#what I WANTED to ramble about tonight was the scene where the mask first comes off
altblock-tm · 2 years
OC Fun Fact #20
In the Syndicate, Hare was always quite distant from his other allies, like Krystll and Midnight. He never talked with them too long unless he was sent on a mission with them.
It didn't help that he always wore a blank white mask to cover his entire face. Midnight had only seen half of his face once when they first met, but that wasn't enough to give her a good idea of what he looked like, since he was bloodied from battle.
Krystll and Midnight, sharing a single brain cell, tried countless times to get him to take the mask off. Chaos ensued. Some attempts included:
-Sneaking up from behind to snatch it (they always got promptly elbowed in the stomach)
-Tackling him and trying to get it off or break it (Hare is physically stronger than both of them and fled before they could get a hold on his mask)
-Sweet-talking him, and either convincing him to take his mask off, or suddenly leaping forward and grabbing it (Hare always left conversations very early so they never got the chance)
-Krystll using her love magic to persuade Hare to take it off (He realized what was going on and demanded Krystll to stop. She obliged, because that tactic felt too dirty...)
-Sneaking into his room at night so they could see his face while he's asleep (He sleeps with it on)
They gave up after that.
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
Congratulations on a 100! Can I request a female reader and a scenario where Kakashi discovers in a very shocking way that his s/o is pregnant? Please don't mind not writing if it bothers you. Stay hydrated and have a nice day regardless!🌸
thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
A Kunoichi's Suprise
words: 1.9k
kakashi x fem!reader, fluff, reader is pregnant
“I do hate to do this to you, but you’re the best choice. There’s not an Inuzuka available who has the security clearance necessary, which makes you the only ninken-user I can assign this to.”
Kakashi nodded and shrugged, brushing off the unspoken apology. “I understand, it’s no issue.”
Tsunade pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding solemnly. “If it wasn’t so time-sensitive, I’d put someone else on it, I swear.” She tucked a loose strand of her silvery blond hair behind her ear and shuffled the papers on her desk, bringing a personnel file to the top. “And to accompany you… Again, I’m really sorry, but she’s the only one who makes sense. She was in the area most recently out of all available jonin and her weapons expertise makes her the best candidate to accompany you.”
His eyebrows dipped together in mild confusion. He would have requested this partner if she hadn’t been assigned—he agreed fully that they would make the best team for this recovery mission. Shaking it off, he nodded again. “Sounds great, Lady Fifth. Anything else?”
Tsunade let out a breath she had been half holding and leaned back in her chair. Tonton gave a relieved squeak and Shizune pulled her closer to her chest. The Hokage dragged her hands across her eyes, then leaned forward on her elbows.
“Glad you’re taking this so well. I thought you’d at least argue about your fiancé going with you, if not objecting to being sent on a mission right now at all.”
Kakashi jerked his head backwards and to the side, scanning over the Sannin with his single vibrant, gray eye. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression I like to argue with superiors, Tsunade-sama. That’s really more Naruto’s thing.” She snorted, and he took it as a good sign. “When would you like us to head out? Thirty minutes?”
Immediately, Tsunade shot him down. “She needs a medic to look her over before she can go into the field. I’m happy to do it myself. Her training with her team ends at noon, right?” She glanced at the clock, then gestured to Shizune. “Send Kotetsu or Izumo to pull her, we can’t wait that long.” With a quick nod, she ducked out of the room. “Meanwhile, you can go pack bags for you both. Be sure to grab her med pack, I’ll probably need to give her a bonus prescription or two for the journey.”
At this point, Kakahi’s confusion could no longer be dismissed. Why would his fiancé need extra medication for a mission? He had just seen you when you left to meet your team of genin, and you hadn’t mentioned anything. Maybe the stomach bug you had had a few weeks ago had been worse than you let on?
“Sorry, prescriptions? Are we facing potential poisoning?” He tried, looking for an explanation.
Tsunade shook her head firmly. “Anything is possible, but I’m not concerned about it.” She ran her hand backward through her hair, shaking it gently toward the ends and letting it fall out of the way. “More concerned with making sure she’s getting the correct nutrients. I’ve been working on the nutritional value of shinobi rations, but it’s hard to find something that’s shelf stable, lightweight, and compact without just being food pills.”
Kakashi agreed, a debate he had heard on nearly every long term mission. “So you’ll give us both supplements, fair. Should we do my physical now while we wait on my fiancé to arrive?” He relished the words in his mouth, the phrase “my fiancé” almost a dream to him, even still.
She gave a bemused chuckle, glancing the scarecrow of a man up and down. “Why, you have some kind of boo-boo you need me to kiss?” Tsunade returned to the paperwork on her desk, shuffling it again and pulling the shinobi copy of the mission details file out, holding it out to him. “I trust you to get whatever nutrients you need after all these years of life, Bakashi,” she teased.
He didn’t move to take the file. “What’s going on?” he demanded, as respectfully as absolutely necessary. “What’s going on that she needs a medical check and extra medication to travel on a mission? Why did you think I would object to being paired with her? It’s not our first mission together, not even since we got engaged. What am I forgetting?”
Tsunade didn’t react to his interrogation, continuing to organize paperwork and leaning down to pull open a drawer in her desk, sliding his and your personnel files inside. “The fetus, maybe?” She offered, waving a hand like it was obvious.
The what?
For a moment, Tsunade could almost hear the cogs grinding in the shinobi’s head. You passing him every drink that had been pushed on you in the last few weeks, the stomach bug that he had never caught, and the uptick in morning meetings you had.
Then the cogs were brought to a halt, and the whole world froze. The blood running through his body was ice cold, and he felt his fingertips and forehead tingling. Were you really pregnant?
Was he, Kami forbid, going to be a father?
Tsunade swore, knowing she shouldn’t have said anything violating medical confidentiality, but with the pregnancy already being in the second trimester, she had no idea that you hadn’t told Kakashi yet. “Listen, Kakashi… just sit down, okay?” She looked around, swearing again at the reminder that this damn office had no chairs outside of the one she occupied.
She jumped up, crossing over to Kakashi and pushing him forward into the chair behind the desk. “Breathe, Kakashi, come on.” She shook him gently, then lightly slapped his cheek. “Come on, soldier. You’re Kakashi of the Sharingan, master of a thousand jutsu, pull it together.”
He flatly refused.
The door to the Hokage’s office opened, Shizune and Tonton leading you in. You took a moment to take in the scene of your fiancé hyperventilating behind the desk, the Hokage herself swearing and trying to get him to make eye contact and pull air into his lungs. Then he saw you, and he paused, fear in his eyes.
“Is it true—I mean, are you—love, are you pregnant?” He choked out.
Your hand flew to your mouth as if to put the secret back inside. You knew you’d have to tell him eventually, but you had wanted the moment to be right and he had been so busy with his missions lately. He didn’t know it yet, but you had rented a room at a nearby onsen for next weekend, making sure to get a room with a private bath and windows high enough that no onlookers could see inside so that he could comfortably remove his mask. That would’ve been the way you preferred he find out, when rather than dessert, you slid the sonogram across the table after dinner. Instead, you nodded.
“Yes, my love,” you whispered. “I’m pregnant.” Instinctively, your hand rested over the part of your stomach that had begun showing this last week.
He seemed to melt into chair. “Kami… we’re going to be parents?”
You nodded, a small laugh breaking from your chest. “Yes, Kakashi, that’s the plan.”
Slowly, he gathered himself, standing up and delicately walking around the desk to the doorway where you remained. “I… You want this?” He sniffed hard, blinking twice and taking your hands. “You want to raise a child with me? This child?”
You tilted your head to the side, feeling hot tears sting your eyes. You knew he had issues with his self worth, and that would be something you would focus on for the next few months so he’d be ready for your child.
“Of course, ‘Kashi. There’s no one I trust more, no one I think would make a better father. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else, and I’m thrilled that I get to do it with you.”
His wiry frame jolted as though he’d been shocked, and the threw himself into your arms, allowing his fears and shock to leave him through tears. Tsunade and Shizune averted their eyes, doing what they could to preserve your privacy. Tonton oinked in solidarity. After a couple of moments, he stood again, wiping dry the parts of his face not covered by salty, wet fabric. He then hooked a finger into the mask at the side of his nose, yanked it down, and brought you into a deep kiss, warm hands wrapping around you and pulling you close.
After the surprise, you let yourself dissolve into him, allowing yourself to be swept into his emotional display. He pulled his face back after a few beats and beamed, smiling as widely as you could remember seeing him grin. Then his mouth was back on yours, this time for just a second, then a firm kiss to your forehead before he secured the mask again. Turning to face the Hokage, he wrapped his arm around your back and held you close.
“Tsunade-sama, all due respect, can Pakkun handle this? I’ll send him with anyone you’d like. Naruto, even, I don’t think he’s doing anything tonight. I can send the whole pack. I can brief Gai, or Tenzo, anyone? And if you need a weapons expert, I’m sure Tenten is more than qualified.” You giggled, watching your fiancé ramble to the leader of the village. “It’s just, I’m going to be a father, and she’s pregnant with our child, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think we’re going on any missions for the next, say, 18 years? Well, maybe some D ranks. We’ll see.”
As Tsunade opened her mouth, he cut her off with a pointed, “How’s the progress on the Konoha Orphanage coming along? They prepared for one more? Cause I’m not letting anything happen to either of us, for this child’s sake.”
Tsunade glared, but was startled out of the shouting match she was gearing up for by Shizune chuckling. Betrayed, she turned to her companion.
“I mean, this is the reaction you anticipated him having, Lady Fifth,” she giggled.
She slammed a fist on the desk, although with an intense amount of restraint given that the surface was not even dented. Finally, she looked up with a glint in her eye.
“I think Hana Inuzuka gets back this evening. I can give her twelve hours to rest and then she and Tenten, along with Gai, can probably handle it. This time.”
Kakashi was already on his way out the door, pulling you behind him in a firmly clasped hand, before she had finished. He called out a thanks over your shoulder as you left. Together, you giggled as you entered the streets of Konoha.
Your fiancé spun in circles, laughing freely and spreading his arms out. “We’re starting a family!” he shouted to the sky. You knew you would both continue to take missions with this child, and that was a conversation for another time. For now, though, you were content to spend eternity watching the love of your life giddily relish in this moment.
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obabyobeymeme · 3 years
Resting with the Boys[TM]
summary: what i think falling asleep with them around would be like. that- that’s it, that’s the post note: yayayayy first post! this has been in my notes app for a Long time, so.. buckle up, this is going to be kinda long no matter what i do, thoughts went brrrrrr, sorry lmao.
Lucifer ➛ Good luck getting a moment alone with him. With all the work he has assigned by Diavolo, the time he spends cleaning up after his brothers’ shenanigans, and his duties as the eldest, it seems like he never has free time. ➛ When you do catch him alone, he’s either not in the mood for any sort of interaction or he’s taken the liberty of passing out at his desk, pen still in hand as he rests. ➛ You aren’t doing so well yourself, being a human exchange student doesn’t mean R.A.D. will go easy on you. Classes, assignments, and sometimes even just having to deal with the rest of the student body can be pretty tiring. ➛ Your patience pays off when the day finally comes that he’s mostly free of duties and your assigned tasks at the moment are all finished as well.
➛ You two don’t really do much, you spend the time talking over hot beverages and enjoying each other’s company in his office. Just having you around and not causing a ruckus is already more than enough for him. ➛ Lucifer ends up going on a halfhearted rant about his brothers as he organizes some papers next to you. How he found out about another one Satan and Belphie’s plots to inconvenience him and how he’ll turn it against them, wondering how the house hasn’t been decimated while he went on business trips sometimes... It’s nice seeing him not as uptight as he usually is. ➛ You end up getting a little drowsy despite your best attempts to listen to what he’s saying. Eventually your drowsiness wins over and you kinda.. nod off. Hopefully he doesn’t mind. (He does mind, actually. Sleeping sitting down may sound like a good idea at first, but Lucifer knows your neck will hate you for it when you wake up.) ➛ He doesn’t want to wake you, so he carefully nudges your head onto his lap before finishing up with the papers, occasionally running his hand through your hair. ➛ Once he’s done, he carries you to your room and makes sure you’re comfortable before leaving a kiss on your forehead and leaving, closing the door softly behind him.
Mammon ➛ When you suggest a lazy afternoon to him, he’ll act as if he has no time for a silly activity like that. Why would he? The Great Mammon has better things to do with his time than spending it lazing around with some- ➛ He trails off once he sees your slightly disappointed face. When you say you’ll find someone else to nap with, he changes his tune almost instantly. ➛ He just.. takes your wrist and goes “W-well, if ya want it THAT badly... but just this once, got it??” as he sorta tugs you along to his bedroom. ➛ This is where you learn that he has no idea how to share a bed with someone else. He seems torn between wanting to scoot closer or give you as much space he can without actually leaving the bed. ➛ You decide to make the decision for him, resting your head on his shoulder as you start rambling. Mammon warms up eventually and slings an arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer. ➛ You drift off during a lull in the conversation, unintentionally leaving him hanging for a full minute before he realizes you’re asleep. ➛ He watches you for a while and makes sure you’re really out, then reaches for his phone and takes a picture (or five) of your sleeping face. What? You’re cute even when you sleep apparently! He’d rather go through one of Lucifer’s scoldings than admit that to your face in the near future though. ➛ You know that meme where people say they can't do anything because a cat fell asleep on them? Yeah, that happened to Mammon because of the arm he placed around you, he ended up falling asleep with you wrapped in his arms. ➛ When you wake up, you cannot move without his grip getting just a bit tighter. Greedy even in his sleep, it seems... rip if you have to go to the bathroom lmao
Leviathan ➛ You two spent pretty much the whole day in his room, geeking out over shared interests, catching up on anime Levi introduced to you, trying (and occasionally failing) at the games you both play ➛ You don’t even notice it’s well past 1 AM until you feel like you’ve been staring at a screen for an awful long time now, what time is- oh. ➛ Levi’s slightly disappointed that your hangout has to end, but yeah, he gets it. Everyone needs their sleep, even hardcore otakus. He’s about to tell you that you can leave when you flop into his bathtub bed, saying you’re too tired to walk all the way back. ➛ He short-circuits at the sight of you wrapping yourself around one of the many body-sized pillows, and when you realize he still has to get in the tub to sleep? And instead of getting out, you sit up and insist on him getting in with you??? ➛ A system error has occurred. Please restart your Leviathan. Come on, this is like that one scene in this shoujo anime he’s found where the main character and the person they’re pining for share a bed! ➛ He doesn’t say anything, but judging by the expression he’s making and how he’s clambering in behind you, you don’t think he minds too much. ➛ You two end up with his upper body propped up by the pillows and you kinda laying on top of him. It's a bit awkward considering the unconventional sleeping area, but it’s honestly more comfortable than you expected. ➛ Levi actually ends up falling asleep before you. You thought you were tired? Try being awake for 22 hours straight waiting for an exclusive merch drop you just couldn’t miss. He is out, and nothing you do can wake him. ➛ You both end up waking around noon thanks to your little late night stunt. Consider yourselves lucky that Satan saved you guys a plate before Beel got to it.
Satan ➛ He finds you in the House’s library, bent over at a table studying three textbooks at once. Understandable, given that it’s exam season, but it doesn’t look like you’re doing yourself any favors. ➛ And he’s right. You can’t make sense of anything in the books and you can feel a small headache coming on ➛ Satan offers to give you some help with your studies... after you’ve rested. He won’t take no for an answer, and since his room is much closer, he thinks it’s fine if you crash there while you take a break. ➛ He just has to... actually make space for you to rest first, though. He can navigate the chaos that is his room just fine, but you could easily trip on something, or worse, accidentally activate something cursed. ➛ Once that’s taken care of, you take a seat on his bed, scrolling through your D.D.D. as he takes one of the chairs, picking up a novel he bookmarked.  ➛ The scent of the books and the occasional sound of a page turning as Satan reads, along with his occasional hums of interest really helped put you at ease. After a couple of moments, despite yourself, you curl up and drift off. ➛ In between page turns, Satan would turn to check on you. When he realizes you’re asleep, he marks his novel and sets it down, turning to face you instead.  Since he knows his room can get a bit drafty sometimes, he drapes a blanket over you, smiling softly as you wrap the blanket more around yourself. ➛ You looking so cozy almost makes him want to join you, but just seeing that you’re comfy and much less stressed than before is enough right now. He instead gives you a head pat and goes back to his novel, the smile never quite leaving his face.
Asmodeus ➛ You know Asmo loves spending time together, from shopping trips to going to new places to even simple things like a tea spilling session every other night. ➛ So when you come to his room one evening to tell him sorry, you don’t really feel like a night on the town right now and would rather stay in and recharge, he’s not even as disappointed as you’d thought he’d be. ➛ He insists on pampering you both tonight, that way, you get to rest and relax with him, and he gets you all to himself for at least a couple of hours, uninterrupted. It’s a win-win scenario, in his opinion, and who are you to decline? ➛ You let him work his magic with whatever he has laying around, falling into your usual routine of talking as he does his and your nails and readies a face mask for the two of you as ambient music from his D.D.D. fills the air. ➛ When you find yourself getting sleepy, Asmo doesn’t mind at all! He puts away the stuff he used and suggests a little impromptu sleepover. ➛ You shouldn’t have been that surprised when he climbs into the bed after you, and you should’ve realized he’d be just as clingy in bed as he is normally. He can and will be all over you if you let him— running his fingers through your hair, cuddles like there’s no tomorrow...  ➛ His ridiculously soft and comfy bed definitely isn’t helping matters, and you drift off in record time. ➛ He’ll make sure you’re all tucked in and maybe internally squeal at how adorable you’re being, leaning into his touch in your sleep makes his heart do a flip ➛ You wake up the next day feeling like a new person, and next to you, looking surprisingly photogenic for someone half-asleep, is Asmo, tugging you back under the covers because it’s warmer with you in there. 
Beelzebub ➛ He’s been waiting at R.A.D.’s entrance for 20 minutes now. You were supposed to meet him so you could head to Hell’s Kitchen and hang out for a bit, but there’s still no sign of you and you haven’t read any of his texts. ➛ He gets a text from you then. Turns out your phone was on silent, because you felt a little burnt out from school and juggling hangout times with everyone else and went straight back to the House, wanting some quiet time. ➛ You send another message apologizing for the sudden change of plans and for not seeing his messages sooner, but Beel is pretty understanding. ➛ He isn’t letting his chance at being with you go that easily, though. He drops by a store to get you a little care package (and a handful of snacks so he still has something to give you by the time he gets to the house) and heads home. ➛ A few moments later, your door opens to reveal Beel. He leaves the food he brought on your table and sits down on the edge of your bed. You decide a cuddle buddy doesn’t sound too bad right now. After all, you already had the experience of sharing a room with Beel, surely sharing a bed will be similar? ➛ ... Not exactly. He’ll unintentionally take up half your bed no matter what you two do; you’ll either be searching for space or be pulled into the space he’s occupying like some sort of demon-shaped black hole. ➛ The solution: lay on his chest. He assures you that you aren’t too heavy for him, and if he’s being honest? Your weight is actually kinda comforting. ➛ You stay like that for a while, listening to his breathing and heartbeat, and eventually the stress of the past few days melts away, and you fall asleep with your arms draped over him like a pillow. ➛ He doesn’t mind, since you’re pretty much a living teddy bear to him, and he lets himself relax, a hand resting on your back. He just hopes his stomach won’t wake you both up...
Belphegor ➛ Let me get this straight. You want Belphegor, the literal Avatar of Sloth, to take a nap with you? Chances are he’s already half-asleep and all that’s left to do is join him... if he lets you. ➛ He’ll look at you, slightly irritated, but he’s too tired to argue, and you’d be warmer than a pillow, at least, so he motions for you to get in next to him. Just don’t move around too much or he’ll hog all the blankets in retaliation. ➛ If you’re close enough with him, either one of you has unspoken permission to join the other while they’re resting, no questions asked.  ➛ Probably has a bunch of pillows and blankets stowed away in various parts of the House, so nap supplies are readily available. Saves him from having to drag his stuff from place to place. ➛ The one downside to sleeping with Belphie is that he doesn’t need any time to unwind. He can go from full attention to catching Zs in minutes, leaving you no choice but to follow him into dreamland. ➛ He does cuddle a lot, though he’ll brush it off as using you as his personal heater. He’ll complain if you try to do it first, but he won’t make any moves to actually stop you. He actually might lean into you, making up an excuse about your side being comfier. ➛ If he really, really trusts you, he’ll lend you his beloved cow-print pillow. Only five minutes tops, though, then you have to give it back. ➛  When nights are bad and he doesn’t want to wake Beel up, he used to head to the planetarium to calm himself down. Now he slips into your room and takes comfort in knowing that you’re still safe and sound. You’ve woken up several times finding Belphie nuzzled into your blanket. ➛ If he feels especially clingy, his demon form’s tail will appear, slowly but firmly wrapping itself around your waist. Good luck getting out of bed without him knowing.
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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101 notes · View notes
moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 20)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 7235 Warnings: fluff, smut, angst
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: I’m patiently waiting for some screaming! Feedback is always appreciated!
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Making your way downstairs was a little awkward and you barely made eye contact with Bucky. Winnie was waiting outside by the idling car, laughing at the person who had their back to you. They were fairly tall in a pewter suit and had short brown hair that was closely shaved in the back. Winnie nudged her chin and the person turned around, a smile spreading across their unfamiliar and yet completely recognizable face.
They shared the same deep blue eyes and dimple on their chin as Bucky and you knew this had to be Rebecca. Their hair was longer in the front, falling just beside their eyes, sparkling with gold and plum shadow.
“Bex!” Bucky exclaimed, smiling just as widely to see his sibling, wrapping them in a big hug.
“You cut your hair!” Rebecca looked at it approvingly. “Tryin’ to copy me I see,” they joked.
You smiled watching them together, forgetting any awkward feelings between yourself and Bucky; they were now solely reserved for introductions with Rebecca whose effortlessly cool vibe had you on edge for some reason.
Bucky pulled away from the hug, placing his hand behind you, almost touching the bare skin of your back before he realized that might be too intimate.
“Bex this is Y/N,” he introduced with a proud smile you couldn’t see.
“So nice to meet you,” you said, not expecting the hug they gave you.
Winnie stepped in the moment Rebecca stepped back to give you a hug of her own. She turned to check in with George who stayed in the car listening to a classic rock radio station.
“Okay let’s not be late,” she chirped, pointing at the watch not present on her wrist. “James, you sit in the front. We’ll all squeeze in the back.”
Rebecca got in first, sliding across the black leather seats to take the smaller spot in the middle. It wasn’t crowded with the three of you sitting together but Winnie made a good call not letting Bucky’s bulkier frame encroach on you or Rebecca had he been seated back there.
You saw swirls of ink on Rebecca’s wrist as they shifted to pull out their phone, which prompted them to roll up their sleeves, showing off part of the tattoos that cover their arm.
“It’s not done yet,” they said, revealing a bare spot on their forearm beside a large watercolor macaw tattoo.
Bucky’s head turned back ever so slightly, his eyes trying to see as much as he could without being so obvious as he watched you and Rebecca interact. He knows why he’s so nervous, his family hasn’t met anyone in his life since Olivia.
He scoffed internally when he thought about it. He was a kid, a kid with a broken heart that should have gotten over it a long time ago. But had things been different maybe Bucky would have never met you. He smiled to himself, thankful for his choices– no matter how childish, because they led him here.
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Softly colored roses in peach and pale pinks were draped along the wooden archway, the gossamer fabric wrapped around the posts fluttered delicately with the wind. A golden sunset on the water served as the backdrop for an even more beautiful ceremony, celebrating the love of two people that never expected to find it.
Bucky looked over to catch a glimpse of the fading sun sparkling in your eyes. The soft sigh he exhaled was masked by the sound of cheers that rang out amongst the crowd as the newlyweds kissed.
The crowd dispersed onto the adjacent patio where lanterns hung from large sturdy trees, white pillar candles flickering inside. Soft pink fabric was draped over the tables, some small with golden framed chairs surrounding them, others free standing high tops that were scattered around beside the neatly trimmed lawn. Each had a handful of tealight candles gently glowing on top.
You followed Bucky and his family to the table where the hors d'oeuvres were served, taking the plate he handed you and picking up a few things. The display at the end of the table made you burst out with laughter. Among the fresh fruit and crudité were oversized plastic ants, each with a piece of fruit on their backs arranged in a line as if they were walking away with them.
Bucky shrugged. “It’s a thing with Hope’s family… I never really asked,” he chuckled, picking up a few strawberries from the platter behind the fake ants.
George pulled a chair from another table so you could all sit together. Placing his plate down he asked Winnie if she wanted a glass wine and she nodded, confident in knowing George knew what her favorite was.
“Can I get you something to drink?” Bucky asked. He knew what you drank when everyone went out together but he didn’t want to assume, waiting for you to respond before he and Rebecca accompanied their father to the bar.
Winnie didn’t hesitate to talk once they’d left, specifically about how happy she was Bucky was able to bring you. “He caused such a fuss, begging Scott and Hope to give him a last minute plus one.”
At that moment you wished you had a drink to bring to your lips, covering up the way her revelation had left you slack jawed. According to Bucky you were invited because he responded for two, making it seem as if you were doing him a huge favor by coming but the more Winnie spoke you realized your invitation was never to fill a seat; he was begging and pleading to bring a guest, to bring you.
“I can tell you’re special Y/N. I’ve never seen James this way with anyone in a long, long time.”
You couldn’t speak if you tried, smiling back at Winnie as your mind raced to free your heart from the protective cage it was locked away in. For once they were on the same page, heart and mind, desperate to run together right to Bucky.
When he returned to the table you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, maintaining a soft smile as your heart fluttered like a hummingbird inside your chest, desperate to break free and scream out your feelings from the top of your lungs.
You thanked him for the drink he brought back, letting your fingers linger on his hand for a beat longer than they should have, keeping your gaze locked with his before slowly turning towards Rebecca to answer the question they asked. Bucky’s cheeks were a blooming pink that practically matched the decor, his skin prickling with the memory of your touch.
Time passed quickly over conversation along with extended family members coming over to say hello. You didn’t miss the way Bucky smiled widely as he introduced you, simply as Y/N but wishing his lips had spoken the words written on your heart and called you his.
The grand doors of the ballroom opened when it was time for the reception. Bucky offered his arm which you took as he led you inside. Large chandeliers hung from the intricately detailed ceiling. Tall vases served as the centerpiece on the tables, each filled with a large arrangement of similar colored roses from the archway.
Pulling out the chair for you to be seated, Bucky happened to catch the approving smile on his father’s face, looking away to avoid an embarrassing flush to his cheeks if he held the knowing look any longer. He turned his gaze towards you and the beautiful smile that lit up your whole face as you and Rebecca were continuing your conversation from before.
Bucky sighed, feeling his heart swell even more as he realized he didn’t have to ask what his family thought about you, each of them unable to hold back their own smiles. They like you as much as he does, they want you to be with him as much as he does and if they knew how much of an idiot he’s been, denying his feelings for so long they would definitely cause a scene. But Bucky knows it won’t be long before he finally tells you.
So many scenarios went through his mind; inviting you to dinner next weekend and planning a whole speech, bursting through your door tomorrow night spilling out all the words in his heart in a mess of emotions, kiss you tonight, tomorrow, any day, every day! It doesn’t matter how, he just wants you to know.
His thoughts were interrupted by Scott and Hope making their entrance and sharing their first dance in front of everyone. Bucky reined in his thoughts that imagined the two of you in their place, a concept he never gave much attention to before believing it wasn’t for him, but with you by his side…
“Oh how sweet!” your voice beamed, pulling Bucky back to reality.
Cassie had run out onto the dance floor, swaying side to side with Hope and her father holding their hands. Scott lifted her into his arms, slinging her on his hip as Hope moved close enough for both of them to plant a kiss on both of her cheeks at the same time.
