#we love a good destined to be together romance
skywalkr-nberrie · 4 months
I was reading Queen Amidala Episode 1 Journal recently, and I found that it’s a nice read (legends btw) that sheds light on Padmé’s thoughts and feelings during TPM.
I think it’s so slept on how Anakin and Padmé shared a deep bond even before they fell in love, and this journal provides me with exactly that. I want to share some moments from the book that hit my Anidala loving heart. (Full disclosure: I’m not saying Anakin and Padmé’ relationship in episode 1 was romantic, simply stating that they had a deep connection and bond even before they fell in love and I feel like that accounts for their inevitable soulmatism in the future ✨)
The first thing I noticed is how Padmé talks about how her grandma would advise her that fate was complicated and that it’d be easier to follow “one thread”
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then later on Padmé goes on to say, as they’re tryna survive the sandstorm and Anakin leads them back into his house:
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I did mention ✨ soulmatism ✨ right?
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She mentions it again, when they’re on Naboo, before the parade. She just knows they’re bonded together now.
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Padmé even confirms here that she divides whom she truly is to whom she is expected to be. (Padmé vs Queen Amidala) and can only be one person at different times. And it’s clear that even before Padmé knew what Anakin would become to her, she had no doubts that he was gonna be someone very important to her and had already become someone important to her. Their bond and deep connection was a thing that was felt within both characters.
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My favourite part of this journal was the part where Anakin carved out the Japor snippet for Padmé so she’d remember him. But more so, I love how Padmé herself emphasizes how much it meant to her for him to give her that. (saying it’s more precious than he knows, and that it gave her a sense of comfort when she put it on.) this echos why Yoda advises for Padmé to be buried with it in the ROTS novel 💔
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Also, this last part hits the nail on the head. Padmé finding a moment of peace with Anakin, and how only one moment is enough for her. A subtle nod to how they become each other’s safe havens when they marry, during the war, and with their overbearing careers. The way how they’re the only ones who can keep the other happy amidst all that’s wrong in the galaxy. No matter what, they can always lean back on each other.
As Matthew Stover says in the Revenge of the Sith novelization:
Love can ignite the stars 💫
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 month
I feel like when it comes to the stardew valley spouses Sebastian would be the one I settle down with but Elliot is the one I think about at night.
He shines too brightly. He’s a little too loud. But he still makes my gay little heart jump the same way it did the first time. Every time.
But Sebastian is more stable. Sebastian loves you but can still have his own life separate from you. And he’s there. Quiet, but he’s there.
But Elliot alone in his cabin side eyes me every time I walk down to the beach. I meet his eyes a bit too long at festivals. We both know. We both know if one of us asked we would. But we won’t. It seems that he’s destined to be lonely and I am destined to be trapped. If not in my corporate job then there on that farm with that cozy safe husband and children, crops that need tending to, animals that need feeding.
Is anyone unhappy? No. Elliot has his modest success. He can live modestly off of his book sales. In time he grows old on that beach just as he feared, but it’s not so bad. He’s the town eccentric. He’s the local writer. He writes a new novel every year. A cheap little thing bought at an airport bookstore. A romance writer whose books are eaten and discarded within a week. And he’s happy.
And I sell my little artisan goods. Cheese and wine mostly these days. We put a little skull and crossbones on the wine bottles, just to be edgy. Just because we can. Children grow up in a stable and happy home with all the space in the world to run through the blueberry fields, their adoption papers framed on the wall, their slightly weird alternative dads taking them on motorcycle rides through the mountains. We’re quiet. We only get out on Fridays. Everyone knows us but we don’t hold hands at the store.
Elliot and I sit at the same table in the bar that Leah does. I know her slightly less than I know him. This town has become weirder. That’s good. We chat. Elliot is a messy drunk. Sometimes he gets a little too close to my face when he’s tipsy but he always stops himself. Everyone knows I wouldn’t stop him if he leaned in. Including my husband. We’ve never spoken about it but he’s not dumb. Everyone knows. Everyone also knows that nothing has happened. But it always could.
But Elliot doesn’t lean in. Maybe it’s the smell of dirt on me that breaks the image of me he has in his mind. Maybe it’s the public space. Maybe it’s Sebastian playing pool in the corner. Maybe if he was drunk in a private space everything would come apart. Both of our perfect on paper little lives.
Maybe if this were one of Elliot’s books we would run away together, abandon everything in the middle of the night. But neither of us would like that, really. Both of us are a one person at a time kind of guy. And we both know I made the right choice.
I still have dreams though. Of him and I on a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. He cannot contain himself and kisses me in a fit of passion. Like a vision from another universe where I’m just as happy as I am now. A parallel mirror world where I never climbed onto the back of that motorcycle and ran down the hill to the beach instead, where everything lasted for more than just that one summer.
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thewertsearch · 2 months
@relaxxattack asked: hi, maxx the troll romance guy again. ₊ ⊹ ☆ it’s finally my moment for me to bust out my big quadrant talk! as in, i had the time to sit down and write this. (and apologies in advance for subjecting you to this much nerdiness. hopefully, it’s at least somewhat illuminating, to make up for that). i’m not sure what your current opinions on troll romance are, but i wanted to discuss the idea that kismesissitude is inherently unhealthy / impossible to achieve by teenaged trolls. lots of people who read homestuck get very stuck on the idea that kismesissitude is a feeling of hatred. they run with their human assumptions of this word, imagining that a kismesissitude is an angry, horrible relationship of abuse and hurt. but, if you’ll bear with me, it’s actually shown throughout the comic that this is completely untrue. trolls do not use the word hate the same way that we do. in fact, this is pretty obvious, because they also continuously use the word “pity” in a completely different way than we do. each of these are actually more related to a completely different word: LOVE.
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you can see, in this initial conversation surrounding quadrants, that trolls consider hate and pity to actually come from the same exact place (though they consider that a negative thing). you can also see in that conversation that you need a good mix of both for any of the quadrants to work. karkat calls vriska out on supposedly “hating people too much” in a way that would “make her a bad kismesis”. this tells us almost immediately off the bat that A. even other trolls consider vriska and tavros’s relationship unbalanced and unhealthy! and B. each quadrant needs a proper mix of emotions for a proper relationship. a lot of people assume that kismeses are “supposed” to kill each other, mainly because of the fate of jack noir and the queen. this, too, is a misunderstanding. jack noir and the queen, like mom and dad who they are explicitly paralleling, are meant to be regarded as tragic. both couples end in tragedy, as expected for almost every “parental figure” in homestuck; this is unrelated to their kismesissitude.
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in fact, in this conversation eridan has with kanaya, it is stated that a kismesissitude that ends in deaths is an extremely rare, powerfully tragic romance that happens “once in ten thousand years”– and immediately after, it is stated that a kismesissitude that might become like this needs an auspistice. that’s right, trolls are so committed to healthy kismesissitudes that they have an entire system in place to stop them from becoming toxic. the vriska/kanaya/tavros auspisticism, while a failure on every conceivable level, was born out of the necessity that the other trolls considered vriska’s torment of tavros unhealthy. even among her fellow trolls, in a society that explicitly encouraged casteiesm and ableism, vriska’s treatment of tavros was still considered too toxic for a proper kismesissitude.
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vriska and eridan, who were in a kismesissitude before vriska became bored of eridan, were allies in their roleplaying games. much like the ancestors they were emulating, (who even supposedly “cherished” their own black relationship!); they explicitly traded and shared their rewards and goods with each other because of their romantic relationship with each other, and were said to work together in flarp well enough to be feared by others. of course, they also competed with each other to be the best– because they are rivals– but rivalry does not constitute toxticity. they called each other “allies” and “competitors”. not enemies. though perhaps being enemies would be an interesting kismesis slowburn; in the end, two kismesis should not kill each other. they are on the same team. how could they not be, when trolls believe in one troll who is literally destined to be their perfect rival, a life partner who they must have a long-term relationship with in order to properly meet the alternian drone rules? killing each other makes no feasible sense.
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as vriska and eridan talk about here, a rivalry between trolls is something fun for both of them. that is why they must hate each other “equally”-- they need to feel on equal footing, so that they can both have fun. that’s what a rivalry is for trolls. it’s fun! (fun fact: another definition of the word "rival" is "an equal"). (eridan’s pitch solicitation towards sollux is absolutely laughable in comparison. he throws meaningless, casteist insults, and sollux does not give a single fuck about him. as other trolls mention; this is very obviously fake. they are clearly not feeling anything mutual or respectful for each other. he merely is trying to goad feferi into an ashen retaliation with his shitty pitch advances, and it’s not even working.) and that brings me finally to john and karkat. i remember seeing confusion on this blog about the nature of karkat’s feelings– 'why is he helping john? doesn’t he ‘hate’ him? he must not REALLY feel pitch romance for him, and he’s just confused.' well you see, that’s the thing. the reason karkat’s first message to john was a love poem is because that is what kismesissitude is. it was karkat’s way of saying; “you’re special to me. i would like to bug you to see if you feel the same way.” it’s not as if strangely romantic healthy rivalries between teenagers are even an unheard of or new concept. they’re fairly common in television shows and anime; hell there’s even multiple tvtropes pages for them! it’s not impossible that two people in a story could have a healthy rivalry fun enough that they both end up missing it should it be gone. (looking at you, perry and doof.) it’s even more likely that teenagers, as vibrant and strange as their many emotions can be, could pull this off. of course, they make lots of mistakes. they’re young teenagers raised on the murder ableism planet. of course most of the shit they try to do is unhealthy. they make just as many earth-like mistakes with their hearts as they do with their spades. that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them, or bad for them to try. especially since pairs like vriska and eridan seem to have even pulled it off! basically, what i’m saying is, they’re like sasuke and naruto (reference). let teenagers have hatecrushes! it’s cuter than you think! :P [if it isn’t obvious, this is all super lighthearted and silly. unfortunately it’s my brand to be the guy who’s REALLY passionate about troll romance. i sincerely hope this wasn’t too hard to read, and i’m really sorry about submitting such a long thing, but i couldn’t manage to cut it down any further 😭 have a great rest of your night/day!]
(Images added by me - partially for illustrative purposes, and partially because Tumblr tends to complain when a single block-quote is that large.)
Love love love this detailed breakdown. It outlines a blackrom framework which is a lot more nuanced than the infodump's original description of kismesissitude. There's a lot of really interesting stuff here, and I've actually been working on this response for the past week, while AFKing on my Minecraft server.
As you can imagine, I agree with many of the points raised here, and disagree with others. I think the best approach is to go through the essay point-by-point, and break down my thoughts.
lots of people who read homestuck get very stuck on the idea that kismesissitude is a feeling of hatred[...], imagining that a kismesissitude is an angry, horrible relationship of abuse and hurt. [...] it’s actually shown throughout the comic that this is completely untrue. trolls do not use the word hate the same way that we do. [...]
This one I just fully agree with. The Alternian concept of 'hate' isn't equivalent to ours, and they'll often use it in ways that are completely incompatible with our definition.
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When Karkat 'fell in hate' with John, his actual antagonism was very obviously performative. As you mentioned above, several parts of his original rant wouldn't look out of place in a love confession.
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Karkat doesn't just message John out of temporal obligation. There's a clear sense, even in their early conversations, that he's enjoying their interactions on some level. If his feelings here really are black romance - and there's no textual evidence that they're not - then this alone is enough to prove kismesissitude isn't true human hatred.
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The trolls also use 'hate' in the human sense, too, which muddies the waters a little. It's even highlighted as a problem in-comic, with trolls having to disambiguate their hatred in conversation in much the same way humans disambiguate between platonic and romantic love.
they also continuously use the word “pity” in a completely different way than we do. each of these are actually more related to a completely different word: LOVE. you can see, in this initial conversation surrounding quadrants, that trolls consider hate and pity to actually come from the same exact place (though they consider that a negative thing).
As for pity, I'm still not entirely sure what it means to trolls. Unlike hate, it's only been brought up once, by Karkat.
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His 'hate and pity' dichotomy isn't referenced anywhere else in the comic, and it's unclear whether he's describing an accepted fact of life, a sociological theory, or a trope from his beloved romcoms. I don't really have enough data to speculate.
you can also see in that conversation that you need a good mix of both for any of the quadrants to work. karkat calls vriska out on supposedly “hating people too much” in a way that would “make her a bad kismesis”. this tells us almost immediately off the bat that [...] each quadrant needs a proper mix of emotions for a proper relationship.
I believe your assertion here is that each quadrant requires both hate and pity. While definitely an interesting theory, I wasn't able to find canonical evidence that a healthy redrom requires hatred, or that a healthy blackrom requires pity.
I meant what I said, though - it is a compelling theory. If we do read troll 'hatred' as a type of friendly rivalry, then maybe it is important in redrom, serving as the 'spark' that keeps things fresh. Furthermore, if we read 'pity' as something bordering on affection, then it probably is necessary for a healthy blackrom.
I really like the space you're playing in, here. There is something to this idea, and I'd love for Karkat to elaborate on it.
[...] even other trolls consider vriska and tavros’s relationship unbalanced and unhealthy!
Text it! If the full Vriska/Tavros mess was public knowledge, basically everyone would consider Vriska's behavior beyond atrocious, blackrom or no blackrom. I'm not even sure if Eridan would be OK with it - and Gamzee, of course, is currently excluded from this discussion.
If the Veil's trolls are a representative sample of Alternian culture, then Vriska's 'blackrom' with Tavros is just as abusive there as it would have been on Earth. Even Alternia has limits.
a lot of people assume that kismeses are “supposed” to kill each other, mainly because of the fate of jack noir and the queen. this, too, is a misunderstanding. jack noir and the queen, like mom and dad who they are explicitly paralleling, are meant to be regarded as tragic. both couples end in tragedy, as expected for almost every “parental figure” in homestuck; this is unrelated to their kismesissitude. in fact, in this conversation eridan has with kanaya, it is stated that a kismesissitude that ends in deaths is an extremely rare, powerfully tragic romance that happens “once in ten thousand years”
This tracks, as well. If blackrom was allowed to end with murder, then there'd be a lot less soldiers being ferried off the planet every year. Alternian children are a resource to the Empire, and more murder-couples means less murder-platoons.
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Vriska does think it would be acceptable for her to murder Tavros, but she frames it as a consequence of classism, not blackrom. This would be much more acceptable to the Empire, as a blueblood like Vriska is destined to be a high-ranking officer. She's not killing a partner, here - she's punishing insubordination.
– and immediately after, it is stated that a kismesissitude that might become like this needs an auspistice. that’s right, trolls are so committed to healthy kismesissitudes that they have an entire system in place to stop them from becoming toxic. the vriska/kanaya/tavros auspisticism, while a failure on every conceivable level, was born out of the necessity that the other trolls considered vriska’s torment of tavros unhealthy. even among her fellow trolls, in a society that explicitly encouraged casteiesm and ableism, vriska’s treatment of tavros was still considered too toxic for a proper kismesissitude.
I won't second-guess the utility of auspisticism in situations like this. It makes perfect sense that the role exists, and it certainly does an important job.
However, once again, I really don't understand the monogamy aspect. Helping a loved one escape a toxic or abusive relationship should not be a one-person job, and enforcing that requirement serves to sabotage what could have been a much more effective social role.
Like - imagine that, upon becoming VrisTav's auspistice, Kanaya's first action was to call for backup. If she was allowed to introduce additional auspistices to the situation, such as Aradia or Terezi, then Vriska wouldn't have been able to continue tormenting Tavros as soon as Kanaya turned her back. It takes a village, guys!
vriska and eridan, who were in a kismesissitude before vriska became bored of eridan, were allies in their roleplaying games. much like the ancestors they were emulating, (who even supposedly “cherished” their own black relationship!); they explicitly traded and shared their rewards and goods with each other because of their romantic relationship with each other, and were said to work together in flarp well enough to be feared by others. of course, they also competed with each other to be the best– because they are rivals– but rivalry does not constitute toxticity. they called each other “allies” and “competitors”. not enemies. [...] as vriska and eridan talk about here, a rivalry between trolls is something fun for both of them. that is why they must hate each other “equally”-- they need to feel on equal footing, so that they can both have fun. that’s what a rivalry is for trolls. it’s fun!
Eridan/Vriska is a relationship I wish we'd seen on-panel, because this one is really hard to picture. Eridan's personality doesn't feel at all compatible with Vriska's, and I don't understand what she saw in him.
Vriska is one of the smartest, most resourceful, most dangerous trolls around, and there was apparently a time she thought of Eridan as a rival. As an equal. All he really has to offer is an overpowered weapon, and Vriska's already got one of those.
Sure, she got bored later, but unless Eridan has some extremely hidden depths, she should have been bored from day one. How did their rivalry even work?
