#we can decide if we want a major-only or variety
aliesbienish · 3 days
A study of wolves: chapter three
chapter one ✩ chapter two
Paul Lahote x Reader
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- The previous day -
“Why did we even agree to this study, clearly she is going to notice signs that the wolves around here aren’t always of the typical gray variety?” Paul questioned the tribal council, pacing at the foot of the meeting table.
“Son we didn’t have a choice, the majority of the land you boys protect falls out of the reservation. It was going ahead anyway, so it made sense to at least have someone from the council always there to steer clear of anything suspicious,” Billy placated, hands up in surrender to the clearly riled man.
“Billy’s right Paul,” Sam chimed in “there wasn’t an option. Plus this way we get income from the cabin and a guide. You know we need this to complete the maintenance on the school.”
“So you are okay with us becoming a study? Because we all know between the cameras and her field observation training we’re fucked. There is no way we can always play it safe with these cold ones lurking around, a mistake is inevitable.”
“Son,” Billy continued “it’s not even like it’s an issue anymore. You’ve imprinted on her, so she is one of us now. It’s well within reason to tell her what is going on.”
“No” Paul growled. “That is my choice and it’s absolutely not happening. Some silly idea that she’s my soulmate doesn’t change the fact she is a complete stranger. We don’t how she’ll react, there is no way I’m risking it,”
“You might not have a choice if she catches sight of something she’s not supposed to.”
“This is my only choice, and I’m not letting anyone taking it from me. Not even you.”
Billy sighed, resting his head in his hands. The chief was well aware what Paul’s reservations were really about. “Son, I know you didn’t want this. But please understand this is a blessing from the spirits, fighting this will only hurt you,”
“I refuse to let my choice be taken away, and I refuse to let hers. I will help to keep our secret safe but once this project is over she will leave and life will continue. And I don’t want anyone to try to do anything to change that.”
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The sky was clear but the southerly winds whipped ferociously along the cliff face where Paul parked up. The great blue expanse of ocean was mesmerising, stretching out as far as the eye could see. It was in moments like this you felt solace, out of the noise and bustle of large cities. Just the sounds of birds, waves crashing and winds whistling amongst the trees. After taking the moment to ground yourself you made your way over to the truck bed to grab your gear, Paul doing the same with his own bag.
“What’s the plan?”
“Well the most recent report says the last sighting was off this trail here,” you said pointing across the gravel road and to the unsigned trail head. “It happened in a clearing about four miles in so I think we head out there keeping an eye out on the way.”
“Sure thing boss. Anything you want me to keep an eye out for?”
“If you wouldn’t mind looking for prints, the ground should be pretty muddy under the vegetation cover so anything that’s been here since the previous rainfall last week should have left a mark. I don’t think we’ll actually come across a wolf since they’re nocturnal. But hopefully we can find a good spot for at least one of the cameras,”
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
For the past hour you had been hiking in relative silence. Paul lead the way, keeping a steady but maintainable pace. The trail itself was muddy but relatively flat, and wide enough you didn’t have to squeeze past any bushes. So far you hadn’t spotted anything apart from a wild rabbit that darted across the path in front of you.
Seeing a fallen trunk parallel to the path up ahead you decided now was as good a time as any to have a break.
“You keen for some morning tea?” You called to your companion, who gave you a nod and slowed down.
Perching on the thankfully stable trunk you pulled out the first of the sandwich haul.
“What’s your poison; PB & J or ham and cheese?”
“Whatever one you don’t want,”
“Na-ah, that wasn’t my question now was it. What kind of boss would I be if I just gave my worker scraps?”
“A standard one,” Paul smirked. Before grabbing the ham and cheese sandwich from the lunchbox. “Thanks”
“So Paul,” you began after a few bites of food, “what do you usually do besides leading clueless city girls around the forest ?”
“Thanks for making me sound like a serial killer. Plus I wouldn’t call you clueless,”
“I mean in the serial killer equation I think I’d rather be clueless. Would be worse if I willingly followed a killer into the middle of nowhere. Now answer the question idiot,” you laughed affectionately.
“Whatever the council needs really. Usually some form of construction or land maintenance,”
“Do you enjoy it? I imagine it’s nice to be working with your hands and doing something different every day?”
“I do. It’s not what I had anticipated doing, but it keeps me busy. I don’t think I could ever work in an office.”
“What did you think you’ll be doing?” You paused a second, and realised you may be getting too intrusive with someone you didn’t know. Something about Paul just made you want to dig into what made him…well him. “Sorry you don’t have to answer that. I’ll just shut up,”
“Don’t worry [y/n], it’s fine. But you have to swear you won’t tell anyone,”
“I solemnly swear,” you declared grabbing his left pinkie with your right.
“Child,” Pull laughed, before wrapping his pinkie around your own. “I also thought by now I’d be travelling the country. Maybe working with animals on my way, at a ranch or something like that,”
“Nothing wrong with that at all. In fact it’s smart, animals are obviously much better than people,”
“Obviously,” he snorted.
“May I asked what changed?”
“Ah just council things really, it’s my duty to the tribe.”
You could tell he was skirting around the answer, but you knew it would be beyond rude to pry any further.
“Well there’s still plenty of time to try something new,” you declared as you swung your backpack on. “Shall we continue future cowboy?”
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Hope you all enjoyed xx
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cookinguptales · 2 years
SPEAKING of tarot, look what came. :)
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thank you, @theartofmadeline, they’re lovely!
I’ve got to run soon for a late night double feature picture show, but if I’m not too tired when I get home, maybe we could have a fun tarot night. haven’t done one of those in a while!
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medicinemane · 6 months
The problem with people who are "right" because they insist they're right, and the only way to be right is to simply perfectly follow their every dictation on the subject unquestioningly is this...
Ok, let's just take it as a given that you're right... the problem here is that if that's what's right I'm afraid I have to dig my heels into being wrong. If you are as righteous and just as you insist you are then I've got no choice but to be the villain because I can't stand what you're saying I'd have to do to be good
Shockingly I even think it's wrong, which is odd because we've already defined it that you're inherently and unassailably right... yet here we are
Worst part is there's a lot of these things where I'm not even full stop against it, I actually might be on their side if they could stop and address a couple of issues I consider kind of important... but they won't, because they're morally right and don't have time for addressing nonexistent issues I'm clearly just dreaming up
Undoubtedly right they are, the defect must surely be my own... and yet here we are. Vile and wicked as it might make me, I still can't just go along with you
#mm tag so i can find things later#and whatever you think this is about and however you've already decided it agrees with you#I'll say this is about like... minimum 2 topics at very different points in the political spectrum... and probably like 20 easy#so like... it may well be talking about your own behavior on certain subjects#I'm talking about not even being willing to entertain good faith questions#and especially about labeling anyone who doesn't tow your exact party line a horrible person#...the amount of shit where it's like 'you know I actually agree with you... except for this one major sticking point'#'just tell me how we deal with this one pretty big thing and I'm fully on board' and... well actually you're terrible for that#or the amount of places where it's like I agree with your goals; but not your methods but... I don't think arguing would do a damn thing#you've already dug your heels in so deep and maybe you're even right to do it.. but I'll never go along with it no matter what that makes m#and the number of overall good people I know who this post is honestly about#they may well be far better than I am; I've never claimed to be good; quite the opposite#and yet I'm afraid I have to say that... to me you're wrong; wrong in concrete ways#maybe you could even address my concerns and help me see with my stupid brain why these aren't issues... but you won't#because you're right; and you know you're right; and so you'll never be wrong#and this isn't just some idle whataboutism... or maybe it is; I'll never say I'm the moral arbiter; again I could be wickedly wrong#and there's a variety of reasons someone believes what they believe; but... there's often blind dogma at the end#I may be stupid; but I can usually draw a line from my stance to something in the world#maybe it's a stupid nonsense line and I don't see my mental gymnastics... very well could be#but I can draw a line... it's not just circular logic; it's not just bouncing between two points#and I often can actually point to places I'm not happy with how things are or will be... we live in the real world and that sucks#example that... man it's more politically charged than I like getting; but ok#I really want this Ukrainian aid to pass even though I don't like the Israeli aid attached... but I get that's the only way it's passing#I want the Ukraine aid because I see residential houses getting stuck by missiles; but I don't want the Israeli aid for the same reason#and it comes down to that I think that the aid amount is sufficiently higher to Ukraine to make it enough of a net positive#I could be wrong... but you can at least see my work; I'm coming at it from a perspective of bombing civilians is wrong#I could be stupid; I could point to two people I know on here who would tell me I'm stupid for at least one part of this... probably all#yet there it is... and... it'll be hard to convince me otherwise
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prokopetz · 3 months
The thing about the idea that "rules don't matter" in tabletop RPGs is that, while it's obviously wrong, there's only one relatively narrow sense in which it's actually a problem.
There are basically three major strands of "rules don't matter":
Groups for whom the rules don't matter because they aren't playing a game as we'd conventionally think of it – they're having a freeform RP jam, and occasionally letting a coin-flip decide what happens next for spice. The particulars of rules-based procedures aren't relevant to these groups because they're not following any particular procedures. This is perfectly fine; sure, some players who favour this approach like to go online and write bloviating thinkpieces about how all tabletop roleplayers secretly want to be doing freeform RP, and anyone who claims otherwise is simply too stupid or brainwashed to understand that they're not truly having fun, but that's not doing any harm – it's merely annoying.
Groups who have a narrow idea of what it's possible to do with tabletop RPGs. They'll look at the fact that it's possible to run – for example – a sword and sorcery dungeon crawl and a cyberpunk heist caper using the exact same set of rules, and conclude from this that it must not really matter what rules you use; of course, the real reason this works is because in terms of their formal and narrative structures, a sword and sorcery dungeon crawl and a cyberpunk heist caper are nearly identical. Again, this isn't hurting anyone – if they want to run endless reskinned dungeon crawls in a variety of milieux, that's their business, and the worst that can be said for it is that some people are a little annoying about it.
Groups who do want to play a game with a formal structure, and who recognise that rules have opinions about how the game ought to be played, but think it doesn't matter because if there's ever a disagreement between the game the rules want to produce and the game the group wants to play, the GM can fix it on the fly. This is always going to happen to some extent, because the rules and the group will never perfectly agree about how the game ought to be played, but positioning the ability to repair that disagreement regardless of its magnitude as a basic expectation of any GM is one of the reasons we have so many folks who GM for a year or two, the burn out and never touch a tabletop RPG again.
Basically, "rules don't matter because we don't use them" and "rules don't matter because tabletop RPGs are only one thing" are largely harmless, but "rules don't matter because something something Rule Zero" is demonstrably harmful, and we need to cut that shit out.
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the-tarot-witch22 · 2 months
How your future spouse will confess his love for you - Pick a Pile
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Pile 1/ Pile 2/ Pile 3
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Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you - 5 of swords, 7 of pentacles, judgement and the lovers)
Okay so pile 1, for some of you your future spouse will confess their out of nowhere like so casually you are doing chores, or taking a stroll and he will look at you and just say those three words, making you stumble upon crosswalk or you might have a coughing fit, they will be nervous but they will be putting effort like special dressing for you that day or more styled hair their will be hints for sure, you are like the only one for them, and they won't be letting you go, for some of you a scene where you both are extremely happy and you see each other and are like, okay we need to say that right now and that very moment, the moment will make you overwhelm you with positive emotions for your future spouse, the scenario could be you could be telling each other that on phone, party , grauduation or an event, doing daily things together, for some of you it could be a angry confession or you might like that of confessions like so angry, and you will be confessing i heard "damn it don't you see, what you mean to me, and who tf treats their friend this way", meaning one of you could be completely oblivious and a argument will lead to confession straight outta movie, for some you guys could be in car, or a trip, for some of you, This could also happen when you will be letting go of old past and things that are holding you back, the confession will be like so surety, you won't be second guessing their intentions, they will really mean when they say "i love you", it could also be one of you deciding should i say it first nah, like ego coming in between, like they should be the one saying it lol, some of you would not be able to wait and they will be confessing, i also see a night time or full moon. I also see lots of head pats it might be you or them that likes to do it to their loved ones!
