#we were talking about interactions with Hana and now it's happening!!!
clownprincehoeshi · 3 months
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. But it seems that the universe really loves you this time. Will Jeon Jungkook notice you?
Pairing: fem reader x ?idol
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: for all chapters-Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Stalking-Harrassment-Cheating-Death mentions Minors don’t interact!
Word count: 4704
Previous chapter
Don't forget rebloging is important and much apreciated! <3
Of course headache was your best friend the next day
Y/N: Fucking hell, I drank so much. Why did you let me do it? Some friends I have.
Hana: But it was really funny watching you drunk. And you’re a good drunk, fun, friendly, funny, clingy. Just like someone else I know.
Y/N: Shut uuup! I need water and pills.
Hana: Let’s get out of bed first, drink water, take something for the headache and get ready. We’re having breakfast out. I know a new cute place that opened.
Y/N: Damn, are you like a city tour guide but for places you can eat and hang out? I never ever in my life had went out this much as I have since I met you.
Hana: You love it though, even if you’re such an introvert.
Y/N: Hehe, you caught me.
You two were out in no time, holding hands and walking quietly towards the breakfast place.
When you got there, everything was in shades of pink and white. Really cute, you thought. You ordered some delicious sandwiches and pancakes, along with some cocoa-milk.
Y/N: Am I in heaven now? What is going on, how did I die?
Hana: It’s so good, right?
Y/N: Huh! Yah-huh. It’s so ridiculous. I need to bring the guys here.
Hana: You know, I was thinking that I miss the ’97 crew get together and we all know what happened and how we kind of stopped doing our regular dinners. I really miss hanging out with my cousin like that and it’s the only time when I get to see him, with him being so busy. SO..
Y/H: Babe, you can meet them if you want, I don’t mind.
Hana: What if JK or Mingyu are there? I really don’t want to speak to them, especially fucking Jungkook.
Y/N: Well, I don’t know. I guess you can just ignore him? And you can be friendly with Gyu, he’s not horrible. And the rest of the guys are all right.
Hana: You think JK and Mingyu talk?
Y/N: Not sure. Last time I saw them, they were not on good terms, and Gyu thinks JK is my stalker. But you never know, they were really good friends before I showed up.
Hana: Yeah, I guess you’re right. We’ll see, I will come with gossip though.
Y/N: Come on, let’s head home. Tomorrow we’ll have a really busy day at work with all those meetings and planning.
Hana: I really think they’ll announce we got the Seventeen project.
Y/N: I don’t know if I’m excited about it.
Next day comes around and it was like Hana said. Your company got the new Seventeen project. You’ll be working close with them for their new album and world tour. One whole year of touring all over the world, wow. They gotten really big.
Hana: Look, they have a bunch of concerts in Europe. We should definitely go to some. We might need to be there with the staff anyways for the stage, settings and styling. That would be fun, wouldn’t it?
Y/N: I mean… I guess. I would see him too much for my liking, but things maybe will be better by then. The company will sure send a team to some of the venues for sure.
This was unexpected. You knew how things worked in this business. If you worked with an artist and they had concerts, your company needed to send people there. At least I’ll travel.
Weeks of intensive work followed. Planning and preparations, filming, shootings. Mingyu came back from his hiatus and when you met on the set or in meetings you kept it short and civilised.
They had their comeback now and album promotions. Some tv shows here and there, some live performances. You were there with your team for most of them. Tour was right around the corner and you felt pretty excited.
You, Hana and 3 other people from your company were supposed to be with the group in most of the locations. You never travelled so much and you couldn’t wait for it. All those cities, all that culture and history. You were always fascinated by it.
The day of the departure was here. You woke up at 2 am to get ready. You had 2 big suitcases filled with clothes and personal stuff. You made yourself look pretty and presentable, you will be flying together with the members and some of the staff.
Most of the other staff were already at the location. First stop, L.A. You’ve never been to the US and you were shitting your pants right now.
The airport was crazy, filled with fans, photographs, journalists, staff, suitcases on top of suitcases. This was crazy.
The company finally got a private plane for the boys, they became too successful now and they really need privacy more than ever. No more crazy fans stalking them into their flights wherever they went.
Plane took off and in no time the crew brought breakfast for everyone. You sat next to Hana and in front of you were Jun and Minghao.
Jun: Well this is going to be a long ass flight, so we should eat and sleep.
Minghao: You’re always sleeping.
Y/N: He’s a cat, of course he sleeps a lot.
Minghao: BTW, Y/N, I am really happy to have you with us on this tour.
Y/N: Oh? Why?
Minghao: You’re the only one that doesn’t get shy when I flirt with them.
Y/N: You don’t know that, maybe I get shy but I hide it really well.
Minghao: Naaahh, I know you. Not even a small blush on your cheeks and you never fluster, you always have a comeback. I like you.
Jun: Whoah, what the hell man? You trying to seduce my bestie right in front of my croissant?
You all started my laugh at Jun’s face, he was stuffing his mouth with croissants, barely able to form coherent words, crumbs falling in the air.
You could see Mingyu over Jun’s shoulder, looking your way. He was smiling, but his eyes were sad. You thought your feelings for him were not as strong. You were even sure you were not in love with him anymore, you were not feeling sad when you saw him now. You were not feeling that punch in your stomach, knowing he was not yours anymore.
Finally, things felt normal. And you thought Jungkook moved on too, since the stalking ended. No weird messages or phone calls in the middle of the night, no more dark shadows following you. Things were good.
Things were really good.
Minghao: So how’s your love life lately, Y/N?
Y/N: You trying to make me choke on my food?
Minghao: Why? That bad?
Y/N: Let’s say I am content with being single for the rest of my life.
Jun: See what I mean? She acts like an old fart and she’s not even 30 yet. I keep telling her that love will hit her in the face so hard she won’t be able to say no.
Minghao: Come ooon Y/N! Why are you being so stubborn?
Y/N: Why Hao. Might you have a proposal for me? You like me, like me? You wanna wine and dine me?
Minghao: I would if I were single.
Y/N: You have a girlfriend?
Minghao: Yeah, it’s recent. We’re trying to see if we’re compatible, not rushing anything.
Y/N: Awww, that’s sweet, I’m happy for you, really.
Minghao: And here I thought you wanted to date me.
Hana: Hahaha, no. She loves to flirt, plus she likes someone else.
All 3 of you looked at her in shock, as if you saw a ghost.
Jun: What did you just say?
Y/N: How much did you drink already?
Out of nowhere, Seungkwan appeared.
Seungkwan: Who likes who? I need to know.
Jun: I can’t believe you have been keeping a crush secret from me? You bestie?
Hana: She won’t admit it. But I know. I see everything.
Seungkwan: Y/N! Please, you need to tell us. Do we know the guy? Is he cute?
You rolled your eyes at all of this. Everyone curious, asking questions. DK came too, also curious about your crush. You could also see Vernon looking at you, waiting to hear a name.
But most of all, you could see Mingyu looking right into your soul. He looked so disappointed, no more smile on his face, just all seriousness.
You felt small and ashamed. If you liked someone, it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. And your ex should not be present at this conversation.
In fact, you don’t even know if you like that person or not. You promised yourself you won’t fall in love again, that you’re done with men.
You don’t know what you feel and you surely don’t want to talk about it.
Scoups: What’s going on, why all the fuss there?
DK: Y/N has a crush and she won’t say his name!!!
You saw Mingyu standing up, heading towards the restrooms. And while walking he said: Come on, guys, you’re being annoying. If she wants to tell you who it is, she will. Now leave her be!
You covered your face with both hands, making yourself small in your chair. Thank heavens for Kim Mingyu who rescued you once again. You start to think he might be an angel.
Minghao: Mingyu is right, we’re making her uncomfortable.
Hana: Oh! My bad, I thought it will be funny.
And she wraps her arms around you to apologise. Yup, she’s drunk, you can feel the soju from a mile.
Jun: Let’s go, Y/N, finish your food. You barely touched it. And we’ll talk later, ok?
He takes your hand and gives it a squeeze, along with a bright smile.
Y/N: You always know what to say, Juni.
You get back to your eggs and avocado and while lifting your glass to drink some water, you slowly move your head to your left and you see a very zoned out Hoshi looking at you.
You choke on the water straight away and start coughing. Hana part you on the back and asks if you’re ok, which you nod yes.
After everyone finished with their food, was time to sleep. All lights were turned off, seats reclined. You grabbed your blanket and tried to get some rest. Whenever you heard noises or people walking by, you opened your eyes. And every time you did that, you could see Mingyu looking at you.
Why is he doing this? Just go to sleep, let me be. I don’t want to remember stuff and don’t want to feel something for him again. I know that look, I know what he’s doing.
So your turn on your side to not have him in your line of vision anymore. But now you’re faced with a really adorable human hamster that’s asleep. Those puffy cheeks and that pretty pout makes you smile.
Mingyu catches that and it makes him sad, seeing he’s not the one that makes you smile like that. You’re a fool, Kim Mingyu. Someone will take her from you for good, and that might happen faster than you think.
This flight felt like a week. You couldn’t wait to get to your destination and get to work, to get your mind away from…stuff.
After the landing, the staff got out first, and went towards the exit and the company cars that were waiting. The members got out last and received a mini bus for their ride to the hotel.
The company had rented a few floors of the hotel and brough extra security. No strangers were allowed to get to the floor where you were all staying.
The rest of the day was for a quick meeting with everyone to let them know the schedule for tomorrow, then free time. Jun texted you after the meeting.
Jun: Hey, pookie! Let’s have some takeout in Hoshi’s room in one hour. He’ll order some Japanese and Italian, we’ll have plenty of food. Bring Hana too. Room 504.
Y/N: Ok, Juni.
Y/H: Wife, we’re having dinner with the guys in one hour.
Hana: Ok, I’ll get out from the shower in 10.
Ou rush to pick some cute comfy clothes to wear. Hana come out of the shower and sees you’re trying to pick an outfit. You already have a pair or sweatpants and a t shirt.
Hana: Girl, no! You want to be sexy too, not just homeless. Keep the pants, take this deep neck top. He’ll drool.
Y/N: Who?
Hana stops and looks at you straight in the eyes.
Hana: Drop the act. I know and you know who I’m talking about. You like him.
Y/N: No I don’t!
Hana: Just wear this and shut up. And if you don’t wanna tell me right now fine, but you will speak soon.
You try to drop the conversation, you really just wanna focus on work while on this tour, not on boys.
One hour later you’re in Hoshi’s room. There’s also Jun, Hao, Wonu and Joshua.
Hoshi: We have cola, soju and beer. What do you girls want?
Hana: We’ll have soju and beer.
You sit at the big table that they moved in the middle of the room and grab a plate. Jun tells you to try some pasta, because it seems it’s delicious and you love pasta.
When you take your look away from Jun and look at your plate, Hoshi is putting some pasta on it, along with some sushi.
Y/N: Oh..thanks.
He lifts his face and gives you a bright smile, smiling with his whole face.
The food is really good and the soju goes smoothly with it. You feel a little tipsy. You see Joshua with red cheeks, he must be a bit drunk already. Hana is getting there too.
Hana leans in to whisper into your ear: Damn, how are all these guys so freaking hot? How do you do it? Now falling for one of them each day.
Y/N: Keep your voice down, silly, and stop perving.
Hana: OK, but I only promise I won’t perv over your man.
You pinch her thigh and she squeaks loud, making you laugh at the funny sound.
Joshua: What are you girls whispering there? Are you talking about boys?
Hana: In fact, yes. We are.
Joshua: Uuuhh, do tell. I love me some boys gossip from my girls.
Y/N: Hana, stop it, they don’t need to know every thought that’s going trough your mind when you’re drunk, and btw, have you been drunk all day?
Joshua: I know! Let’s play a game!
Hana: Yeeeeeesss!
Wonu: What game, Shua?
Joshua: Ok, it’s important we keep it real and honest, ok? So we take turns, I will ask the person on my right a question. They can answer or they need to take a shot.
Wonu: Ok, let’s do it. I have nothing to hide.
Hoshi: Sure, why not.
Joshua: Ok, I will start then. Hao, are you in love with your girlfriend?
Hao: Umm…not yet. But getting there, me thinks. Wonu, what’s the most annoying thing your roommate Mingyu did in your apartment?
Wonu: Ugh, don’t get me started. He’s always so clumsy, but one time he dropped my phone inside his soup bowl.
Josua: Ok, we’re on a good track here, but let’s keep it interesting, yeah? Wonu, your turn.
Wonu: Hoshi, when are you going to tell your crush you like her?
All it can be heard is “whaat” and “uh”.
Minghao: Well now this is news. Since when and why didn’t I know?
Hoshi: Guys, it’s nothing. Wonu is exaggerating.
Wonu: But answer the question though!
Hoshi looks at his hands, then yells all of a sudden: I don’t know, ok?
Joshua: Omg, my little brother likes a girl. I’m happy, Hosh, about time. It’s been so long since…you know.
Hoshi: Yeah yeah, let’s move on. Jun, have you ever thought about being more than friends with Y/N?
Jun looks at him scandalised, opens his mouth in the shape of O and puts his hand over his chest.
Jun: My God, that’s so inappropriate to think about my sister. My bestie. Nooo. Buuut, we made a pact that if when we’re 40 and single, we’ll just marry each other. Now my dear friend Y/N, light of my eyes, kimchi in my rice. I have a really really important question for you.Do I know your crush?
Y/N: Why is everyone so obsessed about my love life?
Minghao: You have a love life?
Y/N: No.
Jun: Come on, bestie, tell me. Or you wanna drink?
Joshua: Let me voice my opinion here. After much thinking, I came to the conclusion that if you drink, it means Jun knows your crush. So either way, it’s better to answer.
Y/N: What a nice guy are you, Josh.
Joshua gives the biggest closed mouth smile ever, he knows he caught you.
Y/N: Ok, Jun. You know the guy. Happy now?
Jun: Yes and no, because now I am fucking curious.
Hana: Let’s continue the game, I wanna play too.
Y/N: Hana, do you like any guy from this room?
Hana: Fuck, am I allowed to say I like all of them?
Joshua: You say what you want, boo.
Hana: Awww Joshua called me boo. Now Josh, are you maybe looking for a girlfriend?
Everyone started laughing at how obviously flirty Hana was with Josh.
Wonu: What about the rest of us, Hana? You forgot us so fast?
Hana: Oh, sorry, Wonu. I can have more than one boyfriend. Nobody is left behind.
You get up on your feet and announce you feel sleepy and will head out to your room and you probably need to drag Hana with you, since she’s too drunk.
Also, you’re afraid of more of these questions that you don’t want to answer and also you don’t want to drink yourself under the table.
You said good night to the guys and headed to your room you shared with Hana. You decided you’re both to drunk to shower, so you changed into pj’s and got into bed. You’ll shower in the morning.
Next day you had breakfast in the room and then you were ready for work.
You needed to be at the stadium where they will perform for 2 days in a row. The set needed to be perfect. Meanwhile, the boys have the net 2 days packed with shootings and live shows and interviews.
2 shows down, 4 more to go in the US, then off to Brazil and Argentina. Days were passing really fast, since work meant around 10 hours a day. You got to spend time with the guys rarely, everyone was tired at the end of the day and wanted to just relax in bed and sleep.
You had a little break once in Europe. You arrived in Spain first and most of the members and staff decided to spend their one week break here. The weather was perfect and you had beach.
It was your first time in this country and you just wanted to see the architecture, the art, taste the food and visit some national parks and wildlife.
You were with Jun the night when you arrived in Barcelona and you were trying to decide your week plan, while taking a walk to the beach that was close to the hotel.
Jun: I think we should stick together. At least the two of us and probably Hana won’t want to leave you and go with someone else.
Y/N: True. But who else will join us?
Jun: I think Hao will chose to stay in the city and do nothing, he wants to chill. Jeonghan probably the same. Dk and Wonu I am sure they said they wanna visit the city and take photos. Mingyu might join them, don’t know. Woozi will probably stay inside most of the time, he’s really tired. Vernon for sure will come with us, he likes to learn new stuff. Are you brother and sister?
Y/N: We might be. Ok, so we are 4 so far.
Jun: I’ll ask the others tonight and will let the managers know how many we will be for the little excursion, because we will need a van or minibus. Take some clothes with you and stuff you need for a few days.
In the morning, you take your little suitcase and rush for the elevator. Hana is already in the minibus in front of the hotel. When you enter the bus, all the chairs are filled, except one in the back.
Hoshi: Here, I saved the seat for you!
He gets up to help you with your luggage and then you sit down. Today you’re going to a remote beach in a small village. You’ll visit wineries, olive trees and will rent a house on the beach and spend the next 2 days there.
You see Hoshi barely keeping his eyes open, he must be very tired.
Y/N: Here, use my pillow and you can lay down here, our seats are wide enough. I’ll put the pillow in my lap, ok?
Hoshi: Really? Would you do that for me?
Y/N: Of course, why wouldn’t I?
He just shrugs and puts his head on the pillow in your lap and tried to sleep. The drive will take around 2 hours.
He falls asleep quite fast. Meanwhile, you don’t know what to do with your hands. Should you put them over his shoulder? You look at his face and he looks so peaceful and so pretty and your right hand goes to move a strand of hair off his face. Then you keep it over his head, petting him gently.
Your left arm goes over his shoulder, kind of like keeping him safe. It feels nice, you admit to yourself. You see Jun turning his face over his shoulder to look at you and his eyes go big at the scene.
He looks at you for a few moments and then he nods with a serious look on his face. What does he mean with that? This guy is weird, I swear.
You had fallen asleep too, you can just sleep anywhere, anytime and in any position. When you wake up, your arm is wrapped around Hoshi’s torso, he’s laying on his back now. His both hands are holding onto your arm for dear life.
You decide to wake him up since you heard the other say you’re going to arrive in 10 minutes.
Y/N: Soonyoungie!
You whisper softly close to his face.
He whines a little, not wanting to wake up.
Y/N: Come on, Soony, it’s time to wake up. We are almost there.
He pouts, eyes still closed.
Hoshi: But it’s so nice here.
Y/N: Yeah, that’s why you need to wake up to admire the view.
Hoshi: Here. It’s nice here.
He says, as he pulls on your arm tighter around him.
Is he saying it’s nice here with me? Like this?
Then he opens his eyes and looks at you, smiling so adorably. In seconds, he lifts himself from your lap, thanking for letting him sleep and taking care of him.
He really left you speechless, and this is not something that ever happened with him. You don’t know what to say, it’s like the cat got your tongue. You just stare at him.
Hoshi: What? Do I have sleep marks on my face?
Y/N: NO, it’s nothing.
You really needed to move your eyes away from that adorable face so you opted to look over the windows and admire the scenery outside.
You reached a small road between olive trees and you could see a white house at the end. You got off the car, took your suitcases and went inside.
Driver: This is a family house we rent to tourists. Has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, pool in the backyard, garden, a big grill, everything you need. You reach the beach with 10 steps. The sunrise is really beautiful here. See you in 2 days!
It was easy to reach anywhere in the village, it was small and you would just walk for a few minutes.
Seungkwan: Let’s choose the rooms. We are 7, and we have 4 rooms. One person will sleep alone. Any takers?
Jun: Yes, please!
Seungkwan: I guess the girls will have one room and they can choose first. The boys will play rock paper scissors like usual. I’ll share a room with Vernoni
Joshua: And that leaves me and my bro Hosh. Nice!
You and Hana choose the pretties room that has a beach view. You go to inspect the property and you see they even have some gym equipment, a big ass tv in the living room, and outside they have a veggie garden.
You open the gate that takes you to the beach and start walking towards it. It’s been a while since you’ve had your feet in the sand.
You think it’s beautiful and you think Hao would have loved it here, for his meditation and tea ceremony.
You hear steps behind and Jun’s voice.
Jun: There you are. Wow, isn’t this place paradise? It’s just your style.
Y/N: You’re right, it’s how I would live forever. I feel so happy now that I could cry.
You sit there on the sand for a few minutes, listening to the waves and the birds.
Jun: He’s the best guy I know.
You look at him confused, trying to figure out who is he talking about. But then you know.
Y/N: Why are you telling me this?
Jun: You know why. You have doubts. Maybe it’s nothing, maybe it’s something. But it’s better to let it be something than to regret it after it can’t be anything. You don’t need to push yourself to feel or to act on it. Just let it happen. If it will happen. But. He really is the best, in case you had doubts about that. He’s genuine, honest, kind and passionate. If something is to happen, know that he has a lot of love to give. Maybe too much, and it can overwhelm the wrong person. He's been trough some shit with his ex, since then he just shut himself just like you. But I see something there.
You look at Jun and he can see your eyes are glassy. He just leans over and hugs you.
Jun: It’s going to be ok, you’ll see.
Y/N: What if it’s not?
Jun: Then I’ll still be here for you to help you get up. That’s what we do, always try.
Y/N: I love you, you’re the best!
Jun: Love you too! Let’s go inside, they started cooking, I think it might even be ready by now.
Reaching the house, everyone is doing something to help with the cooking or setting up the table.
Y/N: Where is Vernon?
Joshua: He might be sleeping.
Seungkwan: Yeah, he went upstairs to the bedroom.
Y/N: What are you guys making?
Johua: We are making some kimchi fried rice and we also have some pork belly.
Y/N: Ok, I’ll make some salad.
You go into the garden to pick up some veggies for your salad. On your way there you bump into Hoshi and he stops and looks at you suspiciously.
