#what is on the other side of this portal and more importantly is something more dangerous than a werewolf gonna come through??
gay-dorito-dust · 8 days
I JUST SAW YOUR ONE WITH BILL POSSESSING READER AND OMG, adding onto bill possessing the reader and pushing them into the portal, can you do one where readers just like "fuck it, if I betrayed him and everyone thinks that might as well" and joins bill, I just think k it would be a cool concept, especially if Ford realizes way too late that reader was innocent.
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I’m combining these who requests cuz they are practically the same.
Bill came to you the night after Ford had kicked you out of the shack in the form of a dream.
You didn’t even need to see him to know it was him, there was signs and the obvious one was when the birch trees opened their eyes to stare at you. ‘Bill.’ You said calmly.
‘My favourite fleshbag!’ Bill replied as he hovered in front of you, tipping his top hat towards you but you only looked at him blankly, having had your heart ripped out of your chest mere moments ago, that nothing was left from the encounter other then a dull ache where your heart should’ve been.
‘Hope you’re happy because I’m despised for the things YOU DID AS ME!’ You roared as you grabbed ahold of Bill with your bare hands and bringing him close to your face so that he could see the hurt, the betrayal; but most importantly the angry balding within your eyes so clearly like star constellations on a cloudless night.
‘And they didn’t let you explain? Not even mr logistics himself fordsy?’ Bill asked, finding this really heard to believe as your reality, but the way your eyes became sharp as steel at the mention of Ford’s name only made Bill start to believe that the nerd could’ve done something so heartless. ‘Oh you poor flesh bag.’ He coos as he pats your face with his small hand. ‘I knew I could smell the desire for revenge from dimensions away.’ He adds and you push him away, scoffing as you brought your attention to the landscape that your mind took; a serene forest with fairy lights hung from the branches high about you with the sound of frogs croaking and crickets to accompany the perpetual drizzle of light rainfall.
It was a weird place for you to be, especially with what you went through just moments prior, it felt too calm for a reflection of your current mental state and Bill noticed this abnormality too. You went through the biggest betrayal of your life and your dreamscape was barely affected by the reality you lived in, how fascinating. ‘I don’t want revenge.’ You said to Bill.
‘Are you sure? They didn’t even give you room to explain yourself, they took it at face value and tossed you aside like you were nothing.’ Bill said as he watched your face for every possible expressing he could get out of you. ‘Ford didn’t value you, neither did Stanley so why bother keeping your loyalties to men who don’t see your worth, nor value your loyalty that you’ve given them as they curse your name because they didn’t think you’d do anything in retaliation. Think about it getting even with them while dropping the truth on them will be a spectacle for the ages.’ Bill finishes as he leans towards you while whispering promises into your ears.
You let bill into your head once and you promised that you wouldn’t ever again, you’ve learnt your lesson but you were lost within your emotions, your grief of your friendship with Ford as you allowed him to shatter your last hope for someone to take your side in this long winded argument. That and Bill’s whispers of revenge and getting your own back at the old men has you succumbing to thoughts you’d never thought you were comfortable of thinking so freely as you did in that moment.
‘You promise to make their lives hell?’ You asked.
‘You’re not the only one they’ve wronged. I’ve dedicated my long life to seeing them helpless as I destroy their everything.’ Bill replied as he stuck out his hand, blue flames licking at his palms as it illuminated the dark forest and yourselves. ‘There’s no point denying it kid, you and I? We’re more alike than you think. We both wanna see lesser Sixer and Sixer eat dirt for what they’ve done to us, so let’s make that a reality partner.’ He adds.
-mini skip-
‘We need to wait for my partner, I can’t start torturing you all without them, I kinda promised them a front row seat to your demise.’ Bill said as he caged up Stan, Ford, Dipper and Mabel into their respective prisons.
‘You? A partner? You said it yourself Bill you don’t do partners!’ Ford replied sarcastically but something within him told him that something was wrong.
Bill laughed as he waved his hand. ‘Things change Stanford, and besides me and this person have more in common then I originally imagined when I first possessed them.’ He mentions off handedly as the doors open and the Pines Family saw a familiar figure come into the light, dressed in a dark suit/dress with eyes patterned across it as though to show that no corner of the room went unseen by this person; this person being you as you stopped by Bill’s side.
‘Y/n?’ Ford whispered.
You looked at him with a blank look. ‘Hello Stanford. Having fun in your little cage?’ You asked.
‘Y/n please tell me this isn’t true, that you’re working with Bill?’ Ford pressed on as he fought hard to suspended his disbelief for your sake and for the sake that this was all a horrid dream that he’d soon wake up from.
You shrugged. ‘Like he said, we’re more alike than he originally imagined when he first possessed me into pushing you into the portal.’
The family gasped.
‘He possessed you?’ Dipper asked.
‘This whole time…’ Stanley trailed off.
‘You were being used against your will,’ Ford continued as he realised that his and Stan’s treatment of you was unjust and unwarranted, ‘and now you’re working with him…why you’re my assistant!’ He adds knowing that Bill was using you against him once again.
‘Oh don’t get all jealous that your partner has found someone better fordsy.’ Bill said as he puts a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it possessively. ‘Besides they just found someone better to spend eternity with.’ Bill adds as Ford could only sit in the realisation that if he had let you speak instead of assume the worst of you, then maybe you’d still be by his side, happy.
But he failed you as much as he failed his brother and Fiddleford. Ford had no one to blame but himself and it’ll be something he’d have to live with for the rest of his life, assuming he should live that long after you and Bill we’re through with him.
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rere9500-18 · 11 months
Miles and his abandonment issues/not wanting to be alone.
Something I’ve always thought about Miles was that he has abandonment issues. This clip here is only a scene that shows apart of that.
Gwen’s “I’ll never see him again” makes him panic, with not seeing her or Peter or anyone of his spider friends for a year or so now. Hearing that from Gwen alone probably is what mainly encouraged him to jump through that portal and follow her. Because if that portal closed, there’s a big possibility he’d really never see her again.
Even in the second half of the video where Miles is walking to his dorm/new school and he walks past his old school with everyone he knew chatting it up with him as he passes. It’s clear while Miles attended that school, he’s been friends, or at least acquaintances, with a lot of the people there. He has and still does leave an impact on them, if it wasn’t noticeable by the amount of people simply happy to see him walk by.
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At the end of it, the last girl asking how the new school is and that they all miss him, Miles responds with a “Wait… you miss me?” with a smile on his face. Now, I’ve seen some of the comments on that bit on YouTube and it’s mostly people thinking it’s Miles being cute with the ladies, but I don’t believe that’s what that was at all.
It’s clear to see Miles is cool with most people in that scene; of course keeping in mind he’s spent time with them at some point in his life if they are telling him they miss him. That little smile Miles had and the question that followed was an exact reaction to truly realizing that nobody at his old school has forgotten him, nor intend to, in theory, leave him anytime soon. It’s that warm feeling of knowing that maybe you truly do have people by your side. It’s actually a little intense with Miles since I think he sort of needs that feeling more than you’d usually need it.
Whether it be his mom, his dad, his uncle (RIP Uncle Aaron 😔), or the spiders who he thought were his friends.
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That’s why it hurts so much when they’re taken away from him. Either by death or because of needing to pick a side. Because that warm feeling slowly turns into dread that no one’s by his side anymore. That the people he love may not love him anymore. That he may have to face something he’s been trying to hide from: being alone.
Because being alone means you’ll have no one to care for. Being alone means no one’s gonna give you their warmth when you’re in the freezing cold. Being alone means you’ll be left in the dark by yourself with no one to encourage you to break out and run free.
Miles followed Gwen to avoid having to be alone, like he was for the past year after she and the other spider-people left. Because, while it doesn’t make it right to follow someone and then go invisible to see what they’re doing, he wouldn’t have ever known this would have been the last time he’d see his best friend if he hadn’t followed.
At the end of the movie though, I feel that Miles is put at an even harder spot due to him trying to prevent his father’s death. He wanted to be with the rest of the spider people so badly that it blinded him to the fact it wasn’t all it seemed to be cracked out to be. At the end of the movie, all Miles wants is to go home. Yes, it hurts to lose everyone you’ve worked so hard to see, but in his mind, if the people you call your friends can’t understand that it’s fucked up to let an innocent person die, his dad no less, for a so-called ‘greater good’, then maybe that warm feeling of them being by his side isn’t what he wants right now.
