#what if there was something ELSE roaming around our house at night and we never knew it wouldn't THAT be fucked up ->
nattousan · 1 year
Two roommates and a priest stood huddled around the rotting remains of a hideous oozing creature laying quite dead on their living room floor. Next to it, strewn across the peeling linoleum, lay the shredded remains of a peace lily Yuri's mom had left the night before after she'd "dropped by".
The creature had a ring of foam crusted over a hole on its head they assumed was its mouth, on account of the endless rows of needle sharp teeth jutting from its putrid green gums. Its multitude of bulging glassy eyes stared unblinkingly up at the ceiling.
"Told you it wasn't rats." said Lila to Yuri.
"Must've been the lily that got im, the poor thing, those plants are toxic to most everything they come into contact with" the priest mused.
"Oh really?" Lila said, "That makes sense, my mom used to keep them around the house around Easter and that's usually when one or both of our cats would get really sick. She'd still buy em though, every year, even after one of em died. Said it was apart of god's plan as one of gods creatures"
"This is not one of God's creatures." said the priest, nudging one of the things many segmented limbs, oily black and uncomfortably soft in death.
"Yea no shit"
Yuri ribbed her in the side.
"Ow! Ugh, i mean, no kidding!"
"So, mr. uh..."
" father- "
"Right, Mr. Father, you can get rid of this thing right? Like its a demon? You can just purify it or whatever and it's disintegrate into dust, right?"
"I'm afraid its not that simple." The priest said grimly, "We're going to need to burn the whole house down to its foundation.
"WHAT" both roommates shouted simultaneously.
"I would contact your landlord as soon as possible and get things straightened out, you only have about 4 more hours until sun sets. In the meantime I'll call the fire department and see if they can come out and do a controlled burn. That's the only way you're gonna get out of this safely.
"Wait a damn" -ouch!- "wait a FUCKING second, this is our house!" Lila protested, "the things already dead, why does the whole house need to burn?? You can't just throw us out on the fucking street just like that!"
The priest pursed his lips.
"If you're intent on wasting what little time you have asking for explanations, I can talk while you pack, but I must reiterate that time is of the essence here. Once the sun goes down and they smell one of their own has died, it's not going to be pretty.
"And what the fuck does THAT mean!" wailed Lila, "what are these things!?" but Yuri was already ushering her to her room with a garbage bag.
With Lila distracted, the priest and Yuri moved to the kitchen, where he started transferring what little food they had from the fridge into an insulated cooler.
"So what was that thing? How did it get into our house? None of the windows were broken and its too big to have squeezed in somewhere."
"Oh, no, it lived here already, these types of demons choose a single location to habituate and then remain there for as long as the structure still stands."
Yuri nearly dropped the glass jar of kimchi he was holding.
"What? We've been living here for almost a year, I think we would have noticed a poodle sized blob monster oozing around our apartment."
"Yes, usually people call us within days of moving in, or we hear about it post mortem, but I assure you, that creature has been living here for far longer than you have."
Yuri blanched.
the priest cleared his throat. "Do you both sleep with your door closed?"
"That's probably why. For the sake of brevity I'm just going to say that they don't really exist during the day. They spend the daytime their own dimension and get called back to this one with the setting of the sun. They are extremely social creatures though so when one of them gets hurt, it releases a smell that marks its attacker and then nowhere is safe for the marked come nightfall."
Yuri finished emptying the fridge, there really wasn't much in there, and moved onto the cabinets. He straightened up and pushed back his long black mop of hair out of his eyes, a gesture he often did when he was stressed.
"So these things have just been crawling around our apartment at night and we just never noticed because we were in our rooms too much?"
"Most likely, did you ever notice things going missing or moved around in the morning? Mysterious moisture spots that didn't seem to clear up?"
"Dude have you seen the apartments in this area? They all have rat problems and mold. This was the only one in the city with two bedrooms under $1200 a month."
The priests demeanor softened a bit.
"I'm sorry. I know this is short notice but the longer you remain here the more likely it is that the mark will transfer to you both and then you'll truly never know peace again."
Yuri gripped the box of expired hamburger helper he was loading into a duffel bag.
"Never had it to begin with..."
The priest gave him a knowing look but didn't pry.
"My church can provide housing in the interim if you don't have... relatives.. in the area."
"You're damn right I don't"
"I'll make the necessary arrangements then."
Over the next two hours the two roommates packed up what little they had into whatever would carry it. Most of it was still in cardboard boxes anyway so it went quick. Still, Lila took her sweet time going through her closet to the point the Priest had taken to pacing by the door after loading everything else into the church's van.
"Lila! What else is left, it's getting close to sundown!" Yuri hollered down the cramped hallway. The priests pacing made him nervous and he'd rather not sour the good graces he'd extended towards them.
"I'm almost done!" Lila hollered back, " You didn't hear me bitching about moving your ridiculous rock collection you insist on dragging around"
"We're nearly out of time here, gentle people," The priest said tersely, glancing out the window, "I suggest you take what you can carry and we seal up the building, Yuri was it? Did you get into contact with your landlord?"
Yuri was helping scoop armfuls of colorful shawls into a laundry basket. "Oh, yea, I called but he didn't pick up, which is usually the case, so I left a voicemai-"
A series of short sharp knocks echoed through the empty apartment before the key turned and swift footsteps filled the hallway.
"Hello?? Ms. Kalimaschev? Ms. Engels?"
Yuri rolled his eyes.
"In here!"
A man appeared at the doorway whom the priest assumed to be their landlord. He was young, maybe his late 30's, with pommed back blonde hair, a bleached white button up and boat shoes. The smile he gave didn't reach his eyes.
"There you are, sorry I missed your call ladies, I was out on the lake." He fixed his gaze on the priest. "What's all this I hear about having to condemn my property?"
The priest stood up and brushed off his knees.
"Yes, I'm sorry sir but the house will soon be quite uninhabitable due to circumstances beyond these two's control, I'll be happy to explain it all at length outside, but first we must get out of the house immediately"
The landlords lips drew taught over his perfectly straight teeth in a hostile grin. He reached into the leather messenger bag hung over his shoulder and pulled out a thick packet of papers.
"Oh, no no no, these two still have three months left on their lease, they can't just declare the place unfit and skip out on rent."
The priest glanced out the window at the diminishing daylight, a bead of sweat running down his dark skin.
"I understand that sir, but like I said, we really do need to move this conversation outside."
The man straightened up, filling the doorway.
"Oh no no no no, no one's going anywhere, what about my property? Do you know how much I've invested in this place? I'm sure whatever damage they've caused can be covered by their deposit. Did you already call the fire department? Can you get them to turn around?"
Yuri bristled. "He says we gotta get out of here, have a look in the living room if you don't believe us."
The landlord smile tightened.
"Oh the thing on the floor? Oooh yea, I'm going to have to fine you for bringing pets in, the lease clearly states "no pets all-"
"Sir, we really don't have time for this, move aside please!"
"Yea, get out of the way dude, lets take this outside!" Yuri said, voice raised with anxiety.
The landlord dropped his smile and narrowed his eyes in a sneer. One hand pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"I will not be talked to like that, young lady, I've already been generous enough letting your kind rent this place, we're staying right here until the authorities arrive. This is my property after a-
Before he could finish his sentence a writhing mass of elongated limbs and gnashing teeth attached itself to his face with a horrid squelch. His body was thrown to the side like he's been punched and they could hear his muffled screams leaking out over the sound of bones crunching.
Lila let out a blood curdling scream and the priest ran to slam the door shut.
Immediately after it shut a heavy and wet weight slammed itself against the cheap particleboard door. The priest threw his weight against it to keep it shut as it was rammed over and over, warping the door a little more each time.
"Alright! We're going to have to go with plan B!" the priest shouted over his shoulder, "Yuri, reach into the holster underneath my cloak!"
"What about Lila??" Yuri yelled, flinching each time the door shook.
"Don't worry about me!" yelled Lila, pulling a katana out of a box in her closet.
The priest crossed himself.
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lunajay33 · 4 months
Just Us🩶Part.3
Summary: In a world full of walkers y/n was able to escape with her best friend, but maybe that friendship turns into something more
Pairing: Carl Grimes x f!reader
A/n: This story starts when the group is on the road after Terminus but I’m gonna make y/n and Carl 18 just to speed along the story!! This is also my first Carl Grimes series! This story includes 18+ scenes, pregnancy and more
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Carl had just confessed to me and it felt like I was floating, my heart felt so light for once and I could only feel love, he took my hand and we went upstairs for breakfast, everyone was sitting around the living room and kitchen eating fruits and various cans from the kitchen that Deana had stocked for us
Carl and I stayed in the kitchen since everywhere else was taken, he took my hips and lifted me up onto the counter then jumping up beside me going back to holding my hand, my face was probably the color of a tomato and I heard others giggling taken little sly looks at us
“When did this happen?” Michonne asked smiling as she fed Judith some blueberries
“Ummm….like 10 minutes ago” I said blushing even more
“Ya better not hurt her kid” Daryl grumbled shooting death glares at Carl as I heard him gulp in fear
“I…I won’t” he said looking at me with wide eyes as I giggled at him knowing how protective Daryl was of me
“So what are you doing today?” He asked rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand
“Might walk around with Judith, help out a bit in the gardens maybe, you?”
“Not sure, there’s not much to do around here” he said groaning
“How about I get someone else to take Judith for the day and maybe…..maybe me and you can spend some time together cause I have missed you”
“I’d love that, could be like our first date” he said kissing my cheek
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After everyone ate people started to filter out of the house going to do their daily duties until it was just Carl and I
“So….wanna go hang out in my room?” I asked jumping down from the counter
We went down stairs flopping on the bed just starring up at the ceiling
“You know I can’t believe I made you feel that way, I missed you too not spending time with you is my favorite thing, on the road when I’d hold you late at night feeling your breath on my neck” he said as he trailed his fingers from my cheek slowly down to my throat
“The way your heart would beat against my chest when I’d hold you real tight” he whispered his hand now firmly on my chest between my breasts
The room felt really hot, my breathing was quickened and it ached between my legs, I’ve felt extremely attracted to him before but we’ve never had such a close, intimate moment like this to make me so hot and bother, his hand tugged on the bottom of my shirt looking at me for permission, I sat up quickly taking it off and throwing it to the floor as he sat on his knees infront of me now too
“God you’re beautiful” he said his eyes roaming my chest as he pulled his shirt off too, I ran my hand down his skinny but toned body, feeling his warmth on my hand
He pushed me onto my back as he hovered over me, my legs wrapped around his hips
“God I love you”
“Are you really ready to do this?” I asked nervous, not from being scared but from the thought of finally being one with Carl
“HEY CARL, Y/N YOU GUYS HERE……” the door burst open and it was Rick and Daryl and the were stunned like they were frozen
Carl quickly got my shirt and put it on me trying to cover me
“Upstairs now” Rick said as he slammed the door
“Oh my god Carl, I’m scared, your dad can be terrifying” my heart was beating like a humming bird, my stomach tight with fear
“Shhh baby it’ll be okay” he said as he put his shirt back on and we went upstairs, they were already sat on the couch groaning to eachother
We sat across from them as they shot us mad looks, I tried to curl up into a ball on the couch just wanting to escape this situation and Daryl noticed, his demeanor relaxed a bit making me feel less stressed
“What the hell was that Carl?” Rick asked
“Dad calm down we’re grown it’s not like we just met, we’ve been best friends since we were kids”
“Yes I know but are you really ready for what could happen, you don’t even have protection do you really wanna risk her getting pregnant?”
Honestly I have thought a million times about having a family with Carl and now that we were in a safe place what’s the worst that could happen and I think Carl felt the same
“Do ya want that y/n?” Daryl asked
“This isn’t what that was about, we just wanted to be together” I said feeling so embarrassed as I cover my face wanting this to be over
“I can’t stop you guys just….just be smart about this” Rick said as he got up off the couch as stomped his way out of the house, slamming the door making me flinch
“I know yer grown we’re just concerned, be safe” Daryl said a little more lighter than Rick’s angry tone as he left too
I looked at Carl and he was smiling
“Carl why are you smiling that was traumatizing” I said lightly smacking his arm
“Ya but it was bound to happen and now they know not to interrupt us, so should we get back to it” he said holding his hand out to me like what just happened was no big deal but I guess that’s just Carl
“The moment is kinda ruined Carl” I said laughing as he pulled me into his side hugging me
“That’s okay, let’s go have a date then”
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We sat around in the gazebo that was in the town for some reason but it was cute, we got some food from the pantry and decided to have a little picnic, he was eating some chocolate and I noticed he had some melted chocolate around his lips it was adorable but it gave me an idea
I leaned forward kissing him, running my tongue over his lips as I tasted the sweet chocolate and his sweet lips that were so addictive
“What was that for?” He asked running his hand through my hair
“You had chocolate on your lips and I saw an excuse to be able to kiss you”
“You don’t need an excuse love, you can kiss me anytime you want” he said smiling, I loved his smile the way his nose would crinkle and his eyes would close
But of course our moment together had to be ruined
“What’s all this about love birds?” We looked up to see Ron and Enid looking at us leaning against the gazebos railing
“What do you want Ron?” Carl groaned glaring at him
“Woah I only asked what was going on here? Finally get yourself a girl Carl, lost interest in mine?” My heart sank at that
“Ron piss off, you know nothing happened between me and Enid”
“That’s not what she said” I tried not to believe this, I knew Ron was an instigator, he was insecure and wanted to ruin what we had but my problem with Enid was still fresh
“Leave us alone, go run of together and just fight that’s all you do anyways” I said glaring at them both
“Whatever at least my girl is prettier than yours” Ron said as he and Enid walked off leaving a cloud of gloom and awkwardness over Carl and I
“Y/n you know it’s not true he’s just evil” he said rubbing my arm
“I know nothing happened between you guys, I trust you but…..words still hurt”
“Don’t think about it, and I’ll make sure to show you just how beautiful you are everyday we’re together, how your beautiful e/c eyes sparkle in the sun, or the way i love how your hair is all messy in morning, just every little thing about you was hand crafted but whatever high being there is, and you’re all mine” he said as he squeezed my thigh
“I’m so lucky you’re mine, but can we maybe just go home and cuddle for the rest of the day I just want you to hold me like we use to”
“Of course baby, come on” we packed up the rest of the food and made our way back home
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We laid in his room for the rest of the evening, everyone had split houses now so it was only the 6 of us in this house now, thankfully it gave us much more privacy
I was curled up on him, my head laid on his chest as he played with my hair and his other hand rubbing my lower back
“Today is not how I thought it was gonna go” I said as I heard his chest grumble with his laugh
“Me either, it started so good and then we kept getting interrupted”
“Well we’re alone now” I said looking up at him
“You’re right, maybe we could start back up what we started this morning, cause I haven’t been able to get your body off my mind” he said moving me so I was straddling his lap
“Hmmmm only if you let me be on top” I said gripping his shirt
“I guess I can allow that” he said smirking
“Oh you’re going to allow it?” I said laughing as we both removed our shirt
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It was sweet, light hearted and very intimate, it was everything I ever thought my first time would be, he never made me feel insecure he made me feel like I was the only person in the world
We were laid under the covers, our legs intertwined as my back was pressed snug to his chest, our clothes thrown everywhere
“That was amazing, your body is crazy, can’t believe you were a virgin” he said running his nails up and down my thigh leaving chills in its path
“Well I had a lot of times to think about what I wanted to do with you” I said blushing
“You’re not the only one, next time I’m on top”
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Taglist: @eiirqgi @carlsdarling
If you’d like to be added to this series’ taglist comment!! Kinda a trash chapter but I promise I’ll put more effort into the next one!!:)
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 month
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Lonely Pt. 2
Pairing: Stranger Things x reader Zombie Apocalypse AU
Series Summary: A few days after the zombie apocolypse took over Hawkins you lost everyone. Once you finally run out of supplies, you're forced to venture out into the town, hoping not to run into anyone and make it to safety alive. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go how you want it.
Part Summary: You've arrived in some sort of community. Will the leader let you stay?
*Not Proof Read*
This Fic does not mention body type, weight, race, gender, etc. If I happened to mess up and add a pronoun or anything that could define the readers appearance, please let me know so I can fix it. Ty!
ABC List Stranger Things Master List
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
" Where are we? "
The sun is almost completely gone. What's left of the light faintly lights up the inside of the van from the front windows.
" We're-" Eddie begins before Steve interrupts him.
" We can't tell you that. Not yet. "
I get the feeling he doesn't like me very much.
Eddie looks over at the man, letting out a small sigh in the process. " And I thought I was the dramatic one. What the fuck dude, just tell them. "
Steve lets out an annoyed huff. " Think, dude. What if they've got a group? What if they bring back an army that wipes everyone out at our base? "
" I don't have a group. " I try to reassure the man.
Steve doesn't budge. " I'm sorry, I just don't trust you yet. "
" Don't worry, mister Sunshine isn't always this friendly. " Eddie tries to break the tension with humor. " You should see him on poker night. "
" We're here. Eddie, bring 'em in. " Steve orders while the van pulls to a halt.
A faint buzz of noise fills my ears from outside of the van. Where are we?
Steve gets out of the van, leaving me and Eddie inside. Eddie helps me stand up and we patiently wait by the van doors.
The van doors swing open revealing Steve and an older man.
I think I recognize him...
" Sherriff? "
The man's brows furrow. " Are you from Hawkins? "
I nod. " Y-yeah. "
Sherriff Hopper nods at Eddie who leads me out of the van. " Bring 'em inside. "
We follow the sheriff down the road and I'm finally able to take in my surroundings.
Old businesses and buildings make up a long row eventually stopping at a large wall. People watch us as we pass, muttering amongst themselves curiously. Dogs roam the streets, some with collars and some without. Children run through the streets, loud laughter following behind them.
It's a community. God I missed this. I didn't think I'd ever see this again.
I'm led to a tall building, something I assume is the makeshift town hall. Multiple horses tied to the buildings railings stand around outside.
As we step inside I'm hit with a gust of cold wing. AC.
" Fuck, I missed air conditioning. " I let out a sigh of contentment. I close my eyes in and try to soak in the feeling.
Eddie chuckles. " AC is just the tip of the ice berg. "
What do they have here?
The sheriff leads us to an office. He sits behind a desk, folding his hands while he waits for us to close the door. " Who are you? "
Ouch. I thought he'd remember me. So much for small-town life.
" Y/N L/N. " I reply. I shift my hands slightly, uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze.
