#was gonna to do full colouring but i got lazy
strawberriesshi · 1 year
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chiipay · 1 month
Scary dog privilege 👀
Sae, Rin, Nagi, or Reo 👀👀👀👀👀🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Oh sure like the trend? I could try. Ty for the request. I really appreciated it.
Flower shop with Itoshi Sae.
You and Sae are just wandering around Shibuya until you spotted a small, decent flower shop. You who got nothing to spend money on decided to spend your money there by buying a flower for Sae. Too bad Sae thinks that's a stupid idea but he still nodded.
You told him to stay outside the shop so you can shop happily without him complaining about every single thing. He got a bit grumpy over it but still agrees with you.
This is how the problem started. You were just finding a flower that matches the colour of Sae's hair then a staff member showed up. He was nice and kind that you took his recommendation of flowers as you happily pay for it.
All that happy commotion ended when you felt a hand latch on your head. You turned around finding Sae with his usual stoic face as he narrowed his eyes towards the cashier.
"... let's go home now. Have you paid yet?"
" already did. He's just preparing for it- eh?"
You turned around to face the cashier just to find him vanishing from the spot. Leaving your flower on the table. You ended up leaving with a bit of sympathy for the staff and decided to nudge Sae about it.
" Sae, stop staring at people like that."
" what?"
" your face."
" not my problem."
Killer face with Itoshi Rin.
Rin is almost the same as Sae except he's more willing to show how disgusted he was at something.
It's the middle of the night and you are still wide awake so you bring (dragged) Rin with you to the convenience store. It wasn't really far but it's night so gotta bring someone.
Walking with Rin while you both held hands in his pocket. It's pretty cold outside.
" Rin."
" we're here. Let me go."
" No."
Lmao he's probably the type to hold your hands everywhere you guys go and use the excuse to PrOtEcT YoU-. Omg it's so cringe for you to hear but you still just let it slide.
While picking up some snacks in the convenience store you want to pick up some ice cream for both of you unfortunately your other hand was with him so you told him to let go and he did. :)
Eventually some guy at the convenience store at the moment came up to you and kinda bother you... Well you didn't really hear him because it's freezing and your mind is somewhere else.
Rin to the rescue came to the scene and just looked at the guy disgustingly as if he met a trash bag and shot him some glare until he was far away from you.
"let's get out of here. Hurry up you, lukewarm."
" just a minute...which one do you like better? Chocolate Ice cream or strawberry?"
"i don't care just- hurry up or i might punch someone here."
" okay okay."
Lazy night with Nagi seishiro.
" seii-...come onnn the train in coming.. You're gonna miss it."
You and nagi were at the train station going home after spending time with the other blue lock players. It was late midnight. Nagi offers to stay at his place tonight and you agree.
As the train arrives, both you and Nagi go in. Inside wasn't really crowded probably because people already went home. There are only a few seats available and you just sat in the middle while Nagi sat beside you. No. Probably squeeze to be next to you.
The ride was silent and nagi had already fallen asleep on your shoulder. You just enjoy the calming night UNTIL- the passenger next to you starts to unconsciously place his hand on your thigh.
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK- WHY DIDN'T I WEAR PANTS TODAY- your whole body stopped. Your mind went somewhere else and your breath started to rag. The other passengers already fell asleep soundly so no one could help you in this situation. You started to pray that the train would just arrive sooner and you could get out of this fucked up situation.
Closing your eyes hoping that everything would go away-
"..let go."
You opened your eyes as it landed on nagi who is now full awake as he slapped the passenger hand away from you.
" ... fucking pervert..what a hassle.."
Nagi narrowed his eyes towards the passenger then just pulled your body closer to his.
Soon enough your destination arrives and Nagi just quickly dragged you out with him while pointing the middle finger towards the passenger before the train door closed fully
".. don't be. Wanna go to the police station while stopping?"
"...if it's not too much of a hassle.."
"... it's not."
".. right- let's go, seishiro."
Reminder: just because japan is known for being a very safe country it doesn't mean that safe 🤷‍♀️ lots of pervert during train sometimes during the night. Be safe y'all ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
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quintinh43 · 6 months
BFF's 4 Life
Set in the world of Loving You Is As Easy as ABC 123
Here are my head cannons, on before Quinn and the reader became a couple.
You and Quinn lived together for eight months before he finally found a place for himself. In that time the two of you grew very close.
Quinn was very sad to leave and debated just staying with you, but in the end he decided to go through with the move because his new place was closer to Rogers arena.
He did try to convince you to move in with him, but you didn't because your apartment was closer to the university and work.
Quinn would come into the coffee shop that you worked at every time you were working. And every time, without fail, you would present him with some obscene concoction of sugar and caffine that no one had ever heard of.
"I swear to god, i'm gonna get diabetes because of you." Yet without fail he would drink every last drop.
During covid, you started going on morning runs because otherwise, you would've gone crazy. Especially having all of your uni classes online.
Quinn started joining you after a while because he was also going crazy, and the runs really really helped, especially because he got to do them with you.
You were also the one who taught Quinn how to cook during this time. And you were genuinely infuriated when he became a better cook than you. "I'll never forgive you" you grumble, while Quinn cackles as he pulls burnt aspargus out of the oven. "Student becomes the master" he shrugs, and you throw a handful of asparagus at him.
When Quinn got covid, you showed up at his apartment covered head to toe, complete with gloves, a mask, and eyewear, holding a container of chicken noodle soup.
Quinn laughed, immediately took a photo and then proceeded to launch into a coughing fit so bad he turned the colour of a tomato.
At which point you took a photo of him. The two of you keep the photos as blackmail, and if either of you were to ever use them, all hell would break loose.
You own so so so much canuck gear, it's unhinged (courtesy of Quinn of course.) You joked about starting to sell some stuff on eBay, and Quinn looked so genuinely distraught that you never made that joke again.
When you officially started teaching, all the canuck gear came in handy. Especially when you were being lazy and didn't have time to pick an outfit.
At first everyone thought you were just a Canuck super-fan, until one day Quinn had to drop you off at work because your car was in the shop.
Then of course everyone though the two of you were dating. Which got really annoying.
The first time you officially brought Quinn to class was because he had a full day off and didn't know what to do with himself. He begged you to take the day off to spend it with him, but "Some of us have real jobs Quinn."
"Hey! My job is real"
"Well, unfortunately for you I can't just not show up. You had to have given me at least a two day notice so I could've found a substitute."
"Y/nnnnn," he whined, flopping off your bed dramatically while you finished getting dressed. "What am I supposed to do all day?"
" If you're really so concerned about being bored to death, get dressed and come help me be a glorified babysitter for the day" you snorted
Quinn's head snapped up excitedly "wait seriously?"
You were joking, but it happened anyway.
The kids were so well-behaved that you debated bringing Quinn to work with you every day.
Whenever you were on a break, Quinn pestered you to be hanging out with him the whole time. Which usually ended up with recipe expiramenting, Quinn helping you mark papers and lesson plan, or Quinn dragging you along to practice/games/events etc.
One time, he even pestered you to come on a week long roadie with him during winter break. To which you declined - because that was definitely stepping over a 'best friend' relationship line, and you were under the firm impression that Quinn would never love you the way you loved him.
The guys always teased him mercilessly about being in love with you.
"For fucks sake, Huggy. Are you blind? Do you see the way she looks at you?"
