#what a piece of shi t
hairmetal666 · 8 months
They start kissing on stage as a joke.
The night before the first time, they're at an afterparty, pounding shots, and Eddie is reading aloud a piece that just came out in Rolling Stone. "'One of the most noteworthy parts of Munson and Harrington's unlikely pairing is their chemistry on stage. It's like these two men--one on his way to being the latest metal god, the other an indie rock wunderkind--are two parts of one musical whole. Their singing, their playing, even their bodies twine and flow with assuredness; where one goes, the other follows without question. They share a single brain-cell and that cell is music'."
Steve giggles, pours some more Grey Goose into the glass. "If they say that now, could you imagine what would happen if we, like, kissed on stage or something."
"What the fuck, Harrington?" Eddie splutters, having just thrown a drink back.
"I don't know, other bands do it!"
Eddie snorts. "I'm cutting you off." He reaches for the bottle and the suggestion is forgotten for wrestling over the liquor.
Steve barely remembers it in the morning. Doesn't think about it at all as he gets ready to go out on stage.
They're playing one of the instrumental breakdowns when it happens. They're leaning into each other, Eddie smiling over his shoulder at him, their eyes locked, bodies moving together. "You wanna?" Eddie mouths at him.
Steve nods before the question actually registers and by then Eddie's warm, soft mouth is against his and he just-- completely forgets what he's doing. His hands still on the guitar strings, and he melts a little, going completely boneless when Eddie grips the back of his head, pulls him deeper into the kiss. t's over almost as quickly as it started, Eddie pulling away and swirling to the mic to start the next verse.
The kiss sinks into Steve's bones, and that's before it becomes a regular feature of their performances. After that night, they're never at the same time during the show, all initiated by Eddie, all over before he can catch his breath; each one chaste and surrounded by people but somehow more intimate than any make out.
He and Eddie, they're friends, bandmates, collaborators. They've known each other since they first started out, forging an immediate connection with they stumbled upon each other hiding out in the garden at some industry bigwig's party. And as much as he loved his friend, never once in that time had Steve considered wanting Eddie.
But now, now he falls asleep with the ghost of Eddie on his lips, goes into each show with a thrum of anticipation, catches himself thinking how beautiful his friend is when he's all rumpled and disheveled from a night in the tour bus bunks.
They've always been easy with physical affection, but once the kissing starts they're constantly in each other's space, idly playing with hair, laying across laps, heads on shoulders, twisting together on the tour bus couch. Steve is ruined with every touch, every moment; he can't get enough.
The first time Eddie uses tongue destroys every last piece of Steve's composure. They've added a new song to the setlist, a remixed version of Eddie's hit "Prince Charming". It's hard, heavy, sexy, one of Steve's favorites. And in the middle of it, right in the middle, Eddie shoves him against a low platform, kisses him like he's trying to own him, tongues twining eager and wet and full of sinful promise. It's like that every show after, Eddie kissing him deep and thorough, like he's trying to lick up every drop of Steve.
He is, unquestionably, fucked. Unquestionably falling. Can't properly fathom how he'd gotten himself here, desperate for Eddie's kiss, as performative as it may be.
They're packing up equipment after a show. Eddie's hair is piled in a messy bun and Steve is trying not to blatantly stare at the curve of his neck, the stray curls against his pale skin. Eddie's gesturing at something, says, "Can you grab those cords, swee--Steve?" He hands them over without thought, notices that Eddie's face is shining red. He's called away to deal with packing the guitars, forgets all about it, but at their next show, Eddie doesn't kiss him.
They don't talk about it.
Eddie doesn't try to kiss him again.
A week after Eddie stops the kiss, they have a night off between shows. He needs to get out of his head, goes out with Robin. He gets back fairly early, but all the lights are off in the bus. It makes him panic in a way it shouldn't; they've always done their own things. Still, he rushes on board, flips on the lights, his absurd heart beating too hard.
Eddie is curled up on the couch, face pressed to the pillows and covered with his hands. The panic kicks up a notch.
"Eddie?" He steps closer, slowly reaching out to grip Eddie's shoulder.
He jerks upright, earbuds slipping free, phone sliding down his hip. "Steve?"
His face is wet, tears actively slipping free from his eyes as Steve watches.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" His hands flutter around Eddie's arms and face, searching for bruises or wounds.
"I'm fine, Harrington," he chokes out. "Though you were out with Robin?"
"Yeah, I was, but Chrissy called. You know how useless she gets. But that doesn't--you--you're crying. What's wrong?"
Eddie's smile is a wobbly little thing, refusing to stick on his face. "Oh, you know, the usual. Fell for the wrong guy."
Steve forces down the gut churning hurt at hearing that Eddie's in love with someone, intent on comforting his friend. He tries to slip his arm around Eddie's shoulders, but Eddie shrugs him off. It jostles Eddie's phone again, slipping it toward Steve and activating the screen. He has a split second where he's looking at the cover of his own first album, before Eddie's snatching it out of reach, scrambling up from the couch.
"I'm fine." He swipes his sleeve over his face. "It's nothing."
And Steve is putting it all together, the being in love and listening to Steve's music, the kissing and how it ended.--
"Eddie." He sounds all wrong, choked and garbled.
Eddie doesn't turn around, is stuffing his feet into his boots. "I'm--I gotta go clear my head."
He walks towards the door and Steve just--"I've been obsessed with you since the first kiss," he says. Eddie stops, hand curled against the door. "We've been friends all this time and I didn't--I never realized. And then we kissed and--it's all I've been able to think about."
Eddie turns then, facing him, expression unreadable."Steve, what are you--"
"I love you. I'm in love with you." It comes out fast, all jumbled, but he can't stand Eddie leaving, not now.
"You--?" Eddie blinks, bites his lip. "That's not possible."
Steve smiles, can't help it. "It is, though. Turns out, I can't get enough."
Their eyes lock; neither speaks. Steve's heart pounds so hard it might spring free of his chest. Eddie moves first, crosses the small distance between them to pull Steve into his arms.
It's not a kiss, but Steve buries his face against Eddie's neck, breathing him in, feeling the echo to the pound of his own heart. "How long?" Steve asks.
Eddie's soft laugh vibrates through him. "Since I saw you walking in that garden and thought, 'jesus christ, Prince Charming is real'."
Steve pulls away to stare at Eddie in disbelief. "But that's--your--the song?"
"They're kinda all about you, Stevie. But that one most of all." Eddie whispers. His eyes glisten.
"Fuck, Eddie." He doesn't mean to whine, but he's not in control of his voice anymore. "I'm sorry I didn't--" He shakes his head. "I'm all yours, Ed. Whatever you want."
Eddie's thumb catches against Steve's bottom lips, eyes transfixed on his mouth. "Everything, sweetheart. I want it all."
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giddyfatherchris · 1 month
My coquette channie
pairing. bang chan x gn!reader
type. not requested, fluff fluff fluff
warnings. none
w.c. 800
a/n. i just needed to get this tiny scenario out of my head :) also credit to @bloskz on ig for the picture in the middle that sprouted this whole idea in my nuggin
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(photos are not mine! credit to owners!)
"But whyyyyyyy"
“You don’t have to know why! Just trust me. I have a vision.” you added with a mischievous smirk.
His back collided with the sofa cushions, his large hands covering his face to hide the shy smile on his lips. “My biceps aren’t big enough to do that it’ll just look silly.”
Your mouth gaped open. “Christopher. You are such a LIAR.” You dropped between his sprawled legs and crawled to wrap your hands around one of his defined arms. “Look at the size of THAT. And you’re not even flexing!”
“Stop exaggerating!” he giggled again. It always made him incredibly shy when you complimented him, which was a problem since you never ran out of good things to say about him and never refrained from telling him to his face.
You pouted, attempting to get him with pity but nothing would do. “Okay,” you sighed. “if I tried to explain it a little, would you maybe be more open to it?”
“…Maybe,” he answered in a high-pitched tone.
“It’s something I saw on Instagram the other day and I've been obsessing over it ever since.”
His eyes narrowed, “What thing?”
“Something…” you shied away from his gaze. “I'm not sure anymore if my telling you will help my case.”
With his elbows on his knees, he leaned until he was inches from your face. “Now you really caught my interest.”
“It's something STAY posted… about needing to put a ribbon on your bicep.”
Loud laughter echoed in the room as he fell against the couch, grabbing at his sides. “My STAYS posted that???”
“The picture of you they used is so…" you groaned in absence of better words to describe the effect it had on you. "And your biceps looked nice and I mean… you’re my boyfriend so I can actually do it!”
Chan’s laughter was uncontrollable, he smooched his face in the pillow in an attempt to stop it, only for it to sound slightly muffled.
You sat back on your shins with a pout watching your boyfriend as he laughed until his eyes filled with tears he wiped with his thumb.
"Will you feel really grateful if I let you do this?"
You watched him sigh, and wipe his eyes with his hands before he moaned in defeat. "Alright give me the damn ribbon."
You squealed and ran to your room to bring back with the biggest grin a piece of baby pink ribbon.
Chan giggled again at its sight but benevolently lifted his hoodie over his head to allow you to do your little experiment. You smiled appreciatively at the sight of the tight black t-shirt he was wearing underneath. He would look almost exactly like the picture.
"I'm not sure I can wrap it around on my own though."
"No worries, I got it."
Sinking again between his legs you focused on your task, delicately wrapping the thin piece of fabric on his soft skin. A permanent giddy smile shone on your face. You knew what you envisioned would be coming true in a second.
"You're really enjoying this uh?" he teased.
You nodded and hummed, too focused on making the perfect little bow on his skin. You carefully tightened the thread and backed away to look at the finished product.
Chan looked at his arm incredulously. "Was this really all you wanted to do?"
He didn't understand what was so important for you about this but the look he saw on your face when he lifted his eyes answered all his questions. Your cheeks were positively glowing pink, your gaze fixed on his ribboned bicep.
"Uhm," you licked your lips. "Could you cross your arms?"
The timid tone of your voice was the only thing that kept him from teasing you more. He obliged without a word, "Like this?"
You nodded, your eyes glued to his biceps. You always loved Chan’s arms but never thought this sight would light such a fire inside you. There was something so transfixing about such a powerful man with a tiny pink ribbon on his arm. It was so paradoxical it made you shiver.
He wiggled in his seat, suddenly shy under your gaze. "Don't just stay there, you're making me nervous," he whined.
You moved over to sit on his lap, your fingers softly tracing the ribbon on his skin. "Satisfied with your experiment?"
"Very. It ended up even better than I could have imagined. STAY would faint if they could see this." He giggled, ever the shy man. "But there's no way I'm letting anyone else see this." You bent down to kiss the plump skin of his bicep, eliciting shivers from his skin. "My coquette Channie," you whispered and this time it was on his cheek that a pigmented pink color spread.
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harmeu · 10 months
omg you write for tcgf!!! your work is so good! would you consider doing pei ming, shi qixan, my qing and feng xin reaction to their (god/dess but non-martial god) crush getting hurt protecting them?
          A Scar Opened
(TCGF Characters React To Their Crush Getting Hurt Protecting Them)
Tw: Blood, Cursing
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Pei Ming:
The infamous womanizer Pei Ming. He is known for sleeping with women, making them love him, then brutally dumping them with no remorse whatsoever. (At least he pays child support.) You from the moment you walked in hand him on a hook. You weren’t a Martial God but were still a God that got his attention greatly.
Oh he just wanted to make you his. You being aware of his so-called title brushed his advances away. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you hated him completely. Pei Ming also got desperate. 
He found out what he was feeling wasn’t lust but love. He loved you. He had a crush on you. He still hasn’t accepted it and is trying to remove this so-called “crush” by hanging with even more women.
You both were in the main palace of the Emperor Jun Wu talking about a future mission in the mortal realm you two had to do until something caught your eye. 
A spear blowing fast through the air about to hit Pei Ming. His back was faced to it and he seemed oblivious till you pushed him away causing you to get scarred on the chest. Blood dripped and slid down. 
Pei Ming was mortified as he realized the situation and quickly checked where the spear came from.
“What in the heavens is going on?!” He yelled in a pissed off tone but concern was evident for you. 
“T-this is kind of painful.” You utter out clutching your chest tightly.
“Shit.” Pei Ming mumbled and picked you up bridal style rushing you to a nearby medic. “Were you protecting me?” His eyes softened. 
“Didn't want you getting hurt, you know?” You smile weakly.
“I won’t let this happen to you ever again. I’ll slaughter the asshole who did this.” He looked down holding you tightly.
