#we have been dating for 6 years and we both forgot the date so we don’t celebrate a single anniversary
dokries · 2 months
that’s rough, buddy
pairing: kim mingyu x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, (a bit of) angst, established relationship
word count: 1.6k
warnings: miscommunication (everything turns out well!), mingyu’s just a little forgetful, seungkwan best friend, a forehead kiss
author note: this was requested by a lovely anon <3 again, i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it 😭 i hope you enjoy reading, and lots of love (as usual) 🫶
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mingyu thinks you hate him, and it’s not just because you haven’t visited his apartment for more than eight days—though that’s concerning as well; you’re usually over within a couple of days, even if you’re busy, which he definitely knows you aren’t, considering how much you’ve been going out with friends, namely seungkwan and chan.
he purses his lips, looking up at the ceiling from his comfortable spot on the couch…alone, just like the last two weeks. his phone dings and he opens it immediately, a frown appearing on his face when it turns out to just be seungcheol asking if something’s up between the two of you—of course he knows; seungkwan never even looked in mingyu’s direction the last time all thirteen hung out together.
mingyu sighs, responding back with a “ask seungkwan not me” before opening up to the last time you had texted him. he had said he was busy back when you had asked if he wanted to go to a photography exhibition, and you haven't responded to his hurried apology.
maybe it’s time to say something…? he pauses before sighing again, going back to staring at the ceiling, hoping the little stipples above him will make a decision so he doesn’t have to.
of course, the only reason you’re avoiding him is because you think he hates you—which may be a huge overstatement but what else would you call it? it’s one thing to not have time for dates because that, at least, you could understand. maybe it’s just that you’ve passed your puppy love phase, and that’s alright; you’re both very busy people but…why is he ignoring you? that’s not the mingyu you know, and it’s been almost a year since you started dating.
the most annoying thing is that he probably doesn’t even realize your anniversary is coming up in the next few days—though you’ve stopped caring (the dried tear stains on seungkwan’s couch pillow say otherwise).
so when he texts you while you’re at chan’s apartment, you frown in surprise, catching the attention of seungkwan, who’s beside you.
my gyu 🥰 ❙
hey it’s been a while since you came over… movie night at 6?
you move to pull up your keyboard but seungkwan stops you by quickly pressing the power button before you can even start typing a reply.
seungkwan glares at you when you start to protest, and takes your phone into his hands to prevent anything happening, as if he’s your parental figure. “don’t you even dare say yes.”
“maybe…” chan sighs and rubs his eyes with his palms, catching your attention—and seungkwan’s too, as he raises an eyebrow at his best friend, telling him to continue. “maybe we should give him a chance?”
seungkwan immediately scoffs and jumps into a rant about why you should do the exact opposite of what chan’s suggesting. “chan, have you not been paying attention these past few weeks? that man has left our dear baby—” seungkwan moves to shush you when you say you’re not a baby, continuing once you press your lips into a straight line. “he literally left them hanging multiple times, and all he had to say was ‘sorry i can’t make it sweetie.’”
chan frowns, tilting his head. “isn’t that what you’re supposed to say to your partner if you can’t make it?”
seungkwan pauses, sighing. “well…yes but come on, he could at least offer to make it up to them if he’s done this like ten times! also, he definitely forgot about their anniversary, which is so much more horrible.”
as seungkwan takes a deep breath to calm himself, you correct him quietly. “it’s been three times.”
“what?” seungkwan looks at you exasperatedly, and chan giggles from his seat on the chair in front of the two of you.
“i said he’s only done it three times. besides, he’s been busy…it makes sense for him to forget.” you hold out a hand to stop seungkwan before he launches into another spiel on how mingyu sucks as a boyfriend so you can keep going. “listen, kwan, i think spending some time with him would be right…but i’m not ready for that yet.”
seungkwan bites his lip before nodding, his expression softening. “okay. as long as you’re happy, okay?”
you hum in agreement as chan stands up, clapping his hands excitedly, and you exchange a look with seungkwan.
chan grins, pulling out an uno deck from a drawer in the table beside him. “how about we play uno to distract ourselves?” he nods towards you before smirking at his other friend. “i’m sure they’d love to see me beat you.”
seungkwan raises an eyebrow before scoffing again, raising his shoulders in a shrug. “well, lee jung chan, you should know you’re totally gonna lose.”
chan scoffs, and as your best friends start bickering like normal, you smile, knowing they’re amping up the dramatics to take your mind off…whatever you and mingyu are right now. well, you could think about your boyfriend after beating both chan and seungkwan in uno.
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mingyu’s been sulky all day, and wonwoo not asking him why isn’t helping the sinking pout on his face.
he stares unrelentingly at his best friend as wonwoo faces the self-help bookshelf in front of them, searching for the book he’s been looking for since they entered the small shop.
“why are you like this?” wonwoo eventually breaks under mingyu’s pitiful gaze and huffs out a breath, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose before turning to his friend. “what’s wrong?”
mingyu sighs like he’s been doing for the past few days, and wonwoo puts the book in his hand back on the shelf, expecting his friend to not get to the point quickly (he’s right).
mingyu says your name quietly as a response, and wonwoo raises an eyebrow. “what is that supposed to mean?”
“it means that they hate me! i don’t know what i did either…i mean look, it was pretty busy at work so i couldn’t go on dates with them when they asked but that’s okay right?” mingyu frowns and bites his lip when he realizes he’s a bit too loud for the bookstore.
nodding, wonwoo processes the information he’s just been given before he puts a sympathetic hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “good luck with that.”
mingyu scoffs, about to scold the man in front of him before his gaze drifts off to the bookshelf in the far corner, where the two of you had been searching for cooking books around the time you had first started dating, which was probably around…a year–oh.
oh, he’s so dumb, isn’t he?
“hm?” wonwoo says when his friend pauses, looking up from the book he just picked up as mingyu groans and puts his head into his hands, moving to rest against a nearby bookshelf.
wonwoo looks over to the cooking section and turns back to mingyu. “hey, isn’t it–wait…you forgot the anniversary, didn’t you?”
mingyu groans again in agreement, and gets a head pat paired with a “that’s rough, buddy” from his friend before he’s left alone, coincidentally, in the relationship advice section.
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seungkwan sighs as he comes back from checking through the peephole of your apartment door, gesturing towards it as he plops down onto the couch. “it’s for you.”
you raise an eyebrow, getting up to open the door—seungkwan already checked anyway, so there’s no need to look through the peephole again–and come face to face with mingyu, the man you’ve been avoiding. “oh.”
the paper around the bouquet of white orchids in his hands crinkles as he shifts his weight, a nervous smile on his face as he calls your name hesitantly. “hey.”
you nod in greeting before looking back to seungkwan, who’s glaring at mingyu with his arms crossed, and paying attention to the man in front of you as he clears his throat.
“i, uh…here.” mingyu pushes the flowers towards you, and lets out a breath of relief when you take it gently from him. “i’m sorry.”
you stare at him. “for what? forgetting our anniversary? for not apologizing for so long?” you sigh when he remains silent, looking back at the clock in your living room. “there’s only a few hours left of our one year anniversary anyway…it’s fine.”
mingyu shakes his head, coming closer to grab your arm gently with a serious expression. “no, it’s definitely not fine. i hurt you, and that’s not okay.” he pauses, frowning. “besides…i miss my partner–i miss you.”
you sigh, looking into mingyu’s eyes, and you know he’s genuinely sorry. you break your arm free from his grip, causing his face to drop.
you place the bouquet of orchids on the side table, and call out to seungkwan. “hey, kwan? do you mind finding a vase for these?”
“i have to make the most out of these last two hours of my anniversary with my boyfriend after all.” mingyu’s face lights up as you take his hand, still looking back at seungkwan’s soft smile, which matches your own.
you give mingyu a pointed look as you close the door behind you, trusting seungkwan to keep your small apartment safe. “but first, we really do have to talk about…whatever the last month was, okay?”
mingyu nods eagerly before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as the two of you grin. “i missed you so much, baby.”
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keelt9 · 30 days
Chapter 1
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The doorbell is already disturbing. I walked to the door and I could see through the camera a white napkin waving in the air. I giggled and opened the door.
“So you already visited mom, huh?” Lewis hugs me softly.
“It's so obvious?” I let him walk in, right to my mess. “It's actually happening, oh my god.” 
I put my hands at my waist and see my apartment or what still makes it look like my apartment.
Lewis points to the big pile of boxes and bags next to the window. “This is for moving?”
“That's for charity or rubbish.” I point to the barely 5 boxes next to the T.V. “Those are mine.” 
He pressed his lips together, seeing the mayhem in the kitchen, all types of food containers and a lot, a lot of boxes and bags split all over it.
“What have you been eating?” That moody voice tone exactly as mom.
I walked to clean the sofa so he could sit. “Pizza, Mexican and Chinese, healthy meals.”
I layed in the carpet tired as I heard him talking about what I should be eating; however he wasn’t speaking to me, he's on his phone ordering food, a healthy one.
He hung out, took out his coat and laid next to me. “Upside down?” 
I scoff remembering what these 7 months have been, hitting like a thunder on my mind and heart.
“I had a life planned Lew, literally I was at 10 hours of walking down the altar, and look at me.” I raised my arms to the sky. “Now I’m packing, trying to move on and set a piece of life together.”
Lewis sighs but turns on a Bob Marley's song, “Three Little Birds.”
“And the job?” I laugh because I forgot to mention I already quit my job. 
I see the empty walls and furniture, the frames piled in a box and the bag full of fragments of photos. Years in tiny parts.
I told my twisted life to my older brother, after a delicious dinner and random talk with Lewis, he walks and observes the boxes and suitcases.
“So all this goes with mom?” I forget I changed the moving date, but the new owners of the apartem arrive in 3 days. 
I tossed my hair. “It’s the plan.” 
Lewis makes a weird face as he sees all the wedding presents that friends and family instead I keep. 
“Why don’t you send it to my place? I’m barely at home.” I stand up and walk to him. “I know you can handle it, but it’s easier.” 
I see the present disturb him so much, and put it away.  “Ok, not because it is easier, unless you find a job.” 
I have money for living 3 months without worrying too much. However, in my to do list to find a job it's a priority.
“Oh, talking about that.” I shook my head and he put his hands on my shoulders. “Listen to me first, ok? I don’t spoil you, not that much.” 
Both of us laugh.
“I’ve been thinking, you need distance from all this, and you and I have been talking about founding a refuge for dogs, right? So, here is my offer.” He used his poker face. “Prepare a proposal for the refuge, all included, convince me and if you do it, I set everything for we can put it to work. But I have two conditions.” 
I bluff but I keep listing. “1. You will accept a modest pay for reporting your advances. 2. You’ll come with me this season.” 
I roll my eyes faking a laugh, and walk back to keep packing, but he doesn't surrender.
“Come on, it’s a good offer. Besides, I need someone who’s to keep an eye on Rosco all the time and not be distracted for the race.” 
I feel so proud of Lewis, however he knows I’m not anymore a huge fan of the formula one, less if he didn’t win, and Rosco doesn’t travel that far.
“Don’t use Rosco against me.” I turn around and a photo of Rosco is in front of me. “Hamilton!” 
Lewis moved his phone in front of my face. “Think about it, ok? Meanwhile I’ll keep your boxes safe.”  
I push him as he begins to close the boxes with tape. “It’s rude to use my love for Rosco against me, you know that?”
He smiles but doesn't answer and focuses on his task.
It's a bittersweet feeling how 6 years of my life now is packaged in 5 boxes, 3 suitcases and 2 bags. 
T.V turned on, like always, mom is in her bedroom watching the first race of the season early in the morning. 
I soft knock on her door. “Can I come in?” She smiles and pats the side of her bed as I laid down with her.
After a couple of minutes she finally spoke. “I’m proud, how you are handling this.”
I scoff and hide under the sheets. “Mom, I’m a mess, I feel like a mess and my life is a mess. Proud of what?”
Mom discovers my head and smiles softly at me. “But you are still fighting, believe that is more than enough.” Jewel appears under the sheets and licks my face. “A mess but a wonderful one.” 
I smile and hug her as Jewel gets between us. “Thanks mom.” 
The commentator said Lewis made an amazing overpass to Sainz and now is in the 5th place, mom splits and watches the T.V holding my hand.
The radio communication of Max appears on the screen along his onboard.
“Smart guy, a little bit not too friendly? I think.” I laugh and stand to go change my clothes for taking out Jewel.
Mom stops me at the door. “You have all packed?”
I nodded and Jewel was about to pass over my feet, sniffing my shoes. The 3 year old pomeranian, who is picky about his morning walks.
“Don’t be jealous young lady, those boys have my things, I must be nice.” The expression of my mom makes me smile.
Melbourne greeted me with a strong windy day, following the specific and detailed instruction of Lewis. I just packed what I could need and no one could get it for me. 
We agreed that I don’t attend the paddock on the days of practices and the qualy day. I remind myself to focus on my job and I keep my nerves calm as much as I can.
At 5 am, I knew it Lewis knock the door of my room, three soft knocks follow by <It’s me.>
I opened the door for him, eyes half closed as he put a bag over my bed. 
“I can’t believe I got you this.” I opened the bag and saw the t-shirt and caps I asked him. “The clothes are perfectly fine.” He pointed to the other bag next to my bed.
The day I arrived a bag full of clothes was on my bed, my issue is all are clothes style Lewis Hamilton.
I take out the clothes of Mercedes, black and white t-shirt and only black caps. “I’m not a fashionista, thank you so much.” Lewis scoffs and tosses my hair.
“Don’t be late.” He said leaving my room and sunglasses on. The sun didn’t even come out yet.
In the paddock I arrive in calm and walk right to Mercedes hospitality greeting all the people I know and someone who I was introduced to in the past days.
I stayed in there as much as I could, working and seeing the videos that are posted in the preview. After the ceremony I stopped working and walked where all the Mercedes crew used to watch the race. 
Great race for Lewis and a second place, get all the team clapping and congratulating each other for the good work. I remind myself in the garage all the ceremony to keep far away from the cameras and reporters.
It isn’t like the old times anymore.
After the ceremony, along with the celebrations, Lewis changed his wet clothes. I met him in the garage giving him a big hug.
“So proud of you.” I hug him tight, before splitting and hugging him one more time. “Mom said this is for her.” 
Lewis chuckles and sighs. “I’m so happy to have you here again.”
With the cameras focused one more time in the first place, almost all the garages are calm.
After I split from Lewis, someone got down my cap and hugged me shaking me side to side.
“Here is where you've been hiding, huh?” I recognized the voice of Bottas even though my eyes were covered.
I giggle. “Damn it, I should stay in the hospitality room.” Mocking Bottas who let me go and smiled at me.
Checo laughs and I hug him. “How long has it been?” 
I didn’t even think about it, but there are few pilots who have kept going here since the last time I came to a Gran Prix.
Lewis sighs as both of us look at each other. “Pff, like, 9-10 years, more less?” I said winning eyes wide open from everyone.
“You were this tall.” Checo raised his hand to the level of his torso.
Bottas couldn’t let go. “No, no, this tall.” This time my height was at their waist.
I giggle. “Ok, I got it, I will say hi from time to time. I wasn’t that little.” I stuck my tongue out for them.
“Yes, you were.” Lewis sentences. “But, this grown up guys has been asking if it was actually you, the girl who has a strong resemblance and walks around the paddock or if it was someone else.”
“Turns out, it’s actually you.” Bottas fake a shock expression. 
Their respective crews interrupt us, all still have a lot of things to do, so they say goodbye and make me promise at least I won't hide from them, the younger ones have to live with that.
Late at night, Lewis finally had time to rest and we went out for dinner. We chose a nice place with an amazing view to the ocean far away from people so we can talk in peace.
“It changed?” Lewis asked in the middle of our dinner. “The paddock, the atmosphere, all.” 
“It’s been 10 years, Hamilton, of course changed, a lot of new faces.” 
Years ago I was the little sister of a F1 champion. There were days where cameras were over me and made me feel…. some relevant, a proud sister who was grabbed at her father and mother's hands supporting his older brother.
Just I forgot that I was a little fish in a tank of sharks.
Lewis clearly understood the silence that followed by stirring answers.
“You’re right, things change.” Lewis careness my hair and smiles at me. “Remember it’s just a year, by the end of it you will be a brand new you at that’s what matters to me.” Lewis has this tendency of making me cry easily.
I sniffed as I laid my head in his hand. “Why do I have the best brother in the world?” 
Lewis laughed and laid back a proud smile on his face. “What a coincidence! I had the same question.”
The no race weeks I spent in Newport in Wales where I plan to set up the refuge; searching places and an apartment, a few days in London babysitting Rosco and explaining Lewis my advances in search for some recommendation, but always I have the same answer. 
<You have the master's on this, I trust you. Just think about put Rosco face on the inauguration.>
One of the many things I love from the paddock is the Mercedes area; big black crystals all over the place, almost impossible to see inside but so easily to see outside, at the last level a rest zone where you can hardly hear the people from inside and the people outside hears and feels distant.
The race week in Azerbaiyan I allowed myself to go to the paddock for the sprint. Lewis finished in seventh place and George in fourth, so after it ended all reunited for the small meeting they had every time a race ended.
I go to work in what I called, the tea zone, with some peaches and my computer trying to brainstorm me, but I get stuck every time I start typing. 
I bite the top of my pen and I close the computer at this rate I’ll have burned out.
I lay back my head, stretching my neck and when I sit down straight one more time I notice the top level of the Red Bull building is almost empty, just a single person taking a Red Bull watching his phone. 
I go down stairs where I can see right to Tom, one of the teammates of Lewis. 
“Still inside, huh?” Tom nods, making adjustments to his camera.
“Tough day.” He sees me. “This is a familiar thing, huh?” He pointed at the sunglasses. 
I giggle while taking another bite of my peach. “We can say that.” I sigh. “I’m going out for a while, I’ll be back to leave with my brother, all right?” 
Tom nods, after a month they learned one thing; Lewis, this time is overprotective of me.
“Use one of the markers so you don't get lost again.” Tom jokes about the first week I arrived, I got lost as I walked around the place.
At the end of the day, there was a lot of movement around the place, but what always calls for attention is the drivers. If you can see a bunch of cameras, people and one single color in the middle you find a driver.
I reached the zone where you can see all the garages, I stopped there trying to focus on and put an order to my mind. 
“It’s weird for someone who isn’t that excited to have a car just a few meters away.” I don’t turn around hoping for my “I know” to be a satisfactory answer. “Almost all around here would give anything to be this close.”
Reckless I turn around. “I have other priorities, a different one. I’m here for who matters to me.” 
“Then you should be with that person.” I scoff at the answer. 
Mom, you're right, Max isn’t an easy going guy.
I stand straight holding my eyes on his totally not friendly face; curiously mad, that’s how I feel.
“I heard you could be here.” Checo speaks, still with his suit race at the level of his waist. 
That’s what for the sunglasses, I can roll my eyes and no one knows. 
