#we are far from that place here shhh come in sit down grab a cup of cocoa.
toastybugguy · 2 years
my favorite thing about the Teen Wolf movie was when they confirmed Scott and Stiles live a weird but domestic life together and Scott is a veterinarian and he wakes up every morning admiring both of their top surgery scars and being very much in love with his best friend and their journey together. I really liked that part what about you
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Prompt #20
"H-Hero? Hero!"
"Hey, shhh, I'm right here."
Hands reaching out for them, grabbing them and quickly wrapping around their body. Hero reciprocated, gently cupping the back of Villain's head.
"Hero, Hero-"
"I'm right here, I'm right here." Hero ran their fingers through Villain's hair, letting their enemy bury their face in their chest.
"Hero, I'm scared."
Hero held them tighter. "I know. But it's going to work out."
It was dark, nearly pitch black, Hero could just barely make out Villain's outline.
"It is?" Villain whispered.
Hero had no idea. "Yes. We'll figure this out. We'll get you out of here, alright? You just have to stay with me. Can you do that?"
"I-I don't know-"
"I need you to. Please, Villain."
Villain pressed closer, hands clutching at Hero's clothes, their face tucked into Hero's shoulder. "I'll try."
With Villain pressed so close, Hero could feel the warm substance soaking the front of their outfit. Villain's blood running down their torso, now soaking Hero's clothes as well. Hero's arms tightened around them, and they tried their best to stay clear-headed.
"It hurts."
"I'm sure it does. We can find a way to fix it as soon as we get out of here, alright?"
No answer.
"Villain? Are you still here?"
A swallow, then a small, terrified voice. "Yeah."
It was heartbreaking to see the usually suave and smug villain reduced to this. Usually they were all smirks and infuriating remarks, Hero had never seen even a flicker of fear cross their face.
But now, that had all melted away, leaving this small, scared remnant of their former self. Supervillain's abuse and the awful situation surrounding them leaving Villain clinging to Hero like they would never be able to let go.
"Okay, I need to set you down for a minute-"
"No!" Villain nearly shouted, clinging on tighter. "If I stay with you you have to stay with me!"
"I'm going to stay right here, I just need to find us a way out of here. Here, I'll keep talking to you so you know where I am, okay?"
A small nod, and Hero slowly sank to the ground, unwrapping Villain from themself and helping them sit. There came several gasps of pain from the criminal, but they never said anything.
"Is this okay?" Hero asked, straightening up.
"Okay, I'll be right back."
They were in the collapsed remains of Supervillain's lair, the entire place had been reduced to rubble. Supervillain was thankfully dead, they'd finally been defeated, but they'd blown up their lair in one last effort to get rid of Hero and escape.
And now Hero and Villain were trapped under the rubble in a small pocket, unable to find a way out in the darkness.
Hero began feeling around them, regularly calling out to Villain and asking them random, mundane things. Favorite color, favorite ice cream flavor, whether they liked ketchup on their eggs. Villain's responses were quiet and sometimes there was a slight delay, but they always answered. Occasionally Hero would ask if they were doing okay, and Villain always said yes. They were awake. They would make it.
As far as Hero could tell, the two of them were completely buried. Every piece of rubble they tried to shift above or around them was weighed down by everything on top, and Hero was afraid moving it too much would make their little pocket collapse and crush both of them. Still they tried, and had made several loops around the little ten-foot circle they were trapped in before hopelessness began to sink in.
"H-Hero?" Villain called.
"I'm right here."
"You can get us out, right?"
Hero sighed. "Yeah. We'll get out."
"You're sure?"
"Can-" a little gasp of pain- "can you come sit by me again? Just for a minute?"
Hero stepped over to them, crouching down and pulling the villain against themself. Villain shifted to bury their face once more in Hero's chest, small shaky sobs racking their body.
Hero held them, trying their hardest not to give in, trying to keep the tears from their eyes. This wasn't hopeless, they'd figure out a way to get both of them out of here. And once they did, they could live a life free of Supervillain. One thing good to come out of all of this was that they were finally gone.
After a few minutes, the sounds of distant shouting came to their ears, and Hero sat up. "Do you hear that?"
Villain didn't answer, but their hand tightened in Hero's clothes.
Hero heard the shouting again, distant calling. "Hold on, Villain." They pulled away, standing. "Hello?" They shouted back.
"Hello? Is anyone still in there?"
"Hello! It's me! Hero! We're buried!"
Very distant cries of joy as Hero's voice reached the other's ears. "Hang tight, we'll get you out of there! Where are you?"
"Down here! There's a bunch of stuff piled on top of us, we haven't been able to move it!"
The sound of rustling from above them as the voices got closer, shifting wooden boards and pieces of tile and concrete. "We'll have you out in just a minute!"
Breathing a massive sigh of relief, Hero turned back to their foe. "Do you hear that Villain? We're getting- Villain?"
In the darkness, Hero could just see the outline of Villain slumped over on their side, unmoving. "Villain, you still with me?"
Hero rushed to them, collapsing next to them and trying to shake them awake. "No no no, c'mon Villain, we're getting out of here! You said you'd stay with me!"
Villain didn't move.
(Part 2)
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wellthebardsdead · 10 months
Fools Prayer pt6
Part 5 here
Nerevar: *quietly walking to his office, holding the severed braid sen dres had cut from Vivec’s hair, it’s length twice that of his body and lined with heavy cast iron rings at equal intervals, all of them equating to the date of the foul murder* you think he grew it as a form of penance?
Divayth Fyr: *following after him with the help of one of his clone daughters* the weight alone is enough to assume so. I’d say he started growing it out the day he disappeared, the first band marks a little over a years worth of growth. What day do you think it was he placed it?
Nerevar: …The day it happened… *looks at the heavy mass of silver and white hair* why?… why didn’t he say anything to me then?… when I came to him as the nerevarine?… when I walked with a different face to my own?
Divayth Fyr: hm. A number of reasons perhaps. While I’m sure he knew it was you perhaps he wasn’t certain. He’d already faced trial for his supposed confession to your murder and that hindered his popularity amongst the people despite the good he’d done, healing all with no want of payment despite the temples constant disapproval of him doing so, escorting refugees himself as red mountain first began spewing the vitriol of dagoth Ur, and bringing them all back to life from the ash before the corprus could take hold. If that trial was enough to shake the peoples view of him, imagine what confessing his guilt to you would have done had you of been someone else and he’d merely mistaken you for the nerevarine? It’d put not only himself but almalexia and sotha sil in harms way. But maybe… He wanted you to hate him, to make you wish to get rid of him. If what the good daedra says is true and Mephala did lie to him… perhaps the guilt has broken him more than we may have first suspected.
Nerevar: *recalling his dream and mephalas desecrated body speaking with voryns voice* I- I think maybe we were wrong about-
Archmagister Vilinu Sadras: *suddenly staggers into nerevars office looking flustered beyond words, the poor councillor clearly in far over his head* Lord nerevar! I- I don’t know what to do he wouldn’t listen! Please forgive me!!
Nerevar: I- Vilinu what’s happened?
Divayth Fyr: speak up boy you look like you’re ready to cry.
Archmagister Vilinu Sadras: I had a room and a bath prepared as you asked but he disappeared from my sight once his bonds were released! I found him down in the cells! He says it’s where he belongs but he’s bleeding between his legs and his back still and it’s filthy in there and he’s barely holding himself upright and he’s not-
Nerevar: *sets the braid down and gently grabs the younger mer by his shoulders* breathe.
Archmagister Vilinu Sadras: *inhales deeply and aggressively* and he-
Nerevar: shhh. Thank you for taking care of him, he’s always been inherently stubborn once his mind has been made up. *looks over at Divayth as his daughter helps him sit down with tea* could you-
Divayth: *already pouring a cup for the younger councillor* yes yes go tend to what you must I’ll calm him down or watch him if he passes out.
Nerevar: *sighs and ushers him over to a seat* thank you. *turns to leave*
Bayte Fyr: Oh lord nerevar- *holds up muatra* where shall I put this?
Nerevar: oh… put it in my safe for now. To ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. *walks out*
*a few minutes later*
Nerevar: *hurries down into the empty cells of the temple prison, immediately knowing where to go as guards stand idle outside the iron bars of the only occupied cage, some of them trying to softly persuade vivec to come out or to let them help him, while others beg him to eat the food they’ve provided or to let them clean his wounds, while all of them try convince him that nerevar doesn’t wish for this* Vehk? *falls silent seeing the living god curled up in a ball amongst the mouldy hay in the corner of his cell* oh vivec… *looks to the guards* you’re dismissed, thank you, I’ll take it from here… *opens the iron door and steps into the damp chamber* vive-
Vivec: *voice tired and soft, not facing him, not moving at all beyond shallow breathes and the shivering of his body* why?… why must you insist on treating me with kindness?… after all I’ve done?
Nerevar: *looks at him then down at his feet to the bucket of hot clean water a guard had left to clean him with since he refused the finer accomodations* … *picks it up and walks to him, setting it down as he kneels by his side* Because Mephala lied to you.
Vivec: *eyes snapping open wide as he sits up in shock and immediately cries out in pain, hugging his abdomen as blood gushes between his legs. Sen Dres having clearly damaged something in his assault* I- I can- ex-
Nerevar: *quickly holds him close and ignores the bucket completely as he lifts him up, deciding it’d be best to deny Vivec’s wants for the sake of his health* Vehk- hold on we’ll get you help.
Vivec: *tries to find the words to protest, only managing out a fragile cry as nerevars hands find the open wounds on his back, his body no longer able to resist extreme pain, too tired, too weak, and too close to mortal* n-no- I don’t- des-
Nerevar: I wasn’t asking Vehk. *Carries him from the cell and out of the empty jail, the mouldy hay and stone where his blood had fallen, petrifying into ebony*
*a few hours later*
Vivec: *cleaned and his wounds dressed, holding still in a comfy chair in his new room as nerevar cleans up his choppy hair until it sits as soft cloud like curls around his face and now bare, hole ridden ears*
Nerevar: *gently clipping at his hair with sheers, feeling a fond nostalgia fill his heart as he recalls doing this once before when he’d first taken vivec into his home as a nameless ruffian* still not talking to me?…
Vivec: what is there to say?… I was told you want to interrogate me but you’ve asked no questions… I’m in no place to speak freely as your prisoner.
Nerevar: …Prisoner?… is that what you think? After I removed you from the cells and brought you here?
Vivec: you took me from my home. From the people I care for. From those too poor to afford food or healing from the temple… healing I once promised they’d never have to pay for… yet they still went behind my back and charged for the power I’d gifted them for all to use. *lets out a tired sigh as he turns his gaze back to his bruised arms*… and now they’ll starve without me… more people I’ve failed… another promise broken even though I’m not here willingly…
Nerevar: *heart heavy seeing the true pain once hidden behind the gods confident form, now exposed and fragile for all to see* I’m sorry… I… I’ll see to it they’re cared for.
Vivec: and for how long?…
Nerevar: what? *lowers the sheers hearing hostility in his tone*
Vivec: how long will they be cared for?… it took my capture for you to only now do something. When the temples allowed them to suffer since the day you struck the heart, why now would you have one yourself to care for them?
Nerevar: *letting his ego grip onto the insult for a brief moment* As if you had one when you dropped that boulder on your city.
Vivec: I had limited power. Neht… my only options were throw it and cause catastrophe no matter where it landed and spend the last of my power doing so… or keep it aloft and continue to give my people hope… at least then I could try to heal those who came to me before the corprus took hold… I never had a moment of peace. My only thoughts were to care for them…
Nerevar: *feeling immense guilt for speaking to him so sharply, knowing deep down despite Vehk s his reputation as a liar and storyteller. Vivec now spoke the truth to him* I… I’m sorry… *sighs and runs his fingers through his hair before continuing to clip at it, trying to find a way to answer his first question without admitting his own negligence despite his absence in Akavir as he walked as the nerevarine* I… I ran away. After the mountain erupted. And when I finally returned. Too much had changed and too many people needed my help that I’m still trying to help… but it isn’t easy… the council is in disarray and trying to fight them and the temple for fund allocation has been difficult… I’ll ensure though it’s spent on the vulnerable-
Vivec: my artefact. I want it back.
Nerevar: what?
Vivec: my mask. My real mask. I want it back. Out of the temples hands so I can heal those who need me.
Nerevar: but- it was stolen along with-
Vivec: not the fake on display. The real one.
Nerevar: real- one?
Vivec: it’s located within the pillar near its shrine.
Nerevar: *brain short circuiting as he realises Vivec knows a lot more about the temples secret arrangements than he ever could now* huh… yes, I’ll, I’ll get it for you. Anything else? Any other demands?
Vivec: …Be merciful with the councillors who apprehended me.
Nerevar: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! Absolutely not look at what they did to you?! They made a mockery of not only you but my authority in front of the whole of my city! They-
Nerevar: *gently reaches back taking one of his hands in his, his blue skin making nerevars gold glimmer like the sun* they were doing what they thought was best… they were right to think of me as a danger… look at what I did to you as an example?…
Nerevar: … *sets the sheers down and leans over him as he squeezes his hand in his before sliding his other down the half chimers torso, stoping just above his abdomen and smoothing out the soft silk of the robe covering it* The archmaster of redoran I can forgive… but Dres. He will need to face repercussions for what he did… does it still hurt?
Vivec: *blushing a little at the others touch, catching himself by surprise in doing so having thought himself numb to the intimacy of others long ago… but then again he’d been hidden away from the caress of another for some 200 years* it aches. But my bodies mending what your healers couldn’t…
Nerevar: *fixes his robe a little and places the heated bag of ash rice back over his abdomen* …and your back?
Vivec: the stinging has stopped… while I feel pain once again… my body can still mend it… it could probably still heal me if they cut my head off instead of using my spear like they’d planned.
Nerevar: would… it have worked? It certainly left me with a-…
Vivec: … Slow and… painful death. I know… *sighs looking back down at his lap* no. It wouldn’t have completely. At most it’d allow me to leave my body and ascend as seht did when almalexia killed him. But if I’d of wanted I could cling onto my mortal coil. And knowing where I’m headed in death… I think I would. They’d of had no choice but to have you fulfil your name and devour my heart to rid me entirely.
Nerevar: *grimaces at the thought of eating his heart knowing now the truth and kindness within it* id of placed it back within you and mended you myself… but… what do you mean? Where would your soul go?
Vivec: *shudders hearing the rattling of black anchors in his mind as he smiles back at him* it doesn’t matter now… do we have an agreement?… you tend to the meek. Bring me my mask. And be merciful to my executioners.
Nerevar: …I can only agree to two of those… I can only afford so much mercy.
Vivec: … *stands slowly and winces in pain as he strips the robe from his body, walking around the chair and cautiously taking hold of nerevar in his shaking arms* then let me pay his penance for hi-
Nerevar: *picks him up with ease and carries him to the bed, laying him down amongst the pillows and blankets carefully but firmly in his actions*
Vivec: *sighs closing his eyes. Expecting nerevar to use him to his whims per his request. Only to open them in confusion as nerevar suddenly starts dressing him back into his robe* I- neht?! What are you?! No this isn’t-
Nerevar: I’m not taking advantage of you so that s’wit can get away with his cruelty unpunished! *ties his robe and tucks him in, feeling that odd and fond nostalgia return remembering how much of a brat vivec could be if he didn’t get his way no matter how good his intentions were*
Vivec: *whines and reaches for him with annoyance clear in his voice* then no deal! I’m a prisoner then!
Nerevar: *grins responding with a playful teasing lilt knowing he’s gotten under his skin in the best way possible* then I’m your warden and I say it is a deal and I’ll bring you your mask after your attackers are punished~
Vivec: NEHT!!!!
*meanwhile outside*
Sen Dres: *teeth gritting against the cloth in his mouth and nails digging into the post he’s tied to as the guards lash repeatedly at his back before other members of his house and house redoran as a warning*
Archmaster redoran: *forced to kneel before the temple until nerevar is satisfied he’s suffered enough. Already starting to suffer heatstroke from morrowinds blazing sun*
Divayth Fyr: you were smart to side with nerevar over your fellow councilmen. *sips his tea* he might be kind and professional in his day to day dealings… but he meets all transgressions against him. With ruthless, but equal cruelty.
Archmagister Vilinu Sadras: *looking at his fellow councillors endure their punishment in disgust. Not at nerevar or his decision to ensure their suffering for their crimes… but because Sen Dres, seems like he’s enjoying it*
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Fantasy Is Better Than Reality, One Shot
An idea popped to mind... My fingers then slipped and ended up writing this. Ooops...
Summary: Tom is craving a little, so when he sees you, an adoring fan, he just can’t help himself and has to have you as his own. 
WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con, forced orgasms, forced DD/lg, forced shaving, kidnapping. 
Tom had been longing for something for a long time now.
But finding it was easier said than done.
He was a natural Dom, a Daddy Dom to be precise. But there was just one little problem, he didn’t have a little to call his own. And he desperately wanted one. Someone to spoil, protect and care for. And of course, to pleasure.
Trying to push the thoughts out of his mind, he decided to go for a stroll in the local park. While he was enjoying the fresh air and sun on his face, someone caught his eye from the side.
You were stunned at seeing your favourite actor in the park, you had the biggest crush on him, and was swithering about whether to go up to him or not. But when he looked over and saw you looking at him, he saw the way you stopped dead in your tracks.
He smiled softly at you, making your eyes widen but you smiled back at him. Then you decided to be brave and you continued towards him, getting more and more nervous with every step. He waited until you were near him, he was still smiling.
‘Hi… Mr Hiddleston… Sir… I’m so sorry to be bothering you. I just, I just wanted to say hi and that I’m a big fan.’ You blurted out, unable to contain yourself from shaking in a mixture of nerves and pure excitement at being in his mere presence.
He reached out and gently rubbed your upper arm, smiling warmly. ‘You’re not bothering me at all, darling. That’s very kind of you, it’s nice to meet you, please just call me Tom. What’s your name?’
You told him your name and he then took your hand and surprised you by kissing the back of it, making you even more flustered than you had been at the start.
Tom found you absolutely adorable. He wanted to just pick you up and put you in his pocket… A thought suddenly struck him. A rather naughty and dark thought.
‘Would you like to join me on my walk?’ He offered, his eyes like puppy dog eyes that you couldn’t resist, not that you’d say no anyway to Tom Hiddleston!
The two of you walked together through the park, he was really easy to talk to. He asked about you and your life, getting information about you. Before you knew it, you were walking down a quiet residential street with some really nice houses.
Tom stopped just outside one. ‘This is my place. Would you like to come in for tea? Coffee?’ He offered.
You were really surprised at his offer. And of course you wanted to say yes, but looking at your watch you didn’t want to be late home as you had work in the morning.
‘I would love to, but I have work in the morning and need to get sorted.’ You said sadly.
‘Just a quick one? As a thanks from me, to you, for all your support.’ He smiled charmingly and put his hand to your lower back, guiding you up his path.
‘Ok, I can probably manage another ten minutes.’ You giggled.
‘Excellent.’ Tom said in delight.
