#we are trying to fight the writing lull out here babes
antimonyantigone · 2 months
Tagged by @lobstermatriarch thank yuuuu
(My AO3 is sayler_antimony)
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 37
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 119,005 (I tend to write many shorter things)
3) What fandoms do you write for? DS9, MASH, did a little stint of one-shots in ASOIAF, started with BNHA though
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lost in Translation (a real shock, never expected this one to get any hype)
All The World's a Stage
Featherlight Touch
Lightning and Incense
Thermal Shock
5) Do you respond to comments? Most of the time! I really really try.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Either 'Between Two Worlds' or just anything I wrote about Jaime Lannister but only because of Jamie Lannister general reasons. Maybe possibly "Do Synthetics Dream of Electric Sheep?".
I feel like I don't angst that hard!!
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I suppose "A Rose by Any Other Name (A Gift for Garak)"
8) Do you get hate on fics? Once! (they came to tumblr to do it though)
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Usually kinks. M/M, F/F and M/F are all on the table.
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, but an anime recently came out with the title "Cherry Magic: 30 Years of Being a Virgin Makes You A Wizard?!" which is a title begging (begging!) for a Gale of Waterdeep Crossover. (Bonus - you get to be a psychic thought-hearing wizard in this yaoi if you are a virgin for long enough, which is no so different from getting a thought-sharing tadpole in your head, really.)
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but I would!
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? Uhhhh. I tend to bounce favorites. Garak/Julian is special to meeee. Currently on a Bloodweave kick. Clearly was on a Jaime/Brienne kick for a while.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a Garak/Julian fic that is meant to follow along with The Divine Comedy but you see, I'd have to re-read The Divine Comedy again and.....
16) What are your writing strengths? If we're going by my comments, which we should, I think tone mimicry. Mimicking the tone of a source material. I love a little copycatting and I really, as a reader, need fics to fit the tone of their source.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Plots. Long plots. :( :( :(
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I haven't, but I don't envy those who do. "Lost in Translation" uses some loan words, invented language headcanons, etc, and all of that requires enough thought.
19) First fandom you wrote for? BNHA
20) Favorite fic you’ve written? Okay weirdly I love "Major Indiscretion" because I got my husband (straight man who grew up on MASH) to read it and he was like "stop doing this in a way that feels canonical :<"
Tagging @thebreakfastgenie esp because of the tumblr sleepover energyyy
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chubbyreaderchan · 1 year
We Aren’t A Joke | Poly!Lost Boys x Plus Size! G/N Reader
Warnings: Fatshaming, self-hatred, touchy vampires, nothing else. They/them pronouns but can be read as any gender really, no editing,  
A/N: This might end up being its own little thing because there’s more I want to write but this just needed out of my head. I think I want to have blurbs with this reader and the boys and such. 
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The boardwalk was practically empty. The holiday season had passed and the lull between Christmas and spring break was in full swing. David was in an almost trancelike state, staring at no one, in particular, his belly was warm and full from the hunt the night before. Truly, a night of relative quiet for the rowdy bikers.
David tossed his cigarette over the side of the pier into the water below, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Paul.
“Holy shit,”
David looked at Paul and then in the direction he was staring, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. The cool wind picked up just then and he had to hold back an animalistic groan at the smell that washed over him.
Hell, he could practically feel all of his mates grumbling at the smell. David hadn’t realized he’d shut his crystal blue eyes until they fluttered back open to see what he knew was the next member of their little family.
He wanted them. He wanted them… now.
They hadn’t even looked at him and his boys, their plump little future mate was enticed by a table of trinkets. David couldn’t resist raking over their sexy body, taking in each soft curve and dip. Cute. Very cute. They were in a thick sweater, one much too big on them which was only slightly disappointing for David, hugely disappointing for Paul who was practically bouncing to get to them.
In fact, David watched as Paul bounded over like a golden retriever.
“Hey, sugar,” he said into their ear. “You all alone tonight?”
They backed up in surprise and glanced behind Paul at the other boys who were watching in love-sick awe. David could hear their heart race.
“I’m not interested,” they said quickly.
Paul looked like he was gut punched.
“Aw, come on babe. We can go for a ride. Get something to eat,” He almost sang out.
David had a feeling he should have been the first one to talk to their mate, not Paul. David and the other boys began to close in on the two.
“I just don’t want to be a part of… whatever this is… joke… dare…. Whatever.”
“Joke,” David seethed. “You think we’re a joke,”
They bit their lip. “Not necessarily you. I’m the butt of the joke here,”
Dwayne looked at them, thinking. He had a bad feeling about this whole situation, and he could feel the radiation of rage off of Marko. All of them would fight for any of their mates, but Marko was always the first to jump in. Swing fists and fangs and ask questions later.
“We just want to get to know you, sugar. You are just… irresistible,” Paul smiled. “At least tell us your name?”
Despite their better judgment and past experience in these situations, they gave in.
“I’m…(Y/n),” they said awkwardly. “And I don’t want to be part of the ‘dare the friend to ask out the fat person’ game,”
They were getting frustrated; they could feel their usual reaction starting to build. They could all feel it. David moved, pushing Paul back and running a leather-clad hand over their plush cheek. His blue eyes felt like they were reaching inside their soul.
“Sweetheart,” he said, leaning into their ear. “I promise we aren’t going to hurt you,”
His breath was cold, or perhaps the night chill got to them. They tucked their hands around their middle, trying to shield themselves from the cool Santa Carla wind.
“Come on, princex,” David encouraged.
He had them, he just needed to pull them in.
“I-I don’t even know you,” they said with a soft sigh.
They pulled back from David’s grasp, causing him to growl slightly. He didn’t like that. Not at all, even if it’s just from some silly human insecurity. They belonged to him and his boys, they were going to keep them if he had to drag them back to the cave by force.
“I’m Dwayne,” spoke the quietest. “That is David. Marko. And Paul. We promise we aren’t going to hurt you, princex,”
His words were so sincere. The way he looked at them made their heart flutter.
They sighed, defeated. Marko smiled approaching them and throwing an arm around them in whatever way he could reach. His fingers pressed into their soft flesh and he wanted to die at the softness. Hell, he would die for their softness, and he barely knew them.
“Dove, we are going to keep you safe,” the cherub said.
“I’m sorry, but how often do four very beautiful men come up to a fat person and really want to be around them… in any capacity? I don’t want to be abandoned in some parking lot in the middle of nowhere just because it’s funny to mess with ‘piggy’” they air quoted.
“The fuck?” Paul said loudly.
“Yeah, what the actual fuck. Who did that?” Marko was gripped onto them tighter, almost bruising the soft flesh.
David snaked his arm around them nudging a silently protesting Marko away. They began to walk, their human in the middle as they flanked them.
“Why don’t we go for a ride, kitten? I’ll prove that we want nothing but the best for you, sweetheart,” David promised. “You’ll ride with me,”
“Ride?” they were in front of four motorcycles that seemed to reflect each boy’s personality. “Oh, I’ve never--,”
A gentle pinch at their ribs caused them to squeak adorably, Marko walked around them with a smirk.
“Don’t worry, it’s fun.” The smallest of the group said.
He had a devilish grin that (Y/n) couldn’t help but find heart-meltingly cute. Without warning, David wrapped his arms around their middle, as if they had been dating for years and it was the most natural thing.
“I promise to keep you safe, just trust me,”
The scruff of his facial hair rubbed against their tender skin, and they could have sworn the bleach blonde took in a deep breath of their scent.
David mounted his bike and held out his hand to help them onto the back of his. Once on, he grabbed their hands and forced them to press directly against his back wrapping their arms firmly around his middle.
They just felt… right.
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novelbear · 2 years
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I posted 279 times in 2022
That's 219 more posts than 2021!
240 posts created (86%)
39 posts reblogged (14%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 254 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#writing prompts - 141 posts
#otp prompts - 140 posts
#imagine your otp - 137 posts
#otp writing - 134 posts
#writeblr - 119 posts
#prompt list - 116 posts
#request - 111 posts
#otp - 71 posts
#romance prompts - 61 posts
#fluff prompts - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 49 characters
#i'll answer what i can (if not tooo personal lol)
My Top Posts in 2022:
some more domestic fluff prompts
 lying on the couch on top of eachother, one combing their fingers through the other’s hair as they watch a movie 
 waking their partner up for work when they notice their alarm didn’t go off 
 alternatively: allowing their partner to sleep in because they were overworked anyway and need the rest. 
 one waking up before the other, so they make up their side of the bed and can’t help but tuck in their sleeping lover as they do so. 
 giving the other a spoonful of the meal they're cooking to test it out, holding their hand under their chin so nothing falls. 
 one is sick, so the other heats up a blanket in the dryer to give it to them while they rest on the couch. 
 listening to music together while they both take the day to clean around the house (maybe even getting a little distracted to dance instead)
 calmly reassuring the other it’s okay when they drop a glass, gently checking their hands for any injury. 
 wiping a bit of frosting (or smth else) off of their cheek while eating and taking it for themself
 smiling across the table when their cheeks are full of food and look quite cute. 
 “can you turn the heat on? i’m getting cold...” 
 “you were talking about that table there being a little...bare, so i got you some flowers to put in it’s space.” 
 “stop singing into the broom and hurry so we can watch this movie!” 
 “you always fall asleep halfway into the episode.” 
 “move your blanket, i wanna lay down on your lap.” 
 “sweetheart, you look cute, but i’m gonna need the sweater.” 
 “i know we had it for dinner last night, but...” *sighs* “the things i do for you.” 
 “did you just put my hoodie in the wash?!” “yeah.” “love, my phone was in there!” 
 “come here, hold my hand.” “you’re washing the dishes.” “..i can do both...” 
 “i hope you don’t mind that i took that painting down, but i thought that picture of us looked a little better...” 
3,322 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
sleepy dialogue for your otp
"getting sleepy, aren't we?"
"i'm...m'up i swear."
"you're blurring your words together, time for bed."
"this is like the fifth time you've yawned in two minutes."
"love, wake up..."
"we're here, come on."
"how long was i out?"
"babe, you can barely keep your eyes open...let's go."
"you're putting me to sleep...stop."
"you look like you're going to fall asleep on your feet."
"do we have to get up?"
"five more minutes."
"shhh...stop fighting and get some rest."
"twenty minutes?" "fine..."
"you look adorable even in your sleep."
"you're so warm."
"well good evening, nice of you to join us."
"babe, are you up?"
"i'm gonna hang up now, kay?" "wait...no."
"goodnight, love."
3,583 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
some sleepy scenarios
## since you all seemed to enjoy the sleepy dialogue prompts~
tracing your lover's features as they sleep
trying to count the freckles on your partner's cheeks when they're asleep
waking up with their legs over yours as they're stretched out and comfortable
taking pictures after finding your lover dozing peacefully while bundled up in blankets
running fingers through their hair as they snooze against your shoulder
feeling their fingers run through your hair while they lull you to sleep
napping on the couch together
hearing them snore a little for the first time
maybe the snoring is small, quiet and you can't help but giggle since it's kind of cute
or maybe it's quite loud and you realize you plan to spend the rest of your life with this
seeing that they're finding a hard time finding a comfortable position so you pull them into your arms
being annoyed because it's extremely hot out and they insist that they cuddle that night
laughing at their messy hair in the morning
sleepy kisses peppered all over their face
seeing them pout or scrunch their nose a little in their sleep
needing to use the restroom but they're clinging onto you like a koala and you don't want to wake them up
they're sick and finally fall asleep sprawled out on the sofa ..meaning you can sit for a few minutes yourself
apologizing when you call them and hear their deep, sleepy voice answer
pulling them back into bed before they go to work but they accidentally dozed off again and is about to be late
trying not to laugh too loud when you discover they talk in their sleep and say some very questionable things
4,653 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
the little things - romantic gestures i love
massaging their shoulders when they clearly had a long day
cupping their cheeks
random "i love you"'s just in case they forgot
kisses on the cheeks
kisses on the tip of their nose
or on their upper lip/cupids bow
playing with their fingers
reading with them
taking pictures of them when they don't realize it because they just look too good to not do so.
fixing their hair for them
pulling them closer when a cool breeze hits you both outside
linking arms
tying their shoe when you notice the laces flying around
knowing their morning routine so perfectly that you already have some of their breakfast/drinks laid out before they get to the kitchen
recording their favorite show on the dvr because you know they'll be in a little late tonight and miss it
gently wiping something off of their face and noticing them smiling because you're just so cute and close
pulling each other into the warmest hugs
dancing together for the first time
letting them take a sip of your drink, then another, then another, then- you might as well let them keep it
giving them a bite of your food
brushing your teeth together and looking at yourselves in the mirror
resting your head on their shoulder
4,719 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"show, don't tell" - other ways to say "i love you"
  good morning/good night texts 
 pulling the other into a random embrace
 “this reminded me of you” 
 complimenting the features you love most about you lover
 going to hold hands in a stressful situation 
 holding their hands in general 
 “tell me about your day.” 
 saving their name as something cute in your phone
 taking pictures of each other on dates, telling the other how beautiful they are 
 “i’m here for you.” 
 doing a chore/task that you know they don’t enjoy doing
 calling just to hear their voice
 running some errands for them when they’re sick 
 bombarding them with blankets, tea, heating pads, and anything else they’d need when injured/under the weather
 knowing the medicines they’d usually take and having no problem going to get them when needed 
 getting lost in their eyes 
 reminding them how lucky you are to have them 
 peppering kisses all over
 or going in for one passionate kiss that just says it all
 cupping their cheek 
 wiping their tears when they cry  
 “you’re my everything.” 
 “let me know what you need, alright?” 
7,356 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rockyscactus · 2 years
3:00am; steve rogers x reader
a/n: i just started writing and this is what i ended up with but i think it's sweet so :)
you figured that you would find him here when you opened his bedroom door and only found an empty bed.
he figured that you'd come to find him soon so he beat the bag a little softer to avoid too much of your concern, even though he secretly loved when you worried about him. it made him feel like you'd always stay.
"i thought you'd be here three punching bags ago", he finally spoke, his back still turned to you as he pulled his final bag down and laid it with the others before replacing it.
you smiled from your place on the wall, "figure i'd let you have at it for a few minutes longer before i ripped into you", you shrugged.
he turned to you, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as he unraveled his handwraps, holding one end of the wrap in his mouth so he could unravel the rest.
"that's gross", you noted. standing up straighter as he now stood less than a foot away from you.
it was his turn to shrug, dropping it from his mouth and holding his hands out for you to finish the job.
you began working without another word. you gave him a brief up and down, taking note of his sweaty hair and slight heaving of his chest.
"so...no lecture?" his eyes found yours briefly before you looked back down at his hands, pulling the last piece of the wrap and throwing it in the trashcan near the entrance of the gym.
you chuckled lightly, "you'd like it too much."
he threw his head back this time as he laughed, whole heartedly. he'd been made.
he used his chest to push at your shoulder, silently telling you to follow him as he exited the gym for the night.
"i find comfort in not be the only one giving out lectures around here", steve confessed as you two made your way into the elevator, "yours or mine", he interrupted himself to get your opinion.
"we woke up in mine, your turn to host", you spoke groggily as you rested your head on his shoulder, letting your eyes fall shut, "if no one lectures cap, then there's no balance."
he looked down at you, smiling at your appearance. your lashes laying on your cheeks and your arms crossed as if you weren't lulling off in the middle of the elevator.
"that i agree with, love."
the elevator doors interrupted his staring and your napping.
"this is us", he piped, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and ushering you toward his room.
your eyes were still half shut but you smiled at that "us". you two had formed your own nightly routine and although there was no label, you liked it that way.
"shower before laying down, please", you noted as you flopped down onto his bed as soon as you two entered.
as soon as you had finished speaking, the sound of the shower flooded your ears. "i know", he yelled over the water before taking about fifteen minutes to clean up before reentering the room.
"alright now come here", you opened your arms, followed by a yawn.
he laughed before allowing himself to fall on top of you. a sigh escaping his lips as he rested his head on your chest.
"i feel like i say this a lot, but i love that we do this. makes me feel, safe", he chose his words meticulously.
"i make captain america feel safe? little ol' me", you smiled down at him, his smile mirroring yours.
"and you know i'd fight off any bad guys that came your way too, right? like this is a symbiotic relationship", he looked up at you, rest his head on his elbow.
you tilted your head to the side, "i feel like you're just trying to one-up me. you already called me your hero, it's too late!"
"oh babe, now you're just putting words in my mouth."
you gasped, "i think i'm gonna go back to my--"
"no. i'm kidding. you're the bravest and my hero. you deserve the medal of honor", he held on to you a little tighter this time, as if you'd ever leave him to sleep in his bed alone.
"ahh, music to my ears. now go to sleep freak", you let your hands rub up and down his back so he could lay back down.
"you're the freak. but good night...thank you", he placed a quick peck on your neck before laying his head back down.
you leaned forward to kiss his forehead, earning one last smile from him before sleep would overtake him. "thank you."
233 notes · View notes
multiverseofwonders · 3 years
Beneath the covers
Hal Jordan x Gender neutral reader
An: I was in the mood to write some short fluff after finishing a chapter of the wally west angst fic i have in my docs so here's Hal being adorable
Genre: Fluff
Cw: stitches (mentioned briefly)
Word count: 1k
・ 。゚☆: *.🌌🌟🌙🌟🌌.* :☆゚.
"So are you going to get up or are you going to stay in bed all day?"
You lay in your bed in prolonged silence, the words said by your husband, Hal, lost to your fatigue. As a member of the Justice League, you had your fair share of fights, and yesterday was no different. A full league team up against an army of alien robots. While they went down easily the sheer amount of them was enough to overwhelm you multiple times. Not to mention the stitched up wound on your thigh that wasn't showing any signs of healing.
To be entirely honest you were exhausted beyond belief, sore too. Every movement risked a random sudden and sharp pain going through you. Today you didn't want to get up, nor take care of any daily responsibilities. Especially not from the Justice League again. Instead, you just wanted to sink into the covers and warm bed. The fluffy blanket above you lulling you to nap every 20 or so minutes.
"Hey, babe? Hellllooooo?" A voice said from beside you as the mattress sank in a bit.
You pressed your face into the pillows and exhaled softly. There was no way you were getting up.
"Come on angel, don't make me open the curtains..." Hal sneered whilst leaning in, the Cheshire-like grin growing seeing his significant other resist the urge to get up just to tell him to shut up.
In response, you just pulled the covers over your head and kept your eyes shut. For a bit after that, there was nothing. You believed you had won until you felt the covers lift and another presence in front of you.
"Come on, you can't ignore me any longer babe." He wrapped his arms around your waist and inched his face closer to yours, a cheap attempt at trying to make you get up.
You squeezed your eyes shut and shifted slightly. Your breath hitched from the closeness as you could feel his breath on your cheek but you refused to give in. If this was a game then you certainly weren't losing.
He placed a hand on your cheek and began to caress it gently. "You know you can't resist my interstellar charm, not to mention my silver tongue, my dashing good looks, my amazing intelligence…"
Upon hearing the last part a small noise of laughter left you. You cracked open an eye and saw that dorky smile that made you fall in love with him. Immediately afterwards a pair of lips planted a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"I told you you couldn't resist me!" He chuckled, planting more across your face and neck.
"H-hal! Halbird ple-please, mercy! H-have mercy on my poor unfortunate soul!" You laughed, dramatically stretching out some of the words.
"Never! This is revenge for ignoring me." He chuckled, pressing one heated kiss on your neck before going back to your face. "Just be happy the interstellar charm got to you first"
"Oh please like that made me crack," you said, still chuckling and grinning like a fool from the number of kisses you were receiving. "Mhmm! Hal please one se-second" you giggled before he allowed you a few seconds to catch your breath "It was the amazing intelligence part that broke me..!"
"Oh please, I'm smart. They don't just let anyone become a test pilot after all. I'll have you know that I actually graduated top of my class with the highest GPA in the state!" He gloated, promoting you to take his ego down a few notches.
"Says the man who can't tell Earth from an alien planet" you teased, causing a reddish hue to spread across the cheeks of the lantern. The pure embarrassment flooding his face was enough to prompt another roar of laughter from you.
"We-well in my defense i-i was-"
"Just crash-landed and had no idea where I was with a ring that had nearly no charge… that's the excuse, right? Though the message you sent to me was sweet… what was it again- oh wait I got it! To my beloved- Mhpf?-"
A pair of lips belonging to your lover fell upon your own, silencing you and preventing any further embarrassment.
"Honey I love you but I'm not gonna let you relive that memory in our own home," he rested his chin on your shoulder. "No matter how many kisses it takes"
"You say that but I highly doubt you can stop me from talking about that lo- Mpfhgh!" Once again those same pair of lips interrupted you, though this time they were filled with passion and heat. You two stayed still there like that, caught up in passion for what felt like an incomprehensible amount of time before Hal finally parted from you.
"Or… I could just do that." Hal said breathily. The short moments of silence were quickly broken by a snrk coming from you, prompting confusion from your husband of 3 years.