“I’m not lost, I swear.” I walk to him, giving him a hug. “Such a good race, congratulations.”
Checo hugs smiles. “I better go, I should be in another place.” Checo narrowed his eyes and looked at my back. “See you tomorrow.”
I walked and didn't turn back but I could hear the conversation at my back.
“You collect mad Hamiltons, mate.” Checo said.
“What? What are you talking about?” Max raises his voice. I couldn’t avoid taking my time.
Checo makes himself more clear.  “She is Lewis Hamilton's sister. His little sister.” 
As soon as I arrived at the building, Lewis came out from the meeting, a kind of stress expression on his face. 
I greet all the team with a smile as they let us alone in the hall.
“Tough one?” Lewis put his arm around my shoulder, changing the subject.
“Are you hungry? Let me change my clothes and we will go for dinner.” Yes, it was a tough one.
As we walk out from the paddock Lewis notices for the first time my camouflage actually works. Wearing a cap, t-shirt from Mercedes and jeans, combine with a hoodie or a jacket is enough for the cameras and reporters didn't even looked at me
In the car Lewis giggles. “I'm impressed. Good plan.” I giggle. “Smart girl.”
Our night is pretty lovely, nice dinner, a good talk and going back to bed earlier so he can be fresh for tomorrow's race.
One more time it was an early race, so by the time I left the hotel, news about his arriving at the paddock were all over the internet.
I walk in calmness at the entrance even when I see the world wide champion standing outside of RB hospitality. It's time for a second round?
“Morning Y/N.” Bono greeted me as he appeared next to me, head and papers in his hand. 
Bono has been with my brother for years, supporting him, helping, being a friend, becoming family.
“How was the dinner?” He smiles and walks next to me as we get inside talking about our nights.
No, the second round must wait.
It wasn’t a good race for the team with the fifth place from Lewis and the seventh of George it's not how the team expected it to be.
After the race ends, I meet my brother in the hospitality room, I hear him so he lets out all that disturbs him.
“I left my phone in the garage.” Lewis let back his head. “Wait here I…”
I know he's tired of cameras and questions so I grab his arm. “I'll go. Stay calm.” Lewis pressed his lips together but didn't reply to me.
As I put my cap outside of the building I lost the vision in front of me until the incessant chattering made me lift my eyes. Cameras and microphones all over Max.
Same strategy, pass behind the cameramans who are so immersed in taking the best or worst side of the winner of the day.
In the garage I pick up the phone and walk back where Lewis has his eyes closed, headphones on.
“Where are those connected?” He laughs and takes his phone. 
“I remember the songs.” 
After a long day, finally Lewis is free to go. We'll take a flight late at night to London to go to a party of a friend of the family.
In the hotel lobby picking our things, we were talking about the time he has to learn to change dippers.
A few meters from the main door, Max intercepts us. “Lewis, you’re leaving?” Lewis and I turn around.
“Yeah, we have a small reunion with family.” Lewis stops and thinks for a second. “Oh, you don’t know each other, Max, she’s my little sister, Y/N...” 
“We crossed paths before.” I said shaking my hand in front of Max, but Lewis noted the acid answer.
“Not that good, I guess.” Max narrows his eyes to me as he tries to see through my sunglasses. 
One of the bellboys calls for us teeling our car is waiting for us. 
“Nice to meet you Max.” I said politely as much as I could. Lewis giggled and gave Max a similar observation as Checo.
“Winning her bad side so quickly, another record Max.” I heard his hands crashing into each other, in a high five. 
In the car Lewis giggles, shaking his head. “What?” 
“What did he say to you?” I shook my head and threw at him a fluffy toy I bought for Rosco.
“Let it go Lew, let it go.” He took out his phone and taunted me as I put my headphones 
“Just me?”
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scary-grace · 5 months
Enough to Go By (Chapter 6) -- a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 6
You find out what Tenko’s up to from the news – or from Kazuo, who texts you to tell you that “your friend” is making headlines again. It’s an uncharacteristic move for Tenko, who you know has been trying to keep to the shadows while he gathers allies, and it gets weirder when you find out that he showed up in a shopping center to have a conversation with one of the students from the class he attacked. You weren’t really watching the Sports Festival, but this kid made headlines for repeatedly breaking his fingers while trying to use his quirk. Every so often, quirked people make you really grateful that you don’t have one yourself.
Tenko didn’t get caught. He was long gone before the heroes and law enforcement showed up. But the incident leaves a weird taste in your mouth. He wandered into a mall to chat with a high school student. Why didn’t he talk to you? You’re supposed to be his best friend, his sidekick. He called the two of you hanging out together a date. What could he tell a high school student that he didn’t feel safe telling you?
The question consumes you more than you want it to, so you fall back on your now time-honored tradition of drowning yourself in tasks to avoid thoughts you don’t like. Work, and sitting with Yoshimi through her treatments, and ducking phone calls from your parents, who are moving the whole family – again – and want you to come home and help. Your mom threatens to throw away all your old stuff if you don’t, and even though you took everything you cared about with you when you moved away, the thought of your things being thrown out with the trash bothers you. It bothers you enough that you use your one day off in two weeks to go back to your parents’ house and clean out what’s left of your room.
When you get there, you find half the house out on the lawn, and your mother arguing with the oldest of your younger siblings. “Don’t take that tone with me, Haru,” she’s snapping. “Whatever you think you’re doing, it’s not as important as helping out your family. We need you here to –”
It’s like something snaps in your head, and you’re swamped in the memories of a hundred times where you were told the same thing. You thought that with you gone, your parents would have pulled themselves together, but it looks like not. It looks like they just dragged your brother into replace you. You step forward without thinking, right into the middle of it. “Hey, Haru. Hey, Mom. Sorry I’m late.”
Both of them stare at you. There’s something accusing in Haru’s stare, not that you blame him for that. Your mom looks more relieved than anything else, and with her temporarily neutralized, you turn to your brother. “Go do what you need to do, Haru. I’ll fill in until you get back.”
Haru doesn’t need to be told twice, and he doesn’t wait around for your mom to protest. He books it, and you turn to face your mom again, the feeling of accomplishment at defusing a conflict drowned almost immediately by your frustration with yourself. Two seconds. You’ve been here two seconds, and you’ve stepped back into the part you used to play like you never left.
Your mom hugs you. “Haru’s been just terrible these last few years,” she complains. “Any time we ask him to help, he throws the biggest fit. I can’t count the number of times I’ve told him to act more like you –”
“He’s nineteen, Mom. He’s got his own life,” you remind here, like it’ll help at all. You step back out of her embrace. “I came to sort through my stuff. Where is it?”
She gestures vaguely at one corner of the front yard, and you make your way over, at which point you discover that what your mom described as your stuff is actually only half yours. The other half seems to be every picture and keepsake your parents have of you. You knew your relationship with your parents wasn’t ideal, that they stopped being interested in you the second you stopped being useful to them, but seeing this gives you pause. “Mom –”
“We’re downsizing,” your mother explains. “Take what you want. We’ll throw the rest out.”
Fine. If that’s how they want it, that’s fine with you. The first things you dump in the throwaway pile are every photo that consists of just you and one or both of your parents. There goes the whole first year of your life, like it never happened at all. After that, it gets a little more difficult, because your siblings are in the pictures and it’s not their fault they were born. You find a partially filled photo album, start stripping the pictures you want to keep from their frames, and fit them into the remaining spaces. You don’t have a lot of space for picture frames. And this way you don’t have to look at them unless you want to.
Most of your toys and books went to your siblings as hand-me-downs, usually before you were actually done with them, so most of the things that are yours are things you had to fight to save. Your favorite books, which you rescued by carrying them around in your backpack twenty-four seven. A journal with a lock on it and no key, but you know how to pick locks now, so it doesn’t matter as much as it did before. Then there’s a box that’s been taped, glued, and stapled shut, with DO NOT TOUCH written all over it. You remember mummifying this box when you were ten or so. You just don’t remember why you did it.
You can open it once you’re home. You stack the photo album on top of it and keep hunting through all the pieces of your life that your parents are planning to throw away.
In the end, you can’t take much stuff. You don’t have very much room, and while Kazuo would probably agree to let you store things in his house, you don’t want to have to ask him to do that. There’s not really that much important stuff here, anyway. The books and games from when you were really little? You outgrew them a long time ago, so what would you even be keeping them for? It’s not like you’re going to have kids.
That thought came out of nowhere. You sit back on your heels, frowning at the change of tune. In spite of the shitshow of your childhood and the fact that you’d most likely pass on your quirklessness and put the next generation in the same second-class position as you are, you’ve always seen yourself having children. Not very many children. Two, most likely, and a decent difference in their ages – enough that you could let them have their own time instead of treating them like twins, not so much that you’d run the risk of parentifying the older one even slightly. You think you’d be a good parent, maybe. At the very least you know what not to do.
You’ve been sure of that since you were old enough to figure out where babies come from. This is the first time you’ve had the other thought, and it feels like a certainty. When did it change?
The answer is lurking somewhere in the back of your mind, and you decide you’re not interested in answering it right now. With your stuff sorted, you dump the things you’re not taking into the garbage pile, making sure your mom sees which photos you’re getting rid of. You really should leave after that, but then the rest of your siblings come barreling out of the house, and you don’t think you should leave without saying goodbye.
Isuzu, the oldest of your younger sisters, is in her last year of high school. Music is her thing, and she’s applying to every conservatory in the country – keeping her options open, she says, but you know she means getting away from home. The twins, Shigure and Shinji, are both at Ketsubutsu Academy, training to be heroes. They’ve enhanced their control over their quirks to the point where they can induce specific parts of the vomiting process at will, and they demonstrate it on you, making your throat burn and your mouth flood with bitter-tasting saliva before your mom catches them at it and makes them stop. The triplets, a full ten years younger than you, aren’t even out of primary school yet. They want to be heroes, too.
Your dad arrives, with Haru in tow, as you’re making your second attempt to escape. He hugs you, too, and asks why you don’t come home more – right before he asks you to get the triplets washed up for dinner and check that they’ve done their homework. You almost tell him to go fuck himself, but ultimately you don’t want the fight. You herd the triplets back inside and start with the homework.
Isuzu follows you, not speaking up until after you’ve confirmed that the homework is completed and shooed the triplets off to the bathroom. “How did you do that so fast? It takes me and Haru forever to get them moving.”
“Practice,” you say. “More than I should have gotten. More than you’ll get if you get out of here.”
“I’m working on it,” Isuzu says. She looks uncomfortable, and like she wants to say more. You wait. “I’m sorry I told on you back then. If I hadn’t, maybe –”
You shake your head. “I had to go.” You cover your upper arm, the same motion Tenko made, and a chill runs down your spine. “I didn’t leave because you told them about this. I left because I got into my apprenticeship, and they told me I couldn’t do it.”
“What?” Isuzu looks shocked. “Why?”
“They needed me at home.” You shrug, your nonchalance masking the memory of the bolt of rage that shot through you when you realized what they were trying to do. “The only way to stop it was to make sure I wasn’t home anymore. I wish it hadn’t landed on you and Haru.”
“Haru’s madder about it than me,” Isuzu says. She leans against you, her head on your shoulder. “I remember stuff he doesn’t. Like that friend you had across the street. I don’t remember his name –”
“Tenko,” you say. Your heart lurches into an unsteady rhythm. “You remember him?”
“Not really. I remember you talking about him, though. You always had so many stories to tell.” Isuzu sighs. “Did they ever find out what really happened to him?”
“No,” you say. You did, though. You might be the only one who knows what became of Shimura Tenko, and even you don’t know the details. “I’m surprised you remember. Mom and Dad didn’t like me talking about him.”
“They didn’t like you being sad,” Isuzu corrects. “They don’t like me being sad, either. I’d be sad if it was my best friend who vanished. You said you were gonna marry him.”
“I – what?” Before you can follow up on the absolutely batshit thing your sister just said, one of the triplets comes back into the living room with obviously unwashed hands. “Arisa, I know you didn’t wash those. Go back in.”
Arisa sticks her tongue out at you. “You can’t tell me what to do. You don’t even live here. And you don’t have a quirk.”
“Right,” you say, a moment before Arisa activates her quirk and wallops you with every ounce of the contempt she feels for you. It takes all your self-control to avoid bursting into tears. “I can leave, though. Mom can’t get me in trouble any more, because I’m grown up. But she can definitely get you in trouble. Risk it if you want.”
Arisa glares at you for a moment longer, then heads back to the bathroom. You clear your throat and blink hard, digging your nails into your palm to give yourself something else to focus on. “Even I felt that one,” Isuzu remarks, wincing. “How do you take this stuff?”
You clear your throat again. “Practice.”
You make it through dinner, then book it, telling Isuzu and Haru to look you up the next time they’re in Yokohama and hitting the road before the twins or the triplets can use their quirks on you again. You cry a little bit on the train home, just enough to let off steam, and text your friends, who know what your family’s like and all advised you not to go. When they ask how it went, you send back a sad face.
Mitsuko: fuck them, then. they don’t deserve you
Hirono: come over and get trashed if you want. always makes me feel better
Sho: ooh, party at Hiro’s
Sho: count me in
Yoshimi: I can’t but 💛💛💛
Mitsuru: can I bring Izumi
Mitsuru gets a resounding thumbs-down from everybody for that one. Ryuhei chimes in, saying he’s down for a party, and Kazuo moves the venue to his house from Hirono’s shitty apartment in Kamino Ward. When you get off the train in Yokohama, you head over to Kazuo’s without stopping at home first.
Your friends have varying ideas on how to make you feel better. Mitsuko and Hirono think you should get drunk, so you drink a little, and Sho thinks you should bitch as much as you want about your family, so you do. Mitsuru’s got lots of siblings, so you complain about siblings together, and Ryuhei, not to be outdone, offers to beat up the triplets for you. “My quirk is perfect for it,” he says. “They’ll never know what hit them.”
They wouldn’t – Ryuhei’s quirk is called Reflection, and it bounces any quirk-based attack right back in the face of whoever sent it. “They’re ten,” you say.
“Wait until they’re adults and it’ll be legal,” Kazuo says blandly. “What’s in the box?”
“Oh,” you say. You haven’t let go of it, although you relinquished the photo album to Mitsuko and Hirono after extracting promises that they wouldn’t take the photos out. “I’m not sure. I guess I thought it was pretty important.”
Kazuo touches his temple, then lowers his hand. “You don’t know, so I don’t know, either.”
“Let’s open it,” Hirono suggests. Mitsuko is still flipping through the photo album. “What kind of dirty secrets have you got in there?”
“I was ten. Not a lot of dirty secrets at that age.” You hold the box out to her. “Mind doing the honors on the tape?”
Hirono’s quirk is called Slice. It lets her cut narrow lines in any substance she draws her finger over, and you know she’s used it for good and evil at various points in her life. She cuts through the tape, you pry out the staples, and you and your friends from high school look down at the things you thought were worth hiding when you were ten years old.
There’s another journal, which means the one you grabbed was probably a decoy. You don’t remember being this sneaky, but you’re guessing you had a reason, and as you look through the other things in the box, you realize what it was. “I hid this before my memory got wiped,” you say. “It’s all things about my friend.”
“I thought they were just wiping your memories of the murder scene,” Mitsuru says, frowning.
“That’s what they got, sort of.” Memories are coming back to you as you peer into the box, memories of collecting these things, squirreling them away, panic beating at the base of your throat the entire time. “They were going for all of it.”
There’s a plush toy – a corgi, the same kind as Tenko’s dog, because you’d always wanted a dog and your parents always said no. Tenko got it for you for your birthday, the same year you had to go home early from his party. There are a bunch of photos, too, stolen out of a photo album – possibly the same partially-empty album you found when you were sorting. Some are from school. Some are from parties – yours, Tenko’s, Hana’s. Some were pretty clearly taken by Tenko’s mom. Seeing them makes you want to cry.
In the pictures, Tenko’s house is still standing. Tenko’s family is still alive. There’s Tenko like he used to be, dark-haired and grey-eyed and quirkless and happy. The two of you were always happy together, even if you weren’t happy at home. “These are cute,” Sho remarks. “Lots of puppy love going on here, and I’m not talking about the dog.”
You remember that you apparently told Isuzu you were going to marry Tenko and cringe from the thought. “Don’t be weird.”
“If it helps, it doesn’t look all that unrequited,” Mitsuko says, peering over your shoulder. “Check that one out.”
The photo she’s pointing at is from your class’s Valentine’s Day party. You and Tenko are trying to trade valentines, except you’re too embarrassed to look at him while you hand yours over. He’s not embarrassed to look at you. He’s grinning, that same smile that some of the other girls called creepy, the one you still like seeing because you know that it’s real, and he’s holding out a valentine of his own for you.
The valentine Tenko gave you is in the box, although his handwriting is impossible to read when you’ve had as many drinks as you’ve had tonight. In the corner of the box is another, tinier box. It looks like a jewelry box, and when you pry it open, a memory floods over you. There’s a locket inside. You put a picture in it the day before you got your memory wiped, and when you pick it up, you find the picture staring up at you. Tenko. Even five years after he vanished, you couldn’t let him go.
You shouldn’t have had so much to drink. If you were sober, you absolutely wouldn’t be bursting into tears.
Your friends aren’t exactly clear on why you’re crying, but they comfort you anyway, Mitsuko and Hirono and Sho hugging you while Ryuhei and Mitsuru hang awkwardly back, patting your shoulders. The only person who doesn’t get in on it is Kazuo, but Kazuo was never the touchiest, even before his mind snapped. And something’s up with Kazuo tonight. Even through your own mess of emotion, you can tell.
You wait until everyone else is drifting off before you try to get it out of him. “What’s wrong?”
“The HPSC is reactivating me.”
“They – what?” The alcohol’s made you just a little slow – the anger hits before the understanding’s truly formed in your head. “No, they can’t. They can’t, Kazuo! After what they did to you –”
“My provisional license is still active. That means they can.” Kazuo extracts a letter from his pocket and holds it out for you to peruse. You can barely read it. Your vision is swimming with rage. “When All Might crippled the black market, he took down every possible informant with it. Someone is backing the League of Villains. They need to find out who. My quirk is the fastest way.”
“They can’t do this. Not with what happened last time.” Your heart is hammering. Kazuo’s work-study was in Yokohama. When he collapsed, they brought him to your clinic, and you saw firsthand what overuse of his quirk did to him. “It could kill you.”
“There are safeguards, theoretically.” Kazuo’s voice is flat, emotionless. Like it’s been for two years and counting. “If you read further in the letter, you’ll see the protocol they outlined.”
You don’t need to read it. “You’ve got a medical condition. Using your quirk will exacerbate it. They can’t just conscript you like this!”
“It’s done,” Kazuo says. You look at him, speechless with fury, still too close to tears. “I didn’t tell you so you could get angry over something you can’t solve. I told you because I’ve predicted the types of questions they’ll instruct me to ask. I can ask them in a way that will preclude you in the answers.”
