#warriors is the fancy bitch
shapelytimber · 9 months
Skyrim is a dress up game, right ?
I was in the mood to do some costume design, so here is a line up for Teldryn Sero and my dragonborn Elaris :)
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I'm always frustrated that every clothing mod on the Nexus is only for women characters (and let's say not to my tastes)- so I had a lot of fun with these :DD
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Notes on my design choices for the two characters below vvv
For Teldryn :
He's a warrior, and he doesn't strike me as a man very interested in fashion, so I kept his clothes practical and not too tight as to not restrict his movements.
He is from Morrowind, and proud of it (one of his only dialogue is him talking about his hometown Blacklight and how beautiful it is), so I tried to incorporate this in his outfit choices. The most obvious one, outside of the canon chitin armor, is the fancy clothes. For them I gave him a slightly altered dunmer outfit you can find in Solstheim. But nothing too ornate or ridiculous, since he's from a pretty modest background (as far as I can tell)
And I think the sleepwear do not need explaining golglflffkfk
For his body type I went for the classic muscular and covered in scars build, nothing much to say. I did give him an ass tho, because I think he deserves it <3
For Elaris :
My dragonborn is a mage Altmer. He puts a lot of efforts in how he looks, and he is a bougie bitch thanks to his new Arc-mage job. Mostly a conjurer, he doesn't need to fight himself. So the outfits are dramatic, impractical and richely decorated. No need for comfortable when your main activities are prancing around a school campus, doing paperwork or summoning big muscly demons to do your bidding.
So I get to dress him in long robes, heels and too much jewelry <3
As for the sleepwear, it's comfy and not very sexy. It's the end of his cunty hours, he gets to relax in a slightly ridiculous 17th century inspired sleepwear (I think it's the right period, but don't quote me on that I'm not an expert)
For the body type, he is tall, not very muscular with a bit of chub. He lives in a cold country and has the closest thing to an office job, he deserves to put on a little bit of meat <3
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shadowriel · 11 months
ACOTAR Couples & Halloween Costumes: Headcanons 👻 🎃
Feysand: Feyre and Rhys definitely have a cute family costume planned with Nyx, but as soon as they leave him with a babysitter, they have to be the hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. Think Mr. & Mrs. Smith, think mafia AU, think Feyre in a slutty dress and Rhys unable to keep his hands off her
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Nessian: Nesta and Cassian start planning their costumes at least a year in advance. No expense is spared, no detail is overlooked. Sure, they get into semi-heated arguments leading up to their favourite day of the year, but it’s well worth it. My vote goes to them being sexy pirates, or a gender bent Hades and Persephone.
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Elucien: The thing about Elain Archeron is that she will always be that bitch, so well-dressed that people can’t help but stare. Lucien LOVES it! He’s also more than happy to take off his shirt at Elain’s request. A Greek god (or warrior) and goddess definitely works for their day court vibes (bonus points if Elain is Aphrodite).
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Azris: Eris and Azriel famously refuse to put effort into Halloween. Azriel has been known to throw on cat ears. Eris has worn a mask or used fake blood on more than one occasion. Yet, somehow they end up surprising everyone by dressing up as a cop (Eris) and sexy criminal (Azriel). Yes, the handcuffs are fully functional. And, yes, Azriel wears a crop top.
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Emorie: Our fave girlies have one goal on Halloween, and that’s to look ridiculously hot. Mor lives by the fact that “hoes don’t get cold” and usually makes a costume out of lingerie. Emerie’s been known to follow her lead or dress in something’s that more comfy. I think they would absolutely slay as an angel and demon.
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Bonus addition: Emerie as a witch (and Mor can tag along as a black cat)
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Gwynriel: These two always go with a costume that’s ridiculously niche or nerdy. Sometimes, Gwyn will get Azriel to dress up as her favourite male characters. Sometimes, she’ll wear a gorgeous costume on her own (and Azriel will just be there, looking at her with hearts in his eyes). Batman and catwoman is a fan favourite, but Gwyn loves the year she found her new favourite book and got them to dress up as a priestess and shadowsinger.
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Elriel: Elain is hot (see above), and Azriel is more than happy to take a supporting role when it comes to couples costumes. Elain wants to wear a fancy dress? Azriel will offer to hold her purse. It’s an Elain Archeron world and Azriel is loving every second of just being in it. I feel like a flower and gardener costume would be cute couples costume for them.
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Jassa: Jurian and Vassa are here to have fun. All of their costumes are easy-going and definitely bought last-minute, but they still look amazing. They’re known to find things around the house, and wear a costume that they insist is a pun. Some years, they remember they have these race car outfits at the back of their closet.
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Gwynlain: Gwyn and Elain are for the Pinterest girlies. They always have the most gorgeous costumes, and their makeup is impeccably done. Dare I say, they’re the second hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. My brain is literally malfunctioning at the thought of them dressing up like Bloom and Flora from Winx Club.
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I honestly could go on and on (and on…)
[All images were found on pinterest]
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thelegendofmik · 11 months
Shoe HC's for the Chain bc why tf not lmao
He exclusively wears converse.
He has a pair that Ravio embroidered cute designs on for him.
He has a pair that has been absolutely vandalised to hell and back.
He has so many pairs of vans its actually not funny
(its giving straight skater boi vibes sorry wars u bi queen)
in formal scenarios he wears oxfords. Because he is a pretentious bitch (but we love him for it)
He has a single pair of high quality, custom made leather boots that can be used for everything.
Except they make that click-clacky sound when walking on the ranch's hardwood floors and Malon hates it
So when he's at home he putters around in Malon's slippers (she deliberately buys them several sizes too big so that Time can wear them)
He too, has a singular pair of boots but they are closer to cowboy boots than anything.
His however, do not make the clicky sound that Time's do (Malon: honey, why don't you have a quieter pair like Twi's? / Time: the clicking is a sign of authority, thank you very much!)
He has the classic docs that he wears until they are literally unwearable. And then he covers them in duct tape and wears them for like another year until he is convinced to get a new pair.
When he does get a new pair, he doesn't stop complaining about how much of a bitch they are to break in.
Tetra bought him a pair of Nike TN's.
He only wears them so he doesn't offend Tetra (he is unaware of it but he is down bad for her)
Aryll thinks they're hilarious and will take every opportunity to make fun of her brother.
TN's aside, he would wear regular sneakers. Nothing too fancy.
Four wears crocs. I don't know why, its just the vibe
The colours have their own colour coordinated pairs
The different charms they have are incredibly telling about their individual personalities
Red wears his with socks.
Green is indifferent to socks.
Blue and Vio are violently against crocs and socks.
Minish Four wears gumboots. Teeny tiny Minish-sized gumboots.
He would totally wear Birkenstocks
Him, Sun, and Groose have matching pairs
He has lost several shoes while riding Crimson (Birks are NOT practical loftwing-riding shoes)
If he has to wear them, he would wear thongs (flip-flops for the americans out there).
Flora can wrangle him into boots once in a blood moon.
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extraaa-30 · 7 months
Why soft dom Aziraphale + bratty sub Crowley appeals to me
(be serious though they're both switches)*
Soft Dom Aziraphale
1. heaven
An angel is supposed to be the pure one, undefiled, meek, following orders without question, the girl to be got, the prize to be sought after, the white to be soiled. Subvert it! Aziraphale shouldn't be confined to an eternity of zero agency, naivety, and bland pastels. The idea of Aziraphale getting to really own his "bastard" side, getting to be "selfish," be demanding, be in control--delightful.
And, Aziraphale has guilt complexes on his guilt complexes. Because, unlike most of humanity, he is intimately aware of the righteous, pitiless violence that heaven is capable of. And he's made an art of subtly and ceaselessly defying it by being gentle, by demonstrating enormous restraint. He is a warrior who gave away his holy sword. He swerves severely in the direction of being reserved, harmless, feels clear guilt about any strong desires or direct asks. He has an obvious anxiety about excess (the mental acrobatics he does to justify his book collection, for example, are an entire circus). Free him from the fear of going too far!
2. the effeminate gay man
Thee Southern Pansy, "gay as a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide," with the fancy clothes and prim and proper aesthetic, ever the damsel in distress, flamboyant and limp-wristed, the one who is called slurs by children, the one who is sunshine and sweetness, "the nice one."
Except we know he is secretly a bastard! We know this bitch has preferences! Let him own that! The fact that he is effeminate should not automatically make him more submissive I literally hate that. On the inside Aziraphale is cunty and commanding and he should get to be!
3. with Crowley
Let him say what he craves directly so help me god! No double-speak, no games, no lustfully looking but then looking away immediately. Let him consume. Let him indulge in the gluttony he endlessly flirts with yet denies himself out of guilt and fear. The idea of Aziraphale as a gentle dom just seems so healing, like a puzzle piece that finally gets to click into place without shame.
Bratty Sub Crowley
1. hell
A demon is supposed to be the impure one, the defiler, the temptress, the seducer, the villain who takes, the black that soils. Subvert it! Crowley shouldn't be confined to the tropes of his demonic nature. He does not just take, just ruin. He is not inherently the one with experience while Aziraphale is the naive, pure little virgin. The idea of him being submissive to an angel (well...to this angel) is a delicious way to challenge that narrative.
And oh my god my girl has trust issues. As a demon his mentality is severely no allies, watch your back, the one who was cast out, rejected for a first offense, shaky ground, always in danger. He's not supposed to trust others, and he has legit biblically valid reasons to be wary and paranoid. Free him from the fear of trusting someone else to take control!
2. Mr. Cool
Mr. Bond, suave, smooth, stoic, sharp angles, stylish and slick, so very dangerous and criminal, the one with the car, the rebel, the snake. Compared with Aziraphale, he's supposed to be Mr. Hardass, "not nice."
Except we know he is secretly a disaster twink, 110% a soft sad little loser under that facade (and not buried that deep either)! He is a romantic who, in spite of hell, wants to give his angel chocolates! Let him own that!
3. with Aziraphale
Let him be unequivocally, unambiguously wanted oh my god! No guessing games! No trying to decipher what the fuck Aziraphale is really saying to him! Free him from the fear of always being "too fast" or "too late." All this bitch wants is for Aziraphale to be pleased by him, by Anthony J-acts-of-service Crowley! The idea of finally allowing him that...another puzzle piece. So satisfying and healing and safe.
*They're switches your honor
1. "our side"
Not heaven, not hell. Not angels or demons. Not all black or all white. If you think they don't switch, you're wrong.
2. weight & gender
Aziraphale is bigger and keeps his hair short and has a steadiness to him and all those things are perceived as more masculine by some and therefore stronger and more dominant. Fuck that! His size also is too often viewed as something unattractive, which--extremely fuck that. My boy is a treat and a catch. He should get to feel pretty and soft in a totally uncomplicated way as often as he goddamn wants.
Crowley is skinny, often has longer hair, has an absolute treasure hoard of gender, and there's a flightiness to him that's perceived as more feminine by some and therefore weaker and more submissive. Again I say fuck that! His slimness likewise is too often viewed as more desirable, more malleable and able to be cowed; to which I say: die! He is no dainty flower. He actually can often be commanding and capable. Take him seriously.
Furthermore: Aside from the obvious fact that weight, gender, and d/s all have jack shit to do with each other, subverting these tropes remains as important as subverting the other ones. Aziraphale should get to feel delicate and wanted just as much as Crowley. And Crowley should get to feel powerful and in control just as much as Aziraphale. To deny either of them those experiences...bad! Shut up!
3. Crowley & Aziraphale
Their dynamic is already basically gentle dom Aziraphale & bratty sub Crowley. Like literally inches below the surface lmao it's not that hard to spot (see: Az pouts about paint on his jacket, Crowley instantly rushes to fix it but in a cunty way; Crowley pins Az to a wall and Az isn't even slightly intimidated or out of control).
The problem is, they're not talking (see: Az can't ask directly; Crowley has to act tough). Which is why I personally feel that a more honest d/s dynamic, with all that unspoken ritual out in the open, would be an enormous relief for them.
That said, it's not fair to confine them to that familiar dynamic! Crowley isn't a sad wet rat all the time-- let him plan things and have them work out for once. Let him be (on purpose lol) successfully seductive! Likewise Aziraphale deserves to let his fucking hair down. Let my girl not have to do everything in this goddamn house! He deserves to not have to be the one in control all the time. He has trust issues just as deep as Crowley's, and equally deserves to feel safe and wanted.
Also Aziraphale is too much of a hedonist to not want to try everything. If you think he's sticking with one dynamic you are a fool. A clown. As my French-speaking 6,000 year old middle aged babygirl would say: an imbécile.
I wrote this for me, but if you read this far I hope you enjoyed it lol peace & love on planet earth
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40 Years Super Hot Body Ready for Party • Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra and Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Fart Song • Butterflies Scared My Cat When I Was Burping in Your Face on Wednesday Morning • Drunk Log out with Spooky Music Settings on My Firm Tits Pictures • Grandpa Says Fuck While Grandma Screams What Repeated Several Times • Grumpy Trumpy Python Toddler Taxi with False News and Emotions • Hugging Blood Thirsty Vampires with a Transylvanian Accent and Slapped Butts • I Farted as an Official Statement Against Global Warming, Expressing My Worries! • I’m Handsome When Wearing a Bag on My Head, Said the Horny Motherfuckers Politely • Is That Cellulite or Just Your Ugly Face? • Kindergarten Farting Fanfare Discussed with Disgusting Asian Clay Warriors Terracotta Song • Leaking Ladies Xylophone Solo Learning with Lusty Lashes Song • Lisping on Penis Peyote Creaking Mirth Radio, Let’s Lisp! Song • Lowering My Filthy Boobs to the Height of Your Curly Chest Hair with Freckles • Mom’s Cleaning Closet Looks Like a Women’s Porn Stash • My Gay Expense Combination Password Gore Seeking Battle Was Sinning • My Hangover Got Hung over by a Hung Guy from Hungary • My Horoscope Sign Is Poop and Yours Is Farts • Nearly Touching Myself with Your Girlfriend’s Hands While Doing the Dishes • Peeing a Farting Swearing Shouting and Pooping in Different Languages Made Me Famous Song • Petite Girls Liked My Fat Farts in Skinny Jeans with Justice • Pooping a Masterpiece in the Little Boys Room on National TV Broadcast • Puerto Del Penis Summer Holiday with Topless Sun Bathing and Surfing Fun • Puking Girls Are Holding Each Others Hair While Selling Butter to Pregnant Vomiting Men • Real Sharks Was a Great Accessory for My Swimming Pool Party Massacre • Relaxing Music for Penis Boys and Vagina Girls, I Have Money Cash, Yes! • Rescuing My Penis from Your Vagina at the Last Minute, Whoah! • Scary Music and Naked Ladies Cemetery Collection Flickering Through Growth • Shaking Sausages in the Men’s Room and Dangling Coconuts • Short Temper Anus Removal with Lipstick on the Collar • Shouting Poopers to Girls While a Crying Man Is Pooping Poop, How Adorable Screaming Babies Are! • Silly Talking Childish Macho Man Thanking Prayers for God’s Food Yes Hello! • Skinny Bitch, Fat Bitch, Rich Bitch, Poor Bitch, All Bitches Poop! • Smelling That Pussy in the Air at the Private Night Club Farting Room • Smudging Chocolate over the Toilet, So Everyone Would Think I Pooped • Sneaking Beans into Your Butthole While U Talk to a Handsome Stranger • Snuggling in Satan’s Satin Sheets with Shattered Dreams and No Boner Song • Solitary Fighting My Big Toe with the Desolate Strangler • Spoiling Desert by Pulling Your Finger Thirteen Times in a Row • Strolling with Morning Wood in the Woods While Mourning to This Song • Stutter and Chinese Food Destroyed My Artwork in the Toilet Bowl Coffee Shop • Sunny Morning Boner at the Beach Gym Towel Rental Song • Surprisingly Soft Boobs on the Milf Statue in the Garden of Jugs, Oh It Was Your Mom Sorry! •
Taming My Daughter’s Boyfriend with Booze and Fists of Agony • Teleporting My Cock to the Urinals Hurts When Peeing Penis Action • That Penis Is Not Mine, Stop Accusing Me of Curing Your Cancer! What • The Brothel Cup Cake Dispenser Had a Variety of Chocolate Brownies Too • The Giggling Killer Was Invited for Tea and Mustard with a Former Laughing Idiot • The Headache Fuckers with Migraine Were Chopping Fucking Painkillers • The Itchy Vampire Vagina Was a Gothic Curse from Medieval Times Song • The Lying Bitch Hermit Ducking Group Was Insisting on Bitch Slaps • The Penis Teens Shouting Squad Declared War on the Vagina Milfs Departure • The Pussy Cock Was Meowing and Cock-a-Doodle-Dooing with Glance • The Singing Orgy Group Remembered My Fancy Birthday Party, Super! • The Sock on My Penis Shook the Genuine Spokesman While Crying Song • The Syphilis Motown Singers Were Blowing Deranged Adultery at Me Song • The Toy Collector’s Mature Attitude Otter Raised Homeland Security Breach • The Triangle of Pussy and Clipping Smoothies Burping Smootch • Typical Asian Food Poured into the Purse of an European Hooker Prostitute Igloo • Under Water Farting Wiz Nick Y Minaj Naked Twerking Shower Saloon Barf Thong • Updating My Profile Picture While Pooping Macaroni with Japanese Subtitles • Using Mother´s Panther Underwear Because of Broken Shopping Bag to the Store • Washing Hamburgers with Dirty Sauce in Leather Pants While Howling • What Ugly Shit on Your Finger! Oh, It’s Your Wedding Ring? It’s Very Nice! • Whistling and Farting a Heavenly Polyphonic Song for Dying Virgins • Violin Licking Sounds by a Hard Baritone Dick Song Licker • Young Girls Selling Old Men´s Boxers in Thongs with Soulful Tutti-Frutti • Your Butthole Swallowed My Telephone, Will It Come out from the Mouth Then? • Your Mom´s Butt Massage Seems Innocent at First, Before Handing out Religious Leaflets
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pieroulette · 2 years
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L♡VE $CAM – part 1
> short teaser <
With the fancy outer cover of the book being the prince saving his damsel in distress from the cruel, harsh world; it's only wise to assume that the inner pages consists of "happily ever after". However, rip the pages off and take off your rose-coloured glasses and see that the prince was never a prince, and the damsel in distress won't always be a damsel in distress.
