#we preach no bullying and being kind
I manifested my dream life 🥳🎊🎉
Long post incoming ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Hi everyone. my name is Asanatu (call me sana or asa) and I just want to share my success story. Anyways, A+p, Intention, plus the void state was the method I always resonated with with. I also joined and was apart of tumblr pretty actively during the time when these were “the methods.”
I was making so much headway! I manifested money, better looks, better grades and mental health and I even mini shifted. Things were looking bright and I knew my shitty circumstances would be a memory of the past and everything would be easier. Then the switch to states, Neville Goddard,and Edward Arts happened and I was so lost. Then creators who even used the void or a+p were suddenly bullying and attacking people
for thinking thoughts create reality instead of states. They were attacking people for using the void and putting it on the pedestal even though they used it to achieve their dream life 🤡🤡 sucess stories dropped drastically, tensions were tight, and entitlement and shoving states down our throats was happening at an all time high. Honestly I gave up with the law and shifting bc I started to believe a+p truly didn’t work bc everyone was preaching that perspective out of no where even though we all started with that and people used it !!!!! Now the same is happening to non dualism…so it will be even more over complication and entitlement for the competition to be the most all knowing and debunker of the law. It will be less success stories, more tension, and paragraphs upon paragraphs on their beliefs but no success to show for it so I am most definitely leaving tumblr and for anyone who wants recourses maybe read and stick to the og creators from December for. Few posts and then dip
Expeditiously, pleaseee !!!!!
I also need to take accountability for
Myself. I’m sending this on anon mode because I have been so rude to so many bloggers and projected my newfound doubt to random, kind, helpful bloggers and I have to apologize. Most of them won’t see this because I’m blocked, but none of you guys deserved it. I would tag them but it was most Loa creators which is so embarrassing to admit, but again I apologize.
After having some self awareness I decided to stop being a loser and take accountability for my own life. I said fuck it and went back to a+p and the void state. I just affirmed robotically and used some subliminals for the void state from popular successful void blogs. After two weeks I got into the void state and manifested my dream life. After complaining and procrastinating for 6 months. As much as tumblr is toxic and the dumb entitled energy is radiating extra bright you all have to grow up and stick to what works for you. You have free will and godly powers no matter how many big headed bloggers try to intimidate you.
A summary of my manifestations from the void are: millionaire parents, 4.3 cumulative gpa, being apart of my schools honors society, dream graduation (it was yesterday) 10/10 looks, acceptance to Harvard, dream body and natural fast metabolism, being a master shifter, list of hobbies and talents, dream personality, huge mansion, cute kind rich bf, and being a desired it girl
I want to say so much more but Moral of the story is stick to what has worked you, take accountability for your journey, and ignore what doesn’t resonate with you.
I think a lot of people will relate to this. No matter what you believe in, whether that be states, non dualism, the void, a+p,etc just persist on your faith. Congrats anon and good on you for taking accountability for your own journey. I also can only speak for myself but I forgive you :)
Edit: a+p is affirm and persist
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a-french-coconut · 2 months
Drew Tanaka
I think we can all agree that Drew Tanaka only purpose was to highlight Piper and making her look the good guy (well, girl).
She's mean, bullies her siblings and other campers and yet we don't have a single explanation about her actions. This my explanation for her behaviour that slowly turned into a headcanon
From the books she understand that she is still hurt and bitter by Silena's betrayal and hey way to cope is to be mean with everyone. Since she's mean nobody likes her and everyone at camp treats Silena as a hero, leaving Drew alone in her grief. She has every right to despise Silena for what she did, her sister turned her back to camp and her, helped the Titan Army by sabotaging the quests : Percy and Beckendorf but also the hunters' quest (the skeletons soldiers were only able to track the questers because they something belonging to Zoe and it was probably thanks to Silena). So yeah, in the Lost Hero, a year after the battle, Drew is still mad and since nobody will accept her point of view, it only worsens.
As of why she's mean to her siblings, I figured it was some kind of defence mechanism : if they don't get close to her as Silena did, they can't hurt her. It's definitely not healthy but she's a fifteen year old girl who fought a war and lost people : she copes as she can.
Drew dislikes Piper at first sight. Now I don't really have an explanation for that because she doesn't know that Piper is her sister but maybe she judged from her appearance that they were going to dislike each other : one with chopped brown hair, doesn't wear makeup and has ragged clothes vs long and wavy hair, perfect makeup, impeccable clothes. It's a stretch and a bad one at that but it is all I can come up with. Cabin 10 is regarded as a bunch of pretty guys and girls who don't fight. Drew must have thought that Piper fit the profile of those mocking her cabin and disliked her on the spot.
And when Piper refuses to do the Rite of Passage ? Just like Silena ? Drew can't see Piper without seeing the ghost of her deceased sister. It is infuriating because everyone is on Piper's side, just like they are on Silena's. They choose her over Drew for going on a quest when she literally arrived in the morning ?? And then Piper has the audacity of challenging her for the position of head counsellor because she went on a quest and now she thinks she can do a better job than Drew ? She begins preaching about how Silena was right when she never met the girl and doesn't know a single thing about Silena and how she was like. Piper might have gone a quest but Drew has been a demigod for years, have fought for Camp Half-Blood and Olympus twice and maybe she never went on a quest but she fought a war and survived. In her book that's all she needs to accept Piper's duel and beat her swiftly. She wins but still gives her position to Piper. Let's see how she manages running a cabin full of children. But Piper leaves again and the mantle falls on her again. But Drew is tired of pushing everyone away, she wants to gossip with Lacy and Mitchell about who they like, wants to teach to properly shoot an arrow and grab a sword. She is tired of being hated by the whole camp for not forgiving her sister. Most of all she is tired of the mix of anger and sorrow she feels every time she thinks of Silena.
When Piper comes back, Drew offers a smile with the promise of trying to open up to other people. She won't forgive Silena, not yet, but she can stop comparing her sister to a ghost from her past.
Oh wow, I'm definitely going to write something about Drew, she is an amazing canvas to explore.
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royal-confessions · 3 months
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“The phenomenon of "journalists" who claim we should protect Kate Middleton while slagging of Meghan Markle IN THE SAME SENTENCE should be studied in a lab.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“There is a delicious irony in scum like The Sun, Daily Mail, Angela Levin, GB News, Camilla Tominey, Jeremy Vine etc. preaching for “understanding” and “be kind”. Where was this energy when you were bullying Meghan Markle? It’s actually hilarious that they cannot see their own hypocrisy, but I guess viewing non-white women as humans who deserve respect and compassion would be too much for them.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“The term “white feminism” has never been so perfectly articulated as with the response to Kate’s rightful criticism. She and Kensington Palace LIED TO THE PUBLIC. But suddenly it’s all female solidarity!, leave her alone, women supporting women, you’re all bullies etc. All the while they will in the same breath attack Meghan for simply existing. I have 0 sympathy for women like Kate, she benefitted immensely by being the nonstop victim to her evil black SiL. If she was going to keep her mouth shut when Meghan was attacked she can enjoy the same response from Meghan.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“White supremacy is having the tabloid press that hounds the half-Black woman for telling the truth about her experience in one of the most historically traditionally racist institutions in the world defend the white woman for repeatedly implicitly lying about the authenticity of photos.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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strawberryraviegutz · 2 months
I really REALLY hate those kinds of stupid “hot take” posts. I think they’re just garbage to purposely farm more discourse to cause infighting, but I’ve been holding this in for so long and I need to get it out of my system so here it goes.
Alastor fans are allowed to dislike Valentino. Valentino was made to be a dislikable Villain while Alastor BY VIV’S OWN WORDS is a chaotic neutral antihero based off of Dexter with a moral code. Of course people are gonna like Alastor more than Valentino. The antihero/vigilante is a very popular beloved trope. I mean just look at Magneto and Venom.
You guys claim to want more nuanced characters but when we try and tell you that Alastor is more nuanced BASED OFF OF EVIDENCE FROM THE CREATOR and little possible context clues in the show we get accused of “babying/woobifying him”(as if Val fans haven’t done that to Val). This isn’t a hit piece against all Val fans/simps btw. I may hate that moth, but you guys should be allowed like him without receiving hate and or death threats.
It’s not “hypocrisy” to dislike Valentino or the Vees and like Alastor for the reasons I said above and the four of them aren’t comparable. Yeah they share some traits but overall the only thing Alastor and the Vees have in common are the mistreatment of the souls they own. Like I said, Val fans shouldn’t be attacked for liking him but the thing is…if you’re gonna preach those words then do the same for Alastor fans/simps because we get attacked too.