You hadn’t even thought that far ahead. “But in order for me to do that,” Kazuo continues, “you must keep yourself out of their search parameters. As long as you don’t directly aid your friend in the committing of a crime, you’ll fall outside their net.”
“Directly aid,” you repeat. “What does that mean?”
Kazuo gives you a look. “Failing to stop something is not the same thing as assisting in it.”
Now you get it. Kazuo’s telling you that simply knowing what Tenko’s up to isn’t enough to get you in trouble. In order for you to come under suspicion through Kazuo’s quirk, you’d have to actually do something – not just to help Tenko, but to help Tenko commit a crime. “I understand.”
You do. But that fury is still bubbling up within you, pointless as it is, at the thought that catching some vague scraps of information about the League of Villains is worth Kazuo’s sanity, Kazuo’s life. “We’ll figure something out. I won’t let them keep using you.”
Kazuo’s eyes are blank. They’ve been blank for years. But every so often you’ve seen a flash of something within them – some feeling, something familiar, something of the boy you knew. “You can’t save both of us,” he says, and his right hand falls from his temple to rest in his lap.
He was using his quirk just then. What was he asking? What did he see? You want to ask him, but he’s just picked up a half-empty bottle of vodka and drained it, and now it’s all hands on deck to hustle him to the bathroom in time for him to throw it back up.
The thought crosses your mind, as you’re rubbing his shoulders and offering him tissues to wipe his mouth, that it would have been easier if you’d fallen harder for Kazuo. If you’d fallen hard enough to cling to him even when his heroic ambitions pulled him away, hard enough to hold on even when the overuse of his quirk destroyed his ability to feel anything at all, hard enough to fight for him even when he doesn’t see a point to trying at anything any longer. It would have been hard, sure. But at the same time, it would have been easier for everyone involved if you’d felt for Kazuo the way you feel for Tenko.
You and Kazuo fall asleep on the bathroom floor, and in the morning, you’ve got a backache and a hangover. So does everybody else, but there’s something at least a little relieving in the fact that you’re all suffering together. You’ve got work, but it’s a half day, and it starts at noon. Plenty of time for you to go home and take a shower and try to sober up the rest of the way.
At least that’s what you think. When you step out of the bathroom in your apartment wrapped in a towel, you step directly into a warp gate, and it swallows you whole.
Kurogiri said he’d tell you what you were walking into the next time Tenko summoned you, but maybe he just forgot. You think you can probably talk Tenko into sending you back long enough to put on clothes. But once your feet touch the ground, it’s clear that you aren’t in the bar, where you’ve been nearly every time Tenko’s called for you. The air is cold and clammy, and there’s a strange smell, half antiseptic, half rot. You know this smell. You remember it from a field trip you took in nursing school. It smells like a morgue.
It smells like a morgue, and it’s pitch-black. You can’t see your hand in front of your face. Where’s Tenko? You can’t imagine him summoning you here without an explanation – which means he’s not the one who summoned you. Who did?
A voice issues from the darkness, deep and almost friendly. “Do you know who I am?”
The revulsion and terror that sweeps over you at the sound of his voice are almost enough to bring you to your knees. But you grew up in a family full of quirk users whose quirks affected the mind and body, and they loved to practice on you. Sixteen years of surviving it gives you the experience to stay on your feet. And when you think about it, you do know who this is. “You’re Sensei,” you say, and the man in the darkness makes a pleased sound. “Shigaraki’s master.”
“Very good,” the man says, but it isn’t – you only remembered to use Tenko’s new name at the last second. “Now it’s your turn. Tell me who you are – and who you are to Tomura.”
“I’m – nobody,” you say. Sensei’s influence over you intensifies, and you keep your feet with an effort. “I’m a nurse. He came to the clinic I work at last year. He’d hurt his wrist.”
“I see,” Sensei says after a moment. “Had you met Tomura before that time?”
Tomura? No. You shake your head, only to remember that Tenko’s master probably can’t see in the dark. “No.”
“But you’ve seen him since.”
“Yes,” you say. “When he’s injured, he sends Kurogiri to find me. So I can help.”
“I see,” Sensei says again. You’re tempted to point out that if the doctor, whoever the doctor is, had treated Tenko’s gunshot wounds, Tenko wouldn’t have needed to call for you in the first place. But that would escalate things. You keep your mouth shut. “Do you possess a healing quirk?”
“That’s a shame,” Sensei remarks. “Would you like one?”
“No,” you say at once. Maybe too quickly, given the insanity of the statement. “It’s not possible to give quirks.”
“It is. And they can be taken away just as easily,” Sensei says. You stay quiet, and when he speaks again, it’s a change of subject. “It seems Tomura has taken a liking to you.”
“I – I wouldn’t know,” you stammer. How much does Tenko’s master know? “I don’t know how Shigaraki feels about anything.”
“Thankfully, I do.” Sensei goes silent for a moment. “I suppose it’s wise of Tomura to keep a medical provider in his orbit, even if you would be more useful to him with a healing quirk. What is your quirk?”
Your stomach instantly twists into a knot. “I don’t have one.”
“Mm.” Sensei’s voice takes on a reflective note. “Let’s remedy that.”
The darkness is complete. You don’t see the hand coming; all you can do is startle when it clamps down over your face, enormous and rough and hot. Your breath leaves you in a sharp gasp, too quiet to be a scream but still too close for comfort. But just as suddenly as the hand settled over your face, it pulls away with equal speed. Sensei chuckles, a low, dark sound that makes your skin crawl. “You’ve been dishonest with me, but I can’t fault you for not sharing what you don’t know.”
You’ve been dishonest, yes. It doesn’t seem like he knows about that. But what don’t you know? “Sir? I don’t understand.”
“You have manners. It’s a shame Tomura won’t appreciate them,” Sensei says. “You will understand in time. Kurogiri?”
The mist begins to billow around you – and at the same time, it clears partially, revealing the shape of the man standing before you. He’s terrifyingly large, looming over you, and his face – “I would advise against telling Tomura of our meeting,” Sensei says as you stare up at him in terror, “but that is ultimately your decision to make. You and I will have no further dealings. Tomura has chosen you as a piece in his game. I will leave you to him.”
The terror drowns you. You fight to keep your head above water. “Yes, sir.”
“Sir,” Sensei repeats. “I do like that.”
The tone in his voice breaks your composure, just as the mist closes around you. By the time Kurogiri deposits you back on the floor in your apartment – in your apartment, they know where you live – you’re hyperventilating, panicking, almost out of your mind. “Shigaraki Tomura will call for you this evening,” Kurogiri says. “I do not know his purpose. I advise you to be prepared for either possibility.”
For a date. Or for a meeting with his new allies. You’ve never felt less prepared for anything in your life. Kurogiri vanishes, and you curl up in a ball, shivering. Maybe it’s from the cold. Maybe it’s from the smell of rot. Maybe it’s from the pure terror of meeting Tenko’s master, of the lingering sensation of his hand closing over your face. Whatever it is, you have to get rid of it. And you still have to go to work. You crawl back to the bathroom, turn the shower on scalding, and climb in.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 6 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I wrote this three days ago lol I've been so stressed and worried about things...all I want is these boys to use me and then cuddle me. <3.
My plan with this series has always been to go through the series. So with my next chapter Steve will be more Season 2 Stevie.
They do have a conversation on the phone in this chapter. Red is Eddie.
Warnings: Dom Steddie and Sub plus size reader and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) Rough smut. They sneak into her bedroom, degrading, choking, dirty talk. Possessive boys <3. Angst in the beginning and fluff at the end.
Word Count: 3916
It had been a couple of weeks since that night in Eddie’s trailer. Steve had scrubbed off the graffiti on your car before you woke up so your parents never found out what happened. 
To your surprise, Tommy and Carol left you alone but to your slight dismay they stayed away from Steve as well. Of course, you hated them and from what you learned so far Steve wasn’t like them at all but you hated that he sat at lunch alone most of time or skipped it entirely. 
You told him he was more than welcome to sit with you and Masie but all he did was smile and nod his head. 
The school year was coming to a close and you felt yourself start to panic, still unsure what your relationship with them actually was. What would the summer be like? Would they spend time with you and take you on dates? Were you even dating or did they just want to fuck you? What if they got into a relationship or you did? Would the dynamic stop? Were you even allowed to seek a relationship since you belonged to them?
You needed answers and you finally mustered up the courage during a conference call between you three. 
“Senior year, dude. I can’t fucking wait. One more year and we’re fucking free!”
“Calm down, Munson. It’s amazing they let you through.”
“First off, rude. Secondly, what were your grades again, King Steve? Oh, that’s right. About as low as mine.”
Their laughter trails off into silence. 
“Well, someone’s mighty quiet tonight. You alright, princess?”
“What are we?”
“Um, humans last time I checked. Why? Is that on the test?”
“No”, you giggle. “I mean, the three of us. What are we? Are we…in a relationship or am I just a toy for you?”
“You say that last part like you don’t enjoy being our little toy.”
“…so it is just sex?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Why won’t you answer?”
“Why do we have to put a fucking label on it? Can’t we just fucking be?”
“As much as I enjoy hearing you two go at it, I’m kind of curious myself as to why you want to know. Are you not happy with the way things are?”
“I didn’t say that. I just… how long is this going to last? What if something happens? What if one of us gets into a relationship—”
“Who are you interested in getting with?!”
“No one! I’m just asking questions.”
“Very interesting series of questions.”
“Oh, please. You both act like I have men lined up to date me when it’s way more probable that Steve the Hair Harrington and bad boy Eddie Munson have many women that want to be theirs!”, you sigh. “If that happened… if it’s just sex than it would be over…”
Their silence was deafening. A knock on your bedroom door startled you as your mom entered without waiting for an answer. 
“Y/N. Are you still on the phone? I know this is the last week of school but it’s almost eleven.”
“I know, mama. Masie and I are almost done going over our final project.”
“Hm. Ok then I won’t keep you but I wanted to talk to you about this summer. Did you still want to go spend time with your uncle?”
“Oh…I totally forgot about that.”
“You know how your father and I feel about New York but he promised me you and your cousins wouldn’t go out at night or anything.”
“Can I think about it?”
“Yeah, of course. We need to know by Sunday, okay? Now hurry up and get to bed.” She kisses your forehead before leaving your room and closing the door.
“New York, huh. Well, at least we know why she’s asking now.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Definitely want to be free of attachments in a city like that.”
“Steve…you’re putting words in my mouth. I’m allowed to ask the questions I have. It’s not my fault that you two seem to be too scared to answer them.”
“Watch your tone, little girl. For the time being, you’re still ours.”
“For the time being.”, you repeated. Tears stung in your eyes at his words; you got your answer. Why does it hurt so much? “I see. Ok, I understand.”
“Your tone makes me think that you don’t.”
“No. I do, Steve. I really do. You both really do just want to use me. I got what I asked for. I have to go now. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Don’t hang up that phone, Y/N. We are NOT done here.”
“Yes, we are.”
You woke up at three in the morning, tossing and turning through most of the night. Those words remained imprinted front and center in your brain. 
“For the time being…”
You left your bedroom, walking down the hall to your bathroom. The cool water felt good against your face as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. 
Why did I expect it to be any different? Yeah so they started being more friendly with me but that didn’t mean anything. They still don’t talk to me at school. We don’t even hang out besides that one time after the fight. Fuck…why does this hurt so much?
Sighing, you throw the used hand towel on the sink and head back towards your room. As soon as you close your door, a hand comes from behind you, muffling your shrieks as another arm pins you against a body.
“I said we weren’t done. You think you tell us what to do?”, Eddie growled as his angry eyes glared into your frightened ones. “No, little girl. You belong to us. We are in charge of you.”
You started speaking against Steve’s hand and he lowered it enough so you could be heard. 
“For the time being, you mean.”
The metalhead smirked before grabbing your throat, gripping it tightly between his fingers. “I’m going to go ahead and start this here by giving you an out. Say vanilla and we’ll disappear the way we came. But, princess, I’m warning you. This particular game we are about to play is going to be rough.” You quickly sucked in heavy breathes, gasping for air when he let you go. 
“I…can handle anything…you do to me.”
Eddie’s sarcastic smile grows as he steps forward till his forehead is just above your own. 
“Good because we’re going to show you what being used really feels like.”, he whispers. 
Steve covers your mouth again with his palm as Eddie reaches over to your desk and grabs the pair of scissors laying to the side. You fight against the boy’s hold as the other man cuts your sleep shirt off your body, tossing it to the floor. 
You whimper when he takes hold of your hair and forces you to your knees.
“If you need to stop, tap your hand twice.” You glared up at him with angry eyes and you grit your teeth as he pulls harder. “You keep giving me attitude and this is going to be a lot worse for you. Do you understand me? I said do you understand me?”, he snarls when you don’t reply. 
“Yes, I understand.”
Eddie maintains his hold on you as he unbuckles his belt and pants, pushing them down enough to free his cock. “Open your mouth.” He hisses when your flat tongue glides along his length. “That’s it. Open your mouth wider. Take all of me like the good little whore you are.”
His fingers never let up their grip on your head as his hips thrust into you, forcing him down your throat. You gagged as spit fell from your lips. 
“Harrington, have you felt her lips around your dick yet?”
“Naw, Eds. I don’t think so.”
The metalhead pulls himself out of your mouth and lifts you off your knees, throwing you to the bed on to your back. Steve lifts you under your arms, dragging you till your head was hanging off the bed.
His cock sprang free from his shorts and without warning shoved it between your parted lips.
“I know. She feels good, right? Not as good at this pussy but…”, Eddie chuckles as he smacks his hand down between your legs. A muffled moan vibrates from your throat when you feel his tongue slide down your stomach as his fingers glide under the waistband of your panties. 
“Now, sweetheart. You’re going to have to be really quiet so I would recommend your keep your filthy mouth on Stevie’s cock.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not letting her go anywhere.” Steve’s hand gripped the back of your head, holding you still as he pumped his hips. 
They watched with immense satisfaction as your eyes rolled back and fluttered closed as Eddie used two of his fingers to breach your entrance.
“You’re so fucking wet.”, he laughed mockingly. “Just a dirty slut, hm? Always this soaked just waiting to be fucked. It must be hard…being a slut and have no one before us fuck you the right way.”
You whimpered as he thrust his digits at a faster pace making Steve grunt above you.
Abruptly, the metalhead inserts a third finger into your dripping cunt and your back arches off the bed at the sudden intrusion as you forcefully pull your lips off of the other boy’s cock. 
“Eddie, plea—” Steve’s palm immediately covers your mouth as your own fingers reach to pull on Eddie’s jacket. 
Steve helps you pull yourself upright as your eyes meet his friends.
“One tap, yes. Two taps, no. Do you want to stop?”
You loosened your grip on him, slowly raising your palm off his shoulder.
*Tap. Tap*
“Didn’t think so. I mean look at you. Look between your legs here.” Steve grabs your hair and forces you to look down as you moan against his hold while Eddie continues taunting you. “Look how fucking dripping you are. Your pussy is just pulling me in. Now, Y/N, I want you to cum for me. I want you to cum so fucking hard that you drench these panties.”
His pace was slow but his fingers were much bigger than yours, stretching you open while hitting every sensitive spot inside you. Their eyes bore into you as you keened into Steve’s chest. 
“No. Hey, no. Keep watching him.” His lips tickled your ear as he forced your head to continue looking down. “I want this image burned into your brain that way, while your running around New York fucking any guy you can get your needy hands on…” As he spoke you started to push back against him, fighting against his strength at his words. He adjusted his body, wrapping his free arm around your chest to keep you still. “…you’ll remember that no one will ever make you feel as good as we have.”
You draped your arm over his, your hand clinging to the one over your mouth as your hips lifted off the bed and you came. 
“Atta, girl. Let go, baby.”, Eddie praised but there was still a gruffness behind it. They were nowhere near done with you. He slid your panties down your legs as Steve lowered his palm to allow you to catch breath. Your eyes follow the metalhead’s movements as he gets off your bed and removes the rest of his clothes. “You know, Y/N. I don’t know which version of you I like fucking more. The meek little girl or the fucking brat who talks back.”
“Meek little girl. To be honest though, I’ve never actually fucked the brat that fights back. She’s always opened her legs willingly for me which I always thought was amusing since she hated me for a while there.”
“You two never listen.” You punch Steve’s chest and roll away from him, placing your feet on the floor as you stand in defiance. “I’ve told you before I never hated you and you both refused to answer my questions immediately jumping to the conclusion that I’m going to run away and fuck someone else!” You pause as you try to calm down to keep from screaming at them. Your eyes meet Eddie’s annoyed ones as he stalks closer to you. “I guess we found your damage, Munson. YOU feel like no matter what people are going to leave you.”
His callused hand reaches for your throat and backs you against the wall before shoving your panties into your open mouth. 
“The only sounds I want to hear are your fucking whimpers when I make you cum again.” Eddie’s arm slips under your knee as he lifts your leg in the air and guides his cock roughly into your entrance. “Be sure not to be too loud. Wouldn’t want mommy and daddy to know their daughter is a whore. Let alone the freaks whore.”
His head fell against yours as he aggressively thrust into you. Eddie’s words hurt you, not because of what he was calling you but how he was viewing himself. You never once thought of him as a freak or the other vile names this town called him. You wanted to tell him that, reassure him but all you could do was moan behind your gag as your hands reached out to cling to his neck.
“No matter—mmm—no matter where you go or who fuck, Y/N, you’re mine. You belong to us.” Eddie’s blown out eyes find yours as he pulls your panties out of your mouth. “Say it, Y/N.”
“I-I-I don’t want to fuck anyone else. I only—fuck—want you two.”
“Now who’s not fucking listening?”
“Still you.”, you growl as you reach up to pull his hair. His cock inside of you throbs at the action and your pussy tightens around him.
“God fucking damn it.”, Eddie grunts as he shoves the panties and his hand over your mouth, pumping into you so hard that it takes every fiber of your energy not to scream and melt into the pleasure. Your body trembles as you cum and he pressed himself flat against you, rolling his hips till you feel his seed warm your insides. 
Eddie drops your leg as he pulls out, wrapping his arms around you as he holds you up. 
“No, hey, come on, sweetheart. We aren’t done yet. Stevie’s been waiting so patiently.”
The man himself appeared by your side lightly pushing his friend to the side to take his place. “Do you want me, Y/N?” He pulls the panties out of your mouth and tosses them to Eddie as you nod. “Don’t just nod you head, little girl. You fucking say it. Tell me that you want me.”
“I…I want you, Steve… Please.”
“Yeah?” His fingers roughly grip your chin, turning you to focus on him. “Show me how much you want me.” He suddenly lifts you in his arms and carries you back to your bed, positioning you on top of him. Reaching between your legs, you grab his cock and gradually lower yourself down onto him. Moaning, you lean over his chest, his fingers digging into your thighs as you bounce on his dick. 
Steve balances on his elbows and your lips find his quickly before he jerks his head away from you. 
