#when his ex asks him if he loves daisy and he says 'no'
marlenacantswim · 1 year
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"Well do you?"
"Well say it, then!"
"I want you to stay!"
"...You know I love you, don't you?"
Tim Bisley and Daisy Steiner from Spaced (1999)
— (Part one) Part two (Part three)
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jobean12-blog · 9 months
Had to be You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (enemies to lovers ish)
Word Count: 2,270
Summary: You and Bucky have been going at each other for months. He's grumpy and defensive. You're sassy and frustrated. Steve's had enough. So when Steve steps in to do something will it work? Or will it makes things worse?
Author's Note: At this point all I want is for Bucky to kiss me senseless for the rest of my life (and do everything else) but really. Kisses. Yes please. Anyway. Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: some light mead comsumption, angsty ex talk, tension but softness, happy ending
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“STEVEN GRANT ROGERS! You get back here right now and open this door before I kick your ass!”
Steve’s chuckle only makes you angrier. “I’ll open it when you two make nice.”
“STEVE!” you screech.
His retreating footsteps have you banging your forehead into the thick metal of the door, muttering curses under your breath.
“Please tell me Stark has some hidden exit in here somewhere?” you sigh.
“I’m going to kill Steve.”
When Bucky’s speaks his first words since you got locked in the gym together you spin to face him, eyes hard.
“Get in line Barnes!”
“Hey, look at that kids, you’re agreeing already!” Steve’s voice rings out from down the hall.
With that last remark everything goes silent other than your frustrated huffs.
“Is this actually happening?” you whine. “Can’t you just break the door down?”
Bucky’s blue eyes stare blankly and you grow more agitated.
“Why the hell did he do this?”
You glare back in his direction, hands on your hips. “Because of your sunshine and rainbows attitude toward me!”
You spit out the words, letting them drip with sarcasm.
“MY attitude?” Bucky grits out as he sticks a finger in his chest. “Doll face. I’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman to you.” That same finger spins to point at you now.
You face him fully and take a step closer.
“Grunts do not equal a greeting and barely answering questions and barely making conversation definitely does not show your gentlemanly side!”
Bucky opens his mouth to retort but you continue on. “And what about avoiding me all together!? What the fuck is that about?”
He runs his large hand through his hair and squeezes the back of his neck, setting his lips in a hard line.
“Fuck. Please tell me there’s still some of Thor’s mead in here,” he mutters.
“Why the hell would he leave alcohol in the gym?” you ask, your brows nearly hitting your hairline.
With a shrug Bucky starts moving about and searching under things. “He likes to ‘get drunk’” and he makes air quotes as he says it, “and then show us how he can still lift heavier weights.”
You can’t help the laughter that boils up and over but you quickly cover your mouth when Bucky gives you an unamused look.
“Here it is!” he chimes, seeming far too relieved.
You move toward him as you watch him take a swig from the bottle, the muscles in his neck shifting with every swallow.
“Save some for me,” you say quietly and hold out your hand.
He smirks.
“Careful doll. Too much of this and I’ll have to carry you out of here.”
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As more of the mead circulates through your body you start to relax marginally, thoughts of killing Steve slowly fading.
Bucky has been sure to keep your consumption under control and other than feeling less murderous and calmer you’re lucid.
“So,” you muse. “It doesn’t look like Steve is coming back any time soon. And we’ve been quiet. No yelling or fighting.”
Bucky simply grunts in agreement.
“SEE!” you nearly shout. “That’s exactly what I mean. I say something and your answer is a grunt…WHAT. THE. FUCK!”
While waiting for his explanation you notice a slight pink flush to his cheeks and you find it hard not to throw him a triumphant smile.
Deciding to let him off the hook for now, you ask, “how long have you known your best friend is insane?”
To your surprise, Bucky laughs. A real laugh that has his eyes crinkling and his nose scrunching up.
You try not to stare too long but you find it difficult to look away.
“Are you drunk Barnes?”
His eyes meet yours and the corner of his mouth twitches with a boyish smile.
“You’re full of questions tonight doll. And for the record it takes a lot more than this to get me drunk,” he admits as his smile widens.
He shifts in his spot on the floor, his long legs now stretched out in front of him and you can’t help but focus on his thighs and the way his jeans pull tightly over the thick muscle.
“Who knew all we needed was a little alcohol to not fight.”
You chuckle and hold your hand out for the more.
He shakes his head no and places the bottle down on the floor before leaning forward.
“I don’t want to fight with you. Ever.”
At his admission, your expression hardens.
“Then why are you so….so… unfriendly?” you ask.
“Why are you always so sassy?” he shoots back. “Seems to me like you’re the one always looking for a fight.”
His answer makes you sigh.
“I don’t see you doing that to Barton or Steve…hell anyone else!” he adds.
He waits patiently, his eyes trained on you and his body straining forward.
With more nonchalance than you feel, you confess, “you’re kind of my type. And my dating track record sucks. So…you know…”
You motion to him. All of him. His long legs, broad shoulders, hard chest, sculpted arms and his perfectly handsome face.
Stunned, Bucky stares for a second too long and too fiercely.
Heat starts to tickle your skin as you feel your body react to his focused attention.
“Are you…” he starts, before clearing his throat. “Are you telling me that you’re attracted to me and that’s why you hate me?”
The tension is thick, stretching between you for many long seconds before you wrench your eyes away and look down at your hands.
“I don’t hate you.”
Your words are quiet and the next sentence that passes your lips is even softer. “I just have a hard time trusting men.”
When he doesn’t say anything you look up at him and see the hurt etched across his features.
“Are you sure it’s not just me you don’t trust?”
At his question, the realization of what he’s implying hits you and you immediately slide closer to him and reach your hands toward him.
“No Bucky. That’s not it at all. In fact I trust you with my life…just not necessarily my heart.”
When he continues to study you, his features softening, but doesn’t speak, you add. “It’s not your fault. Really.”
“I want to know why.”
“Why what?” you ask.
“Why you don’t trust men.”
His jaw is tight and his fists are clenched in his lap.
He’s clearly distraught over the fact that you’ve been hurt and you’re sure he’s thinking the worst. It melts you more and you want to reach out and trace the hard line of his jaw to reassure him.
“It’s not anything that bad. I’ve just been hurt. A lot. And not just in romantic relationships. Friendships too.”
He scowls. “In what ways?”
You shrug like it’s nothing.
“What is there to say? The first real relationship I was in ended when he found something better. He told me when we broke up, ‘why would I say with you when I can do better’.”
“That motherfucker,” Bucky fumes as he opens and closes his metal fist, the whirring metal sounds momentarily distracting you.
“Yeah. But that wasn’t the last. My boyfriend after that I found out was sleeping with my friend. Or I thought she was my friend.”
“Fucking hell. Please tell me you’re kidding.”
He stands slowly, visibly agitated.
“And we haven’t even gotten to my last boyfriend yet. Better sit back down.”
“I’m too fucking pissed off to sit,” he growls.
“Honestly, it’s more my fault. I knew I shouldn’t have dated him. He was just like the rest and when my friend sent me a video of the two of them fucking I was hardly surprised.”
You couldn’t look at Bucky anymore and you dropped your eyes.
“Guess I’m just not good enough to stick around for.”
“Fuck,” he exhaled. “Doll.”
He sat down in front of you, forcing your attention back to him.
“Please don’t tell me you really believe that.”
You give him an exasperated look. “After being dumped three times you kind of start to believe it.”
Suddenly, he kicks at one of the weight machines, making the metal creak and bend then he falls to his knees in front of you and takes your hands in his.
The smell of him surrounds you and you have no where to look but into his eyes.
“These men,” and he spits out the last word. “Fuck that, they aren’t men. These pieces of shit have no idea what a gift you are and they don’t deserve you. They deserve a fucking beating.”
You squeeze his hands. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” he counters. “Tell you the truth? Tell you that you’re gorgeous, sexy, smart, and kind.”
His eyes drop to your mouth and he licks his lips.
“Hardly kind,” you scoff. “Look how poorly I treated you.”
He reluctantly drags his eyes from your mouth and determination hardens his gaze.
“Nah doll face. I get it now. And honestly, a lot of that is on me. I couldn’t understand why someone as perfect as you wanted anything to do with me. I put up my defensives the only way I know how.”
You whisper his name hoarsely and run your thumb along his jawline.
His eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and he exhales.
Even if you wanted to you couldn’t stop the way your body moved closer to his and when he slides his hand up your arm and around the back of your neck your lips part in a gasp.
Just as you feel his warm breath tickle your skin the lock on the door turns and Steve calls your names.
You quickly pull away with wide eyes, shooting one last look at Bucky before you lift your eyes to Steve.
He stares between the two of you and then at the half empty bottle of mead.
“Nothing,” you and Bucky say at the same time.
Bucky jumps to his feet and holds his hand out for you.
You take it and let him pull you up and into his body. Your chest brushes his with your every breath and you’re right back where you were just seconds ago…under his spell.
It only takes a moment for your past hurt to flood back and wash away the desire you’re feeling and in the next breath you’re mumbling goodbyes and rushing off.
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When Bucky finally finds you the next day the apology you’ve been wanting to give him spills out.
“I just want to say that I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting.”
He takes a step closer to you, crowding you against the door of your room.
“I really appreciate that doll, but I should be the one apologizing to you. I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Thank you.”
It’s all you can manage to say with him so close to you.
You can feel your pulse jump and when you hear the moving metal plates in his arm you look down at his hands to see them clenched into fists at his sides.
“Bucky?” you ask.
“I’m having a really hard time not touching you,” he explains in a pained whisper.
“Oh,” you breathe out.
He closes the space between you and your back hits the door. He slowly lifts his hand, caressing your cheek with his thumb and then slowly sliding his fingers down to stroke your neck.
The gentle dominance in his touch sets you on fire and you lean into him.
“I’m scared of getting hurt Bucky.”
The words tumble out and you start to drop your gaze but he stops you with the press of his fingers under your chin.
His eyes harden and he doesn’t speak.
You whisper his name, your voice shaky.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m just talking myself out of hunting every one of your exes down and skinning them alive.”
His voice grows with anger and you press a soft hand to his hard chest.
“They aren’t worth it.”
“You’re worth it.”
Taken aback by the intensity of his words you stare into his eyes, their blue color filled with longing and fierceness.
“Fuck doll. You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are, do you? I can hardly catch my breath.”
Your hand shoots to your mouth and you quietly inhale, nibbling your bottom lip to stop the smile that wants to break out across your face.
“Do you want me to go?” he asks.
You drop your hand from your lips and reach for him. “No.”
He tilts his head and inches closer, his mouth lightly brushing yours.
Your fists clench the front of his Henley and your eyes close at the light press of his lips. You stay like that, trying to remember to breathe.