(Again it’s not all Val stans but it sure it a lot of them. I’ve all so seen Val haters do it too.) Yall claim not to harass people over fictional characters yet will go under Alastor posts and or discussion threads and be like “Uhm actually him and Valentino are the same🤓☝️”.
“He’s worse than Val” “Why can’t we just have a good villain” “Just accept that Alastor is a villain stop babying him” when we’re just minding our own business. Not to mention people going under fanart of Angel! Alastor and being like “erm actually he’d never go to heaven🤪”.
Along with yall bullying the hell out of Alastor selfshippers/simps and using tumblr sexyman as an insult(which reaks of internalized misogyny btw because majority of Alastor simps are women + women are always the first to be made fun of when it comes to characters that Classify as tumblr sexymen being found attractive by them or any character you personally wouldn’t find attractive.)
And yall going around and keep calling Alastor ugly under posts about people gushing about him and i don’t mean lighthearted jokes either because i make fun of the back of his head sometimes too. And full blown harassment. When an Alastor fan provided evidence of Alastor being a more nuanced character which were clips from Viv’s streams, people in the comments and qrts were being extremely rude and dismissive. It got so bad that op deleted the og tweet.
Don’t go around and claim to be against cringe culture but then make fun of people for finding Alastor attractive. And for goodness sake STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM A SLAVE OWNER. And yes he owns souls but that doesn’t matter.
Alastor is canonically half black and its overall disgusting to slap the label “slave owner” onto him knowing damn well that he grew up in the Jim Crow era of America in the Deep South of Louisiana. His existence as a mixed black person back then was basically considered an abomination. With how terrible it was for black people back then, Alastor probably bore witness to a lot of messed up shit growing up and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder he’s so messed up in the head.
This type of behavior has been going on since the days where we only had the pilot and it’s only gotten worse since the show came out. As soon as I saw that scene with husk and Alastor in hell’s greatest dad I automatically knew what was coming. I’m not saying that Alastor Is a good person nor am I saying that what he did to husk was ok. But to go after/make fun of Alastor fans,purposely denying evidence of his character while in the same breath preach against bullying people over liking certain characters makes YOU the hypocrites. So much for anti-harassment. I’m tired. Bye.
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adidastain · 5 months
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never say never
90s trey parker x fem reader
warnings: vomit mention, cheating mention
notes: first person perspective (I, me, my, etc.), part one
word count: 2622
“This is definitely raw,” I whispered to myself, sighing heavily. I prodded at the piece of chicken on the plate in front of me with my fork, trying my best not to look absolutely repulsed. It smelled good. It just didn’t look white enough on the inside for me to trust it. 
Granted, I knew absolutely squat about cooking, so maybe I was wrong. There was a good chance my appetite was just gone, having been completely miserable throughout the entire four hours of this wedding so far. 
Everyone was all gathered on the dance floor, having the time of their lives. I knew I needed to put some food in me, and I was exhausted, so no dancing for me. Especially not in these heels. 
That being said, I was sitting at my table, alone. I watched my sister and her newly wedded husband dance around in circles, bumping into other couples every so often. What a total circus. 
I sighed, getting up with my plate to pick out something else to eat. Most of the options were torn through already. I decided to play it safe and avoid meat, so I settled for some asparagus. It really isn’t as bad as a lot of people preach. 
I really wanted a cigarette. 
“Hey,” I heard a voice from behind me. A hand lightly nudged my arm, just out of reach. 
It was Trey, one of the groomsmen. He was my partner when we walked down the aisle, meaning we’d had quite a lot of time to get to know each other a little during rehearsals and parties and whatnot. 
“Hey,” I said calmly. 
“Where have you been?” he asked me, smiling. “I’ve been shakin’ ass for like, thirty minutes. All by myself.”
I rolled my eyes. “My feet are killing me,” I said, looking at him with the most innocent eyes I could muster. 
I knew Jimmy, my sister’s new husband, had known Trey from like, way, way back. Apparently they’ve been friends since they were 14. I also learned from Jimmy that Trey used to get so nervous when talking to girls that he’d have to go to the restroom and throw up. Part of me wondered if that was still something he struggled with. Probably not; I could tell Trey was a huge flirt. He’d just be torturing himself all the time if that were the case.
Trey’s blue eyes looked dark in the dim light. The only thing illuminating the dining space was the soft glow of tea candles at the centerpiece of each table. It was quite romantic. 
“You can dance. C’mon. At least just one song,” Trey insisted, bargaining with me as he followed me back to my table. “Please?”
I felt just a little bit bad, but I really did not want to dance. I know it’s horrible, but I kind of wanted my sister to notice what an awful time I was having. She was older than me and had spent most of our childhood bullying and tormenting me, so I was a little bit of a fiend for validation and care from her. 
It also didn’t help that she just married my ex-fiance. But, you know, it’s all good. Whatever. 
“I don’t know,” I mumbled, having sat back down. I stared down at my food, having lost my appetite yet again. 
“Can I at least sit with you?” Trey asked me. I nodded, clearing my belongings off of the chair next to me so he could sit. He’d ditched his blazer somewhere and was now just left in a white dress shirt with no necktie or anything. I have to say, he looked pretty handsome, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, hair all messy and whatnot. 
Trey sat with me and watched everyone scream the lyrics of Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond while I worked on my asparagus, nibble by nibble. He was a nice guy. He always sort of stuck to my side, hanging out with me whenever we had free time during the wedding rehearsals. He always came dressed in pajamas with some stubble on his face. Tonight was the first time I’d seen him looking so sharp and dapper. 
After the song was over, he turned towards me again. 
“You don’t like weddings,” Trey stated, resting his head in his palm. 
I didn’t look up from my plate, shaking my head as I slowly chewed and swallowed the vegetable. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to eat. 
“How come?” he asked me. 
“It’s a long story,” I said quietly. “And I don’t wanna ruin your night. Or Jimmy’s. Or Amy’s, for that matter.”
“Well, you already ruined my night. By being a party-pooper.”
I scoffed, looking at him and rolling my eyes. He was just teasing me. He did that a lot. 
“Just give me the short version,” he continued, scooting closer to me. Trey was sitting on the edge of his seat, his knee rapidly bouncing with anticipation. 
A heavy sigh escaped me and I dropped my fork. I rubbed my temples, taking a deep breath, before tucking my hair behind both ears. 
“Someone here stood me up at the altar,” I huffed, putting my hands in my lap. I gave Trey a look that read something along the lines of, Are you happy now?
He tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. “Who? When?” he asked. 
“I thought you said you wanted the short version,” I said. 
“Well, now I’m curious. I wasn’t expecting that. Tell me more,” he pressed, leaning closer to me. 
I sighed through my nose, looking down at my lap. I swallowed and started picking at my fingernails. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” I said. “Not that they don’t know already, it’s just… I don’t wanna bring up old shit, y’know?”
“Yeah, yeah. I gotcha. Just tell me,” Trey said. God, why is he so eager?
I took a deep breath, letting my forehead sit in my hands to avoid making eye contact with him. I knew his response wasn’t going to be to hug me and tell me that I had every right to be miserable, but part of me really wanted his consolation. I wondered if telling him this would revoke his status as someone I felt safe with here. The only person I felt safe with here. 
“I was supposed to get married last March. To Jimmy,” I mumbled. I felt like curling up into a ball and hiding under the table. I wanted to be buried alive at that moment. 
“You have to be joking,” Trey said quietly. 
“I’m not joking.”
“I didn’t know Jimmy was a fucking idiot,” he laughed.
I hummed. “Yeah. He’s the idiot,” I repeated.
“I mean, at least you didn’t have to go through all that court bullcrap, right?” he said. “Divorce fucking sucks.” 
I’d somehow ended up subconsciously gripping my hair to the point of it almost being ripped out of my head. Trey probably didn’t mean to stress me out so much, but I wished he’d been more sensitive about it. I thought I’d gotten over it until rehearsals started happening. 
I don’t even think I was mad at Jimmy anymore. I was just mad at myself. I felt like a complete idiot about the entire thing. I looked like a complete idiot too; I’d gotten into my dress and had my hair and makeup done and all, and I didn’t have a single second thought the entire time leading up to the actual ceremony. I really underestimated my naivety that day. 
“Hey,” Trey hummed. 
I sighed and looked at him. I didn’t tear up at all. I was just irritated. I felt sick and Trey wasn’t being helpful whatsoever.
I noticed his throat shift slightly as he swallowed. “We don’t have to dance,” he said softly. “It sucks that you have to kinda relive everything.”
