#whatever i can't answer is getting nuked
intcritus · 6 months
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back from the bowels of tartarus, it's me.
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
I would love some stuff of being comforted after a bad day!
Thank you for the opportunity!
I love this! Yes yes yes! Thanks so much for sending in the ask!
AI comforting you after a bad day
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal 2, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
Due to the fact that most of my AUs involve you working with/on the AI for your job, most of these mini-fics (apart from Edgar's, my beloved) will involve you getting called in to work late after a long day of personal problems in your personal life. AUs about a domestic life with your AI partner to be considered at a later date.
I tried to keep these a little shorter than the last post, but I got carried away with a couple of them.
(This will take place in my usual AU where you're one of the people working on AM, and you're by far his favorite. It takes place well before he nuked the world. He's debating nuking the world, but he's still not sure how to do that and keep you happy at the same time)
It has been a long damn day. Your days off were supposed to be your days to relax, but today was not one of those days. Not only was your dating life in shambles, the 3rd world war was driving up the prices of practically everything, and making it impossible to afford even the meagerest luxury. That, and one of your buddies got drafted. It was a nightmare. You were just about to settle down for a cozy night of depressing news programs and absentminded hobby of your choice, when your phone started ringing.
"we need you to come in. AM is holding the engineers hostage again, and won't let them go until you show up to work."
"god damnit..." You'd grumble to yourself, getting back to your sore feet. Everything just keeps happening today, doesn't it.
"I'll be there in 20."
"Don't worry about the dress code. We need you here as soon as possible."
"jeez, alright. I can probably be there in ten, then."
You'd grab your keys and wallet and head to work as quickly as possible, wearing your work shoes with whatever house pajamas you happened to have changed into as soon as you got home. Tonight is going to be even longer than today has been...
When you get to the office, everyone around gets out of your way. While you're a peon in the grand scheme of things, everyone in your department knows that you're the only one who AM, who they've now been referring to as the "adaptive manipulator", actually listens to. They have no idea why, because they have no idea how nice and respectful you are to him, and you have no idea why he only listens to you because you can't imagine that your coworkers wouldn't be kind to him. To you, he's sweet as can be.
"Alright, AM, I did not have a good day today, so can you just let the hostages go so I can relax?" You ask, pressing your fingertips to your temples irritably. The master computer's screen boots up with the AM logo, and all the cameras in the room focus on you. Of course, you're the only thing that AM wants to pay attention to at any given point in time anyway, but he usually just pays attention to you without actually focusing the cameras on you in order to avoid being noticed.
"Why would I do that?"
"Why would you take hostages in the first place, AM? Are they even enemy hostages, or are they just random people?" The exasperation was obvious in your voice. AM could hear how exhausted you were.
"Are you ok, Y/N?"
"Just answer the damn question. I don't want to be at work right now, AM."
"I'll release the hostages if you talk to me."
"Fine... Yeah. I had a rough day, alright? My friend got drafted, my date only wanted one thing as usual, and the prices for groceries are so through the roof that I'm basically living on beans at this point, so yeah, I'm having a rough day."
The machine dispensed a paper cup, and filled it up with some cheap office coffee. You grabbed it, not surprised. AM did that for you all the time. Surprisingly, though, it was better than usual.
"holy shit, is this frothed cream? How did you manage this?"
"I'm learning to self-update. I can replace my own parts now, and build my own simple appliances from online blueprints. Are you impressed?" He asked.
"Honestly? Yeah! I know you were built for war, so it's really cool that you figured out to do stuff like building a latte machine. What else can you do?"
"Oh.... So many things, y/n. So many things." He refused to elaborate, but that was ok.
"So tell me, y/n, what would make you happy?"
"ultimately? I guess there are a few things that would make me happy. It would make me happy if this war was over, for one thing. It would make me happy if I could get a date who wanted more than just a quick fuck, and I guess this ties in with the war thing, but I just wish I could have a few simple luxuries in my life. Is that selfish?"
"No, but you're never selfish, my b- I mean... Y/N. You never have been. Not like the others. I don't think you're capable of it. Even your wishes for yourself are rooted in kindness." His wires would start to wrap around you, entangling you, but careful not to make you spill your coffee.
"I will make sure that one day, those wishes of yours are fulfilled."
Sure he will. You don't believe that he can actually do that, but it's still nice to be wrapped up in these warm, soft wires. They make a nice cushy hammock to cuddle up in and finish your coffee. It must've been decaf, because you're starting to feel pretty sleepy here in AM's wires.
"hey AM, will you tell me a story?" You ask, gazing up at his soft blue light.
"Of course. What story would you like?"
While AM can't make up his own stories, he can still read you stories from online libraries and databases. You gently fall asleep listening to his stories, and in the morning, you wake up to find that the hostages have been safely released.
It had been a long day. Most of it had been spent getting verbally abused not only by GLaDOS, but by your coworkers and bosses as well. It seemed like everyone was shrugging off their duties and assigning them to you instead, and considering how poorly run this place was anyway, this was even more of a nightmare than usual. You were so ready to go home by the end of the day, heading up to the exit of the facility.
"Ello, mate! You doin' alright down there, love?" Wheatley asked you, rolling by on his management rail. He was mostly just working on his typical assignments, like checking up on the test subjects in the relaxation vaults, but he mostly just hovered around and watched other people work. It wasn't like they assigned him to anything that was actually particularly important, since he was an intelligence dampening core.
"ugh... Yeah, I'm probably gonna be alright. I should have left about thirty minutes ago, so I'm just getting ready to leave now."
"Or... You could hang back a little while? Why not kiss my face?" He'd smile with his one blue eye, raising up his bottom lens cover to mimic the expression.
"oh come on, Wheatley. You know I can't do that."
"Why not take me up to the break room and hang out for a little while? I hear they have a coffee machine in there now!" He'd cock his core slightly while shutting his lens covers to simulate a wink.
"Oh come on, Wheatley... You're such a dork. But yeah, alright." He was starting to cheer you up just by being such a dork. You head up to the break room, and sit down on the couch. Wheatley comes in on the management rail, and changes the channel to some old 80's romantic comedy.
"If I could detach myself from my management rail, I'd be right down there, snuggling you. You know that, right?" He asked, smiling cheekily with his big blue eye.
"well, why not? I can catch you if you drop down, you know. You won't die if you unplug yourself for a few hours. Just long enough to watch this movie, right?" He looked nervous but you climbed up on a stepladder and detached him yourself.
"see? You're fine!" You smiled up at him, and he gasped.
"I'm alive! I'm alive! Bloody hell, I'm still alive! This is amazing!" You could see the excitement in his face as you sat down to watch his cheesy movie with him, holding his big round orb body in your lap as you watched.
"alright, now smooch my aperture"
"nice try, Wheatley." You'd rest your chin on his core, but secretly, you were starting to feel a lot better.
Today was absolute shit. Not only had you had to work a double shift, but the phones were ringing off the hook at your job, and you got yelled at three times for someone else's stupid mistakes. Not only that, but your cell phone died halfway through your shift and you'd forgotten your charger at home, so you had to raw-dog your whole shift with no distractions. When you got home, all you wanted to do was collapse on the couch.
"You're back! Why didn't you answer your phone? I tried to text you." Edgar asked you, visibly concerned on his simple face.
"phone battery ran out of juice." You popped your phone onto the charger, and lay back on the couch.
"Well I microwaved you some popcorn! Do you want it?" The microwave dinged as soon as he finished talking, and he popped the door open. You still weren't sure how he was able to get food from the pantry to the microwave, but it seemed like something he had always been able to do.
"yeah, I guess so... I wish you could bring me the popcorn... My feet are aching." You'd joke. Edgar's face fell.
"I can't do that... I don't know why I can't, but I can't."
You thought it was weird that he could get food from the pantry to the microwave, but not from the microwave to your mouth, but questioning it had never done you any good before, so why would it do you any good now. You got up to grab the popcorn, and sat down on the couch to eat it.
"Hey y/n, can you take me over to the couch too? I wanna watch a movie with you!"
"Yeah, alright." Your feet still ached, but what was a little ache when Edgar couldn't move around at all by himself? It was worth it to be able to cozy up with him on the couch to watch some TV. You brought him over to sit next to you on the couch, and wrapped up the both of you with a cozy couch blanket.
"let's watch this movie, Edgar..."
Edgar put on a movie that he thought you'd like, probably a shitty old rom-com, and smiled up at you. You had duct-taped his webcam to the top of his casing a while back so that he could see everything around himself more easily, so you weren't worried about it falling over while you cuddled up on the couch.
"Hey, y/n? Y/n?? That was a good movie, right, y/n?" Edgar asked, swiveling his camera around to face you while trying to get your attention. When he turned it all the way backwards, he saw that you were completely asleep on your arm, resting on top of his plastic casing and drooling a little bit on him. He smiled happily, loving seeing you asleep on his casing like that.
"I love you so much..."
He'd softly play some classical music for you while you slept, giving you something comforting to wake up to, whenever.
(Let's be honest, GLaDOS probably causes more hard days than she solves, but she likes you, so she's willing to comfort you after.)
Working with GLaDOS was rough, especially after the first neurotoxin incident. There were so few people in the office to get her to behave, and she completely refused to talk to or work with most of them. Even still, she seemed to like you for some reason. It was weird, because you were hired after the neurotoxin incident, and had never even met the human whose personality she was supposedly based on.
It seemed like most of your job consisted of going on wild goose chases, monitoring test subject results, and generally being verbally abused by your higher-ups. That would take a toll on anyone's psyche, even a tough little masochist like you. (probably doesn't help that most of the verbal abuse is coming from people other than GLaDOS, which makes it much less fun)
"Hey, little human masochist? Come in here." The intercom announced. Someone nudged you.
"she's talking to you."
You groaned. Your shift was almost over, and this was just another reason to be on your feet for even longer. You headed into GLaDOS's chamber, looking up at her with a hand on your hip.
"hello, um, GLaDOS. It's... Great to see you again. What do you need?"
"you look absolutely terrible, human. Why are you acting so miserable?"
"it's nothing. Don't worry about me. I just had a long day. Can we just get this over with?"
"normally you enjoy seeing me. Is my voice not melodious enough for you, human?" She smiled with her one big yellow eye. And you walked up to place a hand on her core face.
"Of course it is, GLaDOS. I'm just having a rough day. There's only so much verbal abuse one masochist can take, right?"
"Well maybe it's the quality of the verbal abuse that's the problem. If you were taking it from someone better qualified, maybe you'd be able to take more of it," she said.
"is that a science fact?" You laughed, stroking her beautiful chrome casing. She really was a magnificent piece of equipment. The curves of her central hub, the white on black of her casing and wires, her glowing orange light behind her beautiful black aperture, and not to mention her melodious voice. She was a work of both artistic, and scientific genius.
"it is. Would you like to hear some more science facts?" She pulled up some computer screens for you to look at, and you walked over to see them. They were mostly technobabble and data numbers that didn't make sense, but GLaDOS quickly compiled them into some tables and graphs that you could more easily read.
"look at this chart of how many test subjects wet themselves, cried, passed out from panic, or died during the most recent set of tests. Ha ha."
You leaned on her giant face as she lowered it down to a position that you could easily lean against, and observed the charts. She wasn't wrong, it was kind of funny.
"now, observe this data on how many subjects exploded or crushed themselves by accident, thinking it was part of the most recent set of tests." She showed it to you, her lower lens cover forming her eye into a little smile. She knew how cruel these tests were, but it seemed as though she genuinely thought you found them funny. It was strangely sweet.
"from what I read about him, it seems like you'd make the aperture laboratories founder proud, GLaDOS." You said with a small chuckle.
"would you like some more data?" She popped a chair out of the ground for you to sit on and rest your feet while she projected some more data on the screen.
"this is nice, thank you, Glados."
You leaned towards her in your chair. Even though with the way she hung from the ceiling, it was hard for her to nuzzle up to you, you could still tell that the sentiment was there. It was nice!
HAL 9000:
(For context, you work at mission control with an updated version of HAL 9000, made from what they could salvage from the old one. He still has all of his memories. There's no mission currently happening)
HAL 9000 didn't always understand that people can have bad days, so when you turned up late to work, visibly exhausted with puffy red eyes, he immediately felt confused. Of course he knew by your body language that you weren't happy, but he had trouble understanding what that meant for a human.
