#ct tally
the-starry-seas · 7 months
for however many ocs as you wanna answer this for
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
oh good I get to talk about clones to you, you will regret this
Nox: That's the neat part, they don't. Memes aside, they've never been completely alone (I mean, you try finding true solitude when you're one of millions of clones, yeesh). Also they're clingy and if they are alone they will change that pronto because they can't stand that shit, they cannot be alone, not physically capable. And the way they act around others, and when it's just themself, is pretty much the same! They're annoying, affectionate, and fond of making random and/or loud noises for no good reason. Just sitting by themself on the floor, quacking like a duck to see if they're good at it, putting some of their neon pink hair dye in Harlow's shampoo.
Tally: He fucking freaks. He's also never been alone (re: millions of clones) and he hates the silence and stillness. He needs background noise, he needs people around, he starts feeling real weird if he's not directly in sight of at least two or three other people, clones or not. He does a lot of nervous pacing when he's alone, because he doesn't like it and when do Nox and Harlow come back, this sucks. But there are times where he likes to chill and read a book while listening to whatever noisy nonsense is going on in the barracks.
Harlow: He stays level-headed because if he doesn't, who will? He's a lieutenant and that means he does not have the luxury of emotional distress (lol. lmao even.) or panicking over things. He doesn't mind being alone, in and of itself, but it does tend to make him a little bit nervous these days because if he's not there to tell Nox to behave, what the fuck are they up to now? Who's gonna protect his shinies if he's not there? But if he has someone to babysit them, he's doing a full spa day with cucumber slices and harp music and everything.
Blue: He likes being alone for short periods of time because it gives him some quiet and peace. He needs something to focus on though so it's like, idle games and crosswords to keep him occupied instead of meditation-style quiet. Loneliness, on the other hand, is different from being alone and he hates that shit. He gets restless and mopey and he just wants his idiot siblings back because they're his anchor even if they also often drive him nuts. I think being in stasis for thirty years counts as being completely alone? He did not care for that shit at all, he would do anything to not have to face that again.
Ember: He tries to make himself very small when he's alone so that nobody notices him. Being alone scares him because he knows that he'll be decommissioned if the GAR ever finds out that he can't hear any more. Even after getting away from them, old habits die hard, and being alone means not being with his family, so he'd really just rather not. So when he is alone, like Tally, he's nervous (but he freezes up instead of pacing). He likes being alone with his husband there are many benefits to being married to a marine biologist because they're adorable and Cam will play with his hair and infodump about their mutual favourite animal, the cownose stingray. (bonus camber picrew from a few years ago when kmerolzzzz's was still around)
Star: Being completely alone makes him shut down. He's a Force-sensitive clone and the Kaminoans were hellbent on reproducing that so he often got pulled out of training for tests and experiments. Being alone, to him, means he's going to be a lab rat again and probably hurt somehow along the way. He prefers being alone with one or two others, also preferably clones. Namely Winter who's the oldest of the squad and also their father figure, they call him buir and everything. He naps a lot when he's alone with a friend, chronic fatigue and all. But when it's just him and his squad, he's also more open with his facial expressions and looks them in the eyes more (GAR Jedi tended to be uh, less than kind when seeing a Force sensitive clone with golden eyes, he doesn't look strangers in the eyes very often).
Silver and Sky: A package deal. If they're not together, the world is ending. They've been inseparable from the moment they were ‘born’ less than a minute apart and everyone calls them the twins, so while most clones have an answer of "never been completely alone due to millions of clones", they've barely ever been out of each others' sight for more than five minutes. Shelter cat bonded, through and through. They're always grinning in cahoots about something, love that for them <3 They stay silly, whether they're on their own, or with the rest of the squad. They're well aware that they're disposable weapons, but they're also twins, and as long as twins have each other, what could go wrong? They stick together even more closely when it's just them because it's all about protecting each other.
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
Callsign: Omega
post-s3 finale head cannons (spoilers, duh)
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Omega, she’s become one of the most famous pilots for the rebellion.
She names her x-wing “Havoc 5” for her brothers
Of course it has their ct numbers written across the back, right behind the cockpit, for they’re always watching her six. She can't see them when she's flying, and frankly doesn't look at the worn numbers there every day, but they're there always.
The belly of her x-wing is covered in tally marks. The blue ones are for each clone she’s helped free, an ohmage to a clone her brother Echo told her about, ARC-5555. The black ones are for every other being she's helped free. And the red ones, those are for the lives that have passed on and become one with the Force.
On part of her landing gear is a blue pawprint.
On her helmet she only has five things painted, a knife, a crosshair, a tooka doll, a handprint, and a pair of goggles.
On the shoulder of her flight suit, she adds another CF 99 patch, just like the one on her jacket.
She goes by callsign “Omega” for she is the last. The end. The final thing her enemies will see, the last thing the Empire will feel as it falls. She is the being that brings an end to the suffering that so many clones have faced as wards of the Empire when she shows up to liberate them. Omega.
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Bonus: The first time she returns to Pabu, Hunter immediately notices the nose art she's chosen to paint on her shuttle, the one built from the Marauder's salvage. It's a stark replica of the nose art that once adorned the original ship, back in the Clone Wars. His stomach plummets and he can't even find the words. As his daughter strolls down the ramp, she immediately bursts into laughter at the look on his face.
Her brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker stroll into the courtyard, the larger of the two asking loudly, "What's so funny, 'Meg?"
"I think that is what's so funny." The lankier one replies, gesturing to the nose of the shuttle with his left hand. He's forgone his prosthetic today. Some days he wears it, others he chooses to wear his cap with pride.
Wrecker scratches his beard and both his eyes widen, "WAIT- IS THAT?"
"So, it would seem." Crosshair says, placing a toothpick between his lips. "Breathe, Hunter." He says pointedly at his brother, who still looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-uhh. It's good to have you home, Omega." He finally stutters out.
He wraps his arms around her tightly as always, but his eyes are still glued to the hull of her shuttle. "Done some decorating, I see?"
"Yeah." She replies simply, giving Wrecker and Crosshair their own due hugs. "You like it?"
"It certainly is... something." Hunter gets out, stumbling over his words yet again.
"I found the image in some old Republic files we recovered, it reminded me of something I saw as a kid, but I don't remember where." She says, coming to stand beside Hunter again.
"Ehhh... Omega." Her father groans, running a hand through his greying hair. "Do you... Do you remember what the Marauder looked like when we first met?"
