#we've come so far and today i'm simply thankful
What a year to be gay. We got sweet boys in love forbidden queer romance a celestial divorce and now whatever Stede and Ed have got going on. Love WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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roquebr · 5 months
The Fury
Barcelona femeni x reader
Aitana Bonmáti x reader
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Summary: When all seems lost, a turnaround can be more impressive.
The rocking of the bus gives me a slight feeling of relaxation, my headphones placed carelessly in my ears, with the sound at the highest volume, hoping to hide the prevailing noise of the place.
The youngest girls on the team are very excited about today's game, it's no surprise that we are heading towards the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, simply the biggest European championship. So it's not surprising when some of them are sitting on their benches with greater concentration than the other side, which is a mess.
Everyone has their own way of preparing, mine being to ignore everyone around me as much as possible until we get to the changing rooms, music being my escape point, I always turn to Brazilian music to be my company during these moments, it's a way of feel close to home.
— Meto o chapéu na cabeça ela perde a cabeça e me fala assim... – When the song approaches the chorus, I feel a nudge on my shoulders, I pause the song and look at the intruder who disturbed me and then I relax, yeah Alexia, she knows about my pre-game ritual and I know she wouldn't disturb me for nothing.
—Hey Ale, allright?
— Yes, sorry to bother you, but we've already arrived at the stadium and the girls are already coming down.
— I lost track, I'm going too, I'm just going to get my things — I give a small smile, thanking him for his kindness.
— I see you're a little out of tune, is everything okay? – He places one of his free hands on my shoulder, with the other holding his belongings. I don't know how she manages to balance everything like that, if it were me, my cell phone would definitely be broken on the floor by now.
— Yes, I'm just concentrating on the game, you know how it is, right?
— I understand, but if you need anything you can talk to me. – I don't answer, stopping myself from just returning a kind look.
We continued walking towards the changing rooms, greeting the workers as I passed.
I know that this nervousness is not just because of the game, but because of the desire to show more than my best on the field, having arrived at the club just under a year ago, coming straight as a standout on the Ferroviária, I knew that from the beginning I had to show more than I expected.
I've had a strong presence in many of the 37 unbeaten games played so far, I've been a regular starter, but apparently I'm not good enough to start today.
As soon as Jona announced who would start before we got on the bus, my spirits immediately dropped, I know he decided the lineup thinking about preserving some prominent athletes for possible future changes of keys, but that doesn't negate my feeling of incompetence to start on the bench.
We arrive at the locker room and I immediately head to my cubicle, my headphones that have been stored for a long time no longer deprive me of Rosalía's loud voice that emanates from the absurdly loud speaker in my ears.
I change calmly, but I decide not to wear socks or football boots for now, I'm going to interpret this as a protest for being on the bench today, a bit childish I know.
I sigh and lean my head against the wall, where my game t-shirt used to hang, I watch my happy teammates as they transform and sway to the beat of the music.
I saw my girlfriend of 1 year, we met in October 2022 at Ballon D'or, I went to the event as Marta's guest after telling her in a free conversation that I would like to have the experience of going.
We talked for just over a month and soon we were dating, excited, right, but the feeling was intense and it happened, at first it was difficult because of the distance because I was in Brazil and she was in Spain, but we got through it together, whenever I could I went to visit her. there. Unfortunately, she never managed to go to Brazil, but I will resolve that during our next “vacation”.
Jona arrives in the locker room and starts his usual motivational talk, honestly I don't feel like listening to anything, with my mind confused I just focus on going to the bench.
Sit next to Alexia with Lucy on the other side, the traditional song of the champions plays bringing a smile to my face, regardless of my wounded pride, every time this anthem plays I can't help but get emotional, it's a dream that becomes childhood reality.
The first half of the game was somewhat disappointing, Barça put pressure on Chelsea's marking but unfortunately the defense did not give in, in the 39th minute came the beginning of our fall, taking advantage of a passing error from Irene that gave Chelsea close possession of the ball. to the area, making a respectable exchange of passes until he found a partner in the area, he deceived Keira's marking and passed to Cuthbert who wasted no time in scoring. We came out at half-time with 1-0 to Chelsea.
The atmosphere in the dressing room is very different to when we arrived, the totally dead Barcelona vibe contradicts the emotion I normally feel, word after word, motivation after motivation, all falling on my deaf ears as each teammate seemed focused on acquiring each lyric. said by him.
With a wave of his hand, Jona takes me aside to talk.
— YN, where are your boots?
— It's in the bank, Jona.
He sighs lightly in annoyance, the stress in his shoulders is visible.
— Look, I know you're disappointed that I didn't start today, but please put your boots on, I'll be with you on the field in about 10 minutes.
— Great Jona, I'll put it on.
Returning to the second half, a little more excited, I ask one of the physiotherapists there to put a bandage on my ankle, Sophia is her name, as I injured my ankle during the game I always put a bandage on it to avoid future injuries.
After Sophia finishes, I put on my socks and football boots, I kiss each shin guard before putting them on.
The second half began, Barça had difficulty getting into the game, then a penalty was awarded in our favor, we celebrated along with the cheers of the fans, this would be our chance to continue in the game.
The referee goes to the Var and immediately cancels the penalty, apparently the referee interprets that Salma's offside hinders the defender, nonsense if I may say so.
At 63 minutes Jona makes 2 substitutions, bringing Alexia and Lucy. Ingrid and Ona sit next to me, respectively tired and disappointed with their performances, I give both thighs a comforting squeeze.
I wait anxiously at the edge of my bench for a while, waiting for the moment when Jona replaces me. In the 74th minute, when Ramirez, Chelsea's striker, missed the chance to expand, my heart almost exploded. Patri managed to disrupt her position well, although he still let her to finish the shot.
— Jonas!! – He doesn’t even turn around in recognition.
— Que saco mano. – I go down towards him who was on the side of the field. — Jona, am I going in now?
— Be patient, YN, go to warm up.
A frown appears on my face, but I do as I'm told, not before kicking the water bottle nearby. My companions give me sympathetic looks, which makes me more stressed.
At 78 minutes, the assistant coach says I'm ready and Jona calls me to the sidelines next to him.
— Listen to me, we need you now in this field, are you ready for this challenge. – She pauses only to give the numbers to the fourth referee who is preparing the replacement panel. — We need to decide this game at home, with our fans who came here to watch us play, with courage and love when we enter the field. I know you are ready for this challenge, show who you are and what you came for.
I can't find words, so I just listen, shaking my head with a determined look. I take the place of Mariona, who wishes me good luck, running to my position, passing my girlfriend, blinking and returning to focus on the game.
Time: 80m
In a quick run down the wing, Frido sends it to Caro who tries to finish, the goalkeeper saves but the rebound goes straight to my side, I don't miss the opportunity and send it into the goal. I see Salma grab the ball so we can restart the game, I run back to position, jumping and calling the fans to play together.
Time: 83m
Patri intercepts the ball in midfield, passes it to Aitana who dribbles the opponent, leaving her mistaken, I ask for the ball and soon receive it. I notice that the goalkeeper's left corner is free, I prepare my leg and take a strong low shot, I see the ball roll quickly as the goalkeeper tries to launch himself too late, then you see the net ripple. We changed the course of the game, but it's still not enough.
Time: 85m
Aitana is having an impressive run taking advantage of Chelsea's neglect, a defender in front of her, with options like me on the left and Caro on the right, with Salma right behind. Aita rolls the ball to me, I take a slight touch to the right and shoot with confidence, the ball takes a threatening curve and soon falls into the net, surprising the goalkeeper.
Now I allow myself to celebrate, I run close to the flag post and slide down on my knees, my teammates hugging me and pulling me everywhere, the euphoria was so much that it felt like we had won the Champions League right there. I felt like crying, I scored my first hat-trick in the Champions League
Time: 88m
We receive a free kick after the Chelsea player almost grabbed Aitana trying to take the ball away from her, Salma takes the free kick which hits Lucy's head, who aims the ball towards the goalkeeper's box. She came spinning through the air, landing perfectly at my feet, I beautifully pushed her towards the goal and fell into the hug. With every second that passed the crowd became louder and louder, if possible.
Time: 90m
The gas had not passed, it was getting stronger and stronger, now with a considerable advantage, we preferred to send the team back. Keeping score is crucial for the second leg in England. Although we are currently more focused on defense, that doesn't stop us from also attacking at every opportunity. The team's confidence increased and we played calmer, making more passes and remaining calm when under pressure.
Caro has the ball on the right wing, looks up and sees the perfect opportunity to cross.
Caro's always necessary crossing makes things easier for me, I wait for her to reach the right height before jumping and sending the bike, when I fall backwards onto the grass my pain is numbed by a very loud vibration coming from the stadium.
Barely having time for anything else, I run towards the small Chelsea fans present in the stadium, stop in front of them and place both hands on my waist, with an arrogant posture, soon my teammates come to me in pure euphoria. Many compliments reach my ears, I allow myself to embrace them as much as possible before we have to return to the starting position.
9 minutes of extra time were allowed, nothing else impressive happened during this period, the 3 characteristic whistles were heard. There were many celebrations after we greeted the rival team. I head towards the referee team who hands me the ball.
Jona hugs me congratulating me on a successful game, the team soon arrives and gives me the idea of throwing myself into the air, I try to run away but I'm not fast enough, after the desperate seconds pass I run to the fans, my spirits were high today.
I ask a member of the coaching staff to hold my ball for me, while I jump into the arms of the crowd, doing my best to sign and take as many photos with everyone as possible, the only limit being the barrier.
I feel an arm go around my waist as I sign a Mapí fan t-shirt. I look to the side and see that it is Aitana, who is already looking at me with her beautiful smile on her face, her bright eyes remind me of the constellations.
I can't help but smile with her, our passionate looks betrayed our enormous passion for each other, which doesn't go unnoticed by the public, to everyone's euphoria and my poor heart, she stands on tiptoe and gives a long kiss to the my lips. , fireworks light up in my belly.
Soon the photo of that moment would be published on many pages, one of them was the official Barça account, and certainly on many fan pages that would blow up my cell phone with notifications.
But I couldn't care less, I played an impressive game and had my girl in my arms, could I ask for more than that?.
!!The inspiration for the character to score 5 goals in 10 minutes came from Lewa, when he played for Bayern he did this feat, so I thought “why not put that in the fic?”!" ... sorry for any mistakes, english is not my main language
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Walmart Wolf — Isaac Lahey x Reader
summary: When you accidentally saw Isaac's wolf form, he began threatening you to keep quiet. Problem is, you don't really find him scary.
tags: slightly canon-divergent, usage of you, canon-typical (mild) description of violence.
"Right," You nodded, eyes focused on arranging your notes in the correct order before filing them. You slammed the file closed as you swung your bag onto one shoulder, heading to the hallway, pushing past Lahey.
"I mean it." He said, following you with ease. His long legs covered the distance between the two of you within a second.
You simply rolled your eyes.
"Say a word and you'll regret it." He added, now walking beside you.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You waved a dismissive hand.
Which was a mistake, because now, he grabbed onto the wrist of that hand and dragged you into a corner. He leaned into your space, your breathes intermingled with one another as he growled, eyes glowing golden. He whispered, fangs visible with every move of his lips, "Tell someone and you'll find yourself torn apart."
You tried, actually really tried, to imagine what that would feel like. But when his sharp nails, no, his claws, slowly digging into your skin, all you could think was how good of back scratch he would give. So, you smiled, at the thought, though of course to him you were smiling at his threat.
He tilted his head, confusion riddled his face.
See, when he does things like that, how are you going to find him threatening. He looked like your old neighbour's puppy.
So adorable.
His eyebrows furrowed. "What. did. you. say?"
Oh shoot. Did I said that out loud?
He waited for a response, the grip on your wrist loosening by the seconds. You pulled your hand back, placing it atop your hip as the other shifted with the file's weight.
"You think you're so scary, but you are far from it." You started. "I've seen scary. Lived through it. Dismemberment is the least of my concerns, especially when it's coming from a Walmart version of a wolf."
Isaac stood still – his face morphing into something between offence and bewilderment – possibly stunned by the little rant you had. You took that as an opportunity to slip away, walking in the direction of AP Biology class that was about to start in five minutes.
You wondered if you could make it in time.
Then you wondered... if what you said was too mean..
Sparing a glance at the spot the two of you were standing a few moments ago, Isaac already gone, you shrugged as you considered that'd be a problem for the future-you to solve.
Right now, though, you had a test to take.
— • • •
You knew.
You didn't need to turn your head around to know that Isaac Lahey was glaring at you – um, well, at the back of your head. You had been sitting next to your classmates in the cafeteria, discussing on what to do for next week's group project, when all of a sudden all their focus seemed to shift from the notes on the table to something, or rather someone, behind you. One by one, either their eyes would flicker between you and him, or their words seemingly stuck in their throats every time they tried to elaborate on their points.
This won't do.
You politely dismissed the meeting, saying that "we've got everything mostly covered" and offering them an email-shared notes of today's discussion. Without wasting any time, each one of them rushed out of their seats, leaving you alone with the annoying pest that was you could practically hear fuming as he walked towards you.
"Walmart version of a wolf!?" He hissed, aggressively sliding into the seat in front of you. Though admittedly, no one can look terrifying when trying to slide onto a lunch table's bench.
"Hello, good afternoon, I'm doing fine, thank you for asking." You replied, annoyed with him for, in a way, causing the early dismissal of your group discussion.
"Cut that crap." He slammed a hand onto the table, but his pinky finger caught onto a nearby tray from your groupmate's lunch and he flailed about trying to ensure the cup and the plate won't spill onto him.
You bit back a scoff, though a small smile still found its way onto your face.
He shot you a glare. Typical, so you rolled your eyes at that.
"I am not a Walmart wolf." He spat, his fingers flat on the surface of the table. Now he looked like one of those halloween sales plushies of a standing wolf over a carved plastic pumpkin, frowning for some candies.
This time, you couldn't help it. You snorted. "Sure, you're not, buddy."
With that, you left him again with his own mix of offense and confusion. Those meeting notes were not going to write itself.
— • • •
Amongst your top ten list of what to expect this school year, settling into a routine of being threatened by a not-so-scary werewolf was not one of it. Though if you had to include that into a list of something, you would tuck it neatly in a catalogue labeled "to be resolved".
