#weird tangent
missanthrory · 2 months
You know, throwing this out there completely randomly, we really don't talk enough about Zhao from Avatar. Like his story is absolutely wild. Man was trained by Jeong Jeong, freaking found Wan Shi Tong's library, found out about the solar eclipse from the library, burned a section of the library down, escaped from that alive, captured the avatar, successfully breached the walls of the Northern Water Tribe which had never been done, and killed the freaking moon spirit. Like he is a bastard and regularly loses to teenagers, but you can't deny it's quite the resume.
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But only because your very strong opinions on things I do not understand (mainly polish things) scare me a little bit. :D
It's alright! 😊 I'll let you in on a little secret when it comes to opinions on polish things you will usually find at least 17 differing opinions from Polish people.
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stinkykittypet · 2 years
Sometimes I question if I'm actually, like, legitimately disabled, because, it's just autism, adhd, and maladaptive daydreaming. Furthermore, I question if I'm actually neurodivergent, because the things classified as "autism symptoms" or "adhd symptoms" are just things I've done all my life. No one told me I was different until a doctor decided I was.
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madbiscuitlady · 2 months
I was looking for reference pictures of Stede's S2 rings for a cosplay and ended up going on a weird research journey over one of them.
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Sweet. Just gonna take a quick browse through amazon to see if I can find something that fits the bill. I'll start with that big ol' gold one with the cross.
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Ayyyy winner, winner chicken dinner.
Wait... an exorcism ring? Didn't that priest say something about the Vatican and an exorcism or something about exorcists before he died?
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Well, great load of help that was for priest guy...
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So Stede stole that dude's suit and his rings, one of which is some kind of supposed Christian protection charm to ward off evil. It's probably nothing, but the thing about opening doors and difficult paths is interesting.
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Anyways rlgl au Moon is the kind of guy who loves to cook and has an aesthetic blog about foods and recipes. But he really doesnt like eating because then he has to have his chest compartment cleaned and thats never nice.
So Sun and Y/N come running like a couple of pavlovian dogs whenever they hear his phones camera go off.
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objectosexual · 7 months
I'm glad more of Tumblr is becoming more accepting of objectums + a lot of people are realizing that they're objectum themselves, but it really does feel like the current "in" thing right now so I hope this support for us continues even when people get tired of the eroticism of the machine
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crow-caller · 7 months
New video... soon!
Yes, I'm trying out a LIVE PREMIERE for this one folks!
6.30PM GMT
These books really took their toll on me and I'm extremely excited for my review to finally be going up. Three hip teen girls fall in good christian love with saint sebastion reborn and commit incredible acts of violence, primarily against the homeless.
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This YA book series was published in 2013 by one of the Big Five publishers and is extremely mainstream published for WHAT it is (it also warrants like, my longest every content warning). It's balls to the wall unbelievable and a wild ride. I'll be there in chat and on discord after assuming I haven't sunk into the earth.
List of content warnings for the upcoming vid under the cut, you can also message me to enquire further
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Yeah. These books have, um, everything in them.
Primarily, it's going to involve a lot of anti-medication, anti-therapy talk as well as quite graphic gore for a. Tween catholic YA novel. I don't arrange these based on prominence, only that the topic comes up- it's very hard to add weight to what is 'worse' most of the time.
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findafight · 8 months
Do you like Robin as a character or is she just a quirky lesbian to you.
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the-travelling-witch · 6 months
literally no one has an excuse to mischaracterise him as a selfish, shallow ditz when this phone call exists
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the game makes it very clear that asmo cares about his brothers a lot and that he wants for them to be happy. but because the way he shows it is very asmo, characters as well as players sometimes can’t pick up on it
by that i mean, asmo shows his affection in ways that are influenced by his logic and his way of thinking and i think this call shows it well. of course asmo would liken their situation to a “dinner party” and satan as someone who arrives late; because this is how he can relate to how his brother must be feeling
sadly, unless someone takes the time and effort to try and understand asmo’s thought process and reasoning, it’s easy to disregard him as some naïve drama queen who doesn’t understand the gravity of a given situation
things like painting his brothers’ nails is how asmo shows affection, and while it might seem trivial to others, it’s something that is very important to him, so he makes sure those he cares for are taken care of in the same way; that this very important thing is something they don’t have to worry about
but because of how he carries himself and because the version he presents of himself comes with all these negative connotations, it’s hard for him to be taken seriously; it’s also proof how desperately he tries to convince others -and himself- that this role he plays is the real him and not just a front he puts up
yes, some of the things asmo says can be very shallow, but he cares about the people/demons around him. a lot.
