#we'll get to that eventually! worry not!
lesbijkas · 7 months
WAIT. if "taako" died in phandalin and the other three tell lucretia that when they join the bureau.. o naur
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crocswithoutsocks · 1 month
I found out there was an anteater LPS so obviously the only logical thing to do was go and buy one immediately and make it into Flint. My phone hates me so pictures are bad but look!!!!! That's a little guy!!!!!
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ismellpestilence · 2 years
I hate you constant production of sequels and prequels. I hate you reboots that contribute nothing. I hate you origin stories that no one asked for. I hate you everyone that makes adaptations and leave the original creator in the dark. I hate you everyone that takes stories and strips away everything they have to say so it can appeal to every possible person. I hate you everyone involved who thinks no one notices when you directly ignore the events/cannon of the previous installment. I hate you shows that only make sense if you've seen all the other shows. I hate you studios that think you can buy yourselves a good story.
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Is- is it just the four of you? Where’s the rest of your crew?? First mate? Sexy crew?? MACK?? CARLOS????
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Everyone's working hard today!
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rarestdoge · 8 months
I hate to vent on main, but I have to go to the ER tomorrow morning. Seriously. Those "health problems" I have mentioned in my bio? They've gotten worse. As if they haven't been bad for the past few months, and I'm only just now managing to get the help I need.
No, don't worry, I'm not dying or anything, but trust me, I've felt fucking terrible. I'm in pain. Hence why I haven't drawn at all for the past few days, and I probably won't be physically able to at all for the next few days. Not without hurting myself over it, at least. Shit sucks doesn't it.
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beatcroc · 4 months
Is your pfp an oc of urs? Any story?
yah that's N.K.
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primer: a former god of fear who has since resigned, and now runs what is essentially an intergalactic tourist trap on his cursed planet, simply known as ''nk's domain''
i don't really do "stories" per se i just have my guys in their 'verse and they have their lore and sometimes that's actionable in a plot sort of way, but most of the time they are just doing their things. nk is one of my oldest oc's and as such probably the most, like, centralizing? nk's domain is sort of a meetup hub for most other characters that don't have their own defined Thing going on, as well as what several characters' Things are directly related to, but nk himself isn't all that much of an active player any more and most of the current story type stuff i'm working with has kinda moved beyond him.
aside from that it's just his history tying him to other stuff; there's a lotta old-guard guys who fuckin hate him back from when he was still doing the whole 'reign of terror' fear deity thing [nk used to stand for 'nightmare king' but he just goes by nk now], there's a bunch a new-guard guys he's pissed off for being the main force behind the universal outlawing of capitalism[honestly not that important and some worlds still do it anyway bc gods are bad at caring enough to actually enforce their rules unless it's like a Really egregious violation], and there's also the history of said "cursed planet" itself [he didnt do that he doesnt know why its like that he just saw it wand went ooooh free real estate. but theres a reason its like that and he's starting to pay the price for having taken it over [accidentally unleashed an imprisoned god-parasite plague][uh oh][its that yellow thing in the last image][this is actually what my "main" "story"/alleged webcomic is about] [go here go in the dark]]
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dailydogdoodles · 5 months
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Some low res Daily Dog Doodle Daily Diary Comics?
;') Sometimes I am not able to get to do a little doodle for the day but that's because Life hits you fast with So Many Other Things
And here we go around that cycle of everyday mundane things and little moments of joy again, haha
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kobol1 · 2 years
Infinite Realms Green Lantern Chapter 1
Danny flew in through the front door. He landed with a small thump as he shifted back into his human half. Phasing through his shoes, Danny walks through the living room and into the kitchen for an after-patrol snack. He sees Jazz sitting at the kitchen table looking through her Phantom scrapbook.
"Danny, how was your patrol?" "Did you catch any ghosts, any of the usual troublemakers?" Jazz asks getting up and pulling Danny into a hug. Danny leans into her embrace.
"Nope," he says popping the p, "just a few ectopuses."