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I think the problem here is that we haven't seen any non-toxic kismesissitudes. Vriska/Tavros is a nightmare, Equius/Aradia was mind control, Eridan/Vriska happened offscreen, and John/Karkat never happened at all. It's difficult to extrapolate what a non-awful kismesissitude might look like, when we've only seen the worst the quadrant has to offer. Actually seeing Vriska's spades with Eridan, instead of having it described second-hand, might help to clear this up, but that seems fairly unlikely at this point.
This, at least, is a problem that might solve itself. We've still got a lot of comic to go, and the passion its fandom has for the quadrants makes it clear that they're not going anywhere. I don't think I'll be able to pass my final judgement on kismesissitude until we've seen one that actually works. I really like the idea of a romance centered around friendly rivalry - I just wish the comic would show me one!
and that brings me finally to john and karkat. i remember seeing confusion on this blog about the nature of karkat’s feelings– 'why is he helping john? doesn’t he ‘hate’ him? he must not REALLY feel pitch romance for him, and he’s just confused.' well you see, that’s the thing. the reason karkat’s first message to john was a love poem is because that is what kismesissitude is. it was karkat’s way of saying; “you’re special to me. i would like to bug you to see if you feel the same way.” it’s not as if strangely romantic healthy rivalries between teenagers are even an unheard of or new concept. they’re fairly common in television shows and anime; hell there’s even multiple tvtropes pages for them! it’s not impossible that two people in a story could have a healthy rivalry fun enough that they both end up missing it should it be gone. (looking at you, perry and doof.)
Like, this sounds cool! You're describing a really fun version of kismesissitude, here - one which brings to mind Wright and Edgeworth, Sonic and Shadow, and a dozen other popular couples.
This interpretation would be less dangerous for teenagers - it certainly worked for Lumity - and again, I just hope we eventually see something like this on-panel!
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who proposed to you under the eiffel tower. it was a weekend full of romance and love, so many activities and promises filling your schedule that it didn't seem strange at all when he took you to the eiffel tower in the middle of the night; but when he knelt down and held your hand, you swore that the whole world had disappeared and that only you and Taehyung existed — he made everything disappear, except your love. “i want these days to repeat themselves until the end of our days. will you marry me?”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who writes in your wedding shoes and you in his. it was a small idea he had the night before the wedding: like a good luck charm, Taehyung suggested exchanging signatures on your shoes, as if showing everyone that you, even before getting married, had already shared a long journey of life together. “it’s like a symbol of good luck. to show that we will always walk side by side and be there for each other no matter what.”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who takes photos of both of you in shop windows. it was a custom that Taehyung created when you were still dating: it was a simple, banal, even sweet way of marking not only your date but also your clothes; huge photographs of you as a blurred couple became special to both of you, as if announcing to everyone that not only were you together, but you were also constantly going out — the flame of your relationship never went out, not even when you got married. “i can count how many times we went out to share our love and how many times i loved you in public. there is nothing more beautiful than that.”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG that takes you to see romantic plays and recitals. weekend nights became more exciting when Taehyung showed up with two tickets to the new play that was showing at the city theater; they were hours of pure love, faked between rehearsed lines and precise movements, but, nevertheless, beautiful and credible — so credible that Taehyung could only compare your relationship to theirs. “i have tickets for a new ballet recital. it's about two lovers who are destined to be together, just like us. let's go?”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who offers you a locket with your wedding date inside. the golden thread glittered in the sun, enchanting the world with the love that Taehyung felt for you; inside it, a small white fabric was stained with a very strong blue paint: a part of the shirt that Taehyung wore to the wedding and the pen that you two used to sign the reality of a dream. “so that the happiest day of our lives can provide a little strength and happiness on heavier days.”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who always shows you a rainbow because he believes that it is the gods celebrating your love. Taehyung believed that the happy colors of the rainbow were a reflection of your history: seven stages that led you to the present, seven encounters that fueled you during your dating times, seven promises that were the basis of your relationship — it seemed like number seven was your number and all the colors were the joys you brought to each other. “it’s us once again. look how the red and purple shine. it just makes me love you even more.”
HUSBAND!TAEHYUNG who swears that your love transcends physical death. even in your wedding vows Taehyung stated that there was no end to your love: physical death was just the end of a new stage for you; you and Taehyung would constantly meet again, not giving any value to the physical body when your souls spoke louder and he knew that nothing could separate you — not even death. “like a circle, our love is continuous without any gaps. in this and all realities.”
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
fortnight. ln4. smau. part one.
lando norris x model reader
request: please can i request a fic with lando norris and smau with a theme of the song fortnight? maybe she’s a model and neither of them live in the country they’re visiting so they agree to have a good two weeks before leaving but they don’t want it to end? sorry if this is too much just have fun if you do take this and thank you! 🩷
in which it was only ever meant to be a two week thing but both you and lando start thinking about forever.
author's note: this will have multiple parts !
faceclaim: lily rose depp
part two
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 23,499 others
celebgossip: celebrities are just like us and need a holiday. and for the past few years morroco has become the destination of choice. these three were spotted there today. sabrina carpenter (and barry keoghan), f1 driver lando norris and super model it girl y/n y/ln
view all 182 comments
user1: aren't y/n and sabrina friends?
user2: they are ! i wouldn't be surprised if they met up later on in the holiday
user3: i hope we get some content of y/n in that fit because she looks so fucking good
user4: oh my god lando looks so good
user5: booking tickets to morroco rn
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: had to ask a stranger to take this picture because i am here alone but the photo opportunity was just too good
y/insta posted a story
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written: photo guy told me he had an idea for where to take my picture and boy did he deliver
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liked by user6, user7, user8 and 12,381 others
f1wags: we here at f1wags can not believe that we are writing this. lando norris has been spotted out in morroco with long time celebrity crush model y/n y/ln. lando has been quoted saying that y/n is his biggest celebrity crush for years and we can't believe that they have finally met and are exploring morroco together
view all 304 comments
user6: the idea of them falling in love and then having to go to other sides of the world really hurts my heart
user7: they would be such a perfect couple shame it is just a holiday romance
user8: the matching outfits i could be sick
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: this was taken seconds before he tripped and almost drowned us both
landonorris posted a story
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written: i could get used to this
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liked by user10, user11, user12 and 24,510 others
ln4: it has been confirmed that y/n is flying home tomorrow so it is time to celebrate the y/n lando summer of 2024 by looking at all of the cute pictures that this holiday has given us
view all 512 comments
user10: i am going to miss them so much
user11: i hope they keep in touch
user12: the hottest couple fr
y/nupdates posted a story
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written: a somber looking y/n back in new york today. i fear that y/nlando is over
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footballfanficwriter · 4 months
The getaway
Summary:where the reader and Kylian go on vacation
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The excitement of our beachside getaway with Kylian bubbled within me as we boarded the plane. With each passing moment, I found myself growing more eager to escape the bustling streets of Paris and immerse ourselves in the tranquility of the coast.
As we landed in our dreamy destination, the warm embrace of the sun welcomed us, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. Our beachfront villa was a picture-perfect paradise, with breathtaking views of the ocean and a private pool just steps from our door.
Kylian and I wasted no time diving into our vacation, savoring every moment together. Our days were filled with adventure and romance, as we explored the charming beach town hand in hand, discovering hidden gems and creating memories that would last a lifetime.
One morning, as we strolled along the shoreline, the sun casting a golden glow over the sand, Kylian reached for my hand, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "I'm so grateful to have you by my side," he said, his voice soft with emotion. "You make every moment special."
I smiled up at him, feeling my heart swell with love. "And I'm grateful for you," I replied, squeezing his hand gently. "You're my rock, Kylian, my anchor in a sea of chaos."
We shared a tender moment, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore providing the perfect backdrop to our conversation. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of Kylian's love, I knew that this weekend would be etched in my heart forever.
Throughout our trip, Kylian and I shared countless moments that filled my heart with joy. From building sandcastles on the beach
   "This spread looks amazing," Kylian said, a smile lighting up his face as he surveyed the picnic spread I had prepared.
   "I'm glad you like it," I replied, handing him a juicy slice of watermelon. "There's nothing better than enjoying good food with a view like this."
to indulging in decadent desserts at a beachside cafe, every moment spent with him felt like a fairy tale come to life with the perfect view right in front of us
  "Isn't this incredible?" Kylian exclaimed, his arm around my waist as we watched the sun dip below the horizon.
   "It's breathtaking," I agreed, leaning into his embrace. "I could stay out here forever, just watching the sunset with you."
One afternoon, as we lounged by the pool, Kylian wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. "You know," he said, his voice low and husky, "I could get used to this."
I laughed, leaning back against him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. "Me too," I replied, turning to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Let's make this our new normal, Kylian, just you and me, soaking up the sun and each other's company."
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ocean, Kylian took my hand in his, his eyes filled with tenderness and affection. "I'm so grateful for this time together," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You mean the world to me." In the quiet moments, as we watched the sun dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ocean, Kylian turned to me with a soft smile. "You look absolutely stunning," he said, his eyes filled with admiration.
I felt a blush at his words, a rush of warmth flooding through me. "Thank you," I replied, unable to tear my gaze away from him. "You always know how to make me feel special."
Kylian's smile widened, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from my face. "It's easy when you're so beautiful," he said, his voice low and tender.
I leaned into his touch, feeling the gentle rhythm of the waves lulling me into a state of bliss. "You're too kind," I murmured, my heart swelling with affection for this incredible man by my side.
As we sat there, lost in each other's gaze, time seemed to stand still. The only sound was the soft rustle of the palm trees swaying in the breeze, a soothing melody that echoed the rhythm of our hearts.
We stayed like that for a while, lost in our own little world, the worries of the outside fading away as we reveled in the simple joy of being together.
I leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his love surrounding me. "I love you," I whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Forever and always."
In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of Kylian's love, I knew that this weekend would be etched in my heart forever. And as we stood there, lost in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but feel that our love was just beginning to bloom. Each day spent in Kylian's company felt like a cherished memory, a reminder of the love and joy we shared.
As we returned to our villa, the stars twinkling overhead, Kylian pulled me close, his arms wrapping around me in a warm embrace. "I never want this moment to end," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.
I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne and feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. "Me neither," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I could stay like this forever."
We stood there, lost in each other's arms, the world fading away around us. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and all that mattered was the love we shared.
As the night stretched on, we talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams until the early hours of the morning. And as we finally drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, I knew that this weekend would be a memory I would treasure for a lifetime.
The days melted into each other, filled with laughter and love. We indulged in  picnics on the beach, watching the sunset with glasses of champagne in hand. We danced barefoot in the sand, twirling and laughing as the ocean waves provided the perfect soundtrack to our love story.
In the quiet moments, we shared our hopes and dreams for the future, weaving plans for a life filled with adventure and happiness. Kylian's laughter filled the air, and I couldn't help but marvel at how lucky I was to have him by my side.
As our vacation came to an end, I felt a pang of sadness knowing that we would soon return to our busy lives in Paris. But as I looked into Kylian's eyes, I knew that our love would only grow stronger with each passing day, and that no matter where life took us, we would always find our way back to each other.
As we boarded the plane home, hand in hand, I knew that our beachside retreat had been more than just a vacation—it had been a reaffirmation of the vows we had made to each other on our wedding day. And as we soared through the sky, heading back to reality, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love that filled my heart, forever in love with Kylian Mbappe.
A few months later
"Kylian stop poking my belly"
"But, I just wanna know if it's real"
"It's real babe"
"Are you sure?"
"I can't believe this is happening"
"Thank you"
"For what?
"For being there for me and being my rock"
I smile at his words
"You're welcome
He kisses my forehead and smiles at me and I mirror his expression
He stops poking my stomach and kisses it instead
"I can't wait for you to come into the world" he whispers
Leaving me smiling
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prying-pandora666 · 6 months
Who is Izumi’s Mom? Copium Edition
So we all know that Bryke have refused to confirm who Izumi’s mother is. Even when they released family trees, the conspicuously left Izumi’s mom blank.
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So incredibly frustrating!
So since Bryke insists on baiting us and not giving us closure, here’s a dose of copium for all shippers.
First off! Izumi’s name means “spring fountain”. Remember that.
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Secondly, she looks like this:
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Mai - She looks the most like Izumi. She canonically dated Zuko (until they broke up AGAIN). The former comics’ writer believes they will make up. She and Zuko have a history surrounding fountains. Even with all the drama, she remains the most likely candidate.
Katara - It should be self explanatory why a child named “fountain”, as in water, may be a reference to the one water bender Zuko dueled with most. The two of them clearly developed a connection by the end of the show, and Katara once even offered to heal Zuko’s scar. This one is all but debunked due to Kataang being canon, but it’s still nice to dream! And no one can deny they look great together.
Jin - Zuko and Jin shared lovely chemistry on their one date. Zuko was even willing to risk getting outed as a firebender in the Earth Kingdom and imprisoned, just to make her smile. This scene is also significant because it involved a fountain. Considering the bulk of Zuko’s redemption happened in the EK and the plot continued into the comics dealing with the blended FN/EK colonies, I can see why this would be a good thematic choice.
Toph - A rarer pair but one that one storyboard artist snuck in a reference for! Toph and Zuko have a lot in common. They both come from families of status that abused them for their failure to conform. Toph was born blind while Zuko has a disfiguring facial scar that realistically should affect both his vision and his hearing to an extent. Toph also has a friendship with uncle Iroh and was the first member of the Gaang to successfully understand and comfort Zuko as well as she did. Some point out that Zuko’s daughter Izumi has vision problems (like Toph) while Toph’s daughter Lin has a facial scar (like Zuko). The name Kanto, the alleged father of Lin, can also be written with the characters for “crown capital” so some speculate it’s an alias for Zuko. Spring fountain could be a reference both to the Earth element’s season of spring as well as to a volcano, which is like a fountain combining fire and earth. This scene is the most telling, with two doves representing Zuko and Toph. When Zuko walks away from Toph, the two doves kiss, signifying that perhaps a romance between them is destined for the future. Luckily, Toph knows how to listen and wait. Everything that applies to Jin about making peace with the EK applies even more to Toph since she’s actually from a noble house.
Suki - A bit of a wild card since she’s dating Sokka! But the comics showed Zuko and Suki getting much closer. When no one else was on Zuko’s side during the conflict in the colonies, and even Mai dumped him over his desperate visits to Ozai, Suki stayed by Zuko’s side. She never lost faith in him and tried her best to be there for him. The two have clearly developed a close friendship and bond of trust. Some even see it as romantic, which spells bad news for our boy Sokka. However, seeing as the book Legacy implies Sokka and Suki broke up, perhaps Zuki shippers have more evidence to stand on than originally thought! Everything that applies to Jin about making peace with the EK would also apply, since Suki is also from the EK. Perhaps she could fan the flames of his passion?
Sokka - Okay we all know it’s not going to happen but they’re really cute and I get it. The fountain claim applies to Sokka same as it does Katara! Hey there’s always a chance! Korrasami proved that!
Ty Lee - Not a lot to go off here but it’s undeniable that the two have a weird, unspoken tension. Why is Zuko quietly beefing with his sister’s bff? It’s never explained. Something is definitely going on there! We just don’t know what it is. In the comics, Zuko does lament not playing with Ty Lee and the other girls more as a kid.
Azula - I mean… okay I get it. The features that Izumi has in common with Mai, she also has in common with Zuko. So it’s not impossible to see why some would think she looks like Azula too. But can we please not make ATLA into Game of Thrones? This certainly isn’t helping:
Jet - He’s dead now so it’s not possible. But did Jet actually have a thing for Zuko? You know… it was really unclear.
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the-wayside · 10 months
The fact Phaya has been nothing but upfront about his interest in Tharn. He, Tharn, is the only reason why they have not horizontally tangoed. Not because he doesn't want to (Babe's acting in their bathroom scenes - I yearn with you, bb), but because he doesn't think he should involve Phaya in the mess that is his life.
I really enjoy their dynamic because Phaya will tease and push a bit to test Tharn's emotions and his openness to receiving Phaya's advances and summarily backing off when he isn't. But Tharn doesn't blush. He gives as good as he gets because he does want. He wants to give in despite his general take on all things romance.
The strength of these characters for me is that they are fully formed individuals who come at this from that mutual place of respect (they both endured the same training and hardship to become cops) and attraction. One person isn't leading the other. They're coming together and teasing the possibility of what does it look like if they give in to this unspoken thing they're both fully aware of between them.
It's so adult and mature in comparison to a lot of the relationship dynamics we've seen. It's not "if", it's "when". Not only because we know they're destined/the main couple but because the inevitability of their consummation and eventual love is ever present. Phaya needs someone to keep him safe and Tharn needs someone to make him unsafe. Tharn has, incidentally, taken up his mantle but he has yet to full let Phaya in to truly mess him up. Everything hinges on Tharn saying fuck it and embracing this man in his entirety. The hinge is shoddy. Tharn isn't that strong, not when Phaya is so intent on dragging his walls down.
