#we got a masked face in an elevator and screamed. thats what was up.
simplydnp · 5 months
wait what is we don’t talk about dan era
this is the time between when the hiatus started until dan's coming out video Basically I'm Gay (and some may argue continued after that as well, just in a different way) coming off of ii, joint content regularly--joint life essentially--to the New Era where phil would specifically Not talk about dan in videos. it was noticable because they would always talk about each other, particularly in one-off moments, so it was strange, from an audience perspective, to almost be pretending dan didn't exist.
once BIG happened, we understood. but dan did 'appear' more after that during 2019. 2020 though, there's several videos that feel like they're specifically missing dan in them. phil baking his birthday cake alone, a tour of my plants (back on my old blog i have a live reaction to this video; it's coated in dan Energy cause he's doing the camerawork, but you never hear him), catching a pigeon, to name a few. obviously, not every video needs to be joint content, but if dan wasn't taking his break, if he wasn't doing his book & dinok, these are the ones you could expect him to have popped into in earlier years.
since then, we slowly saw him returning not only to some videos, but also, phil mentioning him again. the wall only fully came down once the gaming channel came back though. (literally has there been a phil video since where he doesnt mention him at least once, not even to mention how many dan is physically present in)
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 3
You know getting dragged through a multi billion dollar corporations building to try and avoid your illegitimate father, a normal monday for most I’m sure.
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It’s official, I hate Adrien
Marinette groans, having been practically dragged out of bed for breakfast. Adrien was wisely backed up as far as he could in the elevator. She yawns, making it loud as possible and looking Adrien right in the eye.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stayed out so late,” Tikki giggles, hidden in her scarf.
Yeah it turns out that ‘just need to help out one person’ turned into a it is now 3am and I am halfway across the city beating up a gang.
“At least the box was safe,” Marinette whispers back, she had crashed in Adrien's room, no matter how mad Lila would be, or because of it who knows.
And indeed Lila was mad. The second they step foot into the hotel restaurant the entire class turns to stare at them. Crowded around a smug looking Lila with tears rolling down her cheeks. Marinette just turns a sharp left to the coffee. It isn’t until she has downed half a cup and refilled it that she tries to look for her friends.
Chloe looks just as dead as her, so she sits next to her. Let the morning people talk, they were ready to pass out together.
“Yep, Adrien?”
“Morning people,” They both sneer.
“Were you planning on sleeping all morning?” Kagami asks, eating breakfast like a normal person, what a jerk.
“Were you planning on watching me all morning?” Chloe half heartedly retorts.
“You are adorable when you’re sleeping,”
“Fuck you, I’m adorable all the time,”
“Chlo, language, please,” Marinette implores, nursing her giant cup.
“Shut up Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe snaps, face planting back into the table.
“She’s not that cute actually,” Kagami whispers to Adrien, “Wore a face mask she got green all over the bed,”
“I’ll get green all over you,” Chloe mumbles absentmindedly.
"Ah the storm is coming,took them long enough" She takes a gulp of burning coffee, "Yes Alya?"
"You cant just say that to a person," Alya tries to explain, as if talking down to a child, "Lila was up all night crying,"
"She probably just put on a recording and went soundly to sleep," Chloe scoffs, sleepily looking up from the table.
"I was with her all night!" Alya turns to Chloe, seething rage coming to the surface.
"Thats some impressive endurance," Marinette mutters, downing more coffee.
"You think she's been practicing?" Chloe smirks.
"This isn't-"
"Make sure she get's plenty of water," Marinette turns away, hoping the conversation would be over.
"Marinette!" Alya looks down at her the way Marinette often looks at her, the look at a dear friend who changed, "Can't you see you're hurting Lila?"
"Can't you see she's hurting me?" She covers that honestly by gulping down more coffee, she has not had enough for this conversation.
"You used to be so nice Marinette," Alya dodges the question, pointing to Chloe and Kagami instead, "Then you started spending time with these two, and, and you changed!"
"Believe what you want Alya," Marinette motions for her friends to stay calm, "But they stand by me when no one else will, especially you,"
"Thats because!- Marinette if you had just gotten to know Lila instead of being jealous this would have never happened," Alya looks down at her sadly, Marinette was sure Paris would have been up in flames somehow if she had ever trusted Lila, "If you just didn't spend time around these bullies everything could be the same, you wouldn't have become a bully too,"
"So what?" She spits bitterly, looking over at the table watching them, Lila looking disgruntled it wasn't an all out fight, "If I got up and joined that table right now, would everything go back to the way it was?"
"... No,"
Marinette’s pocket buzzes in a familiar sequence. Akuma alert.
"Ok then, not much point in arguing about it, I'm going to stay with my friends, the ones I can actually trust," Marinette quickly shuts down Alya's protest, "Now go get Lila some water,"
Alya walks off back to the table, everyone crowding around her. Marinette waits for the door to be clear, she has to leave before Alya finishes or the whole class will be breathing down her neck.
“Forgot something in my room,” Marinette slings on her back pack, “Be back soon,”
She was not back soon, she was not back soon at all. Luckily she should only be three minutes late for the bus-and nope they left, great. She’ll just have to catch up with the tour later.
Well, I had stuff to do anyways
She talks with the receptionist; her assistant should have sent her a prepared motorcycle to the hotel the day before. It’s a quick drive to the location she had selected specifically to be close to the hotel.
She puts on a simple domino mask before entering the building, she didn’t want anyone to leak her identity after all. Walking in she’s glad to see everything is not in disarray.
“MDC,” Her assistant, Liam walks up to her.
Liam was someone she met through Penny. He’s older than her and also acted as her guardian on most of her trips as MDC. He does know her civilian identity, which she trusted him completely to keep. She likes him because-
“Is that mine?” She snatches the cup of coffee as he passes it to her.
“Figured you needed it,” Liam smiles, wincing as she downs the burning liquid, it's fine she has a strong healing factor, “You said your bag was stolen? This should replace it, it’s most of what you had plus more,”
He rolls forward a pre packed suitcase.
“I would die without,” Marinette says in all seriousness, “So what's the damage?”
“No major problems so far, the security we hired is enough to scare away the smaller thugs,” Liam nods to some security personnel guarding each door, “They won't be enough if any super villains try to attack the actual show,”
“Mm, give them instructions on the night of the show they are only allowed to intercept small time, anything bigger they are not allowed to engage,” Marinette studies the room, there's great places to hide, friend or foe, “If they see anything they are simply to report it directly to me,”
“They can’t engage?” Liam looks around, trying to see what she is.
“They won't be able to stop them anyway, and there is no reason for them to die,”
“If you say so,” Liam leads her through the room where lights are being set up and walls are being painted, “So what's the plan if we do get attacked?”
“I’m sure Batman is going to have his eye on any big events,” Marinette approves of the color of the back wall, it looking even better in person, “Besides I’m planning on trying to intercept before any violence,”
“In other words you're going to make my job a lot more stressful,” Liam sighs, making a note or rather on his tablet.
“Not if I can help it,”
“You can’t,” Liam sighs again at her grin, “Didn’t you have a tour with your class today?”
“They left me,” Liam seems equally unsurprised, “But I should probably head for Wayne tower anyway,”
“Don’t get into trouble,”
“I never get into trouble,” Marinette smirks from the door, “Trouble drags me into it kicking and screaming,”
“More like keen and skipping,” Liam closes the door in her face.
Marinette strolls into the Wayne tower an hour late with Starbucks, she sees is her class, being a nuisance arguing with a tour guide.
“You cannot just leave a student alone in Gotham,” The tour guide all but yells at Madame Bustier.
“Marinette is very responsible, she can handle herself,” Madame Bustier more defends herself than Marinette.
“I don’t care how responsible your student is, that won't stop them from getting shot!” This time he does yell, “You need to go back and pray to god she’s alright and hasn't gotten lost for some murder to find!”
Alright time to break the tension
“Hey, what did I miss?” Marinette asks casually, Already sipping at her straw when all eyes turn to her.
“Marinette! How did you get here?” Madame bustier demands.
“I think you mean ‘are you alright, I’m so sorry for leaving you behind,” The tour guide glowers, apparently threatening enough that Madame Bustier actually repeats him.
“I’m fine, I borrowed a bike from my friend in Gotham,”
“You don’t have a licence in Gotham,” Lila sneers triumphantly.
Oh look who actually did some research, how much digging did you do when I learnt how to ride a motorcycle
“I didn’t say it was a motorcycle,” That shut’s Lila up, “But yeah it is a motorcycle,
Worth it for that face
“Also I got my licence approved in America before I came,”
So worth that face
Lila opens her mouth, better than the flood gates, when the tour guide interrupts.
“Now that everyone is here,” He sends a smile to Marinette and a glare to Madame Bustier somehow at the same time, she gets the tinglily feeling of  miraculous holder, or maybe its just the caffeine, “We can start, my name is Dick I will be your tour guide today.
They follow Dick through the tour Marinette's group right behind Dick. She scribbled designs and took notes as he talked, asking her own questions. This got her dubbed Dicks favourite, and easy title to gain as the rest of the class lagged behind. Most were listening to Lila, only Max and Alix were straining to hear Dick over the chatter. Marinette would occasionally pick up a mention of the Wayne's and knew it wasn't related to the tour. She'd have to guess Lila was lying about either dating someone or saving their life, or because it's Lila probably both. A gutsy move in the Wayne tower she had to admit. Marinette could tell Dick was listening and would probably have that rumour make it back to the Wayne's themselves. Would the wrath of some of the richest and most powerful people be enough to stop her? not likely.
They split up for lunch at the cafeteria in the building. She saw the coffee machine and was about to make a bee line to it when Kagami pulled her back to eat some 'real food' whatever that is. She makes a break for it after eating the so called 'real food', right before the tour was about to restart. She reaches it as a familiar figure is also waiting.
"Hi Tim," She greets, getting him to actually jump, "You work here?"
"Hi! um-yeah," He looks over to her, "How did you do that?"
"Do what?" She takes the biggest travel cup they have available.
"Sn-nothing," Tim still looks uneasy, then his eyes lock onto the cup, "tired?"
"Was up till three am last night, plus jet lag?" She yawns, "Yeah I'm tired,"
"Then you'll want to put that cup back,"
"Hm why?"
he gets her answer when Tim ducks down, opening a hidden cupboard full of travel cups at least twice the size of her current one,
"Tim I love you," She fills up the giant cup, "You're my favourite person in Gotham as of right now,"
"Not Dick?"
"Eh, his puns are lacklustre," She shrugs, Tim spits out his drink, "You know Dick?"
"Yep, give him a hard time for me!" Tim calls over his shoulder, walking away.
"You got it!" She hurries in the opposite direction, late for the tour once again.
“Did you get another coffee?” Dick asks as they enter the PR department.
“They were serving them at lunch,” Marinette could almost laugh at how quickly he had begun to fret over her during the tour.
“I know, that was my brothers idea, or rather demand,” Dick sighs, someone else approaching the group to direct the tour.
“Your brother works here?”
“Sure does,”
“But you don’t”
This makes Dick pause, looking down at her as she sips at the coffee.
“I mean you don’t work this job at least,” She shrugs, it wasn't hard to figure out.
“Why's that?”
“You seem uncomfortable, your charismatic but still lack the smoothness of a rehearsed tour, plus you seem offended that they are in the back chatting,” Marinette nods towards Lila and her posse, “Regular tour guides would be used to that,”
“You found me out,” Dick chuckles, “I’m just taking over for today,”
“Well I think you picked a bad class to do that for,” She looks over at most her class ignoring the speaker trying to get their attention.
“I think I picked the right one,” Dick says cryptically, then walks off to help herd the class.
“Alright you have to give me the recipe,” Marinette overhears from a nearby desk.
Someone is sitting on it eating a cookie, while the other taps away at her computer.
“Sorry no can do,” She shrugs, “I don’t know it,”
“How can you not know it, you baked them right?” He asks, trying to steal another one and getting his hand slapped away.
“Nope, new vigilante came in, beat up someone robbing my house and baked me cookies,”
“This is Gotham so I believe the first two,” He looks between her and the container, “But cookies?”
“They also gave me free therapy,” She shrugs, before tapping on the container,“And do you really believe I could make these?”
“Touche,” He smirks leaning back on the desk, “So who’s the new guy? With the Batclan?”
“No they said they were just passing through,” She doesn't look up from her computer, focusing intently on the screen, “Names Starling,”
“Never heard of them,”
“Neither, and I tried looking them up,” She sighs, pushing back from the computer in defeat, “Found someone, but it’s not them, actually couldn't find anything on them,”
“Weird,” He gets up from the desk, “Can’t imagine Batman is going to take kindly to a new vigilante running around,”
“Unless he adopts them,”
“That… yeah he probably will,”
"Oh no-CLAIRE" The speaker trying to wrangle her class stops, "We have a problem!"
"Sorry to cut this short," Claire doesn't look sorry at all, "Seems we have important matters to tend to,"
She follows Dick out of the department, ushering her class as she goes. Claire looks over at her like she has two heads, a mixture of impressed and pity, and perhaps a bit of jealously.
They get to go further up the building, to the higher floors. They reach a space that is mostly meeting rooms. He class decide to take advantage of Dick declaring they are completely sound proof, or maybe they took it as a challenge. Marinette is walking past a hall when someone leaning against the wall catches her eye.
“Auntie Selina?!”
They look around, only spotting Marinette seconds before they collide into a hug, she feels the tingling buzz of a true holder.
“Mari!” Selina picks her up and spins her around, no different from when she was five, “Oh, my love it’s so good to see you, when did you arrive in Gotham?”
Marinette watches as her smile morphs into horror.
“Wait, what are you doing in Gotham!?”
“It’s a class trip and- hey where are we going?” Her Auntie grabs her arm pulling her down the hall.
“Marinette!” Dick calls, walking around the corner, Selina makes a sharp turn down another corridor, “Wait!”
Selina is two steps away from running as she pulls Marinette through the maze of hallways.
“Auntie where are we going?”
“Down here,” She opens the door leading to a staircase, too narrow to be a fire exit.
“That’s not really what I was asking,”
Selina inputs a key code, the door swinging open as she is pulled into the room.
“Wait!” She gets pulled through another door just as quick “Was that wall full of weapons?”
“Just a picture sweetie,” She says sweetly, “Down these stairs,”
“Aunt Selina what are we running from?” They are running now, floor after floor.
“We’re not running from anything sweetie,” Selina speeds up, “I just wanted to show you a cool spot in Gotham,”
“Right,” Marinette raises an eyebrow, “I was actually with the class so maybe we could go later?”