“I said show me how…how much you…want me.”, he pants. “This is all…you got?” You reach for the back of his neck, bringing him to a sitting position, clinging to his shoulders as you grind and bounce against him as hard as you can. “Fuck, that’s it. Just like that, baby girl.”
Hearing him call you that had your pussy flutter around him and you had to bite down on his shoulder to hide your moan. 
“Oh, Harrington. I think she liked that.” Eddie crawled onto the bed beside you both as his finger gently turned your cheek. “Maybe we need titles of our own… would you like that? Have us take care of you and in return you show us the respect we deserve?”
You don’t respond, choosing to wrap your arms around Steve as he does the same, laying back against the mattress as his hips thrust up to meet yours. Shoving your face in the pillow behind him, you whimper as you cum, him following after you as he pumps his spend roughly deep into your body. 
He continues to hold you as Steve rolls you both on to your side before you feel fingers tug at your hips as Eddie turns you on to your back and delicately cleans between your legs. Your eyes scan his face as he takes care of you, tossing the towel towards your hamper. As he bends down to grab his jeans, you yank his hand hard till he tumbles on top of you. 
“Geez, woman. Be careful. I’m fragile you know.”
You grin softly as you cover his mouth with your palm. “I want that. I want you to take care of me and to belong to you. I want to give you all the respect you deserve. I just don’t think…you both would believe me every time I did.” You move your hand from his lips to his cheek as you turn to look at Steve. 
“I only want you two. I don’t want anyone else but I’m not naive to the fact that girls are attracted to you. I may be yours but not in that way. At some point… you’re going to want a relationship. Someone to give you more than just sex.”
“So we’re not even going to talk about it?”, Steve asked.
“You know those are two separate issues, right? You feeling like we don’t believe you and you feeling like we would want to be in a relationship with someone else. If we have such major trust issues than why would we get into a romantic relationship with someone?”
“See, Eddie. When you say things like that… makes me think ‘Ok, this isn’t romantic.’”
“Why does there have to be a label?”
“Because Steve, I need to know where I stand.”
“Because I need to know if you’re going to hurt me!” You pushed against Eddie’s chest with your hand as you sat up, tucking your knees under your chin. “I’ve been burned before. I don’t…I can’t do it again. If it’s sex, fine it’s sex. If it’s…something else…”
Arms wrap around your shoulders and you glance over to see Eddie’s lips kiss your skin. “I want to give you an answer you want to hear.”
“Be honest with me.”
“We’ve never done this before.”
That makes you genuinely laugh until you realize he’s not laughing with you. Your head whips around to find Steve who shrugs slightly as he nods his head.
“I…I don’t know what to say.”
“To be fair, you’ve never done it before either.” Eddie pulls away laying back on your bed and you follow him down. “We always wanted to.”
“Have you done it separately? The...dominate thing?”
The metalhead sighs as he rubs his hand along his stomach, throwing his other arm behind his head. “Sex, yes obviously. This? Not really. I tried a few times but apparently, I’m too mean.”
“Yeah, you are.” His eyes find your soft ones as you smile.
You roll over to face Steve as you wait for his answer. “No, honey. I’ve never tried it. It’s…slipped out a few times but…yeah.”
“Like when we were in the auditorium?” His eyes scrunched in confusion. “You said you were going to spank me but that was before you two quizzed me on what I like sexually.”
Eddie’s arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled himself closer to you. “The truth is, sweetheart, we don’t know what this is either. I meant what I said when you asked why you. You’re sweet and beautiful but hot damn is there’s something fucking sexy hidden under there. All we know is—”
“You do something to us.”, Steve finishes. “We want to explore it more but we don’t want to hurt you either. Not like that.”
“So what does this mean?”
“It means…you go to New York. Have a good time and call us any chance you get.” 
Steve reaches out to caress your cheek as your eyelids start to close. “And we’ll be right here when you come home.”
The sound of your alarm screaming at you that morning bores straight into your head. After slamming at it with your palm you curl back up into ball and press your face into the pillow. Your head shoots up when last nights events jog your memory. Eddie and Steve were already gone, leaving your window open for emphasis. 
You sighed as you rubbed your eyes and started getting ready to face the day. Something on the chair by your desk caught your eye and you paused when you realized it was Eddie’s leather jacket and Steve’s big green long sleeve shirt he had worn last night. Taped to the collar was a note:
We thought it only fair to leave a piece of us with you since we totally stole your panties ;). 
-E.M. & S.H.
You giggled as you threw on their clothes, reveling in the smell of them before quickly throwing on a pair of jeans and running out the front door. 
When you got to school you met Maze at your locker who whined, advising you there was last day of school assembly. 
“Oh, come on. We’re almost done.”, you smiled as you grabbed her arm. 
“Whose jacket is that?”, she mused as you both headed towards the gym. 
“Mine. Why?”
“No reason. I could swear I saw Eddie Munson wearing a jacket just like that.”
You roll your eyes at your friend as your grin grows. Your friends on the basketball team wave you both over and you two hastily settle in. You scan the area wondering if they were here already. Steve saunters in right as the bell rings pausing in front of Tommy without looking at him as his former friend grins wickedly. 
Eddie slides in right as the teachers are closing the doors, his eyes catching yours and following them to Steve’s stiff frame. 
You breathe a sigh of relief as the metalhead pats his back and whispers something to him before guiding him up the risers where they sit together during the assembly. 
As soon as it ends, you bounce up towards them not caring about the people around you or if you even should. 
“Are you okay?”
Eddie nudges Steve’s shoulder. “Yeah, just Tommy and Carol being dicks. Right, Harrington?”
“Y/N, we have to get to class.” Masie comes up beside you to grab your hand. 
“Hey, Masie Collins? I’ve never actually met you. I’m—”
“Eddie Munson. Yup. I know who you are. Steve Harrington to. Now come on.” She yanks on your hand but you still hesitate, seeing that stoic expression still painted on Steve’s face. You don’t know if it’s something you should do but your brain said you had to as you threw your arms around him. His shoulders relaxed under your grip and when you released him, he gently smiled at you. 
“Thank you.”
You return his smile with one of your own as you finally turn and climb down the risers. 
“Hey Y/N! Love the jacket by the way. I have one just like it!” Eddie winks at you as you and your friend disappear.  ##############
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @local-stoner-bitch
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@sidthedollface2 @mandyjo8719 @bexreastoomuch
@chelebelletx @shayeddie @emmalee-01 @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
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loving08 · 1 year
I Love You
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Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Summary: Y/N has been working in the BAU for a year now, she is satisfied where she is along with her crush on her Boss Aaron Hotchner, but the entry of a new person would broke her or will she be able to be with man she love.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Epilogue
The sound of knocking woke Y/N up from her sleep, rubbing her eyes Y/N got up and goes to open the door, she saw Spencer outside waiting for her with a go bag in his hand. She stepped aside to let him in and asked "Spencer what are you doing here at....uhh...3:20 am in the morning". Spencer puts his go bag on the floor and turned towards her and said "I knew you will not check your phone, we have a case, so get ready we will go together".
Y/N just nodded her head and goes to her room to get changed. Her and Spencer get along very well, working for a year in the BAU and she found herself her best friend, she and Spencer connected instantly, firstly they both were the youngest of the team, Y/N was just 21 and Spencer was 24 and just like Spencer she also has an IQ of 190, so knowledge was common factor that they connected first. she always told Spencer everything even her crush on her boss, he was the only one who knew about her feelings and kept her secret, she knew she can always go to him and he will always be there whenever she needed him.
After getting ready she goes to the living room and grabs her go bag and they both left to go to the jet directly. Upon reaching there they parked the car and go to the jet. Going inside they saw all the team members have already arrived but they both noticed a new person sitting beside Aaron hotchner, the seat that would always be occupied by Y/N was occupied by someone else, it was odd for not only Y/N but everyone else as they have all known that seat has been always occupied by Y/N so they all thought it was a little weird but didn't said anything.
Sensing eyes on himself Hotch looked up from the file and said "ah yes I forgot, this is Agent Beth Archer she is an intern, she will be working with us in this case". Everyone introduced themselves and when it was Y/N turn Beth ignored her. Y/N felt awkward and seat beside Spencer. After everyone gets comfortable Hotch turned on the tap and Garcia face appears on the screen "Hello my lovelies, how you all doing, hope good" said Garcia. Hotch looked at the tap and said "what do we have", "ohh....yeah so 3 teenagers were kidnapped yesterday afternoon in Ohio from a party they were attending. Parents didn't think too much about it since they assumed they were at the other's house spending the night, but called it in when all of their parents did not hear from them after they were dropped off. Missing is Sarah Mitchell age 15, Dantae Pitterson age 16 and Belly Pitterson age 16".
Y/N looked at the picture of the victims on her tap and said "twins I assume?", "yes and no one know where they went after the party was over". Emily tilted her head and said "okay but why are we being called in? I mean its a big deal that the teenagers are missing but maybe the kids just decided to go to somewhere or something".
"That would be a way to think about it, but this is a kidnapping because the families have received tape recordings with messages from their kids and were send notes with their bloods saying they'll be returning the kids dead bodies if they didn't give $600,000 dollars to the given account number and that they only have 48 hours to get their children's back" said Garcia. "Do we know the relationship between these kids? friends? Dating? Relatives? classmates?" JJ asked. "friends since childhood, the messages to the Pitterson's are same as Sarah's. They are working on limited time that's why we are being called for this case and the Pitterson's are very high maintenance and a well respected family, Anthony Pitterson is the volleyball coach at the local high school and Mary Pitterson is the President of the Council of Community Schools".
Y/N frowned and said "what bout Sarah's parents?", "umm...she lives with her dad Samual Mitchell, her mom Laila Mitchell died 4 years ago due to a Road accident. The Pittersons and the Mitchells knew each other from high schools and stayed friends" said Gracia. Y/N nodded her head when Morgan asked her "why you wanted to know about the Mitchells?". Y/N looked at Morgan and said "its just....there's barely anything about the Mitchells in the file and its all about the Pitterson. I just hope they realize that Sarah is missing and she is just as important as the other kids even if her father is not a big shot". This mad Morgan cough to cover his laugh but nodded his head agreeing to her statement.
Hotch grabbed his others files and said " we can ask questions when we get there, get some rest, we all be needing it".
After a while later Hotch looked at the team and said " when we reach Ohio I want Rossi and Morgan to go and interview the Pittersons, JJ, Prentiss and Archer will go talk to the kids who attended the party, Reid I want you to look at the notes and the recordings with Garcia again, and Y/N I want you to interview Mr. Mitchell". Everyone Nodded but Beth looked up at Hotch and said "can't I go with you or stay close to you, I'm not that much comfortable with everyone as I am with you so...., please" and gave him a sad look. Everyone can see what she is trying to do, Y/N and Spencer locked eyes with each other and they both shared a look. Hotch looked at Beth and said "Agent Archer I know you are not used to the team yet and because of that I assigned you with my other Agents so that you can know them better, so take this chance to know them". and with that he turned back to his files.
Y/N knows what is going on, Beth also has a crush on Hotch but for the first time she felt like maybe.....maybe he might choose Beth over her and yeah that was not a good feeling.....at all. She shook her head and decided to focus on the case not noticing the way Hotch was looking at her, the soft look that he had only for her.
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bluewasthecolor · 2 years
What Can I Do (So You Feel It Too)?
Word Count: 2318
Warnings: None
A/N: Well, this accidentally got a little long. If people want a part two, that could definitely happen! Let me know if you like this one! Also, I don't only write for Leah so feel free to send requests for other woso players.
You don't even get it, no, you don't understand
I want you, but I know I'm only one of your friends
“Come on, Y/N! We’re gonna be late to dinner and Viv’s gonna kill us!” Leah shouts from the other room. You poke your head out of your bedroom, smirking.
“Chill out, dude. We’ll be twenty minutes late tops. It’d be weird if we were exactly on time, anyway.” 
“Chill out, dude” The Brit teases, making fun of your American-ness as she always does. 
Fifteen minutes later you’re ready to go–thirty minutes after you were supposed to be at Viv and Beth’s. Leah hems and haws the whole drive over about how if Viv got mad at the both of you she would make clear that it was absolutely your fault and if you had just worn the first shirt this all could have been avoided. You don’t hear most of it, if you’re being honest. Most of your attention is focused on your phone and the person texting you. When she pulls into Viv and Beth’s driveway, Leah glances over at you, realizing that your attention has been taken from her. “I thought I was the only one who could make you smile like that. What’s going on over there Y/L/N?” 
“I’ve been talking to someone,” you answer, “He’s really sweet, I think you’d like him. We’re going on a date next week.”
Leah’s smile fades, just a little, when you say that. You don’t notice, of course, you never have. You don’t notice any of the little signs–the way she looks at you (like you hung the moon), the way she says your name (like your name is a prayer), or the way she smiles when you enter a room (like all the light was gone until you walked in). It’s been like this for years, ever since that one night (that one dress). Leah’s used to it by now, she knows you only see her as a friend, but it still hurts. When you talk about the people you’re dating she can’t help but wish it was her. 
6 Months Later
You know you're too good for him but if it were me
I'd give you everything
Everything is crashing down around you. Or that’s how it feels anyway. You leave your (his?) apartment, trying to process what’s just happened. Somehow you end up at Leah’s, standing in front of the door trying to decide whether or not you should knock. What if she has company? What if she isn’t home? You decide you’re being silly–she’s your best friend. She’ll understand, and if not you can just leave. 
When Leah opens the door she can immediately tell something is wrong. Your cheeks are stained with tears, your nose is running, your hair is unbrushed, and you are inexplicably wearing two different shoes. She, on the other hand, is all dressed up. Suddenly you feel like an idiot.
“Y/N? What’s going on? ” She looks at you with concern, waiting for you to explain.
“I-he-we, we had a fight. A bad one. I didn’t know where to go. I forgot you had that event tonight. I’m so sorry, I should just lea-” You don’t get to finish your sentence, Leah interrupts you by pulling you into her arms, enveloping you in a hug. 
The tears start again as soon as she wraps her arms around you. She holds you until you’ve stopped shaking, and once you’re done she leans back, placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Never, ever, apologize for coming to me when you’re upset. I’m your best friend. That's what I’m here for. Now come in, please.” 
“Thank you, Leah. Really.” You sniffle, following her to the couch. You sit and she crouches in front of you.
“Don’t thank me. I already told you, that’s why I’m here. Let me just change out of these clothes, I’ll be right back.” She leaves you sitting on the couch. 
You take the moment alone to check your phone. He’s texted you three times (You can’t just leave when we’re in the middle of a fight. This is so immature Y/N, I can’t believe you. Please just come back.) and left you one voicemail (“This isn’t how adults react when shit happens Y/N. I don’t know where you are, but if you don’t come back by tomorrow night I’ll change the locks. You can’t do this.”). Just as you finish listening to the voicemail, Leah returns. She sits on the couch facing you, taking your hands in hers.
“Tell me everything.”
You breathe deeply, willing yourself not to cry again.
“We were cooking dinner. I made some comment about winning the Champions League this season and he laughed. Like, out loud, laughed at me. He said he’d be impressed if we made it past Bayern.” You glance up. Leah is looking at you intently, her expression shifting from concern to anger as you continue to speak. “That just set something off in me I guess, I don’t know. We got into a screaming match and I just had to get out of there. It’s like-he just doesn’t believe in me. He doesn’t support me. He left me a voicemail saying he’s gonna change the locks to our place if I’m not back by tomorrow night. I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do Leah, please.” 
You finish your story and Leah doesn’t speak. Instead, she gets up, pacing to the kitchen sink and getting two glasses of water. When she returns, she passes you a glass of water and finally breaks her silence.
“Look, Y/N. I think you know he’s not good enough for you. I don’t think I need to tell you that, so I won’t.” She pulls you into her side, your head coming to rest on her shoulder. “I can’t tell you what to do, you have to make your own decision. I will say that you deserve somebody who makes you feel your absolute best–not someone who laughs at your dreams. You should be with someone who is kind and loving. You’re my best friend and seeing you hurt like this is so hard. I’ll be here for you no matter what, just think about it.” 
You turn your head to look up at her, tears sliding down your cheeks once again. She places her hand on your cheek, wiping each tear away gently. Neither of you say anything for the next five minutes or so, Leah’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, protecting you. You’re not sure what you would do without her. Every time someone breaks your heart, she’s there to pick up the pieces. When you had that injury last year she stayed at your apartment to take care of you. She’s your favorite person in the entire world. Leah shifts next to you, breaking you out of your daze. She is starting to doze off, and you suddenly realize how late it is. 
“I’ll go, I’m sorry to keep you up so late.” You stand to leave, but are stopped by Leah’s hand encircling your wrist.
“You don’t have to go. Not back to him. Not if you don’t want to. Stay here tonight, deal with him in the morning. You can stay in my room with me.”
You smile softly, pulling her off the couch. She leads the way to her room, passing you one of her old t-shirts to sleep in. You pull it on, breathing in the way it smells, like laundry detergent and Leah. You clamber into bed next to her, lying on your side so you’re facing one another. Leah searches your face for any sign of how you’re feeling. The two of you have done this (sleeping in the same bed) countless times. Drunk nights out, drunk nights in, when one of you just didn’t want to be alone. This time felt different, somehow. She couldn’t place it, but this was different.
“So I guess I’m breaking up with my boyfriend tomorrow.” You murmur. 
(About) Two Weeks Later
'Cause I swear that you feel it, but then I second guess
I don't know if you see us how I do in my head
You’ve basically moved into Leah’s apartment. After the break up, you realized you had nowhere to go, so now every night is a sleepover. You’ve fallen into something of a domestic routine. You cook and Leah washes the dishes. Leah drives to training and you pick the music. You fall asleep next to each other but always wake up spooning (the big spoon changes, although Leah won’t admit it). Nothing has changed but so has everything. You’re still best friends but Leah swears to herself that there’s something more there. The way you watch her when you think she’s not looking (like you’re afraid you’ll forget the way she moves), the way you listen to her (like her word is the gospel), or the way you hold her (like you never want to let go). Maybe none of this is new. Maybe it’s been there all along. But then you do things like call her your best friend and tell her she needs to go on a date, that it’s been “too long” and she wonders if she’s wrong. It terrifies her that she might be wrong, but even more that she might be right.
'Cause I just wanna say it but I'm scared if I do
You weren't looking at me the way I look at you
“Leah, be a doll and grab my dress for the wedding? It should be hanging in the closet.” You shout from the bathroom, as Leah lounges on the bed waiting for you to finish getting ready. 
She carries your dress into the bathroom, stopping in her tracks when she sees you. It’s not that she’s never seen you in just your underwear before–you’re teammates for goodness’ sake–but this feels different somehow. You turn around, a smile playing at your lips. 
“What are you looking at me like that for? Come on, we've gotta get going. Zip me up?” You wriggle into your dress, sweeping your hair to the side. 