“And everyone knows. Almost every single person here was invited to my wedding. It’s fucking embarrassing,” I said quietly. “And no one wants to bring it up because it’s old shit. It’s like I’m on a fucking island.”
Now I felt my throat tighten. I still felt safe with Trey. Thank God. 
I wondered why Jimmy didn’t invite him to our wedding or ever have me meet him. Maybe they just weren’t in touch then. 
There was a brief moment of silence where Trey sat, staring at me. I looked at him, and once our eyes met, he quickly averted his gaze down to his hands. 
“My ex-fiance cheated on me,” he told me, giving me a small empathetic smile. 
I swallowed as our eyes met again. I felt his warm hands gently take mine. 
“With an a-capella singer,” he grimaced. “‘N I said, ‘Fuck you, Liane. I’m gonna make a movie because you cheated on me.’” 
“You made a movie?” I repeated. 
“Yeah, man. It’s totally sweet,” he laughed. “A humble prospector, Alferd Packer, and his party are led to certain doom by his disloyal horse, appropriately named Liane. It’s a musical.”
I shook my head, laughing. 
“I have to humble myself sometimes, ‘cause if she didn’t cheat on me, I probably wouldn’t have my career,” he laughed sheepishly. 
“And I’m here with my waitressing job while my sister’s out cutting Jennifer Aniston’s hair every month. And you’re a filmmaker,” I laughed, though there was nothing funny about anything I was saying. 
“Well I think Jimmy’s an asshole anyway. Don’t tell him I said that,” he said, scooting closer to me again. His knees were now crazing mine. 
I hummed, resting my head against my palm. Trey still held one of my hands, gently tracing over my knuckles with his thumb. 
That’s when I heard Forever Young by Alphaville ring through the venue. Suddenly I was sent way the fuck back to my senior prom.
I gasped softly. I really did love this song. Even if I sat by myself in the corner, sipping on some sparkling beverage while I watched all my classmates with their dates. 
Trey had become very invested in scraping a stain out of the pristine white tablecloth and seemed very shocked when he noticed me stand up. 
“Up,” I said, flapping my hand to beckon him to join me. “Stand up. This is your one dance.” 
I quickly slid my heels off and suddenly realized how tall Trey was. His hands tentatively slid onto my waist, holding me in place as I kicked off my second heel and held onto his shoulders. 
My gaze had been focused on the floor and our feet, so my heart almost jumped out of my chest once I looked up at him and saw how close his face was to mine. I could see all of his freckles in the warm orange light of the tea candle a few feet away, accompanied by the occasional purple strobe from the dance floor. 
Trey grinned, flashing his fang-like snaggletooth. He quickly smothered his smile however, instead pursing his lips together and swallowing harshly. 
“Hi,” he hummed.
What a dork.
I subtly rolled my eyes. “Hi,” I said, trying not to smile at him. I could see his cheeks starting to turn a shade of pink. I guess it was kinda cute. 
We started swaying, and Trey opted to hold one of my hands while his other held my waist, like a traditional ballroom dance. “You come around here often?” he said, smirking with raised eyebrows. 
“No,” I giggled, swallowing. 
“Me neither,” he whispered. I noticed his eyes dart down to look at my lips for a split second. 
He swallowed again, gently intertwining his fingers with mine. I could barely breathe; my stomach was in knots and my heart was beating a million miles a minute. This was like my high school dream come true. I really felt like a teenager again. Just for a moment. 
I looked down to make sure he wasn’t close to stepping on my toes. I decided to just stand on his feet instead, putting me up a little higher and infinitely closer to him. 
“Did they play this at your senior prom?” I asked him softly. 
“No,” he said, smiling. “Good thing, though. I’d be in shambles right now.”
“Guess who my date was,” he said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “I didn’t have a date,” I told him. 
“You do now,” he whispered. 
I swallowed. Somehow Trey made me feel less alone than anyone else ever had in my entire life. I always felt alone when I was with Jimmy. We were really different. 
I knew I was pretty… unconventional. Weird. Just really, really awkward all the time. I never really had anything to talk about unless it was something I was actually interested in, so small talk was a fucking nightmare for me. Trey made me feel so much more normal. 
Trey cleared his throat, looking down as he leaned a little closer. “I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how pretty you look tonight,” he whispered shyly. 
“Thank you,” I whispered. 
At that point, the song was unfortunately coming to a close. It was a short song. That was the worst part about it. 
Trey and I just swayed back and forth, spinning around in a circle slowly to the pace of the song. Our eyes never left each other. Only after the song ended did he let go of my hand, a very sad look on his poor, sweet face. 
I felt cold as I slipped out of his arms, my heart still racing from the adrenaline. Trey gave me a small smile and I backed away from him. 
I looked away as I heard the crowd around the dance floor erupt in a fit of loud cheers for all the couples who danced together. It was startling and obnoxious. I fucking hate weddings. 
“C’mere,” I heard Trey hum with a soft, mischievous grin on his face. One of his hands tenderly slid up to caress my cheek, while the other gently grasped my forearm. I let him pull me closer, knowing full well what he was about to do and welcoming it with open arms. 
With racing hearts and withheld breaths, Trey and I came together in a slow, gentle kiss, like we were testing the waters. The hand he held my arm with quickly made its way up to my neck. His lips were warm and moved with care and patience. I didn’t hear or feel him breathing, until he let out the heaviest exhale he could muster after holding his breath. His body relaxed, bringing him even closer to me. 
I pulled away, looking down at his chest. I swallowed. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked nervously.
“I don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again,” I whispered. 
“Well… why not?” he asked again, his voice soft as a feather.
“I live in Seattle, Trey,” I told him, laughing sheepishly. 
I watched his body deflate like he was defeated. His hands had left my face and now rested idly at his sides. 
“I don’t care,” he whispered. “I’ll definitely see you again.”
“You realize that I am never going to visit my sister, right?” I laughed. 
“You realize we both have phones, right?” he retorted, teasing me. “And cars?”
I shook my head. Whatever. I guess I could just enjoy the moment with him. 
But I wanted to see him again. I wanted to see him tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. Nothing compared to the way he’d made me feel the past few days and I didn’t want that to be gone so soon. 
“We’ll figure it out. I promise,” he whispered, softly kissing me again.
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didhewinkback · 2 months
the idea of you having a scene where anne hathaway and her daughter both cry over the fact that she broke up with her 20 year old "talented, kind feminist" boyband boyfriend while also having several scenes where anne hathaway's character gets bullied by young women in their 20s and teens for being too old tells me everything i need to know about the people who made this movie. preaching female empowerment while simultaneously saying every woman under the age of 40 is stupid and mean and vapid but the men in their 20s who respect older women are the real feminists we should be uplifting. get out of here
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longdaytogo · 1 year
Hi! Could you explain Tom and Abraxas relationship? I'm so interested in knowing since you said he choose Draco bc he looks like A. Thanks!!!
oh you have no idea how excited I am to answer this!! 😭 fair warning this is all my headcannon so take it with a grain of salt.
let's start off with a young tom riddle. we know his back story blah blah but upon arriving at hogwarts he was definitely confused right? perhaps even bullied at first for being a suspected muggleborn except he wouldn't know the difference since it's his first introduction to the wizarding world. this is where abraxas comes in.
abraxas malfoy–pureblood, popular, rich, and subtly haughty sees a potential servant (?) /friend in tom riddle. the boy is pretty to look at and if taught the right things, could be a useful asset and minion. he befriends tom and introduces him to wizarding society, teaching him the hierarchical rules, traditions, and the prestige being a pureblood brings. he tells him the inferiority of muggles and muggleborns and how they are destroying wizarding culture and are a stain to society. tom, who already has a bad experience with muggles, agrees with all this and soaks it all in immediately.
quickly adapting to all he has learned from his mentor, their relationship changes at some point with tom taking the lead and abraxas becoming the follower instead. tom's skills in manipulation shines through and suddenly, he has an entire posse following behind him, preaching what abraxas taught him. abraxas, ever the naive, sheltered pureblood, doesn't realize the tides have changed until it's too late but doesn't mind it as he's now willing to follow behind the boy he once thought worthy of being his lackey. his admirations to young tom riddle borderline on near feverish idolization to the point where he is willing to risk it all for just one word of approval from tom, similar to other death eaters.
tom's incapability to love prevents him from being able to see anyone as an equal, them merely being pawns for him to use and beneath his standing. however, this is different when it comes to abraxas. he thinks of abraxas as a coddled naive fool who was undeservingly served a golden spoon from birth but is somewhat grateful to him for being his first ally at school and a guide to the wizarding world. in a sense, perhaps out of pity or personal amusement, he sees abraxas as his first partner? friend? not on equal standing of course but perhaps as the closest acquaintance he is capable of making in all his lifetime.