After Quinn became captain, whenever his teammates threatened to tell you that he was in love with you he threatened to make them do bag skates for an entire practice.
They shut up really quick after that.
The team loves you, and they always say that whenever they have kids they are sending them to the school you teach at.
Whenever Quinn watched you interact with Kids he gets a little starry eyed and drooly.
Quinn is a very common topic of conversation in your classroom. You often use him as your muse whenever you're doing projects.
He loves it, and he keeps every single piece you've done on him. From art projects, to Health projects.
You even managed to use him in a math project once. (You used little cutouts of his head as addition blocks, he laughed so hard he was crying.)
If Quinn has a game on a week day, you try to wear some form of his merchandise, and he always asks for a fit picture.
Quinn never ever ever let you pay for anything. "You don't even make 1/10th of my salary"
"Way to make a girl feel good about her job,"
"Wait, I didn't mean it like that im sor- no wait. I'm not insulting your job, I'm insulting the people that pay you. You are literally raising our future generations, and the government pays you like trash. If anything, our salaries should be reversed. I basically work in the entertainment industry."
"Ok, well I can still afford to pay for my own shit" you grumble.
Quinn rolls his eyes. "Don't be so stubborn. Put your plastic bank card away. it's insulting in my presence"
"Sorry we don't all have metal fucking credit cards that make noise when we drop them" you spit back.
It continues to be a fight every. single. time.
Whenever you do somehow manage to pay, Quinn is fuming and throughly debates not talking to you for a week.
He never lasts more than a couple hours.
Whenever Quinn left for the summer, you got really lonely. Especially because as a teacher, you had the whole summer off.
He always invited you to come to Michigan with him, but there was always a nagging in your head about "crossing the best friend line"
One summer, you decided to teach summer school for high-schoolers to keep yourself busy. And it was fucking hell. Hormonal sweaty teenagers trying to learn a subject in three weeks rather than four months was so so bad.
Quinn gladly listened to you complain every day, "shoulda come to michigan with me." He would shrug
"Mom and dad have been asking about you," he would throw in quietly.
Which leads us into your relationship with Quinn's family.
Over the six years that the two of you have been friends you've met his parents and both his brothers.
Luke was fourteen, and Jack was sixteen when you met them for the first time.
They both fell IN LOVE with you.
They would call you to ask for homework help, often saying something like, "You're a teacher, what do i do?"
"I'm not a teacher yet, guys. I still have to finish my degree, you know." You would laugh awkwardly and help them anyways.
You blamed both Jack and Luke for the dreadful summer you taught high-schoolers. Simply because you had enjoyed teaching Jack and Luke so much, you thought it would be the same.
They had much the same response as their shithead older brother "you should've come to michigan"
As they grew and saw how you and Quinn looked at each other, they would tease him mercilessly as good brothers do.
"Dude, if you don't confess, I'll marry her." sixteen year old Luke would smirk
That had Quinn seething, and it was quite funny. "You fucking imbecile."
"Mom! Quinn called me a bad word!"
Jack was often cackling in the background or telling Quinn to stop being the world's biggest dumbass.
The day you saw Luke in person and he had grown taller than you, you collapsed dramatically into his arms and pinched his cheeks aggressively. Crying about your favourite little kiddo being all grown up.
Ever the awkward teenager Luke just blushed and grumbled about not being a baby.
Whenever Jack and Luke visit Vancouver, they always ask to visit your classroom.
The first time all three NHL superstar hughes brothers were in your classroom it was fucking chaos throughout the entire school. You got yelled at by the principal, and they had to leave while the cops chased away reporters.
The four of you will never forget the dressing down you got in the principals office that day. It felt like you were a group of playground bullies getting scolded for pushing kids off the slide.
"This is getting brought up at ALL of our weddings." Jack grins as the boys hug you goodbye and head over to Quinn's place.
"Yeah, all three weddings," Luke says with a mischievous grin.
Both you and Quinn blush and choose to ignore Luke's statement.
Until he's winking at you over dramatically and making duck lips at you. The Quinn is dragging him towards the car by his ear and promising to pick you up when school is out.
The way luke can swing between awkward twenty-year old and Youngest child menace is so funny to you.
Now onto Ellen and Jim
They also absolutely love you.
They have loved you since you were freshly nineteen and offering up your apartment for Quinn, when all you knew about him was that he was an anxious teenager.
Jim gives the best advice. He's especially knowledgeable when it comes to kids, "its not very different than dealing with grown men who strap blades to their feet and call it a job." He says teasingly, while all his kids protest.
Ellen is the sweetest angel of a human you have ever met. She takes no nonsense from her kids, and always makes sure Quinn is good to you.
She has a knowing twinkle in her eye when she sees you and Quinn together and it makes your chest ache a little.
Her hugs are always long, and her words sweet, and she always reminds you that you have a family with the Hughes no matter what.
Hey guys! Guess who's back and better than ever 😎 we're getting a fic between tomorrow and Saturday, so stay tuned. Anyways, I hope yall like this! If there's anything from here you'd like to see turned into a blurb/fic let me know! I've been super inspired for this universe as of late. Also I am going through the requests in my inbox. So if you requested something it's hopefully coming soon! I've been super busy with school, but it's calming down for a couple weeks and then finals will be in full swing! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this! As always comment comment comment! And I hope you guys are doing amazing.
Love Soph 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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codgod · 10 months
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aw yeah baby updated refsss don’t question the logic of how i’ve laid out the colour palettes it makes sense to me. also gave up on neat lines by the time i got to the last two
just for fun there’s gonna be some notes under the cut
mariana grew her hair out while she was away! … wherever she was. realistically i know his hairs too long for it to have only been 6-7 months but oh well <3
his wings are also retractable! he can entirely go from looking fully human still to looking more divine/angelic. it’s not shown but he does kinda glow when he goes full deity. the glow is very dull in purgatory
i also think he’s the god of something specific, but i haven’t decided what yet. maybe something to do with love or family or something cute like that
the axe is that grave metal axe that he gave to slime that slime forgot to give back LOL idk why i’m so attached to it i just think it’s cool. based on what i’m pretty sure is a real axe
the fabric around slimes waist is the white shirt that was under his jumpsuit that got dyed green with his “blood” after all the times he got spawnkilled LOL
he does NOT have anything under there but it’s fine he can shapeshift he can be smooth like a ken doll when he wants to be. if he wants to be
he Would probably have his hair down, not up in the ponytail, but i already redrew mariana’s hair so i got lazy khsbjf
touching the corrupted parts of slime feels fuzzy like a crt screen. ykwim
flippa has a stubby little tail that you can’t see :3
the flippa with wings and green eyes is codeflippa if that wasn’t clear. i hc that only the older dragon kids have visible wings, the younger ones are small enough that it’s more comfortable to just keep them under their shirts
codeflippa in general also feels like a crt screen
you can also never see her feet. she almost seems to float more than walk
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irlplasticlamb · 3 months
PLEASE tell us all about rhaelor omgomg
OH MY GOD ❗️i’m so excited to talk about my mellow marshmallow ❗️❗️❗️
rhaelor is the youngest child of alicent and viserys, born almost a year after daeron (so they’re basically irish twins 🫶).