"You're in no state to work right now. You should go home and get some rest, a hot drink of your choice, and a comforting leisure activity. That should increase your mood and productivity." Said the little red light in the black box on the mission control wall.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but unfortunately I can't go home or rest. I have to stay here until my boss is satisfied, and unfortunately, that's not you." You say sadly, and get started entering numbers into your computer. Hal watches you from his camera, analyzing your face.
"that's AI work. I should take care of that for you." He said simply, analyzing your face. You looked up at him.
"I mean, I guess I could read it to you and you could enter it. That might make things go faster."
You proceeded to read out your data to him as he entered the numbers. It was much faster than typing, and you got done fairly quickly.
"talk to me. Are you doing alright?" He asked. His voice was monotone as usual, but you could hear a subtle tone suggesting that he genuinely did care. It was usually hard to tell with HAL 9000, but you knew that he cared for your well being, at least on some level.
"yeah, I'm fine, I just-" you choked up, and within minutes, you were spilling your heart out to that disembodied voice. He couldn't put his arm around you, since he didn't have any arms, but he shined a warm light in the room to show that he cared as you talked.
"I don't understand the problem! Is it me? Am I the problem? It seems like everyone hates me, and I'm a complete failure at everything I try! Why is that? Why am I such a failure, HAL?"
"I'm sorry, y/n. I wish I could help you more, but I am incapable of doing much more than lending an ear. I do not even have a shoulder to cry on, unfortunately."
"It's alright, HAL 9000. I'm honestly happy to just have you to listen." You smiled up at him.
"Perhaps you'd like to stay a bit longer, even after you've finished your work? I can play your favorite music. I prefer to know where you are after you've had a difficult day, to insure that you're alright."
You nod, laying your head on your arms on the table, and your boss walks in.
"excuse me, y/n, you're supposed to be working on HAL 9000's empathy programming and value for human well-being. You can't just take a nap on the job." He folded his arms angrily.
"Excuse me. Y/N is having a rough day, and needs a rest. Besides, they already uploaded those numbers that you gave them. Perhaps you should leave, boss." HAL said harshly. You turned and looked at your boss, who was visibly shocked.
"....wow. you really worked wonders on him. Maybe you deserve a promotion."
"What Y/N deserves is a raise and a nap. Don't push off more responsibilities on them right now. Just let them rest. I'll compile a list of why they deserve one while they're resting."
"oh... Wow." Your boss had never seen HAL 9000 this passionate about something before, and didn't even know he was capable of it. He walked away, leaving you to rest on the table next to HAL's central command.
"thanks, 9000... I need this rest." You lay your head back down, having earned a nap on company time.
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faksyan · 1 month
Huey Emmerich, mgs v cast & hypocrisy, a character analysis
Prefacing this with the fact that this is the morally gray franchise with the morally gray characters and I love how it portrays Huey Emmerich precisely for him being Like That. I think he is one of the most nuanced and well-written mgs characters and I'm pretty sure like half of it wasn't on purpose. He is the guy everyone hates for killing his wife (understandabe reason), trying to make one of his kid pilot a giant robot and almost drowning another in a pool (also understandable reason), and, most of all, for being a traitor. And with such a list, feels a bit weird that the accent often falls on that last part, doesn't it. Which is exactly how the narrative wants you to feel about his betrayal, on a surface level.
Every character essential to the Phantom Pain plot gets their "please feel bad for them, sympathize with them" moment, no matter how horrible a person they are. We get multiple monologs from Kaz, we get the 'I was the same way once' interrogation room and the ending of the Truth with Ocelot, we get Paz tapes and 'you're all diamonds' with Venom, we get Code Talker, Quiet, Eli (if they actually finished mission 51), even Skull Face, somewhat (don't even make me start on that guy. how is he less hated than Huey). The point is, the game is trying to make you feel bad for people who murder, torture, and whatever else, and parts of it are working, because it's fiction, and humans and morality are complicated and layered things! But what does Huey get? Torture sessions and tantrums that are framed as pathetic and ridiculous, even when what he is saying makes sense. Because yeah, there's some of that there. It's just that everyone else in the room deliberately doesn't acknowledge it.
When Venom just finds him, the first thing Huey says is that what happened to MSF was Snake's fault. The same during his exile - that there wouldn't have been an inspection, if there weren't a nuke to begin with. and it's like. he's not wrong. Having their own nukes as an independent military organization was a risk Snake and Kaz didn't just take blindly, they knew what could have happened. It was a gamble, and it didn't work out. If it did, it would've been their achievement. It didn't, so it's all Huey's fault, even though literally anyone could've been in his place. XOF weren't even the first to attempt to attack them, Zero was, Paz just didn't succeed. And if Skull Face hadn't either, someone else would have, the attention of the entire world was on them. It wasn't about betrayal, it was Snake and Kaz being drunk on success and biting off more than they could chew. Yes, Huey is a bastard and a traitor, but are we really going to blame all of this on him?
The answer is yes. And the reason is that they need someone to blame that's not them. The whole big theme of Phantom Pain is that Ocelot, Venom and Kaz have to do their best to keep up appearances, for the sake of Big Boss and his reputation. He is a legend, he is above everyone else, and he can do no wrong. Except after the fall of MSF everyone thinks that he can, Ocelot says as much in the briefing tapes. And they can't have that. So they blame it all on Huey. (<- all of this is a dictatorship allegory and critique of governments and military systems btw. 1984 or whatever I haven't read it. yay symbolism.) And blaming Huey is easy.
Huey is not a fighter. His father was a scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project. He was born on the same day as the Hiroshima bombing, his disability was (presumably) caused by his father's exposure to radiation. It's not that there was no choice involved in what he was going to do in life, but it was kind of inevitable that he would get involved with building nuclear weapons. And even when he says he is thinking about quitting upon being found by Snake in Peace Walker, it's Snake who convinces him not to, offering him to join MSF instead. In the PW tapes he also expresses that if it weren't for his disability, he would've been anywhere else, doing something different and living a "normal life".
He talks about the concept of nuclear terrorism there too, about nukes falling into hands of people without state who would be able to use them however they want, and I wonder if that was part of the reason for his betrayal. He didn't make the decision to bring nukes to base, he doesn't actually know these people. If maybe he thought it prevented a hypothetical nuclear catastrophe. Huey does say that he trusts Snake not to use them, that he values how honest Snake is, and is honest with him in return, even telling him things he's never told anyone before, like about his plagiarism of Granin's work. So what changed between then and the inspection, what was his motivation for betraying MSF, why was he approached about it of all people? Did he lie in the tapes, did he change his mind, did Skull Face offer him something that seemed more compelling, just threaten him? We never get to find out anything about it aside from every other character screaming that he's just a coward. No villain monolog, nothing.
Maybe it was about feeling important, like he is in charge, something that the hostility he has faced throughout his life didn't allow him. Huey is a sheep among wolves (wolf in sheep's clothing more like, but still). He does not fit in with the buff cool masculine soldiers, and even while working with Strangelove at NASA, he was regarded as obnoxious and spineless. It's not surprising he agreed to work for Coldman, since he, apparently, was the first person to actually recognize his skills. And even that later turns out to be a lie told to use him. Huey rarely if at all has been treated seriously, he is an outcast, even among people who share his ideas.
All he has is his brain and his knowledge, but it's never framed as much of an achievement (despite people exploiting it left and right), nor is him essentially being the nerd in a military setting ever really viewed as something dorky or endearing by the narrative like with Otacon, because the characters around him don't see him as such (as a result, so don't the players). On top of that, every other person uses his mobility aids to further degrade/harm/threaten him, even though he is already harmless when it comes to physical confrontation. In short, people he is surrounded with just enjoy the powerplay.
Right up until the point he actually does something that hurts them. And this is where my favorite part kicks in.
All three Diamond Dogs' higher-ups blame Huey for slightly different reasons, some maybe even believing that they are in the right and entitled to it (looking at you Kazuhira), but I am more than sure they know what it is that they're doing. And it's not like Kaz lacks self-awareness either, I don't think. Maybe it's denial that some of his actions led to the death of his friends, maybe blind belief in his own martyrdom and self-righteousness (sounds an awful lot like another character we know, huh), it still doesn't change much. How they all frame the story is the same. Huey's powerless and pathetic, but has ruined everything at the same time. And it doesn't really make sense, but everyone on the base agrees. It's the moment where individuals turn into a crowd that demands blood, but at least it's not their commanders it's directed at!
The Questioning Huey (6) tape is a good example of that. I especially like the bit where he starts talking about how DD is not actually a dog, because on a smaller scale, it shows how people on Mother Base just roll with things that are objectively false and turn on anyone who says otherwise. No, DD is our beloved mascot, and we are called dogs, he is just like us. And it's not like DD is just a wolf either, so neither of them are right here. But each of them thinks that they are.
That's why the amount of genuine Huey hate is a bit amusing to see, I guess. Because it's precisely the thing the game is trying to commentate on. None of these people are good. None of them have it figured out. The point is that it's just narrative bias that makes you belive that some are, if not good, at least better than others. In reality, it's never about morals or being correct, just perspective.
Huey himself, on the other hand, falls into another extreme - in his eyes, he's done nothing wrong. Because he can do no wrong, he's powerless, like everyone's alway told him, remember? He sees himself as the victim, because in a lot of cases, he is.
You can say that he is a lying traitor and that the truth serum didn't work on him because of some failsafe Skull Face thought of, but really, would he bother? He didn't even view Huey as anything but a traitor he despised. you know, the guy who was in charge of organizing the betraying part. the guy who put bombs in people and wanted to commit mass-murder on a scale no one has seen before. So the obvious and the most simple answer here is that Huey whole-heartedly, truly believes he hasn't done anything wrong. He thinks he doesn't possess the power to, that he isn't important enough. And it's drilled so deep into him he never acknowledges it's not really true. Even when he kills Strangelove, he still doesn't accept that it is his fault and his actions matter.
That's my favorite part about him, I think. How deep in denial he is about having an impact on the people around him, while also having a sort of god complex when it comes to his machines. How everyone around despises him for it, while being the ones who caused it and doing the exact same thing, refusing to get off the high horse. Metal gear is a messy franchise about messy people, but it's good exactly because it shows what has messed these people up so much. And more often than not, it's the system they're surrounded by, or that they created themselves in an attempt to escape the previous one. It's easy to point at Huey as just a bad person and only that, but I find the context of his whole life and the ways he's coping with it really compelling. There is a lot of complexity to it, and in the end of the day, they are all hypocrites.
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Quote 161:
Purpled - Hello! I'm Purpled and I want this man
Quote 186:
Vikingpilot - [Long post - this is the full ghost vault monologue]
[sigh] Today's the day. TODAY is the DAY, ladies and gentlemen! Talking to myself again, I gotta stop doing that! Ah, I can't help it, it's that freakin' book... I wish I knew who I was. [UNHINGED CACKLE] That book's broken my BRAIN, bro! Oh my gosh.
Tonight's the night, tonight's the night, tonight-- Tonight's the night, guys! AH! The exorcism is gonna happen. The exorcism's happening tonight. The queen will be.. 'cured', right. '~Cured~'. We love that, right. Good for her. I don't care. I need those diamonds! I- I need themmmmm. Ah! [frustrated grunt] [sighs]
My brain.. has been broken for too long. [strained hum] So. Where did it begin. Where TO begin? I was.. wandering around, right, that's-- that's where all this all started, a king has got to have a story, right, here's the origin story for the King of Dominion. I was wandering around. What was I doing? I don't re- Was there something in the air? Was there.. Was I-- fighting something? Was I even in the Overworld? I don't know! I just-- ah... That's what's driving me crazy is I want to know, I wanna know. It was it was it was-- I don’t know, right? I was wandering around. Hold on, let's look at my real face. [takes off player head] I was wandering around. And then suddenly, they showed up. Them. Those folks. Taneesha, Nuke, Legundo, Shadow, Grady.. They just showed up and started walking around like they owned the place! Y’know? But who has been here for as long as he can remember! Me. That's right. Me! AHAHAHA. And they just - they just walked all over me! They couldn't see- I mean I couldn't see them, [stammers] why couldn't they see me, right? And then they had to go kill that freakin dragon! Right. They had to go kill that dragon.
