#was gonna originally leave the sidenote
radiosummons · 1 year
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The sequel.
See the original here.
Sidenote: This is not an invitation to diss on Satine or the New Mandalorians. Nor on the True Mandalorians, a.k.a. the Haat'ade, or the Children of the Watch. This especially is not an invitation to diss on the Jedi, either (because I see you motherfuckers in the tags/notes/reblogs) or Tarre Vizsla (and by extension, Paz Vizsla).
This is my personal "not actually all that serious" beef with Clan Vizsla and Death Watch as a whole.
The Mandalorians are a mess and I find them interesting/hilarious for that. Stop trying to turn my shitposts into imperialistic proganda. For fuck's sake.
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hey-kae · 2 years
Mini You
Pairing: Dad!Pierre Gasly x female reader
Request: hello! i’m back with another request. this one is based on a tiktok i saw: pierre and the reader (they don’t necessarily have to be married) have a son (he would be like 2 years old) and pierre planned a boys day with charles and of course he brings his son with him so the reader has the idea to dress their son exactly like pierre is gonna dress and when their done she’s like “let’s go show daddy!”. just pure fluff, really!
Warnings: -
Sidenote: I’m super bad at picking out names but the child is called Théo. I hope that’s not too bad! Also, Pierre and reader are married here just because who wouldn’t want to get to call Pierre their husband?🫠 Hope you like it!!
Pierre having time off meant he would be trying to fit his little family into every activity he agrees to that would involve him leaving the house or shifting his attention elsewhere, especially his son who he was extremely attached to. Théo, who had recently turned two, was the spitting image of his father minus his lips and hair that turned out looking like yours. His eyes however, were identical to Pierre’s, the same shade of crystal blue that you found yourself adoring more and more as the years passed.
That morning, you woke up alone in bed to a loud clatter resonating through the house but originating in the kitchen. The noise wasn’t unexpected since Pierre was home on a break but the sound of pans and spoons with the laughter of your husband and the small giggles of your son was concerning.
Make no mistake, Pierre was amazing with Théo. In fact, he was so good with him, it surprised you at first. He fell so naturally into the role of a dad the second he heard his son’s first cry, tears welling up in his joyful eyes as he cradled his then new born in his arms, whispering to him soft words like “Ma vie est la tienne maintenant, petit ange.” My life is yours now, little angel. and “Je vais te protéger, toi et ta maman, jusqu'à mon dernier souffle.” I’m gonna protect you and your mom until my dying breath.
However, him with Théo in the kitchen always ended with a mess.
Yawning, you pulled yourself out of the comfortable bed and strolled lazily towards the kitchen, eyes still sleepy and brain still half asleep. Once you reached the open door, your sight landed on Pierre, shirtless and only dressed in loose shorts, facing Théo who was sat up on the counter, giggling as his father tickled his stomach. You stood still and watched them for a moment, trying hard to ignore the pile of plates and bowls stacked up beside them right by a batch of burnt pancakes.
It was rather admirable how much these two enjoyed each other’s company, how entertaining they found each other despite how young Théo still was. Their interactions were most definitely your favorite things to ever watch as they seemed to prove how good of a job you had done when you fell in love with Pierre and decided that he was the one person you wanted to call your lifelong partner, your husband and the father of your children.
“The food looks good.” You broke your silence a few seconds later, smiling and crossing your arms in front of your chest while leaning against the doorframe.
“Maman!” Mom! Théo squealed, clapping his little hands together in excitement. Pierre helped him off the counter and watched him run towards you with a smile on his face.
“Bonjour, mon ange.” You replied, mirroring his excitement and leaning down to pick him up, placing a kiss on his cheek while crossing the distance towards your husband.
“Et bonjour à toi aussi, Chef Pierre.” And good morning to you too, Chef Pierre.
With a huge grin on his face, Pierre leaned towards you and quickly pecked your lips while Théo giggled, entertaining himself with your hair.
“Je crois pas qu’on pourrait manger ça.” I don’t think we’ll he able to eat this. He cringed, gesturing towards the pancakes.
“Ah, vraiment? Je ne l’aurais jamais deviné si tu ma pas dis!” Oh, really? I wouldn’t never guessed it if you didn’t tell me! You teased as you took in the kitchen’s disastrous state.
Pierre was quick to take notice of your dreading gaze.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll do the cleaning.” He smiled at you assuringly, “But then I’ll need you to dress Théo and prepare his things ‘cause i want to take him out with me today.” He said, turned around and immediately started loading the dishwasher.
You put Théo down on the floor since he had begun to complain about being held and went to help Pierre.
“Hm, where are you taking him?” You curiously asked.
“I would’ve invited you but it’s kind of a boys day. I haven’t seen the guys in a while and Charles is in town right now so… yeah. Unless you stick on a fake mustache, you can’t really go.” He grinned, his eyes still repeatedly drifting off the check on his son who was now sat on the floor, playing with a miniature F1 car and making car sounds as he pushed it around on the floor. You and Pierre took him to the paddock only once before deciding that he was still far too young for that environment but even a while later, Théo still imitated the sound of the cars while playing.
Much to Pierre’s amusement, Théo refused to play with the Alpha Tauri car, always picking out ones that had bright colors instead. His favorites seemed to be the McLaren and the Ferrari, both gifted to him, one from Charles and the other from Lando, each of them obvious from who. Pierre would try to sneak the Alpha Tauri one into Théo’s hands but it would end up getting chucked away seconds later, leaving you laughing while your husband watched your son in frustration.
“Bah, je sais que ce n’est pas la meilleure voiture mais papa est le pilote de celle-ci.” Well, I know it's not the best car but dad is the driver of it. He would try to explain to his son, repeatedly pointing to the white and navy car, only to get ignored by Théo.
“How do you know he wouldn’t be bored halfway through the day? He might start bugging you.” You asked Pierre, wanting him to fully enjoy his day with his friends.
“He wants to go.” He shrugged. “N’est-ce pas, Théo? Tu veux partir avec papa, mon petit homme? Tu veux que tu passe la journée avec papa et ses amis?” Isn’t that right, Théo? You wanna go with dad, my little man? You wanna spend the day with dad and his friends? He picked him up, tickling his stomach and smiling as Théo giggled and clapped his hands.
You watched them with a soft smile of adoration, deep down knowing that Pierre would end up taking Théo with him no matter what.
“Oui! Partire avec papa!” Théo beamed with an adorable smile on his small face.
“Alors, dit a maman qu’elle doit t’habiller, mon ange.” So, tell mommy that she has to dress you, my angel. Pierre let him go and he ran towards you, clasping his small fingers around your hand and dragging you to his room.
You flashed Pierre a quick grin and walked by Théo’s little figure, you attention constantly on his steps, making sure he wouldn’t stumble or trip until you reached his room.
As you picked him up and sat him on the chair by his bed, you realized the mess from the kitchen had gone further than what you had noticed. The back part of Théo’s hair had traces of flour and he smelled like burned pancakes.
“My god, Pierre.” You expressed your annoyance. Your son couldn’t speak english yet, you and Pierre having decided to stick with french for now to avoid confusing him, but he smiled widely at the mention of his father’s name.
“Papa!” He beamed.
“Oui, mon petit. Papa. I’m gonna kill him.” You said with a big smile, caressing your son’s blushed cheeks with love before carrying him to the bathroom to clean him up.
