#but i hate how like half of them are about things that assume you dated and got married and had kids
joseigamer · 10 months
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treehouse censoring even alfred's, kagetsu's, etc romantic lines in elyos after you s-support them....
#WHY!!!!#why let alfred say he loves you in his pact ring support but then not in the hub world???#avgn WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?.mp4#fire emblem engage#fire emblem#alfred fire emblem#i swear to god i will make a masterpost of every change at some point because this is insane.#regardless on whether people like how fe has dating sim elements there is no excuse for removing content that *isnt even problematic*#i am normally not someone who overly cares about FE censorship but in engage it was extremely excessive and with no rhyme or reason#hitting even characters that are over 18 in the datamined ages (which aren't even visible in game)....#hitting characters that otherwise WEREN'T censored but then are in other places#theres really no excuse for it especially when this is the game with the most textual m/m and f/f options to date#including characters like mauvier (he says he adores you in his wake up events!) who isnt just a bishounen (ignoring the bad 3d models lol)#thankfully mauviers wasnt censored too hard tho they still removed another reference of him saying he loves you! like why?#because romantic content does not change based on alear's gender; by removing romantic elements they also removed textual bisexuality#dont assume im also including jean and anna in that; because im not. but when it comes to characters that are of age as well...like come on#there also isnt any consistency. mauviers datamined age is 31 and zelkovs is 28; but zelkov is censored muuuuch harder#fe#fe17#its a little embarrassing to care about this sort of thing but its still content people are paying for that is removed which isnt okay#for the record ive played almost every FE game and enjoy them with or without dating sim elements.#but what i hate is this half baked situation#games#joseiposting
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thetreeturnedoff · 2 years
i hate security questions so much. they're always things like "what's your favorite movie" or "what's your least favorite food" or "what's your best friend's name" and like. i can't guarantee that the answer i give will always be accurate?? a year from now my favorite food may have changed. my current best friend and i may have had a falling out. and what then? the answers are no longer accurate and i might not be able to answer them, and then i'm locked out.
i also see one asking about my father's middle name a lot, and he doesn't have one. and idk my paternal grandmother's first name because she doesn't go by it, and i'm not married and i don't have kids and i can't remember how my childhood best friend's name is spelled so the majority of security question options i can't even answer. they're always either subject to change or about stuff i haven't experienced and yet they're everywhere and always required. they're evil and i hate them
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foldingfittedsheets · 12 days
My beloved @aorryn47 and I met on a dating site. They were one of my top personality matches. Unbeknownst to me Richard helped them game the system to get really high matches. We chatted for a bit and somehow ended up talking about laundry. I admitted that I smell test my shirts and could go a really long time between washes because I didn’t really sweat. This was a bad thing actually, and I sweat now, don’t worry.
They then abruptly stopped talking to me. I was like. :( oh. I’m a gross lil guy, I didn’t think it was that weird but maybe I should wash my clothes more even if they don’t smell. I continued on with my dating escapades.
Then about a week and a half later they were like, “Hey, I hate talking on here, do you just want to meet up?”
I agreed to coffee but somehow assumed that meant breakfast. This would lead to a contentious years long debate that I lost about my assumption that coffee meant breakfast. My beloved generously ordered soup so I wasn’t eating alone. I showed up half an hour early because it was a new location and I get anxious about being late.
I waited in my car, reading a bit to pass the time. After a while I stepped out to head inside. The car that had been parked next to me pretty much the whole time I’d be waiting also opened, and there was my beloved. Equally early.
I felt like that was a pretty good sign.
I generally just chatter when I meet people and they liked not having to fill the silence. I talked about finding blood on showroom mattresses and they told me about being an acupuncture student.
By the time I had to leave to meet an exterminator at my place I knew I’d like to spend more time with them. So I invited them over for board games while we waited for someone to come deal with my ant problem. They agreed.
When they got to my place I wanted them to meet my cat. Leeloo is an oddball and one thing that consistently makes her like visitors is if they sit on the bed. So I ushered my beloved to the bedroom and urged them to sit on the bed so Leeloo would come up and be friendly.
I would learn later that this was viewed as a potential way to put the moves on them which flabbergasted me. I just wanted my cat to say hi, which she did. But when I write the words I asked someone on a first date to sit on my bed to meet my cat I do hear how it sounds.
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irndad · 6 months
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a/n: continuation to this, but you don't necessarily have to read it first! all you need to know is reader got shot protecting maeve, and both survived. spencer has been in love with her the entire time.
“Have you called Maeve?” 
She asks it on a beautiful, rainy day, about five weeks after the event in question. She’s a little too nonchalant about the whole thing, has been from the start- Spencer’s been correcting for that. He’s been treating her like something fragile, a beautiful glass figure that was almost shattered. This is something he knows irritates her, but how can he not?
He tries not to think of it, but the memory of her in a hospital bed, bandages over her abdomen, the wooziness of giving her blood. He can’t help his caution, now. People assume, quite often that Spencer was unaware of the fact he’s in love with his best friend. Like it was something he didn’t know, didn’t have to live with. 
Spencer can be oblivious about a lot of things, but being in love with the person he’s shared a desk with for 4 years is not among them. 
“No,” he replies, looking up at her as she sits down, handing him the cup of tea she made him. They’re at his apartment. She’s been cleared for desk work, but Spencer had been nervous about the whole thing. They’ve fallen into a rhythm of her going to his apartment after work, and for how determined he is to tell her how he feels, he’s not really able to pluck up the courage.
“Spence,” she sighs, “You have to call her.”
“I did! When it happened, I called her. We talked. We just don’t talk anymore.”
She furrows her brow in an adorable way, and Spencer’s heart threatens to fall out of his chest. He’s been playing a game of she loves me, she loves me not in his mind for the. Past few weeks. 
Took a bullet to see me happy. She loves me. 
She stirs her ceramic spoon, the clink of it against the mug fills the silence. She bites her lip, clearly disappointed with his response. 
Wants me to call my not but kind-of ex. She loves me not.
She’s wearing this blue floral dress, and he is trying not to stare at where the fabric has ridden up, kissing the skin above her knee. She’s got lipstick on, and he tries not to read into how she’s sitting so close to him. Except he is kind of reading into it. 
Before she got hurt, he had tried to shove this feeling down- tried to ignore the swoop of his stomach when she walked by, or when she gave him a compliment, or when she let him do a card trick for her. He tried to shove down how much he fucking hated it the one time she had a date pick her up at the office. 
She’s just easy to be in love with. She writes little smiley faces on post-it notes and leaves them on his desk, and when the whole Emily thing had gone down, she’d spent weeks taking care of him through her own grief. 
She’s sitting on his couch. Five weeks ago, she was half-dead in a hospital bed, and now she is on his couch, in a beautiful dress after returning from the job they both share. 
He does not want to call Maeve. 
The comfortable silence turns tense as the episode of Doctor Who plays in the background, and he’s still a little gunshy- she’s breathing, she’s okay. He feels creepy, but he lets his eyes close for a moment so he can hear the sound of her breath, to know it’s still there.
“Spencer,” she says, after she pauses the show, and he turns fully to face her, “I am okay.” She grabs his hand, and he takes a couple of seconds to process the touch as she places it over her own wrist. ‘I am fine. They fixed me up. You are allowed to stop worrying.”
Her tone is even, but intentional. She’s giving him permission, as if his presence is some guilt-driven notion that’s stopping him from getting what he really wants. It’s true, though, that he doesn’t always believe she’s okay. Notices how she’ll wince when she bends a certain way, and the scar by her eyebrow is healing well, but he still searches for it in her face.
He savors the feeling of the soft skin of her wrist under his touch, running his fingers over the junction of her hand and wrist with delicate affection. How she hasn’t figured out he’s in love with her is anyone’s guess. 
He wonders what it would feel like to kiss her there.
“I know I can call her,” he manages to say back, meeting her warm gaze in a maybe too honestly in love glance, “I’m where I want to be.”
“Before I got hurt, you picked out an outfit, you asked for advice on dating, Spencer. You did that. I just-“ she sighs, moving her hand from his grasp and pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, “The piece of you that wanted that is obviously still there. You don’t have to spend a Friday night with me in your apartment because you feel guilty that I got shot.”
“You’re not here because I’m guilty-“
“Then why-“
“You’re in my apartment right now because I am in love with you, and if you’re out of my sight for more than twelve hours than it’s like I forget that you’re still alive. That you didn’t get yourself killed before I ever got the chance to actually tell you.”
He’s not yelling. Well, he’s kind of yelling. Talking loudly, anyway. Her eyes widened and he’s hyperaware of how close she already was, is. She smells like lilies and her, and it’s all so present. She could have died. She might have never heard it. 
She’s heard it now, he supposes. All the weeks of agonizing, notebooks he’s managed to fill in the last few weeks trying to figure out a way to say it to her that could charm her into loving him back- all gone. He’s told her, now. 
All the cards are in her hands.
Her doe eyes almost sparkle at him, her head tipped to the side in a fond, loving gesture, and he wants to kiss her, wants to feel her faded-lipstick pout against his mouth. He wants his I love you to turn into I can have this. 
“Spence,” her voice is a trembling, insecure thing. One half of his mind wants to rage at him- there’s no way she’s going to tell him she loves him back, that someone like her could ever want someone like him. But the other half, one that seems dangerously like hope- she took a bullet for him. She didn’t even think twice. “You’re in love with me?”
It’s like it’s not even him who replies. Some bitter thing takes over his voice and speaks for him. 
“How could I not be? It’s you.”
It’s then he notices, that oh, she’s tearing up. 
A beat passes, and Spencer sucks in a deep breath before rambling an absurd amount. 
“You don’t have to- We can still be friends, obviously, you know that. But we can, I just- I needed to tell you because when you were in that hospital bed and you’d never heard me say it, I just couldn’t live with you never knowing. But now you do, and you don’t feel the same, and that’s okay-“
He doesn’t get to keep talking, because she grabs him by the collar of his shirt and kisses him. She’s warm and beautiful and her hair brushes up against his cheek and there’s something in him that takes over when he moves to  cradle her head between his hands, both desperate to keep her in his grasp and savor the moments he gets to hold her. She tastes like cherry chapstick and something completely undefinable. 
When she pulls away after a moment that feels entirely too short, heavy lidded eyes meeting his in affection, and Spencer thinks he’d like to do that for the rest of his life. 
“I love you too,” she says back, and he commits it to memory, the sound of her so-sweet voice wrapping around the words he’s fantasized about hearing since the first time she smiled at his joke about philosophy. “I’ve loved you a really, really long time, Spence. I just thought I lost my chance, you know with- with everything. I never really thought I had one.”
He can’t even speak, really. He doesn’t think he can wrap his head around the fact that she felt like he wouldn’t like her back. 
It doesn’t feel like a concern, now, when he leans in to kiss her again. She smiles into him, and Spencer memorizes the feel of her waist encircled in his arms, when he realizes that this is the heart he is able to hold without limits. 
She loves me too, he thinks. She is safe, she is okay, and she loves me back. 
On the following Monday, when Morgan sees the two of them with linked hands before Hotch gets to the office, he doesn’t say anything. 
He does hand Emily 20 dollars, though. 
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nappingmoon · 3 months
ex!sukuna x reader - nsfw
wc: 3.1k
you get stuck on the side of the road with no gas and the only one who comes to your rescue is your ex sukuna <3
this can't be fucking real. your car sputters as you pull onto the side of the road before it comes to a halt. your roommate had borrowed your car earlier and returned it with just enough time to drive to your date on time. she didn't tell you, however, that the tank was nearly empty, and you had to ignore the small light that went on as you neared the small bar, not wanting to be rude and arrive late.
the date was alright, and at least he asked you a question or two instead of droning on and on alone for an hour and a half like your last date did. he was handsome and seemed kind enough that you could see him making a great boyfriend for someone else, but there was an unfortunate lack of chemistry between the two of you. there was a promise to talk again soon– one that would surely be broken-- and then you found yourself on your way. driving always gave you time to think and apparently, all the thinking drowned out any warning signs that the car tried to send you before giving out.
you try your roommate first, calling her with the hopes that she's with her boyfriend and he'd be willing to drive to you and at least get you to a gas station. the blaring music in the background of the call gives you an idea of what they're up to and when she turns the camera to her boyfriend with a funnel in his mouth, you cross them off the list.
next you try your date, crossing your fingers that he's still in the area. it goes straight to voicemail. you call again, maybe it was just bad connection or something. voicemail again. "dickhead" you mutter.
your only other friend who would be willing to come pick you up without holding the favor over your head works always works a double on saturdays. you know she'd come pick you up in a heartbeat, but she needs her rest and you decide against calling.
and so you come upon your last option. you and sukuna broke up two months ago and you hadn't seen him since. it was a stupid spat- you don't even remember what the source of the problem was but at some point you just started insulting each other like fucking middle school children. he called you an overbearing bitch, you called him a jealous dickhead who couldn't get over his mommy and daddy issues. things just got away from the two of you and neither of you called to mend things. about a month ago, you just assumed you were now single and when your roommate made you a profile on a stupid dating app, you didn't delete it right away.
and so, here you are now. an empty tank, with no one except him to call. you wince as you type his number in and his contact name appears as scumbag. deciding that calling him is a better option than staying alone in a car on the side of the road all night, you close your eyes and tap the green call icon. it rings once.
"hello?" his voice is gruff and the one word squeezes your heart, making you remember how much you actually miss him, despite hating him sometimes too.
"hi sukuna, i'm sorry to bother. is this a bad time?" you hear voices in the background, he might be at a friend's. even as you ask that, you know he'd drop everything if he knew you were in need.
"what's up princess? you need something?" he uses your old nickname and the heartstrings tug even more. he ignores your question and you know that you were right.
"well, it's not an emergency, but, i ran out of gas and-" you start but don't get to finish your sentence.
"send me your location." is all he says before he hangs up.
you send it. you still had his from when you were dating, but you had stopped sharing yours a week after the argument. you knew he was liable to show up at a club if he knew you were there and didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being able to do that. you were free to do as you please. the map said that he was 22 minutes away.
within 15 minutes, you see a pair of headlights slow. you get out of your car, ready to scold him for speeding but eager to see him again, even if the last time you saw him was on bad terms. confusion enters you, though, when you see an unfamiliar car. out comes a man that you don’t recognize. “hello sweetcheeks,” says the man, walking towards you and grinning far too much for your liking. “you get lost or something?” 
you head back towards your car reaching in to grab your phone but never taking your eyes off the man. “no, I’m not. I am waiting for a friend.” you try to keep your voice assertive and steady but it is difficult when this creep keeps coming towards you. you click sukuna’s contact and send him a text, ‘creepy guy here, please come quick.’ 
“can i wait with ya? you look like you could use a friend and I am great company.” he says, getting too close to the car and too close to you. he responds to your ‘no, thank you.’ with a “aw come on, i’m not gonna do anything to ya. why don’t you want to hang out with me? don’t be a bitch.” 
“sir, i’m really gonna need you to back up right now please.” you’re cornered into your car door and you curse yourself for forgetting to replace the pepper spray on your keychain. your heart seems to be beating through your chest but you can see headlights to a much bigger car turning onto the road over the man’s shoulder. sukuna’s truck roars closer and you could almost cry in gratitude. the man in front of you doesn’t seem to notice the lights nor the man bounding towards the two of you. just as he goes to reach your hand, sukuna grabs the man’s shoulder and pulls him away from you, bending his arm behind his back so far you are sure it’s going to snap at any moment. 
“listen here you degenerate piece of lowlife scum. the only reason you have your face still intact is because i’m on fucking probation and I don’t need to go to jail over some fucking incel who can’t take no for an answer. now you’re going to walk back to your car and drive on the fuck home and if i ever catch you around here creeping again, you won’t have enough limbs or teeth to try it a third time. got it?” the man nods and whimpers as sukuna releases his arm, running over to his car and speeding off.
sukuna turns to you to ask you if you’re alright but lets out a small ‘umph’ in surprise when you run into his chest and wrap your arms around him. he places a hand on your head and rubs it back and forth, muttering a “yeah, yeah” as you thank him over and over. he grabs your chin to tilt your head up to him and looks into your glassy eyes as he asks “you alright, princess?”
you nod, but don’t unwrap your arms from his torso– refusing to release your lifeline. you burrow your head into his chest again, needing a moment to ground yourself before returning to reality. he huffs, but squeezes you tight, rubbing his thumb on your shoulder. you stand like that for a minute or two before he pushes you back. “come on, let's fix your car and get you warmed up. it’s cold out here.” then he takes a look at your outfit. “hold on, where the fuck were you?”
your cheeks warm, remembering that you really tried to look cute for this date. you paired a cute slip dress with a cardigan and some short strappy heels. an outfit wasted on a man who showed up in shorts and a graphic tee but you suppose sukuna seeing you in it is at least a plus. “just a bar.” you say, while looking to the side.
he grabs your chin and brings your eyes back to him, a favorite move of his apparently, and scans your face. “you were with a guy, huh? what the fuck? are you cheating on me?” he asks incredulously.
