#whatever the reason though they suck and i cannot stand them
thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
i hate security questions so much. they're always things like "what's your favorite movie" or "what's your least favorite food" or "what's your best friend's name" and like. i can't guarantee that the answer i give will always be accurate?? a year from now my favorite food may have changed. my current best friend and i may have had a falling out. and what then? the answers are no longer accurate and i might not be able to answer them, and then i'm locked out.
i also see one asking about my father's middle name a lot, and he doesn't have one. and idk my paternal grandmother's first name because she doesn't go by it, and i'm not married and i don't have kids and i can't remember how my childhood best friend's name is spelled so the majority of security question options i can't even answer. they're always either subject to change or about stuff i haven't experienced and yet they're everywhere and always required. they're evil and i hate them
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carmenberzattosgf · 8 months
It's 💙💙💙me again !I've Come to be annoying ! Lol . Okay so hear me out , it's cold as shit in Chicago during the winters and the reader just moved there and isn't used to it and her clothes arent warm enough and it makes carmen annoyed as hell BECAUSE ITS COLD AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?? So he's always giving you his coat and reader is always like "no no no , you're gonna be cold 🥺🥺🥺" while she's grabbing his biceps but at the same time she's like all "heheheeh" on the inside and giddy and he just gives her a stern look and spank on the ass for being irresponsible 🫣 but at the same time he loves her wearing his jacket and now she's only allowed to wear his jacket basically 💙
You could never annoy me friend!!
But yes I sooo agree with this. I’m thinking pre relationship you would show up to work after walking there when it was FREEZING. All you have to keep you warm is a flimsy little jacket. You suck it up and don’t complain.
Carmy notices though when the day is over and you’re about to head out back into the cold with your sad excuse for a jacket.
“Y/N. Did you forget your jacket in your locker or something? It’s freezing you need to go grab it.”
“This is all I’ve got! I haven’t had time to buy a proper winter jacket since moving here. I’ll be fine though. I made it this morning just fine.” The concerned look on Carmy’s face turns into one of complete shock.
“What the hell were you thinking? It’s like 20 degrees outside.” Carmy begins to unbutton his thick fleece-lined denim jacket and shrug it down his shoulders.
“Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?” You grab at his arms to stop his movements. His biceps flex beneath your palms. You knew he was ripped, but to feel his muscles under your own hand is much different than just looking at them.
“I’m letting you wear my jacket.” You two argue back and forth before you finally give in. He stands behind you and helps you slip the jacket on. It’s soft and cozy, and the smell of Carmen overwhelms you. “There we go. That’s much better now, isn’t it?”
You couldn’t lie. He was right. “Thank you Carmy. I’ll get this back to you tomorrow. Promise.”
“No. Don’t worry about it. You said you didn’t have time to get a jacket, right? Consider it a ‘welcome to Chicago’ gift.”
“You don’t have to do that! This is a really nice jacket. I don’t want to take it from you.”
“Trust me. I have plenty just like it. Besides, it looks nice on you.”
Now once you two are in a relationship? Yeah you forget your (his) jacket on purpose just so you can wear whatever one he wore to work back home. The main reason behind this is so you can smell like him for however long the jacket retains his scent.
He’s come to expect this and actually keeps an extra jacket in his locker so he doesn’t freeze to death in Chicago winter.
But yes. Every single time it happens he will playfully scold you and slap you on the ass because he knows you love it.
He truly cannot get enough of you in his clothes. He would walk home in the blistering cold if it meant he got to see you wearing one of his jackets
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willowmvp · 1 year
Another Lore Hint?
I REALLY like writing, y'all. Especially these characters? I just...ughhhh everything about them is SO good, I love them so much. ANYWAYS, READ ON. Yet another Shrubathon, yet another Lore Hint. Enjoy...
"I wasn't even doing anything!!"
The boy's father pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "You don't understand-"
"But I do-"
"Do NOT interrupt me, Will!" A fist slams down on the barrel serving as a table between the pair, the boy jumping in his seat. "Elyas is not to be crossed, you have no idea what it cost me on this ship when-" The man hesitates, sucking in a sharp breath. "He has a certain way about him, you cannot disobey his orders."
"Caer isn't a bad person though!"
His father stares at him for a moment. "You can't see him again. I directly forbid it. He's a prisoner, and I'm sure the captain has his reasons for that."
Will sulks, slumping. "Why can the others play around those decks then?"
"Because they're half your age. And don't-" The man locks eyes with Will. "Don't think you can get any ideas with them and the prisoner, if Elyas catches you again-"
"He won't do anything to me, I'm just a kid." The boy imitates a pout, crossing his arms.
"He would." Something clouds the man's eyes, and he quickly stands. "I have to get back to work above deck. Swear to me that you won't go seeking out the prisoner again."
"Fine..." Will grumbles, watching as his father turns to leave. "For now..." he mumbles, hardly audible above the creaking hull and muted waves.
Caer was just a kid too, like him. Barely 16, parents dead, sister taken, just trying to survive. He'd snuck onto the ship when it had last docked and been caught by the cook, Dennor, when he'd been sneaking some food out of the galley. Captain Elyas had thrown him in the brig without a second opinion, loudly proclaiming that there was no room for stowaways on this ship. Now, locked away, he could only await whatever plans the captain had for him and spin stories to the kids who would listen to his tales.
"Me mum, when she was alive, taught me how to fight, see? I got the best skills out of ev'ry one of you!" He'd say, grinning, one of his front teeth missing and his long hair wild from the salt in the sea.
That was how Will had been caught. He had been listening to a story Caer was telling of a tall tower he'd seen once, pristine white with a blackened cap, how it seemed to glow from the inside. Will had been so absorbed that he didn't notice the footsteps coming down the steps, hadn't noticed the other kids shuffling about as they scattered or hid, and it wasn't until he was hauled up by his shirt collar with a yelp that he knew anything was wrong. Caer hadn't even paused, going on, talking about how he wished he could see it one more time as the captain pulled Will away.
He wanted to go back, to hear more stories of islands and landmarks, to one day even get Caer free and take the journey together. Will could see it, his own ship, a large map spread across a desk in the cabin, a crew with Caer and his father, and anyone else who'd want to join them. He could do it, someday.
But for now? Will stood up and straightened his too-large button-up shirt. He had to figure out how to see Caer again, without the captain OR his father finding out.
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whumpsday · 1 year
my unhinged rant about the whumptober discourse, below the readmore for the benefit of ppl who dont wanna see that crap. im just gonna go insane if i don't say this somewhere bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
this drama is genuinely so mind-blowingly stupid it's unreal, and it's been bothering me so much that i just HAVE to talk about it or i'm gonna go insane, if for no other reason than to get it out of my system. i honestly never expected the whump community to go on the kind of bad-faith tirade that's taking place.
disclaimer right here that i do not support AI scraping creative works without permission (like chatgpt and a whole host of AI art programs do) or these AI-generated works being passed off as legitimate creative works. obviously that stuff is bad, and literally everyone on all sides of this agrees it's bad. i used chatgpt exactly once one week after it came out, before i knew how shit it was, and haven't touched AI stuff since. because it steals from creators and it sucks.
saying "whumptober supports/allows AI" when their official policy says plain as day:
"we are not changing our stance from last year’s decision"
"we will not amplify or include AI works in our reblogs of the event."