She turns to him. "No, why do you ask?"
Hunter finally peels his eyes away from the shuttle to face his daughter. "That picture you found... That was... That was the Marauder, that's where you know it from. You only saw it once. We scrubbed it off as soon as we decided to come back to Kamino for you."
"Really? I had no recollection." Omega tries to stop the grin from spreading across her face, but she can't help it, and Hunter, still perceptive as always scoffs at her.
"Why you little..." He growls at her, stifling his own laughter.
"I think she knows..." Crosshair chimes in, running his hand through his silver locks.
Wrecker's jaw drops, "Wait, you know where that's from?"
Omega shakes her head at her brothers. "Of course I know, I never forgot how awkward you all were when I asked about it. It didn't click exactly why until I found that old picture. Thought I'd bring it back for old time's sake, eh Hunter?"
Hunter's eyes widen as words escape him once again.
"Kidding," Omega teases. "I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."
Crosshair steps closer to the shuttle to examine the paint job. "Though this has been wildly entertaining, it might be best for you to scrub it, 'Mega."
Omega crosses her arms. "Why? You did it first little brother."
His eyes narrow at his sister, he's the only one she ever pulls that with and though he secretly loves it, she can't know that. "I mean it." He says sternly, pointing his toothpick at her. "Otherwise, Hunter is going to have an aneurysm every time you come home."
Omega looks to the clone beside her, just barely an inch shorter than her now. She places a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll scrub it. Echo thought the idea was hilarious. Plus, it gave me an opening to show you this."
She gently reaches into her bag and brings out a holoframe, turning it so Hunter can see. It looks just like any other quick photo taken in a Republic shipyard. Troopers are milling around in the back, by the looks of the landscape it might've been Ryloth. The focus of the photo, however, is a black Omicron-class attack shuttle and five clone commandos posed in front of it in red and black armor.
Their helmets are off, their faces young and confident, proud of their most recent mission. Though, the sniper has a rifle held in his right hand, and the one crouched in front doesn't have his goggles on. But it's clear who it is, all five of them. And on the nose of the attack shuttle behind them, is the striking portrait of the last senator of Naboo.
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all-pacas · 3 months
part one, part two
Hi! I was curious about who on House (besides House) gets the most diagnoses right. Other folks have already run a tally (it's Chase), but I was curious how other factors would influence the tally — whose ideas get run with, who manages treatment, who screws up… So I thought I'd keep score.
1 point for getting the answer. This is almost always going to be House.
.5 points for Valuable Contribution — stuff that isn't the final answer, but either is thought to be the final answer or is valuable to the solving of the case. Stuff like "noticing something on the MRI" doesn't count; things like "figuring out how to treat" does.
-.5 to -1 for Mistakes — stuff that delays or prevents diagnoses, injuring or killing patients, etc.
+1 House: Figures out it’s Cushing’s. Another episode more about Vogler than medicine.
+0 Chase: Is super gross and awful about the patient all episode, complains non-stop, and is in his Peak Rat Era, but he still works his ass off and doesn’t let it show when in the room with the patient. Probably because he's more worried about getting fired, but. Compare to Foreman in the Rabies episode, who dismissed and refused to look at the patient. It's not a high bar.
+1 House: everyone is super busy with drama, but House figures out the case in his spare time. COINCIDENCE STRIKES AGAIN: Chase, for the third time, accidentally says the right diagnosis immediately, only to be shot down because it made no sense at the time. This time he points out he got it right, but House is also right that when he said it it was dumb.
+1 Team: The patient is diagnosed very quickly; the conflict of the episode is much more about keeping both her and her baby alive. Which, uh. -5 Vogler: Crossing from interfering jerk into “actively killing people,” his stunt with the C-section killed the patient. He could have pulled her from the trial without stopping the delivery. Hope the husband sues!
+1 House: Realizes the patient is pregnant, and from there it all falls into place. +.5 Chase: Despite House doing his best to punish him all episode, he comes up with a way to scan the patient without a CT. This is also the second time he’s figured out how to do something with “old fashioned” tech — first x-raying the ham worms in the pilot, and now using an ultrasound to scan a brain. Did he go to med school in the 1950s?
LOVE HURTS DIAGNOSES: Infection under jaw
+1 House: Figures it out fairly quickly once he realizes the tic-tacs are a clue. -.5 Chase: Hiding his knowledge of the patient being into S&M was very much a good move when it comes to workplace bullying, but could have led to delays in treatment/diagnosis. Luckily, not five minutes later, the truth is revealed anyway. -5 COOL POINTS: Chase attempting to dom the patient was terrifying. Why do we give him shit for kissing the 9 year old when this is so much more cringe? +1 Annette: Cares about Harvey, does everything she can to help him, doesn't give up trying to help and support him. Nice to see her portrayed as a caring person and not just Sexy Dom Lady.
THREE STORIES DIAGNOSES: N/A. But also, -5 to House's backstory doctors.
HONEYMOON DIAGNOSES: Intermittent porphyria
+1 House: As is usual for season finales, it is not so much about the medicine. Mark Warner is sick, no one has any idea or good guesses, and the fellows mostly exist in the background for House’s development with Stacy.
Foreman's low score surprised me, but he tends to swing from "being really brilliant" to "being very unprofessional." He does well, but also gets demerits for his mistakes. He gets the most focus and character development, and that's only going to continue next season; I'm pretty sure he's going to pull ahead of the pack at some point.
Cameron essentially tying for second surprised me, because I remember her pulling a lot of dramatic stunts (spoilers, she doesn't start S2 strong), but she actually doesn't make a lot of mistakes that pull her score down. Sort of a "slow and steady" approach. She also, so far, is the only one to come up with a diagnoses (Wilson's Disease) on her own (even if House was only a second behind her).
Chase managed to guess the right diagnoses three times. He doesn't get credit, because they were guesses and he didn't seriously try to prove or fight for them, but it is interesting accidental foreshadowing. I do think Foreman was originally intended to be "House's successor," but there really is a decent case to be made, even in S1, that Chase has a shot.
Not much to say about House; his score is always going to be the highest, particularly in episodes more focused on character drama than "solving the mystery."