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Shi Qingxuan:
(Male Form)
The Wind Master, Shi Qingxuan. Known for his outgoing personality and bubbly appearance. First time you met them was on a mission you two got assigned together. Ever since then Shi Qingxuan had developed a crush on you.
He didn’t know why. Your beauty? Your personality? Your kindness? He doesn’t know. Though wherever you go he will cling to you like a little bat. It's cute and annoying at times.
“Oh you're going? Lemme come with!”
“If you're heading that way, so am I!”
“If you're in I’m in!” 
Adorable really. 
How did things go wrong today?
You two were making small talk and then from the corner of your eye you saw a pillar about to fall onto Shi Qingxuan. You couldn't save the both of you so you pushed Shi Qingxuan hard away making him yelp while a piece of the pillar slashed your arm.
Blood poured to the floor as you panted in pain.
“W-whats going on!?” The colour drained from Shi Qingxuans face as the situation slapped him.
“A pillar..hah..broke.” You were out of breath from the sudden attack on your arm and fell backwards till Shi Qingxuan caught you throwing you up into a piggyback ride.
“You need medical attention. Stat.” He said sternly, holding onto your legs tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck trying not to fall.
“It’s..ow.” You mumble burying your head into his shoulder.
“Shush! No talking. I can’t believe you did that for me.” He smiles to himself but then goes back to strict. “I swear when I find the person who did this they won't ever see the light of day ever again.”
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Mu Qing:
(God Form)
General Xuan Zhen, Mu Qing. He’s known for being an amazing Martial God as well as an amazing medic. (Two in one ig) He’s hard to approach from his rude personality. Though he isn’t really rude just closed off and thinks other emotions are weaknesses in ways.
As soon as you got introduced he had fallen in love with you. The 800 year old virgin actually fell in love. What a surprise to say. Though he believes that love is just a level higher than hate. Everytime you speak to him he gives you short and rude answers.
Though in reality he absolutely adores it when you talk to him. Keep talking to him. No matter how much he disses. Continue. He also glares at others who talk to you. 
He’s jealous. 
You were complementing Mu Qing on his skills, making him blush furiously.
“Are you making fun of me?” He says with a hiss. Though before you can respond you see a blade breaking through a window heading for Mu Qing. He couldn't see it since his back was faced to it and you quickly pushed him hearing him curse.
The blade instantly slashed your waist making you cough in pain and shut your eyes.
Mu Qing’s eyes widened in horror as his teeth clenched in aggravation.
“Who the hell did this?” His eye twitched as he got up and went to you to see how bad your wound was.
“Ouch. It hurts.” You say quietly.
“I know it does. Bare with me.” Mu Qing being a medic began healing you with a yellow glow cursing under his breath.
You hugged his arm softly, clearly not in a good state, making Mu Qing tense, then soften up and stroke your head unconsciously.
“Can’t wait to find the insect who did this.” 
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Feng Xin:
(God Form)
General Nan Yang, Feng Xin. Known for his heated temperamental problems and great strength as a Martial God. He’s more on the aggressive side and will not hesitate to harm the bad. (Or people who piss him off more than they should be) This man does not look like one to have a crush but that changed when you joined.
His heart began beating faster and his face flushed as he kept looking at you. Though sadly like Mu Qing he tends to be rude when you talk to him. Though when you catch him off guard he’ll just freeze dumbfounded while a huge blush creeps up on his cheeks.
He loves you deeply but won't admit it. At least he hasn’t gaslighted himself into thinking he just hates you a lot. 
You were trying to ask Feng Xin about questions on Ghost City but he kept saying that he shouldn't tell you anything.
“Why should I tell you? What's in it for me?” He mumbles irritatedly but was secretly happy you were talking to him. You, having good hearing senses, could hear glass shards and looked up to see it falling. About to fall onto Feng Xin.
You couldn't pull Feng Xin from the immense power difference and pushed him, making him create a confused face till his face dropped as the glass shards sliced your arms repeatedly.
“Ow.” You say to yourself looking at the blood pooling down your arms like a river.
“What the fuck just happened?” Feng Xin says going to you and grabbing your arms roughly.
“I-I don’t know. Someone must have messed with the glass sculptures.” You wince as the pain got greater.
“Tch.” Feng Xin mumbled and picked you up like a potato bag gripping your thighs hard so you wouldn't fall as a blush made its way to your face.
“Is this necessary.?” You mumble.
“Yes.” He says holding your thighs even tighter ears going red.
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izzabela · 4 months
Seeking Peace - Tomas (+ slight Bi Han) x fem!reader
in which fate turns out a bit differently, and Bi Han seeks peace with you and his family
ship[s]: tomas x reader, bi han x reader (past)
warnings: mayhaps a bit of angst, no "y/n" bullsh!t
This will be a long-ish one, so be prepared
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You happily walk around the compound, humming a light tune as you stroll through the large home. The wind brushes against the trees softly, the leaves rustling quietly. You can hear the grunts and and shouts of Shirai Ryu initiates in the distance, training hard under the tutelage of either Harumi, Kuai Liang, or Tomas.
Ever since the issue of Shang Tsung, Titan and current timeline, the soul stealers, Armageddon, and the betrayal of Bi Han, things have changed greatly. Splitting from centuries of history, of family, was hard for Tomas and especially Kuai Liang. While Kuai Liang and Bi Han were related, Tomas wasn't, yet he still missed his eldest brother, yearning for his redemption.
However, family still prevailed with the creation of the Shirai Ryu, named after Kuai Liang's wife, Harumi Shirai. She proved a valuable teacher, a wonderful wife, and great friend to you and Tomas. Yet, it could not replace the missing piece of your former beloved.
In the past, when the mission to try and take Shang Tsung into questioning took place, you waited patiently at the Wu Shi academy with Geras, Liu Kang, and the rest the champions of Earthrealm. While they did not know of you, you knew of them due to Bi Han's story of Liu Kang's test. With worry, you paced around the room and your pace quickens, the only calm being Geras's warm hand on your shoulder.
Suddenly, the sound of the portal at the entrance of the academy captured your attention, and all of you rushed to meet the three assassins, but your eyes only saw two.
"Kuai Liang, what is the meaning of this?!" You screeched, your daggers drawn at him, "Why are you two only here? Where is Bi Han?!"
You remember the memory well. Tomas and Kuai Liang took their masks off, and you saw Kuai Liang's scar over his left eye. Tomas's eyes were filled with sadness, and he walks to you weakly before engulfing you in a warm, solemn bear-hug. That was all you needed before you dropped your weapons, accepted his hug, and sobbed into his arms.
You shake your head at the memory, a bit confused over the sudden resurfacing of a memory you thought you had buried and gotten over. You sigh and continue walking, only to be surprised with Tomas's magic. He manifested right in front of you, a bright smile on his face. You're shocked, but you welcome it with an equal action, your eyes crinkle with delight.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, darling husband?" You ask playfully, poking his chest.
He chuckles lightly, "My duties of teaching have been overtaken by sister-in-law, so I decided to find my own darling."
You blush at his flattery. After the events of the old fortress, the betrayal of your ex, Tomas's presence was a great help to you. He kept his distance while you grieved the loss of your former husband, but as you began to heal, his intentions for your heart came bursting forth like fireworks. Wary, you accepted them slowly, and him respecting your boundaries. Overtime, though, your heart warmed again and you began to love him wholeheartedly.
You wrap your arm around his, and walk with him around the compound. You talk about the mundane topics of your new lives: the mention of the initiate Hanzo Hasashi, plans against the Lin Kuei's plots, and what you, Tomas, and the other couple will enjoy for dinner.
Unfortunately, your conversation was cut short as a scout ran up to you and Tomas. He comes with urgency, bowing before he speaks.
"Do not be alarmed, Tomas, sir, but we've received an unprecedented report that...."
You look at him with a tilted head, "Well? What did you have to tell us?"
The ninja looks sheepishly to the side, "Well... your brother, Bi Han, is presently at the front of the compound. No one is by his side, and our scouts surveyed the area that no other Lin Kuei have been spotted within five kilometers of the compound."
You both look at each other and immediately rush to the front, not forgetting your salutations to the ninja. You can feel Tomas's gaze at you, worried and a bit jealous. You don't bother to look at him, though, as emotions you had buried, forgotten, and locked away now bubbled and brewed.
You were spared the sight of Bi Han's capture, the ninjas of the Shirai Ryu bringing him into the courtyard. At Kuai Liang's order, all initiates and staff left the area, retreating to their rooms and private quarters, leaving Bi Han at the mercy of his younger brother, Harumi, Tomas, and you.
Bi Han kneels at the sight of all four of you, his hands bound behind him, his head down, and mask gone. Your heart breaks at the sight, but he had brought this upon himself when he made his choice all those years ago. You feel Tomas's warm, calloused hands intertwine with yours as you face your former lover.
You hiss at him, drawing your daggers towards him "What brings you here, Bi Han? And unarmed? Do you have a death wish?!"
You notice how his eyes are tired, bags dragging them down. There are signs of his stress and aging, the lines over his forehead and mouth area. He looks up at you, and you can see how his eyes change every so slightly, his guard down for once.
"Cyrax and Sektor had betrayed me- I killed them and the Lin Kuei's forces have dwindled to less than half."
You're all shocked, turning to each other to try and understand what you all will do next. You turn back to Bi Han, his eyes remaining on yours.
Kuai Liang speaks this time, "Why tell us then? You made your choice many years ago... why seek us out for such a confession?"
"I come to tell you this because... of reflection," he admitted, his gaze turning away and facing his brothers.
You scoff, frustration transforming into pure anger as you lunged towards him, your daggers at each side of his neck. The cold metal presses into Bi Han's neck lightly, nicks of blood slowly spilling out.
"Have you gone mad?! Reflection?! After what you had done?! To your late father, your brothers... to me! I should have your blood spilled with this nonsense!"
Tears form in your eyes, and through your blurry vision, you see Bi Han's face morph into the rare emotion of sadness and regret.
"What you had done to me," you begin, voice shaky, "What you had done to all of us! You betrayed your family, broke my heart... and you think 'reflection' will help you seek peace?!"
Tomas runs up to you and quickly takes your arms to hold you back, picking you up and taking you away from Bi Han. You're taken aback by Tomas's actions, kicking and writhing in his strong grip, trying to get your vengeance.
"Darling please! We must hear brother out! Look at him- he comes to us without ill-intent! You heard the ninja before, a five kilometer radius and no sign of Lin Kuei."
Kuai Liang sits him up, which Bi Han takes this time to continue, "I had long wished for our clan to do more: more power, ambition, leadership. Our manpower could be used more than just defense, but in offense, in bringing Earthrealm to heights it had not seen in ages, eons even."
He turns to Kuai Liang, "Brother, I should have heeded your words, listened to your warnings. After Cyrax and Sektor stabbed my back, I thought about the both of you. A fool I have become, only realizing the gravity of my actions when I was in your place."
With you still in Tomas's grasp, the men look amongst themselves and communicate through silence and hopeful understanding. You couldn't help but look at Bi Han, who looks helpless as he pleads with his kin.
He took this opportunity to speak again, "I took a gamble coming here, plotting my own path to meet you. Now that I have, I offer my own olive branch- a beginning to peace amongst one another, amongst our clans."
You became still in Tomas's arms, listening to the shocking revelation of a real, heartfelt apology. Was this the same man that scarred Kuai Liang, that insulted Tomas's birthright, that broke your heart those years ago?
You yield to Tomas, tapping his arm to let you go. He does so, warily, and watches as you come around Bi Han's back, past Kuai Liang, and untie his arms. You do not help him up, though, and watch him as he comforts the ache in his wrists. He turns to you and offers a slight nod, his eyes glimmering with hope and the slightest hint of change.
In front of Bi Han, you watch as Tomas and Kuai Liang approach their traitor brother carefully. Tomas is the first to bear his true feelings, throwing his mask away to the pebbled ground and tackling his brother into his famous bear hug. You don't hear a sound come from him, but you see his shoulders racking violently as he digs his head into Bi Han's shoulder. Awkwardly, he holds onto Tomas and pats his back softly.
Kuai Liang sighs, joining his brothers in the hug. The warmth his pyro magic provides creates a wave of comfort of all three of them, a peaceful mood amongst them. You visibly see Bi Han relax, feeling peace for the first time in years.
Bi Han slept separate from everyone, having slumbered away in the prison that stood in the depths of the forest near the compound.
You were the first to wake, sneaking out of yours and Tomas's shared room to see Bi Han in the holding cell. Arriving, you were taken to him and saw him meditating.
He never did that during your marriage. It seems he finally listened to your advice after all these years.