He pulls away only enough to stare at your mouth and then traces his thumb across your upper lip.
“What is it?” you ask with a worried tone.
His thumb falls to your lower lip and he gives it the same attention, savoring the softness.
“Why won’t you kiss me?”
He drops his hand from your lips and as his fingers fall they trace the outline of your neck before his hand wraps around the back of it and he brings you impossibly closer.
“I’m worried that once I start…” he breathes against your lips. “I won’t be able to stop.”
When he presses his lips to yours he groans low in the back of his throat, his hands desperate to get you closer.
The way you taste, the feel of your lips, your gasps and moans…he can’t stop.
He can’t stop.
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@hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @kmc1989 @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @littleseasiren @lizette50
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iamasimperyk · 6 months
Meeting his daughter -Rafe Cameron
Summary: You meet his daughter for the first time and you are kind of nervous.
Warnings: Fluff, Age Gap, mention of divorce, mention of taboo topic, not proofread, English is not my first language
Pairing: Professor!Rafe x Reader
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Rafe told you the truth. After that night he and his wife talked about a divorce and both agreed with their decision. The only thing Rafe didn't tell his wife was that you were his student.
To your surprise, his now ex-wife was not as cruel as you thought. She was actually quite nice. She was willing to allow Rafe to visit his daughter whenever he wanted and had every second weekend designated as dad weekend.
His daughter's name was Daisy and she was a literal angel-at least that's what Rafe told you.
Today it was your first time to meet her. To say that you were scared was an understatement.
"Y/n, calm down. She will love you." Rafe chuckled, watching as you paced around his expensive home.
You placed the chocolate cake you had made on the table before you started to look for any dirty spots you could possibly clean.
"I am the reason her parents divorced," You mumbled, wiping over the marble floor.
"That's not true, and you know it. Neither of us was happy in that marriage, and it was definitely not a great environment for a child." Rafe sighed, laying his hand over yours to stop you from cleaning.
You looked at his beautiful blue eyes, kissing his cheek.
You loved moments like this. When it was just you and Rafe, you could be a normal couple before having to hide again at college or anywhere you went.
"I love you," Rafe smiled, his eyes holding nothing but honesty.
"I love you too," You wanted to lean in and kiss him when the doorbell suddenly interrupted you.
Rafe gave you a reassuring nod, before he opened the front door, revealing Daisy and her mother.
"Daddy," She let out an enthusiastic scream and ran into his open arms.
"I missed you too, pumpkin." He said in a gentle tone.
You stood there, watching the scene in awe. It was one of Rafe's sides, that not a lot of people were allowed to see since it made him vulnerable.
"Hi, Y/n." Rafe's ex greeted you. You had already met her a few weeks ago and somehow the two of you got along really well, even when you were the complete opposite of her.
"Hi, nice to meet you again," You smiled and took Daisy's backpack out of her hand.
A moment later, Daisy let go of her dad and turned to her mother.
"Have fun with Daddy and Y/n, I will see you on Sunday." She kissed her daughter's forehead and gave her a big hug.
Afterwards, she walked to her car, and Rafe closed the door before turning to his daughter, "I want you to meet my girlfriend Y/n."
Butterflies interrupted in your stomach at his use of words.
Daisy looked at you with curious eyes, but turned to Rafe quickly, signalling him to pick her up which he immediately did.
"She is really pretty," She tried to whisper but you heard her clearly.
Rafe chuckled, "I know."
Daisy turned her head towards you, "My name is Daisy, I am three years old and my favourite colour is blue."
This little girl was adorable and you couldn't help but melt at her words, "Hi, I am Y/n, I am 21 years old and my favourite colour is Y/f/c."
Of course, it was a silly introduction, but you wanted to make her happy and it seemed like it worked.
"Do you want to see my toys?" She asked, her eyes full of hope.
You quickly nodded, "I would love to."
Rafe set her down, and she immediately took your hand, pulling you into the living room.
Rafe stood in the doorframe, watching you play with his daughter.
This was a new chapter of his life, and he was excited to explore it with you by his side.
A.N; Please don’t be mad at me that this chapter is full of fluff and Daisy and her mom actually have no problem with the reader😭
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
Voice claim: Maomao - The Apothecary Diaries
Character info:
Damali Khepri is a sophomore student in Scarabia, she's twisted from the golden scarab beetle from Aladdin.
Damali's family is tasked with taking care of the Asim's treasure, and because a good part of their treasure was sent with Kalim to NRC, Damali was ordered by her parents and the Asims themselves to study there and to protect Kalim's fortune. Just like Jamil, Damali wishes for freedom to do what she wants and not just be a servant and protector to the Asim's treasures, but she's rather neutral at her job, not caring much about the Asim's themselves and just being nice for the sake of being nice.
Damali is calm, often being able to have a cool mind in dire situations, she's cunning and smart and often able to come up with solutions for difficult problems. She's also seen as a treasure herself, given how famous her own family is and how people see her as a key to getting to Kalim's fortune; people have tried to manipulate her too many times, she is able to identify when people are playing with her really easily... That and she also is very conscious of how people interact with her, she basically has trust issues.
She's canonically beautiful, having a lot of people fawning over her and wanting a bit of attention from her. She has an eccentric personality because of her interest in poisons and in insects, specifically the scarab beetles. She believes people won't like her for who she is — that being something her parents always told her, that she must be perfect and look perfect at all times for the Asim's reputation — so she often keeps this eccentric side of her to herself, in order for people to believe she's the wonderful, beautiful and collected Damali.
Fun facts: Damali is blind, not being able to see almost anything; she's known Jamil and Kalim for years, but they weren't as close until they got to NRC because her family's job (and by extension hers) doesn't require her to be near Kalim at all times; Damali often asks to taste test Kalim's food instead of Jamil, initially being simply because she wanted to taste the possibility of poison, but later because of she deeply cared for Jamil.
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Basic info:
Age: 17
Height: 176cm
Nicknames: mademoiselle Scarabée (meaning beetle - by Rook), water beetle (by Floyd) and jasmine (flower meaning prosperity - by Perse)
Birthday: January 29th
Grade: sophomore (2nd grade)
Favorite food: grapes, chamomile tea
Best subject: potionology/poison making
Club: science club
Hobbies: studying and tasting different types of poisons/collecting insects
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Unique Magic: Diamond in the Rough - grants her the ability of determining and pointing out something that someone wishes the most at a certain moment (ex.: if she were to use this on, let's say, Jamil, she would figure out that what he wants the most is to be free to do what he wants and to be appreciated by his talents.); normally uses it when suspecting someone's going after the Asim's treasure; can only be used once per person.
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Relationship dynamics:
Jamil Viper: Jamil and Damali have an interesting relationship. Damali sees Jamil as someone fun to play with, as different from most people he never fawns over her nor does he seem to care about her appearance. She's taken a habit of flirting with Jamil and teasing him frequently to see how he reacts (usually he makes a groaning noise and flinch in disgust, which makes her laugh); he's yet to get truly flustered by her advances and she made it her life mission to get to that point, but not because she loves him!! Or at least that's what she tells herself. Damali quickly understood that Jamil was manipulating Kalim, but since it didn't involve anything surrounding Kalim's fortune she stayed just observing the situation until an opening would come, so at first she just went along with it, pretending she didn't know that Jamil was doing something, but with Daisy (my Yuu) and the octatrio's arrival she quickly switched sides.
Kalim Al-Asim: despite being neutral about her job and not caring about what would happen to Kalim before the arrival of Daisy/the octatrio, seeing Kalim break down made her feel a lot of sympathy towards the boy, and seeing him cry woke her up to just how screwed up Jamil's plan affected Kalim. She grew fond of him after the events of book 4 and even more interested in Jamil as well.
Jeanne Hook: she hated Jeanne. Jeanne was going against Damali's job, and she did everything in her power to keep Jeanne away from Kalim's treasury and to ruin their date plans together with Jamil. Still, after realizing Jeanne's change of heart regarding her feelings for Kalim, she quickly calmed down, realizing the girl would not have the courage to steal from Kalim any longer — she also may or may not have used her UM on Jeanne and found out what she truly wanted was to be accepted for who she was, not treasure.
Jade Leech: Damali finds Jade's obsession with mushrooms and plant life delightful, and he often helps her figuring out stuff to experiment with more poisonous plants and fungi; they're both chaotic and weird together, but she tries to keep her act together because she knows Jade can and will use the information of her interest in poison to blackmail her.
Divus Crewel: her favorite teacher, he lets her play around with potions all the time but always when she's being supervised, he sees her as a mouthful because of her dangerous interests, but he's happy someone is so interested in his class.
Rook Hunt: little 👏🏻freaks.👏🏻 I am so certain Rook gave Damali a few flirting tactics to try and get Jamil flustered, and I am so certain that she had to stand there and go like "buddy I love you but I am not going to stalk him just to find out everything about him that's illegal". They are a menace in the science club, Trey is so concerned everytime they're together.
Trey Clover: Damali is always trying to push Trey over the edge and get him to participate in her and Rook's weird scientific experiments, he is almost always the voice of reason, making both Damali and Rook bummed out.
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Character references:
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Dorm room.
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lovelyhan · 2 years
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— bad habits ⟢
pairing: joshua x reader
summary: it’s common practice to not sleep around with your ex months after you broke up. too bad you and joshua are terrible at doing things by the book. 
word count: 1.3k words
tags: exes with benefits, pining, mild angst, smut
warnings: graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
notes: this is shorter than my usual work, bc i really just wanted to get shua out of my system..... smut tags are under the cut!
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smut tags: car sex, fingering, protected sex, praise kink, soft dom joshua
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It's Friday night when you tell Seungkwan that you're going out for a quick grocery run. When he asks if you're going alone, you don't really see any benefit in skirting around the truth.
"They're just errands," you say when you catch him glaring daggers at you from his comfortable nest on the couch. "I had my car fixed the other day, remember? He just happened to be in the area and offered to give me a ride to and from the supermarket."
Your best friend-slash-roommate scoffs. "When has it ever been just errands when you're left alone with him for more than five minutes?"
You love Seungkwan—really, you do. But there's something about his too-appraising stare and too-critical words that makes you want to do the things you aren't supposed to even more.
Then, you remember you're not that petulant. Of course you aren't constantly keeping in touch with your ex-boyfriend for the sole reason of going against what Seungkwan tells you. If that were the case, things would be much, much easier.
But life doesn't always turn up daisies, things don't always go as planned, and part of you doesn't always think it's a bad thing to fuck Joshua Hong in the backseat of his SUV.
"Jisoo," you whisper, a name he only ever lets those closest to his heart address him with. Half a year later, it seems that you're still on the list. "More, please."
