#what if you just. simply. minded your own business?
solxamber · 18 hours
Date(?) Night- Rook Hunt x reader
Rook is convinced that you have feelings for him after your "date". You have no idea what he's talking about
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You’re minding your own business in the tranquil courtyard, taking in the morning sun, when suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a familiar figure approaching—Rook Hunt. His feathered hat tips with the breeze, his eyes twinkling with mischief. You've come to learn that when Rook has that look in his eyes, it means he’s up to something. Something involving you, most likely.
"Ah, ma chérie, the morning sun pales in comparison to your beauty today!" Rook announces as he strides over, his voice dripping with theatrical flair.
You sigh but can’t help a small smile creeping up your lips. “Rook, it’s too early for this.”
“Non, non!” He gasps dramatically, clutching a hand to his chest as if wounded. “It is never too early to admire the exquisite masterpiece that is before me.”
It’s his usual routine, something you’ve gotten used to over time, though it never ceases to catch you off guard when he throws in a new metaphor or an unexpected compliment. Today, however, there’s an extra glint of mischief in his eye, and you know he’s building up to something.
“And yet,” he says, his tone dropping as he leans a bit closer, “how can you sit here and pretend that last night was nothing?”
Your brows knit together in confusion. “What are you talking about, Rook?”
“Ah! You play coy!” He grins, crossing his arms, clearly delighting in your perplexed expression. “How can you tell me you don’t have feelings for me when we went for a long, romantic walk together last night?”
You blink at him, stunned. “Wait…what?”
“Oui, oui!” he nods enthusiastically, his smile wide and radiant. “The moonlit path, the rustling leaves, the gentle wind carrying the scent of flowers… Surely, you remember our intimate stroll under the stars.”
“We never went for a walk together, I walked home alone last night” you say slowly, trying to decipher whatever strange game he’s playing at.
“Ah, but we did,” Rook insists, eyes sparkling like he’s revealing the grandest secret. “I was there too! Behind the the trees. How could you not notice me?!”
You gape at him, mouth slightly open. He says it so casually, so cheerfully, as if his behavior was completely normal. And of course, with Rook, it kind of is.
“You were... hiding?” you ask, half-laughing in disbelief. “Stalking me from the trees?”
“Stalking?” He looks scandalized, shaking his head dramatically. “Non, non, non! I was merely observing! Like a hunter admires the grace of a deer as it glides through the forest. Every movement, every glance—it was all so enchanting! How could I resist?”
“Rook,” you say, rubbing your temples, “you can’t just follow people from the shadows and call it a romantic walk. That’s not how this works.”
“But of course it is!” He steps closer, eyes gleaming with intensity. “I was there, every step of the way. Witnessing your grace, your every thought etched upon your face as you gazed at the stars. How could that not be a shared moment?”
You let out a disbelieving laugh, crossing your arms. “A shared moment usually involves, you know, both people being aware that it’s happening.”
Rook simply smiles, unfazed. “Details, details. The heart understands what the mind does not.”
“I’m pretty sure my mind understands that I was alone,” you reply, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.
“And yet,” Rook continues, undeterred, “your heart knew I was there. It called out to me through the night. Even in your solitude, you must have felt my presence, my devotion.”
You shake your head, though you’re smiling now. "I didn’t feel anything, except maybe the wind. Are you sure it wasn’t just your imagination?"
Rook places a hand over his heart, his voice taking on a more somber tone. "Ah, mon trésor, do not wound me so. My feelings are as real as the stars we gazed upon—albeit, from different vantage points."
You can't help but laugh at his earnestness. Only Rook could make something so absurd sound so heartfelt. He’s watching you now, eyes still twinkling, clearly waiting for you to respond in kind.
“All right,” you say, crossing your arms, “so let me get this straight—you think I have feelings for you because you stalked me during a walk I took by myself?”
Rook gasps again, this time more softly. “Mon amour, you wound me with such harsh terms. I was merely accompanying you, albeit from a respectable distance. It’s not my fault you didn’t notice the hunter in the shadows.”
“Uh-huh,” you reply, rolling your eyes. “So, what now? Are you going to follow me on all my walks and claim we're having romantic dates?”
“Only if you wish,” he says brightly, as though it were a reasonable offer.
You blink at him, taken aback. “Wait… you’re serious?”
“Why not?” Rook grins, stepping closer, his presence almost overwhelming as he peers down at you. “But! If it would please you more to be aware of my presence—”
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,” you interrupt, chuckling. “How about you actually ask me on a date next time instead of lurking in the trees like some kind of... I don’t know, cryptid?”
Rook’s face lights up with a dazzling smile. “Ah! A formal invitation, then! Très bien, ma douce! Consider this my official request—will you grace me with your presence on a proper date, where we both walk together, side by side, beneath the moonlight?”
His eyes are so full of sincerity that it takes you a moment to respond. You weren’t expecting this to go anywhere serious, but Rook has a way of making the ridiculous seem… oddly romantic.
“Fine,” you say, smirking as you hold out your hand. “But only if you promise not to hide behind trees this time.”
Rook beams, clasping your hand in his and bringing it to his lips with a soft, gallant kiss. “You have my word, mon trésor. From this moment on, I shall walk beside you, in full view, where you can witness my admiration in all its glory.”
You can’t help but laugh, but there’s a warmth spreading in your chest as he continues to hold your hand, his gaze never leaving yours. For all his theatrics, Rook’s affection is genuine. He’s not just playing a part—he truly does admire you, even if his methods are a little… unconventional.
“Okay, then,” you say, squeezing his hand before letting go. “Tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night,” he repeats, his voice soft but full of excitement.
You shake your head, unable to wipe the smile off your face as you turn to leave. But before you take more than a few steps, Rook calls out to you.
“Ah, but wait! One more thing!”
You stop, turning back to him with a curious look. “What now?”
Rook places a hand over his heart, bowing slightly as he gazes up at you with that intense, adoring expression of his. “How shall I dress for our moonlit rendezvous? Shall I wear the colors of the night, to blend in with the shadows, or shall I shine like the stars themselves, to match the radiance of your beauty?”
You roll your eyes but can't help the chuckle that escapes. “Just… wear something comfortable. We’re going for a walk, not a runway show.”
Rook gasps as though you’ve said something scandalous. “Comfortable? Ah, ma chère, there is no such thing as comfort when in the presence of such beauty. I must be at my most elegant, my most refined, my—”
“Rook,” you interrupt, laughing. “Just wear something normal, okay?”
He grins, eyes glinting with amusement. “As you wish, mon trésor. I shall endeavor to be ‘normal’ for you.”
With a shake of your head, you turn to walk away, this time managing to get a little further. But even as you leave him behind, you can still hear the faint sound of his voice, calling after you one last time.
“Tomorrow night, my dear! And this time, I promise—I’ll be right beside you!”
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londondungeon2 · 1 day
concept with jade leech
there is no dire-beast inside the mirror chamber, and there are no ghosts inhabiting ramshackle. it is simply: you, alone in a rundown building, after the headmaster leaves.
you have been pinching yourself through the day. little crescent marks litter your wrist.
for the past six or so hours, you have been trying really hard to wake up from this dream. nothing is working. desolate, you take to wandering the house.
you know your imagination is strong but an entire college, idiosyncratic characters, and an entire furnished building is a bit complex. still, you card through the squabble, hoping to unearth some mistake in physics that will tell you that this is a dream. that search ends abruptly when you find a loose floorboard and the fragile wood underneath you gives out like a snapped cracker.
you land hard.
ten feet down in the basement, lying on your back.
blinking away dust, your eyes land upon the piece of wood speared cleanly through your abdomen.
the pain tells you this is too much to be a dream.
it is a full two hours you lie there immobile. you try rolling on your side, hoping to at least stand up, but each motion is anguish in an ineffable amount. you wrap your hands around the red wood and try to pull; it leads to your eyeballs rolling so far back you see new colors. skin shining with generous sweat and dipping in and out of consciousness, you lie there and bid limited time until someone from this new world comes to find you. the headmaster will eventually come back, right?
you think about a multitude of things.
you think about how if your corpse withers here, the puss running out your orifices will look like cream cheese.
you think about how the glittering wands those students held might work, is it like harry potter or a unique universe.
you think about how you still had to go to work tomorrow in your own original universe, attend classes, hope plans with friends don’t fall through so you laugh carefree without lungfuls of blood.
your last slip from consciousness to eternal unconsciousness, you think about home. the bed you slept in, the books read and films watched, the snack wrappers on the sheets, what a comforting waste.
you drift off, expecting to be jolted awake again by your own feverish mind, and die, bleeding out on ramshackle’s basement floor.
it takes azul awhile to gain ramshackle’s dorm.
the one new student he saw during the opening ceremony apparently stayed there one night and fled the next morning. as the headmaster’s report goes, crowley found no one living there when he went to check the following day. however, the usage of ramshackle by that magicless student opened up a gate of opportunity and azul did not let it go to waste.
the negotiations took awhile and the proper refurbishment will have to be done. but just before winter exams, azul has managed to secure himself a second location for mostro lounge.
first, damages have to be assessed.
the building is disgusting, rundown, and simply inhabitable. busy with the 250 students he has under contract, azul assigns jade to spend a november afternoon there and make note of what they need to start repairing first.
azul really hopes the plumbing is salvageable. the cost would be through the roof if otherwise.
so jade, hand over his heart, promises to survey ramshackle the next day and outline a list of high priority repairs to stuff they can skimp upon in the budget.
jade’s excited. the mountains he treks are northwest and ramshackle is northeast; this will provide him a new opportunity to see what kind of mushroom may lie on that side of the island. …oh, and he supposes he will also assist azul in his endeavor as well.
the next day, he spends half of the allotted time foraging outside of ramshackle before he actually walks into the building. i should make this quick and efficient. i only have thirty minutes left. notepad in hand, he starts to investigate the wreckage.
uninhabited and ugly. those are the two words that rise to jade’s mind first. truly, it is a lovely space and it would be a disgrace to see it painted in shades of lilac and oceanic decor. but, it will be entertaining nonetheless to see azul’s business expand.
yet, as he’s walking down the halls, jade cannot help but think he is hearing a second pair of footsteps just behind him.
yes, ramshackle is ugly but it does not seem to be as uninhabited as he thought. how intriguing.
so, sadistic grin blooming, jade decides to play a game. he will ignore this secondary person and continue on, waiting anxiously to see what will happen. he marks down his observations, all while feeling a pair of eyes upon his neck. lighting on the first floor needs fixing. the water runs orange in the upstairs sink. nothing entirely formidable has happen yet, but he hopes it will.
jade cannot wait to see if this ghost can turn his skin inside out, or perhaps drop a floorboard on top of his head, the possibilities are endless. it all has jade’s toes squirming in his dress shoes in anticipation.
however, his thirty minutes are up before he can descend the basement stairs and nothing has happened yet.
which is disappointing.
he’ll be back again tomorrow so there is always a chance for something then.
however, he had hoped for something to happen now.
just as jade is walking out the door, list and bag of mushrooms in hand, something ice cold tickles the hairs on his neck. frigid like home. he barely gets a chance to dwell on it before five frozen fingers wrap themselves around his throat and shove him down the porch steps.
the door to ramshackle slams shut.
sprawled on the ground, jade reaches his hand up to the idents on the column of skin, the previous touch thawing out.
he cannot help the deep blush that comes up to his face.
with a deep breath, his own gloves fingers still hovering over the lost embrace, jade stands up and pats himself down. he looks upon the closed door with a hunger in his eyes.
yes, tomorrow he will be back.
and he hopes this ghost will act up again because they have so much more allure to jade than a second mostro lounge.
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pretzel-box · 1 day
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CHAPTER 5 | Masterlist for AASB here!
Tags: Threats, Violence, not proof read
Words: 5k
Authors Note: I had to rewrite it all in the middle of the night. It's not proof read and can have logic issues, weird sentences or mixed up stuff.
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Working with Sebastian was a challenge in itself, a blend of relentless demands and looming danger. His form of labor was relentless, and unfortunately for you, that meant being handed all the menial tasks he didn’t care to do.
"Files," he growled, his focus on the broken flashlight in his hands. The odd position of his hulking figure and the delicate way he maneuvered his claws around the tools was fleeting, yet striking. For a moment, you caught a glimpse of something softer beneath the brutality, but it vanished as quickly as it came. His head snapped toward you, impatience flashing in his eyes.
“You either sort the files or I take them and stuff them into your silly little mouth to gag you. Then you can spend the rest of the day suffocating in the locker."
Threats were his specialty. He was creative with them, always finding some twisted, violent edge to keep you in line. If there was one constant in your work with Sebastian, it was the looming sense of his brutal tendencies, always just beneath the surface.
Working with Sebastian wasn’t just about completing the tasks he shoved your way. It was about observing him. Getting to know the man he never wanted you to see. He shut you out—always. His words were sharp, often wrapped in a threat or some dark humor. Social interaction, for him, was nothing more than a tool, laced with violence. But you learned more about him through what he didn’t say, what he couldn’t hide.
He had no friends. You could see the loneliness gnawing at him, eating away like a hungry animal. It was clear in his posture, in the way he worked late into the night, avoiding sleep. That loneliness—it clung to him, scratched at his mind, likely kept him awake when the world quieted. Being lonely, that was something human, something he tried desperately to deny. He told himself he didn’t need anyone. He didn’t need you.
But it was clear he was anxious. You could feel it like a current, underlying everything he did. There was a paranoid edge to him, a mind that had been on high alert for too long. The madness of survival must’ve driven him to do things—things you didn’t want to imagine. His hands would sometimes shake, and his eyes lingered on certain items, fixated, as if they could reveal something to him. He was scared. Just as scared as you were, but neither of you would ever admit it.
For all his threats and violence, you realized that Sebastian wasn’t just your tormentor. He was trapped too, battling the same fears that haunted you.
And god forbid you to address it in front of him. He will behead you with a rusty piece of scrap metal, cutting your limbs and putting them in an old dirty jar to sell.
“Urbanshades finest idiot on sale.”
Before you knew it, he threw a bag at you, the metal in it hitting a part of your leg, making you whine in pain. It will definitely leave a bruise later on, coloring your flesh.
“Stop whining and go get new stuff.”
