#what the HELL is going on with deltarune right now
thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Okay, can someone please tell me what’s going on with the internet’s favorite little milk-sodden ventriloquist dummy?
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
Kinda fucked up AU idea I just had:
As soon as the soul took control over their body, Kris was locked in a semi-permanent coma-like state.
The player is the only thing keeping them standing and looking, well, alive and conscious.
As soon as the soul leaves their body, like when using it to seal the dark fountain, Kris just drops to the ground like a sack of bricks and everyone else is so goddamn confused and (rightfully) concerned.
Unless the player's soul is permanently destroyed, Kris is completely unable to move their own body, with or without the player's soul controlling them.
If the soul is locked away somewhere outside of Kris is body, Kris will be caged inside of themselves forever.
In this AU, Kris is completely unable to resist the player's control, the only hints that this ain't really Kris are:
1- the sudden collapse of their body when the soul leaves them, paired with the eeire stillness,
2- the fact that they're acting like a completely different person than they've been for their entire life before the events of the game.
(Also I'm unsure if in this AU Kris will be aware of their surroundings or not, is it more angsty that they can see and hear everything but cannot move at all not matter how hard they try, or that they're stuck in complete darkness inside their own body, terrified and alone, numb and unaware of what the soul is doing with them? I can't decide)
(Btw Y'all are lucky this is what you get, my first draft of this post was that Kris died at the very beginning and that the player is using their reanimated corpse)
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ch3st3r3 · 2 years
What the hell is going on; 8-9th September 2022 edition
- Combination of Tumblr and Twitter polls announce Sans (a character from the games Undertale and Deltarune) the winner of the Tumblr Sexyman poll between him and Reigen, a character from the anime “Mob Psycho 100”. #Sanssweep
- Toby Fox, creator of Undertale and Deltarune wrote a fan fiction about Sans victory over Reigen, making Reigen cannon in the Undertale/Deltarun universe.
- Pokemon Company announced a new upcoming Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet “Klawf”.  
- Queen Elizebeth of UK dies at age 96.
- The Crab rave meme is often used as celebration, with Tumblr celebrating the Queen’s death and Klawf getting wrapped up in the wave of crave rave memes.
- The beloved meme cat Thurston Waffles passed away :(
- “Destiel” the pairing of Dean and Castiel from the TV show “Supernatural”. When this ship was announced as cannon, Vladimir Putin resigned as President of Russia. Many are drawing comparisons between a monumental Tumblr event and the removal of a country’s head from power as the wheels of history repeating the motion.
note that Destiel and Putin resigning as PRESIDENT of Russia happened in November 2020 - Putin is still currently Prime Minister of Russia
- September 8th is Star Trek Day, in which a character called Data references the “Irish Reunification of 2024″. Many see the Queen’s death as phase 1 of this.
- It is US Senator Bernie Sander’s 81st birthday. Happy Birthday Bernie!
- Splatoon 3, a game featuring intelligent aquatic wildlife having built a society, releases on September 9th
- Youtube star Trisha Payta gives birth 3 minutes after the Queen dies.
- A Pine Marten, a small stout, has been sighted in London for the first time in 100 years
- Kiwi Farms, a social media site for extremists, “worst place on the internet”, has shut down
Im sorry but I don't have links to all of these, this is just a summary of what is going on
I’m glad that folks ARE questioning and fact checking this summary, it’s good to fact check anything these days and that has prompted me to clarify some parts of the post while others are updating the information. There’s a lot going on in the world right now and to view it solely through tumblr lenses means y’ won’t get the whole story. I hope this post, while not 100% correct, updates and explain some parts of current events to lead them into doing their own independent investigation into the full story.
EDIT 2023: happy 1 year anniversary to this post. What a lot has happened in one year.
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devildom-moss · 7 months
This is sort of a joke so only do this if you want to but: brothers with an mc who eats moss like kris from deltarune. It's..... weirdly attractive? There's a sheep joke to be made here
Sometimes we need a silly little joke, and that's okay. I hope you like it anon. Is the moss thing related to this blog name or is it just random? Also, I don't know who that is - and I had to look up what deltarune is. Maybe it's an age thing or maybe it's just one of those topics I know nothing about. Either way~
Also, I'll be honest, I set up an excel sheet with all of my requests organized by post type before I did this request. Now I feel more organized. Yay.
The demon brothers react to MC eating moss
(SFW) (silliness)
Word Count: +1,600
No. No. No. No. “Spit that out right now, MC.”
They’re going to give this poor single parent of 6 an aneurysm. Moss could be dangerous for MC. Where did they even get that? Did they at least wash it before shoveling it into their mouth?
What is he going to tell Diavolo if moss gets them sick? “Yeah, sorry about needing you to call a human doctor for MC. I looked away from them for one minute, and they started eating moss.” He has a responsibility to keep MC safe.  
Lucifer is the type to order MC to get a psych eval when he sees them eating moss. He knows it’s weird and potentially dangerous. This kind of unusual behavior should be closely monitored by a professional.
He’ll nearly lose his mind believing that MC had definitely lost theirs.
“What in the Devildom has gotten into you? Have you utterly lost it? MC, I can’t handle these kids on my own anymore. I need you to be sane and relatively normal, please.”
Please don’t do this to him. Lucifer needs stability in his life, and eating moss is not the picture of stability.
He will make MC’s potential problem about him for a bit in true bad single parent fashion.
“The hell ya doin’?!”
Mammon will not hesitate to point out how weird he thinks they are. He doesn’t want to hurt MC’s feelings, but he can’t stop himself from giving them a look of confusion and light disgust.
“That can’t possibly taste good, can it? Ya can’t just go ‘round eatin’ any plant ya see.”
Once the initial surprise works through him, he’s just worried about MC eating something weird. What would he do if they got sick? What would he tell Lucifer? He’s their guardian, and he takes that role more seriously than he likes to let on.
Mammon’s the most likely to try to physically remove the moss from MC’s mouth (but Lucifer is a close second). It could be dangerous. He’ll confiscate MC’s moss if they have any left and keep a close eye on them.
His search history from that day will be telling. “is moss dangerous for humans” “is moss dangerous for humans to eat” “types of moss that are safe for humans to eat” “how to tell if my human is sick” “human ate something bad what happens” “why did my human eat moss” “is my human mentally ill” “Devildom human doctors near me” “human-friendly moss” “good dates for humans” “how to charm weird humans” “how to romance weird humans no magic” (He got distracted.)
Levi finds it funny (and he probably actually knows which character you’re referencing, anon). It’s weird, sure, but he figures whatever MC is doing, it’s pretty harmless.
He wonders if that applies to algae. It might make cleaning out his fish tanks a bit easier if MC can and wants to eat it. The thought pops into his head, but Levi decides against it.