You're perched on his lap, thighs splayed wide right atop his own as he loosens you up with lithe fingers. You can't see the way Joshua smirks, but you can feel how his lips twitch against the column of your throat, pressing a featherlight kiss across your fever-pitched skin.
"Always so good for me," he murmurs, thumbing at your clit in a way that has you squirming in his grasp. "You're so worked up today, baby. Have you been thinking of this? Of me?"
"Yes—" you gasp when he curls his digits inside you, the pads of his fingers grazing a spongy patch of flesh that makes sparks of electricity crackle beneath your skin.
Joshua catches on to your reaction quickly, letting out a soft chuckle before he increases the intensity of his thrusts. You feel like you should be ashamed of how your pussy squelches with each pass of his long fingers, but instead, you cant your hips in time with the rhythm he's set. Your head has soared right into the clouds, as you sigh out breathless whispers of please, so close, more, more, more—
Then, you topple over the edge—free-falling from the height of release because, just as good as you are to Joshua, he's just as good to you.
Never one to tease too much; always giving you the satisfaction that you constantly crave without expecting anything in return.
A hint of rationality prickles the back of your mind—saying that perhaps the reason you keep coming back for more is because Joshua is all too willing to give it to you. But the thought is lost in the tidal wave of your orgasm, washed away at sea before you can even spot it from the shore.
Your body tingles with oversensitivity, yet the spot where Joshua is holding you steady by the hips burns with need. Your clothes suddenly feel ten times more stifling, and you gaze down at Joshua like you want him to leave no inch of skin untouched.
But even in the midst of post-orgasmic bliss, you're not foolish enough to think this is more than just a quick fuck to him.
Joshua maneuvers you onto your back, laying you down on the leather seats as gently as he always does. Your heart aches at the way he looks at you—soft, with a hint of reverence that has no place in the setting you're currently in—and you forcefully tamp down the visceral emotions threatening to spill out of your chest.
You don't know when he even undid his jeans, but Joshua is already slipping on a rubber when you snap out of it—sighing as he glides the head of his cock along your glistening slit. You have half the mind to remind him that he doesn't need to use condoms, but you know he's doing this for a different purpose entirely.
A boundary. A tangible reminder that you and him only belong to each other in this moment, and nowhere else.
"So beautiful," he sighs once he slips himself inside you—pressing your knees to your chest before surging ever-so forward. "So perfect."
Sometimes, you wish he was as into degrading you as he is with praising you. If everything that came out of Joshua's mouth during sex was filthier than what you could take, it might've been easier to walk away from such a fucked up arrangement.
But all that spills from his lips and into your ears are honeyed words that make you forget every reason why you shouldn't be tangled up in the first place.
You're afraid that you'll never get tired of how he deliciously bucks his hips into yours—spreading your cunt open with each inch of his perfect cock. It doesn't help that he's such a talker. Each unforgiving thrust, he times with the sweetest of words. Taking me so well. Baby, you're just made for me, aren't you?
From the start, it was already a losing battle, and you'll gladly give Joshua all the spoils.
There's always something calculated in how Joshua pulls you apart every time. He never comes first—always wanting to feel your pussy squeeze the release out of him in the riptide of your orgasm.
It's no different now, when he reaches between your two slotted bodies—already cramped in the limited space of his car—and rubs your oversensitive clit in quick, precise circles. Your teeth catch on the curve of his shoulder, right over his shirt, to muffle the moan he inevitably rips out of you.
"Good fucking girl," he half-moans, half-growls before his vigorous thrusts come to a halt.
You try to ignore the sinking sensation that comes with feeling Joshua fill up the condom with white-hot release. You try not to remind yourself of the strict boundary he's maintained.
Most importantly, you avoid thinking about why he hasn't once tried to kiss you since you started fucking around all those months ago.
By the time you're both sated and dressed, the supermarket was already closed, and Joshua makes an off-hand comment about your misplaced priorities. You laugh with him for the sake of laughing with him, but deep down, you can't help but agree.
He drops you off in front of your apartment, smiling like he didn't just wreck you in more ways than one. You roll your eyes, pointing out that his ride reeks of sex, and that he should air it out before giving anyone else a ride.
"Then let's just take it somewhere else next time," he says so casually, you nearly trip on your own feet on the way out.
The two of you exchange goodbyes like two, well-meaning friends before he pulls up the window of the passenger seat and speeds away. You wonder if Joshua's heart twists the same way as yours.
Seungkwan is still awake when you make it back home—munching on a bag of baby carrots with a whole lecture about making better life decisions locked and loaded. But he never gets to present it when you collapse right next to him on the sofa, sobbing into his arms just like the day you broke up with Joshua.
He sighs, putting his food away before offering solace that you probably, definitely don't deserve.
But you have a bad habit of taking everything that's freely given to you, and you don't think you'll stop anytime soon.
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rxsilabeth--er · 6 months
ok this feels mean to do but, remus and a slytherin male reader. post-prank. essentially, post-prank remus is angry with sirius, but suddenly he find himself close with his 'sleazy' seatmate in charms. turns out, he's not that mean and less of a jerk from how he holds himself and how most people percieved Slytherin men. he's also very good at his studies, he helps remus out when remus seems to need it, he has this nice voice, and an even nicer face—wait what?
(i'd love to walk in the great hall with my arm around remus lupin's shoulder, maroon and burgundy marks on my neck and a sleazy grin on my face as i leaned down to his ear, just to whisper to him that his ex's staring. let 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 make 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 man 👏🏻 blush 👏🏻)
:: hickeys and a Slytherin that's tricky...
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Now calling....Author: "This was a lovely request!! Though I LOVE wolfstar, this did hurt my wolfstar heart, but I love it nonetheless!!"
Now calling....Synopsis: "...After the prank, Remus prefers sitting alone in case one of the marauders come and he bursts open at the seams, but luckily during potions, a certain Slytherin helps his wrong potion and even fixes his seams perfectly..."
Now calling....warnings: "smoking, drinking, fashion show, personal headcanons, tying Remus to his bed for his health (dw), reader is mentioned to piercings, hickeys, mentions of sexual activity, The prank, angst on Sirius's part, possibly wrong potion making, I couldn't fortunately get my hogwarts letter...I deserve to be there more than Draco Malfoy, that's for sure...male!reader. Ooc? Bellatrix and Narcissa? Bellatrix doesn't like Remus in the beginning, but settles to tolerate him cause his ma was a squib and his dad a wizard so he's a pureblood, right? Bella had sexual history with reader. Beware, this is quite long."
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the clinking of his spoon on the walls of the bubbling cauldron did not help Remus's situation, he could still hear James, Sirius and Peter's murmurs along with Severus's glare at him. What potion were they making again? Does not matter especially if you just got your heart torn apart by those you trusted the most in your life...
He softly looked around, Severus's glare still trained on him as he lowered his eyes with guilt, continuing to cut whatever he had as the instruction in his books said, his eyes already blurring the view with tears,
"You're not supposed to put three lacewings...the book says wrong." a gruff voice softly perked up as Remus flinched and looked around to find a particular Slytherin whom he had seen around, mostly smoking, snoozing or being lazy and chaotic.
With messy hair, messy shirt, Slytherin tie, a few piercings around your ears and tattoos poking out from under your sleeves, you stood there pointing at his book.
Seeing him basically zoned out string at you, you snapped your fingers in his face to pull him out of trance, as he shook his head and looked at you, his eyebrow raising,
"And what makes you think you're right?" Remus asked as he glared his eyes up and down you, as you simply shrugged and said,
"I mean, if you add three lacewings which makes the potion acidic to daisy roots who's job is to acidify the potion already, it will become..I don't know? Too acidic for anything to survive in it? We need it just enough acidic so that when we add the base, it will be enough to neutralize...I thought you were smart, Lupin."
and your words left him appalled, but he couldn't speak as he did understand your logic behind it as he scoffed and asked, "And how many am I supposed to add, genius?! Professor didn't say anything." as you looked at your own book at the corrections you made, "...One and a half".
As you said, as if on cue, Snape's cauldron bubbled too much and spilled everywhere leaving blisters on contact with bare human skin of those around as people winced and softly whispered, a Remus looked in surprise, you didn't seem shocked as Snape did think he knew better and added three and a HALF lacewings, idiot.
You simply continued to mix your potion, Remus decided to take your advice and only add one and a half instead of three like everyone did...You finished yours and tested it in front of everyone as Slughorn awarded your with fifty points for Slytherin, he must ave been impressed because this particular potion was a hard one, Remus's also turned out to be good but he was awarded only fifteen points, possibly because he showed it at the last minute.
As you got your things and walked out, the classes were over so you had free time as you walked down the courtyard down the grassy fields near the tree where the Slytherin skittles often sat. Throwing your bag up, you quickly climbed up there, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter before lighting it and smoking out smoke from your nostrils as you hummed to yourself, opening a book to read.
Remus didn't know how, but he somehow walked up and climbed up to meet you, you simply looked his way, nodding as a greeting as you went back to reading while Remus was panting from the tiny climb,
"Uhm....hey, thanks for the tip today in class..." Remus began as you nodded, taking another drag and softly blowing it out, as Remus stood there, clinging to the tree in disbelief,
"..Okay...Uhm..." he nodded to himself as he took a step down, "...What happened to you and marauders?" you asked softly, crawling to lay on your stomach on the slightly somewhat large space the tree had to offer, looking down at him with your face in your propped up hand, noticing the way he froze,
"...None of your fucking business." Remus said in annoyance, as you nodded, "Okay." you said taking another drag and blowing the smoke in his face, making him more annoyed, as he swatted your hand, "Fucking stop." Remus snarled, as you grinned..
Out of nowhere, with unknown confidence, Remus took your wrist and made you place your cigarette between his lips as he blew the smoke in your face before climbing down and walking away as you stared back at him in surprised with flushing reaching up your cheeks to warm them, a soft smile spreading your cheeks as you looked at him walking away.
You quickly gathered the book, the bag and jumped down, following him from a few feets away, walking behind him yet no doing anything, of-course he noticed, you weren't hidden or invisible and yet he didn't do anything. Up until the portrait of the fat lady you followed him and would have followed him inside if he didn't just stop in front of the portrait till you stood beside him,
"What is it? Why are you following me, you fuck?" Remus asked as you simply blew out more smoke, "You looked like shit, so I followed. I need to make you a forest brown again." you said simply as his eyes soften ever-so slightly...sighing, he gave the password and pulled you in, sitting you down and removing your tie,
"Oooh, already so eager to fuck, Lupin?" you asked smirking, making him scoff, "As if me, or anybody in fact, would sleep with a sleaze like you. Only doing it so people don't know I'm hanging with a serpent.", "Okay.. :)"
And the next month flew without a care of world for Lupin and you, as you simply pulled out a cig after classes ended and were pulled by Zahara and if she pulled you, you pulled him, cause if Zahara was around, you needed the 'Casanova' around so people don't think that Zabini be sleeping with you...