“what? you haven’t talked to me in two months. I thought we broke up!” you reply, equally confused.
“I thought you were doing your fucking ‘healing’ or whatever the fuck you girls do! I gave you space because i was trying to be mature and let you calm down.”
“who lets someone calm down for two months? you didn’t think to call me and ask? what is wrong with you?” 
“you! you are fucking wrong with me. whenever it comes to you its like all fucking reasonable thought goes out the window! how the fuck was I supposed to know it was okay to reach out? and, what, we don’t talk for a little and you think it’s okay to go talk to other guys? you’re mine, don’t you remember that? or did our dry spell fuck with your head? did you think you could get over me by dressing up for some loser and getting mediocre dick?” 
yes. “no! it wasn’t like that kuna. I just, i don’t know. you were so mean and then you didn’t reach out and i thought that was it between us. I thought i needed to move on.” 
he bends over so that you are eye level with each other. “there’s no fucking ‘moving on’ baby. you’re stuck with me forever.”
upon hearing those words, it’s like all the sentiment from before truly comes flooding back into you. your body seems to move on its own, surprising the both of you when you close the gap between your lips. his fist finds its way into your hair and the other grabs your waist, pulling you closer. these months were the longest you have gone without sex and you didn’t know how much you had missed it until you were back in sukunas hands with his tongue in your mouth. he moves his knee between your thighs as much as your dress will let him. the friction isn’t enough and you whine and squirm in his arms. “aw, is my baby all needy? do you need more?” he teases, the words leaving his mouth and meeting yours. 
you drag your hands down his back and then slip them under his shirt to roam around his abs. fuck, you’ve missed this. “please, please kuna, need more.” 
sukuna growls and pulls you back, closing the door to the driver’s seat and opening the door to the back row. he tugs your arm and maneuvers you like a doll until you’re laid across your back seats. sukuna kneels on the floor outside the car and tugs your hips to the edge of the outermost seat before hiking up your dress to your waist. he growls when he realizes you aren’t wearing panties. “are you fucking kidding me? you had this pretty pussy ready and open on a first date? like some slut?” 
he bites the inside of your thigh and you cry out “no, ryo, the lines just ruin the dress. I promise.” he’s looking up at your frown and your watery eyes and you look so sincere and so adorable and he can’t take it anymore. he sticks his head into your heat, lapping at you like he hasn’t had a meal since the last time you saw him.
“fuck, baby. I’ve missed your taste so much. his fingers dig into your hips, keeping you in place as your back arches and your head digs into the seat. you can’t stop your squirming as sukuna sucks at your clit and your hands claw at your sides and the seat in search of something to grasp. sukuna grips your left leg and adjusts it so that it lays over his right shoulder. he brings your hand into his hair before dipping to play with your clit, his head lowering to kiss and swirl his tongue all around your pussy. with his other hand, he intertwines his fingers with yours, not even needing to look up to find your hand. of course he doesn’t look away– he’s entirely focused on using his tongue to make you forget anyone but him exists. he uses the palm of the hand that’s intertwined with yours to press on your tummy, making you see stars.
“fuck, ryomen, i’m gonna cum. please pleasepleasepleaseplease” your words blend together as the pleasure gets to your head. the fingers over your clit have found a deadly rhythm and when paired with his tongue that pushes in and out of you, you truly don’t stand a chance. he lets out small words that you can’t hear but the vibrations are enough to send you over the edge, crying out and squeezing your thighs around him like a vice. as you come down from your high you let sukuna move you up, making space for him to get into the car and close the door behind him. 
you’re dazed as you watch him unbuckle his belt and pull the waistband of his boxers down. His dick slaps his abdomen, hard and pulsing. he fists himself as he licks his lips, smirking. “delicious as always princess. now are you gonna let me in?” and you don’t think you could nod faster. you’re almost positive that there are hearts in your eyes as you watch him line himself up with you, fingers playing with your clit a little before spreading you for his tip. he rolls his hips forwards just enough so the tip catches and the stretch is already dizzyingly good. he curses, “holy fuck, did you not touch yourself at all while you were alone?”
“I did, my fingers just weren’t enough.” you whine, and the image of you in bed horny and frustrated because your little fingers weren’t hitting all the spots that he could makes him impossibly harder. 
“fuck, baby, I didn’t just ruin you for any other guy, I ruined you for yourself too, huh? nothing else will do for this pretty pussy but my cock or my fingers or my mouth. what a spoiled little cunt you have.” he laughs. you have had enough of his teasing and try to roll your hips to get more in. “alright alright I get it. easy baby, easy. by the way, what did you have for dinner tonight?” 
confused, you reply “chicken francaise, wh–” but you don’t get to finish your sentence, interrupted by sukuna fully thrusting into you. you gasp, the sting of your walls stretching to accommodate him intense even after cumming once already.
“I figured a distraction might help you relax a little better but holy fuck you’re tighter than I could have imagined. you really must have barely touched yourself while I was gone. don’t worry, this pussy won’t get neglected again.” he says, and rolls his hips again. sweat drips down your forehead as he leans over to kiss you, working his hips into yours in a delicious rhythm. as soon as you notice that his thumb has started rubbing your clit, he bites your bottom lip and the pain and pleasure mix into a mind numbing, all encompassing haze. he brings his other hand to pinch your nipple and it is enough to send you over the edge again.
being the man that he is, however, he does not let you catch a break before flipping you over to be on your hands and knees. you’re crouched and you’re sweaty and it’s hot as he slides against you but nothing has been more erotic and you find that you love it. he’s merciless now, hips snapping into yours as he chases his own pleasure. there’s just one thing he can’t get out of his mind. “did you like having your fun? was going out with those losers everything you had hoped for and more?” he spits the words into your ear, the smack of his hips getting rougher and rougher as he speaks.
it’s all you can do to turn your head and whine out “n-no! only wanted you ryo, hated going out with other guys.” you pout just remembering it. “please make me forget about them. I only ever want you.” the request is enough to send him into overdrive, and he sticks his fingers into your mouth to shut you up, knowing that he was going to be seconds away from coming if you uttered another word. you moan at the taste of yourself and at the feeling of him so deep inside you. you suck his fingers clean running your tongue across his digits. some of the spit escapes and drips down the side of your mouth and the sukuna goes wild at the debauchery of it all. 
“fuck, fuck fuck fuck i’m gonna cum, where do you want it princess?” he groans, hips stuttering as he tries to hold his release back.
there is, of course, only one right answer. “inside!” you keen, pushing your hips back to try to give him nowhere to escape to. 
“dirty fucking girl.” he snarls. “I’ll give you my cum– don’t worry princess, it’s all yours.” he says before groaning and stilling inside you. you feel the warmth fill you and grin, knowing that it is where it’s supposed to be. he turns your head and kisses you with fervor before pulling you back and sitting you on his lap. you lay your head on his chest, catching your breath and basking in the feeling of being in his arms once again. 
“so, are you really on probation?” you ask, rubbing your thumb in circles over one of the tattoos on his chest.
“yeah, I told you, i go crazy when it comes to you. after our argument i went out and got into a fight with the first person who was stupid enough to respond to my antagonizing. got caught kicking the shit out of him because I was so in my head. don’t fucking leave me again, I don’t think i’d survive the next one. well, i might, but the next guy I fight probably wouldn’t.”
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 1] Player Number Forty-Four
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Pairing: Baseball Player!Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Tittyfucking, Oral Sex (m. receiving), Vaginal Sex, Creampie
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Sitting amongst thousands of baseball fanatics makes you realize one thing: You fucking hate this sport. You don’t get the point, you don’t know what’s happening half of the time. Maybe you’re just refusing to get the point because you didn’t want to come here in the first place. You were dragged here by a friend who got some last minute tickets– She claimed she got the best possible seats for a low price, and her date canceled on her. She didn’t want to come alone, and now you’re watching the game from what you assume is a great seat.
Too bad for you, you don’t understand much of what’s happening. You’re yawning in boredom because there’s not one interesting thing catching your attention. Baseball just isn’t the sport for you, you much rather would’ve liked sitting in the stadium for any other sport. Maybe soccer or tennis. 
You’re just watching Shoko sip on her beer, occasionally yelling but overall, her team seems to be doing well; you wouldn’t know if they weren’t doing well. She’s dressed just as you expected. She wears a jersey for the team that she’s supporting, the “Demon Dogs” (You found the name so fucking funny), and jeans.
“Shoko, when does the game end?” You ask, but she isn’t paying attention to you. Her eyes are staring at the pitcher that’s walking to the pitcher’s mound, and you watch her expression change. The back of her hand is slapping your collar bone, her eyes widening. Your eyebrows are furrowing as you look at her, extremely confused. “What the hell is up?”
“They’re bringing in Fushiguro.” Shoko informs you, but you have a big issue… You have no idea who Fushiguro is. You assume it’s the pitcher that spits onto the dirt as he walks to the pitcher’s mound that is outlined with a white circle. You blink slowly, getting her hand off you. You slightly shake your head, raising your eyebrows.
“I have no idea who he is.” You end up chuckling. It’s the man that’s about to pitch, you don’t know why she’s upset. The man that holds the baseball mitt is certainly a sight for sore eyes. At least from this distance. You just know that you nearly cry when his back is turned to you, leaving you to look at the number forty-four that’s on his jersey. 
“He’s their best pitcher. Maybe the best pitcher in the whole league.” Shoko answers. The little hope that the team that she’s rooting for would win, is now completely gone. Her arms are crossed and her lips are now pouty. “Probably were testing the waters with a new pitcher since Fushiguro can’t play forever… But that clearly didn’t work.”
“What was even happening?” You question, and she tries to explain how awful the first pitcher was: throwing bad pitches, which kept resulting in balls– You didn’t quite grasp the concept. You were too scared to ask anyway. You watch as the man turns his body forty-five degrees, raising his left leg before he throws the ball, and your eyes widen because that’s the fastest you’ve seen a ball travel. You hear Shoko huff, probably accepting that her team is going to lose. It happens two more times until the player is finally out, and another one walks up. “I’m no genius but you were right about Fushiguro.”
“I hate him.” Shoko rolls her eyes, causing you to laugh. You certainly don’t feel the same. You throw your arm over her and then lay your head on hers. 
“Why don’t you root for the better team? I think they’re selling their jerseys.” You joke, and she pushes you away. Before your conversation is over, Fushiguro has striked out another player.
“Why don’t you buy a jersey for that other team since you’re clearly rooting for them.” She says, and you’re nearly about to get up to do what she tells you. You feel awkward since you’re wearing a tank top and a push up bra, so you’ve definitely been getting stares. 
“I just might.” You answer. You almost miss the moment where the batter finally hits the fast ball, if you hadn’t paid attention, Shoko wouldn’t have gotten up to catch it and she would’ve gone home with a bump and bruise on her head– Or, the more likely outcome, someone else would’ve caught it. There’s a grin on her face as the batter runs from home, goes through all bases, and returns, without a sweat, back to the home base. 
She shows off the ball and hands it to you. You examine the ball before turning your attention to her. She looks smug before she tilts her head and asks, “Think you might change your mind?”
“Does your team have handsome players like Fushiguro?” You respond before you turn your attention back to the field. She taps your shoulder and then points at the player who just hit the homerun. He doesn’t look that bad, but you’re not too close so you can see him
“Don’t you think he looks good? He does have a girlfriend but–” She begins, and you roll your eyes. You block her out, watching the game at hand. You watch how Fushiguro does the same thing again, and even though you were expecting to see the ball move ridiculously fast, this time it seems like it curves. The batter hits it though, and it makes Shoko grip to her seat with a smile coming to her face. She shuts up about what she was talking about, but before the ball even hits the ground, it’s in Fushiguro’s hand. You almost laugh at how Shoko’s expression changes. She ends up sighing before saying, “Oh yeah, I was saying I wanted to fuck his girlfriend.”
“Who? Fushiguro’s?” You ask, making her click her tongue. She doesn’t bother reiterating, so you’re left clueless. You don’t care all that much either. You keep watching until Shoko’s team is on the pitching side and your Fushiguro’s team is on the batting side. You lose focus when you don’t see the man that you’re rooting for up there and batting. The man that’s pitching is the same man that Shoko was talking to you about earlier. What makes him stand out is his head of white hair. “How long is this game?”
“Why are you in a rush to leave?” Shoko sounds offended as she asks the question. You can’t even believe it because you thought you had made it obvious how you weren’t into the game at all. She doesn’t seem to pick up the cues though.
“I want him to sign the ball.” You keep it brief, and you assume that she immediately knows who it is. The same man that you’ve been talking about the past couple minutes. It amazes you how Shoko can sometimes… Completely miss the point.
“Who? Gojo?” She replies, and you exhale, holding back your laughter. You don’t even have an idea who Gojo is, but you assume it’s the pitcher, the one who hit the homerun. You shake your head.
“Fushiguro.” You answer, and she rolls her eyes.
“He didn’t even hit that ball.” She reminds you, but you so clearly don’t care. Before you can defend yourself she points to the field and informs you, “Speak of the devil, he’s coming up to bat.”
That’s what makes your eyes go to the field again, and then to the big screen that displays the field and allows you to look at the game better. Fushiguro’s brows are furrowed, his lips downturned as his eyes focus on the pitcher. You don’t care about his stance– Or maybe you do when you notice how big and muscular his arms are. Maybe you understand why people become fanatics of this boring sport because if you were to see a man like Fushiguro in every game, you’d devote yourself to the sport. 
Fushiguro gets a strike, and you almost groan disappointedly. You’re not into the game enough to actually express any sort of disappointment though. If he loses, he loses. He won’t stop being hot. But the second time around, Fushiguro hits the ball and almost knocks it out of the field. It makes you turn to Shoko and ask, “Do you know what his type is?”
“Why would I keep up with that loser?” Shoko responds, and sometimes she makes it so painfully clear that she’s into women. You try to keep up with the rest of the inning, but it’s hard when all the attention isn’t on Fushiguro. You attempt to speak with Shoko but she’s focused on the game, probably praying that a miracle will happen for her team. You have a couple comments about Fushiguro but it’s best if you don’t share. They’re too vulgar to share right now. 
You don’t even notice a break begin, until Shoko begins to talk more, focusing her attention on you. “I heard he’s a deadbeat. Some shit like that. He has a twelve year old son and according to the mom–”
“I don’t want a relationship with him, I just want to fuck him.” You cut her off. You really don’t want her to ruin your source of entertainment tonight. Once you know that Fushiguro is a horrible person, you won’t find him as hot while he plays. You feel ashamed for admitting that out loud so you try to correct yourself, even when Shoko knows what you mean. “I mean… I just don’t need to know all that about him.”
“Of course you– Oh my god, you’re on the kiss cam.” Shoko points out, and you look at the big screen to find yourself there, with the guy that sits next to you. He’s awkward, unsure of how to approach the situation. He looks like he wants to kiss you… But you don’t want to kiss him. Maybe it makes you shallow but you’re not kissing a random stranger because he has a great personality. He just isn’t your type. 
“Save me Shoko…” You mutter, and she laughs before her hands cup your face and she pulls your head in. Her lips meet yours, and just as her tongue swipes over your bottom lip, she pulls away with a smile on her face. You end up chuckling, before thanking her.
You keep your eye on the field, watching player number forty-four closely. Fushiguro is the real star in all of this. He apparently seems to be doing well in his field, but you consider him the star simply because he looks so damn good. You keep your eye on him until the game ends. 
Shoko is clearly mad at the fact that her team lost, and as the great friend that you are, you begin to comfort her until you remember your great idea. This is the only opportunity to do it, after all, you doubt that after this you’ll find Fushiguro again. This isn’t their home town, and you’re not putting yourself through the torture of sitting through another baseball game in the upcoming season just to get his signature… or well, to get him to notice you. You can comfort Shoko some other time, either way, she’s a sore loser so nothing you do will bring her spirits up.
You still have the ball in hand, and you get up from your seat and run down– Admittedly pushing some people out of the way, until the railing stops you so you can’t go further. Fushiguro is walking to the dugout, baseball mitt under his armpit, wiping the sweat on his chin with his shirt. He won’t notice you if you just stand there, especially since people are walking behind you. You yell his name as loud as you can, and it causes his eyes to dart your way. You show off the ball that’s in your hand and he walks over to you. 
“Do you have a marker?” He asks, and you feel your face get warm as your brain processes the question. Of course not, you weren’t planning on getting anything signed. You bite down on your lips before you shake your head. He ends up chuckling before he yells, “Kong! Get me a marker!”
“You were really good out there.” You comment, slightly tilting your head, giving him a sweet smile. Fushiguro knows that look in your eyes– Well, he thought he did because he’s pretty sure you’re into chicks. He saw you kiss that girlfriend of yours or whatever… He can still do some harmless flirting. He smirks at you, and he’s so focused on you that he nearly misses the marker that’s being thrown at him. He opens the black marker and takes the ball from your hand.