"You've been under the covers for 20 minutes and yet your hair looks like a bird's nest." You smirked, it only grew wider and he jumped out of bed to go to the nearest mirror.
"Aw come on not again! It's gonna take forever to get it back perfectly! Not when we have a movie date too" You raised a brow at the last part as you never remembered having a date today.
"Since when did we have a movie date?" You questioned before quickly coming to a logical conclusion. "You planned it this morning last minute, didn't you? You can never keep your mouth shut about dates when they're planned ahead of time"
"Yeah it was booked last minute, but I saw how excited you got at the trailers so I wanted to surprise you with something nice." He said while trying to fix his hair. "Well, that is if you'll go. If you want to stay and rest in bed for the entire day I wouldn't mind. As long as I get to stay there with you that is"
"No no I'll go…" you said before pausing to think of something. "But let me wear your jacket while we're out"
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
I was wondering, maybe some fluff of hawks just making a bunch of bird sounds to his s/o
Awww that sounds so cute!!!
I’m assuming this is just an ordinary request and not a suggestion for Flightless Birds so I’ll write it as such!!
We just love Tumblr deleting my progress and forcing me to start over again.
Requests are very much open! Just check out my intro (pinned message, also in linktree) for rules!
Sorry this isn’t all fluffy, also sorry it’s a little shitty.
Genre: fluff, minor angst, hurt/comfort
Warnings: cursing, guns (in one section), mentions of death
Other: most of the warnings happen in one section and there will be a note next to it so you can skip that one if you need. Also, I’m sorry that some sections are way longer than others, but some of the scenes need more context than others.
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There are a few different noises your boyfriend makes. Most of them are human, human speaking, human laughter, human crying, etc etc.
But some of his sounds were less than human, more bird-like. You weren’t complaining, it was drop-dead adorable when he would make bird noises.
Purring (Contentedness)-
The first time you heard him purr was when you invited him to your house the first time. You’d made chicken strips for him. You could never forget the way his eyes widened when he bit into the piece and then he sort of… vibrated?
You could hear a deep rumbling coming from him, and he just looked so at peace. It was then you realized he was purring. Your little heart leaped into your throat and you wished you could purr just like him.
“That’s really cute, Kei~” you murmured and he looked up at you, face reddening.
“Uhhh- was I-“
“Purring? Yeah, it’s really cute. I like it.” You smiled, cocking your head to the side. His face split into a goofy grin and he giggled a little.
Humming (Happiness)-
You beleived this was more human, but it just happened so much that it had to just be instict. The constant sound of him humming the last song he heard on the radio or whatever tune was stuck in his head.
You noticed it the first time when you were watching movies together, then suddenly you heard him humming a couple notes, stringing some more along before he was humming a song.
Not just any, you’re favorite. Did you sing that song that much? Did he know? Either way, you didn’t comment. Instead, you hummed the harmony and leaned against him.
Chirping (Excitement)-
This one happened when you first said ‘I love you.’ He had flown you home after a date, and you’d been together for three or four months now.
He landed on the balcony outside your apartment, and you climbed out of his arms. He let out a disappointed sigh.
“Do I have to go?” He asked.
“Sorry, Kei.” You told him. “But I have to wake up early and if you’re here I know you’ll keep me from sleeping.” He frowned, nodding sadly. “Hey look at me, babe?” His golden eyes flicked up, meeting yours.
“I love you.”
There were no words from him in that moment. He just wrapped his arms around you, chirping loudly right in your ear. You could feel his smile against your neck. If you ever smiled that wide, you’d probably break your jaw.
⚠️Screeching⚠️ (Fear)-
This one wasn’t scary just for him. It was something you didn’t usually think about before it happened, and didn’t talk about after.
Your dates with Keigo usually went uninterrupted, but on occasion something happened. You went to a cafe with him this time, and he left to use the bathroom. Not a second later, a large black van drove up onto the sidewalk. People were barely able to get out of the way.
You stood up, turning to head to the bathroom and call Keigo out to help. Then you heard someone shout.
“Grab some people and fucking run! We need hostages!”
There were arms grabbing you, yanking you backwards. You kicked and punched at the guy, but another man pointed a gun at your head. You froze instantly, you weren’t in the mood to die today.
They dragged you around to the back of the van, a couple other villains were dragging other civilians to the van.
Then you heard it.
It was the loudest thing you’d ever heard, and the most frightening. The scream was loud as a fire siren, but worse because it was so animal. You turned and saw him.
Keigo was staring at you with wide eyes, pupils blown out until you could barely see his golden irises.
The sound of the villains cursing about Hawks’ arrival barely reached your ears before feathers shot out on either side of you and the other civilians, grabbing the villains and trapping them all against the walls.
You stumbled forward, and he raced to you, grabbing you and holding you close.
Hissing/Squawking (Anger)-
This one happened before you started dating, and it was the first animal noise he made around you. The two of you were just hanging out in his office when his (now fired) secretary walked in, rolling her eyes at you.
“Hello, Hawks!” She smiled cheerfully, handing him some papers. “What’s this person doing here?” She asked.
“Oh, this is my friend Y/n! Fuka, say hi!” Fuka, the secretary, pursed her lips and gave a little wave to you before turning back to Hawks.
“You know, someone like you really ought to pick your friends carefully.” She spoke lightly, glancing at you.
“What are you saying?” Hawks narrowed his eyes at her.
“I don’t know… just that they don’t seem… like they fit you? You know, you’re friends should be more like you.”
Hawks’ upper lip curled up, and you heard what you thought was a snake, you glanced at him, he looked angry.
“Fuka, are you saying that Y/n doesn’t deserve to be my friend?”
“I mean… basically.” Fuka shrugged. “You’re the number two hero, you deserve more than Uh… this.” She waved at you, disgust evident on her face.
Hawks was on his feet a moment later, letting out a loud squawk and flapping his wings. For the next few minutes, he just yelled at her for the next two minutes to get out.
Singing (Love)-
This one happened late at night, when you were half asleep. You were cuddled against his body, warm beneath the blankets. You heard his soft voice, harmonizing with the sound of the fan, branching off and making up random lyrics.
You melted, it sounding so sweet, you never would have guessed he was a singer, or that he was any good at it. But here he was, lulling you to sleep with his silky smooth voice, tugging you closer into his body as your eyes drooped closed.
⚠️Cooing⚠️ (comfort)-
You had never meant to cry. But Keigo hadn’t come back home in three days. He hadn’t answered your texts, or your calls. You’d been pacing the apartment, restless. Was he okay?
“Keigo!” You practically screamed when he finally walked in. Through the front door. The front door. You ran into his arms and just grasped at him, trying to double check if he was actually there.
“What happened to you? Where were you? I was so scared, baby I thought you died!” You felt your eyes overflow with tears, and he softened, wiping them away. It was then that you noticed he was covered in bandages, and his wings were tiny.
“I’m so sorry, babe.” He murmured. “I never meant to scare you. A fight went on longer than I expected, my phone got broken. I needed to stay at the hospital for a few days.”
“Why didn’t you get the hospital to call me?”
“Probabalg because I wasn’t conscious.” He responded. You welled you again.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry!” He pulled you into his arms, and swayed back and forth with you. You heard a soft curling noise coming from him, similar to his purring but different.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I love you so much and I promise I won’t do it again, okay? I’ll call for backup next time, I’ll always return to your side.” He cooed. “Always, always, always, always.”
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vintagedolan · 3 years
mixtape | epilogue
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authors note: I truly cannot thank you enough for your support, love, kind words and overall interest throughout this story. Writing this whole thing has really changed my life in a lot of ways, both through my characters and through proving to myself that I can actually bring something like Mixtape to fruition. I love you all, loud, from the bottom of my heart. I hope this epilogue is all you hoped it would be, and now we can finally start with post-fic concepts. Enjoy!!!
| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
“Four… Five… Seven!”
“Six babe. Five, six, seven.”
“Five seven.” 
In Beks smile, all Grayson could see was Indiana. As far as the rest of his daughter, she looked just like him. Brown hair, brown eyes, even the same little dimple. But her smile, and the feeling it gave him in his gut? That was all Indiana. His wife, who was unfortunately still pacing a bit in the terminal, a coffee in her hands. 
As soon as she realized that they were back from their walk, she perked up, putting on her brave face for Beks so she didn’t think anything was wrong. 
“Mama! Hi mama!”
“Hi sweet girl.” She held her hands out for her daughter, smiling when she gleefully reached for her. Grayson passed her over without a hesitation. As little as their almost three year old was, she was her mom’s biggest anchor when things got hard. 
“You okay?” He asked it quietly while Beks was distracted, twirling a piece of her mom’s hair around her little fingers. 
Indy looked at the clock. 5 minutes till boarding. 
Her face was enough of an answer for her husband, and he frowned.
She nodded. 
“We’ll be okay,” he offered, reaching out for her free hand to squeeze it and trace a heart. It relaxed her a tiny bit, but she still bit her lip.
“My whole world is about to be in a plane, out of my control.” She turned her head to kiss Bekah’s hair. “She’s so small. Nothing I could do if…”
“Hey, hey none of that. You know what Bethany says about the doomsday stuff.”
“Unhelpful, unlikely and unproductive.” Indy whispered her therapists words back to herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She’d gotten better about flying, accomplished things she never thought she would. Charlie and Devin’s wedding in Oregon, her own wedding in Maui, flying back and forth to see Lisa, trips to Australia even. But things changed when she got pregnant. Now, her heart lived outside of her body, in a tiny almost toddler who was as content as could be on her hip. The flight to Jersey had been decent, but the way home seemed like an impossible hurtle.
“It’ll all be over in a few hours. And then we’ll be home, back to our bed and our house.” Grayson wished he could fix it, wished he could take it on himself. But all he could really do was squeeze her hand and stay calm.
Indy nodded, but when the gate attendant came over the intercom she felt like she could vomit right there. She silently passed Beks over to Grayson and fumbled for their boarding passes with shaky hands. 
“Plane daddy! There’s a plane!” Bekah smiled, pointing out the window as another aircraft taxied by. 
“Yeah! It’s big, isn’t it,” Grayson tickled her belly and kissed her cheek as he readjusted the diaper bag over his shoulder and headed into the boarding lane behind Indy. They made their way down the jet bridge and into first class, Indy moving to the window seat and immediately holding out her hands for Bekah. They’d been blessed with a very happy baby who was content most of the time as long as she had a familiar face with her. She sat on Indy’s lap and played with the necklace she had on, rubbing at her eyes with the other hand. 
“You tired bubba?” Grayson sat down and ran a hand over her back. Beks nodded slowly. “Here, c’mere, give momma a break.”
Indy passed her back over, melting like she always did when Bekah leaned forward onto Grayson’s chest, relaxing fully in the safety of his arms. She loved nothing more than seeing the father he was to their little girl. It was more than she could have ever asked for, and she watched as he moved her just enough to get his seatbelt on, knowing she would be asleep in a few minutes.
He hummed to her quietly, moving a hand over her ear to quiet the inevitable announcements from the flight attendants, and Indy watched as her eyes fluttered closed, long eyelashes resting on pink cheeks. 
“Is she out?” Grayson dared to ask after a few minutes.
Indy nodded, her eyes burning a bit as she fought back tears. Bekah just looked so small, and fragile, and the plane was moving and she felt like she couldn’t control anything, not even her emotions. 
“Do you want to hold her? Would that help?”
“No, she’s comfy it’s okay, I don’t want to wake her up,” Indy whispered, shaking her head. Even still, she stretched a hand over into Grayson’s seat, trying to catch her breath and focus on the feeling of his hand in hers, his wedding ring cold against her fingers. She looked at him, tried to lose herself in him the way she always had. He looked the same as that first day outside of Frazier, with a healthy amount of scruff. His hair was a bit shorter than it was then - Lisa always gave him a good haircut when he was in town. But his smile was still the same, and his eyes just as warm when he looked back into hers. 
“Breathe baby. I’m right here, we’re gonna be there before you know it. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She willed herself to believe him and put a headphone in her ear, started her playlist and closed her eyes as the plane moved towards the runway and her daughter slept. 
Things were slightly better once they got into the air. It didn’t surprise her that Grayson fell asleep within the first hour. She could tell he was fighting his eyelids as he tried to stay awake in case she needed him, but the warmth and weight of Beks was enough to lull him off. The way she knew for sure was when his thumb stopped rubbing against the back of her hand. Indy didn’t mind - if he wasn’t awake he wasn’t worrying about her at least She took the time to look at them - really look at them for a while. Bekah was so active, always exploring and getting into things. It made moments like these rare, especially as she got older. She’d never understood what her mom had meant, when she said her heart had grown two sizes to accommodate her and Charlie. 
In all those months after they got back together, she had thought it was impossible to love someone as much, or more, than she loved Grayson. She proved herself wrong after he became her husband, and again when they found out they were having a baby, a girl. Her love for him grew even more while she was pregnant. And then Bekah Nicole Dolan had entered the picture, and their lives had never been the same. It felt like just yesterday that she was watching Grayson cry in the hospital room, holding his baby girl for the first time. Since then there were two birthday parties, almost three years of watching her grow into herself, watching her learn, watching her develop her own little personality. She was Indy’s new favorite thing to study, and she kept herself busy for most of the flight looking through old pictures on her phone. It calmed her more than she thought it would, and kept her occupied until Beks woke up from her nap. 
It was a nice distraction for her to focus on keeping her daughter entertained and happy once she maneuvered her out of Grayson’s lap. They colored after Indy fished the coloring book and crayons out from her bag, and they looked at pictures, and watched out the window, Bekah asking “what dat?” over and over again at all the things she could see on the ground. 
The flight attendants message to prepare for landing was what finally woke Grayson up from his slumber, and his bleary eyes were immediately guilty. 
“You should have woken me up,” he pouted, already looking her over for any sign of her anxious habits. 
“We’re okay. I got a handle on it. Glad you’re awake for landing though,” she reassured him, reaching a hand out for his again. He happily took it, and smiled when Bekah leaned over to put her hand on top of theirs, always wanting to be involved. The landing was smooth, and Indy took her first truly relaxed breath in hours once the plane stopped moving at the gate. Bekah felt it, felt her chest rise and fall so dramatically that she turned and smiled up at her.
“Breathe mama,” she said, just like her dad always did. “Big breaf.” Her ‘th’ sounds were still f’s, and Indy selfishly hoped they stayed that way for a while longer. She over exaggerated her next breath so Beks could feel it. It satisfied her enough it seemed, and she held Grayson’s hand as they walked off the plane and into the airport. Grayson’s back hurt by the time they made it to baggage claim from the way he was crouched over to keep his hand in hers, but she was determined to do it herself and keep him close. 
All that went out the window when she saw who was waiting for her by the baggage carousel. 
Ethan smiled his widest smile and crouched down with his arms open, ready to catch her as she ran as fast as her little legs would take her. He caught her and tossed her up in the air just to hear her giggle. 
“Hi bug! How was Jersey?”
“Good! I saw Grandma Lisa and daddy showed me a waterfall and we stayed in the other house and momma made pancakes. Where’s Miles?” Her attention jumped around like a pinball in the machine, but she looked down to Ethan’s left side where there was usually a very cute five year old.
“He’s home taking care of Aunt Eden, making sure little Maisie isn’t giving her too much trouble.”
“Is she still in her belly?”
“Yeah bug, for a little while longer. But, she missed you so much that she wants everybody to come out to the beach for a little while before it gets dark. And if mommy and daddy are too tired, you can just come with us.”
Indiana wanted to cry. She knew what her brother was doing - giving her an out in case the flight had gone badly, a chance to recuperate if need be. Truth be told, she was still nauseous, but her nerves had settled and the thought of seeing Eden and her nephew were too good to pass up. She’d missed them despite only being gone for a few days. 
“We’ll all go, just gotta get changed at the house first,” Indy said, and she felt Grayson perk up beside her, somewhat surprised by her answer. 
“Alrighty then, let’s roll.” Ethan led the way with Beks on his hip, Grayson managing most of the bags on the way out to the car. Things had gotten better since they’d traveled with Beks as an infant - less equipment required for a toddler, especially one who was easily entertained by her parents. 
Before they knew it Beks was in her car seat, thrilled that her dad climbed into the backseat to ‘hang out’ with her while he gave his wife shotgun. Ethan played Cudi, the clean versions, and everyone in the car sang along, even if Bekah was mostly just humming and kicking her feet. 
It took about 30 minutes to get to the main gate of the houses. Indy could still remember the first time she’d been in a car pulling up to the same spot. Things were a bit different now - they’d bought out their neighbors house when it went up for sale, tore down the fences and made it all one big backyard with each of the couples in their own space. E squared kept the original house - it’s where they’d raised Miles after all. Indy had enjoyed getting to make the new house her own. It wasn’t lost on her that it was the bigger of the two, with Grayson’s dream of a big family always at the back of his mind. 
It was on Indy’s too, especially when she saw Eden waiting on the porch of their house, her bump on full display, framed out by her bikini and cover up. Maisie Rae Dolan was due in two months, and the whole crew was counting down the days until her arrival, none more so than her mother. 
Miles came around the corner at full speed once the car stopped, running around the car to find the only one he ever looked for. Grayson couldn’t get her out of her carseat fast enough, but as soon as Beks was on the ground Miles was hugging her.
“Hi best friend!” Bekah said as soon as her face wasn’t buried in his shirt.
“Hi! I missed you! Daddy helped me make a countdown and I counted all the days until you came back and now you’re here! Do you wanna see it?!”
Grayson had to catch the two of them before they went barrelling towards the house.
“Hold on guys, if we wanna make it to the beach early enough to get into the water we all need to get changed and packed up. We’ll see you there Mi, okay?”
Miles nodded once, then immediately turned to Ethan.
“Dad, can I ride with Uncle Grayson and Aunt Indy?”
“They just got back babe, gotta give them a minute to settle in. But, if mom’s up for it we can go early and look for some shells, okay?”
He threw a wink to Grayson as he unloaded the bags. Meanwhile, Indy was on the porch, catching up with Eden. 
“Any changes? Contractions or anything?”
“Other than her kicking my spleen every five minutes and sitting on my bladder like a throne, we’re golden.”
She didn’t look golden. In fact, she looked exhausted. 
“Miles wearing you out?”
All she had to do was look at her and Indy was laughing.
“Whenever you need us to take him, just send him over.”
“You act as if you too do not have a child that wears you out.”
The pair looked over at their husbands, and their kids. Miles was attempting to climb the tree in the front yard, which was his new found mission he’d been working on. Ethan stood guard below, shifting back and forth to catch his son in case he lost his balance trying to maneuver the first main branch.
Meanwhile, Beks was picking flowers one by one and holding them in her fist. Indy watched as she carried her mini bouquet over to Grayson and held it out proudly. They watched as she stuck her tongue out in concentration while she tucked one behind her dad’s ear.
“Yeah… so whenever you need us to take him, just send him over,” Indy repeated with a laugh that Eden quickly joined in on, holding her bump with her hands. 
“Go get settled, if Beks gets ancy we can load her up with us.”
“She should be fine, we hate unpacking night of anyways. We’ll see you in a little while.”
She was halfway across the lawn before Eden called after her.
“Oh! Before I forget, I had some extra stuff lying around that definitely won’t fit for a while, or ever, after this one -” she pointed to her stomach. “I left them and some other stuff for you in your closet. Anything you don’t want just bring it back and I’ll throw it in the donation pile.”
Indy threw her a thumbs up and rounded up Beks, headed back to their house. She could breathe easier as soon as she was inside the familiar walls. Their house was modern, but every space was warmed by something personal, most of which was made by Grayson. With the transition away from social media and into behind the scenes production, he had more time to build and perfect his craft. Family touches were everywhere as well, from the picture frame on the coffee table from last christmas to the booster seat in the kitchen table chair where they all sat to eat dinner every night. Indy’s work badge was still on the counter, with the nemo sticker that covered her last name so no one could look her up and realize just who she was married to. But below it you could still read the name of the pediatric hospital she called home.
All those thoughts were fleeting though, considering Beks was on a mission to get to the beach. 
“I’ll get her ready if you pack the beach bag?” Grayson offered. Indy smiled and nodded, heading back into the bedroom to get changed herself. When she got to her closet, she found the pile of things from Eden - some of her tighter dresses, jean shorts, bikinis, a few bottles of perfume with a note scribbled, smell makes me sick now. Fml. Beside that was a box with a note; pregnancy tests, won’t be needing these anytime soon… hopefully lmao.  
Indy rolled her eyes and laughed to herself, putting everything away in its right spot and pulling out a nice bikini from the stack to throw on. She grabbed one of Grayson’s long sleeve shirts to put on over it before she headed back out. The bag was mostly prepped already with the essentials - the beach was a common Dolan outing after all. All she had to add was towels and a sandwich for Beks in case she got hungry. 
Food was the last thing on Bekah’s mind it seemed when she came down the hall, already asking if it was time to go. Indy wasn’t one to brag, but her daughter had to be up there with the cutest babies of all time, especially in her custom 2T sized spread positivity hoodie over her bathing suit and tiny chaco sandals. Her hair was still in the tiny space buns that Indy had put them in earlier, only adding to the way she was making her melt. 