It’s strangely comforting that MC has something weird and arguably off-putting about them. Usually, he’s the weird, gross one. (This is where creepy Levi kicks in and he wants to know more about MC’s weird habits. Maybe if it turns out that they’re super weird, he can keep them all to himself. However, Levi lets his creepy thoughts go as quickly as they came.) Levi unlocked new information. Friend points +50. MC’s charm points +30.
“If I kiss you right now, that’s close enough to touching grass, right?” That’s a thing he’s supposed to do, isn’t he? Shit. He didn’t mean to say that out loud, but it’s too late.
Levi’s one of the brothers who will just let MC be and do their thing. He might double check and make sure MC isn’t going to get sick, but after that, he’ll leave them be. It’s not really his business. If it makes MC happy, he won’t judge.
Oddly supportive boyfriend.
The man’s a little feral and weird. I think he would find it kind of precious and adorable; it’s kind of like how cats like to eat grass.
He’d spend a while figuring out which mosses are safe to consume, asking MC if they have any preferences for which moss types they enjoy. Do they prefer certain textures and mouth feels? Are certain colors preferable? Which moss tastes the best?
Then, he would set up a moss terrarium for MC filled with their favorite mosses. Satan may ask them to help him build it as a cute little craft date. This way, MC will have a way to safely snack on moss whenever they wish. A terrarium has the added benefit of MC being able to control where the moss comes from so that they can avoid any harmful bacteria, viruses, pesticides, etc.
Of course, Satan understands that eating moss is unusual, and he may question what it is that compels MC to eat moss, but he doesn’t see the need to stop it.
He may taste the moss himself (in the same way that someone with a pet may be tempted to try pet food). It would, in all likelihood, disappoint him, but MC’s enjoyment is all that matters.
Satan has a real “MC can have a bit of moss – as a treat” kind of mindset. He’ll probably try to see if he can hand-feed MC like they’re a stray cat. He’s weird, too, but we love him.
“Honey, no. This isn’t how we transition into our feral era.”
Asmo thinks it’s kind of gross, but he asks if maybe eating moss is good for the skin or something (because he can’t think of any other reason MC would even consider eating moss).
When they tell him that’s not why, he gives them a troubled stare with his arms crossed over his stomach. “Uhm, hun. Why are you eating it then?”
Even if MC tells him that it tastes good, there’s no way he’s trying it unless it has incredible health and beauty effects. He can’t stomach the thought of it.
After the disgust washes over him, the concern floods his system instead. He asks if MC is sure that they can and should be eating moss. Regardless of what MC tells him, Asmo will go to Satan or Lucifer (probably both) to make sure that MC isn’t putting themselves in any danger. He couldn’t handle it if MC got sick. All that stress would destroy his skin (and break his heart beyond repair).
Once he ensures MC’s health, he tries to just let MC do their thing. “Just please don’t eat that stuff around me, ‘kay? And if you eat it, please brush your teeth before you kiss me.”
“Aw, MC, are you hungry? I’m sure we have something more delicious than moss in the fridge. I was just on my way to get a snack. I’ll pick one up for you too, okay?”
He’s probably eaten some moss in his time. He’s no stranger to eating weird things, so his reaction is the least judgmental.
Sometimes moss looks delicious, right? It just makes sense to him that they would want to try eating it.
Beel will definitely ask them to spare some of their moss so he can try it, too. If the moss tastes relatively bad, he might be weary of their tastes in the future, but as long as eating it won’t hurt them, Beel doesn’t care.
Beel is probably the only one who would try to suggest tastier methods of eating the moss. “What about putting it on top of ice cream? Or maybe in a cheeseburger. Mmm. . . cheeseburger. A moss salad might be more appetizing, too. I could blend it into a smoothie or some soup for you. How does that sound?”
It makes him feel a bit comforted that they both have eating habits that others think are weird – like it brings them closer and is a special connection only they can share.
He’s seen Beel bite into a pillar at the castle when he’s hungry. He’s not too troubled by a bit of moss-eating.
Belphie trusts MC not to be stupid enough to ingest moss that would be toxic to them, and not worrying saves him a bit of energy and time. Additionally, I think Belphie would be relatively knowledgeable about plants, so he would probably be able to tell if what MC is eating is likely to kill them.
For the most part, he just doesn’t care. MC could even kiss him with fresh moss breath, and he won’t give a shit. It’s probably better than morning or fish breath, and he’s still getting a kiss, so he doesn’t see a reason to complain.
He won’t be ultra supportive like Satan, but he will be a bit more enthusiastic about it than others – mostly because it gives him an idea for a prank. He could make soup with moss in it, have MC bring a bowl to Lucifer, and eat one themselves so he isn’t suspicious. Then Lucifer would end up eating moss soup. He could probably do that with multiple types of food, too.
One (stupid) point of contention will be that Belphie thinks moss is better as a pillow than as a snack, but he acknowledges that’s a ridiculous difference of opinion. However, that could be a nice date idea: find a mossy forest where he can take a nap while MC gets to snack on moss.
He will probably get scolded by Lucifer and Mammon for enabling MC’s behavior (and not at all because he goes on weird moss dates with MC).
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taffywabbit · 6 months
just finished Undertale Yellow. that was fucking fantastic, PLEASE go play it. i'm serious. i am going to be thinking about that experience for a long time, it's almost right up there with the original and Deltarune for me now.
definitely going to have to open it back up and see what the other routes are like later, but honestly i got so attached to everything and everyone by the end that i'm glad i stuck it out as a pacifist for my first playthrough (though admittedly i am really not the best at bullet hells and a few of the other combat gimmicks in these games, so i was sorely tempted to take the easy way out and just start shooting in a couple of those boss fights lol. worth it tho)
i don't know what else to say about it to entice you without spoiling the experience, because there were a lot of bits that made me actually gasp out loud and/or put a big smile on my face and they're worth keeping a surprise. please just take my word for it and go give it a shot. it took me like... 8-9 hours total? which is about as long as i spent on Deltarune ch2, but both can probably be finished faster if you aren't digging around and backtracking for sidequests/extra dialogue (and, again, don't have to retry some of the boss fights a dozen times)
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3dsangel · 5 months
Gyoza/Fran | they but neos preferred | 20y | A fallen star that found its way home
[ Commission Status: Not taking anymore right now ]
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I'm an awesome internet cat angel that loves to create by any means! Mostly posting about BFDI and Mii content but I also post about undertale/deltarune, tf2, funnyman streamers, and sometimes other nintendo stuff ^__^ I don't always follow back cuz I'm shy .. sorryyyyyyy </3
also pls like if read etc.
