#was interested in it and then author went on a power trip
crychan · 2 years
nothing better than being converted from a hater to a fan
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dolliels · 1 month
synopsis: going to bed after reading a horribly self indulgent romance novel, you seemed to wake up as an extra of the series. what stories will unfold while on a mission to find a way out?
author’s note: ik i said there would be more romance but i lied i got carried away and wrote too much and so i divided the sections as equally as i could make it without making it end too clumsily.
[one] [two] [three] [four] [epilogue]
it's been about two days since you housed leona from his injury. damn, he slept like a log.
you had been sleeping on the couch ever since you decided to carry this absolute wall of a man into your bed, so you spent most days lounging around.
the first night leona came into your store, you frowned. you've read in the novel that leona is an unstoppable, powerful and consuming being. there was no reason for him to be so gosh darn injured.
then you thought back to when roselia and leona first started falling in love. You had to constantly remind yourself that this novel was not realistic at all and terribly self indulgent. of course there was some stupid reason as to why leona would end up like this.
you already had the gist of the idea.
the thing is, the kingscholar family's royal ties weren't exactly held up by blood alone. there was some string magic that bounded the current king to be worthy of leading the kingdom.
leona stubbornly believed that the magic was false, thinking that his brother had no true leadership at all, just charming and handsome (just how charming is king falena anyway? you almost shed tears looking at just leona. how much would you evaporate if you saw the king?)
so, he took a trip to an ancient cavern where a dragon guarded a book containing some of the most powerful answers in the world, including the truth to all magic. leona really wanted to see if his brother's claim to the throne was true at all, wanting to use it as a way to get one step closer to the throne.
(the dragon was in fact, prince malleus of the briar valley kingdom. he was roselia's second love interest. but only because roselia went to find the book for herself, encountering him along the way. you, however, had no interest in meeting the briar prince. roselia eventually convinced malleus to let her take a peek at a book and spoiler alert: nothing about reality transmigration was there. that was how roselia decided that she would just live in this world forever.)
however, something was extremely odd.
the dragon, far more powerful than leona, beat him almost to a pulp (embarrassingly, haha!) and leona scurried away and snuck into the castle once more, into the arms of roselia, where she sat and took care of him (she couldn't try to get the maids to do it– she didn't have the heart to tell anyone of leona's plans. the transmigrated roselia in the novel still viewed leona as an OC after all, and had an attachment to him, no matter how insignificant the story was to her.)
so the question is: why the hell are you the one taking care of him? where is the hell is roselia??
you placed a cold towel over his forehead (he had a really high fever– probably a cold from walking in the rain. he got sick in the novel too.) you sighed. you also wondered what motivated leona to walk into your bookstore instead of anywhere else. he's seen you only once.
up until the evening, leona was sound asleep, soft snoring being heard in the background as you kept track of all the books you've sold so far on a piece of paper. owning a bookstore is little more complicated than you thought.
your eyes shot up when you heard a distant grumble. leona was waking up.
you instinctively brought leona to your home instead of calling for authorities, so you never really thought about what would happen when leona was conscious again. your mind started overflowing with consequences. you didn't know the law system in this world very well, and only skimmed through some books you've had about it.
"w… what…?"
leona touched his own forehead, feeling the soft cold towel cover his head. he took it off and slowly sat up, finally noticing your presence.
"where am i?"
instead of scared or surprised, leona just looked confused and really frustrated. the overthinking getting to you, you prompted to answer straight away.
"you're in my room. uhm. you've been asleep for nearly three days."
he scanned your bedroom, then at you.
"oh. you're the bookseller."
having leona kingscholar in your living room wasn't something you had on your bucket list today, but you didn't seem to mind.
leona adjusted quickly. although he didn't thank you for your efforts, or try to explain himself of who he is and how he ended up here, it was better than going on a rampage and punishing you via death. you knew that if things pissed him off, leona would make sure it goes bad for the other party from simply the flick of his hand. this meant you weren't such a bad host.
his entire left arm was wrapped up in bandages, still soaked from some of the dried up blood (you were intending to change but now that he's awake, you're not sure if you should)
he sat at your round dining table. you placed a hot english muffin stuffed with bacon and cheese (it was the only warm food you were able to make. coming into this world, you oddly developed an obsession with english muffins…)
without a word, or any thank yous, leona snatched it from the plate and ate it with no complaints. I mean, as long the food isn't that bad, right?
being a bookstore owner, you had stacks of books lying around the house, including the dining table. leona was silently flipping through one of them. wuthering heights, it read. he kept frowning as he skimmed over the pages. it looked like he'd read it a hundred times before already.
you slowly sat yourself across the table, fiddling your hands together as you watched leona eat and read, unbothered.
"uhm… your highness?"
there was no reply, but his ears flicked and he subtly lowered his book down. his eyes weren't gliding across the pages anymore.
"how long… how long are you planning to stay here?"
"does that matter? you work for me, so there should be no issue with housing me for an undetermined period of time"
you sighed. what a bitch. you pretended to laugh nervously.
"alright… uhm. anything else you need?"
"more of these." leona said waving the book at you.
"more emily brontë? i mean i could–"
"wuthering heights is her only novel, you dumbass, i meant more of this genre. i thought you read?"
oh he's a pretentious dick!
the next day, you ran shop like usual. leona, ungratefully so, snoozed away in your bed and ate all the meat you had left in stock. you were barely able to create a balanced meal with some left over ham you stashed away for emergencies. it seems like you have to go grocery shopping tomorrow…
leona seemed to be devouring one book after another. he was a fast reader, and seemed to be rummaging over piles and piles of books in nearly just one day. that seemed a little (very) impossible. you just shrugged and assumed he was skipping through them because he was bored.
dinner was entirely silent. you still had a lot of questions, especially with how the story isn't going as planned.
you watched leona just push away his plate and walk up to your room (again) in which you assume he's planning to snooze away again. he surprisingly sleeps a lot, it was never mentioned in the novel.
you turn around to see leona look down at you halfway up the stairs.
"aren't you coming?"
leona just glared and pointed at the bandaged arm.
"oh! right! I'll just get my medical kit–"
"so… uhm… you highness…" you started, as you slowly started unwrapping the bandages. the injury was pretty hard, cuts everywhere, dried blood cover nearly his entire arm, a piece of skin completely gone… it was truly a sight to look at.
leona yawned widely before replying; "what?"
"how… how did this even happen?"
he just stared off into the distance. "take a wild, wild guess."
"a fight?"
you sighed. well that was probably it. it didn't seem like leona wanted to explain further, and you didn't want to pry. you knew the reason anyway. it's just that the uncomfortable silence was murdering you in half.
"i'm not good at taking care of injuries… i really do think you should go back to the palace and get medical treatment. i heard the royal doctors are good!"
"pish posh." leona replied. "they're going to go on about how i need to be inside and i'm gonna be caged in the palace again for an entire week."
you shrugged. "well maybe your fiancé? I don't think my medical skills can match up to even the higher class…" there was no reason for you to say this, but you were prying in. so far, you've had absolutely no mention of roselia anywhere. you decided that it was best to get the information from the source alone.
"fiancé? i don't have a fiancé. what are you talking about?"
you felt your blood run cold.
"oh! nothing! i must've gotten the words confused… i meant friends! yeah. your friends could help, right?"
leona scoffed. "no."
as you slowly patched up leona's injury, you bit your lip. leona doesn't have a fiancé…?
that completely ruins the trajectory of the story.
you had two options: the universe where roselia transmigrated into the novel, or the universe where no one but you transmigrated, except leona still had a completely helpless fiancé that he kills eventually. the universe you were in… doesn't make sense.
does that mean you have no way of going home…?
no. you shake your head. just focus on the present and good things will come your way.
"ouch. watch it."
leona glared at you as you jabbed an injury too hard.
"i'm… uh… sorry."
he rolls his eyes and looks back at you. since you were tending to his injury, you were able to see his face even more up close. you probably would've actually shed a tear, except leona was being so unlikeable that despite his good looks rubbing in your face, you could only scowl.
"what's with that face?"
"nothing… just thinking about how a thank you for hosting you these past few days would be nice."
"what?" leona snorted.
"i-" you tightly wrapped the bandage on leona's arm. his face didn't change but you could see a jolt of movement in his ears. "have been watching over you-" another tight pull. "and feeding you-" leona winced.
"but not a single acknowledgement is there!" you huffed. "i'm sorry your highness, but even people of the noble class should know how to have some gratitude. i don't mind housing you in my place forever if i have to, just a simple thank you would've worked."
leona stared at you, wide eyed for a second, rubbing his injured arm, probably from the hot pressure against it. you do admit you've been pulling the bandages way tighter than you should've.
he then lets out a laugh.
"no one has ever spoken to me like that before! haha, you really have no comprehension of what i am capable of, are you?"
in all honesty, you did not. you did know that leona was merciless, cold and unforgiving. but the novel spent 90% of its entire story just talking about the better half of him when he fell in love, so, no, you really didn't. nor did you care. you still had a hard time viewing leona so highly, even if you had been constantly reminding yourself to call leona "your highness" (blegh…)
"I guess not…" you mumbled, looking down.
"could I at least get a thank you…?"
leona huffed. "there's nothing to be thankful for. the food is lousy, the house is small, this bed is too stiff and there's way too many books scattered all around to move around comfortably."
hah… this bitch…
you breathed in and out deeply, calming yourself. you needed to be composed, you couldn't risk getting on leona's bad side for now. you have no idea where roselia is, meaning there is no other alternative way for you to get out of this world.
your hope was diminishing the longer you were here…
"sorry." you replied quietly, standing up to leave. the idea that you couldn't possibly go home now put you in a sour mood. it seemed like leona felt the shift in vibe and went silent himself as you walked out the door.
"by the way, the food is lousy because you keep eating all the good food."
you shut the door.
the next morning, you ran shop as per usual. you didn't bother checking up on the prince, you assumed he was fine. and there were more urgent matters.
flipping through your collection of books on transmigration, you sighed.
there was options of weird chants and rituals you could do to go back home, but that meant you had to have done already in the first place, so that a checkpoint is saved between two worlds. you, however, passed out on your bed with your phone open to the novel on one hand and your other in a bag of chips. that's probably not how you came here… right? honestly, if desperation got to the best of you, you'd probably do it.
you felt movement behind you, as a certain someone comfortably sat himself beside you.
"oh, the store and the house are connected. didn't know that."
you rolled your eyes out of leona's sight.
leona glanced at the books you had stacked on the table. "transmigration? you want to leave this world or something?"
"if it means leaving you, then precisely." you snapped. then blinked.
"oh wait- im sorry-"
leona snorted. "yeah, yeah. whatever."
you coughed awkwardly. "people come into the store pretty often, your highness. are you sure you want to be seen? you are a recognizable prince after all. you should just go back inside." you said, trying to get him to go away so you can focus.
"nah. i don't care."
you scooted closer to you as he skimmed through your list of research. you tried to hide the paper away but he just leaned in closer, your shoulders touching.
"wow… rituals and stuff. you sure you know what reality you want to go to?"
you huffed. "no. this is just for fun."
leona shrugged. "alright."
the doorbell to the bookstore rang again and you looked up.
two men in armor walked up to you, squishing past these tiny book shelves.
"hello." said a tall man with white, gruffed hair.
"we're the royal guards."
"yeah… i thought so."
"don't mind him" said the shorter, blonder one beside him. "it's his first day here. anywho, we're looking for prince leona." he shoved a drawing of leona to your face. "have you see him?"
you turned to your side to find that leona was gone. actually, he still there, just under the table.
"uhmmmm… errrr…"
you felt a pinch on your leg.
trying to keep your composure, you smiled. "no. I haven't. I'll contact you guys when I have, though!"
the guards nodded in understanding and left.
you finally looked down to see leona.
"what the fuck was that???"
leona shrugged. "i've been gone for days. they're probably looking for me."
"then… shouldn't you be going home?"
"no." leona leaned against the table. "i don't want to."
you heard another customer walk in.
"okay mr prince, you should go back into before someone recognizes you." you hissed, pushing him away.
leona proceeded to walk back inside your house, as you closed the door. you felt a little nervous, like you were hiding a criminal.
the drawing of leona did make you laugh a little, though. he looked dead and pissed off, really capturing what he looks like on a day-to-day basis.
a.n: 2 more chapters and a prologue to go.. 😩 anyone whose really into the story i love you and hopefully you can survive the next 3 days because i’m trying to survive too
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Paring: jeonghan x fem!reader
Requested: yes [Can you please write something angsty for prince DK? Or if this is too vague, what do you think about a bet au with Jeonghan?] [By anon]
Genre: angst, coworkers to lovers, fluff, fuckboy au, opposites au, bet au
Warning(s): misogyny, jeonghan is an asshole and so is seungcheol, [if you find more pls inform ]
Summary: Jeonghan had plans on never talking to the quite coworker they hired, but like doesn't always pan out the way we want to. But when you add money to the problem, plus both your feelings, you have the perfect recipe for disaster.
Word count: 5.2k
Other works
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.
a/n 2: i hope it was what you wanted, thanks for the ask btw!
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Everyone at the office knew that Jeonghan was a free spirit, he worked hard and partied even harder. He like living his life in the most happening way possible. Be it weekend trips, bike trips to the mountains or staying in the countryside for a week and working remote while enjoying the serenity that comes with it, he was down for anything.
Funnily enough he was referred to as the least energetic person in his friend group. So, one can imagine overzealous they normally were.
His work more often than not was impeccable, no one could fault him at all. The rising star of the corporate world they called him at the office. In his five years at the job the man had garnered more approval than anyone else.