“It closes in five minutes,”
“Like you wouldn’t just break in if we were going somewhere,”
“I promise I will take you somewhere nice,” She smiles back at Marinette, they reach the end of the stairs, coming to a garage of sorts, “If you promise to hurry up,”
“Sure-” She does a double take, of the room, “Hold up are those costumes?”
“Collectors stuff, you know,” They are surrounded by bat themed... everything, “Rich people,”
“Right and how do you know this?”
“I-” She hesitates, eyes drifting, “Hey look, the exit!”
They all out sprint towards the exit. Selina reaches out to open the door a second after it swings open.
“Selina,” The man smiles at Selina as she runs into him.
“Hey Bruce,” Selina jumps back, trying to hide Marinette behind her.
“Where are you going?” Bruce looks behind her at Marinette, who gives a little wave.
“Out! Got to hurry!” She grabs Marinette's arm again, trying to pull her around Bruce.
“Is something wrong?” Bruce grabs Selina's shoulders to keep her still and looking at him.
“Nope nothings wrong,” She wriggles out of his grasp, trying again to pull Marinette away.
“Ok then,” Bruce still looks worried but turns to Marinette instead, “Hello I’m Bruce Wayne, Selina finance,”
“Snitch,” He Auntie spits out venomously.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?” Marinette asks her with the biggest grin.
“Surprise,” Selina gives half heated jazz hands.
“Wait! Whens the wedding? Do You have a dress? I’ll make one!” She deicides, brining out her sketchbook, drawing different designs, “What's the theme? Never mind tell me on the way to the fabric store, I’ll sketch up some designs,”
“Darling, please-” Selina is now getting pulled along.
“Oh! I’ll call Papa! I’m sure he’ll want to make your cake! We have to hurry, come on lets go!” They're already out the door, Marinette waves turning back to Bruce, “Nice meeting you!”
“What just happened?” Bruce asks Dick as he runs up next to him.
“She kidnapped one of the students on tour,”
“Who is now making her wedding dress,” Bruce nods, not understanding anything
“Did I miss something?”
I think we all did
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda @awkward0ghostfan @theymakeupfairies @tikki-marinette @insane-fangirl-of-everything @elmokingkong @inarachi02 @slytherinhquinn @moongoddesskiana @dast218 @buginetye @redscarlet95
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
I Watched TWS for the Millionth Time So Let’s Over-Analyze This Shit
-TFA theme at the beginning 🥰 (that theme is so fuckin good)
-Sam’s lil jogging route around the Tidal Basin/Mall
-Steve being sassy , just as a general
-Steve’s sadness errands
-Sam relating to Steve on the soldier front and making him feel seen
-Just. Sam Wilson
-The way that Steve’s to-do list in the movie varies from country to country (For instance, the UK list has Sherlock instead of I Love Lucy and The Beatles)
-Also I wanna know Steve’s thai order
-The fact that this whole exchange is happening at 6:39 am
-Natasha drives with all the recklessness of a 16 year old that just got their license
-Stealth Suit Stealth Suit
-Steve deflecting Nat’s date suggestions
-Steve’s aversion for parachutes...reckless endangerment ✨
-Steve speaking/understanding at least a little french
-Tony having designed the Helicarriers to have arc reactor power instead of turbines because “he got a close up look at the turbines” in The Avengers 2012 when he got caught in them
-“This isnt freedom, this is fear” aka the embodiment of Steve’s character
-Steve’s exhibit being in the Air and Space museum even tho he flew a plane once and crashed it
-Bucky’s display having two different birth years (1916 and 1917. the correct one is 1917)
-In the little video of Steve and Bucky, Sebastian Stan was saying “We *are* friends” after the director told them to “act like friends” for that shot
-Steve acknowledging Peggy’s family and therefore acknowledging that their relationship with each other, while still close and special, is not romantic anymore and Peggy telling Steve to move on and start over wtf endgame
-The parallel of Peggy losing her memory as Bucky regains his
-Sam Wilson willing to show vulnerability and not being ashamed of his PTSD and treating Steve like any other attendee and hoping Steve will open up too if he sees that it’s okay to
-Steve’s face after “it was like I was up there just to watch” cuz he gets it and both sam and him had to watch their other half fall
-“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know”
-The Winter Soldier theme is just Bucky’s scream pitched different and made to sound mechanical because Henry Jackman wanted it to sound like a man trapped in a machine
-Why is Steve a lucky bastard that has his own laundry machine
-STEVE’s APARTMENT I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS (i might make a separate post on that)
-The fact that “A Long, Long Time” is playing when he sees Bucky for the first time in the future and the song is about lovers reuniting after the war i’m not saying it’s gay but i am
-He calls Fury “Nick” which really indicates theyre not close in the slightest
-Steve is excellent in adapting under pressure (him immediately catching on and using Fury’s code story: “who else knows about your wife?”)
-Steve is Awful at lying but hes also Excellent at lying
-How tf did Steve get the flash drive in the vending machine without the vending machine dude noticing i-
-“Captain Rogers” “Neighbor >:(“ petty little shit
-Steve’s observation skills are A+++++ as we can see in the elevator scene
-More reckless endangerment like imagine just going through your work day and captain america falls through the ceiling
-Steve stole someones gym clothes after escaping SHIELD. let that sink in
-Natasha has about a billion masks on at all times (“I only act like i know everything, rogers” “the person that programmed this was slightly smarter than me. slightly” “the truth isn’t all things to all people all of the time”) also she’s quite insecure, especially when it comes to being perceived as a good, trustable person
-Meanwhile, Steve’s consistently himself even if it costs him
-Bucky trained Natasha in the Red Room (at least in the comics) so theres a good chance she made the connection between him and Steve and withheld that information
-The honeymoon in New Jersey😭😭
-Steve and Nat both have very different, but entirely valid approaches to situations: Steve’s is that of a tactiction, Nat’s is that of a spy’s. We see this in the scene at Pentagon City Mall
-Steve’s looking for someone with shared life experience and bucky has that
-Bucky killed JFK
-When Zola tells him that his death and life both amount to that of a zero sum, he punches the screen with his bare fist, not his shield, indicating just how much that upset him
-Pierce offers Bucky milk cuz he knows “the asset” can’t refuse or accept offers. He’s taunting him
-Sam drinks orange juice straight from the bottle and also doesnt refrigerate his mustard. There’s also a baseball trophy in his apartment so,,,,, baseball player sam anyone?
-Sam is also a gem who immediately helps out Steve and Nat with no judgement in his tone so they don’t feel ashamed
-Nat straightened her hair somewhere in Sam’s house
-“Cuz thats really not your style, Rogers” “you’re right, it’s not” *rubs sitwell’s arm* “it’s hers”
-Steve and Nat banter Steve and Nat banter
-Sam is just *clenches fist* so cool
-Nat immediately knows where Bucky’s gonna shoot when he lands on the Sam’s car and later she knows how to affectively fight him best because he trained her so she knows his fighting style
-Steve alone saying “Bucky?” was enough to break Bucky’s conditioning the slightest bit
-Sam met Steve like 36 hours ago and he’s already being arrested and made into a government fugitive with him and it won’t be the last time
-Steve is the only one entirely restrained
-“Even when I had nothing I had Bucky”
-Everyone meets Sam and is just like “aight let’s trust him with the highest clearance security information”
-Steve looks super nauseous all through the scene where Rumlow is handcuffing him and later when he says, “he looked right at me, like he didn’t even know me” he sounds sick and choked up
-Steve carries a lot of weight on his shoulders
-Steve’s “Bucky?” after the highway battle and Steve’s “Bucky?” in Bucky’s memory in the Vault Scene being different (in Bucky’s memory, he looks more heartbroken)
-Sebastian’s acting. Just all of it. And the way Bucky just opens his mouth for the mouth guard before he gets wiped....heartbreaking
-Steve realizes an organization that was meant to protect the people has become its own antithesis so hes like “aight. get rid of it” damn that’s the right mindset right there
-In the memory scene after Sarah’s funeral, Steve is so out of it and distressed, that he can’t find his key but Bucky immediately knows exactly where it is and what he’s lookin for
-Bucky was vain as shit and also had money: tailored suit, hair w shit ton of brylcreem in it
-The big breakfast Steve had was at Sam’s house
-The whole scene on the helicarrier between Steve and Bucky is incredible here are some highlights: Steve never backing down from a fight until it’s Bucky he’s fighting, Steve dropping the shield for him, Steve being ready to die if living means he’s living in a world where Bucky’s alive and doesnt remember him
-Their acting in that scene is so genuine and heartbreaking i can’t- i can’t-
-Steve’s got a comm i’m so chances are Nat, Sam and Maria can hear a portion of what’s going down on the helicarriers
-“I’m with ya to the end of the line” is basically “til death do us part” so the equivalent of wedding vows between Bucky and Steve is what ultimately broke Bucky’s conditioning
-When bucky fell, steve didn’t jump after him but when Steve fell, bucky went after him even tho he’s brainwashed. don’t think about steve’s guilt surrounding that. youll only get sad
-Bucky waited until Steve took a breath to leave him
-Sam waited by Steve’s side in the hospital
-In the end credit scene, Bucky and Steve originally were supposed to make eye contact, but the writers didn’t want it established that Bucky remembered Steve until CW
Every time I watch it from here on out, I’m gonna add a lil more as I notice hehehe
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Tumblr media
At War
Part 4b
Summary: Roman, takes care of what’s his.
Warning: none
“Zsasz, get us the fuck out of here.” When he climbed back into the Rolls, he saw you shaking and trembling. He exhaled. “Come over here.” Pulling off his mask, he reached over and out it on the passenger seat beside Zsasz who was already tearing through the streets.
He ruffled his hair, looking over he saw you still being consumed by your fear. He was used to seeing people at the other end of his wrath acting like this. He hated seeing you feel like this. He slid over to you.
“Baby.” He whispered. “Come here.” Wrapping an arm around you he pulled you close. He had felt you flinch but then you relaxed. In a breath, you wrapped your arms around him and buried his face into his good side. He ran his fingers through your hair.
Being with you made him face things he disliked, he mused. He was certain you had blood on your face and now that was on his suit. Also this need for comfort, he wasn’t used to giving it. He couldn’t explain it but when you wrapped your arms around him, he actually liked it. Annoyance did not claw at him. If anything, he really wished he could bring you even more comfort.
He’d love to promise you that he will get the head of Gillis but right now he knew best to be quiet. As he held you knowing he killed St. Clair filled him with happiness. She was responsible for the argument the two of you had this morning. The fucking pretty boy got her, he smirked.
The heavy metal door came down behind them as Victor pulled into the underground parking garage.
“Y/N, we’re home.” He tucked some hair behind your ear. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You looked up at him. “Cleaned up?”
He pressed his lips together and nodded. “Yeah.”
Worry crossed your face.
“I’ll take care of it.” He said to you. Zsasz, he noticed had opened the door. “Let’s get out of this dank parking garage. Yes?”
You nodded and followed him out of the Rolls. He looked at Zsas, “You know where it goes. Make sure that door is locked and then come up and meet me in my office.”
“Want me to give you sometime?” Zsasz, scratched the back of his head.
He exhaled. “Right now is not the time for games.” He gave Zsasz, a hard look. “Once up in the penthouse make sure the elevator only travels to your floor and mine. I do not want to be worried about it.”
“Sure thing boss.”
Silently, he took your hand and interlaced your fingers with his gloved one. Looking at it, he rather enjoyed its kind of odd balance. It was the two of you.
He brought you the bedroom, he stopped short of the bathroom. “Wait right here.” He hesitated at you closet but then he turned to his, you barely reacted to him taking his knife back.
Once in his closet, he shed his jacket. He would have to have another one made. He had been rather fond of the maroon color. Pulling off his gloves, he let them fall onto his jacket. A smile tugged on his lips as he looked at all the knives he had, he out the one you took and placed it where it belonged
Opening the drawer below it, he grabbed one of his t-shirts and a pair of his pajama pants. He knew what you had just got through had been a lot. He didn’t want shock or panic setting it.
With his shirt and pants slung on his shoulder, he led you into the bathroom. “Sit here.” He suggested once guiding you to bench he had in there. He placed his shirt and pants beside you.
You looked up at him. “Is it that bad?”
He put a finger under your chin and drew your face up. He shook his head. “No. But my girl should have to deal with this.”
You gave a soft smile. “Thank you.”
He smiled. “What kind of guy would I be?”
You nodded.
He went over and grabbed a wash cloth, he wet and soaped it up. “As much as I love you looking up at me,” He smirked. “Close your eyes, so I can take care of this.”
Looking, at your face seeing the blood splattered there. Incensed his anger. You were only part of this world because of him. How dare they.
He was just grateful, you had that idea. If he had just gotten the news you being killed. There would be even more blood on the streets tonight.
He would have Zsasz, find out what he could about Vanessa. Thankfully, he had set up the transfer but boy executed it because he waited making sure the plan would work. He had not expected this. The other girls would be upset. Everyone, seemed to like her. David on the other hand, had been a decent driver but he had no connections with the others and no family to speak of. GothamPD could handle him.
More reason, for him to dislike Gillis and her gang. Making more unnecessary trouble. He gritted his teeth
Gently holding your chin as brushed and rubbed the blood away. “Stay this way, now I have to rinse the soap away.”
He threw away the wash cloth. Grabbing a new one he soaked it with warm water he twisted it and grabbed a dry one and you would be set.
When he back, he noticed that tears had run down your cheeks. He sighed, “It’s not your fault. You had an amazing idea. It saved you. And I will make Gillis and her gang pay.”
Your eyes were watery. “Ok. Good.”
He held up the wash cloth. “Hold the dry one for me, baby.”
You took it and he made sure all the soap was gone. He went over it a few times. After drying you off, the wash clothes were on the floor. He’d never use them again. He helped you to your feet.
Easily he helped you out of your clothes. “Ooh.” He made a sound as sweet as he could while letting his finger trace the band of your panties. “These are very nice.” But then he helped you into his pajama pants followed by his t-shirt. “There’s my girl.” He pulled you close and brushed aside the fresh tear.
“Baby, I have to gather my men and protect us here. Now you can lay on the sofa in my office while I talk with Zsasz or you can stay in here.”
You swallowed. “I’ll stay here.”
“Alright, thats my girl.” He smiled. “I am very proud of you tonight.”
“You are?”
“Yes. You had a solid plan and it worked. And those people will pay for what they did.”
You looked down. He drew your face up. “Maybe I will let you scream at them when I capture them.”
You smiled then that made him feel better. He was relieved, he didn’t want you getting depressed. In this world people died, he was just glad you were not one of them.