later on in their years at hogwarts, abraxas's need to solidify his position as tom's closest companion, confidant, and perhaps his own growing obsession, pushes him to evolve their platonic relationship into one of the sexual kind. this lasts for as long as it does until abraxas is ordered by his family to get married and have an heir. tom encourages this as an heir means more followers for his cause, resulting in abraxas's hasty marriage and the consequent birth of lucius malfoy. throughout it all, a now grown abraxas continues to expend all his efforts to aid tom's mission to the best of his capabilities before his abrupt death by a case of dragon pox before reaching the age of 30. tom is reasonably upset by this for a while but doesn't mull over it for too long as he believes himself to be the kind that never cared.
as lucius malfoy grows and becomes servant to the dark lord, tom sees subtle similarities between the young man and his once closest friend but it's nothing shocking or worth acting upon as their differences are far greater than their similarities. where lucius is an odious character with cruel tendencies, a slimy character and is obnoxiously vain, abraxas was naive yet charming with a boastful appearance accompanied by his noble arrogance that was pleasing at times. abraxas was capable of cruelty to please while lucius did the same out of fear instead. this didn't interest tom in the slightest and he turned a blind eye to the first generation after abraxas.
after the situation with baby harry and his own revival, tom, now voldemort, spends his days in the malfoy residence where he happens upon draco. he is mildly shocked by the surprising resemblance draco has of abraxas and as a skilled legilimens, he goes through teenage draco's mind and sees the romantic obsession the young malfoy has for harry potter. this reminds him once again of abraxas's own feelings towards himself and this is where his interest starts. suddenly he finds himself glancing for prolonged times at draco, soaking up the remnants of abraxas he is able to find and comes to the realization he has missed his deceased friend more than he has let on. he will never again have a companion so loyal, so pretty, so willing to die for him and what better way to honour that sort of bond than putting a piece of himself inside abraxas's living descendant. this is further fueled by the images he sees of harry's own memories through their connection and the oblivious but budding feelings harry holds for draco. he makes up his mind then to turn draco into his final and most prized horcrux, one he knows to be made in honour of his most cherished pet and the one piece of himself harry would never be able to kill.
or as I like to call it: draco is now a horcrux I guess 🤷‍♀️
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I'm 26 and I left my job were co-workers and boss were pretty much bullies. I worked split shifts (example from 7 am - 11 am then from 2 pm - 6 pm). Other times I mostly worked from 1 pm till 9 pm. I almost never got morning shifts so I could work from 6 am till 2 pm. I worked 6 days per week. I don't have a drivers license or a car so waiting for the bus took me a lot of time as well. If I finished at 11 am I was home at noon, I cooked something, cleaned up, took a shower and went to work again so I'd be there at 2 pm.
Mentally I was so unwell and I was exhausted since. And I feel like I deserve better than being exhausted, sad and depressed. I put all my energy to work I had none for me. I stopped seeing friends, I had zero energy.
And I feel like it's bizarre how people think you should be GRATEFUL to have work, no matter what kind, no matter if you are miserable. Am I crazy to think it's better to be jobless than being miserable 24/7?
1 free day I had off I still had zero energy. Mostly I was sleeping, napping or watching some kind of tv show and I was stressed all day like a kid that tomorrow I have to go to work again. You know like that kid that no one likes at school and the kid keep thinking the whole weekend "oh no it's going to be Monday soon".
People think I should be ashamed I left work, because they think I'm a lazy bum now (I live with my parents still we have a house but I have savings and I don't live there for free) but I don't feel ashamed. My parents kinda support me with my decision because they see how stressed I was.
But I feel society in general think you should be grateful that work is depressing/stressing/killing you.
I just wanted to say this because you reblogged how everyone deserve to eat & have roof over their head. Because I agree with that post and I just wanted to add how toxic our world is.
I'm sick when I see people preaching how people should be grateful for minimum wage.
Politicians steal millions, destroying their own people with bad decisions etc. but people only focus on other people because they don't want to be miserable as them. And instead of wanting better work hours/better work environment they would rather bad talk about others.
I don't think you have to grateful to work a stressful and unfulfilling job in a toxic environment. And I think people who are unsatisfied with their jobs have the right to talk about that without being judged and shamed. That being said, in a society where most of the stuff you need to maintain your existence is tied to your ability to work, it IS in fact a privilege to be able to work OR to be able to safely be unemployed. And this is also important to acknowledge in discussions about toxic work culture
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1yyyyyy1 · 3 months
it hurts so much being told by women that I'm not a victim after I express what this world does to women since the beginning even what other women do to individual women... These women were rf aligned... So they think that women are always the victims until its... Me? Because I'm "blackpilled" how can someone be this vile. Women were enslaved since the beginning of times and all other women co create our enslavement. I've been abused taunted gaslighted punished bullied ridiculed terrorised yet im not a victim? But other women always are?
How can women be this cruel while pretending to have virtue? All their tone policing must be secretly sadistic because its literally oppressive. They are like a curse to me at this point. How can creatures this filthy exist. Women are even naturally misogynistic in a way that they hold women to a higher standards and have more empathy for men. Like? Female socialization is aggressive. Scum behavior. Performative virtue
You are showing signs of genuine trauma to me because nobody who is not severely affected by a problem would react this harshly to it. I interact with the same type of women you are describing daily and I guarantee you that I do not react to their words the way you do, you are experiencing some kind of trauma response. You need to understand that your body is not these women's bodies and vice versa no matter how much they try to tell you otherwise, and that the acts they are engaging in are not being done to you. What they are essentially doing in trying to convince you that their problems are your problems is blackmailing you out of prioritizing yourself with things like "all of us have the potential to go through X or Y at the hands of men" (nevermind the fact that not all of us will go through the adverse effects of voluntary involvement with men, like infidelity, disappointment with your health and body after a successful pregnancy or violation of boundaries during consensual sex) and "if we all opted out, men would take it by force" — there will be no "opting out" for every woman on Earth and I have literal proof of them wanting to risk sex or pregnancy voluntarily on my blog. Opting out is for the select few who want to do nothing with heterosexual nonsense even if the price of doing so is death because partaking in their drivel is death, physical and spiritual, and if they really did care about distancing themselves from it all that much they would know that death is the least you will be willing to put up with. The behavior they engage in is perfectly avoidable. Is it hard? It is, but "hard" is very different from the "impossible" they are trying to paint it as.
"So they think that women are always the victims until its... Me?" — exactly. It is very easy to see that they lack integrity with how much they pick and choose who's a victim a who isn't in their eyes. It takes zero braincells to say "every woman is a victim" and actually approach women with that mindset, and when someone fails to do that despite preaching it over and over again, it means that there is some kind of internal agenda that they themselves may not be aware of.
I don't think they are aware of what they are doing per se, intent requires introspection and people like that are usually too caught up in their heads to do any sort of internal work to understand why they behave the way they do. At the end of the day, what matters is that their actions towards you are harmful and their lack of self-awareness doesn't signify that their behavior should be excused. Both you and me have been at it for years with trying to make these women see reason to only end up being abused and hit on the head in return, so my question is — why force yourself to put up with this? Because of the possibility of them coming to their senses and us banding together in our quest to eradicate male violence? You and these women have a different understanding of what constitutes it; you hate PIV and pregnancy and consider them violating while they don't, which is something they readily admit to, but what is even more grating is that they are not allowing you to express your disgust and exert your boundaries because they are fragile enough to think that another person's preferences reflect something about them as a person.
You don't need women to stop doing anything to get better and I am saying that from experience. What is more is that, in trying to "help" these women or by simply being around them, you are hurting a woman (yourself) which nullifies all of your feminist effort. If you want to take care of an abused woman, you need to start taking care of yourself. I can tell you with certainty that these women are well-off psychologically, at the very least compared to you, because no one with severe trauma is out there complaining about doing 50/50 with their man on an internet forum, they are terrified of men to the point where they can't stand the thought of being near one or are left in a catatonic state and I have seen that happen first-hand. I always say the following to anyone who's ever dealt with a serial abuser or put up with chronic abuse — you have years of experience with trying to get that person or lifestyle work for you, and you don't need me to tell you that the connection you are in is a certain death because it is likely reflected in your lack of productivity, overall misery or even the desire to "cross the rainbow bridge". You know what it is like to be hitting rock bottom and you might as well take a leap of faith to try and distance yourself from it. It is you or them and at some point you will have to choose.
