#what matters is that i managed to finish it only two days after his birthday... leagues better than the week it took me after matthias's
a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
it's valentines day tommorrow- what's alastor gonna do for reader?
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I totally forgot about Valentine's Day-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a cannibal, Alastor scaring people off
Description: 👆⬆️
Alastor 100% forgets that it's Valentine's Day no matter how hard everyone tries to remind him
He can remember everything else important like birthdays, anniversaries, and other key events in your lives
But somehow, he manages to always forget Valentine's Day
He is so fucking smart but somehow so dumb at the same time, Rosie is the one who saves his ass every year
She literally plans it now, inviting him over the day before Valentine's Day
"So Alastor~ How are you going to spend Valentine's Day with Y/N tomorrow~?"
"How kind of you to ask-What was that now?"
"You forgot again. Didn't you."
Long awkward sip of tea
"You hopeless man, here's what you need to do..."
If it were anyone else then Alastor would be fucked but luckily he's tHe RaDiO dEmOn so he's able to scramble together something impressive
You'll never know he forgot
You wake up to your favorite flowers in your bed and all over the hotel, Niffty having a breakdown because she can't clean them up
Not Alastor standing in the kitchen with an apron on, cooking breakfast for the two of you
Kiss the cook? Don't mind if I do~
He won't accept any gifts from you until he's finished giving you the Valentine's Day you deserve
Mostly out of guilt over forgetting tho
After the most delicious breakfast you've had in awhile, he invites you out for a walk
He's shamelessly checking you out the entire morning, visibly approving of your outfit for the day
He takes you to one of the most beautiful and lush places in the pride ring that he can find, adoring the amazed look on your face
You almost feel like the two of you are a normal couple enjoying the day together, not two sinners in hell who are walking through faux earth scenery
If there's anybody else around then he scares them away so that you two can be alone and unbothered
Keeps an arm wrapped around you the entire walk, resting his head on yours because if he looks at you then he'll lose his mind
You just look so fucking cute rn
While it might just seem like a romantic walk, it's all a ruse to get you to a planetarium
Again, there's nobody there because Alastor wants privacy with his S/O
Because there's nobody there, Alastor took the liberty of decorating it in romantic lighting and getting more comfortable seating for the two of you
Seating might be the wrong word
The two of you end up snuggled together in a hammock, gazing up at stars that used to be familiar to you both
If you can name the stars and constellations then Alastor will happily listen while pulling you to his chest
Maybe you two feed each other snacks
"No, I'm not feeding you a finger, I love you, but I'm not touching that."
"You love me? How embarrassing that must be for you~"
"Still not feeding you that."
"Maybe I should eat you instead~"
If you fall asleep then maybe he'll smooch your face a little bit until you wake back up
Maybe you're only pretending to be asleep
But the gifts don't stop there!
When you two leave, he takes you to the radio tower for a romantic dinner, and that shit is CANDLELIT
🕯 🍝 🕯
It is legitimately a lady and the tramp style dinner date with him doting on you the entire time
He's been a suave gentleman the entire day so far, doing everything he can to make you blush and swoon
But when you finally get the chance to give him your Valentine's Day gift, no matter what it is, he's genuinely flustered
Stares at it while blushing in silence for what feels like the longest time
"You got me this..? For me?"
"Who else would it be for?"
Not his tail wagging
Once he composes himself then he invites you to slow dance with him, holding you inappropriately close to him
Good thing you two are alone
Alastor is a fantastic dancer and a handsome man so that alone is enough to make you flustered
But slow dancing with him while he stares at you with that rare soft expression, with love in his eyes???
You're just a blushing puddle in his arms which is totally what he's going for, cooing at you sweetly
And he only makes it worse once he starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear throughout the entire dance, confessing everything he loves about you
Alastor legitimately has his breath taken away when he looks at your face afterward
You look so grateful for all that he's done for you today, but he still feels guilty for forgetting in the first place
When he thinks of your gift then he only feels worse, cupping your cheek gently
"Y/N...I have something to confess to you..."
"This is all last minute because you forgot about Valentine's Day?"
*shocked Pikachu face*
"...how did you know? Did Rosie tell you?"
Not your hand pulling on his cheek before giving it a few condescending pats
"You forget every year~"
Oh yeah
"But you always make it the perfect day~"
Brags about what you said to him the next day with Rosie, not at all noticing how done she looks with him
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Hnnnng!! I love this man
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twstfanblog · 2 months
~Manhwa AU- A Fairytale Do-Over~ Pt 2
A/N: GUESS WHAT I FINISHED~? It's been hot as fuck over here recently and our house doesn't have central air. So writing has been hard, but I managed! Enjoy Malleus's huberous trying to hit him but he's still too short to get the lesson. Next part will be when Yuu meets Leona! Word Count: 3.9K Pairings: Yuu & Malleus (Their friendship has ended and he doesn't even know it), Sibling Malleus & Silver, Parental Lilia & Silver Prev / Next
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The royal palace was massive, the size rivaling that of an urban village. And that didn't include the gardens, the patios, the woods attached to the grounds; the area was so large that there were even hidden places Lilia didn't know about. It was grand and it was lavished, all that an empirical bloodline could want. But it was empty, halls filled with priceless artwork and historical artifacts echoed with every footstep you took.
It was a sound Lilia had heard twice and never wished to hear a third time. First was when he was brought to the palace to be Maleanor’s playmate, second was the day after her and her husband's funeral.
And now, as he stared down a twitching servant, he was sure the palace had started to prep itself to return to such a state. He massaged his temples, taking a long and slow breath in, “Forgive me…I must have grown hard of hearing in my age…what did you say?”
The servant shook in terror, the silver tray he held in his hands jostling the letter on it. Lilia Vanrouge was retired as a general, but no one in the fleet of servants or guards dared to upset him. Even delivering bad news was seen as foolish and asking to be punished, “Yu-…The young miss Crowley’s invite was returned…unopened…We called their residence to ask…but the servants are stating that…she is ill and unwilling to attend…”
Lilia felt…flabbergasted. Yuu had attended Malleus's birthdays sick before, the adoration the young girl held for his charge gave her the will to suffer through hours of discomfort. No illness or annoyingly loud guests could deter her from spending time with her friend.
But even thinking that made him flinch. Malleus was not…receptive to Yuu's kindness or shows of friendship. The young fae lord had found the girl to be clingy, annoying, downright a pain. But no matter how he protested their playdates, Lilia kept scheduling them because Malleus needed someone to see as his equal.
Though he was the crowned prince, a marvel to the fae and kingdom, Yuu was by marriage his cousin and closest of equal royal standing. Malleus’s father was not of noble blood, a fact that kept his and Maleanor’s love from truly being accepted by the council. Luckily, Levan had cut a deal with Dire, being formally adopted into the Crowley line in exchange for more loyal ties with the empire's crown once Levan and Maleanor had married.
A promise that was kept with playdates to the two houses’ heirs.
Lilia bit his lip. Though both of Malleus's parents had passed and such a promise meant nothing now, the Crowley line was all Malleus had in terms of extended family. The old fae wanted them to be close should misfortune fall upon him and leave Malleus without a proper guardian.
But Malleus was his mother's son…
Haughty, arrogant, and beautiful. He looked down on nearly everyone around him, deeming them weak and powerless against his steadily growing might. He skipped his lessons; half from his naturally absent-minded nature, mostly because he felt too good to listen to weaker fae try to teach him.
So introducing a magicless girl nearly five years younger as his equal did not go well…
Since their first playdate and Malleus had stomped back into the palace covered in mud, furious, he had simply despised the Crowley child. Yuu had merely giggled and asked to play with Malleus again, saying he was funny and she liked him. To this day, Lilia wasn't sure why Malleus had been covered in mud nor why he seemed to detest Yuu so much so quickly…He refused to repeat what happened and it only sent Yuu into a fit of laughter whenever asked. He wondered if he should have used his magic to see what had caused the issue when he still had the chance…
He sighed, picking the letter up and ignoring the servant's flinching when his hand drew near. Studying it, he marveled, it really was unopened. A part of him felt the claws of dread slowly wrap around his heart, his fears becoming realized before his eyes. Had Yuu finally had enough? Were two years of verbal abuse what caused the young girl to open her eyes to Malleus’s mistreatment and simply not return.
Turning away, he dismissed the servant and bit his lip again. Malleus didn't have other playmates. Malleus, like his mother, was feared by his subjects. A fact that made companionship more difficult than Lilia wished it would be. He wondered if he should visit the Crowley duchy, slip a tonic from the royal infirmary to have the girl healed in time for the party-
“Lilia, Silver's fallen asleep again.”
Lilia looked to the doorway, his worries melting off his shoulders at the heartwarming scene.
While Malleus had created a type of feud with the Crowley girl, he completely adored Silver; claiming the boy as his brother since he first saw him sleeping in his bassinet. They stood in the opened doorway, Malleus in a more informal attire and cradling Silver to his front. The silver-haired nine-year-old fast asleep in the prince's arms releasing angelic snores.
Sighing, Lilia held his free arm out with a small smile, “Bring him here, I will watch him while you finish your studies.”
Passing the sleeping child over, Malleus scoffed under his breath and rolled his eyes, “Studies. I have no need…” His eyes catch the glint of silver in Lilia’s hand, “What is that?”
Lilia didn’t have a chance to answer, Malleus reaching up and snatching the letter out of his guardian’s hands. Huffing, Lilia used his now free hand to properly hold Silver, “We’ve been over this; don’t snatch things from people-”
“Is this…Yuu’s invitation?” Malleus stares at the envelope, turning it over in his hands and becoming bewildered as he notices it wasn’t even opened, “Have you…Not sent this to the Crowley’s Duchy yet…?” His party was only a week away and the grand duchy was at least half a day’s journey away.
“…” Sighing, Lilia turned away from Malleus’s inquisitive eyes, “The invitation was returned unopened. Word is that the young lady Crowley is ill and unable to attend…”
Malleus stood in silence, staring at Lilia’s back before looking down at the letter in his hand, “Oh…” With a smile, he flicked the letter past Lilia and sent it directly into the lit fireplace.
“Malleus!” Lilia watched the letter burn, flaring green in a flash as the wax melted into the flames. Turning around he tried to pin a glare at the giddy preteen, “Why would you do that!?”
With a shrug, Malleus turned around with a smile. Wiping his hands of the situation as though he had easily solved all his problems, “There’s no need for it. She’s ill, isn’t she? Plus, they returned the invite. It’s within my right to do with it as I will.” He clapped his hands together as his thoughts ran wild, the very promise of Yuu not attending his party making him more and more excited for the event, “This shall be my most wonderful birthday yet! Maybe I will be just as lucky next year and she’ll still be ill.”
Lilia could only frown as Malleus laughed, walking out of the room. While Lilia hoped the young prince would go to his lessons, he knew he was more than likely heading toward the gardens or to his growing horde room. Sighing, the bi-colored fae looks down to his sleeping child. It would all be much easier if he just placed Silver as the prince’s playmate. Malleus adored Silver, but Silver was quiet. Silver was so quiet. A fact that would only echo in this massive palace as the years go on. Lilia could only hope that he’d find a cure for whatever sleep curse affected his boy. Maybe Silver could be the bridge between the two; a thesaurus for two similar yet wildly different languages.
He hoped that Malleus wouldn’t be too upset on the day of his party.
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The servants would say the day of Malleus's party was divine. Not a tantrum, eye-roll, nor threat of permanent dismissal in sight. He allowed himself to be dressed easily in his outfit, black silks and furs, precious gems stitched to mimic the night sky their lands were famous for and a winding silver banded crown. Malleus looked like a prince of the infamous Noctorn Empire and he was excited.
He had talked Lilia and Silver's ears off at breakfast; his plans to speak to everyone for once since Yuu wouldn't be attached to his side and babbling nonstop. He didn't notice the concerned look in Lilia's eyes when he'd excused himself to use the emergency phone. Lilia called the Crowley duchy directly to ask if they were truly not attending the party. Crewel merely stating they had sent their gifts and wished Malleus a happy birthday in their absence. Yuu hadn't even been heard over the call.
As the beginning of the event drew closer, Lilia felt his nerves worsen, as if a looming threat was breathing down his neck and waiting to strike. A feeling that only grew stronger as Silver lost his fight with wakefulness, falling asleep a little after the first few guests started to populate the entry hall. Lilia had gathered the deadweight child into his arms, tasking Malleus to greet the guests alone while he placed Silver in a more docile environment until he woke up.
Malleus tried, he truly did. He spoke aloud and clearly as Lilia had always instructed him, head held high so that his chin and the ground were two parallel lines. He tried to shake people's hands, growing frustrated as they refused to release the brightly wrapped gifts to do such a thing. After the 6th awkward shuffle away from his outstretched hands he simply elected to not shake anymore of the lord's hands. After the 15th nervous and stuttered hello, he stopped greeting them too.
He huffed, mildly pouting as he left the entry hall, walking toward the guarded room that held his mountain of presents; gifts to be opened and cataloged once all the guests had left. Greeting people alone wasn't as fun as he imagined it would be. It would have been easier if Lilia hadn't left to tend to Silver. Lilia was a social creature in such a way that Malleus never understood, neither him nor Yuu made sense to him as to how they got people to respond so easily to them. But then again, the very thought of Yuu beside him and greeting everyone in his place made him more frustrated. The sight of her gift, as always wrapped in black and white with a bright green bow, only worsened his mood.
Slamming his hand into the brick, leaving behind Cracks and a medium-sized indent he made the choice to enter the banquet hall. (Unaware of the few cowering party guests slowly backing away from him).
The room was filled with people, fine fabrics swishing around the room in elegant dances. Looking around his enthusiasm dipped again. There were so many adults more than children his age, adults that would only give him a half glance and a respectful bow. Malleus walked along the edges of crowds, trying to see if any conversation piqued his interest or if any of the adults would glance his way to wish him a happy birthday. He received plenty of quick bows, long-winded birthday blessings with his full title. A few had even tried to start a conversation, beginning with a comment on their relation to his mother or father. Only to suck their mouths in like they had tasted the worst type of lemon flavor, remembering he never meant his mother nor his father. From there they would bow again and turn to scamper away into a crowd, leaving him alone again.
Just as he began to wonder just where Lilia was placing Silver, he saw someone who made his hopes relight. Another child his age was standing by a window, looking out the large stained glass with an air of boredom around him. They were a noble of origin from outside the empire, their clothing was brightly colored and heavily patterned. A crown of beads and braids kept dark brown hair neat yet wild, a pair of small, round lion ears peaking through. The hint of brown skin visible from the edge of their loose sleeves and crossed arms.
Gathering a bit of courage, swallowing to wet his mouth, Malleus walked forward. He smiled and tilted his head, tapping the other on the shoulder to gain his attention, “Hello. Are you enjoying the party?”
The other boy seemed to startle, almost as if he had planned on being invisible for hours more and Malleus's acknowledgement broke his trance. The boy turned to him, showing his face was marred over one eye with a long thin scar, the bright emerald green slightly duller than the other.
Once he saw who was speaking to him, he frowned. Turning away and looking at Malleus from the corner of his brighter eye as though he was a bug, “Go away.” Short, simple, and sour.
Malleus startled himself. No one had…ever dismissed him in such a way. Even when Lilia sent him away to his own devices, He said as such with an air of teasing, jovial. This…this was just rude. Narrowing his eyes, he stepped into the other boy's line of sight when he fully turned away, “Why should I? You are aware this is my birthday party, aren’t you? You should feel honored that I'm speaking to you.”
The boy scoffs, facing him directly and placing his hands on his hips. Smug, arrogant; he wasn't taller by any means but it felt as though he was looking down his nose at him, “Why would I feel honored being spoken to by a lizard?”
“…” Lightning flashed outside, bringing the already soft ambiance into a fearful silence, “A LIZARD!?” YOU DARE CALL ME A LIZARD!?”
“A lizard who throws tantrums at that.”
“Leona!” Two older men quickly rush over, looking similar to ‘Leona’ with their attire, ears, and, face yet more alike each other with their matching bold red hair. The shorter, younger man had gripped Leona by the shoulders, trying to force the boy into a bow, “Apologize! You promised you'd behave tonight!”
The older man, his red hair streaked with thin yet vivid lines of grey bowed, “A thousand apologies, Your Highness. Please forgive my youngest son. He is still recovering from an injury you see-”
“I don't care about excuses!” Malleus glared, stomping his foot as the lightning flashing again and sent the room into spasms of eerie green light. He pointed toward the scowling Leona, “He called me a lizard!”
“Malleus, lower your tone. You are among company.” Lilia walked over, placing a hand onto his charge’s shoulder and pulling him back as a physical reminder to calm down, “What's happened here?”
“It seems my son-”
Scoffing loudly, Leona rolled his head back and spoke aloud, “I called the stupid lizard, a lizard and he threw a fit over it.”
“Leona.” The younger man strained, shaking Leona by his shoulders in an effort to physically shake the sense into him.
Lilia frowned, looking down his nose at the defiant child with lidded eyes, “That's rather rude don't you think?” He looked from the corner of his eye, catching the eldest man's gaze, “Duke Kingscholar. I wasn't aware you were raising such…brazen children...”
The duke's bow seemed to deepen, “Truly, I offer apologies for every star in the sky. My youngest is recovering from an injury and fever. He isn't thinking clearly-”
The eldest brother leaned down, whispering to the sour-faced child while their father tried to save face with Lilia, “Leona, apologize. Dad's gonna make you sit in the carriage again if you don't-”
“Fine then! I didn't want to come to this dumb party anyway!”
The duke sprang up, his face furious as he rounded on his youngest son, “LEONA!”
Malleus could feel the lightning crackle outside, the bolts dancing along the sealed windows in eagerness to strike Leona down, “How…dare you!? My birthday party is the highest honor any could hope to attend, and you stand here, wasting it and calling my wrath!”
Leona scoffed, rolling his eyes before leveling Malleus with an almost arctic glare, “Who'd consider it an honor to attend a party of someone they don't even like?”
The eldest boy tried to pull his brother back, worry on his face as the lights along the wall started to flash and flicker with the green electricity struggling to breach the walls, “Leona. Enough.”
Malleus glared back, eyes almost glowing from his rage, “I don't care if you like me or not. I am your prince and you will respect me!”
Leona lets out a loud and sharp laugh, shaking himself free of his brother's hands to step closer to Malleus, “I don't respect you and I don't like you. No one does.”
“That's…That's A lie! People like me!”
“Oh, look around!” Leona gestures his arms out, only continuing when Malleus makes small cautious glances around the room, “No one here likes you, they're all afraid of you! And you're too stupid to see it, you pompous motherfuc-”
Leona was all but snatched into the air, his older brother holding his body in one arm while the other pressed tightly to his mouth. He bowed, a mumble of his brother not feeling well before he quickly absconded from the area.
Duke Kingscholar sighed, offering one last apology and a birthday blessing before he followed his sons out.
Malleus watched them leave along with everyone else. And once the Kingscholars had left he looked around the room once more, a new feeling of a sinking stone growing heavier and heavier. No one would meet his eyes, nothing past an accidental glance before quickly bowing. No one other than Lilia came to his defense, every last guest letting him be berated and mocked by a spare. And for what? To stand at the edge of their tif and cower? To…to look at him with fearful eyes?
Only once the Kingscholars left did he realize just how far away everyone else was in that moment. How even as the lightning cleared, the storm calming, no one dared approach him. No one dared look him in the eyes.
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The party continued, the Kingscholars did not return and Malleus was happy for that at least. Leona was…a form of abrasive that he didn't care to deal with ever again.
He thought this birthday would be amazing, the best of his short eleven years of life. Instead, he spent the night beside Lilia, holding onto his hand and refusing to look up. Not out of any true nervousness or shame. He just…didn't want to see how no one looked his way.
They danced, they had a meal, they had cake. Everyone left after another hour of standing and talking. Were birthday parties always so…boring? Or was it just because it was his 11th birthday? Was it because Silver didn't wake midway through for cake cutting like he normally did? Was it…was it because Yuu wasn't there?
The thought annoyed him. Yuu would have never left him alone if she was there, she never had any other celebration. Clinging onto him to greet guests, chasing him through the halls while the adults spoke and networked. A leeching shadow that no matter where he went, she would worm her way into the same place at some point.
The horned fae looked up, a half-asleep Silver holding the signature black and white present out to him, “Do you want me to have Yuu's present again this year? Father said she didn't come…”
“…” Sighing, Malleus took the gift from Silver's hands, ripping the paper with an annoyed air to the act, “No. I'll keep it. She's ill; there's no telling what kind of human illness you'll catch from whatever she's coughed on in here.”
Lilia sighed, but didn't speak more. Gathering the wrapping paper of the other gifts Malleus had opened and quickly discarded for not holding his interest. He watched his son yawn, smiling as he pointed to the small table with tea and two thin slices of cake, “Silver, have some tea and cake; it'll wake you up a bit.”
“But, you said I can't have sweets past 9pm?”
“Well, I decided you can today. You normally are awake to have a slice of cake during the party…”
“I know…I'm sorry.”
“Silly boy. There's nothing to apologize for…”
As Malleus looked into the gift box in his hands, the sounds of his guardian and brother faded into the background, equally muffled by the crackling of the fireplace. Inside the present was a pair of oddly knitted tubes. To anyone else, they'd be a pair of hideous mittens for someone who didn't even have hands, but Malleus knew what they really were.
Yuu had asked him, earlier that season when he was again forced to have tea with her, if his horns ever got cold in the Winter. He had glared, telling her to not ask such stupid questions, having no time nor the knowledge to explain that his horns never felt cold in Winter nor hot in Summer and he didn't know why. An answer that seemed to have not satisfied the annoying girl, since she had made and gifted him a pair of unseemly horn warmers.
He held them in his hands, the knots sloppy yet tight. The pattern was off and he's certain there were two different shades of green in the same area. They were ugly, plain and simple. But they were something other than a grotesque or a gargoyle cruelly ripped from their post. Useless, priceless gems he had no need for or the rare foolish gift of iron weapons and accessories. The black yarn was too thick, almost swallowing the designs made with the green yarn. Both colors pressed so close that the black seemed greenish in the right light.
Just as Yuu's eyes would.
He knew the Crowley girl's eyes were black, a brown so dark and deep that they mimicked a starless new moon sky mixed with the dying breath of a sunset. But when…when she looked him in the eyes…they almost seemed to leech the green from his own.
“…Lilia.” A beat of silence before the older fae gave a questioning hum, “Yuu's been sick before right?”
“…” Lilia perks up, turning to face Malleus directly as he notices he had opened Yuu’s present, “…Um…yes, a few times before. Why do you ask?”
“…Does…does she feel better soon? She isn’t sick for long, right?”
“…” Lilia smiles, stepping closer and ruffling the hair in the space between Malleus’s horns with a giggle, “I'm sure she will better quicker than you expect! Your little friend will be right as rain and back in the palace for playdates before you know it!”
Malleus pouts, slapping his guardian’s hands away and trying to smooth his ruffled hair. The woolen tubes in his hands not helping in the slightest as they only made his hair more frizzy, “I don’t want her back here! I just don’t want to hear about the bothersome thing dying!” He stands, forgoing his other presents but keeping the ugly warmers locked in his grasp unknowingly, “I’m going to bed! Even when she isn’t around, she manages to ruin everything…”
Floating, Lilia flipped himself upside down, pinching at a furious Malleus’s cheek, “Aw~! You do like her!”
“NO! I DON’T!”
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If I Stay
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ft: michael kaiser x f!reader
summary: you don’t know how you got into this predicament, taking beating after beating, insult after insult, all for what? for your daughter, who your fiancée loves more than anything. you begin to think back on how you put yourself into this position
cw: aged!up, abusive relationship (not michael & reader), angst, physical and emotional abuse (not michael & reader), please do not read if this will trigger you (for your own safety and mental well being 🫶🏻)
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It’s always easy to say that we would never let a significant other treat us badly. It’s so easy to tell ourselves that we respect ourselves too much to allow someone to put us down.
When we’re on the outside, we see toxic relationships and always tell ourselves that we’ll never allow ourselves to be in one until we do become in one. How hard is it to leave when you don’t remember the reason why you originally left?
That’s what you keep asking yourself as you look at your fiancée of 5 years. Why do you stay? Why can’t you bring yourself to leave?
Is it love? Is it because you’re stuck? Is it because you want to make it work? You don’t have an answer to these questions. But when you look at your 2 year old daughter, you can’t help but wish she wouldn’t hear her father yelling at you, calling you every name that had ever existed. You prayed she wouldn’t see the bruises that covered your body, causing you to be forced to wear sweaters even during the hottest seasons because he doesn’t try to leave bruises in easily hidden places.
You prayed so hard every night that your daughter would never allow herself to be in a relationship as toxic as yours.
You shielded your daughter from seeing and hearing the fights that go on in the night. You shed silent tears in order to not wake her from her slumber as you cowered in the corner taking punch after punch.
Your fiancée was a narcissist in the worst way. Not only was everything your fault, you didn’t do anything, you paid for nothing, and you never took care of your daughter even though you were the primary caregiver, everything was in your name, you were the one who had a steady job while your fiancée was once again unable to work due to his “back injury” that he obtained while at work.
He really did though, in the beginning. He went to physical therapy and you were there for him every step of the way until it became months after he had finished his therapy and was cleared to go back to work. Instead, he used it as an excuse to not work, do chores, anything.
Your days include taking care of your daughter, going to work at one of your two jobs, going to your second job, coming home to clean, make dinner, and continue taking care of your daughter. All while your fiancée sat on the couch playing games.
While you were at work, your daughter stayed with your mother, who had been worried for your well being. You never told her what really happens at home, always playing it off as just another silly argument, saying he was going to anger management, and that things were getting better. Your mother knew better, though, but the only thing she could do was love and be there for you. She’s tried to help you; tried to get you to leave, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. You tell yourself time and time again that you love him and that’s the reason why you stay. You chose to relish in the good times rather than the bad, even when the bad outweighed the good.
That being said, you were looking forward to the weekend. Your darling baby girl had recently turned 3 and her birthday party was on Saturday. Your best friends, who you considered as family, were coming to spend time with your daughter.
They’ve always expressed their concerns about your fiancée to you, but they choose to love and support you no matter what.
Because you’re paying for everything out of pocket, you had reached out to take a rain check on the party because you didn’t have the money to be able to afford to take everyone swimming. One of your friends, Kathrin, offered to pay for it instead just so that your daughter could spend the day having fun with her cousins and aunts. You were so thankful and had talked to your fiancée about it, to which he agreed to it.
The day of the party, however, you were in the middle of getting your daughter ready for her party by dressing her in her favorite party dress, and your husband had passed by your daughter’s room after just waking up. Stopping, he turned back around and looked at you in anger, causing the hair on your arms and nape to stand. You instinctively turned around and shielded your daughter behind you as you stared at your fiancée, waiting for him to say something as he glowered down at you.
“Tell your little friend that she’s not paying for shit.” He finally speaks. “I don’t fucking accept handouts.”
You stared at him in disbelief.
“It’s not a handout. Kathrin genuinely wants Emma to have fun with her cousins and aunts.” You responded, careful to not raise your voice or change your calm tone. You didn’t want to start an argument but calmly talk it out. Sometimes he’d be in a good mood to talk things out and you were hoping, praying that today was one of those days.
“She’s not paying for anything.” He seethed. Looks like today wasn’t one of those days.
“All she’s trying to do is make me look bad. Tell her she’s not paying for shit.”
You scoffed before you glanced down at your daughter. Giving her a small smile, you tell her to go play with her toys so that she wouldn’t be in the same room as the impending argument that would shortly unfold before looking at your fiancée.
“She’s not making you look bad. Sometimes people need help and it’s ok to accept help. She just genuinely wants to make Emma happy.” You respond. When it came to your daughter’s well-being and happiness, you found your voice.
Your fiancée’s glare never wavered. He didn’t like when you talked back to him, especially when you were attempting to make him look like a fool.
“I know what your friends think about me. You think I’m fucking dumb?!” He shouted, causing you to flinch.
Wrong move.
He immediately reached out and grabbed you by your neck, lifting you up to where your feet barely touched the floor, dangling below. You grabbed onto his wrist, trying to get him to loosen his hold onto you until he threw you against the door causing you to choke in pain.
“I don’t give a fuck if your friends want to talk shit to me but the moment you open your mouth, you bet your stupid ass I’m going to shut you up myself.”
Squeezing his fingers around your throat, you feel your airwaves close and you begin to gasp for breath. Your body’s alarm bells ring and you begin to struggle and scratch at his hands and wrist, trying to loosen his grip on you.
In the corner of your tear filled eyes, you see your daughter in the hall as she sees her father choking you and begins to cry.
The one weakness your fiancée has is his daughter, so when he hears her cries, he immediately drops his guard and looks over at her. Dropping you to the floor, he runs over to her and scoops her up in his arms.
“It’s ok sweetheart, daddy’s got you now.” He soothes as he walks away, leaving you coughing on the floor trying to find your breath.
Damn him. Fucking damn him.
You reach for your phone and send a quick text to your friends that the party was cancelled. When they expressed their worries and asked what happened, you didn’t respond back.
As soon as you caught your breath, you go into the bathroom, turning on the light and looking into the mirror. Forming on your neck were bruises in the shape of your fiancée’s fingers, steadily growing darker as time passed by.
The tears that had formed in your eyes earlier fell and you felt yourself sink onto the floor. Covering your mouth with your hand, you finally let yourself cry.
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That night, you gently got out of bed and dressed yourself in clothes that would hide your arms and neck. After your fiancée had calmed down, he apologized for what he did to you and cried asking for your forgiveness, which as always, you forgave him.
After putting your daughter to bed, he came up behind you and began to kiss your neck, apologizing over and over while you cleaned the dishes from dinner.
This happens every time. He would have an outburst, hit you, and then beg your forgiveness when he felt horny. So you ended up forgiving and sleeping with him. Today wasn’t any different and you wanted nothing more than to take your daughter and leave.
But you couldn’t do that to him. He loved his daughter more than anything and despite how horrible he is to you, he’s an amazing and wonderful father. Emma is his entire world and she loves her father very much.
Your friends and family have told you that it wasn’t healthy for her to be raised in an environment where you were being abused. You knew it. But you just couldn’t take her away from him so long as he never laid a hand on her. And a part of you felt like he knew that.
Leaving to go to the convenience store, you thought back on when you were laying underneath your fiancée. He kept whining about how much he wanted another child, a sibling for Emma. You weren’t ready for another child just yet. Not with him at least. So while you took birth control to prevent another pregnancy that would result in you being stuck even more than you already were. Yet another reason that would make you feel the need to stay.
As you entered the convenience store, you bought a pregnancy test and water. You couldn’t bring yourself to take it at home, so you took it in the store restroom. Even with birth control, there was always the chance that you could become pregnant still and while you didn’t experience any symptoms with your daughter, you found yourself becoming nauseated as the days went on, so you were worried. You couldn’t let your fiancée find out because then you’d end up underneath him every night to make sure you would become pregnant. You were thankful that you kept your birth control a secret from him, feigning an illness when you received the implant so you would never be worried. Unfortunate for you that you were.
As you washed your hands in the sink, you thought back to 7 years ago.
