#we now have three noddles in the house
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My husband met a new girl, and she is so in love.
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that-basic-simp · 6 months
The Ronin and The Bride
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Mizu x Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 2.6k+ Uses mostly he/him pronouns for Mizu until towards the end.
"You're a lot younger than I expected you to be," I said as I was standing in front of my soon to be husband.
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not."
"Take it as you will," I said, turning away from him.
My mother arranged this marriage as she was starting to get older and prone to more accidents if she wasn't taken care of. I think it was an excuse to get some money after my father passed away. And I couldn't really bring in money no matter how many jobs I took on. And my mother was always selling her body to any man she would to get money. It was never enough and so deciding to marry me off to someone was the best option.
"Let's get this over with," I sighed.
Once everything was said and done, my mother was milling about the small house my husband owns. It wasn't the best for us, but it held the three of us and that was all that mattered. There was a small little farm in the back where we could grow our own vegetables. There were even some cattle in the back as well. So there really wasn't much for us to worry about when it came to food, as there was plenty already harvested and ready to be prepared.
"What's your name?" I turned to the man.
"Mizu," he said, removing his Kasa from his head. "Yours?"
"Y/N," I said.
"Nice to meet you."
"What did you do before getting married?"
"I killed people," was all he said and bluntly.
"Like a samurai? A lord's swordsman?"
"No. I don't really know what to call it."
"A ronin, maybe?"
"That might work."
"Are you still killing people?"
"I," Mizu let out a sigh. "I tried to. But it seems people find me and want to kill me for what I've done."
"And what have you done?"
"Kill people."
"Right," I said. "They want to get revenge on the person who killed someone they knew."
"I was out for revenge," Mizu said.
"You were?" I asked.
"What for?"
Mizu stood up and opened the door, walking out. I let out a sigh as my mother shook her head at me. I stood up and went after Mizu, but he was nowhere to be found. Not even where the tools were to shear the sheep and tend to the livestock. I turned and headed back inside, preparing dinner for us.
When the sun was slowly falling down into the horizon, the door opened up and Mizu walked in. Sweat was running down his forehead and there was something odd about him. He wasn't very masculine for a man. He looked kind of slender, but not very muscular at all. Well, I shouldn't say muscular. I should say, he's not very broad. And there isn't really any facial hair on him. I shouldn't judge. My father had a clean face and whenever his mustache or beard grew in, he'd shave it almost immediately. He didn't care for that kind of look.
I guess I shouldn't really say that Mizu isn't like other men. Maybe that's a good thing. He let out a sigh as he sat down, finding that there were bowls of noddles prepared for him. It wasn't much, but it was what I could do with what he had already here.
Dinner was silent. My mother tried to make conversation with Mizu, but he gave off the impression that he didn't want to talk. Always looking away from her, pretending like he didn't hear, or shrugged his shoulders. There was also another odd thing about him. His glasses. He always wore them, yet again, I've only seen him a couple of times throughout the day. What were they hiding if he was in fact hiding something?
After dinner was finished and cleaned up, my mother went into a different room while Mizu and I were in the same room. He was washing up while I had just finished. It was odd, laying on a mat that wasn't my own. Or I should say, it wasn't in my own house. I didn't feel like I belonged here and that this marriage was going to go anywhere. It felt like Mizu already had a life planned out for himself and now that he has to take care of not only a wife, but his wife's mother, it felt like we were impeding on his life.
Once the door slid open, I looked up and found Mizu's hair to be long and down, past his shoulders. Strange. I know some men have long hair, but I wasn't expecting it to be that long. And silky too, with how the light of the candle reflected off of it. It reminded me of water, like his name. How reflective and wavy it was. And his skin looked soft and gentle, not hard and rough. There was something Mizu wasn't telling me.
"Mizu?" I asked.
"Oh shit," he gasped, jumping slightly.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"I thought you were asleep."
"I can't."
"It'll take some time to get used to."
"How come you don't really talk to us? To me?"
"I wouldn't blame anything on yourself," Mizu said, getting ready for bed. "I am not really the best person to converse with. I was alone for the majority of my life aside from my adoptive father."
"Who was he?"
"Master Eiji. A sword maker near Kohama village. I grew up there."
"I see."
"Where did you grow up?"
"How was it there?"
"It was crowded. Dirty, too."
He snickered, "I thought the same thing."
"When did you go to Kyoto?"
"I had to find the Shindo-dojo and speak to the master there."
"I do remember hearing something of a samurai coming into the dojo and making quite the spectacle."
"That was me. Even though I am not a samurai. I never was."
"Why do you say that?"
"Samurai fight with honor. I had no honor back then. I still don't."
"All the more on why you fit with the ronin," I smiled softly at him.
He nodded before laying down on the mat and blowing out the candle. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but the curiosity behind Mizu's past kept me up.
The weeks went on and they soon turned into months, and Mizu still didn't really open up to me. He asked me a lot of questions, but whenever I would ask him anything of his past, he'd either leave or evade the question. It infuriated me, but one question bothered me.
"Mizu?" I asked as I was helping him with the harvest for this month.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Why did you allow me to marry you?"
He turned his head, finding my curious gaze at him.
"If I am going to be honest, it was the money."
"The money?"
"Yes. Call it selfish, but--"
I cut him off, slapping him in the face. He stumbled backwards slightly, holding his cheek as it was burning red.
"It is selfish!" I sneered at him. "You live out here by yourself, unbothered by people, and yet you buy me like I am being sold to one of those flesh traders. Or even into prostitution."
He was silent now, looking away from me.
"Do you even know how it feels? To be bought and sold just like that? For money being the only driving force to marry someone? You wouldn't know because you're a man! You don't have to worry about those things at all!"
There was something that changed behind those eyes. They always seemed cold and dull, but as soon as I said that, something snapped within Mizu. His eyes widened slightly, before narrowing as he slowly turned his head to face me. There was a raging storm within those eyes and even though I couldn't see his true eye color, I knew they were burning within. He stood up, straightening himself, even though he was a few inches taller than me.
"What do you know about me?" he asked through clenched teeth.
"Nothing! I know nothing about you!"
"Exactly. And we're going to keep it that way."
"I don't even know why I accepted to marry you."
"I accepted. That was all that mattered."
"I should have talked my mother out of it."
"Did your mother have any other people in mind?"
"A few. They would pay more than what we offered you."
"And why did you choose me?"
"I guess it was because you lived out here and not in a city or someplace large like Edo."
"So you came out here for solace?"
"More so for my mother."
"You could have had anything you wanted, but settled to eat trash," Mizu said.
"It wasn't my fault that my mother insisted on me marrying you! Of all people, you! I could be in Edo right now," I said.
"And what? Married to the shogun's son? Basically being a baby factory for them?"
"It'll be better than living out here with nothing around other than a small village nearby to trade things for."
Mizu glared at me, "You chose this life. Not me."
He stalked off, heading inside the house. The door slammed and I winced slightly, letting out a sigh as I knew I had to face my mother once I entered the house. And face my mother I did. She went on to berate me, saying that is not how a wife should talk to her husband. She went into her room and I was left alone. I let out a sigh before getting dinner ready. Once it was, Mizu did not arrive to eat.
"Go find him," my mother said.
"Fine," I said and stood up, heading into our room.
Sliding the door open, Mizu was sitting in the corner.
"Dinner's ready if you want any," I said.
"Y/N, wait."
I stopped, not turning to face him.
"Can you look at me?"
I turned and found his glasses were taken off. Slowly lifting his head, he opened them. My eyes widened slightly, finding the most beautiful shade of blue staring back at me.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"I accept your apology. But why now? Why show me your eye color?"
"It's one way I know I can trust you. How you react is everything to me."
"I was ridiculed, bullied, and looked down upon for my eye color."
"What's so bad about having blue eyes?"
"First off, I have blue eyes in Japan. It's not normal."
"So your father was one of those white men?"
"Yes. How do you know about that?"
"My father was killed by one of those white men. He heard word that a white man was going to be heading to Edo to kill the shogun. He went to warn the shogun and he died there. He was face to face with that white man and he shot him down like he was nothing. That white man fought with no honor. But with pure intent of wanting all the power in the world."
"I-I was there."
"You were?"
"Yes," Mizu said. "I was there in Edo when that white man killed the shogun."
"Did you kill him?"
"N-No," Mizu turned away. "I-I went to London to find the other two. Once we got there, he ran. I knew nothing on London and decided to return back to Japan."
"So you were on a quest for revenge."
"I was. I never got to complete it."
"Do you want to?"
I nodded my head, "I see. And your eyes, they're very beautiful."
A small smile crawled on his face. That was the only time I have ever seen him smile since I was here.
"And I wouldn't be insecure about your eyes."
"What about your mother?"
"Around her, hide them. But around me, there is no need for you to hide who you are," I said, about to step out of the room. "I'll be beside you no matter what."
Within a few weeks, Mizu was starting to open up more. He was letting me help more around the small farm we had. Such as shearing the sheep, feeding the livestock, and he even took me into the woods to where this peach tree was. They were low enough to where Mizu could reach up with ease and grab one for me. We would spend hours there, just talking more and more about anything and everything. It made me smile to know that Mizu was warming up to the idea of married life.
"Y/N, we need to talk," Mizu said one night.
I was slicing carrots when he said that, almost making me cut my finger off. I had nicked the skin and Mizu rushed over, grabbing some bandages he kept nearby in case this happened.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah. I am. W-What did you want to talk about? I-Is it something that I did?"
"No, no, no," he shook his head, wrapping my finger up. "I-I've just been hiding something from you."
"It's only been half a year since we've been married. And now you're telling me this?"
"Yes. Because you deserve to know the truth."
"Truth? About what?"
"Your mother is not here, is she?"
"No. She went to the village to see if she can get anything for dinner tonight."
"I-It's better that I show you."
He reached up and removed his ponytail, letting his long hair fall down to around chest level. After that, he grabbed his haori and pulled it back, revealing a binding around his chest.
"I'm not a man."
"A woman," I said.
Mizu nodded, "Yes."
"And this changes how?"
She blinked a few times, "Y-You're taking this surprisingly well."
"I told you before, Mizu. There is no need for you to hide who you are around me."
Some tears formed in her eyes as she reached over, pulling me into a tight hug. Pushing her away, she looked confused at me.
"I-I am just shocked you hugged me."
"I-Is that ok? T-To hug you?"
I smiled, "Of course. Just warn me next time."
She chuckled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her tightly, finally knowing the true Mizu.
"Thank you, Mizu."
"I didn't do anything."
"For showing me who you are."
She smiled, nuzzling the side of her face against mine.
"You're welcome."
My heart beat fast and hard against my chest. I wasn't liking the whole marrying someone I never met before idea, but with Mizu, I am glad my mother picked her from the other men.
"Oh shit!" I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away.
"What? What's wrong?"
"My mother cannot know about this," I said.
"Shit! Right. W-What would she do?"
"For starters, probably have you killed. Either by her hands or by someone else's. But I think by now that you'd kill them before they even drew your blood."
"That's true."
"Or worse," I let out a heavy breath. "She'd make me leave you for another man."
"You say that like a bad thing."
"And you say that like you want it to happen," I said, a little offended.
"I-I didn't mean it like that, Y/N. I-It would be a bad thing for you. But also for me."
"W-What are you saying?"
"I-I've come to enjoy your company. Mostly yours since I have not acquainted well with your mother, but you," she found my eyes, a look of awe in them. "You're someone I want to have in my life. Someone I should have had in my life."
"Why someone like me?"
"You accepted me no matter what. You didn't judge about my eyes and you didn't judge about me revealing the truth. If I would have been found out anywhere else and with anyone else, I'd be rejected. You welcomed me even though we started off rough. Y-You've shown me what unconditional love is. And I couldn't be more grateful for that," she smiled softly at me.
I reached over and grabbed her hand, "Man or woman, Mizu, it doesn't bother me. I will still love you for who you are."
"L-Love me?" some blush crawled onto her cheeks.
My eyes widened, recognizing what I just said. Some blush came onto my cheeks as well.
"S-Shit," I whispered.
She chuckled, her smile growing wider, "So is that a confident response?"
I let out a sigh and placed my hands on her cheeks, pulling her towards me. My lips met hers lightly and her arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into her. She pulled back after a few seconds, taking in a deep breath.
"I'll take that as a yes?" Mizu asked.
"Yes, Mizu. I love you."
"I-I love you, too."
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calamitykaty · 4 years
The Wedding Date Owen x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3248
Requested: NO
Warnings: Like one swear word, mention of crime, mention of alcohol
Y/N tapped the RSVP for her college roommate’s wedding on the table several times before grabbing the red pen that sat to her left and quickly checking the plus one box. She quickly stuffed the embossed card back into the pre-stamped envelope and pushed her chair back from the table. 
She darted out to her mailbox, her bare feet slapping against the cool concrete of her driveway. Y/N slid the envelope into her mailbox and lifted the red plastic flag on the side. 
“Are...are you mailing something?” Her neighbor and best friend, Owen, laughed as he crossed the street and made his way over to her. 
“Yes, I am mailing something, what’s it to ya?”
“What’s next? Gonna take your horse and carriage to town?”
Y/N stood with her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowed at the blonde boy, “I honestly don’t know why I am friends with you.” 
Owen threw his left arm around her shoulders and used his right hand to ruffle her hair, “you’d be much more believable if you could actually hold your poker face.” 
Y/N ducked down so that Owen’s arm fell from her shoulders as they reached her front door.
“You wanna come in?” She lifted her right eyebrow. 
Owen let his gaze fall to the welcome mat as he chewed on his bottom lip before he shook his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Nah, I should get back to mine… a lot of interviews today.” 
“What a shame, I have an unopened bottle of Jameson that had your name on it.” Y/N teased as she stood in her doorway, cracking a smile at Owen before she let the door fall shut. 
Owen stared at the bright red door for a moment before spinning on his right foot and heading back towards the street. He passed her mailbox and hesitated, his head turned to glance at her house before he took a few steps backwards and quickly pulled the mailbox open. He grabbed the small maroon envelope and stuffed it into the pocket of his hoodie before darting back across the street to his house. 
Several hours and three interviews later and Owen found himself sitting in the middle of his bed, his legs crossed under him and the envelope twirling in his fingers. He tossed the envelope onto the surface of the bed in front of him and rested his elbows on his knees while his hands cradled his face. He stared at it for several minutes and chewed at the inside of his left cheek before taking a deep breath and letting the air exhale in one steady stream from his lips. 
“Fuck it,” Owen muttered to himself and picked the envelope up, his pointer finger ran along the seam of the seal, tearing the red paper. He hastily pulled out the small embossed card that was nestled inside and furrowed his brows as he brought it closer to his face to read. His eyes immediately fell to the small red checkmark on the plus one box, the corners of his lips falling as he frowned. 
He tossed the card back onto his bed with a huff and fell backwards until his head crashed down softly onto his pillows. He stared at the ceiling, confused as to why he was so upset about Y/N having a plus one to a wedding he didn’t care about. 
Owen was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of his cellphone chirping at him. His right hand smoothed across the bed until it found his phone. He held the phone above his face, wincing as he dropped it, the corner smacking his forehead. He sat up, his left hand rubbing his forehead as he looked down at his phone. His lips tugged up into a smile at Y/n’s simple text. 
Y/N had only lived on her own for about a year and still hadn’t grown accustomed to only making enough food for herself and Owen was always happy to oblige her invitations to eat with her. He let his thumb click on the thumbs up emoji and clicked send before rolling out of the bed and shoving the phone in his back pocket.
He grabbed the torn envelope from the foot of his bed and wandered over to his desk where he tore a small sliver of tape from the tape dispenser and re-sealed the envelope. He slipped on his shoes and darted out of his house, making sure to drop the envelope back into her mailbox before he jogged up to her door. 
“Is that garlic bread that I smell?” Owen asked as he let himself into her house and made his way to the kitchen where Y/N was pulling out two plates from the cabinet. 
“Y/n!” Owen laughed, peering over her shoulder at the mountain of pasta that was sitting in the pot on the stove, “you made enough pasta to feed a small village.” 
Y/N placed the plates down on the counter and turned around with a smirk on her face. She jabbed Owen in the chest with her pointer finger “well, then I guess it’s a good thing that you’re practically a human garbage disposal.” 
Owen let laughter erupt from his chest as Y/N’s smirk spread into a smile and she stared up at him with a playful gleam in her eyes. He let his eyes scan the details of her face before briefly staring at her lips. Owen cleared his throat and stepped around her to grab a plate, the tops of his ears burned red as he piled the spaghetti noodles onto his plate. 
“So,” Owen slurped the noddle from his fork, “Have Mercy is coming to the Opolis on the 21st, you wanna go?” 
Y/N crinkled her nose and pursed her lips “21st of?” 
Owen twirled his fork around his pasta, collecting noodles before he looked up to catch her eye, “December 21st.” 
“Ah, I can’t,” Y/n pulled her lips into a thin line before letting her bottom lip poke out, “Ashton’s wedding is that same day, I’m sorry.” Of course, Owen had already known that. 
Owen dropped his fork and pushed his plate towards the middle of the table as he shook his head, “no worries, you gotta date to this wedding or you going stag?” Owen let his eyes fall to his discarded plate as the question left his mouth, hoping that his snooping wasn’t as obvious as he had felt it was.
Y/N looked past Owen, her eyes focusing on the vineyard painting that hung on the wall behind him, “oh, ummmm….I actually needed to talk to you about that.” She let her eyes move to the left, meeting Owen’s expectant eyes. 
Y/N nervously grabbed her glass of water and sipped it through the straw before placing the glass back down on the table. She cleared her throat and let her eyes fall to her hands before looking back up, “I need you to go with me a-as my date.”  
Owen rolled his lips into his mouth in an attempt to stop the smile that was threatening to pull at the corner of his mouth, a sense of relief washed over him at the news that she didn’t have a date. 
“Like a date-date? Or...like a wingman?” Owen quizzed, trying his best to keep his voice neutral while his heart raced in anticipation of her answer. 
Y/N narrowed her eyes at the blonde boy, “please don’t make me embarrass myself even more than I already am right now.”
“I wasn’t...I just want to know my role.” Owen held his hands up by his head in defense.
Y/N eyed the boy nervously and chewed on her bottom lip. Her eyes scanned over his face slowly before she decided that he truly wasn’t making fun of her. She released her lip from the torturous grasp of her teeth and met Owen’s waiting eyes, “a date-date…” she exhaled. 
Owen let the smile he had been holding back spread across his face, his eyes crinkled at the corners, “okay, just don’t accidentally fall in love with me after I swoon you by being the best date.” He said cooly, in direct contrast to the way his palms were nervously sweating. 
The 21st of December snuck up on Y/N and she wasn’t sure why she was so nervous as her doorbell rang, a welcome change to Owen’s typical move of just letting himself into her house. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, taking one last glance at herself in the full length mirror. She smoothed out the fabric of the royal blue dress that fell from her hips and checked her teeth to make sure there was no lipstick on them.
“Good to go.” She muttered quietly to herself and made her way to the front door. She pulled the door open, Owen stood on the other side in a tight fitting maroon suit with a black button up and black bow tie. 
“You look dapper!” Y/N exclaimed at the same time that Owen let out a breathy “wow…” 
Y/N blushed as she felt Owen’s eyes trail across her body before he extended his elbow to her. She loosely wrapped her arm around his and let him lead her to the car. 
Owen’s fingers lightly tapped against the steering wheel as they drove to the wedding venue. 
“Did you tell anyone about me? I-is there anything I should know?” He glanced over at Y/N.
“Nope! We get to improvise! Good luck!” Y/N joked, her laughter drowning out the song on the radio and Owen let his eyes linger on her face for a moment longer than necessary. 
He pulled into a parking space near the front of the venue and put the car in park before pulling the key from the ignition. 
“Just a sec…” he murmured and got out of the car before quickly making his way around to her door. He pulled the door open for Y/N and offered his hand to her.