“Really? Did you enjoy the game, pretty girl?” He licks his lips, his eyes focused on signing the ball that he has in his hand. His gaze shifts though, from the ball to your cleavage. He tries to disguise it, but it’s clear what he’s doing. You hum in response, trying your best to keep an alluring smile on your face. 
“I loved watching you play.” You respond because you really don’t know what else to say. Should you ask him out? Would he reject you? He keeps looking at your cleavage so maybe he’d accept, but that also doesn’t mean anything. He probably gets asked out a lot, so it’s best if he makes the first move so you know if he’s really interested.
“Here you go, sweetheart.” He hands you the ball, and you’re hesitant before you take it. You have to say something before he leaves but you don’t know what; something that’ll really stick in his mind. You take the ball, and you’re biting your tongue, you have an idea but it isn’t prudent. You bat your eyelashes before you ask him,
“Will you sign something else?” He raises his brow until he realizes what you’re talking about. You’re pretty much shaking them right in his face… Will your girlfriend get mad or something? His eyes are on your boobs and he’s tempted. His eyes search for your girlfriend in the sea of people, and when he doesn’t see her, he shrugs.
“You sure you want me to sign your tits? It doesn’t come off easily.” He warns you.
“Do it.” You nod your head, and with that assurance, you feel the marker on your cleavage as he signs his name across your breasts. He doesn’t keep it small, he wants to make it as big as he can. He smiles when he sees the work of art, his name on your chest. You bite down on your lip before saying, “Thank you, Fushiguro.”
“Please, call me Toji.” Toji says, a smug smile on his face as he puts the cap back on the marker. Is he immoral enough to ask a woman that seems to be in a relationship out? Oh, he is. He definitely is. “Will you–”
You know what’s about to leave his lips. He’s going to ask for your number. But he knows that he just wants to fuck and for some reason his conscience is telling him not to ruin a perfect relationship just for an hour or two. Since when did he become a good human being? You’re clearly throwing yourself at him, for fuck’s sake, he just signed your boobs. 
You tilt your head, “Will I what?”
“Will you tell your girlfriend to root for the better team?” He ends up saying, and the word doesn’t fully process in your head. Before you can get a word in, he’s walking back to the dugout and it hits you. Does he mean girlfriend as in your romantic partner or your friend? 
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“I’m convinced that he would’ve asked me out if I hadn’t kissed Shoko.” You tell your friends, who aren’t all that interested in what you have to say. Shoko invited you out to a bar along with another mutual friend, and the date that canceled on her. The woman probably feels awkward as you keep babbling on how you kissed Shoko. Admittedly, you’re not attracted to each but it’s still awkward to hear about how your date kissed someone else.
“He’s not all that great anyway. Maybe you could try to hook up with Gojo so I can–” Shoko begins and when her eyes land on her date, she shuts her mouth. She chugs half of her drink, wiping her mouth when the glass hits the table again. “Move on, drink something and–”
“And?” You ask when Shoko stops in the middle of her sentence. She’s glaring at the entrance of the place, and it makes you turn. She’s gripping her bottle, asking what the hell they’re here. You realize that this is your chance.
A couple days after you last saw Toji, he walks inside the bar with three other friends… Or teammates, you’re not sure which word describes their relationship better. You smile at your friends before saying, “Maybe the universe has other plans for me.”
“You’re not going there.” Shoko sounds clearly annoyed. She can’t believe how you’re a traitor. You want to flirt with Fushiguro even though she’s a fan of the opposing team? You’re not much of a friend. “He’s a whore. If you sleep with him, he’ll give you a disease.”
“There’s always treatments.” You’re saying under your breath as you stand up. You smooth out your skirt before walking toward the man who wears a navy blue sweater and jeans. You won’t lie, you like the baseball uniform better but he still manages to look so good in his outfit. You’re not exactly sure how to approach him, so you tap his shoulder, causing him to turn around to find you with a sweet smile on your glossy lips. He smiles back at you.
“Nice to see you here, pretty girl.” Toji’s words make you feel as if you’ve known him for an eternity. It makes your face warm. The people who he came with are also looking at you. “She’s the girl I was telling you guys about.”
“The lesbian?” A short woman with long dark hair speaks up, asking the same question that everyone in the group has. When Toji nods, you chuckle. They end up walking away, the short woman intertwining her fingers with the blond man’s that accompanies them. You recall seeing him, he’s a catcher in Toji’s team. They’re gone before you can correct them.
“I’m not a lesbian.” You tell Toji, and he raises his brows as a smirk comes to his lips. He throws his arm over your shoulder and instead of going to the booth that his friends are at, he heads to an empty booth. You take a seat across from each other, and you ask him, “Care for a drink?”
“As long as you’re buying.” Toji jokes, and you end up laughing. He clears his throat before saying, “I’m going to get a glass of water, do you care for anything?”
“I’m good, thank you.” You respond, and you watch him walk to the bar to get himself a drink. You wonder why he’s sticking with water, but it’s not that hard to decipher that he’s probably the designated driver for the night. The more you think about it, the more special you feel. He came here to spend time with his friends, yet he sat down with you. 
It’s clear he wants a hookup, and he didn’t do anything at the stadium because he thought you were a lesbian; you find it ridiculous though, considering he signed your tits. He sits back down and you smile at him. He takes a sip of the water before he asks the inevitable, “Was that your girlfriend? The woman you kissed?”
“We’re just friends. Friends kiss sometimes.” You answer, and he purses his lips, wondering if that’s true for girls. Certainly not true for him and his friends. While he stays quiet, you add, “Kiss cam landed on me, there was an ugly guy next to me so I asked Shoko to help.”
Toji would judge, but he gets it. He wouldn’t kiss an ugly girl even if she had a great personality– He doesn’t know when he became so shallow, he wasn’t always like this. But that doesn’t matter anyway since the woman that sits across from him is anything but ugly. 
“Nice to know you’re into men. Only reason I didn’t steal you after the game was because I thought that was your girlfriend back there.” He shares, and you end up laughing. You could gather that by the way he reacted when he saw you, but it’s nice to hear him actually say it. “I don’t think I ever got your name.”
You introduce yourself to him. He makes sure to compliment your name, a comment that’s insignificant so you don’t pay much attention to it. You still mutter a thank you. He then asks a question that leaves you confused, “So what do I have to do so you become a mako shark fan?”
“A what?” You almost burst out laughing when you hear that. When did baseball team names become so ridiculous? You’re laughing as you respond, “Is that the name of your team?”
“Yeah…” He awkwardly responds, trying to laugh it off. He scratches the back of his neck, and he swears it’s the first time that he feels embarrassed about the team that brings him so much money each year. “I take it you’re not a fan of the team.”
“Nor the sport. My friend was the one that dragged me.” You share. It makes Toji feel better, less insignificant. You bite down on your bottom lip before you blink a couple times and you ask him, “Maybe you could… Explain the game to me, maybe it’ll get me interested.”
“I know that trick, in the end you won’t care and I’ll waste my words.” He replies, and you find yourself laughing more. You end up nodding, agreeing in response. You just want him to engage in a conversation, and the only subject that crossed your mind was baseball. “Tell me about… Did you grow up here?”
“I’ve lived here for the past ten years so… Yes but no.” You wonder why he’s keeping up the conversation. Shoko acts as if he’s the biggest whore in the world but he’s trying to engage in a conversation with you when it’s clear that you want to go back to his hotel. “How about you… Did you grow up in whatever city–”
“Yeah.” He answers. His eyes glance at his friends for a moment, they don’t seem to be having too much fun, so he’s glad he’s with you. He ends up rolling his eyes before he comments, “I have to drive those idiots home later.”
“Did you offer to be the designated driver or did they give the role to you?” 
“I don’t really drink so… They just brought me along. Kind of rude though, I had other plans.” He responds, yet he smirks when he looks at you. “I’m glad I’m here though… What do you do anyway?”
“Real estate agent, nothing too fun.” You reply. “Just trying to convince people into buying houses and whatnot.”
“Is that your dream job?” He questions, and your eyes widen a bit. Your eyebrows then come together, your lips pursing as you try to think about the question. You don’t really have a dream job, and you’ve never really thought about it. Other than,
“I don’t know. Maybe a housewife.” You end up shrugging. “How about you? Is being a baseball player your dream job?”
“Yeah… I guess. Never really thought about it.” And before you can dwell on the subject, he clears his throat and asks, “Anyway, I assume you know your way around the city. Would you care to be my tour guide tomorrow?”
“You’re lucky I have the day off.” 
“Is that a yes?” Toji asks, and you hum in response. Around this moment he’d suggest going back to the hotel, but he has to stick around for his teammates. Luckily enough, he can see you again tomorrow. God, he just wishes he could ditch them. “So… Let’s say I wanted to buy a house around here.”
“Ew, why would you?” You end up laughing, and he laughs along with you. You reach into your purse to grab a business card. You slide it to him, and he inspects it when it’s in his hands. “That’s my work phone, but if you have a pen I can write my cell number.”
“Don’t you have a pen in your purse?” He responds, and you click your tongue.
“I wouldn’t ask you if I had one, would I?” You tell him, and his cheeks turn slightly pink. Of course you don’t, why would you ask for a pen if you had one. He excuses himself for a moment and stands up from his chair, running to the booth that his teammates are in. The same man that tossed him a marker in the game, is not handing him a pen. For that moment you feel special, although it isn’t much effort to stand up and ask for a pen but some people wouldn’t even try. You can also just put your number in his phone, but the idea doesn’t cross your mind until he’s back with the pen.
“What’s your number?” He asks, more than ready to write it down on the card. 
“I can also put it in your phone…”  You suggest, and he ends up laughing as he pulls out his phone. You’re dumbfounded when you see his old phone– You weren’t sure if they still made phones that flipped, but he’s proved you wrong. “Do they not pay you enough?”
“You won’t believe it. I tried to buy a third house but they weren’t paying me enough.” He shakes his head disappointedly, flipping the phone open, opening the phone app and then handing it to you. You take it and type in your number. “I don’t see the point in getting a new phone. I just need to call a couple people and that’s it.”
“Do you know what a computer is?” You respond as you give him back the phone. He ends up shaking his head, obviously joking. “How old are you anyway? I hope that’s not rude.”
“Twenty– Thirty-something years old. Near my forties.” He answers, not wanting to give specifics to not scare you off; of course, you can just look it up. “I know it’s rude to ask a lady her age but how old are you? It’s only fair for me to ask.”
“Not telling you.” You say, and he cocks his eyebrow. A laugh escapes his lips before he jokes,
“What? Are you a granny that manages to look young?” He jokes, and you nod in response, a smile on your lips. You haven’t talked much but you feel like you’re clicking with him. There’s a foolish smile on your face, a laugh leaving your lips every time he makes a dumb joke. 
“So um… I can’t really give you what you’re looking for tonight.” He brings up after ten minutes of chatter. You slightly tilt your head.
“And what exactly am I looking for?” You question, and you swear there’s a sparkle in his eyes. This isn’t the first time this has happened to him, but he enjoys your presence. He likes the way you put your hand over your chest and you dramatically gasp before you tell him, “Are you suggesting I want to–”
“We both know you want to.” He cuts you off, and he isn’t exactly wrong. The only reason you approached him was to hook up with him– You’ll admit that you enjoy the conversation. “Do you want to join my friends?”
“Well… I’m enjoying this time alone with you, but if you want to join them.” You answer. He glances at them for a moment before looking back at you. He lightly shakes his head,
“Maybe some other time. Tell me more about you.”
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Nothing ends up happening that night, but it’s fine because you agreed to meet up the next day. He tells you the hotel that he’s staying at, and you plan on meeting at the coffee shop that’s across the hotel. You aren’t an early riser nor do you like to be extremely early to places, but you find yourself with a coffee and a pastry almost an hour before the time that you agreed to meet up.
You’re scrolling through your phone, and you almost miss the man that walks into the coffee shop, extremely early just like you. Your eyes meet, and a smile comes to your face. If you believed in love at first sight, you’d say that’s what this is. But you aren’t in love with Toji, you just find him handsome– And you feel like you can spend hours talking to him.
“Toji.” You say. He walks over toward you, his hands in his pockets. When you’re in front of him, his eyes go straight to your chest since your dress is showing your cleavage.
“Didn’t really notice that my name isn’t on them.” He awkwardly chuckles, and it embarasses you. If you knew that you’d be here so early in the day to meet up with him, you wouldn’t have asked him to sign your breasts; on the other hand, you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your boldness. You try your best to act confident, putting on your best smile.
“You can always sign them again if you want.” It’s meant to be a joke, and he laughs, but he’s about to ask the barista to borrow the marker. You clear your throat before saying, “Anyway, you should get your coffee so we can start.”
“Yeah.” He responds before he walks to the line. You walk back to your seat, and you finish your drink and coffee before he’s ready to go. He only gets a coffee, and he gloats about how, “I got it for free. Barista knew who I was.”
“You’re so lucky. The rich get richer and poor people like me still have to pay for their coffee.” You point out lightheartedly. He chuckles as you stand up. You walk out of the coffee shop together, and you begin to walk to your first stop: the aquarium.
You’re tired since the previous night you stayed up looking up places to take him. You’re not too sure about the downtown area, you’ve only been here a couple of times. You’re determined to give him a good time so maybe when he comes back to the city, he’ll think of you. 
“So where are we going?” Toji asks, following your lead. You decide to stay quiet as you continue walking. He won’t really push it, trusting your judgment. He sips on his coffee before asking, “So… Have you gotten married before?”
“No. I assume you have.” You respond, and he raises his brow. You’re not really paying to his facial expressions, so you completely miss it.
“So um… Are you trying to call me old?” He sounds offended. You bite down on your lip as you hold back a laugh. You end up humming in response– And as you do so you remember Shoko’s words. She called him a deadbeat, something along those lines. And you shouldn’t care, you try to not let it bother you. After today you doubt you’ll ever see him again. “I have been married before. Twice.”
“Don’t want to ruin the mood by talking further about it.” You tell him, not wanting to hear something that’ll possibly scare you away. Not before you have sex with him at the very least. Having sex with a celebrity is on your bucket list and you want to check that off; although you aren’t too sure if he’s considered a celebrity. You’ve never heard of him before, but you don’t keep up with sports and additionally people recognize him. 
“The aquarium.” Toji doesn’t look all that surprised. He still follows, and when you’re about to pay for two tickets, he pulls out his wallet and slams his card on the counter before you can do it. He definitely makes more money than you, he will offer to pay. Especially since he wants to get into your pants. When you’re inside, you smirk,
“Maybe we’ll see a mako shark.” He ends up rolling his eyes before he laughs. His hand goes to the small of your back as you begin to walk around. He isn’t all that interested in the fishes and sea creatures but it seems like you like to look around. You’re interested in the stupid variety of fishes.
Maybe he’s entertained when he stares at the sharks. His lips are pursed together, his hands in his pockets as his eyes follow the sharks. You’re walking around, looking at all the sea life around you until you’re back next to him. You poke his arm and you keep your finger pressed on his skin as you realize just how strong he is. His eyes finally fall on you. He doesn’t know what to say. Toji feels weird… He’s known you for a day or even less, and he thinks he likes you. 
It certainly isn’t love, he knows what love is. But he enjoys spending time with you, and he knows that he’ll like to have you by his side as he grows old. He doesn’t remember the last time he laughed as much as he did last night. He’s just trying to get into your pants. 
Toji has a cold demeanor that a person really has to work through to get him to be nicer. He doesn’t know why he didn’t put that up with you. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like making pretty girls work for his attention.
“So did you find your team in the water?” You joke, and it’s so fucking dumb that he laughs along. He shakes his head. He throws his arm over your shoulder and begins to walk elsewhere because the sharks have gotten boring. He hears someone call his name, and he turns to find a random kid. He excuses himself, and you watch as he takes a photo with the young fan.
The young fan is grinning and telling Toji just about anything he can think of, and your heart softens just watching Toji pay attention to the young kid. It reminds you of Shoko’s words though, and this question rises in your mind. Toji looks so sweet with the kid. When Toji finally gets to your side you ask the question that bugs your mind,
“Do you have kids?” It catches him off guard. It’s nice to know that you haven’t looked him up though. A weak smile appears on his face before he nods in response.
“I have a twelve-year-old son.” His arm is over your shoulder again, and you’re walking elsewhere. You follow his lead, just staring at his face as you wait for him to elaborate. It doesn’t seem like he will until he clears his throat and adds, “His mom has full custody.”
“Okay.” Your lips form into a thin line as you nod. You know you can’t really ask more, you’ll definitely be crossing a line that you don’t want to cross. You’re walking to a darker area, and he comes to a stop which makes you stop as well. “I hope you’re having fun.”
“I am.” He answers, and you look up at him, meeting his eyes. You have no idea why but you feel as if you’ve known him for an eternity. It’s weird considering you just met, for all you know, he means danger. He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, and you feel your face get warm. You stare at each other for a moment until Toji notices the jellyfish behind you, and he points at them. “That looks… Pretty.”
“It is.” You blink slowly as you take in the pretty sight. You look back at each other at the same time. He scratches the back of his neck.