"we discourage the use of AI within Whumptober, it feels like cheating, and we feel like it isn’t in the spirit of the event."
is bonkers! whumptober is a prompt list, there is nothing TO the event other than being included in the reblogs. they literally cannot stop people from doing whatever they want with the prompts.
someone could go out and enact every single prompt in real life on a creativity-fueled serial killing spree and the whumptober mods couldn't do shit about it. it's not like it's a contest you submit to. it's a prompt list! someone could take every single prompt from the AI-less whumptober prompt list, feed it into chatgpt right now, and post them as entries. and the mods of THAT wouldn't be able to stop them either. because it's a prompt list.
the AI-less event have also made just... blatantly false claims, like that grammarly isn't AI. grammarly IS AI and they openly advertise this. hell, this is grammarly's front page right now:
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and this is a statement from grammarly about how its products work:
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its spellchecker / grammarchecker is AI-based! claiming it's not AI is just... lying. saying "this is an AI-less event" and then just saying any AI that you want to include doesn't count as AI is ludicrous.
and you know what? whumptober actually pointed this out. they said they don't want to ban AI-based assistive tools (like grammarly) for accessibility reasons. this post has several great points:
"AI is used for the predictive text and spellchecker that's running while I type this reply."
"Accessibility tools rely on AI." this is true and here's an article about it, though the article is a little too pro-AI in general for my tastes, there's nuances to this stuff. it's used for captioning, translation, image identification, and more. not usually the same kind of AI that's used for stuff like chatgpt. THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS!
"But we can't stop that, nor can we undo damage already done, and banning AI use (especially since we can't enforce it) is an empty stand on a hill that's already burning, at least in our view of things."
and people were UP IN ARMS over this post! their notes were full of hate, even though it's all true! just straight lying and saying that predictive text isn't AI (it is), that AI isn't used for accessibility tools (it is), that whumptober can somehow enforce an anti-AI policy (they can't because it's a prompt list).
in effect, both whumptobers have the EXACT SAME AI POLICY. neither allows AI-generated works, but both allow AI-based assistive tools like grammarly. everyone involved here is ON THE SAME SIDE, they all have the exact same opinion on how AI should be applied to events like this, and somehow they're arguing???
not to mention that no other whump event has ever had an AI policy. febuwhump, WIJ, bad things happen bingo, hell even nanowrimo doesn't have one.
and you wanna know the most ridiculous part of this entire thing? which is also the reason why none of the above events have an AI policy.
no one is doing this. no one is out there feeding whumptober prompts to chatgpt and posting them as fills for whumptober cred. it's literally a hypothetical, made-up issue. all of this infighting over a problem that DOESN'T EXIST.
to the point that people are brigading the whumptober server with shit like this:
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saying "everyone who participates in whumptober is a traitor, you should go participate in this other event with the exact same AI policy but more moral grandstanding about it" is silly. every single bit of this drama is silly.
in the end, please just be nice to people. we're ALL against the kind of AI that steals from creators. the whumptober mods are against AI, the AILWT mods are against AI, whumptober participants are against AI, AILWT participants are against AI. there is no mythical person out here trying to pass chatgpt work off as whumpfic. let's all just be civil with each other over this, yeah?
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rockybloo · 9 months
So, speaking of Civilian!Amara, would Freebird still be trying to woo her??
Sadly, Amara cannot escape the winged fuck boy.
(warning, this answer gets LONG winded bc Freebird's dynamic with Sweetheart and Bitterbat is one of my fav things to write)
It's a bit harder for the two to cross paths compared to canon since Amara ain't that much of a public figure. She occasionally helps with hero events and the such like setting up convention booths for the annual Decking City Hero Convention. There's also the times he visits the Decking City Defense Force Headquarters to deal with international hero stuff where they have a chance to run into each other. She knows the building like the back of her hand though so she is very good as skirting around him.
On the bright side, Freebird can't come on as heavy as his canon self since Amara is a civilian and there's different social standards for how a hero can flirt with a normal human before it gets creepy because of the uneven power dynamic. BUT that doesn't mean he doesn't flirt with her whenever he gets a chance to. He calls her the typical things, like "Cutie" or "Dollface". He occasionally asks when she gets off work to see if they could do a date. Amara is quick to hit him with "I got a full schedule today! You know how it is trying to keep track of you heroes."
Plenty of the other people she works with thinks she's lucky to catch his eye and should give him a chance. Who wouldn't want the chance to be the Lois Lane to a Superman? But Amara is happy with Bitterbat...she just can't tell anyone that she's dating one of the biggest villains in the city.
What sucks though is that Amara is basically stuck in customer service when she is working for the DCDF. Thankfully, her customers happen to be heroes and many of them are nice and polite to her.
But when it comes to Freebird, poor girl has to put him down even more politely than canon due to the risk of getting fired since Freebird is the #1 American hero and it wouldn't look too good if one of the workers for Decking City's main hero force was rude to him and ruined his opinion of the city.
Thankfully, Freebird typically has his hands full with hero stuff so he's not as annoying as in canon but that doesn't mean he's free of Bitterbat.
If anything, he's in even MORE danger in this AU because Bitterbat in canon is held back by the fact Sweetheart is his designated hero. No matter what he is doing, Sweetheart is the one called to deal with him if she ain't already on the scene. It makes their secret relationship easy to maintain because no one is butting in.
Bitterbat killing Freebird would lead to him being marked as one of the #1 biggest threats to America as Freebird is basically a living icon. This means that Bitterbat would have every hero and the American military on his ass which would take his alone time with Sweetheart away. And he can't just go on a rampage because he doesn't want to make Sweetheart upset due to the rising body count of honestly innocent people who are just trying to do their job because they don't know the full story of him and Sweetheart.
So the guy is basically on a short leash in canon.
But in the civilian AU, Amara isn't a hero. She just works with them. And girl is tired since she is still a workaholic. It's not that she's heartless in this AU, it's just that her morality scope has shrunk since she isn't in charge of people's safety-just her own and some paperwork. And Bitterbat is basically a full villain in this AU instead of him being partially evil in canon. Yeah, he and the Flavor Four killed Lord Vile and saved Earth from him but they only did it so their beloved civilians wouldn't get hurt. They have no loyalty to the rest of the human race.
And being a villain means that Bitterbat can basically do whatever he wants because ain't nobody strong enough to stop his ass. Truthfully, the only reason the city is still standing is because Amara likes Decking City being in one piece since she has to live and work there. So you have the same situation in canon where Bitterbat behaves somewhat. But he's still dropping some "But wouldn't it be nice"s and "Just say the word"s and hoping one day Amara quits her job and comes with him to Umbra to be his queen.
And Bitterbat behaving in this AU is a lot different than canon. He has a higher body count for certain and his "yandere" vibes are cranked up. In canon, he is transparent with Amara. In this AU, there's a lot of shit he keeps a secret from her since she's just a mere human in this universe. And he doesn't want to scare his beloved queen away.