"It's been quiet lately ever since Dan started patrolling with you" Jazz replies back to him.
"Yeah it has been quiet lately," Danny says, "It was funny watching Dan rip apart Skulker's suit the first time he went out patrolling with Me and Valerie," Danny said giggling at the memory of a terrified Skulker dangling between Dan's fingers.
Jazz laughs along with Danny. "I haven't seen Ghost X run back into the Zone so quickly before".
Danny groans out from where his face is pressed into Jazz's shoulder, "Jazz you know that's not his name."
Jazz just smiles and replies, "I know little brother just teasing you".
They separate from their hug, "little Jazz I'm almost as tall as you now," Danny says.
"You will always be my little brother, Danny, even if you're as tall as Jack one day". Jazz replies back smiling. "Although I am going to miss calling you short king".
Danny scoffs good-naturedly with a hand dramatically pressed against his chest and replies with a grin "Well I'm still going to call you Princess Jazzerincess Amazon warrior of Amity Park". They both break out in a small fit of laughter at their inside joke.
Danny walks over and opens the fridge. He eyes the leftover meatloaf from the other night already starting to glow an ecto green and an eye pops open to stare back at him, "nope" Danny says firing off a quick ectoblast at the meatloaf and closing the fridge door.
"Oh, are you hungry Danny how about we order out? What are you in the mood for?" Jazz says from behind him eyeing the fridge cautiously hoping for not another Thanksgiving turkey incident.
"How about Chinese?" Danny offers. Half an hour later with empty containers of Chinese food spread around the living room table, they both are sitting on the couch curled up against each other flipping through Jazz's scrapbook and looking at the newspaper clippings and pictures that Jazz had collected over the years.
"Hey, look at this one" Jazz points out. It's a picture of Danny as Phantom fast asleep all curled up in a box on the floor of his room. "If you fits you sits Catboy Danny" Jazz giggles."
"Jazz I am not a cat!" Danny huffs out, as Jazz is carding a hand through his hair as he leans against her side and his core lets out loud happy purrs despite his objections.
"Are you sure about that, you sound like one now." Jazz replied pulling him closer to her. Danny just rolls his eyes and enjoys the comfort of spending time with his older sister.
Tiredly Danny sighs happily, with Jazz holding him he feels safe, warm, protected, and at home, for Danny home, isn't a place or a house, and it hasn't been Fenton Works for a long time, maybe it never was. For Danny home has always been Jazz for as long as he can remember. It was Jazz who taught him how to read, to tie his shoes, and who made him breakfast, lunch, and supper. She would kiss his bumps and bruises better, she would read to him at night and comfort him when he had nightmares.
It was Jazz who took him to his first day of school and the millions of other things that his parents should have done. Jazz is his home and always will be, and now Jazz is leaving, for Gotham University. Of course, Danny is happy for his older sister. She has to go and live her own life and accomplish her dreams and Danny's half-life has been going great in the past few months.
He finally faced his deepest fear, he finally worked up the courage to tell his parents about Phantom, and his parents accepted him! All of him, his human and ghost half!
And best of all they had accepted Dan and Ellie, welcoming them into the family as if they always had been there. Danny lets out a fanged-toothed yawn Jazz had moved his head onto her lap and he drifted off into deep sleep with Jazz carding her hand through his hair.
Jazz wakes up to her phone vibrating on the arm of the couch she is leaning against, she looks down at her little brother, her baby, her everything, he is practically her son. She was more of his mother than Maddie has ever been. And now she was leaving him here. Here in this house full of anti-ghost weapons and scientific instruments that doubled more as instruments of torture for the poor unfortunate ghost who would be caught in them.
But Danny had finally told Jack and Maddie about his ghostly half-life, and they had taken it as well anyone learning that their son had died, they are trying to be better and are working on changing their views on ghosts and they have, and they no longer view every ghost they encounter as evil and something that has to be destroyed.