GENRE slow burn romance, comedy, angst, character-driven story.
WARNING scammer! heeseung, prostitute! reader, reader is a bad bitch, prostitution, degradation, manipulation, red flags idk, Heeseung has a rotten view on women in general, messed up beliefs, and more to be updated on the next parts—also just in case, since it's slow burn don't expect any smut in PT 1 lol.
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The little boy drew on the surface of his blooming world with the mighty sword within his fingers, swaying it up and around with a wide big grin on his face as a low volume of the sunshower emitting outside the huge glass window right beside him—the vibrance of the sun shone on his world, furthering the beauty before his very eyes. “Pretty, pretty!” he exclaimed in utter grin.
A tiny chime echoes through the house, coming from the doorbell itself.
He turned over his shoulder to greet his mother but was taken aback by the unusual sight; his mother carried a rather solemn aura, a stark contrast of how she used to everyday. That was one thing, however the perfect picture he had always been patient to wait for everyday was ruined by the empty hollow spot beside his mother.
His mother went to the kitchen, sitting quietly after she was done with pouring herself a cup of tea. It was different but little Heeseung stayed silent, fiddling his fingers as he also sat back to his usual spot—beside the couch, pencil colours brushing the white paper emitting through the disquiet atmosphere.
A fair hour had passed within a blink of an eye, yet his mother stayed in the same spot not budging even a inch resembling a lifeless doll. It brought an uneasiness in the little boy, searching for a way to soothe such an atmosphere yet he doesn’t how. How?
His round, joy-filled eyes beamed upon a thought—picking his mighty sword back to his little fingers and started to adorn a new piece of canvas with little doodles.
“Mom! Look.. what I draw!”
A huge castle stood brave, strong and still on the hard soil ground. It carries this prestigious aura looming yet the beautiful lawns were decorated with brightly coloured and blooming flowers—yielding a perfect mixture of a strong home yet warm and gentle or more so like a pair of arms wrapped around you—strong and gentle. Peeking through the open windows with the tied up curtains flowing gracefully, through the plumpy soft bed; a princess sat in her big, giant castle all alone by herself in hopes for her prince to come and save her from the witch caging her inside that place. But to her surprise, an armour came into view standing before her eyes as she slowly looked up to the wearer; a gentle smile adorning his lips—a warrior came for her instead. It was as if the canvas came to life. Their feet begin to gently rise, fall, spin, and halt—and the whole process repeats again.
Flipping through the pages, surfaces the image of the princess grabbing the warrior's extended palms. Little Heeseung was ecstatic observing his mother, his little fingers clutching on their own along with the colours popping up on the princess' dress. Little did he know, the colours weren't doing its wonders in the reflection of his mother’s orbs.
Hollow, hollow it was.
“This is mom and dad!” the little boy explained.
His mother sighed through his nose before looking up. "Heeseung-ah. ." He didn't hear much of it or rather his surroundings was consumed by the rain overthrowing the sunny clouds—to him, mother’s voice being submerged in the growing ocean.
It was suffocating despite the fact he didn't know what was suffocating, he just couldn't reach for the air even though the air was there. What was mom saying? He forgot though, like the child he was as the next day came and he continued his next piece of drawing. Still wondering where his father was as another spiral loop of forgetfulness consumes the little boy as soon as he gets back to his new piece of drawing to show to his mother—in hopes that such expression won't surface on her face again.
His mother would never say a word of compliment yet she would turn the drawings he gave into a wooden frame—hanging it on the yellow wall of their living room. A silent love. Soon the walls were adorned with many, many frames—each consisting of mundane yet simple days of the princess and warrior’s together; the princess and the warrior eating together for dinner. Next day, a drawing of the princess's hair being brushed by the warrior. Next day, the warrior brought a pet fish for the princess and together they raised it.
How long has it been? Has it been a week? A month, or a year? Today's dinner was lacking. The plates once had a big fish on the plate yet today it is smaller in size and has a lesser portion of rice. He stayed silent though, maybe today was just a different case.
“Mom, when’s dad going to be back home?” His question was met with silence yet notices the brief pause of his mother from taking the spoonful of rice—she stretched out her hand to rub the boy’s little ones.
“Soon.” a reassuring smile surfaces amidst the solemn dining room.
Only a bowl of soup. Next day, there's only a small portion of food and it was only him who was eating, his mother was just sitting with him urging him to eat. Why? What's happening?
Today, he was starving but still had the same beaming energy to finish his drawing before the clock strikes, signifying his mother's return.
A soft chime echoes.
Bringing his piece of canvas to show to his mother with happiness, though it ceased to exist when not only did his mother appear—the empty spot beside her was consumed by an unfamiliar face. Tall, big and burly. Was that his dad?
"This, your kid?" little Heeseung twitched against the deep voice, not at all the gentle voice he remembered. This wasn’t his dad. How many months had it passed without the familiar presence he’d been yearning for?
An abashed laugh emits from his mother as her hand brushes the man's arm, "Don't mind the boy, he won't disturb us."
"Hm, boy. Why don't you go outside and have fun with your friends then?"
"I don't have friends.”
Little Heeseung stood still as he observed the enclosed white patterned door—the door in which his mother went in through with that man—a room he still remembers his father going in through once before. The boy’s attention fell upon the pit patter of rain falling outside.
Sun rose up in the sky, the door pushed open as he waited for his mother per his usual routine—he was met with the sight of his mother being with a man again, however this time it was a different face. Next day, next day, next day. Different days, different faces, yet it was vivid in his mind—the pale dusty green paper that all the men placed on his mother’s hand.
Till the day of his 15th birthday, a big fat expensive cake was presented before him on the table. Balloons, and cards of heartfelt wishes were splattered all over the table along with presents. Behind him, there stood the yellow painted wall adorned with numerous frames—a stark contrast of what was before him—an unfamiliar face on the end of the table, whose arms were tangled in his mother's.
Heeseung saw nothing but red as he grabbed the guy's arm, twisting it and bending it so hard to the point he's screaming.
"S-stop! I beg of you! Please stop!" your desperate voice had him frozen for a second. Pathetic, fragile, weak, and petite. You were all those words.
A woman in a sly attire appeared with her arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed in a way that she finds the entire commotion amusing, her voice heightening sparks a stark contrast from her sultry face. “What in the actual fuck is happening here?!”
Everyone halted at once, snapping their heads to the woman.
Heeseung observed from his side eye as you stuttered, being unable to form coherent words, patted your back in hopes to soothe you.
"Hm, who are you?" a question directed to Heeseung himself yet before he could answer—came out the cries of pain from the men themselves. "I bought her with my fucking money and say, why don't you tell it to this bastard, that girl—" he pointed at you with eyes shot wide open in rage, "She belongs to me now."
The woman didn’t have to hear the entire news to understand the weight of the situation before her; the battered, ragged form of the men and your shuddered form in a tall dashing man whose arms were wrapped around you, rubbing you as if you were his lover, despite the obvious trickles of blood seeping out from his cheeks—amused she was as she can't suppress her stifle laugh.
"Ah, ah. How amusing. I didn't know our dear (Name) would have a fair bunch of guys lusting after her isn't it?" she glances at you, “The name’s Yunjin in case you’re curious. We’ll have to settle this in a humane way, everyone.”
"So fucking what now?" The men spat out.
The woman spinned around her heels, motioning for you all to follow her as she let out an audible chuckle, fingers beneath her chin. "What else could be the perfect way than solving it with extra money?"
A huge manor stood tall and firm on the hard ground almost resembling of that a castle yet the overall vibe; the dusty grey walls, splattered dark stains on the pillars and corners of each wall, the extravagant colourful lights flickering around the board hanging on the main entrance— truly living up to its name—a brothel fitting for such a situation— dark windows with some of them left open for cool breeze to flow in through, several women ranging from all sorts of age had their backs leaning against the grey cold wall with their hands stretched out as if to lure men into their respective quarters—those that smells old reeking money and insatiable lust.
It was Heeseung's first time to ever be in such a place but the smell, the thick perfume, bold powders, the disgusting lewd sounds echoing throughout the space, the alcohol, women throwing themselves upon other men and so on — was all too familiar. A long, deep aisle stretched out before them which led them to another hallway with closed doors on either side—private quarters that were obvious for a reason.
They went through a vast room with its ceiling high up in the air, resembling of what seems like a ballroom yet engulfed in the same vibe as the main entrance–there stood a woman in black exquisite attire yet contrary to Yunjin, her attire was somewhat modest.
"Hm? What brings you back here again, darling?" Heeseung noticed the question was no one but for you whose heads were hanging down the entire time.
Yunjin leans closer into her ear—the woman gasped in a somewhat exaggerated manner, "Ah, ah. Then what's your name, child?"
"Lee Heeseung."
"Then may I ask why do you have to stick your nose in someone's business? I do not see where you have to do such a disrespectful thing."
“I just can���t bear to see them touch her like that.”
"So you want her?" A smirk grow on the woman's lips.
"But I already fucking bought her!—"
She raised her hand instantly, motioning for them to stay silent.
"Oh dear, did I hear that right? Don't you think it's a waste of money to buy a used product? They already bought her with their money. Besides, we had other girls you might find more interesting than (Name)."
"I don't care. I'll bring her with me, tell me how much they paid for her and I'll double the amount." Heeseung repeated. "Just tell me how much you want."
"Perfect." The woman's dark red lips tugged up in the slightest grin. "5,000 won. They paid 5,000 won. How much can you bargain, dear?"
"Make it 7,000 won then." a series of gasps followed.
"Fuck as if I'll let you," the man bares his teeth, "9,000 won."
"10,000 won."
"15,000 won!"
The commotion had the entire people round the space with eyes ogling at the never-ending uprising price.
"This is the last one, 65,000 won!"
"150,000 won." Heeseung looks at the man with contempt, “If you aren’t still satisfied then i’ll give you 500,000 won and an additional 20,000 more if you leave us the fuck alone.”
“Fuck, I wonder what you see in her.” Yunjin covered her eat-shitting grin with her hand, seemingly pleased by the entire situation.
"THE FUCK?!" downright shock etched all over their face, unable to believe the ogling amount spread before their eyes.
"So? Can I take her with me?" Heeseung asked with one eyebrow raised, as if the 6 digits weren’t a tad bit of a hassle for him.
"Sweet, it's a deal then." The woman answered, "However I prefer cash instead of a meaningless piece of card. You do know how this little organisation of ours works, right?"
A brief pause had Heeseung in a thought, looking down he did before answering, "Fine."
"Perfect, perfect! Look, the time is fairly 3:06pm. Make sure to bring it by 5pm or else we can't guarantee she would still be here. Time equals money, dear sir."
Heeseung spun his heels to face you with eyes trying to comfort you, closing the distance between you as he spoke, "I'll be back, wait for me."
You nodded, blinking in uneasiness. "P-please.."
With that, Heeseung went off. His form disappearing into the sea of crowds. Your eyes glued to the distance, wondering if he'll do as he promised.
"Wait— you can't be serious?! How about my fucking money??" The men won't shut up since then.
"There's still plenty of beauties residing in these quarters, gentlemen. Consider checking some, who knows you might have a change of heart?"
"I don't fucking care. I want her." The man pointed at you with bare teeth.
"If you still don't understand—what we have here is nothing but a business, sir. Whoever pays the highest amount of money shall get whichever and how many maiden they please to— and you obviously don’t have one."
"Do I look like I give a shit?!-"
“Agh! Agh! Yunjin stop!”
Sighing through her nose, “Quit it will you? You’re becoming too invested in your roles for fuck’s sake, Jake.”
“We can’t help it, duh.” Jake puffed, then turned to face you in beaming eyes. “Madame! We did good right?! We could get an Oscar for this, fuck they should hire us.”
You gave him a thumbs up before looking out from the door once again and that simple gesture of yours brought a big smile on Jake's face and on the others—they bow with an immense respect for you before leaving.
“Yunjin! You could hire us to act for you next time then!—"
"Bish— for what?"
Hm? Would he come or not?
Twirling your hair round the tips of your fingers as you leaned against the doorframe, observing the sea of crowds waiting for that particular stranger. Would your plan fail or work? One, two, step forward, step backward you did as you spun around on the centre of the manor, your battered brown skirt flowing in a circular motion as your hands stretched wide open.
Would he come? You couldn’t care a bit less as you still had a fair line of men waiting to kneel before you.
Dawn painted over the once blue sky, replacing the feathery snow clouds with gold-veined ones. Sea of neon lights flickers through the stretched out line of the town—a low volume of flamboyant music spirals along with human’s desire to hide in this town—a shelter where humans shed off their outer layer of skin.
The woman in black attire approaches from behind you, “Madame, he’s here.”
“Hm?” fingers beneath your lower lip as the corners tugged up to kiss your growing smirk. Well, he had dug his own grave with his own hands. How pathetic. Meeting his dreamy eyes fixated on your form, replacing your bold fingers to fiddle the hem of your sleeves, looking down to avoid his intense ones.
You didn't expect it a tad bit that's why it gave you a fair surprise when he came in through the main entrance, his tall frame and dashing aura, with a suitcase in his tight grasp. Was he that enamoured by you? Who knows? There's still a fair amount of time to confirm such suspicions as much as you're compelled to believe it, after all you don't need him to like you—you need him to fall in love with you till he's willing to surrender his body, his soul, his heart and most importantly—his money.
“I told you I’ll come back.”
“H-ha, sir! Thank you for saving me.” Your soft ones hold onto his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. Your eyes hold utmost sincerity in it, gasping when he looks back at you with his intense ones. You gulped your throat, "Thank you for saving me. I'm really .. bad at this, I really don't know how I can repay you."
Meticulous planned lies, the same lies you uttered to people or to be exact, men — those with ogling eyes laced with lusts, hands dying to grab a woman's body, lips that won't wait for an immediate contact. Playboys, old men, nerds, boys next door, those that held an angelic appearance—you played them all. How embarrassing. This man before you was no different, he'll be at your mercy sooner and later. Likewise, a fair amount of time should be wise to take this seemingly gentleman down to his demise.
You observed as Heeseung's eyes softened against your nervous acts—almost wanted to melt before your quivering, fragile form; head hanging down, your hands trembling against his fingers as you tugged it. Of course, you'd spent years refining such petty acts designed to make men fall for it.
An audible chuckle akin to an angel's whisper, feathery and gentle hits your ears. "I'm only doing what is right to do."
"B-but why me?" You asked, "The-there's plenty of other girls inside. Why don't you save them too?"
Heeseung wondered how dense you could be to ask such a folly question, but suppressed the need to voice it out. "I’m afraid my wallet will turn dry in doing so."
Your expression screams ignorance and naivety.
Well, does he even need to wonder with your overalls? Yet, it was your fragile form that had him wanting to save you. Probably. In fact, that wasn't the only reason. “Don’t worry, someday someone will save them too.” or perhaps never, Heeseung thought to himself.
“M-may I know what’s your?..”
“Oh shit, I forgot to introduce myself didn’t I? Heeseung, Lee Heeseung. What’s yours?”
"Sr. Heeseung?.." you repeated his name under your breath—silence, silence it was that you forgot to answer back.
"Oh? Uhm yes?" You pressed your lips in a tight manner.
"Care to give me your name?"
"Pretty name, I wonder how did you even get to a place like that? It doesn't look like you're a local around here, anyways."
You look down, and he notices you fiddling your fingers between the hem of your dirty old skirt.
"It's okay, you don't have to answer."
"I was sold off."
"Oh. Thats— that's fucked up." Heeseung exhales, looking up to the sky before taking your hands in his, much to your surprise, “You don’t have to be scared anymore, you’re safe with me.”
Safe.. huh?
“W-where are we going? Sir?”
“I don’t have any idea yet but for now let’s go back to my apartment.”
You pursed your lips in a nervous manner.
A gentle giggle emits from the man, “Don’t worry, I can’t possibly let you live on the street, though.”
The conversation eventually died down as the cascading silence engulfed the entire space—silent yet serene it was with the dense greeny forests coming into view, the road filled with sorts of vehicles surfaced, the beaming green light alarming the drivers to go in through to all sorts of directions, the passing yellow vehicle with children in their little hops spilling out as an old woman guided them to a straight line, the low volume of cafes and speakers were emitting from afar, the lovely scene of the sun setting from the surface of the sky as it's deep orange hues painted the street the road, and a few minutes later a tall high buildings finally came into view.
You looked out from the window feigning amazement with your mouth hanging apart much to Heeseung’s amusement as he pulled up the car in the parking spot and a security guard approached to check his ID.
“Come.” he reached out his hands for you to take as you stepped off from the car. “This is where I stay.”
“Woah.” you exclaimed as you observed this luxury high-end apartment.
Heeseung taps a series of digits through the door’s handle—sadly, you were getting tired feigning fascination over the entire course, suppressing the need to roll your eyes when he guided you inside his apartment.
"That— That's so amazing!" your mouth gaped. “I-i’m sorry, it’s my first time.. My place is so deep in the village. I don't always have the chance to go out, it was a chance that only lucky ones had."
Heeseung couldn't suppress his chuckle, eyes crinkling in obvious amusement. "There’s no need to say sorry, I could understand why. In fact, I couldn’t guarantee I won't act the same way as you."