The photographer captured the moment along with so many more memories as the night went on especially when Scott’s best man Luis gave a very entertaining (and somewhat never ending) toast. You and Rebecca ran into him at the bar, unable to get much of a word in as Luis enthusiastically rambled on about how happy he is to be at Scott’s wedding.
“When I first met Scotty he was in a bed place, and I’m not talking about cell block D. His wife had just filed for divorce. And I was like, ‘Damn homie, she dumped you while you were in lock up?’ And he was like ‘Yeah I know. I thought I was gonna be with her forever but now I’m all alone!’ And I was like, ‘Damn homie, you gotta chin up. ‘Cause you’ll find a new partner.’ And he did! And it all started when I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto…”
You were focused on Luis’ very detailed story unaware of Bucky’s eyes on you from across the room. He was startled by Scott, squeezing his shoulders from behind and Bucky turned around to give his cousin a congratulatory hug.
“You haven’t told her yet, huh?” Scott said, his lips pulling into a crooked smile. Bucky’s brows knit together confused. “I see the way you look at her.”
Bucky sighed, looking at Scott without replying. There was nothing to say; he was caught staring at you from the far side of the room because he was too much of a coward to tell you how he felt.
“Hey I know you might be scared. After divorcing Maggie I was terrified, thought I’d never be able to put myself out there again and then I found Hope.”
Bucky sees the smile crinkling your eyes, hears your laughter that’s sweeter than music. “You’re right Scott, I have been scared… but I’m not anymore.” A content smile spreads across his face.
There’s a calm sense of relief that washes over Bucky as he knows with certainty that there is nothing he’s ever wanted more in his life. The universe is with him, ending the fast paced song that matched the beat of his heart to something slow and romantic.
Bucky strides across the hallway like he’s floating on a cloud until he reaches you. The words flow like smooth honey as he asked, “Would you like to dance?”
His hand is soft against yours, your whole body giddy with delight as he guides you to the dance floor. Time moves in slow motion, the world around you fading away as Bucky takes your hand in his, moving his other to the small of your back.
It was intimate, close and exactly how you wanted it to be. You let out a soft sigh as you relaxed into his embrace, letting your free arm glide up the fabric of his suit, curving it over his shoulder and looking deeply into his eyes. His pupils were blown with desire as Bucky stared back at you, the corners of his mouth twitching with an ever so slight smile.
Words were not spoken as you swayed together with the music but you both felt a change; like breathing foreign air, something felt different. You and Bucky danced in a world of your own, the past a distant memory that held your fears behind, finally allowing your heart to soar freely.
A smile pulled at your lips, one that felt brighter than the sun as you truly let go of everything that was holding you back. You moved closer, letting yourself drown in Bucky’s intoxicating scent, like cinnamon toasting over a warm fire as you nuzzled your nose into his neck.
He squeezed you tighter, his heart doing backflips in his chest, unable to fathom that this was actually happening. His nose grazes along the shell of your ear and you hear the soft inhalation of breath coming from his parted lips. A wave of tingles ran down your spine, shocking yourself into remembering you and Bucky were not alone but very much in the middle of a public setting surrounded by his family.
You pulled back to his surprise but the smile that would never cease to leave your face calmed his nerves.
“Follow me,” you purred, not letting go of Bucky’s hand as you led him outside.
A few people were scattered outside on the patio, some gathered around the high top tables that still remained, enjoying their drinks over conversation. You smiled over your shoulder back at Bucky, pulling him further away until you reached the area where the ceremony took place. The chairs had been cleared but the archway remained, the fabric wrapped around it still blowing in the wind.
You stopped at the edge of the railing, looking out onto the water as moonlight danced on the gentle waves. Goosebumps prickled all over your skin but you couldn’t be sure if it was from the breeze or Bucky standing close beside you.
The beating of your heart grew faster and you wondered if he could hear the drumming through your chest. A lump was caught in your throat as you felt Bucky’s hand cover yours on the railing. You turned your head to face him, slowly lifting your eyes from his perfect lips, the sight of them made you lick your own, meeting his eyes, the darkness reflecting a moonlit sparkle.
The memory of your New Years kiss made you shiver, letting a shaky breath out as you turned your body to face him, letting your hands wrap around his neck, his hands resting on your waist, closing the distance between you.
It wasn’t New Years, it wasn’t even the Fourth of July but you felt fireworks erupting in your stomach as you kissed, his soft lips massaging yours with a passionate fervor that grew by the second. You needed more, parting your lips for his skillful tongue to slip past them, deepening the kiss and loving the way he moaned as your hand scratched through his hair.
Distant laughter reminded you once again that you were still not alone but in the moment you really wanted to be. When the need for air became too great you pulled away.
“I missed that,” you admitted through a smile, catching your breath.
Bucky caressed your cheek gently with his fingers, his whole face lighting up in delight. “Would you believe me if I said the same?”
“Maybe,” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck again.
“Would you believe me if I told you how I can’t get you off my mind? That ever since you came into my life I’ve been fighting the feelings I’ve had for you?” You nodded softly at his admission believing every word, knowing that what you’ve been feeling wasn’t just in your imagination, that things between you and Bucky had changed and finally the truth was out.
“I’m tired of fighting them,” he said, “I– ” You cut him off by pressing your lips to his, sweetly stealing a soft kiss as you hummed against him.
Your smiles could not be contained, staring deeply into each other’s eyes under the silver glow of the moonlight. You would have stayed that way for longer had you not heard the echo of a voice coming from inside. Bucky peeked over your shoulder to see other people heading back in for the cake cutting.
With your fingers laced together you went back inside, taking your seats and ignoring the smirk Rebecca and Winnie had on their faces after noticing your lipstick was no longer existent, not on your lips at least. Luckily their eyes were focused on the newlyweds and not on Bucky’s hand which casually found its way to your thigh, his thumb gently running back and forth over the smooth material of your dress.
Scott dabbed a bit of frosting on the tip of Hope’s nose as she smushed a larger piece on his face, laughing and happily kissing his messy mouth to a round of cheers. The night continued with more dancing and Bucky’s family leaving just after the garter and bouquet toss.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Winnie said, having added you as a friend on Facebook. “George barbecues a lot over the summer so I hope to see you and James more often.” She wrapped you in a strong embrace, followed by Rebecca who had given you their Instagram, hoping to keep in touch as well.
George said goodbye with a friendly hug, reiterating your invitation. “James may be the musician but I’m the maestro of the barbecue.”
Bucky let out a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose, his embarrassment making you chuckle even more at his dad’s joke. Opening their arms to each other they hugged, and Bucky said goodbye to everyone.
“Get home safe!” Bucky called out as they walked down the hall.
You and Bucky stayed for a little while longer before saying goodnight to Hope, Scott and a few others, waiting outside of the main entrance for your Uber to arrive. Your lower lip trembled from the cold but less than a moment later you felt the weight of Bucky’s jacket around your shoulders. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek that added to the warmth you felt.
The Uber arrived shortly and once you were settled inside you leaned your head against Bucky’s shoulder. His arm wrapped around you, rubbing your own through his jacket as your hand caressed his for the duration of the ride back to the hotel.
Bucky helped you out of the car, his jacket slipping off your shoulders as you stood up. You didn’t need it anymore, feeling warmth spread through your body from his touch. The walk to the elevator was short and quiet, both of you holding back awkward smiles and smitten feelings.
When the doors opened to your floor you felt your heart pounding louder with every step that brought you closer to the hotel room. Bucky swiped the card into the door, holding it open for you as it unlocked. The beating amplified when you heard the door shut and Bucky turning the locks. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide anymore, not with both of your feelings out there.
He laid his jacket over the chair as you set your clutch to the side. His steps were hesitant, full of tension as he got closer to you, finally finding the courage to take your hands in his. Up close you could see the blush that brightened his cheeks, smiling at the way he licked his lips, sucking his bottom one into his mouth and nervously chewing on it.
You brought your hand up to cup his cheek, feeling the beginnings of stubble scratch at your palm. Lifting his gaze to yours you locked eyes with Bucky, seeing the retreat of blue as they grew darker the longer you stared at each other. Exhaling a shaky breath you moved your hand to the nape of his neck bringing him closer as you pressed your lips against his.
With that touch the dam of restraint broke and Bucky was kissing you back, his hands cupping the side of your face, your jaw, anywhere and everywhere as he deepened the kiss. Your hands were roaming his body, grazing across the strong muscles of his back and down his sides again as you held on to his waist.
Gulps of breath were quick as the need to make out was greater than oxygen, but when you did stop to fill your lungs with air you smiled against each other, foreheads and noses touching before he would capture your lips again, sucking softly on your bottom lip. You hummed against him, parting your lips for his tongue to slip inside and caress yours.
You gasped when the back of your knees unexpectedly hit the edge of the mattress, quickly losing your balance and pulling Bucky down with you. He braced himself with one arm above you, smiling at the way your face lit up beautifully with laughter. Bucky waited for you to center your gaze on him again before he brought his lips back to yours. His kiss was soft and slow, passionate and needy, wanting to prolong every second with you and hoping this wasn’t a dream. If it was he never wanted to wake up, preferring to spend the rest of his existence here with you in this perfect world.
His mouth explored your body, running his tongue down your skin until you gasped when he discovered that sensitive spot where your collarbone and neck met. Bucky smirked as you writhed against him, letting a sultry moan fall from your lips as he sucked your skin gently.
The sound alone made him hard and your hips lifting against his didn’t help. Bucky pulled away breathless, knowing he had to stop despite wanting this to never end.
“I can’t, we…” He swallowed dryly, bringing one hand to cup the soft skin of your cheek. “I don’t have protection.”
Not bringing condoms on a weekend that practically guaranteed sex did not sound like the man you first knew who was banging his way through every woman in Manhattan, but Bucky hasn’t been that man in a long time. Somehow over the course of your friendship he’s grown, changed into the person that admitted to what even he thought was impossible, having feelings and wanting more than just sex.
Bucky crawled back off of you, digging his knees into the mattress as he blew out harsh breaths to try and handle his situation accordingly. A smile spread slowly across your face as you pushed yourself up from the bed, quickly moving out of the way as Bucky swung his legs over the side as you remembered what Wanda thankfully snuck into your bag.
Feeling awkward and embarrassed, Bucky didn’t pay much attention to what you were doing, not lifting his head until he saw you standing in front of him with something in your hand.
“I have them,” you said firmly, opening your palm to reveal the package of condoms, the foil reflecting off the light. Your chest heaved with anticipation until Bucky’s eyes met yours.
The shock on his face was clear, never expecting any of this to happen. His back stiffened cautiously as he asked with trepidation, “Are you sure? We don’t have to– ”
“I know. I want to.”
Simple words, simple truths.
The corner of Bucky’s mouth pulled into a smile as you stepped in between his legs, leaning in to tease your lips against his but not give in to what he wanted. Instead you pushed on his chest to make him lay flat on the mattress, lifting the fabric of your dress you got on the bed to straddle him.
Bucky swallowed a dry gulp, his hands skimming first up your thighs and then your waist as you leaned forward to hover over him again. This time he doesn’t let you tease him. He took your lips feverishly, letting your tongues dance in a passionate tango. Your hips begin to move, grinding against his arousal and he whimpers against your mouth.
He gets the urge to tear off your clothes and fuck you hard into the mattress and if you were anyone else he would have, but Bucky doesn’t want this to be about sex. He wants to do something he hasn’t done in a very long time, connect with someone physically and emotionally at once.
Soft hands cup your cheeks, holding your face above him as Bucky stares deeply past your eyes and into your heart. A tender smile pulls at his mouth, one that makes you slow down and smile back at him, letting out soft exhalations that try to match the beat of his.
He sets the tempo, lifting his head to press his lips gently against yours, his hand running up and down your back. Cradled in his arms, Bucky shifted so that you were both lying side by side, his lips never leaving yours, swallowing every moan that fell from your heavenly mouth.
Your hands roamed his body; caressing the back of his head as you deepened the kiss with your tongue, feeling solid muscle beneath his shirt as you rubbed down his chest. His hands brushed against your thigh, over the globes of your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. You can’t help the moan that escapes as a dull ache radiates from your core.
Instinctively, your hips move against him craving more friction as your hands make quick work of his belt. His hand skimmed up your side, cupping your breast, his thumb brushing over your stiff nipple.
The breath stilled in your throat like the measure of time around you, slowing down enough so you could see every touch, feel the brush of his lips; each one the scratch of a pen on a music sheet, creating a song one note at a time.
Open mouth kisses trailed down your skin leaving you breathless as his hands pulled down the fluttering sleeves of your dress. Unclasping the buttons of his shirt, you peeled it off his body as he reached around to tug down your zipper, letting the fabric fall off you. You were drawn to each other’s bodies, warm mouths on warm skin that grew hotter by the moment.
A steady cadence of moans falls from your lips as Bucky worships you with his mouth. It’s better than anything you imagined on those nights when headphones blocked out the primal sounds of pleasure coming from next door. The pitch of your cries reaches new heights as he sends you over the edge, hands grabbing at his hair from between your thighs to brace yourself.
Blue eyes tainted dark with lust peek open to watch your writhe in ecstasy as you come undone. Bucky stays with you through it, his hands laced with yours as your body comes down from blissful heaven. He kisses his way up your body pulling soft moans and gasps from you along the way until he found your lips again; aching, hungry, desperate for his tongue.
You ease him to his back, kissing down Bucky’s neck until you reach the band of his briefs. Your eyes widen at the outline of his arousal, he lifts his hips to help you slide them off and your legs clench together at the sight of his thick cock springing up and slapping his stomach. He quivered with anticipation as you take him in your hands, a low groan rumbling in his throat as he watches himself disappear into your warm mouth.
Euphoric pleasure washes over Bucky as you hum around him, his moans becoming a sweet melody to your ear. Before it’s too much he pulls you off of him, grabbing your face in a plea for your lips against his. He skims his hands along the bed searching for the condom, having to get up to find it as you settle onto your back. The wrapper is torn open, the condom sliding down on his length.
Bucky takes a moment to look at you, to really look at you in a way he’s never taken the time before when he’s been with someone. Your smile lights up his heart and he presses his lips against yours softly. You wonder if he’s waiting for a sign, staring up at his smile stretched out so far he can hardly contain it. With a roll of your hips you rock against him and after losing himself in your eyes Bucky almost forgets what’s supposed to come next– almost.
Wetness gathers on his length and he pushes in gently, his gasps harmonizing with yours as he fills you completely. His lips are on your again because Bucky can’t help it, hooked like a drug on the immediate relief that comes with the investment of his heart.
The rhythm is set by the slow thrust of his hips, you claw at his back as he deepens his sensual pace, the friction bringing you closer and closer. It’s not long before you shudder around him, the first of many times that have you crying out his name; wondering but ultimately not caring if these walls were as thin as the ones in your apartment.
Your cries reach a new octave as he orchestrates your pleasure, thrusting to meet your hips as you ride him. Together you create a symphony that crescendos as you ride the waves of bliss together, the melody forever imprinting on his soul. Breathless, your lips find each other’s, molding together perfectly as you slowly come down; bodies covered in a sheen of sweat that makes you glow.
You whimper as you untangle from each other, immediately missing his warmth. Bucky tied off the condom, getting up to toss it in the small bin beside the desk. The wiggle of his butt made a smile form on your face that grew as he got back into bed, the weight of his arm curling around you and pulling you close against him. Bucky’s fingertips stroked your skin as you rested your head in the crook of his neck. His lips pressing a kiss to your forehead as you rubbed his chest, humming softly as your spent body relaxed into his.
“Tired?” he asked through a rasped whisper. You hummed in response and Bucky adjusted the blankets over you. “Go to sleep, I’ve got you.” The breath of his murmurs fall gently against your head.
Reaching to the side he clicked off the table lamp. In the darkness his lips found yours a final time, stealing a sweet kiss before you adjusted yourself against him again. Your palm rested above his heart and Bucky wondered if you could feel the way it was still beating with elation. He covered your hand with his, hearing you let out a soft hum as you smiled against him.
The bed is warm, made warmer with your bodies tangled together. Bucky listens in silence to the gentle sounds you make as you drift asleep. He syncs his breath with yours, turning his head ever so slightly to place a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead. The rhythm of his heart relaxes to a beat he’s never felt before, one that fills his body and soul with a warm and fuzzy feeling that makes him feel like he would float away if you weren’t resting on him.
A smile secured itself on Bucky’s face as he fell asleep realizing that this feeling might actually be love.
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You woke up feeling like last night was a dream, but the weight of Bucky behind you brought you quickly back to reality, one you never imagined would be yours.
His arm was wrapped around your waist keeping your bodies close, a shocking difference of the Bucky you knew that kicked his late night lovers out as quickly as possible. Then again Bucky isn’t that person anymore.
He was still asleep, feeling the breath from his nose against the back of your neck and as much as you needed to get up you stayed in bed for as long as possible, cherishing every moment spent in his arms.
You sensed when he woke up not long after. Bucky inhaled deeply, letting out a soft hum.
“Hey neighbor,” you whispered softly, rubbing his arm that was draped across your waist.
He tightened his hold, squeezing you even closer, smiling at the faint scent of perfume that lingered on your neck. You squirmed as he nuzzled the tip of his cold nose into it, leaving a trail of soft kisses along your skin.
“Mornin’ beautiful,” he rasped.
You tilted your head back, trying to get a glimpse of him but it was easier to turn around completely. Bucky still held you as you twisted to face him, staring up at his beautiful half-sleepy smile and soft gaze that shined like the sun as he looked at you.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, his fingers lightly tracing your face. You nodded, a smile pulling so strong as your eyes beamed with happiness. “Good.”
He kissed you sweetly, soft pecks for your sake that were mindful of the morning breath he felt. He should get up to brush his teeth but Bucky didn’t want to, instead he rested his head against your shoulder, curling himself around you and smiling when he felt your arms wrap around him.
Bucky never knew how badly he missed a feeling he never had, feeling comforted in someone’s arms. He never knew how amazing it was to wake up with someone, to cuddle with them, hold them and be held. He’s slept with countless people but no amount of sex has ever equaled what he felt in this moment.
He could scold himself for missing out on this for so long but he doesn’t, because now he has the opportunity to share all these firsts with you and he hopes you’ll be his last.
The scratch of your nails running lazily through his hair made Bucky practically purr against you, the simple act awakening all of his senses, igniting his body in a way that could only be quenched by the heat of your skin against his.
He smirks at the memory of your taste, lifting his gaze to find the coy smile curving your lips. It seems he’s not the only one craving more exploration of each other’s bodies. Bucky reaches forward to bring his lips to yours, morning breath be damned. Neither of you cared anyway, quickly giving in to the flames of desire that spread like wildfire through your bodies.
It’s different now, when the morning sun reveals more truth in Bucky eyes, in the way he looks deep into your own as you climb the heights of passion together. Fingers entwined, breathless moans falling from his mouth, foreheads pressed together as he claims your lips, holding your body tightly as you fall apart around him as if this would all disappear if he let go. Every look, every touch; that was the difference. Bucky was giving every part of himself to you, opening up in a way he had never done before with anyone.
His hips stuttered as he climaxed, crying out with a groan that softened as your hands cupped his cheeks, stealing what little breath he had left as you brought your lips to his. He smiled against you, catching his breath in between soft kisses.
Bucky was quick to discard the condom and reclaim his spot beside you, opening his arms for you to cuddle close against him, keeping you warm as the aftershocks of pleasure shudder through your body. His hand rubbed circles on your back and the press of his lips on your forehead made you exhale through a content smile.
You stayed in his arms for as long as you could before desperately needing to use the bathroom, with Bucky laughing as you untangled your legs from his and the covers, sprinting naked off the bed. He laid back, arms folded under his head unable to contain his smile. This weekend has been greater than anything he could have ever dreamed of and the best is yet to come.
You scurry out of the bathroom towards your bag, throwing on a t-shirt for modesty before pulling out the clothes you would be changing into. Bucky watched as the sun streaming in through the window glowed around you, the angel that broke the confines of his heart.
There was less of a rush to the rest of the morning, having missed breakfast but still having time before you needed to check out. You checked your phone in between changing, seeing a flurry of messages come in from the group chat, plus Wanda and Steve sending separate ones to check in.
You heard Bucky get up from the bed but didn’t turn around because it still felt awkward. A good awkward as the butterflies in your stomach were still fluttering wildly, bit still whatever this was between you was undefined and you didn’t want to presume anything.
“Hey…” Bucky began slowly, and turning around you saw he was fully dressed except for his sneakers, hands in the pockets of his jeans with his shoulders shrugged up.
He looked like a little kid who thought he might be in trouble and it made you feel good to know you weren’t the only one who didn’t know how to act around each other. When you flashed him a smile Bucky relaxed, letting the tension go from his shoulders. He reached his hands out to take yours, holding both of them close to his heart.
Letting out a nervous breath he said, “Y/N, I want you to know that I meant what I said last night, every word.” Your smile slowly reached your eyes as he spoke. “And I never expected us to…” Bucky licked his lips, looking down as he felt his cheeks begin to flush at the memory of what happened. “It was incredible, you’re incredible, but maybe we could take things slow?”
Bucky raised his eyebrows, sincerity woven through an unease smile as he waited for an answer. But he didn’t have to wait long. You nodded quickly, never losing eye contact as you smiled, reassuring him you could take things at whatever pace he needed. Bucky kissed your knuckles before letting your hands go, surprised to feel them around him instantly in a hug that dissolved any lingering concerns he had about his request.
Any awkward tension had dissipated by the time you pulled away, leaving nothing but the quiet hum of the air conditioning and the sound of your stomach hangrily rumbling. Bucky chuckled, feeling his own about to rival yours in volume so he sifted through the bag from your initial CVS run to find something to eat.
You satisfied your hunger with a protein bar each, splitting some almonds and topping it off with sparkling water, that you still worried would explode upon opening by the way Bucky quickly pulled it from the small fridge. Eating as you packed, you made sure nothing was left in the room. Bucky packed your dress up with his suit again and when you were ready he arranged an Uber to the train station.
Walking hand in hand to the elevator, Bucky stole an innocent kiss, unable to help himself. He wanted to show you just how much he cared now that the truth he held back for so long was finally out there. His affectionate touches continued all the way home, as Bucky slung his arm over you during the ride back to Manhattan.
“Wanna go out for some lunch?” he asked, as you approached your apartment building.
You nodded approvingly, listing a slew of places you could go for since breakfast wasn’t actually filling. Bucky opened the front door for you, resuming the placement of his fingers laced with yours once you were both inside.
The air in the building felt different, as if the walls themselves were watching you, whispering about what might be happening between two of their residents. The elevator opened, taking you to your floor with a jerking gasp when you and Bucky kissed inside of it.
Your bags were dropped off in your respective apartments, taking the elevator back down just as quickly as you came up to go for lunch, which was actually going to be breakfast. Bucky suggested a spot a few blocks away you had been to once before, an unassuming deli with an all day breakfast menu, though you hadn’t had the pleasure of trying their well known breakfast fare. You were looking forward to stuffing yourself sweet French toast and sugary syrup, hoping to spend the rest of the day lounging in Bucky’s arms.
“Bucky! Hey!” A woman's voice pulled you away from your lazy Sunday daydream.
You both turned around at the woman who just jogged past you, stopping to catch her breath. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you.”
She was taller than average, showing off lean legs of unblemished light brown skin in the athletic shorts she wore. A large sweat stain soaked through the front of her grey tank top, her long dark hair a little messy but not really out of place.
“C-Claire?” Bucky stuttered, not expecting to run into her let alone remember her name. “Hey…”
“Sorry I didn’t get back to you. The hospital put me on night shifts the past week, it’s been hard to adjust. We still on for Saturday night?”
Sound was ringing in your ear like a bomb exploded in front of you and it had, in the form of Bucky being a lying scumbag. His snake like words charmed his way into your heart as a ploy to take off your pants and you complied with ease.
When the world was no longer a muffled haze you realized you and Bucky were alone again, with Claire probably continuing her work out; she has to look good for her date with Bucky at the end of the week. Maybe he was “taking it slow” with her too. You bit your lip before the quiver could show, feeling like an idiot for not knowing better. Bucky didn’t change and he never would.
“I’m so sorry about that. I never– ”
You were done with hearing any more of Bucky’s lies, retorting with one of your own.
“Shit! I just realized I was supposed to help Wanda finish unpacking today. She’s gonna kill me, I gotta run.”
You didn’t give Bucky the chance to speak, ignoring the way he pleaded for you to come back. Taking off towards the nearest subway, you ran down the stairs as fast as you could, at risk of tripping thanks to the tears that flooded your eyes. Wanda’s new place was much closer, and after a few quick stops you were in front of her door, sobbing heavily as you fell into her arms.
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admiringlove · 4 years
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲: fukurōdani academy
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愛してる: 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏.
— we invite you to celebrate the brewery’s first valentines’ day, with freshly brewed sweet drinks, to honor the day dedicated to love. click for valentines’ day special menu!
↳ 梟谷学園 — fukurōdani academy.
credits for image @ roarzoro on twitter.
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akaashi keiji
as we all are aware, akaashi keiji is a reserved boy. he doesn't speak up most of the time unless it's absolutely necessary, so his confession is a little reserved, shy, quiet, and unconditionally adorable. 
he watches you in class because you sit next to him. he befriends you almost instantly when you join the volleyball club as a manager. he tries to be closer to you—which is his way of saying, "let's be together", or "i want to spend some time with you."
his blushes are only slight, because akaashi keiji doesn't show that he's in love. he's not one for grand gestures, because his love is subtle. it's the quiet glances, the small stares in the library(but looking away when you notice because it makes him flush irrationally), the bringing you recommendations for novels, or studying in the library together(and sitting in a way where your legs brush together, making his heart afloat with wonder).
he looks forward to the weekends. because that's when you tend to invite him to places. but, sometimes, the two of you show up to places without planning that you are going to meet. like last weekend, when akaashi was browsing through the romance section in the library, and you pulled a book from the other side of the shelf, making instant eye contact with the cerulean eyed boy. 
so, since akaashi has this little infatuation with you, he decides that it's gotten to an extent where he has to tell you no matter what. 
his heart paces up every time you're around. he loves the way you ruffle his hair before going into your house(the two of you walk home together), his mind is always thinking about you, and he can't even shake you away in his dreams. 
and so, begins the confession. akaashi keiji, being the smart and collective boy he is, confesses to you with a letter. 
you were heading home, and it was quite late in the evening. your part-time shift at a local bakery had just ended, and you were tired when you stepped outside, locking the door with a slight huff. you turn around, to see your best friend waiting there, as you slightly flinch back, making the messy-haired boy chuckle.
"keiji!" you said, a hand over your heart, "how are you, this fine evening?"
he chuckles at the way you greet him, gesturing for you to walk alongside his figure as he muses, "i'm doing spectacularly well, m'lady. here, i brought some tea to refresh you as we walk home."
you beam, taking the flask from his soft hands, and bringing it to your lips. the aroma of the clove, cardamom, and other spices immediately in your senses as you excitedly ask, "this is chai, isn't it?"
"yes it is," he replies as you take a long-awaited sip, sighing after you do as the hot drink travels down your throat, clearing it almost instantly. you grin as you look up at the already velvet night sky, specks of joy littering the navy hue across the horizon. tonight feels pleasant to you—the company of your best friend, who always tends to make your heart swell up like a balloon, was quieter than usual tonight. he didn't speak much, wore a black face-mask to cover his overwhelming flustered state, and his reading glasses perched up onto the bridge of his nose that he kept pushing desperately.
"keiji, is there something wrong?" you ask, placing a hand on the blade of his shoulder. he flinches suddenly, his eyes looking up at you in worry as he says, "we're here."
"yes, but-"
"don't say anything tonight, [y/n]. i need to do something," he mumbles, shoving his hand inside his bag and pulling out a small envelope with a wax stamp. he holds it out for you to take, which you do gratefully as he says, "open it when you're inside, okay?"