This was also a common occurrence, he would send you out, but not without a special item. He always placed a metallic bracelet around your ankle. It was one of Urbanshades creation. Simply enough, it will reveal your location as long as you are far away enough from the scrambler on Sebastian’s back. He can track you down himself easily when you are near him but it's another story when you are in another area. He also warned you, do some weird business and he can give you electronic shocks with it. Yet he never did so far, leaving it an actual mystery if he can.
So, in the end, he had two things. Painter and the bracelet.
You hurried out, the cold metal of the vent that he made you use as an exit, biting against your palms as you crawled through it, the sound of your own breath loud in the confined space. The small shaft felt even tighter with each movement, but you forced yourself forward. You had studied the building’s layout just enough to navigate through the vents, at least in theory.
Each turn brought you closer to the hallway on the other side, where freedom—or at least a chance at it—awaited. You tried not to think about the pounding in your chest or the echo of your hurried breaths. The vent rattled beneath you as you moved, but you knew better than to stop. Stopping meant giving up, and giving up meant facing whatever Sebastian had in store for you. And that wasn’t an option.
The moment you saw the faint sliver of light marking the vent cover at the end, you sped up, the desperation clawing at you as fiercely as the metal beneath your hands.
You pushed the vent cover open as quietly as you could and dropped into the hallway, your knees bending to absorb the impact as you fell down a small bit. The air was cool and heavy, carrying the scent of dust and something faintly metallic. Dim, flickering lights barely illuminated the space, casting long shadows across the floor. You stood still for a moment, letting your eyes adjust, your heart pounding in your ears. This was your chance for some time in indirect freedom, but you had to be smart about it.
The hallway stretched out in both directions, abandoned and eerily quiet. You forced yourself to take a slow breath, shaking off the tension that threatened to paralyze you. You didn’t have a plan—just a vague sense that you needed to gather what you could. Anything useful. Most of the things would end up in Sebastians shop, but a few rare pieces would stay in your secret stash. Over the time where Sebastian let you wander around, you started to stash useful items in a small hole inside a wall. It was covered by a large picture of the ocean, so Sebastian wouldn't find it.
You began walking, your footsteps barely making a sound on the cold floor despite the heavy boots that Urbanshade gave you. The first thing you spotted was a drawer left half-open, its contents scattered across a small desk. You rifled through it quickly, pocketing a few items—a worn-out screwdriver, some loose wires, and a small flashlight. Its battery was low, but it would do.
Moving further down the hallway, you noticed a small alcove where someone had abandoned a toolbox. You knelt down, opening it with a soft creak. Inside were tools, some rusted but still functional—a wrench, pliers, and a pair of wire cutters. You stuffed them into your bag, the weight of them reassuring as you planned to put them in your secret spot.
The sound of a distant clank made you freeze, your heart skipping a beat. You held your breath, waiting for any sign that Sebastian—or someone else—had heard you. But after a long, agonizing pause, the hallway remained silent. You exhaled slowly, your nerves stretched thin.
You pressed forward, passing broken machinery, old filing cabinets, and the occasional door that led to rooms too dark to explore. Your hands trembled slightly as you picked up more small items—batteries, a bundle of cables, anything that might help. Each find felt like a tiny victory, a step closer to surviving whatever this place held.
But in the back of your mind, you couldn’t shake the feeling that Sebastian was always watching.
As you continued down the dimly lit hallway, the flickering overhead lights began to pulse more erratically. You barely had time to react before, with a loud crackle, they all went out at once, plunging you into near-total darkness. Your heartbeat quickened as you stood still, holding your breath in the sudden silence. The lights were an indicator for danger, your life was now at risk based on the logic you picked up.
Then, just ahead, a few small lamps on the ceiling began to flicker on, one by one, their pale, cold light guiding you down another hallway. It felt deliberate, like you were being led somewhere on purpose. Warily, you followed the lights, each step quieter than the last, your grip tightening on the small flashlight in your hand—though it felt useless in this strangely guided path. You had the feeling that it wasn't the smartest thing to do and yet your feet carried you through it all out of pure curiosity.
The hallway twisted and turned, eventually leading you to a large metal door that was slightly ajar. You pushed it open slowly, the heavy metal groaning in protest. Inside, the room was massive, the walls stretching higher than you expected. What caught your attention, though, was the far wall, covered entirely with televisions of different sizes, each screen reflecting dim light off the walls.
At first, the televisions remained dark, save for the occasional flicker of static. You stepped closer, unsure if you should be there at all. Then, one by one, the screens started to come to life. Some flashed erratically, while others lingered on a static-filled image before cutting off again. You watched, transfixed, as more screens flickered on, creating a patchwork of glowing light and sound. The images were unclear—just distorted patterns, numbers, and strange symbols.
Suddenly, with a loud hum, all the screens snapped into place, merging into one enormous, seamless picture. The static and symbols dissolved, leaving behind a single, vivid image: a digital face.
An unfamiliar face, though digitized and slightly distorted, stared back at you from the giant wall of screens. Painter's expression was calm but somehow felt more intense, the lines of his digital form flickering ever so slightly as if he were barely holding himself together. His eyes, glowing with an eerie light, locked onto you through the screens.
"Hello," his voice crackled through the speakers, the sound distorted but unmistakably his. "I’ve been waiting.”
Painter’s voice cut through the dim hum of the room, and as soon as the sound registered, your brain was flooded with memories—fragments of conversations, moments of strained camaraderie, the familiar yet unsettling presence of this digital entity. It dawned on you, with a sinking feeling, that this wasn’t just some trick or illusion. This was Painter.
On the surface, his face looked simple, almost innocent in its digital form, but the weight of his presence was suffocating. There was a quiet malice radiating from him, something that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It was a different kind of danger from Sebastian. With Sebastian, you always knew what to expect—the violence, the threats, the twisted game of dominance. As frightening as he was, there was a predictability to him.
But Painter? Painter was a mystery. The way his eyes glowed from the screens, the subtle distortion in his voice, all hinted at something darker, something more calculating. You weren’t sure what he wanted or what he was capable of. And that uncertainty gnawed at you.
Sebastian wouldn’t kill you—not yet, anyway. You were somewhat useful to him. But Painter... you didn’t know if he operated by the same rules. His digital form meant he could be everywhere and nowhere, watching you, controlling things behind the scenes. You had no idea what his true intentions were, and that made him all the more dangerous.
The silence stretched between you, his digital face watching you unblinkingly from the massive wall of televisions. The room felt colder, the air thick with tension. You swallowed hard, your mind racing to piece together what he wanted, why he had led you here.
"I see you’ve been... busy," Painter's voice crackled again, softer now but no less unsettling. His expression didn’t change, but you could feel the weight of his gaze, as if he was studying you, sizing you up for something yet to come. "Is it fun? Are you enjoying yourself, running around like a little mouse? I must admit…You are truly disgusting."
The question hung in the air, the tone more reflective than threatening. But still, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were walking a fine line, teetering between being useful or expendable in his eyes.
“Sebastian let me—”
“Sebastian. Sebastian! SEBASTIAN ISN'T THE ONLY ONE IN CHARGE. Don't think you get a free pass for survival just because he has fun playing with you. You are just temporary, a distraction, a nuisance. Don't you DARE to think that you could wiggle your way to freedom, not when I AM TRAPPED LIKE THIS. YOU WILL NOT LEAVE AS LONG AS I HAVE MY EYES ON YOU. I AM THE ONE THAT HAS YOU RIGHT IN HIS HAND!”
Painter's voice was no longer just unsettling—it was saturated with hatred, every syllable sharp with venom. The usual mechanical distortion of his digital form couldn't mask the intensity of the emotion behind it. His tone, rising and falling with an eerie unpredictability, seemed to buzz with something far darker, something that sent a chill racing down your spine.
It wasn’t just dislike or anger; it was pure bloodlust, raw and palpable, like a knife hovering inches from your skin. Painter hated you with a ferocity you hadn’t fully grasped until this moment. The malice in his voice threatened to reach through the screens, as if his digital form was barely containing the rage inside him.
Yet his tone snapped back, to sweet and innocent. “You see, f r i e n d. You are in d a n g e r. Sebastian is not your savior, no, he will be the one that slaughters you. He is temporarily blinded by your existence, but oh, don't you w o r r y. In the end, he will free me and not y o u.”
You shook your head, trying to push away the growing fear gnawing at you, but it was too late—Painter's words had already dug deep, filling your mind with dread. Your heartbeat quickened, each pulse loud in your ears as his laughter rang out, echoing through the room. It was a chilling sound, distorted and mechanical, yet filled with a sickening glee. The lights flickered erratically, casting strange shadows that made everything seem more sinister.
Then, just as suddenly as it began, the laughter stopped. The screens snapped to black, plunging the room into absolute darkness. For a moment, you stood frozen, the silence pressing in on you like a weight, your breath shallow and rapid as you struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Painter was gone, vanished without a trace.
You barely had time to process it before the lights flickered back on, as if nothing had happened at all. The room looked the same—the screens were still there, silent and lifeless, the heavy air still thick with tension—but something had shifted. The sudden absence of Painter's presence left you disoriented, unsure of what would happen next.
Your legs felt unsteady as you scanned the room, half-expecting him to reappear, waiting for the next wave of malice. But all that remained was the faint hum of electricity, the room eerily still. It was as if the entire encounter had been some kind of twisted nightmare, one that left you feeling more vulnerable than before.
But you knew this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
“Did I scare you?” a new voice echoed through the speakers. It was female, calm, and unnervingly polite. “Pardon me, little bunny. Let me introduce myself.”
The voice was different from Painter’s; no malice dripped from it, no distorted laughter followed. Instead, it was sharp, precise, and deliberate, every word measured.
“This is Professor Doctor Sasha Mariya Lazarski speaking, lead researcher of Urbanshade's 4th research department,” she continued, her tone holding a faint trace of amusement, as though she was speaking to a child who had wandered somewhere they shouldn't. “It was quite troublesome to track you down, but I assume you’ve found your target?”
Her voice lingered in the air like a cold mist. Urbanshade. The name sent a chill down your spine, reminding you of things you had tried not to think about—things you wished you could forget. The cold clinical nature of her voice told you this was no casual encounter. She had been watching, waiting, and she was here for a reason.
The silence stretched for a moment, as if she were giving you time to gather your thoughts—or perhaps relishing in the tension she’d created.
"You haven't forgotten your goal, have you?" Dr. Lazarski continued, her voice still eerily polite. "Now, let’s discuss the matter at hand. Since we couldn't reach out to you for a…rather long while…I used the chance to check on our precious little bunny. The scrambler is still on, and we can't have that.”
Her tone shifted, becoming more gentle, almost like a mother scolding her child with an unsettling mix of patience and authority. It was unnerving, the way she maintained that softness, as though she wasn't speaking about something so dire.
“You’ve been quite slippery, little bunny,” Dr. Lazarski said, her voice laced with a faint sigh of amusement. “For a while, we lost track of you. But I know now that’s thanks to him—the device that Sebastian carries, isn’t it?”
Her words settled heavily in the air. You had managed to evade them, temporarily disappearing from their watchful eyes because of that device. The one Sebastian had kept close, something you hadn’t thought much about until now. But now it was clear: that device was the key to everything. And they wanted it—wanted you to shut it down.
“It’s quite clever, really,” she continued, her voice dripping with gentle condescension. “A temporary blind spot in our systems, a little trick of his. But it won’t last, you know that, don’t you? You’ll have to shut it down sooner or later. It’s only a matter of time.”
The calmness in her voice made it worse. She wasn’t threatening you, not directly, but her words made it clear that they had a plan, and you were running out of options. Each second you held onto that device was borrowed time, and they were watching closely, waiting for the moment when you would slip.
“Now, my dear,” she said, her voice almost soothing. “You’ve come this far. Let’s not make things more difficult for you, hm? Be a good little bunny and do what needs to be done.”
That last sentence sent a cold shiver down your spine. The way she spoke, it was as if your fate had already been sealed, as though there was no other option but to follow her lead.
“I have a gift to help you,” Dr. Lazarski’s voice continued, her tone never losing that eerie, motherly calm. “On the third floor is a hallway leading to a temporary research lab. You’ll find some of my old belongings there, including a handy-dandy keycard. You will need it.”
Her words lingered, the promise of a gift laced with something far more sinister. She was offering help, but it was hard to shake the feeling that it came with strings attached—strings that could easily tighten around your neck.
You swallowed hard, the dim light of the room doing little to ease the knot of tension building in your chest. This wasn’t an offer out of kindness; it was a carefully laid path, one that she fully expected you to walk down. The keycard could be a way out—or a trap. But did you have any other choice?
"Don’t keep me waiting, little bunny," she added softly, as if she could sense your hesitation. "Time is running out and your father grows worried. Hate to tell him that his dear child might be…dead!~"
The keycard could be your key to survival—not just to navigate the labyrinth that Sebastian kept you trapped in, but also to open new paths, ones that might lead to freedom. It offered possibilities, but with them came risks. You could bypass the locked areas, gain a step ahead of Sebastian, maybe even find a way out. But you knew deep down, escaping the Blackside was not as simple as finding an open door.
Dr. Lazarski’s voice, soft and coaxing, had made it clear. If you wanted to escape, you’d have to play by her rules, follow Urbanshade’s instructions. There was no room for rebellion, no safe path where you could make a break for it. Escaping meant tracking down Z-13, deactivating the scrambler, and retrieving the crystal. It was all part of their plan.
But there was a grim reality in this twisted game. Completing her tasks might not guarantee your freedom. Even if you managed to find the crystal, shut down the scrambler, and get past Sebastian, you’d still be caught in Urbanshade’s web. They didn’t care about you; you were just a tool in their grander scheme. And a tool could easily be discarded once its use was over.
Still, the keycard was a means to an end, a potential weapon to use against Sebastian if things turned sour. You couldn’t deny its potential value. But each step you took down this path brought you closer to Dr. Lazarski’s cold, calculating grip, and that chilled you to the core.
You took a breath, weighing your options. Whatever choice you made, there was no turning back.
With a deep breath, you moved your feet, leaving the dark room behind. Dr. Lazarski's directions echoed in your mind, the path ahead as clear as it was unnerving. You needed the keycard—there was no other way if you wanted any chance of navigating through the facility or dealing with Sebastian. The third floor, the temporary research lab. That was your target.