So this is all a long winded way to say that the second Bitterbat learns about Freebird's advances on his Sweetheart, Freebird is fucked because that bat is either going to slaughter him dead and string up his body nice and pretty where everyone can see it as a warning to stay away from Amara...or just tear his wings off and make sure he never spends another day as a hero again.
Yeah, he's gonna be listed as a high level security threat. But Bitterbat doesn't really care. Nothing matters save for Amara and her happiness. And if he has to take on an army because some people don't like the fact he broke everyone's favorite pretty boy birdie, then he's more than willing to add some more bodies to his list.
As for how Amara feels about this...she has no idea how truly down bad Bitterbat is for her. She's very aware of the danger he carries with him and she still finds it very alluring just like him dripping in blood is attractive as all hell. It's basically her knowing he can and will kill for her, but not knowing just how many he already has.
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youngveinsworld · 9 months
quotes from a recap of the young veins' show at the crowbar in tampa, florida on 9 july 2010
standing in line, as people came, made me feel old, really, since most people i saw were there with parents. that was strange-- i've never felt so old. mostly, though, i performed failed attempts at fanning myself with my hand and then discovered it worked much better with a dollar bill for the better part of an hour. And i chewed gum, which is pretty much the only reason my mouth stayed hydrated. it still perplexes me how those girls could stand to be out there in jeans or leggings.
the bouncer who let us in was rather hilarious. he spent his time playing a counting game with himself to see how many people he could put x's on in a row. and then he was bemused by my being from ohio-- he was like 'did you drive down here for this? wtf?'. he was slightly less shocked once i told him i was on vacation.
i kept spotting nick white talking to the bouncer and, at one point, ryan walking around behind the crowd, though i'm not entirely sure how he walked through the entire bar without someone coming up to him.
the young veins came onstage in short sleeves, for once, except nick murray, who was crazy enough to don a button up. even ryan had on his red white and blue polo, which amused me as i had spent time outside earlier wondering if he would end up wearing it, since i doubted even crazy little ryan ross would want to be onstage in a three piece suit in that kind of weather.
their set up took even longer than black gold's, unfortunately, with ryan tripping over numerous power cords, plugging and unplugging shit from the power strip, and repositioning both his pedals and his water cups for the better part of fifteen minutes. my time, then, was spent marveling at how in the world ryan's toothpick legs hold him up and concurring that jon is even prettier now than the last time i saw him.
the sound guy was a huge dick to them, too, and it took him ten minutes to get nick's keyboard fully sounded. ryan was being rather sassy with him, as his guitar was giving some intense feedback, and eventually he was just snapping shortly at him and said it was fine, whatever. it was obviously not that fine, though, and he spent the first three songs readjusting his mic stand and dragging his floor amp around and gesturing to the sound guy to turn up his mic. at one point he clarified to us that we were being lovely, it's just that the sound sucked and that he was sorry for being so cranky, but he used to be in the foo fighters, and he just wasn't used to it.
his snarky little bitch attitude was fabulous, to be honest, and he eventually got so fed up that he was just like 'fuck it. i'm moving.' and dragged his amp and his stand back right in front of me and huffily continued.
the rest of their set went fabulously, in my opinion, and i was really feeling the jive of it all. he dedicated 'capetown' to jon for saving his life when he tried to get married and give away his passport to a girl while he was 'most likely drunk'. and they dedicated a song to black gold so that, according to ryan, 'they wouldn't owe them anything, anything'.
the recent joke about being in a motorcycle gang was continued, with ryan and jon bantering back and forth about how they used to be in the foo fighters but before that they were in a motorcycle gang who traveled all over the world and did lots of dangerous deeds and then ryan goes 'and what was that gang called jon?' and jon told us that it was also called the foo fighters, and that 'that's where the name comes from'. during all this ryan was riffing on his guitar as background music, which was quite cute.
he also, before 'everyone but you' told us that it was a sad song and and that we needed to be quiet and really listen to the words jon was singing because they were serious and we should be too. that song sounds so fabulous live, i must say. another one i really liked live was 'security', which i cannot get out of my head and i spent the night singing in the hotel hallways.
ryan thanked us a lot for changing his night, saying that he was kind of 'bummin' about the sound, but we turned it around. he also thanked rooney for letting him sit on their air conditioned bus earlier because he was super hot.
after they finished their set i was about to die a slow and painful death from the aches in my legs and i decided to get out of the front and sit on the railing. i ended up going over to buy merch instead, and subsequently ended up smushed in a large group of people for about a minute.
there was a riser next to the stage with some tables that i ended up standing on to wait for rooney and ended up talking to ryan once i saw he was there. mostly i wanted to stare at him instead of being coherent, because dear lord that boy is even more gorgeous than i remember him-- such a pretty little shit. instead i joked with him about our stripes matching and explained my tattoo idea to him and had him write 'hey moon' out for me in my notebook, and once he did he was all 'are you sure that's okay? my handwriting is lame' which it is not. stylized it will look fabulous. he was rather shocked that i was gonna tattoo my ribs, though, when i told him about it.
i also took a picture of him with my diana camera, which was funny because he was like 'should i strike a pose?' and was posing around a bit and i was like 'dude. stay still. you're fine.' and then i apparently blinded him with my flash, because he was like 'fuuuuck. briiiiight.' afterwards.
i also talked a bit to jon, who was very smiley and pretty, and had him write me another 'hey moon'. i asked if i could take his picture and he was like 'let's take one!' and i was like 'no, of you, haha' and he was like 'oh ok, noooo problem' and i then blinded him as well. he was quite an excitable little shit.
so, conclusively, best decision i've made in a while and totally worth it. i love ryan ross (and his bitchy little 'tude) unwaveringly and without shame.
– from this Livejournal post
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silasoctakiseron · 5 months
character meme: if colum has not been sent, please, I love him. silas is obvious and I'm sure someone will send him but if they don't, here's the prompt if colum is covered. if both of them have been sent then ortus because I'm crying about him rn. sorry they're all men.
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Putting @butchflint's ask here also! Colum My Friend Colum
favorite thing about them
I would say that his devotion to Silas is unfortunately it. Like the incredible pain of raising a child into someone you no longer recognize and did not teach to be this way but still loving them even when you can't stand them. I wish he had his own life but I also deeply love and feel for him in this respect. I ALSO love the fact that he's one of the only cavs in the building who has actually seen combat and therefore can bring the motherfucking thunder on a bitch after sitting around being polite and mild-mannered all day.
least favorite thing about them
Genuinely don't think I have one. He's a reasonably decent guy. It sucks that he has to uncomplainingly obey Silas's will all the time but that's not his fault.
favorite line
He has some great and tragic ones but this one was the one that immediately came to mind. He's literally just some guy. “Someone could … just go ask,” rumbled Colum the Eighth, shocking Gideon with an inherently sensible suggestion.
What if you were this guy's nephew and also a little bit his parent and also his indentured servant and also his mouthpiece and also his battery and also the closest thing he had ever had or would ever have to a friend. What then.