Ten minutes later, Théo had clean hair and smelled fresh again. Now, you only had to decide what to dress him in. That’s when you realized you had no clue where they were going, therefore you had no idea what type of outfit would be best.
Making sure Théo was safely sat on his bed, you left the room to question Pierre about his plans. First, you checked the kitchen but found it empty and decently clean now. Smiling, you made your way to yours and Pierre’s bedroom. The door was slightly opened so you went in instantly.
Pierre was stood in front of the mirror, now dressed in white shorts and a baby blue shirt along with his blue and white jordans, fixing his hair and putting on perfume.
It almost immediately resurfaced in your mind that Théo had almost identical clothes so instead of asking Pierre about what should you dress Théo in, you decided to just imitate his outfit.
You pretended you needed your phone to check the time when your husband took notice of your presence in the room, his eyes following your movements while a small smile played on his face.
“You look good.” You complimented him, wrapping your arms around him for a few seconds, giving him a kiss slightly longer than the one you exchanged in the kitchen in presence of your young son.
“Merci, chérie.” He smiled once you pulled away, squeezing you closer to him before you let go, making your way back out of the room.
“Je t’aime.” I love you. You heard him say once you were in the hallway.
Smiling as you walked, you replied with a teasing “Je sais” I know and waiting to hear his reaction, a small laugh, before you said the words back.
“Je t’aime aussi.” I love you too.
Walking into Théo’s room, you found him still sat quietly on the bed, entertaining himself with a bunch of toys by his side.
“Tu veux t’habiller comme papa?” You wanna dress like dad? Je smiled at him as you pulled his closet open.
“Comme papa!” Like dad! He was clearly excited, moving to get off the bed.
You rushed to his side, helping him off and letting him join you by the wardrobe as you pulled out his white shorts and put them on him, his adorable blue eyes watching your every movement as you did.
Then you started searching for Théo’s shirt that matched Pierre’s, grinning as you found that it’s color was basically identical to his father’s.
“Pierre vas être si content quand il te verra habillé comme lui, petit ange.” Pierre is gonna be so happy when he sees you dressed like him, little angel. You started imagining your husband’s reaction to the outfit, your heart already swelling just from thinking about it.
Following that, you pulled out the tiny looking Nike box, fishing out the shoes identical to Pierre’s from inside it.
The memories of when Pierre came home from a trip with the small jordans with him made their way back to your mind. Théo had repeatedly pointed out that his shoes matched his fathers, making both of you and Pierre laugh at how adorable the small Nikes looked on his feet.
The outfit was completed after you managed to put the shoes on Théo’s feet, him complaining a bit about having to ditch being barefoot. Luckily, with a bit of sweet-talking, it all worked out.
You took a step back, smiling widely at how adorable your son looked then quickly packed him a change pf clothes along with a few essentials in a small bag Pierre would have to keep in his car just in case things got messy.
“Allez-y, on va montrer papa maintenant!” Come on, we’re gonna show dad now! You clasped his little hand with his and he walked beside you with the biggest, most adorable smile on his face.
Once you two reached the living room, before you were in Pierre’s line of view, you spoke up to warn him so Théo’s outfit would stay a surprise.
“Pierre, ferme les yeux. Théo a une surprise pour toi.” Pierre, close your eyes. Théo has a surprise for you.
The little guy beside you giggled, his hand over his smiling mouth as you waited a few seconds before appearing in the door with him.
You gave Théo a small pat on the shoulder, gesturing for him to go to Pierre. With a small chuckle, he eagerly ran to his father, climbing quickly onto his lap and poking his cheek.
“Regarde!” He beamed, both of you waiting for Pierre to open his eyes now.
As soon as Pierre caught a glimpse of Théo, a wide smile appeared on his face. He got up and placed Théo on the ground, crouching down in front of him with heart eyes that made your heart feel like it was gonna burst out of your chest.
“T’es très beau, mon ange et tu t’es habillé comme moi? Maman vas être si jalouse maintenant! Que va-t-on faire?” You are so handsome, my angel and you’re dressed like me? Mom is gonna be so jealous now! What are we gonna do? Pierre grinned with a love packed expression, his eyes glistening as he looked at his son.
Théo, clearly more than happy being the center of his father’s attention, giggled and wrapped his small hands around Pierre’s neck.
“Je t’aime, mon petit amour.” I love you, my little love. Pierre spoke into the hug, his eyes closing as his arms wrapped around his young son, his heart nearly bursting with love for the small family the two of you had created.
“Je t’aime, papa!” Théo was quick to reply while his father picked him up and sat him on the couch before heading your way.
“Thank you so much for this, chérie. I am so lucky to have you and Théo. I love you beyond words.” He brought you to his chest and kissed your temples.
Nothing compared to being in Pierre’s arms. The feelings of serenity and safety his hugs provided you were to die for. It was yet another reason as to why you were so thankful for his presence in your life and for the fact that he was the father of your child, knowing that Théo would grow up always feeling safe by his side and in his presence.
“I love you too, i love you so much.” You said back, smiling into his chest before pulling away since he probably should get going.
Your gaze drifted back to Théo who was watching with a smile, his expression and facial features looking too much like Pierre’s.
“He’s a mini you, i swear!” You chuckled, “Kinda not fair ‘cause i’m the one who carried him for 9 months but whatever.” You childishly but jokingly complained, Pierre chuckling at your remark.
“Next one will look like you. Hopefully, at least.” He teased and you rolled your eyes playfully, moving a bit to retrieve Théo’s things that you prepared.
“This has everything you might need.” You handed him the bag, “If he starts bugging you about leaving, just give me a call and i’ll pick him up.”
Pierre nodded, pulling the bag over his shoulder and picking Théo up, heading to the front door.
“Have fun!” You told Pierre, continuing in french so Théo would understand, “Au revoir, mes amours!” See you later, my loves! You blew them a kiss, your son quickly returning it as Pierre waved goodbye to you before disappearing out the door.
When the front door clicked shut and silence reigned over the house, you fell back against the couch, planning out your day in your head. You were eager for some quiet and relaxation as that seemed almost impossible with Pierre and Théo around, together forming quite the chaotic duo around the house.
Though you were so grateful for some alone time, it was undeniable that you’d miss their presence throughout the day.
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nunalastor · 2 months
i propose that Alastor, in spite of his usual dislike for sweet things, likes pineapple on pizza but also because he’s a freak. He could tell you that it really brings out the savoriness of the ham and altogether a necessary evil, it could be because he wants to fuck with a lot of people because debate, but there is also an additional more spiteful justification.
I remembered a folk story we gottss about the origin of the pineapple, (Alamat ng ¿Pinya/Piña?) wherein the fruit was originally a girl that got cursed to have hundreds of eyes by her mum because she was being lazy, and it got me thinking.
Eve/Roo is going to be represented by Pineapples
Because what is a pineapple, if not an absolutely cursed, yellow apple with a fuck ton of eyes/spines (and also being completely unrelated to apples pretty much but that’s besides the point)?
Lucifer’s already got the chokehold on having as apples, and as he prooobably knows about the Root of Evil I don’t think he’d want overlapping feels—unless you want to double-down on that Embodiment of Pride aspect of his and so even when he finds out he’s not gonna change it—but hey also who’s to say that he didn’t pretty up or make more appetizing the original fruit from the Tree of Knowledge too?
Maybe the original fruit was some fucked up red pineapple, so to to add to the temptation he made it into the form of an apple instead.