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Unknown Track 95 (Youtube) divider 1 clouds divider two stamp thog stamp i love sleeping stamp
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rannnem · 6 months
dropping my utdr headcanon/theory right here right now
so we can all agree that the red soul isn't supposed to represent determination, right? its soul trait has not been stated. well, my proposal is that the red soul is the Holy soul trait.
my first piece of evidence: in undertale, the legend of deltarune is that an angel will descend from the surface and the underground will go empty. this is self explanatory, really; angels are holy. frisk and chara are holy.
secondly, in deltarune there are a bunch of links to the word holy. ch1 has a song called THE HOLY; from what we've learned about elemental pairs there is a holy element; and the monsters have a religion and a church which a future chapter may take place in. oh and toriel says hell /j
three: it's not a normal soul trait. we can infer that the six other souls are more common, and we've seen that the players soul can be turned those colours (except for orange and cyan, which are still battle mechanics). this would explain why "holy" doesn't fit the pattern of human souls representing personality traits. the only time we see red magic in undertale is frisk and charas soul as well as asgores trident. asgore is the king of monsters, and this may be a stretch but monarchs are considered to be religious figures because of divine right.
fourth, in deltarune, the soul is a connection between the player and gaster and chara, who all exist outside the game. holy beings exist outside of this world, and 'play god', as the player does in undertale and gaster and chara as well in deltarune.
finally: the pope has a copy of undertale. this isn't a piece of evidence I just think it's funny that holiness is connected so deeply to undertale that it extends to reality
so yeah I've had this headcanon in the back of my head for months, but never had the time to articulate it. that's my two cents on the red soul goodbye
ok this is an edit because I found more references to the red soul after a few replays of deltarune (I don't like reblogs because it means less people will see the additions and more will see the OG post):
• king literally calls the fountains "holy fountains" and we already know that the fountains and the soul are linked
• I don't know how I forgot to mention this but either kris or noelle is referred to as an angel by spamton (he didn't specify who he was talking to)
• the motif of apples
• the motif of the number 7
• spamton continually references heaven, God, and angels. he's implied to be connected to gaster who I've stated is comparable to a divine entity
• kris owning red horns similarly to a demon; they have been shown to reject the possibly holy soul like how demons are unholy
• monarchs being so important to both undertale and deltarunes stories, since the main final bosses in neutral and pacifist are all royalty. this ties into what I said about Asgore being somewhat holy because of divine right
• you only get this tidbit from one optional line of dialogue from father alvin but the lightners in hometown literally worship an angel??? like that's so important how did I miss that
• God is literally a character in undertale (the annoying dog) who resides in a room that you can only enter through perfection of the end credits. the credits are purgatory and if you're good then you can go to heaven where God resides. he also shows up in deltarune ch1 where he's programming the next chapter in the computer room, but I can't really find a religious parallel there
• king and queen worship(ped) the roaring knight, which is a parallel to worshipping fake idols
ok that's all I can remember off the top of my head but every minute my theory grows stronger
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corey-beepington · 5 months
Do you think you’ll make any more deltarune (specifically Addisons and Spamton) content? Be it art, comics, short animations, skits or anything else?
If anything scares me, it's Chapter 3 coming out.
If you follow this account, you'll know I LOVE tv heads/tv themed characters.
We pretty much have it certain that our chapter 3 guy is going to be a tv guy in some way/shape/ or form.
Meaning, if the allegations are true, I'm probably going to go insane and become insufferable when that happens.
Now as for the current time being...and our dear pal spamton and the addisons
Eviction Day took alot of power out of me that i haven't truly recovered from. (imagine having to draw that blue addison over and over again 12 hours straight for 4 months straight) so truthfully I'm a little burnt out by them.
Additionally, complicating the matter is I'm working on my college graduation film, Pretty Kitty!!, which, if you liked Eviction Day, this is Eviction Day but far more ambitious with stronger horror elements but with a fully original story.
Actually...Eviction Day was sort of test to see what I could get away with in the thesis film on the technical end...
But working on any film takes time, effort, and alot of my creative energy. This one in particular is draining my life force due to its' ambition (even my professors were concerned with just how ambitious it was).
Now, I DO have a few comic/art ideas, but whether i'll have the time and energy to create them is a mystery.
As far as animated stuff goes however, there will be no future spamton animations most likely.
However if you wanna imagine a new Corey spamton animation here is a Fun Fact
Eviction Day was 1 of 2 of the spamton animations I wanted to make!
There was another, however it never got past a few really rough storyboard thumbnails.
One thing a REALLY wanted to do was actually animate spamton transforming into NEO in a body horror type fashion because body horror is VERY fun to animate, especially in Spamton's case where I could make it horrifying in a physical and psychological sense.
However, what stopped me is was some friends saying that a few people may think the video was made for...less than tasteful.... reasons and may draw in the "wrong type of crowd" if you get what I'm saying.
They were a bit right with this as last time I made a body horror type video I got a few of those people in the comments.
So I made Eviction Day instead.
Will I ever make this video?
Probably not. But you can imagine it in your head.
In fact, just for you, here's those Really Rough Idea Thumbnails
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If you can read them, please let me know because I sure as hell cant.
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prism-forgone · 7 months
So how long till you drop the Deltarune Classpect expansion featuring the secret bosses? Haha just kidding. Unless... But anyway having not thought about classpects in like half a decade that post was a fun read.
i'm so glad you enjoyed it! ^^ it's nice to know there's a demographic for stuff like that still sksjsjk
the post in question for those out of loop here : x
and now.....
It appears my work is not yet done.
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Jevil // Bard of Breath
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So this is a bit irregular.
Since classpects are not only an allegory for a place in the narrative but also for character growth and progression, it can sometimes be hard to pin down a title of a character who had already gone through their arc. Jevil is someone like that - he's just hanging out. He fights you because it's fun and he's bored and won't you come outside? Let yourself be free?
Jevil screams Bard from miles away and his theme of freedom couldn't be more blatant but the problem I encountered was pinning down which aspect he was ghosting and which was his own. Bards usually experience a psychic break of sorts - we call it a crisis of aspect - that causes them to stop acting aggressively like they're bound to the opposite aspect. But the problem is - I would describe his encounter with 'a strange someone' as something exactly like that. So is he a Bard of Blood that is still in a way ghosting his opposite aspect, destroying the concept of imprisonment by calling being locked up as being truly free? Or is he a Bard of Breath that destroys through Breath by getting himself imprisoned and twisting the definition of freedom?
I decided to go with the latter because not only do I see his encounter with that strange someone being his aspect crisis as non-negotiable, this is not the only clue we have (even if it's the most crucial one). The way Bards operate before their aspect crisis is destroying their aspect through embracing the opposite one. Being a court jester is a very social role that I would say fits someone who is Bloodbound or ghosting the hell out of Blood well. Blood heroes are leaders, confidants and advisors and I think this fits well pre-crisis of Breath. He realized he's not truly free and never will be so he simply smashed his definition of freedom and remade it.
