#we just finished season 7 which is my fav so far
supermaks · 1 year
Do you maybe have like max x fernando lore? Love them and love ur blog!! <33
Max is Nandos favorite nephew and also his psychosexual angel of death in this essay i will
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ok so before we get into max and nando lore we need to establish some CRUCIAL Nando Alonso historical context. When max got called up to f1 Nando had already been racing f1 cars for 14 years which first of all.😐 And like I think its fair to say the last .. umm lets be kind and say, 6 he was literally going thru like the 7 circles of hell. Ferrari had just finished doing their ✨thang✨ ((completely obliterating a drivers soul)) to the point Nando was like 'remember that team that kickstarted my descent into madness and, aha, coincidentally, the unstoppable success of the kid who beat me his rookie year and that I literally tried to snitch on and had like a spanish spy stay wid me in the garage because I was SO normal about it and hinged and not at all very um , racially threatened. Yuh ok lets try that again. Oh and its their first year wid Honda too thats PERFECT yes thats exactly what I need I'm a GENIUS'. So in 2015 he signs wid Mclaren and literally during TESTING gets fucking zapped by his own car, allegedly, c0nks the f out and swerves that mf right into the wall. We're talking testing.
Listen. Im trying to establish that by the time our fav anti christ gets to the big show Nando has been going thru it for a minute. His teams consistently fail to deliver, nothing ever goes his way, his car is trying to kill him, and like, cannot stress this enough, lewis hamilton is very successful. Lew hammy is so successful he might become thee most successful. Nando is normal about that.
So here comes the babbiest of all evil babies and nobody knows what his deal is, he talks funny and hes weird and has no regards for his public image. But he's promising. So promising in fact that he could threaten afore mentioned most successful random individual who beat Nando his rookie year. And Nando is like. vengeful adoption. Vengeful child care. Nando's imprint on baby Max is both a long term evil plan and also just like. Immediate realization that Max is different like he's different. ((Not like Lewis is different but lets not get into that rn lmfao)) Max isn't gonna be a media darling. Max isn't gonna be a celebrity. Max is gonna be an f1 champion. And Nando has spent 14 years subjecting himself to cars far below his skill so he can keep being an f1 champion. So while somebody like Seb vettel is like 'why that baby aint got no coat on' ((for two minutes before the baby bites him and hes like no fuck this baby)), Nando is like, somebody give that baby a gun. Nando gets asked about Max's readiness for f1 and says, 'I think before we say anything we should wait to c what he does'. And then when 'what Max does' turns out to be like, borderline crime, in many occasions, actual crime, Nando is still like see, he's perfect ☺️
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Like for example spa 2016, Max pulls a defensive move on kimi that has people calling for his teenage head for like the 3948th time that season and Nando straight up says no he didnt do anything wrong. And bro pulls out receipts he explains that shit wid the usual Nando rulebook rizz. For max. A teenage war criminal.
Lets talk Spain 2016 tho. Spain 2016 is actually super important for max/nando lore. Max's first race wid red bull-- and his first win. Start of something new. Inevitable. He absolutely packs Seb on turn 3, same exact way Nando had 3 years before. In 2016, though, Nando's far away from Ferrari and a race winning car. Honda PU gives up and he DNFs. Still hauls ass to congratulate the kid
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Its very sweet and kinda tragic and a perfect reflection of their careers at that point. Max bursting on the scene wid the potential of a thousand suns, Nando basking in the sunlight from his place on the sidelines. Its not enough but its still good because its Max and Max is his guy.
They also play soccer together once for that charity match thing in Monaco and Nando kinda stunts and yk frustrated soccer drop out max must've felt some type of way about that.
These are from hungary 2017 and I have no idea whats happening or why they're in a bean bag enclosure but I think they're important
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On Max's side of things, I think Nando's camaraderie must've caught him off guard. Getting into f1 at 17 ur not really expecting to make any friends lmfao. But Nando had his back from day one, and loudly, too, and I think for somebody like Max, who was raised on loyalty and commitment and respect from an overwhelming paternal figure that gave him everything except stability, that must've meant a lot to him. Especially because it was Nando like. Max oozes respect for that pensioner bro, in a way that I dont think he does for anybody else in the game. His rookie year Max said Alonso was his biggest inspiration because he kept at it despite not having the car. Yk Max didnt have the car for a few years either. He sees Nando as somebody whos been to battle, just like Nando saw a lil soldier coming into f1.
When Nando had his nicki minaj brb moment in 2018 Max said he regretted never having the chance to race against him. He'd raced against Lewis and Seb, but never Nando and Nando was the one he used to watch on tv racing those two. Meanwhile old man is giving interviews telling people Max is the the best driver in f1 and the only reason he bothers put on f1 those days is to watch Max. ((😐))
2021 is the apogee of many things and one of them is definitely max/nando lore. Nando is back. Max has the car. And Nando will be seated. And he will watch. And when Max does win, Nando calls it 'justice'. Its so fucking intense and deranged but rn we're just focusing on the narrative and appreciating it for what it is: Nando couldnt do it, but he knew Max could, and Max did. His guy did.
I swear they've been honeymooning for almost 2 years now. Nando stopped giving a fuck a long time ago but lately hes literally like this is a Max ONLY event fuck the rest of yall. First Max's 2 titles are worth more than Lewis' 7 because something something deranged pensioner noises. Then Max has talent that you cant teach and hes always been like that since go karts and he's going to be one of the all time greats. Also we're both villains and we're not politically correct ((white men are insane)). And then Max is like yes Nando is my good friend and he talks to me and I like to ask him about stuff and I take him on my plane to races and we get on well despite our age difference because age doesnt matter. 🙂police.
Also literally one of the most important gifs of all time from last year when Max won the wdc shut the fuck up thajnk you
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Which brings me to one of the most important podiums of all time. Like the lyrical poetry of this shit are u joking
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This gonna be the longest season ever and who knows if it’ll happen again already in Baku or whatvr maybe it won’t but like. We’ll always have Australia 2023.
Also in the post race presser there was such a quintessential max/lando moment I need to break it down to finish this and like go jump off a building lol
So here u have classic old heads + verstappen post race presser where they get to gentle bully sweet boy until he blushes. This time it’s like Nando talking some shit about how he has to leave because he’s annoying and lewis kinda joins in like ‘he’s still talking’ and Max is all squinty and ekfkwmdk it’s fucking cute ok whatvr. But what I really love about it is that Nando interrupts Max and gives him shit but then makes sure to put his arm behind Maxs back like. Don’t get it twisted. Hes my boy. He literally does the ‘this is a pro max post’ banner irl
Anyway here’s a cute compilation bye
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gothicbarbie · 2 years
I did one of these for 2022, so figured I should do one for 2021, 2020 and then one for the shows before that. I started watching Bls seriously at the start of 2021, and its been such a fun journey. These lists are probably more so for me than anything else but maybe someone will find them helpful when trying to decide which ones to check out... let me know what your favs are!
1. We Best Love [Taiwan] - To date, my favorite BL series thus far. IMO it really has everything. Great premise and storyline, great acting and dialogue, and amazing chemistry between the main two, plus decent enough intimate scenes and kisses. It really ticks all the boxes for me. Plus, I love a good rivals to lovers storyline and samyu are pretty darn sweet.
2. Utsukushii Kare [Japan] - This one is a bit messy and there are definitely some problematic elements, but gosh, it's so entertaining. From start to finish I was hooked into the storyline and the relationship betwene the main two. And I think it was a well-rounded story with a good ending, so it left me pretty satisfied. For a Japan series too, it had a nice kising scene in the finale.
3. Light on Me [Korea] - Adore this series, and finally we get a longer Korean BL. The main characters were adorable, and the show was light enough and funny but had some good drama as well. Not the best kissing scenes ever but the main two's chemistry made up for it imo. Very sweet series.
4. To My Star [Korea] - This one took a few watches to grow on me but in hindsight its one of the better BL's out there (lets not talk about season 2)... the storyline was fun and it was one of the first Korean BL's that I watched, so it was a good one to start on! Korea goes unmatched for me with their BL's.
5. Kieta Hatsukoi [Japan] - Not a lot to say about this one tbh, I would have to rewatch to really give some better insight but I remember really enjoying this one. Japan BL's can tend to be a bit dramatic and sometimes a bit dark, but this one was so light and fluffy. It was a nice change of pace.
6. Don't Say No [Thai] - Okay, storyline wise, this BL kind of dragged for me. I didn't find the premise overly interesting. HOWEVER, Jafirst and their chemistry really made up for it. It's obvious how comfortable they are and their kissing scenes were one of the best scenes from this year. (We won't bring up THAT scene with FIAT in episode 2 (or was it 1?) because I lost my brain there.) But yeah, we'll just say this series was very enjoyable haha.
7. HiStory 4 [Taiwan] - This was a solid season. Not the best the series has ever done but I love that each season is different. The brothers storyline was a hot frickin mess but the main pairing was cute. Overall, I just found it very enjoyable.
8. Peach of Time [Korean] - Is this Korean or Thai? Not really sure, but it was a cute season that felt like a bit of both worlds. Not the most amazing chemstry or storyline of all time but it was sweet and interesting to watch. It had a certain charm to it.
9. You Make Me Dance [Korean] - It's hard to find a korean bl I dislike. And while this one is not that memorable compared to some others, it was still a nice watch.
10. Tale of a Thousand Stars [Thai] - People go crazy for earth+mix... they aren't really my cup of tea. Nothing against them, they are sweet, I just dont go crazy for them. The setting wasn't really my thing either but I did like the energy between the characters and all their cute moments and scenes, so it kept me entertained. Wished they had a better last kiss though.
11. Lovely Writer [Thai] - Found parts of this boring and the storyline didn't really hold my interest all that much but I did enjoy the scenes between the couples. I wish the side "pairing" had gotten more focus cuz that kiss on the street was great! But it was nice.
12. I Promised You the Moon/I Told Sunset About You part 2 [Thai] - Part 2 was nothing compared to season 1 at all. Season 1 imo was masterpeice and season 2 was just like a typical bl series imo. I hate cheating storylines so this series made me pretty mad haha but it wasn't UNWATCHABLE and I still liked the chemistry between the main 2.
13. Nobleman Ryu's Wedding [Korean] - The time setting wasn't really for me, but it was a cute and fun series. Not much else to say!
14. Fish Upon the Sky [Thai] - TBH I don't remember a WHOLE lot from this series and am planning to rewatch for pondphuwin, but I do remember enjoying it.
15. The Tasty Florida [Korean] - Again, can't go wrong with SK for me. But, compared to the other Korean series, this one wasn't AS good. Still enjoyable.
Honorable mentions: (Won't go into detail on these, but overall I found all of them nice and pleasant to watch, but they didn't grab me in the same way as some other series.
BxJ Series - (still have yet to see it but I did enjoy season 1), Bad Buddy - (watched a reactor watch this so technically couldn't add it to my list, but will try to watch it eventually), Be Loved in House I Do, Tinted With You, My Sweet Dear, The Man Who Defies the World of BL, The Novelist, Behind Cut, Stuck on You
Also check out my lists from other years! https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705678223200174080/my-top-bls-of-2019-and-earlier https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705674738528354304/my-top-15-bls-of-2020 https://gothicbarbie.tumblr.com/post/705139242020618240/my-top-20-bl-series-of-2022
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alphinias · 2 years
SO GLAD YOUR ASKS ARE OPEN! I have a lot of thoughts lol and this is going to be super long and all over the place but I definitely need to just get it all out! Sorry in advance!! Firstly, I excitedly hopped onto the jiara tags after finishing and was surprised that so many people had problems with jiara?? Is that the majority or am I just seeing it randomly? Also I keep seeing people say they aren’t together in the end? But I don’t see why people are assuming that? They sat next to each other and kie looked down and smiled lovingly at j… also I’m hearing people complain about how jiara felt rushed but I definitely don’t see it that way. I think over all it was amazingly portrayed and angsty and represented their relationship so well! Keep in mind that they have known each other for yearsss, they have both deep down had feelings for each other and have spent weeks on an island being around each other 24/7 and bonding. I think for a friends to lovers trope, it was perfect because for them to decide to take the next step in their relationship and make the choice that it’s worth pursuing they obviously have to be in love! I will admit that I slightly missed their married couple banter but for people to be saying that they ruined jiara bc of the lack of banter is odd to me. Kie has always been soft with jj whenever they’ve been alone and away from everyone else… it’s definitely not a new behavior. Also, kie knows jj, she knows how he’s struggling and her being soft with him was her way of showing him that she cares and loves him which I think JJ really needed this season and she def knew that. He definitely didn’t need people banging on him like they usually do. He needed to be shown that he is worthy and that he’s understood, appreciated and loved. I absolutely loved the kiss and leading up to it! It felt like jiara! I just wish they had better lighting! (What’s up with shows always doing this with our fav ships?) also, it definitely ended a bit early but that’s my bad for assuming we’d get a full make out lol. (I might be slightly bitter that cleope got a good lighting and zoomed in kiss lol even tho I love them) JB’s dad’s storyline was really dragged and boring! It took up way too much screen time for sure! I actually ended up skipping a few parts after ep 5, and I didn’t care for him in general! He was a selfish ass I think. As far as the time jump, I definitely hated it! It felt like a rushed/lazy way to tie up loose ends which was unnecessary since we’re getting a s4. Like I get wanting to bypass some stuff and show us that the pogues won but by doing so you skip over the real rewards of seeing how they react/handle the next steps in their lives! We want to see all of jiara’s firsts! That’s the most rewarding part! And I hate when shows do this bc it just feels like a disconnect! They better serve us some good content to make up for it next season!