He unlocked the door and ushered you inside. You were so delighted to be in his home you never noticed him locking the door and hiding the key above the door, well out of your reach. He had you sit in the living room and make yourself comfy, while he went to make you both a cuppa.
When he returned promptly with some tea for you both, he sat down next to you and made some more pleasant conversation. Whilst you wanted to spend more time with him, you had work at the back of your mind so had to finish your tea rather swiftly.
‘Do you want another cup, darling?’ He asked when he noticed you were just finished.
‘No, thank you. I really should go. As much as I’d love to stay longer… Thank you so much, this has been amazing. Maybe we could meet again sometime?’ You asked, hopeful.
A weird, dark sort of look crossed Tom’s face as he put his cup down on the coffee table. ‘No, we can’t, sweetheart. Because you see, you’re not going anywhere now.’
You laughed a little nervously. ‘Uhm, what do you mean?’
‘You’re not leaving here, baby girl. You’re going to stay right where you are and be my good little girl.’ He hummed low, making something stir within you but also terrifying you too.
Standing up, you started backing away a little. ‘Ok… I don’t know if you’re just pranking me, acting… But uhm, I really do need to go, I’m sorry.’
He just looked at you as you rushed out of the room to the front door. But your stomach dropped when you found it was locked, and there was no sign of the key. Panic started to rise within you as you tried the door frantically, even though you knew it was useless since it was locked.
Tom made his way through, slowly but deliberately. ‘I told you, you’re staying here. You’re mine now... So do as Daddy says and come sit down again, let’s talk.’
You looked at Tom like he had two heads. You couldn’t believe the situation you were in. Your fight or flight instincts kicked in and you made a run past him to head for the back door. But Tom reached out and managed to capture you easily in his long arms.
‘Easy, shhh, shhh.’ He cooed as you screamed and cried in a blind panic, while trying to get out of his hold. But he was far too strong.
‘Calm down, baby. It’s alright, Daddy’s got you. There’s no need to be scared, I’m going to look after you.’ Tom said as he put a hand to the back of your head to keep you against him.
After you stopped panicking quite so badly, Tom was able to start walking towards the stairs with you. ‘Perhaps a nice bath will be a better idea, help calm you down.’
He began running the bath once you were both in the bathroom. You tried to make a move for the door, but he grabbed your wrist and stopped you in time. Then he positioned himself between you and the door. ‘Don’t be naughty. Come now, get yourself undressed so we can get you all cleaned and relaxed.’
Tom started rolling his sleeves up his forearms as he looked at you expectantly.
You backed up, wide eyed. But Tom stood up straight and looked at you with the most terrifying look. ‘I’ll bend you over my knee right here, right now, and redden your bottom if you don’t do as you’re told. Do you want that?’ He asked firmly.
‘N… No.’ You stuttered, your mouth going dry.
‘Daddy won’t ask you again. Take off your clothes.’ He demanded.
Shaking in fear, you knew you had no option. Not knowing what he might do, you did as you were told and started removing your clothes. Your hands were shaking so badly, it took longer than it should have. But Tom was a patient man, he knew you were nervous so was lenient with how long it took.
When you removed your knickers and stepped out of them, Tom looked you up and down, eating you in with his eyes. But then a disapproving look crossed his features.
‘Hmm, no this won’t do at all.’ He tsked and shook his head.
‘What?’ You gasped out.
He went to the cupboard under the sink and pulled out some shaving foam and a razor. ‘Can’t have my baby girl being all hairy down there. You’ll need to let Daddy get you tidied up.’
You were almost physically sick. You tried to cover yourself and back away, but there was nowhere to back away to. You were trapped with him in the bathroom.
‘Come on, let’s get you bathed first.’ He swooped in on you and with a little struggle, he was able to get you into the warm bath.
The water did soothe you slightly, but you soon started struggling against him again. But with another warning of a spanking, you stopped fighting against him and just sat still in the water.
Tom was utterly delighted at having a little now. He took great pleasure in washing your hair for you, then washing your body too. He noted how your nipples hardened when he washed your breasts and down between your legs. Making you far too flustered than you wanted to be.
Then was the dreaded shaving. Letting a man you barely knew shave around your private parts with a sharp razor was the pique of trust. But you didn’t trust him, at all. And you weren’t letting him do it willingly. You were just submitting, knowing the punishment if you didn’t let him would be worse.
‘There we go, all clean and tidy. Ready for Daddy.’ He hummed and then began drying you off when he helped you out of the tub.
You were still shaking, in fear. He spoke gently to you, just speaking about random nothings to you. To soothe you with his voice. If you had been there willingly, it certainly would’ve worked. He had the loveliest voice. But you didn’t want to be there, not really. So it wasn’t helping much.
‘I’m going to take care of you, little one. You will want for nothing with me.’ He hummed and kissed your shoulder softly as he dried you from behind.
You closed your eyes and tried to imagine you were elsewhere. That this wasn’t really happening, perhaps it was a dream. Or you’d read one too many fan fictions of Tom and were lost in the idea of one. Yeah, that was it, surely.
But reality hit hard when you opened your eyes to see Tom smiling down at you. He cupped your face and brushed his thumbs up against your cheeks, wiping away the tears that spilled down your face.
‘Ohhh, little one. I promise, there’s nothing to fear. I’m not going to hurt you.’ He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead. Then he slid his hands down your arms and linked his hands with yours.
‘Come on, let me show you how much fun we are going to have together.’ He purred, his tone filled with promise.
But that made you more scared as he led you out of the bathroom and through to his bedroom. You swallowed hard as he took you to his bed and had you lie down. You kept your legs closed together tightly as he climbed over the top of you, smiling widely at you.
He let himself rest on top of you, gently caressing your cheek before pressing a kiss upon your lips. You lay still and let him do it, not knowing what to do for the best. You found yourself getting lost in the kiss for a moment, as his tongue slipping into your mouth started to work wonders.
But you remembered yourself again as he started kissing his way down your body. You didn’t want this, not like this. Sure, you’d dreamed and fantasised about sleeping with Tom Hiddleston. But not unwillingly, not as his prisoner.
‘Please… don’t do this.’ You squeaked out quietly as he was down giving your breasts and nipples plenty of attention.
He ignored you, just focusing on swirling one of your hardened nubs around his tongue. Gently stroking the other one with his fingers so it wasn’t neglected. Sending sparks of pleasure down your body.
‘Mmm, such a good girl for Daddy.’ Tom hummed and made his way down further. But your legs were still tightly closed and you were very reluctant to part them. ‘Come on, baby girl. Keep being my good girl, open your legs for me. Let me taste you.’ He growled deeply.
When you didn’t move, he reached as far to the inside of your inner thigh as he could and pinched you hard. You yelped and your legs flew open. Tom then quickly settled between them and he draped your legs up over his shoulders.
‘Consequences and rewards, baby girl.’ He said before turning his attention to your now bare cunt. When you felt his warm breath against you, that was enough to catch your breath. Feeling even more sensitive down there than ever before, you were anticipating him before he even touched you.
When he finally pressed a kiss just at the top of your mound, you whimpered. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, not believing you’d just made a noise like that.
Tom chuckled and kept pressing light kisses over your lips. Then he stuck his tongue out and started licking through your folds, exploring and taking his time. The feeling was incredible, you were hyper sensitive to every movement. His stubble scratched against you, a both thrilling yet weird sensation.
He made long licks right up you, running over your clit at the end of each lick. Making your body start to react as you arched upwards into him more, small whimpers kept unwillingly escaping your lips. Tom grinned as he kept licking you, focusing more and more on your clit, for longer. He swirled around it with the tip of his tongue for a while, then would lick flatly over you every now and then.
By the time he made you cum, you had completely soaked his lips and chin. Your whole body was buzzing and alive, sensitive all over. Your thighs were clamped tight around his head and you couldn’t stop trembling in pleasure.
Tom smacked his lips together and growled as he crawled back up over you. He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand and kissed you passionately, making you taste yourself on him. You kept your hands firmly at your side, not wanting to do anything to coax him on more. Not that he needed more coaxing.
He was settled between your legs and you could feel his large bulge in his trousers pressing against you. He started grinding against you, then when he couldn’t wait any longer, he reached down and started to free himself.
‘You’re my good baby girl. Now it’s time for Daddy to claim you, to take what’s rightfully mine.’ He kissed and sucked along your neck, distracting you until you felt the heavy weight of his cock resting against your cunt.
You gulped and tried looking down, but he caught your chin and forced you to keep looking into his eyes.
‘Don’t look, baby girl. I know you’re nervous, but no need to be. Daddy will take good care of you, just relax and enjoy.’ He said softly and kissed you again, distracting you as he then pushed his cock into your warmth.
He growled into your mouth hotly as he felt your walls clenching around him hard. He pushed through into you, making your body mould to him and accept him. It took your breath away, being so filled. Your mind completely shut down as he bottomed out inside you, he felt so deep.
‘That’s it, good girl.’ He praised and took hold of your hands that were flailing around beside you, he pressed them down above your head and kept them there in his large hands. As a precaution too that you weren’t going anywhere. Not that you could anyway, since he was on top of you and now in you too.
Tom started moving his hips, slowly at first. But he was fucking you deep and with purpose. Making your toes curl, even though you didn’t particularly want to be there.
‘Ohhh yes. You feel so good, baby girl. So good around Daddy’s big cock.’ He moaned and nipped your shoulder.
Your walls fluttered around him as you had another orgasm, he felt so cocky that he made you cum on his cock. He grinned against your skin and rammed his hips against you, chasing his own release now.
He looked like a god as he moved above you, his face contorted in pure pleasure. You almost forgot you were there against your will… almost.
You pleaded him not to cum inside you when you felt him throbbing, his thrusts faltering.
‘Daddy always cums inside his baby girl.’ Tom groaned through gritted teeth as he exploded inside of you. You felt his warm cum spilling into you, making you cry at the realisation again of what had just happened.
Panting, Tom reluctantly pulled out of you and he smoothed your hair back from your face as he lay down on top of you, but he was careful not to crush you entirely with his weight.
‘Shh, shh. No need to cry, little one.’ He said softly and wiped your tears again.
‘Please, just let me go. I won’t tell anyone, just… I just want to go home.’ You pleaded, looking at him through teary eyes.
‘No, baby. No. You are home now. You’re right where you need to be, with Daddy.’ He forced another kiss on your lips and then rolled you both over onto your sides, but you were then trapped in his arms. ‘Now, what do you say for getting all those orgasms, hmm?’
You frowned, confused. ‘Wh… what? Please, just let me go.’ You tried again.
But you yelped when he suddenly spanked your ass hard with his large hand, bringing fresh tears to your eyes at the pain.
‘Try again, little one.’ He growled.
So many thoughts flitted through your mind at first. But to save your stinging ass from getting worse, you had a feeling you knew what to say.
‘Th… Thank… Thank you.’ You whispered.
‘Thank you, what?’ He asked firmly, raising an eyebrow at you.
You swallowed hard, your stomach dropping. You didn’t want to say it. But you had to.
‘Thank you… Daddy.’
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Kara’s Earth birthday.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 2540.
“Oh, what you hiding in there?” You ask, coming from behind Lena and she jumps in fear. You chuckle at her reaction.
“Shhh, be quiet.” Lena says, shushing you with her finger. “I’m hiding Kara’s gift.”
“Oh! Momma’s birthday is coming up, you’re right.” You throw yourself in their bed, watching Lena carefully lock the lead box you gave her for Mother’s Day. “What are we doing for her?”
“I don’t know, baby. You’re not Superkid anymore so we can’t pick up her favorite foods from another countries, so maybe we just get potstickers and invite the Olsens.” Lena answers, still not paying attention to you, while she puts the box away. You breathe deep thinking about it.
“I could go.”
She looks back at you, looking confused. “No, my love. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with just because it’s Kara’s birthday.”
“One: yes, I do. And two: it’s ok. I’m not uncomfortable with it at all.” You shrug. “It’s just flying, then landing in China and buying things from her favorite restaurant there. I don’t even need my suit.”
“Oh, you also don’t have your suit.” Lena says, moving to her closet and coming back with a box in hands. “Remember I burned it when I was you?”
“I do remember. Did I ground you for it, young lady?” You joke, making Lena roll her eyes at you.
“Here’s the new one.” She hands you the box and you open to see the House of El crest staring at you in its golden glory. You breathe deep.
“You know what? Just keep it.” You give her the box back. “It was here with you, anyway. I’m sure you’ll take better care now that you don’t have to wear it anymore.”
“Yeah?” Lena asks, unsure. You agree with your head.
“I’ll ask if I need it.” You watch Lena getting up and going back to the closet. You lower your glasses to see where she is keeping it, memorizing the shelf she put in. You adjust your glasses back on your face before she comes back into the room. “So-” You say when she shows up. “I’ll get the food. And I’ll make a gift for her in the lab. You already got her a gift, and we have the dinner planned.”
Lena smiles, agreeing.
“Doesn’t it all seem a little…” You think about it. “Basic?”
“Yeah, I mean, isn’t it the same thing we do every year? Shouldn’t we try something different? Like, a surprise party?”
“A surprise party?” Lena parrots you. “For Kara?” You nod. “I think you’re forgetting we’ve tried that for years and we can never surprise her. She has super hearing and x-ray vision, baby. It’s like setting ourselves up for failure.”
“Ok, but what if we do it somewhere she can’t see through? Like the DEO. Or-or my lab!”
“You wanna throw a party in your lab?”
“I just want to try something different this year. Honestly, don’t you feel like this year we’ve been through all kinds of weird, miserable, fucked up things-”
“Sorry, but there isn’t any other word good enough to describe it.” You can see that your mom is agreeing with you. “For some reason I feel like this year we should be thankful we’re still alive and well and together.”
“You’re right.” She cups your face with a sad little smile. “We’ve been through so much; your momma deserves a really nice party with everyone here to celebrate.”
“Who’s everyone?”
“You know, everyone everyone.”
“Mom, everyone everyone who? We know like ten people.”
“Don’t worry about it. Just worry about the food, and straighten up your lab, so it looks less like a lab, and more like a place we could actually throw a party.” You see Lena’s eyes tinkling and you don’t even ask about it. You already have a long list of things to do. Gift, food, organizing the lab. You’ll need some help.
You go to your lab, you need to think of something to give her as a gift, and you only have two days to figure it out. It’s too short notice. Why the hell weren’t you thinking about this before?
You sit in your lab and think and think. What can you give Kara? You sit on the chair, on the floor, on the table. You lay in it, roll to one side, then to the other. You pace around the lab. You leave really quickly to buy some snacks and look for inspiration on the street. Then you go back to the lab. What can you give her? You play on your phone. Text your cousin -she doesn’t reply because she is at school-. You go see your mom upstairs -she is in a meeting and can’t talk-. You spend half an hour talking to Aly and distracting her from her receptionist job. You go back to the lab, lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling. Your entire day is a waste. You can’t think of a single thing to make and give to Kara.
The next day you ask Jamie’s help, when she leaves school, to make your lab more presentable. She has a lot of ideas. Some are very inflammable to do in a lab -honestly, most of them are-, but some are actually nice, and when you two are done your lab looks like someplace else.
“Can you move this table?” Jamie looks at your worktable in the middle of the room. “I mean, you probably can right?”
“I-yes, Jamie, I probably can.” You smirk, picking it up more than a thousand pounds with one hand and moving to the side.
“You know, that’s something I never get tired of watching.”
You think about how many times you’ve seen Kara with one couch in one hand, her phone on the other, while Lena vacuums under it. How do the rest of the world clean under heavy furniture? You don’t even know.
“Ok. How about now?” You ask looking around and Jamie agrees with a smile.
“It’s perfect.”
“Great! Now I just have to think about something I can make or buy for her.”
“Well, I can’t help with that.” Jamie says, grabbing her stuff and making her way out your lab. You follow her closely behind. “I had one idea and it was a little notebook that she can use for work.”
“That’s actually quite clever.” You grunt, frustrated.
“Don’t sound so surprised.”
Why can’t you think of something to give to your momma? It used to be so easy and now you can’t think of anything for the life of you. It’s so disappointing. You know that Kara won’t care about what you give her, but why on Earth is it so hard?
“Hey.” Kara knocks on your door, late at night. You look at your alarm clock, confused. It’s too late. “Heard you were still up.”
“Oh. Come in.” You say and you don’t have to call twice to Kara throw her body next to yours, flopping on her belly.
“You seemed distracted today. I wanted to check if you’re alright.” She slings her arm around your ribcage, and you smile to yourself. Rao, this woman deserves the entire universe. There’s nothing you could make that would be good enough for her. You kiss the crown of her head.
“I love you.”
“Oh.” Kara says, raising her head to look at you. “I love you too, babyface.” But she raises an eyebrow right after. “Is that all?”
“Mhm.” You smile. “I’m alright. You?”
Kara’s eyebrows pinch together, and you see her crinkle showing. You ease it up with your thumb.
“No need to worry. I’m actually fine.”
“My face betrays me.” She says with a laugh. “Gonna get botox for that.”
“No. You look perfect as you are, momma.” You cup her face, and she smiles, kissing your hand in return.
“Ok, I’m gonna let you sleep, then. Have a goodnight, kid.”
The very next day is the day of the party. You make some adjustments here and there. And wait for Lena to say its time.
“Hey!” Lena enters your lab with a big cake in hands. “The place looks great!”
“I know, right? Jamie had a bunch of cool ideas.”
“Your momma’s going to love it.” She places the cake on the table. “Ok, time to fly to China for the food. Here.” She gives you her credit card. “I’ll wait for the guests and when we’re all here, we’ll get her to come.”
“Ok, cool.” You look at the list of things to buy, and Lena’s card. It’s a lot of food. You wonder how many people she has invited.
When you come back, balancing all the food she’s asked for, your lab is already filled with guests, with portals opening, bringing more people in.
“Hey Superkid!” Barry says, coming from the portal with wife, kids, Caitlin Snow, Cisco, and a bunch of other people right behind him.
“Hey!” You try to wave without dropping the food, which is hard.
“Here, kiddo, let me help.” Alex shows up next to you. She grabs a few bags and helps you set up the table. “Nice party.”
“Thanks. Jamie actually helped decorate.” You say, and you hear Jamie’s voice right behind you.
“It would’ve been nicer if you had let me bring sparkles.”
“So we could burn this place down? No, thanks.” You answer and watch Superman walking in with his family following him closely by. “Hi, Kal!” And not far behind, you see Eliza. “Oh! Gramm! You came!”
“I sure did!” She opens her arms, and you walk into her embrace. “Look at you! You’re so tall now! You look exactly like your momma.”
“Speaking of her-” You hear Lena’s voice. “Seems like everyone is here already. Oh wait, here comes Nia and Brainy. Alex? Is J’onn and M’gann coming?”
“On their way!”
“When they get here, you call your momma ok?” Lena moves away from you, and you agree with your head. You look around again. There are too many people in your lab, you didn’t even know you all knew this many people, let alone that you could gather all of them in one place.
“We’re here! Sorry, sorry!” J’onn says walking in, and you look at Lena who nods at your phone.
You: Hey! You busy?