‘What a gentleman,” she playfully teased as she placed her right hand into his waiting hand.
They piled into the venue, hushed apologies and knees bumping strangers as they carefully made their way to two open seats in the middle of the fourth row. Owen’s knee bounced anxiously and Y/N found herself placing her left hand on his knee, lightly squeezing it. Owen subconsciously placed his hand on top of hers and neither of them dared to make eye contact through the intimate exchange. 
Y/N’s heart filled with pride as she watched Ashton stand at the alter with Matthew. 
“She looks like a dream..” Y/N quietly whispered. 
Owen turned his head to stare at Y/N, a smile gracing his face at the tears that were welling in her eyes as she watched her friend exchange vows. 
“Yeah...a dream.” He whispered back to her, his heart racing as her eyes met his before the moment broken by clapping as the pastor announced the newlyweds for the first time. 
Owen intertwined his hand with hers as they stood up and slowly followed the rest of the wedding guests to the reception hall. Y/N tugged him over to the guest book and signed their names before dropping the wedding card filled with various gift cards into the card box. 
Owen’s eyes scanned the seating chart until he found Y/N’s name +1, “we’re at table seven.” He informed her and proceeded to let himself be pulled behind her until they reached their table. 
Owen’s eyes widened as she dropped his hand and began squealing alongside three other girls, their dates sporting the same bewildered look as Owen.
“I’ve missed you”
“No! I’ve missed you!”
“You look fantastic!”
‘You have a date!” 
“I do have a date!” 
Owen’s eyes bounced between each of then as they spoke quickly and with enthusiasm and before he knew it, Y/N was back at his side. Her lips tugged into a smile as she introduced him to their table mates, whose names he had already forgotten. 
They sat around the table and Owen tried his best to keep up with the small talk while dinner was served. Owen lifted his glass of water to his lips and nearly choked at the question that the girl with the shoulder length red hair asked him. 
“She didn’t pick you up from a jail cell did she?”
“I’m sorry, w-what?” Owen sputtered. 
‘Oh! You don’t know about Y/N’s illegal activities! This is fun!” The girl that was across the table from Y/N squealed. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at her friends, Jennifer and Chelsea. “I have never been arrested.” She assured Owen. 
Owen raised his eyebrows at her before turning to her her friends, “please, do continue” 
“Okay! Picture this, it was sophomore year and these two,” Leigh pointed to Jennifer and Chelsea, “ had gone home for the weekend.” 
Owen nodded, not sure why that information was pertinent. 
“Okay! Then this one,” she gave Y/N a pointed look, “comes into my room and says that she is bored. So i’m like, well what do you want to do? And do you know what this one says?” Leigh stopped for dramatic effect. 
“She says, I dunno let’s commit a crime!” Leigh is on the edge of tears as she laughs at the memory. 
“Oh? You never told me I was getting involved with a criminal” Owen teased Y/N. 
Y/N rolled her eyes but the smile that her lips curled into gave her away, “it was nothing, I just stole a mailbox.” 
“Nu-uh! You made us steal a street sign first and when we bailed on you then you made us steal a mailbox!” 
Owen slipped his hand into her left hand and brought her knuckles up to his lips, “I don’t know, finding out that you’re a bad girl...is kinda hot.” He kissed her knuckles and let her hand fall back with his down to his knee. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Leigh tutted, “she’s not that bad...she made us bake cookies after committing two federal crimes.” 
Y/N broke out into giggles “oh my god, and I painted the mailbox and use to leave letters for them to find!” 
Owen couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she laughed at the memory. He wasn’t sure when exactly he started looking at her through different eyes but he so badly wanted to kiss her. His train of thought was broken when Y/N pulled her hand from from his and squealed with the other girls as “their” song started to blast from the speakers at the dance floor. She leaned down and kissed Owen’s cheek before making a dash to the dance floor with Chelsea, Jennifer and Leigh. 
Owen watched as Y/N glided around the dance floor while she danced with her friends. He was mesmerized by the joyful way she threw her head back, her curls cascaded down her back and her laughter floated through the air like a melody to a song that only she knew. His chin was resting on his hand, being propped up by his elbow on the red fabric covered round table. 
“I remember looking just like you when I realized I loved my lady.” 
Owen was brought out of his thoughts by the raspy voice of the elderly gentleman that sat at the table across from his. 
“Oh, no..i’m not--it’s not--” Owen sputtered and the elderly man chuckled as he got up from his table and pulled out the chair next to Owen’s, slowly lowering himself into it. 
“Don’t try that with me son,” he patted Owen on the shoulder, “you are completely smitten.” 
Owen’s cheeks were glowing pink at the man's words. He let his eyes travel back to the dance floor, Y/N smiling at him as his eyes landed on hers. Before he had even registered what he was doing, his chair was sliding back against the hardwood floor and he was walking towards Y/N. The opening piano notes of Haley Reinhart's rendition of Can’t Help Falling In Love rang out through the speakers as Owen reached her. 
“Hi, jailbird” he breathed out and placed her hands on his shoulders, his own falling to her hips. His thumbs rubbed circles into the fabric of her dress as they gently swayed to the music. 
Owen grabbed her right hand from his shoulder and spun her around before pulling her back to his chest.
 Y/N smiled up at Owen, her red painted lips parting to show her white teeth and her eyes creasing at the corners, “who knew you could dance, Joyner?” Her breath hitched in her throat as Owen leaned forward and she could feel his breath fanning across her cheek. She swallowed, her eyes following his as they moved from her lips and back up. She moved her right hand to the back of his neck, their lips centimeters apart. She closed her eyes as his lips barely ghosted across hers. 
“Ladies and gentleman, if you could please turn your attention to the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Corbin for the newlywed shoe game.”
“I’m sorry, I-i was caught up in the moment.” Owen pulled back, his face flushed red and his left hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
Y/N’s heart sank at Owen’s words. She had never given the idea of Owen kissing her much thought but after it almost happening, she suddenly wanted to experience it. 
“Oh...ummm y-yeah.” Y/N took a step back from Owen and turned her attention to the newlyweds who were sat in the middle of the dance floor on two chairs with their backs to each other. They each had a shoe in one hand and took turns lifting it as the DJ rattled of questions like “who was the first to make the first move” and “who is more likely to wake up grumpy.”
Y/N’s eyes shifted back to Owen, her right hand lifted to her face where her fingertips gently brushed across her lips. Owen watched the girls motion out of the corner of his eye, her nervously chewed on his bottom lip and glanced back to his table where the elderly man was still sitting. The man shot a wink at Owen and lifted his hand in a shooing motion. 
Owen shook his hands out and crossed the small distance between them. Y/N’s brows furrowed for a moment before Owen’s hands cupped her cheeks and his lips gently connected with hers. Her right hand slid up his chest and curled at the nape of his neck, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back. Their short breaths mixed with each others, their lips slightly brushing as they composed themselves. 
“Owen?” Y/N’s searched his eyes for an answer, her cheeks flushed. 
Owen’s thumbs careers her cheeks before his hands fell to grab both of hers, “I don’t know what this is but I wan’t to be your date to every wedding, Y/N. I...I want to try this...try us.” 
Y/N looked down at their intertwined hands, “you were right,” she looked up at Owen through her eyelashes, “you did swoon me.” 
@straywonpil ​ @siennanoelle01​ @choppedhoundsludgeclod​ @cool-ultra-nerd ​ @hxney-bunches-x​ @crybabyddl​ @sorryyoureoutofmyleague​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x ​ @kcd15 ​ @all-in-fangirl ​ @ifilwtmfc​ @onlygetaway​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody ​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​​ @jazzyhales​​ @bathtimejish​​ @lanasfandoms ​​ @miranda0102​ ​​ @emotionalbruv​​ @aliandthephantoms​ ​​ @multifandombabies @kinda-really-lost​ @5sosmukefan​ @alexpjoyner​ @mo-d3ans​ @hannahhistorian92​ @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve​ @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic​ @sunflowerbecca​ @n0wornever @cherrymaybank 
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Good evening😬or morning or whateva :D I'm going to spoil you with a Endeavor request: Endeavor having sex with his affair and she gets pregnant but is too scared to tell him because of his past and when Endeavor finds out on accident he promises to be a good father and it turns out right :) like he plays with the baby all the time and cuddles it, super fluffy 😌
Good!.....night? It’s like 1:34 in the morning.... sooooo Good! morning! (8-24-2020) To you, you lovely person, spoiling me with such a great Endeavor Request 😌
I hope your day goes well as soon as I post this! Stay hydrated! 💦💙
I couldn’t fight the tears as they started to sting along my water lines, I forced my eyes closed and tried to kick my lips, they tasted like poison and rubbed. I reached out for the countertop in-front of me. Finger shaking, just slightly as I grabbed the plastic in my hand. Three of four, say positive, the fourth didn’t give me an answer. How did this happen?!
“I know how this happen, in a very pleasurable way.....because I was being an idiot four months ago!” I scolded myself after asking my self the questions.
I swallowed and looked at my phone, it was new, Enji, bought it for me when I’d lost my old one off the roof of his car. I shuffled on my seat that were the steps to my tub. I took a deep breath, “I can’t tell him, I’ll have to leave him. I don’t want my child to go through the same things his children did.”
I stood up and started pacing the bathroom, “good plan good plan.” I lied to myself.
“Maybe I should tell him? I won’t be able to do it alone....” I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror, “No! What if.”
I felt the hot streaks running down the curves of my cheeks and jaw, but it didn’t register. I clenched my jaw and forced my eyes shut, I felt queasy, and the puking began. I stood up after kneeling for like ten minutes and rushed over to my legs mirror. I rose my hoodie, and it all made sense why I’d gained weight, if you looked hard enough, you could the bulge slowly not really, but just becoming visible, I looked bloated... maybe that’s why he never realized it.... also since it’s winter I’ve been using sweaters and hoodies much to Enji’s distaste. I laughed to myself before pouting, and placing both my hands on either side of my stomach, “I’m scared....” I swallowed the taste of fear, maybe puke, “I’ve never done this... I can’t call my parents... there not in Japan....” I fidgeted and pulled my shirt down, I heard the door bell and perked up, “Oh! My Noodles are here!”
I rushed to the door wallet in hand and ready to get my dood only to come face with Enji.
“Heeeeyyyyyy,” I poked my head out the door and looked around then poured and looked up at him, “You’re not the delivery guy.”
He gave me a look that clearly stated “Are you SERIOUS?”
“Right! You should come in before my pesky neighbor sees!” I pulled him in and looked around once more, my closest neighbor was actually about a quarter mile away, but that doesn’t matter.
“Soooooo,” I turned around and licked the door, “I didn’t expect you at all.” I smiled and fidgeted with my hands feeling sick.
“I’ve come to discuss this relationship.” His words were straight, I felt a fill run through my blood and bones, if he leaves.... what am I gonna do?
“Oh,” I nodded looked down, my voice was a whisper, “I guess say what you need.”
“I can’t keep having an affair, there are rumors rising already. My image can’t be ruined like this.”
I felt my heart pick up, my breathing felt struggled.
“I see,” I didn’t look up as I made myself take a breath feeling my heartbeat in my throat, “well, if this is it, I guess I should give back the jewelry, and other expensive gifts huh?”
“No, keep them, that’s not what I’m here for.” He shook his head eyes closed.
“Alright, is there anything else you need to say? Before you go?”
“I’m getting a divorce,” the words were like a punch to the stomach, I wasn’t the one being divorced but it definitely hit, I felt it rushing up. I rushed or my bathroom and stuffed the pregnancy tests into my hoodie pocket so Enji wouldn’t see them, I clung to the toilet shoving up the seat puked letting it all out. I was met with a tug at my hair, Enji was holding it back and fumbling with a black scrunches I’d left on my sink. He sighed as he rubbed my back, he kneeled beside me rubbing my back and handing me toilet tissue to wipe my mouth a bit that burned its wya through my nose. I took it and wiped my mouth away, I dry heaved a bit, and felt myself shaking, cold, so cold. Enji kept flushing the toilet until it was all gone, he helped me to sit on the toilet, “You’re sick.”
He sighed and closed his eyes, “Don’t move from here until I get back.”
I nodded and looked down, I let out a sigh and groaned, a divorce? He’s leaving Rei? Officially? I mean, it’s good cause this won’t be so scandalous anymore, but... it’s sudden.
I tried to stand by my thighs were shaky and weak. I paced my hands into hem and felt tears, I closed my eyes and let them fall, a new heat on my cheeks wiped them away, I looked to see Enji there, hands on my face, he could definitely crush my skull, his eyes looked sad, but his face was not showing that.
“I brought you water and some medicine to help with nausea. I don’t know what this is, but let’s get you to bed, you look tired, your cheeks and eyes are red and you look weak.” He didn’t let me answer as he gave me the medicine and stood up making his way to my room outside the bathroom and I could hear him moving the blankets.
Getting it my bed Enji told my to put my hand up, I did, he pulled my hoodie off leaving me in the tank top I wore underneath. Something fell but I don’t pay attention to what, but mostly because Enji was helping me sit, even if I didn’t want to. “You’ve already order food, I’ll wait here with you until gets here.”
He took my hand squeezed and I just nodded, the tears in my eyes, I didn’t even feel them, “So sweet.”
For a minute I forgot I was pregnant, until my phone gave a buzz, I looked ya it on the nightstand. I know the chime, it was for my period tracker, I’d neglected completely four times now. Enji didn’t read my phone simply handing it to me. I thanked him and swiped away the notification, “sleep.” He said and brought his free hand to brush my hair back, I craved his warm hand in this cold moment, “If you leave wake me up.” He nodded, and I sighed and started to shuffle in the blanket.
“(Y/n),” I was shook awake, I blinked a few times feeling hot in the blanket I sat and pushed it back, I stood up and just as I was about to answer, back in the bathroom.
“We should take you to a doctor.” I hugged and nodded, “yeeaaahhhh.”
“Do you have one?” He asked and looked at his phone.
“No sir.” I was honest.
I heard him sigh, “Take off that shirt,” I hear him walk away followed by some clattering. I pulled off my shirt and he brought back my hoodie, “Wear this, I’m taking you to a doctor.”
He left again and started to talk on the phone, I pouted and pulled on my hoodie after taking off my shirt, “bully, I didn’t even get my lunch.”
I walked spurns my house in the socks I just pulled on looking for my shoes, “where?” I dropped to my knees looking under the sofa, “are you?” I reached aliens and felt something.
“Shoes?” I asked and pulled out some old low sneakers that I used to wear.... once, when I tried to work out.
“It’ll work.” I shrugged and started to pull them on.
“Ready?” I answered back with “YES DADDY SIR IM READY!” I heard a heavy sigh and smiled pushing myself off the floor as he walked into the room, he held up a bag, my food.
“Get in the car.” He tossed me my keys, “No driving.” I nodded and rushed to my car and got in the passenger side and turned it on. I pulled on my seat belt and sat waiting, I huffed after literally two minutes passed.
I honked then smiled seeing Enji come into the garage, I got happy, I like car rides with Enji...kinda like a dog I guess.... he handed me the plastic bag and placed a lime soda in the cup holder, “Do NOT, open it until were on the road.” I nodded and waited, until we pulled out and took the turn.
I opened my bag and found the stir fry noddles is been craving all day, “Don’t way to much, if you puke again well have to stop and clean the car.” “Okay, got it.”
I started of eat and look out the window and indulge in the noodles. I stopped a quarter way in when I felt a shuffle in my abdomen. My food was hitting on an empty stomach, and it’s showing. I covered the food up and placed it back in the bag and tried to didn’t some soda. I finished the drink by the time we pulled up to a clinc.... a women’s clinic. I cringed at the sight. “Why here?” I asked.
“I thought you’d be more comfortable with a woman for your doctor.
“Okaaaayyyy.” I prepped myself to get out, I watched Enji get out with no hesitation, I still hesitated, until he came and opened my door offering a hand. I took it and was pulled back by my seatbelt. I laughed sheepishly and I clicked it before getting help again. We walked in and surprisingly empty, I guess the parking lot gave that away though. We walked in, Enji made me sit, he went and got the paper work from the secretary, and brought it back and I started to fill it out. I smiled as I gave back to him, and he got up and took it back. He told the nurse something and she nodded with a big smile. He nodded and came back to sit by my side. I felt nervous, and didn’t fight the bouncing of my leg, I shimmied closer to his side and leaned my head on his shoulder. A few minutes passed until they called. They took blood for vitamin checks, and muscle and bone stuff, urine for some tests, something about protein and I didn’t catch the rest. They told me to sit on the bed my doctor would be here soon. Then asked if I’d like Enji in the room or not, I nodded and said yes let him stay, I kNOW WHAT THIS IS.... maybe it won’t be so bad with someone else. A few more minutes and here she came, a short plump woman with bright eyes.
“I’m here, so tell me whats happening.” She said and didn’t even look at me, just read some papers.
“Well, I’ve been queasy, and I’ve been puking most of the day-“ I was wished by a hand on my back, “This will help you.” I watched Enji reach into his pocket and pull out a ziplock I cringed at the sight, the four tests I’d stuffed in my jacket.
The doctor took it and looked at them and laughed, “Well,” she smiled and clipped them to her board, “I’ll tell them to run the urine for a test.”
“Thank you.” Enji answered and she nodded then left.
“.......sooooooo, hows the weather up there?” I said not looking up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He didn’t look at me, just ahead at the wall. I looked around, “I was scared, that maybe, you wouldn’t want it or you know....your past... that you might... you know.....” The sigh he let out was depressing, I tried to look at him. I was hurt, out of every fight I’ve ever seen him in, I felt like maybe, just maybe, this would be the lowest I’d ever see him. “I-“ “No, don’t say your sorry,” his stare still on the floor, “I don’t blame you.... for thinking those things, if you want to leave with this child then you can do so. I just want you to know these few things before you make a choice.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, it’s weird because I’m not the one who just got emotionally wounded.
“I don’t deserve to be a father again, I know it, I understand the things I’ve done are not right. It can’t easily be forgiven. The things I’ve done can last over a life time, I’m working to fix all these things, I don’t want to hurt the one I love anymore, but I can’t stand the thought of hurting innocent people. I wanted to spend what’s left of my life with you, this is sudden, and you have the decision and freedom to decide what you think is best, but I promise you, this time, I will be the best man I can for you, and for this child. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I want to be the best I can and prove that I know what it’s like to be real father, to show I know what love really is. I won’t force you to make any decisions, and I won’t force my way into its life, I only want to do this, if you do this with me.”
I nodded and swallowed, great now IM crying. I tired to reach for his hand, “Enji.” His hand squeezed mine once I held his, “I’d love to share my life and first child with you,” I sniffled, “I don’t want my first child to not know it’s dad, so please, do everything you can to be there for us.”
“ILL,” I grunted and squeezed the hand burning my flesh, “I promise,” I let out a deep breath, “I’ll show you pain when this is over.” I took a few labored breaths, squeezing his hand, I pulled my hand out of his and took of my new wedding ring, “hold this it’s about to hurt us both once this head starts coming out.” I hissed feeling a sharp pain and then I felt it, it felt like a poop you can’t hold it, it dropped lower and “Alright Mrs.Todoroki, it’s crowning, so just give us a nice push-“
I flexed my lower abdomen and stopped when he said, I took breath, and clenched to Enji’s hand making sure to not squeezed my lower muscles in pain to avoid excessive bruising, “1...2...3... and push.”
I pushed again feeling pressure leaving my inside and pouring out of me, “Breathe,” the Doctor said and she looked up at me, “Someone has definitely been doing their workouts, this is going very quick and smooth.” She disappeared behind my legs and said “Last one,” a paused that felt like an hour, “Push-“ crying filled the room, “It’s a boy! Congratulations! Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Mr.Todoroki?” I let go of his hand but he hesitated, I nodded at him with a smile, the blood drained from him when he saw what everything looked like down there, he took the scissors and quickly cut before coming back to my side, “Placenta is coming.” She sis do felt another wave of pressure leaving me stomach, and I heard a wet plop, and a metallic sound. I shivered but quickly recovered when my necked son was placed on my now bear chest, I held him close and cried, he was a bit bloody still but I was so happy. The tears started falling as I hugged his gently and kissed his head of already bright red hair. “Precious, boy.” I said and gen’s got tried to rub some stuff off his face, he quickly attached to my breast and started to suckle,t tears didn’t stop as I looked up at Enji, he was wiping his own eyes.
