#was someone who would like. run away and throw food at the wall
milkloafy · 17 hours
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: in which pro hero!shouto saves you from getting run over by a car and finds himself immediately enraptured by you.  ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: pro hero!shouto, fluff, gn!reader ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 1.3k ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: aka…pro hero!shouto is a pr nightmare and no u cannot convince me otherwise ! ahdjskc but frl this is so unserious but i miss the og anime loml so here we are :>
Shouto wasn’t exactly known for his talkative nature. 
It was quite the opposite, in fact, with news agencies and magazines often referring to him as the quiet one of the Big Three. Though, he supposed that was better than being known as the one with the family trauma. 
But people often mistook his silence for thoughtfulness, he realized. Or an intense observation of sorts. And while at times that was the case, most times, it was simply because he didn’t have anything to say. 
Shouto blinked as he realized the situation he was in. 
He had just stopped a villain from robbing a luxury clothing store for the third time this month, nothing too exciting, yet the journalists showed up each time for an interview with him after. 
“Sir, we are live,”the reporter reminded with a nervous laugh. “We asked if you had a message for any…”
She kept talking, but Shouto was unable to concentrate. Not because he had heard it millions of times before, but because he noticed strange movement from the corner of his eyes. 
This was one of the times he was both silent and observant. 
Shouto spotted you crossing the street on your phone, staring at your screen and completely oblivious that a car was headed your way with little to no sign of stopping. 
Without thinking of how it would look to the public for him to ditch an interview mid-sentence, he ran over to you before he even processed his legs moving. Throwing his right arm out in front of him, he sent a wall of ice up to block the vehicle’s predicted path, reaching you just in time to sweep you off your feet and carry you away from the road as the ice began to shatter from the impact. 
The ice wall was thick enough that the car slowed before fully breaking through, but that didn’t stop Shouto from instinctively shielding you with his body in the event that ice shards propelled towards you. 
Once he heard the sound of a crash and alarms, he figured the vehicle was fully stopped and the authorities arrived to assess the situation themselves. Would he get scolded by his agency for putting up an ice wall and potentially damaging someone’s vehicle? It was likely so. But that was better than someone actually getting hit by a car instead. 
The world wanted heroes, but only when they fit into their ideal mold. And while rules and regulations helped keep order in the world, in moments like these when someone’s life was in danger, Shouto couldn’t be bothered to care.
Slowly, his body relaxed and he was able to finally take a look at you. At the person who, for some reason, was so focused on their phone they didn’t notice a car coming at them. 
Any criticisms that threatened to come out of his lips stayed there once he got a good look at your features. He found himself taken aback by how beautiful you looked, though he quickly cleared his throat and recovered from his blatant staring. 
“Be careful when you’re crossing the street,” said Shouto, walking over to a section of grass and away from the commotion that was happening on the road, with you still in his arms. “What was keeping you so occupied?” 
You looked up at him guiltily, your phone clutched between your hands. “I was trying to order my food…” 
He blinked. As a pro hero, he shouldn’t be one the judge victims. But he couldn’t help but raise his brow just a bit. 
“I was really hungry,” you said sheepishly, hiding your face in embarrassment. “But I can’t believe I was so focused on my order I didn’t realize the car wasn’t stopping!” You sighed to yourself before meeting Shouto’s eyes once more. “Thank you for saving me, Shouto. I’m sure you had much more pressing matters to attend to instead of saving some random person off the street.”
He shook his head. “That’s the most important part of the job. Saving people.” 
You smiled gratefully at him and he almost had to look away from your dazzling grin. “Well, thank you for saving this idiotic person right here.” You gestured towards yourself. “Still, I hope my order went through…”
A mixture between a snort and a laugh escaped his lips. You had almost gotten run over and your biggest concern was whether or not your dinner was on its way? 
“It’s didn’t!” you cried in exasperation as you peeked at your phone. “Well, I might as well get a convenience store meal at this point.” Sighing, you leaned your head against his chest for a brief moment of comfort. “By the way, you can set me down now. I think people are taking pictures of us.” 
“Oh,” said Shouto, “right.”
Carefully, he loosened his hold on you and set your feet carefully onto the floor. Before fully letting go of you, he made sure you were stable and steady. For some, it took a while for the events to process and the panic to settle in, and he wanted to ensure you were truly okay. 
You had a worried look on your face as you noticed the video cameras still focused on the two of you. 
“Will you get in trouble for this?” you whispered, leaning close to his ear. 
“For rescuing someone from a getting hit by a car and talking to them after?” He considered things for a moment. “Most likely. But it’s okay. The most important thing is you are safe, both physically and mentally.”
Giggling, you nodded, reaching up to pat him on top of his head. Shouto was startled by the sudden touch, but he didn’t pull away.
“Who knew Shouto was such a worrywart,” you teased. “I’m safe and unharmed, all thanks to you. In fact, to show my gratitude… Why don’t I treat you to some convenience store dinner? On me, of course!” 
Shouto was silent for a bit. There were plenty of things he should be thinking about right now. The headlines that would be made about Pro Hero Shouto saving someone and then going on a “date” with them right after. The damage it could do to his reputation. The overtime hours the agency would make his public relations team work.
Instead, his silence was used to think of what he exactly he wanted to get at the convenience store. 
“Okay,” Shouto said once he made up his mind. “I’ll take a curry bun.” 
You laughed and gestured for him to follow you to the nearest convenience store. “I like that, too. You have good taste.” 
He followed along beside you, pleased with himself when he heard your captivating laugh. 
“I think I want an egg sandwich tonight,” you stated, a thoughtful look on your face. “Or maybe some fried chicken. Or an egg sandwich and fried chicken? And a smoothie for a drink and dessert all in one item! But maybe I want a crepe instead…”
As you rambled on, Shouto suddenly understood how you were too engrossed with trying to order food on your phone that you didn’t realize a vehicle was approaching you earlier. And while that was dangerous, he found it slightly endearing. Just as long as you were away from any cars. 
Shouto was so focused on listening to you that he hardly paid attention to the look of shock on the reporters’ faces and the influx of calls he was receiving from his agency. 
Right now, he simply wanted to hear you talk more and eat a curry bun. 
The rest, he could deal with later. 
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daisiescomelate · 2 months
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Checkout line
Prompt: Sukuna is too proud to ask for cuddles so you pretty much have to guess what he's pouting about when he does. But this time if he wants cuddles, he will have to explicitly ask for them.
Content: Sukuna/Reader, silly, jealous sukuna, toji cameo, unwelcomed flirting, cursing.
div. k1ssyoursister - masterlist
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It always starts with Sukuna sitting a little bit closer than usual and being especially quiet.
It is the most subtle of changes, that’s why you miss it most of the time.
You sat on the sofa on your phone and Sukuna –who is normally a big fan of his personal space and is always keeping himself busy with something– sat on the other end of the couch and stared at the wall without saying anything.
When proximity was not enough to call your attention, he sighed loudly, spreading his legs on the cushions and his arms over the back of the couch. He throws his head back and looks at the ceiling, waiting for you to ask him what's wrong.
'Nothing' he would answer, and look away from you; so you would ignore it and keep doing your thing.
When being dramatic didn't work he would throw side glances your way, and you had to be very dense to miss them because he was in no way subtle about it. He would bounce his leg up and down, crack his neck and knuckles or even click his tongue. Anything but calling your name and telling you what he wanted.
Normally that would let you know he wanted something, but sometimes you had your mind on something else and you let it be.
If that didn't do the trick either you would be facing a problem, because Sukuna's next tactic to gain attention was starting a fight.
It was cute, needy Sukuna throwing a tantrum. You never knew why he refused to ask for a hug or to lay his head on your lap directly, but Sukuna's pouty lips had their charm. And today you felt like playing him around for a bit.
“The brat told me the cashier from the grocery store flirted with you again”, he suddenly spoke.
There it was.
He had the tendency to start fights when he wanted something from you because you had the habit of offering pets and kisses in exchange for forgiveness, or to help him calm down when he was particularly cranky.
It was true.
That morning Yuuji and you went to the store together to restock on food and snacks.
Sukuna had been up late trying to fix a plumbing issue in the bathroom so you didn't want to bother him so early in the morning, but postponing the task for later also felt like an inconvenience.
You called the youngest of the Itadori for some company and he turned up to be planning on running his errants as well. To celebrate such coincidence, you both agreed on going to a coffee shop together to have breakfast after going to the store while the grumpy ghoul slept.
So you picked Yuuji up and drived with him to the market, and you both got there early enough to avoid any of the exhausting waiting lines.
But after you finish gathering all the items on your list, because you were chatting with Yuuji the whole time, you didn't realize you both had queued behind a lady over that man's station.
The first time you crossed paths with this cashier a few weeks ago, his eyes had pissed you off a little bit, even when his words might have sounded sweet to anyone else. You thought a sterned look would be enough to shut him up for good, but apparently it wasn't because he had tried again that very morning.
It was infuriating.
You raged about the guy and his condescendent smile the whole way to the car. Yuuji had also wanted to go back and complain to someone about the man because he had also perceived his nasty attitude. You wished you could, but at the time you decided against it –for Yuuji's sake.
Yuuji was a ray of sunshine, always kind and smiling. But he was still an Itadori. His personality could be deceiving for what laid under the surface, he was just as predisposed to get into fights as his brother. Ugly fights.
You would get the guy next time. You couldn't afford getting Yuuji into trouble because of that asshole.
So you moved on with your day. Yuuji and you eventually forgot all about it after some cake and tea at the cafe, reason why the whole deal didn't come to mind when you finally came back home to a Sukuna that had just rolled out of bed on sweatpants and without a shirt on, and whose hair spiked in every direction. It was a sight that often made you forget about things.
But now that uncomfortable situation could be of use to you.
“Oh... Was that what it was?” You said non chantlant without lifting your eyes from your phone.
Sukuna scolded you with his expression, crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “Was it the same dude as last time?”
“Yeah… I think it was. The big guy with the black hair and the scar on his lip.” You saw him clench his jaw on the corner of your eyes. He sat up straight, fully turning at you with the whole intention of seeming offended.
“And what did you do about it?”, he asked with a stern voice.
You guessed deep down, it was annoying for him to hear about another guy flirting with his partner, but if that really were a problem for him he would be less sulky and more –like you said before– picking up the car and going to find the guy for a quick talk.
Right now Sukuna was probably half putting up an act, half wary about your odd reaction to him being defensive about something. Normally when he used that tone with you, you would match it, annoyed at him for talking to you as if accusing you of something.
You kept to your roll, not letting him stir you.
Calm and collected.
“There was not much to do about it. He just gave me a compliment, I said ‘thank you’ and paid for my groceries.”
In truth you told him to go to hell.
Maybe you should ask Sukuna to have a quick talk with the guy.
“Is that all? ‘Just a compliment’? Did you even mention that you had a boyfriend?”
Oh, the guy sure knew that. After all, the first time he hit on you Sukuna was right beside you and he was very vocal about what he thought he should do with his compliments.
“He didn’t ask.”
“He didn’t—?!”, he inhaled sharply. His next line was delivered between greeted teeth, “Don’t you remember how much you complained about him flirting with you even after you told him that we were there together, two weeks ago?”
“Yes, I remember. But if you think about it he wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Bullshit. You paused hiding a smirk, feeling his burning gaze of disbelief from the side. “Also, he’s very good looking. I was kind of flattered.” Yeah, right.
At your comment, Sukuna stood out from the couch as if his pants were on fire. “’Good looking’”, he repeated fuming, “’flattered’”.
“Yes,” you added for some flavor, “you don’t compliment me like you used to. It was nice to hear it.”
“THAT I DON’T—” Sukuna repeated as a broken record, incredulous.
Sukuna wasn't the type to give compliments with words. Yes, he said them because he knew you liked them, but when he actually saw something he liked about you he was more... physical about it. Pulling you close, kissing and staring in a way that made your skin tingle and your blood go hot. Sometimes he made you feel as if he could actually take a bite out of you, he would.
Sukuna walked the few steps that separated the two of you in a blink. You dropped your phone so you could see him in the eyes. One of his eyebrows twitched out of pure anger. Soon he was bending over you on the couch, both his hands pressing over the cushions next to each of your shoulders, cornering you.
“You’re needy for more of my attention, is that what you’re saying?”
You bit your lip to keep a smile from slipping out of you. You could never get enough of Sukuna's attention, that's for sure. You reinforce your serious expression. “I kind of do, yes.”
His nostrils flattered open as he snorted at your complaint.
“C’mon, Suku”, you chimed, seeing your scheme work. “Don’t be angry. I know you don’t do it on purpose.” You flashed an angelic smile at him, “No hard feelings, really. Why don’t you lay on the sofa so I can give you pets?”
“I don’t want your pets”, he bit off.
Ding, ding, ding!
We have a winner!
“You are right,” he said while still looking enraged, “I neglected you, let’s fix that right now.”
Yes! Let's fix that– wait.
It took you a second to understand what he meant but it was long enough for you to not be able to react in time to avoid the way he locked his hands on your hips.
“Suku, wait.” You tried to stop him but your protest fell on deaf ears as he used all his strength to pick you up from the couch. “Suku! You're gonna drop me, hold on.”
Sukuna lifted you up without showing much effort, in a way that left you no other choice but to wrap your legs around his waist for balance. He adjusted your weight so he could hold you properly.
“Don’t get all cranky now, I’m trying to mend my mistake.” You held on to him as best as you could, pirsing the back of his neck with your nails, while he walked with you on his arms towards the other side of the room. "Poor you, needing strangers to compliment you because your boyfriend wouldn't do his job right."
“Suku, it was a joke!”
“Joke or not, it’s true that I haven’t taught you some manners in a while.” He said and he kicked the bedroom door open.
You let out a high pitched cry, and like that, both of you disappear into your bedroom.