Momma: Going home, why baby?
You: I need help with something here in my lab. Can you come over? I have donuts🍩🍩🍩
Momma: DONUTS! Say no more!
“Guys, she’s coming!”
Everyone stops talking, and Lena comes at you with the cake. You look at it with a smile on your face, you still can’t believe she made a cake that looks like a potsticker. Your momma will freak.
“Little one?” You hear Kara from the other side of the door.
“Yeah! Come in!” You watch Kara opening the door and getting startled when everyone yells.
“What! You did not just surprise me! That’s so cool!” Kara comes closer with the biggest smile you have ever seen. “Awww, look at all of this! OH MY GOD, THE CAKE! LOOK AT THE CAKE!”
“Go ahead, blow it out.” Lena says.
“Gently.” Alex adds, making you chuckle at the thought.
“Make a wish.” You suggest right after.
“What else can I wish for?” Kara says with a soft smile, and your cheeks burn red. She blows out the candles, and it doesn’t take long for the party to actually start.
She goes around saying ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ to everyone, and you sit in a corner with Jamie to eat. Gramm joins right after and it’s great to see her for a while.
It’s really late at night when the portals start to open, people start to leave, and there’s no one left in your lab but your aunts, Gramm, Jamie and moms. They help you clean up the whole thing and soon enough they’re giving Kara their gifts.
You feel embarrassed that you don’t have anything to give her, so you slip out of the lab, praying she doesn’t notice your lack of gift for her.
“Hey, where are you going, kid?” Kara pulls you in, looking at you fondly.
You shrug and look down. How do you tell her you couldn’t think of a single present to give her?
“What’s that about?”
“I didn’t get you anything.” You breathe out.
“You didn’t-” Kara laughs. “Really? So a surprise party is nothing? And flying to another country to pick up my favorite foods doesn’t count?” You raise your eyes to finally look at her. “Why would you give me something else besides this whole thing?”
“I just-” You shrug again, cheeks burning with shame. She doesn’t push you any further, but she also doesn’t let go. Kara just looks at you, waiting for you to give her something. “Made all these big plans, because I wanted the day to be extra special.”
“And why is that kid?” She asks, and you bite your lip. “You know, I’m very happy with the party, and with the fact that I got to see everyone. But I would also be very happy if it was just you, Lena and me, and a little cupcake.” Kara says cupping your face. “Why did today have to be so special?”
“Because-” She raises her eyebrow encouraging you. “We had a difficult year, and I know that it was my fault.”
“What? Of course it was not your fault!”
“Momma, I almost died a few times, I went to three different realities, I was mind controlled, couldn’t get up from bed-”
“Ok, let me stop you right there.” Kara’s face becomes very serious. “You were kidnapped three times. You got tricked by an imp, which, by the way, I’ve been too. You were literally mind controlled by a villain. How-how can you say this is your fault?” You open your mouth. “How can I possibly think that it is your fault that you couldn’t get up from bed, when all of this has happened to you in less than a year, little one?”
You breathe out. You don’t know what to tell her.
“Yes, you’re right. It’s been a difficult year for the three of us. But what about meeting Maya, and everyone you met when you went to different realities? What about all the laughter, hugs, and kisses and the love we shared this year? Hm? Didn’t that make this year a little enjoyable?” Kara asks and you agree with your head. “I don’t need a huge party, the biggest cake you can buy, or any of this to make me happy. You know what I need?”
“Me?” You ask with a little smile, and she smiles widely at you.
“Yes, my heart. I need you.” Kara pulls you in for a hug and a forehead kiss. “And your mom too. Trust me, the fact that you’re both here in this universe with me, makes coming to Earth the best thing that has ever happened in my life.”
You smile, feeling less heavy.
“I love you, momma.” You kiss her forehead. “Happy Earth birthday. I’m glad you ended up here.”
“Me too, kid. Me too.”
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Some Scars aren’t Physical: PART 2
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Iida X GN! Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Allusions to past abuse, swearing, slight panic attack, L-bombs, and the obligatory Izuku texting POV 😜🤪
Summery: (Y/N) had a terrible boyfriend in middle school. He was possessive, manipulative, and just plain awful. Since breaking up with Him, (Y/N)’s had pretty bad relationship anxiety. It’s so bad, that it makes them afraid to pursue their new crush: the kind, earnest class rep, Tenya Iida.
Link to Part 1
Please note: Reader is a little short. Like, Iida’s a tall boi, and Reader’s implied to be short enough to at least have to tilt their head a little to fully see them. If you’re 5’10 or taller, (first of all, fuck you, can I have your height?) then kindly overlook every time reader is described as short. I’m 5’2, leave me alone.
Btw, this is the end, y’all. I only planned 2 parts. Enjoy 😘 
. . .
Summer came. Villains attacked, a classmate was kidnapped and rescued, and you moved into the new school dorm system. You and Tenya had been going out for a little over a month. You were thrilled to be closer to him with the dorms, and he had shared your enthusiasm, even if it was somewhat more contained. 
“Y’know what’s funny?” You looked up at Tenya, swinging your interconnected hands between you. “I still don’t think I’ve gotten used to the convince of the dorms.”
“Well, we haven’t been here very long.” The bespectacled boy mused with a smile. 
“Yeah, but it’s like… somethings I forget that we’re even in the dorms.”
“Really?” Tenya pressed the Up button on the elevator, running his thumb over your knuckles as you waited for the doors to open.
“Uh-huh. Just yesterday Izuku and I were texting and planning a movie night, I made said something like ‘wanna come over to my place or should I head over to yours’, and he was like ‘we’re literally within the same 500 yard radius of each other. It doesn’t matter.’ My dumb ass really thought I was still in my own house.”
Tenya laughed as you pulled him into the waiting elevator and punched in your floor number. “What movie are you planning on seeing?”
“I’m going to make his sit through all of Mama Mia!, and possibly the sequel if we don’t start too late.” You cut your eyes to the side to squint playfully at your boyfriend. “Why? You want in?”
“If you’ll have me, I don’t want to encroach on your “bestie time”.” Tenya pulled his hand out of yours to make over exaggerated air quotes. 
You scoffed, lightly shoving him out of the elevator as it opened on your floor. “I highly doubt he’d care. Homeboy won’t say it to your face, but you’re his bestie too.” You grabbed his forearm, hugging it to yourself.
“If you’re sure, I wasn’t kidding about not wanting to intrude on you and Midoriya’s time. I know he’s important to you.”
You smiled warmly up at him, coming to a stop in front of your dorm room. “I really appreciate that, but you have nothing to worry about. If I didn’t want you there, I wouldn’t offer.”
“Hmm. I just might take you up on that, then.”
Tenya took both your hands in his own, brushing his lips against your knuckles. You giggled softly, squeezing his hands in response.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” You said quietly. “It’s been really weird lately, we defiantly needed a night out.”
“Yeah. Things seem to be settling down, but I think the training camp incident’s still heavy on many of our minds.” Tenya sighed. “I know it is on mine.”
You hummed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Then you certainly deserved a date night.”
He chuckled, a soft, blissful expression painting his sharp features. He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to darken. “(Y/N), uh, I’m going to ask you something. Before I do though, I want you to know that saying “no” is an expectable answer. I’m not going to be upset, I promise.”
You raised both eyebrows, brows furrowing. “Okay,”
Tenya took a deep breath, squinting his eyes shut for a second before reclaiming eye contact with you. “Can I kiss you?”
You swore the world stopped. You vaguely heard laughter from the dorm a few doors down, but it didn’t register. All that mattered was Tenya. Beautiful, respectful, wonderful Tenya, and how he wanted to kiss you. He hadn’t asked when you’d had your first kiss back in middle school. He just swooped in and-
Nope. You’re not thinking about Him. He’s not here. He can’t hurt you anymore. Tenya’s here, and he’s asking if he can kiss you. 
And you want him to kiss you.
“Yeah. Yeah, I would really like that.”
A small smile cracked across Tenya’s nervous face. He gently cupped you face with his hand. “You’re sure? Absolutely sure that you…”
You stood on your toes, knotting your fingers behind his neck. “Kiss me, Tenya.”
And he happily, albeit nervously complied.
. . .
After a draining school day and the mountain of homework that followed, all you wanted to do was collapse. You flopped over on your bed, groaning into the blanket. You were so tired you didn’t even feel like going down to the main floor for dinner; you figured you could raid your mini fridge when you got hungry.
Tenya’s gonna have a heart attack if he thinks I’m skipping meals, you thought with a dry chuckle. Just as you were unlocking his phone to text him, you heard a knock at your door. 
“Yeah?” You called, refusing to leave the comfort of your bed.
“It’s me, Tenya.” He replied. “Can I come in?”
“Sure. Yeah, get in here.” You sat up to greet your boyfriend, tossing your phone aside.
He entered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before joining you on the bed. “How are you, dear? You’ve been hiding in here since the class ended.”
“Tired. So tired.” You mumbled, leaning into his large frame. 
“Oh, well, that certainly explains your absence.” Tenya remarked. “Are you hungry? I was thinking we could go out someplace to get something to eat. Somewhere off campus.”
“Um, I…”
You’d never liked saying no, especially not to Tenya. You’d never really had a reason to; you usually agreed with whatever he suggested. He’d never liked it when you said no to Him. He’d guilt you into giving into whatever it was He wanted. He’d twist your emotions until you couldn’t do anything but halfheartedly agree to His whims.
You were still far too tired. You couldn’t even bring yourself to go downstairs, much less out of the school. You didn’t want to. You wanted to say no.
But the word wouldn’t form. 
“(Y/N)? Honey, are you okay?” Tenya asked, a concerned expression taking root on his face. “You look distressed, and you’re shaking, what’s wrong?”
“Uh, I-” You swallowed thickly, breathing going funny. “I don’t-”
“Shit,” Tenya muttered under his breath. He slipped off the bed to kneel in front of you, taking both your hands in his own. “Shhh, (Y/N)? I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but I promise you’re going to be okay. Try taking some deep breaths, okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
You slowly calmed down, your anxiety settling as Tenya whispered soothing words and caressed your hands. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Of course,” He murmured, brushing hips lips against your knuckles. “Can you tell me what happened?”
You hung your head, shame twinging in your gut. “I’m too tired to go out, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you no. I guess I got nervous.”
“Okay, why is that scary to you?” Tenya retook his seat next to you, rubbing a gentle hand across your back. “‘No’ is an acceptable answer, (Y/N). You shouldn’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do.”
You tugged on his shirt, eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Can I sit in your lap?”
“Oh, come here.” Tenya encouraged, opening his arms.
You crawled onto him, sitting sideways on his thighs and leaning against his chest. He tenderly wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head into the crook of his neck.
“I had a boyfriend in middle school who wouldn’t let me say no to Him.” You muttered, nuzzling more into Tenya. “He’d guilt me into doing whatever He wanted. He did a lot of other shit too, I don’t think I can get into all of it right now, though. You’re nothing like Him, and I know that. I really like you a lot, Tenya, and I trust you, but I still get nervous sometimes because I keep thinking about what it was like with him and it’s ruining things with you and I don’t wanna fuck this up and I hate it and-”
“(Y/N), you’re crying.” Tenya interrupted, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, honey.”
You nodded mutely, wiping the rest of your tears. “ ’m sorry,”
“Please don’t think you have to apologize. I understand. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He assured you, gently rocking you back and forth. “None of this is your fault.”
He held you for another few minutes, rocking you until your tears stopped falling. “Thank you, Ten.”
“You’re welcome, dear.” He kissed your forehead, smiling loving at you."Can you promise me something?”
“I don’t know, what is it?” You asked, squinting.
Tenya laughed softly. “That you’ll say ‘no’ to me when you have to.”
“I’ll try,” You twisted your shirt in your fingers. “I don’t want you to be upset with me, though.”
“For what? Having your own opinion? Not wanting to do something?” He pulled away from you a little to look you in the eyes. “That’s unfair to you. You’re far too precious to me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped being with me.”
You laughed breathily, smiling for the first time all night. “That’s just it, Tenya. I don’t feel trapped. I feel free.”
Tenya let out a dumbfounded laugh, blush spreading across his face. “W-well, I’m glad.”
You softy threaded your fingers into his hair, kissing him sweetly. He melted into your touch, pacing a hand on the back of your head.
“Thank you,” You whispered against his lips.
“For what?”
“For just… being you. You’re amazing, Ten.” You pursed your lips, organizing your thoughts. “And… I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
Tenya’s grip on you suddenly slackened out of shock. You would’ve slid right out of his lap if you hadn’t anchored yourself by griping his shoulders.
“Woah, sorry,” Tenya quickly gathered you into his arms again, face burning. “You surprised me. Um, did- did you mean it?”
“How could I not?”
 Tenya let out a dazed puff of air, a flustered smile tugging at the cornered of his lips. He lightly kissed your jaw, his fingers dancing over your waist with a feather-light touch. “I love you too, (Y/N).”
. . . 
(Y/N): Yeah, I was just too tired to go down to dinner. Don’t worry, I’ve got food up here. Tenya wanted to go out for dinner, but a minor panic attack changed his mind 😎
Izuku: Wait, panic attack? What happened?
(Y/N): He asked if we could go, and I got a little nervous about telling him no
(Y/N): I freaked out a little bit, and he held me for a while. I told him a little about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Izuku: …Voldemort??
(Y/N): 😑
(Y/N): Yes, Izuku. I dated Voldemort in middle school.
Izuku: Lol, how’d that convo go?
(Y/N): Really well, actually. Tenya was supper understanding. God I love him.
Izuku rolled his eyes, snickering as he texted back, Totally news to me. 🤣 When did you come to that realization? 
As he hit send, a different text notification slid across the screen.
Iida: (Y/N) got anxious about something and explained a little of their “bad dating experience” you mentioned to me. They were a little distressed about the whole thing, but they still managed to fluster me.
“What am I, the middle man?” Izuku asked himself, sighing as he texted his friend back.
Izuku: Ooh boy. What’d they do?
Another text from you. Izuku navigated back to your thread. This was already getting tiresome.
(Y/N): I dunno. We had a date a month-ish ago, and we had our first kiss afterwards. I think I may’ve had some sort of idea that I was in love with him then, when he asked if he could kiss me.
Iida again. “Good grief,” Izuku muttered.
Iida: They told me they loved me. It threw me for a loop, but I managed to regain control of my senses to tell them that I loved them too.
Izuku: Geez, you two are hopeless.
Iida: What do you mean?
Izuku: I’m currently switching back and forth between texting both you and (Y/N) gushing over each other.
Iida: Oh.
Izuku: Yeah man. This is fun and all, but (Y/N) called me as their wingman first. Go get your own, lmao
Switching back over to your message, Izuku sent one last text:
Izuku: That’s really sweet. Anyway, Iida is also texting me at the exact same time as you are. Thought I’d pass along a message he didn’t ask me to pass: he’s head over heels for you. I’m now muting my phone. Being friends with you two is exhausting. 
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ms-starflower · 3 years
Maribat Rare Pairs — Day 6 — Nightmare (Subtitusion)
Alright people, get ready for some angst, Roynette style. I don’t know if what I wrote is good angst, but it broke my heart so…
There was rubble everywhere around them, and she couldn’t see through all the dust caused by the building’s collapse but she knew that she needed to get out. She tried to stand up, only for a stab of pain to shoot through her right leg and make her crumble.
The last minutes were a blur, she didn’t remember anything. She was— She had been— She hadn’t been alone! Her eyes widened with panic when her memories finally came back to her.
They were on their way out when the room had started to shake and fall around them. She had been on the way to one of the rubbles, and would have been crushed if Roy hadn’t pushed her at the last minute.
“Roy!” She screamed, the dust making her choke. “Roy?! Do you hear me?!”
“Here,” she heard faintly from the left, and started crawling toward it.
It took her more time than she would have wanted, and was painful every time she accidentally put weight on her leg, but she got to him.
“Roy,” she whispered with horror. The lower half of his body wasn’t visible, covered by the big piece of cement, and a piece of metal was stabbing him through his chest.
“Hey, babe,” he started slowly, only to start coughing violently, spitting blood.
“No, no,” she muttered angrily, closing the distance between them. “Don’t talk. It’s okay, help is probably already on it’s way.”
“Mari,” he sighed, but she ignored it. He was going to be fine. Help was going to come, and they will take them out.
She sat by him, putting his head on her good leg and caressing his cheek.
“Help is on it’s way, we just have to wait,” she told him softly, kissing his forehead.
“Mari,” he sighed again, his face too pale and blood still coming out of his mouth. “I’m not going to—”
“Shhh,” she whispered, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Keep your energy, chéri, please.”
“I love you, Marinette Harper,” he told her, a smile curling up his lips. “You and Lian— Take care of her pl—”
“Roy,” she sobbed when a cough interrupted him again. “Please, mon amour, don’t make your goodbyes.”
“It’s not— your fault,” he said, his voice scratchy and more and more tired. “I choose to—”
“I love you so much, I can’t live without you, Roy,” she whispered to him, hands on his cheeks. “Don’t make me, chéri, please don’t make me.”
“I love you,” he whispered again, a soft smile on his lips, his eyes blinking sluggishly, before closing completely.
"Non!" Marinette screamed, sitting up on her bed, her heart racing in her chest. He took her a couple of seconds for the adrenaline to lower enough for her to realise that she had a nightmare.
“Mari? You okay?” Roy asked from where he was, leaning on the doorway. “A nightmare?”
She only nodded, not trusting her voice to be steady enough to talk.
“Oh, babe,” he said softly, sitting beside her, one leg folded under him. He looked at her sadly before slowly wiping the tears from her cheeks. She hadn’t even realised she was crying. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It was awful,” she whispered, leaning her head on his chest. “We were in a building that just collapsed and you— you—”
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispered softly, trying to calm her.
“You were dying, Roy,” she whimpered. They stayed silent for a moment, Roy’s hand caressing her back comfortingly.
“You need to stop that, Mari,” he told her softly, a sad resignation in his voice.
“What?” She asked with a frown, surprised by the statement.
“It wasn’t your fault, babe,” he said slowly, grabbing her by her shoulder and pushing her back gently. He looked down at her with sadness in his eyes. “You need to stop doing that to yourself.
“My fault?” She asked with a lost tone, not understanding.
“Let me go, Mari,” he told her tenderly, his hands cupping her face. “You need to let me go, if not for me, do it for them. They need you.”
“But,” she started slowly, tears falling again. “I can’t.”
“You can, you’re strong,” he said with a smile. “I love that in you, Marinette, how strong you are. But that doesn’t mean you have to do everything alone. Let them help you heal, don’t keep everything inside.”
“No, I’m not,” she whispered desperately, grabbing his hands around her face. “I’m not strong enough.”
“You have to be,” he told her sadly, kissing her forehead. “For them.”
She woke up with a gasp, opening her eyes in the dark of her room. Alone.
“Maman?” Lian asked softly, opening the door slowly. “I, uh, I think Simon is hungry?”
“Yeah?” she said softly, sitting up and wiping her tears. She prepared her breast to feed him, before outstretching her arms toward Lian. “Give him here.”