Spamton G. Spamton // Mage of Life (Kind of.)
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So, hear me out. I promise it adds up.
Spamton has clear marks of someone Lifebound. This clingy attitude towards success, recognition and money is a very clear mark of that. Another one is how Life heroes are laughably susceptible to contact or persuasion by some kind of dark forces. His separation from other Addisons to become a big deal on his own has connections to a theme of rebellion, and his subsequent rise to the top of the social ladder is emblematic of the theme of authority, both of which being something that very up Life's alley. ...Also, he can literally heal. There's that.
Mages, as I've discussed in Noelle's case, experience the good and the bad of their aspect and can even experience harm because of it. And the cycle of Life says what rises up must fall down. In fact, I believe that what we're dealing with is Spamton's experience with the one who stopped calling him pulling him to the bottom and straight through, leading to him inverting to being the opposite of his title.
Spamton G. Spamton // ↺ Heir of Doom
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Sometimes characters can experience a switch to the opposite title. That is called an inversion. It won't make sense for those who are reading this just for character deconstruction and have no knowledge of HS but think of how Rose acted like a Witch of Void, the inverse or her Seer of Light title, when she went grimdark. This isn't ghosting - it happens when a character actively rejects not only their aspect but their whole title.
This leaves Spamton acting in a way that is contrary to his nature - something isn't quite right. We get a feeling this isn't how he should operate but something happened and left him like this. For all intents and purposes, the narrative treats him like an Heir of Doom now, bringing about all things that have to do with being Doombound - this means he attracts the worst parts of the narrative, acts bitter and resentful, even fatalistic, is prone to visions of an awful end or unfortunate fate (this one I'm bringing up specifically because of his phone) and has a connection with nihilism and fatalism.
The inverse of his class being an Heir is also significant. Heirs inherit and embody their aspect, and Spamton does this two-fold - he serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when you hit rock bottom after trying to climb too high up, and, after the fight in the basement, becomes an omen to Kris that leaves a significant impact on them.
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kogetaikid · 7 months
Alright new AU idea.
I deadass thought of this immediately after watching the TADC pilot.
I don’t have a name for this AU but it’s an alternate timeline at the end of Deltarune chapter 7 where Kris and Susie are in TADC in which I’m definitely not making this on Scratch or anything…
It’s kinda why I made this image:
(Also Kris and Pomni will be separate people in this AU)
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No more dark worlds, Asriel came back from college, but through them though Kris managed to make a friend, Susie. And even after finally getting rid of the SOUL, Kris and Susie continue to be friends. One day, they are hanging out at Kris’s house and finding weird things under their bed while Asriel is studying. Kris and Susie find two old headsets and decide to put them on, and I think you know what happens next…
End of Deltarune chapter 7
After the day is saved permanently. Kris and Susie return to the light world.
(I do think something big would happen in chapter 7, but being a fan of Toby Fox, I think the last light world scene, if there is one, will just be normal with a slight twist)
Asriel has came home from University and just as Kris is about to walk home
*Bright lights shine from the inside
Susie: …well. Guess I should go now.. Erm, have fun with your brother I guess.
*Leave Susie?
Yes ❤️ No!!!
[Upon choosing “Yes”]
Susie: Well, see ya.
*Susie left the party…
[Upon choosing “No!]
Susie: …? Maybe later, I’ll let you see your brother right now.
*Susie left
Entering inside the house
(Slowed version of “You can Always Come Home” plays)
[walking to the dining room]
[Asriel and Toriel are talking inside at the dinner table]
Toriel: So I said, “Have an egg-selent day!”
Asriel: Hehe. But what happened with dad?
Toriel: Oh don’t worry about him…
[Asriel noticing Kris]
Asriel: Kris!
[Asriel get up and hugs Kris]
Asriel: Oh I forgot, you don’t like hugs like that.
Toriel: Why don’t you go clean yourself up Kris?
Asriel: Don’t flush any bath bombs in the toilet!
[Kris walks to the bathroom]
[Attempting to go to your bedroom]
Asriel: Going to sleep already? Why am I not surprised?
Toriel: Come on Kris. You’ve been missing your brother, have you not?
[Attempting to go back outside]
Asriel: Mom’s said you’ve made a friend lately.
Toriel: You’ve had the strangest adventures, had you not?
Toriel: I must have been dreaming if that wasn’t the case.
Asriel: Mom, what the hell are you talking about?
[Interacting with the couch]
*The remote is wedged against the cushions.
*You can’t help but feel nostalgic…
[Trying to call Toriel]
*ring, ring…
Toriel: Kris, please go wash your hands.
[Interacting with the trash can]
*The trashcan is emitting a strong rotten floral scent
Asriel: You were always a weird kid, Kris.
Asriel: And somehow…
Asriel: No offense but you’ve gotten weirder.
Toriel: ASRIEL
In the bathroom
[interacting with the sink]
*One last thing to do…
*Wash your hands?
Yes ❤️ Not yet
[Upon choosing “Yes”]
*You turn the sink up loudly.
*You lift your arm…
[Kris tears out their SOUL]
[Kris breaks their SOUL, the screen goes blank]
Kris: Finally. Freedom.
Sepia Flash forward ass shit
(Some goofy ahh remix plays)
[Image of Kris, Toriel and Asriel eating cinnamon-butterscotch pie. They seem happy]
Kris: It was weird at first, without the SOUL’s control, but I was happy. Happier than I’ve ever been.
[Image of Kris sleeping like a maniac]
Kris: I can finally sleep normally, nothing controlling me. No stings, just wings.
[Picture of the SOUL]
Kris: No more forced interacting with people I don’t even know
(I literally am playing Omori while waiting for Deltarune Chapter 3, so tell me if I’ve forgotten anything or forgot something about a character’s personality. I appreciate your feedback)
[Picture of The Deltarune]
Kris: Admittedly, I’ll miss the dark world. At least I don’t have to deal with that little fluff.
Kris: Susie, Noelle, Berdly, everyone, do they feel the same way?
[Picture fades. Blank screen for an awkward five seconds]
[Kris’s room. Susie shaking Kris]
Susie: Kris wake up!
[Kris lifts their head]
Kris: Susie?!
[Susie puts Kris down]
Kris: How the HELL did you get in here?!
[If you choose to remove Susie from your party earlier]
Susie: Sorry, Kris. Just never had a friend as good as you before. Your brother let me in.
Susie: I wanted to check up on ya, but I’ll leave…
[Susie slowly walks out]
Kris: Wait! You can stay!
Susie: What? Kris, you seem different…
Kris: Yeah about that…
Susie: …don’t worry
Susie: The only thing weirder than your family were these last few days am I right!
