#whatever knowing her she probably already knows and I ain’t gonna tell her anyway
forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Rub Her Nose In It
Eddie doesn’t realise Chrissy has been flirting with him until he does... or more accurately, until it’s pointed out to him. So, he and his girlfriend come up with a way to put it to a stop… and have a little fun along the way.
Request fill for @slightlyvicked​ hope you like it 💕 ​
Minors DNI
Contains: Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader, Uncharacteristically Bitchy Chrissy, Hints of Domesticity, Public Sex/Van Sex, Unprotected Sex, Sex Toys, Honorifics/ Petnames (Sir, Baby, Sweetheart, Princess), Oral (Female Receiving, Hints at Male Receiving), Cum Eating, Spanking, Slight Exhibitionism
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Gareth had been looking for Eddie to ask something about their upcoming campaign, when he spotted them. Eddie and Chrissy huddled over by his locker, she was standing on tiptoe, whispering in his ear and giggling. Eddie laughed along too, when they parted, she pressed a kiss to his cheek and waved goodbye.
He spots Gareth and trots over to him, “Hey, man what’s up? Dustin said you needed to ask me something.”
“Man, what the hell was that?”
“Whatta ya mean?” He looks puzzled by the question.
“That, there with Chrissy Cunningham. She was all over you, what’s y/n gonna think about that?”
“It’s not like that, she’s just being friendly.”
“Don’t know about you but I don’t go around kissing all my friends on the cheek, batting my eyelashes at them and whispering in their ears. She was flirting with you.”
“No, she wasn’t. She’s just looking to score some weed. I’m sure she’s like that with everyone, anyway.”
“Looking to score with you more like and she’s not like that with everyone. Don’t think y/n hasn’t noticed either, why do you think she’s always so passive aggressive with her?”
“Really?” He gasps eyes widening in disbelief.
“Yes! For Christ’s sake are you honestly that dense Eddie?” He hisses.
“But… but Chrissy’s dating Carver…” He protests weakly.
“No, they broke up. How did you not hear about that? How did Chrissy not tell you first fucking chance she got?”
“I dunno, d’ya think that’s why Carver’s been extra hostile as of late?”
“Yeah probably, man.”
“What… what should I do?”
“Well, you gotta talk to Chrissy for a start, lay it all out for her. Tell her it ain’t happening… I mean it’s not, is it?”
“Jesus, how is that even a question? Of course not!”
Gareth holds his hands up in surrender, “Just checking.”
“I gotta let her down easy…”
“Do you though? I mean it’s not like she doesn’t know you’ve already got a girlfriend and ‘til recently she had a boyfriend. So, I don’t know what she was thinking.”
“Still, I don’t wanna hurt her though.”
“Whatever, just do it sooner rather than later. In case you haven’t noticed this is really hurting y/n.”
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He’d gotten to the picnic table early, first time in his life he’d ever been early to anything. He’d gone over it in his head a million times, what he’d say to her when she got here. And then right on time she emerged through the trees, with a wave and a broad smile calling his name.
“Eddie, hey you’re on time. You’re never on time.”
“Yeah, uh take a seat.” He gestures to the bench across from him, but she ignores that and sits right up beside him.
He scoots back a bit before continuing, “Uh… so… before we get to business, there’s something we gotta talk about.”
She pouts up at him, batting her eyelashes, “Yeah, what’s that Eddie?”
He shakes his head, Jesus, how had he not seen it before.
“Umm… it has been brought to my attention that you have been flirting with me… and well it needs to stop.”
She slaps him across the arm playfully, “No, I haven’t silly… that’d be naughty.” Her voice drops into a teasing, sultry tone.
“Right… anyway, please stop it, I’m with y/n. We are happy together and I don’t want her to be upset.” He shifts even further back along the seat.
“Oh, is that what this is? Is she telling you lies about me, getting in your head? She getting possessive of you? You’re allowed to have friends, you know?” Her tone shifts, becoming defensive and accusatory.
“No. No, you know what, how about we leave this deal for another time and we both just cool off for a bit, ok?” He attempts to placate her.
She rises in a huff, “Whatever, Eddie. Let me know when your girlfriend stops being a controlling bitch, so I can get my weed then ok.”
Eddie sits there in a stunned silence watching her storm off, that was not what he expected at all. He rises in a daze making his way back to his van and beginning the journey home.
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You’d decided to stop by Eddie’s to surprise him, making a start on dinner while you waited for him, listening to one of his cassettes as you work.
He enters his trailer to see you dancing around at the stove to one of his mixtapes, it brings a smile to his face.
“Honey, I’m home.” He calls out jokingly.
You spin around to face him and he holds out his arms for a hug. The two of you meet in the middle, arms wrapping around one another. He kisses the top of your head and murmurs, “Whatcha making? It smells good.”
You look up at him to reply, “Spaghetti and meatballs.”
“Oh yum, can’t wait.” He hums back at you.
You pull away moving back over to the stove “It’s almost done, just gonna add the pasta back in the pan. Also made some garlic bread, that’s just in the oven keeping warm.”
“You are an angel, don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d manage, you’re more capable than you give yourself credit for Eds.”
You plate up the food, packing away a portion for Wayne, and set the two plates down  on the coffee table. Eddie takes a seat on the sofa and you sit beside him on the floor, leaning against his leg.
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The two of you get stuck in, after a few mouthfuls Eddie breaks the silence, “Hey, uh not to spoil the mood, but there’s something I wanna talk to you about.”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound good. Everything… everything alright?”
“Yeah… no… I don’t know.” He seems conflicted or maybe confused, you’re not sure which.
You bump against his leg, “Alright just tell me”
“So, um Emerson brought it to my attention that Chrissy has been flirting with me… and that it’s been going on for a while.”
Your face drops into a frown, “Mhhh, yeah I’d noticed.” You respond bitterly.
“Why… why didn’t you say anything about it?”
“I dunno, ‘cause I trust you I guess.” You shrug before taking another bite of your food.
“But it was hurting you, wasn’t it? You should’ve said something.”
“Of course, it hurt Eddie, but what was I going to say… ‘No, Eds you can’t spend time with her she’s just trying to get in your pants’. All that matters is that I trust you to do the right thing at the end of the day. You can be friends with whoever you want I’m not about to stop you-”
“Don’t really think we’re friends anymore. I tried telling her to stop with the flirting and she blew up on me started calling you names too. Somehow, I’m still not sure the message got through though.”
“So, what’re you gonna do now then?”
He shrugs, “You got any ideas?”
You pause for a moment in thought before giggling.
“What? You got something?”
“Well, maybe…” You begin hesitantly.
“Come on tell me.” He whines.
“Umm… I mean it’s not… it’s not the nicest thing in the world, but maybe we could… rub her nose in it a little.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well… what if, and you can absolutely say no, but what if you tell her to meet you somewhere and we ummm…”
“Go on…” He encourages.
“We let her catch us going at it, the way we do when we really lose it.”
He chuckles darkly, “You’re right it’s not nice, it’s fucking brilliant.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, let’s show her who I really belong to.”
“Awww, Eds that’s sweet in like the weirdest way.” You laugh.
“Alright, I’ll uh… let you know when I’ve set it up.”
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“Hey, Chrissy I spoke to y/n and cleared everything up, she’s cool if I deal with you. You still after that weed?”
Her eyes light up and she nods eagerly, “Sure am Eddie, when you free?”
“How’s tomorrow around five?”
“Yeah, that’s good.”
“Can… can we meet by Lover’s Lake this time? You know Skull Rock?”
“Sure do. Why’d you wanna meet there?” She smirks slyly.
“Oh, no reason. Just gonna be in the area.” He shrugs trying to seem nonchalant.
“Ok sure thing.” She beams at him popping up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.
He can’t suppress the shudder of discomfort but somehow, she reads it as excitement adding, “Can’t wait! See you there!”
She wiggles her fingers in his direction as he turns to leave wordlessly.
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Eddie had asked you to wear your flowery little sundress. It was his favourite, yours too because every time you wore it the two of you ended up fucking at least once.
That’s how you ended up with your feet propped up against the dash, bottom of your dress hiked up to your waist, panties dangling off your ankle. You had one hand on your vibrating dildo shoved deep inside you, panting and moaning while he drove through the secluded forest.
“That’s it sweetheart, want you all nice and wet, stretched out and ready to go when we get there. Remember you’re not allowed to cum unless I say so.”
You nod your head mumbling in agreement.
He lets one of his hands drift away from the steering wheel, trailing his fingertips over your hand on the toy. Slowly he rests his hand over your own guiding the motions of the toy, in and out at a lazy pace. His fingers dip lower still running through your juices as they dribble out around the toy. Collecting your wetness, he brings his hand up to his mouth licking it away.
“Fffuuuuck… focus o-on the road.” You try to sound stern but it’s hard to manage with the pitiful moans tumbling out of your lips.
He chuckles, “There is no road baby, only trees and dirt.”
“Watch the fucking trees then… ughhh, fuck please… please need to cum…” Your hips raise from the seat, muscles pulling taut.
“Ah, ah not yet. Just a little longer.”
His hand drifts back to your quivering thighs, kneading and squeezing the soft flesh.
“You can do that can’t you, be my good girl… make me proud.”
His deep, rumbly voice washes over you and you feel your walls begin to flutter with a groan, your eyes squeezing shut, biting on your lip.
“Please Eddie… please sir… please…” Tears begin to run out of the corners of your creased eyelids.
“Not yet.” He taunts, drawing out each syllable. “You’re doing so good for me.”
Your eyes snap open, tension building and mounting ‘til you snap. It’s too late you’ve already started pulsing around the toy, “Fuck… no, no, no …I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
Head thrown back with a scream, thrusting against the vibrator desperately, “Fuck, Eddie! Feels so good!”
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As your body goes lax, sinking back in the seat his grip on your thigh tightens, “Was that what I think it was?” He leaves a light slap across your thigh in warning, “And don’t lie to me.”
You nod your head, ashamed, “Yes, sir. I’m sorry it was just… you… your hand, your voice I-I couldn’t hold back.”
“You know what that means?”
“Yes, sir… means I get a spanking.” You move to pull the toy out but he stops you with a word.
“No. Leave it in.”
“Wh-what? Please ’m sensitive.”
“Ok, you can turn off the vibrations, but leave it in. I want you to keep it there until I take it out and replace it with my cock.”
“Even when-.”
“Yes, even then.”
“Oh god.”
“Don’t worry we’re almost there and with time to spare.”
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You squirm in your seat, acutely aware of the toy between your legs. He’s parked the van, pulled up right next to Skull Rock. He gets out circling over to your side opening your door. He runs a hand down your leg, still propped up on the dash, when he reaches your panties he slips them off your ankle. Stuffing them in his back pocket he mumbles, “I’ll hang on to these.”
His hands encircle your waist lifting you out of the van and setting you down in front of him. You squeeze your legs together to keep the toy in place. You know what’s coming, hanging your head bashfully you stutter out, “H-how many?”
He lifts your chin turning your head up to face him, he lays a gentle kiss to your forehead before answering, “I’ll go easy on you this time, I was pushing you very hard. Only ten this time and I’ll count them out for you, mmkay.”
“Thank you, sir.”
He tucks a stray hair behind your ear, hand dropping to your arm before continuing, “Need you to turn around for me.”
You spin around facing back into the cab, his palm presses between your shoulders guiding you down. You brace yourself against the passenger seat and push out your ass towards him.
He runs his hand down along your back slowly, pausing to rub one of your cheeks, continuing ‘til he reaches the hem of your dress. He scrunches the bottom of your dress, flipping it up to rest on your back, exposing your bare ass and dripping pussy. You let out a soft whine as a gust of wind cascades over your exposed flesh and he brings his hand back to your plump rear, kneading it firmly.
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“You ready?”
“Y-yes, sir.” You answer shakily.
“Good.” He rears back his hand, brining it back down across your ass leaving a sting in its wake, “One.”
You whimper in response, tears welling in your eyes as he repeats the action.
He pauses for a moment, you can’t see what he’s doing, but you realise when the next hit lands. He’s spun his rings around on his fingers, you can feel them leaving an imprint on your skin.
He rubs his hand soothingly over that side of your ass before switching to the other and giving it the same treatment.
Your hands squeeze tight around the fabric of the seat beneath you, panting in soft, shallow gasps readying yourself for the next slap as tears run down your cheeks.
“Five. Halfway now, sweetheart. You’re taking it so well.”
You gasp as your walls clench around the dildo inside you in response, thighs trembling.
“You like that don’t you sweetheart, such a dirty little slut for me. Get ready, here comes six.”
He’s swapped sides again, you feel the toy slipping as your body jolts with the force of his hand. You clench down around it trying to keep it in place but it pushes you closer to the edge.
Before you know it seven and eight have come in quick succession and your head is falling forward into the seat, moaning into the material there.
“Thought you were gonna be a good girl today, you started off so well too. Wearing your pretty little dress for me. Didn’t think I’d have to punish you.”
“‘M sorry.” You wail, squeezing on the toy again your walls beginning to flutter.
“I know you are sweetheart, you’re such a good girl. I’m so proud of you, taking your punishment so well.” He croons as he soothes over your abused flesh with his hand.
“Ohhh fuck… Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.” You chant like a prayer as your next orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, your walls gripping the toy inside you like a vice, your cum dribbling all around it. He lands hits, nine and ten as you do so, counting them out.
“Did you just cum again? Fucking hell so impatient today, can’t even wait for me to give you what you really want. You wish that was my dick you were cumming all over, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, then why don’t I give it to you, you took your punishment so well after all, even if you did cum again without permission.” He twists the dildo around giving it a few thrusts as you whimper.
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He flips you over suddenly, leaving you a little dazed, your back now pressing into the seat. You’re not sure when he did it, but he’s got his jeans and boxers rolled down to his knees already, cock flushed, bright red and leaking precum.
“Wanna see your face when I split you open with my cock.”
You gasp as he grabs your legs pulling you closer, ‘til you’re teetering on the edge of the seat. Hooking his hands under your knees he hikes your legs up over his shoulders, resting your calves there. He pulls out the dildo from where it sits, buried within you, tossing it into the van and replacing it with his own thick length in one swift motion.
He rests there for a moment, his hands hooking around your thighs squeezing them tight. Slowly he begins moving, shallow thrusts in and out, a steady rhythm.
You breathe in and out harshly still trying to catch your breath. You gaze up at him in admiration, taking in the flush that creeps up his neck, dusting over his cheeks. “You’re so pretty, Eddie.” You whine.
“Fuck, princess why you gotta be so nice?”
“‘Cause I love you and ‘cause it’s true.”
“L-love you too… but ‘re you sure you’re not just sayin’ that ‘cause you got my dick all up inside you?”
You giggle, “Ask me again later then.”
He groans, “God, it feels good when you laugh when I’m inside you… it makes your little cunt just ripple around me.”
You whine as he gives a more forceful thrust.
“Play… play with your tits for me.” He pants out.
You move to obey, kneading your breasts in your palms and twisting your nipples. His thrusts are getting sloppy and he loosens his grip on one of your thighs. Running that hand down the inside of your leg ‘til he reaches the bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs he begins stroking it in tight little circles.
Your wetness seeps out around him, running along his length and down to his balls, your combined whimpers and moans ringing out through the trees.
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“‘M gonna cum.” He growls, “You want it inside so when she gets here, she can see it fucking pouring out of you?”
You’d almost forgotten why you were even here in the first place, a little too cockdrunk and blissed out at this point. “Th-thought we were supposed to be showing her that you b-belong to me… not the other way around.” You manage to gasp in response.
“Yeah well, you belong to me, I belong to you, same thing. Now scream for me, cum all over my cock like you’ve been dying to since the beginning. Be a good little slut for me.”
He knows just what to say and you’re being swept away again, for the third time now crying out, “Fffuuuck… Eddie! Yes… God… fuck…”
You can feel his length twitching within you as he paints your quivering walls with his warm cum, crying out along with you.
He falls against you limply, forcing your legs up to your chest along with him, his curls falling forward into his face, panting heavily. You brush his hair aside to look into his eyes, “Sooo pretty.” You coo up at him.
“Christ that was something fucking else.” He exclaims.
“Fuck I know…but… she’s still not here. What time is it? Unless maybe she’s been and gone and we just didn’t notice?”
He props himself up with a hand by your shoulder, twisting the other to look at his watch, “Five ‘o three. I mean she could just be a little late, besides there’s something else I wanna do and if she hasn’t been and gone, this’ll be that much better for her to walk in on.” He grins mischievously.
You look up at him curiously, “What did you want to do?”
“I’m gonna eat my cum right out of you and if you just so happen to cum on my tongue, all the better.”
“Oh my god! Munson you will actually be the death of me!” You slap his chest.
“So, ‘re you saying you don’t want to do it?” He teases grinning down at you smugly.
You look away bashfully, “Well, no I didn’t say that.”
“Well, then let me get to work.”  He chuckles and pushes himself off the seat, letting his cock slip out of you, your legs fall back down on either side of him.
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He moves to kneel amongst the leaf litter on the ground. Pulling your hips to the edge of the seat he brings your thighs to sit by his ears. You pull yourself up with a hand on the headrest, sitting up to watch as he laves his tongue over your folds. He collects the remnants of his release with a low groan, probing at your entrance with his tongue.
It’s then that you hear it, cracking twigs, someone moving around outside. Then comes the call, “Eddie you here yet?!”
You make eye contact with her as she comes around the open passenger door, her mouth dropping open, frozen in shock.
“Oh my god, Chrissy! Shit, we forgot you were coming.” You slap on his shoulder but Eddie continues his ministrations between your thighs not letting up. You barely even have to play up your next reactions, “Oh, shit… fuck, Eddie like that… hmmmm… sorry, my boyfriend here is just insatiable. It’s not enough that he fucked me so hard I can’t walk, now he’s gotta eat his own cum out of me.”
Eddie refuses to relent, moving to suck on your clit hard, shoving his fingers in deep. He’s grazing over that soft, spongy spot that makes you see stars and just like that you’re cumming all over his tongue with sharp breathy gasps, head thrown back, eyes squeezing shut and thighs constricting around his head.