There was a lot of apologizing and crying on both sides, more so on Jack and Maddie's end. They had accepted him, all of him. They were finally acting as the parents they always should have been from the beginning. It only took their son half dying for it to happen.
But Jazz was finally sure that she could leave her baby brother here, that he is finally safe here in this house. That she won't wake up to a panicked phone call telling her that something terrible had happened. She can finally put that fear to rest.
Jazz looks at the time it's 9:30 pm, she ruffles Danny's hair and he makes those adorable cute cat noises that she loves.
"Mrrp?" Danny says as he blinks open his sleep-filled eyes at her, He chirps out a groggy "mom? oh, Jazzy." He stretches out like a cat before sitting back up next to her.
"Who's on patrol tonight?" Jazz asked.
"Valerie is on the night shift tonight since Dan is with Mom, Dad, and Ellie down in Spittoon" Danny replied to her as he yawned.
"Good now go upstairs and get a full night's rest little brother." Jazz told him.
"Okay mom,” Danny said half asleep as he made his way upstairs to his bedroom. Jazz just smiled as she started to clean up the empty containers on the table.
Meanwhile, in the Infinite Realms, there's a streak of green light with an emerald green ring in the middle of it heading towards a very familiar portal to the living realm.
YES YES, chapter one is finally done! After starting and deleting the dang thing several times it's done!
You all can thank @gilbirda and @stealingyourbones for all of this happening with their Green Lantern Jazz Fenton posts that have been living rent-free in my head. Seriously go give them all the likes and reblogs and friendly comments don't be rude now.
And don't forget to reblog and tag and comment here also! I seriously absolutely love when you do, I read all of them and try to comment back when I see them. It gives me all the encouragement to continue with all this.
Like always if you wanna read my previous posts on my au look up #IRGL au on my Tumblr page or in the tags of this post.
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diazfightclub · 2 months
wip wednesday
no one asked for this but here it is anyway, my wip featuring anger-issues, catholic-guilt-induced-internalized-homophobia, i-rejected-my-best-friend's-advances-and-now-i'm-so-goddamn-grief-striken-it's-making-me-stupid eddie <3
“You don’t get to do that.” Bucks’ eyes were bright despite his head injury; the blood drying on his temple and the dark bruising on the surrounding skin made his eyes seem impossibly bluer. Having the intensity of his gaze on Eddie made him feel electric. With the adrenaline thrumming through him, he felt himself lift his chin. Goading. 
“Do what?”
“You know what.” And, oh, Buck’s angry. Eddie hadn’t seen angry Buck in a long time, almost didn’t recognize the flush on his cheeks and the clench in his jaw. 
“Buck—” But Buck’s hands were curled into fists. He looked like he wanted to hit him. The sight made Eddie’s pulse jump. 
“You don’t get to—to reject me and then act like that. Like you—” Love me, he didn’t say, but Eddie heard it anyway. 
Eddie imagined, not for the first time, what it would be like to ask Buck to hit him. It would certainly hurt less. He imagined being in the ring with him, sparring. Feeling the skin-on-skin contact. Would Buck pull his punches? Would he fight dirty? They benched about the same, but Buck had 20 pounds on him, easily, maybe more — if Eddie tackled him, would he go down, or would he take it and stand his ground?
Eddie wanted to reach out and fit his thumb to the bruise around his eye, to drag his thumb through the blood in his eyebrow. Eddie wanted Buck to gasp under his touch.
The thought of it made him take a step back, putting him out of Buck's reach.
idk who to tag but if you've been wanting to post consider this ur motivation xoxo
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chronicowboy · 1 year
temptation tuesday
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this angsty baby is kicking my ass, ive replotted it about five times now but its underway so have a tiny little snippet:
"Hey, man," he says, sitting down in the armchair to Buck's left. He tells himself its so he can face Buck fully, that it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the image of Buck and Natalia choosing the couch together—this couch which is dark blue and barely big enough for two fully grown firefighters and an elbow-y pre-teen to fit onto. "How are you feeling?" Buck looks at him for a moment. Its the same look from the hospital, like he's not really seeing, it makes Eddie's skin crawl.