You sat in a chair in front of him, and his eyes open from his mediating trance. He takes in the sight of you fully, not knowing if this will be the first or last time he'll see you. Your beautiful hair fell over your face, framing it like a Renaissance piece. Your figure, despite covered in your kimono, looked healthy and full, proof that your marriage to Tomas was treating you better than Bi Han's ever did.
And, oh, your eyes. The color that seemed so dull during your time with him looks so much more colorful now. They seem to burst forth with a vibrancy that lacked with him. Tomas truly brought you back from the pits of the Netherealm.
"You look well," Bi Han mentioned softly, "The years apart from one another truly show."
You scoff, "It seems time did not treat as well."
He shrugs, a soft laugh leaving his lips, "As they say, it is not too late to learn."
He looks down just a bit to see a glimmer of metal on your ring finger, the symbol of unity once again on yourself. He subconsciously touches his ring finger, fiddling with the empty space that should have housed his promise to you.
"Is Tomas treating you well?" He asks, pointing to the ring on your finger.
You smile softly, also playing with your finger, "More than you can imagine. I never thought I could achieve such bliss once again."
He nods, "I am glad."
Silence engulfs you two once more, and Bi Han speaks (which is starting to freak you out).
"I know you may not forgive me, nor take me back, but believe me when I say I want peace. I want nothing more than to see us not at each other's necks, plotting death or downfall of one another."
You sharply inhale, closing your eyes to meditate on his words. While they pull your strings just a bit, you think about them, lingering on every word. You sensed no malice, a drop of anger, nor bloodlust from him, which puts you at ease.
"Bi Han," you began, "You must know I am a married woman once again."
He nods.
"While I will not take you back, nor forget the pain you've caused me and your brothers.... I will accept your offering of peace."
He lets a breath out, glad your choice was more positive than negative.
"It will take a long time for me to trust you again, an even longer time to forgive you, I believe you will achieve the absolution you desire..."
"Our paths may be separate," you continue, "but it does not mean we cannot traverse it together."
The entirety of the Shirai Ryu is behind you, Tomas, Kuai Liang and Harumi as you see Bi Han out of the compound the day after your prison visit. It's bright and early, the sun peaking over the hills that shroud the compound. He stands with Liu Kang, Earthrealm's protector, who was brought to Japan after Kuai Liang sent an alert to him.
Under Liu Kang's guidance and patience, he has agreed to help rebuild the honor and reputation of the Lin Kuei. Under the watchful eye of him, Geras, and Madame Bo, Bi Han will be relieved of his duties and retrain as an initiate, the first step of his redemption as a man, Lin Kuei, and grandmaster.
He utters not a word as he leaves the compound, only turning back to you and his family one last time before leaving. You can hear the gravel under his feet shift and move, his steps moving farther and farther away.
Tomas yells, "Brother~! I hope to see you again~!"
You turn to him and see him smile, and if you squint, you can see a ghost of a smile on Bi Han's face as he waves to his youngest brother.
"You look like a little kid waving to him," you point out playfully.
He turns beet red, his hand scratching the back of his neck, "Do I look that childish?"
You wrap your arm around his beefy one, leaning onto him. For some reason, you felt calm looking at the distant figure of Bi Han, no longer feeling anguish or pain at his sight. You sigh and lean into Tomas's arm.
"Are you alright, my darling?" he asks, "Do you need anything?"
You shake your head, "No, I am quite alright. In fact, I feel quite at peace right now."
He nods.
"Do you believe that Bi Han will achieve what he plans to do?" You ask gently, looking into the ashen man's eyes, "Do you believe in him?"
He nods confidently, "Brother is a stubborn man, but he is resilient. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."
Tomas's words confirm the feelings you harbored for Bi Han. While you two were no longer together, you hoped with great heart that he will honor his words. You smile happily, locking hands with Tomas and bringing it up to your mouth to kiss it briefly.
You meant every word you said to him that morning of the prison visit. While traveling this rocky road of change and forgiveness will be difficult, seeking this peace would be one hundred percent worth the toil.
guys I have never been so happy writing anything ever. MK1 and the entire cast is just so much fun to write for.
if yall can't tell, i love tomas vrbada with all my heart- he's just a pookie, cutie patootie. don't worry though, i'll write for more characters besides tomas and the lin kuei brothers
if you want to request something, please do! i'd love to test the limits of my writing and creativity
until next fic (which is probably really soon)
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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veryace-ficrecs · 4 months
Zuko Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
When in Doubt, Go to the Library by Returquoise - Rated T
"I am Wan Shi Tong, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things, and this is my library, my domain," he answered instead, "Who are you, mortal?" The boy hesitated but answered, "I... was Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. My... the Fire Lord has banished me, with no recourse to return." aka Wan Shi Tong adopts Zuko AU
5 times Zuko called the Avatar Grandpa… by SeleneMoon - Rated G
...and 1 time Aang asked why Hopefully updating every two days.
hello moon, it's me by chaoticsandstorm - Rated M
"There a lot of things about Zuko that the servants ignore. He is half-way between skins now. He shed the old one and hasn’t grown into the new one, trapped between worlds and skins and identities. Some days he feels more like Li the war-child refugee than Zuko, the Fire Lord." Zuko attempts to lead his nation into peace, kicking and screaming in protest. He discovers what it means to survive a war- and a childhood- that no one ever wanted or expected him to.
Scriven Me Softly by SensationalSunburst - Rated G
“It’s a piece of history,” He argued and she was, as always, shocked at the rolling gravel that flowed quietly from his mouth, “We must preserve it.” And Mae, who’d spent hours scrubbing the ghost of bloodied fingerprints from her brushes and days willing the scratch of pen to paper to drown out the sound of the Fire Princess's wailing; had looked at the child clutching ruined parchment to his chest and suddenly understood like a punch to the jaw why Prince Iroh had to be physically restrained from murdering his brother in cold blood. Or The early days of Firelord Zuko's reign as described by his Royal Stenographer.
blade of silver, forge of blue by MikkiOfTheAnbu - Rated T
“Blessed Spirit, we thank you for the gift of this child’s life. We are forever in your debt.” The whole village is kneeling now, even the tiniest toddlers flopped down on their stomachs doing their best approximation of a bow. “Please, won’t you give us a name to call you? We would like to properly express our gratitude.” Oh. Well shit. (Where Zuko saves a little Earth Kingdom girl from drowning, the villagers think he's a Spirit, build him a shrine, and long story short, a fake story about the Blue Spirit who dances with dragons suddenly becomes very real.)
Perfection is Overrated by JaggedCliffs - Rated G
For his first thirteen years, Zuko was raised in a palace. And yet somehow, it's the three years outside the Fire Nation that seem to count more – at least to the palace staff, who act like he's been raised by fox-wolves. At first, this only annoys Zuko. Until he begins to think that the Fire Nation needs more than a formerly-banished prince.
What the Fire Lord did to his Son by hearmerory - Rated T
Toph knew the story. Every Earth Kingdom child did. About how the prince of the Fire Nation had been burned in front of an audience of hundreds, and then sent away to sail Earth Kingdom waters on a pointless search. The Earth Kingdom knew the kind of man the Fire Lord was. And Toph knew the kind of boy the Fire Prince had been.
The Cavern and the Koi Pond by Rosie447 - Rated G
The last thing Zuko remembered clearly was being on the bridge in the North Pole, and losing his grip on the railing with the sudden realization that offering mercy to the man who’d thrown fire at his back the last time he’d beaten him was perhaps not amongst his best ideas. Or, Zhao takes Zuko's hand and pulls. The Spirit World is not entirely sure what to do with the unexpected stowaway.
How to Make a Spirit Fox by DevinePhoenix - Rated G
Everyone is born with animal features, a reflection of the spirit animal that represents their soul. Zuko is born as a fox in a royal family of cats. Also at some point he impersonates a spirit so well no one believes him when he says that he's not.
put the weight on me by orphan_account - Rated T
“I think he’s sick.” Bato says flatly. “So unless you want the next meeting to include the Fire Lord puking all over the budget scrolls, maybe see if he's okay?” Hakoda glances up the hallway, like perhaps Katara will appear and take over dealing with the prickly teenager. Of course, his daughter is off treating injured refugees with the Avatar, and Bato is still staring at him expectantly, arms crossed. “Fine,” He sighs, and he claps Bato on the cheek before heading into the room. Or: Zuko falls ill not long after Ozai's defeat. Hakoda sits with him and learns some unpleasant truths about his childhood.
fulminate by entropy_muffin - Rated T
The sun sets on the Day of Black Sun. The coronation is held at dawn.
We Are All Doomed by renegade_of_theworld - Rated G
Palace staff has VERY bad timing... they think that Fire Lord Zuko will kill them all. Zuko doesn't know what is going on. OR Palace staff gossips. And it looks like Fire Lord Zuko is worse than Ozai.
things lost in the fire by earlgreylover98 - Rated G
The wanted poster had the scar on the wrong side.
Maybe he didn’t care enough to look at the poster before it got sent out. Or maybe, Ozai didn’t actually remember which side of his son’s face he had burned off all those years ago. Zuko wasn’t sure what was worse. Ozai had know which side the scar was on. He had to remember. Right?
In which Zuko isn't sure Ozai knows which side of his face he burnt off and it sends him spiraling.
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peccatulum-b-gone · 4 months
Chicken Wing Detour
I´ll admit, I am not a picky eater, but when the opportunity to taste some juicy wings presented itself, I took it.
Bundling that with a bit of an investigation while present at K Corp. was my own initiative, so I shouldn´t complain, but I will, extensively.
Meeting Seiko of the Shi Association and her girlfriend again so soon was the highlight of this experience. Their expertise allowed us to slip into the underground hideout (not too different from the one I entered with Ryoshu recently) where a number of machines and bodies laid in pieces. Someone had cleared a path through the subterranean maze before us.
Our hopes weren´t high when it came to the missing Shi fixers, but the sounds of combat were enough to spur my companions to move faster. I followed suit, and I am glad that I did, otherwise this report might have ended on a far bleaker note.
We entered a laboratory of sorts, with blueprints, scrap metal and glass haphazardly strewn around. The space was only dimly lit, with majority of the light coming from a shimmering, colorful surface in the back of the room. The scene which it illuminated was nowhere as pleasant to look at.
A towering, muscular figure threw large shadows on the walls as his hands gripped the neck of a short blonde. What I determined to be her weapon, laid on the ground, next to a pile of blood-covered orange hair. The lost members of the Shi were found, but the situation was not remotely favorable.
Seiko and her girlfriend engaged the assailant immediately, as he had his back turned towards the corridor we came through. He threw the woman in his grasp to the ground. Seeing the state of the two, I did my best to quickly drag them away from the fight. Their injuries were severe, but nothing I haven´t seen in L Corp. I patched them to the best of my ability and went to rejoin my companions who weren´t doing so great, either.
"Another Shi fixer? If I didn´t know better I would´ve called this place infested." The Erlking laughed as he lifted his sword for a sweeping blow which would no doubt do some serious damage.
What I did was incredibly stupid, and I do regret it, but even if I was given the chance, I would not choose differently.
I loaded my crossbow with leftover extra spicy chicken. The pieces hit his eyes perfectly, delivering the sticky mixture of spice and grease right into his eyes. Before he could charge at me, murderous and partially blinded, he was stopped in his tracks, quite literally. Seiko´s blade cleaved through both of his legs in a clean arc, causing him to fall.
No further answers or revenge could take place, the Erlking reached into his coat and vanished before our eyes.
Looking closer at some of the bodies, there was a man wearing a… raincoat? He was breathing, shallowly, as he laid face-down on the ground. We turned him on his back, finding he appeared to be yet another mirror identity of Heathcliff. He asked us what had happened to the Erlking, and upon being informed that he has disappeared, Heathcliff´s body contorted… it is unclear what happened, it may have been distortion, it may have been something else, but his form morphed into some sort of a fox creature that promptly ran away, leaving behind just a few wet puddles and loose hair.
Signed, ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■, more widely known as SnakeHead
ERROR: Insufficient Disclosure Privileges. This information was hidden from you by the Hana Association
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daisyishedwig · 4 months
I have absolutely no excuse for the fact that my "Six Sentence Sunday" is fully 1,000 words long, other than that I wrote this scene in like thirty minutes and I love it and just want to share it all. Also, because this is a part of a sequel to a fic that I have barely started writing, by the time I post this for real, you all should have forgotten it existed
Anyway, enjoy some Hevans angst with a side of pining Blaine. Below a cut because, like I said, it's long.
