#we've been flirting for hours now? fuck
Random Deer Little Doe AU Stuff
Lilith: This is my husband, Lucifer Lucifer: And this is my wife Lilith Both: And this is our husband Alastor! *Camera pans out to an annoyed but flustered looking Alastor* Alastor: For the last time your majesties, I am not your husband. *Alastor super messily ripping some angels limb then drinking their blood like a wild animal* Lilith + Lucifer: Oh wow, I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me Lilith: Me and Luci have been trying to ask this demon out Lucifer: We've been dropping them the most obvious hints for dozens of years now. No response. Alastor: They just sound stupid. Lilith: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just... dense. Alastor: Maybe you two need to be more obvious? Perhaps, oh I don’t know… maybe say something like “Hey! I love you!” Lucifer: I guess you’re right. Hey Alastor, Me and Lilith both love you. Alastor: See! Just say that! Lucifer: (Un)Holy fucking shit. Alastor: If that flies over their head then, sorry your highnesses, but they are too dumb for you both. Lilith: Alastor. Luci and Lilith, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often? Alastor, confused: I mean, you told me to stay and work here, in your home, so yes. Lucifer: If I say I love you, will you say it back to me dear? Lilith: Of course, Luci. Lucifer: I love you. Lilith: It back. *Later* Alastor: Why is Lucifer crying face-down on the floor while cuddling his rubberducks? Alastor: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Lilith: Lilith: I'm going to tell him. Lucifer: Please don't. Lilith: I really like Eminem. Lucifer: I prefer skittles. Alastor: She's talking about the rapper. Lucifer: Why would they eat the wrapper? Kid Charlie: I wish you were my official parent Al. Alastor: I'm truly honored to hear that, princess. But unfortunately that request seems impossible. Kid Charlie: Oh! You should marry my mom and dad so that you can officially be my other parent! Alastor: That's a splendid ide- wait what.
Lucifer: Here we are at the toy store my little star! Now go and pick a present!! *Two hours later* Lucifer: Well? Has anything caught your eye yet char-char? Kid Charlie: Dad!! I want that one. *points* Lucifer: Kid Charlie: Lucifer: For the last time, you can't pick Alastor.
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feelbokkie · 1 year
When They Notice That You're Not Around
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
Ooh i got idea, so you have crush on this skz members and you try flirt with him for at least 1 month and he always ignore you until one day you playing trick on him by you being cold to him and didnt give him attention even when he is around you and from that he is trying to get your attention again
genre: fluff (felt nice this time), slight angst, friends to lovers, some crack
pov: 2nd POV
description: After all of your failed efforts of flirting with friend!skz
pairing: friend!skz x reader
warnings: swearing
word count: *listed below* (unedited)
a/n: I genuinely don't remember what I wrote originally so I'm pretty sure some of these are completely different from what I wrote originally.
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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방 찬(Bang Chan) (323 words)
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"Why are you all the way over there? Come here," Chan waves you over to to the chair that he had placed right next to him.
"I'm good," you flatly respond.
You spent the better part of a month going straight to the studio or the dorm to hang out with Chan and shamelessly flirt with him. You would often pull up the chair that was in the corner and sit next to him, placing a cup of coffee in his line of sight, with a flirty joke or message on it, and sit quietly as he worked. After two weeks of noticing that, he started leaving the chair next to him for you and a clear space for the coffee. You didn't know it, but it was his favorite part of the day.
But today, you decided to fuck with him a little as revenge for not picking up your signals. So instead, you walked in, placed the cup at the edge of the desk, and laid down on the couch behind him. He pushed it off as you being tired and left it alone. That is until he picked up his coffee and saw it was noteless.
"Nope," He sighs, standing up.
He turns around and quickly picks you up before you could question what was happening and puts you in your chair. He takes a marker from a the pile of stuff he has on the desk and places it in front of you, along with his coffee cup. You stare at the cup, completely dazed from everything that just happened in a short amount of time, while Chan grabbed all you stuff from the couch and place them near you. Once he was done, he sat back in his chair pulled your chair closer to him.
"Don't think I didn't know what you were doing. Now go ahead, write your flirty little message. I know you were dying to."
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho) (331 words)
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"Hello?" You asked, picking up your phone without even checking who was calling.
"Oh, so you do know how to use your phone." You hear an annoyed Minho on the other end. You silently curse to yourself and hang up the phone, knowing that it would piss him off more.
You had been flirting with Minho for a month before you decided to see if he would notice that you stopped. It's only supposed to be for a day and since you spent so much of your free time with him you thought it would be best to just stay home. You'd break immediately if you were hanging around him. He would purposely get in your face until you stopped ignoring him. You know he would, he's done it before. You knew that he would just leave you alone if you stayed home.
A few minutes later, there's a pounding at your front door. When you open the door, Minho let's himself into your apartment.
"Not one single stupid meme or dumb pick up line from you in 16 hours. I thought you were dead in your kitchen or something. And then, when you hung up on me, I thought you were being held hostage because why else would you hang up." He huffs.
"Do you not like me anymore?"
"Do you hate me?"
"Can we back track for a second? You knew that I have feelings for you?"
"You have feelings for me? Ah, that would explain a lot."
"What is happening right now?"
"You like me."
"We've established that already, unfortunately."
"We're dating now."
"You like me and I spent nearly the entire day panicking because I didn't hear from you for one day."
"I don't see what that has to do with us dating?"
"I'm trying to tell you I like you too."
"Can't you tell me like a normal person?"
"Nevermind, I change my mind. I'm breaking up with you."
"Minho, wait! I'm kidding."
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin) (317 words)
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"Are you mad at me?" Changbin asks, coming into the kitchen. You were helping Minho and Felix cook dinner like you normally did when you went over for group nights.
"No," Your eyes don't leave the potatoes you were peeling.
When flirting with Changbin for a month didn't work, you decided to see if ignoring him would do anything. And boy did it. He got annoyed immediately at the gym when you would purposely go to machines that were far away from him or ask either Chan or Jisung to spot you. And then when you decided to go all the way home to shower and take a nap instead of going to his dorm, which was way closer, he was left completely stunned. He knew you wanted to take a shower as soon as possible after working out, which is why he offered to let you take showers at the dorm instead.
The last straw was when you went over to the dorm for dinner and greeted everyone except him. You even refused to look in his direction before heading off to the kitchen.
By the time dinner was finished, you were the last one at the table as everyone helped get the food and you were double checking that everything was off. There was only one seat left at the table, between Felix and Changbin.
You took the seat and made it a point to scoot it closer to Felix, who didn't mind. Changbin watched as you talked and laughed with everyone else at the table. Quickly becoming jealous, Changbin pulled your chair closer to him. He placed a firm grip on the back of the chair so you couldn't move and leaned in by your ear.
"If you have feelings with me, don't play games and just tell me." He whispered. Everyone looked on in confusion as they watched your face turn beet red.
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin) (317 words)
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"Hyunjin, I said I was sorry." You whine.
"Do you guys hear something? I think a mosquito got in." Hyunjin says, not looking up from his phone.
You are currently on your knees in front of him, begging for his forgiveness and he is not having it. Yesterday you decided that today was going to be the day you were going to ice him out after flirting with him for a month. Hyunjin did not like that one bit and started ignoring you back immediately. Somehow you forgot how incredibly petty Hyunjin could get.
"You know he's an idiot, maybe you should have just told him instead of icing him out," Seungmin calls from the corner.
"You," You turn to point at Seungmin, "shut the fuck up. It was your idea to ice him out!"
"It was your mistake to go to me for love advice in the first place. You're both idiots, you're perfect for each other." He shoots back. Chan, who was sitting next to Seungmin, hits him in the back of the head.
"Love advice?" Hyunjin asks softly. You and Seungmin both freeze, too caught up in your bickering to realize that Hyunjin was still in the room.
"Shit," You mutter under your breath.
"You went to Seungmin for love advice instead of me?" He scoffs.
"Oh my god, he really is an idiot. Permanent president of baboracha." Seungmin laughs.
"Wait a minute..." Hyunjin pauses. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
"Kill me now," You whisper.
"There he goes," Chan adds.
"You like me? Is that why you're alway hanging around me?"
"I'm going home."
"No, wait! I like you too."
"You do?"
"Congrats, you two finally realized that you two like each other. Now can you two please shut up so I can eat in peace?" Seungmin says dryly, earning him another smack from Chan.
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한 지 성 (Han Ji-Sung) (292 words)
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You were honestly confused when you opened your front door to find Jisung standing there, holding bags of food. After countless failed attempts are flirting with him, you decided to see if giving him the silent treatment would do the trick. Tonight is supposed to be movie night but you decided to stay home instead, claiming that you weren't in the mood.
"Why are you here?" You ask softly.
"You're mad at me, clearly, and I'm trying to make up for whatever I did."
"What if I say no?" You question, amused by his persistence. He's been texting you non stop ever since you told him you weren't coming to movie night.
"Please, let me in. I'm really sorry." He whines. You hold back a laugh and let him in.
You two ended up watching a few movies while eating. You were quiet while Jisung was doing his usual commentary. You were now watching a movie you picked that coincidentally had a plot where the female lead was consistently flirting with the male lead with not avail.
"That guys is a dumbass! How can he not see that she's clearly in love with him? She's literally looking at him with heart eyes." He whines. You try not to scoff at the sheer stupidity of Jisung.
The next scene is male lead realizes that he's in love with the female lead after she stopped giving him attention and moved on. You feel Jisung's body become rigid next to you.
"Fuck," You hear him mutter. You turn to look at him to see what happened, thinking he dropped food, only to be met with his lips literally crashing onto yours. He pulls away and gives you a sheepish smile.
"Sorry for being a dumbass."
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이 용 복 (Lee Felix Yong-Bok) (287 words)
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Felix sat on the edge of the couch pouting and head tiled in confusion, the space he left for you empty. Everyone else around you shared confused looks as you sandwiched yourself between Hyunjin and Seungmin instead of taking your normal spot next to Felix.
Felix had grown accustomed to the attention you had been given him over the past month. Everyone knew that you liked him, except for Felix himself. In fact, Changbin and Jeongin thought you two were dating already. So when you decided to not sit with Felix during game night, it left everyone bewildered.
You had been avoiding Felix all night, favoring spending time with the other boys over him. He didn't mind it at first, you were friends with everyone and it wasn't like you two were dating. And he was confident that you were going to be in his group like always.
Fed up with you constantly ignoring him, he got up from his spot on the couch and came behind you wrapping his arms and legs around you like a koala.
"Lix, go find another group." You sigh. You were adamant about icing him out all day after a failed month of flirting with him.
"No," He mumbles into your back.
"What do you mean no?" You ask trying to unclasp his arms and legs from around you unsuccessfully. His grip tightens a bit to make sure you couldn't pry him off.
"Mine," He lifts his head up and speaks loudly, making sure everyone in the room heard him.
"What's yours?" You ask confused.
"You," He says before pressing his lips to your cheek.
"Fucking finally! Have fun third wheeling, Hyunjin." Seungin shouts before moving to be next to Innie.
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김 승 민 (Kim Seung-Min) (320 words)
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"For the love of fucking god, will you two just make up and kiss already?" Minho yells.
You and Seungmin were at a standoff. Two days ago you decided to ice him out to see if he would notice that you were flirting with him nearly everyday for the past month. You somehow forgot how petty and stubborn Seungmin could be and now you two were genuinely ignoring each other. And unfortunately, all of the other guys were stuck in the middle.
"Y/n started it," Seungmin says simply, refusing to look up from his phone.
"Learn to take a fucking joke." You throw back, refusing to look up from your phone as well. You just finished photoshopping a picture of Seungmin's face onto a donkey and was in the middle of sending it in the group chat with all nine of you.
"Oh real mature, Y/n." He scoffs.
"I'm sick of this shit. Seungmin, Y/n likes you and the only reason why she ignored you two days ago is because you weren't picking up on the fact that she was desperately flirting with you every day and wanted to see if you would notice. And Y/n, Seungmin likes you and the only reason he got mad is because he's jealous that you're not giving him attention anymore. Kiss and get this over with, I'm hungry!" Jisung shouts, his skills as main rapper clearly coming in handy.
Both you and Seungmin stare at Jisung, who threw himself on the floor after exposing you two, before looking at each other. You both silently nod before getting up to silently jump Jisung.
"Someone help me!" Jisung screams.
"Knock it off," Chan says lazily. Both you and Seungmin stop and just look at each other.
"Want to dich everyone else and go on a date?" Seungmin asks.
"Sure," You shrug.
"What just happened?" Jeongin asks as you and Seungmin leave.
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양 정 인 (Yang Jeong-In) (310 words)
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"Chan hyung says that you like me. Is that true?" Jeongin cuts you off as soon as you answer the phone.
"I didn't say that!" You hear Chan yell in the background.
"Uh..." Thrown by the sudden question, every word you know seemed to disappear from your brain.
"He said that you were flirting with me this whole time and I was being clueless. Is that why you were avoiding me yesterday?"
You pull the phone away from you ear and look at the time. It's definitely too early for this. You sigh before sitting up and turning on your bedroom light.
"Yeah," You mumble, defeated and still not awake enough.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You hear a chorus of 'I told you so's' in the background.
"I did," You get up and drag your feet to the bathroom to splash some water on your face.
"You did? When?"
"Last month, after you walked me home from the movies." You never imagined that this is how you would be confessing to Jeongin. You had several more romantic scenarios in your head that were more palatable than this.
"I thought you meant as a friend."
"As a friend? I kissed you!"
"Not as a friend?"
"Are your friends just kissing you platonically?" You scoff.
"Did you forget who I live with?"
"Oh right,"
"I like you too. Not as a friend, obviously. More than that." He whispers, probably so the boys don't hear him.
You nearly drop your phone in the sink full of water, the shock of hearing Innie say that he likes you too woke you up fully. You freeze, scared that if you moved an inch you would wake up from a dream. It wouldn't be the first time.
"Ah, Y/n, I have to go. Let's go out on a date tonight and talk, okay?"
Buy me a coffee?
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sturniololoco · 4 months
Could u do a Colby Brock x sturnilio triplets sister? Like shes a part of the triplets channel and goes with them to Collab with Sam and Colby
Are you Scared?
Colby Brock x Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS)
Warnings: Kissing, ghosts, random shit, etc.
Note: Kinda set from the collab but some event r out of order, might do a part two, let me know
Today was the day I've been looking forward to for months:
My triplet brothers and I are going to film with Sam and Colby!
I've been "stalking" their account since we got the invite, and I must admit, their channel is pretty cool, not to mention Colby, who just so happens to be very good-looking.
I got ready, wearing a pair of black cargo pants with a cropped baby tee for the occasion. I put my hair into an elegant slicked-back bun, making sure everything was perfect.
"Hurry up SLS/N! I gotta pee!" Yelled Chris's sleepy voice from outside of our hotel bathroom.
rolling my eyes, I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, lightly punching his arm in the process.
"Okay, cutie! I see you!" Nick said as I walked out of the bathroom and sat next to him on the bed as he put his shoes on.
I smiled at him, grabbing my airforces to slide on as we waited for Matt and Chris to get ready.
"Alright! Who's ready to get gohstified?"Nick asked once were driving to the haunted hotel.
I laughed at his choice of words while Chris and Matt cheered from the front seat.
Leaning over, I snapped a quick selfie with Nick, mentally reminding myself to post it to my Instagram when the collab was posted.
As we pulled up to the hotel, I could tell that people thought it was haunted. The place just screamed old, scary, and ghost-filled.