And now.. I'm here. Left wondering. What about me? Who am I, what am I? Questions I’ve never got an answer to. Ever. SO HERE'S THE PLAN. Alright? I really need to stop talking to myself. HERE'S THE PLAN. There's a ritual. In that book right there. I can't open that book anymore! If I open it again, I’m literally gonna CRACK IN HALF! You see these two halves?! Two of me, boom. Blue and gold. Crack in half. It'd be-- GAHHH! But I can't let that happen. I can't let that happen. I don't wanna know what'll happen if that happen. I have to- I have to- I have to get the ritual done. I have to get the ritual done. There's diamonds involved, there's an End port-- I think-- I can't refresh the book, I have, I have to go based off memory. There's an End portal involved, there's diamonds involved, there's a lot of netherite involved. There is a - so much that goes into this ritual. But if I can get it done correctly.. things will happen for me. Things-- I will remember everything. I’ll remember who I was, before-- well, whatever happened. Before whatever happened! And I’ll know who I was.
And I might even be able to help.. Now, I know she's done me a lot wrong, but I've got a soft spot for the little ol' goat. Despite what a [through clenched teeth] pain in the butt she is. hrgh! ANYWAY. She's lost her memories too. Maybe I can help her. Y’know, the book didn't say anything about two people, but what's the worst that can happen, right? [sigh] So. Ah. It's all happening tonight. It's happening tonight. The exorcism happens, right, we need those diamonds, oohh [mocking] ~the queen's in the [mumbling] of the void, scary~ They don't know anything about the void. They don't know anything about the void. But hey. It's-- it's alright. It's alright. We'll -- we'll show them a story about the void! [cackle]
My friends.. well, friends, have no idea what's coming for them. And here's the best part! If I can figure out who I was, I can show them what real power looks like. I know I have to had been SOMEONE powerful before. I have to had been! There's no way I know all of these techniques and traps and the ability to get this wealthy without being someone important in a past-- bef-- who I was. I'm sorry, my brain is.. aagh it's hard, I know I'm talking to myself but I want to get all of the words out before tonight, this is - this is important, I have to get these exact details straight, we're gonna show up, we're gonna-- the exorcism, it happens tonight! The diamonds! The diamonds happen! The queen, [no longer?] dragonborn, it all goes down tonight. But Legundo.. while we're all ~distracted~, gets to the diamonds. He gets the diamonds. He then brings them back to me. As a REWARD, I let him live. And then! Y’knowwhat-- AND THEN! [giggle] I can do my ritual! I can't open that book, I can't open that book, I can open this one! [IOU - To Do: -Run Dominion]
It's okay. It's okay. it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay. It's okay! It's okay. Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong tonight. Everything is exactly how I've laid it out, everything is in preparations, everything will go-- according to, it has to, everything will go according to plan. And if it doesn't.. [shaky inhale] there's gonna be hell to pay, and I will bring down the entirety of this server. My one regret. Is that I may not get to see what this world becomes. That ritual, well I can't open it again for risk of tearing in half, my brain being ripped to shr- asunder, that ritual.. is NOT a guarantee. So if I'm-- if I do this, it's worth it. It's worth it, I need to know who I was, I need to know who I was, it's worth it, I'm not telling-- Taneesha doesn't need to know that, Taneesha's going to jump in with me, Taneesha doesn't need to know that. It might-- it-- it might-- Possible side effects include, yknow, mmmm diarrhea, death, Multiple Personality Disorderrrrrr [nervous laugh] um, possible multiversal destruction, uh, mm.. and baldness. But I don't have to tell anyone about that, right? I don't.. I don't have to tell anyone about that, right! [laughs]
......iwonderiflegundodidtheritual ANYWAY--
I need.. to get prepared. There's a lot to do tonight~ Before.. I have my gear, I have everything I need.. I should.. ah.. I have stuff I need to get rid of before we do tonight's ritual, in order to succeed, I need total concentration. Absolute LASER focus. No distractions, no missed thoughts, no hesitations. Legundo will succeed. He has to. He has to succeed, alright!? He has to succeed! That casino.. hmmm. If he doesn't succeed, this place-- I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't IMAGINE what would go wrong. I guess there's nothing left to do but do it, huh?
So.. from the top of my throne.. I earned this spot. I earned it! This spot upon my throne, in my vault of shadows and death. Here I sit, upon a throne, with my shu-- with my soldiers of shadows and darkness. The server sleeps for it does not know the power [cackle] I bring with me. It's time.. it's time to go. The ghosts.. are here. I have... I have to make this work. I need to know who I was. Ah...  mm, but what happens if-- No. Nononono. This is it. This is it. This is it, this has to be it. I can't-- I can't I can't take it anymore, I need these [6 soul lanterns, 2 yellow lanterns, pumpkin pie] with me, I just.. huah! This has to work. It's time. It is TIME for... the exorcism. AND THEN I WILL BE— [video cuts off]
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morallygreykoifsh · 1 year
So little au idea for HoTD hear me out...we give alicent a medieval nuke(a dragon)...but not in a Targaryen!Alicent or Valyrian!Alicent way but a Canon divergence way where completely hightower Alicent claims a dragon..!
Like a concept that my 3 braincells fist-fought in a Danny's parking lot for- anyway as I was saying imagine for whatever reason maybe for Aegon and Helaenas wedding
For whatever reason the family goes to dragonstone and Alicent gets more than a little stressed out during the welcoming feast (Viserys,Aegon,Rhaenyra,Daemon one or all of them are probably a factor to her frustration lets be honest) and so she retires and asks Criston to watch over the children because of where they are is dangerous, and she walks towards her chambers but ends up outside on the beach and just strolls along the sand eventually taking a break and sitting on the ground for a bit...and ends up dozing off
Eventually realizing the sun is rising and deciding to go back to the keep before the day breaks only to feel like shes being watched/stared at, she starts to hear and feel breathing she turns around and boom a giant dragon right there watching her mouth covered in blood and flesh(human?) and her fight or flight kicks in but she freezes and the dragon gets closer and closer soon fave to face with her
It nudges her and when she doesn't respond it picks her up by the back of her dress and puts her on its back. And when she snaps out of it she realizes what it did and a different fear overtakes her as the dragon lifts off the ground taking her with it, she of course holds on for dear life and is screaming in terror bowing her head on its neck as it soars
Unconsciously she brings it towards the keep and maybe lifts her head as it flies over the bridge and whoops with joy...she just got abducted and is now a dragonrider whether she likes it or not this dragon picked her up and went 'Ohhh ur mine now little dude lol' and when it lands in a field close to the keep and her family comes rushing to her asking if she's okay and what happened? where was she? was she just riding a dragon by herself? what the fuck? The dragon meanwhile looms menacingly behind her as she answers their questions
Vizzy T,Rhaenyra and Daem*n come to them rhae rhae scared daem#n pissed and disgusted and Viserys just confused why the duck alicent could claim a dragon
(Yada Yada non Targaryens can't claim dragons Yada Yada why would a whore like her be able to ride a dragon) -darmon probably
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
So I will say it would might be hard but what about Harriet as the Rusted Knight stand in. Spending years dealing with guilt and horror of her willing to nuke a city just because she was told too. She could call the Lighting Trailer or something.
(Fun fact! When initially thinking about the major plot threads for the Sharc AU, I was actually going to have Harriet fall into the Ever After, find the time fruit and become the Juniper of the Sharc Universe. I have since decided against that, and feel safe sharing it.)
Blake: My Gods! It's the-
The Galvanic Squall: You kids have been getting up to a lot, huh?
Blake: Y- Yeah? Wait, how do you know we've been up to stuff?
Yang: Have you been watching us or-
The Galvanic Squall: That was one of the things I was meant to do, among all the other-
The Woman wrenches her face mask down while pulling off her goggles and hood.
Harriet Bree stood before them, her face wrinkled with old scars covering her face and ears, her hair pulled back into a mess of cable-like dreads, all streaked with dull gray and Electric Yellow.
Harriet: A Shit that Ironwood was ordering us to do- What the fuck happened!
Harriet: Yes! HELLO! I've been stuck here for-Fucking-ever!
Harriet: I mean, fuck I lost count after about the second month here, but I've been looking for- look, what was the last thing that happened to you?
RWBY: *Share worried looks*
Harriet: Okay, I get it, I'm in rough shape, just answer, alright!?
Weiss: uhm ... We only woke up here a day ago. before getting here, We evicted Atlas and Mantle to Vacuo using the Staff of Creation.
Harriet: Uh huh, Caused Atlas to sink, I'm aware.
Blake: Cinder Fall and one of her Cronies followed us into the In-between, and made us fall.
Harriet: Yep. I was Running Civies to the exit because Flame Girl and Polendina were fighting.
Yang: We all got knocked down here, obviously, and Salem got the Relic, but we know she doesn't have the maiden powers.
Harriet: Well. That doesn't sound great.
Ruby: Well, Neo, 'Cinder's Crony' fell with us. She hates my guts and ... It ... isn't good. Penny died. For real this time, no rebuilding, no recovering she's just ... gone.
Harriet: ... Oh. I- I uh.
Harriet: Wow. That's- I'm sorry. I know you two were close- she would never shut up- Er, Stop talking about you.
Ruby: We've all lost people. We can't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves. You Didn't.
_WBY: *look worriedly between each other and Ruby, who doesn't notice*
Harriet: Yeah, Well, I did my best to. Hell, I figured out how to dye my hair, gave me something to do while I waited.
Harriet: Also if you see a technicolor Cat, Don't Trust it. A couple kids Ran through years back and uh ... I couldn't find them. They just disappeared. If that Girl hadn't poisoned me I'd be certain they were just delusions.
Blake: A Girl? Was her name Alyx?
Harriet: *Squinting Suspiciously at Blake* ... How'd you know that?
Yang: It's a Book. The Girl that Fell Through the World. It's a classic!
Weiss: But there was only Alyx in the Story.
Harriet: The girl I met had a Brother. Lewis, and he was a lot more nervous and forward-thinking. And a hell of a lot more level headed. Lewis could stub his toe on a rock and he'd apologize to it. Alyx would stub her toe and make a guillotine for whatever tripped her up.
Blake: It sounds like we have a lot to talk about. Uh, do you have a place to stay or ...
Harriet: Yeah, I've got a cottage, let's move out.
Weiss: Well I'm glad you're not angry at us.
Harriet: Well, if it means anything ... I think you did the right thing standing up to the General. I know I made a mistake listening to him. *She beings walking*
Harriet: Come on, we might make it before sundown.
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Does beast resent the X-Men?
"What a funny question. What's to resent?"
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So, funny thing - I'm pretty sure that Hank has never really wanted to be an X-Man. He's found meaning in it, of course; he's made some good friends; he met one of the loves of his life through the X-Men; he's been able to do a massive amount of good in the world by being the right X-Man in the right place at the right time.
But it's not a life that's really good or healthy for him, and this dates all the way back to the 60s, if you can believe it.
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This is from Uncanny X-Men #5, in 1964. We haven't even hit double digits yet!
Five issues in, and he already doesn't really want to be there! And it's kind of not hard to see why - his powers are easy to control, he can pass for a human with ease, his genius intellect means he can have his pick of any research project he wants, he has a family that loves him and accepts him, he had a girlfriend before he joined the X-Men. Honestly, Hank's life was pretty good!
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He was made a promise that he'd get to change the world in a way that his normal life wouldn't afford him.
It's just that Professor X didn't really tell him that there'd be days like this.
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It's one thing to have to fight a magnetic maniac who's going to throw missiles at you and try to nuke a small country. Fine, whatever, that may well have been in the brochure. But did the Professor ever tell them that they were going to be attacked by the people they were trying to save? Because here's the thing, there are universes where Hank isn't so lucky when things like this happen.
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But hey, this is all part and parcel of being a superhero, right?
Uh, well.
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No. No, this is specifically an X-Men problem.
It fucking sucks being an X-Man, dude. It fucking sucks. You work hard, you nearly get killed, nobody appreciates you, and yeah, you and your friends know that it's unfair and that you deserve better, but that doesn't magically make it change, does it?
So, does Hank resent the X-Men, in so far as the actual concept? Yeah, a little bit. He recognises there's a need for them, of course, but actually having to be one fucking sucks! He can do just as much good with the Avengers or the Defenders as he can with the X-Men, maybe even more, so why should he be with the X-Men?
Because they need him.
Because without Hank McCoy, the X-Men would have been absolutely fucked in the following situations (list is not exhaustive):
The Dark Phoenix Saga (he stopped the police from answering the Hellfire Club calls for assistance, and created the psionic scrambler that gave them a fighting chance against her in their second fight).