" Do you have a group? "
I shake my head. I hope they let me stay here. I fucking hate it out there alone. " No. I've been on my own for years. "
" How are you alive? " Eddie asks curiously. " We thought Hawkins was completely wiped out by the virus. How did you make it? "
" I hid in a house until I ran out of supplies. I went out to look for stuff, maybe make my way out of the state to see if I could find anyone else. I didn't know there were so many hordes on Main Street or I would've never done down there. "
" How many people have you killed? " Steve's voice is cold, distrusting. His gaze is sharp. It sends shivers down my spine.
" W-what? I've never killed anyone. I swear, I don't even know how to use a fucking gun! " I turn back to the sheriff. " Besides, I've been alone. Who the fuck would I kill? "
" Did you search 'em for weapons? " Sherriff Hopper asks Eddie and Steve.
" Just found this. " Steve sets my knife on Sherriff Hoppers' desk. " Otherwise, they're clean. "
" What is this place? " I ask.
" This is our community. It's called The Quarry. " Eddie informs as he takes a seat in one of the chairs across from the Sherriff.
" How do you guys have electricity? I thought everything went down when the virus hit. " I ask, very confused to how everything is working.
" We were able to turn on a power plant nearby thanks to some of the engineers who survived. " Hopper pulls out a knife. He cuts the zip tie around my wrist. " You can stay here on the condition that you pull your weight. We have multiple jobs that need positions filled if you're interested. If not, I'll have my boys here take you out a few miles from here and let you go. Your choice. "
" I want to stay here. " I say immediately. " I'll work. I don't care what I do. I just...I can't be out there alone anymore. " I tenderly touch the red lines that popped up from the zip ties on my wrist.
" Hop, I don't know- " Steve begins.
Sherriff Hopper shakes his head. " Steve, have they done anything to make you suspicious of them? "
Steve doesn't respond.
" We give chances here. You know this. " The sheriff turns to me. " You'll need to be checked for bites before we give you a room. Eddie here will give you a tour tomorrow and we can find you a position to work. "
I smile at the older man. " Thank you so much. "
He nods, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. " Eddie, Take her to Joyce for a check-up and then show her to the boarding house. "
Eddie nods. " You got it, Hop. " He opens the office door and we leave the sheriff and Steve behind. " Let's go find Joyce. "
I wonder why Steve hates me?
I'm having a hard time figuring out what ship I want in this. What are you guys thinking? Originally this was going to be an Eddie Munson fic but I think I could turn it into an enemies-to-lovers thing with Steve. Or should I attempt a love triangle situation? What do you guys want?
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callmissrogers · 5 months
That's My Girl | Part 1
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Summary: A mission goes horribly horribly wrong, and Y/n knows it's her fault. Captain Rogers wants to be there for her, but she won't allow him to. But the team believes that there's more to this than simple hostage casualties. What is Hydra hiding?
Warnings: Angst, death, grief, and a wee bit of fluff stuck in there somewhere.
Word count: 3,527
(Only proofread once, so apologies for any mistakes)
Part 2
Y/n sat, face in her hands, leaning against her door.
It was all her fault.
They died because of her.
She had blood on her hands.
Try as she might to send her thoughts elsewhere, they still roamed back to what had happened the night before.
The street lights went out in an electrical burst, one by one.
Y/n looked around anxiously. The house had gone dark too. "we didn't have Intel on charge weapons." She barked over the comms. "Dang Hydra cockroaches!" Tony yelled. "They're trying to block our locators. I have a feeling that these are part of what the Shield x Hydra agents stole from headquarters." He finished. They could feel him pacing and moving his arms about wildly, as he always did.
"Well, let's recalculate. Charges or no, the doctor and his family still need our help." Natasha interjected.
They had come here after getting Intel on the kidnapping of a Doctor Cedric Bon. He had been a leader in black market plastic surgeries. Only his work had little to do with face lifts and tummy tucks, and so much more to do with attempts to actually turn the clock back on a person's age. Before, he had only managed to turn out some really messed up and damaged people, who could never undo what had been done to them. But a lot of chatter recently indicated that he had finally managed something akin to Steve's serum. But for youth instead of strength. 
Right after that, he and his wife vanished. One of Natasha's sources told them that Hydra had gotten them. They could only imagine what they wanted them for.
"OK. So, not being able to tell where everyone is presents a problem." Sam said worriedly. Now they'd be going in blind. They were going to relay on some of Stark's technology to help them locate where they were being held and go from there.
"It's a problem, but we'll find a solution. Sam you keep cover from the skies. Tony, you're in charge of entry points and keeping anyone else from coming in.  Buck, Nat, and I will handle whoever is waiting for us on the inside. Y/n, you gotta get'em out of there, ok?" Steve said, taking on the tone of voice he always had when he was in what they called Cap mood.
Y/n knew why he had asked her to handle that aspect. Her ability was mental and emotional manipulation. She could make someone believe a lie, calm down, get angry, or think whatever she wanted them to think. Not huge things, but simple things like "I should trust her" or "I should give her this key card." These thoughts and feelings never lasted and were always followed by a headache that resembled a hangover.
Even tho she could fight, frightfully skilled in martial arts, Steve must have figured her skill would be useful in helping the hostages relax as she moved them out of there. How wrong he was. . .
But martial arts also came in handy if one wanted to move about unseen, which y/n did.
It didn't take her as long as she thought it would to find them. They didn't have them in a cell, basement, or anything like that. They were locked in a bedroom on the second floor. It had two twin beds and a bathroom. For a hostage situation, this was pretty comfortable. Y/n put this off to the fact that Hydra thought they lulled them into a false sense of security so the doctor would do what they wanted.
That was her first mistake.
"I found them," She tried to say over the comms, but all she got was static. Only then did it occur to that she hadn't heard anyone say anything since they entered the house. They were probably jamming the comms.
She felt for her backup earpiece for such situations. It wasn't there. Why wasn't it there? *because you forgot to replace it after you last used it. the one time you hadn't used your checklist as you suited up. Steve would surely give you an earful. This was why that man loved checklists.*
She decides to press on anyway
Second mistake.
"Who are you?" The Doctor asked, his accent thick. "Just think of me as your rescue, Doctor Bon, Mrs Bon. I'm y/n, I'm a member of the Avengers and I need you to come with me. Now."
"Those men told us that they were part of shield reborn." Mrs Bon said doubtfully. "Shield reborn? There's no such thing."Well, then if you say we can't trust them, how do we know we can trust you?" Mrs Bon asked doubtfully.
Y/n turned and looked at her, her eyes changing from her usual green to a bright violet and then back again. Mrs Bon blinked a few times and then said, "we should trust her." "What did you do?" Doctor demanded. "Later, Doctor. She'll be fine, tho. You'll all be fine if you follow me." She said firmly.
She had stupidly been confident that she could do it all without any backup or any knowledge of what was happening down below.
"Do you know of a back way out?" She asked. "Um. Yes. They took me on a tour just today." The Doctor said nervously. "Why? Actually, no time. Just tell me where to go, but I lead." She said, exiting the room.
The Doctor told her how to find the servants' stairs, which were hidden behind a rather large painting.
She tried her comms again but nothing.
The stairs seemed to curve on forever until they opened up to a large kitchen. It was empty aside from men laying about with knives sticking out of their chests. 
Upon a quick scan of the room, y/n was sure it was safe for them to go.
After a quick dash to the backdoor, she pulled it open, stepping out into the night with them following close behind her. The yard was empty, dark, and soundless. It was now or never.
"Time to go!" She ordered, yanking them along with her as best she could. They would make it. They could duck into the woods. The others would clean up and find them later.
Mission accomplished.
Third and final mistake.
They were nearly there, just about to cross from the manicured lawn into the unkempt woods. But the moment the Bons attempted to cross, they jolted uncontrollably, and then they fell down, dead. . .
Y/n's eyes widened, dropping down, she frantically tried to give them cpr. First one and then the other. Tears stinging her eyes. "Come on!" She screamed. Hands trembling, she felt their necks. They were gone.
Hydra had implanted them so that if they tried to escape, they'd die. But why?
She just besides them until the others found them.
Nobody said anything on the ride home.
5 am.
The moment the jet landed, y/n jumped up, running out before anyone could stop her.
She went to her room slamming and locking the door behind her. Sliding down against it, she gave into the sobs.
Present moment.
Y/n had been sitting in the place since the night before. She didn't care that her legs had long since fallen asleep, that her back ached, her head pounded from crying. A heavy and sour feeling had settled in the pit of her stomach.
"Miss y/n," FRIDAY said, "Go away."Mr Stark says that there is to be a team meeting in five minutes."
She would be sick.
She knew she had no choice but to go to the meeting. It was mandatory for the official mission file before they filled out their own paperwork. It was a manner of protection for themselves as well as a record.
But that also meant that she'd have to go out there and explain to everyone just how she had failed, how she got them killed.
It was all her fault. All her bloody stupid fault.
"Miss y/n," FRIDAY said as a means to hurry her along.
"Fine." Y/n spat, pushing herself off the floor.
Get it over with.
The walk to the meeting room never felt so long as it had just now. Seeing everyone there, waiting for her to join them, made her blood run cold.
But, she was a part of this team. She had to be held accountable just like they did.
Steve was standing at the head of the table. Scrolling through a tablet that was projected onto the larger screen behind him. He glanced at her when she sat down, a mix of emotion on his face.
"OK. Well, you all know the drill by now. We need everyone's account of what happened last night." He said, sounding almost regretful that he had to ask.
One by one, they went around the table, each describing their movement in the mission. "I stayed on guard duty. No one came in or went out until y/n came out with the hostages. Then I flew to help, when I heard screaming and found that they were, in fact, deceased -" Tony said in a monotone voice. "I stayed on yours and Becky's six. We took out about 80-90 guards and agents before we made it outside and found out what had happened to the Bons." Nat said, choosing not to use the word decased, dead, or anything else remotely related to it. She was friends with y/n she knew how something like this would be to eat you alive from the inside out.
Then, the room grew quiet. Y/n knew it was her turn. They were nice enough not to all stare at her expectantly, but she still felt them pressuring her to tell them what went wrong, what she had done wrong.
She'd probably be put on leave for her stupid recklessness.
Her mouth was dry, heart pounding, and she finally looked up. Eyes meeting Steve's. He, unlike the rest, had been staring. His brows now knit together like they always were when he was thinking. She braced her hands on the table and slowly pulled herself up.
"Last night I was reckless. I forgot my other comm, so when they jammed, I couldn't get in contact with anyone. I didn't pay attention to any of the signs that told me it was too easy. I led them outside, and then they died right in front of me because I didn't even think to check for a chip!" She said, her voice increasing as she went along. "It was all my bloody fault. You can put that in the report, and I'll fill out my paperwork later." She spat and then stormed out of the room.
"Oh, she's not in a good place." Sam commented, sounding concerned. "She can't blame herself for the psychopathic nature of monsters," Bucky said, sighing. "There's no way she would have known about those chips. None of us would." He continued.
"What I want to know is why they were willing to kill them. Those chips have a kill switch. Somebody pressed a button to do it. Why didn't they want them alive?" Stark questioned. "There's something that's more important to keep hidden than having them alive." Steve commented almost absently, his thoughts distracted by something or someone rather. "They took them for a purpose, so they must already have all the schematics on the serum he created." Natasha added.
"He was a fast talker to give them everything in 24 hours. This isn't something you find in a textbook, " Bruce said.
"I want more information on where they were holding them and the agents we found there. Nat, can you head that up?" Steve asked before excusing himself without waiting for her reply.
"FRIDAY, Y/n's whereabouts?" He said once he got in the elevator. "In the kitchen, sir."
Y/n was pouring herself into a cup of coffee. She didn't drink alcohol because well she couldn't. Something about alcohol potentially making your heart stop makes one think twice about it.  So she would overload herself with caffeine instead.
She had just picked it up, allowing the mug to warm her hands. Suddenly getting the feeling that she wasn't alone in the room.  The last thing she needed was a speech about how it wasn't her fault and that the team was behind her all the way. Because she knew at least the first part of that was a big fat lie.
Finally, the person standing behind her cleared their throat. Steve. Of course. It had to be him.
Slowly, she made herself turn around, but she wouldn't look at him.
"What do you want?" She asked, forcing her voice into a monotone, hoping that he would get the hint and leave her be.
She knew what he wanted. He wanted to comfort her. He wanted to reassure her that this didn't change anything.
He stared at her a moment before answering, "y/n, would you look at me, please?" He asked, his voice gentil, nothing at all like his Captain America voice.
She just shook her head, eyes locked on her coffee.
He took a few steps towards her.
"Y/n . . . I know you think that -" "That what? That this all my fault? Check. That you're all disappointed in me? Check. That I'm the reason that the mission failed and two people are died? Check and check. We've established how I feel now." She snapped angrily.
Steve's expression shifted from one of pure concern to slight hurt. Not that she could see that, still refusing to meet his gaze. But he wouldn't allow himself to get offended. He did know how this felt and knew that she didn't mean it.
Carefully, he took a few steps forward and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Feeling her instantly tense up. "You can yell, cry, get angry. . . Just don't go inward on me." She said nothing, biting her lower lip, looking away, determined to push away what he was offering now. He sighed, not out of frustration with her but worry, "Shortcake, please say something." Shortcake, the nickname he had given her after they first met at that WW2 convention.
"Steve. Just stop being a hero for one second and leave me alone!" She yelled, slamming her coffee down on the counter, making it spill, and storming from the room. "Y/n!" He called.. He wanted to go after her but he respected her wishes and left her alone.
Once she had made it back to the safety of her own room, y/n collapsed on her bed, allowing herself to break down again.
Why had she done that? She knew that he genuinely just wanted to comfort her. But what did she do? Screamed in his face. Right.
She didn't move a muscle and eventually slipped off to sleep. A sleep that made her relieve the day the man she had just yelled at became a part of her life.
It was a cool day in May, y/n was walking around the WW2 convention. Her grandfather, grandmother, great uncles, and great aunts had all served. She grew up on the old stories, the old records, the old newspaper clippings, and books. Her parents had brought her to this convention every year since she could walk, and now that they were gone, she came alone. This time period was a part of who she was. So dressed in period appropriate dress reminiscent of Andrew Sisters' famous uniform, she took in all the sights.
Finally, stopping by a tent set up to be an old fashioned drugstore, complete with ice cream, sodas, lemonade, and sandwiches.
"I'll take a lemonade," She said with a smile. Noticing the man leaning against the other end of the counter.  She knew who he was, of course she did, just as she was very aware of who he worked for. Technically she was a colleague of sorts.
He quickly noticed her staring. But instead of looking bothered, he smiled. Slowly, he inched his way closer until he was standing next to her. "Which Andrew sister, are you?" He asked with a grin, making y/n blush. "Well. . Not technically supposed to be any of them. I just like the style. It has a bit more class than modern-day dress blues." "You served?" "Airforce. That is until..."Shield picked you up?" "How did you know?" "I might or might not have seen your file." "Sneaky." "I like to think I'm observant." y/n couldn't help but smile. They weren't lying when they said Steve Roger's was quite the charmer. Finishing off her lemonade, y/n turned to pay for it only for Steve to hold out a five dollar bill to the shop owner. "I - why did you do that?" She asked, baffled. "Because I'm a boy from Brooklyn in the 40s, and we don't let ladies pay for themselves." "Oh. I see." Steve couldn't help it. He was very intrigued and spoke before he could talk himself out of it. "Are you going to the show later?" He asked, referring to the bands and performers who would be performing 40s music that evening.
"I was planning on it." "Uh," He cleared his throat. "Would you like to watch it together." "Mr Roger's are you trying to ask me out?" He nodded, "Yes. Yes, I am." his cheeks tinged with pink. "Well, in that case, yes." He looked at his watch, "We still have about an hour before it starts..." "That we do. . ." She said, almost having pity on the poor man. Here he was, Captain America, and he was actually nervous. "Would you like to walk around with me?" She asked, deciding to make things easier for him. "Sure." He said, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. They walked around the field, sharing stories and just getting to know each other. The more they talked, the more Roger's lossened up. The hour flew by before they knew it, so they made their way over to the field. Most of the chairs were already taken by the early birds, so they stood further back. Y/n being only 5 feet tall, struggled to see over the crowd that had also found their way back there. Steve tapped her on the shoulder, "May I?" He asked, gesturing to a stand behind them. She nodded, and he gently picked her up and placed up on it, pulling himself up next to her. They could easily view the show from here. "Thank you for that," she said with a smile. "No problem. You can't help being a shortcake." He grinned. And the nickname just stuck from that point on.
Just a mere three weeks after that, y/n was asked to join the Avengers.
Y/n shot up in bed, room dark, glancing at the clock beside her bed. 3 am. Her heart was pounding, eyes puffy from crying. Her room felt suffocating and oppressive now. "I can't be here." She whispered aloud to herself.  Quickly changing her clothes, she made a beeline for the gym, determined to clear her head.
Steve, whose room was on the same floor, heard a door opening and shutting and then the ding of the elevator.
Sitting up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He had a feeling as to who might be up and about at this late hour. There were only four of them on this floor and none of them were nightowls. So he knew exactly who it was.
Down in the gym, y/n was in the midst of the wing chun arena. Dodging, then getting in a few hits before leaping to avoid being struck in the legs. Steve walked in and just stood there for a moment, watching her. She was ripping them apart. Tho Steve was sure Stark wouldn't hold it against her.
With a scream, she kicked another apart and kept going. Steve was beginning to worry she'd soon take herself apart too. So, with another sign, he walked towards the arena. Leaping over the wall, making his way around the carnage toward the center where she was, just three more dummies to go.
Stopping just behind her, he said
"Y/n... that's enough. " She ignored him and kicked the top off of the dummies. "Y/n." He said a tad firmer, only to be ignored again.
He cared about her too much to allow her to completely self-destruct in front of him. So he grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to turn around. Hands still on her shoulders, he looked down at her, hoping that she could see just how worried he was about her. How much he cared for her.
"That's enough." He tucked hair behind her ear.
"Do you hear me? None of this was your fault. I promise you that we will figure out who did this. We'll find out why. But Shortcake, it's not on you." He said hurriedly, his voice cracking as he pulled her into a crushing hug.
Part 2
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fenharel-enaste · 1 year
The Calling of the Sea || Elendil x AFAB!Reader x Sail Master (Part 2)
Rating: +18 (smut)
Word count: 5k
Content/Warnings: Smut, threesome, unprotected sex, p in v sex, Dom/sub dynamics, bdsm, bondage, dirty talk, slight degradation, lots of cumplay, slapping (on several body parts), oral sex (everyone receiving), double penetration, anal sex. There are lots of things and I hope I didn't miss anything, let me know if you consider I left out something else I should warn about please.
