#we're all just mocking it
danielnelsen · 1 year
we have the coronation on (a family decision, not mine) and bleh the homily is making me gag. 'righteous power and authority' stfu
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swordsonnet · 1 year
self-proclaimed radical leftists: in the communist utopia that exists only in my head, everyone will work, by which i mean a full-time job in the post-industrial revolution sense. this is because work is obviously the only way one can contribute to society, and everyone who doesn't work is a parasite that will be eradicated in my Communist Utopia™. i don't even care about the products or purpose of people's labour because, as everyone knows, employment equals morality and so having a job is inherently virtuous and not having a job makes you a lazy leech who doesn't deserve to live. trust me, this is a very communist idea. i'm practically an expert because i read 1.5 tweets about marx.
what? omg why are you making this about disability, i was obviously talking about normal people 🙄 if you're disabled, you have an excuse to be a useless waste of resources who can't contribute anything 😊 in my ✨ Communist Utopia ✨, you don't have to work if you're not able to. don't worry, we'll have rigorous and dehumanising tests to determine if you're disabled enough or if you're just a lazy faker! this process is infallible and has no drawbacks whatsoever for disabled people. have you considered that maybe you're the real ableist for criticising me? 🤔 anyway, have i mentioned how much i love employment and also the taste of boot leather
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waterfallofspace · 1 month
Anyone else not able to say 'bless you', either because it feels too personal, embarrassing, slightly erotic or a mixture of all of the above-
Buuuuuut also whenever an event interrupts the conversation, you feel so much more awkward not saying anything/commenting on it at all, and so you wish you could just... say that phrase, or have some other thing that makes sense to say to just- shrug it off???
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hella1975 · 4 months
idk how to feel about the atla live action show but I just saw that the guy who’s playing zuko mentioned zukka in an interview and I’m kinda foaming at the mouth, going feral at the moment
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rollforjackass · 1 year
thank god i've come back to tumblr after all this time bc where else could i say "i've been simping for the scarecrow from batman begins lately" with impunity. anyway thank you cilian murphy for your service
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
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@widevibratobitch @verdiesque
can y'all either @ me or block me already this is getting exhausting
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
(´・ᴗ・ ` )
#I really like the “We're the bad guys' enemy” line. For someone I generally despise Dazai has all my favourite lines in this show…#Idk I can't really vibe with the unbalance that there is between s/kk.#Like when push comes to shove‚ Dazai has the power to keep Chuuya alive or let him die.#I understand why they make a compelling dynamic in their complexity‚ but it just doesn't do it for me.#I'm a little sad my opinion on them hasn't really changed since I watched the anime for the first time...#Also; I really can't vibe with Chuuya allowing Dazai to kill Q. Yes I know Chuuya cares about his comrades deeply.#Yes I know it can be interpreted as Chuuya seeing himself in Q as a living weapon and being disgusted by it#(though I honestly don't think that was intentional of the author).#Yes I know Chuuya is a mafioso and kills people. No I don't think your personal issues justify you being a dick to other people I'm sorry.#Back to my main annoyance with the episode: I must have already talked about this but I hate hate hate the narrative#“the mafia works for the city” “the mafia deeply loves the city too” it's so so sickening and insulting please stop I'm begging.#Please visit any actual city with a rooted mafia presence for once in your life (signed: someone whose hometown was destroyed by the mafia.#The writers really don't know what they're talking about and‚ politely‚ it's offensive.)#Also b/sd keeping being extremely nationalist with Mori (who's largely depicted unsimphatetically for the first part of the episode)–#bringing up western thinkers and subtly mocking Fukuzawa for not knowing them–#and Fukuzawa (the righteous man. the noble spirit and just soul in this episode and Mori's antithesis)–#stepping forward to say that he knows strategists from the east (because who else would he need?)#I don't know if it's meant to symbolize the conflict with an hostile and invading foreign power (the Guild).#But it does come across as. A very isolationist way of thinking.#I know it's subtle but it's really evident for me. And I didn't want to talk about this any further…#But by bringing actual examples of this I hope I can better explain why I think that b/sd holds nationalist views–#and that I'm not just making it up out of nowhere. Otherwise I fear I'd only come off as pettily hostile to b/sd in everything#That's it. I feel like I've been losing a lot of mutuals over my main recently due to not shutting up (sorry)#so I suppose it's only fair I lose them on here too pffttt.#Tune in next week for more bad takes#random rambles