I felt nervous butterflies erupt in my stomach as we walked through the threshold of the hotel's front door.
"Hey, guys!" I heard a voice say.
I could tell it was Sam's since we've watched about 30+ hours of their channel in the past week.
We smiled as we walked over to them, my brothers dabbing him up as I gave him a polite side hug. He told us to follow him so we could go find Colby.
But when he said his name, I got butterflies again, but I don't think they were scary ones.
"What's up, you guys!" Colby said as we met him in the main lobby sitting area.
And I was right, he was very good-looking, even more so in person.
My brothers performed the same actions as they did with Sam, dabbing him up casually, and talking with them about how excited they were.
But I felt my face get hot as I wrapped my arm around Colby's midsection for a side hug. And the height difference was so extreme that he had to lean down to wrap his long, muscular arm around my shoulders.
as I walked back to stand next to Nick, I looked back at him to see him looking at me, with a slight smile on his lips.
My face was officially as red as a tomato.
Colby's POV
I knew the triplets had a little sister, but I had no idea that they had a little sister who was hot as fuck and had a great sense of style.
She was so perfect in every way, from her slicked-back hair to the shoelaces on her airforces.
She gave me a side hug in greeting and I had to lean down to wrap my arm around her perfect shoulders.
I was kind of upset as she let go to stand with her brothers, but she looked at me on her way there, her cheeks perfectly pink with a small smile playing on her lips.
She might not of been able to see it from the outside, but on the inside I was smiling like an idiot.
We started with a tour from the nice lady who worked at the front desk. She did a very good job interacting with the camera, as well as flirting with Chris.
That left me enough time to stand behind the camera, which just so happened to be where SLS/N was standing.
From "stalking" the triplet's YouTube channel, I could tell she was a little camera shy, hence why she didn't appear in a whole bunch of their videos.
But all the same, she came. She's now walking behind Sam who had the camera on the tour guide and her brothers.
Halfway through, she stopped to look at a painting, letting the others walk a little ahead of her. I stopped too, and decided to take my chances.
"You like this one?" I asked her, hands behind my back while I stood next to her, admiring her as she admired the picture.
She turned her head, looking a little startled as her cheeks started to turn pink.
Fucking adorable.
"oh-I, uh... guess it just caught my eye." She said, adding a cute little giggle to the end of her excuse.
I couldn't help but smile at her, just her presence alone was enough to make my chest flutter.
we began walking side by side as we caught up with the others.
"Are you having fun so far?" I asked her, trying to make the silence less awkward.
"Oh my gosh, yes! when I heard I got so excited!" She said, turning her body slightly to look at me.
I smiled at her again, happy that she was happy to be here.
I was honestly so happy that Colby stopped to talk with me. He must have noticed that I shied away from the YouTube videos and came to talk with me.
We caught up with the others as the tour guide left, right beside a picture of a little girl with faded, green skin.
sam explained that we were all going to put candy on the frame as Colby got out a bag of candy from their backpack.
Everyone grabbed one as he held the bag open, then set them on the frame.
I was last, reaching to grab a strawberry-looking candy from the bag As I pulled my hand out, I brushed his, earning another red face from me.
I looked up at him with nervous eyes, but he looked down at me, giving me a smile while whispering,
"You're okay. Go put your candy up there."
I instantly obeyed, following his orders as he put his candy next to mine.
"oh my gosh! This is a great picture for the photo dump SLS/N! Get together with Colby real quick!" Nick said, whipping out his phone.
Colby and I looked at each other stunned for a moment before wrapping our arms around each other in a side hug, leaning into each other to pose for the camera.
I could feel the muscles in his torso and back as we smiled, making my heart flutter and my face turn pink,
Colby's POV
I felt bad putting my hand on SLS/N's bare torso for the picture, but her arm around my back caused the baby tee she was wearing to slide up, exposing a little bit of her perfect frame.
Her cheeks turned pink once again as we pulled apart, smiling at each other.
Once we were done, Sam began explaining the elevator game.
Once Matt and Sam began their journey up, Nick, Chris, SLS/N, and I were supposed to start our own challenge, but then SLS/N spoke.
"Is there a bathroom in this place?" She said, looking around slightly.
"yea, there's one down the hall, I'll show you if you want," I said, mentally cursing myself, knowing we had a job to do.
She gave me a small smile as she followed me down the hall and back to the main sitting area of the lobby.
"it's right in there, just walk to the right," I said, pointing to the women's side of the bathroom.
"By myself?!" She asked, fiddling with her fingers slightly.
"I laughed under my breath.
"Well, seeing as I'm a guy, I can't really go with you, now can I?" I said to her, feeling the goofy smile spread across my face.
"I uh don't really have to pee anymore actually, you can go through." She said leaning against the wall, trying to look casual.
It didn't work. She looked completely terrified of going into the bathroom alone. She was still picking at her nails and her face had gone bright red.
But now I decided to use this to my advantage.
Colby walked over to me and rested his forearm on the wall above my head. I could smell his musky, warm scent as he leaned in closer.
"Are you scared?" He whispered, his hot breath fanning over my face.
A smirk was playing over his perfect lips, knowing exactly what I wanted him to do next.
I nervously shook my head yes at his question, not knowing what else to do as my face burned hotter than the sun.
At this point, he was smiling lustfully at me, only leaning in closer.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He said in his husky voice, finally leaning in and closing the gaps between our mouths.
The kiss was soft and sweet. Warm and protecting. Our mouths moved in sink with each other and his hands grabbed my sides, no longer hesitant to touch my bear skin.
He pulled away, leaning his forehead on mine. Just as it looked like he was about to say something, he quickly pulled away and sped down the hallway.
I stood there, shocked, but then regained my surroundings and chased after him.
Just as I was about to say something, we rounded the corner to see my brothers, Sam and Matt back from their trip, and the camera pointed at us.
the red light on,
Lemme know if you want a part two!!!???
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
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luvring · 4 months
actually losing my mind over vere + ais + mc like…. imagine how fun that would be. they would all get up to so much m
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gn!reader | :3 hiii. these can be read platonically! it's mostly little moments i can imagine. for fun!
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it's a fun dynamic where there can always be a duo making fun of one person and it switches every day, every hour. one person goes wow vere you're so horny what's your deal and the other joins in. later vere and mc find themselves making fun of ais for acting so tough and mysterious. mc getting bullied about Not having Gloves,
sorry i've been watching lethal company a lot but they'd be sooo annoying /affectionate. making fun of each other on the radio, pretending like they can't hear them. vere getting pissed off when you don't get his body. ais taunting all the monsters while mc is telling him to shut the fuck up. mc saying "bet you can't make that jump" and then getting them to fall.
the three of them show up at the wet wick and it's already bad enough with vere and ais but now the trio… will a fight start? will a fire be lit by accident? how many people from and outside the main cast have headaches
ais says he's bored and mc goes Start a fight or something and vere's like yeah ais just start a fight. and ais is like ? you guys suck ass. but also he Will start one. so
vere and mc watching ais in a brawl and they comment to the bystander next to them like. How much you wanna bet he wins? and it's a joke but i do think they could/would bet on ais at some point LOL
mhin thinks they might die btw. would rather die than be put in a room with them, even. their worst nightmare.
leander. ....vaguely jealous of mc/all of them even as they all taunt and tease him. somebody get this guy some friends please
i never thought about it but i do wonder what vere's relationship is with princess/ais's pets. i don't knowww imagine how cute it could be watching them jump on him or fighting over who they like most...
vere and ais (un)intentionally use inside jokes/references with each other so mc has a few choices of 1) staring at them 2) asking what they're talking about 3) making fun of them etc. if mc is genuinely bothered by it i'm sure they'd explain and stay aware of it. if mc is just like Ok Be a little less Obvious they roll their eyes and tease them too
moments where two are hanging out, the third appears and goes Wow, Hanging out without me? and the two are like What, Are you obsessed with us or something? Need to always be near us?
specifically thinking of ais coming up on vere and mc are sitting together. they start teasing and jokingly flirting with him as if he's a stranger and it starts unraveling when they ask who's his favourite like Oh??? Them??? after everything we've been through???
ais disliking isolation, vere and mc check on him every so often and behind his teasing remarks, there's a softness and gratitude in his gaze
one of them starts to absentmindedly brush vere's tail and then the other notices and joins in. vere trusting them but still threatening to like, kill them if they mess up his fur. mc and ais going oohh i'm gonna mess it up so bad and then his tail has never looked nicer
a lot of things are meant for 2 people sitting... on the bus or carnival rides etc etc so the odd one out gets chosen by like. rock paper scissors. or just some silly game. not always of course but it happens. "best out of 3" "ok wait fuck you best out of 5" etc
cute little moment where person in the middle leans against one's shoulder, and the one on the other side notices and leans on theirs. a train!!
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002yb · 5 months
We've all heard of accidental baby acquisition, but now get ready for:
Accidental pet acquisition!
Thoughts? 👀
Always of the opinion that we were cheated with Jason's lacking involvement with Haley. Specifically with 'Bitewing,' because that has Jason's wit all over it. So let's make an AU of that:
Specifically - roommate!AU
Where Dick and Jason are really just roommates (who happen to toe boundaries and flirt for fun. A lot.)
Basically, they're cool. Casual. Their relationship is better than its ever been (not just because they're little mutual flirts and Jason is thriving because of it) and it's a good time.
Side tangent: Jason settling so quickly and finding a newfound confidence with consistent companionship. All the bluster and bravado, fake-it-til-he-makes-it falling away to something more genuine because Dick is Dick and is just one of those people that gives confidence by association? Idk, but it's a positive impact that Jason doesn't even realize for a long while until he does and it's ;U;
But yeah, sometimes they work together, other times not. Always, always Jason is a nag about Dick's abysmal work hours and lack of care towards himself though. It's not necessarily a fight, but Jason gets sassy with it because if Dick doesn't want Jason taking care of him, then do it himself. )<
Dick turning this sort of argument around on Jason all the time as they flirt banter. Jason doesn't want Dick looking out for him/watching his back, then do it himself (which Jason puffs up because he's always prepared, to which Dick scoffs because yeah, sure, with a deathwish and Jason laughing because yeah, stop projecting bigbird i'll fight you and so on and so forth). Jason also doesn't want Dick treating him nice? Do. It. Himself. ;)
It's a good situationship. They challenge each other in the way they need to be challenged and surprisingly? Jason kind of loves it that way (because for once, it's mutual and fair)
That love of challenging and being challenged goes by the wayside the day Dick up and comes home with a dog
And it's not that Jason is scared of dogs, he just...has a consistent experience with them.
Experiences that make his knee jerk reaction of jumping over the back of the couch to shield himself completely warranted and valid
(Because, headcanon: it wasn't just stray kids and vagrants living on the streets. Starved, abused dogs? Just as vicious as any human).
Jason flustering because, 'what's that?'
'A dog.'
Were it not for Dick's guard dog (a three legged puppy), Jason would throw down and that'd be the end of Dick. Jason knows how to hide a body, damn it
'No shit. Why're they here? In our apartment??'
To which Dick goes into the harrowing story of how he saved this dog from being chased down and abused and Jason glowers because wtf don't just regurgitate Jason's life story to him and expect him to empathize, manipulative son of a-
Only Jason does [empathize] because puppy eyes (from Dick, the dog, or both - reader's choice)
Anyway, Dick picking up that Jason is scared of dogs and teasing him about it because it's wildly unexpected and goes against Jason's image in a comical sort of way
Of course Jason denying being scared of anything. Adamantly. Because he's not, he's just learned to be wary. Dick shouldn't be so trusting all the time, the ass l<
Which, yeah. Maybe. Though trusting and choosing to take risks has landed Dick with a whole lot of good in his life *pointed looks and smirks at Jason*, just sayin'
Which is like, such an underhand punkass thing to say, the bastard. It's so disarming that Jason can do little more than crouch behind the couch to hide his blush and glower and grumble in protest because 'stfu.'
Honestly though, Dick being at a loss on what to do. Though Dick supposes he can probably call Damian. Or Clark, maybe.
But Dick looks so bummed about it. Because for pragmatic as Dick can be, he's by default a fucking sap. Ain't no way Dick hasn't already emotionally adopted this dog as his own. Separating them not feels like such a dick move.
But it's fine. Jason can use this to his advantage. Aside from having one over on Dick for the future, Jason can certainly bargain with Dick needing to adjust his unbearable work schedule now. Because having a dog is a responsibility.
Finally, proper work hours and post-work hours and-
Only not because it's Jason's unemployed, homebound ass that gets saddled with looking after this hellhound
Dick being tentative about leaving Jason with her given Jason's not-traumas and fears, but Jason insists that it's fine even while trying to subtly hide behind a pillow that he fluffs to hide the fact that he's looking for shields here
Dick insisting that the dog is sweet, seriously.
'Yeah, so am I.' Jason would retort with bared teeth. 'Get gone and get back before I'm not.'
At which point Jason is left alone with a source of one of his many traumas.
And is marginally healed of it by the time Dick returns because this little angel ends up adoring him hahaha
That first hour being spent with Jason sitting curled up on the couch and the dog just sitting on the rug in front of him. Staring. Then laying down and staring. And Jason tries to ignore them. Working on a case or reading a book but the staring ffs. Every time Jason peers around whatever he's doing, the dog just watches him.
But then she wags her tail and Jason is a little endeared and ugh, fine
Basically Dick coming home to find Jason sitting on the couch with the puppy sleeping on his chest and Jason being all soft eyed and content because he's been chosen. Also, look at those little paws on his pecs? Adorable.
Dick snickering because paws? Adorable. Pecs? ԾᴗԾ
(Also: this is definitely his dog. Dick would love to gets his hands on Jason's tits, too).
Dick sitting next to them and asking after Jason's day. Which was good, thank goodness. Jason asking after Dick, too. To which Dick laughs and admits it couldn't have been as nice as theirs, but it was fine. Just casual and easy and domestic. //u///
Jason lighting up because he thought of a name.
Which Dick doesn't discourage him from even though they'd previously discussed only looking after her until they found a proper home.
It's sweet how attached Jason got, how proud he is when he turns to Dick with a brilliant smile and titters: 'Haley 'Bitewing' Grayson-Todd'
Dick having any number of playful, ornery retorts ready, only they all die in his throat because he's so caught off guard just- what?
He has one of those reboot moments because: Haley? Bitewing? Hyphenated last names!? It's too much for Dick's heart, just. Ffffffff.
This is the moment Dick realizes he might love this man.
But for the moment, Dick laughs and Jason preens as Dick scratches behind Haley's ears and catches Jason's gaze and tells him it's perfect and Jason gets a little timid, but loves on their pup too
And their fingers brush and it's !!! with awkward laughs as they pull away and ahhhhhhhhh
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This made me think how much hanma and draken have this funny enemies thing going on so imagine ur pissed at shuji or just sick of him not making a move yet? Y’all act like a couple but this mfer never made it official? Like why is his hand always in the back pocket of ur jeans? Why does this mfer offer u the last bite of his donut? No tell me why tf does he hold ur hand in a crowded place?🤨And when u lowkey joke about oh are u in love with me? And he laughs saying “don’t be silly doll” doll? (I’ll end him I swear) so u flirt with draken and yknow how he hates his guts that’s why u do so to piss him off and I think pissed shuji very sexy tbh wow 🤲🏽👍🏽and the thought of losing u to another man? And that man is bald with a braid? Aw hell naH Shawty he confessing so fast🤭😳
No because making draken the sacrificial goat is killing me lmao. Dw we won't do draken dirty here I've got a work-around.
also massive apologies to you vivi i'm sorry you knew abt this for an inordinate amount of time
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it takes idiots (reader and shuji) many months, jealousy and miscommunication, and some prettiness to finally make it official.
cw: fem!reader, reader loses her temper and shuji is super needy so its a lil more subby!shuji smut, cream pie, unprotected sex (don't recommend, be safe out there), ye idk im gonna go pretend this isn't posted now, peace ✌️ ~2.2k
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God but hear me out it starts at a toman party. Shuji and you are acting the way you always do. You're literally in his lap lounging in the corner of the couch. He's playing with the hem of your skirt, flipping the end between his fingers and rubbing the skin of your thigh. You're talking to Yuzuha who's occupying the chaise lounge. You haven't seen her in a while, she's been abroad with hakkai on so many modelling gigs lately. And she totally misreads the situation. She's like, so how is it, finally being together?