Hoshi: Have you been crying?
Y/N: Why?
Hoshi: Your eyes are red and glassy. Are you ok?
Y/N: I’m fine, just had a chat with Jun at the beach.
Hoshi: Did he say something to upset you?
Y/N: Nooo. Do you know Jun? ha!
He comes closer and hugs you. He hugs you so tight that it feels like you’ll stick like that forever. It’s like he knew what you needed. A hug.
And you wrap your arms around him and hug him back. You stay there for a minute, until you realise where you are and what you’re doing and you pull away.
Hoshi: Where were you going?
Y/N: To pick up veggies from the garden.
Hoshi: Ok, I am in charge of the grill. You’ll be ok, yeah?
You nod and you walk towards the garden with your heart beating 1000 miles/hour.
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literallyzooble · 3 months
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HAIIIII HEEHEE HAIIIIIII *twirls hair cutely*
THIS is my DIGITAL CIRCUS PERSONA!!! PHANA!!! They have been in my head for the fucking longest time but NOW because of ArtFight I finally said “fuck it we ball” and made a reference sheet of sorts for them!!! I lauv them very much!
Phana is an old inductee into the Circus, having been there longer than Ragatha, but shorter than Kinger
They take on the appearance of having a phonograph for a head, two eyes floating above the phonograph’s bell, and the bell morphing like a mouth when they talk Their body is draped in a dress made of flower petals, and, much like Kinger, it has not been revealed what their physical body looks like beneath the dress (the dress is so long it drapes over their theoretical feet, so literally no part of their body is exposed)
Phana doesn’t remember much about their life before they were teleported into the Circus, but all they have left of their life beforehand is a faint feeling that music played a VERY important role in their life Being in the Circus for so long, they have found all sorts of nooks, crannies, passageways, peepholes, and other secrets around the circus, much like how the Detention Track in Hexside found the Secret Room Of Shortcuts This is how they managed to slip under Caine’s radar for so long, they’re still trapped in the Circus, but Caine has completely forgotten about their existence in the first place
During their time in purgatory, they’ve actually done lots of things to keep themself busy, one of their most notable creations being a massive machine that can play entire symphonies by itself I believe that their first interactions with the main cast would happen when Pomni finds a secret passageway that accidentally leads her to Phana’s hideout
Phana’s name is a triple entendre: -Phana’s name borrows the ph from phonograph, making its pronunciation sound like an F instead -With that being said, Phana’s full name sounds like fauna, which is used many times in conjunction with flora, which means flowers But Phana themself is an animal of sorts, which is why I chose to use that word instead…the SECOND reason being… -The last 4 letters in their names spells Hana, which means flower in Japanese, which is obviously supposed to show that
Their dress is made of flower petals, and juxtaposes the meaning of their full name, which is every living thing BUT plants
I WILL draw more with them, and hope to actually make a 3D model of them in the future!!! If you feel inspired to draw them, please do and tag me if you post the creation! I’d be so flattered!
I hope you guys like Phana though!!! Thank you for reading this far if you have <3
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moon3verland · 20 days
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<- Prev | Love Unmasked | Next ->
✎ PAIRING! Lee Heeseung x Hana Kang (1st person)
✎ SYNOPSIS! You always wondered if Heeseung would love you back. If he would be the perfect Boyfriend. Or even husband… Too bad you're too insecure to even ask him out. But what exactly happens to the two of you after an incident…
✎GENRE! Childhood Friends to Lovers, Angsty at times, written series, unrequited love
✎WC! 2.6k
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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: ʟᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ- ʟᴀᴜꜰᴇʏ, ᴘʜɪʟʜᴀʀᴍᴏɴɪᴀ ᴏʀᴄʜᴇꜱᴛʀᴀ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 4:29 Volume: ■■■■■■□□□□
➥ The next few days were a blur of classes, studying, and moments with Heeseung that felt comforting and confusing. They hung out with their friends, but Hana couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in their interactions. The way his hand lingered on her back, the shared glances that lasted a bit too long — it was all different now.
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Hana and Minji sat in the library, surrounded by stacks of textbooks and notebooks. The soft hum of students murmuring and the rustling of pages filled the air. Hana stared at her notes, trying to focus on her upcoming exam, but her mind kept wandering back to her complicated feelings about Heeseung.
Minji glanced up from her book and noticed Hana's distracted expression. "You okay?" she asked, concern in her voice.
Hana forced a smile. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind," she replied, not wanting to delve into the details right now.
Minji put down her pen, leaning back in her chair. "Come on, spill. I can tell something's bothering you."
Hana sighed, knowing she couldn't keep it from Minji any longer. "It's Heeseung," she began, her voice low. "We... we decided to try a friends-with-benefits thing."
Minji's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what? When did this happen?"
"After the party," Hana explained, fiddling with the edge of her notebook. "It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now... I'm not so sure."
Minji's concern deepened. "How is it affecting you?"
Hana looked down, her fingers twisting together. "I thought I could handle it, but seeing him with Jieun today... it hurt. A lot. I didn't expect to feel this way."
Minji reached out and squeezed Hana's hand. "You like him more than just a friend, don't you?"
Hana nodded slowly, tears pricking her eyes. "Yeah, I do. And now I'm stuck in this arrangement that I agreed to, but it's tearing me apart."
Minji's expression softened. "You need to talk to him, Hana. You can't keep pretending you're okay with this if you're not."
"I know," Hana whispered. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?"
"Then at least you'll know," Minji said gently. "And you can decide what to do from there. But keeping it all inside is only going to hurt you more."
Hana nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and relief. "You're right. I need to talk to him."
Minji smiled reassuringly. "I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together."
Hana smiled back, grateful for her friend's unwavering support. "Thanks, Minji. I needed to hear that."
"Anytime," Minji replied, giving Hana's hand one last squeeze before letting go. "Now, let's finish studying so you can focus on what you need to do."
As they returned to their books, Hana felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She knew the conversation with Heeseung wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to face it, knowing she had Minji by her side.
Later that afternoon, as they were packing up their things, Minji glanced at Hana. "Hey, want to grab some coffee before heading back?"
"Sure," Hana replied, although her mind was preoccupied with the thought of Heeseung not returning his feelings.
They walked over to the campus café, discussing their classes and upcoming assignments along the way. As they pushed open the café door, Hana's heart sank at the sight of Heeseung sitting with Jieun. Jieun noticed them enter and shot them a cold look before turning back to Heeseung, her laughter ringing through the air. Hana couldn't help but clench her fists, a mix of jealousy and discomfort swirling inside her.
Minji caught Hana's change in demeanour and followed her gaze to Heeseung and Jieun. She frowned slightly, sensing the tension. "Should we grab our coffee to go?" Minji asked quietly.
Hana hesitated, feeling Jieun's eyes on them like daggers. "Yeah, maybe we should," she said softly, avoiding Jieun's gaze as they hurriedly ordered their drinks.
They found a quieter spot outside, away from Heeseung and Jieun's table. Hana let out a sigh of relief, the tension easing from her shoulders. "Sorry, Minji. I just... I'm not to deal with her bitchy behaviour today."
Minji nodded sympathetically. "I get it. Seeing them together like that must be tough."
"Yeah," Hana admitted, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. "I thought I could handle it, but... it's harder than I thought."
Minji reached out and squeezed Hana's hand. "You don't have to pretend everything's okay if it's not. Have you talked to Heeseung about how you feel?"
Hana shook her head, her thoughts still jumbled. "Not yet. I need to figure out what to say."
Minji nodded understandingly. "Take your time. When you're ready, we can talk through it."
Hana managed a small smile, grateful for Minji's support. "Thanks, Minji. I appreciate you being here."
As they sipped their coffee in silence, Hana couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She knew she needed to confront her feelings with Heeseung, but seeing him with Jieun had stirred up doubts she hadn't expected.
Hana sighed, setting her coffee down. "I just don't get it, Minji. Why is he spending so much time with her?"
Minji nodded thoughtfully. "It's hard to say. Maybe they're just friends."
Hana shook her head, frustration evident in her voice. "It's more than that, I can tell. Jieun doesn't like me, and she's not subtle about it."
Minji raised an eyebrow. "You think she's trying to come between you and Heeseung?"
"I don't know," Hana admitted, picking at the lid of her coffee cup. "But it feels like every time I see them together, she's trying to mark her territory or something."
Minji frowned, clearly concerned. "Have you talked to Heeseung about how you feel?"
Hana nodded slowly. "Not yet. I wanted to figure out what I'm going to say first."
Minji reached out and squeezed Hana's hand. "Just be honest with him, Hana. Tell him how seeing them together makes you feel."
Hana nodded again, feeling a mixture of determination and apprehension. "You're right. I need to stop avoiding this."
Minji smiled reassuringly. "You'll figure it out. And I'm here to support you, no matter what."
Hana managed a grateful smile. "Thanks, Minji. I don't know what I'd do without you."
They finished their coffee in comfortable silence, both lost in their thoughts. After a while, Minji checked her watch and sighed. "I hate to cut this short, but I have to run. Are you going to be okay?"
Hana nodded, mustering up a smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for listening, Minji."
Minji hugged her friend briefly before heading off. "Anytime, Hana. Just remember, you're stronger than you think."
The next day after their coffee, Hana woke up feeling unusually uneasy. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, especially after seeing Heeseung and Jieun together. With a heavy heart, she headed to her nursing class, hoping that focusing on her studies would distract her.
As she settled into her seat, Hana noticed Jieun and her friends sitting a few rows ahead. Despite trying to ignore them, she couldn't help but feel their eyes on her. The whispers and glances sent a chill down her spine, making her feel like an outsider in her classroom.
During a break, Hana overheard bits and pieces of their conversation. They were talking about the upcoming assignments and clinical rotations, but their voices dropped when they mentioned her name. Hana caught snippets of their gossip—comments about her relationship with Heeseung, speculation about her friendships, and even snide remarks about her character.
Jieun's voice, in particular, cut through the chatter. "I don't get why Heeseung even bothers with her. She's just a distraction for him. And did you see how Minji and her little group take pity on her? It's pathetic."
Hana felt her cheeks burn with humiliation and anger. She knew Jieun didn't like her, but hearing her words spoken so openly stung more than she expected. She clenched her fists, trying to compose herself as Jieun turned towards her, a smirk playing on her lips.
"Hana, didn't expect to see you here," Jieun said casually, her tone laced with condescension.
Hana forced herself to meet Jieun's gaze, her jaw tightening. "I'm here to learn, just like everyone else."
Jieun tilted her head, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Of course. But let's be real, Hana. You and I both know why you're here."
Hana's heart pounded in her chest, her hands trembling with rage. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Jieun leaned closer, her voice dripping with disdain. "Oh, come on. We all know about you and Heeseung. You're just another girl he's messing around with. You think he cares about you?"
The words hit Hana like a punch to the gut. She felt a surge of emotions—humiliation, anger, and a deep sadness. She wanted to defend herself, to lash out at Jieun, but she knew it would only fuel the fire.
Instead, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "You don't know anything about me, Jieun."
Jieun chuckled mockingly. "Sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetie."
Hana's heart raced as Jieun's cutting words echoed in her mind. After enduring the rest of the class with a heavy heart, she packed her things quickly, eager to escape the hostile atmosphere Jieun's presence had created. As she hurried out of the classroom, she spotted Heeseung in the corridor, about to head towards her.
"Hees-," Hana started, but before she could say anything else, Jieun's voice rang out.
"Heeseung!" Jieun called out, a wide smile on her face as she approached him.
Hana froze, her heart sinking as she watched Jieun throw her arms around Heeseung in a familiar hug. Heeseung glanced over Jieun's shoulder and caught Hana's eye, but his expression remained unreadable. With a tight smile, he disengaged from Jieun's embrace and turned towards Hana.
"Hana, hey," Heeseung said, his tone cautious.
Hana managed a weak smile, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hey."
Before Heeseung could say anything else, Jieun interjected. "Heeseung, let's grab lunch together. I'm starving."
Hana's heart sank as Jieun's voice cut through the tense air between her and Heeseung. She watched helplessly as Heeseung's expression shifted, his guarded demeanour softening into a smile at Jieun's suggestion.
"Yeah, that sounds great," Heeseung replied, his tone casual as Jieun clasped her hands around Heeseung's bicep.
 She felt Jieun's eyes on her, a knowing smirk playing on her lips before she turned and walked away with Heeseung, their laughter fading into the distance.
Left alone in the corridor, Hana's shoulders slumped as she turned towards her dorm room. Each step felt heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of betrayal and rejection. She closed the door behind her with a soft click and leaned against it, her breath coming in shaky exhales.
Sat in her dorm room, her thoughts consumed by the events of the day. Ji
Eun's hurtful words echoed in her mind like a relentless taunt, and the image of Heeseung laughing with her felt like a betrayal. Despite the ache in her heart, she knew she couldn't ignore it any longer. With a deep breath, she picked up her phone and typed out a message to Heeseung.
"Hey, Heeseung. Can we meet up later? I need to talk to you."
After sending the message, Hana tried to distract herself from studying, but her mind kept drifting back to the hurtful encounter with Jieun and Heeseung's reaction. She couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal and the ache in her heart.
As the hours passed, Hana found herself anxiously watching the clock, waiting for the agreed-upon time to meet Heeseung. When the moment finally arrived, she gathered her courage and made her way to their meeting spot on campus—a quiet corner beneath a sprawling oak tree, usually a sanctuary for their conversations.
Heeseung was already there when Hana arrived, sitting on the familiar bench with his gaze fixed somewhere in the distance. He looked up as she approached, his expression guarded but tinged with a hint of concern.
"Hana," he greeted quietly, his voice betraying a trace of uncertainty.
Hana took a seat beside him, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the right words. The air between them felt heavy with unspoken tension and unresolved emotions.
Hana took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. She looked at Heeseung, who was sitting beside her on the bench, his expression expectant yet guarded.
"Heeseung, there's something I need to talk to you about," Hana began, her voice steady but tinged with emotion.
Heeseung nodded his gaze intent on her. "Sure, Hana. What's on your mind?"
Hana hesitated for a moment, gathering her courage to confront the uncomfortable truth. "It's about Jieun."
Heeseung's brow furrowed slightly. "Jieun? What about her?"
Taking another deep breath, Hana recounted the hurtful encounter she had with Jieun earlier in the day. She described Jieun's derogatory remarks, the accusations, and the deep sense of betrayal she had felt.
"She said those things to my face, Heeseung," Hana explained, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions. "And... and I saw you with her afterwards."
Heeseung listened in silence, his expression unreadable as he processed Hana's words. When she finished speaking, there was a tense silence between them, the air thick with unspoken tension.
Finally, Heeseung spoke, his voice measured and cautious. "Hana, I think there's been a misunderstanding."
Hana's brow furrowed in disbelief. "A misunderstanding? Heeseung, Jieun said those things to my face. How can you defend her?"
Heeseung sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Hana, Jieun is my friend. She wouldn't say those things without a reason."
"But she did, and what she called me was uncalled for." Hana insisted, her voice cracking with hurt, her heart sinking at his response, her eyes filling with tears despite her efforts to remain composed. "And seeing you with her afterwards... It just hurt."
Heeseung looked away, his jaw tightening slightly. "Hana, I think you're overreacting. Jieun has her way of expressing herself."
Tears streamed down Hana's cheeks now, her voice trembling with emotion. "Oh, so I'm overreacting? What kind of friend are you to be believing her over me?"
Heeseung hesitated, his gaze flickering with uncertainty. "Hana, it's not about choosing sides. I just..."
Before he could finish, Hana interrupted, her voice wavering with hurt and frustration. "I thought you were my friend, Heeseung. I thought you cared about me."
Heeseung's expression softened, guilt flickering in his eyes as he reached out tentatively towards her. "Hana, I do care about you. You know that."
"But not enough to believe me," Hana replied bitterly, pulling away slightly.
Heeseung ran a hand through his hair again, his frustration evident. "Hana, this is all just... It's complicated. Can't we just move past this?"
Hana shook her head, her tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. "I can't just pretend like nothing happened, Heeseung. Not after everything."
Heeseung looked torn, his expression clouded with conflict as he weighed his words carefully. "Hana, I think you're being a bit dramatic about this."
Hana shook her head in disbelief, feeling a deep sense of betrayal. "I thought you were my friend, Heeseung."
Hana wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, her voice barely a whisper. "It's not your fault that you don't love me. It's my fault because I fell in love with you."
Heeseung's eyes widened with surprise and regret, but before he could respond, Hana stood up abruptly, shaking her head in disbelief, and wiping away her tears with frustration. "I need some time alone."
Heeseung hesitated, his hand reaching out towards her briefly before he let it fall back to his side. "Hana, wait..."
But Hana had already turned away, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as she walked away from him.
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© moon3v3rland— all rights reserved to me. Please do not copy or steal my work in any way. Taglist: @milanco @mitmit01 @llvrhee @altbonni
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12 notes · View notes
dreqmchic · 5 months
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SUMMARY. in which hana knows it’s over but it won’t die.
WARNINGS. very heavy piece, sexual assault trauma, ptsd symptoms, angst, there is no sexual assault explicitly described but it is heavily implied and a prevalent theme in this piece, please mind the tags !
NOTES. another reupload ! hope y’all enjoy <3
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Hana finds herself hiding a lot now. She doesn’t want to take up too much space. She doesn’t want people to see her the way she feels. She talks less because she’s not sure if she even wants to be heard. She does less because she doesn’t know what she’s doing anymore.
She feels alone because she has no one.
She wants to be held but she doesn’t want to be touched. She wants so much but at the same time she wants nothing at all—nothing at all except to curl up into a ball and die. She wants to be nothing at all.
Hana sits in her bed in a crisscross position. In her lap sits a notepad and in her hand is a pen. There’s nothing that she wants to think about in between her ears, just the blaring of the music coming from her earphones. She scribbles words onto the paper, repeating over and over: ‘I DON’T KNOW,’ written with reckless abandon. She thought that if she wrote what she felt instead of trying to say it she would feel better. Turns out she couldn’t put her feelings into writing, either.
How can you feel better when you don’t know the root of the problem? How can you understand what’s wrong with you when you don’t know where to begin?
She couldn’t get in touch with any of her emotions so another one began to form over time: Rage. Pure and unadulterated rage. She can feel its hands claw at her skin and peel it off. She can feel it’s tight hold on her heart, weighing it down by tons. She feels it sinking like a ship at sea on a stormy night. Her heart was stuck in this place, stuck in a moment in time that it couldn’t move past.
And she tried to make her heart move on but everything—everyone always took her back to this place. Why didn’t it ever fade it into a distant memory? Why was it always happening? Again and again. She’s done feeling it, she shouldn’t have to feel it anymore.
‘It’s over,’ she tells herself. She covers her ears and closes her eyes, shrinking into herself. ‘It’s over,’ she repeats.
It’s over. It’s over. It’s over.
A knock on the door startles her. Her breathing speeds up and heart beats violently in her chest. She can feel it in her throat, her heartbeat.
“Hana?” A voice is soft on the other side of the door.
Hana says nothing. She doesn’t want the company, but she knows she can do nothing to control it anyway. Much like most of the things in her life; completely out of her control.
The door opens slowly, revealing Mickey’s figure. She steps in, closing the door gently behind her. She studies the girl, taking in her image. She doesn’t know what to say to Hana anymore. She can see that Hana’s hurting but she feels like she can't do anything to fix it. She didn’t know how to help.
“Hey, we just ordered some donuts,” she informs. “It’s your favorite. Krispy Kreme.”
Krispy Kreme was her favorite. She loved glazed donuts, especially warmed up with a glass of cold milk. Homemade meals were comfort foods for everyone else but for Hana, the only food that could bring her comfort was the mellowness of a soft, warm donut in the pit of her empty stomach.
Hana nods, quickly looking up at her and then back into her lap.
“We were…” Mickey starts but her voice falters for some reason. Hana takes her earbuds out of her ears, cradling them in the palms of her hands. “We were just about to put on a movie.”
She nods again.
“It seems like a Disney day. We were thinking ‘Aladdin.’”
Mickey is making this interaction more painful than it has to be. For both of them. She knows that Hana won’t say anything. But she still tries. Everyone thinks it’s useless for her to keep trying, but Mickey is tireless. She would never be able to forgive herself if she just ‘stopped trying.’
“You’ve picked up a little artistry here, huh?” Mickey jests. “What’ve you been writing?”
She not-so-sneakily takes a peek at her paper, eyeing the words written down. Her hopeful smile is replaced with one of sympathy. Her eyes wear a concerned look, feeling wet almost immediately.
“Listen. Hana, if you ever need to talk…um, I’m right next door,” Mickey says.
“My door is always open.”
Hana flashes a tight-lipped smile at her. She nods. The doors are open but is she ready to go through them? Will she ever be ready? If she walks through those doors, that means she’ll have to talk about it. And talking about it—actually talking about it with someone who isn’t the blurred version of her in her head would make it more real than she felt it had to be.
All this time she’d been able to pretend, even if just for a moment, that the girl he did that to wasn’t her. She was able to disassociate herself from that person.
She looks up at Mickey and nods once again.
“I know.”
Mickey grins at her.
“If you need something let me know,” she reminds before heading back to the door and exiting, gently shutting the door behind her.