Married to his work, I'm afraid. That said I love the concept of him fucking like, Naberius at Canaan House as a tiny little rebellion against both general Eighth House repression and Silas specifically being in his fucking business all the time. Like please have a meaningless orgasm courtesy of some twink it's the least you deserve
I literally cannot think of a ship with him in it that I care enough about to have active notp feelings about it.
random headcanon
Probably got explicitly reprimanded by the elders or whatever at some point in Silas's childhood for being too soft on him and potentially ruining him for the Master Templar position even though he himself was like 19 running around after a 3yo. Also in regards to matters other than Silas I think that his memory is increasingly poor in little ways and he is doing a progressively worse job of hiding this from the people around him.
unpopular opinion
Giving a fuck about his existence first of all but also I think that his absence from Harrow's Canaan bubbles was incredibly narratively important and that Silas's deranged erratic behavior and suicide were caused by his disappearance/Silas's remembrance of his death. Like I think Colum and the location of his soul (which is clearly not in the River) are going to end up being some kind of linchpin with regard to the stoma and the gang's journey through hell.
song i associate with them
Through Me (The Flood) - Hozier. Specifically the opening.
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favorite picture of them
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Definitely this donation comm I got from notedchampagne in which he is waiting for G-d to take him away from this vale of tears. (These are super fairly priced btw and I know their friend still needs help with rent.)
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hollowtones · 2 years
Do you have any particular pasta or meat recipes you enjoy?
I don’t really cook with meat a lot because I cannot stand the texture of 99% of raw meat. Straight up cannot handle it without having a freak-out incident. It’s like the one texture issue I have with food. Fish and ground meat feel fine, for whatever reason. And sausages, usually (though that’s ground meat in a tube). This was something I was a little self-conscious about for a long time, but it wound up okay in the end because my partner is vegetarian & that helped me get more comfortable with cooking vegetarian stuff that doesn’t suck ass. Main thing I can think of here for Meat Recipe is “putting a ham hock in pea soup when you’re making the stock is A Really Good Idea”, but I feel like someone out there would say this barely counts. Too bad. It’s my post.
I’ve got a lot of pasta recipes I like but most of them boil down (ha ha) to “cook some garlic in oil & also some other veggies” or “simmer the everloving shit out of some tomatoes and maybe a bit of wine, maybe braise some veggies in it”. There’s others that don’t fit this bill but this is most of my pasta rotation. I’m dogshit at lasagna right now but I want to get better at it.
(Please read the previous two sentences in the voice of someone talking about playing a sport or a video game competitively.)
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Might sound absolutely insane but I can’t get this out of my head, what does Jacob do about basic hygiene? Like I’m sure Edix takes it upon himself to groom him or something fucked up but like. What about his teeth? What would happen if he got a cavity? Fingernails? They’ve gotta be LONG and painful. Hair? Im a curly girlie and cannot imagine being separated from my emotional support hairbrush. I am so stressed for this man that it’s coming out in motherly form. What happens when his shoes/ socks wear out and he’s freezing? Or when his body shuts down from lack of protein/ only eating fruit? I want to make this man a hat and a pair of wool socks and a giant fluffy blanket :( maybe I’m reading too far into everything but I am INVESTED, sorry this is so long, thanks for writing and including so much detail!!
[leans back in my comically oversized office chair and steeples fingers]
Venandi don't actually groom each other/themselves as a means of literal bathing, it's mostly just an expression of affection (like how real cats will lick another one on the head when they cuddle), so don't worry, Edix isn't washing Jacob with his spit or anything. He gets a nice sink bath every couple of days.
The more the Venandi learn about humans during their studies, the better Edix is able to take care of Jacob. It's pretty obvious there's tons of similarities between their species, but y'know, you can't always assume with aliens, whatever he uses for mouthwash might cause his pet to vomit blood. Jacob actually takes it upon himself to chew on mint leaves in the beginning because he can't stand having a gross mouth after so long, and rinsing with water. It seems to be working fine for him, so Edix let's him continue. If he gets a cavity...sucks to suck, I guess.
Jacob already bites his fingernails as a nervous habit so there's no issue with them being too long, and even if they were, they're too tiny for Edix to do anything about them. Just let 'em break naturally. Jacob tries to brush his hair to the best of his abilities with his fingers until he gets something similar to a pick comb from Ylva since its what she uses for Mibao's textured hair, which is better than nothing.
Technically in their current story, Jacob isn't wearing any of his original clothes anymore aside from his jacket. He now wears a specially made full body suit thanks to Venandi textile technology after Ylva gave him a bath when he was first given his medicine. If that outfit gets worn out for whatever reason, another one can be printed off for him in no time.
Yeah, unfortunately, Jacob is just straight up vegetarian at this point because no fucking way is he eating any meat he can't identify as coming from earth, and that still has yet to be determined WHICH earth animal it came from. Luckily, he does slightly broaden his range to a few foreign fruits that looks appealing enough and/or are shoved into his mouth by Mibao, which contain some of the vitamins and minerals he's otherwise missing. It's not a whole lot and he's fairly underweight even for his stature as a result, but it's better than being starved entirely. Kinda. Definitely anemic and vitamin D deficient.
Poor boy only deserves the best and continually gets the worst ): Someone take this baby back home to his mama and let him have one good day. Not me though, I don't write fluff, sorry (:
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mediocre-eternity · 1 year
You have something autistic going on with you (lovingly) <3
I’ve seen this theory about myself roll around this website for some time now. I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought on this… though again— I think the books my coven has published have only served to bring you closer to us and not us closer to you.
I’ll explain.
To you, I am a character in a novel. And I do this, too— relate to characters in novels all of the time. I see myself in many, many people on the TV screen or movie screen. I think “they must get it.” But they are fictional characters. What you need to understand about myself and my cousins in the Blood is that you are first and foremost our prey. And though we may flirt and dance and talk with you, maybe even call you friend, your amazement by who we are is second to our natures as killers. I would not hesitate to rip the throat out of any mortal I see fit. So, I cannot be categorized in a way humans are. Whatever horrific atrocities live in my memories, whatever quirks I may have as a result cannot be conceptualized in a way a human could ever understand.
For example, I have such a mastery of the Mind Gift most humans don’t understand they are dead until I’ve done sucking from them. And even then, most die peacefully in a bed of roses, thinking perhaps they might just take a nap. Then they are gone, without any knowledge of who I was or what I was. And though I may use my real name on this website, you, reader, have no idea who I am and wouldn’t recognize me even if we were standing face to face. Do not look upon me as a human because simply, I am not.
Now, that being said. I do have self awareness. I am not a benign creature lost in their own era because I am hundreds of years old. I can understand things. I see that when other’s dissect my carefully curated novel persona, they tend to write me as a person who has many difficulties grasping what they might be going through in their own minds.
I know I’m not normal. I know I don’t share commonalities with others like me. I don’t see or experience the world they do, even though we are all damned immortals. I understand entirely that I do not speak as much as I think and as much as I’d rather just convey my thoughts to others outright. I am better at lying than most, too…
Oh and I fall into these horrible pits of non-existence where I can tune out rather large swaths of time for myself (which is what I’m trying not to go through now, for Daniel’s sake). If allowed and in good company, it can be extremely hard for me to stop talking (another reason why I’d prefer if I can just exist mind-to-mind). If something catches my imagination, I ruminate and write about it for days, months, sometimes years. I read obsessively…the same book over and over and with music too, until I remember the timing of the notes out of habit. There are episodes of shows on the television that I can recite back to front. And movies. Dune, most recently.