You gazed at all the expensive furniture, almost brushing your finger against the decorations on top of it before halting immediately.
Heeseung noticed your hesitance, "Don't worry, you can touch it."
Your eyes sparkled at his given permission and you immediately stroked your finger against the cold and exquisite material of the object, marvelling at its meticulous patterns — a masterpiece of a craftsman.
"Got a thing for this type of stuffs?"
"Hm. . Yes." You nodded somewhat ecstatic. “It’s so pretty..”
Heeseung went inside his room, pulling out a piece of shirt and pants that surely would look oversized on you—apologising in advance as he placed it on your shivering ones, "This might look big on you but I promise we'll get some for you tomorrow."
Eyes widening in fractions, you shook your head as you pulled your hands up. "T-there's no need to! you've already d-done so much for me, I.. really don't know where to keep my face already."
An audible chuckle escapes from his lips, looking down in mild amusement. "You're so adorable."
"Eh?!" you gasped.
"I mean?—"
A loud ring emits up in the air, interrupting him much to his annoyance. “I’ll take this phone first, just take a look around okay?”
You nodded in an ecstatic manner, observing his back as he disappeared into the corners of the walls. A low sigh, eyes darting around the space—softened ones growing into a menacing gaze.
In this vast spacious living room—that interior was somewhat really baffling for you. It wasn't your first time to be in such a place, even more so the place you've been in before was much bigger, marvellous and higher in status than this one.
Not that it matters now anyways.
With your expression growing disinterested in each passing second, you sighed dejectly as you halted your steps before a painting. He must have bought this a few years ago, what a great taste.
But too bad, too unfortunate — stroking the painting slowly at a delicate pace, he won't have much money in his pockets to buy anything like this anymore.
Crossing your arms as you tilted your head to one of the drawers, being aware of any hidden devices inside the apartment — you scanned the place and as expected, there's none. Truly, your experience in that place has given you a fair skill with a fair price.
Your eyes fell on an open box of a luxury watch inside it, holding the need it in between your fingers, scoffing that you'll have to take it slow and nice before even proceeding with your first move. Frightened that he might be suspicious of you real quick and you can't risk that.
Patience, patience.
Patience, patience.
After all, a human being's demise is his own impatience, an inability to bring into one's composure is an approaching deathbell.
“I told you we’re done, there’s no need to consider anything further.” Heeseung bares his teeth with the phone beneath his ears, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance despite how he tried to make his voice as civil as possible. “Fine then, one last meeting to settle everything.” hanging up, he lets out a long deep sigh before turning to the direction from where you’re from—the corners of his faint cherry lips slowly tugging up in a mischievous smirk.
“Why is there a need when I have you right here wrapped round the tip of my finger?” says Heeseung as he walks back to where you are in a leisure manner, head tilting down and eyes gleaming in sinister plans.
Baffling it was, as always, his tricks often worked. "(Name), was it?" Your name tasted sweet in his lips, on the tip of his tongue, and like that his cherry lips tugged up in a mischievous grin and his eyes squinting in amusement.
Getting the money was no hard task for him for it was years worth of cultivated money, obviously from the girls he had fooled.
He went through all that trouble only because he was fascinated by your naivety, different from most girls he fooled or encountered. You were so dumb and absolutely untainted from the dirty stains of this world that he wanted to be the first person to show you the true colours of it. Bored of the same patterns and criterions of his previous victims, he desired for a whole new different toy and it just happened when his eyes laid on you.
The moment he sees you in that pathetic form of yours, the desire to completely ruin you arises inside the depths of his rotten heart. It grows even more when the head of the brothel confirms your innocence, the fact that you were only sold up until a few days ago, that it was today you were bought. You reminded him so much of a particular someone.
He himself was never that prince nor warrior everyone wanted to be. He's fed up, fed up of being thought of as one, fed up with the way all these girls lust after him and nevertheless he still took bliss in it. Always wrecking their dreams apart and shattering it because he likes to see it. No, he just doesn’t like it. He completely loves it.
Ah, what a sweet luck he got to be bestowed with another toy to play with, another pretty toy to rip apart and show to her that the world isn't as pretty nor as colourful as she wishes to.
He's bored. He had a lot of bucks inside his pockets, a result of his scamming people or ladies to be exact, he needed something to toy around with for awhile. And you happen to be his perfect toy; an innocent lady with a fairy tale dream for this world. Heeseung doesn't think he's so evil for showing you the real canvas of this disgusting world, after all he's doing you a favour.
"Thank you for saving me?" Heeseung scoffed in amusement, "You'll thank me later."
Lies, lies, what could be more sinister than a bunch of lies woven together in a disguised form of your favourite fairy tale books?
“Hey.” The way your eyes shot up, rosy cheeks and trembling lips had him almost baffled but suppressed his grin from growing any further. It was only a few minutes that he left you here and yet he already fucking missed it, excited to his core to start his plans in ruining you but he should take it slow, he thought. For where is the fun of rushing? “So- how was it? Got any paintings that caught your sight?’
“H-hmm! They’re all particularly nice. I couldn't choose.” your head hangs down avoiding his gaze.
“I guess I can take that as a compliment then?” Heeseung smiles down at you, his hand finding its way to rub your arm as if to comfort you. “Hey, it’s okay. Wanna grab something to eat?” he said as he extended his hand out for you.
You were so painfully shy, cheeks burning red, eyes looking down to avoid his gaze, your fingers tucking your hair behind your ear every now and then, your wavering form as you can't keep your feet from shivering ever so slightly, hands interlaced in front of your tummy as if to give yourself a slight comfort. Every expression surfacing from your face is ruining Heeseung's patience that he wanted to just ruin you right now.
Taking his hand once again as you look into his eyes, not surprised that he’s going this far for this fake innocent persona you had on you. Afterall, this persona was a bait meticulously curated for such a person. Turning his back around you and a disinterested look splattered on your face—rolling your eyes up to the ceiling and eyebrows pulling up. His back holding the expression that mirrors yours as he guided you to the dining room.
Eyes that held fake affection, lips that sang flattering lies, touches that screams absolute affection and yet the heart and mind conspires in each others' demise. You two were well trained in this department, after all.
'I wonder how many days it would take to ruin you?'
“Oh shit.” Heeseung hissed after pulling the fridge’s door open, his back bent down as his head pushed inside searching for anything before fixing his posture upright.
You raised your eyebrow. “Is there–?”
He spun around brushing the back of his neck in an abashed manner, letting out an awkward laugh. “Sorry, I think I forgot to fill up my fridge.. My work had really put me through and through..” a lie, Heeseung snickered inside.
Your hands immediately shoot up as you shake your head, laughing. “It’s okay! It’s okay! I’m not that hungry anyways.. —It-it’s fine! Sir, you’ve really done so much in letting me stay the night here.”
“Uh..” Heeseung looks up to his cupboard and a bright smile adorns his face, “Would you mind a bowl of ramen then? Have you eaten it?”
Dripping raindrops hit the tall window before the dining room, gliding through and through till it hits the edges. The mixture of rain and the aroma of the boiling ramen was weirdly comforting. You rubbed your hands, pulling down your sleeves to cover your fingers.
“Here!” you turned to Heeseung as he placed the bowl of hot ramen before you, the spoon and a pair of chopsticks on both your sides. He then took his seat after placing his as well.
You took a brief sniff, eyes lighting up. “It smells so good!” taking a spoonful of soup and the twirled ramen on the tips of your chopstick onto your tongue. “The ramen tastes so good!” you exclaimed as radiant as ever. It did taste good, you thought.
“Right? Ramen is the only food I've been eating these days.” Heeseung smiled, “It’s my favourite too.”
“Isn’t th-that somewhat unhealthy?”
“Hm? It’s fine though, why bother to cook so much if you only eat alone, right?”
"I can see w-why.." you took another small sip from your spoon, indulging yourself in this tasty ramen.
Palms of his hands beneath his chin as his sparkling eyes observed you as you eat, he couldn’t help but find you endearing though. Endearing you were, as if you were going to break if you were given a cold harsh glare or a one touch would make you crumble apart in fear. How sweet, he thought—but how grateful could he be to be given such a entertaining sight—a toy—to play with and mess its contents onto the floor?
You almost choke on your food when you notice his eyes on you, wiping the corners of your mouth with the napkin from the table.
Heeseung eyes softened and muttered a small apology, telling you that it was just a tiny habit of his to observe someone while they eat or do something, that it was just.. “It’s just endearing to watch.”
Fuck. Such a cheesy line. You muttered within yourself. A coherent sentence a fool would only believe. Keeping the gentle smile on your lips as you kept on your shy demeanour. Son of a bitch thought he could fool me, you muttered on the back of your head as you smiled at him as you took a brief sip from the glass.
Heeseung had arranged the guest room for you before going off and telling you a simple goodnight much to your hidden displeasure and yet you kept the abashed smile on your face as it was simply your job afterall—to fool the living shit out of him and dig his cascading sea of money.
Through the mind of Heeseung however,
It won't take much time to make you succumb to him but he prefers to keep it slow, because where's the fun in revealing everything so quick? He wanted to see you rot in his touch, observe your innocence crumbles before his hands, fucked up expressions over your sweet dumb face, your trembling body writhing under his. Slow, fucking slow till he gets inside deep inside you.
His own personal toy, an ill-thought with a stark contrast over his gentle caress over your hair and cheek.
You weren’t asleep apparently, wondering if he’s about to do his first move but it gave you a mild surprise when the side of the bed was empty, the doors were closed and this bizarre serenity engulfing this room baffles you at most. You sighed through your nose, going through all your plans for tomorrow. Another day, another day.
Morning breathes its way through the sky once again. 8 o’clock strikes. Birds chirping in their own unique melody.
Today was the first morning. The first step of your plans in making the boy fall for you even harder than yesterday, you thought so as you stretched your arms upwards, pulling off the blankets from your body before standing up, looking around until you saw a sticky note on the table.
I’m out for groceries, i’ll be back before dawn. So don’t worry and make yourself feel like you’re home :) — Heeseung.
G-groceries? Your eyes twitched in annoyance as he would have woken you up and you’d had the chance to form a closer bond with him and yet he chose to do this? Fuck. Puffing in annoyance, you instead inspected the entire apartment.
“Home?” you inhaled the fresh scent engulfing the living room however the word tastes bitter on the tip of your tongue, though. You went around checking one and each of his belongings and to your surprise, there wasn’t that much of his things inside his room. It was fairly empty consisting of only the bed with blue sheets, and a few minor stuff. It was as if he didn't really live in this place.
As if his claims of living in this place since last year were mere lies. Weird, you thought.
Orange sunset poured over the blue rooftop. A soft chime, door creaking and faint sound of heels approaching. Ruffling his hair, there Heeseung came back in his casual fit, holding a bunch of plastic bags in his hands. His eyes fell upon your figure laying on the couch sound asleep with the TV turn on. The screen shone on the edges of your face.
You were truly a breathtaking sight as he watched you sleeping peacefully just like the precious and well taken care of you are.
He went to the kitchen, arranging the groceries he brought; one by one, to their respective categories; eggs, vegetables, meat, fish, beverages. This was the first time in awhile since he filled up the refrigerator, and even more so he couldn't help but chuckle over how insane he was for going this far — to the point he would treat you so well and good and then crush it sooner and later. Yet he couldn’t be bothered to cook for today as he wanted to test how far you were in your gullibility—lips tugged up in a small smirk as he separated the dishes he bought and placed them on the plate.
Eyes fluttering open at the sound of running water, you look over your shoulder to see him, preparing dinner. Train of memories flashes through your mind which had splattered a deep frown on your face.
"(Name)! Come here! C'mon, taste the food I made."
"Does it taste good?"
"Stop it! (Name)! Look, your lips are messy now. Cute."
Huh. What a bummer. Empty, hollow gaze quickly replaced with a beaming expression as your lips tugged up in a small grin, getting up on your feet as you strode off to the dining room to look at the dishes on the counter.
"Wah!" you sniffed in the dishes, “It smells so good.”
A low chuckle emitted from him, "Not that good, just learned it by myself. After all, I lived alone so it's only wise to learn some little life skills."
"It's still amazing.. Not all are can cook this good." you bit your lip. “Next time, c-can you let me accompany you outside for groceries, if you allow me that is.”
Heeseung looks down at you, your head hanging low makes him wonder if you’re really this painfully shy without him.
“Then let’s get you new boots and fits before we go out for groceries tomorrow.”
Looking out from the window, today’s weather was calming to say the least. Placing the dishes on the table, you two sat together for dinner.
“Sr. Heeseung. Can I ask you a question?”
“Go ahead.”
“What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a therapist.”
“Ha, I-i see..” you nodded.
“It’s a draining career, do you know my patient often racks up all the stuff after a meeting?” You feign laughter.
“How about you? What did you do before you happened to be in that place?” Heeseung asked.
Paused in mild surprise, you chuckled in an awkward manner. “I-I’m an artist.”
Munching the food in his mouth to pieces, his eyes widened slightly at your response, “Woah, an artist? That’s cool! What do you draw? Portraits? Animals?”
“Mostly portraits.” you answered, looking down to your plate. “If you want, I can draw a portrait of you, sir.”
“I would love to, but..” Heeseung pauses, lowering his spoon down to his plate. “Before that, it’s better to drop off the formals, you know? You no longer have to call me sir. Just call me Heeseung, after all we're the same age, aren’t we?”
“I-I don’t know if I can do that, sir—”
“C’mon just call me by my name.” he whined like a child.
His intense orbs looking into yours, as if hypnotising you even further. “I can’t hear you.” pouting, he pulls you closer.
His eyebrows furrowed, “Louder.”
You had this growing smirk inside you as you could sense the atmosphere growing thicker and the tension between you was turning into a whole new different vibe—your plan doing its wonders. Closer, closer, you wanted him to get close to you.
“Good, try again!”
“Heeseung.” you repeated.
“Good girl,” immense satisfaction adorned his lips as he leaned in closer to your ears which made you close your eyes yet only his hand patting your head softly were what you felt before he pulled away, piling up the empty plates on the table.
Your eyebrow raises in confusion “Huh?” why didn’t he?-
“Sir— no, H-heeseung.. Why?” you couldn’t help but stutter at the bizarre outcome.
“Why? You should go back to rest soon, don’t worry I’ll do the dishes this time.”
A visible vein pops up in your neck in utter disbelief before you tugged his sleeves. “I-i..”
“Hm? Is there something wrong?”
Tightening your grip on the hem of his sleeve, you looked up with glassy eyes. “I–.. I don’t wanna sleep yet.”
“Oh, really?” Heeseung brushes his finger against your cheeks. “Alright.”
“Teng! You’re out!”
The fuck? Your eyes twitched at the barrage of chaos before you; the formed lego Thor’s hammer after year's worth of blood, sweat and tears—boards of puzzles with its pieces scattered on the floor, and the man himself pulling out a wooden block out from this piled wooden blocks on top of each other.
T-the fuck we playing Jenga for?! Your eyes widened immense disbelief.
“It’s your turn!” faint claps emitting from the friction of his palms as he beamed at you, acting like an almost different man from a few hours ago. Trying your best to keep your disguise up as you pulled out the wooden block carefully, muttering a thousand curses to yourself—this wasn’t your fucking plan.
Sniffing a huge deal of air, you reassured yourself. It’s okay, it’s okay. We still have tomorrow—
Third day. Beaming sun hiding behind the gold veined clouds, painted sea sky with tall high buildings intertwined with its glory peeking from your curtained windows. Yet as serene as it looks, you were pissed. You were consumed with utter impatience. Dried eyes gazing at the ceiling, poking your tongue inside your cheek in attempts to soothe yourself from your short temper tendencies.
That guy should’ve been snuck in between your legs by now, not play silly stupid children games till 4am in the morning. It has never happened this way before. What is he trying to plan, huh? You raised your eyebrow gathering a new wave of determination. Today he’ll succumb to your temptation afterall.
You went to the living room after freshening up, taken aback by the man standing still in the living room—wearing office attire or more something between that.
"You had work?.."
"Oh yes, I do. Got a few clients to attend to." you observed as Heeseung meticulously puts on his tie around his collar, “I’m sorry, I know I promise we’re going out to get your boots but tomorrow okay?”
Fuck what? He’s going to work .. today?! You snapped your head to the open calendar on top of the table, your eyes twitching yet softened in a swift manner when you looked up to him. “Y-you don’t have to apologise, Sr. Heeseung.”
He looks at you with concern. "Are you sure you can stay here?"
"I already appreciate it enough that you trusted me enough to let me stay here. Thank you."
Accompanying him through the door, you observed as he put on his leather shoes and at him; slicked back hair, white shirt with dotted blue tie and the black coat hanging on his arms paired with the black pants. Tall frame, dreamy eyes and faint cherry lips—a totally different image from yesterday, you snickered in the back of your head.
“By the way..”
Pulled away from your deep thought, “H-hm?”
“Uh, sorry for yesterday too. I might’ve gone overboard with those games that you didn’t get a good night's rest.” he pursed his lips in an abashed manner.
Taken aback, you shook your head. “I enjoyed it! It was fun, and nice. I— I’ve never had anyone to play with before so it’s a first time for me..” you looked down, “Thank you for that.”
Gentle caresses of his hand against your cheeks had your eyes widened, “I’m glad to hear that then.” his lips tugged up ever so slightly, seemingly satisfied with your answer. “Wait for me to come back home, okay?”
Letting out a deep, long, dejected sigh that consumes the entire living room as you put your hands on your sides, looking down in immense of what the fuck. “Who cares for those useless boots anyways, when I got your feisty watches over here?” smirking as you did so, grabbing each and one of his precious items that you could sell later for good use.
Knock! Knock!