Hana’s eyes shift across her room as the girl leaves. They land on a picture sitting atop her bedside table. It’s a picture of her and Zhiruo, displayed in a pale yellow frame. She looks at old pictures of herself and can’t even recognize her. She has no recollection of who that girl is, for all she knows she’s never seen her a day in her life.
She has no memory of when she was that okay. She has no memory of anything that happened before it happened. All she knows it’s that it’s over and that’s all she keeps telling herself.
Hana covers her ears and closes her eyes, shrinking into herself. ‘It’s over,’ she repeats.
It’s over. It’s over. It’s over.
6 notes · View notes
[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-9] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-9
Setsuna: Hey, what did the situation earlier mean? Do you know?
Rui: It’s nothing to concern yourself over.
Setsuna: I’m curious. After all–
Rui: That was just an impulse from the mention of Anthos*.
Setsuna: But…
Rui: Ageha speaks the truth. The flower is not much of an outside threat even during the window when it is at its most potent. Furthermore, internal wounds are barely noticeable when the situation is stable.
Setsuna: Internal…wounds?
Rui: Take care that you head off in the right direction. But that aside, the tea must have scalded you earlier on.
Setsuna: Not at all. Anyway, Mahiro–
Rui: That conversation ends here.
Setsuna: …
Rui: There’s no need for you to mention Yuuki Mahiro the next time you see Ageha.
Setsuna: Is it okay to break my promise with Ageha then?
Rui: Why did you even make such a promise with Ageha in the first place?
Setsuna: Hm? ‘Why’?
Rui: You’re not plotting something with Ageha, are you? As far as I know, you two had no interaction when we were at the training academy.
Setsuna: Are promises something you only make with people you’re close with?
Rui: Considering the risks, the question is why would you make a promise with someone you don’t know and what can you hope to gain from it? It’s beyond my comprehension.
Setsuna: Risk?
Rui: You let slip a job that has yet to be publicly announced. If anybody knew that word of it reached Ageha, you’ll be first one to be suspected by Anthos*. Are you okay being branded a traitor?
Setsuna: A traitor? Will Mahiro doubt me?
Rui: Likely.
Setsuna: I don’t want that.
Rui: That’s why I’m telling you to stop.
Setsuna: Okay, I understand. Thanks.
Rui: No need to thank me.
Setsuna: Huh?
Rui: ?
Setsuna: Just now, you looked just like him. Like Ryoga.
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga?
Setsuna: Your aura is a little similar to his. When I talk about Mahiro to Ryoga, he makes a face like he’s kind of irritated.
Rui: I… don’t really care about Yuuki Mahiro, or Anthos* for that matter. Besides… (winces)
Setsuna: What’s the matter?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Setsuna: Hmm… Then, I’ll be going.
Rui: Setsuna.
Setsuna: I didn’t get burned so I’m okay. Bye-bye.
(Setsuna leaves.)
Rui: (winces in pain) What is this…? I don’t care about Anthos*, yet… why do I…
(Sound of a device being activated.)
Staff Member A: Medical team. What’s the–
Rui: Why was Yashiro Setsuna here?
Staff Member A: …The notification didn’t arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rui: Please answer my question. Why was he here?
Staff Member A: I apologize.
Rui: The application for all personnel to be vacated should have been accepted.
Staff Member A: You’re right.
Rui: Then why?
Staff Member A: I will explain shortly. Please calm down. He sometimes is allowed to be away from the facility as part of his retreat. His cultivation programme is different from the other members.
Rui: In other words, he’s more of a guest than we are.
Staff Member A: We made sure that his schedule wouldn’t allow him a chance to meet you. Apologies.
Rui: He mentioned that he came for maintenance that was scheduled earlier than usual. Does that have something to do with Anthos*’ appearance on Dream Drama Festa?
Staff Member A: Yes, we were doing some adjustments for his condition.
Rui: My understanding is that Dream Drama Festival is traditionally held every year outdoors. Am I correct?
Staff Member A: Yes.
Rui: For the sake of clarity, how about Loulou*di’s offer?
Staff Member A: For the time being, none has been made.
Rui: It would be better to have an understanding with a head start.
Staff Member A: We have not received any information in detail since yesterday.
Rui: Understood, doctor. Thank you.
Staff Member A: Don’t mention it. On another note, has he given you any trouble lately?
Rui: Not particularly.
Staff Member A: Then, has anything happened the past few days that has caused you distress?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: The medical research team has been carefully monitoring your brain waves. 
Rui: I think I heard about that being possible through the seed implanted in the body.
Staff Member A: Exactly. Over the past few days, your ERP[1] has been showing waveforms that have not been observed until now.
Rui: That’s…
Staff Member A: ERPs are thought to halve when facing inhibitory stimuli and secondary stimuli. The measurements recorded from the seed are still somewhat of a mystery to unpack, and with the possibility of noise…
Toki: (in the distance) Rui-san?
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Oh, there you are. I thought I heard you talking. What are you doing here? …Who is this?
Rui: A member of the emergency staff from the medical facility.
Toki: Oh. One of those people butting in just because I’ve been complaining that I haven’t been feeling so good lately, right?
Staff Member A: As mentioned, you appear to be doing well.
Toki: But of course. Rui-san and Ageha-san are with me here, after all. Right, Rui-san?
Ageha: Just what are you all gathering here for?
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: I leave for a minute and come back to this… (to the staff member) Hello, thank you for your hard work. 
Staff Member A: You look like you’re in high spirits as well.
Ageha: Thank you. It wouldn’t have been possible without such a serene environment.
Staff Member A: About… Yashiro Setsuna’s case–
Ageha: I don’t really understand what’s the point of this meeting, but could we just end the correspondence once and for all? Actually, this is the first time the three of us have seen each other today.
Toki: Exactly. We finally got to get together, so please don’t get in our way.
Ageha: I was just thinking about enjoying some precious time with this modest happy few.
Staff Member A: Heard loud and clear. We hope for nothing less than the best for both your body and mind.
Ageha: Thank you very much. Then, please excuse us. 
(Ageha ends the call.) 
Ageha: (sighs) Seriously. Those fools from the research facility… How many times must I tell them to stay out of this?
Toki: They don’t even respect Ageha-san’s instructions. They should all just be sacked.
Ageha: You’re being lively as always today.
Toki: Right? It’s ‘cuz I took a nap and rested up a lot!
Ageha: Mm. It’s good that you’re following instructions.
Toki: (giggles) 
Ageha: If you’re well enough for it, let’s go have a meal. Go and change.
Toki: Okay!
Ageha: Rui bought some souvenirs this afternoon. The sweet things are what you requested, right?
Toki: You managed to buy them? Yay! …Rui-san?
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: … Sorry, did you say something?
Toki: Ageha-san said you bought souvenirs for me.
Rui: Ah, of course. Cake, pudding and macaroons, right?
Toki: Eh? All of them?
Rui: I wasn’t sure which would be the best choice. I couldn’t pick just one. Do you not want all of them?
Toki: I’ll eat everything! Rui-san, I love you!
Ageha: Toki, before that, go freshen up.
Toki: Got it, I’ll go change my clothes now! (leaves)
Ageha: Let’s head back to the living room. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: I don’t need an explanation or excuses. I knew you were sneaking behind my back and talking with the medical research team. For now, just focus on humoring Toki. I’ll take responsibility for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: What’s with that face?
Rui: Right back at you. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ageha: Ah. Unfortunately, I can’t see my own face without a mirror.
Rui: Ageha would never turn around for me. He would move forward even if it meant trampling me. He wouldn’t normally cross paths with me, much less turn my way. Up until now, there wasn’t a single time when those things–
Ageha: You… Do you really want to be stepped on so badly? You truly are a freak. Listen well, Rui. This isn’t reality. It’s the inside of an ephemeral dream.
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: It won’t be long before we will leave. We have to take up our responsibilities as Loulou*di. But now… in this moment, we’re inside a special dream. Peering from inside an isolated illusion. This is a nice, relaxing dream.
Rui: Stop it.
Ageha: Listening to the sound of the wind, feeling the ebbs and flows of an invisible stream… In the arts, such a serene feeling would be poured into music, written onto a music sheet with the heart still weighing heavy. If I think about all the smiles the sound I create will bring, I believe that even now, I will be able to leave behind my greatest song. There won’t be a second for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: (sighs) Your wish will surely be granted soon. I will disgracefully flail and struggle to breathe, and then finally die. My body will cease as a beautiful corpse, mounted on a magnificent frame, and placed as a grave marker[2]. That’s what you want to see, isn’t it?
Rui: That’s…
Ageha: I will wait for that day. This must have been the path Chihiro sprinted on.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san! Let’s have tea!
Ageha: Let’s go, Rui.
Translator’s Notes:
ERP likely refers to ’Event-related potential’.
Ageha’s word of this album is ‘bohyou (墓標, meaning gravestone)/bouhyou (妄評, meaning unfair criticism)’. Unfortunately I was unable to discern which is which between this drama track and the previous one where he mentions it again in his long monologue in the art museum. I don’t believe the context changes a lot but I thought it was important to highlight this recurring word used.
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Shower Thoughts Time!
I think it’s obvious how much I can’t wait for the comfort, humor, and angst that the Story Missions will hopefully provide between our favorite heroes, but I’m also excited by the thought of not everyone getting along or seeing eye-to-eye. Does that make sense?
Specifically, I was thinking about the interaction between D.Va and Torbjörn where Hana says “I heard your inventions take five minutes to boot up!” It is OBVIOUS who she heard that from. Torbjörn’s incessant bashing of the rookie in Uprising continues to haunt him, just when he thought endlessly hearing “The cavalry’s here!” after he said it once was the end of it. Of course, Angela was also ruthless towards him in Uprising. I just think everyone harrassing him is funny. I don’t think Torbjörn dislikes Lena in the seven or eight years that have passed, but I hope to see more of their back-and-forth bickering.
There’s also the many lines towards Cole when reviving him in PvE, like:
Pharah: “Cassidy went down again! Somebody save him!... Again!”
Zarya: “Cole, you are being a baby.”
Tracer: “YoU’Re WeLcOmE, PaRtNeR! (giggles)”
But those are all playful. On the other hand, I thought about the contrast between Zarya’s “Revive Dr. Zhou! Quick!” line and “The British one needs to be revived” line, and I found it to be strange. The latter doesn’t sound inherently nasty, but it’s just weird of Aleksandra to not even use Lena’s call sign. I believe the only other generalizations we see like this are when people call Cassidy “cowboy”, probably because the lines were written before the development team settled on a new name, and people calling the various scientists by some form of “doctor”. Maybe I’m reading into it too much, because Aleksandra can be friendly with Lena (See: “You sure know how to bring people together!” / “And you know how to blow them up!”)
I just think it would be interesting to see a clash in ideologies across the newer generation of Overwatch, because no one ever gets along with everyone in real life. What if Aleksandra didn’t agree with how Lena views omnics, for example? I would imagine that she is struggling after meeting Lynx Seventeen. She wasn’t even sure why she felt compelled to rescue them, and she said she would have killed them herself days prior. Even then, she hasn’t grown close enough with an omnic only to lose them much like Lena has with Mondatta and Lady, so she might not get it, you know?
Then, there are characters like Hanzo, who has “This is no place for a scientist” for a revive line. We can presume that Hanzo will join Overwatch after both the Dragons cinematic and whatever happens in his short story in the Heroes Ascendant collection, and I would imagine that he would find fighting alongside a super-intelligent talking gorilla from the moon to be preposterous, for example.
Or is the line, perhaps, directed towards Mei? Proto VI’s video of PVE voicelines claims that the aforementioned line is directed towards Winston, but AFAIK from my own experiences, there is no way in the fanmade file extraction tool to tell how a line is triggered or who it is directed towards.
I say this because there’s also Satya (who might defect to Overwatch alongside Niran after her upcoming short story), who has an interaction with Mei in PvP.
Symmetra: “I can't imagine that you're here to do research. Why are you fighting?“
Mei: “I'm here to make a difference in the world. Just like you, right?“
Jack also had a now-removed interaction with Mei in Overwatch 1.
Soldier: 76: “The front lines are no place for a scientist.”
Mei: “I guess it’s a good thing I have you to watch my back.”
Hanzo sounds condescending, Satya sounds curious, and Jack sounds disappointed, as if he’s guilty that someone like Mei feels they have to fight for the better world that he, a soldier genetically enhanced for combat, could not achieve. Still, their sentiment is all the same: Mei does not belong in combat.
We also have characters like Lúcio.  Lúcio was literally created to be the embodiment of Lena’s phrase “The world could always use more heroes.” He is a freedom fighter and political activist who, I would say, has definitely proven his worth in the fight against Vishkar, but we can’t forget that Lúcio is also a celebrity DJ. I love, love, love this interaction you can hear from 2019 demos:
Lúcio: “All we can do is fight. If we can beat them in Rio, then we can beat them anywhere, but we start here.”
Tracer: “We? I like the sound of that...”
The Rio team saw Lúcio in action as they were deploying, and they knew they could use his help just as much as he could use theirs. However, I can’t imagine that, say, the New Blood team will roll up to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and not raise eyebrows at the sight of international celebrity DJ Lúcio Correia dos Santos standing there, glowing green hair accessories, roller blades, and all. Imagine early 2010s Skrillex in his place if you can’t imagine how ridiculous that must look to everyone, as capable of a fighter as Lúcio is.
All of this is to say, I think it would be great to have conflict between our heroes in the form of childish bickering amid trivial disagreements, sure. I would also like to see heroes have disagreements in the beliefs that stem from their different backgrounds. Lastly, it would also tie into the overarching theme of “The world could always use more heroes” if we see a few of our heroes be brushed off and doubted by their peers only to prove that everyone can dare to see the world for what it could be, as Dr. Harold Winston put it.
Okay, that’s all! I will see you all next week when I feel an urge to write an essay about Overwatch characters again. <3
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hyunjinspark · 1 year
Hello book club anon haha - we had our meeting last night and screamed for legit an hour SO SPOILERS AHEAD BUT
We were both upset that he didn’t tell her he was leaving and that y/n forgave him wayyy to easily. We thought the like awkward goodbye was so realistic and all of her emotions were so real and then the run back was SO BEAUTIFUL IT HAD US SCREECHING I can’t. We also said we thought that this has been our favorite paced chapter yet because SO MUCH happened but you brought so much emotion out of both of us we were both crying multiple times (and I literally never cry so high praise). The build up of their texting felt SO natural too and we both could feel the fall coming in the perfect way like him ghosting was written so naturally it was so beautiful and heartbreaking. We’re both VERY anti Felix (in the book obvi he’s both of our wreckers irl) so we didn’t love the kiss or them making up but we also HATE Hana and love how she just told her later and said goodbye. Also got to tell you the THREE MONTHS LATER MADE MY HEART FUCKING DROP BRO THAT HIT OF EMOTION. We also both have moved a lot and thought her going to the city was so real and accurate and we totally have felt those feelings and thought they were written sooooo well.
Now OBVIOUSLY we had the most thoughts about the end dude I truly cannot praise your writing enough because you built to that perfect. Like we were both saying our excitement was building and we could see it coming that she was going to run into him and we were both kicking our feet and screaming AND THEN HE IGNORED HER. Like dude my heart literally plummeted we were both crushed it was SO GOOD. Like the perfect angst. NOW our current book club theory is that that girl (which btw sneaky sneaky she passed by so quick I almost missed her bc the reader dismissed her so so did I) was a manager so he had to act like didn’t know her BUT HIM LOOKING BACK AS SHE TALKED ABOUT THE ATELIER PLEASE. So we think that’s why he did it. We also have a sub theory that she’s his “gf” and the painter girl who was interested in his stuff but it may b for pr to take the heat off of Jisung again a sub theory we think the first is more plausible. We also think she’s going to run into Jisung/Changbin/Chan and that’s how she’s going to interact with him again.
The most important note is that we seriously love this fic with our whole heart and soul. Neither of us our hyunjin biases but we love Star lost so much and will be truly heartbroken if it ever disappears or you don’t finish it. ALSO PLEASE PUBLISH IT so we can get everyone we know to read it. THANKS FOR WRITING WE LOVE U
hi book club anon !! its so lovely to hear from you again. she did forgive him easily but fighting would only take away the less time they had <\3 the pacing! thank you for pointing that out, i was worried it was all over the place because i dont usually show montages or quick passages of time.
anti slwy! felix😭 i get it, maybe he will grow back on you
oh wow thank you for reading and keeping up with this fic despite not being hyunjin biases! im so glad you like this story youll get all the answers for the ending soon enough ! thank you, i enjoyed reading this🤭
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suginami-division · 2 years
It was a beautiful day in Tokyo city, the Division was resting, at least Hideki and Hana, the others were busy with their jobs. Hideki was cooking while Hana was helping him to clean and set the table. As they sat down to eat Hideki was smiling a little mischievously at Hana, that action made her worry, since when he did that it was because he would ask for a favor or send her on an errand.
"Spit it out at once" Hana said in a serious tone, she didn't like being told things at the drop of a hat in surprise mode.
"I see you already figured it out" Hideki said a bit teasingly while resting his face in his hands "Today you will go to Suginami, you will meet the leader of Sazanka Zombeez."
The young actress just looked with annoyance as she reproached the fact that she didn't want to go so the man just smiles mockingly.
"I know you have a hard time expressing yourself in a nice way with people so this will help you" Hideki kept smiling then started to eat a little "You will be leaving tonight so start preparing your things".
Hana just sighed to eat a bit angrily. Later she started to organize her backpack, it was going to be a few days so she wouldn't take something as annoying as a suitcase, she would leave by train at 9 PM but for some reason the train took longer than expected so it left at 11:30 PM, it would be a 30 minutes trip so Hana just sighed with annoyance. By the time she finally caught the train, she started listening to music.
"She is already on her way there so wait for her" Hideki said on his cell phone, he was talking to the leader of Suginami Division, smiling mischievously.
When she arrived, she looked out the window with some sleepiness and went downstairs quietly until she saw three men standing there staring at her, so she fearlessly approached to speak to them.
"You are Sazanka Zombeez?" Asked Hana calmly, waiting for the men's response.
Like Hana, the entire Suginami team looked pretty exhausted. The two Umemoto brothers were especially tired, with Ryuko having just gotten off work and Maki not accustomed to being awake so late at night. Shuu on the other hand was beaming at Hana, responding to her question quickly.
“Yup yup yup! We are the Sazanka Zombeez!” Shuu exclaims, looking up at Hana and grabbing her hands tightly. “You’re Hana-chan, right? Come here! I promise we aren’t scary! The brothers are just being a couple of sleepyheads.”
“You’re being too pushy Shuu, back off.” Ryuko started to grumble, trying to shoo Shuu away from the girl.
Apologizing in a whiny voice the detective backed off, letting Hana’s hands go and shoving them into his pockets. Ryuko looked pretty stressed, rubbing his head to try and relieve his mental strain just a little bit.
“Look, your friend asked us for this favor last minute, but we’re all pretty exhausted from our day. We can worry about introductions later. Right now, we need some sleep.”
Ryuko looks at the things that Hana had packed, motioning his head at it.
“Good that you packed some stuff. You got a place to stay?”
Shuu is quick to chime in, “If you don’t have a place to stay, you can come stay with one of us!”
As soon as Shuu says this, both the brothers jump in surprise. Maki finally speaks up after not talking for so long, nervously stammering at Shuu’s abrupt offer.
“S-Stay at our places? I don’t think that would be a good idea…”
“Right… Definitely not a good idea.” Ryuko halfheartedly agreed with Maki.
“Really? I thought Maki at least had a spare room in his apartment?” Shuu hums.
Ryuko starts to lose his temper at Shuu's antics, raising his voice in anger. “Hey, hey! Why the fuck are you deciding for her, huh? Quit pressuring the girl and let her talk!”
“You’re right!” Shuu brushes off Ryuko’s rising temper, clapping his hands together and smiling at Hana. “Hana-chan, what do you want to do? Are you gonna stay at a hotel in the city? Or are you gonna pick your favorite team member and stay at their place?”
All three men waited for Hana’s answer impatiently. Shuu seemed excited at the idea of a fun sleepover, but Ryuko and Maki looked like they were internally praying that they wouldn’t get picked… So, what was Hana’s response?
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makeste · 3 years
I saw this take on twitter about Hana & Kacchan having “reverse parallels” and since they both have apologised to Tenko/Deku (but one was more or less sincere and the other was absolutely sincere) and they said that, while Hana moved away from Tenko, Kacchan ran to catch Deku. There was also more to the thread abt Kacchan & Hana’s differences. They were sorta trying to argue that this is a clue that Hori intends for Bkdk to be sibling-like/brotherly. As a bkdk shipped, I’ve accepted that it makes sense.. cause it’s an established fact that Tenko & Deku parallel each other. Tenko having his own “Kacchan” makes sense. Tho yes I am a little sad since I’ve held a little bit of hope for romantic bkdk becoming canon. I just wanted to ask your opinion if Hana was really meant to foil Kacchan or was it just a reach?
okay so I have a couple responses to this.
1. while it's true that Horikoshi has woven a lot of deliberate parallels between Deku and Tenko's characters, that doesn't mean every single thing about their lives and every single person they interact with is a part of those parallels. which is to say that no, I don't really think Hana and Kacchan are meant to mirror each other in any kind of significant way. Hana's apology to Tenko was under completely different circumstances than Kacchan's apology to Deku; I really don't see any connection between the two situations. you might as well be trying to compare Hana to Endeavor, or Deku, or Hawks, or Aizawa, or any other character who's apologized to anyone over the course of the story.