There were so many things you needed to resolve like the maths problem from week ten's class that you missed because of a flu, or high water bill even after carefully measuring the usage for a month, or what in Chemistry's classroom were allergic to because you kept sneezing whenever you were in it the past couple of weeks.
But Isaac Lahey's unimaginative threats grew increasingly in terms of priority.
His persistence not once faltering for the past month and if you were to be precise, it had been exactly 32 days and 4 hours since you discovered his wolf-y nature. So as expected, you found him striding through the hallway to you, that same scowl on his face... and a scarf on his neck? What's up with that scarf anyway? It was basically scorching hot outside.
He opened his mouth, perhaps to throw another one of those "I'll gut you with my claws" or "Rip your head of your neck with my teeth" nonsense, but you stopped him with a raise of a stern hand.
"If you have nothing new to say, then just shut up."
He stopped in his tracks, standing only a few feet away from you, crossing his arms across his chest as if to say, 'Oh yeah?'
His shenanigans did not go unnoticed by your peers; a few expressed their concerns for your safety (rumours has it he was the prime suspect of his father's death but if he's as bad as his threats and reputation, then you would've stopped breathing the moment you caught him), some tried to pry for information (you swore you would strangle the next person who asked if Lahey and you were dating), and most simply thought you formed some sort of friendship with the tall teen (which, at this point, was something you prefer over the unoriginal threats).
You figured he would throw a snarky comment when you began to turn around, but instead you were met with a question that had you scratching the back of your neck and looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Why aren't you ever scared?"
You thought for several moments, looking for all the right answers, unsure yourself why were you even taking the time to reply properly when all you had been doing was dismissing him (well, dismissing his threats).
So you looked at him once more, maybe hoping that he would be some sort of guide to you for your answers yet all you could see was all the reasons you were never scared.
Maybe those reasons were your answers.
You took a deep breath, checking the time with a quick motion. "How do you feel about pancakes?"
— • • •
This diner was certainly not the best diner the town could offer – its pastries always stale, the coffee too bitter, and you were sure that the old lady waitress was slower than a sloth – but it sure has the best pancakes that no other place in the town could beat.
You pour the maple syrup over the steaming pancakes, clearly freshly made in contrast to all of the other menu. Lahey fidgeted in his seat, possibly uncomfortable with the booth being too small for comfort but all the open space tables were filled with just off-duty cops, tired office workers and elderly couples who did not want to eat homemade dinner. The diner itself was not crowded with dozens of customers but the small space of the building made it seemed like it was always packed with people.
It was a typical slow day in a small room.
Lahey tapped the edge of the table with his fingers, head looking around, always shifting in his seat as if waiting for an ambush or a guaranteed-to-be-poorly-made crepe that he ordered earlier.
The crepe arrived seconds later, almost fully burnt, but he did not stop moving. So you concluded that he might thought that this was a trap, like he was just waiting for animal control to come in with a muzzle and big cage.
"Told you to order the pancakes." You cut through the tension.
"Why are we here?" He asked in return.
You placed down the fork and knife back onto the table, pancakes untouched.
"I'm sorry." You began, to which he scowled – clearly not understanding why you were apologising – but you continued nonetheless. "I shouldn't have said you were a Walmart version of a wolf."
He scoffed, leaning back against his seat.
"To be fair, you were really annoying the hell out of me with those incredibly mundane threats and I thought I'd strike one back." You shrugged.
He was ready to say something but you beat him to it.
"And rather than a Walmart wolf, I think you were a lot like a puppy. Specifically the one that my old neighbour had. Paired that vision with your clumsiness, gods, I don't think anyone with rationality would find you scary."
Whilst you had a habit of not thinking when going on a rant, you thought of this next sentence more often than you'd like and so you decided that he might as well hear it.
"On the contrary, I believe that anyone would find you cute."
For a second you thought his expression softened but you looked again and figured that was just the trick of the lightings — just like how the interior of the room made it seemed like he was blushing. He can't be, can he..?
Nah. No way.
After a long stretch of silence, the two of you locking eyes, he finally spoke. "So? What then? You'll run around telling people that I'm— I mean, about that, thinking they'll find it cute too?"
This time, you scoffed as you leaned back against your seat.
"Of course not." You laughed, though there was not a hint of joy in it, but more for sarcastic effect. "Think about it, Lahey. If I wanted to tell someone, and you know that I'm not scared of you, I would have done so weeks ago. Your business is yours to share. Just because I happened to stumble upon it, doesn't give me the right to publicly announce it."
What you said was something you thought to be common sense but from his reaction, you figured he was so used to the opposite – like he believed his privacy was made up of glass walls, anyone could look through it should they come across it.
You grabbed your utensils, cutting your pancakes in half before it turned soggy from the syrup. You gave half of it to Lahey, plopping it atop his charcoal-coloured crepe.
He mumbled something of a Thank You before digging in. The two of you enjoying the sweetness of a fluffy pancake for some time.
He finished his portion first, you noticed, then he wiped his mouth with a napkin before leaning into the table. Seemingly battling something within himself before he decided to speak again.
"So," He started, "What do you mean when you said "I've seen scary. Lived through it."?"
You raised an eyebrow, eating the last bit of the pancake in one smooth bite.
"Nu-uh," You shook your head as you dabbed the corner of your lips. "We're not that close yet, Lahey."
"Come on, Walmart Wolf." He scowled at that nickname, but you stood up anyway after leaving some money on the table for the food, a few extra five dollar bills for the tips.
It was sort of a good day, after all.
"It'd be boring if I just tell you my secrets. You've got to earn it."
It was right there, the 6ft something boy, hunched in a semi-circle booth, finally smiled. A wide, toothy grin that wrinkled the corner of his eyes.
That was the first of the many joyful things the two of you would begin to experience together.
a/n: i'd write a part two to this story if anyone's interested but for now i'll leave this open ended like this. tried my best to make the reader gender neutral as much as possible though.
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funishment-time · 2 months
🔵 Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Misc DR & Multiple Characters
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading too much misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
First of all, the questions answered here are not official. Everything that is official is what is said within the work. In contrast, this is simply what Kodaka, the creator, thinks, and it is not the correct answer. Use this as a starting point to enjoy the depth of each character, or to say, "That's not right!" and enjoy it with your own interpretation. I think of this as a way of communicating with the characters who live in fiction. This is important, so please spread the word.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: Out of all the characters that have appeared so far, who is your favorite visually?
A: As a fan, Haruko from FLCL. Among my own creations...hmmm, Monokubs lol and Enoshima.
Q: Sorry if this has already been said! I saw a tweet saying that Fukawa Toko's novel "Before the Scent of the Sea Disappears" was made into a short film by Kodaka Kazutaka! Is there anywhere I can see it?
A: I don't have it..! I have the data on my PC, but…lol
Q: Are you interested in making games in the world of Ultimate Talent Development Plan? I would like to see all the characters together. (Sorry my Japanese is not very good. I am using a translator.)
A: It's too early to tell. I'll continue to make more and more characters.
Q: I love Ultra Despair Girls, but it's sad that so few people are playing it 😢 Are there plans for a port or remake for the Switch?
A: It's an absolute masterpiece! I'm proud to say that it has the heaviest storyline I've ever written, and the friendship at the end will have you in tears. And it's also pretty fun to take down all the Monokumas in one fell swoop. The controls are a bit rough in some areas, so I'd like to tweak them and re-release it. But maybe that last possibility is impossible in today's world...
Q: What is your favorite chapter in the Danganronpa series?
A: Hmm, Chapters 1 and 6 of 1, and Chapters 5 and 6 of 2. Maybe Chapters 1, 5 and 6 of 3.
Q: I love Danganronpa Zero, and I'd like to ask if there were any particular things that you were thinking about when you were writing it.
A: At the time, it was my first novel in about five years, and although I said "I'll do it" lightly, I wasn't good at writing the narrative, and after pushing myself into scrapping it many times, I finally managed to get it done by writing the narrative from the protagonist's point of view.
Q: I got hooked on the Danganronpa series when I was in elementary school and am now a working adult!! Danganronpa is my favorite work of all time! Of course I played Rain Code too!! I love how Shinigami-chan grows and becomes more human as the story progresses! I wonder if a sequel to Danganronpa is really possible...? I'm also waiting for a sequel to Rain Code I'll keep waiting until I die! I love you!
A: From elementary school to working adult…! Thanks to Danganronpa, you've become a fine adult! Neither sequel is impossible. I'd like to expand more, get results from other new works, and make myself more valuable, and do it when it's best for me.
Q: Are there any characters that have a secret backstory in any of the Danganronpa works?
A: For the most part, there are still stories that we haven't talked about.
Q: This may be a question that can't be answered (it may have been asked already), but in the bad ending of Danganronpa, Togami holds a portrait of Fukawa, and there is a child of Togami? Will the truth about that ever come to light?!
A: With the loss of Kirigiri, and the decision to live together within the school, everyone had a change of heart and decided to join hands. Fukawa stopped belittling herself, and Togami stopped being arrogant, and the two started dating, but the next day Fukawa died in an accident. She died after choking on a dumpling, and Togami was confused, believing it was a curse from Celes. As Asahina comforted the depressed boy, things just sort of happened and Togami's child was born. Asahina loves children, and decided that this was her mission and she would give birth to everyone's children. And since that was all there was to do in the boring school life, everyone did it a lot. After that, she gave birth to more than 10 children, and the school flourished.
NOTE: This is the worst thing I have ever read.
Q: I can't help but wonder about the night that Asahina, Hagakure, Togami, and Fukawa spent in the gym in Chapter 5 of Danganronpa. What were they doing that night?
A: I think they were standing in the dark gymnasium, each at one of the four corners, going around tapping the shoulder of the next person in the corner...
Q: The "motivation video" that appeared in V3 featured someone important to each character, but it wasn't revealed who was in the motivation video for the characters in the main story. Did you have a set idea in mind of "this character is this person", Mr. Kodaka? Some characters talk about family or special people in Free Time scenarios, but there are also some characters who don't talk about such things, so I'm curious.
A: I had it set at the time, but I've forgotten about it...
NOTE: ugh
Q: What's your favorite romantic pairing in danganronpa?
A: Monomi and Monokuma.
Q: I love the scene in Chapter 6 of the original Danganronpa where the mastermind and the scissors girl (I will not reveal her name for now) meet and politely greet each other. Mr. Kodaka, are there any funny or gag scenes from the Danganronpa series or Rain Code that you like?
A: There are heaps of gag scenes and funny scenes, but when I first saw Monokuma and Monomi's comedy routine in 2 with their lines incorporated, I felt something otherworldly that I'd never heard before. We record out of order, so after incorporating it with the game, I was surprised at how otherworldly it was.
Q: I would like you to publish profiles of Danganronpa Zero characters! Please do so!
A: Let's ask Spikechun! Spikechun reserves all rights! Let's all protest and demand that these profiles be made public!
Q: In the summary of the materials for Danganronpa 1, there was a detailed description of the non-killers' punishments, but I wonder if those will ever be made into a movie...? I've been dying to see it 🥲
A: It's not exactly a good idea to capture people dying on film…
Q: Who is the most popular character in Danganronpa? I would be happy if you could tell me one male and one female!
A: My personal opinion is... For guys, it's Shinguji. There are girls who are attracted to weird guys like that. For girls, it's Iruma. There are boys who are attracted to weird girls like that.
NOTE: I believe this is IRL, not in-universe, as Kodaka later answers who has the most friends in-universe, and it's not Miu or Kork.
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! Who is the strongest drinker among Munakata, Yukizome, and Sakakura? 🥹
A: It's probably Yukizome.
Q: Among the BGM used in the original, 2, and V3, is there any that you particularly like, Mr. Kodaka? I absolutely love New World Order from the original, DANGANRONPA SUPER MIX from 2, and V3 Discussion - SCRUM - from V3!
A: The punishment music was created first, and it created a Danganronpa atmosphere, or rather a playful yet serious atmosphere, so it has a deeply cryptic vibe.
Q: I bought Danganronpa again on Steam and had my ex-girlfriend play the whole series, and she got hooked. This may be mentioned in other media, but are there any characters who weren't meant to die but ended up dying?
A: While I was writing, some roles were switched, but I don't think there were many changes to the plot. I think it was Nidai and Kuzuryu who switched roles...
NOTE: His memory is correct. Beta designs show a Fuyuhiko-like character who was meant to the the team manager, and a mafia guy who was a big Nekomaru-ish dude.
Q: In the Danganronpa series, you get underwear when your bond with a character reaches its maximum, but whose underwear do you like the most, Kodaka?
A: Personally, I'm not interested in underwear. They're dirty.
Q: I know you didn't write or supervise Danganronpa S at all, Kodaka, but have you played it since its release? And if you did, were there any event conversations that you particularly liked?
A: [This is one where we're unsure what Kodaka's saying, but we're pretty sure he means he hasn't played it at all. Take that with a grain of salt, though.]
Q: [A longer question, found here, that comes down to: "i'm curious how your writing with your world evolved in ways you may not have had planed..."]
A: The scenario changes a lot when I write it. It is live. Try writing it, move the characters around, and it keeps changing. Because the characters are alive.
Q: Yamada and Celes seem to have been quite close during their school days, but how did they end up like that?
A: "I've gotten better at making royal milk tea."
NOTE: This is probably Hifumi talking.
🥬 APRIL 2024:
Q: Will you ever make a V3 animation? That could be so cool I’d love to see it so much.
A: That is a matter for Spike Chunsoft to decide.
Q: Who is the character with the most friends in each of the Danganronpa games: the original, 2, and V3?
A: I guess Yamada, Koizumi, and Angie. I'm not sure if I can call Angie a friend, though.
Q: Chabashira Tenko and I have the same birthday and blood type, so I'd like to know how a character's birthday and blood type are decided. I'm currently studying Japanese.
A: It's decided by fate.
Q: Tired of answering questions about Danganronpa?
A: I'm not bored. I love Danganronpa. However, I may forget some things, so I don't want to answer carelessly.
🌺 MAY 2024:
Q: I think Harukawa-chan had romantic feelings for Momota-kun, but did Momota-kun see Harukawa-chan as a romantic interest? Or did he just see her as one of his "students," like Saihara-kun?