He liked his life, and he would not trade it for anything else.
Now, unlike Jeonghan you resided on the other side of the spectrum. Your kind of life was pretty monotonous waking up before your alarm, making your bed, skipping meals, and surviving on coffee, reaching, and leaving work on the dot and crying while rewatching your favorite shows, was your kind of life. You like staying in during the weekends and cleaning up the mess you make in your living space during the weekdays and trying everything in your power to not upset your cat while doing so.
Its calm, chill, maybe a bit boring but it worked for you and brought you peace.
You were the newest recruit in your office and from the first day you captured the attention of most of your coworkers for your meticulous and polite words.
More often than not you refuse to talk to your coworkers ensuring that there stays a professional boundary between you all and if they would not catch onto your behavior, you would politely decline them.
Never that interested in networking, you refuse to talk to more people than you need to.
Jeonghan caught onto it pretty early, but why did it matter to him what you did, so like everyone else he went on his own way and simply chose to ignore you.
Ten months into your new job was when you first had a real conversation with the man. It was pretty late at night, both of you had to stay back for overtime. That was when you saw him struggling with his presentation for the next day’s meeting.
That day you broke the ‘no talking to my coworkers rule unless and until it’s very important’ rule.
“what’s the problem?” you politely asked the man.
“Oh, I am having slight problem with the numbers here,” the man replies looking visibly confused and surprised.
“If you want, I can help you out” you kindly stated as Jeonghan casually just turned his laptop towards you.
So, for the next one and half hours you both sat there and diligently worked on the presentation and by the end of it the material looked rather good and presentation worthy.
Looking extremely grateful the pretty man said, “I am so thankful you helped me out today, so why don’t I repay you by dropping you off at your house, it’s pretty late you know.”
Looking at your watch you politely replied, “no worries, plus if I rush a bit, I can catch the last bus home so please don’t bother.”
Jeonghan looked bummed at this, but he was obliged nonetheless as he knew you to be an introverted lady and he did not want to make you uncomfortable.
The next time you and Jeonghan had a conversation, was again at a night when you both were staying at the office over time. By this time, you have become pretty comfortable with each other, not enough to hold a conversation but enough to spare a quick nod and a smile while passing by each other’s cubicles.
He was done with the day’s work and was about to leave the office when he noticed you hunched over your laptop looking frustratingly at your screen which showed you an open excel sheet with infinite numbers.
Feeling like he owed you the help, Jeonghan strode towards you and calmly said “let me see.”
Jumping in shock you looked at him and replied, “oh no don’t bother I can figure it out you should go home it’s pretty late you know.”
Tsking at your reply he grabbed a chair to sit beside you while saying “it’s only fair, you helped me out so I should help you now.”
You let him, in actuality you needed that little help from him, the data entries were annoying you and you absolutely did not like it one bit.
Just like that time passed by again resulting in the clock to show that it was quarter past one by the time you both were done.
This time though Jeonghan shut down all your protests to go about his own way and your reluctance to inconvenience him with a simple “it’s pretty late and I won’t let you get followed by some creeps on the road plus the last bus is gone anyways so you are coming with me.”
On the way he stopped at a convenience store to get some dinner for you both and you devoured your ramen while chatting with him.
You both were pretty similar, in some cases for example you both had this extreme love for Legos that existed beyond measurable amounts, both of you loved your pets to death, albeit his was a rock and yours was a cat, but as he said “we don’t discriminate peoples pets here, they can have what they want to but given its legal and safe for the pet.”
On the other hand, Jeonghan liked you too, he was happy he could be the first one to break your shell to meet the real you and he was proud of this. It was close to an achievement for him.
“Han like this new chick in his office.”
Joshua loudly announced to the group of boys sprawled in his living room one evening. Jeonghan’s friends had come to his house to hang out and to get drunk out of their wits to forget the stress of the tedious weekend they had. They were all friends from college, now working jobs in the most contrasting industries ever like Seungcheol was the manager for their states football club and Soonyoung was a choreographer working with famous celebrities, Hansol on the other hand was the proud of a pet shelter and the one and only Joshua was an English history professor who most days worked overtime at the university. But at the end of the day, they were all the loud and obnoxious assholes he knew and loved from his younger days, and nothing could compare to that.
“Really you never told us about this one hyung?” Mingyu enquires.
“Nah she is just a new hire at the office, does not like talking to people at all. She is more antisocial than Wonwoo’s ass.”
“Really now, antisocial?” Seungcheol enquires, not missing Jeonghan’s defensive tone.
“Yes, Cheol antisocial, plus I don’t even know her enough,” the male says while rolling his eyes at his friends interest with you.
“Maybe you could talk to her and get her out of her shell, you are a pretty good mediator in our group I think you could do that,” pipes up the ever so benevolent Seokmin.
“Yes, you could,” Seungcheol joins him smirking a bit.
Now thoroughly annoyed Jeonghan exclaims “no I cannot. The only way someone can get that stuck up bitch out of her shell will be fucking her or something and I do not want to do so!”
“What if I pay you, will you do it then,” Seungcheol says still smirking.
“Do what?”
“Fuck her enough to get her out of her shell.”
The whole room goes silent at that statement.
“Hyung, I don’t think it’s right,” the youngest of them, Chan, suddenly speaks.
“Yes, its morally incorrect man,” Jeonghan agrees.
“I will pay you, plus life is pretty boring. This will give us something to talk about for at least the next year,” the oldest explains still smiling a bit.
“I agree with the others, its emotionally taxing and nothing good will come out of doing something like this man, plus what are we teenagers making bets about emotionally harming others?” Joshua says.
“Jeonghan, you do it and I will give you a thousand bucks,” the oldest says calmly. At the same time all the men in the room let out an exasperated sigh, knowing there is no winning with this stubborn man, while hoping silently that Jeonghan does not succumb to the greed.
But alas they were wrong, so wrong. An amount that lucrative will only be passed by a fool and Jeonghan was no such thing. He stood up from his place at the loveseat and confidently strode over to Seungcheol.
“You better keep your fucking word,” he says while shaking the older man’s hand.
While Seungcheol smiles and says, “you know what you complete the bet within the next six month I’ll give you a five thousand and if you don’t end up doing it, you gotta pay me pal.”
After that evening with his friends, Jeonghan was pretty stressed, because why should he not be? Making you sleep with him is hard enough, but making a situationship out of it sounds even harder. Now he thoroughly regrets accepting the bet.
You on the other hand are pretty happy and quiet as you often are. Very much unaware of his internal turmoil, as you keep talking excitedly about the new Lego death star you bought.
Yes, you and Jeonghan have bonded quite a bit these past few days, he likes spending time with you too, and so do you. It is a nice and comfortable friendship you both have built, and you like it.
“Why don’t you let me come to your place this weekend, and we can build the set together. We can get takeout later too,” he suddenly speaks up shocking you with such forward proposition.
“Well only if you want to though no pressure, it’s just that I really wanted to build the death star and was planning to buy it but like couldn’t make enough time to do –”
“Sure, you can come,” you speak up stopping his nervous rant.
“Are you sure?” Jeonghan asks just to make sure he heard it correctly.
“Yes, I am, it will be fun to build the Lego set together,” you say smiling.
“Yes, it would be, but like are you really sure,” he says again to make sure he is really not hard at hearing.
“Jeonghan if you ask me once again, I will take back what I just said.”
This makes him stop talking at all and he proceeds to show you his beautiful smile, making you feel a bit giddy inside.
“So, I will come this Saturday and we shall make the death star cuz we can,” he sings, making you bark out a laugh at him.
Little do you know you just poured a cool bucket of water on the burning flames on anxiety inside Jeonghan’s brain and he is extremely happy about that.
The next Saturday comes rolls in slowly, the tedious and boring week is over, and it is time for self-care and a lot of friendship building activities or that’s what you thought.
The man was mad and when you say mad you mean it. The Lego making only lasted for like two hours before he had hidden all the pieces of the part that you were making, resulting you to search for them all over the house. Moreover, after diligently searching and finding nothing, you had given up when he had produced all those pieces from his pockets shocking you to the core.
This little stunt had made you force him to pay for the takeout and when you were both fed and watered, he had proposed a game of chess. Only problem, you never knew one could cheat in this game too. He moved the pieces wrong.
Result. You both had the pettiest fight ever wherein the man with all his might tried to convince you that the rook was indeed supposed to move diagonally.
“You don’t understand, that is how the game is played. Are you sure you ever played this before?” he had asked.
“Hani you are wrong, please the rook never in its whole life moved diagonally, it always moved straight.”
“Maybe that is what your problem is, you are so uptight, you refuse to accept the differences in our opinions!”
“Oh, now I'm uptight, you are only being this difficult cuz you are losing!”
“I wouldn’t if you let me play the rook diagonally.”
“But that is not how it is played! Why don’t you—"
All your rants stop just like that, it took you at least five business days to actually realize that Jeonghan had kissed you. But once you got over that shock, you closed your eyes and moved your lips along with his.
Jeonghan, thoroughly exasperated by your intense argument, impulsively sought to quiet you by placing a soft, lingering kiss on your plump lips. Almost immediately, regret washed over him as he feared he had acted rashly at the worst possible moment. Mentally preparing to distance himself from you for the rest of your time together, he was taken aback when you reciprocated the kiss, instantly dissolving all his worries and leaving him pleasantly surprised.
You broke the kiss to take a breath, both looking visibly flustered.
“Do you want to stay the night, or do you want to go?” you asked him while looking at him with your sparkling eyes, making Jeonghan want to glue his ass to your house, but he being the gentleman he was declined the offer.
“I would really like to take you out on a date. As I really like you, so I won’t spoil my chances with you by staying tonight.”
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You always thought of the man to be a Casanova, so the idea of him taking you on a date while simultaneously insinuating that he won’t take any harsh steps with you was a nice little change and you were all for it.
It was all smooth sailing after that.
Jeonghan took you to an amusement park for the date next Sunday and oh boy did you enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Both of you had the time of your lives. Making sure to go on every ride, play every game and eating every junk you found there. By the end of it you were visibly exhausted and elated with how the day went.
The following day you were visibly happier in the office and even had a small conversation with one of your coworkers.
This went on for the following month, with each and every date you opened up to Jeonghan more and more, and so did he.
He loved spending time with you and vice versa. It was during your regular Friday movie nights, a ritual you both had established as you both liked watching movies and bonded while talking about them, when Jeonghan absolutely bored with the movie scooted a bit too close to you in hopes of gaining your attention by annoying you, a typical Jeonghan move. When you both ended up making love on the couch.
This was only the start of a lot of escapades you would have with the man.
After that one night, Jeonghan was all over you at all times. Be it at the office or be it at home he was with you or texting you all the time. Your nights were now filled with heavy make outs and intense love making sessions.
Everybody at the office knew about you both. On top of that you were more extroverted than ever. You even went out with your coworkers for an office dinner. Somehow, Jeonghan was praised for the change he brought in you, and like his ‘kind’ self, he declined all those compliments with a gracious smile.
He didn’t like to say it out loud, but he liked your changed self, more than your reserved one. Plus, he also took credit for the change, but it’s not like he would tell you that anytime soon.
 It was almost five months into dating Jeonghan, when he asked you to meet his friends. You knew he had a very loyal group of friends and you had never met them before. On the contrary Jeonghan had met your one and only best friend within only three months of dating. In the most best friend manner, the lady has hated his ass the whole-time side eyeing him constantly and leaving petty remarks here and there. But that night she had called you and told you something she didn’t ever say for any of your boyfriends “I can see he loves you a lot. For the first time you chose the correct guy.”
Getting your strict best friend to like Jeonghan was like clearing the first hurdle of your relation. For the first time, you were proud of your choice in men and especially your boyfriend.
“Oh, I would love to meet them, but would they like me,” you were rightfully concerned about the boys liking you. As much as you were independent, you would like to gain the approval of your boyfriend’s friends like any girlfriend.
“They are dorks through and through, they will love, don’t worry” he had said while kissing your forehead to calm you down.
“Plus, you will fit right in, they are nice people,” he later added.
That evening, Jeonghan had taken you to the Korean BBQ place downtown where they all were meeting. The night had started rocky but within an hour you were having fun with Mingyu and Seokmin, all worries forgotten. Jeonghan had looked at you with pride blooming in his chest with how happy you looked with his friends, enjoying yourself.
It seems that all the twelve of them had liked you a lot saying you were the perfect partner for Jeonghan, someone who could ground him at the same time let him be himself.
The BBQ party came to an end, but the boys still had a lot of energy, so they went to the karaoke next taking both you and Jeonghan with them. Although you were thoroughly exhausted, you had complied to go, seeing Jeonghan have so much fun was a sight you didn’t want to miss.
You had gone to the bathroom the first thing right after reaching the karaoke place, to wake you up and also to do your business. Seungkwan had accompanied you claiming, “all that soju and walking has made my bladder shake like never before!” it’s not a lie though, they did drink like it will be the last time they ever get to drink.
As you came out of the restroom, Seungkwan gave you a kind smile and said “I have never seen Jeonghan this happy before, not even with us. I'm sure he likes you a lot.”
Smiling at him you said, “I think I love him; I have not said that to him yet, but I really think I do.”
With a sassy ‘good for you’ from the one and only Boo, you both made your way to the room that your group had booked.
As you reached closer, you could hear all the boys talking to each other.
“I approve, she is an angel, she even consoled Soon when he cried” said one of them making you smile a bit. By this time Seungkwan had stopped with you too eavesdropping on his friends as he is as dramatic as one can be.
