#like he is personally my baby brother i raised him myself and hes actually never once in his life done anything wrong
mooooonnnzz · 18 days
hiii, saw request is still open and just finished reading forwards beckon rebound and bawled my eyes out.
so i was wondering if you could maybe make something with ford having a kid (reader) who's like really young when he got pushed into the portal and stanley raising reader and reader reminds stanley so much of ford when they were younger and is a nerd like their old man it hurts stanley so much to see the resemblance.
Dream About Me
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Platonic!Stanley Pines x Child!Reader
ᰔ 1,8k words!
ᰔ slight angst? or heavy angst? it's just overall sad really depends on the person
ᰔ gender neutral reader!
ᰔ request are open!
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𐒘𝛠 When Stan took you in, he never thought how painful it would be to see all Ford’s quirks and traits shine in you. Seeing his smile on your face made it really hard for him to continue on with his day without breaking down into violent sobs, especially freshly after Stan had accidentally pushed Ford into the portal. Another wound to the heart was the additional finger on each of your hands. He hadn’t noticed until one day during dinner when you were sitting in front of him, coloring within the lines of the coloring book he had gotten you days prior. Your hand was splayed across the page, hand pressing down on the other side of the page to keep it from closing it on you. His eyes brushed past your hand, disregarding the six finger, just like he always did with Ford when his eyes shot back to your fingers, eyes widening upon seeing the extra appendage. He would’ve choked on his food if he didn’t swallow it moments before. 
𐒘𝛠 “Are you looking at my extra finger?” Your fingers curled inwards on instinct, nuzzling them into your palm. “Dad told me to never be ashamed of my extra finger.” You tell him, which sounded more of you trying to reassure yourself than anything. “Did he really?” A wistful smile pulls at his lips, his eyes distantly looking down at his plate. “Yeah. He said that it’s a gift. We both shared our weirdness together.” Your other hand that was holding the crayon was now wrapped in your other hand, the crayon discarded on top of the unfinished page. Stan’s teeth snagged on his bottom lip. This was harder than he thought. “And you-you should treat it like one, k-kid. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He had tried coming off as stern, but the way he fumbled over his words and how his voice cracked in all the wrong places made it lose its whole empowering purpose. But you managed to get the message. A smile all too similar for Stan’s liking shown on your face. “Do you have an extra finger, Uncle Stan?” You brought your six fingered hand in front of his face, wiggling them wildly. “Unfortunately, I do not.” He pressed his palm against yours, his large hand completely dwarfing yours. “Ah! Five fingers!” You retract your hand away from Stan’s, wide eyes never leaving his five fingers. “I have actually never seen five fingers before!” You comment, flicking his fingers. “Have ya never seen another person that isn’t your dad?” Stan initially meant it as a lighthearted joke, but the way you sheepishly looked down to the ground told him very clearly that Ford had never taken you out of this house. ”Maybe once or twice when I was a baby?” You shrug. “He’s been so busy with everything else he left me to myself.” Sounds just like Ford. He hopes you don’t inhabit that from him. 
𐒘𝛠 Your insatiable curiosity was full force. Everything always needs to have a reason or explanation, and if not, you would forge a plausible reasoning that ties your question into a nice little answer. Seeing this in a different perspective really rattled through Stan. He had found this side of Ford when they were younger plenty annoying, always wondering why his brother couldn’t leave things be, but seeing you do it was a messy mix of bittersweet and gut churning. Hearing you ask all the same questions Ford had asked them when they were younger sent him in for a loop. How could you be so eerily alike to him? Even the passionate twinkle in his eye had passed down onto you. “Uncle Stan!” You padded over to him, book in hand with messy scrambles of your writing. “Look what I discovered!” Stan forced a smile onto his face, stomach twisting into vicious knots. “What did ya find, kiddo?” You eagerly nod your head as you spoke with the same vigor and passion Ford had all those years ago and shoved your book into his lap. Looking down at your book had some semblance of Ford’s cursive writing, but it had seemed that it was a mix of his and Ford’s. “This is really nice, kiddo.” He strained out, rapidly blinking away the tears that were threatening to fall out. “So you believe me? You believe my theories?” You rambled out, oblivious to Stan’s fighting battle with his emotions. “Yes, kiddo.” He pushes himself off the couch, running a hand through his hair. “I need a m-moment. Gotta check on this mullet.” He leaves with that and you’re left wondering what you did wrong. 
𐒘𝛠 When you were about twelve years old, Stan had caught you squinting at him from afar, the same way Ford would look at him without his glasses—he didn’t mean to draw everything back to Ford, you just were an exact carbon copy of him, unfortunately for him. So he conducted an at home experiment where he stood far away from you, holding up a sign with words that looked like a blended mush to you. That was enough to prove to Stan and you that you needed glasses. Getting a pair of frames sent Stan in for a loop. As if you didn’t act enough like Ford, now you had glasses that made Stan’s stomach drop whenever he looked at you. “How do I look?” You smile at Stan, the comically large glasses sliding down your nose. “Maybe we should get smaller ones?” Stan suggested, plucking the frames off your face and setting them back on the display stand. His eyes abruptly landed on ones that looked exactly like Ford’s glasses when he was about your age. He cleared his throat, shaking him out of that weird trance and ambling on to more of the display cabinets with glasses. “What about these!” He turns around and when his eyes lock on you, his mouth runs dry. “A-Are ya sure you want those?” You scamper over to the mirror, a small gasp leaving you. “I look like Dad.” You whisper. Confliction swimming in your eyes. “You don’t have to keep em—“ You wave him off. “It’s okay, Uncle Stan. I-I think it keeps his memory alive, right?” Stan swallows, nodding slowly. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
𐒘𝛠 Staring at yourself in the mirror, you flickered your eyes back and forth to a polaroid photo of Ford to yourself in the mirror. There was some resemblance. Especially with you wearing your glasses. It made sense why Stan couldn’t really keep a straight face whenever he talked or even looked at you. You internally fought with yourself, jumping back and forth to liking the fact that you looked like Ford or to hating the fact that you do. You had his eye shape, his nose, his smile, the extra finger, even the stupid need to have glasses. You have his mannerisms, the way you speak is a lot like how he talked when he was your age–told to you by Stan, and so much more that you couldn’t dwell into before you’d burst out into tears. It was both a blessing and a curse. A worn out sigh leaves you, brain spinning and pounding harshly against your skull. This wasn’t going to lead you anywhere. Picking at your features and wishing that you didn’t have them wasn’t going to be beneficial for anyone. You pocket the photo and swing the door open to see Stan right in front of you currently in the process of opening the door. “Oh!” You step back and Stan jolts up. “I didn’t know you were in there, kiddo. I’m sorry.” A sheepish hand rubs his neck. “It’s okay. I was leaving anyway.” You sadly smiled at him, stepping out of the bathroom. Stan raises an eyebrow, catching the melancholy look in your eyes. “You doin’ alright?” You stop in your tracks, hand ghosting the pocket where the photo of Ford was in. “I-,.” The words die in your throat when you notice the concerned look in his eyes. You didn’t want to put any more weight onto his shoulders.  “I’m alright. Thanks Uncle Stan.” Stan looks at you hesitantly before nodding to himself, bidding you a quick goodbye. “You can tell me anything, just lettin’ ya know.” He lastly says, closing the door, leaving you to your thoughts in the silent hallway. You weren’t sure if you were ever going to get the guts to truly tell Stan how you feel. 
𐒘𝛠 As the years go by, Stan had found himself breaking out of his habits of relating you to Ford and saw you as your own person. But there would be times where he would slip up back into his old ways and meddle in his mind. You had adopted a few of Ford’s mannerisms, from the way he spoke to how he fidgeted, you had it all. He’d catch glimpses of Ford whenever he would see your pinched concentrated face. Sometimes you’d walk into the lab to show him all the theories you thought of to fix the portal and Stan would just look at you, guilt and despair heavy on his expression. You would have to awkwardly bring him back and repeat everything you had just said to him. “I’m sorry that I keep reminding you of him.” You fidget with your spinny chair, softly swaying from side to side to ease your anxiety. “It’s not your fault. I promise.” He kneels down beside you, patting your shoulder reassuringly. A moment of silence passes before you turn your head over to look at him. “Sometimes I think you’re going to up and leave because I act like him sometimes.” Stan has had hard times coming to terms with you being so alike to his lost twin. Nights he’d spent crying on his bed, wondering if this is all worth the struggle. There’s times where he couldn’t even look at you without being choked up in his own cries. He wasn’t emotionally stable enough for this and he was doubting his capabilities of taking care of you. But alongside pain, you also brought him joy, you gave him a reason to wake up in the mornings, to smile, to laugh. Stan takes a shaky breath in. “Kid, I’m gonna be honest with ya. It’s been hard, extremely hard. I’m not gonna sit here and tell ya that it’s been all sunshine and rainbows, because it hasn’t. But what I can say is that I have been getting better, with the whole Ford thing. Sometimes it comes back like a slap on the face and I’m left scramblin’ but, at the end of the day, you have shined so brightly and shown me how incredible you are, just as yourself. And no matter how hard it gets, I’ma stay right by your side.” Wrapping him in a bone tight hug, you let out a relieved sob. “Thank you,” you cry out. Stan pats your back soothingly. “You’re also my kid now. Forever imprinted on me. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” 
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Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz, @katharine3000
dm or comment if you want to be added/removed!!
just wanted to share that i had the worst food poisoning ever these past few days
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
What made you first interested in Jonsa? I really want to love Jonsa. Which may sound strange. But hear me out. I’ve read all the metas and from a metatextual level I really agree with and believe in Jonsa. But I have trouble actually enjoying it and I think maybe it’s because so much content seems to focus on Jon pining over Sansa. I’d much prefer to see things from Sansa’s perspective where she sees the hero in him and sees that maybe all the songs aren’t lies after all as opposed to him “winning her over.” I feel I have been inundated my whole life with stories of outcast men pining over beautiful women they see as out of their league and “winning them over” and I honestly find the trope tiring because it’s so male perspective focused and doesn’t give Sansa the agency of choosing her lover, instead, making her something to be won or earned. If you have any suggestions for Jonsa content that focuses heavily on Sansa’s point of view, on her falling for Jon first (or at least falling for each other at the same time without realizing it) I’d love to hear them! And I’d love to hear what makes Jonsa appeal to you on a personal non-meta level!
Hi there!
I too draw a difference between Jonsa as a theory and shipping it for entertainment.
I've drifted quite a bit away from what you describe as "content", which is fanworks, art and fanfiction. My tastes are very narrow and that puts me outside the target audience for a lot of what is being shared by creators. Plus, I get a great deal more personal enjoyment out of just interpreting the canon text. I enjoy what the couple represents in the narrative more than I necessarily enjoy immersing myself in different non-canonical variants.
And there's a lot of variants. You have two similar but also very different canon-sources (books and tv show) and within those two sources very different takes on the couple. For as many "Jon pines for higborn Sansa" approaches you get an equal amount of "Sansa jealously pines for her brother's oblivious best friend" modern au's. What we enjoy in recreational reading is extremely personal and subjective.
That said, for fear of disappointing you, I don't particular enjoy the "Sansa falls first" scenarios because what I like about the couple especially is the idea of Sansa finally being appreciated for who she is. Canon offers us plenty of examples of Sansa extending affection and crushes on other characters. They are never truly reciprocated, and they join in on a theme of Sansa going unappreciated for her qualities by the world around her. She is disregarded, mocked, criticized, belittled, humiliated. So much so that a large part of the fandom considers this to be justified and educational for her. She has given up on being loved for herself, but she will not sacrifice her values as a consequence. So someone falling in love with her is to me a very compelling and cathartic validation of Sansa as a person. Of course, this only works if the person falling for Sansa is actually attractive to her and embodies the things we know she has been looking for all this time. But specifically the idea that Sansa falls first fails my personal taste because it contains a sense of lacking reciprocation that we've already seen multiple times in her story. She's been not-loved-in-return a lot already.
I do enjoy the concept of Jon being loved by Sansa, too, because it validated aspects of him he usually keeps close to his chest. Things that touch on his specific mixed sense of identity as a nobly-raised bastard. He has soft sensibilities, a romantic disposition, pedestrian dreams of family and home, and highly idealistic and emotional ideals surrounding leadership that center on duty and honor. But he is generally not appreciated for those specific things. He is appreciated for his brains and his abilities, his bravery, his pragmatism, his loyalty to his friends and duties - but not for the boy who wants to be Lord of Winterfell with a lady wife and babies, who wants to be a hero from the songs, Florian the Fool, Ryam Redwyne. It's a lovely and very specific recognition of a very private part of Jon, to be loved for his secret soft self.
