#we'd have to do it through messaging tho!
torialefay · 3 months
That previous anon ask had me thinking and this is a thought I've had for awhile but im nervous to share it but I'm going to do it-
1. He for sure has a tumblr account- he said he used to have one as a teen and the 'babygirl' images on his camera roll is only cementing that as a fact.
2. I wonder if he'd be into hentai porn
3. My biggest thought if I wonder if he does get off on the bubble messages and live comments at times where his ego is all high and he gets excited and hard over the reaction he receives.
4. Look- I think nearly every babygirl here knows Chris has read the smut on here and he knows about the 'daddy' persona for sure because he leans into it big-time.
I honest to god would not be surprised at all if he discovered his own fantasies through reading smut on here.
Just scrolling through all the comments about how Chris loves to call himself 'daddy' in the 🛏️-
And then he goes deeper into the smut and reads all the fics and the he gets a bit hot and sweaty afterwards and thinking.
'Fuck- it does sound hot calling myself daddy with a babe'
Could totally fucking see it.
yasssss coming in with the FACTS.
1. we need someone to steal his phone for real. like i get it that maybe we'd go to prison but what is one sacrifice for the good of the community? like i just wanna know WHAT is on there???? bc if he still has tumblr, i'm actually gonna lose my ever loving mind.
2. i have no clue if he'd be into it but probably 😭😭 i dont think i'm the right person to ask bc i'm pretty sure it's cartoon/anime-ish, neither of which i watch 😭 but pretty sure chris is into it tho??!?!
3. i def think he could get hard at some of them.... he sends a lot at night as well. like right before bed. kinda fishing around a little bit if you know what i mean. like i'm sure he gets worked up a lil, but my question is: has he ever seen something so over the top that it reallllly gets him ya know
4. tumblr should be an optional substitute for sex education in the school systems, and i believe that christopher would violently agree. i'm sure he's found lotttttts of stuff. and tbh, he seems like the type thats down to at least TRY new things anyways.
all i'm gonna add to that tho... imagine he really is finding out what he likes through reading all of our smut.... daddy kink.... soft dom.... getting tied up.... and then BOOM- he realizes he's actually like gay/straight/bi/pan etc etc. like ✨tumblr did that ✨
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fl0atingbubbles · 4 months
Want to be a part of an Indi animated show??
yep, that's right! I'm working with some friends on an indi animated show inspired by all those who came before! The concept has been building for around a year now and we've decided to start looking for some more artists and writers!
The show is called ZOMBIECORE!
ZOMBIECORE is a horror mystery show about a zombie bunny in a city of cannibal demons! Follow her as she searches for her killer through the 5 districts of Ghastown!
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(click on the images to see them better)
Now before I go on any further;
This is just a passion project that we are working on in our spare time, if things progress further there might be payment down the line, but that is extremely far away and not at all guarantied. If this does not work for you, don't apply!!
anyway, onto the details! We're looking for concept artists/animators as well as writers for the script!
artists/animators will be (you don't have to be doing all of them if you're an artist, just what you're comfortable with!):
- making visual concepts for the show's overall look - character designs - background/location concepts - animation/movement concepts - and anything else that comes up!
this role could also evolve into you helping out with backgrounds, storyboards, or animations when we get further along!
Writers will be:
- planning the episodes - writing the scripts
yep that's about that! some important things for you to note before applying tho!
- this is UNPAID (like i said before) - you only have to do work you're %100 happy to do and take breaks whenever you need - you can drop out whenever - you don't need a specific skill level. We are accepting every and all applications from expert to beginner! so don't feel like your art isn't good enough <3
I'm working as the animation director and a Co-writer, so I'll be there to help with whatever role you have, and if you've been following me for a while you know i don't bite.
How to apply
- Have discord (no way around this) - Send me a DM on discord (user Fl0atingBubbles) - if you want to be an artist, please add examples of your art! Anything animation or concept based would be loved, but any art will work!
Once you have sent me a message I will look over your application and send it to the director (their name is Bloom)! We will then decide if you're allowed on the team! you might have to talk to Bloom before you can join just to check if you'll work, but they're super nice lol
after all that you'll be welcomed to the team and can start helping out!!
If you have any questions about this please ask and I'll give you the best answer i can!!
✨Also, if you guys could share this post around or tag anyone you think would be interested, that would be great! we'd love as many eyes on this as possible!!✨
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 1
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Ortho: Nii-san, isn't it about time for you to head towards the Lecture Hall?
Idia: Yeah… I got a message from Malleus-shi and Azul-shi just a bit ago, something about a meeting?
Idia: Why're they suddenly wanting to gather everyone heading to the cultural exchange…?
Idia: Meh, they're probably just gonna adjust the groupings 'cause Malleus-shi was randomly added to the group.
Idia: There's no point in me going all the way there in person. I'll just remote in, easy-peasy!
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[Lecture Hall]
Malleus: I shall begin the meeting now. I have gathered you all here today in order to impart some important news.
Malleus: Frankly… I am thinking I'd like to gift Noble Bell College a song at this upcoming masquerade.
Everybody: A song?
Idia: Huh? …A song!?
Malleus: Correct. I thought this would be a proper gift of thanks for being invited to this cultural exchange.