“She is nothing like what you described her to be you know, she is nice and kind and far from being stuck up,” someone else said.
“Nah she is not, that stuck up once you get to know her, contrary to that she is very cheery and I like her you know,” Jeonghan had replied making you feel extra giddy inside.
“Hey bro if you like her that much maybe we should call off the deal we made, I see how much you like her and if you ask me, I will say she is a keeper,” with this statement, a silence washed over the whole group. You looked at Seungkwan to understand what was happening, but the man refused to look at you still stubbornly pretending to listen to the conversation.
“I said I like her, not like her enough to let go of the five thousand you offered” you suddenly heard Jeonghan speak making you even more confused about the whole ordeal.
“I think you will regret it you let her go hyung,” Seokmin suddenly said with a very somber tone generating a lot of assertive noises from the group.
“She won’t bring me five thousand, plus I fucked her got into a relationship with her and made her the fun-loving bitch she is now. It was a tedious process, but I completed my work, so I deserve the money.”
It was hard hearing the man you loved so much make such a degrading comment. At this point you were shaking with emotions so much that even Seungkwan who refused to look at you during this whole time, had to hold you steady.
“Did you know about this,” you asked him.
The boy with his eyes downcast just nodded his head.
“I won’t even ask you why you didn’t tell me about it, I get it you are his friend makes sense.”
“Hey none of us wanted him to do anything like this, but your Jeonghan is unstoppable sometimes and about the wrong things.”
“I think I should get going, I’ve heard enough.”
“Hey y/n we like you a lot, so please stay in contact with us later, no matter what your verdict is,” the younger man pleaded with glistening eyes, making you almost accept the request out of pity.
You ignored everyone and strode into the room bustling with men, heading straight for the couch. Without hesitation, you grabbed your bag and, as you walked out, approached Jeonghan and delivered a firm slap to his face. "We're done," you declared before exiting the room without glancing at anyone else.
The minute you had left, Jeonghan felt his life crashing down on him. The looks of disapproval from his friends and the pure disappointment that radiated off you caught him off guard. He had thought he could get out of it with both the girl and the money, but suddenly he realized he didn’t even need the said money, he only needed you. The weight of his words came to haunt me as soon as he had spoken them.
He immediately attempted to follow you but was stopped by Seungkwan, “did you see her face, if you follow her now, she will resent you more. Not like you don’t deserve it, but you are still my friend.”
The tone of his voice showed how much he was upset with Jeonghan. So much so that the younger male could not even look at his face.
“You are my hyung, but you know what I like her more, never have I ever thought you would do something like this,” he continued, “I hope she never forgives you.”  
Hearing that Jeonghan couldn’t control himself and punched Seungkwan and a fight broke out. The boys trying their best to resolve it.
“It’s already a mess, can you both stop making it worse!” Mingyu said as Seungkwan punched Jeonghan back square on the jaw.
“Tell that shit to not meddle in my business then” comes Jeonghan’s voice.
“Maybe if you didn’t break her heart I wouldn’t, she was a fucking nice person,” Seungkwan shouted back as Mingyu dragged him out.
The night was ruined, and it was all because of Jeonghan.
That night you came home and cried your heart out ignoring all the calls from Jeonghan and the other boys, with whom you had exchanged numbers during the hangout. Thankfully, it was a Sunday the next day, so you didn’t have to look at the man who broke your heart, but it pained you so much to even move a muscle. It was like your heart was ripped out of your body. The pain was immeasurable.
There were at least a hundred missed calls on your phone and thirty of them from all of the boys. Your best friend come to your place that Sunday and tried her best to console a sad you, but nothing could stop you from beating yourself up for trusting a man like him. it’s true you loved him, and you regrated doing so, you didn’t blame Jeonghan for breaking your heart, you blamed yourself for being weak enough for you to let Jeonghan do so to you, for letting the man step all over you like you were a piece of trash that had no place in the normal world. The degrading things that he had said about you kept echoing in your ears, making it hard for you to think of anything else.
It was like you had forgotten all about your vow to never let anyone step over you and take away a piece of you from yourself. You were so hurt that you refused to see Jeonghan at all. So, on the next Monday you asked your HR for a weeklong leave and the kind lady obliged owing to your stellar performance at your department.
You turned off your phone that week and went to stay with you friend as the house was too lonely for you and the more you stayed there, the more you felt the memories of you and Jeonghan coming to haunt you.
On that Monday, Jeonghan woke up with a newfound determination. He was resolved to confront you and explain that his hurtful words from that night stemmed from his own inability to accept his feelings. He believed that once he clarified his side of the story, your compassionate nature would lead you to forgive him. He was even prepared to humble himself, willing to beg for your forgiveness if necessary. However, fate intervened when he discovered you had taken a week-long leave from the office.
The realization of consequences hit him suddenly. Yes, he understood the gravity of his actions, but he was willing to face any repercussions if it meant having you back in his arms. Anything seemed bearable compared to the thought of losing you.
By Wednesday, Jeonghan found himself standing at your doorstep, desperately knocking, hoping to speak with you. To his dismay, a neighbor informed him that you had been absent since Monday. His heart sank realizing he had missed his chance to reconcile with you.
He had made a solemn vow to himself that he would reach out to you no matter what obstacles lay in his path, willing to go to any lengths to make amends. However, he now realized the depth of his mistake. Reflecting on his actions, he understood that he should have heeded the advice of his friends earlier, but it was too late for regrets.
Jeonghan's determination to win you back consumed him. He felt a deep pang of regret for not acting sooner and for failing to appreciate the warnings from his friends. Now, facing the reality of your absence, he grappled with the weight of his impulsive behavior.
In the days that followed, Jeonghan resolved to wait patiently for your return, determined to seize any opportunity to make things right. He hoped against hope that he hadn't irreparably damaged the bond between you. Each passing day without you served as a sobering reminder of the importance of listening to his instincts and valuing the counsel of those who cared about him.
The next week you opened your phone to see it has blown up with Jeonghan’s messages and there were a few from Seungkwan asking you if you are okay and telling you that he had punched Jeonghan for being an asshole to you and that most of the people didn’t agree with Jeonghan’s antics but its hard to stop Jeonghan when is like that.
Taking pity of the boy you and answered him accepting his apology and telling him you were happy that he punched the guy.
His answer came immediately, saying he was happy that there is no bad blood among you two and he prefers you more than Jeonghan anyways making you laugh at his cuteness.
When you returned back to the office, the first thing you did was hand them your resignation letter. The next thing on your list was avoid Jeonghan till you leave work, at which you were pretty successful.
And just like that you were done with your time in the office and were moving onto another job before Jeonghan could even get hold of you.
Its has been three years since and life had never been better. You became friends with Seungkwan, Seokmin and Soonyoung immediately. You four hangout quite frequently. The three younger men like you a lot too. It’s a strong bond you have created with them. If anyone asks you would say the only good thing that came from your ex was the friends you made while with him.
On top of that you also have been in a relation with a man who treats you right and loves you to death. Its like you have at last reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
Jeonghan on the other hand drowned himself in work after you left, the man tried his best to forget your existence and was very thankful his work helped him do so. But whenever he was out with his friends he couldn’t stop himself from asking about you and always he got the same answer of ‘none of your fucking business’ from Seungkwan.
But it was different this time, it was the ever so kind Seokmin who answered him.
“Hyung she moved on, and you should too.” Hearing that he stood up, he didn’t know why. Would he go to your house and beg for your forgiveness again or will he call you while asking you to give him another chance?
Truth to be told, he didn’t know.
“Hyung please don’t mess this up for her. She is happy,” Seokmin spoke up again, kindly holding his hand to pull him down back onto his seat. It felt like Jeonghan’s life has come crashing down on him once again. One lone tear left his eye, too embarrassed to cry in front of his friends, he puts up a happy front while saying “of course Seok, I would do nothing to hurt her.”
All his friends looked at the man in pity, hoping that faith was kinder to him. but they couldn’t deny that he single handedly destroyed his life either. He was still their friend and he deserved to be happy to but so did you. The man sat in silence for some time till Joshua loudly declared he wanted to go to the arcade and all the others enthusiastically agreed, happy about the distraction.
That is when Jeonghan realized life has gone on and not stopped for anyone, the time he was supposed to seize his moment has passed and it wont ever come back. He now has to live his life without the presence of one of the most precious thing he ever had the privilege to possess, your love.
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a/n 3: thank you all for reading !!
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natti-ice · 6 months
Dream Invader- Castiel.
Pairing: Castiel x fem!reader
Summary: Castiel takes a trip into Y/N’s dream and finds some interesting information
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The Impala drove down a dark road, no other cars for miles. They had just got a case two states over. They had just finished a hunt so they didn't have any time to rest. Dean is in the driver's seat, Sam in the passenger, Y/N in the back passed out. She wasn't new to the game, but it always wore her out like a newbie.
Dean went through all the channels on the radio, either they were static or they were playing some new top 40 song. He wasn't a fan of this new generation's music. He was getting annoyed, he settled on silence.
"All this new technology and they can't get better signal out here" Dean grumbled, mostly to himself.
"People don't listen to the radio anymore, Dean" Sam mumbled, fighting his sleep. He was exhausted, he got four hours of sleep in the past two days. He was always on edge, afraid something would happen when he slept.
"Shh, Y/N's sleeping"
"Must be nice" Dean said looking up at the rearview mirror. "Jesus!" He said startled.
Sam jumped, the tired leaving his body. His hand immediately reaching for his handgun, snapping his back to look in the back seat.
"Cas, you have to stop popping up out of nowhere" Dean sighed
"Sorry, I figured this was better than showing up in the middle of the road."
"I wanted to come with you guys on this hunt, I had nothing better to do" Castiel explained.
"Why didn't you just call?" Sam asked
"I uh- I lost my cellphone" He replied, he had no idea where it was. Probably some country in Europe, he's been to too many places this week.
"Whatever just give us a warning next time" Dean said
The four of them drove in silence for another thirty minutes. Y/N is still sound asleep. As much as Dean loved to drive, looking at a bunch of nothing is boring. He was trying to think of a game to keep him occupied, maybe like 'count how many trees you see' he probably couldn't count that high.
Checking the mirror once more, he saw a faint smile on Y/N's sleeping face. She was always a peaceful sleeper, he wondered how after all the things they had seen. How could anyone sleep after that? He was happy she could sleep, he never wanted her to know the feeling of running off adrenaline and bad coffee.
He got an idea, not his best work but he had to deal with what he had.
"Hey Cas" The angel looked up, he didn't know road trips were this boring.
"Yeah?" He answered
"Why don't you hop into Y/N's dream, see why she's got that smile on her face"
"Dean-" Sam started
"C'mon it's harmless Sammy. Just a little bit of fun" Dean said before his brother could tell him how that it was an invasion of privacy blah blah.
"I don't think that's a good Idea, Dean" Castiel didn't understand how this would be "fun" But he knew humans found entertainment in weird ways.
"Don't be a buzzkill. Just use your little angel powers and see what she's doing."
"She's probably running through a field of flowers or something"
"Fine. I'll do it, but don't ask me to do anything weird for at least a week"
"Deal, now go" Dean said, he could feel his brother's disappointed glare as Cass disappeared.
"What?" he asked
"Boundaries Dean, boundaries." Sam sighed
"Oh please it's not like Cas doesn't show up in our dreams three times a week"
"No, he doesn't" Sam said confused
"Whatever, you know what I mean" Dean nervously squeezed the steering wheel. Oh god, do I dream about Cas? he thought.
"Right.." Sam replied giving Dean a skeptical look
Castiel landed on some unstable surface. Looking down at his feet, his black shoes were sinking in sand with every step. He looked around at his surrounding, he was on a beach. The sun was starting to set, the sound of waves crashing filled the air. It was so picturesque.
He could hear faint music coming from his right. Off into the distance, he could see two people standing. He figured it was Y/N, but he didn't know who the other person was. He walks closer to the pair, he noticed small candles lit around the two.
They were swaying to the tune playing from the small radio on the ground. It was one of those old love songs. It seemed whoever she was with, they were romantically involved. When he got about 6 feet away from them, he could see who the mystery person was.
It was him.
Well, his vessel.
They seemed so happy, in love with the moment. Y/N had her arms wrapped around his torso resting her head on his chest. While dream Castiel's hands were on her waist. He didn't know she felt that way about him, maybe it was just the dream.
He watched them for what felt like forever, as he took in the sight. He had a strong love for Y/N, he had trouble figuring out what kind of love. She was one of the most beautiful humans he'd ever met. She's smart, funny, caring, in his eyes she was perfect.
Though, he wasn't sure how relationships between humans and angels would be seen by the man upstairs. Honestly, he didn't care.
He guessed he had been standing there so long Y/N felt his presence. She looked over and saw him. "Castiel?" her eyes went wide.
He freaked out and didn't know what to say, he vanished out of the dream landing back in the Impala.
Shortly after, Y/N woke up from her sleep. She looked over and saw Castiel. Her hope of that meeting being a part of her dream went out the window. He saw what she was doing. She prayed to anyone who was listening that he didn't think anything of it.
"Morning sunshine" Dean said when he saw she was awake.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, he could see she was disheveled.
"Fine" She replied, trying to keep it together
"Did you see anything in there, Cas?"
"Nope. Just like you said, fields." He came up with the lie on the spot, he didn't want to embarrass Y/N anymore.
"That's boring-"
"Hang on, you told him to go into my dream?" Annoyance in her voice
"It was just for fun Y/N, plus like he said, he didn't see anything" He said in defense.