That snaps Chrissy out of it, she’s scrambling backwards, struggling not to trip over. God forbid, she ruin her revealing little outfit. She calls back, “Sorry! Fuck I’m sorry.”
You collapse back into the van laughing. Eddie’s head pops up, his chin slick with drool and cum, grinning at you, “So, how was that? Think she’ll be bothering me again?”
“That was perfect, somehow I think she got the message.”
“Good… you uh… wanna go again? Try for number five, I’m um… hard again.” He drops a hand to rub over his cock lazily.
“Jesus Christ you really are insatiable, come on I’ll just blow you instead.”
“Fuck, yes please.” He groans happily.
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Chrissy had avoided the pair of you since then, never meeting your eyes in the halls. Until one day you see her at the grocery store and decide to have some fun with it.
You approach her from behind before she even realises you’re there, nudging her shoulder, “Hey, Chrissy! Eddie tells me you haven’t been buying from him anymore, you still smoking?”
She spins around to face you discomfort evident on her face, looking anywhere but your eyes, she replies, “Uhhh… yeah, um I get my stuff from Reefer Rick now.”
“Oh, cool. That’s good, I mean Rick doesn’t have a girlfriend now, does he?”
“Ummm no, not that I know of.” She shifts uncomfortably on the spot.
“Anyway, nice seeing you. Bye.” You wave over your shoulder smirking to yourself.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
stepbro john b with a nympho reader? :PP
.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎀𖦹🍨₊ ⊹༘⋆
you’re openly ravenous, and it kills him. any other guy would be thrilled to have a girl as hot as you flaunting herself round in a bikini all day, throwing yourself at him. but john b had a good heart, although lead astray the brunette was often set on doing the right thing. what he thought would be the responsible thing to do, and despite jj’s constant goading — that didn’t entail boning his little step-sister.
“you ain’t never watched step porn? the fuck do you even search on pornhub, bro — holding hands? love making?” the blonde scoffs as he leans his elbows against the rickety wooden barrier, casting his fishing line over it.
“i don’t really watch— ugh, whatever. i can’t do that. it’s tempting, oh trust me — i am incredibly tempted, but… i was left in charge of her, okay? i—i can’t just take advantage of her like that. she’s probably just all messed up because both our parents left us for dead.” john b sighs, shaking his head out at the open still water. jj squints at him for a moment like he’s dumb before checking his own rod.
“take advantage of her? dude she’s practically offerin’ it up n’dangling it infront of your face. you know what i say? you just take the risk, show her how a real man does it, tell her enough with the slutty little girl games. s’what i’d do anyway.” he shrugs hypothetically.
“really jj? thats what you’d do?” john b blinks, deadpanned as he glances at his best friend, barely entertaining his rambling.
“sure would. look if you’re not gonna swoop on that shit i hope you don’t mind me tryin’ that door. she’s hot, man.”
the idea of jj trying you out didn’t sit well with john b. the way you acted sometimes was like you were famished, starved for dick, like it was your life line and your step brother was the only one who could save you. jj oddly had a way with ladies, he was brutish and pogueish and the girls knew he fucked rough and dirty. john b can’t see you resisting that, especially as you know it’ll get to him.
that’s why he walks straight into your bedroom with all the confidence in the world, and loses it the second you turn and look him in the eye.
“okay.” is all he says and you furrow your brows, already slinking towards him like there were magnets attached to the two of you.
“okay what, john b?” you tilt your head. everything you did, every little move and micro expression you made seemed to be a seduction tactic. a spell that couldn’t be broken because he was just a simple minded guy that thought with his dick at the end of the day.
“uh…” he lifts a hand up to scratch the back of his head and you take the opportunity to eye him, delighted to see that he was already half hard from the thoughts running through his mind. “yeah this was… not my finest idea aaaand, i didn’t really think this through—” he starts to talk, and momentarily distracted you take his tanned hand, pulling it to cup your cunt. “uh— so… that’s your pussy.” he deadpans obviously, lost for words.
you grin and nod, eyes fluttering when his muscle memory kicks in and his slides a thumb over your covered clit, nothing but the material of your bikini bottoms separating you. “nothin’ gets passed you, big bro.” you tease, pushing your body closer to him.
“so this step-sibling… conundrum… really doesn’t bother you. like, at all?” he clarifies, big brown eyes locked in on your lips as you stand on your tiptoes, breath now mingling and lips just nearly grazing his.
“uh-uh. s’not like we’re related.” you reason, and when it comes from your sweet voice he can’t argue.
“jesus.” he sighs into your mouth, practically sharing oxygen at this point. “you know what? fuck it.” he takes the leap, pressing his mouth to yours as to which you let out a delighted squeal, immediately jumping up on him, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“we’re gonna have so much fun, john b.” you muse, almost happy to a sinister degree as you wrap your arms around his neck. he blinks up at you, guilty but sinfully aroused and presses his bulge between your split legs.
“thats the plan.”
.𖥔 ݁ ˖🎀𖦹🍨₊ ⊹༘⋆
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saberlight1 · 9 months
lost signals & tunes — coriolanus snow
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pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
warnings: slight tbosas spoilers, angst, mentions of violence, injustice in the districts, possessive!snow, trauma, kinda mean!snow, talks of a breakup, arguments, standard ballad of songbirds and snakes warnings.
authors note: i’m back for round 3!!! i’m so happy that you all like this series so far as much as i do. here are the links to part 1 & 2, if you missed them. this one is sad and angsty, i’m sorry. the song y/n sings is by frank santra! anyways, i hope you enjoy this one! much love.
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Since your last real conversation with Coriolanus, he had been acting different. He was colder, and you didn’t know if you were simply going crazy, or if he just going out of his way to ignore you.
But regardless, you were hurt. When you tried to speak to him, he would say he had somewhere to be. And maybe he did, but you just wished he’d spend time with you.
You missed him, really.
Lucy Gray frowned as she watched you from across the room. You and the Covey were all getting ready backstage at the Hob where you were set to perform shortly. Even if you were cousins, you and Lucy Gray were brought up as sisters and knew the other probably better than you knew yourselves.
She watched you as you were deep in thought, and she knew something was troubling you. She walked over, and with a click of her tongue she gained your attention.
With a raise of her eyebrows you already knew what she was thinking. “Lucy Gray, please. Not right now,”
She raised her hands up in surrender, sitting down next to you on the couch. “I was just gonna ask what was wrong,”
“I’m sorry,” You sighed, rubbing your temple. “I’m stressed out,”
“Talk to me,” She softly smiled, her hand coming up to comfortably rub your shoulder.
“Coriolanus has just been acting weird, and I don’t know why. I think.. I think when we were at the lake I said something that he didn’t like, or something.” You vented. “Just ever since we got back, he’s been off. Or maybe I’m just delusional.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at yourself. “Christ, Gray, I’m loosin’ it.”
She giggled. “You got a bad case of the love blues, it sounds to me, Y/N.” She repeated the same thing your mothers used to say all the time when talking about past relationships.
A small smile blessed your features. “I think you may be on to somethin’.” You sighed, again. “I just wish he’d at least talk to me, y’know? Let me know whatever I’ve done, so I can fix it, or if he wants to break up just fuckin’ tell me. I hate when shit just lingers.”
“I know.” She shook her head. “Listen, if he doesn’t realize how damn good he’s got it, then he ain’t worth it. You know better. And I know you two got history and what not, but if he stressin’ you out so bad you can’t even enjoy a performance, I’d say ya need to talk to the boy.” She explained, shrugging. “Or leave his ass. You deserve better,”
You chuckled. “Only you, Lucy Gray, could manage to make me laugh while talking about my relationship problems.” You shook your head, playfully.
A smile came back to her face. “You know it, now, c’mon we got a show to play.” She stood up, holding her hand out for you to take.
She brought you over to the rest of the Covey, Issac immediately bringing you into a side hug.
“Aye, sis, you want me to kick that boy’s ass?” He asked, smiling goofy.
You laughed. “No, please.”
“Alright, alright.“ He shook his head. “Let’s go, folks!”
Once you all were out on stage, all of the struggles and worries wrestling around your mind faded, and a smile brightly displayed on your face as you sang along with your family. You didn’t even realize how fast it was going by because you were enjoying yourself.
Until you saw his smirk in that crowd.
You were scanning the crowd as normal, loving to see all of different people coming to together to enjoy music when you saw him. He was in the back of the room, alone, his arms crossed over his chest as he smirked at you.
His gaze almost made you feel uneasy, his sharp eyes boring into yours. Lucy Gray wrapped up one of her songs, turning on her heel and winking at you, her signal to let you know it was your turn on the mic.
You sighed before standing up, grabbing your guitar and walking up to the mic.
“Hey, twelve,” You smiled, looking at the crowd. “How y’all doin’ tonight, huh?” They all cheered in return, making your smile grow bigger. “That’s what I like to hear! Alright, here’s the song.”
Over and over, I keep goin’ over the world we knew.
You began, singing deeply and sharply into the mic, staring into Coriolanus’ eyes.
Once when you walked beside me,
That inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew,
When we two were in love.
Your eyes burned into his as the rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving only you and him as you sang to him. He knew it was about him, most of your songs were.
And every bright neon sign turned into stars,
And the sun and the moon seemed to be ours.
Each road that we took turned into gold,
But the dream was too much for you to hold.
Your voice boomed across the pub, the couples holding each other and the singles downing their shots in misery. You touched all their hearts with the song, somehow. His eyebrows furrowed as he truly listened to the lyrics, seeing how you wrote about your love and pain, and he wondered if it was still about him.
I mean, he hadn’t hurt you, right? He didn’t think him ignoring you for a week or two would push you this far.
Now, over and over I keep goin’ over the world we knew.
Days when you used to love me.
Issac and Cece took over for the music break, as you turned to blink away the tears that threatened to spill.
And every bright neon sign turned into stars,
And the sun and the moon seemed to be ours.
Each road that we took, it turned into the gold,
But the dream was too much for you to hold.
The tears only got closer to dropping from your eyes as you kept singing, just trying to get through the song. You tried focusing on the beautiful music the Covey produced behind you and put your all into your singing.
Now, over and over I keep goin’ over the world we knew.
Days when you used to love me,
Over and over I keep goin’ over that world we knew.
You finished with one last strum of your guitar, and the melodies of Lucy Gray and Maudie Ivory next to you. The crowd erupted in cheers and claps.
“Thank you!” You smiled as the rest of your family joined you, bowing. After saying your goodbyes, you stalked off stage as fast as you could, ignoring the concerned gaze from Coriolanus.
“Your singing was beautiful, I love that song.” Lucy Gray said as she walked beside you. “But I do want to give that boy a stern talkin’ to for makin’ you feel that way.”
You grabbed her wrist. “No, Lucy. Let me talk to him.” She looked at you with raised brows, the pair of you exchanging words with your eyes. Eventually she nodded, stepping forward and letting you walk.
You walked through the corridor that led back out to the dance floor, your eyes looking for that familiar face. But it seemed to be that he found you before you could find him, the man already walking towards you.
You crossed your arms, turning on your heel to walk deeper into the corridor so no one would be around. You knew he’d follow, so you leaned against the wall, popping the gum in your mouth.
“There you are,” He called as he turned the corner, seeing you standing there. He walked over to stand in front of you. “Y/N, that song—”
“Cut the shit,” You cut him off. “What’s been goin’ on with you, Coriolanus?”
His eyebrows furrowed at your forwardness. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you avoidin’ me. You been actin’ weird since the lake, Coryo.” You sighed, pushing yourself off the wall to get eye to eye with the man before you. “If this is about what I said about runnin’ away..”
He rubbed his temple, staying silent.
“Coriolanus, do you expect me to enjoy life here? Watchin’ people get hung every other day, scared for my own damn life? My families lives?” You threw your arms out, scoffing. “Why would I want to stay?”
“Because of me!” He cut off your rant with a whisper yell. “I wanted you to want to stay, with me. Or.. come with me to the Capitol.”
“You know how I feel about that.”
“I know. And I wish I could change that.” He stepped forward a bit. “Because I don’t want to be away from you, Y/N.”
Your eyes softened. “Coryo, I don’t want to be away from you either. Hell, I’ve been thinkin’ about you for weeks just because you didn’t talk to me,” You bitterly laughed at your own foolishness. “But, look, if this is gon’ cause a problem between us, then maybe we should just call it off here, ‘cause even if it’ll hurt like hell, if we don’t got trust in each other then we got dirt.” You shrugged, even though the words you spoke felt like a dagger to the heart.
“No.” He shook his head immediately, his hands reaching out to grip your hips, almost seeming to make sure you wouldn’t run. “I’m not letting you go, no. Definitely not over this.”
“Then what do you want from me?” You asked, your eyes flickering between his. “You iced me out for 2 weeks because of what I said, then when I give you a solution, you say no?”
“Because that solution is us not being together.” He said, firmly. “That is the last thing I want. This whole thing started because I’m afraid of being away from you, Y/N.” He finally admitted.
You sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me that? We could’ve worked this out together.”
His hands slid up your body to cradle your face. “I was afraid. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean for this. I didn’t mean to hurt you,”
You looked down. “You scared me, you asshole. I thought you didn’t want to be with me anymore.”
He frowned, tapping softly on your cheek to get your attention back onto him. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, I always want to be with you. We will figure this out, I promise you that. I.. I’m just not good with talking about things with people, y’know…”
A soft smile spread over your face. “Yeah, I know. Just.. talk to me next time, okay? I hate when we don’t talk.” You said, walking into his arms.
He sighed happily at the contact, nuzzling his face his your hair to inhale your scent. “I will, my love.” He sighed, pulling back and licking his lips. “That song, though, it was beautiful. What is it called?”
You continued to smile. “You didn’t figure it out? It’s called ‘The World We Knew’ and, before you even ask, yes, it’s about you.”
His smiled slowly faded. “I made you feel that way?”
You swallowed, your smile gone as well. “Coryo.. these past two weeks, I thought it was over between us. When I wrote that, I was trying to come to terms with it.”
“Well, now you know that we’ll forever be in that world we apparently knew.” He joked, making you giggle.
He leaned forward to place a loving kiss on your lips, causing you to moan against his lips. He pulled back at the noise, looking at you with a smirk. “I have just the idea to make it up to you,”
You laughed when you saw that glint in his eye, kissing him again. “Show me what you got, big boy.” 
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glittercake · 17 days
For Samtember Day 3: 'Costume' @samsseptember
“How long’s this going to take? Let me speak to Ayo.”
On his end of the line, Sam snorts, then does a quick scan of the workshop to see which Wakandan saw him smiling at his boyfriend this time. Okoye had already drawn an incredibly immature picture of Sam and Bucky and pinned it to the notice board in the palace foyer.
“Ayo doesn’t want to speak to you,” Sam says. He rotates his arm along with the hologram. It beeps a few times and records his biceps measurement, then moves to his chest. “Besides, it’s nice here. I ain’t in a rush.”
Bucky groans. Sam laughs again. “Yeah, you’re not. I’m dying over here.”
“Because you gotta work with Torres? Grow up, Buck.”
“He’s alright. No, I’m—”
“Before you say that, remember you’re calling on Wakandan tech, and if Aneka calls me Captain Lovey Pants one more time, I’m breaking up with you.”
This time, instead of complaining, Bucky cackles. It goes on for a few seconds. And yeah, Sam’s smiling again, all to himself.
“Stop,” he says fondly, listens to Bucky laughing on the other end. So maybe he lied. Maybe he could rush a little to get home. Maybe he misses this idiot just a little. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if they tossed this new suit through a speed cycle and threw him on a jet back home tonight.
“If you laugh, Captain, your chest expands and corrupts the reading,” Lerato tells him when she restarts the measurement. Again.
“Yes, ma’am. Sorry ma’am.” Sam holds still, bites back a laugh. “You’re getting me in trouble, man. I gotta go.”
“Yeah, alright. Gotta get started on my dinner for one, anyway.”
“You’ll be fine, baby. I’ll send an update later.”
“Later, sweetheart.”
“Cheers, Buck.”
“Finally. My ears can not stand another second of that.” Ayo has come to check on the suit’s progress and gives Sam a sideways look.
Sam sighs. “Of course you heard.”
“It’s custom here to give the new leaders as much grief as possible—this is looking good. Any requests? James sent a list, but it went missing. Strange, hm?” A smirk plays around her mouth.
Sam smiles. Bucky is still very much banned from Wakanda despite his letter of apology. “Yeah, if it’s anything like his shopping lists, that’s a good thing. Uh. Just one request, really.”
Ayo fiddles with the inputs and projections and slides a few specs around. “I can not turn Redwing into an actual bird, Samuel. We talked about this.”
“That’s what you claim, yeah, and I’m gonna keep asking, but no, not that.”
She gives him a suspicious look. Probably because whatever is upgradable on this suit has been upgraded, it even has an unimaginable amount of secret pockets and he won’t admit it out loud but he’s using those for lube and condoms and gum and there is nothing the Kingdom of Wakanda can do about it.
“Alright, the suit’s a little loose in the back. That’s all.”
“In the back? Samuweli, uthetha ngantoni?”
“You know. Part of this gig is the image. I gotta look good.” He motions vaguely to his ass. “This just needs to be a little… tighter.”
Ayo stares at him, then blinks. “That old man has got you good, doesn’t he?”
“Hey, I see how you look at Aneka. Yesterday she mentioned peaches and what did you do last night—” Ayo groans, rolls her eyes. “—no, tell me what you did last night!”
Her mouth twitches, but she schools her expression, points at him. “Wena. You are on thin ice.”
“You baked her a whole peach pie, that’s what. You feel me?”
“She likes pie,” Ayo says with a soft little sparkle behind her eyes, regarding Sam for a moment before returning to the monitors. “Fine. Tighter in the back.” She fiddles with two of the measurements on the suit hologram, then presses Enter.
Sam gives her his best grin when the machine circles down to his hips. “Thanks. I owe you.”
Ayo gathers her spear and clipboard. “We are hosting a few Ghanaian warriors tomorrow night. They would love to meet you. Wear the new suit.”
“I’ll be there.”
“I guess ‘Captain Lovey Pants’ has a whole new meaning now, eh?” Sam groans, and Ayo throws her head back and laughs and then some on her way out of the workshop.