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coquelicoq · 5 months
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[ID: A blank American crossword, a 15x15 grid of white and black squares. /end ID]
if anyone wants to test this for me and let me know if you see any mistakes or have any feedback please feel free <3 reminder that usually when i write clues i do not tell you if the answer is more than one word. mwah
1. Something dropped in the club 5. SAG-___ (union involved in a Hollywood strike in 2023) 10. Livens (up) 14. Capital of Norway 15. Clothesline alternative 16. Nomad's tent in Central Asia 17. CHICKEN 19. Something dropped in the bathroom 20. Gathering of witches 21. Finish quickly 23. Elevs. 24. Schedule abbr. 26. What : stands for in an analogy 27. HAM 32. Weasel's cousin 35. Wee 36. Sugary drink 37. ___-Day vitamins 38. ___ and outs 39. CT scan alternatives 40. Letters before an alias 41. Drury ___ (where the Muffin Man lives) 43. It's smaller than a grand 45. TURKEY 48. Prepare potatoes 49. Bill ___, the Science Guy 50. Covered in 55-Down 53. Bandanas 57. Church donation 59. Boo-boo 60. BEEF 62. Large, scholarly book 63. Clinton-era trade pact 64. "Rush Hour" star 65. Gave the go-ahead 66. Type of cheese 67. Shot, for short
1. "Garden of Earthly Delights" artist Hieronymus 2. Neckwear named for a racetrack in England 3. Many Eastern Europeans 4. Achy 5. Tally (up) 6. Skillet 7. Onetime maker of toy trains and Tickle Me Elmo 8. Pragmatic sorts 9. Manet and Monet, for two 10. "Monty ___ and the Holy Grail" 11. French bread? 12. UCLA employee 13. Double-___ Oreos 18. ___ nous (confidentially) 22. "Don't go!" 25. Outlaw 27. Video game series with a lot of carjackings: Abbr. 28. Where apple pie is called "Eve with a lid" 29. "Nuts!" 30. Pop singer Brickell or actress Falco 31. "Oh, give it a ___!" 32. Castle defense 33. Egyptian symbol of life 34. Caboose 38. Buck naked 39. Start to behave? 41. Mother of Levi and Judah 42. Hands out, as duties 43. Blue hue 44. "The Hunger Games" baker whose name sounds like a kind of bread 46. Hosted 47. Maps within maps 50. Like a prankster's powder 51. Bargain-basement 52. Kind of question 53. Japanese string instrument 54. Moon of Endor inhabitant in "Star Wars" 55. Frost 56. Stereotypical poodle name 58. Mark of a ruler? 61. Anatomical duct
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joeinct · 9 months
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Tally Board, Deep River, CT, 12 31 23, Photo by Joe Bruha, Copyright 2023
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fluffywing-e-tarot · 3 months
Rex's Tally
I think I have hint of what rex's Tally marks are. i got this Idea from this fanfic here
In Dar'adat'ike we really get into the relationship Jango has with the clones. one of the sceans a little CT-7567 ( not yet Named Rex) appears with a report of sexual assault of the kids. The danger that has on the minds of the childeren and adults that have gone though it. He expresses that they wouldn't be good soilders it this practis continues.
CT- 7567 was fully prepared to die to stop the practice to protect his brothers. Jango steps out and delivers the Jaig eyes, to be painted on his armor.
While this is a fanfic of how our boy Rex got the symbol of honor and bravery. It is undeniable that a mandolorian granted him the use of them.
now onto the Tally
My thoughts are the tally is a mark of sucess or reoccorance of the act that defined him reciveing those eyes . On the helmet for the sucess and other parts of for his failure of upholding those values. the Clones were treated less than human for much of their life. So there would be doute of worthiness. With every sucess on reminding him; he is worth of the jang eyes. whenever he looks at his helmet, he see it. He can stand tall remembering his honor.
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rmorde · 4 months
Ngl. I laughed out at Todo's prosthetic at first. I thought it was a ping pong ball and racket. However, it's absolutely brilliant!
It is a treat to see Todo and Yuji fight together. Boogie Woogie is such a broken CT for support and with Todo's genius, it's practically unbeatable. Still wish they'd been a trio with Choso tho
Gotta say... Can't believe Mei Mei is still sticking with them. Wonder why considering her established personality. Nevertheless, my misgivings to her aside, she's still a badass support in the fight - running surveillance and interference, lending Ui Ui, and even planning with Todo!
Also... Is Gojo really back? Is he alive? Or Were Yuji and Todo beating up Sukuna so much that he reached the point between life and death then saw Gojo there? Is the King of Curses hallucinating the man he promised to never forget as long as he lives?!!
Huh. That's another tally to the Sukugo Agenda then. Even on the verge of death, Sukuna still thinks of his beloved waifu husbando Gojo Satoru.
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practickles · 1 year
OMG Please, please, please! I NEED a Lee Rui fict! Maybe with Ler Toya or Kaito 😭💜 NO, NO, I GOT IT. LOOK, WELL, READ: You know the "Be the Music!" 2MV video right? Okay, I beg you, all the characters that are with Rui in the class, (Minori, An, Saki and Mizuki. Except the Kagamines <3) being lers. I BEG PLEASE. I don't have enough brain now to think about an argument/story so they can tickle Rui, but I beg (for third time JAJAJSJA).
"Punishment" Filled With Care
Fandom: Project Sekai
Lee: Rui Kamishiro
Lers: Mizuki Akiyama, An Shiraishi, Saki Tenma, Minori Hanasato
Ambiguous Passion Heart Class
Word Ct: 2.5k
Warnings: Tickles, gang tickles.
Summary: When Rui loses a competition, the rest of the Passion Heart Class fulfil their end of the bet and punish him accordingly.
I use both she/her and they/them pronouns for Mizuki here.
On occasion, Rui had a tendency to overestimate his own abilities. He'd never admit it of course, but it was a trait glaringly obvious to anyone who knew him. There was no doubt in the fact that he had incredible ability, dedication, and aptitude, but sometimes he could get in... a little over his own head. 
Be it the next great invention, the most daring new show, or the most thrilling stunt idea, Rui considered himself quite the creative visionary. He would do anything in his power to see a good idea come to fruition, as any worthwhile director should.
But now as he had quite literally been backed into a corner by Mizuki and An, with Minori and Saki eagerly awaiting on the floor close by, he found that just maybe people had a point when they said he could get overambitious. 
