#was I chanting with the stormtroopers? yes
snow-dragon-rider · 1 year
The stormtroopers chanting?
That music?
That stroll?
My lands. That man.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 9 months
The Everything's Fine AU
It's what we hope will happen in S3.
Tech's alive and fine. Crosshair rejoins the Batch. Everyone's alive.
Oh, and they join the Rebellion.
And cause the Empire so much chaos.
Also they team up with the Ghost crew.
It's fun.
Chopper: When do I get my own gun? Echo: I wouldn’t trust you with a Nerf gun.
Chopper: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Echo is walking in this room. Crosshair: *wheeze*
Echo: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Hera: Fucking Ezra and Omega were trying to summon a Sith force ghost again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
Hunter: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve. Zeb: I think you mean cards. Omega: He did not. Hunter, pulling out knives: I did not.
Hera: I’m telling you, my team is competent. Crosshair, rushing in: Hera! Your boyfriend tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Stormtrooper: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single speeder bike. Omega, with Sabine and Zeb behind her: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Stormtrooper: Yes…three. Omega: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Stormtrooper: Wha- Omega: Ezra FUCKING FELL OFF!
Crosshair: What are you doing here? Chopper: I could ask you the same question. Crosshair: I live here. This is my squad's ship. Chopper: I should probably ask you a different question.
Ezra: Crosshair has only punched me three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
Tech: *Shoves the door open, looking panicked* Kanan: What did you do?! Tech: NOBODY DIED! Kanan: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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oh-three · 1 year
Ahsoka Ep8:
Idk, I think I might've been wrong about Enoch being a droid.
"Even I fell victim to the heroics of a single Jedi. Never again." You better hope.
Damn, okay, that was cool. Morgan is a true Nightsister now (as if she wasn't before).
Oooh, blade of Talzin.
The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord over here sounding like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 🤔
Why did they have to stay with the Noti again?
Ezra and Huyang 😂
I like how Huyang just happened to have a little lightsaber workshop in the ship.
Ohhhh, so, Ahsoka was worried about Sabine ending up like Anakin. Now that makes sense.
Ahsoka & Sabine bonding ❤
"Being a Jedi isn't about wielding a lightsaber." HEY, KANAN SAID THAT.
NO, THEY'RE LEAVING HUYANG. How's Huyang going to connect with purrgil??!?
Oooh, so the Eye of Sion is gonna connect to the Chimaera like a hyperspace ring.
"He woke up the witches". They were WAITING for him???
"Rain hellfire upon them." REBELS FINALE REFERENCE. "There'll be no negotiating with the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker." Coward.
You know things're getting real when Sabine's put the helmet on.
Holy shit, Ezra and Sabine almost got crushed into oblivion.
Thrawn being ominous. I wanna see this.
So, these stormtroopers were told they were gonna die, be brought back as zombies, and were OKAY with it? Damn, they've got guts. Fucking awesome btw.
"What's you excuse?" Lmao. Exile, maybe? Just a guess.
Thrawn telling Morgan to stay behind to buy time. I'm kinda surprised she's okay with it ngl.
Ezra hearing the zombies and saying "fuck this have some more door".
Oh my god. I just realized. Ahsoka is gonna get left behind because she stayed back to keep Morgan away.
Oh, Morgan's voice echoes now too.
Ezra over here impersonating stormtroopers like the old days.
Yeah, please don't forget the helmet, Sabine.
I thought for sure they were getting left behind 😭
Watch Ahsoka catch up to Thrawn because he's making a speech.
"Today victory is mine."
Wait until Thrawn finds out Ezra managed to tag along again Lmfao.
Omg, I totally forgot about Shin and Baylan.
Oooh, Shin and her marauder tribe. I can imagine her having a clan-war (in a sense) with Ahsoka, Sabine, and the Noti.
Hey, maybe the caskets are just stasis chambers.
"Hi, Hera. I'm home." 😭
Dude, he's gonna have to tell her that Ahsoka and Sabine didn't make it. 😭
OG Ahsoka theme ❤
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metataxy · 1 year
Ahsoka Ep. 6
The Good:
(1) The music. Holy $h1t, the flipping pipe organ when we meet Thrawn, and the chorus of stormtroopers chanting his name like cultists invoking their god.
(2) The costuming of the shipwrecked stormtroopers. Cracked helmets, greaves and vambraces tied on with strips of red cloth they must have sourced from the Nightsisters, plasteel armor components replaced with reshaped metal they must have scrounged from the ship. Also: a few stormtroopers looked like they went all kintsugi on their buckets.
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(3) The derelict Chimera, creaking like a haunted house.
(4) Baylan Skul talking about Ezra being trained 'in the Wild'. Yes, my blueberry is feral, also, eff you Baylan Skul for the Bokken (re: fake???) Jedi comment.
(5) Sabine actress. I feel like they could give her better lines, but she's got the attitude of Sabine Wren downpat.
The weird:
(1) Hermit Crab aliens
(2) The possum dog. Weirdly cute. But weird.
(3) Sabine Wren as a gunslinger on the space frontier. Did not expect a Wild West insert in a Star Wars series.
The Meh:
(1) Thrawn being an over-the-top mustachio-twirling villain. My gawd. 'Red mothers, I find I have once more need of your DARK MAGIC'. Geez. Okay, we get that you're super evil. His lines weren't even this stereotypical in the cartoon, but I guess given live action costs more to produce, there are fewer episodes, and less time provided for character background and development. Thus the big flashing lights to indicate 'Thrawn Is the Bad Guy'.
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amorevolousfaith · 3 years
Chapter 5 : Armor
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Pairing: Din (Mando) Djarin X Reader
Rating: 18+ (MINORS BEGONE!)
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: Cannon violence, decapitation, adult language, mentions of kidnapping, Proselytism, Chaotic energy, lots of sexual tension, smut, sexism, consumption of alcohol, talks of polyamory, talks of drugging, fucked traditions, allusions to smut.
Summary: You and the Mandalorian have a complicated history and your future just seems to get more complicated as you go along. No thanks to the strange alien baby you both ended up co-parenting.
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I keep to myself the entire ride back to Navarro. I occupy myself by staring down at the child who has awoken earlier on the ride. His brown eyes stare back at me, so wide and full of innocence. My heart cracked hearing Karga’s reply to Mando’s retrieval signal, he was guessing that the child may be eaten or hung on a fucking wall with how happy the client is. I blankly watch as the child slips out of his cradle and over to Mando, my heart swells watching him screw off the ball of the thruster lever, “That’s not a toy.” Mando chides once he notices the child’s doing, “Aren’t you supposed to be watching him?” He calls back to me as he places him back into his cradle. I shrug numbly in response, not really having it in me to bicker with Mando about the way he held the child or how it’s my responsibility to look after him.
Upon our arrival I pulled my hood as far as I could over my head, the baby cooing at me to hold him, but I can’t. Not if I don’t want to make this any harder on myself. I follow Mando through the alleyways where the employer is stationed. It was requested that we delivered the child immediately. Two stormtroopers greet us at the door, I cross my arms and bow my head. I’m not in the mood to deal with aimless asses. They guide us into the building, one of them gripping the child’s cradle so hard it tilts. “Take it easy.” I hiss, “You take it easy.” He grunts in return. Mando pulls me behind him, standing taller to block me from sight.
The older man from before chants a quiet ‘yes’s upon our entrance. Standing and rushing over as soon as we enter the room. I grip the back of Mando’s cape feeling my heart tug, I flinch as the doctor scans a red light over the child’s face, the child turns away with squinted eyes and the urge to step in pulls at me. “Very healthy.” The doctor comments, “Your reputation is not unwarranted.” The older man praises. “How many fobs did you give out?” Mando questions, “This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure it’s delivery.” The older man excuses. “Your asset almost didn’t make it here because of it, Bounty hunters fighting tooth and nail with each other for it.” I grumble. “It would have gotten here. Dead or alive. It’s only because of you I assume, it’s here alive.” The older man hums, “Woman, have...softer hearts.” He muses. I would have been insulted if I knew it wasn’t true, for me at least.
“But to the winners...goes the spoils.” The man continues as he walks over to his desk and pulls out a large canister of Beskar. I watch the man press in a code and it opens up, my eyes widen, I knew it was a lot...but not this much. Mando walks over picks up one bar of it, “Such a large bounty for such a small package,” he croons. My grip on Mando’s cape tightens, my heart throbs as the child coos loudly, I force myself not to look as he pulled out of the room.
“What are your plans for it?” Mando questions, my heart stops, he of all people is the last person I expect to ask questions. “How uncharacteristic of one of your reputations. I expected the girl to question me at least.” the older man grunts, I’m trying to hold myself together here, asking questions won’t help me do so. “You have taken both commission and payment. Is it not the code of the guild in these events are now forgotten?” The old man questions, the air gets tense as more storm troopers enter the room. “You are correct sir, we apologize.” I butt in weakly, “That Beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armor and perhaps something nice for the girl. Unfortunately, finding a Mandalorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel.” The old man continues. Thats a threat, we need to get the hell out right the fuck now.
I pull on Mando’s cape once, a signal to get going. Mando places the bar of steel in his hand back in the container. He closes it and we promptly leave the building, my heart tugging and pulling as Mando leads us through the street and to the covert beneath the city. The other Mandalorians eyeing us as we make our way to The Armorer, our bounty reward in hand, given it wasn’t a well-hidden secret that the reward was Beskar steel. Mando places it in front of The Armorer as I sit down, my hood pulled as far as it’ll reach. The gazes of the other Mandalorians on my back given that they followed us all the way here.
“This amount can be shaped many ways.” The Armorer informs, “My armor has lost its integrity. I may need to begin again.” Mando replies. I grip the fabric of my pants. Your armor's integrity isn't worth the possible life of a child. “Indeed, I can form a full cuirass, this would be in order for someone of your station. Perhaps something for the girl as well, I assume she has earned a share of the Beskar steel.” The Armorer continues, “She has, and that would be a great honor.” Mando agrees. I open my mouth, ready to unleash a full protest about how I want nothing to do with tainted Beskar steel, but Mando’s hand lands on my thigh. “However, I must warn you it will draw many eyes.” The Armorer spoke up, I tossed Mando’s hand off of me and looked over as new Mando approaches. This one bigger and in dull blue-gray painted armor, he approaches and picks up a bar of steel.
The man scoffs, “These were cast in an Imperial smelter, these are the spoils of the great purge.” He announces. I felt my blood boil over, really? He’s going to make a scene here in front of everyone? “The reason we live hidden like sand rats.” He grumbles tossing the iron back onto the table. “Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.” the armorer educates, “Our strength was once in our numbers. Now we live in the shadows, only coming above ground one at a time, and forced to take dirty Aruetii as brides.” He scoffs, my blood freezes and Mando goes stiff, this time it’s my turn to take Mando by his leg grounding him from doing anything rash. “Our world was shattered by the empire, with whom this coward shares tables.” He continues, my breath stills as I’m pushed and Mando’s helmet is touched.
Mando leaps across me and takes on the gray Mandalorian, the two fight right over the top of me, it’s only when they draw blades do I slip out from underneath the two and out of the way. The Armorer stands as the two fight, my irritation growing thick when the two continue to fight and make a scene of things. A snarl rips from my throat as I stand and draw my swords, I press one to each of their throats, “Ke’mot.” I hiss out. The two Mandalorians turn to me, I have only recently begun to learn Mando’a from the data pad Mando gave me, but I know enough to give a single worded command.
“The empire is no more.” The Armorer steps in, “The Beskar has returned, and the Aruetii has proven herself to have Mandokar there for worthy of our secrets.” She continues. “When one chooses to walk the way of the Mandalore you are both hunter and prey. How can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life? Have you ever removed your helmet?” She questions Mando, “No.” He answers from against my blade. “Has it ever been removed by others?” She questions again, “Never.” He answers firmly. “This is the way.” The Armorer preaches, “This is the way.” I respond softly against the others pulling my blades away from the two men. “This is the way.” The Mando in gray pledges, “This is the way.” Mando replies in kind.
“What caused this damage?” The Armorer questions pointing at Mano’s armor. “A Mudhorn." I answer softly, “Then you both have earned the Mudhorn as your signet. I shall craft it.” She announces. “I don’t— Can’t— accept.” Mando and I call together, “It wasn’t a noble kill,” Mando answers, turning his head to look at me for mine. “I know my place here, I’ll accept the signet of the clan who accepts me.” I decide. “We were also helped by an enemy.” Mando informs, my eyes snap to him, the child was not an enemy. “Why would an enemy help you in battle?” She questions, “Because he did not know he was an enemy.” I step in bluntly. I bore my eyes into Mando not exactly pleased with him, the events leading up to this, or today in general.
“Since you forgo a signet. I shall use the excess to forge whistling birds and as for the girl...she shall receive a Mandalorian pendant. Proof she is of our kind and under our protection.” The woman decides. “Whistling birds will do fine, reserve some for the foundlings.” Mando nods, “I am honored to be a part of this culture.” I spoke softly. “As it always should be, foundlings are the future. I should hope you bear us strong warriors one day girl. This is the way.” The Armorer once again preaches, I feel heat flush my body at such a brazen comment, “This is the way.” I chime with the others.
I sheath my blades and sit beside Mando, I use both my hair and my hood to cover my heated face. As my face cools down the armorer sets to work on Mando’s armor, “Whistling birds are a powerful weapon against many enemies. Use them sparingly for they are rare.” The armorer warns Mando, “And your pendant girl, will be proof of your position for you do not wear the armor, you could easily be killed by others should you choose to be brazen with our name but lack proof of your standing.” She informs. As if I would be stupid enough to do that, the only reason I’m involved with all this is because I didn’t want to give up my swords.
The Armorer finishes my pendant first, tying it to a long cord and handing it to Mando. Mando turns and holds the cord open, I hesitantly pull down my hood, Mando’s hands are steady as he gently loops the cord over my head. The pendant rests low over my chest, the Mythosoir skull resting just between my breasts. “Looks good,” He spoke lowly, his modulator barely picking it up. I don’t say anything, a seething sensation still boiling in my chest. I pull my hood back up and turn away.
Mando and I sit in silence as the armorer finishes his new armor, so shiny and out of place in the dark Covert. With our newly acquired items we leave the Covert, eyes drawn to us the very moment we’re in sight. I follow Mando all the way to the Cantina, all eyes drawn to us. “MANDO!” Karga calls, I let out a huff when the man’s call draws more eyes on us. “They all hate you Mando, because you're a legend. You both are.” he chuckles, “How many of them had tracking fobs?” Mando cuts in. “All of them, ALL OF THEM,” he laughs, a sneer twists onto my lips, he was a child. He IS a child, my blood boils and my hands form into fists.
“But not one of them closed the deal, only you two, only you.” He points, “Along with the richest reward this parsec has ever seen, please my friends.” He gestures down to the seat across from him. I stare blankly but Mando’s hand gently pushes me into the seat. I don’t fight him, I don’t even know what I have better to do than that anyway. “I see the lady isn’t all too thrilled like I thought she’d be.” Karga mumbles, “There were some complications that she’s still bitter about.” Mando dismisses. “Women hold quite the grudge Mando, I don’t recommend thinking she’ll get over it unless you fix it.” Karga chuckles. Mando looks over at me, like he would ever try to fix a situation with me, let alone this one.
Mando unclasps his rifle before sitting down beside me, “They’re all weighing the Beskar on their minds but not me no.” He chuckles lowly. “I for one celebrate your success, for your success is my success.” He smiles, I turn my eyes to Karga, curious to what he could possibly mean by that. “Hell, even I’m rich.” He whispers flashing two bars of Beskar from his jacket, my eyes narrow in on him, my blood simmering hotter. That child’s life isn’t worth any amount of tainted Beskar steel. “Now how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable duo?” He questions loudly, as if to spur on the other guild members. 
“We want our next job.” Mando answers, Karga pauses on the edge of his drink, expression twisted with confusion. “Next job?” He questions, “Take some time off, enjoy yourselves, I’ll take you to the Twi’lek healing baths.” Karga offers and advises. “We want. Our next. Job.” I grit out, my tone edging with my native dialect making my voice seem exotic and aggressive. “Sure, fine.” He sighs, “You hunters like to keep busy,” He nods, reaching over into his seat.
“These,” He pauses, dumping pucks out of a bag and onto a table, “Are all far away.” He gestures to the stack of pucks. “The farther the better,” Mando mumbles, “Well take your pick, you've earned it.” Karga answers. I brush my fingers over one of the pucks, I pick one up and open the projection. “Ah, that's the best of the lot. A nobleman's son skipped bail.” Karga informs, my heart pinches, a son of course it’s someone’s son. “Looks like you're heading to the ocean’s dunes of Carlac.” he hums, Mando closes the projection and stuffs the puck into armor.
Mando stands from the table and backs away before offering his hand out to me, I sent him a glare and push his hand away before standing on my own. “Karga?” I question, the man hums in return, almost surprised I’m willingly talking. “Any idea what they’re going to do to him?” I mumble, “Him?” Karga grunts stuffing the other pucks away into his bag. “The páiste, the child.” I whisper, “I didn’t ask, it’s against the guild code.” He informs sternly, “They work for the empire, what are they doing here?” Mando steps in. “The Empire is gone, Mando.” Karga chuckles, “All that are left is mercenaries and warlords. Look if it really bothers you go to the core and report them to the New Republic.” Karga advises. “That’s a joke, the universe has become a free for all since the empire fell and the New Republic is taking their time piecing it all back together.” I hiss out. 
Karga lets out a sigh, “Enjoy your rewards, buy a little bit of spice and by the time you come out of hyperdrive you have forgotten all about it. Or rent a room at the baths, I’m sure you too can both work out whatever this is there.” He suggests waving his finger between the two of us. I let out a scoff before turning and walking out of the Cantina. I make my way through town quickly before reaching the Razor crest. I have to wait for Mando to get here so he can drop the ramp. Mando takes his time getting here like he’s dragging his feet, once he’s in range he lets open the hatch. I don’t wait for him as I walk in and climb into the cockpit. I toss myself into the passenger seat and cross my arms, staring blankly at the control panels while letting my eyes wander all the buttons and switches before they land on the thruster lever. My eyes widen just a bit when I notice the little ball on top is missing, I look around before finding it not too far from the lever. 
I reach forward and take it into my hands, rolling it between my fingers as Mando enters the cockpit and sits down in the pilot's seat. I listen to him power on the crest as I continue to play with the tiny metal ball, “(y/n),” Mando calls. I look up from the ball to him as he holds his open hand out, I grip the metal ball a little tighter. A sneer forming in my throat, “Taking this away too huh Mando? It seems that’s what you're good at rather than hunting people.” I snarl roughly placing the ball into his hand. I curl into myself and turn away from Mando to look out the window. I watch the birds and the sky, the clouds moving ever so slowly, and it's when I notice that the clouds have moved from one broken tower to another that I realize we haven’t moved in a significant amount of time. 
I glance over at Mando and he’s looking at me, wordlessly Mando aggressively starts to turn everything off. My eyes widen as he spins around in his chair and stands up, I hurry to follow after him when he leaves the cockpit. “Mando?” I question, stumbling after him when he opens up the hatch and lowers the ramp. “Mando what are you doing?” I question quietly, he doesn’t speak, he doesn’t even give me a small cue that I’ve learned to pick up on. Instead, he walks us through the winding streets until we reach a familiar building, I hold in a gasp, afraid if I breathe Troopers will come storming out of their hellhole.
Mando and I slowly circle the building, looking for any signs of the child, and it isn’t until we reach the back of the building and glance into a dumpster do we find one. This time, this time I let out a gasp, only it’s rough and pained like I’ve been stabbed in the gut. The baby’s cradle sat discarded in the dumpster, I reached forward and grip his brown blanket in my hand before pulling it out. “Mando,” I whisper weakly, when he doesn’t answer I look up at him, glaring through watery eyes. 
“Was it worth it?” I whimper, “Damnú tú! Was he worth your cathéide you bastard?” I growl my native tongue spitting out on reflex as I throw the blanket at his new shiny armor. Mando catches the blanket before it can fall to the ground, “Nayc,” He answers softly in his own tongue. “Come on,” He grunts, pulling me along by my arm, “Where are we going? I don’t want to go anywhere with you!” I snarl trying to pull myself out of his grip. “Do you want to save the ad’ika or not?” He questions, I pause, look up at him with wide eyes. “We have to see if he’s in there or not so let's go.” He huffs, continuing to pull me along with him. I don’t fight him, I allow him to drag me to the top of an opposite building. I layed down beside him, watching as he looked through his rifle down at the building. Most likely using his helmet to see heat signatures and hear what little conversations he could. 