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lemonduckisnowawake · 5 months
Me, today: I will not get angry about people slandering Jesus. I will not lose my temper seeing yet another post throwing His character in the garbage as some politically woke or politically conservative people pleaser. I will not stab my hand with a fork when I see people poking fun at his friendships as homoerotic - *sees a post like that and slowly steps out of the internet*
No seriously. I am shaking the screen and BEGGING people to remember that even though Western Christian traditionalism has deep, *deep* wrongs, There Are Literal People Dying And Being Tortured Because Of Their Faith In Christ In The Modern World. And the way I see people making light of faith and outright mocking it or "dumbing it down" to appeal to their own moral worldview is sometimes kind of painful
#lemon duck quacks#i need a salt tag so people can block that....#I'll think of one later#anyway yeah....sometimes the things i see western folk doing to Christianity makes me sigh#what is it about humanity's need to make a mockery out of the things we disagree with?#I've caught myself doing it sometimes too and it's just sad#like I've seen people make mockery out of Eastern spirituality and religions or Islam or something#and it DOES make me mad#especially when I see adherents of those religions trying to placate people by going#'oh our worldview DOES actually support yours! we're friendly to your political stance :)'#when no. NO. you guys don't have to defend your worldview like that???#worldviews are called such because they're different and there WILL be times when moralities clash against each other!#DRAMATICALLY#and it's up to you to see if you can keep being friends/interacting with someone who has a drastically different moral standard than you#and if you can't there is no reason to try and make their religion/worldview fits yours or whatever#this is aimed at Christians too who try and force non-Christians to see things through their perspective btw#also just because you hate someone's viewpoint because it's objectively wrong to you doesn't mean you have to mock it or them#by all means try and deconstruct it if you want but stop making fun of it or pretending you know eeeeeverything about their worldview#sorry you guys i am VERY salty#maybe a tad bit angry but mostly salty#anyway you religious people who have studied your texts and persist in living it out even if it doesn't conform to the western world's#political worldviews (whether liberal or conservative in the us or uk or etc sense) have all my respect and 'hwaiting's#stars I'm so salty i could perseve my own meat with it
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thefirstknife · 2 years
can we please. go one (1) week without the PVP obsessed people going off about how PVP is the only thing that matters in the game. im so very tired. "PVE people are probably about to find out that PVE can't carry the game because PVP is ruined and we're all gonna quit and play better games" please just can they shut up and go already instead of threatening us with a good time they never follow through on??
I saw that stuff as well, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's incredibly disingenuous and deliberately incendiary to cause more people to bitch about the game being doomed or whatever.
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They are constantly using "steam numbers" to show that this is the lowest population count that Destiny 2 ever had and how that's proof that the game is being ruined and dying, that pvp bros and content creators are more important than we think they are, that Bungie needs to make Destiny 3 (yes, that is unironically stuff that people are saying) and other really incredibly tiring things.
Not to mention the vitriol towards the devs. Every time they bitch, more and more people show up in the comments saying awful shit about devs and how they are lazy, they don't work, they don't care, they are bad at development and so on. This is what eventually fuels harassment.
These "steam numbers" are disingenuous because they are taken out of context and they strip all other external reasons from the "low player count."
Is there a low player count? Yes! That is correct. Even when we account for console players, it's still low.
This is nothing new. This is a constant trend. Last month of the season ALWAYS has low numbers. People finished their story and their pinnacle grind and their seals and are doing other things.
More under for length:
Is this the lowest it's been so far? It seems to be, though the final month on steam charts isn't over so we can't fully tell yet, but it seems to be one of the lowest. However, there's been similar numbers before during seasonal end. It's quite literally nothing new. We go through this every season, except this season it's slightly lower than usual.