But it's not my primary focus because unlike Sansa, Jon still receives a lot of validation and love in the source material. It's just not the specific kind he wants. So that makes it comparatively less compelling to me.
That doesn't mean that Sansa primarily falling in love with Jon isn't an equally valid thing to enjoy! It's just that I can't make you any good recommendations on this subject specifically because it's not my specific favorite flavor of jonsa.
I wish you good luck though!
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neyswxrld · 19 days
never the same
POV Hunter, no pairing
summary: While Omega is on a mission, Hunter realises that it never will be like the good old times again.
warnings: a lot of nostalgia
words: ~1410
a/n: hello there! this is it. the final fic for @summer-of-bad-batch. with that i fulfilled all 28 of the offered prompts, and i'm actually very proud of myself for that. this event definitely was one of my favorite adventures this year, and it definitely motivated me to write a lot more. thanks for hosting this! prompts: radio silence and "yeah, kid, we're fine."
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"Still nothin'?" is the first thing Wrecker asks when he comes down the stairs in the morning.
He looks still a little rough from sleep, his shirt is wrinkled and his short, gray beard still manages to stand up in different directions.
A grin appears on Hunter's lips. The familiar sight of his brother in the mornings isn't anything he'd ever like to miss. Especially since he's finally able to sleep in a bed that is big and comfortable enough for the giant.
"Good morning to you, too," Hunter smiles and eats one of the delicious cookies Crosshair brought over a day ago. He'd never thought the former sniper would find a liking in baking sweet stuff, but here they are, and he's sure it's not the last reason his tummy got so soft in the last years.
But he wouldn't complain: Crosshair's food is tasty and he actually likes the sight of himself in the mirror like that.
"Mornin'..." Wrecker muffles and starts to brew himself some tea, looking at Hunter expectantly.
"No, didn't hear of them. But you know how it is - radio silence means no com chatter," Hunter unnecessarily explains.
Wrecker just rolls his eyes, but also picks up a cookie, already sighing at the taste before he even put it into his mouth.
"I know, I'm just worried," he admits, after chewing and swallowing down.
Oh, how familiar Hunter was with this feeling, too.
He's always worried about Omega. She'll forever be his baby sister who needs some kind of protection, but at the same time, he also knows he just can't always provide it for her.
Besides, she's all grown up now. He taught her everything he could. She can protect herself just fine.
"What do you think, how long will it be this time until we hear from her again?" Wrecker asks and Hunter just shrugs his shoulders. "Last time it was a week, before that a few hours. Could be anything between that and even longer," Hunter says, as if they haven't had that conversation several times now.
Wrecker sighs.
"It's just so... quiet without her. Boring," the big clone says, and a shadow of sadness crosses his face.
Hunter knew. He knew so well. First Crosshair moved out. He and his partner found a beautiful little home a few houses over, and even though Hunter was genuinely happy for his youngest brother, he already recognized how much more quiet the house was. How empty his place at the table was.
Then Omega tried to just sneak away a few years later. He knew her reasons, but he was still glad he could properly say goodbye to her.
And even though Crosshair was just a few houses over, and even though Omega sometimes visited and called in regularly, the house just felt empty, quiet, and boring.
He was so glad Wrecker was still by his side, even though he sometimes asked himself if his brother really was happy with their current situation.
But every time he asked him, Wrecker immediately got defensive and almost scared of Hunter leaving him, so he just kept that question for himself.
If Wrecker was ready or wanted to move on, he would.
"What's your plan for today?" Hunter asks him, and Wrecker thinks for a few seconds, before answering.
"I'll go and help Phee with some crates she has on her ship. She requested my help specifically," Wrecker grins and Hunter raises his eyebrows. Just like everyone's enhancements, Wrecker's also faded over the time. Of course, he is still a lot stronger than the average person, but Hunter knows his brother and his habit of overestimating himself too well.
At the same time, he knows Phee, and he immediately is sure she'll look after his brother, too. If he's being honest, he thinks she already packed the crates in a way that they aren't as heavy as they used to be. He's sure she could probably transport them herself, and just wants to make Wrecker happy.
"Sounds good. I'll probably go and help Shep. Some new arrivals landed tonight, and they need to get settled down," Hunter nods, taking a bite of another cookie.
"You remember today is Batch day?" Hunter asks, and Wrecker nods excitedly.
It's a weekly occasion, that they'll meet at the beach, in a bar, a restaurant or their houses and catch up with each other and spend time together.
Even though the three of them see each other often enough, they still decided to spare this one evening during the week to indulge in nostalgia and make it feel just like the old times.
They'd never miss the day, not for anything in this galaxy.
Wrecker and Hunter complete their morning routine, say goodbye to each other and try to fulfill their tasks as best as they could.
Hunter manages to help settle down about three new villagers. One of them was an elderly lady who smelled weirdly like dried fruit and old books, a man about his age with a small baby in his arms who cried the whole time, and a young woman, about thirty years old, who smiled at him weirdly, and said goodbye with a wink.
The day is over faster than he thinks and soon he's sitting in the living room of his and Wrecker's house. The latter one is stretched out over the couch, complaining about his aching back, and Crosshair is sitting next to them, irritating Wrecker even more.
Yeah, just like old times, he thinks and smiles to himself. Almost, at least.
It's in exact that moment, that his comm beeps. First one, then two times. Immediately, the other two stop bickering, and looking at Hunter expectantly.
When he takes out the small device and checks the callers ID, a small smile appears on his lips.
"It's Omega," he announces and Wrecker groans, relieved: "Finally!"
Hunter opens the com channel, while he and Crosshair try to move Wrecker upwards to a sitting position.
Well, it wouldn't be Wrecker if he was easy, right?
He starts laughing and just takes Crosshair and Hunter, pulling them down on him, pulling them close and huddles them close to each of his side.
"Oh, maker, are you okay?" Omega asks from Hunter's com, surely able to just see blurry forms and colors, due to Wrecker's unpredictable actions.
"Yeah, kid, we’re fine," Hunter says when they're finally able to look into her sister's face again. Omega jokingly rolls her eyes at his little "nickname" for her, but doesn't say anything about it. She's always going to be his kid in his heart, and she knows it.
"Oh, Omega! I missed ya!" Wrecker immediately exclaims and grins from ear to ear, his back pain already forgotten.
"I miss you, too," the young woman starts to smile and Hunter's heart warms just a little at that.
It's been so long since she's been here with them already.
"How was the mission?" Crosshair asks next, and Omega immediately starts talking about what they did and how they managed to pull some secret data out of an even more secret outpost and that most of them made it out unharmed.
When they each catch themselves up on what's going on and what happens around them on Pabu and in the Rebellion, all of them always have a huge smile on their face.
And even though it almost feels like the old times again, Hunter realizes one thing in this exact moment:
It doesn't matter how hard they try to make it work like the old times again. The bitter truth is - they can't. It will never be the same again. Too much happened, too much time passed, and too many people weren't here by their side anymore, who definitely deserved to be.
But what they can do is try to make it all worth it.
Live their lives how they're supposed to do. Be proud of what they've overcome and of what they figured out for themselves.
Be proud about what they did and what they made of it.
They still can enjoy the moments they have with each other and make the best of it.
Instead of trying to make old times again, they should start to look forward to the new ones.
There's still so much waiting for him, for them, and it would be a shame to miss out on that.
Even though it won't ever be the same again, it doesn't mean it's bad at all.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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mossyivy · 5 months
Domestic Chris…Because that’s my specialty. 🥹
I see Chris having three kids, two boys, one girl. He’d be the type of dad to push his boys so hard, always expecting the best of the best from them. His daughter as well, but not as harsh. I see them all pretty close in age, maybe 1-2 years apart for each kid.
He’d have his boys do all sorts of sports and activities. Football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track, cross country, you name it, they do it. Chris would also help them practice, especially in football and baseball. His daughter would probably do ballet, tennis, and be in the Girl Scouts with Cecilia, and maybe do drama with Violet as well.
Also, it’s very much cannon that Chris spoils his daughter 10X more than his boys. His little girl wants to go on a Sephora shopping trip? Take his card and go crazy. His boys want to go out with their friends? Here’s $25 for the both of you.
Chris is also such a loving husband. He’d buy you gifts “Just because”. Or if you mention a new designer purse online, it would mysteriously show up on the dining table to greet you when you woke up…With a handwritten note of course. You were very much a spoiled wife, but he didn’t care, you gave him three beautiful kids for god sakes, of course he’d buy you whatever you want.
If there was ever a time any of your boys were disrespectful to you while he was gone, (Because they know better than to mess with their mother while dad’s around.) He’d give them the “You don’t disrespect MY wife.” Talk. Ugh, 😣 give me a chance Chris…☹️
- Anon! 🎀
But I'll scream with you anyday bb!!!
(I'm sorry this is so long I just couldn't help myself 😭)
Okay so I've had the idea that Chris met someone with a child from a previous relationship (Your first born son, Let's name him Oliver and call him Ollie for short! He's like 2 years older than Violet. He struggles a bit in school so they're in the same grade, along with his younger brother, after he was held back in 5th and 8th grade but that's okay! Everyone struggles!)
Ollie was like 2 when they first met. Your ex-husband was a HORRIBLE MAN, absolutely terrible to you and the only good thing he ever did was bless you with Ollie. That's it.
Chris and his wife met through work (let's be honest here, how tf else would he meet a woman? Chris is very much a workaholic.) His wife is basically the lead of the BSAA's dispatch response team (Basically what Hunnigan does at the FOS but the BSAA's version) and she's good at her job. Very strong willed and mouthy as a mf. Isn't scared to go back at anyone over the radio and definitely got into it with Chris once or twice before they officially met.
(catch me posting what happened when they met in person the first chance someone asks)
After y'all start dating it doesn't take long before you introduce Chris to your son and Ollie is just OBSESSED with Chris. Like you've never seen this kid so excited to see another human being until Chris shows up. You two only started dating for a few months and Ollie already calls Chris dad. You try correcting him scared AF that Chris is gonna get freaked out but he's actually super chill with it. He's use to taking care of people, he basically raised Claire after their parents died but this little guy is much younger and a lot more fun and excitable than Claire was.
A few months into the relationship you find out you're pregnant. Chris is excited but also freaking out with how often he's gone. But everything works out and you end up having your second son, Christopher Jr but CJ for short.
You and Chris end up getting married not long after your first anniversary after the babies born. Not making a big deal out of anything just getting papers signed and having a little get together celebrating everything.
2 years go by, Ollie's in Kindergarten and CJ does daycare. You start getting horribly ill out of nowhere. So you go get checked out and oh God you're pregnant again...
(This would be the point in time where Leon starts bugging for another baby with his wife)
9 months of Chris being a nervous wreck fly by and the world meets your daughter, Talulla, Lulu for short.
Chris would be adamant on sticking the kids in after school activities once they're old enough. His boys would do sports and his baby girl in softball and girl scouts so she can hangout with her pseudo cousins. (Her being 2 years younger than Violet and 2 years older than Cecilia) Until her older cousin quits cause girl scouts are for babies (🙄)
Chris and his wife would be UBER COMPETITIVE when it came to cookie selling season. It's all out war between the Redfield's and Kennedy's every year.
I feel like Ollie would also really be musically gifted and play piano for the school choir and musicals. Lulu would Ed up wanting to do drama but be a stage hand or in the costume department. She's actually very shy.
CJ is basically Chris when he was a kid. Always doing stupid shit... Getting in trouble over the dumbest of things but looking out for others. (Definitely beat up that kid who was picking on Violet when they were 7.)
You're getting calls from the school at least once a month because CJ got in trouble for either getting into an argument with a teacher over rules or another kid tried something stupid.
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blueberri-chee · 1 year
Is this the end?
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A/n: just a little thing if satoru was my brother.... oh i would kill for him to be my lil bro.. fun times bullying him.