That's all pile 1 this pile had so much energy and also undecisive so i end up picking variety of confession here! but anyways the pile is sweet, and seems like when they say it , they will actually mean it and they don't go around throwing these words to random! as they should! so let's go! wishing you luck when you meet them and they confess to you~
Pile 2:
(The cards I got for you - 5 of cups, page of pentacles, 6 of wands, 10 of wands, ace of wands and the moon)
Okay so Pile 2 very interesting!This pile could also be overthinker or worry too much about stuff in general, but anyways on to the reading! So what i channel for this pile is for some of you guys, you would be going through a very or hard time or a depressed period of your life or overstressed period of your life, This could be because of work, family or friends situation, but your future spouse will be with you through hard time or not so hard time, reassuring you, but not majority for some of you, they could be reassuring but they will let you know their love, and you will realize it too, but you both or your fs would be wanting a more appropriate time for it, I also some of you could be ill or sick and then they are telling you, that they are in love with you, it will be like nobody will be ever have done that for you and when they do it, you will be quite shocked in a good way, knowing you have a man of your dreams, i also channel a scene where they are feeding you something and they will let you know how much you mean to them, and you will be asking "do you love me" and he says yes. and then the atmosphere becomes romantic than it is, so you will be thanking to be sick or ill, that it led to this, or you could be on some sort of picnic or garden when they confess to you, they will actually be quite creative for their confession, Okay so the majority of you i feel you guys would be getting freaky or physical lol, or it could be a kiss too, and between the make out session they are like in between breaths i love you, and you end up getting intimate with each other, and that's how the confession will go for you and them, after the confession they could be quite protective with you, like kissing you in public showing you two belong with each other, honestly? so freaking sweet, some of you it could be at a celebration or they could be asking you out, trying to be subtle, with you but failing lmao, you could be with intuition be able to figure out they are gonna do something, this pile could also have strong or at least good intuition, and your partner too, the confession will actually transform you both for better, or it could also mean you both will start something deeper with each other, more meaningful! I also channel a book store confession for some of you~
Okay so pile 2! Your pile honestly made me feel butterflies, like they are sweet and thoughtful, they would be 100% sure to win you over after their confession~, so happy for you guys, gave me such a energy boost!
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you - The emperor, page of swords, The hermit and the page of cups)
Okay pile 3, let's start with your reading, for some of you, your future spouse will go above and beyond to confess his love for you, like actually an expensive or luxurious confession, I channel a scene where you are on aeroplane and he tells you there while you are going to abroad, many of you will think this is unrealistic, but your future spouse is rich and he will definitely be telling it to you in his own way, and ykw? you guys deserve it! I also feel when the day he confess he is going to gift you a bouquet of flowers or especially red roses and big one at that, with the things you like, and that's how he tell how much he in love with you, and for some of you i channel a scene where you both will be mutually putting efforts with each other, and decide to tell to each other on the same day and IT'S honestly so sweet, i feel so warm and fuzzy while doing your reading guys, For some of you he could be preparing an art date for you both and he will tell you by writing or whispering it in your ears, for some of you , you guys would be embracing your future spouse and giving them a kiss on their cheek, saying it back to them, just like pile 1 you both can also confess on messenger or just online! and later decide to have a date for the special occasion, for some of you, you both could be taking space, to figure out stuff and then you both confess to each other! I also sense a photo album you could be prepring for them, or it's just you prefer to give something handmade to your loved ones! And honestly it's amazing , made me go awwww~!
That's all pile 3, your future spouse is definitely SOMETHING~ hehe, love that for you guys!
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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tossawary · 8 days
Something I found surprising when revisiting the prequel trilogy is how much the clones aren't full characters in the movies. They're props. They're devices. The films give them the same weight and attention as they give the Separatist droids, really. The only two clone troopers I can easily name off the top of my head who get "named" in any way are Oddball and Cody, who are both just barely in "Revenge of the Sith", and interchangeable in their roles with any other background clone.
It's interesting when held up against "The Clone Wars" and other extension material, which had the time and inclination to say more directly, "Hey, these are people and what's happening to them is wrong." Like, obviously what's happening in Ep2&3 is wrong, the audience can draw that conclusion on their own, growing people as cannon fodder is a clear part of the greater tragedy if you take about five seconds to think about the situation here. Even without the element of the entire war being constructed and controlled by the main villain, the clones are a tragedy.
But, oh man, the movies themselves don't really care to focus on that. It's SUCH a background element. I had a "oh, yeah, Order 66 being programmed into a control chip was a later addition to / clarification of canon" moment while watching, because as far as Ep3 actually shows us (as was the initial intention by some, I know), Cody apparently knew the entire time that he might be called to fire on Obi-Wan Kenobi and was just waiting on the call. The "homogenous evil army" trope is... very much present and even more identical than usual here.
By the films alone, you can easily assume that the clone troopers have no love for any of the Jedi (whom we're meant to believe are relatively decent people) for a variety of reasons. Their upbringing and training on Kamino was presumably cold and brutal. They're (possibly enslaved) soldiers in an even more brutal war. This army is offered no development or individuality that makes the appalling Jedi Temple massacre out of character for any of them.
But when the various Clone Wars shows first turned the clones into individual characters and even protagonists, many of whom are shown to be good people and become friendly with the Jedi through years of teamwork in life-or-death situations, Order 66 became weird. "Wait, why would the majority of clones (all the clones we see in the movies, at least) just go along with this? What went wrong here?"
I get why TCW and SW canon settled on the control chips option and I find it interesting enough. The tragedy of it all makes me want to lie facedown on the floor. Darth Sidious is really winning at sheer evilness here.
On the other hand, there are some really fun and interesting "Order 66 was taught, not programmed" AUs to revisit here. Especially when some of the other (Legends canon now) contingency orders include what to do if the Supreme Chancellor is incapacitated or declared unfit, or even getting rid of the Supreme Chancellor and assuming control by lethal force if necessary. Presumably these orders existed as a back-up in case Palpatine wasn't elected to the seat in time for the war or didn't manage to get rid of term limits and was replaced as Chancellor at any point.
That really sounds like Palpatine's evil army of ruthless Jedi-Killers (unchipped) could have easily backfired on him if they'd ever decided all of these non-clones were unfit and organized to take power for themselves. I love any scenario where Palpatine's arrogant and overly complicated plans get him in trouble. The "homogenous evil army" often gets treated as a mindless mob, but while the clones may have some degree of emotional suppression, they're clearly very capable and not unintelligent, and they're not given many (if any) reasons to be loyal to the Republic. And it is FUNNY to imagine any Dark Lord's created army deciding that he fucking sucks at war (there's obviously a leak, why the FUCK are they losing so much ground to fucking droids) and they're overthrowing him for better benefits, so that they can create and run a more efficient Evil Empire themselves.
You could make this angsty as hell or a comedy, or both. I'm imagining the clones at the eleventh hour murdering Chancellor Palpatine with such brutal efficiency that it feels like its own kind of prejudice. And he gets revealed as a Sith Lord in the process (this was taken into account as a potential problem when planning the assassination), so there's an initial moment of: "I can't believe it! He was the Sith Lord in the Senate all along! How did you know?"
Cody: "Didn't."
Obi-Wan: "...Pardon?"
Cody: "This is a coup, sir."
Like, if we're going by what's shown in the movies alone, there's a clear Emperor Cody AU to be had here. Which can be played as a temporary (years long) measure to reinstall a Republic with proper checks and balances, while a bemused Jedi Order and Senate are held hostage, or the First Galactic Empire is established as per canon just with the clones running it and reaping the benefits. I'm currently enjoying thinking about the latter scenario as a dark comedy, in which Future Emperor Cody (or the clone of your choice) has to negotiate in his spare time with the various demands of his fellow clones. (Who are, let us remember due to the horror that is the accelerated aging, a bunch of teenagers at the oldest here.)
Rex: "I want Tatooine."
Cody: "The whole planet?"
Rex: "Yeah."
Cody: "It's a shithole."
Rex: "Yeah, but it'll make Skywalker so kriffing mad, so I'm calling dibs."
Cody: "Noted."
And if you want to write shipfic, there's always the AU of various Evil Army Clones meeting their love interest and then going, "Not evil anymore! Sorry, guys." Which could be angsty or another dark-ish comedy.
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cosmicconversations · 21 days
Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading: Messages From Your Spirit Guides 🕊️
Hey, welcome or welcome back to Pick-A-Card Friday on my blog! So, today, I wanted to switch things up from the love readings. I definitely plan on giving you guys a variety of subjects through Tarot and to cover things regarding healing, the spiritual journey, and self-awareness and development, instead of just focusing on romance. (We will only cover that a couple of Fridays a month)
In this reading, we will be getting messages from your spirit guides! Now, spirit guides can have different influences on our lives. We have main guides who are either around for our entire lives or the majority of our life and we have more temporary guides that specifically come in to teach us a specific lesson and then, after we have learned it, leave us. So, any of those guides could come through today.
We are going to be a little in-depth as we look at who this guide is and then how they show up in your life. (For clarity’s sake, I won’t be taking reversals in this part) Then, in the extended on Patreon, we will see what they are helping you with at this current time.
Even if we can’t see our guides or don’t consciously know we are interacting with them, they are still there. Intuitively, you will know if the pile you have picked makes sense and recognize how this guide has been with you all along. Some of you will already know who this guide is and have a clear relationship with them and this reading will only provide confirmation and further clarity.
Also, more than any other reading, it is okay to be drawn to more than one pile here. You might have multiple guides trying to reach you through this reading!
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Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
Pile 1
Who Are They?
Three of Pentacles
Okay, the “they” is feeling literal here, Pile 1. I am actually taking this Three of Pentacles to indicate multiple guides who decided to come through for you. For a lot of you, I am getting it is three of them and you may know who I am talking about. I feel like these are guides that you are probably very actively working with and communicating with. If not, you are going to be establishing that relationship with them soon. They are very close to you and very much a part of your soul family. For some of you, these might actually be family members who have passed on. Maybe it’s a parent and a grandparent (who you may or may not have known in this life) and another late relative. Take it however it resonates. But, these guides are a formidable unit and definitely comprise the bulk (though not the entirety) of your Spirit Team.
These guides are very invested in your success on the material plane. They are doing all they can on their side to set you up for a secure and stable and successful life. You won’t always know or understand the moves they’re making but they don’t need the credit for that. It is important that you allow them to step in and help you, though. I am getting a very stubborn energy from those of you who chose this pile. Your guides love that about you and, if they were here on Earth, they may have been very similar. But, they also need you to see when it would be most productive to step aside and let them take over a bit. Their big message here is that you don’t have to make things so hard and also that you can trust them.
I feel like many of you may be enduring some financial struggles or career setbacks that are causing a lot of frustration. Even if you are actively working with these guides, you are finding it hard to fully trust in the process of everything. They don’t hold that against you but they want you to know that everything is going to be alright. These difficulties will come to an end soon! You just need to see yourself as in an ongoing collaboration with them (as I do think they will be with you for life). Make it easier on yourself by leaving some things up to them. I also get the sense that these guides (most likely, these three guides) all have very distinct energies. It could be any mix of masculine or feminine energies. Together, they are a very powerful unit and the more you connect with them, the more you will see their huge impact in your life.
How Do They Show Up?
Judgment /// Ten of Cups /// Two of Swords
There is a bit of tough love energy here, coming from a masculine guide in this group, in particular. But, all of these guides on your Team are not going to hesitate to put you through your paces. This is not a bad thing, even though the experience of it is going to suck, at times. Ultimately, your guides know what you are made of and they are working with you to build your character. This will happen through some harsh circumstances, especially when you are younger. When you have your back against the wall, these guides will come through loud and clear, especially the masculine one I identified earlier. In these situations, you will have major epiphanies and hard wake-up calls. You are not allowed to go through this world metaphorically blindfolded, thanks to them.
It is actually through your ability to face hard truths about yourself and your life that these guides speak through you. When guides are especially close to us on a soul level, we can sometimes confuse their guidance with our inner monologue. Some of you in this pile are clairaudient and will definitely hear their voices in a clear and distinct way. You are not going crazy. Yes, it’s real and while mental illness can play with certain people’s heads in that regard, I think you know the difference. It won’t sound like your voice but it will give you words of wisdom or soothe and comfort you when needed. In any case, you are not allowed to ignore the truth because of these guides. I feel like, if they can’t get you to see reason, they will bombard you with signs until you do.
A strong message that I am getting is that many of you are clairvoyant but suppressing or resisting it. This gift of yours is very strong, though, and these guides will send you messages in that way. So, be more open to receiving them. A lot of you are also going through a major spiritual awakening that could be unlocking gifts you possess like the aforementioned ones or even mediumship. They will help you embrace and strengthen these abilities and shed your fear of them. This awakening is also what is getting you to see these guides’ presence in your life to begin with. It may have been two years since this started or it will unfold over the next two years. These guides will play a major role in helping you navigate your true spiritual path.