Why is that? Well, the chart Aztecross put to prove there's not many people playing happened on a Monday before the final Tuesday reset of the final week of the season. Yeah bro, very few people have things left to do in the season. They're not bothering. Unlike you, other people have other hobbies and games to play. I haven't played in days, I only got on on Saturday to finish my King's Fall seal and that took 10 minutes. This is what I mean by "disingenuous." It's a cheap bait tactic. Find the lowest number and ship it for cheap outrage engagement.
Others are constantly also posting the cummulative steam chart for every month of Destiny since the game came to steam and they're pointing out that we have lowest numbers now. Which is, again, posted for cheap outrage. They look at the number and see it's low and their conclusion is "game is dying." They don't care about the trend (every season end is "dying"), they don't care about external reasons (other game releases), they don't care about overall how some seasons are just weaker and have less interest (not the first time), they don't care about anything.
They just want people to be mad enough to harass the devs. Because like, what do they think is going to happen when they spend 2 months blogging to hundreds of thousands of people about the game being ruined by evil devs who don't do their job? When they constantly talk about how everything in the game is bad, pvp is bad, pve is boring and easy, story is bad, seasons are bad, events made for fun are bad, small community event is bad. What's going to happen is thousands of people are going to harass the devs. That's what going to happen.
I took the "steam numbers" chart that people are throwing around and I went into it in-depth to explain what the numbers mean and add context to them. You can see it here. It's a big image but you can zoom in and explore. It makes more sense when you see it separated by seasons; you can CLEARLY see the main trend of "low population at season end."
Another thing to consider with these numbers is the scheduling pattern. Shadowkeep released in October, Beyond Light released in November after a delay. October-November are usually months with a lot of other game releases and holidays. In 2019 and 2020, Bungie had an expansion themselves to cover that time. In 2021, there was no expansion in Oct-Nov; and that was the last time the game had the lowest population record ever. WHAT A SURPRISE. In this period, if Destiny doesn't have an expansion, people move on to play other games!!!! WOW! We have the technology to decipher the low numbers!
It's important to also note that back in 2021, that was the first time a game was delayed properly and significantly, so the year was without an expansion and there was a lull in Oct-Nov period. However, at that time, it was the first time this schedule happened and people generally didn't know how will it go. We were also kept in the dark about the seasonal story end (the infamous When Is Exorcism incident) so people had to keep coming back. Now, we're in the same situation; no new expansion in Oct-Nov, seasonal lull, nothing is happening. However, now, we know how this goes. People know how this schedule works AND we're not dealing with an extended season. We know when this season ends and there's nothing to wait for. People are more comfortable taking a break. So there's less people in Oct-Nov 2022 than there were in the previous lowest point, Oct-Nov 2021. It's almost as if there are reasons for this that go beyond "game is obviously dying."
These people also seem to be incapable of understanding that some players just... stop playing. For no specific reason. The game isn't dying, some people just lose interest. Content creators are especially guilty of this, because THEY can't stop playing, because they tied their income to a single live service game. To them, quitting the game is losing a job. Curious, maybe that influences their views about the game and about burnout and taking breaks and the quality of the content?
They simultaneously want Bungie to drop FOMO and reduce burnout, but they ALSO want for there to never be "content droughts." Which one is it? Because these two things cannot both be gone. If you want less FOMO and less burnout, then there will be less content. If you want more content, then you have to get on that burnout grindset.
It's the end of the god damn season. Yeah, nothing is happening. Yeah, fewer people are playing. Players finished their grind in the Destiny mines and are doing other things before the new season drops. Stop catastrophising it for cheap outrage bait. You not being able to take a break and having to keep making new content even when the season is ending and there no new content is your problem. Not Bungie's, not the other players'.
Bungie is not going to force their devs to crunch 80 hours per week so you can have brand new content every Tuesday that no regular player can catch up with. As it currently is, I want MORE downtime. I want seasons to be 4 months and to have less time and more downtime to catch up with stuff. Imagine the outrage though. Genuinely, society if these people would actually deliver on their promise and leave. Someone else will take your place, bro.