2. please pardon the forthcoming rant, anon -- and I hope you know that none of this is aimed at you in particular -- but for me personally, this whole obsession with ships becoming canon is one of the most exasperating types of discourse there is. like, don't get me wrong, I totally understand people wanting to see their favorite ships validated by the author, and not to mention there's also the issue of having more LGBTQ+ representation. but speaking as someone whose own orientation (aromantic) has almost no representation in fiction whatsoever, it gets frustrating to see so many people dismiss non-romantic relationships as being an inferior type of ship, to the extent that calling a relationship "sibling-like" is now a commonly-used attack in ship wars. so many people view romance as this completely transformative element, to the point where two characters can literally tick every other box on the intimate personal relationship checklist, and none of it will matter to some people unless they actually confess their love and kiss.
and again, I'm not saying I don't understand it, especially since queerbating is a thing. it's one thing if a writer is genuinely just trying to portray a close friendship, especially in series where romance isn't really a focus. but it's another thing entirely if a writer is deliberately hinting at a romance in a blatant bid to attract a larger queer audience, while all the while having no intention whatsoever of having those hints lead anywhere. the issue, I guess, is that it's not always easy to tell which scenarios are the former, and which are the latter. and of course, you also have people who think that the former is a type of cop-out as well, because the thing is that romance is always viewed as the default. so for a lot of people, allosexual and alloromantic relationships are the only ones that get considered as far as representation goes.
but you know what, I'm just gonna say it; even knowing where people are coming from, it's still discouraging to know that so many people are so dismissive of aro and ace relationships that the thought of a favorite ship not becoming romantic in canon is considered a profound disappointment. and it's even more discouraging that the thought of a rival ship becoming canon is considered such an existential threat to some that they will literally use "oh, they're just like siblings" as an argument against the ship, rather than a point in favor of. because siblings are a downgrade. friendship is a downgrade. any kind of close relationship that isn't inherently romantic or sexual in nature is less important, and that's just how it is.
so yeah, that's kind of a pet peeve, ngl. especially since the truth is I actually do think Bakugou and Deku's relationship is very akin to siblings. and so I do sometimes get weary of not being able to just outright say that without having to first pepper the statement with all kinds of disclaimers so that people don't think I'm invalidating the ship. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells if I ever want to talk about their relationship in terms that I can personally relate to.
but I mean, here's how I look at it. they've known each other since they were small children. they call each other exclusively (or almost exclusively) by childhood nicknames. they have an openness and an unspoken, almost taken-for-granted trust in each other to the point where they'll share closely guarded secrets ("I got my quirk from someone else") and personal vulnerabilities ("why was I the one who ended All Might?") with barely a second's hesitation which they would never share with anyone else. they have a comfortable little bickering type of rapport ("I'm getting stronger"; "well I'll just have to get even stronger then"; "you'll never surpass me"; "we'll see about that") which they can fall into with ease and which looks weird af to outsiders, but is "normal" to them and something they're both grateful to have.
they're so intimately familiar with each other's personality and behaviors that they can predict them with perfect accuracy. they're so in tune with each other that they can whip up elaborate coordinated attacks right on the spot in perfect sync. their admiration for each other is so strong that they each think of the other as being the epitome of winning and saving, respectively. their mental images of each other are so vivid that they subconsciously mimic each other's speech patterns whenever they start falling into a particularly strong Win or Save mindset themselves. they take no small amount of pride in showing off for each other. they go apeshit any time the other is in danger or hurt. and each of them would literally die for the other if it ever came to that.
all of that is already canon. on just about every metric imaginable except for "now kiss", the two of them already have a canon intimacy that rivals just about every other great relationship out there. and so to say that none of it actually counts unless there's an actual love confession involved frankly just boggles me. again, maybe it's because I have no personal vested interest in romance myself, though. I'm literally just not wired that way, and so I'm really not the best person to vent to when it comes to these kinds of concerns.
but look, no matter what happens from here on out, these two care about each other on a very deep and personal level. they're going to continue to be a part of each other's lives no matter what. and each of them, no matter what, will continue to occupy a space in each other's lives that no other person can fill, regardless of how we or Horikoshi or anyone else choose to label and define that space. and so in my book, that's already a win.
anyways, apologies again for the impromptu rant. again, this wasn't particularly directed at you in any way; if anything it's mostly just a generic response to the constant shipping discourse in this and every other fandom, and a more detailed explanation for why I personally don't like to get involved in it. this is just one of the myriad reasons why I try my best to stay very far away from BnHA twitter lol.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Games and Side Quests
Absolute Shiggy and Izuku brainrot tonight, so I am doing an analysis post of them. This is about their interactions and generally how they’ve perceived each other throughout the story. This post will mostly be analysis but it’s also going to be a little jokey as well, so idk prepare for that
I’m largely making this post for fun. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while and I love to analyze them, so two birds one stone. Without any further ado
I actually find their very first interaction quite interesting
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Izuku sees Tomura want to quit, and his first question is what for. Izuku is very much the analytical type, a person to wonder why and how and for what reason. So for Tomura to come into Izuku’s life and provide such an environment where Izuku doesn’t know what the hell is going on - it’s dangerous and it throws Izuku for a loop
In fact, Tomura may be the first Villain Izuku has ever observed where he doesn’t know what to think exactly, apart from panic and questions. Why is this guy here? Why is he quitting now? What was the purpose of this invasion? Why is it Game Over when it’s only just begun?
And Izuku has no answer to these questions
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Personally, every time I’ve come across this scene, the logic of it never came to mind until recently. That is, in my mind, I would think the events were “Izuku, Tsuyu and Mineta observe Tomura, then Tomura attacks them”
But I never thought about how this happens
In the first screencap with Tomura, it shows that he is standing a good distance away from the kids, but not that far. Because of Mineta’s commotion, it would have been quite easy for Tomura to hear the splashing and voices behind him, even if they were just whispers. He’s quiet for a second, adding that ~dramatic pause~, but I also think thats because he’s listening. He heard the voices, he heard the splashing, and he’s found a bit of fun in his little seemingly-useless USJ mission
Tomura even points to where the kids are, as if a tiny bit of funny foreshadowing before he actually attacks
So now, I think of the events as “Izuku, Tsuyu and Mineta observe Tomura, and upon Mineta hearing that the Villains are going to leave, he raises his voice a little. Along with the group talking anyway, Tomura hears their voices and moves to attack”
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The decay; Izuku first seeing this happen. Rather, first seeing it up close and personal
(Also also this probably doesn’t mean anything, but I’m pretty sure the disembodied hand closest to Izuku is Hana’s. Not sure if there’s any connection to that, but it’s interesting I think)
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The first confrontation!! The first in a chain of events that will spark their story!! Don’t mind me I’m just emotional
I also like how you can see Tomura is smiling back at Aizawa after his “You really are cool, Eraserhead.” line
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I’m gonna say this a lot during this post, but this interaction is interesting
Tomura notices Izuku’s power, whatever it may be (as he doesn’t know yet), is strong. Not incredibly so, but it sure does get in the way and had an impact. The kid tried to hit him with everything he had and that must stand out to Tomura, the same way any quirk would once he sees it
One thing you have to remember about Tomura is he is analytical as well. Not to the exact same extent as Izuku I don’t think (though they do mutter and have physical evidence of their observations), but it’s obvious here that Izuku has caught his eye. Maybe not in the way Tomura seeks out All Might, but it’s definitely a start
I think what makes this interesting is that they are both observing each other. Izuku, before this, was watching Tomura and wondering what he was doing, and now straight after that we see Tomura wondering out loud about Izuku’s quirk and inspiration
As well as that, Tomura quite easily dismisses Izuku within the same page. Quick as a flash he goes “Oh, that move was interesting. And you said Smash, so you’re a fan of his, right? Anyway-” and threw him aside
Even as Tomura takes that very tiny interest in Izuku, he’s not even bothered about the kid. He aims for Tsuyu and Mineta instead. Whether this is because he saw Izuku’s willingness to fight with everything he had as a potential threat or because he couldn’t give less of a shit about All Might fans, the fact is that he dismisses Izuku and turns to the other kids
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Love this panel! Just the whole “opposites” thing going on
(plus it reminds me of the Void hehe)
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“Uh... that one... The plain one...”
I have to laugh. Oh Tomura, you’ve no idea what’s coming lmao
“He came at me with everything he had.”
So Tomura was watching Izuku, even if it was just for that brief second. Even with someone as insignificant as him, Tomura took him into account and used Izuku as an example
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Their shock at All Might heehee
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More observation from Tomura. Izuku continues to catch his eye
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One thing to back up the idea of Tomura thinking of Izuku as a threat is that, because of AFO simply mentioning the word “strong”/”strong as All Might”, he thinks of Izuku. Rather, he uses the word “fast” because Izuku wasn’t that strong, was he? He was just somebody in the way, and somebody with a similar power to All Might though it was not equal to the Pros strength at all
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When we get to the Sports Festival, we see this panel of Tomura watching the tournament and watching the moment Izuku crosses the finish line in the first game. We don’t get a continuous thorough follow-up to this and we don’t know why Tomura is watching the game, though presumably it is to spy (if you can call “spying” watching a broadcast on television for the world to see) on the next generation Heroes and find out their quirks. It is also assumed that maybe All For One told him to watch it for this reason as well
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In this room, there is evidence to Tomura having physical evidence of his observations. Above his computers, we see a map and information on what look to be different Heroes and news articles, some of which contain All Might. As well as talking to themselves and muttering, we also have the physical evidence parallel
In these screencaps, AFO says that Izuku and Shouto may become obstacles in Tomura’s path, and Tomura replies “Oh? What a load of crap...”
My line of thinking with this is that, while Tomura may have thought of Izuku as “fast” or “as fast as All Might”, there’s no real panic or even as much interest there. Sure, he wondered about Izuku’s move and that he was a fan of All Might, but he wasn’t panicked or even engaged with the kid. He focused on the mission and didn’t even glance his way unless to make a comment on “the plain one” using violence. So yes, I can see why Tomura may think it’s a bit of a joke that Izuku could be an obstacle
Notably, the kid was fast and his power was sorta similar to All Might, but in strength? No correlation. No connection. This kid is unimportant, and not worth thinking about
With that being said, Tomura also prints out a picture of Izuku after this tournament and stares at it. But we’ll get to that in a second
I would have loved to see Tomura’s reactions to Izuku’s fights or the tournament in general. All we really get are these little ominous moments (which isn’t a bad thing, as Tomura is already presented as the Villain Character so naturally he is seen as a threat) of him staring at the screen and scratching. Two moments that are shown after the Izuku vs Shouto battle are this
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(this is when Bakugou just finished his match with Tokoyami and was set to have his match with Shouto. its also immediately after we are shown Kurogiri warping Stain to the hideout)
And this
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(what an interesting speech bubble to put next to a Villain)
We are never shown Tomura’s continuous reaction to the tournament like we were shown with the kids or Present Mic+Aizawa, but there are two things we can glean from these screencaps alone
1) Izuku has officially caught Tomura’s eye
2) Tomura is now interested in Bakugou
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Tomura: I hate this kid he is annoying and I want him to die
Also Tomura: *prints out a picture of him*
As well as Izuku, we can also see that Tomura has printed out other pictures, one of them being Bakugou in chains (that had to be where he got it from), but I don’t know what the third could have been. I can’t remember if it has been shown to us either
Anyway, down to the analysis of this part
Clearly, Tomura doesn’t like Izuku. He says so in these panels. But the very fact that he printed out a picture of Bakugou, a kid he later took as a hostage and someone he saw as a potential member of the League, tells you that he is officially interested now. It’s no longer about how fast this kid is, his strength is something else as well. Tomura watched the match with Shouto vs Izuku, he saw Izuku’s strength, his recklessness, his stubbornness (how crazy he was to break himself over and over) and that grabbed him
The Sports Festival is the very arc where Tomura starts to think (or must start to think) that Izuku isn’t just fast. He’s strong too. He’s worth looking out for. Tomura sees him as a threat now
I also want to add that the whole “printing pictures out” thing is very like... how do I put this... remember when you were a kid and you used to print out pictures that you found on the internet because you found them pretty, interesting or inspirational? Yeah. It has that kind of energy
(am I gonna get hate for that? I can’t be the only one that did this when I was a stupid kid)
Not just with Izuku but like. everything that Tomura took away from that Sports Festival; Izuku, Bakugou and whatever that third picture is. He looked at these three things and thought “yeah I gotta remember them for later”
His expression seems generally brighter too. Idk he just looks even more fixated than he was before. That kid definitely struck a chord in him
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Turning to Izuku, we have this of him thinking about the League
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And this
Which, actually, I find quite funny
Because Izuku is implying here that the Villains at USJ (and I can’t put this any other way) ain’t shit compared to Stain
Here is the very first evidence of Izuku knowing that Tomura lacked conviction. Tomura is nothing like Stain. Tomura has no conviction. Tomura doesn’t have the eyes of a killer (especially considering that Izuku never saw Tomura kill anyone at USJ)
It implies, very much so, that Izuku doesn’t think of Tomura as an important Villain. Scary, perhaps. Needlessly violent, sure. But without conviction, it’s not a real threat. You could almost say that Izuku may have thought of Tomura as, like All Might did, a “man-child”. Though it never says this in text, it’s the only way I can describe what Izuku may have thought of Tomura
Tomura, in USJ, was a maniac in Izuku’s eyes. Directionless, violent, absolutely no will to carry on to the bitter end in a battle. Even in the first screencaps of this post, we see Izuku criticizing Tomura’s decision to run. This is also evidence to Izuku just not understanding Tomura at all (a lead-up to the iconic Mall Scene)
The reason I find this funny tho is that I remember seeing a lot of fan work going around (comics, fanart, fanfics etc) of Izuku treating Tomura like a big threat, that he had his nefarious plot to destroy All Might and Izuku being very serious about stopping him. But the reality seems to be that Tomura wanted to give up his mission, immediately talked big when All Might appeared and Izuku thought
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Not to say that Izuku doesn’t find him scary, because he does in the way that Tomura is a Villain with the potential to cause some true chaos instead of invading a little class, but we also have moments like these from the USJ
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Where Izuku puts his faith so much in All Might that he (a kid who is all about being analytical) just decides that there isn’t a reason to get worried and leaves All Might to it, before jumping in and trying to save him
And then we have Izuku seeing Kurogiri as more of a threat than Tomura himself, likely because Kurogiri nearly broke All Might in half while Tomura only called upon a Noumu to do his work for him
All evidence seems to point to Izuku thinking that Tomura ain’t shit
But the fact that he comes to the assumption that Stain and the League (aka Tomura) are working together means that, now, he has a reason to be more worried. After all, Stain has the eyes of a killer, and even if Izuku thinks Tomura doesn’t, there’s still a danger in Stain joining the League. A known killer joining a “nothing” organization means there could be more killers like him hiding in the League, or at least the League has more of a potential to recruit more if they recruited THE Stain. This is what I think Izuku would think anyway
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Recognition. I wonder what Tomura must have thought when Stain saved Izuku. Obviously he’d maybe be confused, definitely think that Stain did that to spite him, but I also wonder if, narratively, that could do with the whole “Izuku being worth it” thing, as Tomura comes to realize in War Arc that focusing on Izuku is worth what he could gain
So, with all this in mind... The Mall Scene! Honestly one of my favorite Tomura and Izuku scenes so far!
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Notably, Tomura mentions the Sports Festival. Which, you know, would be where any Sports Festival fan would know Izuku from, but I still find it interesting considering that the Sports Festival arc is where Tomura, as a viewer, realizes that Izuku is more of a threat and/or more interesting then he lets on
He also mentions Hosu as well, maybe foreshadowing to the fact that Izuku is useful to him?
Okay so the thing that interests me greatly about the Mall Scene is that these two are actually very honest with each other. In a hostage situation, you’d think the victim would do anything to get out of it; lie, struggle, wait until a perfect opening, you know? But Izuku doesn’t do anything like that. For the reason that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, of course, but when Tomura asks him a genuine question, he doesn’t lie at all. In fact, he looks Tomura in the eye and gives his opinion, even though he could have seriously died. It was a very dangerous situation, yet Izuku didn’t hold back at all
The very thing I love is that Tomura chose to go to Izuku. He didn’t follow him to the mall, but he did choose to talk to him, to sit down with him, to spill his guts about his feelings, and even answers Izuku’s question honestly
In most Villain-Hero hostage/victim situations, there’s a certain give and take where one side of the two has more power than the other, where one of them chooses what they say very carefully for fear they will die or get caught
But in this case, Izuku spills the hot piping tea on what he thinks of Tomura. Tomura spills his guts about his feelings. They both answer each other’s questions honestly
But see, here’s how I view the scene
They both see each other as potential threats. Izuku is both fast and strong, like All Might, and Tomura saw that during the Sports Festival. Tomura is a maniac, violent, and anybody with those attributes is capable of doing some real damage, but the only thing he lacks is the conviction he needs, which would actually convince Izuku that he is a very real threat that can’t just be stamped down by All Might
Tomura, in the mall, is toying with Izuku. He’s out on a walk, trying to work out his thoughts, when he comes across the kid and thinks “Why not? Why not have a little fun?” and takes the kid hostage
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We have to remember that Izuku thinks Tomura “ain’t shit”, especially because at the USJ, Tomura didn’t kill anybody and had to get his Noumu to do all the work. It’s kind of the same with the Stain-League assumption that they were working together during that attack, that Izuku would have likely thought Stain was someone for Tomura to send out instead of doing the work himself
But here, Tomura is saying, plain as day “I will kill them, 20- no, I could take 30 out.” and either Izuku could think he’s bluffing or that this statistic is backed up by experience
Either way, Izuku’s not going to challenge it if it means others could get hurt. So he agrees to talk
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Izuku saw the danger in a known Villain joining the League, but now that it’s confirmed to have been wrong, Izuku doesn’t have much to worry about. After all, the League is just a “nothing” organization, right? ....... right?
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Tomura asks an honest question, one he’s been thinking about since he left for his walk. Izuku answers it
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And here is the clear-as-day evidence of Izuku not understanding Tomura
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Izuku says Stain is destructive, but at least he’s doing it for a reason. This suggests he sees Tomura as, like I said, a maniac who uses violence recklessly and needlessly, and that scares him (as it would anyone). Tomura is scary to Izuku, but not in the “you’re a real threat” way. Tomura has the potential, but no real drive, and that’s exactly what Izuku says here
More than anything, Izuku suggests that Tomura treats it like a game to pass the time. Using violence needlessly but quitting whenever he wants to, and Izuku notices the gaming references as well to back this up
When I think about how Izuku acted in this entire scene, it makes me wonder if this was his thought-process: “I’ll answer the question and do what he says because he’s just a Villain who will get caught in the end. Doesn’t matter if I struggle or not, he will get caught just like he would have been in USJ had it not been for that warp guy. And the warp guy isn’t here now, not that I can see, so Shigaraki has nowhere to escape. If I just stay and listen to him, a Hero will come. I’ll answer his question because he won’t hurt me, he couldn’t even kill All Might at USJ. Plus, he wouldn’t want to alert all these people, right? He’ll get caught easily that way.” or something along those lines anyway
Point is, I think Izuku is scared because of the threat Tomura potentially poses, but the way he answers him so honestly, I can’t think of it as anything other than a kid that thinks so less about this Villain that he would look him in the eye and tell him what he really thinks despite the situation
I honestly don’t think Tomura was expecting Izuku to be so honest with him. I think he was expecting to get his feelings out, maybe scare the kid, but not for Izuku to look him in the eye and say he’s got no ideals or direction
And that makes him mad
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It’s a hard pill to swallow, and as quick as he gives that dangerous look to Izuku, he’s swallowing said pill and taken in what he said
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The funny thing is, Izuku’s hot piping tea was that Tomura lacked conviction. He knew this anyway, he didn’t see him as big of a threat as he looked, he mostly seemed to chalk him down as a Villain that could be taken away by removing the lackey that bodyguarded him. Izuku even tells him, straight up, “you lack ideals” so very honestly you’d think he was crazy to do so if it weren’t for the fact that Izuku doesn’t perceive Tomura as an incredible threat
But in the end, Izuku gave Tomura the conviction he needed in order to become the biggest threat in the world. Actually, he accidentally inspired Tomura to form his conviction, and now because of this exact moment, we have a possessed fusion god flying around
(how does it feel to be the catalyst of a domino effect, Izuku?)