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You walked along the halls of your high school after school while you waited for your brother, Alexis Ness, to finish practice. He asked for you to wait for him so that the two of you could go home together…after accompanying his friend Michael. You were supposed to stay near the field, but you got bored watching the guys kick a ball around. Or the one man who believed he was better than the rest, even your brother.
Not wanting to watch your brother subject himself to be treated like a dog, you snuck away during a play.
You love your brother, you absolutely do. He was just very protective of you. If anyone thought he was serious about Michael, it was worse with you. He wouldn’t hesitate to threaten any guy who came up to you, good intentions or bad. It made dating hard and you wanted to be able to experience your first boyfriend. Hell, you’d take a first date.
Passing by the classrooms lost in your thoughts, you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you backwards and into a hard body. Looking up behind you, you met the owner of the hand and body, who looked to be a couple of inches taller than your brother and he had an attractive smile.
Letting you go, he stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck while you turned around to face him, keeping silent. You didn’t know who he was but you guessed he had to find a workaround to talk to you since your brother scared away just about every guy in your grade.
“Sorry.” He apologized. “I saw you and didn’t know how else to get your attention without alerting your brother.”
You were right.
“It’s ok.” You responded, giving a smile. “My brother can be scary when he wants to be.”
He laughed and the sound of his laughter made your heart flutter.
“Yeah, he’s never said anything to me, but I’ve heard a lot of stories so I figured my best bet to talk to you was to wait until you were alone. N-Not that I was following you or anything, I was in the faculty office.”
Your smile widened.
“Uh huh. Sure.” You teased.
It felt nice talking to him. While your experience with talking to guys was limited to your brother, this conversation felt easy.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?” He asked.
You glanced over at where the football field was to see if practice was still ongoing. It looked like everyone was starting to disperse causing you to feel nervous. Once Alexis saw that you weren’t around, he was going to lecture you.
Looking back at the man in front of you, you nodded.
“Sure! Sounds fun!” You agreed, taking out your phone and handing it to him so that he could add his number.
As soon as he handed you your phone, it began ringing as if Alexis knew that your phone had been handed off to someone. You immediately answered and waved goodbye before you turned and walked towards the field.
“What’s up Alexi?” You greeted.
“Y/N where are you? I told you to stay near the field. What if someone kidnapped you while you weren’t around?!” Alexis lectured in a panicked voice.
Rolling your eyes, you exited the building only to find your brother running around in a panic while Michael was watching him in amusement. Laughing, you waved to get his attention. Alexis looked at you and ran as quickly as he could, enveloping you in a hug that caused you to groan when he body slammed you. Alexis leaned back and held your cheeks in his hands and it was evident he teared up from worry.
“Alexi, I'm fine. I got bored.” You explained. “So I was in the halls.”
“What if a pervert found you? Like one of the teachers?” Alexis responded with furrowed brows.
A chuckle was heard behind you as Michael appeared, which caused you to furrow your brows and glare at him.
“Let her be, Ness. You can’t ask her to sit there every day and expect her to not be bored.” Michael said, giving you one of his signature smiles, which caused you to roll your eyes.
Alexis dropped his hands and smiled at Michael, his cheeks tinted pink.
“You’re right! I can’t be overprotective all the time, especially during practice when I need to focus on giving you a great pass.”
You inwardly groan.
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It was that day that brought you to your current predicament. That guy that was shy and sweet is now your abusive fiancée.
You were aware of his anger problems, especially mixed with his narcissism since back then. But he never laid a hand on you until right before you broke up.
It was a stupid argument that was so stupid you couldn’t even remember what it was about. But whatever it was about caused him to give you one good slap to your face. You held your hand to your cheek and stared at him in disbelief before you broke up with him and ran off.
You were scared Alexis would find out so you avoided going home for a while until you were sure your brother would be in his room.
What you didn’t expect was to run into Michael Kaiser. He had exited a coffee shop and you ended up walking into him because you weren’t paying attention; you just wanted to get away.
His trademark smile formed as soon as he saw you, but it faded just as quickly as it appeared. His brows furrowed and he gently placed his hand on your chin, tilting your head to the side to look at the fresh red mark on your face. Tears threatened to fall as he stayed quiet.
“Please don’t tell Alexi…” You whispered.
“Give me one reason why.” Michael answered sternly. “Or better yet, give me the name of the person who did this to you, liebling.”
Your eyes widened. You had never seen this reaction off of Michael. He had always had a carefree attitude. Looking away from him, you moved his hand away.
“I just know how protective he is of me. It was just a silly argument and even then, I broke up with him.” You bit your bottom lip as the tears formed in your eyes once again.
Michael stared at you not saying a word. It felt suffocating to you and you just wanted to run off. You didn’t even like this man but the simple action of him getting angry on your behalf caused butterflies in your stomach. It felt like an eternity passed before you heard Michael sigh as if he’d come to a conclusion in his head and didn’t like the thought.
“Alright, I won’t tell Ness.” He said.
You looked at Michael, the shock evident on your face. This was something else you didn’t know about him. You were sure he was going to tell your brother. He definitely seemed like the type who would at least hold it over your head.
“In return,” He said, gently taking some of your hair and bringing it to his lips. His usual smile on his face as he looked directly into your eyes.
Oh boy. You were tired of being right.
“Let me treat you today. You need to see how a real man treats a woman.”
Despite the disgust you felt, your cheeks were tinted pink.
Sighing, you recognized your utter defeat. If you didn’t do what he said, he would tell your brother. You would rather deal with him than the wrath of your brother.
“Fine.” You answered in a monotone.
Michael chuckled and winked before letting your hair fall.
“Braves Mädchen.”
It took everything in you to not roll your eyes at his response even when it made your chest tighten. You would never admit he had his charms. He annoyed you to no end.
Michael had successfully distracted you from that day and you were able to move on. Then 3 years ago, your ex came back into the picture.
Because you originally blocked him after that breakup, he couldn’t get in contact with you and as soon as he saw you at random, he got on his knees and apologized.
When you decided to hear him out, he told you after he hit you, he realized his anger was out of control and he went to therapy to better himself. He told you he had changed and missed you.
So you took him back.
And you saw that he did change. His anger was controlled around you and he treated you much better.
Until the day he proposed after your daughter was born.
Sighing at the memory, you picked up the pregnancy test and looked at the results: negative. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, not realizing how much tension your body was holding during those few minutes.
Throwing away the test, you exited the bathroom and rubbed the bridge of your nose before colliding into someone. You really need to pay attention.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologize without looking at the person.
“Liebling?” A familiar voice called out, causing you to immediately look up and find the familiar blonde in front of you.
“Michael?” You breathed.
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masterlist | chapter 2 ⤠
taglist: @xamilarin @vr00m-vr00m @oshiimaiy
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Blue Lock is created and owned by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura
Art is owned by Haru
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pretty-blkgirl · 11 months
Mess It Up
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//female!OC x poly!skz//
Synopsis: The boys try to surprise their lovers for their birthday
Genre: fluff, crack
Warnings: OC uses she/her pronouns, swearing
A/N: Here’s the little story for me and Lee Know’s birthdayyyy
“What did you do?” Felix asks Chan, who looks down at the batch of ruined brownies with a face of guilt
“I’m sorry Lix, I set the timer wrong! I’ll make another batch”
“Chris, we only had enough ingredients for one batch! Plus they’re gonna be home in 10 minutes”
Felix groans dramatically, taking off his apron as Chan throws away the burnt brownies.
“I’m sorry,” Chan says again, this time making Felix release a soft sigh. The younger goes to hug his hyung, squeezing extra tight so he knows he’s not upset.
“It’s okay! We’ll make them brownies another day! We still have the cake”
As soon as those words left Felix’s mouth, I.N. and Seungmin walked in with the remnants of cake on their hands.
“…..please don’t tell me” Felix whispers. Seungmin shoots him an apologetic look like I.N. can’t even dare to look his way.
“We dropped the cake hyung. Then we tried to pick it up but…” I.N. holds his hands out and pouts as if he is about to burst into tears.
He and Seungmin tried their best on that cake, spending several weeks going through several recipes that fit both their boyfriend's and girlfriend’s tastes.
They settled on a red velvet cake and decided to make it a few hours before Felix and Chan started the brownies. When they finished, they frosted it and then brought it to the dining room.
In the dining room, I.N. made the mistake of setting the cake down near the edge of the table. All it took was for Seungmin to bump into the table for the cake to come crashing down.
Seungmin speaks next, regret laced in his voice “Please don’t be mad. We didn’t mean to”
Chan smiles a little at the two, he always found them cute no matter the situation.
“We aren’t mad,” Chan says, “I just fucked up the brownies anyways so I couldn’t have the nerve to be upset”
“The brownies are ruined?” I.N. asks, eyes going wide. Chan nods but shrugs
“Don’t worry” He said, “Bin, Han, and Hyunjin are going to go pick up the food. We may not have dessert but we have their favorite meals”
The rest of the boys seem content with that so Felix goes to set up any last-minute decorations and the other two boys wash the cake off their hands.
Chan goes into the living room to put away some coats left out when he hears the rest of the member’s voices outside. He opens the door and they all greet him with huge smiles.
“Hi guys, got the food?”
“Yep” Han smirks, “And we didn’t fuck it up this time”
The three boys move to the dining room to set the bags of food down while Chan follows them.
“Hey guys” Felix smiles, “Got the food?”
“Yep” Han answers with a look of pride, “You guys got the brownies?”
Chan sighs which prompts Felix to start laughing. The other three men exchange confused looks before Hyunjin notices the brownies missing from the table
“Oh no, what happened?” He asks. Chan quickly explains, and everyone laughs. The laughter grows into full-on hysterics as Seungmin and I.N. appear with no cake.
“How’d you guys manage to fuck up the brownies AND the cake?” Changbin asked as he opened the bags of food.
Felix notices his chuckling suddenly stop. When he looks at his hyung, he sees a shocked expression looking back at him.
“Changbin hyung….tell me you guys didn’t fuck up the food”
“Of course we didn’t!” Hyunjin says, pushing Changbin out of the way to look down at what’s supposed to be steak, pasta, greens, seaweed soup, gyeran mari, kimchi, and some pudding for Lee Know.
However, the four hugs bags were filled with beef, tteokbokki, marinated crab, ox bone soup, and, luckily enough, kimchi and seaweed soup.
Chan and Felix wasted no time bursting out in fits of laughter. Seungmin and I.N. followed soon after.
Han was so embarrassed, immediately hiding his face in Changbin’s chest.
“How did we all manage to mess up?” I.N wonders aloud, taking the food out and setting it up on the table.
“We didn’t mess up that bad. We still have the kimchi and seaweed soup!”
“Exactly” Changbin agrees, “and this food isn’t bad either! I count it as a win”
The group manages to set everything up just as the two guests of honor are walking in the door. Felix quickly shut off the lights and shushed everyone.
Lee Know was the first to realize how quiet it was in the house. He gestured for his girlfriend to get behind him, causing her to giggle quietly.
“Baby, I’m sure the guys are just trying to surprise us. Let’s go in the dining room” She whispers in his ear
“It could be dangerous” He whispers back, still not letting her walk in front of him.
After a little while of whispering back and forth, she maneuvers around him and walks to the dining room. Lee Know is hot on her tail when the lights shut on
“SURPRISE” Everyone yells, causing both people to jump at the sudden exclamation
“Happy birthday,” Felix says while running up to his lovers. He kisses his girlfriend first, looking at her with pure love in his eyes. Lee Know is a little more difficult when Felix tries to give him a kiss, but he gives in after a while.
The rest of the guys go to greet their lovers just as Felix did. Once they were finished, their girlfriend took a look at the decorations and food on the table
“You guys really outdid yourselves,” She says, “And you got all the food I’ve been craving for the last couple of days? How’d you know?”
Han, Changbin, and Hyunjin exchange a look that’s somewhere between shock and relief.
“No desserts?” Lee Know asks as he walks over to the table to sit down. Chan is about to start explaining before Lee Know beats him to it
“I’m so glad you guys didn’t make any sweets. As much as I love the brownies and stuff you make, my parents are coming by tomorrow with enough pudding to last me the rest of the year. That’s all the sugar I’ll need for a while.”
Again, looks of shock and relief are exchanged between the boys.
Everyone sits down and starts to make their plates, filling them with so much food that they’re all full, sleepy messes by the time they’re done.
“Let’s sing Happy Birthday so I can go to sleep” Changbin whines.
Seungmin leads the birthday song, admittedly singing it a little fast so everyone can go to bed quicker.
They play rock paper scissors to see who’s in charge of putting food away, and the guests of honor are the ones who lose the game.
The rest of the boys run to their beds so fast that it looks as if they are being chased.
The two laugh and begin to clean up the dining room.
“You know what, they actually did well this year.” Lee Know says to his girlfriend. She laughs and agrees
“They did! I’m surprised they didn’t mess it up”
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 6 months
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How did we get here...?
Nigel's parents died allegedly in a car accident when he was 14. When the news reached the spaceship he was on, he requested to be sent back on Earth immediately, and he was let go from the GKND.
Since he was still a minor, Father, or rather, Ben took him in and strangely... things were starting to get good. Maybe it was the fact the man realized he lost more than he wanted to admit, but he started treating Nigel as a kid of his own, arriving to reprimand the Delightfuls if they tried to play tricks on him.
The day the high school principal called Ben to school, because of Nigel being a distraction and cause of unsettling for being gay, Ben threatened to cut funds to the school if they dared to expel him because of that.
"The boy has every right to be happy, no matter who he wants to his side. And if that causes problems around school, I suggest you educate your students better on the matter. They are the real problem."
Fact is, that after two years of living with him, Nigel not only was starting to trust Ben, but also... care for him. He saw him as an adult he maybe could trust.
But then, he turned 16. Or better... 18.
Father knew Nigel could have his same powers hidden inside him. The only way to awaken them was for the person to be an adult. And Father already waited two long years, so he decided to cut times a bit. He built a machine, starting from the faulty delightfulizing one, that would advance Nigel's age by two years and awaken those powers he wanted to bad.
On the day of Nigel's 16 birthday, breaking that trust the boy slowly was building, he dragged him into that machine and started the plan he'd been working on for years at this point.
Everything turned out as planned.
Nigel now had those dark powers, raw and powerful, and he would use them as he wanted. If only he didn't miscalculate a little thing...
Nigel didn't want that. And now there was a furious batter inside him to take control, two forces battling, resulting into a body out of control, that would attack anything and anyone around himself.
Even Father.
He didn't know the kid was actually that strong, and with a single strike he left Father grasping for life. And he was still battling and losing, apparently, not being able to control that dark, terrible power.
Luckily for him, his friends realized something was off when they couldn't hear from him for the whole night, so they decided to go check on him. They found the Delightful Children running to them and asking for help, because it was not what they wanted!
When they got to Nigel, they couldn't recognize him at all. They needed to get him back to normal before the KND would know that another kind like Father was around, or they would lock him in forever!
Cue POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, they tried and hugged him all together, trying to reassure him everything would be okay.
It worked. Nigel calmed down and was left a crying mess in his friend's arms.
Numbuh 2-2 was the Soopreme Leader at the time, and he managed to help them hide what happened so that Nigel could think about getting better only. He would stay at Abby's, so that she and Simon could keep an eye on him better.
After the ordeal, Father and the Delightfuls would disappear for a year. No one heard from them since.
Nigel took time to get back from the shock of now somehow being two years older, a legal adult, with powers he didn't want and with one last piece of his heart missing.
Since he was an adult, he was able to get his parent's house back. He decided to finish school so he could stay closer to his friends, and was given CODE 0010 RED.
Since the house was inhabited again, the KND could finally claim the Treehouse above and reestablish a new Sector V.
And from there, the Teen AU starts.
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rowritesstuff · 1 year
Avoidance (Nikolai Lantsov x Female Reader)
A/N: Heyyyy... it's been a minute... soooo, I could just drop this without saying anything about my disappearance from Tumblr (I mean, I've still been active, but I haven't posted anything), but I figured I should say something. I'm fine. Life's good. I just didn't have the motivation to write. Anyways, this probably sucks ass, but here ya go.
Ro's Masterpost
WORD COUNT: 2.3k words
WARNINGS: SMUT, friends to lovers, argument/yelling, oral (f receiving), unprotected P in V (please use a condom), fingering (kinda).
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You laughed while Nikolai told the story of a shared childhood memory he had recalled earlier in the day.
You had been seven years old and it was Nikolai's eighth birthday. Another noble boy, the son of a count, you believed, bullied Nikolai throughout his entire birthday party, and you had made it your sole mission to ruin the boy's life, or day at the very least.
You had actually succeeded. You had known that his parents didn't allow him to eat sweets, so you managed to convince him to have one of every pastry served at the party, of which there were quite a few, with it being a young prince's birthday party.
"The poor boy's parents were fuming when they caught him with his face covered in frosting," you cackled and Nikolai threw a pillow from your sofa, which you were both sitting on, at you, which only made you laugh harder.
"I believe they banned him from any social events for a month because of that incident." Nikolai took a small sip of his whiskey.
"I still think he deserved it."
"Oh, of course."
You settled in a comfortable silence, sipping your drinks, chuckling every few seconds. Nikolai scooted closer to you on the couch, moving the pillow he had thrown at you off your lap and next to him.
You leaned your head on his shoulder. He took a deep inhale before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you a little closer to him as he took a final sip of his whiskey. Noticing that you had also finished your drink, he took your glass and placed both yours and his on the table in front of you before settling back into you.
"For the record, I would do the same thing for you," Nikolai said, breaking the silence.
You snorted. "You have done the same thing. Remember when we were sixteen? We had just enlisted and that stupid asshole-"
You were interrupted by Nikolai's lips crashing onto yours, pulling you into a kiss. You tensed up for just a few seconds, but before you could return the kiss, he pulled away and turned his body away from you.
Nikolai gathered his coat from your couch and stood up, leaving your room without another word.
Your jaw dropped at the shock that he just left right after kissing you without even giving you a chance to say anything.
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Nikolai avoided you for two weeks. Anytime you tried to speak to him he would walk away as if he had somewhere to be. Which, with him being a king, he very well may have had somewhere to be, but it was still rude.
Since he wouldn't come to you, you would go to him. No matter if it was the middle of the night.
You banged on his door, aggressively knocking until he finally opened the door.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed. "It's late. You should be sleeping."
"So should you, but you're not even dressed for bed," you slipped past him and entered his room, stopping at a small table covered in piles of documents of work and you picked one up, "and you're working."
Nikolai closed his door behind you and leaned his back against the wall. "Well, you're dressed for bed." He gestured to the robe that was wrapped around you, covering your nightgown. "Why are you here?"
You dropped the paper back on the table. "I'm here because you kissed me two weeks ago and you have been avoiding me since." He lowered his head to avoid your gaze. "I deserve an explanation."
"I shouldn't have kissed you."
You stomped over to Nikolai. "Says who?"
"Me!" He pointed to his chest. "I shouldn't have put you in that position!"
"If you had waited one more second I would have kissed you back! I was just shocked because I didn't think you returned my feelings for you!"
Nikolai shook his head. "We're not doing this."
He gripped your arms, not nearly enough to hurt you, and pulled your body closer to his. He lowered his lips to your ear. "Because if we start, I won't want to stop," he whispered.
"And what if I don't want you to stop?"
He pulled back from you a little, looking into your eyes. E/C eyes that showed your love for him, your desire for him, and your anger toward him for ignoring you for two weeks.
He swallowed and moved his hands from gripping your upper arms to your lower back, covered by that damn silk robe. He had seen you in it many times before and he considered each moment a blessing. It was your favorite color and it suited your body perfectly.
"Are you sure?"
You nodded. "Yes."
Now having your permission, he spun the two of you, you now pinned against the wall he was previously leaning on. He captured your lips against his, pushing you even closer to the wall while one of your hands landed on the nape of his neck, curling into the short hair there, and the other went to his upper back, pushing him closer to your body.
He obliged your hand's desire, pressing himself against you. His lips wandered from yours to your jaw, then down to your neck. You let out a sigh as you moved your head to the side to give him more access. In appreciation, he sucked a hickey into your neck.
As Nikolai kissed down your body, your hand gripped his hair. Once he was fully kneeling in front of you, he looked up into your eyes as he untied the tie of your robe. He opened the silk fabric, giving him full view of your nightgown-covered body. He pressed a kiss to your clothed hip bone and looked up at you again. "Can you please take your robe off, darling?"
You pushed the robe off your shoulders and let it fall down your arms, dropping it into a pool of silk at your feet. Taking advantage of the robe on the floor, Nikolai placed it under his knees to protect himself from kneeling on the hard floors.
Nikolai dragged his fingers up your leg into your nightgown, pushing it up to your waist. You took the nightgown off and threw it off to the side.
You were left in only your underwear that blocked the one thing Nikolai had on his mind in that moment.
"Can I take these off?" he asked.
"Yes," you whispered.
He dragged the small garment down your legs, lifting your feet to completely remove them from your body.
He took a moment to drink in the visual of your completely naked body. You were perfect. You were the only Saint that he would ever worship, and he intended to do just that.
He nudged your right leg a little bit away from your left, giving you the hint to spread your legs. Once you were where he wanted you, his hands went to your hips and he gave them little massages as he moved his face closer to you.
You took deep breaths as you watched him move closer until he finally placed a kiss on your clit. You gasped, one hand returning to his hair and the other holding onto the doorframe next to you for support.
Nikolai kissed wet, open-mouthed kisses around your pussy, leaving you gasping and moaning while he kept looking up at your face. He kissed and licked and sucked at your entrance and your grip tightened on his messy blond curls.
He licked from your entrance to your clit, closing his eyes as he sucked at it. Your hand moved from his hair to the back of his head to push his face closer into you. After a little fluttering of his tongue on your pussy, then your clit, a high overcame you, making you lean your head back on the wall. One of Nikolai's hands came up to your side to massage it as he worked you through the orgasm, greedily licking at all of your wetness until you pushed his head away.
He smiled as he fell to the floor before he stood back up, holding you against him as he kissed your cheek, whispering praises into your ear while you recovered.
"I've got you, sweetheart. I've got you."
You pulled him into a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. Slowly, you began making your way to Nikolai's bed until you hit his mattress. You fell down onto the bed, Nikolai following, placing himself on top of you.
You broke the kiss and scrambled to unbutton Nikolai's shirt. Your hands were still shaking, making it difficult to undo the buttons. Noticing your shaking hands, Nikolai took hold of your hands, stopping you. He pressed light kisses on your fingertips.
"Go ahead and lay on the pillows. I'll be right there."
You scooted yourself up his mattress, laying your head comfortably on his pillows as he had asked you to. Only a moment later, Nikolai was crawling above you, completely bare. You looked down his body from his chest, and lower, and lower.
Nikolai gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. He pressed a soft kiss in between your eyebrows. "Have you done this before?" he asked.
You nodded. You had had a few flings in your lifetime, as you were sure Nikolai did too, especially during his time as Sturmhond. He had his own flings on the Volkvolny, as did you.
"Good. I'll give you as much time as you need to adjust and if you ever need me to stop, you let me know. I don't want to hurt you."
You gave him a quick kiss. "You could never hurt me. Except for when you avoided me for two weeks, but- Saints."
His cock entering you interrupted you, though it was quite the pleasant interruption. He filled you slowly and perfectly. Nikolai kissed your cheek as his hips met yours. You took some deep breaths as you got used to the feeling of his cock inside of you. Finally, you gave him a ready nod.
Nikolai started off slowly and it wasn't until you asked him to go faster that he sped up. He kissed you deeply as he fucked you. You moaned into those kisses, the feeling of his cock sending you into euphoria.
"Fuck!" you cursed. "A little harder please?"
He obeyed, going just a bit harder, but enough to have you seeing stars. Your hand started moving down your body to rub at your clit, but Nikolai swatted your hand away and rubbed your clit in small circles himself.
Your hands returned to his hair for the millionth time that night, gripping the blond tufts. He gasped.
"Shit, can you pull it harder?"
You tugged on his hair, making him moan loudly. You smiled as you continued pulling on his hair, loving the sounds that escaped him at the feeling.
He began thrusting into you rougher, bringing you closer and closer to the edge of orgasm.
"Nik, fuck! I'm so close!"
Nikolai rubbed at your clit harder. "Me too. Where do you want it?"
"In me! Just-" You groaned, your orgasm overcoming you.
Nikolai wasn't far behind you. It was only a few seconds after your orgasm when you felt his cum shoot into you. He stilled, peppering kisses on your forehead and cheeks.
After you recovered, he slowly pulled out of you, rolling off you and onto the bed to your right. He opened a drawer in his nightstand, grabbed something, and closed it before rolling back to face you and handing you the Alkemi contraceptive. You drank it and he took the empty bottle, placing it on top of the nightstand.
He pulled you closer to him, where your side was tucked close to his torso. The both of you rested in this position for a few moments, you laying on your back, him on his side.
"I'm an idiot," Nikolai said quietly.
You smiled. "Congratulations, you've finally caught up with the rest of us."
He gently pinched your side before lightly laughing.
"What I mean is I shouldn't have avoided you. I shouldn't have left your room that night without letting you say or do anything. I'm sorry."
Your thumb rubbed his cheek. "Apology accepted. On one condition. You tell me how long you've been in love with me."
Nikolai groaned. "My eighth birthday party is when it started. When I saw how determined you were to ruin that idiot's life over him being mean to me."
You laughed. "Wow. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that."
"Now it's your turn."
You shook your head. "I'm not the one who owed an apology."
Nikolai raised his brows. "Fine. Since you don't want to tell me..."
He moved his hand from your side to your clit, rubbing small circles again. You threw your head back on the pillows, cursing.
"Shit, Nik."
He didn't stop. He kept rubbing your clit, occasionally dipping into your pussy for more moisture. He sped up his motions until you came once again. He gathered all of the wetness on his fingers and licked it all off.
"When we were 16 and had just enlisted. That asshole Novikov was harassing me. You punched him in the face one day. Three times. You broke his nose. That's when I fell in love with you."
"Awww. We both fell in love with each other when we harmed other people." He kissed your forehead. "Should we be concerned about that?"
"Probably, but right now, I want to sleep."
Nikolai hummed in response, pulling the blankets over the two of you. You turned to lay on your side as he got up to blow out all of the candles. When he finally got back in bed, he pulled you into him, your back against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you," Nikolai whispered.
You closed your eyes. "I love you, too."
"Good night."
You softly smiled to yourself. "Good night."
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lipringlrh · 2 years
just being polite - cth
summary: you and calum broke up, but you decide to call him again to tell him you love him.
pairing: calum hood x genderneutral!reader
an: in honour of his birthday:)
word count: ~1250
requested: yes
warnings: phone call, bit of angst, pet names, bit of a cliffhanger
feedback appreciated!!
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It'd only been two months since your breakup with Calum and somehow you still managed to miss him more and more each day.
You were still led in bed - even though it was mid-afternoon. You had just finished crying over your third film of the day, each one somehow reminding you more and more of him.
You decided you were going to call him. You missed him too much. Each day you regretted the break up but, after many romantic films, you decided you were going to have you own romance movie and get your happy ending. And you couldn't think of anyone other than Calum.
The break up, per se, wasn't horrible; it was the seeing each other again and again, starting new fights, that was the most painful. It seemed more and more impossible to fall out of love with him. Every time you tried, you heard his voice in the back of your mind, "baby, I am so sorry.”
His voice seemed to just nag you, telling you over and over again he wanted you back. Whether it was true or not, you didn't know, but what you did know was that you wanted Calum back in your life, no matter the circumstances.
And now here you were, deciding to to call him, dialling in his number, which you shamelessly knew off by heart, even planning to lose all your dignity in the process, and beg for him back. Except, maybe without the begging. If he agreed straight away it would be a little less time consuming.
By the third ring, you had always considered hanging up. What if he didn't want you? What if he moved on already? You couldn't bare that thought. It would prove to you how much less he cared about you than he made you believe. You couldn't fathom how he could've possibly got over you in such short time if he really loved you as much as he promised.
However, Calum had seen the call. He'd noticed from the very first ring. He had stared at your name - a little shocked - debating how long to wait until he could answer without seeming desperate.
Calum missed you. More than he ever imagined was possible. He was never told how to get over a true love so had spent his time similarly to you, convinced it was impossible to ever move on.
As much as he missed you, he was a coward, admittedly so, and wouldn't call you. He couldn't handle a bad response. He had never been hurt this badly and hearing you say you didn't want him would break him far from recovery.
He'd never admit it, but scrolling through social media, he found a video explaining how to get someone back thorough manifestation, which he tried with you, and if this call went the way he wanted, it would have successfully worked.
Calum couldn't wait anymore and answered the phone, immediately pulling up to his ear and mumbling a, "hello?"
He heard a sigh of relief from the other end of the phone before hearing a small, "hi," greeted back to him.
The line was silent for a little while before you heard Calum murmur, “why'd you call?"
You could tell he was apprehensive. You were too.
"Just- I wanted to ask how you are?" It came out more as a question. Your hands were getting more sweaty as you were trying not to anticipate the worse response. You were contemplating backing out entirely but a good result was too heavenly.
"You want to ask how I am? That's- that's it?" He scoffed. "The last time you saw me, we were screaming at each other and now you're asking how i am?"
“| was just being polite," you objected, "was trying not to get anyone annoyed." It was like you could feel Calum roll his eyes. All you wanted was a civil conversation and a love confession but seemingly, you'd already failed at one.
You both went silent again, neither knowing what to say. Calum didn't know why he was getting so annoyed. He figured he just needed another way of getting out his emotions other than crying. He knew he'd started off rough, maybe altering the tone of the rest of the conversation, but he was too stubborn to apologise now, especially without knowing the real reason you called.
"Is that all you wanted because I think we're done now.” He spoke, the malice leaving his body the second he finished. His head fell down in regret. He didn't want to finish talking to you; he never wanted to. The thought that he may of just ruined his chances with you, again, sprung back in his mind. Recurring and repeating every second.
"You never actually answered," you responded, "I'm waiting.” You sounded tired. You didn't know if you could handle another conversation like this: tense and argumentative. You just wanted your boyfriend back.
Calum seemed to notice. When he answered, he spoke much more calmly with a hint of sadness in his voice, "I'm fine."
He wasn't fine. If there's anything you learnt from your time together, it was how to tell his emotions. As sick as it sounded, you wanted him to have missed you like you missed him. You'd never want to see him hurt but you wanted him to miss you, to come back and tell you he loved you.
Everything fell silent again..
“I don't want to go," you faltered.
He was quiet; he didn’t know what to say. He knew what he wanted to say but didn’t know if he could admit it to you. Neither of you wanted to be in a vulnerable position. You both felt the love you held for each other but you both couldn’t tell what the other thought was best to do.
“I don’t want you to go either,” he admitted.
Everything fell silent again, you wanted to tell him you loved him but the words felt like sick in your mouth. You didn’t want lose him more than you had - if that was even possible.
“I miss you, Cal,” you paused again, letting everything go quiet. When Calum was about to reply, you interrupted him. You needed to get everything across to him before he had the chance to disagree.
“I miss you so much, Cal. I know we broke up and I know there was so many reasons but none of them matter anymore. I want you, Cal, over everything, and I want us back, please. I lo-“
“Save that for when I see you again, okay baby?” Your stomach fluttered at the nickname. “I miss you too.”