Or maybe you'd help Pandora to collect rocks or snails or slugs around the Black lake, while she rambled on and on to you while Remus stood there smoking.
Or maybe you'd be sharing a cigarette with Barty and Evan cause you three were being stingy and lazy to buy some from Hogsmeade as you three glared at Remus in envy while he wasted cigarettes from his brand new packet while he only took two drags before putting it out and pulling out another one all while smirking in your direction cause he knew you three were too prideful to ask him for one.
Or maybe you'd be reading while cuddling with Regulus and helping him annotate while Remus sat beside you hearing both of your interpretation, he didn't think you'd be into literature almost as much as Regulus while you both acted out Shakespeare sometimes.
Or maybe styling clothes with Andromeda, Narcissa and Dorcas and putting on a show for the house in the common room while people hooted or laughed at the dramatic display all while Remus sat there in confusion at how weird the whole house of Slytherin is if you don't notice the idiotic pure-blood supremacists (Lucius, Lestranges, Bellatrix, Snape, Mulciber, etc.).
The month went by quickly, you stood outside the door of the Shrieking Shack, smoking as he transformed for the month...The month had sadly two full moons and it did not go well...
if not for you standing outside until the morning and tying him to his bed, while putting on healing spells and refusing to let him go to class and leaving him there in the Shrieking Shack until the classes ended and you came back with the gang and sat beside him on the floor, playing truth or dare, having a fashion show, smoking, singing songs and playing stupid instruments and more...
For Remus, well it was small, not for the Marauders especially Sirius...No, on the contrary it was hell for them, Sirius could not help but feel guilt as he refused to let himself or James or Peter believe that he purposefully sent someone to be murder and maimed...
He could not let James or Peter turn their back on him, cause he knew that in the two's eyes he was still a good person..and a good person doesn't send someone else to be mauled....
Sirius had begun to cry himself to sleep, putting silencing charms around his bed post and sticking his curtains around him with a few spells as he heard Remus walk in every night, giggling at something another voice spoke, before he heard the sounds of him falling into his bed and the sounds of Remus...possibly kissing the person..No he could not have that in his mind..
Remus had changed a lot, everyone in Gryffindor could tell. He still wore his grandpa sweaters, but he had eyeliner around his eyes, his eyes seemed more hooded and bored, with no concealer covering his scars anymore.
And despite his sweaters, he was more often seen with Blazer, sometimes blood dripping down his nose or knuckles and mostly walking around Barty, Evan, Regulus and you, all five laughing while Pandora clung to your arm and Dorcas fussed over Remus's hair and scars and body, asking him if anything hurt...
Mary, Lily, Marlene, Alice often saw themselves being replaced by Dorcas, Pandora, Zahara and sometimes Andromeda and Narcissa and well rarely, Bellatrix who asked him to tutor her after swallowing a lot of her pride...Sirius, James, Frank, Peter saw themselves being replaced by you, Barty, Evan and Regulus...
Remus wasn't ever seen in the Gryffindor tower now, always roaming around the Slytherin common room, sometimes seen beside the Black lake with Pandora and Dorcas talking with merfolk with sign language, or waltzing with Narcissa in the courtyard who always smiled and laughed as he mixed up his steps...
And seen in the library with Zahara and Bellatrix who wore a scowl which sometimes melted away after a while as the two listen intently to whatever he taught them...
Or walking around Hogsmeade with you, Barty and Evan, Barty and Evan whining and clinging to each other before going away somewhere to make out as you simply bought him his favourite chocolates at Honey dukes and sometimes putting the tiniest bit of melted chocolate on the tip of his nose before kissing it away...
Or talking with Regulus and you about the newest books they read, or three-wheeling Andromeda and Ted, teasing the two with a smirk as you leaned against him, smoking with a smirk, sometimes enjoying him with the teasing. Sirius or other marauders couldn't bear himself seeing it and often teared up at the slightest mention of Remus and his new-found friends..
Despite being everything Sirius hated the most; a pureblood, coming from a noble family, serious, smart, cunning, ambitious Slytherin, you were everything that deserved you got and showed not everything is not as simple as it seems.
you did not worry what people thought when you helped people. Helping Andromeda through hexing a few of Ted's bullies from Slytherin who tried to hurt him for being with Andromeda,
comforting Alice after a fight she had with Narcissa,
sharing some weed with Peter,
helping Lily chase away Snape who was being too persistent,
helping Marlene get the snitch just to spite Dorcas yet make Dorcas laugh the other second cause you didn't want her to feel bad about loosing the match,
taking the blame for whatever Barty, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Regulus, Narcissa did cause you didn't want a letter be sent to their house and make them get punished by their parents,
learning to braid Zahara's hair the way she likes it to help her,
taking Pandora anywhere she wanted,
helping Evan with his homework in library...
You couldn't be thrown into one category cause you weren't like that, you were the hardest thing to navigate, you were always being sleezy, smoking, yet you helped, cared, comforted people who needed it...
The next morning as he stood up and walked down to the Great Hall, Remus left WAY earlier possibly to be with his new found friends... He walked in, and sat down as he simply ate whatever was present before Marlene smacked his hand pointed back at the entrance to see Remus.
In his usual black blazer, hooded, bored eyes, a few piercings, a cig in his hand with his shirt's top two buttons open and showing his collar and neck covered in bite-marks, hickeys...
some were even decorated with stickers as he walked and sat right behind Sirius, yawning as Zahara whistled, as Bellatrix scoffed,
"What, couldn't even handle being with Y/N?" Bellatrix asked grinning with confidence,
"Well, still better at handling him than you, no Bella? He isn't able to walk, last time I remembered, it wasn't him who couldn't walk, it was you who couldn't walk!" Remus said back with a evident smugness in his voice as Bellatrix sat there, appalled and shocked as she simply humphed and looked away as the table softly snickered...
Sirius couldn't bear to think that something he wished he could have was now with someone completely different. Sirius longed to be in your place as he couldn't help the tears which pricked his eyes...How come a large mistake of his took away everything he wished was his...?
He looked back at the entrance to see you softly walk in, slightly limping with a cig in your hand which you dropped on the floor and stamped on to put it out as you walked and sat down beside Remus, leaning against him, trying to catch on sleep which you obviously couldn't complete from last night's activities...
Sirius felt filth inside him at seeing you and Remus be together, through classes as you helped him read and developed spells for him to read through his Dyslexia, helped him sleep with a potion Regulus created to heal his own insomnia which you even gave to James to help his insomnia.
You helped Peter sometimes with his charms when he needed help, told Lily which colour looked good on her, helped motivate Marlene to cause pranks, told Mary she looked pretty, gave advice to Alice about Narcissa and even gave Rita some gossips you heard to satisfy her.
You even helped Sirius himself with pranks to pull on Snape whom you started calling "Snevillous" as well...no matter how much Sirius tried, he couldn't hate you..or even be you...
He saw you everyday with Remus, making out with him in some corner of the library, sitting on his lap to tease him, quoting books he hated simply to annoy him, stroking his scars with your fingers, putting on liner on his eyes, using spells to make drawings that Evan did to turn them into permanent tattoos, wearing his grandpa sweaters and flaunting them in front of the girls all whom laughed or giggled...
You even tried your hardest to fix the marauder's friendship, in which you succeeded..but not because their apologies were sincere, it was because you tried to fix their friendship.
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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hyperionheights · 10 months
bones sexuality headcanons
yeah i dont have proof (except angela) i just Know. call it my lesbian spidey senses. disclaimer that those are MY headcanons, you can have your own opinions on those ofc
main characters:
brennan: bi (preference for ugly men... but i digress). she probably started exploring her sexual orientiation in college and came to the conclusion that she's attracted to every gender to varying degrees. she's probably tongue kissed angela a few times pre season 1
booth: cishet ally! ⭐️ he's a bit confused but he's got the spirit, i'll give him that.. bi wife energy start playing whenever he walks into the room
zack: gayboi with a bad case of hero worship for dr brennan. naomi from paleonthology made him realise this isnt really what he'd like to excavate, if you get the gist... ;) (ew)
angela: imo? bi, but it's up to anyone. canon queer and i'm very happy about it
hodgins: bi. putting my foot down on this one- to me, hodgela is bi4bi. one day early into the series angela goes "why is everyone so hot... being bi is so hard" and hodgins is like "yeah, tell me about it" and they have a Oh, You Too? moment
cam: distinguished (ex-disaster) pan. she's all cool and collected now but in middle school she was probably stuttering whenever she saw a pretty girl
sweets: pan. boykisser. i just KNOW. that man is not heterosexual. probably had a few boyfriends in high school too
aubrey: bi? preference for women but in an alternate universe he and sweets are a thing
goodman: token straightie along with booth except i actually like him even tho even tho he took a 2 month sabbatical and never came back
clark: bi. a bit repressed and only realised it after breaking up with nora but as long as he gets there it's fine
daisy: pan. absolute girlkisser. she has the wlw equivalent of whatever zack felt for dr brennan. swaisy is a disaster pan couple.
fisher: pan- and i wont have it any other way. he was 100% checking sweets out when he came over to b&b's in s8, so i like to think when hodgins asks sweets "what is it with you and interns?" in 9x23 he's including fisher
wendell: bi and in a lab au he's dating vincent thank you
vincent: english twink and i think he and wendell should kiss in the lab lost & found
arastoo: straightie but we still love him. pan wife energy since he and cam are married
finn: god, i have No Idea but i have a feeling he doesn't either
wells: aro, and maybe ace too, but fyi even if he wasn't no one would want him
jessica: ... i used to say lesbian but i kinda let the jaubrey of it all get to me... pan vibes perhaps? i'll have to think it over. in another universe she and daisy are a thing too btw
other characters:
caroline julian:... lesbian. no i will not give an explanation for this one. sham marriage and all.
karen delfs: big pansexual energy coming from this random profiler?? i like her
villains: (do not take those seriously, but also...)
pelant: unlabeled. getting strangled by hodgins awoke something in him but he didnt have the time to figure it out between 8x01 and 9x04
taffet: very VERY mean lesbian
epps: heterosexual incel
broadsky: internalised homophobia over booth, clearly
kovac: the man pretended to be married to his sister. i'm not sure i even wanna know
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abiiors · 6 months
the spring curse - ross x reader ˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧💌˚.⋆🌿
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a/n: this is essentially a sickfic with so much yapping in there oh my god 🙄 yapping and yearning are the two things i operate on cw: brief suggestive content but no actual smut. being ill i suppose but it's very mild and fluffy. also pls we're going to suspend our disbelief here because i have no idea what being a florist entails. wc: 3.4k
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they get together at the beginning of winter. 
the last of the leaves are already a deep shade of orange, falling and falling everyday until the trees go barren and white snowflakes start fluttering all around. they’re already exclusive by the time the first proper snow of the season falls. 
ross is a boyfriend. to the girl of his dreams. it makes him feel as giddy as a teenager every time he thinks about it; every time she gives him a sweet smile and an even sweeter kiss. 
he always holds her hand just a little tighter, cuddles her closer just a little longer every time she has to go—he’s making up for the lost time, he thinks. all the time he’s wasted being stupid and a coward. and so whenever she stays over he stays near her, follows her around from room to room. she finds it infinitely amusing, so endearing that she can’t help but kiss him every two minutes for it. 
a florist’s job is pretty slow in the winter. ross learns that quite early on in their relationship when he gets to take the slow days extra slow—cuddling on the sofa and dancing in the kitchen and every other cheesy thing he can think of. 
he fucking adores the slow mornings after she stays over—loves waking up with her in his arms, loves the slow, lazy morning sex where she’s moaning and squirming and cumming on his cock barely awake, loves how she looks at him with sleepy eyes hooded with lust. 