A: "I didn't realize it at the time, so I wasn't even conscious of it. If I had realized it sooner, things might have been different..."
NOTE: This is probably Kaito talking.
☀️ JUNE 2024:
Q: I feel like there weren't any characters in the original Danganronpa who were definitely able to cook, so who was cooking at breakfast and the like? I'd also like to know if there were any characters who could cook in the original!
A: I think they basically just used pre-cooked food, but I think Fujisaki and Yamada seem like they can cook.
Q: How did you decide the seating order for the class trial?
A: Intentionally in random order so as not to create any patterns.
Q: Are there any characters in 1, 2, and V3 who are not virgins? Sorry for the really vulgar question.
A: A rough estimate is a quarter.
Q: Is it decided how old the characters in works such as Danganronpa and Raincode are? If so, how old are they?
A: Of course, Danganronpa is mostly in their teens. Raincode has a wide range, but even Yakou is in his 30s.
NOTE: This is kind-of hilarious, because I'm pretty sure it's canonically stated Yakou is actually in his late 20s...in something that Kodaka himself wrote. I'll have to go find evidence.
Q: I'd like to know the recommended menu items at Hanamura Diner!
A: Fresh tonkatsu.
NOTE: Tonkatsu is a fried pork cutlet.
Q: Were the Love Hotel scenes also supervised by Kodaka-san? When Ouma says that he doesn't care what Saihara does to him, is that what he says to make it possible for him to have anyone in that space under his control?
A: I did supervise it. But I left that to people who are good at that sort of thing and refrained from interfering too much, and I still refrain from doing so now.
Q: Is there any trick to Tanaka Gundham's chuunibyou dialogue? I'm curious to know how you think of the unique expressions used by Saionji Hiyoko and Iruma Miu.
A: The insults come out super easily, but Tanaka's lines were thought out thoroughly, based on the light novels I've read, so it's exhausting.
NOTE: A "chuunibyou" is a kid, generally 12-13, who believes they have secret powers or a grand backstory. Gundham's a bit old to be a chuuni by Kodaka's own admission in the DR2 artbook, but that was apparently part of the charm (and why it was so difficult to write him). It's spiritual Naruto running.
🎇 JULY 2024:
Q: I'd like to know what underwear your favorite Danganronpa character wears, Kodaka-san.
A: Monomi's panties. Diapers.
NOTE: This is how rumors get started, Kaz...
Q: Do Rain Code and Danganronpa take place in the same world? Do any of your games and works have a shared universe with another? Or are they all separate? 🤔 💭 I'm asking because I just had a dream about Rain Code today!
A: I won't make a clear statement. I am not sure what will happen in the future. Anyway, please spread the Rain Code around the world.
Q: If Hope's Peak Academy had regular exams, who would have the best overall grades?
A: It would have to be Togami. Kirigiri has clear strengths and weaknesses and doesn't seem like she'd be good at things like art. However, when it comes to multiple choice questions, Komaeda who relies on luck is the strongest, Ouma steals the answers in advance, and Ki-Bo tries hard and is average, but is bad at calculations.
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nientedal · 6 months
Hello, I binged a bunch of your Megamind fics last night (best mistake of my life 🥲). But since I'm not an old Megamind fan, or even an old fan of yours, I don't really know how did you come up with the bird-like singsong language headcanon and not sure where to look for answers either. Megamind with gills headcanon is pretty intuitive, but this? Tell me more, please ~
Thank you for your work. Megamind is a masterpiece, but even DreamWorks couldn't begin to explore all the implications of the story.
Omg I love this question, thank you for asking! And I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my writing 💙👽💙 I hope you can nap today!
The short explanation is simply that the way I see it, if Megamind's species can live underwater, the language spoken in his culture of origin cannot work the same way our languages do. The primary mechanics of human languages, air flowing out through our mouths, will not work for an aquatic species unless their language is bubbles. So I needed something else, and...I like birds a lot. When I wrote Swansong (I think Swansong was my first fic in which Megamind speaks any Punktsyk), I honestly wasn't thinking about it very much, except "birds whistle and chirp, and so do dolphins and whales, so Megamind sounds like birds and dolphins and whales."
The long explanation of how I got to the fully-developed headcanon for his language as I currently write it is below:
The long explanation is that Megamind's specific combination of birdsong+whalesong was developed over a long period of time. I like birds a LOT, lol. I've also always loved the idea of a Megamind who looks more or less human-shaped, but is otherwise very very alien. So (years & years before I started writing him with gills) I wrote him as making some bird-like sounds very early on in my writing. 2012, 2013 or so, I think. I also wrote him mentioning a syrinx, which is a vocal structure some birds have. Just for fun, because at that time I was avoiding writing very much about his homeworld. And I wrote Swansong, which...as far as I know is the first appearance of Megamind with gills, so I didn't have much inspiration other than "I like birds" lmao. But I needed him to speak to Minion underwater, and I have no idea how Minion manages aquatic English, so I gave Megamind a different voice and leaned into those bird noises I had mentioned in passing before, in other stories.
Aaaand then I got depression and didn't publish anything for a couple years... and THEN I got on new meds and came roaring back to life with new inspiration, thinking, Fuck it! We've had no new information in years! I'm gonna do what I want! Gills! A new language! Let's go let's go let's go!
First, I needed a reason for Megamind to actually be fully fluent in his parents' language, so I gave Minion inherited memories. With the way I was writing Minion's biology, it made sense that his species might be able to do something like that. I thought, okay, Minion lives in an orb underwater, how long would it have taken him to learn any human languages? So Megamind is fully fluent in his parents' language because Minion could really ONLY speak that for a long time.
And THEN I sat down and started trying to actually figure out the language itself. I had already had the thought (several times, over the years) that if those bird noises I gave him are natural for him, there was no reason any of the languages on Megamind's homeworld would sound even remotely human. I was really sad about this, because I had hoped to write something Roxanne could eventually learn to speak, but...it just wouldn't work in my head. I was writing Dive and fully committing to Megamind as a fish-man, so his language needed to make equal sense in water and air, and for that, it needed to be something truly alien.
Like I said, I had written him singing already. This was just his language from Swansong, but more developed. I wanted a deeper song for him, too, like a whale, so I wrote long chambers along his spine, to run air back and forth and sing the emotion underlying the birdsong "words." I also gave him a kind of rolling "vocal loop" to keep air flowing through his syrinx without letting go of it through his nose or mouth, so he can sing underwater as well as in air. I think he probably also has structures he can work behind his nose, for clicking. He can make a LOT of noises, lol.
If I'm remembering correctly, I was still thinking maybe he had a different language out of the water while I was writing Dive. It wasn't until a couple months later when I wrote Wake Your Sleepy Soul that I decided it was a single language. I imagine it sounds a bit different underwater than in air, but the language itself is the same.
There is more I can tell you about Megamind's voice, but I think that's everything for why I wrote his language the way I do! and I must sleep. Thank you again!! If you (or anyone else reading this) have any other questions, please ask away, I LOVE talking about this stuff.
(Oh and go watch Megamind Rules if you haven't seen it yet! I think it is actually very cute and earnest. Wonderful show for kids, I really enjoyed it and hope they release the second half soon.)
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ysphcpb · 7 months
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SafehouseSS2 Day 4: Send-off for P'Krist ♡
Book: Thank you for everything you've taught me. Let me say this. P'Krist is a very lovely person. Before this, I'd never met P'Krist. I was worried that you'd be hard to talk to, but ever since we met- (everyone remarking that Book was kneeling so respectfully, as if Krist were an elderly person) No, I really respect him. P'Krist has taught me a lot of things, both during the live and off-cam. Thank you so much. Thank you, really.
JJ: I want to really thank P'Krist. Before coming to SafeHouse and meeting you, I was nervous, because we have an age gap, and I see you as a seniour. I was afraid of coming off as disrespectful. But now? (Krist: Not anymore? *laughs*) No, you're still my seniour, a beloved seniour, just like P'Off. At first I thought P'Off would be more chaotic, but later on, phi... you are just as chaotic. The exact same. Scarier even. (...) Now, I'd like to... Please raise your arms. *proceeds to put garlands on both of Krist's arms*
Force: I've got to say, we'd never talked to each other, nor met each other before. We just got to know each other here. The first day, I was still a little nervous, didn't know how to talk to you. But now, we've become close. P'Krist is a very lovely big brother, who always gives me support. Anyways, let's meet each other again back in Bangkok. (...) He's a wonderful and cute big brother. Love love krub.
AJ: Let me first say, P'Krist is "my bro," even though we weren't that close before we went to SafeHouse. Now, we are very close. Like I said, we didn't get to see each other often, right phi? We didn't talk much, only simply greeted each other. But since meeting P'Krist in SafeHouse... Like, I knew you are a cute person, but now I've found that you're even cuter than expected. Much much cuter. Just really, really lovely. (...) I want to say thank you so much, P'Krist, for many things. For teaching us, for taking care of us kids. Thank you so much.
Drake: Honestly, I've known P'Krist for a long time. P'Krist took care of me a lot, as I'm from Chiangmai, when I first arrived I didn't know the area well. He always gives me help and advice on my acting and my growing journey. Thank you so much, phi. (...) Today is my first day, I only get to see you for one day. I'm secretly sad, I want you to stay for longer. Actually, you can just keep staying here, phi. (Krist: Honestly I want to stay too *pretends to squeeze out some tears*)
Ohm: At first, I thought when I came today you'd already left, and I wouldn't get to see you. But I got to at least see you for one day, I'm very glad. (Krist: Right, we got to see each other recently, filming a lakorn.) That wasn't recent! It was a while ago. When we filmed An Eye for An Eye, I got to meet you and get to know you. We got close, but we didn't get to know each other that much because we didn't spend that much time together, and we filmed separate scenes. But now, we finally meet for real. This garland is to thank you. (...) This other garland is to ask you for forgiveness, for the times that I might've played around and gone too far. Because still, I'm the younger one and you're the older one. (...) Love you, phi. Let's meet when we have the chance.
Nanon: Let's say, we've known each other for a long time, we've gotten so close, ever since I first joined the agency. (Krist: You're my first nong in the agency.) Right, and we became close. At first, we may have not contacted each other much, also I was still a student back then. Once I went to university, we got to see each other more often and became much closer. Thank you for everything you've taught and advised me, for always giving me support. Love you always. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be giving you this many garlands. (Krist: That's right. You can love me a little less, it's fine~ I'm kidding, kidding.) Hey, I love you to death. Our condos are even near each other, wow~ We can meet each other easily. (Krist: I've picked you up before~) Yeah, he once called me "Hey, let's go out and eat!" - "Phi, it's 9pm now." - "I'll call a grab for you. Just come." And so I just came. Ah, here you go, I love you.
Mike: Frankly, I'll probably feel lonely, a little bit, but I believe that with the kids here I won't be lonely. (Krist: Right, they love you to death.) So you don't need to worry about me. Well... I don't know what to say! We understand each other already. Honestly, the only thing I want to say is, you're a very talented person. I've seen Krist since that first impression, the day he went "Hey friends, can I join your group?", when we first met at the freshmen welcoming event. (Krist: We've been friends since our first year at uni.) Until now. He's grown up a lot, and has gone through many things. There. I don't know what else to say, we talk and see each other all the time! Ah, I love you~
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1199: Rabbit Mother of the Year (Sonic)
8:56 a.m. at The Crocodiles' Household: Vector and Vanilla's Bedroom........
Espio: (Politely Bows at the Married Couple While Standing By the Room's Doorway) Breakfast will be ready for the both of you shortly.
Vanilla: (Happily Claps her Habds While Laying Next to Vector on Their Bed Together) You kids are the sweetest in the world, thank you!~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) What's on the menu this time around, chef?
Espio: The usual: omlettes, french toasts, sausages, two cups of orange juice, and pancakes, only this time they will be covered in rich, strawberry flavored syrup.
Vanilla/Vector: Ooooooooooooh!~
Vanilla: Strawberry flavored~
Vector: My month's already watering up just thinking about them~
Espio: (Nodded Proudly) You have every right to think that way. I poured some on a pancake I test tasted last night and it was pure delight. I'm certain you two will love it as much as I did-
Cheese: (In the Other Room) CHAO CHAO CHAOCHAO!!
Charmy: (In the Room With a Muffled Sounding Voice) I AM INNOCENT UNTIL BREAKFAST TIME
Cheese: Charmy that is NOT how the saying hoes and YOU KNOW IT, MISTER!!
Charmy: YEAH-HUH!
Cream/Cheese: NUH-UH/CHAO-CHAO!!
Espio: (Hears His Siblings Bickering in the Kitchen Before Sighing in a Bit of Annoyance) That is unless Charmy tries eating the whole batter.....
Vanilla: (Starts Getting a Bit Worried) Are you sure you don't want me to help you kids in there? You sounds like you're struggling a bit in there.
Espio: (Simply Nodded) Positive. Today is a celebration of your hard work and dedication you put into becoming the mother you are before us and you are more than deserving of receiving a much needed break for your years of efforts (Turns and Points at Vector) Vector, make sure mother remains well rested and relaxed in bed!
Vector: (Quickly Salutes to Espio) Right away, sir! (Happily Extends his Arms to his Lovely Wife Next to Him) Another cuddle session from yours truly, miladay?~
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Yes, please!~ (Gives Vector a Very Loving Hug as the Two Shares an Equally Lovong Kiss)
Espio: Feeling relax now?
Vanilla: (Happily Snuggling to Vector's Embrace) More than ever!~ (Turns Back to Espio) You kids try not to make a huge mess in the kitchen, okay, honey?
Espio: (Bows at Vanilla Again) We'll do our best, mother. (Sprints Himself Back to the Kitchen) Charmy, how many times I told you not to mess with the batter!
Vanilla: (Happily Squeals in Her Husband's Arms) I love my precious family so much!~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable his Wife is Acting Right Now) We love ya right back, hon~ I don't think this family wouldn't even be what it is now if it wouldn't for you.
Vanilla: Oh come now, you contributed into creating family just as much as I did.
Vector: Yeah, but that's only cause you inspired me to step up and take this father role more seriously these days. (Smiles Softly at his Wife) You really have a lot of my thanks there, Vanilla.