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fandom ain't equipped to cope with it if inside of a minute of being reunited with Lucifer Lilith not only gets him to drop asking where she's been she has him apologizing to her, and manipulates him into ditching his schedule with the hotel to start working on concerts for her, and not only shifts the blame to him with Charlie but low key bullies her into changing into a dress, and assumes vaggie is house keeping due to her being a latina.
Okay, I can see Lilith manipulating Lucifer and Charlie. It would be actually good for the plot to take Lucifer out of the picture because he's almost a game breaking OP.
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Where did you get the idea that Lilith is a misogynistic woman who would preach traditional femininity and bully Charlie into changing into a dress? She's literally the OG rebellious queen and has largely shaped Charlie into the person she is today. Sure, Charlie might be gullible, but she's not stupid. After Lucifer literally proved how much he cares about her, I don't think she'd be easily turned against him.
Also, why introduce racism into it? Hell might have its own kind of racism but it's rooted in their internal hierarchy. And sure there's probably some "human" racism there, brought by sinners, but is a relatively modern idea, widely introduced by colonialism. And talking about the "Latinas are housemaids" stereotype - that was invented by white Americans relatively recently (compared to all years of human history). Lilith is ancient, she has lived through thousands of years, and I don't see a single reason why she would subscribe to this particular ideology. She probably doesn't even have a human perception of ethnicity.
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Characters can be evil (though we don't even know if Lilith is evil-evil or if she's just egotistical) and don't need to check every Evil Person Trait like racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, abuse stc. Why strip away every nuance for the sake of making Lilith this absolute monster? The worst thing she has done was leaving her responsibilities, husband and adult daughter for seven years after centuries of doing her duties. Women do such things sometimes and sure, it sucks for those who were left behind and is a dick move, to not give others closure but doesn't automatically make anyone the worst person alive.
Call me not equipped to cope with it, but I'm not buying it at all.
EDIT: Follow up from the anon, turns out we kinda miss communicated
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i think leela deserves more appreciation than she gets.
i mean obviously there’s the people who just kind of degrade her into a pinup girl, we can all agree that’s lousy. but i think even a lot of good natured fans will write her off as the no-nonsense straight man to fry and bender, the “one with the braincell,” the one who has everything together and isn’t really willing to get silly like the boys. 
and yeah that can be true, especially in earlier seasons. but i think people underappreciate leela’s development and the fact she really is a messed-up, complicated, weird woman. 
for one thing, her kickass fighting abilities are well understood, but her kung-fu skill emerged as a way to work out her anger from being bullied, so she often resorts to violence as a defense mechanism even when it isn’t necessarily needed. in “hell is other robots” she gets freaked out by the mosh pit and beats up the other concertgoers, “bender’s game” is about how her anger can overtake her and even being punished for violence won’t faze her, and in “lethal inspection” she outright admits violent outbursts are how she copes with mortality. “anthology of interest 1″ shows that she will descend into a murderous rampage at the slightest provocation if she had just a bit worse impulse control. 
she’s also really stubborn! like, she will have a full-on mental breakdown if someone insists she can’t do something, because she has such an issue with being treated as unwanted and “worthless” that she needs to prove herself as highly capable of anything. "the sting," “mobius dick” and “bender’s game” are both great examples, as is the back half of “bender’s big score” -- note the sharp turn from “happy, calm, in love, willing to let other people handle the situation” to “insists on taking charge, kicking ass, and self-isolating” after lars leaves her at the altar. 
also as great as it is that she’s more organized than fry, this veers into some weird habits like freezing all her dinners a month in advance and having a very minimalist apartment for a while. this plays into how anxious she gets about taking risks. she is very pedantic about grammar and can get ridiculously overzealous about keeping her crew safe and healthy. however she gets bored and frustrated when she doesn’t have excitement in her life. 
she is very bad at organizing papers, preferring to just hide things away even when they become too big to ignore (symbolic!), completely failing when she steps in for hermes in “lethal inspection.” she also forgot to vote despite preaching about it all episode in “a head in the polls.” she is not as infallible as she wants people to believe! she just tries harder to justify it to herself than others, because she also has a severe guilt complex -- if she admits to herself that she did something wrong, she feels she needs to be punished.
she has a lonely, mundane home life. she can struggle with creativity and settle on an unexciting option (i.e. wanting to use superpowers for “humdrum activities” in “less than hero”), which is where fry’s tendency to blurt out any idea that comes to mind comes in handy. 
despite being fairly fashionable, she sometimes struggles with traditional femininity. not just bc of her attitude and mutations but also her feet and breath stink lmao. she also has a bit of a potty mouth and has said “fuck” (bleeped out) in at least three episodes. she's a terrible singer (despite katey herself being a great singer).
she is implied to have a “hedonistic” past and used to drive around in a mausoleum as a teenager. she went to her prom alone with a dress made of carpet remains. she dropped out and “bummed around india for a while” after college. 
she has a massive soft spot for animals, including “gross” ones like leeches, and despite all her violence, she usually backs down if it means a (perceived) innocent animal will be hurt. this can sometimes backfire on her (i.e. “into the wild green yonder”). she is very protective and empathetic towards living creatures, probably cuz she never had anybody looking out for her. she likes to read books about animals to relax. 
she regularly visits the orphanarium and is very concerned with being a good role model for those kids, emphasizing especially with sally. it is repeatedly implied in the (admittedly semi-canon) comics that she wants to be a mother. 
she plays with her hair when she’s nervous or flirty. she had an anxiety attack and physically froze up when she thought a mutant was stalking her. she had a bedwetting problem as a child and even her warden still holds it over her head. 
she has repressed mental illness related to her lack of family growing up  and has a desperate need for companionship, but sets high standards so she won’t get her heart broken first. whenever she’s single, she is very cynical about love and doesn’t do well seeing happy couples. 
she seems very obsessed with normality and stability which is why she often seeks men of high status to date, even if they turn out to be jerks. however, she outgrows this after meeting her family, as she becomes extremely attached to them despite their low status and embraces her mutant culture quickly. 
her mutations are not limited to her eye. she not only has a whole episode about her now-cured genetic mutant disease, but she occasionally lays an egg and has talons on her elbows. depending on the episode, she can be quite disabled by her single eye due to her lack of depth perception. there’s also the singing boil but that episode sucks lol
she also can get really horny lol. once she’s dating fry steadily, she tends to initiate things a lot more, even in public. i think it’s sometimes more of a fanservice thing but it’s always funny to see her so down bad, especially in the comedy central era
she likes bender because of his “in your face attitude” and often has a playful dynamic with him despite disapproving of his lack of morals. she doesn’t like amy a lot of the time but they can get along and comfort each other when the time is needed. i’m not even getting into her and fry because that’s its own post.
overall i just love leela a lot, she’s such a weird, complicated, fascinating character and i could go on about her All Day. 
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fizzingwizard · 10 months
Something else I love about Moomins...
When I was a kid, like nine or ten years old, I had a book called What Kay Did. In the book, Katy is a selfish and mean young girl, who falls off a swing and I think breaks her back or something. As a result, she can't walk, and is cooped up inside and miserable. Little by little, she learns how her nasty behavior made her siblings afraid of her and not want to be with her, and now that she can't go out and amuse herself, she's really dependent on them for fun. So she learns to be nice. She becomes almost saintly, really.
Then, near the end of the book, the family finds out that there's a possibility that Katy will be able to walk again. And instead of being happy for her, the siblings say, "But she's become so nice since she got hurt. If she heals, will she be mean again?" Fortunately, Katy both relearns how to walk, and stays nice, so everyone's happy.
I hated this book. And it's not like, as a kid, I wasn't familiar with moralizing children's books where the main character learned a lesson and grew into a better person. I knew exactly what the book was doing. I just hated it. And I also knew that the siblings weren't meant to be interpreted as cold and indifferent for their lack of enthusiasm on hearing Katy might walk again. It's probably realistic even, if you've been bullied by someone before, to worry that a return to the circumstances where they bullied you would trigger it again. Still I hated them. I hated the book for telling me Katy had to behave a certain way for her to deserve to walk. Even though the way she used to be was truly awful. And I hated the book for requiring me to sympathize with the siblings, who had been treated badly by Katy, when what I really thought was that their resistance her recovery, however brief, was worse than anything she'd done to them in the past.
I hated being told what to think. I hated being preached at about right and wrong. And more than anything, I hated that Katy went through a character arc so dramatic that, in the end, she was completely unrecognizable as the girl in chapter one. That was meant to be good thing, because chapter one Katy was an asshole. But even as a kid, I didn't believe people change that much. Katy ended up more or less a saint. Always kind, always giving, always patient. Because of that, her relearning to walk came across like a reward for being a good person.