I agree with pretty much everything you said!!
From what I’ve seen, I think most people seem to have generally liked the Jiara. But I also think the finale petering off the way it did left a lot of bad taste in everyone’s mouth, and it was the last thing everyone watched. I think it’s going to settle with everyone a lot better after a few days have passed and we can better appreciate all the stuff we got.
I don’t think Jiara felt rushed. I had my concerns for a split second that they were acknowledging their feelings too fast, but the angle they were going for really settling in to Kie knowing in 2x10 and being so happy on the island worked. And the emphasis on JJ’s struggles of accepting that kind of love rather than a journey to those feelings really worked imo! I also missed Jiara banter, not gonna lie, but the angst was fantastic, and in the happy moments like the fishing scene we did get that more classic Jiara dynamic. So it’s still there. I think part of the reason this also felt lacking was because of the lack of good fun group scenes in general; that’s almost always when their banter shines because it’s more relaxed and not directly about them and their relationship.
And of course, a lot of people have had this ship getting together playing out in extremely specific ways in their heads for three years. The show is never going to hit all of those on the head exactly, and that’s also an adjustment period when a slow burn gets together I think.
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lukael · 1 year
A thingie that @frickatives tagged me in! thanks for that, kat~
Last Song: listen these days I'm almost exclusively listening to Magdalena Bay, so probably my last song was that, yeah I think it was Money Lover one of my favs
Favorite Color: all my life I've said red but idk anymore, all my channel branding is blue cause it's easier on the eyes... I think my favorite color is the way oranges contrast against blues, yknow? that's good shit
Currently Watching: just finished watching Arrested Development, was pretty damn funny until Season 4 which was absolute dog shit so we gave that up. Now we're watching Kaguya Sama: Love is War, and I never usually watch animes but that shit is really funny lol amazing english dub. Oh and also we're watching the new season of WWDITS which we fucking love (tho I'd say the season is just ok so far)
Last Movie: uhhhhhhh damn, what was it again? I think the last one I saw in theaters was Guardians 3, and that was really good. I watched the new Ant-Man by myself a while ago, and that one was pretty meh I don't really watch a lot of movies tbh
Currently Reading: I never read any books (even though I probably should), right one the only one in my list is As We Fall, the historical fantasy romance novel that was entirely written AND published by my good and talented friend @anyawildt (I feel bad about how slow I have been reading it, I've just been caught up in a lot of other stuff) but please check it out!!!!!!!!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Got a huge sweet tooth, I'm always snacking on sweets
Relationship Status: Quite happily taken, been with my fartner for something like 7 years now and it's goin great!
Current Obsession: well most of my focus for months now has been on my gaming channel, so that's kind of it? lately like most everyone I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3, and it's really good, and I'm also playing some Cult of the Lamb, which is also very good!
Last Thing I Googled: gf sent me 🧿 👄 🧿 on discord, and i noticed the eyes showed up as ":nazar_amulet:" and I was like wtf does that even mean, so I googled it and I guess it's like something to do with protection againt the evil eye?? i dont really know but yeah
Currently Working On: as always, commissions, I'm also working on the art for a board game, which is taking a lot of my time (and energy), and I'm also always working on new videos for my channel! kinda working on getting back to a regular job again sometime soon probably maybe idk it's all just up in the air right now
No-pressure Tagging:
well I don't really know that many people on here tbh but eeeee I guess @neoxie @roboticbiotic @dat-soldier @anyawildt if yall bored lmao
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what do you think of tfp and tfa
ok so my answer is kinda related to ur other question (what got me into tf) so im gonna answer them both at once!
tfp and tfa are the two shows i've watched the most i think? tfp i finished, tfa i finished, earthspark i finished the first season and rescue bots i've seen bits and pieces of.
see, my very first exposure to tf EVER was tfp when i was a kid! i watched it and liked it and then moved on and didn't think much of it. then in january of last year, i watched pacific rim and really loved the big robots aspect, so me and my mom watched the bay movies- and we were both horrified. both of us, horrified. honest to god maybe one of the worst big budget films i have ever seen. i was actually really bummed about it too cause i wanted more CONTENT!! so then i went looking and found out about the bumblebee movie! i watched that, and LOVED IT. that's when i got hooked.
after watching bumblebee, i went back and binged tfp in like 2 weeks, and then read the comics, and the rest is history :)
as far as my reviews of the shows:
tfp is really, REALLY good. it definitely has its problems (starscream's characterization is a lil problematic on... multiple levels) but overall i thought the plot and characters were really strong! i also super appreciated the more serious tone. it didn't feel like i was watching a kid's show at all, and i think that makes it sort of unique. uhh it was super fucking cool they got peter cullen to be prime again. the character designs i think did a great job modernizing the characters without making them terrible metal amalgamations like bayverse (sans maybe megatron... he's a little too comically evil for my tastes) also, i think the human characters (even w all the hate miko gets) were pretty likable! anyways, like i said, the series def has it's flaws, but tfp will always, always hold a special place in my heart, and it's absoltely my fav TF show.
tfa is a solid 7/10 for me. i think it has a lot of cool concepts, and the break from g1 lore in favor of a totally new universe was pretty interesting! also, the theme song is a fucking BANGER. character designs were pretty 50/50 on whether i liked them or not. and the overall plot was pretty alright! unfortunately, i think the episode-to-episode dialogue + scripts were pretty... weak. like "along came a spider" i think is the episode i noticed this the most on- where the story concept was there but the editing and execution just made it really hard to watch. which is definitely a symptom of it, yk, being a show made for children- but i feel like tfp makes an effort to be MORE than that and tfa doesn't. overall, i think i get more enjoyment out of fan content for tfa (which is always really good) than the actual show. so, it wasn't terrible, but i prooobably wouldn't ever wanna rewatch it.
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moist-von-lipwig · 2 years
anyway sorry for abruptly becoming a supernatural blog again in the year of our lord 2022, but back in... whenever it was, 2012 probably?? I only watched Season 1-5 cos that's all I had the DVDs for, and so I'm now watching the whooooole thing with my friend so I'm just losing it a bit. my 16 year old self is living vicariously through me rn 😭
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 3 years
Some of y'all shit on so many of the world champions in this sport so easily and it shows.
You can disagree on who you think the goat driver is (personally it's Michael for me and he probably always will be, he's who a supported as kid and even little me who knew nothing about racing was awestruck by his driving but I can acknowledge my bias while I also remind you of the fact he's the only driver with a 100% podium finish for an entire season lmao sorry) but you certainly don't need to tear another driver down to hype one up.
It's also pretty impossible to name an absolute goat F1 driver, because you can't really compare say Lewis to Jim Clark because Clark's life and career got cut so tragically short, and you do have to factor in the difference between the cars (you can't compare say Fangio's Ferrari to say Michael or Kimi's, even though all *3 cars (*technically 7 cars since Fangio & Kimi won one championship each with Ferrari & Michael won 5 but I digress) won a championship because the cars simply don't have all the same capabilities or technology and as much as people debate what a past driver like say Hunt could do in a younger more technically advanced car that also was a wdc winning car like Mika's or Lewis' respective McLarens, we'll never truly know because so many drivers have passed on and even so you can't really compare people after the end of their career to drivers still at the beginning because you genuinely don't know what a younger driver will truly be capable of. Unless you're Niki Lauda then you're pretty much always on the money with your observations). Different eras bring different talents to the forefront, every era has it's own goat.
A lot of you also don't understand how hard it actually is to win a championship, it's only getting harder every year as the schedule gets longer. It takes everything and more and sometimes that still isn't enough. And not every driver that wins is going to break the all time record, that doesn't negate their talent. Senna is held up as one of the all times greats and he has three to Fangio's five world championships (the record at the time Senna was racing which was eventually broken by Michael and of course Senna's career and life like Clark's got cut tragically short, once again proving my point that you can't really choose one standalone drivers as the goat). Mansell, Nico, Jenson, Kimi, Jacques Villeneuve to name a few only took one championship home but they all had incredible careers in the sport. People forgot that not every driver wants to beat the record, Hunt wanted a championship to prove that he was capable of it, he did and retired a year later because he no longer owed anybody anything, he'd already proven himself. Others like Moss, Barrichello, Ickx to name a few never did get that title but they also had incredible careers in the sport.
A lot of you do need to put respect on their names because you're far too quick to disrespect their accomplishments and achievements while trying to shit on Max. "It took so long for him to win it he's been in seven seasons" it took Jenson ten, Nico eleven, Mansell thirteen and there's six years between Lewis' first and second title. "He'll only win one" you say as an insult (and as if you know the outcome of every future season), as if every driver on the grid wouldn't nearly kill for just one (or one more in the case of Seb Nando & Lewis) or as if the achievements of the drivers I mentioned earlier (and of others I neglected to mention) mean nothing. Some of you need to start putting respect on their names.
"We don't have to like every driver", I'm not saying you do but you certainly don't need to tear them down to hype your fav up. It's also a lil concerning when your blog is more full of anti posts for a driver you dislike than posts supporting for your fav. Life's far too short to spend so much time on hate. The sooner some of you learn to process your anger and let it go, the better.
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merry-kuroo · 3 years
My Top 10 Webtoons (2020-2021)
So, it’s been one year since I started Webtoons/Manwha. At first I downloaded the app to read Tower of God, then I started reading more stuff and now I’m deep into Webtoon hell lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share my Top 10 series...tbh there’s a few more I wish I could add to this list, but I’m not done reading them yet.
So...here :)
Sorry for any typos or any incoherent thoughts. I'm very very tired :)And there are spoilers for some of these series.
1.) Back to You
Honey B has the prettiest art oh my God. 😍
I’m a huge fan of time travel stories where the protagonist is trying to save someone else. In Hanyoung’s case, she decides to save the boy she was in love with Jaehyun.
I really don’t have much to say about this except that I really enjoy it, and things have been going too smoothly in the story atm and I’m expecting something bad to happen at any second. 👁👄👁
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2.) See You in my 19th Life
Lee Hey is incredible. This another story where the art is gorgeous, and I like the story in this one a lot more. The progression of Seoha and Jiuem’s relationship is really sweet 🥰. I’m curious to see how Jieum’s sister and Seoha react when they find out who she truly is...I don’t think it’ll go well :’)
A Good Day To Be a Dog is another awesome series by them which I recommend too, but I like this story a lot more.
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3. The Remarried Empress
The Remarried Empress is about a cool, sophisticated, intelligent woman who has to deal with her cheating idiot of a husband😡, and his mistress...who is also a idiot...and manipulative 🙄
But it’s okay because Navier has Heinrey and everything will be okay!! Hopefully...lol. 😅
This was one of the first stories I started reading when I downloaded the Webtoon app. I wasn’t too sure at first about continuing it, but the drama and Navier’s comebacks were so good that I had to keep coming back twice a week to read new episodes.
Navier will keep winning and she will get everything that she deserves 🥰
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4.) Let's Play
Hilarious and relatable...Let’s Play 🎮 is definitely a story near and dear to my heart. I’m very excited to Sam’s growth in season 3!!
Look, just go read it. Then you’ll know why it’s in my Top 5 haha.
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5.) My Deepest Secret
MDS is wild as hell 😳, but at least Yohan is there 😅 Season 3 has been fantastic so far, and I’m kind of scared of how the series is going to end... I don't know what kind of life Emma can have at this point.
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6.) Siren's Lament
Lyra, Shon, and Ian my loves 🥰😍💕💞💚💙💛
Siren’s Lament is a beautiful story. I have a lot of respect for the author being a student and working on this at the same time haha. Props to her for managing that!
I don’t know too much about Sirens, but reading this made me want to read up more about the lore surrounding them. Siren’s Lament did a good job of adding its own unique twist to the lore.
10/10 recommend
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7.) Tower of God
Yeah, boi. The anime left off on a cliffhanger, then I realized we weren’t going to get a season 2. So, I decided to read TOG from the beginning because I heard that some things were skipped in the anime (and yes quite a bit was different and a few scenes were cut).