“Huh? Is he already back?” you furrowed your eyebrows at the entrance of the apartment before taking small steps and slowly opening it.
Heeseung grabbed ahold of his coat and threw it in his car as he drove off to the city, striding along the street till he stopped by in front of a luxury high end restaurant. Elite and expensive. People with high social status spilling in and out from this place.
Brushing his slicked back hair as he puts on his usual gentleman persona, the main entrance opened for him.
"Heeseung-ah! God, where the fuck have you been? Why aren't you answering my calls?!"
The voice was enough to make him roll his eyes to the back of his head but he suppressed the need to do so as he wanted to end this as effortless as he can and as trouble-free as it can be.
"WHAT?!" the cup stumbles upon the hard slam of the girl's hand to the table, "Did I hear you right? You want to break up with me?! Gaeul? Me?"
Heeseung sighed as he wiped the edges of his lips with a wet wipe, "Yes you did. Let’s break up."
"No but why?! Our relationship was so good all this time, didn't our last date go well? So why?—"
"We don't click, Ms. Gaeul. That's all. It would be better if we end it now and just try to become good friends instead."
"H-huh?" Gaeul scoffed irritably, "After all the things I've done for you? Okay, fuck. Then give me the Rolex watch, the Gucci fucking handbag, the LV and Nike shoes—"
"Okay sure."
"Fucking what?!" Gaeul couldn't believe it, "Just what had happened to you?! Why are you so adamant in leaving me? Did you have a girl or something? Heeseung!"
A soft yawn escaped from the young man as his gaze travelled all around the patterned designs of the restaurant, how beautiful.
"Lee Heeseung!"
"Oh god, Gaeul. Do you have to embarrass yourself even further? I thought you're better than that." Heeseung couldn't help but be baffled, it's not like he's so die hard for money, even so he only did all these for pure joy. Money, women, games. All of it was a game.
Death silence consumes the two of them as a series of hiss emitted from the blonde haired girl.
"Fuck, it's not like you're the only man I got. You—" Gaeul pointed at him as her jaw gritted, "I had a lot more men lining up for me, you're not the only one."
"Then I'm happy to hear that, Ms. Gaeul."
Gaeul leans back, sniffing through her nose in attempts to cool herself down. "Still, I had a party next week. My father will be over, you're invited—"
"I don't think I can come to the party." Heeseung got up on his feet. "We are only friends right now, Ms. Gaeul-ssi."
"Fuck don't worry, will you?" Gaeul tilted her head, ruffling her blonde hair, "Bring your girl or whatever you can think of, I'll bring my man. How about we see whether we're over or not, Heeseung?"
A game. How sweet. Heeseung loves the thrill of being challenged. So why not?
"Sure, why not?"
An audible groan emitted from the young man when as soon he went back inside his exquisite car, his phone rang vigorously in his pockets. His eyebrows furrowed upon a suspicious number. "Yes, who's this?" A long deep pause, in which suddenly Heeseung's eyes widened along with furrowed eyebrows. “What?!”
“Sr. Heeseung!”
“(Name), what happened?”
“I– i’m so-sorry,” you sniffed uncontrollably, “Th-they were barging and all and I couldn’t help b-but..”
“Shh, shh. It’s okay, explain it to me properly so I’ll know what to do.” Heeseung brought you closer to his embrace, patting your head.
“I- I hit them with y-your pan—”
“My pan?” Heeseung’s eyes popped out, jaw dropping.
Your teary eyes keeps spilling out tears, “Y-yeah, and–”
A series of wailing and mouthy ruckus emits from the back of the police station, “Bitch! That woman is a bitch! Don’t trust her!”
“You fucking watch your mouth.” Heeseung spat out.
“Heeseung-ah! What kind of woman had you brought into your apartment? She’s the spawn of a devil!!”
“Yeah right!” says the man, sobbing as he pressed the white towel covered in ice onto his bruised eyes, hissing in pain as he did so.
“Well, if it wasn’t you trying to barge into my apartment then she wouldn’t have to be this nervous and scared, all because of you.” Heeseung raised his eyebrow.
“S-SCARED? N-NERVOUS? T-THE T-T- FUCK? AM I HEARING YOU RIGHT?!” another man with a bulging eye whines from the back seat.
“SHE FUCKING BEAT US TO DEATH!” they all screamed in unison.
. . . rewind
“Hello?” your eyes fell on a bunch of unfamiliar faces standing in front of the door—three guys; two were drunk and another sober, with a girl whose eyes peering at you like there's no tomorrow.
“Fuck I told you I was right!” the girl whined like a child.
You were met with a barrage of nonsenses thrown at you. The girl was whiny and desperate, asking where Heeseung was or who are you and where you came from, what you were doing here and sorta all of that. From the way she acts, you concluded that she was a piece of bitch dying for Heeseung’s attention. Not only that, the men beside her seems to be her friends which reminds you of the saying; bad apples would soon consume the rest of the good apples.
Pathetic, you thought and yet you’re still keeping up your sweet persona.
Till it unfortunately hits your nerves. “Please kindly get lost.”
“I told you right, if it wasn’t— fuck what?” The girl blinks twice, “D-did i hear you right, miss girl?”
“Yeah she told you to get lost.”
“Shut up!” the girl snapped at her cousin. “Did you just really–”
“Yeah I said get lost.” nonchalantly you say, fed up with keeping up your persona in front of useless pieces of shits not even tangled with your mission so who cares if they do know the real you?
“Pfft!” the girl held her sides, bursting into laughter. “Oh god, a petite girl like you having the nerves to tell us to get lost? Look at yourself first! You’re so petite that the wind can carry you!”
Staying silent as you can as you wait for her to finish her nonsense, “Are you done?”
“Yah. Bitch—”
“Fine then, wait for a min.” you shut the door right to their face much to their protests, until a few minutes later you stepped out of the door with the round object in your tight grasp.
“Hm.. Now you got my attention, you son of a bitch.”
"Sir," echoes a gut wrenching scream from the man himself as you bend his arm, twisting it till his shoulder spun to an unstable joint. "It would be nice if you tone it down as," you leaned in to whisper to his ear, "It's never wise to act bold in a territory you don't belong to."
"Who are you?!" it came out as a whisper laced in downright dread as before him, "Fuck help me! Oh my god— my arm, my arm!!"
You pulled away much to the man's outburst of pain, spun your heels around and snapping your fingers up in the air, a faint click almost resembling the sound of a flicking violin, your lips tugging up in a menacing smirk. You dodged the punch and kicked them by launching your leg up to the air, snapping the guys arm in a gut-wrenching sound.
The girl's jaw dropped in utter shock and disbelief with her hands cupping her mouth, letting out a gut-wrenching scream which alerted the entire neighbourhood.
end. . .
Crows cawing from afar as they finish off their story, your quivered form suppressing the need to roll your laughter from bursting into the air behind Heeseung.
A sigh left Heeseung’s mouth, “If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable. She?” he gestured at you and then back at them, “Beat all of you?”
Heeseung looked up at the ceiling seemingly fed up with the entire ordeal, memories flashing back to when he first met you eventually shaking his head.
“Okay then if you won’t believe us! But there’s a CCTV on your door right, let’s check that then and you’ll see we were telling the fucking truth!”
What's the use? You sighed. They won't even find that footage anyways as your minions had settle everything effortlessly. Pouting your lips with your crossed arms as you tilted your head to look at the computer screen blank and empty.
"I think there has been a malfunction—"
"WHAT?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!" The ruckus had your ear bleeding into pain, not wanting to be there any longer.
Tugging his coat, “Sir.. Can we just g-go back home?”
“Okay, I'll settle this real quick so they won’t bother you anymore okay?”
It didn't took long, actually. As he finally came back with that same smile on his face after telling you that the girl and her friends will be subjected to stay in the cell for a few days. Feigning a solemn face yet inside you were giggling.
“I- greatly apologise over what happened, though! I'm putting you in so much trouble.” you bow down in which Heeseung shrugs, shaking his head in a small smile.
“Ya, ya. Don’t mind it, sometimes we just can't avoid problems.” he patted your head in a gentle manner.
“Do you know them though..?”
“They’re just my neighbour after staying here for over a year. Hm, it’s just that I rarely talk with them.” you nodded still hanging your head down to make yourself look pitiful in front of him. “Hey, I guess we got the chance then to go outside for boots and new fits?”
Your eyes glints at the chance presenting itself before you, feigning an awkward laughter. “Sr. Heeseung. I couldn’t thank you enough with all these things you’re doing for me.”
“If you appreciate it then let's go, I'm going to buy one for myself too!”
So here you are with Heeseung inside a luxury store much to your surprise. Was he flaunting his money to you? By the looks of it, it was kinda obvious and you kept the growing amusement on your face from surfacing as he strolls over the sides, pausing every now and then to show you a piece of fit and asking you which one you like.
Nevertheless, you feigned a series of Pikachu faces whenever he pulls a dress with its price tag looming over you like a tsunami—when in fact, you're dying to have it and possibly sell it after. Let's just say, you got what you wanted.
You two strode off to take cover under the gazebo in the park as soft droplets of rain fell upon the both of you and a faint clap of thunder echoed in this city and soon the street had been drenched in endless pit-patter.
The shopping bags sat upright on the bench. Faint clap of softened raindrops hit the street, round puddles arising with the accumulated rain, and a green frog hops on the way to the side of the bench. The cool breeze caresses against your skin.
“The rain is so pretty.” you breathe out. Somehow this time, your words were true. You turned to look at Heeseung whose face was rather dull as he gazed out at the street. "W-what's wrong?"
"Nothing. Rain is not really my favourite thing to see." He answered.
You didn't question any further as it seems that he was emitting desolation from such a question and instead you asked something else, "How was work?"
"Uh, quite a wreck inside there not gonna lie." Heeseung lets out a soft tsk, “There’s this girl growling like a mad dog, kinda a karen if you know what that means—” he pauses after your expression contorting into confusion, “A Karen is that overly sensitive person who tries their best to ruin everyone’s day.”
Your mouth forms an ‘o’ even when you are fully aware of what it means, just making sure you look dumb enough before his eyes when you realise you were observing him for too long; his sublime face with raindrops trailing down his rosy cheek and tan skin, his bangs sticking to his eyelids as he brushes off the remaining raindrops off his drenched black coat.
Stop looking at him, why are you doing this? Snapping your head back to the sublime scenery of the rain hitting the ground, the sound was as if someone was playing piano through the rain and the main difference was the rain was the song.
Heeseung turn his attention back on you in which his heart skipped a beat. Your drenched white shirt, which hugs your hips down with your head hanging low, fingers fiddling the hem of your old pink grandma skirt. You truly look so innocent, he thought.
“You know, just stay with me." He suddenly voice out much to your surprise. "You don’t have to go back home to that kind of people who don't deserve to be called your parents, it just doesn’t seem right.” Heeseung said, “Just let me take care of you, please?
You didn't give an answer, waiting for him to say more before you could give a fitting response to him. Waiting to see how smitten he is for you. "W-what do you mean, s-sir?"
“It just.. feels lonely nowadays, and I don’t mind having another person to stay with. You know what I mean?”
You shook your head slightly yet your heart skipped a beat in utter excitement over your plan succeeding.
“I'll be your friend, we'll take care of each other and then—"
H-huh?! You rolled your eyes at the back of your head in your imagination. Pissed off at the fact that this man still is holding himself back. Sniffing a huge deep breathe in, you turn to face him with a sweet smile on your face. "I would love to!"
Yea right.
A puppy hops in front of you two, its tail wagging and tongue pouring out as it spun multiple times. The sight of the happy puppy brought a genuine smile on your face when just then an old couple came in through.
“Maeumi! Oh, sweetheart. I thought i’d lose you.” the old lady slowly bend her knees, the puppy immediately went to her arms. An old man stood behind her and his gaze fall on you along with Heeseung.
“May we sit here?..” husky and old voice had rubbed your heart in a gentle almost like hug.
You and Heeseung nodded in unison, with a small smile urging them to sit just far right between you. Just now you and him had a fair distance from together but now you were closer to him.
Watching the old couple go about their day somehow gave you this gentle touch of breeze, especially the white puppy wagging its tail beside the old lady’s leg.
Heeseung notices your heart eyes towards the puppy, tilting his head at you. “It’s adorable.”
“I said it’s adorable, the puppy.” yet his eyes never left you. Is he trying to pull the shit pull and push game?
“I-it is..” you let out an awkward laugh.
“You wanna get puppies together someday? If you want, we could have another tenant together with us in the apartment.”
You unexpectedly let out a small burst of laughter much to your surprise, immediately covering your mouth with your hand with your eyes widening.
“I mean, sure? I- n-never had a puppy before.” your gaze fell on the puppy again, “They’re just so fluffy, and huggable.”
“I can see why.”
Turning your eyes back on him, “Sr. Heeseung, have you had a puppy before?”
Heeseung took a brief pause, deep in thought before answering. “I did as a child, it was cute, noisy and often it won’t leave me alone.”
The old couple’s small gesture towards each other; the grandpa tucking his wife’s hair behind her ear, and the abashed reaction of her—the sun beaming on the edges of their face, pouring soft raindrops behind them and the greeny leaves from the bushes—everything, the scenery was truly breathtaking it had your breath caught off on the back of your throat and one small question beats inside your heart—was this love?
“Are you two, perhaps, lovers?” the grandma suddenly asked such a question resulting in your eyes widening, yet you were unsure of what was Heeseung's reaction as well.
“U-Uh.. no!” you two answered in unison, looking at each other in giggles.
Rubbing his neck as an abashed smile surfaces on his lips, “We-we’re just a friend.”
“I see, perhaps you could ignore my useless opinions but you two could make a great couple.” the grandma spoke as her hand patted the puppy’s head, its tail wagging vigorously.
The question seems to put the two of you back to reality, as this thought echos in the back of your heads—A great couple? What a joke.
A few days have passed since you stayed here and yet nothing ever happens except for some flattering lines or suggestive touches coming from the man himself. To be fair, you’d expected him to give in to you in just two or four days at minimum. You couldn’t let this stretched out this far, though.
You had your minions watched over him for the past couple days and as expected this guy wasn't as innocent as you expected which made you chuckle mischievously.
"Fuck, I knew you weren't that innocent. Men are all the same." A somewhat rather solemn flashes through your eyes but you squint your eyes in return.
You heard Heeseung on the phone, his words trailing to your ears one by one and each of them confirming your suspicion for him. A scoff emits from you, somewhat disappointed but something you got rid of once you took notice of it as if this was even necessary? A lingering hope that is, foolish you. At least the truth unravels itself before you, at least it did. It’s time to get on with the plan, after all—it’s the very reason why you’re even here in the first place.
You just needed this guy to fall for you and make him spend all his money on you, that's all. Money. You need it for the brothel to keep going on. For the girls you promised to protect. You couldn't care any less whether or not he's innocent as an angel or as mischievous as a snake.
Of course, truly he looks dashing and charming for you yet he reminds you of someone else—nevertheless, you could compare him of a perfect man in disguise of an old, reeking money of a playboy, with plenty of girls queuing up in a stretched out line ready to begged on their knees just for a glimpse of his eyes on them.
The sun rose high up in the air when you followed behind Heeseung, to see which kind of girl was he meeting with so you had an idea of what to do with your plan.
"Huh? So he got another chick? Tsk, no wonder." You thought as you followed a few metres away from him. The sight of him having a sweet interaction with the tailor.
You sat on one of the tables in your disguised form; a brown hat, dark sunglasses on the tip of your nose, black coat hugging the sides of your knees as you sit upright, taking a long sip from your freshly made juice as you poured your ear into their conversation.
“You know we can do it together in the changing room—”
Your lungs burst into the juices flowing through your esopaghus, shooting it back up to the tip of your tongue much to your amusement over the bold words chosen–shaking your head in a low audible laughter as you wipe the spilled contents on your coat while muttering a thousand worth of disappointment.
“Well that can wait, love. However, I had a formal party to attend by the end of this week. Would you give me the honour to be the lady standing beside me?”
Huh, party? You raised your eyebrow at those words. Haa.. an idea beams up in your mind upon processing the newly received information—a smirk grew on your face, why not you instead? You had to he the one he’ll take to the event instead and you'll make sure of it.
Well dear, did it take a long time before the pair had finally finished their chit-chat and you hurried back faster to the apartment before Heeseung could. You almost stumble upon the stairs much to your attempt on getting to the front door, tapping the codes all over again and immediately snucking yourself inside.
"The fuck is wrong with them??" Heeseung's eyes widened in such an immense disbelief, scoffing every now here and then with the phone on his hands, unaware of your suppressed cackle as you sat watching the TV.
"...pfft." an audible laughter left your mouth which had Heeseung's attention on yours. You hastily let out another laughter, pointing your finger at the running TV show which had a pair of ducks hopping along the street.
Heeseung having the thought of whether you're that innocent or just dense in the slightest bit.
Of course, you literally hunt down every single chick on his list by ordering your minions from the brothel to handle them.
Oblivious he was to the fact that you went to the shop the other day wearing an attire tremendously different to when you were in Heeseung’s presence; a tight fitting socks, heels turning downwards to the sense it can digs its claws deep inside pervert’s throat, your tight fitting corset hugging your white dress flowing downwards your hips. Nonchalantly you walked through each section of dress, your finger trailing onto all of them as if you didn't know what to pick.
As expected, the tailor lady had her face constantly powdered with the makeup palette on her hand as she stood still in the reception counter, perfectly unaware of her surroundings. Ah, what a perfect day to put out a useless obstacle out of your way.
Your knuckles come into contact on the counter forming a few faint knocks, in which her attention falls on you with eyebrows raised.
“Y'know, take these few bucks and leave." you pushed the check paper to her hands much to her confusion.