Kris: yeah…
Susie: (kinda miss Lancer though…)
*Susie has joined the party
Susie: …
Susie: So what do we do?
Kris: I dunno.
[Susie goes to Asriel’s bad and starts digging for stuff inside]
Susie: Hey! Let’s see what creepy stuff is under Asriel’s bed!
Kris: …
[Kris jumps high into the air like a fuckin cat and starts going gremlin mode under Asriel’s bed]
[Kris and Susie dig out two video game controllers, one knock off one and a normal one, I-CEE’s coupons (I hope I spelt that right but I’m too lazy to search it up), magazines, a Yoshi plushie, etc, but then, they find something unexpected]
[Susie and Kris slowly pick up two dusty headsets,, they seem to have already turned on]
(“The Door” plays)
[The lights get brighter, the surroundings get darker]
Susie: Geez Kris. Didn’t know you and your bro had VR.
Kris: we don’t-
Susie: I only seen these things on TV. Let’s try them out!
Kris: Yeah sure!
[If you chose not to remove Susie from your party earlier]
Susie: Your mom let me in.
Susie: I kinda want to do this friend thing more with you.
Kris: Hehe, same here…
Susie: Y’know I haven’t really had a friend until you arrived.
Kris: …
Susie: (I already like Noelle, geez…)
[Insert anything that was highlighted in neon purple. Sorry, I ain’t writing all that shit again but in going on a fucking flight soon]
Putting on the headsets
[Insert dramatic flashing lights]
[Kris and Susie Collapse. Screen goes black for an awkward five seconds or smth]
The Amazing Digital Circus
[bit-crushed remix of TADC theme plays]
[Insert pixelizated version of TADC intro aight I’m done writing this.]
[Black screen
Caine: Nu uh uh! I’m sorry but we can’t have that foul language.
PS: I know there is very little TADC in here, but I promise that the majority of this AU will take place in the digital circus. This was just the prologue.
PSS: So Kris will be a jester. I don’t have a design for Susie but I might make her an acrobat or smth
PSSS: The SOUL somehow manages to respawn in the digital circus, so Kris is screwed (don’t ask how, I’m still figuring that part out)
PSSSS: Like I said earlier please leave any suggestions. (Constructive criticism only unless it’s THAT BAD)
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davekat-sucks · 14 days
This is was supposed to be a simple ask but it ended up getting long because of there being too many question and discussions but barely any answers so sorry about that.
On the topic of WhatPumpkin sometimes we all have to wonder what the fuck is going on behind the scenes, the latest news we got werent that much and it felt more of a like "Hey guys we are still alive dont forget about us" situation and it doesnt help that we cant really get any info because of how the only guy that Im atleast aware that works on it and is online is James and although I have no source because it was months ago, when beyond canon came back I remember him getting asked about Hiveswap and i dont remember if he answered it on the blog or on a reddit qna but he had said he cant really do much about it because hes just the music guy on that department and not an director or writer and he probably cannot say whats going on if hes aware of even the minimum because of NDAs and you know the situation is weird when not even the new director for post canon can do nothing about it or doesnt know what the fuck is going on over there either (i believe its more of the former).
On the same topic Hussie jumping the ship in my opinion feels like such an awful move in a moral and community sense, he hires fucked up people and ends up going through development hell and instead of trying to fix it he just runs away and gives someone else the work. He becasically invited destruction to that place by not doing background checks and shit and now everyone else but him has to suffer for it. I wonder if WhatPumpkin will close business after they finish Hiveswap (if they even manage to finish it) or if their writting quality wont be bad if they try to do Hauntswitch now.
I also sometimes wonder if Hauntswitch was made first maybe things could have been better. Think about it:
It happens on the Human World and you play as a cool kid looking troll and that could open the doors for a lot of potential to explore more about the Earth on the Homestuck universe and its conspiracy theories and also give us more video game parody mechanics.
The whole conspiracy theory Jude had that iirc had even the USA presidents connect to may be right considering the easter egg that shows some sort of cultists standing outside the mansion we see on the background and watching the events unfold.
We would get more answers for whatever the fuck those creatures that attacked the manor where.
another good dog best friend to fill the bec shaped hole in our soul <:
Exploration of what SkaiaLabs exactly does.
Overall sounding like an awesome story itself, a alien coming to earth and fighting a cult related to the presidents with a human companion. Especially considering how Dammek sounds like hes an asshole and also because of how trolls are usually violent could lead to interesting interactions.
I might be wrong and biased though but I feel like that concept could attract more outsiders than Hiveswap could ever wish to do. And hopefully thats it and that I wont waste almost an hour of my life rambling about this stuff (for my own sake because i feel like i could have spent my time better but i also need to post this somewhere and i dont use social media most of the time and when i do its usually to see fanart, memes and overall discussion of my fav franchises) but I probably will in the future.
It's cool with this ask. You brought up many good points here.
Yes, the question about Hiveswap was asked in a Q&A back in October 30th, 2023 from James Roach here (Archive ver for backup). The news about development should be something more like how Toby does with the Deltarune newsletter. Monthly, maybe do a special event ARG thing that gives insight of what's coming up, or anything like that. Though even with that, it might be probably too little too late since we are at 11 years since the Kickstarter had funded. Probably doesn't help since 2 million dollars was wasted, it's a mystery how the game is still being worked on if the original Kickstarter money that was given to them, had been used up. What is WhatPumpkin's new source of income then? Do they have a second job they aren't telling us about? Are they using part of that Patreon money from Beyond Canon since technically there are some that work within Hiveswap too like James? Then there's the fact Hussie not only wasted the money, but basically left the Kickstarter project he started in the first place. He may own it and be credited as the creator, but he won't be involved in the future Acts and Hauntswitch. I'm surprised nobody is pissed at him for scamming them out of 2 million dollars. Do people not care if the original person who hosted it left? Especially with the truth come to light thanks to Gio's research on this. I wouldn't be surprised if WhatPumpkin does shut down because they couldn't gain the sales needed after releasing Hiveswap Act 3. People will probably wonder if even buying stuff from Topatoco would help or not with HS merch like the prints slowly resurfacing. Drawing in the crowds from old and new to play the game will be tough. I wouldn't be surprised if Hauntswitch was first made in mind before Hiveswap. Dammek even had a 3D model ready too.
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Likely back when it was still a 3D game, we would control briefly but then after the cutscene of them being transported to the other planet, we would then have to take control of Dammek, have him meet Jude to possibly have him find a way to help him back home, and the pair would adventure on Earth itself for the rest of the game to find out about the monsters and the cult. Dammek's paranoid nature would play off Jude's conspiracy theory pretty well as it has the two involved looking deep into the mystery. I wouldn't be surprised if something about the cult would eventually tie in to his home planet and the rebellion as a final grand twist. An idea like that sounds more interesting than some girl getting lost on an alien planet and was roped into some rebellion that she has no reason to be part of besides being concerned for a friend.