"keiji, is there something wrong?" you murmur, but he only shakes his head, ruffles your hair, and begins to walk towards the direction of his home. you sigh, opening your front door and take off your shoes, immediately tearing through the envelope and reading its contents.
your eyes begin to moisten as you read the small moments that akaashi describes in the letter—which you thought made something bloom in your heart, but you weren't sure if he felt the same. you stop, eyes widening in the realization that your best friend is outside, and probably overthinking to an extent where his brain is probably going haywire.
you run outside, not heeding that you only have socks on as you find your friend merely blocks away. he's about to enter his own home when you yell out his name, letter waving in your palm in the air, "oi, keiji!"
he turns to look at you, the outside light reflecting his glassy blue eyes with his mouth partly open. you stop, panting as you shove the letter in his face and say, "why couldn't you give me this sooner?"
"w-what?" he whispers, his voice stuck in his throat as his mind thinks at a pace of a million miles per hour. why are you here? you're supposed to be at home. you don't like him back—wait, do you?
"if you had given me this letter sooner, dummy, we could've celebrated valentine's day together in the library instead of me doing it out at a coffee shop with my friends!" you huff, engulfing him in a warm embrace as he blinks away the confusion. his heart calms down, as he returns the hug with grace and hums into your ear indulgently, "i love you."
"i love you too, nerd."
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bokuto kōtarō
bokuto needs to double-check everything with his more mature, sophisticated, and intelligent best friend, akaashi for confirmation that he actually does like you.
he's going on-and-on about you. he doesn't intend to stop anytime soon, but akaashi is fed up. although the setter doesn't want to admit it, he thinks that the small infatuation with you has gotten to a level where it's either annoying or adorable to listen to bokuto ramble. and right now? it was annoying, because bokuto is supposed to be focusing on volleyball. 
akaashi stops bokuto after practice, leading him to a quieter place outside the gates where the two spend some time(again, bokuto is talking about how neat your notebook is, or how kind you were when talking to him—akaashi had tuned him out at this point) when the blue-eyed boy finally snapped. 
he tells bokuto that he should probably confess to you because talking to akaashi about his infatuation is probably not going to help your relationship develop into something more serious. till now, you were only friends with the ace; a friendly classmate whom bokuto loved talking to and partnering up with for projects. 
bokuto thinks about it for a few days, his mind completely clouded by what akaashi had said. he even consults kuroo during the weekend, and finally comes to the revelation that no matter what, he has to confess his feelings to you. and of course, since valentine's day was on a sunday this year, he would ask you a day before. 
but, the ace is left dejected when you come to school one day with a few roses and chocolates in your hands. his hair deflates, eyes disheartened and he sulks into his seat behind you. you're concerned, but you continue paying attention to class. 
after school, bokuto realizes that there isn't volleyball practice today. how is he supposed to distract his mind now? you were right behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he flinches. 
"ko-san?" you mumble, "are you okay? you haven't been talking to me the whole day."
bokuto's amber eyes soften at the nickname you had given him, as he shakes his head and chuckles dryly, "oh, no. not at all, [y/n]. i'm completely fine."
"you do realize, you're a really bad liar," you giggle, pulling his coat sleeve along as you begin walking out the gates. the school was fairly empty, you had waited to talk to bokuto, because today was the day you had decided that you would finally confess. but he had been behaving strangely, and he avoided you even in recess—which was when you were about to tell him your feelings, but he ran away after getting only a glimpse of you.
"ah, i'm sorry. i was just a little upset that volleyball got cancelled today," he mutters, a hand on the back of his neck as he averts his gaze from you. you chuckle at the awkward ace, who's usually booming with joy and radiant with his obnoxiously loud persona. you attempt to give him a head-pat after getting on your tippy-toes, but alas, it doesn't work out(come on now, the boy is huge).
he begins laughing at your pout but continues to bow down to your height so you could run your hands through his hair. you feel chills run down your spine when bokuto smiles at you after you do it, as you accidentally blurt, "you should continue smiling. sulking doesn't suit you."
"you think?" he asks, a slight blend of a smirk and a grin plays itself on his face as mutters, "i think you should smile more too."
"really?" you ask, "oh yeah, do you want to come to a coffee shop with me?"
he looks up at you almost instantly, and blurts, "i thought you had someone to do that with now."
"what?" you widen your eyes, stopping in your tracks as you laugh, "wait, you mean the little chocolates and the roses?"
he blushes, covering his face with his hand as his grey hair shines—but you laugh more, because of how adorable the scene unfolding in front of you was.
"me and my friends exchanged valentines' day chocolates with each other," you chuckle, "i'd rather go out with you."
you shrug lightly, your eyes fixed on the pavement below your feet(because grey is such a complex color, right?) as you wait for a response from the grey-haired boy. he sighs theatrically, and the next thing you know, two huge arms are wrapping themselves around you, and a voice utters into your ear, "i'd go out with you too. i was about to confess today but... i got sad after seeing you with valentines' gifts."
you laugh, looking up into his majestic yellow eyes as you peck his nose softly, "that's adorable."
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trblhyuns · 3 years
imagine us. (pt.1 and we were eating)
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pairing// hyunjin-reader main  &&lil chan-reader for a little
tws// use of drugs and alcohol, suggestive scenes, hyunjin can be a dick sometimes and it hurts
— lighthearted
prologue / masterlist / pt.2
pt.1 wc: 1989
his cologne caught my nose. it smells just like the one i had got for my little brother this past christmas. when my brother wore it it smelt nice, and i liked the undernotes but on him, it just smelt weird. but now i could smell the same undertone and it was pleasingly sweet, but mostly smelled like dude. not like locker room dude but like shaves his face with a straight razor, changes his own oil, shops at nordstrom rack dude. my brother said he wanted it because he saw it in some pickup artist video saying that it was the best scent to get girls. i wonder if he got it because of that video too. not saying that if i smelled it on my brother that i would find him attractive too. ew. i know that scents change depending on the person who is wearing them. but the smell, or more likely the aura radiating off this guy is making my head turn.
i can only catch a glimpse of the head of hair on this guy. blonde and long. like the barbies i used to play with my elementary school when i would spend the night. i want to see more of him. his smell is luring me in. i feel like a dog looking for a treat that it hid months ago.
"why do you keep looking at the booth behind you" jisung looks into me, using scissors to cut the sizzling pork belly into small pieces. i fold into myself watching the pieces fall onto the round charcoal grill between us. "you're so weird." he shakes his head before going back to grilling the meat.
"okay try to see past all the smell of the expensive meat, which i am paying for, may remind you before you call me weird. but you smell that?" he looks at me while squinting his eyes, slowly he puts down the tongs and scissors. his fingers stroke his chin and within a few moments his features scrunch up.
"yeah i smell that. oh my god."
"really? i thought i was crazy." relief falls over me. i'm not the only one who can smell it.
"yeah it smells so fucking bad, it's like there is a y/n here stinking the whole restaurant up. yeah, i don't think i can eat anymore" he drops his hands on the table. my eyes droop. i look up at him from hooded lids, trying to put on the most deadpan face i can.
"yeah, i think you're paying now buddy."
"but y/n~~~ i was like um just playing, but for real it smells like dude. you know when you come to the studio with me and the middle schoolers leave because the youth classes end. yeah, yeah. like when the youth classes end. onions and axe." i chuckle at his response before grabbing a piece of the now grilled pork belly off the grill and putting it on my plate. i can not express how excited i am to eat this pork belly. it distracts me enough from what we were talking about before, and as i am ready to bring the food up to my mouth i am soon more distracted by the sound of the tall man scooting out from the booth behind me, napkin clad in hand making his way over to the buffet, probably to get more sides.
"jisung do you need more sides?"
"no, i need more front."
"what?" i looked at him puzzled trying to figure out what he means.
"i need to see the front of that guy who smells like onions and axe, was that what you were trying to look at in the booth behind you. because i'm going to let you know right now, just by looking at the back of onion and axe guy you have no chance."
i stare at him again.
"bitch what the fuck." jisung puts his hand up to his forehead, which i just flicked. "again, i was just joking gotdamn. if you want to talk to him this is your chance i guess. i want more radish now be nice and go get me some since you just flicked me." i roll my eyes still staring while my eyes close into a tight glare shooting at him. i look over at the buffet, and he is nowhere to be seen. usually, by now i would have kicked jisung under the table for being so mean, but he was right. this was a good time to go see what this guy was all about. and, i want to smell him. as appetizing as this porkbelly smells, and how much i was craving to eat it, he smells more delicious. but jisung's words play in my head again onions and axe. it makes me chuckle.
i get up and make my way towards the buffet. it's the dinner rush, and since this was the only good bbq spot in the town at the moment, i have to dodge busy servers, and the sound of conversations, and maybe even a fighting couple pass by me as i make my way over.
trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, i try to look around me taking in the surroundings of the restaurant, but trying to spot the full head of blonde hair. i put the plastic gloves over my hands, grabbing a plate from under the food, and then mindlessly— and may i add very slowly— put things onto the plate. i see him a bit of the way over just staring at the meat fridge. the blonde hair pulls me in and i'm about to make my move before i feel a sting on my face. quickly i wipe my hand over my face trying to scratch before i realize i now have the residue of whatever was on my gloves, but what's even worse i don't have my mask on. the blood rushes to my face as i quickly make my way back to the booth where jisung is waiting for me.
"dude you didn't even get any radish." he looks at me, looking like he is trying to hold back his laughter as he throws a napkin at my face.
"do you think he saw me, oh my god, what if he did, he probably thinks i'm some freak anti-masker trying to spread my germs to everyone."
"i mean i would." jisung retorts at me.
"you're such a dick" i throw my crumpled-up napkin back at him.
"yeah but who begged me to come out to eat with her, and who made me cancel my studio time just because little y/n can't grill food by herself, and can't stand the thought of eating out alone." his pout becomes deeper with each word he says, and his voice becomes squeaker at the same rate.
"yeah but who gets to eat for free?" i imitate him. this makes him purse his lips, a playful look on his face as he goes back to eating the sides i brought back from the buffet. he looks around before eyeing the direction of the buffet.
"yoooo YOOOOOOOO y/n y/n y/n. i know that guy." he has a surprised look on his face, but not hiding the fact that he is a little excited. like a little lab dog. i open my eyes wide, ready to hear how i can get closer to him. "i've seen him at the studio before. you know that guy chan i have been trying to get you to bang so i can live vicariously through you, yeah i think he is friends with him."
"first of all, i don't know why you keep trying to live vicariously through me. especially since the situation is me having sex with chan. because you are like. straight. but maybe i should hit up chan now haha." i play with the straw that's sitting in my water cup while jisung pulls out his phone, scrolling through. he looked so focused, a look i only see when he is trying to mix a new track, or while he stares at himself in the mirror while dancing. i wait there for a while, distributing the rest of the cooked meat between us. before i can start to eat jisung shoves his phone in my face.
"okay i got his snapchat and apparently he is here with this girl as you can see by the story i am showing you right now." that was quick, but expected from jisung.
i take his phone out of his hands, holding it closer to my face so i can read the caption better. remembering that they are in the booth behind us, i remember to lower my voice before i speak.
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"okay first of all who comes to a bbq place and orders off the kitchen menu. and do you think they are dating, like is the emoji meant to be about her or the food, and do you think she is eating the food he is grilling, or do you think she is the type to eat salads on dates to seem more feminine." i start to ramble, obviously jealous over a girl i don't know over a guy i don't know. things have been dry for me lately. school has taken over my life. occasionally i will go out to the club, or the rare party, but being friends with jisung who doesn't get out as much as he used to, i just have never have an excuse to go out and meet more people. this is the action and drama i need in my life right now.
"okay, first of all, y/n you said a lot, and it is a lot to unpack. and i don't know if you know her and have some grudge or sum, but i think you are just reading too much into it." and he's right. i have only seen this guy's face like once, and maybe got a good whiff of him, but i feel like i'm going crazy for no reason. oh my god, i am so deprived of any interaction with anyone.
"let's just forget about it and get the bill. he has a girl so my window has closed." jisung nods in approval and goes to finishing his food. we continue to make small talk and joke around. the server comes to the table black book in hand. i put my card in and wait for him to come back with the reciept.
"wait y/n your tipping too right."
"oh my god jisung, just how broke are you?"
"i'm not broke i'm just trying to save up for these nice ass headphones and i just wanted to ask you to break our little you pay and i tip streak so i can keep a little extra cash so i can hear porn in HD audio."
"okay, okay, just stop talking, gosh. what is up with you today." the server comes back and i scribble in the tip and total before looking at jisung signaling to him to get up.
"nothin.'' he smiles at me as he scoots out from the booth grabbing his bag. "so now that you know that pretty guy isn't available will you FINALLY hit up chan. he has been asking about you." we are walking out of the restaurant now. standing out on the side walk beside the main road. there is traffic tonight downtown, like always. the older people are making their way out of the restaurants, and closing their tabs at bars. the bouncers are going to come out soon, ready to take only the obviously fake ids, and i can imagine a few hours from now the barely dressed girls on the backs of guys they met dancing stumbling down the concrete, or the older college kids playing pool instead of getting wasted.
"i guess now i will."
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teamhappyme · 4 years
a series of promising events (2/5)
aaron hotchner x female!reader
word count: 10.6k (yeah i have a spacing problem)
a/n: part 2 of this series is here! some dialogue, cases, and themes taken directly from criminal minds (S03 EP20, S04 EP01, & S05 EP08). originally, i had it planned to be 3 parts, but after editing, and looking at the word count, it makes more sense to be 5 parts. i don’t want to inundate you lovely people with massive word counts (even though 10k is massive) so this is the finalized count. because i finally got my shit together and finished this out, part 3 will be up wednesday morning, part 4 will be up friday morning, and the final part 5 will be up sunday morning. thank you to everyone who showed some love for part one, and thank you to anyone else who stumbled across my crazy writing and read along!
at the end, I’ve tagged the peeps that interacted with part 1. if you don’t want to be tagged for the other parts, just let me know :)
ok enough of my rambling inner monologue, here we go friends!
link to part 1: here
May 2008
We were in New York, investigating what started out as five connected shootings in the city. After twelve hours, we were up to nine fatalities.
We delivered the profile at nine thirty, finally satisfied with the outcome after a day's worth of combing over crime scene photos and witness statements. Hotch didn’t want to waste another second, making sure the profile went out before the night shift went out to patrol.
“Now, our first theory is that we’re dealing with a team.” Derek started. “In the case of the D.C. snipers, there was actually one intended victim.”
“John Muhammad wanted to kill his ex wife, but he knew if he did, he’d be the prime suspect, so he created a spree in order to mask his primary motivation.” 
Spencer added before turning to SSA Joyner. “Muhammad and Malvo also left a death card at one of their scenes, just like this unsub.”
“We believe our unsubs have studied that case. They’re opening a line of communication.” 
There was an outpouring of judgement focused on us, since we were in charge of the D.C. snipers case as well. These unsubs know we’re here, and they’re trying to show they can outthink us.
“Yes, they are playing games. But what that tells us is at least one of them has some intelligence.” You tried to hold your ground, and not let their opinions get to you.
“And like I said,” Prentiss interrupted, ready to put these cops in their place. “They know these cases. He’s also studied the placement of the surveillance systems well enough to avoid detection.”
“We’ve asked officers to canvass their precincts, and look out for a father-son type of duo that fit the dominant-submissive profile.” Rossi had Reid hand out some gang related profiles, just in case the profile shifted. But we were pretty confident in our first go. 
“Talk to the people on your beats, look out for anything suspicious. And let's pray that this isn’t random.” The detective in charge finished and let his precinct disperse. 
“Hey y/n/n, we’re gonna head back in five if you want a spot in the fun suburban.” JJ teased and lightly shoved Spencer’s shoulder. 
You smiled and started packing up your backpack. “Okay. Just, leave the fragile doctor alone.” 
After packing up any files you wanted to review when you got back to the hotel room, you let Morgan and Rossi know the four of you were headed out. They weren’t much further behind with Prentiss and Garcia. 
You met Reid and JJ in the lobby, droopy eyes and mouths full of yawns adorning the three of you. It was a long day, and it was only going to be worse tomorrow. 
“Where’s Hotch?” You asked, ready to get your feet out of these narrow leather dress shoes. You were wearing your combat boots tomorrow. 
“He’s checking in with the lady friend.” JJ nodded her head toward Hotch, who was conversing with Joyner in her office. They were standing close, and you thought you caught a smile on his face. “Do you think they’re into each other?”
“She looks like she could be Haley’s twin,” Spencer added and you sighed. 
The moment the team arrived at HQ this morning, everybody noticed the resemblance to Hotch’s ex-wife. SSA Kate Joyner went pretty far back with our unit chief. They went through the academy together and had some assignments overlap over the years. If it were up to Morgan and Garcia, the two of them would be out on a date right now. But you and Rossi quickly quieted the rumors, not wanting to deal with the rage that was Aaron Hotchner if he knew we were discussing his love life. 
It had barely been six months since Haley left with Jack, and Hotch had just taken off his wedding band a few weeks ago. He didn’t tell any of you until you all witnessed him getting served in the office. It slapped you across the face, especially since you’d just met Haley and Jack for a quick lunch a month and a half before. I guess she wanted Hotch to tell you when he was ready. 
As much as you valued your three year friendship with Aaron Hotchner, you knew Haley deserved better. Hotch adored his wife and son, and would fight heaven and earth to keep them safe. Unfortunately, he was too busy fighting the demons from hell to be a present father and husband. Everyone had their breaking point, and Haley had hit hers. From what Hotch has told you, they’re still amicable, and are trying to be friends again. After all, it wasn’t a lack of love that ended their marriage. It was a lack of prioritizing his family. 
“Knock it off. He’s on his way over.” The three of you turned to one another, pretending to hold an intriguing conversation about one of Spencer’s magic tricks. Truthfully, you were always intrigued in his magic tricks; you never understood how he could pull endless quarters out of your ear. But that conversation would have to wait for another day. 
“Ready to go?” Hotch pulled the keys out of his pant pocket, and the three of you nodded as Spencer called shotgun. A smile crossed your lips, never getting over the jovial things Spencer loved to claim when his intellect wasn’t needed to solve a case.
The fifteen minute ride to the hotel downtown was silent. You were all exhausted, emotionally and physically, sick of having to watch people die over and over again. 
The four of you made it into the lobby, tomorrow morning’s papers already spread across the table. “The late edition didn’t miss a beat.” You said and picked up one of the papers, the headline reading ‘Execution Style’ with a still from one of the murders. You showed it to Hotch and he shook his head. 
“I’m glad I never stooped to this level when I was publishing.” You murmured, reading the first paragraph of the article. 
“JJ,” Spencer started and pointed across the lobby, causing all of us to turn. It was Detective Will LaMontagne Jr., JJ’s adorably chivalrous Louisiana boyfriend. 
“Will.” You could practically hear the smile on her face as she led the walk over to him.
He was supposed to fly into D.C. to visit JJ for the weekend, but came to surprise her in New York when he heard the news. Spencer and I shared a look as Hotch extended a hand to him. 
“I’m sorry for showing up like this, I know you’re working. But, um. I can’t stand you being on this case. And me not being here, not with what’s going on.”
JJ shook her head in the slightest, and you started to get nervous.
“Is there a problem?” Hotch asked, concern completely taking over his voice at the thought of any harm happening to his team. The couple shared a knowing look, and your patience was starting to run thin with the information being withheld. JJ meant the world to you, and you wanted to make sure she was okay.
Reluctantly, she turned to face you all, a shy smile covering her face. “I’m pregnant.” 
Spencer looked over at you, not knowing how to react to the news. But you couldn’t help the smile widening on your face. 
“Oh my god, JJ! Congratulations!” You wrapped your arms around her and she laughed, most likely out of relief. This was a secret she kept for a long time.
“I’ve asked JJ to marry me,” 
“Will.” She cut him off as Hotch gave him a congratulatory handshake. 
“We’re working out some kinks.” He added as Spencer was next to hug your blonde friend. A baby, in the BAU. You might have been more excited than JJ.
“We’ll, uh, give you both some privacy.” Hotch started towards the elevator, and JJ was quick to follow. 
“Hotch,” She didn’t continue, you knew this wasn’t the exact situation she wanted to tell everyone she was having a baby. 
“JJ, you could have told me.”  
The tenderness in his voice could have broken your heart in two right then and there, but add on the fact that you swore you could see Hotch’s eyes tear in the slightest, you were done. You didn’t want to mention it in front of Reid, but you knew this had to do with Haley. You’d be an idiot not to notice.
The three of you filed into the elevator, leaving JJ and Will to talk in private. You all got off on the fourth floor, Reid’s room the first to come up in the hallway. 
“Night Spencer.” 
“Goodnight. Seven a.m.,” He reminded you as he opened the door with his keycard.
You and Hotch walked down another ten feet before he found his room. 
“Goodnight,” He mumbled out and reached for his key. 
“Hotch,” He closed his eyes, nodding his head in the slightest. 
“I’m tired, y/n.” You could’ve pushed harder. You could have gotten him to crack if you started nagging enough. You’d earned the title as baby sister from the team since you could whine and nag them into doing anything. But tonight didn’t seem like a good time for your skills. 
You nodded, understanding this conversation wasn’t going to happen. 
“Goodnight. Get some sleep.”
Despite your best efforts, you didn’t sleep a wink. Hotch had gone over his files and called for Kate to meet him in the lobby. But then there was an explosion, and you had to watch from your window as Hotch sat by Joyner, waiting for her to die.
Once the team had caught the second unsub and wrapped everything up at the precinct, you headed to the hospital to check on Hotch. And unsurprisingly, he was refusing any further treatment for the ringing in his ears he tried to deny. You saw him kick Rossi out of the room, the third member that couldn’t get through to him. 
“Bobo, why don’t you give it a try. Can’t yell at the baby with a broken arm.” You were the one to tackle the unsub, and landed pretty hard on the pavement downtown. Nothing a black cast covered in smiley faces from Spencer and Garcia couldn’t fix. 
“I know you can’t tell, but I’m flipping you off right now.” You responded to Morgan as you raised your casted hand toward him.
You headed to Hotch’s room, knocking on the window before you walked in. 
“I swear to god if you try to put me in another MRI,” He started to raise his voice when you interrupted him.
“Shit, I should go tell Morgan he was wrong. Boss is willing to yell at the baby with a broken arm.”
He turned around to face you, the lines on his forehead disappearing once he saw it was you and not Rossi. 
“What happened to your arm?” You smiled and glanced down at the cast. “Just another day on the job. Tackled the unsub, the pavement was not very kind to me.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, trying to put his tie back around his neck. You scoffed, stepping over to him. 
“Why the hell would you want to put that back on?” 
“Because it’s part of my suit.” 
You knew better than to pull it out of his hands. He was holding on to any semblance of control, and his outfit was all that he had left. Instead you took a seat in the stiff chair across from him, watching as he grimaced every time he lifted his arms too high. 
“If your goal is to get me to stay another minute here under observation, you’re not gonna win.” 
You shook your head. “That’s not my goal.”
He sighed, giving up on putting his tie on. He moved to finish his top button, he was at least going to be covered. 
“You should be excited for JJ.” You started, testing the water on this subject. 
“Did I suggest otherwise?” He asked and you shook your head. 
“When was the last time you saw Jack?” His eyes widened the slightest, and you regretted asking the question. You gripped the arms of the chair, ready to be ripped a new one. 
Instead, Hotch let out a sigh, and you snapped your head up. “Two weeks. Haley went to visit her mother for a week, and then we went from Florida to New York in three days.”
He was already away from Jack half the week when they were still living under the same roof. Now he was lucky if he got to say goodnight on a weekend. 
“Why don’t you take some time off? I’m sure you have weeks saved up. I’ve been here three years and have never seen a tan on you.” 
He shook his head. “Strauss would never approve of it.”
“Y/n, I really want to get out of this hospital room and call my son.” You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Fine. But you’re not flying home. You have a choice between Morgan and Rossi to drive you home. My recommendation would be Morgan, you don’t want to sit through four hours of Opera music.” 
You stood up, refusing to meet his eye. You were sick of dealing with stubborn men. 
“I’ll see if they can fax your records to D.C. before we leave.” 
He muttered out a thank you as you left the room, shaking your head at the rest of the team.
“Nothing?” Morgan asked as you returned to them. 
“Nothing. Even the baby gets yelled at.” Spencer spared you a glance and you gave him a small smile. You would be fine. “And Derek, you’re driving him back.”
January 2010
You didn’t think it could get worse than seeing Hotch with nine stab wounds at the hands of Foyet. You desperately wanted to believe that it couldn’t be worse than that. But you were naive to think that he would let Aaron survive and not make him suffer.
None of you would be able to erase the image of Haley’s bloody body lying in the home where she and Aaron created their family. You wouldn’t forget the sight of Hotch beating into Foyet’s face, or the sobs that raked through his body once Derek had shaken him off. This was a tragedy that shaped the entire team.
After Haley’s death, the seven of you took turns checking in on Hotch, Jack, and Haley’s sister Jessica. She stayed close by when Hotch was on leave, helping him with Jack’s routine, and how to explain to the four year old where his mommy went. She moved back into her apartment a few blocks away before Aaron returned to work. He wanted to prove to her that he could do this on his own, that he could be the strong father that Jack deserved, and that Haley would be proud of.
While the three of them were together, the team would try and make it over every Saturday for dinner. Hotch needed to be around friends, and Jessica needed a guilt free night to spend with the people that made her feel good. He was reluctant at first, not wanting us over the apartment, complaining that it was a mess, and it was too small to fit everyone. But it was impeccably neat, the result of a widow not being able to sleep. Once he became comfortable with us coming around on Saturday’s, we’d pick two weeknights to stop by with a dinner, movie, or game to help take their minds off of the pain. Although you and JJ stopped by every friday regardless of whose week it was, Hotch really appreciated the extra company, and so did Jack.
Despite his attempts at being independent, there were one too many distressed calls being made to you or JJ if he couldn’t get a hold of Jess, or if he didn’t want to burden her with the responsibility. 
Your feelings about Jack Hotchner hadn’t changed in the four years since you met him. You would still do anything to see the adorable little boy smile. So, it was easy to say that you didn’t mind the late night phone calls worrying about Jack’s stuffy nose or when he should take the chicken out of the freezer without it going bad. Because the more he reached out to any one of you, the closer he was to finding a new normal. 
However, all of you were surprised to see SSA Aaron Hotchner in his office only a month and a half after the event. Sure, he made remarkable progress, but you all assumed he would take a little more time, maybe take Jack on a well deserved vacation. Instead, you walked into the office on a monday morning, Hotch the first one in attendance. 
That was two weeks ago. 
The readjustment period had worn off, and Hotch was back to being a drill sergeant. Even more aggressive than he was before. 
The case we were working was local, saving us the discomfort of sleeping in a hotel bed. We were in Virginia, investigating two murdered families, similar to ‘The Fox’.
“Who?” You asked, not familiar with the creepy nickname.
“Four years ago Karl Arnold, aka the fox, killed eight families.” Derek informed you. It must have been just before you started at the BAU. 
“Similar to this case he took the father’s wedding rings, except in his case he took them as trophies.” Spencer finished.
“Hotch, you gave evidence at Arnold’s trial. I think you should go see him.” Derek was acting unit chief since before Haley’s death, and continued his position even with Hotch’s return. Strauss was weary now more than ever to give Aaron the title back so quick.
“I’d like to take l/n with me.” You looked over to Hotch, his eyes resting on yours, waiting for your approval. 
You gave a small nod, placing your sunglasses over your eyes. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Hotch got the keys to a suburban and before you could meet him at the car, Prentiss pulled you back. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay with this?” She was always looking out for you, heck she was the one that made you pack extra barf bags for crime scenes. She knew meeting face to face with a family killer would do a number on you. But Hotch can’t face this guy on his own. Not after what happened.
“I’m good. Not the first time I've interrogated a psychopath.” She reluctantly nodded. 
“Okay. Just, let Hotch take the lead.” 
You gave her arm a squeeze. “I will. Let’s find this guy.”
The ride to Red Onion Supermax was a short and quiet one. Hotch filled you in on the particulars of Arnold’s case, making sure you knew it inside and out. This was a team effort after all. 