"Huh? What are you—"
"Aw, sweetheart. Don't be so dense that you aren't aware that the man you often had inside your pretty little changing room belongs to someone else."
Her eyes widened in fractions, "What? Are you saying Heeseung?—" a fit of scoff escaped her thick red lips, "Miss, who do you think you are, huh? Going around to make up a ridiculous lie? Look at this."
She raises her hand up to your eye level showing you her index finger wrapped in a gleaming diamond ring along with her expression making out a mockery at you.
"Hm, guess I'll have to put you in your place then." You were about to burst into a fit of laughter when her eyeballs were about to pop out upon seeing the picture you had in your phone's lock screen; Heeseung in his deep slumber on his bed. "If I was you, I wouldn't stay with someone like him any longer."
"Then?!" Her voice heightened in rage, "How about you? Obviously he's cheating on you as well!"
"Nuh uh, we'll see about that." you spun around your heel as you lowered down your glasses, taking one last look at her over your shoulder—giving her a smug look.
Let’s just say the woman had her rage thrown at Heeseung; wailing like a hyena and screaming at him through the phone much to his displeasure and the cost of an ear injury. Telling him how horrible he was for making out a fool of her and on and on—yet Heeseung could only roll his eyes, not at all interested at the woman's rage as afterall she was only another toy for him.
Yet, it had his mind going through the vast space as his face were consumed with utter confusion, “Which one of them?..” he couldn’t remember which girl though, and couldn’t be bothered really. He had too many girls wrapped round her finger that he somehow forgot who is who, only paying attention to those who had more benefits to him.
"Is it okay if I can ask for your help?" Heeseung's doe eyes pleaded with the utmost affection.
Ah finally, the sweet words you were dying to hear. You couldn't contain your grin as you watered the flowers with your back before him, spinning your heels to met his pleading eyes.
"Of course! Tell me, I would be happy to help!"
There he broke the news of him going to the grand formal party and you of course, pretended with putting your best interest regard to his problems.
Heeseung swore he's about to yawn over the thousand times he said this among the plenty of girls he went to.
"It's okay, you can bring me to the party!" you sighed in complete bliss. “But– i don’t really know much of the basic things..” you pursed your lips in an abashed manner, or actually, you lied.
Heeseung exhaled a deep thought before assuring you with a warm rub against your clasped hands, “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you.”
It apparently baffles you that Heeseung went all the way in teaching you the basic etiquettes, unaware that you were actually well knowledgeable in all these stuffs—just fooling the shit out of him by messing it up intentionally—dropping the spoon on the ground, using the fork in a peasant mode, barbaric munching on the 5 star food much to his cringe expression and displeasure and yet he still tried to be as polite as possible.
You had a great time messing up with him, to be honest.
“Still, still.” his arms around your waist as he guided you through the dancing session. Teaching you the basics of waltz and all.
“You’re doing good.” yea sike. You purposely tugged at his sleeve so he can fall on you and your lips brushed against him in a millisecond, feigning utter surprise as you cupped your lips.
“I-I’m sorry!”
A deep chuckle emits from him, “It’s fine, it’s fine. Let's we try again?” his hand extended before you as he helped you on your feet. Your faces so dangerously close to his. You couldn't wait for the day of the party.
To have him beg for your touches, or possibly fall even more for you as you help him through his meetings. What and whatnots, it baffles you that the boy was keeping it slow and steady, a stark contrast from what you heard and saw before you that day. Was his plan to keep you beside him for a fairly long time? Who knows but it does seem to look like it. At first you had this rush flowing through your veins, intending to end all of it at once but now, your plan somehow change–who cares if he wants it slow? You could take all the time in the world as long as he spend his money on you.
Your plan was going entirely well as here you are trying a new fit one after another as Heeseung sat on the couch, eyes fixated on you while you choose which dress suits you the best.
“Which one?” you asked him with a big grin on your lips.
“Hm.. it looks good, try another one though.”
“This one might look good on her, sir.” the tailor pulls out another dress.
Well boy, did it goes on for an eternity before Heeseung and you finally agreed on the dress you wore right now.
“You’re so beautiful.” Heeseung breathe out in downright amazement, eyes refusing to falter from you. “Almost as if.. You were like a different person.”
Heeseung’s eyebrow furrowed, eyes beaming yet laced with confusion as he observed all of you; your rosy cheeks and your shy eyes fluttering away from his intense ones—your finger fiddling the hems of your dresses per your usual habit, licking your lips every now and often. He had to admit you were truly breathtaking as of this very moment.
“Have you decided sir?”
“-O-oh, yes of course.” Heeseung's eyes refuse to leave yours even when the staff talks to him.
He later comes back and approaches with you stars sparkling in his dreamy orbs, reaching his hand out for you to take. "Are you ready?"
Slipping your fingers into his hands, of course you're ready than ever—for him to give in to you tonight, "I'm ready!"
Moonlight embracing the sky, hiding behind the grey veined clouds, illuminating its proof of living onto this tenants of the world.
“Still remember what I taught you? Spoon, fork, the handkerchief—” you nodded with every word coming out from his mouth, going through all of them like a military drill. “You sure you’re okay?” Heeseung squeezed your trembling hands, worried eyes.
Nodding in an apparent smile, “Hm! I can do this.”
“You don’t need to talk much, though. Just stand still, with me. I’ll do the rest of the job. Easy, right?” He rubs your hand.
You look out from the window where the grand party was centred at. The scent of elite class and old money all gathered in this high end hotel.
Nothing new, apparently for you—it was another routine, a specific situation you were trained in. These little etiquettes and manners, you’ve mastered them so well. After this night, you’ll take the first move. You won’t let this day pass without achieving the grandeur of your plan—make him lust for you and kneel before you.
With your arms laced around his, the insides of the hotel unravel it’s magnificent scene as you and him went inside. Men and women in expensive attire, those with social status alike—the elite ones—gathered in this event. Low volume of waltz, an enormous choir and a whole orchestra playing in the background. Clink clanks of champagne glasses, red wine pouring onto the fountain of glasses, waitresses and waiters striding all over the space to deliver and attend to each guest. The bright glowing chandelier, emitting its orange hues—a sublime mood of fantasia.
Yet it brought your heart a fit of pang. All too familiar it was, isnt?
"Oh, so this is your new girl?" A blonde haired girl presents herself before you when you turn around—her fit consisting of a dark blue dress, hugging her fairly thin waist, the collars drooped down to show her bare collarbones yet the big fat diamond necklace round her neck adorned her overalls. Her fingers twirling the glass of half filled champagne, thick red lips adorning her face.
“Gaeul.” Heeseung confirms her presence, his hand wrapping your waist. Ah so Gaeul was her name?
"Wow, she looks so damn off, like ugh I get the villager type." Another girl appeared alongside Gaeul. Her aura exudes immense elegance as her flowy dark brown hair hugs down to her arms.
"I know right?"
"Just stop it. Gaeul, Yujin." Heeseung spat out, but then the father of the girl came and he excused himself to have a talk with the father. “She’s just–”
An old man appeared at sight with his hands on his back, an intimidating aura emitting from him as he observed each and one of you. “Dad. Look, can you believe that Heeseung will replace me with this girl? Can you talk him back to his senses, please?”
Gaeul’s father observes you meticulously before nodding and telling Heeseung to follow him.
There's an obvious hesitance in Heeseung's eyes yet whispers into your ears, “I’ll be back, okay? Just ignore them.” before disappearing into the spilling crowd, they must’ve gone inside the building you thought.
"So? How does it feel to have your feet on an elite party? Happy?" You turn to look at Gaeul's mockery eyes at you and Yujin's chuckling behind her.
Honestly, years of staying in the brothel had given you immunity to such people as you were subjected to horrors people couldn't even fathom—as all sorts of men and women had done unspeakable things either on you or on someone—they were cunning, rude, loud, physically abusive, they drained you out of your mind like a bloodsucker and all sorts of thing to the point you could say that these two are what you would call—
"Pathetic." You breathed out and it's safe to say that they heard you as expected from their exaggerated reaction.
"W-what?" Gaeul scoffed as she blinked in an abnormal pace, "What did you just say?"
"Pathetic, bitch, pathetic." You repeated before her, amused you were as her jaw dropped even further.
"Fuck? Watch your mouth, please! Who do you think you are?!" She tugged down your dress resulting in a huge slit almost revealing your thighs causing you to let out a yelp. "Now it suits you better, slutty bitch."
"Everyone!" Yujin clapped her hands up in the air—a series of gasps and murmurs emitted from the spectators themselves. The spotlight of the party was now on you. Fuck, you thought.
"You know..—" you were interrupted by a familiar silhouette grabs your attention from your side eye, your heart dropped upon laying your eyes on the particular person approaching.
“Huh, what's with the commotion, ladies? Chill abit, will you?” Familiar voice that sent chills down your spine, his slicked back hair, exquisite suit, that same smile you adore and grown to despise, his sparkling eyes under the lights. His whole being holding a pure weight of your past.
“Jay!” Yujin called out with a big wide smile on her face, a stark contrast from her intimidating aura a few minutes ago. You spun around without much hesitation wanting to leave as soon as you can before Gaeul tugs your arm.
"Where the fuck you think you're going? We're not done yet!"
"(Name)!" Heeseung appeared, surprise etched all over his face as he sees the entire commotion. "Fuck, let her go! Why are you so desperate like this!"
"Ugh!" Gaeul stumbled a few steps backwards as Heeseung pry off her hands from yours.
"(Name)? (Name)?" Snapped out from your oblivion of despair, you looked into Heeseung's eyes with your teary ones. "A-are?— What's wrong?"
Your eyes begin to burn in a sea of tears, gathering your entire strength to pull it in. Don’t fall. Don’t fall. It’s okay. It's okay you tell yourself however your trembling lips show otherwise, your clenched fist shivering not in freezing weather but the burning heat in your heart strings.
“Are you okay? Is it too cold for you? You know we can go back home if you want to, right?” Heeseung rubs his hands on your bare arms to provide a sense of warmth.
“N-no, i’m fine, i’m f-fine..” choking on your tears you did, don’t cry. No fuck, you can’t. “I w-want to go home. I really want to go home—”
“Wait?" as if a strong force pulled you back, “Am I seeing this right?” his familiar voice had you frozen much to Heeseung’s surprise. ”Is that you, (Name)?"
Yeah, it's me. You want to spin around and shout this at his face. The man who you gave your whole trust and love. The man who you wish for his loving touches, his familiar voice and affectionate words. The man who sold you off to the brothel. Your eyes began to tear up, darting relentlessly to prevent it from falling, you trembled under Heeseung’s arms.
The man who you’d thought to be the prince in your once fairy tale book. The man who sold you off to the brothel—Park Jay.
You and Heeseung turned to face them, and just like you—his nonchalant expression mirrored yours but brewed in an immense surprise. His mouth open, eyebrows furrowed as he scanned you up and down. "(Name)? I-Is that you?"
"Heh? You know her?!" others asked in utter surprise.
"I—I d-don't know what you're talking about?" You feigned a composed smile, yet deep inside you are crumbling into tiny pieces of shards with every passing minute of your eyes on him.
"Wait, you're not (Name)? That's weird. You really do look like her. You two had the same name though, except.." Jay chuckled, shaking his head.
"Why? Is there something about her?" Yujin asked with curiosity gleaming in her eyes.
A low cackle emits from him, "No idea. Just a random girl I met in a brothel. A prostitute, that is."
"What the fuck, you went into a brothel??"
"C'mon babe, it's almost 10 years ago. You can't be jealous." His amused face irks you, ripping your heartstrings apart as you observe him leaning down pressing a soft kiss against the young lady’s lips.
A random girl. A prostitute. You bit your lip in attempts to suppress your sobs. Crumbling you were in this hellhole of a reeking betrayal, a betrayal made up of lies.
“Then where are you from then? It’s just amusing, really—that I could meet two separate people with the same identical face. So I was wondering, who are you then?” his eyebrows raised in a comical way, waiting for your response.
Answer something. Something.
A firm squeeze on your bare arms had you looking up to the person in question, his eyes looking down to you in a comforting one, almost like home.
"I'd prefer you not compare her to such a vulgar term, Jay. Watch the way you speak to my future wife."
“Future wife?!”
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🐾AUTHOR'S NOTE — thank you for reading my story and have a nice day :))
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lovelylittlelosers · 2 years
🚨 TOP TEN ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN (Hellenic) POTTERY SHAPES (and their best in show) 🚨
A lot of these are going to be from Athens. This isn’t because Athens is the best polis at pottery, but because most of the surviving material culture from Greek antiquity was found in Athens. This is just the facts of classics, deal with it.
10.  The Oinochoe ⭐️⭐️
This is just a pitcher. A boring boring pitcher used to pour wine. It could have been so much more. where’s the flare? I have nothing left to say.
Best in show: Wtf is he doin with that hog? Wheelbarrow racing? Just kidding, this is actually Herakles defeating that boar and bringing it to Athena. which is cool  but its still just a fucking pitcher. (~510 BCE Athens)
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9. The Alabastron ⭐️⭐️⭐️
It’s a little vial/jug that holds oils and perfumes. BORING. Do more, be better. Alabastra  are the type of vase that wouldn’t stand a chance in a fist fight. I need a bad bitch piece of pottery and this shit isn't cutting it.
Best in show: This Etruscan alabastron. She’s cute! I too like to paint little cats. (620-590 BCE, Corinth)
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8.  The Amphora ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
She’s tried and true. She’s a classic. She’s basic as hell. Amphorai have many uses but mainly they’re just glorified modern kitchen Pyrex. They just contain shit. Grains? ✔️ Oil? ✔️ Human Ashes? ✔️ Multipurpose icon, but it’s also the only pottery type with its own emoji 🏺 so she’s too mainstream for my taste. All my homies appreciate the amphora, but it’s never gonna be top 5.
Best in show: Exekias’ pot of mythic warriors Achilles and Ajax playing a lil game. How fun! I love a game night. (~540 BCE Athens)
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7.  The Stamnos ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
The amphora’s cooler cousin. stamnoi are bad bitches all around. They’re stouter and are made to hold liquids like water and wine (and sometimes as diluting vessels.) They have the same powerful vibe as amphorai but they’re more underground, you’ve probably never heard of them before.
Best in show: Listen. Is she a little flawed? Yes. Is she serving cunt? Kinda. This stamnos depicts Dionysus and his maenads and satyrs! Rad as hell. (370–360 BCE Etruscan)
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6. The Volute Krater ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Kraters are wine mixing pots where water is added to super concentrated wines to make them actually drinkable. Kraters have many different styles but the best of them is the Volute Krater - just like a normal krater, but with fancier handles. They’ve got a very classic look I think, I’d want to hang out with one they seem like they have really expensive and classy tastes. The sugar mommy of ancient pottery.
Best in show:  What a pretty mother fucker. (~320 BCE Etruscan).
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5. The Lebes Gamikos ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So... This one is really weird looking and also really pretty. Has maybe the least practical lid I’ve ever seen but who can even blame it when it looks that pretty? A lebes would have been used as a cooking pot. A COOKING POT. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHIPPING THIS BITCH OUT TO MAKE MAC AND CHEESE????
Best in show: TO COOK WITH??????????? It’s got Eros on it and a smaller decorative lebes as the handle. So extra and for what? (350 - 325 BCE Apulia.)
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4.  The Loutrophorus ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
 These guys are tall and skinny and potters liked to go ham on the handles. They were ceremonial vases that held water. They’re just really impressive. I mean just look at it. Potters and Painters got to go crazy on these things because they were only really used for big and important rituals and events so they could be as fancy and special as they wanted.
Best in show: I mean,,,, come on folks. This piece has the head of a woman on the lid and each side is decorated with tons of gods and goddesses. It is ornate, it was expensive, it is a fucking queen. (330 BCE)
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3. The Kylix  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Perhaps a little over rated but definitely not as overhyped as the amphora, the kylix is a wide shallow pot used for sippin’ on drinks in super style. They have painted eyes and when you drink from them the eyes become part of your face and the handles look like ears. This is life changing information. These bitches are big and dramatic, much like me. They were really popular in Mycenean Greece (before the dark ages that birthed the classical Hellenic period we all know and love -- the ancient Greece of ancient Greece) which just screams Scorpio energy; how mysterious and cool of them. These baddies have art not just on the outside, but the inside too! 
Best in show: Reminds me of that crazy look anime characters get when they’re about to go off the rails (~510 BCE Athens.) a second less cool kylix is also pictured to show you what they would look like when you drank from them. Hilarious.
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2. The Pyxis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Pyxides are the unsung hero of ancient pottery. Most pottery charts will not feature them. But Pyxides are a girl’s best friend.
The pyxis serves as a little jewelry box, a little box for all your trinkets, a little makeup kit. This is the fun type of versatility (👀🏺 get good amphora) These little guys sit on your ancient vanity and open up from the top with a fun shaped handle. Because they were made for women we get a lot of cool insights on women’s lives (and a lot of wedding stuff) in antiquity from these little guys!
Best in show: THIS pyxis depicting a bride preparing for her wedding. Outside she takes a little bath with Eros (winged god of love who later becomes our modern Cupid) and inside he sits on her lap. Talk about a wing man! (~410 BCE Athens.)
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1. The Kantharos  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you don’t think a kantharos could steal your girl you’re wrong. These bitches have everything you could ever look for. They’re smaller drinking cups that were most likely used for rituals due to how crazy ornate most of them are. Some of them are even molded to look like heads, that is simultaneously really badass and also very unserious!!
Best(s) in show: A classic ornate kantharos with silver plating depicting the death of Orpheus and the kidnapping of Helen. Look at how fucking GORGEOUS it is (~415 BC.)  And a head kantharos (also called a janiform kantharos as they have two faces!) of a satyr and a woman. Imagine drinking from this I would feel so powerful (420 B.C. Athens.)