“‘s gonna be so awful when my job picks up again and the spring weddings start happening,” she says one morning while they’re in bed still, her head on his chest. ross hums. “you’ll be lucky if you see me two days in a row.”
he pouts. “it’s not that busy is it?”
“it is! so many new flowers coming into the shop and scott wants us to make sure each one of them is absolutely perfect. individually. fuck and the pollen—you’re not allergic to pollen are you? because i get so covered in it…”
ross racks his brain. maybe he does remember being a bit more sniffly in spring but nothing severe. it’s never been noteworthy. he shrugs and holds her tighter. “nah, don’t think so. it can’t be that bad though.”
she laughs mirthlessly. “you don’t know the half of it. my ex was so allergic i had to stay away for all of spring pretty much. like three months every year where i’d move back in with my parents because it was just that bad for him.”
he pretty much stops listening halfway through, stuck on the part where she had to stay away for three whole months. he can barely stay away half the week. 
“don’t have to worry about that,” he strokes her hair, brushing off the silly unwanted thoughts. 
and it turns out to be true—even when she stays in the shop longer, busy catering to new year’s parties and other events, ross hardly ever has a reaction to it. it’s blown out of proportion, he thinks. sure pollen allergies are real, but they must be incredibly rare.
what are the odds that he has it just as bad as her ex? 
soon enough he forgets the conversation. everything is so blissful, so perfect that by the time valentine’s day rolls around, he’s already asked her to move in. 
“are you serious?” she shrieks, giddy with excitement. it works great for them—for one, the floral shop she works at is so much closer to his house. and then just as an added bonus, he doesn’t have to compromise to seeing her only half the days of the week. 
“yes. oh my god, yes! it’d be perfect…”
and he agrees. it would be perfect… until, well, it’s not. 
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spring arrives with a riot of colours—little weedy flowers grow in his backyard, daisies and buttercups cover grassy patches on the ground. even the dead trees start sprouting new leaves. 
everything outside is cheery and pretty and colourful. in comparison, ross feels…weirdly tired. not that it’s an everyday thing but on days when he’s outside more, he’s way too fucking exhausted to do anything else. it’s only when the sneezing starts does the conversation come back to haunt him. 
my ex was so allergic i had to stay away for all of spring pretty much…
ross shudders, thankful that it’s not that bad for him. it’s not! he’s certain about that. it’s only a scratchy throat and mildly itchy eyes that he could have gotten from eye strain too frankly, and maybe just a little case of the sniffles. it’s annoying, sure, but it’s not the end of the world. there’s no reason she needs to know about it and worry that she'll have to be away from him when she just moved in a week ago. 
he can very easily chalk up all his symptoms to a plethora of other things. 
and well, denial’s worked great for him—for one whole week, at least. 
towards the end of her second week, ross feels more tired than usual. she’s been slightly more busy at work (there’s a big wedding coming up) and ross has taken it upon himself to do a deep clean of the house now that he has a bit more free time—spring cleaning, to get rid of the pollen that may or may not be there. 
everytime there’s a persistent cough, he brushes it off. it’s dust—of course, that’s what’s making him cough and sneeze. 
it’s all the cleaning—that’s why he’s so tired.
all of it melts away though when he hears the keys jingling and the door opening. there’s a bit of a shuffle, a door shutting softly and then he hears her. 
he’s out the kitchen and walking towards her the next second, smiling huge. she looks like a fucking delight—hair a bit messy from the wind, surrounded by the smell of her perfume and a whole mix of flowers, plus something inexplicably green. 
she grins when she sees him and almost tackles him into a hug. 
“i love coming home to you…” the words are muffled by his t-shirt but his heart speeds up regardless. ross smiles and tucks his nose into her hair. 
“hello, you. had a good day?”
she nods and stays exactly like she was. the bliss only lasts another second though. ross feels it only a second before it happens—the string of sneezes he lets out with only a split second’s warning from his body. 
one, two, three, fifteen… until his eyes are watery and his throat stings from the effort. she looks at him with a bewildered expression on her face, slightly confused about…all of it.
he shakes his head. “shit, sorry! must have inhaled some pepper… i was just making dinner.” 
which isn’t a lie. he was making dinner and yes he has got the pepper out on the table. she throws him one more skeptical look but doesn’t push it further. 
ross takes her bag from her. “go wash up, i’ve got a movie picked out for us.”
she brightens instantly, and gives him a gorgeous smile, one that makes the tiny dimple by her lip appear. ross watches her nod and walk away from him, making her way to their bedroom. his smile is real for the most part until she finally shuts the door and he lets the cough he’s been holding in loose. he tries not to agitate his throat more, he tries to clear it so it would get rid of the itchy, sticky feeling. 
pollen, the logical part of his brain tells him. there was a tonne of pollen in her hair. but ross stubbornly gulps a glass of water, sighing at the way it makes him feel better instantly. he splashes some water from the kitchen sink on his eyes to get rid of the stinging.
it’s only a bit of allergies, he’s not going to die from it. besides, once she showers, the pollen would be washed away…right?
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the other delightful symptoms show up hours later when he’s in bed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. his head feels fucking heavy, like there’s suddenly a dumbbell placed on there. the itchy eyes won’t let him get comfortable and the constant urge to sneeze has him almost on the verge of fucking tears from how uncomfortable he is. 
ross curses silently, staying as far away from her without falling off the bed—for one he wants to try limiting his exposure to pollen. and if there’s a slight chance that he’s coming down with something then it’s better that he stay a bit away from her anyway. 
that just makes him even more miserable. all he wants to do is cuddle and fall asleep and not wake up until it’s at least 8 am the next morning but apparently he’s not afforded this luxury. 
sighing, ross gets up and checks his phone. 1:03 am. 
then he makes his way to the kitchen. maybe some tea might help… at least out of the bedroom he can finally sneeze into the crook of his elbow without worrying about waking her up. 
ross stumbles into the kitchen, his footsteps heavy with exhaustion and frustration. he flicks on the dim light above the stove, wincing as it illuminates the small space. his head throbs with each heartbeat, and he reaches up to massage his temples, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure. 
he tries not to be miffed about it—the fact that being out of the room instantly feels a bit better. it must the the honey in the tea, or the warm water. whatever it is, he refuses to admit it to himself that it may be her. that he’s been cocky about it this whole time only for it to bite him in the ass. 
“ross?” he startles and whirls around. 
despite the painful headache, his heart melts. she looks sleepy and soft—hair half out of the braid, his giant t-shirt drowning her a little, sliding off her shoulder. she squints her eyes against the light and rubs the sleep out of them.
“what are you doing, it’s—” she has to wait till the yawn passes “—so late. you alright?”
he nods, maybe a bit too quickly and fails to stifle a wince. the movement makes a twinge of pain slice through his head and her eyes train on him. 
“you’re being weird… are you unwell?”
“‘m not being weird,” he tries to reassure her. ross walks up to her, placing a hand on her waist so he could gently steer her back to their bedroom. “i’m fine, love. my throat feels a bit dry so i thought tea would help.” 
“your eyes are all red.”
“yeah, babe. i just woke up.” lie, lie, lie. “come on, you’ve got to be up early. go back to bed, i’ll join you in a sec.”
the skepticism on her face remains. “ross, if you’re ill—”
“i’m not ill, come on. would i do this if i were ill?” and then he kisses her. for a good thirty seconds. 
predictably (and to his delight) she goes all loose in his arms, clinging to him as if the kiss is the only thing that matters. that convinces her though and once they break apart, she hmphs. 
“fine, don’t be long.” and then she drags her feet back to the bedroom. 
ross stays in the kitchen for a bit longers, massaging his aching temples and hoping the tea works as some magical cure. he even manages to convince himself a little that it’s working, and maybe it is! 
finally, fifteen minutes later he gives up. he just wants to be in bed at this point. he’ll figure out the rest tomorrow. 
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ross wakes up alone to warm sunlight streaming in from the window, perhaps a bit too warm for an early spring day. everything feels weird and uncomfortable and stuffy, almost like he can barely breathe. exhaustion coats every cell in his body. 
what the fuck… 
he just woke up too, how is it possible to be this tired, this early in the morning. he stretches a little, trying to shake off the ickiness, until his eyes land on a post it stuck on the nightstand. 
i don’t know if you remember me telling you i was leaving for work early so i thought i’d leave a note. you looked really tired and uncomfy :( call me if you need me xx 
her neat handwriting stands stark against the paper. how did he miss her leaving for work? he has absolutely no memory of being even half-awake and he never sleeps in until this late. ross frowns and checks himself for a fever but his skin feels cool to the touch, normal. 
allergies. a voice chimes in again. allergies to pollen and spring and. allergies to your girlfriend. 
it’s incredibly childish to think of it that way, he knows it. but he also knows that if she knew her job was causing him this much discomfort, she’d be quite sad about it. so ross just shrugs it away and sends her a text
awake and feeling a lot better :) 
thirty seconds later, his phone pings. 
good, because i took half the day off to spend it with you ♡
despite himself, ross beams, feeling giddy like a teenager. it takes him some effort to get out of bed and shake off the fatigue. he should probably clean the room a bit before she comes back. his thoughts wander back to the last time—to him uncontrollably sneezing and coughing because of the pollen in her hair.
ross groans and tries to clear his throat again. 
somehow he manages to pass the time, doing little things here and there, getting on his playstation to see if any of his friends are free for a game (the are, but only for a bit). he makes himself a lazy lunch, quick and easy tin ravioli that she would 100% wrinkle her nose at (“pasta should be fresh though!”) and then he waits, scrolling on his phone to pass the time. 