After the wedding, Leah can’t help but think you look more beautiful now then she’s ever seen you (except maybe that one night with that one dress). You chat with the other guests, smiling effortlessly and making everyone around you laugh. She catches your eye and you excuse yourself, making your way back to your table. 
“Having fun yet, Williamson?” You ask, dropping into the seat next to her. She smirks, but doesn’t respond, drinking in the moment. 
“I still think you need to go on a date. There’s so many single women here it’s basically a dating convention. Let me pick someone out for yo–her!” You point to a woman standing at the bar, “She’s pretty. Go buy her a drink.”
“It’s an open bar, you idiot. And I’m not ready yet. I told you.” She snaps, her smile gone.
You hold up your hands in apology, deciding to let it go (for now). The two of you sit in silence, watching the antics of all the other guests. You can’t understand why she doesn’t want to date. She’s been single for almost a year and it’s not like she hasn’t had opportunities. You know for a fact that she gets asked out almost everywhere she goes. You make a mental note to talk to her about it later–maybe she just needs a pep talk. 
As the night goes on you drink more and talk less, dancing with your friends and trying to get Leah to join you. As the designated driver of the evening, she stopped drinking after the champagne toast, and dancing with drunk people isn’t quite as fun when she’s sober (plus she’s not sure she can trust herself not to grab your waist and move behind you). You eventually give up, pulling one of Ruesha’s cousins in to dance with you. This is enough for Leah, seeing her move behind you the way she wishes she could. Leah stands and stalks over to you, stopping just short of the dance floor.
“Time to go Y/N.” She says, her eyes cold. 
You pout but follow her to the car. The ride home is also silent–you are fighting to keep your eyes open and Leah isn’t in the mood to talk. 
Once home, Leah heads inside without a word to you. Mostly sobered up from the drive, you follow her inside confused. She flops onto the bed, her hands over her eyes. You sit gingerly next to her, placing a hand on her arm.
“What’s up Leah? You’ve been acting weird all night. Did I do something?” “No. Yes. I don’t know…” She groans, uncovering her face and sitting up. “It’s just…why do you want me to start dating so badly?”
“I-I just want you to be happy, Leah. I don’t want you to feel like I’m getting in the way of your life. I know I’ve been staying here for a long time.”
“Really? That’s it?” She arches an eyebrow at you, challenging you to say something else. You don’t, just look at your hands.
“Look, Y/N,” She sighs, “I don’t need you to set me up. I can handle my own dating life. Please understand that.” “But I don’t understand Leah, that’s the problem. We’ve always set each other up. Is it because of your last relationship? Are you scared of getting hurt again? Because if that’s it–” “No, that’s not it.” Leah cuts you off. “ It’s different now. Do you really not know? Have I read this so wrong that you don’t see what’s happening?” 
You just look at her confused. She sighs, mustering up the courage. “I love you Y/N. I’m in love with you.”
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angryschnauzer · 1 year
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 8
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Summary: Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
Pairing: ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sandcastle (Movie).
Ongoing Genre: Fluff, Angst, and Smut
Story Warnings: Slight Angst, Talk of a car accident in the past, Anxious Sy, Mild Embarrassment, First Date Nerves, Kissing,   NSFW, 18+, Smut, Fingering, Grinding, Hot Tub Frolics, Handjob, Titty Sucking, Nudity, Blowjob, Oral Sex.  
Chapter 8 Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink.
Wordcount: 2767
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 8
Sy poured three mugs of coffee, setting one gently down in front of you as you glared at him, he did a piss poor job of hiding his smirk which infuriated you even more;
“I’m sorry honey, but as this is the first time i’ve seen you angry and i know i shouldn’t laugh, but that is the cutest angry face i’ve ever seen”
“It really is” Mike added from the far end of the kitchen table, his feet resting on the chair next to him as he pushed another slice of toast into his mouth.
“No. You; quiet”
Sy pulled your chair out, rested a hand on each armrest and leant forwards;
“I’m genuinely sorry about the surprise of finding a stranger in my kitchen, but you really do have the cutest face when you are angry”
Before you could get another word out he pressed his lips to yours, and your rage dissipated to the point you deepened the kiss, the world slipping away around you until you heard a quiet cough;
“I’m still here ya’ know guys”
You and Sy pulled your lips apart as he rested his forehead on yours;
“I just got a premonition of what it's going to be like in our household in twenty years time when our own smart ass kid can’t take a hint to get lost”
Mike laughed as Sy pulled away and sat next to you, tossing a grape into his mouth from the fruit bowl in the centre of the table;
“Uncle Sy, I just spent far too many hours on a bus to get here, walked cross country so Dad didn’t see me, had to break into your house as you seemingly forgot I was coming. I’m staying here, at least in this chair. If you two wanna go fuck i’m not stopping you”
Sy took a deep breath;
“Jesus Christ, you are just as infuriating as your Dad was growing up”
Mike grinned and you could see the likeness between him and Walter. The dark hair and sparkling eyes, but also the slightly lopsided grin. You could only imagine the hearts Walter broke when he was Mike’s age.
“So Mike…”
“Yeah Sweetcheeks?”
“Why are you in town but hiding from your Dad?”
Mike looked at Sy and back to you;
“He didn’t invite you?”
Sy turned beet red and suddenly got flustered;
“I been kinda busy Mikey, i completely forgot about it if i’m being honest, plus we had other more important stuff going on which is why she’s staying here” Sy looked to you; “It’s Walter’s 40th Birthday this week. Trying to get as many of the old family back together as a surprise”
You nodded;
“Ahh I see. Thus the covert operation of Mike staying with you”
"Precisely" Sy nodded; "So errr… whatcha doing Thursday evening?"
"Nothing as far as i know"
Sy smouldered; "Wanna come to Walter's surprise party?"
You smiled, genuinely feeling relieved for the first time in 24 hours;
"I'd love to" you leant forwards and pressed a kiss to Sy, only for Mike to cough.
"Still here"
Letting out a deep sigh, Sy turned;
"Get used to it kid. I'm crazy about this woman."
After a shower you settled some essentials into the drawer Sy had emptied for you for when you stayed the night again in the future, before packing the rest. As you climbed into Sy's truck he gave Mike instructions to chop a pile of logs ahead of taking a nap, climbing into the driver's seat he smiled at you;
"I can guarantee he'll only do one of the two instructions i just gave"
Laughing quietly you smiled at Sy;
"The nap?"
"Honestly? With Mikey you never know. Even though he has probably been awake 48 hours he is just like a freaking ball of pure energy so he'll probably end up chopping the entire wood pile"
"So, you're the mean Uncle? Putting him to work" You said with jest
Sy laughed;
"It'll be easy for him, he works part time at my brothers sawmill in Portland, he's told me that Mike will literally go out on his lunch break from his IT department and chop through a couple of tonnes of logs just for fun… and posing on tiktok"
You nodded and unlocked your phone, scrolling through instagram until you found the thirst trap reel of Sy doing exactly the same, peeling off his shirt halfway through;
"Oh, you mean like this?" Turning the screen to him and you watched the blush rise through his face to the top of his ears.
“That’s completely different. And is not a thirst trap, it was a hot day”
“There’s snow on the ground”
“I was getting hot”
You smiled;
“It made me hot too” you said quietly, your comment almost immediately followed by a rumble of tyres of gravel where Sy wasn’t paying attention to the road and had pulled onto the verge.
For the rest of the short drive to your cottage Sy paid attention to the road, pulling onto the driveway as the gravel crunched under the tyres of the truck.
“Never gonna be able to do a surprise visit with this gravel” he commented
“That’s the whole point”
Sy paused as he rounded the truck, considering your answer;
"I had never thought of it in that way. Now it makes sense"
"The fence too, and the roses and briars. Hostile architecture. Anyone tries to climb over the fence its so old and rickety that it's clear it'll fall over, likely tipping you into a patch of thorns"
You unlocked the door and deactivated the alarm, waiting for the three beeps before stepping inside and dropping your bags on the floor. The house was quiet, flecks of dust floating in the beams of sunlight that fell in puddles on the wooden floors. Sy stood in front of you, pulling you into his arms;
"So, what are your plans for today?"
"Lunch with Tam later, and I guess trying to find a gift for Walter?"
"So… no plans for the next few hours?"
You could sense the hopefulness to Sy's voice, and you could feel your body respond to the idea he was silently suggesting. Slipping your hand into his you turned and led him up the stairs, an appreciative hum as he realised you had agreed to his unspoken suggestion.
Stepping into your bedroom you felt like a Jane Austen character about to be ravaged by the handsome suitor, a bang of nerves nudging the arousal from top spot, Sy picking up immediately on your change;
"Are you ok? We don't have to…"
"No, I still want to. I'm just not super experienced in bed. You'll be the second guy i ever slept with"
Resting his hands on your upper arms Sy pressed a kiss to your forehead;
"Numbers don't matter. I wouldn't care if you had been with one or fifty before me"
Hooking his finger beneath your chin he tilted your head to meet his kiss, starting tentatively at first before it rapidly got heated. His hands cradled your face as you pulled his t-shirt out of his shorts, pushing it up his muscled torso. Digging your fingers gently to the wide chest, he pulled his shirt over his head before practically ripping your dress off, his hands moving to cup your breasts, feeling the soft flesh beneath the lace. Reaching around he deftly unhooked your bra with a practised skill, tossing it aside. You dragged your fingernails down his stomach before flattening your palm and slipping it into the waistband of his cargo shorts, feeling the rough bush of hair which his happy trail climbed from.
"I need you so bad" he admitted, taking hold of your other hand to rest against the obscene bulge tenting the front of his shorts.
With a sly smirk you moved your efforts to unbuckling his belt and unzipping him, letting the garment fall to the floor with a heavy thunk where his pockets were weighed down with keys and change. Just as you were going to get your hands back on him he surprised you by lifting you up and tossing you onto your bed, his big hands pulling your panties down your legs before he lay between your thighs, his mouth immediately on your pussy.
“Sy, I need you… I need you inside me”
He looked up and smiled;
“I know Honey, I need to be inside you too, but i gotta loosen you up first, don’t wanna hurt you”
“Ohh” you relaxed and let Sy go to town, enjoying the feel of his wide tongue and soft lips skillfully bringing you to the edge before you came. It was a soft and gentle orgasm, a starter to the meaty and filling main course that would follow.
Sy climbed up your body, peppering your skin with kisses before he settled between your legs. The weight of him was a comfort, thick corded muscle surrounding you at your most vulnerable, safe in the cage of his arms. He kissed you and you could taste yourself on his tongue. You found yourself instinctively squirming beneath him, the feel of his hardened shaft nestling between your soaked petals.
"Eager, aren't we?" Sy teased
"Please Sy, i'm ready"
Pushing himself up you watched as his positioned the fat tip at your entrance then paused and cursed;
"Fuck… protection…"
Your eyes went wide. In the past you had been on the pill but had stopped that as soon as you'd left James. Without any desire to even consider dating up until Sy you certainly weren't prepared;
"I don't have any…"
"When is your period due?"
"Umm…" now was not the time for your head to be considering your calendar; "By the end of the week"
"Okay… I can pull out, you should be past ovulating, right?"
"'Bout a week ago i had my ‘hungry horse’ three days, so yeah" referring to the short period of time when your appetite suddenly ramped up after you had ovulated.
Sy looked deep into your eyes as if trying to see any doubt;
“Are you sure about this?”
You were so turned on you probably weren’t thinking straight, your pussy making the decisions for you as  you hooked your legs around Sy’s butt and pulled him closer;
“I need you inside me now”
“Okay okay, baby, relax for me”
Sy reached down and positioned himself at your entrance, his attention darting between where your bodies were about to be joined and your face, gauging your reaction as he slowly pushed into your welcoming body. 
“Holy motherfucking…” Sy cursed as he stretched you out, yet his muttered words floated away as you were overwhelmed by the feel of him inside you.
You hadn’t realised you were holding your breath until Sy pressed a single kiss to your cheek and spoke softly;
“Honey, you’re gonna have to relax otherwise i’m gonna cum sooner than either of us want”
“I am… I'm trying to. I’m just waiting for the pain”
Sy paused;
“The pain?”
“Yeah… when you hit my cervix”
He held himself up on one arm as he softly cradled your cheek with his big hand;
“Oh Honey, I'm not gonna do that. I’m fitting just fine and don’t need to go any deeper, Hell, I ain't got no more inches to go deeper anyway. I’m guessing your ex was longer? And didn’t care that he hurt you?”
You nodded;
“But Sy, you’re not small, James was really long but really narrow…” you smiled up at him; “I like the feel of how thick your cock is, it feels really good”
Sy pressed a single kiss to your lips;
“Oh I'm not worried about my size Honey, I know I got a good deal. Now, how about I make you feel even better? How ‘bout I show you why girth is better than length?”
You smiled at him and nodded, to which he reached his head down and pressed a kiss to your lips before he slowly rolled his hips. You could feel the smooth slide as his cock rubbed against your inner walls, each ridge and vein caressing you whilst the bulbous crown curved up and cushioned against your g-spot. Resting your hands on his muscled back you let pleasure take over, suddenly realising just how skilled Sy was as a lover. 
As the senses of summer filled the room you felt a bliss like you had never before. Muted light coming in the windows, the scent of the garden blooms in the air. Birds and crickets in the distance were the only sounds beyond those the pair of you were making. The air was thick and heavy, another summer storm brewing rapidly but the heat only made your lovemaking more intense. Almost every sense was fulfilled except taste, your subconscious deciding to go for the whole set as when Sy rolled his hips and filled you again, you craned your neck and instinctively licked the side of his neck, tasting the sheen of sweat that had appeared on his skin.
“Oh Honey, you wantin’ a taste?” Sy muttered menacingly; “You ain’t the only one”
Gripping your hips he pushed up on his knees, never pulling out of you as he rocked his pelvis, but your ass was resting on his thighs as he widened his stance on the bed. He slid one hand into the small of your back, supporting it as you arched your spine, his other hand resting on the bed beside your head. The angle gave him enough room to continue to fuck you as he kissed and sucked at your breasts, taking a mouthful of titty before switching to the other.
As the room grew darker you could sense petrichor in the air, that impending humidity before a storm broke. Sy growled as he felt your body tightening, and as his sound faded away a rumble of thunder followed as if an answer.
Shifting, Sy straightened his body, kneeling on the bed as he gripped your waist with both hands, rolling his hips with each thrust;
“C’mon baby, cum for me, i’m getting so fucking close, let me see you cum for me”
You were already so close you didn’t need Sy’s words, but as your hands instinctively reached for something to grip onto you felt your fingers straining against the cotton fibres of the sheets as your final barriers dissolved and your orgasm finally crested. Lost on a wave of utter bliss you were in a haze of euphoria, the world around you no longer existing apart from the groans of Sy as he came too.
You missed how Sy watched you in all your beauty, chewing on his lip as he placed his hand over your abdomen and could feel as his cock pumped ropes of cum into you. Thoughts he would never share surged through his mind as he knew gravity would be flooding your widened cervix with his seed, and it was if he could feel the searing heat he’d filled you with warming his hand through your body. Mesmerised by the notion he would see your belly swell over time he was lost in the moment, before you reached for his hand, your palm sweaty;
“Sy… lay with me. I need you to hold me”
As if coming out of a trance he shook his head before tenderly pulling out of you and moving back, setting you softly down before he curled around your body at your side, cupping your cheek and turning you until the tips of your noses met;
“Fuck me, that was amazing” he muttered.
Later you were both showered and redressed, Sy holding an umbrella for you as he escorted you back to his truck to drive you into town for your lunch with Tam. Pulling up to the kerb outside Antonios’ he killed the engine before jogging around to the passenger side, opening the door and holding his hand out for you, smiling kindly when he glanced at your shorts;
“No dress incidents this time”
“I’ve learnt my lesson” 
Taking your hand he walked you up to the outside patio where Tamara was already waiting for you, giving her a smile and nod before placing a kiss on your cheek;
“Have fun, i’ll call you later”
The pair of you watched as Sy returned to his truck, smiling and waving as he drove off before Tam rested her elbows on the table and leant forwards;
“So… tell me everything…”
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haecien · 6 months
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Birthday Wishes X.MG
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A/n - this fic is for my baby @mirxzii <33 HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY !!!! I literally love u sm I'll try to get this out on march 20th or the start of march ! Also we are both march babies and your birthday is 6 days ahead of mine<33 (we are literally twins atp) I HOPE U ENJOY THE FIC <33 Also happy birthday to everyone else who is celebrating their birthdays on march mwa <3 (divider creds @/cafekitsune & @/saradika-graphics)
Also babka looks so good👁
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Synopsis - Being an idol is tough, especially with your strict diet. You wanted to celebrate your birthday in peace but your company thought otherwise, but here comes your boyfriend to the rescue.
Genre/s - Idol!Minghao x idol!reader, fluff, secret relationship, tried to make this gender neutral so y/n is in a split group (kard situation just imagine whatever gender you wish to be! <3), also a mix between smau + written!
Warnings - Mentions of food, Strict(ish) diets mentioned, Cursing, Body shaming(?), use of petnames, If you find more warnings I should add lmk! <3
Wc - est 700 words?
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You just got back from a fan meeting, you're so tired and exhausted from it. You were annoyed from how many aegyo requests you got today though.... but you're atleast happy you got tons of gifts from your fans.
" My God... this is a mountain of gifts, so many jewelry this time tho! — "
One of your bandmates butted in " Well... you did mention on a weverse post you been wanting to buy new jewelry, and it is your birthday soon anyways— " Oh, my, God.
Did you really just forget your own birthday? Your OWN birthday?
" I— I JUST FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY. MAKES SENSE WHY I RECIVED SO MANY GIFTS I WHAA- " you again got cutted off but this time by your manager.
" Listen up, we have a busy schedule today and the next few days. And I know y/n its your birthday in a few days, we'll host a weverse live and all that— " " Will there be cake? "
" What? " " You heard me, will there be cake? "
If there was one way to describe you, its that you love your sweets very much. There are numerous compilations of just you eating and adoring sweets as your fans found your sweet tooth the most cutest thing ever.
" Y/n please tell me you're being serious right now— Some netizens are noticing you're putting on some weight. That's a risk to your image! " Your manager scolded you, leaving you and your band members to be silent for a bit.
Your bright smile quickly faded into a slight frown, you were about to say something but quickly closed your mouth.
The leader of your group stepped up and tried to break the tension, " Thank you manager-nim, let's talk a bit later since the members are tired from the fan meeting— I'll see you in the afternoon. "
Your leader bowed down, as the manager left, " Y/n, I know you're a bit upset but you need to know hes trying to look out for you. If they say you need to limit on the cake then you need too. "
You nodded, looking upset.
The leader sighed and looked at you, reaching for there wallet. " Lets buy some Babka, you said you were craving that right? " suddenly you wernt feeling sad, your eyes lightened up. You quickly nodded your head, the leader giggled at your expression and your band headed out of the building to buy foods and treats.