Warnings- spoilers SPOILERS spoilers SPOILERS
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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I watched Satoru fight with Sukuna/Megumi and I remember the conversation I had with Megumi one day while I was training him.. He had asked me how it felt to be the elder sister of the strongest sorcerer… it was nerve wracking to say nonetheless. I had chuckled and simply shook my head saying, “he was a pain in the ass.” To which Megumi cracked a smile. Quite the reaction coming from him. I smiled as he said, “I agree.” But there was so much more to that.. Satoru is a man with tremendous potential and power which also brought tremendous sadness and grief… he lost his best friend not once but twice… he saw his co-workers die.. His students perished to the curses. He has to fight the boy he raised because he was possessed by the king of curses… Satoru had gone through a lot and I saw him go through it and I couldn't do anything about it… Now that I watch them fight I can't help but feel that I've failed to protect my brother… The one for whom I gave my whole life away… I spent hours in the god forsaken training room of the Gojo estate so that I could protect him from everything but I failed. I failed so miserably and I can't even do anything as I watch them helplessly. Kento had asked me one day, “Why don't you trust him, then? You've worked your whole life to raise him, right? To make him a good person who'd know right from wrong..... I think it's fine to trust him a little more. You can't protect him forever, can you?” 
I sighed and looked at him with what I could only describe as heaviness in my heart, “that is the thing... I was the first person to hold him after he was born... he was a big baby with bright bright blue eyes. and I was like I’m going to protect him forever... I was holding the baby who was going to be the strongest sorcerer of this era... I was holding the baby because of whom the balance of the universe was altered and curses stronger than what you can even imagine were born to match his strength and I had taken upon the responsibility to protect him.. Forever” 
I looked at him and he had this weird look in his eyes. Like I had said something so heart touching and idiotic at the same time. “I see.” he said after a long pause, "Then..." He hesitated, but he wanted to ask me this. "Why are you so scared?" He said gently. "I thought that you had made him strong enough so he wouldn't need protection anymore." He added. I knew what he meant.. I had heard it enough times from Suguru and I gave Kento the same reply I used to give Suguru, “"I did make him strong but I can't help it. Actually.. He made himself strong. I was just there for him. The enemies he is up against. They are strong… He might be the strongest but for me he is just my little brother… I might hate his guts but still.. It is just. I can't help but worry about him..." 
Satoru was all I have left of the family and I raised him myself like he was my own son.. Now watching him fight the boy he had raised, hurt me more than anything. I wanted to protect him from experiencing such pain but here I am witnessing it.. 
I truly failed but there is no point crying over spilt blood so I pray to all the gods above that Satoru wins without harming megumi… which is impossible. If Kento would have heard me mumbling these prayers he would have called me a fool and would have told me to trust Satoru.. But he is not here to tell me that so I continue to pray. I want Satoru to win.. I wanted him to win so badly but I had this intuition. A very bad intuition which is never wrong. I looked at Yuuji who was standing beside me and then at my brother and his student? His enemy? His son? I don’t know…. But I know that this isn’t going to end well. I clasp my hands together as I rest my chin on it. 
He uses purple hollow.. I hold my breath as I wait for the bright light and the debris to settle down. 
Did he just win?
Did Gojo Satoru just defeat the king of curses? 
Is it too early to cheer for his victory? 
Is….. it?
Maybe it is…. Maybe my intuition was right… maybe….just maybe….. Am I wrong for the first time in my whole life?
I was right. I clench my fist as I watch him.. Falling… My chest feels heavy as I watch the strongest fall. The strongest.. Who was Yuuji's teacher. Shoko’s best friend. My brother… I fall on my knees as everything happens in slow motion… this is bad. This wasn’t supposed to happen…. He will rise… The strongest can’t give up so easily. Gojo Satoru never loses. 
Gojo Satoru won’t lose.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader *friendship*
Synopsis: Y/N is stuck in a toxic relationship, and when they break up. She runs to Chris for his advice🥹
Warnings⚠️: Talks of a toxic relationship, trauma, mentions of a hand being raised at readers face
Song for the imagine: Conceited- Lola Young (this song is fucking good literally LISTENNN)
Told me that you loved me, you're just talking to yourself
I don't wanna know, I don't wanna hear it
Let yourself out, you're so conceited
365 days….365 days trapped, hurt and angry. I was angry because I was trapped. Trapped in this god awful toxic relationship. With a “man” who did not care. He could care less if I lied there bleeding in front of his eyes. He’d probably laugh in my face and walk over me. This I knew, and I hated myself everyday for staying with him because I loved him.
How could I love someone as crazy and deranged as him? That I’m not sure of, but when you fall for someone you fall for it all. The imperfections and the beauties. But he…he had too many imperfections. Ones that would bleed into our relationship tainting it.
Him and I started off strong. He was amazing to me, he did it all. I truly felt like a princess when I was with him. He got along with my friends, my family, just everyone in my life. I thought I would eventually marry the guy. But here I am hurt and alone.
About 7 months into our relationship something in him flipped, and to this day I can not understand what happened to him. He wouldn’t talk to me, or explain anything it always ended up in him lashing out.
“Baby…I’m not sure what’s wrong, but I’m here for you” I would tell him
“I don’t need you here for me. Go away” he would tell me
“How can we be in a relationship when you won’t even communicate” I told him
“Shut your fucking mouth” he’d warn
“I don’t know why you resent me so much. If you’re not happy we can break up” I would say softly
“Break up? You’re nothing without me. You need me, you can not live without me.” He would say scoffing
That’s how most of our arguments went. He’d call me useless, pathetic, no good, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I’d have no one on my side if I broke up with him, he’d turn everyone against me. Every horrible thing you can think of, he has said to me.
And like an idiot I stayed. I stayed because I was scared. Scared that he’d truly truly hurt me. Sometimes when we argued and he’d get close to me there would be this twinkle in his eye. A twinkle of malice like he’d actually put his hands on me. Fear controls every aspect of life, more than you’d think.
The only person I felt comfortable going to was Chris and his brothers for help. Often they’d tell me to just dump him and come stay with them, and that they’d keep me safe. However I could never bring myself to do it. I was scared.
Chris and I had grown really close a few months back. I would even consider him my best friend. I told him everything, and when things would get bad and I would have a panic attack it was Chris who was there to calm me down. At first * Y/N boyfriends name* didn’t really care that I was friends with Chris up until things started to get really really bad.
He’d check my phone whenever he wanted, read my messages, go through my DM’s, look at my call history. He’d watch my location constantly asking where I’m going. I was his prey. He wouldn’t leave me alone and he knew it scared me, but that was something he loved
When he would go to work I’d call Chris and catch him up on everything, and then had to beg him to not text or call me, or initiate any contact until I did.
For our one year anniversary last week we didn’t do a thing. He even acted like he forgot, and when I mentioned it he flipped out. Telling me that I’m a piece of shit, and that I didn’t deserve a single thing. But I never wanted anything, I just wanted my boyfriend back.
Today he was at work, and I wanted to be nice and make him some dinner, turn on some music, and just try and have a good night with him.
When he got home I could immediately tell he was not happy, and that this night would end in another fight
“The fuck you doing” he said walking into the kitchen
“Uhhh hi to you too, i was making you dinner” I said giving him a smile
“I’m not eating that shit” he said opening the pot and throwing the lid down on the stove, causing me to jump a little bit
I paused for a moment contemplating how I would go about my next comment
“What the fuck have I ever done to you?” I asked him finally looking at him
“You haven’t done shit for me. You’re nothing, you’re a nobody” he said
“What’s your problem with me? You used to be so sweet and loving, and now you’re just angry and mean” I said back
“You ain’t nothing to me” he spit like venom
“So then leave me” I told him getting angry
“Ha! Leave you. You couldn’t survive a single day without me. You need me. I’m all you have” he shot back
“Not true at all” I spat back
“Don’t fucking speak to me like that” he said walking a little closer
“Speak to you how? I’m talking to you like a normal adult. You’re acting like a child” I told him
“I should fucking spit on you” he said with a smug face
“You’re a fucking psycho. You’re crazy” I told him shaking my head
“Walk away then! Go LEAVE!” He yelled the last part
“Make up your mind! Want me to go or want me to stay” I said rolling my eyes at him
“I could give a shit what you do. I know you’ll be crawling back” he said crossing his arms
“You’re so full of yourself. I don’t need you” I spat back at him
“Yeah you fucking do” he said now standing infront of me
“NO I FUCKING DONT” I yelled at him
“LITLE GIRL?” I questioned yelling back
“YEAH LITTLE FUCKING GIRL. GO BOOHOO CRY TO YOUR FRIENDS…..oh wait you don’t have any” he said laughing
“FUCK YOU” I screamed in his face, and immediately he raised his hand and I flinched and stepped back. Utter shock on my face
“Did you just try and hit me?” i asked started to walk away from him
I ran and grabbed my purse, phone and car keys. Walking to the front door
“You’re not going anywhere” he said following me
“I am! YOU DONT OWN ME! I'M LEAVING AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. YOURE A FUCKING LUNATIC WE ARE DONE” I yelled at him, swinging the door open and running out and to my car
Once in my car. I started to drive to the triplets house. As he kept calling and texting non stop but I kept ignoring him.
I got to the triplets house, and once I rang the doorbell Chris came down and was shocked to see me
“Hey! What are you doing here?? Are you okay?” He asked reading my face in worry
“I broke up with him” I said as he let me into the house
“What happened??” Chris asked as we went down to his room
“He’s a fucking psycho” I said pacing his room back and forth
“Go on” Chris said
“I make dinner for him trying to be nice, and he comes home all nasty and rude and starts fighting with me calling me all types of names and that I’m nothing without him” I told Chris still pacing the room shaking with anxiety
“And then”…my voice “he fucking raised his hand like he was going to hit me” I said finally stopping
“Did he hit you?” Chris asked in disbelief
“No he didn’t. I walked out before he could do anything” I said
“Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry! You don’t deserve this, and he doesn’t deserve you” Chris said
“God! What the fuck is wrong with me. How could I stay with someone like this for so fucking long. A fucking maniac” I said finally breaking down and crying, and Chris comes running over to grab me and bring me back to his bed
“Hey! Don’t beat yourself up for someone like him. Kids got a lot of fucking problems, but this isn’t your fault” Chris said rubbing my back
“I fucking love him. I will always love that kid, and no matter how shittt he treats me. My chest hurts from how much I love him” I said sobbing
“You can love him, that's normal. But you can’t beat yourself up for how you feel!” Chris told me
“I know but I’m just so fucking stupid for staying with him. No matter how many time you told me to leave him, and so I just didn’t” I said still sobbing
“Listen he’s a horrible person, and yes you should’ve left him a long time ago, but it’s your life and you will do what’s best for you” he told me
“I don’t wanna feel this pain anymore. I don’t know who I am. He completely ruined me” I said to Chris
“It’s going to hurt. It’s going to fucking suck, but you need to hurt and cry and feel pain in order for you to heal. So allow yourself those emotions, and you will see with time it will get better. You don’t need him. You never did need him, you’re a strong independent woman, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Got it?” Chris said
“Yes. Thank you Chris I love you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am to have someone like you in my life” I responded wiping my eyes
“Kid I love you so fucking much. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want to see you hurting or crying, especially over some loser like him. You deserve better…way better” Chris said pulling me in for a hug
“Thank you Chris” I said hugging him back
“There’s plenty of other guys who will truly care for you, and treat you like the beautiful queen you are” he said kissing my head
“You’re right” I said pulling away from the hug to wipe my eyes one more time
“Who knows?? Maybe I’m that guy” Chris said wiggling his brows
I started to laugh “yeah maybe. Who knows” I said giving him a smile
“There’s that beautiful smile of yours” he said smiling back
“I love you Chris”
“I love you too Y/N”
The End
Hope yall like this one too. I’m like ehhh about this, but I liked the idea. I’ll be posting the Matt cabin in the woods, and poignant part 2 tonight, but for rn IMA TAKE A NAP CAUSE A BITCH IS TIREDDD
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itsyagurlchip · 3 months
Another ROTTMNT request!!
Platonic, funny hc about the 4 brothers reacting to younger sister reader who has a gloomy/angsty personality who acts like a tragic heroin but in reality everything in her life is completely okay.
She's just a bit dramatic like leo and dee xD
☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・OUr Our YEA~☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
alt title; reader loves a style but does little research on it and uses pinterest as a ref
ᯓᡣ𐭩 warnings: cussing(!) cringe(!) stereotyped emos (!) crack(!)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ngl- i feel reader w/ this one 😭😭 Thank you so much for requesting <33 btw, this is not to make fun of actual emos, you guy's aesthetic is beautiful <3 instead, this is actually written from a 2 day experience by your's truly! There is absolutely no plot in this, so if you can't follow at all I don't blame you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 "Oh god she's blasting SleepToken again-"
kanabo; a japanese weapon similar to a spiked bat, used for offense.