“Where are you at the moment? I want to see you soon.” you whispered, like a secret. You didn’t want to complicate things, you wanted Calum to be comfortable and not rush anything.
“M‘near you. I know it’s late but could i maybe come over? We can talk, try to sort this out properly?” You hummed back as a reply, adding a “please do” to the end.
“I’ll see you in maybe half an hour, that okay?” You nodded before realising then muttered out a yes, walking into your bathroom to see how you look.
“Okay, see you soon baby.”
requests are open, feedback is appreciated!
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valenli · 1 year
Jacob Frye x (Fem) Reader
Imagine you help patch up Jacob Frye after a fight club, but he confesses it was for good reason? (and it is your birthday no less!)
(warning: blood, stitching)
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Jacob Frye, what a force of nature was he. Jacob was either the best person to be around, or he'd cause you to be behind bars. As his supervisor on the train (as demanded by Evie Frye) I'd often have to patch him up whenever I'd stop by Whitechapel to get groceries for the Rooks aboard the train. But this time it was different, I looked for Jacob left and right around the fight club but he was simply missing. This wasn't good as he could easily have lost to a templar crook and been dragged out, and seems my theory wasn't far fetched as when I walked around the alleyways I found Jacob surrounded by templars. I carefully hid behind some wooden crates and looked through my pockets for anything I could use, having only one smoke bomb, a cherry bomb, and a single throwing knife, I had to be creative. I could see at lease five men, one of them being the fight club champion. I decided I'd get them to separate, I threw the cherry bomb down the alley and got two to depart from the other three. I then threw the smoke bomb at the threw and one blade directly to the head of the fight club crook. I managed to strangle the two men and once the smoke bomb cleared I picked up Jacob by his under arms and dragged him to the nearest carriage. Some time passed before I got aboard the train and placed Jacob in the bed, looking through his injurys I found something in his pocket, a large amount of money, made sense why they wanted so bad. Soon I began stitching in the injuries and heard groans from the big man baby.
Jacob had woken up with a big startled yet tired expression. I frowned softly, letting him know that I had been rather disappointed.
"the.. The coins! Where are they?" he exclaimed
"calm down your highness Frye, I have them put away, if you hadn't noticed we're safe in the train. Your welcome"
I sighed finishing my words and gently wrapped his arms in a bandaid. He calmed down and wouldn't stop looking into my eyes with that childish puppy eyed look he often gave Evie when talking about the rooks.
"whats the matter Jacob? Tell me would you.. I'm trying to finish up" I held his arm closely to my lap and put down the bandaid roll
"well I wasn't just beating away at those punks for my own entertainment, though it was quite fun I admit. I was going to get you something" he said smiling, I noticed the blood in his bottom lip and pouted. I got a needle and thread and got closer to patch the lip up. "well, what was your goal then? Mmm? Carry all of the rooks money so you could lose it all gambling away in that godforsaken fight club?" i said as I stitched his lips as best I could. Seeing his face red all over with his eyes blueberry colored wasn't something I enjoyed knowing I could've stopped it by telling him to stay put on the train.
"i was going to get you a gift, your highness Y/N. Not just any actually, buttt.. Oww, can't tell you now can I?" he smirked all smugly like the jester he can be sometimes. I knew asking him what it was would lead me to a cat and mouse game of words. I rolled my eyes and continued to patch him up in his arm with the bandaid roll, I could see in the corner of my eye he was looking at me still, waiting for me to speak. "look, whatever may be the reason for your foolish games better be good" i looked at him and frowned. Getting up as I finished helping me but I felt his weaker hand hold mine, I looked over slowly towards Jacob. A smile drew on Jacobs face as he sat up, "i think your the perfect reason to get beat up for, Y/N". I could feel myself get red on my face and I sighed softly. "look, your highness Frye. I'll let you go just this once since it is my important day, alright?" I smiled, deep down his ridiculous manner was to my liking. Jacob stood up as best he could and carefully placed his hand on my face, his hand was roughed up greatly but there was a gentleness that I felt in his hand, he smiled softly when I held his hand closer to my cheek. I could feel his lips meet mine as we closed eyes, after a minute or so I heard Evie chuckle softly. Jacob jumped and looked over.
"whatcha doin there Jacob?" Evie teased her brother, this was the first time she'd ever seen him kiss someone. He chuckled softly, "just wishing her happy birthday is all, why?". Jacob had a mission to get to it seemed, once Evie headed out. Jacob held me carefully, smiling, "seems as though the early morning crow has yet another fight to attend, Y/N" he kissed me once more, I kissed back and placed his top hat on his head, smiling widely. "you have a city to save my Jacob dear, you should get going" he walked out the door and followed to watch. He stood on the roof of the train. "happy birthday to the wonderful Mrs Frye to be" he said jumping away to his mission fast as the night
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theautisticjedi · 9 months
Mike and Abby headcanons because my brain can't function normally now that I know Mike raised her
He picked out her name, as his mother was unresponsive to the nurse when trying to fill out the birth certificate. He chose Abigail (Abby) because it was the name of the protagonist of his and Garrett's favorite book series.
He put Abby's crib in his room after the first week she was home so he could reach her faster when she woke up
He broke down crying one night when no matter what he did, she wouldn't stop crying. He held her and they cried together, until both fell asleep
He stole his parents' credit card to buy essentials for her (diapers, formula, clothes)
He got a job mowing lawns to buy her essentials in case his parents ever noticed he was stealing their card (they never did)
He hated going to school because he was terrified of something happening to her when he was away
He would come home during lunch to check in on her
When she got a fever for the first time, he nearly called 911 in a panic
She loved peek-a-boo and they'd play it for HOURS
Her first word was 'Mike', and Mike cried afterwards
He got her into art when he bought finger paints for her and they painted together
He would take her to the public library on weekends so they could get out of the house, he spent hours reading to her
Abby loves snow, so whenever it snowed they make snowmen, snow angels, and build forts.
He cried when dropping her off to her first day of kindergarten
He put her hair in two braids everyday for school, it's the only style he knew how to do
She first asks about Garrett when she's five, and he tells her that he was their brother who died before she was born. She asks if Garrett would have liked her. Mike tearfully says 'Yes'
For his nineteenth birthday, she buys him ice cream with her tooth fairy money (all three dollars). Mike tries to refuse it, but she won't let him. They end up sharing it after he tells her he couldn't possibly finish it all himself.
Aunt Jane tries to bribe Abby with dolls and nice clothing to convince Abby to live with her instead. Abby is excited but when she finds out she only gets it if she leaves Mike, she refuses
Abby hates thunderstorms (too loud), so whenever there is one, Mike let's her sleep in bed with him. It's the only time he doesn't have dreams about the camping trip
When Abby got into her first fight at school (she was being bullied and she decided to fight back), Mike takes her side. When they get home, he shows her how to properly throw a punch so she doesn't hurt her fingers as much.
She asks Mike for a cat or dog, and he tells her they can't afford one, but promises he'll get her one someday
He keeps every drawing she gives him, they either go out on display on the fridge or walls, or they go into a box in his room.
As she got older, they started to butt heads a lot more. Mike remembers how he used to be with his parents before Garrett got taken and thinks it's the universe punishing him.
Her school has a father-daughter dance and Mike offers to take her. They have a great time, it's one of the best nights of their lives.
She cut her own hair when she was eight and didn't do a very good job. Mike thankfully managed to fix it and make it even.
He tried to get her involved in sports or dance, but she never wanted to do it. He's secretly thankfully since it can get expensive.
He never, ever blamed her for the shitty situation his life had become. She's the only bright spot in his life
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4littlefishies · 20 days
The Eighth of September - No Making Fun of the Birthday Boy
satoru gojo x suguru geto
warnings: smut :3
wc: 10k
previous chapter here!
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The months of October and November seem to whizz by in a flash, and before they know it, it’s the beginning of December. Neither of them were really all that surprised when they found out that the house was theirs, but of course they were absolutely elated at the news. More and more boxes are piling up around the apartment as they gradually start packing up their belongings for their move in just under two weeks before the start of new year. Satoru wanted to get into their new house as soon as possible, but Suguru was just doing his best to make it through the end of the year at work. He sits at the tail end of a meeting with Yaga, as well as a few other managers from different departments at HQ. 
“Geto-san, please get that email sent to me asap. I need to have it by 8 o’clock tonight so that I can send it out to everyone on Monday morning.” Yaga says as they’re starting to wrap up the meeting that they didn’t get to earlier during the work day. It wasn’t often that he’d have to have a meeting so late after work, but with everyone’s busy schedules, it had to be done.
“Yes sir, I’ll have that over to you within the hour.” Suguru says as he looks down at his coworkers in small boxes on his laptop screen. He wasn’t the only one that was busy and this meeting just confirmed it. They all felt like they were chickens running around with their heads cut off - and looked like it too - but that just seemed to be the normal for December in this business. Everyone signs off with burnt-out and weary goodbye’s and weak waves and Suguru gets back to finishing his extensive to-do list.
“Roo!” Satoru shouts from the hallway back towards where Suguru sits at his desk in the office. “Do you know where my headband with the cat ears went?” He had been listening in to make sure that he didn’t interrupt Suguru’s meeting and waited until he heard that everyone had signed off before shouting out. 
“Where did you leave it last?” Suguru sighs before he responds, not looking up from where he scrolls on his laptop, trying to finish the work that he desperately needed to get done.
“I thought I left it in this bathroom, but now I can’t find it.” Satoru says, now leaning up against the doorway of the office with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“It probably already got packed away because you never use it, my love.” Suguru’s voice is calm and sweet as he lifts his gaze and looks past his screen. His eyes are tired from looking at screens all day, but this needed to get done, no matter if it was a weekend or not. It was the end of the year, so things were extra busy trying to get everything wrapped up as well as going along with normal tasks. “Can you shut the door behind you?” He asks, hoping that Satoru will take his hint and leave him alone to work. Suguru had been working longer days at the office and had been doing more work from home after his already long days. It definitely helped that Satoru was always there for him when he came home, but it didn’t make it any less tiresome and stressful. 
“I do to use it.” Satoru defends, closing the door and walking into the office and around the desk to see what Suguru’s working on. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Suguru grumbles mostly to himself.
Satoru watches as he types away, trying to finish drafting up an email that’s going to be sent out to all of the heads of operations at each branch across the country. He rests one hand on Suguru’s shoulder and the other on the desk, leaning forward to see what he’s writing. “What’cha writing?” Satoru asks curiously, the smile on his face loud in his voice. 
Suguru takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before continuing to type on his keyboard. “Something that should’ve been done earlier this week, but needs to be done now.” He emphasizes. It was early on Friday night, the night before Satoru’s 30th birthday to be more specific. He was trying his best not to snap at his husband on account of it almost being his birthday, but Satoru was seemingly doing his best to make it extra difficult.
“You can’t get someone else to do it?” Satoru whines, leaning further down to try to get Suguru to look at him. “It’s my birthday eve and I wanna spend time with my husband.” Satoru grumbles with his brows knit together. 
Suguru’s mouth twitches towards a smile at Satoru’s use of the phrase ‘birthday eve’ and finally takes the bait, pausing his typing and turning his head to look Satoru in the eye. Satoru tries to lean in for a kiss, but is met with a short and simple, “No,” Before Suguru turns his head back to finish typing. 
“Unhh!” The noise that leave’s Satoru’s mouth is only describable as a whine but also a groan at the same time.
“I said no.”
“I can’t even have one kiss?” Satoru stands up as he lets out another whine, leaning his head back and squeezing his eyes shut dramatically.
“No, because one will turn into two which will turn into me not getting this done before 8, which is when it needs to be done, Satoru.” Suguru slightly raises his voice as he’s trying his best to focus. He wants to finish everything in the next 30 minutes and he doesn’t have enough hands to finish it all even if he wasn’t being bothered by his husband. Satoru is quiet for a moment and Suguru inhales and lets it out with a slow sigh, feeling shitty for snapping at him. “I’m sorry, Roo… I just really need to finish this and- can you please just leave me alone for just a little longer? I promise this is the last thing I need to do.”
“Do you want me to help you with anything?” Satoru asks softly as he straightens back up. He was no stranger to helping out Suguru with work things; he was practically his assistant at this point.
“No.” Suguru says, shaking his head. “I’m okay for now.” He says, trying not to sound so harsh when Satoru’s genuinely trying to help him. Most of what needed to be done were things only he would know how to do, and they needed to get done quickly, so he didn’t have time to teach Satoru how to do them.
“Okay.” Satoru finally takes his answer and presses a soft kiss to the top of his head before heading back towards the door. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” Satoru says teasingly, looking back over his shoulder with a smirk as he heads out of the room. Suguru has the faintest smile on his face, looking up at Satoru for a split second and meeting eyes with him just before he shuts the door behind him. 
Letting out a sigh, Suguru leans back in his chair, stretching out his arms for just a moment and twisting himself around to crack his back before getting back to work. Well I feel like an asshole. He opens his notes on his computer only to see the litany of things that had yet to be crossed off of his to-do list. Year-end meant working with accounting to plan out the budget for next year, working with department heads to work out the performance goals for the next year, working with his own department to track and set new KPIs, and a myriad of other things that didn’t even make the list. 
For being only six months into the job, it felt like everyone in the world hated him, although he knew that wasn’t the case whatsoever. It wasn’t only on his shoulders, but every little thing that was going wrong felt to Suguru like it was all his fault. He knew it really wasn’t that serious, but after the last couple of weeks that he’d had at work, it for sure felt like that.
“How am I gonna get all this shit done?” He whispers tensely to himself as he rakes his fingers through his hair. He shakes his head as he stares down at the list before opening up his email once again. Thankfully, this was the final thing that needed to get done for the day; the rest could technically wait until Monday, so once he was finished, he could relax a little bit and try to enjoy his Friday night. 
After finishing the three different tasks he was simultaneously working on, as well as the email, he decided to proofread it one last time before sending it off. The words feel like a jumbled mess in his mind, but as he reads it back to himself, it mostly makes sense. “Baby?” He calls out loudly, knowing that Satoru will hear him and come running in like a dog. 
Sure enough, footsteps are heard hurrying down the hallway and Satoru opens the door with a smile on his face. “Yes, my sweet?” Satoru responds in a singsong voice which causes an eye roll and puts a grin on Suguru’s face.
“Can you just read this and see if it makes sense before I send it to Yaga?” He asks as Satoru saunters into the room. In his previous position, Yaga felt more unreachable - like he was just some distant higher up who didn’t know he existed. But now, as the Vice President of Operations, he was one of his direct bosses. “I feel like my brain is fried and I don't know if this actually sounds decent.”
“Of course I can.” Satoru says, rubbing Suguru’s back as he leans over him, reading the long email that would be sent out to every head of operations come Monday morning. Suguru has a tired smile on his face feeling Satoru’s warm hand on his back through the fabric of his tshirt. He had been so busy all week that he’d barely had any time to spend with him. “Sounds good to me, Suguboo.” Satoru says, standing up with a smile. “I think you’re good to send it.”
“Thank you.” Suguru says quietly, his voice tired as he clicks send and shuts his laptop. “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier.” He leans back in his chair and rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands before letting out a long sigh. 
“It’s okay. I get it.” Satoru says, his voice soft and gentle. “Thank you for apologizing though.”
“It’s not okay though… You really are the best.” When Suguru brings his hands down from rubbing his eyes, Satoru is leaning up against the desk right next to him looking down with a big smile on his face, his hands on either side of his hips with his fingers wrapped around the top of the desk. “What did you do?” He asks, knowing that he’s for sure up to something.
“I know I’m the best.” Satoru says confidently. “Why do you think I did something?!” He asks, the smile on his face a telltale sign that he did indeed do something. 
“You have that look on your face.” Suguru says with narrowed eyes, looking up as Satoru shakes his head at him. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Satoru says as he sits down and makes himself comfortable right in Suguru’s lap.
“I’m not so sure this chair can hold the weight of both of us.” Suguru warns, wrapping his arms around Satoru’s waist and holding him close despite his statement. He rests his head against his back, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly.
“Sure it can!” Satoru assures him. “I did do something though…” He says as Suguru sits there with his eyes still closed.
“Oh yeah? What did you do?” He asks, curious to know what Satoru’s been doing while he’s been holed up in his office since he got home earlier.
“Come on.” Satoru says, trying to stand up, but realizing that he’s still trapped in by his husband’s strong arms. “Baby, you have to let me go if you wanna see.” Satoru says, trying to turn around to see his face, but it’s still buried in his back. 
“Not yet. Wanna just sit here for a lil’ longer.” Suguru says, his face squished against his soft tshirt. After a few more quiet moments Satoru tries to stand up once more, only to be squeezed even tighter.
“Sugu… Can’t breathe like this.” Satoru says, his voice pained as he tries for a third time to stand up, only to be held by Suguru’s boa constrictor like strength. 
“Not yet.” Satoru isn’t one for patience when he has a surprise waiting to be revealed, so with one good push, he’s able to break free from Suguru’s hold and get himself up. “Nooo, you smell so good.” Suguru says, readjusting the grip of his arms around Satoru’s torso once again, this time his face pressed against his stomach with his eyes closed once again and a soft smile.
“I’m done waiting, come on.” Satoru says, reaching down just far enough to reach under Suguru’s legs. In one fell swoop, he picks him up from his spot in the chair and starts to carry him out towards the kitchen. 
“I’m falling!” Suguru shouts out with a laugh as Satoru tries his best to walk with the awkward hold he has on his husband.
“It’s not my fault you’re holding onto my stomach. Stand up and grab my shoulders.” With that, Suguru plants his feet on the ground and Satoru is able to easily pick him up once again. This time, with Suguru’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, he’s able to walk normally with his koala-like husband out to the kitchen where he has dinner set up on the table for the two of them. He gracefully sets him down and lets out a, “Ta-daaaa!” As he holds out his arms towards the food set up on the table. 
“Toru.” Suguru coos, sticking out his bottom lip as he takes in the view in front of him. “Why did you do all this?” He asks, recognizing soba from his favorite restaurant almost immediately. 
“You’ve been so stressed out at work this week, I thought you could use it.” He says as Suguru pulls him in for a hug. He presses a kiss to the side of his head and holds him tight. 
Suguru feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. “Thank you, baby.” He says, his voice just barely a whisper. “But your birthday is tomorrow, I should be doing this for you.”
“Don’t you worry, Sugu. You can do whatever it is that you have planned for tomorrow, but I can still spoil you for tonight.” Satoru says with a smile as they sit down on either side of the table. Suguru chuckles lightly as he looks at the spread in between the two of them. “So…” He starts as they both pick up their chopsticks and get to eating.
“So?” Suguru asks, waiting for Satoru to finish what he obviously wants to say.
“What do we have planned for tomorrow?” Satoru asks with a smile on his face before he takes his first bite. Suguru had asked if he wanted him to plan something and Satoru agreed, so of course he had a few things planned for them throughout the day that he knew Satoru would enjoy. 
“Don’t you want it to be a surprise?” Suguru asks with one eyebrow cocked. “I thought you liked being surprised.”
Satoru twists his mouth to the side, thinking about it for a moment. “You’re right… Actually, I wanna know… Wait! No, don’t tell me.” Satoru goes back and forth, deciding if he wants to be totally surprised or not. 
“Do you want me to tell you one thing we’re doing?” Suguru suggests, knowing he’s going to give himself a headache if he keeps going back and forth on whether he wants everything to be a surprise to him or not.
“Are we getting matching tattoos?” Satoru guesses, his eyes wide as he looks across the table.
Suguru furrows his brows and tilts his head slightly to the side in confusion. “Baby, why would that be one of the surprises?” Satoru had never mentioned anything of the sort, so it came completely out of nowhere. “Do you want to get matching tattoos?” He asks, looking at Satoru with a questioning look.
“I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I wanna look like my cool sexy husband.” Satoru answers, giving him a wink as he says it, which pulls a slight chuckle from Suguru.
“You’ve been thinking about it?” Satoru nods his head eagerly. “Why haven’t you said anything sooner?” 
Satoru takes a bite of one of the tempura shrimp, thinking for just a second before he answers. “I dunno.” He shrugs, swallowing the bite in his mouth. “We’ve just been really busy and it’s not that pressing of a matter.” 
“We can go to my artist if you want, Toru.” Suguru suggests. “We’d probably have to get in next month though, he’s usually pretty booked up.”
Satoru feels excitement building in his chest at the thought. “Really?” 
“Yeah, I can message him later. Have you thought about what you want?” He asks, ready to make a mental note of it so that he can let his artist know. 
Satoru pulls out his phone and quickly scrolls through his camera roll, looking for the screenshot he’d taken a while back. “I was trying to think of something that would also look good with your dragons, but I think something like this would be nice.” He says, showing Suguru a simple looking design with two koi fish, almost in a yin and yang position, one black and one white. “Also I want something that doesn’t really scream I’m in the Yakuza, you know?”
Nodding his head, Suguru smiles. Of course Satoru wouldn’t pick something that had no meaning behind it. The koi fish, as well as the yin and yang symbolism quickly stood out to him. “Oh yeah,” Suguru says, grabbing Satoru’s phone from him and looking more closely at the screenshot. “Choso could definitely do something like this. Can you send that to me?” He asks, handing Satoru his phone back. 
Satoru quickly texts it to him and sets his phone back down. “I just want it to have some meaning, you know?” He asks.
“I definitely get it, baby.” Suguru smiles across the table at him. Naturally he would want his first tattoo to mean a lot to him. “I think it’s perfect.” Satoru smiles back at him, glad that he approves of his choice of art for both of their bodies. “Then maybe your next one can be something a little different.” 
“Well, let’s see how I feel about the first one before we start talking about more.” Satoru says, an excited, but slightly nervous feeling in his stomach already. “Tattoos might be more of your thing than mine, but I want at least one. You can’t be the only one in our family with a cool tattoo.” 
Suguru smiles at his use of the phrase our family. “You sure you’re gonna be able to sit still long enough for him to do it?” He teases as he picks up another bite of his soba. “It doesn’t feel very good.”
“Are you already trying to talk me out of it?” Satoru asks, raising his eyebrows at Suguru. “I’ll sit so still you’ll think I’m a statue.” He says, extremely sure of himself. Suguru nods his head, not as sure about that, but excited at his seemingly newfound interest in getting a tattoo. 
“I’ll message him tomorrow. Hopefully he’ll be able to get us in before the new year, but usually he’s pretty busy this time of year, so don’t get your hopes up, okay?” Suguru lets him know. “I think it’ll be better to do it after we move, anyway.” Satoru nods his head, just happy that it’s going to happen at all. “Did you actually want me to tell you something that I had planned for us tomorrow or not?”
Satoru furrows his brows, thinking for a moment before answering. “How many things do you have planned?” He asks, curious to know more about the day ahead of them.
“Baby, do you want me to tell you or not?” Suguru chuckles lightly. “I know that if I tell you one thing, you’re gonna keep bothering me to know everything, so I’m either telling you the plans for the whole day or everything is staying a secret.”
“Okay, okay, tell me, I wanna know.” Satoru finally decides, the feeling eating him up inside.
“Well first we’re gonna go to a patisserie in Setagaya for lunch where you can get whatever your little sugar-crammed heart desires.” Suguru starts. Satoru’s eyes light up at the thought of it, but Suguru continues before he can say anything. “Then we’re going to karaoke with Shoko, Utahime, Haibara, and Ijichi.” He continues, seeing Satoru’s face light up even more, as if that was possible. “Then we’re gonna have dinner and spend the night at the Mandarin Oriental.” 
Satoru’s mouth hangs open upon hearing everything that Suguru has planned for his birthday. “Sugu…” He starts. Suguru looks up from his noodles at him, waiting patiently for him to finish what he’s about to say. “If we weren’t already married I’d ask you to marry me right now.” Satoru says with complete seriousness on his face.
Suguru chuckles lightly at the phrase that he’d become more and more used to hearing. “I know, and you know that I’d say yes every single time.” Satoru smiles back across the table at him, restless with anticipation of the day that is to come. 
“Where are we going for karaoke again?” Satoru asks, looking over at Suguru as they drive towards their second destination of the day. 
“Baby, I think this is the third time I’ve told you that we’re going to Karaoke-Kan, the same place we go every time.” Suguru says, tapping his hand on Satoru’s leg as he drives. 
“Oh yeah.” He says, mostly focused on the bag full of treats sitting on the ground between his feet. He had picked out his own birthday cake, as well as a whole other box full of smaller sweets that would have given Suguru a heart attack once he heard the price if he hadn’t done the thorough research that he had. He made sure to set aside a lot more cash than he thought he would need because of course Satoru would need to try at least one of everything that they had. “What time is our dinner?” He asks, looking over to Suguru once again.”
“We just ate lunch and you’re already thinking about dinner?” Suguru asks with a slight chuckle, although he isn’t one bit surprised.
“What can I say? I’m excited, Gugu.”
Suguru gives his thigh a slight squeeze before he answers his question. “We can check in to our room at 5:00, but our dinner reservation isn’t until 6:30, so we have some time to get ready beforehand.”
“I'm excited.” Satoru says as he looks out the window as they approach their second destination of the day. The sky is cloudy and the air is cool, but nothing out of the ordinary for a typical December day.
“I can tell.” Suguru says, looking over at him with a smile. 
Once they find a place to park and make it to the building where they’re heading, they’re quickly shown to their karaoke room where all of their friends are already waiting.
“Happy birthday!” Haibara excitedly shouts out as soon as Satoru opens the door to their room. The other three hadn’t noticed until he had already shouted that they were there, so they missed the cue, inadvertently leaving him alone. 
“Happy birthday!” Shoko, Utahime, and Ijichi all say in unison after recognizing their mistake.
“Hey guys!” Satoru says with an elated smile on his face as Suguru closes the door behind them, not even noticing the poorly executed happy birthday exclamation. 
“I hope you guys haven’t been here too long. Somebody couldn’t decide what kind of birthday cake he wanted.” Suguru says, raising his eyebrows as he makes eye contact with Shoko.
Satoru smacks Suguru lightly on the arm. “It’s my birthday, Sugu, you’re not supposed to throw me under the bus like that.”
“My mistake, I was taking too long to pick out what flavor of birthday cake I wanted for my birthday that’s definitely today,” Suguru says with a grin as he sits down on the bench next to Satoru. 
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Shoko nods her head with furrowed brows in agreement.
“So have you guys done any songs yet?” Satoru asks, already having some song ideas ready in his head. 
“Nope, we wanted to wait until you guys got here.” Haibara answers as Satoru scrolls through the options, looking for the first song that he wanted to do.
Suguru already knows exactly what Satoru’s looking for. It’s always the first song he goes for when they go to karaoke, no matter who they’re with. “If you’re looking for Butterfly, you already passed it.” He points out, watching as Satoru furrows his brows looking for it.
“Of course I’m looking for Butterfly, Sugu.” Satoru says, scrolling back up to find the song that he hadn’t seen that he passed already. 
“There it is!” Suguru, as well as Haibara shout out, watching as he scrolls past it for a second time.
“Thanks guys.” Satoru says as he presses on it and grabs the microphone from the table that sits in front of them. The song starts to play with the lyrics coming on the screen, but Satoru doesn’t need to so much as glance at them because he knows the song by heart. 
“I can’t believe you’re actually 30.” Utahime mutters, shaking her head as the lyrics for the Digimon Adventure theme song start up on the screen. 
“Utahime, no making fun of the birthday boy.” Satoru says into the microphone in a ridiculously silly voice just before he starts singing along perfectly. Utahime shakes her head with a roll of her eyes as Satoru sings along. 
Suguru smiles, watching his husband seemingly have the time of his life. “He’s actually really good at this.” Haibara says, looking over at Suguru with a wide smile on his face. Suguru chuckles and nods his head, agreeing with him.
Haibara quietly sings along without a microphone until Satoru notices and hands him the second one, urging him heavily to sing along with him. They have the room for two hours before Satoru and Suguru have to head off to finish the rest of what they have planned for the day. It’s a very loud and excitable two hours, filled with plenty of Satoru yelling into the microphone to get everyone’s attention. 
“Satoru, we’re right here, you don’t have to yell at us.” Utahime says with her eyes narrowed and brows furrowed as she sips on her drink. Ijichi covers his ears, trying not to accrue hearing damage from Satoru’s antics with the microphone. 
“I just gotta make sure you guys can hear me.” He says with a smirk on his face as he picks up an onion ring off of the tower that they’d ordered. 
“We can hear you plenty without it.” Utahime grumbles to herself as she leans over and rests her head on Shoko’s shoulder. 
Suguru sings a couple songs with Satoru and one with Shoko, but leaves most of the singing to the others, as does Ijichi. Sitting between Suguru and Utahime, Ijichi focuses on watching and having a good time just watching everyone else sing, deciding against singing something for most of their time there.
“Ijichi, if I sing with you, will you please sing something? Just one song?” Utahime asks, hoping that he’ll do it at least once. He looks over at Shoko who nods her head with an excited smile,  urging him to do it.
He takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh, really thinking hard about it before he finally gives in and agrees. “Only if you’re actually going to sing with me though.” He says, hesitantly taking the microphone from Haibara after he just finished a song on his own.
“I’m not gonna leave you hanging, don’t worry.” She says with a smile as she scrolls through the songs, looking for one that they could sing. 
“Did you have a good time?” Suguru says quietly into Satoru’s ear once he feels his head resting on his shoulder. 
“Mhm.” Satoru hums in response, nodding his head as it sits on Suguru’s shoulder. “Thank you for planning this.” He rests his hand on Suguru’s thigh and gives it a squeeze, which in turn, Suguru responds with a kiss on the top of his head. The smile on Satoru’s face is wide as he listens to Utahime and Ijichi sing along to Shinunoga E-Wa. Utahime confidently sings at Shoko from the front of the room, while Ijichi is a bit more reserved like he’s trying to curl in on himself, his voice barely picked up by the microphone. Satoru starts singing along with them, noticing that Ijichi isn’t as sure of himself as Utahime is when it comes to karaoke.
Ultimately, Shoko, Haibara, Satoru, and Suguru all join in and sing along with the two of them as they make their way through the song, excited to be spending time together as a group after they hadn’t all been together in nearly a year. 
“You guys are sure you can’t stick around for another hour?” Haibara asks as Satoru and Suguru are getting ready to leave. “I think we’re gonna stay for a while longer if you guys want to.”
“We’d love to, but we really have to get going, we have to check in and have reservations that we can’t be late for.” Suguru says, picking up Satoru’s jacket and handing it to him. 
“Well thank you guys for inviting us! Have a great dinner and happy birthday Satoru!” Haibara says with a smile, followed by a chorus of happy birthday’s from the rest of the group as they head out the door. 
“Thank you guys!” Satoru calls out as he closes the door behind him. He lets out a huff, not realizing how hot it was in the room until he’s out of it. “That was really fun, Roo.” Satoru says, grabbing onto Suguru’s hand as they walk back towards the front door. “Thank you for planning all of this.” 
“Of course, baby.” Suguru says with a smile as he opens the door for Satoru, the cold December air hitting their cheeks and quickly making their exposed skin prickle at the temperature. They hurry to the car, wanting to get out of the cold as quickly as they can. The drive to the hotel isn’t long, and when they get there, Suguru hands his keys to the valet attendant so that they don’t have to worry about parking. Satoru grabs their small shared bag from the back seat and carries it inside, his other hand laced in Suguru’s. 