Indy loaded up the car while Grayson threw on a speedo and regular shorts to cover up with, not bothering with a shirt. Indy preferred it that way - she enjoyed the view, which she had plenty of time to admire from the passenger seat once they were on the road. Grayson held her hand, looking like a Raybans model in his sunglasses, tattoos on full display as he drove. Her favorite was still the forever scribbled out across his ribs, especially with the script right below it. Bekah Nicole. His daughter's name. 
It still amazed Indy how lucky she was, to have the life that she did, to have found the love that she had. It took her breath away at times, made her stomach feel like it was floating when she remembered that the man beside her was hers, forever. She turned around the check on Beks, who was telling a story that made no sense, although Grayson was acting like he understood every single word. Their perfect little girl. Even then, she would still tear up if she looked at her for too long. 
The secret beach, somehow, still seemed to be their little secret. There were a few couples, but it was mostly empty apart from the other Dolan family that had beat them there. Grayson followed close behind Bekah as she ran through the sand towards Miles. 
“Now remember, you have to flip them over and if you even think there might be a hermit grab in there, you put it back because that's his home,” Ethan was informing his son when they reached the group. Eden was already lounged out in a chair, feet buried in the sand and hand absentmindedly rubbing over her bump. She peeked an eye open when she heard Indy start setting up beside her, looking to check on her son before she relaxed back down. 
“Momma? You take me in the waves? Pleaseeeee,” Bekah asked before Indy could sit. 
“Sure babe,” she smiled, pulling her shirt off quickly before scooping up her daughter and heading towards the water. Grayson wasn’t far behind them, ever the protector, wanting to be close by in case they needed anything. 
The water was chilly against Indy’s toes when she got into the break, and she bent down to let Beks stand in the frothy tide. As soon as the water got her feet she squealed, spinning around and reaching up.
“S’cold momma!” 
Indy laughed and picked her back up, unsurprised to see Miles and Ethan headed down the beach towards them, undoubtedly with the same idea. She was glad Eden was getting some much needed rest time, so she grinned and bared the cold water on her stomach as she got deeper in, jumping dramatically as the waves came through just to get a giggle out of her daughter. Grayson joined in on the fun, taking his turn to toss Beks up into the air and catch her with a splash and kisses all over her cheeks. They kept playing until the dad’s arms were sore, seeing that Miles wanted in on the fun, and the sun was beginning to set. Beks was cold by the time they made it back to the chairs, and Grayson immediately wrapped her up in a towel and snuggled her up against him, resting his cheek on the top of her head as she curled into his chest. 
Indy put her own towel over her shoulders, and the warmth of it was almost enough to have her lulling off to sleep. She fought it off, catching up with Ethan while Eden got Miles ready to go. The kids were wiped, and with a day of travel under her belt Beks was asleep on her dad’s shoulder before they even made it to the tesla.
“Watch this,” he whispered, showing off his skills of placing her in her seat without waking her up. It was impressive, truly, but even more so was the fact that he drove carefully enough through all the traffic on the way that she was still dreaming peacefully when they got home. 
“We have to wake her up to get her changed,” he pouted, not wanting to disturb her after the day she’d had. 
“I got it. You start on dinner, I’m fucking starving.” 
“Deal,” he grinned, leaning across the console to kiss her quickly before getting out. Indy exited the passenger side, opening up Beks door and talking to her quietly until her eyes opened, blinking wide and confused.
“You’re okay babe, we’re home.”
Indy soaked up the cuddles from her groggy daughter on the way into the house. She didn’t bother with anything else - they’d do a bath first thing in the morning. Instead, she moved to the ocean nursery, changing Beks quickly into a fresh diaper and pj’s before laying her down in her bed underneath the jellyfish Eden had helped design for the wall. She kissed her forehead and rubbed her back until she lulled back down, exhausted from the excitement of the day. 
Indy felt salty, her skin tight from the water, but she didn’t have the energy to shower. Instead, she headed into her room and grabbed another one of Grayson’s shirts along with some running shorts, taking them into the bathroom with her to get changed. 
The cabinet was still slightly open, and she reached down to close it when she saw it. A box of tampons - unopened. It took a minute for her to do the math, and she wasn’t 100% on if she was late or not, but that familiar knot tied in her stomach when she was unsure. Quietly, she locked the door and rummaged around for the pregnancy tests she’d just hidden away.
In the kitchen, Grayson was humming to himself as he strained the noodles for the mac and cheese - two boxes in fact, considering how hungry Indy said she was. The fridge was low considering they’d just gotten back, but he managed to scrounge up some fresh-enough fruit to cut up and put on a plate on the counter. 
Indy came back into the kitchen so quietly that he barely noticed as he was stirring in the vegan cheese.
“Jeez Dee, you scared me,” he teased, pulling her in for a hug. “How yah feeling?”
“Exhausted,” she mumbled, relaxing in his hold and melting into his chest. He loved when she did that, let him hold her after a long day. He didn’t pull away until she did, the smell of mac and cheese luring her away. 
Grayson took her hips with his hands and helped boost her up onto the counter, passing her the bowl he’d made for her. They ate quickly and quietly, the idea of curling up in bed more and more appealing as the carbs started to settle into their systems. When they’d cleared their bowls Indy moved to the sink, only for Grayson to shake his head.
“I got it. Go get in bed, you had a hell of a day.”
She sighed, kissing his bare shoulder once before getting up on her tiptoes to ask for a real one. He obliged her, bending down to catch her lips with his. “Love you,” she murmured, running her fingers over his back as she walked towards their room. She peaked in on Beks to make sure she was still out before she headed back to the bedroom, pulling out the test that she’d tucked away in her waistband. 
She blinked three times, hard.
Two lines. Two very dark lines. 
“Holy shit.” 
Emotions raced through her so fast she couldn’t catch a single one to give it a name. She barely had it together enough to hide it behind her back when Grayson walked in a few minutes later seemingly unfazed.
“I’m gonna shower real quick, you wanna join?” He offered, looking down into his dresser drawers for a pair of boxers.
“Uh, yeah, yeah I’ll join but can you do me a favor really quick?”
“Hmm,” he asked, turning towards her.
She held out the test in her shaky hand.
“Can you add this to the shelf?”
The shelf itself was on the wall beside him. All the old pictures had made their way over to the new house with some new additions, including the positive test that had told them they were having Beks, her ultrasound, her first birthday party. 
It took Grayson a moment to process, and then his hands were shaking too as he took the small stick and looked at it through his blurry eyes.
“For real?”
“For real.”
“We’re having another baby.”
“Another Beks.”
“Holy shit.”
“Holy fuck!” The excitement finally broke through the shock, and before she could move Grayson’s arms were around his wife, spinning her around as he buried his face in her neck.
“You’re pregnant. We’re having another baby.”
“It doesn’t feel real yet. I just took the test before dinner.” Indy’s eyes were watery, her hand automatically going over her stomach.
“It will. It’ll fly by, just like with Beks. Holy fuck, I’m so excited. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” she whispered, pulling him to her again for another hug.
“Not possible,” he said, shaking his head and kissing her shoulder. 
“Well, I love you forever then. I love our family, forever.”
Grayson couldn’t find the words. Instead, he just kissed her, forever grateful for every moment that had led him to right there, his whole world and future under one roof - everything he’d dreamed of within his hands.
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Lifetime of Waiting *Chapter 7*
Anthony Beauvillier and Mathew Barzal X Original Female Character
*smut in the chapter* TW: Mentions of death and Covid
(I’m a whore and cannot stop writing smut alongside with the other content but I’ll try to tone it down. Enjoy!)
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Chapter 7
“So you’re going back to British Columbia? And you’re going to Quebec and I’m going to be here?” Tessa asks sitting across from her two soulmates in disbelief.
“You’re not coming with one of us?!” Mat asks.
“Was I asked? No, I have a life here and I can’t just be assumed to come with you two always. I have to be asked and you have to ask.”
“Would you like to come?” Tito asks.
“Well considering I have a life, no I can’t.”
“It’s a worldwide pandemic Tess, we’re not letting you stay here. What if you die?” Mat pipes in.
“So what if I die then? So what? Oh well, nothing we can do.” The two men look at each other in alarm.
“You can’t just say that Tessa, you are not going to die and we’re not going to let you.”
“So what if I die. With this pandemic there’s a chance I’ll die, you’ll die, your teammates could die, Anise could die. Death is going to be a part of this and I understand that it’s normal. I wish death is painless but it’s not and we can’t worry. What if this is the last little bit we ever see of each other? What if I die when you guys are gone.”
“That won’t happen, come with us. Or split time between the two of us.” Anthony says.
“I wanna cry or scream or die or anything to feel. I am so so scared guys. I am living in the states, I’ve been around for too long to not be afraid.” Tessa can’t look the two men in the eye. Anthony moves towards her and she flinches away. “Don’t, I don’t want to be held or talked to like I’m fragile guys. I don’t want to, so do not pity me. I am scared and you two aren’t getting it.”
“We get it Tessa, we do. I promise everything is going to be okay, we are going to make sure that you are safe and nothing is going to happen.”
“I don’t want to die.” She cries, her body shaking with sobs. Mat and Anthony look at each other both hearts breaking equally as quickly.
“Tess, you’re not going to die. Can we take you to bed to cuddle you?” She wraps her arms around herself and shakes her head.
“No, I don’t want to be comfortable. I want to feel Mat. I want to feel pain, feel anything because all I feel is nothing since this whole pandemic started. People are dying, what if I am dying, what if I get it.” She’s not making any sense her body racked with sobs, panic rising in her system. She slides to the floor in a heap. “I-I can’t breathe, help.” Anthony comes behind her and holds her to his chest. Mat kneels in front of her and takes her hands into his.
“Okay I need you to look at me Baby girl. Focus on me and my breathing, look at my eyes. Focus,” Mat says rubbing his thumbs over the tops of her hands.
“Matty, help me.” Anthony kisses the back of her head.
“In and out, mirror us please. Everything is going to be okay.” Tessa reaches out and attaches herself to Mat’s body.
“You’re okay Tessy, I promise.” Anthony soothes as him and Mat have a silent conversation to move to his bedroom. Mat scoops her up and easily walks with her to Anthony’s room. Once situated Mat is on one side and Anthony on the other. Tessa is slowly calming down being wrapped not only in blankets but in the arms of her soulmates.
“We will not let anything happen, if anything Canada is safer for you.”
“Okay, I’ll go. I’ll split the time, half with Matty and half with Tito.” She shrugs. “But you two have to promise me that you’ll be safe and you won’t let me take away from time with your families.”
“You’re our family too.” Tessa takes a deep breath calming her fast beating heart and lets her eyes close.
“I mean your brother and sister, your parents, grandparents! Please don’t let me take time away from them. I will come with you but I want you to spend time together with them.”
“Deal.” Mat says and Tito agrees.
So the three made plans to go to Canada. Tessa helps the boys split her time between the two. She plans to stay a month with each just to begin. So April 14th to May 14th with Mat and May 15th to June 15th with Tito. She knew this was going to do a number on them but she knew that they could handle it. They would figure it out and get through it.
“Okay so Mathew, we’re leaving in two days for a month. Anthony I’ll be with you for a month as well okay? If anything happens or we have to change it we can. Now, I don’t want you two having issues with it okay? Does that make sense?”
“Do we have a choice?” Anthony asks.
“No, deal with it.”
“But what if I get horny?”
“Then you call me and I’ll help you deal with that. If I get horny because between you and me, I don’t know how the fuck you were made but it makes me want to be on you all the time. You could just give me a look and I’d drop to my knees right there.” She shrugs turning around to clean up her random papers she had thrown across the table. The boys smirk and shake their head.
“What look?” Mat asks pressing himself against her back.
“Not now, I need to go home and pack.” She gulps zipping up her bag.
“No, I think you need to answer him Little one.” Anthony chuckles looking at her darkly. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.
“No, that’s not going to work.”
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He asks and Mat runs his hand up her torso to grab her neck. She gasps and her head falls back.
“No.” Mat chokes a bit harder.
“No what?” Anthony asks.
“I think you better answer him Tess.” Mat whispers nipping at her ear softly. She whines low in her throat.
“No Daddy.” Mat releases her throat and she huffs grabbing it again stopping his hand from fully leaving her. “Don’t leave please, keep it there.” She sucks his thumb into her mouth swirling her tongue around it, pleasing her oral fixation.
“Such a good little slut aren’t you? Just want whatever we can give you?” She moans, nodding in agreement. Tessa relishes in the feeling of having the two of them take care of her and just being there.
“So, what should we do to her?”
“Okay, I guess I can stay for just a bit.” She shrugs dropping her hand from Mat’s arm.
“I want to eat her out, I think she needs to relax a bit.” Mat smirks against her neck nipping at it softly.
“Sir please, Mat I need it.”
“Oh, I know you do. You’ve just been so wound up lately, come lay on the couch.” Anthony sits down and pats his lap. Mat helps her strip out of her pants and panties. She climbs nervously into his lap and he wraps his legs around hers, holding her open for Mat. She looks up at him and he captures her lips in a fiery kiss. Mat takes her distraction as a good time to start. He starts by kissing the top of her pussy and down all the way to her hole before giving it a soft little lick. Tessa chokes on a moan that is quickly swallowed by Tito’s mouth.
“Fuck, you taste so sweet. I could spend forever between your legs.” Mat works her up to an orgasm and just as she’s about to bubble over he pulls back and softly strokes her legs as they shake.
“Relax, we’re just getting started.” He chuckles.
“You said that I deserved to relax, let me cum.”
“I did say that, however we’re playing by my rules and I say you aren’t relaxed enough.” He shakes his head in disapproval.
“No, Mat I’m sorry. I don’t wanna disappoint.” She whimpers.
“Babygirl, you know that’s not my name. You’re not disappointing me though, I just want you to enjoy your orgasm and the work up.”
“Fuck,” her head lulls back on Anthony’s shoulder and he chuckles kissing her forehead. Mat slides two thick fingers in her pussy and curls up gently rubbing against the little bud inside Tessa. “Fuck, Mat don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” Her hips buck wildly. He pushes her close to the edge and stops again removing his hands. She growls and lurches forward at him.
“You’re a fucking dick, why didn’t you let me cum?!” She huffs panting. Mat smirks and chuckles leaving feather touches on her thighs, close to her pussy.
“Shhhh baby.” Tessa lurches out of Anthony’s grip and pushes Mat to the floor holding his hands above his head. He looks at her in surprise.
“You fuck me and make me cum or so help me I am going to go to the bathroom, lock the door and make myself cum without you. You would only get to hear my moans,” she growls feeling desperate and undone and Mat interlocks their hands flipping her around so he’s on top.
“Oh yeah? So cute when you try to be dominant.” He chuckles, his breath tickling her face. His hair tousled and messed up from messing around. Mat leans down and sucks roughly on her neck marking his territory. Tessa’s hands tense and she fights to touch him.
“No, keep your hands there.” Anthony commands from the couch, watching Tessa struggle under Mat. She whines.
“You’re not in charge here boys.” She says and she feels Mat’s thigh wedge itself between her legs pushing roughly into her clit. Her hips involuntarily buck up into his knee.
“Oh yeah? Because your body says something different. Come on, just give in. Give into what your body desires, if you give in we’ll let you cum.”
“You were mean, fuck you.” She bites.
“Oh you’re gonna regret that! Come on.” He stands up and throws her over his shoulder taking her to his bed, Tito following on his tail.
“Put me down you barbarian!” Tessa smacks his back. He spanks her, effectively stilling her moves.
“One second babe.” He chuckles throwing her down on the bed. “Edge of the bed now.” He commands. She obeys and gets on her hands and knees.
“I’m gonna fuck you and Tito is gonna fuck your face. We’re not going to stop until your brattiness is gone.”
“I’m not being a brat though.” She chuckles sticking her tongue out. Anthony slides near her mouth with his cock in his hand.
“Put that mouth to use and suck ange.” His hand in her hair was soft compared to what his and Mat’s other actions were. She practically melts when she reaches his blue eyes staring down into hers.
“Yes Daddy.” She breathes licking her lips.
“Good girl.” She whimpers taking him into her mouth. Behind her Mat spanks her watching her ass jiggle before he’s rubbing his tip up and down her slit. Tessa subconsciously tries to push back on his cock.
“Stay still and I’ll give you what you want.” Mat grunts. She bobs her head up and down on Anthony’s cock before going down all the way so he hits her throat. She gags but keeps down there, breathing through her nose and attempting to relax.
“Fuck…” Anthony trails off and Mat thrusts into her causing her to take Anthony impossibly deep. She pulls off with a gag, drooling dripping down her face. She takes a few deep breaths and Anthony is pushing down again. Her mind goes clear and she feels a haze start to form over her mind as she focuses on the overwhelming sensations between her two men. Mat somas his hard cock into her dripping pussy. She moans around Anthony’s cock causing him to thrust a little rougher in her mouth.
“Holy fuck that feels amazing… shit baby don’t stop.” He grunts gripping her hair in his hands. She hums lazily looking up at him through her lashes. She bobs her head and jerks what she can’t fit in her mouth and it isn’t long until he’s cumming down her throat. She swallows and keeps sucking before Anthony tries to take it out of her mouth. She whines, her mouth feeling empty.
“Aww does the poor baby not like having her pretty little mouth full.” She nods and Anthony takes pity on her letting two of his fingers slide into her mouth. She lets her eyes close and focuses on the sensations coursing through her.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Wanna Know That Body Like It’s Mine // Calum Hood
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@cal-puddies​​​ and I once again cannot thank you all enough for clowning with us during another Hoe Hours weekend! If you haven’t yet, be sure and check out Cass’s Cal fic from yesterday (I Love The Sound, I Love The Taste) and my Ash fic (Fight So Dirty) that kicked off the event. (In addition to the bonus Cal blurb - What’s Mine Is Yours - we couldn’t help but co-write because again, we’re clowns.)
We’ve been hyped on this piece for a while - it was requested by an anon (and specifically requested we co-write, which warmed our hearts) about a month ago and while there were stops and starts, we’ve basically been working on it ever since (I swear Cass had sent me a shared doc within seconds of me sharing the request lol). We can’t wait to hear what you think so please blow up both of our inboxes!
Warnings: Boyfriend!Cal. So much smut but an equal amount of feelings. Unprotected sex in an established relationship, oral and manual stimulation of both a male and a female, semi-public sexual encounter, sex toys, rimming, pegging.
Word Count: 11,384
Cass & Crystal’s Masterlist  // Hoe Hours Masterlist
Crystal: Taglist // Ko-Fi          Cass: Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  us  know  what  you  think!
“Hey babe!” Calum calls out, letting himself in to your apartment.
He’s greeted by a fit of giggles followed by an apologetic “Sorry, Cal, we’re almost done.”
“That’s OK, pretty girl, I’m early.” He walks by the living room, offering a quick ‘hey’ to you and the friend you’re visiting with and then helps himself to your kitchen. He gets himself some water and finds something to munch on, leaning against the counter and absentmindedly scrolls his phone while he waits.
He respects your privacy so he does his best to tune out what he can hear of your conversation but he can’t help the way his ears perk up when he hears your friend use the term “pegging.” He can’t hear much beyond that and he makes a note to ask you about it later.
She leaves shortly after and you pop your head into the kitchen on your way to change into your date night outfit. “Ready in 10,” you announce.
“No rush, baby, take all the time you need,” he reassures you, still scrolling his phone.
You sidle up next to him. “Of course you say that, you’re in here spoiling your dinner,” you tease, dipping your hand into the box of crackers he’d selected and shoveling a few into your mouth.
He takes a breath to defend himself but is stopped when you slide a few crackers into his open mouth; he chuckles and presses a crummy kiss to your lips and swats at you as you leave the room.
Date night is a success: you and Calum treat yourselves to a great dinner and even greater sex. You’re cuddling in bed afterwards, talking about whatever comes to mind. There’s a brief lull in the conversation and then he asks you how your afternoon visit went.
“Oh, it was entertaining as always, you know she’s always got a story,” you laugh.
“Sounded like, you girls were really getting into it when I showed up,” he teases, kissing the top of your head as you lay on his chest. He waits a beat then continues, “Did I overhear something about pegging? I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I was digging through the fridge and that’s the type of thing that kinda grabs the attention.”
You nod and smile against his skin. “Yeah, she was saying they’d been talking about it for a while and then he whisked her away on this big trip for her birthday last month, surprised her with all the gear and they finally did it.”
His curiosity is piqued so after about 30 seconds, when it seems like you’re not going to continue the conversation, he boldly presses, “And?”
Unfazed, you reply, “And? They loved it. Said it made her feel powerful, he came harder than she’d ever seen. Super hot, brought them closer together, all that stuff.”
“Huh,” Calum comments noncommittally. There’s another short hanging silence and then he asks, “You ever thought about that?”
“Pegging? Um... you know, it’s not really something that’s crossed my mind.” You kinda shrug and turn your head up to look at his face. “Is it something you want me to think about?”