The scanner zips into motion, and within seconds, the material tightens around his glutes, squeezing.
“Uh, Lerato! Ayo? Not this tight!”
“Hm,” Lerato says, titling her head and peeking around at Sam’s behind, smiles then shrugs. “I don’t see the problem, Captain. Didn’t you say it’s all about the image?”
“Ugh, I did.” Sam regrets everything. These folks are relentless.
“Well,” Lerato says, a sneaky, mischievous look in her eyes. “This is quite the image.”
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sehtoast · 2 months
No Time Like the Present [For a Present] - (parentified!OC, Ryan Butcher)
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mild s4e7 spoilers, ben gives ryan a present, ben being the cool parent, ben x homelander, spidersona oc | Fic Directory
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It’s a soft, breathy laugh that gives him away.
Ryan whirls around, picture frame held tight to his chest.  He’s like a child protecting a toy he knows he shouldn’t have.
“Relax, buddy.”  Ben says with a sympathetic smile.  “I ain’t gonna take it from you.”
“I don’t–”
“And I’m not gonna tell your dad either.  I’m not the Grinch, y’know.”
It’s a Christmas miracle in and of itself to see the boy’s eyes light up and a joyful grin settle into place.  A real smile, not the ones he fakes for cameras these days.
Ben reaches out and ruffles Ryan’s hair.  “He’s out anyway.  Lemme see ‘em?”  
Ryan tilts the frame his way and he takes in the full sight.  Butcher, before becoming, well… Butcher, and Becca.  His heart tugs at the sight of her, remembering the times they’d spoken.  Back when he would help Ryan with his physics homework at the kitchen table while Homelander pouted over getting less of the boy’s attention.  Ben always felt so terrible for how on edge Becca was around Homelander, but somehow she never seemed to hold it against the bug for being involved with him. Kind, caring, genuine…  
Just like her son.
“You’re a good kid, y’know that?”  Ben murmurs.  His eyes sting and he looks up to find Ryan’s lined with tears as well.
For as much as the world has tried to rip it out of his chest, Ryan’s heart was practically made of sunshine.  Ben’s already sworn up and down to whatever cosmic forces may be that he’ll preserve that light in the dark as best he can.
He sniffles and swats at his own fallen tears.  “Man, Christmas is somethin’ else.  I got one for you too.”  He scans the mountain of gift boxes and fan packages, shooting a web at one in particular wrapped as if someone gave tape and paper to a jackass who’d never wrapped a present a day in his life.  “Sorry about the outside.  The day I figure out wrapping paper is probably the day the planet explodes.”  He gestures for Ryan to sit, then hands it off.
As soon as he lifts the flaps on the box, Ryan goes silent.
Benjamin just waits while he processes it.  It was no easy feat, and finding someone talented enough to both sculpt and paint it perfectly without anything more than a few satellite images and classified Vought records had been… well.  The look on his face is all the bug needs to know it was worth it.
Ryan lifts it out and sets it on his lap, fingers running over the edge of the roof.  He seems almost baffled at the intricacy of detail, right down to the mailbox at the edge of the lawn.  “S’my old house…”  He murmurs, thumbing gently over the front door step.  “I almost forgot what it looked like.”
“Mm, well we can’t have you doing that.”  The bug’s voice cracks with emotion.  “I just– I figured you still do your legos and you could, y’know…”
By the time Ben’s gaze rises, Ryan’s already thrown himself into a hug, squeezing so tight the bug practically can’t breathe.  Except he can, because he’s learned how to weather those embraces.  It’s the same way Homelander hugs him when it’s all too much or when he needs a rock to cling to lest he become a castaway in his own sea of miseries.
“Sorry,” the boy mumbles as he pulls back.  The shame on his face is the worst part.  Watching him apologize every time he forgets his strength, becoming stronger with every passing day while the world remains unchanged, has been nothing short of heart wrenching.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Get back in here.” With a huffed laugh and a roll of his eyes, Ben pulls Ryan in for another hug.  “You didn’t, and I know you never would.”  
They spent some time chatting after Ryan hides the photo in his room.  The clickety clack of VS5 controllers fill the air while they duel in Tournament of Heroes, and Ben groans as he loses for a fifth time.  Things like this used to be his forte as a kid, but he’s probably in for another loss anyway. 
But that was fine.  Homelander would be back soon and the three of them could spend Christmas Eve together as a family.  Even though that family is small and just a liiiittle bit messy, it’s still good.
“That makes six!”  The boy hoots, rising to his feet with a beaming grin and excitement in his eyes.  “I don’t think you’re cut out to play as dad’s character.”  He teases.
Nevertheless, Ben picks him again.
Yeah.  Still good.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
I was thinking in the next part of teenagers after the reader tells Miguel that she got hold of her superspeed and Miguel and hobie help her travel through time?
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟐𝟎
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Miguel O’Hara and Hobie Brown working together, who would’ve thought?
“Okay, so I don’t know exactly how people do this shit, but I guess we’re gonna figure it out?” Miguel said.
“I guess so. How does one travel in time? Maybe I should like search it up or something.”
“I dunno, from every movie I’ve seen all they gotta do is focus.” Hobie shrugged, leaning back on the concrete wall of the alley.
“This would be so much easier if I knew someone who could travel through time or something.”
“I would say Dr. weird guy but… don’t know where he’s at, and he seems annoying, so no.”
“But there’s gotta be like… multiple variations of him, no?”
“It’s possible.. I guess. But I would know where to find them.”
“Lyla, search the database for a dr. Strange on our world.” You said, and she quickly appeared next to Miguel.
Miguel rolled his eyes. “I coulda thought of that.”
“Got it. Strange 2099, she’s currently housed in-“
That’s how you guys were now in Jeannie’s house, Miguel ranting on about how he knew she existed but didn’t wanna come here.
“O’Hara.” A voice said from the stairs, he winced and sighed heavily.
“See you’ve brought some people.”
“Damn.” You said out loud.
“What?” Miguel said, annoyed already.
“You’re very.. tall.” She was probably about 6 feet.
She chuckled and floated down, and looked at Hobie who was just eating.
Then you and Miguel and looked him, he looked up and furrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” He said, mouthful of food.
“Hobart Brown, close your mouth when you eat.”
“Sorry.” He said, and waved for them to continue what they were talking about.
“Anyways, you. I see that you hold great power, beyond the ones you already know.” She came up to you, and grabbed your jaw.
“But your being held back. Another strong magic is blocking you from doing such things. And that’s why you came to me.”
You nodded, jaw still in her hands. Hobie looked in confusion and watched carefully, he didn’t have a very good feeling about this lady.
She let go of your jaw, and stepped back a bit.
“You got your speed powers back, but that is it.”
You nodded again. “Yes ma’am. I was hoping that you could help me.. you know?”
"I can..”
“Sure. It’s not a big deal. And you possess a great potential.”
You smiled at her and then Hobie just nodded along.
“Right, well, uh, this ain’t gonna be like an ‘I own you now’ type thing, no? Cause I’ve had my fair share of those and-“
Miguel gave him a glare for him to shut up.
“Jus’ saying it only worked out for ariel in the end, but that’s cause she’s a mermaid, and she’s fictional-“
“You’re nervous. Why?” She asked.
You turned to him now and he sighed.
“Cause, I jus’ don’t want anything bad to happen.”
“I can protect myself, Hobie.”
“I trust you. I know. It’s you I don’t trust.” He looked at Jeannie.
“Promise, nothing’ll happen to her as long as she’s under my wing.”
“Swear?” Miguel said now.
“Swear. It’s cute how your both so concerned though.” She laughed, and looked back at you.
“Whatever. Thanks Jeannie, we’ll see you.. when?” Miguel asked, and put his hand on your back when you turned around.
“Tomorrow night.”
Miguel nodded. You waved bye to her with a smile and Hobie just followed behind you both.
“So, we going home?” You asked.
“Yeah. Come on.” Miguel mumbled, and looked at you both in the back of the seats.
He hoped nothing would change, but he understood what you wanted to do, and respected it.
When he got to the apartment, you all got out and went inside.
“Movie night?” You said, you and Hobie sitting on the couch. You held up the remote. Miguel was cleaning up in the kitchen.
He looked back, and he dried his hands.
“Sure." He mumbled, and smiled slightly as you laughed loudly when Hobie started to tickle you, throwing the popcorn bowl above your head.
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2 @alastorhazbin @imthatone-annoyingfriend @pascaliscult @sh-tposter2021 @f1shb0nez @mammonispunk
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themeganator5000 · 2 years
🤡🎢🎶🧠 (and good luck with homework 😩)
Alright, this one got a lil long so buckle in (also thank u king!! 🥹)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
MAN, that’s a toughie. What’ve I written that HASN’T made me laugh?? Uuuhhhhh obviously all of Truth or Don’t You Dare, that’s probably my favorite fic ever ngl. Okay, I’m bad at decisions so we’re just gonna do a lil Best Of list rn let’s goooo
Pretty much all of this scene from One Night in Portorosso just cause I can see it so clearly:
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And damn, Without You is really funny too. Underrated classic 👌
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Oh my god, how could I forget Pornos and Protostars??? This whole damn fic is a gold mine 🤩
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(P.S. i like to think that Guido is Portorosso’s local gay porn dealer and Alberto bought all his magazines from him in private. i do not know where Guido gets them. maybe Ercole.)
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Luca HAS to some kinda weird space kink, right?? Like,, just fuckin lookit him
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And Alberto making suggestive drawings of his then-best-friend at age sixteen is just 😘👌
Uugghgjkdhfkfhgk i know there’s more but this post is already so damn long i gotta stop. But trust me my dude, i write da funny shit, it’s what i do 😜
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oohohohiohh definitely Truth or Don’t You Dare 😏
I won’t spoil anything for the select few who see this post and haven’t read it yet, but here’s a quick summary:
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🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Okay, so I more or less answered this like a year ago here, but obvi I’ve had some more thoughts since then. And, y’all are gonna hate me for this, but I do have a favorite.
I think Luca and Giulia should hook up in college.
Not as a long-term thing, more like a one-night stand (but possibly without any actual sex, i still like my asexual Giulia headcanon). I see them going to the same college together, Luca studying astronomy and Giulia studying marine biology, and they’re roommates cause it’s cheaper and they practically grew up together anyway. Luca’s already securely with Alberto at this point and Giulia thinks she’s a lesbian, so it’s all whatever. Everyone’s all happy, Luca loves Alberto, Giulia loves both the boys as her best friends/family, Alberto is no longer jealous of Giulia, yadda yadda yadda.
But like. What if they fucked it up.
What if they kissed. 😳
Idk I just think it’s a fun and interesting scenario cause like, Luca is missing Alberto and he’s all sad that Alberto’s not there, but like. Giulia is. 👀
fhdjjwhfk idk there’s kinda a lot to explain which is why I don’t talk about it much but I’ve already written one fic about it (which is kinda underrated in my opinion). And I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I just think their bond is so strong it’s almost hard not to imagine them in a semi-polyamorous relationship (i ain’t doin incest tho srry). I’m also working on another Giulia/Luca/Alberto fic where essentially everybody just goes to town on Luca and it’s great, but I have no idea how to wrap it up so no promises that’ll be out anytime soon :P
Thanks for letting talk at’cha! 😋
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m1y4-c0m · 1 year
A Not so Stereotypical Romance
Husks pov
Ugh it’s so bright down here,I don’t get why mimzy wants to keep the lights the brightest around the damn bar.I mean I could practically bartend in my sleep so I didn’t need them besides it gets annoying as hell.”Hey! Bartender get me a scotch will you?”Jesus Christmas not this idiot again.”alright!”seriously assholes that can’t hold their liquor should not be aloud over here. I guess I should just make the damn drink already ‘the quicker ya get done the sooner he’ll leave ya alone d’
3rd person pov
Dimitri worked quickly and silently making the man’s drink.he slid the glass over to the man before turning to the sink and grabbing a glass to start cleaning with a damp rag.He sighed,finding the background chatter of the speakeasy to be obnoxious.He set down the glass and left the bar,he walked over to a table near the stage where a blonde haired woman sat.”hey rosie imma go on break alright?” Rosie sends a nod in his direction far to entranced by the little woman on the stage to give husk her full attention.”I’ll tell mimzy that your on break when she’s done with her performance.oh and do be back soon a friend of ours is coming to visit and mimzy wants him to meet you.” “sure whatever…”he calls back as he walks towards the stairs.
Walking outside into the cool fall air,he lets out a sigh of contentment at the silence he was greeted with.walking into a nearby alley way he leans against the cool brick of the building above the speakeasy in attempt to quell his raging headache. Searching his pockets for a cigar
Husks pov
This isn’t working, I need a smoke or something…Ofcourse I don’t have any when I actually need one! Great. Now Wh-“here! You look like you could use one”well yea I did buddy thanks for stating the obvi…damn.(he’s cute)he sure is nice to look at,dark brown hair(it looks sorta maroonish actually)and pretty brown eyes hidden behind a pair of round cheaters.don’t think I’ve ever seen im’ around before-“are you alright sir?”was I staring? Shit I think I was.”sorry kid it’s just not every day that someone wants ta talk for something other than a drink ya know?”he laughs(its a nice sound honestly)”believe me I know what it’s like”he smiles softly as he pushes his hair outta his face”this is actually the first time today that I’ve had non-female company”dammit he’s probably straight(or not?)”What for kid?” We probably aren’t all that older than he is you know?”oh just fans”he waves his-very well manicured-hand in dismissal. fans?what for(he’s cute that’s why)hey he sound familiar now that I think about it but who?eh,geuss it ain’t important anyway” I gotta go breaks over wish I coulda accepted the smoke though.” I went to leave but he stopped me”here, you can keep it im guessing you need it more than I do”huh(cute and considerate) I left after that, My breaks only so long.though that was probably the best work break I’ve ever had(sure rosie is definitely gonna beat my ass over my tardiness but it was good.)
Alastor’s pov
I watched as the tall man walked into mimzy’s speakeasy,he was nice company! I wonder what his na-(wait….we never caught his name did we? dammit!)oh well I guess I will soon.(he was nice to look at)No he wasn’t! He was unkept and he had messy black hair and deep green eyes that might have been slightly pleasing(very pleasing!)and sure he was tall but not all that taller than me so it’s not totally impressive!(sure it’s not Al)and sure maybe his messy black hair had a nice silver like sheen to it in the moonlight but that’s not important or anything(love at first sight much?)No! That’s not it.(he fills out his uniform nicely it’s sorta hot.)I-well yea okay I suppose he does a little bit.(yes!)not that it matters(bu-)Alright! Let’s get going or else rosie’ll have my head
3rd person pov
Alastor smiled to himself as he righted his bow tie and walked down the stairs to the speakeasy.as he did he was met with the sound of jazz and background chatter of the other party goers.”Hey! Al over here!”a short blonde woman in a pink flapper dress called out happily.He smiled and waved at her as he walked over”mimzy dear its wonderful to see you again!”mimzy smiled back almost managing to match his”sure is!’specially with how busy we’ve both been as of late.” Alastor nods in agreement as he turned to address the flappers beau “good evening today rosie dear?” he say as he tipped his imaginary cap earning a giggle from both girls”it is Alastor thank you for asking dear”the three friends started up the small talk and had kept going until Al caught a glance at the bartender.”say um mimzy darling,who’s that?”he mumbles trying to stay discreet as possible while pointing at him”who? Oh! Right that’s dimitri he’s our new bartender!”mimzy answered excitedly happy about their newest hire”he’s really mellow and he knows his way around the bar very well!” Rosie nods” I agree, he’s already gotten my order down perfectly”she points out.Al nods as the girls speak but he’s to busy watching the bartender to pay attention to his friends.
Alastor’s pov
Dimitri?(that’s his name!)oh,it’s a nice fit(dimitri..it’s nice to say)yea I suppose it is right?(the girls are staring say something!)oh! Right um”are you alright Al?”shit.”yep! I’m fine dear why do I look okay?”(ah yes worry about your appearance you won’t seem vain at all)shut up.”yes but you’re face is a little red are you sure you’re alright dear?”great now they’re both concerned.”I can assure you rosie darling I’m fine.”great now mimzy had that stupid look on her face(that ‘I know what your thinking’ look?)yep that’s the one.(you are so queer it’s sad)you’re are to(the body and the mind are not one)whatever
3rd person
The girls exchange looks and secretive smirks,mimzy turns to look at Al who refused to meet her gaze”hey d! Come over here will ya?”she yells out to the bar.Al’s eyes widen as he turns to look at the two women as dimitri walked over.”oh hey your the kid who gave me the cig thanks”dimitri nods at him in thanks as the cigar in question hung loosely from his mouth.
Husk’s pov
(Oh look the cute guys back)mhm didn’t think I’d catch him here though.(well?)well what?(introduce yourself to him idiot!)alright alright.”hey,I’m dimitri but everyone calls me husk.”(husk?who calls you that?) Well no one but he will now,(your stupid)whatever.”Alastor Dubois nice to meet you Husker!”(husker?) I dunno but it’s cute(yea right)shut up asshole(anyway,Alastor’s a cute name!)doesnt it mean revenge?
(i think so,he seems nice tho)true”dimitri dear can you go make us a few drinks please?” Huh?(Rosie’s asking you to do your job stupid)oh right”sure,uh is there anything specific that you like or don’t like Alastor?”(he smiles a lot)”I’m fine with anything really and please call me Al Husker”(the way he says that will be the death of us I’m sure)you said it(we should get him whiskey!)what why?that shits bitter as hell are we trying to drive him away?(no dummy I just wanna see if he can hold his liquor.)oh yea I guess it would be fun to test that.
3rd person pov
Dimitri walks off to the bar waving to one of his coworkers as he did.Making his way over to the ice box he digs around in it looking for the whiskey and gin,once he finds the liquors he needed he started to make mimzy’s gin rickey and Rosie’s French 75.He finishes both drinks with skill and a bit of flair having acquired a small audience without realizing.he sets the girls drink’s on a tray before grabbing two of the nicest looking glasses he could find and set them down next to the whiskey,he then waved goodbye to his fellow barkeepers as he walked back to the table his boss and her friends were at.As he walked he noticed that there were a lot of women staring at Alastor who didn’t seem to notice.He was to busy going back and forth with Rosie.Dimitri decided to shrug it off as it didn’t concern him.