“There’s the smile that pulled me in.” He smiled. “Ok, I’ll come get you if the need arises. Maybe get some rest. It has been a rough night.”
You nodded.
Roman, was right your plan worked and thankfully it wasn’t you. Perhaps, when things calmed down the two of you could do something for Vanessa’s family, if it was needed. You picked up the discarded wash clothes, your clothes and brought them to the chute that dropped them into the incinerator. You saw where he dropped his suit-jacket and gloves. It was best to let him decide what he wanted to do.
Going the room where you kept your stuff, you gathered Vanessa’s and also put them down the chute. Pushing the button, you let the incinerator do its job.
As you walked back to the bedroom you watched as Roman hunched over maps sipped at some whisky. He undid the first few buttons of his shirt. Seeing him do what he did his best made you feel good, it made you feel safe.
Going back to the bedroom, it was too much work to pull the blankets aside so you laid on top of them. You barely laid down and sleep claimed you.
“Alright, let’s see.” He took a sip of his whiskey. “I want some downstairs in the club and I want the rest spread out in the neighboring buildings.”
“We can do that.” Victor sent out the messages. “Who do we want down stairs?”
“The ones who are directly on my payroll. The other ones,” He pressed his lips together. “Those who uphold and pledge their loyalty can stat staked out in the other buildings. Give them an incentive. A bonus if they stay there ams stay good look outs and support if she comes.”
“Alright good. They should all like that.”
Roman, looked at him. “They better. And of we catch any of them helping her, we take their fucking head.”
Later, much later after he had finally spoken to various groups. He finally decided to sleep. He was ready.
Feeling like he was shedding clothes from a lifetime ago he felt worlds better. It felt good to feel the silk of his pajamas.
He tiredly smiled when he saw that you and cleaned things up. The entire maroon suit went down the chute along with the gloves. Pushing the button, for the second time that night the incinerator roared to life.
Seeing, that you laid on top pf the blankets he would too. He saw anguish splashed across your face. He exhaled, he was tired to his bones with the situation Gillis threw his life into. But carrying for you felt easy, it was like taking care of himself. He went and laid close.
“Daddy’s here.” He breathed close to your ear and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
Draping an arm over your side, he gave himself up to the sleep that had been pulling hard on him.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @corey-clown @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight
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windscattered · 3 years
Orlando tensed, ready for sudden movements. Slowly, he looked to Daniel, to measure his reaction to figure out the next move.
Daniel looked horrified. His face had fallen pale and his posture was like a cornered animal’s. Just when Orlando thought he’d faint, his eyes slowly looked down and glazed over, his shoulders drooping in utter defeat.
Orlando decided to try and salvage this. “I am not sure what you’re thinking, but I’m here to just pick up some stuff…” Orlando hesitated. Should he use Daniel’s real name? “... he donated to charity,” Orlando said, putting on his just-a-regular-citizen voice. “Yesterday he donated a coffee maker and a microwave, today it’s some clothes he doesn’t wear anymore.”
The woman’s eyes snapped to Orlando and he immediately understood why Daniel looked so terrified. Her gaze felt like a hawk zeroing in on a mouse. “And who are you?”
Good thing Orlando had learned to mask his emotions from a young age. “My name is Basil. I work for Christine’s Shelter for the Homeless.”
The woman raised her eyebrows. “Mm. And you were here yesterday as well?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The woman smiled, sickeningly sweet and hiding a dangerous edge. “Interesting. And why did you feel the need to shut my security cameras off while you were here?”
Orlando put a confused look on his face. “The cameras? I… I’m afraid I have no idea what that’s about.”
She narrowed her eyes and stared at Orlando for a long time. “Leave,” she said coldly. “Or I’ll call the police on you.”
“Okay, sheesh,” Orlando said, pretending to be surprised and only slightly peeved. “No need to get so testy.” He left the house and let the brief disguise drop.
This was bad. If the woman was anything like Orlando knew abusive people to be, she would tighten her grip on Daniel now that she’s witnessed an escape attempt. Orlando did manage to play it off as something else, but he was fairly sure she hadn’t bought it. Only an idiot would have looked at the scene right at the front door and thought it was nothing but illicit. Orlando’s stomach twisted as he thought how the woman would treat Daniel from now on… He felt awful for having to leave Daniel there for one more day, but it was either that or risk getting arrested.
Orlando racked his brain for a new plan. Now he not only had to sneak Daniel out of the house, he had to make sure the woman wouldn’t track them down and find him again. Of course, it was surprisingly easy to disappear into the lower levels and be almost completely untracked. Orlando had an advantage in this, since he’s been trained since childhood to track other people while avoiding to be tracked himself.
The hardest part, however, would be getting Daniel and Fang out of the house… The only way Orlando saw how to do that was to wait until the woman was at work and then try again, while hoping it’d work this time.
Orlando sighed and rubbed his forehead. 
As soon as Orlando got home, he texted Daniel, asking if he was okay and reassuring him he was willing to try again if he needed to. He didn’t get an answer in a few days.
On the third day, he finally got a response.
Daniel: Hey sorry for that
Orlando scrambled to reply as fast as he could.
Me: Don’t worry about it! Are you okay?
Daniel: This isnt delano tho sorry
Daniel: This is the guy with the mohawk do you remember me
Me: Oh, yes, I do
Daniel: My names adriano btw
Daniel: Anyway delanos… hes not fine
Daniel: Delanos like… idk how to describe it its like he gave up on escaping its like hes just going to accept that this is his life now
Daniel: Its scary as fuck dude
Daniel: Mom took his phone away like hes a teenager thats so fucking messed up
Daniel: I stole his phone back but he insisted i have it just in case
Daniel: Im fucking terrified moms literally holding him as a prisoner here
Daniel: I never knew mom could do something like this
Daniel: We cant stay here
Daniel: You gotta help us
The texts popped up one after another in rapid succession. Orlando waited until he was done.
Me: Okay. Let me make some things clear. Does Delano still want out?
Daniel: Idk man he’s so defeated
Daniel: Im going to drag him out tho
Daniel: My moms a psycho this place is killing him
Me: Alright. I’ll drag him out too, if you want me to
Daniel: Why is that even a question of course i want you to get us the fuck out of here
Daniel: Theres no way i can trust mom again now that ive seen what shes really like
Me: Of course. And you want to come along too?
Daniel: Yeah
Orlando frowned. Hiding two people and a dog might be tricky. But he would at least try.
Me: I’ll do what I can
Daniel: Delano said you need to talk to lillith
Orlando frowned. Lillith? The founder of the Sex Workers’ Union? The Queen of the Low Levels? Wait, why was Orlando surprised that Daniel knew her? Daniel was a sex worker, of course he would belong in the Union.
Contacting Lillith would be a good call, though. She was notoriously protective of sex workers. If they were lucky, she could help with this situation… 
Me: I’ll do that. Thank you
Me: I’ll contact you when I have a plan
Me: Try to hold on until then
Daniel: Thank you
Daniel: Well do our best
Orlando had worked for Lillith a few times before, but he didn’t know her personally. He had to wonder if she would respond well to him asking a favour, as he wasn’t a part of the union. Figuring he had to at least try, he sent Lillith a text.
Me: Hello, Miss Lillith. I am contacting you today on behalf of one of your workers. He is currently held against his will by an abusive person and he needs help getting out. He and I both would appreciate your help.
Lillith took a short time to reply.
Miss Lilly: What’s the worker’s name? Do you have an address?
Me: I believe his name is Delano
Orlando also sent the address to her.
Miss Lilly: Jesus fucking christ
Miss Lilly: He just had to go piss of that bitch out of all people
Me: What do you mean?
Miss Lilly: It’s going to be bitch and a half busting him out, is what I mean
Miss Lilly: I’ve heard rumours that this woman has no chill
Orlando thought back when she had looked at him when he had been at her house. He could believe that.
Me: I am not surprised
Miss Lilly: Yeah. I need more info on the sitch. Can I text Delano? Does he have his phone?
Me: His phone is secured, but he doesn’t have access to it. You can text the number and get an answer, though
Miss Lilly: Wdym? Who has his phone?
Me: We can trust him. He’s also stuck in the house with Delano. We need to get him out as well
Miss Lilly: So there’s two people we need to get out?
Me: Two people and a dog
Miss Lilly: Hmm. It’s going to be tricky, but possible
Miss Lilly: How much stuff are they going to have?
Me: I got most of Delano’s stuff out, so only a little of his, but most of Adriano’s. I believe he has a guitar that he’s going to want to take along.
Me: Delano also has a broken arm at the moment
Miss Lilly: God damn
Miss Lilly: Okay. No panic. I have a plan
And so, a few days later, Orlando was headed back to the house, with four sex workers (Ana, Sara, Jessie and Rosa, as Orlando learned) sent by Lillith. “To help carry stuff,” one of them had explained. Orlando hadn’t complained.
“How do we know she won’t appear to interrupt us again?” Orlando asked, while the group were in an elevator, on their way to the upper levels.
“Lils got it,” Jessie said.
“If Lils says she got it, she got it,” Sara agreed.
“We trust Lils,” Rosa said with a nod.
Orlando nodded slowly. He supposed he should trust her too, then.
The group arrived at the house and put on masks that would scramble their faces on any cameras that caught them.
“Let’s go, girls,” Ana said with a grin. “And boy, I guess.”
The group marched to the door and rang the doorbell before Orlando could protest.
“Relax, we’re wearing masks,” Jessie said, waving her hand.
“Yes, but I’d still like to avoid getting caught on security cameras,” Orlando muttered as Rosa hammered the doorbell.
The door opened and Adriano was behind it, looking irritated. “For fuck’s sake, I heard you the fir…” he trailed off as Rosa and Ana screamed.
“Oh my gawd, you’re cuuute!”
Adriano flushed up to his ears, immediately matching his hair. He looked like he was panicking as his eyes landed on Orlando. “Be… BG?”
“It’s me,” Orlando said with a sheepish smile that Adriano didn’t even see. “I got some extra help with me this time.”
“Alright…”  Adriano let the group in.
“Jesus christ, this place is fancy as shit,” Sara said as they stepped in.
“God daaaamn,” Ana breathed. “I wouldn’t mind switching places with Delano.”
“Why did you bring sex workers here?” Adriano whispered to Orlando.
“They’re here to help,” Orlando whispered back. “Be respectful.”
Daniel appeared and the girls screamed. “DELANOOOO!”
Daniel looked like a deer in the headlights as the girls rushed him, all talking over each other.
“Where have you been?”
“I missed youuu!”
“When did you get a sugar daddy?” 
“Can I have him once you’re done with him?”
Adriano stared at this unfolding with utter disbelief.
Orlando clapped his hands to gain everyone’s attention. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but we’re on a schedule here.”
“Agreed,” Jessie said. “Let’s get a move on. We can talk while walking. Where’s your stuff?”
So the group dispersed to gather the luggage they needed, spiced with chaotic chattering from the girls.
“Can we steal something?”
“We should steal something!”
“I really don’t care if you do,” Adriano said.
“Oh shit, really?!” Rosa said, eyes wide. “I was just joking!”
“Go fucking nuts,” Adriano said, “cause as much grief to her as you can.”
The girls exchanged looks. “Let’s steal her shampoo!” They ran off. Adriano followed, for some reason.
“Jesus christ,” Delano sighed.
“Everything okay?” Orlando asked.
“Yeah,” Delano said. “Just overwhelmed. I haven’t even thought about sex work for the whole time I’ve been here. It all feels so distant now.”
Orlando nodded slowly. “Are you going to continue doing it once you’re free?”
Delano was quiet for a moment. Just as he drew a breath to answer, the girls and Adriano returned.
“Thanks for letting us rob your mom, sweetie,” Sara said, pinching Adriano’s cheek. “We don’t have to buy skincare for a few weeks now.”
Adriano was blushing again. “No problem.”
As the groups got ready to leave again, Orlando noticed that Delano freezed. “What’s wrong?”
Delano shifted his weight. “I… I just have a bad feeling, is all.”
Orlando nodded again. Last time they had gotten this far, their plan had failed at this same step.
“Don’t worry,” Jessie grinned, giving him a thumbs-up. “Lils said she’s making sure we’ll get to the lower levels safely.”
“Yeah, trust Lils,” Ana said.
Delano looked down at Fang on her leash, who was looking up at him, tail wagging. Finally, Delano nodded and looked back up at the group. “Let’s go.”
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lampoest · 4 years
by request from @yeessha
Mission Impossible Fallout Thoughts
Like before: cursing and spoilers !!
short logos nice !!
oop starts with lane talking, always a win 😼😼
why does lane have a beard in this dream?
ooh dramatic nice !!
probably one of my favorite openings
this is badass
hhh its my favorite anarchist:)))
ooh cool name
ofc it's about nuclear warfare why not ??
nervous benji = win
that man reminds me of elon musk :\
cant tell if that was tryna be a pg way to say 'fuck off'
where dat money luther ✋🙄🙄
what was that scream !?!