You couldn’t get a clean read on Hotch, however, on the ride over. He’d yet to crack a true smile or laugh in the weeks he’d been back, which normally wouldn’t be so out of character for him. But Reid had been trying to get him to crack with every magic trick he knew, even agreeing to let Derek joke about his lack of childhood and understanding of pop culture. But nothing worked. 
It worried you to see the regression he’s made since coming back. You knew how happy he was at home with Jack, that a smile crossed his face most of the day when he was playing legos with his son. You hoped he was here because he wanted to be, not because he felt like he had an obligation to the team or the Bureau. 
“Karl has a big ego. He’s going to answer every question with a question. He’ll try to gain the advantage with me by asking why I’m not wearing my wedding ring.” You looked down at his left hand, the gold band that you noticed on your first day, now gone, along with the woman he loved. “And then he will turn his attention to you.”
“So that’s why you brought me along.”
“Your presence will throw him off guard. And he’s going to want to describe to you in graphic detail every sexual act he committed with the families.”
“To freak me out?” Because you haven’t even met this sick bastard and you were certainly already freaked out. 
Hotch met your eye, and you knew this was only going to get worse. “To pull you into his fantasy.”
The guard radioed for the gate to open, and you tried to contain the tremors in your hands. This was a wing of psychotic sexual sadists, they would pick up on your nervous ticks.
You looked to Hotch once the gate opened, and he nodded for you to go in. 
“Go ahead.” You followed the guard in, surprised at the lack of noise you were welcomed with. “Keep your eyes forward. More than anything he’s going to want to see images of the children.”
“We can’t give him that.” You argued, as you started to hear the men from their cells. 
“We have to give him something or we’ll get nothing from him.” 
You’d kept your breathing under control the entire walk down the hallway, until a man crashed against the glass, causing you to flinch and spare a glance.
“Isn’t that, uh,-” 
“Derek Payne.” He finished for you, his eyes still straight ahead. 
“It’s reinforced glass.” You scoffed. Of course he wasn’t worried about another man ripping him apart.
“Easy for you to say, he tore apart fourteen women.”
The door opened to the interrogation room, and this time Hotch entered first. You were met with Karl Arnold, red bushy hair and a beard to match. He was average height, and a little stocky, not what you pictured him to look like.
“Hello Karl,” Hotch greeted him as we settled in on the other side of the table.
“Agent Hotchner,” He stood. “I wasn’t informed you were bringing a, uh,” He glanced at you, looking you up and down before turning back to Hotch. You really regretted wearing a white silk top with your dress pants today. “They just said two agents.”
“This is Agent-” 
“Y/n, l/n.” You tried to control the dilation of your eyes as he looked right through you. “I know all about you.”
Now you understood why Emily asked you if you were sure about this. He kept his eyes on Hotch as he started the interrogation, never looking you in the eyes longer than a second. Even if you directed a question toward him, he would only answer to Hotch. He was a misogynist. You don’t know why you’re so surprised at this discovery, he tortured wives and families.
When he offered up his book of dialogue between him and his fans, he smelled your perfume as you reached across the table to grab it. Hotch quickly took it for you, letting you sit back down in your seat. Your gut was no longer in your stomach, it was lodged in your throat. 
“How’d you lose your ring, Agent Hotchner?” It was beyond your level of profiling to understand how Hotch could just sit there and take the assault on his personal life from a man who ruined families, especially with what he’d just been through. You’d never mastered the art of compartmentalization quite like Hotch. But right now, you were thankful for your uncontrollable emotions.
“I can look past your refusal to answer my question, if you let me see the children. It’s the only way I can truly help you.” You gripped the files harder at the mention of the victims and looked at Hotch. 
“Can I speak with you for a second?” He nodded and the two of you stood. 
“Is there something wrong, y/n?” You bit back the sarcasm that was threatening to fall from your mouth. 
“Nothing’s wrong, Karl.”
You exited the interrogation room, still clutching the files close to your chest. 
“We cannot show him these.”
 He looked at Arnold, who seemed to find your eyes, even through the reflective mirror. “These images will be his undoing and will lead us to the killer.”
“These are not just images.” 
“That’s exactly what they are.” 
“Hotch, I am not about to parade a dead twelve year old girl in a bathing suit in front of a serial killer who gets off on it.” You raised your voice, not willing to compromise any respect you had left for these victims. 
“Then show him the others. It’ll gain his trust and get him talking. He won’t talk to me, he knows I know everything that gets him off. But he’ll want to tell you just what he would do to them. I told you, he wants to pull you in.”
You shook your head. “These are children! Helpless children whose fathers have to live with what this animal did to their families! These strangers do not get to see the torture and humiliation that they went through.”
“If you can’t stomach showing him what he desires, then I’ll do it. Because we’re not leaving until we get a name out of him. You’re either with the team or you’re not.” 
You scoffed. “You’re not the unit chief anymore. I do what Morgan says if we can’t come to an agreement.”
It was bold of you to remind him of his subordinate place. But you were equals now, despite the decade between you two. You didn’t have to listen to his orders if you felt they were wrong. 
He reached for the files, but you turned away from him. “I’m going in there. Not you. But I’m going to run the interrogation my way, not exposing these children. If you have a problem with that, you can call Morgan.”
You motioned for the guard to let you back in. You took your seat across from Karl, a smirk still evident on his face. 
“What, no Agent Hotchner?”
“You know, yours was one of the first cases I studied,” You started, trying to loosen up the muscles in your face. Going against every natural instinct in your body was making it hard to relax. “I’ve been fascinated ever since. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was embarrassed with him in the room.”
“You’re embarrassed because you want to know what I did, don’t you.” You pushed out a smile, a little giggle behind it to entice him.
And of course it did. “Yes.”
“I can show you exactly what I did to them.” 
“Tell me.” You tilted your head to the side, pushing some hair behind your ear. You were fighting the bile rising in your throat with every word you exchanged with him.
“Children are so precious, so clean. But they need guidance, especially the girls.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Why?”
“Girls have much more to lose than boys. It’s a fact, the female body can handle pain much better.” If this wasn’t a serial killer across from you, you’d agree with him and make some jokes about the female anatomy. But he was enjoying this, just like Hotch said. He was pulling you in.
“What did you do to them?” 
He smiled. “I showed them, what men, their fathers, and brothers, are capable of.” 
“And what is that?”
“Once I killed the children, It always amazed me how little the father fought the inevitable, the dying.”
“I never thought I would get these answers, let alone from the man himself.” You pushed out another smile, because you knew he was holding back. He was almost willing to trust you, he just needed to be groomed a little more.
“It takes a good woman, to make an honest man. And you’re prettier than Agent Hotchner.” 
He was dancing around the information now, knowing that he had your time and attention. “Karl, do you know why you killed all those families?” 
“I already told you why.”
You dropped the sweet tone, and pushed up on your elbows. “No, you told me how. And your motivations were all driven by sex, motivations you learned from your father.”
You saw him flinch, and you knew you were getting somewhere. 
“You assert your dominance by making the father, the head of the household, watch you torture, assault, and take anything you wanted from the people he’s supposed to protect. Now your admirer, they don’t have the same ambitions as you do. And normally, that would bother a man like you. You want to be adored for every single part of your mess. But like you said, they’re an admirer, not a fan. So I’m guessing it’s a woman, who you’ve really come to care for.”
He tugged on his shackled wrists, you clearly got what you were looking for.
 “Those women, those girls, they needed to be taught a lesson. How to obey who’s in charge. And you,” he laughed as he inched as far across the table as he could. “The things I would do to you if I weren’t nailed to this table. You’d be done before I could call your name.”
Before you could respond, Hotch came into the room, demanding a name. You stood up, no longer needing to play a role. 
“It must be distracting, working with such a beautiful woman everyday.” You didn’t spare him another glance as you heard him mumble out a name to Hotch, finally getting what he wanted: power over you.
“Morgan, we’ve got a name. It’s a female guard in intake. Get everybody here ASAP.” The guard led you and Hotch back down the hallway, through the lion's den, and back to the elevator. Once inside, you let out a breath. Hotch turned to look at you, but you spoke up before he had the chance. 
“Don’t ask me to do that ever again.”
You would’ve yelled at him, tore him to pieces in the elevator ride from the fourth floor to the exit, but there was a guard escorting you out. You didn’t want him to have the privilege of watching two FBI agents battle it out. And honestly, you weren’t sure if you had the heart to yell at him after all he’d been through.
But once you were escorted through the exterior gates, your team in sight, you regained the nerve to give Hotch a piece of your mind.
Not before he spoke first though. 
“You did exactly what needed to be done. I didn’t ask you to act that way toward him, and I’m sorry you feel that that was your only way in. But I’m not going to apologize for getting the name of the killer.”
“So you would have acted in the same degrading way if the roles were reversed?”
He scoffed. “Yes, I would have. Because unlike you, my feelings don’t impair my judgement or ability to do this job. You’re an asset to this team, you need to find a way to get your emotions in check.”
You stopped walking, turning around to face him. You were in the middle of the driveway now, SWAT and BAU canvassing the scene. But you were going to do this here and now.
“The only reason you brought me here was to appeal to that sick son of a bitch. The only thing that makes me an asset to you is the fact that I have a vagina and you don’t. You turned me from a Supervisory Special Agent into a fighting fuck toy! You watched as I drained every ounce of respect I had for myself to turn into what that psychopath desired, all because I wouldn’t show him pictures of innocent children.” He looked over your shoulder to the team, embarrassed that they were hearing this. “At least have the respect to look at me while I’m talking to you!”
Hotch had never heard you yell like this. You were the calm one, the baby, as Derek called you. No one ever pushed you so far over the edge to get a reaction out of you. At least, not until he did. 
“The next time you ask me, JJ, Prentiss, or Garcia to flirt our way into a serial killer's mind, to expect us to degrade ourselves in order to save another woman, I will not hesitate to report you to Strauss.” You could hear footsteps behind you, but you continued on as tears started to form in your eyes. “You used to say that my empathy was what made me an amazing agent. That my ability to connect with victims and families was the reason I’m here. So do not try and make me feel worthless for possessing something that you wish you could have. Because the way you act, with no capability for empathy, is a depressing way to live.” 
“Y/n,” Spencer rested a hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off.
“Figure out the man you want to be.”
Before you could say anything else, Spencer dragged you away from Hotch and towards the cars. You could feel the tears freely falling down your cheeks, but you made no effort to remove them. You ignored the stares from the rest of your team, not giving them the satisfaction of knowing what went down in that interrogation room. Instead, you got into the passenger seat of the suburban, and Spencer started the drive back to the office. 
Rationally, you knew you went off too hard at him. He never deliberately asked you to flirt with Arnold. He asked you to show him the pictures of Lucy, to get him to crack under the fantasy. But you refused. You would rather make yourself go through that pain than any young child. It’s what you’d always done.
Spencer tried to convince you they hadn’t heard the conversation. That they were all too focused on SWAT’s apprehending of the guard to pay attention.
“Spence,” You started and looked over at him. “We all had our earpieces in. You heard every word.”
And he was silent the rest of the ride back. You were exhausted, and you wanted nothing more than to go home and fall asleep on your couch with reruns playing in the background. But you had a mountain of paperwork to finish, and still needed to debrief when the team got back.
Halfway through your stack, the team came back to the bullpen. Prentiss gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze as she passed by, heading for her desk. Derek had agreed to let everyone go home without debriefing. This was the earliest we’d been done with a case so close to home. We needed to capitalize on our rest. 
JJ was the first to go home, excited to be home in time for dinner with Will and Henry. Prentiss and Rossi followed shortly after, going to celebrate the win of this case at an expensive restaurant, at Dave’s expense. 
“Come on you two, don’t make me drag you out of here kicking and screaming.” Derek addressed you and Reid as he pulled his coat on. 
“We’re right behind you boss man.” Spencer said and turned his desk light off, grabbing his cane. He should be able to ditch all mobility aids soon.
You swung your backpack over a shoulder and turned off your own light. You didn’t even make it out of your four foot space before Hotch called out to you.
“Y/n, could I see you before you leave?” He was standing in front of his office, on higher ground than the rest of us. Power move, you thought to yourself. But he wouldn’t be that petty.
You looked back to Reid and Moran, the former nodding to you before seeing himself to the elevator. Now it was just Spencer, his eyes begging for you to leave. 
“I don’t need to remind you how deeply you care for all of us. But if you keep putting yourself out there to comfort him, you’re going to get destroyed.” This was the first time Spencer had mentioned this to you. Sure, you’d been helping Hotch out at home, a little more than normal, but everybody was pitching in. His wife died for god's sake. 
“Spence, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He let out a sigh and fidgeted with his cane. You found it at a consignment shop on one of your weekends off, and bought it for him without hesitation. It had an eagle engraved in it’s clutch, something regal, medieval, and screamed Spencer Reid. You ignored the price, a forty dollars more than you would’ve liked to spend on a walking stick, but the look on his face when you gave it to him was priceless.
“You need to stand up for yourself. Nothing excuses the way he treated you today. Regardless of your decision to play a character.” 
God, could he read you. 
“No pair of rose colored glasses could cloud that. Not even yours.” He gave you one last shadow of a smile before limping his way to the elevator.
Once you regained your composure, you turned to make your way up to Hotch’s office. He was sitting in his chair, staring at the paperwork waiting to be filled out before him. You knocked on the open door, and he stood up without even looking at you. You were going to take Spencer’s advice and stick up for yourself, so you had to set the pace.
“Can this be quick? I wanted to get home before traffic started up.” He rounded the front of his desk, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he leaned against it. 
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you back at the prison.” You nodded, not wanting to verbally accept the apology that was due to you hours ago. “I was out of line and completely blinded by the case. I should’ve listened to you and taken your reservations into consideration. It was narcissistic of me to think I was the only one capable of making the right decision.”
“Thank you.” You stuttered out, still absorbing the tone of his voice. His word choice was self deprecating, a cry for help if you didn’t know any better. 
“Y/n,” He started but was interrupted by a shaky breath. “I hate that I made you feel like all you’re good for is to romance your way into their heads. You deserve to be treated with respect, to be valued because of your empathy and your psychological understanding of victims and their families. If I’ve ever made you feel like you were worthless before this afternoon, please tell me.”
“No, you’ve never made me feel that way.” 
He nodded before turning to grab a piece of paper from his desk. 
“Good. Because I’ve written up a complaint for Strauss, describing my behavior and language directed toward you today. You shouldn’t have to wait for a next time to file it.”
He extended the paper to you, and you walked until you were standing in front of him, accepting the complaint into your hands. But you didn’t even read it before tearing it in two. 
“What are you doing?”
“Hotch, I’m not filing a complaint against you. Everything that I did today was my choice. You didn’t force me into anything.” 
He ran a hand through his hair, the first time you’ve seen it tousled in the office.  
“I was uncomfortable showing Arnold those pictures. So I made the choice to play a character, to appeal to his fantasy. You weren’t in the room, and you didn’t suggest that. If anything, you tried more than anything to get me to stick to the script. Did you have some choice words for me that weren’t necessarily appropriate? Yes. But we all have our moments. After we got out of there, I felt sick that I had to do that to get a name out of him. It wasn’t the first time I’ve camouflaged myself for the greater good, and it won’t be the last. I took out the self hatred I had on you, because you were there. Because if I did it your way, I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror again without feeling ashamed. But you didn’t deserve it.”
“Yes, I do. I deserve to be ridiculed for telling you that your empathy is a weakness. I deserve to be ridiculed for yelling at Garcia for missing something on a search. I deserve,” 
His voice broke, and you froze in place. You were about to see Aaron Hotchner cry for the first time in four years. “I deserve to be punished for Haley’s death.”
Your own eyes started to water as you saw a single tear roll down his cheek. Without thinking, you reached forward and held his hands in your own. They were shaking, and he tried to pull them away from you. But you held on tight, you weren’t going anywhere.
“Hotch, look at me.” He kept his gaze on the windows, looking out onto the concrete roof. 
“Hotch, please.” You were quieter the second time, and that’s what got him to meet your eyes. 
“I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you could’ve prevented Haley’s death if you did one thing instead of the other. Because no matter what you did, Foyet would’ve found her, and done this all over again.” He tried to look away from you, but you tugged on his hands, begging him to stay. “But what you did prevent, was Foyet taking away the greatest thing you and Haley ever made. You saved your son, Hotch. And you ended Foyet’s reign of terror. You get to spend every day reminding Jack how amazing his mother was. How strong, resilient, and fierce she was. How she looked death in the eye and didn’t even flinch. You get to live the rest of your life for your son.”
He nodded and closed his eyes, letting the few remaining tears fall down his face. You let your own fall with the reprieve of no longer being under his stare, not wanting to fall apart when he needed you.
“I love her. I never stopped loving her. The divorce, it wasn’t because of that. It was because of this job.” 
You squeezed his hands before letting them go, letting him wipe off his face. 
“I know. And I know she never stopped loving you.”
You never thought you would get to this moment when you first met Haley. You let out a small laugh while remembering your first encounter, how pregnant and angry she was at Hotch.
“What?” You smiled and shook your head. 
“I’m just remembering the first time I met her. She was pregnant, she called you a robot, and was cracking jokes left and right to try and get you to crack.”
That got him to smile. “I could always make her laugh when we were younger. She had the funniest, most embarrassing laugh. But it was Haley. And it was addicting.” 
You wanted him to remember her like this, with a smile on her face and the loving soul she was. 
“I truly am sorry for what I said to you, but you have to know I didn’t mean it.”
You nodded. “I know you didn’t. Just apologize to Garcia in the morning, and get home to Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
He gave you a small smile as you picked up your backpack.
Spencer’s words stung in your ears while you were holding Hotch’s hands. You loved everyone on this team as your family. And Hotch needed you to be there for him a lot more over the last two months. Sure, you’d brushed off some harsh conversations with him considering the circumstances, but you knew when it went too far, like today.
“Y/n,” His voice pulled you from your thoughts, stopping you at the door. “Thank you.”
You nodded. “Of course.” 
Maybe you did care too much for people. But if it helped them get back to normal, you’ll continue wearing those rose colored glasses a little while longer.
March 2010
“I’m grocery shopping. Because I have no food in my apartment and I never thought I’d say this, but I’m sick of eating pizza.” You threw a box of cheerios in your cart, careful not to hit the eggs on their way in. 
“That’s how you’re spending your saturday? Our first saturday off in a month?” 
“Well, unless I want to spend another twenty bucks on one meal, I’ve gotta do my grown up chores.” “You need to get your butt back home so we can go out and drink.”
Emily was relentless, to say the least. Every single weekend you had off, her number popped up on your phone the minute you got home. She hated resting in her own solitude, and tried to drag you along for any activity she could think of. Shopping, drinking, walking around the national mall, and, in desperate cases, running. But her record wasn’t stellar in getting you to attend.
“I’m spending the afternoon with my couch, a book that has taken me too long to read, and probably eat an entire bag of smartfood.” You chucked a box of granola bars in your cart too when you heard a kid cry. You turned to the end of the aisle, but the parent was blocking the child. “Besides, it’s dinner tonight at Hotch’s.”
“He canceled this morning. Rossi was supposed to call and let you know.” You rolled your eyes. Of course Dave forgot. 
“Daddy! I want the poptarts!” You heard the kid yell out again. But you knew that voice, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
“Em, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a shot for me.” 
“I’ll have two.”
You laughed as you hung up the phone, pushing the cart over to your favorite little boy on the planet. You didn’t think to give the father another glance when you didn’t recognize him, but that’s because Aaron Hotchner is never without a suit at the office. He was dressed in jeans now and a quarter zip, looking like a normal dad.
When you approached the two boys, Jack was leaning against the shelf, tears streaming down his cheeks as he kicked his feet against the ground. 
“It looks like SSA Hotchner could use some help profiling his son.”
Hotch was quick to stand up, meeting your eye. You only smiled while crouching down to Jack’s level. 
“Hey little man, what’s the problem here?” He wiped the tears from his cheeks, and your heart broke at the redness in his eyes.
“Daddy won’t let me get any pop tarts.” 
“That’s because you ate the whole box in one day without my permission.” Aaron argued back. 
You hid your laugh in your shoulder, not wanting to upset Jack any more. But Hotch had already caused him to spiral into a meltdown again. 
“Jack, have you ever had ants on a log?” He shook his head, tears continuing down his chubby cheeks. “Well, they were my favorite snack when I was little. It’s celery, peanut butter, and raisins all set up on a plate. And the best part is, you get to make it yourself! Now, I know how much you love peanut butter, and I bet if you ate this snack, Daddy will let you get poptarts the next time you go grocery shopping.”
“Okay.” He said and nodded his little head. “But I’m sick of grocery shopping.”
“Me too buddy.” I sat down next to him. “I do not like having to walk up and down these aisles searching for food. So, why don’t we sit here while daddy finishes his list?”
You spared a glance at Hotch and his practically full basket. You knew he would be done in ten minutes if you stayed here with Jack. 
“Are you sure?” Aaron asked and you nodded. 
“‘Course. I don’t need food that bad anyway.” He sighed and made his way back to his carriage.
You pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of your purse and handed it to Jack. 
“Aunt Jessica told me that you know how to write your name now. Can you show me?”
He sat up straight, laying the paper down on the floor. You watched as he made a loopy uppercase J, followed with big and small letters to spell out the rest of his name. 
“That’s awesome buddy. What about your last name?” 
“Hotchner!” He yelled out and you laughed. 
“Yeah, let me spell it out for you.” You wrote it out on the paper and it took him a few minutes to copy down.
“You’re turn now, y/n.” He handed you the pen and you wrote your name down, saying the letters as you wrote them. Jack repeated you, and it made you laugh. You forgot that kids were such sponges. 
By the time you finished writing Aaron and Haley’s names for Jack, Hotch was back with his cart. “Alright buddy, it’s time for us to go. We gotta let y/n finish her grocery shopping.” 
“No! I want y/n to come home with us for dinner. She was helping me spell everyone's names!”
You smiled as you stood up, giving Jack a hand. “Maybe next time buddy. But you gotta get home to try those ants on a log.”
“Actually, we’re making pizzas for dinner, Jack’s saturday choice. You can come over, if you don’t have any plans already.” You’d never heard Hotch this nervous before. It made you laugh a little. 
“I’d love to. Only if I get to put extra cheese on my pizza though.” 
“Of course!” Jack exclaimed and you matched his smile. 
“Awesome! I’ll let you two pay for all this food and I’ll meet you at your house okay?” Jack nodded before running to the front of the cart.
“You sure you don’t have any plans? I don’t want you to give up another saturday night at my expense,” 
“Hotch there is nothing more exciting than spending my weekends with the cutest four year old on the planet.” He smiled, but you knew he still wasn’t convinced. “Besides, every other twenty-nine year old I know is in a stuffy club in uncomfortable clothes. This is much more my pace.”
He nodded, a small smile on his face. “Okay. We’ll meet you at the apartment in a half an hour.” 
“Sounds good. See you soon Jack!” You waved to the little boy and quickly tried to finish buying the staples that could get you through a few days at home. 
You got home and quickly put your food away, making sure everything that needed to be refrigerated was chilled. You switched your t-shirt for a long sleeve tee, opting for sneakers instead of boots. Comfort was the utmost importance on days off.
It took you twenty minutes to get to Hotch’s apartment from yours, arriving at five on the dot. You were known for, and proud of your punctuality. Hotch answered the door after two knocks, and you couldn’t help but focus on the noise of three different locks unlocking. 
He greeted you with a slight nod of the head, button down replacing his quarter zip. 
“Do you even own comfortable clothes?” “This is comfortable.” You rolled your eyes, as he took the poptarts from your hands, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Didn’t I just have this fight with my four year old son about not buying these?” He asked as he let you in the house. 
“Yes, but I’m the fun dinner guest. I bring the treats for the children.” 
He tried to hide the small huff of a laugh that escaped his lips, but you still caught it. “You will be the death of me.”
You let out a laugh as he led you into the kitchen, putting them away on the top cabinet. I reached for my hip and pulled my holster off, putting it on the counter. 
“Do you have somewhere I can put this? Last thing I need is to drop it while I throw up my pizza dough.” He unlocked the drawer in his desk, placing it in there before locking it back up.
You heard tiny footsteps running down the hall. “Y/n! It’s pizza time!” 
You smiled as he tugged at your legs. “I know! I’m so excited!”
“Alright buddy, you’re up first. Show y/n how we properly throw our pizza dough in the air.” Hotch pushed a step stool over to the counter, waiting for Jack to step up. The grin on the little boy's face was ginormous as he powdered his hands with flour, taking the small ball of dough Hotch separated for him.
The two of you were on either side of Jack, each ready to follow his lead in the process. “Ok, on the count of three. One, two, three!” 
You spun the dough in your hands before throwing it in the air, watching it separate the slightest bit. Jack’s giggles filled the apartment as he let his dough fall onto the counter. Aaron shook his head, you could tell this part of the meal was always a struggle for the little boy.
You watched as Jack spread out the miniscule amount of sauce he wanted along his crust, topping it off with a mountain of cheese. You taught him the more cheese, the better, and he clearly still believed you. You added some pepperoni to your own oval shaped pie, unsuccessful in making a perfect circle crust. But, not everyone could be the perfect Italian chef like David Rossi.
While the pizza’s were in the oven, the three of you sat down to play a few rounds of Candyland. You hadn’t played since your time at DCFS, and you forgot how there was no real objective to the game. It certainly wasn’t your game of choice, but Jack was still a little young to be able to contend with you in a game of monopoly. A few more years, you thought.
Once the pizza’s were done, Jack helped you set the table as Hotch cut the pies. You felt a little out of place, crossing some very important boundaries by having dinner with just the two Hotchner boys. This saturday was much different than the ones you spent when the whole team was over, Henry and Jack putting on dance parties for the guests. 
You started to become more aware of your actions around the apartment; how you knew where the placemats were kept, that Jack used his purple cup for milk at dinner, and the strict no electronics rule at the table. However, that had been established by Haley years ago. The thought of her had a shot of guilt running through your stomach, sitting down with her family for dinner, just three and a half months after she’d passed. 
You’d been thinking a lot about what Spencer had said that night at the BAU. He was vague, too vague for the doctor that could tell you how long he’d been alive down to the second. After a few sleepless nights, you called the doctor in question and demanded he explain himself. But after his admission, you quickly regretted having all the information.
Spencer Reid has known you for almost five years now, and has seen you through the moments that have shaped your adult life. Killing Stephanie Moore, testifying in the fisher king case, being your excusing phone call from multiple dates, and holding your hand as you took in one of your former foster siblings from a bad relationship. There was absolutely nothing in your life that could be hidden from him.
So when he told you he noticed your feelings for Hotch ‘about two years ago’, you nearly stopped dead in your pacing tracks. Not because you didn’t know your own feelings for the man, but because you didn’t realize it had been that long. That he had been married to Haley, albeit only for a month longer, that you started to notice how handsome your boss was. Upon hearing the truth out loud, and from another person, you ran to the bathroom and threw up a few times. 
You were so embarrassed, so ashamed of caring for someone that couldn’t be yours. For caring for someone who’s wife you truly adored. After the third round of puking, Spencer reassured you through the phone that it wasn’t your fault. We can’t control who we love. And yes, he said love.
“Are you okay y/n?” Jack’s little voice pulled you from your thoughts. You smiled at his sauce covered face and nodded. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. How’s your pizza, Jack?”
“Awesome! Daddy is the best pizza cooker ever!”
“You sure you’re okay? You look a little pale,” Aaron commented and referenced your plate. You hadn’t taken a bite. 
“I’m good, really. Just thinking about how I’m going to make a bigger lego tower than Jack after dinner.”
That got the little boy to laugh, successfully switching the conversation to Jack’s favorite toys. But you noticed the glaces Hotch snuck your way, not believing you for a second. You were an awful liar. 
The longer the three of you sat at the table, the larger your smile grew around these boys. Seeing Hotch being able to relax and really enjoy his time with Jack always brought a smile to your face. He was a natural father, sliding into the role of playmate and swaddler, cuddler and soother. You even remember him helping JJ out with Henry’s swaddle at work one day.