"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" You screamed as you slammed the door closed.
Raph stood there, stunned and confused.
"I don't get it...all Raph told her to do was to wash the dishes?" He sighed and walked away. Deeply, he was too tired for this shit and the headache he has was forming faster the more he thought about it. He needed a nap.
Meanwhile Leo and Donnie were snickering in the far corner, watching the whole ordeal go down.
"That cannot be real-" Leo said, holding his gut trying not to shit on himself at the atrocity you just committed.
"Of- ha- of course it itz! I caught it on camera!" Donnie waved the evidence in the air.
The two burst into obnoxious laughter, echoing throughout the sewers.
So yea..you're a bit cringe. But who's stopping you?
You truly believed that this wasn't a phase.
And future you is looking down at you in tears.
The group was fighting a tiger villian. Silly cat, he had guns. Tch, that was nothing for someone like you.
"I blast you into the abyss as dark as my soul" You said, raising your kanabo, swinging the weapon in a circular motion, aiming for your target.
"What the f-" And he got blasted. You hated how your weapon was pink...
It all started with the "pick me girl" trend.
You hated those people (despite them not even existing half the time).
So, you wanted to be different 😈
And thus, the color black was an immediate yes
Mikey, not really caring about the sudden change in his sibling's style, used you for his art inspiration! Even if you begged and begged for him to draw you with hair.
(he already sketched it, but won't tell you. he's not gonna let it go that far into your head💀)
"Turn- now pose, ohhhh! Lookin great Pink! Wooo, you got it girl!"
"The only thing I deserve to have is a dirt pit. To put myself in, not your praise."
"Oh- oh."
Looking through pinterest you found your first outfit inspo and fell in love.
While not actually having any problems, mentally or physically (from what you know), you felt like you fit into this category so well!
Your scales were black, check
You love eyeliner, check
Your siblings force you to do things that you didn't want to (chores) , check
You were all set.
All it took was a few hundred dollars from Donnie's bank and you were ready to show the world-
"we are literally just asking you to go on this mission-"
They just let you sort your feelings out, poor baby.
No one actually knew when it really started
But suddenly you started to ask April for her makeup and nail polish for the first time.
And April, bless her, did so each and every time.
"Of course honeybun!"
Worst part was, you never gave it back.
"Hey, have you boys seen my makeup bag? I can't find it no where."
The boys sighed, already sick of the shenanigans, and pointed towards your room where every light was off.
Walking inside, April came in to see a singular lamp shining, with you underneath it writing inside of a black notebook.
"Hey Pink! Watcha doin sweetheart?" April nervously said, "It's pretty dark in here-"
"Writing down the names of my enemies. They need to suffer the pain I go through everyday, not only the physical- but the mental."
April wasn't really sure what you were going on about, but she spotted her makeup bag and dipped.
Donnie walked into your room, music blasting at goddam 3 in the morning.
"ARe yoU inSane!?!?" Donnie yelled as Ely Ottto raged over his voice.
"THIS IS THE REAL ME DONNIE! DEAL WITH ME!!!" You flipped him off, head banging as you jump up and down on the mattress. The plushies that were sitting on the bed even had black marker scribbled all over them.
This was too much damn noise! And quite frankly, very much overstimulating for this time of night for anyone to experience.
"YOUR NOT MY DAD BOZO!" Like a child (*cough cough*) you blew a raspberry at him and turned the music up louder.
Donnie was twitching in anger as he disabled your speaker with a tap of a few buttons.
"I HATE YOU" You yelled, stomping towards him and pushing him out. Slamming the door, you screamed into your pillow (as if that would muffle the sound.)
Dear supreme pizza in the sky-
Oddly enough your behavior would also vary between people.
For example, you wouldn't take shit from Donnie, even if he was trying to help you, you would even go as far to make fun of him for no reason.
You would talk about your woes and suffering with April and Mikey, even when they didn't understand it half the time because it was ever on subject???
You simply just ignored Raph when he told you to do something.
And Leo, pray for his soul, would play along. Or even worse, bully you *kindly*
Leo was walking you to the park, walking with a crip like those bloxburg characters when you don't take a bath. His head was facing the concrete, set in a mock scowl, mimicking your own.
You rolled your eyes and walked faster, flipping the wig you bought.
Good thing it lasted for another two days, or everyone (not including Leo) would've blown their tops.
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Man- had to get the rest of that brainrot out. phew~
heres part 2 btw
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა @ziipzeepzop-eez @wheezdostuff @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r @nuncscioquidsitamor-14
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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rynnthefangirl · 29 days
I'm glad you understood a little better what some fans of Aegon III and Viserys II feel, basically in my point of view the fandom expects them to sacrifice and suffer the mistakes of others, and being called usurpers when all they would do is claim something that belongs to them, it is frustrating, I've never seen anyone, except maybe one person, say that the one who had to step aside was Jace, since truly the right was Aegon's and he knew it because he was perfectly aware that he was illegitimate hence his visceral reactions when he was told so. But the responsibility always falls on Aegon or Viserys, they are the bad brothers who have to be white cloaks or maesters, or be studs for some lady of Westeros like their father was when that is not their place for the sake of his half-brother . They are always destined to be the bad guys in this fandom, Rhaenyra can fight the usurper, but Aegon and Viserys do not have the same right, because yes, Rhaenyra, to cover up her mistake, was depriving her legitimate children with Daemon of what was theirs. George makes Rhaenyra look very bad with this, a gigantic hypocrisy. And they will tell me it is not Jace, Lucerys and Joffrey's fault for being bastards, well, it is not Aegon and Viserys's either 🤷🏼‍♀️ that is my point. Some will say that kings choose their heir and Rhaenyra chose Jace, wanting to make a parallel between Viserys and Rhaenyra, but Jace was not eligible as an heir, if he were a legitimized bastard he could have been one although it would also be highly frowned upon if he headed the line of succession, but that was not the case. In short, long live Aegon III, whose existence is the salvation of House Targaryen.
I mean that all makes sense, but I guess to me it still seems like an extreme response to what amounts to only a hypothetical. Like Jace very much didn’t take the throne from anyone because never sat it. And he didn’t sit it because he died for his baby brother before he got the chance. Aegon III becomes king, and Viserys II as well, and they never had to fight Jace for it. And from what we see of their characters, they never actually wanted it anyway, and would far prefer having their family back. So pitting then against Jace feels unnecessary and contradictory to what I see as a point of their characters and their most admirable qualities (being two kings who, after the destructive greed of the Dance, truly care for the good of the realm above all and wear the crown out of duty and not desire).
But that is from more a strictly source material perspective, and fandom does change things. For instance, I probably would rather like Aegon II as a character if left to my own devices, but then the fandom goes and treats him like a poor victim who had no choice but to steal the throne, and it just makes me despise him wholeheartedly. Compare to Aegon IV, who is as despicable as any Targ, but I love his character because I think he’s fun and interesting. Two Targs that are awful people but compelling characters, yet the fandom response make me appreciate one while having nothing but contempt for the other.
All that is to say, there isn’t any fandom behavior that I myself have experienced that would make me resent the Velaryon boys despite the lack of conflict between them and Aegon III in the narrative. But I can’t discount that others might have different experiences, and seeing them shunted aside or demonized for the sake of their half brothers would be very aggravating. Particularly given how their characters have effectively been erased from HOTD (which I am still fuming about, why are they still toddlers when the Gullet is mere moments away😤), so show-only fans would be more like to dismiss their characters as irrelevant (ugh, even writing that raises my hackles). Again, not really an issue I come across, but I think we all underestimate to what extent our personal fandom experiences are not universal.
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pynkricee · 10 months
Permanent Red Stain: Part 3
(WARNING: TAGS: Slutty, Choso smut, bossy choso, sexy choso , 18+, Rough Sex. Unprotected sex, fluff)
KyiGo, is a woman in her 30's, divorced from her ex after 5 years of marriage, leaving her with a two year old daughter to raise. After a year of being single, trying to find self-love and her self-worth again, she finally wanted to step back out into the world and discover something worth wild. From understanding her hatred to understanding the person that it turned her into, she will always try and do what's best for her baby girl. Even if it meant sacrificing her happiness? Even if that may mean stepping into a new love she never imagined? Or breaking the cycle of being afraid to love again....
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“So….what would you say to letting me take you out?” -Choso 
“So..Did you fuck her yet?”
“No…Gojo..’DAMNIT’! How many times are you going to fucking ask me that?” Satoru Gojo was the type that gave no fucks when it came to sexual emotion. He was pretty swift at personally turning his emotions off when it came to certain women. Probably because he was hurt so much, and most of it was due to the way he looked and how he carried himself. From my understanding and the little things he's said to be, Sato had a habit of keeping his guard up even if he felt like he was in a position to make the best out of a bad relationship. That was just him. He was waiting for the right one. 
 Gojo, stood 6’2, blonde, blue eyes and he was a sweet soul. He mostly stayed to himself and worked everyday, every week.  He was the official type who liked his peace and so did I. That was probably one of the only things that we had in common. 
“Until you tell me that you fucked her….” Gojo was my boy and one of the only people that I actually associated myself with. Satoru was a soft man...and he tried to hide it with everything fiber in his being. Coming to the tattoo shop was a way I could tell that he released his steam from his everyday life.  Not that I could blame him for it because I used to be in the same position he was in emotionally. 
Preparing my ink needles for tomorrow's appointments, I decided to close up shop early tonight for my date I had scheduled with  KyiGo. With Gojo being my left hand man, my brother Yuji would come in tonight and clean up a few retouches I had scheduled. Next to Gojo, Yuji was clean and crips with his work, when he wasn't being a smart ass to all the women who came in. I swear at times the women just came in to fuck with us like we were the “New Blood” in the city. This wasn't motherfucking Vampire Diaries let alone Twilight. So if they weren't with their boyfriends on the weekends, all the local women were hanging out at our shop for the night. (If you get it then you get it. It got to the point to where it was fucking annoying.)  
Jumping down into my tattoo chair, almost knocking it off its hinges, Gojo was being too nosey for his own good. 
“You going to tell me what she looks like or am I gonna have to guess? You know I don't like guessing…” 
I sighed sucking in my bottom lip. Just thinking about what she looked like made my dick hard at times and if Gojo noticed my reaction at the slightest mention of her.  “I'm not going to tell you, but I can show you.” Unlocking my phone I handed it to him. I noticed his eyes glimmered and he became quiet. His light blue eyes looked my way with his light bangs slightly pulling a shadow over them. (I've never seen him look at me like this before. Ever. Kinda made me wonder if he knew this girl.) 
“Does she know you have a picture of her?” He asked, slightly hanging the phone over his fingers.
I sneered the side of my lip up, snatching my phone back from him, sliding it into my back pocket. 
“Of course she does. I actually sent it to her.” (A picture of her and her daughter I took for family-fun day.)
“She's beautiful…” He sighed leaning back in the chair. He turned his head lazily towards me with his arms spread out on the arm rest. He let out a small sigh from the corner of his mouth, throwing his leg around the chair. “Don't fuck this up..Cho.” He stood up patting me on the shoulder and walked over to his station. 
My throat all of a sudden became dry, as  at the drywall in front of me. 
I hope I don't fuck this up….
Yes. He finally had the balls to ask me out because lord knows I didn't have the courage right now. And of course, I said yes…
For the next week whenever I picked my daughter up from school, Choso and I were always caught having a conversation.
Whether if it was about the smallest things, even if it was him complimenting me on any changes I made to my appearance. I could have changed my earrings and he would tell me how pretty they were or how they complimented my skin tone. I noticed my body language started to get more relaxed around him as well. I wasn't as tense as I was from the first time I met him. 
And for him having my number…..
He did call me when  it came to my daughter. Luri was really a boy in a little girl's body so she was constantly hurting herself while she was at school. But that wasn't any different than it was then when she was at home. She was tough like any other child, but she had her moments when she would cry for me and he wouldn't hesitate to call me to come to the school if need be. 