I have a reputation as a hyper-sexual and though I enjoy sex, sex as a tool is something I’ve perfected and there are periods of time where I can completely remove any emotion from the act and use my raw talent at seduction to get what I want. I am such a master at sex, it’s merely a routine characteristic of mine.
Those closest to me become frustrated because it’s so extremely hard for me to understand simple directions. The “packet on the glass” meme has been quoted to me many, many times. I am so well aware of the joke in this. Daniel uses it as a way to torment me when he’s trying to explain how to work something out. I would rather just explore the internet for hours…or ponder a new genre of music than understand the minutiae of tit and tat.
I’ve had to make considerable effort to drone out the horrible, torturous nuisance of modern New York City police cars. No longer is it a deafening alarm, but now a horrific rumble that makes my heart and stomach feel like they’re going to explode. It’s taken years to live comfortably with them and they’ve driven me to intense violence in the past.
“Attenzione! Pickpocket! Attenzione! Borseggiatrici!” Has been on repeat in my head for seven solid nights.
Furthermore, I am friends with many a vampire made within the last few decades. Most notably Benji, who I share many, many commonalities with including our young age in which we came into the Blood. Benji always remarks “oh I have ADHD, I’m ADHD, it’s my ADHD” and he was, truly, given a diagnosis for this before many children were, according to him. He believes this is because he was “in the foster care system” and a refugee so they wanted to give him a label as soon as they could. Whoever they are. (Again, me and Benji even share our beginnings as boys in a family of other boys. Though he had no softness from any Master to aide him).
The most interesting conversations have come from us comparing our lives to each other’s. Benji can get locked into one task or one hobby for hours on end as time passes and passes. We both need to be completely alone on our own terms…
I suppose what I mean to convey is that I’m well aware of these little labels that humans might call each other, or some medical diagnosis that might explain why my humor is off or why others are so terrified by my silence… Why it takes me several attempts to convey a mundane idea verbally or even why I clasp my hands a certain way! If a reader finds a kindred spirit in whatever idea of me that they have, then I’m overjoyed that my novelization has shown some camaraderie to you. And, learning of other’s perceptions and experiences has indeed helped myself, too.
My above warning to you, though, mysterious friend, is to not make a habit of finding commonalities with monsters. My kind feasts upon your kind nightly. In great quantities. And any malady or neurodivergence will not, and cannot, protect you from a very unlucky night.
Autism, ADHD, boarder-line, bipolar… What wonderful new ways science has advanced to help the human race.
But all I care about is your Blood.
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Hehe hi Pik :0 I'll give you three questions for your ask game and you can pick out whatever you want to answer <:]
What are your thoughts on Kaigaku? I know he's a bit of spoiler territory but I'm curious .. or maybe what are your thoughts on Muichiro? You decide!
A question just for me, though ,, do YOU have a favorite bird? .., !!
oh abolutely HYSTERICAL to give a pick scenario and then lay down topics that will instantly get me to talk for hours on end at the drop of a hat KSJNGFKDJNGKD
so!! the easy one!! my favorite bird, ithink, is between the mourning dove and the house sparrow! they are not terribly glamorous but i love them so so dearly and will instantly cheer up when i think about them :')
as for the character questions. thank you for enabling me HJBSJFBJD
i could very very easily write an entire goddamn essay about Either of them, but for the sake of saving whatever brevity i can manage to keep, ill save talking abt mui for when That Episode(tm) drops whenever it does, because inevitebly, i will be Absolutely Inconsolable and it Will happen anyway KJNDKGDF
instead, for now, under a cut because this preamble is already paragraphs long... kaigaku.
i fucking hate this man. i cannot stand him, hes the worst, he is so fucking stupid, i think about him fucking constantly, and he is one of my favorites. he is so fucking insufferable, and i love him!
ok so. getting into kny, i was like. immediately a zenitsu liker. like i saw him and went "god. fuck. shit. its gonna be this nerd i dont even know about yet and i can feel it already." (i was right.) which is Crucial to knowing the angle here. and when i got to his part in th manga, i . genuinely dont remember if i even thought too hard about him. i dont even remember when i Did, i just know that he Wasnt there, and then he Was, and he Never Fucking Left KSJNKDJGN
which is very very fucking funny, considering... how much of a character he straight up Isnt.
like yeah! he sure does show up in a flashback and then fights zen and dies about it! it takes like, a two chapters max! and the entire time, his only character trait is "bitch for no reason." like... that sure isn't a lot to go off of. so like... why? i guess thats kind of the answer in and of itself.
why is he like this? why is he like this?? what made him this way? we know he grew up orphaned, but why? we knew he turned on gyomei's group and ran, but why? we know he trained to be a demon slayer with zen and kuwajima, but why? why, why, why? we just don't know.
we know he's a survivalist. we know that he's willing to go to any lengths, stoop to any lows, just to make it another day. because another day is another chance you get to get them back, to prove them wrong, to rise above it and laugh in their faces and say "see? see what im capable of? bet you feel sorry now."
shame doesnt exist to him. he will make Anything of himself just to make it by. do anything, drop anyone. no connections, impermanence. its clear in flashbacks that, honestly... nobody liked him very much. and like, well, yeah. obviously. he sucks, and he isnt afraid to show it. but isnt that just so strange? broken box of happiness, disatisfaction. he refuses to forge connections, claiming the only people he tolerates are those who respect him, who see his worth.
and that's... the weird thing about him. see, because, the thing is that... i don't fucking believe him for a second. he talks big game, he can back it up, sure, especially as a demon, but... the entire time he talks, every word he says during his confrontation with zen just felt like a bluff. like he's trying to sound threatening, to sound powerful, making a threat display like an animal. every technique he chooses to execute is some new, big, flashy display of his Power, talking, taunting, still taunting.
its a lot of reading between lines, but... this man is a fucking liar. that fight felt different, it felt quick, and well... maybe because it wasn't a fight. this was some guy taking out his anger on someone in a desperate attempt to prove he's worth something.
i just think that this man is a deeply jealous bastard intent on making himself seem larger than he really is, convincing himself that he's the one that's right and it's everyone else that's wrong simply because he can't process just how awful he is.
growing up barely scraping by on his own, of course he'd become painfully self-reliant. of course he would take advantage of anything he could, anyone he could. you'd have to be that self-centered to survive. talk big, act big, nobody will mess with you. nobody can take advantage of you if you take advantage of them first.
and when he gets shown that kindness, being taken in for the first time... of course he'd take advantage of them too. he's hard-wired with instability in mind, so obviously the clear answer is to take what you can and go before something else happens and they get to you first (even if that was never really a threat.) and if they throw you out for it? it's just proof you were right. you were always right, clearly it isn't your fault. and if you happen to throw them under the bus for it... well, obviously they deserved it. there's no reason to think about it anymore.