Yellow pineapples became a thing as the rebranded/safe version of the red Root of Evil pineapple. (or yellow pineapples could straight up be Roo/Eve’s thing and uh something something Alastor piss theory golden shower woohoo-) (the leaves be where the green comes from with Alastor’s powers) (or if you really hate pineapples, yellow pineapples are the result of angelic blood being spilt on the Tree of Knowledge at some point and thus corrupted it pa more, insert Lucifer-Lilith-Adam-Eve angst here)
All this is to say that, Alastor also eats pineapple on pizza because some part of him like to pretend it’s his benefactor who’s Roo/Eve and wants to assert dominance in whatever petty way he can.
But also mostly just to fuck with people in general.
||| On a sidenote, you guys know about that free Steam game called “Pineapple on pizza”? I think Alastor would find it hilarious if he ever somehow got into playing video games. |||
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fraterribilis · 9 days
The taxonomy of Sly Cooper: Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Sorry for being so late with this one, but I've been occupied with other things.
Anyway, time to overthink the biology of the different members of the Klaww Gang!
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Starting off with a two for one, it's pretty obvious that both Neyla and Rajan are meant to be mainland or bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris). They were originally conceived by the developers as father and daughter afterall.
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I think pretty much everyone knows what tigers are and what they're all about (solitary apex predators, live in Asia) so I'll spare you the details, and share some lesser known facts about them instead.
Most relevant to the topic at hand, the bengal tiger was long considered a separate subspecies from the siberian, chinese and malayan populations, but recent genetical analysis suggests that they all belong to the same subspecies, and are now collectively referred to as the mainland tiger. The only other extant subspecies being the Sunda Islands or sumatran tiger.
Contrary to what Bentley would have you believe, tigers do NOT have an aversion to water. In fact they are some of the best swimmers among big cats, with the population in the Sundarbans being known to swim between islands in the delta in search of prey.
And contrary to popular belief, there are NOT more tigers in captivity in the US than there are tigers in the wild. @why-animals-do-the-thing has a very well researched series examining the data regarding captive tigers in the US which you can find here.
Sidenote: As a kid I thought that Neyla was supposed to be just a normal (purple) tabby cat. It wasn't until I got older and heard Dimitri's office recordings that I realized she was supposed to be a tiger.
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Speaking of Dimitri, he is obviously an iguana of some kind. There are no wild iguanas in France, but i guess his family could have migrated there. Some fans have identified him as a marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), but his pointed skull and impressive dewlap beard suggests to me that he belongs to the genus of true iguanas (yes, taxonomy is confusing).
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There are two recognised species of the Iguana genus; the green iguana (Iguana iguana) and the lesser antilliean iguana (Iguana delicatissima). I couldn't decide which one fit Dimitri better so you're getting another two for one. Both species grow to be up to six feet long, with males being larger than females. They are herbivorous, and feed on a wide variety of leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits. Both species live in forest and swamp areas, and are very capable swimmers and climbers. In addition to having well-developed vision, iguanas also possess a so-called parietal eye placed at the top of their skull, which allows them to detect ultra-violet light.
The green iguana is by far the most widespread of the two species, being found throughout most of Central America and northern South America, along with invasive populations in Florida and the Carribean. It is also one of the most popular lizards in the pet trade, even though it can be notoriously demanding and stroppy.
By contrast, the lesser antillean iguana is critically endangered, being only found on the archipelago of Lesser Antilles. Here it faces threats from invasive species, such as feral dogs and cats, but its greatest threat is, ironically enough, its invasive cousin the green iguana. The two species compete over resources, and can even interbreed, creating hybrids which further limit the native population.
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The Contessa is most likely a black widow spider of the genus Latrodectus, seeing as she's often associated with an hourglass symbol which several members of the genus famously display on their abdomen. There are way too many Latrodectus species to count, so I'm just gonna assume that she is a southern black widow (Latrodectus mactans) which is basically the type species for the genus.
The southern black widow is the most common Latrodectus species in North America, being found throughout the southeastern United States along with Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Like other spiders it largely preys on insects, but sometimes also preys on other spiders, including its fellow species.
Black widows are infamous for their venom, which causes a condition called Latrodectism. This venom is rarely fatal in humans, with fatalities usually being those already of poor health, but it is extremely painful, causing symptons like nausea, vomiting, and muscle pain. These symptoms can sometimes last for weeks.
Black widows are of course also known for practicing sexual cannibalism, where the larger female will consume the male after mating, hence the "widow" name. This is not guaranteed however, as the female may spare the male if she isn't hungry. The females are generally the deadlier of the species though, as they are not only larger, but also have more potent venom (and a longer lifespan). All very fitting for a character who likely poisoned her husband.
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As for Jean Bison, I actually like to think that he is a wisent or european bison (Bison bonasus). Part of that is his design. While his head is definitely big, it isn't quite as ridicoulously large as that of an american bison (Bison bison). More importantly however, I think it makes more sense for a european colonizer trying to industrialize the wild north, as opposed to a native american animal.
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The european bison is distinquished from its american relative by being generally smaller and lankier in frame, but it is still a large and powerful animal. Adult bulls stand 6 feet tall at the shoulder (taller than the american bison) and can weigh up to 900 kg, making them the largest land animal in all of Europe.
The species has historically had a range covering most of northern Europe, but overhunting and habitat loss drove them to extinction in the wild in the early 20th century. Less than 60 animals remained in zoos worldwide, but thanks to wildlife rehabilitation efforts the species is slowly but steadily recovering. Today they are found in scattered populations across Europe, mostly in the east.
All in all, quite an ironic fit for a villain who's goal involves destroying the natural environment.
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And finally we have Arpeggio. I had a hard time choosing between two particular species for him; the yellow faced parrot (Alipiopsitta xanthops), and the golden parakeet (Guaruba guarouba). Thanks to @arpeggio-the-parrot for coining me in on that last one. The yellow-faced has a more appropriate plumage, but the parakeet has a more prominent beak, much like Arpeggio. This combined with features we'll discuss later makes me conclude that he must be a golden parakeet. I do also kinda like the idea of him being a flightless kakapo, but I digress.
The golden parakeet or golden conure is only found in the Amazon Basin of northern Brazil. The species is endangered in the wild due to deforestation and the pet trade. It has a diet largely consisting of fruits and seeds, particularly corn. This is a highly social species, with up to 10 individuals roosting in the same tree hole. Different females will lay their eggs in a single nest, and when the chicks hatch they are raised communally.
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The golden parakeet might seem like an odd choice, given that adults of the species are almost entirely yellow, (besides their green remige flight feathers) as opposed to Arpeggio's more balanced mix of yellow and green. However, juvenile parakeets have more prominently green coloring, including their back and tail feathers, which they lose as they grow older. This to me suggests, that Arpeggio likely suffers from paedomorphism (the retention of juvenile traits into adulthood), which would also explain his underdeveloped wings, that are so key to his character. Funny how things work out like that.
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trashcanbutcute · 1 year
| Working with Nanami;;
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this is mostly because I love office dramas, and also because I have a lot of free time lol (also, sidenote, I'm writing this whilst working in an ACTUAL office, so I'm talking from experience)
Honestly, the hatred this man has for his job is super relatable lol.
But also, working with him is super weird because he is so focused on his job that if someone told you he hates it you would be shocked.
Like, I'm talking intense reading, almost burning his computer screen with the way he stares at it. So fucking focused everyone is scared to go talk to him.