At first it's silly, though you have a tinge of want at the end of your words when you joke back with, "Well we've actually been married for three years, we just never found the right time to tell you all."
Yuzuha clocks it as a joke, but not as a sore spot for you. Or maybe she's so shocked and that's why she won't let it go that easily. "Hanma what the hell is wrong with you?"
"Undiagnosed ADHD and probabl-"
You give your friend a we're-going-to-talk-about-this-later look as a baffled Yuzuha cuts him off. "Wha- Hanma god damn it I meant-no- you know what I meant."
He offers a half shrug, "What? M'young."
That's when you excuse yourself blankly to get another drink. The insinuation that Shuji was still playing the field left you a bit numb. He wasn't. You knew that he wasn't because you were with him 90% of his waking hours. Hell you'd platonically (as platonically as you and Shuji ever really were) slept in his bed last night and woke up next to him. The bastard slept with his arms around you and snored in your ear half the night and he has the balls to joke like that? His words stung like a betrayal of the highest degree.
In the kitchen you found Draken looking for a pong partner. Perfect, you decide, a distraction with alcohol built in.
He tells you casually between turns he's fresh off (another) a break up with his on again off again girlfriend and you feel a dark part of you light up and a wicked idea is born.
You throw the pong game. To the point where Draken has to give you pointers. Has to get real close and talk lowly in your ear about how we need you to aim for the left one this time okay? His honeyed baritone sends shivers down your spine and you wonder for a second how much better this scenario would be if it were Shuji in your ear. Shuji's hands on your hip, his thumb dipping below the waist band of your skirt.
You huff a little. Nah fuck him. it's time to put your plan into action. You throw with your usual accuracy. You get the point. Out of the corner of your eye you see a certain skunk striped boy half-fixated on your game.
Showtime, you brain screams.
Excitedly you hop in Draken's grasp, throwing your arms around his neck and revel in his pleased laughter. "You're up again," he says as he puts you down and steps back. You stop him by the wrist, tug him back a little.
"Wait can you help me line it up again?" You bat your lashes a bit, playing at being drunker than you both know you are.
"Sure thing." You feel his warmth and relish in it, stalling and pressing into him. It's a miss, but the tiny peck under your ear he plants feels like a win.
The ball splashes in a cup on your side and you opponent, Kazutora smirks. Draken offers to drink it but you refuse. It's cheap beer. It's rough going down. Draken puts his hand between your shoulders and says that for such a pretty little thing you sure can hold your alcohol. The praise, more than the alcohol, warms your cheeks.
It's the last shot and you make it. You excitedly turn around in Draken's grasp and catch his lips in yours. You never intended for it to be a just celebratory peck, but you pull away, blushing a bit and stuttering apologies to make it appear so. Draken drawls out some praise for his pretty girl that won the game and draws you back in by the small of your neck and pulling the plush of your lower lip between his teeth.
You hear Kazutora cat whistle and know, you just know, it's meant to alert his buddy Shuji. Mentally you apologize to Emma but after she's regaled you and the girls with all the filthy details of the nasty make up sex she and Draken have, somehow you think she won't mind this little show, given that's all it was.
You hope she'll also forgive the two heavy punches Shuji lands on her Kennyboy before Kazutora pulls your next friend back and you can get back between the two again. People are staring, hoping for a fight. Some even boo when Emma whisks Draken away by the collar of his shirt and you try to push Shuji away.
"Fuck him," he spits and looks at you, "you too you little shit," he accuses and pulls you away by the wrist.
God, you're a certified sucker for that crazy look in his eyes. It's the first thing you think when Shuji slams the door of a spare bedroom in Pah Chin's house. You can't help it. There's nothing like Hanma Shuji slipping into his aggressive chaos mode on this earth. His irises glow with his emotion. And, wow was it easy to forget that he had you pressed against the door of this room with all his energy and attention fixed on you.
His fingers were knotted in your hair and you vaguely noted his growl asking you what the FUCK you thought you were doing.
"And who are you to ask that? I'm not yours. We're not together Shuji. Never have been. You're young, still right?" You shoot back
"Tch, that's what this is about?"
Maybe he had you caged against the door but liquid courage had you fighting back. You shove his chest. "Yeah. Yeah that's what this is about. What the fuck right do you have to treat me like I'm yours? You drive me everywhere. You hold my hand. You share your bed. You kiss my forehead. You make me breakfast. You know my secrets. You call me yours. But you can't make it official? What the fuck is up with that?"
With every sentence you've pushed Shuji back till he was perched on the corner of the bed.
"How the fuck is that fair, huh? You want me to be yours Shuji? Then tell me you're fucking mine." It's not a request. It's a demand. An ultimatum. A last chance to be honest with you.
He's looking up at you still as a statue, emotion so unreadable it unnerves you. You know how he wears almost any emotion. He rarely surprises you, and yet...
"I'm yours."
Shuji says it quietly at first like there's a lag between his awareness and speech. You're shocked he's caved so quickly and you stutter out an "Excuse me?"
"I'm yours." He repeats, more confidently. "God I'm so fucking yours." He's dragged you by the hips to straddle his lap and his lips are on yours and you swear you can taste the adrenaline on his tongue.
It's every bit as addicting as you guessed to properly make out with Shuji. You don't know how long you've been sat on him attached in this kiss but when you tug him by the hair to catch your breath and hear him groan at the tension you think you've died and gone to heaven. He's mumbling little "all fuckin yours, baby" up and down your neck and you feel his voice reverberating in your throat.
You grind down on the swell of his hardening dick and smirk a bit, lips ghosting his, "all?"
He's shimmying out of his pants, when you slide off his lap to kneel on the floor. You're met with a sizeable bulge hidden under tight black fabric and you damn near moan just at the sight of his freed dick springing up to tap his abs when you pull the last offending piece of fabric away. "Shuji you're so fucking beautiful." You say as you brush your fingers over his length carefully. His mouth opens in an amused playful smirk but you're on him immediately, stealing his words by licking a stripe from base to the tip that you pop right in your mouth. His jaw hesitates and then goes slack as you look up at him and take as much of him as possible.
You don't know what you expected but he is not quiet. He's mumbling praise and expletives and he exhales the hottest, breathiest moan you've ever had the pleasure to hear, let alone cause, when his tip hits the back of your throat and you swallow around it. You smile around him and want to giggle but you settle on humming around him. You force his fingers in your hair into a fist telling him to set his pace but he pulls you off instead. He's panting a bit and you feel a pang of pride in your chest.
"Need to fuck you. Need your pussy." He's already clamoring to help you up and discard your skirt. You do him the honor of not remembering his words as needy and stuttered as they were just this one time.
You climb over him to straddle his hips and stroke his cock once, twice, before running the tip along your slit. Rather than taking the tip you pivot your hips and pin his dick to his abs and run your soaking lips along his length. The sensation of his hot head nudging your clit brings you to your elbows, moaning in his ears.
Big hands grip your ass and grind you even harder into his dick. And between the warm stimulation and the nails digging into your skin you're already on the fucking edge, but you'll be damned if the first time you fuck Shuji you don't cum around his cock.
Finally after your relentless teasing you lined up his dick and hovered over him bobbing just enough to tease his tip with the velvety walls of your pussy. Shuji can barely whine a "fuck, doll stop teasing me cant take it," before you've sunk down and taken his cock whole and he's groaning and squeezing your ass, pulling you onto himself with bruising strength. You're suddenly laying on him again, collapsed down to your elbows with the power of your orgasm, while your fluttering walls only spur him on.
The weight of years of fantasies of this moment hit him at once and before you can process it, he's bear hugging you and rolling over to take the lead. Fuck, how could he not? After pining after you for so long, imagining getting to finally fuck you and promising himself that he'd make sure you wanted no one else when he was done with you.
It's endearing, you think, how he mutters as much to you over and over as he makes your pussy his as he fucks you through your high and beyond. You giggle and moan and gasp and think this is exactly how you pictured sex with Shuji to be needy, whiny, unexpected, a little rough.
You can read him so well that when his breath hitches just right, you wrap you legs around his waist, ignoring the stuttered warning of his own impending orgasm. Instead you gripped his hair, pulled his face to yours and breathed, "Gonna make me all fucking yours?" over his lips.
Immediately he pulled away from your kiss, unable to coordinate as he lost his composure and filled you, half locked in place by your legs. Muttered curses and filthy nonsense about how you feel around his is all he can get out until he's spent, finally latching his mouth on your shoulder to give an affectionate bite, not unlike bites you'd exchanged as friends a few hours before. You let him lay on you a minute or so to recover before he pulls back and sits up on his knees to look down at you, at his handiwork.
"Holy shit."
"Yeah," you agreed.
"Why haven't we done that before?"
"Hm...something about you being young?" You tease as he eases out of you.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. We already fucked that issue away," he jokes back and combs his fingers through some minor tangles in your hair, "S'not like I meant it anyway, y'know."
You catch his hand and tug it, wanting to be closer, "You're free to prove that to me any time."
In true Shuji form, he gasps in that goofy performatively dumb way he likes to as he brings his face close to yours for a kiss, "You mean I can do this again?"
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fanficwriterlover · 1 year
Safe with a Ghost
18+ Readers Only
Chapter 3 : Hang On
Summary: Time is of the essence, you're feeling worse by the second, waiting for Ghost, Simon along with 141 team, to come save you is nerve wracking for both you and him. You just hope you can hang on a little longer....
What to Expect: Blood, Tears, Angst, Cursing, Panic, Affection, Guns, Graphic Description, Nausea & more....
Pet-Names: Pigeon & Little Lamb
Word Count: 3.1k
════ ⋆Safe With A Ghost MasterList⋆ ════
═════════ ⋆Chapter 4⋆ ═════════
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Almost every 10 minutes Simon would check up on you, make sure you were still safe, and honestly you were grateful. Hearing his voice distracted you from the pain in your leg. Even if it meant listening to his horrible jokes which you couldn't help but laugh about...you were glad he updated you whenever he could. Gladly, he never brought up about the incident, Simon was always good about knowing what to bring up and what not, especially because it kept your anxiety down from reimagining the whole event of that day.
As Simon was talking through the other end of the line "Hey, Pigeon, you still with me ?" He sounded concerned as you could hear shuffling in the background. Your stomach queasy from the thought of the kidnapping "Y-Yeah...just feeling a little sick." You could already imagine his eyes squinting and brows furrowing under his mask or exposed face hearing that "it's okay, I'm not dying Simon, it's just been a lot. Could be from the blood loss" you were making your way into the bathroom, limping slowly and cautiously, trying to avoid wincing and whimpering in pain, but you knew he could probably tell from your foot falls that it was unbearable to walk. Once you made it to the bathroom still holding the phone, you began looking in the mirror at your reflection. You were definitely more paler, not as bright, your eyes had dark circles and your hair...well it's definitely been scrambled from lack of sleep. Simon spoke in a hush voice "I'm sorry..." You could hear it was like he was blaming himself "It's not your fault...how far are you ? Well how far are you guys?" Simon had told you he wasn't coming alone, that he had, as he said, his team with him but you could tell they seemed more like family than people of ranking. "We landed we're driving right now, we'll make it there at best 30-45 minutes." Your brows raised, you knew the closest airport was at best 4-5 hours "Are you- nevermind. Don't need to know how many poor pedestrians you've run over" you gave a smirk despite the urge to hurl, just looking at yourself made you queasy.
Hearing you still make jokes made Simon, well Ghost feel relieved that you had the heart and energy he gave a soft huff to mask his laugh "Bloody well know ain't my fault if they lingering in my way." If Ghost looked up which he dared not to engage, he would see Soaps gapping mouth along with Gaz confused yet shocked face expression he could hear them mumbling in the car "The fuck....he flirting ?" From a familiar Scottish accent Gaz piped in, "I'm so confused who the person we've been calling Ghost is, obviously ain't the same person" Soap shook his head combing through his mohawk, "We've been fooled" in the corner of his eye he could see Price giving a good laugh, from the two shocking discussion about him but he didn't pay mind.
It was killing him still not there already with you. "You'll know when we're at the hotel. Don't answer the door unless you hear exactly what I told you to hear out for" the short silence was enough for Simon to guess you were probably biting on your lip and fumbling with your hair...he gives a sigh "Stop, fuckin pulling your hair, you'll get bald spots, then you'll be sulking in the shadows for months." This got a laugh out of you "If I didn't know better Simon, I'd think you were watching me, but hey, I'd just use your masks to hide it all" lets out another huff, even though he was smiling under his mask thinking about how cute you'd look in his mask before snapping back to the orders he gave, "I'm serious y/n, don't open the door to anyone I don't bloody care if it was the King of England" you giggled hearing this, as he could imagine you waving your hand dismissively "I know Simon, I got it. No opening doors, starve myself even if I smell something good and hang tight till I hear it." He grunts from your snarkiness, if you were in his unit he would've had you running laps till you dropped to the ground from exhaustion. "Good" he says sternly his fist clenching his now changed attire to look more like civilians.
They had changed taking off their gear all wearing clothes they got from a friend of Prices when they landed. "See you soon Simon, I love you..." he could tell you always felt like it was saying goodbye as he let a soft sigh, speaking softly in a hush voice "Yeah....love you too pigeon." He waited until you hit the end call button, looking at the incognito phone.
Just when his mind was still ringing with your giggle, Soap had to ruin it by nudging him as he scooted back over while they were in the van. He groaned hearing the Scottish man rest his hand on his shoulder "Aye, how's the little lass holding up ?" Ghost didn't glance up from staring at his hand where the phone sat, he grumbled softly "She says she's aight, but she sounds tired..." He looked sharply at Price "I think she's lost a lot of blood despite what she's cared to admit." Price stared back at him as he leaned over to ask Nik how far they were from meeting their destination "We're about, best, 20 minutes, and that's with speeding my friend !" He says in his accent. Soap removed his hand from his shoulder giving a more somber look "She's still hanging there at least LT, we'll get to her on time. Can't wait to meet the little lass. I'm offended you never let us meet her !" This made Ghost grumble "I would have rather she never met you" Soap placed a hand to his heart as Gaz rolled his eyes from Soaps theatrical exasperation "You wound me LT...or is it you worried the little lamb would like me more than you" as he gives a smirk wiggling his brow. This made Ghost give him a deadly stare "Johnny, you flirt with my girl, I'll have you cleaning the barracks till your dying breath " Gaz lost it, rolling out laughing as Price whistled, lighting another cigar "Shouldn't have tested him Johnny boy" Soap was reeling with horror "A-alright LT, I hear ya loud and clear sir" This gave Ghost a subtle smile despite what he said, he was somewhat glad the team will be meeting her, it almost felt like a heavy veil lifting off his mask. This made him reminiscence the day he revealed his face to you....