Miles feels betrayed by Peter B., Gwen, and most importantly, by himself because he soon realizes that he was so determined not to lose them again, that he never realized he’s lost himself in the process. Gwen, Peter, and everyone else basically said (through their actions) that they’ll never see Miles again. Who is Miles to stop them?
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He doesn’t care what happens afterwards. He just wants to go home, HIS home, and stop the one thing that will truly make him deeply and utterly alone.
The death of Aaron and Miles being Spiderman only encourages Miles to want to do these things. He wanted to surround himself with people he can trust, but he soon realizes those relationships can die, either by actual death or by lies and secrets.
Idk. This is all just my view of what Miles feels even in Into the Spiderverse. If you’ve finished reading all this, idk; eat a cookie or something.
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augustus-rok · 8 months
Nebula AU
Maybe I'll write a fic for this, maybe i won't, but here are the basics. Also if this inspires you to write something chuck me a tag cause I wanna see it.
Set during older/later high school rather than freshman year for Danny. However the portal accident still happened at the canon time.
Ghosts are more or less invisible with out tools or certain contamination levels. This also applies to general noise they make, they have to focus extra to be heard by humans. Typically yelling only equates to a whisper when right next to someone if you're a ghost.
As Danny doesn't become a hero immediately and gets to settle into himself first, his ghost form reflects more his track towards being an astronaut. Aesthetic more along the lines of solar flares and start dust. When ghost do actually come through the portal with intent to do harm he gets a helmet and thick gloves and has a sort of jacket layer over top. I imagine that his ghost form suffers from something like what's described in this post, and the helmet and glove and jacket are learned extra thing.
Story stuff. So it turns out when the ONLY ghost to wander through the portal other than little glowing blobs that only hover, is the antithesis of your theories you have to go back to the drawing board. So the Fenton's (kept out of the loop for a couple of months) and GIW are very much good guys and BETTER Scientists. And the militaristic mind set is swiftly put down when all of the subjects (the one) book it at the slightest hint of aggression.
Now Valarie, nicknamed Red Huntress during her internship, interns/volunteers with the GIW as a field watch/interviewer for Nebula. Which is the code name given to a Danny who never introduces himself and as such gets named by vote like a new firetruck by the community.
Hey BTW this is a portal Danny AU in my head.
The basement portal? That is a direct route to his lair, which is an astronomer's dream wrapped in a, you guessed it, nebula. The Wastes (or the area the Fenton Portal spawns in in canon) inhabitants spend a good few months flipping out at the arrival of what looks like a god or something. It's a decidedly "do not fuck with that" thought process.
Danny eventual.y introduces himself and makes friends without the protect the town from day one aspect. They all tussle a bit but the other ghosts go "hey it's a baby" and give him a proper lay of the land.
Cut to 21/2 years later after the Portal Accident, and Vlad decides to be a bastard and go after the adopted mascot.
Now the scientists have all learned that fighting= play/bonding. So they are all wildly caught off guard by the very sudden warpath through the city park.
Vlad doesn't put together Halfa Danny in this AU until well after there's been conflict. And after he managed to expose the active portal to ghosts outside of the immediate area of the portal that are perfectly willing to break into Danny's lair and some have figured out the horror aspect described here: FIC I RECOMMEND
So back to that fight. Ghosts are QUIET, especially Danny who even with the tech, radio/coms that make other ghost audible, has to be boosted to be heard by even other ghosts. (I imagine lots of sign language in this au) So this darling little sky watching ghost screams, a terrified child's noise, as this ghost that looks like a Vampire and a hoard of vultures(?) actively assault the poor thing? God the humans, the humans are scared. Everyone could hear that out side of the coms, and everyone saw it. They got good at televising the ghosts.
Sam and Tucker, decidedly only civilians are terrified for their friend. They know what play fighting looks like, they've been to the lair. Valarie who catches on fast thanks to being the intern bestie to Nebula and maybe future girlfriend to Daniel "Hot space nerd in row 4 of homeroom" Fenton, is forced as fights, proper devastating ones, continue happening to keep her friends away. Especially the first time. Most importantly that first fight.
REMEMBER Danny's portal, not the one in the basement. Well he stretches, upper body desperately crawling away from his lower half trapped by the vultures, keening all the way. Still scarily audible. Then from the gap made of flaring stardust and molten plasma that is the active void that consumes the area his stomach would have been was he human- Comes a raging adult ghost. More than one possibly.
I especially like the idea of Skulker and his missle launcher showing up, being the third ever recorded humanoid ghost, and absolutely steamrolling Plasimus who is not a Halfa as in halfway point like Danny is so loved by the Waste ghosts for being. But rather just half a ghost, a human with a funky little boon.
Now as Skulker has the time of his afterlife chasing Vlad and the Vultures, lets have say Lunch Lady slip out of Danny's portal, maybe one of the more teenagery ghosts too.
Anyways, instant fussing. Danny relaxes enough to stop being a portal to hell and the humans are very careful in approaching them all. What with the older ghost's yelling at the aggressors to leave the baby alone. Skulker is dramatic, and likes embarrassing the whelp.
After this point things beginning to resemble canon more, only the humans have a natural non-guessing gauge of hostility for the ghosts in town.
They figure out pretty fast that the physical portal and Nebula portal only let through friendlies. (Not entirely true but they don't know that.) And the threats, well lets just say Nebula is never caught off guard in his own territory again. He becomes ruthless.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton has friends both dead and alive helping him fight a guerrilla war against madmen. He sits in class undisturbed even as he tracks the startbursts he knows are his friends protecting him and everyone else untill he's free. He huddles in the attic crawlspace filling out data sheets and pin boards as his girlfriend and best friends scour government documents.
Nebula sits in the portal, toxic light cascading like water around him, watching his parents and GIW agents work in the FentonWorks lab.
He always gives good greetings to those who offer, and when asked he whispers secrets of the universe he's learned from the source over the radio.
The scientists for get to ask for his sources, but when they do they are always both awed and terrified of the sources.
Things go well. And things as always progress.
Link to Doodle I did that actually drove me writing all this.
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vicmillen · 1 month
Why Danny should be tossed into the Gotham cast
A short medium long list of reasons, by me:
It funny.
Lady Gotham being an nuisance. A mostly benign one but still a nuisance.
Danny being a even bigger nuisance in retaliation because men can be so petty.
Ol' Batsy getting multiple headaches. Must be his age catching up.
Oh sweet, a whole species of enslaved undead waiting to be rescued and rehabilitated. Hmm wonder what's the deal with all the owl motifs?
Did I mention Jason? Oh I did. But how about his magic sword? You know the glowy lightsaber that's powered by his soul or something?
Bird watching is fun. Bat watching is even more fun. Until they start watch you back but eh
The rouges here feels more homely then elsewhere. More malicious to the living then your average Amity haunting, maybe. But the commitment to a theme is very familiar, as is the frequency of attacks.
Another fake clown to soup up! Huh? What do you mean he's human? Humans can't get souped like that don't be silly lol.
Wait. Huh. Well that explains everything and nothing.
How To Manage A Ghost Kingdom 101: a joint lecture by Timothy Drake-Wayne and Jason Peter Todd, teenaged entrepreneur and crime lord, respectively. Targeted student: one future Phantom King.
Advanced Anger Management with Jazz. Targeted student: one Jason Todd and one Danny Phantom.
How To Not Be A Cult Leader Part I, a group therapy lead by Tim. Attendee: one ol' Batsy, his son Stabby Robin, and one Ghost Boy.
So many liminals for a place without a 24/7 portal to the afterlife. Wait what's that green pool underground?
Why and most importantly, How is there ecto detectors in the batcave- wait no actually that explains how the Fentons got their first funding for their cursed research.
'It's good to practice for the future.' -Clockwork, probably.
'Enrichment is important for the growth of a Protector.' -Frostbite, probably.
'Peace is not an option.' -Paraphrased by Danny, probably.
Moving from most haunted city to most cursed city isn't exactly an upgrade, but it isn't an downgrade either, so.