Azul: As Malleus-san and his cohorts were anguishing over what to present as a thank-you gift, I just happened to pass by, and recommended a song.
Azul: It is a traditional song in the City of Flowers, titled "Let My Wish Resound." I learned of it from Lilia-san, and it is quite lovely.
Sebek: This is Malleus-sama's wish to return the gift of thanks…
Sebek: And you all have the pleasure of assisting him!! There should be no higher honor for all you humans!!
Riddle: As always, there's that condescending manner of speech…
Riddle: But I do concur that a gift is a splendid idea. Bringing something when visiting others is considered good manners, after all.
Jamil: I can appreciate it being a song from the City of Flowers, too. I'm sure those from Noble Bell College will be pleased if we respect their hometown in this manner.
Ruggie: Yeah. I guess I can do this for free, 'specially since we'd be able to make connections with all the rich kids from those other schools!
Rook: It's a superb idea! I implore you to allow me to be of assistance.
Malleus: I'm glad to hear everyone's whole-hearted determination.
Malleus: I intend on selecting three people for the main vocals, and the rest will be the backup chorus.
Malleus: First, we'll begin with the selection of the main vocals…
Idia: WAIT A MO'!!!
Idia: You guys are all just carrying on all on your own, but you gotta be kidding.
Idia: You want to perform a song? At the masquerade? I already can't even deal with having to head to the cultural exchange, and you want to throw a song on top of that? No way, no way, no way.
Idia: How about just letting those who want to perform, perform!
Malleus: Hm… So, there are those against the idea, after all...
Silver: True, there may be some who may not be skilled at singing.
Silver: But if we take the time to practice together, then I'm sure we will be able to overcome this.
Silver: Everyone, I implore you to lend us your cooperation.
Deuce: Ah, please don't bow your head! C'mon, we're all part of the same team here.
Epel: That's right. I'll totally help out, yeah!
Ruggie: Whatever the reason, looks like we're all on the same page. Except… for one person.
Everybody: [staaaaaaaare]
Idia: Eeeh… What's with this pressure that I can feel even through the tablet…? Wait, am I the only one who objects to doing a song here?
Azul: Idia-san. If you do have any objections to my proposal of a song, then do you have an alternative?
Azul: Something less cumbersome, as moving, and above all, as inexpensive as a song!?!
Azul: …If you thought that far ahead, that is.
Idia: …Sigh.
Idia: The back chorus folks only need to stand behind the main vocals, right?
Idia: Then fine, I guess I'll do that… I'll just mouth along in the back and not stand out.
Malleus: Thank you for understanding, Shroud.
Idia: Yeah, yeah. Glad you guys are all happy. …Not that I get why anyone would want to put themselves on display, tho.
Idia: I'll just be watching from over here, so just volunteer or select the main vocalists already.
Malleus: I'll proceed. As for the selection method… I thought we would select the members impartially.
Idia: …Hm? Impartially?
Idia: Why do I feel like I've heard that same phrase recently…?
Malleus: I have here the magical lottery box that the Headmaster used to select those going to the cultural exchange.
Malleus: I aim to use this box once more to select the three main vocalists from the 11 people present here today.
Azul: What a splendid idea! This would make sure that this is a fair selection.
Azul: Whether one is a Dorm Leader or not, everyone will have an equal chance at being selected. Yes, an equal chance for all.
Malleus: Of course. I shall vow on my honor that I will draw these selections without any bias.
Idia: I got a bad feeling about this… I def got a bad feeling about this!
Malleus: Now, our randomly chosen participants are…
Idia: WAIT―――!!
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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breakbeatbun · 1 year
i did a lot of "boy things" as a kid and I've always felt less "girl" because of it, i never played with stuff that was considered feminine, partly because i was afraid of judgment, but also i found "boy stuff" more appealing. it's tough not relating to one's peers in a binary way. i would love to play cars
tags on this post for context
i was raised by a mechanic and carpenter so a lot of my early free time was spent in a barn full of tools, machines, welding masks, piles of cut-up BMX bikes we'd find in the garbage, stripped-bare sandrails and their engines, couple rifles or compound bows here or there, probably listening to whatever crusty old rock music my dad put on. hell, i was rowing through the gears of my mom's old square body S10 while she drove us to the store before i was barely tall enough to see over the dash. "hanging out with friends" was playing Guitar Hero or Racing & Skateboarding Video Games, or riding our bikes and skinning our knees. "hanging out with dad" was often target shooting in the backyard or building something; I rarely ever held the flashlight, i had the tools in my hands and grease under my fingernails.
that's a lot of exposition but i'm trying to paint the most specific picture i can! TL;DR, a lot of arguably "boy things" in my upbringing, and i fit right into it, lot of fondness in my heart for it still!
around the time i had my big Gender Awakening at the tail-end of high school i had already been Online for a bit - hell i learned what it meant to feel non-binary from this very website circa 2013 - but it wouldn't be until maybe 2019 or so when i moved out that i really started making other queer and trans friends, and it was pretty immediately obvious that i was extremely different from the rest of my community, both online and offline. of course, nobody was rude about it, everybody was VERY respectful of my name and my pronouns and my identity, but it was still really easy for me to feel "othered" because our shared experiences didn't line up at all; At most maybe i got made fun of for having long hair. it made it really easy to feel like i wasn't doing enough work to justify my queerness.