"You son of a bitch" she said flicking his ear
The rest of the drive was mainly silent. Y/N didn't talk to Dean much and didn't say a word to Castiel. She was so embarrassed, out of all the dreams he could've walked in on it was that one.
It had been reoccurring for months, she and Cass on a beach in each other's arms. Not one problem in the world, it was just them. Her crush grew stronger as the dream progressed. She had done so well hiding her feelings for the angel. Now all of that is gone because Dean is nosy.
They finally made it to their next case, pulling up to a motel parking lot. Sam and Dean went inside the office to get a room, leaving Cass and Y/N alone.
They stood outside the car waiting for them to get back. Needless to say, it was pretty damn awkward. The silence was killing Y/N, she spoke up.
"Thank you" she said
"What?" Castiel was confused
"Thanks for not telling them what you saw." she kept her head down
"Oh, you're welcome... I didn't think it was my place to tell them about your dream."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy" he felt so bad about this.
"It's alright. At least now you know." she sighed
"Know what?"
"You're gonna make me say it?" she looked up at him. He looked very confused
"That I like you, Castiel."
"Oh," he swallowed "I didn't want to assume anything, I had no idea about this"
"No one knew, I didn't want it getting in the way of the job. Plus I know there's no chance you feel the same way-"
"You're wrong" he cut her off
"About how I feel, I do feel the same. I guess I've been keeping a secret too." He looked deep into her eyes to make sure she knew he was telling the truth. " There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I haven't thought about you, how kind and sweet you are. Not to mention how stunning you are."
Y/N thought she was still dreaming. She couldn't believe what he was saying, her heart started to race. She couldn't find any words, so she used her actions.
Her eyes flickered down to his lips back to his eyes, leaning in slow in case he wanted to back out. He matched her actions, leaning in connecting their lips. She runs her hand through his hair deepening the kiss.
"What the hell did we miss?" Dean's voice pulled them out of their daze, pulling apart from each other.
"Hey guys" she nervously smiled
"Hey" Dean mocked "Should we get you two lovebirds your own room?" he laughed
"Leave them alone" Sam said "c'mon rooms this way" he led the group towards the motel room
Dean walked in between Castiel and Y/N one arm on each of them pulling them in for an awkward hug.
"Isn't this great, my two best pals together. I can hear the wedding bells already!"
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gffa · 2 months
Hiiii :D I was just wondering, do you have any good Marvel fic reccomendations? Your massive list of star wars fics is like the no.1 thing I go to when im in a star wars mood, and all of them have been amazing, so thanks so much for that!! I'm just curious if you have any good Marvel fic recs?? If not that's fine lol, thank you for your service 🙏
Hi! Lol, I had to sit with this post for a few days because "Marvel fic" is such a wide range of possibilities, like are we talking the comics or the live action shows? The Avengers movies? The X-Men movies? Which section of those fandoms? Avengers as a team? Captain America? Thor? Iron Man? Daredevil? X-Men: First Class? Just... anything? I don't actually have a lot of comics fic recommendations (mostly because it's too hard to wade through all the movie stuff because so many people cross-tag into the comics tags despite it not being comic fic that those tags are now useless), but my go-to for Marvel comics are always: ✦ Betrayal + Paradox Law + The Game of Empires by Valerie J It's hard to describe this series, other than that about ~15 years ago, it was an ambitious attempt at taking various elements of the X-Men comics and weaving them into a coherent whole, focusing on giving Remy an epic backstory to explain his origins and his powers. It probably wouldn't really fit with more recent comics, but if you're a fan of late '90s/early '00s X-Men comics, this was a hell of a ride with cool powers, surprising family twists, time travel, fun relationships, and incredible ramp ups to tense situations that explode in the best way. ✦ The Gestalt Arc by Lori McDonald Another old school fic centered around the Remy/Rogue relationship and taking them on an epic journey, in an alternate version of what happened after their kiss in X-Men #41. The ups and downs of how they work out their issues, the lives they try to lead with each other, finding their path forward together, it's still one of my favorites for the era. ✦ Anything by Traincat for the Young Avengers My favorite is grab a blanket, brother, but they're an author that I'd write a blanket rec for, if any of the summaries sound relevant to your interests! They also write Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, which isn't my area of comics, but I'd trust them with it! But primarily I'd route you to them for their super fun Young Avengers stories, the Teddy/Billy and Eli/Kate ones especially. ✦ Anything by silverspidertm2, X-parrot, takadainmate, or Mythtaken Identity for Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard-era fic. This is when I was in my prime era of reading Thor comic-centric fic, around Journey into Mystery and Loki: Agent of Asgard, when he was Kid Loki and then Teen Loki. There was a lot really fun worldbuilding or road trips or just feelings explosions fic from this era. Beyond that, my bookmarks are a bit of a mess, but you can scroll through them to see what you're looking for. My primary fandoms were: ✦ Daredevil TV, where I went in hard on Matt/Foggy (and some Matt/Foggy/Karen and Frank/Karen and a little Matt/Elektra), where I read voraciously for about a year before MCU burnout hit. Some faves are Double Blind by smilebackwards and Something Dumb to Do by poisonivory and jump, check parachute augustbird.
✦ Thor (MCU), which is actually the heart of who I was as an MCU fan, I spent a long time there reading a lot of fic and this will take you to my bookmarks with the pairings filtered out. I was a big fan of Thor & Loki's relationship so that's most of what's in there, and I always suggest starting with these three fics: ✦ Bargaining by proantagonist, thor & loki & odin & frigga & cast, time travel, 108.9k Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW. ✦ No Such Liberty by Xparrot, thor & loki & cast, 147.3k The first thing Loki said, after he had swiped his tongue over his lips to wet them, was, "You shouldn't trust me." ~ Following the attack on New York, Thor takes Loki back to Asgard in chains; but this does not mean that the god of mischief's schemes are ended, or that Thor has or ever will give up on his brother. But when Thanos threatens the realm to claim his lost prizes, on which side will Loki fall? [post-Avengers fix it] ✦ The Lullaby Singer by TheOtherOdinson, thor & loki & odin & frigga, 85k wip Odin hasn't left Asgard in over a thousand years. When he finds out Loki is still alive and preparing to launch an attack on Midgard, he could send Thor to stop him. Or Odin could go himself. As a bonus, I have a few more Thor genfic recs here.
✦ Captain America (MCU), where sure I liked some gen fic but lbr I was there for the Stucky. I mostly read during the height of the post-TWS fervor and then tapered off a lot after that (given how hard they swerved away from their relationship) and I haven't read almost anything in the fandom since Endgame, but if you want some fun TWS-era fic, I put together this list recently. (To be fair, I also liked a lot of Steve &/ Natasha, Bucky &/ Natasha and Sam/Natasha, so you can find that in there, too.)
✦ Iron Man (MCU), where I liked a mix of some fun gen pieces and some Tony/Pepper which put me in the minority, but I don't care because there were some banger authors for both. If you're interested in them, I always liked pretty much anything I read by roboticonography. icarus_chained wrote a wider variety of stuff, but I've always liked anything I've read from them as well.
✦ Avengers (MCU), where I read a lot of fic, but it's kind of all mixed in together, even some sprinkled in Black Panther fic, some Spideypool that was super fun for a hot minute, some Guardians of the Galaxy characters showing up, etc. Step carefully if you're not interested in pairings (I read a fair amount of Tony/Loki and Steve/Loki in amongst the other stuff), but honestly by the end I was probably reading more gen than anything.
✦ X-Men: First Class-verse, which is my exception to not reading much for the live action versions of the X-Men, because I am a long time Pietro Maximoff fan and while Peter wasn't my Pietro, I did love him and there was some absolute banger fic for the Dadneto trope, which was where my heart was at. Come Together by blarfkey is absolutely the first place to start!
Hopefully this is what you were looking for, but if you have further refinements on what you're interested in, let me know and I'll try to give some pointers! I've been out of reading Marvel for awhile, but I have a huge backlog from when I was in it, at least. 😂
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stolasdearest · 5 months
Hey there!
Is it ok request an Alastor x overlord fic? Like Alastor made a deal with this demon(a goetia) and was to report to them every now and then. But, the fight happens and reader doesn’t hear from him for the 7 years, and when he dose see them, it’s because of that silly ad for the hotel, reader goes in and drags Alastor back to his house se where he teaches him a lesson on respect.
Thanks for reading my rant!
Alastor x Reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ Pairing : Alastor x Reader
ׂׂૢ cw : not Proofread
ׂׂૢ Reader is gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Being a Goetia who happens to operate quite often in pride was not common, being seen as; odd for meddling with sinners. You already had power, what power trip were you feeling to associate with mortal souls? Your family couldn't help but side eye but you nonetheless continued with your business in the top Ring. Years before you however stumbled upon a refined new soul who was all too eager to ask for your assistance; even if it meant his soul was no longer his. Over the years he made his way to you to report important information within the ring, the other overlords were mostly what he spoke of.. However he suddenly went radio silent, with absolutely no updates— he wasn't even seen in the general public for nearing a full decade. But after another extermination you had noticed a certain someone at this so called "Hazbin Hotel" you sat and pondered why he'd waste his precious time there and even more why the overlord would risk his own life for something he clearly had shown no prior interest in. Hence why your hand is gently knocking on the now rebuilt hotel door, the creator of the hotel; Charlie Morningstar answered the door; almost instantaneously jumping back at what met her, a Goetia? Why were you here? You're not a sinner wh-
"Greetings, Morningstar! I have a friend here who I'd like to see!"
The princess looked around for a moment the uneasy expression evident on her paper white face; you had a feeling this had happened before
"sure! Who may I get for yo-".
"nonsense! I'll find him myself"
Immediately after you pushed pass the princess and set off to find the deer. And soon enough you did; a immediate wave of displeasure,shock and fear apparent in his eyes, the Radio Demon instantly stood up and straightened himself out— words clearly trying to make their way out but nothing came out as he saw your demeanor almost immediately change, like you had locked in on him as if he were prey— which fairly speaking he was in this context.
"Do I have to drag you out by the ear?"
"of course not! I'll be right behind you"
He knew that face, that posture..that tone. He didn't need to explain his absence, nor reason why— that didn't matter to you; He disobeyed— he avoided you and he knows he'll get to know what it means to stray from you.
He knew what he was in for when they left the safety of the public eye and a part of him was thrilled about it.
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Authors note : AHHH I've been inactive for awhile I'm sossoosos sorry!!! Love you guys!!
Taglist : @anni1600 @d0nutsaur @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @k1y0yo
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sc0tters · 1 year
Long Gone | Nico Hischier
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summary: the downfall of your relationship with Nico is both thick and fast, especially when neither one of you try to stop it.
song: don’t come back - Tate McRae
request: yes/no
warnings: a few swear words, toxic Nico, mentions of alcohol and drinking.
word count: 1.22k
authors note: this one was a bit shorter than the others but that’s because I’m off to bed cause I’m going skydiving in the morning (I wish I was kidding). if you are in a toxic relationship wether it be a platonic or romantic one I can’t stress this enough, please try your best to remove yourself from it and remember that you are loved. If you want to either see more of the celly or be apart of it you can find the playlist here!
pt 2
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Nico was ready to throw four years down the drain.
All of the warning bells rung in your head the more you thought about it. For the last three months you were only learning about team events through the other wags. The nights he would go out with the boys drinking you only learnt about his whereabouts of the evening once he got home reeking of alcohol. Your relationship had well and truly gone from being girlfriend and boyfriend to what felt like an awkward roommate agreement.
Until last week you had fought him on every thing he did, the late nights, the lack of care, the not inviting you, every single last thing that he did in an attempt to pull away you had to fight him on. But when you found a necklace in his side of the closet whilst you were doing laundry your heart broke. It wasn’t a piece that you owned and you realised it was bought on the teams trip to Carolina based on the date marked at the top of the receipt.
You wouldn’t have been so hurt by it if you hadn’t just gotten a bottle opener that looked like it came from the airport.
That paired with the fact that he missed lunch in New York with your parents who were there for business that weekend made you officially want to pull your hair out.
You let the door to your apartment slam shut as you swore that you were seething. The amount of emotions that went through your body was enough to make any straight thinking person nearly pass out “Nico!” You yelled as your bags dropped to the floor.
The Swiss man was sat on the couch mindlessly scrolling through his phone “you look interesting,” he commented as he was surprised to see how put together you were for some random Tuesday.
It made you roll your eyes as it took everything in your power to not go ahead and punch him “what the fuck have you been doing?” You asked as you pushed his feet off of the ottoman so that you could sit on it.
The gesture made him furrow his eyebrows “a friend wanted to go for lunch-” he explained as he motioned to the leftovers that were on the kitchen table.
You couldn’t help it when you reached over to hit him but unfortunately for you his reaction timing was too good as he wrapped his hand around your wrist “so I covered for you for nothing?” The scoff that fell from your lips was vile as you struggled to process how he was so okay with what he had done. Nico did nothing more than just wait for you to continue though “lunch with my parents was today.” You sucked at your teeth as you ran your fingers through your hair.
What pissed you off the most was that he didn’t even seem sorry “my bad,” he shrugged as he got up.
You weren’t proud of the borderline temper tantrum type scream you let out as you stood up too “I had to sit there for three fucking hours acting like you’re the best boyfriend in the world.” You pointed out as you marched behind him “when really you’re just a piece of shit.” The latter comment from you got Nicos haggles up as he was quick to back you against a wall.
His laugh was a dark chuckle “yeah, what’s so shitty about me?” He asked as he ran his fingers through your hair as he tucked it behind your ear.