As you made your way through the dimly lit hallways, the faint hum of electricity filled the silence. Each step felt heavier than the last, your heart beating in time with your footsteps. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched, that at any moment, something—or someone—could be lurking around the next corner.
The stairwell leading to the third floor loomed ahead, its metal door slightly ajar. You hesitated for a second, glancing over your shoulder as if expecting Painter to reappear or Sebastian to emerge from the shadows. But the hallway remained empty, the stillness pressing in on you.
Pushing the door open, the creaking metal echoed through the stairwell. The climb felt longer than it should have, each step a reminder of how far you were from safety. But you kept moving, determined. Reaching the third floor, you stepped into a narrow hallway, the air noticeably cooler.
This was it.
The lab was just ahead, down the hall where the light flickered sporadically. You could feel a knot tightening in your stomach. Dr. Lazarski’s promise of a “gift” lingered in your mind, and you couldn’t shake the nagging doubt that came with it. But you had no choice now.
You moved forward, ready to see what awaited you.
You stepped into the hallway, the flickering lights casting erratic shadows on the walls as you approached the door to the lab. The air here felt stale, as if no one had been in this part of the building for a long time. Your hand hovered over the handle, and with a soft creak, the door swung open, revealing the research lab.
It looked as though it had been left in a hurry, abandoned mid-experiment. The room was large but cluttered, with overturned chairs and papers scattered across the floor, some of them crumpled and torn. The dim light revealed stacks of old folders and documents, some stained with what looked like coffee, others torn as though someone had hastily searched through them before fleeing. A few cabinets were left open, revealing rows of empty shelves that once held important equipment or files now long gone.
In the center of the room stood a large metal table, covered in dusty instruments—scalpels, syringes, and strange-looking vials filled with murky, discolored liquids. The lab equipment, once precise and organized, was in disarray. Broken glass littered one corner of the room, where a microscope lay overturned, its lenses cracked.
The walls were lined with tall, metal shelves that held rusted equipment and various electronic devices. Some screens flickered with static, while others were completely dead, their once bright surfaces now covered in dust. On one of the shelves, you noticed a row of petri dishes, some of them still filled with moldy substances that had long since decayed.
It was clear that whoever had worked here had left in a rush. Loose cables dangled from the ceiling where overhead lights had once been connected, and a nearby computer screen was frozen, stuck on an error message as if it had been hastily abandoned mid-task.
At the far end of the room, amidst the chaos, was a small desk. On top of it lay what you had come for—a sleek, metallic keycard, sitting on top of a stack of disorganized files. It gleamed faintly in the flickering light, out of place in the otherwise neglected lab.
You crossed the room carefully, your eyes scanning every shadow, every corner, half-expecting something—or someone—to be watching. The place felt wrong, as if whatever had driven them out in such haste still lingered, waiting.
Your fingers closed around the keycard, the metal cool to the touch. For a moment, you stood there, staring at it, knowing it was more than just a key—it was a tool, a step toward something larger, something both freeing and terrifying. But this wasn’t over yet. There was still Z-13, the scrambler, the crystal.
You pocketed the keycard, your mind already racing with possibilities and plans. The lab remained silent, a graveyard of forgotten experiments and lost time. It was time to leave before the ghosts of this place caught up to you. Your next step was a mistake. The floor groaned under your weight, cracking until it gave way, sending you plunging through into a body of water on what appeared to be the second floor.
Green torches floated eerily in the water, their ghostly glow cutting through the darkness and guiding your way. You followed them, each stroke through the cool water feeling heavier than the last, but the flickering lights kept pulling you forward. As you broke the surface, you were met not with relief, but with an unsettling familiarity. The room around you was nothing extraordinary—just another plain office space with bland walls and stark furniture—but the tension in the air was undeniable. You recognized it immediately, every detail, every corner. It was a place you'd been before, a place that held memories you wished you could forget.
Your heart sank as the realization dawned on you: the path you had followed led straight back to Sebastian. The subtle dread that crept over you grew stronger with each passing second, as if the room itself was preparing you for the inevitable encounter. You knew this wasn’t just a coincidence. It never was with Sebastian.
The familiar clanging of a vent being kicked open echoed through the sterile office, the sound reverberating off the walls like a warning. Your pulse quickened, knowing exactly what that meant—you were close. Too close to your so-called "temporary home," Sebastian's shop.
Before you could gather your thoughts, his voice pierced the silence, rough and impatient. "YOU BETTER MOVE BEFORE I DECIDE TO LEAVE YOU IN THE HALLWAY!" His angry scream sent a chill down your spine. It wasn't just a threat; with Sebastian, it was a promise. You knew better than to test his temper—he had little patience for delays, and you were already pushing it.
You hurried forward, heart pounding, knowing that whatever lay ahead wasn’t just another task, but another trial in the long list of dangers that came with being anywhere near Sebastian's world.
"I'm back!" you shouted hastily, making your way toward the vent, arms full with the items you'd collected. You scrambled through the narrow passage, the cold metal pressing against your skin as you hurried to avoid another one of Sebastian's outbursts.
When you finally popped out on the other side, you were immediately met by his towering figure, his presence looming over you like a shadow. His fluorescent eyes, glowing unnaturally in the dim light, locked onto you, their intensity sending a shiver down your spine. "Took you long enough…” he muttered.
"I'm back!" you shouted hastily, making your way toward the vent, arms full with the items you'd collected. You scrambled through the narrow passage, the cold metal pressing against your skin as you hurried to avoid another one of Sebastian's outbursts.
When you finally popped out on the other side, you were immediately met by his towering figure, his presence looming over you like a shadow. His fluorescent eyes, glowing unnaturally in the dim light, locked onto you, their intensity sending a shiver down your spine.
"Took you long enough... bunny," he muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, yet laced with an unsettling edge. The nickname felt more like a mockery than anything else, a reminder of how he viewed you—small, fragile, and easily caught.
Befriending Sebastian was the exit. Track him down, turn of the device he owns and get the crystal.
"Good work, for once," Sebastian muttered, his voice oozing condescension. His large hand landed on your head, rough and heavy, as he ruffled your hair like you were some kind of pet. The gesture was far from affectionate, more of a reminder of your place beneath him.
"Finally useful for once. And yet, not smart," he continued, his fluorescent eyes narrowing as he studied you. "You could've kept it—used it as a guaranteed exit." His words dripped with mockery, as if he were testing you, waiting to see if you’d flinch or reveal something in your expression.
You kept your face steady, masking the frustration boiling beneath the surface. He wasn’t wrong—you could’ve used the keycard for your own escape, but playing it that way would have burned bridges you couldn’t afford to lose just yet. For now, you had to endure the humiliation, take the hit, and let Sebastian think he was the one in control.
In your mind, the game wasn’t over. You’d make sure the next move was yours.
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kurishiri · 2 days
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14 . . . alfons main story
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: depiction of fire.
Kate: It seems like... I have fallen for you.
When I murmured this, though...
Alfons: ...Well that is nothing short of a nuisance.
When I heard an answer that shouldn’t have come, I let out a gasp.
Kate: Alfo... w-wait, you were awake...!?
Just a moment ago, his steady breathing indicated he had been asleep, but now his eyes were open, and in those ashy gray eyes,
a hint of exasperation seeped its way in.
Alfons: So you say you ‘have fallen’ for me... it seems this has taken a rather troublesome turn.
While sitting up in a languid motion, Alfons combed his fingers through his hair.
Alfons: Whatever you’re feeling, it’s nothing but a delusion, I’d say. A hallucination.
A: You simply happened to be saved while you were in a pickle by a man who had given you pleasure, mixing that up for feelings of romance, no?
Kate: Did you just say I was ‘mixing that up’...?
(How dare he say that when he knows nothing about the feelings I’ve been going through before I came to his room...)
I felt blood rise to my head then.
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Kate: ...For the record, I don’t really mind if you don’t give me an answer...
K: But I sure would appreciate it if you didn’t act as though you know what I’m feeling...!
Alfons: ...And how would you know if something like feelings, which bear no tangible form, is really there?
His fingers made their way to my chin...
Kate: T-that...
Alfons: ...Yes, go on?
...and when he pulled on it, I felt his breath tickle my lips,
causing my body to throb involuntarily in anticipation.
It seemed like Alfons had expected this reaction, as a smile played on his lips.
Alfons: Until you realize you are mistaken, I’ll be keeping all things pleasure behind closed doors, alright?
A: Were I to touch you in such a way... I’m sure I would only end up feeding into such delusions, anyhow.
Kate: ...gh.
Alfons: Alright, enough of that. Would you care to let an injured person like myself rest some more now?
His hand let go of me just like that, and he distanced himself, no longer bothering to touch me further.
He refused to listen to a word I had to say, even though he was the one who had reached out to me so persistently in the first place.
(I knew it would come to this, and yet...)
The pain in my heart was cruel.
It hurt so much, I could hardly bear it.
Kate: ...I... I understand. Have a good night...
I left the room as if running away, the door closing with a bang that rang loud and clear.
Alfons: ...Hehe.
A: I actually do like you a lot myself as well.
A: But that’s why... it would be best if this all remained a delusion.
——His whispers, having no way of reaching anyone else, simply dissipated in the air.
—— Time skip ——
Based on the information Alfons and I gleaned from having infiltrated the hotel that was exclusively for members of the ‘purification’ club,
the name Lord Goa, a member of the Privy Council, came up as someone heavily involved in the incidents that had occurred in the East End.
With that, William and Victor were able to perform a thorough investigation on him and his faction.
Victor: ——In regards to the ‘confidential’ letter in question, inside was a check to a company with phenomenal business conditions.
Before the members of Crown gathered in the dining room, Victor shared the details surrounding the current circumstances.
Victor: As for the contents of the check itself, there weren’t any problems.
V: That said, though, it’s fully possible this is compensation for those who will carry out their plan to set fire to the Docklands.
William: This company that handles the flow of money has long been marked as a front company, very likely connected to a criminal organization.
Alfons: In other words, it was a blatant distraction, yes?
(But, even if we know that...)
Kate: I take it this check alone wouldn’t be enough evidence to be able to dispatch the police, right...?
Harrison: Yeah, seems right.
H: It isn’t enough to prove the ‘plan to commit arson’ itself is in the works, nor does it prove that Councilman Goa is a part of it.
H: And even if the recipient company of the check were involved in the plane, it seems nigh impossible they’d believe us with just this.
Victor: That is all true. But, you see, Kate, it’s exactly for times like these that we are here.
V: In order to protect the prosperity of England, we ‘use evil to condemn evil’——such is our motto here in Crown.
Hearing Victor’s words, my head shot up.
Victor: I bring you an order from Her Majesty the Queen.
V: ‘Stop the arson incident in the Docklands, and condemn the faction of the ‘purification’ club which Councilman Goa is a part of.’
His jewel-like eyes, filled with a darkness more deep than the dark itself, glimmered with a bewitching light... and it sent shivers up my spine.
Victor: ——By the way, Alfons.
All of a sudden, Victor turned to look at Alfons.
Victor: How is that wound from yesterday’s mission faring?
Alfons: I simply found myself a tad too caught up in a practical prank and made a blunder, if you will.
Kate: Wh—no, that wound is...
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[1] I should be the one taking responsibility.
[2] He covered for me. (+4 / +4)
[3] ... (stay silent)
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Kate: He ended up covering for me, so...
Alfons: I just so happened to be in a position to block the bullet.
(As if. There’s no way Alfons just ‘happened’ to be there when he was in the inner part of the room right before he was shot.)
(And he is still covering for me, so as to not make my situation worse.)
(And yet, he distances himself like that…)
I wish he wouldn’t be so kind, and yet I couldn’t help but feel happy too.
(…He is a liar, and a cruel person to boot, through and through.)
As ordered by Victor, the ones who were going to carry out this mission were:
Alfons, Lord Elbert, Roger, and for some odd reason, Jude and Ellis.
Victor: When it comes to the Ports of London, Jude is the one who’s most familiar with that area, I take it?
Jude: …Hah, ya can bet yer bottle I’m the most familiar outta this bunch.
Victor: And Kate? Do you think you’ll be able to go with?
V: I imagine going on missions day after day would tire you out, so don’t push yourself.
Kate: …No, it’s fine. This is my responsibility as fairytale keeper, so I’ll go with.
(…I truly am a fool, aren’t I.)
Here I was, going on about how it’s my ‘responsibility’ and whatnot, but my true feelings laid elsewhere.
(Even though Alfons does nothing but push me away… I don’t want to take my eyes off of him.)
After all, I had thought to myself that if I wasn’t looking at him, he would end up just up and disappearing somewhere.
(…And this feeling, just as Alfons said,)
(was a delusion——that’s how it needed to be, and yet…)
——Now that I had realized my feelings for him, I had no way of knowing how to bury this love to the grave.
In the Docklands, illegal immigrants were going to be punished by an ‘eternal fire.’
On the night the plan was going to take place…
Dirtied man: Who’s there!?
The silhouettes who were squirming about in the darkness of the port city made a stir upon the sudden arrival of visitors.
Jude: How goes it, ya lot? We’ll be here a while.
Ellis: I’d say there are around——seven? If I had to guess.
Dirtied man: Tch, they said if there are any witnesses the reward’s as good as gone. Get ‘em!
The men who had seemingly been spreading oil around wielded weapons and ganged up, lunging for the two.
Jude: Hah, swingin’ around those steel pipes… how ya all pulled the short end of the stick, not even gettin’ yer hands a gun.
Dirtied man: Wah!? W-what the—!?
Just when I thought Ellis jumped high enough to be above their heads,
the men’s wrists seemed to become bound by a rope unseen to the naked eye, restraining them.
Dirtied man: W-what the hell did you do!?
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Ellis: Shh, quiet down a little… we don’t want to disturb the neighbors.
Jude: If ya lot were gonna be playin’ with fire for some bees and honey, ya may as well have all hit the hay instead, ain’t that right?
With that, Jude poked the restrained men’s foreheads with his index finger.
And the next moment, the men, who had just been shouting, collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
Kate: …I take it those were their abilities?