being with kuwajima was fine. we don't know anything about the earlier days (which im so sad about) but from the looks of it, he was doing fine. about as fine as he could be, at least. he clearly respected him at first, enjoyed being treated as something special, having his work and talents appreciated-- which he did have! he was a staggeringly impressive slayer, but that's an aside-- and even berated zenitsu for supposedly "disrespecting him" by referring to him as jiichan. which. sighs.
so, zenitsu. dynamics Of Ever. honestly, even without the whole Contention there, kai would've just kinda disliked him because he's... motions with hand. look at him. but its the fact that they were considered together that pissed kaigaku off so much. because that implied that they were on the same level when, to him, they so very clearly were not.
zenitsu was annoying. he was weak, whined too much, cried too much, never put in any effot, he was so, so annoying. which made it that much more insulting that jiichan would continue to try to train him. just leave him behind already! he keeps trying to run away, let him! obviously he just isn't good enough. he's not special like he was. and yet, kuwajima kept trying.
and the fact that he did... probably completely went against everything kaigaku saw in the way the world worked. for lack of a better term, he was very "survival of the fittest" minded in that, if you weren't good, you just weren't good. you'd try and struggle and inevitably die off. the world isn't kind, and will take any chance it has to kick you down. that's why you take what you can, when you can.
if you're weak, nobody helps you. if nobody helps you, you either help yourself or die silently. that was what separated the weak and the strong. and you always, always were either one or the other. again, that's his survivalism talking. so, seeing this person he at the very least Respected waste time on some nobody instead of him, expecting something to come of it... well, it was insulting!
and to think that they were even anywhere close enough to put together? to share the title of successor? with this guy? either it meant that kuwajima thought zenitsu was as good as kai was (to him, a laughable idea,) or that kai wasn't any better than some kid who could barely swing a sword. and that was what irritated him the most.
that was the point of their final confrontation. it was kaigaku proving, once and for all, finally, that he was better than zenitsu. was it purely out of hatred for this kid who looked up to him like a brother? was it out of jealousy of someone who got so many kindnesses granted to him despite, to him, not really deserving it? was it just to prove that he was a powerful demon to those who now had their eyes on him, too? whatever it was, at its core... it was laughing in the faces of those who, honestly, genuinely cared about him (and in his eyes, never truly did.)
he could've ended that fight whenever he wanted to-- its even stated in canon that zen wouldve just lost if he was given more time to grow-- but... he just kept showing off. kept talking. it didnt feel like he was using techniques to fit the combat-- it felt like he was showing off what he could do now. he was proving a point. the only thing that stopped him was what he never acknowledged back when they were training together-- that zenitsu did have worth. that he was growing, too. and using what kaigaku refused to acknowledge in him, zenitsu cut him down-- with a symbol of the respect and comraderie that he hoped to have together. a "sorry, aniki."
kaigaku's appearance in canon is less of the role of a character, but as a statement. hes a walking tragedy. he pushes away everything that makes life What It Is in favor of this image of Strength, which is exactly why he becomes-- at first glance-- a caricature. he stops being a person and starts being a Thing. zen tries to keep him in mind as a Person (despite it all) but when he ultimately gives up hope is when the encounter ends. and when kai's role ends as well.
the only thing i still wonder is... does he regret it? in the very depths of his mind, behind all that mess he puts up, after throwing everything away... did he regret it? twice, he was shown care and kindness, and twice he betrayed them. does he know? does he regret it? does he have the capacity to? or has he simply committed so hard to the role he was given-- to the role he put himself in-- that he simply cannot fathom a world in which he was the problem? could it have been different?
put simply... what the fuck is wrong with him?
. anyway, heres a bunch of posts that remind me of him.
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thewarnerbrothers · 2 years
alright i gotta say something
you really cant do anything when you have a moderately popular blog huh
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look. im a lurker at heart. i just happen to have one issue: not being able to shut up when im interested in something. thats the only reaaon this blog exists. i didnt come here to make friends, though i ended up doing that along the way
i dont want or need your pity. what i need is for people i dont know at all to stop putting me under a microscope
newsflash: i dont matter. follower count doesnt matter. at all. do you know what its like having thousands of eyes on you all the time? it sucks
i literally cant do anything
if i block literal strangers, they get mad and try to publicly shame me for it. if i try to settle disputes amicably in private, its seen as bad. if i attempt to be open and transparent with modding decisions, its bad. if i ask people to actually talk to me, they dont. instead they kick up a frenzy in private to coordinate a stupid mass hissy fit disproportionate to any perceived slight they may have endured. if i make friends, people take it personally. people see that as some sort of insult. i cannot be friends with everyone. i wont. this hurts strangers feelings, dspite me not existing for their pleasure.
some of you feel very entitled to my time. you dont own me. i dont owe you anything. ive tried to not lose the few molecules of my mind left on a regular basis because of some people who are no longer in this fandom, and some who still are. and man. i am just. tired. of everyone. all the time.
i think even more than the fact that this series was released (mainly) as a bingewatch fest, what killed this fandom was you
not necessarily you, whoever is reading this. i mean the fans. in general. some of you are so annoying, rude, inappropriate, and willfully lacking in social skills. youre over dramatic. youre moody. youre dramamongering. youre liars. youre bullies. youre self-ascribed victims. you dont care about other human beings.
youre repulsive, frankly
you are part of the reason people have been leaving the fandom in droves. the homophobia. the transphobia. the ship hate. the inability to treat other people with basic human decency. the manufactured scandals. shut up and grow up
you know why i barely interact with larger fandom anymore? ill tell you
waves of harassment to varying degrees ad nauseam
creeps who refuse to even try to keep their fetishes to themselves in private groups that include minors
abusers (most of whom are thankfully now gone)
people befriending me only to reveal that they dont actually like or care about me as a person
the most willfully socially inept people to ever exist
nosy jerks who literally cannot stand not sticking their nose in personal problems that have nothing to do with them
people treating me and my blog like im google adsense. im not a billboard guys
people deciding i am evil for no apparent reason? sdkjfalsdjfa
thinly veiled anythingphobia pretending to be socially just (hi homophobes who imply that being lgbt by nature is 'adult')
people who just make things up. all the time. just make up a lie, say it passionately enough. if you try to defend yourself, youre seen as guilty/suspicious. if you try to resolve things quietly with only those involved, you're seen as guilty/suspicious. cant win
wankers who need to learn why parasocial relationships arent actually meant to be embraced wholeheartedly
really lame one-off trolls tbh
the most fandom discourse-poisoned takes i have seen since su hatedom was at its peak
im just tired of being nice all the time? i think you guys just like taking advantage of people you imagine to be good targets
listen. i am allowed to do whatever i want, regardless of how you feel about it. the same thing goes for you. i tend to try to resolve things reasonably and rationally, but i wont pretend ive never gotten mad or overreacted or made a decision i regret. ive made that pretty known. i like to think i've grown, and ive gone out of my way to apologize to people.
some of yall do not understand that just because your feelings got hurt, it doesnt mean you are deserve an apology or an explanation. sometimes it literally is just a you problem. a skill issue. you need to grow thicker skin. learn how to curate your online experience. get. over it.