But you knew he felt guilty, not being able to be present in his son’s life everyday. You saw it in the hundred’s of views of the video of Jack’s first steps, the late night phone calls while away on a case just to say goodnight to his little boy. He missed out on a lot of the baby years, and he would be making it up to Jack for the rest of his life, with nights like these. With the whole weekend devoted to Jack Hotchner’s favorite things, minus the sugary pop tarts. Hotch had mastered the duality of being a Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI, and the loving father to Jack Hotchner. It was one of the reasons why you started caring so much for him. 
“Alright Jack, you can build one tower with y/n, then it’s bath time and off to bed.” You saw the pout on Jack’s face as Hotch cleared our plates, and you helped him off the chair. 
“Come on, maybe if we’re quick enough we can make two.”
He giggled as he led you to his room, stuffed animals and toys galore. This boy won’t want for a thing.
“Okay, you make a big blue one, I’ll do purple.” 
You finished much quicker than the four year old, but under no circumstances would he let you sit and watch him make his masterpiece. Instead, since you had nearly two and a half feet on him, you stacked your tower on top of his and continued adding pieces to make it bigger. He cheered you on as it started to reach your head, and you were getting excited yourself. Until, it came to a crashing fall with the last green piece on top. 
“Noo!” Jack yelled out, trying to catch the falling pieces. 
“It’s okay Buddy, you can always make another one.” Aaron’s voice trying to soothe his son caught both you and the little guy’s attention.
The two of you turned to see Hotch leaning in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. You wondered how long he’d been standing there. 
“And maybe next time, we can make one as big as daddy.”
 Hotch let out a laugh as Jack smiled at you in amazement. He liked how your brain worked. 
“Bath time, bud. We gotta get your face cleaned up from all that pizza sauce, and ship you off to bed.” 
“But y/n’s here,” He whined, not wanting the lego fun to end.
“Well I have to get home and take a shower too, bud. Don’t worry, there’s plenty more playdates in your future.” You said and stood up, giving the little boy a high five. 
“Go wait for me in the bathroom okay, I’m gonna walk y/n out.” 
“Okay. Bye bobo.” He said and ran off to the bathroom, leaving you speechless in his bedroom. 
“You let him be around Derek Morgan way too much.”
“Probably. But you can’t compete with the guy who brings over a new lego set every weekend.” Hotch got your gun for you, walking you back to the front door. 
“Are you kidding? You’re his hero, Hotch. He asked me last week if I was a superhero like daddy.” He cracked a smile, but his eyes were glued to the floor, unable to meet your own.
“Why did you cancel dinner tonight?” He sighed and lifted his head. You’d been wanting to ask him since you were at the grocery store. The team had been coming over for three months now, and it was something we all started to look forward to.
“I was sick of feeling like a burden to you all. I mean, asking you all to give up your Saturday nights, sometimes our only free night of the week to spend in my depressing apartment, it had been enough.” If only you could show this man how much the team cared for him through your eyes, he would never doubt his worth another day in his life. 
“Hotch, the highlight of my week is coming here to be with you all. My family. Watching Henry and Jack play with each other, listening to Spencer and Penelope fight over who the true godparent is, and getting to be on the receiving end of Rossi’s awesome cooking?” 
He nodded, mumbling an ‘I know’ a few times under his breath. But he needed to know that as much as you all come here for Jack, you guys care for Aaron and his well being just as much. 
“I come here every saturday to make sure that Aaron Hotchner has not dressed in a suit for the sixth day in a row, and to make sure he knows that he’s doing such an amazing job with Jack. That he is being the best father, friend, and boss, that he can be.”
This time, his eyes were locked on yours as you got a real Aaron Hotchner smile out of him, dimples and all. You couldn’t help but make a check mark in the air, the team tally still going strong. He playfully rolled his eyes as you swung your bag across your shoulder. 
“So who’s in the lead now?” 
“Me, for the last six months. I can’t be dethroned.” You felt your cheeks grow warm, hoping he wouldn’t think too much into your stat keeping. 
“Well, that seems like a pretty accurate tally.”
You made sure it was. And selfishly, you hoped no one else could get that beautiful smile to cross his face like you could. 
“Thank you for coming over. We both had a lot of fun.” 
“I did too. I’m around anytime, my tower building skills are not occupied for many other people.” He let out a laugh as he opened the door for you.
“Goodnight y/n. Let me know when you get home.” 
“I will. Night, Hotch.”
You got home in twenty minutes, texting Aaron as you walked through your door. Quickly changing into pajamas and throwing Legally Blonde into the DVD player, your phone dinged at a new message.
It was from Hotch, a picture attached to the message. It was of Jack, towel wrapped around his head, eyes shut from grinning so wide. ‘He wanted me to send this to you. He said, ‘this is how happy I am that y/n was here tonight.’ Thanks again for everything. Goodnight.”
You couldn’t help the tears that pooled in your eyes at the sweet little boy in the picture, and his amazing dad behind the camera.
tags: @simplyprentiss @michaelahah @ssahotchner99 @svrgicalhands @hotchtopic @unionjackpillow @philcoolson @tommhollandzxhaz @kathleenjasmine @canimarrypizzaornah @reaperwalking @inlovewithaaronhotchner @shelbymm11 @mrshotchner23 @tropicalwrites
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nurseofren · 4 years
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Philip Altman since that little chat on Discord this afternoon. What if he found out about his girlfriend's obsession with Kylo Ren and fucked her while making her call him Commander/Supreme Leader?? (sorry if this is request is a mess. i'm a mess rn)
Title: A Phillip Altman Halloween
Relationship: Phillip Altman x Reader
Summary: Phillip wants to make up for his reaction to finding out your obsession with Kylo Ren, and he’s a bit... inspired.
Words: 2.6k
Tags: role play, begins with angst, Oral sex (F receiving), delayed orgasm, degradation, PIV sex, choking, bruising.
ST Rambles: This request has existed for MONTHS, and I had the thought to implement it for Halloween. Because like, why not? It’s fun and cute and timely. I think this is the first one shot that I’ve given a decent amount of plot? Anyway, I hope you enjoy and that it is not too corny (:
“Hey, Philly? Your sister called and asked if we could take the kids trick-or-treating tomorrow,” you called through the house, setting your keys in the collection bowl. “I told her we would. I hope that’s okay.”
The door clicked shut when you reached to sift through the pile of mail stacked on the credenza’s corner. It was nothing important, just mindless political ads and local festivity promotions.
“Philly? You hear me?”
“And then Kylo Ren thrust his entire, throbbing length into your pussy in one. Fluid. Movement.”
Astonishment captured your every vein with every over-exaggerated word that came from Phillip’s nearing voice. Your thoughts raced, thinking back to the last time you’d used your tablet, trying to remember if you’d exited your most recent AO3 tab before putting it away earlier.
“This, though, this is my personal favorite part,” Phillip came into view, sauntering through the living room, your tablet held in one hand while his other gesticulated.
“Phillip Altman! Stop right now!” you seethed, feeling your dignity slip away as you rushed him.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” He held his hand out and struck you with that heart-stopping smile of his. He continued to back away with every step you took, voice half-giddy at the sight of your attempt towards intimidation. “With his gloved hand wound tight to your throat, cock twitching inside your soaked cunt - fucking shit, babe--” Phillip shook his head in disbelief, face still beaming at you “--the Supreme Leader fucked you until the only thing you could process was the sensation of his cum-,”
“Phiilip. Stop. Now.” You walked him against the couch, reaching for the tablet only for him to step up from the floor and onto the cushion.
“Let me finish!” There was nothing but pure, shocked joy tensing his words now. His free hand raised to keep his balance when he next spoke. “The sensation of his cum filling you and seeping down your inner thighs, all the while-,”
“NO!” you shrilled, stepping up on the couch cushion and making a swing for the device he was reading from. To no avail, Phillip lifted his arm away and blocked you from taking the tablet from his grasp.
A string of hearty, deep howls of laughter interrupted his reciting of your most recent fictional endeavor before he could continue. “All the while, the vibrations of the hilt of his alight weapon sending shocks of pleasure from your clit all. The. Way. To your toes.”
“You’re such a fucking dick!” You pushed against his chest and smacked the side of his arm with the intent to harm him. “What is wrong with you?” 
Phillip lowered his arm and offered you back your tablet, your fingers snatching it away from him and tucking it below your arm. He looked down at you and attempted to cup your face, only for you to slap away his touch. His brow furrowed and his mouth twitched.
A short, breathy laugh left him. “Hey, you know I’m just teasing, right?”
“I don’t really care, you know that, right?” Acrid hate flooded your tongue. He’d invaded your privacy and taken something you deemed rather sacred and made fun of it. He was a jerk. You could barely stand the sight of him right now. “I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight-,”
“Oh, come on, babe! I’m sorry, I just never thought you were into-,”
“Do not talk to me right now.” You hopped off the sofa and started toward the stairs. “You need a costume for tomorrow. Your nephews asked that their favorite uncle take them around the neighborhood for candy.” A grunt of frustration left you before you passed the threshold into the plain spare room. “It’s too bad they’re not old enough to know how much of a fucking ass their uncle really is!” 
With probably too much force the door slammed shut and shook the hanging photographs against the wall, your flop onto the bed not helping the matter. For whatever reason it really stung that he’d taken it upon himself to so entirely dismiss something so special to you. He may not have meant it, but he’d been cruel. And the only thing that would heal the wound was time and distance, so you curled under the down comforter and willed yourself to sleep, no matter if it was only six in the evening. 
Wendy backed out of the driveway and waved through her window before leaving view. You stood on the front porch and returned the gesture, inwardly dreading heading back inside. Yes, Phillip and you still took the kids trick-or-treating, but there had been scant exchanges of words throughout the day. Phillip had struck a nerve, and you weren’t ready to forgive him for it.
A few more moments longer you found yourself dawdling in the cool October air, but eventually, reluctantly, you took a deep breath and made your way to the master to grab some pajamas for the night. Finding the room vacant, not knowing where Phillip had disappeared, you opted to change there. A pair of black lace boy shorts found their way around your waist before you went to grab one of Phillip’s shirts from the drawer.
“You won’t be needing that.”
A gloved hand encroached upon your forearm, finger and thumb grasping around your wrist so the remaining three pushed the drawer closed. 
“Phillip, stop, please. I don’t want to fuck you right now.” You shook his hand away and twisted to face him, tucking the shirt under your arms to conceal your bare chest. When you caught first glance of him, you didn’t know whether to scream or laugh.
“Who’s Phillip?”
He’d gone as a half-assed Batman earlier, but without the faux abs and the plastic mask, all that remained was an all black ensemble, complete with the floor-length cape, a pair of leather gloves, and a new addition of a rigid line drawn over the right side of his face, starting over his eyebrow and scraping down his neck. He’d even gone as far as to buff out the edges and blend it into his skin. 
“You look...”
“Tell me,” he huffed, brushing a thumb along the taut edge of the t-shirt, “how does your Supreme Leader look?” 
“Phillip, what are you-,”
Two long, gloved, hot fingers hooked over your tongue and pressed to the back of your throat, only pulling back when you gagged on his fingertips. A whimper left as your arm sprung up to take hold of his wrist, stunned by his actions and completely forgetting the shirt you’d been using to conceal yourself. It fell to the floor with a soft whisper of its weight.
“Have some respect,” he slipped his remaining hand along the curve of your side, warm leather sliding with ease and stealing your breath. “You are speaking to the ruler of the entire First Order, after all.” That hand found its way to the base of your breast, fingers cradling it before his thumb wound a circle around your stiffened nipple.
It made you shudder, not only his touch, but how different he really did seem. There was a sense of dedication to the role he’d assumed, something haunting about how demanding he was being. The thought made your insides clench, achingly aware by how hollow you felt. You needed him - Phillip? Kylo? - inside of you, to feel him buried in you and revel in the way he made you feel so complete.
“Now, be a good girl and lie back on the bed.” Those two fingers left your tongue and fell in line with his hand as it momentarily squeezed your throat, holding you for a moment so he could lock you in his stare.
If he was committing to the scene, it only made sense that you should too, right? “Yes, Supreme Leader.”
You crawled up so you could rest against the pillows, hands cradled below your neck and eyes tracking his every movement. Though you tried to contain it, a smile crinkled your eyes.
“You know, this is really swee-woah!”
Phillip grasped both your ankles and dragged you down so your hips were at the edge of the bed. He knelt between your legs, eyeing you from the floor, your elbows digging into the mattress so you could see him.
A hand first smoothed up your calf and led its way under your knee, a thumb stroking your thigh when he was pleased with his hold.
“What did I tell you, officer?”
His voice was so low, so close to unrecognizable; it stole your smile and flooded your veins with adrenaline. A gasp parted your lips, his brow lifting in expectation. “Lie back.”
His other hand reached up to your sternum and pressed you down, wandering again lower to your folds, two seams petting over the supple skin. It felt like heaven, the warm gloves and the pressure of his touch. And maybe you would have said it was, only for him to part you and drag one over and around your clit.
The grip over your thigh tightened to keep you from moving, your hips bucking up at the seam’s sensation. A whine, small and grunted, left, your face growing hot when you felt the tip of his nose press into your inner thigh.
Phillip hummed, a growl, fingers dipping lower so he could coat them in the fluid dripping from your cunt. Fingertips teased your entrance, barely pushing into you. A grunt vibrated against your skin, his nose trailing to our mound before he breathed in a glutton of your scent.
“Don’t stop, Phillip,” you plead, nudging your hips into his face, wanting more. Begging for more.
Two slicked fingers pushed into you in full; it choked you, the sudden sensation of him inside. He didn’t let you get a word out before mouthing at your clit, the tip of his tongue circling it before he took you between his teeth and teased. Your fingers flew to his hair, nails scraping at his scalp and pulling him into you.
The hand wrapped around your leg unhinged your fingers from his head, thumb pressing pain into your palm. You winced, his thumbnail biting a crescent into your skin, the ache intensifying the pleasure between your legs.
“So desperate,” he drawled, rocking his fingers into your core at a devastating pace, so slow and paced it burned at your sanity. “Sit up, I want to see you say my name.”
You obeyed, keeping your legs parted, looking down at him. His cheeks were flushed, mouth glistening with your want, the fingers latched around your hip leather-wrapped and stinging. The sight of his fingers pushing into you sent your head back for a moment, feeling him press into you at the perfect spot. You moaned, soon seething when he bit the flesh of your inner thigh.
Your focus fled back to him, a smirk acknowledging your attention before it grazed down to your slit. “What’s my name, again?”
His fingers were taunting, crooking just right to leave you flayed on the edge. You were so close, his breath washing over you in its proximity, the ghosted sensation tingling down your spine. He watched you, listened for absent words, the faux-scar on his face convincing in the low light. 
“If you want to cum, you’ll say it,” Phillip’s tongue trailed his bottom teeth, “or is the slut at a loss for words?”
Every nerve lit at the term, your hand reaching toward his face to thumb at the scar. The way his hair fell, the cape pooled at his feet, the tease of his tongue glinting in the light; it all combined to push you toward belief. It warmed through you, seeing him for what he wanted to be for you. Pushing your hand through his hair, fingertips lingering under his chin, you fell into what he was offering.
“No, Kylo, I would never disrespect my Supreme Leader in such a way.”
There was a heavy need in your tone, Phillip’s face lighting for half a second before he quickened his machinations and brought his lips back to your pussy. He laved at you, circling and crossing and - you regarded eventually - spelling the words “Kylo Ren” over the flourishing nerves.
He could see you gearing toward climax, feel it in the way your cunt squelched with each push of his hand. You saw him consider something for a moment, a surge of cleverness ignite his features. And then he stopped. Every movement gone, his fingers absent, your body searching for where the promise of fulfillment had gone.
“What the hell? Phil-,”
His mouth took yours when he leaned over you, his hands pushing his pants down. He groaned when his cock bobbed free, hitting the insides of your thighs, his hand claiming your neck and pushing you down onto the mattress. The slowed blood flow dizzied you, his lips rapturous as both of your groaned into each other.
His remaining hand clasped onto your hand and locked your arm above your head. The shock of his grip made you grimace, a haunting sense of pleasure behind each new ache. Soon, though, you could only focus on how he thrust his entire length into you, your back arching into him, a grating cry echoing into his mouth.
“You want me to fill you up, huh? Little fucking whore, want your last thought to be of my cum leaking out of you?”
“Yes, yes Kylo!” The thought catalyzed your climax, skin singing for release with each of his thrusts, legs quaking with anticipation.
“What do you say?” Each word came between a breath, hands biting harder into both fixed positions, your head spinning and hand throbbing.
“Who’s cum do you want?”
“Yours, Supreme Leader. God, it’s all I want, fucking shit, please, please!”
He hand left right as your brain flooded with pleasure, muscles locking, eyes rolling back, lips parting and orgasm fleeing. His hips stuttered and he cried out along with you, your tight cunt milking him for every drop of cum he had to offer. His lips met yours with a sloppy, breathy plead of a kiss; his hands now cradling your head.
An overwhelming push to mirror his actions stole your breath, hands flying into his hair and pulling him that much closer, feeling his cock slip free from you and streak spend over your belly. He grunted when your legs locked around his waist.
Kisses slowed and you found yourself smoothing your thumbs over his temples, looking over the sweat at his brow. This wasn’t Kylo anymore, this was too sweet. This was the Phillip you knew. The Phillip you loved.
He observed you with the same fondness you were him, his hand brushing back your hair. “Mm, sorry.”
It took you from bliss. “What are you talking about?”
Phillip sighed, kissing the tip of your nose before he continued. “I was an ass yesterday. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Phillip Altman knew exactly how to apologize. “All is forgiven... Supreme Leader,” you lowered your voice to imitate Kylo Ren, the two of you laughing for a few seconds before finding each other in adoration.
“Oh, and sorry.” A knowing smirk took root in his features.
“Phillip, what-.”
“No lightsaber for your clit?” His brow lifted in suggestion, your tongue circling your canine.
You pulled him down into one last deep kiss, bringing your lips to his ear when you unlocked from him.
In the faintest whisper, your tongue first following the curve of his helix, you taunted him.
“My vibrator is in my top drawer.”
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auspicious-lilana · 4 years
Two Cats, One Heart (Chat Noir x reader)
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Summary: Y/n Ross and Adrian Agreste are childhood best friends, they’ve been through thick and thin, including losing their mom, and dad. Since then Y/n’s mom made her live with Adrian at his mansion and forever leaving her life. Watch as their lives Change as they become the new heroes of Paris alongside Ladybug and see how Romance sprouts between the two models.
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  | Part 8
Warnings:  It’s a bit long hehe? 
"And now I'm pretty sure Chat doesn't like me the same way I like him." I finished explaining everything to him.
Adrian and I were sitting on my couch, Alpha in the coffee table in front of us munching away his brownies.
"What makes you think that?" Adrian asked.
"For one, besides the usual flirt banters, He didn't show anything that could give me a hint that he likes me back."
"I think he does like you."
"How do you know?" Adrian seemed a bit stuck, looking around for an answer.
"Since you've been pretty honest with your secret, I guess I can't keep mine without feeling guilty." Adrian sighed.
"What secret?" I got more confused as he took out a piece of cheese. "Wait, is that what you kept reeking of?"
"Yes, It's the only thing he eats, every single time." I got more confused.
"Who's he?"
"How much longer are you going to play dumb?" Alpha asked while chewing as I cringed. "He means his kawami, Plagg."
"First of all, Don't talk while you eat. I thought I told you that a hundred times Alpha." I scolded before turning to Adrian before it dawned on me as I saw a little black cat attached to the cheese in his hand. "If you have a kawami then it'd mean you're..."
"Yes," Adrian nodded. "I'm Chat Noir." I felt myself blushing, realizing I had just rambled about my crush on Chat Noir...to Chat Noir!?
"You...I...Wait, that explains why you're always going near my locations to change back." I remembered. "Who knew,"
"I thought you were planning to try and sneak a peek at my identity." Adrian chuckled. "But you were just trying to get home too."
"So...When you said Chat Noir likes me back..." I looked to my side, trying to hide my blush.
"Yes, I meant I liked you too, a lot."
"Hey, Plagg. I got a little spot I hide whenever these two get all lovey-dovey, wanna eat there?" Alpha offered, noticing Plagg's disgust.
"Don't have to ask me twice." The two kawami's made their way out as Adrian and I rolled our eyes.
"What happens now?" I asked.
"Well, this is normally the part where we umm, we...kiss." We inched closer to each other as he grabbed my arm to lead me closer to his face, I looked to admire his features, fluttering my eyes shut as we touched lips.
"This counts as us now Girlfriend and Boyfriend, right?" I whispered.
"Of course."
"Agent Smith, It's too dangerous! We must evacuate!" Adrian exclaimed as he and Mylène were crouching behind the teacher's desk, water guns in hand.
Our class was filming a movie for a project and Adrian and Mylène were the voted leads. I was going to be the lead girl but I wanted to work behind the scenes, so I play the role of the Assistant Director, while also Mylène's understudy if anything were to happen.
"You're suggesting we run, Officer Jones?" Mylène asked with a determined look. "After it devoured my family, my friends, and even my beloved dog, Sniffles?" She dramatically stood up. "Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll-" Ivan loomed over as scripted with a monster mask, roaring as best as he could as Mylène broke character and screamed in fear, hiding under the table as Adrian and I looked at her worried.
"Sorry, Mylène." Ivan apologized, taking the mask off.
"Mylène! That's like, the tenth take." Nino scolded, frustrated as he rubbed his forehead. "And we're only on the first scene!"
"Fourteenth actually." Alix corrected, holding up a count from her seat in the back. "But who's counting."
"I'm...sorry." Mylène apologized, getting out from under. "I'm gonna do better on the next take, I promise." Juleka was reapplying blush, fixing Adrian's look.
"Anyone want some tea?" Rose offered, holding a portable kettle.
"You're playing a hero from the special forces. You're not supposed to get all freaked out!" Nino lectured.
"I know, but...that monster mask he's wearing is so...realistic and scary!"
"Just big ol' me, Mylène." Ivan stuck his fingers through the eyes of the mask, show how harmless it was. "Nothing to be scared of."
"You ask me, he doesn't even need a mask," Chloé said, laughing with Sabrine as I frowned at her.
"Does it hurt you to be a little bit nicer, Chloé?" I asked.
"Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster!" Nino demanded. "And Mylène, we need you to stay in character!" Ivan put the mask back on, causing Mylène to get scared.
"I need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better." Mylène took a deep breath as she began singing to herself, slowly stepping back. "Smelly Wolf, Smelly wolf." I felt Alpha scoff from my pocket, muttering his offense at her song. "stinky breath and slimy--" She bumped into Adrian, suddenly jumping back, shrieking in fear.
"And the Oscar for the best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of its own shadow goes to...Mylène!" Chloé laughed, making Mylène feel worse as Adrian looked at her, disappointed.
"Chloé, seriously?" Adrian asked.
"Yeah, so what?" Mylène ran out of the classroom, crying.
"Mylène!" Marinette shouted. "Anyone gonna go after her?" Ivan ran after Mylène, calling out her name as he took the mask off.
"Epic, Chloé! Just Epic!" Nino sarcastically exclaimed. "What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?"
"Who needs her, anyway?" Chloé scoffed. "She was totally lame!"
"You're lame!" Ivan shouted, coming back in. "Mylène is crying her eyes out on the bathroom thanks to you!"
"Me, Lame?"
"Hey, Hey!" I came in. "Fighting over this isn't going to get this film done any quicker, We'll find a way to get this done by tonight!"
"As a producer, I'll make sure of it too!" Marinette agreed.
"The Deadline for the Parisian Student Short Film Festival is tomorrow evening, precisely 26 hours, 15 minutes and 14, 13 seconds from now." Max clarified.
"Thank you, Max." I smiled.
"And we still have editing, post-sound, soundtrack..." Marinette listed.
"And who's gonna take Mylène's part?" Adrian asked.
"Um, me of course!" Chloé got up from her seat.
"You haven't even read the script!" Alya argued.
"Of course I have! The first scene anyway, I can even tell you that it ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones!" Chloé batted her eyes at Adrian as he pleadingly looked over at me as I moved next to Nino.
"As Mylène's understudy, I'm the one who's supposed to take her place if anything were to happen. Remember?" I reminded Nino.
"Right." Nino nodded as Marinette screaming, looking at Alya.
"You wrote that?!" She shrieked.
"Hold up!" Alya exclaimed skimming through her script again. "I didn't write that!"
"Uh...I wrote that." Nino admitted. "It was just a little tweak. You know, to move the story forward."
"What! You edited my script without even telling me!" Alya gripped onto the collar of Nino's shirt. "That's low."
"Wait a minute! You mean our script!" Nino argued, removing her hands as Adrian and I sighed before Rose came up to us.
"Juice?" We gratefully took a cup.
"Thanks, Rose." Adrian thanked.
"Guys, it doesn't matter who did anything, we have a film to get done by tonight." I reasoned.
"she's right," Max said. "Principal Damocles is only allowing us to use the school until 6 p.m. sharp. Which leaves us 9 hours, 12 minutes, and 12 seconds. 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."
"Adrian and Y/n kissing cannot happen! No way!" Marinette hissed at Alya quietly, as so nobody could hear.
"It makes no sense story-wise anyway." Alya shrugged. "The main character's emotional journey-"
"Hold on!" Marinette ran over to Adrian. "We can't let Mylène just leave just like that! It's...wrong!  We all chose her to play the leading female role! And...we're all in this movie together! She needs our support. I'm gonna go find her and bring her back."
"Always trying to save the day, aren't you, Marinette?" Chloé mocked.
"Wait," I said, holding her arm. "I'll go, you're the producer, you're needed here." I left before she could say anything more, missing the satisfied look on her face.
{Third POV}
"Nice going, Miss Producer." Nino sarcastically remarked. "Now we have no lead again!"
"Yeah, but now we'll be able to go look for our real lead!" She argued, hiding her intentions of just wanting to keep Adrian kissing Y/n out of jealousy.
"I told you. Tick tock, there's no time! We need a lead now!"
"Marinette can do it!" Alya exclaimed as Adrian got uncomfortable at the thought of kissing a different girl.
"What?! No! I can't act. I'm... the producer." Marinette started furiously blushing.
"But you wanna kiss Adrien, don't you?" Alya whispered to her as Marinette glanced at Adrian who mentally hoped Y/n can get back in time.
{Y/n's POV}
"Mylène!" I called out as I entered the Bathroom. "Mylène?!" I looked to see nobody was there, missing the monster feet in one of the stalls as I noticed the mirror was covered in some sort of slime.
"Wow," Alpha gasped, peeking out from my pocket to take a look. "I knew you girls were disgusting in terms of love, but I didn't think you guys were that disgust- hey!" I glared at the little wolf, shoving him back in my pocket with a finger.
"She isn't here." I noticed, "Didn't Ivan said she'd be in the bathroom? This is the only girl's bathroom in this half of the school, she should be here."
"I think that slime might have something to do with this."
"I can't find her on my own, I'll have to get the others to help look for her. I have a feeling crying wasn't the only thing she was doing in here."
"Wow, the best idea ever!" Alpha sarcastically praised. "Not like it was the only choice you had!" I shoved him back down my pocket as I had an eerie feeling as I ran back to the classroom.
"Guys!" I shouted, seeming to have boast through the door right before Marinette could kiss Adrian, who was trying to prolong the kiss as long as he could, relieved at my interruption as Nino shouted Cut. "Mylène isn't in the bathroom, we need to find her. I think something might be going on- wait, Where's Max and Kim?" Right as I asked, we heard two screams. "Did you all hear that?"
"Loud and clear." Adrian nodded.
"We better scope this out," Marinette said as everyone ran to the source of the scream.
"A fruity snack for the road?" Rose offered.
Nino began recording them, following me as I noticed something on the floor.
"Hey! Anybody here?" Adrian shouted. "Kim! Max! Where are you guys?!"
"Wait, I felt like I saw the same pink goo...the bathroom!" It finally clicked as Adrian came up to me, picking up the armband covered in goo.
"That's Kim's!" He exclaimed.