“Maybe… I don’t know,” he ponders out loud. “I don’t think I’d be opposed... I mean, you let me do that to you.”
“Well, it was a lot of work to get me to be able to take you that way,” you remind him.
“And I think it was worth it. And you don’t seem to complain about it,” he playfully argues.
You smirk at him, “There’s nothing to complain about. I do like it, that’s why we keep doing it.”
“You make valid points,” he grins. He watches you yawn and then kisses your nose. “Get some sleep, love.”
The subject doesn’t come up again over the next few days and you think nothing of it when you receive a text from Cal asking if you want to visit the sex shop. You both enjoy incorporating toys into your sex regularly and you hadn’t treated yourselves in a while, so you respond that it’s a great idea.
You walk hand in hand into the shop and then Cal kisses your cheek and you break off to look at different things. You browse for a while and then decide to find him and see if he had anything particular in mind for this trip.
You find him in front of the wall of strap ons, harnesses and dildos and he’s looking more than a little wide-eyed.
“Hey handsome, what’d you find?” You ask, curiously peering in the direction of his eyeline.
He leans in and admits in a low voice, “After our talk the other night... I just keep thinking about it.”
“Oh... OK,” you reply, rubbing his back gently. You’re a bit surprised but immediately supportive. “So... what are we looking for?” You gesture towards the wall.
You watch as he opens his mouth a couple times to answer and then he just shuts it and walks forward, looking closer at different toys. You can immediately sense he’s overwhelmed by the choices.
You link your arm in his and press a peck to his shoulder. “I know it looks like a lot but you’ve helped me pick out toys before so you’re not totally in the dark here,” you point out. “It would just be... you know, for you this time.”
“I think that’s the intimidating part,” he comments, chewing his lip. “I don’t want to pick wrong and not enjoy it and mess up something that’s supposed to be fun for us.”
You rub his arm tenderly. “Cal, we’re talking about us, we always have fun trying things. So you don’t need to worry about that,” you say firmly, hoping your confidence will provide comfort to him. “If you want to do this, the important thing is that you’re comfortable and figuring out what you want is the first step.”
He nods and scans the wall again, taking a deep breath. “The flesh colored ones are a lot,” he says quietly. “We should get a fun color.” You smile agreeably.
“I’m not ready for balls. Just a cock,” he states, almost under his breath. You bite your lip in amusement, not wanting to discourage him.
“This is good, bubba, you’re narrowing it down,” you encourage him.
An employee sets up a ladder to the left of you to get a toy down for another couple and you see Calum’s eyes repeatedly darting over there; you’re not sure if it’s out of embarrassment at his uncertainty or curiosity in what they’ve selected.
You give him another couple minutes but he’s gone quiet and you decide to step in. “Maybe it would help if we went home and talked about it? You can look at some of my toys, feel the different textures… we can look online and filter things down?” You gently suggest. “This was a good start but it might be easier to make a decision without the pressure of being in a store.”
He exhales, you assume in relief, and puts his arm around you. “Sounds good, baby,” he agrees. You expect him to lead you out of the store but instead he walks you over to the furthest corner of the intimidating wall. “Wanted to show you this, thought it suited you for some reason.”
He points at a box containing a chic-looking red and black harness; it’s a similar style to lingerie he’s picked out for you before, with fancy lacing details over the hips and ass. Of course even when planning a sexual encounter that he’s requested, he would think of you first. You grin at him. “I love it, we should get it,” you declare.
“Yeah?” He beams excitedly, picking up the box. “It caught my eye and I couldn’t get the thought of you in it out of my mind. It says it’s adjustable for most toys and it’s crotchless.” He winks at the last part and you giggle, taking the box from him and heading to the counter.
You leave the store on a high and Cal seems really into it for a few days; next time he’s over at yours, he even asks to have a look at your toys. He feels them, wanting to understand the weight and the girth.
“I have to applaud you,” he comments, sitting on your bed, studying your collection.
“For what, bub?” You casually reply, laying on the bed, watching him.
His eyes widen as he gestures at the various shapes and sizes in front of him. “You take all of this so well… and I think about you taking my cock and… holy shit, babe, that’s not easy.”
“Well… thank you, baby,” you chuckle. “But also, we probably won’t use anything similar to your cock for you just yet,” you wink.
And then it’s forgotten. Days pass without Calum bringing it up and you don’t feel like you should, since it’s something he instigated and you don’t want to make him feel pressured.
“It’s totally fine if you’ve changed your mind on the pegging thing,” you casually say one night, sitting on the kitchen counter while he loads the dishwasher. “I just want to make sure you’re not avoiding talking to me about it because you’re afraid to.”
“Hmm?” He looks up at you. “I guess I wasn’t sure how you felt about it,” he shrugs.
“I think it’d be fucking hot, Cal, but we’re not doing it for me,” you explain. “I’m not the one who needs to make the decision here. But for the record, if you want it, I’ll be happy to do it.”
“Well then,” he smirks. “I’m about done here. Let’s go look for some toys.”
Moments later, you’re on the couch; you sit on Cal’s lap and his computer sits on yours. You pull up a couple different sites and start filtering.
“OK, so what do you think about firmness?” He gives you a questioning look in response. You smile softly. “OK so my pink one and the like, kind of clear one? Those were super soft right?” He nods. “So we’re gonna want something firmer than that. But we probably don’t want anything too hard either.”
“Right, so like a medium then?” He reaches around you to reach the touchpad, scrolling the page. “Which of these do you use?”
“Mmm, don’t have toys for my ass.” You reach down and wrap your hand around his cock through his shorts. “Only this guy and the plugs we bought.”
“Someone’s frisky,” he comments, eyes turning back to the screen.
You filter the pages, pointing out a few options, clicking across a few different sites but still haven’t removed your hand from his crotch. He lets out a loud breath through his nose. “You OK baby?” You ask sweetly.
“Yeah, I’m great. Got a pretty girl on my lap, just barely giving me a hand job through my shorts, looking at cocks to fuck me with,” he shrugs. “All while we’re sat in the living room; just a normal day.”
“Oh, if the location is an issue, we can take this to the bedroom,” you offer with a laugh.
Calum shakes his head. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
You turn and look him directly in the eye. “Well, I know one way you could find out for sure,” you lilt, spreading your legs a little.
“You act like I won’t,” he teases. He sticks his hand down the front of your shorts, slicking his fingers through your folds. He pulls his hand out and lifts his fingers to his mouth. “Yeah… we’re gonna wrap this up in the bedroom,” he announces.
He leads you to the bedroom and sits up on the bed, gesturing for you to sit up against him. You fit yourself in between his legs and pull the computer into your lap. “Let’s finish this up,” you murmur, looking back at him.
He agrees and you go back to searching, though every so often you shift your hips just so to hear him gasp. He points out some choices that he likes and you go find your soft tape measure to make sure he understands the girth of the cocks he’s picking. You instruct him to measure a few of your toys but “for reference” he pulls out his own cock to measure and that gets him distracted.
You see him stroking himself out of the corner of your eye but you try to stay focused on your search, opening a few more tabs to show him. You hear the familiar hiss that means he must’ve just thumbed over the head of his cock in a very particular way and you finally have to look up at him.
“What is this, hands on research?” You joke, taking a deep breath to steady yourself at the sight.  
Cal grins, closing the laptop and setting it aside. He grabs your hips to bring you face to face with him. “Think that’s enough for today,” he says deeply, nipping at your neck. “I need you.”
“I mean, it seemed like you were doing OK on your own,” you breathe as you reach for his hard cock, lightly running your fingers up the shaft.
Suddenly his mouth is on yours, kissing you with an intensity you don’t quite recognize. Melting into the kiss, your hands race his as you rid each other of your clothing and within moments you’re sitting in his lap, positioned above him, teasing his cock with your wetness.
He’s torn between wanting to whine at your teasing and wanting to tease you for being just as affected by the situation as he was so he splits the difference and moans as he grabs your hips and thrusts up into you.
You start to ride Calum at a fairly steady pace but he’s clearly determined to get you both off and get you both off fast; his hands are seemingly glued to your hips and he bounces you up and down on his cock, meeting your every movement with his own.
Neither of you say anything, letting your noises speak for you. He only lets go of you when he sees you biting your lip as you try to find the right friction; he moves one hand to grab your ass and the other he slips between your legs to find your clit.
It only takes a couple minutes from there for you both to finish in a flurry of noises. He keeps you in his lap for a moment, as you both come down. “See, pegging is already doing wonders for our sex life,” he quietly jokes, kissing your face.
The next day, you come over after work; you let yourself in and find Calum on the bed, with the websites already pulled up for you to browse together.
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” he announces as you sit next to him.
“Thinking’s good,” you chirp, kissing his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder.
“I know we didn’t find exactly what I wanted but we were only looking in the dildo section, since we already bought you that badass harness you’re gonna look so hot in,” he excitedly rambles. “SO, out of curiosity, I clicked on some of their kits and I think they could work for us.”
He clicks through a number of tabs on his browser, searching for what he wants to show you and explaining his findings to you. You’re honestly impressed by the amount of research he’s done on his own; it makes you feel good to know he’s decided to take an active role in this process, it lets you know he’s serious about it. It also makes you irredeemably horny to know he’s been sitting here alone, spending what looks like a considerable amount of time contemplating what the perfect kind of cock is for you to fuck him with. You press your legs together and try to listen to what he’s saying.
“...It comes with different sizes so that gives us some leeway on that decision - they’re all cute colors, no balls. And it says they all have the flared base so we can use our harness instead of the one it comes with,” he reports, scrolling through the website’s pictures for you to see.
He’s right; the set he’s found ticks basically every box on your shopping list. You can see why it would catch his eye: it’s equal parts arousing and unintimidating, made for a beginner like him. “Cal, this looks great,” you enthuse, reaching over to add the set to your cart. “You’re better at this than even I am, I don’t think I’ve ever picked out a toy this fast.”
“I don’t know about that,” he preens a little at your praise. “I just clicked around and once I saw this one, I started picturing you with it and… I think it’s a good choice.” His voice catches slightly and he clears it, pointing to the moderately sized royal blue dildo.
Again, your entire body feels charged thinking about Calum thinking about you, wanting you like this. You begin pressing wet kisses along his jaw and he chuckles at your eagerness. “Got a couple other things I think we should shop for, pretty girl,” he smirks, seeing you pout in his periphery.
“Oh? Let me see,” you reply, moving to snatch the computer away from him. You giggle as Cal anticipates your move and sits it beside him on the bed so he can continue searching. You sit up on your knees and continue mouthing at his jaw, neck and ears, your hands lightly moving over his chest. You take note of the way his sweatpants are beginning to tent.
“Baby,” he breathes. “I wanna show you this set of plugs… might be a good idea… we didn’t go right into having you take my cock… worked up to it.” His breathing increases every few words and you know you’ve got him when you thumb over his hardened nipple through his shirt and he shudders.
You shake your hand under his shirt to give more direct attention to his nipples while sucking on his neck. “Yeah, Cal... plugs... sounds great,” you murmur.
“What’s got you so needy today, my love?” He chuckles, grabbing the back of your head for a proper kiss.
“Something about you taking such an interest here, making an effort to get it right... I appreciate it," you mumble against his lips before pulling him in for an even deeper kiss.
“Well. Something about you taking that kind of control... seeing you strapped up and wanting me that way...” He groans. “C’mere, darlin.”
He pulls you back onto his lap; you make out hungrily and it's just as intense as the day before but not as frantic. After a few moments, your shirts are discarded and you start slightly grinding in his lap. Cal grips tight onto your hips, pulling you down a little harder. 
“Have you ever experimented before?” You ask, pulling your face away from his to gauge the answer.
Getting him to share isn't always easy so you don't expect him to answer so breezily. "Always wondered what it'd be like, dipped a finger back there a couple times but never really pushed in," he shrugs. "Felt kind of silly doing it myself. And I couldn’t ever imagine someone doing it for me until now." He smiles softly, eyes shining.
Your heart flutters at his honesty. “Should we give it a go then?” You quirk an eyebrow, smiling as well. You feel him tense for a second and you thread your fingers in his hair. “I mean, we should start trying at some point, but we can take it slow,” you explain. He stays quiet and you reassure him, “We don’t have to do this yet if you’re not ready.”
He studies your face for a second and breathes deep. "I want to… think I’m just kind of wrapping my head around it," he admits, furrowing his brow.
You melt at his conflicted expression and kiss him tenderly. "Hey, you don't have to worry, we're in this together, you know?" He nods firmly at your encouragement. "Good... luckily I know by now how to get you to relax," you tease as you kiss down his chest, palming him through his sweatpants.
He lets out a breath through his nose. “Baby.” He’s grinning, you can hear it even with your eyes closed.
You let his cock spring free and you softly kiss the tip before pulling his pants all the way off.
“You trust me, baby boy?” You ask, tugging at the band of his pants.
Cal lifts his hips. “Of course,” he offers without hesitation.
“OK. I’m gonna try something, alright?” You warn, coming back up to pay special attention to his cock.
You hear him murmur his consent as you lick up and down the sides of him and then sink your mouth down, bobbing just enough to get him nice and covered in spit. You pull off and check his face, which is watching you, fascinated; he raises his eyebrows in anticipation for what's to come, given your announcement.
You wrap your hand around his length, slowly tugging it as you mouth his balls. You gently rub your hand up and down the back of his thigh before pushing it up and very gently kissing your way down further. You gently lick over his puckered hole and wait to see how he reacts.
You hear a sharp intake of breath which you expect, what you don't expect is the way he slightly scoots his ass down closer to you. You move your tongue against his opening again, this time adding a couple swirling motions, which earn you some low groans.
You grin to yourself and repeat the action. He wraps his hand around the back of his leg, lifting it for you so you can focus your attention where he really wants it. Calum may be ready for this after all.
There’s a whimper that escapes his lips that lets you know he’s enjoying this more than he was letting on. “Tongue,” is all he says. “So good...”
You let go of his cock and slide both hands up the back of his thighs, pushing them closer to his chest.
“So pretty, babe,” you coo. He’s had you like this many times before and you can see why he likes it, the vulnerability it forces you to share. “Touch your cock,” you direct, going back to tend to his hole.
He seems entranced by the way you're making him feel, a seemingly never-ending gravelly whine pouring from his throat. After a few more flicks of your tongue, you pull back and notice his hands remain clenched at his sides.
"Cal, baby," you lightly tap his thigh. "Stroke yourself for me, handsome, I know you need it."
Calum breaks out of his daze at the sound of your voice and pulls his cock away from his stomach, where it's been laying there leaking.
You go back to work and he wraps a hand around himself; he manages two or three tugs before he lets out a guttural moan and immediately drops his cock again. "Babe... touching feels too good... don't wanna cum yet, want you to keep going," he pants.
“Oh... I’ve got a needy baby boy, huh?” You tease. You let go of his thigh and reach for his abandoned cock, lightly teasing your fingertips over it while you lap at his entrance.
You feel him relax a bit so you start to tease the tip of your tongue inside him, partly for him but mostly so you can hear his neediest whines yet.
Cal whimpers as you cup his balls and run your finger lightly on the underside of his shaft. You can see the precum pooling on his stomach.
He’s mumbling with that rasp that his voice gets only when he's feeling truly wrecked. You place a few sloppy wet kisses to that space between his hole and his balls and he shouts as his whole body jumps.
You pull back to admire him in his debauched state and the cry that leaves his lips confirms what bad shape he’s in. He lets out a breathy, “Baby, why?” followed by a begging, “Please don’t stop.”
“Just wasn’t sure if you were enjoying it,” you tease, diving back in with more enthusiasm and determination than before.
You keep one hand lightly massaging his base and it only takes a few more licks over his opening for you to feel him twitch in your grasp and to hear him groaning. His orgasm is absolutely obscene; his cock spurts rope after rope of cum over his torso, as he whines desperately, still pushing his body closer to you, urging you to keep going.
You give him what he wants and keep flicking your tongue against him over and over with the occasional dip inside until you feel him start to settle down. You move your kisses to his thighs and look up at him again.
"Cal?" You check on him.
His eyes are still screwed shut, his hand now tight around his cock, squeezing the last few drops of cum from his tip. “I’m good baby... so fuckin’ good,” he sighs. His other hand reaches out to you and his body relaxes completely. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him so wrecked and it makes you want to do this for him even more.
You take his hand and grasp it tightly, coming up to gently stroke his lightly sweat-covered face with your other hand. "Did so good for me, bub, holy shit," you compliment him. "So hot seeing you like that, I could definitely get used to this."
He kisses your hand and then looks down at his cum covered body. “I think I could too,” he laughs euphorically.
The weekend comes and Cal lets himself into your place, as he always does; Duke comes scampering in too.
“Hi love!” You greet the dog, leaning over to pet him.
Cal grins, watching you with Duke.
“Hiya, other love.” You wrap your arms around his neck and stand on your toes to kiss him. “Listen… I went ahead and bought those toys you showed me,” you say nonchalantly as you pull away.
“Oh? Good... I forgot,” he says sheepishly. 
“Look, I haven’t been dating you for this long not to assume you wouldn’t remember after we got high and you buried your face in between my thighs like I was your last meal,” you tease, tapping his shoulder.
“And I’d do it again,” he smirks. “Especially... like… I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about your tongue every day we did that.”
“Oh? Enjoyable for you, handsome?” You chuckle.
“I mean, judging by the amount of cum you cleaned off my stomach, I'd have to say yes,” he says with wide eyes, pulling you back in to him.
It’s only a matter of time before you’re back in the bedroom. Your panties stay on but Calum is completely naked, on his back and holding his thighs up for you again. His breathing is heavy and he’s whimpering as your tongue dances over his hole.
You pull back and peer over at him. “Cal… do you wanna try something?” You ask.
“Yeah, baby, anything you want,” he rushes out.
“Babe, this is about you,” you point out patiently.
“I know… you’re right… I want it, I want it.” It’s almost panicked the way he’s whining.
You run your hands along the sides of his thighs soothingly. You reach over for the small bottle of lube you’d tucked under one of your pillows just in case and coat your fingers with it. You wrap your hand around his cock and slowly touch him, knowing he might need the distraction and then you gently tease a finger against his hole, swirling it, causing him to gasp. You wait until he relaxes and then you squeeze his shaft as you slowly start to push your finger in.
Cal lets out a breathy “Oh” like you’ve never heard and you press a kiss to his leg as you push in a little further. You continue slowly like this for a minute until his breath sputters and you feel him tightening around your finger. You pause and start to pull back but then he emits a deep “Keep going” that you can’t disagree with.
You push your finger in slowly past the resistance and then gently start moving around, looking for that one spot; you’ve done your research so you would know what to expect and what you were looking for.
He practically pries your hand off his cock. “Can’t,” he whines, desperate.
“OK, handsome,” you murmur. You kiss along his thighs and wrap your free hand around one. You work your finger a bit more, watching his body react. When he starts moving back against you, you ask, “Want another?”
“Mmm hmm,” he nods frantically, eyes closed.
You slick a bit more lube onto your second finger and start to work it in as well. “Doing so good for me, baby,” you sigh. You didn’t realize how worked up you had gotten until you hear how breathy your voice comes out. “This is so fucking hot, Cal.”
“Oh god, baby,” he cries, voice straining as your two digits move inside him. You look up at him and he’s looking right back; it’s one of the more intense moments you two have shared. He drops his head to the pillows and you watch his back arch and a slew of curse words spill from his lips. “Right. There,” he huffs.
You gently bite his thigh. “Want to see you cum for me, baby,” you coo, confident in your movements. Almost immediately, his sounds become even breathier and whinier and you see his hand fly to grasp his cock as the cum starts spurting. “There you go, baby boy,” you praise as he desperately bucks his hips. “So good, handsome.”
You pull your fingers out and Calum lays panting for a while, dazed. You press a kiss to each of his knees and move to start cleaning up. His eyes are shut but he feels you moving around the room and he reaches out to touch your arm. “I love you, baby,” he quietly rasps.
The next morning, Cal gets up just after dawn to take Duke out and never returns to bed. You find him at your kitchen table, eating a bowl of oatmeal and writing in his journal.
“Morning, bub,” you yawn, kissing the top of his head as you pass by to make yourself some breakfast. "I was thinking if it's nice out, we might take Duke to the park today?"
He gets up and takes his bowl to the sink. “Oh, uh… I was actually thinking I’d head out pretty soon,” he says apologetically. “I’ve been busy so the house is kind of a mess… there’s actually a lot I should take care of.”
“Oh. OK, yeah,” you shrug. You’re slightly surprised, you thought you were spending the day together but it’s not unlike Cal for him to put vital tasks until the last minute. “Maybe next week.”
The next few days follow a similar pattern. You ask Calum if he wants to grab dinner, he already has plans. He’s “swamped” and has to postpone your movie night. There’s still a “Good morning, pretty girl” text waiting for you when you wake up every day and a “Good night, my love” text that chimes every night when you’re brushing your teeth so you’re not too worried but you can tell something is off.