Notes: No plot here just 5k of porn 👀
Part 1
It’s also on AO3!
You arrive home with Elendil and his best friend unaware of the things they have prepared for you...
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Your heart was pounding as the three of you entered your house, and the first thing you felt after the door closed was Elendil's lips on yours, giving you a soft, soothing kiss. “Why don’t you help our guest find the bedroom, love? I’ll join you in a moment.” You nodded and took the Sail Master's hand in yours, leading him across the corridor to your chamber. 
His presence in that room you had only shared with your husband so far was intimidating, evidence of what was about to happen. You felt the man's touch on your cheek, making you look up at him. “Do you still want to do this?” He asked with concerned eyes, making sure you didn't feel pressured to do something you didn't want to do. You weighed his question. There was no doubt you felt quite nervous at the anticipation, but certainly not under any pressure whatsoever. You did want to do it. So you responded by crushing your lips against his, tangling your hands in his long, dark hair and exploring his strong body as you deepened the kiss, tasting him on your tongue. He groaned lustfully at your eagerness, pulling you even tighter against him. “Fuck, I never thought the day would come I’d finally do this with you.” He said between kisses, firmly gripping your bottom with his hands, so big they could easily cup a good part of your buttocks. 
An amused voice startled you and made you break the kiss to look towards the door. “Having fun already?” Elendil said jokingly and you saw in his hands a collar with a leash attached to it and a long, coiled rope. Your legs melted as you recognised the items. You didn't always use them, but when you did, it was for an entire, intense night from which you always woke up sore the next day. You felt your walls clench just thinking about it. 
Elendil left them on the bed and kissed you before turning you around to face the Sail Master. “Shall we have him see what you have under this dress, love?” He asked against your ear, massaging the nape of your neck with his hand and sending shivers down your spine. You sighed your response, giving him permission to untie the back of your dress and let it slowly fall down your shoulders, exposing your bare body to the Sail Master. You could hear him breathing deeply as you felt his gaze roam over every inch of you. It had been a long time since you had shown your body to anyone other than Elendil, and his intense gaze made you blush and raise your hands to cover yourself instinctively, but Elendil grabbed your arms before you could do so and pinned them behind your back. 
“Don’t be shy, my heart, let him touch you.” Yes please. That was the only thought on your mind before feeling the Sail Master’s warm hands cupping your breasts, the contrast of those sea-worked hands with your soft skin set your body on fire. He then pinched your nipples, hard, and you whined in response, but the little pain reached between your legs in the form of pleasure, making you rub them together. He took one of them in his mouth, and lingered on one nipple while he caressed the other with his hand, alternating between the two. Meanwhile, Elendil was nibbling on your earlobe and leaving wet kisses down your neck. 
The man in front of you soon led his lips downwards, following your belly, lower and lower until he knelt in front of you and removed the last piece of your clothing, leaving them on the floor. He placed his hand behind your thigh, just above your knee, which you immediately interpreted as a cue to lift your leg and put it over his shoulder. His breath was hot between your legs. “Look at you, already this wet just from being touched.” He said before gently biting the inside of your thigh, making you jolt in pleasure. You didn't realise your wetness had already begun to slide down your thighs until the man at your feet ran his tongue along them, making your fluids disappear in its wake. “Fuck, you’re a lucky man, my friend.” He grunted, and his smile hid between your legs to lap your clit. He used his tongue slowly at first, but gradually increased the intensity as he listened to your frantic moans. You could feel his grunts of arousal send vibrations through your body as his mouth sucked on your sensitive bud. 
“Enjoying this?” Elendil's voice made you shudder as he kissed and bit your neck, playing with your nipples with one hand while the other kept holding your arms behind your back. “Yes... yes... oh stars!” You could barely stand if it weren't for the men holding you tightly. Your hips moved instinctively against the Sail Master's mouth and you could feel Elendil's hardness pressing against the small of your back. You were so close you began to pant heavily, pulling your head back and resting it on Elendil's shoulder, and then the pleasure between your thighs stopped abruptly, making you whine. “Please...” 
“Not yet, pretty girl.” He said standing up and looking you with a devilish smile. “I want you to come on my cock.” You turned your head back to look at your husband, seeking reassurance that he was comfortable with the situation. You only found a sinful stare. “You heard him, my love. But first...” He freed your arms to grab the collar from the bed and your heart sped up again with anticipation. 
He carefully brushed your hair aside before wrapping the collar around your neck. “Listen, from now on, you’ll take his orders as if they were mine, and you’ll take whatever he gives you, understood?” You nodded and Elendil gave a warning tug on the leash, instructing you to use your words. “Ah! Yes, captain.” You said with a trembling voice. “Do not worry, my stars, I already told him how you like to be treated. Now, remember your safeword?” You'd never had to use it before, but he always made sure you knew it by heart and had you share it with your guest. 
Then, Elendil offered the leash to his friend, who tugged on it to pull you closer. You tasted yourself on his mouth as he kissed you hungrily before guiding you to the bed. You couldn't take your eyes off him as he removed the garments from his body piece by piece. His long, dark hair falling over his broad shoulders, and that line of hair down his tanned chest and abs. You remember how wild it drove you that time you saw him on the docks, and this time, you could see how far it reached when he pulled down his breeches to release his member. You couldn't help but look away, it was indeed as thick as you expected, and your expectations were high already. 
He instructed you to get on all fours on the bed, facing its side, where Elendil had taken a seat in a chair right in front of you. “I’ll be watching over you all the time, princess, I promise.” He reassured you by resting his forehead against yours for a few seconds before kissing it tenderly. 
You felt the bed sink behind you, followed by a pair of hands caressing your back, waist and hips, and the tip of the Sail Master teasing your entrance before slowly sliding into it, drawing a gasp from your lips. You were used to your husband's length, but not to this girth. Noticing this, he started with gentle but long thrusts, reaching deeper and deeper each time. Your whimpers of discomfort soon turned to moans of pleasure once you became used to his size and took his whole length. 
You looked up at Elendil, who was intently observing your reactions to make sure you weren't hiding any real pain. "Don't hold back, she can handle it." He said to the man behind you, who grabbed the leash hanging from your neck, tangled it in his hand and pulled on it, making you hold your head up. His thrusts gained speed and strength and he began to fuck you harder. You felt ashamed of your uncontrollable cries, you were being fucked so good in front of your husband and he.... You opened your eyes to look at him only to find his hand around his cock, pumping it as he relished the sight. “Show him how desperate you were for him that last time, don’t be shy.” 
That image in front of you along with his words made you let out a long moan, only to be interrupted by a stinging on your buttock that made you yelp, followed by a second on the other, and a third, and a fourth. The Sail Master kept slapping you hard as Elendil pleasured himself watching and hearing you come undone. And then your vision blurred, only able to feel the Sail Master's thick cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again, sending that pleasure to every inch of your body, his hips slamming against your sore bottom. “That’s it, cum for me like a good girl.” He groaned, pulling even harder on the leash and ramming you even harder through your orgasm. 
You were exhausted when the Sail Master had finished with you, and you knew that the night had only just begun. Elendil leaned forward in his chair and brushed his lips against yours, brushing your hair away from your forehead. “Are you alright, love?” Your heart melted at his question, no matter how roughly you were treated in bed, your well being was always his priority. Your mind was still a little clouded from your orgasm, but you felt fine, oh so fine. You nodded and Elendil gave you another quick kiss before giving his friend a knowing look. 
The Sail Master pressed his lips on your shoulder and then withdrew from you carefully to reach for the coiled rope on the bed and hand it to Elendil. “Sit on the bed, love.” You pretty much knew exactly what was going to happen next. He'd already used it on you several times, but to have two men using you? A shiver of arousal ran through your body once again. "Spread and bend your legs for me?" And so you did, placing the soles of your feet on the bed, so that your knees were bent close to your shoulders. 
Then Elendil proceeded to wrap the rope around your right thigh, passing it four times just above your knee before securing it with an elaborate knot. He then passed it across your back until he reached your left thigh and repeated the process. He passed the rope across your back again, this time completely encircling your torso with it and then wrapping it several times around your arms, attaching them to your body and restraining them. He adjusted the tension one last time, making sure the rope was neither too loose nor too tight, and tied an easily accessible knot above your chest. "Do not hesitate to say your safeword if you need us to stop. The moment you say it, we will pull from here and the rope will come loose, understood?" 
“Yes, captain.” 
The two men helped you to lie down, legs spread open and your cunt exposed for them both. You felt completely helpless in that position, unable to do anything but accept whatever they were planning to do with you, and the anticipation made your clit throb. Four hands began to roam your restrained body. Elendil had them on your thighs, running them up and down the insides while his friend slid his hands down your torso, cupping your breasts, brushing and pinching your nipples with his fingers. You closed your eyes in ecstasy as you felt them all over you, but you knew this was nothing compared to what was coming next. 
Let’s see how many more orgasms you can handle tonight, love.” Your husband said before sliding himself into you so easily, your walls stretching open once again. He let out a deep groan when he felt you so warm and wet around him. It was obvious that he'd been restraining himself for long enough that night to allow his friend to have fun with you first, fighting the temptation to just shove it in any of your other free holes. All that self-control vanished at that moment as he pounded hard into you, firmly gripping the back of your thighs, marking them with his fingers as you whimpered uncontrollably beneath him. 
The Sail Master gave a little tug on the leash as an indication to turn your face towards him. “Open your mouth for me, princess.” He commanded as he gently removed the tangled hair from your face and held it in his fist before guiding his cock into your mouth. You almost took the whole thing in, but you choked before it hit the back of your throat. It was difficult to control your breathing with Elendil’s relentless thrusts. He chuckled knowing what had happened to you, but he didn’t slow down his pace. 
“It’s alright, love, breathe through your nose, stick out your tongue for me... that’s it...” The Sail Master instructed you, slowly reaching further into your mouth. He moved slowly at first, allowing you to adapt your breathing to the rhythm of both men inside you. Soon after, drool was running down your cheek and chin as you tried your best not to gag on the cock fucking your throat. Your head held still by the firm grip on your hair. 
Your legs fought to close from the pleasure hitting every inch of you, both your mouth and pussy being taken care of at the same time was overwhelming, but you could only find resistance from the rope tight around your body, preventing you from even the slightest movement of arms or legs. You whined around your lover’s cock as tears flooded your eyes, your restraints greatly enhancing all your senses. 
And they continued their work for a minute, two, three... Your body was burning by now and all you could do was gasp as your hands at your sides clutched onto the sheets. You felt oversensitive, unable to move as your lovers used you like that, showing you no mercy of any sort. 
“Such a needy slut we have here.” Said the Sail Master, as he withdrew from your mouth to let you talk. “You want to come, pretty one?” 
“Yes, please! Please I need... ah!” You jolted at the stinging pain between your legs when Elendil slapped your clit. “That’s the Sail Master you’re talking to, show some respect.” He said in his stern voice, the voice that made you want to obey every demand without a second thought. 
“Please, sir... I need to cum, please...” 
“How could I say no if you ask so nicely, sweetheart? Under one condition, you’ll thank us for every time we make you cum, is that clear?” You nodded and your body clenched once more as Elendil slapped your clit once again, harder than before. “He asked you a question.” 
“Yes! Yes sir, I understand.” 
“Good girl.” And he shoved his cock into your mouth once again. 
The Sail Master increased the pace of his thrusts into your throat while Elendil took control of the leash and pulled on it as his hips slammed hard and loudly against you. You felt his cock throbbing and twitching inside you as it rubbed your sweet spot with no intention of stopping. When your husband brought his thumb to your clit, your eyes rolled back and everything went blank, the cock in your mouth muffling your laud screams. 
Neither of them slowed their pace, prolonging your orgasm for what seemed like an eternity that you wanted to last forever. You were a trembling mess when it was over. When your body relaxed, they withdrew from you. “Do you have something to say, hmm?” Elendil asked slapping your ass softly as a warning. 
“Thank you...” Your head was spinning, still recovering from your powerful climax. But the sight in front of you was enough to feel your clit throbbing once again. Both men were firmly pumping their stiff cocks right in front of you, and you couldn’t help but biting your lower lip as you watched them. Their heavy breathing turning into guttural sounds as they released themselves all over you. Elendil’s warm drops landing on your belly followed not much longer by his friend’s cum covering your breasts. 
The Sail Master pressed his lips against your forehead. “Don’t think we’re done with you yet, princess”. He said reaching for your hand and guiding it to his semi-erect cock. "But I think we need some help here first, don't you think?” A soft moan escaped your lips at his words and you grabbed him with your right hand, stroking it slowly, feeling his foreskin sliding up and down along his shaft. Your restraints only kept your upper arms attached to your body, allowing you to move your forearms freely. Elendil laid down beside you, on the left side of the bed, he didn’t need to tell you what to do. He let out a groan at the feeling of your grip around him.   
They both took good care of you as you pleasured them with your hands. Elendil bit and sucked on your neck, leaving wet kisses and marks all over it as his friend used his tongue on your nipples, licking some of the drops of cum he had left on them. The fact that you were jerking off to cocks at the same time, hearing the gasps and groans you elicited from them, it was too much for you. You felt your cunt so empty again. The Sail Master took some cum in his fingers and made you open your mouth to suck them clean. Your lustful moans on his fingers were all he needed to get him hard and ready once again. 
Now it is he who stands between your legs to have his second turn with you. And your cunt was filled for the third time that night, getting roughly fucked as Elendil grabbed to hair and shoved his now hard cock in your mouth with little warning. This time, you got used to the rhythm much quicker, controlling your breathing as you did before. You could taste yourself on him, making you suck eagerly. 
And so they spent what seemed like hours, both taking turns fucking your pussy and mouth. Every now and then they would cum all over you and you would help them get hard again with your hand, or they would just lie next to you, whispering the dirtiest words in your ear as they watched you come undone. And then they were ramming into you again. 
You had already lost track of how many times you'd come. But you were always grateful for each of your orgasms, they made sure of it, slapping your clit or your nipples, or pinching them, sometimes they even slapped your face softly, or tugged on the leash that hung from your neck. You always ended up thanking them with tears in your eyes. 
You no longer discerned whose hands were exploring your body, whose cock was in your mouth or in your cunt or whose cum was running hot on your body. You just knew how sore you'd be after this. “Safeword?” They asked you every now and then, making sure you wanted them to continue such treatment, you just shook your head. This was the sweetest torture you had ever known. 
When your last orgasm faded, Elendil leaned in close to kiss your lips, once, twice, three times. “You did it very well, my love.” He stated with the sweetest smile on his face, his eyes showing how proud he was of you. You let out a deep breath as you smiled back at him, tears of relief down your flushed cheeks. The Sail Master pulled on the knot over your chest and the rope loosened immediately. They helped you lower your legs carefully, they felt stiff from being in that position for so long, as did your arms. 
When they made sure you were alright, Elendil took your hands in his and pressed them against his lips. “There is... one more thing we had discussed to try tonight, but only if you’re not too tired and you’re willing to do it, of course.” You were about to ask what he meant, but you understood it all when you saw the lust in both men's eyes. Oh... 
The idea was intimidating, it was something you'd never done before, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't daydreamed about it often, that you hadn't fantasised about it a few hours earlier in the tavern, before you knew the night was going to end with your husband and his best friend railing you on your bed. The idea frightened you, but you felt far more aroused than scared. 
“You can say no, of course. It will have been a wonderful night whatever you decide.” The Sail Master remarked when he noticed your hesitation. You knew you could refuse, but you wanted to do it, you trusted them both completely. 
“Oh I... I’d truly want to try it...very much so.” You admitted with a shy smile and Elendil captured your lips eagerly. “Alright then, my heart.” 
You found yourself straddling the Sail Master moments later, he was lying beneath you, resting on his elbows to keep his face close to yours. He kissed you gently, a gentleness that contrasted with the way he was treating you minutes earlier. You slowly sank down on his cock, making him swear under his breath while looking between your legs as you took him. Elendil positioned himself right behind you and kissed your shoulders as his hands roamed up and down your ribs. “Relax, my love.” He whispered as one of his hands reached your belly, taking some of the cum still dripping down your torso with two fingers. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath, relaxing your muscles and slowing down your heartbeat. 
Elendil spread your buttocks apart and you felt wetness in your entrance. Was he using the cum from your body as a lube? Oh fuck... It wasn't the first time he prepared your ass for his cock, but you had always used oils. This was so sinful you couldn’t help but squirm on the Sail Master’s cock, making him chuckle. “Oh, aren’t you eager now?” He laughed as he held you still. You moaned in response to the slippery wet finger pushing slowly into you, followed shortly after by a second one. You felt the usual discomfort at first, but only a few minutes later you found yourself pushing your arse back, begging your husband to move his fingers faster, to curl them inside you as you rode the cock in your cunt. 
“Tell us what you want.” Elendil demanded in your ear when he considered you ready. “I- oh gods...” You were a whimpering mess once again, barely able to make coherent sentences as the other man beneath you sucked on your neck. “Use your words, love, I want to hear you say where you want it.” Your husband repeated and you whined at his words, it took all your power to respond clearly. “I want you in my arse, please...” Elendil’s groan behind you sent shivers through your body. 
“As you wish, my heart.” He said removing his fingers from you carefully to bring them to your chest once again and collect some more cum, this time to coat the whole length of his cock with it. “Please...” The thought made you light-headed with lust. “You wanted us both, didn’t you?” He teased as he pressed his tip against your entrance. “You’ll have us both then.” And he pushed himself inside you, slowly, inch by inch, feeling you tightening around him. You gasped and you clutched your hands on the Sal Master's flesh due to the two cocks inside you stretching you open. “Relax, princess, you can take it, just breathe.” The man in front of you soothed you, cupping your face with his palm, making you look in his warm, dark eyes. 
You did as he told you and felt how the tension in your body eased, allowing Elendil’s cock to go in a bit further, and then a bit more, until his pelvis was pressing against your buttocks. You felt completely full now, you still needed to get more used to the feeling, but you couldn’t deny it felt delicious, much more than you had anticipated. 
“I’m going to move now, is that alright?” Asked the Sail Master with his slightly trembling breath. You nodded, giving him permission to rock his hips upwards, pushing his cock deep inside you. His speed increased as he listened to your moans as a sign that you were liking what he was doing, and oh Valar did you like it. Elendil's stretching your other hole from behind you made his friend's cock rub so hard against your sweet spot. Elendil stood still behind you, whispering praising words into your ear. 