You both were strolling the streets one night after leaving the pub, honestly you had to escort him out because a man in there was flirting with you and Simon and the man said some words before it turned into a fist fight. Obviously, with Simon's military background he easily took down the man without much of a fight. Pinning the man down onto his face and pulling on his arm until it snapped. After clearing things up luckily with your medical background (which he hated watching you treat the man) you began making guesses what he did for a living as you both strolled down the streets. "Are you an undercover cop ?" "oooh ! I know you're a body lifter ?" "Noooo wait wait, your a yoga trainer ?" "Taekwondo instructor?" "Wrestler ???" Your ask with curiosity your eyes beaming with excitement dying to figure out what he does. Simon, was walking beside you hands in pocket as you made your guesses, each guess sounding stupider than the next as he grumbled with a huff answering each with a "No".
Just when he thought you've given up your shake your arms up above your head "For fuck sake Simon ! Give me a damn hint !" He cocks his brow at you, glancing down at your frustrated face expression, he smirked a bit seeing how cute you were angry, he could imagine as a cartoon character with the smoke blowing out of your ears and face boiling red for a dramatic effect. He looked ahead tho, grunting "Don't bloody tie me to some wrestler, I ain't into that bunch of rubbish fights" You peeked at his face trying to read him as you both happen to be crossing a bridge as you stopped looking at the stream below.
Simon stopped to look at you, as his eyes casted at your body against the moonlight, your hair flowing, almost like in slow motion from a movie but you pushed it away briskly. You were breathtakingly beautiful to him. You look at him "Simon, we've gone on dates now for what couple months now ? When are you going to open up to me ?" You bite your lip, not the coy way though, almost like you're biting your lip to make your tears not come down. "I want to know you better...I want..." You sigh softly looking away "Nevermind" but Simon says in a deep soft voice "No, tell what's on your mind Pigeon." You look back at him surprised, blushing at the pet name as you take a deep breath, facing him fully. "I want to be that someone for you Simon. I want to be the person who remembers every detail about you. I want to be someone you trust and open up to when things get hard and you need someone. " if you thought your cheeks were red, under Simon's mask he was brighter. "Simon, I want all of you. Your darkness and light. Whether you're a friendly ghost or not. I want to know you for Simon and Ghost." You take a breath, you didnt realize how quick you were talking as you were catching your breath now. There was silence between you two. Your words still in the air as he looked into your eyes to find any lie behind them.
You were trembling, almost scared you said something wrong "S-Say something.... because I don't want to be disappointed or hurt if you-" in that second, Simon had removed his whole mask. Truly removed it, not partial, not mouth mask, truly off. If you thought your mouth was wide, it was wide enough to place an apple in your mouth. Simon strided up to you looking down at you, as you still were admiring his handsome features as he spoke softly, lifting your chin "You talk too much Pigeon" he smirks at your now processing face, scrunches up as you start coming to your senses "Y-Yeah well..." He frowns at you "Shut up..." He crashes his lips down onto yours shushing you from making your comeback as you both held each other. It was the moment you two agreed to never hold secrets, least as much as Simon could tell you and when you officially marked the day you were dating.
It was hard to believe it was 3 years ago Simon thought, felt like yesterday you were just someone he saw at the airport after a mission and you were a clueless American trying to figure out where to go from there. Snapping back to the moment, Nik speaks out loudly "We're 5 minutes away ! I'm going to park in this alley to keep our distance ya ?" This perked up Ghost, he couldn't believe you were so close yet so far to reach. Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats ready to take action as Price put out his cigar. "Alright you lot, remember we're around civilians, keep your weapons hot yet hidden. Don't need to get too much attention. If you come across any hostiles, eliminate quietly don't want to cause them to get more backup." Everyone nodded their heads as Gaz spoke "So what's the plan Captain?" Price looked sharply at Ghost as Ghost looked at him "Ghost, Soap, you two make your way into the hotel. Get y/n out safely through the back." Ghost nodded his head as Soap responded "Aye" Gaz you take the back way, where they'll exit. Keep it clear. I'll watch from the building across from this hotel. I'll be the sniper. I'll be your eyes. Nik will watch the entry if anyone suspicious goes in." Price looked around at each ones face before landing back at Ghosts "Alright. Let's go get the little lamb" a nickname the 141 started calling you, as Ghost didn't care, he just wanted to get to you.
Soap and Ghost walked casually shoulder to shoulder, microphones attached to their hoodie, hands in pocket as they made their way to the alley where it takes you the back entry way to the hotel. Their eyes scanned their surroundings as they made their way closer to the alley, Ghost caught at the little coffee shop some men pretending to read newspapers as he mumbles softly "Two men, 4 o' clock, eyeing building" Soap side glances seeing them as he says lowly "Aye...I see em LT, you think they onto us yet?" Ghost kept his eyes locked onto the hotel "Let's hope not Johnny...Price you copy?" Took a few seconds before Price responded "Yeah, I heard ya Ghost. I'll keep me eyes on them. You're clear right now. Gaz will follow behind exactly 5 minutes after, once you've entered and keep it clear. " As they got closer to the alley they make a casual sharp left blending into the shadows as they make their way to the door "Yeah, we copy, tell your guy to watch the cameras." Soap gets to the door first opening looking behind Ghost as his eyes narrow a bit, no words needed to be spoken, someone had their eyes on them. Continuing their way, they enter now in front of a spiral of stairs. They both had their hands where their weapons were expecting the men to follow behind to corner them and start a shoot out. Soap watched Ghosts back while he kept moving, Soap checking behind him every minute. As they were making it around to the 3rd level, they heard the door open.
They froze looking at each other intently. They were followed. Hearing the ascending foot step, Ghost focused intently on hearing the footsteps calculating how many they were going to be dealing with. Silently he lifted his fingers saying the total "7" Soap seemed to have calculated the same amount as he gave a slow nod. Pulling out guns would alert others of their presence. So they decided to handle this with a more, physical touch. They were leaning against the railing acting like they were just chilling, as the men appeared, all shifting for a moment uncertain, as they began to walk by them, in that split second Ghost and Soap locked eyes nodding as they had their blades out and fists up. The men were ready for this as well as they put up a hard fight. 3 went after Soap while Ghost took on 4. Soap worked quickly, clashing the first one into the second before working on stabbing the third in the chest. Flipping his blade he readied himself for the third man who got up faster lunging at him to punch, Soap kneed him in the stomach, however not expecting him to be also holding a knife as he grazed his shoulder, he didn't stop though striking down onto the man's back then stabbing at the neck. Than seeing the final guy rush towards him a knife went embedded into his head. Soap looked to his left seeing Ghost had already finished his 4. Soap pushed the limp body "Bloody hell LT, how the fuck you finish off 4?!" Ghost shrugged "Another time Sargent. You still fight able?" Soap touched his wound nodding his head "Damn right, could take on an army LT" Ghost grunted with approval as he rushed up the remainder of the two flights.
He never ran so fast before you were so close, he could almost smell your scent finally arriving up E 17 he froze knocking on the door almost Morse code. He waited for you to answer now...few seconds turned to a minute, than another, and another. He attempted a second time thinking maybe you were asleep, but again nothing. Soap who was watching his back looked up at him almost concerned "LT..." Ghost didn't want to hear it. He started kicking at the door with all his power until it gave in. He literally broke the door off it's hinges as he rushed in, seeing the pool of blood on the bed, eyes frantic "Y/n !" He noticed the bathroom light on, running in, as he stopped dead in his tracks, seeing your almost, lifeless body in the bath tub. You were pale, he made his way to you quickly lifting your head checking your pulse as you mumble softly "Y-You came..." Ghost heart almost felt like it wasn't beating. Seeing you losing so much blood and your normal glow faded, he didn't wait a second. Scooping you into his arms holding you close to his chest, he shouted at Soap to hurry and grab a blanket, when Soap laid his eyes on you, he wrapped you with the blanket he found saying in a soft voice "LT, she's -" Ghost was blazing with fury as he narrowed his eyes at him "Let's move Sargent !" He didn't wait up for Soap, running down the flight of stairs, skipping some steps with ease. Hurriedly making to the door, he heard Soap radio "We're coming out....it's not looking good. We need to get to base ASAP ! Bring the van Nik !" Everyone responded through except Ghost his hold on you was tight yet gentle. Gaz opened the door so he didn't, his eyes showing immediate concern but Ghost wasn't having it. The sound of Niks van screech to a halt, Gaz and Soap opened the vans doors letting Ghost in, Price jumping into the passenger, as he glanced back seeing you, his eyes widen, everyone could see it. It looked like they were too late. Price yelled for Nik to drive, flooring it, as Price began calling Laswell telling her to give them a clearance to run through traffic and lights. With which was approved. You were in his lap, you could feel and smell the familiarity of him, your eyes barely staying up as you saw he was fearful, you could see where his mouth was under the balaclava, moving but you weren't registering if words were being spoken, you were only able to catch three words. "-Hang on y/n!"
Thanks for Reading !
ꨄ︎ I know this was a CRUEL cliffhanger but I have to keep you on the edge of your seats... I'll be posting Chapter 4 soon !
ꨄ︎Taglist : @jadama20 @lunamoons-posts @babygirl-panda19 @kat-nee @marshallowy @bi-witch-bxtch @unit-1021 @wwe1rdc0re @crazy-phan-girl13
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“i've gotta get home and sleep with your brother”
(you know the tiktok sound ok)
Pairing these two prompts together because I was feeling inspired.
#85: “i’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guys name” --and-- #90: “don’t fucking touch what is not yours”
2,036 words!!
Summary: With Regulus busy and ignoring you, what choice do you have but go to the person who annoys him most for assistance? Smut!! Includes Sirius as a relentless flirt, references to partying and drinking, and angry sex w/ overprotective, mean!dom!regulus. (I don't condone being toxic! It's just fun to write lol)
I put gifs in the body of the story, not sure if that reads well, but I had 4 gifs I wanted to use lol. Do the pics show up side by side in pairs of 2, or are they stacked? I want them to be side by side and can't tell how it'll look.
My prompts are tagged #prompt list - the currently active list is whatever is most recent, please send requests!
You'd been sitting next to Regulus in the library for hours, barely speaking. "Reggie..." You said in a hushed tone. He hardly looked up from his book You ignored this, and continued, "There's an all-house quidditch party out on the quidditch grounds after curfew tonight. Can we go?"
"Evan and Barty have been hounding me about it all week." He said flatly, not answering the question.
You raised your eyebrows at him, but he didn't notice. He'd gone back to his book. "Reg, please? You've been studying all day and we've barely done anything fun this week."
It was true. He'd barely even touched you for days, and the ache between your legs was beginning to be unbearable.
Regulus didn't look convinced. "Reg, please," you tried again, "it would be good for team morale."
He snorted. "Since when do you care about the quidditch team?"
You rolled your eyes. "Since right now, when I decided that it would help me get you to come to this party."
Regulus sighed. "How 'bout you meet me back here after dinner? I'll meet you outside, okay?"
You nodded and made a quick exit before he could change his mind.
• ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ •
After dinner, you changed quickly and snuck back out of the common room, finding Regulus waiting for you outside the library, as promised. His gaze flicked down your body; you were wearing a crop top with a deep neckline and a short skirt you couldn't have bent over in without exposing yourself.
As soon as you got to the party, you were enveloped by a cheery throng of your friends. Regulus muttered something about going to get a drink as you were swept into conversation.
When the excitement of your arrival to the party died down and people began to be immersed in their own conversations, you snuck off to get a drink, and look for Regulus. You spotted him standing alone at the edge of the party, looking ready to leave. You weren't going to deal with that, especially not without having something to drink first.
You spotted Sirius Black and his usual group of friends huddled together, laughing. You locked eyes with him, and to your surprise he grabbed an extra drink from a table nearby and began to saunter over.
"Poor, poor little Y/N." he said with mock-pity. "I see my idiot brother is paying you no attention at all," he said as he handed you the drink. "A big mistake, I must say. You look absolutely ravishing tonight."
As you took a sip, you couldn't help the flush that spread across your face. Turning back to Sirius, you said, "Wanna help me get his attention?"
A devious smile spread across his face as he looked you up and down. "So naughty, Y/N. Didn't know you had it in you. What'd you have in mind?"
You felt a surge of guilt, but one glance at Regulus still stony faced in the corner convinced you of your decision. "Can you just- just flirt with me for a minute? I'm sure that'll make him angry enough." You said quickly, before you could change your mind.
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Sirius didn't answer, but let his eyes wander down the length of your body, taking you in with his usual lazy confidence. "I think we can do better than just flirting, don't you?" He asked, stepping closer to you.
You let him reach towards your face and loop a strand of your hair around his finger. Your heart gave a small flutter and you leaned into his touch.
His other hand came to rest on your waist. Everything about Sirius was warm. He began to rub circles into your skin, his thumb trailing up underneath the hem of your shirt, just grazing the underside of your bra.
A small sigh of pleasure escaped you. "You're so beautiful, Y/N," Sirius said, leaning into you. "So beautiful. I bet I could get you to make all sorts of pretty little noises, if you let me."
His breath smelled of hot cider as he kissed your cheek. "But now my brother seems to have noticed our little show." he added, pulling away, but even then, he did not remove his hand from your waist.
Before you could say anything, Sirius was being shoved back, and a familiar hand grasped at your shoulder. "Get your filthy fucking hands off her," Regulus spat at his brother. "Don't fucking touch what isn't yours."
But Sirius was looking past Regulus and grinning at you. "When you get bored of my little brother, Y/N, come and see me." He said, and with that he turned back to the party and walked away.
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Regulus rounded on you. "What the fuck were you thinking, flirting with my brother like that?" He asked, his expression dangerous.
You were past the point of caring however, and you merely said, "I guess I was just tired of waiting for you to notice me, and Sirius was there, ready to play."
Regulus let out a humorless laugh. "That's what you want? You want me to notice you?" He gripped your arm tightly, taking a step closer to you. "You want me to play with you?" He asked, voice deadly.
"I suppose you have time for me now," you spat.
You saw the muscles in Regulus's jaw clench, and knew you were going to get exactly what you'd bargained for.
"Come with me, right now," he hissed, his grasp on your arm tightening as he began to walk back to the castle, dragging you along with him. You walked in silence, knowing Regulus was plotting everything he'd do to you once you'd reached the school.
You hurried to keep up with his fast pace as the two of you snuck cautiously back into the castle and he pulled you to the door of the Slytherin common room.
It was completely empty, with everyone still down at the party. Regulus ushered you up a small flight of steps into his dormitory. He locked the door and you watched as he put up silencing spells around the entryway.
Then he turned, walking slowly over to where you stood by his bed. His eyes were dark with anger as his eyes trailed down your body, taking you in for the first time that night. He placed a hand on the back of your neck, running it upwards until he had a fistful of hair, which he tugged sharply, forcing you to look up at him.
"Did you wear your sluttiest little outfit all for me, hmm?" He asked teasingly. "Did you put this on just so I'd fuck you tonight?"
Already, you could feel wetness pooling between your legs. "Yes," you managed to gasp.
He leaned in closer, biting at your neck without warning. "I know you did." He whispered. "And now, you're going to get on your knees and show me just how much you want to be fucked."
You nodded, getting to your knees without another word. Regulus watched you, unbuttoning his shirt as you situated yourself at his knees. You reached up and palmed the bulge in his pants the way you knew he liked. But he wasn't in the mood for that tonight. He pushed your hand away and undid his zipper.