appearance: he’s very tall (almost as tall as aemond), with long, lanky limbs, prominent wrist and hip bones, and LOTS of freckles (i headcanon hightowers to be super freckled so he got it from his mom!!! let me be delulu in peace). he has excessively long hair (he has refused haircuts ever since he learned how to speak), more white than usual targaryen gold-silver, with a few streaks of pale ginger (because i thought it would be funny for him not to have the perfect targ look). alicent is the only one to notice his eye colour is exactly the same as rhaenyra’s, probably because she’s a massive dyke (same alicent, same).
personality/skills: rhaelor’s very sensitive, prone to histrionics and a massive mommy’s boy. he’s charming, well versed in court pleasantries and a gigantic gossip, which is probably why despite his dramatic nature, he’s so popular amongst the ladies at court (he’s like their token little gay boy but in a slay way). rhaelor is very into traditionally feminine things, adores all stuff soft, expensive and shiny. he LOVES art, being an excellent harpist, singer and lace maker. he’s TERRIBLE when it comes to combat though, hopeless with sword and barely passable with bow and arrow. he tends to be quite lazy and avoidant when it comes to anything that does not interest him, preferring to lounge around, engage in his hobbies and blabber to any poor soul who’s in his closest vicinity. he’s also so uninterested in serious politics and princely duties that it makes him even more useless. he’d probably prefer to be a pampered courtesan than son of a king and if not for alicent, who knows? maybe he would end up leaving and becoming saera 2.0.
relationships: so as i mentioned, rhaelor LOVES alicent so fucking much! refusing to ever leave her side for long, to the point where when daeron gets sent away to oldtown, he is allowed to stay in king’s landing. he hates to see her sad and sometimes spends hours upon hours playing and singing music to her. although rhaelor can be as frustrating of a son as aegon, i think alicent does have a soft spot for her flamboyant little creature.
when it comes to his siblings, while rhaelor is quite fond of all of them, it’s aegon who he has the best relationship with. they bond over wine (oh yeah, rhaelor’s a massive drunk as well, the „YAS GIRL LET’S PARTY” type to aegon’s „I’M GONNA FUCKING K1LL MYSELF IN 3 2 1”) and silly gossip. aegon and rhaelor have three brain cells combined, which results in a lot of stupidity (and headache for their poor servants).
aemond finds rhaelor annoying, a bit pathetic even, but rhaelor has that magical way of wrapping him around his finger anyways. maybe because he can be so helpless at times and aemond is Targtowers’ Guard Dog Deluxe. they have a funny relationship, full of bickering and little digs at each other, finding common language in aemond’s love for history and rhaelor’s of art.
helaena baffles rhaelor and the stupid lad does NOT know how to interact with her whatsoever. he’s probably a bit jealous of her being a girl because, well, what is a targaryen without a little gender envy 🫡 they do share some sweet moments though, long hours of helaena working on her embroidery and rhaelor on his lace (probably yapping like crazy that boy does NOT shut the fuck up)
and daeron, while they don’t have much in common with each other, they’re so close in age that they just get along well. daeron is very lenient with rhaelor, finding his freespirited, spoiled behaviour rather adorable and harmless. rhaelor thinks of daeron very highly, often talking praises of him (only half to annoy his other older brothers).
rhaenyra though? they barely have a relationship because he’s so much younger than her. he does not acknowledge her as the true queen solely because he loves aegon so much, he’s stupid as fuck when it comes to politics (and logical thinking lmao).
miscellaneous: rhaelor enjoys cross dressing, finding women’s fashion much more “darling and superb” than men’s. he takes great care of his skin and hair. especially hair, only one servant is allowed to touch it because he’s so particular about the way it’s treated. he hates meat, having a great compassion for animals, and rarely eats it. it gives very much “white woman putting animal lives over human” energy though because he does NOT acknowledge smallfolk as real, breathing, feeling beings. he DOES have a dragon, a slender pale-gold thing called starling. starling gets injured early in life, though, stunting her growth and making her unable to fly for longer periods of time. rhaelor LOVES her, think of an old lady and the cat she’s owned for like 18 years. that’s rhaelor and starling energy.
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hballegro · 1 month
he is here. kept going 'hes too youthful' but hes like 18 so who care
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radar time baybeee. let the jury know i dont know how to draw crocs. but that wasnt gonna stop me from putting crocs on this little man. he has been sweatin but has not eaten shit like francis rip.
extra treat for the group shot; bj got his resolution boosted so everyone else isnt compressed! you can now see just how much i made hawkeye look like beef jerky compared to everyone else [on accident]!
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its really only bj's right foot thats the issue. you need to be able to see the top of the shoe more. will prolly fix it with the next person i add tbh im just lazy and shoes are really hard
ill prolly draw some flowers now as a break. prolly all their state flowers.
bts cut [more complaining + brief scrapped bucket hat that will return when henry comes up]
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brief interlude
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back at it
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i feel like legally i have to do klinger last, like as the final boss
anyway next im feelin either one of the COs or trapper/frank. one of the Dads or one of the old swamp rats. basically anyone besides klinger and charles rip charles im avoiding you cause i got no idea what you'll wear. im avoiding potter for the same reasons dw bud
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speaking of yes i did make the blue-grey[white]-pink on purpose. sue me. its a good colour scheme and its not my fault hes full of tboy swag i didnt even TRY to do that he just did that himself
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anakinsgirlfriendreal · 10 months
Parts Of The Truth
Chapter Ten
Warnings: smut(it got a little dark but only a little I promise, also idk how to write smut I'm learning😔) , mature language, infidelity, drinking, mentions of abortion and children.
You laid in bed, too lazy to find pajamas so you pulled on underwear and wrapped yourself in a robe, hair wet and spread out on the pillow after a much needed shower which also served as a therapeutic cry session.
Your mind ran a thousand miles, going over the emotional conversation you had with Padme earlier. Anakin told her everything, she just wanted to hear it from you too. You, whom she had come to trust as a friend, had ruined her life essentially.
Surprisingly she hadn't seen it that way, and for her maturity you admired her, you'd forgiven her for slapping the colour from your face and the taste out of your mouth after you had both settled and she allowed you to calmly explain. She had told you how Anakin had served her divorce papers, and how she should hate you for stealing her husband and trampling on her marriage like it were a scornful bug, but she explained that despite it all, she loved and respected Anakin and as of recently you as well; "If you...want to be with him. Then I think you should do what makes you happy. But, don't say I never told you this, if he did it to me, he'll do it to you"
"Do what makes you happy" Anakin made you happy, Anakin made you the happiest woman ever. He was an amazing father, generous lover, he was who you wanted but the second part of her statement rang through your ears, "If he did it to me, he'll do it to you too."
A knock on the bedroom door pulls you out of your thoughts. "She's down, only took two re-reads of 'If the S in Moose comes loose' this time." Anakin voiced.
"God, I'm starting to hate Dr.Suess," you chuckle.
"I know, guy's my enemy," He laughs, coming to sit on the bed, his hand finds your exposed knee, he squeezed lightly. "So, you gonna tell me what's wrong or am I supposed to read your mind?"
You sigh, "You know what's wrong."
He chuckled, and then it turned into a laugh, making you furrow your brows, "I heard, Padme slapped the shit out of you" he shook his head. You gasped hitting him with the pillow, his pure audacity was appalling.
"That's not funny asshat, how'd you even know that? You weren't in the office today"
He gave you a look, "I'm the boss plus when my ladies are fighting, of course I'm informed." He shrugged.