*throws plutonium*
cool car
ooh the shadows on that guys face
man this scene is really good
well shit-
oh hey that news guy
pulling a sneaky on him
i also love this scene sm
literally everything about the nils delbruuk scene
:0 so cool
benji got to wear a mask >:))))
sjshsjsgsjs they made a bet on it i love that
ethan is very cool
i can never take hunley seriously
ooh she pretty :))
this movie has great lines
i also love how it goes in depth about moral choices
also she pretty too :))))
i just realized why former presidents still are protected
i like how they curse more
bro why is walker so :)))))))
btw this is just gonna be me simping literally everyone
the height difference
ugh fuck off walker you may be pretty but replying with 'crystal' naw fam✋😬😬
yes because we can die
oop they be falling
i dont think that would work but ok if you say so
not even worth it
i couldnt tell what they were saying until i put on captions
although i dont need any captions to understand the french 😼😼
the faint beat in the background v cool
breaking things
chekhovs gun
shdhgdhshdjdhdjs why-
dis why you use the needle
damn he beating the shit out of them
ooh its ilsa
ethan why-
ooh she pretty too 😳😳
alright uh badass female is great
that man reminds me of a toddler
strong accusation coming from a terrorist
shsjdgsjs he wearing arm pads like the toddler whos mom is overprotective
oop change of plans
YES MY MAN :))))))))))
motorcycle chase pog
well shit-
eyy he killed some dudes
again walker, no one cares
oh dang she has to be careful, her aim is not the best
vrrm vrrrm
you can tell ethan is trying so hard not to punch lane rn
dang lane really flipped the interrogation hats off man
also i lowkey agree with his message. not his method though-
oop pretty ladies
also ethan killed 4 of your men maam
i love how lane is just standing there vibing while they talk to hunley
benji dont worry youre great
wait i just noticed that benji's outfit is so cool-
walker is cool tbh
ILSA !??
this seems awfully familiar
im working on it
its a trap !!!
benjis wtf face there
oop tea ????
im paying attention to outfits so i can recreate their styles
oop i love how it focuses on walker there
true true
sticking up for your friend
no hes just here because they needed more pretty men
waiting for a diversion
stole han solos line there
matching jackets😼😼
how did they swap them ??
and how did lane go along ??
chekhovs......knife ??
wow he really fell for it
also more cursing pog
my two favorite characters together :)))))
....oop i done fucked up
hunley being all cool and shit
benji being all cool and shit
lanes look of dissapointment is 🤌🤌
like damn bro you fell for that !??
he really tryna lie out of it
ooh her-
whyd he say that-
oop betrayal
i love how benji is the first to drop his weapon
so cool
yeah wait where the hell is lane ??
rip hunley
whyd they treat his death like the death of a lover or smth
first wedding crashers, then funeral crashers, what next ?? birth crashers ??
the most tom cruisey sequence ive ever seen. some comedy some crazy stunts and a broken ankle but still finishing the take
chair theft pog
also i love how not just in this scene but before you see helicopters flying around
hes just hanging onto the elevator and the look walker gives him is top notch
ooh blackmail
this feels like the glass box scene. his foes are getting away and there is nothing he can do
its mission impossible for a reason
tea time with luther
ilsa is a good friend
benji is the mvp here
dang im just realizing how pretty ethan is 😳😳
keep your eyes on the road
luther is great, this is all just a luther appreciation post
they all just copied walker's beard
oh no its julia
ah yes one of the bombs
i like how it actually does take about 15 minutes
uhh no❤️ tom cruise why must you feel the need to do this
LANE :)))))
again why does he feel the need-
walker :)))))))
julia is pretty cool
hes just like: what the fuck how- why-
airspeed ah yes the most important part of not dying
this is a julia appreciation post
what was your plan after that? the detonator would just be at the bottom of that lake
the expressions walker makes :))))
hehe bitch
well shit he has a gun
his hair !!!!!
some star wars level action here
bro benji listen to ilsa
sjsgsjgsjsvsjs this shouldn't be so funny
bro ilsa listen to benji
benji stop wasting time
probably last time but, lane !!!!!
found the other bomb
very true statements from walker
other ? bomb ??
no personal space
ooh uhm lane maybe please dont-
the way he just pops his head into frame like: what the fuck was that ?
no sir you didn't survive that. that is false
i love how she clearly has the same fighting style as before
no benji no smooth brain move
mr lane do your shoes need shining ?!?
dey see me rollin-
ofc he gets burnt why the fuck not
uuuhm what✋😀😀 when the hot oil started spraying i felt a drop of what felt like hot oil on my finger. i am in my room and there isnt even water in here. im scared
also how tf is that holding his weight
chekhovs hook
team work makes the dream work
dang keep believing lane keep thinking that ✋🙄🙄
hes still pretty
so close oh no
why do things just magically stop at the edge of cliffs
kesus crisp ethan not again
i love his shoes though -
what if the hook missed though ??
thats a no from me dawg
his meniachal little smile shdgsjsgsj
its an action film he'll have it
aww lane so sad :((( oh yeah and 1/3 of the world is saved too. good job ig.
i like how they end as friends not as romantic interests. v nice
i love how this movie highlights the importance of friends but not in a childish way. even as adults friends are important. they are there for you when no one else did. i like that message.
alright thats pretty much it. sorry that its just me simping pretty much. in conclusion this is my favorite movie 14/10 but i can't wait for the 7th movie.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Murder In Paris
Summary:two spies who are opposite to eachother in every sense are sent to an undercover mission,but form hate to love theres only one step.
(Sorry for the long post but the read more wont work)
Ok to rb
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Of all the people he could have been assigned with,it had to be her.
Jerico leans on her motorcycle, waiting for her frenchman companion.
Spy was bitching at something,at this point she couldnt care less,the plane trip was already very tiring,she just wanted to crash into a bed.
--Hurry the fuck up!-She screams at him.
The Man turns around Rolling his eyes grabbing his suitcase,full of their spy Gear.
He sits behind jeri, then holds on the motorcycle for dear life, and his legs caging the suitcase.
--Would you mind go a bit slower?!--he shouted as her, they turn around the corner,making Him hold onto her waist.
--No!--She answered back-- im tired!
This was going to be one hell of a day.
They arrived at the hotel in ten minutes, thanks to Jers reckless Driving, its a miracle they were still in one piece.
Once at the reception, spy leaned on the desk to the receptionist.
The Ladys demeanor changed as she saw him, deep down it made jericos blood boil.
--avez-vous une réservation?
- sous quel nom?
--jacques kateb
- voici les clés bon monsieur
- Merci, nous avons commandé deux chambres.
--Désolé, nous n'avions qu'un seul gratuit
Jer looked at his companion as he sighed,taking the keys.
And with that he left, jerico chased after him.
--oi!spy!--She called as both got into the elevator-- werent we supposed to have two rooms?!
The Man sighed in desesperation-- it seems like we had a problem with the hotel rooms, so we Will have to share
She was dumbfoded.
Are you serious right now?
They arrived at the last floor.
--Lets hope the sights make up to this...--she muttered under her breath.
The Man nodded in agreement.
They went down the corridor to the last room, spy opened it, letting jer go first, at least hes a gentleman.
Jerico Gasped when she saw the huge windowpane across the room, she cant help but walk a few steps closer to it.
She could see the whole city from here.
She smiled, Doing a small jump.
The Man noticed this,chuckling softly under his breath, she could be rather cute at a times.
Though the moment was Killed when they both saw it.
--Zheres only one bed....
Both looked at eachother like all hell was about to break loose.
Then jerico calmed down and scratched the back of her neck--ill take the sofá--she says--just let me take one good nap on the bed,im exhausted
Theres no way In hell.
--Ill zake zhe sofá, you should take the bed
Jer snorted,looking at spy-- dont come at me with that gentleman act, if you want to take the bed, take it
--its simple courtesy, you should sleep on zhe bed
--Jerico I insist, If not--
--the only option is sharing--i know
The frenchman was taking back, its been a while since he shared a bed with someone,that didnt involve any other thing than sleep.
--zheres no need to go to such extremes--
He heard her start to laugh shaking her head, then sitting on the bed, taking off her jacket and shoes.
--whatever your choice is, im okay with it,just keep it down Will ya?
He nodded, and hid the suitcase with their equipment, sitting on the old sofá, reading the newspaper that was placed on the coffee table.
A soft smile crossed his lips when he heard the faint noise of snoring.
He stood up,closing the newspaper,and closing the courtains,he had taken off his suits jacket,and he uses it to cover his companion.
He couldnt help himself and kept his gaze on her for a bit longer.
He shook his head and chuckled.
Jerico woke up at noon, she sits looking at the jacket, she smiled when she recognized it.
Shes about to speak when she catches spy, with the newspaper on his face,sleeping by the couch.
If she could,shed take a picture to show it to scout.
She then slowly and carefully moved the Man to fully rest on the sofá,unaware that the Man was awake.
She then grabbed the newspaper and covered him with his jacket.
Her hand brushe against his balaclava, some loose strands of hair had broken loose from the mask covering his face.
She then grabs her jacket and puts on her shoes, then she takes her backpack and closes the door behind her.
Surely spy would know how to unlock it without the keys.
She went downstairs into the restaurant the hotel had, she looked at the menú,knowing that spy was very picky with what he ate.
There was nothing that could really meet the frenchmans standards,but she preffered to hear him whine than him not eating,so she ordered in the most broken french youve ever heard.
She then sat to wait, good thing she ordered take away.
She sat on some of the sofa in the now empty waiting line,looking out the Window.
She started to take notes of the place, drawing her surroundings.
Its truly beautiful.
Eventually, she was called to Grab her food, and as soon as she entered the room, she peeked at spy, he was still awake.
She chuckled leaving the food on the coffee table with the wine and grabbing the glasses in the cupboard.
She sat besides spy and softly shook him--Spy, spy wake up, I got lunch
Yet he didnt wake up, she then shooked him a few more times.
The Man opened his eyes with a playful smirk.
--oh fuck you-- jerico pushed him back into the sofá and sat to eat.
The Man tried to contain his laughter, as he grabbed his food, only for his smile to convernt into a scowl.
--before you complain, that is as good as it gets, I dont want to hear it
The Man stays in silence for a bit-- very well...
The afternoon wasnt as interesting,they spent it organizing their things once the rest of the luggage arrived.
And well, thats when the small fights started.
Jerico was messy, leaving her clothes in piles,not even organizing them by color--
Well...actually she was pretty tidy....in her own way once he looked it upclose.
Maybe she wasnt that bad after all right?
And finally at night.
--jerico is already late we sh--
He stopped mid sentence as he saw jerico lost in the city lights.
He chuckled and sat Next to her on the floor the night Sky was clear and they could see the stars shining brightly as ever.
--its beautiful--she says softly.
--oui--his gaze turns to her,getting lost in her eyes for a couple of seconds, she was so concentrated,her eyes half lidded.
Spy snaps back to reality as he hears her yawn, he chuckles standing up and offering his hand to her.
--i zhink is zime for Us to sleep
Jer looks at him and then his hand,sleepily nodding, and taking his hand,standing up with his help, he chuckles again walking to the bed.
They both lay on the bed giving their back to the other.
Spy would have changed into his fancy robe,but with jerico present he felt somehow embarassed to wear it around her.
And jerico,well, she had no shame, she almost changes infront of him if he didnt reminded her there was a bathroom.
He always found it funny,how she managed to live in her own little world while also being the most down to earth of all his coworkers.
Well,he always found her interesting,since the day they met, she was his opposite but not...in an annoying way like scout.
His breath hitches when he feels jericos back against his, she thrashed around the bed.
She seemed to be having a nightmare.
He turns around and grabs her hands so she didnt hurt herself.
He then pulled her closer to him, and felt when she melted into his arms, finally calming down.
He smiled and let a chuckle under his breath--bonne nuit...jerico
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Like Father, Like Daughter.
A/N: Okay so I now have a bunch of requests to get through starting with this one. It didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped but still, I hope you like it anyway. Dad!Tony is a fave of mine though.
Words: 2223.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Adoption - is that a warning? - Happy ending.
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It was coming up to two years since you’d started working at Stark Industries. After applying for an internship you found yourself, just doing coffee runs for engineers, scientists, agents, anyone. You were ridiculously over-qualified and frustrated but you were patient, waiting for your time to shine. That time came after six painfully long months.
Some of the smartest people you had met during your time there were fumbling over the maths for a particular experiment, none of them seeing the answer. That was when you parted them, took a marker from one of their hands and solved the whole thing on the flipside of the whiteboard they’d been using. You clicked the lid onto the pen with a satisfied smile and turned to find a mixture of baffled and shocked expressions. Pushing the pen into one of their chests, you clocked out, muttering something about being late for dinner. Word reached Stark that you’d left some of his best completely stunned and he quickly found you, taking you under his wing as his own apprentice. He bounced ideas off you, let you work on projects and even gave you your own workspace. You still fetched him coffee though.
The two of you had formed a close bond in the time you’d been working alongside each other and it wasn’t uncommon you would hang out at the Avenger’s compound, entirely for work purposes obviously. So here you were, sketching out blueprints for some new machine on the sofa in the main lounge. You had been working on them damn near all day and it was almost 9pm. Fighting back a yawn, you switched positions for the millionth time in the past hour, lying with your legs flung over the arm of the couch.
“Comfortable, kiddo?” Tony chuckled, his head appearing over the back of the sofa to look at you. A sleepy smile found its way to your face as you sat up, turning to him as he sat across from you. “Whatcha working on there?” He asked, holding out a hand for the tablet you held.
“A mechanism that should fix the problem you’ve been having with the new suit.” You explained as you gave him the sketches. He flicked through the layers, eyebrows raising. “I’m impressed, this could work.” You scoffed. “Don’t sound so surprised, I’ve fixed your shit more than a couple of times.” You laughed.
“Language. God I sound like Cap, I can’t be getting that old.” He shuddered causing you to snort out a laugh. Handing back the tablet, he stood. “You should get some rest, you go back home early tomorrow, remember?” With a roll of your eyes you stood, stretching. “You of all people can’t tell me to go to bed, I’ve brought you coffee at three in the morning before.” You cocked an eyebrow, smirking. He nodded, looking past you. “That's… unfortunately true. I really can’t win with you, huh?” His head tilted. “At least I know where you get that from.” He muttered under his breath. Your brows knitted together in confusion as he masked the flicker of panic on his face. “I’ve met your mom, stubborn and quick-witted.” He saved with a tight smile. Turning abruptly on his heel, he left hastily. Shaking the encounter from your head, you walked to the elevator, taking you to the living quarters.
You’d stayed up all night. Your eyelids felt like cheese graters as you blinked, eyes dry and tired. The blueprints were finished though and you had time to pack your bag before your trip home. But first, you wanted to give Mr Stark the plans.
Padding through the compound, backpack loosely slung over one shoulder, you clutched the tablet to your chest. You’d grabbed an apple on your way past the kitchen and lazily chewed at the fruit as you approached the work area two floors above. With a yawn, you left the elevator and rounded the corner to the engineering labs where he spent most of his time. The door was slightly ajar and you heard hushed voices coming from beyond. Not wanting to interrupt, you stood waiting outside. Your curiosity got the better of you, however, as you picked up pieces of the conversation.
“You need to tell her, Tony.” The Captain. Who was he talking about? Tell who what? “Y/n has a right to know that she’s your daughter, we can’t keep this hidden from her forever and the longer it goes on the more it's gonna hurt her.”
You dropped your half-eaten apple and watched it roll through the crack in the doorway. Your backpack soon followed, crashing against the tile floor. Daughter. That word repeated itself over and over in your head. You knew you were adopted, you remembered the day your parents took you from the group home when you were four and they never kept secrets from you. But Tony Stark? Your biological father? That seemed impossible.
The door swung open, breaking you from your stupor and revealing Tony, wide-eyed and struggling to form words. A few other members of the team stood in the room behind him, full of anticipation and you sucked in a breath. They all knew. You looked at him, dumbfounded as rage bubbled up inside you. Your jaw muscles clenched, your nostrils flared and you shook violently. He moved to place a hand on your shoulder but you batted him away and took a step back.