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fatherrussia-69 · 4 months
SpaceJacket Pins/Stickers - Henchman A
Have you ever wanted to wear your favorite characters from Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach?
Are you a fan of Undertale and the countless AUs?
What about Deltarune, Poppy Playtime, Bendy and The Ink Machine, Stray, Cuphead and other bangers of a game, do you guys like those?
Well if you answered yes to any or all of them, then you NEED to check out a small business owner named @spacejacket on Etsy!
I was scrolling through Pinterest, eating Editor T's popsicles (Don't Fucking Tell Him), and came across two SUPER CUTE Mini Sun and Moon pins.
Immediately, I clicked the link that followed and it led me to a place where I'd consider it to be a gamer's heaven. I bought the pins which were only 6 dollars, and they arrived a week later. Directly on the day, they were supposed to arrive.
Now you may be saying, "Six dollars? That's alot for two pins, right?"
FGHJKLKAHWVD- HELL NO!! You mainly get two options. One that is a much higher grade, which of course, costs way more. And another that is more prone to scratches and blemishes that cost way less.
I bought the second-grade pins and have had them for like two weeks now and haven't seen a single piece of damage on them. They are so fucking cute too AND glow in the dark! Look at the little guys and tell me that they aren't so damn adorable:
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Now I can't ensure that you will get candy and a gift as well, but it melted my heart when I got it.
They did not ask me or any of the others to advertise for them. Their stuff is just so fucking good that I could not keep this to myself.
Remember, there are way more pins and stickers of other fandoms, so please do check them out!
(P.S.: I'm too lazy to add emojis and italicize this thing.)
TAGSSSSS: @thegenderfluidace @moobieslover @ellaspenfrosti @abyssguardian @the-squishy-scrimblo @inky-drawings @sunlightandmoonligh @justwanderinground @janemations @lavandapink @cottencandyfloss @mrsquidwardopentthedamndoor  @rin-220 @tck-400 @tinyfairart @emerysnonsense @3-kids-in-a-trenchcoat @emoteletubby @ichigoneko817 @redcelebi @fandomfancrazy @dogcat12345678910 @white-l-rabbit @chaoskitten61 @lonely-lovely-lemons @adidasnuts @thenotsofriendlymultifandomghost @you-theyarehere404 @floatingdreamdoll @jinxtheowl @scardycatpastelbrush @daide @crystal1017 @azzumorrii @sunny-moony-lunar @milkcrewsidestories @oddogoblino @achickennamedcheese @get-total-eclipsed @bl00dym00ncha0s @spacejacket
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door430 · 3 months
It's theory time! (Deltarune edition)
I've seen the theory going around that Deltarune's Gaster is actually multiple Gasters, since he was shattered across time and space. This will be adding onto that.
There's a lot of weird characters in Deltarune and Undertale that we don't actually know the true identities of. The Mystery Man, REDACTED, the man who gives you the egg, the person writing entry 17, the two people speaking at the beginning of deltarune... and I have reason to believe that most, if not all of these characters, are separate pieces of Gaster.
Gaster is often associated with the person who speaks to you at the very beginning of Deltarune due to their similar dialects and personalities. I fully believe this theory myself. But what if the person who discarded the vessel isn't Chara/Dess/whatever people are saying these days... but an alternate version of Gaster? A lot of things suddenly fall into place. This person seems to have similar abilities to the first person, with them both manipulating game files and having some level of control over your vessel. It's possible that this is just a coincidence, but I have more evidence.
Another character commonly associated with Gaster in the fandom is the man behind the tree who gives you the eggs. He never shows himself, and he immediately disappears after you take the egg (Mystery Man vibes, anyone?) However, it's been bugging me that this characterization wouldn't quite line up with the Gaster from the beginning of the game. He's too friendly and casual. However, if this was an alternate version of Gaster, it would make sense why they wouldn't act exactly the same.
Now, we know that Jevil and Spamton have both spoken to mysterious individuals that completely changed them. I believe it's possible, and even probable, that these people were not the same person. After all, Jevil's mystery person presumably revealed the nature of his reality, while Spamton's made him a successful businessman. I believe these people were actually two individual pieces of Gaster. I also believe that every future secret boss will have spoken to a different version of Gaster.
Time for my favorite part of this theory. If there's multiple versions of Gaster just running around this world... then any one of them could be the knight. There's been so many theories about the identity of the knight, accusing Kris, Dess, Papyrus, and even Gaster himself, but I think this theory adds a little more context for the accusation against Gaster, and why the knight may be similar but still different to the Gaster we know.
Now... time for the crazy part of the theory.
Remember Sans and Papyrus from Undertale? Remember how they supposedly just showed up one day with no histories to speak of? Well, what if I told you that Sans and Papyrus are actually pieces of Gaster? Sounds insane, right? Well, hear me out.
Sans and Papyrus share a lot of similarities to the few depictions we have of Gaster. Physically, theyre all white and vaguely skeleton-esque. Speech-wise, they all speak in odd fonts, and Papyrus speaks in all caps like Gaster. But in regards to their personalities and interests, Sans particularly shows an interest in science in his genocide dialogue and with his quantum physics book/joke book gag. Hell, he literally has a key to a secret laboratory in his basement! And Papyrus isn't exempt, either. He creates and solves surprisingly complex puzzles, and even has a book titled "Advanced Puzzle Construction for Critical Minds". Most damningly of all, sans has an attack called the Gaster blaster. I don't know how much more obvious it can get.
But this is just my take. Sorry for the long post, but I'm too tired to condense it. If anyone else has any theories to add on to/contradict this one, I'd love to hear them!
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theriverdraws · 2 years
I'm just gonna come right out and say it.. Guys... You don't need to be afraid to call Chara a villain in the no-mercy run. Because that's what they are. And I would even say that in other runs, they aren't good, they are neutral.
No, they did not kill everyone by their own hands, we did, they're just helping us. But their intentions on that aren't good. They want to ERASE the world. And even though they suggest another run for us to play, they aren't doing it because they care about the monsters, they can't care about anything anymore, they're just trying to understand our actions since our motives are different than theirs.
And sure, I KNOW we are the ones that made them go this path, and that if they really are the narrator, then they had a good ending in the pacifist run. But in all routes, their goal isn't to "do good", it's to help US. Chara is in a vulnerable position where they don't know what to do and we help them, and their morals in their conflicted mind don't stop them from helping us no matter what we do, so I consider them to be in a "neutral" stance at the beginning of the game.
The point I wanna make is that saying that Chara is not evil in ANY route is wrong, the point of their character is how they can fall from grace hard at any moment (reset) and are now a different person (somewhat).