When Blaine opens the door, it’s to Kurt thrusting a red and white jacket into his arms. “I need you to take this,” he says, and then rushes back to his car to collect a box, “and all of this.” He drops it in Blaine’s entryway and then shuffles quickly backwards like he’s scared it’s going to attack him.
Blaine gapes for a second and looks down at the jacket in his hands. He sees a large E and V on the back and carefully shakes it out until he can see the name Evans emblazoned on the back. Kurt bites his lip and a distressed whimper makes it’s way out. Blaine immediately rushes forward to comfort him, but Kurt shies away.
“Kurt,” Blaine says softly, “what happened?”
Kurt hugs himself and takes in a shaky breath. “I broke up with Sam.”
Blaine’s heart flutters in excitement and then promptly sinks into his stomach with guilt. Kurt’s heartbroken, and that’s easy to see, just because this means Blaine actually has a shot with him does not mean he should be glad for Kurt’s pain.
Blaine drops the jacket in the box and then goes to Kurt, wrapping him in as big of a hug as he can when he’s two inches shorter than him, standing on his tiptoes to do it. Kurt clutches at his back and sobs into his shoulder.
“What’d he do?” Blaine coos, rubbing soothing circles up and down Kurt’s spine.
“He didn’t do anything,” Kurt hiccups, “he’s perfect, like he always is. He’s kind, and he’s caring, and he’s understanding, and he’s beautiful, and I love him.”
Blaine’s heart clenches and he pulls away, settling his heels on the ground as he grasps Kurt’s biceps to push him back a step so he can look him in the eye. “I’m confused,” he says after a moment of studying Kurt’s face trying to piece it it all together.
Kurt rubs the back of his hand under his nose and Blaine pulls his handkerchief out of his pocket to give him. Kurt laughs for a second before his face crumples again. “He’s not coming back from Kentucky,” he says, “at least not before school starts. He doesn’t know when or if he’s gonna come back to Lima, and he’s hopeful he’ll be back here next year, but I’ll be in New York next year, so we still won’t be together, and who knows if he’ll want to come to New York when he graduates or if we’ll be stuck in the long-distance relationship forever, and what if I just want my boyfriend to be near me, okay?” Kurt rushes this all out in one breath and then takes a second, breathing heaving.
“Is that selfish?” he asks after a moment. “Am I terrible for calling it quits instead of sticking it out as it slowly breaks me?”
“No,” Blaine reassures, reaching up to cup Kurt’s cheek, “of course you’re not. And if Sam said you are–”
“But he didn’t!” Kurt cries, his bottom lip quivering. “He didn’t object at all, he just sat there, staring at me through a grainy web cam, all stoic and sad, and said ‘if that’s what’s best for you,’ didn’t even try to fight me on it!”
Blaine frowns. “So… you amicably broke up, because you wanted to, but you’re mad at him for not fighting with you over it?”
“Yes!” Kurt says throwing his hands in the air and knocking Blaine’s hands away from him. Blaine takes a startled step back as Kurt finally moves from his entry way and stomps angrily up the stairs to Blaine’s bedroom. Blaine follows and he swears Kurt waits for him to enter the room before he throws himself dramatically on the bed.
“If he doesn’t fight me on it, how do I know he even cared?!”
Blaine slumps in his desk chair, fighting back the fond smile he can feel creeping onto his face. “He could probably ask the same thing about you.”
Kurt sits up and glares at him. “So now you’re taking his side?”
Blaine holds up his hands in defense. “I’m not taking his side, I’m just pointing out that you’re… being a little hypocritical.”
Kurt huffs and collapses back on the bed, folding his arms over his chest. “Isn’t he supposed to like, try? Posit some grand gesture about how he’ll find a way back here, come hell or high water?”
“He’s sixteen, Kurt. We’re teenagers, we are held to the whims of our parents', and currently, his parents are in Kentucky, and would like him to be there with them.”
“You’re not subject to your parents' whims,” Kurt grumbles.
Blaine snorts. “My parents' whims are to leave me home alone, ‘house-sitting’,” Blaine makes air quotes, “while they spend the summer in Scotland. I’d, for one, love to be living in Kentucky with parents and siblings who remember I exist.”
Blaine watches Kurt deflate as his arms fall away from his chest and he fully starfishes on the bed. “But then you wouldn’t be here for me to complain to,” Kurt says and Blaine can still hear a slight pout in his voice.
Blaine sighs and stands up, crossing the room to kneel beside the bed. He takes the hand closest to him in both of his and holds it, staring at Kurt with the biggest puppy-dog eyes until he rolls his head to the side to look at him.
“And I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Blaine says, and kisses Kurt’s knuckles, glad to be rewarded with a small, if sad, smile. “You pick out what movie you want to cry to while I go hide the ‘Sam box’ away from you, okay? I’ll keep it safe until you want it back.”
Kurt frowns. “What if I never want it back, wouldn’t it be better to burn it?”
“You burn the stuff from bad exes, you hide the stuff from good ones, because one day you’ll want to look back and remember your first boyfriend.” Blaine stands up and holds out a hand to Kurt.
“You’ve never even been in a relationship,” Kurt points out, allowing himself to be pulled into a sitting position.
Blaine laughs. “Maybe not, but I have seen Gilmore Girls.”
“The ‘Dean-box’,” Kurt sighs.
“The ‘Dean-box’,” Blaine repeats and forces himself not to linger on the fact that Kurt hasn’t let go of his hand.
I'll tag @kurtsascot, @hevanderson, @fallevs, @cryscendo,
@backslashdelta, @calsvoid, and @lusthurts today!
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theoldoor · 25 days
fenrir lore maybe
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“those eyes, child. who did you steal from?”
left over crumbs of a thief
—- fenrir lore time :3
two thieves with weird ass eyes
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sooo fenrir lore timeee :3
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i wanted to make his eyes similar to that andalusite over there but keeping a cooler colors because, well, kiwis LOL
i was on a hiking trail and then i stopped by a kiwi stand and i was like “hold on that looked like fenrir’s eyes” and it actually works so well as his eyes cuz this is what i planned to make his eyes to be LOL
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but lore time,
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I rewrote fenrir’s lore a bit so his origin is a weebit different now,
>group of people following harmony decided to be evil and borrowed powers from the abundance to mix species together to in hope, make a superior humanoid and piss off the aeons
>kinda success but they gotta borrow powers from obsidian’s race (vampires and shi)
>they make a deal like “ok we throw all the waste babies to you to eat alr you vampies”
>fucked up chimera human babies thats get fed to the vampires like a bunch of them
>those that can function gets sold off
>getting more success and selling these fucked up chimera babies off/human trafficking cuz theyre versatile with genetics and shit
>commissioned by a big vampire family to fulfill their weird little fantasy story
>>”hey so i want you to make my family generation’s oc come alive but we this gotta follow this weird ritual too cuz its my family prophecy to piss off the harmony”
>the ritual involved a bunch of sacrificial babies and even more fucked up chimera babies and like 34 people died and have a part of them taken off to merge into this living thing
>weird ass abomination of a baby, barely functional
>”ok chat this is going well we need the last step who got the gems”
>”oh shit the gems is in another persons hand”
>so they went and stole the gem from obsidian’s family / at the same time making contract with this weird entity that has something to do with destruction path
>>”ok i give you gems but you gotta let me have a piece of that weird baby thing youre making too.”
>>”alright what do you want”
>>”give him horns and make him real sexy ok”
>>”i want to take him after the vampires died out and i dont want this ugly slug of meat in my basement”
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>with the power of destruction he became his beautiful entity that the family drooled on cuz how can someone be so angelic looking yet bear the traits of the devil? “DAAYUMMNN U FINE ASF BABYYY” “what im a literal baby” “we’ll wait for u to grow up” “w h a t t h e f u c k”
>>”hi im daughter i will be your mom but i am like 6 years older than you”
>>”ok i will expect you for love and attention”
>>”sorry i am being manipulated by my own family so i disregards my actions even though i knew its wrong but i seek comfort in it”
>>”ok your actions are normal to me”
>>’thanks son”
>>abusive family can provide a roof, they provide all the physical necessities for him to live but shunned him out until theyre bored and they wanna play (like a pet lolol)
>live with the rich family as a premium house pet now but doesnt realized it CUZ BRO HE WAS A KIDD
>before he was frail so he has to rely on understanding ppl to get attention, develop weird obsession w it. became close with other servants/slave of the said family.
>ok but grow strong and now physically capable harhar
>put through extensive training and shii so he grew even more desperate and attached to the family out of fear
> other servants jealous GET HIS ASS!!!
> oh shit the daughter is doing smth
> fenrir gets more scared and overly dependent on the daughter cuz in his eyes she was the figure he could rely on
>the daughter’s mental conditions gets worse and she wanted her moms attention too so she jus started gambling, (hurt ppl hurt ppl lol)
>>generational trauma ahh
>puts fenrir as a bet
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>fenrir was passed and used around as a premium house pet, “magazine model”
>>(this is heavily implied but not explicitly stated) “convincing” other people to join the vampire household as a cattle/slave etc, contributing in its human trafficking business (astarion?!??!)
>was first auctioned for thousands of credits but after a lot of events, which he had marred himself in hope of either getting cared for or totally discarded away, the price was reduce to less than a hundred credit on his last ‘sale’
>>tried to kill himself but cant die cuz they keep reviving him cuz he’s this chimera superior humanoid baby
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>”fuck yall ima pray to the lord (random god he found i havent decide yet I was thinking Ena) answer me pls save me chat- OOOUHHH SHITTT”
>container carrying him crashed, landed in Wasteland of the Galaxy, Talia
>nomadic clan Avidity was passing by, “Ayo who is that baddie” - Aelyn (another oc)
>picks up fenrir and realized he could read so he joining the team now
>well respected for his work rather an appearance, hell yeah jigsaw u da goat
>talia lore I LOVE THIS BUM
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Loyal O’Driscoll: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
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Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘mister’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, Language Warnings: O’Driscolls are their own warning, reader is an O’Driscoll, pre-cannon setting, bullying, very fluffy Kieran Duffy Summary: O’Driscolls are never kind, which is why Kieran is surprised that you’re helping him after a few of them played a prank. Part 1, Part 2
The number of times the words sir or boss come out of your mouth makes it hard to deny your loyalty to the grand outlaw Colm O’Driscoll. You have run with him for almost a year, longer than most last. Colm gives you jobs that take loyalty, he trusts you. It’s been a long time since you’ve been at the bottom of the ladder, so seeing what Kieran goes through is hard. He’s the new guy, shy and eager to please. Everyone takes advantage of that. Which is why you’re helping him clean up some eggs a few goons smashed into his hair.
“You don’t gotta help me, Mister.” He says as he watches you wipe the slimy yolks from his hat. “I can clean it up.”
“You shouldn’t have to.”
“They was playin’ a joke, it’s alright.”
“I see if I can get Colm to send them on that suicide job. Or I’ll shoot them myself” You glance up and the still egg covered stable boy. “They’re assholes, they deserve it.”
Kieran sighs. “You really don’t have ta.”
“I do.” You say, getting the last bit of egg out.
“Why? I ain’t nobody important.”
“To Colm.” You sigh. “But I like you, Kieran. I want you to stick around.”
“Ya like me?” Kieran asks, sitting on a stool on the other side of the water trough.
You take a rag and start scrubbing the egg out as best you can. “Sure. You’re nice, good at your job, loyal as far as I can tell.”
“Oh.” He says, a little dejected.
“You’re gonna do things one day, Kieran. You can’t be in the stables forever.”
“I like it here.” Kieran says. “It’s not so bad.”
You chuckle, looking up at him. “Nothing compared to robbing a train.”
You set his hat down on your stool as you stand up and move over to Kieran. You run the wet rag over his hair. He shies away a little at first, but then he lets you run the rag over his messy head and pick out the pieces of shell as his face takes on a steady shade of pink. You work through his hair until there’s no egg left you can see, then you wipe the bit of yolk that trickled down his neck. He leans into your touch, trying to feel your fingers brush against his skin again but you walk away.
He watches, cheeks still pink, as you grab his hat and lightly place it on his head. For a moment he sits there, frozen. His eyes follow you as you sit back down and adjust your gun belt to make yourself more comfortable. He’s seen you come and go from the stables a hundred times, yelling at a handful of your fellow O’Driscolls or taking an order from Colm. He’s heard people call you Colm’s dog. While you’re not the only one who comes when he calls and does whatever he says, you’re the one that seems nice when he walks away. You tell off the ones that deserve it, you visit your horse if you haven’t left camp in a while. You’re hardly what Kieran would think of when an O’Driscoll comes to mind.