Guh. I just have a lot of feelings about them.
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strzlun · 1 year
// yang jungwon //
pairing: helpless romantic!jungwon x anti-romantic!femreader
word count- 6k
genre/cw- fluff, angst, falling in love, slow burn, rejection, running, past loves, a little chaotic, (public) confession(?), confessions, first kiss, two people falling for each other, school setting, jungwon fell first but reader fell harder
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summary- Jungwon experiences rejection but soon finds love with someone who hates the idea of it
Meeting Yang Jungwon must have been the flip in your life that you never expected. He came out of no where and took you for a roller coaster of emotions that you thought you didn’t have anymore.
But it seemed you were proven wrong, all your emotions needed was someone new to bring them out the hiding they were in.
Even Jungwon was shown emotions he never knew existed before, but when he met you, the person who hated the mere idea of love, he was shown all kinds of different emotions and he simply couldn’t get enough of it.
You were someone who once adored talking about love, you thrived in your own bubble that surrounded love that always reminded you of the time you once were in love.
Yet, that bubbled popped and you were faced the cons of love that you ignored and blocked out. Now you hated having to hear the mere mention of Love. Even thinking about love made you sick.
You were now simply an advocate hater of love.
You sat in a cafe, waiting for your friend to arrive. You never expected her to be on time, she never was. So you passed time by aimlessly scrolling through your phone, when you felt a presence near you.
You slowly looked up from your phone to see a nervous person standing in front of you as he played with his fingers and gaze on the floor.
“U-um hello” You recognized him as one of the cafe workers that you always see whenever you came in here
“Hi?” Your tone showed you confusion as he gulped down nervously, his gaze never turning to you
He took a deep breathe before switching his gaze from the floor onto you, he gave a a small smile.
“I know this is awkward but since I always see you in here. I was wondering if you would um like to go see a movie with me?” You were taken back by the sudden his sudden confession
“Oh I’m sorry but I don’t really do stuff like that” You apologized, you tried your best not to come off as rude
“It’s okay, I’m sorry to bother you” Soon you were left alone at the table and you let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding
“And another one gets rejected” You knew that voice anywhere, it was your friend who finally arrived and just so happened to witness the scene, you glared at her as she defensively raised her hands
“I was just speaking the truth” Your friend sat down in front of you as you only sighed and sunk into the cafe chair
You didn’t like having to shut down any romance that was thrown your way but your hatred for it was much more stronger than your kindness.
“You know, I don’t do stuff like that” You groaned as you looked at your friend, who understood, she knew why you didn’t do love anymore but it still hurt her to see how had everything had come to
You were once the most known helpless romantic around.
“How about we head out? I have a few good store we can go to” You weakly smiled at your friends attempt to get your mind off romance, you were thankful
You nodded as soon you and your friend were already out the cafe and walking through the sidewalk to spend their day together.
The two friends now waited to cross street, they had spent a few hours looking around all kinds of different stores and were anticipating on heading back home.
When the sign finally signaled that they were able to cross the street, both sides of the street began to walk to reach their destination.
There was a boy who was walking in the opposite direction from you and your friend. You saw how he held flowers in his hand, ready to give it to someone.
Jungwon smiled brightly, excited but more nervous than he had ever been. He was finally going to confess to his crush of one year.
As you and Jungwon were walking in the opposite direction, neither of you paid attention to anything in your surroundings.
Jungwon focused on confessing to his crush while you only anticipated getting home, not wanting to dwell on the rejection you gave to the cafe worker.
The two of you ended up passing each other, not acknowledging each other, but there was no other way to acknowledge each other, after all you both were just mere strangers.
“Jungwon, over here” He heard someone call out to him and he immediately knew who it was, he was quick to hide the flowers behind his back as he happily smiled and waved his free hand to his crush
He walked over to his crush with an extra bounce in his strides, he couldn’t contain his excitement and nervousness. He could feel his heart pounding out of his chest and he was afraid his crush could hear it.
This was the day he would confess to his crush. He’s been waiting over a year to confess his feelings so he knew there was no going back after this.
“Jungwon its gonna be okay don’t worry” Jungwon’s close friend Sunoo tried to comfort him, who only groan into the palm of his hands
“I’m not even sure if I got rejected or not”
He prepared himself just in case he did get rejected by his crush, and he had thought that he was ready for that outcome if it were to happen but when it actually happened, he didn’t know how badly it would take a toll on him.
“Don’t dwell so much about, I’m sure everything will turn out fine” Sunoo continued trying to comfort him but was then shooed away by Ni-ki, another close friend of Jungwon
“I’m sure you two will be dating by the end of this month” Ni-ki told while Jungwon only shook his head that still rested in his hands, he felt exhausted and all he wanted to do was rest knowing he had school the next day
Jungwon waited in front of the school for his two friends to arrive, it’s been over a month since the rejection and
the last time him and his crush had talked to one another. His crush avoided him, not wanting to deal with confession a month ago. Jungwon understood and respected his crush decisions, he knew better and wasn’t going to pry.
As he waited for his friends, he could see his crush walking home and it pained him that he wasn’t walking along side his crush.
He tried to shift his gaze away from his crush but he found himself making sure that she was safe until she was gone out of his sight. He sighed deeply to himself before gasping when he heard Sunoo’s voice behind him.
“You should go if you want to catch up” Jungwon shook his head, denying the suggestion his friend had given him, he didn’t want to be a bother so he decided he’ll simply be in the distance, waiting for his crush
“I thought Ni-ki was going to walk with us today” Sunoo pointed out the friend they were waiting for, Jungwon tore his gaze from his crush to his other friend who he saw walking alongside a person
Jungwon saw you laughing at something Ni-ki had said and he didn’t realize the blooming of a curiosity in his mind. It was rare for his friend to find other’s as friends so it definitely spiked his interest of you.
From time to time, Ni-ki would walk with you after school as you lived within the same area and today wasn’t any different. All kinds of different conversations were brought up but what made the two of you walk in silence, was the accidental mention of an old friend.
You could feel your heart dropping at the mere mention of the old friend. You felt like a splash of cold water hit you as you were reminded with memories you had with him. It made you feel almost sick as your lips slightly quivered, you hated it.
The old friend that you once were in love with.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to mention him” Ni-ki muttered as he realized the change in your mood when you arrived at your house, you shook your head kindly
“It’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow” You gave a quick smile before opening your front door and walking it, not sparing another glance towards Ni-ki
You knew he meant no harm and you weren’t going to take out the frustration you had for someone else on him. When you went to your room, you placed your backpack on the ground before laying on your bed.
You began to zone out, remembering of how times were back then. How you were so in love with someone who was bound to leave you without a trace or a goodbye, you were reminded of the time you never wanted to remember.
“What do you mean another class will be joining us?” The school day was about to end, only having one remaining class so Jungwon was surprised to hear of the sudden conjoining of a class
Jungwon straighten up in his seat when saw the classroom door open and in started walking the other classroom. To his surprise, his saw his two friends smiling at him, he waved them over but was surprised to see another person, you tagging along with them.
When his friends arrived, he was confused but nonetheless still greeted them and you, who greeted with a smile. You noticed the only seat available was next to him, you took the seat as the two of you gave another awkward greeting but after that, neither of you said another word to each other.
As the teacher began to speak about the excitement of having a conjoined class period, your ears faded the voices into the background but you could feel a gaze on you, the moment you sat down next to Jungwon.
You looked around the room to catch the glimpse of whatever was making you feel that way, but came short when you found nothing. You sighed, not wanting to dwell on it any longer so you turned your gaze back onto the table.
As you played with a random pencil, you felt a tap on your arm and you turned to find a paper, drawn on it was a board of tic tac toes with a question mark next to it. You looked to see Jungwon smiling softly, his dimples being the first thing that caught your eye before looking back to the front of the class.
You found yourself smiling for a moment before grabbing the paper and filling out one box before passing it back to him with a light tap on his arm.
You and Jungwon found yourselves playing multiple rounds of tic tac toe, only to have end in tire out of the multiple rounds.
But before you and him could have a rematch, you could hear the mentions of a project that snapped you out of the daze you didn’t realize you were.
“It’s a long prone project of getting to know someone new, someone that you have no knowledge about. This project will be over due in five months, it will consist of the pair having to get to know each other and to conduct a presentation about the information and what you learned from the person”
Ni-ki and Sunoo had randomly paired with two other students that had went up to them, already been wanting to get to know the two for months but never getting the chance to.
Leaving Jungwon and you still sitting by each other. the two of your finally turned to face each other and gave a smile, a silent agreement to the two of you becoming a pair for the project.
“Hi” Jungwon was the first the speak up, even though the two of you were playing tic tac toe with each other to pass time, you both were still complete strangers only having a mutual friend that was no where near
“Hi, so we are partners for this project” Jungwon nodded his head at your words and you gave yet another awkward smile as silence filled between the both of you
“I’m going to need your number for the project, and we can figure out how to do it” He felt embarrassed having to ask a stranger for his a number but he simply thought of it for a grade and a possible friendship nothing more
You wrote down your number on his phone, creating a contact that had you name with (school project) next to your name. Soon, you and him tried to talk in order to fill the awkward silence.
And what wasn’t noticed by either of you was Jungwon’s crush gathering the courage to go up to him and asking to become partners for the project. His crush stopped walking after realizing that you and Jungwon were project partners.
You were trying to create conversation with Jungwon and his crush could see his intrigued eyes as he listened to all of your responses. It was something his crush never experienced Jungwon do for anyone else before.
Neither you and Jungwon realize the worlds you both were aimlessly walking into, you only had just properly met him today and you already captivated him.
Now as the first three weeks went by, you were a little defensive with the project and ignored Jungwon here and there only giving mere greetings.
It wasn’t something you had against him, you were just rather selective with friends and who you talked with keeping the group small and minimal, but for the grade you needed to talk with him.
You sighed heavily as you saw him walking to class, you felt nervous going up to him but pushed it in the back of your head and went up to him. When you tapped his shoulder he turned around and gave a friendly smile when he saw it was you.
“Hey, I was wondering if you want to go somewhere after school so that we can complete the project?” He nodded when you finished talking with a smile to agree with the terms
It was awkward but you figured these next few weeks would be the only time you truly interact with him and after that, you both would sieze to forget that the other exist.
As you were walking out of your class, you found Jungwon waiting for you. You gasped slightly seeing him and he gave a quick apology with a smile, which you were growing accustomed to see.
Soon you and him were walking side by side out of school, trying to having basic conversation about how each other’s day went, etc.
Your friend who was looking for you, witnessed the seen before her was shocked. She knew you were rather defensive of getting close to people, so seeing you and Jungwon walking out of her sight was something she didn’t expect to see.
She wondered why out of the people that tried to get close with you, Jungwon was the only successful one.
“Alright, I have to ask one last question”
You and Jungwon had spent majority of the day together after school, and it was now night fall and no matter how many times you told he didn’t have to walk you home, he still insisted.
“What’s the last question?” You thought you both completed the project by then so you wondered what this surprise question was
“What’s your favorite romance movie?” Jungwon had his fair shares are watching different types of romance movies in order to fuel the helpless romantic he is
You almost scoffed at the mention of a romance movie but cleared your throat not wanting to be rude.
“I don’t like romance movies” Jungwon gasped hearing this and stopped walking which caused you to stop walking as well
“You don’t like romance movies?” He wanted to make sure if he heard you right, he thought it must have been his mind playing tricks on him
When you nodded your head, confused with the reaction, you could see Jungwon sigh.
“How come?” He wanted to know why you didn’t like romance movies and you were hesitant to respond, you didn’t know whether to lie or tell the truth
When you looked to meet his eyes, you felt everything fade around you. Your mouth didn’t catch up with your mind as you suddenly blurt out the reason why you didn’t like romance movies.
“Because I hate romance”
You went to open your locker and when you did, you were met with a flower and stuck to it was a post-it note. You’re grumbled and took the flower out of your locker already knowing who it was from.
You took the sticky note off the flower and read it.
‘Have a great day :)- YJ’
Ever since he found out of you hating the idea of romance, he was set in having you seeing the positive aspects of it. You didn’t need to be shown the ropes of love, you once lived in it and now you despised it with your whole being.
You knew he meant well but he didn’t know why you hated love so it aggravated you to see him trying to show you the positive aspects. You were done with love.
Before you could do anything else, Jungwon appeared at your locker with a smile.
“Do you like the flower? The meaning behind it is possibility” When you turned to look at him, his smile was still bright and you could feel a churn in your heart and you didn’t like that
“Here’s a gift for you, a flower of possibilities” You faked smile before handing the flower back to Jungwon and closing your locker shut and walking away to go to your next class
You could feel Jungwon’s gaze on you and you felt terrible. You didn’t know why you were more aggressive when it came to him than anyone else, but you decided to push past the feelings. There was nothing more to your feelings other than aggravation.
Jungwon didn’t know what came over him but he was determined to get you to view love in its positive aspects. His life was slowly becoming consumed by you, which is something he never experienced before.
His long forgotten crush had been trying contact him, wondering why where he was, already regretting ignoring him the first two months after the rejection.
It’s been too long and Jungwon’s crush needed him back. But no matter how hard his crush tried to talk with him, he was always by your side, whether you wanted to or not, he stuck by you with a bright smile on his face.
His crush would see the way you and Jungwon were interacting with each other, how Jungwon would offer to carry your bag for you, how whenever he wasn’t looking you would take a secret glance towards him.
It was obvious what was unraveling between the two of you, but neither seemed to accept it. Jungwon’s crush sighed heavily, witnessing Jungwon trying to hand you the flower you repeatedly push back to him.
His crush could practically hear his chuckle as he put the flower into your bag which you tried to stop him, but ended up giving in, tired from endless banter.
Jungwon smiled brightly in victory as you simply rolled your eyes and continued to walk, Jungwon along side you with the flower hanging out of your bag.
It was obvious, Jungwon was falling in love with you.
“Wait what?” Your friend stared at you in utter shock, there a little less than two more weeks until the project presentation in front of the class and you had nothing
“I know, I just don’t know what to put on it” Your friend sighed heavily before shaking her head lightly
“Do you not remember anything that he’s told you?”
“No I do, it’s just I don’t know how to put everything into words” You groaned already feeling frustrated, you were given five months for this project and you were coming short with nothing to show
“Keep it simple then, just write down the things you like about him. It doesn’t have to be anything too specific, just the things you noticed”
“You can’t lie to me and say there’s nothing, you’re practically with him twenty four seven now. There’s more than just a thing or two” Your friend’s words sunk into your mind as you saw her getting up from the chair in your room to grab her belongings
“Where are you going?”
“You have a long project to complete, so I’ll leave you be. Keep me updated” Your friend smiled before bidding goodbye and leaving your bedroom, you could hear the front door close and you were greeted with the silence of the house
You laid onto your bed, looking up at the ceiling as your friends words replayed in your mind like a broken record. You wondered through the memories you created with Jungwon these past few months, looking for things you noticed about him.
You took notice of his kind gestures, him always walking you out regardless how far both of you were, how he always offered to carry your bag. How every day you saw a note in your locker with sweet nothings written on it signed off by him.
You felt an uncomfortable thump in your chest that made you rise up from your bed. You didn’t like the sudden burst in your heart when you thought about him, you anxiously gulped down. You certainly didn’t like the wave of emotions that was crashing down on you.
The two weeks passed by like a flash and before you knew, it was the same conjoint period that you grew fond of. The teacher kept going down the list of the students, they all presented about their partner and you could feel the jitters settle into you.
You nervously bounced your leg, looking around the room to see everyone was invested in what was the be shared about the partners. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you were snapped out of your daze when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You turned to your side to see Jungwon smiling as a way to comfort you. He could sense the nervousness radiating off of you which he didn’t know why but he wasn’t going to pry. He just wanted to bring you ease.
You felt the same thump in your heart as you flattered out a smile before looking away and clapping at the classmate that finished their presentation. Soon you heard Jungwon’s name be called, you could hear his deep sigh before rising from the table and walking over to the front of the class.
You could see the slight shake in his hand as he walked and you noticed he was nervous, it was the same habit you took noticed of whenever he felt nervous.
Jungwon smiled to the front of the class before bringing up the paper.