And if you don't agree with me then think about this: Flowey is Asriel, Flowey redeems himself, but we still say Flowey is the villain because well... he is! But then he gets better! It's the whole point!
Chara is the villain because they were corrupted by us and then made their own goal to erase the whole world as a response to all the trauma they had, and they also gained a certain level of sadism which is also pretty bad. But they have a chance to do better! In the Pacifist route! They go from "neutral, just trying to help us" to actually doing good! And in the No-mercy run it's the opposite, they become evil, and then they stay evil no matter what run we do after this. So we can say with confidence that they are a villain.
I really wanted to bring up this point because I see Chara like Flowey: emotionless, sadistic and evil, but that has potential to do good, like they do in the pacifist route!
And also wanted to bring up all the deltarune theories. No Chara is NOT CONTROLLING KRIS GET THAT OFF YOUR HEAD, but is it possible that ut!Chara is working with Gaster or the knight whatever? I mean, yeah, it's not what I believe it's happening (for other, more meta reason), but it's totally possible. So like.. Please stop annoying theorists with spamming "CHARA IS NOT EVIL" in their comment section lmao that's not good, and I would say it's plain wrong if they're talking about Chara in the no-mercy run, because then they really ARE evil. (If I see another person saying Chara is controlling Kris though I will strangle them).
People don't say that they're a villain or anything because I guess they don't want to make their character one-dimensional but I would say that this does the opposite of that really, THERE ARE LAYERS TO THIS. And having this "heroic image" of Chara in ALL routes is rather strange and just wrong, they sure as hell are nOT a hero in the no-mercy run/soulless pacifist I assure you, and saying that they're a villain doesn't ruin their character, it's just the right term.
In the No-Mercy run we are the villains. Chara is our partner, they are also a villain. Just because they go against us eventually is not because they suddenly had a change of heart, they're still pretty evil, they just want to complete their goals of erasing the world even if we don't agree with them. So just because they're against us, the villains, doesn't make them a hero because they're also the villain.
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saltyfryz · 6 months
MORE SKELETON INFO DUMP!! (Pt one with Cassie and the outcodes)
First, we got LavenderTale Sans! Or Plum.
At first I wanted him to be 5'10 but I'm not so sure about that, so just know he's tall!
He's the old man of the group, he's been around a while.
Plum does have eye lights, but they only appear when he feels strong emotions. And when they do they're white, unstable and broken.
His drink of choice is Vinegar(spiked and unspiked), always carrying a bottle or two in his inventory at all times. Because of this he always smells strongly of the stuff.
He's got high LV and was incredibly dangerous in his prime, but after an incident that left him with his scars and old age, he's not as quick or as angry as he once was.
If confronted with a problem, he prefers to not play with his food so to speak. Especially if they're looking for a fight. Nowadays he just can't be bothered, so he quickly skewers them with a bone and moves on. However if they're just talking shit, all bark and no bite, he will mess with them a bit. Maybe he'll rough em up, or scare them with a bone attack straying a wee bit too close. Oftentimes he will just insult someone just for the hell of it, he loves it when people get all angry for 'no reason'
The exception to him not fighting anyone is if they interest him. Like if someone dropped something of value to them and Plum found it, if they were to fight him to get it back Plum would make it a massive game of keep away until he either gets bored of it or his fatigue catches up to him.
Speaking of, Plum suffers from chronic headaches and phantom pains due to the cracks that lace his skull and body. When the pain gets too much to handle, it can lead to him having some sort of episode. His senses get all muffled and he becomes a husk of rattling bones for a few hours. You should never interact with him in this state, as he has no idea what's what and will attack on instinct. When he eventually comes too, he usually finds himself safely tucked into his bed.
~~~TW! substance abuse~~~
Due to his pains, he's picked up a habit of drinking and getting high whenever the pains begin to flair up. This has led to him abusing the substances whenever he can, and him and Papyrus often get into screaming matches about it.
When they make it to the surface, eventually Plum does learn to stop relying on the stuff so much and actually gets the help he needs.
He has frequent and recurring nightmares, whether that be of Papyrus dying over and over again or of how he got his scars. He only occasionally gets good dreams, mostly about being on the surface with pap
He loves kids, (mostly infants) and sometimes offers to babysit for favors.
Plum has a removable patch of the Deltarune on the back of his jacket, it blends In perfectly and you can't even tell it wasn't there originally. He only wears his patch when working.
Like og sans, Plum is a Sentry and owns an illegal (and kinda overpriced) hotdog stand, and for a pretty penny he also sells soggy pretzels. They're surprisingly good if you can ignore the texture, and the strong taste of vinegar..
On the surface Plum gets two pets, a sweet pitbull service dog named Bulldozer and a tarantula named Marvy or Marvin.
Now, onto THE GREAT AND VILE PAPYRUS!! or Topaz!
He's asexual! Sex repulsed to be specific.
He has three scars on his skull. The two in his left eye socket were given to him by Asgore in a manner similar to the og fell pap, while the one down the right side of his face he's had as long as he can remember. Although he can't exactly remember how or where he got it.
Topaz's dish of choice is chicken alfredo, however it is SEVERELY burned, the noodles are DRENCHED in vinegar, it's over AND under cooked and the chicken can't decide if it's supposed to be stale or soggy. He does end up going to cooking classes on the surface though.
Despite his lack of cooking skills early on, Topaz is PHENOMENAL at sewing. He often patches up Plum's jacket or sweaters when he isn't looking
Despite his appearance and outward persona as "THE GREAT AND VILE PAPYRUS'' he actually doesn't really agree with the 'kill or be killed' mentality the underground had adopted, and would much rather curl up with a good book than put lower monsters 'in their place' for the millionth time. Still, he is very diligent with his guard duties and takes them extremely seriously, just because he doesn't agree with that mentality does not mean he isn't a BEAST when it comes to fighting. You don't become Captain of the royal guard for nothing.
I'm still trying to come up with his weapon of choice, but what I do know is that it's HUGE and heavy hitting.
As previously stated, he's a bookworm, loving adventure/romance novels as well as the occasional tragedy romance.
Topaz drives a motorcycle on the surface and Plum gets to ride in a little sidecar, in tern for free fixes and tune ups.
On the surface Topaz takes up commissions related to sewing or knitting, wanting to become a fashion designer. All his ideas may be a little unorthodox but no one can deny that he has talent.
Onto Cypher!
Or well, I wanna start with information about his au first!
It's named "True Hero"
And it's a surface fantasy au! Humans and Monsters have gone to war, but they ended it on peaceful terms and as a result Monsters were never sealed. However, just because it ended peacefully doesn't mean everyone got along. Humans and Monsters are still at odds with each other, and usually stay segregated. The land is divided into provinces with their own towns and cities.