“Well?” I question when he pulls away, “We have to act fast, he won’t be here for much longer.” Mando answers standing. Mando holds his hand out and I take it, effortlessly he lifts me up and onto my feet.
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jaigeye · 3 years
16 with finn!
30 multipurpose prompts. ( finn & cere junda. ) 'small birds, dry grass.' | read on ao3.
One day, Finn stands in the torrential rain and watches a figure in a cloak come trudging over the mountain.
He sits her down in the shelter of the temple with warm tea and a fresh blanket.
She is old, wrinkles carving rivers into her face, and her gray-white hair is a shock against the warmth of her brown skin. She is tired. Her name is Cere Junda, and she came alone from far away.
"What brought you here?" He asks. She doesn't look threatening, not in the least, but his guard is still up because this is a temple, and there are children and friends here who trust him. "Do you know what this place is? What we- what's done here?"
"It's a Jedi temple," she says matter-of-factly. "A place to stay in the winter when the weather gets bad elsewhere."
He squints. "And how do you know that?"
She shrugs and slurps her tea loudly. "I stayed in the room with the blue window frame."
His room. She stayed in his room. Finn reels, closes his eyes, and regains his composure in the overwhelming span of ten seconds before accosting her with more questions. "You're a.. a.."
"It's nice out," she interrupts. "Why aren't the students training out front?"
He swallows. "They're down by the sea. Learning to swim."
"What's your name?"
Cere looks appraisingly at him over the edge of her cup before setting it back down on the saucer with a sigh. "Why aren't you down there with them, Finn?"
"I already know how." He swallows, his mouth suddenly very dry. "Learned it in basic training."
This gives her pause. "You're a soldier?"
Finn swallows down the fear that lodges itself in his throat. He's not a liar and he's not an imposter. His past, he has long since decided, is better left known to everyone lest they feel betrayed upon learning what he was. Finn doesn't like to break people's hearts, so he's outright with the truth.
"I was a stormtrooper once."
She looks halfway to suspicious before she just looks sad. "I was a Jedi."
"I want to be a Jedi." Finn considers her use of the past tense. "Do you want to be a Jedi again?"
Cere grasps her fist with her hand and twists the spinning ring she wears on her thumb. "Mostly, I just want to do well by other people."
Holding out his hand like an offering, a peace treaty, Finn smiles and says; "Why don't you stay here with us for a while?"
She accepts the offering very calmly. If she's half as alone as she looks and sounds, Finn is sure that the relief of shelter and company meant more than she let on.
Cere minds the children with sincerity and patience. Poe thinks she's funny; Cere seems surprisingly at ease with his antics, taking every joke in elegant stride. She tells Finn that she knew someone a little like him once. She regards Rey with respect, shaking her hand ever-so-firmly and gently correcting her stance, her statements, her lessons. The input is taken with a mixture of indignance and gratitude.
Rey asks one day why Cere doesn't join her in teaching the younglings; surely she would make a much better teacher to them, seeing as she's classically trained- but Cere turns the offer down very firmly.
She asks very few questions about his time in the First Order, but he tells her freely what spurred his defection. Cere clasps his hands, says he is brave, and disappears for hours.
Halfway to two weeks of her living there, Finn finds her doing her morning stretches in a grassy field and decides to ask her the question that's been weighing him down for years.
Little birds hop across the expanse of dry grass. Spring will be coming soon. "Would you train me?"
"Your friend is a Jedi," she replies smoothly. "You've got other resources to turn to."
" One resource." He points this out with a slightly upturned nose, because Finn has earned some pride of his own. "If I have choices available to me then I want to choose."
This draws her attention. She stops walking and turns to him, pushing her long gray locs out of her face to regard him. "I suppose it wouldn't be…. entirely out of the question."
Finn's heart soars for a second, overzealous with glee, before the cold stone of reality drags him back to earth. Dejected, he watches a bird peck at an insect.
"But Rey says that Jedi are meant to be trained from when they're really young." He thinks about the sounds of endless laughter, as well as the chant they cry while training. He clears his throat. "Children. They're all children."
Cere sighs. "Yes. Most are taught from just after they learn to walk."
"I'm- how old do you think I am?" he scoffs in mock offense, looking her up and down.
"Too old!" She claps him firmly on the shoulder and he rocks from the strength of it. Graying or not, she's made of sterner stuff than looks would betray. He wants to laugh, but then a distant look washes over her. "But I-- well. My first padawan was classically trained, and it ended in pain for both of us. Maybe it's better that this time be different."
"I can do different," he declares, trailing behind her as she leads them to two boulders at equal distance. He complies when she gestures that they sit. "Is that a yes, then?"
Cere tucks her legs up beneath her and rests her hands on her knees. It's hard not to gawk; in his eyes, she cuts the perfect image of what a Jedi should be.
"Tell me why you won't let your friend train you."
"I-- uh-" This particular question leaves him a little distraught. He can see a knowing glint in Cere's eye as she watches him rifle through viable responses, chewing on his thoughts til he can't think straight anymore. "Hm."
Finn clears his throat and his mind and exhales slowly through his nose.
Whenever Finn pictures Rey in his mind, she is always walking the other direction. He only ever sees her back. Broad, strong, her lightsaber staff slung across it, off to see the stars with Rose, or tending to her many loving students. Far away from him.
It's not her fault. They love one another, but this is how he sees her, and one cannot take tutelage from someone who is always going away from you. She's off to see the stars. He's still on the ground just trying to make sense of them.
"I can't train with her because we're too close," he finally manages. "She's like my sister but she's distant, too. It's not bad. I just.. I want to rely on someone who.. who's done more than me."
"She's your equal in every way." Cere concludes. "You want someone who can guide you, whose focus won't stray from what you want to learn, is that right?"
Finn feels his heart wrench and shrink in his chest. "Is that bad?"
"No." The response is immediate. Cere's expression is unflinching. "There's no fault in wanting something for yourself."
He takes from that what he will, nodding, before turning the table again. "Tell me why you won't train me."
They sit in amicable silence for several seconds. The wind blows softly through Cere's hair, the beads in her locs clicking softly together.
Cere Junda looks at him with a sincere earnestness in her tone and says, "I have done a terrible thing."
And Finn, who lived in a world of plastoid and fear just nods. "I have, as well."
"But you refused to kill anyone," she refutes, "in the village where you strayed."
He thinks about the blood on his helmet for a second. Sometimes when he touches his face at night he can still feel that handprint there like a brand on his soul.
"I didn't have to kill anyone to do something terrible." Finn looks at his palms, calloused and worn, and admits what he has told very few. "I believed in it once."
When he says it, he means it - the Empire, the ideology, the First Order and all the beliefs its cruelty required.
Again, Cere is awash with the distant, sad look that so often clouds her eyes and keeps her quiet. "It's not your fault, Finn."
He blinks. When did he start crying? Finn gently shoos away the little bird hopping around him and inspecting his shoes. Warmth burns behind his eyes and makes his head feel heavy; his eyes water until some tears slip free. He nods and wipes at his eyes.
Cere- warm, kind, remorseful Cere, so close to the end of her own life, leans forward to grasp his hands and give him her presence in her final years. "I'll do it, Finn. You're strong in the Force, and you're so good. You don't even have to think about it. Goodness just comes to you. Will you be my Padawan, Finn? Will you trust me?"
He squeezes her hands tightly in his own. "I will. I'll make you proud."
"You already have."
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theodorebasmanov · 3 years
Disclaimer: this post was made on the first of January 2020. Adam Driver was one of my main celebrity crushes at the time. This post is cringe. You’ve been warned. 
You thought that it’s going to be a musical post but I tricked you and it’s another “Star Wars” post and it’s probably to be unbearably long. Sorry. I’ve watched “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”. In the cinema, but since it’s already not an actual topic I decided to make this post queued too. Okay, firstly I’m going to state one thing clear – I enjoyed it while watching. It made me feel feelings and I cried. A lot. Like, more than I expected and more than usual. I had salty stains on the inside of my T-shirt because tears were running down my neck and then inside of the shirt. That’s even though I’ve known most of the spoilers (SPOILERS!) about 
Palpatine, about 
Hux, about 
Reylo and about 
1) The stupidest thing ever. Really? Did you need to start that Indian movie stuff again? Did you need to bring back that old creep to move the plot? The new characters weren’t enough? Rey just being Rey wasn’t enough? I mean – yes, fanservice and so on, but weren’t voices of the other Jedis enough? You could have brought Palpatine voice to talk to Kylo, for example. Whatever – the idea about emperor was strange and unnecessary. Minus five out of ten.  2)They reduced Hux’s role to a minimum and brought back some old general, who served to Palpatine and he somehow stands between Kylo and Hux – in the previous movie Kylo was his immediate boss and now Hux’s boss is that general and he takes orders from him and not from Kylo. Though – there was one scene in which Supreme Leader asked general Hux if he likes his mask – this scene seems to be shot specially for Kylux shippers and those Kylux mmv videos. Let’s talk about his betray. What? I mean it was fairly unexpected, but not really motivated and again this old general spoiled the whole plotline by immediately shooting Hux. I don’t want an old general I saw for two minutes to shoot general Hux, I want Supreme Leader to deal with it, to read his mind to make this a tensed spy subplot. Two out of ten.  3)Well… (inhale-exhale it's not the time to swear. Yet) You know that I don’t like that pairing and now I have a question – is it canon now? Or what? What did the hell happen? Or was it like Finn and Rose kiss – Disney is going to forget about it and want to us to do it too? I’m not that much against it but it just came out of nowhere – she stabbed him half an hour ago and now they are kissing and you want us to believe that it’s sincere? Really? Even if this was to happen, I want to think of it as something which happened just because they were both exhausted physically and morally and did it on autopilot just because the hug wasn’t enough. So, not here for Reylo. I’m here for the final Poe/Finn/Rey hug. Three quarters out of ten, especially if it’s considered canon now.  4) *internal screaming and external suffocating* They killed Kylo! They made him disappear! I know how stupid it sounds right now; I don’t care. Even knowing all the spoilers, I was sitting in the dark cinema hall and internally chanting: “Don’t you dare!”, like if they can change the movie, because I don’t want him to die. To be honest, I can understand why they did, but I don’t want to. They did it because they didn’t know what to do with him if he survives: most of the onlookers still think of him as a simple villain, and the redemption ark was too short, too brief and they are going to be disappointed. I still start trembling every time I think of it. At least they let him *voice cracks*smile – when he smiles, my heart melts like ice-cream in the sun. Minus infinity out of one hundred.     
Well, I enjoyed Finn/Poe communication (fist-bump to Oscar Isaac, who shames Disney for not making Stormpilot canon (and shames Disney in general)), I enjoyed action scenes and light sabre fights. I adored Jannah and her fellow former stormtroopers. The scene with cavalry on a Destroyer may work as an excuse for the pathos of the second half of the movie. The ending scene is very-very moving. 
P.S. They actually reduced Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) role because of Chinese racism?! *a lot of swearing* 
P.P.S. Our distributors didn’t cut the lesbian kiss, which was cut in Chine and which you can miss if you blink. Hooray, I guess. Jesus, I’m being happy because they didn’t cut that scene. Maybe they just didn’t notice it. 
P.P.P.S. If you can recommend me some Kylo x male reader or some fix-it fanfiction, you are a saint, please do it, you are very welcome.
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Before you start a riot, remember you asked for this. And of course, I’m going to walk you through every moment of it. 
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1. Fuck.... Charlie Barber. 
Your front door open and shut, the sound of shoes being shucked off filling the air. Trudging down the hallway was Charlie, looking exhausted from his day at the theater. Normally he would call before showing up, you both had a deal that you had to inform the other of your presence. In case the other had company, which you frequently did, you knew Charlie didn’t have any other lovers. But he never expressed wanting you to be monogamous as well. You knew that he was in a bad mood, he would only show up unannounced if he was. 
He began to hurriedly rip off his clothes, eyeing you perched on the bed. “You need to be naked, on all fours, and ass sticking out in 30 seconds.” 
You nodded, tearing off your clothes. Positioning yourself in the center of the bed, your knees spread apart enough for him to slot inside them. You steadied yourself on your shoulder, looking at him from the side and letting your fingers play with yourself. Dancing them between your folds, lighting pulling on your clit as Charlie began to fist his cock. 
He took his place behind you, rubbing his tip up and down your pussy. Swirling it around your hole, dipping it in and out. Letting you try and trap him inside, “My my, aren’t you wet today. Did you have some fun while I was gone?” 
You giggled, pressing your hips back into him. 
He smacked his tip on your ass, “Is that why you didn’t answer my calls? Were you getting your whore pussy fucked by someone?”
“I might’ve been…” 
“Ah,” he cooed, pressing his cock inside you. Pulling out over and over, not giving you his full length. “Is that why you’re so wet? Do you have another man’s cum inside you?” 
You didn’t answer, knowing that your silence would speak volumes to him. Just rocking your hips back onto his length. Charlie hmmed once again, “I know you do, I can see it seeping out of your slutty hole. Do you want me to fuck it out of you? Replace it with my cum?” 
You moaned, chanting yes over and over. 
“Do you want daddy to fill you up with his hot cum? Let that other man see how full I can make you?” 
“Yes, fuck Charlie,” you groaned. Now fully rocking your hips into his, working his cock and out of you, squeezing out the leftover cum from your earlier tryst. Charlie growled, placing his hands on your hips and keeping you steady, completely flush with his cock. “I think I’ll fill you 4 times tonight.” 
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2. Marry….Kylo Ren. (please imagine our wedding dress in black.)
“Get up.” 
“Wha?” you groggily reply, the sheets being torn off your body. Exposing you to the cold of the room. At the foot of the bed stands your very loving boyfriend, balling the sheets in his fists. Glaring at you with his deep auburn eyes, he barked again, “Get up. We’re going somewhere.” 
You sat up, angrily crossing your arms and huffing at him. “Why? You never said anything abou-.” 
“Is that how you talk to me?” 
You grit your teeth, “Yes.” 
Kylo hmmed, putting his hands behind his back and slowly walking towards your side of the bed. Stopping directly in front of you and bending at the waist, leaving the two of you nose to nose. “Angel, I don’t really want to have a bad day today.” He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose before gripping your cheeks with his thumb and forefinger. “Now get up, get dressed, and get your ass to the hanger in 15 minutes, or else I’m leaving without you.” 
You nodded, eyes wide at his authoritative tone. He gave you a small smile, kissing you softly on the lips before pulling away. 
Kylo refused to tell you where you were going, just telling you to stop fidgeting and relax. You weren’t a big fan of surprises, especially Kylo’s surprises because they usually were sexual, violent, or disgusting. After about 4 hours of flying the two of you landed on a heavily wooded planet, much like Endor but without the wookies. Everything was covered in a blanket of snow, lightly falling in small snowflakes to the crunching ground under your boots. Kylo had stormtroopers carry your bags, along with his own. Signaling you to follow him down a ramp towards a hidden city. 
Twinkling lights littered the skyline, street lamps glowing in the light snowfall. The streets were bare, all the people probably hiding because the Supreme Leader of the Galaxy had landed in their quaint town. Kylo stopped abruptly, causing you to bump into him, he let out a sigh through his mask. Opening a front door and gesturing for you to enter first. 
Inside was a beautifully decorated store. Lined with gorgeous dresses that ranged in color and length, you were awestruck. Lightly running your fingers on fabric that hung on the racks near the front entrance. The store had everything, anything you could’ve ever wanted. Kylo swatted your hand away from a gown, encasing your fingers in his leather paws. 
Around the corner came a small, elderly woman. Her eyes bright and shining, a small pair of glasses perched on her nose. She smiled at the two of you, “What can I do for you Supreme Leader?” 
“We are here for a wedding dress.” 
Your eyes popped out of your head, fully flipping around to face him. The woman nodded, “Right this way,” her hands grasping your free arm. You resisted slightly, “What are you talking about? Why am I getting a wedding dress?!” 
She brought you to a podium, having you stand in the center, and began measuring you for the dresses. Kylo stood behind you, his arms crossed behind his back as he spoke to the lady, “We would prefer it be black, I’ll be wearing a complete suit that is in that color.” 
“Of course Supreme Leader.” She spoke, maneuvering you around. “Anything else for the two of you?” 
“A matching bridal lingerie set as well, please.” 
She nodded, giving you a smile before walking towards the back of the store. Once she was gone up ran at Kylo, grasping his robes and yanking him down to your level. “What do you think you’re doing? Taking me here and demanding to get a wedding dress?!” 
Kylo hummed, pulling back slightly, “We are here because we are getting married.” 
You let go of him, waving your arms around like a maniac. “Oh are we? I don’t think I remember having this conversation with you!” He didn’t move, mask staying focused on your agitated form. 
“We aren’t even engaged yet Kylo!” 
“That’s been handled.” 
“By whom?” you scoffed, “I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to ask me, not have one of your knights do it for you.” 
Kylo grabbed you, spinning you around and pinning your back to his chest. Forcing you to stare at him in the mirror across the podium. His large, imposing form encasing you in his arms. You could feel his deep breaths, chest rising and falling as he stood in silence. 
“You do love me, don’t you?” he asked, breath barely a whisper out of his vocoder. 
You gulped, eyes slightly tearing at him. “Yes, of course, I love you Kylo.” 
“Then marry me.” 
Your eyes squeezed shut, a small sob breaking through. Kylo tightened his arms around you, cooing through his helmet. You began hiccuping between your sobs, managing to spin in his arms and grab his shoulders. “Please,” you took a breath, “please can you take off the mask?” 
Kylo sighed, releasing you and doing as you wish. Tossing it onto the nearby viewing couch. When he faced you, you began sobbing again. His own cheeks stained with tears, eyes bloodshot, and nose slightly running. He let out a small sob, “Will you be my wife?” 
You nodded furiously, “Yes, yes I will.” 
The day had come, you were standing at the end of a walkway. Snow falling down all around you, the chairs lined with people, everyone was eager to see the Supreme Leader marry. You would become the Empress of the galaxy, it was a big deal. There were photographers scattered all around, capturing the first moment you rounded the corner to see Kylo. 
He stood on the altar, in a full black suit. His hair was cut slightly shorter, his cheeks rosy from the crisp winter air. Behind him stood the knights, all out of uniform and flanking his sides, except for Vicrul. He was the one who was giving you away, meeting you at the beginning of the chairs. 
The music began to softly play, tune in rhythm with your steps as you approached Kylo. From behind your sheer black veil, you could see his normally stony exterior melt away. Beaming with pure happiness and unbridled love. The closer you moved, the more you teared up. Taking in deep breaths as you clung to Vicrul. Each step you took crunched on the freshly fallen snow. 
Kylo met you at the foot of the altar, giving Vicrul a small nod. You turned and embraced the knight, whispering thank you. Kylo grasped your hand, walking you up towards the officiant. Phasma was standing in a smart-looking black suit, towering over the two of you and your blissful union. 
“You may be seated,” she spoke to the crowds. “We are gathered here today, to witness the most sacred of unions. One of pure and unrelenting passion and love, one that puts even the famed Romeo and Juliet to shame. I do know that these two profess their mind body and souls to one another,” she turned to you. “Will you please slide the ring onto the Supreme Leaders finger?” 
You nodded, shakily taking the ring from Vicrul behind you. Holding Kylo’s large hand in your own, tears falling from your eyes as you barely got it on his finger. Behind you, Phasma spoke again, “You may now recite your vows.” 
“Kylo,” you choked. Unable to look into his eyes, as his own tears would cause you to weep more. “I never thought I would be here, to find someone who truly understands and loves me as much as you do. Not one moment in my life has brought me to believe that I deserve this, or you. But here I stand. Pledging my loyalty, fidelity, passion, and undying love to you. Even after death.” 
You both took in a deep breath, preparing for Kylo to speak. Phasma repeated the command to him, producing the ring from his pocket. He almost dropped it from how much he was shaking, letting out a small laugh as he wrangled it onto your finger. The ring was a gold and white diamond, mounted with a red kyber crystal. Gleaming in the soft daylight, swarming with the force Kylo embedded into it. 
“My love,” he hiccuped, brushing his cheek with his free hand. “There is nothing in the galaxy that can compare to my love for you. The heavens themselves would weep if you were not to walk on this earth, and I cannot imagine what I would be without you.” He paused, taking in a deep breath as he ran his thumb over your knuckles, “You are my life, my savior, my light at the end of the tunnel. I would have no direction if I was without you, like a ship lost at sea. I wouldn’t be able to be the person I am today without your constant love and devotion. I know that I can never match the kindness, caring, and undying love you have given me, but I will spend the rest of eternity showing you how much I love you.” 