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he wakes up to an onslaught of kisses and a huge bouquet of daisies. 
for a second ross wonders when he fell asleep. he didn’t even mean to fall asleep, the tiredness just dragged him under… 
“there you are,” she grins at him and places another kiss on his nose. ross tries not to blush like a high school girl. instead, he pulls her into a quick kiss. 
“i got you flowers!” the bouquet of daisies is thrust into his hands. the flowers are beautiful, each about the same size, white and fresh and pretty and she beams at him proudly. “made that one for you.”
“you are perfect…” he kisses her again and cradles the flowers closer. “any special occasion though?”
“nah, just thought you were a bit unwell and thought i’d get you flowers.”
ross brightens. he loves how thoughtful she is, loves that she made sure to get him flowers because she suspected he was sick.
all of it comes crashing the moment he feels the familiar itchy feeling build at the back of his throat, feels his eyes starting to water. he tries not to throw the flowers away as if they were made of fire but he has twist his body away from hers when he breaks out into a coughing fit. hacking and trying to get the flowers away from him. 
“shit, you okay?” she sounds alarmed and rubs her hand up and down his back. it barely registers while ross struggles to breathe. 
quickly she runs to the kitchen to get him some water. it takes him a bit to breathe and stop coughing so he can get some water down. 
“i didn’t know you were this sick!” 
“i’m not,” his voice sounds strained but she ignores him entirely and places the back of her hand against his forehead. 
“no fever,” she frowns. “but you looked so run down before…”
“i haven’t caught a bug i promise!”
she opens her mouth again to argue, about to say something but stops halfway through the sentence, her eyes widening and ross watches in real time as the realisation dawns on her. the room goes drop dead silent. 
“fuck…” she murmurs, “it’s hay fever, isn’t it.”
ross wants to deny it so desperately but all he can do is sit there and pout miserably. there’s nothing he can say that will undo it now. 
“how long?”
“how long what?”
“how long have you been feeling it? itchy eyes, the sneezing, coughing. you know what i’m talking about.”
he does but he doesn’t want to admit it. quietly, she move the flowers as far away as possible. ross palms the back of his neck, sheepish. “two weeks.”
“you’ve been miserable for what–two weeks? because of me! and you didn’t even tell me.” her face falls more and more with each word and ross wants to point out that this is exactly why he didn’t tell her, and now she’s upset anyway. convincing herself that she’s the reason he’s been feeling so horrible. 
“why didn’t you tell me?”
sheepishly, he spills everything—how he remembers the conversation about her ex, how he doesn’t want her to feel like she’s the one making him sick. 
“and i didn’t want you moving away for three months! you just moved in”
he sounds so petulant and childish to his own ears, he sounds like a seven year old, not a fully grown man. 
for a moment she says absolutely nothing. she only looks at him, bewildered and speechless. 
“did–do—” then she has to pause to take a deep breath. “did you take any antihistamines?”
and that’s when it dawns on him. ross opens his mouth and closes it again, like a fish. antihistamines. allergy medicine. a miracle of modern science easily available to him over the counter. something he didn’t even bother thinking about.
“did you?”
he hangs his head in shame, embarrassed that he didn’t think about it sooner until peals of her laughter jolt him back. she looks like she’s ready to collapse on the sofa, completely fucking floored by the giggles she can’t seem to suppress. 
“you are so dramatic!” she shrieks, manages to even get the whole sentence out between gasps and giggles. “you’d think you caught the black death or something.”
“oi!” ross flicks her her on the nose but joins in on the laughter too. he has been a fucking idiot, of course he has. “you said you had to move away every spring! because your ex had it that bad!”
“yeah because he had asthma, you idiot.”
with every new piece of information she reveals, ross feels his face warm up more and more. okay yeah… he really has been fucking dramatic about all this. 
“you really are an idiot, you know that?,” she catches her breath with a bit of effort and moves a bit closer to him. ross pretends to grumble but pulls her on his lap and holds her close.
“your idiot?” 
“don’t try to be cute, you’re not living this down.” she sounds stern for about two seconds before bursting into another fit of giggles and burying her face in his shoulder.  
“i’m not moving out the house just because you’re allergic to me, you know?” she teases once she’s sobered up enough. “you’ll be fine with some pills.”
he would be, now all he wants to do is make a mad dash to the pharmacy and buy whatever otc medication they have. it’s been hell as is, he just wants this feeling to go away. 
i’m not moving out the house…
his heart leaps up to his throat and relief floods his body. ross feels like he can finally breathe again (figuratively, at least). 
“i’m not allergic to you,” he counters, “i’m obsessed with you if anything.”
“flirting will not get you out of this!” but ross doesn’t miss the way her smile widens and she struggles to meet his eyes. if only he could stay like this forever…
he would have even, if not for another round of sneezes building up again. ross cringes, turning to the side. 
“shit shit! still, radioactive, sorry.” 
ross snorts, silently begging for the sneezes to go away. 
“let me make a pharmacy run for you,” she declares, putting her shoes back on and shushing him with a look before he can even protest. it’s fine though, he thinks, it's only twenty minutes. she’s coming back home to him anyway. 
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flowerhrt · 2 years
the end of love | daisy jones.
pairing: daisy jones x fem!reader
summary: two weeks after your break up, daisy decides to confront you and ask what's wrong.
warnings: it's the 70s, internalized homophobia, eddie being a bit of a dick, daisy is clean and the band is still together, reader is a lesbian.
a/n: i interpret daisy as a lesbian who deals with compulsive heterosexuality.
word count: 2.4k
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breathe in. breathe out. it's just one song. record it all in one go, ignore billy's stupid complaints, and then go home. 
well, what used to be home.
 “daisy, you ready to go?” she heard teddy ask from the other side of the recording booth. “yeah, i'm fine. let's get this over with.” the redhead said before taking a sip of the glass of cold water she had next to her. she closed her eyes as she felt the liquid make its way through her throat.
 breathe in. breathe out. she opened her eyes to find the band and camila next to teddy, all smiling encouragingly at her. daisy was about to smile back when the door to the recording studio opened abruptly. “holy shit, tell me i'm not late.” 
oh fuck.
 daisy felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. why is she here? she was supposed to be in new york, not los angeles.
 “y/n! you are kind of late.. hope it was for a good reason.” warren said with a wink “tell me the guy at least fucks good.” the drummer added while wiggling his eyebrows.
 the blue-eyed singer wanted to disappear. she tried to distract herself by playing with the hems of her long-sleeved white shirt. huh, funny. daisy thought. she always loved it when i wore this one.
 “yeah, warren. he fucked better than you ever will.” y/n answered, not before rolling her eyes at their friend.
 they didn't know y/n didn't fuck any guy last night.
 they didn't know y/n would never fuck a guy. ever. they didn't know y/n was late because she didn't know if she could face her ex girlfriend after she told her she was leaving for good. they hadn't seen each other for two weeks, and it was fucking torture for both of them. they had grown so used to always waking up next to each other, cooking together, and doing pretty much everything together, and god did it feel weird to not see each other for longer than a day. 
daisy felt like she couldn't breathe when y/n left. she always had to remind herself to breathe in and breathe out. it was as if the girl before her took all the oxygen in the world when she walked out of daisy's front door. right. she remembered bitterly as she felt the fabric of the shirt in her hands.
 daisy's front door. daisy's home. 
because she refused to move in with her even after three years of secretly seeing each other. she refused to let anyone know about their relationship. not even simone, who is like… them. and daisy understood, she obviously did.
 it was dangerous to be one of the world's most famous singers and openly date a woman. openly love a woman. openly say the word lesbian. people would crucify you in the street if they knew you were a homosexual. that was the main reason y/n was scared, she was just a tour photographer who happened to become close with the band and fall in love with daisy on the way. if the world knew she was into women, she would never get another job.
 daisy tried to tell her they would be okay, to screw the rest of the world. they loved each other. how could that ever be bad? as far as she knew, love wasn't a bad thing. but maybe she only thought that because she didn't have much experience with it. her parents hated her. men used her. she only has the band, simone, and y/n. had y/n. not anymore. 
“daisy!” her name being yelled at her got her out of the trance she was in. “are you going deaf or are you just high as shit?” eddie asked from the microphone. 
“she's in recovery, eddie. stop joking about that.” she heard a soft voice she could recognize anywhere snap back at him. “right, sorry.” the bassist said with his hands held up high as a way of showing surrender.
 y/n looked at her and they made eye contact for a solid second. daisy gave her a small smile and looked down. “alright, let's get this party started!” warren hollered as daisy put her headphones on to start recording. “okay, the end of love, take one.” 
the redhead remembered to breathe as she heard the first notes of the song.
 i feel nervous in a way that can't be named.
i dreamt last night of a sign that read, the end of love. 
she looked up and saw y/n drumming her fingers against her waist. she obviously knew the song was about her. ever since daisy met the photographer, almost every song she has written has been about her. the singer wrote the end of love the day after y/n walked out of her new york apartment. 
it's pitiful, she thinks. even when they're not romantically together anymore, she still writes about her.
 and i remember thinking even in my dreaming.
 it was a good line for a song. 
daisy tried to steady her breathing but when she looked at y/n she felt like she was about to pass out.
 breathe in. breathe out.
 breathe in. i can't fucking do this. 
the flower-named girl placed her headphones down and said a quick “i need some fresh air.” before storming out of the recording booth. daisy walked through god knows how many rooms, until she found an empty one in the back of the building, she sat on the floor and leaned against the door she had just walked through.
 you dumb fucking idiot, she thought. now they're all going to think you´re singing about someone in the room, or even worse, that you've relapsed and can't record a damn song. she can't go through this again.
 if the band thinking she was in love with billy dunne, when she's not even into men, was bad enough, them seeing her overreact this way is going to make them figure out she has been seeing someone. 
there was a minute of silence while she tried to think of an excuse to say when she gets back into the studio, but it was all interrupted by a soft knock coming from the other side of the wooden door she has been leaning against.
 “i'm fine, karen. just give me a second.” the blue-eyed girl said while running a hand through her long red hair. 
“i'm not karen, but if you want me to go get her, i can do that.” her heart sank as she heard y/n's voice.
 “no!” she heard her own voice answer in a quick desperate way. she grimaced at how pathetic she sounded.
 “well, is it okay if i come in?”
 one beat. two beats. daisy unlocked the door.
 the photographer walked into the room and sat on the opposite side of the singer, facing her. “do you want to talk about it?”
 “talk about what?” 
the girl sighed and leaned her face against the palm of her right hand. “about what just happened. you don't normally walk out of a recording session, daisy. not ever. are you okay?” she asked as she looked straight into daisy's big blue eyes.
 the singer stared back and bit her lip as she felt her eyes start to water. “i miss you.” 