A/N: imagine sukuna as a ravish dog you can unleash to go after men that annoy you on the streets.
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Five in a time line where reader doesn't know him? Kind of like Klaus and what's his faces relationship???????
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He doesn't take it well at all
He's never loved someone the way he loves you, so when he does go into a time line where you've never even met him, he freaks out internally
Though, then he starts to think that maybe this is a good thing
He knows everything about you. Your likes, dislikes, embarrassing memories, insecurities, hobbies, etc [I think you get my point]
^ He can use this knowledge and use it to make himself seem like the perfect guy/boyfriend
While you did like him in his timeline, there were moments where he wasn't the best boyfriend, but now he has a second chance
He'll 'accidentally' run into you and see you holding a book/sketchbook/notebook/journal [Whatever your interest is] and he'll pick it up before being like "Oh, you like ____? I like it, too. I can never find anyone else who likes _____"
He knows you're shy and easily scared/introverted, so he knows this is a hit or miss, but thankfully you take it really well. You were excited someone shared the same interest as you. You start babbling about it, while asking if he wanted to get a drink or food
He's quick to take up the offer. He didn't want to waste a second with you
You do think he moves incredibly fast. You never had a guy like him show such an interest in you, so you're taken aback by his enthusiasm
He doesn't want to scare you, but he can't help himself
He does begin to scare you when you realize he knows everything about you
He doesn't tell you about his powers, until you start to avoid him in fear
You're surprised when he appears in your room, going through your drawers, before tossing you your journal/diary
"You should put a lock on that"
"How- What are you- How did you get into my room?"
He sits on your bed, ignoring you
"Hello? Five?"
He looks at you, holding one of your stuff animals in his hands. If you had known he would sneak in your room, you probably would have hidden that.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
He gets off the bed, stepping closer to you, until your back hits the wall. He throws the stuff animal over his shoulder, before making direct eye contact with you. "Why. Are. You. Avoiding. Me?"
"I-I-I ha-haven't be-been doing that- Avoiding you I mean-" You stutter over your words, causing him to deeply frown
"Don't patronize me. I'm not fucking stupid."
"I've been busy," You quickly lie, mentally applauding yourself for coming up with that so quickly
"Doing what?" Five humored you, deciding he'd try and let you defend yourself. Maybe you weren't avoiding him. Maybe he was being paranoid
He groans, looking away from you, annoyed. Why were you really avoiding him? He thought things were going great? But apparently he was wrong...
What he didn't realize is that he was coming on to strong
There was silence in the room and you were scared, because he still hasn't said anything and he's not looking at you
Finally, after what feels like eternity, he speaks
"Can I tell you something-Well, let me showing something."
You were a little confused, but he pulls you towards the bed and pushes you down. He takes a deep breath, before making direct eye contact with you.
"You can't freak out. Promise me?"
"It can't possibly be that bad-"
"I'm serious. Promise me"
''Fine. I promise."
You think he's over exaggerating and blowing this out of proportion, until he fucking disappears
You look around the room confused and then he suddenly appears behind you, holding a soda. It was the one you had downstairs that you had been waiting all day to drink
"How did you do that???"
"It's complicated," He tells you, rubbing the back of his neck
"That's so cool!"
You ask him to do his talent over and over. At first he was annoyed, but then he realizes that you were probably going to break up with him, but now you were more interested in him than you've ever been
You practically become obsessed with him
He doesn't mind, in fact he finds it hot. His timeline version of you was never obsessed with him. You were just a lovely couple, but this version of you was practically as bad as him and god he loves it so much
He wants to keep you forever
And he will. You're never getting away from him
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
The Snap Of Thread.
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—£ Yan!Aemond Targaryen x Maid!Reader. (Slight Yan!Alicent & others)
—£ Ask!“Hi. Can i ask for yandere aemond with lowborn/maid reader? They have a friendship and one day she tells him that she is pregnant, even trough they never even share a kiss he starts to believe in his mind that the baby is his.”
—£ Warning: Spiders, Yandere behavior, Violence, Killing, Stalking, Being held captive of some sort, Pregnancy, Reader having a baby out of wedlock, Pregnant!Reader, Dead Dove Do Not Eat.
—£Taglist: @watercolorskyy
You had been working in the castle since you were just a child. You and your mother had come to Kingslanding for work and you found it right away. Thankfully the work load was easier on you since you got placed under the Young Princess. You washed her clothes, made sure to prepare her bed and room to the way she likes, even running around the castle with a few extra tasks for others.
Helaena was a delight to work under since she was not cruel or demanding. She just wanted to be alone and lifted to her wonders and insects. Of course, you never really spoke with her since the maids above you had made sure to be near her at every moment. The only time you saw her was when you took trays full of food to her or cleaned them up but most time she was out when you worked.
Much like any other night you had gone to her room to clean, other maids helping around and you had gotten done pretty fast. The sweet princess not being messy at all. When things got done the others left but you stayed to finish up. That’s when you saw a spider with long legs cling to the wall. Your first instinct was to kill it but you remember the princess. This spider was from your hometown and not harmless at all, not even a bite.
So you catch it in your hands and when you did the panic set within you. Where would you put it? You couldn’t throw it out the window, couldn’t kill it, and it was over extreme to walk to the ends of the castle to release it, so you move around the room in panic looking for a place.
The princess came back and wondered what you were doing, seeing you in such a state confused her. When you told her she grew a smile and reached out her hand to take the creature and you gladly gave it over.
“Many people are scared of spiders, they fear what is small to the eye. But you did not kill like others,” she looked at you. “I like that.” You had told her you knew from your hometown of the spider and couldn’t kill it, she was overjoyed. That’s when you two started to hang out more and she called for you. You listened to her when she would talk about all the creatures she had, she liked you.
It was natural for you to met aemond when you hung around his sister so much and he usually was too shy to say anything. So you both only shared a few glances and only talk to heleana. And seeing you so nice and sweet to his dear sister, it mesmerize him to no end. He was taken aback by your kind natured and looked at her like a normal person or as normal as she could be for a princess. And you never look at him like someone weak among his kin but only as a boy.
Aemond started to follow you around when he would see you around the castle and watch you closely. He noticed the wrinkles in your fingertips when you washed clothes for long periods of time. He noticed how you worked like it was a passion and left nothing undone. How you helped the elders when they needed it. And how tired you worked yourself and had to take a breath but look around for anyone before doing so.
It was only a few times you both actually spoke. When he asked for something when helaena wanted cakes or anything, he always joined in even if he didn’t want anything. He wanted your gaze, your focus and pretty eyes on him.
Soon that sweet and shy boy was replaced with a ruthless man who was not shy. He was cold and sat back quietly knowing he could take anyone in the room or fed them to his dragon. He was a warrior now. The boy you had known died and was now a man..
A man who was obsessed with you.
He called for you now, making you clean his rooms or fetch him someone to eat. He’d just sit in his room as you replaced the “Scratchy” bedsheets and claimed only you knew the right ones. But he kept his eye on you the whole time as you would bend over or a stretch yourself over his bed.
At dinners you stood close to Helaena because you had moved up in ranks now you were a young woman and stayed close to her. So he got to see more of you.
Aemond was always hiding in the shadows while you worked. He was much more sinister with his watching now and did it every second of free time. And would get angry when you weren’t where you usually were.
When you looked at him he saw it as you taking him in and being deeply in love with him. You’re just shy, nervous the prince wouldn’t like you make. Oh, boy is he just so delusional about you. Once you laughed at his joke that he made to helaena and he was just stunned. In his mind you were giving him hints. Everything you do is to get his attention.
Through all these years you both spent much more time together so much that you watch him when he trains, he walks with you when you have a pile of clothes in your hands. You considered him a friend.
So when the words. “I’m pregnant, I have not bled in mouths.” He was frozen.
Aemond first reaction was to hunt down the man who had done it to you. Then something snapped within him as his mind was lost, all reality was rewritten. He had done it. That was his child.
He bowed down to the floor and hugged your waist and leaned his ear to the stomach, “Our child.” He whispered and your eyes went wide. His words and actions made no sense and you were slightly afraid to move from his hold.
From there he dressed you in the finest clothes and demanded you were to be kept in his room at all times, or Helaenas. The only time you could go out was with him by your side. And everyone had to agree, he had already killed five people who spoke wrong of you.
Alicent didn’t like the idea but her son made her with his actions saying he loved you so much. Of course she liked how sweet you were to her daughter so she was more than welcome.
Aemond would fall asleep holding your belly, he’d whisper to the child in your womb. He truly believed he was the father. Going as far as to say he took you months ago in a passionate night in the moonlight. And it freaked you out how he knew about all the skin details without seeing you without your clothes.
You become a bird in a golden cage. The life you always wished you had was now given to you but with no escape or freedom.
The child was born and aemond forced his way into the room when he threaten to cut off the maesters fingers. Aemond could never forget when he saw his son for the first time, bloody…
And with white hair.
His held his son and cradled it with a loving smile. Saying the name you had picked out, saying he was going to be such a brave warrior.
But the other prince only smiled at the news when he heard of the white haired son “born” to his brother.
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You don't have to read this, but I've been thinking about ways to escape that situation. I would consider this a test run because we don't know their hunting strategies. Instead of focusing on running away, I would focus on understanding their patterns, as we know they are Mafia workers who search for people, and we don't know what kind of roles they have in their search. I'm considering whether or not to tell Dust about something, but I'm worried that he or my home might be bugged. If I do decide to tell him, I'll write a note explaining my reasons and wait for Horror to watch over us. While I wait, I'll inspect the garden for any weak points in the walls and observe the usual guard shift times. I might also pretend to have trouble sleeping and ask for some sleeping medication. I know Nightmare would attempt to help me, but he can't be available 24/7, and he won't be there every night, and I would ask for some sleep medication. And when it's Horror's turn I will dump the appropriate amount in his food or drink to mask the drugs when adding drugs to food or drink, I would use sugar to mask the taste and spices to cover up the smell. He is the main person hunting us down, and it's frustrating for Killer and Dust because they primarily used him to track us from the beginning. I will use the tough fabric of our curtains to tie knots and cut them to make a makeshift rope. Then, I will hail the nearest taxi, pay in cash, and instruct the driver to take us to the docks. I would take a boat tour to travel to the other side of the lake assuming that we live near one. They usually don't ask for ID, but I would choose a cheaper one just in case. I would be willing to pay extra if they do ask for it. Once I reach the other side, I would go to one of the destinations and start my new life without them.
An admirable attempt, to be sure. And there's a genuine chance you could get some distance away before they find you, which is no small feat. But there are some pitfalls you might have overlooked.
Guard shifts overlap. Nightmare has been in the game long enough to know the common breaks in armour. He's not just keeping you in; he's keeping his enemies out.
The boys might be dumb, but they're not stupid. They're incredibly observant. They would be able to tell that you're watching the guards.
Nightmare will be able to smell mounting anxiety about an escape attempt.
Where would you get the cash for the taxi? Additionally, you are really throwing the dice by getting a cab from outside Nightmare's home. Good luck finding a driver that isn't on Nightmare's payroll. In fact, good luck finding anywhere in the city where there isn't anyone loyal to Nightmare. There's a reason Dust was so agitated by Nightmare liking you... there's a reason he told you you can't leave.
You're gonna need a lot of fucking sleep meds to knock Horror out for any significant amount of time.
Horror is the fastest at finding you, sure. But if he's out of action, Nightmare will happily take his place on the hunt. And that isn't a good thing for you.
Also... perhaps the biggest issue.
You know food is sacred to Horror right? Incredibly sacred. To him, it's synonymous with love, with care, with connection. Food sharing in the Underground was how you told someone you valued their life. And accepting food was how you expressed the ultimate vulnerability. Horror doesn't accept food from just anyone.
Not only did you tamper with his food, you offered it to him under false pretences. You took advantage of the fact that he cared for you enough to eat/drink whatever you offer. I hope you realise you've absolutely shattered his trust.
He will never believe you, or let his guard down around you, ever again.
You monster.
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tojiwrd · 11 months
1: fate is fickle ; gojo satoru
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pairing gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary when satoru breaks off your engagement, you understand and accept it. but when he marries someone else, you don't understand because he didn't want to be tied down.
warnings not much tbh,, just swearing, satoru being an ass, mention of family death, family drama, bad parents, and breakups, not proofread
word count 3k
a/n made a new account because the gojo brainrot is so deep i wanted to start a multichap, mega-angst fic lol
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You stood under the silver luminescence of a crescent moon on your balcony, fingers curled around the neck of a wine glass that’s contents were dissolving into your bloodstream a lot slower than you wished. You didn’t expect anyone to walk through the looming windows behind you and condemn you for disappearing from the meeting because—in your mind—you’d done everything that was expected of you: sit there, look pretty, and occasionally nod your head whenever your mother speaks and voices her opinion.
It was rather funny, though, because your mother had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. When your father decided to kick the bucket seven months ago, he’d left your mother dealing with the remnants of his problems he wasn’t able to solve in his lifetime. Yesterday, your mother had to finally meet with the stockbroker as her grieving period was officially over and today, your father’s advisor advised her to have the meeting with the Gojo family your father set up before his death. 
You had assumed it was niceties, a sense of normalcy after losing a bigshot businessman between two powerful families. You were wrong. Twenty-seven minutes into the dinner, Gojo Takayashi throws his wine glass against the wall, staining the clean sheen of white paint a horrifying shade of crimson that looked like what the walls would truly be painted with were this dinner not to go the man’s way. 
“I need this company back,” he’d said, a lilt of rage coating his voice as he did his very best to not do something that would warrant him being kicked out. His wife, Aya, merely looked down to scan her manicured nails and took a large gulp of her wine, then sneakily took a sip from her flask (that obviously contained something much stronger) you’d caught a glimpse of. 