He takes it so seriously, it's impressive.
Also, his desk? ✨ Impeccable ✨
Pen holders with very neat black pens, just so fancy. Everything aligned and perfectly placed. NOT A SPECK OF DUST ON THIS MAN'S DESK.
I imagine someone bumping on his desk an he just, with a very annoyed look on his face, shifting his pen back to its original place.
If you're the type of person to have a messy work place (like I am), I imagine him staring at you, absolutely shocked. Like "How do you find anything in this mess?”
The supply man, just, he had everything. Staples, pens, paperclips, highlighters.
but also, keep in mind, if ever. EVER borrow anything from him, that bitch is gonna chase you down to get it back. He will find out where you live and will threaten you, he doesn't play games.
Now, when talking about Nanami, I imagine him being the quiet type. Like, in the break area where everyone is drinking their coffee and complaining about work, Nanami just doesn't talk, maybe he will throw some words of agreement here and there but that's pretty much it. Doesn't mean he isn't listening tho.
He actually is a great listener, so much that he will remember stuff that you yourself forgot lol.
He remembers that you're allergic to almonds, that you have a scar under your chin from that one time when you were little. One coworker mentioned in a random ass conversation that his mother was sick, a day later Nanami will hit him up with doctors he knows that could help and everyone's like... “you remembered that?”
He remembers everyone's birthday. Like, this guy will have a separate calendar just for his coworkers birthdays.
He will get you a gift more on the practical side but still, really thoughtful. He didn't really a birthday kinda guy but he will make an effort for his coworkers.
He notices if you're stressed and overwhelmed, so at like almost the end of the day he will leave a cup of tea at your desk when you aren't looking, just to help you relax.
He'd rather drown himself in paper than let someone he doesn't trust do the work. It doesn't matter if he ends up doing overtime, he just wants to get it done.
Has his own mug and if anyone touches it he will kill whoever touched it.
ONLY drinks pure black coffee to get trough his work, sometimes will indulge himself with tea if he is really stressed out.
| I'm hitting you with that platonic fluff lol just | absolutely love Nanami, like, husband material,
| might do some romantic Headcanons idk 👀
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whelmed-birdie · 7 months
Comic List + Thoughts
so basically i'm just gonna compile a list of all the comics i've read and write a little commentary about them - this is mostly for my own benefit because my memory is pitiful so i need physical evidence of what i've read.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping into the Light (2021)
I enjoyed this! I think it was a good beginner point for the most part because i came here with an interest mostly in Nightwing. I liked the art, and while i was a bit confused bc i knew next to nothing about this universe, so therefore did not understand any of the references they made. i still enjoyed it, the writers keep new readers in mind, and don't necessarily regret reading it first.
Robin/Batgirl: Year One (2002)
this one was good too. I got a bit bored at times but it was a good introduction to batgirl/barbara and how she started and got to be involved with the bats. (basically them just following her around while Barbara's like 'leave me alone tf')
Batman: Dark Victory (1999-2000)
also pretty good, I was kinda bored until Dick came in (mostly because he's the character i've really become invested in so far) but i loved seeing the very beginning of his character. sidenote: i love alfred
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet (1997)
this one was fun to read! I dont have a whole lot of commentary on it but it was more good backstory and seeing dick as robin.
Robin and Batman (2022)
I LOVED the artwork. watercolor is loml. but about the actual story: i also enjoyed it. Baby Dick is unhinged i love it. also it was the beginning of me not really liking batman??? i wasnt really expecting that... WFA led me astray :') and honestly that dislike just carries on the more i read so idk whats going on
Teen Titans: Year One (2008)
MY JAW DROPPED. bro when batman straight up hit Dick i was BAFFLED. like i know he was mind controlled and what not but bro why is batman such an ass to dick??? like even after the mind control is gone like hes still just so?? like shut up and let this 13 year old have fun with his friends wtf. anyways i dont like him, sorry, but if im just reading the ooc comics then lmk but so far im 👎🏼 on batman
Teen Titans (1966)
I only read issues #1 to get the intro, and then #14 because i heard it was dick centered. I wish i liked the older comics more than i do but i'm not mad i read them. I do enjoy the titans storyline and characters though so i will definitely read more to do with them
The New Teen Titans (1980)
I dabbled but i cant tell you which issues i read- again i think i need to get used to reading comics as a whole and come back to the older ones :')
Nightwing: Year One (1996)
so i've almost finished this one! Its #101-106 and i'm on #105 rn. again I DON'T LIKE BATMAN. like he's such a man-child. he literally 'fired' and yelled at this 13 year old kid for helping his friends save people instead of being with him like okay bitch. but anyways i like this! its more good backstory plus him going back to the circus was a nice touch. also the nightwing origin!!! dick going to superman for advice :') I like it.
okay thats all i got so far, I'm excited to keep reading. I have definitely spent too much time worrying about backstory and reading orders ( ik i don't have to bc continuity is relative but my brain just wont let me go out of order) but i've gotten a reading list that i'm pretty comfortable with. Also pretty soon ill be reading more with the batfam (specifically batkids) and im excited for that!! (the batkids are most of the reason im here tbh...especially now bc batman is...not my favorite)
okay thats all :)
i might add to this as i go i might not, we shall see.
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
I feel like I have to keep you updated for these last few days and 70% of that is because I unfortunately made you all aware of my brothers existence and the other 30% is because he bullies me into telling stuff to his new ‘homies’. But also soooo much happened that i immediately thought to myself ‘i know a few people that would like to hear all this’ and my brother shared the same thought. So I apologize in advance for any spam that will happen in the next few days but I will also try my best to put it all into one message.
So first of all: MY BROTHER IS OFFICIALLY CLEARED UP TO GO HOME!! His tests all came back amazing so he is officially going back home on Sunday. Ngl the feeling is bittersweet because who is going to wake up half of the neighborhood with Sandstorm now and get stuck trying to climb a fence and force 50-60 year olds into watching qaf with him? And he’s taking the cat with him as well. Rude.
Anyway! I wish you guys could’ve seen him go into his lasy check up, he brought chocolates for everyone and got them each a card with personalized messages to say thanks for taking care of him. He was all happy and sweet, it was like a kid on Christmas. And then towards the end of the check up, one of the nurses was like ‘hey (his name), we actually wanted to give you a little something, to remember us by and also as a goodbye since you’re going home’ and they gave him a gift and guys, this shit was so freaking cute! They first got him some snacks he loves (he always came to the check ups with snacks and was offering them to all of the staff), but they also got him a penguin plushie (context: when he first came for the surgery, they told him to bring his pajamas from home since he will stay for a few days and he rolled up with two different penguin pajamas cause it’s his favorite animal..again this man is a grown 36 year old) And the plushie has the exact same scar on his chest/stomach as my brother does from his accident. And the surgeon goes ‘i made sure that they were identical, that way you’re no longer one of a kind’ because after the surgery when they showed him how it looked he was all high on meds and went ‘not gonna lie, this looks badass but fuck now i really am one of a kind and all alone.’ So the surgeon sewed the plushie to make it look the same. It was actually adorable as fuck! And my brother was all teary eyed about it. And then!!! the nurse goes ‘there’s one more thing inside and you have to check it now.’ And she explained that the nurse who knew about qaf (from when he ripped his stitches) is also a big part of this last gift. And it was a card and on the front it said ‘you’re cool but we really hope to never see you again’ (its kinda like a thing they say there bc it’s trauma department or whatever). Also sidenote: Did you guys know there’s a greeting/birthday card you can buy online that allows you to record a message and design the cover? So when you open it, it starts saying the message or whatever? Me neither. But apparently the nurses knew about it. So he opens the fucking card and Lover’s spit starts playing and all that is inside is a picture of Britin from the end of 3x14 where everyone is celebrating and they hug (Brian is like hugging Justin but he’s looking over him somewhere). And they go ‘you talked so much about that episode we figured it was fitting.’ And then they explained that the nurse who knew about the show helped them find the photos and everything and even fought them to make sure Lover’s spit is used since originally they wanted to put Cue The Pulse. And that nurse eventually won the “fight” because they remembered that my brother went on a whole speech when he watched 3x08 about the reunion scene. And my brother on the verge of tears goes ‘thank fuck cause this is way fucking cooler. No offense’ And that’s literally all there is in the card (well and all their signatures on the opposite side from the photo).