“Thank you, Mister.” He mumbles.
You smile. “You don’t have to thank me, Kieran.”
“I-I do.” He says, meeting your eyes when you look up to him. “Anything you want, Mister. Anything.”
“Be careful, don’t piss off Colm.” You say. “Just don’t get yourself killed so I can keep coming to see you.”
“It’s the highlight of my day, Mister Duffy.” You smile at him.
“You come here ta see me?” He asks, a confused look taking over his face.
“I can only give my horse so many carrots.” You chuckle. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice.”
You stand and go back over to him and take his hat off his head so you can press a light kiss to his cheek. He looks up at you, bewilderment on his face.
“I ain’t nothing special, Mister.”
You press the next kiss to his forehead. “Of course you are.”
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liquid--sunshine · 1 year
起死回生 | Revived from the Dead, Recovered from Hopelessness
Rated T, Paring STSG, Fluff, Cooking, Shenanigans, and Care ensue
Summary: Satoru and Suguru try their best to sort out their broken pieces. They're incredibly, fallibly, human. (OR: 11+k words of Geto realizing he's thirsty, Gojo realizing he's not immune to feelings, and both of them being far too young to parent ten year olds.)
The door silently slides open under Suguru’s hand, he’s thankful for the ways that skills honed for fighting have been able to be repurposed. At this point he could probably start a curse users self help series, which actually… He puts a pin in that idea. If there’s a potential for generating revenue or support, there’s no idea too outlandish to consider.
Ice spills down Suguru’s spine at the wave of cursed energy that greets his senses. Gojō Satoru is sprawled shoeless (How courteous) across his bed playing his old copy of pokemon gold. Satoru, who Suguru hasn't seen in, oh, two years, at this point?
He greets Suguru with a wave and without looking away from the little screen.
"Man, I can't believe you had this this whole time and never let me see it at school."
Suguru leans against the doorway, crossing his arms. Body calm, blood rushing.
"Man, I can’t believe you broke into my home and have been waiting this whole time to...?" Suguru gestures vaguely around the open air and sighs. "What are you doing here Satoru? How did you even find this place?"
Satoru taps on his nose and Suguru knows what he's going to say before he says it.
"Super sniffer." Satoru’s answer comes at the same time as Suguru's very loud and very put-out groan. He should have seen that coming. A little disappointed twinge in the back of Suguru’s mind, that he pointedly ignores, notes how long it really must have been if he didn’t think Satoru would take advantage of an opening like that.
It had been their joke since the summer before second year when they marathoned a bunch of American cartoons in English to see how much they could understand. For some reason that had been one of the phrases that'd stuck.
Suguru takes a moment, if he’s going to be forced into this situation, then he may as well bask in the uncanniness of it. Gojō Satoru, strongest living jujutsu-shi, former best friend, and pop culture enthusiast, is sitting on his bed playing a game they would have poured hours into together, just a few years earlier.
But, the past is the past and a potential threat is still a threat.
"Seriously, what are you doing here?" Suguru says, cold as the fear that gripped him when he first saw Satoru. No mask, no pretense. If Satoru knows where this is, who else from the school does? The girls like this spot, so he likes this spot. He'd rather not upend their lives again if he doesn't have to.
That gets Satoru's attention. He breaks his stare away from the little game and looks at Suguru through the thick fabric covering his eyes.
"Your phone stopped working." Satoru says. "No one knows I'm here." Because apparently he can still read Suguru as well as ever. Something in Suguru delights at that. He does his best to stuff it down because now is not the time.
"My girls dropped it in the pot when we were making Somen last week. How long did it take you to find us? Fuck," Suguru says the word like the wind’s getting knocked out of him. The implication of all of this practically does. “How did you get through my wards?”
"How hard is it to make noodles from scratch?" Which was neither the response Suguru was expecting nor looking for, but he'll go with it. Even Satoru's most tangential thoughts had a way of swinging back around, eventually.
"Depends on the noodle. Why?" Suguru doesn't pretend like he's not interested.
"Teach me to make noodles while I’m here?” Satoru pauses and Suguru notices the way his jaw works as he mulls over something. “I, uh, also stole some kids? Get this: Fushiguro Tōji's son is one of 'em." Satoru looks back towards the game, but doesn’t keep playing. "How fucked up is that." He says, it isn't a question.
Suguru's composure begins to crack.
Yes. That's incredibly fucked up. It hurts to even think about it.
But Satoru is asking him about making noodles so he can… make them with some kids? And Satoru’s here because his one line of communication was cut off… Something feels like it's turning inside out in Suguru's chest, an old familiar ache.
Because despite everything, he's apparently still horribly, egregiously in love with his ridiculous former best friend.
Satoru idly nudges at the d-pad under his thumb, the little jaunty chiptune music filling the empty spaces in their conversation.
"You know, I think about what'd be like if you hadn't left." Satoru says, uncharacteristically quiet. "You'd love this kid. Completely ridiculous. And you were always the one that was better at people, anyway. I don't think I'm doing too badly though."
Suguru watches Satoru pull down his blindfold and rub at his eyes. The only things physically separating them are a couple meters and half a bed. The distance feels insurmountable in the wake of everything else that separates them.
Suguru steps into the room. "Tell me about him?" And while these few words don't bridge the space between them, it's something.
Satoru smiles, sharp. "Sure, but then you're telling me how to make noodles. Get this, the little asshole's been getting into fights at school. You wanna know what he told me?"
Suguru doesn't think he's ever heard someone describe another as an "asshole" with the sheer amount of love and adoration that Satoru uses now. Suguru's last bit of will breaks and he's pulled bodily to the bed by his traitorous and not at all reliable heart. Satoru grins as Suguru comes over, eyes never leaving the gameboy. But in Suguru's experience, Gojō Satoru has never needed to look directly at him to know where he is.
"What'd he tell you?" Suguru says, resisting sitting on the bed.
If Satoru's plaintive pout is anything to go by, that isn't where he'd thought Suguru would stop. Satoru looks up and pats the space next to him with an energy he hadn't had seconds earlier. Enthusiasm pours from him.
Suguru's resistance falters in record time.
Satoru throws back his head with a laugh and Suguru delights at how limitless seems to automatically register his headboard as a threat. Satoru would have surely brained himself otherwise.
"He said 'They were making bad decisions and someone needed to teach them a lesson.'” Satoru parrots, uncharacteristically sullen. Suguru wonders how old the kid is. “But get this! Then he said 'And our teachers aren't teaching them so I had to.'"
Satoru wheezes out infectious laughter. Suguru is helpless to it.
"Like, I'm not surprised he's getting into fights—he got bad DNA—but the mora~lity" Satoru leans close and wiggles his fingers in Suguru's face.
"I–" Satoru tries to continue, but tumbles back, one arm holding his stomach, overtaken by laughter. "I mean it Suguru, you'd love this kid." Satoru finally gasps out, when he can form words again.
Suguru's used to being pulled into Satoru's orbit. He didn't realize it would still come this easily to him. It's been six years of "chance" encounters: Sporadic meaningless texts (because that was Satoru’s way of keeping them connected) and unwanted 'meet-cute's (because that was Suguru's).
He looks at the man next to him, at both their bare feet, Satoru's dangling off the edge of his bed. Satoru had been incredibly belligerent about always keeping his shoes on when they were younger. Suguru had told him directly, multiple times, that it was 1. Unsanitary and 2. Rude. So, Satoru had done it out of spite. They’d wrestle, Suguru would win because Satoru’s hand-to-hand was shit, and then they’d go about their time together.
He wonders when they left the realm of being 'boys'. Suguru thinks of how grown he'd felt at eighteen, he thinks of how much older he is now. He looks at Satoru and notices how the baby fat around his face has started to give way to the crest of his cheek bones and the sharp lines of his jaw. Suguru wonders what gradual changes he's overlooked in himself. He wonders if Satoru notices them, stark with the time they've been apart.
Satoru's laughter has died down. They both just rest there. No one willing to disturb the delicate balance of their own selective memory at the moment. In the quiet, it's easy to forget how far they’ve walked down opposite roads. In Suguru's pristine room, they're just two men who have cared about one another since their first year in high school. Not that far off from so many other people they share the planet with, in that regard.
Satoru sighs, it cuts through the ambient creaks and groans of Suguru’s house, then he lolls his head over to look slightly above Suguru. Suguru huffs out a little laugh when he realizes what Satoru is doing.
"Does it still look like an oil slick?"
Satoru's gaze travels around Suguru's edges.
"Yep," Satoru says, popping his 'p'. "Forgot how pretty it is in person." The solemnity of his tone, at odds with the music floating from the little 90s relic sitting forgotten between them.
And… oh boy, Suguru is in over his head. He didn't realize they were heading towards vulnerability. Suguru, very. strongly., doesn't believe he's emotionally prepared for that. The realization feels like a cold fist has gripped at his guts.
So, he flicks Satoru on the side of the head.
"C'mon, I thought you wanted to learn how to make noodles?"
Satoru is no stranger to stare-downs—he has an iron will, they’re inevitable sometimes—so he sets his shoulders and plans to win the three way stare war he's currently in with two ten year olds and his stupid unhinged best friend.
"When I asked you to teach me how to make noodles and you agreed–"
("You didn't ask, you demanded.")
"I thought that meant you were going to teach me how to make noodles."
Suguru smiles sheepishly (guiltlessly, the little liar) and shrugs at Satoru, placating.
"The girls like to help and this is their house as much as it's mine. If they want to be the ones to make noodles with you, they have every right to be."
This is our space, not yours; you don't get to demand here the way you do elsewhere. Satoru hears the unspoken dig. Well, Suguru's got him there. Satoru rolls his eyes behind his blindfold. He waves his white flag of defeat with a loud exaggerated groan and undignified hunch of his whole person.
"Fi~" Satoru drags it out for good measure, "~ine."
He catches the sideways glance Suguru gives him, sly and just on the edge of unkind. This fucker, Satoru thinks.
"And practice by way of teaching is good for communication skills. I mean, look at you now! You should really know the benefits best, right Sato– Ow!"
But Satoru's good at this game too, and he's not one to be one-upped. So, before Suguru has the chance to finish his ~little jab~, Satoru grabs a strand of his hair and yanks. Hard. (Hard enough to pull some of it out, oops.) Then he short distance teleports himself to hover up by the eaves of Suguru's kitchen.
Satoru grins down at the very familiar expression gracing Suguru's face. It's harder now than it used to be, Satoru notes as he takes stock of the way Suguru's face has less squish and more tension than when they were teenagers.
Satoru flips through all the ways he can imagine Suguru responding. All part of the game. Their game.
What he doesn't expect, is to be scolded by one of the ten year olds he'd fully forgotten the existence of.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Satoru's harsh startled laugh and Suguru's scolding "Nanako!" come at the same time.
Satoru teleports directly in front of the little girl and stares her down. He's curious if she'll yield (there's potential there, if she doesn't). He's curious if she knows who he is yet. What his existence signifies on a grander level for their little family.
She doesn't yield. Not only that, but the quiet one finally pipes up. "You shouldn't be rude in someone else's house." Which, fine, that's very Suguru of her to say. "If you are, they have the right to get rid of you however they see fit. I think one of Getō-sama's curses should eat you." Well now, that's a little less Suguru of her. Or well, actually no, that's still probably pretty Suguru of her, all things considered.
But if they think one of Suguru's curses could do anything to him, then they don't know who he is yet. Good. That'll make making noodles easier.
But first.
"Getō-sama? Really?" Satoru grins so hard his cheeks hurt. He's never going to let Suguru live that down.
Suguru looks like he regrets every decision he's ever made in his life and Satoru, for one, doesn't mind that. There are certainly some decisions he should have gone without making.
"Can we please just make noodles?" Suguru pleads, looking exhausted.
"Yep!" Satoru twitters and slings his arm around Suguru's shoulders. He doesn't know how long this little charade of normalcy is going to last between them, but so long as Suguru keeps giving him inches, Satoru plans to keep taking miles.
"But first, I'm Gojō Satoru, your sort-of-dad's best friend." Satoru wears his irreverence like armor and waits for Suguru's response. He doesn't wait long. Satoru feels the tension that takes up residence in the broad lines of Suguru's shoulders. Satoru also clocks the way Suguru's pulse starts to race. Interesting, Satoru thinks. He'll have to wait and piece together what that actually means, but there's no denial in the face of Satoru’s words, so that's something.
Satoru takes stock of the girls next. They don't seem convinced.
"You, the yelled at one," Satoru squats down to their level and points, "you're Nanako. That makes you," he exaggeratedly swings his gaze and accusational finger towards the other girl, "Mimiko."