I haven't picked up this book again since I was a kid. So I may be forgetting important points. It's always possible I'd feel differently as an adult. That's my disclaimer, but i don't really think so. Because it's not like this kind of book was unusual. Another one comes to mind, the title of which I've forgotten, which was about a plate. In the world of plates, if you let just anyone eat off you, you wound up a dirty paper plate no one wanted. But if you waited and remained pure and clean, one day the King himself would change you into a beautiful porcelain plate and you'd be part of his household. It was a metaphor for Christianity and for virginity. It was more preachy BS.
Part of the reason I hated it was because I really took it to heart. I felt that I was horrible like Katy, and that unless I could achieve her saintliness, I would be always coming up short. Every time I committed a sin, even just in my head, I felt like I was back at square one. And I was doomed to fail, because of course it's impossible to be as good as Katy. We can change some. We can strive for self-improvement. But we'll be fighting our demons forever. (And in the book's defense, I believe I remember a scene where Katy admits she still struggles with her temperament later on, but she does her best not to let it affect her siblings.) With the plates, same thing: you can't live a totally pure and clean life. No one can. In Christianity, that's supposed to be a prerequisite for being human: we are all sinners, all of us. The goal is to try your best to live a righteous life and to be humble. But there's so much judgment and so many attacks on people who falter, and so much smug superiority among those who are convinced they are living righteously.
The Moomins books say something completely different. They were about self-acceptance. "All nice things are good for you," Moominmamma says. That would never fly in my Christian children's literature. And it's not like the Moomin book were anti-religious. (on a tangent: I wondered if what Moomintroll left under the fir tree, the thing that he didn't even tell Snufkin about, was meant to be him giving his soul to God on Christmas. It's impossible for me to tell whether I read that story right or if my deeply religious upbringing is screwing with me again.)
The Moomins don't say it's fine to be a bully or it's fine to do things that hurt you or others. But they don't go around breaking your back for being a bully or rejecting you eternally for not doing what you're told. Things happen in Moomins - characters make choices in step with their nature, and although they rub each other the wrong way sometimes, it always turns out that there was this or that reasoning and no one's really right or wrong. They're all just people. Moomins doesn't expect you to ever try to be perfect. And hiding your demons doesn't protect your family from them, rather it creates more distance between you and makes it harder to support each other and feel supported.
Characters in Moomins aren't so dynamic. But they also aren't completely stagnant. No character would undergoes the vast change that Katy did, or the complete transformation of the porcelain plate. Instead, characters are confronted with themselves again and again. And, again and again, they learn to accept themselves warts and all. A hemulen is a hemulen, a fillyonk is a fillyjonk and it's no use for them to try to be anything else, because that's what they are. Sometimes they're fed up with it and yearn to be anyone else. It's only natural, because no one is perfect, so we can always find bits of ourselves to hate. But inevitably they'll miss themselves. It's when characters listen to voices that tell them they're not enough, whether those voices are internal or external, that they become nasty and mean and mistreat each other.
There are no real bad guys in Moomins. We can only wonder what would happen if someone really mean were ever introduced. But the stories aren't missing such a character - they especially aren't missing the chance to chastise their young readers for their imperfections and urge them to be righteous because otherwise, hell awaits. I much prefer the take that everyone has their own personality and temperament and history, which informs their actions, and that most of the difficulties people have with each other come from not respecting that. You can't have a community by forcing everyone to be the same. A community is different people making the same choice to support each other's differences.
Actually, there is one bad guy in Moomins. It's the aunt in "The Invisible Child." Notably, she doesn't feature in the story. The story is about helping Ninny. About Ninny learning that she is important. That she doesn't deserve to be mistreated and degraded, her every misstep nitpicked. That her wants, her needs, her voice matters. Her cruel aunt doesn't matter at all. So she's not part of the story.
And, when Ninny rediscovers who she is, she's praised in this way: "She's even worse than Little My." I wonder how different Katy's story would have been, if she had Little My to knock some sense into her, without also sapping her of her individuality. I bet that plate never would have become porcelain either, but would have enjoyed life in the Moominhouse cupboard just as much.
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hoarding-niffler · 1 year
Any headcanons on what kind of mischief the Hogwarts Legacy professors got into when they were students themselves?
There are a lot of teachers and we have barely anything to work with personality-wise, so this is rather short and kind of one-dimensional. I know it's unrealistic that each of them would focus on what they're teaching later on, but hey, my headcanons, my rules. Also, again, the devs gave us nearly NOTHING about them T_T Satyavati Shah: - She constantly snuck out after curfew to watch the stars and corrected her teacher if they got astronomical facts wrong
Cuthbert Binns: - He underlined "important" historical facts in school books. They were not his own.
Phineas Nigellus Black: - He was a very lazy student and used his reputation to get by most of the time.
Mudiwa Onai: - She stealthily rearranged her partner's tea leaves to give them a fright.
Chiyo Kogawa: - She preaches how brooms aren't meant for loops and risky manoeuvres, but she was the queen of nosedives and loopings.
Bai Howin: - She overfed the wild Jobberknolls around the school and watched with glee as their droppings hit her bullies.
Aesop Sharp: - He stole potion ingredients to experiment on his own. He's responsible for one of the toilets being out of order to this day.
Abraham Ronen: - He always turned his teacher's lessons into games and roped his fellow classmates into them. Everything had to be a contest.
Mirabel Garlick: - When she witnessed Sirona being bullied she unleashed a young chomping cabbage to bite off some fingers. This woman is no joke.
Dinah Hecat: - Too many to count and probably illegal to mention. As a prefect she let most students get away with their mischief.
Eleazar Fig: - He always snuck out to Hogsmeade with Miriam and take walks by moonlight. Yes, he's just sweet. Deal with it.
Matilda Weasley: - A party isn't a real party until someone's smalls are nailed to the common room's bill-board, and that's all I'm going to say about that.
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danggirlronpa · 4 months
Not the Pekoshima anon who originally talked about the ship, but I am so Invested in pekoshima my god, I have to talk about it. Okay so - with both Ultimate Despair's we see (discounting DR3 because. I don't like it), Nagito and Mikan, I find them very interesting. Mikan in chapter 3 obviously isn't behaving well - murder and all - but she also seems to recognize for possibly the first time ever that how people treated her was wrong (questioning why they treated her this way, acknowledging it wasn't fair, even calling the cast a bunch of bullies in scorn). Which is... such interesting characterization! It's one of the reasons I can't exactly buy how Junkan is presented in DR3 - in her FTEs, how people treated Mikan was normal to her, and she didn't seem to fully realize it was wrong. In the third trial, Mikan talks as if she knows how she was treated was wrong, and singles out Junko as being different, having forgiven her. In her final FTE, she says that Hajime has forgiven her too, implying to me that Junko did the same thing as Hajime did during their FTEs together, just with malicious intent (strengthening the Hajime/Izuru and Ryouko/Junko parallels and solitifying both Chiaki and Hajime in SDR2 as "the kindness the remnants never had" - kindness that ultimately leads to them triumphing over Junko this time). So in DR3, it didn't make much sense to me that Junko treated Mikan just as everyone else in Mikan's life has. Kicking her and berating her. Of course, with brainwashing she didn't need to be kind, but before DR3 came out, I always thought Junko operated more like... she would make you go one step forward, and two steps back. She would present herself as if solving your problems and helping you, but that was just to her own ends. We see this in Nagito too - when he's in DR:AE as a remnant of despair, his ideals have changed drastically from SDR2, and I'd go so far as to say what he preaches in DR:AE to be a better philosophy - though how far he's willing to go for it, still bad. So, the conclusion I reached was that every remnant would have some sort of ironic twist - something they improved upon, only for their other behaviors to be worse, like Nagito and Mikan.
So Hiyoko wouldn't be bully - but maybe it would be too much in the other direction, where she was obedient to a fault. Never talking without permission, sitting still like a doll, only doing what she was told.
Kaizuchi, perhaps, would no longer be obsessed with Sonia, someone who didn't like him back, and instead fixate on Junko, who welcomed his obsession...
And Peko, who used to think she was a tool... perhaps she would finally realize she was human. Perhaps she would realize this, and despair at such a fact.
Because it would mean she failed. She failed to become a tool for Fuyuhiko, and suddenly everything done to her wasn't "training a tool" but a tragedy. Her life was a tragedy. The very fact that she is human is despair, but that despair itself proves she is human. I imagine she could get very twisty and turny in her thoughts about this.