"Fucking Ahsoka"
He smiled, "Come on, what's the matter? What happened"
"I don't wanna talk about it" you rolled over, pulling the blanket up, he pulled you back to face him his hand higher on your thigh.
You take a deep breath, "She said that she can't control who your heart wants and that now you two are...divorced, we can do what makes us happy." You purposely leave out and willingly choose to ignore her warning.
He nods, "And what makes you happy?" His voice is soft, he looked so angelic looking down at you, the way his lips parted, his hair disheveled from spending a full day with Darcy. The mere sight of him like this was always enough to have you soaked.
"You know" your tone matches his. He smiles, leaning in to kiss you, gently pressing his lips to yours he pulls back slightly.
"I missed you" he kisses you again. Before you can respond he's on top of you, undoing your robe and kissing down your jaw to your neck, sucking on your breasts.
"Anakin- what-"
He nips your neck, the spot right below your ear, that always made you weak.
"St- what are you doing"
"what do you think I'm doing" he works his way down your stomach, leaving open mouthed kisses, until he nears where you missed him most. "Fuck baby I missed you hmm, you miss me?" He kissed your clothed pussy. You knew in this moment he wasn't talking to you at all. A moan escapes as he pulls to fabric of your panties to the side, inserting one, then two fingers inside of you, pumping in and out, he moans at the sight. "Such a nasty little slut hm, look at you so wet and ready, bet you been thinking of me all these past weeks hmm?"
Before you even begin to let out a struggled response, he buries his face in your cunt, his hands coming to grip your thighs and force them apart, nose pressing into your clit as he devoured you like a man starved. Your hands grip his hair knots forming in your stomach.
"fuck An-" he stops.
You raise your head, looking down at him, "What the fu-" he flips you over, pulling up so your ass was in the air and he forced your head into the pillow, a harsh spank on your ass makes you squeal, followed by another before his cock bullies its way into your cunt. His pace was harsh and merciless, his hips snapping against the flesh of your ass as you bit into the pillow letting out soundless screams. You try to push yourself off of him and crawl away, further up on the bed but he grabs your hair harshly, pulling you back into him, so your back was flush against his chest, his free hand finding its way to the front of your body, squeezing your breasts and then down to rub harshly on your clit making you moan helplessly, overcome with pleasure.
His hand moves from your hair to your throat, squeezing a bit too tight, he whispers in your ear, his pace never faltering, "This is what you get. Thinking you can throw away my baby. Maybe I'll cum inside you and then you can make me a daddy again hmm? I can make you my new pretty little housewife. What do you think baby" he nips your ear, and your mind goes blank.
"yes yes please" you beg pathetically.
That's all he needed to hear, his thrusts get sloppier, the hand on your throat loosens and you feel him full you, warmth spreading through your lower body. You collapse on the bed and he pulls his sweatpants back up and settles next to you. Pulling you close he kisses your shoulder and in the crook of your neck as both your breathing steadied.
"Are you okay?" He asks gently, no longer rough and angry like he was before. You nod, rolling over in his arms so you were facing him.
"Did you just fuck me with your sweats halfway on your ass?" You say hoarsely with a smile, he chuckles kissing your head.
"You tell anyone, I'll lie about it" he smirks. You shake your head allowing familiar comfortable silence to fill the air before speaking again.
"Are you mad? About the abortion?"
His grip on you tightens and he releases again, getting up. He ignores your question and kisses your head, "I'll go run a bath for you, be back in a minute."
You watch as he walks towards the bathroom, familiar guilt eating you again, he just got divorced and you're hopping on his dick again, already? You're a terrible person. The voice in the back of your head, which you learned was your conscience chastises you.
You looked up at the ceiling deciding your next move, his phone vibrating on the night stand interrupts you. You roll out of bed, to check, in case it was a work call but what you find knocks the air from your lungs.
Kate: took Friday off, extra day for our getaway😉
You swallow the lump in your throat. He comes out of the bathroom, embracing you from behind, kissing your shoulder. You turn around, looking up at him, he smiles down at you, kissing your lips, "You ready for that bath?" He asks softly.
"Yes," you smile.
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feralcorpses · 4 months
Tw/Cw: Bright Colours, Possible Eyestrain, and a LOT of Eyes.
I love drawing watcher Grian so so much man
I was gonna give him more eyes but I got lazy I am gonna rant abt the watchers and stuff under the cut cause I really love my version of the watchers and have been dying to share how I view the silly eye cryptid.
(Click for better quality btw!!)
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Watcher rant ^^ (This wasn’t proof read btw so gl)
Sooooo Ima start off with talking abt the drawing I made, so this is watcher Grian aka Xelqua (Fun fact, Xelqua was Grians old name for his channel) and basically this would be considered their causal watcher form because DUN DUN DUNN they have a few diff types so they have a base form (so player disguises) semi-base form (player disgue + watcher features) lowest of watcher form (basically just what is shown in the peice here just less wings and eyes) their causal form (the one shown here in this piece) and thennn full form which is some creepy biblically accurate “humanoid” cyrptid creature.
There’s 5 types of watchers, low rank (usually newly turned ones) mid rank (most common one) high rank (woah your stupid for trusting these creatures this much 💀) pure watchers (blipped into existence as watchers) and then prime watchers (also blipped into existence but hold a lot more power, knowledge, wings, eyes, just rlly a lot more of everything tbh.)
The ranking system is based off skill, power, and reputation ig?? (it’s a odd one ok-) the easiest way I can explain it is it being the opposite to the feduel system so you can move up ranks you just can’t become a pure or prime watcher for obvious reasons.
Watchers usually only have 3 pairs of wings at most, pure watchers having abt 5 and prime watchers are undetermined. Their tails usually include some wings so a pure watcher might have one or two sets of wings on their tail with max for them being three and normal watchers very rarely have wings on their tails but will only have one pair if they do. (I am so not hinting at anything with this very specific thing noooo Grians wing number is soooo normal ;D)
This a bit of a odd one but they like don’t reproduce, pure watchers and prime watchers are just blipped into existence every now and again and taken care of by the previous generation of watchers and stuff.
Watchers can also be any species/hybrid so for example for example I usually base Grian off a great horned owl or rarely another owl I can’t remember the name of (I think it’s a long or short eared owl I sometimes base him off of idk) but anyway so watchers can be moth hybrids, phantoms, bats, anything but if the creature is non winged it’s eh a lot more painful to get turned because lets just say they give you wings you didn’t know you had :,)
Grians actually missing his eyes like his main eyes on his face like he has zero vision in those and usually tucks them away by covering his face with his main pair of head wings or the ones on top of his head but he wasn’t born blind it was more so a “freak accident” that made his eyes like that. He still sees tho through the rest of his watcher eyes because with his watcher type he can use more magic to hide things so he keeps his “extra” eyes out and makes them invisible and use those to see.
That’s all I have to say for now since I don’t wanna drag this post on for too long but thanks for reading this if you did lol
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ashes-onthewind · 3 months
I like green, shush
Hiya! My name is Ash! Please use exclusively he/him
my ask games are: here, here
go reblog this if you would :3 or this
"famous" posts i have: baikal seals
context for my blog title
my pfp is a commission from @honeybyte !!
I hate longass pinned posts so! The rest is under the cut, motherfuckers
I write and draw sometimes over at @dawns-captain! I reblog emotes I want to use on @ashess-inthewind, my as of yet inactive BBC Merlin sideblog is @resident-merthur-enthusiast , and my contribution to the gimmickverse is @irate-art, which is currently inactive while I get my shit together :( I've got stuff to queue on it when I have time but yeah feel free to tag me on any of these!