Vanilla: (Smiles Back at Vector) You're very welcome, dear. If anything, I should be thanking you and the boys for providing and being apart of this family, even before we got engaged.
Vanilla looks over at a few pictures of her and daughter together sitting on top of the dresser on the other side of the bedroom, from the day Cream was born, her two seperate birthdays, the day Sonic saved her from Eggman's grasps, all the way up to the day when the two are getting themselves ready for the big wedding day.
Vanilla: ('Sigh') We've been through so much together, Cream and I. Two of us against a wild, unpredictable world around us.....It never ceased to amaze me just how far I've came to get there where we are at now.....All by myself.
Vector: Do you ever....think about who's Cream's father is? O-Or if....you....wanna know who it is or- (Quickly Shakes his Hand Around in Front of his Face) Y-You know what? I have no right to ask you that. Forget I even said anything to begin with, I'm sorry-
Vanilla: (Gently Grab Hold of Vector's Hand) No no, baby. It's okay. You don't have anything to apologize for.
Vector: ('Sigh') You sure? Last thing I ever wanted to do is ask you something that would make you uncomfortable to answer.
Vanilla: (Nods While Giving her Husband a Reassuring Smile) I'm positive. I can handle any tough questions you're willing to give me, Vector, I promise. (Kiss the Top of Vector's Hands Before Taking a Bit of a Deep Breath) To tell you the truth, it's been a very long time since I thought about who the father really is and honestly......I'm content on not ever knowing.
Vector: Really?
Vanilla: Yeah. D-Don't get me wrong! It would be nice learn about the truth one of these days and it'll only be matter of time before I tell Cream everything, but right now, I wanna focus on living in the present I am right now. (Resumes Back to Snuggling on Vector) With you and our family. Is that okay?
Vector: (Stares at Vanilla For a Brief Second Before Hugging her Back Lovingly) Sounds like a solid plan to me! And I'll be right by your side whenever you do wanna telling her one day.
Vanilla: Oh honey, you don't have to go out of your way to do that for me.
Vector: (Smiles Sincerely) I know. But I want to because you're my partner, my everything, and I love you with all my heart.
Vanilla: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) I love you all my heart too!~ Now~
Vector: And forever more~
The married couple stares deep into each other's eyes before slowly reaching over to one another for another kiss-
Espio: (In the Other Room) Charmy! Cheese! Will you two QUIT trying to eat the pancakes, every time i make a new stack!?
Cream: They're for daddy and mommy to share together!
Charmy: (In a Muffled Sounding Voice) Well, excuuuuse us for having both of our tummies rumbling in the early morning!!
Cheese: (In a Muffled Sounding Voice as Well) Chao Chao ChaoChao Chao!!
Espio: ('Sighs Heavily') Of all the- Have either of you even learned ANYTHING from our lesson in the Importance of Having Patience the other day?
Charmy: That is super lame and boring?
Cream: No! That it will lead you to a greater reward and satisfaction when- HEY! Cheese Rabbit, what do you think you're with that strawberry syrup in your hand!?
Cheese: Uhhh.....Chao chao-CHAOCHAO!
Charmy: I'M OPEN, I'M OPEN, I'M OPEN!!
Cream/Espo: NO!
Vanilla: (Felt a Sweat Drop Falling Down From Hearing All of The Noises Going From the Other Room).......They're making a mess in the kitchen again, aren't they?
Vector: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) Yeah. (Rolls his Eyes) And it doesn't take a genius to know who's started all this. (Starts Grumbling While Getting Himself Up From the Bed) Those two are gonna make my scales run dry one of these days......
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Don't be too hard on them, sweetie~ They're just our precious little babies~
Vector: ('Scoffs') Our trouble making babies is more like it.
Vanilla: (Playfully Pouts at her Husband) Vector!~
Vector: (Snickers a Bit) Kidding, kidding. You know I love those two boys as much as you do. But knowing how much mess they usually make, it'll probably be a while before breakfast completely ready.
Vanilla: (Went Back to Smiling Again) Take as much time as you need to do so. Ooh, and let everyone know that we'll be having ourselves a little Movie Morning in here once you're finished
Vector: Movie Morning, huh? Sounds like another reasonable plan to me. We'll be back here with your meal before you know.
Vanilla: Please do. I'm missing you in my arms so much already, my darling Vector-Kins~ (Starts Puckering her Lips Up)
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) I'll miss you too, Vanilly~ (Gives Vanilla Another Loving Kiss on the Lips That She Deserves) Happy Mother's Day. (Turns Towards the Doorway Before Screaming Out.....) CHARMY! CHEESE! (Dashes His Way Out of the Room to the Kitchen) You better not be making a huge mess in the kitchen again!!
Charmy: Why us specifically!?
Cheese: Chao ChaoChao Chao Chao Chao!
Charmy: Yeah, what he said!
Espio: The Breakfast Monster. Really.
Vector: Are you two that desperate in delaying the inevitable!?
Cream: It's sad really.
Charmy/Cheese: HUUUSH/CHAOOO!
As the rest of the gang continue their banter among one another in the kitchen, Vanilla turn towards a picture frame of her and co. taking a picture together on front of the wedding aisle, as a family.
She then picks the frame up from her wide of the dresser and kisses before gently hugging it close to her, happy and blessed to be where she is in life right now, with the people she will forever love and cherish.
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pinkyjulien · 1 month
Hey. Hope you've doing ok after the whole.... that. Dunno if it's ok to message and you don't have to publish this but I just want to say I honestly think you're one of the best people in the fandom. You're one of the best voices for LGBTQ people here, and as someone who is NB I'm glad theres people like you here. Your content is also amazing. I'm ridiculously shy, it's a serious problem, but honestly the support and patience you gave me (and other baby modders) with modding has helped me gain a lot of confidence so thank you ❤️
Aaaah Hey there!! 🧡
I'm doing ok, I've had some family over at home today and that was a welcomed change of mood 🤗 thank you for checking in
And thank you so much for taking the time to send in this ask, it really means the most 🥺 I'm glad to hear I was able to help you in any way, even if just a little bit!
Queer mods are important to me; my Valentin started as a self insert, and as a queer man myself I've wanted him to look like me and reflect who I am. I'm honored if my mods allows others to do the same, to express who they are through their characters or simply explore all kind of diverse OCs!
I'm not a saint and I've done mistake in the past, I do not claim to be all knowing when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community, but I have my opinions and I'm loud about it- that includes speaking out on bigoted individuals and bigoted behavior regardless of the intention, and lately there has been a lot of "lite transphobia" for lack of a better term
Its always upsetting to see it happen in a fandom that claims itself to be open minded and welcoming, that claims to fight against "bullies" and other injustices
Meanwhile we've seen the same kind of people harass fellow queers over characters sexualities and trans inclusive mods, and we're seeing this behavior being supported, encouraged by a hate wagon far too deep in their own made-up, one-sided fandom war to realize such behavior impact every queer people in the fandom
It sucks and I wish it wasn't like this every few months, cause I know there are people who can't freely voice their opinion out of fear to get backlash, in fear of getting booted out of their friend group, of getting harassed too, etc etc
I didn't meant for this ask to turn into a long post HKFJFJG I'm so sorry- your words touched me a lot, thank you again for your kindness and I hope my mods will continue to help people 🤗🧡
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amoralcrackpot · 16 days
For a Good Time
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In the urine-soaked ambiance of a men's room stall located somewhere beneath the pier of a bustling California beach, a man had himself a little cry.
It was a sweltering summer afternoon next December. A steady drip-drip of indiscernible origin echoed across concrete walls and floors as the dull roar of footsteps and and even duller chatterings about the cost of parking and wait times at a popular seafood buffet seeped in from between the cracks. The putrid potpourri of many unflushed bodily fluids and solids clung to everything. And yet, here the man sat, pantsless, weeping atop a stainless steel toilet with no proper seat. Perhaps it was a self-inflicted punishment for a wrong committed. Perhaps the overwhelming assault on the senses served to drown out the thoughts and feelings of an overwhelmed heart and mind. Or maybe he simply had to poo, and this nightmare was his only option after a large helping of poorly cooked shellfish at a popular seafood buffet with far too few toilets of their own. I don't know, nor do I care. And neither should you, quite frankly. It should go without saying that such a torturous trek to the toilet is torment enough without complete strangers overanalyzing and intruding on every last sob, plip, or plop.
Fortunately for both of us, the well-dressed set of fake teeth with coiffed hair standing outside the stall with a camera crew thought otherwise.
"I'm Anatomically Incorrect, and welcome back to 'Who Are You, And What Are You Doing in Here?' the fake teeth with coiffed hair said into the camera, pushing the stall door open and revealing the man in all his shame for the audience at home. "This week, we've come all the way out to the men's room beneath Santa Carla Pier to speak with our guest, Mr. Murray Etta from Murrieta."
"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?" Murray Etta from Murrieta said from atop his toilet, unsure of what to do with his hands.
"That's correct."
"How exciting!"
"I hope we haven't caught you in the middle of something important."
"No, no," Mr. Etta chuckled. "I've just come in here to be alone and cry."
"Would you mind sharing your deeply personal emotional conflict with us and our viewing audience?"
"Oh. Not at all, not at all."
"You see, I just learned today that I’m..."
"Dead?" Mr. Incorrect interjected with perhaps a little too much glee in his voice. "Dying? Pregnant? Your own brother?"
Mr. Etta sighed. "Left-handed."
"My god," Mr. Incorrect gasped. "I never knew."
"Me either. Not until I went to my best friend’s funeral this morning and had to sign the registry. When I caught myself instinctively reaching for the pen with my left hand, I..." Mr. Etta said, trailing off for seemingly no reason at all.
After a moment of uncomfortable, fermented silence, Mr. Incorrect continued. "Have you sought medical attention?"
"I demanded my best friend’s widow drive me to the emergency room the moment it happened. But all they did there was ask me a bunch of questions like, 'What is wrong with you?' 'Do you have health insurance?' and 'Where are your pants?'"
"You weren’t wearing any pants?"
Mr. Etta scoffed. "Not after the fright I had. Imagine living to my age and having to learn something so horrific."
"I suppose I’d soil myself, too."
"Exactly! Thank you. My wife..." Mr. Etta said, then corrected himself. "Sorry - my ex-wife wasn’t so understanding."
"She divorced you at your best friend’s funeral?"
Mr. Etta nodded. "She saw that pen in my left hand and smelled that mess in my pants... Well. We both knew it was over right there and then. Fifteen years and two-and-a-half children right into the trash along with my disgustingly soiled pants.
"How depressing."
"Heartbreaking, really. I just purchased those damned pants."
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mings · 2 years
Chicken update:-
This "The Last of Us", avian version. These are the three surviving girls. Although they're not in good shape, at least all three are alert, even if only one is sufficiently mobile to venture out of the coop. (The purple is antibacterial and antimicrobial spray on their injuries.)
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I found a vet who'll see them tomorrow. I'm dreading it in case they recommend euthanasia. I'm not sure how or even if I'll cope with that. The bird rescue had some good advice, but they come from an ethical position that says every life is worth saving. Their success rate is better than 75% with raptors that have been involved in collisions with cars. They can't take on domestic birds though, so I'm dependent on the vet.
The coops have both had security upgrades. I didn't realise weasels only need a 20mm gap (that's about the size of a US quarter if I recall correctly). So, I've temporarily blocked the ventilation holes (not entirely, of course) and there's no gap more than a few millimetres anywhere now.
That doesn't help during the day. The pens are fox-proof, but an emboldened weasel would have no trouble. There are stoats and pine martens about too, although they're much bigger and mostly abroad at night. We've seen foxes on our land, but no evidence (yet) of pine martens. I'm hoping we're too open for them to venture this far out of the forest.
I'm currently struggling with my feelings. I have no idea how or why I get so attached to animals; I just do. They're a huge part of what makes me who I am.
My instinct was to lash out and put down kill traps for the weasels. Today I'm more rational. The weasel was doing what weasels do. Why? To survive. Simple as. What's wrong with that? OK, the carnage is distressing, but that kill mode is survival too. As long as the hens are shrieking, the weasel is at risk. All mustelids (and foxes) will do the same. They kill until it goes quiet. Ironically, if the hens froze in silence, they'd probably only lose one per visit. How many of us would be able to not panic in the same circumstances?
Killing weasels for being weasels doesn't sit well with me. Heck, we have crows that plague the life out of us by attacking our windows every morning as it gets light. Local farmers say "shoot them". I disagree. I'd rather try to engage with them and give them something more interesting to do.
If I take revenge on the weasel population, it won't bring back my hens. Neither will it dent the weasel population because more will move into the vacant territory. It certainly won't make me feel better, and it will make me every bit as bad as the farmer who gives their animals "the best life" when they only have the express intention of killing them.
So I'll pick up the pieces and do a better job on the new generation's coops. We literally only just committed to a breeding program that will focus on rare and endangered breeds. That is paramount; it's not too dramatic to say that some breeds will simply die out otherwise. I have to do better for them.
Last night I sat on the floor in the room nearest the coops with Bailey snuggled against me. I couldn't sleep; the days events and images just replayed continually. Today, I've watched over the hens constantly. Now, they're secure in their upgraded coops and I'm exhausted. Emotionally and physically a wreck. Tomorrow I have to be on my game early for the trip to the vet, so I have to try and rest tonight.
If you read this far you deserve a pat on the back. Thanks for bearing with me.
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hyenahunt · 7 months
Rouge & Ruby: Eventual Affection - 3
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Ibara, Jun, Nagisa, Hiyori
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Ibara: …This is because Valentine's Day is a day to send one's love to another... or so I've heard.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Ibara: — Now, then. Thank you so much for taking the time to come today!
Allow me to apologise for the delay in arranging this meeting. I had a hard time coordinating our schedules —
Going forward to Chocolat Fes, I’m going to explain the new, reorganised plan.
Jun: ...And so we gotta read the notes you handed out to us, right?
Before you ask, I already had a rough skim-through.
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Nagisa: …I did the same as Jun. I know that this room is for meetings, but I think it is also a good place for us to meet up and talk through things at our own pace.
…Therefore, I think it would be a waste to use this time just to read notes.
Hiyori: And I did the same as Nagisa-kun and Jun-kun!