“So does this count as a first date?” He asks, and you giggle.
“Yeah, I think so.” You respond. “As long as I get into your pants.”
“I don’t fuck on the first date.” He says, and he covers his mouth, his eyes widening when he notices a child walking by. He looks at the parents, “I did not mean to say that.”
“You need to watch what you say. There’s children around.” You tell him, and he scoffs.
“Fuck you.” And you pout your lips before dramatically turning. 
“I guess since you don’t do the hanky panky after the first date, this date is over.” You do so more to see his reaction. You’re actually enjoying your date with him so you don’t care if you have sex or not. Your arms are crossed and your head slowly turns to see his reaction. You watch as Toji’s hands are on his knees, and he’s wiping away a tear. He silently laughs, and just watching him makes you chuckle as well. 
When he calms down, he cups your face. “The hanky panky? Really?”
“Whatever you want to call it. You know what I mean.” You try your best to keep a serious face. It’s hard to. Especially when his words sound so funny even though they aren’t supposed to be. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Toji. See you on the second date.”
“You know I was joking.” He tells you, his face inching closer to yours. He isn’t going to throw in the detail that he’s leaving tomorrow and he probably won’t see you again. You’re leaning in for a kiss, and he comes to a complete stop. He’s never seeing you again after this– Maybe in a year or so but so much can happen in a year. When you realize that he’s stopped, you ask,
“Why did you–” You begin and before you finish your sentence, his lips land on yours. It’s a short but sweet kiss; you swear you hear fireworks when you feel his soft lips on yours, and you dismiss it because it’s over as fast as the kiss is. 
“Is the date really over?” He asks as you gather your thoughts. 
“No. It’s far from over.”
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You get some lunch after and while the food was awful, you had a great time with him. You kept talking for hours until you realized the sun was setting, and that’s when you realized that you kept talking for hours. Toji offered to go back to his hotel to watch a movie since neither of you knew what else to do. You agreed, knowing that you aren’t going to watch a movie.
“So what movie do you want to–” Toji begins as you step into his hotel room, yet before he gets to finish the sentence, his hands are lifting up your dress. He’s been thinking about this all fucking– For days, he’s been thinking about fucking you ever since he signed your tits. He throws your dress elsewhere when his lips land on yours. 
His tongue enters your mouth and presses against yours while his hands roam your body. He’s kissing you like he’s been waiting for this for centuries. There’s so much passion in his kiss, and your legs begin to grow weaker and weaker. You swore you had no chance when he walked away after the game, and god, you’re so fucking glad that you were wrong.
Toji’s hand unhooks your bra, and he slides it off before throwing it elsewhere, just like the dress. Toji pulls away from the kiss, and kisses down your neck. His lips feel so hot on your skin, and you’re burning up.
When he gets to your breast, he licks across the area where he signed. His thumb and index finger begin to pinch your nipple while his tongue circles your other nipple. His tongue flicks your nipple before his mouth wraps around it and he begins to suck.
“I liked them better with my name on them.” Toji says when he unlatches. He kisses your breasts until he gets to your other nipple, and he latches again. A breathy moan leaves your lips as he plays with your sensitive nipples. 
“You can write your name on them again.” You tell him. His lips go to yours again and he kisses you multiple times, his hands cupping your breasts. His lips then go to your ear and he whispers,
“Let me fuck your tits, baby.” His teeth nibble on your earlobe, your hand going to the buckle of his belt and undoing it. You grow more and more desperate by the moment. You’ll let him do just about anything that he wants to do. You unbutton and pull down his pants. He completely takes them off and your hand palms his cock. God, he grows more and more impatient with each passing second. He needs some relief.
You grab his hand and you lead him to the bed before you push him down. You pull down his boxers, allowing his cock to be free, before you get on your knees. Your hand wraps around his length, and you bring your lips together to spit on it a couple times before you put his shaft in the middle of your chest. You squeeze your tits together and he bites his bottom lip, holding back a moan. You begin to move your breasts and he watches you, taking everything in him to not loudly moan into the air. He’s been waiting for this for what feels like forever.
This is better than what he imagined. How pathetic would it be for him to come fast? He hates that you’ve taken over his thoughts, even though he hasn’t even known you for a week. You’re just so fucking pretty. 
“Fuck– I love your fucking tits.” He finally moans. Your head leans down and you’re licking the tip of his cock, and maybe he should’ve abandoned his drunk friends to fuck you last night; it definitely would’ve been much better than dragging too many drunk people back into a hotel room, keeping them from yelling into the streets and embarrassing themselves. It doesn’t matter anyway, you’re still here, fucking his cock with your boobs. “It’s so good.”
Your boobs keep moving up and down your boobs until his dick finally twitches, his cum making a mess. Some of it lands on your tongue, most of it on your chest. You make sure to swallow the cum that’s on your tongue, while his finger goes to your chest, gathering some of his cum before he traces his signature on your chest again.
“There we go.” He smirks as you get up from the floor. When his finger gathers his cum from your chest again, he brings it up to your lips and when you open your mouth, he shoves his fingers in. You gag on his fingers, and it sounds like music to his ears. 
He takes his fingers out, your saliva coating his digits. You get up from the floor and force him to lay down on the bed. You get on top of him, knees on either side of him. Your hands go to the hem of his shirt and you begin to pull it up. He helps you get his shirt off, and you swear there’s a god in your bed. Fuck he looks good.
“You wanna ride me?” Toji asks as his fingers begin to play with your clothed cunt. You bite down your lip as you hold back a pathetic moan in your throat.
“Whatever you want.” You answer. You sound so fucking pathetic and Toji loves it. He’s loving everything about this. 
“I just need you wrapped around me.” He answers as he pushes your panties to the side. You lean down, your mouth kissing his. Toji takes the opportunity to run his cock through your folds before he pushes himself inside of you. He lets you adjust to every inch of his cock.
Your hands go to his chest for support as you begin to move on his cock. Toji swears he’s in heaven when he feels you wrapped around his cock. Your pussy just feels so fucking good. This feeling is euphoric, and he swears he’ll forever remember this because god– He’s fucking moaning. He’s moaning so fucking loud too but you’re drowning it out.
“You feel so fucking good.” He can’t help but moan. His hands travel from your back to grip your ass. You’re moving back and forth on his cock, hitting that right spot that makes you feel so fucking good. He loves looking at your face, filled with pleasure that his cock gives him. He just wants to snap a picture so he can look at it.
Your movements were already slow in the beginning, they get even slower since you tire out quickly. It’s unfair that you’re doing all the work while Toji, who is an athlete that definitely has more stamina, does nothing. Toji teases you, “Tired? Already?”
“Please move, Toji.” You’re sticking out your bottom lip. He chuckles before he begins to do the work for you. You curse over and over again since his thrusts are rapid at least compared to the speed that you had set.
Your hand goes down to play with your clit. Your pussy begins to tighten around him, and he has to bite down his lip to not let out an animalistic noise. You throw your head back, arching your back as you shut your eyes, “Fuck– Love your cock.”
It’s all too much for you to handle. You stop playing with yourself when you’re near the edge. 
“You’re so tight.” He says through gritted teeth. You shut your eyes, and you keep moaning his name over and over again. You have no consideration for his teammates who are on the same floor as him. You don’t care if they hear or don’t hear. 
“Oh, Toji!” You loudly moan when you reach your high. He loses control, god, this is just better than everything. He’s never had something so good before. His hands go to your hips and his nails dig into the flesh.
“Need to come inside you.” He says, and you don’t care to push him away. You’re on birth control, you just need to feel his cum inside of you. So fucking bad. You’ll let him do just about anything that he wants to do with you. He’s got you in a trance ever since you met him.
“Do it, please please please.” You chant. His movements get sloppy until he finally fills you up with his cum. He keeps his cock buried inside of you until every drop of his seed is inside of you. When he pulls out, your lips repeatedly kiss his over and over again.
Your head then falls on his chest. He wraps his arms around you, and you smile as you feel his hand run up and down your back. You’re breathing in his scent, and you swear you’ve never felt so comfortable in someone else’s arms like how you feel right now.
“I’m leaving tomorrow.” He speaks up, and you lift your head to look at him. 
“Are you sad about it?” You ask him, and you watch him shrug. Your finger pokes his muscular chest before you tease him, “You’re sad because you’re leaving? We haven’t known each other for so long.”
“I know… And I’m not sad. Why would I be?” He responds. Your head lays back down on his chest and you’re listening to his heartbeat. “You’ve just made me feel so good. I’ve never laughed so hard, and I haven’t felt this good in ages. And I don’t feel like I can let that go. I really really like you.”
“We can always reconnect. You can fly back here.” You remind him, but he seems to have a very different idea. Very different. It makes you sit up and look at him wide eyed when he suggests,
“Let’s get married.”
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lucyrose191 · 10 months
Oh oh, can you write a pt2 of your kimi raikkonen fic? The date 🥰
Author’s note; not too sure how I feel about this, it’s not my best work.
Pairing; Kimi Räikkönen x Fem!Driver!Reader
Summary; Whilst the rest of the grid are out partying and celebrating Kimi and Y/N spend some time alone getting to know each other in his hotel room together
Warning; Implied age gap but not specified.
F1 Master List , Part 1
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Y/N didn’t know if she understood Kimi correctly when he had invited her to his room for ‘a drink’. These days that could mean anything, if it was anyone else she’d assume they were asking her out as a sort of relaxed date to get to know each other but this was Kimi Raikkonen, possibly one of the hardest people in the world to understand.
Did he want to get to know her better?
She had never really payed much attention to men, she had most definitely been approached and asked out before but with a goal as ambitious as hers growing up she found it best to focus on racing rather than any other aspects of her life, racing was just more important to her.
She also wasn’t really a fan of how immature guys her age could be but Kimi wasn’t her age, their conversations had been pretty limited but she couldn’t deny that he was charming in his own way.
His ‘iciness’ had never deterred her in any way because she herself was like that too, in fact now that she thought about it she seemed to enjoy the press conferences much more when Kimi was there with her, their personalities, as blunt or ‘harsh’ as they could be, fit well together and she knew the journalists hated interviewing them together but Y/N found herself enjoying those interviews more than any others.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, she hadn’t put much effort in her outfit, she thought if she was simply going to be spending the evening with Kimi in his room then comfort was the way to go and settled on a jogger and hoodie set, even if Kimi did want it to be a sort of date she doubted he’d have put in much effort as well.
Her hair looked great though and she had minimal makeup on and deemed it enough for the night.
Arriving at his hotel room, her nerves had skyrocketed, something she wasn’t familiar with as she was usually confident but it seemed all that confidence had left her tonight.
Not wanting to stand in the hallway of the hotel all night, she knocked on the door, it only took a few seconds for him to answer.
She was taken by surprise.
He was wearing a grey top with matching sweats but it was the glasses on his face that had caught her attention.
He looked hot.
"I didn’t know you wore glasses," she commented lightly as she walked past him into his room, taking notice of how uncannily tidy it was, she didn’t imagine him as a near freak but he surely wouldn’t have cleaned his room just because she was coming, would he?
"Just at night," he shrugged, gesturing to his bed for bed to sit whilst he walked round the other side where there was a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting.
Y/N gave him a funny look. "Since when did you drink wine? I thought you were into the hard stuff."
Kimi looked at her before looking towards the floor as though trying to hide a smile knowing she was right. "You prefer wine," he simply stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Y/N stood for a moment and stared, letting his words sink in. "I do-but, well, I thought you invited me here to try and get me drunk? I was expecting whiskey and jäger bombs."
Kimi sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed, popping open the bottle of wine and filling the glasses half way. "I didn’t invite you here to get drunk," he muttered, turning himself around to hand over her glass before lying his body against the headboard, his own glass in hand resting against his stomach.
She took the glass and mimicked his movements, both lying next to each other as she thought about his words and what to say in return. "Why did you invite me here?" She eventually settled on asking, not really wanting to beat around the bush.
Kimi pursed his lips at her question, eyes trained on the ceiling as he tried to find the words, he couldn’t just blurt it out, that would be wrong.
Y/N turned her head and looked at him curiously, "Do you like me, like, are you attracted to me?" She asked bluntly.
She watched as a subtle pink tinge blossomed on his cheeks and tried to press down the smile that was trying to appear on her face.
"S’ppose so," he responded, his voice that usual Finnish gruff that seems to be more prominent when he tried to be nonchalant or brush a topic to the side.
"You suppose so?" Y/N asked, biting down on her bottom lip, feeling he mouth threatening to stretch wider into a smile.
She wanted to laugh when he simply shrugged in response, knowing that if this was going to go anywhere then it was up to her because getting this far was probably way out of his comfort zone and it seemed he was really trying. "Did you ask me here as a date?"
"It was just a thought- Sebastian thought it would be a good idea-"
"-This was Sebastian’s idea?" The smile fell from her face.
Kimi rubbed a palm over his face as he saw the look on her face, he raised the glass to his mouth and downed its entirety before sitting up and facing her properly.
"I wanted it, he pushed me. I’m glad he did. I hoped you’d be open to the idea but I know you aren’t interested in finding- I just thought-"
"You really aren’t good with words, are you?" Y/N smiled at him, finding his rambling quite adorable.
"You’re right though, I’m not really interested in finding someone, or well- I wasn’t but then you asked which took me by surprise and if you wanted to then I’d give it a go, us two. I’d rather keep it on the down low though, for now at least, until it’s something."
A half a smile had grown on Kimi’s face as Y/N had rambled, relief filling his chest at her words. He was honestly more than fine with keeping it quiet, whatever it was, it would be nice to figure out things without people prying and he wouldn’t want to be the cause of her receiving backlash.
He couldn’t give a shit about anything that’s said about him but Y/N has worked so hard to get to where she is and he didn’t want to affect that, besides he was planning on retiring in the next few year so after that then there’d really be no issue.
"Are you okay with that?" She asked, not knowing what his silence meant.
Kimi looked at her in the eye and nodded, revelling in the pure joy on her face.
"So, what does Kimi Räikkönen do when he’s not busy with his hobby?" Y/N tried to get to know him.
"Bwoah, I don’t know," he blew out a large puff of air as he thought before shrugging "Sleep."
Y/N rolled her eyes "Of course you do, that’s all I ever see you doing," she teased.
"I don’t want to talk about me, I want to know about you," he told her strongly which she relented to knowing that there was time for her to get to know him.
"Well, what do you want to know?"
"Everything," he immediately responded as though he didn’t even need to think about it.
Y/N looked down to hide her smile before looking back up into his eyes that were sitting intently on her, his eyes held a soft gaze that she had never seen him have before; not realising that it actually appeared quite often whenever she was around.
"Well," she began. "When I was younger, I used to be quite bothered about what the boys in karting would say about me but then my dad told me that it was stupid that I even listened when I was easily beating them on the track and would be able to beat them with my fists too if he allowed me to, ever since then I just imagined myself punching everyone whenever they said something about me, I still do it now, the amount of times I’ve imagined punching Will Buxton in the face is ridiculous." She laughed melodically causing Kimi to smirk.
"My favourite colour is light blue, it has been since I was born because my parents got told I was a boy and had gotten me a blue stuffed rabbit that I still have to this day. I’ve always wanted to drive for RedBull because Sebastian drove for the team and he was my favourite driver, I loved how ruthless he was."
Kimi was never going to tell Sebastian that because if he found out the woman Kimi liked had seen Seb as an idol then the German would never let him live it down.
"Something you might not like is that I actually hate partying and getting drunk because I got alcohol poisoning as a teenager and I love that you’re always yourself in front of the cameras and show exactly who you are and where you’re here, to race, you couldn’t care less about the fame and I admire that."
As she finished speaking she looked him in the eyes, appreciating the thoughtful look on his face and the soft curve of his lips.
They simply stared at each other for a while, shoulders touching and wine glasses long forgotten, Y/N still half filled.
It was a subconscious move in the way Kimi’s face inched closer to hers, he hadn’t even noticed but she did and mimicked him until their noses were lightly brushing against each other.
Eventually, it was Y/N that inched forward and pressed her lips against his. She had never experienced a fluttering stomach from a kiss before, right now was a first. There were butterflies flying around crazily in her abdomen and every thought had disappeared, leaving her a cloudy mind.
When they pulled apart for air, they kept their bodies close, not really wanting to lose their connection entirely, both searching the others eyes for any sign of regret but pleasantly found none.
Kimi lifted an arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, silently pulling her into his embrace.
Not much needed to be said between the two, there was now a clear unspoken agreement between the two that it was now the start of something that would potentially be great, if not the start of what could be their entire lives,
Both were looking forward to it, grateful that a simple night together could’ve made so much progress.
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parvulous-writings · 15 days
Could I request dating headcanons for Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, and poly Ghoap with gn s/o please? - Fluff anon
Warnings: Oh boy... This be sweet...
Notes: Did I get carried away? Absolutely. I love my boys!! Thank you, Fluff, for indulging me!!