This is a moment that changes Izuku’s opinion of him from “potential threat if you worked harder and weren’t such a coward” to “uh holy shit you have a conviction crap uhhh I take it back I tAKE IT BACK-”
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This is a very serious sequence of panels but literally the way Tomura says “I’m glad we had this chat! Thanks Midoriya! I’m heading down the right path for me!” sounds so much like Izuku gave him advice on his problems, and that’s actually what happened lmao
(whats also interesting is that Tomura plays the “friend” role throughout the Mall Scene. Tells Izuku to “pretend I’m an old friend”, sit like close buddies next to each other on the bench, Tomura even thanks him like a friend would after being given advice)
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Again, this is very serious, but to me it looks like Tomura pulls on Father to trick Izuku into thinking he has a weapon “so you have to play along and don’t cause a scene or else people will die”, but Izuku is so panicked that he’s like “NO LISTEN LOOK I’M GOOD I’M OKAY URARAKA SO STAY BACK HAHA EVERYTHING IS OKAY”
So Tomura has to let go and act like a Good Old Pal so Uraraka doesn’t call the Heroes
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Introducing: My favorite panel lol. And I’m including it for the opposite energies they have, but also because I like it. There’s also the continuation of Good Friend Tomura behaving like a Good Friend who ran into his Good Old Pal Izuku Midoriya at the mall for a friendly chat. Tomura understood the assignment lmao
Anyway, Izuku actually asks a question back
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And Tomura answers honestly. The reason I think this is because Tomura has never lied, throughout the series he is always honest. Maybe he twists words and meanings - doesn’t reveal the whole truth - but he never outright lies to anyone. And here is no different
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Fated enemies. Tomura says it himself; it’s fate, it’s destiny, it’s inevitable
There is the chance in this sentence that suggests “if you meet me again” but I think it’s more of a promise than anything. 1) Because Tomura does meet Izuku again and 2) Tomura seems to tie Izuku to fate, which I will get to later
After this moment, it’s clear that this interaction has inspired him
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Izuku inspired that conviction in him. All he had to say was “you lack conviction and thats the difference” and Tomura instantly came to his own conclusions. Izuku never meant to make him think about All Might and the fragility of society, but those words he spoke as he looked in his eyes triggered the spark that lit Tomura’s flame
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These two now have one more shared parallel, aside from the mutterings and the physical evidence of observation; their convictions involve All Might. It’s all about All Might
One observation I want to talk about, before I get into everything after this scene, is that I think Tomura sees Izuku as a gam
I don’t know how to put this.... he sees Izuku as an NPC to toy with during his free time in a game. The NPC to push around and play with before a quest starts or because he is bored. I mean, look at what he did; he chose to go after Midoriya in the mall, scare the shit out of him, all presumably for fun (thats what it looked like anyway) to see what his reaction would be
To me, it looks like Tomura did have his fun with this little extra. At the same time, this little extra also gave him some useful information, highlighted in bright text and everything. Clear as day to help him on his quest. He didn’t realize this NPC could inspire him and he went on to complete level after level because of this information
(have I made enough gamer references yet? lol)
Anyway, so Everything After This Scene is just little moments before the big War Arc
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First evidence of Izuku thinking about Tomura’s words and considering them. Not to the extent he does in the current arcs, but it’s a start
And then we have the disaster of the Training Camp Arc, where we have Tomura’s “game plan” changing due to conviction - he has more of an idea of what he wants now
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We also have this
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Where we learn that Izuku is still on the kill list, obviously. (I gotta know; did Tomura show the League the pic? does he still have it??)
Then we have this moment here, which still puzzles me to this day
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Cuz why did she get Izuku’s blood? Did Tomura need it? Why would he have been thrilled? Was there supposed to be a specific use for it, or was it a “just in case we need it” thing? These are the real questions. Reveal the answers to me Horikoshi
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In the Overhaul Arc, Izuku is now terrified by the League and what they can do. We’ve come a long way since him not thinking of Tomura as a big threat
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“Tomura”, huh? Look guys they’re already friends, they’re on a first name basis😌 lmao
Jokes aside, we now enter War Arc, where there is just SO MUCH going on with these two
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All the way from the iconic Mall Scene, the scene where Izuku finally realizes just how much of a threat Tomura actually is, especially since he left being inspired by what Izuku told him. Now it’s come full circle, where now he is experiencing the true terror of Tomura Shigaraki
Not only that, but Izuku is remembering the decay explanation from the Mall Scene. He saw the effects of decay on Aizawa during the USJ despite not having the explanation back then, yet he specifically looks back on the Mall Scene to supply that information. Idk I find that interesting, but also Its The Trauma
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Looking up the mountain, looking down the mountain (they are connected)
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At this point, Izuku knows who is at the top of that mountain, whereas Tomura doesn’t know who has One For All yet
See, Tomura has Search, which means at this moment here, he is following the brightest quirk he can see which is One For All
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At this point, he’s only following
But then as he flies down the hill, getting closer and closer to the quirk
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He has this look of almost fondness. Like he’s just realized something. If he’s looking at the quirk and saying that, it can’t be anything but him realizing that Izuku has One For All as he gets closer
Also the biggest evidence to this is that “Must be fate.” is a callback to the Mall Scene!!
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“Something like fate... or destiny, maybe...”
It’s because of this that I believe Tomura associates Izuku with fast, strong like All Might, and now he associates him with the word “fate” as he has used it twice now with the kid
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And look at that smile. When I first read this, I thought Tomura would be shocked to learn that Izuku had One For All. But he’s not even surprised, he just smiles like this is what was meant to happen. As I said before, they are fated, it’s destiny, it’s inevitable
Tomura just rolls with that. He doesn’t reject it, didn’t even reject it before, and neither does Izuku. They cross paths and that’s just how it is, like it’s expected
And now, suddenly, the NPC he’s ran into a few times is more important than he thought. He was having fun before, he was bored and playing around with the kid, but now the big reveal has come where the NPC that was so boring and plain is secretly the person he needs to complete his quest
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Again I’m just kind of like. marveling at how far they’ve come because Tomura went from dismissing Izuku and not seeing him as an actual threat to now deliberately going after him. It’s a little thing but I still like it
And I love this battle personally because they just keep connecting in odd ways that are both as people and as enemies. I don’t know how else to describe it other than that
Because you have honest moments like these
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Staring at each other like “what was that??”
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Tomura telling Izuku he won’t forgive anyone
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“What’s the date today...?”
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This back and forth that I can’t take seriously because Tomura is seriously out here threatening to send Izuku and the other Heroes to Heaven of all places, all with that grin on his face
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Tomura looking genuinely scared here which. again, a far cry from USJ when he dismissed Izuku entirely, teased him and generally treated him like an extra in a game. Now he’s getting pummeled by the kid who wasn’t a threat. “That plain one” is now kicking his ass
I don’t know how else to describe them other than honest. Vulnerable, maybe. There’s clearly a connection there that separates them from any other Tomura-Hero interaction
This is definitely the arc that changes Tomura though
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Here we see the convictions he’d built up over the course of the story almost shattering by his own word. Because his conviction was to destroy All Might and show the world how fragile the system is, but the thing is the Heroes don’t pay attention. There’s no showing and there’s no telling, because they simply don’t get it
The consequence of Izuku’s advice was a conviction that Tomura built up on his own, yet now in this battle that involves Izuku, that conviction is being torn down because no one is listening. They don’t understand and they don’t want to understand. It’s the dichotomy of it all
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Even when this speech is the clearest Tomura could ever be about what grinds his gears, they won’t listen. They won’t understand. Izuku doesn’t understand, and seemingly never will
I find this kind of a contrast to the Mall Scene, as Tomura is once again venting to a Hero(es) about his issues, yet nobody pays attention to what he is actually saying
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And it is at this point he gives up on convincing the world. He loses his conviction. Now he’s in it to destroy, because what else can he do if they won’t listen? He’ll fight of course
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This time there is no “advice” or questions. There are only statements and graves to dig deeper. Again, this is a big contrast, because the Mall Scene was such an honest scene, where both of them were talking to each other. Despite it being one-sided physically, they both talked and they both answered each other’s questions
Now? They say they can’t forgive each other. Not that they even would before, but it’s a short conversation set in stone, and they are shut off from the other
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At the same time, we have Izuku accepting his own fate here. OFA was manifested to stop dreams of destruction, and it’s here where there is another “set in stone” moment
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I would say this is also an honest/vulnerable/whatever-you-wanna-call-it moment. The fear, or you could say shock, in Tomura’s eye as Izuku goes berserk. Once again... same kid from USJ, guys. We’ve come very far
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I also? cannot describe this?? The look on Tomura’s face is vulnerable, satisfied at getting the quirk, and tired. It’s a look that kind of says “There’s no use attacking, I’ve already won”
But as they enter the Void, it’s like a beacon of light in such a dark place. The tone shifts and you can feel it
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THIS is the moment things change. Everything from before falls apart. The damage is done, the hate is the same, there is still no forgiving what has been done, but there is a connection so bright, it’s hard to miss
Here, as he is struggling, Tomura looks at Izuku. He’s talking to All For One, he should be looking at All For One, but he looks up... and Izuku is there, staring right back at him
That look is very much the “You looked like you needed help” moment. Even before you get the reveal of that in 295, it’s here, plain as day in the framing, the angle, the way they (especially Izuku) look at each other
This is the moment that changes everything about Izuku’s understanding of Tomura. It doesn’t change what Tomura has done and it doesn’t explain why Tomura did the things he did, but it’s clear now that he isn’t just “doing it for fun”
There are no gaming references, no retreating, no falling back. This battle had callbacks to USJ but we aren’t in USJ anymore. This is now Izuku looking at Tomura and seeing the truth; that the Villain before him is hurting and being used
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Izuku sees him being strangled and leaps to stop it, and you can see that there really is a sort of compassion in his eyes (at least in the first screencap) that says “I want to help you. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore”
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This dialogue can be taken two ways
1) Please don’t start moving again because I want you to stop hurting people
2) Please don’t start moving again because I don’t want to hurt you more than I already have
It can even be taken as both. That Izuku just wants this all to stop, for Tomura’s sake and everyone else’s
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TomurAFO pushing Izuku away, and his hand spasming
This is more of a personal theory/headcanon, no evidence to it, but I wonder if the hand was spasming because Tomura was trying to gain control again. Like, AFO took control and pushed Izuku away, then Tomura tried to get his control back, hand still extended as if reaching out towards the kid, but then being taken over by AFO and simply watching as Izuku falls
(thats just a small theory though. i am in denial)
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I also can’t get it out of my mind that Tomura’s hand lingered in the air as if reaching out for Izuku, then drawing it back, and then Izuku doing the exact same thing
Like a small weak gesture of “No, come back”
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Izuku’s look of distress
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TomurAFO watching him but also it looks like a sort of acceptance, the way his head is bowed down
It’s such a sad turn of events and it really tugs on the heart strings
To go from an interaction where Tomura dismisses Izuku and Izuku can’t think of Tomura as anything serious... to Izuku racing to help Tomura while he’s in peril?
All I gotta say is
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And then AND THEN we now get Izuku fighting for Tomura
A WILD CONCEPT given the beginning of the story but nonetheless so very good
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Izuku is literally standing on the edge of a decision he has to make, something he must do or could do
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Izuku saw Tenko. He saw Tomura, the one underneath all the hatred. And that’s what Tomura has been doing this entire time; crying out for help
How ironic is it that Tomura gave up trying to convince the world that the system was broken in the same arc Izuku realizes that Tomura has been hurting because of the system he’s protecting?
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Izuku is so calm as he speaks. This page really shows how that encounter in the Void changed his view on Villains, or maybe he’s been thinking about this for a while now, given the way he speaks. The point is, he’s seeing the choices he could have made, the ones he may have regretted making and the ones he didn’t
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Izuku sees Tenko. He sees him
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And the shadows fluctuate around him, for the first time ever forming a mouth. He means what he speaks and he says it with conviction
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The more he talks, the more he becomes the little boy who saved because he could and it was right, the one who takes the very essence of what All Might taught and fights for peace
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And Izuku once again spills the hot tea, but this time he does it FOR TOMURA! INSTEAD OF AGAINST HIM!
In this scene, Izuku is inspired and gains a conviction because of what happened to Tomura! He was always going to be somebody who saves, but the fact that sentiment has now extended to Villains thanks to what happened to Tomura is amazing!
These two inspired each other’s convictions!!
Even through the Rogue arc, Izuku continues to think about Tomura and what he said
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(ah!! he said the thing!!)
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It’s nice to see as well that Izuku still isn’t forgiving Tomura for what he’s done. He wants to save him but that doesn’t mean he can just let everything go
And now, as the story continues, we have another parallel; Izuku and Tomura are each other’s side quests
Don’t get me wrong, Tomura’s main mission is to destroy Hero Society and teach the Heroes a lesson (or at least cause destruction) and Izuku’s mission is to stop All For One and save as many people as possible
But see, in the War Arc, Tomura caused chaos among Hero Society while also focusing on getting Izuku’s One For All
In Izuku’s Rogue arc, we have him seeking out All For One to stop him while also focusing on finding Tomura
The main mission hasn’t changed much, but now they seek each other out when available
In a mall
In the middle of a battlefield
During the fall of Hero Society
They keep searching for each other, and though they are still committed to the impact they want to achieve, there is always that one spark of inspiration they give each other. For Izuku to help anybody, for Tomura to find his own purpose
In conclusion................. I love them and I love their development with each other
Thank you very much for reading this far. I’m sorry this is so long. I have many feelings about these two, as usual
When are they going to interact again, I miss them so much
95 notes · View notes
everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 22)
Today we'll talk about the Time-Travel Arc. Obviously, the focus in that arc is Yuka's past, so there's going to be a lot of content that I'll skip unless it's relevant to NatsuMikan. What ship/character content there is I will dissect heavily. This is just a warning that I'll be skipping even five or so chapters at time, and it might seem jarring. Sorry about that.
In this part, we'll see how Natsume and Mikan are in many ways fated, but also how selfless Natsume can be, even in the face of losing the person he loves the most forever. He's going to keep his promise to protect her no matter what happens, even if it means never seeing her again.
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
For most of this arc, Natsume and the others are merely observers of Yuka’s past. They keep the talking and interaction to a minimum. There will be some instances where Natsume does enough for me to be able to analyze him, but they’re limited to start with.
For example, when Tsubasa, Tono, and Nobara are finally able to join them, there’s a dramatic reunion.
Nobody has seen Tsubasa in some time, and his whereabouts were a mystery. Obviously he shares a meaningful embrace with Mikan, but he also makes eye contact with Natsume, who looks shocked and relieved to see him again, even if he wasn’t the one to find him. Tsubasa knows Natsume had searched tirelessly for him, so he apologizes for making Natsume and the others worry. For a moment, it almost seems as though maybe they will share the next reunion hug. But to show that everything truly is back to normal, Natsume’s demeanor shifts and he gets annoyed with Tsubasa for hugging Mikan for so long.
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Thinking really hard about Natsume's love languages: nicknames, being willing to die for you one second and then pretending like you're a nuisance the next, never giving compliments so they hit like a brick when he does, just hanging around you, and physical touch.
Natsume doesn’t know how to show feelings properly. With Ruka, he can be more openly affectionate and loving, and now with Mikan he has recently (today) had the opportunity to be more honest about his feelings, but Tsubasa is different. For a very long time, he has pretended like Tsubasa was nothing more than a nuisance. Suddenly being honest with everyone would be tiresome. Besides, Tsubasa already knows that Natsume cares, since he struggled so much to find him.
If you want to hug somebody, Natsume says (or doesn’t say… this conversation seems to all be telepathic), go hug Misaki. Not my girl. It hardly matters that Misaki isn’t around and that idea is impossible to make a reality. So Tsubasa naturally shoots back that he will simply pretend Mikan is Misaki.
Natsume is a good person, as we have seen over the course of the manga. When he loves someone, he loves hard and with his whole chest. He doesn’t half-ass his feelings. Despite his occasional bouts into saying something kind and heartfelt, he is and always has been naturally a bit more reserved. His personality is one to withhold a little, and to interact with people through teases. Even at his most free, before he came to the academy, he would tease and insult before saying something sweet. His love will always be something that needs to be interpreted, because he hates being open about why he’s doing the selfless things he is. If he is too open, then people will know and then they might feel guilty or like they owe him something. He doesn’t want that. Another thing is that he just likes having fun with his friends and loved ones this way, with occasional taunts and teases. That’s just the kind of person he is.
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
We get introduced to Igarashi Kaoru, an upperclassman of Yuka’s and a mysterious figure. Yuka first met her in a compromising position, when she’s about to sleep with a boy who we will later find out is Natsume’s father. She looks very much like a more grown up, female version of Natsume, and they seem to have a lot in common when it comes to their basic personality.
Just like Natsume, Kaoru can be serious-minded and doesn’t take any shit. She’s also like him in that she shows affection through teasing.
Mikan, in this chapter, finally asks who this Igarashi person is, since she looks so familiar. Natsume sarcastically says, “Heaven knows.” I’m sure he wasn’t actually expecting to see his mother in these flashbacks. She died when she was very young and as a result she didn’t have the opportunity to talk much about Yuka. It must be a surprise to see that she played such an active role in Mikan’s mother’s life.
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Heaven knows. Get it. 'Cause she's dead. Hahahaha.
To everyone else, it’s obvious that the Igarashi person is related to Natsume. Ruka might even directly recognize her from the painting he saw at the Hyuuga house that one time, but either way they look and act so similarly that it’s apparent to everyone but Mikan.
In any case, Natsume is seeing more of his mother than he ever has before. He knows very little about her, since she died when he was so small. He couldn’t have many conversations with her and he spent more time mourning and missing her than actually being with her. Not only is Mikan getting the chance to know the mother that was a mystery to her for her whole life, but Natsume is too. This is also his chance to discover his mother and get to know her, and it’s just his luck that Yuka and Kaoru actually had a strong bond.
After Kaoru intimidates Yuka at the Hana Hime den, Mikan and the gang react to the shocking scene. Kaoru is a force to reckon with, and Noda comments on how this force and tough love helped Yuka find strength in herself and confidence in her own alice.
Ruka insists on knowing more about Kaoru, and since everyone but Mikan seems to get that Kaoru is Natsume’s mother, we can see that Ruka is asking for Natsume. Natsume won’t ask. This is about Yuka, after all, and about Mikan. Natsume will see what he will of his mother insofar as she’s in Yuka’s life. Beyond that, he won’t ask for anything. Ruka knows this, so he asks instead. He wants to know about Natsume too, and what better way than to learn about the woman who seems to have so much in common with him? Natsume is touched that Ruka would go out of his way to ask a question Natsume will not ask.
Noda answers that Kaoru and Yuka will become best friends after this, and Mikan is shocked. How could someone so scary be Yuka’s best friend? But Noda explains: Kaoru has a compassionate and caring heart behind her cold front, just like Natsume, and Yuka could rely on her, even in her darkest moments. Yuka wouldn’t have gained confidence in her alice the way she did without Kaoru by her side.
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That is a really fucking long red string!
And then Noda says it so even Mikan can tell now, that Natsume’s mother has always been beloved and a truly amazing person.
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Noda further explains about Kaoru. She used her alice to spy on the academy for the HSP, and then after she graduated she continued to use her alice to expose corruption. She was deeply committed to doing the right thing and holding the academy responsible, and this commitment was inspiring to Yuka as well, who went down the path she did for the same reasons.
Somehow, their children met at the academy by pure chance, and are standing side by side now.
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Here they are, standing together and in love with each other. Fate is a silly thing.
They are fated somehow. The same red string that tied Kaoru to Yuka now ties Natsume to Mikan. In fact, it’s his love for her that motivated him to go against the academy, more than his own misfortune or the wellbeing of other students or even because it was the right thing to do. The strong bond between their mothers now lingers between them, but differently, and maybe even stronger.
Natsume and Mikan are holding hands, looking at each other. Were they always meant to meet? To be together? Nothing is said out loud, but it’s apparent that they’re both thinking about their moms’ past and what exactly it means for their future.
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Perhaps there's a difference between fated to fall in love and fated to be together.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Lots of chapters are getting skipped because there simply isn’t enough content, if any, of Natsume, not to mention NatsuMikan specifically.
Izumi is about to die, and everyone knows it as they watch. Mikan has just returned from falling through the time window. She wanted to warn her father, but Tsubasa was able to bring her back without much changing. Natsume immediately goes to Mikan’s side when she is safely returned and doesn’t leave. He holds her hand because what she’s about to witness will be deeply traumatizing and he knows that she will suffer all the more because she wasn’t able to stop it.
Everything happens as it is meant to, perhaps. Izumi is dying from Rei’s alice, since his own nullification can’t fight against Rei when he uses so much power at once.
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I don't have anything clever to say here. He just loves her so much.
Mikan is distraught, and although Natsume first just tries to keep her from approaching the window again, once he sees her crying, despairing face, he shifts. All he’s ever wanted to do was keep her happy, keep her from sinking into even a fraction of the darkness he’s had to live in. It hasn’t always been easy, because Mikan was also destined to suffer, just like him.
Everyone else is pleading with Noda to get them out of the hole, to stop the flashbacks, but Noda can’t. The window is too turbulent and any moves on his part might be dangerous.
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Protecting her no matter what doesn't only mean protecting her from physical harm, it means protecting her from seeing horrible things that she shouldn't have to see, like the death of her father.
So Natsume holds Mikan close. It is the only thing he can do, to tell her not to look and to hug her. She doesn’t need to see anymore. Natsume doesn’t just want to protect her physical safety but her mental and emotional well-being as well. He fell in love with a girl who always looks on the bright side, who is so optimistic and kind that her cheerfulness bleeds into everyone else. From the start, he was concerned that if her life darkened, her own light would fade and become tarnished.
But Natsume doesn’t need her to always smile. He just wants to protect her the best he can. If she needs to cry, then she can cry on him. He will hold her and support her and comfort her. She can’t always be happy, but all he’s ever wanted was to be there for her when she can’t be. When she needs to crumble a little, he will be there for her, because she would do the same. She comforted him too, even if she never knew she was doing it. It's not about having her be happy all the time, just minimizing the trauma. He can't protect her from all of it. Everything else is more powerful than he is. He can't keep her ignorant and blissful forever. Nobody can. But if they can't escape the flashback, then he will keep her from looking.