“no.” she interrupted. “you say you love me but then decide to break up with me.” she says with a scoff. “without even letting me ask you what i did wrong. without even letting me try and fight for you. for us.” a tear streamed down her right cheek.
 it took everything in the girl before her to not wipe it, the way she always did. 
“listen, i understand being scared. do you think i'm not frightened of how the boys will react if they ever find out we are the way we are? but i didn't care as long as i had you. i know you have your doubts. but why did we have to hide from everyone? simone would never treat us differently. we both know she's a lesbian. just like you and i.” she pointed a finger at herself and the girl who now wouldn't dare to look her in the eye. 
“karen wouldn't either, she's too busy minding her own fucking business to be disgusted by us. even camila wouldn't care, she'd be delighted to know i've never felt an ounce of love for her husband” daisy was fully crying now. god, she loved her girlfriend so much. why wasn't that enough for her?
 “i left for that exact reason.” 
“what?” she asked.
 “you deserve someone who isn't afraid to love you. who isn't afraid of who she is.” y/n continued. “you know, billy and graham saw simone kiss her girlfriend at your birthday party” she said with a sarcastic laugh. “and they didn't give a single shit.” daisy was silent as she listened intently to her ex-girlfriend's voice.
 “when simone realized they saw her, she told them they'd been together for over five years. and shit, they truly didn't care. even warren said it wasn't fair simone found a girlfriend way before he met lisa.” y/n played with the rings placed around her fingers to avoid eye contact. “the entire band knows about simone, and they think it's normal.” 
daisy's heart was racing, she didn't know if it was excitement for simone, because her best friend was able to love her girlfriend without a care. or if it was happiness, because the rest accepting simone could only mean one thing. if the six don't care about simone and her girlfriend, then that means they won't care about her and y/n.
 the photographer was silent for a while, so daisy decided to speak first. “i don't really understand. you left me because you're afraid of them knowing about us. but, you also know they wouldn't care if they find out?” the singer´s eyes scanned her ex girlfriend´s face, trying to find an answer. 
“yeah… it's stupid.”
 “damn right, it fucking is!” daisy sighed. “i love you. you love me. we can at least tell them and simone about our relationship.”
 y/n was the one holding back tears now. “i want to. i truly do.” 
“then what's stopping you?” her voice softened at the sight of the girl she loves the most crying in front of her.
 “I can't openly love you, not when i can't even say… well, you know what.”
 “god, y/n. you didn't tell me you were still struggling with that. i could've helped you.”
 “i know you would've, but i didn't want to be a burden.” daisy slowly raised her arm and caressed y/n's cheek in the soft, loving way she always does. “you're not a burden. not ever. not to me.” the flower-named girl tucked the girl's hair behind her ear. 
“i love you. i love you so fucking much, i can't breathe when i'm without you.” she continued. “you helped me when i was trying to recover from my addiction. you were there when i got out of rehab. you've helped me stay clean.” 
“that was all you, daisy.” 
“yeah, but you were next to me the entire time. the least i can do is be next to you, while you learn to accept yourself.”  “it took me a while to come to terms with being a lesbian, too.” daisy said as she twirled a piece of y/n's hair around her finger. 
“i used to think the only way i could make it into the industry was by not caring about men stealing my music because at least people would hear them. fuck, i forced myself to want them, the same way they wanted me. because that was the closest i thought i'd ever get to being loved.” “but that's not what love is. love is what you and i have.”
 y/n placed her hand over daisy's. “i want to be brave, for you.”
 “you already are. you just need to be brave for yourself. because you deserve it.”
 “thank you, for everything.”  y/n gave her a soft small smile. “you don't have to thank me for anything, seeing you smile is good enough for me.” 
 the two women locked eyes, and they just stared at each other for a small moment. y/n's hands began to shake with desperation, she craved the feeling of daisy against her. and suddenly, she felt a force pulling her towards the redhead girl, daisy placed her hands on both sides of y/n's waist, and instinctively, as if her body was made to be next to her's, y/n placed her hands behind daisy's neck, the same way she has done for the past few years, their bodies were pieces of a puzzle made to be together.
 they both leaned into each other, they were so close, they could feel each other's noses rubbing together, daisy smiled at the sensation. “can i-” daisy started “you don't even have to ask.” the girl interrupted, before smashing her lips into the singer's.
 their lips locked, the two women having been in the exact same position hundreds of times, but this was different. this kiss was about understanding, about forgiveness, about acceptance, about moving forward. it lasted a few more moments until they were out of breath and had to pull away. 
“i love you, daisy jones.” the girl whispered against daisy's lips. “i love you, y/n l/n.” she answered with glossy, vibrant eyes. before getting back into her usual cocky self.
 “well, not to spoil my amazing new song, which is going to be a hit, but there's a specific lyric i think you're going to like.” she said, trying to fight back a smile. y/n rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's antics.
 “oh yeah? what is it?” daisy cupped y/n's cheeks and stared lovingly into her lover's eyes. “i've always been in love with you. could you tell it from the moment that i met you?” the redhead sang before kissing her beautiful girlfriend again, and again, and again.
 daisy still had to finish recording her song, and they still had to explain what took the photographer so long to find her, but luckily, this time y/n wasn't afraid to tell them the truth. 
we were reaching in the dark
that summer in new york
and it was so far to fall
but it didn't hurt at all.
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kpopbestie96 · 2 months
Meeting with you ex - Bang Chan
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this fun little short story. The photos Chan posted gave me inspo to write it. If he can be delusional, so can I! 😂 hope you enjoy it!
18+, cussing, flirting, she/her, y/n, fake text messages, photos of Chan from his Instagram
Italics means in thoughts
You slide onto your couch after experiencing an amazing Sunday that you haven't had in over two months.
It was finally the first day you didn't think about him because Sundays where the days that you would spend together. You knew that forgetting about him would take some time and still have a long way to go.
You put your favorite show on and heard your phone going off, assuming it's the friend's group chat, wanting to discuss today's fun adventures.
But when you picked up your phone you saw it was the ex you thought you were finally forgetting about. Fuck...of course he would text today...of all days!
You wanted to ignore the message; your brain was yelling at you to just delete it. But your heart was curious to see he wanted, wanted to know if he was okay. Ugh...im going to regret this...
You typed saying hi before nervously tossing your phone on the coffee table. I can't believe I did that, you layed down on your couch, placing a pillow over your face as you yelled into it. Why did I respond?? Why??? I was forgetting about him!!
A minute went by before a ding went off, indicating another message came through from him. Although, you were hoping it was truly anyone else. Welp, let's see what he wants. Why must my curiosity do this to me.
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"AAAAHHHHHHH", you screamed into your pillow again as you tossed your phone onto the couch next to you, hoping it disappears forever. Should I tell my friends? No...I won't hear the end of it...maybe after I'll tell them. That's if I even go...
The next morning came, and you got little to no sleep, tossing and turning from the night before. The moment your alarm went off, you stared up at your ceiling contemplating if you should go. I'm just going to text him that I can't make it.
But when you went to the messages you saw the smiley emoji he put, probably excited to meet up. Well fuck...you quickly jumped into the shower and began to think what he could possibly talk about at lunch. Mentally preparing yourself for anything that comes up in the conversation.
Rushing around your house, after doing your makeup, you found a simple summer dress, that's a bit short, it sits right about your knees. It's white with small daisies placed all over with spaghetti straps. You paired it with some cute plain white sandals that have a small heel.
Right before heading out you looked at yourself one last time in the mirror as your nerves began to grow. The same nerves made your stomach turn as you followed the GPS to the café Chan recommend.
There's a spot, you thought to yourself as you turned into it and parking the car. You stared out into the open, gripping the steering wheel, as you kept repeating in your head how you can't do this. Fuck it, I'm leaving. But when you went to restart the car, there was this guilt mixed with nervous feeling swirling around.
I guess I'll go for a bit, you thought as you looked in the review mirror before grabbing your bag and heading in to the café.
A hostess by the front door immediately greeted you as you walked up, asking if it was just you today or how many were in your party.
"No, I'm meeting someone here. I think he might be here already." And as you said that your ex did in fact message you that he was sitting down outside on the patio they have.
"Oh, he's actually sitting down outside," you pointed as the hostess smiled.
"Go right ahead," she waved her hand as you nervously walk to him.
Your legs began to feel wobbly and their were butterflies in your stomach flying around as you could see his black sunglasses sitting on his black hat.
And why the fuck is he wearing a tank top? Is he trying to show off his muscles?? Is he trying to make me want him again??
The closer you got, the more you thought about running away. But, as you were about to turn back around, Chan moved his head up and locked eyes with you.
You stood in your spot close to the table, with your breath hitched in your throat. He couldn't help but smile, showing off his dimples, making you melt in your spot. Fuck this man...ugh...
"Hey y/n, glad you made it." He got up and went to hug you but stepped back before he realized what he was doing.
You could see how awkward this was becoming so you decided to just hug him and get it out of the way. Oh this was a mistake, you thought as he wrapped his arms around you. The familiarity hit you hard as you missed his hugs. They felt like a warm blanket on a cold day, after you've been outside. You felt calm/relaxed as you could feel yourself melting into the hug.
"Umm let's sit down," He said clearing his throat as he broke up the hug.
You nodded your head as he pulled out your chair for you. "Oh, thank you." He's really not going to make this easy on me.
He sat down across from you as you couldn't help but take in his jewelry. Seeing his earrings, the necklace he bought when you and him were on vacation. His bracelets and his ring that sat on his right index finger, showing off his veiny hands.
"Soo how have you been?" He asked shyly as you snapped your eyes up to meet with him. Man, he's so fucking gorgeous. Okay stay strong, you can do this.
"I've been good, just working a lot. I had off today, so that's nice. How have you've been?"
"Good, working a lot too. Staying busy..."
"That's good," you cringed how how awkward this conversation was going, while the waiter walked up to take your drink and food order.
"Oh, went back to Australia..." He brought up after the waiter walked away.
"How was that? How's your family?"
"Everyone is good, doing well. Missed Berry so much!"
"Glad everyone is doing good, aww I miss Berry too."
"Here, let me show you this video I took of her. She was chasing a butterfly." He took out his phone to show you the video and other photos he took while he was there. You felt a bit more relaxed, feeling like normal with him. It was a nice way to break up the awkward tension.
You even recalled a memory of when you went with him to Australia and Berry kept wanting to hang out with you, ignoring Chan.
Moments go by that you and him don't realize the food and drinks are already being brought out as you both smiled before taking bites of your foods.
I can't believe how well this is going, you thought. Even while eating, you both would shared a laugh as you joked like a old times. He even began taking photos of you like when you guys were together, making you do the same.