Alastor’s pov
“Mimzy dear I just don’t understand why you’re so attached to that man””well why wouldn’t I be”(is she serious?)of course not”well maybe because you l’ai poignardé?”(she stabbed him to death how does she keep forgetting)no idea,you’d think she would remember something like that.”yea okay well-“just as I thought she’s speechless.(oh look husker’s back!)
he is, I wonder how he made the drinks so quick?(who cares they look so good!)they could easily be 70% arsenic(you’d like that wouldn’t you though?)…that’s unimportant.”here y’a go ladies”(Woah!)their drinks look delicious.(I can see why mimzy hired him!)so can I…”Here ya go kid”what’s this?”thank you Husker”(an empty glass?)Oh! Wait he’s filling it now.
3rd Person pov
Husk started to pour the whiskey in the two glasses after handing Alastor his,he glanced at Al while he poured and smirked as Al turned his gaze to the floor.”say dimitri how old are you?”Mimzy inquired “24”husk responded sounding far more interested in his alcohol than he was the conversation.”isn’t that swell! Just so happens that Al’s 22!”she said happily as alastor rolled his eyes looking out towards the stage watching the flappers dance.husk just nodded,not sure how else to respond to information he didn’t ask for. Alastor hummed softly to himself as he took sips finding himself stealing glances at husk.once the girls finished dancing and the stage was vacant Al checked his watch.”oh dear it’s 12:20 already?”he mumbled to himself only for mimzy to overhear”really? Ally don’t go yet”she whined.Al gave her an apologetic smile before turning to husk”I apologize for having to cut our time together short and do hope to see you again Husker.”Alastor explained he then waved rosie goodbye and walked out.he hummed to himself as he walked feeling giddier than usual,he wasn’t sure why but decided to blame it on the whiskey he drank earlier.he had been having so much fun that he hadn’t noticed what time it was.Soon he stopped in front of a small townhouse.Pulling a key from his pocket he opened the door and walked inside.
Alastor’s Pov
I like being home,I mean I like being out in the streets as well but it’s nice to be home.(look there’s Devil!)”hey devil!”(you know that’s a weird name for a cat right?)I know but it fits her(remember when we thought she was a boy?)yes I remember,she hated us for it.(that was a fun month and a half)It was,It certainly was…(what’s wrong?)Nothing!(your doing that thing again)
What thing are you talking about?(you know what I’m talking about,that thing you do where you repeat the same thing twice while staring off into space like an idiot)an idiot? I haven’t the faintest idea as to what your on about.(Ofcourse you don’t….hey is it about that Husker boy?)Wh- of course not.why would it be?(because no one else makes you feel this way.and I would know that)and why’s that?(I’m your conscious,you forget?)…okay I guess that makes sense but that doesn’t mean that this has anything to do with Husker.(you just smiled)so what? I’m always smiling it’s my brand.(no. Not like one of those sickingly sweet fake ones, that one was the most genuine one you’ve made in a really long time)I am choosing to ignore you now. I have work to do and I can’t let you distract me with ‘morals’ or what ever you call them.(your a terrible person.)I know but thank you for the reminder!
Husks Pov
“Well wasn’t he sweet?”mimzy asked,well I dunno its not like he stayed long enough to tell.(he was so polite)yes but sweetness and politeness are different things.(I guess so)”well?”(you should answer her)”He was alright I guess.”(ah yes sound uninterested in him and then think all about him!)that’s not what I’m doing at all.(sure.)”alright?”rosie inquired what does she mean?(she’s asking why you sound so uninterested dummy)about what(Alastor obviously,I mean just about everyone else can tell)Al too?(well everyone except him but-)
but nothing as long as he can’t tell I could care less who knows.(Rosie’s waiting for her answer lover boy)”Yea,well I ain’t really met him yet y’know? We was just gettin’ through the formalities and all that jazz”(‘all that jazz’ is definitely a new phrase for you)oh just shut up”oh well Ofcourse that makes sense! And I’m sure you would love alastor in his natural habitat anyway,much more relaxed.We’ll drop by tomorrow!”mimzy squealed(go where?)go why?(oh don’t be that way,I would love to see Al relaxed and I know you would too)yea whatever
3rd pov
The three adults at the table soon finish their drinks.mimzy stood from her chair and announced”I’m off to the stage for my closing performance wish me luck!” Before walking off to her dressing room.husk put all the glasses on the tray and walked back to the bar to finish his shift,slipping in past his coworkers to finish his job.rosie had turned her attention back to the stage now interested in it again.Mimzy soon walked out to the stage and started her preformance.Soon it was 2:00am and with one glance at the clock he grabbed his coat and said his goodbyes.he left the speakeasy and headed towards the trolley.he knew that there was one that came late at night as it was the one he usually rode.he’d make to the stop just in time like he normally did,step in and pay the fair and find his normal seat near the window in the 4th row.
The end
(I might continue this!)
0 notes
twinstarlovers · 2 years
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Oh I ain’t worried about the how or when 😭 I just hope it ain’t soon. I hope the universe don’t do that shit in my 20’s.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a brand new soul. My old sister has a new soul I believe. I think new souls has a purity to them that basically you can build them from scratch. It’s a sad sight to see actually.
But anyways this is why I think about different possible scenarios & how I’d/we’d handle it cus as they said their upbringing is crucial like it really is. I’m trying to prevent them from being abused & stuff like when I say I don’t want them going to school & stuff but I understand I can’t prevent them pain or anything bad happening like to the point where I’m over protective & stuff. Honestly… no electronics at a young age NEVER. It’s common sense. They can have a phone or whatever when they need it as in like when I need to know if they are safe. I don’t wanna put too much restrictions on electronics tho like not letting them watch tv at all because this is the generation they/we live in so you gotta balance it out.
I’m already vegetarian so we don’t have to worry much about the food part. Ugh… they’d probably be empaths like us. I feel like parenting will come natural to us but I think I’m a lot of paranoid & cautious because I don’t want to fuck up AT ALL but Ik I’m going to like everyone else somehow but I won’t literally fuck up like everyone else.
Even the choice of words you use, they will absorb them. I feel like I’d forget some things so like I be trying to study now so I don’t forget. Like choice of words, giving them options with different things, stuff like that. I feel like in the moment I’d forget. Choice of words will be a bit difficult because an example would be if I use the world “will” instead of “can”. I won’t because that’s common sense but like that’s just an example. I’ll be thinking it’s so small & irrelevant to even remember in the moment.
😒 my sober ass for 9 months. Already not liking them already. IM KIDDING. You gonna make me feel high so I suppose it doesn’t matter. We gonna travel w Goresi & Mamosi. We gotta figure out when I’m pregnant where we truly wanna live tho because children need a stable home. Italy? Lol Italy is very peaceful & beautiful. They gonna meditate at a young age as well. I think I would want them to be w my family too much or I will tell my family to not force my babies to anything. Don’t tell them god is up in the sky or make them pray w you & shit because oh they will.
I wouldn’t be afraid either that our kids hiding things from us because we are intuitive & they are brand new souls & would be terrible at lying anyways 💀. I have a cousin tho who already lies to her parents at a young age because she’s afraid of her dads reaction like she hides her papers w bad grades & stuff & her dad tells her crying is weak & it makes me so sad like I don’t want that for our kids at all. I took matters into my own hands to talk to my aunt about this cus my cousin told me like it was nothing & I was like I-. I hope she listened to my advice tho tbh. But anyways we should adopt some kids. I’m finna look ugly pregnant 😭. My face is gonna get swollen LIKE NOOOOOOOOOO. I honestly don’t wanna give birth whatsoever. I want to experience pregnancy & stuff but not birth. I’m more afraid of afterwards tho like if I tear & it hurts to use the bathroom & shit cus my ass finna start crying fr. It’s like having a cut & putting alcohol on it. I CANT. I can literally feel the pain. Then the emotions. Then my body being weird. Breast feeding! Bro. I can’t. If anything I prefer to have a c section. I rather have a scar on my stomach than having to experience the whole pus pain. I have extremely low pain tolerance as well so I can literally die from pain but would the universe even do that?
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This >>>>>>
But awwwww we gonna have a lil baby Lamo 🥹🧸💗🍼🤱🏻💕👨🏻‍🍼.
I have a feeling we are gonna have a boy because I think it will benefit us both in some way. I think we both have issues w men so it’s like a boy makes more sense for the universe to send us & it pisses me off cus I don’t want a boy 🙄. They can pick out their own clothes, wear dresses if they want, play w Barbie’s cus tf. I wouldn’t instantly pick out toy cars & stuff tbh. I would get toy cars AND Barbie’s. Oh right I read once that it’s good to buy babies fake babies. It teaches them to take care of a human & stuff & to be more gentle w them so I think it will for sure be good to get them fake babies.
I ain’t bilingual but I think you are so YOU teach them 😭. We are gonna be great parents IDCCCCCC. I feel like we would connect w them a lot more tho since we are in touch w our inner child which is great. I feel like we are gonna be a lil sensitive family lmfao. Baby parents w a baby 👨‍👩‍👦💗🍼
I said soooooo much. Sorry sorry. Bye bye Mamo 👋🏼🥺. Quack quack 🐥😘💗. Love you forever 💓💗💞🫂
0 notes
fisherrprince · 2 years
If I had to make the ninja confront their greatest fear again, except I guess more technological because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ moving on
some. Fear room scenario. This isn’t an episode there doesn’t have to be a reason Face your greatest fear, triumph, get through. Fail and be locked inside forever. No one is taking their chances on that one, not after ten seasons since yangs temple. Also what did he know anyways. 
there’s only four slots, so obviously they didn’t count on a party of six. But it also won’t open the next puzzle of the dungeon without every room getting filled. Zane and Lloyd sit this one out, knowing that their greatest fears are. Pretty scary actually. And dangerous/destructive. Obviously it’s the whole ice emperor for 40 years thing and something with his dad. Nya ain’t scared of No thing, not since her worst fear already HAPPENED according to a weird mirror. Kai is also scared of NO THING or at least willing to make sure Lloyd and Zane don’t have to do it. Jay has a lot of fears to choose from, he’d like to see it try to pick a “greatest”. And Cole’s pretty sure what he thought were the scariest things have already happened to him once, so he can take whatever fake scenario it throws at him. 
Zane and Lloyd lay out their plan to get through the vents and hack the doors open. The other four step in. 
Cole’s right — his greatest fear is being alone again, being forgotten, forgetting to be human, letting his friends down, his friends not caring. Baby mode stuff, he’s already had these nightmares and also already talked it through with more than one person, like a healthy individual. He tries to meditate through it. He just has to last until Zane and Lloyd figure out how to shut it off and rescue him. Just gotta… figure out if any of his friends’ voices are real. He falls for it a few times, gradually getting more and more paranoid that he’s in a cry wolf situation. He can hold out, though. Just… when they are real, he’ll know, and they won’t leave him. Probably. 
Jay’s very confident going in. What’s this thing gonna show him, fear itself? An 8th grader? Spiders? actually that one’s pretty freaky  nya breaking up with him? Nice try since she already did that once also she said she liked his hair this MORNING. heh. Turns out he was thinking a little too metaphorical, and Nadakhan’s voice is in his ear, and his back slams against the wall so fast he knocks the air out of his lungs and he can’t get it back in. It’s super not real, but it looks real, and it feels real, and it smells real and there’s wind in his hair and he aches and suddenly he’s not even in a room anymore. He didn’t even know he was scared he never left. Or it would happen again, or he forgot to wrap up a loophole, or any millions of other things yknow this really feels like a lot of fears squashed into one which is not fair but fair is the last thing on his mind. It tricks him into thinking it’s not an illusion. Jay’s body is slammed into survival mode.
Nya’s room thinks for a moment. And then starts filling with water. It’s not real water, even if it is very wet feeling, but like, she’s not even AFRAID of water. She is water! Or, was. But she’s always liked to swim anyways. Nya reaches down to bat at the illusory ocean and blinks, and when she opens her eyes the water level is four inches higher her feet hurt a little and she is not in the same spot she was before she blinked. That unnerves her. Badly. Is she losing time? What happened, what did she do for the last minute and a half while the water was slowly rising? Nya is terrified of losing control, but she’s also afraid of the blank spot of bliss and ignorance in her memory when she was just the sea, and not a person. She knew what she was doing then. Even though she keeps telling herself it’s totally not real, every skip brings the water higher and a jolt of panic at more and more and more lost time, the fear that her body is doing something she can’t know about in between. Nya doesn’t even think to be afraid of drowning.
Kai has to watch. 
Kai walks into the room and sees all three other rooms through a transparent, to him, wall, and waits for his doodad to click on and it never does, like it’s broken or something. And it just, continues to not turn on, even as he can see it working for everyone else. He can see Cole becoming frustrated with himself for getting his hopes up, his sister jerk back to awareness violently and flounder for help she isn’t getting, not even now that she wants it, Jay press himself into a corner with his fingers digging into his hair like he’s trying to disappear. He can see Lloyd and Zane, too, give each other a fist bump, hop into the vents, and get. Caught. And Kai can’t help. No one can hear him, no matter how hard he slams into the wall he can’t break it. He would break it if he could. Kai isn’t scared of losing his powers anymore. He’s scared of being powerless — of being perfectly fine, while his family takes hits he should be taking. They don’t deserve to get hurt while Kai twiddles his thumbs and gets out of playing. Not while he could help. 
Lloyd and Zane pop the doors open a minute later to Kai nearly melting holes through the walls, no reaction from Cole, a shaky sigh of relief from Nya (knew it wasn’t real now can someone get me a watch please.), and a violent flinch from Jay that nearly fries Zane’s processor. Everyone decides this room is too advanced, it needs to be destroyed, and three people try to get out of talking about it later before Cole threatens to ban Zane from the kitchen at his own expense
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triplexdoublex · 3 years
Daddy’s Girl
Pairing: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: anal play, ice cube insertion, mild daddy kink
A/N: inspired by the unleased song with Lana, a request for Colson filling both holes, a request for a reader who only looks sweet an innocent and some late night fun.
You may have looked like a sweet and innocent daddy’s girl but the truth was you were far from it. If you were as innocent as you looked you wouldn’t have gotten on the tour bus in the first place. It wasn’t your first rodeo; you knew the type of things that took place when a musician invited someone back to the tour bus, and you were more than willing to take part in whatever kinky craziness Machine Gun Kelly had in store for you. You’d seen all his interviews, heard talk of his wild fetishes; you’d let the man do absolutely anything he wanted to you and you weren’t afraid to let him know it. 
“Tell me what you want me to do to you?” He nipped over the fresh plum markings he just left on your neck. The two of you had never even made it to the bunks; instead landing on the couches up front with mouths clashing and clothes flying. It wasn’t long before you were both naked. 
“Anything you want to do to me, Daddy. I swear I’ll let you do whatever you want. Use me, I’m yours!” 
“Look, this’s gonna end bad for you, cuz I’m gonna go mad for you,” he let out a small laugh as he smirked. I know you wanna be bad for me but I don’t wanna move too fast for you,” he stated, assuming his kinks and desires far outweighed your limits based on your naïve looks. 
“There’s no such thing — I mean it, whatever you want, I’ve probably done it before anyways . I’m down for whatever.”
While the shock of what you just said sunk in, and Colson was still deciding what exactly he wanted to do with you and which one of your orifices he wanted to stuff with his cock, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. 
“Oh shit, this ice is fuckin dope!” He exclaimed, noticing and taking hold of one of the fancy round ice cubes that surrounded various bottles of liquor chilling in the tour bus bar. 
You could see his eyes illuminate with a filthy idea as he popped a small, cherry tomato sized, frozen orb into his mouth, holding it in place with his teeth so it extended out just past his lips. 
The glacial sphere began to slowly thaw the second he kissed it against the desire fueled warmth of your flesh— down your neck and over your collar bone— leaving a cool trickle in its wake. It slowly cascaded down your chest like a quaint waterfall, and plunged over the brink of your nipple.  
Colson dragged the frigid ball lower and lower down your body — over your navel to your eager heat — the cool slickness exciting your clit. 
“Uhh, Kells, Fuck!” You moaned , bucking your hips. You had expected him to keep teasing your clit with it but he opted to continue moving lower; past your entrance to the tight pink pucker between your ass cheeks. With his tongue he pushed the remainder of the ice out of his mouth and into your body. “Ohhh , fuck, fuck, fuck, cold,” you whined at the numbing chill inside you. “More! "You cried out at the intense, unique feeling.
“Damn, girl, you are a freak huh?” He chuckled at your needy outburst, grabbing another ball of ice and bringing it to your hole “How many, you think we can fit?” He asked, popping it in. “Well that makes two now” he smirked sinfully, before adding another “three!”
“Oh FUCK!!”  You gasped in ecstasy . You’d never felt anything quite like it; how it could numb you yet heighten the intensity of your pleasure at the same time. “Don’t Stop!” 
“Four… Five …Six…Seven” He could sense you getting fuller; each one inserted met with a little more resistance than the last. “Eight… Nine…Ten,” he counted out loud. You were coming completely undone — a babbling, dripping mess — completely lost in the euphoric frigid fullness of it all . “And one for good luck….opp, guess not,” he laughed as it popped back out. “Ten it is.” 
“Oh God, just fuck me pleaseee!” You begged, with a whine so needy, it almost sounded as if you were in pain.
“Shit, I guess you ain’t as innocent as you look—-my favorite,” he smirked, teasing his tip through your wet folds before pushing in, causing another cube to pop out of your ass. “Nine” he chuckled against your neck, licking and sucking at your flesh as he began to pivot his hips. “Ahhh, fuck this feels so sick!” He exclaimed enjoying the cold, ribbed, feeling the balls of ice bulging through your walls was proving; it added a whole new element of pleasure for both of you. 
With every chilled, in and out thrust against your G-spot, the thawing ice shifted inside of you creating the most intense waves of bliss; the force causing small gushes of melted water to be expelled from you, adding to the puddle of wetness that had already formed under you. 