You let out a sob, clutching onto his hands as you openly wept at his words. Fully knowing that your bridal makeup was ruined, mascara would be staining your cheeks while your eyes would be bloodshot. Phasma looked at the two of you, taking in a shaky breath, “I now pronounce you man and wife, Supreme Leader you may now kiss your Empress.” 
Kylo turned to you, bringing his hands to the hem of your veil. Softly lifting it over your head and revealing your face. The moment your eyes met you smiled, a true smile. Showcasing your ruined makeup, rosy cheeks, and dimples. Kylo looked no better, his crooked teeth breaking through his mask. His lips pink and quivering from the anticipation, Kylo brought his hands to your cheeks. Whispering just as your lips met, “You look more beautiful than I ever imagined.” 
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3. Kill….Clyde Logan.
I know. I’m upset about it too, it would be like the death in Old Yeller, I would shoot him for his own good. Like a mercy killing, he would understand, saying “I know darlin’.”. We would share one last kiss before I shot him with a double-barrel shotgun. I have to be authentic to the book, and that’s what Clyde’s wishes were. 
I cannot go into detail because it will break me, so instead I’m focusing on my wedding night with Kylo. 
I’m literally crying in the club rn. 
@finn-ray-nal-beads you wanted to be tagged
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
Kylo Ren x Reader - You’re Mind-Controlled
Warnings: mind control, angst, mentions of death, (an attempt of fluff/comfort) Word Count: 2K (sorry it’s short!) Summary: When you attack your husband, Kylo Ren, during battle - even he is taken by surprise. Under mind-control, your only goal is to get rid of your target. Ultimately, Kylo Ren finds out about the root of the situation and he gets furious. Author’s Note: I had too many ideas to choose from and somehow I ended up writing this. Keep in mind I wrote this at 3am. It’s more of a drabble(?)
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Third POV
Flames were roaring wildly, burning everything in their path and filling the atmosphere around the battle with thick smoke. The troopers were lucky to have masks, or else the smoke would’ve been more bothersome. A shade of orange was cast upon the sky, illuminating the dangerous area and alerting outsiders to stay away or provide aid for the inhabitants that were trying to defend their home. Too bad for them, the order didn’t carry much sympathy for them. They were a bunch of crooks, too greedy to simply hand over what was asked. Their greediness was now the reason why so many of them were dead.
 Kylo Ren stood by his ship, holding onto his lightsaber tightly. He was taking in his surroundings, feeling victorious. It looked like they had everything under control. Even a blind man could tell that this was a battle the inhabitants had already lost. It was why Kylo wasn’t battling anyone, at least not yet. He waited for his troopers to bring the commander of the city and finally, Kylo could get what belonged to him.
 He was so certain of a successful mission that he let his wife, Y/N tag along. Usually, he would feel better if she stayed in the safety of the Supremacy, but she was stubborn and a good fighter. Of course, Kylo was aware of that, but he was also aware of the danger that came along to her everyday life as his wife.
Kylo paced across the field, staying alert as he neared the now torn down palace. Only a few moments ago it had stood there proud, full of stolen goods. He pushed the burnt curtain aside and stepped inside the remains of the great hall. The stormtroopers followed closely, not letting Kylo out of sight just in case. “Where is it?” Kylo wondered, his tone cold and certain.
 “The commander won’t speak, sir,” informed a trooper that had followed Kylo closely, “We believe he’s trying to prolong us. He may have sent someone else off with our mission target.”
 It wasn’t anything unusual. They put on a tough act, some for longer than the rest. For Kylo, it meant he had to dig a little deeper, which was frustrating, but not an impossible task. “Where is he?”
“At the other end of this…er- palace, sir.”
Just as Kylo prepared to speak again, he heard footsteps nearing him. As Kylo turned around, whoever entered the pitiful remains had attacked the troopers.
 Kylo recognized her immediately - it was Y/N!
 He watched in shock as she killed the troopers with no hesitation, not even flinching as blood coated her unusual weapons, a pair of daggers. She never used daggers before! They stood no chance against her surprise attack and even if they did, they wouldn’t have dared to harm her in front of Kylo!
 “What are you doing?!” Kylo growled, confused to say at least. She stood there, breathing heavily, her expression showing no remorse of killing her own. It was something Kylo would’ve never imagined her doing, not even in his wildest dreams. He looked into her eyes and the sight sent shivers down his spine. Hers were dull. It’s like something had drained the light out of them and left behind only a shadow of what used to be there. “Y/N!” Kylo tried to make her speak. Even he got a nasty feeling when he watched her just standing there.
 Something was awfully wrong.
 Just as fast as she entered the palace, she leapt at him. Her hand raised with the bloody dagger and she aimed right at him. Kylo dodged her attack just in time and swiftly grabbed her wrists, letting his lightsaber fall on the floor while doing so.
“What in the stars’ name are you doing?” He wanted to know, angry and hurt because the woman he loved had just tried to stab him. If it was anyone else, he would’ve made them meet their demise by now. Kylo hated to feel things, let alone admit it. Right now, his feelings were a bubbly mess inside him, boiling in a mixture of a little bit of everything. Their eyes locked and all Kylo could see was anger and hatred. Facing Y/N like this was odd, almost ghostly. It fed his worst fears, making his gut twist in a sick manner. His heart was hammering in his chest and he could even hear it. The unthinkable surprise she brought made his mind and body rush, eager to conclude what happened.
So many questions ran through Kylo’s mind. Why was she doing this? Why did she hate so strongly? Had he done something?
No. Kylo knew this was something else, something that made his blood boil with rage. Someone else must’ve been behind this, it was the only explanation!
Y/N attempted to free herself by kicking Kylo with her knee, hitting his abdomen painfully. The impact hurt, but Kylo had taken much worse. He never let go of her as they wrestled. Instead, he pinned her against the wall that was surely coated by ash and dust. Kylo sensed another presence within her. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t her! He knew it! “Snap out of it!” He spat harshly.
She was fighting, vigorously trying to break free, but it was hopeless. Kylo’s grip was strengthened by the force, which meant he didn’t even have to use his own physical strength to hold her down. Keen to figure out exactly what was going on, he put his palm on her warm and sweaty temple, digging into her mind. His force made her scream, as if she was in pain and it broke his heart. He never wanted to hurt her, and he knew he did this for both of their best.
 “I’m sorry,” Kylo whispered, wondering if the real her could hear that. It was at that moment that Kylo found what he was looking for. A chant was repeated in her mind that had clearly made her succumb to it. The chant was powerful, which meant that the person behind this was a bigger enemy than Kylo could have anticipated. One of the city’s inhabitants, most likely someone in a high rank, had somehow taken control over her mind from afar and made her see Kylo as her enemy. Whoever this person was must’ve known who Y/N was.
Could it be the commander?
 “…Kill him! Kill Kylo Ren!...”
 It sounded familiar…
Hearing it over and over again was horrible, for both Kylo and Y/N. Kylo sensed pain. She was fighting herself within herself, but the control that was over her was too strong. Naturally, Kylo did the only thing that would free her. By using a force trick, he made her fall unconscious and her body fell limp against him. He caught her body in his strong arms and rushed out of the temple. He had to get her inside the ship and fast, before anyone would begin to ask questions. If anyone was to interrupt him now, Kylo would lose his grip on himself. Now that he believed Y/N would be safe, he let his rage control him. He was determined to find the person behind this and make them suffer for ever putting Y/N in danger’s way.
                       It was as fast as a blink. One second Y/N was on the battleground, aiding injured troopers while fighting off their enemies. She had been rushing towards a trooper that was yelling in agony. The next moment she was in an interrogation room on the Supremacy, tied down to the interrogation chair. Her heart leapt to her throat in fear as she realized she was trapped. “What?!” Y/N gasped in shock as she tried to free herself. Where was Kylo? What happened?!
The door to the room opened and someone walked in. “Are you alright?” It was Kylo.
“Yes! I’m fine. What’s going on?” She wondered, relieved her husband was there, but at the same time, she only had more questions.
He walked by her side and he seemed relieved. Why was he smiling? “I see you’re back to your own self.”
“And I would appreciate it if you told me why I ended up here in the first place,” She hoped to be freed. No more time was wasted as Kylo unstrapped her from the chair and pulled her body close to his. No one else was around to see, and even if there were others, he wouldn’t have been able to resist it. He was so happy that she was back to normal.
Y/N sensed that something was off. Whatever happened must’ve frightened Kylo, since he was acting this was. She hugged him back and soon relaxed in his arms. Just like she always did.
“You don’t remember anything?” Kylo asked her after a while. They parted from the hug, but his hand lingered on her body, cupping her cheek softly. He had to feel her, to touch her, anything. He felt as she shook her head ‘no’. It’s like what happened had been a fever dream. It was so surreal and terrible.
Together, they left the interrogation room and he walked the two of them towards their quarters through the long and dim corridors. “The enemy commander I told you about had your mind under control,” he revealed almost bluntly.
Y/N nearly stopped in her tracks. “Are you joking?”
The look on Kylo’s face spoke louder than words, he was not joking. “I didn’t know he was capable of such power. That was until he made you attack me. He wanted either you or me dead, perhaps us both,” he continued, leaving out the fact that the commander had made her kill stormtroopers. Kylo knew better than anyone that she would beat herself up for it.
“Oh stars…Kylo, I hope I didn’t hurt you!”
As odd as it was, her worry comforted him. It felt much better than the cold and hateful look that bore holes into his skull earlier. “I’d say you surprised me. But do not worry. After I figured out what was happening to you, I took you to one of the ships. I believe the control was broken after you fell unconscious.”
“Kylo-“ Y/N stopped him. She sounded upset, so he sealed his lips and faced her. They stopped in the middle of an empty corridor where Y/N hurried to hug him again, holding her husband close. She knew of his past. As many times as he said to let the past die, she knew it would always hurt him. She didn’t even want to begin to imagine what he felt like when she out of all people attacked him, despite it all happening under mind control. “I’m sorry.”
Kylo wasn’t sure why she was apologizing. He took a deep breath and pulled her closer. Once his face was close to hers, he looked her right in the eye, “Don’t be sorry. The only one who is sorry is the commander,” Kylo reassured her with a faint smile yet there was a dark message behind his words. Kylo had not only gotten the mission target, but he had gotten vengeance by killing the sorry old man. It was a prime example of what happened to those who harmed Y/N in any way and to those who dared oppose him.
“I can’t believe that happened,” Y/N admitted. It terrified her how easily someone had captured her mind and sent her after the man she was so deeply in love with. Could it happen again? What if it did happen again?
Kylo made a silent promise to never let her out of sight on a battlefield ever again. The universe was far too dangerous, especially during these times. After silently agreeing, Kylo kissed the top of her head. He sensed her relaxing into him as he did so, which was exactly what he wanted. Yes, Y/N could be vicious, a terrific warrior and even frightening at times, but to him, she was the utmost precious being he knew of.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything like that happen again,” Kylo promised her as they continued their stroll.This time, they walked even closer to each other. Y/N didn’t want to let him go. Despite knowing she hadn’t controlled her actions, she felt ill for what she had done.
 Yet Y/N found comfort in his words. Honestly, they were both weary and ready to rest. They both deserved that now.
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 A/N: I’m so sorry it’s not as an in-debt story as many of my other stories, but I really wanted to write something and it’s 3am. I hope you could enjoy it nevertheless :) 
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summahsunlight · 4 years
Perhaps It’s Fate, Part 15
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Rating: T
Word Count: 2118
Pairing: Poe x Mechanic!Reader
Summary: After joining the Resistance as a mechanic, you were happy to keep to yourself, until a little orange and white bb unit and his master wander into your workshop one day.
Taglist: @ms-dont-care​, @starless-eyes-remain​, @elmoakepoke, @marvelobsessiononastick​, @kiaralein​, @softly-sad​, @totelpoedameron, @ordinarymom1​, @sevvysaurus​, @spider-starry​, @liadamerondjarin​, @jingyuhearteu​
Taglist is still open! Please let me know if you want to be added! We’ve almost reached the end of The Force Awakens. I’m not sure if this series will exactly follow canon for The Last Jedi. As always, likes, comments, and reblog are appreciated. I love to hear your thoughts, so please don’t be shy❤️
“I have something that belongs to you.”
Poe looked up at Finn.  The briefing on the enemy station was about to start, In his hand, Finn was holding a holo. Poe was confused as to why the former stormtrooper had something that belonged to him, until Finn pressed the button and your picture flickered to life.  
Finn gazed at your picture for a moment; at the sweet, but sad smile on your face. “It was in the pocket of your jacket.  I found it after I thought you’d died in the crash and I wanted... well... I was hoping that eventually I’d be able to return it to the girl in the holo.”
He took the holo from Finn, looking at you for a long moment before shutting it down and once again putting it in the pocket of his flight suit.  “She thought you recognized her. But she thought you were there the night her parents died, not that you found her picture in my jacket.”
“Why did she think I was there the night her parents died?” Finn asked, although he was pretty sure he knew the answer to question already.
“They were murdered--by the First Order,” Poe replied. “She fled the planet afterwards and joined the Resistance.”
“No wonder she doesn’t like me.”
“She doesn’t hate you, buddy.  Give her time--she’s shy.”
Finn nodded but he’d already decided that he wasn’t going to stick around for long--you had been right about one thing--if the First Order caught up to him they would kill him.  He planned on finding Rey and escaping to the far reaches of the galaxies.  
Poe pat him on the shoulder as the rest of the members of the Resistance strolled into the room, squeezing in around the command console. He noticed that you ducked into the room, your smaller frame being an advantage as you were able to slide through the crowd relatively unnoticeable.  Poe had always noticed you--even when you first arrived on D’Qar and thought you were being invisible. 
Your eyes caught his across the room; you didn’t need to hear Snap’s report to know that the news he brought back to the base wasn’t good; just by the way Poe looked at you, sadly, apologetically--you knew--the Resistance was in trouble. 
Snap delivered his report precisely and when Poe projected the image of Starkiller Base--showing just how massive it was--you gasped along with the rest of the crowd. Despite Han Solo’s attempts at humor to calm the room,   instantly your heart slammed against your chest knowing that Poe and the rest of the fighter squadrons were going to attempt to destroy that weapon.  
It was a suicide mission.
Poe wanted to jump over the table and gather you into his arms as the fear flashed through your eyes--but he couldn’t.  People were looking towards him and the others to come up with a plan on how to destroy the weapon. Han was going to get the shields down, Finn was going to help him, and Poe was going to lead the squadrons on an attack to destroy the weapon’s oscillator. His eyes were firmly on you when Leia informed them that the First Order was charging the weapon--and their system was the next target. 
Your eyes flashed with terror, your skin went pale and Poe knew he was going to do anything to protect you from those monsters.  He was going to destroy that weapon. As the briefing broke up and the various members of the Resistance rushed to their posts, Poe shoved his way through the crowd to get to you first.  Quietly, he led you away from all the hustle and bustle to a quiet little alcove where he could pull you into his arms, comfortingly. 
“I’m scared,” you whimpered into his chest.
“I know, sweetheart,” he said, rubbing your back. 
“What if we fail?”
“Failure isn't an option.”
Resting your head against his chest, you closed your eyes and wished you could stay like this forever. Already, though, someone was calling for him. They didn’t have a lot of time.  You felt his lips press a kiss on the top of your head and then he was setting you away from him, his warm brown eyes looking at your reassuringly. Softly he kissed you, then pressed his forehead against yours. “Please come back.”
Poe took a deep breath, running his thumbs along your forearms. “I promise you, sweetheart, I’ll come back--as long as you’re here waiting--I’ll always come back.”
You swallowed your tears as he let go of you, and with one last longing look passed between you, you watched as Poe headed for his fighter; BB-8 loyally rolled behind him.  You felt a little better knowing that Poe’s loyal, trusty droid was going to be flying on this mission with him. You were still staring after him when Leia returned to the command center.  She softly wrapped her arm around your waist and led you towards her station. 
“Why don’t you keep me company, Y/N?” she said, with a smile.
“Yes ma’am,” you replied, softly. 
Leia tightened her arm around your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze.  She knew how difficult this was for you--she recalled feeling the same way whenever Han or Luke flew off on a mission without her. She knew that her situation and yours were different but they were also vastly similar.  Poe was all you really had, besides the few friends you had made since joining the Resistance--Han and Luke had been all Leia had in the early days of the Rebellion. She had lost her homeworld--you had nothing worth returning too on yours.
You appreciated her comfort, the motherly touch she held with not only you but many of the other members of the Resistance.  For someone that had lost their mother, you weren’t sure you knew why she was being  incredibly kind to you or why Leia paid any attention to you a shy mechanic like you.  But, what you didn’t know was that she knew how important you were to Poe--and since Poe was important to her, by default so were you.
Time seemed to stand still while everyone in that room waited around for Han, Finn, and Chewie to get the shields down.  Poe’s squadrons didn’t stand a chance against the First Order if this step wasn't accomplished. 
“General, the shields are down.”
“Han did it; send them in.” 
“Give Poe full authorization to attack.”
“Black Leader, go to sub-lights on your call.”
“Copy that base; all squadrons, follow my lead.” 
Hearing Poe’s voice over the comms made you slam your eyes shut. Leia’s hand rubbed soothing circles on your back.  You did your best to control your breathing as you listened in on the comms, as the pilots struggled to destroy the weapon.  You tried not to focus on the time running out for the Resistance, you tried not to think about what Poe and the others would go through if the base was destroyed and they managed to survive...
...suddenly Leia let go of you and slumped in the chair next to you.  Opening your eyes you saw the horrified look in her eyes.  You weren’t sure what was wrong, but you reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked at you, gratefully, and then was getting back to her feet.  There was still a battle to win. 
“Black Leader, there’s brand new hole in that oscillator.”
“I see it. Red 4, Red 6--cover me. Everyone else, hit that target hard! Give everything you’ve got!”
Breathlessly you said his name, wishing that he could hear you. He’s going to come back, he’s going to come back, you chanted over and over again in your head to calm you rapidly fraying nerves.  You had trouble focusing on voices in the command center now, sometimes you heard the Admirals or Leia or Threepio saying things--other times you picked up a few words from Poe--like when he was yelling at his squadrons that he needed some help. 
You just kept repeating your mantra--he’s going to come back, he’s going to come back, he’s going to come back. 
Leia’s hand rested in the small of your back as Poe’s voice declared, “All teams, I’m going in. Pull up and cover me.”  
No! You wanted to scream, Poe don’t do this alone! Leia’s hand reached around you, drawing you closer to her petite frame.  Tears were clearly in your eyes now as your worst fear was being realized--Poe was going to go up against the First Order alone. 
“Copy that Black Leader; good Luck Poe!” 
NO! NO! You have to go with him! Don’t leave him alone!  You could feel the panic attack coming on even before your breath was sucked from your lungs. How could the other squadrons let Poe do this alone? How could they just sit back and watch as the First Order destroyed him? It was like being back on your home planet all over again--watching your parents die while you helplessly stood by. 
Attempting to take a breath, you just let out a panicked squeak instead. You heard Leia tell the others to give you some space and then she was sitting you down in her chair, taking your hands in her own and instructing you to take a deep breath.  Instantly you began to calm. Maybe she was using the Force on you, or she was just that good a calming people--either way, the room came into focus and your breathing evened out.
Leia smiled at you, gently. “Y/N, it’s okay.  He’s okay.”
You blinked your tears away. 
She wiped the ones that remained. “He’s on his way back to base now; the weapon was destroyed. It’s okay now.”
Swallowing the bile in your throat, you numbly nodded your head. Leia helped you to your feet and together you proceeded up to the tarmac.  Crowds of people were cheering and celebrating but you couldn’t find Poe amongst those crowds. 
BB-8 found you; excitedly rushing at you and eagerly telling you about their victorious run against the oscillator.  You dropped down to your knees and hugged the droid, resting your forehead against his domed head. BB-8 didn’t move, it was as if he didn’t mind hugs. When you pulled back, the little droid warbled that he knew where Poe had gone and he would take you to him.
Wiping your tears away, you followed BB-8 through the celebrations to where Poe was standing--at the end of the ramp of the Falcon.  Chewie was carrying a lifeless human in his arms and you realized as the human was laid on a medical capsule that it was Finn.  A young girl followed behind Chewie but stopped at the end of the ramp when the medical capsule was driven off to the med bay.
Poe followed it for a bit, glancing back at the girl once, and then he saw you. He beamed, running for you and picking you up into his arms.  You were startled at first while he twirled you around, and then he set you down on your feet, pressing his lips to yours in a hungry kiss. “We did, sweetheart,” he said, excitedly.  “We destroyed that weapon. They won’t be hurting anyone with that base anymore.”