You get an email that your toy order has shipped and you send a screenshot to Cal, accompanied by the eggplant and dripping emojis. It takes him a while to reply, which is typical, but when he finally does, all you get back is “lol.” You frown. You don’t know how you expected him to respond but it was definitely not “lol.”
Your understanding of the situation starts becoming a bit clearer when you scroll up through your text thread and see that every time you’ve brought up your recent encounters, he’s either changed the subject or given an extremely short, vague response. You exhale slowly. You’re going to have to talk to him.
A hike is the least confrontational activity you can think to suggest and he agrees to meet you at your usual spot with Duke later that afternoon. They find you in the parking lot and you kneel down to show the small dog some love before you give your boyfriend a peck on the cheek.
As you’d hoped, you basically have the trail to yourselves; you walk for a bit, chatting easily about everyday things. You stop for a quick break and you decide to take a deep breath and go for it. “Kinda wanted to talk to you about something, bubba,” you start, hoping you don’t sound as uneasy as you feel.
Cal sits on a nearby bench and scoops Duke up to sit beside him. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at you, brow furrowed, dark eyes squinting in that way he does when he’s really concentrating on what you’re saying.
You sit next to them; you want to look him in the eyes but you’re weirdly nervous so you focus on petting the sweet dog who is also patiently waiting for you to make your case. “I feel like… and I could be totally wrong and please tell me if I am… but I feel like maybe you’ve been avoiding seeing me after you know… the last night we spent together,” you try to put it as delicately as possible. “And it’s fine if you didn’t like it and it’s fine if you want to stop trying the things we’ve been trying but… I need you to talk to me about it, Cal. I shouldn’t have to guess here and I’m feeling really shut out.”
He’s quiet for a minute but you know he’s going to take his time weighing his words and making sure he expresses himself clearly. Finally he quietly says, “You’re right.”
There’s another pause and you hope to ease his mind by cracking, “That’s a good start, babe, but I’m gonna need a little more.”
Calum shakes his head fondly, waits a beat, then lets it all out, both slow and rushed as only he can. “I guess I just didn’t expect… I don’t know, baby, we’ve been together a while and we’ve done a lot of shit but that’s the closest to you I’ve ever felt. Which is good like… I want that. But I just felt really… exposed?” He stares off down the trail for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. “I’ve just never felt need like that before and I don’t think I was prepared for how it would feel to let you see me like that.”
It takes a minute for him to feel like he can meet your eyes and you can’t help but think it’s for the best, as yours are brimming with tears. You feel so deeply for him in this moment and the love you have for him overwhelms you.
“Baby,” you whisper, reaching your hand over the bench to squeeze his shoulder. “That’s a lot. And I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t talk to me? You didn’t have to deal with all that alone.”
“A bit hard to be open with someone about being embarrassed you were open with them,” he points out with a shrug.
“But Cal, that’s just it! There’s no reason to feel embarrassed, you know there’s no judgement between us, especially in bed,” you firmly insist. “And if you are feeling weird about anything, I need to know. The only way we can continue this is if you talk to me, babe, that’s just the way it’s gotta be.”
Calum nods quietly and sits Duke on his lap so he can pull you closer, placing his arm around you. You rest your head on his shoulder and say, “You have to trust me with this, bub. I’m not gonna feel comfortable doing this unless I know you can communicate with me. How can I be sure you’ll tell me if something doesn’t feel right physically if you feel awkward even telling me that your feelings are off, baby?”
He squeezes your arm. “I can do that,” he promises. “I also think I was a little afraid to make you feel bad about it. I really did like it. And I could tell you did too. It was just the after I had trouble processing.”
You lift your head up and gently turn his face to look at you. “I’ll make you a deal,” you state. “I can definitely step up my aftercare game for you. But for me, Cal, I need once and for all you to understand that this isn’t about me. I know it goes against your instincts and I love that about you but we’re doing this for your pleasure and that’s all that matters to me.”
“Deal. Although… I’m still gonna give you one hell of an orgasm when you do this for me… there’s no talking me out of that,” he smirks, lightening the mood.
You text him later that week to let him know the toys have arrived and his face immediately flashes on your screen.
“Should we get out of town?” He asks.
“We can do whatever you think is gonna be most comfortable for you, bubba,” you affirm. “I figured you’d want to do it at your place because it’s familiar territory and it’s going to be such an unfamiliar experience…”
“I know I agreed that technically this is for me but... I still feel like it’s about us…” He thinks out loud. “I dunno, part of me wants to take you away on this big romantic adventure so we can be alone together. No outside world, just our bubble.”
“I love you, baby. Whatever you want,” you say softly.
And so it’s settled. The next afternoon Calum is waiting for you on your couch when you get home from your half-day at work. He’s already packed a bag for you and he’s raring to go.
You head into your room to change and decide to check what he packed for you. You unzip the bag and to your surprise, it appears he’s thought of just about everything, including his favorite lingerie for you. The harness, the dildo set and the plugs are all accounted for and he’d even remembered your travel bag from the bathroom. You smile at his effort and head back out to him.
“Great pack job, baby, I’m all set!” You toss the bag by the door excitedly.
He grabs your hand as you walk to the door and for some reason it goes straight to your core; you’re not travelling far but you realize the drive is about to feel that much longer.
You haven’t been in the car very long when Cal starts noticing how touchy you’re being with him and about halfway through the trip, he decides to ask. “What’s with you, baby?” He asks, playfully nudging your knee.
“Nothing,” you tease. “I’m just excited! Time alone together? This is rare.”
He glances over at you and gives you a look. “You sure that’s it? Because the way you’re squeezing your thighs tells me you're excited in another way.”
“Honestly, Cal... I’d give anything to ride your face right about now,” you boldly admit and give a cheeky grin when you see his face twitch at your words.
He groans, “The absolute death of me.” Shaking his head, he quietly commands, “Undo your shorts.” You do him one better and push your shorts to the floor.
“Can’t get my mouth right now, but I’m sure my fingers will do,” he mumbles as he very quickly pushes your panties out of the way and slicks his fingers through your folds. “Oh... pretty girl,” he murmurs, pulling his fingers away to suck them into his mouth. You turn your body toward him, resting your back against the door and pulling one leg into the seat with you.
Cal steals a glance and his thumb presses to your clit, causing you to moan.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet, you naughty girl,” he teases, nudging his pointer finger inside you. “Is this how you’re gonna be all weekend?”
“Probably,” you shrug nonchalantly.
“Good,” he responds smugly. “I knew getting away would be the right choice.”
He pushes two fingers in and you grip the seat, letting out a little noise of approval. “Please, Cal!”
He knows he can’t take his eyes off the road no matter how badly he wants to look at you, so he turns down the radio so he can listen to your moans and let his imagination fill in the rest. You resituate and tilt your hips up toward him more. “Rub your clit, baby… want you to cum for me,” he growls.
You bite your lip and do as you’re asked. You moan loudly as he pushes in a third finger and his eyes somehow remain on the road. You let out a little gasp.
Calum can’t help but steal a glance. “Mmm, my pretty girl’s pretty pussy,” he licks his lips. “You’re so close, baby, I feel you squeezin’ my fingers.”
You grab onto his wrist with your free hand as his fingers continue to pump in and out of you. Your head lulls back against the window and he makes quick work of finishing you. “Yes, baby, so hot when you cum for me,” he praises.
He withdraws his fingers once you stop throbbing around them and he lifts his index finger to your lips for you to suck clean; he goes on to suck the other two.
You sit, still exposed to him, catching your breath and you eye his hard on. “Don’t even think about it, darlin’,” he warns, keeping focused on the road. “I can practically read your mind and you’re basically salivating.”
“Can’t help it if I wanna suck you off…” You say breathily, hand dancing up his thigh. “You just made me cum… makes me wanna make you cum… you knew what to expect.”
“And now I expect you to keep your hands to yourself till we get there. Just a little bit further baby,” he promises.
You huffingly adjust your clothes and see him smirking out of the corner of your eye. But he’s right and it’s not long before you’ve made it to the hotel and checked into your room. The energy between you is wild; comfortable but nervous, familiar yet unknown. You find things to do to busy yourself, knowing it’d be ridiculous for you to immediately jump into bed. Cal connects his phone to the room’s sound system to play some music, hoping to ease the tension as you both unpack
The music helps and you go from humming along to the music to singing to being goofily spun around the room by him within minutes. After a few songs, the only bag left unopened is the one containing all your toys and you stare at it for a beat.
He notices your hesitation and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. “Let’s leave it for now, baby.” He nuzzles into your neck. “Sitting in the car all that time got me craving a hot shower, come join me.”
The shower (and inevitable shower sex) helps you both relax and when you’re back in the bedroom getting dressed afterwards, you bound over to the bag left on the bed.
“This is silly. Why am I nervous now that we’re here? Do you feel nervous?” You babble as you sit on the bed, unzipping the bag and dumping it out next to you.  
Cal smiles to himself and sits down next to you. He soothingly rubs a hand over your back and with the other he picks up one of the dildos, examining it. “Nah, I’m quite looking forward to getting to know our new friends,” he says lightly. He sits it down and leans in closer to you. “It’s gonna be so good, darlin’. Can’t wait for you to fill me up,” he rasps.
You suck in a breath and capture his lips in an eager kiss that’s somehow both comforting and thrilling. “I don’t know if that qualifies as a pep talk but thanks, bub,” you laugh against his skin.
The rest of the day seems to fly by; you and Calum decide over drinks that it’d probably be best to ease into things and just try out the plugs for your first night. He insists on eating you out before you even think about touching him and by the time he makes you cum, he’s whining against you.
You’re not sure what you were expecting but the plug experience goes off without a hitch. You think to yourself that you’ll never tire of seeing him spread himself for you, never tire of hearing the new type of moans he’s been letting out since you started this journey.
It doesn’t take Cal very long to get used to the smallest plug in the set and you’re surprised when he asks you if you’ll switch to the next size up. He must’ve noticed your reaction because he tells you that the past few times he’s jerked off, he’s also fingered himself, thinking about your upcoming plans. That admission leaves you throbbing and Cal has to get you off again before either of you turn in for the night.
The next morning, you awaken to the feeling of light kisses being pressed along the back of your neck and Cal pressing himself his hardening cock into your backside, warm hands rubbing over your thighs. “Morning, pretty girl,” he says with a crack, his voice not as awake as the rest of him. “Think it’s time, baby.”
It takes a few seconds for his meaning to land. “OH,” you turn and look at him with wide eyes. “Is it? Like right now? First thing in the morning?”
“Don’t wanna wait any longer, want you now,” he murmurs, kissing over your face.
You indulge him for a second before pulling back and asking, "What time even is it? It feels early."
Calum hovers over you, nibbling at your ear. "Doesn't matter, babe. Sun's out, it's a beautiful day and it's fuckin' time," he enthuses.
There's a beat as his words register with the both of you and you clamp a hand over your mouth to stifle a snort. He grins at you. "I meant that like for emphasis, like ‘It's fuckin’ time' not like I'm calling sex Fuckin’ Time," he laughs loudly, shoulders shaking the further he gets into his defense.
You cackle, tears running out of your eyes. You tease, "What does it say about me that I still want you after hearing that come out of your mouth?"
He shakes his head, breath coming out in wheezes. "You must really have it bad for me, I guess," he shrugs, eyes sparkling.
"Something like that," you giggle, drawing him in for a kiss. You nip at his mouth as you pull away. "Now, let's get what we need, baby. It's Fuckin' Time."
He hops in the shower while you evaluate the lingerie he packed for you and decide what he'd like best. You get out your gear and think to yourself how glad you are that you watched a video online about how to properly fit the harness for your body; you're so excited you're not sure you'd be able to figure it out on your own otherwise.
By the time Calum's out of the shower, you're admiring your reflection in the mirror above the dresser; you could always count on him to pick out underwear that both accentuated the things he loves most about you and made you feel great. Your hand wraps around the synthetic cock jutting proudly from your crotch; you give it a light squeeze and marvel at how the silicone is such a familiar feeling but feeling the weight of it attached to you, seeing it as part of you, knowing what you're about to do with it? All new feelings, equally jarring and thrilling.
You hear a sharp intake of breath behind you and turn to see Cal, clad only in his grey sweatpants. He walks over, eyes never wavering from you and takes your hand to spin you around so he can fully appreciate you. He lets out a soft whistle. “Gorgeous,” he praises, eyes travelling over you and landing on the royal blue dildo he chose. “A pretty cock for my pretty girl.”
He pulls you in to kiss you and you giggle against his lips as you feel him shifting, trying to find a comfortable place to situate your protruding appendage. “Is this what you have to deal with with me, baby? Jesus,” he laughs at the awkward dance.
You shrug. “I’d say it’s worth it,” you say flirtatiously as you reach down to palm him, raising an eyebrow when you feel him soft.
He runs a hand over the back of his neck like he does when he gets bashful. “I, uh, might’ve pre-gamed a little in the shower. I wanted to be sure I could make this last,” he discloses.
You smile and peck his lips. “Good boy,” you coo.
Cal steps back and eyes you for a second. “You’re feelin’ yourself, aren’t you, baby?” He grins at you.
You bite your lip and turn back to your reflection and you find yourself wrapping a hand around the dildo once again. “Actually, I kind of am,” you state with a nod.
He kisses your shoulder. “I’m feelin’ you too... now let me get you off so we can get to Fuckin’ Time,” he jokes.
You giggle as he leads you to the bed. "Always such a way with words," you tease.
Calum attempts to lay you down with him but you hold a hand up, signaling you need a moment. You reach over to the bedside table, where you’d ended up unpacking your toys, and come back up with lube and the plug he liked the night before.
“We should probably start with prepping you, handsome,” you suggest gently.
He nods in agreement and lifts up to strip off his sweatpants. He holds his knees for you, like he’s done so many times now, and waits to feel the chill of the lube against his entrance. He gasps sharply when he feels your tongue briefly brush against him instead.
“Sorry, baby boy, couldn’t help myself,” you chuckle, pressing a kiss to his inner thigh. He ends up taking the plug with even less resistance than the previous session and he beams as the praise flows from your lips.
You lay beside him and sigh as he moves above you, kissing along your neck and the tops of your breasts, murmuring about how pretty they look in the bra he picked out. You expect him to make his way in between your legs but he pulls back before he makes it there. "Think I'm gonna need you on my face, love."
You let out an excited hum as Cal gets situated next to you and squeal as he grabs you and pulls you over to straddle his face. “I knew you’d look incredible in this, baby,” he murmurs, nibbling your thigh, fingers tracing over the lace of the harness before teasing over your wetness, thanks to the crotchless center. “And anything with this type of access is A+ in my book.”
"Well, you're a man with exquisite taste," you compliment playfully.
You gasp as he licks a fat stripe up your center. "Mmm, talk about exquisite taste, darlin’,” he laughs huskily.
The lighthearted moment is short-lived as he quickly gets down to business licking you. His tongue dances along your folds, occasionally dipping inside your entrance teasingly. It always takes you a minute to feel comfortable grinding on his face but once you start rocking your hips, you're unable to stop and he grips your thighs to steady you.
“Slow down, baby, I’ve never let you down,” he murmurs. He presses up on your thighs to make room for him to push two fingers inside you.
“God, Calum.” You moan, looking down at him, tangling your fingers in his hair. “So fucking good.”
He withdraws his fingers in favor of licking up into you and you feel your eyes widen as you watch him reach up to grab the dildo and begin stroking it. You groan loudly, feeling yourself become even more turned on than you thought possible as you watch his hand move over the silicone as his mouth pleasures your pussy.
"Like how my cock feels in your hand, baby? Do you like jerking me off?" You tease, arousal emboldening you. "If it feels this good to you now, just think how much better it's gonna feel inside you."
Cal grunts into you and you swear you could cum just from that sound alone. His hand works quickly over the toy as he wraps his other around your thigh, pulling you down on his face. With his nose lightly nudging your clit, you can’t help yourself and start grinding on his face again.
“Get it, baby,” he moans. “Can’t wait to feel you in me.”
He sucks your clit in between his lips and your legs shake around his face. He releases it in favor of flicking his tongue and then lifts you up a bit, kissing along your lips as he catches his breath.
"Somethin' about seeing you like this," he breathes. "I don't know, pretty girl, it's already more than I dreamt of."
You murmur in response and he brings you back down onto his mouth. "Now I need you to cum for me."
You grip tightly into his hair, encouraging his skilled tongue to finish you off. “Oh fuuuuuuuck,” you moan loudly, leaning forward into the headboard as you cum. Cal takes his time licking around you, letting you enjoy the come down.
“Jesus Christ,” he groans, lifting you off his face. You land next to him and he sits up, immediately pulling you into a sloppy kiss. “Need you,” he states plainly, reaching for the lube and placing it in your hand. “Please, I can’t wait,” he urges.
You let out a loud breath, pleased by his eagerness. You start slicking the lube over your strap-on; Cal hurriedly lays back down on the bed; his chest rises and falls rapidly, you can tell he's both excited and nervous and you recognize that the look on his face is the one he makes when he's trying desperately not to touch himself.
You lean down and kiss him sweetly, hoping to calm him a bit. "Do you feel ready for me, baby?" You move down his body and lightly run your fingertips over his cock, playing with the precum that's sliding down the shaft as you check on the plug that's been filling him. "You take this one so well, Cal. Think you're nice and open for me."
He lets out a shaky breath, reaching to hold onto your hips for a second. “Baby,” he says quietly as you gently pull at the plug, pulling it to the widest part and letting it slide back into him.
“I’m serious, Cal, wish you could see how well you take it,” you praise, watching in amazement. “You gonna be this good for my cock? I know you want to, don’t you, baby boy?” You tease, digging your nails into his thigh.
He whimpers slightly and you watch as he attempts to collect himself, cock already twitching with anticipation, leaking onto his stomach. "Pretty girl, I'm gonna need that pretty cock in me as soon as you can, don't think I can wait much longer," he rasps
“Oh, I think you could,” you tease. “But I won’t make you.” You pull the plug out, gently squeezing his balls in your other hand. “The idea of you letting me have you like this is so hot...” You trail off as he shudders underneath you; you assume it’s from the coolness of the lube you’re rubbing over him but you suspect it partly has to do with your words as well.
You grab your cock and line yourself up, pushing the tip against his hole. “OK, Cal, remember to talk to me,” you whisper, rubbing your hands reassuringly on his thighs. You make eye contact with him as you start to push into him at an achingly slow pace, watching his face, making sure everything’s OK.
You see him puff out his cheeks and exhale slowly a couple times, trying to decipher how he feels about your intrusion. You slowly continue until you meet that resistance and you pause before going any further. "Relax, baby," you soothe. "We’ll go as slow as you need, I promise."
You start to pull out slightly and his eyes widen as he involuntarily lets out a loud moan. You halt your movements again and wait. "That was actually a good sound," he chuckles, squeezing your hand on his thigh. "It's just. Feels fuller than before. But good. Just different." He rambles, sorting through his racing thoughts.
You squeeze his hand back and smile at him. He breathes deep. "We can keep going, just slow like this," he nods to himself. "And maybe some more lube?"
“Of course, Cal, yes, this is perfect,” you enthuse. “Tell me what you want, just like we talked about. That’s what’s gonna make this good for both of us.” You encourage excitedly, working more lube onto your toy.
You feel like kissing him; you think he wants it, maybe even needs it. But you know you can’t lean in to do so, you’d push in too quickly, so you settle for kissing his knee.
He squeezes your hand again, “A little further, love,” he requests.
You do as he asks and you see him wince briefly so you back up. This decision is met with a whimper. “No, baby, in. I’m good, I promise,” he states firmly.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself and reach to play with his cock a little, hoping to give him both some relief and some distraction. He licks his lips and relaxes into your touch, allowing you to inch the toy in a bit more. "Doing so good, Cal," you comment softly.
You watch his chest breathe in and out, timing it with the slight rocking of your hips to help you enter him more and more. Calum wraps his hand around yours, helping you stroke your hand over him.
“Oh fuck.” He moans, squeezing your hand around his cock. “Like that,” he pants.
Your tactic works and he gets so caught up in the feeling of your joint efforts jerking him off that he doesn't notice you've finally worked the dildo inside him entirely. "God, Cal," you groan at the realization. "How does it feel knowing I'm buried inside you, baby?"
He shudders at your words. “Buried?” He asks, making sure he heard right. He feels you pressed all the way against him and groans. “Oh my god, baby… fuck.” He gently tugs on you, pulling you down to him. “I’m so happy we’re doing this,” he murmurs, kissing you. 
You move back to a kneeling position and gently pull your hips back; when you slowly push forward again, his mouth drops completely open and the only thing that comes out are little breathy sounds.
You feel yourself throbbing again, this is already much more intense than you anticipated. Calum's eyes are squeezed shut but you're confident if they were open, they would be glassy. "Baby boy," you warmly coo, slowly rocking your hips. "Let me see you stroke your cock, handsome."