Now when it comes to my ex husband, I don't talk about him. I don't think about him. I don't dream about him. I hardly breathe around him.  The only time I communicate with him is for the sake of my daughter and that was it. Anything else was pretty irrelevant. When it came down to our relationship..it was a toxic one. One that I felt like I was alone the whole time and I was the only one doing the work to make it work. I cried so many times thinking to myself that I was a failure and what I was doing wrong. (When in reality it was mainly all him. And it took me to let him go completely to realize that. ) Dealing with someone who couldn't take accountability and never wanted to talk about our issues, was mentally and emotionally draining.. it was over-stimulating in the worst way possible. I knew I wanted something better for myself. A life better for my daughter. I wanted her to see what it was like for someone to love her mother correctly that way in the back of her mind, she would only accept that love in return within her older years. That's all I wanted for my baby girl when that time came.  
Saturday night finally hit after a stressful week. It was 8pm. The stars were so bright tonight. Almost like it was a sign that this was the perfect time for our date. We decided to try something different than what we were used to. A coffee and croissant date. I thought it was the cutest idea when he texted and told me the night before. The plan was to meet up around 9pm at Castain Park downtown. This was an open park with a beautiful water fountain in the middle that stood about 20ft high. It was mainly a place where students from the university came to study during the day but at night, it was a ghost town area. 
After dropping off my daughter with my sister that night, I spent a good amount of time getting myself prepared for this date. I didn't tell my sister any details about Choso. Yes my sister Dhay and I were really close. We told each other everything even when I would come down to our sex lives, but I didn't include her in any of this yet. I wanted Choso to be all for me at the moment and me only. I wasn't ready to talk about him or introduce him to my family or even my best friend.  I just wasn't ready. 
I decided on keeping my look clean and simple for the night. Tight white long sleeve, black wide leg pant, black Dynasty Combats, and my fave black trench. The makeup was simple and sweet like honey. Mascara, a couple beauty moles added to the many I already had. A soft red lip with my fenty beauty gloss boom over it. I straightened the top of my hair so it covered some of my undercut, but not the fresh designs I had got cut in layers for tonight's date. I added a touch of my favorite Billie Ellish number 2 perfume. Not too much, but just enough to where he couldn't get enough. All in all, my prescription glasses finished the look. I was so nervous at this point that I could feel my whole body shaking as I stood in front of this 20ft fountain trying to keep warm plus keeping my damn nerves from being shot and walking off. This was the first date I've been on in a while, so you can understand my frustration. 
“Hello beautiful…” I felt a small tap on the back of my shoulder and I Instantaneously calmed down. My breathing became shallow and my heart skipped a beat. I turned around, making eye contact with choso.  “ I was hoping to make it here before you did.” He said with a slight smirk. (God this man was so beautiful.) Holding a coffee holder with what smells like two Chai lattes and two cinnamon rolls, this angel came prepared. He stood above me with his hair down today, the sides tagged behind his ears, bangs hanging softly over his eyes. A white leather jacket, with a thick black turtleneck sweater. (But not too thick that I couldn't see his build bulging through it.) Light black jeans that cuffed his ass perfectly, so perfectly I could see his print fighting for its life underneath too. Hell yeah baby….you could cut the sexual tension we had with a knife. He sported a pair of black yeezys but to top off his look with a couple of black metal rings and a pair of simple studs in his ear. I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip when I was standing in attention in his sight. I wasn't going to try to hide it. Neither was he as he licked his lips, blushing as he looked down to the ground. “ Hmmp..” that little sligh sound he always makes out the side of his mouth as he rubbed the edge of his bottom lip with his thumb. (I swear…at this point I could feel my body on fire. The things I felt in this moment, were about to push me on the verge of tears)
(…fucking intrusive thoughts…)
Taking the coffee holder out his hand, we started walking to a nearby bench to have a seat. “You look very handsome Choso.” My face turned red as we finally sat down. I handed him his latte and his cinnamon roll. “Thank you Angel Bean.” 
Angel Bean? That was a new one. But it was so cute so I couldn't complain. “So what made you pick Castain Park out of all places?” I asked as I slowly sipped my latte and brought it down from my lips, I could feel some about to drip down my chin, but before I could catch it Choso brushed his finger across my chin catching the access with his thumb, then slowly began rubbing it in his inner lip to taste. His gaze then shot up to me, sultry and low, licking his lips after. My panties were instantly wet. So wet that I knew if I weren't  wearing jeans, I'd definitely leave a permanent stain. 
He leaned back taking the sight in then sighed. “No one really comes here at night so I thought this would be the perfect place for us to get to know each other better.” He sipped his coffee, spreading his legs open.. his knee touching mine. “So how's Luri?”
“Luri?” He was really asking about my daughter. Wow! (Can you be mine now....?)
“Yes Luri”? He giggled. 
“She's fine. She's with my sister right now.”
“She's such a good kid. I really enjoy being around her.”
Those words…. Meant a lot to me. Best believe I didn't take those words lightly, but from him you could tell it was sincere. “Yes she is. She's a mommy's baby. She's my everything ..Cho.” I never really discussed my ex with Kamo. He knew very little details but that was something we both knew from body language to never touch. It was the past and it was going to stay there until it was safe to talk about. He looked at me and smiled and I gave him the warmest smile I could, as I enjoyed every bit of his company.  
We spent about another hour at the park walking and talking. At one point he grabbed my pinky wrapping around his. I couldn't help but smile. To be honest.. I haven't felt this in a long time. 
The feeling of slight comfort and protection. 
 She really….makes me feel like a normal person. I can't fuck this up. -(Choso)
“Would you like to come to my house for a little? Get you out of this cold weather and warm you up” He asked, rubbing his hands aggressively up and down my back, pulling me into his chest. God… It felt so good…
“Yes, I'd like that!” 
Entering his 2024 Honda Crosstour, the car I actually wanted for myself and baby girl, sat up in 17inch rims, was dressed in all black everything. Dark tinted windows and black leather seats. This was my dream car and it was so sexy, especially on him.  Dammit … this… this really couldn't be real, especially when he turned the Bluetooth on to Lloyd Swimming Pools. No.. so not . This couldn't be real, but the puddle that decides to drip into my underwear was. Everything was so seductive and quiet about him and it made me so nervous. 
The ride to his house was so tense we could have literally fucked in the car in the fifteen minute drive… 
It was about a fifteen minute car ride to his house. I didn't pay attention to where we were nor at that moment did I really care. All my little attention was solely on him. His sexy plump lips, his dark hair he went ahead and tied at the top of his head into a messy bun. The muscles that stiffened out his sweater as he opened the passenger door, taking off his leather jacket, while helping me out. He then took my hand walking me up to his pitch black door. I could literally feel my pussy throbbing between my legs just by standing next to him. 
Opening the door to his home he let me in first, following me after locking the door behind him. Flipping on a light switch the first thing I noticed was a large, and expensive, off-black stereo system that stood up against the wall  that he connected his phone to. It automatically started playing Neyo Say-it ….
(One of my all time favorite songs! Its almost like this man knew exactly what I liked when I needed it ..)
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him drop his jacket to the floor.
“Kyi. Go…” He softly whispered behind me, placing both of his hands around my waist, gripping me tight. His breathing started to get  heavier as his grip got even tighter. So tight I could feel his nails slightly dip into my skin.
As I turned around, looking him in his eyes as my body twisted in his grip. “Cho…so..” I said softly as my eyes met his. His eyes low, full of desire and power for me. The type of power a man has when you know he has you right where he wants you. And that's where he had me…
 He aggressively leaned in kissing my lips as I let my lips match the movement of his. The kiss was wet and nasty. Our tongues fighting each other as if they were fighting for their lives. “Choso…” I moaned in his mouth, my face pushed forcefully on top of his. My hands grabbed the back of his nape as the kiss reached a deep passion of aggression. He then threw my hands to the side, taking off my coat and throwing it to the ground as our lips were  still locked as we leaned back from each other but our tongue tips still touching.  Slowly moving his hands down my hip dips, he gripped his fingers under my ass, lifting me up, walking me through a dark hallway. I felt this intense rage throughout my whole body as he carried me. Lifting my shirt over my head, I threw it on the floor and started to get aggressive as I grabbed the side of his face forcing him to put his back against the wall. My mouth went for the right side of his neck, my tongue engulfing every inch of him, as the taste of him rolled up from his collar bone, right below his ear where I softly bit into him. 
“Fuuuuuuuckkk….” He moaned out loud still having a grip on me. With his moan I bit harder which caused him to spin me into the wall. I swear for a split moment he had slightly knocked me out but when I came to, his face was not only just worried in that instant but he didn't want it to stop. I could feel the wall dent in behind me as he used one leg to hold me up and used his other hand to tear my bra completely off. His beautiful low eyes stayed fixed on mine as he then carried me to the bedroom. 
“Are.. you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you..” He whispered heavily in my ear as he held me in his grip. 
“It's okay..” I whispered back. My voice was shaken with anticipation of what was to come next, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
Opening the door with one hand he quickly threw me on his bed, taking my underwear off with my pants and shoes. He flipped the light switch on and stood there quietly for a split second, sizing me up  while I laid completely naked on his bed. 
“You're so fucking beautiful KyiGo and don't ever let anyone ever tell you any different.” I could feel my pussy leaking all over his bed with those words that just came from his lips.  My nipples. hard for him. My mouth, watering for him. My mouth needed to taste him and every part of his body needed to feel him. My body was shaking uncontrollably.  My pussy throbbed to the point to where it felt like it had a heartbeat of its own. 
He began to undress, taking off his sweater and tossing it to the closet door. His body was amazing. Especially the tattoo that tied around his waist. His thick fingers started undoing his belt on his pants, to finally dropping his pants with his underwear to the floor. Stepping out of them he walked up, his dick slapping his inner thighs. His dick was huge and the grith was deliciously thick. My eyes widened with fear at first, but as I calmed down, I felt it was just enough to fill me the way I needed to be filled. I happened to notice he also had a tattoo of a dove right above his waistline. It was so delicate but it was perfect for his stature. I couldn't take my eyes off it as my breathing became heavy, feeling the touch of his cool hands spreading my legs apart. 
“Look at me…” He whispered in a soft tone, using one finger to lit my chin up, making full eye contact with him. While using his other hand to take his dick, rubbing it against my sobbing wet clit. 
“Don't stop looking at me ..”
I nodded. Obeying every command he told me. Gripping the sheets above my head with that one hand, he swiftly interested himself in me with the other. 
“Shiiiiiiiit Choso!” I moaned loudly, arching my back as my breast set up straight to his face. In that instant he shot his arm under me thrusting in harder as he groaned steering up the side of his face as he groaned deeply. (God he was so sexy when he made that face.) He moved his grip up my back forcing me to release my arch so now my focus was back on him. My legs arched around his waist pulling him in deeper as my mouth connected back with his. He began to kiss me harder as he hit my spot, moving his throbbing penis in and out of me as my body began to shake with his movements. “You feel so fucking good Choso…”
“ Tell me…” He began to pant, his mouth open as he looked down into my eyes. “ Tell me what you want..” He asked as our bodies continued to rock together, shaking his bed more violently. “Tell me what you want so I can give it to you”
“I want you to fuck me Choso…!” He leaned over licking my top lip. His thrust slowed as he wrapped his arm under my leg, pulling them over his shoulder. We both let out a loud Gasp of pleasure as if felt like he was hitting past my g-spot as he sped up. My hips matching his pace the best way they could. “Please Don't ..fucking stop…” I was cut off by my own cry as he bent down placing his tongue in my mouth. Sweat dripped from his forehead to mine. 
“ Fuck baby you feel so good.” He placed his other hand down on my stomach to keep me from moving as my clit quickly rubbed up against him as he used his force to move upward. “ Cum for me baby… I need you to cum.” I could tell he was about to give out at any moment as I felt his body shaking. “Fuuuckkk KyiGo you're so wet for me….” I tried to press his body back with my hand but he wasn't fucking having that. He lowered his face to mine, our noses touching. “ Move your fucking hand..” He said in a sultry, sexy ass voice, that made me feel like I had no choice but to obey him. “Now.. be a good girl..” He started moaning loudly.. “ Cum for me..”
I couldn't hold it any longer. Gripping the sheets with both hands, my eyes began to roll in the back of my head. Biting my bottom lips hard I felt my orgasm finally burst from underneath me all over him. My body began to shake violently as he suddenly grabbed my hips, pressing his fingers deep into my sides. My eyes filled with tears and my lips trembled as my pussy started to leak on his dick that was still throbbing inside of me. 
“Choso… baby… Im cumming.." I cried out loud as one of my hands tightly gripped his arms, my nails digging into his skin. 
“Fuuuckk Kyi…Shit….” He groaned out loud as his hot cum shot inside of my wet cunt. My pussy was still milking him dry as his body shook above  mine.  