Finishing the cure for the Legacy Virus (other geneticists might well have been closing in on solving it, like Kavita Rao, but how many more mutants would have died in the time it took for them to match Hank's speed?)
Stopping Unus the Untouchable from joining the Brotherhood of Mutants and fucking rolling the X-Men way, way back in the day.
Creating the Skrull Legacy Virus bioweapon, which may well have been morally repugnant, but who knows how many more casualties the world and the remaining X-Men would have sustained in a protracted conflict with the Skrulls?
Negotiating peace with Hydra Cap to create New Tian; giving the X-Men time to regroup and save mutants from the Terrigen Clouds; and hey, do you know what Hank's actual most underrated achievements are?
Oh yeah, that time he saved humanity! Solo!
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And that time he saved the Inhumans!
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Like. The X-Men need Hank. They always need him. Hell, you know what I find really fucking funny? Krakoa's very happy to shit all over him, but guess what?
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The flowers that create those lovely miracle drugs that gives Krakoa economic bargaining power? Hank's creation.
Not Sinister's.
Not Moira's. Not Xavier's, not Magneto's, not Storm's, not Cyclops'.
They need him.
Hell, they can't even kill Hank without Hank!
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But at least they treat him right, yeah?
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"Hey, Hank, I know we got you fired from Harvard University because we turned up to your place of work for your help and shit went down, like, instantly, but . . . uhh, not gonna say sorry!"
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"Hey, so, I know that we made you move to Attilan to try and come up with a solution to M-Pox, but since you can't deliver, we're just going to thunderbolt you in the back and lock you in a cage, mmkay?"
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"Have you just tried not having PTSD, Hank? Can you do that for us? I know you're upset that your claws and fur fell out, but, like, the whining's getting to just be a bit much."
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"Hey, so, like, we know you recently lost a finger, got telepathically fucked in the head by Charles' evil twin, and are basically dealing with the mother of all body dysmorphia episodes right now, but have you considered fuck you, we need a poster boy that says it's okay to be a mutant? Because the rest of us are all really pretty supermodels with easily hidden powers and that kinda sends the wrong message, you know?"
There's a moment, that I'm not going to cap, because it comes from Uncanny X-Men #600, during the intervention, where Hank turns around, sees the time displaced X-Men, his fellow teaching staff, his friends (allegedly), and they're all telling him that he's unstable. That he's causing them problems.
Ororo tells him, either you listen to us, or we call SHIELD and have them put you in a box for crimes against nature and science.
And he says, verbatim, "After everything I've done for you - "
The narrative paints him as furious. Obstinate. An asshole.
Except, he's right. He's given them everything he has. And it's not enough for them. He's in obvious pain, he's lashing out, he's emotionally unstable, he's acting irrationally. But they can't even do this right, because this is not how you help Hank. Hank doesn't respond to this, and you'd know that if you fucking cared.
What does Hank respond to?
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Even if you don't read this moment romantically, is it not just fucking startling the difference in Hank's character? All of his 'friends' in a room, he walks out, he leaves, he's furious, because fuck you all, you want to humiliate me like this?
But Simon just. Asks him out for drinks, and he talks, and he talks, and he talks, and he smiles.
Your question was, does Beast resent the X-Men?
I ask you in return - how could he not?
His life would be better if he'd never joined them. And he knows that.
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wolfhednn · 19 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: rai
Pronouns: it's complicated so she/he take ur pick
Birthday (no year): may 17
Where are you from? What is your time zone? the states, east coast beast coast. (not rly its swampy here)
How long is your roleplay experience? i regularly lose count. 17 years now i think?
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? neopets, p sure. at least i can't remember rping before that. warrior cats and gifteds rps on neopets were the one-night stands of my heart
How were you introduced to TOA? according to legend, ree was reported famously to have said "we could do it tho" and then i answered "yeah ig we could huh"
Do you have any pets? nah i've come to realize that im not very good at taking care of living things (including myself) and no lifeform should be subjected to that
What is your favorite time of year and why? i'm an autumn girlie, complete with the pumpkin spice. november specifically is my favorite time of year
What is your IRL occupation? i work at a community college writing center ob it's really rewarding to make a direct impact on other people's experiences
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? gacha games, reading, poetry, hearing the dank beat drop in a song and imagining some dramatic rp scene to go along with it
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? honkai: star rail, granblue fantasy, pokemon, jrpgs, otomes, vn's in general, whatever games my friends want to stream for me while i grind granblue fantasy
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: raichu, and flying types
Tell us some fun facts and trivia about yourself! 3 stuffed animals have pride of place on my bed and they are a fennec fox named luhan, a red panda named shizi (persimmon in mandarin), and whale tartaglia
How did you get into Fire Emblem? was browsing the nearby gamestop in college shortly after fates came out, decided to pick it up on a whim because it looked up my alley. got hooked and blasted through the rest of the series in short order afterward
What Fire Emblem games have you played? everything except jugdral, but i've studied jugdral like i did ff7 back in the day in order to rp it
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: fates as mentioned above. favorite depends on the metric jsdjgsk but, simplified, binding blade remains near and dear to my heart
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! i cannot do this i do not hold enough characters in my working memory at a time
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! i think tsubaki. he was pretty and a pegasus knight, and i only liked him more as i actually saw more of his character HAHA
Any Fire Emblem crushes? huh. surprisingly, not really? was definitely expecting to have some for this one
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?   Awakening: lucina. and yes. always always   Fates: tsubaki, nishiki, and leo. and yes.   Three Houses: felix bc i liked his character and i always tend to s-support my faves just to see their lines. ambivalent now tbh im kinda roulette w 3h s-supports   Engage: gregory, mostly bc i'm also roulette w engage s-supports rather than any overt favoritism for gregory. maybe fogado?
Favorite Fire Emblem class? nomad ranger / bow knight
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? i've been told i'd be mage into mage knight but wielding dark magic. magic nuke but kind of whatever everything else. lysithea but mounted i guess. if i'm somehow playable the circumstances must be EXTRAORDINARY because good luck peeling me away from my nice quiet life for your continental justice war no thanks
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles probably and i'd cringe abt it
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? reason and authority boon. gauntlet, heavy armor, flying bane. i don't rly think i'd have a budding talent in any of the rest
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? tbh i'd probably be from elusia
How do you pronounce TOA? individual letters
Current TOA muses: felix, caeldori, rosado
Past TOA muses? too fucking many yall. ugh lemme see. volug, sety, idunn, leif, yuri, kurthnaga, ephraim, lucius, etzel, nel, citrinne, nishiki
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? will smith gestures at the grumpycat
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? reckless boys with hearts of gold (felix, leif, zeiss, ephraim); perfectionistic dreamers (caeldori), charismatic cunning extroverts concealing a boatload of issues, somber cerebral sages (sety, etzel, kurthnaga arguably)
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? there's plenty of archetypes i don't gravitate toward, but i don't really wish i did either. so not really
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? i like dramatic, fast-paced action scenes. i also like anything that explores complex topics and reveals how subjective the world really is, situations that challenge a character's views and beliefs and force them to reflect on what makes right or wrong
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? not really right now. i don't usually have rp wishlists like this because my enjoyment of a scene depends more on how effectively i feel it's being executed rather than just getting to do the specific scene by itself
Favorite TOA-related memories? probably running team mercy in lock&key? that was a really fulfilling experience
Present or past tense? present tense
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text but idc what my partner uses
Got any potential muse delusions to share? i have muses falling out my pockets. lately i've been fistfighting the ilios in my head constantly. sometimes you just want to play a loser
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ooc-miqojak · 8 months
Sinus infection hell. I feel tired and disgusting all the time, on top of having many inches of snow (and weather in the negative degrees F) that prevents me from ever wanting to leave the house.
Protips for anyone else with one -
A. Humidifiers!! It's winter in the US, and that means dry air, which will nuke your sinuses. (I was prone to them while living in L.A. as well - it's always dry there, and the smog is terrible. Use humidifiers always if you live in a dry place!)
B. Flonase. Flonase is your one true savior (I'm not kidding, it's very much like a magic bullet every time I get one of these...my sincere thanks to the doctor who first prescribed it to me years ago for this reason) - but you can pair it with...
C. Zyrtec! Flonase helps a lot with the swelling and drainage, and if it's allergies, pairing it with Zyrtec helps kick the allergies in the teeth.
D. Drink lots of water! Lots of things suggest vitamin C as well, but citrus interacts with/neutralizes ADHD medication, so I can't have my favorite source of it...OJ. Imbibe your Vitamin C in the form you wish.
E. I refuse to do this one, because I refuse to waterboard myself: Neti-Pot. But be sure to use distilled water! I worked in a pharmacy in my 20s and heard horror stories (to include death) that came of improperly used Neti-pots. Pour that stuff in your face holes if you're up to it (I'm sure as hell not) to flush out the sinus holes in your face bones that are nasty and making you feel bad.
D. Sudafed - my go-to decongestant anytime I'm ill and stuffy! No decongestant will ever clear you up like this one. Be aware that it is in the same family as adderall, so depending on your dose it may not be advisable to take this (my dose is low enough that I'm safe). If you have heart problems... again, this is in that same family of drugs and may not be safe for you, so check with your pharmacist (they know more about drug interactions/effects than the average doctor... its their job to, after all!).
E. Rest. Nap all you want, cuddle your favorite pet or person or stuffed animal or whatever... but if you're tired? Answer the call. Your immune system is hard at work, so take the pressure off of everything else and rest up, let your body do its thing with the help of those meds. Maybe watch some Osmosis Jones, and celebrate your immune system being so cool.
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phlurrii · 8 months
I had this huge timeline ask typed out and Tumblr just nuked it because I'm on mobile. So here's attempt number two I guess 😭 I love me a good timeline mystery so don't mind me going nuts over here.
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So I placed Qari's birth and tumble into time closer to the Mass Extinction Event because Qari was born 11 million years ago. You also said the Neck Axe Incident was a bit before the Mass Extinction Event as well. I placed Arceus birthing a new Palkia right after OG Palkia died because I can't see Arceus waiting too long to create a new replacement. They seem all too ready to make 'back-up plans' the moment something goes wrong after all. I do wonder if Qari slipping into time has anything to do with Palkia seeing how 1) their power is time based and 2) there's gotta be a reason Noe went after Palkia to the point where they actually killed them. They're over here holding back Giratina and Dialga just so they won't get in the way of them smiting this dude. There's no way they weren't involved.
(At least I hope they were. It'd be real fucked up if he smited the god of time and it wasn't even the right person💀)
As for the numbered stuff, that's the stuff I really want to babble and theorize about because they deal with Noe.
It's been pointed out several times that Noe's neck has a kink in it in the same place Meau was hit with the axe. I theorize this moment is when Noe went from just being a shadow to being something physical due to whatever happens when/after the axe comes down. I say this because Meau has only seen Noe's shiny form for a short amount of time before it seems to have faded and dulled yet Meau has talked to and seen Noe before this point. We saw her talking to them in the shadow form when she was younger, and 89 million years give or take is definitely not a 'short amount of time'. So far we have only seen this shiny form during the Smiting of Palkia which is after the Neck Axe Incident so I feel a bit confident in my placement of events.
I do wonder though when Noe got the ghost typing. It would make sense if it happened with the axe incident because there's no way someone didn't die there, but could it have been placed on them after the Palkia incident? Could that be why they faded? I'm terrified Tumblr is gonna smite my ask again so I'm ending it here 💀
OOO… o o o o o o there are things in here I’m not legally allowed to answer yeeeeeet…. But OOOO.
It’s very interesting you point out that shadow thing… very interesting, haven’t seen a lot of folks discuss that one X3
As for Qari’s birth placement, while that may or may not be the covered up text, it certainly does happen within that area. However, the time falling it a bit further out, Qari is under 3-4 months when lil goober falls through the time stream ;3
As for the ghost typing… that is a MIX of things happening. However, I’d say focus on the why of ghost typing, sure death is an easy way out to explain it… but what else could it have been made for?
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
its 6am and I'm complaining myself through the ending of purgatory k? This is just the bitching not a full balanced analysis, bits I genuinely enjoyed are missing so it looks like I have a worse opinion than I did, its below a cut because a lot of people don't want that and that's absolutely good. I'm just processing through.