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mawofmeraxes · 2 years
Nothing That Will Stop Me
request: hello! i saw your recent post and was wondering if i could request a jaime lannister x reader fic, where the reader was captured (much like he was in season 2) and he kept looking for her but couldn’t find her, and she finally finds her way back to him after months. and it’s like their reunion and he’s so relieved yet concerned and he takes care of her and yeah :)
thank you and i hope ur having a good day! and ofc feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel comfortable writing it <3
summary: After enduring months of suffering under the hand of your captor, the dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen, your memory and studies of the guards allows you to narrowly escape and make your way back home to the one person who never stopped trying to find you, Jaime.
characters: jaime lannister x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending, romance, reunion, captivity, wounds, cursing, imprisonment, almost death, murder, unsexual nudity, bathing scene, anti-daenerys targaryen
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In hindsight, maybe it had not been a good idea for you to accompany Jaime for the capture of Highgarden.
But you were a warrior just like he was, and neither your gender nor the expectations put upon you would stop you from participating in the fight that surely was to occur as you took Highgarden and all of its resources.
Your only regret was that Lady Olenna had to die.
While she may have seemed like a stone-cold bitch (and she was), she was also a woman that you had admired very much.
She would speak her mind with no regard or care for who was listening, got people to do what needed to be done, and even got shit done herself.
You had been suspicious over the true identity of Joffrey's murderer, as you simply knew that it could not be Tyrion who had done it.
So when Olenna had confirmed it for you and Jaime after drinking the poison, you were not surprised at all. No, you knew exactly why she had done it. For her lovely granddaughter.
The same granddaughter who was now ashes where the Sept of Baelor used to be.
Ironic, wasn't it?
Not long later found you, Jaime, and Bronn on the road back to King's Landing, watching as the carts and the men slowly made their way with the new resources.
Bronn had been paid handsomely, as was expected, and you just sat there and waited for what your lover wished to do next.
The main reason why you coming was a mistake, Jaime would later think, was that nobody thought about what the dragon queen would do in retaliation.
The Dothraki screamers were a sight to behold, and you had truly never been so scared of anything more in your entire life. Those men were ruthless, skilled fighters who knew exactly what they were doing.
And then Daenerys Targaryen herself flew in on her dragon and began burning everything in sight, and that's when you knew you were truly fucked.
You didn't foresee being captured at all. You simply thought that you would be slain in battle due to the chaos that surrounded you. Assumed that you would die while attempting to protect yourself.
Losing sight of Jaime was a clear mistake. You didn’t see him again during or after the fight. Perhaps that was a good thing, but you didn't know if that meant that he got away or if he was burnt to a pile of ashes.
When you later stand among the captured men being threatened by a dragon to kneel and submit to the new queen, you knew you could not do so. Simply for your loyalty to Jaime. No one else.
You would never betray him.
When you saw Tyrion Lannister you were not entirely shocked. Knowing that somehow you would be crossing paths with him again. And when Daenerys questioned a woman being a soldier you had simply stared at her, no words to say for the spiteful woman who had just burned so many men alive.
She was clearly ready to burn you alive as well, a look of pure rage and death in her eyes, but luckily for you, Tyrion's oh-so-smooth tongue and fanciful words about your connection to the Kingslayer Jaime Lannister seemed to sway her, and suddenly you were a prisoner.
You had lost track of time as the days went on. You did not know if it had been days, weeks, or months since you had been separated from Jaime.
You did not even know where you were at this point. Dragonstone? Where Daenerys had set up her base? Maybe you were somewhere in Essos, shipped off far away never to be found again before you die. You simply had no idea. All you knew was that you were carted off for days upon days on land before being brought onto a ship where you remained for a few more days. Before leaving the boat you were blindfolded and bound and dragged to the cell where you have stayed ever since.
You had thought about escaping of course, but you knew that your chances of surviving were slim, as all of the people in the queen's employ were ruthless and willing to do anything for her.
So here you remained. Unknowing if the love of your life was dead or not. Clueless as to whether you would be able to get out of this alive and try to find him.
But if he was alive, was he even looking for you? Was he even trying to find you?
You didn't know.
Maybe you never would. Maybe you would die in this dark, cold cell with no one even remembering who you are or what your name was.
But you didn't want that. You really didn't.
The only upside to being sequestered to the same cell day in and day out is that you've been able to just sit and watch when your guards changed, what time of day it was, how long each guard would stay for, and everything else that would help you plot your escape.
You knew exactly when the perfect time for you to attempt it was, the only problem that you were going to encounter was figuring out where exactly you were the second you got out.
Being brought here on a boat brought about the biggest problem that you would come across. If you were on Dragonstone, which would make the most sense, you would somehow need to find a smaller boat of some sort to cart you back onto the mainland.
So you hoped you weren't on Dragonstone.
You ended up being on Dragonstone.
Honestly no surprise there, you saw it coming from a mile away.
You could also see the dragons that circled in the sky.
If they hadn't almost killed you the day you had been captured, you would have thought them beautiful and majestic up there. But now, all you could think about was the death and fear they wrought.
Getting far away enough from the castle and using your knowledge of the maps you had studied had luckily gotten you to the single village that resided on the island. Finding some food and a boat to steal from there hadn't been any harder, and you had luckily been able to row yourself east until you hit land, rowing until you could barely feel your arms.
The plan from there was to start heading south until you would hopefully hit Kings Landing and be able to see if Jaime was there, hopefully still alive and breathing and not burnt to a crisp like many others.
When you did end up finding land, you decided that sticking to the coastline would be your best bet of not getting lost and went south for a whole day on foot until you reached Duskendale. When you asked the barmaid at the nearest tavern and inn how far Kings Landing was from there, she told you on foot it would take about a day and a half of travel.
Exactly what you needed to hear.
You spent the night at the inn using the coin that you stole while on Dragonstone.
It was honestly the best night's rest that you had had in ages. Whether it was due to the hay bed that you laid on or the fact that you knew that you were going to be reunited with Jaime soon, you were luckily able to rest through the night with no disturbances. You continued your journey in the morning.
You weren't used to walking long distances like this anymore. After your imprisonment, you were feeling weak and tired. The muscles that used to line your body were no longer strong due to disuse, and the lack of good food and water helped to ensure that you were not at your best. 
So the day-and-a-half trip that was predicted turned to two and a half days, as you rested often and refused to push your body to the limits.
No use in rushing back home if you would just die along the way.
And almost three days later when you kept walking and began to see the red keep in the distance you could have cried in relief. It would only be a few hour’s walk and then you would be home. With Jaime.
If you didn’t die in the slums of Kings Landing first.
Arriving in the city was no different than the thousands of times you had done it before. The only difference this time was that you would have to make your way to the red keep on your own, with no guards or carriages to cover you.
Luckily you were not recognizable at this point as a proper lady. Your hair was marred with dirt and tangled from your imprisonment. Your clothes were ratty and almost falling off of your back. You blended in completely with some of the poorer folks of the city, and as you continued making your way through street after street you started to become worried that you wouldn’t even be allowed in the red keep at this point.
Luckily you had spent many a moon in the castle. Which meant that you knew some of the secret passages like the back of your hand.
It was easy to find the nearest one that led to Jaime’s room again. You had never forgotten it even when you spent moons alone in your solitude. 
You had spent many nights sneaking in and out of his rooms, doing things that you shouldn’t have been doing, and going into the dangerous city when you knew it wouldn’t be recommended for a lady of your status.
But the lady of your status that you were supposed to be was non-existent, and the warrior you were captured as had much to say and much to do. Like sneaking into the city.
But that didn’t matter anymore.
All that mattered was being home.
You were walking up the last staircase now, taking your time as they took their toll on your weak frame.
Just a few more steps and the wall on the left would push straight into Jaime’s room. Opening up right behind a large tapestry that no one would have suspected. 
Luckily the sun was still high up in the sky, meaning that you wouldn’t be coming into the room while he was possibly sleeping.
If he was even here.
During your time getting back to King's Landing you had much time to think about where Jaime could be. If he had made it out of Daenerys’ attack. You hadn’t seen him when you had been lined up with the others, but that could mean anything. He could have been able to get away or he could have been burnt to ash. Unrecognizable to everyone. A pile of ash.
You had to hope that he was still alive though. That he had made it out and had been hoping, waiting, and searching for you while you plotted your escape from the dragon queen.
Now would be the time to find out if it was all for nothing.
If you were to enter this room just for him to be dead, you would have escaped for nothing.
You would have rather died in that damp musty cell than come all the way here just to have your heart broken.
At this point, you don’t even know what you'd do if you were to find out that he was gone. You didn’t want to think about it. Not now. Not while you were so close.
The door was right there now. All you had to do was push and it would lead you straight into his room.
When you did so, it didn’t feel like anything special. It was just any other secret passageway door. It opened until it was slightly hindered by the tapestry that rested against it. But you kept pushing with all of your might until there was enough room for you to slip through and push it back closed.
When you turned to take in the room it was like nothing had changed. It still looked the same as the last time that you had seen it. Lush, red, and gold, with some of Jaime’s belongings strung about.
And there, in almost the center of the room, sat Jaime.
He was at the table that you both frequently ate at, drinking a glass of wine and staring at the table as though it had the secrets of the world inside of it. He had a blank look on his face, not portraying any clear emotion.
You felt the tears start to well up in your eyes at the sight of him. 
After all these months, all of this struggle you had finally made it back to him. And he was okay. 
He was alive. It’s the only thing you could have ever asked for. Prayed for.
You stood there for a moment, taking in the mere sight of him. Absorbing it all.
It was like he hadn’t changed at all. His golden brown stair still shined the same. His rugged beard that lay on his jaw was unshaven and messy, exactly how you liked it. The only difference was the bags under his eyes. He looked restless and like he hadn’t slept in weeks.
And maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he was so heartbroken and worried over your capture that he had not been able to sleep properly the whole time.
Of course, you were right.
You couldn’t stand there any longer, you needed to hold him. Feel him. 
“Jaime…” Your voice croaks out.
His eyes widen, and his head jerks a little but his eyes remain glued to the table. Like he can’t believe he heard your voice. Like you're unreal.
You murmur his name again, and this time he turns his head to look in your direction. His eyes are wide, full of shock and disbelief. “What…” He whispers it, the sound barely heard from where you stand across the room. He stands up slowly, eyes still on your frame as though you’ll disappear if he looks away. “Is it really you?” He questions, slowly stepping towards you as though you were a frightened doe.
A smile starts to spread across your face, your eyes widening in relief. “It’s me, Jaime.” And take your own steps towards him, meeting him halfway.
When you both come together again everything feels right. His arms wrap around you as tight as they possibly can, his right arm around your waist while his left wraps around your shoulders with his hand cradling your head. Your arms come to wrap around him just as tight.
You stand there for a moment, feeling the warmth that his body emits. His breath hot as it brushes the top of your head in quick pants. You can feel the scratchiness of the top he wears.
But then you feel the shuddering that begins in his chest and leaves his mouth as a sob. He pulls you in tighter, breathing picking up as he begins gasping for breath as more and more sobs leave his body and warm tears start to fall onto the top of your head as he cradles it into his chest.
Tears have started welling up in your own eyes at this point, soon turning into sobs of your own as you both hold each other with plans of never letting go.
At this point, Jaime had thought you dead. He thought that you had been either killed in the Reach or captured by the false queen and executed for being her enemy. But here you were. Warm, whole, and in his arms again. Although you did look worse for wear. Hair tangled in knots while your clothes lay in almost tatters on your body. You were dirty, mud and dirt smudged across your face and under your nails. But it was you, and at this moment you had never looked more beautiful to him. You were alive.
He loosens his grip around you and pulls back slightly so he can look at your face. His eyes meet yours and you smile in joy when you see that happiness that reflects back at you. “I thought you dead.” He whispers, his left hand moving from the back of your head to cradle your cheek.
You move your own hand to cover his, “I thought you dead as well. I did not know if you had escaped or not.” You turn away a little bit and close your eyes at the memory of the nights you cried until you passed out in the cell. Cried at the thought of him dead forever. “I had no way of knowing if you died. The fields were ash by the time she captured the rest of us.” You turn to look back at him now, the look on his face mimics your own.
“I had hoped for so many nights that you were not dead, but the thought of you captured did not sound any better.” A scowl starts to mar his face. “Knowing that that false queen had you this whole time-” He cuts himself off and abruptly pulls his arms off of you, not taking note of you jumping in shock at the action. He then starts to pace the floors of the room, running his hand through his hair. “I will have her head for what she has done.” He continues pacing, not looking at you as he shakes his head in anger at the audacity of that Targaryen whore before he abruptly turns his head in your direction and stops pacing. “Look at you.” 
He walks back over to you, picking at the rags that cover your body. “I’ll have the maids prepare a bath for you.”
And then he’s walking towards the door, calling out to the maids for a meal and a bath.
All of the maids come rushing into the room in a flurry, and you just stand there and wait as Jaime directs them on what food and clothes he wants them to bring for you.
You only stand there waiting for a few short minutes before the bath is ready, as it’s the one thing he impressed upon the maids as most important. 
When you walk into the bathing chambers the large marble bath that rests within it is full of steaming water filled with flowers and oils. You feel all of the stress simply fall off of you as you breathe in the warm air and let it soothe you. 
Jaime walks in immediately after you, folded clothes resting in his hand for you to change into when you are done bathing. He sets them done before walking over to you, eyes wide and open. “Allow me to help you, my love.” He says and you simply nod while he begins to undress you.
He pulls off the tattered tunic that you wear, throwing it to the side before he unwraps the band you have covering your breasts, allowing you to breathe freely with no restrictions. Next, he rids you of the breaches that you wear, basically tearing them off due to the rips and holes that they already possess. 
The entire time you watch him as he works, watching as he uses his one hand to help you undress, providing one of your hands in assistance whenever he has trouble. Something that you have both long since grown used to doing.
Once you stand bare before him he lightly grabs onto your shoulder to guide you over to the tub. “Rest in the tub for a moment, love.” He helps get your weak frame into the water. You only realize now how exhausted you are. You haven’t eaten a proper meal in months and using your muscles after going so long without has proven to be a strain on your energy. You simply nod as you feel the hot water soothe and calm your aching muscles.
You don’t know how long you sit there before Jaime is asking you to dip your head back into the water to wet your hair so that he can brush through it for you.
“I never wish to be separated from you again, Jaime.” You whisper into the warm air, turning your head so that your eyes can meet his.
He looks into your eyes, his green ones meeting your own, “Trust me, we will never be apart ever again.”
requests are open!
commissions are open!
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fishbaitslime · 1 year
Princess and Sandstorm for hypokits? 👀
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“Sandstorm … the forest isn’t my home.”
“I’m there! Fireheart’s there, your nieces! What do the housefolk have that you won’t find in Thunderclan?”
Sandstorm and Princess met way later than Fireheart in canon would’ve found his sister, I think somewhere around the time of the new prophecy. Sandstorm would also become leader much later, probably either during the great journey or afterwards. They at first were pretty stand-offish to each-other, princess being in search of her brother originally- but they slowly became friends and eventually falling for each-other.
Once the clans learn they have to leave, Sandstorm immediately races to tell Princess and beg her to join the clan so they may be together. Princess is unsure, she never had dreams of being a warrior like her brother- which Sandstorm assures her there are much more relaxed roles within the clan that Princess could take up. Despite the reassurance, she isn’t sure, and asks Sandstorm to retrieve her on the morning they leave- just 3 days after this conversation she’ll have her answer then.
Sandstorm shows up, and waits. She waits as long as she can, Fireheart eventually (gently) telling her it’s time to leave. As they do, Princess frantically scrambles over her fence with a panicked “Wait-!” her collar, having been torn and dirtied by her trying to tear it off through the night, finally shattering as she comes to stand before her mate and family. “I’m sorry, I was trying to impress you with a big entrance- fancy, like the stories my mother told me…” She almost looked embarrassed, “I’ve made my decision.”
princess then becomes a permanent queen and spends her days with her wife and helping raise kittens :0) i also think this is apart of the fireraven au!! read my hypokit stuff for that if u wish <3
FLUFFYBELLY is a bit different from his canon counter part but also not. I think he’s born on the great journey, and kind’ve yearns for the traveling life of his kithood- replacing his kittypet desires for more of loner/rouge desires. He is still very jovial and silly- also a bit spoiled as a kit :P his moms wouldve, and did, give him anything he asked for. They just loved him sooo much. He still had his kinda weird teenage phase where he would run off from the clans, this time hanging out with the rouges that lurk around the clan territory. This is how he gains his disbelief in starclan, i think eventually getting his ass beat at some point which makes him realized that clan cats aren’t the only bitches who b fighting lol. he then settles back into his clan life pretty easily!
requests for warrior cat hypokits are open!
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 5 months
The Lich-Queen, pt1
I stared down at my would-be fiancé, a smirk playing on my lips. "So, this is all the little butterfly has in him? How pitiful," I murmured, dragging my sword against his chest, tearing the fine silk of his shirt.
His eyes were bloodshot, rims red with tears. He trembled like a newborn calf, ripe for the eating. “Iraela,” he hissed. “You bitch. Someday, somewhere, someone will kill you.”
“Duke Tamaris,” I said, savouring the taste of his name. It was sour and hateful, like the bile that burst forth when I sunk my teeth into liver. “I was a bitch when I undid the embroidery in  Ramaeria's court dress. I think we've gone quite a bit further than that, don't you? I think I might even warrant being called a monster, or perhaps an eldritch horror. Do you mind redoing that scene again? I'll start: So, this is all the little butterfly has in him?”
When he did not respond, I snickered. “In any case, by the time I get my just deserts, you will be long dead. I will have consumed Ceredell, and all of its people. Everything and everyone you love will be lost to the eternal sleep.”