We've truly been so busy lately, our schedules are simply packed from dawn to dusk!
On top of that, we also have our "Venture into V-Day Project" in the works.
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Ibara: … I’ve heard mentions of it recently, but what is this project…?
Hiyori: (ignoring him) So let's cut to the chase — you can skip straight to the part you wanted to tell us.
I'd love to make this a little more relaxed version of our usual meetings.
And would you look at that! We have drinks and snacks laid out on the table for us to kick back with — there's even chocolate... ♪⁠
Ibara: You noticed that?
Jun: 'Course we would. It caught my eye the moment I walked in.
Ibara: While I would love to unveil what that is right away...
First, I’ll give a brief overview of the changes to the Chocolat Fes plan.
I do believe the practice for Chocolat Fes has been progressing smoothly so far. This time, we will be showcasing our performances in a three-part plan, starting with Eve, and then Adam…
Then finally, we will perform as Eden. This way, we can make full use of our limited stage time in Chocolat Fes to the fullest.
Eve will be responsible for attracting the audience’s attention and directing them to us.
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Jun: That's a hell of a responsibility~ But it's gonna be totally worth it — I'm all fired up ♪
Hiyori: Not a soul out there can resist our charms, after all.
We'll entice them to cosy up with us at the gates of paradise...
Ibara: Afterwards, Adam will seize their hearts with our powerful presence, and then drag them into paradise itself…
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Nagisa: ...Knowledge turns to interest, interest to temptation, and temptation to entrapment.
…Following that process, we will keep them captive in paradise.
Ibara: "I want to see more of them, I want to watch them for longer"; Once such desires arise in their hearts, we will then tie those desires to Eden.
Hiyori: Heheh. After we invite them into paradise, they can then enjoy a moment in time with us — one right out of a lovely dream.
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Jun: Even the way the stage's set up makes our performance worth watching, with how it's split up into Adam and Eve.
There are definitely gonna be moments where they'll lose themselves watching our performance, but that's a given when it comes to us, I think ♪
Nagisa: … Then, the memories we have planted and the influence we bestowed on them will continue to grow and pile up throughout Chocolat Fes.
Ibara: Exactly. Growing influence means greater chances of going viral; then, the lingering memories will lead to action to connect it all.
This will encourage those who watched us to make a purchase —
Hiyori: — and that's when it'll be finally time for our original chocolate to shine ♪⁠
Ibara: I believe I’ve talked about how I was also preparing original chocolates for us.
After polishing up the project, I reconsidered the design from square one.
…This is because Valentine's Day is a day to send one's love to another... or so I've heard.
With the added meaning of gifting our love to our fans in the shape of chocolate... I believe this to be a fitting product for Valentine's Day.
Hiyori: And by that you mean we can finally take a look, yes? I've been positively dying to see what's inside.
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Jun: Man, even just the box looks beautiful. Makes you think you'd open it up to find jewels inside it or something.
Hiyori: Whoa! Jun-kun, Jun-kun, you simply have to see this! Look, it's just as you said!
Jun: Wow, for real. So it's got four chocolates that look just like jewels.
Plus, I feel like I recently saw this exact shape somewhere...
[ ☆ ]
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"Ah! That is a popular brand of sake that supposedly tastes delicious! Maybe I could sample just the teeniest of sips一No, No, I must restrain myself."
"Oh, I can't control my desire anymore…Perhaps you can finally satisfy my thirst…?"
"Food, gambling, and beautiful women…Why must there be so many sweet temptations in this world?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you here. If there's anything I can do, I would be happy to help."
"Liquor and food…N-No it's nothing."
"Oh no, this feeling of victory is going to be addictive!"
"It looks like something of value."
"Leave it to me! I may look like this, but I am a connoisseur in my own right."
"I'd like to take a break, but…"
"Come on, let's go. I hope we can find something valuable."
"Are you tired? Then let's find somewhere to take a break."
"After all this hard work, I'm going to take a breather and head to the city. Will you join me?"
"That's all for today. I hope you are satisfied with what I acquired."
"The path of abstinence takes more than one day. Keep up the hard work and train your mind to resist temptation!"
"I feel a little more self-disciplined now. I owe it all to you."
"Restraint is necessary, but never having fun is poison to the body. You should take a break every once in a while."
"More! More! More! I want to enjoy all the pleasures in the world!!"
"Even though I know I shouldn't indulge, I'm so addicted to the pleasures of the world. Is there any way to overcome this temptation?"
ADEL : Come on, learn to control yourself you pleasure-seeking black fairy, I don't have time for this! GIN : Adel's passion for his work is almost like another form of greed. Well, whatever it is, it's interesting.
JESTER : You can't resist your own greed, yet you can't indulge in it. You're quite a gem aren't you! I can smell the aroma of misery. GIN : Should I rejoice at the praise? Or should I be angry that I was belittled? I'm torn…
CHELL : Gin, my merry friend who loves to drink, you must take it slow. Good wine is to be sipped slowly with grace and dignity. GIN : The wine you offered was simply too delicious, I couldn't help but drink it all.
JESTER : I wonder, what misfortune lies in this place? I'm looking forward to it. GIN : I can't say I understand, but you have a hardcore love of misery, don't you?
CHELL : I really don't mind if you share with me, Gin. GIN : I'm sorry, but during our exploration, I'm going to ask you to keep that bottle of liquor out of my sight so I can concentrate. Please.
GHOST : Gin…We've been on this quest for some time now. I can't have you losing your mind, is everything alright? GIN : Yes, I'm sure it will be fine once I've had my fill of lust…
JESTER : You will never find what you are looking for. It all ends in vain. But, that kind of misery isn't so bad. GIN : As far as I'm concerned, in this adventure, all I'm searching for is a way to satisfy my desires.
CHELL : Hmm~ I think it's time for a short break. I'm going to have a drink. You want some, Gin? GIN : D-Don't let me see it! I can't stand it!! 一Okay let's drink!
GHOST : Looking at Gin, I find myself wishing I could throw caution to the wind and play. GIN : Then let's play! Come on~ Come on~ Come on~♪
JESTER : What a surprise! I can't believe the search has come to an end without a single mishap! GIN : You really are so obsessed with misfortune…I have a lot of respect for you!
CHELL : Glad to see we made it through. I can honestly say, it's all thanks to your hard work, Gin. I'll have to introduce you to some fine wine as a reward for your efforts. GIN : Sounds like a wonderful plan! After all the hard work we put in, we deserve to be rewarded!
GHOST : Have you ever considered acting? If you pretend to be someone else, you'll discover something new about yourself. GIN : Acting, hmm? There is pleasure to be had, having all of those people's eyes on you, right? I see, you have a point.
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telltale-tabletop · 1 year
By now it's happened to all of us DMs, right? You unveil your monster, and immediately one (if not more,) of your players recognize it and seemingly has memorized its entire statblock.
It sucks, right? Eventually, you run out of things to surprise your players with, and not everyone has the time to homebrew a brand new creature- the whole point of the books is to make your job as easy as it can be! Luckily, there's a super simple way to shake up your monsters that liiiittle bit so your players don't completely check out of your encounter. I've done it a few times to amazing results, and today, I'm here to pass this hot tip onto you!
Put simply? Give your monsters spells. Everyone's fought a mimic before. We know how that one goes. The DM spends just a little too much detail describing the room, and immediately, you know something's up. Oh wow! Who could've guessed the chest was alive! So of course, my party proceeded with typical mimic tactics, beefiest party member touched the chest, it sprung its attack- the usual. Except, on its next turn after its little ambush, it opens its mouth wide, and a thick gas pours from its Toothy Maw™️, as per the Fog Cloud spell. Everyone's disoriented, no one can see, and by the time the fog clears, the mimic is GONE. I describe the room again, and i nonchalantly say there are 3 chairs this time, when I had said there were only 2 when they had entered the room. And just like that, suddenly the situation goes from "The Chest Is Obviously Suspicious" to "Oh God, How Many Chairs Were There?"
My players completely forgot the number of chairs, and had to deal with another surprise round from the mimic. By giving the mimic an out, an option to reposition, and a second chance at an ambush, we've effectively made it a far more dangerous predator. And all I did for this change was change its Darkvision to Blindsight (like some oozes already have,) and a single use of a 1st level spell.
Basically, every monster can be changed in this way! I try to limit myself to one use of a single spell from levels 1-4, that way the balance doesn't get too out of hand. It's simple, it's effective, and it's sure to catch your players off guard when it happens! I'll be adding more ideas for monster modifications like this below as they come to me, but for now that's it! Thank you for reading.
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marimelwrites · 2 years
As always I am here for your love
[ LOVE ]:     the writer begins the first of a series of love letters to the recipient. (Cal & Mads)
[ AFAR ]:     a letter delivered by the writer from another country/city/planet/etc in order to reassure the recipient and let them know they’re okay. (not intended to be a back-and-forth, like [ INITIATE ] does). (Ayla & Sloan)
From this Letter Prompts meme here!!
Cal & Mads:
My Love,
Today, I've decided to start a new tradition, and how fitting is it to start a tradition on the day that we join our lives together forever? So, this new tradition? You'll get letters, at random, sometimes on special days, holidays, anniversaries... but sometimes just because. I feel it's important that I express to you how much I love you, even when it's unexpected because it needs to be said.
There will come a day when you and I will inevitably not be as happy with one another as we are on this day. That's life, and I know it. My hope is that you'll have these letters to go back to so that you can remind yourself that to me... you are the absolute, single, most important person in my entire life. I love more more than these words can ever express. No disagreement will ever change how I feel about you. You're everything I didn't even know I could dream of. You're... simply everything.
I'm so happy, so... so incredibly happy to be marrying you today. To become your wife. To share my life with you from this day on. No matter what happens, know that I will never regret this decision. It is, by far, the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I promise to never stop showing you. But for now, take this letter, and when you see my smiling face walking towards you down the aisle, know that I'm incandescently happy. I'm excited. I'm grateful. I'm thankful. I'm so incredibly lucky. And you are the love of my life.
Yours... forever and always, Maddie
Ayla & Sloan:
I don't have a lot of time. I know you're probably worried sick about me, and since I don't have access to a phone, or a computer, I'm sending this letter through the mail. They promised it would get to you, and hopefully you'll get this quickly.
I can't go into detail, but I'm okay. I'm safe. We're kind of in an area where we don't have access to all the nice things like... internet. Or the phone lines that we have at camp. Good ol' missions. We're all okay, every last one of us. Even though it's been a rough time. I'm leading my men, and I'm proud of how well we've done.
They said we'll be headed back to camp soon, though, and with danger averted they don't anticipate us having to worry about any enemy fire before we get back. So, no more worrying. I don't have any scrapes, or bruises.
In the mean time, seni çok seviyorum. I think about you every single day. I'll call you the moment we get back to camp, no matter the time, so keep your phone ready. I'll apologize in advance if it wakes you up in the middle of the night, but I'm going to be selfish because I miss your voice.
Talk to you soon, Sloan
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! / Omniverse Scripting: Average Day / Dark Discoveries
Dimension MP-2021 - Bumper High School, South Island
The morning after Tails's trip to see Uma, he was having breakfast in his dorm with Danny whilst reading through a study book on volumetric pressure for science class.
Danny: So, was the trip last night all fine and dandy?
OMT!Tails: Yeah. Did some spray paint in the underground system that I'm aiming to expand on later.
Danny: Oh, yeah! Got the petition you're carrying signed last night, by the way. I'm sure you'll pull it off by the end of this week.
OMT!Tails: Thanks, Danny. I'm aiming to see if I can talk more to that new girl today, see what she's like!
Danny: Well, I wish you the best of luck today, buddy! Heh, you and Max are definitely the ones top of the class at the moment. Man, I wish I could catch up to you in that field.
OMT!Tails: I'm sure you'll be able to when we start school proper, Danny, don't worry.
Danny: Heh, sweet.
OMT!Tails: Well, I better change into my school uniform.
He got changed, as Danny noticed a peculiar detail.
Danny: Did you, uh, shrink slightly overnight?
OMT!Tails: Huh? That doesn't make sense.
He looked at himself, surprised that Danny was right, prompting him to roll up the sleeves on his trousers and blazer as a temporary fix.
OMT!Tails: I'm definitely gonna ask for a smaller size later.
Later, Tails was trying to keep his trouser and blazer sleeves rolled up, feeling a bit embarrassed by that turn of events.
OMT!Tails: (I really gotta get a new unifor- ! Why do my thoughts sound so loud in my head? This is weird.)
He bumped into the new girl.
Mina: Oh! Are you okay?
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah. Sorry about that. So you're, uh, new around the island, right? The newbie thing's definitely something we've got in common.
Mina: Yeah, that's one thing.
OMT!Tails: Cool! I'm Miles Prower, though people prefer to call me Tails!
Mina: Nice! I'm, er... Mairead.
OMT!Tails: Your name's Mairead?
Mina/Mairead?: Yeah. I got the name from off-island, though I don't have an accent, since I was raised here.
OMT!Tails: (Quick! Try the shoulder touch before she leaves!)
Mina/Mairead?: Nah, I'm kidding. It's, er, Airead. No M. That's pretty crazy.
Tails tried the technique, but because of his height, he completely missed contact, trying to reach up in embarrassment.
Mina: Oh! You need a hand there?
OMT!Tails: I-I got it! (W-Why is this so embarrassing...?)
She simply resorted to picking him up with a smirk, causing him to blush bright-red.
Mina: Heh, does that help?
OMT!Tails: Uh, y-yeah. >~<
A couple of minutes later, she helped pack Tails's oversized uniform into a carrier bag.
Mina: That should do it! The student services office isn't far from here.
OMT!Tails: That's good. I'll get myself a uniform fitting my size, and then I'll come and join you at the Literature cl-.
???: Hey!
The two were stopped by Shade, the school's security guard, who had heard about Tails being out and about the prior night.
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Shade: I know you snuck out last night, Prower.
OMT!Tails and Mina showed panicked glances to each other.
OMT!Mina (whispering): Play dumb.
OMT!Tails (literally playing dumb): Who's Prower?
OMT!Mina: Not THAT dumb!
Panicked, Tails took off running as Shade pursued him.
Shade: Hey!
He turned a corner and slipped through a door to try and avoid her.