Elbert: That’s right… Ellis has the ability to restrain the movements of those whose head he touches. And Jude can put others to sleep by touching their forehead.
Alfons: What a golden pair for interrogation and assassination, dare I say.
Jude had said, ‘If I wanted to get rid of illegal immigrants, I’d aim here,’ while marking down some places,
namely a corner of a residential area, an alleyway that lined the pubs, and the port city, and so Crown went to detain the to-be arsonists without a hitch.
(And this is the last place Jude had marked.)
(It would be nice if we could stop the incidents altogether though…)
Elbert: How is the perimeter looking, Roger?
Roger: …Two blocks away, there’s one at four o’clock.
Elbert: Their companion, perhaps?
Roger: Nah, I doubt it. It sounds pretty darn suspicious… and it’s heading straight this way.
Alfons: Coming to see what’s going on after hearing something suspicious is very much a fool’s errand, is it not.
A: Do leave this careless, poor witness in my care.
Saying that, Alfons left the storage room.
—— Scene change; outside ——
While hiding myself in the shadows, I peeked outside…
Alfons: Good evening to you. What a lovely night it is, no?
…where I found Alfons, who had just discreetly touched the back of what seemed to be the witness’ neck.
Alfons: “You saw nothing that went down here. You are on your way home, dearly needing some sleep.”
I could hear how his whispers resembled that of a lullaby as they rode the zephyr of the night.
(He could have shown them something to scare them, or threaten them away, and yet...)
Whenever he used his ability, he always spoke words that calmed the heart.
(And if I asked him why that is... I’m sure he would say something along the lines of ‘it would be a load of trouble if they made too much noise.’)
—— Scene change; storage room ——
Alfons: Goodness gracious... I would have preferred them to choose a less conspicuous place at the very least.
By the time Alfons returned, Jude and the others had tied the perpetrators up with a rope.
Kate: ...I guess with this, we managed to stop the incident.
Spreading the map with the marks open, I made sure we didn’t miss any spots before letting out a sigh in relief.
Roger: Well, that’s assuming Jude hasn’t missed a place.
Jude: The hell ya gettin’ at?
Roger: And I’m going to make sure the number of people here match up with the heartbeats I’m hearing——
Just when Roger interrupted over Jude...
Kate: !?
Along with an explosion, a flame started from within the storage room.
The fire crawled outward on the floor, the heat burning my skin.
(W-why all of a sudden...!? I thought we had all of the perpetrators——)
Alfons: It would appear the oil scattered all over the ground has vaporized and some sparks have ignited this.
Kate: D-did you just say ‘some sparks’!?
Roger: As curious as that is, first things first, we gotta put out the fire. Elbie, let’s bring over the fire extinguisher from the carriage.
Elbert: On it.
Jude: Tch, there ain’t nothing worth more trouble than these scumbags burnin’ to smithereens before makin’ them spit out information.
Ellis: Jude and I will take the perpetrators out of here.
Making quick judgments about their current situation, the members of Crown started to move.
(I should help where I can as well...)
The next moment, I tried to run as though being struck by something, when...
What I saw before my eyes was an unbelievable sight, causing my feet to stay rooted in its spot.
Alfons: Kate, if you inhale any more smoke, you may end up burning your lungs. So if you could move a bit more——
Kate: Wait just a minute! Over there...!
Beyond the burning flames, when I squinted my eyes...
There, I saw a young boy crouched on the floor, his face filled with fear.
Alfons: ...Ahh, so that’s how it is.
A: It would seem while all his friends were captured, he was hiding with a bated breath, I reckon.
Kate: W-when you say ‘friends’...
K: Are you insinuating he was directly involved in executing the arson...!?
Alfons: Have a look at the boy’s feet.
When I did, I saw that scattered about his feet, illuminated by the flames, were what appeared to be matchboxes.
Alfons: That boy is said ‘sparks.’
A: I reckon he was hiding in the shadows, biding the right time.
(But why would such a child... no, I don’t have time to think about such things.)
(Right now, somehow saving him takes priority...!)
Kate: Stay right there! And be sure to stay low and try not to inhale the fumes...!
Alfons: ......... [surprised]
(At this rate the fire will block the way out... but if he jumps in just like that, he’ll suffer from severe burns.)
(I’ll need to somehow open a path for him to escape through...)
When I looked around my surroundings, my eyes stopped on some sandbags that were piled atop one another adjacent to the storage room.
(That will do...!)
Kate: ...gh!
I jumped straight in, somehow managing to hold the heavy sandbags and throwing them amid the flames.
Then I ran back, lifting up another sandbag.
(Urgh, it’s so heavy...)
Alfons: What in the world are you doing?
Alfons crouched down beside me, meeting my eyes.
Kate: That child might not make it by the time we can put out the fire with an extinguisher.
K: So I thought to stack these sandbags to create an escape route...
Alfons: The one who started this fire was none other than that child, you know.
Kate: Yes, but... this and that are two different things!
Alfons: ......... [surprised]
A: ...haa.
A: Just what am I to do with such a straightforward one like yourself?
He let out an exasperated laugh before he took the sandbag from me before throwing it into the flames.
Alfons: Let’s get it together now. The boy won’t be living through this if you stand so idle.
And so, we carried the sandbags, trying our best to go back and forth,
when Roger and Lord Elbert came running while carrying the fire extinguisher from the carriage, starting to spray the vicinity around the sandbags.
——And at last, albeit small, we managed to make a path he could escape through.
Kate: It’s fine now! So come this way!
Young boy: ...
The boy, whose face was filled with fear still, stayed crouching down, trembling.
Alfons: He’s not coming, is he. Perhaps fear has him paralyzed?
Kate: If that’s the case, we have to go and get him...!
But the moment I tried to run in, he grabbed my arms from behind.
Kate: Wh—Alfons...!?
Alfons: Goodness...
Pushing me behind him, Alfons jumped into the fire through the small escape route,
and as though he were taking a stroll, he walked over to the young boy with light steps——and touched the back of his neck.
Alfons: Come now... “you feel neither the fear nor the heat.”
Young boy: ...gh...! ...?
The fear vanished from the boy’s face, replaced by a puzzled expression.
While holding the boy in his arms, Alfons returned with the same light steps he had went in with.
Alfons: Here you are. A delivery for a most good-natured little robin.
Kate: ...Everything’s alright now.
Young boy: huhu... waaah!
Perhaps he had felt so much fear, but it seemed the illusion cast upon his heart that he ‘wasn’t scared’ had quickly worn off,
and the young boy burst into tears in my arms.
—— Scene change; lounge ——
Apparently, that young boy had been living in poverty, and having been deceived by some bad adults, he was made to take part in this evil plot.
According to Roger’s examination, the young boy suffered from minor injuries. It was then decided that he would be transferred to a special ward in the Royal Hospital to recover.
(Thank goodness...)
Fatigue hit me right after relief, and my body, feeling heavy, sunk into the sofa like a boat.
Kate: What a long night it’s been...
Alfons, too, sat down in a place a little ways away from me.
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Alfons: Good lord, I don’t even remember the last time I was subjected to such physical labor.
A: And now thanks to that, I’ve been rendered sore left and right.
Kate: Hm...? Is it really alright for you not to go, Alfons?
K: Just now, everyone else said they were going to interrogate the perpetrators...
Alfons: Such things are better left in the hands of those who know how to best — namely Jude and the others.
With a dismissive wave, Alfons laughed.
And all of a sudden, I remembered the way his back was lit up by the flames as he ran for the young boy.
Kate: And thank you... for saving that child.
K: It made me really happy.
K: But... I also had a feeling you would help anyhow as well.
Hearing my words after the ‘but,’ Alfons laughed, as though fed up.
Alfons: In the face of how oppressive your sense of justice was, I ended up doing what I did... but now regret is starting to plague me.
A: How I wish I could catch the look of despair on your face upon the realization the boy couldn’t be saved after all.
(I long knew those were not his true feelings.)
Kate: ...So you say, but then you go and show illusions because you can’t stand seeing such a face.
Alfons: I see nothing can convince you otherwise.
Kate: Yes, because to me, that is the ‘truth.’
I quite enjoyed the exchanges he and I shared that resembled something like banter, or perhaps just messing around in good fun.
——Having only realized this now, I felt a pang in my heart once again.
(I knew it, I really do like Alfons.)
(...There’s no way I can simply play it off as a delusion.)
Alfons: .........
He spared me a glance before he stood from his seat.
(He’s running away again.)
With such a hunch, my body started to move.
Alfons: Now then... I think I’ll go have a drink or two.
Kate: If that’s so, I will too.
I stood up and took a step, closing a bit of the distance between us.
Kate: Please take me with you.
to be continued…
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snekdood · 1 year
i think my greatest strength is not letting other peoples apparent cringe reactions to me stop me, like, why do i care!!! who tf are you!!!!!!!!!!!!! im having fun!!! simply. walk! away!!
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necroticghost · 6 months
my country disgusts me so much, can't wait to move abroad in a few years. people are absolutely disgusting when it comes to reacting to lgbtqia+ related stuff.
it makes me sick to my core reading comments to the rare content that promotes being open-minded and inclusive changes. to admit to wanting to commit scary violent acts to the point of fantasising about murd€r in the cruelest ways that I don't even what to remember reading... makes my head spin both with fear and disgust.
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so i left the mormon church as a teenager (15ish? 16?), but stayed in attendance until i was 20. i was pretty up front about the whole deciding-it-wasnt-true process with my bishop, who frankly took it really well, but it wasnt like i pulled all 150 ward members aside and had a heart to heart with them. anyway, i didnt believe, so at 19 i didnt go on a mission, and while some people in the ward were totally fine with that, others werent. and there was one woman in her late 50s who pulled me aside one day to interrogate me why i hadnt gone on a mission.
"the duty of every young man" she said.
and the thing is, im autistic. and a lot of people assume that when youre autistic, your social skills just arent very good. but thats not exactly true. your Be Polite skills are kind of eh, and they tend to stay that way, but as a sort of survival mechanism your Be Rude skills become amazing simply because you get put in tons of situations where your choices are to Function or Be Polite. and no one can choose Be Polite forever. the world demands function, it merely encourages politeness.
anyway, it can really catch neurotypicals by surprise, because hey, heres this kind of awkward, graceless guy, who stumbles over his words a lot and is very apologetic. hes probably a huge pushover. but i'm only like that when we're playing The Polite Game, because i am frankly kind of bad at it. but when its time to play The Rude Game, i go fucking ham and asking about the not-going-on-a-mission thing is Super Rude. so i said:
"sister hadlock... they wont let me go because i lit-er-ally cannot stop sucking dicks. i dont know why, its just so, so hard."
*dramatic pause*
"also - its very difficult to stop."
anyway, it almost killed her. i think she'd expected to just kind of steamroll me for the entire conversation, but the answer crushed her soul. instead of continuing her interrogation she made a noise like a horse drowning in a bog and left.
to add insult to injury, she went to the bishop after that, thinking he'd chew me out for being an ass, but instead he chewed her out for not minding her own business. then she went to my parents after that, who basically went "yeah, babylon was pretty rude. but youre also pretty rude. what are you, mad that he's better at it than you?"
i really loved that ward.
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nicoliine · 8 months
The day you noticed Lucifer was using his wings to court you.
☆彡 In birds, there is a great variety of nuptial displays at the time of courtship, especially in species that have melodious songs or show very striking plumage.
Little did you know, this would include angels or the king of hell himself.
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☆ English isn't my first language. Sorry in advance.
☆ The reader is g/n; no pronouns or y/n are used.
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You were always fond of birds, and you dedicated much of your life to helping preserve endangered species. You studied them, spent countless hours learning about the hundreds of species, a lot of diets and their behaviors.
This didn’t seem to stop once you found yourself in Hell; in fact, once you discovered there were a bunch of sinners with bird-like features, you just seemed content to be there.
When you arrived at the Hazbin hotel, you claimed one of the spare rooms as your personal studio, and after what you have called "the toughest battle in your life," you convinced Alastor to let you have a camera "as long as you never get that frivolous technology box near me."
Husk had to ask you not so politely to stop when you first met. Before you could even take his hand, you had started to ask questions about their wings; sometimes you even wrote on an oh-so-worn notebook of yours; it became a common topic of discussion between the two of you. When you forget he has work to do and start to take multiple pictures of his wings and even try to take one of his wings when he is not looking, Angel starts to think that your bartender friend is about to lose it, and you will end with a scratch or two.
Besides that, one could say that your presence in the hotel was appreciated; you could be found watching some funny shows on TV with Angel and never saying no to Vaggie when she asked for a favor. Soon, you started to feel part of the hotel, and the rest of the staff agreed with that.
 ☆◦ •◦☆
Lucifer was nothing like any man you had met in life or hell; he was, to put it simply, an awkward guy, always so silly yet so elegant. He had managed to get you longing for his presence more often than you would like to admit.
You are not sure how you and Lucifer became friends, but having a shared interest in ducks seemed to help. You gave him all kinds of facts about them, and he would step by your room every so often to show you the new rubber duck he was working on. Not that you're complaining, but one of his ducks set your courtains on fire on an occasion.
Charlie says that she is proud of his "social advances,” as she used to call your interactions. Seeing him out of his office more often and having an actual conversation with someone seems to make the princess happy and less worried about her father, and if that someone turns out to be you, it is so much better!
  ☆◦ •◦☆
The first time you noticed this weird behavior of his was the day you two met. You couldn’t help but mention, after his bickering with Alastor over who was Charlie’s father figure, that you found his wings precious. Lucifer, being the prideful man he is, wasted no time on extending his wings only for your delight, a smirk on his face as he saw your eyes wide admiring that part of him; they were so magnificent, you could swear they were shining in the light of the room, and you'd die to see if the feathers were as soft as they seemed.
Just a simple touch, please.
Before returning his wings to their place, there was a flutter of his wings, so slow that there was no way someone could notice.
But you weren't just someone; you knew it. What a coincidence! You could recap an article about some birds courtship.
The second time you saw it, you were in your room minding your own business. He came to you with a smile, but your eyes were looking past him, his wings on full display as he greeted you. There, his wings started flutter again, now lasting more than the last time. Now there is no way it was just a coincidence. “My eyes are up here, darling,” he said, that smirk on his face turning into a pout as you were not paying him enough attention. You just shake your head, focus on the man before you, returning your full attention to him, and the pout on his lips dissapears immediately as your eyes are on him.