He met my gaze defiantly, biting his lip to keep from crying. I could smell the blood in his beating chest, and it excited me. “Of course,” I continued, dropping to my knees and straddling his chest, “I might let you live, if you swear fealty to me. I could always use a human manservant.” Idly, I traced his cheek with a claw.
Tamaris' weaselly face twisted into a grimace. “You piece of shit,” he snarled, jerking his head away from me. “I would rather die than bow to a necromancer like you.” He hawked up a bit of spit and tried to aim it at me. It missed entirely.
“I think you have misunderstood my meaning entirely,” I purred, running my claws down his throat, where his lifeblood pulsed. “You will be mine, whether you live or not. The only choice you have, and the last choice you will ever make, is if you wish to live under me, or undie under me.”
Understanding flashed through his eyes, and with it, despair. “You- So that's why…” He trailed off, suddenly uncertain.
I grinned at him, leaning forward, until our noses touched. “That's right, my lordling. Silly little Ram decided she'd rather throw herself and her husband into the void than watch her darling sister charm the world into submission,” I purred.
Tamaris managed a scoff. “You? Charm? A hairy octopus could be more charming,” he said. 
“I'm plenty charming,” I told him, affecting affront, “Why, if I carved someone's eyes out, they'd still smile at the sight of me! Besides, you were willing to marry me, you know. That took quite a bit of charming.”
He shook his head violently, as though waving the memories away. “You want me to serve as your… What? Slave? Bodyguard? Personal plaything? What do you want, Iraela?” Tamaris' face resumed its pout. 
He was rather cute like that, I thought idly. In another time, another world, perhaps I would have actually asked for his hand, rather than taking it straight off his wrist. “All three, perhaps,” I replied. “Or maybe not the bodyguard bit. You would make a terrible warrior, you know. Far too skinny and weak.”
“Give me a moment to think about it,” Tamaris said, a transparent ploy to bide for time. The man I loved would never bow to me, I thought wistfully. 
Ah, what did it matter? I had already won. I could indulge his fancies a tad. “Sure,” I murmured, sliding off his chest. “I give you until sundown, my dearest duke. Then you will be mine.”
I left him there, tied down and guarded by my revenants, and walked out to the window.
It was a dark and stormy night. 
Actually, that was wrong. A night that majestic deserved more than an old cliché. 
Dark clouds gathered across the sky like a pillow smothering a little child, rain like the gods' tears pelting the torn-up streets. It was pain. It was power.
It was a night to reign by.
I surveyed my new territory. Revenants and ghouls were busying up the courtyard, preparing it for my coronation. It was something out of a gothic teen's wet dream, all muted reds and blues, bruises on a lover's thigh.
A ghoul hobbled up to me, carrying a letter. “Lich-Queen,” he sqwaked, “The Spirit Empress responded. She wishes to come here, directly, and witness your coronation.”
My face lit up. “Well, tell her she's more than welcome to! The more, the merrier! And do make sure to procure some fresh meat for her, then. The rotting stuff just won't do for such prestigious company,” I told him. “Run off, Death-in-me, and be quick about it.”
Death-in-me made a vague approximation of a salute, and leaped off the roof to do my bidding. I watched him go, and began my slow glide to the main gate.
I had stolen some noblewoman's court dress, a stiff-necked thing with a high, webbed collar. It was resplendent with black pearls and purple embroidery. I had made sure to compliment her corpse on her wonderful taste after reanimating her.
My coronation would be a thing of legend. Already, the whole of Ceredell had fallen to me. My silly elder sister, prophetic oracle that she was, had thought to halt my rise to the throne by splintering Ceredell, fracturing the kingdom into little city-states, but it had done nothing but speed my progress up.
I paused at the stairs, wondering if she had known I would be the one to betray her. Had she known the whole time, whilst she held me to her bosom, smiled that gentle smile? Had she known that even her last-ditch attempt to save the country would fail so spectacularly? A grim thought struck me. Had her suicide been nothing but a smokescreen, to hide her true plan for stopping my reign?
I would not put it past her. Ram was smart, for all that she looked dreamy and lost in another world. I had not thought she would be the sort to falter on her final shot. There had to be something up her sleeve. 
I shook my head to clear the thoughts, and strode down the stairs. My Void-touched sister's ghost would not be allowed to haunt my coronation. It was going to be perfect, everything I had dreamed of as a lost girl running through the woods, as the young woman overshadowed by her soothsaying sister, as the budding necromancer who finally had the means to greatness.
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ok so one day i was hangin out and thinking about how jinx and murie are both my favourite little sad wet guys in my two fave medias of all ever *And* at the same time SO far apart on the spectrum personalitywise
and it took me listening to this to flip the switch on the Autism Blender and want to just fucking mash them together like a coked up toddler making Slime out of fish guts and hayao miyazakis mothers ashes because thats what i do thats my job💅👌so theeeen it comes out pretty reminiscent of my first muriel au that also sprung up from a song i like, just- a bit to the left? like, moving along on the scale from The OG not liking violence and being involved in it whatsoever, to AU 1 where i pictured him going "yeah ok fuck it this is what i do i guess" and revengy motives to his whole thing that i now connected with him more thru the song lmao it just made me realize the vision of like. jinxies "murderingmurderinmurdering 💕fun✨" aspect + his potential desire to still do good things despite being doomed to be a machine made for destruction (ignore the fact of that desire being nonexistent in his canon form because of how he perceives himself as a thing unable to achieve performing any good ever under any circumstance) (but still refusing to actively cause harm as he isolates himself to prevent any situations arising that would lead him to do so) (ignore all that) (were yassifying him a little were allowed its fine ive already lost the plot here anyway were wildin) so a vigilanty type beat and also ~my axe is my buddy🥰 we both cry with the trees😔✊ /me & my axe will bring the devil to his knees (✿◕‿◕ )~ goes hard as phUCK
so then all that led to This new V.3 mutation where hed be actually having fun with it........ so I kinda start turning him over in my brain some more, forgetting about jink by now and at first I go Huh this is kinda. him but lucioey a lil bit. and THEN i go hm. Well this ground is awful soft n ready to dig
so with all that out of the way i can now present!: Brand New Vague Shadow of a Concept of an Idea that ill Never Do Anything with
and I really don’t know how to verbalize this very well at all mmjfdh but like. Ok bulletpoints activate
From a badass warrior tribe
Didn’t get booted out cuz theyre fine this time oopsie no genocide
Hes in there way chillin way awesome way good at fighting everybody loves him
Hes like. Way himboey in this one. SO jock. Smiles a lot <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Like okay if i was actually serious about writing this I think id need a fucking lucio consultant because I really know zilch about that bitch but like okay you know how lucios kinda all scary n cunty and cunning and fancy and seems like hes got shit figured out. Until he *starts talking*? Muriel here is like that but hes just really fucking scary until he starts talking BUT not like normally where hes adorable just has resting bitch face, its just like. that part of him that came thru in the reversed ending at the very end, yknow. but make it less depressing ihjhsrfbjs hes like full letterman jacket highschool bully core total kurt & ram vibe, like ok youd see him on a battlefield ABsolutely WRECKIng some fools into a pulp with his bare bear hands and immediately after that he turns around like WOOOOOOO THAT’S what im TALKIN ABOUT LETS GO GUYS WHO WANTS A BEER *cut to him chugging an entire keg over his head with da boys around losing their minds* like think college frat but they raid villages for fun and profit. Pretty orc coded. Kinda thor coded. Actually exactly thorcoded wow that really is what I was going for. I was wondering why I couldn’t help imagining him with a australian accent, I guess that’s a mystery solved. anyway
Maybe his parents got killed in some other battle im not sure how to weave around that in detail yet BUT- ok so check this I thought ill have to give him some motive to wanna reach the devil somehow for,,.,,… something right. to make him fill an antagonist role So this might be stupid a lil I just thought of this and it needs to cook for sure but what if he just rolled up into vesuvia as the magic capital or something whtver, to figure out how to get to talk to the devil, cuz he just like, really wants his parents back cuz they got valhallad in some glorious combat, and they were cool and he misses them and they could fight some more cool fights together and pillage n chill jhbsfvjgzdc beCAUsE hear me out im rolling with the swap inversions opposites motive here right, so the thing that popped up in my head was- Lucio had the “I wanna kill my parents bcause I hate them and so I can rule and get what I want” thing goin at the start right, like that is basically what started it off he got his dad he didnt get morgha SO what IF I gave murie a “i wanna conquer this place and use it to get my parents back. cuz I missem :(” like fully turned it around idk IDK IT SEEMS MESSY IDK IS IT CUTE IS IT DUMB IT MAKES ME FEEL DUMB BUT IN THAT WAY THAT MIGHT MEAN THAT ITS ACTUALLY WORKING BUT I DONT KNOW *screaming with no air*
But overall yeah hes khal drogo but more noticeably himboey but not in a likeable way cuz were switching them so I cant make him likeable for myself hnjdgfgb leaning into popular dumb jock trope
UnLESSSS i DID combo it with murdermuriel au 1.0 some more and made their tribe like. Not murdery somehow like what would be the opposite of the og scourge roaming around ruining shit. well that was the og kokhuri but now I gotta do some fucking triple axels here to make it make sense so how the fuck do I make this version of kokhuri more warriory in culture than the original but still nice like robinhoody style jhbfsvhjbs this is falling tf apart might need to scrap it bc on lucios end itd be even harder wouldn’t it. Spartan cunts but they don’t kill people that’s a nono lmao
now im thinking some more about the aspect of lucio being, you know. a pretty shitty leader right, and how to incorporate that here, because i have no idea if im following an actual set rule here regarding whats swapped and how even, theres barely a theme im straight up just
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but yeah so now i figure it could be murie tryna get his folks back because they were the actual defacto leaders of their tribe, he was just kinda still following along and doin his chores in being the uhh the face, the charisma, the one to kinda like. get the people on board easier with whatever decision they made for them and hyping it up as the best possible choice anyone could ever make and maybe even actually believing it too cuz theyre actually that tightknit and he trusts them with anything aw. is this too onedimensional or can i give my boy some good nice facking family relations at least in an alternate life ghhkjkfdh hes their pride n joy and can do no wrong but yeah the point is he himself hasnt actually made any decisions without them before, isnt very good at actually leading and strategizing and planning and knowing how everything complicated works and he knows it, so he sees his only solution in bringing them back to not let everything fall apart
SEE I BROUGHT IT AROUND I CLEANED UP NICE WITH OG LUCIO SETTING OFF FROM THE POINT OF FEELING LIKE HES THE BEST AT EVERYTHING AND SHOULD B RECOGNIZED AS SUCH AND TRYING TO GET RID OF HIS PARENTS TO GET IT AND MY BOY HERE ENDING UP EXACTLY OPPOSITE. GO SHAWTY GO SHAWTY IM SO SMART am i fucking up lulus backstory i feel like i am cuz im like wait what the fuck did he kill his dad for again. demonheart. deal. thing. whatd he wish. like he wasnt already running for count n shit yet he did want to climb up the ladder in his own tribe right i have no idea yell at me in comments thank you
I also don’t know if the first (last) scourge battle wouldve happened or nah
Oh my fucking god what if I figured out an alternative L moniker for murie so theyd get to switch letters in their namesssssssss like lucio is a made up name he made it up so like UAGHASHG L.,,,...,, Lion ofthe,... south NO he HAS to be bEAR CODED AAFYFFHG BUT LUCIO HAD LEOPARD IMAGERY N SHIT RAAHAHHGH IM FITIN FOR MY LIFE HERE
Anyway he lives in a forest somewhere cuz his tribe threw him out fully voluntarily bc he sucks ass (or at least for their standards cuz I guess he would be way younger than 18 here for this) (Like a spartan type deal ur too weak we don’t want you *drops you off a cliff*  *but theres 4 feet of snow under it so he survives*  *that’s so fucking goofy hjbsfbj kinda suits him*) so uhhhhhh i don’t know where hed be currently chilling for an mc to meet him ever but yeah hes kinda Floki Vikings™ type of vibe at least visually that’s what came to mind first to picture him lol
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look at this little blond rat bastard. adorable. becoming increasingly obsessed. picturing lucio with this exact hairline. moving on
and his thing is hes still insecure as fuck but worse at ignoring it and hiding it and hes a lil nervous bundle of sticks and always talking bc of it, kinda Bruno Madrigalesque type vibe julian but a pitch more pathetic who knew it could be done yknow? opposite of The OG The Mountain The Stone Cold Silent The Muriel The Scourge The Kokhuri The Third and also me when writing and not stopped in time
oh oh what if he was totes in denial that his tribe kicked him out and in his view hes on some super intense convoluted secret mission (lasting from. age 7 to now apparently) and as soon as hes done they’ll totally come back for him kdfsgjffd I thought it could either be his own copium or he took it from some last interaction with someone who took pity on him as a kid and wanted to give him some comfort, or something he misunderstood entirely
hm. They both have canid familiars idk what to do with that. muriel with two wolves tho. thats hot shit righ there if i do say so myself
oh now im toying with the idea of taking away muriels SUPPOSED YET UNCONFIRMED AS MY VERY CONTROLLED ACADEMIC STUDY HAS SHOWN COUGHCOUGHJHBSRGJBHF talking to animals buff, i dont wanna just take it and give it to lucio tho, but like. what the fuck else do i give him. astral projecting to tie into his ghost era? sounds dope actually alright lets do that lmao
ok its 1 30 am i hope this is comprehensible to anybody anywhere im zonking out now khbsfhbfk love u
@tetsuooooooooooo I've missed your essays, this was such a treat to log in to!!!
And WOW, thorcoded Muriel is not something I ever would have thought of on my own but oddly enough I feel like the AU you're coming up with could really work, goodness me. And the way you've inverted Lucio's character too!! I'd love to see how their interaction dynamics invert as well!
Always good to hear from you friend, hope you're doing well!
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qcomicsy · 2 years
My hcs about Diana, Bruce, Clark qpr.
Clark used to go to Diana to take advice on his relationship with Lois, and Diana found it adorable because she used to had a crush on both of them and the logical conclusion was "They will be great for each other".
Bruce tried once get advice once with any one of his failed relationships and she wholeheartedly recommended him therapy.
Catwoman and Talia are by far Diana's favorite Batman's girlfriends. Catwoman because shes fun and witty and she has the hability of take him out of his shell easier than anyone. And Talia because she's a warrior with a soft spot for Bruce and if that's isn't relatable.
Clark doesn't trust any of them. But, he respects Bruce's judgment.
Both Bruce and Diana used to have a crush on Lois Lane can you blame them? and while Bruce did acted upon on because he and Clark weren't as much friends as they are today at the time and he's a bitch, Diana had a bit more of respect.
Wonder woman always opens the dor for Superman and pushes chairs for him to sit, Superman does the same for Batman and Batman does it for Wonder Woman, it's just a matter of who's close to the door/chair.
Every single person of the JLA finds it odd, but it's been so long with this bullshit that they don't even bat an eye anymore.
Before Clark was married, his co-workers would see him get pulled up by fancy cars and limosine, get off clock early because "Oh it's Diana's birthday" or "we're making a surprise for Bruce" or "I promised Bruce to watch his son for him" and imediately get "everybody knows... everybody knows."
He was the talk of the office for years. The only person who defended him was Lois and Jimmy (while Jimmy also would get 🤨🏳️‍🌈 around them)
Clark 🤝 Bruce reacted to their sons coming out with 'Well, it's pretty common to be attracted to your best friends, no?"
Wonder Woman is very amused by that.
Clark has clear a beef with Harley for the spot of "Bruce's first best friend"™.
None of them noticed yet that this spot has been occupied by Harvey Dent for 40 years and counting.
The first time Clark entered Diana's house at the embassy of Themyscira (as Clark Kent) , he got absolutely flabbergasted. The little journalist nerd inside him made them spend the entire day discussing the origin of every artefact and history behind it. He doesn't know but that was the exatcly moment Diana decided she wanted him in every aspect of her life (not as just coworker or battle ally) as long as possible.
Diana is also fascinated by modern technology made by mortals and occasionally asks a couple of questions about Bruce's inventions for battle. She's genuinely impressed by his ability in making non-letal tools and always gives him her inputs and compliments when she feels like it.
Clark has and habit of lean on them or hold their hands when he's concentrating on a mission (specially if it is one more focused in diplomacy rather than physical battles). If it's in front of the league he's more discreet about it (Holding hands behind the table, quick pats on shoulders, etc).
Now, if it's just the three of them he go as long as mindlessly play with their hands as he go over plans, and paperwork's. None of them feels the need to acknowledge or know when this turned into an habit.
Clark always greet them with a hug no exceptions. Funny enough if it is in a serious situation WW and Batman resort to a firm handshake or a nod.
If they're feeling flirting they go
"Wonder Woman."
Out of the trio Diana and Bruce are the one's who flirts more with each other
Clark love language it's words of affirmation so he's the one who demonstrates more affection towards them, Diana is a close second (regarding platonic touch)
They do not talk about the JLA confraternization from 2007
Not talking about the confraternization from 2007 does not mean they don't repeated what happened in the contraternization of 2007.
Bruce offered himself to help Clark and Diana moving tractors and it took them lifting two tractor with their bare hands to him to rethinking every decision he ever had on his life.
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prologue: rumors from runestone
Maetilda Targaryen, First of her Name, was supposed to become many things. What she became was entirely different.
table of contents
trigger warning!!! this fic contains many graphic topics and depictions. such as but not limited to: dead parents, abusive parents, toxic family systems, incest, medieval misogyny, forced marriage, threats of assault (sexual § physical), actual assault, imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, blood/gore, uxoricide, familicide, PTSD and other neurodivergence. i will do my best to update as i go along, but please let me know if i have missed anything!