You’d pursed your lips, a melancholic sigh leaving your lips as you inspected the damage on the wall. Knowing your mother, she’d have somebody come in by tonight to fix it. 
“And you can have it back, as I told you.” Your mother evidently rolled her eyes as she replied to the man, jaw gritted. 
“I am not emptying my entire wallet to buy my own company!”
Your mother, much to the eldest Gojo's ire, let his statement simmer and marinate in the inexplicably thick air of tension and continued chewing down the last bit of her food. 
Nobody dared to talk, even your grandmother who stuck to clicking her heels against the linoleum floors. You’d decided to skip out on dessert, creating some measly excuse of a stomach ache that nobody believed but didn’t deign to respond to. You didn’t think you could get away with both families not noticing the tension between you and the Gojo’s youngest, but the elders truly gave you a run for your money because you went almost the entirety of dinner without having to speak to Satoru. Keyword being almost. 
You couldn’t be childish and spill the red wine over his obnoxious, perfect-fitting white shirt like his father spilled over your walls because that would most likely start the next war were his family to see such blatant disrespect. But, when you felt his presence behind you in the balcony, you knew you had free reign and you could, in fact, be childish. 
“Hey.” His voice was soft, so soft that you almost forgot how the last time he’d spoken to you his voice had run through and sliced your chest like a knife. “Dinner’s over so—”
You cut him off and said, “Then go home, Gojo.”
Not Satoru. Not ‘Toru. Just Gojo. You were sure he couldn’t be the tiniest bit affected by the subtle (glaringly obvious) jab, but it felt good for more than a millisecond to reclaim some thin shreds of your dignity. You wanted to crane your neck to gaze at his reaction, to see if there was a reaction in the first place but you knew if you looked back, he’d be the one seeing a crochet of emotions weaving over yours. 
“You look good, Y/N,” he said, completely ignoring your disinterest in the conversation. Of course, you looked good. You knew that. But why did he have to say it? 
“Can’t say the same for you.” Lie. You intended to have more bite in the words, but they came out almost emotionless.
You looked down at your waist as you heard him shuffle behind you and his hands reached out to clutch at the metal railing in front of you, arms almost brushing against your waist. His fingers curled, and it gave you a chance to see the ring on his finger. You took in a shuddered breath as the sandalwood and slightly musky scent of his cologne snaked their way to your nostrils, entirely taking you back to the times when you fell asleep to that scent and had it floating around you nearly all the time. You hated him. You hated him because the way he let out a small, barely audible chuckle at your inhale, you knew that he knew exactly what was going through your mind. 
“I just—I want to talk about everything, Y/N.”
When Gojo Satoru broke up with you, it wasn’t poetic nor was it something for the movies. 
When Gojo Satoru broke up with you, you couldn’t respond with prettily crafted words to make him reconsider or, in fact, respond at all. Your friends always told you that you had a way with words, and you believed you did, too, because you were hardly ever afraid of speaking your mind. However, when Gojo Satoru broke up with you, your mind most likely short-circuited because all you did was stare at the deep sea you were sure resided within his eyes. 
His voice was unwavering, or maybe it wavered and you were simply too gone to notice it, when he said, “I think we moved too fast, Y/N. I don’t think I’m ready to be tied down for life, honestly.” 
When he opened with words as hard-hitting as those, how could he have given you any more closure? What could you have asked him to make him stay? He was the one who got down on one knee in the rooftop restaurant he’d rented out for the night and gave you a perfectly mesmerizing speech before he pulled out a maroon velvet box. He was the one who assured you that both your families would be okay with this—that they’d finally accept your relationship as a genuine one instead of as a fling between two twenty-something-year-olds who have nothing better to do with their time. 
You thought about how ecstatic your father would’ve been once he realized his little princess was getting married. Your mother would probably squeal in excitement before running herself ragged with the wedding preparations. You weren’t sure about his parents, though. Your families always had a moderately decent relationship, decent enough that Satoru’s father signed over their shared ownership of their company to hers after the Satoru’s began being involved in legal issues that threatened the company’s image. But you did know that despite the companionship, Satoru’s parents were difficult. They were sheltered people that knew nothing of how to treat their kid except what they’d learned from their own parents, and that was why Satoru hardly ever let himself feel too much over their words and demands. It didn’t cut deep for him because he knew they didn’t know any better.
All of that didn’t matter anymore, though, because Satoru had asked for the family heirloom engagement ring back with shaky, hesitating hands. You wanted to laugh and cry because he’d said, “I don’t want my parents to notice it’s missing, just in case they check.
How were you meant to know that after three months, you’d be hearing from Suguru that Satoru was engaged to Kimura Hana and she was wearing that wedding ring?
Suguru didn’t blame you when you got the idea that he broke it off with you because he wanted to marry her—docile, do-no-wrong Hana that you weren’t even aware he’d met—and he let you go along with that idea. You tore apart the rhinestone-studded invitation that your mother handed to you, a sad look gleaming in her eyes when your teeth dug into your lip at the sight. You cleaned up the strayed pink jewels that fell off from the thick paper and threw them in the trash, though you kept finding several of them in every nook and cranny of your room for the next month. 
It was a horrid feeling, seeing the heavy cursive inviting you to the wedding of Gojo Satoru and Kimura Hana. Inviting you, your name in just a small font at the top when it should’ve been next to his. In the middle. 
You called him a week after receiving the invitation, words you should’ve spoken in the car heavy on your tongue waiting to be let out. 
“Hey!” You’d heard the chipper, upbeat voice of a woman through the speaker of your phone and your fingers loosened their grip enough that it fell onto your blanket with a soft thud. “Who is this?” 
“Hana?” Him. His voice. It was hardly close enough for you to fully make out it was him speaking, but you’d heard the lilt of his voice you’d memorized over three years and it would’ve been difficult not to recognise it. “Who is it?”
She hummed, as though she forgot you were still on the line. “I don’t know, it’s an unknown number.”
You heard him scramble for the phone, and heard when it pulled away from her ears. “I told you not to pick up calls from—”
The line went dead, and it seemed as though a part of you died with it, too.
Maybe it was silly that what hurt the most out of everything—even hearing the girl who he’d picked’s voice—was the fact that he deleted your number. It wasn’t news that Satoru had found somebody else, but to know that he had erased nearly every fragment of his life from yours when the movie ticket of your first date was hung safely on the corkboard above your desk hurt. You were still finding pieces of his wedding invitation in the parts of your room the housekeeper hadn’t reached, and he didn’t even have any trace of you left on his phone. 
When you went on your second date, he showed you the list of his contacts on his phone to prove he only had a small list of twenty-eight numbers saved. He told you he only kept the phone numbers of people who mattered. At that moment, it was funny that he’d said the words, verbatim, “I only keep phone numbers that matter to me.” It was also a warming feeling when you noticed your name amongst them. 
Two months into your relationship, he’d told you in the midst of conversation that he saved your best friend, Reina’s number because he felt it was important. 
And now… 
Well, you couldn’t do anything. You felt as though him saying he didn’t want to be tied down was enough closure for you to come to terms with it. It made sense, too, in a twisted way that did hurt you because commitment wasn’t easy for many people and Satoru had fallen prey to that mentality. What you couldn’t come to terms with was how he’d gotten engaged three months after your breakup. And now, she was picking up calls for him and asking you who you were when you were one of the few people that reached his phone. 
It hadn’t made sense, not one bit. But you only had the tattered bits of dignity left in you to not make yourself seem weak in front of the person who’d given you the carpet to be vulnerable upon then abruptly snatched it from under your feet. Even if you wanted to. 
You were sure the wedding was a gorgeous, over-the-top, once in a lifetime procession. That was one of the many reasons that you didn’t go: it was once in a lifetime. And although people remarry very often around the world, they only have one first wedding. One first kiss as a wedded person. One first night of married bliss. You didn’t want to think that Satoru and Hana would separate because that was, in every way, a devilish thing for someone to even imagine but you were assured by your friends that it was completely valid for you to want him to hurt after what he did.
You didn’t grow the guts to tell them it was because you wished it would be you who he remarried. 
If you couldn’t be his first, you weren’t sure you wouldn’t settle for being his second. 
Satoru’s father went to prison not long after the wedding and that, finally, cut off nearly every form of companionship between your family and theirs. Your father had begun talking down on his father’s name after that, and you weren’t sure why and you didn’t ask because you couldn’t stomach speaking of anybody related to Satoru. Every trace of Satoru’s name vanished from your household, and you believed that was destiny’s way of offering you a chance to start anew because Satoru had. With Hana.
“We should meet Suguru soon,” Reina had said, and you knew she was right. You’d cut off contact with Suguru, albeit slowly and subtly enough that he forlornly caught onto the hints and crept out the door of your life completely. But that didn’t mean it was closed; neither of you held bad blood for one another, and you knew that he understood. 
You declined, wanting to live in the prolonged moment of life that had nothing to do with Satoru. 
The next, and only time, you’d seen Satoru in person was a completely miscalculated and chance encounter even the most highly-regarded fortune teller couldn’t have predicted. You had been in the bathroom of the club you, Reina, and your other friends went to nearly every weekend, when you heard a small squeal of recognition coming from the door next to the sinks. You didn’t need to do anything and were merely waiting for Reina to finish using the bathroom while you reapplied your lipgloss. 
“I know you! You’re Y/N from the… L/N family? My husband’s father works with yours.”
You craned your neck to the side, and were met with a delightfully sweet smile coming from one of the largest banes of your existence. 
You gave her a short, curt, once-over before you met her eyes and forced yourself to reply. “Yeah, and you are?”
She looked a bit shaken at your indifference and lack of recognition. You could only imagine how awkward she felt after deigning you with a bubbly greeting. “I’m—well, I’m Gojo Hana now, I guess.” She giggled, though the humor was hardly there behind it. It seemed as though she was scraping any and every corner to lessen the tension of the interaction. You didn’t care, though, because your mind was reeling at the idea that his wife didn’t even know you and Satoru dated for three years.
“Are you fucking—are you serious?” Reina appeared next to you, and you hadn’t even noticed the click of her heels as she’d walked out of the stall. You reached out a hand and placed it on her forearm to stop her from asking the question that was lingering in your mind, too. “Your husband only tell you that their fathers work together?”
You gritted your teeth. “They don’t work together, actually, since Mr. Takayashi is…”
In prison, the words went unsaid but were still communicated through the neon haze of the bathroom lights. 
“Well, that’s all I know. I’m sorry?” You almost felt bad for Hana because she was clearly clueless. A part of you wanted to mock her, say that he was mine first. But she could instantly rebut that by saying, he’s mine now. And you would lose that pissing contest. So, you kept your mouth shut. 
“Alright, sweetie,” Reina responded, giving her a wide berth, catching a hint of your thoughts and turning around to wash her hands. 
You blinked. “It was nice meeting you,” you said with no sweetness and kindness she offered you. 
Hana took that as her cue and mumbled it back before she scurried off to leave, completely forgetting why she had to go to the bathroom in the first place. 
“Man, she’s something.” Reina whistled through her teeth once the sound of the door shutting reverberated off the walls. 
“Isn’t that right,” you murmured, attempting to hold yourself from letting your thoughts drift into ones that could get your mind racing at 200 miles per hour. “Never thought I’d have to see her, though.”
When you and Reina walked out of the bathroom and sat down at the table with some of your friends—the others presumably on the dance floor—you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to find Hana in the crowd. And you immediately regretted it when you did, because she was at the bar, tucked between a pair of jean-clad thighs you knew all too well. She seemed to be speaking to Satoru, and a hand reached back to the nape of his neck as he hung onto every word she spoke and you felt your stomach twist into small, ugly knots at the sight. His neck turned around instantly, and his eyes immediately found yours, and you attempted to look away. You really, really wanted to. But that was the first time he’d looked at you in a year and three months.
Your throat clogged up, and though he was far away under the dimmed red lights shining from the large, obnoxious signs near the bottles, you itched to speak to him. His shiny white hair was a soft shade of crimson under the lights—you’d always point it out to him, how his hair looked exactly a solid color whenever he was underneath a shaded light. 
His lips curled slightly when he looked at you and his nose scrunched up into what you assumed was anger for treating his wife with such animosity. But the small moment of staring at what once could’ve been—at what once was—ended when he blinked and turned to meet her eyes again, and a healed fragment of your heart cracked again.
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bootyful-seventeen · 1 month
Hello. Saw your post and wanted to make a svt request. How would they react to their s/o asking them to go raw for the first time? Thanks.
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I think Seungcheol would be the type who would freeze and blush up to his ears cuz omg you want him to go raw?? He’s rolling up his shirt sleeves at the thought of filling you up but at the same time will also ask you if you’re sure, and would have a small convo about it and staying safe (birth control for the ones that weren’t planning on kids anytime soon but also sti testings cuz you could still get those even in closed relationships) But when you give that man the greenest of lights, he’s gonna pounce on you so fast it’ll leave your head spinning.
Jeonghan on the other hand that would probably either start giggling from getting a bit shy or being a bit cocky like “awwwe I knew you couldn’t get enough of me” and would 100% boop your nose and call you a cutie when you get shy and try to hide your face from him. Following up with crawling over to you and running his hands up your hips and waist asking if you wanted to start right now. If you start getting flustered, he’ll fall back on his advances, but if you’re welcoming them then he will give you what you wanted.
Joshua tho, I can see him lagging a bit when you ask before snapping out of it all “wait right now?” You’d shove him a bit like no not now cuz my guy we are in the middle of a lord of the rings marathon like who has time to focus on a raw dogging at a time like this lmao. He’d pick up the conversation again at another time to go through all the works and be sure that you’re both on the same page about it. And I think that Joshua would let the image of you leaking his cum overtake his brain until he’s got you pinned under him and isn’t too far away from making his little daydream come to life. 