My tags are as follows: (never consistent)
# ash asks <- for when I send other people asks
# ash answers <- for when I answer other asks
# ash draws <- for finished art pieces
# ash scribbles <- for every art, including sketchy little doodles!
# ash rambles <- for my original posts and long comments
# ash comments <- for when I shpeak on a reblog
# tumblr heritage <- for classic posts I've gotten on my blog!
# not my art <- might tag it sometimes when I remember, usually I fast-reblog though
# might just write this <- things I want to write
# might just draw this <- you'll never guess. things I want to draw. waow
# into the archives <- something I want to come back to later, usually a reference
My friend tags are, in no order and not a full list:
# my silly <3 <- @/retsameki, my girlfriend <3
# potato stick <- @/irishfry
# sir morphy <- @/mrmorphea
# bee juice <- @/honeybyte
# cactiddies <- @/cactus-with-boobs
# the rats <- @/fivemillionrats
# bardbucks <- @/v3ntissecrets now @/banhamm3r-r3al
the rest of yall just get username tags im too lazy for that shit anymore
#lunarsys <- @/thelunarsystemshares / @/thelunarsystemwrites
@/vampiricram my bestie
If you want a friend tag u gotta ask im not gonna do them much anymore
Enjoy the chaos!
I'll make this pretty eventually I promise lol
Miscellaneous Links
Secret Dashboards
Radar (my dog!) pictures here
Adobe analog
Art references here, here, and here
What to cook when you have no food at home
dunkin lesbians
Heritage posts I managed to get on my blog
The guy who forgot to turn on anon to send himself hate mail
ice pack or pee, the endless question
list of tumblr folklore
while you studied the blade
Important information
Esk*mo is a slur
How to adult
Be careful before donating
colour calibrate your monitor!
Prompts and stuffses
Writing prompts here, here, here, here, here
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remmupom · 1 year
I was gonna do full colour but I got lazy, maybe tomorrow lmao
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(Luan n Eri Full body for me to ref when I draw em in the future + grim + me being a fanboy)
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 8
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Part 8: Disaster Roulette: Horse Viscera
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Atmospheric Railway.]
D: Wow.
A: That smells amazing!
L: Is that pancakes? Is that pancakes or am I having a stroke?
R: It’s pancakes. On the little stove right here. Says it’s “The First Dining-Car-Powered Railway.”
D: So we have full access to any bullshit you made up during the episode?
R: Seems like it.
L: Is there syrup?
A: I don’t think we mentioned syrup…
D: Still! Pancakes and no imminent threat of death! Well done, lady and gents!
D [text over slide]: I FEEL LIKE SUCH A FOOL.
D: Pancakes all around and let’s have a chat about traaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII — !
[sounds of WTYP inadvertently setting an 1884 land speed record, and 75 seconds of screams]
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[Postproduction image of blood-drenched Carrie at the prom.]
[more screaming, human language slowly becoming intelligible]
G: HA HA HA. DON’T YOU LIKE HORSIES, W’TYP [somehow pronouncing it like R’lyeh]?
R: Yeah, that shouldn’t have been like that.
A: Oh, my God, how did I ever think horse viscera was funny?
D: Then think of something else!
A: Nothing is ever going to be funny ever again, and I am going to die in a pocket dimension, covered in horse-and-rat smoothie.
L: And pancakes.
A: And pancakes. …Rocz, what?
R: You got a little piece of tail, right, right there…
A [exhausted]: Just kill us already.
L: Please.
D: Same.
R: Motion carries.
A: Right? So? Now what?
D [text over slide]: I LIVED, BITCH.
A: Oh, fuck off.
L: Boo! Weak!
R: Not happening.
D: Lazy cunt.
[sounds of WTYP throwing horse-viscera-soaked pancakes]
A: Oh, God, xe’s reading the comments!
D: No! Never read the comments!
L: Frig. Why did we start pinning the worst ones?
R: It was funny.
D: Xe could at least stick to the ones from the Atmospheric Railway.
R: They were largely positive, though.
A: Boys, I’m going to be really honest with you, I’ve been through some shit in my time, and this is all getting to be a bit much. It’s not so much the negative comments — although it stings a bit more to hear them out loud — it’s being trapped in an alternate hell dimension with no hope of escape. I mean, where does it all end? Just podcasting, negative comments and engineering disasters, for all eternity?
R: It’s been a pretty fun time, right up until just recently…
A: WE WEREN’T COVERED IN PURÉED HORSE UNTIL JUST RECENTLY! [sigh] If we can’t find a way out of this, it’s only a matter of time before I embrace that suction tube and give the horse-and-rat smoothie an Alice boost. Your thoughts?
R: I always figured a god would hafta come kill me to take me out, but I ain’t ready to give up yet.
D: But as it stands, we can only play to a stalemate, and then Gozer changes xyr form again. We need a means of attack. Can you think of an episode where you speculated about… about somehow wounding the disaster? Or… I don’t know, fixing it?
L: I dunno, Dev. They just always seemed so inevitable.
R: We’ve got slides of ‘em.
A: It’s always been more of a gallows humour kind of thing.
D: Superpowers? Did you ever give each other superpowers?
R: Other than the power of knowledge?
D: The power of knowledge isn’t going to dent a fucking god, Rocz! Gods do not work that way!
L: What about… The Frankford Junction Wreck?
A: [sigh] Sleep deprivation isn’t much of a superpower…
L: No, not that.
A: What? Rocz’s well-known love of trains, or… Oh. [laugh] Oh, yes. That might be of considerable assistance.
R: Something other than my well-known love of trains?
A: Shh! Don’t let on!
D: Whose pick is it? Alice had one, and Rocz had one, and we all said this one together.
L: It’s either you or me, buddy. So just don’t stop thinking about the Frankford Junction Wreck…
L: Fuck, that was all one comment, wasn’t it?
R: Yep, that was a longy.
A: With no line breaks.
R [to Gozer, flatly]: No.
D: I don’t think we’re getting out of this until Gozer gets tired of commenting or runs out of material…
A: Xe’s not going to run out of material, this is only from Episode Six!
D: Keep it together, Alice…
L: Don’t worry! I got your back, babygirl. HEY! GOZER! ANCIENT SUMERIAN GODS EAT SHIT!
G: L-O-L! UMAD [pronounced “oomad”] BRO?
D [text over slide]: I GOT YOUR BACK, BABYGIRL.
G [scandalized]: ELON MUSK?
L: Yeah!
L: You bet it was! And I got a lot more where that came from!
D: Oh, God.
R: Is that…?
A: It’s Liam’s dad!
A: Liam…? Are you okay…?
L [tearfully]: That was valid, sincere criticism from an honorable man — AND YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS, YOU PLAGIARIZING BITCH-BASTARD!
L: It was BEAUTIFULLY formatted! I JUST COME FROM A LONG LINE OF PASSIONATE MEN! And when I see my dad again — and I WILL, because you’re going DOWN IN FLAMES — I’m going to give him a BIG HUG!
[applause, cheering from the rest of WTYP]
VINZ CLORTHO (V): We are valid.
A: Fuck! Shit! Where did that come from?
R: They’re eating the pancakes.
ZUUL (Z): [hissing]
R: We’re eating the pancakes, sorry.