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𝔖𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔫 ℜ𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔶
Simon likes to keep his civilian life very firmly separate from his work-life. You know that he's fairly high up in the military, that he often has to be very brutal, and the names of his closest companions. This took years to get out of him, though, and he flat out refuses to tell you anything else, or expand on the information you've already pried from him. "You don't need t'know any of that, love... Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, 'kay?" And that's that. You don't know about 'Ghost', and he'd very much like to keep it that way. He wants to stay your Simon, the sweet, if not awkward, young man you fell for years ago.
He's gone a lot - active service unfortunately demands it. He sends messages when he can, but rarely calls when he's away - you assume it's because he either doesn't want to risk, or can't risk, you overhearing anything in the background. He tries his best to make it up to you when he's on leave, though. Little date nights here and there, spending quality time together - he'll even acquiesce and let you watch your favourite schlocky movies or tv shows, no matter how much he normally pretends to hate them. In truth, they do hold a special place in his heart. They remind him of you, and for that, he'll always appreciate them, in a strange way. Sometimes he'll play half an episode on his phone, when he's away and has a chance - just to keep that piece of you with him.
Physical affection has two facets, with Simon. The public, and the private. In public, he stays almost unnervingly close to you, especially in crowds, but doesn't usually hold your hand or even touch you. Unless he needs to pull you away from something for your own safety, he isn't really a massive fan with expressing his love through public displays of affection; but he doesn't mind if you hug his arm whilst walking, or want to lean into him whilst sitting in a restaurant booth. In private, he isn't quite 'all over you', but he is very close. He doesn't like being in a different room to you most of the time, and if you're in the living room, you're not just going to be sitting around - he will be cuddling you, in some way. Whether he's perched you on his lap, or pulled you into his side - or even, on the rare occasion, when he lets you be the bigger spoon.
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𝒥𝑜𝒽𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝒸𝒯𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈𝒽
Johnny does talk a little bit about his time with the task force - unless, of course, he is legally required to not disclose some information (which is a fair amount, but he tries to find workarounds if something is genuinely bothering him). You know his friendships with Simon, Kyle, and Price are all strong - forged in the fires of conflict, and durable enough to withstand it all and more. You know that Price acts a bit like a father, Kyle is the 'funny guy' ("'Sides me, o'course, hen,"), and Simon is Johnny's stoic lieutenant, who he admires, respects, and holds very dearly. Though Johnny has never said the words exactly, you get the impression that Simon is something of a best friend figure to the Scot. Johnny doesn't go in depth or in detail about his missions, he only really speaks about it if there's something that's been bothering him.
He's gone often, but he keeps in contact as much as he can; calls, texts, and video calls whenever he gets the chance. He's often in the rec room when you're on call, and you can hear a faint 'hello' from Gaz whenever he catches Soap on the phone. When he's at home, his favourite thing to do is stay at home with you, and watch movies. Particularly old, or schlocky ones. Sharknado, Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies, and all other manner of B, or even C-rated movies come out. They're usually meant to be horror, but they're often so tacky they don't come across as it. Throw in that night's take out of choice, and boom! Johnny's perfect date night with you.
His main love language is physical touch, so public displays of affection with Johnny are a must, whether it's hand-holding, an arm around your shoulders, or him playfully putting you in a headlock when you're out and about with your friends. The headlock also appears in your private life as well - it's his own, special, silent 'I love you'. It's uniquely him, too. That playful, rough edge that he has, put into his affection. He likes to fall asleep on you a lot, too. Snuggling in bed, or on the sofa, draped over you like a muscled blanket. Something about being close to you soothes his soul, and allows him to sleep with little issue.
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Simon and Johnny
There's a small clash with how Simon and Johnny communicate whilst away from you, but they manage to find a slight compromise. Johnny will call you, and drag Simon into view or onto the line if he gets too close to the Scot whilst he's talking to you. He isn't begrudging when he talks to you, but he's very aware of what sounds or sights can be picked up by the phone. He takes privacy and secrecy very seriously, does Simon.
When they're home, you always have practically glued to your hip, no matter the time of day - except the first day home. That first day and night they spend in the guest room together, adjusting themselves back into civilian life. It was a ritual that was started by Simon, that he almost insisted Soap follow with; and the Scot didn't argue. After their day of unwinding, one of them is with you always. Johnny trails after you in the kitchen, or when you're doing chores, and Simon will do the same when you're out and about, getting the weekly shop. It's endearing, in it's own way.
When it comes to night time, and sleeping arrangements, the first couple of nights after they integrate are the best, in your opinion. They both cling to you, one on each side, nuzzling their faces into your arm, or your stomach - or your back, if you're spooning one of them. Sometimes Simon will haul you to sleep on his chest in the middle of the night, and Johnny drapes his arm over the both of you, snuggling into Simon's bulky arm, already half asleep. Other times, Johnny will hug you right up against his front, as Simon hugs him from behind. Occasionally Si will mix things up, and hug you from the front, his large arms reaching over you to grab at the small of Johnny's back, and sometimes his rear.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Matt wants to keep Y/N, but won’t be her man’s, so what happens when they go to a Halloween party, and Matt sees something he doesn’t like🫠
Warnings⚠️: This is straight up SMUT. There’s smacking, degrading, manhandling. It’s just filthy sooo read at your own risk
Song for the imagine: Drama-Roy Woods ft. Drake, Thong Song- Sisqo
This story is 18+, so if you’re a minor DO NOT INTERACT⚠️
Matt and I had been in this weird gray area of being a couple, but not really being a couple. Like he was so sweet to me, and would take me out on dates and treat me like his girl, but then wouldn’t call me his girlfriend or be with me publically.
I hated it so much because he would treat me like I was his, but really I wasn’t, and anytime I brought this up he would go on this whole rant of “it doesn’t matter . Who cares about labels” My issue with that was he’s had girlfriends publically in the past, so I wasn’t sure what changed when it came to me.
About a month ago when he and I were doing really well, and acting like a real couple we decided we wanted to be Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit for this Halloween party his brothers and I got invited to. Slowly I started looking into buying the costume parts, but when he started pissing me off I had only purchased the red sparkly strapless dress.
About two weeks before the party I decided I was no longer going to match costumes with him, but I didn’t tell him I wanted him to look like an idiot. Just how he made me look like one
The night of the party I had went over to the triplets house to get ready with them. Still Matt didn’t suspect a thing, but I had been distant these past two weeks not really talking to him or hugging or kissing him. He just assumed we were on our “break” and he didn’t really care. Not shocked
The party started at 11, and we were all finishing up our costumes. We decided to all walk out one by one and show them off.
Nick was Corlines other dad, and Madi was the other mother, Chris was Steve Harrington, and Matt came out dressed as Roger rabbit.
The only person who knew I changed my costume was Nick, and he was trying to keep his composure looking at Matt dressed like a fool.
“Okay Y/N come out” Madi said clapping her hands together
I walked out in my strapless sparkly red dress that pushed my boobs up nice and high, and the slit was from my bikini line down to my ankles. Sadly I wasn't going to be going commando as my whole ass would be out with a slight movement, so I had on a red thong. I had a gold leg garter that had a red heart on it, and my black stiletto heels. I had my makeup done like a sad flapper
“What do we think” I said spinning around
“BETTY BOOP” Chris screamed jumping up and down. Betty boop was one of Chris weird cartoon crushes
I nodded my head at this giving them a slight spin around
“You look so fucking hot” Madi came screeching over to me and grabbing my hands
“Y/N this costume is too good” Nick said in a giddy way
“What the fuck” Matt finally says with a straight face
“Oh I forgot to tell you I didn’t want to do a matching couple costume since we aren’t a couple” I said giving him a fake frown
“Ouuu she got you good” Chris said laughing at his idiot brother
“Whatever I look like an idiot, and I’m changing my costume” he said standing up abruptly and going to his room
About 10 minutes later he came back downstairs dressed as a cowboy. He looked hot I can’t deny, but he wasn’t my man so fuck him
We had all piled into the car as Matt drove us to the party at Larrays house. We knocked on the door and Larry opened it
“BITCHHHHH yall look so fucking good” he said letting us walk into his house
“Okay matty poo with the slutty little cowboy costume” Larry said, and to this Matt gave him a half smile, and then he walked away from us
“Oh what crawled up his ass” Larry said looking at us
“Y/N decided to not match costumes with him, so now he’s all pissy” Chris said
“Oh boy bye, Y/N you look so hot like Okayy with the red thong I see you” he said, grabbing my hand and spinning me around.
“Thanks baby” I said hugging him
We were at the party for a good two hours at this point. I had drank two drinks, and was feeling so confident, and decided I wanted to dance. Initially I was looking for Matt, but when I saw him he was shooting darts into my eyes with his arms crossed over his chest, and his jaw clenched. I just rolled my eyes, and looked for someone else
I had grabbed any random influencer I saw, and asked if they wanted to dance. Of course they did a random girl wanting to grind on them? How could they say no
As we got to the dancing area Thong Song started playing
Immediately I started jumping in excitement
“This is my fucking songggg” I screamed and pushed us to the center of the “dance floor”
At first I was dancing alone, running my hands all over myself swaying my hips while I sang the song. A circle had opened up surrounding me dancing. I grabbed Madi and we started dancing on each other, and then I grabbed
Chris and Nick also dancing with them in a friendly way.
“LARRAY COME DANCE” I said reaching for his hands. He immediately jumped into the circle and started dancing with me while everyone cheered us on. That’s when I saw the guy I initially brought to the dance floor
“Come on hottie let’s dance” I said grabbing him. I turned around so my back was against his chest, and started to grind on him wrapping my hands around his neck as our hips swayed together
“Bitchhhhhh FUCK IT UPPPP” LARRAY screamed clapping his hands together
“SHAKE THAT ASSSSSS” Nick yelled at me
This whole time Matt was in the corner watching Y/N intensely with a straight face. Fuming that she had the audacity to even grind up against someone who she didn’t know. When his hands started running down her waist, she threw her head back laughing. Matt got so pissed he pushed himself off the couch, and started to stomp over to them. Just as he reached them the song ended, and it got quiet
“Let’s fucking go” Matt said to Y/N going to grab her arm
“Fuck no” she said pulling away
“I didn’t ask! WE ARE LEAVING NOW” he said yelling the last part and yanking her away from the boy
Everyone in the crowd is watching with a shocked face
“BYEEEE, and cute boy find me I wanna take you out” Y/N said looking back at him, and to this Matt yanked her harshly to walk in front of him
Matt brought the girl to the car opening the passenger side door for her, and throwing her in
After he got back in the car and turned it on he turned the car on, and put it into drive quickly taking off
“Aww what a gentleman opening the passenger side for me” Y/N said giggling at him
“Shut the fuck up” Matt said clenching his jaw not even looking over at the girl
“What crawled up your ass” Y/N said
“You grinding on another guy” he said bluntly
“Not like we’re a couple” she said rolling her eyes
“Doesn’t matter” he said looking over at her
“Oh but it does. YOU ARE NOT MY MAN I CAN GRIND ON WHOEVER I WANT” I said lightly
“Watch your fucking tone” he said scoffing
“Or what? You gonna hit me” She said looking at him
“Want me to?” Matt asked as they pulled up to a red light
She started to lean in like she was going to kiss him on the cheek, but instead said “go fuck yourself” she said leaning back away.
Matt looked over at her, and smacked her across the face. Harshly but not enough to actually hurt her. It was more of a sexual smack
“Don’t fucking smack me” Y/N said and smacked the boy back in the face. He grabbed her hand and yanked her in closely
“Put your hands on me again, and I’ll fucking make you regret it” he said pushing her away as the light turned green
“Don’t touch me” she said back to him, and he grabbed her hand once again and brought it down to his bulge
“Do you see what you do to me, you make me so fucking hard” he said sighing as her hand came into contact with his dick
“Oh do I?” She said palming his dick, and he slightly threw his head back
“Fuck you’re gonna make me crash” he said
“So pay attention to the road, and let me take care of you” she said taking his dick out of his pants
She spat on the tip, and slowly started to jerk him up and down
“Shit that feels so good” he said gripping the steering wheel with his left hand
She slowly took his dick into her mouth. Swirling her tongue over his tip, and deep throating him. As her head was bobbing up and down Matt grabbed her hair moaning and thrusting his hips up. Y/N gagged at this
“Sorry baby I can’t help myself” Mat said moaning, and to this she moaned on his dick
“Fuck this I need you now” he said, and slowly pulled over to a secluded empty parking lot
After he threw the car in park Y/N took her heels off and jumped to the back seat, and Matt followed.
Immediately crashing his lips to her in a heated sloppy make out session. He pulled her dress down a little bit allowing her breasts to fall out. He started sucking and groping her breasts. As her back was digging into the handle
“Fuck Matt don’t stop” she said throwing her head back a little bit
“Look at you in this slutty dress with such easy access” He said squeezing her thigh
“Matt please I need more of you” she said pushing his head back. He backed up giving her a once over before nodding his head.
He went down to her thigh and grabbed the leg garter with his teeth pulling it down and off her leg, and putting it on the arm rest
“Open your mouth” he said lightly smacking her face, her mouth opened and he shoved her middle and finger finger in her mouth
“Get them nice and wet for me” he said watching her through half lidded eyes
Y/N swirled her tongue around his fingers, and he pulled them out. Pushing her panties to the side he rubbed her clit, and slowly slid both of his fingers in
“Oh my god” she said grabbing his arm
“You hear how this pussy sounds for me” he said slamming her fingers into her, all you could hear were the most obscene sounds coming from her pussy
“Matt I’m gonna cum if you keep speaking like that” the girl said as her eyes rolled to the back of her head
“You’re not cumming on my fingers” he said, and pulled his finger out her and smacked her pussy
She jumped at this and whined. Matt slid his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out. He pumped his cock a few times before spitting on Y/N pussy
“You’re getting fucked like a slut” he said as he slid his cock up and down on her pussy
“Please Matt I need it” she said moaning and breathing heavily
He slid into her pussy completely bottoming out. They both sighed at this feeling
“This pussy is mine” he said as he harshly grabbed her breast
Matt was relentlessly pounding into the young girl. Her back banging into the door handle, and her head slightly hitting the window
“Matt please harder” she said pulling his hair
“Shut the fuck up” he said as his hips snapped in an even fast faster
All that could be heard was skin slapping, moans and the banging of Y/N’s head on the window
He started to rub her clit as he pounded even harder into her
“FUCK MATT OH MY GOD” she yelled grabbing onto his hair for support
“Shut the FUCK up” he said looking into her eyes
“I can’t Matt you feel too good” she said moaning
He repositioned her hips, and started slamming into her at an ungodly pace
“MATT MATT MATT” she started screaming
“I said SHUT THE FUCK UP” he grunts out loudly as he smacks her across the face
“Fuck Matt” she said whining
He was getting close so his thrusts started to become deep and hard. Slamming into her with no mercy. He hit her G spot really hard, and Y/N was sure she died
“FUCK MATTTTTT” she screamed
“You don’t learn do you” he said as he grabbed her leg garter and shoved it in her mouth to keep her quiet
Matt continued to pound into her, and when she started to shake he knew she was about to cum
“Come on baby cum for me” he said furiously rubbing her clit. It didn’t take much more of that. She came on his cock moaning and weeping with tears falling down her face as her thighs started to shake
“Matt cum in me” she said coming down from her high as she removed the leg garter from her mouth
Immediately after that Matt came inside her with his brows furrowed and his mouth hung open. Pumping her full of his cum. After he came down from his high he pulled out and she slid her panties back on and pulled her dress up
“Fuck that was so hot” she said fixing herself up
“You’re mine” Matt said as he finished readjusting himself
She looked over at him confused
“Whatever it is you want! I’m yours I’ll be your man, your husband, your boy toy whatever you want I’m yours” he said looking at her in a fucked our expression
“Damn you’re so pussy drunk” she said laughing at him
“Don’t push it” he said with a straight face
“I can be your girlfriend I suppose” She said shrugging her shoulders
“Don’t play with me” Matt said looking at her
“I’m kidding. Yes Matt I’d love to finally be your girlfriend” she said kissing him on the cheek
“Good because I’m never letting you go” he said kissing her on the lips
“Alright let’s head home” Matt said as he helped Y/N back to the passenger seat
“Yeah my back is fucking hurting after being slammed into the handle non stop” she said laughing
“Im sorry baby” Matt said laughing with her
“It’s okay you were fucking me so good the pain went away” she said winking at him
He just looked down shyly and then drove back to the house.
The End
This was so fun to write🤪🤪 Now I’ll be working on my request I got, so expect to see that shortly🫶🏽
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 2 years
John B screwing his ex to get back at Sarah Cameron for hooking up with Topper, in the boat that they arrived back on, John B not realising that it is a Cameron boat so double win.
On my boat?
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pairing: john b routledge x fem!reader
summary: see above
warnings: unprotected sex, oral, hair pulling, chocking, language. (18+ content)
a/n: as you read you will notice I felt the need of making reader the dominate one.
John B stormed away from the crowd; JJ tried to keep up but decided to let him go off alone. He knew he needed some time alone; no one would have expected Sarah to hook up with Topper.
