturday and you were waiting for Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire club to pick you up for another session. You stayed in your room, to yourself, while your dad recovered from a hangover. You had your comics to keep you company. Your headphones were on and your music was blasting in your ears, so you didn't hear your dad yelling your name.
You did hear the aggressive banging on your door though. You immediately stopped your music, tossed your headphones and comic to the side, and grabbed your bag before opening the door.
"Did you not hear me screaming your name?" He spat.
"Sorry, I had my headphones on."
"I don't care, you're making my headache worse."
You stayed quiet, trying to slip by him but he blocked you from leaving your room.
"Did I say you could leave?"
"Please, dad, my friends are on their way to pick me up-"
"You didn't tell me you had plans."
"I do. Now, please let me go."
"I didn't say you could leave!" He yelled, causing you to flinch away. He noticed your flinch and dryly laughed. "You're just like Billy, you're weak."
"You don't get to talk about him like that!"
He slapped you across the face. It stung and you froze in shock, letting him grab you and shove you against your wall.
Eddie tapped his wheel impatiently. He had the rest of the club in his van, they were just waiting for you. He hit his horn a few times but you still hadn't come out yet. Eddie glanced at his watch then sighed.
"I'm gonna go get her," he said, unbuckling and turning off the van. He got out and started up the short pathway to the front door.
Eddie knocked once, waited only to get no answer, then knocked again. He tried to look inside the windows but couldn't see anyone. He twisted the door knob, just to see if it was unlocked, and it was. He slowly cracked open the door, calling your name.
Then he heard you scream.
Eddie swung the door open and raced inside, running down the hall. He quickly found you cornered by who he assumed was your dad. You had a red mark on your cheek and a few bruises on your face and arms. Your teary eyes met Eddie's and your dad spun around to see who you were looking at.
"Who the hell are you?!" You dad yelled, taking a step towards Eddie.
"Eddie, please leave," you said quietly, taking shaky breaths. Eddie just stood there, looking between you and your dad.
"Why are you in my house?!" Your dad yelled before grabbing Eddie's shirt.
Eddie swung and punched your dad in the cheek, his rings cutting your dad. You were frozen, watching your dad try to hit Eddie back but Eddie was quicker. He kept hitting your dad until he was down on the ground and a bloody mess. And you just watched him go down.
"Get to the van!" Eddie yelled amongst grunts from him and your dad.
You hesitated for a second before stumbling out of your room. A sob escaped your lips as you ran out of your home and to Eddie's van. You tugged the door open and quickly got inside.
You friends kept calling your name but you couldn't hear them. You were just trying to control your breathing and calm down. You don't know how long it took, but by the time you did, Eddie was in the van and driving off.
You saw the blood on his knuckles and rings as he gripped the steering wheel. He looked back at you through the rearview mirror.
"Are you okay?"
You looked at everyone else in the van, the little family you had found, and you knew you were safe. You took a deep yet shaky breath.
"I'll be okay."
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stranger-rants · 1 year
I like the idea of Eddie as a character, and I like a lot of aspects of him, but he is in fact flawed. And the way some fans of his refuse to acknowledge his flaws makes me really annoyed. I can tell he was written purely to be likable even though I don’t feel that’s entirely earned. I like him, but the way he gets treated as this perfect character who can do no wrong just kind of puts me off of most works about him
I like Eddie, too, flaws and all as the person I think he was actually portrayed to be.
I don’t like who a lot of people think he is nor who The Duffers wanted him to be. I think he’s trying to be cool, sometimes. I think he’s annoying. I think he’s easily flustered, and very inexperienced. I think he’s immature and goofy. I think he cares a lot about what other people think, despite being seemingly non-conformist. He assumes people are judging him, and they are… so he leans into that. He is also, of course, making a living dealing drugs. All of these things can be considered flaws, but they also just make him human.
Instead of recognizing these things as flaws, Eddie is kind of… infantilized by the fandom. He gets the opposite treatment of Billy, who is adultified. Eddie isn’t obnoxious, he’s an adorable man-child who needs to be taught social cues. When Billy drinks, it’s written down on his “villain-wiki” as a crime, but Eddie is turned into a benevolent street pharmacist. Eddie is A Good Poor who deserves to be rescued from his poverty, but Billy should have just moved out if he didn’t like getting beat. Et cetera.