His eyes open and he blinks rapidly, eyes focusing on you working above him. Your words finally register and his hand travels down, wrapping around his cock. "Feels so good," he murmurs, fighting the urge to speed up his hand. "Want more, baby, please give me more."
You slightly pick up the pace and mild discomfort flashes across his face but it’s quickly replaced with pleasure. You lean in and press kisses across his chest, covering the tattoos there.
“Mmm, more baby…” Calum pants, squeezing the head of his cock. “Can you... please… faster?”
You oblige and he lets out a loud whimper quickly followed by a guttural moan when you accidentally change the direction your hips hit.
“Right there... right there, GOD, right fucking there,” he chants, letting go of his cock in favor of grabbing you to help you find that spot again.
His moans go straight to your core and you feel arousal start to drip down your thighs. You can't believe how hot it is seeing him like this, witnessing him give himself over to you like this and let his guard down, telling you what he needs from you. "Makes me feel so good to give you what you want, baby," you admit in a whinier tone than you intend. "Just want my cock to please you like yours pleases me."
“It’s fucking perfect,” he chokes out.
The two of you manage to find that magic spot again and your hips hit it relentlessly once you do. Calum is breathing heavier than you’ve ever heard before and when you tease a finger down his precum soaked shaft, he yelps. “You wanna cum for me, baby boy?”
"Don’t want this to end," he confesses, voice faltering in that way you know means he's at the point of no return. "You're just fucking me so good, baby." His voice catches at the end of his sentence and he groans deep and loud as his cock starts to twitch; his hand flies towards it as the pulsing intensifies, cum shooting out in wild, strong spurts along his torso, some reaching as high as his chest tattoos. His moans seem to go on forever, as does his orgasm; you continue to drive your hips into him through it, marveling at the intensity of his release as he pumps the last drops out.
He grabs your hips when it becomes too much and you slowly pull back and out of him. “Holy fuck, baby.” He breathes in disbelief. “You... you fucked me good.”
You grin and move beside him, fingers dragging through the cum covering his chest; you lean forward to lick at the ropes decorating his tattoos and he threads his fingers in your hair, gazing at you adoringly. “How're you?” He asks, caressing your cheek.
“I loved it. But… honestly, I’m dripping, Cal,” you confess, sitting back up. “I knew that was going to be intense but like… fuck.”
He notices the sheen of wetness on your thighs and reaches out, arm heavy with exhaustion, to caress your leg. "What can we do for you, love? Anything you want, you deserve it."
You lean down to kiss him. "I feel like your mouth is making promises the rest of you can't keep, baby boy." You chuckle against his lips. "I have an idea but first help me out of this harness, I wanna be naked with you."
He helps you out of both the harness and your bra and then pulls you against his body. You put one of your legs between his and start to rock your hips against it, looking up at him for another kiss.
He nibbles at your lips before kissing them, sighing into your mouth as he feels your wetness spread on his leg. "Tell me what you need, love, want you to feel as good as I do right now."
You bite your lip and shift yourself off him, leaning over to the bedside table. "At first I thought it might've been a mistake that you packed my plug along with the set we got for you," you start, retrieving the toy and reaching for the lube. "But now I'm thinking you may be the smartest man alive."
Cal smiles broadly as he watches you slick it up and then reach behind you and start spreading some lube around your tight hole. "I know you, baby, thought you might get jealous seeing me stretched out like that," he teases.
“You do know me,” you affirm with a smirk. “Help me?” You ask, handing him the lubed plug.
He grins cheekily at you and captures you in another kiss as he works the plug in; he pushes it in a bit and then pulls it back out, making sure you feel all the stretch he knows you love.
You groan at the sensation and Cal plays with you a little more, enjoying your sounds and the way your hips are moving. "Babyyyy..." you whine and he relents, pushing the plug inside you fully and giving your ass a light tap.
"You want something else, darlin'?" He asks sweetly, reaching towards the drawer again. "Brought your vibe too. Or we've got the other dildos from my set we didn't need."
“So thoughtful, such a gentleman,” you tease, gesturing towards your small bullet vibrator. He clicks it on and starts teasing it against your clit.
You bite your lip and groan. “You’ve earned this, baby,” he declares, watching intently as you take the toy from him and start moving it on yourself.
You got so worked up from fucking him that it only takes a few minutes before you're close. "Gonna cum," you announce to no one in particular.
Calum watches as you hold the vibe against your clit waiting to fall over the edge. He moves his hand from your chest, where he'd been gently playing with your nipples, down between your thighs and plunges two fingers inside you, moving them carefully so as not to upset the position of the vibe.
“Fuck, Cal,” you moan, hips bucking against the vibe, pussy clenching around his fingers. He works you through your orgasm, encouraging you to ride his fingers and switching out the vibe on your clit for his thumb when he can tell it’s become too much.
He withdraws his fingers from you and licks them clean as you flop face down onto the bed next to him. He chuckles and runs his other hand through your hair and down your back as you come down. “You can’t possibly be more worn out than I am, pretty girl.”
You shift your head to face him. “I don’t know, baby… having you like that… kind of the hottest thing I’ve ever seen or done in my life,” you tease, eyes and voice dreamy with exhaustion.
“Well… letting you have me like that was the hottest thing I’ve ever done or seen, so I guess it’s a draw,” he responds, kissing your face as he gently removes the plug from your ass.
You curl into each other and it’s quiet for a few moments as you both take in what you just experienced. “Thank you for asking me to do this for you,” you breathe, breaking the silence. “It feels good to know you trust me like this.”
Calum kisses the top of your head. “Can’t think of a thing I wouldn’t trust you with, darlin’,” he says thoughtfully. “I love you.”
You murmur, “Love you too, baby boy.” You peck his chest and sit up, pulling on his arm. “Let’s get cleaned up and then it’s Fuckin’ Nap Time.”
He lets out of a huff of a laugh, allowing you to pull him out of bed with you. “I’m never gonna live down Fuckin’ Time, am I?”
“Think you’re just gonna have to embrace that one, bub, I’m not letting it go,” you giggle as you pull him towards the shower. “But don’t worry, I can guarantee you’re gonna be hearing that phrase a lot this weekend, you’ll have time to embrace it.”
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sgtbradfords · 3 years
"Sorry, were you sleeping ?" with Chenford ?
Love your writing
Thank you for the prompt anon, I hope you enjoy! :)
Tim Bradford’s Thursday shift had been one of the longest he had experienced in a while. Not that it was a hectic night, especially for a Thursday but it all started after he had dismissed his officers on the nightshift to hit the streets.
“Hey Sarge, got a second?” Officer Amelia Hatch asked as she walked to the front of the room, the room clearing out as everyone went their own way. “That kid from that domestic the other night, can I contact the school, see if she will talk to me or maybe the guidance counselor?”
Tim sighed, “It wouldn’t be a bad idea, the kid doesn’t need to be bottling that shit up.”
“I think she would have talked to me the other night, but the mother pulled her away before I could ask any questions.”
Tim took a second to think before giving her advice, his lips forming a thin line, “Swing by the elementary school near their address tomorrow after shift, see if that’s where she attends and go from there. But Hatch, don’t blame yourself if she has no intentions of talking now.”
“Understood Sir.” The officer told him before walking away.
Tim had a pile of paperwork in the metal basket on his corner of his desk that grows by the minute that he knew he needed to get a start on, but being a man of few habits, he had gotten in the habit of visiting booking just after the start of the shift.
“Evening Luke, any regulars in yet?” He asked the intake officer who was typing away at the computer behind the counter.
“Not yet Bradford. But there is a full moon and a bad batch of drugs going around.” The officer spoke, never looking up.
Being the nightshift Sergeant of the Mid-Wilshire prescient of the LAPD, Tim had gotten to know his fair share of regulars, the junkies, druggies, and the few prostitutes that frequented one of the three holding cells.
“Great.” He mumbled under his breath. When you work in law enforcement, you always keep track of the moon cycle, the brighter and full phased the moon was, the crazier everyone got. Though it is not a proven fact, it is just a well-known fact that you learn comes with the job. “Let’s get those in, processed out soon, the quicker the better.”
“Wreck on I-10, van’s stuck in traffic. According to radio traffic they should be here within the next thirty or so minutes.”
Tim was about to thank the officer for keeping him updated when a loud disturbance stopped him, the door of the garage flying open.
“I didn’t do shit, you motherfucker!” yelled the man that was being escorted through the door.
The Sergeant moved closer to assist, the man fighting the two officers every step of the way.
“Harper, you good?” Tim asked, grabbing onto the other man’s upper arm.
“Fine. Found this one defacing the side of the church on Harrison Avenue, drunker than a skunk.” She told him as she secured him to the bench.
“You bitch, I told you I had to piss! You can’t prove nothin’.”
Nyla rolled her eyes. “There’s footage on the camera in the alley and on my vest.”
“You fuckin’ lyin bitch.”
“Enough.” Tim glared. “Get him booked, then throw him in the drunk tank to sober up.”
Nyla nodded as Tim walked away, heading back to his office.
He sat down behind his desk, keeping an ear open on the scanner that sat in the corner of the bookshelf in his office. He picked up the reports, reading them one by one as he began sorting through the pile in the basket, checking, filling, and signing the reports filled out by his officers. The report in his hand was particularly captivating when the shaky voice of Officer Hunt came over the radio.
‘7-Adam-22. Shots fired at my location. Suspect gave chase but is now in custody. Roll back-up and EMS.’
Tim stood, grabbing the keys for his shop out of the top drawer of his desk. The rest of the evening was spent documenting the crime scene and making reports before he headed to the hospital, checking on the suspect and now patient, the man getting stitched after cutting his leg while hopping over a fence. Tim made it back to the station thirty minutes after his shift was intended to end, preforming the daily maintenance on the shop before he made his way inside, heading for the office of the day shift’s Sergeant, Wade Grey. He brought the other man up to speed, filling him in on what occurred overnight, by the time he was done updating his fellow superior it was well past eight in the morning and Tim was dead on his feet.
Tim hastily went to the locker room, changing out of his uniform and back into his normal clothes before heading out of the department. He was lucky that he only lived twenty-three minutes away (on a good day) from the department and for a Friday morning, his commute was harmless besides the lingering effects of the morning rush hour traffic.
He pulled the vehicle in, parking his truck in the drive, reaching over for his duffle bag from the passenger seat before he exited the extended cab. He pulled the ring of keys from his front right pocket, unlocking the wooden door as he made his way inside, disabling the alarm system before reengaging the security system as he kicked off his shoes. The silence of the house had always been strangely comforting, the quietness enveloping him as his sock clad feet padded through the dark bedroom, heading for the bathroom. He tiredly stripped of the clothes, throwing them into the hamper before he walked back out into the bedroom, blindly grabbing a pair of black boxer briefs from the top drawer of the dresser, sliding them on before he pulled the covers back and falling into bed.
He stretched out, laying on his stomach, an arm under the pillow and one over his head, sleep claiming him within minutes of his head hitting the pillow, the comfort of the memory foam mattress with the coolness of the multitude of pillows creating the perfect combination.
The dream he was having was one he wanted to stay in forever, the scene his dreaming brain had concocted was perfect, the sunset hitting the woman in front of him, casting her in the hues it was projecting.
“Lucy, I-“
Lucy smiled as she stepped forward, moving towards him. “It’s perfect.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” She grinned, staring at him the sounds of the ocean before them began fading into the background as she leaned in, the buzzing in his ears growing louder.
“What the hell?” he mumbled in his dream as the image began to dissipate.
The buzzing of his phone bringing his sleep addled brain back to reality. There were only four people that could get past his do not disturb settings, and out of the four of them he could immediately eliminate two.
“Hello.” He grumbled into the phone, sitting up as he let out a yawn.
“Tim! You are not going to believe this. Wait- shit.“ she said as the sound of shuffling came through the receiver. “Sorry, were you sleeping?”
“No I wasn- actually yeah, I was.”
He could picture Lucy grimacing on the other end. “Shit. I’m so sorry, I forgot that you worked last night, and that tonight is your night off. I got my days mixed up. I’m just- I’ll just hang up now.”
“Lucy.” He sighed, laying back onto his pillows. “What did you need?”
“It’s not important, I can just tell you tonight wh-“
“Luce, I’m awake now, might as well tell me.”
“Are you sure?” she hesitated as he grunted on the other end. “Ok, so remember me telling you about that high-speed chase we had the other day on I-10? The whole thing is about to get weirder…”
Tim grunted, listening as she continued in her story, her voice becoming softer and softer the longer she spoke and before he knew it, he had fallen back asleep, lulled by the sound of her voice.
“Tim? Babe?” she asked, smiling when she heard the even breaths and soft snore coming from the other end. She ended the call, placing her phone back into her pocket as she made a mental note to make it up to him when she seen him after shift tonight.
Working on two separate shifts and trying to maintain a relationship was difficult, sometimes they would call the other, forgetting that they were likely asleep. Other times, one of them would stay awake for the other, long after their shift had ended, just to catch up. Tim and Lucy have always been a different couple but when all the pieces fall into place, it makes the perfect puzzle.
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oboevallis · 3 years
Sooo I was re reading hungry part 2 and I saw the part where you wrote about link making Amelia walk around Home Good and Lowe’s while she was heavily pregnant and I was wondering if you could write a fic about that? Hope your staying safe!
rocking chair
thanks so much for the prompt, i had a lot of fun writing this i hope everyone’s doing well and staying safe!
“Hey babe.” Link whispered as he shook his girlfriends shoulder, trying to lull her out of sleep.
“Leave me alone.” She grumbled into the pillow, turning away from him. He chuckled at her grumpiness, shaking her again. “Geez, what do you want?” She snapped.
“We’ve gotta go shopping for the apartment.” They had recently moved into an apartment together, before their son arrived. He was expected to come in 3 weeks and Link wanted to get everything in order while all Amelia wanted to do at this point was curl up into a ball until the baby came.
“Nooooooooo.” She whined turning around to face him.
“We have to. The baby can’t come home to an empty apartment.” Link chuckled at his girlfriends sleepiness.
“We have furniture, and we have baby things, why can’t we just order the other stuff online?”
“First off we’ve waited too long to do this, so stuff won’t get her in time, and secondly you can’t rely on the internet you have to go and see the stuff, and there are DIY projects I want to do. We’ve gotta make this place homey.”
“Hell no Link. I’m not going to walk around the store with you so you can get stuff for projects you’ll never do.”
“Come on babe, it’ll be so much fun. And we can get you a soft pretzel on the way to the store.” Amelia perked up at the mention of a pretzel. After some time Amelia reluctantly agreed to the excursion.
“Ready babe?” Link asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
“Can’t I wait in the car?”
“Come on it’ll be fun.” Amelia rolled her eyes and begrudgingly got out of the car. She held onto her boyfriends arm and leaned against his shoulder, they had just begun and she was already tired.
“What do we need?” She wanted to try and make this excursion as quick as they could, so she wanted to assure she kept him on task.
“I’ve gotta make two key copies, paint for the baby’s room, some tile backsplash for the kitchen, some lightbulbs and a new light fixture for the living room.” The neurosurgeon sighed, she could tell the was going to be a long trip.
“After this can we get a pretzel.”
“I promised didn’t I?” Link chuckled absentmindedly, as he compared paint swatches. “So we decided on light green for the nursery right? Which on do you like better?”
“I don’t care whatever you want.”
“Alright.” Link sighed, staring to realize his girlfriend was going to be of no help. “This one then.”
“No that’s the wrong one.” The neurosurgeon dramatically sighed, picking up the paint swatch she thought would be best in the room.
“I thought you didn’t care?”
“That was when I thought you were gonna make the right choice.” Her boyfriend chuckled wrapping his arm around her.
“Come on this is so much fun isn’t it?” Link asked as they walked through the tile isle, he took out his phone to look at the pictures he took of the kitchen to try and see what would look best in their kitchen.
“No, my feet are swollen, I’m hungry, and I want to take a nap.”
“I promise we’ll get pretzels after this.” He smiled charmingly.
“Link why do we have to do this?” Amelia complained as she trailed behind her boyfriend in Home Goods. “We have a couch, bed, crib, and changing table at home already this is unnecessary.”
“We’ve got to make it homey, babe.” Link wrapped his arm around her, trying to help her keep up the pace.
“I like our cold cave.”
“See wouldn’t this mirror look cute in the entryway?” Link asked pointing to one on a shelf.
“I don’t care, whatever you want.”
“Come on, lighten up. We’ve gotta make the apartment our home, it’s gotta have a little something.”
“I’ll lighten up once this bowling ball is out of me.” Amelia bit back, starting to lose her patience. Link kept grazing down the aisles, his girlfriend trudging along. “Can’t we sit down?”
“We’re almost done.” He got distracted with another item. The tired neurosurgeon sighed and walked away from him, and towards the front of the store where a bench was. She carefully lowered herself down onto the bench and sighed, she was tempted to fake contractions but she knew Link would take her to the hospital, as she was plotting in excuse an older woman then sat down next to her.
“Your husband drag you here?” The woman asked whilst smiling.
“Yeah.” Amelia chuckled, not bothering to correct the woman that it was her boyfriend.
“My husband drags me here all the time. Any home improvement store for that matter, it’s keen like this our whole marriage. Never made me when I was pregnant though, I would’ve killed him if he did that.” Amelia chuckled, as much as she loved her boyfriend she was at her wits ends with his restlessness. “With the first baby they have all this nervous energy, that they don’t know what to do with, so they do home improvement projects.” Amelia winced at the assumption that this was her first baby. “Our first, she’s 25 now, God that’s crazy to say, but he made this rocking chair himself. I remember we had this big fight, I can’t even remember what about, but I told him to get out. So he went out the front door and I cried and cried thinking he’d actually left, but in actuality he was out back in his shed building that chair. Throughout the years he’s made amazing things for our home but that’s by far my favorite.”
“That’s sweet.” Amelia smiled melting a little bit at the sweet story.
“I lied to you.” The woman said, Amelia crooked her eyebrow; confused. “My husbands dead, I just come here to feel him.”
“I’m so sorry.” Amelia sobered up a bit.
“It’s okay, he died of what the doctors said was something called a brain aneurysm. When the doctors tried to explain it they used all these fancy terms. I think that’s what upset me the most, they could see I was distraught but didn’t even dumb it for me. He was completely healthy, the day before he was at the doctors clean bill of health, how could they of not caught it? For how smart they acted, I couldn’t believe they missed it.”
“Their hard to detect, a lot of the time there are no symptoms, until it’s too late.”
“Oh, are you a doctor? I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“No offense taken, I get it. As interns we’re taught a list of bullet points, and they give you all that crap about being sensitive but that doesn’t resonate with a lot of people, until they’ve lost someone they love.”
“Would you mind explaining to me what a brain aneurysm is?”
“Of course.” Amelia nodded turning to face her a bit better. “There are blood vessels in your brain, and if one of them gets weak, it then kinda acts like a balloon and fills up until it bursts.” The woman simply nodded, indicating she understood, starting to understand better.
“What kind of doctor are you?”
“I’m a neurosurgeon.”
“So you see those all the time?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Are they ever detected early?”
“It depends. Sadly in most cases it’s too late and the aneurysm bursts, sometimes if it starts leaking you can clip it and fix the issue.”
“Thank you.” The woman nodded, shooting her a sad smile. “May I ask why you became a doctor?”
“Well all my siblings are doctors, so I guess it never really occurred to me to do something else, but I think we’re all doctors because our dad died when we were younger, in some way thinking we could change what happened I guess.”
“It helps when you start to accept the things you can’t change.” Amelia immediately noticed the phrase, it was from the serenity prayer.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking but are you in A.A?”
“I am, I haven’t been in awhile. I know it’s not the best to be in a relationship with another alcoholic but I think we kept each other in check, and were sober for each other.”
“Im in AA too.” Amelia smiled, watching the woman relax a bit. “If you want to we can go together.”
“You know, I’d very much enjoy that. I really should be going, the want to drink has been lurching over me since his death. Thank you.”
“Of course.” Amelia smiled as she took out a pen and piece of paper from her bag to write her number on and handed it to the woman.
“Thank you dear.”
“Sorry about that babe, you ready?” Link asked his girlfriend as he spotted her on the bench.
“Yeah.” Amelia nodded slowly standing up. “I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.”
“Louise. And yours?”
“Amelia. It was really nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, I’ll send you a text message later dear.” Amelia nodded and walked out of the store with her boyfriend.
“Who was that?”
“My friend.” Amelia smiled to herself. “I’m sorry for being cranky earlier.”
“No I’m the one that’s sorry. I dragged you to a bunch of different stores and we still haven’t got you that pretzel.” Link chuckled as he placed the bags into the trunk and closed it. “And your 8 months pregnant and exhausted.”
“No it’s okay.” Amelia smiled once he got into the drivers side and buckled his seatbelt. “What were you planning on building for the baby?”
“Well I know your tired so I’m gonna get you that pretzel and drop you off at home, but I’m probably go to ikea and get a rocking chair.” Amelia perked up to this and smiled.
“No don’t go to ikea, you should build it.”
“Well yeah, they give you all the parts there.”