Now Jun is someone I can see not fully registering your question especially if he’s hungry and has food on the mind. Would be thinking of hitting up a sashimi place with you for dinner when he’s realizing that what you asked for wasn't quite fitting in with his dinner plans lmao. But Jun would ask you just to be sure and then ask if you wanted to go out for sashimi or stay in for a raw doggin lol. 
I can see Soonyoung start laughing cuz he thought it was a joke at first but when you tell him you’re serious he’d get so red that you could probably see steam coming from his ears lmao. Poor guy would immediately get launched into his little breeding kink so hard that he’d black out a little bit. But once he comes back to earth, he is on you in the blink of an eye and is begging you to let him fuck you right there. On the floor, against the wall, bent over furniture, it didn’t matter he just wanted to sink right into you and blow his load. 
Wonwoo would be quite nonchalant about it tho if you did catch him off guard, he’d raise his brows and ask you to repeat yourself. Just in case he thought he misheard you the first time. Would sit down with you and talk about it like if you wanted him to pull out, cum inside and whatever else came to mind to get everything out of the way so things are smooth. He’d even go ahead and get one of those waterproof bed sheets/blankets to throw on top of things so when things get messy you’d just have to pull it off and voila! A clean, cum free bed to sleep in.
Jihoon’s another member I think would be more nonchalant about it. He seems like he’d be straightforward about it and would voice his feelings about it. Like how he had thought about it a few times before but was possibly still a bit nervous and would ask if you’d want him to finish in or on you and ask if pulling out was what you wanted instead. He’d be extra gentle handling you during clean up and would ask if you liked it. 
Mingyu’s the man that’ll get shy and flustered. He’d fumble on his words and he’d start stuttering when you move to sit on his lap and trace your finger along his chest. Man would be a stuttering mess but would welcome your advances when your hands are slipping under his shirt to take the fabric off so you could touch him. But with Mingyu, maybe it’s just me being me but I think Mingyu would lick off/eat his cum out of you
Another flustered mess is Seokmin but he’d also have the cutest smile on his face asking if you just said what he thinks you just said. Would also be the hand holding type so you’ll 100% get distracted with how cute he is and momentarily forget about what you were talking about before he’s giggling a bit while asking if he could call you his little creampuff from now on lmaoooo. But it wouldn’t even take long until he’s on top of you and he’s feeling you bare for the first time. 
Minghao seems like he’d pick up on you wanting to ask him before you’ve even asked if he could go raw. I think he’d set up a pot of tea for you if you were looking a bit jittery leading up to it. His calm demeanor would help you calm down enough to talk to him about it. I feel like he’d let you talk about it for as long as you needed to while also putting other things you or him may have wanted to try out on the table. At least just to get the conversation about new things rolling to see what you both would be interested in. Also would be another member heavy on staying safe while hitting it raw. 
Poor Seungkwan wasn’t even ready to get asked that question lmaoo. His eyes would go so big and he’d stutter a bit with a breathy laugh but would choke it down to ask if you were serious. He’d probably need to sit down cuz I feel like that is one of the last things he’d think you’d ask him especially if you’d ask him all kinds of non nsfw questions when you get bored like “honey should I try getting into the shoe making business?” or “I found an abandoned baby raccoon outside my place, can we keep him if he can’t be released back to the wild?” etc, etc. Probably was expecting the will you still love me if I was a worm question instead of would you mind fucking me raw babe question
Hansol’s reaction would be like o.o “oh wow, you want me to,,”  followed by some of his cute little giggles cuz my guy wasn’t expecting you to ask him to hit it raw. Like he’d be so flustered that he’d barely be able to get out much more than that. And he’d also start giggling a bit if you straddle him while assuring him it’s what you want. Very cute, very flustered, and very very adorable
Chan tho I can see him being a bit stiff when you say you wanna ask him something but would relax when you ask if he can hit it raw cuz he was worried it was a bad question. But he actually was thinking about asking you that but wasn’t sure how he should bring it up to you. His idea was probably bringing it up when the conversation was in the bedroom instead of just spitting it out cuz he didn’t want to ask at the wrong place or time.
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the-kr8tor · 6 days
Hai bestie! I'm here to request a coffee shop r x ghost story! Him coming in and looking like he'd order just a black coffee or tea and actually getting some of the sweetest drinks that actually sound and taste really good(you had to try after his 2 or 3 time coming in).
He's a regular now and you happen to be growing a crush that isn't totally obvious. I'd say you get caught gushing about him being the morally Grey man of your dreams to your coworker (r is on register today) when he came up to ask for a remake because only you seem to make his drinks right 🤭
Hi bestie!! Sorry this took ages, hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x gn! Reader
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, No specific physical description of the reader, CW food mention, FLUFF
Simon walks towards the familiar streets towards the cute hole in the wall coffee shop. Black face mask snug on his face, hood up to hide the rest of his skin. His glare, huge form and large heavy strides make people steer away from him on the street, some stumble out of his way. He smiles under his mask when a man almost trips over himself after seeing him stride in his direction.
With the simple face mask and comfortable civilian clothes, he's just Simon, not Ghost or Lieutenant Riley, just Simon, and as he enters the doors to the coffee shop, he's now ‘the’ Simon who orders the most complicated and sweetest drink you've ever made.
“Why this place, LT?” Soap once asked him when he noticed that he always has the same cup carrying the cafe's logo on it every morning. Simon answers back gruffly, “none of your business, Johnny.” Truthfully, it's the only place that could get his drink right, and it's the only place that has you.
No one in your small café knows Simon, not even you who he always asks for to make his order. But you would love to know him despite his intimidating gaze and deep voice that could split mountains. You would like to know him more, more than the casual talk and more than the lingering touches when you give him his awfully sweet drink. You would love to know Simon who always drops something in the tip jar. He enters the establishment quietly, not stalking, no, it's just a habit of his that he can't shake. Your back is turned away from the counter and the door, a smile evident on your face based on your excited tone of voice. While Simon walks over to you, none the wiser to your awful crush on him.
And while he listens to you gush to your coworker that he refuses to believe that he's the current subject of, (refuses because compared to him, you're sweeter than his usual order of drink) His name rolls off your tongue like the honey you put in his saccharine coffee. Simon still thinks it's a different Simon even after you described him in detail, words flowery and affectionate.
“He's so mysterious, I think he's one of those guys who have so much lore in them y’know? Someone who's full of stories to tell. I think I'd like to know him.”
Your back is still turned away from the register, he thinks you'd be dead already if you're one of the unfortunate ones who he happens to run into the battlefield. Simon shakes the thought away. It's a slow day, customers sparse and tip jar lacking, so Simon lets you chat away to your friend. Not because he's too embarrassed to interrupt you, nope, not all.
Simon’s palms are uncharacteristically sweaty, breath shuddering with every compliment you unknowingly throw at him. He would like to get to know you too if you would permit him. He gives himself a mission, ‘operation: get to know the cute barista before the end of the day.’
“He's so nice too! And those eyes— oh I could get lost in them.” You don't notice your friend signaling to you about said man waiting patiently behind you. Her face suddenly turns flat, smile disappearing and her eyes flitting between you and something behind the other side of the counter. You think it's another customer so you end your story while you turn around. “Him being fit helps too. Sorry, what can I do for you—” Caught red handed, you turn into stone, eyes widening at the large form staring intensely at you. You're dead, oh so dead. “Shit balls.” You say under your breath.
“Is that a new pastry on the menu?” Simon asks flatly, the dry joke making you nervously chuckle. You think it's hilarious though, if not for the world shattering embarrassment you're currently in.
“No, but I can make it happen if you want.” You try to save face with your equally dry joke. Snorting at your own jape, you cringe at yourself, embarrassment blankets your entire being, insides turning all over. You expect him to roll his eyes, instead he chuckles lowly, a deep laugh that rumbles his chest. You smile nervously, noticing the slight crinkle of his brown eyes brings you at ease. “Sorry, what can I do for you?”
Simon takes his hood off, blonde tufts of hair in full display. That's when you notice the blush on the shell of his ears and you swear your simple crush on the man has increased tenfold. He leans on the glass counter, putting on his best charm. As Soap once told him, “shame that you don't use what god has blessed you with.” Simon still has no idea if he meant showing off his ‘assets’ or to use his charm, albeit that charm is as dry as his humour.
“The usual,” He says it without stuttering despite the deep crimson on his ears. Your eyes are glued to the red hue on the shell of his ears, with every second that passes, the shade seems to turn darker.
Simon's been around the cafe so many times (definitely not because of you) that you have his order memorized and perfected just like how he likes it. You don't mind how complicated it is or how much sugar is in it, just seeing his satisfied face after he takes a sip makes it all worth it. His generous tips are an added bonus too.
You beam up at him genuinely, not your polite customer service smile, but your smile that you only reserve for people you actually like.
Composing yourself, you joke like usual. “So no on the shit balls?” ringing him up, he gives you the exact amount you need, warm calloused hands brushing along your palms briefly. It's enough to deepen the blush on his ears. If that was even possible considering that he looks like he's about to detonate on the spot.
“Maybe next time, ‘m on a diet.”
You giggle, the sound making him smile, he's glad he's wearing a mask.
“I'll keep that in mind.” He gazes softly at you, hands balling into fists in an attempt to keep his composure. “I saved your usual seat,” You glance at the table in the corner, the ‘reserved’ sign written in your own handwriting is placed on top of it. “as always.”
“Good, thank you.” He might as well marry you on the spot.
“Enjoy your coffee, Simon.” Your smile seems to single handedly brighten the entire store.
Sitting down, he slyly watches you in the corner of his eyes. ‘you're bein’ a fuckin' creep’ he thinks to himself, so he watches the pedestrians outside instead. If he didn't look away he would've seen you gaze at him back. And he would've seen you spilling milk on your apron. You're glad he's looking away or you'd drown yourself in milk.
After making his honeyed drink, (and cleaning yourself up) you personally deliver it to him. He notices your smaller strides, and how your hands slightly tremble while holding his coffee cup. You swallow thickly, placing his order gingerly on the table.
“Three pumps of caramel right?” You try to make conversation even though you already know the answer to your question like it's the back of your hand. Simon sees you flick your eyes towards his cup, his mind tells him of danger. But knowing you, you wouldn't hurt him, right?
“Yes, thank you.”
You nod, a shy smile creeping up on your lips. “Of course, Simon. Anything else?” Stretching your time, you avoid eye contact, eyes once again moving to the steaming cup.
“Nothin' else, for now.” Simon feels the awkwardness in the air. He curses himself at how you could make him nervous just by standing in his proximity.
“Okie dokie.” You crumble away the second you let out your words. Turning around, you beat yourself up for being too nervous to tell him about your number carefully written on his cup, right beside his name. You hope you're not being too straightforward, hell, you only got the courage to write it because of your co-worker who keeps telling you to bite the bullet.
“Wait,” Simon's voice cuts through the quiet and the classic music softly playing in the store speakers. You turn around, anxious of what he's going to say to you. Did he finally see the numbers? “I—” Simon starts but he gets sidetracked by the loud ringing of his phone. He curses under his breath while you wait.
Taking the phone from his pocket, he sees Price's name in the caller ID. It rings twice before cutting off on his superior's side. A signal that he should immediately go back to base. ‘Operation: get to know the cute barista before the end of the day’ has to wait, for now. This is why he always asks you to put his drink in a to-go cup even though he's going to have it inside, he never knows when he'll be called.
“Duty calls?” You read the room and how his eyebrows knit together in frustration. Nodding, you give him extra napkins to hold his hot coffee with. “Here, take care, Simon.”
Simon stands up, eyes searching for something, anything on your face that would indicate that he should stay, or at least fancy him back. You turn around before he could get a good reading on you, “right, thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem, as always.” You look over your shoulder, just as he was about to leave. Coffee cup in his large hands. Ears no longer red. You give one last small smile, and he smiles back unbeknownst to you.
You hear the door open and close, your co-worker looks at you with an apologetic face. “Maybe next time?”
“Sure, maybe.”
A few minutes tick by, you tend to a new customer, taking her order when the door opens with a bang. The sound was so loud that everyone in the café jumped in their skin. You thought the hinges were broken from the harshness. You don't expect the person on the other side though.
Simon heaves in the doorway, hands bracing on the side, sweat dribbling on his brows. Even his mask is lopsided.
“Simon?” You ask, concerned. “What happened? Are you okay?” The other patrons looked on, weirded out, some were worried.
He inhales loudly, straightening up, he opens his fist to reveal a crumpled piece of the cup. Your number is still written on the paper.
“Is this your number?”
“Yeah?” You think you're fucked, absolutely, royally, fucked. You've made a mistake, that you read all your friendly interactions as something more when it was just that, friendly. You think he's going to your manager to complain, and that you're going to be fired all because you decided to take a leap—
“Can I keep it?” Simon's voice puts a stop to your frantic thoughts.
“What?” You blink, trying to decipher what he meant even though it's as straightforward as pouring coffee into a cup.
“It's for me, innit?” Now he's the one who thinks it was all a mistake, that maybe, just maybe that you've given him the wrong order, that another customer ordered his exact drink.
“Yeah, d-do you want it?”
Simon raises a brow in understanding, finally, you're both on the same page. “Yeah, can I text you?”
You would have laughed if not for the door hinges creaking weirdly. “Of course, Simon.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” Simon clears his throat, eyes roaming around the people's faces. “I'll pay for the door.” He says before nodding at you, the second he turns around, a wind blows right at his face, taking his hoodie off. His entire neck and ears are as bright as a tomato.
You tamp down a chuckle whilst he desperately tries to fix his hoodie back on.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
Yippy! Once you have the time to write, how would the Creeps (any of your choosing) feel when y/n surprise them with a drink or meal? Like after a hard day.