“Have you thought of any names? Or should we wait a while?” The doctors said replacing her gloves and smock. “Well,” I looked up at Enji, “Things worked out, so? How about it?”
The doctor looked between us and Enji took the pen and notepad a nurse was holding, he wrote down the name and they nodded and took it, “Well then, I’ll leave you two with him a while longer until your pain has subsided and then we’ll take him to be weighed, and a few other things.”
We nodded and she smiled, “Congratulations, to the both of you.” Once more, after he stopped suckling I handed him to Enji and pulled my gown up, Enji seemed so scared, the baby WASNT small, he had rolls already, and they’re beautiful, but in Enji’s hands, he’s so small. “Hello,” he whispered and tried to cradle it ashore his chest on his forearm, it’s head resting against his bicep and pec. He brought his free hand to cover its torso and side, “I’m your father, I won’t ever leave you, I won’t ever hurt you, I never want to lose you, I’ll be with you always.” Call the hormone imbalance and recent loss of my child, but I was crying, I covered my face with my hands wiping the tears away, so cute.
“Enji?” I peeked into my room, nothing, “Enji?” Nothing was in the babies room, “Enji-“ there he was ok his back, on the floor, baby held up in the air, in his hands. The baby was laughing and flailing his arms and kicking. It was cute, I’d bought him an endeavor themed baby onesie, and Enji was wearing his hero costume without the armor. I stayed quiet watching as he stood up, and held the baby up to his shoulder, the baby placing a fist and his cheek on his shoulder, his eyes closed as Enji held him close. “I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
“where is he?!” I panicked and looked for my son, who just disappeared. I ran around the house and panic rose through the round when I heard gurgling don’t DROWN PELASE DONT DROWN BABY! Bursting into the master room fight or flight on high I felt stupid seeing Enji sleeping on his back arm circled around and pulling into his side the bundle of fire and Todoroki I was panicking for. The baby cooed moving closer to Enji, I sighed, my adrenaline wearing down, it was cute, especially when Enji turned to his side to hug our son to his chest, and mumbled out, “I’ll become someone you’ll be proud of, someone you can count on always.”
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Spark: Chapter Two
Summary: Y/N and Damon were apart of a Hydra experiment for over a decade until they escaped. When power outages through towns along with bodies of murdered Hydra agents start popping up across the country, Y/N becomes Bucky’s mission.
Warnings: More drinking, trauma, mentions of (kind of )torture
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Chapter Two - The Two Ts
-10 Years Ago-
Y/N sat in the small cell. She had been here for a while, stuck in the small cell with a glass door. There was a bed, a desk with some books and notebooks, and a small corner covered with a curtain as her bathroom. The walls were all white as well as the floor. She sat at the desk, picking up a pencil and putting another line with the many already on the page. The days she had been here. Almost three years. She stepped on the cold floor with her bare feet, hearing someone enter from outside the cell down the hall. She was wearing some grey sweatpants with a matching grey shirt, it was the same thing she was always given to wear once a week. Around her neck was what looked like a thick silver collar, attached by a long metal wire to the top of the room that allowed her enough freedom to walk around her whole cell without discomfort. She touched the glass with her palm and leaned her forehead against the glass as well, trying to see who it was. She hadn’t left her cell in a long time, and rarely got visitors coming down to her except for meals and a change of clothes. Y/N watched as two guards escorted two young men down the hallway, placing them in the two cells across from hers and the glass doors shutting behind them. One was shorter, dark brown hair with green eyes. The other was taller and skinnier, dark black hair and blue eyes.
Y/N spend the next few days getting to know the two. She had learned they were brothers, Damon being the dark haired one and the other was Stefan. They were taken from the military, considered missing in action. They learned about her as well. Her parents sending her away after they figured out she could create electricity. Being adopted by a nice family after being discharged from psychiatric care, but when it was finalized they handed her over to the men who brought her here. She told them everything she knew about Hydra, which wasn’t much. Y/N would watch as one of the brothers were escorted out, when they came back they were always exhausted, talking about being tortured and strapped into chairs.
The three were there together for years, become friends. Damon and Stefan quickly learned of why Y/N was here. The collar around her neck was used to absorb the electricity Y/N could create and power the facility, keeping the facility on the down-low from those who may be looking for Hydra. The brothers witnessed Y/N being shocked daily until she would eventually pass out, usually when one of the brothers were taken. She was the battery for the facility and their experiments. 
One day, the guards took Stefan and he never came back. A guard informed Damon a few days later that his brother had died as part of an experiment they were running on the two. Damon had flown into a rage, breaking everything that he could in his cell. He looked over across the hallway to Y/N who was also heartbroken to hear the news, tears streaming down her face as she sat curled on the floor. Damon and Stefan had become her family, “I’m going to get us out of here, Y/N.” Damon told her, “And I’m going to kill them all.” 
Damon would be taken for experiments almost daily after Stefan was killed. One day he came back to his cell different, talking about how he was stronger and faster with all his senses heightened. They told him they were making him a super soldier and the next stage was to brainwash him into submission after breaking his will to live.
Y/N remembered the day of their escape vividly. The sharp prongs in the collar pushed into the skin of her neck, causing her to scream as her body reacted with a large amount of electricity being sent through the collar and up through the wires. It wasn’t just pain she was feeling though, her anger and grief had grown since Stefan had died as well as after she heard what they were doing to Damon. She created a powerful surge of energy, causing the lightbulbs in the hallway to explode before the whole facility seemed to be overloaded with power and shut down. The glass doors to the cells opened in the darkness. Damon ran quickly across the hall from her, breaking the collar off from around her neck. The two made their way through the facility trying to find a way out with Damon killing every Hydra member in their path. When they got out, they found themselves in a secluded part of a forest around the border of Canada and the United States. Since then, they had been on the run before settling in Covington, Georgia together. They were inseparable, the only family both had left.
-Present Time-
Bucky found Sam waiting for him at the apartment that was set up as a cover home. Sam sat on the couch, watching some football game on tv with a beer in his hand. Bucky shut the door, locking it behind him as he watched Sam, “Make yourself at home.” He grumbled, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of beer for himself. 
“You missed our check-in last night, had to come make sure you weren’t off the rails.” Sam replied as he clicked the tv off with the remote, looking over the Bucky, “Where were you?”
“Working.” Bucky replied, taking drink of his beer, “I finally got in to plant bugs in the house last night, spent the night watching the house.”
Sam raised his eyebrows, “It’s about time. I thought we were going to have to pretend to be the gas company or something it get in there. What did you find?” He stood up, crossing the room to sit at the small dining table.
Bucky sat at the other end of the dining table, running one of his gloved hands through his hair, “Y/N is definitely some type of enhanced human, something to do with electricity. But I don’t think she’s doing the killings. She doesn’t seem capable of that, can’t even make a proper threat or lie without flinching.” He informed, looking at his beer, “She does have this friend, Damon. Don’t know much about him, but he definitely seems like the rip out your heart type.”
Sam nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through it for a moment before sliding it across the table to Bucky, “Is this the guy you’re talking about?” 
Bucky picked up the phone, narrowing his eyes at the picture. It was a picture of Damon and Y/N walking around at nighttime, probably from a street security camera. He noted that they both looked younger than they do now. He nodded, sliding the phone back, “Yeah, that’s Damon. Where did you get that photo?”
Sam clicked the phone to turn it off, leaving it on the table, “It was taken two years ago, a small town in Washington happened to catch them on camera before the power went out in the whole town. It’s the first photo we have of the two.”
Bucky nodded at the new information, taking another sip of his beer, “I did overhear a conversation between Y/N and Damon. He said he saved her life again the night after the most recent dead Hydra agent.” He informed.
Sam raised an eyebrow, “Well, if Damon is the one killing all the Hydra agents we keep finding, we have to figure out how and why. And if the why is that the Hydra agents are coming for them, we need to know the why to that also.” Sam stood when he finished, “Don’t miss another check in. And at least get a damn picture to hang on the wall or something, spice it up.” He said before walking out the door, leaving Bucky alone.
Bucky sat silently after Sam left, finishing his beer before throwing it away. He had a few hours before he would start to head to the bar to see Y/N, and decided to get some much needed sleep after pulling an all-nighter watching Y/N’s house. 
Bucky awoke as quickly as he fell asleep, another nightmare. He ran his hand through his hair, breathing deeply. He pulled himself off the floor from his makeshift bed, pulling on clean clothes before putting the same black gloves and leather jacket on his always wore. Bucky made his way down the street to the bar, but stopped when he noticed it was closed. His brow furrowed in confusion as he looked through the windows, seeing nobody. This was the first time it’d been closed since he arrived in town. Bucky quickly came up with a different plan, walking into a nearby store and grabbing a bottle of tequila, a bottle of whiskey, and some chicken noddle soup before walking to Y/N’s house, gently knocking on the door.
Y/N was alone at her house. Damon had gone out of town, which he didn’t do very often. But when he did, Y/N stayed home in fear of going out alone. She dragged herself up from the couch at the knock, watching some dumb sci-fi movie with that wasn’t grabbing her attention.  She peeked through the curtain to see Bucky. A small smile appeared on her lips as she went to the door where Sarge was already waiting, unlocking the locks quickly before opening it to see Bucky holding a grocery bag, “Hi Bucky.” She said softly with a smile.
Bucky smiled at her, “Hey, Y/N. I went by the bar and saw it wasn’t open. Figured you were either sick or something was wrong so I brought supplies.” He said, holding up the bag, “Chicken noodle soup and tequila for you, whiskey for me.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh at the bag. She blushed a little bit at the thought of him thinking about her. She opened the door a little more, allowing room for him to come inside, “I’ll never say no to tequila. I also haven’t had dinner, so I won’t say no to the soup either. Come in.” She responded with a smile as she watched him walk inside and greeting Sarge who then promptly went and laid on the couch. Y/N locks the door behind him, all six padlocks. She took the bag from him, taking it to the kitchen and placing the contents on the table. 
Bucky greeted Sarge happily before following Y/N to the kitchen, “So which is it? Sick or something wrong?” He asked with a smile, “Just so I know if I should keep my distance, I don’t want a cold if you have one.”
Y/N looked at him and shook her head, “Don’t worry. I’m germ free, not sick.” She informed before grabbing out two small glasses for the alcohol and spoon for the soup, “Damon’s just out of town for a few days. I just.. feel safer at home when he’s away. Thanks for bringing me some dinner and tequila.”
Bucky reached out and uncapped the bottles of alcohol as he watched Y/N grab some glasses, taking a seat at the small table. There were only two chairs. He wanted to ask curiously why she didn’t go out when Damon was gone, but didn’t want to raise any suspicions in Y/N’s mind, “I could keep you some company tonight… if you’d like. When does he get back?” He asked as he filled the glasses up a little bit with tequila and whiskey.
Y/N nodded, “I’d like that.” She smiled towards him, sitting down in the other chair. She uncapped the styrofoam container of soup, spinning it with her spoon for a minute before taking a bite then setting the spoon down back in the container, “He said he shouldn’t be gone too long, he was headed to Washington to visit a grave this time of year. Probably going to be gone a few days.” She told Bucky breaking eye contact with him to look at the soup. It wasn’t a full lie. It was getting close to the anniversary of Damon’s brother’s death and every year he would go back there and try to figure out what happened to Stefan’s body. 
Bucky nodded slowly, lifting the glass of whiskey to his lips as he thought. Damon going to Washington where the first power outage and footage of Y/N and Damon were spot raised some flags in his mind. Why was Washington important to these two? Bucky watched Y/N take a few more bites of her soup. He grew more and more curious as to how a sweet girl like her got mixed up in something to do with Hydra.
Bucky sat with Y/N while she ate the soup for dinner and then putting the leftovers in the fridge, watching her sit back down and drinking the glass of tequila. He promptly filled it back up a quarter of the way, smiling over at her, “So what’s your reason for drinking?” He asks as he watched her face.
Y/N smiled and thanked him for the refill, bringing it to her lips, “You first.” She challenged before tilting her head back as she drank all the liquid without a flinch. 
Bucky chuckled at her, Y/N was quick. It seemed like she was trying to figure out as much about him as he was to her, “The usual stuff. Annoying co-worker. Trauma. The taste.” He smiled looking at the amber liquid in his glass before downing the rest of the whiskey.
It was Y/N this time who refilled their glasses with the preferred liquid, nodding at his list, “Ah. You have a longer list than I do.” She smiled over at Bucky, “My reason is just the two Ts. Taste and Trauma. Luckily it’s only me at the bar, no annoying coworkers.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
Bucky chuckles, “You’re lucky it’s just you. Annoying coworkers are the worst.” He said, rolling his eyes as he thought of Sam. Thinking of him made him take the next shot of his whiskey quickly before focusing back on Y/N. He noticed her watching him, as if trying to decode him.
Y/N watched Bucky, studying him. She was wondering why he was so out of his shell with her. He never spoke to anybody else at the bar or about any friends. Why would he be so interested in her? Bring her soup and alcohol when the bar wasn’t open? The tequila in her stomach was giving her a little courage, “Why are you here, Bucky?” She asks, her eyes narrowing.
Bucky was caught a little off guard by her question, shifting his weight in the chair, “What do you mean?” He asks, the smile fading from his lips to a stern line. 
Y/N tilted her head at him, “You noticed the bar wasn’t open so you brought me soup and tequila. People usually don’t do that for their bartender, they just find another bar to go drink at.” She said, her eyes still slightly narrowed at him as if she was trying to decipher if he was going to lie.
Bucky shrugs at her words, meeting her gaze. He knew she was analyzing his every move and word, “I like your bar, wouldn’t go to another one since I’m such a good and loyal customer.” He said carefully, “Plus, I thought you and I had fun the other night when I beat you at your game. I like spending time with you.” He said, realizing it was honest. He did have fun with Y/N, and he did like spending time with her. She was like a ray of sunshine in his dark world. 
Y/N bit her lip as she listened to him, looking down at her glass when he said he liked spending time with her to hide her flushed cheeks, “That’s very nice of you.” She said softly. She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment as she looked back to Bucky, “I don’t have much to do here…” She admitted with a small smile, “Have you ever seen the movie Alien?”
Bucky titled his head at her, a smile returning to his lips as she accepted his answer, “I haven’t seen that one yet.” He told her, refilling his glass with some more whiskey. He could drink a lot and wasn’t about to slow down now. He was having too good of a time with Y/N. 
Y/N smiled at him, “Oh, it’s so good! You’ll love it.” She told him, standing up, “It’s my favorite movie.” She grabbed her glass of tequila in one hand and grabbed Bucky’s gloved hand with the other, pulling him up out of his chair and into the living room. She set her glass of tequila on the coffee table before turning to put a DVD into the player, “I don’t have popcorn though, I hope you don’t mind.”
Bucky couldn’t help that his smile widened at Y/N’s excitement about watching a movie with him. He almost forgot he was here for work, not a date. Something about feeling Y/N’s hand in his felt…. right. He wished he wasn’t wearing gloves so he could feel her touch on his, but instead squeezed her hand slightly, “Don’t worry about it, doll.” He said with a smile, watching her put the DVD in. He sat down on the couch next to Sarge, watching her fumble with the remotes.
When Y/N got the TV to start playing the movie Alien, she took a seat on the couch next to Bucky. She smiled over at him a little before returning her focus on the tv. He made her feel nervous like she had thousands of butterflies in her stomach, but he also made her feel calm and safe and she couldn’t figure out why. It was a feeling she hadn’t had in a long time even with Damon constantly around her keeping her safe.
It wasn’t long into the movie until Y/N fell asleep with her head resting on Bucky’s shoulder. He took in his surroundings. He was watching a movie sitting on the couch with a beautiful girl asleep on his shoulder and a dog beside him. He wondered if this was something his life could’ve been like if he had never joined the army and been taken by Hydra. Bucky felt happy at the thought of it. He could stay in this calm, happy place forever.
Taglist: @big-galaxy-chaos​
If I missed anyone on the tag list, please let me know with a quick message. As always, thank you for the support (:
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kitkat4406 · 3 years
Pairing- Janus x Remus, can be taken romantic or platonic
Warnings- Really just snakes and a bit of crying
Janus shivered in fear. Why this, of all things.
“Come on Snapdragon!” Remus giggled, leading him closer to the aisle with the... dreaded creatures... “I know how much you love them, so I thought now that we have a house we should get one!” Remus grinned.
Just stay calm... Janus tensed in fear once more.
“Right” he nodded, his hand tight on Remus’.
“Which type do you want?” He asked, looking at a tank with one in it. It was pretty. Really. But Janus hated snakes. He never had the guts to tell his boyfriend of now three years. He loved the idea of them, and the look. But seeing an actual one scared him half to death.
“I’m not sure yet” Janus whispered, trying to fight back tears. “Can we go home and think in it” Remus pouted.
“You’ve said that for weeks!” Remus whined. “I know you wanna be a good snake parent and all that but you shouldn’t keep putting it off” Remus said lightly, tugging on Janus sleeve as he got a glimpse of one of the snake caretakers holding one, letting a little boy pet it. Janus tensed horribly at just the sight. “Look! They have one out, let’s go see if you can hold it” Remus grinned. Janus gulped, following slowly, his fears building more and more as he took each step closer.
“I think they’re putting it back Remus-“ he whimpered. Please put it back. Janus begged silently. Remus paused, looking at him with a head tilt.
“Do you not want to hold it Jan?” He asked sincerely. Janus hesitated.
“I-I just don’t want to bug the snake- you know-“ he said in a slight panic. Remus saw the panic, and seemingly connected the dots.
“Jan- do you not like snakes?” Janus flinched as the horrible, disgusting, truth. Before slowly nodding.
“I-I’m scared of them” he whispered, jumping as he caught eyes with a snake and it stared at him. Tears started to run down his face, and he stepped into Remus’ arms for a hug. Remus paused, but hugged him.
“It’s okay, we don’t need to get a snake” he hummed.
“B-But-“ Remus shook his head.
“No, let’s go home, yeah?” He hummed, taking him to the parking lot. “We don’t need a snake. We can get a cat! Little devil with claws! Yeah?” Remus grinned. Janus nodded.
“Yeah- a cat named noodle” He whispered, sniffling with a small smile. Remus giggled.
“A cat named Noddle, let’s do it” Janus smiled.
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lobanri · 4 years
i wrote a -shitty, tbh, but it wouldn’t stop haunting my shower time- richie tozier’s stand up post-canon thing, on a everyone lives au. i lost the thread a bit near the end, so i’m putting it up here and maybe i’ll post it on ao3 at some point. enjoy.
So I’m guessing- and I’m probably right, which is decidedly not how my guesses tend to go- that a lot of you came here to see if I could offer a better explanation than the tabloids about what happened last show, because (voice changes to a higher pitched, mocking voice): ‘Richie, what the genuine fuck was that’, (voice switches back.) right?
Well gee! Am I ever here to answer. And also maybe to give a stand-up performance whose entire script I threw out in favour of, like, maybe four jokes I scraped together with what’s left of my brain.
But! Explanation first. 
Okay. (short pause.) So. Imagine you’re me, the fantastic -that’s a joke in itself, right there- Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier. You’re about to go out and perform in front of, okay, maybe not that many people, but still a good number, and you’re like, only a bit nervous. And then.
You get a phone call. 
It’s an unknown number. It says so, right there on the screen of your phone that’s all smudged and disgusting and maybe a little bit cracked ‘cause you keep dropping it doing dumb shit.
(again, his voice changes to a higher pitched, mocking voice)
“Oh Richie, was it someone you knew?” (voice switches back.) Of course not, dumbass, that’s why I said unknown. Duh. 