It wasn’t over; both of you knew that, however destroying Starkiller Base was a huge victory for the Resistance.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and drew him in for another kiss. “Don’t scare me like that again, please.”
“Baby, I told you I was going to come back.”
“But you went in to take that oscillator out all by yourself.”
“Nah. Snap and Jess were there, and Karé--I was covered.”
You gripped the front of his flight suit, mesmerized by his brown eyes gazing at you with so much love.  “Is Finn going to be alright?”
Poe sighed and broke eye contact with you only briefly to look in the direction that Finn had been taken. “Not sure; I was told his back was sliced by a lightsaber... but he’s made it this far...I’m not counting him out just yet.  He might have a nasty scar...”
Sliced by a lightsaber--that meant only one thing--Finn had come face to face with Kylo Ren. The same man that had tortured Poe to get the whereabouts of the map. It made your skin crawl. 
Sensing your unease, Poe pulled you closer and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Let’s go find a quieter spot to celebrate, shall we?”
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jediminddicks1000 · 4 years
Such a good Pet
Pairing: Kylo ren x Reader
WARNING: Kitten/ Master play. Choking. Fingering. Leather gloves. Killing. thigh riding. Adult language. SMUT SMUT SMUT. NSFW
Summery: ANON: “I wanna be Kylo’s kitten and he leads me everywhere he goes on a leash.” Crawling past everyone and his petting me.” “Killing anyone who disrespects me and tries to touch me.” 
Word Count: 1426  
Author: Ok so I took some your ideas which I loved. And added a bit more into it. Hope you guys like it, Got a bit carried away I wont lie. lol. 
"You look stunning like this." Kylo whispered softly into your ear.
You nodded and hummed in agreement has you held your hair out of the way. He clasped the metal collar around your throat. The cold metal sent a shiver down your body. Your hand traveled towards the collar feeling its cooling touch.
"Now your mine." Kylo said as he walked around you facing you. He bent towards the table picking up a deep dark red leash. He snapped the leather together chuckling as you jumped slightly.
"Do we get to go walking around now?" You asked ever so sweetly.
"Almost my sweet pet." He answered. Clipping the leash to your collar. Giving it a quick pull, tugging your body towards his. You pressed flushed against his chest. He grabbed your chin tilting your head up. You lips collided with his. Gently at first but you grew to needy for him and deepen the kiss.
He tugged the leash back in one jerk pulling you from his plump lips. "TSK TSK TSK kitten. Your far to greedy."
He took a another step back from you, admiring his view. Your face flushed matching your pretty leash. Your crimson gown barley covering you. It's thin sheer lace leaving nothing to the imagination. Kylo liked you like this. So beautiful yet only his.
A deep grunt escaped his lips as he walked around you. Touching your back he pushed you over his desk.  Lifting your sheer layers of crimson exposing your delicious looking cunt.
"Spread your legs wider for me pet." He asked in a husky tone.
Obediently you did so. Opening your legs and pushing you ass father out.
He hummed in approval his leather gloves gliding over your round ass. He slapped it hard. Enjoying the way your ass cheek jiggled for him. Rubbing the red hand print he left behind for a moment before his hand traveled lower. Sliding his hand down spreading your lips open for him. You gasped at the feel of him as he teased you open slowly.
"such a good girl." He praised into your ear.
Grabbing at your leash he jerked your head up, thrusting his fingers into your soaking wet cunt. You moaned at the feel of being stretched open by his large fingers. Your hips pushing back against him wanting more. His fingers worked deep into your cunt. Sloppy, wet sounds echoed. His leather fingers filling you. Pushing in you, toying with clit with his thumb. You whimpered and moaned. You head held into place by the collar. He pulled your leash tighter making your collar lightly crush your airway.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your struggled to breath. His fingers fucking your restlessly.
"Please kyl-" You tried to beg. The need was becoming to much.
"I can't hear your princess." He replied.
His fingered never stopping.
"Please KYLO!" You yelled.
"Say. My. Name." He said. Each word punctuated by a sharp thrust.
"Master please let me cum!" You begged tears in your eyes.
"Cum for me pet. Tell me who you belong to." He demanded. His thumb rubbing just right on your sensitive clit as his fingers found your G-stop.
"YOU MASTER. I'm yours!" you screamed happily as your orgasm crashed into you as a ocean wave. Drowning you whole before for you could finally come up for air.
"Such a good girl." he praised. Pulling his fingers from you he offered his other hand helping you up.
"Now, get down on your hands and knees. I want everyone to see your pretty face all flushed after cumming for your Master."
"Yes master." You sang joyfully as you sunk down to the ground.
Kylo gripped your leash, kicking your ass softly indicating for you to go before him. Seductively you crawled. Kylo's boots clicking behind you. Your swung your hips dramatically as your walked on all fours. The cool floor cooling your hot sweaty skin as you continued towards the throne room.
Soldiers and officers moving quickly out of your way. Their gazing never staying on you for to long. The newer troopers however didn't know the rules. Their gazes spotted you as your made your way down the corridor into the throne room. Your dress hugging your breast tightly. Your nipples hard with excitement. Face flushed red and spotted. They lingered to long at the site of you on all fours. Your collar pressed against your innocent neck. Most after a moment looked away. But there was always one. One who gasped, whos cock twitched at the view of you. Whos thoughts were far to loud.
You liked those most. The ones who couldn't look away from you. The ones that kylo noticed far to easily. If you were good, and oh have you been so good. Those where the ones Kylo would let you play with.  Once you had made your way to the throne room Kylo took his place. He patted on his leg for you to sit.
Like any good pet you did so. Facing away from him you straddled his large thigh. Most of the times Kylo let you sit on his lap, occasionally keeping his cock warm during meetings. Petting you softly as you sat. But other times like today he wanted to show you off.
"Do you want to ride my pet?" Kylo whispered into you ear.
"Yes please." You whined.
"If you make a good enough show I'll let your ride my cock later." He breathed into your ear.
You smiled and nodded and began moving your hips against his thigh. The one stormtrooper. The one whos thoughts rung so loudly through out the room stood against the wall. His chest rising quickly. He wore his mask, the trooper. But his eyes bore into through them watching you. Your grinded your hips hard into kylo. Loving the way his pants rubbing your sensitive clit. Moaning loudly as you did so. Your eyes never leaving the troopers mask.
The other troopers all looked down not daring to look at you as you moaned like such a good whore. Kylos hand found their way to your breast. Squeezing them through your see through gown. He pinched your nipples as they harden under his touch.
"Look at him watching you." He smirked quietly.
You moaned louder. Practically soaking Kylos pants.
" Your such a good whore. Riding my thigh like the needy slut you are." He praised to you. "He's thinking about you."
"He thinking about smelling your wet cunt." He continued whispering to you. "Thinking about fucking your pretty little pussy."
"Oh kylo please." You whined.
Kylos hand stopped playing with your breast and wrapped around your throat. Pushing your metal collar deeper into your warm skin.
"Say my name pet." He said harshly. His large hands squeezing your throat tighter.
"Master please." You breathed. "Please let me cum."
"Cum over my thigh kitten. Let him watch you cum on me. See how needy you are for me." He said loud enough for the trooper to hear.
Your chest swelled and your cunt pulsed with need. Your hips moved faster with a purpose now. Your breath coming in short quick pants as kylo pulled your collar tighter. You moans loud and sloppy. Your eyes never leaving the troopers. His cock bulging through his pants. His attention on you. He stood frozen in place as you rode kylo.
The need to cum finally over took you as you bucked. You squeezed your eyes shut. Grinding your cunt against kylo as he pushed his thigh into you. Sound left you as you came. You squeaked as came on kylo. Leaving your breathless as you chanted Kylos name like a pray over and over riding your orgasm out.
Opening them you saw the troopers head snap quickly to the side. He fell with a hard thud to the floor. The other soldiers ignoring his body. You turned your head towards Kylo and smiled. Leaning back against him until your lips touched him. He chuckled, pushing your hair that had fallen in front of your face.
"Your so good pet." He praised. His hand petting your cheek sweetly.
Your smile widened at his words. You swung your leg up cuddling against his chest. The dead troopers body was dragged away. Foot steps approached the throne. Kylos other meeting had begun. Your eyes felt heavy as your rest your head into his neck. His hands petting your hair as his voice spoke. The deep tone of his voice helped drift you off to sleep as he cradled you close to him. For now he would let you rest, until he was ready for you again.
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a-reasonforthoughts · 4 years
My thoughts on the Rise of Skywalker, because quarantine forced me to finally watch it. !!!!Spoilers!!!!!
Growing up, Star Wars was my childhood. My sisters and I read all the books (including the comics) and we packed the Essential Guides with us everywhere. Because for our deep love of the Extended universe, when the last few movies came out we had... mixed emotions. I didn’t even see the last movie when it came out after hearing some less than stellar reviews. So here’s my review, or rather my reactions to the Rise of Skywalker. (Yes, I actually sat down with paper and pen and watched this movie.) Title craw: The DIABOLICAL First Order.
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‘The Emperor has returned.’ Wow, the are expecting us to go along with a lot aren’t they.
Cool. Kylo wrecking everything.
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Yay, a planet that isn’t snow, desert, or forest. Hold on tight kids, they’re throwing us right into this one. We’re already at Palpatine’s house.   Ew. Whats with the tank?
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Whoa eyes! What’s up with his lips? Can someone bring this fossil a drink?
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Imperial March playing while a Star Destroyer rises in the back ground. Is this Vader’s old ship? Rey is “Not who we thought she is.” Thought she was “Nothing”?
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Ew, what is Klaud, and why is he here?
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Who are all these people on the Falcon? “How do we thank you?” “Win the war.” aren’t you all on the same team? Why do you need to thank him? Cool, another planet thats not snow, desert, or a forest. Never mind.
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Oh great, Rey’s here.  Looks like the Lightsaber is fixed.  I know the names of a bunch of these plants! When Luke was training with the ball thing (Training remote) he was just trying to deflect the shots. Rey’s trying to take down the whole forest. 
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You sure you want to destroy that thing Rey? There can’t be to many of them laying around Who are all these people? Why’s the Falcon on FIRE?! Since when is “Light-speed skip” a thing? Seriously. Who are all these people? I thought after the last movie there was only like, 10 of them left. Hey! It’s Merry from Lord of the Rings!
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What’s this old orange doing here?
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“Sith Way-finder” Sigh. Are Poe and Rey a “thing”? Are Finn and Rey a “thing”? Why’s everyone here but R2? There he is. Why did they not bring him?!
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Now I’m watching a Planet of the Apes crossover.
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That guy who was on the same team is dead now. His blood is clear so the rating doesn't go up. Well, Hux is certainly different.
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Someone must have taken his hair gel because his hair was never this poofy before.   Is this a Holi Festival, or Burning man.
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Why are we learning the name of this random kid? Rey just walked away from her, what was that? Yay! The force link is still there!
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Kylo is giving off stalker vibes. It’s nice to see him growing into his role of Supreme Leader. Looks like everyone hates him. Wait- Who is this guy?! Why are they following a stranger!
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It’s LANDO Oh, so Rey know’s who Lando is, but thought Luke was a myth. Makes sense. Boom. First order is here.
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Lando: “My flying days are over.” Why? “Give Leia my love.” Ew.  Wait, why is Lando out here? Did Luke just leave him? He said he came here with him. Has the emotional issues of being abandoned by Luke led him to never fly again? Is this a parallel story to Rey’s abandonment? What’s the motive here movie!  They made it even harder for these Storm Troopers to see out of those helmets.
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3PO is getting a lot of lines. Rey *is distracted* Ship *Blows up*  Now they have sinking sand. WAS THAT ALMOST A CONFESSION?! This guy just says, “The Falcon is not responding.” when asked, and they’re like “Don’t be such a downer!” Oh yay, they survived.  Kay, we’re just brushing over Finn’s almost confession. I’m sure they’ll come back to that later. *Cough* Okay, that flashlight bit was funny. 
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How do you know that’s the guy you’re looking for? That could be anybody’s skeleton! How’d they find a knife that neither Luke, or Lando (who might have been here for 20 years) could find!  Rey’s making friend’s with the basilisk.
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She just transferred some of her life force to the snake! Why!? This old ship they found in the desert still works. “Chewie, tell Rey we got to go!” Why can’t you do it? You’re not doing anything. Axe. Here comes lover boy.  How to Breathe, the movie, by Rey.
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Trailer shot.
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Was he just gonna run her over?
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Cool, she’s pulling the ship out of the sky. Uh oh, helmet’s off, there goes her focus.
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Now they’re playing tug-a-war with the ship. It’s the light saber fight all over again.  Whoa!!! She juST LIGHTING’D THE SHIP! Kylo Looked freaked out for a second! She just told Finn she had a vision of her and Kylo together, and he looks like he’s gonna cry. 3PO tells them how horrible and dangerous it is to override a droid’s programming. “Let’s do that!” That droid looks like a yoga wheel and a hairdryer. 
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Rey to the new droid: “Someone treated him badly. It’s alright, you’re with us now.” Yeah, just don’t watch what we’re about to do to this other droid.
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Looks like we’re adding another girl to this love triangle (hexagon?) She’s not supposed to be a Mandalorian is she. (So help me-) I hate you and I’m going to turn you in *Hit’s her over the head and pulls out a lightsaber* Okay, lets go.
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Why they so mad at Poe for being a smuggler?  Wow. They are forcing C-3PO to do this. Backup his memory to the hairdryer! It’s got to have a reason for being here! C-3PO “Oh! I just had an idea of something else we could try-” ZAP!  ...Was that supposed to be funny? These writers need to learn what humor is, and when to use it. Why are we focusing on Poe and his old girlfriend the Power Ranger? Wah! What’s up with 3PO’s eye’s? Is he a Sith droid now? Why does he have that function?!
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Rey, you’re boyfriend’s here. They wiped 3PO’s memory and he doesn’t know who anyone is, but he’s still polite. Poe angrily points “That’s gonna be a problem!” Our heroes ladies and gentleman. I hope the First Order just blast them. That Admiral’s badge just let them in? Like no one reported that missing?? Wiped 3PO’s memory and they’re getting the dagger anyway. Worst rescue ever. 
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Vaders Helmet has had a hard life. Rey has a vision in every scene she's in.
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More ‘Rey’s family history’ with Kylo “Tell me where you are,” She’s in your room dude.
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R.IP. Vader Helmet
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That Stormtrooper behind Kylo must be so confused.  *Sees helmet, breaks link*  “She’s in my quarters!” Told you so. Why is Hux the spy? When did this happen? What does he think the outcome of this will be?
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3PO just wandering the halls with a crossbow. 
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“You are a Palpatine.” Wanna be a Solo? Is this like his fourth proposal? OooooOOOOooo, that was cool! Kylo standing in the blast of the Falcon’s engines was a moment we needed!
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Yikes! They took out Hux fast! They didn’t want to question him or anything? No?
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The Death Star was blasted to smithereens, why is it here? How is it here?
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They made that dagger to line up with the wreckage? I’m pretty sure things that are constantly beat by the ocean will move or erode over time. Who even made that? What was the purpose?!
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Yay, another scavenger  Who’s also a ex-Stormtrooper, because why not.
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That’s a horse covered in a rug. Rey’s out trying to kill herself again.
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“There’s another Skimmer!” Wonder who that is. He is literally following her to the ends of the galaxy. 
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Wait- The throne rooms still in one piece?! The chair and everything?!!! Dark Rey- YIKES! TEETH
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I thought he stopped the holocron with his foot, I was really surprised when fingers formed and he picked it up.
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Kylo acting so cool as she’s trying to slash him to ribbons. I see Merry again! Wait- What’s Leia got to do? And why does Maz know? They’ve never explained what this strange orange is and what she can do.
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Finn’s in deep- Wait how'd he get out here?????
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Leia don’t distract your son while he’s fighting for his life!
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“I wanted to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” You think he’s going to leave you alone after that?
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Why is Rey just a total mess in every movie.
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Chewie mourning Leia is a good touch. It’s nice to see the reaction of someone who ACTUALLY knew her.  Whoa! They got Harrison Ford to come back! That must have taken a lot of bribery (or blackmail).
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Has almost dying given Kylo/Ben the power to see non-Force user ghost, or is he just going nuts? So this is just a rehash of Han’s death scene. 
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Aw, he called him Dad- Hey don’t throw that away, you need that!
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He’s nuts. Those red helmets look stupid. Aaaaand it’s the Death Star again Merry in the background! Why’d they make Poe the General? Lando finally got off that planet 
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“General.” “General.” She’s burning his ship. Good luck Kylo/Ben.
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You know how hot that fire has got to be to burn metal “A Jedi weapon should be treated with more respect.” You brat.
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Why did he have Leia’s lightsaber here? “...it would be picked up again, by someone who would finish her journey.” Oooookay, but why not just have her take Luke’s old Saber? It’s gotta be laying around here somewhere.
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I know it’s symbolic and all that he’s raising the x-wing, but there’s no way that thing still works.
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Alright, 3PO’s memories are back. Why’d we have to go through all that? I spy Merry again! How does Poe know all this stuff about Exogol? He’s just a fountain of information over here!
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“Now we take the war to them!” That’s literally what you’ve done every movie ever No one is questioning how Lando got here. Isn’t this a secret base? *Dr. Evil voice* ONE MILLION STAR DESTROYERS 
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Who even wrote this story line? Finn’s going with his gut and everyones just going along with it. Not like you could all die or anything. They brought the rug horses with them
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How are they breathing in space!? Those red troopers still look stupid.
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What’s this crowd chanting? Are they speaking Parseltoungue?  “I never wanted you dead.” That’s why I told Kylo Ren to kill you.
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Hang on- his plan is ‘You be the empress, and I’ll just possess you. Grandaughter.’  EW. Why would she want that? How is that a tempting offer? Someone’s gone senile. Direct quote: “I got to go do something!” “I’m coming with you!” Why do these people get attached so quickly?! 
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“Luke was saved by his father. The only family you have here is me.” Yeah, but I got a boyfriend who follows me everywhere!
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Ben runs and jumps: “Ow.” We finally get to see the Knight’s of Ren in action! (Where have they been this whole time?) “Once you kill me I shall become apart of you!” So she could just, not kill him. Right? Oh yeah, here we go, now we got a showdown!
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Well, that was anticlimactic 
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WHAT IS HAPPENING Poe just realized he's the worst General ever.
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YO. Don’t tell your troops there is no hope! What is wrong with you??? Why isn't Lando the General? He is a lot more qualified!!!
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Wait a minute!! Where were all these people when LEIA ORGANA called for help????
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Wedge Antilles!!!!!! So all the life force sucking was just so Palpatine could up grade his outfit? *Flings Ben into a pit* Palpatine is so done with the Skywalkers Hey, I know these voices!!!! Aaaaand now he wants to kill her. So whats our big moment? TWO lightsabers! 
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Why did the make that the big epic moment? Why didn’t they have Ben run over and they do it together- It would have been perfect for his story arch! Rey: “And we” Together: “are all the Jedi!” Now she's dying. Why? Not even the writers know So Finn’s Force sensitive. Cool I guess? This is a really touching moment for them, even more so if they did anything other than fight this entire movie!
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This kinda feels out of nowhere
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NOW SHE’S SMILING AND FINE. HE JUST DIED Merry’s here again and I can’t even be happy about it Now Finn has to chose between Rose and the new girl  Poe’s trying to start something with his Power Ranger old flame, and she's like “Not a chance.” Now everything’s all happy like BEN DIDN’T JUST DIE. ARE WE NOT GOING TO ADDRESS THIS?????????? Oh hey, it’s the Lars farm. Nobody else moved in after all these years? Now she's burying the Skywalker lightsabers in the place they all hated.
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Well I guess they had to wrap this mess up somehow
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songbookff · 4 years
For the festival of love reqest: Personally I think Amilyn/Leia in this would be really cute (especially if they had a public kiss or something which is usual for them, but idk) and in general I just like queering star wars up, but honestly whatever pairings you feel like fit the story are good. :)
queering up star wars...see below. ;)
Also...timeline, what timeline? And um...ship all the ships, I guess. 
“We need to do something fun!” Paige Tico came hurling into the mess hall, her little sister in tow. Rose had a smile that rivalled her sister. Obviously the Tico girls had been planning something. “Anyone know about the Ewok Festival of Love?” 
“Sorry, Ewok festivals aren’t standard Stormtrooper training,” joked Finn as he shoveled a spoon of stew into his mouth. 