And then after the check up as we are leaving, the surgeon goes ‘well I think I can honestly say, that i will never ever have a patient like you ever again’ and my brother obviously took that as a compliment and went ‘well duuh, every other patient is boring compared to me’ and guys!!!! We were leaving, my brother is almost out the door, I’m already outside the office and the fucking surgeon goes ‘oh (his name), by the way, you were right. That proposal was ridiculous and the finale really did suck. In fact if it was up to me? I’d erase the entire last season.‘ and he’s like smirking at my brother and my brother (and me too ngl) is SHOCKED! And he starts stuttering and goes ‘you..you knew the show this whole time?’ And the doctor goes ‘don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t even know it existed but after your 3rd spiral over it, I had to check it out to see what the big deal was about it’ and then my brother was like ‘why didnt you say anything? We could’ve been buddies over it this whole time’ and the doctor walked up to the door and goes ‘Exactly’ and then he just slowly closed the door while waving to my brother and my brother was just standing outside the door not moving for so long, i had to drag him away. And he walked past the nurse and goes ‘he watched it!’ And the nurse goes ‘oh yeah, he came in one day and was like “you know that show (his name) is always talking about? Well my wife and i watched it and holy shit’
The whole car ride home, we were both in absolute shock. Him more but that’s because only one of us was giving full speeches and rundowns about episodes to the doctor. And as for the card? You know that scene in Easy A, where she keeps opening and closing the birthday card to hear the song? That’s what half of my Wednesday looked like.
Dear sweet anon and brother anon! I am so happy he’s cleared and discharged. That makes me so happy!
I am beyond surprised that the doctors and nurses all got him presents. Admittedly, any surgeries I’ve had have been done outpatient except for when I was 8 and 13, and with follow up only with my doctor so I don’t know what is common these days. But their presents! Those weren’t generic, we give these to all the patients, gifts. The penguin! With the matching scar! The card with the photo and Lover’s Spit! I’m dying.
And. The. Surgeon. Watched. Qaf. Like all 5 seasons. I am deceased. Ofc he didn’t tell your brother until the end. (Your poor brother has all these people doing things behind his back while he’s watching this show. He’s going to develop trust issues.) But he has all correct opinions.
Wait. As I’m typing this I realized. A trauma surgeon (if I understand correctly) watched prom and 201. He must have opinions about Justin’s injury and recovery. Wait. I have some questions. How comfortable does your brother feel calling up the surgeon and saying “so I’m tumblr famous and this rando girl who is equally obsessed with QAF wants to know what you think the long term effects of the bashing would be on Justin.”
I am just as shocked as both of you about this turn of events. What a way to start my Thursday.
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eliasdrid · 1 year
oh speaking of warframe
duviri spoilers ahead (consider I only played yesterday and may be so so wrong)
I was double checking the transcript of the quest on wiki since it'll likely be a while til its out for replay and all.
Anyway. There's this bit, right.
Teshin: You saw that ship in the sky... The Zariman. Our child king must be one of those who was abandoned there. A Tenno. Drifter: You said the Tenno are trying to help me... this paradox stuff. Now you're saying Thrax is one of them? He doesn't seem too helpful. Teshin: The history I know... that Zariman ship returned from the Void, bringing with it the extraordinary power the Tenno command. But here is a different path, I suppose. A difference in parallel. A paradox in itself.
And Dominus Thrax design shows some human skin in his left hand specifically but his legs may be partially uncovered too (or at least that is the case in the concept art). When I saw the weird metal belly thing my first thought was that it was a Fortuna sort of deal and his head/brain rests in there but it might just as well be in its rightful place and he's just trying to look like an Orokin ruler in his complicated fairy tale land (so he has that mask/helmet).
Moving on. I was checking other stuff on wiki and it said somewhere that the Drifter made everything up themself - including Dominus Thrax. This idea is supported by this dialogue but I want to explain what I interpreted which is not exactly this. Bear with me.
Teshin: You did it. You took control. Drifter: I always had it. Thrax didn't make this place- Teshin: -you did. But... you reset it. You gave it all back to him. Why?
Now, the Drifter being the original king is interesting because the first thing we hear when trying to leave is this (below) and while the first citizen does say they are not sure... the Drifter is quite different from Dominus Thrax and it struck me as odd while I was playing. Besides, it seemed to me that Dominus Thrax didn't leave the palace much.
Citizen 1: The king! The king! There goes our honored king! Citizen 2: Where? Where?! He gave me no eyes to see him!
So, like, I am absolutely wondering how long it's been since the Drifter lost control of Duviri... because clearly they are an Adult Now and clearly they were a child or teenager before Duviri, aboard the Zariman.
If Duviri happened with the "crash" and that's the point of divergence... well, our operators are teenagers to young adults (at most). And before the War Within update, on Second Dream, they were more child-like (and I personally adhere to the idea that there was a time for the operator to "grow up" at whatever slow rate void-immortality has given them out of cryo/suspension between these two events). So, the Drifter was a teen (or preteen) and they were with others of their age (or about). Of the adults of the Zariman we know little but I do not remember any of them surviving so we have a bunch of children whose parents are all dead. Of course the Tenno managed somehow and were later retrieved by the Orokin who experimented on them and made them weapons on the Sol timeline. Not the case on Duviri...
During the quest Teshin says we are not experiencing our own memories but Dominus Thrax's. This is the one thing that leads me to believe that Dominus Thrax is not a Conceptual Embodiment but a Tenno - like Teshin guesses at first. The Drifter could have also poured their memories into Dominus Thrax to rid of them too but... let me follow my line of thought to the end.
Consider: The Drifter and Thrax were taking care of each other during the events of the Zariman. The Drifter decided to read Thrax, perhaps much younger than them, this book he carried around constantly to help him calm down - he even had a doll of one of the characters, it was clear that he liked it very much.
Sidenote, the book we get has doodles on the pages, which reinforces my idea that it belonged to a child. Moving on.
It's all going terribly aboard the Zariman and it's gonna get worse. Reading the book to Thrax is almost a ritual. Escapism. The Drifter being older and capable of understanding what's going on wishes that Thrax would never have to see the horrors of this and could live in this fantastic book... Something happens (perhaps many of the others die) and this all develops into The Drifter creating Duviri and making Thrax king. The Child King. To Cope.