Lian carefully gave her the baby before sitting beside her. They stayed silent while little Simon ate for a while, the glaring absence of Roy weighting on both of them. Marinette looked at the girl from the corner of her eyes, realising how much she had grown up from the little girl she had met, all those years ago.
“Uncle Jay is coming today,” Lian started suddenly. “We are going to dad’s favorite place, for father’s day. I know you don’t want to go out much, but— Do you think that you and Simon could come with us?”
Marinette's heart clenched at how desperate Lian sounded. She was young still, almost sixteen, and Marinette had put so much on her shoulders already. She looked down at her son, who would never know his father, and she closed her eyes briefly to stop her tears.
She needed to be strong. For them.
“Yeah,” she said softly, the surprise on Lian’s face another reminder of how much she had failed her so far. She bumped her shoulder lightly with Lian’s, not able to hug her because of the baby. “I think— Yeah, it would do us good to go there, as a family.”
I couldn’t find a place to write it in, but Marinette adopted Lian after her wedding with Roy and that’s why she had her custody. She found out she was pregnant a month after Roy’s death.
Also, they weren't superheros when the building collapsed, they were in civvies and absolutely not prepared for it. That made it even more difficult for Marinette to cope with; they live extremely dangerous lives and Roy died in an accident.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
A classical music piece that reminds me of Ajax. Enjoy this unedited word vomit 💕
❄️Anne Akiko’s Estonian Lullaby❄️
This piece feels a bit sad to me, it’s beautiful, soft and overall genuinely nice to listen to. I heard it in the car the other day and I cannot get this image out of my mind.
Ajax has returned from a 4 month deployment out to Liyue, leaving you back in Snezhnaya with his family. Every day you wait for a letter that will never come, not with the new restrictions on contacting those outside of the Fatui ranks. And every night you sit by the windowsill after dinner, resting your forehead against the cold glass as you silently watch, hoping to see your fiancé’s silhouette emerge from the snow. Tonight is no different.
Downstairs, Tonia plays her violin and her mother sits at the piano, the two playing a piece from an old book from Fontaine. The sweet melody threatens to lull you to sleep, your eyes droop, your body wanting to rest after hours of work earlier but no, you force your eyes back open, wiping fog from the window so you can see properly. What you see now isn’t the usual landscape, the sun has set, the moon reflecting a blueish glow onto the snow outside. Though there is a new blue glow that is not provided by the moon- no, that is a vision. That…Is Ajax.
Your body moves on its own, tugging on your boots, sliding into a thick jacket and slipping out the back door undetected. He’s there, standing on the frozen lake, waiting for you to come to him. And you do
The snow crunches beneath your feet as they carry you to him, your arms extend to wrap around his warm body, your tears wetting the Fatui uniform you’d buried your face into
“Shhh…I’m here, it’s alright” Ajax whispers, swaying you side to side “Don’t cry, you’ll make me cry” he tries to laugh but you can hear the quiver in his voice
You join him in the gentle swaying, fumbling for his hand, placing your other on his shoulder. Ajax picks up on what you’re doing, wrapping his arm around your waist as he begins to lead you in a dance. He isn’t the best at it, neither are you, but no one is here to see. Tonia’s violin and her mother’s piano playing can be faintly heard from here so the two of you steal this moment for yourselves, silently swaying side to side, finally holding each other after months apart.
You look up at him, taking him all in. He’s paler than usual, his beautiful eyes have purple bags beneath them. He looks so tired, utterly drained. The way he moves is stiff, as if he’s sore. You don’t doubt that he is, he’s told you about what it takes to be a harbinger. Being injured isn’t even the worst that could happen.
Ajax rests his head on top of yours, breathing in your scent. The swaying becomes slower, his grip on you tighter “This…this isn’t me coming back” his voice sounds strained “I have to be back to the palace by dawn I just…I just had to come see you. I feel so empty when we aren’t together it- I don’t know how to describe it” he shakes his head, sighing into your hair
“I feel the same way” Your hand leaves his shoulder to trace comforting circles on his back “Why can’t you stay? Haven’t they worked you hard enough? You deserve to come home for awhile”
Ajax merely shakes his head “You know there’s no such thing as them working me ‘hard enough’. This is my job, I’m used to it” he looks out at the stars, his vision blurred with unshed tears “I know it’s childish to wish for things. Teucer likes to wish on stars, he says if he really believes then maybe they’ll come true. Well…I wish that you and I could run away”
His admission catches you off guard, you pull back in order to look at him and are surprised to see him crying. Ajax has shown a range of emotions. You’ve seen him jump for joy, grit his teeth in anger, but you’ve never seen him cry. You use your sleeve to wipe his tears away “Now why would you want to do that?” You ask “Your family would miss you”
Ajax takes a stuttering breath before talking again “Thats the hard part. I’d have to bring them with me. We’d live far away where the others won’t find us. My brothers and I can build us a house in the woods, we can all live happily without any responsibilities…wouldn’t that be nice? I could be there all the time, I wouldn’t have to worry, wouldn’t have to miss out on everything all the time…I could just…be a normal guy”
Your heart aches for him. Ajax is a complex man. In a way, he’s still a kid who grasps at fairytales and wishes they were true. On the other hand, he’s a beast. You don’t like to think about it, don’t want to think about that side of your husband. The way his abyssal form froths at the mouth at the sight of blood, the way he grins when striking enemies down. He turns into a different person out on the battlefield. If you two ran away, would he be able to tame that side of himself?
But overall, Ajax is a family man. He loves his mother, his big sisters and brothers. He’s a role model for his younger siblings. He looks up to his father, respects him more than any other male figure in his life. He strives to be like his father: a good husband, a reliable man who will do things out of the good of his heart. A man who will care for the sick and help out a neighbor without expecting a favor back.
Ajax chose a profession without thinking about the long term effects it would have. He never saw himself living long enough to get married, never saw himself able to settle down. Now he has a dilemma which cannot be solved. As much as he longs to run away he knows the other harbingers would track him down easily. They’d drag him back and dispose of his family to prevent future distractions.
So this is what he must do. His deployments are getting longer and longer. He doesn’t know when he’ll get to come back. All he knows is that he needed this time with you, he needed to hear your voice, feel your touch. Even it would only last an hour
The stars above flicker, the snow gently falling to land on your eyelashes. You know he has to go, he has to go back to being a killing machine for cruel, loveless archon. You want to be selfish, you want to drag him inside and curl up under some thick quilts together, to drink hot tea and listen to stories about Liyue. But it won’t happen.
Ajax composes himself, cupping your cheeks with his warm hands. His lips are chapped and cool when they meet yours, his kiss tastes like firewater and gingerbread cookies. He tells you he’ll be back, asks that you keep this meeting a secret…Then all too soon he pulls away, leaving you feeling cold and empty. You call out to him “I love you! I love you, I love you, please come back to me soon!” He says he will, promises to try and get some vacation time.
You stand there numbly as pretty snowflakes dance around you. Clouds roll in, blocking the moon’s glow. You watch as Ajax disappears into the darkness, the soft glow of his hydro vision getting further and further away until you could no longer see it.
Again, you hear the sweet melody from the house. It sounded much louder when the two of you danced, now it sounds so far away. You trudge back up to the house, kicking off your boots when you step inside. Teucer bounces over to you, toy ‘cyclops’ in hand
“Hey! Where did you go? You coulda froze out there!”
You ruffle his hair and force a smile “Ah, I didn’t mean to worry you. I was just…dancing” he looks confused but doesn’t question you further. Instead, he grabs your hand and takes you to the livingroom, where everyone else is now, in order to enjoy the music together
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Levi x Fem!Y/N
Levi and Y/N choosing a name for the new member of their family.
Kids had never been a topic of conversation between Levi and Y/N, and much less were they part of the plans. Now they were both in her room, listening in disbelief to the doctor announcing the big news to the soon to be parents.
"We appreciate your discretion, Doc" Y/N said while putting her shirt on.
"My lips are sealed" He swiped his thumb and index fingers across his lips, pretending to zip and lock his mouth. "Everything seems alright so far. I'll set an appointment within two weeks" Y/N nodded and he finished packing the instruments before taking his leave.
Levi was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. Y/N chewed her lower lip waiting for him to say something. "You said you'd timed it"
"I'm sorry I miscalculated" she walked towards the black-haired man and stopped in front of him. "Are you angry? It's only seven weeks, we still can..."
"Don't even think about it" We warned opening one eye. The steel gray orb landed on her face. "We're having the brat together Y/N" He reassured. "And I'm not angry, I'm just surprised" He let out a sigh. With both eyes opened, he scanned her face looking for a reaction. She looked at him with her mouth agape as tears of joy were forming in her eyes. Then, the sweetest smile drew on her lips. "You don't know how lucky I am to have you by my side, Levi" She whispered before pressing her lips on his.
Levi and Y/N had kept their relationship a secret for over a year, and only Erwin, Hange, Mike and Moblit knew about it. The ravenette had threatened the energetic Hange with killing the precious titans they used for research if they let it slip off their mouth. However, they let the secret escaped when Moblit was around, and that's how he learned. Fortunately, no one else heard, and Moblit was good at keeping secrets.
Y/N and her boyfriend entered the commander's office.
"Levi, Y/N, what brings you here? Today is your day off"
"There's something you need to know" Levi bluntly said.
"Erwin" the young woman took a deep breath. It was now or never "I'm pregnant" She averted the eyes, biting her inner cheek. Erwin's eyebrows rose at the news. "But it wasn't my fault, it was Levi's" She gabbled and hid behind the ravenette, who was standing next to her.
"Congratulations" A corner of his mouth lifted. Y/N poke her head from behind Levi's shoulder. "Thanks!"
"It also means you'll be out of the field for a while" The commander was happy for them; but concerned at the same time. Y/N was a skillful soldier and a great asset on expeditions. Her absence would be noticeable. Levi, on the other hand, was glad and relieved Y/N wasn't taking part on any upcoming mission, meaning one less concern for him.
As months passed by, Y/N's belly began to stick out, making it impossible to hide her pregnancy any longer and rumors about the father's identity spread among the scouts. "I'll tell you when the baby is born" She'd firmly stated. They tried to guess and even make their bets, but they were not even close. No one would believe that the ever stoic, ill-mannered captain was soon to become a dad.
"Don't mind them" Y/N told Levi once.
"I hate when they insinuate you're a..."
"You and I know the truth, it's all that matters. I can't care less about their comments" she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Now, I want some rice with cheese and strawberry jam on top"
"That sounds disgusting"
"it's not, you gotta try it"
And obviously he'd go downtown to get the damn cheese she liked.
When Levi was hectic with work, Hange and Moblit looked after Y/N. The brunette researcher was too excited and impatient to meet their nephew or niece. Since the future mother didn't want to be a burden, she volunteered to take notes and help with the transcription of the investigation reports, even though Moblit insisted she didn't have to.
The night before the 57th expedition, Y/N and Levi were lying on his bed, his calloused hands caressing her belly. "Please, come back home to me safe and sound" she placed a peck on his lips. "To us" and her hand found his. "I want a boy" she said with a smile. "With your hair, your nose and your eyes"
"The brat will have your looks"
"Listen Y/N, I promise I'll come back to you" he kissed the back of her hand. "The doctor said you'll deliver anytime soon. I'll be there for you"
The 57th expedition beyond the walls ended up in an utter mess. Countless lives lost, including Levi's squad. Injured soldiers with missing limbs and on the verge of death. Y/N waited for Levi in the SC headquarters. The doctor had advised her not to travel to Karaness since she could go into labor any moment. When Levi opened the door, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. She would not let go, as if her life depended on it. He cupped her face and passionately kissed her. The expedition didn't even last a day, but it felt like a century.
Levi was impatiently waiting outside the delivery room, nervously walking back and forth and cussing under his breath. "Take a seat Levi" Hange worriedly said. "Your leg is still healing"
"Shut up, shitty eyes"
In truth, he didn't mind the damn leg.
"Captain Levi" he heard the nurse's voice. "You can come in now"
"Congratulations to you and Y/N!" Hange squealed in excitement. "Take your time, I'll be waiting downstairs."
Levi opened the door and found Y/N sitting on the bed, with her back resting on the headboard and the newborn in her arms. He dragged a chair and took a seat next to the bed, placing a hand on Y/N’s. “Are you ok?”
“I am” She assured. “I’m just exhausted”
“Did you give your mom a hard time, brat?” He said rubbing the baby’s head with his thumb, careful enough to not wake him up.
“Isn’t he cute?”
“Yeah, we did a good job” He proudly said. A smirk showed on his face. “We did have fun” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head.
“I haven’t thought in a name yet”
“Me neither” He sweetly placed a kiss on the side of her head.
“I guess we’ll have the time to come up with a good one” She looked down at the new bundle of joy and smiled. “Daddy and I will protect you at all cost little one” She whispered.
Levi couldn’t keep his eyes off of the new member of their family. The new life they had created, half him, half Y/N; he now had another reason to fight for.
After the battle against the colossus and the armored titans to bring back Eren and Historia, the Survey Corps were left on the brink of dissolution. Dimo Reeves and two of his employees were found death in the middle of Trost. Commander Erwin was to blame for the murders and all the remaining members of the Scout Legion were to ceased their activities and turn in to the Military Police. Erwin had previously made an arrangement to hide Y/N and the baby in a brothel room in Trost. The sole idea made Levi uneasy, but he was aware Y/N was not in the condition to escape along with the rest of the scouts while protecting Eren and Historia.
Nonetheless, her hideout was discovered by the M.P.
A tall man broke into the establishment looking for Y/N; and out of fear, the owner gave her away. The man didn't bother to knock and kicked the door open to her room. The place was dark, the smell of recently blown out candles still lingered in the air. Y/N had managed to take the baby in her arms and hide under the kitchenette counter. Tears were running down her cheeks, and cold sweat bathed her entire body. She was quivering in panic, and covered her mouth with one hand to drown her crying. She was praying to all the known gods for the little one not to start crying anytime soon. Surprisingly, he was staring up at her with a cute toothless smile and bright steel gray eyes.
"Well, well, you can't hide from me for too long" the man laughed as he searched around. "Gotcha!" Y/N jolted and cried harder when she saw the gun aiming at her. "Let's end this nice and smooth"
"Who are you?" She asked between sobs. "Why...?"
"Shhh, I'm afraid I'm not here to answer your questions, young lady"
"Please" She pleaded. "Kill me, but don't hurt my baby"
The man's expression turned into a scowl. "Baby? They never mention anything about a baby" He muttered. The infant's cry filled the room, and the coated man grunted.
"Can I... put him to bed?"
"Make it fast"
She stood up slowly, her knees almost giving in. She walked to the bed rocking the baby, feeling the gun on her back. The cry finally came to a halt. Y/N placed a kiss on the baby's forehead and whispered "I love you" before tucking him between two pillows. Then, she turned around with her hands up. The man put the pistol in the case and was about to take his knife out, when a glinting, flower shaped object hanging around her neck caught his attention. His forehead furrowed and walked towards her with a menacing look on his face. "Where did you get this?" he growled, grabbing the pendant in his hand.
"The baby's father gave it to me" She replied, her eyes shut, waiting for the knife to slice her throat.
"May I know his name?"
"Levi, Captain Levi from the Scout Legion"
"I see" His scowl turned into a smirk. "The midget managed to get himself a pretty lady and make her a child. I guess he did learn something after all"
"Uh?" Y/N snapped her eyes open, confused at his sudden reaction.
"What's the baby's name?"
"We haven't had the time to think about it yet. I just call him baby, and Levi opted for brat"
The mysterious man took his knife out and with the free hand, he grabbed a fist full of her hair. With a swift movement, Y/N long strands of hair fell on the floor. It was too fast she didn't even have the time to shriek. "Change your clothes and grab the little runt." He ordered. "I'm getting you out of here" Y/N nodded in understanding and changed into a big shirt, loose pants and her boots. She then wrapped the baby in an improvised baby carrier she made out of a blanket.
"I'm ready" She gulped and everything went black.
Y/N woke up in a small cabin in the middle of the woods. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. The man with the hat was sitting at a chair across the room, while the baby laid peacefully next to her on the bed. The headache make her wince in pain.
"Sorry, but they had to believe you were dead" He bluntly said as he stood up. He put his coat on and fix his hat before leaving.
"Wait. I have plenty of questions sir. Who are you? What is this place? Why did you save us? What about the necklace..."
"You really are a pain in the ass" He complained. "The necklace was a present for my sister. I had it crafted for her when we were young" He turned around. "Ackerman. Levi Ackerman is his full name. Take good care of the little brat" He continued his way to the exit.
"Wait" She got off the bed and followed him. "Who are you to Levi?"
Without turning around, he replied. "An old acquaintance"
Y/N didn't ask anything else. She stared at the man's back as he walked away. When the man was out of sight, Y/N finally relaxed, letting out all the tension contained in her body. While the baby was still asleep, she did a little house tour. There was not much to see, honestly, but the place was cozy enough. There was food for at least three days in the kitchen, as well as barrels of clean water and firewood. She went back to the bedroom, laid next to the sleeping bundle and caressed his black strands of hair. "It seems you're an Ackerman after all" She chuckled. "Your father..." Her eyes saddened. "I wish I could go and find him, but I'm still recovering and taking you with me would be a high risk." She heavily sighed and closed her eyes. "I do hope he's doing well."
A couple of days later, a heavy knock on the door startled Y/N. She swallowed hard and tucked the baby in the bed "Shhh" She put her index finger on her lips, "I need you to be quiet. Do it for mommy" She said in a whispered, then headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a pan and slowly walked towards the door; her hand landed on the knob as cold drops of sweat traveled down her temples. "Oi! Y/N, it's me. I know you're in there, open up" Without a second thought, she twisted the doorknob and found her Levi standing there, with stains of blood on his face and clothes. Y/N glomped the ravenette.
"Levi!" She squealed; her eyes already glistened. "Oi" He fought to keep his balance and embraced her tightly. "Don't leave me alone again" She sniffed.
"I promise I won't" He muttered. "And can you get rid of that damn pan? It's making me nervous"
"Sorry" She threw it away. "I can't believe you're finally here. Please tell me this is not a dream?"
"This is all real" He pulled apart and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright? did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine, Levi. That tall man with the cool hat was sent to kill me, but he changed his mind when I mentioned your name and hid me in this place instead. Are we even near the city? and how did you find me?"
"He told me where to find you" He pressed a kiss on her forehead.
"Come on in, somebody wants to see you" she took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Levi sat at the edge of the bed and a small warm smile drew on his face. The giggling baby wrapped his little hand around Levi's index finger. "Y/N" he called her name.
"Have you thought of a name already?"
"Not really"
"What about Kenny?"
"Kenny? I actually like it" She smiled and rested a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Kenny Ackerman will be, then"
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
The Honeymoon Pt. 1: Friday
Tumblr media
Lee Bodecker x F!Reader
18+ ONLY 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, smut, unprotected sex, cursing, age gap (reader is around 28, Lee is about 45 now) 
Summary: Following the events of Deadbeat, Lee surprises the Reader with the Honeymoon they never had. 