I’m currently at the Workshop Battle. Team Sweet and Sour are my favs, but I have a feeling something bad will happen to them 😥
The amount of episodes is still daunting to me, but I know I’ll be caught up one day. 🥲
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8.) The Kiss Bet
The Kiss Bet is really cute 🥰 The second season was definitely an improvement. Each chapter left a smile on my face, and I impatiently waited for the next one.
I was rooting for Patrick, but now I ship Sara and Oliver ahahaha. I’m super excited for season 3 because the drama is going to be soooo goooood. I want to find out more about Oliver and Joe’s family situation or at least see their mom.
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9.) Nice to Meet You
NTMY gave me a boost of serotonin every week 😁. Like no joke. I had a big ass smile on my face after finishing a chapter. Every chapter was just tooth rotting fluff. Wyn is best boi, but it sucks that he’ll be suffering from second boy syndrome in the upcoming season 😢
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10.) unOrdinary
At first I didn’t like unOrdinary...I’m not to sure what happened, but all of sudden I became obsessed with it and began binge reading it.
The fight scenes were awesome and I’m excited to see the Wellston students take down the authorities and Ember. I’m glad John is a lot better now because damn it was hard seeing him so destructive. Hopefully, things will be okay for him and Seraphina now (I doubt it. Too much is up in the air).
My favorite trio - Remi, Isen, and Blyke...I love them and they are in so much trouble rn. I wonder how they’ll get out of it.
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Honorable mentions:
- SubZero
- Flow
- Her Bucket List
- I Love Yoo
- Midnight Poppy Land
So yeah those are my Top 10! I hope to do another list next year because I'm sure the rankings on this list will end up changing 🥰
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Fic Writer Review!
Tagged by @kg1507, thank you!! This was surprisingly fun, considering I don't think I've posted on ao3 at all this year. Looking at my stats was really shocking, it's been a while.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. Whats your total ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Making Waves
The Day Kara Danvers Died
Course Correction
Thicker Than Water
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I used to respond to each and every one, once upon a time, but the sheer volume of notes and real life all conspired to render me the person who doesn't respond to any. But I adore reading each of them.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending
Ummm... there are quite a few Sanctuary fics that deal with grief and loss, but those are more sad than angsty. So Close (a Stargate SG-1 fic) is pretty angsty.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Sure do!
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, actually. I wrote a Pacific Rim/Stargate SG-1 story that didn't have any romantic content, but the protags were drift compatible, so I tagged them as a ship, and the lack of romance had people PISSED. But-- they're drift compatible?? It was everything but the smooch.
9. Do you write smut?
Sure do!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Someone once notified me that there was a fic with a VERY similar first chapter to my NCIS: Apocalypse story. Like, it was very clear that they had basically taken my chapter and then rewritten it *just* enough to get past the censors or whatever. I reported it to FF.net at the time and they were like, ehhhhhh we can see what you mean, but we can't really do anything about it, because it's just different enough to be okay. So nothing was done about it. Which is fine. I'm flattered now, and recognize that they were probably just a new writer, and not actually meaning anything malicious by it.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
No. I've had a couple requests, but I'm nervous about not being able to control the output, so I've always declined.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I've done a couple of fics where I've collaborated with artists, which is a really fantastic process and I love it.
13. All time fav ship?
Sam/Jack from Stargate SG-1. If you want a crash course on how to do a will-they/won't-they ship, this is it. My god. I could go on for ages.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There's a Stargate SG-1 sequel to Among the Stars that I've written pieces of that I may eventually share, but at this point it is unlikely I'll ever write it as a story. Just the scope of it is so large, as it spans the entire 10-season series, I don't think I'll ever have the time or brainpower to get it done. I'm so sorry, because it would have been awesome.
15. Writing strengths?
Ummmmm... I'm horrible at writing about my good points. Maybe characterization? I also have a knack for really capturing images I have in my head. Like... that beginning scene of The Day Kara Danvers Died-- one of my crowning moments. I still have a visceral reaction when I re-read it.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Commitment. Time. It's way too easy for me to cut corners in order to get the instant feedback of my tumblr posts.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't know if I've ever tried it. Italics are a good way to indicate you're switching languages without actually switching languages. But if you actually write in actual different languages, you better get it right or else your readers who read that language are going to know.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
NCIS. Actually. That's a lie. My first was for CSI, but I never posted it anywhere because it was garbage. I was trying to right a casefic before I even knew how to write a regular story, so I was way out of my depth.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Making Waves is my fave Supergirl story. Beyond the Stars is my fave Stargate SG-1 story, I think (which I've just noticed is not on ao3, oops), Something More is probably my fave NCIS story, and it's impossible for me to choose a fave Sanctuary story, I love them all. :)
Tagging @coeurdastronaute, @karalovesallthegirls, @jazzfordshire if they haven't already been asked, and anyone else who wants to join in!
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browneyedgenius · 3 years
fic writer review
thanks for the tag @innertimetraveldetective and @herosofmarvelanddc !!! <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. Whats your total Ao3 word count?
49811 :)
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
including unposted wips, five I think?
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Everything you hoped for - Agents of SHIELD, 99 kudos. I am very good at forgetting the plots of my works but I'm pretty sure this is an angsty post-s2 fic between May and Daisy, and their mother-daughter relationship.
When the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) - Agents of SHIELD, 93 kudos. This one is one of my only multi chaps and it's about mama may taking care of the bus kids, and the bus kids taking care of her.
Hey, Google - Agents of SHIELD, 85 kudos. Bus kids mess around with a Google Home and try to get Philinda together. One of my first ever fics.
your heart’s a thousand colours (and they’re all shades of blue) - Agents of SHIELD, 80 kudos. I didn't realize this one had grown so popular! This one's more recent and it's a mothers' day fic between may and daisy. super duper cute.
You did everything just right - Agents of SHIELD, 62 kudos. Pretty sure this is an AU in which Daisy dies, with Hamilton lyrics sprinkled in. Fun for the whole family!
I think the reason all of these fics are from the AOS fandom is because it was the one I wrote the most for, and the first one I wrote for, so they've had a bit of time to accumulate kudos and reads. :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I love reading comments and I always always try to reply to them as much as I can! But I'm currently really really behind, whoops. So sorry if you've commented and still haven't gotten a reply.
I try to reply to them because I really appreciate comments. Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood I reread through them and they always make me smile.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Every Story Has An End (I Wish Ours Wasn't So Soon) is a goodbye letter for May from Coulson I wrote with the lovely @sad-tunes. It's probably one of the angstiest things I've got. other than that though there's also my fic from MakeKatCry2020 in which I kill all of the members of the team! Yay! It's called We made all the wrong choices and it's probably one of my best works.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I enjoy writing crossovers, but I don't usually because it takes a lot of work to make all of the characters fit and make sure they get an equal amount of speaking time. I like reading them though!
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
I don't think so!
9. Do you write smut?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No to this one too
11. Ever had a fic translated?
No again
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! the one I mentioned above ( Every Story Has An End (I Wish Ours Wasn't So Soon) ) is one I cowrote with @sad-tunes.
13. All time fav ship?
Ohhh I can't choose! There are too many. I love philinda and culmets and ineffable husbands and supercorp and a;lsdjf;sladkjl;hljk
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My epic self-indulgent crossover (Daughters of the Gods). I forgot like all of the plot already lol.
15. Writing strengths?
I literally have no idea lol. maybe describing things?
16. Writing weaknesses?
possibly plotting things out. definitely plotting things out.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't really do it, because I don't think I've ever had to. mostly though I think it depends on whether or not you're able to make the dialogue flow. if you can then that's great and I'm totally in favour of it! if not though there are other options that I personally would prefer.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Agents of SHIELD!
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
time ticks forward (don't look back) is a series with two short works I wrote for Star Trek discovery. very angsty, but I really love the style and everything about them, really. it delves into a certain scene between two characters in which one of them dies at the end of season 2.
no pressure tags: @captainsophiestarkwriting @eowima @would-die-for-fitzsimmons @a-biochemist-not-a-bird and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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sing-in-me-oh-muse · 4 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
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Whoo, I love me some tumblr ask games! Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle!
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
I am so sorry about this, but I'm just going to link my entire profile because I started writing MLB fic in April 2020 and ended up with 72 fics. If I listed and linked them all, I'd be here all day.
My works (ao3 link)
I suppose what I could do is list out statistics.
As of January 2nd, 2021, I have to my name:
72 total fics - 4 long fics, 1 drabble series, 67 one shots
7 series - Domestic Cavities (married life fluff), Sex Education: Kwami Style, She Was Certainly the Spark for All I've Done (Crash universe), Kiss the Viper (Vipermouse), CYOA: Life is What You Bake It (Choose Your Own Adventure stories), It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Chat Blanc), Bad Dad’s Club (Adult XY & Adrien friendship
16 gen, 12 Lukanette, 6 DJWifi, 4 Riceflour (Tom and Sabine), 3 Adrigami, and 47 Lovesquare. If the math doesn't add up in this it's because sometimes these are background pairings.
2 Number of words written:
3 Your most popular fic:
Definitely Welcome to the Scene of the Crash, my first fic in the fandom and the birth of the Spark series. This is a 63k monster that I wrote in six days, focusing on the effects of starvation on the body and mind. Crash has two sequels, And He’s Gotta be Fresh from the Fight and Into Your Heart, I’ll Beat Again, both of which are complete.  
4 Your personal fav:
Tough choice... I’d probably have to say Crash because it’s my baby. As I’ve said before, I woke up at 4:30am with a song in my head (Take Me to the Hospital by the Prodigy) and the first line: “Adrien was starving.” Crash is what started me writing for the fandom and how I made almost all my new friends here.
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5 Your fav scene:
Oh, this is hard. I’ve actually written so much that I don’t recall all the scenes I’ve written? But I can say that I was so ready to write the last chapter of Heart. It’s tooth-rotting Christmas fluff that was Adrien and Marinette’s happy ending after 260k+ words of angst. That scene isn’t my favorite scene by far, but it was one of the most satisfying to write.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
Definitely Couffaine Coffee Conundrum, a Lukanette & Adrigami piece. My server anniversary giftee, Rikka, requested a fluffy double date with the pairings, but all my brain wanted to do was make it angsty. I had to write the fic twice.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of:
This is from my as of yet unpublished Sleeping Beauty AU (publication date: February 1st, 2021!). I’m proud of this line in particular because I don’t often write lines that are just... pretty. I nail body language, but most of my writing is straightforward and if not ugly, certainly not beautiful. 
Anyway, here’s the line:
Winter passed with one last, lingering gasp, the bony fingers of cold clinging to the days.
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8 A comment that touched you:
I’ve gotten several comments that have touched me, but the most recent one was from a reader of Fight. They told me they liked my use of therapy in the fic and that they were considering getting therapy because they could see how much therapy had helped Adrien.
Another comment along the same lines was someone who realized that they’d been starving after reading the symptoms of starvation Adrien experienced in Crash. Being able to educate someone while entertaining them blows my mind.
9 Something that inspired your writing:
Definitely the good people on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server, specifically @ladyofthenoodle​, @sseagully​, Rikka, and Sibby. I’ve developed so many stories because of those lovely ladies, and have received so much support and encouragement from the members of the server. One of my most popular recent fics, have the stars blotted out in a brilliant Morse code, started based on a discussion in the #writing-chat on that server, and @theladylu​ even drew some lovely fanart for it (featured below).
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10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Definitely finishing Heart. That happy ending was a long time in coming.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Yes! I want to finish the second Choose Your Own Adventure story, a pre-reveal, post-relationship Adrienette fic focused on baking pies with Tom and Sabine. I also want to finish the Sleeping Beauty AU, which I’m on track for. Desperation would be a great fic to finish; I started that one, got to chapter 5, and quit because it was too sad, haha! And I’m working on an original work that started out as an Adrienette Witch AU titled Must Be the Season of the Witch that I’d like to finish sometime in the next six months.
Tagging @itsagrestebug​, @purpleflower04​, @torilovesmiraculous​, and @sseagully!
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - The Men Tell All
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Summary: It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 7.2k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @the-moving-finger-writes, @assembledherethevolunteers, @rose-writes-prose, @queenlover05, @moon-stars-soul, @danadeacon, @deacyblues, @thesundrop, @cupidben, @lostlittlenerd, @delilahmay39, @timmvrphy, @queenmylovely, @loveandbeloved29, @free-pool-trash, @fairestkillerqueenofall, @local-troubled-writer, @percussion-chick, @littlecarowrites, @allthethingsicant, @im-an-adult-ish, @mirkwoodshewolf, @squishy-gay-astronaut, @sherlollydramoine, @butlegendsneverdie, @dogmom2014, @rocketrhap917, @26-7-49, @lelifesaver, @frozenhuntress67, @drowsebaby, @mrhoemazzello, @lookuptotheskiesandsee If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Alright, it’s the Men Tell All! Don’t worry, you’ll find out what happens with Y/N and Gwil before we get into the drama ;) ALSO thank you all for the love and support since I lost my grandfather. Today, I was at work and had lots of time to write, so I was able to finish up this chapter for you. You’re all so sweet about this story, and to me in general, and I appreciate it so much :)
Warning(s): Mentions of racism, mentions of bullying
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6  Week 7
The Men Tell All let’s go!!!