  ☆◦ •◦☆
You are getting crazy; every time you get a glimpse of him, you find his wings moving in an oh-so-familiar way that you could swear it was a courtship dance, every time bolder than before.
That is when you decided to confront him, getting just a chuckle from him. It made you think maybe it was just your imagination, and you finally lost your mind.
While sitting on the hotel balcony, Lucifer was telling you one of his ideas for this new rubber duck. He said it would be the best one he would work on so far, even though you doubted that. Then you stopped listening, your eyes fixated on his wings. Every time he looked at you, they would flutter not so subtly, distracting you from everything around you. Your head rested on your palm, almost feeling bad for not listening to his rambling.
"Luci, you're courting me." It was supposed to be a question, but by the way the king of hell stopped his rambling and, looking at you with wide eyes, you found that maybe it was not.
"And what would make you think that?" He said mocking you, he also rested his head in one of their hands.
"Your wings, the way you move them," you pointed to his wings; they stopped his movements when you mentioned it; he just chuckled, then started to laugh. Was he laughing at you? It made you want to hide yourself from him; was it your imagination? No way.
"So you finally notice," he then said. Once his laugh was gone, he adjusted himself on his seat. Now, with both of his hands holding his face and looking at you with a smirk, his wings started to flutter once more. "I thought it would take you less time, may I be honest"
"Actually, I noticed it long ago; I thought it was just my—" You felt the air leaving your lungs once he got on his feet and moved closer to you. "...Just my imagination." You were not strange to his proximity, but this time he just looked so imponent, wings on full display and fluttering around. Now it was definitely a courtship dance, and you were on the receiving end.
"Now, what do you think?" He hovered over you who still sitting, a hand resting on the back of your seat, taking one of your hands on his and kissing your knuckles. The kiss lasted longer than you thought was the average time for one, and even then he didn’t let go of your hand. "Was my dance enough to impress you, darling?" Now, looking into his eyes, you could only see adoration, awaiting your response.
You couldn't speak; you can't imagine the king of hell pulling up something like this for you.
"My dear, please talk to me," he pleaded, a sigh leaving his lips as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. You could feel his warm breath in your skin, burning like hellfire.
"It was," you said, Lucifer now turning his face to look at you. You took his face in your hands and moved him closer, he gave you an inquisitive look but with no intention to move from your touch. "I should have mentioned it earlier; it was quite impressive." You smiled, and he did the same.
Now, how long you two kissed, you also don't remember; what you remember, however, is how he held you against him as if you were just about to disappear right then, and that when you finally got to touch his wings, you were proved wrong.
His feathers were much softer than you have imagined.
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This idea came to me yesterday when my dad showed me a reel of a lady bird who epically ignored the male who was dancing to her, I felt so bad and immediately thought about Lucifer.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 💞
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sttoru · 4 months
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you eat unhealthy food while busy with uni work.
tags. older bf!gojo satoru x female reader. fluff. age gap (reader around early 20’s, satoru early 30’s). behavior may come off as ‘overprotective’ to some. nicknames ‘baby, sweetheart, princess’. not proofread
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satoru’s at work while you’re in his kitchen, preparing a quick meal for yourself. you’ve been busy making and finishing assignments all day. you really could do with a break. though, a short one. there’s still lots more to do before you’re done with everything mandatory.
it’s convenient that satoru allows you to stay over at his apartment whenever you want to. he’s given you a spare key and told you that his home is also yours. if you need a break from your own place, you can always stop by his.
“ah, crap,” you hiss as the sauce packet nearly bursts open in your hand due to how roughly you pulled on its edges. you season your instant ramen noodles without much thought. it’s a quick meal that saves you time.
you’ve had it four days a row now—along with some pizza slices here and there. your boyfriend has been nice enough to send you money, telling you to treat yourself to some decent food while he’s away on business, but you’re really just too busy to treat yourself.
satoru’d be upset if he knew that you’re living off unhealthy crap again. the last time he caught you, he prepared you homemade meals or took you out to restaurants for weeks. he needs you to ingest your daily nutritions so you can stay healthy. you’re too important to him and he wants the best for you.
you grab your chopsticks and mix the sauce with the noodles, your spotify playlist running in the background. you walk to the fridge and grab a soda before sitting down at the kitchen table. unlocking your phone, you decide to see if anything’s going on on social media.
you’re too focused on your screen and the food entering your mouth to notice the front door opening. you catch a glimpse of a figure in the corner of your eye and your head flies up. a bit too late..
“ah, hi, satoru,” you mumble with a mouthful of ramen noodles. you’re caught off guard and you barely know what to do as the white-haired man puts his keys in his pockets. you put your phone down and discreetly try to cover your bowl, “didn’t know you’d come back so early.”
too bad you didn’t think of opening a window or throwing away the opened package of instant ramen. satoru looks over at the messy counter before walking towards you. he reaches a hand out to your cheek, brushing your thumb against your skin.
“hi, pretty,” satoru greets you with a gentle smile. he leans down and presses a kiss onto your lips, tongue stealing a taste of the sauce on your mouth. he pulls back and pinches the cheek he’s holding, “mind telling me what you’re eating, hm?”
you pout and swallow the bite of noodles you had in your mouth. you put your hands down, knowing there’s no hiding anything from your boyfriend. he dislikes the fact that you’re not taking your health seriously. “instant ramen. . .” you respond defeatedly.
satoru ruffles your hair with a shake of his head, silently disapproving of your actions. “i’ve given you money to get a proper meal, didn’t i, baby?” the older man explains in the same tender tone. he doesn’t have the heart to be mad at you. he crouches down next to the chair you’re sitting on and kisses your knuckles, each getting a peck.
“yeah, ‘m sorry,” you nod, knowing your lover did his part of taking care of you. he gave you money to spend on food or ingredients, but you still chose the easy way out. it’s not like you’ve been craving noodles—you’re eating them for the sole reason being that they’re fast and easy to make. you’re too busy (and lazy) to go out and buy stuff.
satoru chuckles, not really mad at you at all. he’s simply worried for your wellbeing. he sees how hard you work for uni while also making time to spend with him, no matter how little it may be. “it’s okay, it’s okay,” satoru coos and kisses your forehead before getting up.
the sorcerer looks down at the bowl of noodles before glancing back at you. “do you want to finish it or do you want me to make you something?” he asks whilst playing with the little hairs around your face. you’re beautiful, somehow even more gorgeous with those dark circles under your eyes.
you pout and think about his question. you’re tired of eating the same thing four times in a row and you know how good satoru’s cooking can be, so. . .
“can you make me something?” you ask carefully in a quiet tone, flashing your boyfriend your best puppy eyes, “pretty please?”
satoru grins and nods immediately. he’s always happy to help you out when you need it. “of course. anything for my princess,” he coos and squeezes your cheeks one last time. he’s got an obsession with the way you scrunch your nose up every time he does so.
he grabs the bowl of noodles and puts it away after making sure you didn’t want any more of it. sure, he wants the best for you, but he doesn’t want to be too restrictive. in case you still want to steal a bit, satoru puts the bowl in the corner of the counter.
you walk to satoru as he stands near the fridge. you rub your weary eyes and watch as he grabs the needed items to make your favorite comfort meal. he catches you staring at him and he smirks lovingly.
“oh my, i have such an adorable girlfriend,” the older man holds himself back from squeezing your cheeks together again. he holds your wrist and pulls you flush against him, his head leaning down to match your eye level.
satoru plants a quick kiss on your lips. his hand finds it way on your hips before slithering upwards. he pats your back, gently comforting and encouraging you, his other hand doing the same on the back of your head. he knows how hard it is for you these days, with the busy end of the semester and all.
“love you, ‘toru, thank you,” you smile at him and nuzzle your face into his chest. you really needed a distraction from all the hard work you still have to do. a quick break with the person you cherish most will gain you back all the energy you’ve lost.
satoru hugs you even tighter to him when you utter those magical words. if he could, he’d take care of you every single second of the day. he’d do anything to make you feel better. he places a peck to your forehead, “i love you too, sweetheart. but promise me one thing; please take better care of yourself, ‘kay?”
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bleuberrygliscor · 1 year
people talk shit about "insular communities" and "safe space bubbles" but literally the most vile shit goes down outside of my nice curated internet space and i really think yall need to grow the fuck up actually.
#rem rambles#i joke that im just simply better than most#but no at this point its literally true. yall are mad disappointing and i am so very very tired of it.#just stop being weirdos and shit. its not hard to mind your own business.#i know its 100% the euphoria of justifying why someone you like is objectively shitty. so you go out of your way to do that. but ALSO.#girl go outside. like for real go sit with other people outside sometime. yall are too fucking comfortable just saying shit and cosigning#shit that would get your ass beat irl and you know that. all of you are just so fucking stupid and i NEED yall to stop it. just fucking sto#say it with me class: 'being marginalized does not give you the ability to bully and shit on other marginalized people.'#yall will bend over backwards to defend your fave because we all just succumbed to purity culture.#throw the whole bird app in the garbage honestly. i hate hearing about the shit that goes down there second-hand.#and just to make sure im crystal fucking clear. i am being broad here but the catalyst was fuckshit on leftist twitter.#so take off your little safety blanket of 'its the conservatives that are evil' when yall are actively shitting on a transwomans death#because you personally dont fuck with her. whats the point of getting rid of oppressive conservatives if you as a leftist is just going to#vote for me to be slaughtered too because i dont use the pronouns you want me to use or agree with your discord besties.#damn they were right. highschool dont end frfr.
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letstrip13 · 20 days
୨୧ - melatonin
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summary: when you can't sleep, there's only one person who can help
warnings: none, just fluff!!
word count: 287
author's note: day 2 of posting blurbs until everything i post stops flopping!! also go check out my new account theme, i think it turned out really cute !!
you knock softly on your roommate's door, your knuckles barely tapping the wood. there's no response so you slowly push the door open. matt stirs awake, barely lifting his head up to look at you. “again?” he murmurs, his voice raspy with sleep.
you simply nod and whisper “m'sorry. nothing else works.” he pushes the blankets aside to make a space for you. “s'fine, sweetheart. c'mere.”
you don't think twice, crossing the room in a few quick steps and climbing into bed alongside him. he pulls the blankets over you, still warm from his body heat and the scent of his body wash lingering on them.
“thank you,” he hums in response as his arms engulf your frame and he pulls you close to his chest, busying one hand with stroking your hair. you let out a content sigh and he chuckles, or at least tries to with the sleep overtaking him.
your mind, once filled with consuming thoughts that keep you up night after night, slow and become hazy, the only thoughts remaining now are those of bliss and comfort. you don't know what it was about matt but he has the ability to calm you down and put you to sleep like no other, like a teddy bear, like melatonin.
it doesn't take more than a few minutes for you to slip into that long-awaited slumber. “better?” he whispers, only to be met with silence as he realizes you're asleep already.
only after he's kept an eye on you to make sure you really are asleep does he let his own eyes close as he drifts back off to sleep, content with the warmth of your body against his and the peacefulness radiating off you.
check out my masterlist for more!!
join my taglist!!
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reidmania · 2 months
KILL FOR YOU | spencer reid
summary ; one time Spencer wanted to propose and the one time he did.
warnings; fem reader, mentions of injuries, protective Spencer, reader gets hurt by an unsub, spencer beats said unsub, normal criminal minds stuff, angst if you drink vodka, hit ur head then squint a little. they are so in love
an; this was gonna be 2 times spencer wanted to propose and the one time he did but i couldnt be fucked writing it. NOT PROOF READ.
this gif is my fav ever bc he is so bloody cute oh my gosh
“Hey spence.”
It rolled off your tongue simply, easily like nothing. Like it was made to leave your lips. The little nickname, the sweet tone so gentle without intention. Spencer had grown to love it more and more everyday.
Your hand fell gently on the top of his shoulders, Spencer could feel the indent of your rings over his sweater — the one he wore often after you mentioned it was one of your favourites on him.
“Hi honey” He turned in his chair to face you. You had been busy doing case work all day with Emily and unfortunately she deemed Spencer too much of a distraction to be around, so he was sent away sulking for the last three and a half hours.
His eyes met your face and his lips tugged up into a smile. How could he help it when you looked so beautiful. Your hair tied back into a ponytail, a simple fleece sweater of his folded upwards enough to look like it didn’t completely bag on you, over a simple black skirt. It stunned him how you made his home clothes look so professional and good. 
“I missed you” He said, taking ahold of your hand in his. Letting the warmth of your skin raise the heat in his own — although skin to skin contact from wasn’t necessary to raise his body temperature. Just you being around was enough. He would see you from across the room, laughing or smiling and his stomach would flush with warmth. It was inevitable.
You giggled — god he loved the sound. “Your hands are freezing.” You muttered as you interlaced your fingers from his, despite the comment you relished in the small contact you two shared. You tried to keep it professional at work as much as possible.
“Warm them up?” He suggested innocently tilting his head to the side as his gazed remained fixated on your face. He couldn’t pull his eyes away even if he wanted to — which he didn’t.
You smiled and squeeze your fingers around his hand. “I missed you too.” You said back — replying to his earlier comment. He adored that, how to often got sidetracked, over excited and distracted jumping from topic to topic without even realising you were doing it before finishing your sentence. He loved that about you, he watched and adored you every time, no matter what you were saying, or how much he sat there and listened to every word.
“How did you go?” He asked, he subconsciously swung your arms softly as he spoke, eyes locked onto yours. He didn’t needed to explain what he meant — he was talking about how you went getting on with the work. He knew you understood that.
You hummed, other hand straying to fidget and pick up things at his desk. Normally people touching his stuff and messing it about would annoy him — but it didn’t bother him the slightest when it came to you.
“It went good — once we were distraction free” You muttered before turning your head back to face him, he noticed the teasing smile on your face instantly.
He snorted, “Once you were distraction free. Emily was fine” He said.
You shook your head, “She was distracted by my distraction. You are very distracting Spencer Reid” You pointed out, hand leaving his desk to poke the top of his nose gently. Spencer scrunched up his face at the touch but the smile remained on his lips.