"Hey! Don't run away!" An chided with a smirk. "You agreed, remember? You lost. And the loser has to get tickled~" 
She had a point. Rui had, in fact, agreed. The five had participated in numerous games and sport events, tallying up individual wins and losses as they went. Rui’s fate had been sealed from the beginning when he so confidently suggested the punishment and then, despite his best effort, proceeded to fail miserably at just about every game. 
“Unless someone is too ticklish to take his own punishment.” Mizuki wiggled their nails at Rui, who squirmed and grew tense. “In which case this is going to be a looooong tickling for you~” 
Rui saw his only opportunity for escape. As Mizuki raised their arms to tease him, they freed up a small gap between themself and An. It was undoubtedly a desperate attempt and he wasn't even sure if he'd fit, but Rui had no other option. He took a deep breath and steeled himself before all but diving through the opening, knocking An to the side. 
Miraculously, it worked. He escaped. And while he may not be the best at games, out of the five, he was by far the fastest runner from the great advantage of his long legs and experience in evasion on foot. He grinned smugly as he ran towards the door. He couldn't believe it. He had a straight shot out of this mess. He was done, he was free, nothing could stop him now. 
That was until he took a particularly long stride, lost his balance, and went tumbling to the ground right next to Minori and Saki.
“Oh my gosh are you okay?!” Saki exclaimed, immediately jumping up and hurrying to Rui’s side, Minori close in tow. 
Mizuki let out a surprised yelp, and with An right behind, joined the two next to Rui. 
Maybe it was adrenaline, maybe it was his superior physical ability, (it was definitely the former) but Rui found he didn't feel any pain at all from the fall. The more pressing concern to him was the fact that he was now face down on the floor, well and completely surrounded by four people who, not a minute prior, wanted nothing more than to tickle him silly. 
“Rui?” An asked tentatively. “You good? Do you need anything? I think we have a first aid kit around here somewhere.” She glanced around the room for it but hesitated when Rui laid a hand atop hers in reassurance.
“No, no I'm okay. Don't worry about me, any of you. I feel just fine.” Rui assured, bending his arms and rolling his wrists to demonstrate. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He began to clamber to his feet but didn’t even make it to his knees before being unceremoniously, yet still carefully, tackled back to the floor. 
“Not so fast!” Mizuki said. “We still need to make absolutely sure you're okay.” Those who knew them, which Rui did very well, could have picked up on the slight ingenuity and teasing lilt in their voice. Rui’s heart dropped at their next words as he realized exactly what was going on.
They adjusted him to lay his back on the floor and placed his legs so that they hung across their lap. “Yeah your arms seem fine but how about your legs? Can you move them?” They traced a steady finger back and forth across Rui’s calves, a silent warning of what was to come. “We might just need to check them to make sure.”
Rui began to let out a steady stream of panicked giggles. “Y-hes! Yes they can move just fine! Look!” He kicked out his legs to the best of his very limited ability. He sent a pleading glance to Mizuki to have even the slightest bit of mercy on him. “See! I’m okay! I can get up.”
“Well then, if they’re so healthy and strong-” An cut in, catching on to where Mizuki was going. “Then you won’t mind if we do this-” She fluttered her hand under his other knee, Mizuki giving her an encouraging look from her place across from her. 
Rui squeaked and shook his head rapidly, clamping his lips together. 
“Oh, you don’t mind? Perfect! Thank you!” An sent an insolent, flashy grin his way and continued her work on his knees. “Hey you two,” She nodded to acknowledge Minori and Saki. “We’ve got his legs covered, but do you think you could check his upper body and make sure he’s okay there too?” 
Saki smirked deviously and sat next to his head. “Yup! I’ve heard necks and armpits need to be checked especially well.” 
“Noho they don’t! They’re fine! I’m fine! Everything is fine!” 
“Perfect!” An said with a wide grin. “If you’re so fine, that means we can carry on with your punishment. You had us all so worried there for a second! I’m glad you’re feeling good enough for some tickles.”
The inventor tried to wiggle back and forth as a pitiful last ditch effort, but was promptly stopped by a restraining, but exceedingly gentle hand pushing on his abdomen. 
Minori spoke with a hint of nervousness in her tone, keeping her hand planted just above his navel and looking deeply into his eyes. “Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Rui immediately flushed red. As much as he liked to pretend he was dreading his so-called “punishment”, maybe, just maybe, he had suggested it for a reason. He knew Minori was caring and selfless almost to a fault, meaning that if he said he wanted it to stop, she’d immediately oblige and call the others off with her. 
“W-well,” He stuttered. “Rules are rules, and I did agree to them. You’ve earned it.”
“Oooo, Minori, you got Rui so flustered he cares about rules now. Well done!” Mizuki reached over to her and enthusiastically offered a high five, which after a few failed attempts was returned with gusto. “Hey, you might wanna remember this, hall monitor~” She winked at An. 
Nobody missed the way Rui’s shoulders tensed at the teases, finally resigned to his fate. Four distinct coos rang throughout the room as an anticipatory grin overtook his features. 
“Aww,” Saki leaned down and blew a gentle breath across his ear. “Nervous? There's nothing to be scared of, you know.” She, without further ado, began to flutter her hands at his neck.
Already worked up from the teasing, there was no way Rui could even try to hold back the scrunching of his neck and the squeal that followed. 
Rui would consider himself well versed in the area of chain reactions, often being the cause of many himself. As a result, it was not much of a shock to the inventor that when Saki touched his neck and thus caused his incredibly dignified squeal, it served as a trigger to provoke the others too to descend their hands on their own assigned spots.
The key difference, however, between Rui’s invented chain reactions and the one he currently found himself involved in was that in the former, he liked to cause chemical explosions. In the latter, he himself was the very source of the explosion of laughter that left him at the sudden onslaught. 
The worst part of it all, he decided, was the complete inability to move. He was completely immobilized under four quick pairs of hands. Any attempt to kick his legs was met with a hand holding them in place and somehow even more intense scribbles at his knees and calves. If he tried to twist his body, he would be stopped by a pair of hands grabbing his sides to keep them still and squeezing them over and over. If he tried to push back or do really anything with his hands, his armpits would suddenly have an intruding hand very intent on visiting every inch of the skin. 
He cackled and writhed but with the small semblance of his mind he still had left, all he could feel was fondness for his friends. The friends who spent their day in playful competition with him. The friends so eager to give him his retribution but more so eager to rush to his side when they thought he might be hurt. The friends carefully analyzing every twitch and stir of his body language to ensure he was still comfortable.