He finally dropped my legs to the bed, breathing heavily with an accomplished grin on his face. Our bodies began to twitch with one another as he then collapsed onto me, both of us breathing heavily. I wrapped my arms around him, placing a kiss on top of his head. 
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
KOT au is so fucking awesome I'm going through it now.
-(Imagine him with hate in his heart but always willing to split what little he has with the other kids out on the street, wide-eyed and so damn scared but hungry enough to get close to the scary boy with all of his scars.)
Touya would be the best, worst big brother ever. Like prickly as hell until you worm your way under his skin then he would commit many crimes for you, up to and including murder.
-(murderous little ducklings)
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this will forever be a favorite line. Like all picture is this ^^^ with knives🤣🤣
-(Imagine a king of the lost and broken.)
OUCH like this whole paragraph is brilliant but you paint such a picture with words I CAN'T. Like 'villains' is appropriate for sure, but like the number of adoption papers floating around UA must be ridiculous, leaving supplies out there my god 🤣🤣
-(Remembers that nothing in life comes free and there are always strings attached.)
For this to be his viewpoint only to be confronted with the actual reality of (Present Mic with the lamest disguise he has ever fucking seen) ghajnvfjallghllnjdklalgjklHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Fucking perfection!!!!!!!
And Vlad King's inability to whistle is classic, but nothing will ever top Aizawa (omeone who is either an Underground hero Touya has never heard of despite living on the streets for years or an Actual Fucking Demon™️ shoves a backpack full of supplies and cat keychains into Touya’s chest before swinging off into the night like some sort of Sleep Paralysis Spiderman.) The first time I read this I laughed myself to tears and I still cackle every time I go back through this tag.
-(Nezu himself sauntering up with a new notebook and set of pens every time Izuku runs out is any less terrifying.)
Fear! Totally valid fears here.
-Izuku doesn't need the sharps, no sir ma'am mx, noooooo. keep the knives and pointy things away from the green one.
-(t’s in essence one teenager trying to raise three feral children while every hero in the area tries to lure all four of them home like stray cats while also pretending that it is absolutely not what they’re doing.)
I need this. For survival I need this. The pros finally convincing them to go to UA and literal explosions happening minimum twice a day once Izuku finds the support labs. Himiko traumatizing at least one person a day by playing up the creepy factor for funzies. Shoji following suit by deliberately placing limbs in the worst spots just to see people jump. And Touya laughing when the Pros look to him, "You volunteered for this, they found me, I was stuck with them. You dumbasses picked them up with a fucking bear trap, what did you expect?" fully ignoring the fact that he's the only one they listen to and that he has (and will continue to) risk prison for all of them.
-(hat scar is the only one he wears with pride)
I feel like he flash the scar as an intimidation factor whenever he could. Like someone doubts Himiko, show scar 'she did this to me. She likes me. She doesn't like you. Think about it.'
-(Mezou tucks himself behind a dumpster to eat)
BABY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You deserve all the love you sweet child!!!!! For real though, I feel like Mezou is criminally underutilized in fics and in canon material honestly.
-Every thing about Izuku and how Touya found them hgnreaklfnfdiaeghruaingkdf;ae They need someone and Touya's over protective sibling energy came through like a freight train with no brakes. And the back and forth with the shop owner 🤣🤣🤣 She is 100% grandma energy and I hope there comes a day that Touya shows up with one of the pros and she lectures him for disappearing.
-(keeps threatening to make hawks into fried chicken)
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I would actually pay money to see this conversation animated. Like Hawks has gone full birdy, and Touya is desperately trying to escape before completely losing his shit, whether it's burning him alive or busting into laughter, who knows, he'll never admit it.
-Fuyumi and Mirko for the win, no notes, full support. WE STAN THE LESBIANS!!!!
-Fuck Endeavor and Ass Might. That is all.
-(matching a sad blue eyed, white haired child with burn scars to the other sad blue eyed white haired children with burn scars.)
Okay soooooo seeing the reunion of the kids would be heartbreakingly beautiful.
-(I mean Touya if he can’t get his hands on a box of hair dye is pretty obvious)
IF this ain't the truest fucking fact. It's the Clark Kent Effect, but hair.
-Just the discord server. Please! I need an entire series just of that because can you imagine?!?!?!?! The mass parental energy? The conspiracies and 'fuck you' at the Commission. Fuck I'm here for it.
-Fire puppets. Just FIRE PUPPETS!!! Can you imagine the first time Yamada finds the kids together and Izuku and Shoji are giving the big eyes at Touya until he caves and starts doing a fully fleshed out puppet play? Like Aizawa saw it first, but the first time they see it in person???
-*chants* To-ko-de-ku, To-ko-de-ku, To-ko-de-ku. The first interaction being Izuku saving him from bullies and using their ridiculously intimidating siblings as the visual threats they are??? hgaingdmklghiwuopapghi (“I’m telling nii-chan you inherited his bird thing.”) I hope to fuck someone records Touya's (and Keigo's) face(s) when she tells them. It needs to end up in the discord server.
-(he sprawls over some back alley couch that’s definitely infested with something and smells like cat pee.)
Still top tier imagery ,10000000000000000/10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Plus the gremlin intervention fuck yes!!!
-(Touya is both Gay and Dramatic as personality traits)
Enough said.
-(Aizawa doesn’t feel like either death or retirement can come fast enough.)
This is just canon? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-The gremlins version of Santa is correct. We support 100%. Touya can stop being a buzzkill
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-Pickpocket alllllllll of the villains. ALL of them. AFO has to be the goal though. Just out of spite. It's gotta be him.
-(Mezou stole the bullets out of Snipes gun and the man was so baffled trying to figure out how he did it that he didn’t even fight when the cuffs went on.)
-(Monoma’s wallet shows up.
In Bakugou’s pocket.)
-(Touya with head in hands like “we had arson for dinner yesterday choose another felony”)
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Careful what you wish for there 🤣🤣🤣🤣
-(Plausible deniability makes the world go round tbh.)
I feel like that's the entirety of this AU.
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When the muses return to MHA, I'm so excited to see where some of these ideas go. Like zero pressure, but like I'm waiting like this. very patiently.
No but King Of Thieves is so special to me. Like Touya who is more morally flexible but still above all else a good brother and his hoard of equally morally flexible younger siblings that can’t keep their hands to themselves is so dear to my heart. Once I can get the words to go for MHA again it’s all over no one will be able to stop me
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dragonmasterhiccup · 8 days
“Oh, no, it’s fine! He uh, he actually only said a month and a half at first, but y’know.” She shrugged. “It’s a big favor, at least in my eyes, and I’ve come to actually like working in the forge, except for how hot it is, that I’ll never enjoy.”
Her eyebrow raised and she spoke with uncertainty. “Really? Tomorrow night? That soon? I mean, yeah of course, I’m just surprised you’re free.” A mischievous glint made its way to her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do it that soon? You’re probably gonna need some time to prepare, you know…”
“Well, no duh, Mom told you that regular sleep would basically get thrown out the window, didn’t she? And hey, I don’t mean to be rude, but I can tell that she’s keeping you up at night. Those eye bags could be seen from the other side of the island, for Thors sake.”
Her eyes shot wide, and she held a hand out to stop him. “Woah, woah, woah, Spitelout?! The guy who literally tried to kill me? The guy who is probably the worst person to ever set foot on this island? Him? He cracked a smile? What?!” She shook her head. “You know what? Thanks for the info, now I just have to go wipe that smile off his face.”
She shrugged lightly. “Nah, I don’t think it matters either way, even if she wasn’t your baby, she’d still be adorable.”
She chuckled. “Eh, you gotta start ‘em young, get her used to the never ending attention that she’s probably getting. She’ll be tired for a while, but I can say from experience.” She placed a hand on her chest. “She’ll get used to it,” she said, her voice playful and sarcastic as ever.
She smirked. “Well that’s good, because I was planning on tagging along anyways.” Sighing, she nodded before continuing, “Yeah, I know, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss spending time with you. And it’s like, I’m obviously not expecting to see you every second of every day, that would be weird, and I would go crazy, you know I can only tolerate your honking goose voice for so long, its just… I dunno, you have a family now, I get that, Zephyr’s amazing, and you and Astrid are busy with her, and I’m not trying to push myself into everything, again, that would be weird, and I have my own things I need to push myself into.” She let out a breathy chuckle. “I… it just feels like these past couple of months, we’ve barely spent any real time together… I, I’m sorry, I know it sounds selfish, but it’s just how I feel, I guess.”
"It won't be so bad in the winter, at least. Grump hasn't been giving you any trouble, has he?" He was mainly asking as a joke, knowing full well the Hotburple loved Danny.
Shaking his head, he grinned mischievously. "No, no, we can't wait too long, otherwise we might forget! No, the sooner the better! Besides, Astrid mentioned having you come by again soon, just to visit."
Running a hand through his hair, he asked, "Really? Is it that bad?" Forgetting Toothless wasn't with him, he went to turn to his friend. "Bud? You--oh, right." He shrugged. "I'll have to find some time to get a little extra rest, if I look as bad as you say, Gothi might whack me upside the head for not taking care of myself again."
"No need! I sent him off island to check on the tribes storehouse. He'll be gone for a week, I think. Snotlout went with him."
Laughing, he asked, "Oh, will she? You really think so?" Wrapping his arms around Zephyr, he gave a small nod. "She'll be taking on the role of Chieftess when she's old enough, so I'll have her with me a lot when I work, I think."
As they walked, his face fell hearing Danny's words.
Although, his expression briefly changed to mild offense when she said 'honking goose voice'.
"No, you're right. I've been a little busier than usual...things have changed a lot, haven't they?" Nodding, he continued. "I've missed spending time with you, too... and while I do have Astrid and Zephyr now, I'm still your brother, and I'm still here for you if you ever need me. Astrid and I are still adjusting to having Zephyr, so in the meantime, why don't we do this? Why don't all the Haddocks get together and have dinner, as a family, once or twice a week? As a start? And then, once Astrid is cleared for her normal activities again, we can spend some brother/sister time together when we can? Whatever you choose to do, but within reason."
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fincalinde · 1 year
lwj, for the meme?
Not the Lan bro I was expecting but here goes!
a song that reminds me of them
This doesn't remind me of him because I wouldn't want to ruin it for myself, but I can imagine a sad montage of interregnum LWJ set to I Am Stretched On Your Grave. Anyway, my proper answer is Frostrósir by Eivør. It's in Faroese, which I do not speak, but I pinched something from here:
Each sigh from a lonely soul Every word that was formed without sound Now seems like a frostbitten affair Dressed in the guise of lifeless flowers
what they smell like
We have an answer to this in canon and it's sandalwood, so I don't have much to add.
an otp
I mean, it is the central point of the novel. But even aside from that, LWJ is consistently only ever interested in WWX. I'm not saying he shouldn't be interpreted as gay, but I am saying that even if he is gay it's secondary to his actual sexual identity which is Weiyingsexual. I'm not treading any new ground here.
Personally I don't find Wangxian interesting, but I at least believe they love each other and are compatible in the sense that they are both selfish in slightly different ways that mesh well for their own private universe. Not so great for others in their orbit, but part of that is authorial fiat so I try to be fair about what I hold against them.
I don't think CQL successfully executed the changes it made to Wangxian in having them click and partner up from the beginning, but I do think it was necessary to at least attempt to rebalance the relationship. In MDZS, WWX genuinely does not reciprocate LWJ's feelings in his first life beyond a very deeply buried and not particularly inevitable spark. His first life is really centred on his relationships with JC and JYL and they are the tragic 'romance' (in the traditional sense). LWJ only gets upgraded during the second life. Kind of awkward to do your sweeping romance if it isn't a romance in the 35+ episodes of flashbacks, so I don't blame them for trying. And I do like the Colin Firth vibes WYB brought to his LWJ.
a notp
Aside from not finding the idea of LWJ with anyone else convincing, let me take the opportunity to pettily sideswipe at Chengxian and shoving LWJ in to make it what? Wangchengxian? Is that what it's called? Either way, nooooooo thank you. You can't get much more fraternal than WWX and JC's idiot bickering, and even if they weren't such classic stupid boys together, JC and LWJ loathe one another with the kind of loathing that does not give way to a rendition of I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face. (Incidentally, in the original stage version Eliza walks out on Higgins never to return, and it is awesome.)
favorite platonic/familial relationships
Obviously it's his relationship with LXC (and by extension LQR?). Just absolutely fascinating. Their rapport is very sweet, as is LXC's protectiveness and gentle trolling. LWJ is not a particularly good didi, but LXC both doesn't notice and doesn't mind.