Also, as a final note before a dissertation in the tags: these pvp mains are weak. They whine about only having 2 new maps in 2 years. Gambit got -2 new maps. Like, literally we had 6 maps and now we have 4. LMAO. Crucible has a total of 24 maps and 8+ modes, constant updates, Iron Banner rework, multiple Trials reworks, incoming competitive rework, Crucible labs, three different sets of armour, prestige weapon loot, three different seals, entire twabs dedicated just to it. And they whine about not enough attention for the Crucible?
It's getting more attention than any other core playlist. Their problem is that they're not the ones being catered to. An update doesn't count if it doesn't satisfy mister Crucible Main #37. Fuck everyone else I guess! They are the most entitled selfish childish little pricks I've ever seen. They do not deserve Bungie talking the players at all.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Your last post is amazing and I want to share with you that I had a similar journey when it comes to shipping byler.
I first watched the show when season 2 had just come out in 2017, and I was a hardcore milkvan shipper (I was 13 and I didn't know any better and lacked critical thinking skills lmao). While watching season 3 for the first time I noticed Will being gay (I gasped at the rain fight scene), but just like you I assumed milkvan would be endgame. After watching the infamous last milkvan kiss in the last episode, I was left with a weird feeling about it for the next week but I was never able to put my finger on what exactly had felt so wrong in that scene.
Like you, I also have never shipped ships where I didn't notice that there was clear buildup towards endgame (I even watched outer banks for the first time earlier this year and a lot of the fandom swears there has been jiara buildup from the first season, but I know that's not true and the only scene I can identify as true buildup is in the last episode of season 2). However, two years ago I began studying film and how it works, first in highschool and last year in college. I learned a lot about visual storytelling and I also gained an incredible amount of media literacy. Exactly a year ago, a month before vol 1 came out, I was bored and decided to rewatch the whole 3 seasons.
With my older age now and my better understanding of cinematography and narrative, I stopped liking milkvan in the first season because of the born sexy yesterday trope, but I also began to notice how Mike was surrounded by queer coding, both narratively and by the framing of his scenes with Will (the hand hold close up hello). Then I got to the end of season 3, watched that kiss again... and I noticed Mike's eyes were full open and the closet (Wills closet!) door was perfectly dividing Mike and El as if there was a wall between them. That's how, years after, I realized why that scene had felt so wrong to me the first time I watched it. I saw that boy was gay.
However, I was still skeptical precisely because I never fell for queer coding. But I went onto to Tumblr and I decided to read byler theories. I went in with an open mind and I realized that it made perfect sense and it was set up way too perfectly, so it couldn't be a coincidence, either it was queer waiting or true.
I went into vol 1 so excited, I noticed Mike's queer coding on episode 1 alone was SO heavy (I went 🤨 with his bedroom posters and one way sign, the way he looked at Eddie, the people he wanted to ask to be subs in Hellfire...). Then when he dropped the famous "were friends, were friends!" that's when I knew they were going there. And they I saw that he couldn't say I love you to El? That was the moment I smiled widely, and ever since that moment, I've known byler is endgame and I've never had a single doubt ever again. Not even in the aftermath of volume 2. I knew Mike's speech being based on the painting attributed to El when it's actually Wills mimicked the plot of many teenage early 2000s movies (yes I was the girl who wrote you that love letter not her, I'm the one who actually loves you like that... And then boom they always end together). Then, El wasn't speaking to him, and I saw the last shot with the couples standing together. I knew that it was intentional for them to be positioned that way, and at this point I knew it wasn't queerbaiting
It's so cool to hear other bylers experiences with being introduced to all the evidence and just hearing about similar experiences in general!
I feel like a lot of bylers are just sort of lumped in with this naive stereotype of someone who always falls for queer-bait? Like we kind of just get lumped into it when the circumstances for Byler are completely different than the queer-bait ships that came way before.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a frequent queer-baitee. There literally isn't. Especially bc queer-baiting is referring to instances when a queer non-canon pairing is supported by the fans and the creators sort of humor it while knowing full well it won't happen?
Obviously times are changing at like lightening speed.
For example Stranger Things came out in 2016 and tbh 2016 is a completely different era of representation that 2023. 2016 was like the end of the queer-baiting era almost, give or take a few years. As we got closer to the 2020's, we started to see more queer rep that I feel like wasn't very overtly obviously queer-bait, but often queer characters at the forefront as the main or being more than just another example of the 'bury your gays' trope.