“You are doing so well, my stars, do you want me to move as well?” He asked, and you could only beg at this point, making him laugh at how desperate you were to be fucked like that. “That’s what I thought...” He groaned as he grabbed your leash by the end closest to the collar and pulled on it, forcing you to press your body against him. You felt his sweaty chest on your back as he fucked your ass, not as hard as he’d want since he wouldn’t risk hurting you, but he managed to match his pace with his friend’s. You dove into that moment, abandoning yourself once again to whatever it was that your lovers gave you, their grunting sounds making you clench around their cocks. 
“Look at you, you’d be such a good cadet, so eager to follow orders from us.” The Sail Master praised you and slapped your tits, hard. The sound filled the room along with your loud cries. The drops of cum kept dripping down your body and the men would feed you with it over and over again. You had no way of knowing which of the two you were tasting on your tongue every time you sucked on their coated fingers. 
At some point, Elendil pushed his fingers even deeper into your mouth, almost reaching your throat and making you gag on them. "You'd like to have one more cock in your mouth, wouldn't you? You’d love to have all your holes filled with cock, isn’t that right you needy slut?” Gods... oh gods. That’s all you could think about as you were railed, your hips moving involuntarily and riding both their cocks, your clit rubbing hard against the Sail Master’s pubic bone in that position. You couldn’t control your orgasm getting closer, and you didn’t want to. 
“Maybe we should bring her with us next time we set sail, keep her there on board for us to relieve some stress, don’t you think, my friend?” Asked the man under you, who wouldn’t stop playing with your breasts, slapping and pinching them, sending that pain to your clit as waves of pleasure. The captain said the next words right into your ear, using that deep voice of his. “Hmm what do you say about that, love? Would you like us to have you on our ship as our personal slut?” And that was it for you. Oh yes... yes please, take me with you, please. You failed to keep that sinful desire from leaving your lips in the form of words, which elicited even more degrading words from your lovers. Neither were you aware of the screams that filled the room as your pent-up pressure in your core was released and your shattering orgasm crashed into you, sending spasms through your oversensitive body that made your legs feel weak. 
It was Elendil the next to follow even when your orgasm still lasted, your ass felt so tight around him as you came he couldn’t help but spill his seed deep inside you as his thrusts became slower and sloppier, moaning and grunting as he bit your shoulder and gripped you leash tight in his fist. He remained still for a few seconds as he caught his breath with his forehead resting on your back. He then left a few loving kisses on your shoulders and pulled out from you with care. 
You collapsed on the Sail Master’s chest, feeling too weak to stand up straight, but you needed him to cum inside you as well. You rocked your hips slowly in that position, his hands grabbing your ass to help you ride him. Cum began to drip out of your asshole, sliding down to your folds and his balls. And so, with the slow rolling of your hips, the Sail Master gasped beneath you, letting out deep groans and grunts as he emptied himself into your cunt. 
The three of you lay on the bed for a while, too exhausted to say a word. Not that you needed to. You smiled content with your head resting on the Sail Master's chest as he stroked your back with his fingers and kissed the top of your head softly. You caressed your husband's beard as he laid by your side holding your hand in his. He was looking at you in the same way as when you first made love, that night had further strengthened the trust you had for each other, if that was even possible. 
“I love you.” The words formed soundlessly on your lips. Elendil answered you in the same way, and it was the last thing you knew before you fell into a deep sleep.
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Tag list: @starlady66 @thesolarangel @lazymeriadoc @bananaphanta @nyctophilic0vitnir @wint3r-h3art @aamon47 @eremeldanin @shimichoko @hypermanga
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Careless supernova (Pt2 wesper angst)
Woot woot I found time to finish this anyways, no warning
WC-1589- enjoy!
Jespers eyes flicked over the shorter boy, His eyes were tired, deep bags rested under his eyes. Jesper shook away the urge to reach out and touch him, tell him that he was sorry and that if he could take it all back he would. 
Instead he scoffed and pushed past the auburn haired boy. “What are you doing here?” He demanded. 
“Kaz said there was a mercher who had some documents he wanted” Wylans eyes roamed Jesper’s face. Scoffing jesper felt that familiar sense of disappointment that kaz had left out a key detail. 
“Whatever, don't get in the way, merchlling” The familiar nickname no longer held the playful tone from before, this time it was an insult, made to cut. Turning around, Jesper scanned the street for the familiar shape of inej. 
“Jesper wait-” Wylan started but was cut off as jesper whipped around to face him. 
“Look, whatever you're going to say, just leave it.” jesper interrupted the smaller boy with a harsh tone. 
“We should talk about last night,” Wylan tried. 
“There is nothing to talk about. Nothing happened.” Jesper looked down at Wylan with narrowed eyes. “You made that perfectly clear, now leave it at that and we can both go our separate ways and forget about each other” Wylan didn't get a chance to respond as inej made her presence known beside them. 
“I found an unlocked window, it is pretty easy but we don't have a ton of time. The meeting is already half way done.” straight to the point as always, jesper mused quietly as he nodded. Not sparing the merchling a second glance, she turned away. 
“Alright let's go” 
The three of them made their way into the house without much issue before splitting off to cover the large house quicker. As jesper opened door after door the feelings from before began to resurface, A familiar hole making its presence known deep within his chest. He knew it was for the better. The quicker he could leave this job and forget about wylan using some pretty boy or girl from the club the better.  
—--- - - - - - - - —--
The plan went off without a hitch. They stole the documents, wylan burned open the safe and they left quickly. As they made their way back to the club silently, Jesper couldn't help but fidget with the revolvers on his hip. He couldn't wait to sit down at a table and forget about all of this. But alas the saints above had no such plan for him. 
As soon as they entered the club jesper went off to get a drink and left wylan and inej to find kaz. He began to ponder why kaz thought it necessary to bring all of them on a trip that inej could have pulled off on her own. In his train of thought he failed to notice a pair of eyes that belong to a particularly annoying merchling following his every move. 
However before he could notice a pair of well manicured hands slid over his arm and a pair of gold eyes traced his face. “Hello handsome, Im kuwei and you are?” His voice held a thick accent, definitely a foreigner. That never stopped jesper before it wont now. Letting his signature smirk grace his face he looked at the other boy. 
“Jesper fahey at your service” The dark haired foreigner smiled at that. “Jesper, Very pretty name for a very pretty face” kuwei practically purred out. His slender hands ran over the lapels of Jesper’s jacket as his eyes followed Jesper's. 
“Carefull, you're starting a very dangerous game” Jesper smiled. This was something he could do. Pretend to be someone else for the night. A voice in the back of his head was screaming at him to stop and go see his redheaded chemist. He shook that thought away. 
“I tend to enjoy dangerous games” The raven haired boy smirked, his eyes flicking between jesper’s lips and eyes rapidly, Only then did jesper realize how close they were. His hands landed on the hips of the boy's smaller frame. Suddenly Jesper's eyes were pulled away from the foreigner in front of him. They landed on a certain redhead he was trying to forget. Wylan hadn't looked away fast enough and jesper saw the hurt look on his face. Suddenly filled with an ugly feeling, Jesper stood. Kuwei stumbled at Jesper's sudden movement. WIthout thinking, Jesper turned and quickly made his way out into the open street. 
Shaking his head the zemeni boy willed the feeling in his chest to dissipate. He didn't have any more feelings for wylan. He couldn't. Despite his will, his dark eyes welled up with tears nonetheless. One of his hands came up to cover his mouth to avoid a sob passing through. Jesper Fahey missed wylan. 
It was an unfortunate and sudden realization and one he couldn't seem to forget. Because jesper fahey was totally and irrevocably in love with Wylan van eck. 
The realization hit him like a bullet. Wylan van eck had carefully chipped away all the brick and mortar that surrounded his very existence. He had slipped through the cracks and broke the walls down one by one. He had painted over the ugliest parts of jesper and created something worth living for. He played that stupid flute so loud it drowned out the ugly thoughts in Jesper’s head.
Wylan van eck had made jesper whole. 
This epiphany was suddenly halted as a quiet voice said his name. 
“Jesper? Are you alright” The auburn mop atop his head was almost black in the low light. And his eyes were shaded by the hair, it curled tightly around his ears and was in desperate need of a haircut. Briefly, Jesper thought about what it would be like to put his hair up like how he occasionally helped inej. The thought was gone as soon as it came as he remembered the harsh words spoken the night previous. 
“What do you want?” Jesper bit out with more force than necessary. He saw wylan purse his lips, tilting them down in a small frown. 
“You seemed to rush out rather quickly, I wanted to make sure you were okay” The boy's voice was small. Jesper hated how it caused that ugly feeling to boil in his stomach once again. 
Jesper wanted to scream. He wanted to shout about how it wasnt fine, in fact he was the farthest thing from it. Jesper wanted to cry, he wanted to curl up in that room with wylan and cry. He wanted to be vulnerable with him because he was sick of being strong all the time. He wanted to be brave and tell wylan how he was feeling. But jesper fahey is a coward. 
“I'm fine, you should go back inside” His voice shaked even as he willed it not to. It would be much easier if wylan would go inside. At least then he wouldn't have to look at the dejected look in those pretty eyes. 
“Jesper I-” Wylan paused. Sighing he hardened his features.
“Dont, just don't” Jesper was fidgeting, He wanted nothing more than to be left alone but he feared if he was he wouldn't be able to stop the onslaught of emotions that seemed to nag at the back of his head.
“Dont what jesper.” Wylans tone was frustrated. “I don't get it. I try to get you to open up to me about it all and all you do is push me away” Jesper chewed on his lip. He remained stubbornly quiet. “All I have done is try and make you comfortable, You don't want to talk to me. EVER. I've opened my whole past to you, and you never feel comfortable with me holding the burden with you ill never force you to talk to me but thats how relationships work. If you are nervous , scared or worried you talk to each other. You figure it out together, that's how this should work, jesper.” The shorter boy took a deep breath “Did I do something to make you not trust me?”
“No,” jesper replied without thinking. 
“Then what?” Wylan asked, jesper only looked down and away from the merchling. He could feel Wylan’s stare. It bore into him. Sighing dejectedly, Wylan turned and began to make his way back into the club. 
“You consume everything, My every thought.” jesper blurted. Wylan paused but did not turn around. “You are the most important thing that has ever happened to me. You made me love living again. You began to heal wounds that you did not make, You filled every aspect of my life with joy and you made things better when it hurt. You consume me. And I would do anything to protect you.” Jesper paused before breathing. “And i'm scared of that” 
Wylan turned around looking at the tall zemeni boy. Jesper watched wylan trace his face with his eyes. He was scared for a moment that wylan would laugh in his face and walk away. 
“It scares me too. You know when I said what I said last night. I regretted it the moment I said it. And I know that it won't fix it. Not even close. But I want to try and fix it.”  wylan was watching Jesper’s face intently. Nervous for his reaction. Before either of them could think, Jesper moved towards wylan, and wylan moved towards him. They met in the center. Their two very beings moulding together like a careless supernova. 
I hope you all enjoyed this mini series, please leave likes and reblog, it motivates me fr.
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hanmi-xo · 10 months
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CHAPTER 10: "Within Arm's Reach"
| My Happiness | Chapter List |
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[ C H A N ]
Hansol sat next to me in silence. We were waiting for Seungkwan to finish up from his shift.
He has been busy with work and school, and it's not often all of us could hang out like this.
The night sky twinkled by the moonlight. Though there were stars, there were clouds that roamed about, blocking some of their glow.
We sat on a bench outside the cafe Seungkwan worked at. We could see him finish cleaning up the place with one of his coworkers. The two began to talk but because they were inside, I had no idea what they were saying.
"Hey Chan."
I looked at my hyung who seemed deep in thought. He was staring at the ground with his hands in his pockets. He was leaning his back onto the glass panel.
"Hmm?" I hummed to him.
Hansol had his hood on and it was hard to see his face, but with the way his eyes wavered, he seemed to be thinking of something.
It wasn't often I saw him like this. He is usually nonchalant and laid back.
"How long have you known Subin?" His words were almost a whisper.
"Subin?" My eyes widened from her name.
Why was he asking about Subin?
He slowly looked at me. He waited for an answer.
I leaned back onto the glass panel and stared at the moon. It hid behind the clouds. Its beauty glowed with enchantment. It lit up this dark night like the sun after rainfall.
It reminded me of her. The memory of middle school came rushing in.
"I met Subin when we we were starting middle school," I tell him.
The image of her long hair in a ponytail came into mind. It wasn't often I would see her walk in front of me, but when she did, her hair would bounce with every step she took. Even when she ran, her hair danced in the air. My eyes would always follow it like they were petals in the sky.
"Middle school?" Hansol said in surprise. "And now you decide to talk to her?"
I grew embarrassed by his words. He was right. I was always careful whenever I was around her. I never wanted her to think badly of me when we were younger, but now that I think about it. She probably doesn't know much about me.
I was the one who always put distance. To me, she was like a flower in a vase.
Something to be admired and cared for, and to never be mishandled- something worth protecting.
"We were classmates and neighbors, but we never really talked," I say with my eyes low. "But as strange as it may sound, I always did watch her and notice her presence. She was quiet, but she was also caring to those around her."
I felt myself grin. I remember her giving out goodie bags to our classmates and other students that were in our year. It was after exams and she volunteered on giving out refreshments.
She made the best cookies. She often cooked for her friends and helped the student body on volunteer work.
But then I remembered what happened.
"She... she wasn't always stoic or forced a smile though. She was a lot happier in middle school, but on our last year, I heard that she was moving," I tell him.
I wasn't sure if I could tell him the whole story.
"So you followed her?" He asked me. His eyes remained on me with full focus.
I smiled before taking a deep breath and sighing. "Yeah... call me a fool... I overheard her parents talking about it when I was walking home. They were near their car going somewhere, probably their new house- I'm not really sure. But I do remember their conversation. That's when I heard about the high school she would be attending."
My eyes went up to the moon. It's light shined once the clouds passed. Its beauty was alluring.
"If I could tell myself back then to speak to her. Maybe she wouldn't have moved," I whispered.
I felt Hansol's eyes on me. He was quiet for a moment. I looked a him with a grin to lighten the mood.
"Then again, I wouldn't have been able to meet you," I tell him.
His eyes narrowed at my words before snickering.
"Yeah, I guess." He softly smirked.
His mind was somewhere else.
I heard the door swing open next to me. Hansol and I both turned around. There stood our blond friend with a look of excitement.
"Hey! Did you know there's a restaurant a block over? Apparently they have the best Chinese food!" He came out the building with his iced americano with one hand and his other hand on his hip.
"Chinese food?" I piped.
I can smell the aroma already. I grinned with my eyes closed as I motioned my hands to move the scent towards me.
"Let's head there before Chan begins salivating," Hansol joked with a snicker.
He got up and I followed suit. Seungkwan smiled.
"Good! It's about time you treat me out!" He yelled with sass before leading the way.
Hansol and I looked at each other. We were both dumbfounded.
"Are you paying?" He asked me.
"HUH? I paid last time!" I argued.
Hansol gave me a refusing expression before sighing.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll pay," he said.
We followed Seungkwan down the street while he skipped with glee.
The restaurant was somewhat busy but we were able to get a pretty good corner table. The place was well decorated with patterned red walls and oak flooring. The furniture matched the decor with small chandelier for each table.
The place seemed a bit elegant, but also surprisingly casual.
"We'll have a waitress come your way. Take your time, and here's the menu~" the young man said. His voice sounded force.
He looked a bit older than us, but it was hard to tell under his light make up. The moment he turned away from us, his smile disappeared.
Seungkwan held the menu up to cover part of his face. He was scowling. "Who the heck is that guy? Acting like that! He definitely was giving us a dirty look before he brought us to our table!"
Hansol mindlessly read the menu, not interested in Seungkwan's complaints. Meanwhile, I tried not to think about that waiter's behavior.
I heard Seungkwan scoff. "If our waitress acts like him. I swear!" he says with an annoyed look.
I felt Hansol nudge me on my right side. I quickly turned around to look at him. I stared at him in confusion, but his eyes remained forward. He was definitely looking at something... or someone.
I looked where he motioned with a slight move of his head.
My eyes landed on her. Her eyes were busy looking down on a tablet with her fingers moving quickly. Though she greeted us, she seemed occupied. She must be multi tasking. The moment her eyes went up to look at us, she froze.
Subin looked different in her uniform. Her hair was pinned into a low bun with a loose bang covering a bit of her face. She had a black apron on with a short sleeved white blouse underneath. She had black fitted pants with her sneakers she wore earlier today.
Did she change before going to work? I don't remember her carrying clothes to school. She had a bit of make up, and I couldn't help but stare at her. She definitely got ready before she got here.
But how does she have the time to change with the amount of time she would get here after her night class?
"Hello!" Seungkwan greeted her.
His voice shot me back to reality. Was I really trying to remember Subin's schedule?
My attention went to Seungkwan who seemed eager to order. He began to point and ask about different dishes whereas I tried to pretend I was busy with my menu.
I looked over at Hansol in search of encouragement or to look occupied, but his eyes was also on her. He seemed to be in a trance, and I was able to recognize that expression.
I felt my stomach drop.
I said I was going to change and no longer be a coward, but here I was doing the same thing I did when we were in middle school.
He had the same look that guy had back in middle school.
It was something I couldn't ignore.
"I like you, Subin!"
I hid behind the corner of the school building. I was trying to get the soccer ball to bring it over to my friends back at the soccer field, but I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation I was hearing.
I peaked my head over while I tightly gripped the ball in my hand.
There stood Subin with one of our classmates. He was the same year as us, but he was stationed in a different class.
It was after school. We came back from our Summer break, and the weather was warm.
It was times like this when confessions happened, but I didn't think it would happen to Subin. She always avoided people.
Especially guys like Dokyeom.
He was the class president and was adored by many. He wanted to be a singer one day, and even sang during the talent show. He said it was to a girl who he always saw but never got to know. It was love at first sight he proclaimed.
But, I distinctly remember one of her friends liking him.
Her friends were loud about it during lunch that same day. They thought he would confess to Shinhee since she always talked to him. She was one of the girls in Subin's circle. She was liked by many guys, but she always turned them down saying that she liked someone else.
I felt myself grow anxious by how things might go.
Subin stood there. It was like she was processing his words, but I couldn't see her face since her back was against my view. The way her body wavered showed how nervous she was.