Actually, someone once made a meme for me in relation to this, let me dust it off and drag it out:
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More seriously, though he was also raised with harsh discipline, in comparative terms LWJ is the spoilt baby of the family. As is often the result when we encounter morally rigid characters in MDZS, he is also in many respects hypocritical. Clearly I have a lot of negative things to say about him as a brother to LXC, but I'm not interested in demonising him and what's really interesting about it is that by and large this uneven dynamic works for the Twin Jades. Right up until it doesn't.
When LXC really needs LWJ to come through for him, he just doesn't. I'm not even talking about LWJ's behaviour leading up to and during the Temple, which is objectionable in the sense that he refuses to give JGY the benefit of the doubt that LXC extends to WWX. No, I'm talking about the fact that he bods off for literal months after LXC has just been through the worst experience of his life and lost his closest friend and partner. And I don't want to hear it about LXC being the elder and having a responsibility to take care of LWJ. LWJ owes consideration to his big brother and clan leader, even if that consideration might take a different form.
Here's a thought experiment. After WWX's first death, when LWJ has been whipped 33 times by the discipline whip and dragged himself to rescue LSZ and branded himself in drunken grief, can you imagine LXC bodding off for three months without a word to have picnics with JGY? It's inconceivable isn't it.
I didn't intend for this section to become a hit piece on LWJ and he obviously does love his brother, but in terms of actions it is somewhat of a one way street. The fact that LXC has no other expectations doesn't protect LWJ from my croc-hatted judgement face.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Righteous LWJ. Oh, please. In MDZS, righteousness goes hand in hand with hypocrisy, and though I doubt MXTX the human being intended LWJ to be read as thoroughly selfish, the (translation of) the text she wrote is a depiction of a profoundly selfish man. And that's not a bad thing, because his selfishness coupled with the occasions when he is genuinely altruistic makes him more interesting than if he really were a moralising ice cube with a ribbon tied around it.
the position they sleep in
Official Lan Position, and postcanon I probably don't want to know.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
I'm going to be lazy and suggest X-Men AU again just because his secondary power would definitely be organic diamond form like Emma Frost. I don't think he'd also be a telepath, but the idea of that is funny because he could read WWX's mind and know for certain that WWX isn't (currently) into him. But as a serious answer, organic diamond form as a secondary power and then primary power the same as Alison Blaire. I see no reason why his mutant name wouldn't be Dazzler too.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
I think he only has like one outfit. I'm sorry, I'm not cool enough to be able to distinguish between different varieties of plain white robes. In CQL I prefer first life LWJ because they put that massive ornament on second life LWJ's head to make him look older and taller but actually they created an unfortunate perspective effect where he just looks even shorter.
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spockandawe · 2 years
There's something deeply fascinating to me about Nie Mingjue, despite what a minor role he plays in mdzs in general, and while a lot of it comes back to the relationships he had with Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen, the bulk of the really crunchy depth comes back to the complicated dynamics at work between him and Jin Guangyao. The others are great, don't get me wrong, but I'm not still regularly rotating them in my head and finding a new angle that I hadn't really considered before.
I'm not going to rehash all the backstory about different ideals and moral codes, I don't have any particularly fresh insights there. But I was thinking about all the intense big brother energy in the 3zun trio, and I caught myself - Jin Guangyao isn't actually a big brother. Iirc, he's close to (exactly?) the same age as Jin Zixuan (I think there was debate on the shared birthday not meaning they were born the same year), but regardless, they never met until they were basically adults. And his other half-siblings are at an even greater remove. It's not like Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen, where not only were they close with their little brother, but their biological parents were absent, and they were a major force in raising that little brother.
Jin Guangshan flips a casual middle finger to Jin Guangyao by eventually giving him a name with the wrong generational character, which messes with the perception of age a little, makes him seem older than he is. And Jin Guangyao has a very... responsible mindset, he became Nie Mingjue's deputy at an impressively young age, politics and business come naturally to him, even with Jin money and the position of sect leader, it's impressive how well he's able to wrangle the other sects of the world. He has big adult energy from a pretty young age.
And my first thought was that wait, no, he's not an oldest sibling, he's Baby. At the brothel, he was his mom's only child, but he was also surrounded by a sea of aunts and older sisters the entire time he was growing up, right up until he left. He's a fairly small man and he has a sweet face, he was absolutely baby until he set out for the Jin sect and got thrown down the stairs.
My second thought was that hold on, even if things were like that in the brothel, being the family baby still came with a lot of shitty treatment from all these older sisters and aunts. It's notable that there was one person in that place who was nice enough to him and his mother that he decided she deserved to be saved. It's textual that people there looked down on this pretentious lady who thought she was such an intellectual and better than everyone else and had delusions of her son becoming a cultivator. Between this and the treatment from Jin Guangshan upon arrival, by the time Jin Guangyao meets Nie Mingjue, if he associates himself with siblinghood in any way, it's negative.
And I really do think that Nie Mingjue takes the whole Elder Sibling Responsibility thing very seriously! I think his expression of it can be a very rigid and unflexible sort of love, and smothering to anyone who isn't already aligned with his ideals and priorities, but I do also think he's extremely sincere in terms of it being an expression of care and that it's something he thinks is central to his role as a brother.
Does he want to project that onto Lan Xichen? Sure, why not! Lan Wangji isn't a clone of Lan Xichen, but he's very smart and very skilled, he and his brother are a temperamental match, and the things his family prioritizes come naturally to him. They have an easy, intimate relationship, and we do see Lan Xichen making moves to protect Lan Wangji at his own expense in canon. Perfect big brother work, you get an a+ on your nie mingjue brothering report card. But that isn't going to work at all for Jin Guangyao.
Once Jin Guangyao is accepted into the Jin family, his position is still... oof. Well, his dad's wife beats him, for a start. Her son is the one who's going to be the sect leader someday, and having the wrong generational character reinforces how much Jin Guangyao is being hamstrung. But he's still got responsibilities and duties piled on top of his head, his father blames him for all sorts of things that go wrong, he's been basically installed in a senior place to Jin Zixuan in the family, but it's a position that will be leapfrogged by the inheritance, it's all the downsides of the role with as few benefits as Jin Guangshan can get away with, and it's all happened with 1) no emotional attachment to anyone in this shithole and 2) lots of reasons to resent the family that could have effortlessly lifted him out of poverty, and chose to leave him and his mother suffering instead.
And Nie Mingjue, in that heavy-handed assuming way he has (I love him, truly), is like 'yeah, you're a big brother, and I am now going to project all the responsibility that I feel for my little brother onto you. idk why you have a problem with this, Xichen is fine.' I'm outside of the text now, for sure, but this is a perfect echo of Nie Mingjue's frustration with Nie Huaisang's interests, and we already saw Jin Guangyao navigating that divide in the story. Nie Mingjue struggles to understand why Huaisang won't practice with his saber, and why he wants to collect fans instead. Yes, okay, i get it, he likes fans, i'm glad he's having fun, but the saber is a DUTY.
This is just one ingredient in a complicated soup, but it really has me fascinated. I think the most interesting thing is that it seems like an area where Lan Xichen would have trouble understanding exactly where Jin Guangyao is coming from either. He's sweet, and he's much better at listening and empathizing, but he's still a sheltered rich boy. And I think this is all ultimately a tragedy, to be clear. I think that Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue both really value their brothers and everything about those sibling relationships, and that Nie Mingjue especially has Issues with projecting his own values onto other people, but that he thought that being integrated into a family and made a brother would be beneficial, and a positive role for Jin Guangyao to fulfill. It adds some interesting depth for me to add that into his late-stage frustration with Jin Guangyao, and his anger when he perceives Jin Guangyao as being derelict in his duties. 3zun is really such a tragic dynamic, especially because I'm convinced that under the politics and social maneuvering, there really was also a sincere desire to create something good. But by that point in his life, I'm not sure Jin Guangyao was able to approach the idea of a brotherly relationship with anything other than wary, guarded caution.
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bellascarousel · 10 months
Okay! So, my writing goals for 2024 (dear fucking Gods, how is it almost 2024 already?) is to get my damn Urban Fantasy revised, and to write and revise at least one of the Romance novels I've got percolating. 2024 is gonna be the year I become a published author, dammit! Anyway... to that end, I'm gonna ask you guys to help my ADHD addled brain pick a writing project to actually fucking stick to. So, first up, some brief rundowns of the stories I have the best handle on and can see myself actually finishing, if I would just stop letting myself get distracted and wander off to start something new:
Married At First Sight - A Regency-era arranged marriage. Andrea Sinclair is a spinster whose father is dying. Worried about what will happen to her when he's gone, he decides she NEEDS to marry this season. And he's willing to take matters into his own hands, if need be. Matthew Beaumont is the second son of a marquess. His father needs him to marry because his older brother's wife is dying without providing an heir, and with Sarah and James having been a love match, odds are against James being willing to remarry. Lord Beaumont and Mr. Sinclair decide to marry off their two problem children to each other. Andrea and Matthew like each other well enough, but there's a problem. Andrea agrees because she WOULD like to have children and she needs a husband for that. Meanwhile, after watching both his mother and his mistress die in childbirth (the mistress was birthing his daughter, so he feels responsible), and his beloved sister-in-law spend years wasting away from some illness that seemed to have been caused by the birth of her daughter, Matthew has taken a personal vow of celibacy because he can't bear the thought of being responsible for another woman's death. Obviously, their main conflict is going to be between Andrea's desire for children and Matthew's utter refusal to risk it. (I am NOT going the Simon and Daphne route with this. Matthew will not become the pull-out king, he's gonna stick to his vow of celibacy - which just causes further issues cause it plays into Andrea's insecurities. And Andrea is not going to try to... ahem... force the issue. I have plans for this that I think will be interesting.) It's going to be the first in a trilogy. I have plans for Matthew's younger sister Kitty, and also to give James a second chance at love.
You're Still The One - a Regency-era second chance romance. Four years ago, Evelyn and Lucas fell in love. But, her stepfather intended to marry her to an associate of his, using her dowry to pay off a gambling debt. Evelyn takes one night for herself and sleeps with Lucas before running away. Four years later, Lucas has a bad riding accident and in his moments of semi-lucidity the only coherent thing he can say is Evelyn's name. So, his older brother tracks her down. When he finds her, he also discovers that she has had Lucas's baby. He drags them both back to London. When Lucas finally actually wakes up and finds out about their child - and about the fact that her stepfather and fiance are still looking for her - he realizes the only way to protect them is to marry her. Of course he kind of hates her for what she did, and never mind her reasons.
His Brother's Wife - a contemporary enemies to lovers romance. Ethan Sullivan hasn't seen his twin brother Connor in almost twenty years - not since they got into a drunken fistfight at their mother's funeral. In that time, Ethan married a friend to give her medical insurance (and some modicum of respectability in her parents' eyes) when her FWB got her pregnant and then left her, he has since been widowed and is raising his stepdaughter alone - though only the two of them know that he's not her father. Meanwhile, Connor had a drunken one night stand that resulted in pregnancy. He married Lydia, also for the insurance. They are raising their daughter together, but have an open marriage. Ethan and Connor are forced back into each others' lives when their father dies, and his will stipulates that in order to inherit anything, his sons have to live together in the family home for a year. So, the five of them all end up living together. Ethan and Lydia slowly fall in love. But, it's all complicated by Heather's biodad coming back into the picture and suddenly wanting custody.
So, I'm putting up a poll. Which of these stories would you most be interested in spending a good chunk of 2024 reading my writing progress updates about?
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Wish Come True.
Chapter 2: The Beginning.
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(Okay I've never done a tw so please tell me If there's something I missed/ need to add!)
(Tw: mentions and implications of abuse, light mention of injuries and fighting, annoying brothers, some light language, mentions of bullying, mentions of blood)
Music played in the room, originating from the television infront of me, which was probably about ten years old, and barely worked.
The title screen of Star Wars: The Clone Wars popped up, and the narrator started his monologue soon after, giving the watcher all the information they needed to know before the episode really began.
I didn't actually need it though, I've watched these episodes so many times I could easily quote it. Although it had been a while since I last saw them I still knew all of these episodes by heart.