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Chris: Hi. I’m Chris Harrison, and welcome to The Men Tell All. A live show where we revisit the most talked about guys on TV for the past few weeks. But before we get into all that, last week, we left off with our Bachelorette Y/N and her final three men in New Zealand. Y/N told not one, not two, but all three men that she is in love with them. An unprecedented move for a Bachelorette. She had two magical nights of romance with Ben and with Joe, who have both said they are in love with her as well. But when confronted about his feelings, Gwilym confessed to Y/N that he’s not ready to say ‘I love you’, and he won’t be unless he’s the one down on one knee at the end of this journey. Y/N told him she needs to know if he’s in love before she could accept a proposal from him. But - will they even get that far? Find out what happens next, right now.
The studio audience applauded and watched the screen.
“I dunno, Y/N. I just don’t know.”
You sighed heavily and looked at Gwilym’s troubled face.
“Well, I know where I am,” you said. “This is the first time we haven’t been on the same page.”
“You know how tough this is,” he said. “Being on this side of it. Having to wonder.”
“You don’t have to wonder!” you argued. “I just told you that I love you! How can I make it any more clear how I feel about you?”
“But you’ve also said your heart is with the other two,” he protested. “How can you love me properly if….” he trailed off. “If you love them too?”
“You don’t think it’s possible for me to love more than one person?” you questioned.
“No,” he said. “Not truly.”
You felt like walls were closing in around your heart. Walls to keep this hurt out. To keep Gwilym out because you felt like he was destroying you.
“Excuse me,” you said, taking your hand away from him. “I need a minute.”
You got up, shoving your chair back, and walked away from the table.  Your feet led you outside onto the patio. The salty breeze and the sound of the water didn’t calm you down at all. Tears stung your eyes, and you blinked, letting them fall freely down your cheeks.
“I don’t know what to do,” you sobbed to your producer. “I can’t let him go, but I can’t go to the fantasy suite either, not like this.” 
You took a deep breath and tried to gather yourself.
“But if he doubts that my feelings are genuine, then maybe we…” you swallowed the lump in your throat. “Maybe we aren’t right for each other.”
Back at the table, Gwilym was trying - and failing - to hold in his emotions. A single tear slid down his cheek, which he wiped swiftly away as he drew a deep breath in.
“How are you feeling?” asked his producer. “What’s going through your mind right now?”
“I dunno, I feel sort of numb,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt her, but I’ve got to protect my heart too, right?”
“What do you want from Y/N?” she asked.
“I want her to be patient,” he said. “I need time to get where she is, but I know I can get there.”
“Maybe you should tell her that.”
Without another word, Gwilym got to his feet and followed you out to the patio. He found you, looking out at the shore, arms folded across your chest. He saw your face, and the mascara that was smeared under your eyes.
“Y/N,” he said. “Please. I just need time.”
“We don’t have any,” you replied, turning to face him. “If you’re going to propose to me next week, I need to know that you’re in love with me. And if you’re not, then...then that’s it.”
“This can’t be it,” he said, voice cracking. “This can’t be how this ends.”
“It has to be,” you said. “We need the exact opposite things from each other right now. Neither of us are able to give them. I can’t stand here and tell you that you’re it and this is over. And I don’t have the time to wait for you to catch up to me. I don’t see what else we can do.”
“We can try,” he said. “We can try to make it work.”
“How?” you countered, throwing your hands up with exasperation. “How can we reconcile this?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “But the night is not over. We can talk it out.”
You shook your head. “I just don’t see a solution, Gwil. You need something I can’t give. And I need something you can’t give.”
“Well, if I told you now that I’m in love with you, you wouldn’t believe me,” he said. “You’re much too clever for that.”
“Because you told me that you’re not,” you said. “It would seem like you were just telling me what I need to hear in order to stay. And you’re much too kind for that.”
A long moment passed as you looked at each other. The air around you was charged with the tension. The impending goodbye.
“That’s it, then,” he said.
“Yeah,” you said. “That’s it.”
He reached out and pulled you into his arms. You buried your face in his chest, letting yourself feel his embrace for the last time. You couldn’t say how long you stood there. The moment seemed suspended outside of real time. You and Gwilym were just existing together. Soaking up what you could before you parted ways.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry it’s ending like this.”
“I’m sorry too,” you replied. “But...it is ending.”
You pulled away, unsure where your strength was coming from.
“Can I walk you out?”
“Sure,” he agreed.
He took your hand, and you walked back through the restaurant and out the front door. The walkway led to the street. A car was already pulling up. You stopped at the end of the path and looked up at his face.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
You nodded. “I’m sure.”
He sighed. “I’m going to miss you.”
You held his gaze steadily. “I know.”
He cupped your cheek in his hand, his expression softening. Then he pulled you toward him and kissed your forehead.
“Goodbye, Gwilym,” you said.
“Goodbye,” he returned.
You stepped away from him. Your eyes were trained on his back as he opened the door, slid into the seat, and closed it again. You watched as the car disappeared down the road. Your bottom lip began to tremble and you buried your face in your hands. Then you let out a sob.
In the car, Gwilym was also in tears. They streamed slowly down his face, and he wiped them away with the back of his hand. 
“It’s terrible,” he choked out. “My heart is just...broken. I can’t believe this is happening, but at the same time, I’m just...I dunno. I’m going to miss her. I wish so much that I could give her what she wants. But...I can’t. So, I wish her the best. Truly I do.”
You went to bed that night, still crying. You wondered if you could survive this kind of heartbreak. You debated telling production you changed your mind and you wanted Gwilym back. But you decided against it. What would bringing him back do? You would only circle around to the same argument. But still, it absolutely broke your heart to say goodbye.
The next day, you had a rose ceremony. It was in the afternoon, on the beach close to where you’d had your last date with Gwilym.
Joe arrived first and took his place on the little stage that production had set up for you all to have the rose ceremony on. The table was already out, the two roses on a tray, fluttering in the wind. Joe looked at them, hoping he would be receiving one.
Ben arrived shortly after. He smiled at Joe and they shook hands before Ben took his place on Joe’s right. He looked at the roses and then at his friend.
“Where’s Gwilym?” he wondered.
Joe shrugged. “No idea.”
When they looked out and saw you approaching, looking beautiful in a green silk gown, they grew especially worried. Chris Harrison helped you onto the platform and you looked at your final two men.
“Hi,” you said meekly. Your voice was hoarse from crying. “As you can see, Gwilym’s not here. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye last night.” You choked up just saying it out loud. “I don’t want to dwell on it, so, uh...let’s get started.”
You picked up the first rose. You saw that both Ben and Joe had visibly relaxed at the announcement. This was the one rose ceremony where they truly didn’t have to worry.
“Joe,” you said.
He stepped to you.
“Joe, will you accept this rose?”
“I will,” he assured you.
You pinned it on. He kissed your cheek before taking his place again. You picked up the second rose.
“Ben,” you said.
Ben strode over.
“Ben, will you accept this rose?”
You pinned it to him. He started to walk away, but you grabbed his hand. He stopped, turned toward you, and gave you a questioning look. You reached your free hand toward Joe, who stepped forward and took it.
You looked at them.
“This is it,” you said. “The last rose ceremony. I want to thank you both for going through all of this with me. I’m so happy to be your Bachelorette.”
A tear leaked out and rolled down your cheek. Joe wiped it with his thumb. Then, both men wrapped their arms around you. Sandwiched between them, you smiled at last. Hope was not lost. 
“Welcome back to the Men Tell All!” Chris said with a clap.
The audience was still recovering from watching what they had.
“We just watched Y/N say perhaps the most heartbreaking goodbye of her season,” Chris continued. “I’m here now with all the guys, and we’re going to talk about all the drama, including what we just saw. But first, let me introduce the men!”
He went through each of the guys sitting up on the platform, introducing them one by one. They went in order of elimination, so the further he went, the more cheers they got from the audience. Luke got a lot of boos. Then, when he got to Taron, Allen, Richard, and Rami, the crowd was booming. Gwilym was the last one to be introduced, and he laughed as people screamed for him.
“Well,” Chris chuckled as it all died down. “We can see who the most popular guy is.”
They cheered some more and Gwilym offered a small wave.
“Gwilym, I do want to start things off with you,” Chris said. “Come join me in the hot seat.”
Gwilym stood up, amongst more cheers, and joined Chris on the stage, taking a seat on the two-seater couch across from Chris’s one-person couch. 
“What was it like, watching that back?” Chris asked.
“Ahem,” Gwilym cleared his throat. “It was difficult. Extremely difficult. I knew how I felt about Y/N and I knew I could get where she needed me to be, but we just didn’t have the time.”
“Do you regret not telling her that you love her?” Chris pressed.
“I don’t actually,” Gwilym said. “You know, I was being honest. I’d never tell her that if it wasn’t true, and at the time, it wasn’t.”
“At the time?”
Gwilym laughed uncomfortably. “Okay, that didn’t come out right. I didn’t realize it later on or anything. As much as it hurt me, I realized that I’d told the truth, and so had she. So she made the right decision. Even if she’d kept me around for the night, I think she would have sent me home at the rose ceremony.”
“So, you feel like you were going home no matter what?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I do.”
“You don’t think you could have changed her mind?”
“No, nor could she have changed mine,” Gwil said. “We were at different places in the journey, and - devastating as it was at the time - we had to part ways. I’m grateful for knowing her.”
“You know, she’s here,” Chris said. “She’ll be coming out in a little bit. Have you two spoken since filming ended?”
Gwilym shook his head. “We haven’t.”
“Are you ready to face her?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Gwilym said. “She’s not coming out now, is she?”
“Not yet,” Chris said with a chuckle. “But I’ll definitely give you two the opportunity to talk when she does.”
He turned to the camera.
“We’ll be back in a little bit to talk to the rest of the guys and air out some of the drama of the season,” he said. “Y/N will be here to confront the men she rejected. Gwilym, thanks for sharing, man.”
They shook hands as the show went to commercial. When they were clear, Gwilym went back to his seat. A few minutes passed before they started again.
“Welcome back to The Bachelorette: the Men Tell All,” Chris said. “I’m here with our live studio audience and the men from Y/N’s dramatic journey as the Bachelorette. She’ll be out here pretty soon to face the men whose hearts she broke. But first, we’re going to discuss some of the most dramatic parts of the season.”
He turned to the men. 
“Lee, let’s start with you,” he said. “Night one, and you had already caused a stir. Take us back to that night, and what was going through your mind.”
Lee took a deep breath.
“I wanna start by saying I’m not racist, okay?” he began. “The pressure was getting to me, I’d had a few drinks, and I said something I didn’t mean.”
“Dude,” said Mike rolling his eyes. “If you have to tell everybody that you’re not racist, it means you’re definitely racist.”
“Yeah, and what do you mean the pressure?” Eric chimed in. “It was night one!”
“You called a man of color a diversity rose,” Kenny reminded him. “To refer to one of us as something token is super racist, and the fact that you can’t take responsibility and just apologize shows that you still don’t see why it’s wrong.”
Lee opened his mouth to respond, but Chris held up a hand to stop him.
“Rami,” Chris said. “You were sort of at the center of all this, I wanna get your two cents.”
“Well,” Rami began. “It’s funny you say I was at the center of all of it, when at the time I really had no idea what was going on. I didn’t know until Y/N came in and yelled at him.”
“What were you feeling when you heard the term ‘diversity rose’?” Chris asked.
“I mean…it didn’t exactly shock me,” Rami said. “Guys like me and the other men of color - Mike, Eric, Kenny, and John - we’ve all heard much worse. He didn’t use a slur or anything, so at first I told myself it was dramatic to be upset about it. But then we all got to talking about it, and I realized that it’s okay to be upset about microaggressions too. And that’s what it was.”
“A microaggression?” Chris questioned.
“Yeah,” Rami said. “Because it wasn’t overt, he didn’t think it was racist. But it shows a divisive mentality at best and a racist one at worst.”
“Very eloquently said,” Chris remarked. “Lee, anything else you want to say?”
“Rami, I’m sorry,” Lee said. “I’m sorry to all of you. I know ignorance isn’t an excuse...but,  I messed up. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted, man,” Rami said. He turned in his seat and extended his hand. Lee shook it.