“Hello, my name is Yang Jungwon and today I will talking about my partner who I am glad to call a friend now” His gaze went over to you, his smile never faltering before turning back to look at his paper about you
“During the duration of the project, I didn’t know if I would learn a lot from her. We didn’t talk to each other in the beginning, only merely giving greetings and walking away as if we didn’t have a project to complete about each other”
“Yet, thankfully we were able to finally come to our senses and realize we had to complete this project regardless of the remaining time we had. We wanted the good grade”
“Yet, I found a critical information about her. She didn’t like romance movies, now for me I adore them so imagine my shock. I was surprised so I asked her why she didn’t like them”
“Before I tell you all, I did ask and she has given me permission beforehand to disclose why she doesn’t like romance movie. But when she told me why, I was beyond shock. She hated love.”
“Now me personally, I adore love and I am a stubborn and determine person, so I was set to have her view the positive aspects about love”
“As the more time we spent together, the more I got to know her. I saw the habits that not many other people knew of, I saw a side to her that she didn’t just show to anyone”
“I felt grateful that I was slowly but surely welcomed into her world, I’m still grateful to this day. I try to imagine what my life would have been like if I never met her and I could see a long painful ride for me”
“I know we have our disagreements but regardless of those, we are still able to see each other for who we really are”
“Now I know I mentioned earlier that I adore love, I still do and that can never change but she showed me a perspective of love that I always ignored, love isn’t something that’s always stunning and beautiful. But rather, it has it’s moments where it’s dark and painful”
“Love is something stunning and beautiful but could also be dark and painful. Whenever we fall in love we take that risk knowing anything could happen, but those risk are taken because it means you get to love the person you love”
“It’s a bittersweet emotion and I am someone who’s experienced it. She made me realize what it was like to fall in love with someone”
“I took the risk of love because of her and I wouldn’t want it to be any other way. I’m Jungwon and this is what I learned from my partner”
When Jungwon finished his presentation, students in the classroom were crying, touched by his words. There were soft sniffling and when everyone turned to look in your direction, they were surprised to see you gone.
Jungwon didn’t realize you had disappeared until the end of the presentation and he felt his heart drop to his stomach that churned. He faltered out a smile before excusing himself out of the classroom, when he stepped out he was quick to look around the school for you.
His hands shook anxiously as it settled into his mind that you were no where near. You left without a trace and he didn’t know where you were. He put his back against a wall and crouched, he hung his head low as he let out a deep sigh.
He prepared himself for rejection, but he never prepared himself for the heartbreak of his first love.
You felt your lungs burning by how fast you were running, you felt like you were going to fall down but you pushed yourself. Your mind raced with millions of thoughts, yet the main one was Jungwon.
Jungwon and his confession to you. The moment he finished his confession and you felt the fast pace your heart was going out you knew what it meant. 
It scared you, you were never meant to fall for Jungwon. But you found yourself smiling when you heard his confession, you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes when you heard him saying he took the risk of love for you.
You fell in love with Jungwon but you couldn’t or more like you didn’t want to face the reality, that Jungwon brought back the side of you thought you lost. He made you fall in love after so long and it scared you.
You were happy to know he felt the same way but you didn’t know what to do so you ran away. You thought this would be able to help give yourself time to collect yourself before having to face him, if you even could.
When you reached your house, you went in and went straight to your room. You landed onto your bed and you groaned loudly into your pillow, you were feeling the conflict of your emotions.
You were overjoyed yet you were scared and most of all you felt terrible. You ran away when you loved Jungwon the same way he loved you all because you didn’t know how to deal with the foreign emotion again.
You didn’t go to school for the rest of the week. Jungwon always waited by your locker, still putting the sweet nothing notes in there just in case you came back, he would wait outside your classroom hoping one of the students would be you.
Your friend obviously noticed this, she knew you had nothing against Jungwon in fact, the night before you were just talking to her on how much you missed him but he didn’t know that.
So she decided she was done waiting on the sidelines having to painfully watch the two of you long for each other.
“Jungwon” Your friend called out for him, he turned around at the familiar voice and he gave a weak smile
“Go to her house” Your friend wasted no time, she knew the two of you needed each other and she was going to make sure you get the happily ever after you deserve after so long
“Go to her house and talk to her. I know the situation is complicated but please trust me that she needs to talk to you” That was all your friend needed to say to have him drop everything and rush out, not caring about missing school anymore
For you, Jungwon was willing to drop anything and everything just for you.
It was a rainy afternoon and you were watching a movie on your tv. It was a romance movie that Jungwon never stopped talking about when the two of you spent time together, he said it was his favorite one.
Right when the movie was going to reach the climax of the two main leads, you heard a knock at your door. You paused the movie and stood up from the couch, you weren’t expecting anyone especially in this weather.
You walked over to your front door and looked through the small window, you gasped lightly and opened the front door. Your eyes widen to see Jungwon standing at your front door, clearly soaked by the rain.
He didn’t expect you to open the door but seeing you again made his heart swell with happiness and he gave you a warm smile, the smile you missed dearly.
You brought Jungwon into your house and gave him a towel to dry himself off. He had the towel wrapped around his neck as she dried off his hair, there was a silence between the two of you that neither dared to ruined just yet.
You wanted to savor the moment before having to face the reality. When Jungwon took off the towel from his neck, he faced you and you could feel the tension, you nervously gulped as you looked back at him.
“Are you okay?” Those were his first words to you after not seeing after a week, you were surprised but moved your gaze from him onto the floor
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to check up on you, I needed to know that you’re okay” You felt your heart burst in that moment as you tried to hide the smile wanting to plaster onto your face
“Now that I see you’re okay, I’ll take my leave” Jungwon couldn’t handle it, he felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest soon, he doesn’t know why he listend to your friend, you clearly didn’t want him here
When he started to walk away to your front door, you stood frozen. You didn’t want him to go but you couldn’t bring yourself to speak to make him stay.
When he opened the front door that was when you finally came to your senses.
“Jungwon I love you” Now you didn’t expect to be so straight forward with your feelings but your mouth spewed the words before you could stop yourself
He stood frozen before whipping his head towards you, not believing what you had just confessed to him. You stared at you with wide eyes, as you looked away feeling awkward with the sudden confession.
During the week you were gone, you took the time to organize your thoughts and feelings and that’s when you could admit your love for him. You didn’t have to deny it any longer.
Suddenly, you felt his presence near you, you didn’t dare to face him. There were not words exchanged at first, until his soft voice filled the silence.
“Can I hug you?” He didn’t want to intrude in your comfortability, he knew you despised love and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable
You felt your heart beat faster at the thought of having Jungwon in your arms, still not looking at him, you softly nodded your head and you could feel his damp arms embrace you into a hug.
His hug was the definition of comfort, the comfort you didn’t know you need until you now had it. You wrapped your arms around him to tighten the hug, you didn’t care if he could hear the fast pace of your heart or the dampness of his clothes.
You had him in your arms and that’s what mattered to you.
You don’t know how long the two of you hugged for but when he pulled away from the hug, you moved the damp hair piece from his face as you admired it, Jungwon’s eyes were warm and filled with love as he looked you.
“I’m so sorry for running away that day. It wasn’t right for me to do that. I thought your confession was beautiful, but I was so scared feeling the fast beat of my heart, it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I didn’t realize that I fallen for you until you were done with your presentation”
“I didn’t expect to experience love again but you changed that. You awaken the emotion that was buried deep inside my heart”
“Yang Jungwon, I was the one that took the risk of love for you. I am the one grateful to have you in my life, I’m happy to know you were the one that made me believe in love again”
“I’m satisfied to know you’re the one I love” Your confession made Jungwon’s smile never leave his face,
When you both looked at each other still having the hold on each other, Jungwon felt himself being drawn to you as you began to meet him halfway.
While, being a helpless romantic Jungwon never had his first kiss but he didn’t feel scared or nervous. He felt happy to know that it was going to be with you.
When your lips met with each other, he felt like he entered cloud nine. The way your lips met with each other felt like the final two puzzle pieces connecting together.
When you and him pulled away, feeling a little breathless. You both entered a fit of giggles as Jungwon wrapped his arms around you again. It was unspoken but the both of you knew that this was where you exactly wanted to be.
You and Jungwon were finally starting a happily ever after together.
“You still going to hate love?” Jungwon asked and you felt yourself chuckling in his embrace not responding to his words
You could feel him rest his head onto your shoulder and you could practically feel the bright smile that radiated off of him.
“It’s okay, you’ll just be my anti-romantic”
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
💓The Greatest Romance of Your Life! ★ Concept Affirmations
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💓loving Life💓
I live an exciting Life. My days are eventful in ways that suit my taste. I always have a good day where my mental balance is taken care of. At any given time, I have social interactions that are easy, cosy and comforting. My Life is easy. I love my Life. Navigating human interactions is easy. I love talking to people. I always meet pleasant and considerate people. I find that people have such interesting stories and POVs. I listen to people’s stories; people also listen to my stories. I love my Life where myself and the people around me all exude such positive aenergies. I love this Life where everyone around me is genuinely helpful and has such kind hearts. I am glad to be alive in this world where pure Love and Light is the norm~
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💓fated encounters💓
This year is the year I meet my Soulmates! This year is the year I manifest my beautiful fated encounters! I manifest my positive Soulmates. I attract my Soulmates who share similar values to myself. We are such pure-hearted individuals who match each other’s aenergy. With my Soulmates, there is nothing I fear. I walk with confidence, knowing there are people who are always going to be on my side. I am destined to meet people who are going to love me for my Soul. I manifest fated encounters with amazing people who will honour my power and protect my softness. I am shielded from any and all kinds of individuals with negative and predatory intent. I am safe always in the protection of my own bubble of pure Love and Light~
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💓heartbeat disco💓
My heart is always full of Love. At any moment in time I am in love with myself, the world, and the friends and Soulmates I surround myself with. I am so grateful to have good friends who are funny, smart, sensitive and empathetic, and above all, care about me. No matter the weather outside, in my heart it’s always sunny because I have good people around me. I am soft for my best friends and my dearest true Soulmate. My Soulmate and I share the same good friends. All of us hang out and have fun together and we honour the fact that a friendship like this is rare. Life is good whether together or alone because our hearts are always connected. Our hearts beat to the same vibrations on the frequency of pure Love and Light~
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🦋My Astrological Thoughts🦋
🎈People with Leo placements many times pretend that things haven't hurt them, because on the outside they always want to be strong. They don't want people to see them as weak or powerless. They always fight even when it doesn't seem like it. I also noticed that many times they don't admit how they feel or what emotions they have so that their pride is not hurt. I think Leos like you ,when they admit things and don't care if their pride will be hurt.
🥑I actually think that taurus moon is hard to figure it out. Because they are very stubborn and sometimes stubbornly do not show emotions. But I also think that they can also be possessive, jealous and when they really feel something for someone they will fight for the person. But it is also often difficult for them to take the first step. Many times they wait for the other person to do it.
🌊Water signs fall deeply in love. You will never see them loving someone half-heartedly. It's always all or nothing with them. That's why they feel the connections with people and the endings of relationships so deeply.
💕7th house planets and any aspect to seventh house spotlight the kinds of people whom we are destined to meet. For ex.: cancer or leo in 7th house means that in your life you will meet many people who will have these characteristics or placements. Venus in 7th house you can meet a lot of people who are rich or involved in fashion.
🌙If u want to learn about the moon : watch what people do on the weekend. The moon represents comfort and security, where you feel the best. That's why you'll feel people the most at that time.
🧚🏽‍♂️Mercury in capricorn have a very smooth, calm voice. Whenever I talk to them or just listen to them talk, it's always so relaxing. And many times they know how to delve into serious topics.
💜Sagittarius venus won’t vibe with you if u two have too different views. When they notice that you don't appreciate the same thing, it's hard for them to stay with you. Sagittarius really like coffee and if you tell them you don't drink coffee it will be a minus for them( for example). They have many things that they value and people don't notice.
🦭Cancer moon can be moody ,but virgos can be much more. Virgos are very quickly distracted by their surroundings and things around them. Many times people have a great influence on them. They want to have things under control too much.
🏞️A lot of times, Geminis want someone just out of curiosity and not because they really want them. But when they get it, they move on and don't pay so much attention to emotions. They focus more on thoughts (it is very important for them to have good communication with someone). And they need a person who constantly gets them off track or challenges them to stay.
❤️‍🔥Libra & Libra together can be great or it can be a challenge. Libras are inherently indecisive. And sometimes they go into something they weren't completely sure about at the beginning. But both people are aware of romance and love. Both can have the same view of love or feel things the same way.
🫧5th house synastry makes a fun atmosphere a lot of times. You feel like you can do a lot of things with this person. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're sharing the fun and playfulness with this person. Many times the energy of a child can be felt. With this person, you can feel young again. And at the same time, this person could remind you of your childhood. The energy of this house gives me the feeling of being in a teenage movie. This movie (Laggies) reminds me of that.
🧚🏼‍♀️I always thought that the most important houses for a relationship are 4th 7th 8th & 10th house because they create a kind of stability. In the end, I realized that what makes a relationship special, alive and exciting is in reality 5th and 9th house. Both houses have a magical energy in them and both represent fun, liveliness. Don't get me wrong, just having a fun houses isn't always a reason for a relationship to last. However, if they are accompanied by other houses, then it creates a really nice atmosphere. Because with this we keep the relationship alive and at the same time having . 1st house is also important because it is how the person looks and sees you.
🦋8th house synastry reminds me of a movie Stuck in Love because shows a love that is intense but at the same time we feel stuck in it. We can't forget a person and we keep coming back to them because something draws us to them (sometimes we don't even understand what). At the same time, it shows the fear we face in order not to be hurt by a person. I think that many times here we can feel that the person is hiding something from us or we have problems with trusting them.
🌊And what are ur thoughts?🌊
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darlingshane · 8 months
Professor Castle II
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Frank Castle x F!Reader
Summary: Frank takes you to Curtis' wedding in Florida as his date.
CW: 18+. Explicit, Smut, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Mutual Masturbation, Kissing, Feelings, Age Gap, Professor/Student relationship.
Word Count: 6.5k
— Links: First Part // AO3.
A/N: I wasn't planning on adding another part to this, but this idea came to me as I was finishing the first one and I had to write it. There are a lot of mixed feelings and romance and smut. And we also get to know how reader and Frank got together in the first place. Billy and Dinah have a significant appearance here, and Billy is kind of a bitch. I can never bring myself to see him in a better light, even in an au like this.
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It's Friday afternoon, after a hectic day of work and classes, that you get on a flight to Florida to accompany Frank to one of his best friends’ wedding.
It feels like a pretty surreal experience that he wanted you to come along, and that you also said yes. The last time you were invited to a wedding you were probably eleven or twelve and were seated at the kids’ table. Going to an affair like this as an adult with your very grown-up, secretive boyfriend feels like skydiving with no parachute.
It's already dark by the time the plane lands in the evening. The knot in your stomach tightens as you get off the plane. You were already nervous before taking off. Once your feet touch ground in Florida you wish you had a longer flight. It all happened so fast you didn't have time to prepare yourself for the idea of meeting Frank's friends. It's basically like meeting his family. Whenever you've heard stories about Billy or Curtis, he always talked about them as if they were blood brothers. So the whole thing becomes more scary the closer you get to the hotel.
There's a sudden shift during that half an hour ride to your destination. Internally, you feel like you still should hide your relationship with Frank, but he's been holding your hand the entire way there. You can't bring yourself to process how good it feels not having to care about if someone might see you or not. For months, being constantly alert is all you've done. It was exciting at first, but not as much as having his big paw holding your hand out in the open while the shuttle driver asks if you're here on vacation.
The building you arrive in sits so close to the ocean you can hear the waves crashing on shore and smell the fresh saltwater lingering in the air before you get out of the vehicle.
Once you've checked in, you get to a lovely room on the third floor with a view to the pool where a group of people enjoy an evening dive. You open the door to the balcony to let the air in, while Frank checks the rest of the room.
“Are you okay, baby?” Asks Frank as you lean on the railing outside.
“Yeah, just a little tired.”
“Well, there's a bed right here.” He points out before opening his suitcase on the mattress to take out his suit.
“It looks like a nice bed.” Glancing over your shoulder, you watch Frank straightening the fabric before hanging it in the closet.
When he's done, he joins you on the balcony, linking his arms around your waist.
“Should we go out to dinner or stay and order room service?” He softly kisses your nape.
“Hm, I'm fine with either. What do you wanna do?”
“Well, It'd be nice to go out since we never get to do that. But on the other hand, we haven't been really alone for a couple of weeks, and I was really looking forward to having you all for myself tonight.”
“It's still early, my king. We can do both.” You tuck your arm back to caress his jaw.
“Yeah? I thought you were tired.”
“I'm also hungry. Let me change and get rid of the airplane smell, and we'll go exploring.”
You unpack your suitcase and hang the outfits you picked for the next couple of days next to Frank's, which is such a bizarre thing to do. It's going to be an interesting weekend without having to put much thought into the secrecy of your relationship. Something as simple as just holding hands or letting your clothes live next to his, even if it's just temporary, makes you feel that normalcy most couples have. You wonder if this is what the future holds for you and Frank. It begs to question if this is the future you want with Frank.