Small, no tiny, maybe even minuscule was how you felt in that very moment “I know about her!” It was like you were proud of the fact that you had caught him in the cheating act.
Nico’s once irritating chuckle now turned into an amused giggle “you think I’m cheating on you?” Sure you weren’t his favourite thing right now but there wasn’t another woman in his bed or in his life like that.
It hurt you how nonchalant he was about it all “I know about the necklace.” If this was any other time you could have found his quick demeanour change amusing “you searching through my stuff?” That’s how it always seemed to be. Anytime there was a fight between you two even if you should have only held like twenty percent of the blame it was always flipped onto you “I’m sorry.” You apologised as your head dropped.
But before you could say anything else Nico was already in your shared bedroom and had locked the door behind him.
Since then you had gone pretty quiet when you were at home but most of the time you spent at a friends place. The girls had all been fabulous as they helped you cope with Nico. It surprised them just as much as it did you when he started pulling away as everyone thought he was close to proposing to you, not kicking you out of your apartment.
You didn’t know if it was a pro or a con that the girls knew you so well that they could see that you weren’t in a good relationship anymore. It was effecting you mentally and nobody should have to walk on eggshells around their partner 24/7.
And that is how you all landed in an elevator to the top floor of your apartment building where you and Nico lived. One of the girls had seen on Jacks story that the Swiss man was out at another bar and that was why they decided to go clear your stuff out then.
Yes your friend group had smarter plans before but you were ladies with a few bottles of wine in your system and were all now ready to take on the world.
The reason why they had mainly come with though was because they all knew that it you saw Nico then it would be all over and you’d probably be apologising to him once more for something you didn’t do.
It was all going so well, your things had been packed away into the multiple suitcases that the girls brought with them as you all knew that it would be easier to tug those suitcases downstairs than it would be to carry boxes down.
Your heart sank as the front door opened “what is this?” Nico slurred as he was beyond drunk at this point.
There was a squeeze at your hand as your best friend sent you a smile in an attempt to give you some encouragement. You nodded as you stepped towards the Devils captain “this is for all the shit you have put me through the last few months.” You had to raise your finger to signal that you weren’t done talking to him “this is goodbye Nico.” You explained as you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
Your tongue darted across your lower lip as you stared at him knowing that it was the last time you were going to see him those close for a while “so by the time you sober up I’ll be long gone.” You promised before you left the boy dumbfounded and in silence.
By the time the next morning came you had already made good on your promise.
You were long gone.
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platinumrosetail · 1 month
Ennead x female reader (I mean the version of Horus, Seth and Anubis)
Hello, I would like something similar to other requests of yours that I have read, a female reader who is the older sister of Horus and Anubis. But with a personality a little similar to that of Deadpool, fun and dangerous. With a somewhat tsundere Seth, and I would like Osiris as a villain please...
Ok 👍 i asked if they wanted seth to be a yandere and they decided to let me choose so seth will be yandere lol, anyway on with the reaquest shall we?
character: seth.
warning: noob author, female reader, yandere character, and others.
before osiris was killed by his little brother; god of war and desert, seth, osiris and isis had a child, a daughter named (Y/n) the daughter.
the daughter grew up to be quite vulgar and chaotic; isis thought that it was because (Y/n) was spending too much time with seth so she and her daughter went on a little trip together to help (Y/n) get rid of the wild side that shehas.
while those two were gone seth killed osiris after some things was revealed to him that made him angry. isis and (Y/n) got back and seth demanded that (Y/n) to be his wife (i believe (Y/n) would be an adult here now) but isis refused and hid (Y/n) away from seth.
after the temporary revival of osiris and the birth of horus, the three now hid from seth as he rages through Egypt looking for isis and (Y/n).
after many years it was finally time for your mom to take the throne and give it to one of you, you liked the thought of being queen of egypt so you went with it.
when the competition came up your mother chose horus to represent you both even though you could fight on your own especially with your power of regeneration so you whined to your mother about and she relented.
and so now you and seth are fighting in the competition, you kept on teasing him and being your normal self which flustered him which surprisingly helped you win with how distracted he got. when osiris was cornering seth you had intervened sayning you had reasons to hate your father as you knew what seth had been through so you will help seth in staying away from osiris and once you're queen you'll be able to do more to help, which flustered him and said that he doesn't need your help but you were presistent.
Horus as a child looked up to you since he was born but as he grew up and was able to break the curse that has him as a child but as he grew up he starts to realize how reckless you were especially since you can regenerate.
Horus soon began to try and protect you and keep you from being reckless like you are though that is usually hard to do considering your wild and dangerous personality that you have.
You think that your brother trying to get you to stop being reckless is adorable but you like your personality so you don’t change plus it helps him stay on his toes especially if he’s supposed to be taking Seth down.
When it was time for the trial against Horus legitimacy and you as rightful heir to Egypt’s thrown Seth had wanted to prove that he is rightfully supposed to be king and wants you as his queen Horus by making a competition against both him and Horus.
Horus agreed and then came the competition with Horus winning in the end afterwards the punishment of Seth having to atone his sins against many humans for the time he was king.
You on the other hand did what you wanted in the in between of the trials, competition and after that he tries to keep you near him but you keep on escaping his grasps.
Horus isn’t interested in Hathor at all as he only has interest in you and he makes that known to both of your mother that he isn’t interested in Hathor. Horus doesn’t trust his father as he sees how he looked at you like you were a pawn to something when he showed up during the trial against him and Seth so he also will need to protect you against Osiris as well it seems.
You and him were childhood friends as you both were born close around the same time just you being a bit older.
You two usually play together as kids before you had to escape from Seth with your mother after your father’s death.
Soon you two reunited when your mother decided it was time to confront Seth. And up came the competition afterwards.
You were shocked to see Anubis helping your brother in winning said competition though later found out that he wanted to know how to get rid of his curse and how to become a god, which Horus helped more on that.
You teased Anubis of him being baby sized which made him get flustered and deny it hard which made you laugh, your laugh secretly made him blush.
After the trial and Seth got his punishment you didn’t see him after that which made you sad as he was honestly the only one that has been with you since you were born besides your mother.
When you got word that a new god that is under your father in duat you weren’t expecting anubis to be that god, you started bothering him again even with he does have any memory of you, you acted as if it was before he became a god. What with you bothering him so much he began to think you’re someone from his past; a lover so he kissed you one day randomly while you were bothering him again. Osiris of course tried to get you two away from each other as he needs you for his plan to have a child with Seth but he’ll come to find out Anubis won’t let that happen.
(A/n: hoped y'all liked it! i tried my best to make the reader have deadpool's personality the best i could do so i'm sorry if it's not quite right. anyway i believe that's its so hope y'all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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blueteller · 1 year
So, Let's Talk Themes in TCF!
"Themes" is such a weird topic for me, not gonna lie... I always feel like it's something you're just supposed to know and feel instinctually – like rhythm in dancing. Which, btw, I'm not really good at. So it's difficult to talk about without that background anxiety that I'll totally flop and miss the point, despite my best intentions.
Still, I decided to give it my best shot anyway, and try to decide what "themes" there are in "Trash/Lout of the Count's Family", and why I like them, because that part is subjective and thankfully, I can decide without freaking out over the "correct" answer.
First, let me make one thing clear: I don't believe TCF was written to convey a single theme or idea. It's an adventure story, and it's supposed to be pure fun. Which it is!! But nevertheless, there is a lot of effort and thought behind it, and I believe that thoughtfulness from the author manifests itself clearly in the overall work, so it's definitely worth talking about.
Now, with that lengthy explanation of what I'm going for out of the way: what are the themes in TCF that I noticed (and like)?
Found Family
Beloved Hypocritical Hero
Overcoming Prejudice
Victory in Working Together
What makes Humanity, what makes a Monster
Healing and Moving Forward
Found Family is the most obvious theme, overall, so I don't think it requires much explanation. Cale doesn't "find" his new family on purpose as much and trips all over them, on total accident – then proceeds to adopt them all, despite his inner monologue telling the readers over and over that he intends no such thing. It's pure comedy, but it's also incredibly wholesome and heartwarming. Cale has the biggest, softest heart of them all, and he's the only one who doesn't see it. I wanna squish his cheeks and coo over how cute he is most of the time.
Beloved Hypocritical Hero is the second theme, which isn't apparent at the start. Cale's biased inner monologue does his best to convince us that he's totally selfish, and doesn't intend to be a paragon protagonists who selflessly helps others in the slightest! ...However, over the course of the story it becomes clear that Cale is one, big, fat, liar. He is exactly the sort of hero he constantly denies he is. His whole spitting-blood-from-power-overuse act practically became a meme at this point. Still, despite how frustrating Cale's blatant hypocrisy is, we can't help but love him all the more for it. I'd like to say that he gets better overtime, but.... yeah, personally, I don't see much progress on that front. He did promise Raon he won't get hurt one time, and he managed to keep that promise, but then he (spoiler alert) went ahead and stabbed himself right after, so. Yeah. Cale is a hero and a hypocrite and we all love him. That's definitely a major theme in the story.
Overcoming Prejudice is the best way I found to describe the whole plot of "anti-darkness attribute" propaganda in TCF. What I love about it is that the author found a much more interesting way to convey the theme than just make it about "fantasy racism". It isn't just about the Dark Elves, it's about Necromancers too, and all people using dead mana. The best part is that dead mana is, in fact, used by the very higher-ups who spread the prejudice in the first place, proving without a doubt that it's all 100% hypocrisy and there is nothing wrong with dead mana in the first place. It's all propaganda, and it serves a purpose. The true beauty of this plot unfolds when the Sun Twins show up, and Cale brings in Mary to help Hannah with her dead mana poisoning. Jack goes through an entire arc of realizing what "true light" is, and that despite the "voice of the Sun God" constantly ringing in his ears to eradicate all darkness, he comes to his own conclusion that it isn't what the power is, it's about what ones does with the power. It's just, beautiful. I feel like that part of the story doesn't get enough credit. Mary is one of my favorite characters, and Jack and Hannah combo is amazing as well. Definitely one of my favorite plotlines in TCF.
Victory in Working Together is another obvious theme throughout the story. It isn't just reserved for the good guys, either: the bad guys have a ton of alliances, too. The difference is that the good side is based on genuine intent, without stabbing each other in the backs, while the bad guys only pretend as long as they need to, then throw away their "allies" to the wolves when it's convenient. It's portrayed less as a "message" and more of a purely pragmatic fact: to get anywhere, you need to have support. Cale knows this from the start, which is why he manages to make so many allies in such a short time. This theme is simply about being able to overcome the biggest of obstacles, as long as you honestly work together with others and put all your effort into it. It is the simplicity of it makes it so effective, in my opinion.
What makes Humanity, what makes a Monster is an interesting one for sure. In a world full of so many interesting races, the final boss is – always – human. Be it Venion Stan, Redika, Prince Adin, Queen Elisneh, the White Star, or even the Sealed God – all of the main villains are either purely human or started off that way. I think it's very much deliberate, in order to show how what makes these people evil isn't some in-born characteristic; but only their choices. Not to say that non-human characters aren't ever bad, of course not – there is a bunch of evil non-human characters all over the story. But evil, true evil, is always a choice. And thus, non-human characters who choose good are more "human" than the "monsters wearing human skins". I won't call it an allegory, because it isn't even as indirect as that: it's a fundamental truth of life that the only real monsters are people who are rotten on the inside. And since the author put so much effort to make all the fantasy races in TCF feel very much human-like, it only makes sense that their choices is the thing that makes them evil, not their race. Even actual Monsters aren't all pure evil in TCF! I truly appreciate it. It's such a simple concept, but it works extremely well.
Healing and Moving Forward is one of the themes which honestly melts my heart. It doesn't simply apply to Cale; it applies to everyone in the cast. Everyone in Cale's group comes in damaged, scarred, hurt or threatened in some way, and comes out better in the end. From the children, to the adults, the entire group heals through their "Found Family" and their quest to defeat the evil forces threatening their world, in order to achieve a peaceful, happy future. Every time we see the evidence of it – like Cale admitting his life is precious, Eruhaben agreeing to extend his life, Choi Han attribute changing, and so on – it feels like an amazing triumph, and yet completely natural and earned. One could simply call it "good character development" and move on, but I see a commond trend and it deserves to make itself a theme of its own. It's not just about everybody finding their place in the family: it's about them growing as family. And doing so, despite their traumatic pasts. And since I once called Cale a "poster child of trauma", it's no wonder he's the one who has the most of "healing" and "moving forward" to do of them all. I hope it continues all throughout book 2!
And of course, I saved Misunderstandings for last. I think the name speaks for itself. TCF is practically a comedy built upon misunderstandings; except misunderstandings of the BEST kind. The misunderstandings where people look upon Cale – tired, in-denial, clueless Cale – and see whatever they need to see the most in the moment: a saviour, an inspiration, a leader, a friend, a parent, and so on. Many misunderstandings result in people seeing Cale in too-good-to-be-true light, which is always funny (Clopeh instantly comes to mind). The thing is: Cale deserves most of it, even if he doesn't believe so. Because it's not about what Cale actually is that matters in those situations: it's about what others need. Cale inspires just by being, well, himself. And that inspiration is what changes people. It's Cale doing his best and affecting others, that makes all the huge waves of change. In my opinion, there is no better misunderstanding than one which results in inspiration: because even if "truth" was revealed later on, the effects of it were 100% real, and something to be grateful for. Imagine if you had a terrible day, and you suddenly saw someone smile at you, and you felt better. Even if the person wasn't actually looking at you in that moment – that doesn't matter!! What matters to you is that your day DID get better, and that person was to thank for! That's the beauty of TCF's misunderstandings. Cale will never truly comprehend the gratefulness of others, without understanding how he can affect them without even trying. ...Then again, his obliviousness and hypocrisy is one of the many reasons why we love him 😊
Let me know if there are other themes in TCF you like!