I also have the headcanon that Peko and Fuyuhiko during the despair times switches roles. Fuyuhiko always took on too much responsibility, and hey, here's your old pal Junko here to set you straight! You don't need to take so much onto yourself! It's painful, isn't it? Taking the burden of making choices. Being human. Who wants that responsibility? Why not give it to someone else? Oh hey, look at that, it's your old pal Peko! She'll take the brunt of responsibility from now on! From now on, Peko is the master and Fuyuhiko is the tool!
I just love the idea of Junko doing these ironic little twists. Helping them in some way only to fuck them over in others. Junko makes Peko realize she's human, and because of that, Peko cannot help but both love and resent her. Real toxic yuri shit going on.
(TW this gets a lil gory at the end)
This is a really good take on Junko's strategy!! My Junko analysis is similar but not quite the same. I've always viewed Junko as a monkey's paw. Whoever you are, she gives you exactly what you want, in its totality - but at the expense of your happiness.
Mikan's desire for someone to care for her becomes excessive dependency and blind devotion. Ryota's desire to become a successful animator who doesn't have to think about talking to others or existing in the real world becomes the complete destruction of that world, and his animated work as the most influential to ever exist. Nagito's desire to become a force which others can step on to find hope becomes Nagito ensuring the legacy of the greatest despair he possibly can, so that no 'fake' hopes can bypass his rigorous test - only a True Ultimate Hope can overcome and finally lead the world to victory.
Despair - for Junko - is the knowledge that you have succeeded, and everything is even worse than if you hadn't. Because Junko is Always succeeding, and she's Always in despair. Nothing challenges her. The only thing that she can't predict is pure dumb luck, which Makoto leverages against her both in THH and SDR2 to enable her defeat. Junko, like Izuru, is one of the most successful people to ever exist, and it SUCKS. So of course she is dragging people down the exact same way she herself is dragged down. Of course she shows people obvious, glowing success, in such a way that it tears down the entire world they once knew. Because this way - if one day unimaginably, they break their bonds - they will never, ever experience true hope again. Because their hopes are what destroyed them. Their hope brings about despair.
So from that perspective, I think you're dead on the money with Fuyuhiko, who loathes his position and wants to be free of the burden of responsibility (wouldn't it be easier, to be a tool, too? Aren't you tired of telling people to die? Shouldn't you take responsibility yourself, if there's killing to be done?). But Peko's desire is to be a tool. Rather than teaching Peko how to become her own person, I personally think that Junko would put Peko through the paces of both physical and psychological torture to turn her into a complete unfeeling instrument, exactly like Peko wanted. Once you've been in a 1-foot cell with no other people for a week, once you've been given Pavlovian training to receive an endorphin rush when holding your own spilling viscera in your hands - affection, agency, memory all fade away. There's just the next order. Exactly like Peko wanted.
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acomputeryguy · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about episode four, Friendship.
This episode made me kind of uncomfortable at first, but after re-watching, I think that is the intended effect.
Spoilers and long commentary below.
It is easy to empathise with Warren if you have ever been bullied or felt disrespected (by a group, an institution, anyone) in your life. We can also empathise with Yellow Guy who is being disrespected in this episode too. He berates and punishes himself for something everyone does (forgetting a password), and instead of comforting him, Red Guy and Duck call him names.
Cue Warren. A stereotypical keyboard warrior. You could replace his message on how not to be a bad friend™️ with a crusade of your choosing - how not to be any of the -ists, -phobics, or bad-anything. I think to simplify things though, it's easier to replace 'bad friend' with 'bad representation'.
It’s no coincidence Warren shows up on computer day to immediately start policing a group of people he’s never met, make assumptions about their dynamics and a situation he wasn’t present for, and justify his invasion of their space with an anecdote as if that personal trauma gives him authority to speak over them.
Yellow Guy is the one being poorly treated (/represented). But rather than allowing Yellow Guy to stand up for himself and use his own words to talk about what he's experiencing, Warren literally takes over his mouth by superimposing his own and speaking for him, going on to do the same to Red, creating what he believes is the most proper and correct way to navigate the conversation. He has no official backing to do any of this (hence the repeated mentioning of him not being associated with the “OK Stop” organisation), and is bastardising their values so he can execute them how he sees fit, as we see play out in the episode.
Warren’s story clearly shows that his friends were never the problem though, it was all down to his own negative mindset, which is a message the episode circles back to at the end. It's hard to take that message away from the episode when there is so much angry, bullying behaviour from all sides. We, the viewer, desperately tries to find the "good, right, moral" guy to root for, and yet by the end, they're all as bad as each other. Yellow Guy, after being treated so awfully, is the first to throw a punch, starting the fight that sees us through the end credits. He also joins in bullying Warren about his appearance.
I think the overall "theme" is that people who make advocating online their one personality trait are rarely in the game with good intentions. They inevitably become the type of person they're trying to educate, lacking all self-awareness as they employ worse and worse tactics to make their point.
Warren himself views friends (representation) as something that should only serve him, even keeping himself awake at night obsessing over it instead of just… enjoying himself, as his friends were doing. In Warren’s eyes, his friends not aligning with his beliefs (business idea) meant something was wrong with THEM, not him, so he had to cut them all out of his life. His friends apologise and are visibly rueful, but it’s not enough. “The damage (poor representation) has already been done”, right? Too late for sorry!
We can draw parallels here with how creators can be treated online if they make a faux pas in their work, or if they fail to execute representation accurately. They’re not allowed to apologise and aim to be better next time, they’re immediately cancelled and considered Problematic. Or in Warren's case, angrily crossed out of his presentation and his life (boycotting). The only recourse in Warren’s eyes is for these people to learn how to be “better best friends”, yet their apologies don’t count towards that. So since he can't preach at them (creators, usually inaccessible), he has to take his ire out on smaller fry instead.
The significance of Warren calling himself an eagle when he’s not is that he has a false perception of himself and what he’s actually doing. He’s not being this impressive symbol of freedom (an eagle). He’s a worm that will crawl into the minds of vulnerable people online and impose his thought process onto them and the ones who are actually hurt by that are the people he’s claiming to be championing.
This is because he's all talk (arguing with people online), no action (creating something for himself, or going out there, making friends, spreading positivity).
In true internet fashion, this can open a person up to receiving the exact kind of attention they throw at their so-called "enemies". We're made to feel sorry for Warren when Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck all begin tearing down his appearance. One wrong move - no matter how pure and "woke" you are - and the knives all turn, and it's always ugly. No one is a good guy and no one is a bad guy anymore - you're all just guys on the internet, squabbling for that sweet, sweet social currency Warren is so desperately chasing as well.
His offer to teach the trio how to be better and maybe share a restaurant-style meal together (his true goal: to be liked) is forgotten in all of the vitriol, and then Yellow Guy remembers the password and he, Duck and Red Guy all dive right into having fun online, which is what they started out wanting to do.
As is typical of the internet though, the tables turn once again when Yellow Guy runs into exactly what Warren was trying to educate them about. Red Guy and Duck have emails, and Yellow Guy has nothing. No evidence of friendship (no representation), and he is immediately rendered without a voice when Warren talks over him again to explain to Duck and Red Guy (who are confused by Yellow Guy's, in their view, dramatic reaction) why he must be upset. Warren quotes the organisation’s slogan: “When things get to be a lot, you can always say OK Stop”, which is a good, healthy way to approach the online world. You don’t have to feed the trolls, you don’t have to obsessively check comments and messages, you can log off and take a break and go back to things when you’re in a better headspace for them. But he delivers this as a spiteful punchline to the people he perceives to be the creators of the problem (Duck and Red Guy), not as advice for Yellow Guy who is the one who is actually upset and friendless (not represented).
While it is kind of sad that Warren is so easy to manipulate with the promise of a restaurant-style meal in Red and Duck's company, what the viewer learns from that is he's only really interested in helping someone if it means getting something for himself in return. This being the attention of the people he's trying to impress/educate.
Yellow Guy, now in the place of a creator, retreats into himself and makes up a perfect world full of people he personally wants to appeal to. It's a positive, colourful place where everyone gets along and enjoys Yellow Guy's imagination. The point is made that even though this is not necessarily healthy, nobody is being hurt and it works for Yellow Guy and his friends. The Yumpferdinker "only really has the one song" and it's coincidentally a song everyone vibes with. Yellow Guy's achievements - no matter how simple - are celebrated and enjoyed. All ruined of course when Warren worms his way in with the wrong intentions.