Across the courtyard, I saw a certain someone witness the confession as well. She hid behind the corner of the other wing of our school. She looked all dressed up as if she wanted a certain someone's attention.
There she was. Lim Shinhee.
But instead of her usual smiling expression, she looked horrified. It was the expression anyone would have after losing a game or accidentally breaking their favorite pencil.
It was obvious she claimed Dokyeom as hers, but she never said it towards him. Never was I told she confessed her feelings to Dokyeom.
And if she did, this must have hurt her more than I could imagine.
"I'm sorry." I heard Subin say.
Her voice was soft and difficult to hear from the distance I was at. I could see Dokyeom try to speak, but I couldn't hear anything out of him.
She bowed before running pass him. It was clear she didn't want to stick around any longer. She seemed shocked and scared from the way she reacted.
Dokyeom stood there with an unreadable expression. He seemed sad, surprised, but also, heartbroken.
He slowly turned around to look back at Subin who has already ran out of the campus.
She was long gone.
The memory of her retreating figure was clear as day. Her ponytail bounced with each step she took. It was like Cinderella ran away from the ball, but this time, she left nothing behind. That memory stuck with me.
She didn't like him. She didn't even want to be near him.
She avoided him for a reason, but he brought himself to her. I couldn't imagine what was running in her head.
My eyes wandered to the other witness who watched across from me. Her eyes remained on Dokyeom who was still staring where Subin ran off to.
I witnessed this side of love that I didn't want to experience. Not from Subin.
The following week after that, Subin was left alone during lunch. It was only a few months before our promotion to high school when I realized how she lost her circle of friends.
It was like she never existed to them.
I wanted to reach out and talk to her, but I couldn't. Jealousy is ugly, and I didn't want that to happen to her again.
I knew about the few girls who liked me and those brave enough confessed to me, but I always rejected them.
If I were to befriend Subin during that time, would she have gotten bullied? I didn't like how I couldn't really do anything about it.
If I spoke to her, she would get more attention and never want to talk to me again. So all I did those few months left of middle school was watch from afar.
I wanted her to be okay, but how could I comfort her when I can't even be close to her?
Middle school was a blur, but these emotions I remember remain in me.
Things were different then, yet why does it still feel the same now?
I watched Hansol stare at her as if she was an art piece hung in front of a crowd.
I knew the feeling he had. Because I too saw her that way.
I should've spoken to her in middle school. Even if it meant she might hate me, but atleast she would have known there was someone who was still willing to be her friend.
Would she have stuck by my side or would she have ran away?
I didn't want that to happen to me. But I also didn't want her to notice him. I didn't want her to see the way he looked at her.
And if she did, does that mean she notices the way I gaze at her in school? But if she did, then she would push me away if she didn't like me.
So why.
Why do I feel so small whenever another guy comes in the picture?
She's not even mine. How could I be upset when we're barely friends?
She is always in my arms reach, but it was like thorns on a rose. There was as always something stopping me from going to her.
So why.
Why can't I face this like a man?
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
(Since i already did reveal myself, i'll just send asks without being an anon lol)
Oh! That's easy, actually. Although we won't be available when we leave tomorrow, we contacted a certain someone that can run this blog and inform us of any messages you have for either me or Eros ^^
Navina? 👀
Speaking of, Eros wanted to tell you that he appreciated your presence, Mochi! Every time we talked about you and the others, I've seen him smile and mutter something about getting a calico cat and naming her after you. It was so cute! Eros never had any close friends other than me, so seeing her talk about everyone and you like we were all best friends warmed my heart.
SJNSKSJDJD- THAT IS SO CUTE??? Naming a calico cat after me, awhhh 🥺 cupid, can you tell eros that i appreciate knowing her too?? Tell her i said she's very cute too- (and yk there's something funny about your words. I also have a calico cat roaming around my house lmaoo, why is my life so full of funny coincidence-)
Aha... Anyways, before I go on rambling, that's all I can say. We'll see what we can do to make things easier and so we can speak to you all again, hehe! I hope you'll still be around when that happens :D
Oh yeah, i forgot to copy the sentence, but uhh, about that interesting thing in next month, i'll be sure to keep my eyes on it! Whether it'd be another event (i doubt it would be this one, please rest navina 💀) or anything else, i will be enthusiastic about it :] AND YES, I WILL STILL BE AROUND 🙆🏻‍♀️ you can't get rid of me, i'm like that small mistake when you're drawing and you just can't seem to erase it unless you get to the layer who has it-
Hehe, whoever it is will be a surprise, but I'll tell Eros that you appreciate the sentiment as well! She's out right now to get some last minute groceries (and also snacks, we'll be having a small movie night to celebrate our resignation!), so she'll definitely be pleased to hear your message.
Anyway, its nice to see you'll stick around even if we won't be here, then :D hope you enjoy what else will go down while we're busy settling some last minute plans.
(note from yours truly: HELPAIDSRFHUI NOT THE CALICO CAT... dwdw, Im gonna rest for after the main story + maybe writing the dlc fics. on hindsight, they might not be guaranteed to be all posted because bro, my brain needs a huge reboot when this sht is all done and dusted. orz.)
(tbh the next one wont be abt OLC anymore, thankfully, but! it will also reference this + make small cameos. Dont know what I'll do this time around when I get the chance but we shall see kek)
(Istg though when Im done Im gonna limit whoever I'll write. I love writing all of these characters and thinking abt them but God do I now resent how many I have to research. fuck THAT.)
(anyways!! I shall go eep for a good while on writing + maybe post dlcs. I will say that some fics will most def not be published even after the week for dlc stuff/extra fics because my brain just. isnt braining. orz orz im gonna cry. i'll prolly post them randomly idk HAIUHDUFSI anyways ill shut up now goodbye—)
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Happy Wednesday
Chapter 17
Harold didn’t know what else to do, there was no other option as far as he could see. He needed you.
    ‘Harold, what is it?’ You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing loudly. You weren’t in the mood for a late night call. You hadn’t heard from Harold in weeks, not since you left on an icy note.
    ‘Please,’ he was crying. ‘I need to see you. Please, can I see you?’
    ‘What happened?’ You said, turning the light on and sitting up.
    ‘Evelyn, please, I just…’ he was breathing heavily, panicking. You jumped out of bed and began shoving on whatever clothes were nearby.
    ‘I’m coming.’ You said. ‘Harold, I’ll be at the library in twenty minutes, can you hang on?’
    ‘Yes, please hurry.’ Harold cried hard before hanging up.
    You raced over to the library, not caring that you hadn’t alerted your security team. Harold needed you.
    You ran up the stairs, Bear met you at the top, rushing with you to find Harold holding his head in his hands at his desk. He looked a mess, his tie was laying next to his glasses in front of him, and he was shaking.
    ‘Harold?’ You whispered, striding over to him. You placed your hand on his shoulder gently. ‘Hey, I’m here.’ Harold reached up to hold your hand, he was sweating and cold. ‘What happened to you?’
    Harold turned his head a little, his cheeks wet with tears and you couldn’t help yourself. You kneeled down next to him, wiping away the wetness over his face.
    ‘You came.’ His voice was hoarse.
    ‘You asked me to.’ You smiled, sympathetically. ‘You sounded like you needed some help.’ He turned his head a little more to look at you. ‘What do you need, Harold? Just tell me and it’s yours.’
    He was quiet for the longest time, something awful was going through his head, but you couldn’t tell what it was.
    ‘There was a bomb.’ He mustered. ‘It was strapped to John’s chest… I thought I was going to die…’ you sucked in a harsh breath, your hand still stroking his cheek. ‘All I could think about was how much I’d hurt you… I deserve to die without your forgiveness, I deserve to be punished for what I did.’
    ‘No, Harold,’ you shook your head, twisting his chair so that you knelt directly in front of him. ‘That is not your choice to make.’ You told him firmly. ‘You understand me, I will decide if I can forgive you, but you made a choice that was the right choice, knowing that it would mean we couldn’t be together, I’ve never blamed you for that. You don’t deserve to be punished for doing what you did to protect what we made. You don’t.’
    Harold heard you, but whether he believed you was a different story. ‘I don’t deserve you anymore.’ He said, that statement hurting more than any other. ‘The only thing I want in the whole world and I don’t deserve it. I broke it, the promises I made to you, I treated them like they were nothing.’
    ‘You never lied to me, Harold.’ You shook your head. ‘You were always honest, and you always took care of me, you’re still taking care of me. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.’ You had in fact seen an increase in NYPD cars roaming around your block, likely something to do with Harold co-ordinating with Fusco and Carter.
    ‘I always hated your apartment.’ Harold confessed. ‘I always thought we’d get a house together, get married, and have a beautiful life together.’
    ‘So, did I.’ You smiled a little. ‘But life so rarely gives us what we want. It’s much more chaotic than that. All we can do is the best with what we have.’
    Harold nodded. ‘You’re right. You were always right.’ Harold looked down at your face, examining every part of it, committing it to memory. ‘I’m still in love with you.’ You felt your heart cracking the same way it had been every time you spoke with Harold. You swallowed hard. ‘I don’t expect you to say it back, or even feel it, but you’re right, our best is all we can do, after that, it’s out of our hands.’
    ‘Yes, it is.’ You nodded.
    ‘I’m sorry I woke you.’ Harold frowned for a moment. ‘You must be exhausted.’
    ‘I am.’ You half laughed. ‘Why don’t we get some sleep? You look like you could do with some rest yourself.’
    Harold’s eyes widened. ‘You mean you… in the same bed?’
    You stood up straight, knowing that Harold needed this, and one night spent next to him might just be what you needed to.
    ‘You said you needed me,’ you could feel your adrenaline wearing off. ‘And it’s either this or the floor.’
    You slid your hand into Harold’s and led him towards the bedroom he’d let you stay in while you were healing.
    Harold was the perfect gentleman, despite wanting to watch you all night, he refused to turn around while you took your trousers off. You hadn’t bothered taking your oversized t-shirt off, instead shoving on a pair of sweatpants and Harold’s old brown jumper. You slid under the sheets and watched Harold exit the bathroom in his own pyjamas.
    He hesitantly slid in next to you and lay flat staring at the ceiling, you watched him, still wide awake. You sighed and decided it was ridiculous to deny yourselves any longer. You moved closer to him, snuggling close to his body and wrapping your arms around him.
    Harold was warm, breathing a little heavy for your liking, but he was beginning to relax and your eyes were growing heavier by the second.
    ‘If you’re uncomfortable at any point-‘
    ‘Harold.’ You mumbled into his shoulder.
    ‘Go to sleep.’
 You woke feeling a warm body wrapped around yours, the familiar sounds of soft breathing close to your shoulder and neck, fingers interlocked with yours, legs tangled and the feeling of home seeping into your bones.
    The sun was just starting to come up and you couldn’t have been asleep for very long, but the chance to feel Harold around you once more was worth remaining awake just a little longer for.
    You remembered so many nights spent next to him, some of them more clearly than others. You loved the sound of Harold in a deep sleep, one that you knew he’d be well rested from, one that he sorely needed. You loved the feel of his body holding onto yours like he was scared to let go. And you adored the moments he woke, realising his position and kissed whatever skin he could reach.
    Harold adjusted his position behind you, pulling you closer for a moment, his mouth grazing below your ear, sending warmth through your being, before letting go, realising where he was. He began moving back and away, but you weren’t ready.
    ‘Don’t.’ You whispered. ‘Please don’t let go.’
    Harold didn’t move for a moment, contemplating what it meant, but eventually you felt his body settle against yours, pulling you closer once again. You found yourself pressing back against Harold, needing his body heat, needing to feel him loving you.
    It was a moment, before Harold relaxed properly behind you, feeling like you really did want him to hold you. It was everything he needed.
   You dozed for a while, just allowing the sun to come up before even considering getting out of bed. Harold shifted a little, before needing to lie on his back, it seemed he was in some discomfort and you suddenly remembered his injury. You turned to snuggle into his side, trying to be careful about where you put your weight.
    ‘Are you in pain?’ You whispered, your hand placed gently on Harold’s chest.
    ‘I’m used to it.’ He whispered back. You noticed his breathing was a little heavy.
    ‘Tell me what you need.’
    Harold pulled his knees up and you shifted your lower body out of the way. ‘I’m just a little stiff.’ He moved his hips a little to try to loosen up his lower body.
    ‘If you need to get up…?’
    Harold thought about it, before deciding it was best for him to get out of bed. You watched him struggle to stand, his hand going to his neck as he leaned against the wall for support. Your instinct was to get up and try to help.
    ‘No.’ Harold panted. ‘Please, I’m fine.’
    You stepped back for a moment, letting him breathe through the pain, but it was too much for you to bear.
    ‘Harold, please let me help.’ You placed your hand on his lower back, making him flinch, but it seemed that your soft touch was exactly what he needed to feel some relief.
    You listened to his breathing, assessing just how much pressure was needed and you soon felt just how stiff he really was. You massaged the tense muscle, slowly moving his shirt out of the way to massage the skin directly. The sound of relief that came from Harold was a surprise, but one that you knew he needed.
    You continued to run your fingers over the scarred skin, never thinking twice about it and gently resting your head between his shoulder blades.
   ‘How’s that?’ You whispered.
   Harold breathed out and you heard the smile he had on his face. ‘I haven’t felt such relief… ever.’
    You closed your eyes, still massaging his back. ‘You need me to do your neck as well?’ You offered.
    ‘I don’t…’ Harold hesitated. ‘It’s okay. You’ve done enough.’ His hand came around to stop yours and you knew where this was heading.
    ‘Harold,’ you placed your free hand on top of his. ‘Please don’t do this.’ You begged. ‘You asked for my help, and I came. Don’t push me away now.’
    Harold breathed deeply for a few minutes, thinking on what he should do.
    ‘I’m sorry.’ He breathed. ‘I’m sorry. I can’t do this.’
    You swallowed hard and slowly took your hand away from his back. You felt disappointment fill your chest and tears fill your eyes. You felt humiliated. Harold had never done that to you before. You stepped away and Harold didn’t dare look back.
    You cleared your throat, deciding enough was enough, you weren’t going to stand to be treated like this again. You went to pick up your clothes and leave, clearly you were no longer needed.
    ‘Wait.’ Harold stopped you. You turned reluctantly to see him leaning back against the wall, staring at you, his eyes scanning over your bare legs before shooting up to your face. He swallowed thickly. ‘I forgot something.’ You frowned, not understanding. ‘You were always more beautiful first thing in the morning than any other time of day.’ He swallowed again. ‘I always thought I imagined it, but every morning you’d get out of bed and I’d see the light surrounding you… like it is now.’
    Harold’s eyes held yours, you knew what it would usually mean; whenever Harold looked at you like that before, you went back to bed and didn’t leave for an entire weekend. But this time, Harold didn’t move towards you, he wasn’t going to kiss you and you probably wouldn’t spend all day in bed.
    ‘I don’t know what that means anymore.’ You whispered.
    Harold pushed himself off the wall, being careful not to take too many steps towards you in case you rejected him.
    ‘It means, I will never stop loving you,’ another sting in your chest. ‘And I think a part of you still loves me. I asked you to come here when I needed something, when I needed you, and you came without hesitation… people only do that when something still lingers between them.’ Harold’s eyes were filling with tears. ‘Last night, I thought I was going to die. I thought I would never again have the chance to prove that… we built something extraordinary and it will forever entwine us in more ways than we can conceive. I thought I would never get the chance to tell you how beautiful you are, and how I never believed myself to be worthy of you.’
    You let a tear fall down your cheek, not having the energy to wipe it away anymore, you never did these days.
    ‘You asked me once,’ Harold continued. ‘Why I always gave you options, why I always told you that saying no was okay… I didn’t lie to you, but I’m not sure I ever realised the whole truth. I was giving you the option to walk away. To find someone like Alec to be with, because I knew that the time I got with you was everything I’d always wanted. And nothing lasts forever, so if you decided it was over, I convinced myself that I would be okay with that. I think at one time, I may have even believed it enough that it could be true… but then you agreed to marry me, and everything changed.’
    You couldn’t stop your tears flooding from your face, but Harold kept going.
    ‘When you said yes, I knew that no matter what happened, I would spend the rest of my life with you in one way or another. I knew that I’d set myself up for heartbreak, because the second you decided you wanted to leave, I wouldn’t be able to handle it.’
    ‘So, making me believe you were dead was the solution?’ You said through stuttered breath.
    ‘It was a unique situation,’ Harold knew that was the wrong way to say it. ‘I always thought you could do better. I thought if I left, you would move on and live out your dreams and find someone who could give you more than I could.’
    You sniffed, shaking your head. ‘And what about now?’
    ‘Now?’ Harold repeated. ‘Now, I see the truth, which was that it wasn’t my choice.’ He took another tentative step towards you. ‘I forgot to give you the option to stay with me, to help me after the accident… to care for me. If I had, I might have felt relief much sooner in my life.’
    You nodded. ‘I would have made you get surgery.’
    ‘I know.’ Harold gave a brief smile. ‘I’m sorry I hurt you. It seems such a small thing to say given how you feel, but it’s true. I understand if you blame me for what happened, and if you decide to remain upset with me… I will understand that as well, but you should know something.’ Harold took the last step towards you, his body heat touching your skin. ‘There is nothing in this world that will change the way I feel for you, and there is nothing anyone can do that will hurt me more than the pain of knowing I hurt you for a second time.’ You frowned, asking the question. ‘If I had died last night, there would be no way for you to tell if it was real or not. Given the way I know you still feel about me, you may have believed it to be another fake and gone looking for me, which would have resulted in one of two things happening: either you would fail and realise you were chasing a ghost, or you would simply continue on. Lingering.’ Harold’s face contorted with pain once more. ‘I can’t do that to you again.’
    You just stood crying in front of Harold, not knowing why you couldn’t stop and hoping he could take away the pain.
    ‘You’re right.’ You whispered, your breathing still heavy. ‘I do blame you for what happened.’ Harold didn’t seem anymore hurt or surprised. ‘But I am trying so hard not to, because I know the truth as well. None of this is your fault alone. We both made the machine what it is, and it saves a lot of people. It does it’s job and we couldn’t ask for more than that. It’s one of the reasons I’m so glad we put it out of reach.’ It was Harold’s turn to frown, making your mouth flicker a smile. ‘If I could get access to the machine, I would have done so much damage. I would have not only found you, but I would have gone looking for the people who killed Nathan.’ Harold kept his frown, not sure whether to believe you. ‘I’d never felt anger like it, and I don’t know what I would have done if I found the ones responsible.’