V: You have hurt our feelings.
L: You’re trying to kill us! [clearing throat] Alice, do you have a cough drop or something?
A: Eat this cigarette. They work for me.
V: You must die so the new world can be born.
Z: A new world with more tummy rubs.
L: What? I will rub your tummies right now!
Z: [hisses]
V: No. We do not like you anymore. [to Rocz] Die well, doughnut-giver.
R: No.
D: We’re fine.
A: No, this… This is great. We like this.
L: We eat horse and rat pancakes for breakfast!
V [faintly, mouth full]: We have much in common, you and us. It is a shame you must die!
WTYP, together: The Frankford Junction Wreck!
R: For some reason.
Part 9
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
Trick or treaaat!
May I request a wee little snippet for Clayton and Mason? I just got so excited when I say yer post!!! Happy Samhain my friend and dinnae mess with the otherworld.
Stay safe!
Hello hello!! Heck yes!! A lil silly hallowe'en UnDeadwood snippet for you <3 (this is a modern au XD) And thank you, Happy Samhain to you too!!! -- "You can't be a cowboy for Halloween every year, Clayton!" Matthew hollered, bending over the bathroom sink to clumsily sweep glittery eye shadow across one of his eyelids. Miriam had offered to come over and help, but he'd insisted he could do it by himself.
"An' why the hell not?" Clayton yelled back from the bedroom. "It's a good costume!"
Matthew eyed his reflection critically, then dabbed more eye shadow on. "It's a lazy ass costume when you're basically a cowboy in real life. All you do is grab a lasso and call it a day!"
"Would you rather I grab a whole-ass horse to ride next time?"
"Or you could just wear the fuckin' costume I made for you!"
There was a low curse from the bedroom, then stomping footsteps, the thud of the already-open bathroom banging further open. "Christ, Matty, did you really have to fuckin' choose this, though? Thought you were opposed to blasphemy."
Matthew turned and grinned. Clayton leaned against the door frame, arms crossed, brow furrowed and mouth turned down in a scowl. He was wearing the costume Matthew had bought for him, with a little bit of Miriam's help - tight red leather pants, a red satin waistcoat, and of course, the red horns situated on top of his head. No shirt under the vest to speak of, those gorgeous arms on full display. He made a handsome devil, and Matthew's hands itched to explore the bare skin just visible at his waist.
"Well don't you look handsome," Matthew purred. He gave up and strode over, sliding his hands onto Clayton's hips, letting his fingertips slip under the edge of the waistcoat. "And you say red isn't your colour."
"It ain't," Clayton grumbled, letting Matthew tug him into a kiss. "Could've gone with black instead."
"Red is much better," Matthew laughed. "Black just makes you look like a gangster who lost his shirt."
The look Clayton was giving him turned exasperated. "I could just put on a shirt, Matt. Since it's fucking October, and I ain't twenty goddamn years old anymore."
"Hell no." Matthew squeezed his bicep, grinning when Clayton rolled his eyes. "Suns out guns out, Mister Clay."
Clayton eyed him. "… then how come you're wearin' a shirt?"
"Because angels don't dress to tempt others," Matthew said primly. Like Clayton, he was wearing trousers, and a vest, but in pure white. A white dress shirt, a halo, and the glittery eye shadow completed the look. "Obviously."
"Never knew a preacher would be such a dirty liar," Clayton laughed. "You just wanna oggle me, ain't that right?"
Matthew's grin grew. "Darlin', of course I want to oggle you." Then he gave Clayton puppy dog eyes. "But also Ms. Trudy from the church is gonna be there, and she doesn't believe that I have a hot younger husband since you never come to the Sunday Service."
"Younger by six fuckin' months Matthew, good lord." Clayton dragged a hand through his hair, scowling when the motion got interrupted by the demon horns. "Fuck it. Fine." He pointed his finger at Matthew. "I'll come and be your hot demon husband for the night. But you owe me."
Matthew laughed, and stepped back to the mirror, picking up the glittery blush. He wanted glitter on his cheekbones, too. "It's a deal."
Come trick or treat in my ask box and give me a pairing or prompt and I'll write you a snippet!
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0zzysaurus · 2 years
how does one go about making gifs? ive always wanted to try but i have no idea where to start.
Well the way I do them is super basic. I make no-nonsense gifs with minimal to no editing - but I suppose that’s helpful if you just want to get into making simple ones!
I do all of it on iPhone, so it’s gonna be iOS specific, but as long as you have a decent screen recorder on whatever device you’re using, you shouldn’t need to download any videos.
Downloading videos is mostly done to avoid quality drops if your wifi isn’t very good. I personally screen record all my clips because cannot tell the difference between gifs made from screen recorded videos versus downloaded videos, and I just don’t have the time/space to be downloading full videos that can be potentially two hours or more. Screen recording also helps you get around copyright problems if you’re trying to download videos from YouTube. It’s a personal preference thing and if people shit on you for screen recording then they need to get a life.
The first thing I do is find a movie/show that I want to select clips from. I’ll do a quick example with a shot from The Matchmaker (1958) because I could do with some gifs of that movie.
First thing I do is find it in the highest quality I can, put my phone on horizontal & full screen (so you can get the biggest resolution you possibly can) and record a reasonable sized segment I want to make gifs of. Have some buffer space so you’re not fiddling with pauses, and record long enough to maybe get one or two good gifs out of a few minutes of recording.
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Once I’ve done that, I trim the video to just be the parts I want to make into a gif. Usually something between 2 and 7 seconds helps to keep the upload size for Tumblr below 10MB, but the more colours/higher the definition the bigger the file will be regardless of runtime, so be aware. Always save as a new clip so you can keep reusing your initial screen recording.
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I’ve got three clips here I wanna make into gifs.
Now I go to the best website ever, ezgif to actually rotate (crop sometimes) and convert video into gifs. It’s 100% safe and a shit load better than the native iOS gif making tools.
I’m sure there are better ways of doing this with editing software on your computer, but a) I’m too lazy for that and this works just fine for making gifs for your blog, and b) you wanted a beginner tutorial and this is something fun you can play around with if shit like Adobe AE is too daunting/expensive.
You wanna click this option:
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And then use the following settings (the seconds are just the maximum length of the clip I chose, feel free to play around with those to shorten your clip more if you didn’t quite get it accurate the first time.)
The size and frame rate options here WILL make the largest file option available, but it will look the best. Lower them if you are okay compromising quality for file size, or shorten your gif if you are okay compromising length for quality.
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The fire size here is JUST under Tumblr’s file limit. 10.00MiB will always be too big for Tumblr. I find optimising a gif often makes the file size BIGGER 🙄 but try it if you want. There are a lot of decent options here for a simple gif tool :]] I’m just gonna quickly crop the black bars out.
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To download it, I always hit the save button and open it in View so it’s in its own tab. Then I just save it from there.
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And that’s how I do it :]]
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marssmellow · 1 year
I wanna share a bit of a life story to explain WHY I feel I am gonna crush this academic year and I'm finally gonna be the top of my class. Pay attention folks, because this is probably gonna be a once in a lifetime show. I am not usually that comfortable sharing my life story online — I also don't want to share anything because I really don't like the Internet BUT my journal is far away and I am too lazy to pick it up so I am writing here instead (I am, in fact, lying to you. My journal is in the bedside table next to my head right now. I am just too lazy at the moment). Btw I feel like this is a story worth knowing about me as a person that all of you, little people who follow this blog + my three (3) real life friends simply must know to understand me. So fasten your seatbelts, we are going down memory lane together.