Have you ever considered fighting the bad vibes of your city with cutesy lil blobs? Well you should. Not it's not causing a slime infestation what are you talking about.
Finally someone that is both willing (untrue) and able (we'll see) to deal with the various curses in Gotham. Yay...
No but seriously Danny-make friends with rouges while actively beating each other up-Phantom would fit right in with the Robins.
It's Jazz's dream job working in Arkham... Well it's actually working on dismantling the cursed thing, but baby steps, baby steps.
Imagine the everlasting trio getting onto the bats watchlist within a week. Separately.
Sam for Ivy The Second tendency; Danny because he's poking around old dionesium researches that he shouldn't know about; and Tucker because he's having fun (one-sided) with his new online friends. Oracle is deeply unamused.
Ellie should never meet Damian. They'll be such good bad influences for each other.
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evilminji · 9 months
I'ma be bold! Marvel Time!
Wakanda has Vibranium. An impossible mineral that does not see like it could form naturally, right? Or there would be far more in the wider universe then just the few bits we see.
You know what ELSE is impossibly rare, minerals wise?
Ectoranium. The disasteroid. And! From Wakandan oral history? The two seem to have appeared in the EXACT SAME WAY. Out of no where. Through, very possibly, the EXACT SAME rarely opening portal. If? On the other side? There was an asteroid belt of some kind?
It would only take things aligning just right, for one to slip through.
We KNOW materials from the Zone effect the living world in strange ways. Vibranium could very well just be the dead reflection of a mineral from a different, more durable, universe. The Zone is Infinite, so it would mix pretty much EVERYTHING together into a chaotic mess.
So there could be a considerable amount of Vibranium asteroids just hanging around.
But! And more importantly! Getting hit by, then LIVING OVER, a massive fuck off Zone Rock? Would expose Wakandans to generations of Ectoplasm. ESPECIALLY with how Vibranium, by nature, holds a "charge" if you will. It would be a heat lamp of Limnality. Making everyone near it?
Not superhuman. Not fully Limnal. Because Vibranium HOLDS a charge. That Ectoplasmic energy would be stuck INSIDE the metal. Unable to truely effect anyone who isn't directly touching it. Even then, BARELY seeping into them. But? It WOULD leech, slowly, into everything around it.
The air, the water, the soil.
The PLANTS. That precious, precious, SACRED Herb.
Over time? It would loosen the ties that bind. Those pesky human limitations. Sure, it would say, grow smarter. Stronger. Live longer, better lives. Knees that ache less, backs that do not bend, bones that do not succumb. You're still human! Your DNA no different.
It's just the strength of your SOUL poking through.
Would anyone notice, if it happened slowly? Over enough generations? It's normal. Everyone here is like this. It's not superhuman. Just... HEALTHY, right? A good diet and plenty of exercise? That is what makes our skin clear and eyes sharp, teeth strong and feet sure. Right?
That healthy diet of... what was it again?
Ah yes, Ectoplasmicly charged plants? Sweet fruits and healthy vegetables. Water purged of contamination by the Ectoplasm to devours all but itself? So very crisp! Is it not?
Houses made of materials charged with it. Resting in beds, beneath covers and cloth, woven with it. Walking upon streets paved with it. What in Wakanda is NOT touched by it? In some form? Some way? Gently bathing all who live there in its unseen light?
And, tell me, WHERE do you go again? When you fall? When you join your Panther God? Mmmhmm, pockets within pockets. Lairs and territories. The Zone itself may be green, but a Lair can be what ever it's Master chooses.
But! Why do I bring this up? That the Afterlives are no doubt connected? After all, it's not like the Master's of those Lair's, the Gods that are worshipped, would just... LET people leave. It defeats the purpose of creating an "Afterlife"!
But, again! Consider! The Panther God loves the Wakandan Royal Family. They are loyal worshipers. The Panther Gods responsibility. And? The rather newly dead T'Chaka, former monarch (and thus rather informed of all the major concerns of a nation) of Wakanda, has informed the Panther God that? Gasp!
The Vibranium is, at generations long last, about to run out.
Their people are in danger.
Please! Do something!
The God can not. Buuuut... the "ghost king" of the space between, can. He must go, on a Dangerous And Heroic Soul Pilgrimage(tm) to meet with this mysterious king. Negotiate for his son and people. T'Chaka, a brave and dignified king, will of course face this challenge with all that he is.
It's very Alice in Wonderland. (The poor man.)
But the Black Panther manages to get to the still under construction castle none the less. Lead by a delightful, if mischievous, young girl by the name of "Dani" (with an i). Who reminds him, somewhat painfully, of his daughter Shuri when she was younger.
The King of the Between is a... young man.
Busy putting constellations on the ceiling, he pays them little mind. Until Dani calls out to him. Revealing that exactly like Shuri, she was a princess all along. He can see the resemblance.
He explains his issue, prepared to argue his case for however long he must. Instead he is just met with long soul searching look, a glance to Dani (who appears to vouch for him), and a nod. He is baffled. It... so easily?
People need help, he is informed. That's reason enough. Besides, Dani says you're not a fruitloop. And the young king trusts her judgment.
Let's go get your people some rocks.
(You can imagine, the ABSOLUTE SHIT STORM. Mentally, Emotionally, Politically, when the GHOST of the FORMER KING just? Shows up! Broad daylight! In the royal yard in from of the palace with a GIANT piece of Vibranium and a foreign King of The Dead.
Father... WHY. Don't get T'Challa wrong, he is about to cry he's so happy to see you. But? In PUBLIC, Father? In front of his delicious Wakandan Salad? Stop being so amused you old cat! This isn't FUNNY! Now I have to deal with this! T^T )
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe
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camels-pen · 19 days
Drooble request!
Luffy meets a Danno due to chaotic shenanigans
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drooble #7 - chance encounter
Danny poked his head through the door. He squinted at the bright sun in his eyes. Was this the right one?
"WOAH, how're you doing that?"
He turned to his right, brows furrowed. "What?"
"That!" A guy in a straw hat squatted at the edge of the portal. "The way you're sticking out of the ground."
"Uh, optical illusion. More importantly, have you seen a senior citizen with hair like stupid horns? Sorta looks like a low budget vampire?"
"Damn." He looked past the guy. A ways away were a group of four others, bickering and eating. "Those your friends?"
The guy nodded. "They're my crew."
"Cool. Could you ask them if they've seen him?"
"Why don't you come over and ask them yourself?" The guy grinned. "Sanji's stew is the best!"
Danny looked past the guy to his friends. The blond next to the pot- 'Sanji', he assumed- was shouting at the green haired guy, looking seconds from strangling him. "He doesn't seem very friendly."
"Aw c'mon! They'd love to meet you!"
"If I get any further out of this portal, I'll end up stuck here," Danny deadpanned. "And besides, you haven't even met me."
"Ah, that's right. I should introduce myself before recruiting." The guy's grin grew wide. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who'll become the King of the Pirates!"
Pirates have a king? This guy's a pirate? Now he definitely could not get stuck here. Sam would never let him live it down if he got scurvy. "I'm Danny Phantom. Now could you go ask-" Danny blinked. "What do you mean recruiting?"
Luffy's eyes started to literally sparkle. "Of course I'd try recruiting; you're so funny!"
"That's great and all, but I really just need you to ask-"
Luffy interrupted. "Hey, can you poop?"
"What the- yeah. Now can you-"
"How does that even work? You don't have a-"
"It works." Danny dragged a hand down his face. "Listen, I really need you to ask them because the guy I'm chasing is really-" Annoying. "-dangerous so if we could speed this up, that'd be great."
Luffy shrugged. "I guess." He turned and shouted, "HEY GUYS, I FOUND A FUNNY GUY IN THE GROUND!"
Danny cringed, covering his ears. He had half a mind to point out that Luffy could've just shouted the question.
As the group got closer- the redhead and guy with a long nose quickly taking cover behind the other two with identical shrieks- Danny didn't waste time. "I'm Danny Phantom, nice to meet you, have you seen any old men in bad Halloween costumes recently?"
"Why are you stuck in the ground?" all four of them asked, in a variety of tones.
"Because I live here. Answer the question please." They looked at each other. Looked at Luffy. Then, slowly and a little confused, they shook their heads. "Wonderful. Thank you."