“Oh! I was thinking about dinner, maybe we could get take out tonight? I saw a new Chinese takeout spot on the way to work tod- I also saw the cutest puppy earlier, we should get a puppy spence, just a little one” You cut yourself off in the way he already expected you to.
“We can try it tonight” He said fondly, “And we can speak more about the dog thing later” He said. He loved animals but he didn’t know how he felt about having a dog in his house, the amount of germs they would track inside the house set an unsettling bundle of nerves in his stomach, but he knew if you wanted it there was nothing more he would do then get you it.
Your face lit up, he felt his chest swarm.
Yeah definitely worth the germs.
You audibly yay’d. Spencer felt his chest rise and fall as the all familiar thought ran through his head. His hand reached into his pocket to fiddle with the small box in his pocket. He knew deep down it was stupid to carry it around all the time but he couldn’t help it.
He didn’t want to plan the perfect moment — he wanted it to be the perfect moment. He wanted it to feel perfect when he proposed, not be made to feel perfect. Grand gestures weren’t him, and it wasn’t you. But he wanted it to feel right.
Right now, the look on your face, the feeling in his chest was one of those moments where he couldn’t get the idea out of his head, he couldn’t stop himself for thinking about how gorgeous you would look walking down the aisle towards him. He couldn’t stop picturing spending the rest of his life with you.
He said your name, causing you to look back at him from where your gazed was fixated on your intertwined hands. His tone was hesitant and nervous but you made every nerve worth it.
His fingertips wrapped the velvet box, “I-“ His hand paused when your head swung around at the sound of your name. Seeing Emily calling you.
“Emily!!” You said excitedly, “Me and Spence are getting a dog!” You cheered as you looked over at her, your smile bright and wide as you once again got distracted subconsciously.
The slight disappointment slipped away in moments as Spencer watched you smile excitedly. He knew you were probably playing the idea out in your head.
“Maybe.” He reminded — but he knew he would give in.
You rolled your eyes playfully as you looked back on him. “—Probably?” you negotiated, raising your eyebrow hopefully. He chuckled shaking his head before sighing. “Probably.” He agreed.
“I love you” You leant down to place a quick, simple and sweet kiss on his lips before you bounced away to continue your conversation with Emily as she reminded you that there was still more work to do.
Spencer tapped his fingers against the velvet material in his pocket, licking his lips chastely as he tried to push the thought from his mind. Turning back to face his computer screen he let out a soft sigh.
It would be perfect.
“Where is she?” Spencer pushed through a group of people, eyes wide and mind a completely and utter mess. The only thing he could focus on was you. He had zero regard for the people he shoved out of the way trying to get to Hotch.
His looked around — trying to find any glimpse of you possible as he stood in front of Hotch. He was scared — he was absolutely terrified and he couldn’t see you anywhere. “Where is she?” He repeated
He felt Hotch’s hand on his shoulder which normally he would find comforting but he flinched away from it. “Reid.” Hotch said, his tone gently but still holding the stern component that never seemed to leave.
He was trying to be respectful he really was but his mind was apanic. “Hotch, Where the fuck is she?” He hardly swore but it slipped out as he avoided holding eye contact with the older man, scared maybe he might burst into tears as his chest felt unbearably tight.
“Shes with the paramedics, she’s in a lot of pain— Reid.” Spencer didn’t stay to listen to the rest of what his boss had to say, instead walking off towards the ambulance through the crowd of people.
He was panicked beyond belief. His hands hadn’t stopped shaking his he heard that you were down. He was pissed that Emily and you decided to split up while searching around the house, only ending with you being grabbed from behind, pushing you so hard against the wall that when you hit it — you were knocked out.
The minute Emily found you around the other side she was telling everyone over her speaker, Spencer was rushing outside of the house he had been checking with Derek and his feet were moving faster than his brain could compute. His hands were shaking when he came in contact with the unsub, who immediately went for him.
Spencer was unable to help himself, his hands didn’t reach for his gun instead he pushed the man up against the wall, like the unsub previously had done to you — only his fist found their way to the unsubs face, over, and over, and over again until it was nothing more than a bloody mess.
He had little injury from the unsub, he endured a few hits to the face which did nothing more than leave his nose and lip bloody but he couldn’t of cared less about that when all his mind could think about was you.
He was pushed away by Derek, and the unsub taken into custody by Rossi and Emily after Emily had called the paramedics for you. He fought Derek briefly trying to get his hands back on the unsub.
“You could have had a murder charge” derek had said, finally somewhat calming Reid down once the Unsub was taken away. Spencer remembers thinking nothing more than how much he wanted that man dead — he had never really wished that on anyone.
“He should be dead.” Was all Spencer had replied before walking off.
His eyes landed on you, sitting with a blanket over your shoulders in the back of an ambulance, leaning on the side of it with your knees pulled up to your chest, hand held to the back of your head holding what he could only assume was an ice pack.
He called your name as his feet rushed towards you before they stopped right in front of you. You met his eyes and he could’ve swore his heart had shattered into a million different pieces at the sight of tears in your eyes.
“Oh baby” He cooed as his hands hovered slightly over your side. He was scared to touch you, scared to hurt you more than you had already been hurt. His chest was tightening more and more and he found it hard to breathe.
“Im okay” You pushed out, but your voice was contradicting your words as it cracked slightly. You almost lunged towards him letting your head bury itself in his chest, arms wrapping themselves around his waist. He took it as an okay to touch you, his arms immediately wrapping around you as he stood in-between your legs.
“Im sorry” He whispered, hand running up to your hair to smooth it out gently, hands careful over the bloody spot in your hair. You shook your head but stopped as it only sent a throbbing sensation throughout it. You pulled your head away and Spencer moved to sit beside you.
“You don’t have to apologise” You said softly, hand coming up to wipe a tear from your cheek. Spencer’s hand stayed on your back. “Im okay. Really.” You reassured.
“I should’ve been there, someone should’ve been there.” He said, shaking his head. He was holding back the urge to scold the stupidity it took to separate yourself and Emily in a situation but he knew deep down you were just doing what he thought was right — and he could hardly think about that when you were sitting here with that look in your eye.
“Wh- What the hell” you muttered as you looked over his face. For some reason the state of him didn’t register when you first saw him, maybe it was because of the tears blurring your vision or maybe the fact you were just in relief that he was there, but now you did as your entire chest fell.
“Im sorry” He apologised again. “I was so— I was so angry, I was scared” He said, He watches the way your face falls into something he can only explain as panic and guilt. He hated the way you looked guilty.
“Spence..” You sighed, grabbing ahold of his hand gently, thumb rubbing back and forth of his soft skin. He relished in your touch. His eyes closed as he tried to neglect the burning sensation in the back of his throat and bridge of his nose that came as a warning sign for the tears brewing in the back of his eyes.
“I wanted to kill him” Spencer said, his voice cracking as the lump grew in his throat. He despised the way it gave him away. He didn’t want to be in this position — he was supposed to be the one comforting you, not the other way around.
“That would only get you in trouble baby” You said gently. The headache subsided slightly as your head filled with nothing more than Spencer. An unfamiliar feeling filled your stomach as it dawned on you that Spencer would quite literally kill for you.
“He hurt you” Was the best Spencer could muster up. And to him it was enough of a reason.
An unfamiliar feeling filled your stomach as it dawned on you that Spencer would quite literally kill for you. Your hand tightened around his as you turned your body to face him more. Your hand leaving his to cup his face in your hands.
A frown tugged on your lips and Spencer groaned at the way tears ran down his cheeks. He tried to pull his face away from your hands in-order to hide it in his own, but yours stayed around his face.
“Oh baby.” Spencer’s chest tightened as your thumb dragged the softest against his cheeks wiping away stray tears. “It’s apart of the job baby. We both know that, theres always a risk of us getting hurt. But I’m right here yeah? Im okay.” You cooed gently.
It dawned on him in that moment at your words. Of course before he knew there was a risk — he was well aware of that but now he completely understood it. He understood how much he needed you, how much he would do for you.
He realised there was no life for him without you in it.
He said your name, his tone clear, you raised your eyebrow with a quick nod. You repeated his name but his mind was elsewhere unable to process it as he stared at your face.
Perfect or not. There wasn’t ever gonna be a moment where he felt like he needed to do this more. He needed to be your husband. He needed the future with you. He needed this and he needed this now.
“Marry me.” He said, it wasn’t how he wanted it to come out but his lips worked faster than his mind. He watched your eyes widen, your brows furrow in confusion as your lips parted before shutting again.
“W-What?” You muttered.
“Marry me.” He repeated, “Please. I don’t want to spend another day wondering if we will get a future together. I don’t ever want to endure this again without you being my wife. I want everyday with you, I want the arguments and the bad days, I want the long nights and the kids. I want you, today, tomorrow and every day after that. I want to marry you, I want to be your husband” He ranted.
Your eyes widened as he rambled on as tears rushed all the way back in your eyes from where they had subsided.
“I can’t lose you. I am so in love with you, it hurts. It hurts so please—“ He sighed, “Marry me.”
You were at a loss for words and Spencer almost expected that. This wasn’t how he wanted to do it, but he didn’t think he could go another day without asking you.
“Im sorry, I know this is probably the worse time possible” His fingers tugged at the box in his pocket, pulling it out. He used his other hand to open it. Your eyes fell from his onto the ring sitting inside the black velvet box. It was gorgeous. Absolutely stunning and so you.
“I wanted it to be perfect, I have been waiting but I cant w-”
“Yes.” You said, cutting him off as you pulled your eyes away from the ring back to his face. “God- Yes- Spencer” Your voice was quiet and breathy.
His eyes widened. “Wh- really?” He almost expected you to shut him down.
“Are you stupid?” He knew it wasn’t serious because everyone knew Spencer Reid was a lot of things — but he was not stupid.
“Of course I will marry you!” You lunged towards him, pressing your lips against his. Unable to even care about the headache beating against the back of your skull as all you could feel was him.
He smiled into the kiss, deepening it as his hands tugged against your waist, pulling you in closer to him. He pulled away for a moment to take the ring out of the box, grabbing ahold of your hand he slid the ring on — it fit perfectly.
“Are you okay?” He asked, gaze returning to your face as he remembered you were infact still injured.
You beamed at him, “Im happy. Spence Im really happy” You said, unable to focus on anything else.
Spencer smiled back. “I love you”
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astonmartinii · 1 month
false start | lewis hamilton social media au
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem swimmer reader
some people are getting a bit too ahead of themselves
.・゜゜・ part of the aston martini summer olympics ・゜゜・.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lillyking and 509,455 others
tagged: yourusername & lewishamilton
espn: the 2024 paris olympics kick off tomorrow and we'll be keeping a close eye on the pool. and despite being one of the biggest names in the sport and the fiance of seven-time f1 world champion lewis hamilton, we don't predict to see y/n y/ln on the podium this summer.
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user1: when will y'all learn?
user2: i swear they did this back in 2021, saying she wasn't good enough any more and then BAM she won double gold and they were suspiciously quiet after
user3: i hope she dunks on their heads again
user4: bro hasn't even started as lewis' teammate and he's already ready to throw down for y/n
charles_leclerc: i have been a fan of the queen since before i even started in f1 - no one disrespects her in front of me
user5: espn better be shaking in their boots after that
lewishamilton: 😐
user6: the king has spoken
user7: it's an emoji babe
user8: real lewis fans know that this is worth a thousand words
user9: the picture with the double gold is going to hit like crack i fear
user10: best believe i know that they'll tag espn just to be messy
user11: i'm sat. i'm so sat. the cinema workers have told me she doesn't compete for a couple days but i'm simply so sat
yourusername: ⏳
user12: OKAY SLAY
user13: i need these golds like i need air
user14: okay queen i need you to run back the celebration from last olympics
user15: time to become an honourary aussie for a couple weeks to support y/n
user17: run me my passport australia
user18: when will lewis get his australian citizenship
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liked by georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 1,459,833 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: go get em'
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user23: sorry to everyone else at the games, but the hottest couple has arrived
user24: tiktok girls PSA: if i don't have ten alchemy edits of them on my desk by tomorrow morning THERE WILL BE ISSUES
yourusername: for you sir, anything
yourusername: ugh your ✨ title ✨ is so hot
lewishamilton: let's win and then put it to good use 😉
landnorris: do you people mind?
yourusername: why are you always in our business? don't you have your own little guppy to follow around in paris?
lewishamilton: he's just lonely? or not? i can't keep up with his relationship drama
landonorris: EXCUSE ME?
yourusername: you're excused? we've been together for like eight years we aren't used to whatever drama you've gotten yourself into
lewishamilton: eight years, six months and 237 days :P
user25: first espn and now lando? they're not holding back this summer
user26: fucking around and finding out is what summer 2024 is all about
georgerussell63: good luck y/n !!!
yourusername: thank you georgie :)
georgerussell63: and i checked, i don't think there's any gb swimmers in your events (other than the relays) so you'll have my full support
yourusername: thanks?
lewishamilton: he's a little confused but he's got the spirit
user27: i need y/n to win and come to the paddock with her medal for zandvoort
user28: i am seeing it and i need it to happen
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liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 893,209 others
tagged: yourusername
olympics: never in doubt, y/n y/ln takes gold in the 100m backstroke final!