Mizuki had always been the one who could break Rui out of his shell. It was as true in middle school as it was now. They knew exactly where and what he was sensitive to, well practiced from many days spent in playful arguments, both too prideful and stubborn to back down even when arguments devolved into fits of giggles turned cackles. She poked and pinched and scratched all over his leg until he physically couldn’t hold back even the smallest snicker anymore. Her muscle memory served her well as Rui fell further and further into his descent of joyful madness. Were Rui more aware of his surroundings, he may have heard smug words about just how weak he was to a few tiny tickles. Mizuki cared by knowing him. 
Minori looked a little shy, cautious, which was reflected in her tentative tickling too, Rui noted. Her fingers fluttered and danced delicately across his stomach, but never prodded or squeezed. She wasn’t rough or hard, merely light and coltish. She didn’t truly want to “punish” him, lacking the competitive streak the others shared but she more than made up for it with her surplus of determination to make him smile and laugh. Laugh he did as her touch caused the smallest giggles, a comforting contrast compared to the havoc of the other three. She cared for him by being soft with him.
Saki was giving it her all with a dazzling grin splitting her face. Her tickling was spontaneous but still carried an air of precision. His neck was subjected to a swarm of tickling fingers in a seemingly random pattern, but as it went on, Rui noticed Saki beginning to target the spots that made him squeal the loudest and scrunch in on himself the most. She seemed to be trying her hardest to get him to make the funniest reactions she could. Embarrassing, yes, but Rui couldn’t deny the soft warmth in his chest he felt at the realization that the entirety of her efforts were dedicated to making him as happy and as pleasantly overwhelmed as possible. Saki cared by being attentive and giving Rui exactly what he wanted. 
An was nothing if not energetic. Her good nature and enthusiastic attitude were infectious. Out of anyone there, she believed the most strongly in the concept that because Rui lost, that means he has to take his punishment. That did not, however, mean she wasn’t just as kind as everyone else. It was still vital to her that her squeezes vibrating deep into the muscles remained fun for everyone involved, especially Rui and she knew just how much fun he was having. How could she not with the pure mirth on Rui’s face? At one point, she had discovered a delightful little technique where she’d rapidly wiggle her fingers, suddenly pulling away and waiting anywhere from three to ten seconds before returning and repeating the process. This left Rui completely devoid of the ability to guess when her tickling would leave or return and making it hard to relax. An cared by keeping Rui lively and having fun. 
The four all had wildly different techniques and intentions but the one similarity between all of them was the same genuine smile adorning their faces and the love blossoming in their hearts, running through to their fingers just for Rui. He was so irrefutably cared for and Rui wasn’t sure whether that or the tickling was making him more giddy. 
Minori had taken to drawing shapes on his stomach, likely in an attempt to show a little sympathy. A star here, a heart there, a triangle somewhere in between. Simple, calming gestures. Rui was thankful for the slight reprieve. He liked trying to guess in his dazed state what the next shape would become. A simple game really but largely entertaining to both parties nonetheless.
Rui’s breaths were heavy and labored as he laughed himself what felt like half to death. He hardly noticed Saki’s gentle concerned voice telling the other three to begin to slow down and only realized what was going on when the mischievous hands on his body began to gradually slow little by little until they came to a complete halt.
“Wh-why d-did you stop?” Rui gasped out, cheeks beyond rosy and looking slightly disappointed. Beads of what may have either been sweat or tears of pure laughter ran down his flushed face. Despite what his raddled appearance may have suggested, he already missed the feeling of uncontrollable laughter. The constant stream of residual giggles still pouring from his lips was nothing compared to what he had just experienced. 
“You’re exhausted, Rui.” Mizuki giggled fondly. “You need a break.” She rubbed firmly across his leg, giving it the occasional reassuring squeeze. 
“Bu-” He barely managed to protest before his lips were met with Saki’s finger in a shushing motion.
“Nope! You, mister, are taking a break! We could get some snacks and all sit around and hang out together.” She pipped. “We care about you and we’re going to make sure you’re taken care of.” 
“Yeah, it’s important to cool down after exercise like that!” Minori added cheerfully.
An spared a final scribble to his kneecap before getting up and stretching her legs out. “You have as much fun as we did?” She smiled at his tired form still on the floor. 
“Mhmmm” Rui hummed, the fatigue quickly catching up to him as the energy and rush of emotions faded.
His confirmation of what they all already knew to be true granted every face in the room a smile soft with adoration for their worn out friend. 
They really did care about him. Maybe he should let himself lose more often. 
WOW. This took forever. No exaggeration; Months. I deeply apologize for that. Maybe as retribution, I'll put a ToyaRui fic on the to-do list, they've been eating my brain lately.
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A Brain Injury turned him into a Math Genius
Jason Padgett had dropped out of Tacoma (Wash.) Community College, and was a self-described “goof” with zero interest in academics, let alone math. The only time he dealt in numbers was to track the hours until his shift ended at his father’s furniture store, tally up his bar tab, or count bicep curls at the gym.
With his mullet, leather vest open to a bare chest, and skintight pants, he was more like a high-school student stuck in the 1980s — even though it was 2002, and he was a 31-year-old with a daughter. He would race his buddies in a freshly painted red Camaro. His life was one adrenaline rush after another: cliff-jumping, sky-diving, bar-hopping. He was the “life of the party.” The guy who would funnel a beer before going out and would slip a bottle of Southern Comfort in his jacket pocket to avoid paying $6 for mixed drinks.
Party time came to end the night of Friday, Sept. 13, 2002, at a karaoke bar near his home. There, two men attacked him from behind, punching him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. He fell to the ground as the two men punched and kicked him, stopping only when he handed over his worthless jacket. He was rushed to the hospital, where a CT scan revealed a bruised kidney. He was released that same night.
The next morning, while running the water in the bathroom, he noticed “lines emanating out perpendicularly from the flow. At first, he was startled, and worried. Days went by, but the visuals remained. Padgett, who had scored relatively high on IQ tests in elementary school but reached only pre-algebra in high school, soon became “obsessed with every shape in my house, from rectangles of the windows to the curvature of a spoon.” When he looked at numbers, colorful shapes superimposed over them. He stopped going to work and began to read anything he could get his hands on about math and physics. He developed a fascination with fractals and pi.