-🪱 anon
As usual, when given free reign with characters, i do my characters that are most popular at the time, so i hope you enjoy!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Usually its pretty obvious when Toby's having a bad/rough day
He is one of the few creeps who doesn't mind wearing his emotions on his sleeve
So when he comes home from work an hour or so late, more twigs and dirt in his hair and on his face than usual, and doesnt even bother to bid you hello, you know somethings up
So you make a quick trip to McDonald's, and get him his favorite
10 piece chicken nugget meal with sweet and sour sauce, and a medium sweet tea
When you get back to the manor, there is no sign of Toby anywhere
So you go ahead and go up to his room, where you hear the shower running
You put his food on his nightstand, turn off the lights, light a few candles and pull up his favorite tv show
While you wait, you go ahead and pick up his very dirty uniform that reeks of dirt and dead things, and go ahead and put it in the washer for him
About 30 minutes later, he emerges with a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel in his hands that he uses to dry his hair
He jumps a little bit when seeing someone in his room, but when he notices that it's you, he calms down
He doesn't speak to you as he shuffles over to his dresser and picks out some sweatpants and a baggy band t-shirt he got from Tim
After putting his clothes on, he comes to lay on his bed with you, putting his head on your chest and awaiting the headrubs
You wrap an arm around him lazily and use your other hand to stroke his damp hair "do you wanna talk about it?"
He shakes his head
"Ok. I got you some food" you say, offering a fry
He takes and eats it, before sitting up and eating the rest of his meal
All the food is gone and he is still sipping on his drink when he finally speaks "thank you." Is all he says
You smile and kiss his shoulder "of course, love"
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Jeff is another one that you can easily tell when he's upset
He has very explosive anger that can sometimes get out of control
And depending on what hes done and who hes hurt, he can sometimes feel very guilty when he comes to
Which is exactly what happened this time
He's punching walls, throwing things, screaming, you name it
No one really knows what triggered this, but Liu eventually tries to step in
Liu is almost immediately shut down, because as soon as he tries to say anything, jeff is shoving him up against a wall and screaming at him next
Which of course, triggers Sully to front
So now Jeff and Sully are in an all out fist fight, and Jeff ends up hurting him pretty bad
Sully ends up with a gnarly concussion and has to spend the night in the medical wing
Now, jeff doesnt feel bad about hurting sully at all, but he does feel bad that he hurt his brother's body
So he shamefully locks himself away in his room, refusing to come out for anything
After an hour of trying to convince him to at least let you in, you instead decide to go get him a tasty treat to make him feel better
You go to a sushi restaurant and get him his favorite rolls, then make a trip to a gas station to get him some arizona tea, mango flavored
When you get home, you slide his food under his door (pretend it wouldve fit 💀) and await a response
You are met with him taking the food and eating slowly, before he eventually lets you in
You spend the rest of the night consolling him, sitting in his lap and telling him that it'll all be ok
He does end up thanking you for the sushi, but its not until a week later when his ego is all better
And in the morning, you take him to see Liu, who is totally playing it up to make jeff feel exxxxtra bad (lmao what losers)
Eyeless Jack
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Unlike the other two, jack is very hard to read
He almost always has the same, neutral expression on his face
His emotions only show if he especially vulnerable, like during a blood moon or around other demons, etc
And even then, he tries his hardest to remain nonchalant
So when you finally find him in the library, pacing around, you know somethings bugging him
You know its not gonna be easy to get it out of him though, so you go to his favorite steakhouse and get him steak, loaded mashed potatoes, and water
You come back to the library where he is still pacing, seemingly very deep in thought
You place his food down on one of the long library tables, and watch as his pointy nose twitches, and his eyes flick over to the food
He comes over to the table, where you are now sitting and points at the food "is this for me?" He asks
You nod and he sits next to you, beginning to eat in a way that looks quite weird, almost like hes trying to eat the way a human would, but is failing miserably due to his large teeth and multiple tongues
"What's on your mind?" You ask as he finishes his potatoes
"This and that" he mutters
"This and that being...?" You trail
"Just...a lot" he says, finally finishing his food and taking a sip of water
"I see." You say, standing and coming to drape your arms around his shoulders
"Did the food help? At least a little?" You ask, pressing a kiss to his sharp ear
"Yeah, it was nice. Thank you, dear" he says, turning his head and kissing your nose
"Anytime" you respond, allowing him to kiss you several more times all over your face
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its-time-to-write · 10 months
i know now it’ll pass - ch. 6
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Last chapter! Thank you all for the love!
am i better yet?
You stay inside the entire time Jamie’s visiting. You end up calling Georgie and telling her you’re sick, a side effect from poor rest. She clicks her tongue and has Simon deliver some food that he swears clears up any type of ailment. You accept it readily and wave goodbye, promising to come over as soon as you’re better. 
It’s Saturday night and Jamie leaves tomorrow evening so he can be back in Richmond for Monday morning training. Sometimes you can hear his voice through the walls and you think your heart is going to burst with all the emotions it causes. 
You’re angry at yourself, first and foremost, but there’s something about actually hearing him that makes you realize how much you love him. Then comes the sadness because you screwed it all up, and you’ve come to realize that Jamie would have loved you no matter what. He had made it through the worst of your relationship, why did you convince yourself he’d leave you?
You’re fed up with all these fucking feelings so you grab one of the muffins Simon sent over and slip out the front door. The cool air kisses your skin as you lug your weighted blanket into the perfect position. Ah. Bliss. You make sure the porch light is off before completely settling in.
The routine is familiar and adds an element of normalcy that you so desperately need.
You’re woken up at precisely 4am by Simon and Georgie’s door creaking open and someone slipping out. You don’t even have to look to know that it’s Jamie. You can tell by his footsteps. He’s headed out for a run and doesn’t know you’re there because it’s still dark. You think you should probably head inside so he doesn’t see you when he gets back, but the thought is barely formed before you fall back to sleep.
You wake up again in your bed with the oddest sense of déjà vu. You know for certain you were asleep in the front of your house, and there’s no way you got yourself here. The weighted blanket is placed with care, covering you in all the right spots. You roll out of bed, throw on your robe, and pad downstairs to find out who’s making noises in the kitchen.
You round the corner to find Georgie making breakfast. “Morning love,” she says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “You hungry?”
You nod mutely and sit down as she hands you a plate.
“You need to lock your doors,” she says as she flips knobs on the stove. “You never know what sort of people could just walk into your house while you’re asleep on your porch.”
“Georgie,” you say slowly as she grabs a cup of coffee and sits across from you, “how did I get here?”
“What do you mean?” she asks, mug conveniently hiding her expression.
“I mean, I was outside. Then I woke up inside. And I know you and Simon didn’t get me there, so how did I get here?”
You don’t know why you’re even asking. The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
Georgie must think so too, because she doesn’t directly respond. Instead she says, “Had an interesting conversation with my son this morning. Came back from his run all flustered.”
You note the way she says my son, not “Jamie.” 
She continues, “Said he found a girl asleep out front. He was worried about her and I said not to, that’s just the girl we’re always having ‘round for tea, but he was having none of it. Said you’d be better off inside in your own bed, with someone to make sure the door was locked because you always forget to do it.”
Georgie sips her coffee again, looking straight through your eyes and down to your soul. “It’s funny, because he talked like he knows you. Odd, innit?”
You choke on your toast.
You gasp out, “Odd,” in agreement, but Georgie is still looking at you with those piercing blue eyes.
“You know my baby tells me everything,” she says. “Not always right away, but he does.”
You nod. There’s no salvaging this. You’re going to have to move again to Chelsea or someplace equally new and foreign, and it’s your own fault for never being honest.
You’re about to open your mouth to say I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, you’ll never see me again and it’ll be ok, when Georgie places her hand on yours.
“I love you like my own child,” she says. “And maybe that’s because I see myself in you. I don’t want you to get stuck in your head the same way I did. Which is why I think all you need is another chance. One where you’re told by more people than one that you’re loved and wanted, and most of all that you’re safe. Which is exactly what I told Jamie. He’ll be over here in about five minutes.”
She takes another sip of her coffee with her free hand as you choke again.
“Georgie,” you sputter, “he doesn’t even want to see me! He told you what happened. Oh my god, I need a hairbrush.”
“You’re wrong, love,” she calls after you as you rush to your bathroom, “He absolutely wants to see you.”
You’re thundering down the stairs exactly four minutes and fifty-eight seconds later just in time to hear Georgie answer the door and promptly exit, leaving you with Jamie. Jamie, who you haven’t seen in months.
This is going to be a shit show, you think, but then you remember everything Georgie has ever said to you. Including the phrase, “He absolutely wants to see you.”
You don’t have time to twist that into something negative because Jamie Tartt is standing in front of you in your kitchen looking like the best thing you’ve ever seen, and it’s taking every ounce of your self-control not to launch yourself into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out before he can say anything. “I shouldn’t have run away. I broke your heart on purpose and that was a shitty thing to do. And I’m sorry for becoming friends with your parents and not telling them. I should’ve handled it better.”
Jamie’s frowning. You wish his face were at least neutral.
He says, “You’re sorry,” as though he can’t believe those words are coming out of your mouth. You cringe a little. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I’m sorry. Really, really sorry. I know that doesn’t make anything better, but… I am.”
Jamie asks, “Why?” and you have no idea what he means.
“I just told you why I’m sorry,” you reply. “Not sure how much clearer you want.”
Jamie shakes his head. “No, fuck, I mean- why are you sorry? Why do you think you have something to apologize for?”
That catches you off guard. That’s not even remotely close to how you thought he would respond.
You’re trying to figure out what to say when Jamie starts talking again.
“Look- I knew what it was like for me mum when I was growing up. Sometimes you meet the wrong person and they fucking… fuck you up. So when you meet the right person, you’re all scared and it’s all shit so you do the things you should have done with the wrong person. And yeah, I was fucking wrecked when you left, but I understood. I’m me, and me is a lot.” 
The corners of your mouth turn up ever so slightly at the odd turn of phrase.
Jamie takes a breath. “What I’m saying is, maybe we have things to work on. But I want to work on them. With you. Not with someone else. Fucking hell, babe, I’ve never laughed as hard as when I’m with you. Like, imagine there’s this bird and she’s fit as fuck but then she talks and says the funniest shit and but then flips the switch and actually listens to what you have to say? Has actual empathy, like. It’s a fuckin’ breath of fresh air after being with the lads all day.”
“Right,” you say. “So you’re not mad at me?”
“Oh fuck no,” Jamie replies. “I was mad. Yeah. Proper mad. Got over it, though. Talked to Ted a lot, and Dr. Sharon. Worked through some of me own shit. Mummy says you’ve been working on your own shit too.”
You slowly nod. “Yeah, I have. It’s been alright. She gives me hope, you know? She has a perfectly wonderful life and she was able to get out of her own head long enough to enjoy it. Not let it slip through her fingers.”
You’re both silent for a moment. It’s been forever since you’ve seen Jamie up close, and you still find yourself lost in his eyes. 
You both have the same thought at the same time and suddenly your arms are wrapped around his middle and his are holding you tightly, his cheek resting on the top of your head. 
“I’m not letting you walk away again, yeah?” he says. “Mum’d fucking kill me if I did. You’re the only one I want anyway.”
You nod into his chest. “I love you so much,” you say, voice muffled. “I can’t believe that I get to have you.”
Jamie tells you over dinner that night that he’s the one who bought your flat. It’s waiting for you to come back. You finish out the month in Manchester then move home to Richmond.
A year later, there’s a forest and a picnic and a ring on your left hand. Eight months after that there’s a garden and starry lights hung in trees and a white dress. You’re surrounded by friends and family and a sign that says, the Tartts and glasses are clinking the whole night as you kiss someone who chose to be patient with you. You’re two people who saw exactly who the other was, and chose to love each other for it. 
Table of Contents
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catscidr · 2 months
Could we get some Dottore x escaped experiment reader? Gn if possible, doesn't even have to be smut. I just can't find anything along those lines and I like your writing style :)
i. note — hehehoho i might have uuuhhh used this ask as an excuse to go off a lil and try something new teehee °ᗜ°) but this was really fun to write!! thank you nonnie for the suggestion, and thank you very much for liking my stuff enough to req something!!! i hope u all enjoy ii. includes — dottore, gn!reader iii. cw — unhealthy and toxic dynamics, no dialogue, mentions of cannibalism, mild body horror, one (1) dead body, not quite stockholm syndrome but maybe kinda, reader is a mess and dottore is not a good person (shocker). minors do not interact, age in bio or block. iv. wc — 2k -> posted on ao3 too!
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To humans, running is what they do when they’re late to work, when they’re working out, or even when they’re playing games at recess as children. To predators, running is what they do in order to secure their next meal. To prey, running is what they must do so they can escape from the predator’s clutch in one piece, to not end up as a mangled corpse serving as someone or something’s food. 
You have more in common with prey than you have with humans, despite being one yourself. 
It hasn’t always been that way. One moment you were enjoying the warm afternoon sun of your home region out on a walk, and the other you found yourself thrown over someone’s shoulder with a bag over your head. 
You always find yourself reminiscing, yearning to feel the warmth you felt that day— minus the incident. You used to be a model citizen; someone people would rely on. 
A shame no one helped you when you desperately needed it. 
Your own mind is all you’re left with, as you’re clumsily tripping over your feet, rocks scraping your skin and blood trickling down your legs. The feeling is almost peaceful; but after running for so long, and with how often you’ve gotten yourself in this exact situation, you’re starting to second guess your motive for running in the first place. 
Is it a form of entertainment, are you growing bored of the four padded walls engulfing your five senses at all hours of the day that you feel the need to get the energy out of your body like a hamster does by using the wheel in its cage? Is it to leave the predicament you found yourself in after trusting someone you, under no circumstances, should have trusted? 