at the other end of that spectrum, i recently tried on she/her pronouns at the front of my bio, just to see if i was missing something, and i was quickly met with an IMMEDIATE outpour of support from friends and community alike. SO many people were loud about being So Proud of me, Knew i Had It In Me, i had multiple friends message me privately to offer information and easy routes to HRT "just in case ;)" i was thinking about it! and, yeah, it's nice to have that kinda support, i'll admit! but it was hard not to feel a little invalidated in not wanting to change. it really felt like a lot of people, close friends even, just kinda saw me as a trans woman waiting to have a bigger realization, as though being non-binary was just a meaningless stepping-stone to something greater. and i mean, i can't blame them, they just wanted to help!!
today i'm pretty firmly Queer/non-binary (with a little bit of Girl on the side when it's either Appropriate or Funny), and my body and voice are very much unaltered from the ones i was born with. virtually indistinguishable from a cishet version of myself, just with the he/him lopped off and they/she sloppily appended in its place; simply because i don't have the energy or don't care to put much effort into change, and that's very much fine for me. I know damn well i don't owe it to anybody but myself anyway, granted none of it tends to matter much when you present as a rabbit girl on the internet LOL. I'm thankful to have built myself a little space where i can engage with others like me, or where other queers feel welcome to express interest in the things that I'M all about! even if it's a little few and far between. still struggle with feeling like i fit in with The Girls tho LMAO.
IDK! this post is my half-baked love letter to my fellow AMAB NB folks who get treated like Cis Men, Trans Women who don't "put the effort in," or Anyone who can Otherwise Relate in the same, or even an opposite sort of way. we are playing cars together
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undead-merman · 11 months
Day Eighteen: The Call Is Coming From Inside The House
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Beta read by @quietmageuietmage on but we both don't know internet lingo, so we used a translator.
Contains Kylar stalking, terrible internet slang, sexting, and masturbation
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The noise never failed to startle you, ever since you got a cell phone the ring always scared the shit out of you. Tonight though, that sound sent a flood of arousal right through you. Kylar made sure he was your first contact and message. He was insistent on it. You felt bad for everyone else who fought to be in your contacts, but the poor lad didn’t have anyone in his. So right at the top, you saved his name with a little heart.
Now, you're face to face with that heart and a little message.
I miss u ur hom ryt? I cn ’t w8 nmore
You reply as you settle down onto your bed and unfastening your pants with a shuffle of your hips.
Ur alone ryt? In ur bed?
Yes yes YES! You're sure he can feel your desperation with your message. A damn shame you couldn’t call, but with walls so thin and with how nervous Kylar was, you weren’t about to call and the others were too fucking nosey. Plus, as much as you love him, you knew he’d only breathe heavily and squeak as he masturbated.
Another ding and a photo came up. Kylar's leaking uncut cock. It was hard to see with how dark it was, the blackness creeping in and making it somewhat grainy. It was almost funny in a way. Your hand dipped down into your pants and started idly groping.
I din touch lk u asked.
You let him know what a good boy he is.
Pls cn i c u?
You fumble around with your pants pulling them down to your mid-thigh. You were leaking just as much as he was. You let your juices collect on your fingers and pull it away just enough to leave a strand, snapping an artful photo. You gently play with yourself, waiting for a response. You really hope he hasn’t cum yet.
Ur so prfct. ru thinking abt me? I kept thinking abt u. U touching urself.
Not the best, but he’s getting there. He’s too cute. Maybe getting him worked up will net you something good? You tell him every little detail about one of your fantasies. A quick send and a hope for the best.
I cud do dat. I'll hld u dwn n watch u squirm. Tie u up so u cn ’t run. Leave ur mouth open tho so i cn hear u. I <3 ur voice. So ns. ur clothes r ns but tey ’d luk btr cut off small scraps and u while yer nakd on my bed in front of me. I'd cum u ova n ova til u couldn’t move. All we'd do is fuckk, we'd eat while still pressed against each other. u won’t be able to leave me ever, forever.
Right after he sent a video of his small fingers digging into the meat of his cock and rubbing it with vigor. It looked somewhat painful with how hard he was gripping himself, but in the haze of lust it made your stomach tingle. He was that excited for you? It only made you want to match his pace. Fuck, he was too cute. His freckled shaft, messy pubes, painted finger nails with chips all over digging into the crown of his cock, his stubby finger digging into the tip.
How desperately you’d like to have that in your mouth, or even desperately slamming into you as he tried to keep his eyes focused on you, but was twisted up from the tightness and pleasure you offered him. He was too cute for his good. You pushed your fingers inside yourself and tried to find the depth of Kylar when he was inside and tease that spot. Imagining him above you now.
You tell him what you are doing, even send a video back of your fingers pushing into your hole, all close up just like he enjoys. You swear you can almost hear him squeak with delight.
But then you hear another noise, muffled but surely there now. You weren’t about to have someone from school taking photos or listening in. You frown and throw your phone onto the bed and move to your closet. Without a missing a  beat, you rip it open, and you see Kylar’s tiny form in a makeshift nest of your clothes. Hands still on his painfully hard cock. His eyes wide and his mouth open with a bit of drool still slowly creeping down his face.