Also I took film classes in high school and I'm now majoring in film studies! So that was also something that no doubt had a massive impact on my perspective of things changing throughout that time from s1 to s4's release as well!
Even despite that I am a little bit slow about catching onto things, and so like it doesn't even matter that I have extra terminology under my belt or something. For example, I have a sister who hates movies, but when I do manage to convince her to watch a movie or show that I think she'll like, she'll notice stuff I didn't notice upon watching for the first time, while I on the other hand didn't notice that detail until like my 3rd rewatch. And it seriously pisses me off so much!!!!! She doesn't even appreciate her gift!
I remember watching s4 with her, and literally having no knowledge of anything outside of half paying attention while watching, she was like, Mike's pocket looks like an arrow... And I just looked at her completely silent and had to look away like seriously fuck you I had to go online and hear hundreds of bylers obsessing over it to think about it that way. But that's also just us as a fandom seeing stuff simultaneously and figuring it out together. Maybe I would've figured out the arrow pocket myself if I had actually not been exposed to the flurry of theories while s4 was promoted and released.
Still, it just goes to show that while yes extra knowledge about film is extremely helpful, like very helpful obviously, someone without any experience can be capable of picking up on things you missed regardless. And I do love that because it's just a reminder that no matter peoples bias' we can work together and figure shit out.
Also why I sometimes still enjoy lurking reddit bc they can be smart, and even a homophobes POV can come in handy bc I feel like they are avoiding the gay subtext at all costs so they're able to focus on things that we might overlook?
I do notice that a lot of people treat bylers like they are pervs and need to stop shipping boys together bc it's just not going to happen and we shouldn't be crying queer-bait, or this or that?
But like, first of all, it's half-canon my friend. One of the characters is, in canon, in love with the other. And there's still one more season left. And the other character has no idea that the other character is in love with them...
That doesn't happen bro. It just doesn't.
And not only that but, we were obviously milkvans at one point... I personally skipped entire episodes for those bitches...
And yet, even despite that, I also noticed something off between them just like 90% of the ga did before even looking up theories or picking up on byler fully.
This isn't a case of a bunch of people shipping two boys for shits and giggles (and even if it was, who fucking cares).
What's happening on Stranger Things is not something that happens, ever. You don't make the main couple become this pairing that the audience is indifferent to in the 3rd and 4th season, practically repeating the same storyline of them being incompatible, only to make their love for each other fail at saving the day... and with unresolved feelings between the main guy and his best friend being unaddressed... It's not a thing.
If more fans realized that this isn't even about shipping and it's just about literally paying attention beyond seeing what you want to see, then they'd understand where we're coming from. I shipped Milkvan but it's clear to me that the story is trying to convey they are not right for each other. I'm not going to hold onto a romantic relationship between two characters who met when they were like 12 and were sort of pressured into being romantic instantly, just bc love at first sight or something? That's stupid. If it was built up more satisfying, and if Will wasn't there being in love with Mike and with Mike clearly holding similar feelings then it wouldn't be what it clearly is. A fucking story that is clearly heading in the direction of a straight-bait/endgame main queer couple.
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rotisseries · 11 months
so um. how was the raven king. and your thoughts on andrew all of them now please
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zirconpetals · 2 years
Personally, if Huntlow doesn't become endgame, I will be upset.
Yes, I appreciate friendships too, and I no, I don't only care about shipping. But. We're being shipbaited pretty heavily atm by both the show and the crew. It's not an overreaction to be upset if it doesn't go anywhere. It's usually pretty unsatisfying if an arc is being set up and then you get the rug pulled out from under you, it doesn't just apply to shipping. (Unless the arc that's being set up is the one you personally don't like and feel relieved that it's being abandoned)
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
hey real quick bc i haven't seen anyone really talk about it; fuck Hoarders. what a disgusting fucking show. like i know a lotta content boils down to "let's gawk at mentally ill or poor or whatever ppl" but this one specifically really peels my paint. it's sickening. let's spend an hour walking around someone's house and going "wow!! look how fucked this is!!! i can't believe you live like this (despite having done like 13 seasons of this)!!!! you really need to get your act together, buster!" and then interviewing the family to get sound bites demonstrating how much of an Unreasonable Burden the subject is and (without actually helping any of the mental health issues that may lead someone to hoard) roll their eyes at them when they are upset at someone taking and trashing/destroying their precious belongings (or are made to do it themselves). and then half the time in the where are they now segment it's like "yeah they relapsed lol idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" like??? no shit dumbass.