There is also something here about one or more of them communicating to you even more when you are around your family. That supports my feel that this Team may include passed on relatives. There is something about a grandparent’s home or your childhood home. They could engage with you even more when you’re there. Regardless of your connection to these guides, they are truly your family. When you feel like you have no one to understand or help, they are right there. You share a very loving and special warmth with them. The more you draw on it and lean on it, the happier you will be in life.
Extended Reading for Pile 1 (what are your guides currently helping you with?)
Pile 2
Who Are They?
Queen of Wands
Pile 2, this guide is a very powerful being who is not to be messed with. They definitely embody this Queen of Wands energy. It is a very feminine guide, for sure. It could be a female spirit or someone who has passed on who either was a woman or was a man with strong feminine energy. Take it how it fits. For some of you, this guide feels especially queenly, like she occupies a high position somehow. I am getting goddess vibes so you might work with a particular goddess. Deities can definitely serve as guides in our life, especially if this is a patron deity of yours. And I am feeling like this goddess is a goddess of beauty or love of some kind. I am heavily getting Freya’s energy (I always see her as the Queen of Wands) but also possibly Aphrodite or Oshun or Ishtar. Or maybe some other super-gorgeous goddess. There is a strong emphasis on her allure and her highly magnetic energy.
Even if this was a person in your life, she (or he) embodied a very beautiful, very magnetic feminine energy while also being fiery and spirited. They could have had Aries, Leo or Sagittarius placements. They definitely knew how to attract attention in a way that is pretty spicy but still elegant or self-possessed. Whoever this guide is, her impact on your life is to urge you to step into your confidence, to know how amazing and beautiful you are. If this was any feminine older figure in your life you looked up to who passed on, this guide wants you to know that the beauty you saw in them is in you, too! It’s really sweet, actually, and may really hit home if you were related to them.
Deities feel the same way about us. With Aphrodite, for instance, the reason you shouldn’t compare yourself to her beauty or try to “take it” for yourself is that she wants you to see the beauty you have within, not try to copy hers. Whenever you are working with any goddess of beauty and love, it can only be truly effective if you are tapping into your own inner beauty and self-love. This guide is urging you to see that you are a goddess, too (and that can be said gender-neutrally, you can be a man and have an inner goddess). Also, while inner beauty is crucial, this guide also is meant to teach you that there is nothing wrong with cultivating outer beauty. She wants you to feel yourself to the degree you need to and to honor your feminine nature. Yet, she is also fierce! And she urges you to take no disrespect and to be in charge of your own life. This is a formidable Divine Feminine being who wants you to tap into your inner power and take up space.
How Do They Show Up?
Ten of Pentacles /// Knight of Swords /// The Hanged Man
So, a metaphor for how this guide operates popped into my head. Have you ever wished you could literally stop your bestie from dating that no good man? Just yank him out of the picture? Have you ever wanted to vet your friend’s dates for them and turn them away? That’s basically what this guide does! She does not mess around when it comes to you and it is coming up as in a romantic sense. I’m getting that this is a very attractive group that chose this pile. You get your fair share of love interests or suitors. But, this guide is fiercely protective and they need her seal of approval before they get near you.
Think of her as the best friend who keeps no-good lovers at a distance. It is quite motherly, too, in its energy. Of course, this could have been a maternal figure in your life and, if so, she had opinions on who was good enough for you and did not want you settling for less. I feel like if you date men or masculine people, this dynamic is even stronger and more pronounced. It might constantly feel like romantic situations “stall” in your life. Maybe you get ghosted or the person you’re dating refuses to commit or is frustratingly unavailable. These things happen in order for you to see the truth. This guide opens your eyes on a regular basis when it comes to romance. You might be looking at a love interest one way and then, all of a sudden, you see them from a totally different point of view that changes your desire to be with them.
This guide does feel like a very long-term guide. She has, at least, been around throughout your adult life as you have navigated romance on a serious level. For some of you, especially if this is a non-patron goddess, she might have been called in on a temporary basis to help you elevate to the next level of commitment with someone. But, even so, she is not going to leave until she sees you settle into a happy, healthy, stable relationship. Think of her as your metaphysical matchmaker! Because of this, she is going to be straight-up with you and force you to grow into the secure and mature adult you need to be to have a successful relationship. If you have any patterns in love that need to be addressed, she will lovingly insist that you do so. This goddess-type figure understands how to attract in a powerful way and she knows that you need to match the vibration of a solid romantic connection if you want to attract that.
While single, any urges you have to focus on yourself and practice self-love or build your self-confidence will be applauded by her. She wants you to be secure enough in yourself to be able to clearly identify what you do and don’t want in a long-term connection. That way, she won’t have to keep interfering for you. Her goal is to get you to the place where you are getting rid of unsuitable partners yourself. The more you do this, the more she will be guiding you toward the right person. I have to tell you that it will be quite a wait! And if that frustrates you or saddens you, you can turn to her for comfort. But, she also doesn’t want you to feel like you’re “waiting” for the right person. Her influence in your life is felt when you stop focusing on the wait for the one and learn how to show up for yourself in the way you want a partner to. When you get comfortable with this, she will help you manifest your true person in a way that is so sudden and unexpected but also feels so right.
Extended Reading for Pile 2 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)
Pile 3
Who Are They?
Six of Cups
Pile 3, I felt a swell of emotion while I was meditating on your picture. This feels like a sentimental sort of energy that might make you tear up a bit. I get the sense that this guide had some sort of significant impact in your childhood. That can mean quite a few things. For some of you, this is a beloved pet that was with you throughout your childhood and then passed. Pets very often act as guides in our lives for a period of time. I think some people in this pile had a tumultuous childhood or adolescence that a pet helped them through with their unconditional love and comfort. They may have felt like your only support, sometimes. So, if that fits for you, this pet is still with you and is saying hello and that they still love you!
For others, this could have been someone you grew up with or went to school with who passed unexpectedly. I am getting a very youthful energy with this pile. So, they may have been sick or gotten into a fatal accident when you guys were still really young. Possibly, it was a troubled friend who went down the wrong path. Regardless of the circumstances, something you should know is that they are fine and their spirit is operating in the exact way that you remember them. I think that is the emotional part of a reading like this as we can grow a bit older and move through life but we still have this presence with us that takes us back to that time when we were kids or teens. It can evoke nostalgia out of nowhere but we know we can’t get that time back with them.
It is also likely that this is a cousin or something who you were very close to as a kid and grew up with. I specifically feel like it is someone from your past in this life. Possibly someone from college but it reads younger for most of you. It doesn’t feel like some spiritual being that you have no conscious memory of. I think that, if this was a person from your upbringing, they come through in ways that trigger your nostalgia; any songs or shows or places that would remind you of them. Also, you may just be overwhelmed with the memory of them and feel really emotional. If this was a pet, they definitely send you signs through the animal that they were. You might start seeing a lot of dogs or cats or whatever species they were, often even their actual breed. And you could even hear the noises of their species, like barks or meows. This guide has a lot of love for you and they will always, in a way, see you and connect with you as that “baby” version of yourself. Yet, it’s because of this that they are also so proud to see who you have become.
How Do They Show Up?
Nine of Cups /// The Wheel of Fortune /// The Moon
You tend to be very unaware of this guide’s presence. I feel like there is something specific about them that makes you feel like they wouldn’t be guiding you or watching over you. First off, if this was a pet, it could have felt outside the realm of consideration to you that their spirit would still be with you and protecting you. It is commonplace to say that when people die but we don’t ever really talk about animals that way. But, the bond you had with them persists. Okay, this message is beautiful. You know how someone can lose their spouse or partner and that person’s spirit can guide them to a new relationship. I think that happened with you and your pet. They either brought a new pet into your life right after they passed or they eventually guided you to a special connection with one.
If this is someone who left this plane at a very early age, it might be hard to conceive of them as this guide and protector, especially as you are getting older. Now, you might look back and see them as the kid they were. But, they are very much looking out for you. There is something about fun and good times being had. You enjoyed a very fun (possibly wildly so) relationship with this person. And they are always on the lookout for ways to bring more fun and celebration into your life. They love it when you go out and socialize. Maybe this person was very extroverted or very popular when they were here. They possibly could have helped you with your confidence or people skills, in that regard, or they just made you feel really loved. If they were popular themselves, their admiration of you meant a lot to you.
Regardless of what kind of being they are, they impact your life as a guide by showing you how great you are and how much love there is for you. It’s often when you’re feeling down or unsure of yourself or like you’re not really appreciated. I feel like they will be around for the duration of your life but they don’t stay around for long periods. They come in and out on a recurring basis to give you a pick-me-up when you need it. This could also be through words of admiration or compliments you receive from other people, in a seemingly random fashion, often from strangers in public. Also, little strokes of luck can be their doing, even if it means just getting the parking space you want or being able to beat traffic to make it somewhere on time. If it feels like someone set that up for you somehow, it was them.
The signs you receive from them will be very undeniable and strong, to the point where logic cannot get in the way or make you dismiss it. But, you could confuse it as just being a sign about them or a memory of them instead of communication from them. There’s a difference. You will know because it will seemingly come out of nowhere and hit you hard. Again, there is something significant about parties or social events coming through. I think that this guide will often be by your side when you’re at a party or socializing. They may be, in a way, having fun with you but there is also a protective energy. Less disasters or mishaps occur because they are around. Also, they play a role in safeguarding your reputation. This guide sees the absolute best in you and has a way of influencing things to help others see the good in you, too, even when it would be easy to judge. Many of you are in the public eye on some level or will be one day and this guide will help keep you in good social standing, even if you’re involved in a controversy or messy details of your private life emerge. They will make sure you don’t feel too “exposed” and that certain negative opinions don’t hinder you.
Extended Reading for Pile 3 (what is this guide currently helping you with?)
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ambermotta · 9 months
Working with Dragons — My POV
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When you look up "draconic magick" or "dragon magick" there is not really a lot to read. In fact, a lot of the info you'll find looks like a copy-paste from one another.
So I thought I would bring my own insight into what working with dragons feels like to me. Not exactly an informative post, just a "personal experience" one.
I believe it is important for newcomers to read about variety of experiences because otherwise, they might start feeling their practice is "wrong" if things are different for them.
If it wasn't clear already...
This is my experience only, other practitioners WILL have different takes on working with dragons.
Regarding Identity
For the majority of my journey with dragons, I have only worked with one dragon. They reached out to me, but took me years to finally feel ready to work with them, and since I was still a bit insecure, I didn't really seek out other dragons.
By the way, I use they/them pronouns because I don't feel a particular gender signature coming from them.
They are strongly tied to energies of the ocean and I have only seen them as very serpent-like.
The other main dragon I have worked with, who showed up a lot later, is a dragon strongly associated with fire and protection, and his energy is mostly masculine from what I can tell.
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As of now, this is what I can share about them. One of the things you'll see being talked about dragons is that you should not talk about the ones you work with unless they give you permission to, and for the most part, this has also been my experience.
They can be quite secretive — I had the ocean dragon very often remind me to stay quiet about the work I'm doing, and be very careful about what I share. Not just about them, but about myself.
Some things need not be secret forever, but when they ARE supposed to be done quietly, I will get the nagging, almost intrusive feeling, of keeping my mouth shut whenever I am itching to say something I shouldn't.
They have also shown to be secretive when we work together, as in I'm instructed to do something a certain way but not told why until the work is done.
And I understand why afterwards.
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From all dragons I have worked with, they have always been quite insistent. Be it regarding how something should be done, how to behave, or on what to get.
Please do not misinterpret this as being pushy or forcing boundaries.
What I mean is that some spiritual beings can be very subtle with their messages when they want to tell you something... But for me, dragons aren't subtle. They keep sending signs and messages until I get it.
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by Kou Takano
As for being demanding, it depends on your relationship with them.
They were not demanding at first because I was still unsure of what I wanted, but once I decided to commit, they definitely started communicating more and giving instructions on work we should do together.
So there's a greater degree of commitment that we both respect.
As for being "demanding" with offerings, to me they seldom ask for those. If I do it it's because I want to, not because they have asked or shown they needed it. In terms of spiritual beings I have met, they seem to be the least interested in offerings or praise. But again, this is just my experience.
It can vary drastically from one dragon to another.
For me, the Ocean Dragon is serene, regal, mysterious, but standing in their presence can also feel scary and can make you feel small. They also have a more turbulent side.