When Colson added rubbing your clit into the mix, you couldn’t keep still or quiet ; every single one of your erogenous zones now engaged: his mouth on your neck, fingers on your clit, cock in pussy and ass filled with ice. You’re pretty sure your cries of “Kells!” and “Daddy!” could be heard for miles as you came hard and fast on his dick, with him finishing moments later. 
“Aye, why’s the bar only like half filled with ice? I don’t want warm tequila.” Rook complained later when all the boys were back on the bus. 
“You see that pretty little thing that was getting off the bus when you guys got on—,” Colson started nonchalantly. “— filled her ass with them.”
“Nah, for real? That daddy’s girl looking chick!?” Rook exclaimed. 
“Oh, she was a daddy’s girl, alright!” Colson smirked. “Let daddy do whatever he wanted.” 
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elmariachu · 3 years
How would each of The OBEY ME BROTHERS react to MC finding them the most attractive? (The brothers x Fem!MC)
<Summary> : OM Boys & Fem! MC Playing truth or dare, MC gets asked which brother she finds the most attractive as well as their collective responses/reactions based on the brother. [HC/dialogue..]
Part 2
MC : I'll go for Truth.
Asmo : So~ MC~ Who would you say is the most attractive one out of us???
MC : Oh.. Uhm... *Hesitates*
Asmo : It's me isn't it?~You can say it, don't be shy my dear *chirps merrily..*
Mammon : Pft, shut it, Asmo! Oi, Mc! yer obviously gonna pick me right? I was yer first ye know!
Levi : ..What kind of a question is that?.. *mumbles* I'm not even gonna be on that list..probably.
Satan : How is that related to the question at all, Mammon? If MC has even a bit of common sense, which she does, she would pick me. *Locks eyes* Right? MC.
Belphie : ..wakes up Huh..? What are you arguing about? mMmh..
Beel : Asmo asked MC who she thinks is the most attractive.
Belphie : Out of us? Huuh, I'm interested.
Beel : ...I am curious to know too.
MC : ...*avoids eye contact and tries to think*
Lucifer : What's wrong, MC? Cat bite your tongue? *chuckle* [Knows it's gonna be him and wants to hear her say it already]
Satan : MC, if you are worried about offending us, don't fret. You can be candid. [In his mind it's obviousy gonna be him, do you see the way she blushes at only the sight of his face at times?]
MC : Aaah. But.. it's... Erm. I have to pick only one? *nervous, feeling all eyes on her*
Asmo : Well, of course! My dear~ We all know who it's going to be so don't hold back.
Feeling their patience running thin
MC : But how would you even define ... attractiveness...? I uhm, I think you're all attractive. Objectively..
Mammon : Oi.. What are ye so nervous for? Just say my name MC!
Satan : You're overthinking it, MC. [Just say whatever name comes to your head. Which is gonna be him, of course.]
Levi : .. *mumbles* I want this to be over with, seriously! It's giving me so much anxiety...
Beel : *Stares at MC intently* Hmm..
Belphie : *Laying down on his pillow with one eye open, scanning MC's face* Say it already~
Lucifer : I agree with Satan, You're giving it too much thought MC. Base it on your preferences. Let's get this done with and move on.
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be...
Lucifer :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Lucifer!
*A few are not all that surprised, but most are pretty irritated*
*MC peeks at him with her head hanging, wanting to gauge his reaction despite her embarassment*
Lucifer :*eyes widen slightly, a pink tint forming on his cheeks, but he maintains his composure*
Lucifer : *chuckle* Well, naturally. [Smugness apparent in his expression, eyes closed, conceited smirk, crossed arms, the whole package]
Mammon : *stands up dramatically* WHAT? MC, are ya serious? Yer gonna pick *HIM*?
Lucifer : *shoots him a baleful glare which puts him back in his seat rather quickly*
Satan : MC, you must be blind. *Clearly annoyed*
MC: ...You said you wouldn't be upset. *apologetically looks at Satan*
Satan : You didn't have to go and choose the worst of us, though.
Lucifer : Satan.
Satan : Tch.
Asmo : I see how you can think that, but I'm really hurt you didn't pick me, MC!~ *fake cries*
Levi : *Wasn't even listening, already had his D.D.D. out and was gaming so as not to hear her answer*
Belphie : Ugh. How lame. *goes back to sleep*
Beel : Hm? *Looks down at him* Are you disappointed, Belphie?
Belphie : I'm annoyed she'd pick someone as narcissistic as Lucifer, that's just inflating his already gigantic ego.
Belphie : If anything she should've picked you, Beel.
Beel: ...Well. *poor boy thinks she should've picked belphie bc he's just so cute*
Mammon :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Mammon!
*Incredulous looks shooting from all around the room, their shock is almost palpable, especially Mammon's*
Mammon: *Was the first to snap out of his shock to speak* Wh-what?.. [she picked him? wow. I mean. He wanted her to, part of him believed she might, but she really did...?]
Mammon : W-well, of course! You would choose the *great* Mammon. That's a good human!
[he feigns confidence, is genuinely happy, still thinks she didn't totally mean it for some reason.]
Satan : I'm convinced that you have something wrong your eyesight, MC. *even more annoyed than the last scenario*
Asmo : PFFFT- This must be a joke, right? MC? Tell me you're joking dear. Picking Mammon when I'm here? [genuinely thinks she's pranking them]
Levi : *takes his earphones off in time to hear* Wait, did I hear that right? Did she say Mammon?
*receives glum nods from a couple brothers*
Mammon : H-hey! Stop laughing! You're all jealous aren't ya! Bet yer mad it ain't you!
Belphie : No, we're surprised more than anything.
Satan : MC, are you sure you weren't coerced into doing this?
Lucifer : *sigh* MC. I didn't realize you had such strange tastes. I'm disappointed.
Poor guy gets flamed.
Beel :*pretty surprised, expected her answer to be Asmo, Lucifer or Satan. Assumes she doesn't find him attractive and is kind of sad*
Levi :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Levi!
*Once again, everyone finds it a bit hard to believe, though they're kind of happy for him.*
*They're not sure how to react, & no word is uttered for a while*
Levi : Uh.. Yes? Do you need something MC? [why is she shouting out his name right before a big revelation like that? Did she want his help in delivering the answer?] *Is genuinely confused*
Levi : *upon receiving no response, puts his earphones back in*
Asmo : Heeeh? It's Levi? Really??
Mammon : Levi? You're gonna pick that anti-social shut-in over ME, *THE* Mammon ? REALLY?
Satan : Huh. I didn't expect that. [What a peculiar taste this human has.]
Levi : *Takes off his earphones again, upon hearing his name being mentioned too much*
Levi : You're being distracting, what do you normies want? *is annoyed*
Mammon : Oi Levi, you absolute idiot. She picked you.
Levi : Picked me for what? Why are you involving me in your normie plans.
Asmo : Ugh, seriously? He doesn't even realize it.
Asmo : MC sweetie! You can always take it back, I'm the better choice anyway~
Lucifer : I doubt he will ever even begin to believe it, this is futile. Let's move on.
Belphie : "Pshh. MC is probably the first person to find him attractive. How funny."
Beel : ... [Not much to say, he's just like "oh? I see". They do spend a lot of time together after all. Finds it endearing, he has someone who's attracted to him now.] MY PRECIOUS BABY
Levi : *takes him a good minute to realize what's actually going on, only after seeing MC's flushed face, her growing frustration at his responses, the remarks of his brothers all jumbled together that he starts to understand*
Levi : *All comes down on him at once, blood rushes to his head and he shortcircuits as MC stares at him*
Mammon : O-oi! Levi! Are you okay?
Boy is not okay.
Satan :
MC : OKAY! Fine. I'll .. I'll say it, based on my "preferences".. I guess it would be... Satan!
*Again, Satan was an expected response, not much surprise there, he was arguably the most held-together one of the bunch*
Satan : [Oh? He knew she'd choose him. Her prior reactions proved that much. But was still a bit taken aback, she singled him out, it pleased him.]
Satan : Is that so? I'm honored, MC. *shoots MC playful smirk, feigning surprise*
Mammon : Seriously? Satan? Booo! [thinks he's one of the lame options, he's so uptight, he reminds him of lucifer, then again thinks the only non-lame choice is himself.]
Lucifer : Hm. Satan? He's a reasonable enough choice. If I hadn't picked myself, I would have done the same.
Satan : [the hell did he just say?] *mumbles* ..Disgusting.
Satan : No one asked for your input, Lucifer.
Levi : That's a TMI bro. *isn't surprised by the answer either, typical basic normie answer, is secretly salty*
Lucifer : What does that mean? Leviathan? And Satan, care to repeat what you said? *cue sadistic smile*
Satan : TCH.
MC : ...
Belphie : Hm, Satan's not too bad of a choice. at least she didn't pick Lucifer. [as close to a compliment as you'll get from belphie, just take it]
Beel : ...I suppose. [Again, expected Satan to be the answer, is used to seeing people swoon for him effortlessly..]
Satan is the pretty boy apparently
Will drop Asmo, Beel, & Belphie next!
Part 2 !
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
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Do you want to play a game?
You do? Good.
You know how these games work if you’ve ever seen one of Clearwillow’s...but game rules are HERE since it’s slightly different! I hope this is fun for people...that was my goal! And I hope you catch the “Easter Eggs” in it. I’m curious how many people will find them all. 
I’ll post everything once it’s done on FFN and AO3, and you can catch what I’m doing for @clearwillow‘s game early on my Patreon HERE! (It might be more smut...It might be fluff. WHO KNOWS! It will be OLR related...and it will go up as soon as it’s finished!)
Special thanks to @underwater0phelia​ for kink help and @clearwillow​ for additional edits...and the IYFF BC for brainstorming! Art by @clearwillow​ for @eringobroke​ - used and edited with permission. 
And now without further ado... The first treat (aka, the “freebie”).
Starting Fires
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Inuyasha universe.
"Inuyasha, stop," Kagome giggled, trying to wriggle out of his hold as he pressed wet kisses up her neck. "I don't want to burn your bacon…"
"It's just bacon," he reasoned, his hands sliding up under her shirt. Or should he say his shirt? Fuck...there wasn't a better sight in the world than his best friend...his best girl...Kagome...Wearing his shirt in their kitchen in their house. Now that he had her again, he weren't never letting go of her. "I don't mind eating something else for breakfast."
"You will when your stomach is rumbling later," she blushed, grabbing his hands and pulling them down, his fingers grazing over the lace fabric of her panties. "Behave yourself and go grab a cup of coffee."
"I'd rather grab your—"
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She reprimanded, flipping the bacon in the pan. He placed a gentle nip to the side of her neck before moving away from her, a disappointed pout on his lips.
"Fine. But let it be known that I'm doing it under protest," he grumbled, moving to his cabinet to pull out a mug.
"Your protest has been duly noted, Sir," she teased, turning away from the stove to pick up her own cup of coffee. She brought it to her lips, sipping from it as she watched Inuyasha pour himself some. Their life together felt so surreal still. It felt strange to wake up in their house and cook them breakfast.
But it was a good kind of surreal.
The kind where she found herself pinching her arm to make sure it wasn't all some crazy dream. This was their life. And...she loved it.
"Mmm," he moaned, taking a sip from his cup. "As good as ever, Kags," he grinned toothily, and she risked entering his personal space to press another kiss to his lips.
"Glad you like it," she replied, running away from him again when he moved to squeeze her ass. She removed their bacon and eggs from the pan as a text message chimed on both of their phones, and Inuyasha raised a brow in curiosity. She watched him slide his thumb across the screen, before muttering out a low "Huh" as he read the text.
"What is it?" she asked, picking up their plates and placing them onto the island.
"See for yourself," he shrugged, placing the phone down next to her plate. "It's from Sango."
That already piqued her curiosity. Kagome picked up the phone, leaning over the countertop as she read it.
"Hey Guys!" She began aloud. "Miroku and I decided to throw a Halloween party this year. We know it's a bit last minute, but we were hoping you guys could come since you aren't heading back out to California like you thought. Let us know if you can make it! Trying to plan in terms of food. Love you!"
"Love you too," he grinned, and she couldn't stop the shy smile even if she wanted to. She didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing that again from him. The words were like a balm to her soul.
"What do you think?" Kagome asked, handing him his phone back as he began digging his fork into his eggs.
"Up to you," he shrugged. He really didn't care either way. He was just glad he didn't have to go out to California with her. Though, to tell the truth, he wouldn't have minded. They could have had a night in...just the two of them...And he was always a fan of nights in with her. But..."We can go. I know you wanna…"
It was true too. He had seen the way her eyes lit up when she was reading that message. The way she was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Kagome didn't want to spend the night in. She wanted to spend her first Halloween back in Montana at a party with old friends.
He shrugged.
"Don't matter either way. I'm fine going. I'm fine staying home and fucking ya seven ways from Sunday."
"What! It's tha truth," he replied with a smirk. "And you can't tell me ya don't like the sound of it," he continued, running his tongue over his fangs. The cute little blush he pulled from her was worth it.
"Well...How about a compromise?"
He paused, lifting his brow in curiosity.
"Go on…"
"What if we went to the party...Just for an hour or two...and then afterward we can come home and have sex? Oh! We can even wear couple's costumes again!"
The phrase couples costume made his butt clench so tight he could probably twist off a beer cap with his cheeks.
"I'll agree to go to the party...but not the couple's costume."
"But Yash," she whined, coming around the island to take his hands. "That's part of the fun…"
"I'll wear something slutty?"
"N—" He began, ready to tell her no again when his brain processed her offer. "Keep talking."
"I'll wear something slutty and sexy?"
"...Uh-huh...And what else?"
"...And you get to take it off of me?"
He almost said yes...but he was a greedy fucker. He was probably gonna take it off of her even if she hadn't offered that.
"Do I get to do more than that?"
"You mean other than wear a matching outfit?"
"I do."
"Well," she began, tilting her head to the side and pursing her lips in thought. "I'm assuming that sex is a given…"
"But you can say it anyway, and make it interesting," he shrugged. If he was going to get roped into this...because he was going to say yes, because he loved her...then he wanted to squeeze as much as he could out of this.
"Ok...If you do it, sex is on the table...and I'll also add you picking the place and position," she decided, causing his eyes to light up.
Place and position huh?
"Well...In that case Darling, you've got yourself a deal!"
Her childlike squeal and the way she giddily clapped her hands, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, made him feel like he made the right decision.
"Now let's talk costumes…"
He groaned, shaking his head and digging his fork into the eggs on his plate.
Then again...Maybe not…
He let her prattle on for a while, running different ideas past him...But he knew that it ultimately wouldn't matter. He was going to give in to whatever she wanted. If she wanted him to go as a hot dog, and she was going to be a bottle of mustard? That was what was going to happen. Wasn't sure how she could make it sexy...but sure. Her call. Prince and Princess? No fighting it. Batman and Catwoman…
It had piqued his interest, but she almost instantly changed her mind. The cowl would be uncomfortable for his ears.
So, she decided on a fireman and a dalmatian. He looked over at her phone when she held up a picture of the costume she had found for him and sighed.
"That's what you want?"
It didn't look too bad. And it looked like he could maybe get away with just wearing the pants. He was going to have to be sneaky about it though...He could do just a t-shirt and those pants.
"Please?" she beseeched, batting her long lashes at him. "It will be so cute! And you'll look so good!"
He tilted his head to the side, and she chewed the inside of his lip as she watched him roll her suggestion around in his head. She really liked the fireman outfit. She thought it would be fun! And he would look good in it too...She could already picture him slowly taking off the jacket to reveal his bare torso...the suspenders holding up his pants hanging limply at the sides as he slowly peeled himself out of—
"—What are you thinking about Kagome?"
She looked up at his face and saw him looking at her, a smirk stretching his lips as he limply held the phone, leaning down across the island.
"N-nothing," she blushed, swiping out to grab the phone from him, but he pulled it away from her at the last second.
"Nu-uh. I can smell it when you're lying…and I can smell it when you're—"
She insisted, grabbing the phone from him this time, and his grin turned predatory.
"Ain't nothing, or you wouldn't be smelling like that," he countered cheekily before his gaze began to darken. "Ya know...You don't have to keep that bottled up…"
"Inuyasha," she warned as he straightened, running his carefully filed and declawed fingers along the island countertop as he slowly came around to her side.
He was ignoring her, however.
"Kagome," he replied, closing in on her in just a few short strides. "Were you thinking about me in that fireman outfit?"
Sometimes she swore he could read her mind.
"Liar," he purred, placing his hands onto the granite top on either side of her hips. He had effectively trapped her...and he was looking at her like prey.
It made her swallow because her mouth was suddenly dry. And made her lower abdomen heat. The intensity and desire in his gaze...the slight glint of fang in the morning light…
Fucking hell...She wanted to be his prey. Wanted to be captured and eaten and...eaten…
He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lowly moaned, "Fuck Kags…"
"W-what," she swallowed, and his smirk widened into a fangy grin before his lips crashed into hers.
I WILL ONLY DO THIS WALL OF TAGS ONCE! All future treats will be completely hidden under cuts so I don’t spam everyone’s timeline with in your face kink!
@clearwillow, @keichanz, @dangerouspompadour, @nartista, @kaze-ranna, @superpixie42, @sticky-llama-perfection, @pinkpigeonstudio, @mcornilliac, @itzatakahashi, @zelink-inukag, @juliatheanimelover7, @i-dream-of-soup, @smmahamazing, @the-lucky-ones311, @cyncyn981, @animemomma96, @ayari17, @underwater0phelia, @sailorbabydoll92, @l-taisho29, @animelove1313, @littlemissinukag​, @gofoulpuppycollector, @umacaking, @chanin29​,  @willowandfog​, @lebiishoujo​, @theinuyashareader​, @bluejay785​, @irrationalandimpossible​, @cstorm86​, @ruddcatha​, @desiree239​, @littledaisy91​, @liz8080​, @cannibalsforbreakfast​, @horriblehowl​, @arcprz​, @daisy-st-pati3nce​, @senneth-pendra​, @nsr0716​, @eringobroke​, @kagometaishostory​, @thisshipisbananahs​, @sunsetskys​, @ajoy3fanfics​, @sangoslays​, @v0dka-cat​, @cloudsz04​, @lavendertwilight89​, @yurawiththegoodhair​, @saturnsilence​, @lavaffair​, @blairex​, @fawn-eyed-girl​, @fandomobsessions016​, @neutronstarchild​, @preciouslyours​, @kalsies​, @shnuggletea​, @ladyphoenix0711​, @littlestuffstohide​
See you at 500 notes!!