"Open your mouth." He said cooly.
You obeyed, wrapping your lips around his length. Regulus let his head fall back as you took him deeper.
A second later, his hand found the back of your head, using your hair as leverage while he fucked your mouth harshly. You let out a small choking sound and he merely grinned wickedly down at you. "What's the matter, can't my little slut take it?" He asked, pushing your head even further onto his cock so you could feel him at the back of your throat.
He held you there for a moment, watching as you struggled for breath. Finally he let you go, and you fell back, gasping and sputtering for air.
"Pathetic." Regulus said. "Get up."
Your legs shook as you stood. Regulus wiped the tears from your cheeks. You knew by now that your face must be smeared with mascara. Meeting his gaze, you saw a flicker of concern on his face. You nodded, reassuring him, and just like that the concern was gone.
"Take your panties off, then get on the bed." He commanded, and you did as you were told, watching him tuck your soaked underwear into the drawer of his bedside stand as you clambered onto his bed.
"Not like that," Regulus said quickly. "Get on your hands and knees."
Your face burned as you flipped over, lowering yourself onto your forearms and arching your back. You could feel the bed dip as Regulus knelt behind you. He flipped your skirt up, exposing your ass.
"Spread your legs a bit more." He said in that same cold voice he'd been using all evening, the voice that warned you not to disobey him.
Once you were properly on display for him, you felt his hand between your legs, grazing you with the lightest of touches, just enough to spread your wetness around.
"You're positively soaked for me, little slut." He said. Unthinkingly, you rocked your hips against his hand, searching for more friction.
This earned you a harsh slap on the ass from Regulus. You cried out, but he merely said, "Not tonight. Tonight you don't get to cum on my fingers. Sluts only get to come when they're being fucked."
Your frustration had reached a peak. "Fuck me then," you said desperately.
Regulus smacked your ass again. "Ask me nicely." He said.
"Please," you managed in a strangled voice, "Please fuck me."
He slid into you without warning and you whimpered at the sudden intrusion. You heard Regulus curse under his breath, his hands moving to grip your sides. He began thrusting in and out of you at a merciless pace. "Gonna fuck you so hard you forget that bastard's name. Gonna fuck you so hard all you can think about is my cock." He said.
"This is what you fucking wanted, isn't it?" He continued, his fingers digging harshly into your hips, hard enough to bruise. "Wanted me to fuck you like a filthy little whore?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a moan.
Regulus moved one hand between your legs, rubbing at your clit with an unbearable amount of pressure. Your legs began to shake, and Regulus said, "Answer me."
"Yes!" You managed to get out, panting. "Yes! Wanted you so badly."
"That's right," Regulus crooned, his movements never ceasing. "You're mine. You're only mine. No one else is gonna make you feel like this, huh?"
"Just you." You said breathlessly.
"That's right," Regulus said again.
"Reg, 'm gonna cum," You said, and his movements against your clit sped up.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his rhythm was starting to falter slightly. You pushed your hips back to meet him with every thrust.
"Fuck, angel, yes. You're so good, so good for me, just like that." He said, urging you to keep moving. Soon his thrusts grew sloppy and he grabbed you by the hips again, burying himself inside you completely as he came.
As you both came down from your highs, he rolled you over onto your back and looked down at you. "My girl." He said possessively. "So so beautiful. Wasn't too rough, was I? You're okay?" He looked suddenly unsure.
You shook your head. "No Reg." You pulled him down into a kiss, relishing his scent.
His hands were on either side of your face as he pulled away to look at you again. "Don't flirt with my brother, ever again." He said.
"Don't ignore me ever again." You shot back with a grin.
"I mean it, Y/N." He said.
You beamed up at him. "But it had such a fun result." You said cheekily.
"Next time, the results won't be fun." He grumbled, but leaned back down to kiss you again.
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jesuswasgay · 2 months
The first day we really fuck happens to be a Monday. We’ve been flirting openly since Wednesday, exchanging nudes alongside casual conversation. On Friday we make plans to meet up on my next day off. By Sunday we've amped up the foreplay with explicit detail. The anticipation is killing me.
Now it’s Monday night and we just cannot hold back anymore. You come over to pick me up to grab a drink but we never make it to the bar.
I open the door and you’re just standing there smiling so sweetly. I feel my panties dampen as I take you in. Wavy chestnut hair frames your delicate cheekbones. A black minidress hugs your curves. Gucci heels make your legs go on forever. I’m gone. I pull you into my arms and bury my head in your neck, inhaling your scent for the first time.
Your lips meet mine as we stumble inside still embracing. I shut the door and resume kissing you. I can’t get enough of your lips, your taste. I want to taste you everywhere. I run my hands through your hair and across your collarbone. Your hands find my ass and pull me into you as we kiss.
I lead you over to the couch and sit down, then pull you into my lap. You straddle me and I kiss you greedily as our hands explore each others’ bodies.
I slip off my top, then undo the back of your dress a bit so I can slip my hand in the bodice. Your nipples harden as I run my fingers over them.
You lean down and swirl your tongue over my left nipple, then my right. You begin to gently bite my nipple and I groan in agony.
You run your hands over my tits and down my stomach til you find my hip bones. I feel your hands dance across my hips.
“Is it okay if I touch you?” You whisper softly in my ear.
“Absolutely,” I moan back. You slide down into my panties. I lean into your touch, already so wet and desperate for your fingers. You slip a finger inside me, then another. I literally cannot breathe.
I slide my hand up under your dress and gently run my hand over your inner thigh. You moan and lean into me.
“Are you okay with being touched?” I ask.
“Oh god yes," you reply. I slip my hand inside your panties. Your girldick is huge, hard and leaking precum. I take off your panties and hold you, running a finger up and down the length slowly at first, before I wrap my hand around you and pump faster. You’re squeaking and gasping as I touch you.
I run my fingertips across my wet pussy and then swirl them around your girlcock so my wetness mixes with yours. Your breathing quickens and I can tell you’re about to cum. I feel you start to explode into my hands and I realize I’m about to cum too.
You pump your hand in and out of me deeper and deeper. I spasm and arch against your touch, still working my hand up and down your girldick. When we cum together it seems to last forever. You erupt into my hands as my cunt swallows up your fingers.
We’re aching to the point of overstimulation but we can’t stop touching each other.
We spend the rest of the night in bed. I suck you with gleeful abandon and you repeatedly bring me to the brink of orgasm with your tongue before gently and delicately fucking the shit out of me. We have the most epic, orgasmic sex for over 2 hours. I’m literally gasping for air.
I don’t know how I got here and I don’t really care as long as it’s real. It feels like a dream.
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paperdoll201 · 6 months
The Interview
1250 words
Interviewer: Welcome to or welcome back to The Late Night at Godolkin! Tonight, we've got some heavy hitters in the studio - none other than the power couple themselves, Jordan Li and Marie Moreau! Ranked number two and seven, respectively, these two aren't just powerful, they're practically campus royalty! So, Jordan, Marie, how does it feel being our very own God U's favorite couple? Pressure much?
Jordan: (chuckles) Favorite? Not surprising, we’re fucking amazing, so nah, it’s no pressure.
Interviewer: (laughs) How modest! The whole campus has been talking about you guys. So, spill- tell us how two souls like yourselves, amidst the chaos of campus life while being superheroes, found their way to...well, this? Tell us your origin story!
Marie: (blushing) Oh, you know, we didn’t exactly get along at first. First time I met them, we didn’t immediately… click.
Jordan: (chuckles) Yeah, she stormed into my office, demanded to speak to Professor Brink, and insulted my intelligence all within the same breath. Not before flirting with me first.
Marie: (nudges Jordan playfully) That is not what fucking happened and you know it, Jordan.
Jordan: (raises an eyebrow at Marie) Yeah? What was inaccurate about what I said then?
Marie: (rolls her eyes) Shut up, oh my god. They (Jordan had) rejected me from Intro to Crimefighting so, of course, I had to come in hot. But it ended up working out for us anyway.
Jordan: Yeah
Interviewer: (teasingly) Great how that worked out for you guys! So, who made the first move? I’m feeling like it was Jordan? Tell me it was Jordan (laughs)
Marie: (laughs softly) Actually, it was me. We were “studying” (air quotes) in Jordan’s room and (we) decided to take a smoke break. Well, Jordan did and they had asked me if I wanted a hit (of weed) as well. Anyways, like an hour and a half later, I’m high off my fucking mind and I kind of just turn to Jordan and ask “I think you’re pretty, cool, and fun! Wanna go out?”
Interviewer: Awwww oh my god, that’s so cute! And Jordan you probably immediately said yes right?
Jordan: (smiling) Nah. I told Marie to wait a few hours after she came the fuck back to Earth to ask me that again. She (Marie) didn’t remember asking me that. Kinda had geared her to ask me again. Definitely said yes the second time though.
Interviewer: So I have to ask: there are still many on this campus and to be honest the entire country who find both of your respective powers to be… interesting. What do you have to say to that?
Jordan: (raises brow) If by interesting you mean fucking weird? I mean it does suck. I wish that people could see me as me and not some freak show you know? But in the meantime, they can all just suck my gigantic *bleep* and my *bleep* cause I could give less of a *bleeping bleep* and *bleep*everyone who wants to *bleeping* say *bleeping* otherwise.
Interviewer: (laughs nervously)  Wow… you are passionate about this topic-
Jordan: True
Interviewer: —so Marie, what’s your response?
Marie: (smiles) Yeah, I agree with Jordan. I don’t particularly like the fact that my powers are seen as unhygienic and whatnot but it is what it is. So yeah, everyone can go suck it!
Jordan: You’re so cute babe.
Marie: (smiling) I know!
Interviewer: I love it! So, shifting topics slightly, what do you guys like to do for fun then?
Marie: (looks over to Jordan) What do we like to do for fun? Uhhh… what do we like to do for fun Jordan?
Jordan: We like to fuck. Hard.
Marie: (slaps Jordan’s arm) Jordan! Be serious right now.
Jordan: (shrugs) I am serious though.
Interviewer: We’ll just cut that out and try that question again-
Interviewer: So what do you guys do in your free time? Movies? Dinners?
Jordan: I am being silenced so no comment. 
Marie: Yeah we have movie nights and stuff. We also train a lot together! Jordan’s been really helpful to me with that (rubs Jordan’s thigh)
Jordan: We also like to fu-
Interviewer: Moving on! So, asking some stupid questions that I got from Google-
Jordan: (interrupts) Why are you asking us stupid questions?
Marie: Jordan my god! I will hurt you, stop it!
Jordan: Oh baby, please do.
Interviewer: (nervously chuckles) Anyways, the question is: “If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?”
Marie: Probably my knife and my journal. 
Interviewer: Yeah? Why those two things specifically?
Marie: Well, my knife goes with me everywhere, if I need blood, it's (the knife) the fastest way for me to get access to it. And I’d bring my journal so I can document everything. Keep track of how many days have passed, my thoughts, my feelings etcetera. 
Interviewer: Makes sense! Jordan, how about you?
Jordan: Easy. My phone, earbuds, and Marie.
Marie: (raises an eyebrow at Jordan) First of all; the question said two items not three and second of all, I am not an item.
Jordan: (grins) Didn’t say you were babe
Marie: But you implied it when you grouped me in your answer… with two other items Jordan.
Jordan: (grins fucking wider) No you did, just now. You referred to yourself as an item, not I (shrugs)
Marie: Jordan I will seriously fucking hurt you.
Jordan: (leans to Marie) Again, please fucking do.
Marie: Weirdo.
Jordan: I don’t deny.
Interviewer: Okayyyy so Jordan, why those three—sorry two items then?
Jordan: Bringing my phone so I can try my hardest to get the fuck off the island. My earbuds just in case I can’t escape, I can at least listen to good music while I suffer in my personal hell. And Marie so we can fu-
Interviewer: (shakes head frantically) Alright, I’m just going to move on to my last question then. (chuckles extremely nervously) How would you describe your partnership?
Marie: I’d say we're each other's anchors, a reality check when things get too…crazy. Jordan pulls me back from the edge, and I help them stay grounded. We challenge each other, support each other, and most importantly, have each other's backs.
Jordan: Definitely. Marie inspires me to be better, to never lose sight of what's truly important. And she's got this incredibly unwavering faith in me, even when I doubt myself. I couldn’t ask for anything better than that to be honest. I love her (Marie)
Marie: (smiles) And I love you!
Interviewer: Beautiful note to end with! Thank you, Marie and Jordan, for sharing your beautiful story. 
Jordan: Thanks for having us Jayda
Interviewer: (eye slightly twitches) It’s Justine.
Jordan: Oops
Justine: And thank you, to my listeners, for tuning in tonight and every Friday for The Late Night at Godolkin. Next week, we’ll have our very own Dean Shetty gracing our podcast and sharing her insights. Goodnight everyone, see you next week!
The air crackled with a sudden awkwardness in the podcast booth. Justine, the producer, dropped her headphones with a huff, the silence deafening after their segment. "Look, guys," she said, crossing her arms, "I know I said you could loosen up a bit, cuss here and there, but I didn’t mean in every damn sentence. This is a professional podcast.
"Well, shit, Justine," they drawled, "should've fucking clarified that from the start then-"
“What they mean,” Marie interrupted quickly, giving Jordan a pointed look, “is that we’re sorry and it won’t happen again Jasmine.” Marie finished flashing a warm smile in her direction.
“It’s Justine!” Justine snarled before storming off.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
!! life update and face reveal incoming !!
we're doing a bullet point system!
had my very first one night stand. honestly? less than stellar! but I did it! the guy was kind of a loser, but we all have our things. he did like literally SLAP my tits so hard that I have massive bruises there now and I feel like that was a weird move bc we'd known each other for a grand total of about 10 minutes when we started having sex? anyway, it was insane having sex with like a stranger....don't know if I'd do it again, but you live and you learn!
overwhelmed with tinder honestly....I have over 1400 likes and I just......don't have it in me to do anything about them. but turns out I'm very good at flirting! and I'm also funny! was thinking about posting some screenshots of funny exchanges and labeling which ones are which member of the Dagger Squad! heh!
randomly matched with my ex (the one I was with from 14-17) on tinder and then we started talking and then we just........didn't stop? and like every single night since we started talking again, we've stayed up until 4am talking. what has shocked me the most is that we're getting along better now than we ever have before? and not to mention, he has like actually really apologized about things. not even just a blanket apology either--like a thorough one where he detailed things he did and told me that he was sorry.
he manages a movie theater so the first time we hung out, he took me to the empty theater (like we were the only two in the building) at like 10PM and we watched the new Evil Dead: Rise. and then the next night we parked at the lake from like 10PM-5AM and just....talked. for hours. about everything and nothing. it was insane! and then the next day, he picked me up for coffee and I met his puppy. we've been texting nonstop since. also he's literally taking me to the theater AGAIN to watch Top Gun: Maverick all by ourselves 😭
so in conclusion....I wanna fuck him. and maybe I'm catching feelings. BUT my sister and I are both very co-dependent people with have attachment issues (but at least we're self-aware) so I've decided to adopt her three month rule. so like, I have to talk to my ex for three months before I decide if I'm going to be in a relationship with him. not that it's going to happen or not but...you know!
the only thing is that I WISH I had more time to sit tf down and write! but I have a really busy weekend! I am so excited that I have so many asks to go through! and on that subject, if you sent me a birthday ask---I just fucking adore you! and KNOW that I saw it and KNOW that it made me giggle and kick my feet! however, I don't want to bombard all my followers with answering like 30 birthday wishes a few days late! BUT I LOVE THAT ALL OF YOU SENT THEM AND I WANNA KISS EVERYONE!
so today, I will be writing a bunch of requests and queuing them! I'm trying to get at least TWO posted today! looks like the next week or two will be dedicated to blurbs! but I can't wait to get back into my regularly scheduled posting! hoping to get that schedule out too!!