"They vanished!" Nathaniel began panicking.
"Or they're playing a sick joke on us." Alya scoffed.
"We should go to Principal Damocles's office and tell him what's going on!" Marinette declared, She then noticed Nino was filming everything. "Nino, come on! Stop Filming!"
"Not a chance! This is just getting good!" I took the chance to slip away from the class quietly.
{Third POV}
Adrian had tried to slip away with Y/n but soon got caught by his best friend.
"Yo, Adrian!" Nino called out.
"I left Officer Jone's jacket back there!" He quickly came with an excuse. "Should probably wear it in all the scenes." Nino nodded as the rest of the students went upstairs, Adrian already running back into the empty classroom which Y/n had already snuck into the other way.
Neither noticing the Horrificator Akuma, a slimy monster start gooing the entire school roof, doors, and windows to keep them shut-in.
"This is the first time transforming with another person in the room." Y/n admitted, feeling a bit nervous and awkward for some reason.
"Then we better get used to it." Adrian winked.
"Hey, your Chat side is already showing!" Y/n pointed out as Alpha and Plagg came out from their pockets.
"Y/n, Darling." Alpha calmly called out. "I never ask you to hurry up and transform, it isn't me. but right now, I'm begging you to just transform. I can't stand this lovey scene." Y/n scoffed.
"So um," Adrian awkwardly shifted before he took off his right shoe. "Guess we should first make them think we've vanished."
"Good idea." Y/n nodded her head, reaching to take off her hairpin, throwing it to make it seem like she was struggling as it came off, Adrian doing the same after showing Plagg his shoe, making the small black cat cringe.
"You say I stink of Camembert," Plagg said.
"I mean, you both do." Y/n pointed out as Adrian gave her a look before sighing.
"Plagg, claws out!"
"Alpha, Tails out!"
The rest of the students were going into the Principal's office, looking inside to see pink goo around.
"Even Mr.Damocles isn't around," Rose said, worried as Marinette stood outside the door, making sure nobody was looking back before she took out her phone, dropping it on the floor as she ran into the library.
"Time to transform." She quickly said to her little kawami, Tikki. "Tikki, Spots on!"
"Anyone seen Agent Smith- I mean Y/n?" Nino asked. "And Marinette too?" They ran out of the office, Alya stopped to see her phone on the floor.
"Oh no," Alya gasped. "This is Marinette's phone."
They soon walked around the entire school, checking the ceiling, windows, doors, to see a pink goo covering them shut.
"We're trapped!" Chloé exclaimed before taking out her phone. "I'm going to call Daddy!"
"Dudes, you know cellphones never work in horror movies." Nino reminded, still filming everything.
"No bars..." Ivan said, checking his phone.
"No coverage!" Nathaniel sadly said along.
"Told you so!" Nino got excited. "Boo-yah!"
"Is everything okay?" Ladybug asked, appearing at the door.
"Ladybug in my movie? This is legit!"
"And on my Ladyblog!" Alya started filming too.
"We've got to calmly evacuate the building, okay everyone?" Ladybug ordered. "
"Easier said than done, Ladybug," Chat said as he and Lady Wolf came jumping down, landing next to Ladybug.
"The place is covered in pink goo, nothing can come in or out." Lady Wolf added.
"Triple Legit!" Nino exclaimed.
"Lady Wolf in the flesh!" Maya grinned, taking her phone out. "This I can't miss, my viewers are gonna eat this up."
"We tried to cut through the goo, but it's no good." Chat Noir explained. "Totally indestructible. So looks like we're trapped inside the school for now. Just stay put and try to relax, guys."
{Y/n's POV}
"Let's talk for a bit," I suggested as Chat and I led Ladybug to the corner of the office, out of the student's sound range.
"We know that Hawkmoth's taken another innocent victim somewhere in this school." Chat said.
"And there's only one way to get rid of the goo and get everyone out of here," Ladybug added.
"And that's to capture the Akuma like always,"
"Exactly." Chat flirtatiously grinned at me. "I love it when you read my mind."
"Ugh," Ladybug playfully groaned, already used to the usual flirty banters of her partners. "But we better find this thing first, and it's prisoners." Before they could say another word, they soon had Nino right behind them, filming them.
"Don't mind me." Nino quickly said. "finding the missing peeps and solving this crazy mystery with Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Lady Wolf...This movie's gonna be so swank!"
"Stay together, right behind us." Ladybug said, walking away before grabbing Nino's arm, pulling him towards her. "Means you too, Spielberg."
We were following the trail of pink goo, not noticing Sabrina and Chloé leave their group, running off to hide elsewhere.
We entered the classroom Adrian and I had transformed in, Ladybug noticing Adrian's shoe and my hairpin.
"There!" She exclaimed, picking it up.
"Anyone recognize this shoe and pin?" Chat asked, playing dumb.
"That's Adrian's shoe," Nino exclaimed.
"And that's Y/n's pin, she never goes anywhere without it!" Maya pitched in.
"That's weird." Ladybug said. "There's no pink slime here."
"Yes, there is." Nathaniel pointed out the slime on the desk, kneeling before he got grabbed by a slimy tentacle.
The other students started to step in fear as Nathaniel started panicking. Juleka being the only one who was more awed by the slimy monster than scared.
"Everybody run!" Ladybug shouted as they all ran out of the room, Nino remaining by Chat's side to record and Juleka staying put near the door, admiring the monster which grew larger.
"Awesome." Juleka grinned, the monster roared at Juleka as she seemed a bit taken back before grinning. "So Awesome." I noticed the height difference, it's power. He shrunk when Jeluka wasn't scared?
It spits goo at Juleka but I quickly grabbed her arm and took her out of the classroom before it could touch her.
"Eww!" Chat exclaimed. "What's your name, Drool-lator?" The monster spits goo at him but he spins his staff to avoid any touching him before swinging his staff to remove the slime. "Cats aren't afraid of slimy toads like you."
"We better hurry and find our where that Akuma is hiding!" I exclaimed.
"I don't see anything," Chat exclaimed as they dodged a slime, jumping down the stairs as the students hid in the corner, watching them. "Just miles of slime!" The monster looked at the fear in the kids, growing in size, confirming my suspicions thoughts.
"Fear!" I suddenly shouted, catching Ladybug and Chat's attention. "It grows from fear!" Ladybug ducked tying a yoyo around its leg to a pole as Chat tried to land a hit before he got slimed into the wall, I gasped, going in from behind before getting caught to the wall as well.
The monster then grabbed the yoyo string, pulling in Ladybug before sliming her onto the basketball hoop.
The monster turned and grew as everyone screamed, it approached the class, recognizing Ivan, affectionately licking, grabbing Nathanial (who was released during the fight) and Alix, jumping away.
"Oh no! It took Nath and Alix!" Rose exclaimed. (A/n: No way! what a shock! Not like we just witnessed it happening.)
They soon managed to get out the slime, running to a door to see it was slimed shut.
"Did you see how it only left Ivan alone?" Ladybug mentioned.
"Yeah," Chat agreed. "What's that all about?" I thought about it before remembering what happened earlier, the goo in the bathroom, Mylène's long disappearance.
"The monster has to be Mylène!" I exclaimed. "She was the first to disappear...from what I heard..." I quickly covered up.
"Where are Sabrina and Chloé?" Alya asked, running up to the teen heroes with the small group of students behind her, Nino still recording.
"We'll find them, don't worry." Ladybug reassured. "If we can find a way out of here..." They soon heard Chloé's screams and ran up the stairs, pushing through the doors as something seemed to have been blocking the front of, they looked around to see nothing but a trail of slime.
"We're too late!" Chat exclaimed.
"But look!" I said, pointing to the trail. "We can still follow it!" I lead the group as we were led to a dark workshop.
"I'm so amped!" Nino exclaimed, recording as I was about to open the door before we turned to Nino with a frown.
"Turn your amp down to about 4, will ya?" Chat asked.
"My bad...." Nino sheepishly chuckled as we stood on our guard, slowly opening the door, walking into the cellar, looking at the large blobs of slime.
"Anybody in here?" Ladybug asked, her voice ringing in the room.
"Ladybug, it's me, Chloé Bourgeois!" Chloé cried out.
"Don't worry! We'll get you out!"
"Well, hurry it up!"
"Is everybody here?!" Ladybug, Chat, and I went around, trying to get a count of everyone. "Mr.Damocles."
"Adrian?!" Ladybug started to panic at the silence as Chat froze, "ADRAIN?!" Chat quickly hid behind a goo pod.
"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine!" He exclaimed. "What about uh Y/n?" I glared at Chat for mentioning my name for everything.
"Y/n?" Ladybug repeated, I hid behind a corner.
"Oh um! I'm here too!" I quickly shouted. "How about Marinette?"
"Yeah! Yeah! We got everyone!" Ladybug exclaimed, tugging on the Goo Pods. "Ugh! they won't budge!"
"Get us out!"
"I can't stay here!"
"Everyone! Try to calm down!" I shouted before a giant slime went past us, covering the door we came in from, the monster jumping down in front of us.
"Okay, now this is getting scary." Ladybug admitted.
Chat distracted it throwing pieces of the goo at it as it tried to attack him, giving Ladybug time to use her powers.
"Lucky Charm!" Guitar strings dropped to her hands. "Guitar strings? Are you kidding me?"
"How would...Mylene's song...." I exclaimed. "Ever heard of Smelly wolf?" I asked Ladybug as she nodded, catching on. While Ladybug used her vision to gather the things needed to make temporary instruments, Chat used his powers to the bars rusted and trap the monster in its place.
"Okay, we're all going to sing!" Ladybug announced, strumming her fingers to the strings attached to a broom and bucket.
"Sing?" Chat asked, jumping down to us. "That's your plan?"
"The only way to get through this to get your fear under control. You all know Smelly Wolf, don't you?"
"Seriously? Smelly Wolf?"
"Care to join us?" I asked, blowing into a pipe to warm up a tune. Chat grinned, making a drum set out of pots and trashcan lids.
They began singing to the monster, their fears slowly going away as the monster shrunk shorter and shorter before it turned cute bite-size, no longer terrifying.
They all walked up to it as it looked up at the students, jumping into Ivan's arms.
"That's the same button I gave to Mylène!" Ivan gasped.
"That's where the Akuma is!" Ladybug exclaimed, taking the pin as she did her thing, breaking the pin. " No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!" She let it go as it turned into a pretty white butterfly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly." She threw the strings to the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The energy from her power goes around, getting rid of the slime and shifting everything back to normal as the monster turned back into Mylène.
"Pound it!" the three of us exclaimed, fist-bumping before deadpanning as Nino, who surprisingly still was recording came up to us.
"Awesome." He muttered.
The movie playing ended with Mylène and Ivan kiss as Nino wore a confident grin, sure he had it in the bag.
"Well, Mr. Mayor. What do you think?"
*** {Third POV} ***
"We didn't make the cut!" Nino complained to the rest. "He said the monster was a horrible replica! Completely unbelievable! No joke!"
"Don't worry, Bud." Adrian placed the hand he wasn't holding Y/n's hand on his shoulder. "This is how all good movie directors start out."
"Learn from mistakes right?" I pitched in.
"Yeah, even if that final wasn't quite what we thought it would be." Alya said, giving Marinette a side glance, the girl was too distracted at looking horrifedly at the intertwined hands of the two models.
"H-hey, anything going on between you two?" Marinette nervously laughed.
"Yeah." Alya thought about the day. "You two have been awfully closer lately."
"We're uh.. Dating?" Adrian got flustered, looking away with a shy smile, neither noticing the heartbroken look on Marinette
"No. Way. Since when?!"
"Around a week ago?" Y/n thought about it.
"I have to go." Marinette ran off, Alya following after.
"I wonder where they're going in a rush?"
"Who knows." Nino shrugged. "But dude, why didn't you tell me? I thought were best buds?"
"It didn't come up."
"What got you to suddenly into each other?" the two looked at each other, chuckling.
"It's a long story,"
Leave some feedback! Have a nice night!/Day/Evening! 
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forgive me
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anon request: “I really love the way you write angsty stuff so if u want, can u write a scene where jungkook is like involved in illegal stuff like drugs or maybe he's a hitman, Y/N and Jungkook have a conflict about that because she's not happy with what he does, he gets hurt a lot but he enjoys his job and doesn't wanna give it up cuz he loves the thrill. It can be an emotional scene where Y/N tells him that she's afraid of losing him because of what he does. Honestly come up with anything, I don't mind 😂”
prompt: Jungkook is a druglord, you’re a waitress at a shabby burger place. He loves what he does and even though you try to ignore it, it scares you. You fear you’ll lose him if he doesn’t quit and he’s all you have. Your so called family are full of lies and if it wasn’t for Jungkook, you don’t know where you’d be. You wonder every night if the sirens you hear are for him—you pray it’s not for him. Secretly, he feels the same about you.
pairing: Jungkook x reader
genre: angst, drabble, mental health issues, mentions of murder, mature subject matter
author’s note: For the anon who requested this, this is for you! I hope you enjoy~ did i watch Truth be Told and decide to make the OC a twin? yes, yes i did
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When you opened your eyes, you started to feel around for your cellphone. When you couldn't feel for it, you rolled over and yawned, it's probably under the bed. That's where its gonna stay too. As soon as you got home from work, you fell face-first into your bed and taking a shower was the last thing on your mind. But now you're feeling the stale department store smell on your clothes. It takes about two minutes for you to roll out of bed and realize you that Jungkook should have been here by now. You grab your phone and see two missed calls and a text from 2 hours ago.
jungkook💖💫: im sorry ill be over a little later baby, something came up 
jungkook💖💫: i miss you angel
You smile, he always misses you. And you miss him too, but you know he's probably out there in the slums of the city, doing what he does. How you lucked out with him, you have no idea. One night you were trying to call an Uber to get home from a birthday party at the club. It was around midnight and you had to work so you couldn't hang with the hardcore crowd. You went outside to call for a ride but you were being watched. Some guy kept catcalling, just outright harassing you. It was the scariest night of your life. You were telling him to leave you alone but he was drunk or high, either way, he wasn't all there. He snatched your phone. Just when you thought he was going to grab you, a black sports car, one you would have had to work two lifetimes to afford, stopped at the light. And before you know it, the man trying to get you is being dragged into the alley where he probably would have taken you. You remember being frozen, all you could hear was cursing and blunt force. The mystery man, whose car is still in the middle of the road, emerges from the dark corner between the buildings.
You were completely taken. The smile, the hair, the tattoos, and dangling earrings, paired with a striking gaze—he was an angel. He was so beautiful and he was just looking at you stand there with your mouth open.
"If there's one thing I hate, oh here you go," He hands you your phone and you get a nice look at his hand tattoo, "it's motherfuckers who can't leave women the fuck alone. Sorry you had to deal with that, but he won't be bothering you or anyone else after tonight, or use his hands again," He sighs, fixing his clothes a bit and wiping the blood from the corner of his lip, "are you okay?"
"Yeah, thank you," You slip the phone in your bomber jacket pockets, "not a lot of people would stop a stupid guy from bothering a girl they don't even know."
"Yeah, I'm Jungkook by the way," He introduces himself with a smile, situating his nice clothes, "do you- Um, did you need a ride? I'm not a creep I swear," He holds his hands up in surrender when you furrow your brows at the suggesting—great, now she thinks I'm a pervert. 
"I didn't stop that guy as blackmail to get laid, I just-" He pauses to grapple for the right words, "I saw you just standing on the curb and I know it's not safe out here-"
"If it's not any trouble," You interrupt his rambling, "I live about 15 minutes away, I was gonna call a ride but if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it. My name is Y/n, by the way."
That night changed your life forever. It was the first time you had wanted to kiss a stranger, the first night you ever came close to a soulmate. He confesses to having seen you in the club, he was at the bar, refusing offers from every girl from the bartenders to cougars out on the town, at least that's what you always thought. In that little fifteen minutes, you got to know very little about him but you felt so comfortable sharing things about yourself when he asked. He dropped you off and said if you ever needed anything, to give him a call. 
You never got to use the number because you ended up seeing him again. He showed up to your job, but he wasn't there for you, he was there for one of your money laundering and pill-popping associates. You were taking a break and for some reason, the break room was eerily empty. After you heard gunshots and the whole store went into chaos. You remember trying to leave and suddenly being swept away and into an outside electrical room apart of the building. You calmed down enough to realize that it was him but you were baffled.
"What're the odds that you would work at the same place as that bastard," He fiddles with the gun, tucking it to his side and flipping on the safety and pulling off his mask with a toothy grin, "do you remember me?"
"You?... Jungkook, how did you- Why are you-..." You make a small step back and swallow, scrambling to think of something to say. "Have you been following me like some creep?!"
"No! this is just a run-in by fate, I swear I didn't plan it. I'm not even supposed to still be here but I couldn't just leave, not without saying something to you."
"Okay...What do you want to say? I have to get back on the clock." You look him up and down, his all-black clothes and heavy boots intimidating but alluring in many ways.
"Wanna grab a coffee?"
For some reason, you said yes to the familiar stranger.
"Sure- I mean no! No, I can't Jungkook, I have to get back to work-"
"Trust me, just come with me," He extends his hand for you to take and smiles, "you won't regret it."
You took his hand and never looked back.
* * *
Nights like this.
When it's too early to ruin his life and too late to pretend like he wouldn't care. So when he shows up to the lounge to enforce an unpaid debt from a client, he leaves with bruised knuckles, two grand, and a rush of adrenaline. He went a little hard on the guy, but can you blame him? He messed up his plans. Tonight is date night, also known as 'crash at your place' night. It worked out though, you had to work late so he wouldn't be too tardy. Judging by the fact that you haven't answered your phone, you must be knocked out.
He slips his hand into his pocket and fumbles with his keys until he finds the one to your apartment. When he walks inside he hears the sink on and smiles to himself, you must've just woken up. 
"Baby, it's me," He announces himself, "how was your day?"
"Fine," You step out in your work clothes, still trying to get your earrings out, "as fine as a day working for the devil could be." 
"That bad?" You take note of the silk black shirt that's rolled up to his elbows, letting you see his beautiful sleeve of tattoos. When he comes dressed like this, and smelling like smoke you know he's been out into high-end clubs. The way some of the women look at him makes you feel small and a little self-conscious. But he always reassures you that you're who he wants, not some woman who sees him as an experimental one-night stand. When he tells you to meet him in the restroom because he needs to tell you something, you're reminded that you're all he wants.
"She screwed the schedule. My only day off was taken because her favorite, Kasey, has to go out of town."
He unbuttons the buttons on his shirt with deliberate fingers. "You walked out on a job for me before, remember that?" He smiles, letting his shirt fall from his shoulders like a dream. A bruise on his upper arm catches your attention but you don't say anything. "If you're not happy, just leave. I can take care of you, you can be my sugar baby."
"Yeah, my step-mom would love that, I could see it now," You cringe at the thought, "Hey, just a heads up, I'm not working or married but I have a sugar daddy who pays all my bills and lets me use his money for free, oh, he's also a drug lord. She'd really think highly of me then." 
"Fuck Carol, she's a judgmental priss anyway," He comes up to you, hands finding your waist, "why do you care what she thinks about you?" 
"I don't care what she thinks, but if she finds out she'll tell my dad and I don't want to hear it from him. If he pretends to not be disappointed by the lesser-twin one more time, I'll actually cuss him out...He's such a liar, he lied to my mom and he lies to me.”
"Quit saying that," Jungkook grabs you under your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist so he can sit on the edge of your bed, "you're not the lesser-twin, you're the cute and sexy twin." You sit back on his thighs and you both laugh at his attempt to lighten your mood.
"Well, I'm not a successful surgeon and I'm broke as hell, but at least my boyfriend thinks I'm cute." His hands find their way to the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head, revealing a disappointing tank top.
"See, this is disappointing. Why are you wearing a tank top? It's a hundred degrees outside." He sighs, looking up at you like a pouting little kid.
"Because I want to," You grin, brushing his hair from his brows, revealing a scratch, "you're cut."
"Yeah, had a run-in with an old friend, we're obviously not friends anymore."
"You should take me with you on these deals and stuff, I'd make a great bodyguard for you," You joke, "if you showed me how to use a gun."
"You?" He giggles at the image of you secretly acting as a bodyguard, a dagger, and a gun in a garter under a skintight dress. "That's not a bad idea, they'd be too distracted looking at how fucking beautiful you are to see you as a threat."
"Yeah, I always saw as the Bonnie & Clyde type of couple," He leans up to kiss you and you smile through it before he pulls away, "eh, you need to shower, you smell like weed."
He furrows his brows, a snarky smile on his mouth. "And you smell like French fries, but I still kissed you.”
"Touche." You can't argue with that, the French fries smell gets to you too.
He picks you up, carrying you to the bathroom with a beaming smile.
"Let's shower then."
 * * *
A deal went bad, he got grazed by a bullet and spent a few hours at the emergency room.
When he pulled in to the driveway and saw your car, he sighed in relief—he was hoping you'd come. After work, you had come by earlier to clear your head and take a breather from your cramped apartment and rowdy neighbors. Ever since his 'new position' he was put up in this huge mansion, equipped with a full staff. Luckily, they were off tonight so no need to keep quiet.
It's getting late and you've been trying to watch a baking show to stay awake but it was getting difficult. He hadn't called or answered any of your calls or texts. When you hear the garage door open, your heavy lids lift and you yawn, trying to wake up so you can tell him how your day has been.
He opens the door with a deep sigh and he's glad you can't see the thick white bandage on his upper arm and tired shadows under his eyes because of the dim lights. "Jungkook, it's so late..." You mumble, sitting up. "what took you so long?"
"Yeah, baby, I just had a mix up with someone who owed the group a lot of money, they, uh- They opened fire and we had a lot to clean up." He offhandedly mentions that and goes to the bathroom to change and you just wait for him.
The painkiller is wearing off but he manages to brush his teeth and slip into some sweats and a t-shirt. After flicking the light switch off, he falls into bed with a heavy exhale. Glad to finally have him close so you can tell him about your terrible day, you turn to hug him, and instantly a wince of pain leaves his mouth. 
"Sorry," You giggled, thinking he was just kidding until you see the bandage on his arm, "Oh my gosh," You sit up, hand reaching for his bandage with concern in your brows, "what happened?"
"It's nothing baby, I was grazed by a bullet and had to go to the ER," He spares you a weak grin, hand rustling through his damp locks, "but it's nothing, I feel fine."
It's always nothing to him. You lean down and place a gentle kiss on his forehead, one he would normally place on you. Nights go by and you know he's out there risking his life, not thinking how devastated you would be if one night he doesn't come back.  
He caresses the apple of your cheek, lips parting when sits up to try to kiss you, but you pull away.
"Hey, I've had a long day I just want to kiss you," He sits up now, "talk to me." 
"Talk to yourself, I'm going to sleep."
"Where the fuck is this coming from?" He glares at you, tone firmer than before. "Y/n, cut the crap. What's the problem?"
"Jungkook, there's no problem I just worry about you."
"I don't mean to make you worry," He speaks softly, "but you know this is what I do, I can't stop now, even if I wanted to."
"I know," Sadly, "but you're all I have."
He tilts his head, a bit confused. "What happened?"
"My sister called when I got off of work. My dad isn't doing well, his liver is in terrible condition and he needs a transplant...He's on a wait-list now." 
Knowing the severed relationship you have with your family, he treads lightly when requesting this. "Do you want to go see him?-"
"No!" You snap. "Why would I want to see him? This is what he gets for killing my mother."
"Y/n, you don't mean that..." Jungkook gets uncomfortable when you enter that head-space, you become ruthless in your words and your eyes glaze over with something he has yet to understand.
"Why not? It's true. He was cheating on her, that's why he never came home and she thought something was wrong. So drove out in the middle of the night during a storm and ended up crashing into a tree, because of him. My sister has always defended him, but I think it's because she didn't like mom either...The two of them may have cried at the funeral but I know them, they were glad she left us. That's why I need you, Jungkook, I don't have them or want them..."
"Y/n, you have to learn to forgive them for whatever you think they did, it's going to drive you insane if you don't...Fuck them, spend your energy on us, okay?"
"I'm already insane, I'm with you, aren't I? You come close to being killed every week, and it bothers me to think you might not come home...But I'll go through that if it means I get to have you, I love you, I only love you..." You lay your head on his shoulder.
He’s your angel.
You aren’t sure what you are to him.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Perfection Isn’t Perfect
So, as some people know, I lost a bet to @imthebadguythatsfine and my punishment was to write 3K words of whatever they wished. My prompt was: cutesy anaroceit date! It was originally supposed to be something completely different, but plot came and slapped me in the face. So here we are!
Summary: Roman, Janus and Virgil were planning on having a fancy date, but it was canceled due to bad weather. Roman will not stand for it, and assures his loves that they don’t need fancy clothes and nice makeup to have a good date night. Anaroceit with nonbinary!Virgil, genderfluid!Roman, and background QPR Intrulogicality
Warnings: Implied Sex (Remus), language
Words: 3,333
Virgil sighed as they scrubbed the makeup off of their face. Another date night lost to bad weather. Just their luck. They looked up at the corner of their mirror, smiling sadly at the two pictures taped there. The first one showed Roman up on a stage, her pink pronoun bracelet proudly on display, giggling as she spun in circles. The other photo showed Janus at the zoo, holding an intense staring contest with a python (Virgil had actually recorded that entire experience, mainly because it took their boyfriend a full 2 minutes to remember that snakes didn’t blink).
Virgil loved their partners with all of their heart. They had all met in high school, each one from a different social group. Roman, the theatre nerd. Janus, the popular kid. Virgil, the resident bad boy and social outcast. None of them would’ve met if it hadn’t been for Roman’s twin brother, Remus. Remus had quickly attached himself to Janus and Virgil, and introduced them to Roman a few months later. The rest, as they say, was history.
Virgil shook their head, focusing back on their makeup. They’ve been dating Roman and Janus for a few years now, but it was nearly impossible to spend time with both of them. Roman was always auditioning for some play, hoping to rack up enough credit to reach Broadway. Janus was still in college, trying to fulfill his dreams of becoming a lawyer. And Virgil didn’t know what to do with their life. They were currently a manager at the local supermarket while commissioning artwork on the side. Virgil was the only one with a predictable schedule, and even then they were constantly busy. They could usually score a lunch date with either Roman or Janus, but the third was almost always busy. Today was supposed to be their first three-person date in over a month. Virgil sighed. They were looking forward to seeing their partners face-to-face. They would just have to settle for video chats and texts.
Virgil sighed as they continued to wipe off their makeup. Janus and Roman always looked like they were runway models, especially during dates. Virgil would spend hours on their makeup and hair so they didn’t look homeless in comparison. It was kind of daunting, actually. Their partners always looked perfect, with perfect makeup and unwrinkled clothes. Virgil would probably die of embarrassment if their partners saw the way they look at home, wearing only a baggy hoodie and some sweatpants, their hair tied up in a messy bun.
Virgil screamed, jumping as they threw their makeup wipes at the bathroom door where the sound was originating. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Remus standing there, soaking wet. Remus grinned. “Pack your pajamas and toothbrush, we’re having a sleepover!”
Virgil blinked slowly, staring at their best friend. “What?”
Remus started bouncing slightly as he grabbed Virgil’s hand. “C’mon! You need to get out of this stuffy apartment. I’ve got food and games and movies!” He smirked. “So grab your sexiest pjs and come on!”
Virgil blushed before sighing. “Alright, geez. Just let me get this makeup off first.” Remus sometimes crashed at their place for ‘sleepovers,’ but this would be the first time that Virgil stayed at his place. But Remus was right, Virgil did need to get out of their apartment and stop focusing on their ruined date.
Remus giggled. “Alrighty then! I’ll be downstairs.”
Ten minutes later, Virgil stood in their living room, backpack hung loosely around their shoulders. They were still bummed that they didn’t get to go on their date, but at least they could spend some time with Remus. “Let’s go.”
“Alrighty, then! Get ready to get wet!”