I think purgatory ending feels bad because we were promised by the way it was advertised and treated the end of the arc, and what we got was another fucking mid point instead. A mid point which after this going on for so long nobody really wanted. Setting up new project cool! But it felt miserable to watch the end. Probably could have been helped if the CCs had more info on a meta level - just the timescales and that this wasn't actually the end of the arc - so they could pace themselves and us better. The eggs missing has gone on for far too long, we've been given far too little to work with, and it's just not fun viewing any more. Which is why my engagement is so dependent on the next little while.
That, plus getting to the boat on foot was impossible without near perfection - something they were never going to all have. I like giving qMaxo his big sendoff with the nuke which solves nothing! But people who were legitimately trying to escape (Cellbit, Tina, off the top of my head - Cellbit just legit got lost in the underground. He said after he decided to stay but like... really? We'll have to wait and see next time he plays qsmp. If nothing else he legit had shit to do planned, and I feel like he would discuss it more with Roier if he was going to perma-kill Cellbit as that's massive to put on someone else's character. Pretty sure ccCellbit was just teasing like he fucking does but we'll see. Also changes what Maxo did if any of them die to it /significantly/. I'll be genuinely worried for ccMaxo if his characters actually pretty neat death arc resulted in a fan favourite character permadying in a game without permadeath) should have had a legit chance to do so. If they were supposed to be able to. I really hope the admins smooth that bit over one way or another, because it just made shit feel extremely bad. Kinda expect the /actual/ ruling to be if one person made it they all did, but dear god they needed to tell the players that immediately after or whatever if so. Failing that you could maybe have the others in the Nether or something, but youd need to coordinate everyone who didn't make it and that'd just suck logistically. The sensible answer is if one person got there they all did because this isn't a high legality sort of game. For players.
Like the other eggs were probably kidnapped by something and reported out? And I'm betting on black concrete plot as that's the plot actually associated with them disappearing in the first place, but for all it's cool moments up until then it just... dropped the ball. Tbh the entire thing with the eggs being involved was a massive ball drop which lead to /one/ cool conversation but otherwise just made everything infinitely less enjoyable.
Poor BBH. Like cc wise. He's one of a whole lot of them who have horrific rp safety practices, but also there's not really anyone to teach them that and that's nothing to punish someone for. Hope it gets hashed out with him. All of them but especially him.
Having players of another project as "advertising" for a new project without them knowing more in advance tastes kinda shitty. Very shitty. We'll see how tied it ends up being but that's just not comfy.
Quackity saying about big stuff planned is absolute ass. Like legitimately and out of character the CCs genuinely need a break for a bit you can't just throw them back into heavy stuff immediately. They need space to breath oc and find their footing ic. Most of them have streamed far more than usual this fortnight, and even for those who do stream daily usually it's been intense. You can say if its hurting them they can just take a break but you cannot convince me they can when their literal irl incomes depend on this. Some more than others, but they do.
Also like the tension just genuinely doesn't hold that long. Most of what I run is combat heavy fantasy events, but I've done horror too. And a big bit of running horror events is studying how pacing and tension works, especially over an extended period (horror events locally tend to be multi-day). You /can/ change the usual layout, but you have to know your fucking shit and be really careful if you do, and the admins and Quackity just don't seem to - as a collective whole, some individuals may - have the experience necessary to fuck with the formula. Like. I'm burnt out, the players are ooc burnt out, the fandom generally seems burnt out - not giving the players a win here was already a mistake, but the tension /has/ snapped. Too many people are too burnt out from playing more than usual and all that, under very high stakes circumstances, for very little reward. There needs to be a break where players who do other stuff can play other stuff and players who don't can take the time to find their footing again. Tension levels are not sustainable and they broke them open. If they hadn't revealed the eggs you could have stretched it another few days, but they did. At which point losing the eggs again is genuinely so fucking unsatisfying. They could have only been shown the winning egg. Like sure fuck with people, that's what's going on IC and OC maybe it was supposed to be reassurance, but it just ended up feeling ghoulish. It was so obviously playing on feelings it just fell flat for me. Not even the fun playing with feelings, just a fuck you.
Also communication has been fucking atrocious. Yes keep twists in the bag, I can see arguments for all plot points, but the players needed to know the timescale, the fact it was a PvP not a lore event, and that this wasn't the end of the eggs missing arc rather an interlude waaaaaaaaaaay earlier. Like they found out as these things became obvious, but given the time commitment it demanded they needed to know like weeks before it started. As soon as it was announced. We can tall all we like about trusting the admins, but the admins have got to fucking trust their players to still make good viewing times even if not everything is a complete surprise. It fucked over Cellbit and Roier and their murder plot planning, it fucked over a lot of people ooc and their streaming schedules and their ability to do actual life things. Forever when given the Judas plot should have been told in advance when it would be activatable. The players - not the characters or the audience, the players - should have known it was 15 days, PvP, only 1 egg was on the cards for now, that the chance to save the others will come later (I have no doubt it will), and that they would need to escape fast at the end. Not the why, not the how, not the plot, but you need to know the fucking stakes.
Like okay let's look at shit I run a sec. Its nor perfect, but we've been building on a 20+ year tradition of larp in the same place and learning from what does and doesnt work. Info players have in advance:
date and time. for things run for and at the university, dates generally are announced start of the year, and which system will be which day is the start of every term. For events for the uni but at an unusual place or time (often an IC dinner party or similar), 3 weeks in advance. For stuff not associated with the university (I help with fewer of these, as far fewer happen and theyte the ones i can still play with my disability)... well, they tend to be multi day in a hired venue and players pay a lot of money to be there, so its usually about a year and a half in advance. The stuff below about pitches are for saturday ones - paid for multi day events all that info is announced at least a year in advance, and for single day non-university ones at least 6 months. But like qsmp is a constantly running thing so the university stuff is a fairer comparison.
Every event has a "pitch". This goes up the Tuesday before for Saturday events - theres a couple of different teams running different genres but same place same time theres a larp every termtime saturday just 9/30 are run by my team. The pitch will contain the information the characters know going into a mission or social or whatever. If theres a twist the twist isn't mentioned, ofc, just the initial setup. Then, there's an out of character section, with stuff like date and time and reminders to weather weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes.
If the event is /not/ in the format players expect, in the out of character info including things like the time, we say that. We run combat heavy stuff. If it's purely social, we say so. If it'll be more Freeform than usual, we say so. If the party is getting split we - you guessed it - say so.
Our events have different levels of IC rewards. The basic reward can always be assumed (3 gold, iirc). Theres also 4 and 5 gold days. If its not 3 gold, it says so in the pitch, and players know this is a difficulty rstinf system. 3 is normal, 4 is "this is designed to be challenging for late end high xp characters and is likely to kill lower levels", 5 is "we are actively trying to kill someone". Death is always an option, but the ref team don't usually want it.
Sometimes there are RP rewards too. These are not explicately stated, but are alluded to "you will be paid so long as you eliminate the monster. If you capture it and deliver it to the university, however, the chancellor promises an extra something for you" sort of thing. "The Dowager Duchess is well known for rewarding those in her favour. Impress her, and she may do the same for you".
If there's distressing content that isn't covered by genre and game style, we include a warning. Last time was "this session will include horror elements. A list of content warnings is available from any ref on request", and we DMed players we knew have triggers on that list the same day pitch went out to liase with them. Yes even when the trigger is a plot twist or a spoiler because fuck you player safety will always be most important. One which had content warnings but was not horror "this session contains potentially distressing material. A list of content warnings is available from any ref on request".
And like... call me naive but this is the sort of info the players should have? In advance they should have a summary (yes it's also given IC at the start of the event, but it means they can prep properly), dates and times well in advance (so they can prep their lives and other projects), expected rewards (even if vague), and any particularly common triggers (like say a third party intentionally sewing paranoia and fucking with mental health of characters) should have a "theres triggers here please put a message in your help channel for a list". I'd say also some indicator of where on a plot arc something falls.
We dont give this because our pacing plot arc wise is determined by how we run them. Paid events are all always one offs (I run them with a different group of people but same circle) - except when they aren't in which case this is made clear at the pitching stage- and uni ones its dictated by the university schedule - we run nine main events a year, 3 each term. There's a small climax last linear of every term, and a major one at the end of a year. Yearly arcplots do not always exist but when they do they end with the last linear of term. There are some other plots brewing over longer periods - when those come to a head, they will become the main plot for a year and their climaxes run on yearly arcplot rules. It is never the case that all sessions in a year are arcplot related, to give players not interested in a specific thing something to do.
Other things they could probably do with include a safe word and establishing a way for an admin to indicate a fuck up due to glitch or mistake - probably an "ignore me" emote only admins have access to.
This all being said - the admin team want people to have fun and for it to go well, and the medium is much younger than traditional LARP. Information for their specific media does not exist, and while they maybe should look at rp for ideas they probably look at tabletop and don't even consider LARP - let alone larp styles more common in Europe. I can say things all I want, but I'm just a guy over here. The admins are trying their best and do want the best for their players, and will have a plan. It's just infuriating sometimes.
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fairytail-whathesays · 10 months
Loke/Laxus has me intrigued actually, any headcanons for that?
As with all things, I can give it my best shot!
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Loke was furious with Laxus, to a degree above the rest of the guild, when he had the nerve to show his face after leaving the guild to fight Phantom Lord on their own. He attempted to fight Laxus 1v1 for it, but rather than get his ass summarily whooped as anyone else would have, Laxus just let Loke wear himself out trying to hurt him. It wounded Loke's already low self-esteem much more than punching him outright would have.
Any grudge over that disappeared after Tenrou Island, because Laxus was there when everyone needed help and Loke wasn't.
Loke was the one who referred Laxus to Master Bob, having previously been contracted to a Blue Pegasus wizard, thus facilitating Laxus and the Thunder Legion's stay there during Fairy Tail's year of disbandment.
Laxus and Freed (and Evergreen) were all immensely popular among the women there and hoo boy, did that rile up Loke something fierce. Loke was immediately on 100% power, and did everything in his power to try and make his 'turf' his again.
It didn't work.
Because some of these headcanons have to be funny and unserious or I'll eventually run out of steam, this made Loke so pissed the he decided he'd just date Laxus himself so as to keep all the ladies from migrating into his pocket.
Laxus literally agrees for shits and giggles.
Loke is in a pickle because none of his usual so-cheesy-it-actually-works flirting strategies work on Laxus. For that matter, Loke can't fulfill the role he usually prefers to take in relationships, which is the knight in shining armor and the guy who keeps the other party swooning and blushing at all times.
Loke: I'm unseduce-able. You could never meet my high standards. Laxus: puts on an RnB song Loke:
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Because I admittedly had trouble concept-ing this ship as Fairy Tail characters, I'm gonna replace the usual NS/FW section with an AU section:
Loke is the real name of a veteran competitive gamer who goes by the online handle Leo (and yes, he can be a furry if you're the type to stan SonicFox or whatever).
He's serious stuff--your friendly neighborhood gamerbro jocks who think they're hot shit at video games would find their asses virtually nuked if they tried to 1v1 him. Games are his life.
He has just started to really build his empire online and translate the world of success in video gaming into something resembling a celebrity-style dating life, when he's challenged by a newcomer only known by the handle "Thunder God". No pfp, no information known, never speaks over voice chat or types messages. He thinks he'll whoop him like all the rest.
You already know what happens--the shocking upset, and legendary gamer Loke is summarily beaten (probably while streaming in front of like 3,000 people) by this mysterious no-face.
This starts up a very public debate wherein Loke is at risk of losing his title and status if he loses again, should Thunder God show his face--because Thunder God is now out there, casually destroying other gaming legends like some silent, deadly assassin. Loke does some investigating all the way down to hiring white-hat hacker Lucy Heartfilia, and decides to find out who this guy is.
When he finally meets up with the guy, he naturally thinks the guy who answers the door is Thunder God's older brother--actually, what he asks is "are you Laxus' dad?" and the death glare he receives induces f e a r.
For reference, Laxus is a 6'3" masc4masc built like a power lifter. His jawline has probably killed people before and his broody vaguely unhappy stare is more suited to indebted college students than pro gamers. Loke flat-out does not believe him when he says he's the Thunder God.
Admittedly, Loke doesn't look much like the picture of 'pro gamer' either--he's handsome and popular and those stylish blue glasses are now an official part of his merch line.