I'm really happy right now :)
okay here's my face reveal
be nice to me I'm fragile
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theladyofdeath · 11 months
Better or Worse {20}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: I apologize for the long wait! Life got busy and we have a few other things we've been working on. Nonetheless, here is the final chapter! We hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for reading it, each week, and giving us such sweet comments, likes, and reblogs. The epilogue will be posted soon. x
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~ Cass ~
Nesta was beautiful.
I spent the entire morning getting ready, so excited that I was making myself nauseous. I’ve never been one for waiting. Patience and I are mortal enemies. It was well worth it, though, the second that I saw my wife. She walked towards me with a bouquet of lilies, smiling brightly, and I could hardly contain myself.
And her dress.
The dress that Nesta chose for this perfect day was a garment made by the gods. Made nearly entirely of lace and covered in intricate beading, parts of it are damn near painted on. It perfectly magnifies her breasts and her ass, and although it’s not gentlemanly to focus on those two things, I don’t give a fuck. I can’t stop staring at either and I know damn well that that was Nesta’s intention. 
After I got past the dress and was able to think clearly, I delivered the most heartfelt vows I could possibly come up with. I’ve spent the last month working on them and had Azriel, Rhys, and both of my sister-in-laws proofread them. Nesta is obviously a fantastic writer and I was nervous that they wouldn’t live up to her level of perfection, but by the time I was done reading them, she was crying.
She kissed me right then and there, before she had even read her vows, not caring that we were surrounded by all of our friends and family and coworkers. It was a hell of a kiss, too. Her tongue met mine and it took every ounce of self control not to sweep her into my arms and carry her into a closed space. 
Especially in that dress.
I’m watching her now, dancing with her sisters with a drink in her hand. I can’t take my eyes off of her, I haven’t been able to since the moment she came into view a few hours ago. She’s been my wife for ten years and I can’t believe it. I’m so in love with her, more in love with her every day.
My feet are moving before my mind catches up with me. I’m close enough to touch her before she turns around and jumps, apparently not expecting me to sneak up on her. Or, judging by the slight glaze of her eyes, she’s just a little tipsy.
“Hi,” I say, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her close to me. ”Can we go now?”
She throws her head back and laughs which is one of the most beautiful sights known to man. “No. We just got here. Besides, we haven’t had dessert yet, and we all know that’s the best part.” 
I cock a brow. “I think dinner is the best part, but I see the appeal.” 
“Spoken like a chef,” she says, finishing off her drink and running her arms around my neck.
I’ve never been one to make dessert. It’s not my strength, at all, but damn it, I can cook a hell of a meal. 
“I think he’s enjoying himself, don’t you?”
I follow Nesta’s line of sight and snort. Eris is standing by the bar, drink in hand, scowling at the bartender as he flirts with one of my coworkers further down the line. “To be honest, I’m surprised you wanted to invite him.” 
Nesta shrugs. “We’ve been trying to get along better lately.”
“And how’s that going?”
She rolls her eyes. “About as you’d expect it to. Come on. Dance with me.”
I can’t say no to that. We make our way to the middle of the dance floor just as a slow song begins. Without any hesitation, I pull Nesta into my arms and begin swaying to the beat. 
Suddenly, it’s just the two of us. No one else matters, no one else exists. We are in our own little world, just as we were on the dancefloor ten years ago, just like we are whenever we are alone, as one. 
As she rests her head on my chest, I take a deep breath and think about everything we’ve been through, the highs and the lows, about how far we’ve come in a year. A year ago, our marriage was in shambles. Nesta was hurting in ways I couldn’t imagine, and while my heart was broken, too, we both let ourselves fall into our own brands of darkness. I wasn’t sure we would be able to pull out of it.
But here we are.
Here we are and I have never been so in love with my wife.
Lifting her head, Nesta gazes up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears, but they have been all day, so I don’t think anything of it until she says, “So I got a phone call earlier today.”
My eyebrows raise. “About?”
Gnawing on her lip, I can see she’s about to burst with the news. Whatever it is, the fact that she’s kept it from me until now is impressive. And when she speaks, my heart stops.
“About a possible placement coming up in a couple months.”
We stop swaying. We stop moving and I stare at her. “A couple of months?”
Nodding, she’s unable to stop the tears from finally spilling over. “There’s a young mother who just entered the program. She’s six months pregnant and wants her baby to have the best life possible, but knows that isn’t possible for her right now. We’re going to meet her next week.”
I’m speechless.
I’m rarely speechless, but right now, I have no words. I can’t stop staring at Nesta, with my mouth hanging open, as tears of joy run down her cheeks. She laughs, quietly, and cups my face in her hands. 
“Next week?” I ask, at last, and it’s nothing more than a whisper.
She nods, and her smile is so pure that it makes me weak. “Wednesday, ten o’clock.” 
“Wednesday,” I repeat, and swallow hard. I have so many emotions running through my body that I can’t contain, that can’t be deciphered, so all I let out is an eloquent, “Holy fuck.”
Nesta laughs as she nods once more, and then she’s kissing me. I take her into my arms and spin her around, not caring who sees. This is our night, and I don’t give a damn that anyone is watching. 
By Wednesday, we may be on the right track to having what we’ve wanted for so long. A baby. A family. The thought alone has me feeling more joy than I ever thought imaginable. Just when I think the night can’t get any better, it does.
When I let her feet touch the floor, I pull back to look at her and the smile on her face is breathtaking. She’s so damn beautiful and for a second, I can’t believe she’s mine. I don’t realize that I’m crying until she reaches up to wipe the tears from my face. She whispers, “I love you so much.”
There’s no hesitation in my answer. “I love you more.”
With a roll of her eyes, Nesta is rising up on her toes and pressing another kiss to my lips. “I haven’t even told my sisters. I told them the phone call was a business call.”
“We can wait,” I promise her. “Wait until we see where this goes. That way we don’t get anyone’s hopes up.” What I don’t have to mention is that I don’t just mean our family’s. I also mean our own. “Now come on,” I say, stepping back after I kiss her one last time. “Let’s go smash cake onto each other’s faces.”
We do just that and the rest of the night goes on with the same joy and celebration that has been present all day. After I shove cake into Nesta’s mouth, and all up the side of her face, we eat and drink and dance the night away. By the time midnight rolls around, Rhysand and Azriel are plastered and dancing with one another in the middle of a vacant dancefloor. Our guests have begun to leave and now very few of us remain. 
I sit between Elain and Feyre, finishing what’s left in our glasses, watching the two fools sway and sing obnoxiously for all to see. 
“I can’t believe I’m in love with that man,” Feyre mutters, although her voice is full of admiration.
“I can’t believe we procreated with them,” Elain adds.
I laugh, shaking my head. If I wasn’t so damn tired, I’d probably be out there with them, but I am. It was a long day, and I’m still not completely recovered from my drinking binge last night. It was all worth it, though. Every bit of it has been worth it.
My eyes wander over to Nesta, who is saying goodbye to some of our guests. All I’ve wanted since the moment I saw her earlier today was to take her away and have her all to myself. I’m tempted to drown myself in coffee so I have enough energy to do just that, now that it’s almost time to go home. 
Before I get the chance, Nesta turns and catches me staring. With one look at her raised eyebrow, I’m on my feet, crossing the room and wrapping her up in my arms. “Ready to go?”
Chucking, she asks, “How many more times are you going to ask me that?” Rising up on her toes, she leans up to kiss me.
I meet her halfway and answer with my lips still on hers. “Until you relent and let me take you home so I can ravish you.”
The way her eyes roll tells me that was exactly the answer she was expecting, but she says, “Let me say goodbye to my sisters and grab my stuff.”
“I’ll do the same.” She steps back, but I’ve got a hold of her hand. Bringing it to my lips, I press a kiss to the new band sitting alongside her original wedding set. “I love you.”
Her eyes soften and she pulls back into my body. “I love you more.”
I kiss her again, slowly, and she sinks into it. Before I can get too carried away, though, I break it off and step back with a groan. “Grab your shit. Quickly.”
She grins and her eyes light up, even as she rolls them. I force my own feet to go back to the dressing room and start throwing my stuff into my duffel bag. The door opens and closes behind me and I know it’s my brothers before I even turn to see them, practically carrying one another into the room.
“Cassssssss,” Rhysand grins, and throws himself into my arms, followed by Azriel. For a moment, we just stand there, drunkenly embracing, but then they pull back and Rhysand claps me on the shoulder. “We love you. We’re happy for you. We’re proud of you.”
He hiccups halfway through the word proud and there’s a good chance neither of them will remember this in the morning, but I have no doubt that he means every word.
And it means everything to me.
I drag them back into the reception hall with me, thinking they’d lose their way if I didn’t, and once they’re safely delivered to their wives, I find mine.
We didn’t announce that we were leaving. There were no sentimental parents waiting to see us off. Hell, we aren’t even taking a honeymoon, just taking two days off to fuck like animals at home and then get back to real life. So we don’t tell anyone as we meet in the front room and I take her bag, carrying it to the truck as we walk hand in hand. I chuck our bags in the back then make a dramatic show of opening the passenger door, before scooping her up and setting her in seat. She’s laughing by the end of it, so no matter how stupid I may look, it’s worth it. I hop in the front seat, the engine roars to life, and we’re out of there.
We’re passing through the main square when Nesta gasps. “You know what sounds so good, Cass? Fried pickles, we should stop at the diner and pick some up.”
It’s a damn good thing I know this town like the back of my hand because I’m staring at my wife, despite needing to have my eyes on the road. Blinking, I look forward. “We’re on the way home from our renewal—”
“And I want some fried pickles,” she interrupts, turning in her seat to face me. Her dress is a cloud of fabric on the floorboard, more dress than there is room at her feet.
“You know, I can make you—”
“No, no,” she begins, fully knowing that she has me wrapped around her finger and I’m going to do whatever she asks, despite my protests. “Fried pickles from the diner.”
I blink. “It’s almost one—”
“The diner is open twenty four hours, lucky us.”
With a reluctant sigh, and a laugh I can’t help, I turn right at the next set of lights and less than five minutes later, we’re walking into the diner. Every person in here — and there’s not many — looks at us in surprise and I suddenly feel on full display.
And I also don’t love how the guy behind the counter is staring at my wife.
We’re seated instead of getting takeout, although Nesta orders one basket of fried pickles for now and the other to go. Seeing how I’m apparently going to be up all night, I order a coffee and a breakfast special that consists of pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and we eat our strange middle of the night meal, sitting on the same side of the booth. 
By the time I’m full, all of my plates cleaned, Nesta is still munching on her fried pickles. She’s asked for more ranch twice, and completely drained them all, licking her fingers absentmindedly like she’s not wearing a stunning, expensive wedding gown. 
They give us our meal for free, as a wedding present. 
By the time we’re home, it’s three-thirty and her eyelids are heavy in the passenger seat, where she holds my hand while I pull into the driveway. I, however, am wide awake, thanks to my coffee refills while I waited for her to finish her basket of grease. 
After cutting the engine, I round the truck and open her door. Her head lulls in my direction and she smiles at me, sleepily. “Is there when you carry me across the threshold?”
I do. I lift her up, cradle her in my arms and carry her through the garage door, into the kitchen where Greg is sprawled out on the table, snoring softly. 
After kicking the door shut, I keep carrying her upstairs, through the dark, silent house. Our house, our home that’s full of love and will hopefully, one day, be filled with children. 
Maybe even one day soon. 
In our bedroom, I set her down and start unbuttoning the back of her dress. 
There are a lot of fucking buttons. 
She chuckles quietly as I work and when the band of her ivory lace thong she’s adorned starts to show, my fingers are nearly sore and I stop, muttering, “Surely you can get out of it without me doing the rest, damn.” 
“You weren’t having fun?” she asks, humored, as she lets the dress fall down to a pool around her feet.
“Who puts that many buttons on a dress? How long did it take you to get into that damn thing?”
She turns to me slowly and my eyes drift to her full breasts, bare and on display for me, nipples peaked. “I thought you liked the dress.”
“I loved the dress,” I say, and I did, even if I spent most the night dreaming of getting her out of it.
She stifles a yawn as she steps toward me and lays her hands against my chest. “There was a promise of you ravishing me once we got home, if I remember correctly.”
I huff a laugh and pull her waist closer towards me. “It can wait until tomorrow. You’re tired.”
She groans and runs her hands up my shoulders, her fingers into my hair. “I don’t think so.”
My grin barely has time to widen before her mouth is on mine, hungrily, and I’m carrying her to bed. My clothes end up in a heap by her dress and we make love, slowly, then we fuck like animals like we’ve done a million times before. It’s full of passion, longing, lust and love, wholly reverent. It’s two souls connecting, reminding each other of our past and promising each other our futures.
We have risen from the ashes. We’ve taken what was ruined, shattered, and made it whole once again. We fixed what was broken and made it stronger than it was before.
We lay awake, staring at one another in the quiet of the early morning, tangled in bare limbs. Her hair is a mess, her makeup is smudged, but I made true on my promise to ravish. She’s beautiful. She’s perfect, my wife, who is a mess of a woman. She feels more than anyone else feels, loves more powerfully because she gives that love away so rarely, keeps that love for so few. She is full of grief and trauma, and some days, self-loathing. But she is healing, has healed, has helped me heal, both alone and alongside her. Some days she makes me so angry that I want to rip off my face and throw it at her, but then she makes me so enraptured by love and adoration that I can’t even think straight. 
There is no other woman for me. She is it, my one and only, the other half of my very being, this woman that I married at nineteen. 
My soulmate.
My wife.
The mother of any children we may be blessed to have, biologically or not. 
And I am really fucking lucky. 
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thewertsearch · 1 year
CCG: WHAT THE FUCK COULD YOU BE BUSY WITH??? CAG: I'm making my own plans! I'm a pretty 8ig deal, remem8er Karkat? CGC: 1T LOOKS L1K3 YOU FORGOT HOW M4NY 1RONS SH3 H4S 1N TH3 F1R3 CAG: Exactly!
Terezi is all too happy to back Vriska up, when Karkat needs to get dunked on. She'll also gleefully rub salt in the wound when Vriska gets her ass kicked.
These two facts explain basically everything about their relationship.
CAG: Do you guys realize you are sharing a key8oard and taking turns to argue with each other? CAG: That is kind of cute. ::::) CTA: yeah ii hate to 2ay iit, but iit really 2ort of ii2. CCG: OK FUCK THIS.
You know your flirting is obvious when even Sollux is rolling his eyes affectionately.
Whatever vices Terezi may have, self-hatred certainly isn't one of them. She's consistently delighted with herself, in any iteration - quite a rare trait in the trolls we've seen.
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We're finally back in the present - or at least, what passes for the present in Homestuck. It's been - wait, let me check...
...yeah, it's been ten months since Act 4 ended with a bang, and a recap is probably appropriate. Where did we leave these kids?
John has just escaped the Veil, thanks to the brave sacrifice of the Authority Regulator. He's currently fast asleep, his dream self exploring Skaia with his endgame bunny.
Rose continues to fall under Horrorterror thrall. She just destroyed her First Gate, resolving to break all the game's rules in search of answers, before flying off to parts unknown.
Dave, guided by Terezi, has just soared through his own First Gate on his canonically awesome JPEG skateboard.