They're separated as follows-
Snowdin province
Located north on the map
Where Snowfield Village resides
Almost always snowing
Waterfall province
Located in the middle of the map
Connected to oceans and rivers
These areas have many caves and waterfalls, but there is one huge main body of water named "Fated Oasis" as it's a hot spring that bridges all the provinces together. Some folk lore even describe the waters capable of healing.
Very wet, has marshes and some forests
Always raining and or damp
Hotland province
Located south with a mostly tropical climate
Has a few beaches that leak into some waterfall provinces
New Home
The monster capital
Run by the royal family
Location TBD
The ruins of the first monster settlements.
Was attacked by humans and burned down and was one of the main catalysts for the war.
Location TBD, not drawn on maps
Has a massive graveyard to commemorate the lives lost. Some monsters come every now and again to pay respects.
Human territories are scattered around the map, far away from most Monster settlements, usually located far east or west near ports, as most Monster cities are further inland.
Like I said before, TH is a fantasy type world, however it does have some modern elements mixed in. Some areas and provinces are more modernized than others, having cars/trains while others are more traditional. The more modernized places are usually heavily populated cities and towns.
Snowfield village is one of the most popular towns in the region, as it's known for human monster integration. Incidentally this village/town is run by Cypher! It's not the only one of its kind, especially throughout the entire continent, but it is the one rumored to be run most smoothly.
Speaking of Cypher, he is the sans of this universe! Well known as the kind and energetic ruler of Snowfield village! He may look sweet and innocent, but don't be fooled! He is seasoned in the art of magical combat and sword fighting, able to beat anyone who stands in his way. However there's no reason to get so barbaric as Snowfield village barely has any real threats that need to be dealt with such force. Even so, Cypher trains day in and day out, honing his body to his full potential.
He is highly persuasive, and can talk down or up anyone with his cute face and charismatic charms
He's 4'11
Cypher doesn't cook as he usually lets the maids he hires do it for him, although he does enjoy secret codes, messages and cyphers.(hah)
He's a bit of a perfectionist, always wanting to look and be the best at anything he has his sights on at the time. He can get a little pouty if things don't go his way, but he doesn't let it show for long.
As for magic, Cypher can make these crystals that can sap, store and transfer the magic of others. This can make the transfusie feel tired and sluggish or even faint if too much is taken. After sapping magic, Cypher can either add it to his own reserves or someone elses to give them or himself a power boost. Although, he has to be extremely careful with his crystals, mostly around Monsters. Since they're made entirely of magic, if one were to come into contact with even a tiny part of the crystal they would almost instantly dust. The bigger the crystal the more the crystal is able to sap and store, but the bigger the crystal the more of a toll it takes to create. If the crystal tries taking more magic than it can handle, it shatters.
The crystals also cast a soft glow the color of Cypher's magic.
Onto Papyrus! Or Hyde/Hydro!
He's 6'2 but always slouches to look smaller.
Hydro is Cypher's royal advisor! Basically he takes care of the dirty work of running the village, mostly taking care of any disputes or criminals Cypher can't (or before he even finds out in some cases) in his own lazy way.
He runs on chocolate pudding(he can practically inhale gallons of the stuff) and bad puns.
Always tired due to his duties as advisor, often taking naps standing up or at his workbench.
Due to this appalling sleep schedule, he also barely has any magic to spare in his reserves and is often unreliable in battle magic wise. To remedy this Hyde always has a unique gadget to help to defend himself on him at all times. All of them of which he created
Speaking of, Hydro is very knowledgeable about scientific and magic infused technology. In his free time, he often studies and tinkers with any scrap he can find drifting down the river from the Capital. He has even created some experimental weaponry that he sells to neighboring villages.
He always tries to dress fancy for his brother, but he always gets his clothes wrinkled or dirty. On some shirts the bottom of the sleeves are almost entirely stained. Mostly with pudding or oil.
And that's all I got for now! If you have any questions feel free to ask :p
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wildernezz · 1 month
you only just followed me but i saw your bio, so:
analyse me lol
finally got around to doing this. man, i really gotta get back on my analyzation grind. anyways this is the most i was able to think of. not sure how accurate it'll end up being, but hopefully i'm able to get some things right lolll. and if not, hopefully you at least enjoyed reading through it:
autism. that is the very first thing that strikes me when scrolling through your blog to analyze stuff and i just needed to get that out of the way as soon as possible. the autism is undeniable. and if you're not autistic it's some sort of flavor of neurodivergent. i'm putting my bets on autism though.
you're a very honest and straightforward person. you're very clear about your boundaries and what you're trying to express when talking about things. it's incredibly respectable and a really good trait to have, but i feel like sometimes you question yourself for it. it's hard to describe but i'll try touching more on it later.
i feel like you're not a very talkative person in real life. considering you have a lot of deltarune posts, a large part of me feels like you relate to kris. you also just give off those vibes of someone who's a little monotone, not extremely talkative, but can definitely ramble about the things you're interested in. i also feel like the story arc of kris is something you probably relate to. i haven't analyzed kris enough to feel solid in describing their trauma but i know something in that is something you relate to. especially with the conflict of identity and knowing who you are. i have no idea how to describe that in kris terms but i know it's there. 
rolling along with the deltarune ball, there's a whole lotta noelle in there too (which based btw, noelle is awesome). it makes me wonder if you relate to her too. maybe it's the overall anxiety she has, but i feel like it also ties into the idea of identity, losing yourself, or not completely knowing who you are. it's weird to describe because i feel like you do have a solid sense of who you are, it's just that every now and then you probably have some sort of moral crisis or existential crisis and it can send you spiraling if you think about it for too long. you seem like somebody who lives life the way that you want to, but there is still a slight underlying fear of both yourself and the world.
oh i just know you've questioned your gender a few times. maybe you haven't particularly dwelled on it for a long time, but i feel like you've def had that "maybe i'm not entirely cis" thought pop in your head every now and then.
this is honestly a tougher analyzation for me to pinpoint, but it's not because i can't tell anything about you, it's more like i could point at a character and go "that one's you" but i have no idea how to back it up lmaoooo. so here's some characters that i feel fit you but i have no idea why: Kris from Deltarune (duh), steve minecraft (idk why either), L from Death Note, Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, both Danny Saunders and Reuven Malter from The Chosen (1987 movie specifically), and also a weird mix Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Maud Pie from MLP:FiM.
hopefully this provides something insightful and is at least semi-accurate. i usually do better analyzations on my @analyzing-people-like-hell account where i'm given a list of characters to work with, so if you want i'd gladly redo an analyzation over there. however i have been way off my analyzation grind so i make no promises on how long that'll take lolll. either way, my bad if this isn't all that accurate, but it was super fun to look through so thank you for the content B))
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