(tw: mention of sexual assault)
So, when I was in elementary school I was your typical golden child. I was so good in all of the classes and I always got the best marks. Of course, you are thinking "Whaaat, elementary school is not hard??" You'd be surprised. For some reason, elementary schools in Italy are hard. We learn, of course, all the basics, like the alphabet and how to add numbers and all that shit, but we also learn stuff that your typical 6-year-old wouldn't, like rhyming schemes and syllable patterns, chemical reactions, a bit of algebra, the idea of historical process, English and all that stuff (disclaimer: I do not know if this was the case just for my school or my teachers. I just know that we didn't limit ourselves to the alphabets and the names of colours). Apart from a general difficulty in math (probably caused by an undiagnosed dyscalculia) I was very good. However, I had a competitor. My best friend ALSO wanted to be the best in my class. The only difference between us was that, while I was effortlessly talented (I am saying this with every ounce of humility in my body), she tried really hard. I learned this after a long time, but she had very strict parents that used to treat her very badly if she didn't get the highest mark in a test. She went as far as to complain to the teacher if I got a higher grade that hers in tests. And here's the kicker: she would take it out on me. She used to make me feel bad because I got the full mark while she didn't. Of course, it wasn't my fault, but my little brain did not know that and I remember feeling anxious every time the teacher would give us the result of a test because I wanted to know how HER test went. You can well imagine the effect this had on me. I started doubting myself and blaming myself for other people's results. Maybe that's why I want to be a professor now, or maybe it has nothing to do with that. We will never know. The point is that I started to seriously think that she was better than me because she put all this crazy effort into her test while I just...winged them. I seriously did not study that much. I found the tests easy. That's probably something to do with the fact that I was genuinely curious about the subjects and I absorbed the information like a sponge. Anyway, that was the first thing on my path.
In middle school I was heavily bullied and I even was abused by one of these classmates that thought it was funny to grab on my body (yes, I do have a nice set of boobs) whenever he thought convenient. If that guy is reading this, which I highly doubt, go fuck yourself. Anyway, those were the worst years of my life, let me tell you. I was even bullied by a teacher. This teacher used to be my brother's math teacher 13 years back, and he thought it was extremely funny to constantly remind me how my brother was so much better than me. Once again, nobody ever thought that my struggle with math was probably a product of an undiagnosed dyscalculia, but here I was. Bullied by my math teacher. Around this time, I still had competition in the classroom. Another of my classmates competed with me for the highest grades. But let me tell you. She was so beautiful. It was around this time that I should have started realizing that I probably liked girls because I now realize I had the biggest crush on her. I really didn't care if she was better than me, because she was beautiful, and she was cool and she was dating the boss of the bullies. The class used to hate on me every time I said in class that I loved a book, or every time I would answer a question, or that I would get a nice grade. I remember this classmate of mine that almost beat me up because I got a higher grade than him in technical art — because he wanted to be an architect but I was the top of the class. It was horrible. Those three years taught me to keep my interests to myself to not be hated. It made me hate all those things that made me happy. So I gradually convinced myself that the things I enjoyed...I was the only one enjoying them. Those things were mine and mine alone and nobody would ever understand me. I felt alone. Misunderstood. Hopeless, even. Because the things I liked I couldn't pursue.
This is why I chose a high school with a scientific path. Because my brother is an engineer and all my mother could say was how you couldn't live off of books. So I chose physics, chemistry, math and science in general. Because my family said those are the only things that matter. Because literature, and art, and history and philosophy will leave me jobless. Do you remember the undiagnosed dyscalculia? Yes, it wasn't funny. I failed pretty much all of my math tests. Physics I could pull off. I could decently pass chemistry and biology because it was mainly words and not a lot of numbers. But let me tell you — I was happy. My teachers were AMAZING. My math teacher, he is the nicest man in the world (he is also a feminist and an anarchist and I lost myself in conversations about the patriarchy with him a lot of times. He was very funny too. He is so intelligent, he probably could have guessed I had an undiagnosed dyscalculia but I forgive him for that). And my classmates were cool. They didn't bully me. We soon enough recognized that we were there for the same reason — we were all nerds in something. I was, of course, the nerd in humanities. The only incident I can report happened in the third year, when some of my classmates basically ambushed me and forced me to come out as an asexual bisexual (at the time I thought I was bi. Now I know that I was a lesbian in denial). I never forgave them because I used to trust them. But for the rest, things went smoothly. But where is the problem? Well, for four years I was forced to study things I didn't really enjoy. I was terrible. My grades sucked. I was good in Italian, in history and English and art and philosophy, but the key courses? Let's not even mention them. It was a disaster. I lost all of my confidence and all of my passion.
Which is why I decided to study Languages in uni. I wanted out of the scientific world. Back to humanities I go! It was not easy. My study methods were all calibrated to study and learn and memorize scientific stuff. I remember that I passed my Philology exam because I studied the High German consonant shift using my geometry method. I LOVED these past three years of uni. I don't think I was ever this happy. I finally was able to study something I liked, free of judgment (my family, by this point, recognized that my talents lied somewhere else, and not in chemistry or maths) and free of competition. I could be myself. Freedom.
But. There's always one, right? But this was not true freedom. I was still studying things I didn't really like. Like Spanish, for example. I had to choose a second language and Spanish was the easiest course — or so I was told, because let's be honest, that course was NOT easy, even as an Italian native speaker. Everyone that tells you that Spanish and Italian are similar is LYING. Anyway, you can well imagine how a person that lived through what I experienced can feel about studying stuff you don't like. It felt constraining.
During the past two years, I got very lucky. I found myself a partner that loves me for who I am. Friends that support me and love me and make me laugh and are there for me, and that are genuinely interested in my interests. Friends that root for me, even. My family did a complete 360 and now supports me and my plans for the future. I found a professor that not only accepted to be my supervisor but that goes on and beyond to help me in my career. I feel like I'm on top of the world.
Around two years ago, I realized which Master's I wanted to take. It's in the same university, my supervisor is one of the teachers. This means at least another year with my friends and my partner in the city I love, doing the things I enjoy the most. So, these last two years have felt like...a rite of passage. Like something I had to do in order to get to my Master's. Which can be a great motivator, but it can also transform everything that you do into a chore. I lacked intrinsic motivation. All of my motivation was external. "I have to take this Spanish exam so I can graduate and get to my Master's". That's what I thought for pretty much every single one of my exams. I am not gonna lie, if this is your mindset then studying becomes boring. That's what happened to me, I lost most of my motivation to study and do good. I wasn't studying for the sake of learning, I was studying to get a decent mark on the exam and get accepted in my Master's. It was not pretty. It got me pretty anxious too.
But now? Now everything is changing. I no longer have that kind of motivation. The classes I had to take "for the sake of the grade" are no longer there. All the classes of the next two years are interesting, fun, and motivating. Every single one of them will teach me something for my future career AND are genuinely interesting. Which means that, this time around, I have both internal AND external motivation.
Which is what brings me back to my main point. I feel, I KNOW I will crush this academic year. I have the potential to be at the top of my class again. I know I shouldn't brag (but damn I amaze and astonish, as Hamilton would say) but I really feel this way. My mindset shifted during these summer months and I cannot wait to test this new life philosophy. I really can't wait for this new, big adventure, and to see where it will take me. I hope it's somewhere bright and beautiful. I had enough of the darkness.