Satoru feels himself slipping into teacher mode; play everything up, make the kids feel at ease with his goofiness. "So, I don't know how to cook for shit." Suguru groans and okay, the way Satoru talks to teenagers maybe isn't the way he should talk to ten year olds, but Nanako giggles, so whatever. It's working. "And according to Getō-sama~," Satoru can't help but wiggle as he says it, he might as well act as stupid as as he finds that title, "you two are some special class chefs." Satoru laces every word with as much gusto as he can muster, and he can muster a lot of gusto.
The girls look at one another.
C'moooon, Satoru thinks. Maybe if he just wills it hard enough, he can win over these two little girls. (And maybe if he can win over these two little girls, he can win back some little part of Suguru. All he needs is an in. Let me help you, he thinks.)
After the most excruciating few seconds of Satoru’s life, Nanako looks at him, a massive grin spreading over her face. Satoru feels as light as when he's flying, a big dopey grin spreading over his own face.
"Getō-sama says it's important to help other jujutsu-shi in need, so we can help you. Also, you're kinda weird but pretty funny, so you'll probably be fun to cook with." Mimiko nods with the whole top half of her body in a silent but forceful agreement with her sister.
Satoru positively cackles. He stands, rounding on Suguru and shakes him by his shoulders before flicking himself into existence over where the twins had started heading towards the kitchen shelves.
"Lead the way ladies!" Satoru yells in a voice far too loud for indoors. Nanako grabs him by the wrist and starts rattling off the things she needs him to grab from the high shelves she and Mimiko can't reach.
This can't be happening, Suguru thinks, entirely hopeless and woefully under prepared. Getō Suguru has become, for all intents and purposes, someone very used to being in control of every aspect of his life. He is an incredibly effective money laundering cult leader. He's magnanimous in the realm of curse users and unparalleled in his ability to garner support, bordering on devotion. Even Satoru breaking into his home to play fucking pokemon gold in his bed didn't feel outside of something somewhat controllable.
This though. This is very much outside of something he can control.
Satoru is good with kids. Satoru is good with his kids. Suguru stands somewhat stunned as he watches Mimiko muster up enough courage to throw a handful of flour at Satoru. It scatters around him and drifts to the ground. The girls titter and howl with excitement, cascading questions at him about how that keeps happening. He keeps up with them beat for beat. Suguru vaguely hears Satoru encourage them to keep throwing whatever they want at him, and that's something Suguru should really nip in the bud, but he's too busy not functioning.
Suguru is going to die. This is it. Not at the hands of a curse, no. Getō Suguru is going to die right in his own kitchen from cardiac arrest at the ripe old age of twenty-four. Actually, no, this is exactly how he thought he would die: At the hands of Gojō Satoru.
He just didn't think it would be at the hands of a bare armed, sweat pant thieving Gojō Satoru covered in flour in Suguru's kitchen.
And then there's that.
When had Satoru gotten arms and shoulders like that? Suguru feels like he's hemorrhaging. Satoru had always been a bean pole, a human noodle. And! Suguru knows for fact that Satoru doesn't exercise. Suguru knows because he lifts—he'd started in school and had found the exertion clarifying—and he'd invited Satoru, more than once, in what Suguru had insisted to himself was not a thinly veiled attempt to see Satoru in fewer layers, but a genuine extension of an enjoyable activity to a friend. Suguru winces at the avalanche of his thoughts and wonders if he's ever going to not be embarrassed by the mortifying ordeal of having existed prior to this year.
But "Flour," had been the one word reason Suguru had been given as Satoru started stripping, right there in front of him and his girls and whatever God people fucking believed in. Suguru had felt more destabilized in that moment than he had in years, but at least Satoru'd had the decency to blink out of existence before taking his pants off.
The sudden silence had been deafening in the wake of Satoru's reign of youth-entertaining terror.
Suguru had caught his girls' astonished looks before Nanako, with possibly more wonder than he'd ever heard from her, said "How does he keep doing that?"
The soft exclamation had pulled Suguru back into his body, carried by warmth like a wave to the shore.
He'd walked to his girls, love spilling from him the way his curses' resentment usually did: Weaving through his fingers, curling through his veins. He'd cupped Mimiko's cheek and gently squished Nanako's, like he'd done when they were smaller.
"Why don't we clean some of this up?" Suguru had said as he released a small curse with a very large tongue onto the floor.
But Suguru's very short lived peace had ended when Satoru popped back into existence upside down above the three of them with a too loud "Missed me?" wearing one of Suguru's sleep masks and Suguru's longest pair of sweatpants.
Mimiko would have fully toppled over if Suguru hadn't caught her.
Suguru would have fully toppled over if Mimiko hadn't provided a much more immediate concern to focus on than Satoru wearing his pants.
So, as it stands, Suguru pulls together pots and cutlery in his kitchen, perishing as his best friend, kids, and kind-of-disgusting cleaning curse ruin his house and maybe also his last vestiges of sanity.
Check out the rest on a03 ٩( ᐛ )و
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ask-robokasa-and-rui · 7 months
Lore post//
Tw: Implications of SA
Rui is running to Nene's house. Once he arrives, he knocks on the door
NENE! NENE! Please open the door! I need your help!
Nene opens the door
Look, Nene. I'm so sorry for not thinking straight that time! But I-
I don't want to hear it. "Oh, you will use me as a doll!", "You never loved me and always used me for your entertainment!".
Whatever it is, I will not help you.
T-The reason I said those things...was because I...I had cases where...the people at my job wanted to..."have fun".
Oh-...I-I didn't-
Know? Yeah. I didn't know you were a robot aswell! We both hid things from each other! So I don't think there's a sense to continue this relationship.
...You're right...you probably don't want to date piece of metal?
Ehehe...I understand...maybe you'll find someone else!
I hope so...
But look. I REALLY need your help! I-I was so mad, that I turned Tsukasa off and locked him in a room...but I can't open it!
...I can break the door down...wait...you turned him off?!
I was mad!!
Oh shi-
We need to go, now!!
Whoa!! Slow down!
Tags: @kusanagi-nene-official @delartz @bobcross1010 @clownpalette @lurantis1 @scodscod @tealthingy @hoooshiiiii @meringuecream7 @askruikasa-soulssong
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idiotwithanipad · 2 months
A Chat With Amy
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Alison: As far as Humphrey's told me, the hotel's newest ghost, Amy, gets quite chatty once you can get a topic she likes out of her. I did do a Ten Questions sheet with her last year but since then- haven't really heard anything of her. Other than liking Monster and depressing music, she seems a bit introverted. Might give it another crack today.
Alison: (Update: Turns out Amy is a night owl and doesn't get up till gone mid day. Can't get into the East Wing bedroom yet as haven't bribed the desk guy, I'll get him eventually though. Will have to ask the ghosts to wake her up.
(Attempt one: Sent Kitty to go get Amy up but she said 'She didn't move an inch'...)
(Attempt two: Sent Fanny but she soon came back looking like she was ready to meet her maker)
(Attempt three: Robin got cocky and said he'd go get her. He was up there a while but came back looking like a told off puppy.
Robin: That word cut deeper than spear...
Alison: Yeah... Don't really want to write what Robin said she said but it rhymes with 'Duck off can't'
Alison: Luckily, Humphrey's body came along so we sent him up.
Alison: Took another hour but finally got Amy into Higham Suite-
Amy: (Groaned like a zombie)
Alison: Humphrey was in one piece too, so she must like him. Or at least prefers him?
Amy: Remind me why the f—k I got tackled by Robin... On my f——g bed?
Alison: Remember the Ten Questions from last year?
Amy: Nah
Alison: Well, I'm going about getting more info off you. Don't really have a lot of time to ACTUALLY get to know you nowadays so this is the only way.
Amy: You wearing a wire?...
Alison: ... I'm sorry?...
Amy: You ARE sorry...
Alison: ... 'Kay...Anyway, don't suppose you remember your biggest Monster record? Most drunk in a day or quickest time to drink a full can?
Amy: (she practically sat bolt upright) Oh yeah. Most in a day was 9. Quickest record was a full can in one minute thirty seconds. It's was in the middle of August so it was boiling hot, couldn't have drank that shit faster
Alison: Wow
Amy: Yeah. There was another time where I tired to beat that record, it was on a school day during my maths GCSE's and it gave me the hiccups. All the way through the exam this c—t in my class was sat opposite me in the exam hall and he kept giving me the evils. So on the way out of the hall, I jabbed him in the arse with my compass.
Alison: Oh my- why?
Amy: He shouldn't have been staring at me...
Alison: ... Okay... Moving on then?
Amy: F'you want
Alison: Uhh, favourite flavour of Monster? Probably a trick question...
Amy: You'd be right... Mango Loco. A flavour came out a few years back called Bad Apple. I usually love artificial flavour but that one wasn't too sweet, kinda appreciated that from it.
Alison: Cherry is usually the go-to for me. Remember Cherry Lucazade?
Amy: Yeah, I tried that. I prefer Monster but Cherry Lucazade weren't bad. It's weird cause Cherry is usually one of those flavours that people get wrong. It's either too bland and doesn't taste like Cherry at all, or it tastes like straight up cough syrup. A wholeass bottle of Calpol
Alison: Yeah, I know what you mean
Amy: It's a visceral flavour... Like when you've got the flu and you cough up that green phlegmy shi-
Alison: AANYway- You join in any groups with the others? They do music club and food club? You said you liked Italian good before, anything else?
Amy: Ramen Noodles are pretty convenient I guess. Wish I could have some lasagna though. My all time favourite, my granddad taught me to make it when I was too small to even see over the stove, I had to stand on a chair.
Alison: Aww
Amy: Sometimes they cook it here and it drives me in-f——g sane. When I first died, like three weeks into death I was up in my room and one night I just smelled it. Like, I could tell it was lasagna even from the East Wing. I went down to the kitchen and Robin was already there sniffing it too. After that he started teaching me how to use my sense of smell more. Apparently not all ghosts can do it, so I guess I'm lucky really. He told me closing my eyes would help, that's what he did. Something about closing your eyes and taking sniffs, apparently when you smell something and you can't pinpoint what it is at first, you should just shut your eyes and your subconscious fills in the blanks...or some shit...
Alison: oh, never knew that. Interesting... What about music club? Silver mentioned liking Evanescence, you old enough to remember Evanescence?
Amy: Course I am. I liked Whisper to be honest, cool guitar riff. I don't really fixate on bands specifically though, I'm kinda like a musical salad, if I like the song, I'll listen to it. Doesn't have to be a particular genre, if it's a vibe, I'll vibe to it. But then I found ICP. My one true love, whoop whoop.
Alison: ICP? (Regret asking, got so intrigued that I googled them and now I'm scarred for life)
Amy: 'Rainbows and Stuff' is just me on a daily basis
Alison: (Don't know if that should be a concern or not)
Alison: Have anything to do once Silver goes to sleep? You can't tell me you spend the rest of the month all on your own up there?...
Amy: Nah. I talk to the others. Kitty's pretty fun to talk to sometimes, Silver's my best mate though, we have the biggest laughs. But when she sleeps, it's normally Robin and Humphrey. Mostly Humphrey, he's chill like that
Alison: (Couldn't help but notice the change in Amy's demeanour after bringing up Humphrey)
Amy: Truth is, he didn't try to force me to join in at first. Apparently he'd been in my room the whole week that- me and my mum came here. I saw him after I woke up from dying. I just remember waking up and seeing nothing but pitch black and hearing muffled voices. When I sat up I kinda like- passed through the dark and into the light... But then I saw that I was on a stretcher in a f——g body bag. I crawled back away from these two weirdo paramedics and heard a voice under the bed, low and behold, that's when I met Humphrey...
Alison: ...
Amy: But then Robin came in and spotted me and got all excited and went to find the others before I could hide (rolled her eyes). The idiots were kinda itching to be 'the new girl's friend' and it was so annoying, so I just hid in my wardrobe for a week
Alison: A WEEK?
Alison: You mean to tell me you just sat in that old wardrobe for a whole week?
Amy: Well, yeah, I weren’t gonna just come out and have those weirdos screaming in my face, I get enough of that every morning with Robin still.
Alison: Okay, so- what made you change your mind?
Amy: They didn’t come in for a few days, so I thought the ‘coast was clear’. I got out to stretch my legs and left the East Wing. But I heard Pat and Cap arguing downstairs about what to do with me, so I held on the stairs and earwigged for a bit. Then Humphrey came along again, can’t exactly remember how the conversation went but we ended up telling each other how we died. It felt good to vent after all that bull—it. Kinda felt like he was the only sane one left in this house (she smiled)
Alison: He got you used to being a ghost?