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oifaaa · 4 months
No clue on ur policy on cursing but if you do not like it pls delete this ask and I’m sorry I cursed but the concept was so funny.
Batfam au where Damian accidentally ends in the past (by himself or if any of his siblings join is optional) and needs to quickly stop himself before calling Bruce, Father.
So on a slip up, he accidentally calls him Fuckboy instead, and has to continually use it.
I see this going one of two ways depending on how old Bruce is - if it's teenage angsty Bruce then there will be a fight which will result in Bruce getting his ass kicked bc teenage Bruce was just constantly looking for a fight but couldn't hope to win against Damian - if its Bruce post training/ early batman Bruce then he will recognise that Damian looks a mini talia and realise this kid is his son or maybe a younger sibling of talias either way calling him a fuckboy is definitely deserved
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jaguarys · 1 year
One thing that really grinds my gears when it comes to the discussion of Rebels is the consistent misrepresentation of Kallus' redemption for ship purposes.
Kallus' redemption arc is not about Zeb. Yes, Zeb kickstarts it, but he did not make Kallus a rebel. And I find it so irritating when people reduce his arc down to "haha he fell so in love he switched sides" like please.
For Kallus' redemption to work, for it to be worth anything, Zeb cannot effectively be a part of it. The entire point of Zeb telling Kallus to search for the answers to questions he hasn't asked is because Kallus needs to see it for himself. He needs to realize for himself. He needs to realize everything he's been a part of.
And that's why I dislike it when people woobify him and turn him into this character who's constantly asking for forgiveness from Zeb. Because even aside from the fact that it's just weird to put Zeb in the position where he needs to constantly forgive the guy who was complicit in his planet's destruction, that's just not what the arc is about.
Kallus looks for the answers. And in the end he's more aware than anyone what he's done, what he's been a part of, and that it needs to be fixed. He's not a soft character and his redemption doesn't change that, it just means that he's changed his actions to be consistent with his morals. Zeb is not guiding him or teaching him or even present for most of it, and that's important.
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canisalbus · 10 months
Vasco and Machete are absolutely adorable, your style is so lovely and you draw the softest beds I’ve ever seen in any art ever
#thank you!#softest beds is a whole new compliment that's so sweet#let me go off on a weird and personal tangent for a minute#I've always found the concept of sleeping very touching somehow#it's this mandatory resting period literally everyone has to plan their life around no one has the power to avoid sleeping#if you neglect it your mind and body start to break down very quickly#sleep is such a neutral state of being no one is particularly sad or happy or evil or good while they're asleep they're just logged off#sleeping feels nice it's rejuvenating it's one of the few universal pleasures every single person has an access to#and I find it terribly cute how people have different little bedtime rituals#socks on socks off various pillow and blanket arrangements certain sounds that make them sleepy etc#and sleeping next to someone is such an act of trust#it's extremely intimate as is sex doesn't necessarily have to factor into it#getting comfortable and going unconscious with someone at the same place at the same time that just touches my heart#especially if you're invited into their bed which is a very private space a person's own little nest where the world can't reach them#even if you fall asleep in public transport there's this vulnerability to it and for the most part people respect the sanctity of sleep#and tend to leave sleeping people alone at least in my limited experience#I like drawing my characters sleeping because it feels like I'm doing them a favor granting them a little respite#anonymous#answered
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stuckinapril · 4 months