“No you should build it from scratch.”
“What happened to the online shopping Amelia?”
“Come on wouldn’t it be really sweet?”
“I haven’t really built anything like that since high school wood shop, but I guess I can figure it out.” Link smiled, happy Amelia was starting to appreciate the DIY side of him. “You know what I think I will.”
“Thank you.” Amelia smiled, relaxing into the seat. “I have the best boyfriend ever.”
“And I have the best girlfriend ever.”
“That’s correct.” Amelia smirked.
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alphinias · 3 years
103/117/25 for jiara cause I'm obsessed with them
“She’s my daughter, I can read her diary” / “She’s six, how can she scare you?” / “Aren’t you supposed to be the adult here?”
Ace Grubs was a twig of a boy with more attitude than bones in his body. JJ caught saw him pulling worms out of the ground and stabbing them through his fishhooks like he’d come out of the womb doing it, and he laughed at all of JJ’s fart jokes.
Normally, he got a kick out of the boy who came to play while his dad worked next to JJ in the shop. In fact, he reminded JJ a lot of himself. A little kid from a rougher side of town just out to have a good time, but thankfully one that came with a loving mother attached. He liked the little guy.
That is until Marley, his fucking six-year-old daughter, the light of his life, came waltzing into the living room. There was a gap-toothed grin stretched across her face and a shiny starfish clip in her hair. 
Now, this JJ wouldn’t have noticed much about. It was a starfish. Marley liked the ocean, was on the fast track to a savior complex the size of her mom’s, which made JJ’s insides stupidly warm. He liked the thought that she was taking after Kiara.
Kiara’s brows shot up from where she was bagging up her freshly cut brownies. “Sweetie. You like that clip now?” There was a hand on her hip, and JJ got the impression that he’d definitely zoned out during a fight about this at some point.
“Mhm. It makes my hair look pretty.”
“You look positively beautiful,” JJ cooed from the couch.
But then Marley’s grin widened, flashing a dimple that matched his own, and she said, “I think Ace likes when I look pretty,” and the smile fell right off of JJ’s face.
“He what?” he practically growled.
Kiara tossed him an eye roll over Marley’s head, but no further comment was made, because a loud knocking echoed from the door. “That’s Emily,” she said, tan hand looping around Marley’s elbow.
There was a conversation at the door, as per usual when Marley had a play date with one of her friends. Normally, JJ would’ve been more than thrilled to see her going to fish off the dock with her friends, that she was growing up to enjoy the same hobbies he did, but suddenly the thought of her fishing with Ace Grubs and his mom was horrible. He didn’t like it at all. In fact, he hated it.
Kiara seemed to find no problem with it. She waltzed back into the living room, her rapidly growing belly on full display when she turned around. There was some sort of pregnancy yoga routine she turned on to follow on TV, which normally would’ve given JJ ample opportunity to ogle her legs and ass from the couch.
He couldn’t even do that. 
His thumb tapped against his knee, and he wondered whether or not Ace Grubs had complimented Marley’s starfish clip before. He’d been chasing girls on the playground at Ace’s age, but the memory was significantly less amusing the more he dwelled on it.
“What time is Marley coming home?” he demanded, a little while later.
Kiara was in some type of forward position. She made a face at him from between her ankles. “Uh, six? What did you do, take a trip to Mars while I talked to Emily?”
“Didn’t hear,” he grumbled, and he heard Kiara let out a little laugh under her breath. He glared at her back.
There was a more useful way he could occupy his time. He may as well get his arsenal ready.
He wandered over to the kitchen table, one of his favorite places. A few of Marley’s things were strewn about it, including Marley’s favorite little dolphin notebook. He cast a glance at Kiara; her attention was totally on the way too flexible woman on the television, so he thumbed through the book.
The contents were unintelligible, for the most part. There were a few times Marley had practiced writing her name, and several drawings of what might have been fish. One of two blobs holding hands caught his eye. A whoosh of dread crashed into him, until he realized the drawing wasn’t in fact Marley holding hands with Ace, but one of himself and Kiara with a smaller blob between them.
A lump formed in his throat as he stared at it. The reality he was living still caught him off guard, at times.
“JJ Maybank. Is that Marley’s diary?”
JJ jumped at the sound of Kiara’s voice. She was staring at him from across the table, half glaring, half amused. “Shit! No.”
“JJ,” she urged.
JJ threw up his hands, not bothering to hide the book that flopped in his grip at the movement. “She’s my daughter. I can read her diary, thank you very much.”
“Sounds like a fast track to invasion of privacy and lack of parental child trust to me.” Kiara didn’t sound impressed. She inched her way around the table towards him.
“This is… Not that,” he said, lamely. He cleared his throat, trying and failing to look stern.
Kiara had reached his side at the table now. She leaned over his shoulder, one hand propped against it to see what he’d been looking at. He couldn’t help but breath in deeply at her proximity; no matter how many times he smelled it, her coconut scent never failed to loosen the tension in his back.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on? You’re buzzing out a little,” she said.
JJ shrugged. He wasn’t totally sure how to find the words to explain what he was feeling, or if he even really knew it, himself. “I dunno. She just… Scares me, I guess.”
He could feel Kiara’s eyes boring into the side of his face. She nudged further into him, trying to make things more playful. “Scares you? Babe. She’s six. How can she scare you?”
“Did you not hear what she said about that little Ace kid?” he finally exploded. “Sounds like a little punk.”
She cocked a brow at him. “Why? Because he has good taste?”
“No, but if he lays a finger on Marley—“
“JJ,” Kiara accused. “Aren’t you supposed to be the adult here?”
“No,” he said automatically.
“Babe,” Kiara said, softly. Her fingers drifted to the nape of his neck, twisting in his hair there, just the way that lulled him back to sleep when he woke up with a particularly terrible nightmare. “Marley’s gonna have boyfriends.”
“Or girlfriends,” he supplied helpfully. Kiara’s smile grew.
“Or girlfriends. Point is, we have to trust her. Things would’ve been a lot easier with my parents if they had just trusted me.”
JJ brushed a kiss across her forehead. It was still hard for him to believe it, sometimes, that Kiara had chosen him. Him, nothing but trash that needed to be brushed off the street to most (And sometimes even to himself. He was working on that part, though).
But if Kiara hadn’t taken a chance on him… Not only on their relationship, but on just giving him the time of day, on being his friend, he sometimes wasn’t sure where he would be. He was sure he wouldn’t like it.
He breathed a sigh into her hair, and she sunk into him. “Maybe. I’ll try.”
“Mhm.” She slid her lips across his chin. He couldn’t tell if it was another bought of pregnancy hormones, or if she was just being comforting. It was hard to tell these days.
“Can I at least sit on the porch like, cleaning some fish hooks when they come to pick her up? Because I think they deserve it.”
She snorted. Pressed against him with another kiss, a few inches lower this time. “Absolutely not.”
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: If you still write for Wally (TV show) could I please request some angst-to-fluff involving his powers and how they affect his relationship with the reader?
Warning: angst, fluff, swearing
A/N: Heading to my friend’s house for a week so I probably won’t be quite as active. Hella excited though!!
Also, like, if you like Barry Allen, I kinda just finished Book two of a series about him on Wattpad. If anyone is interested let me know I’ll send ya over in the right direction lol! 
Word Count: 1.6k
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Wally West was sometimes a handful and a half.
He was stubborn, wanted things his way, and he was always willing to risk more than what he had. You had seen it in him while racing, through university, and even more so when he had gotten his speed. Wally liked to live his life on the edge. You? Well, it was more of a hidden corner where no one could see you.
It was pure coincidence that you had found each other. You ended up together for a project at your university and an instant connection happened. The two of you were different, very different and yet you only got excited at the thrill of his life. The racing, the danger he put himself in, you couldn't get enough of it.
So, when Wally asked you on a date how could you say no? He brought you into his world wind of a life, and even more so when he discovered his father and sister.
You were with him through the death of his mother, his move in with his father, and the life of having The Flash in his life. Wally lived a crazy life, and you were happy to be part of it. He was thankful for being with you through everything. There was no one he would have rather had by his side than you.
You supported him with everything, particularly when he had been ever so disappointed that Jesse had gotten speed and he hadn't. Wally was devastated by the news. He wanted powers so bad and when his best friend got them and he didn't, it ruined him. Wally had lulled around your home for weeks.
You spent day in and day out with him, trying to make sure that at the end of the day that he still had hope for his future. Wally appreciated everything you did for him, promising that one day he would have the strength to return the favour. It didn't matter whether he did or not, Wally was your everything.
He was the person that encouraged you to be better, to find a better path than he did. He wanted you to succeed in every single one of your dreams and was always there to help you when you felt yourself waver. Together, there was nothing that the two of you couldn't accomplish.
When Alchemy came around, promising powers to all those who had them in Flashpoint, Wally had gotten excited. This was his chance to finally get his speed - and he had gotten it. Wally became Kid Flash, the hero he dreamed of being for so long. You were happy for him, at first.
He spent all of his time in the lab. Controlling his speed, learning everything that the Flash knew about it. He was incredible and you were so proud of him for being able to achieve his dreams. How could you be mad at someone that was wanting to learn how to save lives? Truth was, you couldn't.
Wally used his speed at every chance he got, but with Barry busy and unable to train him, he took more risks than you liked to see. At first, they were nothing - using his speed to save someone from a car, keeping the people safe and never putting himself in harms way. But when Aliens invaded and he took it upon himself to go out and fight his brainwashed friends? That was your last straw.
The second that Wally had gotten back on his feet, you had finally lost it at him.
Iris, Joe, they saw the rage on your face. These past few weeks you had been holding you tongue, but you couldn't anymore. Wally getting his speed had put a major strain on your relationship. He spent all of his free time at STAR Labs and even missed classes to be there.
The only time that you ever got to see him anymore was when he crawled into your shared bed while you were half asleep. It was as if Wally had completely forgotten about you. He was consumed by his speed and all he ever wanted to do was become as good as Barry. As much as you supported him, you couldn't handle missing him anymore.
What was going to happen when he did get his training? Missions? Fighting meta's? You already missed him so much you weren't sure if you could do this any longer. As much as you hated the though of putting this on him, it was getting to the point that it was either you or being Kid Flash.
You already knew what he was going to pick if you told him.
"That is it, Wally!" You yelled. Wally sat on the edge of the medical bed that he had just previously woken up from. The room was cleared of all your friends, but you were sure at least one of them was lurking around to listen in. Wally watched your shoes pace back and forth, his head hung low.
He never noticed that you had become more tense, or that every time he left racing off you were holding your breath, petrified that he wasn’t going to make it back. He didn’t know just how worried you had become for him. 
"I have been with you through everything! Your family, your racing, the crazy meta encounters! Not once did I ever question myself being with you, or your love for me. I never doubted that you would be able to keep yourself safe because I know that you can, but this?! What the hell were you thinking?"
Wally opened his mouth to speak, but closed it the second he met your eyes. There was a fire behind them. Anger coursed through your entire body and only worsened as you remember Oliver carrying in your unconscious boyfriend. The heart break you had when you thought that he was down for good nearly tore you apart.
"You're obsessed with this speed! You think that the second that you got it that you're the exact same as Barry. You're not! You don't have the practice that he has, you can't just run into fights thinking you're invincible! You could have been killed, Wally," your voice cracked during your last sentence.
Wally pushed himself off the bed and brought you into his arms. He held you as you sobbed at the thought of losing him, tears welling up in his own eyes. He didn't think that you would be so upset, he had never seen you like this before. You were right, he was so consumed by his speed that he didn't realize how distant you had been.
Getting his speed put a split in your relationship. He wished that it hadn't taken him this long to realize what had been going on. Guilt consumed him - he was the reason that you were upset. There was no one else to blame here, he had done it all on his own.
"I'm sorry," Wally whispered. He kissed the top of your head and pulled away just enough that he could look into your eyes. Eyes that held so much sadness and fear, all because of him. He never wanted this. You were right, he was obsessed and it took him far too long to realize. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been this caught up with my powers. You're right, I took it too far."
"I worry about you, Wally," you confessed. "Barry goes against a lot of things, hell he's going against aliens right now. I don't want to see you get hurt, not after we know what can happen to those who try to fight. But... I understand that you need to. I know that you can't just sit around anymore."
"I know you don't like it," Wally trailed off. As much as you loved the thrill of his life in the beginning, the more you cared for him, the more you worried. Wally lived for the thrill, you hated it about him after growing to love him. You wanted him safe with you. "I'm meant to be doing this, I'm meant to be Kid Flash."
"I know you are, babe," You assured him. "I'm never going to be the one to stop you from it. I just... seeing you in danger or, or hurt like you were today... it's hard. It's not something that I ever want to get used to. I like it when you're safe - cozy in our bed and worrying about our ridiculous classes."
"They are pretty ridiculous aren't they?" Wally joked. You lightly smacked his chest - however you knew that he hadn't only focused on that small bit of your spiel. Wally half smiled before leaning down to kiss you. "I'm sorry for making you worry, but thank you for understanding. I need you now more than ever."
He was going to do better, be better. Wally needed to learn the balance between his hero life and his civilian life. Nothing was more important than his love for you. When it came down to it, he could live a life without being Kid Flash, he had for a long time. But a life without you? He wasn't sure if he could ever manage that.
You were the one to keep him grounded so many times. Barry had Iris, and Wally had you. He couldn't do this without you, he knew he couldn't. Losing you would break him more than anything else in this world could.
Wally leaned down to kiss you once more. His palm was against your cheek to keep you close to him. Yours over his heart, knowing that it was fully yours. Thought times were tough - more often than not - he would always be the one to catch you when you fell. 
"I told you before, Wally West, I'm with you through everything."
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struggling ~ yungblud
word count:1289
request?: yes!
“hi!! i have and idea and it's totally ok if you don't feel comfortable writing it! you can just ignore it lol but if you do then can you do something like Dominic finding out that the reader has an eating disorder? thank you and I adore your writing btw. we need more dominic/yungblud fics!”
description: when dom gets called to the hospital he finds out a shocking secret about his girlfriend
pairing: yungblud x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of eating disorder, hospitalization
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Dom got the call the minute his plane landed. He was waiting for his bags when his phone rang. He knew something was wrong when (Y/N)’s mom’s name popped up on his screen.
“(Y/N) was found unconscious in her apartment. She’s in the hospital, we’re waiting to hear the results.”
She hasn’t even finished speaking before Dom started heading for the door. He called over his shoulder to ask his manager to grab his bag and he’d explain later. He grabbed the first taxi he saw and headed for the hospital (Y/N)’s mom said they were at.
Both of her parents were waiting when he walked in. Her mom was to her feet first, wrapping her arms tightly around Dom.
“Where is she?” Dom asked them. “What happened?”
“She’s being checked by a doctor right now,” her dad responded. “She wasn’t answering any calls or messages, so I went over to her apartment to check and found her in her kitchen. I called an ambulance right away, we got here seconds before we called you.”
A doctor stepped out of one of the rooms, drawing the attention of (Y/N)’s parents. Dom figured this was (Y/N)’s doctor.
“Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N)?” he asked. Her parents nodded. “She’s fine. She’s just resting right now.”
The three of them breathed a sigh of relief together. “What happened?” her mom asked.
“She’s malnourished. It seems as though she hasn’t eaten a proper meal in so long she passed out. We’ll be monitoring her while she stays to make sure she’s getting proper nutrients.”
Dom noticed (Y/N)’s parents exchange a look a the doctor told them they could go in and see her. Before they went in, her parents stopped Dom so they could talk to him.
“There’s something you should know before you go in there,” her mom started.
Sometime later, Dom was sat with (Y/N) in her hospital room. She was still unconscious, but was starting to come to. As he watched her begin to stir, he wondered what he was going to say to her, or if he should say anything at all.
Her eyes opened and landed on Dom almost immediately. A sheepish smile came across her face. “Hey baby, When did you get home?”
“A few hours ago,” Dom responded. “Baby, do you know where you are?”
(Y/N) looked around, her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. “In...a hospital? Why am I in a hospital?”
“You passed out at your apartment, your dad found you. The doctors say...you were malnourished, like you haven’t eaten properly in a while.” The look that passed over her face was enough to push Dom to ask, “Babe...why didn’t you tell me you were struggling with anorexia
(Y/N) looked away. Dom reached out and took her hand in his.
“You don’t have to tell me,” he told her. “I’m sorry I asked, that was insensitive of me.”
“It’s not something I usually talk about,” (Y/N) said anyways, still looking away from Dom. “I was in recovery when we met, so there really was no reason to say anything. I...I just...relapsed recently.”
Dom squeezed her hand before moving off of his chair to get into the hospital bed next to her. He took (Y/N) into his arms, trying not to get tangled in her IV. (Y/N) rested her head on Dom’s chest, allowing herself to relax against him.
“How recently?” he asked as he ran his hand up and down her arm.
(Y/N) was hesitant to respond at first, but finally managed to say, “Like...three...four...six months ago?”
Dom froze as he did the math in his head. “When I went away on tour?”
“A few weeks after.”
“Is it because I went on tour?”
“No! No, baby.” (Y/N) wrapped him tightly in her arms, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “It had nothing to do with you...I just...”
She trailed off, unsure of how to tell Dom that the reasoning for her relapse had to do with his fans.
Just before he went away on tour, a few fans saw Dom and (Y/N) out together. They took a picture of the two and posted it online, leaking their relationship to the public. Dom posted on his Instagram to confirm that he and (Y/N) were together, and asked his fans not to spread the leaked photo around anymore than they already had. Shortly after, he went away on tour and that’s when the hate comments started to roll in.
They attacked (Y/N) for just about everything; her looks, her style, her hair, everything. Some were just angry that she was dating Dom and wanted her to know they didn’t think she was good enough to be with him.
And then she saw the word that hurt the most: fat. A small, three letter word that was used maybe by two people when criticizing her, but it was enough to send her back to her high school days, where she was a little chubbier around the middle and was mocked mercilessly for it. Whenever she looked in the mirror, all she could see was those chubby rolls, even though she knew that wasn’t what she looked like. And just like that, that three letter word was enough to cause (Y/N) to go into a relapse.
She never intended for things to go like this. She just wanted to become healthier, or at least that’s what she told herself. But it soon enough the hold habits she thought she had kicked started to come back, and it was hard to shake them yet again. She knew it would only be a matter of time before things became so bad that she’d be hospitalized again, the first time being years ago when she first went into recovery. She just didn’t think it’d happen so soon.
Dom tightened his grip on (Y/N), placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. “You don’t have to tell me what it was if you don’t want to.”
(Y/N) sighed and relaxed into Dom again. “It was something stupid, just like it was something stupid when I first developed anorexia. I really thought I had shaken it for good.”
“Eating disorders are like any sort of addiction,” Dom said. “Like alcoholism, drug addition, it takes time to kick them and it can take one tiny thing to trigger a relapse. But I want you to know I’m going to be here for you every step of the way to get to your recovery again, (Y/N). And I mean that, I’ll be here for you and cheering you on for as long as you want me to be.”
(Y/N) looked up at Dom, a small smile on her face. “You’ll regret that decision, because I never want you to go anywhere.”
Dom smiled as well and kissed her softly on the lips. “Then I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be here for you no matter what. I love you too much to lose you.”
(Y/N) smiled and cuddled back into Dom. She knew his support was what she needed, and she was determined to get better again, for him, and for her.
“I love you, too,” she mumbled against his chest. “And I promise I’ll fight to get better, and I won’t let stupid stuff get to my head ever again.”
Dom wrapped her protectively in his arms, never wanting to let go. Instead of responding, he let his head lull back against the pillow, and within minutes the two were asleep, tangled in each other’s arms.
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• with you | kwp
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: with you  pairing: kim wonpil (of day6) & you genre: flufffffff words: 2.9k
author’s note: requested by this anon asking for a lazy day with wonpil + some possibility of a food fight due to baking (i tweaked it a little bit, i hope you don’t mind)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
lazy days with wonpil are the best. it doesn’t happen often, though, because he rarely gets to spend this much time with you
you’ve been relying on voice messages, long texts and the occasional video calls before and during their subunit comeback promotions
granted you were super excited and absolutely stunned by their performances
not to mention the songs in the album are amazing, you have always been supportive of wonpil’s career
ever since you’ve known him, music has always been his top priority. he’s taught you so much of what he’s learned throughout the years being a trainee and a musician in his own right
albeit you doubt you’d ever reach his level of proficiency when it came to understanding music
you’re content just watching him sing, admiring the way he plays the piano so effortlessly, and being so damn lucky to be part of this important journey with him
but of course, it pains you to be so far away, long distance never gets better no matter what they say
as much as you follow along his schedules as a day6 member, you’d be lying to yourself if you said the end of promotions is your actual favorite part of it all
it means that wonpil has some free time to spare, and usually he likes to spend it with you 
this weekend, you knew he didn’t have a lot on his agenda. you’ve specifically cleared the whole two days, logged off on all social media just so your attention can be focused solely on your significant other 
you’ve been giddy all morning, waiting for wonpil to arrive at your place in mere minutes 
when the two of you haven’t seen each other in a while, wonpil personally likes to have you all to himself in a space where no one can bother the two of you. this is why he doesn’t like you going over to their apartment
dowoon doesn’t have a sense of personal space or can he take a hint that wonpil doesn’t want anyone coming into the room when he’s just snuggling with you
so it’s a win win situation overall to have him in your place instead. the clothes he had left in the bottom drawer hasn’t been worn in a while by him. 