My mom left to go somewhere, don't know where and I didn't really care. But, it left me enough time to dig these DVDs out of her closet, hidden from me. 
"Fae, you know moms gonna be pissed if she finds out you did this, right?" My brothers voice suddenly cut in, drawing me out of my head and away from my fantasies.
I didn't spare him a glance as I responded. "She won't find out, so I don't care, Jake."
I saw the corner of his lips lift in a smirk from my peripherals, "Not unless I tell her."
I turned my head and looked at him with a glare. "You do that and I will personally see that your phone is destroyed, your money disappears, and your girlfriend gets embarrassing baby pics that would make her dump you immediately." I threatened quickly and raised a brow to challenge him.
  Jake went silent for a moment before scoffing and walking away, scowling.
"Just stay away from my stuff, prick." He muttered angrily.
"Then keep your mouth shut, dickwad." I grumbled, bringing my eyes back to the screen.
Jake left the house not long after that, and I continued to watch my show. I wasn't allowed to anymore, not after my mother took it away.
Her excuse was that I should focus on my schoolwork, and needed to stop filling my head with fantasies.
'Like hell that was the reason.' I thought to myself bitterly. 'I don't even do school anymore.'
I used to go to school, like a normal kid, but stopped about two years ago. Everything I learn now is out of genuine curiosity and basically conducting my own personal experiments.
Yep, school drop out at the age of twelve. Isn't that special? I never even got to high school.
I always got good grades. Not perfect in anything, but I never failed. My lowest score ever was probably just a 'C'.
I didn't quit because things got hard, I just lost the reason to go, and staying home was better than getting ridiculed and bullied at school.
Well, most of the time it was...Sometimes school was nice. I only ever had one friend, but I liked learning, and would get a meal, as well as medical supplies, which I would swipe from the nurses station.
But, I definitely don't miss it and wouldn't go back. Now, if I need out of my house, I just take my bike into town, or to the old, broken-down treehouse my oldest two brothers built with my dad years ago.
They were definitely the favorites in the family. Well, now they were. Ever since Nicos been gone.
We seemed like a pretty typical family in the beginning. A mom, a dad, and five kids. Behind closed doors, we were anything but.
Until one fateful night happened, then we were seen in a new light, and now I can't go into town without being stared at.
Basically, a small rundown on my family was this: Mom and dad had four boys, they were happy. But one night they had too many beers and didn't use protection, and next thing they new, mom was pregnant.
They, for whatever reason, decided to keep me. But the situation worsened when I was born, and I was a girl.
They didn't want a girl.
But, instead of putting me up for adoption, or even just abandoning me, which probably would've been better for everyone, they made the decision to try and raise me.
Four years later, they got divorced.
So, every weekend, holiday break, and every other week in summer, my brothers and I, minus Thomas, who had moved out two years prior to this when he turned eighteen, went up to my dad's house. The rest of the time, we were with mom.
That was the routine for Austin, Nico, Jake, and I. Until I was ten, and then we didn't have to anymore... As bad as that night was, I'm glad we didn't have to go to dad's anymore.
Sometimes, my brothers wouldn't go with me. That would always be the worse times, but I was too young to get out of it like they did.
Shaking my head clear, I stood and stretched out my body before moving and pulling the disc out of the player and went to hide it back in the closet.
I shut the door and sighed, not knowing when the next time I'd be able to see my comfort again, but I'd rather stop now instead of my mother catching me.
I went into the kitchen in search for food, not surprised when I found none, so I pocketed some cash before grabbing my bike and heading into town.
I didn't rush, or even bother to use the sidewalk. The town was small and run–down, the majority of residents didn't even own a car. And on the off chance someone drove down the street, they'd probably think the town was abandoned with how broken the buildings are.
It wasn't a good place to raise kids, and yet, my parents decided to raise five of them. It's no wonder not all of us made it. And why Tommy and Austin fled at the first chance they got.
I pulled up to a convenient store and left my bike outside. As soon as I walked in, I felt eyes on me.
"Hey!" The store owner yelled out. "You're not allowed in here unless you intend to pay!"
"Relax, man." I rolled my eyes and held up the money to show him. "I'm being nice today." He huffed and turned back to the costumer infront of him, face set in an ugly scowl.
I strolled down the aisles, looking for what my money could buy, though I didn't have much options with what little cash I had, but it'd have to do.
After a few minutes, I grabbed a package of peanut butter crackers and walked to the front.
The owner didn't say a word to me as I payed for the item, he just eyed me suspiciously, trying to make sure I had nothing in my pockets.
I flashed him a fake smile and turned my back to walk out, rolling my eyes as soon as I got away.
I grabbed my bike and led it down the main street, eating the crackers as I went.
There were few people out, there never were many, its not exactly safe to just be out like I am now. But there was one this time that caught my eye, one that stood out.
A little boy, about nine, with auburn hair, blue eyes, and freckles decorating his face.
I frowned and cursed silently when I saw some blood on him, and quickly hurried over to him.
"Arlo!" I called out, parking my bike to the side of him. "What happened to you??"
The little boy sniffed and looked up at me, forcing a weak smile. "H-Hey, Fae..."
I sighed and kneeled down, getting a better look of his bruised and bloodied face. "Your brother again?"
Arlos shoulders slumped and he bowed his head, nodding. "Yeah...Dad left for the weekend for some business trip or something... Zeke invited over his friends and..."
I frowned, pushing down my anger for the boys sake.
His brother had done this a lot. I help fix him up once the damage is done, but now he's bringing in friends? I think it's about time something happens...
"You remember that old treehouse I took you to? Know how to get to it?" I asked, nudging him gently.
His eyes met mine once more, and he nodded. "I-I think so, yeah..."
"Good." I answered and stood. "Go there then, I'll meet you there in a bit."
I didn't wait for him to answer, knowing he'd listen, I simply turned and walked off, leaving him, my bike, and my crackers.
The kid needed them more than I did.
As I walked down the all-too‐familiar street, I pulled up my hood, heading straight for Arlos house and forming a plan in my mind.
When I got there, Zeke and his friends were in the living room, watching TV. Distracted by whatever game was playing.
I smirked to myself as I watched secretly from the window.
'They won't see me coming.'
I climbed up the ladder to the treehouse, staring at my bloody knuckles.
I was hurting, but it wasn't too bad, just a twisted ankle, maybe sprained wrist, but really just a few cuts and bruises were all I had. And seeing that I took on four older guys? I think that's a pretty good turn out.
'All those street fights are paying off.' I thought to myself, smirking in victory.
I pushed open the little door and was immediately met with a wide smile and a happy shout of my name.
"You came!" Arlo cheered, seeming in a much better mood than before as he skipped toward me.
I chuckled and pushed him back gently. "'Course I did. And, I gave your brother a good lesson too."
He blinked and looked me over. "You...You fought him?"
I smirked slightly and nodded. "I did. Him and his friends."
I watched as a grin slowly creeped onto Arlos face and he lunged forward to wrap his small arms around me.
"Thank you, Fae!" He smiled up at me, eyes sparkling.
I hesitated then slowly hugged him back. "You're welcome, kid."
I hugged him for a moment before letting go and stepping back, feeling oddly strange with the contact, not remembering the last time I had it.
"Alright, Lo." I started. "I'm gonna get you cleaned up and then you can stay here for the next few nights until your dad gets back."
  He smiled and nodded, moving and sitting on the mattress in the corner that was brought up ages ago.
A little while later, he was all cleaned and bandaged up. There were no broken bones or sprains thankfully, he didn't need to deal with that.
"I'll be back sometime tomorrow, okay? I'll bring some stuff for you." I told him as I went to the ladder.
"Okay! Thank you again, Fae." He beamed up at me, and I chuckled before mock saluting and climbing down.
As I walked away, I heard Arlo call out a goodbye behind me.
"Bye, Fae!" He yelled. "See you tomorrow!"
I smiled to myself but didn't turn around, completely unaware that that moment was the last time I'd see him or that treehouse ever again.
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sundayschurchbench · 1 year
It’s been several days since I finished FFXVI and I gave myself time to process those emotions, but I still don’t like the ending. The more I watch people play through that conclusion, the clearer my reasons become. To me, Clive was never free.
He was his mother's disappointment (and treated like a bastard just because he failed to "awaken"), his brother's shield (I loved their bond but it was still a big responsibility for a child), a slave assassin to a foreign kingdom, Cid's replacement, the person people placed their faith on in the absence of a savior while being wanted/hunted as a vessel by a selfish god who only cared about self-preservation.
In the end, after having so much taken from him and giving so much of himself, he had to lose everything to birth a new, better world.
And I get it. Intellectually, I understand and can even see the "beauty" in the tragedy of it all. I know what had to be done and I know he was always that kind of guy—willing to give himself up for a better cause.
Emotionally, I disliked it. I always do. In the end, he didn't escape the whole "being Child of Fate" thing.
Joshua shouldn't have died.
Dion shouldn't have died.
Clive shouldn't have felt like he needed to die to bring happiness to everyone but himself.
I know it's implied he survived despite seemingly calcifying at the end. He was given a quill and suggested to abandon the sword for that quill—to become a writer when it was all over. And you see a book after the credits written by "Joshua Rosfield."
Again, taking up someone else's name, having their legacy live on. I get it was a cute, meaningful gesture—if it was Clive who wrote it because Joshua didn't survive, but he could never just be "Clive." He was always someone else, something else. Not just Clive. I wanted him to live as Clive Rosfield.
I know the ending was ambiguous to leave the door open for DLC's. I mean, Clive "healed" Joshua after consuming the powers of god with all the creation magic that came with it. We can assume, if we want, that Joshua does make it too. Maybe he's the one who becomes the writer because Clive was too busy being a farmer or something.
Maybe Dion survived too.
Maybe when Clive "healed" and "birthed" this new world, or whatever actually happened there, those people in the vicinity were restored.
[And maybe none of them lived and DLCs are about the past of the characters in those 13 years after the intro... or they'll give Jill a little Clive baby who is also tasked with living up to his father's legacy...]
Don't get me started on how Dion deserved better. Especially if you do the quests before the finale—that shit hurts. Clive was given time and a support system to overcome his guilt over "killing Joshua" but Dion never had that. He was only allowed to find absolution in death. He should have lived a long life—repairing his kingdom, raising that little girl who saved his life with his boyfriend, and being happy.
Maybe on the other side we didn't see, in some DLC, they did live happily ever after.
But it wouldn't change how punishing the finale felt.
Jill said Clive always wanted to save everyone, but never thought to save himself, and even at the very end he didn’t.
He could never rid himself of his fate as some divine plot device. 
I get that it is heroic and noble to give up oneself for those you love and the world they'll be left in. That undoing the horrible suffering we saw was indeed an act of love, but I personally dislike this trope.
It's a personal bias of mine when a hero needs to die to achieve a greater good, leaving behind people who want them to live because they too deserve a slice of the happiness pie.
Clive spent his life juggling duty, guilt, promises, dreams while being stalked by a god hell-bent on destroying his life to break down his will and take over his body (Ultima, you had tits too, so why?) and yet he was still chained to his fate of becoming a sacrificial lamb.
The only difference was the outcome.
One option ensured everyone/the world perished.
The other option ensured the everyone/the world didn't perish.
He just couldn't escape being bitch slapped no matter what.
I know that it's poetic to show how different he is from Ultima who didn't care about anyone, hijacked a planet because his was dead, and created people for the sole purpose of saving himself through them someday.
Clive had to be the opposite.
Had to be willing to die for a better world.
Prove to Ultima who was floating in the lifestream that selfless love was better than self-love.
I get it. I get the themes, but I don't have to enjoy them.
This was also my problem in FFXIV with the Warrior of Light's ties to a past that chased them all the way to their reincarnation(s), but that's another story.
I felt the story punished Clive for existing.
I didn't feel liberated by the ending.
The vagueness of it didn't satisfy me.
He had a miserable fate from beginning to end.
Even if Clive is alive, happy, and free in some future DLC chapter, that hint of disappointment will stay with me. Because they said the ending was meant to stand on its own.
I know that a story isn't good because it has a happy ending, but I can't think of a cast of characters who deserved a sappy end more than this one, especially a protagonist who was seemingly born under the worst possible star (fate).
I didn't want the conclusion to be left up to interpretation.
Overall, I still liked the journey, I enjoyed playing it, loved the cast, and especially enjoyed the combat—which I wasn't expecting—but I can understand why so many people turned to fanfics.
It's the only way to cope now.
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