But on with the tale. 
Now, am I the type of person that answers unknown numbers? Normally, no. If your phone got stolen and you’ve ever called me from a burrowed phone about it, now you know why nobody picked up. But remember, I was about to go out into the level of hell that is an audience- not that I don't love it, I do, but being stared, and occasionally laughed at for around an hour is not what most people find a relaxing afternoon experience. 
So I picked up. Thought it’d maybe be a wrong number that would leave the other person feeling very awkward and me only slightly less so. Maybe I’d get an idea for a joke, who knows.
Suffice to say, given the whole clusterfuck that was my last show, it wasn’t a wrong number.
I pick up. I go, “Hello, who is this?”, because that’s what you say when you answer a call.
The other dude goes “Hi Richie, it’s Mike.”
In my head, I go ‘oh’. So first, apparently this is not a wrong number! Second, Mike? I don’t know any Mikes, who’s Mike?
Third, I go “Oh, shit.”
Now, have you ever noticed that a lot of comedians talk about their childhoods a lot? I’ve realized that they do this for one of three reasons; either their parents are funny, they had very fun childhoods, or they had a lot of therapy. I don’t talk about my childhood because none of those applied to me, and also because I repressed like a full 90% of it from trauma. I now have a therapist, which means I can tell you people some of it. Also because most of it came back from repression-land right there and then, because turns out I do in fact know a Mike!
Mike my childhood friend! From my childhood gang!
...The same childhood I happily repressed for twenty seven years, in fact.
Mostly from trauma.
Now you might realize that it’s literally two minutes until I have to go out in front of all you lovely judging strangers who have expectations of me already!
I certainly did. So did my agent- lovely man, genuinely hates me so much- who nevertheless had to send me out like some poor lost lamb sent to be sacrificed at the altar. So I come out- not in that way, but keep tuned to that- 
Oh wow that was loud. We’ll get to that, don’t you worry. Now that’s going to be fun. If you haven’t seen Twitter, have fun figuring this out.
But let’s try to keep this mess chronological -big word for me, I know, I stole it off some other guy.
I come out, and then I can’t remember my joke, and I can’t remember my name, and I don’t remember where I am, but turns out I can remember the time my friends and I found a corpse!
So anyway, I puke on stage.
Glamorous way to end a show, I know, but in my defense I was pretty busy. 
I’d like to make a segue here- who here grew up in a small town?
Yeah? Okay, this entire bit is for y’all. The rest of you big city folk can just check your phones or whatever.
So I grew up in a small town in Maine, called Derry. Pretty quaint, didn’t have much, there was one arcade, one pharmacy owned by a pedophile, one old abandoned -extremely haunted- crack house, and like a couple tiny stores. My friends and I used to hang out at the quarry and at that same old house, which was cool at the time and gross in hindsight.
I’ll tell you what it’s most known for; it’s the child murder capitol of the entire United States.
Oh, that’s some silence there. Are you perhaps uncomfortable? Maybe wondering if you heard that right? I’ll repeat it louder then.
Is it clearer now why I repressed that entire experience?
So. Derry. Terrible, terrible, racist, homophobic, sexist Derry. Would I have loved to never go back? Yeah, of course. Who would?
This idiot. And his entire gang of childhood friends. Because Mike called us and went ‘Hey, could you guys come back? It’s important.’ And we went, because Mikey literally never asks for shit, so clearly this was going to be terrible. If Mike was on fire, I’m pretty sure he’d take care of it and then never mention it again.
I’ve mentioned the others a couple of times before- of course, Mike, who’s a librarian in Derry- or was, but that’s later. But, there are seven of us in our little Loser’s Club! That is the actual name, by the way. Seven Losers.
 Even if Stan made us think that was wrong, because while my reaction to remembering Derry was to puke, his was to fake his death. Yes. If you can believe it, he literally fucking faked his death to get out of that reunion.
I’ll move on a bit so I don’t spend the rest of the show dissing Stan the Man and his extreme as fuck reactions- would you believe that this man is an accountant? Like, what the fuck? Now whenever I see an accountant I wonder if they’re the type of person that would fake their death to get out of things and it’s fucking with my head every time I have to go to the bank. 
Okay. Seven- six not counting me, we’ve talked about Mike, and I’ve already said why Stan wasn’t there- we’re left with the weirdest group you’ve seen; Ben Hanscom, or Handsome really, that man got so hot, who’s a famous architect, Beverly Marsh, Bevs, very famous fashion designer -hell yeah she is actually my friend, I know, it’s weird- William Denbrough, Big Bill himself, horror author with terrible endings, leader of out weird gang, and last but the very opposite of least Eddie Kapsbrak, risk analyzer, the most germaphobic person I’ve met, who also wore fanny packs while we were kids. The last part tells you very little about him but I feel like I have to mention it from time to time, because he’s hot and all now but in my head he always had a fanny pack and it freaks me out a bit to see him without one. I also made ‘your mom’ jokes at him all the time, mostly for attention but also because sometimes he’d snap back and just verbally gut me like a fish, and I? Loved that shit.
For those of you that look like you just came to a realization, yes. You’d be right. But we’re just gonna ignore it for now, because some of the others didn’t get it yet, and I’m not gonna hold your hand until you do, I feel like I’ve dropped enough hints already.
Where was I? Oh, yeah.
They’re all hot and I hate it. How come they get to grow up and get muscles and I get to grow up to look like a beanstalk with some fucking bug-eyes and a shitty party city wig? I used to call Eddie “Eddie Spaghetti”, but then turns out that the actual noddle here was me all along.
Well. I’ll get the reunion out of the way and move to the important part; what did Mike call us there for? The answer may not surprise you, given that we were in fact in Derry, but guess what? If you thought ‘child murder’ you win nothing at all, but you’d be right. There was in fact a serial killer! Who was, uh, also… a cannibal. 
Terrible, right?
But you’d think ‘this sounds weird’, right? Some unknown dude is killing and eating people, yes, but what does that have to do with lil ol’ me?
Now’d be the time to point out that Bill’s little brother Georgie disappeared twenty seven years previous and turned out to have been literally murdered and possibly eaten along with like, some other six or seven people. And at the time, Big Bill made us all go along to go look for him. In the sewers. While we were also kids. Y’know, like those other kids that got killed.
Big Bill was charismatic, but that doesn’t mean he was the wisest guy, okay. And we were also dumb and young, so that was pretty much all it took.
Thing is that we, uh, …did actually end up finding a serial killer in the sewers. So.
Who was it? Henry Bowers. Our middle school bully. To those true crime fans that recognize the name, yeah, that Bowers.
It didn’t turn out to be that much of a surprise that our bully was the dude killing people, actually, because he was the most fucked-up kid I ever met. He broke Eds’s arm and tried to carve his name on Ben, which is genuinely fucking nuts, right? Like, what? The everliving fuck? I think he liked to kick puppies.
Now, this time around, you’d think it was some fucked up copycat or something? Nope. Dude escaped to try again, this time dressed as a clown. 
You think I’m joking here? He literally dressed as a clown to kill people. I could not begin to tell you why. 
He can’t tell you, either, because he’s currently, uh, sort of dead. As in, someone buried an axe in his spine and he died. 
In my defense-
 he was trying to kill Mike and you’ve already heard that I’d go back into Derry for him, so. 
If you’d wondered why I came back really late, yeah, that was part of it.
The other part is that before dying he managed to stab Eddie Spaghetti in the face and make us go into that one old ass, extremely haunted crack house- don’t ask, I don’t know either- in which an entire beam fell on him. I’m genuinely baffled at how this didn’t happen earlier, because this was literally our childhood hangout spot. But karma or fate or whatever caught up with us, so it did. 
By the way, he’s okay now. We all thought he was gonna die first, of course, because how the hell else do you react when a dude’s been impaled right in front of you? He didn’t. But when we all thought he was gonna die in front of me, holding his hand -him included- he looked at me in the eye and, with all the strength his failing body could muster up, he said:
“I fucked your mom.”
So does it come as a surprise to anyone that we’re dating now? 
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losersanddummies · 5 years
Whatre the stuck ferret stories???? How to wiggly noddles like them even get stuck?!
So, the general rule with a ferret is that if their head can fit through a hole, the rest of them can too.  This is the rule you keep in mind when you’re ferret-proofing, and it’s also a rule ferrets seem to REALLY believe in, even when the theory doesn’t quite match up with the reality.  And sometimes not even their head can fit, but that doesn’t stop them from trying....
Basically, if a ferret decides a hole looks interesting, they will try to go in.  They do not know the meaning of the word “consequence.”
Here’s my first ferret, Shango:
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I got her in high school, and one summer my sister was home from college, and she agreed to babysit Shango while I took a shower.  During that time, Shango went up the hole of a plastic light-up Santa lantern/figurine - the kind you’re supposed to put over a light bulb.  And then - you guessed it - she couldn’t get back out.  Luckily we were able to get her out without too much strife, but we still talk about the time Shango got stuck up Santa’s butt...
Here’s my second ferret, Oscar:
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I got Oscar a few months after Shango.  He was the same kind of troublemaker that Kit is - just smart enough to cause extra trouble, but not always smart enough to get himself out of it.  He was also a baby when I got him, and his body grew faster than his brain.  He was used to being able to fit in the holes behind the TV stand, which are meant for wires to pass through.  But then he kept getting bigger and the hole didn’t, and one day he only fit halfway through the hole before getting stuck. -_-  So there he was, wearing the entire TV stand as a belt and spinning around - literally twirling within the hole - and crying because he couldn’t get through.  I managed to ease him out of the hole, and he did his part to squeeze his big butt through.  Ferrets do this thing with their body that’s kind of like how a worm moves - it’s almost like their outer layers of skin move independently.  So yeah, he got out, but he was not a happy ferret that day.
Osito was one of a group of three senior ferrets I adopted together from the GCFA in 2012.  You might know him from this picture over on my primary blog:
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Now THAT’s a hole he can comfortably fit through.  But one day he decided to go into a hole in the back of a subwoofer.  I guess he didn’t really get stuck, but I couldn’t get him out until he decided he wanted to come out.  After that, the subwoofer was banished from the house.
And finally, if you follow me at my primary blog @bob-artist , you probably know Tux:
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This one was almost exactly a year ago, and it was legitimately scary.  I was doing our usual nightly ritual where I clean the cage and get the ferrets’ evening meal ready.  I saw Tux happily war-dancing on the sofa as I was going between rooms to wash ferret dishes.  Then, after ten minutes of cleaning and meal prep, I called the ferrets to the cage to get dinner.  Usually, all three come running in a little pack, and they all climb into the cage together and then turn around and eagerly wait for me to give them their food.  This time, Tux didn’t show up, which was strange because he’s an absolute fiend at mealtime.  Nothing can keep him away from his food - or from Kit’s or Miss Rudy’s. XD
I kept calling, and he still didn’t come, so I put the other two away and started searching.  I searched all over the house and then I searched outside in the dark a bit, on the off chance he could have gotten out while my dad had stopped by earlier that day.  I looked under the sofa slipcovers, then I looked under the cushions.  I carefully slid the sofa away from the wall - sometimes the ferrets sleep under it in an area I can’t see without moving the sofa - and I saw an odd spot of clear wetness on the floor, but no Tux.  I thought maybe a ferret had spit up something earlier that day, and I made a note to check on it later.
At this point I knew something was very badly wrong.  I spent about an hour looking with no luck, but I kept coming back to the sofa because it was the last place I’d seen him, and that spot of wetness was strange.  I took out the seat cushions again, and this time I saw Tux’s butt - but only his butt.  His head was stuck in between two metal slats in the frame behind/within the non-removable back cushions of the sofa.  The wet spot on the floor was drool.  His head was really badly wedged in the sofa frame, and I couldn’t get him out.
I might have panicked a little more than I should have, but I had no way of telling if he was hurt or dying or anything because I couldn’t see his head.  I tried to maneuver him out of the hole, but he was stuck tight.  It was a few minutes that felt like a few hours.  Then, finally, I had one of those adrenaline-fueled moments where I turned into the Hulk and pulled the metal slats apart as hard as I could while simultaneously trying to blindly turn Tux’s head in a way that would give him more space.  I probably only moved those slats about a millimeter or two apart (they were the solid, not-supposed-to-be-bendable type), but after I did that with one hand and shifted his head with the other, Tux was suddenly able to pull himself free, and he launched himself backwards off the sofa.
He shook his head a few times and sort of rubbed his ears, but he seemed okay.  I checked him out to make sure nothing looked wrong, and then I delivered him to the cage where he absolutely gorged on the food he’d missed out on for over an hour.  He didn’t show any signs of lasting injury.  My shoulder hurt for a week after my Hulk moment, though. XD  I still have no idea how he managed to wedge his dumb thick head so tightly between those unmovable slats.
So yeah.  Ferrets, man.  They think they can fit everywhere, and they do not care how many heart attacks they give you.
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Tenzo | Yamato x reader Fandom : Naruto | Naruto Shippuden Words : 2k (I don’t even know how it turned out to be that long?) Sum. : It’s New Year Eve but not everyone has a family to spend the night with. It may be time for you to share it with your senpai. A/N : Because I am that kind of people that write about New Year Eve in June. Fight me
You were quite young when you joined the Special Forces of Anbu. Not as much as great names like Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha… or Tenzo.
You were 14 when you became one of their agents, despite your family’s - especially your parents’ - worries. Both were shinobis themselves, and supportive for you to become a great kunoichi on your own, but it didn’t make them any less worried about their baby being a secret agent of Konoha.
Yet, the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen at that time, encouraged you. You showed great skills in the different fighting arts. Your team sensei was a great help for sure, but you were a fast learner and your teammates couldn’t follow your rhythm. That’s why you ended up within the special forces with the Third’s recommendation, looking for acknowledge, challenges and people who could teach you more.
At first, you were placed in different teams with every new mission, so you could learn how to work along different shinobis with various fighting style and chakra nature. But then, there was Tenzo. At that time he was 20, still had long hair, dozens years of experience as an Anbu agent and was skilled like any other agent in your eyes ; you had facilities working with him. You had such a great respect for his person from the start, never forgetting the words he told you before your first mission together : “I like being nice and friendly, but I don’t have any problems with ruling by fear either”. It didn’t seem to you at first sight, but you learnt he really was a born-leader and deserved his rank.
For eight years you served in Tenzo’s team - most of the time at least - and you were positively ready to keep up this lifestyle for all your life. You were working with friends and becoming stronger to protect your loved ones and the village. And were by Tenzo’s side.
You realized your attraction for the brown-haired man soon. He was young, strong, pretty handsome - even more when he happened to cut his hair short -, intelligent and you loved that kind and respectful attitude of him. You were 14 and him 20, you thought it to be a teen crush based on admiration for your senpai and didn’t mind it much. It wasn’t a problem until a few years later when you get that that crush didn’t fade and worst, turned into love. You kept on denying for months, telling yourself it would be a phase but even with time passing, being always so close to him, you just kept on falling harder for the Mokuton-user.
You had just came back from a watch around the village. It was still early in the evening. While your partners were like you in the locker room changing, you noticed Tenzo kept his equipment on and went to a restroom. When you have gotten rid of your Anbu outfit, you followed him to the annexe room. He had crashed on on of the couch and put his mask aside, the back of his head resting on the backrest. Not long through, as something cold came in contact with the skin of his neck. He opened his formerly closed eyes to see you standing before him.
“(Anbu name) ?”
You held out a water bottle for him to take and sat next to him as soon as he took it.
“What are you doing here ? Shouldn’t you be heading home ?”
“I will. But aren’t you, senpai ?”
It was December 31. The weather was rather freezing but there wasn’t snow falling yet. Only black ice for Konoha’s inhabitants to slip and fall on ; a good way for the Katon-user genins to train on their chakra control.
For the last three years your mother had been complaining to not have you at home for the New Year Eve as you were on constraint. Luckily you successfully got your night free this year. As long as Tenzo got his since you were always paired up together. But you knew it wasn’t something he craved for ; having free days on important events was just a reminder he had no family.
“No. I think I’ll just stay here for the night, in case anyone need me.”
“It’s New Year Eve. You should be celebrating like any other normal human being, senpai.”
“You should know by now I am no normal human being.” He smirked to you as a joke.
”Tsk. I know that very well.”
Both of you chuckled a bit. The years had grew you closer and comfortable with each other despite the age gap. You watched him drink the water, thinking.
“What about we spend the eve together, senpai ?”
“You asked for your night free. Don’t waste it.”
“I won’t.” You stood. “Come with me at my parents’.”
Tenzo raised an eyebrow with a little smile.
“Don’t kid me, (Anbu name).”
“I’m not. I’m serious. I’ve talked a lot about you to them, I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to receive you at their table. There’ll be lots of good things to eat. My father’s always cooking for a whole army. I am practically sure we could feed a tailed beast with all the food they’ll be.“
You said that so seriously it made Tenzo let out a laugh.
“Ok, ok. I believe you.” He calmed down. “I am very thankful to you but I Don’t want to intrude.”
“You’re not. I’m inviting you.” He looked at you, hesitating. “So, you’re coming ?”
That’s how Tenzo found himself in front of your parents’ door.
“Tenzo-senpai, you should pick another name for tonight don’t you ?”
“Ah, yeah. I should. Then… Yamato ?”
You showed a large smile to him and nodded. “Sounds good, Yamato-senpai.”
“I Don’t even know your true nam-”
Tenzo hadn’t the time to finish his sentence that the door before you opened wide on your mother, your father just behind her. She shouted while jumping on your arms.
“(NAME)-CHAN ! My baby, you’re here !”
You laughed at her estatic behavior. She used to be calmer but since you Don’t pay much visits with your Anbu duty, both of your parents were overjoyed anytime they could see you - and your mother wasn’t one to hide it. She kissed your forehead before taking a step back and saw the man by your side.
“You didn’t tell us you would come accompany, (Name)-chan.” Your mother was greeting Tenzo with a large smile.
“Mama, it’s my senpai. Yamato.” You presented him as he bowed his head politely to your parents.
“Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”
“Don’t be so formal, Yamato-san. Call us uncle and auntie. Honet, let the young people get inside before they freeze on the doorstep.”
You saw the uneasiness Tenzo had to call your mother auntie, when he thanked her for getting both of your coats, and how it made your father chuckled. Tenzo could only smile as he followed you and your father to the living-room and as you told him not to bother your senpai.
On the main room, Tenzo was surprised to find many pictures of the whole family. Truth be told he didn’t have an idea of what a family home looks like. But what he could see seemed good to him. From your parents’ wedding to your birth, what seemed to be your first steps, teeth, schoolay. Your genin promotion. The chunin one too. There wasn’t a picture without you or your relatives smiling happily.
“Senpai ?”
Tenzo turned to you and noticed you were sitting with your father around the kotatsu. Sure he had one but it never seemed so appealing to him. On the table, your parents had put so many dishes. You weren’t kidding when you said your father was cooking too much.
Ornament, offering, soba (noddle soup) - your family was respecting the traditional celebration of the New Year Eve almost completely. You even got to see Tenzo play uta-garuta (Japanese playing cards about poems). It was really entertaining and you were glad you got to see th Young man enjoyed the night.
Even when midnight was farely passed, and that you already had exchanged your vows of health, happiness, love and luck, Tenzo had stayed a bit longer to play shogi with your father. Both were extremely concentrated. You were looking sitting just next to them, talking with your mother about your visit to the temple in the Morning and how she wished you would wear a traditional kimono. Yeah because she had complained you went with casual clothes for the night. 
What she didn’t complain about through was how she saw the look in your eyes everytime you were looking at Tenzo. She was once again watching you brought another orange slice to Tenzo’s lips who took it mechanically between his lips as he was so into his play. She hadn’t said anything about you bringing a man at home for the first time, but she knew it wasn’t insignificant.
“Aaah. Uncle, you beat me. Well done.”