“Don’t touch me.” You spat. Moments passed without either of you making a move. “How long have you known?” You asked, voice trembling. Tears pooled in your eyes as you waited impatiently for an answer. “HOW LONG.” You screamed. Steve moved past Tony, stepping towards you slowly like you were a cornered animal. “Get the fuck away from me, Rogers.” The venom in your voice caused him to straighten up, mouth parting in shock.
“When you solved that problem a year and a half ago, I did some digging. Saw you were adopted and when I found the records weren’t sealed I-” He was cut off abruptly as you surged towards him. “You’ve known this entire god-damn time and you never told me?” You growled. “None of you told me.” Your voice broke, reality setting in as you scanned the other Avengers. They at least had the decency to look guilty. They were your friends, you thought you knew them. Yet they’d left you to live the lie.
You turned and grabbed your bag, throwing the tablet at Tony before sprinting down the hallway and into the elevator. You collapsed, body racking with sobs in the lift as it took you to the ground floor. Thats what he had meant last night. You thought. That he knew where I got it from.
The doors opened with a faint ding and you scrambled to your feet, the ground tearing away beneath you as you shot through the exit and into the open air. You dared not stop, the feeling of your feet thumping against the grass as you ran through the treeline became the only thing you could focus on.
You weren’t sure how long you had been running but the sun was fully above the horizon when you’d found a road. With lungs burning as you desperately sucked in breath after breath, you tried to formulate some kind of plan. You couldn’t take the thought of travelling back home with him and your head just screeched at you to run. Taking deep breaths, you began walking along the road, hoping to find a gas station or a bus that you could ride into town.
You’d reached home nearly six hours later, hitchhiking with an older couple from Brooklyn. Arriving at the door to your parent’s place, you fumbled for the keys in your backpack. Every fibre of your being ached and cried out for sleep. All you’d eaten was half an apple and you were on your feet for miles. Before your keys slid into the lock, the door was ripped open.
“Y/N, sweetie, where on Earth have you been? We’ve been worried sick about you.” Your mother, Jules, asked as she pulled you into a hug. David, your dad appeared from the kitchen and quickly made his way over to you, enveloping his girls in a bear hug. “I’m so glad you’re home, Stark rang us to say you’d ran off upset this morning and couldn’t find you. What were you thinking? Anything could’ve happened to you.” He rambled, voice muffled by your dark brown hair one of the similarities between yourself and Mr Stark.
The mention of his name made your knees give out beneath you. Another wave of betrayal washed through your chest and you howled in the dim light of the corridor. Both parents tried to make sense of what happened as you talked between sobs, the truth rendering them entirely speechless.
“Sweetheart, we love you so much, he may be your biological father but we are your family. They should never have kept that from you. I’m at a loss.” Your mom tried to reassure you as she slid down the wall to sit beside you. Slinging an arm around your shoulders, she pulled you into her side. Your father brought you your favourite homemade chicken noodle soup. All the crying made you forget just how hungry you were.
Once you’d finished, you stood, thanking them for everything and going to your bedroom for some much needed rest.
Tony had been a wreck the past couple of weeks. He slept even less than he usually did, he made more mistakes in his work and he was quiet. He hated not having you around messing with him, taking excessive coffee breaks or seeing you get excited after a breakthrough. The labs were hauntingly silent without your presence.
Cap stopped him as he tried to run after you, to explain why he didn’t want to tell you and beg for your forgiveness. “Give her time.” He’d said. It felt like months since the argument but also like it was yesterday. Time had escaped him much like you did. A glance at the clock told him it was 6pm. If he left now in a suit he would make it to your place in half an hour. Has it been long enough? He asked himself. Part of him didn’t really care, he just wanted to see you and to talk this out. Screw it.
When he landed outside your apartment building, he was in half the mind to turn and head straight back to the compound. He didn’t deserve a daughter as smart and brilliant as you were. Why had he even bothered coming here its not like you would forgive him. But, somehow, he found himself knocking on your parent’s door, armour disappearing into the bands around his wrists.
The sound woke you from a nap on the sofa, the TV playing quietly in the background. You rubbed your eyes and stretched before standing, trudging your way to the door. Your dad was at work late tonight but your mom peeked her head out from her place in the kitchen as you answered.
“Who is it, honey?” She asked, unable to see at the awkward angle. You simply stepped aside, allowing Tony Stark into your home. Looking to you, she cocked her head in an unspoken question. You’d answered with a nod and a tight smile, knowing this would have to happen at some point. With a reassuring smile, she wandered back into the kitchen, giving the two of you space to talk.
“I just wanted a chance to explain myself, you don’t have to forgive me or come back to work with me, I just- I needed to tell you why.” He began. At your silence, he continued. “I knew you had a happy family life here, I didn’t want to cause any kind of conflict within that by telling you. I also didn’t want you too wrapped up in working with me because what I do? The Avenger part? It’s dangerous and I didn’t want to put you in harm's way.” A long sigh. “I understand why you were angry and I don’t fault you for that. You did have a right to know and I should’ve told you earlier rather than drag it out so long. You could’ve made your own decisions then. Just know that I am sorry.”
You weren’t expecting such a clean and well structured apology. “Did Steve help you write that?” You replied, looking up from the ground, mouth turned up in a small smile. He scoffed and shook his head. “I should’ve known you’d come back with something like that.” His whole body seemed to relax. “Well, I guess I get my wit and sarcasm from you.” Tilting your head slightly, you let out a chuckle. “I’ve had time to process it and think about it all and I’ve talked my parents’ ears off about it. I do want to come back to work with you but I think it’s best to just take baby steps. I can work from home for a little while and we can discuss things over father-daughter coffee dates. Sound good?” You offered, desperate to patch this up and build a real connection with him.
“That sounds perfect.”
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marvel--queen · 5 years
Lucky People || Jason Todd || Song Fic
Fandom: DC Comics
Word Count:  2,136 (including lyrics)
Warnings: nudity, sexual mentions, theres like one or two swear words but thats it
Description: It’s Jason’s birthday and you give him his Rated PG present before the Rated R present. Plus you get a little surprise of your own
Song: Lucky People by Waterparks
A/N: (V/N) means vigilante name. Sorry it took so long but happy birthday to my baby bird Jason Todd!! Also recommend listening to the band Waterparks in general because theyre the fucking best
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You close the door, thanking Dick for helping you throw Jason’s surprise party. All of Jason’s family came by to celebrate his birthday and even though Jason almost shot Tim at the start from startling him, it was a success. Dick was the last to leave, worrying about cleaning up the party but you told him you could take care of it. The minute the door closes, Jason’s arms are around you, nuzzling his nose into your neck. 
“Is there a reason why I didn’t get a birthday present from you at the party?” His voice was low. 
“Well.. yes,” You blushed lightly, “But not what you’re thinking about.” You turn around in his arms to look at his pouty face, "Not yet at least.”
You lead Jason to the couch and give him a nervous look. “Just, uh, give me a minute.” 
Jason looked confused as you hooked up your computer to the TV. You found what you were looking for and clicked on it. It was then where you returned to the couch and placed yourself on Jason’s lap. He wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into your neck. 
Grabbing the remote, you looked at Jason, “Happy birthday, Baby.” And pressed play.
The video starts with you in front of a camera with your guitar. “Hey Jay, right now you’re at the store grabbing me something and going on basically a wild goose hunt since Gotham doesn’t sell what I asked. But I’ll apologize later when you get back home.” You wink at the camera. “But when you see this it’ll be your birthday! So happy birthday Baby! I wrote this a while back but decided to hold off releasing it until after your birthday. Throughout this year, I’ve been randomly filming moments we had, I’m surprised you never asked but you went along with it and now you’ll finally know why.” 
You adjusted your guitar on your lap and spoke, “This one’s for you, I love you."
"Light us up until we pop I wanna burn bright 'til we're not Let's keep each other safe from the world.”
The recording stayed on you strumming and singing until the next line comes.
"I'll be your optimistic black hole Full of love I can't control Let's keep each other safe from the world From the world”
It changed to the two of you in bed laughing as Jason buried his face into your neck and blowing. You squirm away from him with a bright smile on your face before pulling his face towards yours for a kiss.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen, say it all”
The video cuts to you making him pancakes in the morning before you leave for work. It zooms in on the note you placed next to the plate, reading ‘Good Morning my love, I’ll be at work by the time you wake up. Just wanted to let you know that I love you and that we’re having dinner at the manor tonight. Deal with it babe, XO (Y/N)’ 
"I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call Let's be lucky people, you and me”
You hobbled vicariously to the couch, hoping to not spill the wine you were carrying. Getting comfortable and making sure your leg is properly elevated, you open your current book and start reading. The video cuts to a later time, as seen by the darkness in the window next to you and your book soon was read through. Throughout the video, your face gets more worried and you check your phone more frequently than the start of the video. It’s the first time in a while where you weren’t out there with Jason patrolling Gotham but since you got in a bit of a scuffle last week with some of Joker’s goons, you were out of commission with a broken leg. The video cuts one last time to you almost asleep on the couch. Jason crawls through the window and takes off his mask. You jump at the sound but your startled eyes light up at the sight of your boyfriend and you open your arms wide at the boy. Jason gives you a tired smile and strips off his jacket and utilities before joining you on the couch. Careful of your leg, he laid with his head on your chest and your arms circle around him. One hand moves up to play with his hair and you see a dopey smile form on Jasons’ tired face as he falls asleep laying on you.
"My hourglass is in your hands You've got my time, you are my plans Let's keep each other safe from the world”
Your leg is fully healed and you’re on the roof of your apartment in your (V/N) outfit with Jason next to you in his Red Hood outfit. His mask is off, allowing his face to be seen with only a domino mask covering his identity. The sun is about to set behind you as you laugh swinging his arms with yours. You pull him closer to your body and started to dance. He gives you a look before giving in to your antics. The two of you are goofily dancing before it turns to Jason just holding you and swaying with the sun almost gone behind you both, casting a silhouette. You break from his grasp, giving him a sweet kiss and flipping backward off of the building. Jason is laughing to himself as he grabs his mask, placing it on and following you on patrol.
"You've got me writing sappy songs I used to laugh at on my own Let's keep each other safe from the world Because I know it's hard to let yourself be fine But I'll carry around our worried flurried minds But I'll let go if you do too"
You giggle as the bubbles from your bath tickles your skin. Your cat looks curiously at the bubbles from the rim of the bathtub and swats at some. You hear the front door open and close and Jason calls out to you. 
“In the bath!” You yell in response and you hear heavy footsteps. By the time Jason appears in the bathroom door, he’s already shirtless.
“Mind if I join?” You respond by moving forward in the bath creating space behind you for Jason. Doing this made some bathwater spill over the rim and your cat yowled in surprise before running off.
“Crazy cat,” You mutter to yourself as Jason climbs into the tub behind you.
“He may be crazy but you love him,” Jason tugs you into his lab once he settled.
“Seems as if I have a type.” You smile back at him as his face shifts into betrayal.
“You take that back!” 
“Nope,” You grab some bubbles and try and place it on his face, creating a beard. You giggle at how goofy he looks until he goes and nuzzles his face into your neck, tickling you. Screaming, you squirm in his hold as he starts blowing raspberries onto your neck. Once Jason stopped and you calmed down, you sink deeper into the bathwater and Jason places a kiss on your head. You tilt your head up slightly to look at your lover and he leans down to kiss you. It’s messy but it’s perfect at the moment. Jason tapped your nose lightly when the two of you pulled away from the kiss.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen, say it all I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call Let's be lucky people, you and me"
You open the door to your new home and let your cat free from his kennel. He runs around the living room for a bit before losing interest and grooming himself instead. You laugh at your cats' reaction to the new house and jump when arms wrap around your waist. You turn your head to look at Jason and smile, kissing his lips sweetly. 
"My common sense is powerless And I'm convinced that you Caught me lucky, it's just the half of it The better half of me that I couldn't quit"
Jason is snuggled into your back, leaving kisses on your shoulder as you try and film. His hair tickling your neck as you giggle, trying to release yourself from his grip. Once he releases you, you flip him over so you're straddling his waist and the camera is poised on him. He pouts at you behind the camera and he looks sinfully adorable with messy hair from you pulling it earlier and dark bruises marking his chest from your kisses. You lean down into the frame and kiss his cheek. During then he catches you off guard and flips you over, taking the camera from your hand. You reach out to grab the camera but he dodges it and the shoulder of Jason’s shirt you're wearing falls exposing your shoulder. You scrunch your nose at him and make a goofy face at the camera, sticking your tongue out. It ends with you mouthing "I love you” to Jason before you covered the lens with your hand.
“ 'Cause now I'm flying across the country More than monthly for you You've got me more than clumsy But you're my yellow lovely"
For a month in the summer, you went home to visit your family. Sadly Jason couldn’t come with, he had duties in Gotham as Red Hood. During that month, you two must have facetimed at least once a day and you missed him so much, especially Larry, your cat. You couldn’t bring Larry along since your brother is allergic and the majority of your facetimes, much to Jason’s dismay, was you talking to Larry. Now the month was over and you were finally coming home. Immediately getting off the plane, you saw Jason. Looking like he just rolled out of bed, in one of your oversized yellow jumpers, he never looked better. Your smile grew and you dropped your luggage, running to the love of your life. He didn’t notice you until you were in the air jumping onto him. Luckily, Jason is used to this and he caught you with only a few stumbles. You litter his face with kisses and held on to him for dear life. 
“I missed you, I missed you, I missed you,” You repeat between each kiss before pulling away and looking straight into his eyes. “I missed you, Jay-bird.” 
“Sure seemed like you missed the cat more than me,” Jason muttered before squeezing your ass and kissing you hard. You smiled into the kiss and laughed at his comment. You may have missed your cat but you missed Jason even more.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen and say it all I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call"
The video closes with you and your guitar and a kiss blown at the camera. 
“Soooo,” You drawl out peaking nervously at Jason. He had tears in his eyes and gaped at you. “Aw you big baby,” You cup his face and kissed his nose.
Jason looked at you with love in his eyes before trying to respond, “I- oh god. That was beautiful, (Y/N).” 
You blush and hide in his chest, “Was it really?”
“Yeah, it was. Just, uh, hold on for a second.” He picks you up from his lap and races towards your shared room. After a minute of fidgeting your thumbs, he returns and kneels in front of you. “This is not how I planned this going but after watching that there is no one else I’d ever want to marry. (Y/N) (L/N), I am so in love with you, will you marry me?” He opens the velvet box he had hidden behind his back to reveal a beautiful ring.