“Look, man, if ignorance is the problem, you have to listen when you’re told you’re wrong,” Mike said. “Educate yourself. I’ve got no problem with people who don’t know any better. But I’ve got a big problem with people who don’t want to know better.”
“I understand,” Lee said. “I’ll definitely do that going forward.”
“Glad to hear it,” Mike said, shaking his hand as well. 
“Well, I’m glad to see this talked out civilly,” Chris said. “Not that we’re looking to solve big issues like this on our show, but I’m happy to start a discussion.”
He took the show to commercial once again. When they came back, Chris started fresh.
“Welcome back to The Bachelorette: the Men Tell All,” he said again. “We just spoke with Lee and Rami about Lee’s sudden elimination night one. Now, I want to talk to the man who was the top trending topic on Twitter for three weeks straight. Luke.”
He looked at Luke, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“Luke, why don’t you join me up here?” Chris said.
Luke, among some heckling from the crowd, got up, and took the seat Gwilym had occupied minutes ago. He straightened his jacket and then sat back.
“Welcome,” Chris said. “Before I let the other men address their issues with you, I want to give you a chance to defend yourself. But first, let’s take a look at your journey on The Bachelorette.”
Chris gestured toward the big screen, and all eyes fixed on it. The whole studio watched Luke’s emerging from the limo and meeting you for the first time. Then it was a highlight reel of the crazy things he said throughout. His arguments with you, his disagreements with the other men - especially pertaining the naked bungee jumping - right up until his elimination and sudden return at the rose ceremony. When the screen faded to black, Chris looked at Luke.
“Okay,” Chris said. “Thoughts?”
“I mean, I could have handled things a lot better,” Luke said. “But I was being genuine. I really believed myself to be on a mission to save Y/N’s soul. That it was my duty to love her and protect her.”
“You really felt like you were there to convert her to your faith?” Chris questioned.
“I think so,” Luke said. “I definitely could have gone about it in a more subtle way, but that’s just not who I am.”
“What was your goal when you showed back up at the rose ceremony?” Chris asked. “After she’d already sent you home. What did you hope to accomplish?”
“I wanted to propose to her,” Luke said. “I had a ring, actually, in my pocket.”
A shocked gasp went through the crowd. Chris blinked.
“You were going to propose?” he repeated. “Even though you knew she felt differently than you?”
“When God puts something on my heart, I chase it with everything I have, no matter the obstacles,” Luke said. “That’s how I saw it.”
“Okay, I’m gonna open the floor to the other guys now,” Chris said. “Who would like to start?”
“I’d like to,” Allen piped up. “I felt like we didn’t have a problem before, and then during the football game, you became so aggressive. My question for you, Luke, is - did I do something to offend you?”
“No,” Luke said, shaking his head. “I actually really regret that game. It’s probably my biggest regret of the show. I got really competitive, and I felt isolated from the other guys, and I think I just took it out on you. I’m sorry.”
“Alright then,” Allen said, surprised. “Apology accepted.”
“Hold on,” Taron interjected. “It’s all well and good that you’ve apologized to Allen, but I don’t think it’s fair to place blame on us for any of your actions. You alienated yourself, Luke.”
“How could I have alienated myself?” Luke challenged.
“When this all started, we tried to include you,” Taron said. “We tried being nice. But everything turned into something to evangelize us, and that’s exhausting to put up with. Then, you lied about Joe and Ben saying they weren’t there for the right reasons. How could you expect us to warm up to you when we saw you would blatantly lie to get ahead?”
“Look, I didn’t make it up,” Luke said. “I know what I heard and -”
“Luke, I’m gonna stop you right there,” Chris said. “The producers and interns looked through hours and hours of footage and audio - you guys are mic’d up all the time - and no one heard any conversation like what you described to Y/N. Not between Ben and Joe or any of the other men.”
“You sure you didn’t hallucinate it?” Richard said. “You f***ing psycho?”
“Hey!” Luke cried indignantly.
“Or were you just trying to get those two eliminated?” Taron added. “Because look how well that turned out.”
The audience laughed.
“All I can really say is,” Luke went on. “God told me everything I needed to do throughout this journey.”
“God spoke to you?” Chris questioned.
“Yeah,” Luke said.
Gwilym snorted in his chair and the two on stage looked at him.
“I’m sorry, that’s just ridiculous,” he said. “God spoke to you? Come on, Luke. It’s one thing to be sexist and a liar, but are you actually now claiming to be a prophet?”
“What does God’s voice sound like?” Rami chimed in.
The rest of the men snickered and then Chris interjected.
“Before we get carried away with this, Gwilym brought up a big point,” he said. “Sexism. Luke, did you feel like your attitude toward Y/N was sexist?”
“No, not at all,” Luke answered. “With the whole bungee jumping thing, I was just asking her to be respectful. Y’know, be considerate of the other men and how they might feel about someone else seeing her naked.”
“Now, I know Joe isn’t here to defend himself,” Chris said. “But he said to you that he didn’t really see anything. Do you think that matters?”
“No,” Luke said. “She still willingly took her clothes off for a man who isn’t her husband.”
“Luke, that’s nonsense,” Taron said. “Very few people wait for marriage anymore - yourself included - and yet you judged her for something that was actually pretty innocent.”
“Her past wouldn’t matter if she chose to wait from here on out,” Luke said. “And I wasn’t judging her. Like I’ve been saying, I just wanted her to be respectful.”
“But she couldn’t take it back once she’d done it,” Allen said. “What was the point in getting upset?”
“Weren’t any of you guys upset?” Chris wondered, addressing the group. “Did it bother you that she’d had this experience with Joe?”
They looked around and saw each of them shaking their heads.
“None of us cared that much,” said John Paul Jones. “We all just kinda wished it was us on that date, y’know?”
They all chuckled in agreement.
“Luke’s reaction was about controlling Y/N,” Rami said. “To claim her respect for him is based on what she does with her own body is sexism.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” Luke said, shaking his head. “It really wouldn’t bother you to know your wife was naked with another man?”
The guys exchanged confused and annoyed glances.
“Okay, let’s answer this totally different question,” Richard said. “Of course it’d be different if she was already with one of us. But she wasn’t. She’s the Bachelorette. She’s no one’s wife at that point.”
“But if her goal is to be a wife, she should act like one,” Luke argued.
“I don’t think we’ll ever get through to you how wrong you are for that attitude,” Gwilym said. “Arguing with you is pointless because you’re so rooted in the argument itself, you don’t even care if you’re right or wrong, you just want to be opposite of us. And honestly, watching the season back was frustrating. You constantly tried to bring Y/N to a faith she doesn’t believe in. You belittled her when you got upset, and when she called you out, you relied on gaslighting her and lying to her. You don’t know anything about forming a relationship because you’re so narrow minded, and relationships take compromise. If you can’t open yourself up to different people, then you are never going to be happy, Luke.”
The audience went wild at this speech, clapping, cheering, and whistling their approval. Luke shifted in his seat.
“Is there anything else you’d like to say?” Chris wondered. 
“There’s not,” Luke said.
Without waiting for Chris, he got up and returned to his seat amongst the men. A beat of silence passed, then Chris looked into the camera.
“We’ll be right back to talk to more of the men from Y/N’s season right after this,” he said.
The show went to commercial. During that time, Chris had Richard and Allen come up to the stage and sit on the couch. As he welcomed the audience back, he re-introduced them.
“I’m here now with Richard and Allen, who I wanted to talk to together because you two had an interesting week in Ireland,” he said. “Y/N said that you were both not far enough along to go to hometowns. Let’s take a look at your journeys with her.”
He indicated the big screen, and everyone watched as they cut between Allen and Richard’s introductions to you, their dates, the romantic moments, and then finally the goodbyes on the same day back in Ireland. Both men smiled fondly at the memories.
“So, I can see you’re both happy,” Chris said. “Tell me what’s going through your minds.”
“I dunno,” Allen began. “I had a wonderful time getting to know Y/N. I don’t regret it at all.”
“Richard?” Chris offered.
“I’m the same,” Richard agreed. “Things ended the way they did, and I’m alright with it. No regrets here either.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Chris said. “You two were pretty strong contenders at the beginning. Many even felt you were ahead of the two remaining men at times. What happened, do you think?”
“I don’t think anything in particular went wrong,” Richard said. “The relationship was solid, but we weren’t progressing at the right rate to feel like a commitment was the right choice.”
“That’s true,” said Allen. “I think in Richard’s case, she realized it before he did, and in my case, I realized it before she did.”
“Well, you’ve both been joys to watch all season and you’re Bachelor nation favorites,” Chris said, which the audience agreed with loudly. “So, if you’re open to it, I’d like to invite both of you to Mexico for Bachelor in Paradise.”
Bachelor in Paradise was the show where the men from previous seasons of the Bachelorette and the women from previous seasons of the Bachelor went to meet each other and try to make connections.
 The audience cheered wildly as Allen and Richard looked at each other and laughed. The other men were also encouraging them to do it. 
“I’m always down to take a shot at love,” Allen said. “I’ll go.”
“I’ll go as well,” Richard added. “I don’t have anything to lose, y’know?”
Chris beamed. “That’s great news for the women who have already signed up.” 
He let them return to their seats, and then invited Rami up to the couch. Rami was met with applause from the crowd as he made his way to the couch.
“So, Rami you were a fan favorite who made it all the way to hometowns with Y/N,” he said. “Before we get your side of things, let’s take a look back at your love story.”
Everyone looked at the screen again. Rami had a small smile on his face as he watched himself get out of the limo and approach you for the first time. How he spoke Arabic to you. Then all the dates he went on, the moments he got you during a cocktail party, and his one on one date in Ireland. Then, they showed the hometown date, the things that Jasmine had said, and the breakup afterward. Rami’s smile faltered. The screen went dark.
“So, tell me what it’s like, watching that back,” Chris said.
“Like Gwil said, it’s difficult,” Rami replied. “I felt like I really had fallen in love with her, and to have her say goodbye after that was just...painful.”
“Do you think the problems your sister brought up were there or do you think she got in Y/N’s head?” Chris asked.
“Honestly, when I watched the episode, I realized that Jasmine was right,” Rami admitted. “I don’t think she necessarily got in Y/N’s head, I think she just brought things to light that we had been kind of sweeping under the rug and not really dealing with. I’m not angry at my sister - though I was for a little while - and I know that it worked out for the best.”
“How have you been doing since the breakup?” Chris wondered.
“I’ve been okay,” Rami said. “I’ve been working and spending time with family and focusing on what I want.”
“Are you still in love with Y/N?” Chris pressed.
“No,” said Rami, shaking his head. “I’ll always have love for her, but it’s safe to say I’ve moved on.”
“Are you still looking for love?”
Rami paused a moment before answering. “I’m not not looking for it. If it comes, I’ll be happy, but I know now I’m not quite ready to get engaged or married.”
“So, I can’t interest you in Bachelor in Paradise?”
Rami laughed. “No, I’m afraid not. Even if I wanted to, I actually just accepted a lead role in a movie and we’ll be shooting at the same time Paradise is filming.”
“Hey, congratulations!” Chris cried, as the audience erupted with cheers and the other men whooped from the platform across the stage. 
“Thank you!” Rami called over the din before it died down. “I can’t say much about it right now, but more information will be released later on. I’m really excited.”
“We’re all happy for you, man,” Chris said, shaking Rami’s hand. “That’s awesome.”
He allowed Rami to return to his seat. Then Chris looked at the camera.
“We’ll be back with Y/N right after this,” he said.
The show went to commercial for a few minutes. A few of the men shifted in their seats. The anxiety of seeing you after weeks apart was making them fidgety. Most of them were fine, but the ones who had made it as far as Ireland were more uncomfortable.
Chris took a hurried sip of water before bringing the show back.
“Welcome back once again to the Men Tell All,” he said. “I’ve got the guys of Y/N’s dramatic season here with me, and now, she’s about to face them all for the first time since their incredible journey. So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Y/N!”
The whole studio went wild. You started toward the stage, legs a little shaky with nerves. You beamed and waved at the crowd to try and cover up how anxious you were. You walked up to Chris first, hugged him tightly, and then smoothed your dress out before taking a seat on the couch. The noise quieted and you took a deep breath.
“How are you feeling?” Chris asked.
“Nervous,” you said. “I’ve never been in a room with so many exes before.”
Laughter filled the room and you turned toward the men, looking at their faces for the first time in months.
“Hi, guys,” you said with a little wave.
Most of them returned with one.
“So, we started the show witnessing your breakup with Gwilym,” Chris began. “Can you tell us what that was like for you?”
You rubbed your hands along your thighs, looking down at your lap.
“Oh, yeah, that was…” you trailed off. “That was a tough one. Watching it backstage just brought all those feelings back up and I’m not gonna lie, I got a little emotional.”