Also, don’t get me started on the Eddie is a real metal head debate. Eddie is an elitist. It’s one of his flaws, and it’s something that every nerdy guy I’ve ever known does. He grills Erica on her D&D knowledge and abilities which is just reminiscent of every test gatekeepers to nerdy things will give to you if you’re not white and/or male. All the characters I love have flaws. Eddie happens to be egotistical and up his own ass when it comes to his interests. If he didn’t care what people thought of him, he wouldn’t fiercely protect his interests like that.
It’s the way fans fueled by The Duffers have latched onto these things that really piss me off. The hypocrisy of it all. The way people outright say Eddie is good and Billy is bad as if you can neatly sort teenagers into this dichotomy. Billy was a jerk who had to grow up too fast and he was abused up until his death. Eddie was a loser who was always escaping from life’s challenges through comics and D&D and he was convinced the only way to be a hero was to get himself killed. Neither really deserved that treatment.
…but while Eddie gets to be happily incorporated into fandom without much controversy, Billy - six years in - is still treated as too flawed to exist in those same spaces. I would much rather read about Eddie being a complicated, messy character than see people treat him like a golden child who is so cool and so suave and everybody should love him and the people who don’t just don’t get it and yadda yadda. It’s just nerd boy wish fulfillment at that point, and that’s the only thing The Duffers are consistently good at portraying.
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DC should have never un-twined the Batsons
I mean it, there is so much that could be done today in interesting character developments and analysis or just struggles and issues about their whole dynamic without jeopardizing the “Magic twins in their own found family that fight the forces of evil” thing
To prove my point, I’m going to rattle off ideas that could most definitely have been explored in DC’s “If it’s gritty it’s good” writing mentality and its love for drama
As it goes, their story started on the simple note of the whole switched at birth story, with Mary swapped with another couples dead daughter by said couples nurse to neither family’s knowledge.
That alone is gold, it leaves the Batson family mourning a child while (depending on the canon) doing their best to be active and loving parents to the child they do have. And it doesn’t have to just be the parents, my own brother has a sister that died before he could remember her at all (we are half siblings and I never knew her) and he still makes a yearly trip to her grave to clean it up and keep the grass from covering it. Billy could have very well have mourned too and have had a hang up about being the twin that lived when it seemed like his sister died shortly after birth.
Then, when Nurse Primm does tell Billy the truth in her dying days, Billy could have this whole relief at having his sister or having a sister. It would also open up this whole bag of worms with Mary, because as much as she loves her brother and spending time with him it comes with the revelation that her parents weren’t her parents and her nurse did a horrible thing to their biological parents.
There’s the fact that the Batsons are dead and they died thinking she was gone, she never got the chance to meet them, all she has is her brother who did know them. And then comes the Bromfields, should she tell them or not? She isn’t their daughter, not even legally since she was switched without their knowledge. She’s known them as her parents her whole life up until that point, she might not want to tell them and would have to keep her real relationship to Billy secret and say they’re just friends when that’s her literal twin.
It’s only when they are powered up, turned into Captain and Mary Marvel, that they can even publicly call the other a sibling because that’s their alternate identities. That magic is something they can share as a family, they are explicitly called the Marvel Family with Freddy and Uncle Dudley and the other Lieutenant Marvels who are also like family to them to a degree.
There is a great potential for their power and magic as an allegory for found family, as it’s been used previously in the newer comics. They could have Mary agonizing over knowing she’s not the Bromfields real daughter, they could have them accept her any way and want to bring Billy in too despite his well known independence even at a young age, it could be a real angsty chapter in Mary’s life if her parents didn’t accept her after knowing at the reveal. It could be a reveal! Mary could be hiding far more than her superheroics from her parents!
And with Billy he could still mourn, with as big as his heart has always been, and remember the daughter Mary was swapped with. He could still visit her grave, probably next to his parents’ with the name they gave her (because they’ll insist you name the child you lost to help mourn them) and feel bad for both couples. His parents for grieving someone else’s kid and holding that sadness until their deaths and the Bromfields for not even knowing their kid is buried by another family with a name they didn’t choose.
Making Mary the motherly older sibling of a foster home didn’t add anything, it took her out of the family adventures by having her go off to college quickly too. With Mary and Billy still being twins there is a different kind of sibling relationship there and the possibility for drama that people could eat up!
Idk if it’s just me who’d like to see these things focused on or the fun of these twins being magical siblings who love eachother despite their massed up origins the more you think about them but I want to see it
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