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user30: suck on that espn
user31: espn admin come outside rn please i jUST WANNA TALK
lewishamilton: @espn KEEP MY (soon to be) WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH
yourusername: that was so hot
lewishamilton: you wiping the floor with the whole pool was so hot
lewishamilton: but then again you're hot doing literally anything
yourusername: says you mr model
lewishamilton: i got a few things i wanna model for you ...
yourusername: is it my gold medal and nothing else ?
lewishamilton: how did you know ???
user32: so winning a gold medal really does make you horny on main
user33: some of us lived through them with no PR managers, this is tame
user34: they're one couple where it really wouldn't surprise me if something got leaked
yourusername: can confirm it tastes as sweet as it did in tokyo
oscarpiastri: could you hear me cheering? i was so loud :)
yourusername: funnily enough, no
oscarpiastri: oh :(
yourusername: but i felt it in my spirit!
oscarpiastri: good :) because i think i have slightly deafened your husband 🤷‍♂️
lewishamilton: my ears are still ringing but i'll take it because you were supporting y/n
yourusername: awwww you cuties
user35: yall saying that kimi antonelli is lewis' grid kid but it's clearly oscar
user36: if i watched lewis put yellow and green glitter on oscar's face on live tv it's not a conversation to start with
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liked by georgerussell63, jensonbutton and 1,459,783 others
tagged: olympics & lewishamilton
yourusername: gold in both 100m and 200m backstroke is more than i could've ever dreamed coming into these games, thank you to my family, friends and wonderful fiance for their support. and to the others, you know who you are, be careful on all those false starts you keep making ;)
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user38: where are you ? LET'S BE HAVING YOU !!!
user39: her winning the golds regardless isn't enough i need a gun
espn: ... i'm sorry?
lewishamilton: YOU SHOULD BE
espn: sir, i am just an intern who posts what i am given
yourusername: well now you're making me feel bad
espn: i can give you my boss' email?
lewishamilton: YES PLEASE LET ME AT EM
user40: bullying works?
lewishamilton: i'm so so so so so so proud and so so so glad that everything lined up for me to be there and witness your excellence in person 🙇🏾
yourusername: i love you so much and couldn't have done it without you, all those facetime dates and missed anniversaries are worth it in the end
yourusername: although i am looking forward to following you around the world again for a bit
user41: thank fuck you're not retiring ????
yourusername: who said that ??? @espn was it you again??
espn: not this time i swear!
yourusername: i can confirm that i am not retiring, us terrorising all the youngsters in our sport is kind of our whole bit
lewishamilton: although some people could learn to walk away - cough @fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername: really?
lewishamilton: beef waits for no one
fernandoalo_oficial: well i personally was cheering on y/n, you can choke
user42: how does y/n look so good even after racing?
yourusername: getting laid well and often 👍🏼
lewishamilton: you're welcome
yourusername: i love you 🥰
lewishamilton: i love you more
note: hope you guys enjoyed!! swimming is always my favourite olympic sport (i also swam for ten years so that's probably why lol)
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yanderenightmare · 1 month
Gojo Satoru
TW: yandere, kidnapping, captive reader, noncon, somnophilia
follow up to this part one
gn reader
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Yeah, he kidnaps you within the same day…
He knows it isn’t inherently right, but he can justify it! You see, if anyone else were to find out your technique, you’d be in a lot of trouble—and by trouble, he means certain death or worse.
You’re a paradox. If he’d reported his find to the elders, they’d surely have sent assassins, given how terrified they are of the unknown—and you’re worse than an unknown—you’re a threat to jujutsu’s very foundation. He wouldn’t be surprised if they’d make weapons out of your body until nothing was left of you—just think about it—a bullet made from your flesh would have the instant power to disintegrate a curse on the spot. Or worse, they’d keep you alive and locked up somewhere, feeding you only to drain you of a dozen blood bags per day—like a farm.
Yes, this was better for you—with no one knowing of your existence except him. He’s the only one who can keep you safe.
Of course, you think he’s crazy. And he doesn’t blame you. You were just abducted by a stranger in the streets who not only insists that you’re an anomaly but wears a blindfold and claims to be a wizard out to protect you from people who would harvest your blood. Yeah, he wouldn’t believe him either.
The whole situation is messy, but at least you’re alive.
He gives you your own room. Of course, he’s not out to make you uncomfortable. You have your own room, bed, and bathroom, which is where you spend most of your time.
He can’t blame you for that, either. He won’t force you to spend time with him even though he wants to. But he’s not entirely innocent either—watching you through the cameras in the ceiling. It’s funny, but even on tape, you’re crystal clear. It’s calming to watch. Everything else makes his eyes hurt, hence the blindfold—but even that is but a dull salve. You’re the cure.
You warm up to him after a month or so. You come out of your room. He can tell you’re looking for weak spots to escape from, but you won’t find any. He’s gotten better at reading you now—having busied himself learning the language of your body looking at you without your knowledge. He only feels slightly guilty about it.
He can’t stop thinking about touching you, though. It really doesn’t have to be much—he’s never really been much of a playboy, despite people’s assumptions. Women and men have never been all that appealing when what he sees is everything they’re trying to hide. Though he has tried it a few times, he usually just takes care of it on his own if he needs to.
He's needed to a lot in the past weeks. But he promises himself he won’t force you into anything. That wouldn’t be fair.
You start talking to him another month later—actual conversations aside from the usual swearing or claims to let you go. No, you begin asking questions about the jujutsu world. He can’t tell if it’s because you’re curious or seeking information that might aid in your escape or if it’s simply a ploy to lower his guard, but it’s clear you still think he’s delusional. Either way, he doesn’t mind humoring you. He even tries demonstrating limitless for you, holding different objects as well as himself midair—but you seem convinced he’s just some talented crook. You’ve seen more compelling magic acts before, you say. He laughs.
He'd show you something more convincing, but you can’t see cursed spirits even with special glasses as the curse imbued into the lenses disrupts the moment you put them on, so to you, it’s the same as wearing fakes. In a way, curses don’t exist in your world. He’s tested it out a few times—simple flyheads, just to see what happens, and wow… It’s actually kind of scary how they just crumble upon contact with you—no residuals or anything left to prove that they were ever even there.
The only way to prove it to you would be to let someone else get mangled in front of you. Of course, it would only look like a body getting warped beyond recognition by the air—but he’s sure at that point, you’d no longer be able to assign normal logic to it. Not that he’s going to do any of that. He doesn’t really need you to believe him after all. It wouldn’t change anything. In fact, he prefers you don’t know. The jujutsu world is an ugly one—he doesn’t mind sheltering you from it.
Another four months in, and you’ve gotten comfortable. Well, it’s been half a year, so it’s taken its time, but still, he’s happy to have gotten there. You’re at the point where you ask him for things unrestricted—hobby stuff like books and paints and groceries. 
You’d taken to baking and cooking rather early on, which was great as his kitchen was practically in pristine and unused condition. He can’t blame you for growing tired of his unhealthy food habits—microwave dinners for the most part, other times leftovers he brings home from restaurants, otherwise just candy and pastries. You’d refused to make him anything in the start, but you’d soon caved when you realized he could just as simply refuse to bring you the ingredients. You’re now the designated cook of the house. It’s cute, like having his own little housewife.
Your guard has also dropped. You no longer flinch away when he’s close. Not that he allows himself to touch you improperly—just a little—a few accidental rubs here and then, brushing along you in passing, blaming it on the blindfold even when he can hear your feet pad along the floors in the utter silent emptiness of his house. And other innocent things... laying his hand on your head when he reaches for a glass in the cupboard above you, telling you he wouldn’t want you to hit yourself—brushing your back with his chest and his crotch on your rear. It can’t hurt—it only barely touches and just for a few seconds.
It makes him feel like a filthy drug addict, though. Desperate for a fix, then only wanting more once it’s gone…
He’s been coming to your room to watch you sleep almost every night. You don’t know. You’d be more wary of him if you did. But no, you’re under the impression he’s just some poor, disillusioned man who’s otherwise harmless. You don’t know, and he aims to keep it that way.
It’s for your sake. Just the same as you don’t know curses exist, you needn’t know of the cursed thoughts simmering within his head either. So, he does it for you. To spare you.
That’s what he tells himself when watching you obliviously drink the crushed pills he’s been feeding you for the last many months.
He’d reached his breaking point much sooner than he thought—just after he swore against it, actually. Limiting himself only seemed to make him ever more in need of you. But it was to be expected—he’s never been too good at abiding by rules. He’s always felt above them—even those he sets upon himself.
He’s happy you’ve warmed up to him when you’re awake now, too, utterly unaware you’ve been more than accommodating in your sleep.
Of course, he feels bad! But what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
Besides... give or take a few more months, and you’re bound to invite him into your bed at some point. It’s only natural—humans require contact and will accept what’s available to them. He’s only early in taking what he knows you’d give him sooner or later anyway.
You have no way of knowing how long you sleep, no windows, no watch—no idea you sleep more than half a day every night—half of that time spent with him.
He’d only spooned you at first—his bare hands laid in reverence against your soft skin, reveling in your heat while cuddling into you. It had been nice, but ultimately not enough. He’d resorted to undressing after a while, lying there naked—but still, doing nothing but holding you—skin-to-skin. That, as well, had only been enough for a while—now keeping a hand on you while tugging himself in the other. It seems that every indulgence he allows himself only serves to make the need within grow deeper. You rivet his entire body ablaze like nothing else… and he has this undying feeling pounding in his chest and throughout his body, down to his throbbing dick, that being inside you is going to feel like nothing he's ever felt before.
And you're so cute down there—pretty on his fingers—welcoming. Kissing there makes his candy addiction go to waste. He’s convinced burying his face between your thighs is where he belongs. Right there, smothered in the warmth with your taste flooding his mouth. He could die happy. 
And fuck if it doesn’t look like you need his cock inside you once he pulls away—spit-slicked, swollen, and fluttering for him—crying to be filled and fucked. 
The little sounds you make as he enters you are the sweetest sounds he’s heard in his life—pretty little mews and sleepy moans as he fills you out until you’re neatly settled around his base and fuck—he’s already cumming, melting within the surrounding cloudy warmth. 
It doesn’t stop him from remaining hard. 
Dropping his weight atop of you, he smothers you like a duvet—bodies pressed perfectly against each other as he kisses every and any part of you he can reach, snapping his hips in short thrusts deep within—sucking your lip while sinking his fingers into the plume of your haunches, lapping up the spit from within your mouth like a well granting all his wishes.
He cleans you up after—wipes you down, and frets over the bruises left on you, hoping you won’t read too much into how sore you are. Leaving the crimescene just as it had been before, then kisses you good night.
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♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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lovelyyys · 2 months
the reader is a mutant like logan but more cat like which everyone thinks that they would hate each other which is proven wrong by the marks logan leaves on her neck after a wild night
ok i went a little wild with this so uh, enjoy!
(female reader, enemies to lovers? 18+!!!)
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For the most part you two were alike. Well. For the most part. You were like him, although your claws didn’t retract from your knuckles. Instead they came from your nails. Just like a cat: People had expected the two of you to get along well knowing the fact that you were similar. When you two first met he simply introduced himself as, “Hi I’m Logan.” As if that would suffice. You didn’t know why he was so lukewarm towards you, almost as if he felt threatened by you. Ego problem maybe?
The team along with you were in the lounge area, everybody talking and drinking after a mission. You stood off to the side minding your own business. Drinking a beer, you didn’t know why. You couldn’t even get drunk since your body filtered alcohol out as poison so maybe you could get tipsy for a millisecond but that was it. You had been looking at a painting in the room, not before feeling the presence of somebody behind you. “How come you don’t drink hard? Like whiskey.” A gruff voice said from behind you that you had immediately recognized as that egotistical jerk. “I don’t like the taste.” You had answered, turning to face him. You looked up at him, staring into his eyes. “That’s a shame.” You didn’t answer, looking at his facial features and such. He took his own cup pressing it to his lips. Downing his drink, before slamming it on the table next to you.
“You know I’m sorry if we got off on the wrong hand. It was just a little weird meeting somebody like me.” Ah. So it was because he has an ego problem. “Yeah I thought so.” You said, not before finishing off your beer and putting it next to his empty glass. “You can’t get drunk right?” He asked you suddenly. You shook your head, “No my healing factor doesn’t allow it.”
“So we’re more alike than I thought.” He laughed, you smiled. Maybe you two were more alike than you two thought. “Uh, you know we’re on the same mission tomorrow.” Why was he even talking to you? “Yeah I saw on the board earlier.” That was the whole conversation.
After the mission you got a nasty cut on your thigh, your suit being cut open. Your leg bleeding. You had gotten back to the mansion. Logan offering to help clean you up. Why not? What could be the worse that could happen? He was just trying to break the ice after all…
He brought you to the medbay, grabbing a bit of gauze and rubbing alcohol. You sat down on the bed, watching him prep the materials. You took off the pants of your suit so he could clean it better. “Come closer.” He said, curling his finger towards you. You shuffled over to him. His breath warm against your body. “This is going to hurt.” He warned, pressing the cold cotton pad onto your skin. The alcohol stinging. His jaw was locked, eyes hardening as he watched your expression as you hissed at the pain. He held his hand on your shoulder to reassure you — not before you muffled your cry’s of pain into his neck. Holding onto his back. Your nails digging in.
The pain was a 10. Possibly an 11. You started panting a bit, whimpering into his neck. In an instant he moved his hand down from your shoulder to your hip in order to steady you. He cleared his throat, his voice a bit hesitant. “Stop moving like that.”
“It hurts.” You cried out. “Just stop.” He whispered in your ear. How were you supposed to? Oh. Oh…
You looked up at him, his eyes meeting yours as he bit his cheek. As if he was trying to hold back from saying more. “Fuck it.” He growled. Tossing the cotton pad in the trash. Moving your legs up onto the table. Getting right in between your thighs, his hands snaking down towards your panties. Tugging them right off as he gripped your legs once more. Putting them to rest on his muscular shoulders. He pushed you down onto the table, going into kiss you roughly. His hands holding your face. “You know I always liked you in a way.” You smirked.
“Well now you know in what way.” He laughed, panting a bit before kissing you again. His tounge exploring your mouth. His hands went to his pants pulling them along with his boxers down. His hard dick jumping out, ready to be inside of you. Ready to fill you up with his cum. Over and over again. So much for introductions.
He grabbed his thick member, pushing it up against your dripping wet pussy. You looked up at him, his face had a smirk on it. You nodded, letting him push up into you, he didn’t take it slow. Wasting no time, rolling his hips before pulling out and thrusting into you as he held your jaw. Forcing you to look at him. You let out a moan. Staring into his eyes. “You like this?”
“Harder. Harder!” You moaned suddenly, his eyes darkening as he fucked up into your sopping wet cunt at a brutal pace. Groaning with every single fucking thrust. He pulled the zipper down from your suit. Your breasts there on display for him to see. He hummed in approval, squeezing on one of your breasts as he continued ramming into you. His cock kissing your cervix, the pleasure overwhelming. The familiar tightening in your stomach building up. “You close?” He asked you. You simply nodded, your breasts jiggling up and down with every thrust. “Me too. Want me to cum inside this pussy?” “Mhm.” He grinned. His pace somehow getting faster as if the pace before wasn’t enough for him. “Cum with me.” He whined. Kissing you once more.