“Why emotional?” Chris wondered.
“Because that moment was so...raw,” you said. “I wanted so badly for that night to go differently and for us to move forward. I remember lying in bed after sending him home and I literally cried my false lashes off. I went back and forth for hours wondering if I’d made a mistake. I don’t think I slept at all. It had just….completely destroyed me.”
“Do you still question that decision?” Chris pressed.
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “Watching it back reminded me that it was the right call. I don’t think I would handle it any differently if I had to do it all again.”
“Well, I’d like to invite Gwilym up so you guys can talk,” Chris said. “You ready?”
“Yeah, of course,” you assured him with a nod.
Chris looked over at the men. “Gwilym, come on over.”
Gwilym got up, straightening his jacket, and walked over. You had gotten to your feet as well. You smiled widely at him as he got closer, and then opened your arms for a hug. He gladly accepted. You took a moment to enjoy the feeling of him once again, and then you sat down together on the couch.
“It’s wonderful to see you,” he said.
“You too,” you returned earnestly.
“I can’t tell you what a relief it is to hear that you don’t question your decision,” he said. “Because I don’t either. I think if we’d gone forward, there would have been more trouble and just...disappointed hopes.”
“I agree,” you said. “As painful as our goodbye was, it had to happen.”
“And you should know, I was equally destroyed by it,” he told you. “It broke my heart, and I’ve missed you terribly.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you returned. “As I’ve been watching the season, I was remembering all the moments where I thought, ‘okay, I think I love this guy’ and it was a bit painful, but I just hope you’re happy.”
“I am happy,” Gwilym said. “I know you can’t tell us how your season ends, but I hope you’re at least that.”
You beamed. “I’m very happy.”
“That’s great, cariad.”
Your smile grew impossibly wider at the old endearment. He grinned back. 
“So, how are you two feeling about each other?” Chris asked.
“Similar to what Rami said, I think I’ll always have love for her,” Gwilym said. “But things feel...friendlier now.”
“I agree,” you said. “I will definitely always care about him, but in a way that’s platonic. Like, I know we’re always rooting for the best for each other.”
“Exactly,” said Gwilym. 
“I’m glad you two got some closure here,” Chris said. “Gwilym, you can head back to your seat, and I’m gonna open it up to the other guys. Anything you all need to say to Y/N?”
Gwilym squeezed your hand and returned to his chair, and you looked over at the men. They took a moment, but then Rami spoke up.
“I just wanna say, I’m sorry that things turned out the way they did between us, but I’m grateful for your choice,” he said. “Looking back, my sister was right, and I think we might not have stayed together if we had gotten engaged.”
“Yeah, I think so too,” you agreed. “I’m glad we’re on the same page there.”
“There is something I wanted to ask about you two,” Chris chimed in. “When you were breaking up with Rami, you told him you loved him. Was that to say you were in love with him?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure,” you answered. “I had fallen into something very deep with you, Rami, and I’m sorry if saying that confused you at all. I just knew that my heart was hurting so bad to say goodbye, and I didn’t know any other words to convey how much you meant to me.”
“I kinda guessed that,” Rami said. “I thought about it for a little while, but let it go.”
“Thank you for understanding,” you returned. “And hey, congratulations on the movie!”
“Thank you!”
“Now, I wanna talk to you, Y/N, about the most controversial part of your season,” Chris said. “And that was your fight with Luke about the bungee jumping. Tell us about what you’ve experienced regarding that.”
“Yeah, um,” you began, but you started to choke up. “Well, turns out more people think like Luke than I thought. Since that episode aired, social media has been kind of a nightmare. The night of the episode, I got so many Tweets and DMs calling me a slut, saying I was behaving shamefully, and that I was the most disrespectful Bachelorette ever. And those were the most tame comments I got. I was also called a selfish bitch, stupid whore, and a lot of other words that I can’t say on TV.”
You wiped away a tear that had fallen down your cheek.
“I can see you’re getting emotional,” Chris said. “What is it about these people that makes you so upset?”
“It’s the injustice of it,” you said. “Like, no one tweeted at Joe and called him a slut even though he did the exact same thing I did! Not that they should say that to him, but - y’know - it’s - it’s -”
“It’s the double standard,” Chris finished.
“Exactly!” you cried. “Yeah, it was fine for Joe to expose himself to a woman who isn’t his wife, but for me - a woman - I was suddenly a slut. It was driving me crazy, because people still like, gave him so much love and support when Luke came for him, but for me, they joined in the attack. And then -”
You stopped, emotion welling up in your throat. You took a deep breath as your chest got tight.
“The night I sent Taron home,” you sobbed. “I was totally bombarded by this one group of women. I think they were having a watch party or something. And they all got on Twitter and were telling me to kill myself because I was so stupid to not give him a rose. They were actually telling me I should die because I didn’t pick their favorite. That...that really, deeply upset me.”
“How do you respond to things like that?” Chris asked gently.
“I try to ignore it because I know that engaging them won’t do any good,” you said. Then you turned and found Taron’s eyes. “I actually wanted to say thank you to you, Taron. You have been my biggest defender online, and you actually responded to a lot of those comments to protect me. So, I did want to let you know how much I appreciate it.”
You sniffled and offered him a watery smile. Taron returned it.
“Those comments really upset me too, Y/N,” Taron said. “I think I speak for most of the men here when I say, we adore you. You’re an outstanding woman, and we’re all incredibly grateful that you were our Bachelorette.”
More tears stung your eyes at his words. The other guys began clapping their agreement, and then, before you knew it, the whole studio audience was on their feet applauding you. The men continued as they joined in a standing ovation. You laughed through your tears and offered a quiet “thank you.” You blew Taron a kiss. 
When they all settled down, you were even more emotional.
“I don’t think there’s a person in this room who disagrees with Taron,” Chris said. “I certainly found you to be an exemplary Bachelorette. You were fair and honest and gave it all of your effort. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Thank you, Chris,” you said. “I just want to remind everyone that the people on this show are real people. Not characters that are completely unaffected by what you say. We do read the comments and the DMs and they do hurt us. I don’t want to dwell on the negatives - because I also get a ton of lovely people sending me messages of support - but this bullying online has got to stop. Not just for me. But for every person who takes a chance like this.”
“Well said,” Chris agreed. “I’m gonna turn it back over to the guys. Anything else you all want to clear up with Y/N while we’re here?”
Nobody spoke up, so he looked back at you.
“Anything you want to say to them, Y/N?” he offered.
“Yeah,” you said. “I just want to say thank you to all of you for taking this chance with me. It didn’t work out for various reasons, but I’m really glad to have met you. I wish you all love and happiness in your futures.”
They murmured their thanks in return, all smiles.
“That’s sweet,” Chris said. Then he looked at the camera. “We’ll be back soon with a sneak peek of next week’s big finale of The Bachelorette.”
The show went to commercial, and Chris placed a comforting hand on your knee. You thanked him again for his words. For the few minutes of the break, you went over and chatted with the men some more, without the pressure of the cameras. It was really nice to see them all again. Then all too soon you were being called back to the chair.
“Welcome back to the Men Tell All,” said Chris. “We’ve reached the end of our show, but before we go, we’re offering you a little taste of what’s to come in the dramatic season finale. Take a look.”
For the final time that night, all eyes went to the screen.
“Coming up next week on The Bachelorette,” said Chris in a voice over.
“I am in love with two men,” you said to the camera.
They cut to a date with Joe and the two of you kissing, followed by a similar shot of you and Ben.
“I’m in love with Y/N,” Ben said to the camera. “I’m ready to propose to her. I know she’s the person I’m meant to love forever.”
“What Y/N and I have is so amazing,” Joe said in his interview. “I love her so much. I just want to get down on one knee and propose already!”
The next shot was a close up of you in tears, mascara raccooning your eyes as your bottom lip trembled.
“It’s not you,” you sobbed.
They followed with a shot of Neil Lane opening a case of diamond rings. A hand reached out and held one up. It glittered in the afternoon New Zealand sun.
Three shots flashed by: the first, you sobbing. The second, Joe crying and walking out of an interview. Then Ben holding his face in his hands and weeping openly.
The final shot was you, standing on a street in the dark, struggling to draw breath.
“I can’t do this,” you were fighting to say. “I can’t breathe...I can’t…”
The screen went blank as a producer’s voice shouted “Y/N! Oh, God, someone call an ambulance!”
The audience in the studio were shocked to silence by what they had just seen. Chris looked over at you and smiled. 
“Well, we all have something to look forward to with what might be the most dramatic season finale ever,” he said to the audience. “Find out what happens next week. Until then, good night, Bachelor Nation!”
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guymaito · 3 years
For the ask thing :3:
Top 5 animals? Top 5 fav/comfort movies? Top 5 fav cartoons/shows?
I’m honestly glad to know theres other people including you who actually like Pakku and his character :3 Yes he was a completely asshole at the start but he did change, it’s just that it was so subtle that not everyone saw it
Also random song associations with characters:
Fighter by Jack Stauber reminds me very well of Piandao, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong as their younger selves during the war.
Why do I associate Grace by Lewis Capaldi with Bumi? (the music video tho would give more context to why it might make sense)
Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber reminds me of Piandao and his overall anxieties for his partners.
Consider some of these songs as sorta song recs? Idk but still :3
1. Giraffes!! the reason why their tongues look like That is cause of extra melanin and to prevent sunburn!!
2. Seals!! there are 33 different kinds of pinnipeds and there over 50 extinct pinnipeds
3. Dogs!! they can only see in shades of blue and yellow, so bright red roses look yellowish brown and lively green grass look dehydrated and dead
4. Crows!! a group of them are called a murder
5. Cows!! they’re actually colorblind, they can’t see red specifically, so male cows, bulls aren’t getting mad at the color, they’re getting angry at the movement
1. The Losers movie from 2010, it’s a action mystery movie about Clay and his team that are a part of an elite US Special Forces Unit and are approached by a mysterious woman to exact revenge on their handler, Max, who betrayed them and just,,,the characters, CHRIS EVANS, jake jensen and all of his kinda weird glory, THE ELEVATOR SCENE, also cougar!!
2. Captain America and The Winter Soldier movie, it’s a action movie, which makes me realize that a lot of my faves are prolly gonna be action something, but anyways, it’s about Steve Rogers, who now lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, and a new ally, Sam Wilson, Steve struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy. oh my god,,,just,,,the fight scenes, the running scene at the beginning of the movie, steve meeting sam that way, just everything!! this was also my introduction to marvel so in my mind no other marvel movie can live up to this (other than spiderman away from home)
3. Spiderman Far from Home, again, it’s a action movie, i’m not gonna explain this cause the post is getting long, but!! mj and peter!! just,,,all of their scenes!! also jake gyllenhaal!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!! everything about it is amazing!!
4. Thunderforce, again, i’m not gonna explain, it’s an action adventure and comedy movie (ofc it is look at the other 3 🙄 /s), the relationship between lydia and emily!! the relationship between lydia and emily’s daughter!! the humor!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!!,,,,just everything about is good despite the bad ratings
that’s more like a top 4 than a top 5 but that’s like,,,,all the movies i genuinely like and will rewatch if given the chance and for that where’s a honorable mention: Hamilton (the movie version on disney+ that came out i think nearly a year ago), the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are better, got some funny moments and is mostly historically accurate, like yeah angelica did forget her name cause at the time of her meeting alex ham, she was married to a man named john church (or something church idk) so her last name was church but she introduced herself to alexander as angelica schuyler, not angelica church, so in satisfied she was telling the truth about forgetting her own name, but in the same song she said that her father had no sons even though the real angelica had 3 brothers.
1. Avatar the last Airbender, ofc or else i would have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s sequel /s but fr though?? it’s such a good show!! zuko’s redemption arc, iroh’s redemption arc (even though his more subtle than zuko’s) , aang!! love him and his character so much, especially when he gets to be a sassy little shit, sokka and his shit humor and brains, katara, toph, hakoda and HIS shit humor, the fight scene with hakoda (he fights kinda like a waterbender, using his opponent’s momentum against them), bato and his lovely, lovely voice, piandao, aang going ‘how about he get on YOUR back and you can fly us to the south pole’ or something like that to sokka after he complained about appa not flying higher, the boiling rock episodes, hakoda apparently being a good dad but a shitty prison riot starter (love that for him), just!! atla is such a good ass show, im not changing my mind. also!! i like the way they introduced ozai, not showing his face but still presenting him as not only a shit dad, but a shit person as well, like up until book three, we only saw him like, the neck down and in like, a flashback or two (i don’t really remember how many flashbacks ozai was in actually cause it’s nearly been a full year since i last watched it) and that’s it, so it made seeing his face for the first time all the more better cause you was already like ‘what the hell does this shitbag look like’ and then you see him and now ur like ‘oh!! THATS what he looks like!!’