“Oh my god, holy shit,” You gasp, covering your mouth. “Yes, a thousand times yes, Jay.” He slides the ring onto your left ring finger and picks you up from the couch, kissing you. You break the kiss to look him in the eyes, “Now, for your other gift.” Somehow, still in his arms, you removed your shirt to reveal his favorite deep red lacy bra you own and he groaned loudly.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Jason smirks before carrying you to your bed.
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dontmeanlove · 6 years
Let Me Down Slowly. | Part 4
Pairing: peter parker x female!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Plot: You suddenly have powers and have to find a way to deal with them. All while you’re dealing with boy drama and partnering up with your friendly neighborhood Spider-man to fight crime.
N/A: This is the end kiddos, I hope you enjoyed this story. This is also posted on AO3!  To find the rest of the series it's on the link in my bio!
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I had to dismiss Peter, but I didn’t know how. When I turned to him, he had a weird look on his face. 
“Go inside,” He screamed over the noise. I nodded because I knew he would never go if I didn’t. 
I pretended to walk in the subway station and ducked into the subway toilet to put my suit on. I tried really hard not to think how dirty that toilet was. Soon enough I was getting out there to fight.
“Bug boy, cool seeing you here.” I looked over Spider-man on the other side of the street. I hadn’t had a chance to use the built-in communicator through our AI. 
“Spiders are arachnids.” He mumbled after getting over the shock of hearing me right on his ear. “How can you do that?”
“Mr. S updated the suit.” I loved using this nickname, Bucky has started it and it stuck with me. 
“Didn’t know you knew the Avengers.” 
“There's a lot you don’t know about me.” I said with finality to my tone, “let’s kick some- What the heck are these things anyway?”
“Mr. Stark said they are like demonic giant teddy bears and to go for their eyes.” He was already moving to attack one of them. The eyes exploded and it was completely disgusting to watch.
“One word: EWWW” I shrieked.
“Ew indeed,” Peter said sounding a little nauseous.
We ended up teaming up and defeating many of them. By the end of the fight I heard Mr. S on the intercom, “You work well together, kiddos.” 
“Uh, thanks,” I made it sound more like a question.
“You should keep working together,” Tony said trying to sound nonchalant. Tony Stark has never been nonchalant in his life. He was planning something.
“Janet, get me in a private line with Mr. S,” I said under my breath to my AI (maybe I watched too much The Good Place, but no one can judge me).
“What are you planning, Tony?” I asked as soon as I knew Spidey wasn’t listening in. 
“Come on, I know you’re up to something.”
“I ship you, guys.”
“Oh god, do you even know what shipping is?”
“Are you calling me,” He made a dramatic pause, “OLD?”
I chuckled, I couldn’t handle this man.
“I would NEVER, Mr. S” I managed to say in the sweetest fake voice ever.
“You would look cute together, in and out of your suits.” I made a choking noise hearing that.
“I’m not saying anything else,” He said as if it was final, “You have to sort it out yourselves.” And then he hung up. I groaned.
“What’s up?” Spider-man asked.
“Mr. S being true to his nickname,” I heard Spidey chuckle.
“We should get to the Avengers Tower to get cleaned.” 
“Let's go, then,” I said already flying to the Tower, it wasn’t too far from where we were.
Arriving at the Tower I went straight to Steve and Bucky's. There was no way I would be in the common area getting cleaned up where Spider-man could see me out of the suit. 
I wanted to keep my secret identity, I’m sure he also had his reasons. I think what I feared the most was putting a face to Spidey’s personality and being disappointed if he wasn’t what I expected. What if he was different out of the suit, less the him I liked and more of an asshole? I didn’t want to risk it.
Getting the teddy bear goo out of my hair was so much harder than I expected, I was still struggling in the bathroom when my phone ringed. It was Peter.
“Hey,” I said cheerfully.
“Hey, (Y/N), just checking you got home safe.” 
“I actually came to the Avengers Tower, it was closer, anyway,” I was a terrible liar, it was better to stay along the line of truth.
“Oh, that’s good, I’m glad you were safe.”
“What about you? Where did you go?” I frowned, he had run towards the danger.
“Oh, uh, I found somewhere safe to stay.” The thing was, Peter was also a terrible liar. His voice through the phone sounded too much like someone I knew.
It couldn’t be. There was no way. 
“Oh, so cool! Peter, could you stay in line with me?”
“Sure, but why?” He was too curious for his own good.
I hit mute on my phone. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., where’s Spider-man?”
“Downstairs talking on the phone, Ms. (Y/L/N)”
“Thanks,” I said getting in the elevator, “Take me there.”
“Don’t announce I’m coming, F.R.I.D.A.Y,” I added.
I unmuted my phone. “Sorry, Pete, I was eating, I didn’t want you to hear me chewing.” He chuckled.
“No problem,” He paused, “Why do you need me to stay on the phone with you?”
The elevator doors opened. He was frowning looking outside the window, without his Spider-man mask. I hung up the phone.
“Fancy seeing you here, Spidey.”
Peter turned to look at me with wide eyes. I was still wearing my suit’s pants and my hair was still a bit dirty. 
“Somewhere safe, uh?” I said smirking. Peter blushed beautifully, touching his neck with his glove-clad hands. I frowned thinking about something. I looked back up at him. He looked a little worried.
“What is it?” He asked carefully.
“This is why you left me stranded that first time, isn’t it?” I saw his eyes get wide again, he bit his lip.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“It makes more sense now.” I smiled at him. It was okay now, we had already talked about is earlier today. He still seemed nervous.
“It's okay, Pete, really.” I tried to reassure him. He came close to me, inch by inch. We were face to face.
“I'm sorry for standing you up on our first date.” He touched my hand, I let him hold it, I had to remind myself how to breathe.
“You want to make it up to me?”
“Would you like to?” He sounded surprised. 
“Yeah,” I breathed out, "I would like it very much”
He started leaning in. I closed my eyes, not really believing it was actually happening. When his lips touched mine I gasped into his mouth. My hands reached up to touch the back of his neck and his arms were around my waist pulling me closer.
We heard cheering and clapping, we pull away to looking behind us. Tony, Steve, and Bucky stood there cheering like we were runners in a marathon and needed some motivation.
I could feel my cheeks heating up, I look at Peter’s face and he was also blushing.
“The ship sailed my friends!” Tony howled. And Steve and Bucky made sounds like a ship's horn. 
“Leave us alone, grandpas.” I half yelled at them. And everybody in the room started laughing. I hid my face in Peter’s chest, which was surprisingly clean. How did he manage to get cleaned up so fast?
“So,” Peter said picking my attention, “Date tomorrow?”
“Are you showing up, too?” I teased him.
“You can whoop my ass if I don’t.”
He was too cute for his own good, that boy. I kissed him again.
“You can bet I will,” I said smiling fondly at him.
tag list: @falling-stars-never-cry @gabriella-superwholock-universe
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Last chapter of the day, guys. Much love to you all. I’m going to bed, lovelies. As usual this is dedicated to @zeciex, @lovelykhaleesiii, and @frucienlover. Leave some love. 
Chapter Eighteen Seeing Her Again (Michael)
Waiting two years was long enough. The year was 2020 and Michael was tired of everyone already. Jeff and Mutt were unbearable during the construction of their suites in Outpost Two and Venable complained about the technology in Outpost Three. He had donated the Hawthorne School to The Cooperative to retrofit to Venable’s specific specifications, except the plumbing. That was the only modern thing she wanted in the whole place. And he had to oblige her every whim so she would feel important enough to still work for them.
Michael had had enough after the first six months without Lilia but he knew that he just had to be patient. Even without Mead, he was ready to just wipe out the world.
Finally when the time came for the bombs to be dropped, he was in Outpost Ten underneath the south island of New Zealand. He had called the appropriate people in each country that would eliminate the world and he waited. Just under an hour and everyone who had bought a ticket was there and safe.
When their bomb dropped, the whole outpost shook and everyone screamed. Michael just hoped that Lilia had made it to the safest place for her.
While in the Outpost, Michael made everyone believe that there was a Sanctuary built in case the Outposts were overrun by the people contaminated by the blast outside. When in fact, there wasn’t such a place. It was just a ruse to get everyone to go crazy before he massacred everyone. All to make way for the new world him and his queen would create.
Working through each Outpost was easier than he had thought. Everyone in them were some of the most dumbest creatures he had ever imagined. Throw in some made up place of salvation to outlast the nuclear winter that the bombs had brought.
Moving from one to the next one on his list, Michael was saving the third Outpost for last. As he rode to the Outpost in full protective gear eighteen months after the bombs dropped, he felt the pain in his chest lessen as he got closer to his Lilia. He knew that she could feel it, too. But, he knew that she would be so very confused as to why she was so attracted to him.
Approaching the gates to the Outpost, he waved them open and raced the horses in. Waiting for him were three of the guards.
He got off his perch on the carriage and showed his ID, which had his thumbprint and blood type. “I’m here to see Ms. Venable.”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.” That was Mead.
He smiled beneath his mask and walked toward the elevator down to the Outpost. “Tend to the horses.”
Waiting before the sitting room in front of the big fireplace, he heard the telltale sign of Ms. Venable’s cane against the floor. “I’m Wilhelmina Venable. I run this institution.”
He wanted to roll his eyes at her stupidity. He knew exactly what she was doing here. “Of course you are.”
“You don’t believe me?” He wanted to kill her.
“I do. I’m just surprised you managed to keep the chaos at bay. I’m sure you know that the other Outposts have been overrun. This one is sure to follow.” He explained. “I’ve been sent here to see if any of the occupants qualify for the Sanctuary. Those who don’t make it end up like my horses.”
With that, he walked away, Mead following behind him with his things from the carriage. He lead her to his old room and opened the door to let her place the bags just inside. He bowed his head to her and went inside, his heart pounding.
Michael could feel her, just down the hall from him. But he had to wait for the morning to see her again. He knew that the others would try their hardest to pass the Cooperating, but he wouldn’t really be listening. He just wanted to see her. He could feel her heartbreak over her friend and he wanted to soothe her heart by letting her know who he really was to her, but he had to wait.
Michael hoped that she would like his appearance than what he looked like when he wiped her memory. His hair was longer and a little straighter. He had finally learned how to apply the correct makeup for his complexion while she was away. His face was decorated in just a little red eyeshadow in the corner of his eyes, making his baby blue eyes pop.
He went over to his mirror and whispered the scrying spell to see what she was doing. It turns out that she had picked out her old room from when she taught her. That made him smile. She was sitting in just a slip and was reading a book about magic, whispering some spell that made the candles around her levitate. His smile grew as she was realizing her powers by herself.
“My love, you are overcoming the identity spell all on your own.” He whispered to himself as he made the image of his love disappear, getting ready for another sleepless night with her.
The next morning, Michael found himself walking in to the parlor where the survivors were waiting to see who had arrived and there she was. Lilia Snow, looking beautiful in the purple that she was deemed worthy to wear. She had another man’s arm around her shoulders and was looking at Michael with such lust in her eyes that he couldn’t move his own from hers.
He finally ripped his eyes from her when he made it to the front so he could see all of them. He got up in Venable’s space so she would move. And then he opened his mouth to explain the situation to the people before him.
“My name is Langdon and I represent The Cooperative.” He told them all. “I am sorry to inform you that all the other Outposts have been overrun and destroyed. Picked clean by the diseased.”
“What happened to the people that was inside them?” Asked the wretched man who had dared to touch the woman he loved.
“Massacred.” Michael breathed, trying to not rip the guy’s head off. “But, have no fear. There is another facility. The Sanctuary.”
One of the women scoffed at him and he glared at her, daring her to say something stupid. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lilia bite her and his eyes went to her face. “The Sanctuary is a fail-safe, just on case all the other Outposts failed. I have come here to determine which of you are fit to join us. The facility is impregnable with safety protocols.”
“Excuse me, sir, but why weren’t we given them?” Mead smartly asked him.
“That’s classified. There are others to help repopulate the Earth.” Langdon said before he was interrupted again by the same idiot who still hadn’t removed his body from next to Lilia’s.
“Who are the others?” He asked.
“Also classified. The Cooperative has come up with a questioning method we like to call ‘Cooperating’” He smiled as the blonde spoke up.
“What is this, The Hunger Games? I paid my way here and that is all the cooperating I plan on doing.” She said so confidently that Michael felt sad for her.
“Then, you can stay here and die.” He said with an air of confidence that he smiled when he saw Lilia shiver and move away from the man next to her. Her scent brushed past him that it made him close his eyes and breathe her in, making him wish to have her in his arms yet again.
Michael reached into his pocket and brought out a small bottle of cyanide pills, holding them up for all of them to see. “If you aren’t selected, just down one of these. In about a minute, you will drift off to peaceful sleep and your pain and suffering will end. The Cooperating process shouldn’t take more than a few days.”
One of the men raised his hand as Michael’s eyes found Lilia’s again. “I volunteer to go first.”
“And so you shall.” He smiled a smile that said he hated them all and walked away from the woman who had plagued his life without her.
He was waiting in the shadows, watching her walk out of the room after him. He smiled as she leaned against the railing as she did so many times at Hawthorne after dealing with detention with a student.
“I’m pretty sure dinner has just been called.” He stepped out of the shadows and scared her.
She turned to him, her green eyes meeting his. “Mr. Langdon.” So formal with him, he hated it. “I’m sorry. I’m not feeling all that well. I thought I would go lay down in my room.”
He watched her bite her lip again as he took a step towards her and breathed her in, loving the way she smelled. “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. Snow.” With that he walked from her yet again. This was killing him, but he knew it wasn’t time yet.
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sleepy-yo0ngi · 7 years
Dancer Like Daddy
Paring: Hoseok x Reader 
Genre: Fluff, comedy 
Summary: You go into labor with your child.
 A/n: Sup fuckers! This was a little something that I wrote on wattpad but I changed it up a little bit. I naming it the same thing so if you see it on wattpad, thats mostly the first one that I wrote. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
“Are you fucking serious?!” You groaned. You looked down at the puddle of ‘water’ between your feet. Of course the baby had decided to come when your husband was at work. You whipped out your phone and dialed his number. It rung three times before it went to voicemail. “Why the fuck- Why?!” You dialed the other members numbers. They didn’t answer either. “Goddamn it!” You screeched. “Is it that hard to answer the goddamn phone?” 
You decided that maybe called the front desk of BigHit would be better. 
“This is BigHIt. How can I help you?” The woman at the front desk answered. “Get Hoseok on the phone. Tell him that his wife is in labor.” Your breathing became faster as another contraction hit. You knew that you should have called him earlier. But you were stubborn and thought that Hoseok would have been home by now. 
The secretary seemed to understand right away because she didn’t ask anything. You heard the sound of heels and shoes against the floor for what you assumed was you husband.