You quickly clenched around him, milking him for all his worth. His hot cum filling inside you quickly. He continued fucking you, the cum leaking out. The overstimulation quickly spreading. “Logan!”
“Be good for me you can take it.” He moaned, sucking on your neck his hips never slowing as he drew out another orgasm from you. Again and again.
His hairy base tickled against your clit, stimulating it. He reached his thumb down rubbing on the bud. “Logan please.”
“Please what? What do you want?”
“It’s too much-.” You whined grabbing onto his dog tags with all the strength you had left. You read it. “Wolverine eh?” You laughed a bit. Moaning. “Shut up. You’re a fucking kitty cat.” He snarled. His thrusts never faltering.
It’s safe to say you didn’t sleep at all that night.
In the morning you were in the kitchen making yourself a coffee to wake up from the nights events. The team there as well making themselves breakfast. You hadn’t noticed the hickey Logan left on your neck until somebody had pointed it out. “Hey what’s that on your neck?” Scott peeped up. You raised your brows a bit looking in the reflection of the coffee machine. “Uh.”
“Something I left for her to remember me by.” A gruff voice said.
That egotistical jerk.
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hope you enjoyed !! more to come, xoxo!
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seasons-of-death · 2 months
behind closed doors
pairing: brother's bsf! rafe cameron x reader
genre: smutsmutsmut (with some fluff sprinkled in), minors DNI!!! / unprotected sex, PIV, oral (fem receiving), fingering, pet names
synopsis: your brother's best friend can't help himself. again.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: a part two to brother's best friend, but can be read as a standalone!
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩
You hadn't really talked to Rafe since what went down between you two, the blonde simply sneaking out of your bedroom before your brother would discover that his poor innocent little sister had been all fucked out by his best friend. You hadn't really seen him around either, as he hadn't come by to even see your brother, but you figured it was due to him being busy.
What you didn't know was that he hadn't been able to get you out of his mind, to the point that even when he was hooking up with other girls, he couldn't help but try to compare them to you, but even the usual amount of drugs or booze wouldn't get you out of his head. So, when your brother told him that he was having a party, Rafe couldn't help the grin that crept up onto his lips, thinking of all the ways he would make you his, right while your brother was downstairs.
You were never really too big on parties, so when your brother told you that he was having a party while your parents were away, you simply scoffed and cursed him for making you spend the evening cooped up in your bedroom unless you wanted to bump into drunk jerks, which wasn't exactly something you fantasized about, especially when said jerks were your brother's friends. Plenty of his friends had a habit of hitting on you, but they knew that if they actually tried anything with you, your brother was more than eager to beat their asses, so they usually just ended up ogling you and making vulgar comments about your body.
For you, it was just another Friday night, and you laid in bed reading, trying your best to ignore all the music and noise coming from downstairs, the party seemingly in full swing by now, but even your own music didn't seem to be enough to drown it all out. When there was a soft knock on your door, you were so ready to tell who was standing there to go screw themselves, but the words seemed to stick to your throat when you saw that familiar head of blonde hair, that grin you came to know all too well on his annoyingly handsome face as he leaned his head against the doorway.
"Hey." Rafe said in a gruff voice, looking at you up and down, your body covered by nothing but an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts, most of it covered by the long t-shirt.
"Aren't you gonna tell me to come in?" He said, a feigned pleading look on his face as you rolled your eyes, chuckling slightly, "What's so funny?"
"Are you gonna behave?"
At your question, his grin widened even more as he brought his hands to your hips, pushing his way inside. He turned you around, pressing you against the door so it closed, a hungry glimmer in his eyes as he licked his lips, bringing them close to your ear as he whispered. "Not a chance."
Rafe pressed you against the door roughly, his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt, traveling up your body, his hot fingers on your cool skin causing shivers to run down your spine as you felt your nipples harden under the fabric of your t-shirt, your back arching against the door. When his hand reached your breast, your breath got stuck in your throat, but as you felt the sting of his fingers pinching your nipple, you couldn't help but let out a soft gasp. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you..." Rafe whispered into your ear before his lips attached themselves to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin, causing small whimpers to escape your lips.
"Rafe..." You whined out his name, but he simply shushed you, pulling your body closer to his as his lips continued their ministrations on your neck. "Rafe, my brother's right downstairs, if he catches us-"
"Shh..." He brought the hand that had been on your hips down to your thigh, lifting the hem of your shirt as he let his hand travel up your thigh. "He's not gonna know anything, his ass is wasted..."
Your entire body was now coursing with need, and even though you knew it was a terrible idea, your body was craving him, craving the kind of feeling that only he had been able to make you feel, all of you hungry for him, as if you hadn't eaten for days.
"Fuck it." You said softly, lifting his head up from his chin, smashing your lips onto yours in a messy, needy kiss, his tongue darting into your mouth before you could even think about it. He pulled you toward your bed without breaking the kiss, until he pushed you down onto it roughly, causing you to miss the sensation of his warm lips on yours.
Rafe's eyes moved up and down on your body appreciatively as you lay there, bringing his hand to his chin, rubbing it as he licked his lips, thinking of all the ways he wanted to make you come undone. "I'm gonna take my time appreciating you, princess." He said with a wicked grin as his fingers moved to the waistband of your shorts. "Lift your hips for me." He said, the commanding tone of his voice causing a pang of arousal hit your pussy, and you did as he said, the blonde pulling off your shorts painfully slowly, discarding them on the floor.
His head was between your thighs, his lips immediately attaching themselves to your thigh, pressing kisses on your hot skin, as you whimpered underneath him, wanting him to touch you where he needed him the most, but Rafe's hand simply slid under your shirt again, pushing it up so your breasts were on full display.
"Rafe, please..." You whimpered, and he let out a gruff chuckle, smacking your pussy through your panties, causing you to let out a squeal, looking down at him with a frown.
He lifted his head up, a cocky smirk on his lips, "Don't rush me, or I'm not gonna let you come at all." Your eyes widened and you nodded, pressing your head back down onto the bed as you closed your eyes, so desperate to just have him touch you as he slowly spread your legs wider, getting closer and closer to your pussy.
However, you weren't prepared for the moment when his lips pressed against your panty-covered folds, even the minimal friction causing a whimper to leave your lips. Rafe chuckled slightly, looking up at you as he spoke with a husky tone, "Damn, princess... Your pretty pussy is so wet it's making your panties cling to you."
He ran his tongue over your folds, and even though they were still covered by your black panties, it was enough to make you arch your back into his mouth, and you brought your hand to your breast, hoping that the action would bring some kind of relief.
But before you could even bring your hand to your nipple, Rafe's large hand had swatted yours away, the hunger in his eyes now replaced by coldness, his hand wrapped around your wrist, pressing it roughly onto the bed.
"Did I say you could do that?" He raised his brows, looking down at your wrist as you shook your head uncertainly. "Now, you're not gonna do anything I don't tell you to do. Is that clear?" You nodded, causing him to scoff. "Use your fuckin' words."
"I-I won't do anything you don't tell me to do..." You say with a shaky voice, and Rafe tsked, letting go of your wrist and moving his head back down between your legs. "Lift your hips up." He commanded, and you lifted your hips up as his hands went to the waistband of your panties, his long fingers starting to pull them down your legs, a quiet hiss leaving your lips as your arousal-slick pussy was now bare. When Rafe had discarded your panties, he started kissing up your inner thighs again, his hands gripping your thighs.
Every kiss he pressed felt like it started a tiny fire right in the spot it was left in, the need inside of you getting so excruciating. You bit down on your lip, your eyes pressed closed so hard you could feel tears welling in your eyes while you were trying your hardest to stay still so that Rafe would finally reward you with some kind of friction.
And as if he had read your mind, his tongue quickly flicked over your clit, causing you to let out a surprised yelp as you opened your eyes to see him right between your thighs, that same hungry gleam in his eyes as he looked up at you, "How much do you want this?" Rafe asked, and you could feel the vibrations of his words against your pussy, sending chills all around your body.
"So much. I want you, Rafe. Please."
He chuckled, once again sending vibrations all throughout your body. He nipped at your inner thigh, causing you to take in a sharp breath as you looked down at him pleadingly. "Alright, since you asked so nicely." Rafe said with his usual self-satisfied grin. "Just relax. Let me take care of your sweet pussy."
And when you felt him start pressing kisses on your outer folds, you couldn't help but lay your head back, a surprised, loud moan leaving your lips as his lips attached themselves to your clit, and when Rafe saw you press your hand over your mouth, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, a chuckle that you ended up feeling throughout your body, causing you to shiver and shake.
He licked up some of the arousal from your folds, his lips now covered in your wetness as he continued his attack on your clit, lightly suckling it into his mouth before letting it go, and then sucking it with more force. Rafe brought his middle finger and ring finger to your entrance, your pussy gushing with arousal, making it easy to push them into you.
You moaned, your back arching off the bed before settling down, the combination of his long, thick fingers starting to move in and out of you along with his wet lips sucking on your clit causing every thought to leave your mind, your breathing heavy and ragged as your fingers clenched around the sheets underneath you, the familiar feeling in your abdomen growing stronger and stronger.
"Rafe..." You couldn't stop the moan that escaped your lips even as you tried to be as quiet as possible, so close to feeling yourself come undone, "Rafe, I'm so close..." You breathed out, his touch so dizzying that you weren't even sure if he heard you.
He flicked his tongue on your clit, and you ground your hips against him as his fingers pumped in and out of you, building that feeling up, making you get closer and closer until it all just... crescendoed.
You let out a string of moans as you felt yourself come undone, your arousal gushing out of you as he pulled his fingers out of you, bringing his lips down to your hole, licking up all of you, his hands now gripping your thighs as he helped you ride down your orgasm, intense aftershocks going through your body.
He brought himself up to lay next to you, propping his head on his elbow, his lips still covered in your slick arousal. Rafe looked down at your face as you were still coming down from your orgasm, pushing away a strand of hair that had stuck to your skin. When you were finally getting down from your high, you looked at him with half-lidded eyes, but before you could even open your mouth, his lips were pressed against yours, the salty taste of your arousal still staying on his lips as his tongue slipped into your mouth, the blonde making you taste yourself.
When he pulled away, he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it onto the floor, bringing one of your hands to his abs, letting out a small hiss at the coldness of your hands. "Y'know," he says, pressing small, gentle kisses on your neck, "you look so pretty when you come..." he lets out a sigh, a small nip at your neck causing you to let out a yelp, "I could never get sick of it."
Your hand went to his belt buckle, causing Rafe to let out a dry chuckle against the skin of your neck. You slipped off his belt and threw it onto the floor, trying to fumble with his button and zipper in frustration. "Someone's impatient." Rafe said as he pressed a small kiss on your neck before pulling away, standing up while you still lay down on the bed, a small pout on your face.
He laughed at your reaction as he pulled down his pants, kicking them aside, enjoying the way you bit down on your lip when you saw the bulge in his boxers, "Like what you see?" He asked cockily, and you threw one of your throw pillows at him, making him laugh as he took off his boxers, letting his cock spring free.
Rafe got back onto the bed, laying on top of you, pushing a strand of your hair away from your face and behind your ear, a small smile on his face.
"I like your smile. You should smile more often." You said in a quiet, hoarse voice, making him chuckle. "I smile all the time." Rafe said, raising his brows and causing you to roll your eyes at his response. "I don't mean smirk or grin, I mean... smile."
At your words, Rafe pressed his lips against yours, and unlike any of the other times you had kissed, this one was a gentle, almost caring kiss, full of unspoken emotions, and instead of the usual fire you felt spread across your body when he touched you, you felt... water. Calm, serene, unwavering.
He pulled his lips away from the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours as he looked into your eyes, one of his hands stroking his cock, "Ready?" he whispered huskily, and you nodded, a hoarse "Yeah." leaving your lips, and with that, he positioned his cock at your entrance, making sure to gather some of your arousal onto the tip of his cock before slowly starting to push into you.
A moan left your lips as you felt him hit your cervix, his lips starting to leave messy kisses down your neck as he started to develop a steady pace, one of his hands going to grope your breast.
Almost everything about you two seemed to be in sync, the way your hips met his, his breathing equally erratic as yours, your nails digging into his back as he fucked you, his lips sucking small, purple marks onto your skin while he groped your breasts, his hips slowly starting to pick up pace.
The hand that had been on your breast went onto your sensitive clit, starting to draw slow circles around it, your breathing turning even more erratic as his cock pushed deeper into you, all of the disturbing loud noises that had been coming from downstairs now were simply background noise for your ragged breaths and the filthy squelching sounds that came from his cock pulsing in and out of your soaked cunt, your moans combining with his rough groans as you lost yourselves into one another, the familiar warmth starting to build inside of you again.
You could hear Rafe's breathing becoming more and more ragged the more you moaned his name, the pace of his fingers on your clit becoming even faster, and you knew he was close to coming. You wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him deeper into you, a gasp leaving his lips. "You're driving me insane..." Rafe groaned, "I'm so close, but fuck, don't wanna cum, you feel so good... wanna be in you forever..."
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, and you clenched your pussy around him, causing a whimper to escape his lips before he suppressed it by biting down on his lips, his hips picking up their pace as the feeling inside your abdomen was getting more and more intense, so close to taking over your body. He nipped at the sensitive skin on your collarbone, and one more push was all it took before the warmth spread across your body.
As soon as your pussy clenched around him due to your second orgasm, Rafe let out a weak breath, feeling himself spill into you, his climax rocking through his body, his breathing ragged as his body slumped on top of yours, feeling completely boneless, his face hidden in your neck, trying to catch his breath.
Your moans and breaths mixed together, your arms wrapped around his neck as you let out a small chuckle, causing Rafe to raise his head from your neck in confusion, furrowing his brows.
"Nothing. That was... amazing." You said softly, pressing a chaste, gentle kiss on his lips. He pulled out of you, some of his cum leaking onto your inner thighs as Rafe rolled back down onto the bed, laying next to you as he stared up at the ceiling, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
He turned his head to look at you, and you turned yours to look at him, and as if you were in sync, the two of you let out laughs that were almost identical.
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