"Isn't he great?" Luffy asked, eyes still sparkling. "He's our newest crewmate!"
"I never agreed to that."
For some reason, that made Luffy's friends groan. "You're not inviting someone just 'cause he looks funny," the green haired guy said.
"Zoro, he's perfect!" Luffy shouted, gesturing at Danny. "Just look at him!"
"I've known you less than five minutes!"
"Doesn't make a difference," Sanji said.
"You're not just a torso and head, right? These are your powers?" The long nosed guy asked, peeking out from behind Sanji.
"Yes. Powers. Ghost powers." Danny adjusted his grip on the door frame on the other side of the portal. "And now that I know the fruitloop isn't here-" He started to push himself back through the door. He just barely saw the Ghost Zone's green and purple sky when he felt something yank him back.
"WAIT! You didn't even try Sanji's stew!"
Bright light again, now with a bowl of piping hot stew shoved in his face.
The redhead smacked the top of Luffy's head. "If he wants to go, let him go! He's freaky!"
"But Nami..." Luffy whined. The long nosed guy whined with him, no longer hiding.
With a sigh, Danny accepted the stew from Sanji. He'd humour them for a few bites at least. No sense turning down free food.
Warm and filling, with a flavour like he'd never tasted before. He threw his previous plan out the window and started scarfing it down. "This is amazing!" he said between spoonfuls.
"See? Sanji's food is the best!" Luffy grinned. "And you can get it everyday if you're sailing with us." That was probably his most tempting offer yet.
Still. Scurvy. Probably dysentery too, who knew.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I really better get going-" Danny reached for his grip on the door, only to feel the bowl in his hands. "Uh."
He looked down. Stared at his feet on solid ground.
Stared at green grass rather than ectoplasm.
"Hey," Luffy said, tilting his head. "Didn't you say you'd get stuck if you got out of the ground?"
Danny was going to kill this guy before he got home.
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biscuityskies · 3 months
I was tagged (a long time ago) by @dontbelasagnax and (more recently but still forever ago) @anxiousotters for the last line challenge. I’ve been trying to pull a section that would be suitable but I think this is actually fine and I’ve just been staring at this for too long so here u go - this once more from the Trillium wip (which I’m trying DESPERATELY to make into a longfic while also staying afloat at work so if ur concerned about why ur not hearing anything from me lately this is why 💀)
“So you think it was the Force, sir?”
Kenobi cocks his head to one side, a pensive look on his face - not too dissimilar from a grimace. “I can’t say with certainty that it wasn’t.” He sets his datapad down and clasps his hands, appearing deep in thought when he next speaks. “In truth, we as Jedi know very little of the capabilities of the Force - and more importantly, we don’t know what we don’t know. What we do know is that life forms with a high enough midichlorian count can engage with it in ways that would… perhaps seem unnatural to life forms who do not have such a count.”
“Like jumping from several hundred feet up without a care in the world.”
“More like jumping and knowing we’ll be caught. Why not jump? It’s certainly more trusty than a jetpack; never faulty, always present, and unless you are cut off from it, it’s the background hum of all living things making themselves known.”
Cody scrunches his nose. He couldn’t possibly imagine listening to every single living thing around him - especially because the way Kenobi is talking about it, that includes the freaking plants and animals, too. “That sounds… noisy, sir.”
“It might seem like it, but it’s become more of a comfort that feels like part of you is missing if it disappears. When you’ve grown up listening to music, silence is deafening.” Kenobi sighs, “I’m sorry, there was a point to this.”
“The hole in the ship,” Cody supplies.
“Ah! Yes. There’s nothing to suggest that the Force can’t make… I don’t know, portals, in that way - especially if it’s trying to tell us something. All I can say for certain is that the Force moves in mysterious ways.” He fixes his eyes on Cody’s, and it feels like his gaze penetrates deep into Cody’s soul, like he’s reading his inmost thoughts. “When the Force speaks, we must do our best to listen.”
Nine thousand words into continuous plot which doesn’t include the four thousand words of other scenes I’ve written - and I haven’t even touched the outline that I actually made for this story so 🤪 longfic-adjacent dreams seem to be within my grasp!! Still very far off yet but present nonetheless
No pressure tags to the regional sapphics 4 codywan - @anxiousotters and @ferretrade raise rise up! Also anyone else who has something to share, consider urself tagged <3
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Gwen's Spider-sense always on Miles?
Okay, so a few days ago I had an ask about my opinion on Gwen spider sense activating when Miles got in danger, and I accidentally ended up deleting the entire thing.
@ficsinhistory Sorry about that.
However this may had been for the best, because I went from not having much of an answer to what the fuck all of this means.
So, let's go with the basics.
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We see Gwen's spider-sense before, when she was looking for Miles on his room while he was in Earth-42.
Now, this is something I had interpreted as she trying to use her spider-sense to see if she could sense Miles; a bit odd, but in the first movie the spiders literally sensed each other, sometimes even before realizing they were there.
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(Alternatively, this may be them searching for them; tho considering Miles got bit recently on this movie and still was doing it, I am going more with they just sense the others at that moment.)
She came to the conclusion that Miles wasn't in this dimension by not sensing him here, which in theory could be him getting caught on something else but I mean she isn't wrong.
Here is the part where I actually ran out of answer.
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(Side note, how HARD can Prowler Miles hit?! We had seen Miles got thrown into a billboard and get up fine, I know he is probably tired after everything but still.)
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It really is that quickly, Miles is down and Gwen is immediately sensing something.
And here...I have nothing.
I wish I could have more thoughts about this, but honestly my mind had just been going on circles with this scene, and all I am thinking is how?
Look, I wish I could have a more to say about this, but honestly all I can think of is that I need an explanation as to how this is happening because the math isn't mathing for me.
However, I also saw the first movie recently, and something that brought my attention was a plot point in the last movie that ALSO drove me up the wall because I couldn't get how or why.
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Gwen, unlike the other Spiders apparently, was blown a week before the incident with the Collider, and her Spider-sense told her to go to Visions Academy.
This always bothered me because I truly couldn't imagine how exactly this worked.
Spider-sense is primarily, suppose to work as a way for the spider to sense danger. In this movie, it also servers the purpose of communicating to the other spiders when they are around another who is one of them
Neither of those things is suppose to give you any directions, and more importantly, her spider-sense activated before Miles was even bitten.
Now, I thought that was perhaps because she was blown into last week, meaning she came through the portal when Miles already has been bit. So I try to think that maybe she could sense it because her spider-sense recognized the spider that was on the Collider?
It always felt like a flimsy excuse but I had nothing so oh well. I thought it was just a convenient plot point to get Gwen there and leave it like that.
Now? This has to be connected.
I am not sure how, why, or if it can work the other way around (Miles maybe sensing Gwen is in danger? Or have a better idea when she is around? Idk.) But I don't think it is a coincidence that Gwen had her spider-sense going to Miles before he was bitten, and now she can known when he is in danger in another dimension.
(Honestly this is all great material for a soulmate fic so anyone feel free to get on that.)
In the first movie, we saw the spider that bit Miles' glitch, but I really didn't saw people commenting in the possibility of the Spider being from another dimension, in fact most of the people I know had been shocked to realize that this was there for the beginning.
So, what are the chances that is not just all connected, but part of something bigger than we had yet still to know?
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mylordshesacactus · 7 months
What is your best writing advice?
"Show don't tell" doesn't mean what you think it does. Learn it better, and free yourself from a half-understood mnemonic.
When you show, you slow. Learn THAT one backward and forward as well; it won't fix pacing issues overnight, but it'll help you understand what causes them.
Writing fanfiction? Go back to the source material FREQUENTLY, or you'll lose all sense of the characters and end up writing someone unrecognizable.
If you struggle to block out action sequences, genuine advice? Think in terms of combat rounds in D&D. Not literally, of course, nobody should be taking rigorous turns, but: Play out the action in your head. If six seconds have gone by, everyone in this sequence should have done something. That thing could be charging into melee range--noting that this extra combatant is running toward the fight but hasn't gotten there yet. It could be reloading a weapon. It could be clutching their side in shock and wheezing. They don't need to be Selecting A Combat Action, but fight scenes become incoherent when you lose track of who's doing what. When you forget about Goon #3 and then have him show up again doing something that doesn't remotely track with where you last left him. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO INCLUDE THEM IN THE NARRATION if they're not important! If two seconds ago your protagonist kicked a guy off the dock, we can safely assume they'll spend at least the next several "combat rounds" climbing back out. But at any given moment, YOU should know where everyone is, what they're doing, and why.