“Baby, are you okay?” Hoseok cried. “No! I started having contractions earlier today. My water just now broke.” You panted. You heard Hobi sight through the receiver. “I’m on my way!” Hoseok hung up the phone. 
What should have been a 15 minute drive to your Hobi’s apartment, turned into a 5 when your husband decided to floor it. As soon as he arrived you were out the door an into the elevator, shooting a quick text to the idol telling him to not even bother coming up. You reached the ground floor and wobbled your pregnant ass self over to you husband. Hoseok grabbed your hand and helped you into the vehicle. “The boys are already at the hospital. We’ve called your and my parents. They’re on their way. Don’t worry.” You being in the middle of a contraction, you were calmed by your husbands words. 
When you got to the hospital, you were welcomed by Taehyung. He led you and Hoseok to the hospital room that the boys has earlier gotten for you. Hoseok helped you into the bed while the doctor entered the room. The woman looked at Hoseok, realizing that you were having another contraction. “Hello Sir. Do you know how far apart your wife’s contractions are?” The doctor glanced down at her clipboard. Hoseok didn’t know what to say. He was currently freaking out because you were in labor, he wasn’t going to be paying attention to a clock.
Luckily, you had been. “Two minutes.” You clenched your eyes shut and adjusted yourself in the hospital bed. The doctor wrote the time on her clipboard and exited the room without further instruction.
Just then your and Hoseok’s family entered the room. “Oh my god, Y/N! You should have called us!” Your mother scolded. “You still haven’t told us the sex.” your brother spoke up. You looked at Hobi. “That’s because we don’t know. We wanted you guys to guess.” 
“Fuck yeah! Lets bet!”Jungkook cheered. You pointed at them and told them that they were going last.
You’re parents thought that you were going to have a girl. While your brother thought that that the baby was going to be boy. Dawon and Hoseok’s family agrees with your brother and thought the baby was going to be a boy. 
Hoseok looked at his friends. 
“I think its a boy.” The leader admitted.
“I agree.” said Jin.
“No! Its totally a girl.” Disagreed Taehyung, shaking his head.
“This is all horseshit. Its a boy.” Yoongi’s arms were crossed and he was glaring daggers at Tae. 
“I would like to respectfully disagree with Yoongi hyung. I believe its a girl.” Jimin spoke up proudly.
“Girl.” Jungkook stated simply, shrugging. 
Although, what Jungkook didn’t expect was for you to get a contraction right as he was standing next to you. You instantly threw your head back in pain and hit Jungkook right in the no-no square. And hard too.
“Ow! THIS IS THE MOST PAIN ANYONE CAN EVER EXPERIENCE” Jungkook waled trying hard not to scream.
As soon as he said that you completely forgot about the pain that you were feeling. Dawon stood up and walked calmly (yet scarily) over to Jungkook. “I’m sorry I can’t be hearing you correctly. Did you just say that you getting hammered in the balls is ‘the most pain anyone can experience’? Cause guess what buddy. Your friend Y/N is getting ready to push a child out of her vagina.” Jungkook was done having his moment. Now, he was looking at Dawon in fear. 
Before anything could happen, Namjoon grabbed Jungkook by the collar and pulled him away. “Jungkook! You do know that child birth is supposed to have a similar feeling as being burned alive, right?” Jungkook shook his head swiftly.
Then the doctor walked into the room. “Okay! If you are not the father please leave the room.” And with that, everyone exited.
“What do you mean I can’t have an epidural!” You spat, clenching you fists. “Just stick the fucking needle in my back! Is it really that hard?” “I’m sorry Mrs. Jung, you are too far along. We don’t want the baby or you to get hurt.” The doctor said in a calming tone. Hobi grabbed your hand and gave it a light squeeze. “You’re gonna be okay baby. I know that you can do this.” He reassured. You smiled and calmed down a little bit. 
You looked at the doctor. “How exactly far along am I?” You asked, still holding your husbands hand. The doctor took a deep breath. “Well, considering how far apart your contractions are and how dilated your cervix is.. I’d say that its just about time.” He looked at the nurses and they ran outside the room, obviously knowing what to do. Your eyes widened. 
“How far apart is my cervix?” “9 centimeters. Almost at 10.” You almost spit out your ice chips. “Excuse me?” Hobi said, acting like he knew what that meant. The nurses entered the room again but this time they had on face masks and gloves. “Okay! Let’s begin.” 
(I as the author of this shit story am going to spare you the details of the birth. Mostly because 1. I don’t really even know what I’m talking about. 2. I don’t know how to really write the birth so hahahah.)
It had been 15 mintues after  the birth. You were currently cuddling with Hobi and holding your child when everyone enter the room quietly. You shushed them. “Shhh. I don’t want you to wake her.” You said subtly, smirking. Your mom started to cry. “Oh my God, I have a granddaughter.” She sobbed. She carried herself over to you and you gently placed your newborn daughter into her arms.”Do you have a name for her yet?” Joon spoke up. You shook your head, “Mi Kyong.” Your mother handed your daughter to Hoseok and turned to your dad and started bawling her eyes out. “Oo- she’s waking up.” She started to wiggle her feet and you smiled. “She’s gonna be a dancer like her daddy. Look at her go. She’s already better than Namjoon, honey.” 
“Hey” You and Hoseok turned over and looked at the 6 idols. “Look Mi! Its your Uncles. One of them is probably gonna be your godfather but that’s up to your daddy.” You cooed. Mi already had a bright smile on her face. You could tell that she was gonna be one of the happiest baby ever. Makes sense. Her father was the literal sun. 
You looked up from your daughter to look at the men. They were huddled together and were trying not to cry. 
Yoongi coughed before he looked up, swallowing away tears. “I just have on question.” He turned around and look and the boys. You raised your eyebrow.
“How the fuck did the three idiots of the group get the sex right?” Yoongi pointed at Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook.
Everyone started laughing. 
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flowerpot101 · 7 years
His Hope
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Request: heyyy there! can i please have an imagine where the reader doesn't know the winter soldier lives in the apartment next to hers and she ends up becoming a crucial piece of the avengers team? (maybe with some dating between bucky and reader if thats not too much?) thanks so much!
Word Count: 2368
Y/n had just gotten off her morning shift at the diner she worked at that was just down the street from her complex. It was now mid afternoon as she walked up the steps to her floor, she wished that her complex’s owner wasn’t so cheap to fix the elevator that had been broken for close to a year now. Sweeping away the loose strands that fell from her bun to the side, she finally ascended the seventh floor. Beginning to fumble inside her purse to find her keys that would let her inside her little home, head down while she walked, in her peripheral vision she could see someone standing in front of her neighbor’s door.
Pulling the bundle of keys from their spot in her leather purse, she stood in front of her door while looking for the certain rusty golden key. Jumbling the keys together she could hear the man knock on her neighbor’s door as he let out a huff of annoyance. Looking up to look at the chipped paint on her wooden door as the key slid into the slot, twisting it and hearing the soft click that told her she could walk in without bumping face first into the door.
Before she could step through, the man’s gentle voice came to her ears, “Excuse me, ma’am?”
Y/n’s head turned to look at the tall blond man, cocking her head slightly with a soft expression on her face, “Yes?” She asked politely.
The blond man was looking up at the door before he turned to look her way, “Do you know where the man that lives here is?” He asked genially curious.
Eyebrows furrowing as she thought long and hard before she shook her head, “I’m sorry but I don’t.” Letting out a deep sigh before she spoke again,”It might be awhile before he shows up again but if you like, I can tell him that you showed up and were looking for him.”
The man nodded, “I will like that very much ma’am.” He began to turn from her to walk away.
“Wait!” Body twisting around to look at her, “I didn’t get your name.”
Head tilting down as he let out a short laugh, “Oh yeah… Just tell him Steve was here.” Sending a curt nod her way as he left the building.
Once the man was out of sight, Y/n walked into her apartment for a much needed night of relaxation.
                                     Later That Night.
 Y/n had fallen asleep on the couch a couple of hours ago, she had heard her neighbor walk into his apartment around midnight but thought it would be best to him about that Steve guy in the morning. It was around three in the morning when she jolted up as she heard screaming coming from the other side of the wall. She instantly knew it was James, this had become a continuous occurrence ever since he moved in. The first time it happened, it had frightened her to death that she had believed that he was being murdered but that wasn’t the case at all.
There were nights where it didn’t happen and he actually got a good night’s rest but there were times where he didn’t get any sleep at all which worried her most. Y/n always ran towards his door, banging on it as hard as she could to wake him up from his night terrors. He always told her that she didn’t need to but nonetheless she insisted for it was in her nature to care for others especially since she was going to college to become a nurse.
Standing in front of his door, fist banging rapidly against it, the screaming and whimpering had finally stopped. Stepping away from the door as she heard loud heavy footsteps come towards her, it opened up to show a disheveled bulk of a man that was covered in a sheen of sweat. Stepping to the side and opening the door wider for Y/n, he let her in while she walked past him she sent him a small sweet smile.
Going straight for the couch to sit on the edge, looking around his bare apartment while she waited for him to join her, Y/n then tucked a piece of h/c hair behind her ear. A thump came to the left side and before she knew it, his head was resting atop of her thigh, his arms curling around her legs, scooting back to get more comfortable, her fingers began to comb through his hair to calm him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sweetly asking.
“No,” he huskily replied.
Continuing to comb her fingers through his slightly greasy dark locks, she remembered the encounter she had earlier yesterday, “A man named Steve came by looking for you yesterday.”
“Yeah, he didn’t say much, just was looking for you,” replying nonchalantly to how he repeated back his name to her.
Nodding with his face furrowing down, going into deep thought as he tried to remember what he could want. James could only come up with that Steve wanted to persist him even more with joining the team. If he did, that meant leaving you and he had gotten quite close to you for you were the only one who could calm the terrors that faced him nightly. You were the one thing in his life that became constant and he didn’t want to lose that, after all, you made him feel normal again. His eyes began to drift close as your humming began, it was just a random tune but it was one that he learned to love.
It was around eleven when Y/n had awoken and James was already gone.  She had to be at the diner in about an hour for her shift, she hated working there but it was the only job that worked with her schedule as she went to college for nursing.
The next couple of days were the same as usual; the only difference was that James screams hadn’t woke her up. She had soon realized he went on one of his long trips again, ones that would last a couple of days to weeks. At one point, one of his trips had lasted more than month which made her worry sick until he had returned and explained he had gone a business trip that went on an unexpected turn.
She didn’t know about his alter ego which he was grateful for but a nagging feeling was always at the back of his head. He wanted to get close to you but was afraid that the trigger words would one day pop up and cause the Winter Soldier to be released. And he didn’t want that one bit. Y/n believed that he was a normal man, living a normal life. She didn’t even know that he had a metal arm since Tony gave him a piece of technology that would cloak it and make it look like a regular fleshed arm. But like always, nothing ends the way you want it.
                                     A Week Later.
 Y/n was walking down the street in her classic blue diner dress, her head down as she headed for her home. She was just about to cross the street when a black van zoomed up in front of her. Letting out a loud gasp, her bag and phone falling to floor while the door slid opened, men in dark clothing and black masks jumping out, she began to back up to run away. But it was too late they were already grabbing her but she wasn’t going down without a fight.
Jutting her elbow backwards to hit one of the men in the face, kicking her legs out in front of her, she quickly got out of their hold. She heard another loud screeching of tires with loud heavy footsteps following. Turning about to run, she got a couple of feet away before a black leathered hand reached out and yanked at her hair, shoving her down to the ground with her head clunking harshly against the concrete.
Black spots filled her vision as loud groans fell from her lips, Y/n could feel blood stream slowly down her face. Loud screams of pains and grunts filled her ears as her vision went completely black. Before she went completely unconscious, she heard yelling of her name, ones pleading with her to stay awake. But she couldn’t do what they asked of her.
Three hours had passed by until you began to wake up; Steve and Bucky were outside your room looking through the glass. Steve occasionally sent glances towards him, he knew that he had gotten close to you that you were someone special in his life. Steve didn’t even really know about you until you had been attacked. Bucky was mad at himself, he shouldn’t of let himself get so attached especially with Hydra still after him because now here you were at the compound, passed out because of them and him.
He didn’t know how they knew about you or how close the two of you were but they did. It scared him to death because if they could figure out one simple thing, what was stopping them from finding out or doing more. Bucky was at war with himself, not knowing if he should let you go or keep you in his life and always have the risk factor. He loves you too much to see you walk out of his life but it might end up like that once you knew the truth.
Once the doctors left your room, Steve and Bucky soon walked in. Y/n looked at them confusingly as both of them came to stand by her.
“How are you feeling doll?” Bucky quietly asked.
“Fine but confused as why the hell I’m here and where I am,” she said with only a blank stare towards the two of them.
Steve swallowed before he answered your question, “Well you were attacked on the streets but we intervened and brought you here to the compound.” Giving you a curt nod.
“But there’s more,” Looking from the short blond hair man to James, “There has to be, they weren’t your regular kidnappers, not with how they dressed and looked.”
The two men shared a look between one another before Bucky nodded his head as he let out a deep sigh. Steve gave you a small smile and turned to Bucky, giving him a slight pat on his shoulder as he walked past him and out of the room. Bucky grabbed the chair that sat in the corner of the room and situated it right by you.
Sitting down with his hand combing through his dark locks, he looked up to you with a sad look, eyebrows furrowing, “Everything’s okay, right James?”
Shaking his head, looking out the window with his lips pressed in a firm line, slowly turning back to you, “No it’s not doll, I got a lot of explaining to do,” he whispered out with sadness and regret.
Y/n looked at his face, she could see the fear behind his eyes as they looked at one another, “Well whatever it is, I’m sure everything will end up being fine,” she kindly said, giving him her best smile.
Bucky nodded his head with his own small smile and quickly began to explain everything. He told you of his time at Hydra to the Civil War and to now. You listened intently, at first you were shocked and afraid when you learned of his true identity but that sound vanished when he explained everything else. None of it was his fault and you just wanted to scream at him, tell him that you didn’t blame him, that it really wasn’t him. He may have done the action but that didn’t mean he had control of doing it.
It had taken close to over two hours to tell you everything and his face looked defeated more than you had ever seen it. Now was the time to learn of the truth, if you were going or staying. Bucky hoped you would choose to stay but he knew that would be a long shot with his past and what he’s done. But he could only hope.
His head was done when he finished speaking; you were looking at him with tears brimming in your e/c eyes, and then you silently told him, “Look at me.”