Poe gave him a nudge with his elbow and said, “Is it romantic? Or does love mean something else on Endor?” 
“So romantic,” winked Paige as she sat down next to Rey. Rose took a seat next on the other side of Finn. “I think we need a little love on this dreary base. What do you say?” 
“You want to throw a Love Festival? So you can get laid?” asked Kaydel Ko from the next table over. A couple of the rebels she was sitting with giggled. 
“Festival of Love!” emphasized Rose at the same time that Paige protested, “I don’t need a festival to get laid!” 
After rolling her eyes at her sister, Rose continued, “We could use a night off and a little mood lift. The Festival of Love isn’t just about romantic love. It’s about the bonds of family and the trust and acceptance between people! Think of it like a team building experience!” 
“It’s also a good way to get laid,” winked Paige. A couple of people cat called from the tables around them. 
Poe shrugged and slug his arm around Finn’s shoulders. “Just gotta get it approved by the General.” 
“I’ve got an idea about that...” The group turned to see Larma D’Acy grinning at them. “Leave the General to me.” 
Two days later, Rose stood in the middle of the hanger, hands on hips, proud of her work. Rey stood a few feet away amused at her friend's excitement. The hanger was draped with colorful banners, vines of leaves, and bundles of wildflowers. Someone had even found lanterns to hang around for when the sun set.
"It looks great," assured Rey. "I'm sure everyone will love it."
"Thanks." Rose gave her a brilliant smile and then added, "Thanks for being my date tonight! The Festival of Love is about friendship, too."
"You can always count on me to show up for you. But maybe tonight you could tell her how you feel...maybe the timing will finally be right." Rose's eyes darted over to a group of people before focusing back on her friend.
"Maybe," she conceded. Then she clapped her hands together, altogether changing the mood. "Let's get the music going!"
The cooking team had outdone themselves with a spread of food from all over the galaxy. It seemed everyone was willing to go on rations for a week or two just to have one night of celebration.
Poe and Finn entered the hanger, hand in hand, about ten minutes later. Poe carried a crate of some alcohol that was probably illegal, but the pilots were quick to divide it up to eager hands.
Finn stared at the pageantry in amazement. No one was in uniform. It seemed enough civilian clothing had been dug out to dress everyone in an assortment of colors. Even Poe had found Finn a colorful robe to through over his normal clothes.
"It's like everyone has forgotten we're in a war," he murmured, just for Poe to hear as they filled their plates with food.
"No one has forgotten..." replied Poe. "But war is all the more reason to celebrate. We could all die tomorrow...but we're here tonight."
Poe pressed his lips to Finn's cheek. The two men smiled at each other and then found a spot by Poe's x-wing to enjoy their dinner and illegal beverages.
Some giggling and friendly shouting drew their attention to the middle of the room where Paige had drug her girlfriend, Jessika Pava into the makeshift dancefloor. She shouted something neither man could make out, but loud music suddenly filled the hanger. Paige let out a hoot and pulled Jessika in for a dramatic kiss.
Everyone began cheering and soon other couples joined them to start dancing on the floor. Finn nudged Poe on the shoulder. They had made a deal that Finn would owe Poe one dance together, but Poe had promised not to make him dance until everyone was too drunk to remember it.
"I can sit here with you," assured Poe, trying not to enviously watch the other dancers. 
“Go,” encouraged Finn. Just then, Rey approached them with a smile and a wave. “See, Rey and I can sit here and celebrate friends who don’t dance while you go celebrate loving dancing!” 
Poe kissed Finn, took a swig of his drink, and then dashed off to join his friends dancing to an upbeat song on the dancefloor. Rey picked up his almost empty plate, picking out the leftovers she wanted. 
“You look happy,” she told Finn between bites.
“I am happy.” The response was so simple, but it had been so long since he had been able to say that truthfully. Poe made him happy; being a part of the rebellion made him happy; having friends made him happy. 
Rey raised a glass, “To the festival of happiness!” 
Finn clinked his bottle to her glass and they watched Poe, Rose, and the rest of their new family dance their hearts out. After an hour, there was a break in the music when the General made an appearance. Leia was dressed in white, something that she reserved for special occasions these days. It was her branded look, back in the day. 
Someone had handed her a microphone, the crowd insisting on a speech for the Festival. And of course, Leia was nothing if not a politician. 
“Alright, settle down, settle down.” There was a graceful smile on her face. “Firstly, I would like to thank the Tico sisters for coming up with such an uplifting and wonderful celebration. I do believe that we have to remember what we are all working towards; love is the reason we fight against tyranny.” 
“Down with the First Order!” shouted someone in the crowd. 
“Long live the Republic!” called another, leading to more cheering and clapping. 
“I want you to have your time tonight to celebrate each other. I want you to remember who you fight side by side with. And then tomorrow, I expect everyone to be back to work.” Laughter met her words and it soon turned to cheering, with a chant of her name. “Now, I owe a very important woman a dance before I leave you all to celebrate without the watchful eye of the General.” 
She turned to extend her hand to the colorful Amilyn Holdo. The women stepped onto the dancefloor to a roomful of cheers. Amilyn stood out in a deep red dress and orange hair against the starkness of Leia’s white dress. But no one could doubt their connection as they began to dance. It was a sweet moment, truly a celebration of lovers. 
As the song ended, Leia twirled Amilyn and then gracefully dipped her towards the ground before pulling her back up into a soft kiss. The hanger had never been louder. Both women were smiling when they waved their goodnights. 
The party continued long into the night; the drinks flowed, the dancing was magical, and the kisses were given freely. As soon as people started to pair off and leave, Rose found herself cleaning off some tables with Kaydel Ko. 
“Tonight was wonderful,” said Kaydel Ko, with a nervous voice. “Thanks for setting all of this up.” 
“You helped!” insisted Rose, the alcohol giving her a bit of courage. Tonight had been wonderful, but there was one thing that would make it better. If only she could ask...
“They look like they’re having fun.” Kaydel Ko pointed to where Poe was showing Finn some new dance steps, having finally drug his boyfriend out on the floor. Both women went back to cleaning, avoiding each other’s gaze. 
As the music changed to something slower, Kaydel Ko cleared her throat. “Rose?” 
Rose stared at her, her alcohol addled mind trying to desipher what was asked. Kaydel Ko blushed and stared down at her feet. Rose finally put two and two together. “You want to dance with me?” 
“Yes...I mean, if you want...”
Rose smiled broadly and reached for Kaydel Ko’s hand. She let her out to the floor where the numbers were slowly dwindling down. They started swaying together, a blush on both of their cheeks. 
After a few moments, Kaydel Ko murmured, “I’ve wanted to do this all night.” 
“Dance with me?” asked Rose, amazed. “Kaydel Ko, I set this whole thing up so I could dance with you.” 
Kaydel Ko’s eyes widened in realization. Both women smiled, realizing that they had nothing to fear about their feelings for each other. Rose pulled her closer, so their cheeks were touching as they danced. Across the room, she caught Rey’s gaze, and her friend gave her two thumbs up. 
Yes, the Festival of Love had worked it’s magic on the scruffy rebels tonight. 
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
The Sin (1/1)
A/N: this is probably the shortest chapter in the series since in this one the reader was pissed at Mando and left him.
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The ride back was silent, Mando didn’t say anything to you and you didn’t say anything to him. You felt rather awkward that the situation escalated like that but you didn’t change your mind this was wrong...
Suddenly a button started ringing Mando presses a button and you see a hologram of Karga come up “Mando, Y/N. I’ve received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return deliver the quarry directly to the client.” Karga lets out a chuckle “I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he’s very antsy.”
You glance over and see the child touch one of the controls of the ship it’s probably interested in the ball you thought. You let out a soft chuckle as you watched it “safe passage! You know where to find me.” Mando turns off the hologram.
He notices your gaze looking at something, he follows your gaze and sees the child chewing on something “it’s not a toy.” He says before taking it away from the child.
You watch as Mando picks up the child from its hood before placing it back inside its carrier, you felt your heart grow heavy you didn’t want to give it to the client.
The child coos as its gaze meets yours, you smile before turning around you watch as the planet approach as Mando pushes a few buttons.
Finally he lands the ship “lets go.” He finally says to you, you quickly rush outside you didn’t want to go with him to see the client it was driving your insane how he couldn’t see how wrong this was!
Before you could make it outside the ship you felt Mando yank on your wrist making you face him.
“You’ve been acting strange.” He says to you. You let out a snarky chuckle “I just don’t want to go with you that’s all.” You tried breaking free from him but continued to hold your wrist “why?”
“You know why.”
“Because of the child? What made you change your mind?” He kept asking you questions and it only drove you more insane you finally yanked away from him.
Never once have you gotten pissed at Mando, you two always did stuff together without hesitation because you two were just great friends like that but.. now ever since you both met this child it basically drove a rift between the two of you.
“Because this is wrong Mando!” You shout at him as he continued to stare at you “this is the way.” He only says as he waits for your responses.
Your fingers trembled as you held back every curse word you could think of to call him “no that’s your way.. not mine.” You say before walking away from him, of course you’d always be there for Mando he’s.. special to you.
But this time you couldn’t stand by him you could only hope that Mando would make the right choice.
You walked away from Mando, and he watched you leave the child whimpered sadly as it looked up at Mando “she’s not coming back..” he mumbled before starting to walk inside the town.
The child stared at everything it saw, it cooed as it looked up at Mando but he didn’t look back down at it. Mando’s mind kept thinking of the things you said his eyes scanned around the town but didn’t see you.
Mando arrived to where the client’s base was, he knocked on the door as a droid popped out from a hole and asked Mando for something, Mando pulled out something and showed it to the droid who scanned it.
The droid went back inside the hole as the door finally unlocked, stormtroopers walked outside before looking down at the child who only lowered its ears.
One of the stormtroopers walked inside as Mando followed behind him the second stormtrooper followed behind Mando as the door closed behind them.
As they walked inside the stormtrooper in front pulled on the child’s carrier “easy with that.” Mando says in a threatening voice “you take it easy.” The stormtrooper barked back at Mando.
The door opened to reveal the client and the doctor, the client quickly got up as he picked up a tracking fob “yes!” He said happily as he walked over to the child.
The tracking fob beats rapidly as he gets closer to the child “yes! Yes! Yes!” Mando watches as the two men watched the child in fascination “yes.” The client said again as the doctor pulled out something to examine the child.
The bright red light reflected against Mando’s helmet as it scanned the child, the doctor smiled “very healthy. Yes.” The client looked up at Mando before giving him a confused glance.
“Where is your comrade?” He asked Mando, Mando looked down “she’s.. somewhere.” The client didn’t say anything before moving onto something else “your reputation was not unwarranted.”
“How many tracking fobs did you give out?” Mando bluntly asked him “this asset was of extreme importance to me I had to ensure its delivery.” The client walks away from Mando “but to the winner..”
The client pulls something from underneath his desk as he places it on top “go the spoils.” The client pressed a few buttons making it open to reveal Beskar, Mando leaves the side of the child as he walks over to his reward, he picks up two Beskars and examines them.
“Such a large bounty for such a small package.” The client says as he stares at Mando, the child lets out a cry as the doctor leads the carrier to another room as Mando watches.
The child only stares and Mando sadly lowering its ears before disappearing into the back room as the door closes, Mando looks down at the Beskar before looking at the client “what are your plans for it?” Mando asked.
The client’s face didn’t change “how uncharacteristic of one of your reputation you have taken both commission and payment is it not the code of the guild that these events are now forgotten?” The door from the other rooms opens as more stormtroopers pour of it and stand behind the client.
Mando eyes them “that Beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armor unfortunately, finding a mandalorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel.” Mando puts the Beskar back as he stares right at the client.
He closes the case of the Beskar before carrying it out the door, he walked back to the hiding place for the Mandalorians as he walked by some Mandalorians he saw that a few glanced at him he knew that they were staring at him because of the reward he was carrying.
He walk over to Armorer as she sat by a table, he placed the bounty reward on the table before opening the case to reveal all the Beskar inside, she took a few as she examines them.
Some Mandalorians walk inside the room as well “this amount can be shaped many ways.” She says to Mando as he places the Beskar on the table.
“My armor has lost its integrity, I may need to begin again.”
Armorer continues to stack the Beskar on the table “indeed I can form a full cuirass this would be an order for your station.”
“That.. would be a great honor.” Mando said to Armorer. She notices more Mandalorians come into the room “I must warn you it will draw many eyes.” She warns him.
Then heavy infantry walks up to the table he picks up one of the Beskar he looks at them before noticing a mark on them he scoffs “these were cast in an imperial smelter.” He shows the other Mandalorians “these are the spoils of the great purge.”
He turns back to Mando “the reason that we live hidden like sand rats.” He said before tossing the Beskar on the table.
Armorer picks up the Beskar as she stacks it on top of the others “our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength.”
“Our strength was once in our numbers now we live in the shadows only to come above ground one at a time, our world was shattered by the empire with whom this coward shares tables.” Heavy infantry got closer to Mando, but Mando didn’t flinch or coward away.
“No wonder your comrade left you in the dust.” Heavy infantry said before going over to remove Mando’s helmet. Mando quickly smacked his hand away as the two began to fight the rest of the Mandalorians and Armorer watched.
Armorer finally got up, Mando and heavy infantry both held daggers right at each other “the empire is no longer and the Beskar has returned when one chooses to walk the Way of the mandalore, you are both hunter and prey how can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life? Have you ever removed your helmet?” She asked Mando.
“Has it ever been removed by others?”
Armorer pauses for a bit before saying “this is the way.”
“This is the way.” The rest said.
Heavy infantry and Mando finally put down the dagger away from each other “this is the way.” Heavy infantry said as he stared at Mando then turning his attention to Armorer.
“What caused this damage?” She pointed at Mando’s armor.
“A mudhorn.”
“Then you have earned the mudhorn as your signet I shall craft it.” She said as she sits down.
“I can’t accept, it wasn’t a noble kill.” Mando says as he sits across from her “I was helped.. by an enemy.”
Armorer glances at Mando strangely “why would an enemy help you in battle?”
Mando remembers that day, the child had helped you and him against the mudhorn if it didn’t who know what would’ve happened that day.
“It.. did not know it was my enemy.” Armorer tilts her head “since you forgo a signet I shall use the excess to forge whistling birds.” She says placing a few Beskar aside.
“Whistling birds will do well reserve some for the foundlings.”
“As it should always be the foundlings are the future. This is the way.”
“This is the way.” The group chanted.
“This is the way.” Mando repeats.
Your POV:
You walked inside the bar where usually Karga was at, you quickly scanned the room to make sure Mando wasn’t there and he wasn’t thankfully. You let out a sigh before walking to the bartender to order something “Y/N.” You heard Karga called out to you.
You took your drink over to Karga as you sat across from him “Hey Karga.” He seemed to frown at you “where’s Mando? You two are always together.” You grip your drink in your hand “uhm.. busy.. he’s busy.” You quietly said as you took a sip from your drink.
Karga continued to stare at you, you hated when he did that you weren’t good at hiding your expressions but Karga then smiled at you as he then continued to ramble on about a few things.
After the chat with Karga you decided to leave you bid Karga goodbye as you left the bar you wondered what happened to the child and with Mando, you wanted to see him but the guilt of letting the child go back to the client was eating you away.
There were many reasons why this was bothering you so much, but you couldn’t blame Mando for not knowing things in your past you both never really talked about things like that.
You looked up at the sky it was always gray and gloomy but why did it look more sadder than it did before? You let out a sigh you didn’t want this to tear your friendship apart with Mando it meant too much for it to end.
You were going to find Mando but something odd was happening some of the people in the town were gathering together with Karga.
You got closer to them but made sure to keep yourself hidden “do you really think we’d get a reward if we bring Mando and the child back to the client?” One of the bounty hunters asked.
“Of course! If the child is away from the client that only means the hunt is on.” Karga replies to the other bounty hunter “and if Mando gets in the way just kill him.” You felt a small gasp escape you as you heard him say that.
You needed to find someone to help you! But who?! Everyone was against Mando at this point for the reward that the client would offer, but that’s when you realize the only people who would help mando would be the rest of the Mandalorians.
He told you about them because he trusted you, he always did.. you quietly snuck out of your hiding spot and went to go find the entrance to the Mandalorians. Once you found it you made your way down the stairs.
It was dark and quiet making you more nervous of your movements “hello?” You whispered trying not to spook anyone near by or make them attack you.
“What are you doing here?” You heard someone say making you flinch a bit “I.. I need help, Mando he’s in trouble.” You say you heard more footsteps but you didn’t know where it was coming from until a light shined brightly.
You saw so many Mandalorians looking at you, it surprised you usually there were never this many Mandalorians in one place but yet here they were “You’re Y/N?” You heard a voice come up from behind.
You turned around and saw another Mandalorian but she was dressed differently from the rest “how do you know my name?” You asked her.
“Mando as you call him has told me many things about you, but I’ve heard you said he needed help?” You nodded “please the entire town is against him and me helping him it won’t help him that much.” You said to her.
She glances at the rest of the Mandalorians giving them a nod “this is the way.” All of them said in unison.
“Does.. that mean you’ll help?” You asked hoping they’d said yes.
“For our own yes.” Another Mandalorian replies he was bigger than the rest making him more intimidating.
“Thank you I’m grateful.” You said smiling at him.
“Have you ever flown on a jetpack? Or know how to use one?” He asked you.
“No I haven’t.. please don’t tell me what your going to make me do.”
Third POV:
Shots rang out in the town as Mando ducked for cover, you were right he couldn’t let the child go with the client guilt ate away at him and he didn’t even know why... he wished he could’ve apologized to you but you left and it was his fault.
He looked down at the child as it opened its eyes and looked up at Mando it let out a coo, he needed to protect this child.. he can’t let it go back to the client even if everyone was trying to kill him at this point he’d risk his life for the child to have a normal life.
Suddenly he heard something fly above him as it shot at someone who was standing on top of a building, Mando looked up and saw the Mandalorians on jetpacks fly down and start shooting at the people who were shooting at him.
He was.. shocked he never thought that they would come up from hiding just to defend him.. but one question lingered in his mind how did they know he was in trouble?
He heard a loud shooting and looked up and saw heavy infantry expect.. he was holding someone and that someone was you “I’m NEVER doing that again!” You shout, even if it was for a short time you hated heights!
You saw Mando looking at you, you quickly rushed to his side “Y/N.. you came back?” You rolled your eyes “I was pissed at you Mando, but id never leave you like that.” You said giving him a warm smile.
“Get out of here! We’ll hold them off!” Heavy infantry said running to the moment between the both of you.
“You’re going to have to relocate the covert.” Mando says as he hands you the child, it gurgles in delight as it saw you “I’ve missed you too.” You said smiling.
Heavy infantry and Mando saw the bonding you had with the child “this is the way.” He said to Mando “this is the way.” Mando replies.
You felt Mando grab your hand in his “let’s go!” He shouts, you nod as the both of you start running to his ship “what made you change your mind?” You asked him.
“Things.” He says as the both of you board the ship “well I’m glad those things made you change your mind.” You say.
“Hold it.” Both of you heard Karga say, Mando protectively covered your figure with his “I didn’t want it to come to this, but then you broke the code and now your dragging Y/N into this.” You notice Mando look over at something before using his control wrist to activate the ship’s control as smoke covered the ship.
Mando quickly pushed you to cover you, as Karga shoots his blaster but missed you and Mando he was shaking trying to see through the smoke but Mando shot him right in the chest area making him fly out the ship.
“Are you alright?” Mando asked “y-yeah.. so is the child.” Mando nodded before making his way up to the ship as you followed him.
You sat right beside Mando with the child in your lap as Mando started up the ship, you could see the Mandalorians still continue to fight against the people who shot at Mando.
Mando quickly flew the ship away from the town you let out a sigh, placing the child down on the floor as it started to walk around.
“Thank you.” You heard Mando say but not face you “for what?”
“For.. telling the Mandalorians to help me.”
“You’re welcome..” you mumbled.
You looked outside and saw one of the Mandalorians fly by next to you guys on his jetpack he made a salute to Mando before flying off “I gotta get one of those.. you flew with heavy infantry didn’t you?” He asked.
“He complained about how tight I was holding onto him.” You heard Mando let out a soft chuckle suddenly you saw a small green hand reach up to small ball on the controls of the ship.
The child let out a coo to get Mando’s attention. Mando unscrewed the ball before handing it to the child it let out a giggle before disappearing underneath the controls.
“So.. can I call you daddy Mando for now on?” You joked “unless you wanna be called mommy then no.” You let out a laugh “I really missed you for those few hours Mando.”