The Drifter plays along at first, they are no longer in danger and they have an entire amazing world to explore. The Drifter is the Drifter because they explore ever-changing Duviri and won't stop visiting places, coming back and telling tales. Years go by. Thrax being much younger and having all his needs met never grows up from his child self, it's not like they have anyone around to teach them either. Additionally the Drifter may be too trusting of the fact that he can do all the growing up on his own too, having grown up quickly themself due to the Zariman incident, or believes he understand that this is all made up and one day they'll have to leave. In any case, they eventually reach the conclusion that Duviri is nice, fairy tale land, but they should call for help or find a way out already. They can't be children forever. When they express this, it sparks a conflict between them.
[...] You keep calling this a prison, but you know what it really is? It's the only place in the entire universe that is... Actually. Safe.
Thrax doesn't want to leave this world of fantasy and doesn't want the Drifter too either, this is the only other real person he knows of. And it is safe here. Nowhere else. Maybe they play cat and mouse for a while, maybe Duviri was bigger but got reduced so the Drifter couldn't go too far. Whatever happens, Thrax ends up getting the Drifter and executes them for treason ad nauseum until The Duviri Paradox quest and here we are now.
Anyway these were my thoughts, cutting it here because I feel I might get sidetracked. Also this interpretation kinda makes it all a bit sadder that The Drifter decided to reset the day and give Thrax the throne back even though they likely had the power to change that.
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fandomcrazy6226 · 1 month
Liveblogging Dracula Daily - May 7
Brought to you on May 8 and the sore throat I woke up with this morning. Today is our final tech rehearsal and we open tomorrow, running until Saturday. So I'll finally get some sleep on Sunday! Sad half of that is my boyfriend can only come to opening night this week cause he's leaving for a trip on Friday (he was originally coming to Friday so he cold tag along with the post-show diner trip)
But yeah yours truly woke up with a sore throat so I'm basically popping cough drops to try and deal with it. My guess is all the pollen finally got to me. Other guess is that I'm sick, but I'm actually not letting that one be right
Anyway enough of my personal life, let's get back to what you're all here for: vampire silly times featuring everyone's favorite solicitor!
Man I would love to sleep for hours and wake up of my own accord. I haven't really done that without something coming later in the day since... two saturdays ago? Too long
Ok so I know dinner is what they used to call lunch, and I'm guessing he means 5-6 pm. But that's still pretty darn late for a lunch. Also this poor guy really needed that nap, huh
Sidenote, the wolves and the lack of people is making me think of Beauty and the Beast and I know that's obviously a very different story but it'd be really funny if all the furniture just randomly came to life and started singing at Jonathan.
And a huge library too!
So he called Jonathan all the way here so he could have an English tutor? I feel like first of all there are better people for that and second he probably could've disclosed that information. Like that's not gonna give anything away I don't think
Huh. Blue flame treasure. Is that an actual superstition or is that just something he's saying to distract Jonathan? It's a cool explanation either way I guess
Mmmmmm. sharp teeth. Suspicious... (i say with a heart's fire full of dramatic irony)
Oh Jonathan's sleep schedule has gotta be so busted at this point (relatable)
I kinda want to build this house in Minecraft now. It sounds cool
Ok so he marked his house in the atlas, as well as... Jonathan's house, I'd guess? Don't know who/what the third marking might be though
Hmmm obedience trance. Buddy. Johnny. Go to sleep. Please.
Well that was fun. Expect the actual May 8 post in a few hours, probably around 10:30 (will write during my 3rd period class)
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cringelordofchaos · 2 months
Eyyy, remember this, that, and oh, also that post ? No? Ok. still gonna talk about it
Anyway. About Ultra Chaos Knuckles -
Originally, I meant for the design to be a hypothetical for what the power of the master emerald could be used for. (Not that Knuckles would willingly use it, of course... But that's something I have said multiple times.)
However, now I'm thinking of something quite the opposite-
Basically, the form would stem from the "regular" super form, involving the 7 chaos emeralds... But without the ME's influence on the emeralds. Meaning that the energy of the chaos emerald would be completely and utterly scattered and not controllable. Now, how would one achieve this form? How would one remove the power of the master emerald? Great questions. I don't bave the answers to them(as of yet).
I'm not sure if I should just make a separate form for this concept, or just replace it with the original concept of ultra Chaos knuckles. Or if I should make a different form for the original concept. Or just leave it like this. I might think about it more later.
But I've also been thinking, with how utterly chaotic this fork would be, it would also probably result in death (??) cause let's ne honest, would pure, unfiltered, uncontrolled power of the chaos emeralds NOT kill a single simple living organism, such as a mobian? It seems unlikely that uncontrollable power would ever be sustainable and non-lethal. So if I ever write a fanfic with it, the character in this form is probably gonna die
Anyway. I forgot to mention, that the ultra Chaos form actually accentuates and powers up already existing (stronger) attributes to its maximum capacity. Such as, if the living organism is more strong than fast, they're going to be EXTREMELY strong, and somewhat (?) fast. Another thing is that, on Ultra Chaos knuckles' design, you can notice on his chest that there is a moon depicted or something. Well, in case Sonic would go ultra chaos mode, he would have a sun on his belly instead (because while knuckles' character was conceptualized, he was meant to be the opposite of sonic, both design and personality wise, one of the traits being the moon crescent on his chest, that's supposed to be the opposite of sonics round belly, meant to.. look like a sun? apparently. I got this from the sonknux shipping wiki from like a year ago so I might've remembered something incorrectly but yeah that's not the point of this post.)
Anyway sidenote I FUCKING DESPISE the name "ultra chaos" for the form, because it's literally the first thing I thought of like, a YEAR ago, so I might change it, I just haven't thought of a better name as of yet
If I formed any grammatical errors on this post it's because I'm tired and my head hurts (probably) so don't be too harsh on me
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rubydoowhereru · 4 months
Idk why the Nerissa x Grandmamah (whatever the heck her proper name is XD) brainworm won't leave, but I thought of this when reading some of your character analysis of Nerissa, namely how she's kind of a disaster and her search for power is her own worst enemy;
At some point between proposing and having second thoughts about her plans, she loses the trident. And she's trying not to crack, but she's had a taste of that power and can't let it go. On top of that, now she's constantly around the giant krakens who have been the picture of envy in her mind for years and all its doing is making her more unhinged.
Cue Grandmamah seeing Nerissa falling apart, and after finally coaxing an answer out of her that she feels so insignificant compared to the other queen, Grandmamah does something she's NEVER desired to do unless it was life or death, and even then,
Shrinks down to human size so she's less intimidating and can actually comfort her wife on a more personal level. Lordess of the Seven Seas, becoming her most vulnerable form, just to make her happy. Now Nerissa has to deal with THAT implication.
(Sidenote, Grandmamah is clearly still super uncomfortable with this arrangement but dang it she's not gonna try)
Oops. Guess we started something new here lololol.
Oooooh, I love that! It could absolutely serve as the turning point for Nerissa where she fully throws her plan away. She was already kind of starting to have second thoughts as she learns and understands Grandmamah, eventually regarding her as an equal in both status and power, but seeing the giant kraken willing attempt to make her feel better about this AND getting small in the process? That fully pushes Nerissa over into abandoning her plan in favor of genuine rulership together.
I feel like if/when Grandmamah finds out about Nerissa's original plan there's hardly any crying or being sad because Grandmamah figured she would attempt this at some point. What really shocked her was the fact that Nerissa did fall in love.....and Grandmamah is willing to reciprocate it. That's the truly shocking bit for both of them. Heh heh.