“Of course, son. Only the Nara can HAHAHAHA.” Your father laugh of his own lack of modesty.
“I could never thank you enough for tonight, Uncle, Auntie. Name-chan too obviously.” You looked up from the orange in your hands. It was the first time he called you by your true name of the whole evening. It made your cheeks burnt a bit.
“It’s nothing much. senpai.” You smiled at each other before he stood up from his place.
“I think it’s time for me to go home.”
Your mother invited him to stay but the brown haired man declined and promised to meet you and your family at the temple in the morning. You stood up at your tuen and went with him looking for his coat and bringing him back at the front door.
“You’re really sure you don’t want stay, senpai ?“
You watched as he put on his shoes then turned to you nodding.
“I don’t want to overstay yours and your parents’ welcome. Thank you, (Name)-chan.” He paused a bit before turning on his feet to take the exit. “Let see each other at the temple later.”
The door closed before your eyes.
Tenzo wasn’t doing his tenth step outside your house that he heard your voice Calling him.
“Wait, senpai.”
He stopped and turned to you. You seemingly hadn’t take the time to put on shoes and were walking in socks in the street. He couldn’t pay him much attention that you had cought up with him. You were fast to put your warm hands on his cheeks and bring his face to yours so your lips crashed on each other.
Tenzo’s eyes widdened and didn’t miss that yours were closed. He didn’t have time to proceed anything that you had already a few steps back away and his face was again feeling the cold of the air.
“I know it’s a bit late for a midnight kiss. But I really don’t to spend the following year alone. I want it to be with you, Tenzo-senpai.”
Tenzo’s heart was beating crazily in his chest and he had no doubt yours was as well. He could see the fear in your eyes ; fear of being rejected and worst that he would take his distance with you. You weren’t even looking at him but at the ground.
“I guess I took the right decision staying at your parents.”
You looked up at him, not understanding.
“You wouldn’t have kiss me back there, right ?” You shook your head no for response. “Then I did good.”
The growing smile on his eyes made you sighed in relief. However it didn’t last long as you felt him a mere inches before you in the slipt of a second.
“Happy New Year, (Name)-chan.”
He put a kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s spend another year together.”
You barely had the time to answer “Happy New Year, Tenzo-san.” that his lips were back on yours.
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softestziam · 6 years
I wrote something new for a new fandom. I am petrified to post it. Enjoy.
Eric despised his family, really and truly. He knew he should’ve taken himself out of their family group chat. The notifications usually clogged up his phone anyway. Never had a silent moment away from them. They were all dispersed across the entire continent, one of his brothers was maybe in New York this month, who knew. Either way the messages never stopped. He could go to sleep with no notifications and wake up with close to fifty. His mum was known for sending texts one sentence at a time. Personalizing every sentence to a specific child instead of just one general thought. It was touching and heartfelt but overwhelming. His sisters would clog the chat with all of the latest celebrity gossip or a new fashion trend. It was harmless but when the chat eventually turned to them ganging up on Eric it was horrific. You’d think that with him being the oldest he’d have it easy, nope. It was the complete opposite. Being the oldest of six was never easy, it was five against one. Six against one if their mother was up in the topic they were discussing. Her favorite topic of conversation? His love life. She knew her son was still young but she desperately held on to the idea of him falling in love and living happily ever after. She dreamt that for all her children, but Eric in particular. “I worry about you,” Eric’s mum cooed, patting down his hair. “You’re always so busy.” Eric sighed as he stirred the sauce he was heating up. His mum invited herself over to his flat for dinner. She just showed up unannounced and batted her eyes and asked kindly of Eric would mind if she stayed over for some mother and son bonding time over some home cooked food. He couldn’t stay no, would never say no, but he knew she had an ulterior motive. “I work five days a week, sometimes six. I am busy, not lonely or alone, mum.” She raised her hands in a defensive stance. “I know, babe. Let me treat you like a mum should, Eric. Your brothers and sisters still do.” “Mum,” he sighed, turning off the stove top, turning his body around to face his mother. She looked sullen and he hated that he was the reason for that. “Don’t make me out to be the bad guy here.” “Amor,” she cooed, using the Portuguese nickname for all her children. “My strong, bullheaded, way too independent boy.” Eric had to scoff at his mother’s words, she was purposely buttering him up so he’d let his guard down. “I can see the wheels turning in your mind. What are you planning?” “Absolutely nothing,” she sang. She placed a kiss to Eric’s cheek, a sign that whatever was bothering her a few seconds earlier had passed. “Nothing at all.” Luckily the dinner ran smoothly after the small little tiff Eric got into with his mother. They were able to remain civil as they sat down and ate. They got about nothing, work and family, nothing that would make Eric squirm in his seat. Louise made small talk about her physical therapy after discovering she had arthritis in her knee slowing her mobility a little, nothing major. Her doctor recommended the physical therapy to ease the pain before it turned into anything worse. Eric just nodded and ate his noddles, pacifying his mum with grunts of noise to seem like he was following the story. She went on and on for what seemed like forever about her physical therapist and Eric didn’t have the heart to tell her that he wasn’t really paying attention to what she was babbling about. She had just complained that he wasn’t a doting son, so he played his role and let her talk, her voice echoing around the loft. “Come over for dinner next weekend,” Louise invited him and she gathered her things as she getting ready to leave an hour later. “Mum,” Eric groaned, helping his mother put on her coat. “It’s a demand, Eric,” she said sternly. “Your father and I want to see you around more often. Like you said, you’re always busy. Well don’t be busy next Saturday and let us treat you to a home cooked meal. I’m making paella.” Eric sighed, he knew he couldn’t say no when his favorite meal was going to be served. “Need me to bring anything?” “Just your handsome face,” she beamed, patting his cheek softly. “Oh, and maybe dress nice. No joggers or track suits. Wear something that fits.” Eric rolled his eyes playfully and kissed the hand that was on his cheek. “Only for you mother.” “Good,” Louise smiled, patting Eric’s cheek one last time before gathering her bag and leaving the loft. The week flew by and blurred together like it usually did for Eric. He spent a vast majority of his hours awake working. When he wasn’t working he spoke to his family via the never ending group chat. His mother reminding him almost daily about their scheduled dinner for that Saturday. His sisters acting jealous that their mum was making Eric’s favorite meal while they had to eat ramen and easy mac in their uni dorm rooms. Sometimes it was a blessing to be the eldest. Eric tried to occupy his free him with fussing around his loft, cleaning up and finally making it fee like a home even though he’d been living there for almost a full year now. On Saturday he woke up around noon, exhaustion winning over his desire to wake early and get things done. He wasn’t expected at his parents house until five and it usually took a half hour to get there by car. Around three Eric reluctantly started to get himself ready. He showered and shaved, knowing his dad would comment on his weak attempt to grow facial hair. It wasn’t Eric’s fault he had pale skin and blonde hair and the inability to properly grow either a mustache or beard. He stood in a towel in front of his dresser searching for something, anything to wear. He wasn’t one for splurging on clothes, he spent his hard earned money on things he could actually get joy from. A new television, speakers, electronics, that’s what he truly cared for. After huffing and puffing for a good half hour and hearing his mother’s voice in his head criticizing him over his clothes, he settled on the outfit he wore to his sister’s wedding the summer before. He nixed the tie but wore the crisp white shirt and the black slacks. It was the only semi decent outfit he had and he knew his mum would approve, even though she’d immediately recognize the clothes. Beggars can’t be choosers at this point. “Perfect!” Louise exclaimed when she answered the door at exactly five like she demanded repeatedly over the phone and text. “My beautiful eldest boy.” “Mum,” he groaned over her sudden affection, kissing his cheeks and ruffling his hair, like he was a kid again after he skidded his knee playing football in the back garden with his brothers and dad. “Jeremy!” She shouted as she escorted Eric into the living room where his father sat. “Look at how sharp Eric looks.” Jeremy looked up briefly from flipping through the channels and nodded his agreement. “Smart.” “Smart,” she agreed. “Who are you two and what have you done with my parents?” Eric asked taking a seat on the couch next to his father. “Should I be worried? Are you guys getting divorced or something? Dying even?” “God forbid,” Louise gasped, grabbing her chest. “Nothing’s wrong. Just two parents admiring their work is all.” “Okay that’s gross,” he said, squirming in his seat at his mother’s words. “Unnecessary.” Eric had to remind himself a few times before they sat down to eat that he loved his parents and he needed to let them take care of him from time to time. He was the eldest, mid twenties, the first one to leave the nest. They were just compassionate people, especially towards him. They openly admitted that they were too young and not ready to start a family when Eric came along, they learned as they went when it came to raising him. Now they were making up for lost time. He was too damn stubborn to let them. But he did enjoy spending time with them when he could. Sitting on the couch talking about the football matches from earlier in the day with his dad. Trying to argue why he believed Tottenham had a chance to win the title while his dad saw Manchester City doing the impossible and becoming repeat champions. It was all in light hearted fun and it reminded Eric why he should make the half hour journey to his parents more often. “Eric, can you please set the table?” Louise asked, her voice sugary sweet, definitely not her normal tone. Eric reluctantly stood up and side eyed his mum as he grabbed the dishes, utensils, and glasses off the kitchen counter. “Why are we speaking in our suspicious voice, mother?” “Just set the table,” she ignored his prying question and pulled her mother voice. “Mum,” Eric called to her a moment later, laying out the things on the table. “There’s three of us, yeah? Why are there four sets of plates?” “Louise,” Jeremy’s voice came from the next room. “Louise,” Eric echoed his fathers tone perfectly, scarily actually, it was a gift. “What are we hiding from me?” Louise stopped cooking for a moment with a sigh and turned to face Eric, her face sheepish. “I’m not hiding anything, just withholding information until the right time.” “Which is now,” Eric guessed. He hated surprises, not being in control of all that was around him, made him anxious, made him agitated and sweaty, like right now. “So spill.” “I may have invited someone over for dinner,” she replied, her voice low and shaky but unwavering. Eric held a tight smile and nodded his head, letting his mother know she could continue to explain. “My physical therapist, his name is Dele, he’s around your age. Nice boy.” “Mum,” Eric repeated himself for what felt like the hundredth time that night. “Why?” “He’s alone. He has no one around him to look after him,” she explained, turning back around to tend to the food again. Eric huffed out a hot breath and continued setting the table. There was no use in arguing, he wasn’t going to win. “You always have ulterior motives, don’t you.” The bell rang moments later before Louise could state her argument. Eric looked at his mother who turned her head to look back at him, neither of them budging. Stubborn people they were. Jermey made no indication that he was going to move either, it wasn’t his guest after all. Louise just kept stirring the pot and humming to herself. Eric gave in, reluctantly, and walked to the door to answer it. The bell rang a second time as he opened the door. His breath was stuck in his throat for a second as he was greeted with a big warm smile. So this was Dele he presumed. At first sight he looked like a decent bloke if his contagious smile was any indication. Eric quickly snapped himself back into reality once Dele cleared his throat, obviously feeling the awkward tension. “Eric,” he introduced himself, extending out his hand. Dele accepted the extended hand pleasantly and let himself be led into the home. “Dele.” “Dele!” Louise greeted him warmly, hugging him. “I’m so glad you were able to make it.” “Louise,” he cooed at her admiration and accepted the hug warmly. “I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages, I couldn’t say no.” “You know Jeremy,” she introduced her husband who waved as a greeting. “And I see you’ve met my eldest, Eric.” “It’s a pleasure,” Dele replied, still being dragged around the home by Louise. She politely sat him down at the kitchen table where everything by now was set and ready. Without proper invitation the rest of the family joined Dele around the table. Louise served everyone before serving herself and sitting down at the head of the table opposite Jeremy. That left Eric sitting directly across from Dele and that damn smile. They sat in silence and ate, the awkward tension palpable. Eric knew he was basically set up on a blind date but didn’t know how to proceed. It had been a long time since he’d been on one and of course never one with both or either of his parents present. What was he supposed to do, supposed to say? He was going to play it by ear, let Dele start the conversation or just remain in silence and enjoy his meal in peace and quiet. “Your mum told me you grew up in Portugal,” Dele said. Guess he was starting the get to know you phase of the conversation. Eric nodded, wiping his face with his napkin. “We moved there when I was about eight and I moved back here for university. They all came back about two years ago.” “I’ve never been,” Dele added. “Never left England actually. Is it as beautiful as it seems?” “The coast line is divine,” Louise chimed in. “Seeing the sunset over the ocean, especially in the summer.” Dele nodded as he drank the water from his cup, he could just picture the scene. The blues and pinks in the sky over the crystal blue ocean, laying on the white sand, the ocean breeze causing goosebumps on his tanned skin. “I’ve gotta go there one day.” “Eric can take you,” Louie volunteered which made Eric choke on his food. “You okay hun?” Eric blushed and nodded his head. “Wrong pipe.” “Be careful,” she warned him softly, shifting her attention to the other side of the table. “So Dele, what made you decide to become a physical therapist?” That’s how the night kept going. Louise would ask a question to Dele and sit wide eyed as he answered, like she was the one on the date. Once she felt that Dele’s answer was sufficient she’d volunteer Eric’s reply. He hardly could get a word in edgewise. His father would shake his head from time to time and cut looks over to his wife as a warning, to let her know that Eric was more than capable of speaking for himself. Louise was either unaware of the looks or unbothered by them because she just kept talking, taking up all the time Eric could’ve spoken. He did get a word in edgewise from time to time, adding little quips or one liners to whatever was being discussed. Despite that fact that his mother had monopolized the conversation he was really learning a lot about Dele. He seemed like a good bloke, laughed at all the horrendous jokes Eric was able to make. His smile was infectious, his laugh cute. Dele was fit, there was no denying that. “I’m going to wash the dishes,” Louise announced once dinner was over. She stood up and lightly tugged on Jeremy’s arm. “Come help.” “We have a dish washer!” He yelled at her tug. Louise narrowed her eyes at her husband, speaking to him without words. “Please.” It took a moment but Jeremy finally got the hint and joined his wife in the next room leaving Eric and Dele alone for the first time that night. They weren’t far, the rooms were connected but it gave them some semblance of privacy. They just sat there, silent. Eric played with the tablecloth, wrapping the red fabric around his finger to pass the time. Dele checked his phone, probably Instagram with all the double tapping he was doing, still smiling. “This is awkward,” Eric broke the silence, immediately getting Dele’s attention. “Hmm?” He hummed in response, locking his phone and putting it on the table. “What is?” “I didn’t know you were coming until the bell rang,” Eric told him with a slight blush creeping up on his cheeks. “I’m sorry if I didn’t live up to any expectations you may have had of me.” “What? No!” Dele exclaimed. “Look Eric, I came here with no expectations. Just your mum inviting me for dinner and telling me she had a son she may or may not want me to meet, that’s all.” Eric looked up at Dele the over at his mum who was washing dishes and obviously trying to listen in on their conversation. It was all light hearted and cute, endearing even, kind of like Dele. “In a different scenario this would be less awkward, I’d be less awkward.” “Understandable,” Dele nodded in agreement. “Want to grab a pint with me? I mean after this.” “Yes,” he replied without missing a beat. A dark dingy pub and a cold pint after this night? Eric was definitely okay with that idea. “I bet I can convince me mum to let us skip whatever Mary Berry concoction she made for dessert.” Dele looked over at Louise who was humming to herself, washing dishes, passing them along to Jeremy to dry. Like a well oiled machine. “I like your mum, don’t want her mad at me.” “She won’t be,” Eric laughed, scrubbing at his face. “She’d love that I’m leaving the house, especially with you.” Eric stood up and made the grand announcement that he was going to leave before dessert. Like he predicted Louise had made some half assed version of a fruit tart she read off the internet that Mary Berry swore by. She looked disappointed until Eric added that he was going to grab a pint with Dele. Her frown comically turned upset down and she all but shoved them out the door. They all exchanged hugs and goodbyes as jackets were thrown on and shoes were shoved on feet. Louise squeezed Eric a little too hard and long as they said their farewells, a threatening promise of a phone call the next morning for details. She was content and happy, more than pleased with herself. Eric decided to leave his car at his parents and walk to a place Dele knew that was a short walking distance away. Eric wasn’t that familiar with the area and it was clear that Dele took the underground to his parents home. They were quiet during the brief walk, Dele leading the way and Eric following dutifully. They arrived minutes later and the place wasn’t that bad looking on the outside, a bright red awning, a flashing open sign on the door. Inside was similar, intimate. The pub wasn’t crowded by any standards, a few stragglers sitting at the bar, the two TVs playing the same channel, highlights of that day’s footie. “Follow me,” Dele finally broke the silence, pointing to a place towards the back of the establishment where they barmaids were filling salt and pepper shakers. Eric slid into the booth, it was clearly old, wooden with a torn red cushion as the seat. It was homey and oddly comforting. “This place is a little dodgy, don’t ya think?” “This place is home,” Dele replied proudly, practically beaming as he spoke, sliding into the seat opposite Eric. “Helped raise the lad that sits in front of you.” “You grew up in the pub?” Eric asked tentatively. He didn’t know if Dele was speaking literally or not. Dele laughed, not at Eric but the way he asked the question. He clearly didn’t want to judge but confusion was written all over his face. “The people that raised me used to own this place. Sold it right before my first year of uni, helped pay for it too.” Eric took in the establishment once again and could picture a younger Dele in this place. Doing homework perched on a barstool, tongue hanging out his mouth as he tried to concentrate on his maths. Everyone was shit at maths so Eric assumed Dele was as well. Asking the stray patron for help but all of them too gone to even see the page correctly. “It’s cute.” “Look,” Dele called to Eric’s attention, grabbing his hand and lightly pulling him towards the wood paneled walls next to them. It felt comfortable holding Eric’s hand, even though they both were tense during the initial contact. “Carved my initials on the wall and the year.” “D.A. 2007,” Eric read out loud, his free handing tracing the faded lettering. “What’s the A stand for? Mum never told me your last name.” Dele was hesitant for a moment, letting go of Eric’s hand as they both sat back down. He ran his hand over his head, tugging lightly at the remaining blonde strands from when he dyed it towards the end of the summer. “Alli, my given surname.” Eric could see Dele immediately tense up when he answered. He wasn’t going to pry, it wasn’t his place to, especially on a first date. He let the tension wash over the area, let it leave them and hope that he hasn’t stepped over a boundary by asking the question. He didn’t like the fact that Dele wasn’t smiling anymore, he had grown to like his smile even after only knowing him for a few hours, it had become Eric’s favorite feature on him. “Why’d you decide to become a physical therapist?” That began a light hearted albeit confusing conversation for Eric. Dele’s smile instantly returned as he spoke passionately and intensely about medicine and muscles and tendons that Eric knew nothing about. Sometime during the conversation two pints were placed in front of them, free of charge. The perks of knowing the previous owners Dele laughed. They discussed work and Eric spoke at length about working in construction, loving to get his hands dirty but loving the end result the most. Seeing a project come to life from start to finish. He was animated, hands moving fast as he spoke, smiling from ear to ear about a new apartment complex he helped build for the less fortunate. When Eric had a pint in him and an easy following conversation, there was no stopping him and it didn’t look like Dele wanted to anyway. “I’m glad I did this,” Dele announced out of nowhere. “Grabbing dinner at your mum’s, meeting you.” Eric tried to hide his blush, hoping he could blame it on the pint and the bad lighting in the pub. “Same. I was hesitant at first I must admit, but you’ve grown on me Delboy.” Dele balked at Eric due to the nickname he was just bestowed upon. It was endearing and made his complexion match Eric’s in an instant. “We need to do this again. I mean if-if you want to.” “I want to,” he replied without a second thought. Another pint was set in front of both of them as they exchanged numbers, feeling like it was the right thing to do at that moment. Despite small hiccups during the evening everything was running smoothly. The conversation was easy and lighthearted, flowed naturally. No awkward pauses or silence, bumping from topic to topic without missing a beat. Eric spoke about living in Portugal and learning the language, how he felt out of place for the better part of a year, trying to adapt to a new place, country, and language while his younger siblings seemed to thrive the minute the plane touched down. Dele cheekily asking Eric to say something in Portuguese, Eric complying quickly. Even though he had no idea what Eric said it made Dele blush. Eric could definitely get used to seeing a permanent smile on Dele’s face, it made him look beautiful, angelic even. “Thanks,” he replied. “Huh?” “You said my smile makes me look beautiful,” Dele repeated. “Don’t know if you meant to say that out loud.” “I didn’t,” Eric laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “But it’s true. When you smile your whole face lights up, it’s contagious.” Dele ducked his head so he wasn’t looking directly at Eric and inevitably smiled and blushed again. He felt like a little school kid with a crush that was unattainable but in actuality it was. Unless Dele was reading the situation wrong, he could sense that Eric was warming up to the concept of a blind date and being set up. “Want to get out of here?” Eric didn’t think twice as he stood up, shook on his coat and followed Dele’s lead outside. They walked back towards Eric’s parents home so he could get his car and drive them both home. Eric had an itch as he walked, flexing his hand because he wanted to grab Dele’s hand. It was just a need he had, to touch him. To feel another sense of closeness besides their conversations during the night. He felt like that may be too intimate though, too personal. They walked close to each other, still talking, still laughing, still learning each other. This was probably the best first date either had ever had. They felt like they had known each other forever and were just reintroducing themselves. “Mum’s probably peeking out the window,” Eric said as they arrived at his parents house. “Seeing if we’re still together.” “She’s harmless,” Dele replied. “She means well. All mums do.” They got into Eric’s car after Eric looked directly at the front rooms window and swore he saw two eyes peering out. He had to remind himself that his mum was just looking after him, making sure everything in his life clicked together. The first time she tried to set him up with someone and so far so good. It felt comfortable driving Dele home, the radio on low to some talk radio that Eric usually listened to during his long drives. They were still talking, the conversation never dying down. Eric sucked in a breath when Dele’s hand touched his as it rested on the center console. His palm was facing up and Dele’s fingers effortlessly slid into his hand. It was warm and clammy but felt good. He could tell Dele was fidgeting just by the way his hand was never still in his. His fingers trying to familiarize themselves with Eric’s palm, tracing the calluses from years of work. “Quit it,” Eric laughed as he drove down the road of Dele’s flat. Dele removed his hand quickly, an embarrassed look on his face as he did so. “I’m so so sorry. I should’ve asked before I did it, I-I didn’t mean to.” “It’s fine,” Eric told him as he shut off the car in front of the flat. “You were just tickling me, that’s all. It was kinda nice, you holding my hand and all.” “Oh.” “Del,” Eric called to him, turning in his seat to properly face the other man. He placed his hand on Dele’s cheek, his thumb brushing his cheek gently. “I had a great time tonight. Meeting you, getting to know you was amazing.” “Oh.” Eric sighed as he hand still lightly stroked Dele’s cheek. “Say something please.” “I want to kiss you,” he responded boldly. Eric sucked in a breath at Dele’s words, his hand had stilled on his cheek. If this were a romantic comedy movie this would be where they kiss for the first time. The end of a first date, in Eric’s car outside Dele’s flat. Cliché. Eric usually scoffed at rom coms but honestly he could now see why throngs of people packed the cinemas to see if Emma Stone would get the guy at the end of two hours. “Now it’s your turn to say something,” Dele nervously laughed, biting at his bottom lip. “Come here,” Eric whispered huskily, pulling Dele closer by the nape of his neck. He hoped he didn’t overstep any boundaries by being aggressive when he pulled Dele in. Their lips touched and, yep, the rom com cliché continued. It was soft and gentle with a sprinkle of hunger, didn’t feel like a first kiss at all. Dele nibbled on Eric’s bottom lip which caused him to let out a noise he hoped he didn’t have to explain later. Dele grabbed onto Eric’s jacket trying to pull himself closer as he panted into Eric’s mouth to get some air into his lungs. “Come upstairs,” Dele whined into Eric’s lips. Eric panted to catch his breath, eyes still closed. “Del, I can’t.” “Please,” he begged, pulling on Eric’s jacket again. “Not now,” he replied, kissing Dele softly. Dele reluctantly released Eric’s jacket and threw himself against the passenger seat like a petulant child. It was endearing how he tried to act hurt and betrayed but his face was red and his lips plump and cherry colored. Eric’s fingertips traced his own lips, feeling the swell which caused him to smirk. “Go,” Eric said. “If you stay I may cave and take you up on your offer.” “Fine by me,” Dele responded with a laugh and a shrug of his shoulders, making himself comfortable against the cars headrest. “Del,” Eric pleaded. “Please go before I regret doing what I want to do right now.” The statement made Dele’s inside burn and he could feel the butterflies fluttering inside filling him with warmth even for someone he had just met. With a huff he kissed Eric one last time, determined to make an impression before saying his goodbyes and leaving the car. One he got into the lift his phone pinged, a text. It was Eric asking when they could have their second date. With a shake of his head and a new blush creeping up on his cheeks Dele replied his answer.