You really should be shocked. You're not sure if it was the force of adoration you had for the little, scruffy man, or the lust still had buzzing over your flesh. Maybe it is the fucked up combination of both? You grab his shirt, and he lets out a string of apologizes filled with dread as his phone clatters to the floor and he holds his arms up to protect himself.
You press a heated kiss to his unguarded lips, you can feel his body go limp
Calmed instantly by your love. He kisses back, lowering his arms and peeking at your expression before latching on with desperation, grinding his cock against your bare leg, and he messily sucks you into his mouth. Tongue and all. He takes a long moment to get an aftertaste of you and your toothpaste before pulling away, tongue still peeking out of his chapped lips.
“Y-your not mad?”
How could you be when the object of your desires is now right there in front of you? You tell him just that and his face flushes even more and you can feel his cock twitch against your thighs. You yank him over to your bed and tumble over, pulling him on top of you with a smirk on your face.
You don’t need any more words. He understands your silent tango and dives in to taste you.
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🐺- What animal do they most remind you of? for vg and bea
⚖️- Are they a good person? for rat about vg
⚖️- Are they a good person? for bea and honey
🧠- What's your best memory with them? Worst? for vg about vs
V: Uh...real or fictional?
Bea: What do you mean fictional???
V: Uh a praying mantis?
Bea: It's just a myth that they eat the heads of their mates actually.
V: No, the myth is the frequency. They do it, just less often than thought.
Bea: ...fair. Hmmm, for you? A dybbuk.
V: WHAT?! That's not an animal.
Bea: Hear me out, they're disembodied souls that, due to their sins when alive, are condemned to roam the earth until they find the body of a living person.
<Johnny: I'm not a fuckin dybbuk.>
Rat: I'll answer with a question. Who the fuck abandons the love of their life before they undergo major surgery?
V: Oh come on! I was stupid and afraid and it had nothing to do with you getting top surgery. I have never cared about gender once in my fucking life.
Rat: You...did you really think I was upset because I thought you were transphobic?
V: Is that...not it?
V: Okay, fine. But you're no fucking saint either. Who spiked all the active wreaths of that BD Shack with a virus leading to 5 deaths and 10 irreparable neurological injuries?
Rat: I WAS 14!
Bea: Honey is a fucking angel.
Honey: And you're the devil.
Bea: That's why we're best friends!
V: Best? The time we were chatting on WhysApp when we worked at this old techie and runner shop. We'd end up on the NCART together when our stops intersected and would sit next to each other. Now, we'd met through the net and had been chatting for a couple years now. So, I watched her take a pic of this hole in her jeans and send it to me. I don't even remember what the fucking message said. What I remember is the look on her face when I replied "look next to you" and we put a face to the names vip3r and w33v1l.
Worst? Fuck.
<Can I tell them?>
<Johnny: I'm over it, go ahead.>
<You're not over it.>
<I'm so over it.>
<You're really not.>
I can't tell you the worst one. It's still too raw. But the second worst memory is when she took the fall for a scam gone wrong and went to prison in ATL for me. Jackie and I grew up together, we'd always been tight. But there's nothing like the bond you establish when you just meet through the net. No real stakes just being authentically you because if someone hates you? Fuck 'em, block and move on with your life, right?
So, I told her shit I could have never told Jackie. And when she was gone? Well, I tried opening up to Jackie once and it didn't go well. There I am, crying my eyes out about some input dumping me and Jackie says he has a date with Misty and can't stick around for too long. Pinche coño. Turns out he's just uncomfortable with emotions but he's working on it with Misty.
Still hurt tho.
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do you accept blackout posts anonymously? our main isn't sys related and while we don't have a problem with anyone knowing our main, we'd like to keep it separate yk, we can link our sys blog tho if you want to know who we are :3 or send the blackout as a message
yep! just send it through dms and i'll post it without saying who you are :D
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darrowsrising · 1 year
About Lightbringer: What a joy "see" Darrow again. I just love the way this man express himself ❤️ I love the deep love he has for he's wife, his life, his home.
That said, I already want to punch him, this stubborn 🤬
And we have this:
"... I record a message to my wife as though we'd just been talking and store it with the rest without review. Then I record my message for my son, another chapter in the testimony of an absentee father..."
Melting and broking my hear, as usual. It's painful. I can handle this anymore 😭 He deserves love. He deserves his family back. Just this. Just this.
Light Bringer Preview Spoilers
I will not always under cut my posts so block the tag.
Sevro saved him from Attica, he feels he can only do the same. SonI completely understand why Darrow goes through loops on his journey home.
I was a bit disappointed with the lack of prologue. But Darrow's pov is a balm to the soul. 8 months have festered the emotions for everyone, but only Darrow can make me truly believe that in a shit situation, you can find one glimmer of beauty that makes you...appreciate living to see it.
Can we also talk about his training? I stan 😏
Darrow trying to pick himself up after losing is soothing to me. I needed that so much. His love is an eternal spring. He keepsbon giving and we love him more and more for it. I loved his love for his family as well, for his roots.
Noticed how he mentions casually that he used to wake Pax up from his nightmares? He is a great da' when he is allowed to be. I assume after the home invasion, Pax started having them. Hopefully this and the journal shuts some mouths.