#I’m only very rarely inclined to get this intimate w my thoughts so I might as well say it NOW butttt I will never not see the dead children#In everything I do#Like legit#I’ve read up on Hind so extensively and seen so many photos of her#And I have a very healthy relationship w the popular Palestinian journalists so she’s not my blorbo or anything#But hearing that memo destroyed me bc bisan is only 23 and she seemed so vivacious#Idk like I do normal people things I can’t just pause on my life#But idk how it feels like to sit at a boba place and enjoy my pearl milk tea w my friends#While the horrors over there don’t just lurk the back of my mind. I do normal things and I’m guilty for having the luxury#And as an Iraqi girl I’m living in the literal ideal timeline#Where my mom decided to immigrate to the us and that’s why I’m here living a normal life like everyone else#It’s like in a different world if I were born in a different time it could’ve so easily been me. I’m one of the Lucky Ones idk#It’s not survivor’s guilt bc it’s not like I had to survive anything like I never had the chance to live in Iraq or anything#But like. If some things had fallen just a little differently#And I keep thinking about how I’d feel if it were happening to Iraq and people behaved the way they’re doing to Palestinians#I’d be so mad#And some people on here are dealing w assholes while bursting at the seams w grief#For losing their loved ones#This is why I’m so fucking angry at anyone who’s complicit#This was a major tangent but basically I feel weird about doing normal things now while simultaneously knowing I can’t just sit and wallow#And watch life pass by as if it’ll do anything#Misery is not a home but I’m struggling to be 100% normal#And I think that this tonal dissonance is reflecting on my blog too bc I can’t go back to just#Posting about all the other normal things I used to. Like I want to but sometimes I feel off.#Is this anything. I haven’t slept all night#I can’t just allow myself to lose interest in everything I used to like and be and just fade away but maybe it’s about accepting that this#Will also always be a part of me now. It’s that awareness that shadows everything I do#or maybe I need a therapist it’s a toss up#I’ll probably feel better once I get my day started but this was cathartic to voice I think#p
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papertowness · 5 months
anyways it pisses me off when in house they present cameron as being this sweetheart angel pure of heart woman but she literally traps house into going on a date with her ????? like if it had been the other way around and house had been like i’m not giving you your job back unless you go out on a date with me ( which , yes , would never happen but just for the sake of argument ) we , the viewers would obviously be like oh idk about that but when she does the same thing and says “ oh i can do it because he’s my boss “ ?? like oh that’s not … and also we’re supposed to feel SORRY for her ? because house isn’t nice to her when he literally told her multiple times that he isn’t into her . anyways if it had been the other way around or if coleman was a man and house was a woman it would be blatantly obvious how super fucking creepy it is and they’re acting like it isn’t wtf
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cyphyra · 21 days
just had a pretty heated discussion w/ a friend about what makes a good restaurant experience and im just gonna put my two cents here:
i feel that a Good Restaurant experience is made up of the following yes/no questions -Was the wait staff at least passive to us? (not mean.) -Did our orders come out how we asked of them? -Were the prices reasonable for the meal?
If the answer to any of those questions is no, it is a BAD restaurant experience, anything MORE than that is a bonus and puts the visit in the running for a Great experience
I don't care how long our food takes to come out, I don't care about the restaurant atmosphere, I don't care how loud the places music or other patrons are, so long as my server wasn't a dick, got the food that we ordered out, and the restaurant had good prices, everything else could be shit bc it doesn't actively affect my meal
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itischeese · 1 year
Give me Kakashi as a victim of teenage burnout, give me Kakashi whose perfectionism was so strong that when he got out of ANBU he just broke without its restrictions to hold him to together. Give me a Kakashi who will never be good enough for himself, and who knows it.
Give me a Kakashi who looks at Obito and sees someone good, someone better than he will ever be, and who hurts. Give me a Kakashi who loves Obito more than he can contain and enough that he will never tell him. Give me a Kakashi who wants better for Obito, who thinks he doesn’t deserve him and wishes he did, who wants Obito and hates himself for it, because how can he want Obito when he’s so broken and Obito’s so good?
(Give me an Obito who doesn’t care. Give me an Obito who loves Kakashi anyway, who looks at Kakashi and sees someone good.)
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