(you’re afraid his scent would come off soon if you keep wearing his sweaters and pjs)
you hear the knock on the door and excitedly dash for it, seeing wonpil in the flesh with…
“hi,” he greets you shyly, the smile on his face neverending, only growing wider as you try your best to embrace him without squishing the gift he has in hand
“i missed you sooooooooo much,” you squeal, immersing yourself in the warmth of his body and his hand pressing against your back 
it feels like forever since you last saw him, so you want to hug him just as long 
“babe, babe— okay, baby, i can’t breathe!!” he laughs, jokingly coughing as he wiggles his way out of your death grasp. you’re not apologetic, only pouting while sliding your fingers in between his free hands 
“do you want to invite me in?” he asks, the sass in his voice unavoidable and you’d like to slap it out of him
but this is what you missed, so you tugged at his hands and welcomed him in your apartment
“are these for me??” he hands you over the bouquet, recognizing instantly the camellia flowers delicately arranged. he doesn’t answer, only letting his pressed lips resisting its way to a smile tell you how it is
“thank you,” you say to him anyway, reluctant but giving in to what you’ve always wanted to do for so long. 
you kiss his cheek, and it feels all so familiar but new at the same time
he gasps for a moment, brows raised up as if in mock offense but steals a quick kiss on your lips before you can question his silly antics 
“thought you could get away with that huh”
and this is what you truly missed being with wonpil, side by side. the way he sheds off that introverted persona online and really ease into his comfortable ways with you. he’s full of love, of course, but there are times when he is subtly teasing with you as a form of affection
you place the camellias in an empty vase you find inside a cabinet. the two of you didn’t necessarily plan out what to do for the day, and that’s usually the case when he spends his free time here
“i just want to be in bed and… cuddle,” wonpil would confess, winning you over with his doe eyes. nine times out of ten, it works
but today you want to talk with him, catch up on what you’ve missed while he was busy with performing and going on variety shows. and wonpil complies because even though he loves just being lazy with you, having his arms enclosing your figure and dozing off that way
one thing he loves to do is also talk. and there’s so much to talk about! 
you share the couch with him, and wonpil instinctively opens up his arms so he can wrap them around your waist
he puts up his legs on the coffee table, and waits for you to say something
“oh? this is allowed now?” he perks up and you turn your head to look at him, tongue darting out in response
“just because i need your scent to be in every corner of this place as much as possible”
“that’s…. a little gross, babe” 
sue you for missing him that much!!! 
but that didn’t really bother you, in fact you lift your own legs up to rest on his. as you guys find a comfortable lying position, finally you ask wonpil how he has been doing
you’ve probably already heard most of his stories through his messages and voice calls beforehand
but nothing beats listening to wonpil talk in person, and to watch him do it with your own very eyes
it’s something special that you want to keep for yourself, you understand that wonpil has to connect to his fans too. he goes on vlives, writes instagram posts directly addressing mydays, and just overall be relatable to them
and… it gets to you a little bit, not gonna lie. there’s so much of him that he gives to others, yet he doesn’t see it that way 
you’re sometimes afraid that he’ll be seen as too fragile and be an easy target to break 
but over the years you’ve known wonpil, you have only seen him get stronger. be more thick skinned, and it’s an admiring feat 
“were you even listening to what i said?” 
“about dowoon overreaching his leader status even after promos? yep, sounds like him” 
wonpil looks utterly surprised, and you return his expression with a more menacing version 
he bursts into laughter right at your face, and if you didn’t enjoy him tightening his grasp around you, you’d shove him off on the floor
“wonpil why do u keep laughing at me!!”
“you just have that face” 
wow what a way to compliment your s/o thanks buddy” 
“hey now,” he lets out the last few chuckles bubbling in his system, releases one arm around you to poke your nose with his finger. “thats the kind of face i love for a partner” 
“well then consider yourself lucky,” you pout, and wonpil’s eyes shine even brighter
“i am.” 
there isn’t a lot more that happens that day, you guys really took “lazying around” in its most literal form
since the couch is a pull out, wonpil helped you with setting it up and placing bedsheets on it while you grab the blanket from your room 
he suggests if he can take a nap for an hour or two which resulted to a cuddling session before you both dozed off
the curtains on the windows to the side of the living room were drawn out, so the late afternoon sun found its way to the inside of your place
it was warm, it hit your cheek when you turned over so you decided to just lay in bed facing wonpil
when you’d be in and out of sleep, you see your boyfriend’s peaceful face just a kiss away from you
and so you do just that… kiss his lips softly as to not disturb him… you take it upon yourself to take in his features slowly while you can and
it’s such a sight to behold
nevermind the dark shadows forming underneath his eyes or the subtle stress lines on his forehead 
you make it a point to do a self care skincare routine with him tonight. he’d enjoy the new volcanic mask you bought to try out
but setting that aside, wonpil is still so beautiful to you. you understand, out of all people, how so many have fallen for him too
hips lips that produce one of the most hauntingly elegant voices you’ve heard, his cheeks that paints a blushing rose when he’s being effortlessly cute, his eyes that glimmer whenever he’s having fun
however right now he has them closed, relaxed, as his chest breaths in and breathes out
you snuggle even closer to him, putting your cheek up against where his heart should lay, and listen to the beat of his heart
you feel your own pounding in the still of the apartment, only a faint bustling hum of reality outside your window
and as the sun shines on wonpil’s face this time, he slowly wakes up and you will yourself not too look
as you feel him shuffle while repositioning his arms that have encircled you all this time
“you awake?” he asks groggily, his sleepy hoarse voice sending you shivers down your spine
you can’t help but smile silly against his clothes
“mmm” is your response
“psst” he whispers in your ear, caressing the sides of your hair in a lulling manner
before you get too comfortable with his affection, you slowly pull yourself away and look at him
and you can never get used to it, to him
“i really, really missed you,” he mouths, almost inaudible, but you know it in your heart 
suffice to say the two of you didn’t get up right away
now that it’s nearing sunset, you ask if he wants to get dinner or cook at home
“what if we bake”
“oh,” that wasn’t really in your mind, but why not? this means you get to spend more time with him, and it’s a great bonding experience. the two of you rarely do this sort of thing. sometimes he’s ask to cook for you, only to phone his mom during the whole process to help out
in the end of that conversation, though, wonpil would approach you if you were in the room or hanging out on the couch, attack you with those puppy dog eyes of him 
“eomma hung up on me. says i should already know how to make stew without her help”
“do you need my help then, wonpil?”
“yes pls “ :c 
so with baking, it’s perfect, because you guys can tag team
you settle on making brownies, craving some chocolate for tonight. you pull up a recipe on your ipad for reference 
“babe where’s the butter,” wonpil asks behind you, rummaging his way through your fridge
“on the side, next to the cheese,” you tell him as you focus on reading through the ingredients
“... where’s the cheese”
“top shelf, wonpil,” you laugh, turning to see him struggling with messing around the many jars and miscellaneous stuff you have in your fridge
“ah, this needs to be more organized baby,” wonpil chastises you, finally finding what he was looking for
“sorry,” you sheepishly grin, but help him with the remaining ingredients
now that you have everything laid out, baking with him is.. a wild ride
you thought the cooperation between you would fall into a field of familiarity, but wonpil’s eagerness to do everything and have you just be sort of his “assistant” is bugging you a bit 
“i can mix this in—”
“no no no, i got it. you’ll see, i got this” 
“but wonpil—”
“no no no,” he repeats, holding onto an egg as he shakes his head at you
“see this? it’ll get cracked with one hand, just you wait” the smug expression on him just looks to adorable not to react to, but you know if you say something he’ll take it in a different manner. you keep your mouth shut and let him do his thing
he takes a second, three, five seconds before finally cracking the egg on the edge of the bowl
and spilling it all over the counter before he got the chance to put it all in
that’s your cue to laugh as wonpil stands there to take in the shame
and walk it off by washing his hands and wiping the mess
you didn’t mean to be so loud about his mistake, but you see wonpil blushing hard with his arms crossed
and you just know you crossed the line
“wonpiriiiii” you whine, trying to take his hands in yours. he won’t budge, not even looking your way 
“it was an accident, you can just crack it with a fork or something” he relents as you sway your arms side to side, an attempt to calm him down and reassure him it’s nothing serious
and you actually love him more 
“yeah but i wanted to impress you”
if only you knew wonpil
“you impress me every day just knowing you’re with me,” you tell him, and the cheesiness sends him gagging mockingly 
the two of you would continue clowning each other while preparing the brownie mixture 
taking turns with cracking the eggs, even at one point having a seriously uncalled for juggling competition with two eggs 
that you immediately stop once you realize you don’t have back up eggs if this fails badly
at one point the brownie mixture has finally been combined, and you’re about to ask wonpil for the tray when you see him dip his finger in the bowl and pop it in his mouth
“mmm,” he reacts, before slowly reaching in to take another dip
“DUDE DON’T DOUBLE DIP” too late, he had already contaminated the bowl and was on his way to smear chocolate on your cheek 
you didn’t even have time to speak his death sentence
the deed has been done, the cheek has been smeared as your nose sniff at the chocolatey smell on your face
“oh it’s on, wonpil”
“no it’s not,” he counters, and he’s already laughing with his pointer finger still up in the air, remnants of chocolate still coating around the skin 
you want to approach it the same way he did, but you needed to go big
bringing the whisk filled with a gooey chocolate mess, you lift it up and take a slow, careful step towards wonpil
his laughter died down and is followed by a gulp down his throat
“you won’t dare, baby. i love you, i love you so much—”
“your words mean nothing right now, pil,” you say as sweetly as you can, comically licking some of the mixture that has traveled down the side of your lips. wonpil stared at your tongue, confused at his emotions right now
should he be turned on? threatened? 
he doesn’t get another second to think as you basically paint the whole side of his cheek with chocolate
“i feel better now” you say in between your own fits of laughter, pointing the whisk at wonpil’s sorry face as he just stands there
taking in what just happened
so yeah, y’all don’t get to bake what’s left of the brownie mixture until… after so much of it has ruined your clothes, and the kitchen counter
fortunately, as the poorly spread out brownie mixture bakes in the oven, you and wonpil get to
share a bath together :) 
maybe it was his plan all along because the smirk on his face doesn’t leave at all while you wash each other up
bath foam on his hair, on your nose
soapy kisses, the works
you’d indulge being skin to skin with wonpil this way, soaked in warm water with the smell of mint in the air from your body wash
you couldn’t take too long in the bath though as the brownies baked for a short period of time
“do you really choose brownies over me right now, babe? really?”
“wonpil the apartment will burn down if we don’t take them out of the oven”
“okay point taken”
you finish up in the shower, put on your bathrobe and dry off your hands to hurry and take the tray out the oven
the brownies don’t look half-bad and evidence of the food fight you and wonpil didn’t even seem like it happened (courtesy to him voluntarily wiping everything down as you ran the bath quickly) 
“so is this dinner?” wonpil asks, walking towards you with his matching robe around him
“how about some take out for now?” you suggest sheepishly, hunger calling out to you already
he agrees, and calls your favorite restaurant for some food
the two of you then spend the rest of the night eating rice from take out boxes and dumplings on the pull out sofa bed, never ending conversations of everything in life accompanying the hum of background tv noise 
y’all even forget to eat the brownies as the dumplings and noodles had filled you up more than you thought
and that’s how you basically spent the first day he’s back with you, and the second is just the same
with more cuddling, sharing the shower, and enjoying every moment with him :) (less food fights though, he’s found out your sheer determination about such things… terrifying)
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simsadventures · 5 years
Better Like This: Epilogue
Warnings: mention of sex (part of a previous chapter, nothing too visual), fluff, a/b/o dynamics, mention of breeding, therapy
Word Count: 1900
A/N: I honestly couldn’t bring myself to write this part, because I didn’t want to leave the story. But all must end, and so here we are. Thank you guys so so much for sticking with it for all 16 parts, you are truly the best. Thank you everyone who took the time to give me feedback, or any like at all, it means the world to me. So, hopefully you’ll enjoy this last part, and you’ll stay with me for the next adventures to come. Love you all!!
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
“I love you so fucking much, doll. I can’t ever lose you, do you hear me? You are it for me, don’t you ever forget that.”
He rolled over so you could lay on top of him, while his knot deflated. “I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to. Even when I couldn’t remember my own name, Bucky, I knew you. My heart knew you. Whenever you were next to me, I felt safe. It scared the hell out of me in those moments, because my brain couldn’t recall you, but my heart did, and it fought for us to stay together. Even if I never regained my memory, I want you to know that I was willing to start anew with you, because you’re it for me too. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, no doubt in my mind about it.”
Silence fell upon the two of you. You kinda thought he would at least hummed, or something, but when you looked up to see what was going on, you had to chuckle lightly. Bucky fell asleep, your body on top of his.
He must have been so tired, so scared to not have his Omega with him, and when he finally found you, you couldn’t remember him. It took a toll on him, and you knew it would take a lot of time and probably therapy to make Bucky loosen his protective behaviour a little. But it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered as long as the two of you were together. With this thought on your mind you let yourself be lulled to a sweet sleep by Bucky’s raising chest and puffs of breath.
6 months later
“Oh, for the love of God, Bucky, I’m going, and that’s my last word!” You said, while angrily stared into his eyes. Bucky standing in front of you, his chest puffing with his jaw set and lips pulled in a thin line.
“For the last time. No! You’re not going anywhere, ‘Mega! This will be too dangerous, and I’m not letting you go undercover when the perp can easily attack you. No fucking way.”
His breathing was fast and shallow, and you could see that under the tough exterior, there was a little scared soul, begging you not to go into action. But you had to. It was your job, and despite all that happened, you still loved every second of it.
“You guys will be there, remember? I’m not going there alone, Buck. You’ll be sitting on the bar, and when you see that the guy’s doing some fishy stuff, you can arrest him. Scott will be in the next booth, listening to all the conversation, and the rest of the team will be either at the exits or in the van outside the club. We got it all covered, baby, nothing’s gonna happen to me, I promise.”
You stroke his cheek, and he let himself relax a bit under your touch. He knew he was being unreasonable, that they all will be there to protect you, but still. He couldn’t afford to lose you, and he couldn’t bring himself to put you knowingly in danger.
“I know baby, I know. I just… I don’t know. It’s the first time since Amber that you’ll be put in risk, you know? I mean, sure, you were chasing some assholes since, but nothing was as serious as this one. I just wish someone else could take your place, you know? Not only am I gonna be super uncomfortable because you’ll be in danger, but also another Alpha will be probably touching you, and I’m not too sure if I can take that.”
You chuckled and pecked his lips quickly so that no-one passing you would be too disgusted by the mate love.
“You can show me who owns me when this is all over, baby, deal?”
His eyes darkened for a split second, imagining all the things he wanted to do to you that night. He then breathed out a simple deal and smiled at you. “I trust you, I want you to know that. I know you are strong enough to take anything. I just want you to know you don’t have to. That I’m here to protect you or at least help you beat the shit out of all the bastards out there.”
It was something you talked a lot about, especially in your shared therapy. After Amber and the toll it took on both of you, you decided to take both separate and shared therapy sessions, not only to help you realise the defence mechanisms in yourselves but also to figure out what was the best approach towards your relationship.
Bucky wanted to protect you, and it came to the point you two started fighting about you coming back to work. Bucky wanted to see you at home, tucked under a blanket, waiting for him till he comes back from his dangerous job. But you were having none of that. You wanted back in action. You were a cop, no matter what. You were not the first and not the last detective to be hurt, even though you were hurt more because of your personal life than your line of work.
It was an uneasy task to get Bucky to therapy. He thought everything was alright with him, and just because he found you every issue he ever had was suddenly resolved. But you knew very well that that wasn’t the case, and pretty much kicked him into signing for a solo therapy.
His over-protectiveness and sense of failure were the next issues you two worked on, and you were on a really good way. But you still had a long way ahead of you.
You knew it would be tricky to make Bucky agree to let you go undercover, but even your therapist thought it was a good idea. You would both realise that you were able to protect yourself, but at the same time, Bucky would be there if anything would go too far. You could count on him, and you needed to show him he could count on you to not get killed.
During the process, the whole team was a huge support group. They wanted you both at your best game but wanted you healthy and happy more. So they all let you take it one step at a time for both of you to do things at your own pace. Steve would assign you the seemingly easier cases, and Scott would never say a thing about it. If anything he was glad he could spend a little more time with Hope during that time. He was well aware that the time would come when you two would be on top of your game, and you’d be staying at the station most of the days.
Another thing that brought Bucky’s protective side, even more, was the fact that his Alpha side wanted to breed you bad. Like really bad. He couldn’t stop thinking about you all swollen with his baby. And the thought that someone would snatch this dream of his from him scared the life out of him.
You still weren’t too sure if you wanted a baby so soon. It really wasn’t even a year ever since you met Bucky, and he was all about family and marriage and all that. Not that you were opposed, not at all. But you wanted to wait for a little longer, enjoy your time as a detective, because you were aware that the second you’d get pregnant, Bucky would do all things possible to keep you at home. He would even probably make you lay down all the time, just to make sure you wouldn’t fall down the stairs, or something.
His breeding need got the better of him one day, and he felt like neither yours or his apartment were sufficient for a family, so he bought you a house. It was a grand gesture that he meant everything he said about taking care of you, and you appreciated greatly, knowing you could count on him no matter what. Even if you didn’t want a baby right away, you knew that if it really happened, Bucky would be there every step of the way, and he would make the best dad one day.
“Earth to Y/N!” Bucky waved his hand in front of your face. You shook your head, realising you were daydreaming about your future life with Bucky again. Maybe you were more ready to have a family with him than you thought.
“Sorry, I lost myself in my head there for a second.” You smiled reassuringly when Bucky looked at you a little confused and little afraid of what you might have been thinking about.
“C’mon, lovers! It’s almost time!” Scott yelled, peeking around a corner. You nodded his way and looked at back at Bucky.
“We got this babe. We’ll get this motherfucker and then we can go home. We might even be lucky to come soon enough to build the dresser we bought in Ikea last week! I mean, it doesn’t get better than building the björksnäs, or whatever it’s called!”
You beamed at him, and Bucky just shook his head. “Doll, I can think of a hundred other activities I’d rather do than build freaking furniture from Ikea. I mean, it took me only two fucking hours to built that coffee table, and it had 4 steps.”
You chuckled at the memory of Bucky swearing like a sailor, and after his 3rd unsuccessful try, you had to stop him from wrecking half the living room. He wanted to do it all alone, be the man in the house, but he had to admit that he wasn’t good with plans, and definitely not plans from Ikea.
“We’ll just have to train your patience, love. What are you going to do when our children will need help with homework, and they won’t understand the way you explain it to them, huh?”
“Are you seriously comparing our future kids to furniture? And wait a minute, since when do you imagine things such as me doing homework with our kids?”
You could see that it pleased him immensely that he was no longer the only one in the relationship thinking about your shared future. “well, you were the one implanting the image in my head. You gotta live with that now!”
“Oh, gladly, doll, gladly! Maybe we should start-“
He couldn’t finish the sentence as Scott’s voice boomed across the hall once again. “Don’t make me come there and get you two! Seriously, come on, we’ve got work to do!”
“We’re coming you big baby!” You yelled at him, laughing when his head appeared in the hall, his eyes burning holes into your head. “Oh, you’re on, Y/LN, you’re on!”
You and Bucky both shook your head at your partner’s childishness, intertwined your fingers and walked towards Steve’s office to get ready for action.
The future wouldn’t be without bumps, but you were positive that no matter what life brings your way, you can take on anything, as long as Bucky’s right there next to you. And you knew that Bucky would be there, every step of the way, no matter how many Ikea furniture you’d put in his way. You were just better like this, better together.
Better Like This:
@kneel-begyourpardon​ @starkrobb​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @waiting4inspiration​ @boxofteenageideas​ @hiken-no-stark​ @get0verit​ @mywinterwolf​ @cat-of-your-eye​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @slender--spirit​ @this-is-serenaa​ @henderwhore4life​ @owlyannah​ @rohaintahquil​ @libbymouse​ @chubby-dumplin​ @dumblani​ @laughsandlivia​ @kiki5283​ @rippedpiece​ @marvellover1819 @barbar126​ @p8tn0lish​ @atomicfandombomb​ @queen-of-elves​ @benditlikegumby​ @queen-of-nerdiness​ @daydreamerinadazedworld @kenzieam @bbmommy0902​ @eteramfools​ @sunshine-2324​ @dyanna-corona​ @carlya65 @supermassiveblackhope @eileenalone​ @thewackywriter​ @noseyrosey1597​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
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