    Harold instinctively lifted his hand to wipe your cheeks and for a fraction of a second you froze. You weren’t ready to be touched just yet. And Harold noticed.
    ‘I’m sorry.’ He breathed, slowly taking his hand away.
    ‘It’s okay.’ You shook your head. ‘You didn’t do that to me.’
    ‘No, but I did other things that were just as bad.’ Harold admitted.
    You both stayed quiet for a while, just watching each other, awkwardly figuring out whether you should move away, but nothing seemed to be the right choice.
    ‘I miss waking up next to you.’ Harold suddenly said. ‘I miss making you laugh.’ He swallowed thickly. ‘Thank you for coming, for being with me a while. I know it must have been hard for you.’
    You gave a brief smile. ‘That’s the thing. I actually found it the easiest thing I’ve done in a long time.’ There was a flicker of hope that drifted over Harold’s face, but you didn’t want him to hold too tightly to it. ‘I don’t know whether that was to do with yours or my needs, Harold. I may have been selfish.’
    ‘You know I never minded that.’ He said like instinct. ‘I always wanted you to have exactly what you wanted and never feel bad about asking for it.’
    You nodded, another smile emerging on your face. ‘Yeah, and there was a lot I wanted from you. I wonder now if I didn’t give enough back.’
    Harold shook his head to stop your train of thought. ‘Just being with me and being happy was all I ever asked for from you. That was more than enough for me.’ He could still see the doubt in your eyes. ‘That picture of us in your office, I remember that night vividly. It was a charity event that Nathan invited us to, it was the last time you wore that dress that you weren’t sure about.’
    You started to remember what he was talking about. ‘It wasn’t that I wasn’t sure about it, it was just that I didn’t feel like myself at those things and the dress was… revealing.’
    You both chuckled, quietly. ‘It was.’ Harold nodded. ‘But, for me, it was a blessing to know that everyone who looked at you in that dress might have been able to see a fraction of your beauty the way I see it. To understand just how important you are to the world and how lucky I was to be standing with you.’
 Four years ago.
‘Are you sure the dress is still fine?’ You asked, adjusting your green dress in the hotel room mirror so that it covered your chest appropriately. ‘I feel like I might be wearing it in a little too much.’
    Harold sighed coming up behind you, his hands wrapping around your waist as he spoke low against your neck. ‘You’re beautiful, the dress has nothing to do with it, but feel free to take it off.’
    He made you giggle, before kissing below your ear and grabbing his jacket. Harold always had a way to make you smile when you felt insecure about yourself, or when you needed a distraction from what was going on around you. He was always there and you hoped he would be for a long time to come.
    You went down to the function where Nathan was waiting to greet you. He pecked your cheek and shook Harold’s hand, you even danced together at one point, Harold watching on and feeling the familiar pang of jealousy that it wasn’t him holding you.
    He sat at the table in the corner and just watched as you laughed at something Nathan said. Harold couldn’t express how much he adored you and Nathan getting along, he was worried you wouldn’t and at that point he wouldn’t have known what to do.
    Harold finally got the chance to dance with you, but before you could get onto the dancefloor, Nathan insisted on a photo. Harold was nervous, he wasn’t one for public photos, but you seemed okay with it.
    ‘Just relax.’ You chuckled, your hand going to his chest, keeping his focus on you.
    Harold’s hand immediately went around your waist, the other sliding into his trouser pocket and he was suddenly captivated by your expression. It was the same one that told him you loved every part of who he was, no matter what that was. The one that told him you only ever wanted to kiss him for the rest of your life.
    Barely six months into your relationship and all Harold could do was think how you were the one for him. No questions.
    ‘Go dance.’ Nathan cheered, neither of you noticing that he’d even taken the picture, but Harold was grateful for the relief.
    You swayed together on the dance floor, Harold couldn’t get enough of feeling your body close, feeling your soft hand placed in his, whispering low and making you giggle at small things that neither of you would ever remember.
    ‘Thank you for this, Harold.’ You said, tears in the corners of your eyes from laughing so much.
    ‘You’re welcome, but the night isn’t over yet.’ He flirted.
    It made you laugh again, but you shook your head. ‘I don’t just mean tonight, I mean the last few months, taking me to events and… making me happy.’
    It warmed Harold’s whole being to hear you say it. ‘It’s been a privilege.’ Harold told you. ‘Truly.’
    You stayed dancing together for a little while longer, but when the opportunity arose, Harold suggested you go somewhere more private, like your hotel room.
    ‘Tell me what you want.’ You whispered against Harold’s lips as you entered the room, your arms around his shoulders, his around your waist.
    ‘To see you smile, hear you laugh.’ Harold smiled.
    ‘That’s not what I meant.’ You hummed, feeling his body pressing a little more into you.
    ‘I know what you meant.’ Harold pressed a soft kiss to your lips. ‘The answer is the same either way. I just want you to smile.’
    Harold was an enigma, one you were sure would always hold some mystery for you, you were never really sure if he meant what he said or just giving you what he thought you wanted.
(Chapter link)  
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 12 days
Our Hearts Collide - Chapter 2 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
His steps were silent, just as he was for most of the way there.
Despite the millions of questions I had, I wasn't sure where to start, that and I got the feeling that he wouldn't give a clear answer.
As I trailed behind, there was one question that I couldn't let go of.
My legs ached but I jogged forward, hopping over some fallen trees to catch up to him.
"You knew Michael too, didn't you? You were in touch with him."
The accusation hadn't meant to sound rude but it only made sense given the rushed peace treaty Michael had wanted me to address.
"Yes," his answer came harshly, hurried like he would have continued on if he didn't keep his mouth completely filtered.
I slowed, waiting till he noticed to ask...
He studied me for a moment before letting out a chuff.
"He sought my help. Just as he did when he was younger."
My feet were firm, unmoving, even as he turned back toward whatever invisible trail he was following.
"I'm sure he's told you of the things I've done then."
He took a couple of steps forward as I scoffed.
Arthur paid no mind as I followed after him.
"And you don't hate me?"
"Hate..." he nearly seethed, whipping around to face me, his eyes flashing gold.
The first sign of emotion from him.
"Is a strong word. I pity you more than anything, really."
Had he not clarified it, I could've sworn that he exuded Alpha pheromones.
The sheer force in his voice made me step back, my ears flicking as my wolf seemed to shy away.
Was Arthur seriously just a Beta?
My voice came out weaker than I intended.
The tension in Arthur's body released as he looked past me.
He didn't reply for a while, even turning back to the trail.
He took a couple of steps before saying...
"For the things he made you believe."
It had been evident that he didn't mean Michael.
Maybe it was how he hung his head or the underlying sad tone as he said it... it seemed personal.
Given his age and what I had known about my father, there was something else there.
My father had more than just lied about things, he had brainwashed us, led us to believe things his way and I had only dug under the surface.
It seemed Arthur knew more about him than we possibly did.
It not only haunted me but also intrigued me.
We didn't say anything more the rest of the way, despite the hours of trekking it took to get there.
Of course, I had hundreds of questions but I didn't want to anger Arthur further, especially in such unfamiliar territory.
Even with our wolf instincts, I wouldn't have been able to tell North from South.
Just as I felt like I would've collapsed, Arthur had pointed towards his pack, just beyond the last stretch of dense shrubbery.
The glow from afar was just a speck compared to how bright it looked from up close.
After just a couple of complicated turns and maneuvers, there was his pack.
It was only a fraction of land to our pack, nestled in the only clearing at the foot of the mountains.
Surrounded by dense forestland, it appeared as isolated as it sounded.
A steep dirt road was the only formal entrance into the pack, besides the forest path Arthur seemed to know all too well.
A couple of smaller cottages sparsely surrounded the outskirts of the clearing, all relatively quiet as it was the dead of night.
The ground was still damp and soft from the passing showers, ready for the next round that would surely come judging the looming clouds.
The pack was eerie, quiet as most slept, completely different from the ambiance of when I had been here last time.
Pack members typically roamed throughout the pack, coming and going into the forest with no guards surrounding the perimeters, something our pack never allowed.
Impressive but also terrifying that a group of unruly rogues could easily ambush the place.
However, the most notable landmark was their pack-house.
Since I was here, the building hadn't changed, equivalent to a mansion or manor, their pack-house was far larger than ours.
Yet, their pack size was a fraction of ours, a few hundred at best.
Most of the members resided within the building itself, the traveling and hunting wolves typically lived in the cottages.
Arthur led us straight to the pack-house and I honestly wondered if maybe this was a trap to lure me here and actually kill me.
Now that I thought about it, it was pretty stupid of me to follow a practical stranger to their home. but who am I kidding, I was notorious for doing stupid shit in the first place, was it really that surprising?
At the steps, the door opened, revealing a man and a woman.
"You're back late," a man in his sixties announced from the front entrance before a frown laced his face.
It took longer than I should've realized that man was the Alpha, the same man in the peace treaty meeting, I hadn't remembered his name either.
"Oh, you've brought him here."
Arthur didn't reply right away, instead of looking past him, a female with a bundle of clothes in her arms.
My legs froze at the Alpha's fixed gaze, a look of contempt washed over him as he sighed, fuming at the sight of me.
Of course, he hated me too.
Well, Arthur, I still wasn't convinced.
He'd probably say anything with that straight face of his.
The brunette didn't say anything, running her hand through Arthur's fur.
Even as Arthur brushed against the alpha before walking up the steps to the pack-house, I didn't move.
The Alpha let out a low growl in Arthur's direction before saying under his breath...
"Seriously, this is your bright idea?"
Arthur halted before whirling his eyes on the Alpha, mind linking him something before heading into the pack-house, the female following close behind.
The air was thick with tension as the alpha watched his Beta walk in before whirling his eyes on me.
Arthur stepped away to shift as the alpha and the woman with the clothes stopped to gawk at me.
It took a good twenty seconds before the Alpha spoke...
"Clayton. Alpha of the Northern Lights Pack."
"Rina," the lady greeted, sounding a hundred times friendlier than Clayton.
"His daughter."
I looked between them, not noticing the similarities.
Clayton was sporting dirty blonde hair, intermixed with a couple of gray hairs, while her features and hair were darker.
Unless she meant she was Arthur's daughter...
"Rina, please allow him to shift and change."
Arthur walked in, his presence still domineering, almost the same level as Clayton.
"He must be exhausted from the journey. We'll have a room situated for you. We can discuss things in the morning."
As the door shut, I heard Clayton and Arthur bickering to themselves, almost sounding like an old married couple.
The Alpha was much louder and I heard him... just before I turned the shower on... say...
"Seriously? Another one of Damon's spawns?"
Rolling my eyes, I wanted to joke that he got stuck with the two crazier ones.
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apricusnights · 8 months
Haunted Apricus!
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"Hello everyone! My name is Wyatt McQuillian and I'll be one of your hosts as we dive into paranormal side of Apricus City. Get ready to take a look at ghost stories, urban myths, cryptid encounters, folklore, and much more! And we've got an absolutely perfect day for the premiere don't we? After all, what's better than a journey into the unknown on Hallows Day!"
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"A most excellent point dear brother. Hello Apricus, my name is Katrina Warren. My brother and I have been paranormal investigators for the better part of our lives. You may have caught one of our ShineCasts or read one of our many books. Enough about us though, let us jump right into it and take a look at some wonderfully strange stories..."
"What you're looking at right now used to be an extremely sought after bit of land. We're currently out somewhere in Smokey Gardens. We're not allowed to tell you exactly where this location is because the Union doesn't want a swarm of people out here. They were gracious enough to allow us here to film so we're going to be obeying their guidelines."
"You may have heard a few stories about this place. See a long time ago this was considered prime farmland. Bidding wars took place..and actually battles happened. People would actually fight each other and rumor has it on a few occasions lives were taken just for this land. Things were still quite wild back then."
"The problem is, no owner ever stayed for that long. See ever since the beginning this place has had horror stories. People report seeing all sorts of strange activities all over the property, the barns, and what is now a dilapidated farmhouse."
"Take the King family for example. Shortly after moving in their daughter fell ill and repeatedly told her parents they shouldn't be here. The father thought perhaps someone was poisoning his daughter, trying to scare them off but any and all medical examinations proved nothing of the sort was taking place."
"The family's livestock began dying off. The father found remains scattered all over the property with damage unlike anything he'd ever seen. The daughter reported seeing "something" roaming the property at night, a beast she claimed had red eyes, a beast she claimed one night had noticed her and stared at directly at her from across the property.."
"More and more strange events took place. Objects would vanish from the home and reappear somewhere else. Strange prints were found around the property, the barn was broken into, strange claw marks were found on what remained of the doors. The Bureau investigation found no signs of chimera activity and the Union presence nearby made it a near impossibility."
"The daughter claimed that some nights she heard something pacing back and forth outside of her room. She was too scared to look outside, fearing something may look back. Every time the father investigated he found nothing."
"One day after an argument about selling the property the mother took the daughter with her to stay with her parents. She returned the next day to speak to her husband but when she arrived she was horrified."
"The house was in shambles, signs of a struggle were everywhere. Broken furniture, bullet holes in the walls, and a trail of blood that lead from the living room and out of the front door. The mother examined more marks in the dirt and found what seemed to be nail marks, as if something or someone had literally been dragged out of the house.."
"An investigation took place, no signs of the father were ever found. The mother never went back to the property, practically giving it away in a sale. The daughter's health returned the longer she was away from the land. Though occasionally she still felt as if something was watching her, every now and then remembering the strange creature she once witnessed.."
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"But let's move on to another story shall we?"
"Have you ever heard the story of the one and only independently owned Tacos 'N More? It's an interesting urban legend that occasionally makes it's rounds. Especially around this time. Now we have to say there has never been any proof of this ever being true and it likely is just a legend..but one never knows right?"
"In it's infancy Tacos 'N More was franchised. However it only took one bad apple to spoil the bunch. There was a location somewhere in early Aurora Vale. If you've ever seen pictures of a retro TNM or it's mascots you know how creepy it used to be."
"An older man looking for a job was hired but proved inefficient in most positions. Not wanting to let him go he was offered the job of wearing one of the mascot costumes. As time went on people said they noticed a change in the man but nothing that seemed too worrying. That is until other staff members stopped showing up."
"Investigations were done and missing persons reports were filed but none of them could be found. One day a child was reported missing, one who was last seen in the TNM play area. Yes they used to have those. The place was closed down and remains were found in one of the old mascot costumes hidden away in a storage room."
"The police went to arrest the man who was portraying the characters as he was the prime suspect. Unfortunately when they arrived at his apartment they found him dead in his armchair, and not by his own hand. A note was left on the kitchen table that read "Thanks for a Tacorific time!" with crude drawings around the phrase."
"Shortly after that the establishment burnt to the ground and the case faded away into history..at least that's what the urban legend says."
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"We hope you enjoyed this premiere episode. Please join us next week as we investigate some truly terrifying cryptid encounters!
"Remember, we're always looking to add to our team so if you think you can handle it, feel free to fill out an application on our website."
"Have a Happy Hallows Day!"
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readingforsanity · 1 year
The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson | Published 2006 | *SPOILERS*
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It is the story of four seekers who arrive at a notoriously unfriendly pile called Hill House: Dr. Montague, an occult scholar looking for solid evidence of a haunting; Theodora, the light-hearted assistant; Eleanor, a friendless, fragile young woman well acquainted with poltergeists; and Luke, the future heir of Hill House. At first, their stay seems destined to be merely a spooky encounter with inexplicable phenomena. But Hill House is gathering its powers - and soon it will choose one of them to make its own. 
We meet our four central characters: Dr. Montague, a researcher of the paranormal; Eleanor Vance, a quiet woman at the age of 32 who spent all of her adult life caring for her ill mother; Theodora, whose last name doesn’t remain known throughout the story and finally Luke Sanderson, the imminent heir of Hill House. 
Together, these 4 come together to try to “conjure” up the paranormal said to inhabit Hill House. It is a large, brooding house in the country. Nell is the first to arrive, followed by Theodora, Luke and Dr. Montague. Instantly, there seems to be a comraderie amongst the group, although Nell isn’t quite sure how she should react to Theodora, who appears to be both friendly and unfriendly to her at the same time. 
Nothing huge happens the first night, where they spend the evening getting to know one another. The second day the explore Hill House in all its wonder; wondering if they’d easily get lost if they were to roam around the grounds alone. That night, their first meet with the paranormal occurs. Loud pounding is heard throughout the floor where their rooms lay, and both Theo and Nell experience a cold like they’ve never experienced. Luke and Dr. Montague were sent on a chase after what they believed to be a stray dog but now, nobody believes there was anything and the house was simply trying to separate them. 
The days go on, and exploring still occurs. Nothing extravagent happens, but we quickly realize that Nell is becoming, quite literally, consumed by the house. She begins to hear and see things that nobody else can see. The house is beckoning to her, even calling her out by name. The others are seeing this, but unsure of what to do next. When Dr. Montague’s wife and her friend appear at the house on the Saturday following their arrival, this is when Nell becomes completely consumed by the house. She goes into a trance, disappearing from her room she shared with Theo, roaming the rooms and completely losing her sense of self. She believes she is a part of the house. 
The next morning, it is agreed amongst everyone that Nell should be removed from the house immediately to go home. She explains that she doesn’t have anywhere to go, that everything she had told them up until this point had been virtually a lie, and that the house won’t let her leave. Nobody believes her...until Nell runs her car into a tree upon trying to leave. Right before she hits the tree, she comes to wondering why nobody is trying to help her. 
At this point, everyone leaves the home and goes their separate ways. 
Discussion Questions 
1. Why do you think each person was motivated to come to Hill House? What do you think motivates the Dudley’s to stay? For Nell, she was looking for something to do for herself after spending so much time caring for her ill mother. I’m not sure about Theo. Based on her overall demeanor, I think she believed it was some fabulous resort in the middle of the country. Dr. Montague simply wanted to find evidence of the paranormal for a book he was writing, and Hill House happened to be recommended to him. Luke didn’t really have a choice as a stipulation for the Doctor’s renting of Hill House relied on someone from the family being present at all times. Since his aunt lived so far away, he was the next best choice. 
I think the Dudley’s are bound, like Nell eventually comes to believe, to the house. I’m sure nobody is very willing to care for the house like they have. 
2. The house is a character itself - could some of the strange phenomena by explained by the strange construction? The history of its inhabitants? The history absolutely. The house had a very haunting history based off what the Doctor tells everyone the first or second night. The previous owner, Hugh Crain, was a weird and twisted man and his two daughters spent decades fighting over the home until it finally landed into the hands of the current family who owns it. However, I do believe that the house is “alive” in some way. 