i don't care how strange their homes or habits are. these people are deserving of compassion and real, honest help. they don't need people to marvel at how Kooky Wacky Bonkers™ they are, and they don't need people to hurt them just because they don't understand what they see in their possessions or are embarrassed by knowing them or whatever.
we don't need another voyeuristic savior-complex charade where the condition for The Most Half-Assed Help You've Ever Seen is being publicly humiliated and having to destroy things that mean a lot to you. what the fuck.
#a lotta these situations involve actual danger for the subject or their dependents so like getting rid of stuff is sometimes necessary#but just taking the rug out from under them without additional support isnt gonna help anyone longterm#and mocking them on national television certainly isnt either#like if someone's keeping dead cats in their freezer i feel like there are more constructive ways of dealing with that than 'lol' or#'youre a disgusting freak and we're gonna display that to everyone and also not help you fuck you etc'#like. god.#im not arguing the subjects are all saints or whatever either btw but they deserve to be treated like human beings#like?? forcing someone to destroy or throw out most of their posessions and mocking them for being emotional about it is cruel#it's no less cruel just because you dont get why theyre attached to those things#maybe it's even ESPECIALLY cruel because of the nature of hoarding#it's so dehumanizing#and idc if some of the subjects have been helped by being on hoarders. ppl could just help w/o mocking them and they could do a better job#if the show helps ppl it's on accident. the purpose is to watch and revel in it. in how stubborn and deluded people can be. in how much#better we are than them. in how just the hosts' disregard for their feelings is. etc. fucking repulsive#it's a dr phil situation imo#anyway my parents used to watch it a few years back and it's always bothered me that their chill sunday entertainment was. this shit.#and the subjects' faces when they see the cleared out house is almost always so.. strained.#i think it's a part of a broader problem with this kinda content and its fetishization of the reality check#to them the feelings of the deluded person don't matter because they annoy or inconvenience their peers#hence the 'i can't believe you care about this garbage' mentality of the show. even if that care comes from illness those feelings are real#so to force them through step 8 of a recovery process before steps 1-7 and then insult them for not recovering is just. god.#i hate it i hate it so much
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spectralpooch · 1 year
... but would wataru call eichi "eichi-kun"? 🤔
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nalivaa · 11 months
being part of a very small community can be so hard because any time i see one of us acting in a way that isn't perfect in every way possible i get the urge to slap them in the head and hiss at them to stop making all of us look bad which isn't fair because no one is perfect but i'm terrified of people watching the way one of us acts and thinking we're all the same
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redactedgoose · 10 months
hello. guess what time it is? it's bully Vlad hours, featuring tropes such as 'get out-billionaired, idiot' and 'Maddie's type is genius idiots; Bruce Wayne's is hot people who could kill him'
He's done it, he's finally done it! Jack is dead! And Daniel is none the wiser. His little badger glares at him, clearly warning him not to start anything at his misbegotten father's funeral.
Vlad just smiles back, just barely not smug enough to tip him off, and goes off to find his Maddie.
She's going to need support, after all! My, maybe he'll even offer her a shoulder to cry on, an arm to support her, and then eventually help her through her grief before she-
Vlad draws up short.
No. No, impossible.
His Madeline, his Maddie, is already in the arms of another man, crying quietly against his suit- which, he notes sourly, anger beginning to flare in his core, is more expensive than the one he's wearing.
The man could even be Jack himself, if smaller and more lithe. A cousin, perhaps?
He forces a mournful expression onto his face, rictus in its falseness, and approaches them.
"My dear..."
The man turns his face to Vlad as Maddie does, allowing him to finally place him.