Both of you freshen up and change into clean clothes. You slip into a long skirt with a halter top in your favorite color and a pair of sandals while Frank dons a pair of black chinos and a brown polo shirt.
Heading downstairs you go straight to the restaurant, sit at the bar and order some drinks first while you wait for a table.
“What?” you're chewing on the end of a straw when you notice Frank stare weirdly fixed on you. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, you’re perfect.” His gaze beams full of wonder. “I just… Look at you. You're so beautiful. I can't believe you're here with me. I thought we'd never get to be out like this.”
“It’s kinda weird, isn’t it? But in a good way.”
“Yeah. C’mere,” his hand slides along your jaw and stops at your nape. A flick of his tongue swipes his lips before planting a wet one on your mouth. It lingers for a moment before diving for a deeper taste. It takes you off guard, and you almost want to pull back as soon as the tip of his tongue escapes past your teeth. It’s when it tries to meet with yours that you awkwardly pull your head back. His palm massages the back of your neck as you press your forehead against his, feeling a pang of sadness thrum in your chest.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
Your head slightly shakes, as you look down at your hands holding his forearm on your lap.
“I just… I feel like everyone is staring at us.”
“Baby, I’m serious. Nobody is watching us. Look around,” his hold loosens around your neck and your head swivels to see that in fact no one is interested in whatever you and Frank do. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with an old man like me?”
“You’re not that old.”
“That wasn’t a no.”
“I’m not embarrassed to be with you, Frank. I… I wish we could do this all the time like normal people do. It feels like after this weekend, we’ll never get to do this ever again. I know we just got here, and I’m just being dramatic, you don’t have to say it. But uh… it makes me sad we can’t go out like this at home.”
“Baby, I get it. I wish I could have you like all the damn time. It breaks my heart to see you every day and have to remind myself not to look at you or touch you or kiss you.”
“Sorry for bringing you down with me. It's been a long day. And being here with you is a little overwhelming. It's brought a lot of stuff to the surface I never even considered before. I see it comes out so natural for you to do something like holding my hand or kissing me, and I feel bad that there’s this weird thing blocking me from enjoying that.”
“Hey, don't apologize.” Frank sighs before gently pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I'm the one who's sorry for not realizing sooner that this was a bigger deal for you than I thought. I just wanted you here so badly, I didn't think what this meant for you– for us. How about we go back to the room, order something, put on a movie and take it slow.”
“No, it's okay. I'll be fine. I wanna get used to this. I wanna be here with you, Frank.”
Drawing a smile, you simply nod and squeeze his hand a little harder.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”
“A couple of times. It doesn’t hurt to hear it again.”
Your lips pull up a little higher, as you lean forward to attempt to resume the kiss he started.
“Mr. Castle.” The restaurant’s hostess interrupts you just as you press your lips against his. “Your table is ready.”
She guides you to a table by the window with a view to the beach.
“Your waiter will be right over,” she politely says before going to fetch more people to place at the empty tables.
Despite being still a little nervous about the whole thing, you’re so over the moon with Frank, that it's easy to relax more and more in his presence. He knows how to smooth things over with just a few sweet words or an adoring glance framed by those glasses that really show the beauty of his eyes. You never thought he'd be this casual and forward when it came to showing public displays of affection. You're both overly cautious, but here, it's like he's flipped a switch in his head and all his problems are gone. Despite his impromptu decision the other day when he tried to break up with you, it feels like he's been dying to be able to show the world that you're his, and he is yours. You adore that about him and try to ease your mind into being more present right here and let go of all those worries that sadden your heart. Even if it's just for two days, you should be able to enjoy what you got.
By the end of your meal, you’re halfway through your dessert when a couple approaches the table.
“Hey, Frankie!” Billy, who you recognized from one of Frank’s pictures, makes him stand from his seat to give him a hug.
“Bill,” he addresses him before looking at the woman by his side. “Hey, Dinah. Good to see you again.”
“Yeah, good to see you, too.”
“And you must be the mystery woman Frank never told us about until a couple of days ago,” Billy directs his attention to you as you extend your hand in his direction.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
“Oh, she’s funny.”
“You have no idea.”
They both shake your hand as Frank sits back down.
“Thought you were going to turn in early like the rest of the party.”
“That was the plan, but we decided at the last minute to come down. You guys wanna join us?”
“No, we’re going to this swing by this bar down the street. You should come.”
“We've already had a couple of drinks,” Frank says. “We were about to call it a night.”
“C’mon, just a nightcap. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. And you just can’t bring a date to Curt’s wedding and not properly introduce her like she deserves.”
Frank glances at you and shrugs, “you wanna go?”
“Just one drink?”
“Just one drink,” Billy repeats. “I mean if you’re old enough to drink.”
He says so casually it throws you off, but you’re quick to reply when you’re nervous.
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that but yes, I’m old enough to drink.” You prove it by lifting the almost empty cocktail glass from the table and bring it to your mouth to finish it.
He mimes his fingers zipping his mouth as Dinah gives him a look and Frank hangs his head down.
Once the momentary awkwardness has passed you choose to follow them down the boardwalk to a crowded bar at the end of the street. You take a table outside and order some drinks. You go for another cocktail, the guys have a couple of beers and Dinah settles for scotch on the rocks.
“So, Frankie here has strictly forbidden us to ask you questions. What is he trying to hide?” Billy stares at you from the other couch with his elbows leaned on his knees.
“I didn't say that. I only asked you to not give her the third degree.” He scoffs.
“It's okay.” You laugh, placing a palm at the small of Frank's back. “What do you wanna know?”
While Billy questions you about your life, where you come from, what you’re majoring in, what your hobbies are… Frank tries to remain not too bothered but often chimes in to say – you don’t have to answer that, when Billy pokes into something way too personal.
Almost through with your cocktail you stand up and head to the bathroom and Dinah stalks behind you.
“Didn’t realize you were coming too,” you say when you notice her holding the door after you step into the room.
“Yeah, I needed a break from hearing Billy talk. Don’t mind him, he always had a big mouth. It’s pathological, but he’s harmless… for the most part.”
“He’s… intense,” you say for the lack of a better word. “How long have you two been together?”
“Oh, we’re not together together. We just hang out sometimes.”
“You could’ve fooled me.” You lean on one of the sinks while Dinah fixes her makeup.
“How long have you been dating Frank?”
“Hm, almost a year.”
“You know, I dated a teacher once at the academy, but it was nothing like you and Frank.”
“How so?”
“He didn’t take me as a plus-one to a wedding for starters. It was just sex. I can see that it’s more for you and Frank. Is it?”
“I uhh… I think it is. It’s crazy that he invited me here.”
“Yeah, he’s been moping around for a couple of years since his last girlfriend. It’s good that he has you now. How did that happen?”
You can see that Dinah and Billy have more in common than she lets on. They definitely share the same hunger to gather information from anyone. You don’t mind them poking around to know more about you. It’s actually refreshing being able to talk about you and Frank for the first time, and if Frank has told them about you, it means that he trusts them.
“Well, it’s not an interesting story. We didn’t fall in love at first sight, or shared longing glances across hallways, or pass secret notes, and shit. He uh… we used to go to the same café outside campus that has the best coffee. One day I saw him trying to pay with his phone cause he forgot his wallet, and it wasn’t working cause he’s technologically inept to handle any app. So I paid for his coffee. The next day he paid for mine and I helped him manage his digital wallet. We started taking more and more outside class. We would walk together back to campus. Over time, it took us longer and longer to make it back. We would stop at this park to look at the ducks in the lake. Sometimes we fed them to stall. Though neither of us gave a shit about the ducks-”
“Of course,” Dinah softly smiles at your remark.
“Then I’d tell him I’d be at this art show, or go to this movie, whatever shit I was doing, hoping he’d show up, and he did. It was like that for months, one day we looked at the other, and we knew… I guess we fell in love. And at the same time we realized that we couldn’t see each other like that anymore. So we stopped hanging out. That lasted like three weeks tops. We were both miserable.”
“And then what happened?”
“I… it was the end of the semester, before finals, I had my first play, and he came to see it.”
“He came to see you.” She accurately points out.
“Right. Once it was over, he went backstage to say hi to everyone. I… before he left I said to him to wait for me in his car and he did. After everyone left, I headed out to the parking lot, got in the passenger seat and told him to drive. We talked for hours, trying to convince ourselves once more that we couldn't be together, that I'd never work, but it didn't matter. We made a choice and now here we are. We’ve been hiding for months and it…”
“It finally feels right to say it out loud.”
“I think so… I can’t tell anyone else in my life right now. It’s hard to trust anyone with a secret like that. But if Frank told you I guess I can trust you.”
“You can. I get it. Sometimes you can't choose who you fall in love with.”
“How come something that’s supposed to be wrong feels so right at the same time?” You’ve been wondering for months.
“That’s a complicated question, sweetie. But it’s usually the things that are supposed to be wrong that feel the best, unfortunately.”
Meanwhile, outside, Billy grills Frank a little more about you on a totally different approach than Dinah’s.
“C’mon, Frankie. You can’t be serious. You know you could lose your tenure if they find out.”
“They’re not going to find out.”
“If it was just sex I’d get it. I’ve had my fair share of coeds. The difference is that I’m not their teacher, well, sometimes they like to pretend that I am, if you know what I mean. But you’re bringing her to Curt’s wedding, as your date. That’s nuts.”
“Why is it so hard to believe that I love her?”
“Cause you haven’t been with anyone since Maria and the first person you date is one of your students. Does it sound sane to you? Are you having a midlife crisis or something?”
“You know, out of everyone, I thought you'd be the last one to judge, Bill.”
“I'm not judging you, Frankie. I'm just checking that you haven't completely lost your mind. Someone has to. You look like you're willing to risk it all out for her. Is she worth all that, your job, your reputation, your precious principles? I thought you had a code.”
“She's absolutely worth all that. Can you say the same about Dinah? When are you going to stop playing with her?”
“Me? She's the one who calls the shots. She's the one playing with me.”
“Yeah, sure.” Frank scoffs before taking a swallow of his beer.
“Okay, let's just say it's a game we both love playing. I use her, she uses me, it's a win-win situation.”
“Until someone gets hurt.”
“Well, some people like that. How are you keeping up with her?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean bed wise. I know from experience that twenty-year-olds are like feral cats. Can you handle something like that?”
“Jesus, Bill. You're fucking disgusting sometimes. Don't talk about her like that.”
“What? Have you forgotten how you were at her age? You were either fucking or thinking about fucking.”
“Not everything is about sex.”
“Right, so you're not having sex.”
“That's none of your business.”
“Well, if you're so willing to put your ass in the line, I hope you're getting at least something out of it.”
“That's all that is for you, huh? You never do anything unless you're getting something in return. Everyone and everything is trading businesses for you. Even love.”
“Love is for children, Frankie. Never did anything good for anyone. Look at you… Every woman that ever touched you left a deeper mark than the last one. I’d rather be shot a hundred times than having to carry imaginary scars. What do you think is gonna happen when she's done with you? You think a girl like that is ready to commit forever?”
“You're so full of shit, Bill. You talk big game, but you never made it past the side lines. If that's where you wanna stay there, fine, but don't pretend you know how it feels to put yourself out there and offer yourself without expecting anyone to hand everything to you right away.”
“You used to be more fun.”
“Well, your idea of fun is different from mine.”
“Hey, what did we miss?”
Dinah and you return to the table that seems to have gathered a visible dark cloud over them.
“Nothing, get your stuff. We're going back to the hotel.” Frank barks, promptly rising from his chair.
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“Are you ready to tell me what happened between you and Billy?” you straddle Frank's lap on the bed. He's taken off his glasses and most of his clothes and the only thing left is his boxer briefs. You tried to pry on the way back here, but he was clearly still upset about something. Now that he's more relaxed you try again while you comb his hair with your fingers. “Was he mean to you? Do you want me to kick his bony ass?”
“I'd like to see that,” he chuckles as his palms smooth the bare skin of your thighs. “There's nothing to tell, sweetheart. He's just an asshole sometimes. I'll get over it. C'mere.”
He tucks a finger under your chin and pulls your face closer so he can seize your lips. You can tell he's trying to distract you from asking further questions but if he's not ready to talk about it then there's nothing you can't do right now. You happily accept his affection and quickly melt in the slow undoing of his tongue as it finds yours. It's easy to forget and forgive when he has you like this. All rational thought abandons you and suddenly your hips are grinding against him, following the same rhythm as his tongue as it becomes more eager to please you. His hands hold tight to your hips, coaxing you to feel him growing hard between those layers of underwear keeping your flesh from coming to close contact.
“God, I've been dying to have you like this, sweetheart,” his breathing falters between sloppy kisses.
“I know.” You break from his mouth and press your forehead against his, gazing down at the spot where your centers rub together to see his cock bulging up like mad.
Frank gets a hold of your top and swiftly pulls it over your head so he can kiss your tits. He buries his face in your chest while your arm curls around his nape. He's all tongue, teeth, and lips inciting your skin to come alive into tiny pimples. He sucks a nipple into his mouth, hums around it, and bites hard as you let out a breathless gasp when his teeth sink into your flesh. Before it starts hurting he releases it to see a faint mark around the circumference.
“Fuck me.”
“Yeah?” Biting his bottom lip, he draws the shape of your jaw with a finger before shifting positions with you to have you on your back. That same finger traces the length of your torso all the way down to your underwear. He takes a full sight of you for a beat before yanking your panties off you and pushing his boxers down.
His feet shimmy out of the fabric, as he lowers himself on top of you, letting you meet his full erection that throbs over your tender, slicked flesh. His warm breath heats up your face when he presses his parted mouth at the corner of your lips. He viciously rubs himself against you, collecting your juices all around his cock. Then he buries himself inside you as your whole body trembles as usual. Every time he penetrates you like this, the most thrilling chill takes over your body before you can even come. It settles at the back of your head, as all your senses are taken by that powerful lust force that you can’t control. Each thrust of his hips, each kiss, and lick, and word whispered in your ear takes you closer to heaven. He fucks you with mind, body and soul, like real men do, making you come with ease each fucking time.
“Tell me you love me,” you moan against his jaw, while you dig your nails on his back.
“I love you. I fucking love you, sweetheart.” He desperately pants as the pace of his hips becomes more urgent.
“Tell me you need me.”
“Of course I need you. All the damn time.”
You both gradually lose your ability to breathe the closer you get to orgasm. His sweat sticks with yours as your bodies melt together in that haze of love and lust bubbling all over the room.
“Tell me you’re never going to leave me again.” It sounds needy as you say it, but you need to hear it over and over, especially now.
“I promise…fuck. I promise I’m never gonna leave you again, baby.”
One of his hands clutches to your hips to keep you still while he fucks the light of you with unbridled passion. You can feel every inch of your body vibrating to the sound of his skin slapping on yours. Your breath comes out forced in short breaths as he makes that final effort that tips you over the edge. Your walls flutter and contract around his cock for a moment as you reach the top of your climax.
“I’m gonna… fuck,“ you’re squeezing him so hard, he just spills all of himself inside you while you ride that tide that makes your vision blur and ears ring for a moment while he tries to tame his own orgasm.
When you come to your senses, he’s dead weight on top of you, limp and hot, kissing your neck softly while he regains his breath. You can hear your own heartbeat in your ears still as one of our hands blindly glides up his back.
“You’re fucking amazing, you know that?” his voice comes out hoarse.
“I know.”
“What you asked me to say… you know I mean it, right?”
“I think so.”
“Are you still scared that I’m gonna leave you?”
“A little, yeah. I… it was just seven days ago when you told me that you didn’t want to see me again. I know you didn’t mean it and that you only wanted to keep us safe, but it was a hard week, Frank. I’m not mad at you. It’s just been a roller coaster of emotions, and now we're here together, playing like a normal couple and I can't help but feeling a little insecure about all of it. Not just you.”
“I'm sorry,” he shifts on top of you, lifting his head so he can capture your eyes. “I really am. I hate to make you feel that way. I know it's confusing but you gotta know something. You… You're all that matters to me. I’d die without you, sweetheart.”
“Now, who’s the dramatic one?”
“I only learned from the best.”
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The next day, the wedding ceremony is set at noon.
Half an hour before the event, everyone starts gathering at the lobby to walk together to the beach. Frank holds a palm at the small of your back while he introduces you to Curtis finally and a handful of friends. He manages to avoid stumbling onto Billy altogether.