Jade has just experienced dream death in Skaia's upper atmosphere. Just as Karkat prophesized, her Dreambot exploded, launching her out of her home. I guess she's technically been falling for ten months.
Welcome back to the stage, Homestuck's original protagonists!
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sunjaesol · 1 year
Love is Blind x Juke
For the past two days @thedeathdeelers and I have spiralled into a Love Is Blind x Juke fanfic in the dm's and this is what came out of it. So, a co-written Imène and Ophelia special for Juke Jeudi. Ta-da!
“Hi,” a voice called out from the other side of the Pod. This was it. The start of this mess. 
Luke perked up. "Uh, hey, I'm Luke."
"I'm Julie." A pause. Then a laugh. "This is really weird, huh?"
Luke laughed as well, the tension of the last twenty-four hours slipping away. One second he was drunk in his apartment with his buddies on the Netflix website, the second he was on a flight to San Diego for a freaking reality dating show. Or rather: a marriage show. Insane. But whatever. It wasn't like he was actually going to find someone. He was just gonna lay low, write some songs, and then dip after ten days.
"So, Julie, what made you sign up for this thing?" he asked, draping himself across the couch. A cup of rum and coke dangled in his hand.
"Um… I guess I wanted to do something I'd never do. I'm always waiting for love, you know, instead of… just going for it. So here I am. What about you?" Her voice was pretty, slightly raspy, yet melodic, and he felt himself listening to her intently.
"I'm here to write songs," he replied, blunt.
She laughed. "What?"
"You're here… for songs?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "but this is like a retreat for me."
"Well, that's excellent, actually," she replied, smooth. "Because I happen to be a songwriter."
Julie went into her second date after an hour long conversation about music and their favourite bands with Luke. She felt giddy, but knew a first impression didn’t mean anything in an experiment like this. Sitting down, she called out: "Hello?"
"Hi, I'm Nick," a male voice said.
Julie smiled. "I'm Julie."
"Julie," he repeated, and she heard the scribbling of paper. "So, tell me about yourself, Julie."
"Um… what do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from?" he asked. 
Easy enough. "I’m from Los Feliz."
"No way!" He laughed. "Me too!"
Her brows raised. "Really? Where did you go to school?"
"LF Public High."
"Ah," she sighed, "I went to the arts school. It would be crazy if we've met each other before."
"Or maybe it's fate," he teased.
An amused smile twitched on her lips. Guys that flirted with the word ‘fate’ to wrap a girl around their finger; she’s met those before. "Yeah, who knows."
After three full days of jamming and creating music with Luke, somehow able to connect on such an intense level with a shimmery wall between them, they found themselves in amiable silence. It wasn’t awkward, somehow. The song they worked on had been rather emotional, about family and history and regret. It brought back memories she hadn’t dared to discuss in the Pods. But now… 
“Not to like, um,” she licked her lips, “dump all my trauma, but—”
“It’s okay,” he whispered.
“My mom, uh, died… two years ago.” Julie took a steadying breath, though let the tears roll as they came. He didn’t see her. She could cry. “She’d been sick for a while—terminal cancer—so we were prepared, but… nothing actually prepares you for it.” She heard him hum, encouraging her to continue. “And that’s why I applied for the show. The day she died, I felt like I died with her. I’ve just been on auto-pilot. So, ‘Love Is Blind’ was honestly this, like, desperate attempt to feel again, but I didn’t think I’d actually marry someone. I just wanted to break free of this dead feeling… if that makes sense.”
After a beat of silence, Luke said, “It does. Trust me, it does. I’m sorry, Jules, for your loss. That’s the worst thing that could ever happen, I–” A curt laugh left him. “I wish I could hug you right now, fuck.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffled.
“You’re probably the strongest person I know, not gonna lie,” he continued. “Trying to keep living after that… you should be so proud, Jules.”
Julie’s lip wobbled as she sank to the carpeted ground and shuffled to the shimmery wall, pressing one hand against it. She hadn’t had a sip of alcohol today—even though the producers wanted her to—so she knew all she felt was pure.
“I am proud,” she agreed. “Only a crazy alive person locks themselves in a Pod for seventeen hours a day.”
A laugh barked out of him. Jumping off the couch, he sat cross-legged in front of the shimmery wall. His heart hammered a nervous beat. “I, uh, relate, to be honest, to, like, mom stuff.”
“My mom hasn’t died, fortunately, but… when I was seventeen, we got in a really big fight. Like, we said some nasty stuff to each other. I ran away. I didn’t speak to them for six years.” He shook his head. “And I know it’s not the same. Trust me, I know. I left by choice. But it felt like the death of my bond with them. I felt like I was dead to my parents. They never tried looking for me. Maybe because they knew where I was, but… they never tried reaching out. Until I did it at twenty-three.”
Julie sighed, “I’m so sorry, Luke.”
“It caused me to produce some fire songs, but… I don’t know if it was worth it.” He chuckled, tears rolling down his cheeks in surprise. “I don’t think I ever told someone that before.”
Julie smiled. “I’ll keep it a secret. Thank you for sharing that with me, Luke.”
“No problem,” he tried to sound nonchalant, but to him, it came off infinitely grateful.
“How’s your relationship with them now?” she asked.
“It’s… it’s alright. It’s not perfect in the slightest, but, you know, I come around for dinner or lunch at least once a month, I keep them in the loop, they keep me in the loop, they’ve attended one of my concerts…” He trailed off. “We’ve come a long way.”
“That’s great to hear,” she smiled. “Family is so important to me, so I would’ve felt so bad if I wouldn’t be able to—” She paused, warmth spreading in her body and face.
Luke frowned. “What?”
“If, um, if I wouldn’t be able to, um, meet them,” she uttered awkwardly. They had come to the silent agreement that they wouldn’t marry and simply be each other’s confidante for the ten days in the Pods. Julie has never felt like this before though. She felt… she was in love. Which was crazy, but how else could she explain the feeling in her gut?
A smile grew on Luke’s face. “You wanna meet them?”
“Don’t goad me like that!”
Luke laughed. “I’m not! I’m not! It’s… it’s cute, Julie, that you wanna meet them. Y’know, I wanna meet your dad, too. He sounds cool.”
Julie smiled. Her heart felt like bursting. “He is.”
The next day, Julie stood in the kitchen of the women’s quarters stirring a carrot and bell pepper soup on the stove. Luke’s favourite. If they ever were to meet in real life, she’d introduce him to other, way better, soups, but this would do for now.
Suddenly, Carrie—another contestant—appeared beside her. “You’re talking with Luke, right?” Carrie asked. 
Julie looked up. “Yeah, why?”
“Well,” she shrugged, haughty, “he's my number one, so.”
Julie frowned. Luke’s her number one? Since when? She had never heard Carrie speak about him. Did something happen in the Pods that she wasn’t aware of? “I thought Nick was your number one.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Nick is so passive. I like Luke a lot more. I mean, musicians are hot, right?”
Carrie was baiting her, Julie realised, replying with a weak: “I… I guess…”
“Yeah,” Carrie affirmed, “so he’s my number one. I heard he’s yours, too.” The blonde tried to pull off an air of nonchalance as she inspected her perfectly manicured nails, but Julie didn’t bother with an answer and chose to add a pinch more paprika to the soup instead. She smiled; yeah, he’d like that.
Aggrieved Julie didn’t respond, Carrie continued: “So, why are you making soup?”
Julie threw a disbelieving look at Carrie. “It’s for Luke. For his birthday?”
Carrie, who had already lost interest in the conversation, suddenly whipped her head back towards Julie, hair flicking with the motion. “It’s his birthday? When? Since when?”
Julie rolled her eyes at the girl, and shook her head. Deciding to make a dig, she said: “I thought he was your number 1?”
Carrie frowned and pointed at the pot. “Can I give him some, too?”
"No,” Julie puffed, in disbelief that the woman even dared to ask her that. “That's honestly weird for you to ask, Carrie. It’s disingenuous."
"Okay, whatever," she grumbled and skulked away to talk to Kayla.
"So... I talked to Carrie..." Julie brought up after Luke had accepted and had taken a swig of her homemade soup. It had to be their sixth date at this point, but it has felt like forever. 
The man looked up from his guitar in confusion, wracking his brain for the last time he spoke to Carrie. "Okay?"
"She said you're her number one."
His frown deepened. "What? Really? We've spoken maybe twice."
"Oh." A relieved laugh left Julie. "Oh, wow. Then she's super jealous, or something." Her cheeks felt warm. "I was a little worried for a second, to be honest."
Luke grinned. "Yeah?"
"Y'know, I was worried about Nick," he confessed.
That surprised her. "Really? Why?"
"‘Cause I know you did have a connection with him."
"Yeah," she admitted, "but not in the way that we connect. Nick's like... a friend. That's all."
"Then you should tell him that," Luke said, amused. "'Cause he thinks you guys are fated."
Julie rolled her eyes. "Oh, jeez."
It was his favourite time of the day—sprawled across the sofa, snacks littering the floor—as he scratched out a chorus to Sunset Curve’s new song.
But that’s not why it was his favourite.
It was his favourite because he could just about hear Julie scribbling in her own journal right across that damn shimmery wall separating them, almost picturing frown lines between her brows. Which was weird, ‘cause he had never actually seen her.
It was weird, right?
But that didn’t stop him. Luke felt a silly grin taking over his features as he hummed along what he imagined would be the pre-chorus, leg swinging over the armrest—
And then he froze, stopping all movement.
Because he could be hallucinating, but he swore he just heard singing coming from the other room. The one that contained Julie. The human wrecking ball that had already captivated him before he had ever seen her.
Or heard her, apparently.
Holy shit. Holy shit. 
Luke nearly fell off the couch as he stumbled into a sitting position, jumping from his spot to the shimmery wall. He splayed his fingers as he pressed his palms against the damn thing keeping them apart, and then placed his ear against it.
He stopped moving; stopped breathing. She was singing. And it was fucking beautiful.
Shit. He was fucked.
He remembered Julie telling him about her complicated relationship with music; how she hadn’t sang in over a year. But now she was singing, here, with him, and he was finding it so hard to keep himself in check. He could clearly hear Alex’ voice in his head telling him to ‘cool it, Patterson. You’re going to scare her off.’
And that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Afterwards, Luke barged into the men's quarters and yelled: “I'm marrying Julie!”
Dean barely looked up from his paperback. “Yeah, we know.”
"You haven't talked about anyone else," Seth added.
"Oh," Luke said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Now I'm gonna do it."
"Cool, man," Garrett grinned. "Get that woman!"
On the tenth day, Julie wore her prettiest dress. A purple number, nothing too special, as she hadn’t actually thought to get married on this show. The other women had ornate dresses, but she’d have to do with this one. 
Then again, she wasn’t actually sure Luke would propose. He told her he loved her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry her in a month; that didn’t mean he wanted to go through with the experiment; the reality show. 
Opening the door to the Pod, she heard Luke already pacing on his side. 
“Hi,” she said.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Hey!”
She paused at the wall. “You’re nervous?”
“It’s the tenth day, so, uh…” Luke shook his head and stared at the silly velvet box in his hands. This was ridiculous. Insane. Every other synonym for that word. He wasn’t marriage material. He was a guy from an underground rock band that came here to get inspired and write. But here he fucking was.  
“I don’t wanna say we’re fated, ‘cause I don’t believe in that shit,” he suddenly continued, the words flowing out of him. 
Julie smiled. “Me neither.”
“But I do—I do think you’re my person, Julie. That we should be together outside of the Pods. When we make music it’s like–like–”
“Magic,” she finished, her smile widening and her hands pressing against the wall. 
“Yeah,” he breathed. Sinking onto both knees, he kept his eyes on the box. “We’re magic together, I think. And I love you. I know that. I love you.”
Julie let her forehead drop against the wall as she giggled. Nothing about this made sense. No one would be able to understand what she felt right now. “I love you, too.”
“So… Julietta Rose Victoria Marie Molina…” He took a steadying breath. Now or never. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
An elated sob left the woman, nodding profusely despite him being unable to see her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes!”
The white doors slid open in a swoop and their identities were revealed. Luke took a step forward and found his jaw falling slack at the short woman several feet away from him. She… was perfect. Down to those cute, scribbled-on sneakers.
Julie laughed, showcasing a gap between her teeth, and waved at him. "Hi."
"Hey," he grinned, his walk turning into a jog—he had to get to her—and grabbed her into a hug. "Holy shit."
"I know," she laughed, latching onto him. "Neither of us had a proposal outfit packed."
"Julie–Jules, you–" Pulling away slightly, he felt moisture building in his eyes from the shock and tension. His hands cupped her cheeks. "You're–wow."
"Thanks," she giggled, her eyes also wet. "You're wow, too."
After the couples arrived in the resort in Mexico, Julie and Luke settled into their suite. They unpacked their suitcases as they chatted about their flight, rosy-cheeked and happy. The camera flipped to Julie in the confessional, seated on the terrace in a pretty blue dress.
"Luke and I have arrived in Mexico," Julie said. "And it's definitely weird, suddenly, like, being able to touch him and see him, but it also feels so natural. We're just really excited to continue growing what we have and make more music."
"Julie's gonna do the speaking for me this vacay," Luke added next in his confessional, a big smile stretched across his cheeks. "I'm twenty-nine, guys, I've forgotten 10th grade Spanish, y'know."
“Yes, we’ve kissed,” Julie continued, shy, “on the plane. We wanted to do it away from the cameras, and um… it was–it was good.” Her eyes averted as her smile grew. “It was really good.”
Luke plopped down on the bed. “What do you wanna do first? Check out the pool? The beach?”
“The buffet,” she emphasised. “I’m super hungry.”
He laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
Julie slid beside him. “I also wanted to talk to you about something, now that we’re here…”
Luke nodded. “Okay.”
“Um… so we’re now sharing a bed…”
“I’d like to wait until after the wedding before we have sex,” she admitted. His face gave nothing away, simply listening to her. “It’s not that I’m not attracted to you, I am, but it’s something I want to honour, you know?”
“Of course,” he whispered. “I can wait, Julie, don’t worry about it.”
“Sex isn’t that important to me,” he said with a shrug. “It’s great, but it’s not everything.”
“Duh,” she deadpanned. “Music is.”
He laughed. “Exactly, you get it.”
The woman let out a relieved breath. She didn’t think Luke would be appalled, but she hadn’t been totally sure. Now, she could sleep beside him without the stress. Kissing his cheek, she said, “Besides, we can do other stuff.”
He wiggled his brows, mischievous. “‘Other’ stuff?”
With a roll of the eye, she pushed him away and got up. “Let’s get food.”
“Yes, Boss!”
The next day in Mexico, all the couples met up at the pool. It was the first time they all could see each other and properly meet. Neither Julie or Luke were worried their affection would sway, but they were nervous to approach Carrie and Nick. Both had claimed a connection, but now they were a couple themselves.
It especially bothered Luke, if he was honest. Julie was… incredibly beautiful, especially in that purple dress she wore tonight, and he wasn’t blind to the eyes Nick had been giving her. 
Afterwards, Julie and Luke sat on the bed curled towards each other, discussing the events of the night.
"So... what did you think of Nick?" Luke asked, feigning nonchalance.
Julie smirked at his obvious attempt to seem cool. "He was… nice."
"Yeah? Got a crush on him?"
"Sure," Julie deadpanned, "and that was why the conversation ended after, like, two minutes, and I stayed by your side for the rest of the night."
Luke grinned and placed a hand on her knee. "Yeah?"