I also...dislike some attitudes. How did Char lose Rhonna to be exact? Cassius, I expected. He has not talked in favour of Lysander yet, so he's safe from my wrath. Glad he admits he'd bottom for Darrow tho. I laughed out loud at 'we reshearsed this' wtf.
Of course the cbapter would be cut off in high tension 🙃. That is one hell of a promo.
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lucellion · 11 months
I deeply appreciate your thoughtful, well informed response. However, I regret to inform you this is the best mode of communication. You see, I myself am part of a system as well, however we are incredibly turbulent. Our host disappeared quite a few weeks back and everything has been in much disarray. If I communicate to you through anon messages like this, I do not have to worry about an overprotective part from cutting off communication. But that is enough about me. I have a few more curious inquiries, if you do not mind. You do seem to have a strong and good working communication system (humor intended). With that in mind, is jealousy a thing that comes up at all? I have seen even singlets talk about jealousy coming up as something to navigate within polyamorous relationships, and you spoke of being in contact with your partners, as well as their alters. I assume that is a lot of feelings and emotions to consider and navigate?
i totally get it, i hope your system finds some peace too! ive been in a similar place before myself and Ough its rough
i personally haven't had any jealousy issues. it doesn't seem to come up in a lot of poly spaces in General but i know some people do struggle with it regardless of the situation. honestly i interact with my partners Very separately from one another, and i don't often bring up my other partners unless theyre friends/dating or w/e. so chances to really talk about jealousy and the inner mechanisms of everything dont come up often
i do think a big part of it is that 2 out of my 3 partners have Other Partners so they can rely on them if they need it. and the other partner ive been with for like. 10 years so we've rly worked out all the kinks about how we wanna navigate poly stuff in that time.
if smthn was to come up itd just be a really candid boundary conversation and then we'd adjust polycule rules accordingly! even tho im sure thats The Most Boring Answer lol
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wrenhavenriver · 2 years
Reading about your garage reminds me of when my apt flooded; my brother went to take a shower that night and the faucet just blew off and started violently spraying water and it began to spill into the living room. Maintenance never answered the phone because they had strict rules about only answering messages and not just PICKING UP A PHONECALL. We had to call the fire department who ended up breaking into the room that controlled all the water in the building. The water dripped into our downstairs neighbour's apt through our floor too. The Maintenance never showed up until the fire department had already started mopping up. The apt comped us a cleaner but it was so early in the morning we couldn't go back to sleep or we'd miss the cleaner. Didn't end up getting any sleep until noon that following day.
godddd, that sounds horrific, plumbing disasters really are catastrophic, especially when the people who are supposed to help won't answer the phone!!!!! all things considered we were really lucky, we called three supposedly 24/hour emergency services - the first two of which went "best we can do is 8 am, boss," which kind of defeats the point of a 24 hour line - but the third sent out just the Nicest Dude Possible within like an hour and he was able to crawl around in the snow in the dark to find our sewer cleanout and snake the drain. still was like 5 am by the time it was all done, though.
luckily the only backup inside the house proper was in one shower, and we were able to sweep the worst of the water from the garage out the driveway. we've decided to call a sanitizing service for the garage after all tho because even though there wasn't any visible sewage it definitely didn't smell like potable water and we have a lot of boxes 'n stuff in there that we're like "......is this okay" about :/ which is gonna be really fucken expensive but again!! what can ya do!!
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Tomorrow's our first day of therapy, me and Po.
We decided to talk again, to restart, to go back and rebuild once we fix the cracks.
I'm nervous about the first session. I'm scared of seeing her again..not like I'm afraid of her hurting me or something, but I'm afraid that the walls I've been building the boundaries I've been holding up will crumple as soon as I see them. As soon as we touch. As soon as we hug. I know I'm going to start sobbing. I'm going to do my best to hold it back. I miss them so much.
We have so much to work on though. My only hope is that it ends ok tomorrow. We said we'd potentially end with a kiss if we agree it went well, idk if that'll happen. Or if the spontaneous car sex after therapy will happen, or if anything. Some part of me is nervous they won't show up, even tho I know he will.
I've talked to the cards though, and I've pulled for our relationship 4 times in the past 3 days, and ALL of the pulls were hopeful and said good things. They said we're about to go through a lot, and it will be hard, but that the future will be bright and good, and we are full of love for each other, and positive feelings.
I did a single pull specifically for tomorrow, and I got the king of cups, which is positive too.
I trust the cards, especially when there's so much magic in the air right now. I also started dabbling in Aphrodite worship, alongside Hermes and Cernunnos. Hermes has been a GREAT help and has done so much for me lately, he knows how much I worship him and appreciate his favor. And Aphrodite seemed to reach out when I asked for a sign that me and Po would be ok, that night he sent me the "I'm sorry, can we talk" message.
I did an offering to her tonight, asking for her blessing and help with tomorrow. Tomorrow is the fall equinox, and Sunday is the first day of fall, so the energy is high. Plus the full moon was a few days ago, and a partial eclipse. The energies are buzzing and it has been a long time since I opened myself up to them fully. I am trying to channel that magic into me and Po, and into healing our future, and our love.
I'm going to go to bed early tonight, let's hope for ok dreams and to get rest to prep for the session in the morning.