They head towards the elevator and up to the hotel lobby that sits on the top floor of the building. They make their way up to the front desk and easily get checked in and get the key to their room. The woman helping them at the front desk leads them back towards the guest elevators, presses the button to go down and steps back while they wait for the doors to open. Satoru gives Suguru’s hand a squeeze, not knowing what kind of room to expect. 
“She gave us tea!” Satoru says excitedly as the doors close and they take the quick elevator ride down the couple floors to the 33rd floor. Suguru smiles as he presses a quick kiss to his cheek just in time for the doors to reopen to the small elevator lobby. They follow the signs to find their room. “3308, right?” Suguru nods his head as they head down the hallway towards the end.
Satoru taps the key to the door and turns the handle once the lock clicks. He pushes open the door to a dimly lit room. The sun had already gone down, leaving the room almost completely in the dark. After flicking on the lights and closing the door behind them, Satoru’s mouth hangs open as he looks around. “Wow, Gugu. You really went all out huh?” He asks, turning around to look at Suguru who’s checking out the bathroom. 
“I didn’t think it would be this nice.” Suguru admits from the bathroom, looking out the window that sits behind the large bathtub. “This is gorgeous.” He says, stepping back out into the main room where Satoru sits on the chaise that’s in front of the large floor to ceiling window. He had already found the button that opens up the curtains and was looking out the window. 
“It’s like the same as at home, but still different, you know?” He says, looking behind him as Suguru walks across the room to sit next to him. 
Suguru chuckles lightly at his observation. “I do know.” He says with a smile as he sits down next to Satoru and wraps his arm around his shoulder.
“Thank you for all this, Sugu.” Satoru says, leaning into Suguru and resting his head against his chest. “You made my birthday really great.” 
“Sorry I didn’t get you the cheesecake from Okinawa this time though.” He points out as they look out across the twinkling city lights together. “I’m afraid that’s reserved exclusively for anniversaries.” He continues, the smile apparent in his voice. 
“And I’m perfectly fine with that.” Satoru says, looking up into Suguru’s warm eyes through his snow colored lashes with a smile on his face. “I love you.” He says softly.
“I love you too.” Suguru says, leaning in to press a tender kiss against his lips. “Happy birthday Toru.” He whispers before going back in for another kiss, this one lasting a little bit longer than the first. They smile up against each other’s lips, leaning into each other more and more. 
Satoru pulls back and looks quickly down at his watch on his wrist for a moment. “What time did you say our dinner was?” He asks with a devious smile. Suguru looks down at his watch and sees that they don’t have to be at the restaurant for well over an hour. It was only 5 floors up, so it would only take them minutes to get there, if even that. He doesn’t even answer Satoru’s question as he leans back in to kiss him once again, this time more needy to mesh their lips together. Satoru lets out a soft moan into his mouth as he leans back into the chaise and Suguru moves over top of him. He lets Suguru’s knee slot its way in between his legs as he kneels over him. “Can I ask for one birthday present?” Satoru murmurs in between kisses.
“You want it now?” Suguru asks, slightly confused, thinking that they were just about to start something. “I was going to wait until dinner to give it to you.”
“No, no, I mean…” Satoru trails off as he slowly unbuttons Suguru’s shirt, revealing his tattoos that he’s grown to know like the back of his hand. “I wanna fuck you.” He says, looking up into his husband’s eyes through his own wispy lashes with his bottom lip in between his teeth.
Suguru’s eyes widen in surprise and he starts to laugh slightly until he realizes that his husband is serious. “Oh, you actually mean it?” He asks, his mouth slightly agape as he looks down at Satoru.
“Why wouldn’t I mean it, Sugu?” Satoru asks with furrowed brows. “Are you saying I can’t?”
Suguru shakes his head quickly, trying to hide the smile on his face. “No, no, baby. I’m not saying that you can’t, I’m just saying…” He stops for a moment trying to gather his thoughts. He clicks his tongue before he continues on. “It’s just- you can barely handle me fucking you, how do you expect to be able to do it?” Suguru asks, a slight teasing tone in his voice.
“You don’t think I can?” Satoru asks with his brows raised and a smirk on his lips, now seeing it as a challenge and wanting it even more. 
Suguru bites his bottom lip, looking at the way Satoru looks underneath him. He looks so sweet, his cheeks pink just from their few kisses and his eyes full of love. “I didn’t say that… I’d love to see you try, I just don’t think you’ll last longer than a minute is all I’m saying.” 
Satoru scoffs at his answer with knitted together brows. “Oh yeah?” His voice is full of sass as he asks, really wanting to prove him wrong now.
“Yeah.” Suguru doubles down with a nod, looking back at his cocky husband with a smirk on his lips. He dives his head down against Satoru’s neck, pressing a few kisses to the skin below his jaw which earns a shaky moan out of him. “You can barely handle this, Satoru.” Suguru teases, his breath hot against the skin of his neck as he whispers. He lets his tongue trace lightly up the side of his neck, trying his best to reduce him to a shaky, whimpering mess just with his tongue. 
“That’s n-not the same thing.” Satoru says with his brows furrowed as he already feels like putty under his husband’s touch. His breath is shaky as he feels Suguru’s hot lips and tongue against the skin of his throat as he kisses and sucks expertly on the most sensitive spot. 
“How about…” Suguru starts, his voice warm against Satoru’s neck as he speaks, “I fuck you now-” He’s interupted by a whine from deep in Satoru’s chest. “Hey, I wasn’t done yet. If you stop your whining and behave yourself, maybe after dinner I’ll let you do it. We have all night and won’t have to rush anything that way, hmm? How’s that sound, baby?” Suguru suggests, not even waiting for an answer before going back to pepper kisses along his neck once again. 
“Ha-ah.” Satoru’s breath gets caught in his throat for a second as Suguru sucks lightly on the spot just underneath his earlobe. “Deal.” Satoru manages to get out as he starts unbuttoning his own shirt before tossing it to the ground. 
With a smile, Suguru sheds his own shirt, tossing it onto the floor and bringing one of his hands up to cup Satoru’s face, the other holding him up as he hovers over him. He lets out a groan as Satoru brings one of his hands down to massage the bulge between his legs. He smiles against Satoru’s lips as he quickly feels himself growing harder. Grinding his hips down against Satoru’s hand, wanting more friction, he lets out a soft groan at the feeling. 
Satoru hastily unbuttons his pants and Suguru does the same, sitting back on his knees for a moment. With help from Suguru, Satoru pulls his pants and boxers off in one go. Suguru does the same, kicking his off onto the floor beside them. “How did I get so lucky?” Suguru murmurs as he leans back in, his lips attacking Satoru’s once again like they were air and he was suffocating. Satoru’s whole body feels like it’s on fire. No matter how many times he hears Suguru’s sweet words, it sends an electricity throughout each and every nerve like it’s the first time all over again. Now with nothing on but their wedding rings, they grab eagerly at each other, warm fingers gripping into soft skin as they make out like teenagers on the chaise in front of the open window, 33 floors up. 
As he pulls back slightly, Satoru whines, not wanting Suguru to pull away just yet, but is quickly met with his fingers in front of his mouth. Without needing to be asked, he parts his lips, letting them inside past his teeth. Suguru presses his middle finger into the warmth of Satoru’s tongue, licking his lips as he watches his lips close around the digit. “Always so good for me.” He praises as Satoru opens his lips once more to let Suguru press another finger against his tongue. 
“Mmm.” Satoru hums happily, his mouth wetting Suguru’s fingers because he knows exactly what to expect next. He looks up at him through his lashes with needy eyes, wanting to feel his fingers inside of him already. His cock is hard, resting against his stomach as he watches his husband smile at the sight in front of him. Suguru looks down at him, a devilish smile on his lips as his bangs hang down between them, tickling the skin of Satoru’s cheeks ever so slightly. 
After a couple seconds longer, Suguru slides his fingers out of Satoru’s mouth, the same smile on his mouth as he looks into the bright blues beneath him. As he trails his hand slowly down between them, his fingers slowly trace down the underside of Satoru’s cock, making his hips twitch upward. “Ah- Sugu,” He whines out as Suguru’s wet fingers ghost the skin of his fully hardened cock, “it’s my birthday, no teasing.” 
Suguru’s eyes dip to look between the two of them, almost seeming like he was contemplating something for a moment. “Even the birthday boy has to be patient, Toru. You should know that by now.” Suguru says, sitting back on his knees for a moment and quickly yanking Satoru down closer to him by his legs and in one quick move, throwing his hips up over his own shoulders. His knees are now just about on either side of his head as Suguru has him folded in half over himself. 
“Sugu what are you-” He starts to ask, but is quickly silenced as Suguru’s hot tongue is pressed against his hole. “Ah!” Satoru cries out, surprised by the sudden change in position. The way Suguru licks and sucks at his hole is enough to have him grasping at anything he can get ahold of. He brings one hand down on top of Suguru’s hand that sits on the back of his thigh holding his hips up and grasps for his fingers. “Fuck,” Satoru moans, Suguru locking their fingers together as he turns his husband into a whiny mess. 
It’s not long before he brings his free hand with his already wet fingers up and presses one inside, pulling his mouth just far enough away to allow them to do so. “You doing okay, baby?” Suguru asks despite already knowing the answer. He slowly pushes his finger all the way in before pulling it out almost painfully slowly before pressing it back inside once again. The way Satoru’s walls are already squeezing around him tells him all he needs to know about how he’s feeling. Nothing but a faint whimper escapes Satoru’s mouth, putting a small frown on Suguru’s lips. “I know you can do better than that, Toru.” He says, his already slow movements coming to a halt as he looks down at his obviously flustered husband, waiting for a response to the question he asked. 
“Yes, Sugu,” He mewls out with his brows knit together, “Feels so good, please don’t stop.” 
“See, I knew my good boy Satoru knew how to use his words.” Suguru says, his tone slightly teasing as he pushes his finger back inside, only to quickly add his second finger, pulling another moan from Satoru’s chest. “Doing so good for me baby, you always take my fingers so well.” 
“Nngh-” Satoru moans, his walls squeezing around Suguru’s fingers as they slowly massage him from the inside. His teeth dig into the flesh of his bottom lip and his fingers grip harder onto suguru’s hand as he revels in the feeling.
Watching similarly with his bottom lip in between his teeth, Suguru smiles at the way his husband twitches around just his fingers, looking up at the way his face twists and contorts with pleasure. With his other hand, he strokes his cock a couple times before pulling his fingers out, earning a needy whine from Satoru. He lets his hips down gently before he kneels between his open thighs, eager to be inside of him already. He presses his already leaky tip against Satoru’s wet entrance, pausing and teasing him for just a second before he slowly pushes inside. A moan rips from both of their chests at the feeling. After Suguru’s incredibly busy week at the office, they hadn't had the time, let alone the energy to have sex in nearly a week - which they both thought had to be some sort of record for them. They’d both been waiting for this all week, and now that it was finally happening, neither of them ever wanted it to end. 
“Fuck, baby.” Suguru hisses out as he presses all the way inside. “So fucking soft and warm for me, yeah?” He says, looking down at Satoru who nods up at him with hazy eyes. “It’s like you were made just for me.” Suguru mutters, not caring how cliche it sounds because he fully believes it himself. 
“Mhmm,” Is all Satoru can manage to get out as he wraps his arms around Suguru’s neck, pulling him down, crashing their lips together. He licks lazily into Suguru’s mouth, wanting to feel closer to him in any way that he can - as if he can’t already feel him so deep that he swears he’s in his throat. Suguru’s thrusts are slow and deep, his cock dragging against every wrinkle and ridge of Satoru’s gummy walls. “So slow.” Satoru manages to get out against Suguru’s lips, his teasing tone obvious even is his already fucked out state. He was already feeling himself creep closer to the edge, but didn’t want it to be over just yet. 
“Slow? If this is too slow for you, you’ve gotta tell me what you want, birthday boy.” Suguru murmurs back against Satoru’s lips with a smirk as his hips come to a stop. Satoru pushes back on his abs and he pulls out, although slightly confused. They both let out a moan at the sudden emptiness and lack of warmth from one another, but Satoru quickly flips himself over and positions himself on his knees. He looks back at Suguru with half-lidded sapphires and a fox-like smirk on his face. Suguru smirks back, twisting his mouth to the side as he pushes his hair back over his shoulder and out of his way.
“I want you to make it so I have a hard time walking to dinner.” Satoru says, sounding very sure of himself. So sure of himself that it takes Suguru a bit by surprise. He’s left kneeling behind his husband with his mouth slightly agape, not entirely used to him being like this in the bedroom.
“Yes sir.” His hands find purchase on either side of his hips before he all but slams back into Satoru, much more aggressive this time. 
“Ah- f- fuck!” Satoru cries out with a wide smile on his face as he grips onto the back of the chaise while his husband relentlessly fucks into hims from behind. Somehow his cock manages to perfectly hit his sweet spot with every thrust, Satoru letting out endless trails of moans at the feeling and at the continuous praises that spill from Suguru’s mouth.
“You’re absolutely perfect, Toru. Breathtaking in every way.” He says, literally sounding out of breath. “Don’t know how I was the one that got so lucky to have you. I love you Satoru.” Satoru lets out uninterrupted cries as his eyes roll back into his head at the euphoric feeling - both of the physical feeling, as well as the rush from Suguru’s sweet saccharine words. Suguru arches himself over, leaning down to press kisses along the back of Satoru’s shoulder blades. The lewd sound of skin slapping together, Suguru’s occasional grunts, and Satoru’s whimpers fill the hotel room. “That’s a good boy, let me hear you whimper.” 
“Haa-hnng,” Satoru mewls out as Suguru’s relentless thrusts and never ending praises cloud his mind. “Mmh,” He hums as he looks over his shoulder with his brows knitted together and arching his back, desperate to feel his lips against Suguru’s. Their lips come together, Satoru letting moans escape into Suguru’s mouth and keeping his mouth open to allow his tongue to snake its way inside. 
Suguru mutters quietly into Satoru’s mouth. “Can feel you squeezing me, baby. Can you cum for me, my handsome boy? Can you do that for me?” Suguru knows that Satoru’s close, feeling the way his walls twitch and squeeze around his cock at the sweet talk as he continues jackhammering his hips into him. He can feel his own orgasm about to tip over the edge as Satoru cries out, gripping back onto Suguru’s wrist tightly and digging his fingers into his skin as his climax rips through him. 
“Yes! Yes! Yeah- mmmmh,” Satoru cries out, feeling a familiar warmth deep inside him with the twitch of Suguru’s cock as he himself cums onto the cushion beneath. He pushes back against him, wanting to feel it all.
“Fuck baby,” Suguru groans, resting his forehead against Satoru’s back as he rides out his orgasm, emptying himself into his husband. “You’re trying to kill me?” He asks as Satoru pushes his hips back, attempting to milk every drop from his cock. 
Satoru can’t answer, just looking back over his shoulder with his face against the back of the chaise with a tired smile, his hair sticking to his forehead and his cheeks flushed pink. A thin sheen of sweat covers both of their bodies, skin sticking together as Suguru lifts his forehead from where he rests against Satoru’s back, leaving one last tender kiss as he does so. 
“You okay, Roo?” Suguru coos, still breathing hard as he slowly pulls out, the mess of his cum leaking out of Satoru’s hole following behind. They both whine at the sudden feeling of emptiness and the loss of one another’s warmth.
Satoru smiles to himself at the nickname that they’d both started using for each other, breathing heavily with his cheek pressed against the fabric. He nods his head, the dopey smile on his face a testament to how hard Suguru had fucked him. 
“Fucked you so stupid you can’t even talk, huh?” He teases, hurrying to the bathroom as to hopefully not make more of a mess than they already had. 
“Mmhm.” Satoru hums, still with his hips and ass in his air and his face now down against the seat. His eyes are closed as he waits for the princess treatment that he knows is coming from Suguru when he hears the faucet to the bath turn on. 
Suguru hurries back with a towel, wanting to clean up the mess on the seat before anything else. “You made a real mess, baby.” Suguru says as he does his best to wipe up the sticky puddle underneath Satoru. He hears a slight chuckle from Satoru as he heads back to the bathroom. “What’s so funny?” He asks as he tosses the towel on the bathroom floor and hurries back out to retrieve his husband.
“Nothin’.” He replies, the spent and worn-out smile still on his face as Suguru scoops him up into his arms. “Just happy that I’m married to the best man in the world.” 
With a click of his tongue, Suguru shakes his head. “I really fucked you dumb this time, didn’t I?” He teases as he sets Satoru down next to the tub as they wait for it to continue filling with hot water. He runs his hand under the water, checking if he needs to adjust the temperature before throwing his hair up into a quick bun to keep his hair out of the way. He takes off his watch and sets it on the vanity next to where Satoru had set his, not wanting to get it wet. After adjusting the temperature slightly, he steps in, helping Satoru in as well. 
“No, I think I’m of sound mind right now.” Satoru says, climbing over the edge of the tub and sinking down into the water in between Suguru’s legs with his back up against his chest. “I’m just thankful to have you as my husband.” He grabs Suguru’s hand from under the water and laces their fingers together before holding their hands against his chest for a moment. 
The smile on Suguru’s face is soft as Satoru leans his head back against his shoulder. “I love you, Satoru.” Suguru coos in his ear, his voice just barely above a whisper. Satoru smiles as he looks out the window at the twinkling lights of the city just outside. 
“I love you too, Sugu.” Satoru says, his voice just as quiet. They sit in silence for a moment, nothing but the sound of the rippling water as Satoru brings Suguru’s hand up to his lips to press his lips to the back of it. Suguru lets his fingers of his free hand trace over Satoru’s leg under the water as he presses tender kisses to the back of his shoulder. “Thank you for a great birthday.” He says, fidgeting with Suguru’s ring as he analyzes his hand.
“Of course, baby. You deserve it.” Suguru replies before they sit in silence for a little bit longer. He lets his eyes close for a moment as he leans his head back over the edge of the tub and looks up at the ceiling. “It’s not over yet, though. We have to head up there in probably about 20 minutes.” He says, having noted the time when they first got into the bath. 
“Are you telling me we have to get out already?” Satoru asks, still mindlessly fidgeting with Suguru’s fingers on top of the water. 
“Just a couple more minutes, but I need to brush out my hair and fix it up all nice.” 
“I think it looks perfect just like this.” Satoru says, not even bothering to turn his head to be able to look at his husband.
“Roo, I can’t show up to a gourmet restaurant with my hair in a messy bun.” Suguru tries to reason with him, a soft chuckle coming from his chest and vibrating against Satoru’s back and causing ripples in the water. 
“Says who? I think you look perfect.” Satoru shoots back, sitting forward and moving to sit on the other end of the tub so he can look at Suguru.
Suguru shakes his head with a faint smile on his face as he looks out the window. “Says me, Satoru.” Satoru furrows his brows and crosses his arms across his chest. 
“What if I refuse to get out of the bath and just sit here all night?” 
“Then I guess I’m going to dinner by myself.” Suguru says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Unnh!” Satoru cries out at his response, earning a laugh from Suguru that has the water rippling away from him. “You wouldn’t really leave me alone on my birthday, would you?” 
“Baby, it wasn’t easy for me to get the reservation, I’m going with or without you.” He says, looking into Satoru’s eyes seriously with his warm honey ones. “And I think you’re really gonna like it anyway.” 
“And then we can come back and eat cake, right?” 
With a smile on his face, Suguru looks out the window once more before looking back at Satoru. “Yes baby, we can come back and eat cake.” Satoru smiles happily upon hearing his response, eager to try out the cake that he had picked out earlier in the day. After a couple more minutes of soaking, Suguru stands up and grabs a towel from the rack next to the tub and dries himself off before stepping out and wrapping it around his waist.
“You’re getting out already?” Satoru whines, looking up at him as he walks out of the bathroom to grab his bag.
“Satoru, we’re not going to be late for this.” He says as he’s grabbing his bathroom stuff from the bag out in the main room. Satoru is still laid out in the tub as he comes back into the bathroom with his small bag and his brush in his hand. He looks at Satoru as he’s spread out in the bath and stands at the edge, looking down at him for a moment, trying to keep a straight face. Satoru looks up at him for a moment with a cheeky smile on his face before he reaches out and swiftly yanks Suguru’s towel down off of his hips and onto the floor. Suguru doesn’t react and just shakes his head and leans over to pull the drain plug on the tub and tosses it over the edge, leaving it hanging from the chain.
“Hey!” Satoru shouts out with a laugh, a similar laugh coming from Suguru’s chest as he turns around to look at himself in the mirror. The sound of the water going down the drain is quickly overrun by the sound of Satoru standing up out of the water. He grabs a towel and dries off before stepping out next to Suguru who stands there, his towel left on the floor where Satoru pulled it off. Satoru presses a kiss to Suguru’s bare shoulder before heading out to grab his clothes for dinner.
“Can you grab mine too?” Suguru asks as he brushes out his hair, pulling half of it up into a bun and tying it off at the back of his head. 
“Sugu?” Satoru asks as he brings both of their changes of clothes into the bathroom so that they can get changed for dinner. 
“Yes, my love?” Suguru asks sweetly, turning to look at his husband with a smile.
“You mentioned earlier that you got me a birthday present…” Satoru says, looking at him with a sly smile.
“Yes?” Suguru urges him to continue. “What are you getting at?” 
The smile on Satoru’s face is enough to signal to Suguru that he’s probably up to no good. “Do you think I could maybe open it now?”
“I said you could open it at dinner, Roo.” Suguru pulls his shirt on and starts buttoning it up.
“Yeahhh… But I thought that maybe you love me and would let me have it a little early.” Satoru tries to play to Suguru’s soft side as he does his best to get him to give him his present early.
Suguru has a smile on his face as he tucks his shirt into his pants and starts snaking his belt through the loops. “Baby, I do love you, but you’re not getting your present before we’re up there.” 
Satoru lets out a huff as he gets dressed, his plan having failed. “I guess I’ll just have to wait.” He says dramatically, leaning his head on Suguru’s shoulder as he looks at him through the mirror.
“Yep.” Suguru curtly agrees with a nod, not playing along with his games. 
With one more huff, Satoru crosses his arms and stands up with furrowed brows. He stands in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe with a slight smile on his face. 
“I love you, Satoruuu.” Suguru says in a cheery voice, watching as his husband does a terrible job of pouting in the doorway.
Satoru can’t help himself but step into the bathroom once more and wrap his arms around Suguru’s waist from behind. He leans in and presses a soft kiss on the back of Suguru’s neck before whispering softly in his ear with a smile, “I love you too, Suguru.”
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chapter 5
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sailoryooons · 2 years
Hali’s Favorite Fics of 2022
Hi - in honor of 2022 coming to a close, here is a list of the things I read that are my favorite fics this year. These are fics that I either re-read multiple times, or completely blew me away the first time I read it and made me think about it for hours later.
I read upward of 100 fics this year, so if you don't see your fic that I've reviewed on here, please don't take it personally. Everything I've read this year is wonderful but these stories in particular have sat in my brain for so long I need to charge them rent. Also - I haven't finished reviewing some of these so... don't cancel me if you see your work on this list but I've never said anything djfhgdfrgihud
Also - sorry for so many repeat writers. As you can tell, there are a few people whose style really call to me and whose craft I deeply cherish and admire. Please consider sharing your thoughts with the writers below if you enjoy their work, they are amazing!
Note: Please don’t come for me about how some members recs are longer than others (cough cough Yoongi). I truly chose what, in my opinion, were literally my FAVORITE fics I read and I had a lot to chose from for Yoongi.
Kim Seokjin
Repeat Offense by @gimmethatagustd - One Shot
Summary: The are only two constants in life: the promise of death and the infuriating existence of the man who ruined your life. Will your immortal punishments keep you in an infinite loop, or will you one day be able to rid the world of the evil that is Kim Seokjin?
Sunday by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: You got your boyfriend exactly what he wanted for his birthday.
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Min Yoongi
Nothing to Hide by @gimmethatagustd - One Shot
Summary: It’s your boyfriend’s first Pride Month since coming out, and  you’re determined to make sure he has the time of his life. 
Cyber Sex by @gimmethatagustd - One Shot
Summary: The whole point of being a phone sex hotline operator is that you’ll never have to meet your clients. So what are you supposed to do when you find out your favorite client is your brother’s best friend? 
Look Down On Me Like That by @here2bbtstrash - Series
Summary: Your asshole coworker Min Yoongi has made it his personal mission to ruin your life. 
Moving Day by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: You manage to entice your boyfriend into taking a break from unloading boxes to unload something else instead.
Deadly Desire by @nabiolive - One Shot
Summary: Reader agrees to a date with a handsome stranger despite there being a serial killer terrorizing the streets. What are the chances of it being him, though?
First Love, Last Love by @kithtaehyung - One Shot
Summary: After the most pivotal moment in your life, you never thought you would ever see him again. Years later, you cross paths in the last place you ever imagined him to be. Was this the universe giving you a second chance? Or were you destined to repeat the same mistakes you fought hard to forget? 
Monster For Rent by @yoonjinkooked - One Shot
Summary: With your emotions riding high after a draining break-up, you can finally taste freedom after what felt like a prison you willingly signed up for. After a much needed night out with your friends, the word inhibition is erased out of your vocab. High on both adrenaline and liberation, you don’t even pause to think before you make your next move - and just for one night, you decided to go for a different kind of monster.
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Jung Hoseok
Party On You by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: The only thing stronger than your social anxiety is your big dumb crush on Hoseok - and you’re certainly not expecting it when he tells you the real reason he threw this album release party. 
Please Stop Talking by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: Hoseok is so good at giving head, but so bad at talking dirty. It really makes things difficult. 
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Kim Namjoon
Gravity by @kimvvantae - One Shot
Summary: 5 months after the breakup, you’re still gravitating around each other, no matter how hard you try not to. The only way to finally free yourselves from this pull is to let your orbits collide one last time.
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Park Jimin
Nectar by @gimmethatagustd - Two Shot
Summary: Humans have this annoying habit of being drawn to danger, and you’re having a hard time stopping yourself from sinking your teeth into your new roommate. You’re not sure what’s more tantalizing: his impossibly good looks or his seemingly innocent way of flirting with the darkest part of you.
The Shape of Your Body by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: The same day you finally manage to speak to your months-long public transit crush, you end up seeing much more of him than you bargained for.
Batteries by @amethystwritesbts - One Shot
Summary: Your sex life has been lackluster, much to the dismay of your roommate, who makes it his mission to show you sex can - and should - be amazing.
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Kim Taehyung
Boy Blue by @nabiolive - Series
Summary: While going through a painful but necessary breakup, reader meets someone who is patient, kind, and understanding; everything her last ex was not.
Complete Faith by @daechwitatamic - Series
Summary: It’s Taehyung himself who admits that it’s usually around the one-month mark that he starts to lose interest in his relationships. So even though you’re so drawn to him you can barely stand it, even though he’s attentive and funny, even though you’re helplessly crazy about him… when you start dating, you feel like you’ve got an expiration date from day one. But will it be Taehyung’s issues that get in the way, or your own?
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Jeon Jungkook
Babygirl by @here2bbtstrash
Summary: Your boyfriend claims the outfit was just for a tiktok - until you realize you’re both very into it.
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Multi Member
Collateral by @nabiolive - Series
Summary: Your (soon to be ex) boyfriend gets in over his head working for the local mafia, and Boss Min has come to collect his payment: You.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Namjoon
The Hooksborough Demon by @nabiolive - Series
Summary: You and two friends ventured into the location of an urban legend with the intention of exploring an abandoned building and having a laugh at small town lore for clout. But after a series of mysterious events, you’ve turned to a forum a year later to try to piece everything together, and to find out what the fuck happened to Yoongi & Jimin.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader ft. Jimin
Outro: Tear by @nabiolive - One Shot
Summary: Your relationship with three amazing men felt like a dream come true until one of them cause everything to slowly fall apart
Pairing: Rapline x Reader
Dollhouse by @nabiolive - Series
Summary: Hoseok’s job is simple: He enters the host’s body, he confiscates or terminates the target, and he gets back into his own body by dinnertime, easy peasy.  Until a client comes along who becomes as obsessed with his life as he becomes with theirs, and the lines between their realities begin to blur.
Pairing: Hoseok x Namjoon x Yoongi x Jungkook
Compromise by @here2bbtstrash - One Shot
Summary: You’re torn between the two loves of  your life - but maybe you don’t have to choose
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook
Please give these writers the wonderful, amazing support they deserve and give these fics a read!
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0funsite0 · 2 years
Island Paradise
Summary: You and your friend get stuck on a remote island after a tragic ship accident and have to figure everything out on your own.
Remote island AU - reader insert
Warnings: pregnancy (and all the thing that come with it), very detailed childbirth! small age gap (6 years), vomiting, argument, breastfeeding
Word count: 15.5K
Inspired by the movie Blue Lagoon (1980) and Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)
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- Tae?
- Yes?
- Can I eat this? - tiny little hands reach up to show the older boy the berries.
- No, Y/n! You can't eat anything we aren't entirely sure about! - the boy scolds the little girl.
A pout takes over the girl's lips, as she throws the berries to the ground.
- Can you help me put these branches in my arms?
The little girl squeals in happiness and picks up the branches one by one.
- Will we build a big, big house? - she asks with wide eyes.
- I'm not sure how bit, or steady it will be, but I promise to try my best!
Y/n claps his hands at his answer. Usually, anything Taehyung promises will happen, so the girl is sure that in just a few days they will own the house of her dreams on this small island that is just theirs, no one else's.
The ocean was swaying behind the two kids in the rising sun. Tae hasn't slept almost the entire night, too busy making the finishing touches on the little house they built.
- It's done! It's done, Tae! I'm so happy! - a little girl squealed as the last little details were done as well.
- It is, Y/n! - the boy smiled sleepily. - Have you seen your room yet?
- My woom? I have my own woom?!
- You sure do! - the boy grabbed Y/n's tiny hands and lead her in front of one of the rooms in the wooden house.
There were beautiful shells stuck to the door and formed letters and words. The y read: Y/n's room.
- Happy Birthday, Y/n!
- It's my biwthday? - the girl asked wide-eyed.
- It is, silly. - he chuckled. - It's the 3rd of July.
- How do you know?
- I've been keeping track on the wall of the cave.
- Wow!
- So, do you want to see your room? It's your present from me.
Without another word, the girl pushed the bamboo door open with tiny, clumsy hands. The sight in front of her left Y/n speechless.
The room wasn't large but it was extremely cosy. There was everything the little girl needed. A bed-like creation to sleep on, a small wardrobe she could fill with the clothes that were saved from the ship or washed to shore, and even a window, giving a fantastic view of the infinite water, covered by curtains. Adorable decorations made out of shells and leaves were hung on the sealing.
- Tae... It's so beautiful! Thank you! - she wrapped her short arms around the boy's thighs and hid her face in his stomach.
- Of course, Y/n. You deserve it. - he picked up the girl and held her securely on his waist. - But only if you show me how old you turned!
Little Y/n slowly held up her fingers while counting each one until she stopped.
- Five! - she laughed.
- That's right! You're a big girl now! - he kissed her cheek and gently lowered her light body to the ground. - Today is all about you, Sweetheart! We'll celebrate!