2. The Legend of Korra, again, ofc or else i wouldn’t have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s prequel, just,,,,korra’s arc from being hot headed to calm is fantastic but also sad considering the way she went from that to this, korra’s book 1 character!! for whatever reason i really like b1 korra, just,,her design, her hair style (even though she had it for nearly the entire series) just!!! book 1 korra <3, also the entirety of book 1!! just amon posing as a anti bender nonbender despite being a waterbender himself, the scene where tenzin and his kids nearly lost their bending, which would’ve meant that, if tenzin did lose his bending but his kids didn’t, that would’ve meant the strongest airbender would’ve been his 11 year old daughter, the gruesome way to end the season finale episode by doing a murder suicide which was dark as fuck for what?? a kids show??, also the villains in this show!! their good as hell!! the backstory of the red lotus and how and why they were created?? amon and his anti bending?? kuvira and her plan to basically rule the earth kingdom (idk i haven’t finished book 4), unalaq and his spiritual stuff and wanting to become a dark avatar and fusing with vaatu?? also!! the other disturbing scene of korra basically getting tortured near the end of book 3, i mean?? it deadass left her hella traumatized and unable to walk, again hella dark for a fucking kids show
3. The Walking Dead, even though i haven’t finished it or watched in like, 4-5 months, i just,,,the way the presented negan!! practically foreshadowing him the entirety of season 6!! him appearing at the very end of the season 6 finale and pretty much having an entire episode dedicated to him in the very beginning of season 7 (which is why some fans argue he was introduced in s7 not s6 cause of the fact that he didn’t show up until the very end of the s6 finale but had an entire episode with him in it in s7, while others say vice versa cause the very the first time we see him was in s6 not s7), the fact that the walking dead logo was getting progressively more and more decayed as the series go on?? the fact that the WALKERS (the zombies) are getting more and more decayed as the series go on?? dale’s death scene?? shane’s death scene?? negan’s relationship with rick’s daughter?? the fact that this show also has what?? 11, 12 seasons?? which reminds me that i’m still on season 9 of twd
4. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, just,,,salem and his sarcasm?? sabrina’s aunts?? sabrina herself?? just!! everyone is just so fucking funny in this show it’s unreal, specially salem!! a lot of my favorite scenes have salem in them, the ‘are you on a women’s chat room again?’ (or something like that) and salem saying ‘i like the attention’ in response, that one harvey and salem scene that i don’t know how to describe without turning this into a giant paragraph like the ones before this one
5. blue’s clues, it was my favorite childhood show and i love the reboot of it so much!! especially p for pride moment in that song i don’t remember the name of, blue themself!! steve leaving which was sad but getting an equally amazing host in the process?? amazing!! the scene where salt and pepper introduced their baby, paprika?? just,,,it’s such good show and i loved it when i was younger and i still love it now!!
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @changingthefairy-tale​
What are you working on right now? Right now, I’m focused on BellarkeFic-for-BLM (I just got an amazing canon prompt I’m really excited to finish). I’ve also been participating in this round of the Chopped Challenge, which has been fun and challenging. In between prompts, I’ve got two WIPs that I’m slowly cranking through. Shoutout to every single reader who’s been incredibly patient while I’ve been so slow on those updates — though, reminder that you can donate to a BLM organization (even a $3 donation works) and request an update to get those higher on my prio list while I’m focused on that initiative.
What’s something you’d like to write one day? My absolute dream job and the ultimate goal is to become a showrunner for a prime time TV show. I love TV shows — I love the way actors and directors and crew take a script and breath life into it, I love how you take a general idea for a story and mold it into something amazing as you go, I love how a series gives a story more time to be fleshed out and explored, I love the concept of a writers room and collaborating on a story. It’s a different ballgame from fic writing (which I do for fun) and travel writing (which I do for a living), but I’m determined to make it happen. JRoth, I’m coming for your job, babe. 😉
What is the fanwork you’re most proud of? I’m still really new to fic writing, especially compared to some of the powerhouse writers in this fandom. And I’m sure one of my WIPs (when finished) will probably supersede this. BUT, my one-shot about Madi calling Bellamy on The Ring (She called you for 2,199 days) is something I’m really proud of. I’m a long-winded writer, so one-shots have never come naturally to me. This one just…clicked. It’s got some good lines in there that I’m proud of, and based on the feedback I’ve gotten, it really made readers feel something and connect to the story. It’s not my longest story or my most thought-out. But it shows my growth as a writer these past few months, and I’m proud of that.
Why did you first start writing fic? I started writing fic as a creative outlet for my writing. My day job is writing about travel and credit cards. And while I enjoy that, it’s just not as creative. My dream is to write for a TV show though, and I was craving a way to flex my creative writing muscles in a low-stress way. I started watching The 100 when it first came out, but I didn’t really get into the fandom until I came back to the show during the S5/6 hiatus. That’s when I started reading fics and reblogging stuff about the show on Tumblr. During the S6/7 hiatus, I had this idea for a Greys Anatomy AU, and my sister (who is also a major fan of the show) was like, “You literally write things for a living. If you want to write a Grey’s AU for t100, there is absolutely nothing stopping you.” I published my first chapter on that The Choices We Make in Dec. 2019, and the rest is history.
What frustrates you most about fic writing? For me, I think that the most frustrating thing isn’t even about fic writing itself; it’s the fact that it’s a side-hobby and not something I can dedicate my full attention to. When you write all day for your day job, then do some for your freelance gig, and then turn around and try to write for a few hours every night for fic… that gets hard sometimes — especially since starting quarantine where I’m not traveling, going out with friends, getting a break from it, etc. Fic writing is a creative release for me, and I absolutely love crafting and writing these stories that involve some of my favorite fictional characters. And I love interacting with other writers and fic readers, I love talking about ideas and exchanging headcanons and fangirling over my favorite writers’ works. But (because there’s always a but), sometimes I just don’t have the mental energy or capacity to write at the end of the day when I’ve turned in 3 deadlines for work. I’ve got all these ideas floating in my head, but only so much time and mental energy I can dedicate to it.
What are your top five songs right now? Oh boy. So I live alone, which means I’ve got either music or Netflix on in the background 24/7 because ya girl doesn’t like silence. I have a different playlist for different moods. I’ll share my fav song from each of those playlists. Lol Fvck Somebody by The Wrecks (On my “Summer state of mind” playlist for when I wanna dance it out in my kitchen like an idiot)
Don Quixote by Drapht (On @talistheintrovert​’s “My Good Bitch Murphy” playlist for when I’m feeling *edgy*)
that way by Tate McRae (On my “Pandemic Jams” playlist bc I like angsty music and this song is a Bellarke MOOD)
Washington on Your Side from Hamilton (On my “Feeding my Broadway Obsession” playlist for when I wanna sing show tunes and plot overthrowing the government)
Tea by Noah Davis (Shameless plug for Noah bc it’s a bop and I literally dated Noah’s older brother in junior high — so proud of this kid for making his dreams a reality)
What are your inspirations (books, songs, other fic, really good cake)? All of the above, except I like pie more than cake. lol But really, I kind of use everything around me for inspiration. “The Choices We Make” is inspired by my love of Grey’s Anatomy. “Intertwining your soul (with somebody else)” is inspired my the first draft of my YA novel (though the setting was adapted to a grounder canonverse AU). “The Day He Shut That Rocket Door” and “She called you for 2,199 days” were inspired by @historyofbellarke‘s headcanons that were brought up in S7 speccing conversations (shoutout to her for enabling my angsty ass). My most recent WIP “There are some things written in the stars” that I started as part of Chopped (but will continue because I’m obsessed with the idea) is inspired by my love of Timeless. And I have an entire Notion database filled with fic ideas — some one-shots and some multi-chapter fics — that are inspired by quotes, songs, conversations with friends, books I love, shows I adore, random HCs that pop into my head while I watch, my own life experiences, etc. I take inspiration in any form it decides to come in. 💕
What first attracted you to Bellarke? What attracts you now? I’m a ho for enemies to lovers — the idea that you can put your worst foot forward and show someone all the ugly parts of you… and that they’ll see that and somehow look past it to see the good stuff too, falling in love with your whole self instead of just the pretty parts. Yeah, it’s my favorite romance trope. And that tension is what originally drew me to Bellarke. Now, it’s a combination of things. I love each of these characters in their own right. I relate to Clarke in a lot of ways, and I aspire to be her level of badass. I straight adore Bellamy Blake (flaws, stupid decisions, and all) and would marry him in a heartbeat if he were real — I’m not even kidding. lol But I also love their dynamic. They are partners, best friends, perfect compliments to the other. They see each other in a way no one else does, and they are the one person the other constantly risks everything for. They are both so driven by their responsibilities to their people, yet that all typically goes out the window the moment the other is at risk. I don’t believe in soulmates in real life, but it’s nice to get to believe in this fictional world that they are just made for each other.
BESIDES Bellarke, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? My favorite character besides Bellarke is John Murphy. His arc has been BY FAR the best on this show, going from that little shit in S1 to this “asshole we love” in the middle to now a true hero in this final season. And through it all Richard Harmon has been amazing to watch on screen.
My favorite pairing besides Bellarke is Linctavia. Yes, that ship is problematic in a lot of ways, but I still loved their dynamic. Lincoln helped Octavia navigate this new world that she was so desperate to be apart of while being mindful of her safety. And I thought they were a good match — he helped tame her fire without putting it out, and she helped challenge the way he was raised. Given time, I think they could have become one of the most stable and loving relationships on t100. Of course, that couldn’t happen because Jason needed Bell’s actions in 3A to have heartbreaking consequences, O to spiral for her own character journey, and whatever mess happened off-screen between Ricky and him. But they still remain my favorite ship aside from Bellarke.
Why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? The second I saw that Sam was planning on doing this, I reached out to ask how I could help/write/be involved. The BLM movement is so important, and this is an amazing way for me to contribute while pursuing my passions. It’s a way for the fandom to get involved and do something good. And ultimately, this helps organizations that need donations. Shameless plug for everyone to please go check out the Bellarke Fic for BLM page — check out the many amazing writers and artists we have participating, and send in prompts. Most of us are allowing WIP chapter update requests, and there are a number of us (myself included) who are matching donations made! No donation is too small, and you’ll be supporting a movement that is a necessity in the U.S. and beyond.
What’s your writing process like? My mind is literal chaos, so I plan and outline like hell in order to make sense of everything. When I get an idea for a fic, it goes on my Notion database. Within Notion, I write down my inspiration for the idea, and a pretty in-depth summary of where I want the fic to go — dialogue ideas, any feelings/emotions I want to invoke, literally just a brain dump of all my ideas. From there, I’ll arrange that brain dumb into an outline. If it’s a one-shot, I’ll generally write the whole thing in the Notion doc. But multi-chapter fics will get a checklist within Notion for me to keep track of progress, and I’ll actually write the fic in Google Docs. I generally start writing from the beginning of a story, but if I get stuck or have an idea for a later scene, the fact that I’ve outlined heavily allows me to jump around as ideas come to me. I’ll read each one-shot or chapter after I’m done to make sure it flows before publishing. I post chapters for my WIPs as I write them, which I should really stop doing. lol For my readers’ sakes, I should work ahead and publish on a schedule rather than making them wait for my slow ass to finish chapter to chapter. But right now, that’s my process!
What are some things you’d like to recommend? Oh goodness, too many fics to possibly name. Instead, I’ll link to my AO3 rec bookmarks (which isn’t all-inclusive of the amazing fics I’ve read in this fandom, but it’s got some good favs in there) and shout out all of our awesome Bellarke Fic for BLM writers. Y’all should check out their work (and send in prompts)!
Where’s the best place to find you (twitter? tumblr?) I’m @changingthefairy-tale on Tumblr and @changingthefairy_tale on AO3! My ask box is always open for anyone who wants to scream about the show, ask about specs, talk about my fics, etc. Come say hey!
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thathawaiianchick · 5 years
addendum to my wolfstar fic recc
i have too many favs, and also i straight up forgot some of these in the first post
sorted from shortest to longest, series at the bottom
Reminder that JKR has disappointed me supremely, but fan works will hold my love forever :)
if i think of more i guess i’ll do a part 3. 
1. the gossamer years by blanketed_in_stars
Beneath him, Sirius lies like a painting on the starched sheets, dark against the white and darker for the shadows between his bones. (648 words)
2. Adagio by lupinely
Remus wonders if Sirius knows. For the first time, he thinks—maybe he doesn’t.