When you get to the beach, Dinah beckons you to take a seat next to her on the fourth row. Meanwhile, Frank stands next to Curt in the makeshift altar framed by swaying palm trees and a spectacular backdrop of vibrant blue skies adorned with wispy clouds and a blinding sun. Right by the groom’s side also stand Curt’s brother and Billy, who seems to be feeling the icy chill of Frank’s cold shoulder. You’ve never seen him this mad at anyone before and by the way Billy occasionally glances at you and Dinah, you start to wonder you're the cause of their rift.
Frank has traded his glasses for aviators and shines so handsome in a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and no tie. Everyone is dressed in light fabrics and bold colors. You’ve chosen a floral romper and wedges.
Waiting for the affair to start, as you produce a pair of shades to shield your eyes from the sun, Dinah lightly touches your arm.
“You know I don’t agree with Billy at all,” she says coolly as if you had any idea what's going on. “I told you he was harmless, but he can be a real asshole sometimes.”
“I…” You glance at her, trying to gather some thoughts cause you’re really lost right now.
“Oh, Frank didn’t tell you?” She realizes by your expression. “I'm so sorry. I thought you knew.”
“No, he didn't tell me. I asked him. He said that it was just Billy being Billy. But I could tell it was more than that.” You're afraid of asking but if it's something about you, you have the right to know. “Bill doesn't like me, does he?”
“It's not that. He believes Frank isn't thinking clearly when it comes to you. Said you're just an infatuation that's going to get him in trouble. I'm sorry that you had to hear it from me. Frank should've told you.”
“It's okay. It's nothing that he and I hadn't thought of before. It's hard to hear it from someone else's mouth though. I guess that's why he didn't want to tell me.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it'll be fine. I don't know Billy enough to care about what he thinks. It's me and Frank that matters.”
“You have more class than me. I'd definitely get back at him if he tried to alienate anyone in my life like that.”
“It's not really my style. He can think whatever he wants. It's a free country.”
“I shouldn't tell you this but… just so you know he didn't get any of this last night. After you and Frank left he kept whining like a bitch and I just had it with him.”
“Oh God, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. It's not your fault.”
When the music starts playing, everyone rises from their seats to watch the bride walk down the aisle. They exchange bows under the most stunning setting you’ve ever seen. Though you don't know Curtis and Delia besides Frank’s stories, it's straight up lovely to see two people in love celebrating their joy with family and friends.
Once they’ve sealed the ceremony with a kiss, they cross the aisle together as husband and wife between joyful cheering and applause.
Then, the party moves to the reception in a locale nearby. It's held outside under a canopy of flowers and fairy lights illuminating the array of tables framing the dance floor. The food is served buffet style and your plate is 90% filled with shrimp when you take a seat next to Frank.
“Did you leave some shrimp for the rest?”
You simply shrug, amused, “you snooze, you lose. That's the rule of the buffet. Are you nervous about your speech?”
“A little.”
“Just pretend you're in class giving a lecture.”
“Yeah, I'll try that.” He gazes at you as he brings a piece of salmon to his mouth.
“And if that doesn't work, you know what they say… picture everyone naked.” You start stuffing yours with pieces of shrimp.
“I don't see how that'd be better. I don't wanna see any of these people in their birthday suits.”
“Then focus on me and my birthday suit.”
“I'll try that.”
Frank, of course, despite having some jitters about that best man speech he just has the right words to say about Curtis and Delia. He even makes everyone laugh with a couple of heartfelt jokes about his friendship with Curt. It's really endearing to see him among his people. You can tell that he's made a tight-knit group of loyal friends that'd be there for him for the rest of his life.
As the day progresses, and the alcohol starts taking effect a few people step into the dance floor. You spot Dinah dancing with Curtis’ brother and Billy sweet-talking to one of the bridesmaids by the buffet.
“You having a good time, baby?” Frank's arms circle your waist while you pick a glass of wine from the bar.
“I'm having the best time. Everyone is really nice.” You take a sip of your glass.
“I told you that there was nothing to worry about. Everyone loves you.”
“Well, not everyone.” You tilt your head to the side to point at Billy. “You should've told me what happened.”
“I didn't want to upset you.”
“I'm not upset, Frank. Like I told Dinah, I don't know him enough to care about what he thinks. I know you were trying to protect me, but you don't have to.”
“It's not that, sweetheart. I'm just tired of having the same conversation. We know what we're up against. Figure I could save you the headache of going through all our faults again. There was no point in telling you all the bullshit that came out of his mouth.”
“Well, that's good to know, but I don't want to hear it from other people either. If he said anything about me, I have the right to know, don't you think?”
“He didn't say anything specifically about you, baby. It was mostly about me choosing to bring you here.”
“But it really upset you. You should've told me.”
“I know, I'm sorry,” he kisses your jaw. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Hm… let me think,” you sway your hips, making him move with you. “I think a dance will suffice.”
“Sweetheart, I love you, but I can’t dance to this.”
“I can wait for a slow one.”
“Alright, but just one song.”
“Got it.”
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As much fun as you had with Frank dancing without a care in the world, there's nothing like being back in the hotel room to rest for the night. Mingling with that many people can be exhausting and though you had a great time, you revel in the quietness and comfort of these four walls. To wash out the day of your skin, you take a shower together. Then you lay naked on the bed, face down with our arms tucked under your head while Frank's hands massage your back. His fingers knead all the right spots until you’ve completely relaxed before feeling his lips pressing soft kisses all over your spine. One of his hands slips between your thighs. You separate your knees further apart to make room for it as he softly massages your sex. His palm gently rubs back and forth while he presses his mouth to your ear.
“How does that feel, baby?”
“Good. So fucking good,” you hum. “Don’t stop, please.”
“You gonna make a mess for me, huh?” you notice one of his fingers slipping between your folds to feel those early drops of arousal. “Yeah, you always do.”
You laugh to yourself as he presses a little harder, drawing mind-numbing circles around your clit.
“God, I love you so much.” You lightly wave your ass at his touch, aching for more fiction.
Frank takes the hint and uses his index and middle fingers to rub harder around your hardened nub as he presses his semi-hard against your hip.
“Look what you do to me,” his breathing echoes in your ear, while he rubs himself on your skin. “You proud of yourself?”
“Not quite. You should be harder already,” you turn your head to look at him and move your closest hand to grab his length.
He laughs against your mouth before sending his tongue to taste your kiss.
Mutually serving the other, his cock grows harder in your fist, as you melt around his fingers when they invite themselves into your opening.
“Open your legs a little more, sweetheart,” you heed his command. “Attagirl.”
His thick fingers quickly are wrapped in a sheen layer of your juices as he pushes them in and out repeatedly, letting your arousal drip on the sheets. At the same time, you massage his raging erection that barely fits in the curl of your palm anymore when it's fully swollen.
“I wanna feel you, Frank,” you purr on his lips as he drives you out of your mind.
“Yeah? Want me to come inside you?” He makes a point to press his fingertips hard on your g-spot to earn a good moan out of you.
“You need me to beg?”
“A little. Yeah.”
“Please, I need you to fuck me.”
“Say what you whisper in my ear when you wake me up in the middle of the night just to fuck.”
“I'd die if you don't wake up right now and fuck me,” you sigh. “Please. I need you, king.”
“That's my girl. C'mere.” He takes his fingers away and handles your body so you're laying on your side. He pulls your back flush against his chest and drives the blunt tip of his cock smoothly between your legs.
“God, you're always so fucking wet.”
“Just for you.”
As you adjust your leg to be more comfortable, he tucks his arms around you. His bottom arm slips under your armpit to hold your chest, while his opposite hand rubs its fingers on your clit. Frank thrusts come long and dragged. His mouth opens at the crook of your neck to devour your flesh. You take the hand holding your tit and bring it up to your mouth so you can take his fingers between your lips.
“Fuck, you're gonna make me come, baby,” he rumbles in your ear when you blow his fingers as if it was his cock.
You can tell he's ready to burst by the way his length twitches inside you every time his fingertips touch the back of your throat.
Wrapped in an ethereal veil made out of love and lust, your bodies sync up and lace in an intricate knot, moving together like one. You expel the same shallow breaths. Pulses follow the same pattern. Arch your bodies at the same angle. He keeps a steady rhythm on your folds, you keep your mouth tight around his knuckles. When your legs start trembling, he trembles with you. You beg him again, to go harder. Your core fuses with his as the flame between burns brighter and hotter the closer you get to the top. Overwhelmed by the intoxicating haze, at the very last second, his body gives up and falls out of cadence. Frank comes with the force of a waterfall before you do. A deep grunt echoes in the room as his hips erratically keep pushing for a couple of seconds until he’s spilled every last drop into you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, baby,” his breathing falters.
“It’s okay. Just don’t stop. Please.” You pull your mouth away from his hand.
“Sh, sh, I won’t. Come for me, baby.” His fingers stay glued to your clit, his cock remains hard, and deep buried inside your walls while he keeps viciously rubbing on it to grant you your release.
You're so close, you can feel your body about to meet that same force. You clutch your hand around his wrist as your body locks for a beat before being overcome by that whirlwind of pleasure that takes you to a higher ground.
Frank holds you tight as your body goes limp in his embrace. You’d die here if you could, in his arms wrapped around you, in the comfort of his kisses and his voice in your ear telling you how much he loves you.
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lady-lostmind · 2 months
The one
Written for the @steddiemicrofic July prompt: One
WC: 1111 | Rating: M
Eddie never really understood the appeal of weddings. Long days where you have to dress in uncomfortable clothes and stand around acting like you care that two people decided to tie themselves to one another forever like a couple of suckers destined to a life of disappointment and let down expectations. And okay. Maybe he didn’t have the most shining example of marriage. His parents really should have thrown in the towel long before all the ‘I dos’ were said. But it doesn’t change the fact that it seems ridiculous that two people will be able to make it work forever. Or…it used to. Before he got to witness what love really looks like. Before he felt the blooms of it for the first time himself.
Now, as he watches Max and Lucas smile and kiss in front of their friends and family, after everything they’ve gone through, he gets it. He gets why people make such a big deal out of this one day. Because fuck if he’s not happy for these two. He claps along with everyone else, his eyes wandering over to Steve who is not so subtly wiping the tears from his eyes as he watches the happy couple make their way back down the aisle and his heart swells.
Eddie gets set up on a little stage next to the bar at the reception hall, checking that his guitar is tuned before leaning in close to the mic. “Good evening. I’m going to get things rolling here so the lovebirds can come out on the dance floor for their first dance.” He smiles and waits for Max and Lucas to wander shyly to the center of the floor, wrapping their arms around each other. Eddie clears his throat and starts the opening line. “Looks like we made it. Look how far we’ve come, my baby–” A grin catches the corner of his mouth and he watches as they start to sway together with stars in their eyes, locked on like there’s no one else in the room. As he gets to the chorus his eyes flit across the crowd until he finds Steve, already looking back at him with a little smirk on his face. He holds Steve’s gaze as he croons into the mic, letting the words fill with all the ridiculous head over heels, big, over the top swoony romance feelings he always made fun of that this beautiful man makes him feel. And even though this thing between them is technically new, the words still feel right. Because really, they’ve been dancing around each other for nearly a decade. And now that they’ve finally pulled their head out of their asses it’s like the words are sinking into Eddie’s very fucking bones. “You’re still the one I run to–” And he knows he can’t deny it anymore. “The one that I belong to–” Knows he is fully and truly fucked. “You’re still the one I want–” Because he is so absolutely and completely– “ –for life.” -in love with Steve Harrington.
Eddie never really understood the appeal of weddings. But now, as he stands under an arch in front of all his friends and family, staring into the eyes of the most amazing man he’s ever known, he thinks he was a fool. Because this is the best day of his life. Standing here, proclaiming his love for Steve and vowing to be his for the rest of his life was the easiest decision he’s ever made. And sure, the actual day is still really cheesy, and he hates this fucking itchy suit, and he knows he’s going to be embarrassed when he inevitably cries during Steve’s vows to him, but it’s fucking worth it. So worth it to see Steve, who absolutely loves weddings, smiling from ear to ear and looking gorgeous in his white suit. To give him this day that he deserves more than anything because he is so good, and kind and loving.
The cocky smile that has been plastered on his face all day pulls impossibly further as he lets out a ‘Fuck yes, I do.’ and leans in to press a kiss to Steve’s lips before Robin even gives him the go ahead, completely missing the part where she calls them husbands, getting completely lost in Steve. Someone off to the side clears their throat and the crowd around them laughs as they pull apart to walk back down the aisle, hand in hand.
Eddie pulls Steve in close, leaning his forehead against his and letting out a happy sigh as they start swaying to the music. A soft instrumental version of the song Eddie picked ringing out around them. Steve’s face scrunches and he huffs out a laugh. “Wasn’t this Max and Lucas’s first dance song?” A shy grin tugs at Eddie’s mouth and he nods, whisper singing the words to Steve under his breath. “Looks like we made it. Look how far we’ve come, my baby.” Steve grins, shaking his head and tucking his face against Eddie’s neck.
Eddie pulls out and sucks in a deep breath, trying to catch his breath as he flops down on the bed next to Steve with a groan. Steve lets out a content sigh, scooching in close and putting his cheek on Eddie’s sweaty chest. Eddie smiles trying to bask in the afterglow. His hand finds its way to Steve’s hair and brushes it out of his face. He leans down to press his lips to Steve’s forehead and starts humming ‘You’re still the one’ softly against his skin. Steve kisses his side and shifts to look up at Eddie with big, curious eyes. “Why did you pick that song?” Eddie huffs out a laugh and shrugs. “It’s when I realized I loved you.” Steve’s mouth drops open in a little gasp. “At their wedding? But we’d only been together for like…” Eddie brow furrows as he cringes. “Two weeks.” A laugh escapes Steve’s mouth as he shakes his head and smacks Eddie’s arm lightly. “You didn’t tell me you loved me until we’d been together for like a year, Eds.” A cocky grin pulls at Eddie’s lips. “I mean, yeah. Two weeks is insane, baby. I didn’t want to scare you off.” Steve’s eyes go wide and he lets out a dreamy sigh as he settles back against Eddie’s chest. “You wouldn’t have scared me off.” Eddie’s mouth tips up at the corner as his hand finds its way back into Steve’s hair and sings softly. “You’re still the one I run to. The one that I belong to. You’re still the one I want for life.”
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perfectlyoongi · 2 months
YOONGI ⠀ᯓᡣ𐭩 STAR-CROSSED LOVERS. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you were doomed to fail since the beginning of time. when the universe was created, among so many explosions and births, yours and Yoongi’s love was formed. in a small particle, in a reduced fragment of what could be beautiful. in that humble crumb, Yoongi loved you. for entire eternities, Yoongi loved you with every fragment of his particle; like two pieces of a puzzle, Yoongi’s love fit perfectly with your essence, creating a veil around you of pure hope and desires. for years, you were lovers. but when the gods woke up and saw you, envying your devotion and wanting something as strong, as genuine as your love, they wove your destiny. cursing you with two bodies, where neither of you could love with all your emotion, the gods cast a spell from the darkest nebula, where it would be impossible for you to love each other as long as you were two human bodies. a curse that lasted decades. a curse that haunted you in as many lives as you lived. but you didn’t know. just the memory of the particle’s heat warmed your heart. just the knowledge that in another life you were happy. just you and Yoongi. two souls created to love, two souls destined to fail.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“i don’t feel like there’s any hope for us,” almost in a whisper, Yoongi’s words travelled gently through the air, spreading the hurt that squeezed his heart throughout the world. all the warmth Yoongi possessed had dissipated when he gained a body and now only emptiness existed in Yoongi — he simply couldn’t love. “we already know each other from past lives, i feel that. inside me there is something that calls to you, as if my soul is just complete in your presence. there’s something in me that screams to come home and it only finds that comfort when i’m with you. i know there is something in us that pulls us together and makes us feel so good in each other’s company. but i can’t love you, just like you can’t love me. we were created for each other but they shaped us so that we can live without the other. until we discover who we really are, there is no hope for our love.”