The fire dragon feels much more assertive, fierce, loyal, but at the same time less "massive" in size and less intimidating somehow. They remind me of a knight or paladin archetype to be fair.
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by Carolina-eade on Deviantart
So I assume that personality and energy signature, as well as your relationship with them, will change drastically from one dragon to another.
I have not experienced finicky, prideful, or petty behaviour from them. Dragons are often considered in media and mythology to have big egos, but to me, they feel the exact opposite... wise and humble, but their presence is so massive I feel one must be very careful not to mistake their good disposition for weakness.
Conduct when working with dragons
I find that while they are wondrous and inspiring, their energy can feel intimidating, and maybe because of that I feel like I must be more serious when working with them. I am not necessarily being formal around them, but I do have a great deal of respect for them and other creatures in their presence.
It feels more like respecting the elders than an authority figure though.
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As for magical conduct, I have never had to work with them on anything that did harm to others. In fact, they have heavily aided me in works that focused on helping others.
They have also helped me through my fair share of shadow work. So, both right and left hand path.
You may see some folks claiming that dragons have no qualms with helping mages with "dark magic" and that you actually must work on keeping balance, "working on both sides of the coin" if you will.
They have never demanded that of me, though I recognize it could just be in respect for my decision of not wanting to do most baneful work.
I can't say I fully understand their nature and moral compass yet.
Types of Dragons
So far, they seem to come in all sorts of shapes. The traditional western-type dragon is far from being the only one or the most common one. Some may look much more like snakes or birds than to winged lizards.
I can see some elemental associations, but I don't think they are restricted to working with just one element.
Unfortunately, since I don't know many dragons, I am not sure if they are always tied to an element or how many types there are.
However, the ones I met did seem to "dwell" in certain environments. The ocean dragon I only see in water, and the fire dragon I have seen on top of a rocky hill, looking down a vast, dry, sunny field.
As for dragon guardians of the elements, directions, etc – I haven't met them, haven't worked with them, so I don't know if there is such a thing.
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by Kou Takano
Mythological Dragons
I have not met a lot of people who worked with widely known dragons, such as Tiamat, Fáfnir from norse mythology, or Yamata-no-Orochi from japanese tales.
But I feel working with them would be a singular experience, just as it is with any other dragon (or spiritual being for that matter). It could be easier considering you would have at least an idea of who they are and what they may like, either from "lore", ancient worship, or SPG (Shared Personal Gnosis).
This is still something I'm thinking about exploring in the future.
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Fáfnir, found on Harreira.com
This was just an overview of what working with them feels like to me. I'm definitely not as experienced as some other folks I've talked to, and my practice is constantly constantly evolving.
So far, it's been great! I'd love to hear from other people on draconic magick.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Or share your experiences as well!
Thank you for reading!
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sinvilles · 1 month
do you think if clay met danielle instead of blobs at that wedding reception he would still turn out a piece of shit?
I love a thought exercise hehehoohoo
So the first assumption is that they both crash the wedding by accident, and then they crash the reception together (or maybe Danielle knows Fakey so he’s a friend of the groom?).
The major divergence being that instead of Bloberta pushing highballs on Clay, it’s Stopframe trying to get into his baby blue slacks. Danielle and Bloberta are very different people. Bloberta was a fledging alcoholic desperate to leave the nest. We can assume Danielle was in college or looking to pursue athletics.
And Danielle is a star athlete- he’s got medals and awards in his office in the series. A good athlete understands the importance of choosing sobriety and wouldn’t question it when Clay says he doesn’t drink. Whatever, they order sodas or apple juices. This is scenario A.
In scenario B, Clay actually decides to have his first drink on his own. He wants an excuse to lower his guard around Danielle, because he’s attracted to him and if he does anything dirty he figures he could just blame it on the drink.
This goes either of two ways: he makes a complete fool of himself and Danielle has to take him home early, or Danielle stops him when he thinks he’s had enough. Either way, the drinking is incidental and because Clay doesn’t hate his new friend/potential boyfriend, he doesn’t make a habit out of it and doesn’t need to use it to self medicate/cope.
In C, the worst case scenario, the drinking becomes habitual and he just becomes your garden variety gay alcoholic. So he becomes the second worst version of himself- because this time he doesn’t have to fake being heterosexual and doesn’t have a son who might bear the brunt of his drunkenness. This version of Clay stuck to his guns and never got married.
BUT- and here is the but- the drinking wasn’t everything. Clay and Danielle both have narcissistic qualities, as well as complementary qualities.
Danielle, showing up early in his life, could open his mind up regarding religion- I don’t think Clay would ever abandon Christianity, but he would be a lot less stringent about how he interprets it, and more forgiving to himself.
Plus because Clay doesn’t have a family, he doesn’t go into politics to support them. Hell, he can pursue whatever he wants- and I think being a professional taxidermist would be up his alley. If anything Danielle would encourage his morbid eccentricities because he himself is full of them.
and I think a sex life he genuinely desires and enjoys and wants to be mentally present for would do wonders for his self esteem
on the other hand, they are young and stupid. Danielle has weird tastes in the bedroom that lose their intrigue the more extreme they get. Clay, who has very little self esteem, lets him degrade him until he’s had enough of it.
Plus Danielle has a streak of limerence in him and this isn’t the Clay he got obsessed with- he is HIGHLY likely to cheat on him, and we know how Clay needs to be the only one in someone’s life.
Once the honeymoon stage wears off, it gets harder for them to stay together. They don’t have the patience to commit, and it’s not like they’re legally married. I think if they got together in early adulthood, they’d break up in early adulthood.
and somehow, Clay is better off for it. He is more confident in his sexuality and gets on with his life on his own. Maybe he cruises on the side. Maybe he gets lonely sometimes. Maybe he wonders what it would be like to be a father. But he’s sure as fuck not trapping himself with a woman, and is smarter about his use of alcohol. I like to think he opens a Taxidermy and Curiosity Shop.
he can still be a self absorbed piece of shit sometimes, but a start in his early adulthood where he doesn’t make any of the choices that made him miserable means he’s more likely to like himself. And if he likes himself, why bother anybody?
here’s my take on this alternate universe
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rraaaannnn · 1 month
8.little of your time
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Finally I can see her head dangling happily in front of me. Was she happy that she was lost? Or was she always with this cheerful smile on her face?
“Coach…I want you to come with me?” She says while I look calmly, “The equipment store is here?” I point with my thumb while my other hand is in the pockets of my wide pants. She shakes her head no and the smile does not leave her face. “Please give me a little of your time. I want to visit this place.”
I had no real interest in music but curiosity piqued my interest so I decided to follow her while looking at the back of her head
Until we entered a store full of old albums, a large CD, and a small CD
But I was drawn to her round eyes as she looked at these music records with amazement and passion
My interest began to look at the album covers and the variety in them until I heard her soft voice calling out, “Coach is here!” I looked at her as she motioned for me to approach the corner where there were headphones and a CD player next to her.
She gives me the headphones while she carefully selects one of the albums, then she takes a second headphone and starts waiting for the music to get on
You can hear the melodies of the song starting and understand that the melodies also started for Hanni because she moves her legs in rhythm and her smile looks happier.
Recently, you have lost the sense of passion in your life and stopped seeing the people in your life as passionate
I don't know why, but seeing Hanni, a music major, enjoying what she hears makes me relax, even if just a little
Even though her music activity was closed and she was forced to enter another activity in which she did not understand anything in it, this does not make her lose her passion.
The soul is fond of loving what it is prevented from
It reminds you of your old self when your passion existed
I find myself looking at Hanni even after the music in the headphones has ended, and the only thing that makes me notice this is Hanni's movement as she takes the headphones off her head.
I also take the headphones away from my head and hear Hanni say with a slight smile, “Some songs have the smell of days.”
“I loved this album…can you imagine it is 150 dollars, expensive?” Hanni looks at the album in her hand and returns it to its place.
“Maybe your taste is expensive.” That's what I said after I took the album and went to the cashier. “Don't think I'm buying it for you, I'm buying it to listen to in training camp.”
I can feel Hanni standing behind me, looking longingly at the album as the cashier puts it in a bag
Something about this girl's actions makes you want to smile but remember that you still have a long day to buy training camp equipment
You walk out of the store as you walk ahead, “Try moving your little legs faster.” Hanni replies from behind you, “My legs aren’t little!”
You sit next to each other on the bus in the last seats, but there is a seat between you that contains an album bag. Hanni sits facing the window while leaning her head against the window and looking quietly at the street.
The bus was not full, just a few people and the driver
The calm and quiet movements of the bus, and the sun has almost set, make you think about the decision you made that you will be a coach
When Celine started convincing you and following you everywhere to become their coach, you didn't take her seriously, because she's just Celine. Celine didn't take her seriously since you met her, but the moment Yeji texted you, you knew it was serious, especially when Yeji said that her friendship meant anything to you before, even if A little bit that made you decide in just one night
You were never a coach in your life, you were just a player. A dreamer and a loyal friend
Your friendship didn't mean a little to you before, it meant everything to you
That's why you found your feet that day heading to the college stadium where Yeji and her team were
A very slight sound of the bottle colliding brings you back to reality for a moment. You look at Hanni, who is sleeping peacefully with her head pressed against the window.
It's been a long, tiring day for her “She must be tired.” You smile lightly, your smile almost visible on your face. You throw your head back as you wait for your arrival to your station.
While the sound of Hanni's head hitting the glass every second
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Summary: Somehow, Hanni and her group of friends, who major in music, are forced to join the soccer club at their college. Their coach is the former soccer club player, Lee Yn, who is known to be mean and scary. So Yn becomes responsible for their development in playing and winning the championship
Taglist:@aeriigfs @drvirgus @sixflame438
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pedripics · 26 days
What’s pedri’s actual position
the great thing about Pedri is that you can play him in a variety of roles because of his technical level and how smart he is. he has played in pretty much every midfield position you can think of, at las palmas he played a lot as a winger or 10 as well.
personally, i prefer to see him playing deeper in the midfield rather than higher up and i think the majority of the people will agree with me on that. for me, the most beautiful version of football comes to life when Pedri has the ball at his feet. that obviously happens a lot more when he plays deeper. LCM/ DLP with a lot of freedom to go forward is imo THE position he should be playing long term because from there he can give you passes, control, rhythm, offense, defense, literally everything you could ask for simply by using the ball the way he does. part of what makes pedri so great is not just his obvious talent but also his awareness and IQ, there's only so much you can learn or train, sometimes players just have that instinct and pedri has it. he has excellent ball control and ball-carrying abilities as well as ball protection, and he's also quite impressive with 'pre-assist' passes and long balls. he's also very press-resistant and is able to squeeze the ball out of tight situations because he manages to find spaces that don't exist. one of his most important assets is his ability to control the pace of the game to his liking. my dad lovingly calls him football's 'Dr. Strange' because it seems like he sees all the options and just picks whatever version of play he wants for himself and the team. and that brings the team calmness. xavi once said that barça is a completely different team if pedri is on the pitch. you could perfectly see that in the away game against psg or in last weeks game against valencia. the second he entered the pitch, he made a difference because of how he slowed down the game to barça's (and his) advantage. without him we ran, with him they ran. when Pedri got injured the team often struggled without him, not just because he is obviously a talented player whose qualities are missing but also because they are used to relying on him to decide the pace for them. xavi once said that Pedri gives them a break and that when some players have the ball, his heartrate goes up, however, when Pedri has the ball, it goes down and he relaxes. Flick and pretty much any coach Pedri has played under have said the exact same thing. Why Xavi decided to move Pedri further up the pitch last season after demanding more than 100 passes per game from him just months prior I will never know. Obviously, sometimes depending on the opponent and, well, squad availability it is necessary to play Pedri further up the pitch. DLF's use of Pedri at the Euros is a great example of this. I know a lot of people weren't a fan of it and just from an enjoyment point of view I agree. It's not a great experience to see Pedri making 20 or less passes per game. But it was exactly what DLF and the team needed. DLF knew that he wouldn't face deep blocks (or rarely so), which is why it made sense to have Pedri in the most crucial zone because of his ability to hide himself and create space where there isn't. Pedri is so good at basically every position in the midfield that he has to play out of his preferred position because others cannot do the same. Yes, he saw less of the ball but for Spain that wasn't necessarily a problem because they didn't sustain pressure, they were happy to come up and down the pitch, and just look at the amount of chances Pedri managed to create even with very little touches. Personally, I don't like that style of play a lot, but it's how DLF wants them to play. And therefore it was understandable to use Pedri like that instead of the version we all prefer. That's why I don't like comparing international football to club football. If the team's structure is right, he can be brilliant as a 10. He mainly played there during his time at Las Palmas. The problem is that you can't isolate him there. You still need to give him some freedom
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yuesya · 8 months
I see you've taken after the Nasuverse quite well, making so many alternate versions of your main heroine :)
This latest one actually reminds me a bit of Zero from Drakengard 3. Both of them have similar backstories, being sold into slavery and suffering a cruel betrayal at the end of it. Both have a devil may care attitude towards murder and do it on a whim or as a reflexive response. Both also share similar appearances with their stark white hair and skin.