The doctors called what happened to him a “profound concussion.” Little did they know just how profound it was. Padgett is one of only 40 people in the world with “acquired ­savant syndrome,” a condition in which prodigious talents in math, art or music emerge in previously normal individuals following a brain injury or disease.
There were downsides that came along with the new Padgett. Once gregarious and outgoing, he now refused to leave the house. He nailed blankets to the window and refused visitors. He became obsessed with germs and washed his hands until they were red and raw. He couldn’t even hug his own daughter until she washed her hands. He began to fear that this wasn’t a gift at all — that it all was a sign of mental illness.
Padgett reached out to Wisconsin psychiatrist Dr. Darold Treffert, the world-recognized expert on savantism who had studied Kim Peek.  Via e-mail — and later in person — Treffert diagnosed Padgett with acquired savant syndrome, one of only 30 people identified at the time.  Padgett wasn’t alone, and this comforted him. He tore the blankets off the windows and enrolled in a local community college. 
He is now an author, artist and mathematician. 
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miseries-mistress · 2 years
I'd like to think that sometimes Crosshair fights against his chip.
It could be voluntarily or involuntarily, maybe it's to get the voices to stop, but he does it. 
I'd like to think he calls out for his brothers, distraught as he's alone and scared. He doesn't usually feel fear, so it freaks him out even more when he realizes he's alone. 
I'd like to think he's frantic in the room stripped of his brother's influence, but it's also so achingly familiar, like deja vu. Maybe in his panic, he wonders where his brothers are, if they're safe.  He cares more than he will admit, about them and their wellbeing, so when there's no traces left of his vod, none of Wrecker's booming voice, none of Tech's datapads, none of Echo's supplies to clean his mechanical parts, none of Hunter's clothes scattered about, nothing to cling to of their existence, his steady, controlled hands start to shake.
I'd like to think that his emotions overwhelm him because he's never experienced anything quite like it. Fear, dread, sorrow, regret, it weighs on his chest, threatening to break every bone and expose his raw and bleeding heart.  
I'd like to think that in his panic, he can't control the influence of the chip, and he feels it slowly crowding his thoughts like a thick cloud of poisonous gas, and amidst those thoughts, before they are buried under the inhibitor chip, his frantic mind falls to a question. 
Why is he alone?
Maybe Crosshair even screams their names, clinging onto his last wisps of hope that they can get rid of the voices. That they can save him. 
I'd like to think that in his last moments before he is pulled under the chip, he thinks of his family, the ones who protected him throughout his childhood, stood by his side, defended him, protected him, saved him. 
Then he blinks, and those thoughts are gone, reduced to a bad dream, and CT-9904 is left staring at that exact spot in the wall that Clone Force 99 used to tally their missions, the cascade of voices now a familiar buzz in his mind. 
I'd like to think that CT-9904 wonders what happened to his old squad, and maybe that's the barest influence of Crosshair in his head, but he shakes it out because, to him, it doesn't matter. Good soldiers follow orders. 
I’d like to think Crosshair is still in there, maybe hidden underneath the tangle of CT-9904, but  waiting for his brothers to return to him, to save him, and bring him home.
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the-starry-seas · 5 months
So I guess it's as good a time as any to have a pinned post?
Hi, I'm Sticks! I use vae/vaer/vaers/vaerself and it/its pronouns. This is a multifandom blog with a dash of many other random things. I'm a proshipper, cloneshipper, multishipper, and polyshipper.
I'll tag things to the best of my ability if you ask. Sometimes I'll forget. I love being tagged in ask games, WIP games, last line challenges, literally whatever. Mutuals can DM for my discord.
You can check out my fics on AO3 at lizardwrites (Star Wars) or purpleturtle9000 (Rise/Bayverse TMNT). Or check the tag for sticks' fics to see drabbles and previews. My askbox is open for requests for more drabbles, headcanons, and general rambling.
Consider this a blanket permission for any and all transformative works of my writing. You may post translated versions of my fics on other sites but you may not repost the original work. And please show me what you've made!
I have a lot of OCs and I love talking about them. I also want to hear all about yours! In the meantime, there's a list of mine below the cut. tumblr wouldn't let me link all of them, but you can try copy-pasting the-starry-seas.tumblr.com/tagged/ and put in the character name (I tag with ranks, so put in CT Racer instead of just Racer).
The Murderbot Diaries:
Jude (she/they rogue SecUnit)
Star Wars:
212th Squad (Boot, Mik, Squeaker, Moxie, Onion, Crumpet)
Aces Squad (CT Racer, CT Fury, CS Blue, CT Whisper, CT Ember)
B Roll, all-girls clone squad formed of Bark, Bite, Bumble, and Bee
Clone Force M (CT Winter, CT Bee, CT Indigo, CT Jewel, CC Nebula, CT Zenith, CT Sunny, CT Star, CT Sky, CT Silver)
Ghost Squad (CL Harlow, CS Karla, CT Shay, CT Cavalry, CT Boom, CT Ray, CT Nox, CT Tally)
Green Squad (formerly) now civilians Aralyn, Berry, and Prey Drive
Royal Squad, five tubies adopted by the royal family in a nobody-dies Bail/Breha/Fox AU (Bug, Jaonyc, Yancy, Helio, Vidal)
Shili Squad (Chen Nihaan, Alyx, Bella, Corvin, Watcher, Atlas, Ginger, Circuit, and Synch)
Shiny Squad: Kit's batchmates CT Lucky, CT Shrike, and CT Carno
Grafitti & Rence of the Corrie Guard
Kit also of the Corrie Guard and Fox's shiny/adopted son
Prim Fett (clone, Mandalorian, and adopted daughter of Boba)
Riye Verda (Kamino-cloned, Mandalorian-raised)
Switch (clone, reconditioned, cyborg, mercenary)
Kryndi (florist and Kit's girlfriend in the royal OT3 AU)
Cathedi (Jedi)
Xerin (Jedi)
Clan Merit, composed of Quin, Aya, and Amery (Mandalorians)
Mirshko (Mandalorian)
Torrak Varkus and Torrak Vermil (Mandalorian)
Vinir (Mandalorian)
Soruli and Seryla (Nautolan Jedi and Force-sensitive smuggler)
A'Hidayat (Tusken)
U'Rajya (Tusken)
Tusken OC umbrella tag
Ripper (Yautja in Star Wars)
Valkyries (all-women pirate crew-slash-polycule)
CC Kamor, Eixes Judarri, and Padawan Rivi from the Better or Worse AU, where a clone captain finds and adopts his general's padawan, with the help of the Zabrak smuggler who becomes his queerplatonic partner
Chen Xunielah, a Togruta ambassador and duchess, and her clone husband Chen Nihaan, who form the Chen family with their kids
Neutrobolt & Nitroblitz
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A Brain Injury turned him into a Math Genius
Jason Padgett had dropped out of Tacoma (Wash.) Community College, and was a self-described “goof” with zero interest in academics, let alone math. The only time he dealt in numbers was to track the hours until his shift ended at his father’s furniture store, tally up his bar tab, or count bicep curls at the gym.