OMT!Tails: (Okay. You're alright now. She'll never find you in here.)
His eyes widened when he saw he was inside her office.
OMT!Tails: (Whoops...)
Shade: Tails, what are you doing in my office?! Open up in there!
OMT!Tails, in a panic about what to do, resorted to the window, accidentally switching on the laptop that played "Let It Go" from (you guessed it) Frozen. Out in the hallway, Shade reacted to the kids around her hearing the music.
Shade (sheepish): Hehe... That's my kids playlist in there.
Outside, OMT!Tails clung onto the walls, at first hoping Shade wouldn't notice him there, but then seeing OMT!Fang trying to pull a train robbery nearby.
OMT!Fang: Sure, they can stop by taking those marbles outta their mouths! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
OMT!Tails: (Oh, great... A crook trying to take advantage of Detective Ghost's current absence. Well, better go stop the crime!)
He made a mighty bound to land on the train.
OMT!Fang: What the-?!
He turned around to see OMT!Tails.
OMT!Fang: Gah! It's you again, you little pipsqueak!
OMT!Tails: The gig's up, Fang! I'm not letting you rob a train on a school open day. I've got more important stuff to be doing right now, so come quietly!
OMT!Fang: Like what? Studying for arithmetics?
Tails just looked at Fang unamused.
OMT!Fang: Gee. Calm down, twin-tails. I'm just teasin' ya-
OMT!Tails: Psyche!
Tails fired at him.
OMT!Fang: Woah! Welp, you missed that one! HAHAHAHAHA!
Unfortunately for Fang, the laser bounced back from a girder and blew his hat off.
OMT!Fang: No, my hat!
He tried to catch it, but ended up slipping off the train to the ground, right where the cops were.
OMT!Tails: Phew! That should do it. Now, I'd better get back to school before I get in any extra trouble.
He flew back to the school, spending the rest of the day as normal. It was that night, however, that he wanted to know just what went down with all the tremors and why Detective Ghost has been absent for the day.
Shade: Trying to get out again, Tails?
OMT!Tails: I-It's serious business this time, Miss Shade. I need to know what's been causing the tremors. If anything, that'll be where Detective Ghost is at the moment. If I don't do something, we could all be in big trouble.
Shade: *sigh* Alright, kid. You go and do what you need to.
OMT!Tails: Thank you, Shade. I promise I won't keep "sneaking out" from now on unless it's hero duties.
She nodded, taking his word for it, as he headed out into the streets. He headed down into the underground sewers from before, looking around carefully and entering an underwater tunnel leading to the abandoned Death Egg off the shore of the island.
In a similar underground sewer, Alan Albright was looking in the sewer for his own answers.
Alan Albright: Okay. Find where the watch's energy came from. You'll see.
He found the alternate Omnitrix lying on the ground, which looked weird and fluorescent.
Alan: It's just a normal Omnitrix lookalike. It's like boring how normal the watch is...
However, on cue, it glitched and wound up on Alan's wrist, which made him jump. Suddenly, he heard a rumble, which stopped for a moment, buying him the incentive to see what's going on in a pitch-black tunnel.
In some streets, an alternate version of Chris Smith was trying to get by, noticing some strange energy emitting from a castle-like environment.
Chris Smith: Strange... I need to go have a look. Who's even operating whatever's over there.
He entered the castle, running through its halls to figure out what was happening.
Through each of these spots, the three kids got a surge of energy going through them each.
OMT!Tails: Gotta keep going...
Alan: I don't wanna be a hero...
Chris: What am I doing...?
"You're like me..."
"That's all it is, Alan."
"Follow your heart..."
Dimension MP-2021
OMT!Tails just dodged a projectile before going in to witness Detective Ghost in the middle of direct combat.
Detective Ghost: Razereye, listen to me!
OMT!Tails hid and watched the battle in safety.
Detective Ghost: I can't let you open that portal to another dimension! Right now, the island isn't zoned for that!
Dr. Razereye: This isn't me that's leading the approach, Ghost.
OMT!Tails: (Razereye? What's he doing in this?)
Dr. Razereye: Why don't you just quit it?!
Detective Ghost: I dunno. I guess I like South Island not being dragged by a black hole. Battle Kukku Island, maybe, but not South Island!
A giant beam crashed into the room, leaving Tails to hang on for dear life as it swung into the battle area. He barely avoided the bombs and dashed through a corridor to figure out what was being hidden, before stumbling across something he never saw before; an interdimensional energiser set up in a big chamber.
OMT!Tails: What... is this?
Ghost and Razereye busted through the chamber, causing Tails to tumble. However, in good time, she spotted him and pulled him to safety before joining him.
Detective Ghost: You okay, Tails? This situation's a bit crazy right now.
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah. I needed to know that you were alright and what was going on behind the tremors.
Detective Ghost: Well, it seems like we've got the answer.
They looked at the huge machine in the room.
OMT!Tails: Should we stop it? I... I don't know if I'm ready for the job.
Detective Ghost: Hey, it's alright. If you stick around, I'll show you the ropes. I just gotta switch off that energiser before the space-time continuum collapses.
She made a mighty leap as Tails watched in awe, landing perfectly by a control panel. She tore the cover loose before pulling out a USB stick and trying to connect it. As she got it, though, she felt a presence nearby.
Detective Ghost: Oh, boy...
She avoided two consecutive blows, seeing a robot around her size clad in black and purple glaring at her, before it went to attack her further.
Detective Ghost: Shadow Emerl, huh? Seriously? I was in the middle of something!
She got thrown to the ground, rubbing her head wearily.
Detective Ghost: Ow... That smarts...
Shadow Emerl lunged toward her, but she expertly kicked it backwards.
Detective Ghost: You mad at me? 'Cause I feel like you're mad at me.
OMT!Tails assisted by shooting at the robot, knocking it into the wall.
Detective Ghost: Nice save, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Thanks!
Razereye rushed down, trying to blast her into oblivion.
Dr. Razereye: Hold still so I can destroy you already!
Detective Ghost: No chance!
Tails heard a PA sound out in the room, with an imposing figure looking like Eggman, but taller, visible in a glass window.
Eggman?: You like my new invention, Detective Ghost? It cost a fortune to construct. Shame you can't take it with you. You came all this way, so watch the test. It's one heck of a light show!
Detective Ghost: Hey, no! Don't do this! You don't know what you're doing! You'll get us all killed!
The energiser fired up as the fake Eggman watched from his seat with glee.
Scientist 1: Portal's opening! Scientist 2: I see multiple dimensions opening. Scientist 3: Three... four... five... six alternate dimensions! Scientist 4: It's unstable. We should stop-.
Back in the chamber, the ceiling tiles began to shake.
Detective Ghost: Hey, Doc? What's your take on head trauma?
Dr. Razereye: What?
He got hit on the head by some of the tiles, which distracted him for just a moment as she got free. However, he grabbed her and shoved her straight into the beam.
Eggman?: Razereye, no! GET HER OUT OF THERE!
She glitched slightly, before regaining control, grabbing one of Razereye's pod attachments and dragging IT into the beam.
Alan just dodged a piece of debris flying by, which smashed against the wall beside him, before he witnessed what was going on inside.
Four Arms: Sunder, listen to me!
Alan: (Ben 10?!)
Four Arms: I cannot let you open a portal to another dimension! Bellwood isn't built for such a thing!
Sunder the Retriever walked into the room, his axe in hand.
Sunder: It's not up to me, Tennyson.
Alan: (Is that Sunder the Retriever?)
Sunder: Why won't you just quit already?!
Four Arms: I dunno. I kinda like Bellwood not being sucked into a black hole. Area 51, maybe, but not Bellwood!
Alan: I think I'm gonna go...
Alan tried to make his leave, though a girder coming down forced him to perform acrobatics to avoid harm, stumbling into THIS universe's collider room.
Alan: Woah! What... is this place?
On cue, Four Arms and Sunder smashed into the room, causing Alan to fall straight down. Noticing this, Four Arms tapped the Omnitrix button and quickly changed into Jet Ray to swoop Alan to safety.
Jet Ray: Gotcha!
They landed on a balcony above the collider, appraising each other for a moment as Ben powered down.
Ben 10: Hey, did you know your laces are untied?
Alan: Yeah...
Ben: I mean, I wear slip-ons nowadays, so I don't have to worry about it.
He noticed the matching Omnitrix, though could tell Alan was no fraud compared to Albedo.
Ben: I thought I was the only one. You're like me!
Alan: I-I don't want to be.
Ben: I don't really think you have a choice, kid. (gently) Got a lot going through your head, I'm sure.
Alan: Yeah...
Ben: You're gonna be fine. I can help you out! If you stick around, I can show you the ropes of that Omnitrix!
Alan (relieved): Yeah!
Ben: I just gotta go destroy that big machine real quick before the universe is erased again. Just hang there, alright? Okay! It's hero time!
Ben activated the Omnitrix and changed into...
Ben/Swampfire: Swampfire!
He made a great leap over to the collider's control panel.
Alan: (How's he doing that?!)
Once there, Ben tore the cover loose and whipped out his own goober, though failed twice to lock it in the right way.
Swampfire: I swear, I get this wrong every time.
As he figured it out, a Techodon warrior punched through his body before pulling out, prompting Ben to just turn around as the spot regenerated.
Swampfire: One of you things again? I was in the middle of something!
He got thrown to the floor before powering down.
Ben: I am so tired...
He switched to another alien in the nick of time, foregoing the name-saying to knock the Techodon back.
Water Hazard: Are you mad at me? Because it feels like you're mad at me.
Alan watched from below and helpless. He simply snapped a photo of the action going on above him.
Water Hazard: Is that all you got?
Sunder showed up again and pinned Ben to the ground, roaring at him which caused lots of spit to splash on his face.
Water Hazard: Oh, come on! That's just gross.
Alan: (I should go up there and help him! Who am I kidding? I should not do that.)
Footsteps were heard in another room as Phil Billings, a failed agent of the Plumbers, entered.
Phil: You like this, Tennyson? You came all the way here. Watch the test unfold. It's one heck of a light show, and I'm sure you'll love it!
Water Hazard: No! Don't do it! You'll get everyone on the planet killed! Grandpa Max wouldn't approve of what you're doing!
The collider fired up, as scientists here picked up five alternate dimensions connecting this time, and out in Bellwood, the dimensional quake started spreading through. Back in the chamber, the ceiling tiles began to come loose.
Water Hazard: What's your take on head trauma, Sunder.
Some of the tiles hit Sunder and knocked him over.
Water Hazard: I tried to warn you!
He leapt to the control panel, but was grabbed by Sunder and pushed into the beam.
Phil: No, Sunder! Get him back out of there!
Thankfully, Ben regained control amidst the glitching, pushing Sunder's head into the beam and causing an overload.
Chris just avoided some debris blown in his direction.
Chris: Woah!
He saw into a room where the Boyfriend of this dimension somersaulted through the air, before landing on a railing. Chris was already terrified by this extra turn of events here. What was happening?!
Boyfriend: Cassandra, listen! I can't let you open a portal into another universe. Philly isn't prepared for such a thing!
Cassandra was present, specifically in her monster form.
Cassandra: It's not up to me, Boyfriend. Just quit already!
Boyfriend: Uh, nah. I prefer the city not being swallowed by a black hole. The outer warzone maybe, NOT Philly!
Chris: (I... I really need to get out of here.)
Chris tried to leave, but a giant beam crashed into the room, forcing Chris to hang tightly, and compared to Tails and Alan in the other dimensions, he wasn't ready for such a situation, getting tossed around the room as the duo fought. Once on the ground, he ran through a massive hallway into what looked like a giant aquarium with a huge chamber in the middle.
Chris: Woah!
He looked around, clearly confused.
Chris: What is this?
Suddenly, Boyfriend and Cassandra flew in from the room behind, causing Chris to tumble downwards. Seeing this, Boyfriend tossed his microphone cord onto an observation platform, swinging forward and catching Chris in one fell swoop before they landed safely.
Boyfriend: You all good?
Chris: Y-Yeah. Thanks for the save.
Their senses (BF's blueballs and Chris's heart) resonated, like a mind meld.
Boyfriend (shocked): I-I thought I was the only one. You're like me!
Chris: I... I don't wanna be.
Boyfriend: I guess you really don't have a choice right now.
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Boyfriend (comfortingly): You're not from around here, are you? You got a lot going through your head right now, I'm sure.
Chris: Y-Yeah...
Boyfriend: It'll be fine, dude. I'll help ya. If you stick around, I'll show you how my line of work goes!
Chris (relieved): Heh, thanks.
Boyfriend: Now, I just gotta go shut down that machine Daddy Dearest is using before reality crumbles! See you in a bit!
He leapt down, arms behind his head before catapulting up to the control panel without any flaws. Once he was up there, he showed his signature V-sign to Chris.
Chris: For a regular guy, how does he do that?
He opened the panel before getting his goober and twisting it into place, though slipping up twice.
Boyfriend: Darn it. What's with me messing it up at a time like this?
When he figured it out, he felt a hostile presence close by.
Boyfriend: Oh, here we go.
An assassin in all black lunged at Benjamin, forcing him to abandon the hacking.
Boyfriend: Another of Dearest's assassins! Man, I was in the middle of something!
The assassin tossed him to the ground.
Boyfriend: OW! Oh, I'm so tired...
He recovered quickly enough to kick the assassin back into a wall.
Boyfriend: Your boss mad at me? Eh, I'm sure he is.
Chris watched from the ground, taking a picture with his Camega in awe.
Boyfriend (smug): Heh! That all you got?
Cassandra showed up again and pinned Boyfriend to the ground, snarling like a savage beast.
Boyfriend: Sheesh. Pico was right about how bad your breath smells.
Chris: (Should I go up and help him? Or should I-?)
Chris's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps entering an observation room, Daddy Dearest himself making his entry.
Daddy Dearest: (evilly singing) 🎵 Know who I am when you step to the professional, understand I'm the demon king of rock and roll! Spitting the flames of hell on the mic! No time for lamers, so take a hike! 🎵 (normal) You like that tech, blueballs? It costed me a fortune. But hey, you can't take it with you, right? Why not stick around and watch the test? It's a hell of a freakin' light show. Knowing you, you're gonna love this!