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That was your boyfriend for you, the one and only Xu minghao. The public doesn't know you two are dating besides mutual friends and members. Really you both didn't expect you'd be dating each other, your first meeting of each other was scuffed.
It was just when you newly debuted a year after seventeens debut, you were both at a music show award and they won their first award. You rarely knew these guys but you felt so happy for them.
Later after the awardings you saw the same band backstage, you wanting to be friendly approached them. " Hi! I'm y/n from (group name) , I just wanted to congratulate you guys for your first win! " the member who was closest to you looked a bit confused but just gave you a polite smile and a simple thank you, it was a bit awkward so one of the other members from seventeen came forward.
"Thank you y/n, oh I'm seungkwan! That was the8, hes a bit shy and he is still learning Korean and English so bare with him please... " you laughed it off and said it was fine.
After that it felt like the universe just wanted to make you go together at every award show at this point, it was like you couldn't escape them.
So naturally you both expected to always see each other during award shows and sometimes even variety shows. Some of your fans started to notice it and made a little fun inside joke which you all talked about with each other.
When one group is absent the other gets confused, usually after the show you'd be frantically texting each other bombarding everyone with "WHERE ARE YOU" texts. Because of these interactions your groups were very close behind the cameras, so its expected the whole fan base would be shocked to see a picture of you and minghao walking together, alone.
The company cleared it up by saying how it wasn't really them, obviously that didn't work... but the issue died down and no one really remembers it. Non the less after all of that you both still managed to have one of the most best relationships you both have.
But, telling the members the news of you guys dating sent them absolutely going bat shit crazy. After that some members slipped in a little joke or hint about you two, though the fans suprisingly didn't notice.
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Time skip — The day of your birthday.
The day has started and you open your weverse notifications and you were bombarded with happy birthday messages, all of your colleagues, members, friends, family all greeted you a happy birthday.
Your birthday live was canceled due to conflicting schedules and you not having the energy but you assured your fans about it saying how you'll do a live as quickly as possible.
Your birthday was great, it was still missing one key thing. Ofcourse the cake, you and your members had a little private party and your company strictly told your members to NOT give you any sweets or anything that might make you gain weight, all you could eat was stupid salads and like one cupcake.
What a killjoy.
You saw everyone else eating whatever they wanted, you envied how much some people didn't care about their weight. It made you feel sick over how people were just eating and stuffing their faces with all kinds of sweets, on your own fucking birthday.
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After your little party you went back to your dorm, you were surprised to see your door unlocked though.
You swore it was locked an hour ago, what if someone went in? Shit worse a fan went inside and maybe installed cameras inside?
Or left a creepy note with cameras! Your heart was beating while you slowly entered your dorm, closing and locking the door. You heard a metal sound, its sounds like something fell from the kitchen.
Scared, you grabbed a umbrella that was beside your door and held onto it tightly. You ran towards the kitchen and just started swinging the umbrella around trying to hit whoever or whatever was there.
You heard a thud and looked up, " Fuck— HAO? "
Minghao rubbed his head and looked down at you, " Happy birthday? " he had cake frosting all over his face and hands, and chocolate on his lips.
You dropped the umbrella " Oh baby I'm so sorry for hitting you oh my— you look fucking messy by the way." Minghao rolled his eyes at you.
" Thank you genius. "
Minghao pulled you in his arms and gave you a little peck on the cheek, " Now your face is covered in chocolate too. "
" Ew, the chocolate tastes good but ew... "
"Oh boo hoo, I know you're happy to see me. "
Yeah, he was right. Of course you're happy to see him. The only thing that could cheer you up after having a shitty day was your boyfriend.
Even if sometimes your schedules are packed for the week you still both secretly met up on breaks, hey what can I say your companies are close.
You peaked behind minghao and saw a glimpse of a beautiful wrapped box before he blocked your view again, " Aha, not now love. Later you'll see what I have prepared for you. "
"Come on, you love me right? Can't I have a little peak? " you cupped his cheeks in your hands, shaking his head a bit. " Nope, that doesn't work on me. Even if it's your birthday. "
" It will ruin the surprise ! "
Minghao convinced you to go into your living room and put on your favorite show to keep you distracted for a bit.
— After awhile Minghao covered your eyes and lead you back into the kitchen again.
" Happy birthday my dearest, y/n. "
Your kitchen was beautifully decorated, the balloons in your favorite color, the smell of the candle filling the room. The snacks on the counter, freshly made just for you and him.
And most importantly, the strawberry cake on the table.
Your reaction made Minghao giggle, " I'm assuming you like it baby? " you felt like you were about to tear up, " Hao, I love it so much, its better than the party my members did. "
" Im glad you like it, I'm sorry if I don't have much for your gifts but here. "
He gave you an envelope, labeled " To my dearest, y/n "
You opened it to see a letter. You quickly read the letter ;
" My dearest, y/n.
No matter how old you're turning today, I wish I'd spend all of my lives seeing you. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side, I want you to be my first and last, the person I'd marry and have my future with.
I know things haven't been the most easiest but I'm so glad you're still with me til this day. You have dealt with me for so long, you helped me when I was at my lowest. I wish to repay you back with every cent I have.
But if I cant repay you with money then I shall repay you with my life.
Happiest of birthdays to you my love. "
TAGLIST — @slytherinshua , @weird-bookworm , @woozvc , @bangantokchy , @mayashu , @mirxzii , @glosskirt , @amxlia-stars , @addicsvt , @isabellah29 , @hrts4hanniehae
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
falling. (miles mórales x reader)
there will be a part 2 to this and I’m going to post outgrown part 2 soon I just fixed this up quickly to keep you guys in touch! 💓 enjoy and ily!!!
They were two teenagers in love. At first it was just a childhood crush…until they realized what they had was real, and special.
“Y/n!! Get up!”
An exhausted Y/n laid on the wooden floors of the apartment out of breath from playing tag running around the sofa back and forth.
“give…me…a minute.”
“I’m gonna use my super powers to revive you!”
7 year old miles gently attempted to pick up the 6 year old Y/n old for both of them to stumble in each others arms leaving them a giggling mess.
The future for Miles became true, he had super powers and he was Spider-Man. In this universe Y/n was his spider-women even with all the powers she had…she trusted and gave that boy all of her heart. When you’re in a relationship like their’s you don’t need to constantly look over your shoulder to see who’s there. Miles made her the happiest and he was so deeply in love.
“Miles! Ok open your eyes !”
Y/n had Miles seated on his chair while she walked forward standing between his legs with a Spider-Man plushy she knitted and box of his favorite snacks
“What! No way! This is awesome! Thank you babe.”
He hugged her tight, picking her up to lay them onto the bed..all followed by both their muffled laughter.
Oh..he would say yes to Y/n a thousand times if it kept her happy. The two relaxed with the plushy in hand and snacks in their mouth. Giggling and joking around about the movie for the rest of the night.
The deeper Miles got involved with Gwen and all her antics…the more Miles took Y/n’s heart for granted. Y/n could see it but all she did was allow her tears to blur her vision.
Tears fell before they could be healed..Dates every week become unfinished…conversations became short..Y/n now had to look over her shoulder..
It had been another night Miles had forgotten about their date and it left Y/n to walk in the rain letting her tears fall with them…this was it. She was going to have the conversation she dreaded. Her eyes were red and swollen from the pain she let slip away. Those soft hands were worn out from rubbing them against each other for warmth and comfort.
Y/n’s breathing hitched and her hand couldn’t bear to knock on his family’s door. For the first time, Y/n no longer felt comfortable to just speak to him…she was scared if any of her thoughts had any truth to them. After a couple of minutes thinking Y/n settled on texting him to open the apartment door so that they could speak, she figured it’d be better than either one of his parents seeing her a mess.
“…y/n? What? What are you doing? What’s going on?”
His girlfriend took a quick glance thankful the apartment was empty and she took Miles hand; walking him to his room.
“Want to know what I was doing? I was standing in the rain waiting for you. Miles, this isn’t the first time you’ve forgot about our plans.”
Y/n tried to keep her voice low and her tears away but it was impossible not when she was looking at those brown eyes…and then suddenly her eyes caught the attention of his phone lighting up, she walked right up to it clicking on it…reading the messages…with both miles and her saved as his lock-screen
Gwen: why’d you hang up on face time?
Gwen: I was hoping we’d talk longer about our plans tomorrow.
“Y/n stop. Don’t touch my phone. I don’t know why you’re getting so upset. I’m sorry ok? But we always have dates, we don’t need them 24/7.”
It didn’t hurt that he brushed off his apology…it was the fact that he implied she simply wanted too much, but was it really? Miles loved dates, he was the one who planned their date today and he left her in the rain. Again.
“You love her..don’t you? Your favorite thing to do is dates…but your favorite person isn’t me..not anymore.”
“Right now? Yea maybe she is my favorite. When did you get so…so insecure? You were never like this.”
Immediately Miles put a hand over his mouth…he let his thoughts run farther than they should’ve and Y/n let out a cry.
In that moment she knew she couldn’t stay, not when it was more clear to her that he had fallen out of love with her.
“Forget what i said! It’s not what I meant!”
“Miles…please. I’m losing myself because I can’t lose you, I’m trying so hard. I’m putting you on a pedestal and I just can’t do it anymore- miles we’re done.”
There was no point in arguing anymore…what more was there to discuss?
“No, no Y/n. You don’t mean it. Take it back, you’re just mad right now.”
“I won’t Miles. I love you ok? I love you but I will not continue to lose myself in you. This has gone on way to long and I will not stand by and watch you leave me just because you’re growing feelings for someone who doesn’t even belong here.”
Hearing that made Miles infuriated and delirious. He let Y/n walk out the door, what hurt most was that Y/n knew he heard everything…
her tears..
her heart rate..
her breaths..
her slipping away..
and there was nothing he could do about it.
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi
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dellalyra · 1 year
❁ 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧’𝙨 𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙗 ❁ - 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦
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𝘈/𝘕: 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬, 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴, 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘺
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The room was deathly silent.
Megumi and Nobara were sitting, jaws dropped and eyes wide
They were looking after a 4 month old Akio while you and Gojo were out for a dinner date. Akio was teething, grumpy and red faced - and screaming his head off. They were at a loss, you had warned them about the teething but they insisted you and your husband go anyway. They tried everything to stop the crying, Megumi read books, Nobara bounced him around, Yuuji tried lullabies - nothing. They were all frazzled and Nobara and Yuuji had started to bicker on what they should do, Megumi was frantically googling how to help his little brother.
The crying reached a crescendo as Nobara and Yuuji bickered before a booming voice echoed through the room.
“Fucking hell, get the damn brat something cold to suck on!”
Megumi dropped his phone and Nobara just stared at the open mouth on Yuuji’s cheek. The boy in question had frozen with the baby in his arms - eyes wide.
There was silence as they all looked between each other, in a scene akin to the three Spider-Man meme.
“Imbecilic half-wits - one of you, get the Gojo spawn something cold to suck on before he deafens us all.” The face-mouth snarls.
Nobara sidetracks to the freezer.
“Sukuna - eh, how the fuck do you know how to help a teething baby?” Yuuji grimaces.
“Brainless dolt, I am a millennia old - do you think I have been idly wandering some simpleton’s mind as I am now for a thousand years?” The mouth has appeared on Yuuji’s other cheek now - Megumi is truly speechless because of all the people to provide childcare advice from, Sukuna would have been last on the list - but as he picks up his phone, the number one thing on the ‘How to sooth a teething infant’ article was something cold to suck on. He spins the phone to Yuuji who had the most incredulous look on his face.
“Silence the damned thing before he begins to speak as loud as his insufferable father.” The voice growls as it retreats back to whatever pit the King of Curse’s has made in Yuuji’s soul.
Nobara returned with some frozen breast milk to rub on the tired babies irate gums and Akio almost instantly settled, and snuggled into his Yuuji-kun.
When the sleeping babies parents returned, giggling as they enter the cottage - they both pause.
“Wait - Akio, he’s quiet? What’s going on? He’s teething - oh god, I completely forgot to tell you guys about the frozen milk!” You gasp.
“Oops! Let’s see, all eardrums intact? I might have 6 eyes but this kid might have six lungs with how he screams.” Gojo smirks, lifting Megumi’s hair as if to examine his ear.
“It’s okay, mom. We - eh, got it all figured out…” Megumi said as he tried to swat his father away who was swatting him in return.
“Yeah, it was all okay once we… got some advice.” Nobara added in, eyebrows still arched at the nights events.
“Advice? Oh, from Google?” You ask.
“Eh… no. From… Sukuna?” Yuuji said, tone full of bewilderment.
“I’m sorry, from Sukuna?” Your eyes widen and Gojo freezes giving Megumi just enough time to land a slap on his shoulder (nobody mentions that it actually hits the man, infinity comes off for play fighting your kid).
“Yeah - Akio was really sad and crying and we didn’t know what to do so Sukuna just said to try something cold in his mouth and um - it worked. We found the frozen milk.” Yuuji shrugged, smiling.
“Hey, Sukuna! If you can hear me, are you interested in a nannying position? Maid uniform mandatory but weekends off!” Gojo says as he begins to take his baby son from Sukuna’s vessel as the cheek mouth growls lowly. Gojo and you just walk upstairs to put the baby to bed, both hysterically laughing and imitating a Nanny Sukuna.
Babysitting sorcery babies is weird.
Especially when the kid has the weirdest family ever.
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sl-vega · 7 months
✧xingqiu's victims friends✧
THIS SERIES IS CANCELLED: announcement about its cancellation
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✧xingqiu✧-a creative writing major with a minor in literature, second born son of the CEO of Feiyun Corp. discovered his love and reading and writing at a young age. when he was 10 he wrote a fanfic as a joke but to his surprise it went viral. he forgot the account's password so he never got around to deleting it. comes off as an absolute gentleman, but he's actually a bit of a gremlin.
"me? putting chili powder into chongyun's food? what baseless accusations are these-okay fine, i did, but how else is he supposed to survive living with xiangling?-"
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✧xiangling✧-attends a culinary school nearby teyvat university. she does the cooking but not cleaning for all her roommates. she has a pet dog named guoba, and her father owns a famous restaurant. she's known for her weird sounding recipes, but they actually taste really good (except for the slime smoothies, that's an acquired taste)
"so we have jueyun chilis, fowl meat, now we just need some some slime secretations!"
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✧chongyun✧-mythological studies major with a minor in theology. he went through a ghost hunting phase when he was younger, which turned into an interest in mythology and folklore as he got older. he met xingqiu in elementary school and they've been friends ever since (even though xingqiu constanly tries to sneak him spicy food)
"i know for a fact that xingqiu put jueyun chilis in that"
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✧yanfei✧-a student at a law school nearby xiangling's culinary school. she's great at winning arguments/debates, and already has tons of internship offers from many different law firms. she has tons of rules/laws memorized just in case, and can apply them to any situation
"Ah, this weather's got me in the mood for reciting some laws. Let's see... "Commercial Law of Liyue," Chapter 27, Section 6, Article 3 stipulates that— Wait, what was it...? Oh my goodness, I've completely forgotten! What is wrong with me today...?"
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✧hu tao✧-forensics science major, and her family owns a funeral parlor (frequently advertises it, telling people that she can hook them up with a free coffin). a bit eccentric, but she means well. she's also a horror and true crime fanatic (criminal minds, forensic files etc.)
"YOU! YES YOU! what if i told you, that if you plan with wangsheng funeral parlor today you can get a discount on your future coffin!"
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✧gaming✧-dance major, and a part time uber driver and the designated driver for every outing with his friends. he's the type of driver that talks a ton to his passenger, but he'll shut up if needed. most of his passengers mispronounce his name upon pick up, and he's very used to jokes about his name.
"hi i'll be your driver for today-hm? yes, my name is actually gaming"
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additional notes:
-everyone is in their sophmore (second year) of university (19-20)
-everyone in xingqiu's friend group lives off campus together
-yanfei doesn't attend teyvat university, she is in her second year of law school at oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale
-xiangling attends a culinary school nearby oratrice and teyvat university
-xingqiu's a wattpad author. fight me
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✧Going off Script✧
Xingqiu's next major project requires him to write a romantic short story, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. all you need to do is stick to the script
spoiler alert: you go off script and end up falling for him
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(CLOSED) taglist: @freyao7
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matchbet-allofthetime · 10 months
Okay Tumblr ghesties, I have a Thing that is useless to many but may prove HelpfulTM to some
So have my (not) comprehensive list of ghouls in the band (I KNOW I'm missing some, I've been a fan for ages, I'm trying my best here and thie random is confusing as hell so this is definitely subject to possibly be wrong in lots of ways, especially dates-wise and im bad with remembering when eras ended so yk)
Also I'm going by the years they were in the band, not the eras
But I will have when the eras started/ended down below too to help
You'll notice there's a fuck ton of water ghouls. Water ghouls are bassists. There's been a lot of bassists. There was even a while where the band just... Didn't have a bassist. No clue what's up with that tbh
Symbols in the band and what they mean represent:
🜁- air (keyboard)
🜂- fire (lead guitar)
🜃- earth (drums)
🜄- water (bass)
- quintessence (see photo of symbol at bottom of post---rhythm guitar)
+ Multi (Don't technically use symbols, but I use the plus sign--- tambourine, background vocals, the like)
((Note: these are all alchemical symbols, which I noticed when I first got into the band. I adore that so much. I even have a ghoul language in the works comprised solely of alchemical symbols!!))
LIST OF GHOULS (as of 2023):
Air (This one doesn't have a fandom-wide name as far as I'm aware, but I call him Atmos); air ghoul #1; 2010-2016
Chain (wore a chain around his waist and sometimes painted black on his hands in bone-like patterns); water ghoul #1; 2010-2011
Lake (water ghoul #2) 2011-2013
Alpha (fire ghoul #1); 2010-2016
Omega (thick-ass silver rings on both ring fingers, quintessence ghoul #1); 2010-2016
Big Earth (I call him Valley and I don't think he's got a fandom-wide name either); earth ghoul #1; 2010-2013
River (water ghoul #3); 2013-2013
Little Earth/Pebble (earth ghoul #2); 2014-2016
Delta (water ghoul #4, later quintessence ghoul #2); 2014-2016
Mist (first ghoulette, water ghoul #5); 2016-2016
Ifrit (replaced Alpha, fire ghoul #2); 2017-2017
Aether (banana boy, quintessence ghoul #3); 2017-2023
ChAir/Zephyr (bro's got chronic back pain or smthn, air ghoul #2); 2017-2017
Dewdrop/Sodomizer (stompy and stoic, water #6, later fire #3); 2017-
New Earth/Ivy (earth #3); 2017-2017
Mountain (nameless ghoul with rhythm, no shoes, earth ghoul #4); 2017-
Swiss Army (feral, fucks his guitar more than he plays it, loves being on his knees, a smokin' nameless ghoul, multi ghoul #1); 2018-
Rain (tripped while paying once, water ghoul #7); 2018-
Cirrus (a nameless ghoul that rocks, air ghoul #4)
Cumulus (a nameless ghoul with some moves, air ghoul #5); 2018-
Sunshine (multi ghoul #2); 2020-2022
Phantom (sometimes called Midas/Aeon); (quintessence ghoul #4); 2023-
Aurora (multi ghoul #3); 2023-
Assorted ghouls:
Special/Phil (I think they're the same, but it's been a while since I've paid Special Ghoul attention. I am shaming myself for this 😔)
Edit:: Because I'm stupid and forgot to post the image at first:
The quintessence symbol! <3
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((too many fucking tagssss hrrng I can't get everyone I'm sorry-- but yeah, there ya go. hopefully this helps someone out a little. And for newcomers- we named the ghouls as a fandom. some names just tend to stick, some names have been official, and some haven't. go nuts <33))
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arliedraws · 9 months
Good Godfather Sirius Black Fest 2024
Day 6 Prompt: "Dating Advice"
Summary: Sirius gets home from a terrible date and reflects on it with ten-year-old Harry who has recently moved in with him. When Sirius makes an offhand comment about parenthood, it prompts both of them to reconsider their own self-talk. (Tonks is in it for about five minutes,fyi)
Pure godfather&godson bonding/family fluff. Sequel(ish) to “The Neighbor.”