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captainsourwolf · 24 days
the other day a co worker and i were joking around and i was making fun of her for liking country music and the artist she was playing was named rhett. so i called her rhett. and her response was to call me link. i pretended not to get the reference and she showed me who rhett and link are and we've been calling each other that ever since. i guess thats how i ended up being drawn back here after almost 3 years away. i've slowly been watching some gmm again the last few weeks and of course i thought of you. i don't regret leaving this fandom when i did. it had gotten to be such a bad place for me and i was just in a really bad place mentally and i was struggling in lockdown and being across the country from all my friends. i do regret the way i left tho and i wish i had done it in a better way that didn't leave you worrying about what happened to me. we'd built up a friendship and i just dropped off the face of the earth. i shouldn't have ghosted you that was wrong and selfish of me. even this is probably selfish of me to be sending this message after so much time. but i'm ok. i wasn't ok then but i'm ok now. and i'm really sorry for what i did to you.
I’m 99% sure this is who I think it is. And you’re right, it wasn’t okay the way you just left. I reached out a few times afterwards, trying to figure out if you were even fucking alive, only to receive nothing but silence. Then I saw you were still occasionally reblogging things, so I stopped reaching out because I figured you just didn’t want to be my friend anymore.
I fully understand being in a bad place mentally, and how that can make communication hard. I really do. But do you know how much it hurts for someone you thought was your friend to just leave and never acknowledge your existence again? I wasn’t in a good place either and then that happened. I felt so disposable, like I was nothing to yet another person. It was really fucking shitty of you. I’d never ignore someone’s attempts at trying to reach out and find out if you’re even alive; I wouldn’t have cared if you’d sent me something as simple as a thumbs up and then left. At least I would’ve known. And the fact you’re messaging me now, after 3 years, when I’m going through the same shit with yet another person…
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry from the irony.
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foreverpining · 6 months
Backstory (9th grade)
Okay so we're talking again and it comes to the first day of high school. I'm anxious as shit as most people are their first day of high school but it goes decently well. Until I get home and get on my iPad to see my friend that my bestie had dated the year before had absolutely cussed me the fuck out calling me all sorts of names saying that I lied to him. I had no clue what was going on so I respond and I'm like bro I have no clue what you're talking about. So then he accuses me of lying to him about there not being anything serious going on between me and my bestie because he saw me holding hands with them in the parking lot after school. I was like woah woah woah after school let out I was struggling to find the car rider line so I could go the hell home I certainly wasn't holding hands leisurely around the parking lot with anyone. So we talk around amongst the friend group and find out that this new girl my bestie is with looks almost identical to me and apparently because she was new everyone had been confusing her for me all day. I was sat there in my bed like well that's weird as shit. They add my bestie to the group chat we'd made and start questioning them about how they're dating this new girl that looks exactly like me and what the hell all that is about. They said they didn't see the resemblance and didn't wanna talk about it anymore. It was dropped for then, I would later find out that she kept getting confused for me so much that she started dying her hair so people wouldn't confuse her for me. Me and my bestie are doing great we're seeing each other like every week hanging out watching movies playing games. Over text I'm basically being their therapist and helping them with all of their issues cause they didn't trust actual professionals. Till around September when one of our hangouts gets a little out of hand and there's some under the skirt fondling if you know what I mean. I kinda messed up after going back to school tho because I have a very bad tendency to kiss and tell. Word got around the friend group where multiple of them were friends with my bestie's girlfriend. It ended up getting back to her and one fateful day as I was waiting to see the endocrinologist my bestie told me that their girlfriend said they are no longer allowed to speak with me if they wish to continue being with them and they chose the relationship and said they hoped I'd forgive them. We didn't talk for quite a while I threw myself into reading fanfics and watching bootlegs of musicals on YouTube. I also got far into talking to strangers online as a way to fill the void in me. Did not end well I'll leave it there because it doesn't matter to our story today. Then one night there's this school event where classes did projects and some students would present them. I was chosen as one of the presenters for my honors English class and was told I'd be paired presenting with someone from the regular English class taught by the same teacher. I get there I'm walking around looking at everything till it's time for me to go do my thing for English class. Then when I get there who do I see but my bestie standing right there next to the display which I'm presenting with the pin saying they were also presenting it. My brain went into full blown panic mode because I'd been devastated for months and now here they were right in front of me. I got through it and we kinda exchanged pleasantries very awkwardly. Then after I was done I convinced my parents it was time to leave and I went home and listened to Freeze Your Brain from the Heathers musical on repeat until I cried myself to sleep. Not much else to the story except me being sad until February of 2018. They messaged me out of the blue to reconnect we talked a lot and ended up spending Valentine's Day together, a trend that if you continue with this story follows throughout the rest of the year. For my birthday we went to Applebee's then back to my sister's house. 10th grade will have to be it's own post. Reached Character limit.