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seokjinsonlyone · 10 months
most to least likely to like being teased
jimin: is your house on fire? did you… leave the stove on?? did you… leave the water running??? if you answered no to any of these questions then why the heck are you moving so fast⁉️ the journey is just as important as the destination with jimin so take your time play with it a little make him wait for it he loves it lives for it actually
tae: he made a whole song about this okay and it's called slow dancing now how you gon slow dance until the morning and romance the night away if you go in all hard and fast like you can't and he don't want to tae's in it for the long haul and you may be thinking wait he also said 'stop teasing me girl' in that song and you're right! he did but he meant it in the doja cat way he was on a play wit his pepe but don't play wit his emotions type beat when he said it i know we talked about it last night 🫢
jk: jungkook is a perfectionist we have seen him make food create a recipe and then come back 4 times to tweak it until it's just right we've seen his work on stage in the studio in the booth so i feel like he has a recipe for the perfect night in bed and foreplay is a key ingredient but just like a recipe there is a balance like yes tease him but nawt too much... too much too soon can put a damper on things depending on a multitude of extraneous circumstances it could end the night before it begins
joon: he likes it! he does! but he is just already so full of want so full of yearning that he can't take but so much of it like he just the thought that you want to take care of him to pamper him does it for him so tease him a little by all means but pretty soon after you gon have to get down to business
jin: he likes what you like :) simple as that so if you like teasing him he loves it but tbh he doesn't always really feel the need for all of it like if you want to than by all means and he's gonna be good for you but you ain't got to
yoon: he likes to tease You for sure could go on all day all night like his main priority is you and he wants to wind you up and have your mind doing donuts and that is as much teasing as he needs otherwise he is content just getting off and going about his way
hobi: i think he doesn't mind it every once in a while but not every time y'all get together does it have to be an event like he doesn't always need them long and drawn out sessions he'll indulge in them from time to time for sure but he's like the opposite of jimin me thinks the destination is more important than the journey like you're more likely to go multiple rounds than to play up the one if that makes sense sksksl
a/n: random thought that's been haunting me all day just needed to get it out of my head 😭💀
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Fangs and Fractured Hearts
Chapter 7: Rogue Desire
Summary: After embracing eternity as a vampire spawn under Astarion's wing, the Crimson Palace becomes a haunting symbol of the man he once was. As his personality unravels into a dark abyss, you flee. A year of hardship unveils the harsh reality of existence as a vampire spawn.
Just as all hope seems lost, a twist of fate reunites you with Astarion, revealing a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows. As you navigate the complexities of your relationship, you must confront the unsettling truth behind the Rite of Profane Ascension and the devilish secrets it holds.
In a race against time, you embark on a daring quest to save Astarion from his descent into darkness. With each choice you make, the stakes grow higher, testing the limits of your courage and determination.
Will Astarion find redemption, or is he destined to succumb to his own inner turmoil?
Word Count: 6.5k
Pairing: Ascended Astarion x female!Tav Spawn
Warnings: [Will try to continue to add more, but in general expect explicit content for mature audiences]
Possible spoilers. Eventual Explicit Content. Slow Burn. Thoughts of Suicide. Violence. Blood. Injury. Mature Content. Self-Harm. Mentions of in-game content. Completely fabricated camp events.
If you notice a very critical tag missing, please don't hesitate to let me know
Rating: Explicit 18+ - [Meant For Mature Audience]
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The library is dim except for the oil lamp casting its snug ochre radiance, illuminating the page you’re reading. The window here is forever shuttered and draped to keep the sun off the assorted books and tomes, making you feel safe. Well, as safe as you can feel while sharing quarters with Astarion. Your fingers rub the harsh, bumpy surface of the book's old cover as your eyes feast on page after page.
“What are you reading?”
You close the book momentarily to let Astarion get a look at the cover.
“Ah,” he smiles, “I lent you that some time ago. Did I not?”
You nod, “I never got to finish it.”
Astarion lays on the lounge beside you, “Well, what do you think of it so far?”
You cock your brow at him, and your nose crinkles, “It doesn’t exactly strike me as the type of book you would read.” 
He laughs, “Why’s that?”
“It’s well written, and there are gory bits, but it seems to boil down to a love story, and I can’t imagine you reading romance.” 
“Do you think me incapable of romance, my dear? I was romancing people before you were alive.”
You smirk at him, “I’m positive you can feign romance exuberantly. I can’t imagine you being truly romantic, though.”
He waves dismissively, “What’s the difference? It’s all a show, isn’t it?”
“I suppose, but one has true feelings behind it, which makes it romantic. It’s not the “show,” as you say.”
He chuckles, “This is starting to sound an awful lot like a challenge, and I do love a good challenge.”
You frown, “I’m sure Elowyn would love a demonstration.” 
He scoffs, “You said there must be true feelings behind it.”
What does that mean?
Does he even feel anything anymore?
Questions you want to ask him but choose not to because you don’t want to know the answers. 
Astarion looks around the room, “Why do you read in here all the time? I thought you would be out in the courtyard, or at least in a room with a window. You used to love the sun,” he muses with a dreamy, faraway guise.
“I liked the sun. No one loves the sun more than you do." 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” his mouth twitches, “You and I used to watch the sunrise together often.”
“That was before,” you sigh at the memories, “This is now.”
He looks around anxiously while rubbing his hands together, “We could again if you wanted to.”
“I’m frightened that you will get angry with me, and in that rage, you’ll cease protecting me,” you retort bluntly.
His brows furrow with a resigned sigh, “Do you think you will ever trust me again?”
“Do you want me to?”
He sits upright and looks at you intensely, “Indeed, I do.”
Why? Why does it matter to him if I trust him or not?
Trust is a luxury I can’t afford.
“You have your work cut out for you then.”
He chuckles, “It’s a good thing we have an eternity ahead of us.”
Unless you kill me.
Biting your tongue, you swallow that retort. Astarion has been remarkably pleasant for several days and seems more himself than you can recall since he became the Vampire Ascendant. You’re not keen on upsetting him for something so silly and becoming reacquainted with the version of him that lurks in his ire.
“Why did you recommend the book to me?”
He glowers at you playfully, “I have no doubt you will figure it out sooner or later.”
So, there is a reason.
“You could just tell me,” you purr.
“Darling, where is the fun in that?”
Astarion stands and kisses the top of your head. Running his finger along the books, he picks one, “I will be reading in the courtyard, in the sun I love so much according to you, if you would like to join.”
You give him a curt nod, but once he’s left the room, a small smile meanders its way across your lips. Astarion having the ability to walk in the sun safely for the rest of his days after living centuries in the dark was one of the reasons you had helped him with the ritual. You didn’t want to be the one to damn him to an eternity of darkness as a spawn. As far as reasons go, you know it wasn’t a good one compared to the cost, but what’s done is done, and the reasons, good or bad, don’t matter now.
Letting your eyes roam the page of text, you try to distract yourself with the story, but your mind keeps drifting to Astarion, the courtyard, and the sun. Astarion asking if you could ever trust him again confuses you, and admitting he wants you to only mystifies you further.
Why does he want or care about my trust?
Could I ever trust him again?  
You’re surprised by how much you long to trust him again. There had been significant trust between you at one point, but that utter conviction got you to this spot. When Astarion had Cazador kneeling before him, he said he knew what he was doing and asked you to trust him, and you did so blindly. Thus, assisting in turning him into whatever it is he is now.
I should have known better.
Closing your book, you descend the staircase on shaky legs. The mere thought of going and sitting in the sun still strikes terror into you. You’re still adjusting to having windows again. More than once, Astarion has caught you attempting to slink past the window, staying out of the sun as much as possible, or just standing there staring at it apprehensively.
He would giggle at you and make his silly, taunting quips, but he would also comfort you and tell you that you were safe with him, at least when it came to the sun.
As long as he’s not angry.
The door to the courtyard is open, and the bright mid-morning sun washes over the dark wooden flooring. Astarion sits on a bench bathed in the golden light, eyes down, skimming the page of the tome. He looks at ease and happy, and you can’t help but smile to yourself and cherish that view. Glancing at the rays warming the floor, you swallow your growing doubt.
Trust has to start somewhere. He will have no chance if I never give him one.
“You’re safe, sweetheart,” he coos without looking up from the page.
Astarion stands, puts the book down and comes to the doorway with a tender smile, holding his hand out to you, “I promise. Come.”
Biting your lower lip, you slide your hand into his. Astarion coercers your body to move forward out into the courtyard with gentle force. Paving stones warm your bare feet as they pad along the ground, and the sun’s heat permeates your cold skin.
This is the first time you’ve seen this place in daylight, and it looks substantially less foreboding. At night, the courtyard’s high stone walls cause it to appear small and closed off. In this light, it seems open and pleasant.
A well-groomed tree towers off in one corner, providing some shade. The green leaves flutter in the slight breeze. Another bench sits under the willowy branches.
Astarion gently twists your arm, forcing you to pirouette as if you were dancing an elegant courtly dance, and you giggle at his playfulness.
He rests his forehead against yours, “Thank you for trusting me.”
Gods, he’s so close.
As it often does around him, your ability to be rational and keep yourself grounded slips at his proximity. You can hear his heart beating and smell the bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy you’ve come to love.
You’ve felt frozen inside, numb, for so long, but his touch reawakens your purpose and thaws the ice that has solidified your fiery spirit and kept it subdued in the void his absence left.
“I missed you, you know. When you left,” he whispers.
Tears threaten to spring to your eyes at the authentic vulnerability, and your hands grasp Astarion’s arms. Inhaling a long, shuddering breath, you attempt to regain the plummeting authority over your body.
Astarion holds your waist tenderly with the same firm protectiveness you remember. You keep trying to convince yourself the man you loved died that night, that Astarion is gone, but here he is, standing before you.
Is this him, though? I still don’t know.
Astarion uses his index finger to bring your eyes to the vivid scarlet of his, which are staring at you with a searing ardour. You’re paralyzed by that gaze, carried away by the deluge of instinct and longing coalescing.
“Can I kiss you, Astarion?”
He smirks, “Little love, I thought you would never ask.”
His lips meet yours, and your eyes flutter shut. Your body wilts into his as if drawn in by his gravitational pull. You let yourself drown in him. Your senses scatter, and you’re swept up in his undertow.
His tongue persuades your lips to part, and he skillfully traverses your mouth. You purposefully find one of his fangs, and you run it delicately over your tongue, causing a shallow wound that weeps blood. He growls as the taste of you detonates his hungering desire.
“Fuck,” he groans, “I love it when you do that."
You smile against his lips. You know it drives him crazy, and that’s precisely the point. You want to fill him with you; claim him as he has claimed you. You want him to be addicted to you so he can think of no one else.
Astarion bucks his hips into you, and you grind yourself against his hard length greedily. You clench at the delicious friction against your swelling flesh and whimper demandingly. A deep growl in his chest vibrates against you as his hand ravenously roams over the contours of your body.
You let your splayed hand coast from the taut muscles of his abdomen to his chest lazily, savouring his silky, soft skin on your fingertips. His chest heaves under your hand, and you can feel the rapid, excited thumping of his heart.
Astarion grabs your thighs and hauls you up. Reflexively, you wrap your legs around his hips, securing yourself to him.
“Perhaps we should take this indoors, yes?”
You giggle, “Astarion, are you shy? I thought you enjoyed being the centre of attention.”
He kisses your neck, “I plan to make you scream my name until your throat is hoarse. Would you like everyone to hear your wanton incoherent cries?”
Even though you’re more than accustomed to his alluring taunts, you still feel the heat rising to your face. Thankfully, you’re dead, and your skin can’t redden.
“And if I did? Perhaps they would learn something,” you tease flirtatiously.
He chuckles while putting you down once you’re safely hidden in the manor, “Darling, the prudes of the upper city would surely perish on the spot if they saw what I’m about to do to you.”
Gods, yes.
Your walls spasm and clench at the carnal depravity that courses through your thoughts in vivid splendour. You tug his shirt out of his breeches, and he pulls it off, anticipating your request. His fingers undo the ties of your shirt, and he slips it off. Those hooded red eyes brimming with lust consume the sight of you gluttonously.
“You’re perfect,” he purrs deeply.
Your chest swells and falls as you pant purposeless air. For so long, you’ve felt fear, loneliness, hunger or nothing at all, but right now, you’re high on the love and desire overflowing in you, and you refuse to give it up.
You throw yourself at him in desperation to keep this moment alive. His lips meet yours with the same dire need. Your fingers curl into the white curls at the nap of his neck while your other hand undoes the ties that keep his pants secured to his waist.
His thumb traces the lower curve of your breast, and you groan, feeling your nipple already harden in anticipation of his touch. His fingers graze the sensitive peak. Your body quivers, nerves humming as liquid lightning rolls down your spine, and your clit pulses in tempo with his teasing fingers.
“Needy thing, aren’t you? How long has it been since you’ve been touched, tasted?"
You were the last one to touch me.
This isn’t something you would like to admit to him. You don’t want him to know how hopelessly in love and devoted you are to him. Astarion knows love, and he knows how to play with it, and you don’t want to give him more ammunition to play with you like a toy.
Reaching into his pants, your fingers find them wet with pre-cum, and your mouth waters at the thought of tasting him again. You grasp his cock, and his hips jerk with a panting grunt.
“Needy thing, aren’t you,” you taunt mockingly.
His eyes narrow, hypnotizing and brimming with lust, “I know you’re skirting around the question, darling.”
Astarion’s fingers glide past your waistband and trail down in an anguishing slow progression that makes a whine slip from your lips. He parts your wet folds, skillfully avoiding the bundle of nerves that is howling for his touch.
“Hells,” he kisses your cheek, whispering in your ear, “I bet they didn’t make you this wet.”
You sag into him and sigh, “Astarion…”
He teases your swollen flesh, circling the aching border, “Did they make your body shake with need?”
The first direct touch sends a shockwave rocketing through you, and you whimper, knees buckling. You are forced to let go of your grasp on his cock and secure yourself by holding onto his arms. Astarion smirks proudly. The pads of his fingers stoke and massage, and you moan loudly. The coiling tension builds and intensifies as his tempo does.
A knock on the door startles you, and you try to jump away from him, but his arm wraps around your waist, holding you in a steadfast grip.
“Ignore it,” he barks, “we’re busy.”
Another hammering rap on the door makes Astarion growl in frustration. His brow pinches in a dark scowl.
A pleading voice muffled by the door arises, “Master Ancunin! Master Ancunin!”
Pulling away from him, your body mewls in dejected objection at the discontinuation of sensation, “I think it’s for you.”
He groans and grins seductively at you as he sucks your arousal off his fingers, and you choke in a quick breath.
“As sweet as ever, my dear. My memories did not do you justice.”
The banging on the door resounds through the manor again with the same pleading shrieks from outside. Astarion rolls his eyes while he does up the ties of his pants. Not bothering to put his shirt back on, he moves to answer the door. You take quick steps backward to remain out of sight of the visitor.
“What is it?” Astarion sneers.
“Master Ancunin. Please forgive my intrusion, but your presence is urgently required.”
“We are not set to convene until tomorrow night,” Astarion snarls with an intensely domineering inflection.
“I know, saer. I am dreadfully sorry about this violation. I throw myself at your mercy.”
Astarion sighs, “And what exactly is so urgent?”
The man’s voice hushes significantly, and you can only catch small snippets here and there, but not enough to put together what’s happening that seems to require Astarion’s attention immediately.
“WHAT?” Astarion thunders.
Despite the booming shout, the intonation in his voice is dispassionate and unexpressive. You slink further back, knowing that whatever he was told has provoked his rage.
“Go. I will be there momentarily,” he slams the door harshly, cursing under his breath, “Fuck!”
Glancing around the room, you try to find a place to hide from him. You could go back into the courtyard, but if he’s angry and he decides you’re an easy target to take it out on, he might just let you burn. The stairs to your room lay too far away and would mean crossing paths with him.
Astarion turns the corner and jumps as if surprised to see you there. His eyes meet your face, and you’re relieved the crimson pools remain warm with liquid affection.
He must see the terror illustrated on your face because he frowns sadly, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“You’re angry.”
He nods curtly, “Yes, but I am me, for now - you have nothing to fear.”
You gulp, “For now.”
Astarion runs his fingers through his hair. Whatever that man told him, it agitated him significantly.
He clears his throat, “I must go deal with this.”
He bounds up the stairs quickly to his room and must dress at a breakneck pace because he returns rapidly, fully dressed in his overelaborate coat, looking mouth-wateringly dashing.
Astarion heads for the door and tugs it open but hesitates, pivots and takes long strides toward you. Reflexively, you step back, frightened that the anger won.
Astarion kisses your forehead and the back of your hand, “I will try to be back for your lesson tonight.”
You nod, “It’s okay if you aren’t. Be careful, Astarion.”
He smiles, “As you wish, my love.”
Once Astarion is gone, you quickly run around and close all the heavy curtains, plummeting the manor into darkness. Sitting on the floor with your back against your bed, you close your eyes and reprimand yourself for letting things go so far.
Your role here is to try and figure out what’s ailing him and see if you can help him remedy it, not to continue getting closer to him, falling more in love with him.
If that’s even possible.
You wonder, though, if, by some miracle, you can find a way to conserve whatever remains of the old Astarion. Would you want to be with him then, or has the damage been done, and your relationship is doomed and wrecked beyond repair? Could you ever trust him again?
Gale is out looking for the Wish spell for you, but you ponder if you could use it to save Astarion from whatever evil plagues him. Could it be used to restore him to his previous self completely? Could it be used to turn back Ascension entirely? Would you do that to him even if it could?