But most importantly:
Anyone purporting to give The End-All Be-All Writing Advice is either delusional or a scam. Yes, including or perhaps especially famous bestselling authors. What works for them won't necessarily work for you, and there are plenty of people who don't even like their work. You're never going to be whoever's advice you try to mimic. Write your stuff, not theirs.
Do you prefer urban fantasy or high fantasy?
Genuinely though. They're both good and they both serve their respective narratives in some way. In general I'm more drawn to high fantasy, personally, but I'm never not going to be interested in a well-done urban fantasy.
Pedantic nitpick though, these things are not the opposites they are being portrayed as. I think what the question was GOING for was actually "low vs high fantasy" which is a completely separate concept. Words mean things! But also, I'm not an ass, and the intent was pretty clear.
(High Fantasy: This story is set in a completely separate world from ours, with no crossover into our known and lived reality. ANY completely separate world, regardless of technology level! STAR WARS IS HIGH FANTASY. This is not an opinion, this is a genre fact.
Low Fantasy: The story is set partially in our world or includes crossover or other intrinsic connections to a realistic world that follows the same rules and expectations of our world. Isekai and portal fantasies like Narnia fall into this category, as do hidden-world/veiled-magic fantasies like the Bad Wizard Lady Books, Percy Jackson, and Artemis Fowl; and also a lot of true-anthropomorphic fiction like Watership Down, Warriors, etc. Note that "low fantasy" does NOT mean "gritty" fantasy or fantasy that focuses on the lower classes instead of nobles, nor does it mean a low-magic pseudo-medieval setting
Urban Fantasy: A story with fantasy tropes and themes that takes place in an urban setting. Can be low or high fantasy!)
What is the worst thing you've ever created?
Okay so this one time in high school me and my best friend Sam were trying to make lemon bars at his house and to this day we do NOT know what the hell ingredient we neglected to add to the lemon bars
but given the state of the results, there is a non-zero chance that the ingredient we forgot was flour.
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darlingdawnauryn · 1 month
How I Use Technology in My Practice
I know we've all been watching the online world disintegrate in real time -- and the rise of spiritual psychosis on Tik Tok is something I definitely don't want to think too much about -- but I'm here to tell you that it's not all doom and gloom and modern-day technology can still be utilized in a beneficial way. Here are some ways I use it to aid in my practice.
Music for Meditation and Ambience. There are a lot of premade playlists to help people meditate, consisting of binaural beats, eastern inspired zen music, and instrumentals and chants to help connect to a specific deity -- and that's probably only scratching the surface. But what I like about the modern-day landscape where anyone can post anything is the specificity: we're not limited to what could previously only be found on a CD your mom might've gotten from the back of a magazine; instead, there are playlists like "you're taking a bath in ancient greece," "2 AM," and one of my personal favorites, "T h e D r e a m p o o l s." There are people who post their own compositions too, like in the case of help me.'s channel! Most of the time I don't even use it for meditation; I put it on in the background when I write spells and hypersigils, when I work my herbal magick, when I feel like working energy by dancing, etc.
Liminal Portals. Speaking of the poolrooms, I use liminal spaces a lot in my work. Due to my mobility issues and my inability to drive, I can't exactly visit a cemetery, a crossroads, or even an abandoned house whenever I want. So I do the next best thing: pull up a picture of a liminal space and meditate on it however I see fit. Similar to the wider variety of music, this affords me the opportunity to pick a specific, sometimes niche location to harness a specific energy -- it's not like you can go to a funzone midday and expect it to be vacant, let alone expect to work magick with all the kiddos running around. I also like using the images as portals: something to focus on before I sleep so I can conjure it in dreams and do work in the astral.
Inspiration and Motivation! Like a lot of people who came of age alongside the Internet, I now spend more time on Youtube than I do watching TV or even using other streaming services. I use it for shits and giggles as much as the next guy, but I also try to be conscious and intentional with my screentime. I find more and more that I use Youtube for a place of inspiration: magickal as well as mundane. As I've said in previous posts, journaling and writing are serious hobbies of mine. I watch a lot of junk/journal Youtubers, so this video popped up in my recommended the other week -- decidedly un-witchy and completely separate from anything magickal. But I ended up using it to make a journal for my hypersigils, and it feels so much more personal that way. As far as witches go, I'm way more intrigued by Q&As and those in the community interviewing each other; I find the candid conversations more practical than short little how-to videos. Plus, they're a great go-to when I feel disconnected from my practice. Listening to a back-and-forth between two people who are clearly passionate about their Craft gives me the kick to get back into mine again!
Mapping Out the World. This one is a bit headier than the others, so bear with me. First and maybe most importantly: I've been a supporter of the New Age movement since before I knew what it was -- I've always been in contact with spirit guides, fairies, and other nature spirits, and I've always had an affinity for crystals and Hippie Culture (TM) and seen firsthand how the Law of Attraction can be both beneficial and detrimental to one's overall health. While I don't interact much with that side of the Internet anymore, owing to the alarming turn to far-right mindsets and some other problematic beliefs in that community -- as well as my pseudo-disillusionment with the movement at large -- I still think there's something to be said about some of those principles -- particularly the LoA. In a sense, the algorithm as we know it is a mini version of our lives. Do I think every word, thought, and emotion should be policed in an attempt to achieve the myth of ~high vibration~ and enlightenment? Of course not. But let's look at an example that's completely free from any kind of spiritualism: if I ask you to look around the room you're in right now and count as many red objects as you can in ten seconds, that should be a relatively easy task, right? But if I ask you to then conjure up the number of yellow objects without taking another look around, you won't be able to. Why? Because you were focused on the red ones. And in my experience, the world works much the same way and technology exists to reinforce this belief: what we watch, read, and give our attention to online will multiply; it's up to us to curate our experience.
The second thing I'd like to touch on is something that's completely personal -- what I've taken to calling Small Living. Maybe this was brought on by collective nostalgia for the aughts, but lately I've been preoccupied by early-days Internet (web 1.5?) and how much more contained everything felt back then. People can make their filtered edits and try to recapture the vibe by creating bygone-feeling analog horror, but it truly was an experience, going on Youtube and watching "ghost caught on camera" videos or logging onto Quizilla to read anything from local urban legends to proto-creepypasta. It goes without saying that a lot of this stuff was bullshit, but there was something exciting and transgressive about semi-hidden forums dedicated to paranormal and occult information -- back when nothing was monetized yet and people were earnestly either trying to spread knowledge or scare the shit out of unsuspecting viewers and readers.
In a way, getting into the Craft has brought me back to that smallness. Despite the paranormal boom that happened twenty-odd years ago, it was still rare to find people who actually took it seriously: ghost hunters, fellow witches, and the like. Now that "alternative spirituality" has gone mainstream, books about opening your third eye and connecting with nature spirits and high frequency diets are a dime a dozen, meaning it's the same handful of points regurgitated by people who are most likely just looking to make a quick buck. (And don't get me started on the bastardization/commercialization of metaphysical shops.) Thinking about this objectively was one of the biggest things that led me to starting this blog: compared to Insta, Tik Tok, Reddit, and even the cesspools that are Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr is almost a dying breed. I like to think I'm not too far off in feeling like those who stumble across my page looking for first-hand experience and/or potential pointers had to do some digging in order to find it. I'm also getting a kick out of older, secondhand copies of occult books for the same reasons. (Related sidenote: turning my attention to helping my immediate community instead of giving myself IBS flare-ups stressing about every worldwide issue has helped my mental health astronomically. Another pro of Small Living.)
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Part 10: I Want My Mouth So I May Howl
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He was wary of the magic lady at first. “A ghost’s reaction to magic users is something like instinct,” the words echo in his mind in a voice not his own. It should be familiar, the tones are warm, but he still doesn’t remember.
This magic user is nice. She’s addressing him, calling him by the nickname The Man gave him, and most importantly of all, The Man trusts her. There’s no increase in his wariness at her approach and casual touch.