“Why am I getting- oh.” Virgil stared at their now open apartment door, rain pouring so quickly that they could barely see a few feet in front of their face. Virgil sighed. It’s not like anyone’s gonna see me like this. With that, Virgil marched out into the rain, shuddering as the initial chill soaked through them. Virgil quickly locked the door before sprinting towards Remus’ car, not stopping until they were safely in the backseat. Remus followed a few seconds later, and Virgil snorted as they saw the air freshener hanging on the mirror. It had the outline of a deer with the words Oh Deer in the middle. Virgil snorted. “Did Patton get you that?”
Remus’ grin softened as he looked up at the air freshener. “And what if he did? I’m allowed to get gifts from my squishes!”
Virgil laughed. “Yeah, but it’s an air freshener.”
Remus huffed. “I recognize that some people might not appreciate my natural scent, but that does not mean you should ridicule me, Emo!”
Virgil chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get out of here, trash rat.”
Remus laughed as he turned on the car. “Why are you in the backseat?”
Virgil raised their eyebrow. “Because last time I sat in the passenger seat, there was a squirrel in your glovebox.”
“First of all, I did not know about the squirrel. Second of all, that was one time!”
“Yeah, one time too many!” They both chuckled at that, before the car descended into a comfortable silence. A few minutes later, they arrived in front of a house. Virgil started to unbuckle before they realized something. “Remus, this isn’t your house.”
“Uh-huh.” Remus responded, staring at his phone.
“...Then why are we here?”
“You’ll see.”
Virgil huffed, leaning back in their seat. They scrolled through tumblr for a few minutes before the car door opened, someone climbing into the passenger seat with their umbrella and bag. “Sorry, I couldn’t find my face… masks…”
Virgil locked eyes with Janus, feeling their cheeks heat up. Janus was still wearing a fancy yellow button-up shirt and some black slacks, but his hair was ruffled and his makeup was gone. Virgil turned to look at Remus, who was silently giggling at the scene. “You said this was just the two of us.”
Remus chuckled. “I said no such thing! I just implied it!” He turned the car back on and drove away, humming a merry tune he’d heard from Patton while ignoring the tense silence around him.
Virgil could barely stop themself from openly staring at Janus. They’d never seen Janus so… casual. Janus was always dressed to perfection, his perfect makeup and hair only topped by Roman (Roman was the only person Virgil knew to carry both a makeup back and hairspray at all times). It was odd to see Janus without his perfect hair and makeup. A good odd, but still odd nonetheless.
Just as Virgil was contemplating breaking the silence, Remus pulled up to another house. This time it was Janus who pointed out the obvious. “Remus, this isn’t your house.”
Remus giggled. “I never said you were staying at my house. Now come on!”
Remus immediately ran inside, ignoring the rain around him. Janus opened his door and immediately opened his umbrella, then stood there silently. Virgil wondered what he was doing as they got out of the car, until Janus moved to cover both of them with the umbrella. “I assumed you didn’t bring your own.” His tone was slightly teasing, and Virgil was relieved that they might get through this night with minimal awkwardness. “Come now, no need to keep Remus waiting.”
Virgil surveyed the house they were in. Cardboard boxes lined the walls, each one labeled for a different part of the house. They heard laughing from further in the house and followed it, Janus trailing quietly behind them. They reached the kitchen and saw Remus giggling on a barstool, watching as someone whistled and danced as they put something into the oven. His blue pronoun bracelet was a sharp contrast to his bright red pajamas with gold crowns. His hair was sticking up in every direction, and when he turned around Virgil noted that he had no makeup on. But it was still impossible to not recognize him. “Roman?”
Roman chuckled sheepishly. “Surprise?” He gestured to the house. “I was gonna tell you on our date tonight, but that didn’t really happen, so…” Roman clapped his hands (Virgil fondly noted years ago that he only did that when he rambled and needed to get back on topic). “Yeah! This is my new house! I was gonna tell you all about it in person but there was rain so I decided to show you instead!” He made cute little jazz hands. “Tada!”
Virgil blinked in shock while Janus spoke up. “Roman, Darling, I understand why you wanted to show us your home, but why did you have Remus bring us? And why be so secretive about this?”
Roman rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Well, after our date got cancelled, I was talking with Remus-”
“More like bemoaning”
“Talking about how I wish we could have a date without one of us being absent or the weather ruining everything, and Remus asked why we couldn’t just have the date here? And that’s when I realized something.” Roman started gesturing as he spoke. “All of our dates are so ridiculously formal! Other than texts and video calls, when was the last time we spent time together without fancy makeup or perfect hair? I can’t even remember!” He gestured around the mostly-empty kitchen. “So I’ve prepared a perfect date, set with no expectations whatsoever!”
Now it was Virgil’s turn to speak up. “Date?”
Roman smiled softly. “Now, no need to fret. I can hear the wheels turning in your head, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance.” Virgil blushed at the nickname. “The point of this is to spend time together without any stress of trying to look and act perfect. If we can’t have a nice time like this,” he gestured to his pajamas “then how are we gonna have a happy life together?”
Before Virgil or Janus could even try to respond, Remus spoke up. “Well, if you no longer need your bestest twin ever to be your uber driver…”
Roman chuckled. “Go hang out with your squishes. I know you’ve been dying to see them all day.”
“Damn right I have!” Remus quickly made his way out of the kitchen, waving to Janus and Virgil. “Bye Janny! Bye V! Have fun and use a condom!”
“Tell Pat and Specks we said hi! And tell Specks that he still owes me a jar of Crofters!” Roman called out as Remus left, smiling at the laugh he got in return. He then turned back to Virgil and Janus. “So! I have a pizza in the oven and various junk foods throughout the kitchen. I’ve set up some MarioKart and Disney+ in the living room, and I have some moisturizers and nail polish if you’re up for it!”
Janus said something, but Virgil didn’t hear it, their thoughts running wild for a moment. They didn’t even realize that their partners were trying to get their attention until they felt a hand on their shoulder. They saw Janus’ hand, but it was Roman who was in Virgil’s direct field of vision. Roman gave them a curious look, and Virgil let out a shaky breath. “Sorry, I’m still adjusting to this. I just went from a random hangout with Remus, to a potentially awkward hangout with Remus and Janus, to knowing that I’m now on a date with both of my partners without any way to even try and look nice.”
Roman smiled softly. “That’s why I had Remus bring you two under the guise of a sleepover. I didn’t want you to panic and try to force yourself to be formal and make yourself uncomfortable.” His face then became serious. “However, I understand if this was too sudden. If you want, I can drive you home now. Or you can take up the guest bedroom and have the night to yourself. We would never judge you for something like that.”
Virgil shook their head. “No, I want to do this. It just… hit me all at once, I guess.” They felt their cheeks get warm with embarrassment.
Roman chuckled. “No need to feel embarrassed, Panic at the Everywhere.” He then held out his hand. “Now, onward to video games and Disney movies!”
Virgil giggled as they grabbed Roman’s hand, holding their other hand out for Janus to take. Roman let them to the living room, which was almost completely bare. “When did you move in here, Roman?”
“A few days ago. I wasn’t planning on decorating before showing it off, but we don’t need Disney posters to have a good date!” He pushed a controller into Virgil’s hands. “Here, pick your character. You too, Jack the Fibber.”
“Out of my way, Janus!”
“Sorry Darling, but first place is mine.”
Virgil smirked as they heard their partners bickering. “Eat shell, bitches.” Two red shells shot out, hitting their mark.
“Aggh, Virgil! Love of my life, why do you do this to me!”
Virgil giggled at Roman’s dramatics, but was suspicious when Janus remained silent. Just as they were a few seconds from winning, Virgil felt a hand gently grip their chin and tilt their head-
Virgil felt lips on theirs and groaned into the kiss, not realizing their mistake until they heard the sound of someone crossing the finish line. They quickly looked back at the screen and saw their character stuck on a wall in 5th place. They quickly finished their race before turning back to Janus, who was now smirking. “You little shit!”
Janus laughed. “You wouldn’t let me be in first, so I returned the favor.”
Virgil gestured over to Roman, who was dancing on the other end of the living room. “You let Roman win! That’s not fair!”
Janus kissed them again, a teasing smirk on their lips. “All’s fair in love and war, Love.”
Virgil grumbled as their cheeks grew warm from the kiss. “Shouldn’t the pizza be done by now?”
Roman gasped as he ran to the kitchen. “THE PIZZA!”
Virgil laughed as their boyfriend attempted to save the pizza. “Why didn’t you set a timer?”
“Well EXCUSE ME for being so utterly distracted by my beautiful partners!”
Virgil laughed, until they felt a hand cupping their cheek. They turned to face Janus, who gave them a fond smile. “He’s right, you know.” He slowly began to trace Virgil’s cheekbone with his thumb. “You are quite beautiful, with and without the winged eyeliner.”
Virgil snorted. “Says you. You and Roman are always beautiful.”
“And the two of you have beauty that rivals the divine!” Roman yelled, coming back with a plate of misshapen pizza slices. “A small portion was charred, so I had to cut it out before I could cut the slices, but it’s still good!” Roman quickly put the plate down before running back to the kitchen. “I’m gonna go get some drink, go ahead and start without me. Bon Appétit!”
Virgil cautiously grabbed a slice, and watched as Janus did the same. They quickly took a bite and watched as Janus took a bite so small that they wouldn’t have known it was there unless they saw Janus take the bite. They snorted, and explained when they saw Janus’ curious stare. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you eat without silverware, and you ate that the exact way I thought you would.”
Janus gave Virgil a small smile. “Well, I typically don’t eat finger-food, so I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Take what as a compliment?” Janus and Virgil turned to see Roman coming back with three cans of soda.
“Virgil had found my eating habits amusing.” Janus set snootily, but the amusement in his eyes was unmistakable.
“Eating habits?” Roman asked as he grabbed two slices of pizza.
“Yeah, he always takes the world’s smallest bites, no matter what he’s… eating.” Virgil was now staring at Roman, who had taken a bite of his newly made pizza-sandwhich, with a cheesy inside and a crust-coated outside.
Roman noticed that he was being stared at and became confused. “Yes?”
Virgil continued to stare at the pizzas. “...You know how some people have things that could make or break a relationship?” They gestured to the pizza. “Thi-this is it.”
Roman snorted. “My Knight in Shining Armor, are you seriously willing to abandon me over my pizza eating habits?”
Janus gave Virgil a bewildered look. “And haven’t you seen Remus eat pizza? He eats it the exact same way.”
Virgil huffed. “Well I’ve learned from personal experience to not look anywhere in Remus’ general direction while he’s eating.”
Roman laughed, leaning over Janus’ lap to cup Virgil’s cheek with his hand. “You still love me though, right?”
Virgil pretended to think about it for a moment. “Hmm, I don’t know… I think I need a little persuasion.”
Roman chuckled, and soon Virgil’s personal space was filled with nothing but Roman. His mouth on Virgil’s, one hand in their hair, the other rubbing small circles into their collarbone-
“Ahem.” Virgil and Roman parted to look at Janus, who appeared more flustered than annoyed. Virgil could sympathize, having sat between Roman and Janus during a make-out scene before.
Roman smirked. “Aw, are you jealous, Love?” He looked Virgil in the eye and they nodded before they both leaned over to press a kiss to the corners of Janus’ mouth. They continued to kiss their respective halves of Janus’ face until it was redder than a tomato. Virgil pulled back and matched Virgil’s smirk as they watched their blushing boyfriend attempt to form words.
“...There! Now we just have to let it set for 20 minutes.”
Virgil groaned as they resisted the urge to touch the face mask. “How can you do this every night? I’m already wanting to scratch my nose.”
Janus smirked. “Practice, and the desire to have a good self-care routine.” He glanced down to Virgil’s hands. “Your nails are drying nicely.”
Virgil glanced down at their nails, the various black and purple patterns complimenting each other nicely. “Yeah, they are. I think they’re dry too.”
“Well then, would you like a distraction from wanting to touch your face?” Virgil turned to look at Roman, who was plugging in a speaker. They watched as Roman connected his phone to the speaker, and a soft tune floated through the air. It took Virgil a moment to recognize the tune.
Virgil snorted. “Sleeping Beauty? Seriously, Princey?”
Roman gasped in mock offense. “Hey, it’s a lovely song!” He held out his hand. “Now, care to dance?”
Virgil sighed before grabbing Roman’s hand, allowing him to pull them up into a standing position. Roman immediately shifted to a leading position, and Virgil let themself be guided through the dance. Dancing with Roman felt like walking on clouds, every step of uncertainty matched by Roman’s confident movements.
After around a minute of dancing, Roman spun Virgil away. Virgil moved with the motion, expecting to be pulled back into Roman’s embrace. They let out a small squeak when instead they were gently tugged into Janus’ hold. Dancing with Janus felt like they were a snake and Janus the snakecharmer, Virgil instinctively yet shakily following every move in tandem with Janus.
Janus eventually spun Virgil towards the couch in a loose hold, and Virgil let themselves spin across the room and land on the couch. They watched as Roman quickly took Virgil’s spot, following Janus’ lead. It was exhilarating to watch Roman and Janus dance. Every movement was filled to the brim with passion. You could tell with every heartfelt look and gentle touch how much they truly loved each other. And every second of watching reminded Virgil of how much they loved their partners with all of their heart.
Roman and Janus both reached out towards Virgil, their other hands locked together. Virgil smiled at the loves of their life before placing their hands in theirs, letting themself be pulled back into the music.
92 notes · View notes
King of Nothing
Author’s Note: @firefeatherx reminded me with her message that I haven’t reposted this chapter since I trashed my old blog, so here it is. This is the first chapter of my urban gothic WIP, Wretches and Kings. My masterlist with other posts about this WIP, as well as my other project, can be found here. Word Count: 2k Rating: The project as a whole is R-rated. This chapter is a bit tamer than what follows. Just be warned that there’s some language and a graphic description at the end. Taglist: @firefeatherx @goldenhour-goldenboy @mandoplease @phoenixhalliwell @havenforafrazzledmind @beatriz-silva-00 @pascal-isaac @worldominatorx @givemethatgold @agirllovespancakes @lilacyennefer @dignityneeded @veuliee @briskywalker @davairys @aetherwrites @ryns-ramblings @teriwrites @thenewfaustus @marmaladewords @nominalnebula @procratinatingwriter (let me know if you want to be +/-)
“Boy with gunsmoke for breath. Boy with rebellion in your bones. Your city is ignited, your city is screaming your name. Your city is raising its fist. Your city is slamming its body against a police shield and smiling a bloody red smile.”
The very streets whispered his name.
Here comes the Renegade, they seemed to say, the thin scratches weathering his skull mask shining in the pale moonlight. Behold, the Master of Death as he walks among the living.
Truly, he lived according to his titles. Dark and silent as a shadow, he moved as though he existed on a separate plane, only seen because he wanted to be seen. He burned the city every night with his stare, cut it to ribbons with his silver tongue, and by morning, his city quietly rebuilt itself, ripe once more for the harvest.
A mystery behind a mask, the winds whispered through the trees. An enigma even unto himself.
The city sat in wait on its knees for him. Because without him—without their one certainty—this place would lose its collective mind.
After all, sighs the wind. The devil is in the details.
To call the Easthold Pulse a night club was—simply put—a gross oversimplification of what services it truly provided. Most nights, parties stretched beyond the club’s walls, an unprecedented multi-block party attended by locals and tourists alike as though it was the epicenter of their life force.
All Hallows’ Eve was one of the Pulse’s busiest nights; all streets within a three-block radius cleared and barricaded as everyone—from ghost-story enthusiasts to common party-goers alike—flocked to central Easthold. To the thumping of basslines and guitar riffs that they considered the very heartbeat of the city. 
For the thousands of denizens of downtown Easthold fled the scene well over forty-eight hours in advance, twice as many swarmed in to take their place, camping out on the streets and on rooftops for what was sure to be the party of the year, every year.
The Renegade was one of many who thrived on such excitement.
But for him, tonight was not for dancing, sharing ghost stories, or getting perpetually smashed. Tonight was one of the few nights of the year the Renegade could meet with his wealthiest contractor without attracting any prying eyes. The only second glances tonight came from those who recognized his identity. Or the one they’d all come to know.
“Nice mask!” Echoes of the compliment followed him as he bobbed and weaved through the dense, writhing crowd. “It looks just like the Renegade’s!”
And when he turned to give them a quick glance, sometimes even a nod of acknowledgement, if they were lucky enough, those who fawned after the Renegade veritably swooned with their fellow partiers. Such interesting creatures, the people of Easthold. Where serial killers amassed cult followings, celebrities in their own right.
Getting within the Pulse’s walls on a night like All Hallows’ Eve without a reservation might have been a death wish for the average layperson. For many, just getting close enough to hear the music coming straight from the source was a victory. Tonight, the Pulse became a temple, and those inside would dance, drink, and debauch in worship to whatever god out there would listen. A temple of pure pleasure.
The Renegade had no intention of entering the club through the front tonight, and rumors of people losing their lives by sneaking in through the back was enough to dissuade most attendees from making an attempt of their own. He elbowed his way through the last few clumps of people and then, as though there was an invisible barrier no one dared to cross, he reached his destination.
The shadows behind the Easthold Pulse were so deep that, were he alone, the Renegade might have removed his mask to improve his vision. He was now, at least, alone enough to breathe easily, save for the homeless dreg of a man lounging near a dumpster and a firmly muscled bouncer standing guard near the rear entrance under the light of an old lamp.
“You’re not supposed to be back here,” the bouncer informed him stonily, staring down at the Renegade’s tall frame from his even more impressive physical height.
“The angel queen sleeps on the night of devils,” was all the Renegade said by way of greeting.
A flicker of recognition flashed behind the guard’s brown eyes, but he said. “You’re late. Go back to the front and wait, sir.”
Must have been a long night already, if he felt ballsy enough to give the Renegade a hard time like this.
“They askin’ clients to sweeten the deal with cash now—”
“Get back to the front before I throw you there,” the bouncer menaced. “Self-righteous prick.”
Behind the mask, the Renegade’s smile faded into an amused smirk. The eye sockets of his skull mask seemed to swallow all the light in the already dim alley.
“I’m going to put this as politely as possible,” said the Renegade gingerly.
His hand snapped from where he’d so subtly slipped it into the depths of his jacket. The bouncer, too focused on the permanent grin etched into that wicked mask, hadn’t noticed. The Renegade thrust the end of a suppressed pistol into the soft skin underneath the bouncer’s chin.
“The angel queen sleeps on the night of devils,” the Renegade repeated in a soft whisper that sounded too much like a lover’s. “You know the rest.”
The bouncer stood frozen for a moment, his eyes wide and head angling away from the cool end of the weapon digging into his skin. The Renegade’s gloved finger curled slowly around the trigger. His breath came out in short, barely audible whispers as he whispered, “Tomorrow she will seek retribution.”
Slowly, he twisted the handle of the door and pushed against it. The loud throbbing of synthetic dance music flooded the Renegade’s ears. The door opened to reveal a dim hallway with multiple doorways to the right, ending in a curtain of silver beads that flashed with bursts of light from further within the club. He didn’t need to go further than this hallway. He had no need to.
“Thanks,” said the Renegade, putting his pistol back into his jacket, patting the bouncer on the shoulder as he walked past and slid the door shut with the heel of his foot.
Several people lounged in the hallway. Many wore masks, others did not, but all eyes were on him as he strode passed, and all were smart enough to not utter a word as she threw open one of the doors and showed himself in.
“You’re late,” said the man behind the metal desk taking up the center space of the room without bothering to glance up as the Renegade slammed his weight into the only other chair in the room.
“Make yourself more accessible and I’ll improve my punctuality.”
The man behind the desk dismissively returned the papers in his hand to his desk, his dark brown skin accentuated by the office’s dim lighting. “This was your messiest year to date.”
“It was also my most difficult year to date, Adder.” The Renegade casually slung one leg over an arm of the cushioned chair, leaning into the opposite armrest. “Perhaps you should thank me for getting all the jobs done before my deadlines.”
Such a relaxed posture, everything about him open and vulnerable, save for that damned skull mask hiding the Renegade’s face. The man called Adder knew better than to be put off by it. Underneath it all, he was just a man, same as any other.
“You know, it’s customary for my clients to show their faces when they meet with me,” Adder gestured to the mask. “Are you going to cooperate this year?”
The Renegade remained firmly rooted where he was. “Take a guess.”
Adder pointed at the Renegade, his elbow propped up near the edge of his sleek desk. “You know damn well I don’t hire your services out of necessity. And I know damn well you don’t work for me out of the same necessity. There’s nothing holding me back from deciding to not contract you for another year.”
The Renegade showed no visible signs of alarm. His head tilted back, and Adder felt keenly aware of how exposed his neck was, noting the dark stubble darkening the line of his jaw.
“How unfortunate for you,” he said. “Do you know how many people in this city alone request my skillset?”
Adder shifted. “Far too aware, I’m afraid.” He was the one who dealt with all the bullshit paperwork, after all.
“So, consider, that maybe you do hire my services out of necessity. You’re going to have some very angry customers on your hands if you notify our good friends out on the dark web that you, Saxen Adder, no longer contract with the Renegade. Angry customers mean poor reviews, and suddenly coming straight to the source, willing to pay triple…”
Saxen reined in his grimace; he could hear the damned smile in that man’s voice.
“You forget that if I choose to not contract you, the process becomes far more complex and permanent than a simple vow of silence for everything you did while working with me. There won’t be a Renegade for people to go running to to handle their dirty work.”
“Oh,” the Renegade sneered. “Could you imagine the uproar if the people found out that I no longer existed?”
“They’ll find someone else to obsess over. Don’t think you’re so special.”
“But I am.” The Renegade place a hand over his heart. Were it not for the mask, the attire, the very demeanor he carried himself with, the sentiment might have been easier felt. “Not only am I the most skilled contract killer in the city, but I work with the post powerful person in the city, and maintain my own clientele. Don’t you think that would supersede McFarlane and put me in the position of top dog?”
“Careful how you choose your words. If she catches wind of you placing yourself above her, she won’t take kindly to it.”
The wide-stretched grin across the Renegade’s mask was all-seeing. Even in a technical seat of power over him, Saxen Adder felt oddly exposed underneath that hollow stare. This was a man with too much power, and too little to lose.
“McFarlane is losing her relevance.” It could very well have been the first time someone had spoken such ill of Easthold’s queenpin. “It’s only a matter of time before her empire falls with her. And who will be left in the ashes by the phoenix to build it back up?”
“You’re a self-serving bastard, you know that?” Adder hissed.
“It comes with the title,” all traces of humor left the Renegade’s voice. “Make your decision. I don’t have all night.”
He never saw it coming.
Saxen Adder whipped out his sidearm, and painted the wall with the Renegade’s brain.
19 notes · View notes
writer-room · 4 years
Well, Could’ve Been Worse
Summary: No sane person would be calling at this house if it wasn’t important. His phone said it was two in the morning. Lovely. His phone also said Tim was calling. Also known as: not a normally sane person. If Tim had gone on another frenzied Red Bull-induced investigation and gotten himself stuck again, Kon was gonna kill him. Also known as: Tim makes stupid decisions when on a caffeine crash + sleep deprivation. Kon, sadly, has to deal with that at the worst hours.
Kon’s powers were...weird. Unstable, if you wanted to be specific. Not as bad as it used to be, but it still wasn’t the same as Clark’s. Thank you again, Luthor. 
Which means that if he’s conscious enough to check every now and again, he can do the whole ‘call my name and I’ll be there in about four seconds’ schtick, but it didn’t go so well when he was asleep. Cassie said he slept like the dead, to which Bart insisted that if there was ever food involved, he’d be wide awake faster than he could run across a room. 
Both were ridiculous, but whatever.
Tim, at least, had tried to assure Kon that surely Clark couldn’t hear disasters going on when he was asleep. Tim wasn’t one who was often wrong, but Kon was willing to play a risky betting game on this one.
It made sleeping a little anxiety-inducing for a while, knowing that if something happened. he wouldn’t know anything about it until he woke up. Tim had said that it was normal to hate sleeping because of hero business. 
Kon always thought of that comment every time he caught Tim awake at ungodly hours for days on end, staying up purely because of caffeine and spite. He should probably bring that up sometime. 
The point was, Kon didn’t hear things when he was asleep. Which could be a good and bad thing in its own right. He isn’t, however, impervious to an obnoxiously loud ringing going off by his head.
Kon snorted as he woke, his phone ringing eerily sudden in the quiet of the Cave. He groaned, sitting up from where he’d passed out on the couch in the Cave. He suspiciously remembered something involving Cassie and arm wrestling landing him here, but he was too tired to care about that now.
His phone was on the ground beside him, a wonder nobody had stepped on it, especially Bart. It rang painfully loud, though that was probably because it was the first sound he’d heard in the past...however many hours it’d been. Kon resigned himself to slowly reaching down and pulling his phone up as he leaned against the arm of the couch. No sane person would be calling at this house if it wasn’t important. 
His phone said it was two in the morning. Lovely.
His phone also said Tim was calling. Also known as: not a normally sane person.
If Tim had gone on another frenzied Red Bull-induced investigation and gotten himself stuck again, Kon was gonna kill him.
That’s a lie, he wouldn’t. Cassie, however, would kill him if he told her. So he could probably settle for that.
With a sigh, Kon mentally prepared to hear incoherent rambling he’d need to find Bart to interpret, and accepted the call.
“It’s two in the morning, Tim.” Was the first thing he said, letting his annoyance seep in.
“It’s like, two twenty-four,” Tim’s voice rasped over the phone, far scratchier than normal. “So if you woke up at normal times like everyone else, this wouldn’t be as big an issue.”
“You are not the person to be telling me how to go about my sleep schedule.” Kon scolded lightly. “So I sleep in till noon, so what?”
“You woke up at three--” Tim cut off with a series of coughing coming through. “--p.m yesterday.”
“Not the point,” Kon muttered. “Why are you calling? I thought you were still in the Cave?”
There was shuffling on the other line, and Tim’s voice came through more faded, like he was further from the phone.
“Oh, yeah, left a few hours ago on patrol,” Tim wheezed. “Thought I’d be back before Bart woke up. He’s been wakin’ at like...six a.m or something.”
“Tim,” Kon started.
“It was barely a patrol,” Tim puffed. “More like...doin' rounds and...grabbing something from Denny’s.”
Tim’s words were slurring here and there. He did so a lot when he started having caffeine withdrawal or was coming down from a Red Bull rush. Or was sleep deprived. None of those options were comforting.
“Did you find some villains?” Kon inquired, praying that there was a less ridiculous reason he was being woken up so late. “You need backup or something?”
“Woulda called like...the headquarters if I did, dude.”
Yeah, something was wrong.
“What’s this all about, then?” Kon asked, swinging his legs off the edge of the couch and standing. “Where are you?”
“Okay, okay,” Tim mumbled, his voice closer to the phone now. “Uh, you know...the Denny’s...but it’s by that weird tiny mall with the Starbucks?”
“I’m about...two streets over from that. By a bustop. Don’t worry, don’t worry, street lamps are out.” Tim assured quickly.
“The street lamps are out?” Kon repeated.
“Broke ‘em.”
“Course you did,” Kon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stood up. “Seriously, man, what’s going on? What happened?”
“M’fine,” Tim lied, poorly. “Just don’t like...tell Cassie. She’ll kill me. With her eyeballs.”
“Tim, I’m way too tired for you to dodge around questions right now.” Kon groaned. “What happened and why do you need me? If you're not answering this outright, I’m hanging up and going back to bed.”
That’s also a lie. A bad one, at that. He’d probably stay on the phone all night if Tim needed him to. Though he’d definitely try and wake Cassie or Bart to help him out, he’s not that loyal.
“I was getting to it!” Tim whined, and oh wow, he must really be delirious. Bart was gonna be so mad if there weren’t any videos later. “I just kinda...wasn’t payin’ attention n’ stuff.”
“Paying attention to what?” 
“The road,”
Kon froze.
“Got hit by a car,” Tim slurred. “S’cool though, got outta there fast. Happened like...five streets back.”