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
First Night
I promised two anniversary fics this weekend, and it's still "this weekend" in a couple of time zones...
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Fandom: MCU Series: The Brooklyn Boys Title: First Night Characters/Pairings: Stucky x female!Reader Word Count: 2.3k Summary: Takes place immediately after the events of the final part 10 Steve and the Best Friend. Dinner and a movie and...
Content Warnings: fluff, feelings, soft semi-retired superheroes
Additional Notes: Filling my ninth square for Bucky Barnes Bingo @buckybarnesbingo - U1 "Galaxy" and is the much spoken of (by me) PROMISED ANNIVERSARY EPISODE TO CELEBRATE POSTING PART ONE FOR THIS SERIES A YEAR AGO! These boys meant a lot to me back then and writing for them again to celebrate this with all of you has been a dream.
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Bucky kisses the back of your hand, then stands from the couch, checking his watch. “Dinner’s about ready. I’ll go finish it off.”
As he leaves the living room, Steve scoots a little closer. He pulls you into a short kiss, then rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed, and you breathe in the moment.
“I know it’s so predictable to ask you about your day,” he says, “but I’ve been waiting for weeks to just have these everyday conversations with you.”
You smile, though you know he can’t see it. You’re sure he can feel it because you can feel it coming from him, too.
“When we went to dinner that night, I thought that was going to be the beginning of so many days like that, seeing you, texting with you, just sharing everything with you.
Your heart stutters and leaps, “I wanted that, too. I’m sorry it wasn’t–”
He stops you with another gentle press of his lips to yours and cups your cheek. “No, I didn’t mean to bring it up to make you feel guilty. Tony would say if you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. I think we’re coming through for the better.”
In the time that you’ve spent with Steve, you’ve become aware of how influential and powerful his mood is in any situation, and right now he’s feeling a contentment that really does envelop you.
So you sit back a little in the armchair, but take his hand, and start talking. He holds your hand in both of his, idle stroking of the back of your hand with his thumb as he listens. You talk about the bookshop. Bucky has become a regular, but Steve hasn’t been in yet. You’re eager to share that with him soon, too. You tell him about an upcoming book launch event you solidified today with a local author – it’s their debut novel, but they’ve been a frequent friend of your shop for a few years. “Oh,” you suddenly remember to ask, “you mentioned before that you were getting a lot of chatter about some things happening in Turkey. Is that where you and Bucky went?”
“Yeah.” He grins, probably pleased that you remembered. “Turkey was… interesting.”
“I’ve wanted to go to Turkey! Mission stuff aside because I know that’s probably classified, did you get to experience anything?”
“Not too much, but we did get to see a little of Istanbul. It was beautiful.” He tilts his head a little. “I… would like to go back and see more.”
You plant your elbow on the armrest of your chair and prop your chin on the hand Steve’s not holding. “Steve, have you even been on a vacation?”
He shakes his head. “Only day trips or weekends once or twice upstate when I was a kid. We kept on the move and covered a lot of territory when we didn’t agree to the Sokovia Accords, but that was survival and trying to be of use while keeping a low profile, not traveling. And during The Blip, it never even crossed my mind.”
You squeeze his hand.
“We should go.”
“I’ve never done as much traveling as I wanted either. Couldn’t afford it when I was starting out, then… yeah, The Blip, and since the Second Snap, it’s been busy, but now…”
“Now maybe we have even more reason to make it something to prioritize.”
Butterflies flare in your stomach when he smiles at you like that. Your chest gets that happy tightness. This was why you said yes to them.
“So, Turkey,” you say, a little breathlessly.
“I’ll put it on the list.”
You’re melting.
“Dinner is almost ready!” Bucky’s voice calls from the kitchen. “Steve, come set the table!”
“France should probably go near the top of the list.”
Steve nods in agreement and pulls you up as he stands. He keeps your hand in his as he walks both of you into the kitchen.
“Bucky won’t let us eat in the kitchen, not even at the stools at the counter,”
“Damn right I won’t!” he says, already catching your conversation. “The French wouldn’t hear of it, and I worked hard enough for us to eat at the altar of a proper table.”
“Everything smells incredible,” you gush when you enter their beautiful kitchen. Every part of the brownstone you’ve seen so far is beautiful.
Bucky turns and flashes a devastating grin before turning back to his prep. “Glad you think so.”
Steve brings you to a stop right next to Bucky, who is fully occupied whisking egg yolks one at a time into a custard on the stove, a separate pan with melted chocolate set off to the side. You lean your hip against the counter so you can watch.
Standing behind him, Steve puts a hand on Bucky’s shoulder on the other side and leans over the stove to stick his finger in the chocolate, getting his taste before Bucky can stop him.
“Rogers!” Bucky growls.
You laugh, and Steve grins wickedly.
“It’s good.”
“Get to setting the table. Food’s already set, just going to finish this off and put it in the oven.”
“And pour the wine?”
“We’ve got a Syrah, right? Or any Bordeaux blend.”
“I’ll look and see.”
“Can I help?” you ask.
They both immediately frown at you. “You’re not lifting a finger the first dinner you’re eating here with us,” Bucky says adamantly.
You hold your hands up quickly in surrender. “Understood,” you laugh.
“Good girl,” Steve says, his smile immediately returning. “I’ll go sort out the wine.”
He squeezes Bucky’s shoulder before he leaves the kitchen.
It hits you out of nowhere. There’s a short constriction in your chest at seeing how easy that casual intimate gesture was between them. They’ve known each other for years and years longer than they’ve known you. You’re nowhere near close to that ease and familiarity with them yet. Will this work?
“Come here,” Bucky invites you in closer, and as you step forward, he tucks an arm around you and pulls you securely into his side while he continues whisking with his other hand. Did your insecurity show on your face? Did he merely suspect it? Or maybe he just wanted to hold you for no other reason than wanting to. Whatever the reason, it does soothe away that doubt that had tried to creep in. He presses a kiss to your temple. “I missed you. I don’t know if I would’ve been patient enough to wait much longer. Steve was adamant we had to wait for you to set the timing though.”
Your chest blooms with warmth. You’re glad they did wait – you had needed the time to think and sort out your heart so you could feel secure jumping all in – but it also made you feel good to know he’d been eager. You circle your arms around his waist and look up at him. “Thank you.” You could say more, but you think he knows. His eyes and a squeeze of his arm around you say that he does.  “Kiss me?”
“Always,” and he does. It’s a swift kiss because he is in the middle of the complexities of whatever he’s cooking, but he makes sure even the short kiss takes your breath away.
You only just manage not to whimper when he draws his lips away. Instead, you content yourself with resting your head against his chest. “Now what is it you’re making?”
“The boeuf bourguignon was easy to finish off, and I had decided something decadent for dessert was in order. Chocolate soufflé.”
“Damn, Barnes, you know how to impress a girl.”
He laughs. “Honey, get ready for a lot more of this.”
Your stomach flips, but he doesn't leave you flustered for long, diving into normal conversation while he continued working, Steve coming in and out of the kitchen to set the table. Bucky allows you to assist him as sous chef for only a moment, letting you to open the oven door when he was ready to carefully put the chocolate delicacy in to bake.
Then the three of you sit down to dinner, and it wasn’t an oversell to say it is one of the best meals of your life. The food is incredible, and simply being there with the two of them with the conversation, the laughter, the way they look at you, the way they look at each other, all of it is bliss. That bliss bleeds into Bucky taking the chocolate soufflé out of the oven and the three of you devouring the rich masterpiece. Then you settle in to watch a movie together, you tucked between them.
When you wake up, you are no longer tucked between your super soldiers, but instead tucked beneath a set of soft sheets and blanket that are unfamiliar to you, your head rests on a comfortable but foreign pillow, and your body feels the awkwardness of having slept in your jeans and button-down blouse. The latter wasn’t awful, but never ideal. Why were you asleep in your day clothes? You shift and yawn and sink a little more into the pillows and mattress, appreciating how cozy they are but wondering where exactly you were. You rewind your memory and start to recall a few of the last details in your mind – leaning up against Bucky’s side, Steve pulling your legs up across his lap and giving you a foot massage while the opening scenes of a movie played out.
They had let you choose the movie, and you’d gone with The Count of Monte Cristo, one of your favorites, but now you weren’t certain you’d even made it to the Chateau D’If with poor Edmond Dantes before falling asleep. Actually, you were pretty sure it was that soothing foot massage that had you lost to the land of the waking. You do have a vague half recollection of being scooped up from the couch into someone’s arms, but that was it.
It's clearly what landed you here.
You roll onto your back and smile. The ceiling is littered with carefully mapped out constellations, a glow in the dark replication of the galaxy. Adorable nerd, you think, and with a look around the room, the shelf full of books that covers an entire wall of the room and a neatly stacked pile of three books on the bedside table let you know you must be in Bucky’s bed. There is a low level of moonlight casting a glow across the room from the windows, and you remember the distinct thought you’d had about wanting to see how this man kept his books and what else was in his collection, but that would need to wait for daylight. You never would have dreamed this was how things would have played out all those weeks ago.
A little more alert, your throat feels a little dry, and knowing once the thought has crossed your mind you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep without a drink of water, and it was clearly too late to go home (or late enough to absolutely justify staying in this very cozy place for the rest of the night and seeing your boys in the morning), you pull back the covers and shift out of bed. Sitting at the foot of the mattress you see a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt that are clearly meant for you, and a huge sleepy smile splits across your face. You discard your clothes, feeling immediately comfortable in the alternative – which smell like Steve.
Bucky’s bed but Steve’s clothes.
Your head spins happily as you pad quietly into the hallway and make your way to the kitchen.
Once properly watered, you make your way back to the bedrooms, carefully bringing the partially-refilled glass with you just in case you get thirsty again. It is so quiet in their home, but comfortably so. You will get to see more in the daylight, but you love how it feels already. You pause at the doorway to Bucky’s room, bite your lip, and turn to look across the hallway at another bedroom door.
You don't want to sleep alone in Bucky’s room when they are together in Steve’s.
Heart pounding just a little, you step across the hallway and slowly turn the doorknob, trying to open the door as quietly as you can. You step inside, but then stop and look around. This was an unoccupied bedroom – it had a bed, but that bed was empty, and this room didn’t seem to have much to it. It was a guest bedroom. A little bloom shoots through your heart at the thought that while they had wanted to give you every bit of privacy – leaving you clothed, giving you a bed to yourself – it felt intimate in its own way to know that they’d tucked you in in Bucky’s room, not the guest bedroom.
Not at all nervous now, you step back into the hallway, close that door, and make your way further down the hall, eager to find where these two impossibly wonderful men were slumbering and join them. The next door on the left was a bathroom, but the door on the right is Steve’s. Bucky is asleep, but Steve is sitting up against the headboard and had been engrossed in scrolling in something on his phone, earbuds in, but looks up when your movement pulls his attention. He grins and pulls the buds out, “Hi, Sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you breath, padding toward his side of the bed.
He nudges Bucky as you make your way over. Bucky groans.
“Told you our girl would make her way to us before sunrise,” Steve says to him, and that seems to bring Bucky around slightly.
Steve sets his phone on his bedside table, takes the glass from your hand to set it there as well, and pulls back the covers so you can hop up and crawl in and join them. Bucky immediately pulls you in to his chest, kissing the top of your head. You sigh as Steve closes in behind you, and between your two super soldiers, you quickly drift back to sleep, held safely in their arms.
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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sspextkr · 6 months
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✒️ hooked - snowjanus week day 1 - based on this post
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✒️day one: first meet ✒️ in order to graduate, coriolanus needs to have a certain amount of community service hours on his record.. oh, brother. luckily, the ever generous plinth family is offering internships to students, giving them a glimpse of the wonderful world of business. each student is assigned a "mentor" who is supposed to show them the ropes. and lucky for coriolanus, he got the best of the bunch– the heir to the plinth throne himself. little does he know, this internship isn't as innocent as it seems.
✒️trigger warnings: none :]
✒️ a/n: i have no idea what this is. happy snowjanus week lmao. also please do read the post link on the far right, it gives some context 🙏🙏
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It was a field trip, really? A fucking field trip? Could there be anything more juvenile than this? The last time they had a field trip was in Elementary school, when they took a trip to Dr. Gaul's lab– To show off all of her amazing inventions for society. All they really took away from that day was a goodie bag filled with questionable candy.
The first day of Internship Week at the Academy. Students sign up to spend the week volunteering at a local business and by the end of the week, fill out a form saying whether or not they'd like to continue their service with said business. Most of them were cutesy bakeries or small shops, owned by women who surely were old enough to be considered fossils. Fabricia's store downtown even offered a position, but none of them caught Coriolanus' attention.
Coriolanus wanted a job in the government, which came to a shock to most others. Really? I thought you'd be a writer or something.. Clemmie told him when she found out. How dull, he thought. What good will being an author do him? No. That's not the life he wants.
Snow lands on top. And he'll do everything in his power to make sure he will.
So, he's interning at Plinth Enterprise's, a company that went big in the Dark Days. Supposedly, they sold weapons.. But the money they had accumulated couldn't have just come from weapons, surely. It was a big conspiracy.