Moreover, since Shiki probably wasn't raised as a proper young lady like her canon counterpart and being more open about her visceral desires she'd likely have a more crass vocabulary. Once agian, quite similarly to her Drakengard counterpart.
Although I am a bit befuddled about Jujutsu society's response to Shiki since it seems kind of... muted. Yes, Shiki is a special grade curse user who definitely killed her fair share of sorcerers to earn that title. However, I don't think the sorcerers would let her go around committing whatever atrocities she wanted without offering some resistance, they certainly didn't with Geto.
On that topic, Geto and Satoru would also definitely take an interest in her for a variety of reasons. Geto would likely be thrilled to have another special grade helping achieve his genocidal ambitions, especially one as murderous as Shiki. Whereas Gojo would've likely encountered her one way or another since he is already on the look out for a homicidal special grade curse user.
Although given what little we know from the AU so far it's likely Shiki would reject them both. Shiki would probably want nothing to do with Geto's dream since she'd see no difference between sorcerers and "monkeys." She would also be uninterested in making the world a better place.
As for Satoru she would probably mix with him as well as oil does with water, meaning not at all given their tense interactions in a different AU. This would likely culminate in a battle between the two leading to the infamous [REDACTED] incident, which leads to both of them developing a mutual understanding to stay out of each other's way.
There are so many AUs haha. It feels like a new one crops up whenever I turn around...
Interesting parallels to Zero! And fitting, in some ways. Araya doesn't strike me as someone who would take an active parental role for Shiki; he'd probably decide to observe her 'natural behaviors' instead. Remember how in zenith of stars Shiki experiences some struggles with her desire to 'be good' versus her instinct to kill? How she initially tried to claw out her own eyes because she recognized that humans aren't supposed to visualize death?
In this 'verse, Shiki has no such restraints tempering her. She was never taught the difference between 'right' and 'wrong.' There's only Araya, who watches her silently no matter what she does.
I haven't sorted out timeline details, but Shiki would escape from Araya sometime while Geto is at large, which means that most of the jujutsu headquarters' attention is focused on Geto as the major threat. Shiki gets mistaken for one of Geto's compatriots multiple times. Geto attempts to recruit her and fails, but he doesn't particularly mind. Shiki has killed many non-sorcerers according to her whims, after all. He probably tries to direct her towards non-sorcerers as best as he can from the sidelines.
Shiki comes into prominence after Geto's death, and that's when people start realizing that this girl is a lot more dangerous than she seems at first glance. There are multiple sorcerers sent after her -all are killed. They need to cut their losses, and their last resort is Gojo Satoru-
But what if Gojo tries to recruit her to his side? The girl is like a wild beast that can't be controlled; worse than Tsukumo ever was. What kind of damage would she cause? What if Gojo succeeded in taming her? Which probably then leads into the attempt to bribe Shiki out of Japan with one of Sukuna's fingers.
I haven't made up my mind on how the meeting between Shiki and Satoru would go, but lots of collateral damage sounds like it would be on the right track haha.
51 notes · View notes
ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Belong (05: Post-Credits) | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: exes-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers; actress!OC x basketball coach!Yoongi; summer romance; “long” distance relationship; parallel timelines; angst, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, family drama, sport injury; dreams & moving away; allusion to depression; basketball and acting talk; 2014 and 2022 Yoongi; shy and nonchalant cocky whipped Yoongi; almost drowning, sexual content (kissing, oral, penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 5k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Complete
Series summary: Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up, distancing yourself from your family that had fallen apart, and saying goodbye to the man who made you feel what home was like. When you decide to finally return after being away for so long, you meet Min Yoongi again, and you’re reminded of the summer romance from 8 years ago with the college basketball superstar whose broken dream pushed you away. As you find yourself spending time with him, you’re left to wonder if love changes, if it gives second chances, or if it’s just another illusion that will hurt the both of you the second time around.
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A/N: Wrapping up this story and this world now, as I keep its meaning close to me, where this Yoongi was a source of comfort. Thank you to those who took a chance with this one. Please know that in the midst of deciding to stop writing, you told me I could keep going. 😌
It was nice to be able to write about a sport that I deeply love (yes, I am manifesting with the NBA game featured here 🤞🏽) and about a theme I’m personally experiencing. Yoongi told us to live in the present and that we can dream simple, gentle dreams, too. Let’s cheer each other on! 💜
Listen to: For All You Give (feat. Lucy Rose) by The Paper Kites || Playlist 🎶
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1.5 years later
You walk past the hallways to head outside the airport, large luggage in one hand and a small one on the other. 
Your phone rings and Jimin is on the other end, asking if your flight was alright and if the weather is good. You give him a lowdown of the past 18 hours, including your lovely encounter with a Korean-American family during your Minneapolis layover. Their 6-year old is apparently a fan of yours after you did a stint of hosting her favorite Korean variety TV show, and your heart soared when she told you that she wants to be funny and beautiful like you. You found it amusing that doing cute poses and laughing your way through every episode was entertaining enough for her. 
“That’s adorable,” Jimin chirps. “I love how your fanbase gets younger every year. You started with grandparents and now you’ve got 6-year olds under your spell.”
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” You laugh. “I just hope these kids don’t watch my latest movie because it’s gonna terrify them.”
“Yeah, at least keep the variety shows to entertain the babies,” he chuckles. “I already told Hoseok that you want to guest-host again. There are a couple of shows that want you onboard.”
“Ah, that’s great,” you beam. “I need as much joy and laughter in my life after that last project. That took so much out of me.”
“It did, didn’t it?” Jimin hums. “But it’s got the media buzzing about you again. So much for that one so-called journalist who claimed that you’re one-dimensional and can’t do anything other than romance because you’re only good at being in love. Let me smack her face with all the good reviews about your latest role so she can shut her one-dimensional mouth.”
You giggle at Jimin’s words, his protective nature soothing you like it always does. You remember when that article about you came out after you starred in a mini-series, a project you had after the show you filmed in Paris, which did turn out to be your biggest break then. Your role in that drama had you falling in love with someone from a rival family, one of the show’s major plot points, and that journalist went off about your supposed versatility being premised on the emotions of being in love. You can’t really do much outside of it, she said, and it was that same day when you got the lead role for a psychological thriller, with the industry’s eyes on you to see if you’re able to handle a character that’s so different from what you’re used to. 
And well, it’s safe to say you blew their minds. Even you didn’t think you could do that well, but you pushed hard, not only to prove yourself to them but to challenge yourself, knowing that there’s more to learn and showcase even after 10 years of being in the industry. 
The reviews showed that you delivered. Critics praised your acting, saying how disturbed they felt during specific scenes, and that was a compliment for you, knowing that was the goal. The movie was even shown in a recent foreign Film Festival, and the praises are still coming; Jimin’s been the one sending you every article and post he could find, and he’s been nothing short of amazing when it comes to encouraging and praising you himself for another successful project. 
It wasn’t without its difficulties though, as getting into character meant you had to immerse yourself in its darkness, in the disturbing themes that ate away at you sometimes. It was Yoongi who’d been the one to bring you out to the light every time - sending you flowers while on set, giving you a bath after every filming so you’re not left in your own mind, holding you close whenever you slept, and driving you out during days off. It was hard but it was worth it, as you felt liberated from all the negative emotions once filming wrapped up. 
Yoongi was supportive all throughout - including all the promotions you had to do and the moments of doubt you’d have about your performance. He held your hand during the premiere and took you to the mountains for a weekend to escape it all for a while. Other than the amazing sex you had and the time away from everyone, you both spent those days  wrapped up in each other’s arms, easing back to your normal lives that didn’t include you randomly crying at night or losing sleep from your tiring schedule. 
You’d just wrapped up your promos for the film in Seoul and you’re also waiting for the next project while working on some endorsements and guesting on the side. But after the exhausting couple of months, you deserve a break, and you want nothing more than to focus on Yoongi, knowing he’s the one who’ll be needing your love and support this time. 
Jimin breaks through your thoughts and asks if the car he’d arranged has arrived.
“Not yet, but Yoongi messaged that he’s 5 minutes away,” you respond. “Thanks, by the way. I know you had to arrange all this in such short notice and had to work with Hoseok to push back all my other schedules. I know it was stressful for you, too.”
“And who said I ever minded?” Jimin replies. “I’ve spent enough time with Yoongi to know how much he takes care and supports you, and that also means I know just how much his career means to him. I’m sure you already know but nonchalant and cool he may be, he’s incredibly nervous. I just know having you there is gonna make all the difference.”
“I know,” you smile, feeling emotional at the thought. “I’m just so happy for him. He’s been sending me photos since he got here and I could just see his eyes sparkling. I’m so excited to see him in action.”
“Me, too, at least from here. We’ll be tuning in and I’ll just pretend I know shit about basketball and the NBA,” Jimin laughs. “I guess it’s weird to be cheering for the commentator and not the players but oh well. Just tell him we’re rooting for him; Jin’s gonna host watch parties in his house. We’ll invite Jungkook and Namjoon so there’ll be people who can actually explain to us what’s happening.”
You laugh at Jimin’s rambling. It’s touching to know just how much your friends have come to support Yoongi as well. You’ve to remind yourself that not long ago, they were all wary of him, given the 2 times he let you go. But they’ve seen in the past year and a half exactly what that love you treasure really looks like. You always said it was transformative for both of you in different ways, and they’ve come to witness that, too. 
They’ve seen how tough days for you were always made better whenever Yoongi was around, how negative voices were always drowned out by his gentleness and encouragement, how bouts of insecurities were easily mended by his belief in you. 
That love got you regularly going home to Daegu to see his dad and to be with yours, and to make an effort to heal the wounds with your sisters. 
That love also got Yoongi to be braver, to take chances and to make the most out of every opportunity he could find. It’s that love that supported him throughout the months that he wrote for that online sports magazine, until he became a regular guest at an online sports show. It’s what encouraged him to apply for a sports channel’s basketball analyst position; you remember the smile on his face when he got the job and the first time he appeared on TV to talk about the sport he’s loved for most of his life. It’s your shared love that got him to dream again - maybe coach a professional team in the future, perhaps become a household name in sports media. It doesn’t matter what form, you’d remind him, as long as it was in the world of basketball.
It’s that same love that’s going to hold his hand through the next 2 or so weeks, as Yoongi lives out a dream he didn’t think he’d have. As a 10-year old who’d imagined himself playing for the NBA too many times, he didn’t think that 20 years later, he’d be reporting on it as part of the South Korean media. He thinks it’s just as much a dream as any. This is the sport he loves, and he told you once that he can’t imagine his life without it. 
“Oh, I think that’s him!” You tell Jimin, as you spot the maroon car that Yoongi said he was in. “Thank you again.”
“Just call me for anything, okay?” He says on the other end. “And enjoy Boston!”
You bid him goodbye and rush to the car that stops not far from where you are. Yoongi exits and you hug him immediately, falling into the warmth that you’ve missed this past week. You were at a promotional event in Busan when he left Seoul for the US a few days ago so you didn’t get to say goodbye, but it appeased you that you could spend your break with him here. 
But more than anything, it’s the fact that you get to be part of his new world this time, and nothing makes you happier than being able to see that sparkle in his eyes that made you fall for him that first time all those years ago. There’s that confidence again, that drive. Yoongi is all kinds of beautiful everyday, but seeing him do something he loves has always been special. You’re glad you get to witness that again.
“I missed you, jagi,” he hums in your ear. How was your flight?”
“Good. I got a bit of rest,” you reply. “And I missed you, too.”
Yoongi smiles and gives your luggage to the chauffeur who loads them in the trunk. You both enter the car and sneak in a kiss for the seconds that you’re alone, and he smiles against your lips before turning to you. 
“You seem excited,” he states.
“Of course, baby. It’s the big day tomorrow. Aren’t you?”