At first he wouldn’t but after much coaxing, he finally did, his own eyes were holding back tears as he looked at you, he knew that this was going to end the way he wanted. Looking back down, not being able to meet your eyes, you let out a low sigh.
“Listen, if you don’t want to see me anymore I get it, I’ll leave you alone. I don’t want to put your life at risk,” he lowly whispered out.
Rolling her eyes while letting out an annoyed sigh, “I’m not leaving you,” she said determinedly. Bucky looked up at you with wide eyes, mouth opening to reply but you gave him a look and your hand came up to stop him, “I don’t blame you; I blame them. They’re the ones who put you through your pain and suffering, you had no choice in the matter, and you didn’t have any free will. But now you do.” Letting out a small sigh, “You shouldn’t blame the actions that you couldn’t have stopped,” whispering out to him.
Bucky looked at her, his expression now soft as he looked towards her, gently leaning up, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. Y/n then patted the spot next to her on the bed, “Now get up here, it looks like you need some rest,” she softly said.
Scooting over as Bucky slowly came up and gently laid beside her, this time Bucky held her instead of her holding him. A warmth feeling went through the both of them as they laid there, listening to one another’s breathing. It looks like he was going to get the happy ending that he always wanted with the girl that made him feel normal again.
@dekahg @kaeling
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reallifetomato · 5 years
I keep forgetting to post this but....
 apparently i have strange dreams, i dont think they are weird ive had them my whole life, but when i talk about them to other people there is always a reaction anyway i wrote one down (right after i woke up dont judge me on the spelling or grammar i was half asleep and let auto correct do whatever) and thats under the cut. OH and if you analyze dreams what the fuck is any of it mean?
Hospital? This was first dream p sure I died anyway hospital where park st post is
Something sinister kept going in but they wanted weird things
It was a testing/research hospital not a healing one
You go in but you don’t come out
Job interviews being held only wanted certain ppl strong body ppl but weak minded
Our friend made it through but as we were escorted out we saw something
Don’t remember what it was but it gave me a knawing feeling in my stomach
We waited for them at the entrance so we could go home together but they never came out and no answer when calling
Next day comeback would only be allowed in as a paitent
Excused self to bathroom and started searching hospital several rooms looked like small college classrooms but still something off ppl were blank some who were too far gone were doubling over the tables were being dragged to the back of room into a doorway
Searched rooms for freind found them but got caught being dragged away somewhere eventually squirmed free
I ran
I shouted trying to wake everyone up begging them to leave or help me but met with nothing but blank stares found my friend tried to drag her with me but she had turned she latched on opened her mouth and wailed to signify she found me I told her I would comeback as I tore myself from her and ran through double doors
It looked like I had run into a light but I was outside and it was pitch black no streetlights phone flashlight wasn’t working and there were things outside with me
I ran again
I tripped up the stairs running back to the park st ally where the post office was
Something grazed my ankles
I tried to stand but something hit me and my eyes went out of focus
Woke up here and went nah need more sleep
Woke up in a parking garage where the lanes and turns seemed to narrow for a group of three let alone a car I watched for accidents for a bit
I realized there was something I was supposed to be doing I need to grab my purse and jacket from the car
I walked to the elevators
Made it down to the bottom only to find I didn’t grab my stuff walked back up two flights of stairs realized I had my wallet at least and that was enough I started window shopping crazy store like someone too 90/2000 Japan niche pop culture and threw up 4 stories of it but I was cold and wanted to go back and get my jacket
I run into ppl I have dreamt about before their actions all too familiar
She wants a ring she wants love wants a life comfort something anything that her abusive parents can’t offer the man is at least 40 being extremely generous
The girl is maybe 12
He on the surface knows this is wrong but it looks like he is just acting for the ppl around him he wants this so he puts on a feeble show for those around him
He gives in if you can call it that and buys her a ring and promised to move her in and take care of her I want my jacket
I walk up to them and tell the girl long time no see and we squeal together like college sorority girls I think about buying a sweatshirt
They are all hideous
I drag her away from the man she gazes lovingly at the ring on her finger we stare out the window as the man pays it is evening now and it is cold we see ppl outside couple on dates two other girls walk up next to us
They are disgusted by the sight before them
“She shouldn’t be dating him he’s mine” they bicker and bitch about it behind the stores window where it’s safe I don’t know why dread starts building in my stomach
I recognize the bitchers next to us and say hi dragging the girl along with me
I insist we catch up and hang out go do something right now
I need a group I need numbers
We decided on going to the fun place an amusement park across town you have to pass through another parking garage we all being walking leisurely arms linked and the man yelling behind us I want to walk faster
We walk up the garage fourth floor is where I notice we are we flashed forward there and there are the same ppl from before the recruits the cultists the blank faces from the hospital they are tuning what seems to be drills
We quickly and quietly work our way up more floors staying as out of sight as possible
On the roof we are exhausted now unable to move as we did before we wade through the group bumping about I bump into the friend I wanted to go back for
We are all drained but we are almost there just need to weave through parking dividers to reach the edge of the roof and cross over the bridge into the Forrest into the fun place
I’ve done this before I know something is off this isn’t how it was before
Three ppl stand on the bridge I walk closer none the less I’m still staggering out to the corner the group I have accumulated trailed behind me giving up going some one else shoots ahead of me they over take me but not by much they don’t sense the danger in what they are doing
There is no caution to their steps no trepidation to their stance
They reach the bridge close enough I see all of their faces but a hear nothing the woman asserts her self but the other three have mangalled faces which contort and the lung she isn’t fast enough and gets pounced
Someone screams it could have been me but everything felt so distant one of the things see me and starts charging
I trip over a divider the ppl behind me take notice of the events say nothing but scramble to get closer
I continue to stumble through the maze of dividers in the lot before making it back to the group two ppl from the hospital group dispose of the creature but more begin to come
Can’t gauge how many because I am accosted by a looming thing with a rubber clown full head mask
We push him
Kick him
Shove him away
We are still tried and he keeps getting back up
A smile creeps out almost as wide as the big goofy one on the mask before it the teeth are humanoid but are too sharp
He jumps with speed but we dodge someone has a lighter and attempts to melt the rubber mask
It stinks melted rubber and decay
The clown stares up at us blankly and unmoving we though the mask hand melted enough to stop him we could no longer see the face underneath it
We back away and slowly he stands back up
We push him down and try again the rubber bubbles and our hands have burns everywhere others are fighting these things
I want to go back to the store I wanted my jacket
It’s too hot for our hands to continue biting his face with the lighters so we pull away his head squishling rotates in our direction large cartoon googly eyes appare where the human ones had been burned away the rubber melts down his face we want it to stop
Whatever he was his head was hot and in the process of liquefying we stomped on his face as hard and with as much gusto as we could muster juices flowed out you could hear them squealsh under or feet feel the bones and cartilage crack
The clown gruffs out a chuckle and continues to stare up at us we light him on fire again drag him to the roof matinence closet and hang him while his laugh grows louder and confident the fire burns and he stares at us
The fight behind us feels like it’s coming to a close
The clown convulses as his neck begins to break and the fire consumes and oxygen he wanted to breath
He still has the wide smile as the mask falls off of his face
I turn around to go back for my jacket
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 3
Summary: Roman has made it to Gotham. My gif!
Warning: Passionate reunion. Small amount of a daddy kink.
Side story of Creative Fervor, as time goes on Reader has gotten comfortable with Zsasz, and now calls him Victor.
You nervously wrung your hands as Victor drove to the airport. “I am so glad that this worked out.”
“It’s a relief.”
As he parked the car, you turned to Victor. “Should I really wear one of the masks?” He gave her a look.
“Yes, damn it.” He sighed. “Yes. We don’t know what’s or who’s flying in. Roman would kill me if he knew and didn’t make you wear it.”
You nodded. “You’re right.” Now you were the one who sighed.
When Victor cut the engine, you reached into your purse, you handed him his mask. “I will give Roman his.”
“I am going to go down to retrieve his luggage. You two can meet me down at the carousals.”
“You’re not coming to the security gate” Not sure if you wanted to be alone especially if there were a lot of people.
“We have divide and conquer. The faster we are out of there and back to the club the better it will be for all of us.”
You nodded, he made sense. “Alright.” Taking a breath, looking in the mirror you slipped on your mask. Then you slipped on a pair of gloves.
“Are you going to pin it?”
“Because you two...” He gave you a half smile.
“Ooo oo...good idea!” You looked in your bag. You happened to find two bobby pins. Looking once again in the mirror you secured the mask in place.
Once inside what you saw shook you to your core. You had never seen an airport this empty. Roman, Victor and you had barely been able to walk through a mere 5 days before, now it was empty.
“I’ll see you soon.” You watched as Victor disappeared going down the escalator.
You nervously played with your hair, then you stopped. You realized you might undo what you did with the pins.
You put your hands behind your back. Looking at the arrival board. You saw that his plane was now listed as disembarking, your heart began to race. Moving this way and that way, you even jumped as you tried to see if you spot him. Since most people were as tall or taller than you.
You saw him, your heart leapt when you did. When he saw you, confusion crossed his face. You watched as he realized with a head tilt why you were wearing the mask. A huge smile spread across his face and he walked faster.
The moment he passed through the threshold, you ran over to him. “Roman!” He put down his carry on bag and held his arms out for you. you ran into them and he swung you around. “Baby its so good to see you.” He hugged you close before he put you down.
He leaned in. “Wait a moment.” It broke your heart to stop him, especially when his brow furrowed. You reached into your bag. “Allow me.” He nodded. You had never been so glad he wore gloves more then he did now. So you only had to worry about the mask. You then carefully tucked the straps behind his ears under his hair.
“There you go.”
You gasped as he immediately grabbed you then and kissed you mask to mask. You could feel the warmth, you could feel his lips despite the barrier. “I’ve missed you baby.” He pulled back. “I am glad that I’m home now.”
“Me too.” His blue eyes were so fierce over the mask. “Victor has gone downstairs to get your luggage.”
“Alright, let’s get down there.” He picked up his carry-on. “Eeww. You should have burrowed one of my pairs.” He said when he saw the rubber gloves you are wearing.
“Roman, your hands are much bigger then mine.”
“Oh!” He chuckled. You had not realized how much you missed that sound until just then. “True.” He squeezed your hand.
Roman slid right into the back seat, as he did so he reached out and pulled you close. You watched as he moved to see as much he could. Gotham was already looking different then it had when he left.
“Fuck. Gotham.” He shook his head when he saw how considerably empty things were looking. “So we have a nice stockpile of things ?” He finally ask Victor.
“We do Boss. Was there anything you want we may have forgotten?”
“Chocolate covered almonds?”
“Got ‘em!” You chirped happily.
“My Truefitt & Hill 1805 Shaving Cream?”
“Extra gloves, and not those kind.”
Victor, nodded from behind the wheel. “Yup along with three new suits.”
“That is spectacular news. I can’t wait to see them.”
“I am going to lock up and seal things off down here.” You helped Victor as he took out Roman’s suitcases. “We should leave these down here. Roman, anything you need out of them?”
“Just the smaller bag thats in the bigger bag.” He came around, opened the suitcase and grabbed what he needed.
“Ok, so I will check that everything is as it should be all sealed and secured.”
“You will have to show me all you did.” Roman, told him.
“Of course. After you have rested you just finished a more then twelve hours to get here.”
“Yeah, that was rough.”
“So rest, and we can talk later.” Then Victor looked at you. “You get some sleep too.”
“I will!” You exclaimed.
“Y/N, I heard you pacing for most of the night.”
You guiltily shrugged. “I was worried.”
“Now you can stop for the time being.” He scratched the back of his head. “So I’ll be up later and we can discuss all about what happened in Italy and Antonio.”
Soon, then it was just you and Roman in the elevator going up to the penthouse.
Once the elevator doors opened he walked out, then he pulled you close. He was already tearing off the mask and you did as well. As your lips touched, a sound came from the two of you that was a mixture of relief and a moan of pleasure.
Both of you, continued to kiss but an eagerness took a hold of you two as you tore at your clothes. His blue eyes were a flame as you both grew breathless, needing to feel, to see each other. A level of want consumed you.
Your clothes, the gloves the mask were all left as a small path was created in your wake. Giggles came from the two of you hopped pulling off your boots, your shoes. With a force that only Roman had he grabbed you, pulling a sound from you as he held you to him and he kissed you again. Your arms wrapped around him, your fingers entangling in his soft strands.
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You parted once again. This time you couldn’t stop yourself from being a little coy, after it had been a few days yet it felt like forever. You laid down on then bed, removing what had been left of your clothes. Above you, he shed what was left of his clothes.
He came down on top of you, you barely were able to enjoy the feel of his naked warmth. His hand was soon between then two of you, your breaths mingling as a gasp erupted into a moan as he moved and you with him taking him as deeply as you could. Now there truly was no space.
He stopped, “Y/N” it had felt so amazing you had not realized you had closed your eyes. When he said your name, you opened them once again and smiled. “There you are.” He whispered.
“Always.” You replied.
Your hungry kisses matched his thrusts which were exquisite torture. “Please,” You begged, don’t torture us.
“Alright.” He breathed his lips pulling on your lips.
Moving together pleasure erupted all through you. Moans, groans and sounds you didn’t know you could make came out of you. As you arched against him you grabbed at him wrapped your legs around him. Anything, to simply touch more of him.
It was not long before your felt your felt yourself getting close.
“Yes..yes...just like that daddy.”
“Fuck, he groaned, moaning above you. The sight of his shoulders, just the mere sight of him above you got you closer still. His eyes only meeting your made you almost cum from that. “Cum for me baby.”
The sensation, the taste of him as you kissing finally brought you closer. “Daddy.” You whimpered.
You arched against him, as you did you felt as he dragged his tongue up your body. “Cum for me. I want to feel it.”
“Yes.” You whimpered matching his thrust. In your arch against him, you thought you were going snap in two but then he thrusted again and you finally came undone. “Daddy!” You screamed aloud as you came hard holding onto him.
His eyes locked with yours, you could feel the familiar tightening in him.
“Oh, baby!” He called out, then moments later your felt the tremors as he came hard within you.
For a moment, he just stayed that way looking down at you. You reached up and tucked some of his hair behind his ear. You both shared another kiss that sent shivers on your back. He finally pulled out and laid beside you. Going up on an elbow, you looked down at him. You both were still very much out of breath.
“I was so worried.” You said, shaking finally.
He reached out with his arm pulling you close. You happily curled up to him.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You had better not.”
You shared a lingering kiss, his fingers stroked and entwined in your hair. He squeezed you, “Baby.” You swallowed down the relieved tears.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @starwarsprequelfangirl @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @whyisgmora
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