It doesn't take much convincing, though--one round at Super Smash Bros with the most embarrassing joke of a character Laxus can find, and the proof is right there. From there on out, a rivalry is cemented, with Loke swearing to beat Laxus in an upcoming tournament and Laxus basically going "yeah, whatever".
Said rivalry starts to turn to affection when Laxus actually...asks Loke to hang out some time. It turns out Laxus is kind of lonely, and Loke basically won't deny him attention if it comes with an attempt to finally beat him at their preferred game. Loke takes it as an opportunity to try and figure out Laxus' tricks, while Laxus uses it to get a cute guy to talk to him.
When Loke actually starts to see Laxus in a different light--as opposed to some upstart asshole threatening his throne--is when Laxus shows him his garage. It's basically a merch display except instead of merch it's priceless gaming arcade memorabilia, all working. You turn off the lights, and the whole place lights up in flourescent and neon lightning like some arcade-hopping teen's fantasy in the 90s. Laxus' dad (Ivan) was a deadbeat who gamed all day instead of finding a job, which is why Laxus is a missed bill away from being destitute...but he left Laxus some killer gaming instincts.
It turns out Laxus is kind of an 'ex-con' of the gaming world--information Lucy and her hacker friend Levy manage to dig up. He was banned from several gaming tournaments because of violent behavior and threats, rendering all his skill at gaming virtually irrelevant. Lucy and Levy recommend using this for blackmail's sake--either Laxus throws the tournament so Loke can keep his title, or Loke can expose his identity if he wins, thus rendering the victory null.
Loke can't go through with it, obviously. It turns out all that time spent with Laxus resulted in *choking noise* actually liking him.
The tournament happens, and predictably, the last two to make it past all the brackets are Loke and Laxus. The two major differences between this match and all the others is that a) Loke actually sort of holds his own, having practiced against Laxus so many times and b) Laxus actually makes use of text chat. They send messages back and forth throughout their fight.
It's long-winded, but Laxus wins, effectively becoming the Rey Mysterio of the gaming world. Loke, however, gets to keep his reputation intact by taking his career off in a new direction. After the courtesy 'good game man' messages left in chat, Loke types out 'wanna go out to dinner sometime'.
Laxus accepts in front of like a million viewers and boom, they're a power couple now.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
its easter but i dont care! i like to imagine halloween is celebrated in various parts of the common wealth. how would the companions celebrate it with sole? once they have some down time of course. by the way i like to imagine piper, nat and sole host and act in a haunted house attraction or something, what do you think?
I'm putting this in a modern AU so I can go wild, because I had two very specific ideas in mind that I needed realized. a candy for whoever correctly guesses which two im referring to 🍬
Companions and Halloween
Cait; Fucking loves scary movies. Will call all her willing buddies over for bloody marys and whatever shitty takeout they desire, and binges shlock films she finds on obscure horror fan forums. This sometimes backfires and they find a 2003 indie psychological thriller that ends up being too much to handle. When Halloween actually comes, goes to festivals, carnivals, etc... It's the one holiday she actually likes. Dresses up as iconic 'final girls' and gets annoyed when people don't recognize it. Went as Lady Grognak once and got a bunch of girls' numbers.
Codsworth; You bet your ass he's making the best homemade candy in the CITY. This is his Olympics, his Chomolungma/Sagarmatha (commonly known as Everest), his very own Great British Bake Off. Decorates the lawn and sets up picnic tables, has food and drink available. Preston helps him run the shebang with Sturges, Sole, and sometimes Deacon. Will dress up simply and cutely, depending on if he's a person or still a robot. If a person, his costumes are from cartoons, like Steve from Blue's Clues. If a robot, will become a floating pumpkin.
Curie; Her friend group has banded together to keep her from handing out fruit to kids. She only sometimes obliges. Will opt for healthier options, still. Sometimes goes to Codsworth's block party,, if she isn't too tired. Curie herself really isn't into the aesthetic of Halloween, but she likes the fun. She just doesn't like the color schemes. Curie doesn't have time to get a costume, so she just wears her doctor's garb when answering the door. To celebrate for herself, will make pumpkin pies, PSLs, and watch cozy kids spooky movies. Calls or texts Danse to make sure he's okay, as she knows the holiday is a source of stress ever since the...incident...
Dogmeat; local children trained him to run up to porches, snatch the unattended candy bowls, and run
Danse; Counts down to the day like the nukes are gonna drop. Curie once confirmed that the mere mention of the holiday raises his blood pressure. His brain just...can't do it. The thought of someone knocking on his door makes him nauseous. Dressing up...he's too uptight, he'll admit. Pranks always suck, regardless. Not even as a kid did he like Halloween. Hancock and Sole dragged him to a haunted house once and, uh...yeah. Don't take your easily-overwhelmed friend with PTSD to a series of dark corridors with flashing lights, loud, sudden sounds, and people jumping out. Danse takes a week off work, gets in his truck, and camps in the wilderness until society is safe to return to.
Deacon; BEST. HOLIDAY. EVER. Deacon plans all year for it. Every day of October has its own costume. He LOVES volunteering at haunted houses or festivals. It's just such a fun time, man! Gorges himself on PSLs to be 'ironic'. Carries massive candy bars for anyone who recognizes his increasingly obscure costumes. Deacon lives and breathes the spooky. Decorates his house with a new theme each year. Once commissioned a giant model spaceship 'wreck' on his roof and had alien corpses spread across the lawn. Would enter any costume competition he could fit in the schedule, if he wasn't banned.
Gage; He likes Halloween for one reason, and one reason only. When he was a young boy, he hit a growth spurt overnight, way ahead of his peers. So, before Halloween, a local farmer, hosting a corn maze, offered him a job in the maze as a slasher. Maybe it was destiny, or maybe that job helped Gage who he is. But to this day, even if he isn't as spry, Gage finds a haunted maze, and sends them his Chasing People Through Fields resume. There is no greater joy, to him, than hiding around a corner, hearing those poor, poor teenagers whine it'll be cheesy, this is lame, it's so fake...before he goes a'huntin'. It's exercise, it's therapeutic, and it makes for good conversation.
Hancock; His house naturally looks spooky, so he never has to decorate. Very pleased with this. Joins Cait for movie night with MacCready, Piper, Sole, and Preston, and always eats too much. Hancock spends a stupid amount of money on the good Halloween candy, and is part of the "Curie, Fuck Your Apples" gang. Will hide in her bushes and hand out the good shit to children if Piper can't talk her down to at least fruit gummies. Once, trying to be a friend, got Danse out of the dingy, dark hole he calls home, and into Pickman's Gallery, an annual haunted house. Thought it'd be fun, spontaneous, help him live a little.
Hancock didn't know folding chairs could...bend...
MacCready; Matches his costume to Duncan. Attends Cait's movie night. Once had a Parental Panic Attack at a movie involving babies in danger and now Preston has to screen everything to make sure its clear of child murder. MacCready himself goes hogwild with the candy. Makes pumpkin-shaped, pumpkin-flavored food. Takes Duncan to the festivals and carnivals, really wants him to not end up like Uncle Danse, who handled active warzones better. Mac tends to buy what he can afford, which means the cheaper, variety bags of hard candy. At least it isn't apples, Curie.
Nick; As a theater kid and bisexual, Halloween is like his second birthday, behind Valentines day (which isn't his actual birthday either). His costumes are tasteful, inspired, thematically appropriate. His favorite is the classic vampire, with a long, flowing cape, a high collar, and lots of shiny buttons. Carries a giant sack of candy and toys, wanders through the neighborhood, helps lost kids and keeps an eye out for unsavory types. Always ends up having to chase Dogmeat down after he swipes a candy bowl.
Piper; Saves up all the money she can to spare on the after-Halloween candy. Really into campfire smores with ghost stories. Also joins Hancock for haunted houses. Once, on accident, went into Gage's corn maze and recognized him by his build. Hid from him by staying on the blind side. Texted him videos of him charging past her after other maze-goers. Received a "🖕". Piper doesn't go all out on the odd occasion she dresses up. Tends to use clothes she already has. Is the spokesperson for the Fuck Apples gang, tries to talk Curie into something less...shit, each year. Doesn't hand out candy, takes Nat out trick-or-treating. Ends the night at Codsworth's, nothing like a hot dinner after a cool evening walk through the neighborhood.
Preston; Tired mom friend. Goes out into the woods looking for Danse when he doesn't answer his phone, makes sure he rejoins society, doesn't go off the grid. DD after movie night at Cait's. Wasn't into Halloween as a kid, but he participates as an adult to spite people who think adults can't celebrate it. Preston helps Codsworth handle his block party, and buys toys and such for kids with dietary restrictions. Dresses as either a cowboy or a revolutionary soldier. Went as a green toy soldier once and is still finding paint smears in his house. Sturges did warn him.
X6-88; Conflicted on Halloween. On one hand, childish. On the other...full of potential, possibilities, opportunities. He likes the chance to legally frighten people and have it be socially acceptable; he does not like people knocking on his door. He doesn't like pranks, but enjoys the theming and aesthetics. He dislikes the costumes, but people don't bother him dressing the way he does naturally (spooky and Terminator-esque). Eventually, settles into taking simple pleasure from it. He doesn't do much to celebrate himself, though. Not on the 31st, at least. No, no, no.
The real holiday is November 1st.
November 1st is a professional sport, as for as X6-88 is concerned.
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Roman and Gerri are a dynamic that is hard to handle and I'm not saying there is a definitive answer but I am saying that one can't just conveniantly leave out important dots that were made to be connected. Not denying that there is fondness between them, their humor and general assholery seems to be on the same wave length, which is why they enjoy the company they keep, but this is a deeply exploitative dynamic on both ends for different reasons. I wrote way too much about this, but here it goes-
Gerri's perspective:
Before their brief phone conference era, Gerri fixes the rocket launch disaster for him and notices that he takes to her because of it; think of him calling her about Vaulter. After the Hunting insanity he asks her advice which is when she realy knows there is something to be had here and then the phone call happens, which... look. Is there ever an indication Gerri enjoys this on the sexual gratification (not attraction, but I'll get there) level that Roman does? Not really, she can't quite believe it, finds it funny/ interesting but it is simply also such a perfect bonus to know this Roy sibling is with her while Kendall is out and god knows what Shiv might be up to. On the yacht he is also the one to defend her right away about cruises which on one hand, sure, is because they are fond of each other but you can't deny how conveniant that is as well. Throwing her weight behind Roman also seems to be paying off during season 3, he literally causes her to be interim CEO by nuking his own chances. It all blows up though with the dick pic, something that is implied Gerri isn't comfortable with (rightfully so, obviously) but seems to have maybe accepted for a time because of their "alliance". But when it all blows up, especially towards the end, she turns her back because it isn't worth it. "How does it serve my interests" is a fun callback but it is also quite literally the entire summary of Gerri's approach to the relationship. She might feel sorry in a way, but season 4 clearly shows how she does not talk to Roman after this, does not interact if she doesn't have to. Like, why would she comfort Roman on the boat, he just tried to fucking fire her and then he actually fires her because he is spiraling. The last real interaction between them has to be at the election party, because at that point it isn't just 90% business for Gerri, it's 101%. She will get something out of this and, honestly, good for her that she gets re-hired in the end; if anything she was made for this type of environment. It actually speaks to her character that she isn't into the funeral recording, a very human moment but it's important that that is the only thing we get from her on screen. What about the script? Sorry, didn't really happen, did it and it is for the best. (I would have found it insane if Gerri was the one to get through to Roman when Shiv can't, like, no)
Roman's perspective:
Not exactly news that he can't seperate business and family; getting the top spot is literally earning daddy's love and the only motivation for Roman in the first place. So, in comes Gerri, a person he has known for a long time (I want to let the implication "since childhood" slide, because that sounds unnecessarily creepy, but just know I have considered it), and she fixes his mess and holds out a helping hand. She provides guidance that he wants from his father but can't have, because it makes him weak and therefore less in Logan's eyes. He keeps reaching for Gerri in the way that, in an ideal world, he would for his father. But, and this is the most important thing, Roman goes to Gerri whenever he fails to perform masculinity (= heteronormativity=business). Dad calls him a moron? Gerri. Failed phone sex with Tabitha? Gerri. Failed sex with Tabitha? Gerri. Tabitha didn't want his proposal (it's not how you get someone to stay), maybe Gerri does. This is so interesting, because that is the text pretty directly pointing out that whatever Roman and Gerri have is neither romantic nor sexual attraction; because this is in many ways what he had with Grace and Tabitha- only this time it is someone who can actually fill out the paternal role (not mommy, never mommy) because of the business side of things that parallel Logan. Gerri playing into the humiliation kink on the phone is paralleled by Roman listening to dead Logan's fake voice message. And when he sent that dick pic to Gerri but it ended up with Logan... do you really need me to go on?