“I’m terrified, actually,” he chuckles to mask the nervousness. “But Mr. Chan called earlier to ask how I’m feeling and he’s been so supportive, saying that his sprained ankle must’ve been a blessing in disguise if it meant I get to take his place. I did the reporting the other day during Media Day and he said I did really well, asking the players and coaches really good questions. He said if I sustain this during the entire championship series, I could be well on my way to reporting more big games even in other sports.”
“Baby, that’s huge!” You beam, turning to him to see his shy smile. “You could be reporting on the Olympics, who knows! But the NBA… this is huge for you. The fact that you’re who they thought to replace him is a big deal. It means they really see something in you.”
“I still think it’s a fluke,” he sighs. “If Mr. Chang hadn’t gotten injured, it would’ve been him. It just so happened that the other guys are either on leave or on another assignment and I was… there.”
“Then you just saved their asses! It means you get to show them how good you are, and I know you’re good. I wouldn’t be paying attention to basketball if you weren’t calling it.”
“You’re biased though,” he laughs. 
“Duh. Name one other sports commentator who knows his shit, is incredibly handsome, has such a soothing voice, and looks hot talking about people shooting balls?” You exclaim. “No one! Just you! Baby, you’re saving the industry!” 
Yoongi thinks you’re adorable when you go off like this. He always knew you didn’t actually pay attention to his games before because your eyes were only on him. Whenever you’d both watch on TV, you’re often curled into his arms, remarking that he does that same jumper smoothly or that the players are either boring or too cocky. You understand the sport, though. He knows you’re interested because you get basic terms and ask him questions. Sometimes he thinks you just want to hear him talk or analyze a play; sometimes you just giggle when he’s pulling his hair or yelling over a stupid call or when his team’s losing, but regardless of your level of appreciation for the sport, he knows you love it because he does, and that means more to him than you’ll ever know. 
He gives in though, knowing you feel strongly about his basketball commentary skills. 
“Thank you, jagi. I at least know that if I completely fail at this, you’d still think I’m hot.”
“Baby, I think you’re hot all the time. You could even model or act, you know? The industry will benefit from this pretty face,” you wink.
“Let’s say hypothetically, I do act. What happens if I have an intimate scene with someone? What would you do?” He asks, arching an eyebrow because he can almost predict what you’re gonna say. 
“I will cry,” you pout, causing him to laugh. 
It’s all hypothetical, but he can tell you’ll really be upset even if it’s something he has to live with all the time. It’s something he’s gotten used to, though. He did survive watching your scenes with Pablo where you both cuddled “naked” in bed, although he admits looking away so many times. He also made it through your mini-series where you had multiple sexually tense scenes with your co-star. He admits he likes it when you’re more clingy and affectionate after each filming and episode, and he won’t complain. 
But knowing how affected you’d be if the roles were reversed makes him a little soft. He remembers those summers years ago when you’d eye the girls who’d cheer for him during his games and how you always ran to him after to hold his hand and then kiss him intensely in the bathroom or his car. You would deny the jealous girlfriend allegations and he used to just laugh through it. It seems like nothing has changed.
“These lips are for me only,” you say, cupping his cheeks to hold him in place for a deep kiss.
“They are,” he smiles. “And I know at the end of the day, your lips are only for me, too.”
He kisses you again, no longer minding the chauffeur in the car who doesn’t seem to care that you’re being affectionate in his backseat. 
“They are,” you hum. “They’re for your neck, and your chest, and—” you palm his cock — “for this.”
“Jagi,” he laughs, already used to your antics. 
You’re usually like this after being away. You were apart for a few days and it’s been a while since you’ve been separated for longer than that. 
“I just miss you,” you sigh, hugging him now and liking the comfort of his touch as always. “No one would massage my feet after walking in heels for hours and have a bath with me, no one would make me cum to sleep or kiss me goodnight.”
“Nice to know that’s all you miss,” he teases, earning him another pout.
“You know what I mean.”
“I do, and I miss those, too,” he hums as he kisses your forehead. “Thanks though, for coming here. I know that Jimin and Hoseok had to push back some of your schedules.”
“No issue at all. I wanted to be here, babe. This is a big deal and I’m… I’m just so happy for you,” you say against his chest. 
“You know I wouldn’t have gotten here without you, right?” He replies, emotional now at how far he’s come. 
It’s been years but the memory of his injury and his subsequent fallout from the sport comes and goes sometimes, so was losing you in the process. And then losing you again. But he’s here now, with you, the night before an important moment of his young career as a sports analyst, and he’s never felt more secure in his life. 
“You’ve always been a fighter,” you look up at him. “And you’re here because of you.” You kiss him softly. “But I can also take credit, that’s fine,” you laugh. “But really, thank you for not giving up on your dream, babe. I hope you know that it gives me courage, too.”
That night, you climb into bed with Yoongi, the exhaustion from the long trip overtaking you. There’s warmth in his eyes when he looks at you, and he chuckles when you try to stay awake. It’s his soft lips against your forehead that bids you goodnight, and you fall into his arms, knowing that this is what you’ll be waking up to in the morning.
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The next evening, you walk inside TD Garden, Boston’s sports arena, where Game 1 of the NBA finals between the Celtics and Phoenix Suns are being held. The energy is insane, something you’ve never felt before, and it’s making you giddy and excited. You can only imagine what it’s like for Yoongi, and the thought makes your heart warm. 
You did see him taking long breaths earlier after he’d dressed up and prepared to leave, and much as you’d been so tired, you just had to hug him to calm him down and tell him that he’s gonna do great. He’s just excited, he claimed, but he’ll look for you in the arena; knowing you’re there with him will be enough to calm his racing heart. 
He had to go earlier to cover the press conference and film for their segment in Seoul’s morning news channel. It’s just him, Hee-soo, and a small production crew but it’s all they need. As commentators, they get to call the game but also interview the players and staff, report it, and then write about it. It’s tough and stressful but it’s the kind of buzz that Yoongi lives for now, you can tell, as you eye him in his designated analysts’ table, looking around and taking in the energy of the arena. His smile is priceless. There’s pride in it, there’s acceptance. It looks like the smile of someone who fought hard to have a new dream, and someone who worked to achieve it. 
Yoongi’s eyes go to you and you wave. You’re thankful for the connections you have that got you this ticket last minute, and even if you won’t pay attention to the game as much, being here to witness Yoongi call his first NBA match is too special to miss. You can’t imagine being anywhere else.
The game is an exciting one. You get into it with the crowd even if you don’t exactly have a team you’re rooting for but you cheer just the same. Your eyes constantly flit to Yoongi though, whose position isn’t far from where you’re seated. 
You listen through the online channel so you can hear what he’s saying, and the way he describes the energy inside is on-point. He narrates the plays effectively; you could be looking away from the court and still feel like you’re watching because of how good he is. His voice is calm and measured, except towards the end when the game is close and his pitch increases and he matches the excitement of what’s happening. It’s intense and exhilarating, and when the final buzzer sounds, you turn to him and see that smile on his face again. 
Tears form in your eyes as you feel overwhelming pride. Perhaps it’s similar to what he felt when he was with you during the recent Film Festival where your movie was shown and the audience gave your entry a standing ovation. He knew what you had to go through for that role and seeing your hard work paying off meant so much to him, as he got to hold your hand and tell you he was proud of you. 
That was special, he said. So many times in the past, he wanted to tell you all that, and that you did well, and that he’s looking forward to the next big thing you’ll do, but he never had the courage to. That’s why he’d send flowers, he told you. 
He also revealed how that came about - how he’d driven to Seoul for your first movie premiere with a bouquet of daisies but that he’d seen you with someone, and how he decided to leave it at the agency for you to receive. He almost took it back but you seemed to like it so he just continued with the tradition. You cried then, and he said he didn’t want you to feel guilty. But you were emotional because he still looked out for you and his care for you never wavered. The flowers gave you strength, and you’d told him you wanted to be like those daisies for him, too. 
Seeing him now gives you that sense of fulfillment, that not long from now, you’ll be able to hold his hand and tell him you’re proud of him, and the chance to do that for someone you love is special beyond words. You’re glad you can finally do that for each other now. 
Gentle dreams, you think. This life with him and all the simple things you do for each other and together are some of the biggest ones.
It’s quiet in the car on the way to your hotel, the fancier one you booked for both of you instead of the mid-range one they got for him. Yoongi is focused on his notebook, jotting down notes from his memory that he’ll have to write up later on. 
He’s then glued to his device once you get to your room, with him seated on the couch and agreeing to your orders for room service for your dinner. It seems he’s going through the messages of praise from his colleagues and his friends. A lot of people tune in to the channel’s coverage of the NBA, and other than you, no one’s prouder than his dad and his brother. 
You watch him from the bathroom door, appreciating the joy he exudes. It’s different from what you’d seen all those years ago. This is a man who went through various kinds of pain and had other people suffer because of it, something he still burdens himself with every once in a while. But he did the brave thing of dreaming again; sometimes you think that’s probably harder than when he gave up on the first one. 
Yoongi shows you everyday that courage takes different forms. Sometimes it’s letting something go, sometimes it’s fighting for them. Sometimes it’s loving someone from afar and sometimes it’s flying thousands of miles to a foreign country and asking for them back. 
But it’s always picking up your broken pieces and learning to love yourself despite and because of them. It’s finding something or someone you can’t live without and offering what you can, trusting that they’ll take you into their world because you deserve it. Courage is dreaming again, it’s loving again even with the possibility of getting hurt. It’s trusting yourself enough that you’re going to be okay if things don’t go your way. 
You hear him call your name. You realize you’ve been gazing at him for longer than you intended, and so you walk towards him as he looks at you questioningly.
“I was just admiring how happy you look,” you say. “It suits you, and I’m just so thankful I get to see it.”
His face softens and he reaches out his hand, one that he kisses and he doesn’t say anything else. He just looks at you tenderly and your heart races at the sight. 
You bend to capture his lips on yours, your movements gentle yet wanting. But it builds as time passes, until you feel him undoing the knot of your bathrobe, with him sighing in satisfaction when he feels you bare underneath. Your breath hitches when he cups your breast and you want nothing more than to have him right now. 
You pull away then remove your robe, liking the way his eyes roam around your naked form and how he gulps at the position you’re getting into, as you  get on your knees and spread his legs apart. His slacks get off first, and then his briefs. He removes the rest of his clothes as you take him in your mouth, his cock heavy and wanting as it reaches the edge of your throat. 
You take your time, wanting him to feel good after what he’d done tonight, but he’s the one who pulls away, wanting instead to bury himself inside you. It’s what he does, as he directs you on the couch, entering you from behind while his fingers do their magic on all parts of your body. But he lets you both come together, on the bed as he hovers over you, his head no longer buried in your neck, with his eyes looking straight into yours as you both come down from your highs. 
He kisses your lips tenderly as his I love you, and the way he holds you later that night says everything he can’t say. 
Loving you is what he wants to do in his life. Loving you is courage. 
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You didn’t realize just how tiring covering the NBA finals would be. Considering their small team, Yoongi and Hee-soo work double time to get all the information they need to cover the games and write about them within a short period of time. They also have to fly back and forth depending on where the game is and you’ve liked tagging along, enjoying the amenities of your hotel and exploring the nearby area. It’s what you do in Boston and then in Phoenix. 
And while a game 7 is great for the league and basketball fans, you can tell it’s taxing for Yoongi. He doesn’t complain though. It’s part of the experience; the first one tends to be very memorable, he says. 
Both of you find yourselves in Boston's public garden the afternoon after the final game of the series. It’s been a crazy 24 hours, as Yoongi and Hee-soo had to do interviews and then report and then write about the game. You stayed by Yoongi’s side, attending to his needs and helping whenever you can. 
It’s early morning in Korea by now and work can resume later, perhaps right before or during your early morning flight back home, but you’re both at what has become one of your favorite spots in the city. It’s nice and simple and quiet. The garden is also accessible. It reminds you of the park in Paris, the one where Yoongi had come to meet you, and you cried in his arms at the sight of the man you didn’t think you’d be able to be with again, but he braved through his fears to be with you. 
“I like it here,” you say, as you walk past one of the many statues. 
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” He hums. “The pond reminds me of Paris.”
You turn to him and smile, letting him know you were thinking the same. 
Yoongi watches you lovingly look at the flowers. Your head turns when you hear toddlers squealing on their parents’ shoulders. And you perk up at the dog that stops to sniff his leg. They’re all simple but they’re so unabashedly you - soft, charming, and everything he needs. 