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word count: 1964
She would never remember her days at Runestone. That was the unforgiving truth. Born of tumultuous means, the Princess was raised by her Lady Mother in her earliest year. After all, her mother and father were not on speaking terms. In fact, their relationship was even less than that. Most would proclaim without the slightest hesitation that the two hated each other. The princess had been the only evidence that their marriage was even consummated; albeit, she was conceived some years after the wedding night. No one ever knew what brought the two together that night, and they would never divulge. The cruder lords of Westeros would often drunkenly theorize that it was after a heated argument where the two lost themselves. Perhaps one said something a little too personal before feverishly ravishing each other. There had been a war in the Step Stones around the same time in which Daemon displayed his strategic and masterful leadership in war, undeniable physical prowess in battle, and a sadistic impulsive side throughout. Some maids wondered if the Lady of the Keep did not fancy a taste of it. Especially after some of the stories of him. Whatever the case, the relationship between the new parents was complicated. Seeing as the Rogue Prince referred to the mother of his child solely as his "bronze bitch," this sentiment was founded in unforgiving truth.
Fortified by the Mountains of the Moon, the people of the Vale tended to be steeped in honor and morals and had the same rough exterior as the expanse of their land. In times of turmoil and war, such terrain served as natural defense. In times of peace, it blocked harsh winds and the worst of storms. Carrying blood of both the Andals and the First Men, the people who lived there were natural hunters and warriors. Common folk and nobility alike. The deeper amongst the mountains, the people found were tougher and nastier. Wielding vast weapons and beholding to far less morals. It was known all throughout the Realm. Mountain clans were feared. Runestone was nestled on the northern shore of its peninsula. The shores were cliffs. The terrain anything but flat. This meant the people were bulky and solid. Tough and mean to boot, but incredibly pompous and noble about it. Like a mission sent down from the Gods, Lady Rhea Royce and her people were determined to instill the princess with as much of the Vale as they could. In her girlhood, she would learn to hunt with bow and arrow, perhaps even wield a knife. She would ride a horse as soon as she started walking, sitting in the styles of both a lady and a hunter. She would be as tough as stone and as smooth as marble. A princess like the realm had never witnessed before, raised away from the treachery and gossip of King’s Landing. One who was raised not as a Targaryen, but as one of Andal and First Men blood. A member of the royal family that would actually reflect those who belonged to the Seven Kingdoms rather than the lost ghosts of Valyria’s wasteland. Even if the princess’ title was only granted as a way to assure the girl’s status in the loud absence of her father. A gift that was given by the King after Lady Rhea wrote to him about his brother’s exhaustive and dishonorable wonderings, declaring she would never bare the Prince another child unless something was done. The girl was a princess and that was what mattered. Those at Runestone would openly fantasize about the day that she would make her mark as a fierce representation of the Vale’s strength, diligence, and morality. Unfortunately, that future was ripped away from her before it could even fully start.
Lady Rhea squatted near the ground in front of the fireplace in her chambers. Both the fire and scattered wall torches illuminated the room as the moonlight barely casted through the tall windows. It gave the room a warm atmosphere that perfectly cradled the moment unfolding before the lady’s eyes. A small distance away, her daughter's milkmaid stabilized the small princess on her two pudgy feet before encouraging the girl to move forward. With a grin on her face, the Lady of Runestone did her very best to look both exciting and welcoming as her daughter slowly focused on her. The two women worked together wordlessly to keep the little girl from hurting herself without overcrowding her as she took one unassisted step forward.
"Well done! Come to your mama, stinky girl! You are doing so well!" The little girl squealed at the sound of her mother's voice.
"Left foot, right foot. You got it, princess!" the milkmaid cooed.
The baby princess giggled at the sweetness tickling her ears. Her eyes were dead set on her mother, her favorite person in the world. If only she could just get closer. Using all the strength she could muster in her little ankles, she balanced upright and took another step. The women around her cheered at the accomplishment. With a giggle, the princess looked up at them with utter adoration. Wanting nothing more than to hear the women’s praise again. To her delight, the same response came as she took an uneasy step with her other foot. The princess giggled harder before taking her fourth step. The praise only grew with excitement. Before she knew it, she was in her mother's arms and the room was completely filled with squeals of joy and awe. The heir of Runestone had taken her first steps. It was an evening worth celebrating on the morrow. The princess was to have her first nameday in less than a fortnight and the Lady of Runestone was in a celebratory mood. Nothing could bring her down. She could see her future with her daughter laying just ahead of her. She saw a spunky girl with violet-blue eyes and a Vale accent who gave all the men around her hell. She saw a princess who was not afraid to roll up her sleeves and do a man’s job for herself. She saw a strong and capable lady with power and inheritance in her own right. A woman who garnered respect from even the nastiest of lords, just by the square of her shoulders. What the lady of the keep did not know was that sweet evening was going to be the last one she spent with her precious girl.
As the history books told it, Lady Rhea Royce met her end in a hawking accident. Though she had been riding horse and hunting various game for as far back as she could remember, the sole heir of Runestone fell from her horse and suffered an injury to the head. She had gone out alone that next day, leaving her sworn knight Ser Eddrin Tollett to guard her daughter’s nursery instead. Her wetnurses knew something was wrong the moment Lady Rhea did not come home in time to put her daughter down for her afternoon nap. Especially after the milestone of the evening prior. It was utterly unlike her — she was always there to put the princess down. The castle's worst suspicions were confirmed when the lady's body was found, miraculously still breathing. Maester Garrel and all the servants went into overdrive. Busy hands went to work patching the wound and mixing salves, ointments, and pain management potions. Not to mention, keeping the castle in order and seeing to the Princess. It was tiresome work that required care and diligence. Both of which Maester Garrel exuded. For seven days, the Lady of Runestone laid in her bed drifting in and out of feverish sleep. Occasionally, she would utter her daughter's name, squirming in her bed in the girl’s absence. The maester would tend to her wounds every three hours. At least two bodies were constantly standing watch inside and outside her room. On the seventh day, Lady Rhea rose out of bed in suspiciously high spirits. As if nothing had happened. She tended to all of her normal duties with a sweet smile on her face. Caring for her precious daughter in place of the wet nurses like she normally would. However, she did not seem shocked when the maester had notified her of their keep’s new guest. She grumbled and cursed as she usually would when the subject of her husband and father of her child was brought up. But it was as she quickly strode to the solar in which the man had been waiting for her, that Lady Rhea Royce dropped dead. Mid-stride.
It was perhaps a coincidence that Prince Daemon Targaryen himself arrived at Runestone merely a day after the accident. Expecting to arrive, participate in the nameday festivities, and leave, the Rogue Prince was not at all expecting to take on the responsibility of his firstborn and her new inheritance. These were the remarks that he repeatedly stressed to the maester at any opportunity he could. He swore up and down to anyone that would listen. He was deeply distraught over the passing of his wife. But alas, without Lady Rhea present, Prince Daemon would be in charge of both Runestone and the Royce estate until Princess Maetilda took a man to husband. A husband that the Prince would get to choose now that he had sole oversight of his daughter. The perfect scenario for the Rogue Prince. It was the most suspicious of coincidences.
The Princess’ nameday festivities were canceled upon the death of her mother. Her father saw no need to hold such frivalant festivities in the wake of his Lady wife’s death. Especially ones the Princess would not remember. Who was to argue with the blade of Dark Sister and the flame of Caraxes as the Rogue Prince strapped the baby girl to the dragon's saddle? The wielder of the infamous Valyrian steel sword had even paused to see if someone would. To see just how brave and honorable those at Runestone were willing to be. Unfortunately, anyone to argue with never came; the Prince never returned, never allowing the Princess to return either. Both letters attached to the feet of ravens and petitioning in front of the King himself proved futile as no official argument was ever entertained. The poor halls of Runestone were left to grieve the loss of both of their ladies. The Princess would never have the future her Lady Mother had dreamed for her. There would be no people’s princess.
The echoes from the mother and daughter's last giggles could still be heard ringing off the walls when lords and ladies across Westeros dropped all of their former grievances to attend the royal wedding of the Realm's Delight. Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's wedding to Lord Laenor Velaryon was memorable for a variety of reasons. Aside from the average rumors of who wore what and who did what and who did who, there were three whispers that traveled louder than the rest. First, Ser Joffrey Lonmouth lost his life to his mouth the night of the opening feast. Rumor had it that the knight uttered a sentiment so blasphemous and treasonous that the Kingsguard executed him there on the spot. Second, Princess Maetilda proved to be a delight to all who interacted with her at the ripe age of one. She had a charm that her father certainly did not, winning a smile from even her father's biggest conspirators. Third, King Viserys was more ill than he was letting on. With time, the whispers only grew until they became a constant mind-numbing hum. The mind-numbing hums grew into spoken words, and those spoken words grew into full-volume threats. Threats to all who stood in between the Hightowers and the Big Iron Chair.
A/N: this is my very first time posting my writing to tumblr. i don’t know how to do master lists and stuff like that yet, but this entire blog will be dedicated to just this fic. this also means i’m a beginner with the different formatting and everything, so please bear with me!
chapter one (much longer) will be coming shortly 👀
xoxo messy
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sinestrosmind · 7 months
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Hey hi I'm Tony, I'm 23, and welcome to my art blog!! This is a sideblog to @sinestroslight, though I don't really use my main blog as much as my art blog lmao
I've been on tumblr sinceeeeeee 2015 I think? So I'm a little old school with how I operate my blogs. I've also been in the RP Community for just as long so that's why my tags are all ✨fancy✨ lmaooo
Some things aren't linked because either I don't have the tag active yet or I don't have the page or post made yet
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If you have not paid for a piece to be created, you have no right and absolutely no permission to repost my work anywhere, with or without credit.
[03.13.24] If you would like to dub a work I've made, please ask before hand and ensure proper credit is linked on your post.
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eff-plays · 9 months
Apparently there are people out there whomst love Astarion but haven't played Dragon Age?
This is my call to you to play Dragon Age. They let you kiss elves!
In Dragon Age: Origins, you can kiss
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This guy, Zevran, who is
a rogue/assassin
tries to kill you on your first meeting
good at murder
tries to seduce you for his own gain but then falls in love RIP in pepperoni
cute accent
short king
long hair
sad backstory
morally questionable at times and somewhat self-serving
but good deep down i prommy i prommy
loves money and fancy things (you can get his approval up by just straight up giving him bars of silver and gold lmao)
In Dragon Age 2, you can romance
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This guy, Fenris, who is
a warrior with weird powers
hates your ass if you're a mage but warms up to you if you're nice
can rip people's hearts out of their chests as a fun treat
breaks up with you for 3 years but wears your favor on his wrist forever?? lmao cringe i love him
escaped slave
sad backstory
white hair and big sword, extremely anime
can't read (but you can teach him ;)
if deep voice why twink
deadpan snarker
mean-ass bitch who's hard to get approval with if you're a noob
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you can romance!
Anyway, have fun! Go forth and smooch some elf boys!
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
100 (103) reasons why Daichi is the best 
1. his face 
2. them thighs 
3. most reliable captain 10/10 has never  met a ball he can’t save 
4. the chip on his shoulder
5. he's not just an underdog, he's the captain of underdogs, the biggest underdog of all.
6. kinda insane sometimes. Total volleyball freak. (My adored <3333)
7. you will never meet a more reliable man
8. deserves all the admiration in the world for handling a team as insane and wild as Karasuno
9. knows his team like the back of his hand
10. y'all remember that time he saved kagehina's failed freak quick because he knew that they'd go for it and also knew they'd mess it up?
11. there was a solid period of time where he was both coach and captain and handled the jobs marvelously
12. never falls to pressure,
13. treats his team to after-practice meat buns
14. ridiculously observant
15. seriously, this man immediately figured out that hinata had his eyes closed during the first freak quick.
16. terrifying enough to scare Noya who canonically has not felt fear since he was a child
17. can silence people with a look.
18. surprisingly snarky
19. officially acknowledged by kuroo as a crafty son of a bitch and kuroo would know
20. fr though, Karasuno would never have been the team it was without him, he's such a great goddamn leader and a brilliant captain
21. every single person on his team listens to this man
22. and he's always great at knowing how to deal with the different members on his team whether its goading Tsukishima at exactly the right time or knowing when to cheer Asahi up.
23. relentless, driven and never gives up.
24. the honest country boy vibes
25. has the obliviousness of an anime protagonist when it comes to romance.
26. can site facts about sea creatures off the top of his head and does it often enough that Asahi can provide context for what he's talking about
27.the ✨ soulful eyes ✨
28. we all know that under that cute face is a terrifying demon but man, what a face 
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29. is a brave warrior willing to sacrifice (lose a tooth) for his people
30. basically got kagehina together
31. well-rounded player
32. got SO hot post time skip
33. not afraid to look like a lunatic in public when he's yelling at his teammates
34. short king
35. his flawless jump float receives 
36. that one time he yelled at Noya and co for coming to school on New Years like Daichi what were YOU doing at school during New Years? 👀👀
37. wore the vice principle's wig twice and did so flawlessly
38. the fancy foot moves on court
39. best pep talks
40. also great motivational speeches. Ikejeri literally remembered one of them for like 5 years
41. this man was Karasuno's ONLY floor defense for a hot minute there and still won against Seijoh. Seijoh.
42. that being said, he's not part of the defensive line, he's a spiker who also does defense and don't you dare forget it
43. the breadth of his gorgeous, gorgeous back
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44. Was willing to kick out Kageyama and Hinata if they didn’t learn to get along. It’s not like Karasuno has a deep reserve of players, they certainly needed every player they can get and yet, he held firm. 
45. when he saves almost all of inarizaki’s crazy serves like it’s nothing 
46. also wrecked Oikawa's shit with that one save
47. literally died for his team
48. first year daichi w/  🤝 middle school hinata and kageyama; being people who care more about vb than the rest of their team and doing their best to get better on their own 
49. it takes a certain type of man to let Hinata on court despite his utter lack of basic skills
50. his bashful grin that's probably got people swooning left and right
51. just generally serving looks 
52. his arms
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53. “We’re gonna eat them alive” 
54. that one time he mentally dragged Ukai to filth 
55. quick on-court reflexes 
56. the patience of a saint to deal with kuroo and bokuto’s antics 
57. refuses to get intimidated, even by Ushijima 
58. let ennoshita lead the team even though he could’ve gotten back on court 
59. this moment right here
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60. when he was ready to retire because he thought it’d be better for the team 
61. “especially people who have to bike up a mountain” 
62. that time he scored off of kita’s recieve 
63. the entirety of ep 3x06. 
64. tired dad in a teenage body 
65. because his old teammate told him he “got bigger 😏” and daichi thought they were calling him fat 
66. being the epitome of benevolence a la forgiving Tanaka for killing him 
67. “talking too much is a sign of nervousness, ku-roo san” 
68. all the daichi-kuroo handshakes and how he magically starts acting like the competitive teenager he is when he spots kuroo’s rooster hair
69. i take back what i said about being able to scare people with a look, he can do it with just his aura
70. delivers an immaculate immitation of Kageyama 
71. so concerned and sweet to his underclassman
72. tried so hard to help Hinata's nerves.
73. *solemnly* “i was going to keep it quiet but....we’ll have bbq after the practice is over” 
74. cheerfully leads his squad through dozens of penalties during camp 
75. at times, very dignified
76. takes to acting like Tsukki's annoying uncle
77. when he went back to the gym and we saw his mosaic of memories and it made us all tear up 
78. Always imparting words of wisdom ie “SHUT UP” and “you’re a wimp”. 
79. he literally has nightmares about the principal’s wig 😭
80. Didn’t brutally decimate Kageyama for the “i can spike, serve, etc all by myself” line because if some snotty brat said that to me, i'd
81. He’s so intuitive in general. He’s seen Kageyama for maybe a couple minutes and then a half hour match and already knows exactly how to hit him where it hurts like when he threatened to take the setter position away if Kageyama and Hinata couldn’t win a match together. 
82. His saves are a work of art sometimes
83. So beautiful 
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84. always willing to collaborate with and concede to his teammates whether it’s asking Kageyama’s opinion on how to handle Seijoh or letting Tsukki handle the timing of the blocks or staying back so Ennoshita can lead, 
86. Like despite hq having tons of characters + themes about pride and ego, Daichi has almost none at all. He’s secure in himself and his skill level and doesn’t get insecure about his teammates/friends being more skilled or better than him. 
87. never lets failures bring him down 
88. on a similar note, he, like hinata, is always willing to try, always ready to keep going no matter what happens or what obstacles lie ahead 
89. he’s the one that gave Noya the nickname of “Guardian Deity” 
90. the first one to always acknowledge and appreciate everything Takeda’s done for the team
91. Despite the generally optimistic attitude, he’s still realistic. 
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92. Hilarious when he’s being blunt 
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93. Surprisingly ok with fudging the truth. Like when he tells Asahi that he’s the only one that hasn’t gotten over the Date Tech match which is blatantly untrue. ‘
94. got so worried about his dream that he physically came to the gym to make sure it wasn’t taken over by the basketball team 😭
95. Simps over Shimizu like she deserves 
96. For someone who claims to be terrified all the time, he’s damn good at keeping it together
97. his little rooftop freak out before the Inarizaki match 
98. gorgeous eyes 
99. the haircut that just adds to the unassuming look hes got
100. Doing hundreds of penalties only made him incorporate penalties into Karasuno's normal training routine. Such a masochist.
101. Has the sweetest friendship with Suga and Asahi
102. might not be a monster but has his moments of monster-esque insanity nonetheless. Tell me this doesn't sound like something Hinata or Kageyama would say
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103. noya compared his defense skills to yaku who's possibly the best libero in the entire damn series (!!!)
Basically he's just the best and I love him so much that I started with goal of writing 20 and ended up with 103
*edit: initially had 102 but number 103 i came across and couldn't not include it
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