The jump-lump becomes this cancerous, mangled sore where once it was a fun, harmless game, and Warren chases all of Yellow Guy's friends away by dictating how things should be rather than just enjoying (or at the very least accepting) them for the way that they are. Because Yellow Guy's imaginary friends aren't minded like Warren, they take themselves offline (the shy brother doing so quite literally), and Yellow Guy is left all alone via his association with Warren.
And Warren has completely lost sight of why he originally even got involved, no longer OK-Stop-ing to impart wisdom and educate, but to twist the narrative to make himself look better. To justify his poor behaviour.
He takes a pure creation that wasn't really causing any trouble and suffocates it with his insufferable persistence to be involved, even though this space isn't for him. It's a bone he cannot let go - even after Yellow Guy withdraws further into himself (where everything is so abstract and vague, we can't make proper sense of the ideas), Warren is there, ripping through his thoughts and mind to harass him (which is how it can feel when you're trying to create anything these days - you're plagued by the fear you could be cancelled before you've even started). Warren's goal now is not to help Yellow Guy at all (educate), but to be perceived as the one and only best friend (the only correct choice/method of representing a thing).
Warren can dole out criticism, but he can't take it. He expects other people to change and be better, but he won't learn the same lesson. As uncomfortable as it is watching the trio tear down his appearance and to watch his heroic attempt to rescue Yellow Guy (which he was manipulated into) devolve into him becoming the harasser instead, it's Warren's reactions we're meant to be paying attention to. Instead of taking criticism and understanding why he's receiving rejection at every turn, he immediately falls back on false confidence and waits around for his got-cha moment. He could have taken a leaf out of his own book and left after Duck, Red and Yellow Guy called him names, but he hung around in the trio's house, delighted when he could finally snipe at them with a "teachable moment". He makes other people vulnerable and renders himself vulnerable with this obsessive behaviour.
Deep down, his self-imposed "OK Stop" work isn't to help and educate people, it's to fill the gaping, friendship-less void in his life, and it's that intensity in him that drives others away.
Warren has allowed "the worm in his brain" (read: negativity) to completely consume him. The episode ends with a quick song about why dwelling in negativity isn't helpful, the undercurrent being that you do still need to be self-aware, however (looking at Duck's brain-worm here...) Like Warren, the trio miss that part and immediately start fighting as soon as Yellow Guy breaks their new toy by accident. Like Warren, they haven't learnt anything at all. And so the cycle continues.
It's a really clever, multi-layered episode I think. Like Warren, the viewer can easily lose sight of the point if they get too hung up on taking sides.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Kallamar x reader? Like instead of killing the Bishops, Lamb just made them all follower sized and indoctrinated them. So S/o is probably the only person in the cult(aside from his siblings ofc) that Kallamar will really talk to, because s/o often stand up for him against any asshats? Maybe one day, s/o is attacked by a couple dissenters and Kallamar, in an uncharacteristic show of bravery, show up and scares them off? Or maybe he just beats tf outta them, I'll leave that up to you.
remember: hydrate of diedrate :]
It was just another lovely day in the Cult of the Lamb, with you being tasked with harvesting the vegetables at the farming plot. 
You hummed a tune as you put on your hat and started picking them, making sure they were neatly organized in the chest.
Your stomach was growling at the thought of having a delicious veggie stew, although you were quite eager to have fish thrown into the mix. Lamb went off to gather some at Pilgrim's Passage, so while they were out you worked hard to ensure they could make food as soon as they returned.
Unfortunately, not everyone in the cult was as obedient nor as chipper as you. 
In fact, you were currently doing your best to tune out the dissenters shouting nonsense into the megaphones near the shrine.
As of late, Lamb has made..a number of questionable decisions. Among them being their decision to indoctrinate the Bishops of the Old Faith into the cult after defeating them.
Yes, the same bishops who slaughtered their kind and tormented innocent followers--now under their ruling as immortal, but not entirely invincible, vessels.
You weren’t sure what made them decide to do that. Though their actions still broke the chains that kept the One Who Waits Below locked up...so you didn’t question them much and instead welcomed them as you would any follower.
Kallamar was the most recent arrival, and his cowardice was on full display. He was among the most obedient--albeit out of fear of being abandoned or killed by the lamb who bested him in combat.
This made him a doormat, in a sense, by others. They’d make him do the work they were assigned to, tell Lamb lies about him stealing, or attempt to trick him into eating certain..undesirable dishes as “revenge” for making them sick.
Yet he would endure it all...until you stood up for him one day and became a close friend. Nowadays he only talked to you, Lamb, Leshy, and Heket, finding comfort especially in your presence.
After some encouragement from his siblings, he nervously confessed his romantic interest in you during a chat over dinner. He nearly sobbed when you accepted his feelings, promising him you’ll protect him so he didn’t feel like an outcast.
Sadly, you couldn’t be in two places at once when he was being harassed. And you even made a few enemies yourself as word spread of your relationship.
Such as the dissenters who noticed you were alone and decided to pay a visit.
As you closed the chest lid, you felt your farming hat being snatched away and turned around, frowning. “Excuse you. That was rude-”
“Why do you love that monster?”
“...guys, we’ve already been over this.” You sighed, realizing you’re gonna have this conversation for the hundredth time. It was irritating you. “But you know, it’s ironic how you’re calling him the monster when you two have been nothing but bullies ever since he arrived. Just give him a chance.”
“Why? You’re not the Leader.” One sneered, getting awfully close to you--enough to invade your personal space. “They’re not here. So we can do whatever we want!”
“I know I’m not the Leader. And I can’t stop you. But we can still preach their good word. They’ve taught us about forgiving our enemies-”
“Yeah, over petty things..not over inflicting a terrible plague unto us!” The other dissenter snarled, their red eyes glowing with hatred. “We suffered so much..I couldn’t keep food down for three. Whole. DAYS!! What if he does it again?! What he targets our elders?! Do you not care about them?!!”
“I care very much!” Your voice was starting to tremble, but you stood your ground. “J-Just leave me alone. The Lamb will not tolerate this--oof!!” 
You were roughly shoved to the ground, the dissenter above you scowling.
“What do they care? We’re just disposable to them..things to throw away once we stop being useful! So what if something bad happens to you..or Kallamar?”
With wide eyes, you stared at the pair, before gritting your teeth. “You’re liars. Lamb approves of us, so why don’t you?!”
“Because falling in love with a bishop is taboo!! It should be considered heresy!” The dissenter who pushed you grabbed a rock. “He’s a heretic, and so are you...and heretics deserve to be stoned.”
Now you were utterly terrified as you tried shuffling away. “P-Please..don’t do this..”
“We show no mercy to heretics here-!”
Surprised, the pair looked to see a furious Kallamar standing there. His eyes were pitch black, save for his cross-shaped pupils that glowed bright.
Yet they only laughed and decided that he would be the first to get stoned, and they chucked the rock at him-
Only to see a black skeletal hand emerge from his robe and catch it, followed by another hand...and then two more. The stone was crushed into bits as he stalked towards the duo, before grabbing them both by the throats.
“I don’t care if you think of me as your enemy still. You can push me around all you desire..but if you dare a hand or stone on my beloved again, I’ll cast an illness upon you so horrible that you’ll BEG for death to come take you!! UNDERSTOOD?!!”
Realizing they completely underestimated his power, the dissenters nodded. Their eyes almost instantly turned back to normal as he dropped them, watching them run away in tears.
Kallamar smiled in triumph, though upon seeing you he gasped and ran over to help you up. “Are you okay? They didn’t touch you, did they?”
“No, I’m fine..thank you, Kall.” You smiled and kissed his cheek. “My heroic squid still has some of his powers, it seems.”
Bashful, he looked at his skeletal arms, turning them back into his normal ones as he laughed nervously. “Y-Yeah, haha..I wouldn’t call myself a “hero”. I was just..returning the favor after all those times you helped me.”
Only a few moments later, Lamb returned to the cult looking worried. They knew who dissented and arrived to resolve the problem, but they were just working twice as hard on their tasks.
Upon reading their minds, they learned what happened and went over to you and Kallamar. “Did you..stop them from dissenting through fear?”
“I-I did.” The ex-bishop admitted. “They were going to hurt [y/n] and..I-I stepped in. I didn’t mean to scare them that badly-”
“No, no..it’s okay, Kallamar. It’s honestly a headache trying to re-educate some of them. So sometimes fear will do the trick. Thank you.” With a light smile, they blessed him and went on their way.
“C’mon. I’m starving.” You tugged on his hand, while he nodded in agreement and followed Lamb to the cooking fire.
For once, he was glad he could protect you.
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