“You’re back!”
The green-haired teenager sprang from the sofa, blinking sleep furiously from her eyes. Pins on her leather jacket clinked together as she skidded into the kitchen. With an oof, she slid too far in ripped black nylons, and Sirius caught her elbow before she rammed into the cabinet.
“Well?” she said, unfazed by her own clumsiness.
Sirius pulled a face at her.
“I told you not to date women,” she said, grinning.
“Last week you told me not to date men.”
“Yeah, I stand by that too.”
Sirius fished in his pocket for the bag of coins. The bag was considerably lighter than it’d been a few hours earlier before he’d exchanged wizarding gold for quid—a few hours of his life and cash he’d never get back. He withdrew a few Galleons and dropped them into her outstretched hand.
“Don’t you want me to find love?” he said.
Tonks looked sharply at him. “Love?” she said as if the word were new. The taste of it seemed to disgust her.“You’re looking for love?”
“I—” Sirius paused. “Er—aren’t I?”
“Are you?”
Sirius stared at her.
Was it love he wanted? Or was it lovemaking? He thought about the woman who had stolen several precious hours of his life—she was a complete imbecile but she wore tight jeans and a very low-cut top. Maybe it was just a rough go of it against a brick wall behind a pub that he wanted.
“I don’t know,” he said at last. “Have you ever been in love?”
“No,” she said, snorting. “Why would I do that? Have you?”
“In a way,” said Sirius. Then he frowned at her. “You do believe in love, don’t you?”
“Oh,” Tonks said. She nodded. “Yeah, ’course I do. I love my parents and friends, but I’ve never been in love. That sort of romantic stuff seems a bit…I dunno. Expensive.”
Sirius laughed despite himself and tossed the whole coin purse at her. Tonks, surprised, caught it.
“Harry’s alive, right?” said Sirius.
“Yeah,” said Tonks. She looked nervously at the coin purse as if she thought it might be a trick. “Sleeping, I expect. What’s this for?”
“Bit of a bonus. Did he eat?”
“Yeah. I’m a poor cook, though. Nearly burnt down the kitchen.”
“Ah, so that’s why it smells like charred corpse.”
“Of course you’d say that. You sound like Mad-Eye Moody.”
Sirius shoved aside memories of burned bodies as he inspected the huge black mark on the wall near the stove. Part of the drywall had crumbled onto the floor. Tonks blushed and pulled out her wand.
“Reparo!” she said. “Sorry. Forgot to do that before you got back.”
“What did you two eat, then? Charcoal?”
“Harry made us sandwiches.”
“You can’t make a sandwich?”
Tonks had moved towards the door and starting lacing up a chunky black boot, hooking each lace carefully before tying it off. “Didn’t want to risk it. Besides, Harry’s pretty good at the food thing, and I thought, well, if he wants to eat something halfway decent, let him do it. Anyway,” she said, pulling on the other boot, “we talked about going to the Puddlemere United match next weekend if you’ll let us. I’ve got an extra ticket for him if you’re all right with that.”
Sirius opened his mouth to say that he didn’t know if it was a good idea. Thinking better of it, he turned away and pretended to look at the calendar on the wall, knowing that he ought to say yes. What could happen at a Quidditch match in the middle of the day? Unfortunately, he could come up with myriad tragedies in his imagination, all of them ending with Harry’s funeral. But Tonks is an Auror trainee—she’s not stupid! Still, it churned his stomach to think about letting Tonks bring him to somewhere so crowded and so public…
“We’ll see,” he said finally.
“Well,” he heard her say, “send an owl by Thursday. I’m off.”
Sirius said farewell, and she left. Faintly, there was the pop! of Apparition from just outside the door. Pointing his wand over his shoulder, he hit the lock with a charm and it slid into place. The wards he and Dumbledore built around the house rendered a physical lock unnecessary, but locking a door never hurt.
The round clock that the former owner of the house had left behind was ticking slower than Sirius thought it should, but perhaps it was because he had simply grown used to hours that felt too long. The evening that he finally gave up on might have really lasted several days instead of three hours.
For the dozenth time, he wondered what possessed him to say yes to her. Sirius and Harry had been waiting in line at the cinema when the woman and her friend tapped him on the shoulder. Distracted by the way a long lock of her hair rested on her breast, Sirius accidentally said yes to her invitation to dinner much to his and Harry’s horror. For days, he agonized over the idea, but it was Harry who suggested he keep his word. After all, Harry had said, it might be rude to stand her up.
She was a Muggle woman whose name kept slipping out of his mind throughout their date. She was very dull. Loud, but very dull. All she wanted to talk about was how impressed she was that he was parenting his godson all on his own and how brave it was for him to take on such a burden. It might not have been so annoying if she had let him talk about Harry and explain that it wasn’t very hard to look after such a good kid, but she had no interest in that bit. In fact, she rolled her eyes and told him he ought to see how unique it was that a man could be so sensitive and so thoughtful.
Sirius went up staircase after several minutes of self-pity alone in the kitchen. The light was on in Harry’s room when he reached the top stair, so he knocked gently and poked his head in.
Harry was asleep. His glasses hung from his nose, a book about broomsticks was open on his lap, and he was propped up against several pillows, his head lolling over his chest. He was snoring. Sirius grinned and tiptoed inside. Gently, he reached for the precariously hanging spectacles when Harry’s eyes flew open.
“Sorry!” Harry blurted.
Sirius swallowed that familiar lump of fury at the Dursleys. Harry hated when Sirius told him he didn’t have to apologize, though Harry would never say so outright, so Sirius held back from saying that Harry had nothing to be sorry about.
“Didn’t mean to startle you,” Sirius whispered. “Just taking off your glasses.”
Harry shoved them back over his nose. “When did you get back? Is Tonks still here?”
“Just now, and no, she left. Heard about the fire.”
“I didn’t know you could start a fire like that with just water.”
“It’s hard, but Tonks is a wonder,” said Sirius. “You can sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow morning.”
“How was your…date?”
The slur of sleep was quickly leaving Harry’s voice, and Sirius sighed inwardly. How good a parent could he be if he woke up his kid at midnight? But he couldn’t resist indulging Harry’s smirk.
Sirius flopped on his back onto the bed, groaning.
“Last week, you said you never wanted to go on another date. Why’d you tell her yes, then?”
“Cheeky boy,” said Sirius, popping his head up to glare at him. “You’re the one who said it would be rude not to show up.”
“Yeah,” admitted Harry. “But you shouldn’t’ve said yes in the first place. Why did you?”
Sirius squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head, letting it bounce against the mattress. “Oh, Harry. Because I’m a bloody idiot. And she took me by surprise.”
“What d’you mean?”
“Well, you saw her. She had this sort of shape—” Sirius mimed with his hands “—and it seemed like a good idea for a second.”
“What’s that got to do with it?”
Sirius waved his hand dismissively. “Everything…nothing… Hard to explain. Look, Harry, never go for someone just because they look like this—” again, he mimed his date’s ample figure “—or because they’ve got an appendage like this—” he spread his hands wide. “It might seem like you’ve won the jackpot, but it’ll cost you a dozen galleons, several hours of your life you’ll never get back, and a wicked headache.”
“I don’t think I’m very interested in all that,” said Harry. “Er—dating.”
“Good. Save your gold. We’ll be bachelors together, old chum.” Sirius patted Harry’s leg. He lurched forward until he had propped himself on his elbows, eyeing the bedroom that was half-lit by the solitary lamp on the bedside table. “Think we should get a few decorations in here, Harry. Bit sparse, don’t you think?”
“So wait, what happened?” said Harry. “Was it like last time?
“The one with that bloke from the department store? No, it was different. Worse.”
Sirius didn’t need to look at Harry to know the boy had probably reddened at the memory. Though Sirius hadn’t regaled anything inappropriate regarding his evening with the young man named Matthew, he knew Harry was still unused to the idea that two men could date each other. Admittedly, it was rather new to Sirius too. Before Azkaban, he had never considered the possibility he could meet another man at a restaurant, share wine and talk about romantic things… And frankly, it still wasn’t easy. There were plenty of questioning, disgusted looks shot at them that Sirius pretended not to notice. What did worry Sirius, however, was that the Muggles were battling a strange disease spread through sexual encounters, and it was slaughtering entire communities. In the end, Sirius’s date confessed that he was too nervous to take things further and wished Sirius good luck in the future. It had been difficult to explain to Harry.
Harry’s understanding of men like Sirius came from his aunt and uncle’s declarations that anyone who engaged in such depraved activities ought to be beaten by police and locked away for sexual deviancy. Patiently, Sirius had guided Harry through his conflicted thoughts.
“Your aunt and uncle also hate magic,” he had said. “But do you think magic is bad? Punishable?”
“Oh,” said Harry after a moment. “Right.”
So when Sirius blurted yes to the woman at the cinema, Harry was confused again. After the woman and her friend had gone, Sirius quickly explained that to him, it didn’t really matter to him a person’s gender.
“Then what was wrong with her?” Harry asked, rubbing his eyes before he set aside the book.
Sirius shrugged. “Didn’t do it for me. I wanted to talk about things she wasn’t particularly interested in.”
“Like what?”
“Er—well, reckon she got a bit tired of me talking about you.”
“What? You talked about me? Why would you do that?”
“It’s just what parents do,” said Sirius, dismissively. Then he heard it. His soul might have detached from his body, then, as his own words echoed back between his ears. He realized what had come out of his mouth, what it must have sounded like. His stomach clenched with guilt, and he looked very quickly at Harry. “Er—I—”
Harry tried to hide it but Sirius could see the sudden swell of emotion gleaming in those big, green eyes before they fixed upon the floor. Sirius sat upright, grimacing.
“I didn’t mean—Harry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
Harry frowned. “You didn’t?”
“I’m not your dad. I know that. I swear, I’m not trying to take his place. It just slipped out.”
“Oh,” said Harry.
Sirius’s heart thudded. Was that…disappointment he heard in his voice? Harry had curled his hands into fists over the coverlet, knuckles white as if he were trying his hardest to keep his face impassive.
“Harry?” said Sirius after a long silence. “Harry, are you all right?”
“I’m fine.”
“Harry…” Sirius started slowly, peering into the boy’s face. “Did you like that I called myself your parent?”
“No, I’m being stupid,” said Harry in disgust. Ashamed, he pulled the book back into his lap and pretended to read, though his eyes were staring at one spot on the page.
Sirius reached for Harry’s chin and tilted it up with a finger. Harry resisted looking at him, but after a tense moment, he dragged his gaze to Sirius miserably.
“You’re not my dad,” said Harry, more to himself than Sirius.
“I’m not trying to be, and I could never take James’ place.”
“Yeah, I know. Look, it’s fine. I’m not asking you to be him.”
“But can I tell you something?” said Sirius, lightly.
“Sirius, it’s fine—”
“—I liked calling myself your parent.”
Harry shook his head. “No, you’re just saying that.”
“I don’t just say anything, Harry. What I said slipped out because it’s what I feel. The first thing I set out to do when I was released from Azkaban was to find you. When Dumbledore told me I couldn’t take you away from your aunt and uncle, I moved in next door because I couldn’t stand the thought of not knowing you. Even if you couldn’t know who I was for your own protection, I chose to live in that awful neighborhood to be close to you.”
“I’m sorry you had to—”
“Don’t be sorry,” said Sirius, trying to quell his annoyance. “Harry, don’t you understand? When you were born, my entire life changed. I helped your parents with everything—I put you to sleep, I carried you around while you screamed, I changed your rancid little nappies. I saw you take your first steps and say your first words. I know I’m not your father, but you’ve got to believe me when I say that I think of you as my kid. Can you accept that?”
To his relief, Harry nodded.
“Good,” said Sirius. He squeezed his face, squishing the crimson cheeks. “And if you call yourself stupid again, I’ll put a tickling hex on you until you admit you’re the most brilliant person in the world.”
“But I’m not—”
Sirius reached into his pocket. “Where’d my wand go?”
“Okay!” Harry blurted. “Okay, I won’t call myself stupid!”
“Then say it!” said Sirius, pretending to search in his jacket. “Say you’re the most brilliant person in the world.”
“All right—I’m brilliant!”
“That’s not what I told you to say, Potter. I’m sure I left my wand here somewhere— Ah! Here it is!”
Harry groaned. “Fine—fine. I’m the most brilliant person.”
“What’s the incantation? Rictus—”
“I’m the most brilliant person in the world!” Harry cried, scrambling from the aim of the wand. “I’m the most brilliant person in the world!”
Sirius grinned and caught him by the leg, yanking him back as Harry laughed and tried to get away.
“Say it again, you clever little genius,” demanded Sirius.
“Say it!”
“Say it!” Sirius jabbed him in the side, and Harry curled up, howling with laughter, wriggling desperately to get out of his grasp.
“I’m the most brilliant person in the world!”
“No!” Harry said. This time, he managed to escape and fell off the other side of the bed. Sirius looked over the edge at the boy sprawled on the floor and made a swipe to grab him again, but Harry artfully flung himself out of the way.
Sirius groaned and turned onto his back again. “Dismal effort. But I suppose that’ll have to do for now. Maybe I’ll make you do lines tomorrow.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.” Sirius glanced at the clock and shot up. “Oh, Merlin’s balls, is that the time?” It was absurdly late, and here he was, calling himself a parent and chasing Harry around the room when they both should’ve been asleep. “Harry, you’ve got to get to bed!”
“Because it’s late! You can’t be running around all night like a Niffler.”
“A what?”
Sirius leapt from the bed and in a swift movement, scooped Harry by the legs, hauled him over his shoulder, and then dumped him on the bed. Before Harry could scuttle away, Sirius drew the coverlet up to his chin and pretended to sing, poorly, a very quick lullaby as Harry chuckled.
“Are you asleep now?” said Sirius when he’d finished.
“Oh yeah,” said Harry, rolling his eyes.
“See?” said Sirius, tucking the covers under Harry’s legs. “I might be a bad parent, but I can force you to go to sleep, can’t I?”
The joke, however, fell flat. To his surprise, the smile slipped from Harry’s face, and for a moment, it looked like Harry wanted to say something. His brows crumpled, and his mouth opened but nothing emerged.
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t say that.”
“Say what?”
“That you’re a bad parent. You’re the—” But then Harry closed his mouth.
“It’s okay,” said Sirius, pressing a hand against Harry’s chest. He rubbed for a moment, nodding slowly, feeling a quickening pulse beneath his palm. “I understand.”
“No,” said Harry, firmly, as though frustrated with himself. “You’ve got to hear it—”
“It’s all right, Harry.”
Irritated, Harry threw up his hands and said, “No it’s not. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! You shouldn’t—you shouldn’t make jokes like that. Don’t—don’t say things like you’re bad at the parent stuff.”
“Yeah, fine, all right.”
“Say it,” said Harry.
“Say what?”
“Say you’re good at parent stuff.”
“You can’t turn that back on me.”
“Yeah, I can.”
“Did you just roll your eyes at me, Potter?”
“Just say it, Sirius!”
“Fine!” said Sirius, sighing. “Fine—I’m—” it was actually bizarre to put into words, and he felt uneasy about it. He drew in a long, deep breath. “I’m good at parent stuff.” Feeling flushed in the face, he smiled humorlessly. “Satisfied?”
“No,” said Harry. “Maybe I’ll make you do lines tomorrow.”
“Oh, the horror.” Sirius pretended to faint backwards on the bed, still feeling the sour taste of Harry’s words in his mouth, wishing what Harry insisted about him was true. The bed shifted as Harry crawled out from his covers and flopped next to him.
“I think I’m done dating for a bit,” murmured Sirius, carding his fingers through Harry’s hair. “At least until you’re at school.”
“Too risky. Next time Tonks’ll burn down the house.”
Harry’s eyes closed. “Sirius…” he started quietly. “Can I give you some dating advice?”
Sirius grinned. “Yeah, what is it?”
“Pick someone uglier next time.”
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gojonanami · 10 months
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status: closed requests taken: 6/6 masterlist: sale haul
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note: so i meant to do a follower event at 1k but i hit 2k, and i never even got a chance to set it up so. thank you so much for 2k! i kinda started posting fics to cope with a lot of hard times, so i truly appreciate every nice comment, reblog, and like! also thanks to @chuluoyi b/c her follower event helped inspire the set-up for this one :). please check out her event as well!
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terms and conditions:
i will be doing five fics total (possibly more if the requests end up shorter than expected, but knowing me, probably not).
choose 1 scenario, 1-3 from the dialogue prompts, and a character (you can add in your own idea, but depends on if i feel i can incorporate it!)
i may mix and match requests with the same character into one
the length of the fic will likely be between 1K to 5K, but possibly longer (i've learned i have no control over length b/c my writing has a mind of its own).
requests will be chosen on an inspiration basis, but with earlier requests prioritized.
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step 1: pick a jujutsu sorcerer [character]:
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satoru gojo
suguru geto
kento nanami
choso kamo
yuta okkotsu
yuji itadori
step 2: pick a store [1 scenario]
there's only one bed?!
drunkenly confessing feelings
friends with benefits and both people catching feelings.
you’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute.
you’re my ex but I think I still have feelings for you
taking care of the other when sick or injured
I’m dying and I’m confessing my love for you
We’re roommates but we’re falling for each other
Fake dating AU
step 3: pick some accessories [1-3 prompts]
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“is this your first time?”
"just… come back alive, okay?”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“this is not working out.
"i look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise"
“we shouldn’t be doing this.”
“please don’t say you love me.” 
“look at what you do to me”
“you’ve got something on your lip, here let me.”
“I’ve been in love with you for years.”
"come here, i'll keep you safe. promise."
"so everyone knows you're mine."
"did we fall asleep?" "i think we did.."
“i want you to ruin me.”