If The Man trusts her, Danny will too.
Time spent by The Man, no it’s Jason. His name is Jason.
Time spent by Jason’s side is slowly bringing a more humanoid awareness back into Danny’s mind. He eats when Jason eats, exercises when Jason exercises, he washes right before Jason (it’s more that Jason gives him a bath since he doesn’t exactly have opposable thumbs). Danny even tries to emulate sleep when Jason sleeps. It’s a slowly established routine that has Danny remember what it is to live.
Standing on the table, staring down at himself feels disorienting now. The haze of instinct protecting his mind from the pain of memories is lifting and more and more he desires, craves his human form. He wants to wake up from this waking daydream because it’s starting to feel more like a nightmare.
Voices come to the forefront of his mind now. They aren’t him, but they’re familiar, people he knows, people he loves. He knows this even while he cannot place faces or names to the voices drifting in and out of his semi-wakeful mind.
The first clear memories come when he releases his astral form for the night. It’s his version of sleep. Jason goes to bed and Danny retreats into his own comatose body.
As he sinks into the depths of his subconscious this night, his mind decides the first memory it should pull forth is that of his death. It is not a memory he enjoys reliving; the hot zing of nerves being fried with enough volts and amps to kill an elephant. The ectoplasm acts like a superconductor and the electricity and his death bind that to his body and soul. He’s so hot. He’s burning alive. He’s dying. He’s living. He’s dying again. Neither option sticks and after some form of infinity, the portal spits out his smoldering corpse.
When he wakes, even the sound of electricity in the walls sets him on edge. The buzzing hum feels louder the longer he thinks about it and he dives back into his own body, into that special void in his mind where he’s safe from the sounds around him.
Once Jason is up, nearly an hour passes before he’s able to coax Danny out of hiding.
With Jason, the electricity isn’t so loud. Danny can focus on the steady beat of Jason’s heart. It helps to push all that other stuff to the background. Danny can breathe again. He doesn’t need to breathe but he’s been doing it lately to mimic Jason.
The mimicry ticks something in his brain that feels right and familiar. Jason talks to him, tells him all sorts of little things. Danny wants to respond but words sit at the tip of his tongue in a body incapable of speech, expressions he cannot quirk lips and brows into rest uncomfortably beneath his skin.
He shifts closer to Jason when they sit together on the small two-person couch as if being closer to someone human will make him more human…more alive.
He wants to go back.
He does not know how.
Memories of scathing threats and nights spent piecing himself back together thread through his dreams. Needle and thread. Needle and thread. There’s green everywhere. He’s sitting in a pool of it. It splatters the walls.
Memories shift to stitching outside with the knowledge that he can sleep sooner if he doesn’t have to spend an hour scrubbing the walls and floor.
Sometimes there’s other faceless people helping him. Black hair. Red hair. Gentle hands brushing hair off of his sweaty forehead. His mind won’t let him see them, remember them fully but he vividly remembers an argument on meat versus greens that turned into a fight against human sized meat monsters.
He also remembers their screams from the day he died…
When he wakes this time, there’s a moment where he’s stuck in the void, trapped within the flesh and ectoplasm that is his body. Panic floods him and he frantically breaks loose. He should have stayed but he can’t bear to be stuck in dark confines. It’s too reminiscent of nightmare memories that sit at the edge of his mind, not yet remembered but never fully forgotten.
Danny is more aware of time now. Another week passes and he can better tell what hours versus minutes versus days feels like. Throughout it all, Jason is there. His habits, his little quirks all becoming familiar to Danny. All becoming endearing.
There’s hands on him, hands that he associates with love and safety, but their hurting, hurting, hurting. Why are they hurting him?! Stop! Please! It’s Danny! It’s Danny. Please…please no more.
Soft hands, bigger than his. Always bigger than his no matter how much he grows, but she’s always there, always loving.
Soothing fingers card through his hair with whispered promises that she’ll get him out. She’s almost ready. She’s so close to freeing him.
There’s voices yelling and flashes of green and he’s panicking, but not for himself. For her. Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?! He’s fighting and screaming and struggling because She’s GONE. So he screams and screams and screams until darkness overtakes him.
Flickering fluorescents are the last light he sees for a long long time.
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Yeets this out and races back to my hole.
Ya, so we be getting somewhere. It took me a while to figure out how to get to where I want this to go and I had the crisis of wanting to change where I wanted it to go and the ultimate decision to not change it (it may change in the future again. Lolol) But mostly it was the new fic I started that held this one up. That and actually getting some temp work (of course it ended up being manual labor again and so I went from doing almost nothing to running around for 8 hours and carrying heavy things).
We all good now tho. I’m finally adjusted. My lil bro be graduating next week tho so I might be busy again with that and the pet sitting. Either that or I’ll be extra using writing as my escape. It’s one of those fifty-fifty things.
[the new fic isn’t out yet. But it’s Dead On Main and a sort of horror comedy with a fair bit of gore involved.
@akintoabitch @snowblub @isaactheautobot @jaguarthecat @ventureingonwings
@dannyphantomphan @nonbinary-disaster @depressed-bitchy-demon @8-29pm @addie-lover-of-stories @lifefilledwithstories @apointlessbox @skulld3mort-1fan @katgirl05 @spookytragedyshark @mandyne-1001 @ascetic-orange @booklover9114 @qualifiedpasta @mouzerequis @fleeting-mists @gin2212 @rollthatcritical @kaitouhime @itsloveleo @litlecameron @phantom-dc @hippityhoppity-iownyourbones @pastalavistamf @kokoroluna @legowerewolf @riasthelustful @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff @mysterimax
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 10 months
Dimmed Light AU
Camila is the one who dies when Luz is 8 years old (Cancer is a bitch), leaving Manny an only father while he deals with the grief of losing his wife.
Now, truth be told, we know little to nothing about Manny; apart from a couple sneak peeks of his personality thanks to Luz and Camila's comments, we can interpret he was playful, optimistic, expressive, very imaginative, and likely just as stubborn if not more than Luz herself. Other than that, we have nothing.
However, the point of this post is to make a proper premise so...
Theory Section
How will Manny, and more importantly, Luz change as a result of Camila's death; and maybe even more importantly... will Luz be sent to Summer Camp? These are the main questions to take into account.
First, I can see Manny being more open-minded and encouraging of Luz's interests and qualities, but at the same time irresponsible when it comes to the more professional side of life, like her studies and school, always prioritizing her daughter's happiness rather than her academical success; but this may actually be beneficial to a certain extent, since in this case, Luz's grief isn't repressed or projected bia her hobbies thanks to Manny's support, not leading to Luz getting into much trouble at school and not forcing her into Summer Camp... Instead, she is sent to Summer School!
Now, how would the timeline be affected by this change? How will Luz arrive at the Demon Realm? What comes to mind is Luz, bored out of her mind at School, sees at the distance, Eda stealing trash, but more importantly, Owlbert transforming into a Palisman. Motivating Luz to use her free time to follow/stalk Eda to determine what her deal is. Of course, Manny notices his daughter lazing at home, but he can't bring himself to take this from her, so he instead keeps his distance, unsure as to how to help her, aware of the consequences of her falling at school.
Plot Section
This is where things get interesting, Luz follows Eda, but she gets caught her in the act and a deal is made, in exchange for a determined amount of human trash at the end of the week, Eda will give/teach Luz something from the Demon Realm, even allowing her to stay a while at the Owl House to play with King.
1 to 2 weeks pass, and Luz is trusted by Eda to keep the portal door.
One day, Luz goes to the market to deliver a bag of trash to Eda, but accidentally comes across Vee, who questions Luz's presence in the demon realm which ends up in a small argument between the two about why would Luz be lying to her Dad, then the Emperor's Scouts shows up, and in the heat of the moment, Vee takes the key and escapes to the Human Realm... leaving Luz behind trapped in the Demon Realm.
I have a few more ideas but this post is already too long so... see ya later.
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alicornae · 3 months
    The stars decorated the night skies like jewels, shimmering in the darkness. The moon had finally reached its peak, its silvery light shining down at the ponies below- awake and buzzing with energy despite the late hours. 