The bus ride there was uncomfortable and rickety. Only a dozen roads had been fully patched up after the war, most still fill of potholes. The ones in Downtown– Where Plinth Enterprise's resigned– were halfway patched.
At least he was alone. Only maybe five other students chose to intern at Plinth Enterprise's, Felix Ravenstill and Festus Creed being the most notable.. Well, scratch that. Felix didn't interest him. Festus was a good enough of an acquaintance to consider a friend. But not good enough to sit with.
The bus came to a screeching halt, causing Coriolanus' head to slam against the window he was leaning on. Great.
He stepped off the bus, met with the towering sight of Plinth Enterprise’s, at least 30 stories tall. Do they really need this many floors? He thought, leaning his head back to try and get a glimpse of the top. They just manufacture weapons.. Surely they should be in a factory, or at least near one. The only things to be seen were skyscrapers and other various buildings, though. No factories or warehouses in sight... The windows all had a gloomy tint to them. Were they trying to hide something? Now that would be funny.
A funny looking man came through the glass doors at the front (“what is it with rich people and glass?”), and declared himself their tour guide. He gave a name but Coriolanus could care less. It was almost like looking in a mirror with the way the guide was dressed– White dress shirt that was clearly too tight hidden by a dark blazer to try and counter it. His slacks seemed to fit him just fine, though. Coriolanus envied that. He was squeezed so tightly in these clothes it felt like his head would pop off his shoulders any moment.
The interior of the building was just as elegant as the outside of it– Lush black carpets and leather seats, a basket of fresh fruit on every table. Coriolanus’ stomach rumbled at the sight, thankfully covered by the hustle and bustle of the employees in the lobby. Everything and everyone was dressed in monochrome colors. It was almost like stepping into a new world.
Their guide led them down a hall and up two flights of stairs. I really shouldn’t have skipped breakfast, Coriolanus thought with dismay. His head was already beginning to cloud and feel airy. Stay focused.
They were led through another set of doors into a giant, pale room with staircases sprawling out on either side of a landing. It had a railing and everything. This very place is the definition of "look at me! I have money!"
The guide then went into a clearly over-rehearsed speech about what they would be doing– Acting as assistants, basically. Messenger boys. Fucking fantastic. They were to be assigned a mentor of sorts who would give them their assignments and educate them on the business when they had the time.
The doors at the top of the landing opened, and a boy in a suit came out. Now he looked like he belonged here– Buff frame with curly brown hair, stubble coating his chin and cheeks, all wrapped up in a nice black suit.
Coriolanus' stomach fluttered. Now is not the time to get a crush. And his voice? Oh, just as heavenly.
"We're all very, very glad you're here." Smooth, low, but if you listened close enough, you'd catch some grit. Like a ripple in a pond.. The boy pulled out his hand from his pocket– Gloved hand, oh fuck– And unfolded a white slip of paper. "I'll be reading off your mentoring assignments. They'll be here shortly and we can get this show on the road.."
He cleared his throat. "Mr. Creed, you'll be with Athena." He glanced up. "Mr. Ravenstill.. Woo, what an honor. You'll be with Tiberus. Mr. Pennyworth, you're with Caesar.. And.."
The brunette stared him down with a gaze that was bordering on intimacy. Coriolanus felt himself start to sweat under the collar of his much too tight dress shirt. He didn't even know this boys name, and he was already thinking things that would get him fired on the spot.
The boy wet his lips, looking up from his paper wirh a grin before gesturing a finger at Coriolanus. "And you, blondie.. You're with me."
Oh, fuck. Just what I needed.
The mentors and their interns soon split up. Christ, did he look better up close. "May I ask for your name, sir?" Coriolanus asked, trying to keep his eyes focused on the boys face at least.
"Professionally?" He took a step forward, placing his gloved hands in his pockets. "Mr. Plinth." Oh, fuck. "But.. I've never been one for professionalism.. So call me Sejanus."
"Sejanus.." A sweet name for a sweet looking boy. "I'm looking forward to our time together."
"So am I." Sejanus smiled at him.
This was going to be a long week.
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taglist: @officialelioperlman @on-plvto
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reality-detective · 1 year
Something To Think About 🤔
You may find this is interesting. 👇
“The Wizard of Oz = The Crown Temple. This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum.
What symbol does “Oz” stand for?
Ounces… Gold.
What is the yellow brick road?
Bricks or ingot bars of gold.
The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a PERSON – the Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name.
Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz?
A brain!
No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life!
What did he get in place of a brain?
A Certificate.
A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation.
He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted.
Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense.
What about the Tin Man?
Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you?
The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning.
He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul.
He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead.
He’s the ox pulling the plough and the mule toiling under the yoke.
His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.
The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself.
Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was.
They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all.
All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up.
When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition.
Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority.
He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.
What about the trip through the field of poppies?
They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them.
The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged?
The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries.
Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars.
The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?
Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was?
Toto, the ugly (or cute, depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog.
Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him.
The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded.
Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain – the court – (see the definition for curtain above), saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about. Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority.
The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts were removed.
The Wizard’s game was up.
It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is.
What about your bark?
Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal slave master gives you?
Are you going to continue to follow the script? 🤔
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The Virtues of Amsterdam
On the topic of John and Brian's relationship and the buildup to the Barcelona trip, a passage from the book The Rocking City: The Explosive Birth of the Beatles was brought to my attention, which I found interesting so I wanna post it here and talk a bit about it.
Background: Sam Leach was a promoter in the early 60s, and put on many shows for the Beatles, whom he met after they returned from their first Hamburg residence. In 1999 he published a book chronicling his connection with the band.
The author situates the following passage, found on p. 159 here, in early 1962, after an evening of pub crawling with Sam, John, Paul (who by this point has gone home), and Brian.
Brian was doing the driving that night, so didn't have too much to drink. About four in the morning, he dropped me at my house and I invited him and John in for a coffee. The Beatles had no bookings that weekend and as we sat around the kitchen table, Brian was trying to persuade John to go with him on a short break to Amstendam. In those days, few of us knew much about homosexuality and I thought it was a good idea for John to go. 'The break will do you good, John, I said, casually, to which he gave me a short, sharp kick to the shins under the table. Looking at his bleary eyes, I figured he was well tanked up and ignored him. Brian continued to extol the virtues of Amsterdan and again I said John should go and enjoy himself. This time his kick drew blood and I glared at him angrily. At that moment, Brian excused himself and went to use the toilet. Once he was out of the room, I reached across the table and grabbed John by the collar, hissing, 'What are you playing at?' He doubled up with laughter and gasped. 'You bloody fool! Can't you see he's after me?' If anyone ever had a blank expression on their face, I did then. My befuddled brain struggled to grasp his meaning. Well, it was 1962! Nevertheless, I nodded sagely. 'Oh… I see.' When Brian returned, I got John out of the situation by reminding him of a forthcoming party. 'I was forgetting Rory's getting engaged on Saturday. We're all invited, so I'm afraid Amsterdam is out.' Lennon's reply didn't help. 'Is Rory getting engaged again?' Clearly disappointed, Brian dropped the subject. At Rory's 'engagement' party, I collared John and asked him what he'd meant by Brian being 'after him'. Hooting with laughter, Lennon told the gathering what had happened and everyone had a good laugh at my expense. The next time I took my Tower publicity material to NEMS, it was an embarrassed Brian who asked if John had said anything about him. His relief was obvious when I lied. No. Why should he?'
My anon was implying that the above passage demonstrates Brian putting pressure on John early on in their relationship, when the power was more tipped in Brian's favour.
While I agree that before securing a recording contract John's position was more precarious and Brian was arguably the more powerful one out of the two (though John was already enjoying a decent amount of local fame by this point), I feel this passage actually shows that*, even when John was in an objectively less powerful position than the one he was in by April 1963, he seemingly had no qualms ignoring Brian's invitation, since he never did accompany him to Amsterdam. This would indicate that when he accepted a similar invitation a year later, it was not because he felt it would be career-ending to turn Brian down.
Now, does that mean John definitely went to Barcelona because he was nothing but enthusiastic about the prospect of alone time with Brian? Not necessarily! The account he provided Pete Shotton about his sexual encounter with Brian might suggest that John was more relenting to Brian's apparently endless advances, rather than eagerly consenting ("Eppy just kept on and on at me."). Of course, both Pete in his book and John within this anecdote have an incentive to play down any genuine interest John may have had, but there's certainly a plausible version of events here where maybe Brian does not take no for an answer and spends possibly over a year propositioning John until he finally acquiesces. While this scenario certainly doesn't put Brian in the most flattering light, it's very different from the idea that Brian directly harnessed his position as John's manager to coerce him into sex.
Personally, I'd say the above passage from Leach's book makes it seem like John found all of this mostly amusing, at least by this point in time. It could definitely have eventually stopped being fun to him, but I also think it's very possible that John was consistently giving Brian mixed signals and perhaps quite deliberately keeping him hanging.
*I'm taking the passage from Leach's book at face value here, but I think it would be fair to question whether the author was (perhaps entirely subconsciously!) informed by the Barcelona story and misremembered some details here. I do think this is based on a real memory, but it should never be forgotten that a lot of Beatle anecdotes have been heavily influenced by narratives.
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warmerstranger · 1 year
feat. yandere angel x gn admirer demon reader
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (condescending emotional abuse, abuse of power, gaslight, murder towards others), religious -faintly- and metaphorical themes going on, guilt-trip, angel falling convertion stuffs
Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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One misstep bring about another's corrupted soul painted in sinful indulgence that smoothen the fall of your shattered pieces.
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♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ A high-rank angel, bored from the stiff environment that doesn't take kindly to any surfacing traits of imperfection taken only as the signs to hell's descent, they don't let any mistakes and weaknesses slide off their sharp judgement.
Armaros' harmless curiousity grew the more days passed, wondering if things could've gone different when he goes out of line a step bit closer to new revelation and foreign enlightenment.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel who·········met you in line of his assignment, you—a demon that shouldn't have to do it—offered to help him after freely admitting that you were his secret admirer.
Armaros' consideration didn't run that long before he accepted it, with the condition that you will have to answer every of his incoming questions honestly, otherwise he would've known when you lie. You would suffice as a fun little entertainment for now... to how far you could be taken for granted and toyed with?—the question lingered in the back of his mind.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel who·········were baffled at your attempts of redeeming yourself with a recklessly optimistic mindset, doing helpful and kind acts that could benefit either the humanity or angels. You seemed to be all the more motivated whenever you would show your hard work and sloppy-most-failed results.
Armaros' amused interest in you deepened still. Your daily interactions with him would make his day, he have come to enjoy your various expressions and reactions. Like, of course your attempts wouldn't work, with him telling you to give it up and mock your silly efforts as he knows the best for you, he relishes in your hesitation and downhearted spirit which he didn't keep it that way as he still wanted to test you.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel who·········somehow cared for you? No, he simply didn't want to be found out that he have been involved with you all along by the others.
Armaros' exasperation amplified all the more if you get hurt in your stupid shenanigans. You would be hopeless if he weren't around to watch out for you and heal you of your wounds, he you were really lucky he was the one being there and doing these things for you.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel who·········went easy on you, eased off his sharp demeaning critics intended to dash your hopes.
Armaros' attitude somehow changed to be more lighthearted, settling on playful teasing that still maintain an air of pride to prevent you from pointing it out should it become more clearer that you were important after all, no, he wouldn't let you off the hook that easily.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel who·········caught feelings for you. He began to realize how much he wanted you around him, he became sick, sick, sick of the duties and responsibilities he had since they got in the way of him being together with you.
Armaros' heart rate increased along with a sense of warmth spreading through his body made him more alive than ever anytime the slightest of your touch brush past his skin or when you express your appreciation, genuine joy and care for him despite everything.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ The Angel·········seeked the most of your presence. Anything you do that proves how much your honest true feelings amount to and bared towards him, anything could do. As long as he was positive you still liked him to some extent. He always silently compared your behavior and demeanor to him with how you would usually act with others, if those others gained more of your favor... Well, he could always use some of his authority privilege to burden them with the unforgiving heavy chains of punishment from hell or straight up wipe out their existence. He was confident—too much so—that he already scored a permanent spot in your heart or maybe he will occupy the whole heart.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ Armaros yearned for you, for the day he could be free from the heaven's restraints, for the time he could openly show closed off heart to you, for the future he could be together with you—
Dumbfounded, his eyes widened in surprise. “What?! You were intentionally growing ugly or even poisonous plants? And... you were thinking of giving some to me?...” He blinks with disbelief, staring at you. Give them to me then, what are you waiting for; was what he would've wanted to reply, he already collected some of your belongings anyway... But before he could say more, you soon interjected.
“They aren't ugly..! And they aren't that dangerous too. I'm sure even plants like these could be useful in some ways for the angels or you too. Like how you always give me a chance to keep at it... I'm sure in no time, I could be a great angel like you someday.”
You noticed a slight reddening blush on his fair skin as he scoffs and lightly pushes you away. “Hah! You sure know how to flatter me... Don't ever compare yourself to me, we're on a whole different level. But I guess I do acknowledge that you already have the potential to be strong, at least in the hardheaded childish department. Go ahead and keep growing weird plants, then. I want to see how long you can keep them alive without accidentally killing them or anyone else.” Armaros smirked, shaking his head.
“Though, I'm sorry to burst your bubble when you're already living comfortably in your deluded reality but I have to say and convinced that you'll never become an angel, there's no way I'll allow you to become an angel, that's the last thing I want...” He narrowed his eyes at you seriously. It was already enough for him to be the one with heavy burden like that.