[First war / lie low at Lupin’s. They never said “I love you.”] (6k)
3. The Prodigal by MidnightMarauder
Sirius returns from beyond the veil and makes an unexpected appearance at The Burrow on Christmas Day. (Alternate version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince’s Chapter 16 - A Very Frosty Christmas) (7k)
4. Hold On to Whatever You Find by fallovermelikestars
“…he hadn’t planned to jump Sirius’ bones almost as soon as he walked through the door, had actually planned to fix him a square meal and then set about avoiding him for a few days – or forever – but he’d been marinating in whiskey for over an hour and Sirius had fucking smiled at him as he pushed the door closed behind him and that smile, it’s always been Remus’s undoing.” (10.1k)
5. Synergy by remuslives23
Synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (13.5k )
6. The Long Road Home by veeagainst
When Sirius falls through the veil, he discovers that the other side is a different place entirely. This is the story of how he made his way back home. (14.9k)
7. watching stars collide by hydianway
Remus and Sirius, a flat in the colder seasons of 1981, and how everything falls apart.
Then, a cottage on the edge of a cliff in the early summer of 1995 as they put it back together again. (17.3k)
8. Face with a View by le_mru
It all rather feels like Remus is on a journey where he only discovers what the stops are just as he’s forcibly pulled over. He’s not sure where he’s going but it seems rather clear it’s nowhere good. Sirius has got a hole in his memory the size of Yorkshire, but he’s still here, he’s alive and kicking, like the bloody Count of Monte Cristo.
A story of break-down and restoration in two parts. (18.3k)
9. You’re My Kaleidoscope by (orphan_account)
When Remus wakes up to find a baby on his doorstep, he has no idea what to do. Especially when it turns out the baby has come from a drunken one-night-stand. With no idea what to do, Remus is surprised the moment his two neighbours decide to step in and help him raise the baby. All is well–for a year, until Teddy’s birth mother’s sudden return, and then the fight for Remus to keep his family together begins. (25k)
10. Mending Bridges by 1electricpirate
The story of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin started with a fight - and kept on going. It is mostly the story of two tempers colliding, but there is love to be found even amongst the most broken of bridges. (29,7k)
11. living is easy with eyes closed by imgladimback
shifts at the coffee shop were lily evan’s usual. tesco meal deals, men’s jumpers and accidentally eating a whole bar of cadbury’s were the usual. a one night stand wasn’t. a baby certainly was not.
features a trip to wales with all the family, more singing than regulas expected, a few mentions of colin firth and sirius in full drag at the hospital.
she deserves that bar of chocolate now. (30k)
12. Far Away the Stars by (oprhan_account)
“Oh hell, what a pair we make,” Remus said, and Sirius threw his head back and laughed.
“Truest statement I’ve heard in a long time.” Sirius bowed his head. “I don’t care about people easily. But you’re like a fucking tidal wave, Moony. You just short of showed up and swept me away and I gave up trying to fight it.”
Remus fought back the urge to grab him and pull him down and just have him right there because they hadn’t got that far yet. “And here I thought you just didn’t like me. Who knew?” ( 35.7K)
13. The Life In Your Years by FivePips 
Remus is a busy single dad and Lily is going back to work, so he’s about to face some problems with child care. Thankfully, Lily and James have a solution – their old friend has just moved back from The States and is looking to do something while he gets his affairs in order. Of course, things don’t go smoothly for a number of different reasons.
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln  (36K)
14. Beyond the Veil by Atalan
Set after OotP. Trapped in a world where he can be neither seen nor heard, Sirius Black struggles to communicate to his friends that he may not be as dead as they think he is… and that something dreadful lurks beyond the veil. ( 42.6k )
15. The Way Back to Daylight by trailingoff
Remus will do anything to see Sirius again. (44.2k)
16. The Grim Watch by skyrat 
Nobody warned Sirius how awkward coming back from the dead could be.
In exchange for saving him, Hermione gave Sirius only one instruction: “We can’t interfere,” she insisted. “If anyone finds out you’re alive before the right time it will ruin everything.” Too bad that Sirius Black was never very good at respecting rules.
Of course, if he had followed the rules, he wouldn’t have discovered that Remus Lupin has apparently taken his death rather badly. (61.8k)
17. sorry about the blood on your mouth by berhanes(sqvalors)
(works 2)
A study of grief, of guilt, of fractured men.
Remus/Sirius angst in a vaguely chronological order. (11k)
18. Second Spin by xinasvoice
(3 works)
In which Sirius gets a lot of second chances. (77.8k)
19. Anthology of a World Unseen by secretbeatheroes
(works 3)
A multi-part series following Harry, Remus, and Sirius from November 1981 to October 2031. The first part is saving Sirius and Harry, told almost entirely from Remus’ perspective. The second through eighth will be Harry’s Hogwarts years. After that we’ll explore the aftermath of the Wizarding Wars with Harry as auror-turned-professor, Remus as a commissioner for the “truth and reconciliation” committee, and Sirius as a Kept-But-Not-Captive Man and unwilling substitute transfiguration teacher. I’ve got it all lined out but not chronologically finished so bear with me! (85.9K)
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Riverdale Rewatch Review - Season One
Hey guys! So, as everyone knows, there’s like, this big thing happening in the world right now causing everyone to have to stay inside and a lot of people have way more free time on their hands than they know what to do with. I am one of those people. After I finish my schoolwork I find that barely even half a day has passed. What do I fill that time with? Animal Crossing. But also, watching Netflix. 
I’ve wanted to rewatch Riverdale for the longest time, and I figure that now is the best time to do it. 
So, the way this will work, I’ll give my overall thoughts and review of the season, my favorite episodes, and then I’m going to give you a play-by-play of my thoughts while rewatching each episode under the break. So, without further ado:
Overall Review
Looking at the bigger picture of everything I know Riverdale has come to be, I think the statement stands true that Season One is one of their strongest season, if not their actual strongest (Season Four has been climbing up there for me in fav seasons). 
Watching it all together, the drama seemed evenly paced, and everyone seemed to get the same amount of screen time, including characters we barely see anymore like Kevin and Reggie. There are some interesting shots, and I found myself jammin to some of the songs they had the characters sing as well as the background music. 
It was clear that they had a plan, and they knew where they were going. Hints of relationships happened WAY before they became official, and it seemed like everyone was on the same page, which is difficult to say for later seasons (which I will also be making reviews on shortly). 
For only having 13 episodes, Riverdale did an excellent job in it’s first season hooking everyone in to the drama and the mystery, including me. I believe it was after the second or third episode when this blog was created, and I’ve been here ever since. This season is responsible for why a lot of fans stuck around, and for why a lot of fans left. 
Overall, I would say it had amazing storytelling, character development, cinematic techniques, and everything else you could think of. My final rating would be a 10/10. Even if you don’t like later seasons, you can’t deny this one was really good, and had a lot of classic Riverdale moments -insert gif of Jughead saying “I’m a weirdo” here bc I tried to find it but couldn’t-. 
My personal favorite episodes: Episode 6, Episode 10, Episode 13
Rewatch Thoughts
Episode 1: 
It’s so clear right from the start that Veronica likes Archie oh my god
I love Betty Cooper dance parties and I want more of them
Wow I hate Alice from the very beginning
Fred Andrews was the best parent on Riverdale from the very beginning. Period.
Maybe the show is more consistent than I thought. Archie was dumb since season one episode one for lying to his dad. 
Veronica was so supportive of Betty and Archie we stan a supportive friend
Oh my god did we all collectively forget that Archie dated a freaking TEACHER?!
Jughead was such a broody lil boy wasn’t he oh my gosh Betty really did change him for the better didn’t she
“Whatever happened with Betty, just talk to her. It’ll go a long way” We stan a king who wants open communication from the beginning yas Jughead
Episode Rating: 8/10
Episode 2: 
God, the teacher is so manipulative
Oh god i’m gonna have to relive the dark Betty arc aren’t I
This rewatch is just gonna further my love for Jughead. He was the smartest one since day one
WAIT i completely forgot they changed Reggie’s actor oh my goodness
Episode Rating: 5/10
Episode 3: 
there was a mention of Greendale in the VERY FIRST SEASON 
The only good thing Penelope Blossom ever did was punch Alice Cooper and that’s that on that
I love the early journalism relationship between Betty and Jughead
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 4:
Ya’ll I miss jughead narrating at the beginning and end of every episode
Jug was so upset over the drive in my HEART. Jughead had a JOB. Am I the only one who forgot that? 
He called her Betts and she called him Juggy their already in a relationship let’s face it. 
“It’s like my home” AWH JUG IT WAS HIS HOME MY HEART
Ya’ll remember how INSANE the reveal of Jughead’s dad was?
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 5:
Why would he have to run away from mommy and daddy? BECAUSE DADDY DID IT JUG YOURE SO SMART
Everyone was so SHADY in season one 
This was the episode with Jughead’s stupid cute smile in his stupid cute hat and stupid cute tux my heart
Remember when Fred and Hermione had that thing? Yeah me neither I hate it
Episode Rating: 8/10
Episode 6:
Wow makes sense that Polly joined a cult, she’s so fragile from everything that’s happened to her 
I love the early music in this show
Betty straight up asks Hal if he killed Jason Blossom. OMG Alice goes “You think he has the stomach or that?” UHM hate to break it to ya but your dad is,,, oof
The little “also” and his voice cracks I’m
“In the middle of our moment” ICONIC
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 7:
the episode in which we find out Jughead is living in the school
“Don’t tell Betty” they’re already so in love I swear
Jughead walking Betty home is literally the softest thing
The farm was a part of the plot from SEASON ONE oh my god
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 8:
I’m p sure this is just a filler episode
Oh wait it’s the reveal to Archie and Fred that FP is a serpent
“It’s totally on my bucket list” we don’t deserve Jughead
the LOOKS Archie got when he walked into that baby shower
Can you believe how normal it became to be a part of the serpents? And in the beginning it was such a big deal? Like Arch, hate to break it to you, you become an honorary serpent one day
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 9:
Riverdale season one really be hitting different. It’s so,, innocent lol, and that’s sayin something 
The Blossoms are a cult all their own I’m just sayin
“That was a joke, you hobo” ICONIC
Otherwise known as the episode where Alice throws a rock at a window
The parents really do be acting like teenagers tho
ALSO known as the episode where Veronica rips of her pearls
YOOO remember when Cheryl kissed Archie? That was a moment
Episode Rating: 9/10
Episode 10:
oh my god this is the birthday episode isn’t it
lmao Ronnie was Tik Tok dancing before it was cool huh
The movie part of the party was so pure awh
oh god the creepy birthday song
i hate it
Cheryl arrives to mess shit UP
We love that Bughead took this as a learning experience and Jughead has never had a birthday party since
“In CaSe YoU HaVeN’t NoTiCEd, I’m WeiRd. I’m A weiRDo. I DoN’t FiT iN aNd I DoN’t WaNnA FiT in. HAvE YoU eVeR SeeN mE WiThOuT ThiS HaT oN? THAT’S WEIRD.”
Jughead was so opposed to letting her in my heart
Just let her love you Jug
Dilton’s actor also changed and we just,, let it slide? oof my guys
the first sign of FP bein a good dad, telling Jughead not to run away from Betty. We stan a father who’s basically responsible for Bughead.
The reveal that Alice lived on the south side was also in this episode. 
their first heart to heart ya’ll I love them
This is the softest scene point blank period
When I said I hated it before? Yeah I lied I love this episode
The episode where Archie and Ronnie also officially got togther kinda?? Wow so much happened this episode
Episode Rating: 10/10
Episode 11:
YOOO you remember when FP literally was an accomplice to MURDER and then they let him become sheriff? Man, what a time
Ya’ll why did they hurt Jughead so much in the first season my heart
Yo THIS is why they have such good communication in later seasons
he’s being FRAMED
Episode Rating: 7/10
Episode 12:
oh my goodness the tollbooth scene 
The second time his beanie is off
he looks so SAD ouch
He just stood there and TOOK Cheryl’s punches someone save my poor boy
They watched the videooooo
Episode Rating: 9/10
Episode 13:
The camera work around this table is really interesting. It’s literally circling them at the lunch table. SPEAKING OF LUNCH TABLES, why haven’t we seen them eating lunch at school for like two seasons lol 
“I’m with Jughead now”
God Penelope Blossom is so melodramatic
Can i just say thank GOD Fred never sold Andrew’s Construction
Oh my god the locker scene. The way he cups her cheek and takes her away
Jughead going to South Side High without telling anyone I’m
Cheryl on the ice
Remember when KJ literally broke his arm bc of the dedication to this scene
the I love you scene my hEART
His beanie is off and the way he says I love you I”M CRYING
Oh god this song
I made so many fanfictions about this freaking scene with the jacket I’m
We all thought it was so BAD to be a serpent and yet they all literally become one over the next two seasons I’m. the fandom had NO IDEA
The looks they give each other I’m laughing
Cheryl starring into the FLAMES
But also,, Black Hood Intro? Oof.
Episode Rating: 10/10
If you got this far, thank you for reading my rambles! Season Two rewatch is up next!
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