“... so did I.”
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crazysnakey · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts and reactions [Spoilers]
Adora’s Dreams???? Is she trying to reconnect her connection to She-ra or smth???
Of course everyone argues about the Heart of Etheria. How can they not
Okay so there was that awkward af dinner scene, but Horde Prime confronting Catra on her feelings for Adora is 👌👌👌
Catra going to meet Glimmer several times. I think we all expected that.
Everyone telling Adora she’s not She-Ra anymore and her feeling needing to be useful... AAAAAAA
When they tied up a clone and he just started blabbering about how Prime is great and all and they’re like “was hordak like this” and Scorpia straight up being like “nah he just said get out a lot” like even Scorpia anknowledges that Hordak was like an angsty emo teen boy
Entrapta... good old entrapta going apeshit over the tech
Horde Prime really does that huh? Not only does he destroy planets and take their food he keeps their treasures and stuff as his trophies
Horde Prime calling Catra little sister... 😟 hell no you bleached octopus
Scorpia’s impression of Entrapta is so funny like... “Yay! Science! Tech! *crazy hysterical laughing*
Mermista taking charge with Adora gone, go for it girl
Scorpia, i love you
“hooray! Oh I take back my hooray. Never mind I reinstate my hooray! Hooray!”
Those clones really pop out of nowhere huh? They’re just stationed everywhere huh? Like stormtroopers.
Shadow Weaver, you tsundere. You still have an attachment to Micah as your student
That one clone who’s neck just snapped and twisted (with all the great sound effects, yay!) 😨
Okay so Prime can see and talk thru all his clones... shoulda seen that coming
Hordak??? Hordak is that you
Catra straight up telling Hordak that it’s reassuring to see a familiar face even if they weren’t on the best of terms... 🥺
Is Hordak starting to remember?? Is he gonna remember Entrapta aaaaaaaaaaa come on pls
Adora taking them all to the place in her dream... wow somethings up y’all
Going to save Glimmer... good luck y’all are seriously gonna need it
Micah pretending to be She-Ra was so funny I don’t know why
Oh so Prime can’t track First Ones tech... thank god
Wow remember when I said Hordak might be remembering?? Haha we just got the rug pulled out from under us
The Horde clones are a literal fucking cult and their chanting is seriously unnerving like wow Noelle props to making it unsettling
Aaaaaaaaand Hordak was reset again (in a weirder way too with that bathtub of whatever the fuck is in there) think he’ll somehow remember again? Entrapta my girl I’m counting on you
Entrapta naming the ship Darla... I’m getting Emily vibes
Okay but does Prime have no cameras or anything??? He’s got clones and advanced tech but no cameras or scanners in his own ship?? Probably bc his clones are his cameras or smth
They really gave us Swift Wind feels huh? They really did that to us
Scorpia saying that Kyle told her he has a crush on Rogelio... awww
The Star siblings are so sweet. Also Adora stop eating all their food
Bow just helping and protecting Glimmer even tho he’s still mad at her... 😊🥰
SHE-RA?!?!?????? She-ra is that you
Adora saying she wants to go back for Catra and that she needs her... 😭😭😭
One of the episodes is literally named “Save the Cat” like 😂😂😂
Somehow I knew that Prime was probably gonna brainwash Catra but actually seeing it is something else
Okay but Wrong Hordak..., crying, no idea what to do, really innocent just trying his best don’t hurt him
So the clones and Prime use a hive mind... cool coolcoolcool
Horde Prime uses vessels??? He just jumps in from one body to the other??? He can do that??? Literally if he does that to any of the rebellion people I’ll drag him out of there with my bare hands
Excuse me??? Horde Prime knew the First Ones???? He destroyed them????? HORDE PRIME DESTROYED THE FIRST ONES WHAT
Adora fighting Catra,,,, AGAIN
New She-Ra form
They better have a good explanation of this and not just some asspull don’t do us dirty that way
Then screwing over Horde Prime and wrecking his shit. NICE 👍👏👏👏
Everyone on the ship just dealing with stuff. Wrong Hordak continues to be the nicest person yet.
Micah is so funny he’s just like I want some cake and Frosta’s like UGH and he’s just like “Do kids not like cake anymore???”
Elberon. Hoooo boy that was weird and fucked up. Goosebumps. Honestly they should’ve seen it from a mile away that something was up
Catra’s new hair without the helmet is really nice. Kinda like her past being cut away and moving towards the future. I see she’s back with draping herself all over Adora and annoying her
Secret Underwater Party Adventure literally what
Scorpia’s song ❤️💖❤️... hot DAMN girl you are AMAZING and VALID and I STAN YOU
Glad to see the underwater people are doing great in these trying times
That montage of people with a grudge against Sea Hawk and Mermista beating them up is so fucking funny like “ANYONE ELSE WHO’S BOAT YOU’VE SET ON FIRE??!?”
DOUBLE TROUBLE?!!??!1?!1!??!???
Ironically DT was lying when they said Adora’s in space with a sword fighting but they didn’t know that’s what’s actually happening asdfjdn
Oh my god Mermista have you been chipped too
Literally everyone has been chipped so I guess no one’s safe idk what I was think. ing. 🤷‍♀️
How do those chips even work?? Does someone just slap it on the back of someone’s neck and that’s it?
That’s one heck of an anniversary....
Okay, Krytis gives me Krypton vibes. Anyone else??? It’s a planet, some superbeing’s weakness, and the name. Also it’s like, destroyed/abandoned has no life on it
Catra and the gang with their antics... she’s clearly not used to their carefree improvising ... laughing ... awww 😊 ~
Castaspella where have YOU been the whole time??
“How is it we’ve lost so many fine members of the rebellion yet we’re still stuck with you?” WOW Not holding back anything huH
Castaspella why are you even still wearing those longass robes and that cape
MAGIC??!? THAT’S THE SECRET??? THAT- actually makes sense. Prime uses science and tech so magic is something that’s probably out of his depth
Someone get me a shapeshifting cat please Melog is so cool
Wrong Hordak you’ve found your own truth go for it you spunky little boi
“Brother, I hope you too are full of love for Horde Prime and have no crippling doubt eating at your soul” GOLD. COMEDY GOLD I TELL YOU
That montage where Netossa lists everyone’s weaknesses is so funny, Catra’s just like “I’m different. I’m a real threat.” Then Netossa just. Sprays her with water. Like. Wow.
Even in this troubling time, dad jokes persist. This is awesome. George and Lance have their priorities sorted well. Bow is so done with it 😆
Literally what?????????? The heart can be taken WITHOUT SHE-RA???? Horde Prime ain’t screwing around babeyyyyy
Scorpia.... don’t lose to it AAA 🥺🥺🥺 and Perfuma is so positive and does the Fairy Tail thing where she believe in her friends no matter what
Shadow Weaver, the only one using actual logical deduction in the team while everyone else panics and makes puns
Okay Shadow Weaver’s speech to Adora might sound cruel but it’s actually logical and truthful. She’s being honest.
“YOUR IMPERFECTIONS ARE BEAUTIFUL” Entrapta you’re killin me
Glimmer’s first meeting with Micah and THIS is how it goes?!? Wow
“Adora it doesn’t always have to be you!!” That gives me so many feels bc it’s kinda true
“Adora doesn’t want me! Not like I want her” number one that’s so sad, number two NO, number three GURL ADORA DOES WANT YOU BACK LIKE THAT SHE LOVES YOU
Entrapta girl, you can do it you spunky little gremlin
The memories,,, AaAAAaaaaaAAaAAAAA
Glimbowww!!!! Glimbow Glimbow Glimbow!
“You’re worth more that what you can give to other people. You deserve love too.” OH MY GOD THAT IS SUCH A GOOD AND POSITIVE MESSAGE TO GIVE NOT JUST TO ADORA BUT TO PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE
GLIMMER comin in to SAVE THE DAYAY and Seahawk ,, 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂😂 you’re the highlight of these moments I swear 😂🤣😂
“My oldest enemy”?? Does he mean She-Ra or the First Ones? also WHAT is that giant green tentacle monster
George and Lance are so proud of their son ~
Double Trouble you little shit
Holee shit, THAT is the heart??? It looks like empty cubes or shapes or something...
Oh shit, nevermind, they are a hive mind after all,,, ........ FUCK
Hordak’s memory with baby Adora??? Like adorable????
Mermista’s just like slightly unsettled by Entrapdak. Begone Antis.
Literally Madame Razz have you been just walking around and dusting stuff
All of my ships have become canon this season Catradora Glimbow Entrapdak Seamista thank you Noelle MY CROPS ARE WATERED MY SKIN CLEARED MY DEPRESSION CURED MY HOPE RESTORED THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON SPOP I AM BLESSED
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danguy96 · 5 years
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Rewrite - Story Outline
Since a lot of you liked the set-up I had in mind for a “redo” of the sequel trilogy, I was thinking of finally laying the basic, rough outline of the first “movie”.
I decided to make this its own post, because it turned out to be pretty long, and would likely take up a lot of space in messaging on either Tumblr or Discord.
As I said before, the universe this takes place in is a mash-up of both old and new canon stuff, with some events happening different than others.
I hope you all like it, and if there’s any questions about this planned story, feel free to ask me them, because there’s a lot I have in mind beyond this.
Also, it’s best if you read the original set-up post I created, since it covers a lot of background surrounding the setting of this story. You can find it here.
With all that out of the way, let’s begin, and start off with a familiar phrase:
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We start off our story with a small spaceship landing on a mysterious planet, in front of what appears to be an ancient Jedi Temple.
A hooded figure emerges from the ship, and soon is accompanied by another hooded figure, with this one being female.The male figure says “I apologize if I’m late. I came as soon as I heard”, and asks where the others are. The female figure says that the “Master” has already given his instructions to them, and that they are the only two left to receive the orders from the one who summoned them.
We cut to another hidden figure, meditating and chanting in a long-forgotten tongue. We do not clearly see who this chanting figure may be at first, but I think savvy audiences could guess correctly. Anyway, we see this hidden figure continue meditating, until we cut to his point of view. We see that in the middle of meditation, he is suddenly met with visions.
We see familiar locations, such as the desert world of Tatooine, the volcanic planet Mustafar and a large fortress which towers above everything on the planet, and a mysterious, snow-covered forest, where another figure lights a red cross guard lightsaber. We also see visions focusing on a single Stormtrooper out of all the rest, and visions of young scavenger/mechanic.We then see a dark aura consuming all in its wake, as what sounds like a horrifying voice of legion cackles horrifically.The mysterious man suddenly breaks out of his meditation with a start, and looks around as he breathes heavily.The man turns around, and his apprentices ask him what is the matter.
The old master calms down, and says that he senses a great disturbance is rising within the Force, as his visions become worse and worse with time.The two figures ask if there is anything they can do to stop whatever new dark force is threatening the Galaxy.The old master says there is one chance. He says he has seen figures in his visions. While one of them he cannot reach, the others must be found immediately.The old master says that the two must go in his stead, along with other Jedi Knights he has already sent out into the galaxy, as he senses whatever dark force is out there wishes to see him come out of seclusion.The two pupils bid their master farewell, leaving the master alone with his thoughts about this new threat to the Galaxy.
Of course, the old master is revealed to be Luke Skywalker, now a full-fledged Jedi Master, and currently one of the most powerful wielders of the Force in the galaxy, if not the most. And the two apprentices he spoke to him are his niece and nephew, Jacen and Jaina Solo.
We cut to Poe Dameron receiving vital information, only this time it’s not a map to Luke Skywalker, but info which reveals the connection between those within the Coalition and the First Order, and plans of attack with their new battle station, the Starkiller Base, and the planet he’s currently on isn’t Jakku, but Tatooine itself.
In this version, the Stormtroopers are being led by two members of the Knights of Ren; Kylo Ren, of course, and his rival/teammate, Zayla Ren (and yes, it’s revealed a bit later that Zayla is actually a woman early on, and her personality was inspired by Azula’s from Avatar, only Kylo and her aren’t related).
We go through the song and dance of the Rens and the troopers laying waste to the place, but in this version, Kylo, while appearing threatening, is a bit more reserved than how he was in the OG film, with Zayla being the one to kill San Tekka, and giving the order to shoot any villagers who do not wish to cooperate.
Also, Zayla’s lightsaber would be two-headed, like in that Teen Titans episode where they went into the TV world:
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Poe is tortured out of the info by Zayla and Kylo, but as Kylo makes his way out, Zayla tells him that he “hesitated” and she sensed weakness in him. Kylo says that he only took what information was “necessary”, but she reminds him that their master does not accept hesitation or weakness, no matter what. Kylo continues walking down the hallway, but Zayla just continues as he goes, saying that at the rate he’s “improving”, it would “just be awful” if their master soon announced that the Knights of Ren were to have a new leader, chuckling to herself as Kylo resists the urge to practice his Force powers on her.
Anyway, Poe’s droid, BB-8 encounters Rey, much like in the film, but here it’s established that not only is Rey a scavenger, but she’s also a mechanic of sorts, and, as seen in the details of room containing bits of memorabilia from the days of the Rebellion, giving a sort of meta thing of her a fan of the tales and legends of the Rebellion and the Jedi, but she doesn’t have the money to ever leave Tatooine and go on her own adventures. Also, it’s explained that she didn’t know what the Millennium Falcon looked like, due to her hearing it looked much differently than it actually does, as sort of another meta joke about how the Falcon was supposed to look differently in the original draft. And her lineage does get explained, but both sides of her family are explained better, and she struggles with one of them in not just the last part of the story.
We then have a disillusioned Finn free Poe, and they’re shot down, but this time, instead of implying Poe is dead or actually having Poe die, both Poe and Finn make it out, and both travel across one of the many deserts of Tatooine until they find Rey and BB-8. The newly established gang of Finn, Rey, Poe, and BB-8 make off in the Millennium Falcon, but this time Poe is the main pilot, while Rey is the co-pilot, and Finn puts his marksman skills to use by manning one of the Falcon’s gunners.
We then get the reintroduction of Han Solo and Chewbacca, which is somewhat similar to the actual movie, but with a few tweaks, such as them always being a part of the Resistance. It’s also established that Han and Chewie were already trying to get the Falcon back as part of another misadventure which is practically begging to be told in a hypothetical cartoon or comic, and that they’re not washed-up, and Han isn’t separated from Leia. Han still wants his ship back, and is skeptical about the ex-Stormtrooper and the mysterious girl Poe has in toe with him, but he still ends up taking them on board with him, since Poe still has the documents within BB-8.
And don’t worry. Things start to depart from a lot of TFA’s story soon, given how the New Republic is still standing by the end, and we still have a senator and Chancellor to introduce.
As for the Resistance, in this version, they’re more of a smaller ragtag army fighting the First Order, but they need further help from the Republic, which they’ve tried to get for some time. The Starkiller plans and the data which confirms that the FO is receiving funding from those within the Coalition/Confederacy could be what helps them finally win over the Republic to provide military aid. This is continuing with the proxy war/cold war thing going on.
As our heroes make their way to the rendezvous planet where they’ll meet up with Leia and the other freedom fighters, we cut to the capitol city of the Coalition/Confederacy (I’m going to being calling it the Confederacy and the UGC interchangeably), where we’re introduced to First Chairman Krazvlin (it’s a work-in-progress name, but I wanted something which sounded vaguely Russian, and also villainous).
This scene is mostly based off the scene where we’re introduced to the emperor in the original drafts for “The Star Wars”, though here the Chairman’s speech is to celebrate the anniversary of the unification of the new Confederacy, and how their hard won “peace” will not be deterred by any “terrorist” scum.
After finishing his speech, the Chairman and his generals make their way to another, more private meeting with members of the First Order, to discuss the negotiations of the technological behemoth known as the Starkiller, discussing if it will truly be the deterrent the UGC needs to secure superiority against the Republic.
Among this meeting are General Hux, who used to work for the UGC, but is now the leading military officer of the First Order, and Grand Admiral Prydus, commander of the UGC’s main starship fleet, and a veteran of the old Galactic Empire (you can see I took the character of Pryde from Rise of Skywalker, and made him into something more than just a last minute addition, and I imagine him looking different from Pryde as well, with Jason Isaacs being my headcanon choice as to who would play him). 
Prydus questions why Hux, who seemed like such a promising general for the Confederacy, would lend his support to “a bunch of Sith fanatics”, to which a smooth, yet sickening voice answers back “You’d best watch your tongue, Admiral. You’re lucky the Chairman finds you to be still of use, even after your glory days”, and from the shadows step out the two Knights of Ren, Kylo and Zayla.
After the Rens make themselves known, much to Prydus’ exasperation, Hux answers that he lent his services to the First Order not due to admiration of any “religious cult”, but to prove himself as being the commander of his own military force. A military which he says would be “nothing” without his leadership, while Prydus claims that Hux is merely “standing on the shoulders” of those of the former Empire. Krazvlin silences both of them, and says that they still have the matter of the info on their plans and alliance with the FO are still with the rebels/resistance.
Hux and Prydus reluctantly simmer down, though Prydus still questions why the First Order always sends in their middle men, while their true leader keeps himself in secret, not even willing to share a hologram of himself with the Confederacy. Prydus says that he’s tired of all the secrecy surrounding the First Order and their leader, demanding to know his identity. Kylo interjects, saying that his master wishes to remain hidden, until his plans have come to full fruition. Prydus asks just when will these plans finally come to fruition, so that the UGC can finally get back to handling it’s own matters. Kylo answers back once again that his master doesn’t have the time to deal with such useless questions, and that his wisdom is spent on better things. Prydus says that if the Rens’ master was as wise as they say he is, he would have the guts to show himself, and not hide like a coward behind children playing dressup. But as he goes on, he suddenly stops, finding it hard to breathe. We see Kylo is the one Force-choking Prydus, but Zayla turns to Kylo and says “Kylo, I said he was currently still useful to us”, and Kylo releases Prydus.
Krazvlin, going on as if that didn’t even happen, continues on by saying that it is imperative that the BB-8 droid unit not reach boundaries of Republic territory. He asks Hux if he has any whereabouts of the rebels who took the documents, and if he knows where they’re headed. Hux says that the last his troops saw them, they had just left Tatooine on a Corellian freighter, and are now suspected to be in neutral space. Chairman Krazvlin says to alert any troops and spies patrolling that sector to look out for them, as the future of the stability of the UGC and it’s relationship with the Republic relies on those documents being found.
We cut to our trio of Finn, Poe, and Rey, who are currently on board the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca (yeah, a lot of the New Jedi Order stories either haven’t happened, or happened drastically differently, so no Yuuzhan Vong just yet). The gang is currently flying through neutral space, and each member of the gang has different interactions between themselves and Han. Rey, being something of Rebel fangirl, asks him a bunch of questions of what was it like with the Rebellion, many of which Han either gives brief answers to, or doesn’t answer (I was thinking we could even throw in some dialogue which confirms the Thrawn trilogy did happen in this universe, at least to some extent). Poe is honored to be in the presence a hero of the Rebellion, and the man who fought alongside his parents. Finn, though, is a bit more apprehensive, considering he’s worried Han may suspect him of being a double agent for the First Order, but Han, despite his misgivings, says that Finn “isn’t the first Stormtrooper to defect”, and he won’t be the last (which is not only a shout-out to his original EU backstory of working for the Empire for some time, but also one to Kyle Katarn, and foreshadowing of later events in this saga).
Also, instead of having the run-in with the gang Han pissed off being just a thing in this movie, I was thinking it could be something that carries over across the trilogy, much like Jabba’s subplot.
Anyway, after Han exposits about how he lost his ship after a spat he had with a crimelord who holds a massive grudge against him for “ruining his business” after working with the New Republic to help bootstrap trade with smugglers, and how Luke has been in isolation to keep himself from being discovered ever since a certain incident Han doesn’t like to talk about, they arrive at Takodana, where they’ll lay low until a group of Resistance members meet up with them, along with some Republic help.
They land on Takodana, and meet up with cantina owner, and secretly a leading member of the Resistance, Maz Kanta. She offers to help hide Han and co. until the Resistance/Republic arrives to pick them up.
Later that night, in the secret quarters where Maz offers the gang to rest before the Republic forces arrive tomorrow morning, Rey is stirred awake by a strange sensation, and is drawn by a strange voice to a secluded vault, where she finds an old lightsaber. She tries to pick it up, but the moment she holds it, she’s visited by strange visions. Some of them visions of her past, and how she was supposedly abandoned as a baby on Tatooine. She soon finds herself standing in the middle of a snow-covered forest, where she see a man whose face is hidden beneath a hood reach out to her, with the calm voice of another man calling out to her (the voice of the second man sounding oddly like Ewan McGregor). However, as she moves to approach the man and the voices, she’s grabbed by the leg by something. She turns around, and what’s grabbing her seem to be this formless mass of darkness, trying to suck her in. Rey tries to run, but the man in the hood seems to keep getting farther and farther away, and soon she’s forcefully dragged into the darkness, as a hideous voice cackles loudly (a voice which strangely sounds like Ian McDiarmid). Rey suddenly snaps back to reality, and looks around, alone and afraid. 