“now shut up and kiss me.”
“I didn’t ever think we’d be here, like this.”
step 4:
send your request in [via ask] and we will see if it's still in stock!
sale is while supplies last! act fast!
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine breaking up with San but he can’t get over you...because he’s not supposed to
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You and San had dated for a year and 6 months and in that time you'd obviously gotten to know one another's members. Your girls loved San because he was so caring and sweet. Ateez liked you because you were boisterous and matched their energy but when you and San broke up of course that all went away. Despite being in the same company there was an unspoken agreement between you and San to leave one another's members alone and you typically stuck to it...until some random man old enough to be your father began trying to chat you up.
You were at a company event, something you rarely went to but your leader couldn't come and as the next eldest it fell to you. So you were at the bar trying to look happy to be here when a man came and stood next to you but far too close. He clearly did it on purpose and began talking to you seconds later and then wouldn't shut up. You were polite at first because this was a company event and you had no idea who this man was, but when he wouldn't leave you alone you started getting angry. Luckily you had an angel watching you. You were just about to lecture this man on the gross age difference in couples these days when a hand appeared around your shoulder. "There you are honey!" Wooyoung said "I've been looking all over you..." when he pretended to spot the man. "Ahh so it's you who stole my girlfriend?" he asked with a big smile "the name's Wooyoung and this is my partner Y/n". The man shook Wooyoung's hand and once Wooyoung started asking some prying questions he left. Wooyoung dropped his arm as soon as he was gone and you smiled at him "thank you". "No problem" he said "I remember what your temper was like and figured I should step in before you tackled the guy". You smiled "you know me well" before realising so much time had passed you probably didn't know each other anymore. Wooyoung saw your expression and even though it went against the code he smiled at you. "How are you? We haven't spoken in ages, fancy a catch-up?". You nodded and sat together at an empty table. 30 minutes later you were still chatting and it was so nice. You forgot just how much you missed the Ateez boys and wished everything could always be like this...until you realised why they couldn't be. San arrived at the event.
San saw you and his smile momentarily dropped. He'd just got here and was looking for his members when he found one, with you. You and Wooyoung looked up and spotted him making his stomach lurch. Wooyoung looked down as if he was caught doing something bad, but your eyes were glued to San. Trying to see if he was okay. San quickly put a smile on his face and walked in the opposite direction. You watched San walk away and then swore "I didn't want him to see me". Wooyoung shook his head "Y/n it's okay. We're part of the same company, you're allowed to be here". "Yeah but we both stick to our floors and avoid some another. That's the unspoken rule ever since I broke his heart". Wooyoung frowned. He never got why the two of you couldn't make it work. You were the love of San's life and he could tell you still loved San. Just the way you said his name or looked at him showed that. But apparently, you'd thought the two of you were too different so you ended it. "I should go find him" Wooyoung said and you nodded "make sure he's okay". Wooyoung nodded and set off to find San. He knew where he'd be and sure enough, San was on the outside balcony overlooking the city. "I'm fine" San said hearing footsteps and correctly guessing it was Wooyoung. "You don't need to come running after me every time I see her" San said turning around. Wooyoung nodded "I know". San clearly wanted to speak but didn't have the words. Wooyoung waited knowing he'd say it eventually. "I still get surprised every time I see her but it's not as bad anymore". "Yeah?" Wooyoung asked trying to sound like he believed him. San nodded "it hurts but it's more controllable. Only took a year huh?". Wooyoung smiled sadly "I'm pleased things are getting better and Y/n would be too". San nodded "in some ways it'd be easier if she was meaner. If she wasn't so sorry and didn't pity me so much". "She doesn't pity you" Wooyoung said and San shook his head "yes she does, I see it in the way she looks at me. How she feels bad she couldn't love me". Wooyoung shook his head "that's not what happened" but San just smiled sadly "wasn't it? Wasn't it what it came down to really? She wanted to love me but she just couldn't". "No you just had different ways of expressing it and didn't match up well" Wooyoung said reciting what you'd said thousands of times. He didn't believe it. He thought if the two of you just communicate better and compromised more then it would've all been fine. It was something San and Wooyoung could never agree on but Wooyoung knew not to push too much and so he left it. They got through the event and even though San claimed it didn't affect him it clearly had. 2 weeks later he had a date and was so excited. It was with a nice dancer he'd met and she was super sweet. The guys were all sure she wouldn't hurt San and so were all for it. They all wished him luck as he left and anxiously waited for his return...however the second San walked through the door they knew it wasn't good. "Sannie! Come tell us how it went!" Hongjoong called as the front door opened but San didn't appear. If it had gone well San would've bounded in but he didn't come in until the third call. He stepped through the door and tried a smile "hi everyone". "So how was it?" Yeosang asked cautiously. San nodded "it was nice". "Nice?" Seonghwa asked and San nodded before his face crumbled. "No it wasn't...I couldn't relax the whole time and it just felt wrong! The whole time I just wanted...her" he said and all his members knew he meant you. "I'm pathetic" San cried "she even kissed me and all I could think about was Y/n". The guys went to comfort him when San continued "I'm such a loser! She doesn't want me, why do I still want her? Why can't I move on?". "You're not pathetic or a loser!" Yunho cried and Hongjoong nodded "San this was your first date since your breakup. It's normal to freak out or compare them to your ex". "But is it normal to wish she was your ex? To want the person who doesn't want you even after months?". The others all paused and San groaned. "No, we weren't agreeing" Wooyoung said and Seonghwa nodded "there's no such thing as normal but things will get better". "When?" He asked "seriously, when?". Nobody had an answer for him. After that disastrous date San really closed in on himself. He'd lost hope that he'd ever get over you and the guys hated seeing him so down. He hardly smiled and even his performance seemed half-hearted. It broke their hearts and part of them couldn't help but blame you. So when Wooyoung saw you a few weeks later in the car park he did pause before smiling back at you. You asked how Wooyoung was and he said he was fine before returning the question. You admitted you were just tired because you had a comeback soon but were well. Wooyoung nodded and silence fell giving you the chance to ask what you really wanted to ask. "So how's San?" you asked and for once Wooyoung didn't have the energy to lie. "Not great" he admitted and you froze "why? what’s wrong?". "He's physically fine but mentally he's been losing it lately. He's struggling to move on from you and he had a horrible date". "What was she mean to him?" you asked and Wooyoung shook his head "nope, she was perfect but he couldn't feel anything for her. Not like he does for..." and he trailed off. You blushed and looked down "I'm really sorry San is struggling but breaking up was a good thing. There was no point in us being together when it wasn't going to work". "See you've said that a million times but I don't get why it wouldn't work. San was happy and you were happy. What was the problem?". You shook your head "San wasn't happy". "Why? Did he ever say that because he looked pretty happy". "Well no he never said it...". "Then how did you know?" Wooyoung asked and you shrugged "well I used common sense! San was so loving and physical with his care and I wasn't. How could he be happy with that? He was settling for me and my behaviour and would eventually get bored so I ended it!" you explained and Wooyoing froze. "Are you serious? Was this what you meant by you were too different" Wooyoung asked. You nodded and Wooyoung shook his head "Y/n all of that isn't true! San never felt like he was settling and your differences made you stronger! You taught San a new life and you were so loving! He'd get so excited and tell us anytime you hugged him in your sleep or if you'd grab his hand in the cinema. Or the time you got him a rabbit cupcake just because it reminded you of him. He never felt let down or like he was missing out on something. He loves you Y/n! He still does! Exactly as you are". You froze processing everything Wooyoung said and managed to stutter "but he...how? How could he be happy with it? I don't get it?". "You never asked him so he never explained it" Wooyoung said "Y/n..." when you got it. "shit! Shit! Shit" you cried and you crumpled. You sat on the floor and put your knees up to your stomach. "I ruined everything! I thought I was being smart but the anxiety won again! Again! I'm such an idiot" and the tears started to fall. Wooyoung hugged and comforted you and stayed with you until you stopped crying. "It's not all ruined yet Y/n, I think we can still save this". "Really?" you asked hopeful and Wooyoung nodded "I have an idea" Wooyoung agreed to speak to Sam first and to test the waters but rather than testing then Wooyoung just basically jumped right in. He came home to find San and Jongho eating and stood in front of them. "So I spoke to Y/n" he said and Jongho shot him a look. San looked at him before nodding "ow...". "Yeah" Wooyoung nodded and hesitated, "she told me she thinks she made a mistake". As soon as he said those words a heavy silence descended. "A mistake?" San asked and Wooyoung nodded "breaking up with you". Jongho shook his head "no shit!" but San shushed him "why? What did she say?". "She thought you weren't happy and that you needed more from her. She broke up with you because she thought you were bound to break up with her. That's what she meant by too different". San froze and didn't speak. Jongho and Wooyoung exchanged a nervous look. "San?" Wooyoung asked but he couldn't see his face. Jongho went to touch his arm when San looked up "what the fuck?" he asked. "She broke up with me because she thought I was angry but she never thought to check? She threw it all away because she suspected something? Something that wasn't even true! What's the hell!". Jongho nodded "let it out". "She caused me all that pain and heartache thinking she was helping me? She broke my heart for nothing and now she wants me back? To just forget what happened?". Wooyoung shook his head "no of course she'll acknowledge all she put you through but she never meant to San. She thought she was helping you..." which was the wrong thing to say. "So that makes it okay?" San cried and Wooyoung shook his head "not at all just she never meant to hurt you. She didn't do it on purpose and that does change it slightly". San sighed and Wooyoung could see he was close to tears. "I...I don't even know what to think". "Well you don't have to decide now" Wooyoung said and Jongho nodded "sleep on it". San nodded but they all knew there was no way San was getting any sleep tonight. Wooyoung texted you early the next day telling you he'd told San and he'd...been surprised and emotional. That was fair and you felt awful for upsetting San again after all this time. The only reason you'd agreed to it was that Wooyoung said he thought San wanted you and would take you back but if San rejected you, you'd just hurt him again for nothing. Wooyoung was apparently a magician however because he texted you the next day saying San was willing to meet with you to discuss it and you immediately felt so nervous. Wooyoung asked if there was any chance you could do today because the sooner the better and you agreed. You'd been planning on exercising and doing some chores but San was more important. So you agreed to come over to the Ateez house at 3 and talk with San. You walked up the driveway feeling oddly empty-handed. In the movies, they always brought a bouquet of roses or a boom box or a ticket stub from their first date but that wasn't you and you knew San would see its insincerity. So you approached and knocked on the door before fiddling with your empty hands. The door opened almost immediately and Wooyoung smiled at you "hi Y/n thanks for coming". "Of course" you replied and stepped inside. "San's in the garden, we figured it'd be private and away from the house". You nodded but began to worry because you knew how much San loved the garden and if you couldn't convince San to take you back then it might ruin that place for him forever. It was a beautiful garden too and as you walked down the steps you tried to admire the flowers but all you could see was the man waiting at the bottom. San looked up as you approached and made eye contact with you. Neither of you knew what to do. To look away, to smile, to glare...none of it seemed right so you just watched one another until you were right in front of each other. "Thank you for seeing me" you said in greeting and San nodded "I'm not sure what's going to come out of this if anything, but I knew I had to do this". You nodded "that's fair, should we sit down?" and San nodded leading you to a bench. The air was so so awkward and you knew it wouldn't get any better so you started. "I messed up" you said figuring stating the obvious was a good place to start. "At the time I thought I was being logical and forward-thinking. I thought there was no way you'd be happy with me forever and that our incompatibility would cause a problem. Now looking back on it and thinking about the facts I know I was self-sabotaging. I was ruining our relationship based on no evidence that you were unhappy. I imagined it to save myself the heartache I was so sure I'd face later. I also realise how selfish that was, I hurt you just because I was scared of getting hurt myself and that's not fair or right. I'm so sorry San" you said your voice shaking and San looked away. San was emotional so he bit his lip in what you recognised as an effort not to cry. He took a breath and nodded "we broke up ages ago, you put me through hell so why have you come back now?". "I didn't realise it was all so stupid until I spoke to Wooyoung. This time last week I still thought I'd been smart and had made the right decision but speaking to him...it was like a screen had been lifted and everything I ever thought came crashing down. I didn't want to bother you again, to dredge all this up but then again I acted selfishly. I thought if there's any small chance I can save this, that you would take me back...that I had to take it. I had to try". San nodded but didn't say anything so you carried on. "You don't have to decide today and I understand if you say no. I know I've hurt you really badly and apologising doesn't mean I deserve forgiveness". San sat up straight "I have a question if we got back together then what's to stop this all from happening again? I know mental health isn't something you can control and I'm not saying I wouldn't stand by you through any crisis but I can't handle you turning it against me. Not again". You nodded your hands shaking and mulled over everything you'd been thinking. "This question scares me the most because I can't promise you it will never happen again. As much as I promise to try my best to make it never happen there's no guaranteeing I won't hurt you...". You saw San's shoulder slump and quickly continued. "But I have some ideas of how I can reduce the likelihood". San's head shot back up and he looked at you "how?". "Well firstly I realised I have some insecurities and rejection issues so I want to go to therapy. I know there's still a stigma around it but I don’t care what those idiots think, I lost you because of my issues so I know I need help". San smiled softly "I think that sounds really sensible". You nodded "I also want to improve my communication and I had an idea. I was wondering if once a month or so we could just talk about how we're feeling. I can get out if I'm nervous about anything and you can tell me if there's anything I'm doing or not doing that you'd like. Do you think that would work?". San nodded "I love it but Y/n you realise you can do that any time right? We can totally schedule a specific day but you can tell me how you're feeling any day of the week. You don't have to bottle that up, you can vent anytime". "Really? What if it's about us?". "Especially about us!" San said "honest and open communication is how relationships thrive Y/n and I think they will be the making of ours". 
You paused as said that and blinked "wait so does that mean...". "I'm willing to give this a second go" he said and your face lit up in surprise and happiness. "Oh San that's amazing!" you cried and burst into tears. San had never seen you cry before and that, of course, set him off and then you were both sobbing hugging one another. "I have so many more things I 'm going to do, I'm going to start journaling and I've got a meditation app on my phone and I'm going to ask my friends to discuss their feelings with me..." you listed off and San laughed as you just kept going. The only way he could get you to stop was by gently putting a finger to your lips. "Y/n they all sound great but breathe, you don't have to do anything right now". "I don't?" you asked feeling as if you had to correct everything right now. San chuckled "no...but you can kiss me if you need something to do. I haven't had one for a while". You smiled and nodded "I've missed you" and kissed him. From the house, you heard distant cheering. The two of you got back together and you were grateful every day for San...and for Wooyoung. The boy always bragged that he was the reason the two of you got back together but you both admitted it was true. He did and deserved bragging rights. You did all you'd said and more and were proud to say day by day you were getting better. Anytime you had an intrusive thought about San not loving you or being happy you tested it by simply asking San and he reassured you every time. You felt truly loved by him and wanted to show San he was loved too. You knew he liked cuddles so gave him cuddles as much as you could. You also verbalised how much you liked him and told him you loved him every night before going to sleep. Even if you'd argued or weren't together, you'd text him it. San thought his heart would burst from happiness and all his members were thrilled you were back together. They watched you and San playfully bicker from the kitchen. San was mocking your height and you were arguing back with some colourful words. San clearly found it hilarious and kept saying how cute you were until you started blushing, your angry face gone. San was clearly thrilled with the result and you pushed him before burying your head in his chest. San happily wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your head. He held you before looking up and realising you had an audience. "What?" he asked his members who all shook their heads. "Nothing" Jongho said and Seonghwa smiled "you two make a great couple that's all". Now it was San's turn to blush and he did before nodding "I know" and went right back to teasing you. "I hope this is it for them now?" Hongjoong said "no more problems". Yunho shrugged "every couple has problems but there's no way they'll lose each other again. Neither of them will let that happen" and they all nodded. The two of you were together for the long haul and nothing could stop that. _______
I obviously hope that none of Ateez get their hearts broken but especially San! He’s just so loving and emotional I feel like he’d take it so hard which is where this came from. 
San is just the sweetest and deserved all the love :) 
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wa-royal-tea · 1 year
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Previous | Beginning | Next
(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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Amore Couture, Worcester (6:16pm)
*door opens and closes*
Ginny (text message): Done w/ work. Omw home ❤
Rainier (text message): Alright. Drive safely. I’m making dinner rn.
Ayu: Going back already?
Ginny: Oh! Hey, Ayu. Yeah, I don’t want to get caught up in traffic. Do you need anything?
Ayu: Nah~ I just want to check in on you. Got any plans for tonight?
Ginny: Yeah. It’s date night.
Ayu: Ooh~ You guys going out?
Ginny: Hmm nope! Rainier wanted to watch movies from home. He’s worried that I might be too tired to go out.
Ayu: Aww~ How sweet of him. Well, tell him I said hi when you get home! I’ll see you next Monday.
Ginny: Alright. Be careful on your way home!
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Luxe Apartments (7:30pm)
Ginny: I’m home~
Rainier: I’m in the kitchen!
Ginny: That smells good. You need help?
Rainier: Nope. I’m done. I just need to set up the plate and then we can eat.
Ginny: Okay then, I’m gonna shower first and then I’ll come down and join you.
Rainier: Mhm. I’ll wait for you.
Ginny: Thanks for dinner tonight, sayang~ I love it.
Rainier: I knew you would. I’m glad you liked it.
Ginny: Of course I liked it. My boyfriend is a good cook!
Rainier: *chuckles* You flatter me.
Rainier: Go pick a movie you want to watch tonight. I have something to get in my office.
Ginny: Is there anything you want to watch?
Rainier: I don’t mind anything. As long as it’s not a Zombie apocalypse movie.
Ginny: Okay~
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*door opens and closes*
Rainier: *exhales deeply* You can do this.
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Ginny: Oh, hey. I found—
Ginny: What are you…?
Ginny: *gasps* Wait, is this really happening?
Rainier: Mhm.
Ginny: Oh my god…
Rainier: I was planning to get you a ring but then I remembered how much your late mum’s ring meant to you. So I got you a bracelet instead. Is that okay with you?
Ginny: You didn’t have to get me anything for this. Really.
Rainier: Yeah, but I want to.
Rainier: I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. These past several years have been amazing and I never thought that the girl who knocked me over at that summer market would end up being the love of my life.
Ginny: *laughs* Please don’t remind me of that moment, it was embarrassing.
Rainier: It was not. I think it’s cute. But then you completely forgot about me. I was hurt, y’know?
Ginny: I’m sorry…You know how bad my memory is.
Rainier: *chuckles* I’m joking~
Rainier: Ginny, I love you. And I want to be with you until we’re both old and grey.
Ginny: And watch the grandkids play around?
Rainier: Mhm. So what do you say? Will you marry me?
Ginny: I’d be delighted.
Ginny: Also, we can get my ring modified to follow your family’s tradition. As long as the original diamonds are still used, I won’t mind a little change here and there.
Rainier: Of course, anything you want, my dear.
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