lets talk about blocking, shall we?
blocking is great. i block people all the time. i block bots, i block tag spammers, i block people who make posts with rancid vibes, i block people who ive personally interacted with and no longer wish to, i block because i get tired of seeing someones posts, i block people who post things that trigger me, i block blogs with icons i dont like. there's usually no grand reason for it, aside from egregious cases where i've been harassed. its also usually not personal. i will block people who ive followed for years. i dont care. i dont know most of yall. i know i've been blocked by tons of people and that's okay! i would rather people who don't want to interact with me do that.
if you get blocked, thats it. dont attempt to contact me again unless i reach out. im not the only blog in this fandom. youll live without my posts. i am not the arbiter of all things animaney.
im just some guy
i know that the people who need to hear this most will not care nor will they actually absorb what i'm saying. ive gotten a lot of hate over the dumbest crap. im done. i think i need to stop trying to be so friendly, because some of you think being a little pissbaby is the only way to interact with others online.
cant wait til i finally explode one day and just delete everything
tldr shut up leave me alone oh my god its not that big a deal jesus christ
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dollarbin · 5 months
Sandy Saturday's #13:
Pass of Arms
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I'll bet there are already far more words written about T. Swift's new record than in all of the Mahabharata (that's the Hindu holy book that contains the Bhagavad Gita; it's around 13,000 pages long).
The opposite can be said for Pass of Arms, a 1971 half hour film that contains two stand alone Sandy Denny songs. The film does not have a Wikipedia page and is not available in any form anywhere as near as I can tell: it exists but you literally cannot watch it.
Having a Wikipedia page is a pretty low bar. Without knowing, I bet there are extensive ones dedicated to Chewbacca's family tree and Joe Biden's dog. I'm right on both counts of course: I just looked.
But google to your hearts content: the internet confirms that the short film existed, that it claimed to be "award winning", and that a guy who worked marginally on the 80's buddy flick Spies Like Us, in which I seem to remember that Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase save the world from nuclear destruction while failing to make us laugh, directed it; and that's it.
Happily, we can still hear the songs at least, something I've never done with any real focus until this moment. Let's start with Here in Silence.
Okay, I'm digging it so far. I picture a knight in his pensive non-warrior boy clothes looking longingly at his maiden, fall grass billowing between them in slow motion; but then that scene gives way to that same knight, now in full armor, gearing up for gnarly battle and then we realize this is actually a film about the Children's Crusade, or maybe it's all a chunky metaphor and it's actually about angsty and hirsute teens in jolly old 70's England: they're looking to stick to the man, or bloke I guess - this is England - and, well, maybe there's a reason no one other than me is angry they can't watch this film anymore because this song, which Denny clearly did not write, kinda sucks. Sandy sounds glorious, as always, but I'd rather hear her sing The Wheels On The Bus.
Have some faith though, people. We've got the marginally more famous Man of Iron track left to consider. I've definitely heard this one before, but I can remember nothing about it other than the fact that it's really long and moody with strings. Here goes!
Yeah, those are strings alright. Today the students at my tiny high school were all bent out of shape - it's Spring and everyone's either breaking up, thinking about it or striving to create similar drama in their life asap, so I led a full school game of musical chairs on the basketball court and declared in advance that I would win at all costs. I did not win but I shoved a bunch of giant teen boys aside in the effort and everyone laughed at their weird teacher and got into it.
We're a pretty cool school so one of our tenth graders, who's already a semi-professional cellist, played whatever came into his head for each round, which sure beat dancing around the chairs while T. sang 65 new songs about her loser boyfriends or whatever. My student's cello sounded, some of the time, a bit like the vibe that starts the track, only better. Then for the next round he'd play Mozart at triple speed.
But now there's a whole mess of fifes involved and this thing is starting to sound silly. Bring in Sandy Denny soon, please.
Oh thank the sensitive medieval Jesus who probably repeatedly appears to the lead character in this film swathed in psychedelic splendor: here's Sandy, and she's brought a whole pack of Cinderella's helpful birds with her to twitter about, somewhat helpfully.
But these lyrics are unbearable. When I was in seventh grade I committed the cardinal sin of writing an earnest original poem about "the roller coaster of life" and then turned it in to my earnest, no clue teacher who of course then read it to the whole class while on the verge of tears - someone had finally attempted something, anything, of marginal note in his earnest but lousy class - which turned my pimply face red, then white, then putrescent purple with shame as the other 13 year olds around me murmured then moved on to mirth and then on to all out rage: never would I be forgiven for writing sensitive poetry in earnest. Jeff Stimpfig, the school's stock character bully, declared me both gay (it was 1989; "gay" equaled uncool and homophobia equaled cool; what a dumb world...) and soon to be dead through his potent fists. Anyway, my seventh grade poem was surely terrible. But it contained far fewer cliches than this claptrap.
Was this end you chose Sir Knight?
Was this why you were born so bright?
The wolves will chew your bones tonight...
Sandy clearly needed a sizeable offered payday to have ever uttered these words; Trevor Lucas, or perhaps Stephen Stills, surely talked her into the whole gig. The guitar is nice though... I wonder if Sandy plays it. Sounds like her...
But good grief, now we've got a stomach churning drum thing going on. I'm starting to think this whole film may have been a Stephen Stills vanity project: it probably centers on Stills's broriffic relationship with Joe Freakin' Lala; they're on a quest to no longer suck and it's going nowhere fast as their stuck in a room of lemons, all of them worth sucking, and buxom ladies who admire them for no discernible reason whatsoever; and then, at the end of the film / this terrible song, aliens in sunglasses descend and take Steve and Joe to their leader for an extraterrestrial blues jam complete with wolves and low production value fake wind. Clearly, they didn't have Neil Young's budget for fake wind: he's got a huge budget when it comes to producing fake wind.
I'm guessing that Sandy's estate is responsible for insuring this film can no longer be seen by anyone. Indeed, The Dollar Bin itself may soon be hacked so as to eliminated this entire post one conniving letter at a time in their nefarious quest to separate Denny from any observable connection to the film Pass of A....
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charmcoindied · 5 months
ok movie over i gave it 4 stars on letterboxd which i don't even know if i necessarily agree with but i'm standing by it honestly. don't look under the cut if u have no emotional attachment to this film (it's long)
i think it holds up but it makes me Pissed off about the way steves story ends in endgame with him time traveling back to the past or whatever because his whole fucking arc in this movie and in the mcu as a whole because it does play out over multiple films but his ENTIRE DEAL is learning to not live in the past and be in the present. you can't go back you have to keep marching forward. and like fucking obviously he would want to go back and be with peggy DURING catws but has he really gone through no growth/development at all through the next like ten years or whatever that would give him an emotional attachment to the present day??? like obviously he feels uncomfortable in the present day and has attachments to the past bc that's when he grew up when he became who he is to some extent but like. he's doing his homework. he's trying to catch up. he's listening to marvin gaye with sam in a hospital room are we really just going to magic him back to the past and have him leave behind who he is and what he's built in the present?? FOR WHAT REASON!!!