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acat-lady · 6 years
Noodles Soup For Your Sniffles
Summary: Claire has a cold and it’s up to Owen to get her to go home and rest, even if he has to push her on the office chair down to the lobby and to the car (literally).
“No! I’m fine~!” Claire insisted with a stuffed nose. It was very evident that she was not doing that well. She wouldn’t admit it but she had a headache from hell and each time she swallowed, it felt like shattered glass was going down her throat.
She had been gradually getting sick but her stubborn nature had prevented her from working on shaking this cold off before it got worse. Now she was to the point of regretting not taking something when Owen had asked her to.
“Yes, you are~!” Owen sang begging her to go home early, take the rest of the day off. He watched her stare blankly at her laptop screen for thirty seconds. She was so out of it by then, that she didn’t even know what she was doing anymore. “Babe, please~” He gently brushed his fingers down her cheeks and pressed his lips against her forehead. “You are boiling! Come on, I’m driving you home.” He offered.
“I have work to do!” She shook her head after pulling away from him. “Besides, I already drank like three bottles of NyQuil...I’ll be fine.” Claire insisted, without an ounce of energy left in her. The redhead gently rested her head against his chest and hugged her arms around his waist gently.
Owen sighed, lovingly brushing her hair with his fingers. Without any warning, he tried pull her up from her chair but Claire was fast and even when sick her reflexes were sharp. She had managed to grab from the arm rests, her fingers tightly curled around them.
“C’MON!” He cried in defeat.
“No-oh.” She shook her head.
“I’ll make you my special soup and we can watch some fun cartoons!” He tried to make this appealing to her.
“What am I? five?” She looked up, her green eyes were exhausted.
Owen twirled her office chair around so she could face him and kneeled in front of her. “Okay, how about we cuddle on the couch here? Just a couple of hours.” He suggested. Her appearance was begging for some rest.
Claire shook her head, “I’m so behind with this stuff. I can’t afford lose more time.” She twirled her chair back around. The redhead hadn’t been very productive that day.
“Okay, that’s it!” He tried pick her up again but she was stronger than she looked and was gripping onto those arm rests tight. He knew he could ripped her away from them, but he would end up hurting her and that would make things worse. “Don’t make me tickle you!” He warned her.
“I’ll throw you out of the window, Grady. I promise!” She rolled back on her chair a couple of inches away from him.
“Okay, you win.” He shrugged and casually started humming and whistling to himself, his fingers curious around a few things she kept on her desk.
Claire smiled, her victory short-lived after being interrupted by a sneeze that made her complain in pain.
“Bless you.” Owen frowned, he hated to see her sick like this. Claire wasn’t the kind to get sick often, but when she did it got her badly. The redhead blew her nose and that’s when Owen had a glance of her trash can; it was a white mountain of tissues by then.
Claire smiled faintly and turned her attention back to her laptop. She closed her eyes and slowly rested her head over her arms, barely being able to reach the keyboard from there.
Owen quietly started gathering some of her things, putting them in her purse, and also looked around for her jacket. He hung them from around his shoulder, and without a word he closed her laptop on her.
“Hey!” She tilted her head back up, “I am trying to work here?” She coughed. Without a word said, the raptor wrangler started pushing her chair out, rolling it into the hallway with Claire still sitting on it.
“No! Owen, I swear!” She screamed, holding firmly from the arm rests.
He pushed her down the hallway and around the elevator corridor at a moderate speed, “hold the elevator!” He called out, noticing two guys were just stepping out right when they had come from around the corner. They looked puzzled wondering why Owen was pushing the boss around on her chair, but did as requested. They kept the elevator opened for them, their eyes glued to the couple. Owen thanked them, pushing the chair into the elevator and pressing for the lobby so they could head to the car and then home.
“Call security! I’m being kidnapped!” She exclaimed in irony, the doors slowly closing in front of them. She rolled her eyes annoyed by the look in the face of those two guys.
“Don’t be melodramatic!” He laughed. “You are totally enjoying this.” Owen called her out on it, still standing behind her, allowing his fingers to gently brush her long hair.
“Mommy is sick~” Owen murmured, placing a finger on his lips letting Aiden, their three-year-old, know to keep it low.
The toddler nodded and mirrored his dad’s action, also placing his finger against his lips. Aiden crawled into the back seat of the car and on his own, he got comfortable in his car seat. Owen buckled him up and messed with his brown hair before closing the back door.
Claire was resting her head against the car window, she had dozed off for a few minutes while waiting for Owen to pick their son from the petting zoo. The sound of the engine starting up waking her up. She sighed, her hand gently reaching out for Owen’s lap and rubbing it. He took a hold of her freckled hand and bringing it to his lips, he kissed it gently.
“Hey baby~” The redhead looked back to their kid whom smiled at her, “did you have fun with Trixie?” She faintly wondered. Claire adjusted and turning around, she reached out so she could tie his shoelace.
Aiden nodded, “They let me ride her today and I fed her a branch!” He shared happily, wiggling his feet. Trixie was his favorite dinosaur in the petting zoo, he had named the baby triceratops after the one in Toy Story 3.
“Leave that!” Owen rubbed Claire’s back gently, “I’ll tie them up when we make it home.” He promised. He had singlehandedly built home for Claire the moment she told him she was pregnant. They had moved in together into her Hilton’s business suite after he insisted not to miss a single day of the pregnancy. On the side, he had demolished his bungalow and started building a lake house for his family in that side of the island.
Aiden had learned to unbuckle his car seat and once Owen had pulled over, he opened the door and ran off, “Owen!?” Claire called out, she didn’t have the strength to run after their energetic kid.
“On it!” He got out of the car and after catching the kid, he swept their son off his feet. He hugged him from his belly and let him pretend he was a plane for a few seconds before landing on the ground. “We don’t want to give mom a heart attack, do we?” He asked the toddler.
He shook his head, “is she going to die?” He frowned. “I heard her say she felt like she was going to die.”
“No, but we have to be good today so she can feel better soon.” Owen asked of their kid, “we can go back to getting her all worked up tomorrow.” He winked.
Still inside the car, Claire was fighting with the door which was refusing to let her out. “Of course...” she finally gave up, hitting the door a few times, “He forgot to put the child lock in the back but leaves ME locked in!” She mumbled to herself before resting her head against the dashboard.
Soon enough, Owen was back and opened the door for her. He handed Aiden her purse and jacket and the man slowly pulled Claire up into his arms so he could carry her up to their house.
“Don’t touch me, you ass...” She whimpered against his neck, nosing close into it and hugging him tightly.
“C’mon, Champ! Let’s make sure mommy starts feeling better.” Owen motioned for their kid to walk ahead before he pressed a kiss on the redhead’s forehead.
“No~” She cried, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck. “Don’t leave me alone...” She pouted, Owen had managed to change her into a pair of flannel pants and one of his navy T-shirts.
“I won’t, beautiful.” He smiled, this was about the only thing he liked about Claire being sick. Once she admitted she needed to get some rest, she’d be as clingy as a baby koala and Owen would get to take care of her and keep her safe.
The redhead nodded and slowly helped him tuck her under the covers of their bed. Once she was comfortable, Owen grabbed the thermometer and had her keep it under her tongue until it started beeping, she had a 104 fever.
“What does it say?” She frowned.
“It says that you are hot~” Owen couldn’t help but flirt with her. Claire rolled her eyes and tugged from his shirt, she wanted to cuddle.
Owen set the thermometer on top of her nightstand and turned her cellphone off. He adjusted on the edge of the bed and let her snuggle him close. The redhead moaned softly and nuzzled into his chest, she closed her eyes and let the touch of his fingers relax her as they brush her hair.
Once he made sure the redhead had fallen asleep, he quietly stood up and tucked her gently leaving her to rest. He grabbed her cellphone on his way out and carefully closed the door behind him.
The man went looking for their kid whom on his own had decided to pick up all his toys and put them back on their place like mom was constantly insisting he should. Owen smiled at him from his bedroom door, “kiddo, wanna help me make mom some soup?” The kid looked up and nodded.
They both headed to the kitchen and Owen made sure to fill a small pot with water and set it on the stove to heat. He had also chopped some veggies and taken care of everything else. Aiden had ran to the bathroom to wash his hands and once back, Owen picked him up so he could carefully drop all the veggies into the water and add the noddles as well.
After pulling a chair from the kitchen table, Owen let the kid step on it so he could easily stir the soup. After a minute or so, the adult put the lid on and let it cook.
They didn’t stop there, Owen had brought the chair over to the sink and now the toddler was helping him wash the remaining dishes from breakfast and the few they had used for the soup. The kid playing the soapy sponge over the dishes while Owen ran water over them. They also folded some laundry together and fixed the living room.
“Why don’t you go pick a movie to watch with mommy?” Owen suggested while he served some of their noodles soup into a bowl and grabbed a spoon. He set it all up on a tray including a glass of water and some medicine.
Dad carried the tray to the bedroom and Aiden the Blu-ray he had picked for them to watch. The kid turned the knob around and quietly pushed the door open. Claire was still fast asleep. Owen carefully set the tray on the corner of the bed, and bent down to take Aiden’s shoes off. The kid reached out so dad could pull him up onto the bed.
Aiden crawled his way over to Claire and gently pressed a kiss on her cheek, “Mommy?” He called out softly after hearing her moaning and turning around to find him there.
“Hey baby, what are you doing here?” She murmured sleepily, her arms reaching out to hug him closely. “Daddy and I made you some noodles soup for your sniffles.” He explained. “You are going to eat it right?” He offered the puppy eyes Owen had him practicing while they were cleaning and folding the laundry.
“You made me soup?” She kissed his forehead before nodding, agreeing to eat.
“And I picked your favorite movie so we can watch and snuggle!” He crawled back to the edge of the bed. Claire sat down and tucked her hair behind her ears. She smiled letting Owen set the tray on her lap and closed her eyes feeling his lips pressed against her forehead.
“You did?” She acknowledge her kid before thanking Owen for the soup.
“The Little Mermaid.” He nodded and let Owen take the movie so he could set it up. Aiden went back to snuggle his mother and watched her slowly eat her soup. 
“And why is The Little Mermaid my favorite?” Claire was actually interested in that answer since she wanted to hear his logic behind thinking it was that way.
“Because she has red hair just like you!” He explained. “Uncle Barry brought you some medicine.” He pointed out at the pills and the cough syrup on the tray.
“That’s right, we are both redheads.” She nodded. Owen walked around the bed and snuggled close to Claire and their son. He pressed play on the movie and watched their son start singing along and Claire quietly eating her soup.
He shifted in bed, bringing his arm around Claire’s shoulder and kissing her cheek. She set the tray on her night stand and got comfortable, hugging him close. She nosed into his neck and closed her eyes.
“I feel so much better now~” She confessed softly, pressing a couple of pecks on Owen’s lips.
“I’m glad you do, gorgeous.” He smiled relieved.
“Can I go back to work now?”
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nfwmb · 6 years
* — answer the questions and tag followers you want to get to know better.
tagged by: @kingsleyshacklebolt the ravenclaw queen of my heart <3
age: 23
birthplace: flushing, queens, u.s.a (same as The Nanny!)
current time: 12:07 a.m.  (i’ve apparently spent over an hour on this wow.)
drink you last had: ginger ale
mbti & moral alignment: enfp & chaotic good 
current favourite outfit: hmmmmmm my black and white grid print pencil skirt + burnt orange pullover, with a little black belt at the waist BUT ALSO my high-neck, frilly, victorian-style white top and black culottes (both are worn with black platform/wedge heels bc I live in those shoes); all of the above styled with hair down, a cat eye, and a viva glam 1 red lip <333
favourite song: usually this is such a hard question for me but right now, the faves are:
 tints by anderson paak + kendrick lamar and movement by hozier. but also anderson paak’s new album has been played on repeat since it was released and smile/petty is another standout for me. 
hogwarts house:  ravenclaw !!!
in love: HOZIER, jon bernthal, FREDDIE MERCURY, gemma chan, jason momoa, sonoya mizuno, bob morley, deborah ann woll, zoe kravitz, gwendoline christie, alexa chung (it would’ve been easier to answer who i’m not in love with tbh)
colour: deep dark red <3
love at first sight or walk around again: cardio is good for your health, you know? but uh walking when it comes to people, love when it comes to doggos.
middle name: i have three middle names, one of which is illuminata and it’s probably the one i’m proudest of.
number of siblings: zero !
favourite place in your neighbourhood: lemme just say -- jax is exactly how the good place describes it but ALSO WE HAVE LIKE 4 NICE THINGS I PROMISE. some local faves are: good dough, the artisan donut shop; the florida theatre (i saw hozier there in 2015 !!!); and memorial park by the river, the park where i stayed for a whole day after my first breakup and, most recently, the park that hosted the first anti-gun violence rally/protest I ever attended. it’s such a beautiful little park <3
person you called last: my good buddy jordan because we ended up at the same stoplight out of sheer happenstance and he was jamming out to his music and didn’t notice at first ! we ended up getting drinks after and he totally made my night !!
question you are asked most?: toss up between ‘where did you get that?’ and ‘can you help me?’ -- my students ask both pretty much daily
tv shows: PARKS AND RECREATION, The Punisher, Daredevil, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Luke Cage, The Good Place, Hannibal, Bob’s Burgers, This is Us, The IT Crowd, Black Mirror (i love tv okay.)
last song you sang?: 5000 Candles in the Wind from PNR (rip li’l sebastian)
time you woke up: 7:30am, but i didn’t get out of bed until 9am
worst habit: procrastinating on doing very necessary things like eating and cleaning, opening messages and forgetting to reply to the point that they get buried under more messages, swearing/cursing
favourite food: pad see ew, grilled pork + vermicelli noddle rolls, grilled salmon with parboiled veggies, a cheeseburger and extra crispy fries, I LOVE FOOD AND IM VERY HUNGRY RN
zodiac sign: cancer sun, capricon moon, sagittarius ascendant !! i’m still finding the ways my moon sign manifests, but i definitely vibe with my sagittarius aspect the most <3
i tag: imma try to tag as many people as i can think (don’t feel obligated to do it if you don’t want to!) but im super tired rn so im sorry if i miss some people ! but also if anyone who reads this wants to do it, fuckin do it, it’s v fun and i like getting to know people <333
@lobacabrona @jewishkarenpage @hozieer @clairetvmples @evaduartes @thehound @grantaere @otherworldlywrites @cosmicslcve @inkdcath @thearchvillainess @fairyslight @saberwood @prettywriter
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The boy with a thousand smells
Originally posted on 27 March 2014
This is the story of the boy with a thousand smells. But it is not a bedtime story- there will be no magic, no chosen prince with an alluring fragance, no heroic deed, no love and no moral lesson. If that is what you seek, then urge you, I must, that you look elsewhere.
Good. You're still here. Let's begin.
There was this boy. From my class. He sat three seats to the left, four seats down away from mine. Or as Mrs. Rutgers taughts us, that would be a hypotenuse of five seat units away. He was very ordinary. Nothing special. Nothing that beckons our attention. All except for one thing. One tiny, teeny thing.