- A pawty?
- Yes, a party.
- Will mama and dada be thewe?
The boy's eyes darkened, sadness washing over his figure.
- No, Y/n... T-they won't be there, unfortunately... - he brushed a hand over the girl's soft cheeks as a pout spread across her lips.
- Then youw mama and youw dada?
The boy only sighed and shook his head, holding back tears that were so eager to spill onto his cheeks.
- Why?
- Remember the fire on the ship? - she nodded. - Well... you and I are very lucky, you know? Mama and dada couldn't get out as we did... I... t-they got stuck in the fire...
- But we awe they now?
- Y/n... they are at a better place... I guess... - a tear managed to slip out. - But that place is very far away from us.
- It doesn't, matter how far away they are, Tae. I want to go there.
- Oh, Y/n, no! That place... that place is for people who don't live anymore.
The little girl started to realize what her friend was trying to tell her. There was no coming back for her mama and papa... They were gone.
Tears started welling up in the girl's eyes and looked up at the boy almost as if she was asking for help of some sort.
- A-are they d-dead?
All the boy did was nod slightly, his own heart breaking at the sight of the little girl's tear-streamed face. The girl once again buried her face into the boy's stomach, painful sobs erupting from her lips.
5 year later
Y/n took careful steps as she climbed the little hill which had turned into her safe place over the years. Whenever she was feeling down, or times were rough, she would come out there and pray. She believed this was the place where she could talk to her parents. even though they never answered through words, Y/n knew they were listening.
The delicately carved piece of rock was placed on the top of the hill, with the beautiful ocean behind it.
Y/n placed the blossoming bouquet next to the headstone and a small tear escaped her eyes.
- Mama? Papa? - she began. - I hope you can hear me. I'm sure you can. - she smiled. - I turned 10 a couple of days ago. I'm a big girl now... Tae is 16 now. He's so, so, so smart. He built a whole house, and I even have my own room! He also taught me many, many things, so I could be smart just like him. Although, I still have a long way to go. He truly is amazing. He's the sibling I never had. My wise, big brother. He hunts and catches fish for us to eat, and I collect fruits and veggies around the island. I even made my own little garden where I can grow all the delicious plants. But Tae is the one who does most of the things. I always try to help him as much as I can...
It started raining. Y/n would have had so much more to tell her parents, but the worried boy's voice stopped her.
- Y/n, come inside! - his voice echoed from a distance.
- Bye, mama! Bye, dada! - she blew a kiss above her head.
Taehyung told her they must be up there, far, far away above the clouds.
What is happening to me?
Taehyung thought to himself as he stood in front of the small mirror that got washed up to shore a few days after the accident.
He didn't things were happening to his body. He was overly confused. He was inspecting his bare chest. It had gotten much... bigger? More muscular! His arms weren't as thin as they used to be.
And what is that thing coming out of my...
This was puberty... he knew it. But he thought his voice is going to get deeper, or a little facial hair and that's it. But oh boy, no...
He just wished his dad would be there to explain it all... His big sister, Tiana, explained some girly stuff to him, but she never told him about the things boys experienced.
He had a lot to figure out on his own.
- Careful around the fire, Y/n!
- Sorry... - she apologized and stopped getting closer to the intriguing flames. - Can I have the coconut, please?
- Of course.
- But you love coconut too and we only have one. We could always share.
- Thank you, Y/n! You are very sweet, but we don't have to. We only found a small coconut this time, so I want you to eat as much of it as possible.
- But why? - the girl asked with curious eyes.
Tae could see she wasn't developing as she should. She was still extremely thin and shorter than an average 10-year-old should be. He was on a mission to fix this issue. He went hunting every day for hours, coming home with different animals and fruits, hoping they would help the girl. She was fragile.
But he didn't want to worry Y/n or make her think she was weak.
- I don't even like them that much, so you can have it.
- Really? - she gasped. - I thought you loved coconuts...
- I changed my mind. - he smiled.
- Okay... More for me then! - she giggled cheekily.
- Eat up sweetheart. - he chuckled, happy to see his sunshine eat.
Because it was true. Y/n was his sunshine. His everything since getting stuck on this island. He lost his whole family in the ship catastrophe. His parents, all 4 of his little sisters, and his big sister, who he looked up to very much. He missed them incredibly. He missed braiding their hair, their laughs and just having them in general. He wished he cherished those moments more before it all came to an end.
And for Y/n's parents, Y/n was their only child, and he swore he would protect her with all he had.
2 years later
- TAE! TAE!!! - the 12-year-old girl shouted from the edge of the forest.
- Y/N? Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?! - his worried voice called out.
Y/n's frightened form emerged from under the trees. She was running and chased by a little fluff ball.
- What is this, Tae?! Oh my God! It's gonna kill me!
The boy burst into laughter.
- Y/n! - he was laughing so hard. - H-have you e-ever seen a dog?
- Yes, but Tae! This isn't a dog. It's much smaller and its barks are ear-piercing.
- Y/n, this is a dog, just a different kind. Maybe you haven't seen one of them before. Look.
He caught the girl, who jumped onto him, seeking a place to hide. A place where she could be safe. And it was always her protector, her big brother. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, burying her face into its crock.
The tiny, fluffy dog stopped at the boy's legs at last and started jumping to reach the little girl, but it was too small and couldn't jump that high.
The boy slowly sat the girl down on her legs and the puppy immediately sniffed her, memorizing her fragrance. Taehyung wiped away the tears that rolled down the girl's cheeks.
- See? He's friendly.
- He? It's a boy? - she smiled, finally calming down.
- Yes.
- How do you know?
- Uhm... well... see that thing there? - he pointed between the dog's legs at the back.
The girl nodded.
- Well... that means he is a boy.
- Oh! Okay.
- Do you want to pet him?
- No! - she buried her face into his chest once more.
- But he's friendly! Look, he's so small.
The little girl opened her eyes and looked at the tiny creature, crouching down finally and carefully lowering her hand to pet the fluff ball's head.
- See?
A soft giggle erupted from Y/n.
- Give him a name, Tae!
- Me? Don't you have any pretty names?
She shook her head. Taehyung thought for a second. he always wanted a dog, but there was already so much hectic in their house at home, that adding a dog to 6 kids would have been a disaster.
But there was one name he liked, despite not being able to give it to any animal.
- How about Yeontan? - he said.
- Yeontan?
- Do you not like it?
- I do! Yeontan... That's such a unique name. Tannie!
- Tannie? What is that?
- His nickname! Yeontan and Tannie! Is it okay?
- Of course! I love it.
With that, he pressed a kiss onto her cheeks. Their little family had 3 members now. They weren't alone. They had each other. And that's what matters the most.
2 years later
Oh, God...
Oh, please, no!
- No! Tannie, go away! - she scolded the dog, who was curiously smelling the red stain on the white fabric.
The blood on her bed was the first thing Y/n noticed after she woke up. And the throbbing pain in her tummy didn't go away either... She thought it was from accidentally swallowing a lot of salt water while swimming the day before. It had happened before but didn't usually last this long.
This was different.
And where was the blood coming from? - she figured that one out pretty quickly... Panic rose in her. What was she supposed to do now? Tell Tae? But this is so embarrassing... There was no way she was going to keep this to herself. She shared everything with him.
So she shyly got off of her bed and yanked the stained material it was covered with.
- Tae? - she called out for him as she stepped out of the house.
The boy was just returning from collecting useful things around one part of the island.
- Yes, sweetheart?
- I... - she swallowed hard. - I'm really sorry, Tae... I don't know what happened.
She unraveled the fabric to reveal the bloodstain. However, she didn't receive the reaction she was nervous about. The boy inspected the red spot and a soft smile appeared on his face.
- Y/n, there's nothing to worry about, okay? This is completely normal for girls. It's called menstruation or a period when big and mature girls like you bleed from down there once a month or so. It's totally natural.
Y/n processed his words. She had so many questions and she wasn't afraid to ask him. Turns out, he knew a lot of things about periods.
- If only girls get this, then... how do you know so much about it?
- From my big sister. She taught me many things. Stuff about girls, what changes their bodies go through, and everything else that comes with it.
And so he shared all his knowledge about menstruation cycles with her, starting from cramps and bleeding, to mood swings and cravings. She looked up to him so much.
- Come, let's get you cleaned up and prepare the stuff we need, sweetheart.
He noticed her flushed cheeks and her hesitation to go with him.
- Y/n, this is pure nature. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Please, let me take care of you! - he enveloped her in a big hug.
- Thank you, Tae!
- Here. - Taehyung put the small cloth full of hot rocks from the beach on Y/n's tummy. He made sure it wasn't too heavy for her stomach. - Tell me when it runs cold and I'll collect more from the sand.
- How is this supposed to help?
- Hot temperatures usually help with cramps like such.
- Oh! Okay, thanks. - she smiled through her tears.
The boy pressed a soft kiss onto her temple.
- Woof! - a high-pitched bark came from the door.
- Hi Tannie! Come here.
The puppy paddled his legs with his tongue hanging from its mouth and jumped into Taehyung's huge hands. The boy placed him next to the girl's cramping stomach. The Yeontan sniffed along her tummy and let out whimpering noises.
- Shh... It's okay, Tannie. - the boy called. - Mamma's okay. Just some cramps that will go away soon.
But for Yeontan it didn't look like his Mamma is okay.
The sight of the girl he has become so protective of in tears worried him. Turns out, those stupid cramps were bothering her, and even though Taehyung told her about these pains during periods, she still got a little scared.
Being in pain was never a good sign, she learned that pretty early on. They had no doctors, medicines, or gauze to wrap their wounds. They could only rely on each other.
There was one time when Taehyung got badly hurt while climbing on a tree to reach those huge coconuts for Y/n. He knew they were her favorite. A branch broke underneath his weight and while gravity pulled him harshly to the ground, another branch cut his right thigh. It was a nasty cut. In a couple of days, the wound got infected. It got to the point where he couldn't even feel his toes. He thought he was losing his leg.
The little girl was terrified at that time. She was still very young and had no idea how to help her best friend.
From then on they swore to tell each other if they experienced any sort of pain, no matter how small it was.
- Is it working? - he asked after a while.
- Mhm... It doesn't hurt as much anymore.
- Thank God! - he smiled. - Sleep, sweetheart. It will be even better after you wake up. And guess what...
- What? - the girl perked up at his excited voice.
- Maybe a little surprise will be waiting for you when you wake up.
- What surprise? Coconut?!
- If I told you it won't be a surprise anymore, silly.
Y/n pouted.
- Okay... I'll sleep quickly then!
- Take your time, Y/n. - and there goes another kiss on the cheeks. - Yeontan, guard Mamma's dreams, okay?
- Woof!
- Good boy! - he scratched behind his ears.
And with a cute chuckle, the girl closed her eyes and drifted off into a shallow slumber.
- I'm up!
- This was barely 20 minutes, sweetheart...
- But I was so excited... I couldn't sleep any longer.
- Alright, come outside then.
Taehyung could hear quick feel paddle on the bamboo stairs. Soon enough she appeared with the tiny puppy following close behind.
- What's the surprise?
Taehyung laughed at her nosiness.
- Patience, Y/n!
- Okay... - she pouted.
- Come with me.
With that, he took her hand and lead her to the mountainside where thousands of white stripes showed the number of days they'd been calling this island home.
But there was so much more room on the huge rock.
In front of the empty surface, half coconut shells were sitting in the sand. Y/n curiously stepped closer to them.
- Colours? - she asked confused.
- They are paints. Look! - he crouched down next to the girl. Green, red, purple, and this blueish color. I tried to make yellow as well but... it didn't turn out quite that well.
A huge smile crept onto her face.
- But it turned into a beautiful cream color! - she clapped her hands in excitement.
- Do you like them? - he asked. - Here's a brush you can use to put them on the wall.
He picked up the paintbrush-like creation and handed it to her.
- I love them!!! - she jumped onto the boy who fell into the sand with a soft thud, with one hand tight around Y/n's body and the other pressed her head into the crook of his neck. - Thank you, Tae!
- Thank me by showing what you can create with them.
Her cheeks flushed red.
- Well... I've never really painted before. I'm not very good.
- That's okay! Do something simple. Like... the ocean during sunset!
- Okay.
The boy set aside. He watched as Y/n sipped the brush in each color. She was so concentrated on her art, her tongue stuck out.
In a few minutes, the picture started to come together, even though the colors didn't show up quite vibrant on the dark rock. The wavy blue line was obviously the water, the red half circle above it the setting sun. She even managed to paint pretty clouds with the cream color.
- It's beautiful, Y/n!
- Thanks! - she showed a shy smile.
3 years later
From then on, whenever Tae was away, this large canvas became her safe place. She painted away and eventually with a lot of practice, her skills became better and better. She even experimented with the whole paint-making process and improved the quality of her paints each time.
Y/n was a grown woman now. Her curves have gotten more prominent and they were beautiful nonetheless.
It didn't miss Taehyung's eyes either. The way her chest pushed out the otherwise loose-fitting cloth around her body, how the fabric hugged the soft curve of her hip... As he watched her work on another masterpiece on the canvas given by nature with their dog by her feet, who hasn't grown much, all he could think about was how he would-
Stop that!
He couldn't think like that. She was his little sister. he has been taking care of her, raising her ever since she turned 5...
Well... he wasn't actually his sister-
STOP! - he scolded himself.
He couldn't take watching her anymore...
- Y/n, I'm going hunting! - he called.
- Okay. Do you want me to come with you?
- No, you just paint.
Y/n pouted a little. His oh-so-loved big brother has been so distant lately... It made her sad. So, so sad.
She didn't understand... They used to be best buddies. Telling each other everything and anything. Now he didn't even cuddle her to sleep anymore. He started wearing clothing while swimming, which was something neither of them did before. So Y/n decided to do the same. She made her own hand-made swimwear.
That gave her the idea to spend the remainder of the day swimming a little. She finished her painting of Tannie, packed up her pieces of equipment, and made the short walk to their house with the small dog trailing behind her.
At this point, Yeontan had his own corner with a little swing and a half coconut shell as a food bowl. He quickly nestled himself in his swing and dosed off right away.
The cool water felt refreshing on her skin after such a hot day. She could tell the sun still had about 45 minutes before starting to set. She would be back before it was completely under the horizon.
This was the time to let out all the frustration, confusion, and hurt. It came in the form of tears. They blended perfectly with the salty ocean water.
She just swam and swam, letting all the droplets exit her eyes.
She didn't realize how far she has gone. She wasn't far from shore. In fact, the island was almost at arm's reach, however, she no longer recognized which part of the island she was facing. She must be on the other side... But that was so far! And-
Oh no!
The sky had gotten dark. There was no way she could find her way back in pitch black.
She started to panic. She couldn't swim to shore because of the sudden cramp in her limbs. The anxiety of not knowing her surroundings pulled her under the surface. She wanted to shout, but not even a broken sound came out of his throat.
All she could do was splash the water around in hopes of getting Taehyung's attention. But he was so far from her right now. There was no way it will reach his ears.
She couldn't keep fighting anymore... The harsh waves pushed her to the bottom.
Where is she?!
The boy was freaking out. He checked their entire house, only to be met with their peacefully sleeping dog. But he awoke because of his owner's distressed shuffles around the room.
- Tannie! Where is Mamma? - his voice was panicked, which caused Yeontan to worry as well.
- Woof! - he jumped off his swing and ran outside.
Taehyung followed right behind, but the dog was only barking at the water.
- Did Mamma go swimming?
- Woof!
But she should be back already!
It was their rule that if they ever went swimming alone, they would be back before sunset. It was night now...
He ran along the waves, but there was no sight or sound of Y/n. He was starting to lose his mind.
I swear if anything happens to her I-
- Y/N!!!
He ran straight through the forest behind their house, still screaming her name, not caring if he draws the attention of predators to himself.
What was that?
There was something in the water nearby. Something was violently splashing. Before it stopped. Taehyung went to check on the source of the noise, only to find familiar strands of hair sinking under the water.
- Y/N!!! Oh my God!
He jumped into the cool water and swam towards the girl like his life depended on it. And it did. But mostly hers.
As soon as he managed to drag her body to stable grounds he checked for a pulse.
There wasn't any.
He immediately began pushing down on her chest at a fast pace. He was terrified. He didn't know what he was doing. He remembered something about having to blow air into the person's mouth. So he did that. He opened her mouth and blew into it just like how a small child would blow out the candles on a birthday cake.
- Y/n, please wake up! - he began sobbing.
The blowing didn't work, so he continued pushing on her chest.
Eventually, Y/n coughed up water. A lot of it. But she was alive and awake.
- Y/n! Y/n, sweetheart!
Water continued flowing out of her mouth. He just sat there with her head on his lap and stroked her hair until every bit of water left her lungs. Even after that, she was left breathing heavily and weak.
- Tae... - she panted.
- It's okay, I'm here.
- Tae, I-
- Shhh... just sleep, I'll carry you back.
The girl didn't have enough strength to say another word, so she obeyed and shut her eyes.
Taehyung quietly watched as she slept peacefully, with Yeontan right by her side. She was okay, and that meant everything to him.
He was, however, angry at her for wandering off so far from their house and not coming back by sunset. It was their rule and she had broken it. Taehyung had never felt such fear before.
- Tae... - her soft, sleepy voice was heard.
She slowly sat up.
- Why? - the boy said.
- I'm sorry, Tae, I-
- I told you! I told you not to go that far or be back in time! - he rose his voice.
- I know and I-
- Do you know how scared I was?
- Tae, I-
- NO YOU DON'T! - he shouted.
The girl flinched and scooted as far away from him on the bed as possible. She knew she made a mistake, but she never could have imagined the effect it had on Taehyung. The boy, who was always so gentle and soft around her. The boy she felt safe with.
- I WAS FUCKING TERRIFIED, OKAY! - this was the first time he used a curse word in front of her.
He wasn't even sure she knew what it meant, but he didn't care at the moment.
Y/n had tears running down her cheeks, but gathered enough strength.
Taehyung was taken aback by her behavior. He's never heard her raise her voice like that before.
- I'm almost 18 years old!!! I can do whatever I want, and you are NOT the one to control me!
- I am! I fucking am! I've raised you since you were 5! I was only 11 at the time, but I still made sure YOU never felt alone and had everything you needed! And after everything I've done for you over these twelve years, you still have the AUDACITY to be an ungrateful bitc-
He stopped just in time and didn't finish the last word.
- If I'm that much of a burden to you, then why did you even bother with me?!
- I NEVER said you were a burden! Stop twisting my words!
- Well, regardless, you won't have to bother anymore!
With that, she stood up and barged into her room to grab some of her belongings. She reemerged with a huge pile of her stuff covering her face and marched out of the house... their home.
- Where are you going? - he asked in a calmer tone.
- I'm leaving, if you couldn't tell... I don't want to bother you any further. - her voice could be heard, but he didn't see her anymore.
He hurriedly stood up and ran after her.
- Y/n, stop right now!
- Just leave it, Taehyung!
- Come back, now!
- See? You ARE controlling me!
- Okay then! LEAVE! And we'll see how you manage out there alone!
- We damn well will!
And she did manage pretty well. When you are trapped on an island, you don't have a choice, but to adapt to the changes in life and learn to survive.
She found shelter in a spacious cave and she settled there. She set up her little sleeping area, organized her painting supplies, and so on.
But she missed him. And it was different from before. She no longer missed him as a sister would her brother she hadn't seen in a long time. She couldn't quite put a hand on what she was feeling. One thing was for sure: she couldn't sleep without his touch on her waist or his kisses on her cheeks.
She felt so alone. Something that she hasn't felt in 12 years.
She would sometimes see him when she went out fishing, but emotionless glances were all they sent each other.
He was in absolute agony. He was upset with her, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't push away the worry he felt when she didn't show up for days at her usual fishing spot.
And now it has been a whole month since she left. The 5th of July. Her 18th birthday passed without him giving her happy birthday kisses or surprising her with something, just like he did every year.
He went looking for her before, but gave up, thinking she needed space. If he was sure she wanted him to find him, he would've found her already. The island isn't that big after all...
But he respected her decision of wanting to be alone. No matter how much that hurt him.
He hasn't seen her in a week now. This was strange since she showed up every other day close to their home. He was very worried.
He didn't care anymore. He went looking for her.
It didn't take him long to find her.
He entered the cave with a little bit of trouble. The entrance was too tight for him, but she didn't have any problem getting in with her tiny frame. It was dark inside, only a little bit of sunlight slipped through the small entrance.
The moment he spotted her laying in the corner, he knew something wasn't right. She was breathing heavily and as he felt her forehead, it was obvious she was burning up.
- Sweetheart? - he whispered.
- Tae? - her voice was nearly non-existent.
Then a broken sob escaped her lips.
- Shh... It's okay. You're okay, sweet girl! - he kept his voice low, knowing how sensitive her hearing must be right now.
He lifted her gently but soon realized, there was no way he could squeeze the both of them through that tiny hole. So he slowly lowered her back to where she has been laying and covered her from head to toe with her blankets, so she wouldn't get hurt. He then launched himself at the rocks around the entrance and gave it a harsh kick, which sent chunks of debris flying everywhere.
This was he was able to get her back to where she belonged to. Their home, with him.
He layed her wack and tended to her needs. Starting with making her drink a lot of water, then feeding her small bits of food.
The fever was still there after a few days, but she looked so much better. Her face was no longer that pale, and her eyes regained that shine she always had in them.
He was so relieved.
- Tae?
- Yes?
- I love you.
- Love you two, Sweetheart.
- I'm sorry for everything. - she was so guilty.
- I'm sorry too. For the yelling, you know. You didn't deserve that.
- I kind of did...
- Yeah... maybe. - they chuckled. - I'm just happy we made up. So we're good now, right?
- We always were, Tae!
He looked down at her lips and felt the urge to press his onto them. He tried stopping himself, but at the same time, she leaned in and finished what he started.
Y/n was confused. She had no idea what they did that day, what it was called. He saw her mother and father do that a lot. That much she remembered.
It was a gesture of love. She knew that.
She loved Taehyung, of course. That wasn't a question. But it was different now, for sure.
She had to figure out what was going on.
She turned 18. Taehyung explained how this was a special age and that she was an adult now. An adult, just like him.
- Y/n, I love you but can you please get off my lap?
- Am I too heavy? - she pouted.
- No! Or course not! But I just need you to get off for a little...
- Okay...
She reluctantly got off of the boy's lap and he immediately covered the area where she'd been with his arms.
Luckily she didn't realize.
- I'm going for a quick walk, okay? Will you be okay on your own for a while? - he asked.
- Can't I come with you?
- Uhm... I'm afraid not, Sweetheart.
- But why?
- I just need some time alone.
- I don't like this, Tae... - she sighed. - You've been acting weird since a long time ago. And after that day when... o-our l-lips touched...
- Things haven't been the same? - he finished for her.
She just nodded. He desperately tried to think of something that will help with his... situation down there, and eventually succeeded.
- I'm sorry, Y/n. There are things that my sister never explained to me and I'm confused.
- I'm confused too! We can be confused together. - she smiled.
He giggled at her cuteness.
- I know.
Y/n was looking at the waves that were crashing against the solid wall of rocks on the other end of the coast, clearly submerged in thoughts. The boy, who was much rather a grown man now, just stared at her side profile in the soft light of the setting sun.
- Y/n?
She turned her head towards him.
- I love you, Y/n. - he whispered.
- I love you too, Tae. - she turned her head back.
- I'm in love with you.
She looked back at him. In love? She'd never heard that before. What does it mean?
- Not like a brother would love her sister, or not how we love Yeontan.
- Then?
- Like your dad loved your mom, or like your mom loved your dad.
- Like lovers? In love? - she finally understood.
- Yes. - he sent her a soft smile.
Was that what she felt all along. Were the feelings mutual?
The answer was simply yes. She could finally label it and get rid of the mess taking over her thoughts.
She was in love. they were in love.
Whit that, their lips crashed against each other for the second time, but this time none of them broke it for a long, long time.
3 years later
- Love, I'm home! - Taehyung called.
- Finally! - she laughed. - I couldn't imagine where you have gone off to.
Taehyung walked up to her where she was hanging up their clean fabrics and clothes. He laced his arm around her waist and kissed her temple.
- I was just on a quick hunt. I noticed you developed a pretty good appetite lately. - he chuckled.
- Hey! - she smacked his chest lightly. - You eat twice as much as me!
- Yeah yeah... I'm just saying that you've been eating a bit more compared to the amount you used to. I'm not saying that's bad-
- Well you sure make it seem like it is. - Y/n cut him off, this time with a sharper tone.
- No, no! Don't think like that. What I meant is that since we consume more food now I went hunting a bit so we wouldn't run out! - he was becoming a little annoyed this time around. - But you know what? Forget I said anything.
- Fuck you, Taehyung!
With that, she threw the remaining clothes at the stunned boy next to her and angrily stormed off.
Taehyung finished hanging the laundry on the string tied between two palm trees and returned to the house.
- Y/n-ie... - he called out in a gentle, apologetic voice.
Y/n was lying in her bed, which wasn't in her room anymore, much rather pressed as close to Taehyung's as possible. She was turned towards the wall and had the blanket draped over her face. She clearly heard him, but intentionally ignored him.
God... Why is she like this?
Maybe she'll get her period soon...
But she's never behaved like this before. Not even during that time of the month...
He assumed giving in and apologizing was the best option. Even if he felt like he wasn't guilty...
- Y/n, I'm sorry! - he sat down next to her head.
He attempted to pull the fabric off of her head, but she had a strong grip on the material, so in the end, he settled for stroking her hair.
- You aren't eating too much. I was wrong about it all!
- No you weren't... - she sobbed. - I do eat more and I'm getting fat!
- Now that's just ridiculous-
- I'm serious, Tae! I think I'm sick. I'm eating more and haven't bled this month...
- I thought I miscounted the days but I didn't... - she continued. - I mean, I'm not sad about it. Periods are horrible, but this could mean I'm sick. And that's even worse.
- Hold up! Y-you... You haven't had your period?
- No?
It was all making sense. Her appetite, missed period...
- Baby, I-... I think you are pregnant. - he announced in shock.
- Pregnant?
- Yeah... Like a baby. I mean... We're having a baby.
- How? Where? - she was confused.
With shaky hands, the boy reached for the girl's middle and layed a protective hand on the flat surface.
- Here. You have a baby in your belly.
- B-but... How? - her eyes widened.
- Uhm... Well, you know how we... how we...
- Yeah. - she understood and a naughty smile spread across her face.
- That's how it must have happened. I-I'm not s-so sure though... Nobody really told me much about that.
There was a moment when nothing outside them mattered. It was just him, her, and the little being within the body of the girl, now the woman he loved so dearly. Their precious creation.
His hand remained over the spot his baby was settled in. Not wanting to leave. Ever.
- We're having a child. - tears streamed down both of their faces.
- We are!
His lips captured hers in a deep, emotional kiss.
Y/n woke up to an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She ran outside and launched forward to vomit in the sand.
Oh, God...
This has never happened to me before.
She was beyond scared. Every sickness they ever experienced on this island was scary.
- Y/n?! - Taehyung came jogging on the coast.
She couldn't answer. Her stomach continuously emptied itself. There was no break.
- It's okay, Love! It's totally normal. - he rubbed her back and held her hair with his free hand.
Once she finished the girl looked up at him with pleading eyes. That's when he noticed the tears in her eyes.
- Oh my darling.
He cradled her head close to his chest, not caring if she just threw up.
- W-what was t-this Tae?
- Calm down. It's normal, okay? This is what comes with pregnancy, unfortunately.
- So I'll have to deal with this for a year?! - she worried.
Y/n knew nothing about pregnancy. Not how long it lasted, not the symptoms, stages... Nothing.
And then came the lesson about pregnancy and all of those details that Taehyung knew.
- A pregnancy lasts for about 9 months, 40 weeks. The baby continues to grow bigger as it develops. This period is divided into 3 trimesters. You're in the first one right now. As your body adapts to the changes of accommodating a human being inside, you may experience some of the first-trimester symptoms, like nausea, or backaches. There might be more, but I'm not that educated on it...
Y/n stood there in an ave.
-How do you know so many things? - she wondered.
- My mom was pregnant many times and I was present for all of the home births. Except for my older sister's, of course.
The girl hugged her love dearly.
- What would I do without you?
- What would I do, angel? - he kissed her head. - Let's get something into your tummy, okay?
- Mhmm... I'm quite hungry.
- Let's go then.
Taehyung made her sit comfortably on the bed-like creation, with her back against the cushioned frame and her legs crossed together.
He prepared some of the things he remembered her mom ate while expecting. However, there wasn't much he could put together. They didn't have all those resources. He remembered something about having to be careful with fish. But what was it?
In the end, he cooked the fish really good to make sure he got rid of the bacteria on it.
- Here, eat up!
Y/n didn't know what was going on. Her stomach turned at the smell, but there was nothing it could rid itself of.
- Tae, I... I don't think I can eat right now. It smells weird.
- Oh, my love. That's okay! I think it's one of the symptoms I think.
- This sucks...
- I know, I'm sorry... But it will go away eventually.
During the next few weeks, Taehyung's favorite way to spend time became cuddling her either in their bed or in the sand close to the crashing waves.
Y/n developed a small bump that kept growing and growing. It fascinated them both. One because she has never seen, let alone experience such a thing, and the other wasn't used to seeing someone carrying a baby outside of his mother. And when it was his baby that person, the love of his life was carrying, it was a whole new story.
They were walking hand in hand in the forest. Taehyung remembered his mother taking small walks during her pregnancy with her younger sisters. She said it was healthy for both the baby and her. So that's what he made Y/n do.
- Your bump is adorable, love.
- It's still weird to me... - she answered with a hand on her lower tummy.
- You'll get used to it as it gets bigger.
They continued to walk under the trees, which provided shade from the shining sun, in complete silence.
- Tae... I'm scared.
He stopped and turned her so they were looking into each other's eyes.
- I know, baby. It's totally normal, but don't worry. I'm gonna be here for all of it. And the little I know, I'm going to teach you.
- Yeontan! Come here! - Y/n yelled, calling the dog for his feed. - Hi, Tannie. You were close to the house, huh? You usually wander far away from home.
The dog, who was still the size of a small puppy, jumped around the girl's leg as she squatted down next to his bowl. She did that with minor difficulties since the protruding extension of her bump got in the way of many activities she would usually do with ease. That was one of the reasons Taehyung was the one on a hunt at the moment. He wouldn't allow Y/n to do that. Not right now.
- Tannie! - she chuckled in surprise.
The puppy was rubbing against her tummy with such care, it seemed like the pet knew about her state. The pup wouldn't touch his food. He was so caught up in admiring the girl's middle. He could feel something was going on. Something very important indeed.
- Woof, woof!
- Tannie... You're scaring baby. - she giggled.
- What's going on in there? - a deep voice sounded from outside.
- Tae!!! - she jumped up as her love appeared at the door.
- Y/n! - he breathed as she practically launched herself at him. - Easy there, my love.
- How did your hunt go?
- Got some goodies...
- Let me see!!!
- Here... - he led her out of the house. - Coconuts, bananas, and even the mangos had ripened! I'll still have to go fishing since I didn't come across any animals that are worth hunting down.
- Mangoes?!