John B was hurt, they were meant to be married. It was supposed to be, until death do us part. Apparently not for Sarah, she had different ideas.
His knuckles ached from the punches he threw at Topper; he knew topper didn’t try to fight back. He knew he would have been the one on the floor. He’s thankful that he got a few punches in, it helped with the anger that bubbled in his chest.
But he was half wishing Topper had fought back, he wanted to feel some sort of physical pain. It would be a lot easier to handle then this emotional pain he was going through right now.
“Yo John B”
He turned around to see you crossing the street, dressed in short shorts and a white crop. He could see your nipples through the thin material, usually he wouldn’t look but that’s where his eyes landed tonight.
“Eyes up here buddy” you laughed, crossing your arms over your chest. You had just finished work, walking along the kook side of the island. You worked for some fancy schmancy guy, he paid you well for what you did.
Of all the people you didn’t expect to see John B, you hadn’t seen him since he ended things with you and started dating Sarah. You didn’t have any hard feelings towards him, but you did hate Sarah, of course the kook princess would get the hottest pogue on the island.
You kept in touch with the rest of the pogues but with everything going on you hadn’t heard from them in a while, you also didn’t want to be caught up with the shit they were going through. Already having the cops on your back about the weed they found in the backseat of the car you may or may not have stolen.
“Y/N, what are you doing out so late?” John B questioned; you could already tell he was upset. His hair was dishevelled, and you could only guess the wetness on his cheeks where tears.. “Just finished work, you?”.
“Looking for a boat”
“Ooh sounds like another adventure” you winked; he nodded his head but didn’t say anything. Turning his head to look over at the water, boats littered the area.
“That’s the boat your friends came back on” you point, the huge white boat stranded on the side of the island. Well, you assumed stranded, you weren’t aware it was in fact the cameron’s boat.
“How do you know that?” He questioned, he started walking towards the boat. You stood on the spot unsure whether you follow or leave, but your question is answered when he stops and looks at you. “Seen them hop off it the other day”.
You both walk in silence; he helps you aboard the boat and you both look around. Checking to make sure no one was lurking around, every so often. The street lights gave you little light, you reached under a cabinet and grab a torch, walking away from John B you went down the stairs.
It was a large bedroom, the bed unmade. There were wrappers everywhere and empty cans of beer. You assumed the mess was from the pogues and rolled your eyes. “They made quiet the mess”.
John B’s voice made you jump, turning around to see him standing close to you. “Yeah, might need to teach them what a bin is” You laughed, looking up you were met with his chocolate brown eyes.
His skin had a slight burn to it from the deserted island sun, his hair was golden and messy. You quickly looked away when you noticed his eyes dropping to your lips, taking a few steps away you began to walk around the boat.
Rummaging through draws and cupboards until you came across the hidden liquor, pulling out a bottle of tequila. “Shots?”.
You didn’t wait for an answer and took a swig from the bottle, the liquid burning your throat. But you refused to have a coughing fit in front of John B. You could feel his eyes on you, pushing your arm out he grabbed the bottle.
“So, what’s got you down?” you question, you can see him physically wince at the question. Brining the bottle to his lips again and taking a longer gulp, this time he coughs as he swallows the liquid. “Damn, must be bad”.
Your dumfounded, was this chick stupid? She gets John B and runs back to her Douch bag ex? He looked like a foot compared to him.
“She hooked up with Topper”.
“Well shit” You sigh, grabbing the bottle from John B and take another swig. You walk over to the bed and sit crossed leg in the middle. “I have no words to give you friend”.
You really had no words, well you had words, but they were cruel and no doubt he didn’t want to hear about how Sarah was stupid and that you would gladly take him back.
“I don’t want to talk about it, just want to forget” he says, he joins you on the bed. Sitting crossed legged in front of you, reaching his hand out for the bottle. You pass him the glass and watch as he takes a swig, mentally slapping yourself for thirsting over your ex-boyfriend.
“Alright, well want to tell me about the deserted island?” You ask, he shakes his head though. Looking up to meet your eyes, that’s when you catch onto what he wants.
He’s moving himself from his crossed leg position and you find yourself untangling your legs and letting him crawl between them. “Can I kiss you?”.
“Thought you’d never ask”.
You let his lips touch yours, it’s soft and sweet like how it used to be. You don’t want to be like how it used to be, you know that’s exactly how he is with Sarah. So, you grip him by the shirt and flip the both of you over. Moving your legs to straddle him, you put more urgency into your kiss.
You tongue being the one to gain dominance, he let’s you grind yourself on him. Hands running up the length of your thighs until they sat on your hips, guiding you to dry hump against his board shorts. He was shamefully already hard.
“Shit-t when did you get this feisty” John B groans, you bite down on his lower lip pulling it slightly. Your vixen eyes stare up at him through your lashes, you pressed kisses down his jaw, using the palm of your hand to push the side of his face into the mattress and attacking his neck.
You had gotten rather adventurous in the bedroom since things ended with John B, not that they weren’t fun when you where together but now you dominated, and you made the men beg.
“Can I take this off” You mumbled against his skin, your fingers twisting at the buttons his t-shirt. He gives you a grunt of approval, you tear his shirt off and kiss down his chest. Letting your hands wonder over his toned stomach, flashes of old memories pop up in the back of your mind.
“How far do you want to go John B?” You question, your fingers on the waistband of his shorts. You wanted him to fuck you, wanted him to use you to forget her.
John B sit’s up and for a moment you panic he is going to change his mind, instead he grabs the material of your shirt and rips it over your head. His hands pressed against your spine, pulling you close to him. His mouth enveloping your nipple, tugging, and sucking.
You bite back your moans, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. “I want to be buried deep inside of you” He moans, jutting his up against you. Accidentally letting out a loud whimper, you can feel his lips smirk against your skin.
You push him back down roughly, reaching down between you again and you reach inside his shorts. Wrapping your hand around his length, he sucks in a deep breath presses the palms of his hands into his eyes. You were dripping from his reaction.
You sat to the side of him, pulling his pants down and let him kick them off his ankles. You spread his legs so you could sit between them, holding firmly onto his throbbing cock. He looked down at you, begging you with his chocolate eyes.
“What do you want me to do John B” you purred, you got down to the level of his red tip. Leaving a soft chaste kiss before pulling away, you could see his stomach muscles clenching as he fought the urge to rock his hips up into your face. “Please Y/N”.
“Hmm? What was that?” You questioned, moving your hand softly against his shaft. Giving him just enough friction to edge him on but not enough to stop him from begging. “Y/N, put my cock in your mouth” he demands.
You’re squeezing your thighs together at his bluntness, not used to being told what to do from him. You open your mouth and take him in, you had been working on your deep throating. You were much better then when you had been together. “Holy sh-itt” he gasps, gripping onto the white bed sheets for dear life.
“Hmm” You gurgled around his cock, the vibrations of your mouth sending him into a frenzy. Your nose brushing against his trimmed pubic hair, sliding your hand under you begin to massage his balls, he lets out a strangled moan.
His chest is heaving, and his arms shake as he grips the sheets, you’re watching his face up through your lashes. He finally looks down at you, in that moment you know you have him hooked. He reaches down and grips your hair, rutting his hips up against your face.
You gag slightly from the roughness and your spit begins to drip around his cock, you can feel him twitching inside of your mouth. He is pulling your off him, his cock leaving your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’. “Sit on my face now”.
You reach down and quickly strip your shorts and panties off, leaving your bare in front of him for the first time in months. “Face down here, ass up here” John B states, he signals for you to do 69. You nod your head and reach over his body, before you can even set yourself up, he reaches around your thighs and bring you down onto his face.
His tongue brushing through your folds, you let out a pornographic moan when the tip of his tongue presses against your bundle of nerves. You weren’t going to let him get his dominance back, instead you pushed your mouth down onto his cock again.
Sucking and swivelling your tongue against him faster than you thought was humanly possible, fingers caressing his balls once more.  He licked and sucked like it was his last meal, pushing two of his fingers inside of you. The vibrations from both your moans had you both tipping over the edge and coming, his warm seed hitting the back of your throat. You swallowed quickly as you came down from your high, your juice coated his face.
You were shocked when he licked his lips, something he had not done before. Before you could even think more into that, he was flipping you onto the bed and leaning over you, His lips on your again, fingers laced around your throat, giving you a soft squeeze.
You stared at each other while you kissed, both your tongue battling for dominance. You used all your strength to push on his chest until you were back on top, straddling him once again. “Buckle up big boy” You whispered, giving him a kiss on the chest.
You reach down between you and grasp his cock, looking up at him for approval he grabs your hips and pushes you down instead of giving you an answer. You moan in sync; your nails dig sharply into his stomach. You begin to rock your hips slowly, enticing him with the cushion of your walls.
He reached up to massage your tits that were squeezed together by your arms, your head thrown back as you road him. His fingers where suddenly around your throat and pulling your down to look at him. “Fuck, seriously how are you so good at this” he moans, his eyes boring into yours.
“Practice honey” You purred, moving your hips a bit rougher. Your ass bouncing against his thighs, you reached down and gripped his throat as well. Giving him a harsher squeeze then what he was doing to you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in delight.
Who would have known John B would like to be chocked out you thought, you let out a soft snicker and his eyes pinged open. “You’re the devil” He states, he wraps his arm around your waist and begins to slide the both of you off the bed.
Walking over towards the seat that ran along the windows that had a view of under the water, fishes looking upon your naked sweaty bodies. He pressed you against the glass, pushing in and out of you at an ungodly speed. Biting down on the skin of your neck, pulling your hand away from his chest he puts your arms above your head and presses them against the window. Your chest and his pressing against each other.
“Harder John B, show me how angry you are” You moan, using your hips to grind into him. He drops his head into the crook of your neck and grips your waist, his speed intensifying. The sound of your wet skins filled the room, the boat felt as though it was swaying.
“Come on John B” You were pushing off him now, pushing him towards the end of the bed. He sat up as you sat back down on him, he wrapped him arms around your waist and let you take control, he was so close to coming, he didn’t have the energy to keep fighting.
“Come on baby, show me what you got” You whispered. Gripping his throat for a second time tonight, pressing your lips to his. Tongues and spit exchanging, both your hips moving in sync as you met each other in the middle, your clit rubbing against his stomach each time. “Yeah, just like that” You cried, dropping your head back and holding onto his shoulders.
He watched your skin glisten with sweat, your perfect perky breasts bouncing with each thrust. He was in another world; he couldn’t hold on anymore. “Y/N” he started, but you squeezed around his throat again to shut him up. “I’m gonna c-”
He didn’t get a chance to warn you as you came first, loud, and fast. Walls squeezing and fluttering around him, causing him to let go and cum inside of you. Both of you moaning and crying out in pleasure, your fingers still wrapped around his throat.
When you finally both caught your breaths and vision, you slid off him. “Well shit John B” you laughed, you began gathering up your clothes, searching for your panties. “More like well shit Y/N, your fiesty” he says, he however doesn’t reach for his clothes and watched you intently.
You turn your head to the door when you hear voices and the door rattles, head snapping back to John B who begins to rush around.
“I told you he would be her--” JJ begins, stopping dead in his tracks when he sees the both of you trying to get dressed quickly, eyes giving you a once over before offering you a wave. You give him a quick wave as he ushers everyone back and closes the door.
“In my fucking boat, John B?” You hear Sarah scream; you give him an apologetic smile and make your way to the door. Pulling it open, Sarah’s eyes meet yours and her eyes widen when she realises, he went to you not some random touron.
“Next time, try this in bed, he Loves it” You purred, wrapping your fingers around her delicate throat. You expect her to grab your arm, but she is too shocked to speak.
giving her a wink before walking away from the group, all eyes on you. You get a sudden rush of euphoria knowing you just fucked her boyfriend on her boat.
Part two
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | The frat boy you have a crush on shoots his shot in the worst way ever.
prompts. | Johnny Storm + College/University + “I thought you hated me.” + Stalking, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!Johnny Storm x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, stalking, leaving notes and flowers, spying, mentions of female masturbation, johnny is a pervert (he gets a boner), delusion, mild roughness, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics.
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You sigh as you make your way back to your apartment, hours of studying and sitting in one place sinking into your bones. The cold winter only adds to your aches. Your boots crunch the snow beneath you as other students walk in different directions, each with their own goals. You swear you feel a set of eyes on you, but you shrug it off.
You know that most of the boys live in the frathouses, the ones you’ve only visited every now and then with some people who don’t consider friends or strangers. You always left early once the smell of beer, sweat, and Axe body spray became overwhelming.
But one man always seems to be wherever you are—Johnny Storm. Everyone knows him as the party and playboy, but you don’t really care. You just want to steer clear of trouble—while also getting a good look at the brunet—and get these few years of your life out of the way.
You enter the building, then your flat and undress, cracking stiff joints and stretching your unused muscles. You can only hope you’ll fall asleep quickly tonight, but you’re always restless. 
Throwing yourself on your bed, you pull your phone out and mindlessly scroll on Instagram. Posts of perfection and partying fill your feed, and it seems as though Johnny is in each of them. When you spot him, your heart flutters. 
It’s hard not to crush on him—nearly every girl on campus feels some way about him. You would never act on those feelings, though.
You turn your phone off and close your eyes, resting on your back with your limbs bent and stretched in different ways. But you don’t find sleep, not when a voice speaks up.
“I thought you hated me,” Johnny says, and you’re startled. With a shout, you jump up. “That you never wanted a thing to do with me. That you thought you were too good for a guy like me,” he continues, and you see that he’s in nothing but a towel that covers his lower half.
You can tell that he’s hard with the way his cock bulges under the fluffy white fabric. The rest of his well-built body is wet with water, and you realize he must’ve used your bathroom to take a shower. You’re confused—how did he get in? How long has he been here? “But I guess we feel the same way about each other. That’s why you broke it off with Steve, right?” Johnny chuckles, and as he reveals new, private information, you grow scared. You say nothing to him. “I broke it off with all my other girlfriends. I only got eyes for you, baby,” he smirks, moving to join you on the bed.
You scoot upwards and hug your knees, angling your feet so you won’t struggle as much if you need to run.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. I’ve seen you use that bullet vibe, moaning and begging… You’re filthier than I thought,” Johnny tells you, and your eyes flash to the bedside drawer on instinct. What the fuck? “But we can take it slow. Did you get my flowers? And my notes?” he questions.
At the mention, you recall the bouquets and envelopes that have shown up at your door almost daily. You assumed it was a case of mixed-up doors or addresses, so you only ever threw them out, not bothering with them too much.
When you don’t answer, Johnny sighs. “I knew it. Don’t worry, I can re-order them. I took photos of all the cards. It could be a date. I’ll read all my letters, and we can cuddle—whaddya think?”
“I think you’re crazy and need to leave, Johnny. I won’t report you, I swear. This must be some prank, right?” you scoff, but your hands tremble in fear. Johnny pouts. “How about tonight? I’m here, aren’t I?” he asks, ignoring your words.
Suddenly, he grabs your hands and squeezes them tightly, almost as if in warning. He lifts them up and presses kisses on each knuckle, smiling. You don’t know what else to do—what he’s capable of. He has the money and connections—and now, you. 
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sim0nril3y · 1 year
First Date
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: It's no denying that their first date is a little rocky to begin with, but as things settle Simon wondered if he is in too deep. Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), mentions of alcohol, suggestive conversation, slight mention of smut, canon-typical swearing (I mean, it's Ghost for fuck sake!).
Bloody fucking hell. It was still beyond him why Simon had actually agreed to this mess. Why had he done this to himself? Maybe he’d had too much to drink. Maybe a pretty face made him completely lose his mind… or whatever was left of it. Whatever the reason was he was here now. Waiting in an Italian restaurant with a cold lager half-finished beside him and the chair opposite him empty. Maybe you’d thought better of it. Maybe that was for the best. Fuck, it still fucking hurt though…
A sudden flutter of commotion came from behind him. Looking over his shoulder to watching as you rushed across the room, removing your coat to reveal a beautiful silky dress that contoured to your frame seamlessly, his eyes had lingered on your body for so long he almost missed the guilty smile you shared with him. “Bloody taxi driver got the wrong restaurant.” You announced before allowing your tense shoulders to fall. “I’m not typically this flustered – I promise.”
“I believe you.” Simon then rose and stepped around the table, taking your chair in hand and pulling it out for you to sit in before tucking it in. There was a lot you could say about Simon Riley, but he was a gentleman to the people that deserved it the most. After giving you a few moments to settle Simon finally asked. “You want a drink?” Taking a swig of his own beer and quirking his brow at you. “God, yes. I’d literally murder for a white wine.” Your dramatics made him laugh, like genuinely, he wasn’t really sure the last time someone had made him do that… Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mine Simon flagged down the waiter and ordering you one.