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse recounts the time he first met his now best friend who too has been gifted with a deep voice.
Requested by two Anons. This fic is a mash up of two very similar requests I got from an unnamed Anon and 🖤🥀 Anon, so a big thank you to the both of you for sending in your requests! I’m really sorry to be posting your requested fic so late but I hope the final product is gonna make the wait you had to endure worth it! If you come across it and read it, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Yeah, yeah ok, I know.“ I can’t help but playfully roll my eyes at the comments that are flooding in, “Before any more people address it - even though it’s only been five minutes - I’m gonna address it myself: I apologize for the absence of the guest I promised would accompany me on this stream. She made the choice to party until late - or should I say early - and is currently probably asleep. And...I just don’t have the heart to wake her.“
In all honesty, all the blame should fall on Y/N’s lack of responsibility but I could never say such a thing - she rarely let’s herself loose and allows herself to have fun so there’s no way I’m gonna hold this one instance against her. Quite the contrary actually: I hope she starts going out and having fun more frequently cause really deserves it. She’s a super hardworking girl, studying college and working her ass off simultaneously.
“For those of you who don’t know who I’m referring to: the girl in question is Y/N, aka Jumpscaretastic, a horror games oriented streamer. She was supposed to join me for this freaky journey but...yeah I’ll have to endure it on my own because fuck me.“ I take a look at my chat again, deciding to keep this interaction with my viewers going for a bit longer before I start the game. I may be stalling but you sure as hell won’t hear me admit it. The game may be terrifying as hell - I have no doubt it is - but I doubt it would affect me so much if Y/N was here.  My eyebrows furrow automatically at the sight of one specific question that I’ve been getting asked quite a lot recently and I’ve been doing my best to avoid it cause the idea - to me, at least - is so messed up. Why, we’ll get into that later. “No- ok, this is the first and last time I’ll be addressing this wild assumption, you guys, so listen carefully. Y/N and I are by no means related. I’m not related to every deep-voiced person on this planet, just FYI.“ Speaking of Y/N’s deep voice which I’ve gotten so accustomed to hearing, I can’t help but recall the first interaction the two of us had when she got invited by Toast for a game of Among Us with us when Felix canceled on us due to technical difficulties. “I may not be related to her but she really put into perspective how other people feel and react when they hear my voice. I, honestly speaking was astonished by hers.“
A few months ago
“Ok guys, since Felix texted me about an hour ago, saying he won’t be able to make it, I invited a friend of mine so I hope that’s ok with you.“ Toast announces when the majority of us have accumulated in the lobby.
“Yeah, all cool. An introduction to them would be nice though.“ Charlie says, tampering with his avatar’s appearance on the in-game laptop.
“Oh, I’m sure she can do that herself.” He says with a bit of a chuckle, “Y/N?“
“I’m here, I’m here.“ 
My gaze moves from my chat to the monitor displaying the game in an instant as though it would reveal to me who the owner of this unfamiliar voice that just travelled through my headphones is. You know how my voice is considerably deep, yeah well this girl’s voice is six feet below that.  My eyes have widened without me even noticing as I hurry to unmute myself despite being a little late to the reaction party which already consists of a ton of ‘OMG’s and “WHOA”s from the rest of the people in the call. Not one of them, however, considers to question the authenticity of the voice.
“Was that a voice changer or something?“ I say, my eyebrows shooting up when I hear the laugh I receive in response to the question - a sound so deep but simultaneously sweet and girly it messes with my head.
“I wish I kept count so I could tell you which number on the list of people who’ve asked me that you fall under.“ The girl, Y/N replies, “But for the record no, it’s not a voice changer.“
Realizing how hypocritical this question probably seems coming from me, I decide to believe her - probably cause she gets nothing if she lies anyways. “Oh, so this is how it feels hearing my voice for the first time, huh?“ I say, slowly nodding my head, still in slight disbelief.
“Yeah, meeting her was quite rattling - in the best way possible though.“ I say, fixating myself back in reality following the little trip back in time to the day Y/N and I met. “She’s now one of my best friends so that should tell you enough.“
It goes without saying that, since she’s my best friend, I know her quite well. That being said, with the detailed knowledge I have on her, I can guess she’s gonna be in for a massive hangover when she wakes up. I just hope she texts me when she does so I can make sure she’s at least semi-functional. Just then, my phone buzzes with a message. Much to my shock, it’s a message from Y/N. Truth be told, I didn’t expect her to be up for another hour or two or three but here she is, sending a simple text that reads:
“My head’s pounding like a drum mid rock n’ roll concert“
There are no emojis accompanying the message, suggesting she’s deadly serious and in quite a bit of pain. Ok, I won’t sugarcoat it - she’s in a fuck-load of pain right now.
“The Sleeping Beauty has awaken and is complaining about a headache, just in case you were wondering.“ I chuckle seemingly nonchalantly as I silently contemplate whether to text her back or call her instead. Who’s gonna know better than my viewers, after all... “You guys think I should call her? Or would that annoy her?“ I ask, furrowing my brows at the chat as I see different responses coming in.
Meh, fuck it -  I think to myself, already taking my phone to call Y/N when the support of my viewers floods in as well.
She picks up after two rings, letting out a sound that sets the tone for the discomfort she’s in.
“Hello to you too.“ I say, putting the call on speaker so my mic can pick up her responses. “Would you please rate the pain you’re in right now on a scale 1-10?“
“A hundred.“ Her strained, raspy and deeper than usual voice comes through, stealing a chuckle from me, “I’m hungover and still a bit drunk. Like, how does that even work?“
“The morning after is a straight-up bitch. Welcome to the world of bad decisions.“ I tell her compassionately, low-key wishing I could go over to her place and provide her with at least a tiny bit of comfort, as much as I can.
“Yeah...“ she sighs halfway dramatically, “Anyhow, we usually text around this time, what’s up with the call?“
“Just wanted to make sure my best-girl wasn’t really dying, you know. Who am I supposed to annoy in Among Us if you’re not there, after all?” I raise my brow and, although she can’t see me, I bet she can probably guess I’m doing that.
“Whatever...“ The same way I can imagine her rolling her eyes while smiling as she said that, “Tell me this, am I wrong or was I supposed to be on your stream today?“
I barely manage to hold in my laughter at the question, “Uh, yeah you were, but...” she doesn’t let me finish my sentence, instead cuts me of:
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, Corpse! I totally forgot. Believe me, if I could roll my ass out of bed I’d hop in but I really can’t. Unless you want me to be a bore for an hour and a half, that is.“
“For starters, you could never be a bore to me.“ I say matter-of-factly, “And for seconds, you’re kinda on the stream anyway...“
“Come again?“ She cuts me off yet again, “You’re calling me mid-stream? If so, hey everyone! Sorry I couldn’t join, I promise to make it up to both you and Corpse soon.“ A yawn comes from her end before she continues, “As of now, I think I’ll go back to sleep.“
“Alright, alright. I’ll call you again later to make sure you’re still alive. Sleep tight.“ I tell her, already hovering my thumb over the ‘Hang up‘ button.
“Won’t let the hangover bite.“ She slurs/murmurs, stealing my opportunity to end the call cause she does it herself.
I stare at my phone for a second, finally becoming aware of the grin that has spread across my face. Eventually, I address my viewers once again, “There you have it, guys. Technically, you can give her a pass for answering the call, especially in her current state, so let’s all agree to not hold this against her, cool?“
A brief look at my chat shows me the ton of fluffy comments that are coming in as a reaction to the interaction Y/N and I just had. One, however, sticks out especially. It reads: ‘You like her or smt?’
“Do I like Y/N?“ I read the comment out loud, a smirk coming across my face, “Of course I do. She’s a darling.“ If I had a webcam on I’d look straight into the lens and wink. That’s probably spark more than enough rumors, but at the very least they wouldn’t be wrong. “I’ve stalled enough, Outlast is waiting.“ I announce, finally starting the game. After all, it cannot be scarier than the conspiracies my fans could come up with. I get it though - from their perspective, we’re already the perfect couple; from my perspective we’re impossible because from Y/N’s perspective we’re best friends.
Ain’t that how it always goes?
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpios-echos
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myckicade · 3 years
Prompt: Ok so we all know Coco is touch starved, and would be clingy af in a relationship. What about Coco x wife!reader, while she’s trying to do basic errands/chores and Coco is her shadow?
A/N: I’ve been waiting for this one. I really have. Hee hee. I just adore Coco. <3 . This piece sort of follows the story of the last two Coco x Reader pieces I have written, but it will stand-alone, just fine. And, I swear, these things just have a mind of their own. I can continue to apologize for length, and content, but, in the end... I let the story tell itself. ;) . <3 .
As a warning, I come from Vermont, where we have a plastic bag ban. Last I knew, California was the first state to have one. I don’t know how that would translate to Santo Padre, but… When I mention fabric bags, I mean reusables, and the ban is why. ^^;;;;.
Title: Worthwhile
Teaser: He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it.
“Okay…” you murmur, slowly, eyes scanning over the paper in front of you. Fifteen items, nothing crazy. Shouldn’t take you more than an hour, tops, and that includes travel to and from the store. “I think I’ve got everything we need… And, specials included your beer, and those little frozen cream puffs.”
Beside you, Coco groans, deep and guttural. “Fuck, I love those things.”
You giggle, but keep reading. Your man is too damn cute. “Feminine products.”
“Do those count as special?” Coco genuinely sounds thoughtful, as he steps up behind you, where you are leaning over the counter top. He wraps his arms around your waist, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “Kinda’ a necessity, ain’t they?”
Tipping your head, you glance to your husband. Seriously. This man is a treasure. “Why don’t you run for political office?” you tease, pleased when Coco chuckles.
“Yeah, my record’ll look great, on the campaign trail.”
You shrug. “You can tackle pink tax, and tax evasion, at the same time.”
Coco grins, and steals a peck off your lips. “What else you got on there, muñeca?”
“Hmmm, let’s see…” You turn back to your list, tapping the pen against your lips, thoughtfully. Spying the next item on it, you try not to let out another giggle. He’s not going to like this one. “Letty asked if we could have that cauliflower pizza thing for dinner, tonight.”
As expected, this groan is decidedly not from food lust. “Fuckin’ vegetarians. When the hell is she gonna’ get over this shit?”
“It’s just a phase, Coco,” you remind him, for the… Well, honestly, you’ve lost track. It started shortly after the wedding, Letty’s change in diet, and you’re still not convinced the two aren’t related. You’re just not entirely sure how. But, two months in, and she’s still looking healthy, so you won’t send up any alarms. “It’s very popular at her high school, right now.”
Coco scoffs, disgusted. “When the hell’d she start copyin’ other people, anyway? My girl ain’t no follower.”
The words send a shot straight to your heart. He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it. The love he has for Leticia is the greatest proof. They may carry on like cats and dogs, but when push comes to shove, there is nothing they won’t do for one another. My girl. It brings a warmth to your soul, and a smile to your lips.
You shake it off, enough to formulate a response. “She’s figuring out how to be her own woman. Trying new things.” You shrug, not wanting to make a big deal of it. You were Letty’s age, once, of course. And, a girl, to boot. Some things, Coco just won’t be able to understand. “It’s a process.” He hums, still disgruntled, but doesn’t push out another word. “You want anything else?” you ask, holding up your list. “I’ve gotta’ get going, before I run into the football widows.”
Before you can even take a step away, Coco tightens his arms around you. “You sure you gotta’ go, though?” he asks, leaning in to brush his lips against your neck. “With the house all to ourselves, like this?”
“If I don’t go,” you start, as Coco’s touches gain intent, becoming teasing kisses. Damn him. It feels nice, you won’t lie, but there are other things on your mind, right now. Priorities.
You’re just… having trouble remembering what they are.
Oh. Yeah. Shopping.
“If I don’t go, we won’t have anything for dinner.”
Another kiss, accompanied by a barely-there swipe of tongue. You shiver, and Coco moves his lips to your ear. “We can order in,” he whispers, breath so invitingly warm against your skin.
Oh, this asshole.
“And, what are we supposed to have for breakfast, tomorrow?” you try, again. “Half an Eggo, and a pack of Skittles?”
Coco cuddles you closer, again. “Ain’t you never heard about livin’ on love, baby?” Some of his smoothest work, that is. And, it’s almost convincing. Almost. You can imagine the afternoon ahead, if you give in. Your clothes will come off, and won’t be back on until the last second, before Letty walks back through the front door. By that time, you’ll be too tired to roll your ass off the bed, let alone go grocery shopping. And, you promised Letty you’d talk Coco into that cauliflower pizza.
“Great as that sounds,” you agree, preparing to capitalize on the truth. You ease yourself away from Coco’s stubborn hold, and give him one more smooch, just to soften the blow to come. “I don’t think Letty will appreciate the sentiment.”
A third groan. You must be going for a record. “C’mon, (y/n).” Oh, he’s whining. It’s so cute, it’s unreal. “We’ll find some place that delivers that rabbit food shit.”
Unfortunately for Coco, you’re already grabbing your bag. Lucky for you. You’re still two seconds from giving him what he wants. (He just doesn’t need to know so). “I’ll be back in a while.” God willing. “If you think of anything else, call my cell.” You rush out the front door, and don’t look back. If you see the look on your husband’s face, you know you’re as good as done.
Well, what the shit? Coco stares at the front door as it closes, you on the wrong fucking side of it. His arms are at his sides, palms turned toward the ceiling. That went so well. He kind of can’t believe you just walked away, like that. Left him alone, and wanting. In your big, empty house.
He probably should have volunteered to tag along, instead of just chasing you off.
Glancing around, Coco tries to find something to do. Something to clean, at the very least. But, that’s the trouble with having moved in with you, after the wedding, he supposes. Ain’t nothing to tidy up. Not that the three of you don’t have possessions. They’re all just in their proper places. Probably Leticia’s doing, in the end. He’d had a long talk with her, before the move, that she absolutely has to keep her shit where it belongs. Your house isn’t like their house. There aren’t burn marks in the carpet, or gouges in the coffee table. Dishes go in the damned dishwasher, not left to pile up on the counter, or in the sink. Beds get made. Laundry gets folded, and put away. No more wrinkled heaps in the clothes basket. So far, the kid’s been doing good. Real good.
Coco, though? He’s never felt so unnerved in his life.
It was different when he just visited. Spent a night or two, here or there. He’d almost felt at home, then, stupid as it sounds. At home, with the knowledge he wasn’t staying. But, now? Now, the reality has settled in, and he feels so-so… out of place. There’s so much he’s struggling to adjust to.
You have a purified water system installed under the sink, where Coco is used to buying bottled water.
You have a dining room, where Coco and Letty are used to eating on the couch.
You have an extended cable package, whatever the fuck that is.
You kind of have it all, here, certainly by comparison to what Coco is used to. The best of everything. Which really makes him wonder – not for the first time – what the hell you’re doing with a dirt-poor biker for a husband? You’ve had this conversation, on multiple occasions, and you’ve explained yourself, every time. But, this time… This time, you’re not around to give that speech. You’re not around to hold him, and kiss his face, and reassure him in a way that only you can. No, you’re at the grocery store, shopping for Coco, and his kid, which was apparently a better offer than staying home with him.
Oh, nope. Nope, he’s doing it, again. He can feel it. You love him, he reminds himself. You’ve got his ring on your finger, his last name, and – God-willing – his baby in your belly. By choice. All by choice.
Coco takes a deep breath, in. Lets it back out, slowly. Tries not to get sick, for all the nerves coming up to greet him. He wraps one arm around his own torso, free hand moving up to cover his mouth.
Fuck, he hopes you get back, soon.
You let out a deep sigh, as you park your car in the garage. Oh, it is so good to be home, at long-last. Talk about Old Home Week. You’d run into everyone, and his brother, at the grocery store. Shopping had taken nearly twice as long as you’d meant for it to, and you just know Coco must be losing his mind, by now. You hate to think about it, in such terms, but, sometimes… Well, sometimes, Coco reminds you of a new puppy. You can’t really leave him alone, without some kind of separation anxiety creeping up on him.
Ah, well. At least he isn’t ripping down the drapes, and shredding the couch cushions.
You blink. Well. That you know of.
Shaking your head, you climb out of the car, mentally preparing to unload armloads of bags. Maybe, if you really, really try, today will be the day you can finally get all twenty bags in, in one trip.
Right. And, shortly thereafter, you can have both forearms set, and casted. Be a real turn-on, in the bedroom.
You’ve managed to grab half a dozen bags, when the door to the mud room opens. “Hey, don’t grab too many!” Letty warns, as she comes hopping down the steps. “Let us help!”
Glancing up, you smile. For having had such a rough start, Letty can be a sweet girl. You know she gets that from her father. “Well, thank you,” you reply, resting a few, fabric handles onto her outstretched hands.
Letty grins, lowering her hands to her sides, before leaning in. “Did you talk him into it?” she whispers, conspiratorially.
You snicker, and whisper back, “He isn’t getting a choice. He’s outnumbered.”
“Yes!” Her hiss of victory is hardly subtle, catching Coco’s attention as he pokes his head out the door.
“You two plottin’ against me, again?”
“Yes,” you and Letty reply, in unison, leading you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Coco is all grins. “’Course, you are.” He strides closer, he and Letty dancing around one another as she moves into the house. You lean into the car, and retrieve a few more bags. If Coco’s out here, he might as well assist. He’s peering into the car, once you stand back up, and lets out a low whistle. “Damn, (y/n)! You buy out the whole store, or what?”
“Hardly,” you reply, dryly. You hold up your hands, offering Coco the bags. “Here you go.”
“Oh, don’t mind if I do.” Thankfully, your hold on the bags is solid. Instead of grabbing the groceries, Coco’s hands are suddenly groping all over you. One hand is settled firmly at your ass, the other sliding into your hair, at the back of your head. He wastes no time diving in for a slow, deep kiss, and, damn, does his timing suck. He could have at least let you put the bags down, first. The contact makes you tingle, and has you regretting your decision not to stay home. Coco pulls back, after a few seconds, and hums. “Mm. Best delivery ever.”