With his mullet, leather vest open to a bare chest, and skintight pants, he was more like a high-school student stuck in the 1980s — even though it was 2002, and he was a 31-year-old with a daughter. He would race his buddies in a freshly painted red Camaro. His life was one adrenaline rush after another: cliff-jumping, sky-diving, bar-hopping. He was the “life of the party.” The guy who would funnel a beer before going out and would slip a bottle of Southern Comfort in his jacket pocket to avoid paying $6 for mixed drinks.
Party time came to end the night of Friday, Sept. 13, 2002, at a karaoke bar near his home. There, two men attacked him from behind, punching him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. He fell to the ground as the two men punched and kicked him, stopping only when he handed over his worthless jacket. He was rushed to the hospital, where a CT scan revealed a bruised kidney. He was released that same night.
The next morning, while running the water in the bathroom, he noticed “lines emanating out perpendicularly from the flow. At first, he was startled, and worried. Days went by, but the visuals remained. Padgett, who had scored relatively high on IQ tests in elementary school but reached only pre-algebra in high school, soon became “obsessed with every shape in my house, from rectangles of the windows to the curvature of a spoon.” When he looked at numbers, colorful shapes superimposed over them. He stopped going to work and began to read anything he could get his hands on about math and physics. He developed a fascination with fractals and pi.
The doctors called what happened to him a “profound concussion.” Little did they know just how profound it was. Padgett is one of only 40 people in the world with “acquired ­savant syndrome,” a condition in which prodigious talents in math, art or music emerge in previously normal individuals following a brain injury or disease.
There were downsides that came along with the new Padgett. Once gregarious and outgoing, he now refused to leave the house. He nailed blankets to the window and refused visitors. He became obsessed with germs and washed his hands until they were red and raw. He couldn’t even hug his own daughter until she washed her hands. He began to fear that this wasn’t a gift at all — that it all was a sign of mental illness.
Padgett reached out to Wisconsin psychiatrist Dr. Darold Treffert, the world-recognized expert on savantism who had studied Kim Peek.  Via e-mail — and later in person — Treffert diagnosed Padgett with acquired savant syndrome, one of only 30 people identified at the time.  Padgett wasn’t alone, and this comforted him. He tore the blankets off the windows and enrolled in a local community college. 
He is now an author, artist and mathematician. 
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cacodaemonia · 1 year
For the DVD Commentary meme. Is it a meme? The DVD thingy! XD
He's vaguely aware of Boil shifting closer to him, and after a moment, Boil says, "Did you lose a... a batchmate a few months ago? CT... 0327?"
and through the entire ending because WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's so good!!!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
⊹⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚⊹
Hiii! Haha idk if those are memes, though maybe they fit the definition because they get passed around? 🤔 Anyway—ahh thanks so much! I'm so glad you like the ending of that fic! I think it's the only fic ending I've ever written where I felt like, "Yeah, nailed it" XD
Okay, I'm gonna put it behind a cut since it's kiiiind of majorly spoilery XD
First of all, I had initially thought of ending this with the same sort of reunion, but Waxer and Casey would have already gotten in touch via messages beforehand. But one of the really key things I wanted to deal with in this fic was Waxer accepting that even if he never got his memories back and never found his batchmates again, he was still a whole person and not just the remnants of one.
I thought that it would help him come to terms with that if Trapper and his batchmate were to reunite while Waxer still hadn't heard from his. And for the sake of brevity as well as hopefully making the whole ending surprise pack more of a punch, I decided to combine it all and have Waxer and Casey's reunion at the last moment. 🥹
Let's see, I'm reading through this again, and there's the thing I did with the parentheses. I'm not sure if it worked or not, but each time Waxer's inner thoughts refer to 'the other clone,' the parentheses that follow it become less questioning and more certain—like, they go from (Casey??) to (Casey?) to (Casey) to (Casey) before the () just disappear entirely. Because Waxer isn't doing a whole lot of coherent thinking here and because I wanted the moment to seem like it was going by very quickly, I used the parentheses to try and show Waxer processing the shock without being overly wordy.
The only other 'behind the scenes' bit I can think of is related to Casey's tattoo, which isn't actually mentioned in this part but just before it. He has to vertical lines like tally makes on one cheek—one for Waxer and one for Harper, their other batchmate who is dead at this point. I didn't feel the need to explain those in the fic but I thought that might serve as a little hint for readers because of the tally marks on Waxer's helmet and spaulder in canon. :D
Thanks! That was fun!
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gowns · 1 year
Imagine that all the world’s knowledge is stored, and organized, in a single vertical Steelcase filing cabinet. Maybe it’s lima-bean green. It’s got four drawers. Each drawer has one of those little paper-card labels, snug in a metal frame, just above the drawer pull. The drawers are labelled, from top to bottom, “Mysteries,” “Facts,” “Numbers,” and “Data.” Mysteries are things only God knows, like what happens when you’re dead. That’s why they’re in the top drawer, closest to Heaven. A long time ago, this drawer used to be crammed full of folders with names like “Why Stars Exist” and “When Life Begins,” but a few centuries ago, during the scientific revolution, a lot of those folders were moved into the next drawer down, “Facts,” which contains files about things humans can prove by way of observation, detection, and experiment. “Numbers,” second from the bottom, holds censuses, polls, tallies, national averages—the measurement of anything that can be counted, ever since the rise of statistics, around the end of the eighteenth century. Near the floor, the drawer marked “Data” holds knowledge that humans can’t know directly but must be extracted by a computer, or even by an artificial intelligence. It used to be empty, but it started filling up about a century ago, and now it’s so jammed full it’s hard to open.