We cut to the First Order’s secret weapon and one of their bases of operations, the Starkiller Base, where General Hux is informing the Chairman via hologram that one of their spies has told them that they have seen the BB-8 droid in a cantina on Takodana, and that they will retrieve it before the Resistance/Republic makes it there. Chairman Krazvlin says that for Hux’s sake, he better deliver it them, and ends the call. Hux, visibly frustrated, calls Captain Phasma to handle the mission, and bring the droid to them. She says that it would be her pleasure, and that she also requests permission to go after the traitorous Stormtrooper who let Poe escape. He grants her permission, and sends her on her way.
Meanwhile, Kylo Ren is busy practicing his Force powers and his lightsaber technique, when Zayla storms in and tells him that he can train later, because their master is calling them right now. Ignoring Zayla’s jabs of telling him not to “dawdle”, Kylo goes off with Zayla, to meet their master, and the true power behind the First Order: Supreme Leader Snoke.
When they make it to the room where they contact Snoke, we first see his form through a psychic link which Zayla and Kylo project, using their Force powers (this is sort of taking that whole Force Projection and Force psychic link we see in TLJ, and actually doing it beforehand by more powerful Force users). Snoke says that he has felt yet another Great Awakening in the Force. This one slower than the one after the fall of Darth Sidious, but still a source of rich, yet untrained power. Snoke orders the Rens to travel to Takodana along with Phasma, and retrieve the ones who have been awakened by the power of the Force, to prevent them from becoming Jedi. The Rens accept the order from their master, but before they head out, Snoke says that he can sense that there is still much both must learn, such as Kylo is still “holding back”, and how he senses “much fear” and “insecurity” deep within Zayla (that bit was inspired by a scene from the Genndy Clone Wars series where Dooku says that Ventress has too much fear to be Sith). Snoke finishes by saying that in order to truly awaken their full power, and become true successors to the Sith, they must negate all feelings of fear, and strike without mercy. Only then will they be able achieve their true potential.
We cut back to Maz’s place on Takodana, just as morning starts to break. Finn asks about where Rey is, as he hasn’t seen her all morning. Maz and Han say she’s been pacing outside all morning, and it seems like she doesn’t wants to talk. Finn, however, decides to go and see if he can comfort her. Finn finds Rey staring out into the distance, staring at the rising sun. He asks Rey how she’s doing, but she turns around fast, revealing bags under her eyes, and a worried expression on her face. After calming down, she reveals not only about what happened last night when she found the lightsaber, but also her past on how she was abandoned on Tatooine as a baby and her feelings about her she’s always felt like a nobody, and how she took comfort in hearing the tales and legends of the Jedi, the Old Republic, and the Rebel Alliance, wishing she could be a part of a grand adventure like that. However, now that she is on such an adventure, she’s starting to see it’s not as fun as she thought it would be, and even something inside of her is saying she’s getting in too deep. Finn comforts Rey, saying how he understands what it’s like to not have any other family to confide in, but says that if things do get ugly, he’ll be there to help her out.This helps Rey calm down just a bit, but she still says that she would like to go out and take a walk in the woods. Finn understands, but he says that she should at least take his blaster with her, just in case. She thanks Finn, and goes on her way. 
Rey goes out into the woods to clear her mind, while Finn goes back inside. Han, Maz, and Poe ask if Rey is alright. Finn says that he hopes so, but then he mentions how Rey has been out of it ever since she grabbed that lightsaber, which causes Maz to look up in surprise and worry. Han asks what she’s worried about, and she and the others go the room where the lightsaber is, seeing that its case has been opened. Finn goes up to inspect the lightsaber, feeling almost drawn to it, but when he touches it, he gets visions of his own. Visions of a baby being taken away from his father, and visions of the future featuring a growing army of sinister Stormtrooper-like droids with glowing, red eyes.Finn comes to, and is asked what’s wrong. Something in him tells him that they need to go and find Rey, now.
In the forest, Rey is feeling a bit better, and all seems quiet in the woods. Too quiet. Just then, she hears a roaring sound in the sky. The sound of spaceships. She looks up and sees First Order ships heading towards where the rest of the gang are, and runs back in an effort to help them escape. Unbeknownst to her, a figure in a dark cloak and mask follows her.
We see Zayla Ren and Captain Phasma leading a group of Stormtroopers to search and storm the area for the droid, the traitor, and the members of Resistance and Republic armies. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is hiding away, forming a plan of attack that’ll buy them some time before the Republic’s ships show up. Finn volunteers to go after Rey, but Han objects, saying it’s better if they stayed together as a group. However, Maz says that if Finn feels that Rey might be in danger, it’s for the best that he goes after her. She gives Finn the lightsaber, saying that he must keep it safe, and that he must trust in his instincts to find Rey. With their plan formed, Han, Chewie, and Maz and her forces stay behind to hold the front line of the cantina, while Finn and Poe go off to find Rey.
While on their way, they end up encountering a few Stormtroopers, including Captain Phasma and good ol’ TR-8R. Finn holds back the Stormtroopers with the lightsaber, as they fight in armed combat, with a few troopers using the weapon TR-8R used, while a few have gained a new upgrade, inspired by the original drafts of the first Star Wars; lightsaber-esque swords.
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Finn fights surprisingly well, but soon they seem to be outnumbered. But just when it seems like Poe is about to be struck down, an unseen presence suddenly drags half a dozen trooper in the air, and tosses them like ragdolls. Finn, Poe, and Phasma look to see the source of this, and we see a cloaked figure, brandishing a green lightsaber. A Jedi Knight. One of the two Jedi Knights we saw in the opening. The Jedi removes his hood and cloak to reveal a young man with brown hair. Jacen Solo. One of the Solo Twins.
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Phasma at first orders her men to attack, but Zayla intervenes, saying that it’s best if Phasma goes off to handle finding the droid. The Jedi is her priority now. Much to Phasma’s chagrin, she follows orders, and leaves Jacen to Zayla. We then get the first half of our first lightsaber duel of this new story.
We cut to back in the woods with Rey, who’s been trying to make it back to the others, but she feels like someone is following her. Sure enough, her suspicions are correct, when she suddenly comes face to face with Kylo Ren. She backs off fast and pulls out the blaster Finn gave her, pointing it at an unfazed Kylo Ren. She trembles as holds it, threatening that she will use it on him. Again, Kylo remains silent and comes towards her. Rey, in a panic, wildly shoots at Kylo, but he merely deflects each blast with a wave of his hand. Kylo approaches her closer and closer, until another Jedi jumps in Kylo’s way, brandishing a purple lightsaber. The Jedi removes her hood to reveal Jaina Solo, the other Solo Twin.
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And so begins our other lightsaber fight, which is going on simultaneously as the Zayla vs Jacen fight.
We cut back to the fight over on at the cantina, where it’s become a mini war-zone. Jacen is continuing his fight with Zayla, while Han and Chewie are defending BB-8. Meanwhile, Poe and Finn are fighting their way towards the woods where Rey is. On their way, they’re attacked by flying fighter droids (sort of like speeder bike-sized versions of those vulture droid fighters, only with a new design to fit with the First Order), and run into the forest for protection. As the droids prepare to attack our heroes, Finn puts his hands in front of him to shield himself, but suddenly the droids are Force-pushed back, and crash into the trees. Finn doesn’t know what he just did, and Poe just stands there with his mouth agape.
We cut to Han and Chewie and Maz, who’ve been holding out as long as they can. However, the tide suddenly turns when an X-Wing blasts a group of troopers and fighter-probes. Yes, backup from the Republic has finally arrived, with a few of their starships now hovering overhead, and some carriers starting to land. Zayla manages to match Jacen in skill in their lightsaber duel, but she is reluctantly forced to retreat, saying that Jacen is “lucky” this time, before distracting him and taking off.
We cut over to Kylo, still fighting with Jaina, and while they both seem to be evenly matched, Jaina has been mostly defending herself without intention of doing harm, as she can sense who it is underneath the mask. Kylo Ren demands to know why Jaina is holding back. He says “Is it because of guilt or pity? If so, then you are wasting your time.” Kylo manages to knock Jaina back, and says that she can’t change anything. He continues with saying that it is only through this path that he can truly achieve the power to bring order, and gain the power which the Jedi foolishly fear. Kylo goes on about how it’s too late for him, and that Jaina should just give up trying, but before he can do anything, he receives a message from Zayla to stop fooling around and leave with one of the force-sensitive users already. Kylo stops, and uses his Force powers to distract Jaina, and then Force Jump away from the fight, going after Rey. Rey, meanwhile, thinks she’s gotten far away enough, but is exhausted from her lack of sleep and running for so long. She stops to rest, but then Kylo Ren appears behind her, and he uses his Force powers to put her already exhausted self to sleep. He then takes on board his ship, just as Jaina catches up to him. 
Finn and Poe manage to spot Kylo’s ship, just as it takes off with him and Rey in it. They come across Jaina, and, both being worn out, ask if she could possibly explain what’s going on. She says she’ll explain on the way back, but then she notices the lightsaber Finn has, and asks where he got that from.
Back at the cantina, Republic forces have arrived, here to pick up Han Solo and the rest of the gang in order to bring them to the Republic capitol in order to blow the whistle on the First Order and the Confederacy. Among them are a few familiar faces, including R2-D2 and C-3PO, and, most importantly for Han Solo, Senator Leia Organa, his wife.
There’s a heartfelt reunion between husband and wife, along with Artoo and Threepio, with others soon joining them, as Jacen finally reunites with his mother and father, and Jaina soon makes the reunion complete as she arrives back with Poe and Finn. This family reunion however soon takes a darker turn, as Jaina brings up the news that she saw Kylo Ren, and faced off with him, which worries Han and Leia. It’s then revealed to Finn and Poe that Kylo Ren is actually the son of Luke Skywalker, and also that Finn has been carrying the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker, the man who became Darth Vader.
Maz later explains to them how she was able to come across the lightsaber. It was thought to have been lost in Cloud City after Luke’s battle with Vader, but Maz says that some Cloud City personnel was able to find it. Not knowing the Jedi were to be reborn in a couple of years, the staff member sold it off for credits. Luckily, Lando and Maz were able to track it down, and managed to buy it back. They knew Luke wouldn’t want it back, so Han, Leia, and the rest decided that after fixing it up, it would be a gift to Luke’s son after he completed his Padawan training. Needless to say, those were the best laid plans of womp rats and men (I know this seems a bit much, but I wanted to fill in that hole where Luke’s lightsaber came back, and I wanted to give it some weight and meaning as to why it was brought back, besides nostalgia).
After Jaina explains that Rey has been kidnapped by the First Order and we learn of Kylo Ren’s identity, we cut to the Starkiller Base, where Phasma is being berated by General Hux for letting the droid fall into the hands of the New Republic. She assures him that she will not fail in the future, with Hux responding that she had better be sure of that, reminding her that she can be considered expendable if the time arises. Phasma walks off in a huff, and crosses paths with Zayla, who says that she doesn’t see any reason to be so upset, saying that she could be “lucky” and end up being shipped off to work in mines of Kessel, which Zayla hears are “simply lovely” this time of year. Phasma tells Zayla to mind her own business, and asks why Zayla isn’t as upset about their plans being found out.  Zayla says that while the UGC lost what they needed, she says that they managed to succeed in finding what’ll eventually be worth more than this hulking mass they call a battlestation. Zayla continues her little verbal spat with Phasma, saying that as they speak, Kylo Ren is interrogating their new “guest”, probing her mind before seeing what other uses she can be of for them. “Soon we shall have the precious data your troops failed to retrieve, and so much more”, Zayla says, and then she casually walks off, leaving Phasma to stew in her anger and resentment.
We cut to Rey, strapped to an interrogation chair. The beginning of the scene starts relatively similar to how it did in the movie, with Rey asking where her friends are. Kylo replies that she will be relieved that he has no idea, and asks if she still wishes to kill him and if she still fears him. Rey replies that it’s a natural reaction when you’re being hunted by a “creature in a mask”. After a moment of silence, Kylo removes his helmet, to finally reveal the face of Rey’s captor. We now see Kylo Ren’s true face, a young man with dark hair, and greenish-blue eyes, but also with a solemn look on his face, and a scar across one side of said face.
We go on with the scene playing a little bit like it did in the film, with Kylo asking about the droid, and Rey hesitating to give the full answers, and Kylo knowing what information the droid has, but there’s a twist in this, with Kylo saying that it’s not just that information he’s after. He also senses something within in Rey. Something his master is after. He probes Rey’s mind, sensing the fear, uncertainty, and apprehension within her. How she feels like she shouldn’t even be here. He assures her that her she is meant to be here, and tells Rey that things such as fear and hesitation makes one weak. He continues to search Rey’s mind, trying to go deeper. Yet, Rey tries to resist, making it difficult. Kylo demands that she stop resisting, but Rey keeps going on.
Both try their hardest, but then something happens. As Kylo stops trying to hold himself back into Rey’s mind, and as Rey, being surprised at how she’s even resisting him, pushes back, the two are suddenly mentally transported to this realm of utter darkness, where Kylo not only hears and even sees some events from Rey’s life, but Rey hears and sees some events from Kylo’s past, but some seem to be blurred. She hears a young boy crying out for his mother, and hears a sinister voice saying how someone will learn how to how harness the true power of the Dark Side, and suffering shall be his master, before there’s a flash of what appears to be lighting and a scream. Just then, both Rey and Kylo Ren come back to reality. Both are in shock, but Kylo Ren angrily brushes it aside, and orders a Stormtrooper to take Rey to her cell.
After the interrogation scene, we cut to the Republic/Resistance forces touching base on what’s going on, and giving us some exposition about what Jedi Council has been doing, and I was also thinking this would be a good time to give some exposition as to how Anakin Solo (Han and Leia’s other son from the old EU) disappeared and was presumed dead, and why that was one reason Ben/Kylo turned to the Dark Side. They also hint that “something else” also sent Kylo over the edge, but they don’t have time to explain, as they prepare to land on the new capitol planet of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime.
When our heroes land on Hosnian Prime, they are greeted by officials of the New Republic, here to congratulate Poe, Leia, Han, and the rest for safely retrieving the information they need on the existence of the Starkiller Base and the alliance between the First Order and the Confederacy. One of these officials is the Margaret Thatcher-esque, supposed ally to our heroes (and someone who most certainly isn’t secretly a traitor); Senator Holdeena (guess which character she’s based off of). She says that their valiant efforts are greatly appreciated, and that now all they need to do is convince the Senate and the Chancellor to take action. Finn and Jaina inform the Senator that they hope the Senate will take action soon, for a friend of theirs has been captured by the First Order.
We cut to everyone’s “favorite” part of Star Wars; a bunch of guys talking about politics in the Senate. Though, in this case, it’s a bit more interesting than trade routes.
The Senate discusses about whether or not to officially give full aid to the Resistance, and if a rescue mission is worth the tensions of spiraling into further conflict with the Confederacy and the First Order. Some representatives accuse Leia and Holdeena of warmongering, with the first vocal ones about it being reps from the Chiss (the race of which Grand Admiral Thrawn is a part of, mostly due to Thrawn being considered one of the founding fathers of what became the UGC). Leia argues that while the possibility of a war may occur, she says that the First Order has been carrying out numerous attacks for years, and, if these new documents are to be believed, all with the support and financial aid of the UGC/Confederacy. Leia says that she wishes to avoid full-out war with the UGC as much as possible, but requests that at least she and the Resistance members be given aid with a star fleet to help disable the weapon firing capabilities of the Starkiller Base, as well as be given clearance to stage a rescue mission. While still a risk, the deciding vote goes down to Chancellor Jorgeus Kartemur, who allows for a rescue mission, as well as an attack, but he grants them only a limited number of Republic fighters and carriers.
We cut back to Starkiller Base, where Kylo Ren is having an “emergency meeting” with Snoke, discussing how he was trying to probe Rey’s mind, but she was able to resist him, and then they inadvertently made a mental link with each other. Snoke says that it seems that this new “child of the Force” is strong. Very strong. Snoke then instructs Kylo to keep his guard up around her, and that she must not fall into the hands of the Jedi, especially those members of the Skywalker Clan. Kylo says he he will make sure Rey and other “children of the Force” will either join them or die, and ends his conversation with his master.
Kylo Ren goes off to be by himself in his room. There we get a scene reminiscent to the one from the actual movie, where he is talking to himself while staring at the broken mask of Darth Vader, only now he’s also discussing about he can’t go back to the Light. Not after what he’s already done, and he says that the Light Side cannot grant him the power he seeks. The power to undo the misery he’s endured. Kylo swears he will achieve that power, and “finish what [Darth Vader] started” (however, the more we get to know about Kylo/Ben’s backstory in this, it puts this scene into a whole new and different context).
We cut to the Republic-Resistance Alliance, going over the plans for a small group to secretly land on Starkiller Base, while a team of fighters, lead by Poe, will make their way to the main weapon reactor. Like in the film, comparisons are made to the Death Star, but here they really push this being even stronger than the Death Star, saying that the plans for it need to be examined even further before figuring out how to destroy it completely. It’s decided that those going on the rescue mission will be Han, Chewie, Finn, and the Solo Twins, along with a few red shirts. Han and the twins say goodbye to Leia, who is still worried about Ben/Kylo. They reassure her that they’ll be okay, and Jaina tells her she sensed the conflict within Ben. Finn wishes Poe good luck on his mission, and Poe says he would like to thank Finn for saving him. Finn, in turn, says thanks for believing and trusting in him, and they both head off to begin their respective tasks. After those little character-driven moments, we see the cruisers and ships take off for the Starkiller Base (oh, and in this version, they’re launching from Hosnian Prime, and not D'Qar).
We cut back to Rey, and we see that she’s mostly been sitting in her cell, with a Stormtrooper patrolling it, while occasionally going off to do something else (making the rounds, I guess?). However, Rey has been currently been trying to get out of her cell while the guard is away from the door, and has been using a device she helped fix back on Tatooine to see if she can open the door (I think Ezra from Star Wars Rebels used something like that one time, though I think this would be a bit different, considering she’s on the inside of the cell). However, the trooper comes back and almost catches her, berating her for trying to escape. He gives Rey her scheduled prison meal, and continues to mock her, taking away the device she had. Rey in a fit of frustration yells at at him to just leave her alone. Much to her surprise, the trooper says back in a monotone voice “I will leave you alone”. Rey, confused, remembers the stories of Jedi Mind Tricks, and, to test it out again, she tells the trooper that he will give her device, which he does. She then she uses it to tell him to leave the prison bay, and unlock the doors for her so that she may leave, and to leave his weapon. The trooper does all of this, and Rey manages to unlock the door, and then escape with the trooper’s blaster (I know this seems as asspull-ish as the original movie, but it’s leading to something).
We cut to the command center of the Base, where Hux is in a meeting with Prydus and Krazvlin, being informed how the Republic now knows of their secret location and their alliance, and could launch an attack any moment. Prydus says that if that superweapon of theirs is supposedly stronger the Death Star, why haven’t they used it to alienate the Resistance in one fell swoop? Hux says that it’s increase in power also means an increase in charging time, and that it requires a large amount of energy. Prydus says that whether it’s ready or not is irrelevant. If they can at least use at least fraction of its power against the Republic, use it while they still have the chance. Hux says he will see what he can do, but before he ends his conversation, Krazvlin tells him that if this really is more powerful than the Death Star, like Hux says it is, then that better mean that that battlestation is strong enough to avoid going down in a ball of flame.“This Confederacy has paid well over a thousand kings’ ransoms to fund this project. For the sake of your career, General, you best hope that it is worth the price.” says Krazvlin. Hux says he understands, and the meeting ends. Hux then orders his men to prepare the fleet of First Order and Confederacy ships for the arrival of any Republic dreadnoughts and Resistance fighters. Hux then says to himself that he’ll show them it’s “worth the price”.