- Yeah!
- Oh my goodness! I love them! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!!
- You're silly! - he giggled at her cuteness.
The girl giggled while excitedly emptying the makeshift sack Taehyung put the fruits in. He just stood there, staring in admiration.
This was his life on the island. It started out as a tragedy, but now it's a complete paradise. Living in peace with his love and baby on the way. He lost his family, just to welcome a special someone in his life. He had to mature and leave his childhood behind too early, but he believes it was all worth it. He did all of it for his little girl.
That little girl, who knew very little about the world, was now in front of him, carrying his child with such grace, he couldn't imagine loving someone more than he loves his Y/n.
Why does this thing not fit me anymore? - she wondered.
No matter how hard she pulled on the soft material of her top, it wouldn't loosen. It was suffocating her.
She tried to ignore the stabbing pain in her chest and went on with her daily activities. She did some laundry, made herself a little snack out of coconuts and mangoes while Taehyung was away, and played with Yeontan.
Taehyung was still away when she noticed the two wet patches on the front of her top.
Where did these come from?
She took it off quickly and put another one on after cleaning herself up.
- Good evening, love! - she was greeted by the sweetest voice she knew on this planet. - How was your day?
She thought about that for a second. She felt embarrassed because of what happened earlier that day. Should she tell him about the patches on her top? Was it something to worry about? She was in a precious state, after all. Taehyung explained to her all the possible complications a woman can experience during their pregnancy. She was scared, frightened even. She didn't want her baby to live through that. She loved her baby.
So it was obvious she should tell her partner about what happened, to make sure it was nothing to worry about and her baby was okay.
- Taehyung… - she coughed in an attempt to disguise her embarrassment. – So… today my top felt really… tight around my chest and then there were two wet patches on the material. I-Is our baby alright?
The boy standing in front of her smiled and immediately understood what was going on.
- My love, - he stepped closer setting one hand on top of her growing bump and the other around her waist to pull her closer. - I forgot to tell you about this, but around this time women start producing milk for their babies. There are some different stages to this and I'm not even sure myself but that's a beautiful thing and I'm so happy we got to this point.
- So… I'm making milk in my... - he asked with a small voice.
- Mhmm… - he smiled. - But cheer up, my darling! - he stroked her cheek as he saw mixed emotions in her eyes. - This is good and it's only natural! Isn't it amazing how your body is doing that for our child? It's preparing itself for when he or she is born.
The girl smiled.
- Yes, it's amazing!
Deep sound of drums, rocks being thrown, sticks smacked together. The deep voices of strange humans.
Rain was pouring, but it was clear...
The island has new visitors. And they weren't up to anything good.
A loud scream, a heavy object falling to the floor with a muffled thud and rolling away.
Then there was silence, which was only crushed by the continuous sound of flesh being ripped apart and the faint noise of fire.
- Oh my God!
- Are you okay?! - Taehyung sat up in bed with urgency.
When he didn't hear a response, he reached for her in the dark in an attempt to calm her.
- I… I felt something! - her voice was laced with worry.
- Tell me…
- I'm not sure… I-I felt like... Like a push against my skin from the inside. It's scary, Tae!
- Does it hurt?
- No, but… what is this Tae? I don't like it…
The boy placed his big palms on either side of the girl’s tummy. He left it there for a while until he felt it too…  A soft little push against his hands, one on each side. Must have been a foot, a knee, an elbow, or a tiny little hand but it didn't matter. It was beautiful either way and the best feeling in the world.
- Love... I think… our baby! That's our baby! – he exclaimed happily.
- Our baby?
- Yes, our baby is kicking! Isn't it beautiful? – he sighed in ave.
- Wow! This… this is amazing!
It wasn’t scary or unpleasant anymore. She felt ecstatic.
They sat there, in a room filled with joyful giggles, as the precious creature within the girl sent its first signs of communication to the outside world. If only time can stop! They wished to be frozen in that moment then and there.
- Wow... This feels amazing! - she sighed as she submerged her body further in the water. - It takes so much pressure off my back.
- I'm glad, my love! - he smiled and kissed the crown of her head. - There it is, hold onto me, sweetheart.
He slowly lowered her into the ocean, but left his arm around her body. Taehyung has become extremely protective over Y/n ever since she had trouble breathing, rubbed her back with a deep groan and randomly placed a hand onto the bottom of the protruding bump even after the simplest activities she did throughout the day. Of course, he noticed these small signs or the girl's disconfort without her having to tell him anything, and now he was determined to make it all better.
- Is the water okay? Isn't it too cold?
- Tae... - she giggled. - Calm down, its perfect. Feels amazing.
- Alright then.
They shared a passionate kiss, surrounded by the waves and singing birds. The whole scene was more then idyllic. Anyone judging from outside would envy their lives. It was a real paradise there.
Taehyung's mind was never at ease though.
Ever since those strange men came to the island and ate that girl, he didn't even dare to leave Y/n alone. He barely slept, always had both ears focused on their surroundings.
He kept it all to himself and it was slowly eating him up from the inside. But there was no way he could tell Y/n about there concerns. He remembered his father tell him not to make mama mad when she had her sisters in her belly. She needed to stay away from stress. So that's why he swore to keep his girl calm.
- What's on your mind, love? - her sweet voice ripped him away from his trans.
- Nothing serious, don't worry. - he smiled.
- I can see there's something up.
The girls felt something was wrong and instantly became concerned. She slipped away from the boy's arms so she could look into his eyes from across.
- Tell me.
It was simple amd a bit demanding. Taehyung new he had to think of something. He wasn't going to worry you with this.
- I was just wondering when I should go for a hunt. We are running out of food but you're too far along for me to leave you on your own.
- Was this the thing bothering you? - she chuckled. - You are babying me too much! I'll be okay for a few hours.
- I know but just want to make sure. You now, one of my aunts lost their baby because she fell and lost her consciousness, and because nobody was at home she was left there bleeding for long hours. They couldn't save the baby.
That's when he caught a single tear roll down the girl's cheek.
- Baby? Are you okay? Hurt?
- I don't want to lose my baby! - she sniffles.
- You won't, love, you won't. It was and accident many years ago. They had a long flight of stairs. We don't have stairs to fall off of.
- We have ladders though.
- Well I already forbade you to go on those... Even moved our bed to the first floor.
That's right.
- And I'm not leaving you anyway.
- And who is going to hunt?
- We can go fishing together. - he suggested. - Or collect some berries and fruits. - he paused. - We won't go too far into the woods though.
- Why?
Because of the men.
- I don't want you to walk that much.
- W-would that... kill the b-baby? - she hesitated.
- No, it's just that... Well, mom went into labor early with the twins because she wasn't well rested. I don't want that to happen to you too.
- Oh... Okay! - she smiled after thinking about what she'd just heard. - I'll rest a lot then.
Taehyung smiled back and kissed her head.
- When will I give birth? - she asked after a while.
- I don't know. Honestly. Mom had appointments with the doctor. I went to a few too. It was so cool, Y/n!
The girl listened with adoration. The boy was recalling these old memories with so much joy, it made her happy too. He surely misses his family. She does too.
- Imagine! We could see my sisters while they were in the belly!
- Wow! - she gasped. - Can we do that too?
- Oh... Unfortunately not, because at the doctor's they had all sorts of modern machines. I think the one he used on mom was called an ultrasong? I'm not sure though.
- That's fine. We'll just see them when they're born.
- That's right, love!
- Are you okay?
- Yes, Tae! Why wouldn't I be?
- We've been walking for so long...
She chuckled.
- Calm down! I'm perfectly fine. I just want to show you that pretty place where there are many fish.
- Okay, just... make sure to tell me if you get tired.
It would have been clear to anybody that she had trouble walking. Her large belly was beginning to hang lower than it had been in the last 2 months. The baby had dropped, and Taehyung knew exactly what that meant. The baby was coming soon.
But at the same time he didn't want to make her nervous. He had tried to explain a few things he knew about childbirth from when her mother had home births. She seemed worried whenever he talked about contractions or dilation. And he didn't want to scare her with the idea of having to go through that soon.
And besides... this was different. Her mother had the help of either doctors, midwife or a doula. Y/n, on the other hand, had no one else rather than him. And even though he witnessed most of his sister's birth, he new very little about the whole thing.
He too was scared.
- Here. Isn't it beautiful? - she stopped to lean against the boy's body, clearly exhausted.
- It truly is, baby. - he peccked her head. - But its time for you to sit down a bit, okay?
- Alright.
He helped her down on a sturdy-looking rock on the beach. As she sat she felt great pressure on her lap, between her thighs.
- Baby is getting quite heavy, not gonna lie. - she giggled through her shaky breaths.
- Oh, sweetheart! Here.
With that he stepped over the rock with one leg to sit behind her. As he lowered himself, he slipped both hands under her bump, so it wasn't in contact with her thighs, and gently lifted it, so the weight of his baby, the amniotic fluid it was in and, and thier placenta was all on him.
It is very heavy. - he noted.
If it was even possible, he started to appreciate everything Y/n has been enduring while growing their child even more. And she walked all the way here, carrying thins massive cargo?! His hands were already getting tired even from just holding it for a minute.
- Oh my...! T-thank you! This f-feels amazing! - she panted.
- Anything for you, my love! Anything.
They were sitting like that for quite a while. Taehyung's hands were nearly killing him. His muscles were begging for a break. But at the same time he knew this was the least he could do. And the sight of his love rested against his chest with a satisfied smile on her face made it all worth it.
- Thank you Tae! - she sat up a bit. - You can put it down now.
- No, I've got you, don't worry!
- I can tell you are tired. Your hands are shaking.
- Baby, you carry all this around all day, and have been for months now. You're not allowed breaks. This is the least I can do.
- Seriously, it's okay. I'm used to it. - she laughed with a slight bitterness in her voice. - Let's go fishing! - she added.
In about two hours they were satisfied with the amount of fish they captured, so the man packed up their things and took everything out of the girl's hand.
- Hey! - she whined. - I can carry that.
- You just carry our baby, okay?
Y/n huffed, but new she couldn't object.
That's how they made their way home, where Taehyung immediately got to cooking the fish they got. He made sure it was well cooked. That's what he remembered from his mother after all.
-Love, ... - Y/n began in a muffled voice.
- Yes?
- I... uhm... I d-don't really feel like eating this right now. I'm so sorry.
- Oh, you don't have to be sorry, lovely. It's okay if you don't want it.
- It's just that I don't want it to go to waste.
- Don't worry about it, it won't. I'll eat it, or give some to Yeontan.
- Are you sure? - she asked. - I-
- What do you feel like eating?
- Maybe... coconut or bananas.
- That's all?
- Yeah... I'm not very hungry.
The boy got up in a second and brought exactly what Y/n told him about from their little storage. He opened up the coconut for her and even peeled the banana.
- Here, baby.
- Thank you! - she shined a wonderful smile to him. - I love you.
Taehyung was a bit worried about her not eating much. Didn't she need more food now that she was so close to giving birth?
Truth to be told, the baby was getting a bit too big in there for her to be comfortable. The space in her stomach was taken up by the precious creature in her womb, so there was not much left fot the food. But it's okay. Taehyung was worried about the pregnancy. He saw his mother go through it with all that medical help, the babies were regularly monitored and his mother was often checked over. Here, though, they were on their own and had no idea what was going on behind the skin of the girl's stomach.
- Let's go inside, it's getting late. - he offered after both of them finished their meal.
- It's not that late and I'm not very tired yet. - she looked at his stiff posture. - Are you? You can go ahead, I'd like to stay out here a bit.
- No! - his tone was terrifyingly demanding. - You are not staying out here.
- Stop that! I already told you I am not a child you could boss around.
- But you are carrying mine! That's my child in your stomach, or did you forget? - he
- Taehyung! I'm pregnant, not made out of glass!
- I get that, but don't you understand, I want this baby healthy, and the delivery to be smooth. And you-
- Just because I'm sitting at the beach it doesn't mean the delivery won't be smooth.
- You need to rest!
Luckily he calmed down enough to think rational, and his voice calmed down too. He didn't want to tell her about those people that have been coming to their island every few weeks, and haven't been up to any good, obviously. It was a miracle Y/n slept through all the noise.
He couldn't risk having his love all alone and being kidnapped and killed by those strangers.
- What's going on, Taetae?
- I'm just worried, you know... I want you to be okay.
Y/n crawled to the boy, clearly with major difficulties because of her bump. She sat in his lap so that she was facing him. The cracking bonfire lit half of their faces and some of the palm trees behind the house. Furthermore, the calming sound of waves crashing and the gentle kicks of their baby, coming from her rounded tummy against his flat one, made the moment idyllic.
- Taetae... I'm okay, I promise. I know you're worried. I am too... I want our baby to be healthy too. But you have to stop treating me like a dependent child, okay? I'm so grateful for all you've been doing for me. Your love, patience and unselfishness.
- I'll try, I promise.
Their baby made another movement and it casted loving smiles on both of the olders' faces.
- Thank you, love you.
- Love you more!
- Impossible...
The sun was barely up on the morning sky, Taehyung was already woken by the tiny dog. Its loud barks were impossible to ignore.
The man groaned.
- Tannie? What is it little one?
- Woof, woof! - the barks wouldn't stop.
Taehyung looked to his right where the precious pregnant girl should've been sleeping.
- Y/n? - he jumped up. - Y/n?!?!
Pure panic flooded his mind and body. Where was she?
- Y/N?!?
He urgently ran around the house, the beach and the front of the forest.
After a few minutes of searching, he realized that Yeontan was trying to tell him something and lead him the right way.
- Woofff!!
And he ran off into the woods, looking behind him once in a while to make sure his human was following him.
After some time of running in the woods he was led to a dark cave. The pup stopped at the entrance. He didn't dare to enter. Taehyung, however, had no hesitation.
- Y/n? - he whisper shouted. He was terrified too.
- Tae... - the girl's faint voice sounded.
- Y/n! I'm here, love! Almost there.
A horrified looked spread across his face as she came into his view. She was tied down by all of her limbs, her skin irritated and bloody where the ropes touched. Her hair dishevelled from all the tossing and turning.
But the most terrifying detail was the wet patch under her bum.
- Tae, help! - she cried.
- I-I've got you.
He struggled to undo the knots, but as soon as he did he gently lifted the girl into the air and headed towards the exit with her pressed firmly but softly against his chest. It seemed to him as if her body could break any second with how fragile it was. He could feel her bump against his stomach. There was something different about it... it was soft before, now it's rock hard.
Just as he realized this, a whimper came from the girl's mouth.
- It hurts...
- I k-know, I'm sorry... - he mumbled. - We'll be home in a few minutes, I promise.
Outside he was met with a worried-looking puppy.
- It's okay, Tannie! Mamma's here, she's going to be okay.
- Wooof!
He was desperately trying to warn them about something.
And that something happened to stand right next to the cave, observing the pair with wide eves.
What could that big bulge be on the woman's stomach? - it wondered. - It was soft, but then hard when I pressed it...
It wasn't done with it's little experiment just yet.
He was going to have to figure out more next time...
- Deep breaths, love. Right there! You're doing so, so good!
- Why was I there?! - she whispered after the contraction subsided.
- I don't know...
- I was tied down! Tae? Was it you?!
- No! No, why would've I done that?
- Why was I tied down like that? I... Are there others living on the island?
The boy thought back to that night with all that shouting and screaming. He was petrified that something like this would happen. He tried to prevent it as best as he could, he made sure Y/n was never out of his sight, but his attempts seemed useless.
And now the girl was horrified and in labor. The worst combination...
What have they done to her?! Was it their fault she went into labor? True, she was already really far into her pregnancy, but still. There must have been something that has triggered it. Live with his mother. Once she went on a long walk with his father and she went into labor a few hour later... Of course he wasn't an expert, so he was full of questions.
Just like that, the girl was hit with another tightening in her abdomen. She curled in a ball around her stomach. Taehyung tried remembering all the thing his father did to his mother while laboring. He rubbed her back, thighs, arms... So he did just that.
But he felt utterly useless. Something he didn't expect, as he was sure he was going to be of at least some help when the time came, because of all the knowledge and experience he gathered during his sister's births.
- Tell me what I can do... - he whisper in desperation.
- Ugh... I... I d-don't know.
- Some water maybe? - he tried.
- Okay.
He reluctantly left her for a few seconds to bring her water from thier cans. He used a little homemade cup for that. He knew it was her favorite, because she has been using it all the time, ever since she got it from him as a gift for her 16th birthday. The little painting of the two of them and their sweet puppy became a bit shabby, but she loved it anyway.
- Thank you. - she said as he handed it to her.
- Slow sips, lovely.
She listened and finished the cup rather slowly, as requested.
- How are you feeling? - he asked while taking the cup away.
- Uhm... I... I'm so scared, Tae.
- I know, Y/n, but think about how we are going to have our little baby with us in a few hours! Isn't that just magical?
- A few hours?! I can't, Tae... This is too much already.
The boy was devastated. One of his worst nightmares was seeing his love in pain. And not being able to do anything against it made it even worse.
What should I do?
Luckily Y/n's instincts kicked in pretty quickly. She got into positions that helped momentarily with the pain, or enabled easier breathing. She was on all fours most of the time.
They didn't have a great sense of time on the island, however, it was clear that the contractions were getting closer and closer together. Her abdomen tightened around her struggling womb, which was filled with a due baby.
At one point, the girl had a sudden gush of blood squeezed out of her, which scared her, but Taehyung remembered this bit from the past. It was her bloody show, but the exact name didn't come to his mind.
What was important was that all of these changes lead them closer to their baby's arrival.
- Make it stop! Make it stop! MAKE IT STOOOP!!!
At her ear-piercing scream he could only envelope her deeper into his embrace. He caressed her tummy with loving hands, but frowned at the feeling of his baby being so wrestles inside its mother.
So he leaned closer to the bump.
- Baby, calm down please, okay? You're hurting mamma more than necessary.
At that the wrestles little creature calmed down significantly, and Y/n was left only with soft wiggles here and there. That, however, didn't change the fact that her contractions were unbearable. Only thi final birth of the child would bring that to an end.
- Should I check the water now? - he asked referring to the huge jug of water he placed on the hot rockt on the burning sun, in hopes of heating it up and ending up with warm water to be used for some kind of pain relief.
- Okay...
He was quick to bring the jug inside.
- It's nice and warm. - he announced.
He grabbed a cloth and soaked it in the water. He spread the warm material across Y/n's belly, which calmed the baby down even more
- How does that feel, sweetheart?
- Oh my God, Tae! It's so amazing. You're a genius!
- No, you are a warrior. The strongest woman on this island.
They chuckled.
- Hey! I'm the only woman on this island... - she slapped his hand jokingly.
Well maybe you aren't...
- I know! I was kidding.
More then an hour passed with them chatting away, breathing through contractions, and Taehyung redipping the washcloth in the warm water to reapply it on the belly. It meant great comfort to her, so the boy, for the first time since she started laboring, felt proud of himself. He felt useful, because he managed to relief a tiny bit of her pain with one of his ideas.
He wished it could stay that way.
But once her stomach sized with the roughest contraction yet, all hell broke loose again. The skin of her bump turned angry red and was so tight Taehyung could almost see the outline of their baby's body through all the layers it was tucked under.
Suddenly she leaned over the edge of the bed and threw up the contest of her stomach, which wasn't much to begin with, seeing as she had barely eaten anything that day. She was mostly dry heaving, which, for her, was even more unpleasant.
- It's okay, I've got you! Let it all out! There it is, good job!
He rubbed her back, not caring that some of the vomit landed on his leg.
- Oh my... Tae, I'm so sorry! - she apologized embarrassed, once she finished and realized what had happened.
- No, no, love. There's nothing to apologize for! - he handed her some more water to rehydrate her. - Here, drink this, then lay back. I'll clean this up while you do that, okay?
Y/n rinsed the bad taste from her mouth, and laid back just as another contraction crept up.
- Ugh, God...
She had a death grip on the sheets, her knuckles were turning white.
- I'm here, I'm here! - Taehyung was quickly back on her side.
He changed the hot cloth on her stomach and pulled out another one, this time ice cold, to dab it on her sweaty forehead.
- My back, my back, my back! - she shouted in pure agony.
The boy didn't waist a second. He positioned himself behind her on the bed so he could rub soothing circles into her lower back.
- Is this helping, Y/n?
- Mhm... yeah... - she sighed. - Wow, this is so good! Thank you!
- This is the least I can do.
Taehyung felt useless, Y/n, on the other hand, found great comfort in his presence and all the little things he did. She felt supported, and that helped her calm a little.
They had thousands of conversations about what to expect towards the end of the pregnancy, the boy explained the stages of labor, at least the ones he could remember, but nothing could quite prepare Y/n for what she was feeling at that moment. Both physically and mentally. She had a faint idea about the pain, but this was much, much worse than what she had imagined.
- Oh... - she huffed. - I need to get up.
- Okay, here, hold onto me.
He wrapped her arms around his neck and made sure she held onto him securely before lifting her up into a standing position.
Suddenly, a restless dog appeared in the doorway. He was worried about his momma. He could tell hiw much she was struggling.
- Can we go for a walk? - she asked.
- You sure?
- Yeah... I don't know, it just sounds good right now.
- Of course, I get it. - he kissed her pouty lips. - Come on. Slow steps!
- Woof!
- Tannie! Are you coming with us for a walk too? - she laughed lightheartedly.
- Woof!!
- I take that as a yes!
They walked on the beach, letting the waves wash against their feet. The puppy was running back and forth, avoiding getting wet, but wanting to stay close to the pregnant girl. Taehyung had a strong, supportive arm around the girl's waist. He actually tried to lift some of her and the baby's weight off of her, so she didn't have a hard time walking.
While on their walk, Taehyung counted seven contractions. They were really close... One every few steps.
- Should we head back? - he began.
- Okay.
Despite Taehyung's calming presence, Y/n was still terrified, and the boy could clearly tell that by the stern face she kept in-between the pains.
Suddenly, she collapsed into his side. Luckily he caught her, but she wasn't able to get back on her feet.
- Y/n?! - he worried while gathering her tired body into his arms.
- Woof!
- I'm okay... - she tried to be reassuring, but failed as her face went pale.
- Y/n don't close your eyes, please!
- Wooof! - the pup ran infront of them.
He quickened his steps, but was still making sure he didn't shake her too much. They hadn't gone very far from their hous, it was still visible from where he stood with her against his chest.
His quickened heartbeat calmed her, almost lulled her to sleep.
- No, no, Y/n! Keep them open!
- Okay... - she breathed. - Tae... I can't. I-
- Yes you can! Just keep breathing's okay? Everything's going to be alright.
Once home, he laid her exhausted form back on the bed. Yeontan, horrified, hid in the corner. The boy didn't know what to do. Her state scared him. When her mother was in labor with his twin sisters, she had to have an emergency C-section after she went this pale and Taehyung with her big sister was taken away from his mother into the waitingroom. But she was under the supervision of experienced doctors and nurses, who knew exactly what to do.
They were alone...
- Tae... What's happening?
- You're okay. - that was all he could say.
Perhaps he was trying to convince himself. He wasn't so sure anymore.
- Theres so much pressure! Tae! TAE!!!
A big force urged her muscles around her uterus to clench, to which she bore down with all her strength.
- There you go, Y/n! Perfect! You are pushing.
- Grrrrr..... Uhh. I need to... I nee-
She gave another big push against her will. It was her body's reflex. Like the sudden urge tu change positions and get into a low squat. She did exactly that. Her belly was now hanging low between her open legs, the boy could clearly see how red the underside of it was even from behind.
- Okay, love, I am going to try and feel if the baby's close. Are you okay with that? - he asked, just to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable with the idea.
He didn't want to scare her with his sudden action.
- D-do what y-you have to, T-Tae... - she panted in response.
- Alright, here we go.
He slowly reached to her opening and sure enough he felt a slimy, teardrop shaped something against his finders. He assumed it was the baby's head.
From his position behind her, he reached over her left thigh with his other hand to caress the top of the bump. It was rock hard.
- Can you give me another push, sweetheart?
- Ugh... I'll try.
With that, she bore down once again, this time her actions were in her control.
Taehyung could feel the head emerge ever further than before.
- It burns! I can't!
- I'm so sorry, Y/n, so sorry, love! But try to push through the burn, for the baby, for me.
- Baby...
- That's right, our baby is almost here. You just need to help them come out, okay? I know you can!
After two more big pushes the head was out, it straight out popped in the boy's palm. He leaned down to take a look. He was met with his baby's scrunched up face which was slimy and covered in gunk, but it was his never the less. His and the love of his life's.
- Our baby is almost here! Come on, lovely, just a bit more!
- TAE! OW... I CAN'T, I CAN'T!!! - she screamed.
- That's it! The shoulders are almost out, it's smooth sailing after that!
And with one last push and a heart-wrenching scream, the beautiful, crying baby slipped into its father's hands.
- A girl!
- Girl?
Y/n panted and turned around in her position on the floor. Taehyung held his daughter securely in one arm and lifted the girl onto the bed, so she wasn't sitting on the dirty floor just after giving birth.
- Let me hold her. - she requested with tears in her eyes.
But these tears were no longer the result of pain or agony. They were out of pure joy.
- Oh yeah, sorry. - he sobbed too. - Here.
The tiny body was gently placed on her chest. The boy was quick to cover their bodies with the blanket, which was now stained with a bit of blood and other fluids, but that didn't matter. It could get quite windy on shore and the bamboo walls let through most of it.
- Tae! Our little girl! So tiny...
- Our little girl! I think she's perfect. The rigth weight and size.
- I know, she just felt so much heavier when she was inside my tummy...
- Well it wasn't just her in there. There was the p-pla... plac-something too. A-and the water... And a few more things, or I don't know...
- Oh, okay. But she's perfect, and healthy. That's what's important!
- Exactly!
They sat together and admired their small creation. Her delicate hands, which flew around between her parents, even slapping the boy in the face on accident. It made them both laugh, and coo at their daughter.
She is so precious.
Taehyung thought back to when his sisters were born. He was so happy then, but now he was ecstatic!
- Tae... I-I feel... - Y/n suddenly groaned.
- What's wrong? - he looked at her with worry.
- I have to-
She quickly but carefully handed the little bundle over to the boy who was taken aback by her sudden actions. She crawled out of bed and got into the squatting position she was in before.
- What is happening?
She couldn't answer. She gave a.few small pushed and a slimy tud was heard. She looked down. The sight disgusted her and because of that a gasp left her lips.
- Ew!
The boy looked at it too. He thought for a second.
- Wow! - he didn't feel disgusted about it. - I think this is that plac-thing. This used to protect and nourish our little girl.
It couldn't have been disgusting for him... How could it be when this was something that kept his girl well fed all the time. The thing that was the baby's blood and oxygen supply.
- Oh... Uhm... Well what do we do with it?
- I take care of that, don't worry. Get back to bed.
- I want to wash myself. Can I?
- Of course, you can! I think the water cooled down to a great temperature.
He picked up the washcloth he used on her belly earlier and threw it over his shoulder. That's how they went outside, with their lovely baby girl in Taehyung's right arm and his left around Y/n's waist to support her as they walked.
After Y/n cleaned herself with the warm freshwater, both of their attention shifted to the baby, who had calmed down and was suckling on her father's finger.
- Oh, baby! I think she's hungry. - he stated.
- Yeah... And how do I take the milk out of my breasts?
- I-I'll explain once we bathed her.
Y/n took the cloth from Taehyung's shoulder and dipped it into the water. She cleaned off all the gunk from birth with cautious wipes.
- Can I hand her to you for a second? I'll be right back. - he asked suddenly.
- Of course!
She was filled with so much love towards her girl, she couldn't help but place tiny kisses on her tiny forehead as she finished cleaning her off.
The boy, who was busy with cleaning up the birth scene and burying the plac-thing in the woods, returned to them.
- My girls! - he beamed while smiling.
He helped them dry off and lead them back to their house.
- Lay down, love. And you'll feed our girl, okay?
- How do I do that?
- So... You just put her on your chest. Like this.
He showed her just how, and guided the baby's head to her nipple.
- Can you... Squeeze it a bit?
- My... my nipple?
Her face burned red with embarrassment.
- Yeah... But gently!
She did so, but winced at the stabbing sensation that shot through her breast.
- Careful!
- Ow... What was that.
- It's expected to be a bit sore, I think. But see that?
He asked pointing to the light yellow drop that rolled down the curve of her breast.
- That is your milk, sweetheart! And the baby will smell it...
Just on que, the tiny girl turned her head and latched onto her mother's nipple. She began suckling the delicious liquid out of it.
- See! - Taehyung smiled proudly.
- But it hurts... - she pouted.
- Oh, my love... I'm sorry. I don't know how to make it stop... Maybe you'll get used to it.
- Ugh... I hope.
But it was okay, because her girl was getting the nutritions she needed and she would endure every pain for her. Hell, she would even go through labor again fer their baby!
- We should name her, no? - she said.
- What do you have in mind?
- Umm... I don't really know. You?
- How about Emma?
- Woof!
The puppy, who was scrunched up in the corner for the past hour and something, got closer to the trio. He couldn't see over the bedframe, though.
- Aww, Tannie!
With that Taehyung lifted the pup's tiny body up and rested him against his chest.
- See, that's your sissy. - he began. - Baby... Emma? Do you like it, Y/n?
- It sounds beautiful! I love it! - she looked back down at their daughter.
- Emma it is then!
- Hello, little Emma! - she giggled at her feeding girl.
All tree pairs of eyes were on the suckling little body. They couldn't get enough of the sight.
- Hi, my precious baby! Baby Emma. Sounds magical.
- Mhm... It does.
- Are you tired, love?
- A bit, yeah... - she yawned. - Can I take a nap after she's done?
- Of course! A very long, long nap indeed. You deserve it, lovely.
- Thank you Tae. For everything.
- I did nothing, Y/n...
- You did so much! You are the reason I could get through with it. I felt like giving up.
- You are the strongest woman on this island. - he said, wanting to shift the mood, as he wasn't good at taking the compliment.
- Don't start! - she laughed.
- Kidding! - he chuckled too. - You are the strongest woman on this planet.
And with a kiss to the crown of her head, she fell into a deep slumber.
Taehyung smiled at the sight. He put the puppy down on the bed, who immediately padded over to the sleeping girl and curled up by her side. The dog sniffed her stomach and neck. He could tell something was different about her. Not just the fact that there wasn't a bump anymore, but her smell changed too. It changed back to the sweet sent she had so many months ago. He loved it.
Meanwhile, Taehyung took Emma out of her momma's arms. He covered her exposed chest with the blanked and walked to the other side of the small room with the baby in his hand.
- My little baby! - he whispered. - I know you have a name, Emma, but I still need to get used to it, so bare with me, please!
He chuckled.
The boy placed his tiny child in the small baby bassinet he made while she was still in Y/n's stomach. He grabbed a brand new cloth from their drawer. He attemped to make a diaper on her little bum. It wasn't perfect, but will do...
- You can sleep now too, if you want. Let's give mamma some time to rest. She workd to hard and long to get you here.
Emma let out an adorable babble at that.
- I know. - the boy giggled quietly. - You worked hard too.
He leaned down to kiss her head and as he straighten back up she was already fast asleep. He smiled at that.
Perfect! - he thought as he looked around the quiet room.