He can do this openly now, so he does. He wants her to know that she can rely on him and seek comfort from him. No matter what happens, he will be there for her.
So as Izumi dies, Natsume and Mikan aren’t looking. She doesn’t need to see. He keeps his focus on her, to support her, because she has to process a deeply traumatic event in a very short time. After all, the flashbacks are still going. Time didn’t stop for Yuka, and it won’t stop for Mikan.
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Natsume’s shirt is probably soaked with tears. Not that he cares.
He holds her, not just through Izumi’s death, but for most of the aftermath. He stays, holding her, for as long as she needs him to. He will only let go when she’s okay to stand again. He ends up holding her for a couple chapters, and even when they stop hugging he still holds her up. He'd hold her for hours if she needed it.
Natsume and Mikan learned that their mothers were besties and are now struck with the knowledge that by pure chance they managed to meet and become as close as they did. Natsume confessed to the whole DA class (including Mikan) that he loves her in the last part, and he's done nothing but prove it over and over again.
We'll wrap up what is left of NatsuMikan in the Time-Travel Arc next week on Monday. His low self-esteem, selflessness, and all-consuming love will all take center stage in the next few entries.
Thank you all so much for reading so far. I hope you have a lovely day!
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bakuroo-writings · 3 years
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Self Ship September Day Seven: MIya Osamu x female!reader, heart dividers made by @doinmybesthere
Warnings: female reader, swear words, petty/petulant arguments, kinda angsty cause Osamu is a jerk a little bit but ends fluffy, Osamu briefly in a dress for kicks and because why not?, time skip spoilers for Osamu’s job, no beta we die like men, I am ignoring any and all spelling or grammar errors there might be because I do not care right now, i think that’s everything?
word count: 2767
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“Shit!” comes out of your mouth as you try to quickly clean up the red sauce stain on Osamu’s white Onigiri Miya t-shirt. “Why do I always cook in his white shirts?!” You think as you scrub furiously to no avail. Thankfully, dinner is almost done and, then, you can pretreat it. The last thing you want to do is add to Osamu’s plate, since he had a rough day. He called you on his break to vent – and to explain why he had to cancel your date tonight since he’d be home late.
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“I’m sorry, doll. I know you were looking forward to it tonight.”
“Hey, Samu, it’s okay. I understand. We can just reschedule for this weekend, okay?”
“Thank you, doll. I swear hearing you say that is the best thing to happen today. It’s like everything that could go wrong today did.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Want to talk about it? Or just rant?”
“Yer amazing, you know that? First, Hana sprained her ankle then Kevin called out then Jacob, spilled a whole container of freshly made rice. Which I then slipped in – do you know how slippery rice is?” You hear the sigh come down the line and you can imagine him, in his office, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “I wish you could be here right now.”
Your heart breaks at his defeated tone. You wish you could make it better for him.
“Baby, I’d be there in a heartbeat if I could.”
“I know. And I love you for that. I just can’t wait for this day to be over so I can just come home and be in your arms.”
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Knowing he probably didn’t get a chance to really eat so, wanting to have a home-cooked meal ready for him, you were going to surprise with a semi-late night candle light dinner date. You were going to try a new Italian restaurant so you brought out a red and white checkered tablecloth you found hidden in the back of the closet and decided to make spaghetti and French bread and were almost done when the sauce spilled on your – well, Samu’s – shirt.
You were about to go change and pre-treat it when you heard the door open and saw Samu in the door. A smile lit up your face when you saw him and you immediately went to hug him, not noticing his zeroed in on the stain.
“What the fuck is that on my shirt?” is the first thing out of his mouth and you glance down to where his eyes are staring. You open your mouth to answer when he cuts you off, “For fucks sake, y/n, these are my work shirts – is it so hard not to wear them, especially when you constantly spill something on them?”
Not liking how this started or his tone, you reply, “Want to walk out the door and try again? I know you had a bad day but that’s no reason to take it out on me.”
“What I’d really love, after a long, hard day at work, is to not see that you had stained yet another one of my work shirts. I am tired of having to constantly tell you not to wear them and of you constantly not listening and wearing them anyway. Can you really not process it through your pea brain?”
Taken aback, you don’t even dignify that with a response and he stomps to the bathroom, muttering a “I’m just gonna shower then get some food” and you still say nothing.
You know he had a rough day so you’re trying not to take his words personally, but they still hurt, still made you angry. “He has the next two days off. Hopefully, that puts him in a better mood,” you think as you enter the laundry room, removing his shirt at the same time, and, clad in just your bra, you work on pre-treating the stain and finish at the same time you hear Osamu leave the bathroom.
You hear his footsteps move past the room and, as he calls your name, you simply leave the laundry room to head to your bedroom, slamming the door shut so he knows, not only where you are, but, also, that you’re mad. Even though you’re not mad at all; you’re hurt. And, now, all you want to do is give into your exhaustion and sleep so you climb into bed after putting on one a new t-shirt – one that is actually yours. A few tears run down your face but, thankfully, you succumb to slumber quickly.
Back in the living room, Osamu lets out a deep sigh just after he heard the door slam. He knows he fucked up and went too far – it was just a shirt and he wasn’t even mad you. It was just the stress of the day and he took it out on you. He calmed down in the shower and intended to apologize the second he was out but, then, you slammed the door and he thought he’d give you some space, heading to the kitchen to get some dinner. . . when he saw the tablecloth, the unlit candle, table settings for two, the spaghetti in the middle with a basket of cut French bread.
Seeing all that you prepared, his stomach drops and he feels worse, his guilt eating him up inside. Dinner can wait a little longer –he has to make this right to you now. Ignoring his growling stomach, he pads down the hall to your bedroom, twists the door open, and walks in to see. . . your sleeping form.
Sighing deeply, he exits the room as thinks, “I’ll just apologize first thing in the morning, then. And thank her for the meal she prepared.”
Sitting down at the table, he spoons some spaghetti onto his plate and grabs a slice of French bread, his guilt only worsening with every bite.
“She didn’t deserve me to snap at her. I’ll get up early to get her favorite flowers and pick up some croissants from her favorite restaurant.”
With his plan finalized and his belly full, he packs up the leftovers in the fridge, puts the dishes in the dishwasher, and pads down the hall so he can fall asleep next to you. Having climbed into bed, his muscles finally relax and he sets an alarm so he can get the necessary things to show you how sorry he is. Turning over, he pulls you to him, spooning you as he wraps his arm around your waist.
He doesn’t know how many hours it’s been when he wakes with a start and finds you missing, your side of the bed made. He clambers for his phone to see it’s just after noon and races out of the room in search of you when he spots a neatly folded white shirt on the corner of the bed, a note resting on top.
Sorry about your shirt. Got the stain out and washed it for you. I’ll be sure to not wear your clothes again so this doesn’t happen in the future.
“Fuck, she’s still mad,” is the only thought running through his mind. He didn’t think you’d never wear his clothes again; he loves seeing you in his clothes. Not only did he fuck up last night, he fucked up today, too, by missing his alarm. He rushes out of your shared bedroom, hoping he’ll see you on the couch but you’re not there. He checks every room and it’s not until he collapses on the couch that he sees the other note you left.
Made plans with f/n’s. Don’t know when I’ll be back, might stay there tonight so don’t wait up.
And that’s when he feels his heart drop out of his chest. He rushes back to the bedroom and picks up his phone, fingers already on your contact pressing call. He holds the phone to his ear, just for it to be sent to voicemail so he shoots you a text.
Osamu: Hey. Saw your note. You having fun?
You: Yup.
Osamu: Still mad?
You: Nope. I’m fine.
And that’s how he knows he really did fuck up and that you’re actually still mad.
Osamu: Doll, I’m *sorry.* I’ll give you space until you’re ready to talk but can you, at least, tell me where you are so I don’t worry?
You: I’m at f/n’s house. We’re baking.
Osamu: Have fun. Will you come home tonight?
You: . . .
You: Yes.
He fist pumps the air at your answer; he still has a chance to make it right today, just much later than he wanted.
Osamu: I’ll see you later, then. I love you.
You: read 12:17 pm
Though his heart hurt a little at that, he can’t exactly blame you. With no time to dwell on it, he rushes to take a quick shower and gets dressed, rushing out the door to your usual grocery store and the nearest florist.
He gets home an hour later and checks his phone to see if you replied yet.
“Nothing,” he thinks and can’t help but feel dismayed. Pushing those thoughts aside, he puts the flowers he got you in a vase, cutting off the stems a little, then immediately gets to making you your favorite ravioli and French bread from scratch.
With the bread in the oven and waiting for the water to boil, he moves onto setting up the table like you did last night with one difference – he adds the flowers he got you. By now, the food is done and on the table so he checks his watch – almost 6. Perfect timing. He heads to the bedroom to put on a button down shirt and wait for you to come home.
Only you didn’t come home. Well, you did but not until after nine when Osamu had already had everything packed up in the fridge. Hearing your keys jingle, he jumps up to greet you.
“Doll! You’re home!” He rushes to you, holding you tightly in his arms.
You freeze for a moment, not expecting this reception, before you answer him, “Uh, yeah, Samu, I am. Sorry for being gone all day; F/N’s and I were just having so much fun.”
“That’s fine! I’m glad you had fun. Did you eat? Are you hungry? I can reheat dinner for you.”
“Whoa, Samu, slow down. I’m not going anywhere. But I did eat already, sorry. And I’m exhausted so let’s just go to bed, okay?”
You walk down the hallway, Osamu following behind you after a few seconds and sees you opening your dresser drawer, pulling out a shirt and shorts.
He rubs on a hand around the back of his neck when he speaks, “I have a shirt you can wear. . . if you want.”
“No, thanks, Samu. I’m good with my own. Wouldn’t want to make a mess of yours,” you say, smiling brightly at him before disappearing into the en suite to change. When you leave the bathroom, you start to head to your side but are stopped when a hand grabs yours and Osamu turns you to face him. Your eyes meet his, guilt and sadness swirling in them in a never-ending abyss, making your heart just break.
Pulling him to your chest and lifting your arms up, you wrap them around his shoulders, rubbing his back and leaving a hand to rest on the nape of his neck in comfort. His hands wrap around your waist tightly, almost as if he’s afraid that you’re going to disappear completely.
“I’m so sorry, doll. I shouldn’t have taken my bad day out on you and snap at you over something as ridiculous as a stain on my shirt and getting mad that you wear them. I actually love to see you in my clothes.”
“No, baby, I’m sorry; I knew it was just cause you had a bad day and that you didn’t mean any of it. I shouldn’t have dragged it out for so long. I should have talk to you instead.”
He pulls away to look at you with puppy dog eyes, “So am I forgiven?”
“Of course. Am I?” You ask after placing a peck on his lips and he breathes out a sigh in relief.
“There’s nothing to forgive, doll,” he replies, pressing a kiss to your neck then presses his nose into the crown of your head, inhaling your scent. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m gonna take you out tomorrow to make up for being a dick.”
Burrowing your nose in his chest, you let out a muffled, “You don’t have to, Samu.”
“I want to. Doll, you deserve to be given the world. I love you so much. I’d do anything to show how much you mean to me.”
A devious smile forms on your lips as you ask, “Anything?”
He sighs deeply and speaks, “I know that tone of voice and bet your smirking right now. But, yes, anything. So what do you want? What are you plotting?”
“Well. . .” You pause then continue, “I was thinking we could do a clothes swap tomorrow! You know, like, when we’re out, I’m in your clothes and you’re in mine.”
“I think I’m gonna regret this but. . . fine, let’s do it.”
You clap excitedly, smiling brightly at him as you do, and he gives you a smile and forehead kiss in return. . . before he quickly picks you up bridal style, causing you to let out a yelp, and walks towards the bed. He kicks the covers back and deposits you on the bed before clambering in behind you, pulling you flush against his chest, and your eyes droop as his breathing evens out.
The next day, you’re out for your date and you can’t help but giggle at Osamu. While you are in one of his signature Onigiri Miya t-shirts and a pair of leggings, he’s wearing one of your dresses with one of the most displeased looks on his face. Until he looks at you and sees how happy you are and the laughter dancing in your eyes and he knows it’s worth all the looks he’s been getting.
But he’s also glad when you’re both safely back at your home. He immediately heads to the bedroom to put on his own clothes – a pair of grey sweats and a black Onigiri Miya t-shirt. He’s pulling the t-shirt on over his head as he hears you shout out an “Osamu!” and he races to you, heart beating fast. He sees you – unharmed, thank God - standing in front of the fridge, holding the Tupperware from last night, and he tries to slow his rapidly beating heart.
“Ya dam near gave me a heart attack, doll,” he drawls out as he saunters to you and presses a kiss to your head.
“Sorry, baby,” you say, sheepish look on your face, then continue on, “But what the hell are these?!”
“Well,” he starts, rubbing his neck nervously, “it was the apology dinner I made for you last. Your favorite ravioli and French bread from scratch. Even got you your favorite flowers.”
You pout sadly as he admits this, feeling bad that he worked so hard and you missed it because you were being petty and petulant, when his thumb presses along your lower lip, “hey, now, stop pouting. Don’t feel bad, doll. You didn’t know – I wanted to surprise you.”
“But. . .”
“Nope, none of that. I did it because I love you. It was supposed to make you happy, not sad.”
Your frown only deepens and he sighs.
“How about this? We can reheat it and curl up on the couch, catch up on our shows and I get to hold you in my arms, like I wanted – and still want – two days ago. And you promise that the only clothes sharing we do from now on. . . is you in mine, okay, doll?”
You agree, breaking out into a smile and kissing him before pulling off the lid and sticking the food in the microwave, setting the reheat time as Osamu gets plates and eating utensils. That night, dishes on the coffee table, you in Osamu’s arms, your back against his chest, you can’t help but think of how lucky you are to have such a kind, wonderful, and thoughtful boyfriend. Sure, there are ups-and-downs and arguments but you’d rather have arguments with him than a perfect relationship with anyone else.
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General taglist: @chibishae34​
© 2021 all works are the property of bakuroo-writings. Do not repost or re-upload to other sites such as wattpad, ao3, or tiktok. Do not do audio readings.
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script-nef · 4 years
#bokutoisblessed | Bokuto Koutarou
Category: crack, fluff
2.2k words; MSBY fans dying over Bokuto and his family
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Bokuto uploaded another photo
It seems like just yesterday little Hana was swaddled in his arms and now look at her. Like. Holy [censored] look at the [censored] post. 
Dudes like. She can walk now. Her steps are so wobbly but also so cute and my heart like????? Just exploded when we were gifted with the sight of her??? AND THE WAY SHE GIGGLED WHEN SHE ARRIVED AT HER MUM’S LAP A SAFJAKFDL I CAN’T BREATHE
Comments [Anon]: Honestly we the fans of Black Jackals are so blessed because we get to experience this joy and bundle of life thanks to our lord and saviour Bokuto Koutarou and his amazing wife, who will hereby be named Kami-sama. Because God is a woman I called it.
[Anon]: I agree with 97% of this, except for the Kami-sama part. She said it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing so we have to call her something else. How about Wife-sama. That should be fine, right?
[Anon]: Oh I saw that post Bokuto put up! Saying how much he’s thankful for the support but not to call her that! The upload was a short video of her turning red after he called her Kami-sama and it’s a treasure I will keep for the rest of my life. And into the afterlife. Death can try to pull it out of my cold, dead hand but I won’t let it. YOU HEAR ME DEATH???? YOU CAN’T TAKE THIS FROM MEEEEEE
[Anon]: Bokuto said Wife-sama is fine! Apparently she was still red and it was the cutest thing ever. Bokuto is so biased (*cough cough* whipped *cough cough*) but hey I’m not complaining. I don’t think my imagination will ever come close to the actual reaction but I hope it does.
[Anon]: Do you guys remember, when he just started dating her, how he flooded us with posts of her and her only? Like, practically 95% of my feed was her since he was putting so much of them up. She could literally be doing nothing and he’ll be like “HOLY [censored] LOOK AT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!” Without swearing because he doesn’t do that, but still.
[Anon]: And it started up again when she was pregnant with Hana. Like I could make a time-lapse video or whatever of her pregnancy just from the photos he put up
[Anon]: I honestly wonder how many photos he has of her and Hana
[Anon]: Probably a couple thousand. I mean like, I have a couple thousand of MBSY members but my love for them pales in front of Bokuto for Wife-sama, so.
→ Continue thread
Holy [censored] I just met Bokuto
Okay so there was news about a new resident coming into our apartment, more specifically my neighbouring unit. It was previously occupied by this really old couple and we had this small farewell party. They dropped hints that the new residents might be kind of loud but that they were great.
A few days later, my doorbell rings and who do I see? It’s [censored] Bokuto. Like, straight up. In his casual clothes. Exactly the same as the photo on his Insta page where he said he was moving. Which I liked practically a few hours ago.
He was standing there with the biggest smile and saying that he’s the new resident and that they’re giving out homemade cookies because of the baby and Bokuto’s volume. And invited me to a small dinner. And I’m. Like my brain. Literally. Like my brain is even blank now. Bokuto. Invited me. To his house. So I could have dinner. And see his wife. And little Hana. 
[Edit]: This was riddled with spelling mistakes because my hands were shaking from the aftershock.
Comments [Anon]: ???? What did you do in your past life to be awarded the opportunity of being neighbours with Bokuto???? Did you like, save the country or something? Is that what it takes to be blessed with him?
[Anon]: No you gotta at least save the entire Earth for this damn dude thanks for your service I guess
[Anon]: But if you gotta save the world to be neighbours with Bokuto, then what the hell did Wife-sama do to be married to him?
[Anon]: She saved the universe
[Anon]: But I think Bokuto will be the one to say he saved the universe to be with her that cheesy dork ugh I love you
[Anon]: Are you back yet? Are you alive? Are you blinded by the magnificence that is Bokuto Koutarou and his family? I know I would be. So in order to kill me as well, TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED YOU CAN’T KEEP US OUT LIKE THIS I AM KNEELING ON THE FLOOR AND BEGGING FOR THE INTERACTION PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I BEG OF THEE I WANT SOME MORE SIR
[OP]: That’s really weird so stop that. I’m just about to go out now! I’ll spend the dinner over there, experience heaven, hope I don’t die of heart failure and possibly come back with a war story. If they allow me. Wish me luck guys.
Okay so that could only be described as one of the best moments in my entire life. Don’t worry, they said it’s fine if I share this. #actualsaints
So I finally found an outfit and took the chocolate that I was saving for myself, but since I can give my arm and leg for Bokuto what the [censored] is a chocolate, right?
I’m greeted by Wife-sama herself. Like. Less than a metre from me, saying “good afternoon” and smiling like the saint of tranquillity. (A side note but how do you have that when you live with Bokuto? And a child? My brother wants to know your secrets.) And she’s wearing what I think is Bokuto’s shirt since it’s way too big for her, I mean the end comes to her thighs. Sharing shirts is the most romantic thing a couple can do I don’t make the rules I’m just the messenger.
Anyway she invites me into their house, their amazingly aesthetical and cozy house. There’s a display case for all of Bokuto’s trophies, awards, certificates and everything. There are photographs of them together all over the walls, hung from strings spanning the entire house. There was a wall section dedicated entirely to Hana-chan. I felt like an uncivilised cave gremlin there.
Wife-sama was still making dinner and I was going to help her but little Hana-chan came to me. Like, she tottered over to me in the blue frilly dresses and tugged on my pants, babbling and smiling. Y’all I nearly died. I literally saw the gates of heaven and had a foot in but Wife-sama saved me by pulling me back into reality. By asking me if I wanted to play with Hana-chan. Which killed me again. And she was apologetic about it too? Like she doesn’t think I would give my kidney to spend time with her?
So I was playing with Hana but sneakily looking at the two of them being cute as hell in the kitchen. Bokuto was attached to her at the hip for the whole time except for when she asked him to get some ingredients. He was a puppy incarnate. They were sneaking kisses, whispering to each other and it was honestly so cute like I was getting diabetes just from one night. 
The food was amazing, the dinner talk was so fun and delightful, Hana-chan was the cutest little angel ever, this was probably the best day of my life. AND WHEN I LEFT FOR THE NIGHT, THEY BOTH HUGGED ME AND IT WAS LIKE BEING HUGGED BY CLOUDS BUT THEY SMELLED SO NICE!!
I shall never forget this day. Mark my words y’all.
Comments [Anon]: How beautiful was their place? I feel like she would go with a pastel tone or black and white. And have cute things littered around everywhere.
[OP]: The house was really unique in the sense that it felt like two houses smashed together. Like they took turns decorating each section of the house. Looked like polar opposites. It was kind of weird at first but the aesthetics flowed well the longer I stayed there, if you can understand what I’m saying.
[Anon]: The fact that Bokuto and Wife-sama are practically opposites in many things but still formed a romantic relationship with each other and the fact that their taste or preferences complement each other perfectly is proof that they are soulmates. In this essay I will
[Anon]: Where’s the essay. Dude where’s the [censored] essay
[Anon]: Bruh just a kidney? Take my [censored] liver. Take my heart. Oh no wait, she already has it in her squishy widdle hands.
[Anon]: I bid my left arm
[Anon]: Right arm
[Anon]: Lungs
[Anon]: I really love my brain but I barely use it so off it goes I guess
[OP]: ???? Guys? What are you doing? Stop this illegal organ trade in my post.