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“What s’it you do for work?” Simon asked then, forgetting for a moment that it might be very possible for you not to be established into the working world yet, especially with how long young people seemed to stay at university now. “I’m a barmaid down at the Golden Lion.” Oh, he knew that place. It wasn’t so fancy up-and-coming gastropub. No, it was a rundown old pub owned by a miserable git. He knew the type of tossers that went in there too. “It’s not what I want to do forever, but it works right now.” There was an easy shrug to your shoulders before you admitted. “I’m an artist.” The words had drifted from your mouth with such ease. An artist. That wasn’t a real job, Simon thought. “You got any backup plans, kid?”
You blinked at him blankly before a grin spread across your features. “You sound like my parents.” Brushing away the question with another carefree shrug. That second Simon hated your optimism. It was that same optimism all kids your age had. That same sense that the world owed them their dreams. There was this malicious part of Simon that wanted to burst your bubble, deflate your self-entitled ego and remind you that the real world didn’t care about your dreams or your wants. Your voice cut through the silence again. “Who knows, it probably won’t work out, but I want to try just for a few more years.”
“Yeah…” Jesus, he felt like such a prick. He had just assumed that you was just some dumb kid that felt like the world owed them something, but… but you were just a hopeful girl that was chasing a very tricky and far away dream. Who was he to judge? You’d found a way to sustain yourself whilst also trying to navigate into a very select profession. “You any good?” His cheeks suddenly set aflame at how the question sounded on his tongue. “Your art, I mean. Is it good?”
A delicate giggle bubbled in your throat as you finished your wine with a quick swig. “I like to think I’m pretty good…” Lifting your sultry and inviting gaze to find his own. “Maybe I could show you sometime…” Simon couldn’t believe it when he felt his heart fucking stutter in his chest. Fucking hell. It was that moment that he realised was in deep here. Clearing his throat Simon adjusted himself discreetly in his seat. It was going to be a hard end to this dinner – no pun intended.
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Leading her across the carpark Simon stood beside the waiting cab, hand on the open door as you spoke softly to the driver through the window. A moment later you gazed up into his eyes and offered quietly. “I had a really nice time tonight…” The sweetness of your tone was enough to warm him even in this bitter night air. “Yeah…” He grunted out. “Me too…” Adding swiftly a moment later causing you to breathe out a subtle sigh of relief. “Are you gonna put me out of my misery and take me out again, or gonna make me beg for it?” Jesus, the idea of you begging was something that made his heart race. Knelt. Eyes pleading. Every inch of you- Stop. He can’t do that right now.
Placing a firm finger under your chin Simon jutted her head back forcing you to meet his intense gaze. “Get the feeling you don’t beg all that often, kid.” That same little smirk found your lips, watching as your eyes darkened at his comment. “M’sure it’s a sweet fuckin’ sound…” He was fighting internally with himself. Part of him screamed to just give you exactly what you wanted. Bend your tight body over that bonnet and fuck you stupid. Another part of him told himself to allow himself some form of happiness, take you out again and see what might happen. The final part scoffed and scowled at that optimism. It warned him that being with him was practically a death sentence. No, he needed to let you go, let you move on and find a boring man to turn into a husband and pop out a couple ankle-biters with.  “Are you free next week?” Your question came interrupting his cruel inner monologue. No. Say no. End this. “Yes.” A wild grin tore across your features, you had certainly won this round.
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Masterlist | Ask | 30-08-2023
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jermer10 · 7 months
I was wondering if you could write for the mercs (all if possible, if not it's your choice who) dating a enemy reader. Headcanons or a drabble are fine.
Love the fics!
TF2 mercs dating an enemy reader
suggestive, gn reader | thanks for the ask anon!!
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - the least caring about the fact that you're an enemy merc - "game is game!" you want to strangle him - would make a point out of trying to dominate you during a match, specifically seeking you out just to kill you over and over again - if you're dating scout you're likely just as competitive - and you're also likely to win these little games - "scout! come here for a sec~" he is already half way there, under the assumption that he was gonna 'get a piece' of you - you're 5 seconds into your makeout session, his hands ravaging your body, when you raise your gun and shoot him straight through the chin - he is fucking fuming, you're laughing your ass off - holding it over you if he wins a match, becoming super pissy if he doesn't - the only way to calm him down to shower him with compliments
Soldier: - the hardest to win over, he is patriotic to his heart and also incredibly stupid - would genuinely assume that your flirting is malicious, trying to rile him up and confuse him into surrendering - it's not until you have him cornered, he's ready to fight with his fists or go out trying, when you ask him out instead - he will decline, and you shoot him cleanly in the head before skipping away - but it sits with him - and he starts to notice every little thing you do, internally praising your usage of weapons, your pure bloodlust - he corners you and....proposes? - "oooone step at a time bud" - will still kill you during battle, but does so in a loving way instead - whatever that even means
Pyro: - it's not hard to befriend pyro - they treat their friends and enemies quite similar, hell, they even attack their own teammates sometimes - so when you approach them outside of a battle, how could they say no to a new friend? - the enemy team hates this, believing the only reason for your presence to be malign - eventually everyone grows used to you, you even begun repping their colour when you were there as not to stand out too much - on the battlefield you two often sneak off together to light shit on fire or prank other mercs - they find hurting you......undesirable? so it seems? - they tend to focus on everyone else around you rather than harming you in any way - really a sweetheart under all of that...fireproof asbestos lined suit?
Demoman: - finds the idea of dating someone who's supposed to be his enemy very hot - he meets you on the battlefield, drunkenly flinging everything he has at you, and somehow you're avoiding all of his attacks - explosions erupting from behind you, it's something like a scene from a movie - he is obsessed with you - you don't officially declare your relationship at first, sneaking off to screw and make out instead of doing typical couple things - eventually, he has to ask, "what are we?" you just laugh and lean in for an uncharacteristically passionate kiss - that's all he needed - you're attached to the hip, but you're not against murdering him either - your team hates him. just straight up.
Heavy: - absolutely refuses to engage with your flirtatious behaviour - you're immature and desperate, he tells himself - so why does he lay there late at night thinking about you? - it becomes harder to hide his apparent feelings for you, leading to some heated sexual tension - he wants you, bad, and here you were defenseless, cowering with a nervous grin and spewing your usual sickening ramblings - he can't help but kiss you in the moment rather than what he should be doing which is shooting you - he doesn't even care, he just needs this more than anything - and this becomes a regular thing until you ask him out - "are we not already in relationship?" - your team is too scared of him to say something about his involvement with you, and his team....is also too scared of him to say anything about you
Engineer: - he can't keep his eyes off you, he can't even bring himself to attack you, and worst of all he actively disables the rest of his team trying to protect you - you cared so deeply for your teammates, even a blind man could see that in the way you fought so fiercely for them - engie is absolutely smitten - they push him into telling you, lamenting about needing their engie to focus in battle and that maybe confessing would itch the scratch - it does not, in fact, itch the scratch - he told you, the dynamic between both teams shift - you become the parents of both teams, having large group hangouts and dinners together - no one really wants to...kill eachother anymore..? - of course it's still your job to kill one another, but now it feels more like a game between buddies than a real fight
Medic: - he becomes completely obsessive over you, becoming enraged at the idea of his teammates killing you - he is the only one who should be able to kill you, and he wants it to hurt, he hates you, and he hates the way you make him feel - his teammates catch on rather quickly and decide to put it into perspective for him, making him realize that he really just has a crush on you - he will only slightly change his behavior after this, now he flirts with you right before he kills you (awwww!) - when you ask him out, he's shocked! - obviously he says yes, he wants you more than he's wanted anyone - there's a passion there that both of your teams are incredibly disturbed by, so they try to ignore it the best they can, which is not very well - at least this brings them closer? i guess??
Sniper: - he would have been stalking you through the scope of his rifle long before you asked him out - and you knew this, testing him by walking through his line of sight, taking an excruciatingly long time to kill one of his teammates, bending over a lot more than usual - you reveled in the way he would intentionally miss his shots, his way of flirting with you, beckoning you to come say hello - and when you finally do it's the kickstart of a relationship that no one sees coming and that you don't keep as secret as you think - you often sneak off to rest up in his sniper nests, sharing some kisses before returning to the fight - you practically live in his van outside of work, some of your teammates just assume you're off training or running errands, the more observant ones having sneaking suspicions that you're skipping off to see your star-crossed lover
Spy: - he actually does hate you at first - spy is very competitive, in ways that aren't always obvious to others - you're racking up kills, he's been dominated by you at least 20 times, and he's growing increasingly aggressive - eventually he lands a hit on you, slashing your arm pretty bad, your gun skidding across the cement, too far out of reach - and instead of killing you, he kicks your gun back over to you with a heavy sigh, you're at a loss for words - "fuck you for making me feel zhis way" he pulls you up by the collar and next thing you know you're both sneaking off to screw - he tells you this was a one time thing, but it's evident that he doesn't really feel that way - not with the way he looks at you, the genuine love he has for you is so foreign to him that he often mistakes it for lust - you take it slow, and you do it quietly, it's your own little thing
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A very long time ago, seriously maybe a year ago, one anonymous person requested:
hii i was wondering if you can do a request where the reader is with bonnie, but finn secretly likes her? reader is worrying and cleaning up bonnie after boxing and finn is kinda jelly
Hope you will enjoy it!
Pairing: Bonnie Gold x fem!reader, Finn Shelby being into reader
Words count: 2.1k
Warnings: none I think
Y/f/n - your father's name
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Actions & consequences
Y/n Y/l/n - Bonnie's biggest fan and supporter in his boxing career. Since they've met, she had never missed any of his matches, nor his sparrings and surprisingly he won every time. Of course, Bonnie believed his hard work and the effort he put into training were just a half of the reason why he kept winning.
"You're my lucky charm, did I ever tell you that?" Bonnie said, like he did many times before. And like many times before, it brought a smile upon Y/n's face.
"Maybe once or twice." Y/n joked. Obviously, there were definitely more than two times. "Could you stop talking for a moment, though? Please, just for the moment I take care of this cut."
Bonnie nodded his head and let Y/n do what she usually used to do after his fights.
They were at King Maine's gym. The trainer was talking to Bonnie's defeated opponent. They were standing by the door, far away from the winner and the girl, so his words were inaudible, but the way he was explaning something seemed to be aggressive, considering his rapid gestures. Not like Y/n would pay attention to anything the trainer was saying, even if she could hear him. She was busy cleaning up her boyfriend's cuts, because even the best fighters get hurt. You can't win a fight without getting a few cuts and Y/n didn't mind taking care of Bonnie's.
The boy was sitting on a chair with the girl straddling his lap, her clothed chest extremely close to his naked, sweaty one. In her hand, she had a wet cloth with which she washed the blood off of the boy's face. Bonnie's hands unconciously landed on Y/n's waist, putting a blush on the girl's face.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't- I don't know how it happened-" Bonnie apologized awkwardly when he realized, immediately taking his hands away. Now he was also blushing.
Despite dating for a while, it was the point of intimacy they haven't reached before. Especially not in a public place. Not like they cared if others see that, but it just didn't feel... natural for them. They were taking things slow.
"It's okay," Y/n assured, "you're my boyfriend, Bonnie, you're allowed to touch me." A giggle escaped her mouth.
"Oh, yeah?" Bonnie smirked playfully. "Then I assume I'm also allowed to do this." His hands were suddenly under Y/n's thighs and he stood up, picking her up.
Y/n laughed. She dropped the cloth on the floor as her arms went around Bonnie's neck, helping her not fall down. They kissed and both smiled through the kiss.
Suddenly, they heard someone clearing his throat. It made them stop what they were doing, Bonnie put Y/n back on the ground. They turned to face the person who interrupted them.
"Finn?" Y/n asked surprised to see her friend. "What are you doing here?"
"How long have you been standing here?" Her boyfriend added.
Finn looked at Bonnie with an angry stare, "long enough," then shifted his eyes to Y/n. "Tommy sent me."
Bonnie spoke before Y/n could open her mouth again. "Why wouldn't Mr. Shelby come here himself?"
"Because it's not about you, it's about her." Finn walked up closer to the couple. He gave Bonnie another hateful look. "'Besides I wasn't talking to you, was I?"
"And what could Tommy possibly want from me at," Y/n looked at the clock nearby, "seven in the evening?"
"Exactly, it's seven in the evening. Your father gave Tommy a call, asking him to ask me to walk you home."
"How did my dad know I'm here? You didn't tell him, did you?"
Y/f/n wouldn't expect her to be at the gym, because he didn't know she was dating Bonnie. He thought they were just good friends, like she was with the Shelby boys or Polly's son. Y/n didn't want her dad to find out she's dating Bonnie.
"We're covering for you... as always for the past few weeks." He really put an emphasis on that. "Tommy told him you were in the stables by Charlie's yard. Taking care of the horses."
"Thanks. I promise I'll tell him, but not yet. It's not the right time."
"Alright, sure," Finn didn't believe her, "let's go already, shall we?"
"No worries," Bonnie gave Finn a pat on the back, "I can walk her. I was going to anyway, you didn't have to bother yourself coming here."
Bonnie smiled kindly at Finn, he didn't quite realize that the youngest Shelby brother dislikes him. He's been acting like this since Bonnie had met him, so he thought that's just the way he is. He had no idea it's because of Y/n. Because of how quickly Bonnie stole Y/n's heart.
"Don't put your fuckin' hands on me," Finn pushed Bonnie away from himself, "unless you wanna fuckin' fight."
"Relax, we can spar sometime. When do you have time?"
"Even right now. Right here. Or we can go out, do it in the street. I don't care."
"Jesus, Finn! No fuckin' fighting." Y/n scolded her lifelong friend. "What happened to you? Did Arthur start giving you cocaine?" Met with silence on Finn's side, Y/n continued. "Alright, I guess it'll be me walking you home."
"And who's gonna walk you after you walk him?" Bonnie asked. "Remember about the vendetta. Your father helps Mr. Shelby, the Italians are after you also."
"I'm not a baby. You need to rest, it's a good idea I walk with Finn. Besides, we live close to each other."
Bonnie hesitated for a moment, but then agreed. "Okay. But I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright, love?"
"Alright, golden boy." With a smile on her face, Y/n gave her boyfriend a kiss that lasted a bit longer than she intended.
Finn cleared his throat again. "You'll see each other tomorrow, no need to be eating each other's faces."
Y/n said her final goodbye of the day to her boyfriend and then walked outside with her friend. Giving him a friendly bump to the arm, she asked, "Why have you been so stiff lately, Finn?"
The girl laughed, but her friend didn't seem to be in the right mood for jokes. He took a cigarette and put it between his lips, then lit it up.
"Why don't you see it?" Smoke left his mouth as he spoke.
"Why don't I see what?" Y/n was in a mood too good to notice there was something wrong with Finn. She hadn't noticed anything for the past few weeks.
He was disappointed. "Nothing..."
Finn took such a big inhale from his cigarette, that it made him choke and cough. The girl patted him on the back with a friendly laughter. As Finn fixed his posture and coughed for one last time, he offered his friend the cigarette.
"No, thank you." She refused. "I've stopped smoking 'cause Bonnie says-"
"This is what I'm talking about. Now you see what I meant? Bonnie does this, Bonnie says that. Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. And where is there space for me?"
The words shoot out of Finn's mouth like bullets from a gun. He would never target Y/n with a real gun, but these bullets were meant to get into her brain. And maybe, hopefully, shoot some sense into it.
"Bonnie is my boyfriend, Finn, you can't blame me for hanging out with him or supporting him in his path."
"Do you hear yourself, Y/n?" The boy slightly raised his voice. "We've known him for the same amount of time, which is few weeks, and you speak of him like he's your husband."
"Don't raise your voice at me, Finn Shelby. We've known Bonnie for the same amount of time, yet you've always treated him like he's one of the Changrettas."
"Don't tell me when I can or cannot raise me voice. Are you surprised I treat him like this?!"
"Yeah, I am! He's on our side, Finn! You didn't even give him a chance!"
"No, I really mean, are you surpised?" He put emphasis on the last part of the question. "Lately you've been all over him! You barely spend time with me anymore."
"Once again, he's my boyfriend!"
"After a few weeks he's your boyfriend, huh? You've known me your whole life, but have you ever thought of me this way?"
Y/n opened her mouth, but no words came out. She didn't know what to say. Finn's eyes were piercing her. After a few seconds, she finally spoke. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what you've heard. How can you have feelings for someone you've known few weeks, meanwhile you've known me your whole life!"
"Excuse me? Have you ever put any effort into actually telling me you like me more than a friend?! Of course besides trying to make me jealous by flirting with other girls in front of me..."
Now Finn was the speechless one. She was right, he did all this just to make her jealous. How would she know? And why didn't it work, why didn't it make her fall in love with him? Isaiah said girls love men who hit on many women. He said the more jealous you make her feel, the more she wants you.
"That's right, Finn," Y/n continued, "I knew you're doing it on purpose."
"So..." Finn wasn't even sure what he wanted to say. He felt lost in his own thoughts. "Does it mean you're using the same technique on me? With Bonnie?"
"Please," Y/n scoffed, "I had feelings for you, I truly did. But I lost them, 'cause you were messing around with others. Bonnie doesn't make me feel like I have to compete with other girls."