No. No.
Bruce Wayne? The Bruce Wayne? Air-headed playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne? Here, holding his Maddie at Jack's funeral?
"I am so sorry for your loss," he finally continues a a beat later, blinking slightly faster as if his pause was from sorrow and not rage. "Jack... he was..." he trails off before he has to utter any kind words about the fool.
Maddie sniffles; Wayne proffers a handkerchief from nowhere, which she takes with a small, tender smile.
"Thanks, Vlad," Maddie says. She sniffles again, daubing at her eyes. "I still can't believe it..."
"Neither can I," Vlad says, bowing his head instead of staring daggers at Wayne. He does glance at him, though, once he raises his head, hoping to subtly prompt an explanation.
"Vlad Masters, right?" Wayne asks, cracking a wan smile at him and offering his hand. "I don't think we've met before."
"Indeed not," he says, giving Wayne's hand a firm, quick pump. "How did the two of you meet, if I may ask?"
"Oh, so long ago," Maddie says, a ghost of a smile on her face. "We were both much younger... Bruce was learning some self defense at the same class I was, and it spiraled from there."
"Oh, I definitely did," he jokes, that wan smile turning stronger. "Spiraled straight down onto the mat! She put my on my back so many times!" He laughs.
Maddie's smile strengthens, legitimate mirth in her expression now. "You gave as good as you got, Bruce! Your pins were the worst to wriggle out of!"
They laugh in concert, facing each other. It's the only reason why they don't see Vlad's eye twitching. He's suddenly very grateful that he didn't pick up a drink to keep appearances- it would have shattered in his grip by now.
The next fifteen minutes are agonizing. She hangs off of him and he lets her. They laugh together, they cry together, and every advance of his, dressed in best intentions and veiled in concern, is rebuffed.
"Oh, Vlad. You don't need to worry about me," she says wetly, mere minutes before the eulogies are about to start. "Bruce is here for me."
Vlad very quickly comes to the only sensible conclusion: Bruce Wayne must die.
#dpxdc#vlad masters gets DUNKED ON#anyway add what y'all want i kinda accidentally wrote the entire fic in the tags. i'll pull em out later n put em in a rb ig#danny 100% saw everything and is ok w the possible fruit loop billionaire being his new dad because it pisses off#the definite fruit loop billionaire- vlad.#bruce is concerned because he can read people and masters is mad as fuck and suspicious#he hangs around to try and investigate#and then learns about the portal and all the ghost attacks and goes What The Fuck?#danny meanwhile has gotten jazz in on it (no we're not replacing dad we're helping to get mom to be safe w mr. himbo#so dw jazz!) so those two start to try to parent trap maddie and bruce#vlad is getting closer and closer to blowing his top#it's so funny and danny mocks him relentlessly#however a stray comment from him in ghost form to vlad in ghost form in the presence of bruce gives him the clue to put it together that#fenton is phantom and masters is plasmius#bruce then goes along w the parent trap a lil more in order to Collect More Data on the whole sitch and maybe starts to crush on her a bit#(he has a type! maddie could definitely kill him!)#maddie meanwhile is grieving but is soothed by her bestie and her kids getting along so swimmingly and she kinda starts to work through#everything and maybe even have a lil fun#vlad flips his shit at this (predictably) and kidnaps them all#bruce reveals himself as batman to danny after danny is forced to reveal himself as phantom to bruce. jazz just nods silently and-#-(internally) goes 'i knew it was mommy issues'#meanwhile vlad has maddie and she's piecing the whole masters/plasmius thing together for herself. and then she confronts him and#it comes out that vlad killed jack. she (predictably) flips her shit and kicks vlad's ass six ways to sunday#the three come in just in time to see maddie put him down (bruce recognizes the move from the course the two of them took together)#danny as phantom says something and she puts it together that he's her son#takes it well. vlad is in a thermos#scene of them three showing bruce off#and they talk about how likely it is for jack to come back as a ghost and maddie just ruefully shakes her head#epilogue: in gotham years later and the two of them are on a casual date. danny is live-streaming it into vlad's jail cell#in walker's prison (thank u for GZ wifi tucker)
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