[Anon]: Shhhhh we’re showing our love
I saw Bokuto shopping and it was so cute
I do not do clickbait, it was genuinely adorable and my cheeks are about to fall off. As was everyone else’s in the entire mall.
I was just doing some shopping, getting some snacks and popcorn for the movie marathon I was going to have and who do I hear? Yeah, it’s Bokuto. And little Hana-chan whining to Wife-sama about how she’s not getting the snacks they want. It’s from memory since I didn’t take a video, I’m not a creep and I understand boundaries unlike some of you assholes, but it went something like this.
Bokuto: But think of all the caramel popcorn we could eat! Hana: Mama, sweeties. Sweeties. (What an angel, am I right?) Wife-sama: I already said no, it’s going to ruin your dinner. Hana: But it’s tasty! Bokuto: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase? I’ll do all of the dishes and cleaning today! Wife-sama: You already do that every day, Kou. It’s not much of a bribe. (Husband goals) And Hana, we have other snacks at home. Caramel is bad for your teeth. Bokuto: But babe! Wife-sama: I said no, and that’s it. Hana: Mama!
It was just this repeated for like 10 minutes with Bokuto and Hana-chan alternating their whines. I would have snapped after 5 times but wow, this lady has the mental fortitude of Fort Knox.
They both sulked and followed her around as she finished her shopping. I can tell Hana is Bokuto’s daughter because her hair droops down like his and a cloud forms over her head. It was practically magic.
In the end, they bought one (1) salted caramel popcorn because Wife-sama is too soft-hearted and they literally clung onto her for 5 minutes peppering her with kisses. And Bokuto actually lifted her in his embrace. In the middle of the sweets section. Where everyone was looking.
Needless to say, she was very very red.
Comments [Anon]: Conspiracy theory: factoring in Bokuto’s godlike physical ability, inhumane and endless sunny disposition, his hair’s ability to reflect his moods, it can be concluded that Bokuto is, in fact, a God.
[Anon]: Well someone has a big brain
[Anon]: Oh yeah, it’s all coming together
[Anon]: I can kind of see Bokuto and Hana sneaking in sweets and snacks into the trolley while Wife-sama isn’t looking lmao
[OP]: THEY ACTUALLY DID THAT I nearly ran into them again and heard her berating Bokuto for sneaking in chocolate and shoving it beneath all the meat so she wouldn’t notice. My man, please. You can never outsmart your wife.
[Anon]: Next time I go to the MSBY fan meeting, I’m bringing all the sweets I can for Bokuto and Hana. It’s the least I can do.
[Anon]: They’re so cute and I can’t wait for the MSBY match in three days where Bokuto’s family is going to attend. I promise I’ll post about it afterwards.
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blueroan-equestrian · 3 years
Once upon an Arrangement
Smut.... way towards the end
Gaara x reader
part 2
Gaara Side
Gaara and his council haven’t been seeing eye to eye as they wanted him to marry a woman he never met from a new powerful country he never met. It wasn’t that he was waiting to find the love of his life or anything, he didn’t have time for a relationship and he doubted he’d marry on his own. But to marry someone... someone he never met.... felt wrong even for peace. Sure he had long given up on the idea of having someone to come home to but surely whoever they brought over, she must have dreamed to marry the one she loved not some random leader of some country she never heard of.
He sat in the meeting on whether or not he should consider a marriage to form an alliance with this country, and he had long tuned out the bickering of the old men who sat in front of him. It became clear that they expected him to marry to prevent a war and not look for any other way to settle this. This was the only way. Gaara knew he wasn’t going to have the time to learn the language so he assigned a few ninjas all female to learn the language so his new wife could speak in her native language and have some friends... or at least someone to communicate her needs to.
You’re POV
My country called upon me to marry some country leader I had never heard of to unite our countries. I was of course allowed to turn it down, but if my marrying someone, could save our country’s from going to war, it was my duty to go join our country’s together through marriage.
As we flew to a country I never heard of they put me in a large, flowing white gown and a long white veil over my head so I couldn’t see anything. Someone led me off the plane into a car where we drove for what felt like forever and when I got out we were greeted with voices in a language I didn’t understand. Many hands led me somewhere else with more voices that spoke in a language I didn’t understand as a pair of hands held mine. Then after some time my vail was lifted by the hands that had been holding mine, just enough for a pair of lips to come in and lay a soft kiss on my lips, and then laid the veil back down, took one of my hands in his and raised our hands up above our heads and was met with a loud roar and clapping. I then am led somewhere else where I finally have the veil taken off from over my face. I am in a large fancy bedroom with a blonde woman and a tall red headed man with the most beautiful sea foam eyes. He stood tall and with a stiff expression as he said something to me and then to the woman.
“Hello my name is Temari, and this is my little brother Gaara... and your husband. This will be your room. I and a few other woman have learned English for you. I will show you them later...” she paused for Gaara to say something to her. “Gaara is the Kazekage so he won’t be around much but he will provide for you just let me know or one of the staff that he has had prepared for you. Um ... You will meet them tomorrow. Good night.” The two then left me alone.
The room was spacious and and well furnished, and had a balcony with a view of the city that I would now call home. A place where I knew no one and no one loved me. I was alone and tears began to flow down my eyes. I was married to a man who never show me any more affection than the one time he did today, if you can count a small kiss. I was going to be trapped here to be alone utterly alone.
My crying must have been loud because the stern looking blonde woman walked in and her face softened. “Gaara sent me back... his room is right next to yours, he was worried... are you alright?” She asked as she reached out to place a hand on my back.
I nod, and choke, “I’m just homesick already.”
She nodded and patted my back, “I understand, you are going to be alright. Tomorrow me, Hana, and Aika will go out and see the city. You can tell us about your home and maybe we can find something to make you feel less homesick.”
Two years in
I sat in my husband’s waiting room reading a book sent to me from home waiting for the opportunity to force my husband to spend time with me. A new thing I learned I could do to get attention. I waited for his meeting to end before slipping in and walking the perimeter to touch everything on my way to him. Then I would sit down on one of the cushy chairs in front of his desk again touching his things. In broken language I learned over the two years I say to him, “What’s this and what was that about?”
He looks at me with the same stony face he always has on when we interact. “(Y/n) that is a gift from the hidden leaf village Hokage, please put it down... thank you. And that was just an update on his latest mission.”
I nodded pretending to care, “Have you seen Temari’s new baby boy?”
He nodded, “Yes very cute...You aren’t here to ask me to... you know.”
“No, you would have to be able to touch me first and a ton of other steps before that could happen.” I joked but he didn’t get it but his brother who just walked in, did.
“She’s right and honestly she’s hot and it’s a pity you don’t put any effort in her. Give the girl some attention, stop making her work for it.”
Gaara thought for a second and then stands up, moves around and takes my hand “He’s right, no matter how busy I am, I should have made time for you instead of having others do it for me. Have you eaten?” I sat there with my hand in his completely shocked but quickly realized what happened and shake my head. He smiled the first time in our relationship, “May I take you to lunch?”
“That um that would be nice.” I smiled.
He held my hand through our walk through the town to the restaurant. People stared at us as we walked and as we ate. We sat at the table eating quietly, when a waiter asked, “Don’t you two ever talk?”
Without flinching I tell them, “Actually this is the most he has ever interacted with me on his own free will and not me just interrupting his work day.”
I was only teasing but he honestly looked hurt and guilty. When we were walking back his fingers were a wiggly mess as they tried to hold onto mine. I squeezed his hand and bumped into him playfully, “You know I was only kidding around right?”
He nodded, “but I should be a better husband, learned your language, spent time with you, and made sure you were alright myself... but I... I was scared...”
I stopped walking, “Scared of what?”
“Of making you afraid of me... like they all were.”
I hugged him burying my face into his chest, “Why would anyone be afraid of you? I have never heard you once raise your voice!”
He patted my back awkwardly, “Oh.... um ok”
I began walking again, “I’m going to teach you English. We’ll use it to bond. What do you say? An hour a day?”
“Alright, we can have lunch together in my office every day.”
“No we need to be moving and experiencing.”
He looks at me with considerate eyes and nods and agreed.
“We start today!” I begin with basic greetings as we walked into his office and then some office things.
Soon he could have moderate conversation with me in my native tongue. “I want you to read this book, okay? It was my favorite as a kid.” I laughed as I handed Gaara a thin chapter book. “And don’t worry I will read it with you. It’ll be a good activity to do together and it’ll give you more vocabulary and practice.”
Gaara held the book in his hands with a look of confusion. He looks at me and says, “Um honey, I don’t know about this, I have to read a lot for work, I just want to relax during our time. Can’t we do something else?”
I deadpan him, “We could make a baby.”
He opens the book and began to try to read the words. I moved to sit on his lap and I could tell he wasn’t sure if I was serious earlier but he leaned back and wrapped an arm around me so I could get comfortable. While he and I began our reading journey a knock on his door saved him from the book we were reading, “come in!” He practically sang.
I raised my eyebrows but said nothing as Kankuro stepped in. When his eyes landed on us he stepped back, “uh should I come back?”
“No! I mean no come in.” The two spoke in their native language so quickly I couldn’t understand. They talked for a little over an hour with me on Gaara’s lap as if I weren’t there then Kankuro left and Gaara turned to me, “Um... honey... Kankuro .... um he thinks that I should have... that we should have a um... talk? Yes talk about um ... if we want um babies because you brought it up and um... do you want a baby?”
I laughed and leaned in to kiss him, “Honestly.... I wouldn’t mind. I think we would make adorable babies.”
“Yes you know... cute.” I giggled.
He nodded with a serious look, “Alright, I’ll do some...”
“Research.” I teased knowing him all to well.
“Yes research. And then we can uh...”
“Did you never get the talk?” I giggled.
The look on his face gave nothing away, “the talk?”
“Yeah, like sex and how babies are made.”
“I know how babies are made, I have a one and a half year old nephew.” He grumbled.
I chuckled kissed him and hopped off his lap, “Alright sweetheart, I know you have work to do... will I see you at dinner?”
He nods, “Yes, I’ll see you at dinner... could you send the gaurd at the door in?”
Gaara sat at the head of the table, I to his right and Kankuro to his left as we did every night since Gaara decided to be a better husband. The two brothers are normally quiet, only chatting a little. But today there was an air of awkwardness. “What is up with you two?”
The two exchanged looks, “Nothing, sweetheart...nothing how was your day?”
“Oh your going to tell me what is going on... maybe not now but you will... my day was good, I got a new dress.”
Gaara nodded, “Nice, is it nice?”
“Want me to show you tonight?” I asked cheekily. His face turned tomato red at the innocent comment. I smiled, “oh I know what happened!!! You went to big brother for sex advice didn’t you?” I giggled and what made it better was when Kankuro smirked and nodded confirmation. Poor Gaara was so embarrassed but it was too fun not to tease him.
Dinner finished and usually Gaara would go back to work. “Gaara, I was hoping that you could take a break tonight as our hour got interrupted.”
He was still quite flushed but agreed and quietly followed me. He only hesitated when I entered my bedroom. “Gaara I know I like to tease but seriously we should talk... tell me what questions do you have...? Do you want to start having sex? Forget about the baby thing.” I say sitting him on the couch in my room and sit down with him.
He sighed, “I do... I like being able to kiss you when ever I want and I like how it makes me feel...”
“It makes me feel good too.” I hummed reassuringly.
“I... asked Kankuro... how I... how to please a woman.”
I smiled and slipped out of my panties, “Give me your hand and I will show you around.... that’s my clitoris.”
“Should I um suck on it?”
I moaned “If you like, go ahead and get to know her.”
He slipped off the couch and hesitantly prodding at my vagina before leaning into use his tongue causing my hips to snap forward “That’s right....ohhhhhh!” He hummed into my pussy causing me to moan even loader. “Ahhhh just like that!!!!! Again!” He worked me until I arched my back, screaming, and cumming into his mouth. He came back up after I had gone limp.
“Did I do good?” I nodded too heady to voice yet. “Kankuro called that eating pussy.
“Yeah you ate pussy and you did good... do you want me to return the favor?”
“I don’t have a pussy.”
I laughed, “No do you want me to suck your dick?”
“Oh uh .... um okay but only if you want to.”
I chuckled, “You’re always so serious, go lay down on my bed.”
He does and I climbed up on top of him and gently pulled down his pants to reveal his thick leaking precum cock standing up desperately seeking attention. I leaned down kissed the tip before taking him into my mouth earning a sharp inhale. I bobbed head sucking as I twirled my tongue around his shaft as he squirmed until his hot seed shot down my throat and I swallowed every single drop of it. I fixed his pants before crawling up him and snuggled into his side. He looks at me with such satisfaction, “Wow.... that... that was just wow!”
“Stay with me tonight.”
Gaara started to spend his nights in my bed, I in a pair of panties and an oversized T-shirt, and he in a pair of tight black boxer briefs. He slips an arm under me and the other in my hair as I snuggle into him using him as a pillow. When I wake up he is always staring happily down at me. “Good morning honey.” He would hum.
“Good morning... love... Do you have to go?”
He kissed my head, “Yes... but um I have something special for us tonight.”
I smiled up at him, “well I have something for you right now.” I hummed going underneath the covers to go down on him before sending him off to work.
Today I knew I wouldn’t see him for the majority of the day, not even during our normal hour. I am the wife of the Kazekage so I can go absolutely anywhere and I have plenty of people around me but not always in the positive way. I am almost never alone once I leave home. But I struggle to understand the mill of people and today was a little bit more than I could handle. Luckily, Kankuro was around and came to help disperse the crowd. He sat down with me at the little cafe I was at, “You know Gaara would be more than happy to send a gaurd with you when you go out... actually I am pretty sure that is what is the point of your gaurds... where are they? Gaara is going to lose his shit.”
I bit my lip, “I gave them the slip and before I went out into public with Gaara it was alright but now people know who I am and I just can’t be alone ... I just want to be a little normal.”
Kankuro nodded, “Then let me come with you as a friend. What ever you want to do I will go with you.”
I smiled at him, “that’s kind of you...”
After I was ready to go back home Kankuro walked me back, “I will see you at dinner.”
I nod and walk to my room. Gaara would be in a meeting with the elders so I decided to go draw myself a nice hot bath. Eventually I just sank down under the water and listened to the white noise though I had gotten so relaxed I hadn’t even noticed that Gaara had come in and was standing over the tub till he reached in and pulled me up, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” I gasped, “just being alone. What do you want?”
He relaxed and released me and began to remove his now wet white robe. “I was just wondering if you were ... Um..... if you were alright before I started my next meeting, Hana reported you were in here for quite some time.”
“I slipped out and your brother joined me for lunch actually, I’m surprised she didn’t notice me walking back in.” I pouted.
He chuckled and sat on the edge of the tub, “she probably did but she wasn’t going to admit that to me that she lost you.”
“Kankuro did say that you would loose your shit.”
“Well he’s right but I will deal with that later ... are you alright?”
“Yeah... I’m just a little bit lonely.” I say shrinking back into the water.
Gaara stood up and undressed, “Scoot forward sweetheart, I’m getting in.”
I do move forward but I questioned, “What about your meeting?”
He slipped into the water behind me pulling me into him, “It’ll have to wait, my wife needs me more. After our bath we can jump right into my surprise for you.” I relaxed against his fully naked body as we soaked in the large tub. But once the water got cold I moved to get out he pulled me back. “(Y/n) ... I .... you know... I love you... you know right?”
I turned to look at him, “Really? You do?”
He kissed me delicately, “Yes, I love you. I love you so much.”
I smiled, “yeah? I love you too.” I smashed my lips into his again.
We got dressed in clean clothes (he now keeps his clothes in my closet) and he turned to me and says “Baby... honey, I am taking you back home and your going to introduce me to your world. I already have our bags packed and they have a car... they are called cars right?” I nod “a car here to take us to your parents house. Are you ready?”
“Oh my goodness!!!!! Gaara! This is so sweet!”
I fling myself into his arms and he hummed, “Happy anniversary baby.”
I was so excited. We got into the car, a car for the first time in four years, years I tried my best to focus on the new reality and not on what I would no longer have. Positivity is the best way to look at things my mom would always say. When we got to the plane Gaara looked at it with a look I never seen on his face before ... fear? I take his hand, “Are you alright, My love?”
He smiled just a little bit at my last comment, “I’m fine... but um... what is that?”
I couldn’t help but laugh just a little bit, “It’s a plane, it’ll fly us back home. Don’t worry it’s safe. Just hold my hand and you’ll feel better.” I give him my hand and I lead him up the stairs and into the plane. “It’s a long trip home so just relax okay? Don’t tense up just hold my hand until we take off and then I will show you the bed and we can take a nap, alright?” He nodded and I buckled us up before we got ready for lift off. As soon as the plane began to move, Gaara began to hold his breath. “Babe, breath, just breathe, every thing will be alright. It’ll be alright, it might feel funny at first but that’s just the momentum and cabin pressure. It’s perfectly normal just relax, that’s right good job.”
Once in the air I unbuckled us and led him to the bed room. I undressed him and then myself before climbing in bed and pulled the covers over us. He curled into me, “This does feel a little weird.”
“This was a really sweet anniversary gift, I didn’t get you anything.”
“You gave me you, that’s all I need and all I want.” He whispered kissing my forehead.
We get to my childhood house and before I let him open the car door I take both of my hands and turn his face to look at me before trying to fix his hair in some way. He of course sat patiently as I swept his hair side to side nervously. “Okay, um use your English, shake my father’s hand and hug my mother don’t bow ok? Ok uh, you shake my siblings hands but only if they offer alright? And um.... stick by me alright? They already hate you because they blame you for the arranged marriage thing but know that I love you, I do ok?”
“Ok I love you too, it’ll be ok.” We get out and before we reached the door, the door swung open and out my little sister and threw herself into my arms
When I set her down she looked up at Gaara and said, “Who the Fuck is this?”
“My husband, Gaara.”
“Oh can he go away?”
“No, he’s my husband now let’s go inside.” And we do and when it came time to introduce Gaara it became very tense.
“Alright, guys Gaara is my husband and I love him. He makes me happy so be nice.” I scolded.
Bedtime rolls around and I lead him to my bed room and we go to the family bathroom together to brush our teeth and use the bathroom. Coming out we got glares from my two older brothers as they stood in the door way of their room opposite of the bathroom. I take Gaaras hand and take him back to my room shutting the door. “I’m sorry baby. They are being such Assholes! You called them and got them all to come home so that you could bring me here and see them. But they treat you like some dictator!”
Gaara smiled gently as he began to strip getting ready for bed, “They just want to protect you, that’s all.” I nod and join him in getting ready for bed the rest of the way. We climbed into bed and he added, “Besides, I’ve been treated much worse.”
I propped myself up, “what? What happened, tell me?”
He gave me a weak smile, and gestured for me to come snuggle with him, “Babe, come on, that’s not important, you don’t need to know that horror of my life.”
I sat up more, “No, I want to know! Tell me.”
He inhaled deeply, “Alright, alright but first I want you to lay down and put your head on my chest and cuddle into me.”
I nod and he tells me about how his dad sealed a demon in him when he was inside his mother’s belly. He was ostracized and demonized, he was made to feel alone and he did some horrible things. Things he was ashamed of and he begged me to let him keep his shame to himself, so I stopped pushing, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pried but I am glad that you told me. I love you.”
He kissed the top of my head and began to slip down my body when my mother walked in freezing Gaara at my breasts. “I just wanted to say good night and I am so glad that you’re back... how long will you be staying?”
I groaned, “I don’t know mom, but Gaara is very busy so I am sure it’s not as long as you would like. Can we talk about this in the morning?”
“Oh uh... ok see you in the morning.”
She shuts the door and I immediately shove Gaara’s head down between my legs. Gaara has become quite talented at eating pussy. He makes hard not to scream. I had to smother myself with my pillow. He crawled back up and whispered “beautiful, that was beautiful.”
“Yeah? Want to take it one step further?” I nipped at his bottom lip playfully.
“Are you sure? I mean you’re family is here.”
I smile and pulled on some shorts and threw him his white coat, “Follow me.” I open the window and climbed out onto the garage roof.
He began to follow me, “Sweetheart please, be careful.”
I look at him and simply jump off the roof. He of course follows and keeps close to me. I led him to me and my brother’s childhood treehouse. I stripped off his white coat and laid it out I stripped off my big shirt revealing my bare breasts to him. He looks at me and smiled, “You get more and more beautiful every time I see you. Lay down.”
He disgaurds his briefs and I my shorts. I spread my legs and reached for him, “Careful with me my love.”
He climbed between my legs. He kissed my lips and began to rub his cock between my folds, both of us moaning. “You ready?” I nodded and he slowly began to push into me. He let out a low moan and nipped at my collarbone as he tried to control his hips and his movements.
He was so very gentle and I peppered the side of his head with kisses, “give me it, baby.” He growled and began to thrust into me, admittedly a little awkwardly as it was our first time and we both were experimenting with pace and angles. Gaara began to rut into me moaning into my ear as he begins to lose himself and I just lose control and cum triggering his orgasm and he cummed inside of me. I smiled at him feeling like a teenager sneaking around. After a moment of relaxing against him I got dressed and said, “Come on honey, we can snuggle inside.”