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Message for Everyone:
Hey Guys Thedarkcrystopilisempire aka Laura Here, I just wanted to give everyone the best hugs for helping me through all my amazing Movie Career times along with My Best Movie Acting Career skills with my friends who helped me throughout my Movie Project Career and Series for Sonja and I. I want to thank you all so much for helping us out.
And sidenote, A friend of mine once told me that the more we just move on and never talk about those people who make any negative remarks about me and Sonja, well I will say they are wrong and shall leave us be while we still continue our content the way we want to be. Which means I am gonna ignore them and keep pushing forward and just keep those people blocked and hidden from my channels until further notice
(Respect My Boundaries Please and thank you)
Even when I first met Fionn  @foc2006   my main Movie Project Career helper of mine, we came together with the very first movie event in our history which will be the best time of our lives and I got to say, after all of those years making Curse Of The WereDemon/WereCat 1 and 2, Battle Of The Multiverse, Sonja and Laura's Adventure Series, The Guy Members Adventure Series, And Puss In Boots: Curse Of The WereCat Movie Project was the Greatest moment for the whole movie career to begin with. I will never forget about the good old times we had together and now that I have officially moved on from those people who wanted to just leave me alone and keep us in good terms and go our separate ways while I continue my projects with Sonja and a few other friends who I have made friends with since personal things happened but like I said before, I don't care People nowadays can be jerks but that doesn't matter to me anymore as long as I have my career the way I want it to be and I'll stick to it until the very end.
I will continue more of The Guy Members Adventure Series and Sonja and Laura's Adventure Series once more, but the Livestreams will be posted on a different channel because some certain individual user outside of YouTube is still after me so that is why I decided to make a Livestream channel to do that and entertain people with my amazing funny comedy moments elsewhere, but thank you all for the people that do support me and made me the happiest person alive, thank you all so much 💓 🙏
Find me on Discord:
shadowtheultimatelifeform#7133 (Original Account)
thedarkcrystopilsempire#7816 (Backup Account)
Subscribe To Sonja and Laura's Adventure Series Channel:  
Subscribe To My Song Cover Channel:  
Subscribe To My Original YouTube Channel:  
I give a Big Shout out to my Host Movie Project Editor of all Time, he sure deserves more support with me as well, Fionn O Connor
Subscribe To Fionn O Connor's Channel:  @foc2006
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junkissed · 11 months
hihi im starting a writing blog for svt but im relatively new to tumblr and its mechanics and all the etiquette and things like that. also im a jun biased and im weird in the way where i don't usually have inspo for other members? if that makes sense? so like idk is there anything i need to know or is it relatively acceptable to mostly only write for one or two members?
also sidenote but i really love some of your writings ahaha match of the season is my favourite :D thank you so much if you ever reply!
no that totally makes sense! i would say most authors on here will write for ot13 but they definitely write more for their bias than any other member. i feel the same way, for me it's easier to write for jun than for other members (and also i love him lol) so my writing ends up being like 90% jun and 10% other members. which is completely fine! at the end of the day it's your blog and your writing, and you should write for whoever you feel comfortable writing for and whoever gives you the most motivation. there are hundreds of writers on this site so if one writer only writes for a couple of members, it doesn't mean the other members won't get written :) nobody says you're required to write certain things or for certain members!
if you intentionally leave out one member but write for all the rest (i've seen writers who write ot12 and exclude jun because they aren't attracted to him), you might get some side eyes but again that is your choice. i personally wouldn't say a hard no to any members and i'll give them all my best shot, but that's my blog, and your blog is up to you.
as for things you'd need to know, i'd say the number one thing is interact with people! the best way to get interaction on your own work is to reblog and comment on other fics. as i'm sure you've heard me say before, reblogs are the most important feature on this site! it basically boils down to, treat others how you would want to be treated by reblogging their works and leaving feedback, even if it's just a simple "i really loved this!!!". it makes you stand out in our notifs and if you're also a writer it might even get you a new mutual.
other tips off the top of my head:
have a masterlist post (helps people find all your fics in one place) and have a guidelines post (makes it clear what you're comfy with)
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE AND DO NOT STEAL ANYONE ELSE'S WRITING (this one is in caps bc super super important!!! you can take ideas or inspiration from someone else but you cannot take their words or their writing. you'd think this one would be obvious but plagiarism happens a lot more than you'd think)
if you're inspired by someone else, tag them in your fic! it shows respect to the original author, and you should tag them whether it was from a fic you read or if they helped you brainstorm ideas. it doesn't have to be a super long thing, just a little "inspired by @onlyhuis's fic!!" is more than enough, but it goes a long way :)
like i said, you can write for whoever you want, whenever you want! when ppl start interacting you it's gonna be stressful because you want to make them happy and put out new fics often, but just remember that it's your blog and you get the final say on everything. don't put pressure on yourself to write constantly because you will get burned out and i promise it will not be fun!
if people send things that make you uncomfy, don't be afraid to delete (or block) them. it's your blog and your boundaries so don't feel guilty for standing up for yourself. also, ignore answer hate asks because they're just looking for attention so don't give it to them
trigger things properly! this is the little section before the fic that says "warnings". don't censor any words (using punctuation like bl00d or d3ath instead of typing blood or death) because it defeats the purpose of ppl who have those keywords filtered, so type out the whole word uncensored. this is a courtesy for people so they can choose to avoid content that may be harmful to them. (this also counts towards visual works, a lot of ppl use tags like "tw flashing" on gifsets)
speaking of tags, when you post be sure to put tags on it! it's the section at the bottom of your post with all the #'s. if you click on any of my fics you can see that i use tags like "jun smut", "seventeen scenarios", etc. these tags help people find what they want to read (but only tag relevant things; don't put "mingyu smut" on a jeonghan fic unless mingyu is actually in the fic). if you aren't sure which tags to use or how to format things, feel free to look at other fics for examples. if you read a lot of fics you might see there's a pretty standard way of doing it
the tags i use like "june.txt" and "june writes" are organizational tags. when you click on, for example, my "june writes" tag, the results are only my fics that have that tag. it basically organizes things into categories (which imo is the best part of tumblr) and it makes it easier to find different types of posts. it also allows people to filter those tags so posts with that tag don't show up (for example, i require minors on my blog to block the tag "minors dni" so that nothing nsfw is shown to them)
again like i said, don't be shy! make friends, join networks, send asks to people, reblog fics, etc etc. interacting with others is the #1 way to make writer friends :)
just a general tumblr tip: no one can see how many followers you have except you, so don't try to make it a competition of who has the most. it's what makes tumblr different from tw*tter and insta and it makes the social media experience a lot more casual because there's no influencers here. it's like a diary where you scream into the void and sometimes ppl scream back. a lot of writers do milestone events (i recently had one for hitting 1k followers) but you aren't required to do those either
if you have any questions about tags, filtering keywords, and other tumblr stuff like that, don't be afraid to ask! any tumblr veteran is more than willing to help break down our weird system to new bloggers
be proud of your work! even if it doesn't get many notes or feedback it doesn't mean you're a bad writer. writing should be fun and something you can enjoy doing, so don't make it seem like a chore by focusing too hard on numbers
i can't think of any more but here's my tag for important posts & info for new tumblrs users that you can look thru for more! i hope this helps :) and when you start your blog send me another ask!! i would love to be your first follower <3
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eskawrites · 1 year
Hey! There's not much I can say about your writing that people haven't already said here (and so so SO much more eloquently than I ever could). Still, I'm gonna try anyways lol
One of the things that get me the most in your stories is how well you handle the characterizations, how you manage to grasp the voices of these characters and how they relate and care for one another... It's like your writing is always just so full of soul and love. I can almost taste the characters emotions, the hurt and despair but especially the care and love. Even through the smallest of gestures between them. You just nail the "found family" aspect of it all, in a way I feel the original material could only ever dream of doing tbh (pfft! the duffers could never). [Sidenote: I'm also legit obsessed with how you write Nancy POVs, whenever you post one I'm like 'god yes please gimmee!!' *grabby hands* lmao]
I also feel like you write action in such an engaging way (!!!), and you pace and structure your stories in a way that constantly leaves me on the edge of my seat (hello cfdau??!! omg can't remember the last time I got so invested in a story tbh). There's also a visual element to it all that is just so nicely done... Basically your writing is like true cinema and a classic novel all smashed into one <333 *inserts that Tarkovsky meme where he's like sighing to himself "Poetic cinema"*
your comments never fail to make me smile and gosh this is so so kind. and also has absolutely motivated me to go write some nancy pov (for what? idk, but i'm gonna go do it!)