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bisluthq · 10 months
I'm new but found your blog while you were on break so I'm mostly caught up on the lore.
nah bro you had to BE HERE lol the night we discussed which problematic politicians we'd fuck and someone came up with Putin and another person said they have sex dreams about Kim Jong Un (WHAT!?!?!?!) and the day some weirdo anon (idk if she's still here respect to u queen) told me her friend's house makes her wet lol and the day a girl sent a message to her department talking about the tutors but we'd been talking so much about titties that her phone/laptop/device autocorrected TUTORS to TITTIES and the day some bitch invented dick analysis where we like zoomed in on photos to analyse dick size like honestly I can continue lmfao but those were my best lol like I say that got me through a SUPER Bad Time lmfao because you can be clinically depressed but you're guaranteed to be less sad when you're zooming in on Kushner krotch because that's such a weird thing to do that like the absurdity of the whole thing makes one feel better.
We also had some epic reporting tho like we broke stories that mainstream media found out about afterwards including VIDEOS of Taylor's birthday party at the end of 2021 prior to her posting, Taylor at the CAA party prior to E! covering it, Taylor attending Bruce's funeral prior to anyone covering it (and I kept saying like focus should be on Bruce because Bruce was an absolute legend).
We had really good times lol and if you weren't there you can stay for the me vibes but you didn't really experience the insanity that was BislutHQ in its heyday.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
can i pls get katsu fluff in which reader tells him she doesn’t want to pursue being a hero but wants to become an actress?? she's from hero course
and just that she's super nervous that he'll think lowly of her now cause she doesnt want to pursue being a hero tho he is vvvvvv supportive?????
also they are in their second year
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synopsis : reader is a 2nd year student at UA who wants to be an actress instead of a pro hero, she's afraid katsu will reject her for having different ambitions than him
info : female reader
masterlist | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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℘. okay so
℘. you were a part of UA's hero course, I'm class 1-A
℘. you and bakugo first got closer because the two of you shared the dream of becoming a pro hero
℘. and he fell in love with your ambition and constant optimism as regards of you two becoming successful and fulfilled pro heroes
℘. but acting has always been an important part of your life, you were a theatre kid after all and enjoyed being in the spotlight, giving life to a written character
℘. katsubabe knew about this because he always tried his best to attend each of your representations but he did not suspect the fact that this could be your dream career
℘. therefore, you were terrified at the idea of telling him you were planning on leaving UA for a prestigious acting school you just received an acceptance letter from
℘. standing in front of your computer screen, enthralled at the "Congratulations !" bold message at the beginning of the letter, you could not fully appreciate the mail you've been expecting for weeks because katsurat was on your mind
℘. so many questions were popping up inside your head, overwhelming you and making your heart clench in your chest
℘. "Would he break up with me if he find out ? Either way, you have to tell him Y/N, how can your relationship be healthy if you're not truthful ? He's always been honest with you, do the same ! Oh my god, what if he makes fun of me ? What if he thinks I suck and rejects me ? WHAT IF HE NEVER TALKS TO ME AGAIN ???"
℘. just the idea made your eyes water and as things could not possibly get worse, you heard the door open
℘. it was katsushi.
℘. "Y/N I hope you did the maths homework as I told you to when I left, like 20 minutes ago- YOU DID NOT EVEN START YOU LAZY A$$ I CAN'T BELIEVE IT- the fuck is going on with your face bro ?"
℘. yeah he saw you crying
℘. he wrapped his arms around you, you hugged him back, and let the bottled up mix of stress, fear of failure and excitement get out through your eyes
℘. once you've calmed down, he carries you bridal style from your desk to your bed and sits you down on it, facing him, waiting for you to explain :
℘. "please don't make fun of me suki", "I can't promise you that" he replies with a smirk this cocky mf
℘. you tell him how being an actress has always been your dream, how happy you felt on stage and how you thought that was where you truly belonged
℘. "why the fu¢k were you crying then dumbass, that's cool"
℘. "you think it's cool"
℘. "bro why wouldn't I think it's cool, we'd make a super hot couple. Me a powerful pro hero and you a world-famous sexy actress" he says kissing your forehead
℘. "I thought you'd be disappointed in me or that you'd get mad at me for dropping the hero course" you admit shyly
℘. "You're so f-ing stupid sometimes Y/N, just tell me the s#it next time alright ? Pursue your dreams dummy"
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© izukuisbaby. reblogs appreciated ! although do not modify, copy or claim as your own or repost without creds
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pr1ncessm00n · 3 years
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Self Ship Prompt!!
I was tagged by @xokiddo! thank you sm for the tag and this was very fun/therapeutic <3
original prompt list belongs to @postwarlevi
1. your anime self ship in person
jean!! ofc 💞
2. your ship name
Jemi <3 i just thought of it lol and i think it sounds cute LOL
3. what do you call each other?
disclaimer: even tho i am a romantic, i’m not a softie at all when it comes to affection 😭 i like to think my s/o will draw that part out of me, but when it comes to petnames i rarely use them. so i think i would refer to jean by simple terms of endearment such as babe, baby, love, and of course his name. maybe jeanbo/jeanboy if i’m teasing.
i’d like to think he’s the opposite of me and would really lay it on me. his choice would probably be “babe” as well or a variation of my name that only he calls me. but some examples would probably be : baby, love, cutie, sweetie, pretty etc. even if i don’t believe his praises or they make me blush, he’d still call me or really his significant other things like that because he’s firm on reassurance. i guess that would show that one of his love language is words of affirmation. he’s big on adjectives as nicknames, so he’d also tease me back like that (“weirdo” “meanie”)
4. who confessed first?
jean for sure, but i’d be quick to follow. i’m a true saggitarius at heart, and jean’s an aries- which means two fire signs and a whirlwind of passion. he’d confess, probably just blurt it out and since i have (had?) a huge fear of rejection, i’d probably hesitate out of fear, not out of doubt of my own feelings. although i tend to doubt anyone who does tell me they love me LMAOO. but once i muster up the courage to confess i like him too, there would be no way for me to unattach myself from him.