You can’t help the small snort of amused laughter that leaves your throat. “Good try, Coco,” you praise, easing back far enough to offer him the bags, again. The look of disappointment on his face is just pitiful. “I’m not banging you in the garage.”
He has the grace to mock gasp. “I’d never!” It’s a crock, and you both know it. He looks too amused to be repentant, and you look too aware to be angry. You just raise your hands, slightly, in a third offer. Coco sighs. “All right. All right.” He takes the bags from your hands.
“Thank you.” You grab another load for yourself, rounding the open car door to follow Coco’s lead, into the house. One more trip for each of you, and you should have it covered. So much for only buying fifteen items.
Coco might be right about buying out the store.
Watching from the dining room, Coco has a good view of you and Letty unpacking the last of the groceries. Damn kid, she’d thrown him out, about ten minutes prior.
“Less groping, more helping, Coco,” Letty had warned him, after he’d tried to pin you against the sink.
It had been his last warning. Now, he’s been banished. Not the worst thing in the world, not really. Over the last few weeks, he’s really learned that there are some tasks he’s not so fond of. Pruning roses… Yeah, he’s pretty sure you’ll never let him do that, again. And, hey, nobody told him what to fill the bird feeder with. Unpacking groceries goes on that list, somewhere between line-drying laundry, and a streak-free mirror. He’s not sure why. Goodness knows, it makes him feel like a kid at Christmas, most times. Since being with you, though…
Since being with you, he feels like he’s taking advantage of something.
Yes, groceries are a strange place to let that feeling land, but he can’t help it. Coco’s been responsible for feeding himself since before he cares to remember. The only time anyone provided his meals was during deployment, and half that shit barely passed for edible. You, though… You keep the house stocked with more food than he’s seen anywhere, outside of a corner market. Letty always has options to take to school, and there’s a nutritious dinner on the table, almost every night. (Some nights, he actually does win the battle for delivery). If Coco goes on a run, you send him along with snacks for the road. And, yeah, he kinda’ likes that. He also likes the energy bars you picked out for him, last week. Something with cherries, and dark chocolate. He wonders, for a second, if you picked up any more. Come in handy during his mid-week trip outta’ town.
Coco blinks. Then, he does it again, just for good measure. That’s it. That’s what’s so fucking weird about this whole thing.
It’s you.
Okay, no, it’s not you, you. But, it’s you. It’s you, taking care of him. It’s you, seeing to his needs. Letty’s needs. It’s you, being his wife, his partner. It’s you, slotting into the place of role-model for his teenaged daughter. Welcoming them into your home. Not treating it like it’s your home. It’s you, being so fucking perfect for him, it’s taken his mind all this time to catch up with reality.
Coco doesn’t get perfect. Perfect doesn’t want him.
Except, now, it does.
Before he knows what he’s doing, Coco strides into the kitchen. He doesn’t wait for you to put the box of pasta in the cupboard. He just takes it from your hand, ignoring your confused look, as he tosses it onto the counter.
“Coco!” Letty admonishes, but it’s no use. He’s already lifting you off the floor, arms around your perfect backside. The kid gives a long-suffering sigh, he hears it, but pays it no mind.
Nothing – nothing – is going to keep him from holding you in his arms.
Your own arms go around Coco’s neck, and you smile down at him, surprise still lingering in your eyes. “Uhm… Hi, there.”
Coco grins. “Hey, muñeca.” Leaning up, he pecks you on the lips.
“Can I help you with something?” you ask, to which Coco shakes his head. Closes his eyes, as your fingers play in his hair.
“Nah. Got all I need.”
Pulling a package of mixed vegetables from the half-unpacked shopping bag, Letty rolls her eyes. You two… God, you’re gross. Coco always has his hands on you, no matter what you’re trying to do. It’s a wonder you don’t carry a damned fly swatter around. Actually, it’s a wonder you ever accomplish anything. He’s always smooching, and smiling, and snuggling at you. It’s disgusting. It’s pathetic.
It’s so damned cute, it’s sickening.
Really, Letty’s enjoying seeing Coco so happy. Like, genuinely happy. Not the false pride he carries around with his kutte. He’s more relaxed, nowadays. He drinks less, and he spends more time at home, both of which mean he’s not hanging around with those skanks at the clubhouse. He eats more, he’s healthier… Nothing to complain about, there.
And, hey, she has no complaints about you, either. You’re pretty cool, all-around. A woman who takes care of herself, and her family, and doesn’t bitch about either one. You’re not using Coco for money, or status, none of the shit she’s always been worried her father would fall into. There aren’t arguments, every night, not even between herself and Coco, as of late. No hostilities, nothing to avoid the house over. Just good dinners, and movies, and a new fish tank in her room. (Okay, so, you’d earned some major points with that birthday gift. She hadn’t actually expected to get one, when she’d mentioned it). For the first time, she understands what a peaceful, happy family feels like. It feels nice. It feels like home.
Glancing back to where Coco now has you perched on the counter top, stealing the most syrupy-sweet smooches… Letty can’t help but smile. Home is A-okay by her.
The sound of the air conditioner humming in the bedroom usually lulls you right to sleep. Tonight, it’s just providing you with white noise, a low background track to your thoughts. You don’t mind, not really. It gives you a few minutes to reflect on the day that’s just ended. To plan your day, tomorrow. To weave your fingers through Coco’s hair, and listen to him breathe. That, alone, makes it worthwhile.
Coco has been asleep against your shoulder for nearly an hour, now. Your arms are wrapped around him, comfortably, his own around your waist. You’d urged him up to bed, after he’d fallen asleep on the couch, his head in your lap. He’d snoozed from the middle of the movie, to the end of the nightly news report. Letty had tsked, and complained that no one had any business, whatsoever, in falling asleep during Zombieland. (How he’d stayed asleep was still a wonder to you, both, for how hard you’d been laughing at Tallahassee). With your fingers in his hair, Coco had been blissfully unaware for a couple of hours.
Glancing down, you take in the sight of your husband’s sleeping face. He looks so damn peaceful, the kind you’d outright murder to preserve for him. Coco’s still struggling with sleep, and relaxation, even though you’d hoped it would ease up, once your nuptials had passed. Most of it, you know will never go away. Anxiety doesn’t have a magic wand, or some perfect little on/off switch. And, all things considered, today wasn’t a terrible day. You’d been able to leave the house, with minimal panic on Coco’s part. Granted, it had taken extra time to get the groceries put away, and dinner made, but… You understand, as much as you are able to, that Coco needs the reassurances. It doesn’t cost you anything to carve a few moments from the day, every here and there, to give him what he needs.
Okay, so it did cost you that first batch of pancakes, this morning. They’d burned on the stove, and set off the smoke alarms, when he’d insisted on a dance through the living room. But, Coco loved the song you’d been playing on your Spotify, so there was really no denying him.
Oh, and… Yeah, you’d missed that phone call from the bank, the week before. Your husband had slipped up next to you, on the porch swing, and snuggled you to within an inch of your life. An easy fix, and you still got the business loan, but…
And, sure, you’ve been late to work, on numerous occasions. Coco has a habit of sneaking into your morning shower. And, after that… Well, hell, you own the company. It’s not like you have to explain to the boss that you’re late to your shift, on account of baby-dancing. (Fucking forums).
Point is, you’re more than happy to take care of Coco’s emotional needs. It may take you an extra hour to pay your bills. Daily tidying may have become every-other-day-if-you’re-lucky tidying. And, your ass may have gone numb, tonight, while he slept on your thigh. During which time, you could have loaded the dishwasher. Taken out the trash. Any number of tasks that have been neglected, in the name of Coco. They can wait.
Leaning in, you press a tender kiss to your husband’s forehead, before settling back in, and closing your eyes. Yes, chores can wait. Work can wait. The whole world can hold it, with both hands. So long as you’re around, Coco’s well-being will never have to take the back seat.
P.S. If Coco denies it, he’s full of it. He fucking loved that cauliflower pizza. Fucking vegetarians, indeed.
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whumperooni · 4 years
what’s mine is mine
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Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Sister!Reader
Tags/Warnings: tw incest, tw breeding kink, scumbag squad, drugs and drinking, possessive behavior
Word count: 5.7k
A/N: This is in response to a big brained nonny! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it!
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“Touya-nii, do you want some- oh. Sorry, nii-san, I didn’t know you had guests over...”
Touya lifts his head from his phone to find you standing in the doorway- a curious tilt to your head and hands clasped behind your back. On the couch across from him, his shitty friends are looking at you- just as curious but with a look in their eyes that he doesn’t appreciate.
There’s a reason he doesn’t have them over when you’re home.
“Woah, Todoroki- who is this? Don’t tell me that’s your little sister. Where’ve ya been hiding her?”
Touya huffs as Keigo grins and you flush- teeth digging into your bottom lip, eyes lowering to the floor under the attention, a tiny smile threatening to form that Touya is very unhappy to see.
“C’mere, little birdy, let us see ya. Come say hi.”
The scowl that breaks across Touya’s face only makes Keigo smirk. Your eyes dart to Touya- seeking his approval, your face flustered- and Touya huffs again, rolls his eyes whenever Jin raises a brow toward him.
At least Tenko’s already gone back to playing his game- head bowed and bloodshot eyes only flicking toward you whenever Touya waves you over to him and you hesitantly enter the room.
He doesn’t like the way three sets of eyes run over your legs and he really doesn’t like the way Keigo’s smirk grows whenever his own eyes narrow.
Fuckin’ bastard. He’s nothing but scum.
Touya grabs your wrist as soon as you’re close enough to him to do so and he yanks you down onto his lap, ignores the squeak that leaves you whenever he wraps his arms around your waist and hooks his chin over your shoulder, rests a hand on your thighs.
“Asshole friends, this is my little sister. Sis, these are my asshole friends.”
Keigo coos at your shy voice and Jin smiles a little- expression hazy from all the weed he’s smoked. Tenko glances at you- pointedly at your legs, between them- and Touya scowls, squeezes your thighs and pulls you even closer against him.
“Hey, baby, why don’t you come over here with us? If you want a lap to sit on, you can always use mine or Jin’s.”
“What about mine?”
“No one wants to sit on yours, weeb.”
“You can sit on mine,” Jin mumbles, barely audible over Tenko and Keigo’s squabbling. “I don’t mind.”
Your head moves with a shake and your fingers curl into your skirt- cheeks flaring as you press back against Touya. Something relaxes in his chest with that and he hugs you a little closer, smothers the impulse to lay his lips to your neck.
“N-No, thank you,” you mumble to Jin- so polite, so shy, so very good with your refusal.
“Didn’t want you to anyway.”
Touya snorts at that, just shakes his head when you look back at him in confusion.
Out of all of them, Jin’s probably the least likely threat. Tenko would be if he didn’t have a habit of staring and sneaking photos of any and every girl he can- he wouldn’t ever actually try anything on you, but Touya doesn’t want upskirt photos of his lil sis on that perv’s phone.
Keigo’s the worst by and far. And Touya will be damned if he lets his little sister get anywhere near that jackass with his sickly sweet charm, shit eating grins, and groping hands.
No way- you’re his.
“Nii-san,” you whisper, looking back at him with your cute little flushed cheeks and shy eyes. “Nii-san, I just came down to ask if you wanted some dinner. Natsuo-nii said he’d pick up some take-out...”
Natsuo? What the fuck are you doing hanging around Natsuo? That little shit should be on some cheesy date with his squeaky mouse of a girlfriend instead of trying to weasel in some time with you.
Touya doesn’t know which he hates more- the thought of his sleazy friends trying to flirt with you or the thought of you hanging out with your older brother, his younger brother.
When he only scowls in response, your face falls. You turn on his lap until you’re sat facing him- fingers curling into his shirt and brow furrowed, your bottom lip jutting out into one of those cute pouts of yours that you like to wear when you’re worried about him.
Over your shoulder, Touya can see Jin’s confusion and Tenko’s cocked brow, Keigo’s narrowed eyes. He flashes them a sneer that you can’t see and settles his hands on your hips, looks back down at you to see what’s got you bothered enough to forget your shyness.
“Onii-chan,” you start- voice tilting with a soft whine, something almost lecturing creeping through the words. “Nii-san, Natsuo-nii was just being nice. And you need to eat.”
Your hands run down his chest and your expression grows softer as you look up at him through your lashes, your voice gets quieter as you whisper to him,
“I worry about you, nii-san. You’re so skinny...”
The tips of your fingers press into the spaces between his ribs and Touya sighs as concern fills your eyes, ignores the stares of his friends from across the room.
“Fine, whatever,” he grumbles. “Get something for me and put it in the fridge. I’ll eat it later.”
“You promise?”
A huff leaves him and you pout whenever he rolls his eyes, but a nod of his head gets your lips quirking up with a pleased little smile all the same.
“I’ll get you some low mein,” you chirp, hands smoothing down his chest. “And I’ll have Natsuo-nii get you some beer too!”
“Aw, ain’t she just the sweetest.”
Keigo’s croon has you blushing and Touya huffs again once your head ducks- lips twitching with irritation as you squirm on his lap and the blonde across the room bares his teeth at him in a grin.
Fuckin’ dick.
“I, um, I- I should go tell Natsuo-nii,” you mumble, cheeks still flared up and voice dipping shy again. Touya just grunts and he squeezes your hips before giving one a little smack.
A press of soft lips to his cheek and then you’re off- Keigo, Jin, and Tenko all watching as you hurry out of the room and out of sight.
As soon as you’re gone, they look to him and Touya’s eyes narrow when a low whistle sounds from Keigo.
“Shit, Todoroki, and here I thought your whole family was just a bunch of dogs.”
“Oh fuck off,” Touya snaps, reaching for the blunt wraps with a scowl. “Don’t get any fuckin’ ideas, birdbrain.”
“Ideas?” Keigo laughs- grin still in place, turning sleazy. “Now why would I have any ideas about your cute lil sis and her cute lil tits.”
“I said fuck off.”
“She is pretty cute,” Jin mumbles, fingers scratching along his chest and lips holding a dazed smile that only has Touya scowling darker. “Like her ass...”
“Bet she cums like an ahego whore,” Tenko throws out without even looking up from his stupid fucking game. “Looks like a dumb slut.”
“Think the weeb’s right,” Keigo sneers. “Hey- she got a boyfriend, Todoroki?”
“I don’t know- you got a black eye?”
“Aw, cute- he’s protective.”
“Virgin then,” Tenko pipes up. “Bet she’d cream herself if she got kissed.”
A growl rips from Touya and the three bark out some laughs- Keigo and Tenko smirking while Jin’s dumb little smile grows.
He’s gonna fucking kill these assholes.
He knew they’d be nothing but scum when it came to you- he should’ve made sure you’d be out of the house before he let these three dicks come over for a smoke sesh.
Touya scowls and his friends keep up- slinging lewd comments and jeers as he smokes and stews.
Two in the morning and Touya’s buzzed.
Buzzed and fucking pissed.
Those assholes didn’t let up all night. Every other sentence out of Keigo’s mouth was about fucking you, getting you on your knees, making you drunk and stupid so he could wreck your ass. Tenko kept comparing you to characters from his ero games and Jin kept mumbling how he wanted you to sit on his dick, warm his cock while he smokes.
Jin was bareable, kind of. But Tenko and Keigo?
It’s a goddamn miracle he didn’t break their faces.
Touya scowls as he watches his so called friends head out and narrows his eyes at one last jeer of “kiss your sis good night for me” tossed out ny Keigo.
Those fuckers need to learn some manners. Those fuckers need to learn who you belong too.
Scowl deepening, Touya heads toward your room- feet stumbling and teeth gritting.
You’re asleep when he barges in- face peaceful, blanket twined between your legs, fingers curled into the sheets. He looks over you for a second, runs his eyes over bared thighs and cotton panties, and then he walks toward the bed, climbs onto it.
As soon as the mattress dips, your lashes flutter open and you stir with a sigh. You don’t do more than give a sleepy blink when he brackets himself over you, offer him a fuzzy, drowsy smile.
“Touya-nii...? What...what time is it?”
A hum and a yawn, another sleepy little blink. You’re cute like this and usually Touya would just crash beside you, but he’s got other plans right now- stupid, drunk, dumb plans but plans all the same.
“Hey- hey, don’t go back to sleep.”
There’s a huff from you, a furrowing of your brows. But you obey him as you always do; you sit up with another yawn and rub at your eye with a loose fist, let him tug the covers off of you without a fuss.
“Nii-san...nii-san, what is it?”
Touya ignores you and he grabs onto your still sleepy face, pulls you closer until he can kiss you, make you whine and moan. You jerk, just a bit, at the way he bites into your bottom lip and then you’re melting into his touch, looking up at him through half-shut eyes whenever he breaks the kiss and runs his drunken gaze over your flushed face.
Touya grunts and thumbs away a dribble of spit from the corner of your lips, ignores the quiet confusion written all over your face. You press into his touch and he watches you blink, reaches over to flick on the lamp without looking. He almost knocks it over but he ignores that, too, and kisses you again- not caring if you’re blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden light or if you’re still thrown a little off kilter by his mood and his lingering scowl.
This kiss is rougher- his fingers snarling into your hair and his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, his grip tightening on your head. You whimper with it and Touya growls, doesn’t pull back until he feels you tremble and shake. Your lips part with a question, quivering and plumped up from his bites, and Touya huffs before it can sound, grits out his own.
“You love me, right?”
Your eyes snap open, you breathe in sharp and fast- bewilderment all over your face and any lingering traces of sleep evaporated in an instant. Your hands fly to his face and his lips twitch at the touch, he presses into it even if it’s a fucking weak little move.
“Touya-nii, of course I love you! I love you with all my heart!”
Sweet, a little hurt, absolutely sincere- you say it with wide eyes and so much concern that it makes him want to scowl even deeper, punch himself for being so stupid to even ask.
Of course you love him- he’s your nii-san after all.
Touya huffs and his shoulders relax a little, his tongue darts out to wet his lips as your brows scrunch together in worry.
You’re a good little sister. He doesn’t have anything to worry about- never will.