Or is it because you gradually have come to find yourself sharing more similarities to a dog, begging its owner to even unenthusiastically throw a plastic frisbee for a smidge of attention to fulfill your need to be seen, to be heard, and now you feel the responsibility to own up to that label you inflicted upon yourself? 
The lines between reality and your thoughts have blurred so much it frightens you. 
...Or, rather, it should scare you. After spending so much time in your own head, one would find that it’s surprisingly easy to come to distrust your own mind. You’re not sure if you should believe what goes through your head, even less believe what you feel. But at the same time, you’re all you have. You have no choice but to trust yourself, even when you shouldn’t. 
Only a select few are aware of how dreadfully strong and outright stubborn the human mind can be, whether it be from their own personal experience or from seeing others slip into a state like yours. 
Unfortunately for you, He’s familiar with your situation. Painfully familiar. 
Sometimes you wish you were a luna moth. Delicate and radiant, people would be torn between praising you for your beauty and shunning you away for the crime of looking different than what they’re used to. You wouldn’t be a butterfly, would not conform to what society wants you to be. You would be able to be who you want, look however you want to without worrying over other’s opinions. 
The people that did like you, though, would treat you with care and would do everything in their power to make your stay in this world a pleasant one. A stay that would only last a week. 
Not long enough for you to become familiar with the horrors that await humanity. Seven days filled with nothing but genuine smiles, void of empty promises. 
You’d crawl out of your cocoon, eat good food, find someone to help continue your bloodline, then die somewhere peaceful and hope that your crumbling, decomposing body will bring relief to someone desperately needing something to eat. 
But you’re not a moth. 
It’s unbearably cold when you come to your senses. Peeling your eyes open, you glance around to find yourself surrounded by cold limestone, barely illuminated by the cave’s entrance just a few feet away. The hairs on your skin rise from the wind guiding snow through the passageway, making you curl into yourself in a pathetic attempt to keep your body’s temperature from dropping too low. 
You look down at yourself; your pants are ripped at the hem, and you see messy splotches of brownish red staining the fabric and your skin, going all the way down to your calloused feet. You’re not sure how long you’ve been out for, but it must have been at least an hour given how the bleeding from the numerous scratches and gashes on your legs stopped without any assistance. 
The cave felt completely foreign to you, but even then, it brought you more comfort than He had. Or at least you think it does. 
You feel free. Despite the way your body shivered endlessly from the wind howling into the cavern, despite the dull but searing pain that made it feel like your feet were scorching that traveled up your legs, despite the way you couldn’t move your lips from how dry and cracked they were, split from sheer cold. 
You think this is the most freedom you’ve felt since you’ve gotten yourself stuck in His maw. 
The wind is reduced to a soft, soothing melody when you wake up again. Almost calming enough for you to drift off to sleep a second time, but a nagging feeling in the depths of your gut told you that it was a bad idea to fall unconscious this time around, so you try to shake off the numbness in your limbs instead of succumbing to the call of the void. 
Standing up proves to be a challenge as your legs buckle under your weight. You catch yourself before you fall, holding onto the rough formation of a rogue stalagmite; it’s a struggle to hold yourself up, but at the very least you didn’t give yourself a concussion. 
The pain isn’t completely unwelcome, though. Your feet are throbbing, and the palm of your hand holding yourself up with the help of the stalagmite stings. As you blink the drowsiness away and the blood begins to flow through your limbs correctly again, you straighten your back to take in your surroundings properly. 
The cave’s entrance was filled with thick snow. There was enough that it would reach your stomach should you walk up to it, ignoring the snow that fell into the grotto, and not the snow that partly obscured your way to the outside world. You can’t see much outside, only the faint outline of pine trees wavering in the distance, far enough that you can only barely make out their form. 
Looking away from the blinding whites outside, you notice how utterly desolate the cavern is. Not even a single trace of a life was left behind in this cold, worn hollow. Maybe it’s better this way. You’re not sure you would have appreciated seeing even a wild hare or a fox in here, much less a bear. 
Sitting down on the rocky ground again to give your legs a break, you take a moment to think back to what got you here in the first place. 
You faintly recall rusty medical equipment, convulsing organs, and seeing Him jot down notes. You remember a plate being handed to you, the vague image of a man covered by a stained sheet of what used to be white, and the bile that rose to your throat when your gaze focused on what was on the plate itself. 
Everyone knew the Doctor was a twisted man, but you doubted He was twisted enough to force someone to cannibalize one of their peers. 
Clearly, you were wrong. 
Then, you remember making a mad dash for the thick iron doors of his laboratory. By the grace of god, you were able to leave; and you now found yourself in this desolate cavern, tucked away from civilization. 
As far as you were aware of. 
But you shouldn’t trust your mind. You knew this, yet you also knew not to trust yourself when you told yourself you couldn’t trust yourself. Simultaneously believing in logic and being a mess of paradoxical jargon— it exhausted you to think about. So you try not to. 
Whether by a stroke of bad luck or because of something else entirely, your dull sense of hearing picks up the faint sound of snow crunching beneath boots. Your hands and legs scramble to take you where you can hide as much of yourself as you can behind a rock formation, and you stare out of the cave’s entrance, holding your breath. 
The sound becomes louder. An almost gentle woosh noise accompanies the scrunch of snow, and soon after it stops, you’re able to make out a blurry figure approaching the cave’s entrance. The icy flakes make way for Him at His command, hand waving to get rid of what was keeping you physically separated from Him. 
The pure white snow behind His body glinted off his intricate accessories, the light forming a halo so otherworldly that it left you utterly breathless. 
His boots make a soft clicking noise against the limestone as He steps into the grotto, your safe haven for however long you had been here— now not. Not a single word left His lips as he assessed your rugged appearance. 
You wish He would smite you right then and there. He was most likely able to, and with ease, but you doubt He would willingly discard one of his longest-running experiments for disobeying a rule that you had broken many times before anyways. 
Your jittery gaze follows His movements as He outstretches His arm, offering you a gloved hand, silent. 
Did he know how much you simultaneously trusted and distrusted your own judgement? You stare at His hand, unmoving, heart racing against your ribcage— torn between bolting away, into the darkness of the cave, or intertwining your fingers with His, allowing Him to take you away voluntarily. 
This was mercy either way. You could either die at the hands of whatever lurked in the shadows of the grotto, or you could die at the hands of the man that brought you so much pain it morphed into comfort, solace. He stood, unmoving. Observing you. 
You knew Him well enough to know that He was taking mental notes on your behavior even now, outside of the familiar comfort of his lab in Haeresys. 
Both options were foolish, but you weren’t exactly known to be in the sanest state of mind. 
Pulling your arms away from your body, you bring a shaky hand up to take ahold of His, allowing Him to pull you up to your feet. You almost fall as a result of your nerves, but thanks to His quick reflexes you find yourself tucked in his arms, cheek pressed up against His navy cravat. The hand that wasn’t holding yours comes up to pat your head, gently untangling the knots that had formed in your hair. You melt into His touch, eyes fluttering shut to bask in the warmth He provided. 
As you stand there with Him, knees weak, body upheld by His will alone, you shove down the thoughts that brew in the forefront of your mind. Usually you would welcome the noise, even be grateful that you, at the very least, had yourself to lean on. But you find yourself wishing to lean on Him more than yourself, both literally and metaphorically, keening at the comfort He brought you. 
You knew you couldn’t trust your mind, so why not trust His instead? If you couldn’t rely on your own instincts, judgement or thoughts, then how bad would it truly be to let someone other than you become fully responsible for your wellbeing? 
You were neither a moth nor human.
You were a dog.
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chaoticallywriting · 2 years
A Merciful King ☼ Chapter Three
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen II x Reader, Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Warnings: awkward sex? Eating out, voyeurism, public sex,
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N:  I originally posted this series on TheGreensWhore. Unfortunately I got shadowbanned on there so I’m reposting all of amk onto here and will be posting further chapters on here instead of there.
Synopsis: The war is over, the blacks have lost, and as Rhaenrya’s daughter it is your duty to marry a green to secure your younger brothers safety. If only Aemond paid attention to you like his brother does.
Previously || Next
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Your handmaidens treat you as if it’s your wedding day. They scrub your skin until it’s a bright red.pouring various oils into the copper basin. Your hair is scrubbed, massaged, and braided while damp so that it would be curly for the big event. Lila even picks out a lovely night gown for you and sent for your favorite foods. None of which you can find the stomach to eat due to the revolting smells.
The other girls throw a gauzy fabric over the rods of your four-poster bed, creating curtains around all three sides that will offer an obscurity for the maester. It’ll be sheer enough to show your figures, but offers a little privacy. Lila helps you slip into your sage green nightgown. As she adjusts a tie, you feel her slip something small and cold into your hands, and you feel yourself tense up at the realization. The vial of blood, the one you no longer need.
Fuck. Roughly biting your lip, you turn your head to whisper “Thank you, but I won’t need another one after this.”
She nods and steps away, smiling at her handiwork. Myra, another one of your handmaidens, begins to unbraid your dried hair as the time nears. Your heart begins to pound, and you find yourself pacing after the handmaid's leave.You tuck the vial under one of your pillows and rack your hands through your curls.
Will he be rough? Quick and brutal, seeking only his end, or will he offer you the same kindness Aegon did? You fear that somehow this will all go horribly wrong, but you also fear your new reality. He cannot run away any longer, and Aegon seems intent on keeping you close to him. This will prove stressful and tiresome. You only hope that Aemond may stay bored of you, but also wish to seek a friendship with him.
All you wanted was peace. These last few years have been so harrowing, and you wish to know happiness once more. You scarcely remember what it was like to feel carefree How foolish you were to spend all that time wishing to be a woman, when all womanhood brought was pain.
After waiting for what felt like a century, someone knocked at your door. You're quick to pull it open, finding you’ll go insane if you wait one more moment. The maester stands at the front of the trio waiting outside your door. Aemond is at the back, towering over the other two with an unreadable expression on his face. Meanwhile, Aegon is nursing a goblet of wine, which does not surprise you.
There is a chilling anger present in his features. His glare holds a possessive tint that has you scrambling back to let them inside. This needs to end quickly. You can only hope Aemond is quick in bed as the maester shuffles in.
The door clicks shut, and you nervously fiddle with your gown. Aemond hasn’t even looked in your direction, opting to stare at the wall behind you, jaw clenched. Despite knowing this would happen, that doesn’t soften the blow to your pride. You know you look beautiful, hair silken and curled. Lila had dabbled rose oil onto your neck and wrists, while Myra had brushed some into your hair. A satin green robe was wrapped around you to cover your nightgown from anyone who isn’t your husband. The tie is wrapped tightly around your waist, cinching your waist.
“Your grace, the king and I shall stand to the side while you and your husband may start. It will be as if we are not even here.”
There is no way to pretend that is true. Even if they stay silent, you can feel Aegon's gaze on you. His eyes are full of lust, he looks at you how Aemond should. It makes this feel worse as you look into his own eyes, memories flashing between you. You find yourself blushing at his gaze.
The heat from before curls in the pit of your stomach as you tear your gaze from his. Aemond moves towards the bed, and you follow, slowly taking off your robe. He takes off his boots but keeps the rest of his clothes on, opting to untie his pants and pull himself out. You take a deep breath at the sight. He is longer than Aegon, but not as fat. You don’t know if that’s better or worse.
“Do you want me to…?” You gesture to your gown, going to untie one of your straps. He stops you and shakes his head. You nod.
The blanket is soft beneath your hands as you sit on the edge of the bed. Hands tightly gripping the sheets in anticipation. His hand finds your shoulder, lightly pushing you onto your back. The air around you two is tense and incredibly awkward. You look away when Aemond fists his member and jerks it a couple of times. His soft grunts fill the air before he stops and pushes your dress up to your hips.
You hate this, hate this, hate this. You want to push him away when he lines himself up with you, hovering above you and staring off at the blankets beside you. This was not how you imagined your first time with your husband. You had dreamed of him magically changing his mind and kissing you one day before taking you to bed. This is nothing like that.
The wind is knocked out of you once he bottoms out inside of you. Your hand grips his shoulder in a bruising hold as a breathless gasp leaves your lips. This hurts more than with Aegon. He’s deeper, and it seems the dryness has added an uncomfortable factor. You may have been a little wet at the thought of your night with his brother, but not much.
He begins to slowly thrust inside you, only adding to the god awful feeling. You don’t realize you're crying until you taste the saltiness of your own tears. A few moments go by with that awful feeling. You find yourself staring up at the ceiling above when the pain slowly subsides. It takes a few moments for the pain to subside. Not enough for you to suddenly enjoy yourself but enough to stop crying. Soon his thrusts turn sloppy and his breathing intensifies before stilling above you.
Aemond pulls out of you, stuffing himself back into his pants and standing up. You stay lying down, finding there to be an uncomfortable ache between your legs now. You don’t realize you were tightly fisting the blankets until reality starts to set back in. The murmurs of the maester speaking with Aemond can be heard, but it sounds far away. All you wish to do is curl up in a ball, but there’s a small part of you telling you to get up. To jut your chin out and act like the bedding did not bother you as much.
You are Rhaenrya’s daughter. A mighty dragon, not some sad little lamb to be devoured. Eaten whole and spit out the bones. You devour, you conquer. So with a shaky breath you pull yourself up until you sit on the edge of the bed, eyes a bit bleary as you watch the maester leave. Aegon’s cup seems to be empty, he eyes you with an unreadable look before storming out after the maester.
Aemond is putting on his boots as you try to find your bearings. You know he has a separate bedchamber nearby and is probably planning to head there. Clearing your throat, you wrap your arms around yourself and stare at your husband.
“I didn’t ask for this, you know?”
He scoffs.
“Truly, I was asking your brother for an annulment this morning, and now we are here.”