  The summer night was warm and alive, with droves of ponies arriving in Canterlot for its main event. Golden banners and ribbons decorated every corner of the city, and foals laughed and ran about with streamers and sparklers while the adults dressed their best made their way uptown, towards the castle itself, talking with friends all the while.
  A night of celebration was upon them, and they gathered at the castle gate to be greeted by its splendor. Decorated to its fullest, and lit up by magic spells and candles, the castle entrance was enchanting.
  Three doors were upon the double sided staircases that curved into the walkway, and nestled oddly in there were three tall mirrors that shone with a strange magic- cascading the light like water on the ground.
As ponies and creatures from all across Equestria gathered and settled there, music suddenly filled the yard- brass and regal. It caught everyone's attention, with ears perked up as the sound swelled and danced in the air before it fell like a feather- softer now.
  With one glance up, ponies exclaimed in excitement as they saw their queen emerge- regal and as magical as always. Her white coat shone in the candle light, and her half braided mane flowed softly- Queen Celestia smiled at the large crowd, lilac eyes glimmering. Then beside her emerged a more reserved alicorn- her dark blue coat looking like the night itself stood there. In a gossamer dress of white with dark blue armor around her shoulder and neck, Queen Luna stood dutifully- watching over the crowd.
  The music gave one last big hurrah before it drifted off, the crowd cheering for their monarchs. And it was with the wave of one golden hoof from Celestia, that the crowd simmered down and let the ambiance of the night take over- though the air held its breath, waiting for her to speak.
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“  Welcome my little ponies! We give a warm welcome to the creatures of Equestria that have traveled here tonight. We appreciate each and every one of you who has come here tonight- for We come to celebrate the longest day of the year, and more importantly- We celebrate the reunion of Queen Luna and I. For a thousand long years We were apart, but now we can look forward to making up for lost time and spend longer together- as sisters.  ”
Celestia and Luna share a look, and the younger alicorn melts into a smile. Celestia matches the smile, and they cross their horns for a brief moment before she continues on.
“  Before we properly get started, there is no doubt that you have noticed some changes,  “  she acknowledges, waving a wing down to the ground below her to where the mysterious mirrors stand,  “  Not only has Equestria become more united than ever- thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends -but we wanted to extend our hoof further in friendship to worlds beyond our own.  ”
This causes ponies to glance at one another- whispers rising around the crowd before all goes silent once more.
“  Through magic and these ancient portals, we have invited a few from other worlds to join us in our celebration- and to show them what Equestria has achieved. We ask that you all put your best hoof forward and show them that through friendship, anything can be achieved. ”
  Celestia raises her wings, and Luna follows. Their spiraling horns shine with a brilliant light of gold and blue, and all three mirrors hum and start to glow white. After a tense moment, something steps out  ….
welcome to the summer solstice gala!! this will be a week-long event for muses to have a good time and dance and celebrate! i encourage everyone to seek out other people joining this event, and I also welcome anyone who wants to join late!! party crashers or otherwise!! be sure to tag posts related to the event with ( ☀️ — summer solstice gala )
PARTICIPANTS  :  @kingbcwser , @captainseamech , @indomitablespirits , @doefated , @wishfulmuses , @clippedwingsmuses , @storybounded , @reignoctis , @blxestar , @ama-tcra-su , @lord-of-unlife , @allnostalgic , @universalcarnival
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ema0rsully · 1 year
Nicktoons Unite: Turning the Tables (Wattpad)
1: Friends
Danny: 18
Jimmy: 16
Timmy: 16
Spongebob: 30
Wanda & Cozmo: ???
(If you're wondering why Timmy still has his godparents, it's because he needs them to protect the universe. So the Fairy Council promoted Wanda and Cozmo from GP -GodParents- to Gs -Guardians-)
3rd POV
     We all know the famous four. Danny Fenton, Ghost Boy. Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. Timmy Turner, Magic Kid. And lastly, Spongebob Squarepants, A Goofy Goober. Out of the four, they knew Spongebob was the most outgoing, positive minded and caring guy.
     To Danny, Spongebob was that one uncle in the family that everyone likes. Ready to bail you out of a lecture from your parents. Brings the best food and is just an awesome guy. Danny likes Spongebob very much and considers him a close friend. Danny would talk about any issues he's having and Spongebob tries to comfort him and give him a positive outlook. Spongebob oddly understands the struggles of being a ghost, according to him he and his best friend Patrick were cursed to become a ghost once.
     To Timmy, Spongebob is a rad friend. Spongebob may act weak but man is he strong. The two would always play on Timmy's ps4. They would play for hours without end until Spongebob needs to leave. Spongebob sometimes annoys Timmy by lecturing him about how he should be more careful about what he wishes for and what not to wish for. One thing that bothers Timmy is how empathic Spongebob is. It's like some creepy superpower he has. Out of the three, Spongebob knew exactly what to do when Timmy was feeling down. One thing the two of them love to do together is prank the other two. The amount of time Jimmy and Danny get pranked by the duo is ridiculously hilarious.
     To Jimmy, he doesn't know what he sees Spongebob as. He sees him as many things. Odd. Different. Strange. Weird. But of course, most importantly, he sees him as a friend. Since Spongebob sometimes help Sandy in her lab, he's the one that's mostly lending a helping hand in Jimmy's lab. Spongebob may not be a science expert, but that doesn't mean he doesn't listen. He takes note of all the things Sandy talks about in her lab, and if she forgets it, he reminds her. He does the same with Jimmy which impresses him. He wonders how much information can Spongebob absorb. There's always something that Spongebob does that breaks the laws of physics, gravity or any kind of law. At the end of the day, Jimmy would often fall asleep on his desk and wake up in his bed without any memory of waking up. He knew it was Spongebob's doing because Danny and Timmy never dare to enter his lab without his permission.
Spongebob is the only one keeping in touch. Jimmy, Timmy and Danny may be friends but they find it awkward to randomly appear through the portal that connects each other's dimensions just for a visit. It's just, awkward. Which is why they're perfectly content with Spongebob's regular visits. They can easily ask Spongebob how's the other doing without actually visiting the other. Simple routine. Spongebob always comes to visit around 5 pm on Wednesday(Danny), Thursday(Jimmy) and Friday(Timmy) every week. Surprisingly, despite being from different dimensions, their time zones are the same. So they don't have to bother wondering if the other is fast asleep or in school. Spongebob would stay at a maximum of 5 hours to spend time with them. If he didn't show up, he would've messaged them the reason for his absence through a phone-like communicator that can send messages from one dimension to another.
     At first, Jimmy built this communicator to only use when there is an emergency, but after a while, he updated the software to become more phone-like. Now it can send messages and call like a normal phone. It's still useful during emergencies. If a problem rises, there's a hidden button on the side of the communicator that would alert the others for help. When it comes to travelling, they've built a sophisticated portal that can easily send them to any dimension they need. Since Jimmy has already added their coordinates, all they have to do is click the location they want to go, and they go.
Danny POV
     Man, what a rough day! Today got shoved into a locker by Dash and his friends. Lost all my lunch money. Had to round up a bunch of poltergeists at school and almost got myself beaten to a pulp and worse of all. I'm grounded! I came home very late after a fight with the Skulker, I came home thinking my parents were fast asleep. I was wrong. They grounded me on the spot when I didn't give a solid reason. Now I can't hang out with Sam and Tucker like I usually do.
     When I stepped in through the front door, I saw Jazz coming down the stairs. She looks ready for a night out. "Finally ladies n gentlemen after thousands of years, she has finally found 'The One'!" I announced. She raised an eyebrow at me, "Very Funny. I'm just going out to the mall with a couple of friends. I would've invited you along buuuttt~" she teased. I rolled my eyes, "yeah yeah, whatever. I'm going to my room" I said as I walked up the stairs.
I shut the door and flopped onto my bed. I took out my phone to scroll through social media when I realised, today is Wednesday! Spongebob is going to come and visit me, but he can't see me like this. All bruised up and dirty. It will worry him. I quickly got up and changed clothes. It was a bit hard since my body was in bad shape, but I managed to slip through a sweater and sweatpants. I think I might've fractured a bone or two but I'm sure my body will heal on its own.