3. What parallels can be drawn between past inhabitants of Hill House and the current visitors? From what I gather, I don’t see any parallels to the past inhabitants and the current visitors. It isn’t until Nell’s untimely demise at the end that you see her fate is that of several others who attempted to leave the home. Therefore, she was beckoned into the home like those others were and the house virtually would not allow her to leave. 
4. The author chooses to have several characters witness strange phenomena, making it very definite that they are happening. What do you believe? I’d say it’s true, that something strange was going on in the house. Especially given Nell’s reaction it without her even realizing it. 
5. How does Eleanor’s past influence her choices and actions? Eleanor had nothing and had no one. Her sister despised her, her mother was gone and she virtually stole her sister’s car and took off even after her sister had told her that she didn’t have permission to take their vehicle. She ultimately admitted that she killed her mother, although it appears to have happened accidentally when she didn’t wake when her mother called for her even though every other time she had. 
6. What do you make of the repetition of the passage at the beginning and the end of the novel? Journey ends at lovers meeting. Honestly, I don’t know what to make of it. It was sort of annoying reading it over and over again. I don’t understand or realize the signifcance to the story. 
7. For those that have seen adaptations of this story - how do they compare? What is good/bad/different about them? I have seen both The Haunting, though only the 1999 remake of the 1960s version; and the Haunting of Hill House produced by Netflix. For the Netflix version, it was only inspired by the story - the house and some of the characters were sort of the same, but virtually the rest of the story is widely different. The Haunting tried to stay close to the original story, but this is of course going off of the remake. The only difference is the doctor’s name is Dr. Marrow instead of Montague. Instead of inviting them personally, Dr. Marrow puts an ad in the paper for test subjects who experience insomnia. Luke isn’t related to the owners of the house, and is instead plagued by insomnia, like both Nell and Theo. Nell’s character is actually related to the Crain’s in some fashion, though I can’t exactly remember. But, widely, the Haunting is a better adaptation than the Haunting of Hill House. 
8. Would you spend a week in a haunted house? 1000%. I love everything haunted and spooky. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I have visited many haunted places, and experienced paranormal phenomenon myself as I grew up in a particularly spooky area with a lot of paranormal things going on, as well as growing up in Chicago, which has seen its fair share to tragedies. 
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theorichardspota · 2 years
All I want to do is eat. I want to turn eggs into a hill of flour slowly until they become one solid object. A ball of dough smooth and elastic as skin. In Boulder, Colorado I stirred the eggs into a pile of semolina flour on the counter of a friend’s friend’s father’s kitchen. We spent three days making the Bolognese. I had just come back from Italy and thought I knew a secret. In Italy, I was falling in love. This is important to me and embarrassing to say. I got too drunk at the dinner party to remember what the Bolognese tasted like and missed my flight in the morning. I want Rae to ferment pizza dough for three days. I want to watch Nathan stretch it into a perfect circle and slide it off cornmeal into the oven. I imagine young Nathan in his father’s pizza shop pilfering chicken fingers with the perfect breading. How can you know anyone if you don’t know how they came of age? I loved my home in South Deerfield so much I got it tattooed on my thigh. I wish I could visit that ghost of myself for dinner. They were such a good host. I want to own a farm large enough to have peacocks roaming the gardens, just to own something beautiful and lively. Everyone I’ve ever loved flew to Blacksburg, Virginia this summer, and James stole us 6 whole chickens from Kroger and cut them into 8 parts and he spent the night frying them so we could all eat after we had swam in the river. And now James might go back to jail because of a DUI but he just got his passport back 7 years after his felony charges and I am not worried about James going to jail or not coming back to Blacksburg because of parole. I am scared of him dying because he is an addict and he works in a kitchen so he started using again and my friends are all alcoholics and I am so afraid of them dying, one after another. I want James to live on my farm with Bessie and I and our two peacocks and my best friend Teagan who is dating James, what luck, what absolute luck. I am afraid of not being able to fall asleep. My mom believes it is because she would try to rock me to sleep as an infant while having panic attacks. She says it was because my father was a terrible father. I believe her. I want the kitchen from The Haunting of Bly Manor where I will carry in tomatoes, peppers, a slaughtered chicken. Teagan will help me make dinner. I want to grow my own food because I am cheap and I think it tastes better, and because I am impulsive and I never want to have to pay for it. This is also how I learned to steal. I am afraid of ghosts. I am obsessed with death. I think I can make peace with death and thus make peace with grief. It is why I cook so much meat. If I can love a rabbit well enough after death, I can let Ben be dead. Often after I cook the animal, I won’t eat it. Having the friends I have has made me obsessed with Pete Davidson and Mac Miller. I am in love with tomatoes. I worry there is not enough love in the world to satiate me. I think of myself as a cormorant. My anxiety has begun to bubble up in new horrible ways. Contamination fears, conspiratorial thinking, fear of leaving the house; I need to shake the bed sheets out every night before I get in. This week it manifested as a rash. I am carrying so much shame. I don’t get catcalled anymore. In first grade when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said “scuba diver.” I still think that is true, but I have asthma. Instead, I take my snorkel to the New River and I chase fish around the river bed and hope I don’t see too many bones. I always see bones but I always say “that is just a deer.” I studied to be an herbalist at an apothecary. I once lived with a conspiracy theorist in southern France and dug her a pool. I spent almost a month riding horses through the Rocky Mountains. I believe grief makes clear the cyclical ever happening nature of time. I think the 4th dimension holds the secrets of ghosts. I am in love with the Greek myth of Aristaeus. I would love to tell it to you. I value play above all else. I thought I would have more tattoos by this age.
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
October 7th. Kinky Halloween Special Masterlist
Kink: Daddy
Au!Fred x Reader.
Words: 2,524.
Warnings: Smut18+, Unprotected Sex, Female Performing Oral, Male Performing Oral, Dirty Talk, Daddy Dom Fred, Praise. Best-friends Dad (Age Gap) 
*Nova is my own character. 
The moment Nova had suggested that I tag along with her for the summer and stay at her dad’s lake house, I couldn’t refuse. I was so excited. 
One, the lake house is in the prime location, bars are within walking distance, the pool is immaculate and the view was something else all together. 
Two, Nova’s dad, Fred. 
God Fred was the definition of Dilf. 
The first time I noticed my school girl crush was Nova’s 21st birthday. Fred had booked out a private Yacht and invited most of the people from our classes. It was sweet and probably the happiest I have seen Nova. However, I spent most of the night at the top of the Yacht drinking and joking around with Fred, both of us wanting to escape the crowd. That night solidified my crush for the older man, especially the second his fingertips brushed my knee which caused my skin to erupt with goosebumps and my breath to catch in my throat. I could have sworn Fred’s eyes lingered on my cleavage a little too much that night but I’m sure it was the alcohol swirling through my veins. 
“Ready?” Nova’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, her suitcase behind her. 
“Definitely.” I confirm zipping my case and following Nova out of our dorm, excitement and nervous bubbling inside of me. 
Nova pushes the large dark wood door open, the smell of cinnamon and apple filling the air, light chatter bouncing off the walls. 
“I think my uncle is here.” Nova mumbles, leaving her suitcase on the ground and walking through the house. I follow her lead, ditching my suitcase and taking in the beautifully styled home. 
“Hey Dad, uncle George.” 
I almost faint on the spot, there’s Fred and a literal duplicate of Fred.
“Uh Dad you remember Y/n, George this is my best friend Y/n.” I smile weakly at the pair as George smiles at me.
“Good to see you again Y/n.” Fred smiles, I notice George side eye Fred quickly raising his eyebrows before taking a sip of his drink. Fred simply smirks, nodding softly, his eyes lingering on me before darting over to Nova. I frown my eyebrows together trying to understand what they are silently talking about, surely not me. I shake the thought from my head, of course two grown men haven't been talking about me, especially not my best friend's dad. Get it together Y/n. 
“So, what do you have planned for this summer?” George asks, his eyes flicking between Nova and I. 
“Definitely hitting the bars, soaking in the sun and maybe finding a man or two.” Nova winks as she hands me a glass of wine. 
“A man?” Fred questions. 
“Or two?” George questions both of them laughing at each other. 
“It's summer, why not have a little fun?” The second the words leave my lips I feel a blush creep upon my face, Fred and George both chuckling in response. 
“Maybe we should go have some summer fun Freddie.” George smirks causing Nova to gag slightly. 
“Right, that's our cue to leave.” Nova mumbles quickly downing the rest of her glass and walking back inside the house. 
“Uh.” The heat returns to my body as I get left alone with Fred and George. I leave my glass on the table in front of me and walk inside the house, once inside I turn back to take in Fred’s appearance one last time. My breath hitches in my throat and butterflies erupt inside of me as our eyes lock together. I hurriedly look away and rush through the house to get ready for the night with Nova. 
Coincidence. Just a simple Coincidence. 
Nova and I had been dancing for hours, the music thumped through my chest, the alcohol flowed through my veins and my mind kept wandering to Fred, curious as to what he is doing right now. 
“Hey, this is Tom and we’re getting out of here.” Nova squeals excitedly, pulling a blonde guy behind her before I even have a chance to respond. 
“Seriously?” I yell, my voice falling silent over the sound of the music. I follow behind the pair, hoping to catch Nova and ask if she is seriously leaving me in the club right now. 
Nova’s body disappears into a cab before she has the chance to hear me. 
“Fuck.” I huff, the cool breeze hitting my exposed skin. Only a three minute walk back to the house, I tell myself. I quickly check the time, 11:45pm, Fred will definitely be asleep and won’t question Nova’s hodiny act. 
The walk back was quick and almost claiming. The sound of the wind blowing in the trees, owls hooting and the crispy moon light shining along the streets. 
The walk back to the house had definitely sobered me up, now fully aware of how loud my heels are against the pavement. I decide to slip my heels off before walking on the wooden deck, not wanting to disturb Fred. I search through my bag, trying to find the house key but coming up empty handed. 
“Fuck you Nova.” I mumble, slightly lifting up the doormat with my foot in hopes of a spare key, but no luck. Right as I’m about to walk around the back and sleep on the deck chairs the door pulls open. 
Fred and George both laugh and continue their conversation before their eyes land on me. 
“Oh Y/n, hello again.” George smiles. 
“Um, hey.” I smile back. My eyes quickly flick to Fred his toned chest on full display and loose grey sweatpants hanging on his hips. 
“Everything okay? You’re missing Nova.” Fred asks, slight worry filling his voice. 
“Yeah no, everything is fine, Nova is making her summer fun with Tom?” I question wondering if I should even be telling her father and uncle this. 
The twins laugh at my question, both shaking their heads. 
“Well I will see you later, nice meeting you y/n.” George smiles, “Enjoy your summer Freddie.” George’s eyes look me up and down before he walks past me, the sound of his car unlocking in the near distance. 
“Excuse me.” I mumble pushing past Fred as he stands in the doorway, I quickly drop my shoes with the others at the door, wanting to rush away to my room. 
“So why aren’t you out making your summer fun with a guy?” 
I feel my mouth go dry at his question, how do I answer this without saying it’s because of you dumbass. 
“The guy’s I typically go for aren’t hanging around at clubs.” Fred raises his eyebrow, his eyes flicking from my lips and back to my eyes. 
“What kind of guys do you go for?” 
Now's your chance, say it's him, if it goes badly act super drunk and blame it on that. I take a deep breath after listening to the internal battle with myself. 
“Guys that choose to stay in with their brothers and drink.” The moment the sentence flows through the air, my cheeks heat up, both with nerves and regret. 
Fred smirks, licking his lips before walking towards me. I back away from him slightly before my back hits the wall. 
“Is that so? Darling, I'm old enough to be your father” 
“That has never been an issue for me… daddy.” 
Fred groans before locking his lips with mine. I moan into the kiss, the sweet taste of cinnamon whiskey on his tongue as our tongues fight for dominance. His hands roam my body, falling to the middle of my back and pulling me flush against his chest. My fingers lace in his hair, tugging on the strands. 
“This is wrong.” I pant, pulling away from the kiss as our chests rise and fall. 
“Say the word and I stop.” Fred’s eyes search mine for any hesitation before I close the gap between us. His hands fall to my thighs picking me up in one swift motion and slowly walking us to his bedroom. My red dress hikes up my thighs with every step closer to the room, my black lace panties on full display. I pull my lips away from Fred’s kissing down his neck before discovering his sweet spot. His fingers grip my ass tight, moans falling from his lips. 
A surprised squeal escapes me as Fred drops me on his bed, his eyes lingering on my body. Before he has the chance to ask me I pull my dress from my skin, leaving me in just my panties, thankful that my dress didn’t require a bra. 
“Jesus.” Fred steps back, taking in the sight of me half naked and under him, egar for him. 
“Daddy please.” The nickname causes his eyes to roll back slightly, a low sigh passing his lips as he cages me in against the mattress, kissing my lips before trailing kisses down my neck towards my boobs. I arch my back causing my nipple to press against his tongue more, his teeth pulling at the hardening nub. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Fred smirks, chuckling as the slight vibration rumbles against my skin. 
“I’ve barely touched you babygirl, look at you, so needy and eager for me.” 
“Only you.” 
My words pull yet another chuckle from his lips. Fred’s fingertips trail along the waistband on my panties causing a shiver to run down my spine. He leans down over my body, his warm breath fanning against my neck. 
“Get on your knees.” Within a second I am on my knees looking up at him. “Fuck, such a good girl.” 
I softly nod in response, my hand palming his evident erection through his sweatpants. Fred hisses at the contact before ridding himself of the clothing. 
A whimper escapes me at the sight of his hard cock. Longer and thicker than I had imagined but everything I need. 
Without being asked I take his dick in my hand, pumping up and down as I lightly swirl my tongue around the head. 
“Yes baby.” Fred’s fingers loop in my hair, holding it out of the way to ensure he gets the perfect view of his cock disappearing into my throat. I bob my head up and down his length, my tongue swirling and my cheeks hollowing out. Fred’s cock leaves my lips with a pop, he grabs his dick and slowly slides it up and down my tongue moaning at the sight. 
“Fucking perfect.” My eyes roll back at the praise, arousal leaking down my thighs and my mind hoping this isn’t some twisted dream. 
Fred pulls me up by my arms, his lips finding mine again in a hungry kiss. His fingertips brush against my clothed pussy before slipping past the fabric and rubbing my swollen clit. I hiss at the contact, Fred moans at the feeling of my wetness. 
“Daddy’s girl likes sucking dick huh?” 
“Makes her little pussy drip?” 
“Does my princess touch herself to the thought of me?” 
I meekly nod in response not wanting the pleasure to stop, however Fred stops his movements causing me to whimper. 
“Daddy asked you a question darling, do you think of me when you cum?” 
“Good girl.” He presses a quick kiss to the side of my head before he pushes me back onto the bed, ripping the panties from my skin. His tongue presses flat against my clit as I sigh with pleasure and surprise. 
Fred hums against my pussy, swirling his tongue in a figure eight motion as my fingers grip the bed sheets. Fred continues to lap at my cunt, savouring the taste before his hands find mine, lacing our fingers together. 
“Fuck.” I moan as I look down at Fred, his eyes catching mine while swiping his tongue side to side. 
“Yes, fuck, oh I’m close.” I regret saying the words the second Fred pulls away from me. 
“No baby, you’re cumming on my cock.” Butterflies fill my stomach at his words, truly hoping this is really happening. 
Fred lays down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hips and guiding me to straddle his waist. His hand falls behind my neck, our lips meet in a brief kiss before being broken by my moans. Fred slides inside of me, stretching my walls perfectly. 
“So big daddy.” My fingernails drag down his chest earning a hiss from his lips. After a few seconds of adjusting to his size I rock my hips back and forth, keeping my hands placed on his chest for balance. 
“Beautiful.” Blush fills my cheeks at his praise, his soft hands rubbing up and down my sides. I keep my rhythm, every now and again swirling my hips for a different sensation, one that pulls the most delicious moans from his lips. Fred’s hands grip my ass, spanking the supple skin as I cry out in pleasure. 
“Is this what you like, baby? Taking control and fucking daddy?” I hum in response as my eyes flutter closed basking in the feeling of his cock hitting my g-spot. Fred’s hands move to my back, flipping us over as I gasp. 
“Only I can make you feel this good.” 
My lips part and my eyes squeeze shut at the new angle. Fred’s resting on his knees with my legs against his chest, ankles resting on his shoulders, his hands groping my boobs. 
“Look at you squirming on my cock, ruining you for any other man.” 
“God daddy yes.” 
“You’re mine.” 
“Only yours daddy.” 
Fred grunts at my response, his pace picking up as he starts to rub fast circles on my clit. 
“Yes!” I cry out, my pussy clenching around him. “Just like that.” 
“You cum when I say.” 
I huff, digging my nails into the comforter as I scream and cry out. 
“Daddy please, please let me cum.” 
Fred grunts, licking his lips.
“Mmm hold it for me.” 
My eyes roll back as my back arches off the mattress. 
“Daddy, please!” 
I feel Fred’s cock twitch inside of me, a deep moan filling the air. 
“Fucking cum for me Y/n.” 
A shiver runs down my spine, my body tenses as Fred’s name passes my lips. My mind feels foggy and my vision blurs. Fred grips my legs, his hips faltering as his hot release fills me. 
Fred pulls out of me, both of us sighing, our chests rising and falling, sweat glistening on our bodies. 
“Thank you.” I blurt out, feeling tiredness wash over me. 
“No need to thank me Darling.” He places a soft kiss to my lips as I feel my eyelids get heavier, not even bothering to move as sleep envelops me. 
I wake up the next morning to the sun shining through the blinds. Instantly everything floods back from last night. I quickly lift up the bedsheets, my naked body confirming that it wasn’t just a dream. 
“Morning.” Fred mumbles, his morning voice sending wetness straight to my pussy. 
“Morning.” I whisper a goofy smile on my face. Fred pulls me into him, his nose brushing against mine before our lips meet in the middle. 
“Hey dad, have you see- WHAT THE FUCK?”