Boyfriend: No! No! Don’t do this! Stop! You don’t know what it can do! It’ll kill us all!
The machine fired itself up as BF watched in confusion and Dearest's associates readied things.
Associate: Okay, that's... 6... 8... TEN different dimensions in proximity!
Associate 2: Shouldn't we stop the machine, boss?
In the chamber, Boyfriend slipped loose and tried to reach the control panel, but was shoved by Cassandra into the machine's beam.
Daddy Dearest: Cassandra, no! GET HIM BACK OUT!
Boyfriend, albeit glitching, got free and pushed Cassandra right into the beam.
Altogether, these three chain reactions caused massive eruptions that blew everyone present backwards and causing temporary black-outs in their surrounding vicinities. Of these, only Dearest's machine was outright destroyed in the explosion. In the aftermath, Sunder and Cassandra were both crushed by heavy machinery and outright killed, but Razereye? The explosion just knocked him dizzy and unable to further fight.
Dimension MP-2021
OMT!Tails climbed out of the wreckage in the gap the explosion made, rushing over to Ghost to help her as she took off her mask.
OMT!Tails: H-Hey! Are you...? K-Kaede Titan?
Kaede: Yeah. I'm Detective Ghost. I felt it was time you learned the truth about me.
She stumbled back to her feet.
Kaede: Listen. We don't have much time. We gotta team up here.
She passed him the override key.
Kaede: This override key is the only way to shut the energiser off for good. We need to get back up there, use the key, push the green button and blow it up.
Her voice was fast. This was serious business.
Kaede: If he turns on the machine again, everyone we know will disappear. Your family, everyone... everyone. Please, promise me you'll be able to pull it off.
OMT!Tails: I... I can't just leave you to face these guys alone.
Kaede: I'll be okay. Please, just get moving.
OMT!Tails: Kaede, I can't without you! I don't want to lose you like I lost Sonic to OMT! I hate to say it, but neither of us are ready right now! We have to get out of here and fight another day!
As much as Kaede wasn't ready to admit it, she knew Tails was right. They had to escape and come back later. They saw Shadow Emerl approaching down the corridor towards them.
OMT!Tails: We get out of here, and I'll fulfill your promise!
Kaede: Right! Let's go!
Kaede tried to dash, but felt unsteady and fell to her knees, prompting Tails to carry them both away. The Shadow Emerl attempted to grab them, only JUST missing as they flew into the night sky. Once they were in the clear, they landed at her residence, letting her get some breathing room.
Kaede: Phew. That was too close.
OMT!Tails: Yeah...
Max came out of the house, seeing his hero in front of him.
Max: Detective Ghost!
He ran towards her, slowing down when he saw her unmasked.
Max: Kaede? You were Detective Ghost the whole time?
Kaede: Y-Yeah. I didn't want to shatter the intrigue for you, but now that I have...
He simply hugged her close.
Max: Hey. I still see you as amazing either way, both as my hero AND as my adoptive sister.
She gave in, hugging him back.
Max: You look tired, Kaede. Should we get some rest for tonight?
Kaede: Yeah. I think I n-need it after tonight. I'll tell you once we're back inside.
They headed in as OMT!Tails headed to his home for the night, where OMT!Knux was.
OMT!Knuckles: Tails? W-Why aren't you at school?
Tails simply hugged Knuckles tight, and though shocked at first, the echidna hugged his little brother back.
OMT!Knuckles: Hey, it's okay, little bro. I got you.
OMT!Amy was there too.
OMT!Tails: C-Can I sleep here for tonight?
OMT!Knuckles: Tails, it's a weeknight. Didn't you make a commitment to the school?
OMT!Amy: Knuckles, he's upset.
They looked at each other before Knuckles softened up, understanding.
OMT!Knuckles: Yeah, alright. You can stay.
He sat on the bed as OMT!Amy gently rubbed his head, knowing he still missed Sonic deeply.
OMT!Amy: I'm sure you'll be able to save the island, Tails. We have faith in you, little bro.
OMT!Tails: Y-Yeah.
They shared a hug before he laid in bed, looking at the override key in his hand.
Alan rushed to find Ben, who was next to some rubble and very badly injured.
Alan: Hey! You okay?
Water Hazard: I'm fine, I'm fine. Just resting.
Alan: Can't you get up?
Water Hazard: (wry laugh) Yeah, yeah. I always get up. (coughing) That coughing's really not a good sign.
Noises were heard from above. Phil's thugs have discovered the hole.
Water Hazard: Kid, listen. We gotta team up here. There's not much time.
He passed Alan his override key.
Water Hazard: This override key is the only way to stop the collider. Get up there, use the key, press the button and blow it up. ... You need to hide your face with the transformations. You don't tell anyone who you are. No one can know. He's got everyone in his pocket.
Alan: W-What?
Water Hazard: If he's allowed to turn on the machine again, everything you know will disappear. Your family... everyone. Please, promise me you'll pull this off.
Alan: ...I promise.
Water Hazard: Go! Destroy the collider. I'll come and find you... It's going to be okay.
Alan clambered up a debris pile up to the floor above as Phil and the Techodon showed up.
Phil: Fistrick, we're done with tests. Get that thing ready to go again. Faster! Urgh, those guys are weak. (to Ben) I'd say it's nice to see you again, Ben, but it isn't.
Water Hazard: Hey, Phil. How's... business?
Phil: Booming.
Water Hazard: Hah, nice.
Phil chuckled a moment, before becoming serious as the Omnitrix powered down, reverting Ben back to normal.
Ben: This... This might open a black hole under Bellwood, Phil. It's not worth the risk.
Phil: It isn't just about the glory, Tennyson.
The Techodon began its advance towards Ben.
Ben: ... Do you want to know what I saw in there?
Phil: WAIT!
Phil stopped the Techodon from approaching.
Ben: I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. They're gone.
Phil angrily delivered the death blow himself as Alan helplessly watched from afar.
Phil: Get rid of the body.
Alan moved slightly, causing debris to fall.
Phil: What was that?
They saw Alan's silhouetted figure.
Phil: Kill him.
The Techodon went to attack Alan, who made a run for it through the streets. He hopped over the fence with no hesitation, and ended up getting part of his palm skin torn off from power incontinence, but otherwise managed to escape in one piece. In the aftermath, he made a run for his home, where he got into his bedroom through the window.
Pierce: Authority of the Plumbers, put your hands in the-! Huh? Alan?
He saw Alan on the bed, breathing heavily and freaked out from what happened.
Pierce: Why aren't you at school-?
Alan quickly hugged Pierce close, to which the guy relented and hugged back.
Pierce: Woah, woah, it's okay.
Helen: Alan? What's wrong? Is it the earthquake?
Alan looked at his siblings, torn. Perhaps it was best to confide in them tonight.
Alan: Can I sleep here tonight?
Pierce: Alan, it's a weeknight. You made a commitment to that school-.
Helen: -Pierce, he's upset.
The two shared a look. Pierce quickly understood and softened.
Pierce: Of course you can stay.
Alan laid in bed.
Alan: P-Pierce?
Pierce: Yeah?
Alan: ...Do you really hate Ben 10?
Pierce: (confused) Yeah? I mean, with a downtown kid-
Helen moved Pierce back out.
Helen: Pierce, easy.
Pierce: What? He asked me, Helen. You know how I feel about Ben 10, c'mon...
Helen: Mhm...
He left as Helen tenderly stroked Alan's forehead.
Helen: He cares about you very much, Alan. That's why he's so tough on you. You know that, right?
Alan: Helen, do you ever think about moving out of Bellwood?
Helen: Our family and the Plumbers don't run from things, Alan.
Alan: Yeah, I know.
She kissed his forehead to show her sisterly affection before leaving him to sleep.
Helen: He's having a hard time, Pierce.
Pierce: When it gets hard, that's when he's gotta stick it out.
Helen: Shh. It has to be softer.
Their voices faded as Alan looked at the override key in his hand longingly.
Chris, after getting out of the rubble, rushed towards Boyfriend, who was very badly injured.
Chris: H-Hey! You okay?
Boyfriend: Y-Yeah. Just resting up.
Chris: Can you get up again?
Boyfriend: Yeah, I... I always find a way to do so. (coughing badly) O-Okay, the coughing isn't a good sign.
They both looked up to see two silhouettes looking down at them. Dearest and the assassin had found the hole. And close by, Pico's gang were witnessing the situation.
Boyfriend: L-Listen, er... I didn't catch your name before.
Chris: Chris Smith.
Boyfriend: Right, Chris. Listen, I won't be able to get outta here with you. I'm too badly crippled to pull it off, so...
He passed Chris his cap.
Boyfriend: I'm... gonna give you my prestige.
Chris: W-What?
Boyfriend: I know it's gonna be a tough climb, but you look l-like the kinda guy who can learn quickly. W-What I do shouldn't be too different to music school, right?
Chris: Right, but... Where do I go?
Boyfriend: There's a house further south of this castle. My girlfriend should've seen the castle becoming more of a wreck thanks to the machine being blown up. If you find her, she'll look after you and help you find your footing. Please... p-promise me you'll take good care of her for me, alright?
Chris: I...
Chris took the cap, knowing he was ready to fulfill the promise of the young man he only just met.
Chris: I promise I won't let you down.
Boyfriend: Thanks. N-Now, get moving, as fast as you're able to. And expose Dearest's sour reputation further!
Chris nodded, as Boyfriend stuck a badge on him saying "Nite" before waving him off. And as he did, Daddy Dearest came down to that level, prompting Chris to get into hiding.
Darnell: Should we do somethin' about that, homie?
Pico: What do you expect me to do? He's tanked my bullets before, so I can't just shoot him back.
Boyfriend turned to Daddy Dearest.
Daddy Dearest: I'd say it's nice to see you again, Boyfriend… but it's not.
Boyfriend: Hey, Dearest. How's yer business?
Daddy Dearest: Booming!
Boyfriend: Heh, nice.
Daddy Dearest chuckled, genuinely amused for just a moment, before becoming serious again.
Boyfriend: Your plans would've ended up opening a black hole, or WORSE, in Philly. It can't be worth the risk you tried to take.
Daddy Dearest: It isn't solely about money or fame, kid. You ruined everything I had left in one fell swoop, and now you're going to pay for it. The legacy of the Boyfriend ends today!
The assassin began their approach.
Boyfriend: …Do you want to know what I saw in that moment?
Daddy Dearest raised his hand, stopping the assassin from approaching.
Boyfriend: I know what you're trying to achieve, Dearest. And it's not going to work. No matter what you try now, the damage has already been done. Your family are NOT coming back to you.
Daddy Dearest shook with a hint of guilt, before finally losing his shit and grabbing Boyfriend, ripping him clean in half as Chris watched helplessly, Pico himself horrified by what went down. Some debris came down from where Chris was as Dearest noticed.
Daddy Dearest: …Kill that guy.
Chris fled for his life as the assassin began their pursuit, with Pico jumping down and blasting at the assassin to hold them off.
Pico: Kid, get outta here!
Chris ran out of the castle into the streets of Philly, trying to find his way desperately as the assassin pursued him. Eventually, a vision of Toxinfect flashed in his mind, taunting him.
Chris: Get out of my head! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
He tripped on the pavement and skimmed his knee, rendering him unable to keep running as the assassin approached. Feeling as if his fate was sealed, Chris closed his eyes, bracing himself for his death. Fortunately, it never came, the assassin getting blasted by a beam of energy and decapitated in an instant.
Chris: H-Huh?
He opened his eyes, seeing a bright blowing red light from the alley that died down, as this universe's version of Girlfriend stepped out of the darkness.
Girlfriend: Hey. Are you alright?
Chris: N-Not really...
Girlfriend: Is that Boyfriend's cap?
Chris: Yeah, it is...
She took it, reading the note left inside.
"To Girlfriend,
I never thought I'd be preparing to write this note in my own cap, so apologies if it's a bit crumpled. If you're seeing this and someone else is wearing my cap, I gave them it as a sign that I want them to be my successor, for your sake. And if this is the case, you'll have felt me getting killed for good.
For my sake, please treat them with the same love and care you've always shown to me since we dropped outta college. I'll be watching over you two from the heavens to ensure all goes well. I love you as ever, babe. Please, stay safe for me.
-- Boyfriend xx"
Girlfriend looked at the note longingly.
Chris: I-I was there when it happened. I'm... so sorry I couldn't help him.
She put the cap back on his head, smiling softly to him.
Girlfriend: Hey, it's alright. He didn't want you in direct danger back there.
She hugged him close to her as he quietly sobbed in her embrace.
Chris: I know how it feels... I lost the love of my life back in the place I came from...
She could tell he experienced his fair share of trauma, even before showing up in Philly, and was ready to support him through it as he adjusted to a new life in the city.
Girlfriend: I mean, we've got that in common. You wanna drop by my home for shelter? You look like you need it.
Chris: Y-Yeah. Thanks, "Girlfriend".
She took his hand and guided him back to her home where Mommy Mearest was, sitting by the fireplace.
Mommy Mearest: Hey, sweetie. Did you find Boyfriend?
Girlfriend: He got killed by "Dad", but I found Chris here having been given his prestige.
Chris: What... happened between you?
Mommy Mearest: My ex-husband... He was starting to take things too far with hurting people, and neither me nor my daughter were approving of his actions. Eventually, we had enough, leaving him behind and buying out this house as our new home away from him.
Chris: ... Boyfriend mentioned something about it before I saw him get torn apart... He said that Dearest was desperate to get you back, and I saw he was trying to use this big machine for some kind of interdimensional stuff to do so. BF managed to destroy it and Cassandra in one fell swoop, but he got too badly injured to keep going, so...
Mommy Mearest: Ah... I could tell he was going to go much deeper down his rabbit hole by the time we ditched him. Well, if Girlfriend trusts you, I say you're more than welcome in my family.
Chris: T-Thanks, Miss Mearest.
Girlfriend: Let's go rest up for tonight, Chris... or rather, "Nitefriend", hehe!
Chris/Nitefriend: Huh? Where'd you get the nickname from?
Girlfriend: Heh, the badge BF gave you, silly billy.
Nitefriend: Oh, right, heh!
She guided him up to her room for the two to get a good night's sleep, where she switched on a nightlight for the two before giving Nitefriend a good-night kiss on the cheek.