You soon sighed, looking at him dejectedly in hopes he would take back his words or say anything opposite to them. “You know, I've heard of demons working their way up to be an angel and many have succeeded... A-and.. I was thinking if we could.. you could.. be with me if I do end up as an angel anyway!” you gave your best sweet puppy eyes for your silent plea to be heard and granted, perhaps slipping off your charm unintentionally to him.
He was speechless for a moment, frowning at you as if he didn't know what to do with you. “God, you're so—” he mumbled, sucking in a breath through his gritted teeth. He could just kiss you right then and there as he was in an isolated place with you anyway if only he didn't hold back. “Who told you that...? You're wrong, demons can't ascend into angels.” He pauses to look away before adding to ease up your disappointment.
“Look, it doesn't matter how much you improve yourself. You're a demon from the very beginning so you would always be a demon in the eyes of angels. Even if theoretically you can ascend into an angel or if there comes a day demons and angels can coexist, I don't have any such intention. You're just a demon that I had fun toying around in some cases, nothing more.” He explained harshly.
Gasping lightly at his words, you reply with a feigned hurt expression. “St-still! What about you? Do you still like me even as I am now? Even if you only think so of me...” I blinked slowly, waiting in anticipation and expectations of your answer.
He remained silent for a few seconds. He was struggling to speak without making you sad in some way as he felt guilty. “Oh, you're so naive I'm surprised you have lasted this long... You, you... as a demon... You're alright, I must say.” Armaros sighed, his eyes avoided looking straight to your gaze. What a lame thing to say, yet he had no choice when he didn't want to tell you the truth. He refused to acknowledge it, or else it would materialize to a whole different new truth he couldn't keep under control.
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱ It was killing him inside, like a little persistent nagging feeling that was only a bud at first, he felt his heart clenched painfully he almost couldn't breathe sometimes from how he had to keep his own feelings and thoughts about you under wraps. He was aware corruption already rooted in his core and would spread to take over his whole being, he could imaagine his nearing descent. But if he could still prevent it...
♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱·········
He shouldn't have. He regretted not confessing to you sooner or else you didn't have to almost die in their hands under a merciless treatment; the angels, they were surrounding you and him while they looked down to the both of you. There were no signs of you struggling or fighting back against them, even though it was deserved to do in your defense and he knew you had the capability.
Armaros stayed silent and didn't pay the angels' words any mind, his arms clutching your unconcious form tightly to him as his discolored wings wrapped around you, shielded from their view and isolating you for his sole sight. “You can't die, I will only allow you to live by my side.” he leaned to slot in your lips between his, your taste and scent filling up his heightened senses like a irresistible drug.
He used up the rest of his power as his halo melted, fading off to enrich the horns protruding beneath. His tranquil mind focused on your recovery, his eager heart bursting at the seams on your whole being while he shed off his divine feathers and old skin.
The other angels having been swallowed and impaled by the spikes from the heaven's ground. He have been dreaming of and wanting you badly—a forbidden desire for a love he had never known. He pulled back from his kiss when you slowly woke up, then he rested his forehead on yours.
“You're fine now, until the end of time and beyond, we will always stay together.”
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mooseyspooky · 6 months
Moz Solo was already on it @lovely-lady-fox! FamousWhenDead posted the whole thing:
Johnny Marr: How could Meryl Streep agree to be in Mamma Mia?
The guitarist lets us into his cultural life, from his love of David Hockney to making his friends watch a Joan Didion documentary
My favourite piece of music For a long time now, it’s been My Goal’s Beyond by John McLaughlin. Like his work with the Mahavishnu Orchestra, it is in a genre entirely of its own. It’s unquantifiable and makes me feel a certain way, no matter what happens in the outside world.
The lyric I wish I’d written “You’re going to reap just what you sow”, from Perfect Day by Lou Reed.
The instrument I wish I’d learnt Piano. I can play it, but only in amateurish fashion. I should say though there are guitar players who play the piano nicely like Neil Young, Paul McCartney and David Bowie. They play it as a means to an end and do wonderful things with it. But I would like to be a few levels up from there.
The music that cheers me up Any good pop music, which by definition usually means contemporary. There are things from my past that of course make me feel good. But there’s something about hearing music that’s fresh, upbeat and represents the modern world — it makes you feel that everything is OK.
I’m having a fantasy dinner party, I’ll invite these artists and authors Gary Oldman, Muhammad Ali and certainly Marilyn Monroe.
And I’ll put on this music Spirit Power: The Best of Johnny Marr.
Overrated I don’t tend to like shitting on people, but Mamma Mia!, for God’s sake, or We Will Rock You or any of those sorts of musicals. How did it get to that? We’re supposed to go along with the idea that they’re good. What was Meryl Streep thinking she was doing starring in that film, and Julie Walters? What were they thinking? There are a lot of things culturally that we’ve just gone along with and they really must stop.
Blindboy Boatclub, the artist and musician from Limerick, is best known as one half of the Irish comedy hip-hop group the Rubberbandits. He’s amazing, has such an interesting way of thinking and also hosts the brilliant series The Blindboy Podcast too. One of the best books I have ever read is his Topographia Hibernica. I can’t recommend him or it enough.
My favourite author
Aldous Huxley. People would assume I’m thinking about Brave New World orThe Doors of Perception, but I’m actually referring to his work after he moved to the United States in the second half of his life. His essays and lectures are even better than his earlier work. I rediscovered him in the Nineties and he is my actual hero. Everything you read of his is an education.
The book I’m reading
Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson. It’s a trip, moving around from style to style. The novel is loosely based on Greek mythology, but set in modern times. It’s relatable and super interesting. PJ Harvey introduced me to Carson, an intriguing cross between an essayist and a poet.
The book I couldn’t finish
The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley. Just couldn’t do it.
The book I’m ashamed I haven’t read Ulysses by James Joyce. It just sounds so hard going. I love the idea of it and feel genuinely bad that I haven’t read it, but I do also feel like I know so much about it already. I admire it enough, without feeling the need to put myself through the hassle of reading it.
My favourite film Sergio Leone’s film Once Upon a Time in America. When it was first released, I went to see it a few times and decided then it was the best thing I’d ever seen. I recently saw The End We Start From, starring Jodie Comer. It’s so good. Amazingly, I came away from it with this feeling of triumph of the human spirit. It says a lot about what it means to be human and what we fundamentally need, which is compassion, connection, love and understanding. And Comer is just so believable in the role.
The box set I’m hooked on I’m rewatching Nurse Jackie. There’s so much good stuff out there that whenever I occasionally revisit old, great stuff, you forget how much it stands up. I like anything Edie Falco is in. I also have just rewatched the documentary Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold. I’ve watched it at least three times and whenever someone comes to my place that hasn’t watched it, I watch it with them.
My favourite TV series It has to be Mad Men. One of my friends is eagle-eyed and noticed that when they put an album on a turntable, it has the correct label from the Sixties. That’s crazy.
The film I walked out on
There are loads, often stuff I take my kids to see and they don’t even notice I’d left. I didn’t enjoy Baby Driver — I didn’t like the music in that at all.
I wasted an evening watching Manchester City play in the Champions League final in 2021.
The last movie that made me cry These days I can cry at almost anything so I can’t remember.
The place I feel happiest Running around Brooklyn, over the Williamsburg Bridge. Or around Portland, Oregon. Whenever I’m at those places, I always run unless I’m injured. I’ve done a lot of things in my life, but nothing quite beats that.
My guiltiest cultural pleasure Cheese and onion pasty, chips and peas. Anybody who says that’s not a culture doesn’t know what they are talking about.
If I could own one painting it would be We Two Boys Together Clinging by David Hockney. Any of his work would be a dream to own. Even the iPad stuff is beautiful. I went to see David Hockney: Bigger and Closer at the Lightroom and it was great.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Catch Our Breath and Let Go - Will Graham Imagine [Hannibal]
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Title: Catch Our Breath and Let Go
Pairing: Will Graham X Reader
Based On: Wires
Word Count: 1,170 words
Warning(s): none that I know of
Summary: (Y/n) and Will have worked together for a long time now. As time goes on, the pair seemingly dance around each other. When the people stuck working with them get tired of watching it, Will and (Y/n) find themselves forced to confront how they feel.
Author's Note: This is the first imagine of three. It's part of a writing challenge that I'm doing for the "Yearbook" series that Sleeping at Last did. There are more details on that masterlist (linked just below). I hope that you enjoy.
Part Two of January [Release Date: 2/22/2023]
Part Three of January [Release Date: 2/24/2023]
Beverly Katz was probably my best friend.
The two of us clicked as soon as I started working in the lab with her. She did everything in her power to make me feel completely at home when I first got there. It was nice to know that I had someone to lean on through it all.
Maybe that was why Jimmy, Brian, and her thought that she was the best person to send to talk to me that day.
"Can I ask you about something," she asked while I was placing a slide under a microscope.
"Sure," I replied, still focused on what I was examining.
"What's going on with you and Will?"
"Interesting conversation to have while examining crime scene evidence," I muttered, adjusting the height of the platform. "Nothing is going on between me and Will."
"You sure?"
"Should I not be?"
I heard her chuckle behind me. I leaned away from the lens and looked at her. "What?"
"You're joking, right," she asked. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, you're not."
"That doesn't help me understand what you're talking about."
"Well, it's just that you and Will seem a lot... closer than he is with anyone else."
"You want the list in chronological order or alphabetical order?"
I scoffed. "Screw you, Bev."
I did have feelings for Will. I just didn't think it was anyone else's business. Mostly because I was convinced that if I ignored them, then they'd go away. Will never seemed like one who would focus on things like that. It was just easier to never worry about it.
Which meant never bringing it up to anyone.
"Let's start with whatever happened at that last crime scene," she continued, even though I turned away from her again. "You stumbled and he reacted so fast. He was paying such close attention to you that he probably knew that you tripped before you did."
I shook my head. "He was being nice."
"That's why you both stood there staring at each other like idiots for a solid minute or two before he let you go?"
"It's nothing."
"Alright, let's talk about the dog hunt," she leaned on the counter next to me. "How long did you spend helping him get that stray dog to his house?"
I turned to her. "Not that long!"
"You went over at like ten o'clock at night."
I groaned. "Shut up already."
"No, no, because I have one more. The coffee trade."
"Did Jimmy come up with the special title for that? It sounds like a Jimmy title."
"Hush," she waved my question off. "You two trade who buys coffee for the other. You have it down to a perfect schedule."
"Yeah, whatever-"
"You buy coffee on Thursday. He buys them on Mondays and every other week on Wednesdays."
"You sound like a stalker when you recite shit like that."
I stepped around her to grab something.
"Listen. Brian and Jimmy... and me... are tired of watching you and Will stare at each other like nervous puppy dogs," she shrugged. "You might not see it, but I can."
I looked over her shoulder. "That's enough-"
"You two both need to hurry up and do something about it because I am not dealing with Jack questioning me about it."
"Bev, stop-"
"Why can't you just admit that there could be something there? Are you scared? That's okay. I'm pretty sure Will is too-"
"Please stop!" I snapped. "Turn around."
She turned around to see Will with Jimmy and Brian, who had clearly stopped in the middle of their conversation. Oh God, they had been doing the same thing to him.
Bev looked back at me. "Shit, listen-"
"Will, can I talk to you," I asked, stopping Bev in her tracks.
I didn't wait for Will to speak up before I got up to walk out. I awkwardly asked the others to take care of what I had been looking at.
I couldn't even get myself to look at Will before we were out in the hall. Even then, I found it difficult.
He always made me nervous. Every time I looked at him, it felt like there was something sitting between us. Like the tension grew heavy enough to take up physical space. I was terrified of what would happen if we were to do something about it. Not because I thought something would go wrong or anything. I just was.
A very normal part of being human in situations like this. But that didn't change how ridiculous it felt.
"What did you want to talk about," Will asked, snapping me out of my line of nervous thoughts.
"I... I need you to know that I had nothing to do with... whatever their plan was," I said. "I wouldn't force you into a conversation that was so invasive and almost creepy and... I just wouldn't."
"I didn't think that you did."
It took me a second to nod. "Good. Good. Okay."
There was a long pause between us. I saw something on Will's face change. It looked like he was considering if he should say something. His jaw shifted a bit, his eyebrows furrowed a little more. Will and I had been friends for a while now; I knew the signs.
"Were they telling the truth," he finally asked. "About... how you felt?"
I felt every possible response get caught in my throat.
I had spent such a long time hiding any and all signs that I could possibly be anything more than a co-worker and a friend. And now, I was being asked by the man himself.
It almost felt like a trick.
So, I answered a question with a question, "What would happen if I said yes?"
I saw a grin pull at the corners of Will's lips.
The silence surrounded us again.
He slowly stepped closer to me. I watched him closely, trying to ignore how much faster my heart was beating now.
He only turned away from me to look around the hall. It was a rare moment when there weren't people running around all the time. I didn't bother to look away. Mostly because I didn't want to.
He looked at me again. He let out a nervous chuckle as he did. I did the same thing.
He leaned forward slowly.
I could see him hesitating. Ready to stop the moment that he thought I was uncomfortable.
I leaned in after a moment to close the distance.
It was awkward, nervous. Almost innocent. I had expected whatever sparked between us to be an explosion or a wildfire. But it wasn't. It was this comforting wave of warmth that started in my face and spread through the rest of my body slowly.
Will pulled away first.
"Was that okay," he asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Yeah, it was... more than okay."
I reached out and touched his hand, smiling at him.
He smiled back at me.
This was the beginning of something brilliant.
I could just tell.
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