His daughter in her makeshift bassinet, his love on the bed, with the puppy at her tummy. All sound asleep. Was there anything better than that?
He couldn't be one hundred percent calm, though... Not until those men were on their island.
2 years later
There's no bulge anymore...
The man remembered the time she was in his cave all those years ago. With that big, rigid belly.
He remembered how when he pressed down on it that watery liquid poured from her legs.
I want to try that again!
But the beautiful woman's stomach was completely flat now... Would it still work?
What the...?
- Mamma! - a high-pitched voice could be heard from afar. - Look, look! A shell on a tuwtuw!
- A turtle! Good job Emma!
The man inspected the little creature from behind the trees.
It would cook qiukly...
I'm getting hungry anyway.
- Let's check on Dadda! What do you say? - Y/n asked her daughter.
- Owkay!
- Put back the turtle where you found it, Emma!
- I want to keep him, Ma!
- You have to put him back, or he won't live long.
- Oh... mkay... - the little girl pouted, but obeyed.
Her brunette locks bounced up and down as she padded in the shallow water.
- C'mon! - Y/n held her hand out for the little girl.
She grabbed it and ran with her mother towards their home.
As they neared the house, Taehyung jumped out from behind it with a dagger-like weapon in his hand ready to use. He was also in an attacking position.
- Oh my God, Tae? What's wrong with you?
- Oh, sorry... I...
- What's all this, Dadda? - the girl asked pointing to the strange ropes around their place.
- It's just to keep bad people away.
- Bad people? But we are the only ones here...
- Then whoever comes to the island.
- But won't that mean we have a chance to get back to civilization?
Taehyung looked from Y/n to his daughter with wondering eyes.
- Tae? Don't you want to get back one day?
- I-I... I'm not sure anymore.
- Why's that?
Emma let go of her mother's hand. She was getting bored of her parents' conversation, she was much more interested in the sleeping puppy in the hot sand.
- We have such a great life here. I don't want to change that. All that worry about working, finaces, housing... We don't need it!
- But isn't that how life is supposed to work? Emma could go to school, make friends-
- She can get another sibling here...
- Yeah... She could. - she smiled.
The boy retured the smile and walked over to his love. He gathered her into his embrace and kissed her passionately.
- Don't we have a wonderful life as it is? - he murmured softly against her forehead.
- We do. I love you.
- I love you more. You and Emma.
- You, Emma and Tannie.
- That's right! You, Emma and Tannie.
He got up quietly and grabbed his dagger. He went back to their bed and leaned close to the pup's head.
It was late at night. Taehyung couldn't sleep. He watched his little family's peaceful form in the moonlight that was coming though the thin walls. It was full moon, but he didn't hear those strange people this time, as he does every month around this time. But he still had a weird feeling roaming inside his body.
- Yeontan, protect our girls, okay? Daddy's gonna come back, but you have to promise me they are safe with you!
His palm squeezed tightly against the handle of the dagger as he ran through the woods. He had flames in his eyes. Nobody can harm his family!
The puppy didn't budge, remained fast asleep on the bed, between the two girls. Taehyung exited the house, but didn't leave until he made sure the door was securely locked. Only he can know how to get inside! His whole world was in there.
His legs led him to that mysterious cave he found his pregnant Y/n in all those years ago. It was muscle memory. He felt danger there. He had to get rid of it for the sake of his family. For the safety of his girls!
He dragged the bloody body through the woods, to the opposite side of the island as where their house was. He reached the shore and threw the body in the water. He got inside himself, a bit disgusted by the blood pooling around him, but started swimming deep inside the ocean, all while pushing the body infront of him.
He slowed his steps as he neared the place. And sure enough, there he was. He was hit with strong deja vu as he stood infront of the entrance. He took quiet steps once inside. He felt the presence of someone unwanted in there. He was going to end this once and for all. And there is was. The dark skinned man was laying on the floor, asleep. Taehyung didn't hesitate. He raised his dagger and stapped it right through the man's chest, and with a loud and ugly groan, the life left his body.
Was he a bad person for this? He was just protecting his family... This man attacked his love, who knows what else he was up to?
Once he was satisfied with the distance, he gave the body one last push and swam back. In the shallow water he made sure his body was free of blood, which it was but it left a stain on his skin. Not on his skin, but in his whole being. It read: murderer.
He got home fairly quick and unlocked the door. The sun was beginning to peack from the horizon, but the girls and Yeontan were still asleep. Let them stay in their dreamland as long as needed. God, let them be guilt free their whole life!
3 years later
- And you just hang them up like this! See? Very easy.
- Wow! Thanks mommy! I can finally help with the dirty clothes too!
- Yes, my lovely girl, you can! - she kissed her head.
- Lets so and check what Dadda and Noah are up to, okay?
- Noey!!!
The girl cheered and ran in her brother's direction, forgetting her mother with the heavy basked the clothes were in.
- Silly. - the woman chuckled.
- Dadda! What is Noey doing?
- I'm teaching him how to swim, baby.
- Me too, me too!
With that she stripped herself from her clothes and ran through the waves to her father and brother.
- Mamma! Come too! - the little boy squealed.
- Comin'!
The woman threw her clothes in the sand too and joined the trio.
- Tannie too? - Emma asked.
- Tannie hates the water, Emma.
- Besides, he is a bit old now. - Taehyung continued.
It was right. The puppy, who was only a puppy in size, has aged enough for him to take great effort when running after the two lively kids. He wasn't like before... He was perfectly happy with laying in the cool shades and watching them go through their day. It was all he could do now.
The little boy and the slightly taller girl paddled together around their parents. Emma has become an excellent swimmer, and his brother, Noah was on the straight path to reach her level too.
- You look beautiful, my darling. - the man told Y/n while attaching her body to his.
- You don't look bad yourself, my love...
They giggled.
- I have some news for you. - she continued.
- You do?
- Mhmm...
She grabbed his large hand and placed it on her stomach under the water.
His eyes widened in realisation. He smoothed his palm over the slight, but definitely noticeable bump.
How could he have missed it?!
- Oh my... Baby! You have a baby in there?! - he grinned.
- I'm pretty sure.
- Love! That is magical! I can't believe it! I can't! Thank you.
He captured her lips between his and didn't pull away for long, long minutes.
His life was truely perfect. There was nothing more he could wish for. He had everything. His lovely Emma, Noah, his beautiful Y/n, and now...
...his precious little baby on the way.
The end... Woow I had this in my drafts for months!!! But I finally finished and I'm so happy. Of course, I didn't check it, as usual... 😅 so I'm sorry for the mistakes... And it is looong. Oh my God... The longest oneshot I've ever written. But anyway... I hope you enjoy it. If you do, leave a comment or write me, because it always makes my day! ♥️♥️
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lythea-creation · 7 months
I'm Nothing Like You - Remus Lupin x daughter reader
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summary: (f/n) is the exact opposite of her smart and outgoing twin sister Amy. Will Remus be able to show her that love isn't tied to grades?
warnings: breakdown
word count: 1.069
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
I had always lived in the shadow of my younger twin sister Amy. Growing up in an orphanage you quickly learn if you are sociable.
Amy never had any difficulties to make new friends. She was the center of attention. Beautiful, charismatic, smart, funny. She had it all.
Meanwhile I was rather a quiet and shy person, mostly overlooked.
The only thing I was good at was drawing. But nobody seemed to be interested in that.
Whenever I scribbled into my notebooks because I was overwhelmed with a task, I got scolded for playing around, ruining my expensive devices. Then they would blame my bad grades on drawing instead of paying attention in class.
They had no idea, did not even want to understand that it was hard for me to learn. Theory simply was not my strength. But instead of helping me they mocked me.
Amy had tried to support me, explain it to me. But she had given up after some time. I was a hopeless case.
I thought that might all change when we got an acceptance letter for Hogwarts. We were both absolutely excited to get to study magic, live in a literal castle instead of a run down, underfunded house.
But it turned out that I was a failure at either school.
I transformed only one half of an object, accidentally invented new potions, did not manage to fly higher than three feet above the ground.
Amy attempted to encourage me, told me that I only needed more time, but it felt hopeless. No matter how hard I tried, how much longer I trained, how many times I practiced, I just did not get any better.
What was I supposed to do?
It all took a turn for the worse in our second year, when Remus Lupin became our teacher. None of us had known that he was our father until Dumbledore had revealed it. In contrast to me Dumbledore appeared to know everything.
Amy and Remus quickly came along. Amy's easy-going nature and her awesome grades were making it hard for people not to love her.
I, on the other hand, was having difficulties to bond with Remus. Ironic that I was even failing in that matter.
We just did not have anything in common.
Instead of having a greater support system, it felt like I was falling behind my sister even more. I felt like an outcast when the three of us spend time together, even though they tried to integrate me.
I wondered if they also turned away from me if we were not blood-related.
“Now it's time to get your grades”, Professor McGonagall announced.
I was anxiously scribbling away at a piece of parchment. Remus had bought me a pencil set for my birthday.
When the professor handed me my grades, she sent me a disappointed look. I had barely managed not to fail, all thanks to Amy's help and my endless hours of studying and practicing when everybody else had been out and having fun together.
“I'm so excited to visit dad again”, Amy rejoiced during the train ride.
We had just finished our fourth year at Hogwarts. So we only knew Remus for three years now. When had Amy started calling him dad?
I was torn between being happy for her and feeling even more like an outcast.
“There are my two favorite girls”, Remus greeted us as soon as we had left the train, opening his arms for us.
Amy did not hesitate to run into his embrace.
I simply waved at him, forcing me to send him a short smile.
Honestly I was not excited to see him at all after just getting my grades. I would only disappoint him and therefore ruin the mood.
Amy and Remus were talking the whole ride home about Amy's time and Hogwarts and what they wanted to do during the holidays.
“What about you, (f/n)?”, Remus wondered. “How was your year?”
“Okay, I guess”, I stated.
I did not notice the concerned glance Remus sent my way as I was watching the landscape pass by.
After unpacking everything at home, Remus had rented an apartment for the three of us, Amy showed Remus her grades. The pride was written over both their faces, making me want to vanish.
Now of course, Remus was asking to see my grades as well.
Reluctantly I handed the piece of parchment over, hugging myself to keep me from falling apart.
I did not dare to look at him while he was scanning the page. I could not take the disappointment I was about to see in his eyes.
“(f/n), why are you crying?”, Remus worried.
I could not help it. I was feeling like an utter failure, a disgrace to both him and my sister. How could twins be so inherently different?
“Hey, what is it?”, he asked me softly, placing his hand on my shoulder.
Now I was completely breaking down, sinking to my knees and sobbing my heart out. I could not take it anymore.
Remus knelt down in front of me and pulled me into his arms, while my sister placed her hand on my thigh.
After I had calmed down Remus asked me again what was up and I told him about everything weighing me down.
“(f/n), it doesn't matter to me how much we have in common. I love you no less than Amy and it hurts me to see you so torn. Considering how hard school is for you, I think you did great. You passed all subjects. You can be really proud of yourself. Your hard work paid off”, Remus proposed. “You just have different strengths and weaknesses which isn't bad at all. Your drawings are amazing, (f/n). Don't just focus on what's hard for you.”
“To be honest I always envied you”, Amy confessed.
“You envied me?”, I reassured, absolutely taken off guard.
“You're way more ambitious and hard-working than me. You're an awesome artist and don't let society put you down. You never seemed to care about fitting in. I always adapt to make sure other people like me. You're so much stronger than me”, she declared.
I was speechless at her words. Apparently I had perceived it all wrong.
“Now who wants to go and get ice cream?”, Remus suggested smiling.
Alternative Ending
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baeklination · 1 year
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Date: 230506
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, general fucking, fingering, eating out
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
NOTE: In some parts he's a bit... energetic (goes hard, but he's not rough, manhandling). I'm so happy I managed to post this while it's still his birthday (even if only by minutes)..! PS: Always protect, you know the drill gentlewomen and men.
WC: 2,7k
Remembering what Baekhyun had said just before falling asleep you can't help chuckling: "So will I find the whole sixth floor looking at me funny if I walk past on Monday?" Not that he's not worth being the first topic of your morning meeting…
When Seori suggested you make a quick stop at the fifth floor on your way home there was no incentive to turn it down. Fifth floor belonged to Kim & Friedman; marketing extraordinaire and employers of Byun Baekhyun - attractive extraordinaire. 
Being from separate companies you didn't mix much, but you'd sometimes see him in the grand foyer, cafeteria, or elevator. There was no mistaking he'd seen you too. In whatever fleeting meetings you had he'd made it clear - in unspoken terms - that he's just waiting for a green light from you. So here you are, champagne flute in hand, tilting your head just so when he spots you from across the room.
"I didn't expect to see you ladies here…"
"Seori keeps her ear to the ground and heard the news. Happy birthday, Baekhyun."
"A scout? You should've been a lawyer", he says to Seori, raising his glass a little. 
Hearing someone - several someones - calling for him, he rolls his eyes and laughs.
"Sorry, you know how it is."
With it being Friday there's a relaxed and easy-going feeling different to any other workday, so even though the main event isn't around it's still nice enough to have a chat with the others, some you know better, some less.
"...trust me, sooner or later I'll get in line and buy one like everyone else, no matter the complaining I do."
"Why don't we ask Mr. Byun for his expert opinion?", one of his colleagues replies when he sees Baekhyun coming over.
"Ask me?"
"The necessity of AI lawnmow- wait, are you leaving?"
"I have errands to run early in the morning."
"But you didn't even finish your glass..!"
Putting down the still half full flute - making sure you're noticing - he apologetically puts his hand on his colleagues back:
"My car's in the garage."
"Agh! Of course it is. Eh, if it's a surprise one has to take abandonment into consideration… See you Monday."
The first trick you think of is also the easiest. Waiting two-three minutes, you pretend to be going along with the conversation, then "Oh, excuse me", put your own bubble down and open your purse. Picking up your phone you nod and frown a little and when Seori looks your way you point towards the door and mouth "I've gotta go, sorry. Monday, bye." A small wave and scrunch of the face tops it off perfectly. 
Well out of there, the elevator is up on the fourteenth floor so you jog down the stairs, feeling a touch silly, but innocently naughty at the same time. When you come down to the garage it's completely quiet save for your somewhat increased heartbeat. You don't even know what his car looks like. What if he's left al-
Lights and an engine.
Again jogging, you move towards the Audi, for a flash imagining how awkward it will be if it turns out to not be him, but when you look through the passenger's side window it sure is Baekhyun. 
"I wasn't sure how long I should wait", he admits when you close the door behind.
"I couldn't bolt outta there the second you left", you smile. "Then I didn't know what car was yours. But I made it."
Suddenly the air is heavy, almost pressing with tension when he looks at you.
"Mm. Happy birthday to me."
While you're busy frowning at the coffee machine, the covers ruffle in the bedroom and soon after Baekhyun steps into the kitchen, with the obvious privilege of men - looking as gorgeous in the morning as they did the day before. 
"Seven buttons and none of them makes coffee."
"Hmf, they all will…", he muses, reaching his arm in front of you, to a dishwasher stand "...if you put the water tube in."
Of course.
"Regular? Espresso?"
"How do you know I'm not a cappuccino girl?"
"You're not…", he states rather than asks, presses espresso, then slides his arms around your waist. "How d'you sleep?"
 His confident touch, his torso enveloping your body, the scent of him are as powerful this morning as yesternight; pulling your (borrowed) shirt from your backside you push out.
"I'm not sure I did."
"I would've asked you out sooner if I knew you were such a cornucopia…"
His mouth is right behind your ear and he says it in such a sticky tone that it drums up a flicker of embarrassment - the titillating, good sort.  
His lips press right where his words fell, his cock brushes against your cheeks.
It's a tight squeeze to get past your entrance, buzzes spread out all around, but once inside he gets coated little-by-little and glides smoothly to stretch you out. There's an overwhelming delicacy to his movement; short, soft, clapping against your body, his hands resting just below your waist and the sound of his airy exhaling.
In the corner of your eye you see the shadowy reflection of this morning carnality in his stainless steel fridge, blurred, as if it's too seedy a scene to watch.
With your hands hanging off the edge of the counter your mouth follows, automatically opening with a soft groan. Reacting or syncing, Baekhyun lets go of an equally faint sound, sliding his hands up, holding firmer. 
"Shh…umm, I've gotta be careful…….ah……"
It's with a sigh of disappointment he moves back, but strokes the side of your face with his thumb, tugging at your bottom lip while the other is on his cock to keep the stimulation going. He moans wetly into your mouth when your palm finds his balls and your fingers press just behind them, but almost instantly takes your wrist as he heads for the bedroom. 
"Come on, you."
The shirt goes over your head to the floor as soon as he lets go and the mattress softly sinks when you put hands and knees on them, waiting while he puts on a condom. 
He's not as slow as he was in the kitchen, pressing back in as soon as he gets behind, dipping deep with a groan of satisfaction at having his cock back inside of you. His grip isn't tough but he manages to keep you nearly perfectly still in order for him to thrust as he pleases - quickly, precisely, chasing the morning's first release. Contrary to last night - maybe with it in mind - he doesn't smack as forcefully, which lets you enjoy how the slight aching mixes with the pleasure while he gets himself closer.
He holds you a little tighter…
Shakes when he breathes out…
Gasps - and bucking, without any real control-
-lets go of his cum.
Surrendering to fatigue and relaxation, he falls on his back next to you even before the tied up condom hits the bottom of the bin. A perfect glow of sweat covers his body and face, which he frees from his hair with a backwards stroke before shaking his head at you with a smile.
As if first keeping a distance out of respect, the full scent of espresso infiltrates the room to remind you.
"Oh! Coffee..!"
There's no elation similar, knowing that first cup is minutes away, just a quick glance at your phone to see the time.
Five missed calls. A pit the size of Saturn opens in your stomach when you see they're all from the office - but you know you're off today.
"I have to…", you mumble before putting the phone to your ear, then mouth to Baekhyun. "Office."
"There you are! Where have you been..!"
"I…had to visit a friend at the hospital". A boldfaced lie, but a valid reason to be away for that long. "What's going on, everything okay there?"
"Argh..! Kiri's decided to cut her stay short, so she's coming up for the pitch today-"
"What!? When?"
"In…you have forty minutes-"
"WHAT!? I'll…", jumping off the bed you look here, there, everywhere, for your clothes, feeling like a headless chicken "I'll be there! Gotta go!"
Perplexed, Baekhyun looks at you running around.
"What's go-"
"Shit. Eh… Well, get in the shower, I'll find your clothes."
"Look at you. No one would have a clue you're not coming from home", Baekhyun smiles. 
Then he smiles.
And, wrapping his finger around the drawstring of your trousers, pulls it undone. Placing a ball of spit on two fingers he leans forward, opening his mouth to gently catch your lips with his while you feel the lifting of your hem and the brushing of his hand curving under it. It doesn't matter that he hasn't been working you up - his fingertips sliding over your clit is fantastic.
"Ah… I don't have time…"
You angle your legs out to give him more room, and with the extra space he carries down to your entrance and presses his middle finger inside. He hums, holding your lips longer, when he feels there's a slip for him to work with and carefully pushes a second finger in as well.
Standing next to bow-legged, leaning shoulder against the wall for support, you touch the bare skin of his torso. His fingers curving in-and-out, shallow kisses…you're immersed in everything in this quiet scene.
Without a word he moves you with him when he sits down, placing you on his leg. The hallway mirror reveals the picture of Baekhyun in only sweats with the contour of his hand undulating under your pants and you grabbing the armrest with your mouth open. It's only two fingers with short pumps, but it feels thick and your entrance quivers with gratification when his knuckles push onto it. There's no prize for staying composed so you collapse back, grabbing the back of his neck,   the way he doesn't resist putting his hand on your throat.
"Remember, now, I have neighbours", he whispers, angles his slick fingers upwards and rubs, entrance and clit.
"Shh…" But he couldn't enjoy it more.
 Your leg twitches, fingers press his neck and the armrest threatens to crumble in your hands. The tips of his fingers are soft on the skin of your clit even when he flicks sideways; faster, finding a straight line to pull up your orgasm and amidst all the stroking, slipping, jerking, you choke - shaking, releasing it like fireworks onto him.
"Shh, shh", he whispers with delight, half covering your mouth while his fingers stroke down long then draw big circles, smearing out even more fluids.
You twitch and grab his arm when the stimulation gets too strong, so he stops, but stays pressing down his hand.
After allowing you a few seconds to breathe, he sweeps his hand over your head as if tidying it up, laughing a little. 
"You're gonna be late if you don't get going soon."
"You…fuck you, Baekhyun…"
"Ouh, feisty. Or is that another proposition?"
Being professional is as easy as turning on a light switch but there's no denying that the light bulb seemed to be flickering a bit, with Baekhyun sneaking his way into your head when the presentations started. Not to mention that sitting down and even crossing your legs came at an aching prize. 
But disaster averted, success concluded, you finally get back home. Getting off work also meant giving your brain free reign and since you got into the taxi you'd been bombarded with the night's adventures, making the short drive home a very long one. 
In a way it's as if you're pretending to only be changing clothes when you pull the curtain half-way; pretending to just be exhausted and wanting to expel work wear and lie down for a minute. But of course it isn't.
Having gotten rid of your trousers and blouse, laying down in the cool sheets is incredible, but not enough to stop those thoughts. From such a cool way of inviting you over came such fire back at his place. His touch, his kissing, temperament, were all exquisite…
The way the contours of his thigh muscles showed when he lowered himself down, and he had such an expression on his face when he understood you thought he was getting on top of you but then realized he was serving up something different. How he had observed you while he put your legs over his shoulders, pulled you back, and pushed his cock down to your entrance…
You had to grip the sheets when he squeezed in. Slowly, but without stopping, he pressed his entire length in from the head to root, stretching your entrance as he thickened. He paused for a second, then drew back. Then in again, pressing deep while a groan escaped under his breath. When he drew back that time there was a devilish tug at his lip - he must've been delighted to see you'd happily go his way - and he didn't spend much time on gradually, moving quickly from a 4/4 of thrusting to letting out his beast entirely.
His hands firmly but not painfully secured your position as he violently snapped his pelvis against your ass, threatening to break himself - promising to bruise you. Shit, you haven't been fucked that hard since you had a punishment due, and maybe not even then… 
He hadn't objected when your legs slid down around him while he paused. No, he had to pace himself. Laughing under his breath, he bit his lip and pressed his body on top of yours, sliding his near bursting cock in again.
Rolling - grinding - into you, his hand enveloped your breast while his mouth caressed your cheek:
"Agh……mh!…why d'you make me wait so long-"
"Mh, fuck, why d'you wait…"
His hands, damp with sweat, had cupped your jaw and his eyes gleamed with such fevered excitement before he pressed his mouth onto yours. His kissing was succulent; wet, plush, deep and hot, moving along with the bounce from his hips. He'd broken it with a drawn out moan then steadied himself against the headboard above you. Uh, it was great, him doing one-twenty an hour, and how would you look if you hadn't cushioned his blows with your hands on his sides? God.
How he'd made this sound, like an angry roaring, just before he put everything he had left into it - into you - drilling:
tta, tta, tta,
tta, tta,
tta, tta-
Pounding, growling, he'd come. 
And the way he'd sunk down on his forearms to kiss you again and snapped his pelvis, still so turned on…
Feeling the pulsing between your legs you wonder if you shouldn't just call him. Text maybe, to not seem so desperate? "As if he'd take it like that, pff! Shit, should I?" You know he wouldn't mind. And you know you wouldn't mind a second serving…
He hadn't missed a beat when you nudged your knee against his chest. Only hummed "m-hm" and moved you properly over him. Flat, his tongue had run up your clit to taste and you already had to grab onto the headboard and fight the urge to ride or buck when he did his thing - kissing without any notion of force, only giving unadulterated pleasure. It made you feel decadent - depraved, even; in that still room all that was heard was the sound of his lips hugging and letting go while you felt the juice seeping out. And when he freed his glossy lips for a moment to push three fingers in he looked ready to go again - when you glanced back his cock was indeed lying long and hard against his stomach - but he kept on you, stroking his now drenched hand over your pussy.
"Sit down..." Parting your folds, he pointed his tongue and flicked it up and down, then again let the warmth of his mouth cover you, humming appreciatively with each taste while your abdomen tightened. "Mmm…..mmm………..How hard do you wanna come..?"
Even just lightly pulling at your underwear makes you hold your breath from pleasure. Thinking about him has made them slide so easily…
You push them aside…
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creative-kny-fics · 8 days
You're right! And since I like the HC that the Rengoku adopted Obanai after his rescue, let's do it! (thanks 😭)
Kinda My AU: Obanai has met Mitsuri before, so there was already a certain trust between them
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Lee: Iguro Obanai
Lers: Kaburamaru, Kyojuro Rengoku, Mitsuri Kanroji and Senjuro Rengoku
Remember when it was mentioned that in the demon hunting brotherhood, the hashiras that had always existed were those of water and fire?
Well, it was not surprising that the Rengoku family held that position generation after generation, however, the training was so difficult that it was difficult for the hunters to keep up with Kyojuro Rengoku, of course, except for one young woman...
'Very well, Mitsuri! I congratulate you, you are handling the katana very well, I congratulate you!'
'Thank you Rengoku-San... Although I'm tired... And I'm a little hungry...', it was time for a break.
Kyojuro nodded and advised her to wait while he went to help his little brother finish things and bring them. 'Senjuro! Ooooh, hello Obanai! Looks like you got ahead of myself hahaha! Thank you very much for helping Senjuro!'
'No problem. I just hope it turned out well, I'm not that good at cooking and I did my best...'
'I'm very sure it will be delicious! Let me take care of carrying it!'
But Obanai refused, taking the tray and indicating that he would do that, since he assumed that Kyojuro was tired from training and did not want him to make another effort, no matter how minimal.
Kyojuro thanked him for his kindness and smiled when he saw him carrying the tray, turning to look at his brother when he let out a disapproving sigh. 'Is something wrong, Senjuro?'
'It's just that... Obanai shouldn't be working on his birthday. That's not right...'
'Hahahaha! Oh my sweet brother, I'm sorry to correct you, but Obanai's birthday is tomorrow!'
'Brother... Today is September 15th... Didn't you see the calendar?', Kyojuro looked it and almost screamed.
Indeed, he had seen the date wrong, oh what a shame, although, anyone makes a mistake or a mistake...
Kyojuro immediately grabbed Senjuro by the cheeks and told him to go get ingredients to prepare Obanai his favorite meal, but Senjuro had already anticipated it and there was nothing left to finish.
'Sorry for not telling you sooner, but when I told Obanai, he wasn't happy with the idea of ​​a birthday party. So, I decided to make him something simple like his favorite food.'
'Mmmm, I see. It seems that our little brother is not having a good time on a day as special as his birthday. What do you think if we liven it up a little?'
'I suppose we could cheer him up. But let's respect his decision if he insists on not wanting a birthday party'. Kyojuro nodded and asked for Kaburamaru, perhaps he could help them.
Senjuro pointed to Kaburamaru wrapped around Obanai's neck as he let Mitsuri put a small hat on his head, he looked happy.
'I'm surprised how you managed to make Kaburamaru a house snake. It's so cute and obedient!'
'I guess it is, but sometimes it's a little aggressive, only if it feels threatened.'
Although it was rare for Obanai to enjoy the company of a woman, Mitsuri arrived so frequently at the Rengoku house that Obanai accepted her presence in a certain way, but kept a distance from her, which she respected.
'Obanai! A little bird told me that...!'
'Yes, Rengoku. It's my birthday. But I don't want to celebrate or anything, so saying 'happy birthday' is more than enough for me', Mitsuri and Kyojuro gasped and Senjuro sighed shaking his head.
Well, Kyojuro was spared the show of treating him like a child, so he gave Mitsuri a knowing look and she understood.
Obanai looked at them both and when he saw Senjuro with his two thumbs up, he knew he must have escaped a few seconds ago, but he remained calm, he wasn't so ticklish that a few tickles would affect him, or, was he?
'Good luck if you want to give me "birthday tickles", I'm not that ticklish. You won't make me laugh'
'Oooooh, I see! It seems we have a grumpy and bitter birthday boy! Hahahaha, Mitsuri, look at this!'
'Wait. Kyojuro, if you dare I'll...!', Obanai covered his mouth, even if the bandages already protected him.
Obanai felt a pair of fingers caressing his neck, more precisely the back of it, soon those caresses turned into squeezes and made Obanai tense and tighten his clothes while trying to maintain his composure.
Mitsuri laughed and began to slowly poke his sides, Obanai shook his head, finally wrinkling his neck and hugging himself to keep from laughing. 'Wow, he really is stubborn! You know where his tickle spot is?'
'Hahahaha not yet! But we can find out!' 'You won't know! Forget that idea!', are you sure about that, Obanai?
Kaburamaru rubbed his head against his owner's cheek, slowly beginning to slide into his yukata and making him squeal in embarrassment.
Obanai mentally implored, if anyone knew his death spot, it would be Kaburamaru and if he told Kyojuro or Mitsuri, well, you can imagine.
'Oooooh, Obanai! Are you dancing or something? I'm watching you squirm~. Hey, what's that on your back? Oooooh, Kaburamaru!'
'Hey Kaburamaru-Kun! Do you know where to tickle Obanai?', oh boy...
Obanai arched his back and jumped when Kaburamaru rubbed his head against his lower back, that little spot, that damn little spot was bad enough to make him act that way, but... Oh no, Kaburamaru was kind of gentle, but what was he going to do in front of Mitsuri and Kyojuro?
He's seen their tickle fights before and believe what he says NO ONE would want to be around or targeted by both of them at the same time.
'Aaaaw, do you have a ticklish back? It's so cute!' 'You took the words out of my mouth MiMi! Help me turn it around! I already thought of the perfect gift for him!'
Obanai squealed when Mitsuri turned him upside down and pulled up part of his yukata and left part of his back exposed, Obanai blushed under the bandages, that had never happened before...
'H-hey... Let's talk about this, I have a birthday wish, I don't want to be tickled!'
'Hahahaha good move Obanai! However, the unwritten rule is that the birthday boy must receive at least one raspberry for his birthday, and since we will not give you raspberries, then, you will have to put up with your tickling...~', oh well, it was worth it
Don't think it was anything bad, it was just an innocent game that consisted of drawing scribbles and some letters on Obanai's back, although, for Mitsuri and Kyojuro, it was quite difficult with a writhing canvas that constantly hit the floor when they did a random pattern or if his touches became light. 'Hey Obanai! What am I writing?'
'Aaaaw how cute! I never thought a man with a ticklish back would be so cute~', great, another reason to squeal.
Mitsuri and Kyojuro were not the only ones who were taking advantage of the "weak" situation that Obanai was in, Senjuro, guided by Kaburamaru, began to give light squeezes and a few scratches on the back of his knees, dodging some light kicks from Obanai.
'Obanai, do you need a break?' 'YES!AHAHAHA!! PLEHEHAHAHASEHEHEHE!!'
After that, everyone stopped and Obanai managed to calm down in a few seconds, he would definitely never get into a tickle fight with those two, just a few touches and they managed to drive him to hysteria.
Kaburamaru innocently walked up to his owner and rubbed his head against his cheek, curling into his neck again as Obanai gave him a look that said 'traitor', though it was a joke.