He thinks about all the things he loves about you as you smile and laugh at your surroundings. He’s been thinking about a lot of things, actually, constantly pinching his arm to remind himself that this life he’s created with you isn’t just some dream he conjured in his mind to get over losing you twice. You’re actually, truly next to him, living his new dream with him, as he dreams your dream with you. He doesn’t think he can get any happier than everyday he gets to live like this. 
You told him a few times that he’s brave for dreaming a new dream. It’s scary to do that, you’d said, so are other things, like loving again and again, accepting the broken pieces of himself and loving every one of them. You’d said that he was brave for flying to see you and asking for you back, and while he agrees to some extent, he doesn’t think anyone can be braver than you. 
You love intensely and genuinely; you love so certainly. You love like you heal, and you love yourself and others so you could heal as well. The way you loved him all these years has been filled with courage - you loved when it hurt, when it didn’t feel like he wanted to fight for you, when it felt like your love wasn’t strong enough to carry his burden. You loved so hard that there would be nothing to regret if the world ended the next day, and your love is so transformative that it created a home in his aching heart so that it could be strong enough to love both you and him after everything. 
You turn to him and reach out for your hand as you head towards the exit, and he jogs to where you are and intertwines his fingers with yours - not loosely but securely; he wants you to know he’s never letting you go.
There’s no version of life that he’d let you go another time. And so when he gets a message from the jeweler that his order for a customized daisy ring is ready, Yoongi’s heart soars to know that he could at least give you - ask you - something that will let you know that he’ll choose this life over and over again as long as it’s the one where he gets to live the rest of it next to you. 
You’ll both go back to Seoul, in the home you both created, in each other’s arms where you both belong. 
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine @nch327 @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @moonchild1 @jvngkooker @starbtslove @jungoomoles
Series Taglist: @wobblewobble822 @shydestinyyouth @nk01119888-blog @ktownshizzle @curryshesus​
194 notes · View notes
autumnslance · 9 months
Do you have the werlyt screenshots? 👀
This is only because I love you, Nonny.
I also took time to transcribe these under the "Keep Reading" cut, cuz this is a lot of text and cannot always be read clearly. These images were taken with my tablet. Errors in said transcript are probably just mine. These are pages 120-121 and 169-170 of Encyclopedia Eorzea volume III. The timeline's a little weird (especially the Gaius to Valens handover), but Werlyt was an Imperial province for over 50 years.
There's also pages specifically about the Weapon project and how the Garleans tried to have a system similar to soul crystals in legatus armor, but they were behind the curve on such magic-technology and so the data's incomplete (as we saw in those fights). If there's interest, I may do a follow up with those pages, but this is long enough and I have FC things to do tonight.
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Following in the footsteps of its neighbor across the Ghimlyt Dark, Ala Mhigo, this small nation in the far western reaches of Ilsabard recently liberated itself from the Garlean Empire.
Flag: The flag originally bore the crest of the royal family. However, as their bloodline has long since run dry, and the nation now aspires to become a republic, the interim government has organized a committee to decide on a new design.
Motto: --
Government: Werlyt is presently led by an interim government. After careful deliberation, it has decided the nation will be rebuilt as a republic.
Leader: Talbot Hunte
Ruling Body: The interim government is formed of representatives from several rebel factions that fought against the Garlean Empire.
Racial Distribution:
Ilsabardian Hyur: 80%
Near Eastern Au Ra: 15%
Other: 5%
Religion: Though religion was largely discouraged under Garlean rule, the people of Werlyt were polytheistic, believing in thirteen gods. Their religious practices are said to be largely influenced by the traditions of their western neighbors in Eorzea and its teachings of the Twelve, as well as Corvosi mythology from the east.
Livestock: The tending of cattle is a longstanding profession of Werlyt, made possible by its lush, far-reaching pastures. A knack for livestock breeding is evidenced by the myriad varieties of both beef and dairy cattle they raise, the latter including an especially rare breed said to number only one hundred.
Dairy: In tandem with their livestock industry, the people of Werlyt excel in the production of dairy products, including butter, yogurt, and milk-based beverages. They are well known for their high-quality cheeses, which became a mainstay export to Garlemald.
Fishing: The southern edge of Werlyt touches the sea, allowing for a bustling fishing trade in coastal towns. Its many steep cliffs, however, ensure their efforts are focused on but a few major ports.
Mining: In the northern mountain range of Werlyt, one can find four mines wherein copper, zinc, tungsten, and several other rare metals are extracted. The process was refined under Garlean rule with the introduction of magitek, and while the equipment remains, the country wants for the ceruleum to operate it. To that end, Werlyt has begin negotiations with Ul'dah to barter for fuel so they may resume their mining operations.
Beliefs: While the Au Ra who migrated from the Corvos region have ostensibly been welcomed in Werlyt, there yet remains a strong sense of social incohesion in this predominantly Hyuran nation. It remains to be seen if these disparate peoples can overcome their differences to flourish in this burgeoning republic.
Diet: Werlyt is perhaps best known for its stewed dishes made using local beef, dairy, and seafood. The intermingling of native wheat-based cuisines and rice dishes brought by the Au Ra also help distinguish Werlyt cooking. Dairy enthusiasts insist that milk produced in Werlyt is indispensable to strengthening one's muscles when training the body, and it is thought to be high in protein and effective in reducing muscle inflammation.
A Contentious Foundation
In ages past, the western reaches of Ilsabard, known today as Werlyt, were home to myriad Hyuran tribes. There was no harmony to be found between them, however--the ceaseless cycle of war and peace was no different than the changing of the seasons. Some brave few tribes thought to flee from this war-torn land, crossing the Ghimlyt Dark to pillage and plunder on Eorzean soil. They would inevitably return home, richer for their efforts, but these ventures westward would come to a halt when the leadership of Anshelm Cotter united Gyr Abania, Ala Mhigo becoming a shield from further incursion.
With dreams of pushing farther west dashed, and the Hyuran tribes growing weary of conflict, Au Ra outlanders hailing from Corvos saw this pall of languor as an opportunity. They formed an alliance with a handful of local tribes, and together they quickly subjugated the territories that would come to be Werlyt. Despite their pivotal role in its formation, however, the Au Ra would not seek the throne of this fledgling kingdom, knowing their alchemical knowledge and mastery of the mystic arts would prove no match for the sheer numbers of their Hyuran allies. Thus did they concede kingship to the Hyuran elders. With this, some Hyurs came to see the Au Ra as powerful allies, but others would continue to cruse them as ruthless invaders.
The Garlean Occupation
Unfortunately, the newly founded nation of Werlyt would not last. The advent of magitek and transformed Garlemald into a heretofore unseen military power, allowing them to take Corvos with ease and subsequently draw Werlyt under the Garlean yoke.
The province was charged with supplying foodstuffs and mineral resources to fuel the burgeoning empire, and in some ways the dissemination of magitek would prove a boon. The mechanization of mining, for example, was momentous, but any such innovations as the Garleans would bring ever remained beyond the reach of the subjugated. For thirty years the people of Werlyt toiled thus, but they would eventually be offered a glimmer of hope. The Empire had begin the second phase of its incursion into the Far Eastern territories, a campaign requiring a considerable portion of their military force. Even the occupying force in Werlyt had been greatly diminished, affording rebel factions the leverage needed to reclaim their home.
Their dreams of freedom were fleeting, however, as a young Gaius van Baelsar led imperial forces back to assault the capital of Werlyt and restore Garlean order. As the previous viceroy had been killed by the rebels, Gaius would assume command of the newly reclaimed province.
Two Sides of Governance
Reflecting on the plight of the Werlytian peoples that drove them to rebellion, Gaius, the newly appointed viceroy, well knew that drastic measures were needed to prevent a second uprising. He began by recruiting individuals he deemed competent and capable, paying no heed to their station, race, or place of origin. Indeed, no few Werlytians were sought out for their extensive knowledge of the land, serving in various bureaucratic positions. Over the next twenty years, Gaius would also oversee a more even distribution of the province's wealth; new infrastructure in the form of roads, ports, and harbors; an a compulsory education system that would substantially increase literacy rates throughout Werlyt. But the peace and order he established there was short-lived.
The invasion of Eorzea and its consequences, naturally, left van Baelsar unable to fulfill his duties in Werlyt. The man who would take his place was Valens van Varro, an otherwise unremarkable civilian who had somehow risen through the military ranks. After losing his position amidst political turmoil in the Empire, he was given command of a newly reformed VIIth Imperial Legion. The grim shadow he cast over Werlyt would undo all the good Gaius had achieved and so much worse. Forced labor, imprisonment, and executions quickly became normalcies of day-to-day living. So much so, that it was said one could only find rest under the mortician's roof.
The Treasonous Five
Rather than subjugate the enemy, Valens was satisfied with bleeding both their resources and people dry--a tyrannical approach to governance often said to be heinous even by his fellow countrymen. It was a path that would lead to ruin for the province of Werlyt. Yet despite appearances, he was an exceedingly brilliant engineer, and there was a method to his madness.
Emperor Varis had been assassinated, and as various parties vied for the throne, Garlmald's aristocracy was in the throes of chaos. That is why Valens labored to complete his Weapons project, that he might make a triumphant return to Garlemald, wielding the ultimate tool of war. He well understood the need for urgency, and was more than willing to bring ruin upon Werlyt if it meant assuring his place as emperor.
For all his genius, however, Valens remained ignorant of his coming downfall until it was too late. The orphans he intended to use as test pilots for his project were plotting to use his Weapons against him, and the fruition of their plan would bring the VIIth Legion to its knees. One must not overlook, of course, the significance of Gaius's contributions to their efforts, as well as the rebel factions that also conspired to overthrow the Garleans. Even so, it was ultimately the bravery and sacrifice of five orphans that would spell the end of Valens, and earn Welryt her freedom.
Faces of Werlyt
"I see now that true strength is not granted by others, but resides within us. Strength of character, of spirit, of resolve."
With his defeat at the hands of the Warrior of Light in Castrum Meridianum, this former legatus of the XIVth Legion realized that he had long been a mere pawn in the Ascians' plans. He swore revenge against them for his fallen comrades, taking up the mantle of Shadowhunter, and though his quest for vengeance would claim the masks of Altima and Deudalaphon, the hunt for Ascians was quickly set aside when he learned of the Empire's plans to produce the noxious weapon Black Rose.
En route to Garlemald, Gaius crossed paths with Alphinaud, forming an alliance to halt production of the deadly gas--and this was not his only unexpected encounter with the Scions. As he infiltrated the capital, Gaius chanced to meet Estinien, and together they breached the imperial palace. There, they witnessed the assassination of Emperor Varis at the hands of Zenos. The rogue prince swiftly departed, and not moments later, imperial guards found Gaius standing over the late emperor's corpse.
His relationship with his home nation soured further when he discovered the previously abandoned Weapon project had been revived by the reformed VIIth Legion, who planned to deploy their prototypes in an assault on Eorzea. Gaius set off for Ghimlyt, hoping to warn the Eorzean Alliance before it was too late. There he found the Warrior of Light at the ready--this time, to stand with him against their common for. In a tragic twist, the orphans Gaius once fostered would also be caught up in the conflict.
Now, at the age of fifty-six and with Werlyt freed from the imperial yoke, Gaius has joined hands with its interim government in efforts to restore the region.
"As they say, 'to err is human, to forgive, divine.' And you know how forgiving I can be. When it suits me..."
Legatus of the reformed VIIth Legion, Valens joined the army following the completion of his studies at the Magitek Academy. Known for his ruthless and innovative magitek-based battle tactics, it seemed nothing could stop his ascension through the ranks. Those who served under him, however, knew well his unethical practices and penchant for sacrificing allies to serve his ambitions. Moreover, despite his achievements, he never escaped the shadow of Gaius, who was ultimately chosen to command the XIVth Legion. Believing the position stolen from him, Valens developed a deep hatred for the legatus even as he toiled to recreate Ultima Weapon under Nero's direction. This selfsame spite is what inspired him to later resume work on the Weapon project, believing that, by succeeding where Gaius had previously failed, he might at last prove himself the superior military officer.
Valens has ever been a staunch believer in Garlean supremacy. This was made all too apparent by his heinous decision to use villagers from the provinces as test subjects, believing them to be expendable. In the wake of the Emperor's death, he had hoped to take advantage of the chaos in Garlemald to assume the throne, but his dreams of grandeur would remain unfulfilled. The Weapon pilots, whom he had treated with such disdain, rebelled and eventually proved his undoing. After losing in a duel against Gaius, the fifty-six-year-old Valens met his demise at the hands of the Diamond Weapon.