"Like a building fell on me," Buck huffs.
"Yeah, been there," Eddie replies, something unsettled in the exchange of their banter. His eyes catch on the orange pill bottle next to the half empty glass of water on the coffee table. "Taken your meds?"
"Yep," Buck replies tightly. Eddie can't help the quirk of his mouth.
"Really?" He raises his eyebrows. "Thought maybe I'd have to hide 'em in a sandwich for you."
"Well, way to ruin your plan, Diaz," Buck retorts. "Now, I know your tactics." For a moment, its like normal. Buck's eyes sparkle with amusement before the creak of the floorboards above them has something blank creeping back into his expression. "Besides, Nat asked me to take them." He shrugs. "She doesn't like seeing me in pain."
Eddie swallows back the bile rising in his throat. As acrid as it is it tastes a hell of a lot better than the words he wants to scream at Buck.
(If you knew what seeing you in pain did to me, would you take them when I asked?)
"Right." Eddie nods.
The silence surrounds them, suffocating and stifling, so much so that Eddie actually finds himself thankful when Natalia approaches them.
"I gotta go. I'll see you later," she tells Buck, leaning over him to brush a kiss to his lips. Buck reaches up to cup her jaw, deepening the chaste thing into something more. Eddie averts his eyes to the windows, grimacing at the sound of their lips disconnecting. "Alright, tiger," Natalia laughs, that melodic sound again. "I'll miss you too." Eddie turns just in time to watch her brush a gentle finger over his birthmark before grabbing her bag from the staircase railing. "No roughhousing whilst I'm gone, boys," she warns them.
taglist: @danielsousa @diazly @gracelcdomas @diazass @rogue205 @alyxmastershipper @pinky-promisesss @evanbucklxy @buddiearemydads
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bossbotmgr · 1 month
With the new Flint plushie I wonder if they'll do another donation drive me and my boyfriend thought it'd be a bit funny if it was for something like wildfires and I wonder if this means we'll get stuff similar to Buck... I do wish they'd make some of their original Toons, I think Doe Vinci would be incredibly cute
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pawsitivevibe · 6 months
Finished Baldur's Gate 😭😭😭😭😭
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oldpotatoe · 1 year
Oops i slipped and fell and read flwogb for the thousandth time :)))) praying to the Gods for more <3 no pressure <3
buddy you should get that checked out [ba dum tiss]
no but in all seriousness. i am 7 months into a career that pretty much consumes most hours of my working day, and on weekends i slump in bed and watch netflix because i am turning into an old hermit-- no wait, an old potato
ye gods i am living up to my username in the worst possible way
anyway i wish i could say that i can see things changing but frankly my workload only increases with every new day :( but i'm getting a severe writing itch that will end up being scratched at some point soon [she says through gritted teeth as she gets yet another notification on her work phone, resisting the urge to hurl it into the wall]
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wetbloodworm · 6 months
i'm doing an ivan run in bg3 b/c i'm at the stage of just juggling multiple runs in act 1 rn and it's my first time using one of the Big bodies and i finally got ivan next to someone to actually appreciate the scale
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fucking look at him. Big Guy. how's the weather up there. larian can and should do more w/ body diversity but i am grateful that they at least let me make ivan Properly Tall and Beefy
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jb-nonsense · 7 months
can't wait to finish the game and get the ambition and drive to write that multi-chapter fic idea with Talilah and Astarion looking for a cure for him that eventually makes them run into sun elves and have Talilah's father revealed after he holds a blade to Astarion's throat because paladin and undead and Astarion is like
"why didn't you tell me your father was a Saliriador*?!" (*high ranking sun elf noble family)
And Talilah response
"Because my mother didn't fucking tell me!!"
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wedding-shemp · 9 months
How do you make $1650 in a month without being very good at anything in particular
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