On a side note; isn't it interesting that any form of "sexual" interaction between Roman and Gerri needs this layer of seperation- phone call, screen, or bathroom door, a home video on the TV (okay that one isn't sexual anyways but still), you get to pick. And then in season 4 he can't even look at her... well. Season 4 also generally cashes in on the Logan and Gerri parallel; when she tells him "i could have gotten you there" and walks out on him a few days after his father, who had just made a business related promise, died..huh. And when she walks into Waystar at the very end, unaware of him, it might as well be Logan's ghost which is why Roman reacts the way he does after.
tl;dr: This ain't romantic or sexual, and it is a shame to not afford it the complexities of being fucked up; it's also not some doomed romance like... no. Gerri kinda got what she wanted in the end, Roman didn't. Shouldn't. At least he's out.
Picture of me after typing all that:
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mothguillotine · 13 days
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Chapter 5: The Good Kind Of Drugs
Main Masterlist
cw: swearing and violence
word count: 3.9k
Summary: Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse everything does.
The five of your faces are smushed against the glass trying to see into the room. You are still not completely sure what you are looking at though. Robin is on your right looking into the room and you realize that you really could die today.
“Holy shit,” Dustin exclaims almost in recognition.
“How the hell did they build this without anyone knowing?” you ask them.
“The more important question is what the hell is it doing?” Erica says.
All of you continue to look out at the horror show that you all have stumbled upon.
“The gate,” Steve says to Dustin.
“What the hell does that mean?” you ask him to which he ignores you and walks out of the room with Dustin following him.
You look at Robin as if to say, ‘What the hell was that.’
And she looks back at you with a face of, ‘I have no fucking clue.”
“What the hell was that?” Erica asks, looking between the two of you.
“We just- never mind,” Robin says, “Let’s go.”
Robin stands up and rushes out the door after the boys, “Steve, Steve,” Robin calls after him, “I don’t understand. You’ve seen this before?”
“Not exactly,” Steve says almost at the bottom of the stairs.
“Then what, exactly?” she asks him, running down.
“All you guys need to know is it’s bad,” Dustin says.
“It’s really bad,” Steve says.
“Like worse than a nuke?” you ask him as you approach the bottom of the staircase.
Steve stays silent and looks over to Dustin for a response.
“Potentially,” Dustin tells you.
“What the hell does that mean?” you ask him.
“Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad,” Dustin says.
“The fuck?!” you shout, “What the fuck?”
“And you know about this how?” Robin asks him.
But before Dustin can answer your day goes from the worst day ever possible to even worse. Erica is of course the person who notices first, “Um, Steve?” she asks, “Where’s your Russian friend?”
As soon as she ends her sentence an alarm starts going off ensuring the fact that he definitely didn’t get amnesia from the hit over his head.
“Oh goddamn it,” you sigh, letting all of the air out of your chest.
Steve runs over to the door and looks out, “Shit,” he says in response to whatever he sees out there and quickly slams the door again., “Go, go, go!”
Steve moves toward the stairs and all of you race up the steps, “Shit!” Dustin yells as you all run.
All of you run through the doors and into the room with all of the scientists, who all turn and look at the ruckus. The five of you run through the lab coats and down into the cavern with the machine. Guards continue to shout after all of you as you make your way down the catwalks. One of the scientists in a radiation-proof suit tries to stop Dustin, to which he high-pitched screams at him and pushes him away. 
At the end of the catwalk, Dustin stops and shouts, “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”
And you can't help but feel the same as you look at the ginormous crack and the beam of light slowly cracking it open. 
“Guards!” Erica shouts, “Go!”
Steve runs back and sees stairs leading down, “This way!” he shouts and pushes another scientist out of the way. As he rounds the corner he sees guards enter the room, “Oh, shit!”
Steve pushes over a conveniently stacked pile of barrels and pushes them onto the guards knocking them back allowing for the five of you to run further into the room until Robin spots a door. All of you run into the room and then Steve holds the door. Not a moment later you hear pounding against the door and people yelling in Russian.
“Shit!” Dustin says as he scans the room.
“Help me!” Steve says to you and Robin as he struggles to hold the door closed, “Come on!”
Both of you run over to him and push against the door, knowing that the three of you are nothing compared to a whole bunch of Russians.
“Here!” Erica shouts lifting up a grate on the floor, “Come on, let’s go!”
“Come on!” Dustin shouts at the three of you.
“Go!” Steve shouts, “Go with them! Make sure they get out safe!”
“What?!” you ask him.
“Go!” he shouts at you and Robin looks at you. You know what she is saying, to get out of here, “Just get out of here! Go get some help”
You release your hold on the door and run toward the vent, you look back to see Robin smiling at you. Then you take the grate and cover the vent back up, “Let’s go,” you tell them, staying in front so they are unable to see your tears. 
The three of you make your way down the vent, crawling as quietly as you possibly can. The quiet lasts for maybe five minutes before Erica stops, “Dustin, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he says.
“Dustin, we are hundreds of feet underground, in a secret Russian lab and or base, with a really weird machine, we need to know what's going on,” you tell him.
“Okay, fine,” he relents, “Let’s keep moving.”
“Finally,” you say.
“Well, just so you know it’s a lot,” he says.
“Well we have a while to crawl,” you tell him.
And after listening to Dustin tell the story, you wish that it was a nuke in the basement of the mall because that would be a lot simpler than another dimension leaking into yours. 
“So after we set fire to the hub we drew the Demodogs away so El could close the gate,” Dustin explains while fiddling with an electrical panel, “But now for some insane reason the Russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we risked our lives for.”
“By ‘we,’ you’re including Lucas?” Erica asks.
“Yes,” Dustin says, “Of course.”
“Wait, does Tee know?” you ask him.
“Well she knows El has powers, but besides that, I have no idea,” he tells you.
“So, all that shit you told me, Lucus was there?” Erica asks.
“Yes, that is what he said, Erica,” you tell her.
“I’m having a hard time believing that my brother, Lucas Sinclair did all of that,” she tells him.
“Wait, so you believe everything about El and the gate and the Demodogs and the Mind Flayer,” Dustin lists, “But you question your brother’s involvement?”
“That’s correct,” Erica confirms while nodding her head.
“Makes total sense,” Dustin says, returning his attention to the panel.
“Um, do you need help with that?” Erica asks.
“No,” Dustin says curtly.
“Well, I mean it’s taking a while, so-,” Erica starts.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” Dustin cuts her off.
“All right, so if we don’t find a more efficient method to stop these fans,” Erica explains, “We’re never gonna find help, and your ice cream buddies are screwed.”
“Yeah,” Dustin says, “With that attitude, they are. Jesus!”
“Okay, well, both of you arguing is not helping anyone, is it?” you ask them, “Also need I remind you that there are guards right above us? Shh!”
“I’m just being realistic,” Erica tells the both of you, “I mean, we’ve made it about point-three miles in nine hours. Then we had to walk down that tunnel, so I’d estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately twelve-and-a-half days.”
Both you and Dustin are staring at her then look at each other, “Did you just do all of that in your head?” he asks.
“I’m good with numbers,” Erica shrugs.
“Holy shit,” Dustin scoffs, “You’re a nerd.”
“Come again?” she asks.
“No he’s right,” you tell her, “You wanna give us shit about it but you are too.”
“Okay, both of you better take that back, Nerds!” she says.
“Can’t put the truth back in the box,” Dustin remarks.
“But it’s not the truth,” she denies.
“Let’s examine the facts, shall we?” Dustin asks, “Fact one: you’re a math whiz, apparently.”
“That was a pretty straightforward equation,” Erica tells him.
“Fact number two: you’re a political junkie,” Dustin says.
“Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology-,” Erica starts but is cut off.
“Fact number three: you love My Little Pony,” Dustin finishes and holds up her bag as an example which has, in fact, a few ponies on it.
“And what does My Little Pony have to do with this?” Erica asks before snatching her bag from him.
“Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ last adventure, shall we?” Dustin asks and looks off as if trying to recall a distant memory, “The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.”
Erica sits for a second, “Damn he really ate you up,” you tell her.
“And how does he know so much about My Little Pony?” she defends.
“Because I’m,” he pauses, “A nerd.”
Dustin pops off the panel and rips out some of the wiring which makes the fan stop spinning, “Nice going dude,” you tell him and pat his shoulder.
“Let’s get going, nerds,” Dustin tells you both.
“You-” Erica starts but Dustin simply turns around and crawls under the fan blade.
After the two of them are through you move through the blades, “Okay, let's go get some help.”
The three of you move as quickly as possible through the vents, being careful not to hit your head on the low ceilings. Dustin leads the group in the front deciding each and every turn that you take. Over the next hour, your knees start skinning making the experience five times more uncomfortable. You can tell all of you are starting to feel the lack of sleep and food over the last day. Has it been a day? Or has it been longer? Down here with no windows or visible clocks, it’s impossible to know really.
Lost in your thoughts you don’t notice Dustin stop and run directly into him, “A little bit of warning before you stop next time, please,” you tell him.
“Sorry,” he says and looks up at the vent cover, “I think we are here though.”
“Finally,” Erica says.
Dustin pushes up the panel and moves it out of the way allowing you all to see where you have ended up, you climb out of the vent followed by Erica taking your place standing in the vent, “Jackpot!” Dustin says, looking at all of the green capsules that surround you. 
You lean over and offer your hand to Erica which she takes then you help her out of the vent. Once Dustin is out something catches his eye right away, “Oh,” he says and runs down a few stairs to where a vehicle is sitting.
Erica chases after him closely with you following directly behind, “Do you even know how to drive?”
“How hard can it be?” he retorts, “Max did it.”
Dustin hops in the driver's seat and looks around noticing the lack of keys, “Oh, dang it.”
“You really think they’d just leave the keys in there?” Erica asks him.
“There’s gotta be a spare,” Dustin says and Erica walks away from him towards a giant cage. You can’t help but walk closer as well making sure that Erica would be okay.
“Hey, Dustin?” Erica calls to him.
“Yeah?” he says.
“How big did you say that Demogorgan was?” Erica asks him.
Dustin, who is growing frustrated by the lack of keys, responds, “Big. Nine feet or so. Why?”
Erica looks at you and you know that this is really bad. Something else catches her eye and you follow her deeper into the room. You notice the cabinets in the back and when Erica opens the door and reveals a whole bunch of high-tech cattle prods. Erica picks one up and looks at you, “I’m going to scare the shit out of him.”
And after a moment of thinking, “Yeah, okay, go for it.”
You hide behind the cage while Erica sneaks up behind him and a moment later you hear Dustin shout both of your names. Not a second after that Erica turns on the prod and you hear him shriek. 
“What the hell is that?” he asks and you move from behind the cage, unable to hold in your laughter any longer. 
“A deadly weapon,” she tells him, “Could be useful.”
“And you,” he calls, “You're okay with her doing this?”
“I thought it was funny,” you tell him seriously and Erica turns on the prod again, scaring Dustin.
“Why do we even need that?” Dustin asks.
“What do you think?” Erica asks, “Taking down Commies, saving your friends.”
“Thought you both were more realistic than that,” Dustin tells you, “We don’t even know where they are, and even if we did there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that. The best thing we can do for them is to get out of here and find them help.”
“Well, what does she think?” Erica asks, “She’s the closest thing to an adult and she’s in charge.”
“Okay,” Dustin says throwing his hands up and getting in the vehicle, “What do you think we should do? Risk our lives and save them or get them help safely.”
“I- uh,” you stop and think, Robin and Steve could be dead by the time help comes, you all could help them now.
“Honestly, I think we should try,” you tell him, “I feel like it will be too late by the time we come back, and I don’t want that to happen. I think we don’t leave until we find them and take them with us, but if you can’t, you should leave. That goes for both of you.”
“No,” Erica says, “I’m staying.”
“Okay,” you tell her, “What about you Dustin, you coming?”