Would I give up my one chance to be alive again if it meant restoring him?
You need to gather more information on what’s ailing Astarion. As well as the capabilities and limitations of the Wish spell, but you can’t tell Gale or Shadowheart that your motivations may have changed.
Where is Withers when I need him? He knew everything there was to know about souls.
You have a theory about what happens to Astarion, but it needs to be confirmed. You wonder if the Rite may have stripped away some of his soul, whether unintended or on purpose, and now the soulless part of him wars with the version that still retains the remaining bit of his soul, each contending against the other, vying for control.
You imagine the only way to figure this out is by talking to someone who deals in souls, but who? You’re still trying to work it all out.
With Astarion gone, you can finally let yourself get some much-needed rest. Laying down on your bed, you succumb quickly to your meditative state and slip into the tributary of your trance.
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The walls of the Crimson Palace moan as they settle, cooling off after the hot sun beating down on them. You’ve been locked in your room all day, and those solemn whines are the only indicator you have of time.
The door to your bedroom snaps open, but you don’t even bother to look. You’re lying in bed motionless, staring at the ceiling of your pitch-black room as you have been doing since he locked you in here in the first place. Astarion keeps you corralled in here like an animal. You are not to leave without his approval, and if you do, the consequences are dire.
“My consort,” he drawls as he lights a candle.
“What do you want,” you say monotone.
“Get dressed, darling. I have need of you tonight.” 
“No, thank you.”
“This is not a request,” he sneers, “You will come.”
“What are you going to do? Drag me there?”
“Oh, pet, I will do so much worse.”
“I’m not going,” you mutter scornfully.
Astarion grabs you harshly by the arm and drags you down the hall to the kennels, “You do remember this room, yes? Do not make me put you in here, strap you to that device, and teach you why you will obey me.”
He drags you back to your room as you pull and fight him with everything you have, but he merely laughs at your pathetic attempts. He throws you onto your bed.
“Get dressed,” he commands, “Wear the blue one I have laid out for you. We are going to a party, my treasure.”
Your fingers linger over the silky blue material he laid out for you. The dress is glamorous, you suppose, but nothing you would ordinarily adorn. The gown is far too low in the front and back and leaves very little to the imagination.
Whatever he has planned for you tonight, you don’t want to know, but if you disobey, he will put you in the kennels, and you don’t want to visit that place again.
You pull the dress on. The neckline hangs down below your belly button, and the back is just as low. A long slit up one side allows a view of your leg. You cringe at the idea of wearing something like this in public.
Astarion returns promptly, dressed lavishly and looking far too handsome, “You look exquisite. This will do perfectly.”
Astarion escorts you to some overly sumptuous estate in the upper city. The ballroom is packed full of the city’s nobles and high-ranking officials.
“Remember to smile, pet. They need to believe we’re a happy couple."
You scoff at him, “I don’t care what they think.”
Astarion grabs your face harshly, “You WILL smile, or you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?”
You rip your face out of his hand and glower at him, “Fuck you.”
"Maybe if you’re a very good girl tonight, I will permit it.”
He introduces himself around the room, using his practiced manipulations to make connections, but he never introduces you unless someone pays you any attention, which they generally don’t. The only attention they pay is practically undressing you with their ogling eyes, and it makes your skin crawl.
Astarion directs you to a quiet side of the room, “Do you see that man in the maroon jacket?”
“What about him?”
Astarion grins sadistically, “I need you to go over there and distract him by any means necessary.”
You gasp, “Excuse me. What?”
He snickers, “You will distract him by any means necessary. Take him to a bed for all I care, as long as you get him out of the way.”
He wants me to do what?
“I will not!”
You yell it loud enough to gain the attention of some of the partygoers nearby, who give you awkward glances.
Astarion scowls at you, “That was very naughty, pet. Go now, do as I ask, and I will consider letting that little display slide.”
If I refuse, it’s the kennels.
You lean close to him and whisper, “If you try and make me do that, I’m going to make a big scene and embarrass you in front of all your new, very important friends.”
He leers at you threateningly, “Last chance.” 
I choose the kennels over my body offered in exchange for whatever he’s planning.
You scream, loud and resounding, “No!”
The high pitch of your voice echoes through the entire room, thanks in part to the absurdly high ceilings. The once loud laughter and voices cut off into an awkward, hushed silence as all eyes in the room snap to you and Astarion.
Astarion plays it off perfectly with a warm smile, “Of course, my love. If you do not wish to go, we won’t.”
He’s going to have to do damage control later.
Astarion grabs your hand and squeezes it so hard you whimper while he walks you out of that damn party with the excuse that you are not feeling well. He trembles with anger, and you know you’re in for it when he gets you back to the kennels.
Back in the safety of the Crimson Palace, you burn him slightly and try to run to your room, though you know it’s little use. He disperses into gas and appears in front of you before you can make it even halfway there.
He grabs you, screaming in your face, “You dreadful little wretch! Now, I am forced to have to teach you a lesson.”
“Astarion, stop. You don’t have to do anything!”
He laughs like someone deranged, “How else will you learn to obey?”
“I will never obey,” you spit hatefully.
“We will see about that, my unruly, little spawn.”
He drags you through the halls while you scream, cry and beg him to stop. Your sandals skid across the wooden floor, shrieking as your feet try to find purchase.
The kennels smell like fetid blood, and you cringe as the scent assaults your nostrils. Astarion chains you to the wall, so you have no choice but to stand while he strips you bare.
He laughs menacingly, “You will learn to obey me, my consort.”
Astarion’s crazed laughing resonates through the room as he blows out all the candles, submerging you in pure, inky darkness. The door closes, locks and you’re left in silence.
You know you could get yourself out of these chains, out of this room, but the consequences if you do would be far more dire than being left in this miserable place naked and alone.
If you spend days, weeks or months isolated, starving, and stripped in the dark, you have no idea.
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The sound of a beating heart starts to pulse on the outskirts of your trance, and the side of your bed depresses, rousing you from the memory. Your pillow is damp from tears shed as you were forced to relive that barbarity.
“It’s just a dream,” Astarion soothes, rubbing your arm.
No, a memory.
Does he even remember doing that or the many other similar atrocities he committed against you? If he does, he’s made no indication of it. One day, you will have to ask him, but you don’t feel like exploring that particular abyss of suffering with him right now.
You nod, “Yeah, just a dream.”
“Would you like to talk about it?” Astarion glances at the wet spot on your pillow, “It seems to have upset you.”
“No, that’s not necessary. Did you deal with whatever you were summoned for, Master Ancunin?"
He smirks at your teasing, “In a manner of speaking, I suppose I did.”
That doesn’t sound good.
“You killed someone, didn’t you?”
He shakes his head and shrugs, “Perhaps multiple people. I cannot be sure."
“You don’t remember?”
He stares at his hands, “No. More often than not, I recall nothing.”
Does that mean he doesn’t recollect the kennels or the other horrid things he did to me?
“You lost yourself again?”
He sighs, running his hand over his face, “I think so.”
Glancing at his clothes, you register that he’s not wearing the same thing he left in, “You changed?”
“I did.”
He must have been drenched in blood if he bathed and changed before coming home.
“Are you okay right now, or should I be throwing myself at you?”
He giggles, but it has a crestfallen ring, “You can always throw yourself at me, love. But I’m fine. I’m not angry anymore.”
You wrap him in an embrace anyway. His demeanour is melancholic and subdued, and you wonder just what in the nine Hells happened when he was out to have him coming home so miserable.
Astarion leans into you, the corner of his mouth quirking in a small smile and sighs, “Thank you. Should we go out and continue your lessons?”
You rest your chin on his shoulder, “I am rather hungry.”
He pats your leg, “Well, we can’t have that, can we? Get dressed and meet me downstairs.”
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The forest is tranquil, with nothing but a light wind rustling the canopy of the lanky trees. A crescent moon hangs high in the sky, but not much of its light makes it to the ground, making the colours of the forest appear more subdued than usual.
“Gods,” Astarion clicks his tongue disapprovingly, “your footwork is truly an atrocity.”
You roll your eyes at him, groaning, “I’m trying!”
“If this is you trying, darling, the realm will end before I can even teach you this.”
“Well, maybe if I had a better teacher!”
He inspects his nails absently, “You’re more than welcome to try and find a more adequate educator.”
“Can you just tell me what I’m doing wrong?”
“It would be shorter to list the things you’re doing right,” he quips.
He strolls a slow circle around you with his fingers on his chin. His studious gaze is so intense you can virtually feel his eyes stroking your skin. Shadows skirt handsomely, if a little forebodingly, across the angular planes of his face.
You watch him heedfully, eyes tracking his course as he stalks around you. You’re always on alert with him. It’s hard to know what will set him off and what won’t, and you can’t afford to be caught off guard. Even so, a part of you luxuriates in these moments with him, and you admonish yourself for it.
“Where did I say you should keep most of your weight?”
“In my heels.”
“Ah, so you have learned something,” he tuts, “and where is your weight now?”
Your eyes cast heavenward, and you sigh, “I’m guessing not in my heels.”
“Correct. You’re tottering on your toes. Again,” he scolds, “Shift your weight. You’ll have far superior balance.”
You focus on your body and how it’s positioned. Your centre of gravity is displaced, and you’re rocking slightly from your toes to the balls of your feet and back like a blade of grass in a gentle wind. With effort, you manage to transfer your weight into your heels. The stance feels unnatural to you, and you struggle to keep yourself in it.
“Good girl,” he purrs, “Now, lower your hips. You’re still standing too tall. Everything will see you coming a mile away.”
The muscles of your thighs groan as you try to descend further into the crouch. You’ve been at this for hours, and your body is starting to drone fatigue.
“Hells, Astarion! How much lower?”
Astarion crouches behind you and places his hands on your hips. Applying a gentle force, he pushes you further into the crouch. The muscles in your legs begin to twitch and tremble, and your balance starts to wobble.
He rises and walks around you again before crouching down in front of you with a cocked brow, “You’re very unsteady.”
Astarion reaches out and pushes your shoulder, causing you to overcorrect and fall forward onto him, knocking him over in the process. Something tells you he allowed you to push him flat to his back on the ground. He could have easily moved out of the way and watched your face grind into the earth.
Regardless, you find yourself sprawled out on top of him while you laugh loudly.
“Are all Sorcerers this unlawfully graceless?”
You smirk, “Do all Rogues possess such a smart mouth?”
He lays his head on the grassy ground and rolls his eyes at you with a grin, “Sassy girl.”
You move to push yourself up, but his arm comes around your waist, bracing you to him, and Astarion pushes the hair out of your eyes, “I really did miss you when you were gone, you know.”
Can I believe him? Can I afford to let myself believe him?
You swallow your rising sorrow, “Do you still feel emotions, Astarion?”
His vivid scarlet eyes impale you and imbue you with a profound solace that spreads through your body like a cascading wave of warmth, prickling your skin.
“You make me feel,” Astarion’s sombre, earnest intonation causes a breath to hitch in your throat.
Feel what - Obsession? Possession? Dominance? You want to ask him, but you don’t, unsure if you’re ready to hear the answer.
His thumb traces your lower lip, and that familiar rush of electricity jolts through your body and twists into your stomach. You trace his jaw with your index finger, leaning in and ghosting the velvety smoothness of his lips with your own.
Gods. I’m losing it.
Astarion presses into your invitation, and your lips mould together, charged with impassioned longing. His hand meanders into the back of your shirt, and you bask in the lazy, comforting strokes of his fingers against your skin. Using your tongue, you coax his mouth open, and he groans, giving you the access you crave.
You can feel your walls spasm and flutter eagerly, silently imploring him to fill you. Gyrating your hips into his bulging erection, he hisses as your swollen, aching clit, gorges on the mouthwatering friction. You whimper against him as your body cries for the release you were denied earlier.
Your eyes pop open momentarily and take in the forest that surrounds you. Memories of the forest the first time rush forward, and you push yourself back abruptly.
Astarion sits upright quickly and scans the surroundings, confused with your retreat, “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Not here,” you pant.
His brows furrow for a second, and he looks around. Comprehension eases his features, “Oh, come now, was I that bad in the forest last time?” he pouts dramatically, “I didn’t hear any complaints at the time.”
“Bad?” You shake your head, “No, Astarion. Those memories are sad.”
His brow cocks, “Sad?”
You run your fingers through your hair, “I should have known what you were up to.”
Once it rolls off your tongue, you wonder if you will regret telling him this. You’ve carried this guilt around since he confessed in the first place. He manipulated you because he felt he had to secure your devotion, thus establishing his safety.
If only you had been less infatuated with him, you might have seen through that guise and been able to stop him from putting himself through that again.
Astarion stands, concern creasing his face, “Love-”
I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.
You cut him off, “Not here, Astarion.”
He nods curtly, and you begin the walk back to the estate. Once you get to the Lower City, Astarion offers you his hand to hold. It comforts you that he will stop you if you try to hurt someone. You’re not sure if he does it for your benefit or his. After all, if you did lose it and kill someone, you could end up exposing him, a risk he is unlikely to take.
The city streets are mostly quiet at this hour. The only sound you hear is your footsteps thwacking on the rigid ground until a random heartbeat starts repeating in your ears. You don’t give it much thought until her voice drifts out of the darkness. You recognize that repulsively sweet, harmonic tone.
“Astarion, darling! It’s been ages!”
The woman saunters from the outdoor sitting area of a nearby inn. Her mulberry hair is pulled back, revealing her dainty face and ever-so-increasingly tempting neck. She wears a green dress that makes the sapphire of her eyes stand out.
What is she even doing out here at this time? 
You clench your jaw. Something is off about her, but you can’t quite put your finger on what. She has an air about her that makes your skin crawl, but it could be the utter loathing you feel for her playing tricks on you.
Astarion smiles pleasantly, “Elowyn. How lovely to see you.”
Elowyn’s eyes fall to your hand clasping his, and her eyebrows pull down into a slight, barely noticeable scowl. She leans in close, puts her hand on his chest and kisses his cheek, lingering there for far too long.
Your palms warm, and your muscles tense as your jealousy ignites the raging inferno of your temper. Elowyn smiles at you sweetly, but a hint of hostility in her eyes makes you want to relieve her of sight.
“How nice it is to see you again,” she grins brightly, “You appear to be in better shape than when I saw you last.”
Astarion’s brows pull down, “Better shape? My dear, whatever are you talking about?
Elowyn’s cordial laugh fills the air and makes you want to rip her vocal cords out, “Yes, last I saw her, she was quite drunk and heading to see you.”
Astarion thinks for a second and then chuckles, “Yes, she was quite drunk.”
He shoots you a glance and squeezes your hand, telling you to play along. You roll your eyes and scoff contemptuously as if you were going to inform this weasel anything about you or your life.
“She was quite rude to me that night, Astarion dear,” Elowyn sighs dramatically.
Is this bitch seriously trying to get Astarion to hurt me?
Will he?
He smirks dubiously, “Was she? How utterly awful.”
Elowyn pouts, “I do hope you will teach her a lesson. She threatened to kill me after all. She must learn respect.”
Respect? Her? HA! Never.
The notion is so entirely ridiculous that a snide snicker escapes your lips as your face contorts into a threatening grimace.
Astarion stares at her, scowling, “Watch yourself, Elowyn. Do not make me remind you of your place.”
Elowyn’s carefree demeanour falters to concern at the warning intonation of Astarion’s voice. She swallows hard and forces her dainty face to dress in an overjoyed smile, and she’s back to her usual flirtatious facade.
I wonder if she’s gotten him angry yet. If she has, how did she live through it?
Her hand is splayed on his chest, and she presses herself further into him, “I have missed you so. I came by the palace the other night to see if you wouldn’t like some company .”
Company? Ugh. As bad as entertainment.
You scoff at her loudly and try to pull out of Astarion’s grip, but he only holds on tighter.
You frown at him, “Let me go, Astarion. I wish to leave."
“No, you stay.”
“Let. Me. Go,” you growl threateningly.
This is not a request. It’s a command. You may pay dearly for taking this tone with him later, but right now, you don’t care; you would rather endure his wrath a thousand times over than spend another minute in the company of Elowyn.
Watching her put her hands all over him stokes the fire burning in your blood to unfathomable temperatures. As your fury increases, so does the likelihood that you reduce her to a pile of ash.
Why do I care so much?
I left him.
“It seems your pet spawn would like to give us some privacy. Let her go, my sweet Astarion.”
Pet spawn?
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Thank you to everyone who reads/likes/comments/reblogs!
Master List of Chapters: Fangs and Fractured Hearts
If you're interested I write another fic with Spawn Astarion x Tav called - Shadows of the Past
AO3 [Crossposted]
PS: I hate Elowyn - excuse me while I go break something to get over writing her.
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