We then cut over to Kylo Ren, who’s making his way over to Rey’s prison cell with Zayla Ren. As they’re walking, Zayla keeps getting on Kylo’s case about how instead of getting the information they need, he allowed her to see into his mind via a Force Link. Kylo defends himself while trying to keep his cool that he had no idea that would happen, and that it doesn’t matter, because with they’re combined strength, they can reach into the mind of their prisoner with ease. However, when they come to the cell, they find it’s been opened, and the guard is missing from his post. We don’t see Kylo’s facial reaction to this, because he’s wearing his mask, but we do hear his heavy breathing. Zayla makes one last stab at him, before leaving him to his “tantrum”. We see a scene similar to the movie where some Stormtroopers casually walk away, but there’s a third one Kylo Ren Force pulls towards him by the throat, and orders him to have the troops search for the missing prisoner, and bring him to her alive (I was thinking of reimagining this scene to have it appear slightly humorous, but then takes a dark turn when Kylo goes back to being threatening).
Speaking of Rey, we cut to her sneaking around the Starkiller Base, trying her best not to get caught. She does well in dodging the Stormtroopers for a while, but then she comes face to face with a few Stormtroopers. Low on options, she once again tries to do a Jedi Mind Trick, holding her hand out and doing the motion, while trying to get the Stormtroopers to let her pass.Though, to her surprise, it doesn’t work, and the troopers just stare at one another in confusion. Rey, tries it, saying “You will let me pass”, to which the troopers say, “No, we won’t”, and they raise their blasters. Thankfully, Rey shoots at them with the blaster she has first, and then runs off while they’re distracted, managing to lose them by some miracle. 
Rey is left more confused than ever (I wanted to make it clear that while she has potential, she’s not a god-mode character. Also, the idea of that scene was just too funny for to pass up.)
We cut to the Republic-Resistance Alliance fleet, preparing begin their mission. They first send out some troops and ships to distract the fleet surrounding the Starkiller, while Poe’s squadron goes in to destroy the firing device, while Han’s group goes in to rescue Rey, and to disable any remaining shields the base has.
The battle is intense, but they manage to buy enough time for Han, Chewie, Finn, the twins, and the red shirts to sneak aboard.Once on board, they use both Finn’s knowledge of the base, as well as the mini-map of the base they got from the plans, to navigate where they might find Rey and the shield controls.However, Finn gets a strange feeling inside him which tells him that Rey is somewhere other than the holding bay. Han doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but Jaina and Jacen say that Finn is onto something, as they sense where Rey is, and they make their way to her location.
Meanwhile, Hux is preparing to fire the Starkiller’s laser, and targets two of the 6 large Republic ships.The Starkiller Base charges its main laser, and opens fire on the two ships, wiping them out. From his ship, Poe hopes the rescue team is able to shut down the shields in time.
We cut to Rey, who, after also sensing the familiar presence of her new friends, is finally able to reunite with the gang. However, this reunion is short-lived, as Phasma and her guards have caught up to Rey, and try to surround heroes. Phasma insults Finn, referring to him by his number and calling him a traitor, and questioning why would he join such a pitiful band of miscreants Finn answers back by saying his name is Finn, and over the course of a few days he’s found more respect and companionship from this group of people than in all the time he’s spent in the First Order. Phasma scoffs at him, saying they’re still outgunned. Finn says that’s where she’s wrong, and smiles toward Jacen and Jaina. Taking the cue, the twins use their Force powers to go all Force Unleashed on the troopers, taking apart some of their weapons, while tossing around others. Some of the smarter troopers flee for their lives, leaving Phasma on her own (There’s also a small line where Jacen says, “Sorry if you knew any of those guys” and Finn says “Don’t worry, I didn’t”).
Just when it seems like they’re about to take her out, Phasma says that in exchange for her life, she can take them to the base shield control room. After making her promise that she won’t backstab them. Phasma takes the group to the shield controls, and turns them off. When asked by Jaina why she’s doing this, she says that she’s not the only “Force-wielding brat” she has an issue with. As the shields go down, the Republic-Resistance morale goes up, and they begin their direct attack on Starkiller Base. While the gang wonders what they should do with Phasma, with Han suggesting the garbage chute, they feel a huge rumbling, signifying the true attack on the base has begun. Phasma uses this as a distraction for her to escape. Before they can catch her, they’re stopped by Zayla Ren, who allows Phasma to get away. 
Jacen volunteers to fight off Zayla as part of a “Round 2” between them, while the others make their escape back to the ship. Jaina says she’ll help, but Jacen says that they still someone to take the new users back to “him”, and she reluctantly goes off. As Zayla and Jacen have their second battle, the rest of the crew head on over to the Falcon and the other small ships they used to get there.
While making their way to the ships to escape, they once again come across Kylo Ren, and we finally get to that scene, only it thankfully plays out differently, with certain characters getting out mostly okay (oh, and they’re not on a narrow platform when this happens).
Han confronts his nephew, calling him by his true name; Ben. Han tells Ben to take off the mask, which Ben does, revealing to Han and Jaina the scar he’s gained from his “training” with Snoke. Han is visibly disturbed by what he sees, demanding to know what Snoke has done to him. Kylo answers that Snoke has taught him more about the power of the Force than any other Jedi has. Han replies “Including your father?" 
Kylo hesitates, until he says that Luke did not hold the power of which seeks. Only through the path he is currently on, can he achieve it. Han says that Ben is talking nonsense, and asks him to look at himself. Han says that Ben has already seen what Jaina thinks of him in this state, and asks him to imagine what Jacen thinks of him. What his aunt think of him. And then Han says "What would Anakin think? What would your mother think?”
At first, it seems like Ben is conflicted, and has some wavering in his voice which seems like regret. But then he starts to slowly become more angry, telling Han that he doesn’t know him, and that he doesn’t know what Anakin or his mother would think.“You’re not her… You can’t possibly know how she could’ve felt.”
Han, his gruff exterior lowering, beseeches Ben to please come home, practically begging him at this point (I was even thinking you could hear him starting to cry, in a rare moment of weakness for his character). Ben, however, just keeps giving a hushed “no” to each plea, until he finally shouts it, Force-choking Han. Ben/Kylo says that he can’t be changed. This is what he is now. Han still pleads between gasps, but Kylo just lets his anger and pain out in one burst and violently force pushes Han into a wall, yelling “Just leave me alone!”
Han crashes into the wall, and is knocked unconscious, while debris from the surrounding area covers part of the lower half of his body. Kylo runs off, not looking back behind him. Jaina tells Chewie and the remaining red shirts to take Han back to Falcon, and get him medical attention ASAP. She goes after Kylo, with Rey and Finn following close behind, despite her warnings.
We cut to Poe and his squadron, finally being able to make it to the main defense reactor. Destroying it would mean that the Starkiller Base would be defenseless. And just in time, because it appeared to be charging for another blast.
We then cut back to Jacen and Zayla’s fight, where both the Jedi and the Would-be Sith have been pushing their limits, with their battle being so intense that make it to the outer, planet surface of the base. As they each try to outmatch each other, Zayla reveals a trick her twin-headed lightsaber can do; she’s able to split it in two, and wield them at the same time (drawing parallels to Asajj Ventress, once again).
We then cut back to Jaina, Finn, and Rey, who’ve caught up to Kylo Ren. 
Suddenly, Rey stops and recognizes this as the same snow-covered forest in her vision. Finn asks her what’s wrong, and she snaps out of it, regaining some of her composure.
Jaina fights off Kylo, while Finn goes off to attend to Rey after she’s been knocked back by Kylo. Jaina manages to fend Kylo off, but Kylo senses Jaina doesn’t want to hurt him, and tries to use this to catch her off-guard. However, Finn returns, with Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber. Kylo pauses, and recognizes that lightsaber from his father’s descriptions. He demands to know how Finn has it, and demands that Finn hand it over, but Finn says if he wants it so bad, then he should come and get it for himself, igniting the saber. Kylo is now facing two against one, and manages to hold his ground, but struggles. Kylo senses that Zayla is nearby, fighting Jacen. He mentally calls out to her for assistance, to which Zayla agrees, baiting Jacen to follow her to where Jaina, Finn, and Rey are.
It’s now three against two, but Zayla has a trick up her sleeve. Sensing that the twins are close, she uses lightsaber techniques to catch Jacen off-guard while he’s fighting her, and uses one lightsaber of hers to slash at his back, taking Jacen out of the fight. Jacen, wounded, falls over, as Jaina is distracted enough to be knocked back by Kylo. All that leaves is Finn, who is outmatched by the Knights of Ren, but still manages to be cornered by Kylo.
Rey has been coming to, and sees her friends in trouble. She becomes so filled with passion, that she lets out a huge “NO!!”, after muttering smaller nos (another parallel to Kylo), which causes a huge Force push which knocks back Zayla and Kylo (but mostly Zayla, who is now injured and out of commission). We then have the scene where Rey gets Anakin’s lightsaber, only Finn, Jaina and Jacen are all conscious enough to witness it. That, and instead of fully  defeating Kylo, Rey uses her skills she learned with her staff to compensate, but she’s still not managed to completely beat him, only fighting to a standstill (and it even seemed like Kylo might win, despite his injuries) when parts of Starkiller Base start to explode.
Snoke mentally calls out to Zayla and Kylo to retreat for now, but they will make sure the children of the Force will pay dearly for this humiliation. Zayla and Kylo retreat back into the non-explodey part of the base, while Rey and the others are left in the snow. Just then, a light above appears. The Millennium Falcon has arrived, and lands just in time for the rest of them to be picked up, and brought to the medical bay.
Meanwhile, Poe has successfully destroyed the main defense reactor, causing a chain reaction which greatly damages the Starkiller. A good chunk of the FO/UGC forces have also been trashed, and soon begin to retreat, with the Republic-Resistance Alliance having achieved a massive victory.
However, not all is well. Those on board the Falcon are taken to a medical bay on one of the ships (sort of like that ship at the end of Empire Strikes Back), with Jacen having to heal from the wound Zayla gave him, Han slowly reviving from Kylo’s attack, but still in a weak condition, and Jaina, Finn, and Rey being exhausted from the battle.
A week passes, and emergency power is turned on in the command center of the Starkiller. Hux is getting an earful from Krazvlin and Prydus, looking at the ground for much of the conversation. Krazvlin is losing his last bits of patience with the FO, while Prydus is all but foaming at the mouth. Hux does say to the Chairman and the Grand Admiral that while they may have failed today, the Starkiller Base is still in operation. With new upgrades and restructuring, they could have it rebuilt better than ever, and then truly make the Republic pay for this defeat. While Prydus is against it, Krazvlin agrees, on the condition that this will be the last chance on the Starkiller Project. Hux says he will not fail them, but says that they’ll need to regroup their thinking about the First Order, including the construction of a more stable and organized star fleet, as well as more effective soldiers. Prydus, having calmed down, says that is one alternative; a remnant plan from the days of the Empire. Prydus asks Hux and Krazvlin is they’ve ever heard of the “Dark Trooper Project”.
We then cut to Phasma, who is once again having a spat with Zayla Ren. Zayla says that Phasma looks like “something the nexu dragged in”, while Phasma tells Zayla that she’s not in her most “lovely” state, either. Phasma asks why Zayla seems so cheerful, saying that they lost control over their battlestation, and she lost those force-sensitive users as well. Zayla says while that is true, she also says she’s gained something else today. Phasma asks what that is. Zayla says “Oh, just your loyalty, and leverage”.
Phasma asks what Zayla is talking about. Zayla replies that she recalls having saved Phasma’s life twice now; once on Takodana, and few days ago she saved her from being thrown in a trash compactor. Phasma asks that because she was forced to rely on her once or twice, that now means she’s supposed to be indebted to Zayla. Zayla says “No, no, no, it’s not because of something so childish. It’s because I would hate to see someone like you be turned in for treason.”
Phasma is shocked by what she hears, stammering as she asks what Zayla means. Zayla says that she was around the area when Phasma decided to turn on them and turn off the shields to the base. Phasma says that Zayla must be bluffing, and this is another one of her foolish mind tricks. Zayla guarantees Phasma that it is no trick, and she produces a small data drive, saying it contains all the footage the security sensors were able to pick up. She tells Phasma “not to worry” as she managed to delete all the footage of her betrayal, and that all that’s left is within this drive. 
Phasma stammers once again, asking Zayla what she wants. Zayla says that all she wants is to help “protect” Phasma. After the fiasco that’s happened over the course of the past week, she’s been hearing about how heads will roll because of this, and she’s just making sure that Phasma’s won’t be one of them. Phasma remains silent, and Zayla tells her not to worry, because as long as she does what she says, “this ‘Force-wielding brat’ will help you stay in your cozy position, and maybe even get you promoted”. 
Phasma, knowing that she can’t do anything, resigns herself to Zayla’s service, which pleases Rayla as she goes her own way.
We cut to Kylo Ren, communicating with Snoke (I was thinking that now it would be via a hologram, instead of a force bond), saying that he has failed him. Not only have two potential allies to their cause slipped through their fingers, and but the First Order’s main weapon has been crippled. He expects punishment, but Snoke says that while that may be true, Kylo has also shown his willingness to stop holding back, and willingness to cut the ties he had in his “past life”. Snoke says to report to him in-person at his secret location, so that he may begin to complete his training, along with the training of the other Knights of Ren. Snoke says that Kylo is that much closer to achieving the power he so desperately craves; to power to be master over life and death.
We cut to our heroes, with some of them celebrating their victory, while others are more melancholy, seeing it as a bittersweet victory.
The Republic has lost two of its cruisers and some of their own fighters, and have stirred tensions even further with the UGC, which some view critically. However, they’ve also left the First Order licking it’s wounds, and many in the Senate are seeking to pursue economic sanctions against UGC groups who were associated with the First Order.
And it’s also bitter for our heroes. Han is still breathing, and he’s regained consciousness, with Leia at his side, but he’s also hurt emotionally, wondering if the nephew he loved really is gone.
Unlike the movie, Finn is still conscious, but he’s still recovering from the fight with Kylo and Zayla, as is Rey, who he finds sitting by herself, looking a bit forlorn. Poe comes up to Finn, and says she’s been like this for a long time. Mirroring the talk on Takodana, Finn goes up to Rey, but this time Poe accompanies him. Finn and Poe try to comfort Rey, who’s trying even to comprehend all that’s happened in the past week or so. She’s wanted adventure all her life, and thought it would be fun and exciting, and while she admits she’d be lying if it wasn’t fun making fools out of First Order troops, she’s also scared about her encounters with the Knights of Ren, who apparently want her because of Force powers even she can’t understand. Finn and Poe comfort her, while also informing Rey of Finn going through instances similar to Rey’s, where Finn says that he might be also be in tune with the Force, and reaffirms that if there’s any trouble she’s in, he’ll be there to help, with Poe joining in on that declaration of friendship, and they share a big group hug.
After that’s over with, Jacen (who has recovered, mostly) and Jaina approach the trio, saying they must discuss something of vital importance.
Later on, they are discussing with Leia and the trio that from what they’ve seen and what they’ve felt within Rey and Finn, that they are two of the Force sensitive users their master told them to find and protect
The gist is that Luke sent them out to find new Force sensitive students for him and the Jedi Council to train, and that Jacen and Jaina are merely two of the Jedi Knights he’s sent out on this mission to comb the galaxy for potential Force users, young and old, to help train them in the ways of the Force, to combat the growing evil presence behind both the Knights of Ren and the First Order. However, in order to throw off suspicion from the First Order, Luke decided that while some of his new students should be trained by him personally, it would be best if others were to be trained under the guidance of the Masters of the Jedi Council who are currently standing in for Luke while he is in hiding.
The twins decide to take Rey to Luke, and that Finn must be brought to the New Jedi Council.
Rey doesn’t know how to feel, considering while she wants to discover the mystery behind her new power, which could also lead to the mysteries of her past and the visions she’s had, she’s also apprehensive because she was just reunited with Finn, Poe, and the rest of the people she’s just come to now as the only friends and family she’s ever had. Jaina and Jacen assure her that this is not goodbye for her and friends, and Finn and Poe reassure Rey that though they may be apart physically, they’ll always be together in spirit, and will wait until her training is complete.
Although still having mixed thoughts, Rey still agrees to go, and Finn agrees to meet with the Jedi Masters on the Council.
They all say their goodbyes to each other, with Jacen deciding to take Finn to the Council and the Academy, while Jaina takes Rey to where Luke is hidden.
Leia and Han (the latter of whom currently having to temporarily use a hover chair while he recovers), say to them as they begin to depart “May the Force be with you, always.”
Just before they leave, however, Finn says for Rey to keep Anakin’s/Luke’s lightsaber. Rey objects at first, but Finn says that while Luke may not need it, she likely will, and tells her not to worry, since he’s always been a bit better with a blaster, anyway.
With everything said and done, both Jacen and Jaina’s ships take off for their respective planets.
We then cut back and forth to Rey and Finn on board Jaina and Jacen’s ships, respectively, nervous about the whole situation, wondering what’s going to happen to them. While in thought, they’re alerted that they’ve arrived their respective destinations.
Finn and Jacen arrive on the planet home to the Jedi Council and the Academy, Dantooine (Luke decided to move the Council and the Main Temple far away from Coruscant, and also has a temple and academy on Yavin IV, like in the old EU), while Jaina and Rey arrive on the planet with the Ancient Jedi Temples we saw at the beginning of the “movie”. 
Finn and Jacen arrive on Dantooine where they stop in front of pristine structure of the enclave of the Jedi Temple. Jacen says he has important business with the Council scheduled, and they’re led to them.
Meanwhile, Jaina and Rey arrive on the world where Luke is, where it appears that other Jedi Knights are arriving with other Force-sensitive users, young and older.
Also, just to note, Luke abolished the rule of taking Force-sensitive people when they’re children or babies, opting instead to either have them be trained closer to home, so that they can still go back as if it were school, or have their families come along with them, where they provide for them as well (this especially happens with poor families with Force-sensitive children, who wish to have a better life). 
Anyway, Jaina takes Rey to the main ancient Jedi Temple, where Luke is waiting.
We then get another back and forth scene where we cut between the scenes of Rey and Finn meeting their new masters. 
With Finn, we’re brought to the Jedi Council room, where two figures have their backs turned from them, and are looking out the window. Jacen says that he trusts they sensed why they are here. The female figure in the white robes says that they have. Jacen then formally introduces Finn to the Jedi Masters whom Luke left in charge while he was away, and the ones who will help him train him.
The two Masters turn around to reveal an older human man, with a slight scar on his face, and faded brown-gray-ish hair, yet with smile on his face, and a Togruta woman, with also a warm smile on her face.
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The Torgruta woman removes her hood, and welcomes Finn to the Jedi Order, and they each introduce themselves as Jedi Masters Ashoka Tano and Kyle Katarn.
Finn is in awe of actually meeting two legendary Jedi Masters.
At the same time, Jaina brings Rey to where Luke is, practicing his Force meditation, currently even levitating a bit from the ground, as certain small objects levitate around him (sort of like he was supposed to be introduced in TFA before changes were made). Jaina pardons her interruption, but she says she’s brought one of “children of the Force” he sensed, and that Rey apparently has something for him. Luke slowly stops his levitating, and the objects around him follow suit. He stands up, and thanks Jaina, to which she says that it was no trouble (a small joke on her end), before calling Luke “uncle”.
Rey steps forward to the man, who turns around and removes his hood to reveal the face of the one who destroyed the Death Star, the one who helped restore the Jedi Order, and the one who brought Anakin Skywalker back over to the Light Side so that he could finally bring balance to the Force; Luke Skywalker.
After a moment of staring in awe, Rey realizes something and remembers what Jaina just said, as well as what Poe said earlier, and takes out the lightsaber Luke once wielded, and his father before him. She presents it to him, thinking he might still want it back as a keepsake. She reaches out to hand it him, but before she can, Luke holds up his hand, and says with a solemn, yet warm smile “No. It’s not mine, anymore.”
Rey is taken aback, but then Luke says that if she so desires it, that lightsaber is now hers. Rey is even shocked now, and Luke simply says with a nod, “Welcome, Rey. As of now, your training has begun.”
We then get a scene where we pan back, and see both the scenes of the new Jedi apprentices standing before their new masters, side by side.
The End of Episode VII
Some fitting music to cap it off:
And that is officially my rough storyline pitch for my rewrite of The Force Awakens. I hope you at least enjoyed some of it, because I have big plans for it in the future, when I come up with the other two story outlines for this trilogy.
Again, feel free to ask me what I have in mind for this “rewrite trilogy”. along with any other questions which spring to mind.
However, I will say this; I will try to treat the original trilogy characters as well as I can, show that their efforts weren’t for nothing, and that everything will turn out right for them in the end.
Until next time, when I come up with the story outline for the next part in this rewrite trilogy:
Episode VIII:The Lost Jedi
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