Amy: In some ways. Robin helped me get used to walking through walls and stuff, but Humphrey was kinda like my rock the whole time. He always told me to take it easy. I almost didn’t wanna put the poor guy down cause I was scared I’d lose him again…
Alison: Again?
Amy: Yeah…this doesn’t leave this f——g table, but I lost his head once and-
Robin: (Seemingly appeared out of nowhere) She did big cry and got tears and sticky nose stuff all over my furs-!
Amy: (She chased him out of the kitchen and came back 5 minutes later)
Amy: Next!
Alison: Nah, think that’ll be it…
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Top 10 "13 Reasons Why" Characters
I am focusing mainly on the main cast and characters that I feel made a big enough impact on the show as a whole. Where I rank them isn’t solely based on how much I like them. Some instances will also be based on how well I feel the actor portrays them. However controversial that might be at times.
1. Tony Padilla
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Tony just oozes cool, to me. I loved him from the moment I saw him. His car, awesome. His leather jacket, also awesome. His hair and style, great. His humor and overall characterization were great to me as well. I think we can all agree, we need a friend like Tony in our lives! I was always rooting for my boy!
2. Justin Foley
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This one is a weird one. I spent most of season one thinking Justin was such a jerk. His friends were jerks, his actions that led to his tape also made him a jerk. But, by the time the series ended, I absolutely loved the guy! My heart hurt for him, man. He was done so wrong!
3. Clay Jensen
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Clay was an interesting character. I can’t quite place it but, I have love/hate feelings towards him. Especially as the series progresses. Yes, dude went through some seriously terrible stuff in his young life. But he turned into a bit of a douche. I was glad to see him seemingly riding off into a happier life, though. Sadly, his demons will always be with him.
4. Hannah Baker
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Hannah’s story was just sad altogether. But we all know that already. In terms of character, I liked her. I could relate in some ways. Being a former victim of immense bullying, I totally understood her thought process. Though I didn’t have exactly what happened to her, happen to me, I was certainly a victim of harsh rumors like she was. It takes a huge toll on a young girl’s mind. The tape thing was a little much, though...
Sadly, we didn't get enough time with her for me to truly grow with her, so I put her lower on this list than I wanted to.
5. Bryce Walker
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Say what you will about Bryce the character, but the actor did such an amazing job at portraying such a despicable, yet somewhat understandable character. Especially as the series progresses. At times I found myself questioning if I should hate him, or feel bad for him. He was definitely NOT a good guy in any sense of the word. But I give Justin Prentice all the credit on this one! I like a good 'heel".
6. Alex Standall
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Alex is awkward and quiet. And he definitely struggled a lot in the show. 13 Reasons Why never shied away from dark themes and Alex was just one of many that got hurt a lot. My really felt for him. Especially early on.
7. Jessica Davis
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I have never really been able to decide what exactly it is that I feel about Jessica. I liked her, but also found her to be a bit too uptight and bratty at times. In season one especially. But, that's the point. She was the spoiled daddy’s girl type. I began to sympathize with her more as the show progressed, though.
8. Zach Dempsey
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I didn’t think much one way or another about Zach. For much of the show he was the jock stereotype. I liked seeing his more sensitive sides, though. And I especially love the slight bromance he and Clay would later have.
9. Tyler Down
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We’ve all known someone like Tyler. Someone really on the outside of every group in high school. Someone you’d see off on their own, and usually the target of many of the jock’s attacks. Seeing how this would impact Tyler throughout the show just broke my heart into a million pieces. I particularly loved how the actor portrayed him in the later seasons. He got really real, and really raw. His talent showed in his performance.
10. Ani Achola
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I just don’t have a clue what I think of Ani. I didn’t feel she was needed really. I mean, I guess they needed someone to come in and humanize Bryce a bit and give Clay a new love interest. But her and Clay just didn[‘t do it for me. They had some cute moments together. And I have nothing against the character per se. I just couldn’t connect with her as much.
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kiliinstinct · 2 years
Chapter 18:
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Rating: T Pairing: Nalu FF.Net || AO3
[Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next] -  Next Update: April 20th
Beta: @phoenix-before-the-flame​
Do Me a favor and every one go wish Phoenix good luck on getting their Visa today. Do it. :3
Something was wrong with Natsu.
Lucy couldn’t put her finger on it, but the change was obvious. Her enjoyment with Mirajane’s siblings had left her feeling giddy even hours after when the Draconis took her home that night. His footsteps stayed diligent beside her, a steady familiar pace that kept in time with her as they walked, the taps of her cane filling the silent air between them. His dark eyes would sweep over her, checking on her knee with each step she took down the beaten path. These actions were normal and Lucy half expected him to sweep her into his arms to carry her the rest of the way when she lightly stumbled on a stray stone in the path. 
But he never did.
Instead, once her balance was secured, he released her shoulders as if he’d been scalded by intense heat and the space between them filled the air with a chill far colder than the surrounding night. It left an emptiness stirring in her gut. One that refused to fill from idle chatter. A strange discomfort that set alarm bells into her mind. A warning Lucy couldn’t quite name.
Natsu left Lucy at her doorstep after a quick exchange of goodbyes and a promise to see her in the morning. It was familiar, the same piece in the comfortable pattern that had formed over her months living here. And yet, Lucy thought with a furrowed brow, his smile hadn't met his eyes when he left. She watched the outline of his slumped shoulders until he rounded a corner, no longer to be seen.
Only her thoughts kept her company as she slipped inside, Lucy convinced herself it was a fluke. It had to be. She was imagining things.
Natsu was the same as ever, obviously. She wanted to be independent, after all. No, she needed to be independent, and how could she if she expected him to carry her every time she stumbled on a stray pebble? Yes, that’s all it was. Nothing more. Her mind was getting ahead of her again. Everything was fine. With that decided, Lucy swept the strange feelings aside, buried in the back of her mind to be forgotten and nestled herself beneath her many furs to prepare for sleep.
It wasn’t her imagination.
He was back in the morning as usual, dropping off items for breakfast before darting off to start his rounds for the day. The space between them was wider than before and Lucy didn’t miss the way he froze and withdrew his hands before she touched them. Natsu’s smile was natural, his laugh the same and even his jokes landed as usual, but the distance… He hadn’t given her so much since she’d given him the chance to be her friend. Perhaps, she told herself while nibbling on a hard-baked biscuit, trying to fill the emptiness in her stomach that had returned, he was in a hurry? Yes. She must have misunderstood again. There was no other explanation. 
Throughout the day she witnessed his arm slung over the others: Lisanna, Romeo, Wendy - and he never shied from a slap to his shoulder from Gray or Elfman. Even Freed had earned a slap to the back when something was said to leave Natsu roaring in laughter. (And the look on Freed’s face, while hard to truly decipher in Lucy’s position, had pulled a giggle from her as well.) On and on she noticed the little touches, the space closed between himself and the rest of the clan. Never once did he shy away from being close -or even too close some would say- with everyone. His care and indifference towards personal space was everywhere.
And then he’d sit beside her, chair sliding a couple feet away in a not-so-subtle attempt to create space, carving a distance between them that only she could see. He gave her the same smile, the same questions: Asked her about her day, what her plans were, perhaps he’d join her for a bit before darting off again for some odd errand or two. 
“Erza and Freed are going to be re-checking his rune barrier later.” He explained once, narrowed eyes glancing back towards the old ruin their makeshift dungeon resided in, “I was asked to watch the exit while they’re busy.” Not for the first time, Lucy felt knots form in her stomach at the mention of Kage. The churning caused a wave of nausea to rise in her throat, but was quickly dispelled.
He was alive and well, as far as she knew, but his existence was the one dark mark on an otherwise enjoyable time. Natsu sensed her unease and motioned to nudge her shoulder with his, an action he’d performed many times before to pull her from sinking too deep in her thoughts. But the expected heavy warmth never came. The sudden disappointment washed over her when he made no contact, withdrawing a second later, left Lucy confused. She was drowning in it. Whether Natsu noticed or not, he gave no hints, turning to fiddle with the straps of his sandals as if nothing had occurred. 
Lucy desperately tried to ignore the hurt that flashed through her chest. Was it hard to breathe suddenly or just her?
“Anyways, once that’s done,” Natsu continued, finally facing her again with something unnamed glittering in his eyes, it made Lucy’s heart tighten, “I can come see ya’ again. It’s gettin’ warmer so you’re going to be busy getting thinner clothes right?”
“Yes.” Lucy monotoned. She had the strange sensation of going through the motions, forcing a smile across her face all while her mind jumped wildly from panicked thought to thought. Had she done something? In a second of insanity, she almost tilted her head to subtly smell herself. Did she need a bath, perhaps? 
No, that couldn’t be it. None of this made sense, but finding the words to ask Natsu why he wouldn’t touch her was harder than one might think. The mere thought of how she could word herself made her cheeks warm with an intense heat. It sounded so - … she pushed the thoughts further aside. Definitely not. She didn’t need to make things more awkward than they already were, right?
When he left with a quick wave of his hand and a light grin, not even a familiar pat to her shoulder, Lucy knew she wasn’t crazy. Something was off, but what?
Days slipped by and Natsu’s odd behavior continued. Lucy spent them being fitted for new outfits with Mirajane and lending her ear as the woman flitted about her, learning from whatever topic that graced Mirajane's mind as she took Lucy's measurements or tested fabric colors to suit her.  She assisted with the daily chores wherever possible, and oftentimes found herself enjoying time with Levy and her books when she made the trek out to the archive. Lisanna became a mischievous presence in her schedule, whisking her away for more dance practice always with a new step for Lucy to learn. Her days filled up until she felt as if there was hardly a moment for herself and before she knew it, another month had passed. Her leg, still sore, could carry her much farther than before. On a good day, the cane could be left behind unless she spent too long standing.
By the time Spring’s first blooms sprouted, Lucy felt as if she’d fallen into a schedule that reminded her of home. But Natsu’s unwillingness to lay even a finger on her was a festering issue that boiled beneath the surface and sleep was becoming difficult.
The dreams that plagued her night and day persisted and some nights, Lucy thought she woke to Natsu gently bringing her back to the waking world, only to glance about her room and find it empty and dark circles surrounded his eyes for many mornings after. It made Lucy wonder if he also suffered from more nightmares. 
“Nightmares? Nah, I’m good, Lucy, don’t worry about me!” 
Somehow, Lucy wasn’t sure she believed him. When his words were diffused by an open-mouthed yawn revealing all his teeth, her disbelief was sealed. He was hiding something.
When she asked, it was met with his usual fanged grin, waving her off as he took down more targets with practiced ease during his training. 
“If you say so.” She waved him off, a hint of a frown pulled at the edges of her lips, “But.. you know…  if you are having them, you can tell me, right?”
As if sensing the serious tone she carefully hid in her voice, he paused to look at her. Really staring as if attempting to read her mind. “Yeah, of course.” Lucy almost missed when he mumbled a quick, ‘you too’ before he resumed practice.  
Another week passed with no changes.
And soon, a week became many until the first blooms of spring were sprouting on the trees and all sight of snow and frost had long dispersed, sinking into the soft earth to feed the grass poking through. Lucy had almost convinced herself that whatever was going on with Natsu, he’d come to her with it in time, but she couldn’t avoid the thought that perhaps she had done something. If he wasn’t willing to say, she would respect the decision. All the while ignoring the way it ate her from the inside out. 
The Celebration was closing in and Lucy could see evidence of that fact all around the village. Banners and streamers were slowly being made and placed upon every lamp post, hanging over the walkways. The docks were busy with overfishing to prepare for a future feast and new clothes were being made or tested by the many denizens of the town, stepping out to face the day with colors and patterns that rivaled the returning nature. Lucy was not outside of this. The day Mirajane finished one (Lucy balked at the knowledge there was more) of Lucy’s new dresses, she’d been made to try it on immediately. Its flowing skirt and bodice fit snugly along her frame. Lucy had to admit, she loved the change and the knowledge that unlike her previous outfits: this was made for her. 
Unfortunately the skirts were long and it made walking the trek to Porylusica’s difficult as its path was covered in gravel that shifted despite every careful step. Natsu did not join her that day, placed on an extra shift for hunting and surveying the surrounding woods. Wendy, though she tutted about Lucy the best she could, was not strong enough to balance her when she stumbled, opting to dash ahead and knock away every loose rock she could find instead. It was amusing to watch, the steely look of determination on her young face and skirt bunched her fists as she swiftly kicked away any stony obstacles from her path, but Lucy worried her lip in mild frustration at the need of it. 