Finn wanted to say something. Perhaps apologize, but it was too late for this. Nothing was Bonnie's fault, he didn't do anything. If Finn wasn't so stupid and didn't listen to Isaiah's advice, him and Y/n could've been something more by now.
They never stopped walking, so now they were almost by the door of Finn's home. By the time he found any words, they have reached the door.
"What now?" The boy asked, making Y/n scoff again.
"How about we keep things how they were before this conversation, except from now on you will tolerate my boyfriend and be nice to him?"
"But he-"
"No, I don't even wanna hear it. It were you and your actions that made me lose any romantic interest I had in you, Finn."
"That's not fair!"
"That's what you get for listening to Isaiah instead of using your own brain. Seems very fair to me."
Suddenly, the door of the flat opened and they saw Polly. She looked at them and raised her eyebrows. "Why are you chit-chatting outside? Come in, I'll make you some tea."
Y/n sent the woman a kind look. "Thank you, Mrs. Gray, but I was just about to go home. Actually, my dad called Tommy and Tommy told Finn to go get me, 'cause it was so late and-" She started babbling. It felt so weird to say no to tea offered by Polly, but Y/n stayed as polite as she could.
"No worries, Y/n," the woman smiled, "where were you so late in the evening?
Polly was curious, but she didn't want to pressure Y/n into answering. And Y/n didn't want to give her the honest answer. She knew what Polly thought of the Golds. Even if they were now working with them, Polly, and a few others, still saw them as savages.
"I was at the stables," Y/n said according to the excuse Finn told her.
"Yes, she was..." Finn added to purposely make her excuse sound less believable.
There wasn't a thing you could hide from Polly Gray. Even without what Finn said, she knew Y/n wasn't telling her the truth. She could sense it.
"Alright, you should head home then. You must be very tired." But who was she to force Y/n to spit out the truth? The girl had her own family to lie to. Whether they found out, was not Polly's business nor problem, as long as Y/n was safe. And the woman knew she was.
"Goodnight, Mrs. Gray, I'd love to come for tea another time," Y/n gave Polly one of her nicest smiles, "bye, Finn," and a pretty much emotionless bye to Finn.
Polly and Finn watched Y/n walk away. She did live nearby, a few flats away and was home in seconds.
"Whatever you've done to her, Finn, I hope you apologized. Or plan to do it."
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Can you please write some jealousy hcs for sf6 Luke, Ed, Jamie and Bosch? If you want to do different characters that's ok or if they are too many you can just do some. Thank you !!!
fun fact: this was originally supposed to be released 2 days ago but guess who accidentally deleted half of it. :| soo it had to be rewritten again. so sad. also I think you can tell who i like based on the length of the hcs, oops
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For the most part, Luke's a pretty chill guy so things don't bother him as much as they used to when he was younger.
He's glad to see you expand your horizons and meet new people along the way, especially finding new masters to train under.
He wants to see how far you've come from the last time he saw you, so he asks for a quick sparring match.
And you'd exceeded his expectations!
He's happy to see you develop your own style and dominate the streets.
"Woah, you’ve really stepped up your game," he said, genuinely impressed.
One thing though...why do you fight like a certain drunken boxer he knows?
Oh, You're learning under Jamie? Cool. Cool.
He's smiling but you can feel the tension behind it.
Luke is definitely the type of jealous that tries to play it off in a joking manner.
"Let's just say, I've had a couple of run-ins with the guy." he forced a chuckle. "He’s...something else."
“Sounds like there’s more to the story.”
“Maybe there is, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re growing into an incredible fighter, and I’m proud of you for that.” He pulled you in to press a kiss on your temple.
"Thanks, Luke. That means a lot coming from you."
"Anytime," he said, reaching out to ruffle your hair playfully. "And hey, if Jamie gives you any trouble, you let me know, okay?"
"Of course." you laughed, swatting his hands away.
“Come on, let’s grab something to eat. I’m starving, and I bet you could use a bite after all that.”
“Sweet! But you’re buying.”
You're your own person and you get to decide who you want to train under, but it still nags at him from somewhere deep within.
It may sound selfish of him, but he would rather you come to him for your concerns than anyone else. In part as your Coach and boyfriend.
So when other people try to make moves on you, he's internally sizing them up as he gives them a once-over.
So even though he has a smile on his face, it never reaches his eyes.
But he won't bring it up this time since you held Jamie in such a high regard.
And he's not going to hold your hand for every decision you make, but he trusts you enough not to do anything behind his back.
He hates to admit it, but it does tick Luke off knowing that Jamie would rub it in his face in their next encounter, it’s almost inevitable.
So he would have a couple of not-so-nice words for the guy the next time he sees him on the street.
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Ed watched you near the gym entrance as he leaned against the heavy sliding doors. 
You were running late to your nightly meet-ups and you weren’t responding to any of his messages leading up to now. 
He wouldn’t have cared if something came up and you had to cancel your date with him, but you mentioned how excited you were about seeing him today that he didn’t think you would’ve just dipped the last second. 
So he went on a whim and decided to pay the gym down the street a visit. 
And surprise, surprise, here you were. 
You were chatting with, what he could assume was your coach, in the middle of the room. 
Ed’s eyes flickered at the way Luke lightly squeezed your shoulder with a certain fondness in his eyes.
He didn’t know if you were oblivious or dumb for not noticing, so he made himself known by stepping on the mats in your direction. 
His presence immediately drew your attention and your eyes lit up when you saw him approaching, stepping back from Luke you said, “Ed! What are you doing here?”
“You’re late. We had plans, remember?”
“Oh, crap, I’m so sorry! I lost track of time and…” You sputtered an apology and some excuses that fell deaf on his ears but his attention was more focused on your chummy coach.
Ed's glare could paralyze most people with fear, but Luke observed the exchange with a curious expression.
Realizing you may be having a one-sided conversation you introduced the pair to each other.
Luke extended a hand with a friendly smile. "The name's Luke, I'm one of the coaches here at Buckler's.
"Yeah, I've heard about you." He said, not acknowledging Luke’s hand, which made the former pull back.
"Ed’s been teaching me a little bit of boxing on the side.” You chimed in, wrapping your arms around him. 
Actually, it was a bit odd that he didn’t immediately try to shake you off. But that meant his mind was somewhere else.
"You’ve taught them well, They're lucky to have you as a teacher." Luke replied, adressing Ed again.
He shrugged the arm you were hanging onto.“You ready to head out?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my stuff real quick then we could go,” you said, giving him a small peck on his cheek before heading toward the locker room, leaving the pair alone.
“Look I don’t know what you’re trying to play at and frankly I don’t care, but it ends now.” 
"Hey, man, I'm not trying to play at anything. I’m just their coach. We keep things professional here." Luke raised his hands in a placating gesture.
"Yeah? Well, you seem pretty damn friendly for just a coach." Ed scoffed, not buying it.
Luke sighed, dropping his hands. "I get it. You’re protective of them, and that’s fine. But you need to trust that I’m not crossing any lines."
"Trust ain’t something I give out easily. And right now, nothing’s telling me you deserve even a lick of it.”
"Fair enough," Luke said, crossing his arms. "But you should know that Y/n’s here because they want to get stronger. And I’m not going to stop coaching them because you’re feeling insecure."
“Insecure? Now you’re just spouting shit.” Ed narrowed his eyes.
“I don’t think so.” Luke hummed.
You quickly reappeared from the locker room with a bag slung over your shoulder. 
“Ready!” You said cheerfully, grabbing Ed’s hand. “Alright, I’ll see you later, Coach!” You called over your shoulder as you dragged the boxer towards the exit.
“Take care. And keep on practicing your footwork,” he gave you a small wave. 
“Oh, and Ed,” Luke said with a slight edge to his tone, making Ed turn to face him, “Take your shoes off the next time you step on my mats, won’t you?”
Ed scoffed, with a smirk tugging on his lips. At least, he ain’t no pushover.
You glanced between the two, sensing the underlying tension but not quite catching the full meaning of Luke's remark.
"What was that about?"
“Nothing, Just gym etiquette."
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With Jamie, he doesn't get jealous as easily as other people on this list. But he definitely has his gripes from time to time.
Woah, Pulling punches during a dance battle? Didn't see that one coming.
You told him you've been learning boxing from a guy who's been hanging around the beat square subway station, at least three times a week.
He was wondering what you’ve been up to.
Wait, did you say three times a week? That's more than you see him.
What's up with that?
He didn’t mind you picking up new skills, especially with something as badass as boxing, but he missed your late-night talks.
And now, it was basically cut in half thanks to this Ed guy.
So he thinks it’s time to give him a little visit from the infamous Jamie Siu, himself.
"Ah, now I get it." Jamie playfully circled him. "You got the whole bad boy get up and everything, huh?"
Ed looked up from his phone with an unreadable expression, “You gotta problem wit' me or something?” 
"Not at all buddy. I'm just trying to see who Mooncake’s been hanging out with.”
You sighed, telling him that Ed is just your Boxing coach and he’s teaching you how to wield Psycho Power.
Nothing more, nothing less.
After adverting the crisis that was about to break out at the station, you would give Ed a quick apology before leaving with Jamie. 
Ed shrugged, saying ‘whatever’ and went back to his phone. 
You would have to confront him about his attitude later on.
Even if he felt jealous of where your focus was, you’re still learning how to street fight. And he has no right to interfere with your training with your other Coaches. 
He shrugged at your concerns before asking if you wanted to try this new concoction he put together, offering the lip of his gourd to you. 
“Jamie, I'm being serious.” You pushed the bottle back to him. 
“So am I.”
You hardly picked up the way his eyes bore into your soul before he broke into a grin, taking a swig of his drink.  “Nothing like a good drink to ease the nerves.”
When you tell him you’re still upset with him about today, he’ll lean up against the rails and cross his arms. 
Most of his jealousy stems from the fact that you're spending more time with other people than him. And he feels a tad bit neglected.
He’s used to being isolated so the feeling isn’t new to him. But he found himself staring at the space beside him where he expected to find your presence.
The times when you don’t visit him, his mind wanders to the silly little adventures you’d tell him about and the places you get to see around the world.
But you have a track record of being gone for long periods of time and he just waits here, until you came back.
It’s not your fault. He was just being a hard-ass, so he would be the one to apologize. 
"Look, I know you’re still starting out and learning new stuff, which is cool n’ all but I miss our nights together. And if it’s that important to you, I'll back off. Just make sure to stop by from time to-time. ‘Kay?"
“I will…And thanks, Jamie. I really appreciate it.” 
After a beat of silence, you gestured to the gourd resting beside you two. "Now, about that concoction of yours.”
Jamie broke out in a grin, handing it to you. "Prepare to be amazed. The new and improved recipe is made from the ingredients you brought from Tian Hong Yuan. It’s got a kick to it, just like you.”
You both would’ve retired for the night in a drunken stupor, entangled in each other's arms.
He snuggled his face in the crook of your neck with a dumb smile, mumbling how much he loved you.
But next time you visit Ed, Jamie gives you a couple of ‘souvenirs’ to show off to your friend to show who you belong to. 
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You know, when you decided to stroll through town, Bosch didn’t expect you to pick up another Master.
If anything, he guessed it was your eagerness that made people naturally gravitate to you.
He could tell how much you admired Rashid’s wind abilities and charming personality, but it still irked him more than he cared to admit.
You would spend the majority of your days training and chatting with Rashid, eventually kicking Bosch to the curb.
He knew it was nothing more than a student-teacher relationship, especially since Rashid's wind techniques were something you wanted to master.
And the thing is, Rashid isn’t even a bad guy.
He’s just very charismatic, in a way that can be overbearing at times.
But he still couldn't shake the pangs of jealousy that gnawed at his soul.
With every new move that clicked, you would glance at Bosch to see if he noticed.
He’s at least a little glad you still sought him out, despite your attention being elsewhere.
Maybe that’s why he let it go on for so long.
He’ll sit on his emotions and let the feeling bubble in his stomach before he would ever confront you about it. 
He probably even lets out a few snippy remarks if you keep pushing him away.
He doesn’t mean it.
He never does, but Bosch has never been in a relationship before, so he doesn’t know what to do whenever he felt the burning sensation of jealousy below the surface of his skin.
Bosch sat by the window sill and let the cool midnight breeze brush against his face.
He should've been relaxing, but his mind was anything but calm.
He heard the soft creak of the floorboards as he turned to see you approaching. 
You sat next to him by the window, offering some food you got from the markets. 
Your presence instantly eased his nerves as you both sat in the dark, listening to the distant sounds of the city.
Sensing Bosch’s off demeanor, you asked what was on his mind.
“I’m just thinking.” He said, sipping his drink.
“About what?”
“You.” His eyes met yours, “…and Rashid.”
You blinked in surprise. “Rashid? What about him?”
“It’s just…you’ve been spending so much time with him. I get that he’s your new master and he’s teaching you a lot, but it feels like there’s no time for us anymore.”
"I didn't know you felt that way, but I'm sorry for not noticing sooner." You said aimlessly playing with his hands before tangling them together.
Bosch sighed, looking down at your intertwined hands. "You don’t owe me an apology. I know I’m being hard-headed. I just…I wish I could open up to you more."
"You can always talk to me about anything, Bosch. And you don't need to force yourself to do so for my sake."
He looked up, meeting your eyes again. ���I know. It’s just hard sometimes. And seeing you with Rashid, makes me feel...”
“It’s stupid, I know.”
"I don't think it's stupid, it's a very human emotion. But I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always want to be here with you."
He hummed, still not taking your words to heart and opting to stare off into the night.
“How about this?" You scooted closer, resting your head on his shoulder, "I’ll set aside more time for us, and you tell me whenever something’s bothering you instead of bottling it up...Deal?”
A smile tugged on Bosch's face as he drew your intertwined hands closer, brushing his lips against your knuckles.
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dduane · 3 months
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Lighting test: "Before they spar."
...It occurred to me the other day that (a) a lot of the ready-made poses for Daz Studio figures who're sword users are crap, and (b) that it's a shame no one has done a set of poses based on one of the better-known medieval fighting manuals, such as the famous 15th-century Fechtbuch or combat manual of Hans Talhoffer (online here at the Library of Congress).
And these thoughts course were immediately joined by (c), which consists of a large flashing sign saying "If You Want Anything Done Right, You've Got To Do It Yourself."
(sigh) Yeah, whatever.
This is a project of no importance whatsoever to anybody but me, so it's going to have to happen in between other things, like actual work. But the first thing that needed to happen here—a fairly simple one—was to build a virtual space, the Middle Kingdoms version of a salle d'armes, where the fighting positions could be set up. So I grabbed an interior from this package, which I've been using for a while, and some assorted items and furnishings from this one, and put them together... while stripping out anything not needed in a place where you mostly need space to move around without bashing into things.
Here's how that looks. Plenty of elbow room...
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..and high ceilings. High ceilings are good when you're working with long swords. Ask @petermorwood. :)
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But most importantly, the lighting's not bad. No point in trying to illustrate sword moves when you can't see the swords.
...And I guess that all this prep might eventually lead to the question: "Would these two ever spar with those swords?"
(Adding a cut. Underneath: weaponry details, the arguments of experts, and non-gratuitous PDA.)
Re: the sparring: I don't see why not. In Dusty's case, the sword he's working with—being not only the focus for his Fire, but something created using it, nearly as much a part of him now as one of his limbs—is exquisitely sensitive to his intent. With this particular unarmored opponent, his intent would unquestionably be Do nothing to harm my husband!!—and Khávrinen would see to it that that was exactly how things went. Additionally, any nicks, dings or scratches picked up during a session would be easily erased afterwards. A moment's work with the Fire would sort them out.
In Lorn's case, he's working with a sword that in centuries of use by the rulers of Arlen in battle has never picked up so much as a scratch or nick... and no one knows why this should be, or how. For that matter, no one's at all clear about any of the details of Hergótha's forging. But then that took place—what, a millennium and a half ago? More? Arlene chroniclers get into fruitless bar fights over just the dates... never mind the more personal details. (Did Héalhra Whitemane himself forge it [in his pre-demigod days], as some legends claim? Did he have help, or was he secretly a sorcerer?—since sorcery's widely assumed to have been involved. No one knows.) ...Anyway, damage to that sword is plainly no issue. Neither is damage to Herewiss, who's quite capable of using the blue Fire to prevent it. (Or just as likely to simply put on some armor.)
These issues aside, Arlen's king and the Brightwood's prince-elect—both being expected to appear on the battlefield when necessary in defense of their people(s)—would be careful to always stay in training. Sparring sessions with sharps, and with expert trainers (or willing friends), would routinely be happening at frequent, regular intervals to both of them.
But it's hard to imagine this happening to these two men, though, with substitute training blades. Even casual sparring can bring up sense-memories of experiences that weren't casual at all: the gnawing anxiety of wartime, the wounds, the anguish of battle... the devastation of loss, and the utter relief when it's all over and the ones you couldn't live without have come out of it still breathing. You'd hate to be using some anonymous loaner sword when those memories come up. Better to have in your hands what you had when, against all the odds, it all went right...
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