5. how long have you been together ?
hmm i’d like to say we’re still in our honeymoon stage. maybe 2 years in? since i’m a college student it’s hard to imagine that far into the future for myself. so i say we’d be college juniors who started dating freshman year.
6. are you affectionate?
i am not affectionate, unfortunately. maybe that’s hard to believe because i literally write romantic fanfiction. but i think that tends to come through in my writing and how awkward it is whenever anything actually romantic happens JAKEUEUEU.
i have a soft spot for Jean, though, so even though I am not very affectionate i will give the little affectionate i can muster to him completely. i’m not big on physical touch, but i would never refuse his hugs or forehead kisses. he wants to cuddle? i’m down.
when it comes to stuff such as PDA or hand holding in public. though, that’s where i shy away. i have a huge disdain for PDA (i’ve been told it’s a flaw) 😭 but in private? a different person. also- i am good with words. two of my love languages are gift giving and acts of service, so i think i can express myself those ways as well. but i think Jean would like me for my ability to reassure him or comfort him through words.
jean is affectionate, but i think he’d agree PDA is uncomfortable and cringey. he’d for sure be the one initiating the cuddle sessions though. i think he’d cling to me in bed, and he’s the only person that i wouldn’t mind it.
however social media i think we'd both post each other equally, mostly funny pictures and when it's an important event heartfelt messages. i'm a sucker for that <33
7. living together/married?
living together, although in real life i don’t think i’d want to live with anyone before i’m married solely because i treasure my personal space and i wouldn’t want to give that up unless i absolutely have to 😭 but since this is a fanfiction, let’s say i magically release my inhibitions and move in with Jean while we’re young. we’ll get married later in life, but those first couple of years living together would be sweet, and i wouldn’t mind sharing my space with Jean.
8. kids
we have kids after a few years of marriage, i’d like to say two or three. gender doesn’t matter to jean, but he secretly always wanted a girl. i’d like to think our youngest would be a girl, and he’d totally spoil her. he’d still love all of them equally regardless, because he's jean and he can't have favorites. he would be the most sweet, understanding parent. he’s also pretty competent, unlike some fathers who think being useless around kids is cute 🙄
9. what your friend group looks like
our friend group would consist of Sasha, Connie, Eren, Mikasa, Marco, Ymir and Historia. Sometimes Reiner, but he’s more my friend than Jean’s.
10. how you each get along with your friends
Eren and Jean constantly bicker, but it’s obvious they both care for each other or else they wouldn’t have stuck around as long. I’d like to think Levi and Hange are also involved but truthfully Levi would get annoyed by me and Hange wouldn’t want to hang around kids much younger than them, and can we blame them? they’ll come around every once in a while, maybe even drag Levi along, but they’re not a constant presence in our friend group. (they were still invited to our wedding tho- and yes they did show up with Levi and Erwin)
I mostly get along with Historia and Sasha, but Ymir and I are the ones always “arguing”. I think jean and i would meet through Sasha, because Sasha is my ideal bestie. Marco and Connie are Jean's bestest friends. There’s rarely any drama in our friend group, besides banter and bickering but never anything too deep. Jean and I for sure gossip about them to each other, and only each other. He’s a huge chismoso in private.
11. night in or night out
night out!! my social battery would drain after a few hours but Jean is always understanding and content with going home early, or just chilling in a corner with me until it’s deemed acceptable to bounce. we both have our day ins, but were both too adventurous to not go out often and explore new places. we prefer solo dates, but we also thrive around our friend group.
12. your favorite date day/night
i’m a simple creature, so my favorite type of date night is anything with cheesy carnival tropes or a tourist attraction. for example, in my town we have winter lights and interactive museums and i think jean would love going to those things with me and just feasting on mexican food when we’re done. road "trips" an hour away are also common. we’re both spontaneous, so fancy planning or a strict schedule is not necessary. but i’m also a sucker for going out to eat then watching a movie at home and doing facemasks llike the baddies we are.
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your anime self ship in person
your ship name
what do you call each other?
who confessed first?
how long have you been together ?
are you affectionate?
living together/married?
what your friend group looks like
how you each get along with your friends
night in or night out
your favorite date day/night
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fun fact: when i first started watching aot i wanted someone like jean. a few years later when i met my boyfriend at age 15, he reminded me so much of jean through personality i was in shock! i was like -_- are u fr? ure real? he is an aries as well, so while i was writing this i was giggling to myself bc this truly felt like i was just describing my irl boyfriend.
but this was so fun 💞 thank you to @xokiddo for tagging me!!
i nominate @emepe @lostinthewildflowers and @flowersbloominthedark @darlingdaph @id-rather-be-an-outsider @xawkwardxderpx or anyone who wishes to participate!! if you don't want to either, that's fine too!!
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