There are a few beats of silence. He won’t look at you as he thinks of what to say, so you keep talking.
“I know she holds your heart, I do not wish to steal it. I simply want to be friends, like when we were young and still happy with our lives.” You stand up, wincing at the movement, and pad over to him. He stares at the ground as you stand a few inches in front of him. “If we are stuck in this marriage then the least either of us could do is be nice to one another or the rest of our lives shall be miserable. I do not wish for that, and I assume you don’t either.”
“I love her” his voice is low, his eyes sweeping up to look at yours. “I will never stop loving her.”
There’s a stabbing sensation within your heart at his words. You may not love him, but to hear your husband declare his love for another hurts nonetheless. You are stuck in a loveless marriage and will probably never be loved. It is your fate to never know what it’s like to hold one's heart as this Alys Rivers does.
“I know.” you murmur. “But can you please stop talking about having me killed? It’s not a very nice thing to do.”
His lips twitch at that before nodding. You hope your words will stick, you’ll pray about it if you must. Aemond leaves soon after, and suddenly your room feels so cold. You climb back into bed, hand searching beneath your pillow before wrapping your fingers around the glass vial. You pour a few drops onto the bed where you once laid before disposing of the rest. That will assure Alicents spies that you are still a maiden. Hopefully your handmaidens will gossip and word of this night will get out. There won’t be a way to try to shame you anymore, at least not for now.
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Many days have gone by since the consummation. It’s been long enough that your blood should arrive within the next few days. You obviously know it won’t and with that all will think you are with Aemond’s child. Little do they know it’s been two months, not just one.
Perhaps your handmaidens will be loyal, and you’ll be able to go on another month or so before the pregnancy is discovered. You wonder if it’s worth keeping a secret at this point, or if you should wait for someone else to point it out.
The stares have stopped, along with the whispers. You feel grateful for this and find yourself strolling through the gardens. Today you will not go to the godswood and spend the rest of the time panicking in your room. You shall go through the gardens, maybe stop by the nursery. Perhaps attend dinner for once instead of having it sent to your room.
Just off the path along the walkway in the gardens, you find a bench sequestered from the watchful eyes of the court and find yourself compelled to take a seat, so you may bask in the sun. You tilt your head back and close your eyes as you take in the shining rays, hands clasped in your lap.
The birds chirp peacefully, and the breeze shifts through the leaves. This moment is truly peaceful, but the peace does not last for long. It never does.
You hear the snap of a twig and open your eyes. In front of you is Aegon, surprisingly without a goblet in hand. He quickly approaches you and cups your cheeks. His goblet falls to the ground, and he pulls you in for a bruising kiss. He does it so quickly that you hardly have time to protest, let alone reciprocate it before he’s pulling away.
“I have been thinking about doing that since your night with my brother.” His lips trail down your neck, hands slipping to your thighs. You tightly close them and put your hands on his chest, ready to push him away when he continues. “I had to be there, to make sure you didn’t like it.”
“I didn’t, now can you stop? We’re in public.” He smirks against your neck, face tilting up to look into your eyes. “Anyone may see, and people just stopped talking about me.”
“Let them talk, I want everyone to hear your pretty moans. I haven’t heard them in so long” He kneels between your legs, slowly pulling them apart despite trying to keep them closed. “Please?”
You’ve never heard Aegon say such a word. It honestly stuns you. He takes this moment to rub up and down your thighs, pulling your skirts up enough to feel your skin beneath his hands. He kisses your inner thigh, and you find that heat returns. Gods you must be weak to consider doing this, but he desires you in a way no one else has. The things he’s made you feel have been otherworldly. You find yourself nodding before you can stop yourself.
Aegon smirks, nipping at your inner thigh before pushing his head under your skirt. You quietly yelp at his actions, a hand instinctively going to his hair while the other lays flat on the stone bench. He licks a thick strip up your folds, you find yourself shuddering and biting your lip to try to contain your moans.
You can’t close your eyes, you have to remind yourself to try to keep a watch just in case. He keeps licking your folds before his tongue finally swirls around your bundle of nerves, causing you to jerk in shock. A strained moan slips out at his actions, and you feel him tighten his grip around your thighs.
He wraps his lips around your bud, beginning to harshly suck on it. You instinctively grind against his face at the action, moaning louder and slapping a hand to your mouth at the noise. The hand in his hair tightens and pulls. The fire in your stomach is burning.
Aegon moans as you pull on his hair, the sound vibrating against your clit. Two of his fingers spread your folds apart. Running along them to coat his fingers in your slick before thrusting two fingers inside you. Your stomach tightens and not long after he finds a spot within you that brings stars to your eyes. You come around his fingers with shaking thighs and an arched back, strangled moans muffled by your hand.
He fucks you through your orgasm, letting go of your bud and opting to kitten lick it. He groans at the feel of your walls convulsing around his fingers, and slowly pulls them out once you’ve calmed down. You drop your hand and pant, hands pushing your skirts down when he pulls away.
Aegon pushes his fingers against your lips and says in a commanding voice, “suck.”
You find yourself doing as you're told without even thinking, mouth opening and lips wrapping around his fingers before you suck on them. Your eyes close as you softly moan, thighs rubbing together at the feel this brings you. Aegon reluctantly pulls his fingers out of your mouth and stands.
He’s smirking down at you, looking at your blown out eyes and flushed cheeks. Before he can stop himself, he’s leaned down to kiss you, murmuring against your lips. “I will find you tonight so that I may feel you against my cock again.”
He leaves you in that little hidden area of the gardens, a confident stride to his walk. You spend a few moments collecting yourself before rushing off, only hoping no one witnessed the two of you. You’ll need a cool bath now before dinner. The nursery will have to wait until tomorrow.
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Family dinner comes and goes with little fanfare. Alicent spoke for most of it, trying to get her son to open back up, while Aegon blatantly stared you down. It was hard to focus on the food in front of you, and oftentimes found yourself finding comfort within your cups to keep from flushing under his stare.
Aemond hardly responds to his mother nor does he eat much. His mind is elsewhere. You’ve only seen him a handful of times since that night. Not as if you’ve tried though. Most of your time has been spent trying not to puke around others or make your obvious distaste about the smell of meat known.
By the time you made it back to your chambers, you found yourself particularly exhausted. Dealing with the minefield that is a family dinner while being an outsider to it has left you feeling faint. Once inside, you find yourself crawling into bed, not caring about your dress or the jewelry you wore and drifted off to sleep.
Your slumber did not last for long, though. You feel hands slowly peeling your dress off of you, soft ones at that. “No…” you mumble softly, half-heartedly pushing them away while keeping your eyes closed.
“Shhh,” the deep voice says. You know that voice, it’s Aegon. At this moment all you want to do is sleep, and you feel dread rattle your bones at what he might try to do. “I’m just taking this off.”
“Not tonight, please” you nuzzle your pillow and groan. “Just sleep tonight.”
Your dress is off now, and you shiver as the air grazes your skin. He takes some time figuring out how to take off your earrings and gives up on your necklace before settling in behind you. He pulls the blankets above you both before wrapping his arms around and nuzzles the back of your neck.
“I just want to hold you,” he says. His voice lacks its usual mischief, and you relax in his arms. His lips turn up against the back of your neck in what you can only assume is a smile before he sighs. “I’ve always wanted to hold you.”
Any other day, one where you are sober, his words would confuse you. Tonight, though, you simply find yourself humming at his words, too sleepy to realize what he may mean. Your legs tangle with his, and you sigh at the comforting feeling his embrace brings you. His fingers trace your bare belly, and he occasionally kisses your neck. Not in the hungry way that he did the night in his chambers, which confuses you.
Aegon did not seem capable of this type of thing. Ever since he married his sister, he was only known for fucking whores and getting drunk. He was hardly ever serious, at least from what you’ve seen. Certainly never sweet like this.
“I thought you wanted to fuck me?” You don’t know it, but gods, your words make him almost lose his resolve. He softly groans at your words before shaking his head, his voice is low and soft, almost sweet.
“Not like this, you seem too tired. My son must be exhausting you in there.”
“You can’t stay though,” your voice is groggy, and you briefly open your eyes before groaning and closing them once more. He nods, hand flat against your stomach, but doesn’t move.
“I won’t, just go back to sleep.” So you do, and your dreams consist of him, all him. But none of it is horrifying as it was before.
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reneeluv154 · 5 months
It starts with lunch
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Hope you enjoy! 🤍🤍🤍
This is a cute Newt imagine.
Might make a series.
Newt’s pov
I was sitting at the lunch table with Minho, Thomas, and Chuck when I realized the new girl, Greenie, wasn’t there. Where could she have gone? I thought.
“Do you guys know where Y/n is?”
They all looked around, their mouths full where they had already shoveled half the food on their tray into it. They all shrugged, not caring for much of anything but the food in front of them.
I waited a little while before getting up and grabbing a second tray while throwing away my own, given I had eaten while I waited. I searched the glade for a short amount of time before finding her sitting by the pond.
“Hey there, brought you some food.”
I smiled bending down to hand her the tray of mashed potatoes and soup but she didn’t seem to care for it. Plucking some grass and throwing it into the pond watching it dance in the breeze before drifting away in the water.
I kneeled beside her, “You know Frypan’s quite the chef.”
She held this empty look on her face, I had seen it in everybody who arrived here.
“I’m not hungry.”
“You haven’t eaten anything since you showed up.” I chuckled, setting the tray of food in her lap. She just shrugged, throwing more grass.
“Listen I know it’s hard to comprehend everything that’s happening and you don’t know us all that well but we have good intentions Y/n, we're in this together, every single one of us.”
She looked at me a moment before grabbing her spoon and taking a sip of the soup.
“Is it good?” I asked, “I apologize if it’s a bit cold.”
She shook her head and very quietly muttered, “It’s good.” Almost as though she didn’t wanna admit it. I smiled, fully sitting beside her and keeping her company as she ate.
I sat with the fire behind me, watching the shadows of the dancing boys, except for the one that sat beside me, Newt. I felt uncomfortable not being able to see behind me and watch the crowd, so I moved to face them as well as Newt. He caught my eye taking a sip from the jar in his hand.
“Would you like some?” He offered me the dark yellow liquid.
“What is it?” I was weary.
“I have no idea.” He chuckled while holding it up to the fire’s glow.
I giggled a little, shaking my head.
“Looks like piss.” We both laughed and he agreed.
I spotted a small blue flower getting up and running towards it before picking it and taking it back over to where Newt sat. “Look!” I smiled, examining it in front of the light.
“Yeah, I've been growing it for a while now.” I looked up at him, my hand covering my mouth, and he chuckled.
“I’m so sorry, you probably worked so hard and-“
“Y/n, love, it’s okay. The flower deserved to be picked by someone as gorgeous as you.” He took another sip of his drink still looking out at the maze walls.
I blushed trying to hold back my joy, not only did I have a pretty flower but I got a compliment from a fairly attractive guy. “Alright, everyone! Get some rest.” It was Alby.
“Ah, well” Newt smiled, offering me a hand. “May I walk you to your hut?” I smiled, nodding my head and taking his hand in mine.
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emmarobertsslut · 1 year
Can you make a hurt-comfort Madison Montgomery x fem reader fan fic? Im really sorry im not sure if you’ve wrote one already
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You’re perfect the way you are
Madison Montgomery x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Hurt/insecurities
Request: Yes and No
Summary: After a rude comment from Queenie about the relationship between you and Madison, she brings down the blonde and make her feel like she truly isn’t good enough for you.
You were out grocery shopping with Cordelia, Zoe and Nan. It was around noon and Madison was by herself until you got back.
Madison curses herself for not going with you, because now she has to spend her time with her coven frenemy.
So, she walks towards the couch and snags the remote out of Queenie’s hand before sitting down. Changing the chanel because who’d wanna watch cooking shows at this hour.
“Hey! I was watching that.” Queenie snaps, already fed up with the blonde’s behavior. “Too bad, bitch. You should be thanking me, staring at the food on the television will only make you even more hungrier than usual.” Madison smirks as Queenie glares at her.
“You’re such a little bitch, Montgomery. How (Y/n), a kind soul, dates someone like you will forever be a mystery to this coven.” Madison frowns, did anyone in the coven think that about your guy’s relationship?
Her hand clenches around the remote and hot tears form at the brim of her eyes, but she won’t let them fall. Not in front of her. She stands up and throws the remote at the wall, essentially breaking it in two pieces and storms out the room. Ignoring Queenie’s yells for her to come back and fix the remote.
Her hands grow shaky as she rushes to your room, tears running down her face, ruining her mascara in the process.
It wasn’t the first time Madison had heard a comment about you and her, yet every time somebody made a remark about Madison being a bitch it upset her.
She would do anything for you. Maybe she isn’t good enough for you, she can’t help but think that Queenie is right.
She throws on one of your pink sweatshirts and slams the door shut with her magic, also locking it. Madison curls up into your bed and cries. Wishing for you to get back already.
About half an hour passed by and you, Cordelia, Zoe and Nan are back from shopping. You quickly help them put away the groceries and make your way around the house, looking for your beautiful girlfriend.
When you step into the sitting area, Queenie has an angry look on her face, playing any game on her phone that she can find interesting.
You step over the broken remote and talk to Queenie, “What happened?” Queenie scoffs, “Your stupid girlfriend happened. Walked down stairs snatched the remote out of my hand, handed me some insults, then got all pissy when I brought up how you are sweet and she isn’t. Threw the remote at me and ran.”
You narrow your eyes at Queenie. You knew how sensitive Madison was when other people talked about the obvious differences in your relationship.
Making your way upstairs, you knock on your door, “Madison. It’s me. Open the door.” You wait a few seconds, before Madison unlocks the door.
She doesn’t even bother glancing at you. You take in her appearance, Messed up makeup, puffy eyes and she’s wearing your sweatshirt. A sign of comfort.