She cursed her slow healing for the umpteenth time. The cane had become an extra limb for her, but Lucy still wished for the times she didn’t need it, to walk as freely as she used to. Perhaps someday soon, she could put it to the side for uses only on bad days.
“I hope, for your sake, you took a break on the way here.” The acerbic healer made no attempt at pleasantries when Lucy finally stepped into her isolated home. The walk was more strenuous than visiting Levy’s archive and the sting of Lucy’s calves shot through her nerves to tingle at the edges of her eyes. 
Wendy wasted no time in pushing a chair from the corner towards Lucy, silently offering her a place to rest. “We did.” She chirped, glancing back and forth between the two with a nervous apprehension. “But we couldn’t take too many or it would have taken too long.”
Porlyusica fixed them with an intolerant stare, arms crossed as she blew an errant strand of gray hair off her stony face. “If that is what was needed, then that is what should be done. If it's lunch and dinner you’re worried about, I have plenty of food to set you right while we work.”
“But- “ Wendy began, eyes sliding to the window where the sun was starting to make its descent, “You don’t like when visitors stay too long.”
“I’ll put up with whatever is necessary.” The doctor snapped. At Wendy and Lucy’s flinch, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. “No matter. You seem in good enough shape to me, regardless. Don’t move and I’ll get started.”
Lucy nodded vigorously, far too nervous to speak out against the woman’s tenacity. Wendy’s shoulders relaxed  once the attention was drawn from her and tutted about the small space, gathering cups and a kettle, judiciously starting up a pot of tea in an attempt to stay busy. The older woman knelt with ease, hands grasping Lucy’s leg with a surprisingly gentle touch as she inspected the from back to front, gnarled knuckles brushing along the sensitive skin. A scar had formed over the months that resembled a small star: a grim reminder of the arrow tip that once pierced her. 
“It is a good sign you could make it here.” Porylusica mumbled beneath her breath, before Lucy could respond, she raised a hand to silence her, shaking her head. “Let an old woman mutter to herself in peace.”
She clamped her mouth shut, staying silent. 
No sounds were uttered aside from Wendy’s shuffling about as the gentle scents of tea wafted through the small room and Porlyusica rambling beneath her. She struck below the kneecap to test the reflexes, nodding when Lucy’s entire leg jumped in response and after bending the leg in and out, she checked for any change of expression on Lucy’s face, expression grim and focused. 
“Good. She’s not needing it as much. A good sign. Now.” A cup of tea was pressed before Lucy’s nose and she furrowed her brow as Wendy muttered a quiet apology. Taking a sip of the heated brew, she fought the urge to chew her own lip. Couldn’t the grouchy woman ask her directly? Why does she only acknowledge Wendy?
“She’s been taking numbing tea?” She asked.
A sudden, tight grip on her leg brought Lucy’s attention back to the older woman, eyes stinging from the shock of pain while the tea scalded her throat. “I asked you a question, girl. Did you not hear me?”
The room seemed to rumble with a sudden wind as Lucy flushed, Wendy’s eyes suddenly growing sharp. “Aunt Porly, be gentle! You know a non-draconis isn’t as sturdy as us!"
Wait a minute - Lucy’s mind reeled at the new information she gleaned, but before she could compute it, the grip had eased against her as Porlyusica tsked, patting the attacked portion of flesh in an attempt to apologize. 
Wendy’s answer was immediate, “I haven’t had to replenish it this week.”
Shaking her head, she rumbled a non verbal reply to Wendy and fixed Lucy with a curious expression. “A doctor I might be, but social cues still escape me. Well then, girl, do tell me. Have you attempted to learn about the block on your abilities? You’ve made tremendous steps in your healing, but the knee is still taking far longer than it should to catch up with you.”
The memory of her first, lucid moment in the village struck Lucy as she began to worry at her lip, fingers clenching her mug tightly, ignoring the vicious heat that steamed off of it. “I’ve tried, but I still haven’t learned anything.”
“As you value your life,” The older woman clicked her tongue and stared into Lucy’s eyes with an intense worry that caused her heart to clench, “Try harder. Whatever power has done this: only with you, can it be undone.”
But then there was this new information that took hold of her. Wendy had called Porlyusica her Aunt, and they spoke of the Draconis tribe as if they both were among it. Did that mean… Natsu and Wendy weren’t the only ones? She eyed the wizened woman through her lashes, keeping her cup held to her face in contemplation. Yes, with a closer look, she could see it now: a slight point to the older woman's ears that matched Wendy and Natsu’s, and the hint of fangs glinting behind her lips. She had considered it nigh impossible for two Draconis’ to be part of this tribe, but now was the revelation to three. 
The severity of her words settled in the pit of Lucy’s stomach, robbing her of her voice. Nodding wordlessly, she resumed drinking the tea, only partially listening as the older woman rounded on Wendy to talk to her. As far as Lucy could tell, she’d been trying hard and often. After each odd dream, she’d often take a moment to meditate, hoping some answers could come to her. In the quiet evenings when alone, she’d focus on her knee and desperately try to sense the magic that blocked her own. To no avail.
Even the voices from long ago, who had apologized profusely for damaging her and had given her the power to save Natsu, had grown silent. What could she be doing wrong? 
She couldn’t deny that it was a fruitful afternoon. Wendy was skilled, but Porlyusica’s experience was obvious. Her tests were quick, swiftly getting through one after another with practiced ease, and her judgments positive. It left Lucy feeling a surge of relief, knowing that, in time, she’d be able to walk properly again. (So she hoped.) The warning to her magic block was important, and she was aware her knee would never be exactly as it was before, but the confirmation to her healing cleared away a doubt Lucy had forgotten. It eased her mind and allowed the tea to go down nice and smooth. All other concerns could be dealt with in time, just like her leg. 
At least, that’s what she told herself, seeking more relief on her mind than was given. 
When Lucy and Wendy left the older woman’s hut, she felt energized. The long rest had recharged what stamina she had and the trek down the verdant hills was much easier than the trek upward. Wendy stayed by her side, eyes still glancing this way and that, looking for any errant rocks she’d missed before, but there was no further stumbling. Lucy’s objective was set and she walked with a relaxed gait. 
How many were out there, away from their supposed, ancestral home, against the grain of all rumors Lucy's heard? Curiosity gnawed away at her, but Lucy knew better than to ask. Especially not to Porlyusica. Her temper was legendary among the tribe and Lucy dared not test it any further. She continued to sip her tea as the two healers discussed her condition, offering details when asked of her. This check-up had been a long time coming and while it did not last for too long, Lucy did begin to feel stir-crazy the longer she sat, listening to the two speak of her as if she weren’t there. 
“I’m sorry,” Wendy said after a few moments of silence, eyes glancing out further along the road. “I know she can be hard to deal with. I hope… erm, I hope we didn’t make you too uncomfortable!”
Lucy’s smile reached her eyes, “Don’t worry about it.” In truth, Wendy was correct to assume the awkward nature of the visit would be daunting, but Lucy felt no ire towards it. “You both are doing what you can to help me, that’s more than I could ask for.”
Wendy nodded, a meek expression shading her eyes as she hummed in thought. “It’s not like we wouldn’t help you. That would be horrible, but,” She paused, eyes glancing in the direction of the small library in the distance, “I do wish Levy had come with us. She could have kept you company while we talked.”
At the mention of the would-be archivist, Lucy gave a noncommittal shrug. It’s true they had invited Levy to join them that morning, but she had been occupied. If the stacks of books blocking the door of the building had been any sign. Lucy had made the attempted visit with hopes of extra company -if only to distract her from her concerns over a particular draconis of flame- and while Levy sounded aggrieved to deny them, her rush through the building sounded anything but. She was looking for something, and refused to be taken from it. 
“We can’t always be available,” Lucy said after a bit, mentally reaching for a subject change. Wendy voiced her agreement, but was startled when the Romni’s next question tumbled from her lips, “So… you and Porlyusica are related?”
“Uh… yes?”
“And both Draconis?”
Wendy scrunched her nose, mumbling a confused confirmation. “Uhm, why do you-”
“It’s nothing really, I just… '' Lucy struggled to think of the right words, “all my life I’ve heard rumors of the Draconis tribe. As far as I knew they mostly stuck together, not nomadic. Their ancestral home is a secret to everyone. It’s just… interesting to me that three of you are here. Did you come together?”
At that moment, Lucy felt as if she’d stuck her foot in her mouth. She'd asked something wrong. Wendy’s face darkened, eyes shining with hidden emotions while her fingers fiddled together, nervous and uncertain. “No.. I.. Aunt Porly was here first. I think. Natsu was found next when he was little and I was…” She shifted awkwardly, eyes darting from tree to ground then towards the sun, “My Mom left me with her.”
Lucy had to fight the urge to ask further, noticing the way Wendy’s voice grew hurried and tense, voice cracking near the end of it. There was a story to tell here, but she felt now wasn’t the time to speak or hear of it. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have asked-”
“I-it’s okay!” Wendy interrupted, waving her hands wildly, “I just- Well, I don’t know all the details and,” She paused, struggling to explain, “It’s hard to remember. So I’d rather … not.”
“Then you don’t have to.” Lucy urged, hoping to ease whatever pain she had inadvertently caused by her line of questions. Wendy was still young, the fact she held such a pain struck a chord in Lucy’s heart that made her own eyes sting. There was a loss in that expression. She knew it well. Poking at a painful memory was the last thing she wanted to do. 
It’s the same courtesy she would have liked for herself after all. 
“Thank you.” Wendy whispered after a time, hiding a sniffle. Lucy could have bitten her tongue for causing such a sound.  “Let’s get you home in time for dinner, okay?”
Perhaps that wasn’t the best topic to change to. Lucy grimaced and quickly hid her face within the fringe of her hair. “No. At least. I don’t think so.”
“Sure, but wasn’t Natsu supposed to meet with us after this?” Lucy asked, hoping Wendy would take the subject change.
She latched to the bait like a lifeline, shaking her head, “Oh! That was the plan, but he asked me this morning if I could do it. Said he would be busier than he thought. Which is strange. Usually he works fast so he can make time to check up on you. Did something happen?”
“I’m sure he’ll be all smiles by then.” Wendy assured, but her fingers continued their nervous twitching. 
Lucy heaved a deep sigh, eyes casting out to the village as they reached the base of the hills. “I hope so. The Spring Dances will be soon right? It would be a shame if he was upset during it.”
“Oh.” Wendy paused. “Well, I’m sure whatever it is, Natsu will get over it soon. He always bounces back.” Her tone was certain.
The whole of the village still buzzed its excitement. Not a single thing was overlooked. Decorations continued to be placed on every bare nook that could be found, plans and spaces were made along the beach, and patrols had increased. It was their hope to ensure the protection of the town before the celebration.
As for the aforementioned prisoner: he listened to the hustle and bustle. Was aware of the excitement. Pieced together each sideward glance and hurried whisper between each guard who stood watch over his little room. He’d counted the stones in his little room a thousand times over, and relaxed against his cot if he hadn’t been locked away for all of winter.
He knew what would be coming, and when his current guard turned their back to address Erza from the stairwell, he took a finger out to trace along the edges of the enchanted barrier placed around him. A sizzle and spark danced along his fingers as he felt a stirring of magic that cracked beneath the surface.
Kage grinned. It was almost time.
No stone went unturned. Even the prison, hidden beneath the ruins, was checked over. Freed’s barrier had been reinforced. Levy had painstakingly added her own flourish to the sigils that kept Kage locked within his cell.
-tag list-
@cobblepottantrum @pbfanart @lovelyluce @yuldragneel @mamabearcat @millennial-star-gazer @caandleworks @kaycha1989 @just-another-dream-girl @dlshieldss @ctay21 @gingerthesnap @acidrain1698 @clockworkassassino @caranikki-blog @doginshoe @unwei @moeruhoshi @mykingdomforachocolatecookie @melissa827 @littlejinxed @moonlitstargazerforever @squeep123 @bitch-stole-my-nutella-again @shadyhydrathesnekqueen
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thenicestgirlinred · 3 months
Holy fucking shit Niki... that's... fuck I don't know what to say...
Maybe... maybe you can room with one of the others? They're your friends, I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping you out with this...
I- Fuck Niki. I kinda wish I could give your mother a piece of my mind rn. But idk if that would help
I DONT- I dnont fuckign know a nymroe onekay im so fuckngi n tir ed of t shi s thit i h at eo it herea dn s now th e nurese s are masd bec ause i reahse dthe rooom
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