From the outside, these four drawers look alike, but, inside, they follow different logics. The point of collecting mysteries is salvation; you learn about them by way of revelation; they’re associated with mystification and theocracy; and the discipline people use to study them is theology. The point of collecting facts is to find the truth; you learn about them by way of discernment; they’re associated with secularization and liberalism; and the disciplines you use to study them are law, the humanities, and the natural sciences. The point of collecting numbers in the form of statistics—etymologically, numbers gathered by the state—is the power of public governance; you learn about them by measurement; historically, they’re associated with the rise of the administrative state; and the disciplines you use to study them are the social sciences. The point of feeding data into computers is prediction, which is accomplished by way of pattern detection. The age of data is associated with late capitalism, authoritarianism, techno-utopianism, and a discipline known as data science, which has lately been the top of the top hat, the spit shine on the buckled shoe, the whir of the whizziest Tesla.
It’s easy to think of the ills produced by the hubristic enthusiasm for numbers a century ago, from the I.Q. to the G.D.P. It’s easy, too, to think of the ills produced by the hubristic enthusiasm for data today, and for artificial intelligence (including in a part of the Bay Area now known as Cerebral Valley). The worst of those ills most often have to do with making predictions about human behavior and apportioning resources accordingly: using algorithms to set bail or sentences for people accused or convicted of crimes, for instance. Connelly proposes that the computational examination of declassified documents could serve as “the functional equivalent of CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging to examine the body politic.” He argues that “history as a data science has to prove itself in the most rigorous way possible: by making predictions about what newly available sources will reveal.” But history is not a predictive science, and if it were it wouldn’t be history. Legal scholars are making this same move. In “The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future” (PublicAffairs), Orly Lobel, a University of San Diego law professor, argues that the solution to biases in algorithms is to write better algorithms. Fair enough, except that the result is still rule by algorithms. What if we stopped clinging to the raft of data, returned to the ocean of mystery, and went fishing for facts?
-- "the data delusion," jill lepore, new yorker 3/27/23
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putrefyingflames · 2 years
Okay so I haven’t been able to find this anywhere, I wanna make a record of everything that’s been painted on the bass drum at every show. I’m starting with North America and the ones I can easily find. If you can reblog and add any that are missing (or any that haven't happened yet as of first posting), that would be a big help! And any photos. I’ll make a separate post for Europe research and then a master post when I have them all!
EDIT: There's a tweet thread for all of these that can be found here and includes digital line art of every drum! thank you to @thatkindagirl for letting me know! There's also a list and lineart for all the Europe stops here.
Aug 20, Oklahoma City OK - BIG DEATH ENERGY
Aug 21, San Antonio TX - LIVE LAUGH LAUNCH
Aug 23, Nashville TN - I BET IT WAS YOU
Aug 24, Cincinnati OH - SMILE WITH YOUR EYES
Aug 26, Raleigh NC - FREE BUGS
Aug 27, Elmont NY - GET IN THE CHAIR
Aug 29, Philadelphia PA - BLOOM
Aug 30, Albany NY - MANHUNT
Sept 1, Uncasville CT - HOST ORGANISM
Sept 2, Montreal QC - I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU
Sept 4, Toronto ON - BACK IN THE CAGE
Sept 5, Toronto ON - SURE (painted over back in the cage from the previous night)
Sept 7, Boston MA - "SPOOKY"
Sept 8, Boston MA - BEARS ON THE 405
Sept 10, Brooklyn NY - HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN (mikey's birthday)
Sept 11, Brooklyn NY - DON'T EVER CHANGE
Sept 13, Detroit MI - SICK
Sept 15, St Paul MN - SOUNDS FUN, I'M IN
Sept 16, Riot Fest, Chicago IL - DESTROY
Sept 18, Alpharetta GA - YOU GOT THE JOB
Sept 20, Newark NJ - OFF LEASH
Sept 23, Firefly Fest, Dover DE - no writing, a printed out picture of a bouquet of pink flowers (roses? carnations?) was taped to it
Sept 24, Sunrise FL - WHERE ARE YOU?
Sept 27, Houston TX - FEELING GOOD
Sept 28, Dallas TX - HAIL
Sept 30, Denver CO - SWAN VARIATION
Oct 2, Portland OR - ATHENA
Oct 5, Oakland CA - smiley face with a bullet hole in the forehead, like the comedian's bloody smiley face pin from Watchmen
Oct 7, Las Vegas NV - MY WHOLE HEART
Oct 8, Aftershock Fets, Sacramento CA - CHOKE ME
Oct 11, Inglewood CA - |
Oct 12, Inglewood CA - ||
Oct 14, Inglewood CA - a photo of Doug, a member of their team who died unexpectedly, wearing something fuzzy? Kinda looks like a fozzie bear costume lol, sitting at a music mixing station
Oct 15, Inglewood CA - ||||
Oct 17, Inglewood CA - ||||
(American style tally marks for 5)
Oct 22, WWWY, Las Vegas NV - cancelled for inclement weather
Oct 29, WWWY, Las Vegas NV - KNIVES FOR DAYS
Nov 18, Corona Capital Fest, Mexico City - MUY FEVGO
(I’m editing the pinned version of this post every day with what I’ve found and new drums)
{in an act of preservation as twitter collapses, I have saved all the drum images and line art from the North America thread, in case it’s lost}
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willow-774 · 2 years
I wrote a small fanfic based on a headcanon I liked
Crosshair woke up and gazed around the room and noticed some things were missing. Where was Echo’s hammock and all our tallies of completed missions? And, why don't I remember anything up to the battle with General Billaba? Where's my vod’e? Did they leave me here all of a sudden? He raised a hand to his head. Why does it hurt? GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS. What was that? Why isn't anyone there? It's almost like they've been decommissioned. No, the Kaminoans wouldn't do that, we're too valuable to them, right? He could feel his heart start to race as he called out for his brothers hoping and praying to the force that they were okay. “HUNTER? WRECKER? TECH? ANYBODY? WHERE ARE YOU?” He felt tears start to stream down his face as he called to his brothers begging them to come help him stop this awful voice in his head. “PLEASE, I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID! PLEASE COME BACK.” The insidious voices got louder until it started to drown out his own thoughts. Soon his cries were stifled as the voice in his head started to overcome him until he finally– and some would say thankfully–blacked out.
CT-9904 woke up, got out of bed, dressed, and got ready as he shaved. He felt the lingering feeling that something was wrong but he dismissed it as good soldiers follow orders, not feelings.
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