"All that hatred, festering away...Nothing good could ever come of it."
Daughter to a citizen of Werlyt and a Garlean soldier, Severa joined the army in the hopes of deterring those who would cast scorn on her family. Even as she served, however, the Garleans denied Severa's mother the medicine she needed to maintain her faltering health. Though Severa deserted in the wake of the XIIth Legion's defeat in Ala Mhigo, she returned to Werlyt too late to save her mother and could do little but flee once more, eventually finding herself in the company of Gaius. Now twenty-three, she can often be found offering counsel to young Allie.
"It's taken me a long time--too long--but I've finally found a reason to live for the present. For the future."
Until Ala Mhigo fell to the Empire, Valdeaulin had made his home in the Black Shroud. As the Garleans continued their expansion, he lost not only his village, but his wife and daughter as well--his family abducted as test subjects for the fatal gas known as Black Rose. He later joined the Order of the Twin Adder, intent on exacting vengeance agains the invaders. The forty-eight-year-old Duskwight would have his chance amidst the ruin of the Praetorium, where he found a wounded Gaius on the verge of death, but ultimately chose to spare the Black Wolf and aid him in his hunt for Ascians.
"If it is the duty of the strong to lead the weak, we will become strong and protect those who cannot protect themselves."
An epidemic claimed the life of Alfonse's parents when he was still a child, leaving him and his sister Allie living on the streets of Werlyt. The two were adopted by Gaius, and Alfonse soon became an elder brother to all of the children in the Black Wolf's care. Wishing to be of greater help to their adoptive father, the Auri siblings joined the military, serving in the XIVth Legion/ During Operation Archon, they remained in Werlyt on a supply mission, but were soon transferred to the VIIth Legion, where they were coerced into becoming pilots for the Weapon project. Faced with a dire situation, they plotted to take advantage of their position and use the Weapons against the Garleans to liberate Werlyt. Although inextricably fused with the core of the Diamond Weapon, Alfonse managed to kill Valens and secure a future for his home and sister both. He was twenty-one summers old at the time of his death.
"The days we spent together were the happiest of my life, and no matter what happens, nothing can take that away from me."
Allie and her brother were adopted by Gaius and given the surname Baelsar. When they were reassigned to the Legion, the name caught Valens's eye, and he wasted no time in selecting them as candidates for the Weapon project.
The youngest of her foster siblings, Allie was dearly loved by them all. She wanted nothing more than to have their portrait painted together as a family, but it was not meant to be, as she alone would survive the Weapon project. Despite having experienced so much loss by the age of sixteen summers, Allie works dauntlessly at Gaius's side to realize her siblings' dream of a free and flourishing Werlyt.
"This is our way of upholding the ideals Father instilled in us. Our lives are a small price to pay for Werlyt's freedom."
Though he too was tragically orphaned, Rex's cheery disposition always brightened the spirits of his foster siblings. He cared deeply for his adoptive family, and would do anything to shield them from harm, even should it mean defying his superiors. He placed complete faith in his brother Alfonse, whom he held in particularly high regard, seeing the elder brother's dreams as his own. Tragically, the eighteen-year-old's life was cut short when he took the helm of the Emerald Weapon, his essence overwritten with combat data modeling his beloved father Gaius as he merged with the machine's core.
"You all made me happier than I had any right to be. And now...I've finally found my purpose. I have no regrets."
Though timid by nature, Ricon would not hesitate to lay down his life to save his adopted siblings. Upon joining the XIVth Legion, his skilled hands earned him a place working under Nero to hone his skills as an engineer, and the wealth of knowledge he gained from his training was readily applied to the Weapon project once he was permitted to assist with maintenance. Although determined to help correct the mistakes of past prototypes, he well knew they lacked time to fully prepare the Sapphire Weapon. This did Ricon elect to pilot the Weapon in place of his brother Rex, and the life of another brave youth was snuffed out by the Oversoul system. He was seventeen years of age.
"Father still needs you. Please take care of him...in our place."
One of several orphans taken in by Gaius, Milisandia had hair of crimson, though it was not always so kissed by fire. When they still lived in an orphanage, the young lady believed that Alfonse was enamored with one of the institution's matrons and, perhaps hoping to win his attention, dyed her hair the same color as the woman who captivated him. This youthful infatuation would remain unspoken unto her dying day, when she passed away aboard the Ruby Weapon at the age of only twenty summers.
"There's a way I can make a difference. I know there is."
Ten years ago, Ternclif-born Avilina was conscripted to serve as a magitek engineer in the XIVth Legion. These she met Milisandia, and the two became close friends. After the XIVth's defeat at Castrum Meridianum, she fled back to Werlyt, but with her experience working on the Ultima Weapon, it was inevitable that she would be assigned to the Weapon project with the VIIth Legion. Though the liberation of Werlyt granted her her freedom, she still carries the guilt of having assisted with the Weapon project, knowing that it claimed the life of her one true friend.
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mercurygray · 7 months
I know you said you were feeling your MotA girls, but maybe #28 turn the page for Molly and Rosie, please. Only if you're feeling it. Thank you!
The last time he'd been here, he'd been bombing the place.
Nuremberg certainly looked different from the ground, though the sight of so many crumbling houses and rubble strewn streets wasn't enough to change how Rosie felt about anything he'd done for the last three years. War was war and war was hell, and that was all there was to say about that. They were at the end of it now, and they would move forward.
The address he'd been sent to find was a still-standing warehouse - something of a marvel in this city filled with ruins. A soldier outside nodded in greeting, and he instinctively opened his wallet to show his pass, the official ID card they'd given him for the Palace of Justice.
"I'm looking for Sergeant Mahoney. I was told I'd be able to get a tour."
The soldier nodded him inside, and in he went, facing down huge racks of crates that seemed to go on for miles.
A woman was standing next to a desk, clipboard in hand. She was wearing a very beat-up field jacket and what looked to be jump trousers, her pockets baggy with extra equipment. Rosie suddenly wished he'd brought his bomber jacket, and not the wool overcoat that made him look like - well, a lawyer. (At least he'd left the briefcase back at the hotel.)
"Are you Sergeant Mahoney?"
She looked up from the clipboard. "I was told I might expect a Major Rosenthal this morning. Are you him?"
Rosie wished again for the jacket. "It's just Mister, actually, Sergeant. I officially got out of the army a few months ago."
What she thought about that he really couldn't tell - she was studying him with a long and patient look. "They told me you were a pilot - a rather good one."
Rosie tried to bite back a smile about what counted as 'rather good' after 52 combat missions and a list of awards so long even he couldn't remember what they all were. "It has been said."
That was what made her smile. "Most pilots wouldn't let you forget that."
He shrugged and smiled. "I'm not most pilots, Sergeant."
She nodded. "Well, Major. What would you like to see? I have a wide variety of Europe's finest all at your disposal. What's your fancy? Landscapes? Pastorals? Portraits? Sculpture? A favorite artist I can find for you?"
It sounded overwhelming, less like a museum and more like the private tour he wasn't sure he wanted. He couldn't say, exactly, what had brought him here, but it wasn't that - the mindless acquisition. "I didn't come to see anything in particular. Just mentioned I wanted to get out of the office for a bit and they sent me here. Show me ...show me your favorite, Sergeant."
She looked at him for a moment before giving half a smile. "All right."
"So how does a museum curator find herself in Europe?" He asked, trying to be collegial as she walked him down a long aisle, boots echoing in the half-dark.
"Not a curator," she corrected. "I'm an archeologist. I had a brother at Pearl. Joined the WAC after…you know." She turned to look at him, hardly breaking a long stride. "How does a lawyer get into the business of flying airplanes?"
"He decides he doesn't like bullies. How does an archeologist decide she wants to jump out of them?" He pointed to the patch on her jacket, the Airborne patch she still hadn't removed from her shoulder. "Screaming Eagles is a paratrooper outfit, isn't it?"
Another smile - a real one, this time. "She decides she doesn't like bullies either. And the pay's pretty good. After we got all the way to Germany they decided they could use someone like me and I stayed on here." She checked the number on the end of a shelf, counted in a few boxes, and removed a frame from the shelf, pulling it down and setting it onto the floor. "Well. Here we are, Major. This is my favorite."
The painting in question was a portrait, done in a plain, workaday style - a simple head-up view of a woman with a reddish cast to her hair, wearing a black dress and a string of pearls. The pearls gleamed from the canvas, easily the most noticeable thing about the piece. Rosie wasn't much of an art critic but nothing about this was ringing any bells. "Anyone I should know?
"Nope. Artist is unknown," Mahoney said with a vague smile. "I don't know what her name is, either. I've been calling her Ruth, after a friend of mine. We've got all sorts in this warehouse - Rembrandts and silver that belonged to the Rothschilds. And we have a hell of a lot of this - bits of people's lives that they'll never get back. She's not important on her own - but she's...she's someone's wife, or sister, or aunt. She's important to someone. There's a note on the back about the framer - that'll give me a town to start in. Maybe I can get her home." She gave a long hard look at the painting, her gaze thoughtful. "I spent…eighteen months taking away lives, and now I get to give them back."
And isn't that why I'm here, too, he thought silently. A warehouse full of treasures, and she shows me this. Most curators wouldn't let you forget what they've got.
But she's not a curator. "Sergeant, are you free this evening?" He asked suddenly. She looked up. "I'd like to take you to dinner, if I may."
She let out a surprised laugh. "I'm not sure that would be regulation, sir. Sergeants can't be seen out to dinner with Majors."
"We could start with you dropping the Major and calling me Rosie."
Another smile - wider this time, like she was turning a page on something, letting it come into full view. "Oh, so you're that Rosenthal." The way she said it made him smile - she'd known the whole time, and was just stringing him along to test him. The desire for dinner increased.
"I did say I wasn't like the other pilots," he offered with a shrug. "Should we say...six o'clock? I promise I'll do a better job of blending in."
'Not too good a job," she said with a smile that charmed him entirely. "I'm not sure I can be seen out with a pilot, either."
Molly Mahoney joins us from The Darkening Sky where she is a paratrooper, an academic, a memoirist, and somehow usually always in the middle of an argument about ethics.
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redd956 · 1 month
Sleep Disorders & Dreams References I Refer To
@mmaurysiek was curios about some of the refences I have on nightmares, dreams, and lucid dreaming. I decided to make a post including some of my favorite here.
Nightmare Disorder
Nightmare Disorder is a parasomnia, which is a type of sleeping disorder that disrupts your sleep or make your sleep restless through unconscious activity.
The interesting thing about parasomnias is you have one at a severe rate, it's only a matter of time before you end up developing more via sleep deprivation. This is what makes major parasomnias like Nightmare Disorder and Sleep Terrors so painful. It just becomes a cycle.
Some important factors about Nightmare Disorder the needs to be known is-
There are variants
There are many origins, but the full idea of how Nightmare Disorder happens is unknown
Not everyone has Nightmare Disorder forever, but some do
Now to my links
This is a really good link that goes in to the variety of Nightmare Disorder and more modern up to date information we have about the disorder.
This next link goes specifically into how PTSD induced nightmares work. It's important to understand that the categorization of dreams themselves is complex. Someone can have nightmare disorder, and not always have PTSD nightmares.
A final link on Nightmare Disorder that I'll give is a scholarly article, which is of course tedious to read through, but if anyone is into that stuff here it is...
Lucid Dreaming
When it comes to lucid dreaming I remember one of my favorite Youtubers has an amazing video on it
What is lucid dreaming? It's a type of dreaming where the dreamer is somewhat self aware they're sleeping, and gain control of the dream.
Lucid dreaming is both a little more complicated and a little more simple than we can understand. The science of dreams is still mostly unknown. We have a plethora of theories about how they work, spirituality behind them, and especially why the hell we dream in the first place.
The existence of lucid dreams makes things a little bit more complicated.
Lucid Dreams come in many variations. By what we understand right now, not everyone is even capable of achieving the most stereotypical lucid dream, like me. The weirdest part about lucid dreams, it's trainable, like learning how to whistle.
Health benefits and cautions comes with lucid dreams.
Vivid Dreams
Oh vivid dreams, often times interesting and bizarre, and upsetting when dressed up as nightmares. It isn't actually regular to have frequent vivid dreams, but it is normal to see them occasionally. Don't worry if you do get them very often, they're only a worry if they're interrupting your sleep or daytime mood.
I would include more parasomnias and sleep disorders in this post, but I'll probs do them in a future posts
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