But fuck he’s still pissed.
“I wanna do something,” he half-growls out. “You’ll be good for me, yeah?”
A flush, a squirm. You nod, though- brows still furrowed and eyes scanning his face in search for some answer to your confusion.
“Of course, nii-san,” you whisper. “I- of course. What-”
“Take your clothes off. All of ‘em.”
A soft noise slips from you and you breathe in shakily, but there’s no hesitance in the way your hands rise to tug off your shirt.
Touya watches for a moment and then he gets up from the bed, walks over to the door and closes it, locks it.
You’re naked by the time he comes back- flushed but not embarrassed, bruises littered everywhere your clothes can hide them. Touya eyes the bruises, those marks he’s put all over his dear, sweet little sister, and his lashes lower, something hungry and greedy starts to grow inside of him.
You’ve never belonged to anyone but him.
He touches your cheek- soft in the moment, rough edges hazed over by your adoration. A tap to it has your lashes fluttering, a press of his thumb to your lips has you shuddering.
“We’re gonna make a lil movie,” he rumbles out. You startle, eyes flying wide open once again, but you don’t protest or tell him no even if unease has your fingers curling tight into the sheets.
You never tell him no.
“I...okay, nii-san...”
The compliance has him humming- thumb dipping past your parted lips so he can press it down against your wet tongue.
It’s sweet how you agree, satisfying- more satisfying then the beer he threw back all throughout the night and the weed he smoked away.
A lick to his lips and Touya pulls away, starts to strip away his clothes- hands fumbling, clumsy as he tries to undo buttons and zippers. You watch him silently- cheeks heating up and thighs pressing together- and your teeth find your bottom lip when he starts to tug down his boxers, when his cock springs free.
“Turn around,” he orders. “Get on your knees, put that fucking pretty face against the bed and raise that ass up for me.”
Shivering, you obey- a mewl slipping from you as you do.
Touya grabs his phone from his pants and he kneels by the bed, pulls up the camera and hits record.
You’re wet and it’s easy to see even in the lowlight, even on the shitty phone screen. When he grabs onto your ass with his free hand and spreads your cheek, your hole clenches- tightens and spreads and makes him smirk.
“So fucking wet for me,” he half-sneers, a laugh sounding through the words. “Look at this pretty lil cunt all soaked and eager.”
“T- Touya...”
He huffs at your little whimper of a whine and brings the phone even close, records the way your hips twitch and your cunt sucks in his thumb when he presses against it.
“So fuckin’ wet and warm. So tight,” he hisses. “All for me, baby- right?”
“Y- yes. It’s all- all for you!”
Touya snorts and he slips his thumb out so he can spread your pussy open again, presses his palm against it and then lays a wet smack to your ass that has you yipping, arching your hips even closer to him.
“You ever been with anyone but me?”
The sheets rustle as you shake your head and Touya grips your ass tight, digs his fingers in deep and makes you squirm, whine. When there’s no verbal answer, he spanks you again in warning and you whine even louder, press your thighs tight together.
“N- no! Just you! Just Touya!”
“You want anyone else?”
“No! Never!”
Touya grins and the restless anger in him quells, just a little, at your mewled loyalty.
A fucking good little sister indeed.
Touya aims the camera at the red blooming across your ass and then he stands, moves it over to capture your arched back. He runs his hand over your side and you shiver a little, press your hips back against him until his cock nudges at your soaked cunt.
“You wanna get fucked, sweetheart?” he half taunts- the words coming out sickly sweet, rough around the edges.
Your moan is even sweeter than his question- hips bucking back against his cock, fingers fisting the sheets tight in your hold.
“Think you can do better than that,” he huffs, leaning over until he can tangle his fingers into your hair. “Tell me how bad ya want it.”
A whine sounds- pathetic and flustered, pitching up sharp as he yanks your head up from the bed. The tiniest sob slips from you as he forces your head back and you stare up into the camera- cheeks flushed, eyes glittering, an undeniable need flourishing across your your face.
“Please, nii-san,” you beg, nearly breathless and so fucking sweet. “Please I want- I want you to fuck me! I want- want your cock!”
“Only mine?”
Another whine and you nod, whimper as your hair gets tugged and pulled by the movement.
“Only Touya-nii’s!”
“Good girl.”
A gasp from you and a cute little mewl- the praise has you flushing darker and a tremble wracking through your body, your lashes fluttering and falling half-shut.
“Nii-san, please...”
Touya grunts and the camera shakes in his hand for a moment before he steadies himself. He rocks against you, has you whimpering, and then he grips his cock, lets you bury your face back into the sheets as he starts to push his way into your eager little cunt.
You clench around him, so fucking eager as always, and Touya groans at that, lowers his phone to show off the way his cock slides into your plush little pussy with ease.
“So fucking wet, baby,” he praises- taunts- in a growl. “Ain’t never had a cunt like yours. So fucking tight and sweet. You were made to take my dick, weren’t cha?”
A shuddering moan wracks through you- body trembling and cunt clenching around his cock so tight it makes Touya hiss and claw his nails into your hips. You whimper at the sting and he doesn’t have to see your face to know you’ve got tears in your eyes, doesn’t have to hear any mewl or whine to know that you love it.
“I- I was made- was made- oh, nii-san!”
Touya snorts at your moan, tilts his head back with a groan as he sinks even deeper into your silken, squeezing little cunt.
“Throw those fucking hips back,” he snarls, orders. “Fuck yourself on me.”
A mewl and you do just as he says- rocking your hips back like the obedient girl you are and whining as his piercings drag along the throbbing walls of your pussy. Touya rolls his head back forward so he can watch and he angles the camera so he can capture the way the soft flesh of ass jiggles each time it meets his pelvis.
“So fuckin’ good,” he mumbles. “Takin’ it so well- best fuckin’ pussy around. No one fucks like my lil sis.”
It’s more to the camera- to the future audience- but you still whimper and grind against him, drags your nails over the sheets with a soft little whine.
“Nii-san- Touya-nii, please!”
“What? You gonna come already?”
Touya huffs and he lays a spank to your ass, drags out a moan and has your hips stuttering against him.
“Come on nii-san’s cock then. Come nice and pretty like a good girl.”
A whimper and then you’re trembling, whining as your cunt clenches and flutters around his cock. His teeth grit with the squeeze of your cumming pussy and Touya has to dig his nails back into your hip so he doesn’t moan- lips pulling into a growling snarl as he tries not to cum with you.
“Nii-san! Nii-san!”
He lets you moan and writhe and mewl until you limp beneath him and then he leans over you, presses his chest flat against your back and curls his fingers into your hair, jerks your head to the side and shoves the phone in your face.
He wants them to see your flushed face and muddied eyes. He wants them to see your fucked out face and fluttering lashes. He wants them to see your face as he cums inside of you, as you cum on his cock again.
Touya fucks into you- movement shallow, his cock still driving in so fucking deep- and you moan, shudder whenever his teeth scrape over your shoulder.
“You like nii-san’s cock fuckin’ deep inside you?”
“Oh- oh, yes! Love it nii-san!”
It comes out whiny- so fucking needy. Touya grunts when your cunt pulses around him and he fucks into you rough, makes you mewl out his name.
“Nii-san’s gonna fuckin’ fill ya,” he snarls. “Fill your tight lil cunt. Gonna fuckin’ breed ya! Breed my sweet lil sis- fuckin’ shit- gonna cream that cunt!”
“Please! Please! Touya- nii please!”
You beg so fucking sweet. Touya snarls and he fucks into you rough, pulls your hair tight as he shoots his cum deep into your needy little pussy, fills you to the goddamn brim with his seed. You cum, again, with him and you moan as you do- so loud and cute.
Whimpers rip from you as he humps his cum deep inside you and you shudder when he grinds into your cunt, coo dreamily whenever he lays a kiss to your flushed cheek.
“That’s my girl,” he murmurs.
A mewl as you nod drowsily and Touya snorts at your sleepy smile, turns the camera to his face and sneers before ending the recording.
He drops it in the groupchat before he slides out of you and sits back on his knees. You nuzzle into the covers as he runs his hand through his hair and Touya huffs, snorts as you yawn.
“C’mon,” he tells you- maybe quietly fond in a way he’ll never admit-, “let’s crash.”
You hum and you nod and Touya lets you shuffle under the covers, follows after you and pulls you close.
He clicks off the lamp and the two of you drift off to sleep- satisfaction filling Touya as his phone goes off and a happy smile on your face. 
Tenko is the first to watch the video.
He gets the notification in the middle of crushing up some pills. His first instinct is to just ignore it, but impulse has him reaching for the phone, has his thumb clicking the play button before he can really think about it.
His brow arches, but he’s not too surprised by the smut dropped into the chat- between Keigo and Touya it happens on the weekly and he’s more than used to it.
He could use new fap material, anyway.
Tenko settles back in his chair and takes his cock out, gives it a stroke as he eyes the cunt filling the screen.
Wet, cute- he’d like to fuck it, fill it.
Why the fuck does Touya always get such sweet pussy?
A scowl twists his lips, but his hand twists along with it- pumps along his shaft as he enjoys the sight of arched hips and a cute ass.
He’d fucking wreck that ass given the chance. Slam his dick deep inside and makes this bitch moan.
“You wanna get fucked, sweetheart?”
Fuck- what a good lil cunt.
Tenko grunts as he rocks into his fist, but then he fucking moans when he sees just who Touya is fucking.
Shit- fuck.
He knew the bastard was twisted but goddamn.
Tenko almost laughs, but he’s too busy jerking himself off even faster- eyes narrowed and teeth gritted, a pant sounding from him.
“Yeah, shit. Fuck that little sluts’s cunt. Breed your lil sis you fucking dick.”
He should be disgusted, probably. Horrified at the very least.
But fuckin’ hell this is hot and he’s been jackin’ it to shit like this for years anyway.
And, fuck, this is real- this is hottest shit he’s watched all month. All goddamn year.
Tenko cums before the clip is even over and he keeps fucking his fist even after, replays it with a hissed curse.
Touya better drop more after this. He better let them see this in real life- Tenko needs to see this slut’s fucked out face in the flesh, needs to shove his fingers into your moaning mouth and make you choke.
Tenko licks his lips and he saves the video- saves it a second time for a back up.
Just in case.
The second person to see the video is Jin.
He’s home- drunk, high, smoking a cigarette and watching reruns of Doraemon.
He’s feeling fuzzy, good. The night had been chill and he had liked getting a glimpse of Touya’s little sister- you’d been real cute, real sweet. He had wanted you to sit next to him- maybe in his lap like Keigo had teased- and he had wanted to hug you close, get you just as high and fuzzy as him.
He might have a lil puppy dog crush on you now- how could he not with you so shy and sweet?
Jin hums as he thinks of you, scratches his stomach and grins sleepily- one laugh leaving him as he watches Nobita fail once again.
His phone buzzes and Jin fumbles a hand over until he can pick up, blinks and raises a brow when he finds a video in the chat.
Someone fucked or someone did something stupid.
Or fucked someone stupid.
A snort leaves him and Jin takes a draw of his cigarette, lounges back and presses play.
It’s the usual shit- hot and boasting and showing off a cute lil wet cunt, a soft and sweet ass. 
He’s a bit jealous, maybe. (Definitely)
He’s a bit too relaxed and heavy to get off on it, maybe. (No he’s not)
Eyes drawing half-shut, Jin reaches a hand down his sweatpants. He strokes himself lazily as he watches Touya spanks his mewling, whiny little slut and he smokes as he does, too- humming whenever he hears the plea to be fucked.
Cute. (Hot)
Whoever this is seems like a good little girl. (A needy little whore)
A small grunt leaves him when he watches Touya tangle his fingers into hair, but a gasp of “shit” leaves him whenever a head is jerked back and he sees a cute, flushed face that he definitely knows.
“What the fuck?”
He has to pause the video, bring the phone up to his face and squint at the screen.
He’s not seeing this right- can’t be seeing this right. He’s too drunk, too stoned. too fucked up- his vision is betraying him. It has to be.
Jin stares at the screen. He stares and stares and stares. His thumb hovers over the screen, hesitating, and the ashes from his cigarette fall onto his bare chest while he tries to decide what to do.
Touya wouldn’t really...he’s not really fucking his little sister is he?
No way. No fucking way.
(Yes fucking way)
Jin blinks and his thumb hit the screen, he swallows as he watches you beg for your big brother’s cock.
Fuck, that’s sick. That’s disgusting.
(That’s so fucking hot.)
His cheeks flush and his eyes widen, draw back down to lazy slits. His fingers twitch along his cock, tighten back around it when he gets treated with the sound of a whimper, a moan.
You sound so fucking good. (You sound so fucking whiny)
You’re so cute- you probably have such a tight, wet little pussy. (You probably have such a sloppy, fucked out cunt if Touya fucks you like this on the regular)
Shit, he wants to know how your cunt feels. He wants you on his lap, wants to feel you clench around his cock like a good little girl.
(A good little whore)
It’s too much to watch- too much to handle. Jin closes his eyes and tilts his head back with a groan, jerks himself to all the mewls and growls and groans and begs that sounds from the phone.
He comes along to the sound of you coming and he shudders after it, drags his hand over his cock and wipes the mess over his sweats.
...fuck. He shouldn’t have done that- he shouldn’t have watched that. He’s not going to be able to look you in the eyes if he ever gets to see you again.
(Fuck your eyes- he wants to look up your skirt, see that cute little pussy again)
Jin frowns and he runs his hand through his hair, tosses his burnt out cigarette into the ashtray before lighting another.
On the tv, Doraemon laughs. On his phone, Touya kisses your cheek and smirks at the camera- at Jin.
Fuckin’ dick. (Lucky bastard)
Jin shakes his head and he closes his eyes again, takes a draw and blows out a plume of smoke toward the ceiling.
...he’s got some fucked up friends. (No more fucked up than him)
A grimace and then Jin looks to his phone, taps on the screen and watches through heavy lidded eyes as his friend fucks his sweet little sister.
Keigo’s the last to see the video- he finds it in the chat after he’s sent the neighbor girl back home, after he’s gotten some head and drawled out promises of feelings that he’ll never feel for some dumb little whore with aspirations of home in the ‘burbs and a passel of brats.
He snorts when he sees it, thinks it’s just some busted bitch that Touya talked into coming over so he could rail his anger out.
Touya’s always been a touchy little shit.
He stills plays it, though- drops down on to his bed and kicks back, takes a swig of beer.
It’s a pretty little cunt that gets flashed his way- wet and eager, nice and snug looking. Keigo rolls his eyes whenever Touya’s fuckin’ voice sounds, but he’d be lying if he didn’t enjoy the sight of that cute cunt sucking in a rough thumb, the sound of a little whimpers and mewls.
Not a bad pussy, not a bad voice- maybe this slut isn’t that busted?
Or maybe she’s just a butterface.
A snort and Keigo lazily works his hand down his chest, underneath his sweatpants. He strokes him even if he’s just half hard and he lets his gaze drift to something half-lidded, amused and lazy.
“So fuckin’ wet and warm. So tight. “All for me, baby- right?”
Fuckin’ show off- as if this one ups the coed Keigo had last week, as if this one ups the way he had fucked her throat raw in the library and came all over her dumb face, all over her fat tits.
“Y- yes. It’s all- all for you!”
Wait a second...
Keigo blinks and his brow arches as he watches Touya lays a smack across a cute little ass.
That voice sounds kind of familiar. Someone he’s fucked before? Did Touya snag one of his sloppy seconds?
Fuckin’ maybe- fucker is stupid and petty enough to do that.
Not that Keigo cares, though- he’s never fucked anyone that he’d get jealous over.
It’s more funny than anything, actually.
Keigo snorts, again, and he pumps his cock with a sneer.
“You ever been with anyone but me?”
Yeah, you’ve been with someone better. Will probably come crawling back to him, too, when you’re left dissatisfied by Touya’s weak ass stroke game.
“N- no! Just you! Just Touya!”
“You want anyone else?”
“No! Never!”
Who the fuck is this bitch?
Keigo scoffs as he hears a beg to be fucked sound, rolls his eyes as he watches skinny fingers tangle into hair.
Maybe he’ll have to hunt down this slut and wreck her, shove it in Touya’s face right back.
Keigo drags his palm over his cock right as Touya jerks a headful of hair back and Keigo damn near crushes his dick whenever he catches sight of just who Touya has caught in his clutches.
Oh that fucking bastard. That son a bitch.
A slew of curses hisses from him and Keigo snarls as he takes in your teary, needy face, as he hears his creep of a friend’s little sister beg to be fucked by Touya.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
The growl spits out of him and Keigo is barely aware of it- can’t fucking care about it as he watches Touya nail his cute lil sis.
This is absolute fucking bullshit. He can’t believe that fucking prick is railing his sister. He can’t believe that petty fucking asshole is dumb enough to show it off.
What the fuck? What the absolute fuck?
Keigo’s hand moves faster and he snarls as he twists his wrist, as pre-cum spills all over his fingers.
Touya doesn’t fucking deserve that cute lil pussy. Touya doesn’t deserve to rail you with your sweet ass and mewling moan and hot little whines. Touya doesn’t fucking deserve you at all.
It doesn’t cross his mind for one moment how wrong the whole situation is. It doesn’t cross his mind that he should be disgusted over a brother fucking his little sister, that he should be disgusted over the way Touya hisses promises of fucking breeding his little sister’s cunt.
If he’s disgusted it’s only because he’s not the one fucking you- that Touya got to you first.
Oh, Touya is going to fucking regret this.
He’s going to fucking ruin you.
Keigo hisses as he cums and he growls as Touya’s stupid fucking lips quirk into a smirk on the screen, snarls and throws his phone down onto the bed as his hips jerk and pound against his fist.
“Fucking bitch! Stupid fucking whore!”
No wonder you were so goddamn shy. No wonder you didn’t sit in his lap like you should’ve. It wasn’t him- it was you; it was Touya.
The beer bottle gets swiped to the floor and Keigo growls as he rips his hand from his pants and scrubs the cum on his sheets.
Touya’s going to fucking pay for this.
Keigo saves the video and he scowls as he does- face dark, teeth gritted, stormy plans of revenge brewing in his mind.
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