also, this is the second time my writing has gotten called cinematic today, does that mean i can put it on my resume?
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
Review for “Ophelia After All” by Racquel Marie!
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Hello, Tumblrians! I’ll try to publish at least 4 reviews this week. If I go on another unpredicted hiatus, at least I can have all this writing to make up for my sudden absence? 
Real talk though, I’m sorry about the inconsistent schedule. I get pretty self-conscious about this Tumblr account (there’s a reason I don’t use hashtags anymore), and also I’ve been kinda exhausted in the last week. I already told you guys about South Carolina. (There was originally gonna be a 540-word rant after this but I cut it. That was definitely for the best!)
I really gotta set realistic standards for myself. I keep thinking I’ll be prepared to upload reviews for this account but then I get hit with anxiety paralysis and just never upload anything. It feels like a chore sometimes, even when I made this for fun. I know not many people follow this, because I stay out of hashtags and the people who actually choose to follow me ‘cause they saw my reviews somewhere and liked them leave because I’m inconsistent. I’m sorry for repeatedly disappointing you all.
Okay! Time to actually start my book review! 
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie follows 17 year-old Ophelia: daughter of an Irish English professor and a Cuban immigrant, she’s spent her whole life being a passionate rose gardener, gossip lover, and hopeless romantic with a crush on nearly every boy she meets. But a few weeks before prom, when she undeniably falls for a female classmate named Talia, she begins to question the identity she’s developed over time—and how much of it was because she wanted to appease the people around her. 
I really loved this book! Ophelia was a realistic teenage protagonist, and especially liked the dynamic she had with her friend group (which was one of many relationships paramount to the story). They teased and supported each other, called people out on their shit, fought and later made up, like a lot of friend groups do. While I get that not everyone likes to read about teenage drama, it was resolved by the end, and it didn’t take the melodramatic approach. There was also an interesting examination of Ophelia getting used to being around guys and not necessarily liking them romantically! Maybe it’s because I’m gay but I appreciated that too.
Anyhow! Other things I liked: Talia and Ophelia’s friendship! Ugh the embarrassment in the middle though😬 (WHY OPHELIA). I did like that even after everything they maintained that platonic relationship, though. I was expecting for it to be a romance because a lot of the YAs of this variety I read typically are, this is the first one I’ve read where the MC didn’t get the girl and learned to deal with that! (Also, Talia was sweet.) The multifaceted discussion of Ophelia’s identity was cool too, mixing together discussions on heteronormativity, culture, and dealing with the future in a coming-of-age story. I also just really love queer contemporary stories! It’s something about the light, sometimes snarky but overall honest writing style of basically every single one I read that leaves me whizzing through several hundreds of pages in under a day.
And of course, you can’t go wrong with the additional rose anecdotes sprinkled throughout the story.
(Sidenote, though: I was reading this the same week I was reading and listening to Bianca Torre Is Afraid Of Everything, so there was this weird coincidence between the two where both MCs had Shakespeare-obsessed moms who named their children after lady characters from his plays, assumed they were cishet, and initially weren’t trusted in their coming out journeys lmao?!) 
Uhmmm I don’t know what else to add on, except for that I just really liked that although everything was resolved there were still consequences and (eventual) self-awareness, and this and Felix Ever After are probably my favorites of the “messy coming-of-age” queer contemporary subgenre! (Which isn’t actually a real subgenre, but it should be considered one, right?!) My positive reviews are always very short, lol. Just look at my When The Angels Left The Old Country one, I remember I was going in circles? So I’ll cap it off here!
Book rating: (predictably) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 Finished 06/07/23.
(Book content warnings: Homophobia, lesbophobia, racism, outing, mentions of aro/acephobia and islamophobia.)
-Paz, signing off! ^^
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
💕 for Tensura ! I love that you ship with Clayman lmao
Not me only just now realizing you have tensura ships 👀 evangelizes the "Clayman's REVENGE" manga at you because I am obligated to IT IS SO HUMANIZING and shows off his dorky side cause it's a comedy and is only 12 chapters so far- thanks ///
cough cough ANYWAY! Ask game here~
I have TWO SIs but 99% of the time I talk about isekai!SI so I'm gonna do that now as well- fkjdhsafkjdsa
They are one Wendy Verite (that was not their original surname) who, in a bizarre twist of fate, is isekai'd from modern times into a much, much earlier part of the timeline, after being summoned by Demon Lord Kazalim. So...centuries ago. Not long after Kazalim created Clayman and the other members of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance. Kazalim puts a lock on them, as one does when you summon Otherworlders, and it's a pretty damn good one since Kazalim is the known as the Curse Lord for good reason. So strong, that Kazalim can say something like, "obey Clayman as if he was me". And thus Clayman's first subordinate is decided. (As a sidenote, once Kazalim is killed, the lock is lifted)
Laplace, Tear, and Footman actually do a fantastic job getting Wendy comfortable with them - Clayman struggles in that regard at first, because he's quite interested in them but they've got this rather awkward master-subordinate power dynamic...but he really wants to be friendly with them, like the others are. It's a tricky time. I kind of hc that he's a bit more uncertain and awkward at first than he is now. And maybe has a crush. Mysteeerious.
So one particular note of interest...how is Wendy, a human, still around when it's been CENTURIES before the main plot starts? Well. The original plan was that if Wendy was useful and survived long enough, Clayman could take their heart with Marionette Heart, turning them into a majin.
This ended up not being necessary. Between spending so much time amongst majin (and consequently their magicules) and their body being rebuilt frequently by their Unique Skill, Crystalline Regeneration, over time they became a majin. They are quite good at subduing their aura though, and their general appearance remained the same, since it was a transformation over time, so they can pass for a human despite this.
Lastly for the moment, Wendy really does view Laplace, Tear, and Footman as family, in addition to Clayman, of course. They have a good relationship with all of them. Their relationship with Kazalim is...more complex. There's resentment mixed in with genuine care and gratitude. And once Clayman is killed? Oof. These two are going to get along extra badly at that point. More details on that pending as I read more of the light novels. Buuuut. Yeah. It's complex. No such complexities exist with the other clowns though.
I'll leave it there for now! :D
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