A/N: This is unedited and if I miss anything I should include as a warning, please let me know!
Series Masterlist
“Are you sure they’ll be okay?” you ask, watching as the house disappear from view from the side mirror. Lee took your hand in his and then brought it up to press a kiss to the back of your hand. You sigh contently, letting yourself rest into the seat.
“They are in good hands,” Lee reassured you. “They’ll run around, tire out the sitter and be in bed by the time we get to the cabin.”
“But after that?”
“It’ll repeat until we get back Sunday,” Lee chuckles. “They won’t miss us,” he jokes, referencing the fact your two sons were much more preoccupied with the cartoon on the television than the two of you when you had headed out.
You smile, and you know it’s just a long weekend. You deserve the chance to relax. Ms. Hanlon was more than qualified and you knew you left the boys in good hands. It was your first time away from them though, and that tugged at you.
“This is long overdue,” you smile, shaking the worry from your mind and focusing your attention to the trip Lee surprised you with. “Two children and no honeymoon,” you tease.
“Maybe we’ll get a head start on a third,” he jokes.
“Maybe,” you grin, biting your lip.
The two of you got married quickly, and wanted nothing more than to start your life together that a honeymoon hadn’t even been brought up as a possibility. Lee had taken on a lot of extra shifts lately and only last week did he announce he was taking you on your honeymoon.
“I wanted to take you on a trip for a while, sweetheart,” Lee explained when he was showing you the pictures of the cabin after telling you. “We can afford it now, and you deserve a break.”
“Lee, you didn’t have to do this, this looks so expensive,” you trail off, but he presses a kiss to your temple.
“You deserve it, baby,” he whispered, and then pressed kisses down your neck. “Putting up with me.”
The cabin was picturesque and it took your breath away seeing it in person. The log cabin sat far back into the Virginian woods, and all the snow that encompassed everything remained untouched like a blanket over everything. The snow at home was an annoyance, gross from cars and pedestrians and it hurt your backs to shovel. Here, it was magical.
The cabin’s roof was covered with shiny untouched snow and the rails also gathered up small mounds as well. You almost hated to get out of the car because you knew your footprints were going to ruin the scene. Both of you were bundled up in layers of heavy sweaters and bulky winter coats, and must have looked silly trying to walk through the snow with your overnight bags.
Kicking your boots off on the rubber mat that was in the entryway, the both of you laughed trying to peel off all of your outer layers. Your hats and scarves were hung up on hooks next to the coat rack. Once you were both left in just your jeans and heavy sweaters, Lee insisted on dealing with the bags later, urging you to just leave them in the entryway.
The cabin was homey, and smelled like firewood and pine. The small stairs led up to a cozy bedroom and the bathroom. The first floor with a kitchen built for two and a living room stocked with blankets and a stunning brick fireplace.
“Lee,” you mumble in disbelief looking around at the living room. “It’s perfect.”
He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“And you hear that?” he whispers in your ear, and then presses a kiss behind your ear and then down your neck.
“Exactly,” he replies and you can feel his grin against your skin. “No crying, no nothing, just us.”
“We should really unpack the food and put it in the kitchen,” you sigh, before his hands travel too far up your sweater. He pouts.
“I’ll do it,” he smirks, pulling you in for a kiss. “Wait for me upstairs.” You grab his and your bags of clothes and head upstairs.
The stairs led up to a spacious bedroom that was the whole top floor of the little cabin. You could hardly contain your excitement about being here that you hardly gave yourself a moment to take in the loft room. You quickly left the bags on the floor of the closet on the fair side of the room and then quickly stripped down to just your bra and panties to get out of the clothes that were wet from the snow outside.
The bed was covered in heavy blankets and pillows. Sliding under the duvet, you can’t help but grin at the feeling of the sheets against your skin. It felt so luxurious even though it was just a little cabin. You lay on your stomach and settle in to try to warm yourself up from the cold and you tug the blankets up to your chin. The cold felt like it ran right through your body and into your bones. The feeling of the warm blankets made a perfect contrast against your chilled skin.
Lee never thought he’d be able to pin point a time when he felt even more in love with you. Guilt would tug at the back of his mind, reminding him none of this was something he deserved. You and the life you made for him: the house, your two boys… how could he ever come close to giving you something that big in return.
He got the idea for the trip several months back. He sat at the desk in the back office at work, his eyes glued to the security cameras that were just fixed on empty hallways. It was one of his overnight shifts at the museum. He needed to let his eyes rest from the screens, and he decided to take a walk around.
He wasn’t ever one to pay attention or appreciate art before. He never had the luxury. But now, he liked to walk around the place when he could- gradually working his way through the whole building. He takes the same walk all the time, but every time he manages to find something different. The only sounds are the thoughts running through his head and the sound of his shoes echoing in the dark hallways. Of course, he’s thinking about you. You never complained but like him, you hate the nights you spend sleeping alone because of his work schedule.
He thinks about you, tucking the boys into bed alone. Then going through the steps of your own night routine and skin care, and how tonight he’s not there sitting up and already in bed watching you keep going from your vanity to the bathroom. You’d mumble to yourself, and get lost in the familiar rhythm of your routine while Lee is content to just look at you. You’d make fun at him for staring, but he doesn’t even care.
Wandering the hallways, he ends up at the information desk and notices, people left a bunch of catalogues and brochures scattered on the desk’s surface. He starts placing the brochures back in their proper cubbies and then gathers up the magazines to place them in the proper baskets. Without really giving it a second thought, he tucks one under his arm to flip through when he gets back to his own desk.
Flipping through the tourist catalogue, it was mostly ads for local businesses- restaurants and sights you and him had visited countless times already. He wasn’t really even paying attention to what he was reading, more so just skimming, until he saw the advertisements for the cabin towards the middle of the magazine. A two-page spread with pictures and convincing write-ups about the little getaway. Secluded and romantic, and just the perfect place for him to make up for the times lately he’s been away.
He couldn’t believe he had been able to pull off the surprise without you finding out, and the way your face lit up made all the extra shifts he had taken on made it all worth it.
“You sleeping, honey?” Lee asks, walking over to the bed as he kicks off his boots.
“No, just trying to warm up,” you answer, your face peeking out from under the covers. “You need to get out of those wet clothes, or you’re going to get sick.”
Lee nods in agreement, kicking off his socks and then pulling off his sweater. He untucks his tshirt from his pants before pulling it over his head and tossing it on to the floor with his other wet clothes.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he chuckles, when he catches how your eyes are following his every movement. You shrug.
“You’re nice to look at,” you tease. He scoffs and continues to strip out of his pants until he’s left in just his boxers. He slides into the bed next to you, and pulls you close to him.
“Can’t believe we’re here,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry it couldn’t be sooner…”
“SHHH,” you gesture pressing a finger to his lips.
“You deserve so much more than me…”
“Shh,” you press a soft kiss to his lips. “That’s not true,” you mumble, sliding your hand down his chest.
He kisses you back tentatively, and cups your face with his hand as he turns on his side to face you. His other hand gazes your side and settles on your hip, pulling you closer as his thumb grazes the waistband of your panties.
He’d imagined the first night here to be much more frantic, rough and desperate. Now, he’s realizing that there is such a luxury of time here, and he can afford to waste hours with you just like this. He wants to take his time with you, at least for now.
He slides his hand further down your body and he grips the back of your thighs, and he practically kneads your skin there, massaging and just letting his hands feel the softness of your skin. You let out a soft moan, and he smiles. He swells with pride knowing after all this time, he still has this affect on you.
Your hands rest on his chest, and you can’t help but let your hands wander up his arms and shoulders and then up his back, and you feel him shiver at the feeling of your nails grazing his skin. He pulls away from the kiss, and ducks down to kiss and bite on your neck and collarbone. He moves his hands up to hold your back as he repositions you both so he’s hovering over you. You sit up slightly to reconnect your lips with his and he seizes the opportunity to unhook your bra and tosses it somewhere onto the floor with the rest of the discarded clothes.
“Beautiful,” he sighs, pulling you back in for a heated kiss, his thumb stroking your cheek gently, as his hand rests on your jaw. His other hand runs down your side, and you can feel how warm his hands are compared to your skin. You run your hand through his hair as his tongue slides into your mouth. You gasp when you hear the ripping of fabric.
“Lee!” You exclaim when you realize he just ripped your panties off. You watch with wide eyes as he just tosses the torn material behind him like he did nothing and he has the most satisfied smirk on his face.
“What is it, honey?” he asks, leaning down and whispering in your ear, sounding innocent. He kisses just under your earlobe gently, almost like his lips barely grazed your skin. “Tell me what you want,” he says, and you can hear the amusement in his voice as you whimper at the feeling of his hands squeezing the sensitive skin of your thighs.
“You want my fingers, baby?” he asks, inching his hands closer up and pressing little kisses down your jaw and neck as he rubs teasingly on your clit. You can’t help but moan, and your hips move in response to his touches. You whimper, desperate for more attention from him. “Or do you want my tongue, sugar?” he mumbles before kissing you again and letting his tongue explore your mouth. You are an absolute mess already. Needy and desperate, practically unable to hold still because of the way he was still teasing you. “Tell me, sugar. Let me give you everything you want.”
“Your cock,” you manage to let out breathlessly, tugging at the waist of his boxers, “Please, honey… Lee, I need you so badly.”
“I love you,” he exhales against your skin, pressing kisses down your neck and chest as he pulls off his boxers. “Fuck, sweetheart, I can’t tell you enough,” he groans, as he pumps his cock. “Fucking love you so much.”
“I love you,” you whisper back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. His hands rest on the mattress so he’s hovering above you, and you moan as he presses into you. Your hands instinctively go to his shoulders and your sure you’re leaving little crescent indents behind on his skin. He knows your body so well and as he finds his rhythm; he can’t help but just mumble praises of how well you take him, and how beautiful you look.
He lifts one of your legs and rests it over his shoulder as he continues his movements, and you cry out at just how good he feels. He’s so captivated by you, the way your eyes flutter closed and you head falling back, the way your mouth gaps open at the sensation of his thrusts. He’s addicted to watching the way you react to him, even after all this time. He loves the feeling of moving to have your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and the way your fingers comb through his short hair. He loves the gentle and soft feelings of your palms and how that contrasts with the scratching of your nails, leaving red marks in their wake as you explore his back like you have a million times before.
“Lee…” you gasp, your chest rising and falling quickly, “I’m so close.”
He reaches down and rubs your clit as he continues his pace, and you moan at how overwhelmingly good his hand makes you feel. He can feel you, and the way your body responds to him, and he can feel how close you are. He doesn’t even think about himself, until he knows you finish. He’s chasing your high, kissing your swollen lips, rubbing circles on your clit and quickening his pace as he fucks you into the mattress. You cry out at the feeling as you cum, and at the feeling of your release, Lee’s follows.
He collapses next to you, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tries to catch his breath. He looks over to you, wide smile spreading across his face as he looks at you in your haze of just pure bliss. He leans over and kisses your temple.
“I’ll run us a bath.”
@scar-is-bi @jiminlife2k18 @asylummaniac01 @rosalynshields @charmed-asylum @jamesbuchananbuckybarnes1917 @alexandrathegreat3 @hersilencedscreams @malar-region @purplerain85 @vesper852 @smilewolfdolan @softshell-taco @champagnebucky @lilacmeadows @mollygetssherlockcoffee @bluebouquetcupcake29 @stucky-my-ship @moonliightbabes @sassy-kassaay @lharrietg @bbmommy0902 @hoe-for-sebstan @weenersoilderr @zombicupcake3 @hersilencedscreams @myriadofmagic @adelaide-walker @thedepressolit @samanthadegaro @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan @rebekahdawkins @letsfly-andbe-free @swiftieandthewintersoldier @iraot @witchybarb @teenagemutant  @weenersoldierr @greeneyedblondie44 @acciosiriusblack @captainofallfandoms @buckistan @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @femme-xx-fatale @chrisevansseagletattoo @lostgirl23sthings @myfandomcatchall @lowercasegenius @iss-vona @alexfms97  @fleetwood-mack  @vintagepigeon​ @dangerdolns @unsaltedalmonds @weenersoldierr​ @cspr-2​
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rebellconquerer · 3 years
if you're taking prompts then i would love “Why are we whispering?” with bucky/sarah!
This will be crossposted to AO3. Hope you like this little ficlet anon.
Bucky pulls into the restaurant parking lot feeling a little uncomfortable for a couple of reasons. Number one, even though it’s mid October, it’s still ridiculously hot in the Louisiana heat especially with him wearing a jacket and gloves.
Two, he’s already been recognized by four different people in the process of picking up the damn industrial refrigerator and that always leaves him feeling confused and vaguely nauseated.
And number three, Sarah doesn’t know it’s him that’s coming instead of Sam.
The last one isn’t a problem, per se. He’s spent a little bit of time in Delacroix since the Flag Smashers incident and he’s gotten to know Sarah. She’s… nice. Kind and smart and tough as nails in the most interesting way. She seems to like him fine enough, they might even be considered friends if he didn’t also tend to notice that she’s tall and curvy with a killer smile and great legs.
Bucky sighs to himself, getting out of the car. This train of thought isn’t helping anything. The new location for the restaurant is nice, halfway between Delacroix and New Orleans, just off the highway with the sound of the sea close enough to be soothing background noise. The sign is even already up over the main bay of windows. He walks up the little gravel path slowly, coming to the main entrance where the door is standing open, left ajar to let the sea breeze in as the AC is not on. He knocks on the door with his metal arm, the sound echoing into the partially furnished room.
“Hello?! Sarah?” he calls out, walking in.
Sarah's head pops up over the serving bar, a startled expression on her face.
“Bucky? What are you doing here?” she whispers to him.
He frowns. “Sam asked me to drop off your new fridge…” he says softly, pointing over his shoulder like an idiot.
“The new refrigerator?” she replies, leaning further over the serving bar to try and peek out the door. She looks back up at him gesturing him over.
He frowns, walking slowly through the swinging doors into the kitchen area. She grabs his hand as soon as he’s within reach, pulling him down aggressively. He drops into a low stoop, an expression of bemusement on his face.
“I didn’t even know you were in town,” Sarah says softly, turning to sit on the floor, her back against the wall.
“I came in on a military transport last night. You never know an exact time of arrival with those things. Sam didn’t even know when I'd be in.”
She gives him a mock glare. “Then where did you stay? You got a room in town didn’t you?” she whispers with disappointment.
He gives her a wry smile, nodding. She rolls her eyes.
“We told you, you always have a place with us. Even on no notice. How’d you end up running errands for my brother then?” she asks.
Bucky shrugs. “I’m just passing through town really, but I got tasked with bringing some documents to Sam. He said I might as well put the super strength to good use while he-”
“Shhh!” Sarah suddenly whispers harshly, her hand coming up to cover his mouth. He raises both eyebrows, barely breathing as the sound of little feet running passes on the other side of the serving wall. He and Sarah are huddled into each other, her dark eyes staring into his as they both go deathly still.
The running dies down and Sarah takes her hand back slowly, leaning away from him like that was a completely normal interlude.
“So you have my fridge then? In the back of the truck?” She asks, still whispering.
“Yes. Quick question though, why are we whispering?” he asks softly.
She purses her lips, eyes glinting with amusement and mischief. She shakes her head, seemingly at herself before she crawls away from him, towards the east wall of the kitchen.
Bucky very valiantly does not stare at her ass. He drops to his knees, following behind her. They stop in front of the professional range that she’s clearly in the middle of cleaning up. A small pile of cleaning solution and towels sits next to an ice cream sandwich in a cup,
He looks at her in question.
“Ms Kathleen, you’ve met her I think, couldn’t watch the boys today so I have them with me. It’s been a long day and I felt I deserved a little break and a treat,” she explains, picking up her ice cream sandwich.
He makes a face. “That still doesn’t explain the whispering.”
She fixes him with a look. “Clearly you don’t have children. My ice cream would quickly become our ice cream then it’s a very short trip to their ice cream.” She says reasonably.
Bucky can’t help the little shocked smile spreading on his face, “So we’re whispering because we’re hiding… from your children?” he mutters.
She looks him up and down, then reaches behind her into a little cooler he hadn’t even noticed and hands him his own little ice cream sandwich. He takes it from her slowly, examining the little wrapped snack. He doesn’t think he's had one of them since he was a kid in Brooklyn.
He drops to sit cross-legged in front of her, shooting her a small smile. “You realise this is a bribe,” he whispers, opening it.
She shakes her head seriously. “No, it’s a thank you for bringing me my refrigerator and helping me to unload it in 20 minutes at the end of my break.”
He chuckles softly. “Right. And during the next 20 minutes?”
She shoots him a playful smile, the warmth of it enough to make his heart stutter.
“For the next 20 minutes, we whisper.”
He takes a bite of his ice cream, the treat cool and sweet across his tongue. As far as bribes go, he’s had worse.
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See Something You Like? Epilogue
Pairing: Rebels Rex x Reader
Word Count: 2K
Warning: Yearning, teasing
A/N: 😚 😚 For all my lovely readers 💕
Making your way through the mess hall, you see you’ve beaten the lunch rush and quickly bee-line towards the caff station, filling up two mugs and putting them on a tray. Ria had commed you about meeting up on your break, and knowing how busy she was that morning, you decided to have a fresh cup waiting for her. You grab a couple hot plates, thanking the cook, and find a spot not too far from the entrance. As you sit down you keep an eye on the entrance so you can wave Ria over when she gets there. Taking a sip of caff, you settle in your seat and your mind drifts back to last night, and earlier this morning.
Rex had been a most thorough lover, and true to his word, hadn’t finished with you until the early hours of the morning, leaving you both exhausted and satisfied. You feel your face heat up when you think about all the sounds he coaxed out of you, the praises that dripped from his lips as he brought you to orgasm and the tender way he took care of you afterwards, making sure you were alright. What you most enjoyed was how he held you when you both drifted off, arms holding you close as your head rested on his chest, whispering how you were his sweet girl.
You can’t help the giddy smile that covers your face when you recall how grumpy Rex was earlier that morning. He had done his absolute best to persuade you to spend a few more hours with him in bed, but you had a meeting you couldn’t miss, and you had reluctantly left him pouting in the sheets as you got ready. Eventually, he too started getting ready for the day, though not without hinting at all the things he could be doing instead, with you and a mirror, brushing up against you and sneaking kisses when you weren’t paying attention. Needless to say you left your room a blushing mess, with Rex following not far behind, smirk plastered on his face.  
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t see Ria enter the mess hall and make her way over to the table. "Hello there, sunshine!” She calls out as she sits down, bringing you out of your daydreaming. 
“Ria, hey!” You say, passing her a cup and watching her clutch it to her chest, breathing the scent it in as if the steam alone would give her energy. “Long meeting?”
“You have no idea,” she groans after taking a sip “nerf herders can’t tell the difference between a gear shift and brake pedal.” 
You wince. “Ouch. Well, hopefully your afternoon will get better.” You perk up “Isn’t that new transfer set to arrive today?”
She looks at you suspiciously. “Where did this cheeriness come from?” She eyes you from over the rim of her cup “usually you’re right up there asking what other problems they’ve caused, and if I need help hiding a body.”