'Well, with all this, we can go ahead and eat! I am very sure that Obanai will like it! But, I would like to know something first... Are you feeling better, Obanai?'
'Yeah, I guess, thanks to all 4 of you for encouraging me. And no, I'm not willing to let you do this again, you 3 are ruthless, except you Senjuro, you were too gentle, thank you for that.'
'Hey, we were too! Your back was just too ticklish', I agree with Mitsuri, anyway.
Between Mitsuri and Kyojuro, they lifted Obanai and threw him into the air to catch him and hug him, along with Senjuro, of course.
Obanai smiled under his bandages, maybe that would happen more often, even if it wasn't his birthday.
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shiningwonderland · 7 months
Ai Mikaze (All Star)
Translator: Nadie (Twitter: NmoniaG)
Proofreader: Raine (Twitter: amagiyas)
Editor: Noemi (Twitter: dreaminbeyond)
Chapter Six — Gondola at Dusk
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After undergoing maintenance, Mikaze-senpai returned to his work. 
Filming for the movie also resumed after its long break, and at the end of February, everyone was working hard to wrap up the shooting.
Most of my time in February was taken up finishing jobs that had accumulated over the holiday season.
However, I’m also managing some of Senpai’s events to accompany him to his work.
The reason doesn't really matter. As long as I can be by his side, I’m happy.
Ai Mikaze: Why are you grinning like that? Are you making good progress?
Haruka Nanami: Uwah?! Oh, sorry, I’m on it.
I suddenly realize that Senpai’s standing there holding a cup of coffee in his hand.
Ai Mikaze: Don’t "Oh!" me. You know it’s not good to space out during work. Did you upload the BGM score?
It’s March 1st. Filming will continue in the afternoon.
Until then, I will use this short time to get the BGM checked.
Ai Mikaze: Really… pull yourself together. Here, take this. I won’t drink it, but if you don’t keep yourself awake you’ll keep spacing out.
He puts the cup of coffee on the table with a sigh.
Haruka Nanami: Ahh—sorry! You even made me coffee...
Ai Mikaze: It’s alright, just drink it! You're the only one who gets this special treatment from me.
He says while deliberately adding milk to the cup.
Haruka Nanami: Okay…
His way of speaking seems a bit frank but that’s just like him so it makes me happy.
However, our time together like this is limited.
He takes a look at the BGM score I hand him.
Ai Mikaze: Mhm, it’s nice. Your songs are just like you… I can feel some sort of kindness in them.
After cutting himself off from Aine-san, Mikaze-senpai became even more like a human being.
In exchange for a deadline, he received the treasure of “free emotions.”
I have to create a song for the Song Festival that shows that freedom to its fullest.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much. I’ll also do my best for the Song Festival!
"Mhm," he adds with a nod and looks at my face as I put the coffee cup to my lips.
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It’s afternoon when we arrive at the filming location.
Reiji Kotobuki: Heyah—! Ai-Ai, Kouhai-chan! Long time no see—♪
Kotobuki-senpai rushes towards us.
Haruka Nanami: Oh, Kotobuki-senpai! Um, thanks for the other day…
Ai Mikaze: The other day?
Mikaze-senpai eyes me with a suspicious look as I bow politely.
Haruka Nanami: Ah—No, it’s…!
Reiji Kotobuki: Come on, don’t give us that scary look! She only came to ask for some advice. Dear me~ You really shouldn’t worry our little Kouhai-chan so much ☆
Ai Mikaze: Huh? Er, okay…
Reiji Kotobuki: Anyway, I’m glad that you’re feeling better now! On that topic—why is it that you never reply to my messages, Ai-Ai?!
Ai Mikaze:  Because your messages are too long! There are so many special characters that they make it hard to read. As a result, I can't even tell which parts of your messages are important.
Reiji Kotobuki: On the other hand, yours are way too short! When I finally get a reply it’s mostly just single words like “Okay” or “No”!
Ai Mikaze: I mean, there's no reason to write more than that…
I puff up my cheeks.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two talk to each other on set. They seem to have a good time.
Their conversation ends and Mikaze-senpai gets ready on standby.
Reiji Kotobuki: Kouhai-chaaan, can I have a moment?
Kotobuki-senpai seems to be beckoning me to a corner of the filming set.
Haruka Nanami: What is it?
Heading his way, Kotobuki-senpai makes a shushing gesture.
Reiji Kotobuki: Do you know what day it is today?
Select the phrase!
ホワイトデー White Day (+0)
Haruka Nanami: White Day! No, that can’t be right.
Reiji Kotobuki: Nonono, you must be kidding! March has just begun! It’s the 1st!
Haruka Nanami: Huh… the 1st, so… No way…
Reiji Kotobuki: Eh, what? Could it be that you just remembered?
Haruka Nanami: Isn’t today… Mikaze-senpai’s birthday?
Kotobuki-senpai hangs his head, crestfallen.
誕生日 Birthday (+15)
Haruka Nanami: Of course! March 1st is Mikaze-senpai’s birthday!
Kotobuki-senpai claps.
Reiji Kotobuki: Right, correct answer~! Heeere, since Kouhai-chan answered correctly, you win this Super Nice Guy Doll!
Haruka Nanami: Oh, this doll, I’ve seen it on some kind of quiz show before.
… But anyway, it’s today?
Haruka Nanami: It’s his birthday… but…
Because of all that happened last month, I completely forgot to prepare something for it.
Reiji Kotobuki: My? Could this air be the “I’m-not-prepared-at-all” mood?
Haruka Nanami: S-sorry… I've been so caught up in the hustle and bustle recently…
撮影の日 Day of the filming (+10)
Haruka Nanami: It’s the day of the filming?
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s true. Yeah, that it is. No doubt about it.
—As if!! Aren’t you forgetting something more important about this day?!
Haruka Nanami: Ah! March 1st… Today is Mikaze-senpai’s birthday?!
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh man, pull yourself together, partner!
I slap my cheeks, throwing Kotobuki-senpai off.
Haruka Nanami: No way, so it’s today…
Reiji Kotobuki: Correct! Today’s Ai-Ai’s birthday. So I thought maybe we should all celebrate it together, as a surprise~? 
Kotobuki-senpai says cheerfully.
Reiji Kotobuki: —And then I thought, everyone on set should give him a present, but what present would he like?
Something that Mikaze-senpai would like…
Select the phrase!
メッセージカード A message card (+15)
Haruka Nanami: How about a card with messages from everyone? He can enjoy it whenever he looks at it.
Reiji Kotobuki: I see, I see. In that case I’ll fill the card to the fullest with all my heart!
Haruka Nanami: T-then it won’t be a team effort anymore!!
Kotobuki-senpai gives a hearty laugh.
Messages from everyone… Can I also write something on it? I think I will.
記念撮影 A commemorative picture (+10)
Haruka Nanami: In that case, what about a photo with everyone for commemoration…
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, sounds good! There happens to be a photographer here today. I’ll ask them to take a professional photo!
Haruka Nanami: Okay!
After it’s shot I can put it in a frame and give it to him as a present.
Kotobuki-senpai wastes no time and calls out to the photographer.
手作りケーキ Handmade cake (+0)
Reiji Kotobuki: What? Right now?! Er, if we buy the ingredients we could probably decorate it with everyone's help… maybe?
Haruka Nanami: Right… Oh, er—
Mikaze-senpai isn’t really fond of food to begin with, so it wasn't the best suggestion.
Haruka Nanami: It really is too sudden to start now. We’d have to leave the set for it too… Should I get some flowers?
We end up discussing what kind of bouquet to get for Mikaze-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: Alright, I’ll leave the shopping to you! Get on your way and be careful!
“Here are your war funds!” He hands me a coin purse with a salute.
Haruka Nanami: Oh—Okay! I’ll be on my way!
I hurriedly return his salute.
Since the consultation is over, I run to the nearest main road to go shopping.
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Let’s buy the things Kotobuki-senpai asked for, as well as some party poppers and all the party goods I can think of!
Haruka Nanami: This much should be fine… Ah, that’s right!
Noticing a general store, I head inside.
I should also give Senpai a present for his birthday.
For this one, I pull out my own purse and look around the store.
What should I get…
Select the phrase!
ピヨちゃんの時計 Piyo-chan clock (+0)
I reach for the Piyo-chan alarm clock.
The alarm sound coming from the yellow device imitates Piyo-chan.
Haruka Nanami: Hmm… I think that’s a little too cute.
Shinomiya-san, who loves Piyo-chan, would have liked this. However, I can’t even imagine Mikaze-senpai waking up to this.
I look around the shop. There has to be something else.
海の写真集 Ocean photo book (+20)
I grab an ocean themed photo book.
One photo shows a sea’s coral reef in its rich colors.
Haruka Nanami: It’s beautiful, but I want to find something that’ll be easier to carry around.
I look around the shop.
マフラー Scarf (+15)
I grab a white scarf.
Haruka Nanami: That’s right, Senpai gave me a scarf for christmas.
However, it’ll be spring soon. So giving him a scarf now would be…
Hoping to find something better, I look around some more.
I come to a stop at the accessory corner.
My eyes land on a bangle and I reach out for it.
The silver bangle in my hand is slim with a simple design. It's inlaid with what appear to be natural blue stones.
There’s a small sign next to it.
“An accessory, adorned with the birthstone for march: aquamarine. Aquamarine is also called ‘mermaid tears’.”
I haven't seen Senpai wear accessories in private before but…
Haruka Nanami: This would suit him.
Deciding to wrap it myself, I go to the wrapping corner to prepare his present.
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After buying everything I need, I prepare to head back to the filming location when I suddenly notice a familiar face walking towards me.
His white coat stands out on the city streets.
Haruka Nanami: Professor… Why are you here…?
Professor: Just by chance. No need to be so wary.
Before me stands the professor.
This is my first time seeing him since the day Mikaze-senpai collapsed.
Could he be staying near Mikaze-senpai because he’s worried about him?
Haruka Nanami: Uhm… how is Aine-san?
Professor: He's still asleep. Even after all that, his condition hasn't changed and he's still stable.
Although their connection was cut, Aine-san continued to sleep.
“Is this for the best?” That thought slips my mind.
Professor: Hey now, don’t give me the long face. We can be happy about this outcome.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Professor: Ai told me that we don’t have to force Aine to wake up. He should have the strength to wake up by himself.
He said: “What else can we do but believe in his strength?”—Can’t believe Ai was the one to tell me something like that.
Haruka Nanami: …Mikaze-senpai told me that he met Aine-san.
“Seems like it.” The professor says with a nod.
Professor: For humans, there are times when they want to run away and times when they want to rest.
I became so desperate in my deed to save Aine, I never thought about everyone else’s feelings.
I hurt Aine, Ai, and also you. For that, I’m sorry.
Everyone’s feelings…
Haruka Nanami: But… I believe that having someone who is waiting for you must be a truly wonderful thing.
You wanted to help wake Aine-san, and I don’t think that those feelings were futile.
So please, just wait for him.
He nods silently.
Professor: About Ai, to be honest there is still nothing we can do. I can’t access his system.
Haruka Nanami: Oh… I see…
I clasp my hands together tightly.
Professor: However, I’ll keep trying until the very end. I’ll give it my all to save even a fragment of his memory! Hopefully, I can do that at least.
Haruka Nanami: …Please. I'm counting on you.
Professor: I also plan to let Aine hear your song for the Song Festival.
Haruka Nanami: Of course… Mikaze-senpai and Aine-san seem to have made a promise with each other.
That’s what I tell him.
Shortly after, the professor leaves to continue his business. 
Haruka Nanami: … Until the very end…
One day, that moment will come. Is there something I can do until then?
I check the time.
Haruka Nanami: Oh, it’s already this late!
I have to go back now or the filming will be over.
Haruka Nanami: Time sure passes quickly.
I start running back to the set.
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Once the filming ends, Mikaze-senpai prepares to leave after thanking everyone. That’s when Kotobuki-senpai calls out to him in an attempt to hold him up.
Reiji Kotobuki: Whoa there, wait a minute—! Stay! Hey, stay! And now, everyone assemble!
He firmly grabs Mikaze-senpai by the collar.
Ai Mikaze: Wha—what? Stop it, Reiji… Idiot, you're ruining my clothes!
Dragging him back on set, Kotobuki-senpai promptly gathers the staff members and actors together.
Reiji Kotobuki: Are you ready~? Well, well everyone, now together! Ready—go! Congratulations, Ai-Ai!!
At once, everyone cracks their party poppers as congratulatory words surround him from all sides.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Congratulations!
Syo Kurusu: Congratulations, Ai!
Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun who arrive later also crack open their poppers with great enthusiasm.
Ai Mikaze: Huh? Right, thank you. But what are we celebrating?
Mikaze-senpai looks at us with puzzled eyes.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, stahp it~! Today’s Ai-Ai’s birthday, no? Yet another year closer to adulthood. Whooo—! A merry occasion!!
Ai Mikaze: Uh… birthday…? A birthday celebration for me…?
Still being somewhat unsure, Mikaze-senpai looks at everyone around him.
Syo Kurusu: Don’t tell me… Is this your first time celebrating your birthday?
Mikaze-senpai replies with a nod.
Whaaat?!—everyone exclaims in shock.
Ai Mikaze: I do have the knowledge about celebrating these but… I see… so my day of birth can be celebrated as well.
Senpai murmurs.
A Bavarian cake is placed on the table.
I bought it thinking that he might like something with some jelly on it.
Reiji Kotobuki: ‘Kay, now—without toppling the candles over, blow them out like whoo, whooo!
Ai Mikaze: “Whoo”? Uhm, how do I do it? Should I just blow them off by expelling the air through my lips?
Mimicking Kotobuki-senpai’s lip shape, I’ve rarely seen Mikaze-senpai this flustered.
Haruka Nanami: You got it! And now, you put out the flame on all the candles!
Everyone watches Mikaze-senpai.
Ai Mikaze: Err, this is somehow really embarrassing… Uhm… whoo—?
Hesitantly, Mikaze-senpai puts out the candles on top of the cake.
Afterwards, we take a commemorative picture and hand him a message card with a small flower bouquet.
As a side show, we have Kotobuki-senpai parodying Mikaze-senpai, and for some reason he then asks Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun to do a comedy sketch together.
The party continues for a little while longer.
Standing in the center surrounded by everyone, Mikaze-senpai still seems a little confused, but a side of him also looks happy…
Hopefully, this will become a good memory for him.
I can’t help feeling a little saddened by these thoughts, however I try not to let it show.
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Haruka Nanami: Senpai, is everything alright? You look troubled…
Ai Mikaze: It’s because of the parody that Reiji did of me. Am I… really always like that?
Haruka Nanami: Uhm, well…
We’re on our way home from the birthday party.
The parody that Kotobuki-senpai did of Senpai was indeed accurate down to his usual  expressions, but it was a bit too exaggerated.
Ai Mikaze: And moreover, I couldn't laugh at Natsuki and Syo's comedy skit where neither one would make remarks at the other's absurd actions. More or less, it seemed like their act was about poking fun at Mikaze-senpai's skill in not reacting to people's silly behavior, but making a good comedy skit without any witty remarks is tough to pull off.
Haruka Nanami: You’re as strict as always, Senpai.
Ai Mikaze: Hehe, but it was fun! I was surprised when everyone suddenly congratulated me, but it made me happy.
Haruka Nanami: Thank goodness…
As I mumble, Mikaze-senpai looks at me briefly and smiles.
Haruka Nanami: Ah! That’s right! Senpai, I have a present for you!
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We went to a nearby park and sat down on a bench.
I hand him a paper bag which he opens clumsily.
Ai Mikaze: This is… an accessory? A blue stone. It must be aquamarine, right?
He holds the bangle up against the park’s streetlight.
Haruka Nanami: That's right. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March, and they’re also called “mermaid tears.”
Ai Mikaze: Heh… Doesn’t it fit me perfectly then? However, I don’t know how to put this on. Can you put it on for me? Please?
He holds his hand and the bangle out to me.
Haruka Nanami: Sure!
I put the bangle on his wrist.
The aquamarine stone and the silver of the bangle have a sparkling shine.
Ai Mikaze: Oh, it fits my wrist perfectly! It’s pretty… Thank you, I will take good care of it.
He holds the bangle up in the park’s streetlight yet again and narrows his eyes.
I’m glad he likes it. But at the same time, an indescribable sadness overcomes me.
Just when the two of us are finally alone, why do these thoughts keep coming to mind?
Ai Mikaze: Listen… I don’t want you to feel sad for me.
As if he had noticed my feelings, Senpai turns to face me.
Ai Mikaze: A lot has happened, but now I have people who celebrate my birthday and that makes me really happy.
Besides, seeing your sad expression is also painful for me. I know it’s not easy but… can you try smiling for me?
Haruka Nanami: Smiling…
Senpai smiles gently.
Ai Mikaze: Truthfully, leaving you also hurts me, but I will do it in such a way that you won’t feel sad. Because you see, I want you to remember my smile.
He gently holds his pinky out.
Ai Mikaze: A pinky promise. That’s what you do when you make a promise, right?
I nod. Then I entwined his slim pinky with my small pinky.
Ai Mikaze: Cross my heart I will not lie, or else I'll eat a needle pie. Pinky promise.
He chants the rhyme as if singing the words. The moment we let go of our pinkies, the bangle around his wrist jingles.
Ai Mikaze: Now it’s a promise! ...Hey, will you smile for me? I want to see your smiling face over and over again.
Haruka Nanami: Over and over, you say?
To my question, he only points to his head making a tapping gesture.
Ai Mikaze: Yes. I want to fill my remaining memory with your smiles.
I smile at him and then he softly pats my head.
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From then on, neither of us brought up the topic of our eventual parting. Instead, we focused on the Song Festival and worked on our song together.
Today is finally the last day of filming.
With the ocean in the background, the mermaid prince wishes for the heroine’s happiness and offers her a song. This is the scene where he turns into foam and disappears.
Their first encounter was also at this ocean.
The now grown-up heroine has lost her eyesight due to an accident. She can no longer see the prince, who has lost his voice.
She’s talking about the most beautiful times of her life.
Like the fateful encounter she had at this beach. That day, the heroine’s and mermaid prince’s hearts connected in song.
Halfway through her story, it becomes a monologue.
“I want to hear the song from that time,” she says. Wanting to make her happy, he starts singing with all his heart.
As soon as he uses his voice, he’s fated to disappear into foam. In spite of that, he continues to sing.
Kotobuki-senpai came to watch Mikaze-senpai’s acting.
Reiji Kotobuki: Man, he’s changed… Amazing. He’s like a totally different person.
Kotobuki-senpai mutters to himself.
Haruka Nanami: You're right. But now it's all coming to an end…
Kotobuki-senpai nods in agreement.
Reiji Kotobuki: You know, when you mentioned Aine that one time I was really shocked. What if Kouhai-chan met him somewhere? That thought crossed my mind.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Reiji Kotobuki: I want to believe that he’s still alive somewhere. And for whatever reason, he hasn't come back. It’s better to think that way… It puts my mind at ease.
Haruka Nanami: …Do you have regrets?
Reiji Kotobuki: I do. If there’s one thing that I regret, then it’d be the fact that I couldn’t have a proper conversation with him before he left. After all, he vanished so suddenly.
With that said, Kotobuki-senpai turns back to Mikaze-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: To be honest, a part of me started seeing resemblances between the two of them.
But Ai-Ai is strong. On the other hand, since he’s strong there are still things to worry about. I just don’t want what happened once to repeat itself all over again.
He should be more like me and learn to loosen up. There are way too many dangerous guys out there.
“A whole army of them,” he adds and laughs bitterly.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hey, Kouhai-chan. No matter what, be willing to listen to him, okay?
Haruka Nanami: …
Reiji Kotobuki: If something happens, he probably won’t come and tell me. I don’t believe I’d have the confidence to face him then either.
I’m not in a position to say this, but if it’s Kouhai-chan then you’ll be fine.
If by some chance he tells you that he’s going somewhere, can you see him off properly? Since I was never able to do so.
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai…
Reiji Kotobuki: Ahaha. Sorry for the weird conversation. A new chapter starts for Ai-Ai today. We’ll finish filming soon.
My~ The filming took a long time, but it was fun!
Kotobuki-senpai laughs and the last scene ends.
Director: Cut!! …Good, OK!!
Upon hearing the director’s last words, applause erupts all around.
Ai Mikaze: Everyone… Thank you very much for everything!!
The applause gets significantly louder as he bows.
All the co-actors gather around Mikaze-senpai.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good job, Ai-chan! You were wonderful!
Syo Kurusu: Somehow I… I was really touched.
His eyes are red-rimmed from crying, and he quickly wipes them with his sleeve.
Reiji Kotobuki: Good job on your first main role—! My, isn’t this already the face of a real actor? Is there hope for your next work?
Ai Mikaze: That’s too hasty! Really now… But… thank you.
Mikaze-senpai smiles as he takes a bouquet from Kotobuki-senpai.
Ai Mikaze: I really mean it… thank you for everything!
He faces the co-actors and staff members before bowing deeply.
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The filming was finished, and by the time everything had been packed up the day was already coming to an end.
The Ferris wheel gondolas were lightly rising into the evening sky.
That’s where I discovered Mikaze-senpai’s secret last year.
We both look up at the Ferris wheel.
Ai Mikaze: Let’s take a ride on it before going home. I want to see the scenery from up there once again. Only if you’re not scared, of course.
Haruka Nanami: It’s not scary anymore! After all, I have you by my side.
We both laugh.
Ai Mikaze: Well, it’s not as cold as it was last year, and even if it does stop, I’ll stay by your side again all night.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?! T-that’s…
He flashes a mischievous smile, standing in front of the Ferris wheel.
Ai Mikaze: Come on, shall we? We have more than enough time today.
He takes my hand and runs ahead.
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We take off on the Ferris wheel and it feels as if we’re floating to the stars.
This time we’re sitting next to each other. He’s still holding my hand, and it feels warm and pleasant.
We can see the light displays shining on the shore across the water. 
Ai Mikaze: I wonder what happened afterwards.
Senpai mutters to himself while looking at the lights.
Haruka Nanami: …After what?
Ai Mikaze: I’m talking about the movie.  I wonder what the heroine did after the mermaid prince disappeared?
They didn’t continue the story after that. However, I think the heroine continued to live alone after the prince’s disappearance…
They don’t reveal what happens after the prince disappears and leave it up to the viewer’s imagination.
わかりません I don’t know (+0)
Haruka Nanami: I don’t know…
But… I think the emotions she felt in those happy moments will stay in her heart forever.
思い出と共に生きていくShe keeps on living with their memories (+20)
Haruka Nanami: I’m sure that he was able to reach her through his song and his prayer for her happiness.
Over time, her memory will fade. Of his face, his voice… She might even forget him one day.
Only the feelings from those fleeting moments of happiness might remain in her heart forever.
悲しんだと思うI think she suffers (+10)
Haruka Nanami: I think she’ll suffer deeply. Just when she realized that he’s the one from that day, he disappears.
Senpai just mutters a silent “I see.”
Ai Mikaze: I wonder what will happen in our case.
The gondola steadily rises higher and higher.
The noise of the city fades away and silence takes over.
It’s so quiet that we could hear our breaths. In this silence, I'm drawn to the shared warmth of our linked hands. 
Ai Mikaze: Listen… Haruka.
He tightens his grip on my hand slightly so I look over to him—
—and meet his eyes which are fixed on me.
Ai Mikaze: I've finally come to understand the feeling of liking—of loving someone.
It’s not just happiness when you’re together. Sometimes it’s tough, painful and suffocating but…
Just the thought of them alone warms your heart. That’s how powerful it is. It makes me a little proud of myself.
I love you, Haruka.
I finally got to understand this emotion—my treasure. 
Senpai laughs happily.
Seeing his smile, my next words spill out naturally.
Haruka Nanami: I’m also in love with you, Mikaze-senpai! These feelings are also my treasure.
Ai Mikaze: …Thank you.
Senpai hugs me tightly.
Ai Mikaze: Robots don’t know love. So this is love. It took me a long time to realize that I’m in love.
No matter what happens from now on, the fact that I got to know such a wonderful feeling makes me so happy!
“I’m also really happy.”
Instead of answering with those words, I hug him tighter in response.
Communicating heart to heart—this moment is the happiest in the world. I want to feel it with my whole body.
Ai Mikaze: Can I… ask for something?
He whispers as we’re hugging in the lightly swaying gondola.
Haruka Nanami: …What is it?
Ai Mikaze: I might want… to kiss you. Can I?
はい Yes (+30)
It’s very embarrassing, but if it’s with Mikaze-senpai then…
Haruka Nanami: Yes…
I answer relieved, casting my eyes down…
Ai Mikaze: Oh… I’m glad. Somehow I’m really happy. It makes my heart beat so fast.
きっ、キスですか?K-kiss? (+15)
Ai Mikaze: I mean, the one we shared previously in your kitchen was an accident… It doesn’t count as a real kiss, so…
Bashfulness is mixed in with his words.
Haruka Nanami: T-that’s right… So you remember.
Ai Mikaze: There’s no way I’d forget! I have an excellent memory after all. So, please…?
I nod without a word.
今ですか!?Now?! (+0)
I look up in surprise and see Senpai with a little pout on his face.
Ai Mikaze: But we even expressed our feelings with each other… So can’t we…?
He tilts his head. Without saying a word, I nod in agreement.
Ai Mikaze: To be honest, I don’t know what to do but you don’t have to be nervous.
I can see Mikaze-senpai’s long eyelashes and his clear eyes right in front of me.
Ai Mikaze: Uhm, and also… can you close your eyes?
Haruka Nanami: Ah—okay!
I close my eyes tightly and can feel Senpai’s body heat.
The tip of his nose touches mine.
At that moment, it feels like time has stopped.
Haruka Nanami: …?
When I don't feel our lips touching at all, I slightly open my eyes again.
Ai Mikaze: You see, our noses… they bump into each other. What should I do?
Senpai is completely at a loss.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? I think you might have to try tilting your head a little?
Ai Mikaze: Tilting… Uhm, like this? Oh, I see.
He nods several times perhaps in satisfaction.
Ai Mikaze: Sorry, let's try that again! I’ll do it right this time, so… close your eyes?
The fingers on our clasped hands intertwine and squeeze tightly. 
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Ai Mikaze: …Nh…
His lips gently touch mine.
Ai Mikaze: Hehe, it’s warm… nh…
As if to confirm the warmth, our lips part for an instant but then meet again.
It should be embarrassing, yet it makes me so happy, filling my whole heart.
After we part, Senpai exhales.
Ai Mikaze: Hah… I see… This… was quite nice actually…
Haruka Nanami: S-senpai!!
He chuckles and curls my hair around his finger.
Ai Mikaze: I mean, that’s how I honestly felt. Being connected with you like that… Hey… Haruka. Let’s do it again.
Haruka Nanami: Mm… mhh…
Since we aren’t kissing anymore, I feel so embarrassed that I cannot face him.
Ai Mikaze: No? Did you already get tired of it?
I reply by shaking my head to which Senpai smiles.
Ai Mikaze: Thank you. I’m glad that I fell in love with you… I love you. Nh…
It’s a chilly night on a spring day.
Inside the gondola as it slowly descends to the ground, we share a kiss and bask in each other’s warmth.
In the days leading up to the Song Festival, whenever we had free time we went out together.
We would go to the cinema or go shopping in the mall…
…taking a walk and watching the flowers bloom along the road…
Such a trivial, daily life was pure happiness for me.
Even the time in which we worked on our song was important to us, and we were close to finishing it. 
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Today, Senpai called me into the studio.
For some reason, he asked me to prepare for a recording.
Once everything is ready, I call out to Senpai who is in the booth.
Haruka Nanami: Everything is set, Senpai. Can we record?
Senpai agrees with a nod. When the music is about to start, he…
Ai Mikaze: Hello, I’m Ai Mikaze.
Senpai steps up to the microphone.
Ai Mikaze: Today, I’d like to sing a song that my precious person made for me. Please listen to it.
Music Game S
Ai Mikaze: Thank goodness. I was finally able to sing it…
Once he finished singing, he mumbles to the microphone and then raises his head to look at me with a big smile.
He comes out of the booth.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai! That was so good!
As I run up to him, he embraces me and spins me around.
Ai Mikaze: Did the recording go well? I’ll give this song to you. It’s a special version just for you.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you!
Just like that, we completed our song for the Song Festival.
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It’s the day of the Song Festival.
Rehearsal has finished, so we’re doing some final checks in the dressing room.
Haruka Nanami: …Hm? Come in!
Syo Kurusu: Yahoo—! We came to cheer you on!
I open the door and suddenly find Syo-kun and Shinomiya-san before me.
Haruka Nanami: Ooh, it’s you two! Thank you for coming!
Shinomiya-san takes my hand and swings it up and down.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning! We watched the rehearsal! Both the song and the vocals were wonderful!
Syo Kurusu: Right! With that song, victory is certain!
Ai Mikaze: No, there’s still some room for improvement! I’ll give 100% on the real take.
I want to carefully express a sense of translucence​ and heartrending. I should be able to convey a variety of emotions.
Syo Kurusu: Ai… you…
After Mikaze-senpai found out about his time limit, he thought about it for a while and decided to tell those two right before the Song Festival.
“Since the two of them would be shocked if I were to suddenly disappear.”
That’s the thought he shared with me.
They were completely shocked, but once they calmed down they continued treating him like always.
Syo Kurusu: I get it… Ai, you’re already a real human.
Ai Mikaze: I can never become fully human. But that’s fine because I’m me. I’m Ai Mikaze.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, that’s right! Ai-chan is Ai-chan and our dear senpai!!
Ai Mikaze: Geez, are you sure you got it?
“Of course~” Shinomiya-san replies with a smile.
Syo Kurusu: You seem to be in good physical condition, so that’s a relief. We’ll be cheering you on from the audience, so give it your best! ‘Kay?
Ai Mikaze: As my juniors, you don’t have to tell me that. I’ll do my best, so it’ll be fine.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Hehe, Ai-chan’s so cute when he‘s flustered. For Ai-chan’s victory, I’ll also support you. Like this~ huuug!!
Shinomiya-san hugs Mikaze-senpai tightly.
Ai Mikaze: Wait…! Natsuki! This isn’t really supporting anything!
Mikaze-senpai utters his complaint but stays in Shinomiya-san’s embrace.
I’m glad that these two came for a number of reasons.
Mikaze-senpai throws me an offended look.
Ai Mikaze: Geez, what are you grinning about? Look, the show is about to start. Syo, do something!
Mikaze-senpai points at Shinomiya-san who’s still hugging him.
Syo Kurusu: Roger! Hey, come on Natsuki, let’s go!!
Syo-kun tugs on Shinomiya-san’s arm.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Okay… See you, Ai-chan…
Shinomiya-san reluctantly lets go of Mikaze-senpai.
Natsuki Shinomiya: I pray for Ai-chan’s feelings to reach everyone in the audience.
Ai Mikaze: Yes… Thank you.
Syo Kurusu: Well then, see ya at the award ceremony! And you take care too!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Bye-bye, Ai-chan. See you later.
They leave smiling with big, waving hand gestures.The door to the dressing room closes silently.
Soon afterwards, the curtains open signaling the start of the Song Festival.
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Chapter End
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