"Mh-hm." She caressed his tattooed arm. "Don’t worry. I... there's not a shadow of doubt it's you, Luke. Trust me."
Luke's smile melted into fondness. "I trust you."
After Mexico—where one of the couples devolved and split up, leaving four couples left—they all returned to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they couldn’t move back into their regular apartments, but all had to share the same complex. Julie and Luke lived on the third floor in a shiny, white apartment. It was the furthest thing from Luke’s actual place.  
On a positive note, they could finally introduce their partner to their friends and family. Like now. 
"Today, I'm meeting Luke's friends and band members," Julie said to the camera, standing outside of Luke’s studio in the heart of Mar Vista. "I've talked with them on the phone a couple days ago, but this'll be the first time we'll be face to face."
Luke drifted on his heels as he barely looked at the camera, clearly addressing Julie. "I'm not worried. Julie's, like, the puzzle piece we've been missing. And I fucking love her. So. Yeah."
Julie and Luke walked in where Reggie and Alex were already seated in an old, leather couch. Reggie seemed nonchalant, but Alex often flitted his eyes to the camera.
"Hi," Julie greeted. "I'm Julie!"
"Ooh," Reggie cooed. "You're even prettier IRL!"
Alex eyed her in disbelief. "Yeah. Blink twice if you wanna escape our Luke."
"Awesome support, guys," Luke grumbled.
Julie worried that the boys perhaps thought that what she and Luke had was too good to be true—that it wouldn’t last—and all it would do was interrupt their music career. She didn’t stop worrying until Alex gently pulled her away from the guys mid-practice session, and took her on a short walk around the garden.
Somehow, he knew exactly what was on her mind—and exactly what to tell her.
“Luke’s a pretty open book with just about everyone, or that’s what people think. He likes to show everyone all the good sides to him; the music, the cheerful attitude, the constant pep-talks. But he’s never, and I mean never, talked to anyone about his mom as openly as he did with you.” Alex stopped to turn and face Julie. “He’s always worried about dumping all his problems on others and it’s been his thing ever since we’ve known him. He just hides it all to himself, until he explodes and writes a song about it.”
He shrugged, though Julie could see the worry in Alex’ eyes. “But the fact that he shared some of that stuff with you, let you hear ‘Unsaid Emily’… Julie, you’re it for him. And if you’re it for Luke, you’re it for us.” Alex grimaced at his choice of words, but didn’t correct himself, choosing instead to smile encouragingly at Julie.
A moved Julie nodded in relief and pulled the drummer into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
That evening, it was time for Luke to meet Julie’s family, namely: her father, brother and aunt Victoria. The rest of the family would attend the wedding. Which, according to Julie, was ‘a lot’. She’d prepped him for tonight, but she still seemed nervous as she rang the bell and waited for the door to open. 
“What’s the prob?” he asked. 
The door flung open and an older woman in athleisure squealed at the sight of Luke. “Lukas! Come in, come in! Oh, mija, you did such a good job picking him!”
“My name is Luke, actually—”
Victoria continued unperturbed and ushered them inside. He barely had time to soak in the interior as she continued babbling on. "Thank you, Lukas—" Victoria gushed.
"It's Luke—"
"—for taking my Julie off the street. Twenty-seven! Who would've thought!"
"Ah, yes," Julie drawled beside him, slightly peeved. "The old crone's age of twenty-seven."
“I think she was the one who took me off the street,” he said, throwing a smirk Julie’s way to ease the nerves a bit.
Her father and brother popped in from the kitchen, the former with a wide smile and the latter rather sceptical. “Is that my daughter’s fiancé I hear?”
"Luke is meeting my best friend, Flynn, today," Julie said outside of a bar. "I'm a little nervous, because Flynn is super protective of me, but I think it'll be fine!"
Luke smirked. "People love me. Everything will be great!"
That was, until Flynn said a quick hello and then shoved a ten-page questionnaire in his face. She smirked. “Just to see you’re not a serial killer and won’t break my friend’s heart.”
“Because those two are mutually important,” Julie replied, sarcastic. 
Luke scratched the back of his head as he thumbed through the pages. “I–I have to do this now?”
“Why? Scared?” Flynn pressed. “Also—” She whipped a cotton swab from her pocket and grabbed Luke’s face, pushing his mouth open. "Just the usual," she muttered and swabbed the inside of his cheek. "Just normal DNA things…”
After the horrible bar situation, Julie paced along the kitchen island continuously apologising for her friend’s behaviour. “I swear she’s usually not like this, I’m so embarrassed, like she’s protective, but not—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing with a relaxed smile. “Yeah, it was weird, but it wasn’t the end of the word.”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You have a Flynn, I have a Reggie and Alex," he soothed. "It's all cool."
As Carrie and Nick argued for the umpteenth time at the Cheese Tasting Date, Luke and Julie were bent over Luke's songbook, scribbling and discussing the bridge of a song.
"No, no, there should be an inverse and then, like, the reveal, that he was never there at all," Julie said.
"I don't wanna write a sad song, Jules. It's a love song," Luke bounced back.
"I mean—" She popped a piece of brie in her mouth. "---it is a love song, just not a happy one."
A grin ticked up his lips. "Is it about Nick and Carrie?"
Julie swatted his arm. "Luke!"
"What! C'mon, Jules, look at 'em." He nodded at the pair currently shouting at each other outside, two cameras on them. "They're not exactly soulmates."
Another pairing, Vivian and Dean, joined them at their table. "Oh my God," Vivian said, "can Carrie and Nick just end it already?"
"Carrie wants those followers, she can't leave just yet," Dean added with a roll of the eyes.
"Yeah," Julie trailed, "it's... a lot."
"What're you working on, dude?" Dean asked.
Luke grinned. "A song, obviously."
Viv sighed dreamily. "It's so romantic, honestly, that you guys have, like, a 'thing'."
Dean frowned. "We have a thing."
His fiancée's brows raised, challenged, and Luke and Julie recoiled into their songwriting shell again.
The wedding was a no-brainer. After a teary-eyed dress fitting and a fun bachelorette party with the girls—where Carrie tried to disrupt her happiness one final time—Julie found herself in the hotel room of a beautiful ranch where she and Luke would officiate their marriage. Somehow, the month felt like a year and her relationship with Luke felt like a decade. 
“Are you nervous?” Flynn asked, buttoning Julie into her dress. 
She shook her head. “No, just healthy jitters.”
“Good.” The two stared at each other in the mirror. “You deserve this, girl.”
Victoria came in with glasses of champagne. “Well, I’m nervous, so drink up, my loves.”
On the other side of the hotel, Luke, Alex and Reggie sat in the plush chairs, ready for the wedding. Luke’s foot bounced up and down in anticipation, ready to hold her and kiss her and be hers. He knew he was a romantic, but he never thought it could get this deep. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Alex asked. 
Luke nodded. “Yeah. There’s honestly not a doubt in my mind, dude.”
“But what if she does?”
“Then…” Luke took a swig of his beer as a salute. “Then we’ll have a killer album in no time.”
Soon after, the ceremony began. Luke first went down the aisle where he smiled and nodded at all his friends and family. His parents sat in the front and smiled proudly at him. 
And then came Julie. Julie, in a beautiful gown and a shimmering face, taking his breath away. It felt like he had tunnel vision. She, too, couldn’t look anywhere but him, and felt her racing heart calm down the second he helped her up the steps. Her father had tears in his eyes as he gave her away. 
“Hi,” she whispered. 
“Hey,” he whispered back, smiling, “you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”
The officiator began his speech, Luke and Julie exchanged quick vows—though most has been said in the countless lyrics they’ve written together—and they sealed it all with a kiss. They were married. Forever. 
For the final time, Julie spoke to the camera with shiny cheeks and sparkling eyes. “How do I feel? I mean, I think you can guess.”
Luke jumped into frame and picked her up, bridal-style. “You’re looking at Miss Julie Molina-Patterson, Netflix! Hell yeah!”
At the reunion, they were the only couple left standing. Obviously.
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les-lestappen · 1 year
can i request prompt 32 with griezmann?
author's note: I'm actually kinda proud of this, hope you like it :))) warning: just a tiny bit of angst.
You couldn't hide your frustration. It was starting to get ridiculous and you both knew it, Antoine was sitting in front of you with furrowed brows, mindlessly scrolling through instagram. You were pretending to do the same, looking at him through your eyelashes.
It was weird, being right in front of each other and not talking, usually you two would be laughing over nothing, always matching each other's energy so well, teasing each other and basically speaking your own languages with how many inside jokes you had. Now he wouldn't even look in your direction, he pretended you didn't exist and kept changing position on the white couch. The tension was palpable. You were frustrated and confused: Antoine was literally the sweetest person you knew, always a kind word and a smile for everybody, he was your best friend and you couldn't imagine why he wouldn't talk to you even if he was mad. You didn't even know what you could have done wrong!
Dinner with the Équipe was supposed to be fun and you were so happy when Antoine asked if you would join him but now you regretted it, feeling stupid in such an elegant blue dress, being sat in front of a man who wouldn't even acknowledge your presence.
He got up abruptly to go to the bathroom and Olivier scooted closer, whispering "What's going on with you two?" in your right ear.
"I don't know Oli, he's been acting strange for the past hour. Do you think I offended him somehow?" you sighed "Maybe he doesn't like how I dressed." you thought out loud. To be fair your blue satin dress showed a lot of cleavage and hugged your figure thighly and you debated a lot whether you should wear it or not. Maybe he thought you overdressed, or he didn't like how much skin was showing.
"Nonsense" Olivier said "I think you look hot and Antoine thinks so too." he winked at you.
"Normally I would be jealous but you do look stunning." chipped in his wife.
"I second that." Presnel added, grinning.
"Stop it guys, you're gonna make me blush." You mumble, already red. Olivier always knew how to distract you when you felt a little insecure, he was very protective but Presnel was just shamelessly flirting. Actually he had been making you laugh all night.
"Oh and Y/n, Antoine isn't the kind of guy who would judge you based on how you dressed. You knew it was true and he had complimented you at the beginning of the night, still you were angry with him.
"He's also not the kind of guy to ignore his best friend instead of dealing with whatever the problem is, but here we are."
Oliver didn't have time to reply cause Antoine came back, he switched his attention to him, inviting to go on the terrace for a bit.
You followed them with your eyes, trying to read Antoine's expression but then you gave up, going back to your conversation with Presnel and Kylian.
Oli came back after a while. "He wouldn't tell me what was wrong but I think I figured it out, you should really talk to him." he said, winking at you again. "Why does it have to be me?" You thought, but still you joined him on the terrace.
He looked, if possible, even more upset than before but also a little embarrassed. You two looked at each other in silence for a little too long before you spoke "Anto what's going on? Did I do something wrong?"
"What?" he said a little surprised "No you didn't…"
"Then why aren't you talking to me? It's annoying and I don't fucking like it, we've always been able to tell each other everything."
Antoine sighed, looking away from you
"You're right Y/n, I was just upset and I didn't think I could control what came out of my mouth so I just decided not to say anything."
"But why are you upset?" he still wasn't looking at you.
"Because I saw you talking to Presnel and you two were laughing and I know it's stupid and it's not the first time one of my teammates hits on you cause you're gorgeous and smart and funny and it makes sense but still…you were laughing and you even had little inside jokes; like the ones you have with me. And I remember you saying he was cute some time ago and I don't know…It just upset me because I was jealous! But I know I have no right to be jealous cause we're just friends and everything but I am and it's fucking embarrassing. I know It's my problem and I shouldn't have ignored you, I'm really sorry Y/n" Thanks to the light coming from inside you could see he was blushing.
"Antoine, look at me" You said softly and when he did you noticed his beautiful blue eyes were shining with unshed tears.
You didn't give him time to say anything else because you kissed him, just for a second.
He looked at you, his eyes wide and deepened the kiss, one hand caressing your naked back and the other gripping firmly your hip.
"God knows how much I waited for this." He whispered.
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spiderbaby123 · 11 months
Jaskier X fem!reader
Ok just a little fluff, didnt know where I was going until i got there. Enjoy.
"Geralt?" I groaned out. "We've been walking for ages!" A mere grunt was all that was returned. "You see that?" I turned to Jaskier. "He just ignored me." Jaskier snickered. "I did indeed, y/n." I stopped in my tracks. Pause for the dramatics and what not. "Oh, I think I.." I had waited for Jaskier to be right next to me and then I went limp. Jaskier's eyes widened as he reached out hastily to catch me. "Y/n?!" Geralt turned around to see what my theatrics might be this time, only to see me still limp in the bards arms. "Geralt! Help me! She's completely limp! Is she alright?!" He walked back to us and picked me up out of Jaskier's arms' much to my dismay to be honest, but nonetheless. He carried me for a few feet. "Come on Jaskier. She's fine." He carried me to the next town which wasnt very far actually. I tried my best to stay limp until the witcher had purchased 2 rooms at a local inn. Honestly I felt a little bad for our dear bard, i dont think he quite caught on yet. He rambled on about seeing a healer and the inn keeper looked curiously at the 3 of us. I smirked once the rooms were paid for and jumped awake. "Oh. Oh. Where are we?" I question full well knowing. "Witcher? Oh witcher you saved me!" I dramatically hugged Geralts neck and then jumped down from his grip, well attempted to. "I think you owe Jaskier an apology." He grunted at me. I pouted "I think Jaskier should be thanking me for a warm bed." "I paid. He should be thanking me. Now apologize." I grumble and looked at the bard. "Jaskier, Jaskier my dear." I reached my hand towards him, which he took gingerly. "I'm so sorry i worried you." Jaskier smiled. "Oh darling, it's quite alright." "See now let me go." Geralt set me down but Jaskier never let go so I turned back to him. "Jaskier?" He was smirking now. "Besides you can make it up to me tonight in our room, love." I blushed a deep red. "J-Jaskier!" I snapped my hand away quickly. Geralt stepped between us. "Y/n, has her own room."
~a few hours later~
We had hit the pub for some ale and boy had Jaskier hit it. He was drunkenly playing his lute and telling story, the occasional flirt with attractive bypassers. "Jaskier." I stated low and calm to grab his attention. Id never admit it but I got quite jealous of the various lude comments he had made towards stranger. "Oh, darling there you are!" He slurred. "You are drunk. Lets get back to the inn while you can still walk. Geralt left some time ago." I mumbled quietly. "Hmm?" He started, "but darling I havent made a new friend yet." He said friend in a weird way so id know what he meant. "You dont need to." I snapped back a little too harsh. He looked a little taken aback but grabbed my hand kissing it anyway. "Lead the way,love." He sounded much less intoxicated this time.
~at the inn~
The walk back had been far too quiet. Jaskier had kept hold of my hand the whole way and now we were in front of our rooms. "Thank you." He stated quietly while looking at me. "F-for what..?" He gaze was alluring and making me quite nervous. "Making sure I made it back safely." His voice was husky and not at all Sounding drunk now. I had noticed him grab my other hand yet until he liftex it to his lips. "For pulling your little stunt as well." He moved a little closer. Unconsciously I had done the same. "For coming along with us." He had inched closer until our noses were about to touch. "I want to kiss you." He said just above a whisper. "W-what?" I had blushed more than ever in this moment. "Fuck.. I'm going to." He whispered and then our lips connected Surprising me. He pulled away. "Thank you..." I whispered quietly in a complete daze. Jaskier chuckled. "Oh, youre quite welcome darling." He leaned in again kissing me lightly. When he pulled away I snapped out of my daze and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back for another kiss. This one deep and passionate as Jaskier snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.
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