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip!miya atsumu, suna rintarou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuro koutaro, osamu miya
note: reader refered as mom ‼️ not edited cos I'm sleepy </3 enjoy hotties 😽
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•ATSUMU opened the door with his daughter in one hand while the other had a huge blue balloon she wanted, hearing the click of the door you turn around and see your little bundle of joy running with open arms to you "mommy! I missed you" event if the two of them went out for an hour and a half, you really missed her too "aww darling! I missed you too! I'm your favorite, right?" she gave your cheek a sweet kiss with his tiny hands in your jaw "yes! mommy the best" at this scene, atsumu was long forgotten on the door, amused about what his daughter just said "and what about papa? he bought you this balloon!" he moved his hand to make presence of it, slightly jealous of you "papa is very good too! it's just mommy is always the best" you let go of her embrace, tucking her brown hairs behind her ear "why don't you go and clean yourself? I can make a choco milk!" she didn't need to be told twice that was already running to the bathroom " ‘tsumu you know she doesn't mean it, right?" pouty atsumu came walking to you "a know but a want to be her favorite now!" chuckling at his childhood behavior, you make sure to peck him before going to the kitchen, even after all this year's you never failed to make him blush "you can be her favorite tomorrow ‘tsum, come hug me now"
• SUNA had his daughter on his lap, paw patrol playing softly on the TV in front of them, you always tease him about how he is more into the show than his own daughter but he is quickly to change the subject, everytime "how was your day at school baby?" the little girl raised her head from his chest, messy hairs blocking her sight " ‘t was okay, I missed mom" his hand was already on the hairs in front of her eyes, using the hair-band he always had on his wrist just in case something like this popped out "and you missed dad too I like to think" she hummed before resting her head on his torso again, little hands roaming around his body like she was caressing him "I did, but mommy is my favorite so I missed her more... I'm gonna go to sleep daddy, wake me up when mom ‘s home" and with that she was out, leaving suna with wide eyes and lots of questions filling his brain, the clack of the open door scares him, even knowing it's you coming home from work, he was deep in thought "a penny for your thoughts, rin?" he sighs before patting the place next to him on the couch, you gladly obey and lay your head on his broad shoulders "she told me you're her favorite" you interlaced your fingers with his, giving him a little squish "you know she is just a child, right? she lives you so much, everytime you're away she only talks about you" a little hope came back to his eyes "really, she talks about me?" you hummed, assuring him he is the one of the biggest thing in his daughters mind "lots, rin"
•IWAIZUMI was playing with his daughter in the backyard, his hands on both sides her waist while he throws her up and down the air "higher daddy! higher!" her little giggle brought life to his ears, this kid was gonna be the death of him "I wanna fly! like the birds we saw in the park!" "that's very high, sweetie" she was screaming her lungs out, non-stop laughing, toothy smile on her face that had a little of chocolate that Hajime gave her after lunch as a secret between the both of them. to lost in their own world, they didn't notice your arrival, they were having the times of their lifes "I'm home! where's my sweet girl and lovely husband?" her eyes got wider than they already were and her smile impossibly bigger "mama! you're home, put me down dad I wanna go hug mom!" he placed her down on the grass and her little legs were running as fast as they could "mommy! we had such a funny day! we saw lots of things outside?" you could tell hajimd was a proud dad, his daughter being talkative and smart, she sometimes reminds him of tooru "yeah? and what else" "I was telling daddy I wanted to be a bird but I missed you so much! you know you're my favorite, mom" hajime's lips were pressed into a thin line while his brows got a little down, you could tell he was feeling a little insecure so a little assurance wouldn't make him wrong "go inside and change your clothes then we can do something together, how does that sound?" she went inside the house screaming he was gonna wear her favorite blue dress, you giggled at her cute actions "hajime, the entire neighborhood can feel you, she doesn't mean it, she is just a child, we did the same when we were her age" he went towards you and placed his big arms around your waist, placing his head on the crook of your neck "I know, but we were having such a good time" your hands came to his face so you could make him see you "and we are gonna keep having a good time! we have to make sure you're her favorite by the end of the day, come on big boy! we are in this together" and with that you started running inside the house, holding his hand in the way in, the feeling of love and pride fulfilling his heart, happiness and love could be described like this exact moment, he thinks
•BOKUTO happily took his son out, ready to spend a little ‘daddy-son day’ as he called them, sometime they would go to his practice or to the aquarium! to learn everything they can about the infinity of animals the ocean has. today they decided they would be going for an ice-cream then straight to the park to play a little "okay bud! what flavors do you want? one or two?" the kiddo look up to the list of flavours that were in front of him ‘so many choises’ he thought before speaking "chocolate and vanilla please!" his choose of flavors made bokuto think about the old days, when you would wait for him in highschool after every practice to go on a date, you always, and he means always, wanted to eat vanilla ice-cream, I didn't matter the occasion "you know, your mom loves vanilla ice-cream! what if we buy a little for her?" his little golden eyes were shinning at the mention of his mom "yes! she's my favorite so she deserves ice-cream for being a good mommy" mid way taking his wallet out of his pocket, bokuto stops, looking directly to the floor "I'm sorry, your favorite what?" "my favorite parent! duh" he tried, he really tried not to have an episode in front of everyone but his deflated hair was exposing him "oh, that's good! your momma is perfect!" "she indeed is, dad!" the laugh of his son made him feel a little better, but ache on his heart was still there; after both of them has their ice-creams in hand, they started walking towards the park hand in hand "yummy! daddy this is delicious! you're absolutely my favorite!" like that? kids changes of opinion that fast? either way, his heart was pumping with joy "of course I'm your favorite! let's go play and the we can buy more ice- cream!" needless to say, you had a fridge full of icecream that night and two sugar rushed boys
•OSAMU has one twin in either side of him, his little girl with two pigtails while is beautiful boy had a green apron on "I know mommy will love this!" the little boy exclaimed, his daughter quickly following behind "uh-huh! mommy always love when we cook for her" osamu was happy he had this life, he didn't expect to have twins the first try but here he was, bragging about his perfect set of kids to his brother every chance he had "yer mommy loves both of ya so much" the kids were trying to make the onigiri shape with the rice while giggling "I know mommy love us! she is my favorite indeed" osamu's heart skipped a beat after hearing is daughters words "ugh she is my favorite too! I love it when mama let us sleep with her" but why is he saying this when he lets them sleep with him too? "that's right! we need to make this onigiri perfect so she is proud" nervously chuckling to erase a little the tension he was feeling "okay, daddy keeps going from here, go set the table and change yer smelly clothes!" the kids were racing to their respective bedrooms, yelling how they were gonna be prettier than the other one. the younger twin was so deep in thought leaning on the kitchen counter that he didn't acknowledge your presence "samu, baby, I'm here, everything okay?" his features relaxing when he saw you, gently placing one hand in your chin to kiss you "everything good sweetheart, the kids just told me yer their favorite parent so am just thinking a lil" you were laughing at his concern, those same kids told you this morning that his papa was their favorite "you want to know something fun ‘samu?" he raised a brow before his hands found home on your waist, gently pressing your chest to his "what, love" your hand came to play with the hairs he has on the forehead "this kids told me this morning you were his favorite, don't take to seriously what they said ‘samu, they love you unconditionally" taking your advice, he pecked you before hearing little steps coming to the room "our alone time has ended angel, a love ya" finishing his words with a sweet kiss
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eternally-writing · 3 years
baby, please | jjk
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Rating: 18+/R (minors dni)
Genre: smut 
Theme: established relationship!au
Warnings: oral sex (M and F receiving), fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex (practice safe sex!!!), impreg kink, non-sexual use of the word daddy, creampie, slight overstimulation 
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: When Jungkook wants to be a daddy, you are more than happy to oblige.
banner by me! 
“Happy Father’s Day, Kook” 
Jungkook immediately sat up in bed, his doe eyes getting as wide as saucers. Jungkook caught his breath and after rubbing his eyes more than a couple of times as he took in your figure in front of him. It felt like a dream - you holding a plate of breakfast (bread, sunny side up eggs, and fruit - it was the only thing you could cook and now Jungkook’s favorite meal), a sleepy smile gracing your face and Jungkook’s Nirvana t-shirt adorning your body.
“Wait. I’m -, you’re -, we’re… you’re pregnant?”
You froze in your place, mouth parting open slightly to signal your surprise. Placing the breakfast tray down beside you in a haste, you sat down beside Jungkook.
“Ummm no? Honestly, I just thought it’d be funny since I call you daddy so much. But yeah, no, definitely not pregnant.” 
Jungkook let out a sigh that seemed to be in relief but also had slight hints of grief. Being with Jungkook for so many years had given you a 6th sense of what he was feeling, so you could tell that he wasn’t completely happy with your statement. 
You knew Jungkook was the one from the moment you met him. He was in front of you in line at Starbucks, and when he heard you groan as he ordered the last lemon loaf they had, he graciously offered it to you. From there, you got in a friendly war of “ let me take you out to pay you back!” until he finally made it official one night in front of the Han river. You had always imagined having kids with Jungkook and spending the rest of your lives together, but until this moment you had never realized that you hadn’t talked about it with him until now. 
Grabbing his hands in yours, you looked him in the eyes. 
“Is that something you want, Kook? Us having kids? Me being pregnant?”
Jungkook’s eyebrows worried in confusion at his own feelings. “I know we weren’t trying or anything… but is it so bad that I wanted it to be true? I know I’m ready- we have a house, the money, we could do it if we wanted to”
It gave you so much relief to know Jungkook had given the topic as much thought as you have, You could picture it already - you and Jungkook picking out furniture for a nursery, him running out to the convenience store to get you your craving foods at 3am, and most of all, him being the perfect dad. 
You eagerly agreed with him, sharing how you felt ready. What you had planned to be a fun practical joke on your husband ended up with you two making baby plans together. While Jungkook had carried away with his plans for baby names and the great schools in the area, there was one phrase in particular that broke you out of your contemplation. 
“Plus, I think you’d look so hot while pregnant, baby.”
You could see Jungkook’s eyes darken as he said the statement. He pulled you closer to him, glazing his hands over your stomach. 
“Imagine… your belly nice and full with our baby, your tits so full and swollen..” As he continued rubbing your stomach, his hands started to roam upwards and ghost around your breasts.  You could feel Jungkook’s cock starting to grow underneath you. Instinctively, your body started to press itself harder against Jungkook’s, making sure that your heat was flush with his cock.
“Oh yeah? What else would you like...,” you whispered, wanting to egg him on. 
Jungkook snaked one hand down to your sex, cupping it gently while continuing his ministrations on your chest.
“I want to fuck a baby into you. Fuck you so hard and deep that you can feel me in your stomach. I want to fill you with cum until it’s spilling out of you, but even then, I’ll make sure that you don’t waste a single drop. 
He could feel your panties getting wetter by the second under his touch, and the small circles he was making just edging around your clit were making the goosebumps stand up on your neck. 
“Well then do it, Jungkook. Put a baby in me.”
It didn��t take long for clothes to come flying off your bodies. Jungkook pinned you to the bed with his arms, taking the time to admire your beautiful figure while he hovered on top of you. He glanced at you as if he was seeing your curves for the first time, eyes sparkling in amusement. His hands wandered first to your hair, caressing it softly before trailing her fingers down your jawline. It was no secret how sensitive your body was to Jungkook’s touches, just his hands on your body gave you goosebumps and set your senses alight. He was teasing you with his fingers, keeping his hands swifty away from where you needed him the most.  You were tempted to grab his hands and place them yourself, but you knew better than to disobey Jungkook, especially with his darkened pupils. 
“Patience, babygirl.” whispered Jungkook as he kept you in his hold. 
HIs lips followed where his hands went, lightly ghosting over the area and pressing in the occasional mark into your skin. He was bold in his hickey placements, knowing that he wanted everyone to know that you were his and his only. 
“Kook, please - “
He could only tease you for so long before giving into your pleas, and he swiftly cupped one of your nipples in this mouth, eliciting a loud moan from you. He paid equal attention to your other breast with his fingers, swirling the nub ever so slightly to complement his tongue movement.
The picture of you on your bed, back arched, hands gripping the sheets in pleasure, was one that Jungkook wished to commit to memory. So fucking beautiful , thought Jungkook as he peppered kisses further down your body. You moved your fingers to his hair, tugging it in efforts to get Jungkook to reach your core faster. 
By the time Jungkook reached your core you were already soaked, which was a point he clearly made to you as he let a string of your arousal spread between his fingers. He couldn’t help but tease you one more time as he let his tongue taste the arousal on his fingers. You were seconds away from shaking your legs in a tantrum at not getting his tongue in your folds, but sensing your frustration leaping to its peak, Jungkook dove into your pussy like a starved man who hadn’t eaten in days. You turned into a moaning mess in his hold, swears spewing from your mouth like a sailor. 
“Holy fuck, Jeon - your mouth is- ” Jungkook was taking away your ability to form full sentences as he kept lapping at your cunt. He made sure to pay special attention to your clit, sucking just enough to elicit the most filthy moans from your mouth.
Just the vision of Jungkook looking at you, face covered in your juices, lusty eyes staring at you, was enough to make you cum on the spot. He licked his lips, muttering a “so fucking tasty” as he dove back in your seconds. He parted your pussy lips with his fingers, watching your pussy pulse under the touch. Your heart was pounding, blood roaring in your ears as he inserted one finger into you. Your body instantly clenched around it, welcoming the intrusion as it gave you pleasure.
Jungkook tsked as he shook his head, speaking with a husky voice. “Clenching around one finger already baby? I’m gonna have to open you up before I can even get my cock to fit in you.” 
Just the mention of Jungkook’s cock had you whimpering, and dirty talk aside, you knew what he was saying was true. Jungkook was clearly well endowed, and the sight of his cock currently straining against his boxers reminded you of just how big he was. 
Without notice, Jungkook plunged another finger in, scissoring them inside you rapidly. You felt your brain start to short circuit as his mouth joined in on his ministrations, tongue lapping at your clit to increase your pleasure. Your hands stayed in his hair, burying him deeper into your cunt.
“Need -, I need more baby” 
Jungkook agreed, shifting his focus away from your core and back up to your beautiful face. He basked in the vision of you, sweat beads trickling down the side of your face. He kissed you slowly, letting you taste yourself on his lips. You sucked his bottom lip further into your mouth in efforts to pull him closer, both your lips fighting for dominance. He brought up into his lap, letting you sit up and face him while continuing your steamy make out session. Feeling his cock throbbing against your pussy, begging to be let free, you couldn’t help but grind down on him, letting your feral instincts run free. 
“Off. Now.” you begged as you pulled at the elastic him of your boxers with his fingers. 
“Your wish is my command, babygirl,” growled Jungkook as he threw his boxers off, letting his cock spring free in all its glory. You were quick with an instinctual reaction to sink to your knees, ready to repay the favor to Jungkook. You started with sloppy kisses to the head of his cock, which was already red and leaking with pre-cum. Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from bucking up into your mouth on instinct, eliciting a small gag from you as you took more of him into your mouth. 
“Mmmph, always taking me so well baby. Looking so pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock.”
You eagerly bobbed your head up and down, using your hands to cover the extra length that you couldn’t take in your mouth. It was only as you went to touch his balls that Jungkook reached out to stop you. 
“Another time baby… today this cum needs to go somewhere different.” 
With that, Jungkook took you back into his hold, letting his arms roam free across your body again. He moved you into missionary position, his hands cupping your chest as he looked you deep in your eyes. HIs cock was nested right against your pussy, mere inches away from being pushed into your core.
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asked sincerely before moving a muscle. 
You pressed a sweet kiss to his nose before answering. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Now put a baby in me, Jeon Jungkook.” 
With that, Jungkook buried his cock into you. You both moaned in unison at the feeling, the bare connectedness between you two making you feel dizzy with pleasure. He kept a steady rhythm for his thrusts, pounding into you relentlessly,
“Fuck baby, I can’t wait to see this tits so big and full of milk.” Jungkook moaned as he delved his head into your chest, letting your breasts nuzzle him on either side. 
If the feeling of Jungkook’s cock in you wasn’t going to push you off the edge, his dirty talk definitely could.
“Feel that? Feel me reaching your cervix baby? I’m gonna make sure all my cum reaches in there.”
You reflexively started clenching around him, increasing your pleasure as he reached deep into your core. Your fingers found their way to his back, digging in deep enough to leave a mark. The way Jungkook was fucking into you was purely feral, as if both you were acting only on pure instinct.
You watched the way Jungkook’s cock slid in and out of you, filling you to the hilt. With every thrust his pubic bone hit your clit, adding extra layers of pleasure to your fucking. You could feel Jungkook’s rhythm start to falter as he got closer to his climax, and 
“Cum with me baby.”
Jungkook kept spewing all the dirty things he wanted to do to you as he snuck one hand down to rub circles on your clit. He could feel you clenching even tighter around him as you felt your core tighten. 
“Fuck, fill me up baby, I wanna be full of your cum.”
Jungkook picked up his pace as he kept ramming into you, puncturing each syllable of his sentences with a thrust. “That’s what you’re gonna get baby, you’re gonna get so much cum that it’s dripping out of you.”
It was Jungkook’s dirty talk that pushed you over the edge as you felt yourself dissolve into pleasure, your orgasm rocking over your body. Seeing your blissed, purely fucked out face prompted Jungkook to join you, groping at your body as he continued to pound into you, giving you the extended pleasure from the overstimulation of your pussy. 
“I’m gonna get you so pregnant babygirl, fuck. Gonna cum inside you so deep.” 
Even after reaching his climax, Jungkook stayed buried inside of you, watching his cum mix with yours and drip out onto the bedspread below you both. He only pulled out of you after his cock had come down from this high, releasing its last spurts of cum inside you. Eventually, Jungkook knew he had to pull out, eliciting a whimper from you at the loss of fullness.
As you both laid there, panting and coming down from your highs, Jungkook took your hand in his and looked you in the eyes.
“That was it, right? Wasn’t it?”. Jungkook looked at you with his doe eyes and a grin spreading across his cheeks.
“These things take time, daddy.  It might take us a while before it actually happens.” 
After scrolling on his phone, googling what you could only assume to be “how to get pregnant:, Jungkook moved your legs propped up against the headboard, carefully scooping any of this cum that had spilled out of your pussy and pushing it back in as far as he could go. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that all those tricks had been debunked as old wives tales and instead let him do as he pleased, seeing the joy that was on his face as he ran his hands over your belly.
“I don’t know, I just feel it babe. That was it, Y/N.”
You laughed at him, using one of your propped up legs to tap him on the shoulder playfully. 
It was Jungkook’s turn to laugh when 3 weeks later he couldn’t hold back his “i told you so” as you showed him your positive pregnancy test 3 weeks later. 
If you liked what you read please interact/follow! Thanks for reading ♡ - Emily
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