     I opened my closet door so it was easy for Spongebob to enter. Jimmy built these portal machines to make it easier for us to travel to each other. Mine is built into my closet so that my parents won't find it. Jimmy even made it the same colour as the walls to blend in. I looked at the time, it was 4:50 pm. Only ten minutes until Spongebob arrives. I sat on my bed waiting for the sponge.
1 minute later..
2 minutes later...
5 minutes later...
10 minutes later...
No sign of the sponge.
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sammansonn · 8 months
not to talk about beth and rick but let me talk about beth and rick
okay so Listen prime dimension beth was Raised and Abandoned by prime rick which leads to something we don’t talk about which is rick prime and his backstory like he Had a diane and a beth so What happened
*also side note something I didn’t like about season 7 is primes whole “you and I are the only two ricks that invented portal tech” because Listen actually this goes back to the main point hold on
okay so when rick fucks up prime dimension he moves to c151 right but he never really mentions how similar prime and c151 Are like is it just identical enough for morty not to notice? more Importantly what about beth’s life? is c151 beth’s upbringing the same as prime beth? actually I bring up a great point why don’t we ever talk about actual c151 rick because Listen beth and ricks relationship as father and daughter is based on them being father and daughter but c137 rick isn’t Really beth’s father But he still bears the weight of the guilt of abandoning her (even tho c137 Never abandoned his beth) but More interestingly is abcs of beth because rick and beth look at the stuff rick made beth as a kid Meaning c151 rick had to have been very similar to c137 and does that mean that prime rick Also made toys? I always think about rick and beth and their father daughter dynamic but we don’t talk about is that it’s an Infinite dynamic
*okay back to the side thought so similarly to how other ricks made the toys and this share a past/timeline with c137 and Listennnnn there are Infinite dimensions, INFINITE like that’s been the Whole point and that means that there are infinite versions of c137 ricks and prime ricks so they Can’t be the only Two ricks to create portal tech do you get it that doesn’t make Sense
*I think season 7 continued to add on to this concept of rick as a god BUT it pressed too much that c137 is The Rick like they’ve said it before and I get it but sometimes I think they ignore the beauty of the infinite and the vital fact that We Are All Meaningless which is so often the Point
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alicewritingstories · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 2: Solitary Confinement
CW: Hallucinations, confinement, starvation, dehydration
When Twilight stepped out of the portal, he wondered if he had. The space on the other side was completely dark, all the darker compared to the sunny field he'd been in before. It was disorienting and he stumbled slightly as he stepped aside, hand outstretched to check for obstacles, to make way for Four, who had been behind him.
The silence stretched. No sound of anyone following him through the portal.
"Four?" Twilight called softly. His voice echoed back to him, but otherwise he was met with absolute silence. His heart rate started to pick up with anxiety. What was going on? Had something happened on the other side of the portal?
He tried to step back towards it, his hand outstretched again. It was impossible to walk back through a portal, but he hadn't gotten this far by not trying things anyway.
No sign of any of his brothers.
No sign of the portal.
Normally if he drew too close to the wrong side of a portal he would feel a prickling in his skin, growing to something more painful if he kept trying. As he waved his hand around in the dark, though, he felt nothing. The portal had closed.
"Four?" he called again. "Time? Wild?" Legend had gone through before him. "Legend? Anyone?"
Nothing. He was alone.
The absolute darkness was starting to make him dizzy and he stepped carefully away from where the portal should have been until his hand met a stone wall. While not especially encouraging, it was blessedly solid. He leaned on it with a sigh, letting his head hang.
What now?
Well, it wasn't the first time the portals had separated them, but he should do what he could to make sure he really was alone and none of his brothers were lying unconscious in this room somewhere. It was unlikely - anything that had attacked them would also have attacked him - but not impossible. That was the first priority.
Despite the best efforts of his eyes to get used to the darkness, he was still entirely blind and it would be impossible to thoroughly search an entirely unknown space, but his sense of smell was keen even in hylian form and all he could smell was the musty, stale odor of air that hadn't been disturbed for far too long. That raised its own concerns, but he set those aside for now. He couldn't smell any of his brothers and he also couldn't smell any hint of monsters or - importantly - gas. With that reassurance, he swung his bag off his back and fumbled in it to take out his lantern, lighting it by feel.
The soft glow of the flame illuminated a stone room about fifteen feet by fifteen feet, completely bare, with one panel made of a different stone that Twilight recognised as a door. At once, he walked over and looked at it more closely, his heart sinking. It was firmly locked, with no sign of a keyhole or anything else that might give him a clue about how to open it. He was in some side room of a dungeon and the puzzle or key to open this door was on the other side. He had a horrible suspicion that his only routes out were to wait for the rest of the Chain to find him or to hope that another portal appeared before he starved.
He huffed out a breath and judged the weight of the lantern. Too light and he didn't think he had another bottle of oil. He was going to be doing his waiting in the dark. But in the meantime, at least he could try to find out if there was a trick to the door or another way out.
No such luck. He felt all around the edge of the door, checked the stone walls for any sign of cracks or weaknesses or blocks that could be moved or slid around. He looked at the ceiling and checked the flagstones of the floor. Nothing. He was well and truly trapped.
With a sigh, he sat down next to the door and blew out the lantern to save the few drops of oil left in its tank. Utter darkness fell once more. Twilight rested his fingertips against the edge of the door, tuned his ears towards it so he'd know if anyone was outside, and settled down to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Before long - or after some time, he wasn't sure - the rushing of the blood in his own ears was drowning out anything he might have heard. He tried to ignore it, took a sparing sip from his water bottle, and continued to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
He heard footsteps and sat bolt upright, twisting to bang a fist on the door.
"In here!" he called, and startled at the sound of his own voice. "Hey! Can you hear me?"
There was no response. He pressed his ear to the door, but there was nothing. His heart sank again as he realized he had imagined the footsteps. He sat back again with a sigh, drank a little more, and went back to waiting.
It happened twice more.
Once he heard Wild's voice.
Every time, there was no answer to his cries for help and he had to conclude his mind was playing tricks on him.
He tried to ration the food and water he had with him, but he knew he was starting to run low. If nobody found him and he didn't find a way out soon…
After a while longer he tried breaking down the door, but it was as strong as the walls and all he achieved was a collection of bruises.
A few times he saw lights, but when he called out - increasingly hoarse now - they twisted away mockingly into nothing.
When he realized he was almost out of water he started to panic despite himself. This was not how he planned to die. He was not going to die alone, trapped in a hole not even knowing where the rest of the Chain were or if anyone would ever find his body. He was not.
But when the panic faded, he was left lying on the floor beside the locked door, his throat raw from screaming, his hands raw from tearing at the edges of the door, and his heart raw from clinging to the hope that he would be found and rescued.
All he could do was wait.
And wait.
And wait.
He thought he heard voices: Time, Rusl, Midna… but even as he looked around, trying to call to them, the voices faded away.
Lights whirled in front of his eyes, but even as he tried to reach out they were gone.
He was alone.
He was going to die alone.
When his eyes finally slid closed, he didn't even notice.
Noises echoed through his head again. Voices. Lights shone behind his closed eyelids. He ignored them. He was done startling up at every hint of rescue only to be disappointed.
But amid the muddle of anxious sound, a loud command made his aching head throb.
"Link! Open your eyes!"
His eyes blinked open. He thought he saw Warriors bending over him, Time leaning from somewhere above him, Legend standing over them both with a lantern. It was the most vivid image yet.
Again, he heard a clear, echoing memory of Warriors' Captain voice. "Keep them open."
Twilight obeyed. There was nothing else to do.
"Stay with us, OK, Pup?" said Time firmly, the faintest tremor in his voice. "Stay with us."
Twilight nodded. "OK," he said softly, the sound only barely making it from his dry throat.  After all, a hallucination of his friends was better than the blank darkness.
But then a bottle was set to his lips and cold water flooded into his mouth. He gasped and choked. That was real.
"Wait…" he coughed. They'd finally found him? He wasn't alone any more? "Y're… you're real? You're…" He looked around. The door stood open.
Time and Warriors looked at each other in concern. Legend laughed, though the sound was forced.
"Yeah," he said. "We're real."
Twilight sighed, letting his head sag back, only now realizing that his shoulders were supported on Time's knees.
They'd found him.
He wasn't alone.
Finally, finally, the waiting was over.
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