anyway i was surprised with how like, thematically coherent it was. like the writing wasn't terrible it knows the story it wants to tell and it sticks with it. it ends up being less of a comic book superhero movie and more of a mission impossible movie which some people dislike but i think it helps it feel a lot more grounded in reality and that works to its benefit.
and of course the stucky. I think part of why it drives people crazy is the childhood friends of it all and of course seeing two white men and wanting them to fuck (even though sam is right there but i digress) but it really does just deeply intertwine w who steve is like he is such a sentimental emotional etc person who feels lost in the present and clings desperately to the past and having that commonality with bucky is like a life preserver to him... he is such a deeply lonely person and NO ONE is capable of understanding that other than bucky it makes complete sense that he would roll over and not want to fight him because fighting him would mean abandoning that past + that hope that he's still in there which is the thing !! he spends his entire life !! clinging to !!!!! he is stuck in the past physically emotionally mentally etc he Cannot let bucky go because if he does he is letting go of who he is and having to find himself completely anew all alone. he's obsessed with him and the idea that by saving bucky he could bring the past back. incredibly unhealthy of him it makes me ill
anyway happy 10th birthday to the only marvel movie they ever made sucks they didn't make any more before or after this i was looking forward to Captain America: Gay Sex
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the-starry-seas · 7 months
for however many ocs as you wanna answer this for
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
oh good I get to talk about clones to you, you will regret this
Nox: That's the neat part, they don't. Memes aside, they've never been completely alone (I mean, you try finding true solitude when you're one of millions of clones, yeesh). Also they're clingy and if they are alone they will change that pronto because they can't stand that shit, they cannot be alone, not physically capable. And the way they act around others, and when it's just themself, is pretty much the same! They're annoying, affectionate, and fond of making random and/or loud noises for no good reason. Just sitting by themself on the floor, quacking like a duck to see if they're good at it, putting some of their neon pink hair dye in Harlow's shampoo.
Tally: He fucking freaks. He's also never been alone (re: millions of clones) and he hates the silence and stillness. He needs background noise, he needs people around, he starts feeling real weird if he's not directly in sight of at least two or three other people, clones or not. He does a lot of nervous pacing when he's alone, because he doesn't like it and when do Nox and Harlow come back, this sucks. But there are times where he likes to chill and read a book while listening to whatever noisy nonsense is going on in the barracks.
Harlow: He stays level-headed because if he doesn't, who will? He's a lieutenant and that means he does not have the luxury of emotional distress (lol. lmao even.) or panicking over things. He doesn't mind being alone, in and of itself, but it does tend to make him a little bit nervous these days because if he's not there to tell Nox to behave, what the fuck are they up to now? Who's gonna protect his shinies if he's not there? But if he has someone to babysit them, he's doing a full spa day with cucumber slices and harp music and everything.
Blue: He likes being alone for short periods of time because it gives him some quiet and peace. He needs something to focus on though so it's like, idle games and crosswords to keep him occupied instead of meditation-style quiet. Loneliness, on the other hand, is different from being alone and he hates that shit. He gets restless and mopey and he just wants his idiot siblings back because they're his anchor even if they also often drive him nuts. I think being in stasis for thirty years counts as being completely alone? He did not care for that shit at all, he would do anything to not have to face that again.
Ember: He tries to make himself very small when he's alone so that nobody notices him. Being alone scares him because he knows that he'll be decommissioned if the GAR ever finds out that he can't hear any more. Even after getting away from them, old habits die hard, and being alone means not being with his family, so he'd really just rather not. So when he is alone, like Tally, he's nervous (but he freezes up instead of pacing). He likes being alone with his husband there are many benefits to being married to a marine biologist because they're adorable and Cam will play with his hair and infodump about their mutual favourite animal, the cownose stingray. (bonus camber picrew from a few years ago when kmerolzzzz's was still around)
Star: Being completely alone makes him shut down. He's a Force-sensitive clone and the Kaminoans were hellbent on reproducing that so he often got pulled out of training for tests and experiments. Being alone, to him, means he's going to be a lab rat again and probably hurt somehow along the way. He prefers being alone with one or two others, also preferably clones. Namely Winter who's the oldest of the squad and also their father figure, they call him buir and everything. He naps a lot when he's alone with a friend, chronic fatigue and all. But when it's just him and his squad, he's also more open with his facial expressions and looks them in the eyes more (GAR Jedi tended to be uh, less than kind when seeing a Force sensitive clone with golden eyes, he doesn't look strangers in the eyes very often).
Silver and Sky: A package deal. If they're not together, the world is ending. They've been inseparable from the moment they were ‘born’ less than a minute apart and everyone calls them the twins, so while most clones have an answer of "never been completely alone due to millions of clones", they've barely ever been out of each others' sight for more than five minutes. Shelter cat bonded, through and through. They're always grinning in cahoots about something, love that for them <3 They stay silly, whether they're on their own, or with the rest of the squad. They're well aware that they're disposable weapons, but they're also twins, and as long as twins have each other, what could go wrong? They stick together even more closely when it's just them because it's all about protecting each other.
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venchyl · 2 years
this is an old thing I wrote a year ago. it is, in fact, harsh and direct.
The reason I find logic to be man-made as a more direct word to use is due to how 'logic' rotates around two things: Humans and Nature.
When I say nature I do not refer to nature as in the trees, farms, plants, but I refer to nature as in earth as a whole, everything you see around you and all the things you sense. Many things can be put under the label of 'Logical': the way cats hiss at an approaching stranger, how the seasons change and so do the plants and weather.
However the term 'logic' is often misunderstood when it comes to where it stands. 'Logic is an interdisciplinary field which studies truth and reasoning.' that is the definition of human logic, it is why the water is blue and why it snows during winter. Logic is a form to live by and adapt to, though what is often misunderstood is that Logic is subjective.
One thing can be logical to someone and illogical to another, it purely depends on nature, like with numbers. I can say that a tree has sixty leaves without counting, and whether I am correct or not is irrelivant in the wide view length because the concept of numbers is a human thing, however others would argue it's logic simply because logic = human nature. The logic people speak of is the one that centers around them, hence why it is man-made. Logic changes depending on the person because it center's around people. 'Logic' is whatever your mind standerizes as normal. Logic is not a law like Gravity, it doesn't bend it's rules depending on your nature and what you think makes sense, it merely works as it does because it is a universal law.
'The concept of universality refers to a precept or principle that is widely accepted as legitimate across locations, time periods, and cultures. Universal law, then, would be a rule or law that applies in a universal way.' The reason Logic can be viewed as a Universal law is due to being *widely accepted*. Law of Logic prohibits sophistry, yet participates in it. Logic is true to some and false to others, maybe due to having a different concept of logic or none at all.
After all I have said I still do doubt some people would side with me and I don't blame them, everyone has their own opinions, though I do find it childish to go whine about it where they cannot see due to them not accepting that others can have their own thoughts. It's very sad you people behave this way, it is very pathetic.
That being said, intuition follows Logic and if you're so idiotic that everything went in from and ear and went out the other then let me tell you what I am saying; Intuition follows what you believe; What you see as normal. That is Human Logic or more commonly knows as 'Logic'.
Remember, being narrow-minded sucks, so how about you stop being so pissy?
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