#war on youth
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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""Zoot Suit" Tailor Fined $200, Costs," Montreal Star. August 24, 1943. Page 3. --- PLEADING guilty to manufacturing 47 "zoot suits" in contravention of the regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, David Croft, operating "Alexandre Le Tailleur", 311 St. Catherine street east, was fined $200 and costs or one month in jail today by Judge E. Archambault.
Croft pleaded guilty through his lawyer, who sought to have the fine fixed at $100, pointing out that this had been the penalty paid by others on similar charges. Judge Archambault, however, said that it was time that tailors knew that the manufacturing of "zoot" suits is prohibited.
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sayruq · 4 months
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all-lee24 · 7 months
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Young Malenia doodles + headcanons
((A.K.A Malenia as Miquella always sees her even after she grew up and became a fierce warrior))
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tatooineknights · 3 months
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aronarchy · 9 months
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anonymocha · 6 months
Do you think that Medicine Pocket would talk to their puppies/doggies with a different voice? Like how some people would talk to their pets in a higher pitched voice or smth?
I remember watching this video a long time ago where someone explains how they only talk to their pet in a gremlin voice, and thinking back on it now , I feel like it’s kinda Medpoc coded. People just think that they’ve finally lost it when hearing it out of context.
I need your opinion on this.
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smolbean-17 · 7 months
GUYS I just realized why Hunter looks so different this season, besides having half his armor gone and super scuffed up. And no skull bandana and scarf:(
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||Blood wars: Revenge of the Nagu vampires||
Reserved Rp with @demon-blood-youths
It's been about a few weeks to around three months after the attack against the Nagu vampires and the fractions of NYC. Everyone has been recovering and rebuilding after the destruction they caused. Most people still lived on their lives even trying to do their best to look past what happened.
So far, the fractions have been doing well, even some just resting up for the time being. Right now, no word was heard from the Nagu vampires or the main targets: Caizmir and Owen. Right now, it seems the two were busy doing something or seeking the Elder Nagu vampire. So far, they have given blood or offerings to the shrine that held him but they were seeing his power growing during the past weeks.
"Please hear my voice great one. I know you been sleeping for a long time but we seek your help. Your aid...please come to us." Caizmir was seeing the followers chanting but seeing the blood magic at work. Owen said nothing but he saw and felt the power from the shrine. However, their was someone laying on the stone bed but they looked to be dead but not. They were asleep.
"Sir, do you really think this will work?" one Nagu asked but Owen hissed at him to be quiet. The other falls back scared seeing the others chanting still. They knew the elder was right there. Sleeping but as the magic was seeping into the ground, some sudden movement was seen making the others tense. Wait..what the...
"Yes, rise grand elder. Rise to the new world of the living. Let us bring you back to the living. Come back and walk among us again." he chanting as the Nagu vampires sees the ground cracking but in a while, that's when something cracks through showing a hand with nails made of blood. Some of the chanters backs up scared but Caizmir and Owen looks seeing the hands but the one sleeping slowly shifts to slowly open their eyes. "....."
"This works....now I can plan my revenge on those demons..they will regret the day they messed with us." he chuckled.
~~~~~~Meanwhile in NYC~~~~~~
Breezy felt a sudden chill with a headache but she shook it off while the others noticed. "You okay?" asked Jinx looking up but to nod.
"Y..yeah, I'm good...just...a weird feeling." she mutters rubbing her arm but shook it off while the cursed vixens got worried about her friend but they were on patrol today like the other fractions today. Melinda and Breezy were alright but they only remains seeing their leader looking around. She wonders if the others were doing alright but they should be. Even knowing that Davion was helping out and being sure Rust was safe. It leaves the hurricane curious but she keeps it quiet.
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plusultraetc · 1 year
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"If you're going, I will too."
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
You know those videos of moms rolling up snacks for their kiddos, and then having the realization that they’re using “transferable skills” from their wild party girl days?
Yeah that’s Echo.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Les partisans du 'zoot-suit' restent calmes," La Patrie. July 25, 1943. Page 43. ---- Les zoot-suiters ne sont pas apparus à la danse dans la rue qui eut lieu, vendredi soir, au Square Richmond, sous le patronage du conseiller Frank Hanley et en faveur de la vente de timbres d'épargne de guerre. On avait craint que la même expérience qu'à Rosemont, оu les partisans du zoot-suit ont causé une bagarre, ne survint à cette danse en plein air, mais le conseiller Hanley avait averti charitablement les zoot-suiters qu'ils s'exposaient à prendre un bain dans le canal de Lachine, s'ils tentaient d'y causer du désordre. Antoni Dicario et le conseiller Hanley, en avant, sont en train d'acheter des timbres des Miss Canadas qui ont donné leur temps gratuitement pour aider cette oeuvre admirable. (Photo la Patrie.)
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"How fortunate we were who still had hope, I did not then realise; I could not know how soon the time would come when we should have no more hope, and yet be unable to die."
~ Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth (1933)
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artsy-moonwalker · 3 months
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War of Youth… nine years later.
Just oc stuff. Haven’t drawn these boys in a while!
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ahh young love
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
His fingers closed into a fist, crushing Sansa's letter between them. "And she says nothing of Arya, nothing, not so much as a word. Damn her! What's wrong with the girl?" (Bran VI, AGoT) This is Cersei's letter, not your sister's," she said when she was done..."There's no mention of Arya," Robb pointed out, miserable. (Catelyn VIII, AG0T)
"I will," Arya vowed. She had never loved him so much as she did in that instant. "I can be strong too. I can be as strong as Robb." (Arya II, AGoT) "The wolf blood." Arya remembered now. "I'll be as strong as Robb. I said I would." (Arya X, ACoK)
Robb being so worried about Arya and upset that there's no mention of her in Sansa's letter + Arya looking up to Robb and drawing strength from him has me so emotional, their relationship is so underrated 😭
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reno-matago · 18 days
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John Flaxman • Pastoral Apollon (Petworth House)
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