Girlfriend: Good night, Chris.
Nitefriend: Good night, G.
They both went to sleep, Chris left reminiscing about the string of events that led up to this point. And on the desk, a tiny hat appeared while Chris was asleep, looking a little different to Boyfriend's cap.
1 note · View note
blackhakumen · 18 days
Mini Fanfic #1227: The ReBirth of a Rockin' Icon!~
3:15 p.m. Secret Future Foundation Headquarters: Capsule Pods Room...........
Hajime: (Walks into the Room with Fuyuhiko as he Writes Something on his Mini Notepad) Alright. We've finally managed set the defensive up and ready, with the help of our resident powerhouses.
Akane/Nekomaru: (Happily Walking by, Chanting) Power-Houses Power-Houses Power-Houses POWER-HOUSES YEEEEEAAAAAAH!~
Gundham: (Follows Behind the Duo Along with Sonia) Let the raise of the Three Powerhouses of Pandemonium COMMENCE! FUWAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Sonia: (Happily Applauds her Prince of Darkness) Very remarkable group name indeed, my dear~
Fuyuhiko: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) The noisist powerhouses is more fitting........
Hajime: (Softly Glares at Fuyu) Be nice. ('Yawn') You missed Gundham and Nekomaru just as much as the rest of us here, no used in denying it......
Fuyuhiko: (Raises an Eyebrow at Hajime) Just like how you should be missing your bed by now. Did you get any sleep last night?
Hajime: I have. (Rubs the Back of of his Head Back and Forth While Turning his Head Away a Bit) Two....to three hours of it......
Fuyuhiko: That's not nearly enough sleep time.
Hajime: ('Sighs in Defeat') I know.......Work and preparation kept getting in the way of that. I'll get an actual, proper one as soon as we get everything situated in here.
Fuyuhiko: I'll believe it when I take you back to your room and see it.
Hajime: ('Sigh') Come on, man, you really don't think I can take of myself?
Fuyuhiko: I know you can. Just want to making sure you don't end up passing out on the cold, metal floor. 'Less you want Sonia to take you instead.
Hajime: (Grimaces at the Thought) No thanks. I really don't want my ear to be pulled again today.....
Fuyuhiko: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) You and me both.
The duo then turn their attention towards the capsule pods right in front.
After the long, emotional driven trial against Junko has reached it's conclusion, our five remaining survivors ventured through acient ruins of Jabberwalk Island and discovered a room where the rest of their classmates placed inside their individual pods, in comatose states.
So far, the awakening process has been going along rather smoothly, with Gundham and Nekomaru, who is now a full fledged human again, being the first ones to leave out of their pods, with no signs of despair within either of their psyches. The gang can only hope it would be he same for everyone else, Mikan and Nagito especially.
Hajime: (Starts Nodding at the Pods in Fronyt of Him) Everything seems to be going smoothly so far, that's nice. (Suddenly Notices Something) Oh, look! (Points Fuyuhiko to Ibuki's Capsule) Ibuki's about to wake up soon.
Fuyuhiko: (Looks Down at the Percentage Number of her Capsule that reads 95%) Looks like it. (Rolls his Eyes Again) Sure can't wait to hear some of her obviously loud music again.....
Hajime: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. We might actually be able to blow the roof off the venue this time around.
Fuyuhiko: Probab- Wait. (Turns to Hajime With a Raised Eyebrow in Confusion) We?
Hajime: Ibuki and me. We formed a band together in the past. I'm the drummer.
Fuyuhiko: You can play drum?
Hajime: Ehhh... Kinda? She really hasn't taught me much besides hitting them really hard with the sticks. (Chuckles Lightly) I remember all the band practices she would always beg me to joined. We sounded terrible in every session, but hardly bothered any of us considering all the fun we had. (Smiles Softly at Ibuki Sleeping inside her Pod) I always had a good time when I'm with her.
Fuyuhiko: (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Well, look at you being all happy and shit~ You're having feelings for her already?~
Hajime: Ye- (Eyes Widened Before Blushing) What? (Quickly Turns Back to Fuyuhiko) N-No, of course not! I was just....Reminiscing on the times we had is all. Besides, there's a lot of things to do right now before I could get into any of that romance stuff.
Fuyuhiko: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Fair. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot afterwards. You deserve a little happiness in your life after all the fucked up shit you've been through.
Hajime: WE deserve every bit of happiness we can get, you especially. I know how much you've missed her these days.........
Fuyuhiko looks over to Peko's pod with it's percentage reads 69. Even in her comatose state, she looks truly at peace, even more so than she ever was her whole life. As happy and relief for him to see his childhood friend and love interest safe and sound this entire, the Ultimate Baby Gangster still couldn't help but feel terrible and guilty for everything that led up to her original demise.
Fuyuhiko: ('Sigh') There never been a time or day where I haven't think about her. But she can wake up whenever she's ready- (Turns Back to Hajime with a More Genuine Look on his Face) I'll be right here by her side, to greet her when she does.
Hajime: (Gives his Friend a Soft Smile) And we'll by your side as well. Just in case you need us.
Fuyuhiko: Thanks, man.
Pod: Loading Process Complete For Ibuki Mioda's Pod
Fuyuhiko: (Turns Back to Ibuki's Capsule) About time.
Hajime: (Quickly Stops Fuyuhiko From Taking Another Step Closer to the Pod) Hang on a sec, Fuyu. Let's be cautious about this. Despair can still be at large. There's no telling what will happen when she wakes up.
Fuyuhiko: (Sighs While Giving Hajime a Single Nod of Agreement) Right. In that case- (Takes his Phone Out From his Pants Pocket) I'll put everyone else on speed dial if anything insane does happen here.
Hajime: (Simply Nodded as Well) Good. Now, let's step back a bit.
As ordered, Fuyuhiko takes a few steps back along with Hajime as the door of Ibuki's pod begins to automatically opens in it's own pace. As it's widened upwards, the Ultimate Musician finally begins to rise and awake from her slumber, right on cue.
The duo position themselves a little as they watch Ibuki slowly gets herself up from the capsule seat she's been laying on, takes a very, very deep breath and..........
Hajime: (Taken Aback and a Tad bit Flabbergasted by Ibuki's Sudden, Loud Yelling) ........uh......
Ibuki: (Does a Little Dance as She Starts to Sing) I-Buki Mio-Da!~ Put it all together and what do you get?~ Ibukiiiii Mioda!~ (Puts on a Cutesy Looking Smile on her Face While Making a Peace Sign in Front of her)
Fuyuhiko: (Makes a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Putting his Phone Back in his Pocket) Yep. That's Ibuki alright.
Hajime: ('Sighs in Relief') That's a relief........
Ibuki: (Let's Out a Loud Gasps as She Set her Eyes on.....) HAJI!~ (Happily Runs Over to Hajime and Hugs Him Very Lovingly) It's been so long since I've seen that cool face of yours! Hiii!~
Hajime: (Chuckles Lightly While Blushing) Good to see you too, Ibuki.
Fuyuhiko: (Smirls at Hajime) Nice to see you happy there, Haji~
Hajime: (Gives Fuyuhiko a Deadpinned Look) Shut up, man.
Ibuki: (Looks Down at Fuyuhiko) Hiya, Short Stuff!~ Long time, no see~
Fuyuhiko: Likewise. Also, don't ever call me that- (Suddenly Felt Ibuki's Hand Patting his Head) Hey!
Ibuki: So, I see you've grown a few inches these days. Have you been drinking your milk?~
Fuyuhiko: (Angrily Swipes Ibuki's Hand Off of His Head) Will you quit that!? (Crosses his Arms While Turning Away) ........... I ocassionally drink low fat milk a d-Ah!
Ibuki: (Happily Hugs and Picks Fuyuhiko Up While Twirling Him Around a Bit) You drink your milk!~
Fuyuhiko: (Comically Glares at Ibuki) Get the fuck off me!!
Hajime: (Smirks at Fuyuhiko) Come now, Short Stuff. No need to make a huge fuss about it.
Fuyuhiko: (Flips Hajime Off) Piss off.
Ibuki: Now, now, boys. (Finally Puts Fuyuhiko Down) There's no need to fight now that Ibuki's backl to rock n' roll!~
Ibuki inhale her breath to ready herself to sing only for Hajime to quickly cover her mouth with his hand, in the neck of time.
Hajime: H-How about we do that some other time? We got to get you situated and up to speed first. How are you feeling right now- YEOUCH! (Suddenly Felt Ibuki's Teeth Bitting his Palm Before Quickly Removing his Hand From her Lips) Ibuki!
Ibuki: (Giggles Apologetic) Sorry, Haji. Ibuki couldn't resist. Buuut to answer your undying question: Ibuki is a-okay!~ A little light headed at the moment, it's nothing she can't handle. (Uses her Finger to Tap on her Cheek While Thinking) Althoooough, there are a couple of memories circling around Ibuki's inner noggin right now.
Fuyuhiko: How much do you remember exactly?
Ibuki: (Smiles Brightly) A bunch of cool stuff! (Points at Fuyuhiko) Like how you became a pirate, my rockin' performance at the Titty Typhoon, the Despair Di-
Her sentence was cut off abruptly as Ibuki's eyes begins to widens in silence at the ongoing memory. The Despair Disease.........She remembers she was one of the few that had it at one point, it completely changed her into something not even she could recognize.
She then remembers the night when she was taken in the hospital room, only to then, mysteriously walk out, one night, and walked all the way back to the Titty Typhoon .......and meeting her unfortunate demise in the process.
Two of her more closer friends, Hiyoko and Mikan, were also in the memories as well, but it was too blurry for the rockstar to mentally see clearly due to overwhelming thoughts going through her mind right now
What had gotten over me that night?
How could I let someone or....someTHING bring me to my final curtain call?......
...........And why........
Ibuki: (Gets Startled as She Finally Comes Back to Reality) Ah!- Uh...Yeah?
Hajime: (Frowns Worryingly at Ibuki) Are you okay?
Ibuki: Oh! Uhh...(Puts on a Bit of an Awkward Smile on her Face) Yeah, yeah. I'm cool, I'm hip. Just thinking about those......Gosh darn memories! From the hospital, all the way to.....(Slowly Starts to Frown).....the......Titty.....Typhoon........
Fuyuhiko: They're hitting you like a truck, isn't it?
Ibuki: ('Sighs Heavily in Defeat') More like speeding bullet train......That was so weird and scary.........I hate it.
Hajime: ('Sigh') So do we. (Looks Down at the Ground, a bit Somberly) To tis day, I regretted not being quick enough to save you that night. We're really sorry.....
Ibuki: (Gently Places her Hands onto Hajime's Face and Have it Facing Hers) Hajime, no. Don't apologize. You guys did everything you could to do so, right? None of you have anything to apologize for at all.
Fuyuhiko: You really think so?
Ibuki: (Nodded at Fuyuhiko) I know so. Besides, if anyone who should be apologizing it's me for worrying you and causing you all this trouble to begin with.
Fuyuhiko: Hey, come on, you weren't yourself that night. You know now, right?
Ibuki: Yeah, but.....(Turns Away) I still feel bad about it.
Hajime: (Places his Hands on Top of Ibuki's) Don't be. That's all in the past, you have a second chance at life now. (Gently Grabs her Hands and Slowly Lowers it Down in the Middle) And we promise to keep you and everyone else in our class safe from here on out and if there's anything that's been bothering you, please don't hesitate to come to me for help.
Fuyuhiko: Or me and the others either. (Gives Ibuki a Reassuring Smirk on his Face) We got your back this time, Mioda.
Ibuki: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as Tears Starts to Build Up in her Eyes) You guuuuuys....('Sniff') (Pulls Both Hajime and Fuyuhiko into a Tight, Loving Hug) THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!~
Hajime: (Winces a Bit in Pain Along with Fuyuhiko) No....problem, Ibuki......
Fuyuhiko: How the hell are you this strong!?
Ibuki: Hm. I dunno. I guess Ibuki's determination to see her friends again has boosted up my strength somehow. Plus, I reallllly do miss you guys and-
Fuyuhiko: (Rolls his Eyes) Yeah, yeah. Feeling's mutual or what have you. But you know- (Forms a Teasing Smirk on his Face) Your drummer boy here been missing you like crazy these days.
Hajime: (Glares at Fuyuhiko) Dude!
Ibuki: ('GASPS') Hajii~ I miss you like crazy too!~ (Starts Kissing on Hajime Cheek)
Hajime: (Starts Blushing Up from his Bandmate's Affections) ..........C-Cool.
Ibuki: (Looks Back at the Pod She Was In) So that's where half of our classmates been sleeping at that whole time, huh?
Hajime: Yep, just like we found you. The speed of the percentages may vary at time- ('YAWN') So, it's gonna take a while for any of them to fully wake up in there.
Ibuki: (Gently Rubs Hajime's Head) Haji, are you getting sleepy on Ibuki?~
Hajime: (SIghs Before Rubbing one of His Eyes) Kinda? Been working all day that I haven't really gotten the chance to sleep today honestly.
Fuyuhiko: (Whispers into Ibuki's Ear) And when he does sleep, it only lasted about 2-3 hours.
Hajime: Fuyu!
Ibuki: (Let's Out Another Gasp Before Pouting at her Precious Drummer) Well, that won't do at all! Everyone deserves a longer sleep schedule, especially cool, smart guys like you, Hajime! (Wraps Hajime's Arm Around Her's) Is there's a bedroom in this joint, Short Stuff?
Fuyuhiko: (Points at the Doorway) It's a in a few rooms back. I'll show you guys around. (Walks Out of the Room)
Ibuki: (Somply Nodded to her Fellow Classmate) Thank you. (Follows Behind Fuyuhiko Along with her Drummer Next to her) Come, Haji. Our bed awaits us.
Hajime: But what about everyone else? Don't you wanna see them first?
Ibuki: We'll see them in due time. Right now it's urgent that Ibuki gives her precious the sleep and cuddles he oh so deserves!~
Hajime: You're not gonna take "no" for an answer no matter what I say, aren't you?
Ibuki: Yeppity Yep-Yep!~
Hajime: ('Sighs in Defeat') Thought so. Good to have you back, partner.
Ibuki: (Lays the Side of her Head Next to Hajime's Shoulder) Likewise~
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