“Oh Madi.” You mutter, laying underneath the covers with her. Facing your body towards her, she reluctantly turns towards you.
“You know, who cares if Queenie or Zoe or anyone really, has something to say about our relationship. In the end, we get to decide what’s best for us.” You brush some of her blond hair and tuck it behind her ear.
She smiles slightly and nods, “I just want to be the best version of myself for you. I get I can be bitchy, but I try.”
You kiss her lips, shortly. “I love you Madison. With your attitude, with your imperfections. I don’t want them. Only you.” Her once small smile turns into a bigger one, she cups your face and gives you little kisses all over.
“I love you so much (Y/n). I’d die for you.” She pulls you closer and rests her head on your chest, listening to your heart beating slowly. You continuously brush her hair softly with your fingers.
You both relish in the beautiful moment.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Being Luffy's Stray (Version B)
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- No one knew you were there, not until they had to fight Klahadore, which was annoying to no end
- You never liked him or his crew which is why you watched as the Straw hats fought, tail flicking when you heard the sounds of the house becoming more and more damaged
- You couldn't interfere though, if others found out, namely the demon pirate hunter himself, you might be done for
- Luffy happily pet you when you finally appeared
"You were worried about a cat?" Nami asks.
"Not really," he scratches your chin. "I know she can handle herself."
"You're weird, you know that," Usopp tells him.
The rubber man shrugs.
- After that, you were hoping nothing else would happen, you'd like to be able to enjoy a day without fighting anyone
- Oh, how life is a bitch and throws a curveball your way
- You woke up and found yourself in fog, but decide to go back to your nap before you clawed someone
- The next thing you know, you're in a restaurant
"Welcome to the shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambiance is the food. My name is Sanji, what can I get you?"
You meow at him without realizing it, if you were in your human form, you'd be blushing
"I'm sorry but we cannot allow pets in here but since the old man is busy, I'll let it slide," he smirks at the rubber man.
You purr as a thank you.
- And, then the captain makes the biggest mistake ever and tries to do an iou instead of paying which earns him a non-paying job as a dish washer
"Shouldn't you leave her on the boat? I don't think the kitchen is a very safe or sanitary environment for a cat," Nami tells him.
Luffy shrugs. "Not much they can do after hours, right?"
- You snuck out to check on him, watching as they helped a drifting pirate
- Luffy smiles when he notices you hanging in the shadows
- Your paws running across the floor alert the chef
"You found us."
You pause, wondering if he knows who you are but realize he's talking as if you're the rubber man's pet
He bends down, one knee on the ground with one arm resting on his bent knee as he holds out a piece of meat for you, letting you take your time coming to him
You sniff, making sure he's not trying to kill you
- Thus, the start of an interesting relationship between you two
- The real kicker was when everyone found out the secret only Luffy knew about, and it was only because Arlong and his crew showed up
- After kicking the chef into a table, scaring the bejesus out of Usopp, and pushing Luffy into a wall
- Let's just say, they had it coming
- You run from kitchen door, using the toppled table as leverage, shifting midair to kick Arlong in his abdomen
"Don't mess with my friends."
"There she is the dead cat back again." He smirks, "and here I thought I'd killed you."
"Well, you know a cats got nine lives and I'd never give one to you."
- Luffy sends you away
- You take care of the other two, literally kicking them out (or at least, close to the door)
- You run over to Usopp and Sanji
"So, you're the cat?"
You stare you. "Does it look like it's the right opportunity to ask that?"
He chuckles, groaning soon after.
You roll your eyes and haul them up off the stairs by the collar of their shirts.
Usopp whines the whole way
- The real interesting thing was when you all found yourself fighting Arlong's pirates
- You didn't plan on shifting into something bigger, but it was necessary
- Usopp ran to the side when he saw you, a large maroon jaguar running towards him (but not aiming for him)
- Zoro jumps beside you, using his katana to take out the fishman trying to grab your hind leg. "Glad to see you decided to join."
"Shouldn’t you be on bed rest?"
"Someone’s gotta watch Luffy's back."
- You launch yourself across the way, clawing a fishman trying to punch the chef only for him to save himself
He turns around, smirking down at you, "I don't want such a gorgeous feline like yourself to ruin your claws."
"Don't flatter yourself, I'd never break a claw on any one of these guys."
- The building collapses and you change back into your human form, just in time for Nami to hug you (and you give Sanji a hug, so he got one too)
- You're just happy it's all over even though there was a slight mishap regarding Luffy’s grandpa
- After you all said your dreams, that's when the real adventure began
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Starving in The Dark
Okay another mini thing while I'm struggling to do the other responses rn, these ones I do while im laying down to go to bed lmao, but your requests will get done I promise!
Anyway! This is based on the thing I posted earlier today 😈 if you know you know.
Its very 18+ so minors DNI
WARNINGS!: NSFW, arthur literally devouring you, in general sexy things, chubby reader because I said so and theres not enough chubny reader and chubby arthur in this world
TAGS:@mrsarthurmorgan7 @photo1030 @kieropal @cantchoosejust1 @6kaja9
So lets get started!!!
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You feel as though you're gonna loose a finger to the cold around you, even being bigger and retaining heat better than smaller people would, you felt frozen to the core.
After the gang had left the Amberino mountains on your run from the law you didn't figure you'd be back up here so soon, but here you were, shivering and shaking on your horse, even in your heavy coat, as you and Arthur trek through the snow the further you got into the mountains.
Granted the snow that you traveled through now was no where near as bad as it had been the first time the gang had come through here, but it still seemed to sink right into your bones, you could only imagine how cold your horses were.
But you refused to complain. Arthur had told you he wanted to take you somewhere out of camp, far away, just the two of you, so you could finally spend sometime together without being harassed by the others or being pulled apart to do other jobs.
Granted you would have appreciated it if he'd taken you somewhere warmer, but you weren't about to start whining when he was trying to do something sweet and thoughtful for you. It wasn't often the two of you got to sneak away like this.
"We're almost there Darlin' I swear, then I'll get the fire goin' and that cabin'll warm up quick."
Arthur looks over his shoulder at you, his face reflecting a mixture of guilt and apology.
He'd clearly recogonized your freezing state.
"I'm okay!" You lie through your teeth offering a smile, you hate seeing the big guy look so sad. "Just cold!"
"I know, I shoulda just had you ride in the same horse with me, woulda been warmer for ya." He sighs and then nudges his horses sides. "C'mon, pick up the pace, let's get there."
The two of you ride for just a little longer, snowflakes sticking to your eyelashes the further you go, until eventually the two of you come over a hill to see a rather small cabin on what would be a beautiful lake, had it not been frozen over.
You're quick to hitch the horses in a nearby area where they're slightly sheltered, and make your way into the cabin.
It's a little run down, but upon looking at it you realize someone's clearly cleaned it up, and as you look back at Arthur you realize he really has been planning this for a while. The bed is made and the floor's been decently cleaned, a stack of wood decently high is sat against one of the walls and the cuboards are stocked with food.
Arthur moves and closes the door behind him the moment the two of you step over the threshold, he gently kisses the side of your head before beginning to start a fire up for you.
You can't help but watch him as he works, crossing your arms in an attempt to retain your heat.
Even in the cold he keeps his demenor, which around you is a little softer, kinder.
There's a small smile on his face as he does his work and the cold air has caused his cheeks to bloom red.
"You look so cute in the snow." You mumble, taking note of his denim clad jacket, the collar lined with fur. It covers his cheeks a little, but not enough to cover the fact that his face gets slightly redder at your compliment.
"Now, I don't even believe you when you call me handsome," he chuckles and continues to throw wood into the stove settled in the center of the small cabin. "What makes you think I'll believe you when you say that?"
"Who says I need you to believe it grumpy?"
He simply offers another small chuckle to you before he starts to attempt to light the fire. Luckily it doesn't take long.
The fire blazes and you find yourself crowding in the front of the stove as soon as Arthur shuts the front of it and opens the vents to allow heat into the room.
He stands behind you, his hands gently grasping your shoulders and his chin resting on rhe crown of your head.
"Sorry it was such a long ride Darlin' and a cold one too." He mumbles under his breath, letting out a long sigh that you feel reverberate through your body.
"It's okay Arthur, really." You smile this time, to yourself, he needed this break more than you did, you were just happy he wanted to take it with you. You'd follow him anywhere he wanted to go, and this included anywhere.
"Hmm." He gives the hum in response and then another sigh before he lets go of you to move towards the bed placed against the wall across frkm where you stand.
You watch as he plops down and begins to take his boots off and his coat soon follows.
He himself is a big man, and even he seemed a little cold, that redness of his face, and the small chatter in his teeth that occasionally appeared, it was no surpise you were so cold.
"I know it's cold," he mutters. "But you should get that heavier stuff off and get under the covers body heat'll be better for the two of us then these cold jackets."
You offer a nod, and then move to meet him, taking your coat off as you move.
It was gonna be a cold night.
You wake up sweating, with the smallness of the cabin and the constant wood going into the stove to keep it that way, plus Arthur's body heat, you felt as though you were absolutely swimming.
The two of you together, both bigger bodies, the heat you both gave off, it was a wonder he wasn't sweating his ass off too.
It's completely dark in the cabin, other than a little bit of fire light from the stove.
You manage to get up out of the bed without waking Arthur, sliding out of his iron grip as quietly and as gently as possible.
You do the only thing you can think of to get to a comfortable temperature and strip out of your night clothes.
Tossing them to the side you feel much better, still warm, but without the extra cotton its a much more comfortable warmth.
You give a quiet sigh and clamber back into bed, getting back under Arthur's arm as quietly as possible.
"Y' good?" His words are slurred agains your neck as you settle back down, and after a moment his hand finds your waist and he seems to wake a little.
"The hell did your clothes go?"
"It's hot in here Arthur-" you hear the whine in your voice and feel awful for a moment, but you realize now laying back under the cover with arthur again that you'll most likely wake up covered in sweat once more.
Arthur's silent for a moment, but then you feel his hand travel over your stomach, going a little lower, reaching your thighs.
He's clearly not thinking about the words you just said.
"Arthur you are not listening-"
"Kinda stopped after I realized your tits were out if 'm honest." He sighs and you feel a hot kiss against your neck. "What I wouldn't give to feel these around my head...."
He squeezes your thigh gently, his fingers crawling towards your inner thigh.
"I'm already warm..." it's a feeble excuse, and you know it, yiu absolutely love it when he gets like this, so despite your discomfort you know that you're more than likely going to go along with him.
"Maybe if you got out from under these covers ...let those pretty tits of yours hit the air..."
"What the hell are you suggesting?"
"Mhmmm...." Arthur's voice comes out as a groan in your ear, and he places a small kiss there, right behind your ear.
"I'm sayin'," he mumbles. "I think you should sit on my face..."
You've never done such a thing. Of course you've had him between your legs before, and you'd never deny him that, as he got pleasure out of it just as you did, in fact it was one of his favorite things, but NEVER had you ever sat on his face.
"I'm too big." You mutter. "Too heavy, I sit on your face and I'll sufficate you-"
"Good, a fine way to die." He kisses your neck again.
"Arthur I'm serious!"
"I am too."
You sigh and he simply gets closer to your ear.
"Please Y/n...Please, I want you to do it so badly....please."
He's begging you. How could you tell him no.
"Okay..." You mumble the answer after a few moments of silence. "But you have to promise to stop me if you can't breathe, please?"
"Of course, you're My Girl."
You feel a heat in your cheeks and move, watching as he moves to lay on his back.
He keeps his hands to the sides, lazily awaiting you to sit on your throne.
He motions you towards him with his two middle fingers on each hand.
With just that you're compelled.
You manage to manuver yourself to the right place, and you begin to squat over his face, hovering if you will, and you feel Arthur's hands latch onto your thick thighs.
"I said sit." His voice comes out in a growl and then with a tight squeeze and a single rough pull on his end you find yourself completely sat on Arthur's face.
You can't move, he hold's you tightly against his face, buried in your pussy.
His hands massage your thighs, and you can feel his tongue moving in the best way you can think of.
It sends tingles through your body, the way he seems to nearly devour you, as though he'd never had a meal in his life.
His mouth is warm, and wet as he licks, and licks, and each flick of his tongue that seems expert you can't stop yourself from letting out lewd sounds that make you grateful he's taken you all the way into the mountains.
You reach between your thighs, gripping his hair tightly as he has his snack.
"Arthur...." You doubt he can even hear you from his position, but you hope that he gets the message when you begin to move your hips, riding his face.
His hands move from your thighs to your ass, and he helps guide each thrust of your hips.
You take a moment to look down, meeting his eyes between your thighs.
He's got a look there that you've seen many times, full and utter lust.
You can feel his nost brushing against sensitve areas of your heat, and his tongue still works away at you, lapping like a thirsty animal.
One of his hands moves from your ass, wrapping over your thigh and reaching between your legs, finding your clit easily, as it's nearly second nature for him.
Your breathing is ragged as he continues his assult of pleasure on you.
You know it isn't gonna take much longer for you to come undone, and your grip in his hair gets tighter, he can tell it won't be much longer.
The faster his tongue gets the faster his hand goes, he matches the circular motion just right with everything else until-
You feel yourself clench up and your thighs close instinctually against Arthur's head, and he continues to lick, doing his best to help ride out your orgasam.
When you're able to regain your composure he offers a few taps on your thigh and you manage to move off of him, catching the glint of your arousal on his face from the small firelight.
"Next time, when I say sit on my face I mean sit." He swallows and you watch as he licks his lips before placing his hands behind his head. "I want you to smother me."
You simply blink at him, your heart still racing from your high.
He'd just eaten you as though you were his last meal and that's all he could say.
You blink and then look towards his waist.
You had some giving to do.
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