“No reason,” you say, laughing “just having a good morning, that’s all.”
Ria takes a moment to give you a look over while you sip your caff, before her eyes widen. “Omg! You got down and did the dirty dance!”
“Ria!” You groan “Do you have to say it like that?”
“What?” She says without remorse, “would you rather I call it the frisky foxtrot? Mattress mambo? Tantric tango?”
“Shhh! Someone will hear you!” You hiss, cheeks heating up as you look fervently around you, “where do you even come up with these things?”
“You’re not denying it,” she gives a little shriek of laughter, wiggling in place “you, my friend, got some good lovin’ and I need all the deets!” She gives you a look, “especially after all the stunts you pulled me into to avoid a certain someone.”
“I do not have to confirm or deny anything” you say, hiding behind your caff.
“You may not confirm anything, but your neck is certainly making a statement.” She leans over to pull the edge of your collar down “that’s quite the necklace you’re wearing there sunshine.”
You can feel your face turning three shades of red as you slap her hand away, hastily pulling the collar of your shirt up. “Ok! Ok, so maybe I had a bit of fun the other night, there’s no need to let the whole base know.”
Ria grins triumphantly “That’s more than just a bit of fun” she says, making the little air quotes “that’s a full on romp with the promise of a repeat” She wiggles her eyebrows comically and you can’t help but laugh, hearing her join in.
“Alright, yes, I did indeed do the dirty dance, as you said” you say once your laughter has died down. 
Ria makes the motion to continue, attention on you. “And? That can’t be all it was or else you wouldn’t be like this.” She motions to all of you “All glowy and really happy.” 
You give her a sly look “Let’s just say that he certainly has the moves to keep you coming back for more.”
Ria squeals and looks about ready to combust with all the questions you can see buzzing around her head. “So are you going to see him again? Or is it fated to be a one-night of lusty wonder?”
While you want to tell her all about Rex, you want to keep him to yourself for a bit longer so you keep your answer simple. “We’ve already planned to meet up again.” You duck your head shyly, smiling. “He makes me happy Ria, really happy.” You fiddle with your cup, looking back up at her “I didn’t think he’d feel the same way, but he does.” Your smile softens as you think of Rex and how he looked when you told him you wanted him by your side for a lifetime. The look of adoration is one you’ll treasure for years to come.
Ria looks at you in wonder, “Wow, he’s the real deal huh?” Watching you nod she squeals again, doing a little happy dance in her seat. “Best. News. Ever!”
A booming voice calls out close by “What’s the best news ladies?”
You and Ria both look over and see Gregor striding to you table, standing next to your seat. “Got yourself more excited than a restless Joopa.”
“No reason,” you say “just girl stuff.”
“But you’re more than welcome to join us.” Ria chimes in, gesturing to the seat. “We’re ‘bout to start venting about the doofs in engineering.” 
You know Ria and Gregor share shifts on the occasion, overseeing repairs and helping out with different teams, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Gregor to join you sometimes for meals. 
"Don’t mind if I do.” He sits down, big grin on his face, as he turns to face you. “I was actually looking for ya, figured I’d find ya here with this one.” He jerks his thumb towards Ria.
You point to yourself “Me?”
He nods “Mhmm. Was curious if ya’d seen Rex this morning. He missed training with Wolffe and I, and I thought ya might’ve seen’im”
You sputter and can see Ria giving you a calculated look, so you hurry to give an answer. “I’m not sure, but I thought I saw him when I was heading to the office. It looked like he was making his way towards the training room.” 
Gregor looks at you, a strange look in his eyes, and you try not to fidget in place. That, paired with the look Ria is giving you is making you antsy, and you wonder if you should just make up some excuse about paper work and dash away. Before you can say anything Gregor grins, giving you a thumbs up.
“Glad to hear it, thought he might have gone MIA for a moment there.” He lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret. “Wolffe can sometimes get pretty intense, especially during training. Likes to bring out the chompers if he hasn’t had a good meal.” He laughs at the looks you and Ria give him. “By the way, Rex said he wanted to talk to ya yesterday. Did he find ya?"
“Yes, down at the shooting range.” You huff, “we actually ended up having a bit of a competition, see who could hit the most targets without looking.”
Gregor looks intrigued “Oh? How’d that go for ya?” 
“l ate blaster dust.” You grin wryly “Let’s just say I won’t be challenging Rex to a shoot out anytime soon. Didn’t even stand a chance.”
“Was it the C-501 sim?” He asks. When you nod, he laughs “Ha! of course he’d win that one.”
“Oh?” You say confused, “Why’s that? It's only recently been added.”
“That’s because it was designed for us clones, way back on Kamino.” He leans in conspiratorially, “What the Kaminii didn’t realize was that it was too easy, so we ended up getting a little creative with it.”
“Creative how?” Ria leaned forward eagerly, soaking up this new information. You have to admit you’re intrigued as well. 
Gregor was really getting into in now. Checking to see there were no other eavesdroppers, he huddles the two of you closer. “Well, there were the usual things like spinning in place before firing, making noise before a shot,” he counts them off on his fingers “shooting from someones back, doing a handstand.” 
You and Ria just stare at him as he continues on his list. “But the best was hitting the targets without looking.” Here Gregor starts to grin, as if he was watching it himself “and no one was better then good’ol Rex." 
“Really!?” Ria jumps in before you can comment, “How did he do it? Blindfolded? Eyes closed?” She’s practically climbing out of her seat to get to him, not that she’s noticed. 
Gregor pushes his chair back to give himself some more room. “Well,” he says as he starts miming the actions. “He’d start off by facing the range, then he’d turn to his opponent. He’d make sure to look them straight in the eyes, something about establishing dominance, and then BLAM! Start firing each target.” He gives a hearty laugh “I’m not surprised ya didn’t win, he’s the reigning champ. No one has beaten him.”
Ria’s babbling on excitedly to Gregor, wanting to know all his secrets of the sims and training, but your mind has zoned out.
Reigning Champ? Never beaten? He already knew he was going to win, even before you had set the bet. You give a small huff of laughter, thinking back on his confidence, how easily he set you up in his trap. Well, well, you think to yourself looks like I got played for keeps. 
Your musing are interrupted when you hear Gregor call out a greeting to a couple rebels who walked into the room.
“Wolffe! Rex! Come over’ere!” He waves his arm wildly, as they make their way over.
You can’t help but stare as he makes his way over, a slight swagger in his steps. One could presume it’s just how he carries himself, with his military upbringing, but you know better. That’s the walk of a man who finally has what he wants, and is not afraid to show it. His eyes linger on you neck before meeting yours, a smirk pulling on his lips.
You smile back, mind already working out your next challenge. You were your town’s best racer for five seasons, before you joined the rebellion, and the base did have a couple racers lying around. Why not even the odds? Winner takes all.
Rex sits across from you, and you tilt your head to the side, just enough that he can see the marks on your neck, the others engaged in their own conversation. The look you give him sends his heart beating faster, the calculated look in your eyes promising an enticing reward. Knowing his attention is on you, you quickly mouth best two out of three? While he doesn’t respond, his eyes tell you his answer, sending a thrill to your core.
Challenge accepted.
Tag List  @samrubio @justanotherstarwarswhore @bvcketfvcker @grumpymuffinmama @justanothersadperson93 @fat-zygerrian @deewithani @idolized-sea-salt @i-am-bad-at-blogs
Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list.
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Prompt Fill: “Cold”
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I’m what they like to call not a clown but the entire circus. I’ve managed to delete one of the asks by accident, but rest assured I did see an anonymous prompter wish for “cold” or something to that effect...
Dear reader, it’s 3,3K words, so here we fucking go, lads.
Cleaned up and now also on Ao3
“A room and a bath,” Geralt says without even glancing at the barman, attention fully on the precious cargo in his arms.
“Hang on, Witcher, you can’t just–”
“You’ll get your coin,” he grits through his teeth, “but whether your head is still attached to your neck when you do is for you to decide. Room and a bath. Now.”
A key lands on the countertop. 
“Upstairs and second door on the right.”
 The man shouts to someone behind himself. “Ilde! Hot water for the Witcher, sharpish!” 
His senses turn from the foul stench of old ale and unwashed bodies and funnel inwards towards the shape of Jaskier. His bard moans softly and leans an icy forehead against Geralt’s neck. 
“Hmm?” Geralt murmurs against Jaskier’s hair.
He reeks of misery, sharp and undeserved. A great shiver runs through Jaskier, and Geralt tightens his hold around him.
“Cold water will do,” he grunts at the barman.
“As fast as you can,” Geralt says, grabbing the key and making for the stairwell.
Casting igni in the direction of the hearth, Geralt lays Jaskier out on top of a humble straw mattress and begins to undress him. There’s no cloak, and the fool’s doublet is wet through. It refuses to budge, but Geralt has one ear turned towards Jaskier’s heartbeat and doesn’t hesitate to rip apart the fabric to get to skin. It’s paler than it should be and cold to the touch – cold where on any other day it is warmth itself. His bard gravitates towards sources of heat like a stable cat to an opportune sunbeam, and to exist in his orbit is a blessing greater than any coin Geralt has ever earned. 
The ruined doublet hits the floor with a squelch. Geralt moves to grab Jaskier’s breeches, but a shaking hand stops him.
“I-I r-rather lik-ked that ‘n,” Jaskier says, looking if anything even more unhappy than before. 
His pulse spikes, and worry roils in Geralt’s gut. 
“Doublets are replaceable,” he says. He spares a quick squeeze to Jaskier’s fingers before pulling the breeches and boots off in one desperate, inelegant action.
Jaskier is not a small man, but now, sad and shivering on the cusp of blue-tinged infirmity, he hunches and curls, reducing himself. Geralt misses his all-encompassing business. 
“In here,” comes a voice from the hallway, followed by what looks like the barman and his entire family. Two boys roll a tub in and settle it in front of the fireplace, and the others empty several buckets worth of water into it. 
“More, go on,” Ilde says, and the troop leaves as quick as they come, casting wary glances at Geralt’s swords as they go. 
“W-we’ll h’ve t-to p-pay more,” Jaskier says.
Geralt frowns and throws a threadbare blanket on top of him, inadequate and dusty though it is. 
“If they get the rest of the water within the minute, they can have double.”
“Not double. They’ll ch-cheat you. Always d-do.” Jaskier clasps at the blanket. His hands, normally so clever and expressive, jerk with exhaustion and looming danger. “Not-t worth it.”
“Let me account for what value I keep,” Geralt says. “Not hush. You have to conserve energy.”
Geralt sits down and takes a hold of Jaskier’s hands.
He wraps his giant paws around Jaskier’s hands, feeling wiry strength and a lifeline beneath the cold. Pressing his lips to the gap between his own thumbs, he blows warm air into the space between them. When he looks up after the third blow, he finds Jaskier looking at him. He smells less scared now. There’s a thought dancing on the tip of the bard’s tongue, but Geralt gives him a quelling look.  
“Right,” Ilde says from the doorway, and buckets follow with the kind of efficiency born of a strong desire to done and elsewhere. In less than a minute they are alone once more, door closing with a firm press. 
A steady stream of controlled fire erupts from Geralt’s hand, and he guides it across the surface of the tub until steam rises like from Roach’s back when she’s been safely put to bed in a warm stall after a day of cold and damp. The water ripples as he tests the temperature.
“G-Geralt?” Jaskier is sitting up, blanket having dropped to the ground. “C-can I?”
“Hmm,” Geralt says. Jaskier’s heartbeat has yet to settle, but his lips have lost their frosty stiffness. Though dry and cracked, they look pinker and plumper than before. “It’s all for you.” 
Gathering Jaskier in his arms once more, he hurries to the tub. He lowers Jaskier as well he can, but when they break the water’s surface–
“Ow,” Jaskier hisses. “Ow, G-Geralt.”
“I’m sorry, but you have to–”
“Hurts,” Jaskier presses, turning his face into Geralt’s neck with the same blind faith as he had when Geralt had come across him only an hour earlier, sodden and lost on the mucky road to the northern realms. His face, however, is not defiant or proud. This is a quiet pain, and Geralt aches in a place he had long thought broken beyond the repair of all charity. 
“I know. Shhh. Hold on to me,” he says. “All in one go.” 
Hands tighten weakly around his arm, and then he sinks Jaskier into the tub.
He doesn’t yell.
He doesn’t yell, but he does whimper – small and vulnerable and a thousand leagues beneath the surface of what he is entitled. 
Geralt pulls his arms away.
“D-don’t g–”
“I’m not.”
Stripping down with stern efficiency, Geralt gets in the tub himself, taking care to not jostle Jaskier. Water spills over the side as he guides Jaskier against his chest, making sure to move his medallion so the sharp angles of the wolf’s head don’t do him harm. It is cramped, and he settles in to cover as much of Jaskier’s surface area with his own body. They sit with their knees bent and peaking out of the water like make-believe islands – an archipelago of muscle and bone.
“How are you feeling?”
Jaskier breaths deeply and leans his face against Geralt’s shoulder. 
“Like I’m b-being poked by a h-hundred n-needles.” 
Geralt draws an arm around Jaskier’s chest, using his other hand to cover one of Jaskier’s knees. 
“I-I’m so...I shouldn’t h-hav–”
He shakes his head. Jaskier must feel it for he falls silent again.
Jaskier falls asleep in the tub with Geralt wrapped around him like a giant octopus from out of a Skelligan skald. The rhythm of his heart gradually calms to his regular song – almost bird-like by Geralt’s reckoning. Twice he warms the bathwater, content to let his meditation be guided by the measure of Jaskier’s recovery. He wills his own warmth to seep from his skin and through Jaskier’s, and if something else should flow with it, then he reckons he is far too old to be duplicitous now. 
“You needn’t stay on my account.”
Geralt looks down into the wild blue yonder.
“Do you want me to go?” he asks.
The thought sits awkwardly in him, pinching with the discomfort of new shoes. 
“I want you to do what you want to do.”
“Stay,” Jaskier says on the wave of a quiet exhale. Geralt watches the word’s traces whisk across the water and sends a small flicker of flame after it. Steam rises once more, and Jaskier sighs, and it sounds acceptably content.
“How are you feeling?”
“Much better. On the whole, practically divine.”
There’s a snobbish artfulness to Jaskier’s tone now, and Geralt allows himself the press of a smile against Jaskier’s hairline. 
“Better or worse than a weekend with the Countess de Stael?”
“Darling, must you? I’ve quite reached my limit with humiliation for today.” There’s a tightness to his lips as Jaskier speaks, and Geralt frowns.
“Will you tell me why you were on the road, no cloak or lute to be seen?” 
Jaskier looks down, and his scent turns abruptly with embarrassment, smelling faintly like something is burning. 
“I suppose I’ll have to tell you.” He looks up with a tinge of defiance in his eyes, but it’s no hardship for Geralt to keep looking at him. “But you’ll have to earn it first.”
“Wash my hair?”
There is life in his cornflower blues again, and that is reward enough for any challenge. Without a word, Geralt gets up and out of the tub. Water drips all over the creaky floorboards as he makes for the saddlebags brought up by one of the boys. His nose guides him to a bottle of oil scented with mild lavender, and he picks up a cup on his way back to Jaskier. 
With pink-tinged cheeks, Jaskier watches him climb back in behind him.
“I didn’t mean–”
Geralt huffs. 
“Yes you did. Hush.”
Cup in hand, Geralt guides Jaskier’s head into a tilt and scoops water over his hair, using his other hand to block the water from running into the bard’s eyes.
“You know, telling me to hush really isn’t as charming as your dour self might imagine.”
“Try sitting quietly in the knowledge of being,” Geralt says, feeling his lip twitch with the sort of maddening lack of control that eases into existence whenever Jaskier is around.
“Unbearable. Take that back.”
“Close your eyes.”
Jaskier closes his eyes immediately, and Geralt finds he has to swallow past all his want at the blatant display of trust. He spills some oil into his palms and wonders if Jaskier would let him do this if he knew the true shape of Geralt’s heart. Whole kingdoms believe it to be nonexistent or at the very least shrivelled and decaying. Jaskier thinks different. If he is to be believed, Geralt’s heart is like a honeyed bun – warm and dripping with a sweetness that Geralt knows was exterminated the second he saw Kaer Morhen rise in front of his too-young eyes. Little does Jaskier know that if you were to open Geralt’s chest and break it open past ribs and sinew and hold his heart, you would find it alternatingly smooth like silk chemises and rough with fingertip callouses, beating a rhythm to whatever tune it pleases. 
“Are you alright, darling?”
Jaskier has tilted his head back even further to look at him nearly upside down.
“Sorry,” Geralt mutters, hurrying to start to run his hands through Jaskier’s hair. It is brown and short and soft to the touch. With every turn of his hands, he washes away the smell of Jaskier’s hurt and replaces it with lavender and his own touch.
“Did I say divine before? I must have lost my wits. This is my religion.”
Geralt feels a chuckle rumble up his throat and into the still bedroom air. Eyes closed again, Jaskier seems to settle in on his own terms, and Geralt is more than happy to let him.
“Did you know there was an inventor from the southern continent – further south even than Nilfgaard – who discovered the measurement for density by sitting in a bathtub?”
Jaskier prattles on about mathematics and science and a man running naked down cobbled streets, and Geralt lets the sound of his voice cleanse him of all worries. He finishes washing Jaskier’s hair, and rinses it with the cup. Afterwards, he gathers more oil and settles his hands across Jaskier’s shoulders. There’s a hitch in Jaskier’s throat as Geralt begins to gentle the oil into soft, pale skin.
Geralt frowns.
“Are you cold again?”
“No.” Jaskier’s voice sounds small.
“May I continue?”
Jaskier’s chest expands with a visible breath.
“Please,” he says, shoulders gaining a healthy dusting of pinkish glow. He starts talking again when Geralt continues to oil his skin, Jaskier moving on to a fevered and slightly panic-tinged monologue about the Cintran sonnet form.
Jaskier’s body is strong beneath him. His skin bears only a few scars from youthful mishaps and a characteristic refusal to be left behind. There is one running length of his back that he earned as a boy slipping down a rocky hill. Another – much smaller – has nicked his ear from when he did not move fast enough away from a drowner’s grasp. Geralt remembers tending to the wound in a furious silence, and he also remembers the apologetic look of abject misery that trailed him for a full week thereafter. It is the longest he has ever heard Jaskier be quiet, and he is grateful the bard has never again felt cause to curb his words in his presence.
I love him, Geralt thinks. 
It’s not the first time he’s thought it, and he knows it will not be the last. He will carry the knowledge with him for however many centuries he may have left, and he will die with its truth glowing in every part of his body – an idea so well lived and nurtured that when his rotting corpse becomes earth once more around him will grow a ring made of dandelions and buttercups.
They have bathed together many times, but though Jaskier washes him after practically every monster fight, Geralt has until now not had the opportunity to return the favour. In the beginning he had no desire to. After that he had no cause to. Now, as he watches Jaskier’s nervous energy dispel at every gentle touch of Geralt’s hand, he thinks that perhaps he’s never needed more cause than that he wishes to. 