0 notes
silverdelirium · 3 years
idk if ur request are still open but if they are, could you write something with the marauders?? maybe dilf!sirius or stripper!reader?? (only if you’re confortable with it!)
btw i loved your theo smut😭<3
ty baby<3
summary: your best friend’s dad finds you working at a strip club.
warnings: small sir kink, squirting, oral ( female receiving ), fingering, bit of drinking at the start, small degrading, praising.
sirius needed a drink and he needed it now.
he didn’t even acknowledge what club he stumbled on, but from the view it gave, they had alcohol. and that’s all that mattered to sirius. he needed to wash away all stress, rage, and irritation from today; and what better way to do it than getting drunk?
“one firewhiskey” he demanded once he settled on the barstool at the bar. the young bartender giving a quick nod and getting to work.
it was then that sirius had a chance to look around, the place was cluttered with people. loud chatter almost drowning out the music. he realized everyone’s sight was settled onto the centre of the room.
sirius craned his neck to get a good look at what seemed to be catching everyone’s interest.
ah, he thought.
this is a strip club.
he hummed in acknowledgement when the bartender placed his drink in front of him, whisking it away and walking closer to the scene as the alcohol burned his throat, a low vibration bubbled from his chest at the taste, already getting rid of all that pent up tension in his muscles.
the atmosphere in the club had suddenly changed when sirius finished his drink. everyone went quiet before cheering loudly when two beautiful women stepped on the stage. the one at the right had red lingerie on, hugging her body in all the right places. her bronze skin seemed to compliment the colour of her attire and her long dark hair moved in rhythm with her movements. the one at the left had a pink with a black corset on, a small thong leaving little to the imagination. sirius eyes travelled from her smooth legs to her defined waist, to her pushed up cleavage and to her- face.
the realization came crashing down on sirius like a bucket of cold water.
there you were. his daughter’s best friend all dolled up dancing to the beat of the music around the pole. and he silently cursed himself for getting hard at the same little girl that visits his house every weekend. did you always go to his house after giving this people a good show? giving them something for their little wank-bank?
as much as he hated to admit it, the mere image of you dancing sensually could’ve had him cumming on the spot. he also hated to admit that the fact that he wasn’t the only person in this place was bringing back that wrath that he had earlier.
was he supposed to be able to compose himself around you from now on? was he supposed to not have you over his knee the next time he had you alone. giving you an orgasm for every set of eyes that were watching you waltz around the stage?
his fingers twitched along with his cock when he saw you bend down to let a batty old man hand you a 100 dollar tip.
and that’s when your eyes met his piercing ones.
you seemed to freeze at his presence for a few moments before you were back to dancing, your vision still glued to his.
and the subtle smirk he sent your way was enough to confirm that— you were getting your brains fucked out by sirius black after this.
after a few more dances and tips, you and your friend got off the stage, your head snapping back to meet sirius’s direction; who was still staring at you with hooded eyes.
you threw him a lazy smile before making your way to the loo, knowing damn well that sirius was just a few steps behind you. the door barely touched the doorframe before he was wringing it open with such force that had you giving a small gasp when he abruptly grabbed ahold of your jaw, turning your head up at him.
“i didn’t know you could dance like that” were the first words he spoke to you in the whole evening.
“you barely know me at all, sir” you teased. the nickname you addressed him as seemed to spark something in him. and a short chuckle came from sirius before he was smashing his lips to yours, letting go of your face to knead the softness of your bum, he hooked a finger on the waistband of your thong before letting it snap back on your flesh, coaxing a whimper from your mouth.
“you filthy little thing, getting me all hard in front of everyone. you’re gonna have me thinking of this pretty pussy for the rest of the week, and i’m gonna have you looking all ruined once i’m done with you” he growled in between kisses, hoisting you up on the counter and advancing his kisses downwards on your neck.
you threw your head back with a blissful sigh as sirius grazed his teeth against your sweet spot, your body ignoring the alarms going off on your brain that screamed: this is your best friend’s dad! what are you doing? but with the way sirius crouched down so he was at level with your sopping cunt, his beard giving you that delicious burn that you were gonna feel for the rest of the night, you really couldn’t give less of a fuck that this was wrong.
“oh fuck” you whispered as sirius dragged your panties down, groaning slightly at the sight of your dripping pussy. “fuck baby, can’t wait to have this tight pussy milking me dry” he mumbled before diving in, lapping up at your juices in an instant.
you released a strangled moan as sirius flicked his tongue over your buzzing clit, the pads of his fingers teasing your slit. your hands flew down to grip his hair as he entered two fingers at one, sucking around your bundle of nerves in a way that had you curling your toes.
“oh my god, sir-” you moaned out, thighs shaking with anticipation at the same time sirius curled his fingers upwards, caressing your g-spot in the most dazzling way ever.
he continued his assault on your clit whilst his fingers pumped in and out of you, the stimulation provoking that coil in your belly to snap without a warning. “i’m gonna fucking cum” you managed to whine out, bucking your hips up before cumming around sirius’ fingers, not even giving him time to respond.
your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you cried out in pure euphoria— your mind barely registered when was it that sirius had stood up, fingers working rapidly against his belt before letting his engorged cock spring out, he stroked a few times before nudging your stimulated clit with the tip, watching with hungry eyes as you jolted your hips upwards as a silent plea.
“beg” he demanded.
“beg for it. show me how much of a desperate slut you are.” his eyes were darkened with lust as he spoke each word.
“please— please. i need it, i want you to fuck me hard and fast, sir. please” you pouted, giving him your best puppy eyes that you knew would always get you what you wanted.
“atta girl” he purred before pushing himself inside your gushing pussy, quivering cries leaving your lips like a chant.
sirius settled for a bruising pace since the start, rocking his hips into yours until you had your back arched, giving him a clear view of your breasts that were still trapped in the corset from earlier.
“so tight baby— can’t wait to see my cum painting this pretty thighs” he moaned, gripping hour hips harshly before fastening his speed, dirty sounds of clapping skin echoing throughout the bathroom.
you went cross-eyed as his tip destroyed your g-spot, tiny stars decorating your vision with every harsh thrust. you screamed his name over and over again until your throat became tired, reaching your fingers down to soothe your aching bundle of nerves.
your hand was swatted away by none other than the male who gave you a look before massaging your clit tightly. “who is making you feel this good, pretty girl?” he taunted, a prideful smirk making its way to his lips as he watched you babble his name, cunt squeezing his cock that was still drilling into your hole.
“look at that sweet cunt squeezing me. i’m gonna have the whole club knowing who’s making you feel this fucking good” he grunted.
you went to answer him but the only thing that came out was a shattering moan as you squirted all over the bathroom’s counter, soaking yours and sirius’ thighs.
“fuck!” he moaned as he pumped you full with his load. rope after rope spraying your walls.
ragged breaths filled the room as he carefully slid out of you, both slowly coming down from cloud nine. sirius grunted at the view of your overused pussy blowing out his cum. counter completely drowned in your arousal.
“round two at the house?” you suggested.
🏷: @selenesheart @malfoy-girl
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fandomfoundmyart · 2 years
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screencap redraw bc i need to do lighting practices
i was gonna full on colour it but then i realized it would be a lot and i cant do backgrounds properly and i got lazy
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