Yes, you guessed it. He was the boy with a thousand smells. Fragrance was too big a word for me back then. Mind you, we learned Pythagoras' Theorem at a rather tender age.
On some days, he smelt heavenly. Manly. Like he owned the world. And even as a boy, I would cut our hypotenal (yes, it's a made-up word I deemed necessary) distance down to 2 seat units away, just to get a whiff of that. Oh my, how they tickled my olfactory senses. What a curious sensation it was! And the girls, they would just swarm around him on days like those. He seemed overwhelmed and flattered and proud all at the same time.
On other days, he smelt of fruits. Of lychee, or mango. Of strawberry, or cherries. He was a walking fruit stall. And when he walked past, he made me salivate. And sometimes, I wonder why he never smelt like fried noddles. I was too young to realise not every fragrance is a desired smell on the human body.
And on other days, he smelt like a mature woman. Maybe an expensive hooker. Or a rich man's mistress. Or a successful career woman's scent as she made her way up the corporate ladder. The point was that he smelt feminine. And on those days, girls got jealous because he smelt better than them. Not that the guys paid very close attention to these things.
And so I asked myself, 'How did he possess a different smell, day-in, day-out? He couldn't have an entire collection of perfumes, can he now?'
It puzzled me. We studied in the nearby public school and the boy with a thousand smells certainly came from a very modest family. Their modesty certainly prohibiting them, or more specifically, him from being the proud owner of so many fragrances.
So, one morning, I stalked him. I woke up early (that was the intensity of my curiosity. Name me a schoolkid who would willingly wake up earlier for menial reasons). I hid behind a tree and tailed him after he left the house.
If you've already figured out how our boy wonder achieves his vast array of body odours (B.O. here being used in a positive light), feel free to leave at any point without ever finding out whether your solution matches what happened here. Oh, but this is a completely fictitious story though, without a shred of truth (I did not make up Pythagoras' Theorem though, Pythagoras did).
He wandered into the local supermarket. And he unlocked the magical powers (Sorry, I guess there is going to be magic in this story.) of testers. Yes, those rows and rows of free, sample bottles of fragrances. I picked up my jaw from the floor (Yes I dropped it. Pick up yours too!). No wonder he was a suave gentleman on some days, a feminine lover on others, and just a giant walking fruit on the rest. What a potential that he had unlocked! What infinite resources and untapped reserves that he had stumbled upon!
He was never the top boy nor would he ever be. But from that day onwards, this boy, NO- THIS MAN, had my respect, and even feeling a little envious that I had not thought of it myself.
The boy with a thousand smells went on to become the richest man I have ever had the honour of brushing shoulders with. He made our town proud. And he was just a street-smart, creative individual who saw opportunities when others saw culs-de-sac. While the others were surprised, I was not. I was instead reminded of his venture into the perfume aisles and waiting to retell this little foreshadowing anecdote should a reporter decided to interview some of his 'close' friends. I am a firm believer that friendship is measured by the distance between hearts, and not some arbitrary hypotenal (Does it seem more legitimate with a second use?) distance. Reporters, if you're reading this, do drop by and interview me.
In all seriousness, I made up the above paragraph. He was thrown into jail for theft for two years after we graduated. I guess his decision to go beyond free samples was an unwise one.
Considering I've already reneged on my promise to not include magic in this story, I might as well reneged on another. So here's the moral lesson of this story: Smart people steal, dumb ones rob. Until they are caught anyway.
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spnsisimagines · 7 years
Day 9: Ice Skating
Warnings: None Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Sister Winchester Reader, Castiel Summary: Y’all go ice skating! Reader’s Age: Not old enough to buy alcohol? Word Count: 1616
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: Fun fact; I’ve never been ice skating. Enjoy!
25 Days of Christmas Masterlist
You stood at your dresser putting some clothes away when Sam appeared in your doorway. "Hey," he leaned against the door.
"What's up?" You asked.
"I'm gonna head out to pick up a few things we need, wanna come?"
You thought for a moment, "Sure, why not?" You closed your drawer and flashed Sam a smile.
You two arrived in the small town not too far away.
Sam pulled up into the grocery store parking lot. As you got out, your eyes were focused on something being built across the street. "What do you think it is?" You asked Sam, keeping your eyes focused on the construction.
"Probably an ice skating rink," Sam replied.
"How do you know?" You glanced at him.
"Because of the big sign that says, 'New ice skating rink! Open tonight at seven!'" Sam looked at you with a slight grin.
"Oh... I didn't see that..." You mumbled, earning a few chuckles from Sam.
After you and Sam got the stuff you walked back outside. "We should go ice skating," you turned around, getting in front of him and walking backward.
"You wanna go ice skating? Why?" He questioned.
"I've never been! I think it would be fun to see Cas and Dean on skates," you smiled at just the thought.
"Actually, Dean and I took you once when you were pretty little. You fell on your butt and cried so hard your tears actually started melting the ice," Sam joked, earning a bitch-face from you. "Kidding! You did cry pretty hard, though."
You two reached the Impala. Sam went to the driver's side and you went to the passenger's; you both stopped before opening the door, "Well, now that I'm older, if I fall, I won't cry! So, what do ya' say?" You did a little shimmy.
"If you can convince Dean and Cas to go then you bet we can go ice skating," Sam smiled before getting in.
"Yes!" You whispered-yelled before getting into the Impala.
After arriving home at the bunker, Sam went to put the groceries away and you went to go talk to Dean.
"Hey, Dean..." You placed your hands on a chair that was across from him.
"Hey," Dean closed his laptop.
"What are your... Uh... Views on ice skating?" You cringed at the sentence you just said. You really couldn't come up with anything better?
"My views?" Dean chuckled, "I don't know, it's... Something? I-" Dean stopped himself and shrugged.
"I mean, what would it take to get you to go ice skating? Hypothetically!" You asked. Dean's eyebrows furrowed together before a smirk took over his face. "I-I don't like that look," you pointed at him.
"You wanna know what it's gonna take to get me to go ice skating, huh?" Dean slowly nodded. "I want three pies, a case of beer..." Dean stopped to think, "And a friend a few towns over needs help with moving a grand piano into her new house, I really don't wanna do it, but I'm sure she'll be happy with you goin'." Dean's smirk got bigger.
"You want me to help your friend move a grand piano? Do you even see these noddle arms? How the hell am I supposed to do that?" You dropped your arms to your sides.
"If you do all of that today, then I'll go ice skating," Dean leaned back in his chair.
"YOU WANT ME TO DO ALL THAT TODAY?" You yelled. Dean pursed his lips and nodded. You let out a large sigh, "What kind of pie you want?"
"Surprise me," he grinned at you.
"I'll surprise you alright..." You mumbled, "Dean you do realize that I'm not even old enough to buy beer, right?"
"Figure it out," he simply replied as he opened his laptop again. You groaned and ran out of the room.
"SAM! SAMMY!" You yelled shortly before entering the kitchen.
"What! What?" Sam was about to run out of the kitchen before he saw you.
"We need to go back to the store,"
"Sam can't help you," Dean said as he entered the kitchen, "You gotta do it on your own."
Your mouth was slightly agape, "W-what? How-" you stared at Dean, "I am not letting you win, Dean Winchester, you hear me?" You left the kitchen, "YOU WON'T WIN!" You yelled.
It took you only half an hour to put together a fake I.D. You tossed your bag over your shoulder and told your brothers you were heading out. First, you'll go help Dean's friend and on the way back you'll pick up the things Dean requested.
You got into a car and started driving. It'll only take you two hours tops to get there with the speed you're going, possibly a few hours to help, two hours to get back, plus having to stop to get the stuff, and you'll have a few hours to spare to go ice skating.
... Sam and Dean's P.O.V...
"You really don't think she's going to do all that stuff?" Sam asked.
"Nah, after the piano and the drive she'll be too tired to even think about ice skating." Dean leaned back in his chair.
"We'll see about that, man," Sam chuckled as he took a swig of beer.
... Your P.O.V...
You finally got done with the piano, it took a little longer than anticipated, but that's okay, you still got time if you just go a little faster going back.
You drove up to the grocery store and went in, going straight for the pie. You looked at the choices, thinking which ones would Dean hate the most. Which is almost impossible since Dean loves all pies. You were just going to get three apple pies until you saw it; Shepherd's pie. The pie filled with meat and potatoes. Dean loves meat, but he believes it doesn't belong in pie. You grabbed three and went to find the beer.
You grabbed a case off the shelf and went to check out. You set your items down as the clerk gave you a weird look.
"Can I see some I.D.?" She asked.
You nodded and pulled out your I.D., praying that it would work. She looked at you, then your I.D., then you again before giving it back to you and telling you your amount owed. You gave her the money and rushed out of the store to get home. You still have a few hours before the rink closes.
You arrived home and ran inside with the bags of pie and beer. You strode into the library and placed them in front of Dean. "Let's go," you smiled.
Dean stared at the bags, "You've been gone all day, you really wanna go ice skating?"
"I. Win." You stared deep into his eyes with a small satisfied smirk.
Dean sighed, "Alright, you won, let's go," Dean stood up and grabbed his jacket. Sam stood as well and gave you a smile.
You called Cas on the way to the rink and he popped into the Impala. After you explained what you were doing, he was pretty much on board. Mainly because he didn't understand how it could be so hard.
You all got to the ice skating rink and got your skates. You got yours on, you tried to stand up on them but immediately fell forward, but luckily Sam was there to catch you and help balance you.
"These are beyond uncomfortable to walk around in," you commented, everyone seemed to agree.
"It's not that bad," Sam replied.
"Oh, that's right," Dean spoke, "You used to go ice skating," he laughed.
"You've ice skated?" You questioned.
"Yeah, I was pretty good at it," Sam replied. You nodded, a little impressed.
"Alright, enough chit-chat! Let's go!" You limped over to the actual rink, holding onto the wall.
You placed your right foot on the ice and it shot forward, you hit the ground with a thud that made people turn their heads. Dean had to hold his laughter in as Sam helped you up.
"I'll get the hang of it, just you wait!" You were a little delirious from the day you've had.
You were able to get both feet on the ice without either of them slipping from under you. You clung to the wall as Sam helped coach you. You turned around and saw Dean about to get on the ice. You and Sam both stopped to watch.
Dean got both feet on the ice, everything seemed to be good until his foot went forward and his hands started flying everywhere, along with his feet. He struggled to try and get his footing. It kind of looked like a cat on ice.
After what seemed like forever of slipping, Dean finally stopped and stood still. He let out a breath of relief before his feet shot out from under him and he hit the ground. You, Sam and the people on the rink burst out laughing as Dean just slowly laid down on the ice.
Sam helped you skate over and Sam offered a hand to help Dean up, which he grudgingly took.
You patted Dean on the shoulder as you all watched Cas take his first few steps onto the ice. He looked like he was a natural. One foot after the other he glided around the rink. You all watched with your mouths slightly agape as your angel friend mastered ice skating in only a few seconds.
Cas skated over to you and stopped.
"You-you were... I..." You were speechless.
"I told you I didn't understand why humans thought this was hard," Cas commented as he slowly skated away. You started laughing, your brothers shortly joining.
I hope y’all like this one! I’m open for tips on improving!
Tags: @magicalsis11 @joanne-egberp @16wiishes @fanboyswhereare-you@athenepallas @spnkisum @jamric @oneshotsdeanshort @jensen-jarpad@capruinedmylife @bea789 @starswirlblitz @damalseer@iamflanneltrash@zeusmyster @violinmyhead @lauren-novak @evyiione@alexandriajanae4@graceb200371 @overcastmisfitkid
Tagging for the 25 Days of Christmas is CLOSED.
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Catching Murphy, Part 2
Warnings: Swearing, possible nsfw content Word Count: About 2219 Summary: You, Miss (y/n) (y/l/n), had a crush on Connor Murphy for years, from a distance of course. You had always been too shy to approach him, and the fact around school that he was an aggressive stoner caused you to become even more shy. One day, in history class, your teacher decided to assign a project and assigned everyone a partner—you and Connor were partnered together. Could you two grow close during the project and remain close? Or will Connor go back to ignoring you after the project comes to a close? A/N: I apologize if Connor is a biiiiit OOC… ;-; Obviously takes place in an AU where Connor is alive Masterlist Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
When you arrived at the Murphy residence, your breath immediately left your lungs. You had never thought you could have ever gotten this far. And never had you thought that your love of Ancient Egyptian history would get the guy you had crushed on for years to notice you. Just this whole situation was incredibly weird—first Mr. Boulden partnered you and Connor up, then you are being brought over to Connor’s house. Not to mention Connor had, before you apparently interested him, told you he wouldn’t let you go to his house. You were lost in thought and you didn’t hear Connor calling your name from next to you.
“…ello!? FUCKING HELLO!!” Connor screamed into your ear.
Immediately, you covered your ears and answered, “Ouch! My fucking ears! WHAT, Connor?! WHAT IS IT!!?”
“Get the fuck out of my car, we’re at my house.”
“Fine. You had to scream in my ear, why?” you asked as you got out of his truck.
Crossing his arms, he answered, “Because you didn’t fucking answer me when I said it the first ten damn times.”
You huffed and retorted, “You could’ve done anything that wasn’t screaming in my ear, Connor.”
“Are you going to sit in my truck in the heat or do you wanna come the fuck inside?”
“Do you have food?”
“Oh my fucking God, yes, we have food for your fat-ass,” he grumbled.
“I’m not fat, Connor. I have some flab, but I’m not a fat-ass. Also, I thought you brought me to your house so you could help with the history project, not insult me and ridicule me when I want food,” you said.
Connor walked into his house, demanding you follow him, “Just come the fuck inside.”
“Fine,” you snapped and followed him inside. Oh God, I’m snapping at Connor fucking Murphy… I’m a deadman, you thought to yourself. “Now, can I have some food?”
Zoe walked through the den and said, “You can make yourself some food, (y/n), because Connor won’t make you shit. If you know how to cook with a stove, we have some noddles you can cook. Pans are under the sink.”
You smiled at Zoe and thanked her, “Thank you, Zoe… is it really okay?”
She looked at you, then to her brother, then back at you. “Yeah, it’s fine. Like I said, Connor won’t make you anything, so you might as well make yourself something.”
“Zoe, go fucking do something that’s not talking to (y/n). She’s here to work on a project,” Connor sneered at his sister.
You looked at Connor and crossed your arms. “That’s no way to talk to your sister, Connor,” you told him.
“And what do you know? You barely even know me or my family? All your here for is a fucking project,” he snapped.
That kind of hurt you. He had seemed so interested earlier at school, what had caused him to do a complete 180? You bit your lip and turned away from him. Speaking of what happened, what happened to you? Not even 24 hours ago you never would have even thought about talking to Connor Murphy, let alone the way you were talking to him now. “You know what, Connor Murphy—you are so confusing! You seemed soooo fucking interested in what I was saying at school and then the moment we are out of school, you act like we didn’t have a rather interesting interaction. Are you actually interested in helping me out with this fucking project or am I just going to have to do the whole damn thing by myself?! Because if you’re going to act like this, I would much rather you take my fat-ass home so I can do this myself!!”
Zoe rolled her eyes and left with a, “Keep your girlfriend calm, Connor.” Did she completely tune out what you had just said?
“I-I’m not his g-girlfriend, Zoe!!” you yelled, voice breaking in embarrassment.
“Yeah, okay. Sure, (y/n). He never brings a girl home and here you are, a girl, and he brought you home,” she said with a grin.
You blushed and stammered, “N-n-no! That’s crap! I’m just fucking here for a stupid project that I might as well do myself!”
As soon as Zoe left the room, Connor seemed immediately relieved. He even sighed, adding to the fact that he was relieved. “Geez, I thought she would never leave,” he said.
“Why does it matter?” you asked. “Anyways, are you going to fix me food or not?”
Connor sighed, “I can fix your dumbass some food.”
You bowed ironically as you said, “Thank you, Sir Connor.”
Connor had fixed you some simple mac and cheese, not that you were complaining, his mac & cheese was surprisingly delicious. You were half-way through your bowl of food when Connor asked you, “So, continue from where you fucking left off today.”
“Right now?” you asked with food in your mouth. You were completely taken by surprise by his words.
He looked at you for a moment, with a spoon hanging in your mouth and eyes looking up from your bowl, and gave you a small smile. “Yeah, right now. What do you have planned for our project.”
You swallowed the food in your mouth and cleared your throat. “I, umm, well, I was thinking more of Akhenaten. The more I was thinking of him, the more I decided we could cover his family’s heresy,” you said.
“Who and what?”
“Pharaoh Akhenaten, born Ahmenhotep IV, was the head of religious upheaval that turned Ancient Egypt on its head. He went from worshipping the plethora of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses to just one god—Aten, the solar deity. Akhenaten’s whole family were a bunch of raging weirdos, though, so it wasn’t just him who was the special one of the bunch! Thutmose III, the bastard that tried to erase Hatshepsut from history, was the Heretic King’s great-great-grandfather—so yeah, great family already. Now, I’m not saying all of Akhenaten’s family was as fucked up as Thutmose III, but his great-grandfather, Amenhotep II began some religious shit. The same religious shit that spiraled out of control and ended with Akhenaten’s Amarna Period. Amenhotep II decided to build a fucking temple to the Sphinx of Giza and be crowned ruler of Heliopolis instead of Thebes, which started everything! And when I say everything, Connor, I mean everything! So, after this slight deviation, for the next three pharaohs, the religious deviation continued until Akhenaten decided to flip EVERYTHING!!”
There you went again, you got so animated when you talked about Ancient Egyptian history. And Connor noticed it and it caused him to smile a tad bit. He tried to focus on what you were saying, and he half did, but he was more focused on the way your eyes lit up as you shared your knowledge. He noticed how you abandoned the mac & cheese as you fidgeted with the spoon, like you were tying not to leave a single detail out. “Mhmm… cool, what happened?” he asked, waiting to see how animated you could get.
Of course, you did not disappoint. “Oh my Osiris!! Everything happened!! Akhenaten’s family slowly deviated from the Theben religion and shit! Ooh! I can’t even get into it! It wasn’t like Aten was some god that Akhenaten decided to make up just to fuck with the polytheistic religion of Egypt, no! He can’t take that credit! Aten had his own little cult back then,” you laughed. You noticed Connor’s eyes on you harden as you said cult. “N-no! Cults back then weren’t negative in the slightest, so don’t take it like that, C-Connor. Cults in the ancient past were kinda like the different secs of modern religions, like Baptists and Catholics of Christianity. So, yeah, Aten was a lesser god who had his own cult. The priesthood of Amun, the de-facto chief of gods, had grown large and almost out of control. They literally owned more land than even the fucking pharaoh did! Like, what the fuck? How the hell could they get that much fucking land without the pharaohs before Akhenaten noticing. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back and it was one of the reasons that moron tried converting the whole of Ancient Egypt from polytheism to monotheism.” The spark in your eyes was enough to start a fire and you spoke with so much passion that it was almost suffocating. You took a spoonful of mac & cheese and stuffed it in your mouth, saying, “It was better when we were all fucking pagans.”
The way Connor was looking at you had you thrown for a loop. It was like you were the center of the world for a small amount of time. Taking a few moments to absorb what you had said, he spoke, “Oh really? And why were things better when we were all pagans, (y/n)?”
Scoffing, you answered, “Because when we were all pagans, we focused on fucking peace and harmony! None of this oh let’s go conquer this land in the name of God/Allah/our own selfish bullshit reasons! NO! When we were pagans, we only fought when we wanted to expand our land or settle something with another kingdom.”