“What the hell, Tim?” Kon nearly dropped his phone, remembering last-minute to grab his jacket off the floor as he started to race to the nearest exit out of the Cave. “You need to start with the ‘I got hit by a car’ part, not correcting what time it is!”
“There was time,” Tim mumbled. “I’m not dyin’ or anything.”
“You were hit by a car.” Kon stressed, already in the air. Thank you, inhuman speed.
“But I’m not dying,” Tim said simply. “Doesn’t count. Just hurts like a b--”
“Hang on, I’m nearby.” Kon talked over him, landing on a rooftop. The streets had grown recognizable fast, and thankfully, if Tim was right about his coordinates, he wasn’t that far from the Justice Cave. Probably wasn’t smart to fly at ridiculous speeds at two in the morning when he was barely awake, but he was too preoccupied to care.
“Oh, cool.” 
Kon shoved his phone in his pocket as he flew down from the rooftops, far slower this time. He scanned the streets quickly, almost skimming right over the bus stop Tim was at. The lack of light, plus his darker costume, was not helping matters.
Sure enough, Tim was where he said he’d be. He wasn’t even sitting on the bench. More like dramatically draped over it with his arms keeping him upright and legs strewn behind him. The nearest street lamps had been shattered, probably with whatever Tim carried in his utility belt these days.
And Christ, Tim was a mess.
He must’ve been wearing a concealer, or it was extra pronounced tonight, because he had heavy bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess and falling into his eyes, his mask slightly askew. His costume wasn’t in awful shape, but his cape was twisted around so that it hung sideways rather than regularly situated on his back, and he had a few small tears here and there. Aside from the palms of his gloves, those had bigger tears. Plus he had scuffs of gravel and dirt.
And blood, there was blood, too. Blood on his hands, knees, and smears on the side of his face. But all in all, he looked more dazed and bruised than anything.
“No big deal, huh?” Kon said, crouching down beside his friend.
“Had worse,” Tim mumbled, resting his cheek on the bench. “M’just tired, really.” 
“That all?” Kon sighed, taking off his jacket as he debated if it would be worth it to patch up the small amount of bleeding he could see.
“Breathin’s being weird, too.” Tim added, as an afterthought. “Think I fractured something.”
“Of course you did,” Kon groaned, reaching out and turning Tim around so he was sitting upright, leaning against the bench.
Tim hissed in pain at the movement, eyes shutting for a moment as Kon paused, anxiously looking him over.
“Please don’t tell me you broke a rib,” Kon begged, more to himself than Tim as he reached out to feel his side.
“Ow, ow, ow!” Tim yelped, cringing away.
“Hospital,” Kon decided with a nod and a grimace. “You need a hospital.”
“I’m Red Robin,” Tim complained. “Can’t go to hospital. Dad would kill me.” He insisted, dramatically thunking his head back on the bench and throwing an arm over his eyes.
“Medical attention, then.” Kon said. “At least until you pass out so we can take you to a hospital when you can’t complain about it.”
“You're so mean,” Tim whined, shifting his arm slightly to give Kon a glare. “Bart wouldn’t treat me like this.”
“Bart would probably be having a panic attack.”
“S’why I called you,” Tim mumbled, slumping down and off the side of the bench, leaving Kon to jump and support Tim’s head before it conked against the concrete. “Cassie woulda yelled at me.”
“She’s definitely going to yell at you now,” Kon agreed, gently keeping his hand on the back of Tim’s head as he pushed him back upright. “How did this even happen? Don’t you have ridiculously fast reflexes or something?”
“It was a hit n’ run, I know it was.” Tim rasped, weakly shaking a fist.
“You said you fled the scene.”
“Was still totally a hit n’ run,”
Kon sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to win this argument tonight. None of the bleeding was concerning, so instead he settled for dumping his jacket over Tim’s shoulders. He also picked up Tim’s phone from where it’d been discarded on the pavement, shoving it in one of the jackets pockets.
“Pretty sure you're just too tired to notice anything,” He muttered quietly, scooping his arms underneath Tim’s knees and back.
“Was gonna get more coffee, swear it.” Tim mumbled, letting himself go completely limp as Kon picked him up. “Came outta nowhere,”
“Next time I catch you pulling all-nighters, I’m sitting on you till you get proper sleep.” Kon threatened, giving Tim a half-hearted shake as he rose into the air. 
“If you catch me,” Tim said cheerfully, giving a crooked smile.
Would’ve been a lot more charming if it weren’t for the fact it reopened what was apparently a still-healing cut on his lip.
Not that it was charming to begin with. Injured best friend, not the time. Kon shook his head.
“I’m Superboy, it won’t be hard.” Kon boasted, flying at a grudgingly slower speed back to the Cave. It probably wouldn’t help Tim if he went back at the same speed he arrived, the base wasn’t that far, anyway.
“You miss things all the time,” Tim huffed, raising a weak hand to presumably poke at Kon’s face, but ended up just flailing it around.
“Psh, not that often.” Kon rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, you do,” Tim insisted, letting his head hang back, staring upside-down at the ground below them. “Obvious things. Miss ‘em all the time.”
“Like what?” Kon pressed. “And you're not allowed to say anything about the Justice League, they don’t count.”
Tim went quiet. Kon wondered for a brief, terrifying moment, that Tim really had passed out from his adrenaline rush before they made it to base. But then Tim raised his head and he could breathe easy.
Tim stared at him for a moment, eyes narrowed. It was his ‘I’m not sure if you're being sarcastic or actually an idiot’ face, which, honestly, could be better classified as ‘I’m judging you for being an idiot’ face, considering the circumstances he used it in.
Kon met his gaze, more than a little curious. Normally Tim would’ve started rattling off all the things he’s oblivious to on a daily basis. The hesitation was...well, not normal. He chalked it up to Tim being loopy from his whole ordeal.
“Stuff,” Tim decided, his head falling back to its original position so fast that Kon cringed.
“Descriptive,” Kon sighed, grateful for the sight of the Cave, speeding their flight. 
“Shut up, I’m tired and broken.” Tim mumbled, his voice laced with drowsiness. 
“Then maybe, and here’s a thought,” Kon said, landing just outside the Cave. “You don’t go days without sleep to the point you get hit by a car of all things.”
Tim opened his mouth to protest, but Kon talked right over him.
“I know, I know, it’s very difficult to ask of you.” He said, his playful snooty tone lessened by the smugness that seeped in. “But with the right routine, I’m sure we could figure something out.”
“You sound like a horrifying combination of Alfred and Dick.” Tim grumbled, no less limp as Kon carried him inside the base. “I wish you had your sunglasses so I could break them--wait,” Tim raised his head again, squinting at Kon. “Where’s your glasses?”
“Didn’t really have time to grab them after, you know, you woke me up at two in the morning and stalled in telling me you were bleeding at a bus stop.” Kon snarked.
“It was two twenty-four,” Tim muttered quietly, drawing his arms up to his chest and looking away.
And dammit, Kon was almost convinced Krypto was rubbing off on Tim too much. The guy looked like a puppy after stealing food from the table. Which, frankly, was something Kon would also do if he had to eat the same thing every day. Clark hadn’t seen it that way, but whatever.
Kon held back a sigh, shuffling through the hallways. He could probably put Tim on the couch, right? Christ, Cassie was gonna bite off his head for waking her up.
“Just be careful, alright?” Kon murmured, resituating Tim in his arms. He got slippery after a while. “You don’t need to be up at all hours of the night to patrol,” He said, frowning to himself.
Tim reached up one of his arms and looped it around Kon’s neck, aiding Kon in holding him properly. His face turned to the side and pressed into Kon’s chest, huffing.
“You have your family to look after Gotham at night, anyway. That helps, doesn’t it?” Kon added.
“S’not the same,” Tim mumbled, his voice muffled.
Kon would’ve argued, really, he often does, but tonight just wasn’t the night. Tim was too battered for much of anything to sink in, and honestly, he was still tired. And he was pretty sure if he spent another ten minutes around Tim with nobody else to buffer, his common sense was going to finally kick in and make him start freaking out even more.
“At least take someone with you,” Kon settled on, craning his neck down so he could press his nose into Tim’s hair. It was still frazzled and greasy. “Bart’s already awake at ungodly hours. Jinny’s down for almost anything. Hell, I’d come with you if you asked.”
“You’d come without me asking.” Tim muffled, and Kon swore if he could see Tim’s face he’d be smirking. “Besides, you complain.”
“I complain, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do it.” Kon huffed, slowly moving his head back as he came to the couch he had, previously, been having a rather nice sleep on. “And honestly, if someone like you can end up getting hit by a regular car of all things, you probably shouldn’t be out on the streets on your own.”
“Piss off, it’s a bad night.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Kon rolled his eyes, slowly leaning down so he could place Tim on the couch.
“Ow,” Tim groaned, his arm tightening around Kon’s neck as he was set down, his other hand coming up to fist the side of his uniform.
“Scale of one to ten, how bad can you guess it is?” Kon winced, slowly slipping his hands out from under Tim.
“Mm, well, it's not broken.” Tim slurred, refusing to unwrap his arm from Kon’s neck, leaving the super to awkwardly bend forward. “Probably just cracked. If it was broken, I would've lost a lung by now.”
“Ah,” Kon hummed anxiously, raising a hand to unwrap Tim’s arm from him. “That...is a nice thought.”
“Just told you it wasn’t broken,” Tim grumbled, glaring up at Kon as his arm was pried free.
“Your way of being comforting isn’t the best,” Kon admitted with a tilt of his head, stepping back. “Now you stay here, alright? I’m gonna get Cassie.”
“Say your goodbyes now,” Tim groaned, pawing at his face until he caught the edge of his domino mask. “After today, I would’ve been better dumped in a ditch.” 
“It’s still nighttime,” Kon reminded.
“Details,” Tim waved his free hand, the other peeling off his mask and letting it fall to the floor.
“Whatever, just don’t move.” Kon warned, pointing a finger close to Tim’s face. His eyes were unfocused and hazy, and the sight of that only added to the pit that was opening in Kon’s chest.
“Aye aye, captain.” Tim mumbled, giving a half-hearted salute before letting his arm dangle off the couch. The other came up to clutch at the jacket still around his shoulders, turning his head into it.
Kon has never so badly wished he’d taken his phone out of his jacket earlier so he could take a picture. Never, he swears.
And, of course, he also wished Tim wasn’t injured. That was the main issue here, really.
Kon hesitated, stepping around the couch and glancing back. Tim was never known to stay put when asked, but it seemed this time he was being merciful. 
One friend down, two more to survive.
Could’ve gone worse, he reasoned as he creeped (in a poor attempt at being quiet) down the hallways towards Cassie’s room. A car was nothing. Except for a reminder that, unlike the rest of them, Tim wasn’t superpowered--but that was an anxiety for Tim to get offended about later. 
And if Tim woke up hours later in a hospital, with Dick on the other line and Cassie seconds away from cracking the rest of his bones herself, at least Kon could rest easy knowing that he wouldn’t be pulling that stunt again any time soon. Or at least be more careful. He’d take what he could get.
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The Demon’s Bride (3)
So, I’m still working on the actual chapter while creating this tag list. Thank you all for showing interest. My wages have been paid.
So we are now wrapping up with the scene from @multifandomscribette and her posts “Gotham for Two”. I have spelunked through the works and found some of the original posts that inspired this what if in my brain before @mindfulmagics gave it a voice.
This post I am recommending “Fairy vs Angel” by @mochinek0 which really put this “huh I like this idea” bug in my head. Thank you. And Mademoiselle Mari by @inevitableenquere for helping to refine that bug. I am of course playing in this sandbox with very little “canon” knowledge...so here’s to having fun.
*Will be updating these with Hyperlinks as soon as I learn how :(
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
Chapter 3
Marinette froze at the order. Not from obedience but from disbelief. She turned in his grip to look at the man holding her. He wasn’t quite a man, being smaller than the others, though he was still much bigger than her petite frame, she figured he was about her age. About two months older exactly if her ears weren’t deceiving her.
The domino mask did a lot to hide his identity. Masking his features and hiding easy identifiers such as eye color. But her eyes skirted over the mask towards his hairline and there...
At the corner of his left eye, half hidden by the mask and his hair, was a small, light silvery scar that stood out stronger against his darker skin.
She knew that scar. She had been the one to give it to him when they were kids. His features blurred as tears filled her eyes.
The other bats shouted in alarm as the girl lunged into the youngest ones arms and, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she collapsed into sobs.
Batman and Red Hood stood in shock as their youngest was suddenly comforting a distraught girl. A girl who had minutes before been competently holding Red Hood and Red Robin in a veritable stalemate. That it was the youngest, who Hood still affectionately called Demon Spawn, doing the comforting was mind boggling.
Damian ignored his father and brothers as he focused on the girl in his arms. He knew he was facing an inquisition about this later, but right now he had Mari back. She was in his arms, crying her heart out, but alive. He didn’t know what miracle created this but he wasn’t going to question it. Not now.
Instead he tightened his grip on her as she sobbed about ‘him dying’ and ‘don’t wake up, please don’t wake up’ and focused all his senses on her, trusting that even if they didn’t understand, the rest of the Bats would have their backs in this moment. Damian buried his nose in her hair and yes, that was her smell, sugar and yeast and baking things and he had forgotten. How had he forgotten?
He blinked back the tears in his eyes, it was dust how dare you suggest anything else, and looked at Mari as she seemed to be calming down. She was looking back at him with eyes bluer than the bluest anything.
“What the Fuck, Demon Brat?” Jason broke the silence.
Mari flinched turning her attention back to the others. Standing she placed herself slightly between Damian and the others, not enough to block him from view (pft how could she, she’s so tiny?) but enough to obviously be a defensive move. With him squarely at her back.
Standing too, Damian just glared at Todd and his father who were the only one’s visible at the moment though he had no doubt Grayson and Drake were hanging out on the roof watching this. “Later,” he said to his father before grabbing Mari and the grappling gun from his belt. Firing it he tightened his grip on his personal angel and reeled it in pulling them away from the rest of the bat clan.
Mari didn’t say anything, just kept her hold on him as he bound across and between the rooftops of Gotham city. When he stopped he set her on her feet and, while waiting to see that she could stand on her own, he silenced his comms unit.
The two of them stood on a roof top in Gotham, city noises echoing off the buildings around them, staring at each other in silence. She was the first to break it.
“It really is you, isn’t it? I was told you died after...” she trailed off before starting over, “Please tell me this isn’t a dream and I’m going to wake up and you’re dead again?”
He frowned before removing his mask. Her eyes roamed over his face noting the changes time brought to the boy she remembered. His were doing the same, observing a face devoid of its baby fat, her eyes were red from crying but the blue was still a color he had no name for. He’d heard others compare them to precious stones or other flowery nonsense, but they were Mari’s eyes. They had no comparison.
“It’s me, Habibti,” he said taking the hand she lifted to trace over his features and held it against his cheek, “I’m real. Just as you are, and you’re here with me.”
They didn’t say anything more for a moment just relished that the other was here and alive. Taking a deep breath Damian took Mari’s hand and lead her to the edge of the roof where they sat so they could observe the city below them, the roofs around them and just talk.
“You didn’t expect to see me,” he made the observation first.
“No,” he didn’t expect an answer but Mari did anyways.
“So why are you In Gotham?”
“I’m on a field trip with my class,” she answered.
He frowned. Yes it had been years since he had seen her but she wasn’t usually so short with her answers. Long rambling dialogues were more her usual style. Unless she was hiding something?.
“Where is your class,” he asked as that thought came to him.
Mari sighed and frowned, not at him but more like she was unhappy with her answer. “They’re probably at the hotel by now.”
“Mari,” he growled. She glanced at him and he saw she could see he was So Done! with her evading the story.
She bobbed her head in understanding before turning to look at the city instead of at him. “I got left behind at the pizza parlor where we were having dinner and was walking back when someone started following me. I ducked into the alley and took him down before that friend of yours interfered. And well you know the rest from there.”
“Todd is one of my brothers.” He smiled at the memory of the scene he and Batman had entered to, “And I wish I could have seen you take him down, though seeing him held at gun point was a nice second.”
Mari rolled her eyes, “yeah well I don’t really think flipping and holding your brother hostage is going to endear me to him or any of them really. And should you be announcing their identities so casually?”
“Tt, it’s Todd’s own fault for underestimating you. Which I will point out every chance I get for the next year,” he smiled like the little brother with the good blackmail material he now was.
“I’ll ignore the fact you didn’t answer my question about identities. For now,” she said.
Damian smiled at her acknowledging he knew that she knew that he was avoiding that question.
“So now what,” she asked.
Damian looked up at the sky before answering. “I guess now it just depends on what you want to do?” He said.
Mari just looked at him waiting for him to explain.
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye before answering. “I can take you back to the hotel you’re staying at tonight. Tomorrow I come over and pick you up and we talk to the others over dinner.”
“Or...?” She asked.
“Or I can take you to the others now and we explain tonight,” he said.
Okay, hopefully I get everyone in this taglist. Oh my... I had to readjust this list since more people asked to be tagged before I could post. I’m hoping I’m catching you all. Let me know if I’m missing you still.
@zebrabaker @poshplumcot @tog84 @luciferge @sonif50 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @northernbluetongue @actual-disaster-human @clumsy-owl-4178 @aarushi-03 @bluerosette23 @g-arya @moonyloonyx @fertileleaf @shreky-boi @thanks-captain-obvious @mochinek0 @panda3506 @hinata3487 @thequestionablyhuman @dontgiveaflyinflip @dast218 @chocolatecatstheron @asianfrustration13 @slytherinsheashire @weird-pale-blonde-person @yin-390 @mycupisbroken @vixen-uchiha @kuroko26 @autisticlinx @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mariae2900
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writing-radionoises · 4 years
ship: mostly none, a side of odazai and shin soukoku
genre: emotional hurt/comfort
prompt: ango is gifted dazai's old coat, and decides to use his ability on it.
notes: tw for self harm and. mori things but you know
When Dazai had dropped off a black trenchcoat at Ango’s door, Ango was skeptical.
There was a note left on top of it, a green sticky note with Dazais messy handwriting.
Ango, Akutagawa recently gave this back to me. There’s a lot of bad memories that come with it, but a lot of good ones, too. I thought you might have fun with it.
Ango wouldn’t lie, he’d been staring at this jacket for years now, wondering what it’d be like to use his ability on it. It was a jacket passed through three generations now, chucked full of information. So many memories…
He knew there would be a lot of bad memories, the abuse Dazai and Akutagawa suffered was no secret from Ango. Though, he also knew that Dazai wore this jacket through the times when Odasaku was alive.
He barely took the thing off, he could probably document every moment of Dazai’s mafia days with this coat.
Such a thing would really only be useful to Ango, there’s no demand for information on Dazai since Ango has erased his identity.
Ango looked at the coat with furrowed brows, the ratty thing sitting in his lap as he sipped at what was probably his fourth cup of coffee that day.
Odasaku had loved writing, Ango remembers that. He remembers talking to Odasaku about his novel ideas.
Odasaku mentioned that one day, he’d liked to write an autobiography. Once he got out of the mafia, he wanted to write about his relationship with Dazai and Ango, about his children, his life as an assassin.
Now that he was gone, Ango thought about fulfilling that want for Odasaku. He was no writer, truthfully. He wrote reports, not novels.
Though, Odasaku lived a beautiful life. It deserved to be documented.
It would be a good way for Ango to truly uncover the secrets of the Port Mafia, too. To drive them into the ground like he always had wanted to do.
This coat could be the key to that.
Ango’s ability was the key to destroying the Port Mafia.
Ango set down his cup of coffee, closing his eyes as he pressed his hands against the black fabric.
Pain. He felt nothing but pain at the first touch.
Cracked ribs, broken arms, a heel against his back.
He felt blood pour out of his mouth, and Mori laughing above him.
Every second was agonizing, the overwhelming urge to cry bubbled within him, but nothing made its way to the surface.
Ango could hear the thousands upon thousands of thoughts in his head, over and over, telling him to kill himself, hurt himself, he’d be better off dead, and so much more.
This was the outcome of years of abuse at Mori Ogai’s hand.
The pain, the thoughts, and the urges.
Ango’s skin crawled against his will upon feeling hands on his shoulders, looking up to see Mori with a crooked smile on his face.
Things began to add up in his head. Every reaction Dazai’s had, every fear he’s expressed.
The pain subsided, became more livable as Ango found himself meeting up in a room with a taller, ginger man.
Odasaku, Ango could recognize his face anywhere.
Odasaku introduced himself, and hesitantly shook Ango’s hand.
Odasaku’s smile was enough to light up the whole room, it felt like placing a bandaid over the pain tearing Ango apart.
Ango meets himself in these memories, Dazai having walked over to him and placed a file on his desk during their mafia days.
Ango remembers this moment well, the day when he and Dazai met. Their friendship was hesitant, they were nothing more than coworkers for a while as Ango removed himself from any connections in the mafia.
He would betray them later, and it was better to remove the pain all together.
It was until Odasaku forced his way into Ango’s life, with Dazai in tow. He’d throw open the door to Ango’s office every other day, ask if Ango would like to go to the bar with them, ask them to get lunch together, all sorts of things.
Ango refused everytime except once.
Odasaku asked if Ango would like to come over to his apartment with Dazai, have tea and coffee for a little bit.
Ango, exhausted by work and tired of Odasaku pestering him, gave in. He remembers sitting in the front seat of Odasaku’s car, Dazai in the back seat as Odasaku blasted some sort of J-pop song that Dazai seemed to adore.
Ango couldn’t help but smile.
Ango feels the perspective of the memories shift, it’s less about Dazai’s suffering and more about all three of them. It feels like Ango standing off to the side while he watches his younger self have fun.
He’s in Odasaku’s apartment when Dazai turns on the J-pop again, prompting Odasaku to offer a hand to Dazai and swing him around in dance.
There’s laughing and smiling, and eventually Odasaku pulls Ango into dancing with him, too.
They end up all holding hands in a circle, spinning around like children, and Odasaku pulls both Dazai and Ango to his chest.
They’re friends, they’re best friends.
Ango feels a frown tug at his lips.
He’d give anything in the world to be back in this moment.
To be calling Dazai and asking where they were heading tonight, debating over whose apartment was the cleanest.
To be driving a drunk Dazai home in his shitty minivan, the radio playing soft jazz music as Dazai set his head against the window and rambled about just anything on his mind.
To be sitting outside the bar and offered a cigarette by Odasaku, refusing kindly as they make small talk.
It hurts to think about.
Ango finds the scene shifting from Odasaku’s apartment to Ango’s former apartment. He watches Odasaku bust down the door and cause Ango to drop his plate, shattering it against the tile.
Dazai is bleeding, horizontal cuts down his unbandaged wrists, and spitting blood with his mouth from his place is Odasaku’s arms.
“Can you help?” Odasaku asked, “I can’t stitch wounds very well.”
Ango nods firmly, and Odasaku moves in to set Dazai on the floor. Ango rushes to grab his first aid kit.
This was the first time Ango had ever been confronted with Dazai’s suicidal tendencies.
He remembers cleaning up the self harm wounds, stitching up the deep cuts as Odasaku tried to keep Dazai awake.
Dazai didn’t speak most of the night, and ended up staying at night at Ango’s place.
Odasaku refused to leave his side, and stayed too.
It was later that Night that Odasaku explained to Ango what exactly Dazai goes through when it comes to Mori.
Ango remembers throwing up in the bathroom for at least an hour afterward, thoroughly disgusted.
It was after that that Ango started being more mindful of how he approached Dazai.
Never from behind, announce his presence, avoid hands on the shoulders, avoid touching his sides.
Ango finds himself in an alleyway, with Dazai picking up a younger version of Ryuunosuke Akutagawa bridal style, and Gin by his side.
Akutagawa was weak, blood stained down the front of his shirt from coughing. He was sick, skinny, clearly dehydrated.
Gin was a little better off than him, a medical mask over her face, and a little more of a sturdy frame than her brother.
They walk through the alleyway, Dazai murmuring reassurances to the young child in his arms that he would be okay.
Gin held onto Dazai’s coat firmly, determination in her eyes as she followed the older man.
Ango turns his head, and Odasaku is on the other end of the alleyway, his car parked not too far off, with his keys in hand.
Ango’s fingers curled up into his palm, nails digging into his palms.
It was hard to think that this Dazai, the one who was holding Akutagawa in such a protective manner and trying to save him, later would try to kill Akutagawa time and time again.
Ango still isn’t sure why he tried to do that. He isn’t sure if Odasaku ever knew.
Ango watches Dazai place Akutagawa in the car, and Gin follow in shortly afterwards.
Weeks fly by, like wind against Ango’s hair as he watches everything fast forward in front of him.
He watches Dazai hand both Odasaku and Ango rainbow braided bracelets, the bracelet that Ango still has on to this day.
He watches Dazai shake in fear in front of Mori.
He watches Dazai end up at the bar with him and Odasaku almost every night.
He watches Dazai accompany Odasaku out on Christmas to deliver presents to Odasaku’s children.
He watches Odasaku and Dazai share their first kiss, watch them hold each other closely as Dazai sobs into Odasaku’s jacket.
Ango finds himself reverting his eyes, these memories are too personal for him to really see.
He doesn’t want to intrude on Dazai’s privacy, his and Odasaku’s relationship meant so much to him.
It’s not for Ango to see.
Memories start to become more and more familiar to Ango. The night when Ango showed up to the bar late, coming in with a box of traded belongings.
They snap pictures together, trade smiles and laughs.
It was their last night together.
Their last night as friends.
More and more memories fly by, the perspective shifts slowly from a third person point of view back to Dazai’s.
Dazai suffers more and more, and Ango is forced to watch Odasaku in his final moments.
“Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same, become a good man. Save the weak, and protect the orphans. Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know... but that'd make you at least a little bit better.”
Ango wants to look away, but is unable to.
The pain returns.
Ango watches his younger self disappear from Dazai’s memories, he watches Akutagawa slowly become the center of the memories. He watches Dazai abuse Akutagawa, hurting him in as many ways possible.
Ango knows it’s an outlet for Dazai. He’s in so much pain, he has to cause pain for someone else.
To relieve his pain, he has to pass it on.
And eventually, Dazai leaves the memories, too.
The coat becomes Akutagawa’s.
The perspective is not Akutagawa’s, though. It never is. Ango finds that everything Akutagawa does is never really for himself, he has no regard for himself.
He stands off to the side as Akutagawa frantically searches for Dazai, watches Akutagawa go home and cry himself to sleep.
He watches Akutagawa become a shell of a human being, and a killing machine for the mafia.
Ango watches Kyouka come into the picture, and then Atsushi, and then eventually, Dazai returns to the picture.
He looks different, much happier and not suffering as much.
Ango watches Akutagawa’s journey to slowly feel human again, to realize he isn’t a tool for destruction.
He watches Akutagawa actually fall for Atsushi, struggle with his feelings, struggle with relationships.
Gin was such a background character in Ango’s life, in Dazai’s life, that it’s a surprise to see her become such a huge part of Akutagawa’s life. He confides in her, holds her close, and protects her at all costs.
All his regard for himself instead goes into Gin, Akutagawa would willingly give his life for his little sister.
Eventually, Ango watches Akutagawa join the agency. He’s at Kunikida and Dazai’s wedding, he watches Dazai and Akutagawa reconnect, he watches Akutagawa struggle to cope, and watches the agency celebrate birthdays and holidays like a family.
Ango watches Akutagawa shed the black trenchcoat, the one that was once Dazai’s, and give it back to him.
And sooner or later, the trenchcoat ends up back with Ango.
The scenery fades around him, and Ango blinks as he’s back in his apartment.
His brain is flooded with information, with memories, and pain.
He blinks hard, curling his fingers into his palm again as Ango quickly grabs a notepad from off of his coffee table and begins to write.
My name is Ango Sakaguchi, and I am a former Port Mafia spy with an ability to read the memories left by certain items.
I’m writing this to document the beautiful life of my friend, Oda Sakunosuke, and to bring down the Port Mafia in my other friend’s honor.
Osamu Dazai, if you’re reading this, this is for you.
Ango smiles softly, and continues to write.
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