He looks at me happily dressed himself too and follows me back to the roof helping me up and back into my room. Gaara seemed to have relaxed and so we both fall asleep. In the morning we are woken up by my little sister, Halley. “Wake up! Wake up!” She sang as she jumped on our bed. “Mom’s making pancakes!”
She then jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. I get up and shut the door and begin to get dressed, “Honey? Are you alright?” I asked as Gaara, who is a early riser, curled up in bed.
“Yeah... I’m fine .... my head just hurts.” He mumbled.
“Aww got a headache? Do you want some water? I’m going to fetch you some water wait here.”
I trotted down my stairs and into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and my mom asked, “Where’s um Ga-Gaara? It’s Gaara?”
“Yes it’s Gaara, he’s upstairs, I think the jet lag is getting to him, he gots a headache.” I moved to fill the glass and grab the thermometer.
“Why don’t you get him some aspirin? It’s in the cabinet.”
I shake my head, “He’s never had that kind of medication before. I don’t want him having a reaction.” I take the glass of water back to the room, and sit on the bed and rub his back, “Honey, come sit up and drink this water.” He groaned but did as I asked. “That’s it, all of it. Now how’s your tummy feeling? Can you eat?”
“Not hungry.” He moaned sickly.
“Oh? Please lift your arm.” I set the thermometer under his armpit and then held his arm to his side. He rested his head on my shoulder. I have never seen him sick before and as soon as I look at the thermometer I frowned. “You got a low fever... you need to rest. Is there anything else I can get you to make you feel better?”
He lays back down and curled back up, “No I’m fine... go see your family... have fun.”
“I will come check on you in an hour alright? I love you, get some sleep.” I hummed kissing his head.
I go back down stairs to join my family for breakfast. “Where’s the dictator?” My brother laughed.
I glared at him, “He’s not a dictator! He is my husband and you know I really don’t appreciate how you have treated him.”
“Dear...” my mother began but I wouldn’t allow her to continue.
“No! None of you have met him before, you know nothing about him he is kind and polite!”
“But the letters.”
“What letters?”
“You know the ones saying he was hurting you.”
“There was never a way for me to contact you until recently.”
“Oh? Uh... oh dear.” Mom flustered.
“What did you do?” I growled.
“I just put some Hydrangea leaves in his tea yesterday....” she says twisting her fingers together.
Standing from my place I growled, practically screaming, “I can’t believe this!!!! You tried to kill my husband!”
“No... just make make him sick... he’ll be fine in a day or two.” She squeaked.
I grabbed my plate and made one for Gaara before storming back to my room. “Baby? How do feel now? Are you ready for something to eat?” I cooed.
“Mmm...” he groaned “I feel like the room is spinning.”
I set the plates on the side table and then sat on the side of the bed to rub his back, “Aw baby... I’m so sorry. Do you want some more water?”
“No.... I just want to sleep.”
I nod and kiss his head, “okay.... how about a nice hot bath, it always makes me feel better.”
He nodded so I go and draw him a nice hot bath. I then help him to get to the tub. He sit on the toilet as I started to undress him. Once in the tub he seemed to relax. I dropped in a lavender bath bomb into the water and sat on the edge of the tub with him. “Careful, don’t get to close I don’t want you to catch this.”
I look down ashamed of my mother, “Don’t worry... I won’t catch it... my... my mother thought that you were abusing me... so she um... she poisoned your tea.”
“Why would she think I was abusing you?” He asked confused.
“Someone... someone has been writing her. But I swear Gaara it wasn’t me, I would never say such things.” I pleaded that he believed me.
“I know, I know honey... don’t you worry. Just get in and comfort your husband.” I smiled and stripped down and slipped into the water sitting between his legs and my back against his chest.
“Does the water help?” I asked.
He cupped my breasts in his hands and squeezes, “Yes, still a bit queasy and a bit dizzy but this.” He squeezes my breasts for emphasis, “helps.”
I chuckle, “You like my breasts, huh?”
He rested his head against the tile and continued to grope my breasts. After another day Gaara was feeling better and I decided to go ahead and show him the sights, just the two of us and my little sister. He was actually really good with her.
Time to go home and I was now sick but not like I have ever been before and my mother is suddenly excited? She ran to the store and returned with a... pregnancy test? “Mom really?”
“Yes go check... come on before you leave hurry up?”
I take it and pregnant... “PREGNANT? But... We only had sex once! Just my luck.” I grumbled
Gaara who had been packing and loading the car came in, “What’s wrong honey?”
“Pregnant!” I answered still in shock.
“Yeah? That’s amazing! I’m going to be a Daddy!” Gaara sang swinging me around.
“Gaara? You want this?” I asked confused. He always seemed to freeze up when I mentioned babies before.
“Of course, we made this baby with love.” He coos with a hand on my belly. “This baby is our manafestation of our love. I can’t wait to tell Kankuro and Temari, they’ll be so excited!”
I smiled softly, “I am glad that you are happy my love.”
The attention I got when we got back was a bit much and shaking my guards was lot harder as Gaara would come to check on me and if I wasn’t with them, he would become increasingly more angry with them. “Gaara!” I hollered, “I need my space, these guards are suffocating me! You! You are suffocating me! I realize that I am carrying your baby and you want to make sure it’s safe but for god’s sake it’s in the safest place it can possibly be! In my belly!”
He stood from his desk and walked over to me, embracing me in his arms, “I know you’re frustrated with the gaurd detail but it is as much for your safety as it is for OUR baby. Now Kankuro and I can’t be there all the time, so you’re going to have to have a detail with you.” He leans back to look at me and sighs, “I need you to tell me that you understand....”
“But I don’t!” I grumbled. I wasn’t going to say anything just to put him at ease, that’s what recks marriages but so does stubbornness. “Ok how about this, as long as I am on the compound I don’t need a gaurd just when I leave to go into town.”
He thinks about it and caves, “Alright, that sounds reasonable but if you leave without them we’re going back to full time alright?”
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eyessharpweaponshot · 4 years
hi there!! are there any fics you’re reading right now that you would recommend? i need something good after the season we’ve been given so far 😣
hello there!
I agree, this season has been disappointing - especially considering it’s the last one. but thankfully, our fandom is full of amazing writers that serve us goods regularly. I have so much to recommend, it’s a joke. so prepare for a long fic rec. In no particular order, let’s begin:
1. Chasin’ You - @burninghoneyatdusk
okay. you’re gonna see a bit of a theme with me in these fic recs because the authors I mention are some of my favourites in the world - sam being one of the TOP TIER ones. this fic is a modern au, written about clarke and bellamy as exes (a favourite trope of mine) that have went their separate ways. clarke has moved away and hasn’t kept tabs on bellamy but he's soared to the top as a country star, his hit single being about her and what they had. if there’s any fic from this list you need to start reading, it’s this one.
2. Voices in the Water - @burninghoneyatdusk
It’s the canon version we all wanted. set on earth, clarke’s aunt (nia) forces her into an arranged marriage with king bellamy to unite the clans. but under it all, nia has tasked her to kill him. obviously, as clarke falls in love with bellamy, it’s the one task wanheda probably can’t complete. I'm in love with the imagery and descriptions in this fic. there are honestly some lines that sam writes that I want to frame and put up in my house. absolute brilliance.
3. All Because of You - @burninghoneyatdusk
*sheepishly raises hand* - hi, it’s me again, fangirling over another one of sam’s fics. if you have followed me for a while, either here or on twitter, you’ll have seen me screaming about this fic. I've pulled over while driving to read an update that came through to my email. no lie. I don’t say this lightly but it is definitely in my top 3 favourite bellarke fics of all time. sam DELIVERS with this one. bellamy knocks up his sister’s best friend when they’re both young and they grow together in raising their daughter. this fic flashes between present and future in the most seamless way and we see how in love they were back then but too scared to admit it, combined with how in love they are now that they are mature and older - but yet can’t seem to take the leap. I can’t tell you enough how good this fic is. I'm in love and it’s one of those fics that I would happily have as a book on my bookshelf, the pages worn and falling out from the amount of times that I re-read it.
*I just want to note that sam is doing a fantastic job at running @bellarkefic-for-blm. This is an opportunity for the bellarke community to directly support the Black Lives Matter cause through reading and writing fanfiction. For every fanfiction prompt a participating writer receives, they ask that you donate to an organization that supports the BLM cause. This initiative includes non-bellarke the 100 ships and requests for other content (e.g. gif sets, icons, moodboards, fanart). please check them out and request a prompt (this also includes updates for the above mentioned fics)*
4. Count Your Teeth - @icantloseyou-too
let me tell you, you guys will be well fed after reading this fic. It’s one of the most original idea’s and we get so much bellarke and the blake siblings in this one. bellamy is a treasure hunter and married to clarke, after leaving his thieving days behind him. that is until his past comes knocking and drags him back into that world again - and clarke along with him. absolute chefs kiss!
5. Cups and Sorcerers - @icantloseyou-too
again, such a unique plot with just the right amount of fluff. clarke is a witch who owns a coffee shop and she ends up meeting someone just as unique as her. I’m invested in this to an embarrassing degree and it always puts me in a good mood when this fic is updated. such a light and heart filling read and ciara does a fantastic job of world building in this fic.
6. Paint me in Trust - @pawprinterfanfic
I'm sure this fic needs no introduction. everyone and their mother has heard of it and if you haven’t read it yet, believe me, you’re missing out. a harry potter au that runs alongside the last few movies without being involved with the main characters. essie manages to make an already existing world so different, thrilling and gripping. it emotionally upends you and takes you along for the ride without any intention of letting you off. I'm just in love with it and rightly so!
7. When the Wolves Come Home - @pawprinterfanfic
I don’t know how people aren’t RAVING about this fic more because I certainly am. it’s massive for me to even say this because I love all of essie’s work but it’s my favourite fic that she’s written. I can’t describe the feeling I get when I read how she’s written bellarke in this. it’s a percy jackson au but you don’t need to have knowledge of that world to enjoy this. I actually started reading the books because of this fic. essie writes it so well and incorporates a lot of fantastic elements from greek mythology while also keeping me on the edge of my seat with bellarke’s journey. HERE FOR IT ALL THE WAY.
8. I’ll Find You in the Morning Sun - @cominguproses13x
I’ve never seen a fic talked about as much as this one. with 60 chapters, it’s bound to satisfy any hunger you have for bellarke. it’s set in a post apocalyptic world and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt, my favourite setting to read bellarke in. I've actually stopped reading this fic on chapter 5 because im currently writing my own post apocalyptic au as it was a trope on my bingo card and I don’t want any subconscious spill over, but I fully intend on reading the rest of the fic in one go once my fic is published and done. it deserves all the praise and hype.
9. For Blue Skies - @kombellarke
kayla’s fics make me actually weep. her writing style is just unbelievable and she sucks me into stories so fast. this one is no different. I live and breathe for bellarke as exes and this fic is one of my favourites. it’s a modern au with clarke as a mother and she cascades back into bellamy’s life without warning. perfect angst and anticipation. in love.
10. Love Like Fools - @talistheintrovert
the way I love talis with my whole heart. I'm always obsessed with her fics and the way this one was written was just magnificent. enemies to friends to lovers, roommates, angst, emotional comforting? SIGN ME UP. the perfect mix of all of those and I felt so good after reading this. always a fan.
11. It Had To Be You - @useyourtelescope
I had the honour of pre-reading some of this fic before it was published and I felt so privileged. a regency au with a prank war sprinkled in? perfection. hana honestly writes this so beautifully and I can’t recommend this enough. it’s so unique and we are all so incredibly lucky that there’s something in the bellarke fic world for everyone.
12. Veni, Vidi, Vinci - @carrieeve
Again, proof of the pudding that there’s something in fic for everyone. I’ve never read one like this before and it THRILLED me. murphy and bellamy working together to steal a Vinci? it was the fic I never knew I needed. the bellarke interaction in this was beautifully written and I am just completely obsessed. we really struck gold with the bellarke big bang works this year.
13. A Twist of Fate - @queenemori
let’s be honest, soulmate au’s are always wanted and needed in this fandom and kara does an excellent job of serving us this one. we got some team cockroach in here along with some top tier quality bellarke. what more could you ask for? if you haven’t read this fic yet, you need to. so thankful for kara being the absolute gifted babe that she is.
14. Power Over Me - @sparklyfairymira
okay, if you recently watched the witcher on netflix like I did, believe me, you NEED to read this fic. if you haven’t watched the witcher, this fic will make you want to watch it. the smut in this, the plot, the WRITING. absolutely phenomenal. have I mentioned how lucky we are to have such fantastic writers in this fandom?
15. There’s a Serpent Lying Deep Down in These Still Waters - @shaeheda
post apocalyptic au? SIGN ME UP. bellarke thrown together in unkind circumstances? SIGN ME UP. this magnificent human writing a fic? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. I'm so in love with this fic already and I haven’t even finished it yet. as I've said, I've stopped reading fics in this genre until my own is completed but I’ve read enough to tell you that this needs to be on your next to read list. forever in awe of the talent here and this fic makes me feel so lucky to be part of something so great.
I hope this satisfies you for a while and that you enjoy all the bellarkey goodness that comes from these fics. I'm gonna drop some of mine below because why not? just in case you’re in need of something more.
1. I Found Peace in Your Violence
clarke griffin has it all. she’s popular, an artistic prodigy and has a wealthy family to boot. so when her perfect world comes crashing down around her, it’s time to sink or swim. she tests positive for the Homicidal Tendency Syndrome gene, also known as the kill gene. clarke is plucked from her comfortable life and placed into a school with people just like her - carriers, delinquents. when she meets bellamy blake there, he looks like everything they say HTS carriers are. a monster, a criminal. yet, he’s the one who protects her.
2. I Am Lost This Time
a void!bellamy fic that we all deserved to have happen in canon. an au where bellamy hears clarke’s radio calls from earth, sees her memories in m-cap and where she really is the key: the one that unlocks his memories and brings him back to her.
3. Purple, Blue, Orange, Red
bellarke are childhood friends and teenage lovers, reuniting in the midst of the same grief that tore them apart.
4. Devil Side
post apocalyptic setting and my favourite fic to have ever written. both of them coming together to survive and protect those in their family, including two small children. bellarke started out as strangers, who would have thought that they’d end up co-parenting in the middle of a world that is too dangerous to survive out in the open?
5. Waste It on Me
a soulmate/reincarnation au that I wrote based off my own breakup and feelings. probably my most popular fic and should keep you going in terms of bellarke feels.
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thisfoolwrites · 4 years
My Altair (3)
And here’s part 3! Sorry for the long wait, I just worked 6 days in a row and retail is hell when the word snow is uttered on the news! Enjoy and thank you all again for the likes! Also sorry if you notice the name Hana or any descriptions. I try to get them all but I miss some sometimes. 
Warnings: None for this chapter
Genre: Angst to fluff
Part 2
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The last day of the camp Kuroo decided that he had had enough. He watched as {Y/N} laughed and smiled with the rowdy Karasuno boys. They had been friends for ten years, and now she wouldn't even speak to him. He waited till the {H/C} girl had gone to get water for her team. He followed her earning confused looks from his team. Kenma stared at the spot where the captain once stood. 'This is not going to end well.' he thought.
“{Y/N},” Kuroo called running after her. Hearing her name her blood ran cold. Two weeks she had gone without this confrontation. It couldn't be avoided forever. She turned and looked at him with cold eyes. The taller male gulped. She had never looked at him like that before. “We need to talk, don't you think?” he all but demanded. {E/C} eyes narrowed in anger.
“And if I say no?” She challenged, voice as monotone as she could make it. “Honestly Kuroo, you are-”
“Kuroo?” He cut her off. “You have always called me Tetsu, or Tetsuro when you're mad. Since when was I demoted to Kuroo?” He couldn't keep the hurt out of his voice. It almost caused {Y/N}'s resolve to break.
“Since you told your girlfriend that I was nothing more than a sister to you.” His eyes widened in shock. She heard that?
“Thats not what I meant.” He stuttered with his words. “She was asking all these questions on why I was so close to you and-”
“So you chose to lie rather than to tell the truth? Even after all this time you are still choosing to keep that summer  a secret? God, for being so smart, you're so god damn dumb Kuroo!” She began to raise her voice but quickly calmed down, knowing that everyone would be able to hear her yelling.
“That's what this is about? You agreed to keep it quiet, not just me {Y/N}!” He argued.
“You didn't give me much of a choice.” Her voice was shaking at this point. Her eyes glistened with tears once again, everything about that night was coming back to her. She locked eyes with Kuroo, causing the male shrink back. “I never wanted to be a secret. I just wanted to be with you.” Her voice got quieter with each word she spoke. She turned away and began to walk away to fill up the water bottles again.
“I'm done with this conversation. Go back to the team.” She waved him off. Watching her disappear down the hall he was left to wonder, how long had she been holding in these feelings. Walking back to the gym he was met with the curious eyes of his team, and a scrutinizing glare from Fukurodani's captain. Did Bokuto know something that he didn't in regards to his best friend? No, he supposed he didn't have that title anymore. Watching the older Kozume walk back in with a fake smile on her face he realized, he hadn't had that title since last summer. Knowing that he had lost someone who was always there, hurt more than he had imagined.
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Later on at the barbecue, Kenma kept sneaking glances at his sister and then back to Kuroo. Even though they were acting like everything was ok, he knew that whatever they had talked about built a bigger rift between the two. He put his attention back to his game and began to wonder if things were ever going to go back to normal. He was interrupted from his thoughts by a plate of food being put in his face. He looked up to the {E/C} eyes of his sister, who had a soft smile on her face.
“Here, eat.” She pleaded sitting next to him, a plate of food for her as well. He paused the game taking the plate, while looking at her.
“Are you ok?” he questioned. “When you came back from talking with Kuroo your eyes were misty, like you had been crying. What happened between the two of you?” She looked down at her feet before ruffling his hair.
“I'm not ok, but I will be don't worry.” She gave him a small smile. As she went back to eating Kenma figured that she was not going to answer his other question. Looking over at where Hinata was talking to Kuroo and Bokuto, he noticed that Bokuto was glancing over at his sister every once in a while. He figured that it was to make sure she was doing ok. He had been the one to deal with drunk {Y/N} after all. He was drug out of his thoughts by his sister once again.
“Anyway, I'm gonna go save Yachi from the crowd. Eat Kenma.” He watched her interact with the young manager, her smile wasn't forced like when she had returned earlier. Yachi bowed to her in thanks, but {Y/N} just waved her off. It was then he realized, that she hadn't been ok for a while.
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It was later in the evening and the boys were packing up their belongings getting ready to leave. The rest of the Nekoma boys had headed down to the bus, leaving Kuroo and Kenma to grab their things. Kenma turned to his friend and saw the dejected look on his face. In the group setting he could laugh and pretend that he wasn't hurt, but with just Kenma he let his guard down. Kuroo saw Kenma looking at him and sighed.
“She’s done with me officially. I don't think I can fix this anymore Kenma.” The younger boys eyes widened. He wasn't expecting Kuroo to actually tell him. “I broke her trust then lied to Akemi about who she was to me because I wanted to be selfish. She heard me say she was only a sister to me, but that wasn't true at all. She was more, but I was too scared about what people would say to do anything about it. I broke her, and it hurts to know I can't help her.” Kuroo quickly wiped the tears that came down his cheeks. Kenma was shocked, he had never really seen the taller male cry before, but was even more shocked at his words.
Kenma wasn't blind to what happened last summer, but he never wanted to bring it up for fear that a fight would happen. He sighed and gave Kuroo a pat on the back before grabbing his bag and heading towards the door. Kuroo turned to look at him, slinging his own bag on his shoulder.
“For the record, the team was rooting for you two.” Hazel orbs widened, “We all thought you'd end up together. Give her more time. You might not get her the way you want to, but I believe you can be friends again.” He continued while walking out the door. He rushed out the door to follow Kenma down to the bus. Not today, but one day he would make this right. As the two boys got down there he saw Bokuto and {Y/N} standing together laughing. Kuroo realized that even though he broke her, Bokuto would fix her. He gave the two a small smile before getting on the bus.
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{Y/N} smiled at the owl haired man before her. He was pouting because he wouldn't be able to see her for a while. He complained that he barely got to spend time with her, even though she had pointed out that it was a volleyball training camp.
“You do know you have my phone number right?” She asked the taller man. This just caused him to pout more, in turn causing her to laugh harder. Bokuto perked up at the sound. He loved the melodic sound and it made him smile a bit, but he went back to pouting to keep the ruse going.
“Its not the same as seeing you in person you know.” He grumbled turning his face away. If she had seen the blush on his face he'd never live it down. She glanced up at him one final time after hearing the coaches call for the students.
“Hey Bo,” she began getting his attention back on her, “When you qualify for nationals, I'll take you out to for yakiniku.” She said with a bright smile on her face. The blush came right back to his face, but he noticed that she had one as well. He returned the smile with a bigger one of his own. Without even thinking he pulled the smaller girl into a hug. It startled the girl before she relaxed and hugged him back.
“I'd like that.” He whispered in her ear before letting her go. They both headed to their own buses with smiles. Once she got on the bus she took her spot next to Kenma, humming a small tune. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. He saw her content face and small smile. She was happy. He turned and locked eyes with Kuroo, who also noticed the change in the girl. It broke his heart to know that someone else was taking his place, but it was all his fault. Pulling out his phone he sent a quick text before shutting it off.
Kuroo: Take care of her. Don't make her cry like I did.
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Taglist: @samkysnks​ @aurorahoneybuns​
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