“Ah,” he answered. Connor honestly didn’t know nearly half of what you were telling him. Everything you said was new information to him and it honestly made him lowkey smile about it. He had never really met anyone who could speak to him as freely as you did, or snap at him like you did for that matter, and it made him feel like he wasn’t just some druggie who people avoided. Connor Murphy actually felt grateful to that “old man” that was Mr. Boulden for partnering him up with such an interesting person. Never once had he thought that he could have been paired up with someone as interesting as you. “What makes you think that pagans didn’t go to war for stupid reasons, (y/n/n)?” he asked, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Boy,” you deadpanned, “you’re kidding me? A core idea in any monotheistic belief system is the encouragement of the belief that, in order for it to be right, other systems must necessarily be wrong. It is because of that stupid insistence on being the sole administrator of ultimate truth leads to intolerance of other beliefs and their suppression. That is why pagans are seen to be unholy and blasphemous, because of that damn central idea of monotheistic belief systems! Ugh!! It’s infuriating that a religion that promotes peace and harmony is considered unholy because some moron created a serious monotheistic religion.”
Connor chuckled in amusement, “You don’t seem to like monotheism, do ya, (y/n)?”
You laughed at his comment, “What gave you that idea? Now, don’t peg me as an atheist, because I’m not, I’m more agnostic than anything. And I don’t dismiss anyone’s religious views because umm, no, that’s fucking rude.”
“That’s good to know, I guess. Miss Agnostic,” Connor quipped.
“Oh, aren’t you just too funny, Mister Loner,” you quipped back.
“Ahaha… you’re hilarious, my spleen may burst.”
“Aww, thanks, Con.” Connor blinked at that name. You noticed what you had said and stammered, trying to fix your mistake, “C-Connor! I meant to say Connor, but it came out too soon! M-my brain… my mouth… my something wasn’t keeping up with everything else! I-I’m sorry!”
He chuckled softly at your cute stammering and said with a shrug, “You can call me that, (y/n). I can call you (y/n/n), you can call me Con. Anyways, we should probably get to work on the project. I like whatever your doing with the whole Heretic King thing, so let’s do that. But, you seem to know fucking everything there is to know about that shit, so you probably don’t need my help.”
You looked at him and smiled. “I might not need any help with research and shit, Con, but having some company while I do the project would be nice. If you can handle being around me for two to three weeks,” you answered.
“I can’t see that fucking killing me, (y/n/n),” he said, a smile could be heard in his tone.
Smiling, you continued to eat. “Okay, coo. We can get started once I’m done with my food. Sound good to you, Con?” you asked with a smile.
“Yeah, sure. I did make you the food, I fucking expect you to eat all of it, dammit!”
“I’m working on it,” you laughed.
TAGS: @saturdayschilddrivesmewild you told me to tag you and here you go bby ;)
Also, I’ll be gone for the next few days on a vacay with my family, so you won’t really hear from me from today, the 23rd, until Wednesday the 26th! I’ll be working on some stuff while I’m gone and I may upload some stuff, but not as frequent as I upload usually! I just wanted to get this out since the thought is fresh~! Hopefully I’ll have something cutesy with Michael to upload at some point in the next few days!
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bananashemmo · 7 years
When We Collide (Part 25)
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Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: NC-17
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand?
When We Collide on Wattpad
“Remind me again why I was brought along for this?”
You looked up from hovering over the back of the car with a small giggle escaping your lips by the tone of Ashton and the way he was looking down at you.
“It’s called suffering together,” You smiled and watched him take out your bags, “When I go down you to with me.”
Ashton laughed quietly by you words and threw the bags over his shoulders.You both stopped in track to look at what could possibly be close to the biggest lake house you had ever seen in your life.
It lead right down to a lake that was covered with trees and bushes. You were actually pretty surprised Luke owned it instead of some sort of beach house in Malaga. He had never expressed to be a fan of nature.
You looked over your shoulder by the sound of another car arriving, at least ten times bigger than Ashton’s but it wasn’t a shocker who had showed up.
“Let the drama begin.” Ashton mumbled when he saw the glimpse of Holly’s hair appear when the door opened by the chauffeur.
Her boots were almost digging into the grey gravel that embraced the lake house and she was standing with her sunglasses and light pink lipstick. If you didn’t know what was supposed to happen you would have assumed she was about to attend an award show.
“You don’t fucking say.” You said back carefully and bit down on your lip.
Did you really decide to sign up for this anyways despite all the headups and warnings from your brain claiming it would be the worst thing possible?
Luke arrived out of the car with the exact same expression on his face. He was wearing sunglasses as well which didn’t make any sense considering it was cloudy. The sun was there but not to the point of blinding your eyes.
“It feels just like being at home.” He commented loudly and didn’t wait for Patrick to bring out his bags. No matter where that man went Patrick would almost always tag along.
“Doesn’t it look expensive?” He asked with a grin when he walked up to you.
You furrowed your eyebrows but regardless nodded your head in agreement. The view was to die for and everything seemed so new you couldn’t believe it had been there since Luke was a kid.
“You coming babe?” He asked and looked over his shoulder to see Holly struggle but kept a straight face. Probably not the best place to wear high heels but she was stubborn.
“I’m right here.” She giggled when he hurried over to grab her in bridal style. Hell he didn’t want to touch the bags but carrying her would be the simplest thing ever.
“Want me to do that as well?” Ashton asked with a hint of tease and you shook your head laughing.
“I think I can manage.” You winked and he made a small jump to get a better grip of your bags. You thought it was enough that he wanted to carry your bag and you weren’t struggling with high heels like Holly was.
The instant smell of freshly made coffee hit your nostrils once you stepped inside of the house.
“This is insane.” You commented when taking a look. Everything was so large and big just like it had been outside yet you never stopped being surprised by everything Luke owned.
Ashton nodded his head in agreement and nodded for you to follow Luke and Holly into the living room.
“I haven’t really assigned rooms but Holly and I will take the room upstairs. Ashton if you’d like you can take the room that is further down the hallway and Y/N with your peeing habits you can take the one that has an attached bathroom.”
You nodded your head in agreement happy that he showed a little bit of care and you caressed your bump.
Ashton placed your bags on top of the couch and placed his hands in his pockets. He seemed pretty surprised by everything as well and headed over to the large windows to take a look at the view.
“Now I know this might be a big shocking as well but to get a good feeling and tension I’ve decided that we will cook dinner by ourselves. The fridge is filled with food so I thought you could start out. Meanwhile Holly and I will go to the wine basement to find something decent.”
“Sounds like a great plan.” Ashton nodded his head in agreement and clapped his hands together.
You nodded as well and headed towards the fridge that was on the size of you. You already knew by now that it would have to be Ashton that had to be in the lead otherwise Ramon Noddles would be on the menu.
“What do we have here?” He sighed and opened the fridge, faintly hearing Holly and Luke talk as they left down the stairs.
You giggled carefully and sat on the kitchen counter after jumping up. He was tensing his shoulders as he looked into the goodies but stopped in track to look over his shoulder.
“Aren’t you going to help me out?” He asked and quivered his eyebrow but with a smile on his face.
“I can’t even boil water.” You exclaimed and raised your arms in the air.
“That’s not true.” He commented back and started easily out with some salad, tomatoes and cucumber.
“Everyone can do something with food they just have to believe it.”
“I believe you can do it perfectly.” You smiled and watched him place the ingredients right next to you. He smiled as well and leaned over to find a knife and a cutting board.
“So you’re just gonna sit there and watch?” He hummed and pulled up the sleeves of his black blouse to make sure it wouldn’t touch the food.
“Would you mind?” You asked and moved your legs up to cross them on the table.
He shook his head with a warm smile and started to cut. The radio was also playing in the background and filled out the silence. Everything about the moment was quiet and comfortable.
“Feta?” He asked and waited for a confirmation from you.
“Only if you mix it with watermelon.” You laughed and watched his eyes widen.
“Are you trying to make my work harder than it already is?”
“You think it’s hard to handle a watermelon?” You asked with a laugh and he nodded his head.
“I’m assigning you to be on the watermelon watch then Mrs. ‘I need feta even though it sounds so fancy and weird’.”
“Fine.” You agreed and were ready to jump down from the counter when he headed over to help you down. It was easy with his tall frame and you appreciated his help even though you could have done it alone.
“With your clumsiness you never know.” He whispered and you slapped him lightly in the chest by his cheekiness.
“I’d say I’ve become less clumsy since I started to show. You know just to make sure nothing happens to her.” You said with full confidence but a small scream came from you in shock when a bottle off mayonnaise flied out from the fridge the second you opened it.
“That was your fault.” You were quick to say and leaned down to take it from the floor where it had landed.
“You were the one saying you weren’t clumsy anymore and I didn’t touch the mayo.” He laughed and focused back on the salad when you dumped the watermelon on his used cutting board.
“You have to say that.” You mumbled and leaned over to take an even larger knife than he had used.
His eyes widened in surprise but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to help or not because you normally wanted to do stuff on your own but this time he stepped in.
“I’m just gonna hold it here you know… Just so it doesn’t slip on the floor with a knife in the middle of it.”
You only laughed by his lack of trust and started to cut. It was right in the second Holly and Luke came back from the basement with not only one bottle of wine but actually three.
“I hope you enjoy red wine Ashton because we’ve found the best ones yet.” Luke announced excited and lifted the bottles in the air.
“Oh I wasn’t really planning to drink. I try to do that as minimal as possible because it affects my workouts. Not very healthy for the body.” A blush of embarrassment as growing on Ashton’s cheeks and Luke’s face fell.
“That’s okay.” Holly announced and almost threw the bottle on the table, “It means more for us honey.”
“That is in fact true.” Luke nodded his head in agreement and found what could be the biggest glasses of red wine in one of the closets.
She popped up one of the bottles without further hesitation and almost spilled on the floor when she poured the red liquid into the glasses.
You looked up at Ashton to see him have the same expression like you. You could already predict it would be like this for the rest of the night especially if they had to drink all those bottles.
“Cheers for being here.” Luke announced and clinked his glass with her, “And thank you for showing up. I’m sure it’s gonna be life changing.”
“It sure will be.” You mumbled carefully and continued to cut into the water melon. Meanwhile Ashton had set the potatoes in the oven and had started out with the beefs.
It was funny because it was only you standing in the kitchen. Holly and Luke had decided to take over the table with at least 10 white chairs and small talked with their red wines.
“You’d like a glass, Y/N, Ashton?” Holly asked and took a look at the expensive wine, “I swear it’s one of the best ones I’ve tasted in my life.”
“I’m pregnant.” You said out loud just the second you were having a hand on your bump and it made her sigh heavily.
“That’s your choice. Ashton?”
“I’m not really the wine type of guy.” He mumbled and scratched his arm awkwardly.
Holly didn’t seem to mind the slightest and stood up to take another glass. They didn’t waste any of the liquid it was obvious and she poured it lightly into the glass.
“Enjoy.” She hummed and gave him the glass over the kitchen counter that separated you and them.
“So Holly. Should we hear something more about you.” Ashton sounded casual but you could tell it took him some time to actually say it out loud.
“I was waiting for you to ask!” She excitedly said and took a seat back on the chair with her legs resting on top of Luke’s.
Ashton nodded his head and lifted up the glass to his lips. Just by the smell he was making a grimace and you had to hold everything in not to laugh when he took a sip and regretted it.
They hadn’t taken notice of his reaction at all so you stood still and watched him secretly pour the liquid into the sink instead and turned on the water as if he wanted some on the side.
He smiled and rolled his eyes when you got the contact, quickly placing the glass on the counter where they couldn’t spot it.
“I’m originally from Queens where my family lives. My father is a art director with specialty in communication and social medias. My mother lives in the actress industry just like I do and is a professional text author and script writer. So it kind of runs in my family to be in that kind of direction. So does my twin sisters, they are both child models and actresses.”
“That is something different.” Ashton nodded his head half impressed and threw a small bit of butter onto the pan to get it moist and heated.
“Of course it is! I come from a well rich family with the both the money and heart the right place. We’ve all been home schooled to make sure we would get the best education possible.”
“And then you decided to become an actress?” You asked with a quivered eyebrow and she laughed quietly.
“Well yeah could any of you imagine me being a doctor?”
“Fair point.” Ashton said and you all nodded your head in agreement.
“So yeah even though I could achieve to get every single profession in the world I decided to go the same path as my mother. I was a child actress and have always been dragged into the industry so it was already perfect for me. I know I’ve got the same memory as a goldfish but when it comes to playing another character and play a role it’s so different. I love doing it.”
You nodded your head by her words and tried to understand. She had never showed to be the smart person and you couldn’t imagine her repeat the periodic system if she had to.
But with acting it was so different. You had seen her in action and as she said, she was good at what she was doing. You assumed it came with passion - doing something you loved would keep getting you forward.
“But what about your friendship? How did you know each other so well?” Ashton pointed between Luke and Holly with his barbecue tong to illustrate who he was hinting about.
“Oh I think we met at an acting class.” Holly was furrowing her eyebrows trying to think back. She wasn’t so sure.
“You’re an actor as well?” You asked confused with direction towards Luke.
“I took acting classes when I was young.” Luke explained back and rotated on his chair so it was focused towards you and Ashton as well.
“Just like Holly I’ve followed the same path as my parents so when we were young and moved to New York my parents decided I needed acting classes. They wanted me to purchase the same dream as my brothers did but I wasn’t as much into it as they were. So when I was old enough they allowed me to invest time in the CEO business instead and that is where I am today.”
“So you are kind of the same person, just the female/male version of each other?” Ashton asked and they looked at each other.
“I think you can kind of say that? The similarities are there.” Luke nodded his head in agreement and grabbed the bottle to fill up his glass again. You could already feel the alcohol level become higher by how much they were drinking.
“But yeah so we took acting classes together as a child and continued to be friends from there. Luke has been directing a few commercials here and there where I would be starring and we’ve also gone on lunches when we had the time.” Holly explained and wanted Luke to fill up the glass for her too.
“So old childhood friends? That is kind of nice.” Ashton said and pointed for you to reach over and take pepper and salt for him to season.
“Yes it’s nice to know you’ve always got a friend in each other. You know that kind of friendship where you don’t have to talk to each other every single day but know that you can always count on each other. In my opinion that is my favorite type of friendship.”
Luke smiled softly by Holly’s words and nodded his head in agreement. It was nice they shared that together, you had never understood why they worked so well together.
“When Luke asked me if I wanted to be a part of the protagonist in his story I didn’t hesitate a second to say. I loved the concept of the movie and I must admit I’m a sucker for the themes of the storyline.”
“So it was also settled that you would be playing his fake girlfriend?” Ashton asked with a hint of confusion, “I mean since you were such great friends and people had seen you be with each other before it would be kind of obvious to go that way?”
“Yes it was both for my reputation to get better but also to make the movie more spoken about. As mentioned before it would be a double win win situation for us both even though we were already popular beforehand.”
You looked at Holly giggling after explaining herself. She really seemed to enjoy the moment and her cheeks had become more rosy than the blush she was wearing.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” She asked with a hint of tease when she watched Luke refill her glass.
“No I’m just making the small party we’re having even better.” He hummed and filled his own glass. This had probably been his third one and you had barely served the dinner.
You and Ashton shared a short glance before you headed over to grab some garlic bread and place it in a white George Jensen bowl. You had no idea what to expect for tonight if you were supposed to go for a walk or if you would have to talk about her until the early morning.
“Well the food is almost done so you can sober it up a bit.” Ashton mumbled after placing another steak on the warm plate right next to him.
“Like that’s gonna happen.” Luke laughed quietly more directly to Holly and she giggled loudly. They were already drunk it was obvious.
You looked over at Ashton but his back was facing you. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had showed up here you would have felt so uncomfortable all weekend. It was so nice to look over at someone and know you were thinking the same.
“Potatoes are almost ready. Could you set the table.” He asked more quietly and looked over his shoulder to focus on you.
“Yeah sure,” You nodded your head in agreement and opened cupboards in search for plates, “I don’t expect for them to do anything else but empty the bottle of wine.”
He smiled in agreement and helped a little bit by finding forks and knives. You almost felt like some sort of servant when you headed towards the dinner table and set it nicely with napkins and glasses for water.
Just to make sure the night wouldn’t out to be a complete disaster.
“So Y/N I know we love talking about me but what about you? Is the father Ashton?”
Silence fell upon the room if it wasn’t for the fact that the radio was playing it would have become awkward.
Ashton froze in his spot with the warm potatoes in his hands by her words and his eyes seemed to widen. Luke was sitting with a skeptical glare but not with much reaction most because of the alcohol.
“No, no he’s not the father.” You nervously looked over at him and stratched your arm nervously.
Ashton was having an expression on his face that made him look like he was in wonder. He shook off the thoughts and headed towards the table to place the dish and also helped you with the rest.
That was how the conversation seemed to die out a little bit, mostly on yours an Ashton’s depart.
Luke and Holly were talking endlessly about stuff you almost grew tired off. If it wasn’t about money or anything they had easy access to get in life it would be the newest car they had just bought or Holly talking about the three dogs she had home in her own apartment.
You were nervously fiddling with your stomach because Ashton kept staring at you. It was like he had something to say and there was something lingering on his tongue but nothing would come out.
Most of the night stayed like this. They were the ones keeping up the conversation but mostly to themselves but they were in fact explaining and speaking to you.
You just wanted to disappear for a second. You did not assume it would become this awkward but the question had seemed to affect more than it was actually intended. It clearly showed Holly still didn’t have a single clue about what was going on right in front of her nose.
It wasn’t until the dish was over and you were hovering over the sink to clean the plates Ashton broke the silence. Luke and Holly were out for whatever you weren’t so sure but neither had you paid attention.
“So not to pressure you or anything,” He started out just like you had predicted while cleaning the red wine glasses. All three bottles had been completely drained for liquid and Holly had also managed to knock down a plant on her way out of the door.
“Just say if you still don’t want to answer but… Who is the father?”
You chewed on your bottom lip by the question in thought. You could feel the rush run up your arms and create goosebumps on your skin but it wasn’t because it was cold.
“I uh-,” You nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt and had troubles looking at him probably.
He was standing with his lips parted and his cheeks in a rosy color. Some of hair had been a bit tousled from running his fingers through it that much out of habit. He wouldn’t admit but you could tell deep inside he was getting a bit frustrated.
“It’s not that I want to pressure you or anything… I just feel like if we really have to get to each other it should be without secrets. I know it’s out of respect that you won’t tell me but god I just wish that I could. Just to tell what a fool he is for leaving you behind without a single thought or care.”
His voice was soft but your heart was still racing so fast per each word that came from his lips.
He just wanted to know and deep down you wanted him to know. He deserved to know what was going on but the thought of telling him scared you so much.
“Okay.” You shook away the goosebumps and straightened your shoulders to gain a bit of confidence.
“I will tell you who the father is. I’m gonna go get the others.”
“Y/N you really don’t have to I don’t want you to think I’m pressuring you-,”
“I want to. I need to let it out.” You said as the final word with your heart racing so fast you were sure it would run all the way up through your throat and out of your mouth.
Ashton nodded his head by your words and followed you towards the entrance of the lake house where you had arrived. It was where you saw them last and as you opened the door your eyes widened.
It was like your stomach flipped upside down.
“Okay then.” Ashton was the one getting you out of your thoughts your jaw was to the point of touching the floor.
Standing in front of you were a Luke and Holly passionately making out by the end of the terrasse, their shadows casting over the dark green grass.
He was pressing her further and further against the poles by the end of it and her hair was all over his curly locks that had been completely messed up by her nails.
“Weren’t they just supposed to be fake? Because that’s a bit exaggerating then considering there are no cameras around here.”
You looked up at Ashton feeling more sick than ever, this was worst than the morning sickness. There was nothing that could compare to that exact moment or how you were feeling because you couldn’t put words to it.
“They-, They are.” You managed to say after swallowing thickly, “But that. That’s not fake. It’s real.”
Ashton’s eyes widened twice his size by your words. They didn’t seem to stop on your account heck they barely noticed you were there. They were too caught up in each other’s tongues to focus on anything else.
“I uh…” You shook your head and tried to blink a few times because everything was so blurry and dizzy.
“I don’t even know.” You managed to say and hurried back into the warmth, you didn’t even let Ashton start what he had to say because the only thing you needed and wanted was to be alone.
That hit you harder than you had ever expected.
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