Geralt may not have as much experience as Jaskier when it comes to bathing another person, but he finds it comes easy when he thinks of how Jaskier bathes him. He thinks of Jaskier’s hands on him, soothing touches on bruised skin – careful even when minor wounds have long healed. He thinks of clever fingers massaging his neck and back. He thinks of timid motions turning methodical with confidence for every evening spent plucking endrega entrails out of white hair. At Jaskier’s waist, Geralt’s hands still. He thinks of – he thinks of how he himself has only ever given impersonal washes to his brothers, cleaning the necessary wounds and skirting quickly past the groin to everyone’s better happiness. He thinks of two nights ago – on the cusp of their yearly parting – how Jaskier had cleaned his thighs, his hips, the vee of his abdomen… 
He thinks of Jaskier with a washcloth, strong with tender caress between Geralt’s fingers – between Geralt’s toes. 
He thinks of the care and acceptance that saturates every action. 
He thinks Jaskier certainly deserves it. He deserves to have the same love – for love he now realises it is – reflected back at himself with as much willingness and devotion. And for that reason alone he shall have it.
Jaskier’s left knee has a thick scar on it from when he tried to ride Roach without permission and she dumped him in a field.
“Darling? Your face looks very Geralt-y.”
He looks to see Jaskier’s face inches from his own.
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
“Brooding? Plotting? Dreaming? I haven’t the foggiest. What are you thinking about?”
“I think our knees look like islands.”
Silence falls save for the occasional sound of a drop of water hitting the now tepid bath and the comforting crackle of the fireplace. Geralt feels Jaskier’s toe twitch next to his own before he shifts, leaning back against Geralt’s chest, and raises his leg straight up into the air.
“I suppose that makes our leg hairs the islanders,” Jaskier says in such perfect sincerity. 
Geralt swallows.
“Where is your lute?”
He feels rather than hears Jaskier’s sigh as he puts his leg back into the water.
“Hopefully still back at the Squealing Pig.”
For a second, Geralt is stunned.
“I left it–”
“On purpose?” 
Geralt doesn’t think his eyebrows could rise any higher if he willed them to.
“Of course not! Well, perhaps. Not really, though. It’s hard to explain.”
“You left.”
As if in agreement, they both pause to let that short truth hang in the air like a brightly coloured flag. 
“I left because it’s winter. We always part for winter.”
“I know.”
“You even hugged me goodbye and waved me off.”
“I know.”
“I know.” Jaskier digs his forehead into Geralt’s clavicle so hard it hurts, but Geralt finds he has no intention to ever ask him to move. “I know I did, and then I woke the next day, and you were gone, and I felt like something was missing, and then I forgot my lute and my bag and my cloak, and I set off after you.”
There’s a warmth brewing beneath Geralt’s skin, and it ignites at every touchpoint shared between them. 
“And then it snowed,” he says.
“And then it snowed,” Jaskier says, “and it was too late to go back, but I didn’t have my cloak, and I didn’t have my lute so I could play my way to a room. So I kept walking, but it was so cold, and I got lost, and then…”
I love him, Geralt thinks.
“And then you fell asleep in the woods,” Geralt says.
Jaskier rests his hand over Geralt’s heart.
“And then you found me,” he says.
“And you scared me half to death,” Geralt says. 
“And here we are.”
“Hmmm,” Geralt sounds and does not know what to say. Words leap out of Jaskier like pufflballs in a summer breeze, scattering dandelion seeded meaningfulness all across the northern continent. He doesn’t know what to say, and so he gentles his hand down Jaskier’s side, curls his legs up more, and brings Jaskier even closer to him. Jaskier gasps into his neck as Geralt settles him in his lap, and then – slowly, tentatively, achingly – arms come around Geralt’s shoulders. Geralt turns his head and nudges Jaskier’s nose with his own, their foreheads resting together in a pleasure so perfect that where he to die in the morning he would do so with the knoweldge that he knew the touch of happiness. 
Hands caress through his hair and cup the side of his face, a thumb stroking back and forth over his cheek, and he can feel it’s well pruned from the water. Jaskier gasps again, almost as if on a sob, but no tears come.
“Geralt, I–” he croaks, faltering as he draws the knuckles of his right hand up and down Geralt’s neck. “Geralt, I think you’re the most magnificent…” 
He tightens his arms around Jaskier and feels his every breath dance across his lips. 
“I think you’re the most magnificent person I’ve ever met. You’re–” Jaskier laughs and shakes his head so their foreheads rub together. “Geralt, I don’t even have the words, I–”
“I do,” Geralt says.
Jaskier blinks.
“Y–you do?”
I love him, Geralt thinks.
“I love you,” Geralt says, not for a second looking away from Jaskier’s face so that he may see the hope, the surprise, and the happiness write themselves across him like an open book. And here they come, and there they go, and here love is to stay. 
Jaskier makes a noise – relief and desperation all in one – and then cracked lips are on his own, and Geralt kisses back. He kisses soft, he kisses gentle, and he kisses joy. 
“You really did know what to say,” Jaskier laughs.
“Mmm,” Geralt says, kissing him again. 
Jaskier cups his face between both hands. 
“Dear heart, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says and draws breath as if to continue on forever and ever. 
Geralt kisses him one more time, feeling Jaskier’s lips curve up into a helpless smile.
“Not the most complicated rhyme scheme you’ve ever come up with, my lark,” he murmurs. 
“Darling,” Jaskier laughs, “I’ll write you so many songs.”
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years
From the prompts! “Watch me” 👀
Thank you for the prompt!!! Send me more prompts
I’m so sorry!!!!!!
My Only Sunshine
Lily woke with a start.
Harry’s shrill screams filled the house once more. She groaned and collapsed back onto her pillow. The baby had been so lovely for the first few weeks of his life, but at one-month-old, all hell broke loose. Almost nothing made him happy. Not his soft blue blanket, not the mobile of quidditch players flying on brooms that hung above his crib (a gift from Uncle Sirius), and certainly not his sweet, well-meaning father. Nothing, it seemed, but her own soothing touch.
“James,” She grunted, face-down on her pillow, “it’s your turn.”
There was no answer.
Lily stilled. It wasn’t like James to ignore his fatherly duties, even at 3 o’clock in the morning. With her face still pressed into her pillow, Lily stretched out her left arm and felt for James next to her. She met only covers. Cold covers.
Lily sat bolt upright. “James?” She called, trying to keep the panic at bay. Where had James gone? He knew he wasn’t supposed to leave the house, ever. Dumbledore had been very clear about the rules of the protective charms that guarded their cottage. No venturing beyond the far gate, not even with the invisibility cloak.
She swung her legs off the side of the bed and grabbed her robe. No, James was surely just downstairs. Perhaps he had woken up for a glass of water and fallen asleep on the couch again. She hurried past the door to their bedroom, trying not to feel guilty that her child was still screaming bloody murder in the other room. James’ disappearance was more pressing at that moment. She had just reached the top landing when she heard soft whispers from Harry’s room.
Lily let out a deep sigh of relief. She was being stupid. Of course, James was with Harry. She padded down the hallway and leaned against the nursery’s doorway.
The light from Harry’s yellow nightlight outlined James’ profile. He was hunched over in the blue rocking chair, frantically attempting to rock the squirming child back to sleep. “Shhh,” he hushed desperately, swinging Harry from side to side, “it’s alright, Dada’s here, please go back to sleep. I’ll give you five galleons if you stop crying.”
Lily snorted. “James,” she said softly so that she wouldn’t startle her sleep-deprived boyfriend, “you can’t bribe a baby into going back to sleep.”
“Watch me,” James muttered as Harry screamed again.
Lily frowned. She could hear the stress in James’ voice. She walked toward him and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.
“Hey,” she whispered, “are you okay?”
“Do I look bloody okay?” he said distractedly. Harry’s shrieks had grown so ferocious she worried his head would explode with the effort. “He won’t stop crying. I’ve tried everything. I tried Padfoot,” he motioned to the black stuffed-dog that lay abandoned next to the rocking chair (a gift from Uncle Remus), “and the blanket and that swaddling technique Molly told you about, and nothing’s working. He hates me. He only wants you.”
“You know that isn’t true.” She tried to sound reaffirming, but she knew how futile her words were.
James rounded on her. His eyes were red-rimmed and dull. He searched her face as if the answer to silence his son was etched upon it. “Here.” He held the baby out to her. Harry’s face was bright red and covered in tears. “Take him. He’ll calm down when he gets away from his useless dad.”
She hesitated. On the one hand, she knew how it would look to James if their son stopped screaming as soon as he was safely in her arms. On the other, the cries were starting to make her head ache. She gingerly accepted the child, bounced him softly a few times, and whispered, “Hello, sweetheart, Mumma’s here.”  
Harry immediately stopped crying. His breathing slowed, and he reached a tiny hand up to grab a strand of her hair. Lily used all her remaining strength not to smile too hard at this display. She could feel James’ disappointment hanging thick in the air between them. Then, to her horror, James burst into tears.
“Oh, not you too, love,” she sunk to her knees in front of James, clutching Harry to her chest, “we’ve just got him to rest. It’s going to be alright.”
“I’m s-s-sorry,” James buried his face in his hands, “I’m just exhausted. I just want him to want me too, you know?”
“I do,” she rested her hand on James’ knee and squeezed gently, “he does want you, James. He’s just a baby, he doesn’t know what he needs.”
James wiped his eyes with his t-shirt, his chest heaving as he tried to slow his breaths. “I know. It’s stupid, really.”
“It’s not stupid,” she said fiercely, “right now he’s driven only by instinct. For some reason, he likes my smell or my voice or whatever it is, but someday he’s going to be bloody obsessed with you.”
James lifted his bloodshot eyes to her. “Yeah?”
“Are you kidding?” She grinned, and cupped his cheek in her free hand, “Gryffindor quidditch champion Chaser? Best prankster Hogwarts has ever seen? Soldier on the front lines of The Order? You’ll be his hero.”
James scoffed. “Yeah. Less of a hero these days, though.”
“Stop it,” she gripped his leg tighter, “that isn’t your fault.”
He sighed. “I know. I just feel so cooped up here. And you have Harry and he has you, and I just want to be useful too. I can see how tired he makes you, but I can’t even stop him crying in the dead of night.”
Lily smiled softly. “You are useful, James. You’re my sunshine.” He laughed at the reference to an old muggle song she’d taught him to sing to the baby. “I couldn’t do any of this without you. Here,” she stood up and handed the bundle of blankets to James, “he’s not crying now, let him fall asleep in your arms.”
“Lily, no,” James scrambled away from her, “don’t, he’ll just scream again.”
“He won’t!” She pressed the baby into his arms more insistently, “Come on, let him fall back to sleep, and then we can finally get some sleep of our own.”
James looked at her uneasily, but finally relented and accepted his son. Harry stirred as he settled into James’ chest. James froze, clearly afraid to provoke the baby, but Harry just snuffled softly. After a few quiet minutes, he was fast asleep.
James beamed up at Lily. “Holy shit, I did it!” he whispered excitedly, “I’m an amazing dad!”
“Yes,” Lily breathed, “but I don’t think amazing dads say the s-word in front of their newborns. Come on, let’s put him down and get to bed.”
“Nah, you go,” James gazed down at his son, beaming stupidly down at him, “I’m going to sit with him a bit. Remind him that he’s got a kick-butt dad in addition to a wonderful mum.”
Lily rubbed James’ back soothingly. “Fair enough. Just don’t stay up too late, yeah? There’ll be plenty more baby duty when the sun comes up.”
“Aye aye, captain.” James grinned, then caught her hand and kissed her palm. “Get some sleep.”
She nodded, then turned her back on the peaceful pair. She paused in the hall just outside the nursery door. Could hear James singing under his breath.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know dear how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.”
James sang the last phrase slowly, his voice wavering slightly. She pressed a hand into her mouth so that James would not hear the desperate sob that escaped her. It was moments like this where she realized how much they had to lose.
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
daddy’s girl > andy barber
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|| pairing: andy barber x black!reader
|| word count: 4,458
|| warnings: DD/lg, age play, smut, sex, vaginal fingering, thigh riding, praise kink, language words
|| note: this is based on @honeychicanawrites​ incredible headcanon about being andy’s little and having to deal with neal flirting with you while at work. i hope this is okay... this is my first DD/lg fic, so I’ve been obsessing over getting the details right.. which i hope i did...
gifs are from google. if you made them, or if you know who did, let me know :)
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You stand at the copier, biting down on your lip as you zone out while the loud machine runs. It beeps after a second of it being finished and you blink, grabbing your copies before you turn and sit your stack on the counter behind you. You grab the stapler and start separating the copied pages, stapling together a small packet before you move onto make a new one.
You jump and gasp when a hand slips up your skirt and drags along your thigh, “Andy, stop it.”
A broad chest is soon crushed to your back, two hands are around your middle, and two lips nip at your jaw before skimming upward to nibble on your earlobe, “I’m so glad you work with me, baby. I get to tease you all day.”
You click your teeth and roll your eyes playfully, pushing your back into him to try and get him to back away, “You want me to keep working for you, don’t you? We can’t get caught!”
“We won’t,” he whispers as his hands move up to cup your breasts, “Who’s gonna catch us?”
You turn to face him, your eyes wide, your mouth open as you try to speak but before you can, his lips are on yours. He kisses you hard and cups the back of your head with his large hand, pulling you closer (if that’s even possible). You moan, running your hands up his forearms and biceps until they rest on his shoulders. You accept his tongue into your mouth, letting it run along yours before he sucks on it softly. He pulls away from you, but not very far, just enough so that he can lick the inside of your mouth and your top lip.
“Tell daddy you like working with him.”
His voice is so deep, so firm, that it sends a shock right to your core. You feel yourself slipping into your little space at just the name tripping off of his tongue. Daddy. You love making your daddy happy, any time, and usually any place, but... You toss your eyes around and bite down into your lip, “Andy,” you whisper, starting to rock your foot back and forth to resist the urge.
“You’re right,” He groans, resting his forehead to yours, “You’re just so fucking cute.”
You giggle, throwing your arms around his neck, “Maybe we can take a long lunch,” you suggest, kissing his cheek, “You can buy me a happy meal.”
“Sounds like a deal, baby girl.” He chuckles, pulling you back in to kiss your forehead.
He starts to pull away, but you stop him, grabbing his wrist, “You can finger me now, though.” You shrug, “If you want.”
He raises his eyebrow as a smirk crosses his face, “Goddamn, I love you.” He says, slipping his hand around your waist. He pushes his large hand into your panties, his middle finger sliding between your lips to tease your slit.
You grip the lapels of his jacket and grip them in your hands as he forces your legs wider. He plays with you, flicking and rubbing his fingers over your clit until your dripping - which takes little, to no time at all. He teases your opening with his middle finger, then pushes three of his thick digits inside of you, making you squeal. 
“Fuck,” you squeak, “Andy.”
He pumps his fingers hard, his palm slamming against your clit as he fucks you up against the supplies counter. He starts to nibble on your neck again, teeth and lips nipping and biting, sucking and licking as you drop your head to his shoulder. He gets a firm grip around your waist with his free arm as he curls his fingers inside of you, massaging your insides with the tips of his fingers. 
You slam your eyes shut and bite down on his shoulder, his jacket still balled in your fists. You groan loudly, but Andy is quick to cover your mouth, “Shhh, shh, shh,” he coos into your ear, “Quiet, baby.”
He grabs your hair, pulling hard on the ends to tilt your head up towards his. He stares down at you, his warm breath washing over your face as his blue eyes pierce your brown ones. His tongue snakes out from behind his pink lips to lick your mouth, from your chin, all the way up to the tip of your nose slowly as he continues to pummel your tight, little pussy with his fingers. 
You let your head go limp, your eyes close as your body rocks with his fingers - that pull forming in the pit of your stomach. Your body tightens and you hear him growl under his breath, he knows your close.
“God, you are so good,” he groans, “Come on, baby.”
You whine, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you start to writhe as a warmth starts to spread through your veins and across your skin. Just a little more… a few more strokes and you’ll - 
“Andy? You in here?”
You jump at the male voice coming from outside the room. You both snap your heads towards the door, “Yeah, I uh, we’ll be out in a second. Trying to get some paperwork ready.”
“Lynn wants to see us.”
“Okay,” Andy answers quickly, anger flashing through him, “Give me a minute, will you Neal?”
“She sounds irritated.” Neal continues from outside.
“Goddamn it!” Andy hisses, pulling his fingers out of you, “Fuckin’ asshole.” He pulls your skirt down, smoothing his hands along your hips to situate your clothing. He kisses you quickly before stuffing his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean, “I’ll take care of you at lunch, promise.”
“Really?” You shriek, your eyes wide as they follow him to the door.
“It’s not me! It’s that fuckin’ prick -”
“Andy?” Neal knocks again.
“I’m coming! Jesus!”
Without another word, he pushes away from you and heads for the door. You spin around on your heels to face the wall and avoid Neal’s prying eyes as the door opens behind you. You staple some papers, trying to keep it together until the door closes again before you nearly collapse. You drop the stapler and rest your weight against the counter, dropping your head as you push out ragged breaths. Fucking Neal. 
You know he did it on purpose. Lynn was just fine before he walked into her office just mere minutes ago. He’s been sniffing around your desk for weeks, slipping in little come on’s and pick up lines into your conversations, all of which you have brushed off and politely declined. He’s starting to get more aggressive - buying you lunch, walking you to the elevator at the end of the day, actively butting into you and Andy’s conversations. Andy has definitely taken notice. Their feud has intensified ten-fold since you’ve started working there to the point where you can feel the contempt between them. 
Andy knows you’re all his. He knows there is nothing in this world that could ever tear you away from him - but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous. Your stomach starts to twist at the thought of how angry he’ll be for the rest of the day, not being able to make you come. He’ll be brimming with anger, but what’s more, frustration. He’ll keep his eyes on you all day, making mental notes on every time you laugh too hard at one of Neal’s jokes, or get a little too close for his liking.
You don’t want your daddy mad. 
You finish up with the packets, slowly, giving yourself some time to calm down and recalibrate before you push back out into the bullpen. You sit the stack of papers on his desk and start rearranging it slightly, putting various pens back into the small wire holder, straightening up file folders and loose papers, even grabbing a tissue to wipe away any excess dust on his computer monitor and keyboard before you exit. He likes order. That’ll make him feel better.  
Your mind races as you move back to your desk, your thighs sticking together from the wetness still splashed on them. You sit, shaking the mouse to bring your computer back to life and cross your legs, squeezing them together tightly, sending another quick jolt through you. Hell, you should be the angry one. You’re the one whose orgasm was ruined. You’ll have to deal with this aching burn between your legs for the rest of the day, unable to procure any sort of release until you’re home with daddy. 
If he isn’t too angry by then, that is.
Your stomach twists again. Lunch! That’s it, you’ll order his favorite lunch, that new little Japanese place. Then you two can go out to his car, drive around the block and have him obliterate your pussy while telling you how much he loves his baby girl in the backseat of that beautiful, expensive Audi. Yes. You grab your phone from your purse and scroll through your calls list, finding the number and tapping on it right when you see Andy, Neal, and Lynn emerge from her office. 