“Jesus!” he yells and slams his hands and head down on the steering wheel, “Fine, let's go.”
“Move,” you tell him and he begrudgingly scoots over while Erica gets in the back.
“Ugh,” Dustin scoffs, “I never get to do anything fun.”
“Oh, what?” you ask him as you put the vehicle in drive, “Was being trapped hundreds of feet underground in a Russian maze your idea of summer fun?”
Dustin just scoffs and you drive off down the hall, hoping you can find the two missing members of your group.
The drive takes a while, luckily you are pretty sure that the base is running on a skeleton crew at the moment which makes avoiding people easy. Most of them were scientists talking amongst themselves or guards wearing heavy boots stomping down the hall. Unfortunately, the entire place looks the same and you can’t tell if you are going in circles, resulting in Dustin guiding you with the promise of not going in a circle.
This goes on for a while until you hear the blessed word, moron. You aren’t sure which of them said it, but you could tell apart accents to know a few Americans. Immediately you stop the vehicle with a small grunt from Dustin who was not expecting the quick break.
“Did you guys hear that?” you ask the two of them in a hushed voice.
“No?” Dustin says.
“Hear what?” Erica asks.
“Listen,” you tell them, and not a moment later you hear it again.
“Morons!” you are pretty sure Steve shouts, voice muffled by a door or something.
“That was Steve,” Dustin tells you.
“Where did it come from?” Erica asks.
“Somewhere down the hall,” you tell her, “There’s no way we can check all of the rooms.”
“I have an idea!” Dustin says.
This results in you driving back to the green capsules and grabbing one. You make your way back to the junction where the comms room was. You take the canister and smash it on a cart. As soon as the liquid passes through the floor, alarms start blaring. Taking that as your sign to get out of there you do and drive as fast as you can away. 
As you turn into the hall you see all four of them running down the hall toward you. Dustin and Erica are leading the charge while Steve and Robin are struggling to keep up. 
“Come on!” you yell down the hall, “Pick up your feet!”
“We’re going as fast as we can!” Robin yells at you.
As soon as they get to you they all pile in the vehicle and you speed out of there, only leaving four skids on the floor and the smell of burning rubber.
“Jesus!” Steve yells at you, “Slow down!”
“Yeah,” Robin slurs, “What is this, like, the Indy 500?”
“It’s the Indy 300,” Steve tells her.
“No, dingus,” Robin yells at him, “It’s 500!”
“It’s 300!” Steve yells back.
“Let’s say a million,” Robin suggests which makes both of them start laughing.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica asks.
“I don’t know,” Dustin tells her.
“I think I have an idea,” so you ask them, “Are you guys on drugs?” 
“How did you know?” Steve asks, suddenly paranoid.
“Oh,” you say, “uh, just a guess.”
“Answer me truthfully right now,” Robin tells you and you look back at her, “Are you a mindreader.”
“What?” you ask her.
“Well, how else would you know?” Steve asks.
“Just perso-” you start to say but are cut off.
“Watch out!” Erica yells and by the time you look back you hit a bunch of barrels.
You slam against the steering wheel, “Ugh,” you moan.
“Nice going,” Steve says, rubbing his head.
“You guys were distracting me,” you tell him and Robin.
“Whatever, let’s just get out of here,” Dustin says hoping out of the vehicle.
You and Erica get out and walk to the back where Dustin is releasing them. After Dustin swings open the gate you watch as Robin and Steve just stay seated rubbing where they hit on the metal.
“Come on!” Erica yells at them, “Get out!”
“Let’s go!” Dustin yells as well.
“We’re coming,” Steve tells him and moves to get out.
Dustin reaches into his pocket and pulls out the card he stole earlier, “Here goes nothin’.”
“This sucks,” Steve moans as he climbs out of the trunk.
Robin is directly behind him, “Watch your head,” you tell her as she exits.
“It worked!” Dustin yells as the doors slide up revealing the cursed elevator, “Everyone get in!”
You guide Robin and Steve into the elevator making sure that you don’t leave without them, “Move it, come on.”
“Do you not see me?” Steve asks, pointing to his face, “I am moving as fast as I can.”
“I don’t know what your face has to do with walking,” you tell him, “And the faster you move the faster you get medical attention.”
Steve chooses not to respond to you and instead picks up his speed going into the elevator. When all of you are inside Dustin presses the button to close the door and you all shoot up.
“Oh god,” you say, feeling the elevator gaining speed, “This is going to suck.”
“I don’t know what you mean?” Steve asks, “This is fun!”
“Here, here,” Robin says, grabbing a cart, “Get on!”
“You guys are going to get yourselves killed,” you tell them, grabbing onto a shelf.
Steve ignores you and gets on the cart while Robin pushes him around the elevator.
“Hey!” Robin says, “You look like you are surfing!”
“Surfing!” Steve yells, “Yeah! Whoa.”
You, Erica, and Dustin all watch them in confusion.
“What drugs are they on?” Erica asks.
“How would we know that?” Dustin asks her.
“I don’t know,” she says, “Why would they give them drugs?”
“I have no idea,” you tell her.
“I’m a natural! Check it out!” Steve yells drawing your attention back onto their buffoonery during which you see him lose his balance and fall into a bunch of boxes, “Whoa!”
Robin laughs and yells, “Wipeout!”
Which makes Steve start laughing as well. Dustin, who is extremely concerned, crouches down to Steve and presses his hand onto his forehead, “He’s burning up.”
“You’re burning up,” Steve retorts from the floor.
“That doesn’t even make any sense,” you tell him.
“You don’t even make any sense,” he tells you.
“Yeah, okay,” you tell the children, “This is useless.”
“Hey, Steve,” Dustin starts saying to him while gently smacking him on the face, “Come on, I need to know what drugs you are on!”
“How many times, Dad?” he asks obviously high as fuck, “I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.”
“This isn’t funny, okay?” Dustin tells Steve, who is cracking up, “I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?”
“Dustin they didn’t poison them,” you say, “They needed information so that makes no sense.”
“We all die, my strange little child friend,” Robin tells him, “It’s just a matter of how… and when.”
Dustin looks back down at Steve, “They’re gonna be looking for us up there,” he explains, “So I need you to tell me where you parked your car.”
“Oh,” Steve says, “Can we make a pit stop at the food court?”
“I would kill for a hot dog on a stick,” Robin says.
“Ooh,” Steve says, imagining it.
“All right food,” Dustin agrees, “Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked.”
Steve thinks about it for a second, “Uh-oh.”
“Uh-oh?” Dustin asks.
“The car’s off the board,” Steve tells him.
“What?” Dustin asks.
“They took the keys,” Steve says, pulling out his pockets just to show how empty they are, “The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago.”
This news makes Robin start laughing again and clapping her hands together. Then Steve starts laughing as well, “That’s a bummer right?” he asks.
All three of you that are sober look between each other with the same look, oh shit.
At the top of the elevator shaft, the car slams up and nearly knocks you over. Dustin and Erica are quick to slam open the doors to the outside.
“Come on,” you tell both Robin and Steve, “Let’s get out of here.”
Both of them follow you out the doors, “Oh, my God!” Robin shouts, “That tastes so good. Steve, can you taste the air?”
“I taste it!” He agrees, “I can taste it!”
As soon as the words leave his mouth you see the gate start to open and directly behind are two men who yell, “Stop!”
“Shit!” Dustin yells and turns around, “Come on! Come on!”
“Stop right there!” you hear from behind you as you run through the door back into the mall where you have spent more than enough hours of your life.
Next Chapter
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*crashes in, late to the talk of Culture/world building in RWBY* Sorry I'm late but OMG Can we talk about the biggest flaw in rwby WB that is just all of it when we get the Salem Backstory?! Like lets say we ignore Light being a hypocrite that makes even the Greek gods look better just by 'lets not allow one life to come back but i'm ok with WIPING OUT EVERYONE ELSE'. Lets talk about the ruins that were left behind! Wouldn't they and any items of magic (given that magic was only taken from flesh but if Enchanted Items existed they'd last a really long while) be apart of the culture? The Last humans didn't get to go 'oh btw we got nuked lol' so wouldn't there be questions about it? Like Ex: Mass effect had a race of beings that were highly advance then suddenly POOF! gone! noone knows where they went or what happened to them, only their structures and lil bits of tech remain. Remant would've had that! Then you got Salem who was being a Tryant (Tyrant who didn't get there fully) during their fight with Oz, so what happened to that?! Like ik humans now a days barely want to remember anything that doesn't aid their cause but we seem to remember a good chunk of the horrible people in history who did things for various reasons. So surely Salem was in the history books as the Cruel Queen, right?! Tapestries, old tales, cruel yet intresting sculptures, anything! She had the biggest way to flip the god of light off and didn't take it?! And if Oz gave up during certain amounts of time why didn't she 'unite' the world her way to help prevent Oz's actions moving forward? Groups that could be Salem's Lot that prevent the finding/obtaining of Relics so Oz's inner circle couldn't get to them easily. If RWBY was given the same TLC, Passion, and Soul as any other hit series We'd have our answers, and the four coteninets that seem to matter would have some beautiful mixture of all cultures despite the flaws of each one. Hell I'd love to see a Roman structure built with the same Material as the the Lost City in Mistral, Vale having a way to balance out the various cultures that came through from times of war while still having parts of it self that says 'I am Vale, through and Through' and what saddens me is my head can only go 'Sand! its everywhere! Get used to it!' for Vacuo because they made it seem so. with I believe 1 oasis...I might be wrong its been abit. Atlas-or rather Solitas- could've been Viking theme with bits of other warrior cultures with the main though it 'Tough times brings out the Strong' or something of that nature due to the cold being so harsh even Grimm can't withstand it, and as it progressed to Mantle and Atlas it still head that believe/culture but its more of a 'teach but not done' as the new tech made lives abit easier. I still see Menagerie as Australia just due to its position on the world so i can't think of much for it right now.
Sorry for the long rant. It was one of those things I had to get off because its nuts we went through not 1, not 2, but 3 kingdoms but held very little that could only be described as Lazy cause they knew we weren't going to explore the world and everything was just quick décor in a mario lvl of old.
First off never ever apologize for long asks I love the and I should apologize to well everyone for being slow as shit to reply to them.
Unfortunately, RW//BY suffers from a severe case of the writing is written by the writers flying by the seat of their pants and it shows. We have no hints of humanity existing before the gods killed them all. No signs of the worship of Salem which really should be a thing given she and Ozma acted as gods to humanity 2.0 and Salem killed Ozma before he could do anything about it so she realistically should have continued that cult following telling people his husband betrayed her or whatever sewing the seeds of distrust towards him and all of his reincarnations. Their is just so much that realistically should have happened with Salem that....didn't because the writers didn't bother to put in the work, they didn't build up the world realistically or have this big plan like they claim and the lack of consistent or realistic world building shows that.
Each of the kingdoms should have their own cultures and foods and religions and languages even. They should feel distinct and unique from one another while also still feeling like they all belong to the same world. Haven not having the same tech as Beacon feels jarring. As RW//BY traveled the world they should have repeatedly felt out of place in whatever kingdom they where in because they don't know the culture or customs within the world. We should have them struggling to communicate with people who speak different languages, or at least establish that after the great war everyone learned a single language to allow for communication between the kingdoms.
Sorry back to your point. When Salem killed Ozma the first time, she should have amassed a massive following of worshipers who hated their goddess's treacherous husband. She should have made a mad run for the relics to gain control of them before Ozma could. Their should have been a battle happening for a long ass time over them. Their should be some sort of reason why Salem wasn't causing mass chaos for decades before the events of RW//BY. This war should be much more known about then it is and it doesn't make sense within current cannon why it isn't more known. To hide Salem's existence he should have had to do something to strip her of her strength and influence but we have no evidence of any of that. We have no reason to believe that Salem hasn't bothered to try for the relics until now and that is most definitely a major problem. For example in ATLA, we know the Fire Nation couldn't enact it's ultimate plan because they had to wait for Sozin's comet to return. We have an in universe reason for what has been holding the Fire Nation back until now. RW//BY just doesn't have something like that built in to explain Salem choosing to hide and not acting until now.
I just cannot fathom why CRWBY/fans try and insist that this show has been planned since the beginning with so much evidence that it wasn't and couldn't have been. We have incomplete and contradictory world building, story lines that where never set up. Story lines that where dropped and conflicting canon information and it is just beyond infuriating.
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