Andy’s face is flushed red as he runs his hand through his hair angrily. Neal looks equally as annoyed - his hands in his pockets as he sucks on his teeth. You swallow hard as Andy walks past your desk, not even making the smallest attempt at any eye contact. Fuck. You mumble his order into the phone once the cashier answers and hang up quickly, glancing over your shoulder at Andy’s open door. 
He’s slumped in his chair, his chin in his hand, his fingers crossed over his lips as he stares at his computer screen. You turn back to your computer and click on your IM’s, typing out a quick message.
We can skip the happy meal… I ordered lunch for you. That Japanese place you like.
Your shoulders slump a little at the short response. Usually, you’d get a little emoji, or a thank you baby, never just fine. He’s mad. Goddamn Neal. 
“Hey. I haven’t seen you all day.” Neal smiles as he moves towards your desk.
You take a breath and push it out through your nose before you swallow again, “I’ve been busy.”
“Yeah,” he says softly, tossing his eyes towards Andy’s office, “Barber keeps you plenty busy, huh?”
You nod, “He’s a busy man. He is the assistant district attorney after all.”
Neal cuts his eyes towards you once he registers your little dig. He smirks and sends his eyes towards the ceiling as he takes a breath. You uncross your legs and start tapping on your keyboard, hoping that he’ll catch the hint that you’re busy and leave you alone - but it backfires. You catch a whiff of yourself, your carnal scent from your still slick muscles, and cross your legs quickly again but it’s too late. You send your eyes to Neal as he squints his eyes and then quickly looks back down at you. 
His brown eyes bounce back and forth between yours as a slow, sly smile spreads on his lips. He then glances back towards Andy. You sit back in your chair when he sits on the corner of your desk , unable to wipe the smile off of his face. You feel a pair of eyes on you, burning a hole in the back of your head and your stomach flips again. 
Neal leans into you, sniffing the air, “That’s a wonderful scent,” he says loudly, as if he wants a certain someone to hear, “What is that?”
“Chanel no. 5.” You smile, not playing his little game. 
He nods slowly, humming slightly, “It’s nice.”
You blink back at him, squinting slightly as your eyes bounce between his, “Thank you.” You respond flatly, leaning back up in your seat to grab your mouse again.
You sneak a glance up at him, blinking as you catch him staring back into Andy’s office. You turn your head, swallowing again as you glance back at Andy. He stares at Neal, an angry smirk on his face as he leans back in his chair. He blinks and shifts his eyes to you - the smirk dropping from his face as he twists back and forth slowly in his chair. Your lips part as you stare back at him, begging him with your wide eyes to not be mad - but he just turns his head and blinks back at his computer screen. 
You turn back and face your computer. Fuck.
“Are you seeing anybody?”
Neal’s question makes your breath hitch in your throat. You feel those eyes on the back of your head again -  feel your heart fall into the pit of your stomach, “N-no.” You answer softly, keeping your eyes firmly on your email. 
Nobody knows about the two of you - nobody. You both agreed it was better that way so you could work directly underneath him. If Lynn finds out, she’ll reassign you, if not fire you all together. 
“Really? A pretty little thing like you? Shit,” Neal smiles, glancing off in the distance, “Barber hasn’t tried to snap you up yet?”
You snap your head towards him, “Mr. Barber is a professional, and so am I, Mr. Logiudice.”
He throws his hands up, “I get it, I’m not implying that you aren’t. It’s just, you know, Andy has a type, that’s all.”
“What’s that?” You ask briskly, anger starting to bristle just underneath the surface. 
He shrugs, “Brunettes,” he smiles again, looking you up and down, “Why don’t you have dinner with me sometime?” You open your mouth to speak, but he cuts you off, “You don’t work for me, there wouldn’t be any impropriety here.”
“I don’t think so, Neal. I’m just trying to focus on myself right now. Listen, Mr. Barber’s food is going to be here at any minute, so,” You stand, grabbing your purse, “I’m gonna go grab it.”
You move around the desk, tucking your clutch underneath your arm. Just as you pass by him, Neal reaches out and grabs your arm, stopping you. You turn to face him and watch as he drags his hand down your arm slowly, his fingertips caressing your soft skin as they move, “Just give me a call, hm? You have my number.”
You blink back at him, your mouth hanging open as your eyes bounce between him. You glance quickly over your shoulder but turn back just as fast, not even wanting to see the look on Andy’s face. You pull out of Neal’s grasp and take a step away from him before you hear a door slam behind you. 
You turn, watching as Andy pushes past between you and Neal, brushing against him hard enough to make him stumble slightly, “What the fuck, Barber?” Neal growls.
“Mr. Barber?” You call, “Where are you-”
“I’m leaving for the day. Transfer my calls to my phone.” He doesn’t even turn around. 
“But, you’re lunch, it’ll be-”
“I’ll get something on the way home.”
He turns the corner and is out of sight within seconds. You stand there, completely dumb founded, staring at the space where he once was. Neal shoves his hands back into his pockets and stands tall behind you, “Somebody is touchy today.”
You scoff, “You’re such a jerk, Neal.” 
“I’m a jerk? What did I do?” he smiles, “I thought you said you were single.”
“I am.” You hiss, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Does he know that?”
You roll your eyes hard and scoff again, “Piss off, will you?”
“Oooh,” he chuckles, “Feisty.” 
You stomp away from him angrily, your heels clicking against the marble floor. You feel Neal’s eyes on you until you disappear. You pull out your phone as you move towards the large front doors, pushing out into the warm Boston day. You tap on Andy’s name and bring it to your face, biting down into your lip as it rings and rings and rings. 
You’ve reached Andy Barber. Leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you.
“Andy,” you whisper, “Daddy, please answer the phone. Don’t be mad at me.”
You tap the end call button and immediately call back, still getting his voicemail. You call a third time. It rings twice and then goes to voicemail. You call again - it goes straight to voicemail. 
“Shit.” You whine, stomping your foot.
Tonight is not going to be fun.
You pull into the driveway and park next to his Audi. Your stomach is in knots, you’ve been dreading this moment all day, but at the same time, you can’t wait to burst through the door and confess your love for him - get down on your knees if you have to. You just want him to know that no one could ever steal you away from him. 
You move into the house through the back door, closing it softly behind you as you walk into the kitchen, “Daddy, I’m home.” You call.
You don’t get an answer in return. You can hear the TV playing in the living room, Eddie Murphy’s distinctive laugh filling your ears. You sit your purse on the table and start pulling at the bottom of your blouse, wrapping it around your fingers as you start to make your way into the living room. As soon as you spot him on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest, his mouth set in a hard line, his jaw tight, you drop your eyes to the floor and grab your fingers in your other hand, rubbing them hard. 
You roll your ankle, pushing your foot over onto the side, rocking it back and forth as you start to fidget uncontrollably. You ring your fingers in your hand, bite your bottom lip, and blink nervously as you stare at the floor. He finally turns towards you, his eyes hard, his lips tight as he plays with your favorite pink bows in his hand.
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap.”
You bound towards him quickly. You stop just long enough to unzip your shoes, tossing them to the floor before you sit squarely in his lap, throwing your arms around his neck. He’s fuming, his face still red, his eyes dark, but he sweeps your straightened hair out of your face before he cups your cheeks, “He’s trying to take you away from me.” He whispers. 
“No daddy,” you say quickly, your voice higher pitched and innocent as you start to regress further, your words slurring slightly, “I’m all yours, he’s not gonna steal me away.”
“You have his number?” He asks, squinting up at you as he recalls the conversation from earlier.
“No!” You exclaim, shaking your head vehemently, “Check my phone daddy, it’s not in there.”
His blue eyes bounce between yours, “Are you lying to me?”
You start to pout, poking your bottom lip out as you furrow your brow, “I don’t lie to daddy.”
“You better not. What does lying get you?”
You huff, crossing your arms over your chest, “A disappointed daddy.” You hate disappointing him.
“And?” He presses further.
“No tweats for a whole day.”
He nods, taking a deep breath before he pushes it out of his nose. You play with the hem of his shirt, casting your eyes away from his and down to your fingers, “Please don’t be mad at me, daddy.” You say softly.
He clicks his teeth after a few seconds, “I’m not mad at you, baby. It’s that fucking asshole, Neal. He just fuckin’,” his words trail off as he sends his eyes towards the windows, his entire body tensing beneath you, “Daddy’s sorry, baby.”
“It’s otay,” You whisper, “He’s not gonna steal me away, daddy. Pwomise.” You reassure him, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him, “I’m all yours, forever and ever.”
“No he’s not,” he says softly, rubbing your back, “He can fuck right off. You are all mine, little one.”
“All yours,” you nod slowly, grabbing the collar of his shirt and twisting it around your finger, “I love you, daddy. You’re the best daddy a girl could have.” You whisper, your eyes cast towards his lips, your voice soft and small. 
He smiles softly at you, cupping your face in his large hands again, “And I love my baby. Turn around for daddy, hmm.”
You do as he says, turning in his lap to face the television. You bend your legs behind you, straddling him as he starts to play with your hair. You smile softly as you feel him slide his fingers against your scalp, pulling your hair into two separate sections. He starts to braid it slowly, a french braid that starts at your hairline. You wiggle your hips down onto his thigh, gripping his jeans in your hands. 
You start to roll your hips, grinding down onto his thigh as he finishes the one braid, tying off the bottom with your favorite pink bow. You bite down into your bottom lip again and let your eyes flutter shut as you grind against him, moaning and grunting softly as you start to cop a feel against your swollen, sore clit. 
He moves to the second section of hair as you let your head fall back on your neck , moaning loudly for the first time, “Look at you,” he says sweetly, twisting and turning his fingers as he braids your hair, “Such a good little girl. You gonna show me who you belong to? Is that it baby?”
You nod quickly as your hips quicken and you drag in a breath between your teeth. You ride his thigh quick and hard as he finishes the second braid. He skips his fingers up your back, one hand gripping your shoulder while the other slips around your side to grab your tits. You run your tongue over your teeth as you groan and reach up to grab his hand on your chest. He teases your nipple through your silk blouse, rolling it between his digits before he just rubs it with the pads of his fingers. 
He sits up, crushing his chest to your back as he kisses a trail from the back of your neck up to your ear and grabs it between his teeth. Your hips start to move faster, pushing down harder against his firm thigh as you rock back and forth. He drops his hands to your hips, helping to guide you as his fingers press into your flesh. You start to whimper, throwing your head back as you push yourself closer and closer to a sweet, long overdue release. 
“Ooh, daddy,” you pule, your eyes slammed shut as a fire burns in the pit of your stomach, “Daddy, I’m gonna come. You’re gonna make me come so hard, daddy.”
“That’s right, baby girl,” he coos, his breath thick with lust and desire, “You come for Daddy like the good little girl you are.”
He pinches the inside of your thigh as you grind against his jeans, slowly applying pressure until your orgasm blooms through your tense body. You scream out into the room as the waves crash over you, each one stronger than the last. Your hips thrash against his thigh as your clit contracts hard - almost painfully so. Before you know what’s happening, you’re suddenly laying on your back on the couch, your legs thrust open as Andy pushes your skirt up your hips. 
He fumbles with the button of his jeans, popping it quickly before he unzips himself and pulls his hard cock free. He slaps his dick against your sticky flesh before he slams into you as your orgasms still rumbles through you. He pumps into you hard, making you squeal as each thrust pushes you up the couch. You start to rub your clit with your fingers, quick circles as your hips jump uncontrollably up into his as your synapses continue to fire. 
Your daddy always fucks you so good when he’s angry - taking out all of the frustration with Neal on your perfect, pretty little pussy, “You are mine. This cunt is mine, you hear me?” He grunts. 
“Yes, daddy!” You mewl, “All yours. I’ll always be your little girl.”
“That’s right. All mine. My little girl.”
He inhales sharply, hissing and grunting as he continues to pound his hips into yours, your hot, wet muscles gripping his cock tight. You start to come again as you rub your clit in hard, fast circles, your pussy squeezing down on him. He grunts one last time and suddenly you're all warm inside as he starts to spill into you. His cock jumps as long, hot ribbons of his spunk coat your insides. 
He bucks into you with each spurt of his cock, until he’s milked dry and your second orgasm recedes back into the depths of you, “You are such a good little girl, baby,” he slurs, “Daddy’s best girl.”
He pulls you back up into his lap, staying buried deep inside of you, and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. You both pant loudly as you try and catch your breath - you close your eyes as you rub your face against the cotton of his t-shirt. 
He rubs your back with both of his large hands as he soothes you, “You did so well for me, baby. You make daddy so happy.” You smile into his chest, “You know you’re safe with daddy, right? I’ll never let anybody take you away from me.”
“I know. Daddy loves me.”
“Daddy does love you.”
You smile wide, sending your big eyes up to his, “And I love my daddy.”
He kisses the top of your head, “You want your blankie?”
You nod slowly. He pulls you off of him and situates you on the couch, jogging up the stairs quickly to grab your favorite things. Within minutes, you are back on his lap and in his arms, his cock snuggled deep within your pussy, your body wrapped up in your favorite pink blankie with your small brown teddy bear in your hands. He leans back into the couch as he holds you to him, still running his hands up and down your back as the two of you settle into Beverly Hills Cop playing before you.
“Thirty more minutes and it’s bath time, okay? I’ll give you a treat before bed, and read you a story.”
“Go’dfish and apple juice?” You ask, smiling up at him.
He kisses your lips one, two, three times before he bops your nose, “Anything for my baby girl.”
You nuzzle back into his chest and let out a deep, content sigh. Nobody can ever steal you away from your Daddy. Ever. 
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Prompt: Requested, by the lovely @drew-is-boo I hope you’ll like it 😘
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Word Count: Long
Pairings: Drew McIntyre x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, abusive parents, protective Drew.
Tag: @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @blondekel77 , @yungbludjazz360 @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan , @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic
Notes: This was so lovely 🥰 Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) You can check them out on my Masterlist. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“I’m so excited that I finally get to meet your parents” Drew happily said
“That makes only you excited for it, babe! I couldn’t be less happy about it not even if I tried” I sigh
“C’mon, love. They can’t be that bad” He tried to cheer me up
“Oh trust me, they are THAT bad!” I motion for him to pull the zipper of my dress up “And the only reason they decided to come in here is because they saw you on tv, probably googled how much money do you have and are definitely into spending some days on a rich wrestler’s mansion. Eating, sleeping and shitting like street dogs!”
“Aren’t you being a little too harsh, princess?”
“Believe me, Drew” I look up into his blue eyes and my faint whisper of “I wish I wasn’t” was heard before the doorbell rang.
I opened the front door to (unfortunately) meet my, so called, parents
“Y/N, you look like shit, kid” My father laughed
“Yes, you are even fatter than the last time we saw you” My mother said disgustedly
“My weight is fine” I mumbled
“If you say so” She measured me from head to toe chuckling
Drew showed up behind me and made some quickly introductions, then asked them to come in.
When they are far away he leaned and whispered
“Don’t listen to her, you’re not fat. You look beautiful and healthy!” Drew kissed my hair. Already knowing the negative mind effects that those words would cause me.
“We’re in this together! It’s you and me, remember?” He holds my face between his palms delicately “You’re not alone” Drew whispered, pecking my lips
“Did she already started her drama?” Mother yelled from behind Drew
“Ugh, she’s always like that! ‘Poor me, poor me!’ “ She mocks “For Christ sake Y/N, cut the bullshit, will you? So annoying! That’s why I kicked you out! Because you’re weak!” She sighed, quickly leaving us to meet Father in the dining room
“What the fuck was that?” Drew asked in shock
“I told you they were THAT bad” I murmured
“Lord help me through out this night” Drew whispered
We’re in the middle of dinner when Father asked “So Drew, you’re very famous! What are you doing with Y/N’s sorry ass?” He cackled
Drew’s eyebrows raise in surprise to hear such words “If I’m being honest, I’m the one who has to thank her for being with MY sorry ass” He answers
“Doubt that” Mother scoffed
“Excuse me?” Drew asks
“I said that ‘I doubt that’, handsome. I mean c’mon, we’re not blind! You’re too much for Y/N! How could someone like she end up with someone like YOU?” She looked between me and Drew “Tell me, are you into charity work, Drew?” She cackled
“I guess I am” Drew said when tears started to roll down my cheeks “Why other reason would I have invited you here if I wasn’t?” He asked
“Excuse me?” Mother asked
“You heard me right” Drew spat
“Hey! Don’t talk to my wife like that!” Father drunkenly said
“Shut up old man” Drew snarled
“Who do you think you are to talk to my husband like that, boy?” Mother challengingly asked
“Who am I?” Drew asked in disbelief “I’m the owner of this fucking house! That’s who I am. I own the chair that you’re sitting on, the silverware that you’re wearing and the food that you’re eating, woman! And I will not admit you talking whatever you please to my wife! Not in front of me and most definitely not underneath my own roof!” Drew slapped his hand forcefully on the wooden table, making the three of us jump in scare.
“I’m only saying the truth!” Mother tried to defend herself
“No! You’re only mirroring your own saggy and failed self on her. To be honest I can’t even believe that your bitter ass and this drunkard could actually have made such an incredible and beautiful woman inside and out” Drew’s hand cupped my wet cheek
Mother and Father opened their mouths to protest but Drew screamed
They stare at Drew and he continued, now with a dangerous cold tone to his voice
“You two, get the fuck out of my house before I kick you out” He treated
“Let’s go” Father got up, as fast as he could, from the chair and pulled at mother’s shirt
“I won’t leave!” She snarled as Father left through the front door
Drew made his way to her side of the table and grabbed her by her arm
“You will leave! Or so help me God, lady. But I will forget that you’re a woman and will kick you the fuck out!” He shoved her away
She’s in shock as Drew grabs the plates, silverware, and the crystal cups they wore
“Here, take it! You have already contaminated these, I don’t want them anymore”
She gasped, leaving through the front door where Father is waiting for her
“And take the chairs as well!” Drew screamed, throwing the chairs outside at them
“God knows I don’t want any of your filth inside my house!” Drew said, smacking the door on their face
“Love, I’m so sorry!” Drew ran towards me, holding me in his arms
“I should have listened to you! I am so, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you, princess” He scooped me up in his arms and took us to our bathroom.
Drew filled up the tub, got in and offered me his hand to help me get inside as well.
“Do you forgive me?” He whispered
“It’s not your fault, Drew. You’re the last person to blame, baby”
“If I knew they were that vicious I would have never suggested a dinner”
“I know you wouldn’t” I reassure him
“I love you and I meant every word I said about you” He said, placing his chin on my shoulder
“Thank you” I kiss his cheek “I know you did. It’s just that” I try to hold my sobs
“Shhh, it’s ok, love” Drew’s hand caress my hair as I rest my head on his chest and begin to cry uncontrollably.
“It’s alright. They will never hurt you, ever again. I won’t allow it!” He guaranteed
And listening to his strong heart beat I believed that as long as we are together, nothing could ever hurt me again....
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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