"Sooo should we talk about it?" He asked taking a sip of drink, fidgeting with the straw as you became quiet. The smile that once sat on your face disappeared as you sat back in your chair. I should have known...I mean this is one of the things I thought he would bring up, you stared at the ground wondering what to say before looking back up at him.
"Um...Chan...we had such a nice day," you tried to say simply. Let's hold off for now..."
"But, you don't miss this?" he asked while pointing between the two of you.
You shrugged your shoulders because it was you who initiated the break up. But deep down you missed him so much, your heart would ache for him. You would want to show up to his house but knew you couldn't.
"Look, I'm going to be honest with you," he sat up in his chair while he cleared his throat. Oh no, you thought as you shifted uncofortably in your seat. "I miss you so much. I missed this. Yes, I just wanted to come to lunch and see how you were doing but this made me realize how much I want you back."
You nodded you head because you knew what he meant. This lunch reminded you how much you still love him. "But we broke up for a reason...I just think..."
"Think about it, please...and we'll talk more about it," he said interrupting you. You nodded your head before he change the subject and had you laughing moments later.
After talking for a bit more, he walked you to your car to say goodbye. "Let me know when you get home."
"I will," you displayed a soft smile right before he wrapped his arms around you, making your body tense for a few seconds. I need to calm down, you thought as you brought your hands up and wrapped your arms around his toned torso, closing your eyes tightly. Wow, I really did miss you.
Neither one of you wanted to let go as you could feel the tears wanting to form. You wanted to cry out, yelling how much you missed him and want to be back together. But, you blinked your eyes to push the tears away, making you move your head up and locking eyes with him. Then, mistakenly, your eyes dropped to his pink pillow-like lips that you immediately regret looking at, making you shoot your eyes back up at his.
You could see him smirk, knowing you were caught. Fuck..."If you want to...you can just ask." He snickered as you could feel your cheeks become warm, mentally palming your forehead for becoming weak for him. Why must he have this affect on me???
"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." you said wiggling your way out of his hug and taking a step back.
"Really? I saw your eyes fall down to my lips," He had the biggest smile on his face, seeing the tips of his ears a bit red.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." you crossed your arms in front of your chest as you moved your head to the side, trying to play it off. Although, you knew he wasn't going to let this go.
"So you didn't do this?" He took a small step towards you, gently placing his right index finger on your cheek. You shivered under his touch and his cold ring that made contact. He slowly moved your head to face him as he moved his eyes down towards your lips this time before meeting your gaze again.
"I- I...uh don't know what you mean," you laughed flirtatiously as you playful pushed him away. You could feel your cheeks become warm as you knew what he was doing.
"Oh, I'm sorry, let me get closer," He said taking a huge step toward you this time, towering over, making you look up at him. Your bodies so close you could put a pencil in between you two and it wouldn't fall.
You mouth was a bit agape as your eyes were locked with his, feeling as if you were in a trance. "This," he said moving his eyes slowly down to your lips then back up at your eyes. You felt a knot in your stomach form as your pressed your lips tightly together from trying to keep yourself from smiling. Don't break, you can do this!
"I did no such thing..." you seductively said, catching yourself off guard.
He moved his hand up, pushing a strand of hair out of your face, making goosebumps rise on your arm. "So you don't want to kiss me?" He inched his head lower towards yours as you were losing breathing. You looked down at his lips seeing how close they are to yours. If you puckered your lips, they would immediately touch his.
Fuck....why...why! This man, I swear! You moved your eyes up to his, feeling his smile against your lips, "So you didn't move your eyes down to look at my lips, to want to taste them again?" He tucked his left hand in your hair as his right hand grabbed yours.
You could only softly nod your head yes as he closed his eyes, making you do the same as you awaited for it. Oh shit, oh shit, is the only thing you thought as you waited for the kiss. But you opened your eyes when you felt nothing happening, seeing him back away from you. "Guess I imagined," he shrugged.
"Christopher!" You yelled as he began to laugh.
"Hey, I didn't do anything," his laughed filled your ears as you couldn't believe he teased you like that. Can't believe him!
"You know what you did!" You pointed at him as you tried to hold in your laughter because you did find it amusing. Even if he made you almost break.
"I don't know what you mean," his tongue poked the side of his cheek knowing you love when he does that.
"That's it, I gotta go," you threw your hands up in defeat before digging in your purse for your keys.
"Thank you for coming, get home safe!" He said after calming his laughter down.
"I will, you do too!" You pretend to say in a angry voice.
On the car ride home, you could feel a smile spread across your face. The feeling of how close his lips were still lingered making you giggle to yourself. If someone looks into my car, they're going to think I'm crazy. Definitely not telling my friends about that.
As soon as you got home, you lied down on your couch and messaged Chan that you made it. I should don't it, but as quick as you were to think, the quicker you were to scrolling through the photos you took of him.
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Maybe I should get back with him I missed him so much. And, we had a really fun time today...you thought as you saw a message pop up from Chan.
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You sat staring at the screen, feeling your heart beating against your chest. Just do it, just say it! Your fingers began to quickly dance against your phone screen, not reading it back before you hit send.
Like the shy person you are, you quickly locked your phone and set it in the coffee table. You stood up, letting out some strange noise because of how nervous you are feeling. 'Its fine...I'm fine', you said out loud as you walked away from what you did.
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* Part two of Meeting with your ex- Bang Chan (the end)
* Other Stray Kids stuff I made
* My stories on Wattpad and A03
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its-vannah · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy | Warren Rojas x Reader
A/N: Warren is so fun to write for—I can't lol
Request: hey!!! can you write a warren x reader one-shot where they are dating and the reader is a movie actress and has a very intimate scene with her costar and warren gets jealous?
Warnings: Profanity, intimate scene with costar, Warren being Warren
Taglist: @celestialstar111
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Warren stomped around his houseboat, fuming, "He was basically ripping your clothes off, Y/N!"
"Warren, I'm an actress," You grumbled, following him around every corner as he rambled on and on about having to watch you get intimate with another guy, "It's part of my job."
"You could've said no!" He exclaimed, turning on his heels, his hands flying in the air, "You think I want to watch my girlfriend screw—screw some random guy while I watch?"
Warren Rojas, on the surface, was a carefree, laid-back guy who happened to play in a world famous band and own a houseboat. But deep down, he was insecure in his relationships. Jealousy came easily to him, something you hadn't realized when the two of you started seeing each other.
But that was one minor setback with the two of you. It was better than your ex, who made it his personal goal to try and turn you from an actress who loved what she did to a little housewife who did as she was told.
"I told you—I warned you—that we were doing that scene today," You hissed, "Of all the days you could've come, you had to choose that one?"
He shrugged, "I wanted to make sure he didn't pull a move on you."
"We had a whole film crew watching us—what move would we have pulled?" You asked.
"I don't—I don't know... He seems flexible from what I saw," Warren stuttered, his hands on his hips, "Either way, I don't know that I like the idea of my girlfriend sleeping with other guys."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm not sleeping with other guys, Warren! You're the only guy I'm sleeping with."
The tension in his shoulders loosened a bit. You could see the way they dropped slightly, not as rigid as they had been when the arguement started.
He scratched the back of his neck, "You're the only girl I'm sleeping with."
"That's because we're dating, baby," You said, unable to hide the smile on your face.
Warren tapped his foot against the deck, "So, you didn't...feel anything?"
Crossing your arms, you looked him up and down, "Feel...? Like his thing pressing into my thigh or an attachment?"
"Both?" His voice raised at the end, unsure if what he was saying would upset you.
"Is that a question or an answer, Warren?"
He sighed, running a hand through his curls, "A question."
You shook your head, "No, I didn't feel anything. You know you're the only guy for me. It's you or nothing."
His eyes lit up, "Wait—really?"
"Warren, you've been grilling me about having fake sex with my costar for the past twenty minutes and the second I tell you that you're the only one—you stop?"
His cheeks reddened and he bowed his head, his hands clasping behind his back as he rocked back and forth on his heels, "Maybe..."
You took a step towards him, your hands cupping his face and pulling him to you. Your lips met, moving against one another's.
When you finally pulled away, Warren had a dreamy expression plastered over his face.
"I'm sorry," He apologized, "I should've... I should've trusted you more. I was being an asshole. I just—I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to lose me," You said, taking his hands in yours, "I love you, Warren. And before you ask—yes, I mean it."
Warren pressed a kiss to your forehead, "I love you, too, honeybun."
You usually cringed at his nickname for you, as it always struck you as being sickeningly sweet. But this time, it felt different. It rolled off his tongue.
He leaned forward, bringing his mouth to your ear, whispering, "Do you want to take this to my room?"
"You want to screw me on your houseboat?"
Warren playfully gasped, taking a step back, his brows raised, "Me? Screw you? No, I want to make love to you."
"Don't get all sappy on me, Rojas," You said, heading in the direction of his room.
"Wait, so is that a yes?" He called out, but you didn't respond, "Y/N?"
Warren chased after you, a smile painted on his face. He'd chase after you for the rest of his life to remind you how much he loved you, even if you already knew.
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Love in Lace
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 858
Summary: Some days Bucky works long, hard hours taking care of 'business' and you always know the best way to help him wind down.
Author's Note: Just because I love him so! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the sweet @firefly-graphics Thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: sweet, softness and s-ex-i-ne-ss, Bucky is definitely d-o-mish here but we love it 😁
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Steve walks out the door with a nod Bucky’s way and a smile yours. After the door closes, Bucky pulls you close, kissing your forehead on a long and drawn-out exhale. With another tug he has you in his lap and wraps his arms around you.
“Want to sit out on the balcony? See if we can find any stars?
You whisper the words into his skin, kissing along his throat before you find his lips as your fingers mindlessly toy with the open buttons of his collared shirt and the loose tie around his neck.
“I’ll grab the wine…” he says, sighing happily. “Think I’ve earned it today.”
“You earn it every day,” you tell him as you take his face between your hands and pepper it with soft kisses.
His contented hums come between his attempts to capture your lips but when you pull away he pouts.
“I’m going to put on my jammies! I’ll meet you out there in five!”
He squeezes you tighter against his chest making it impossible for you to leave his arms. You giggle and snuggle into his embrace.
“Or we can just stay here.”
“How about I just carry you out there so I don’t have to let go,” he murmurs as he buries his face in your neck.
“I’ll be quick I promise,” you assure him.
“You better be doll face,” he relents, releasing you. “But if you take too long, I’m coming to get you!”
He wiggles his fingers enticingly with a wicked smile. You rush off to the bedroom and dig through your drawer. Shuffling things around, you see a flash of lace and pull out a teddy you’d recently bought but never worn.
You pause with the delicate lace in your hands, mulling over an idea. Maybe this is just what he needs after a long day of business.
Slipping your clothes off, you change into the teddy and check your figure in the mirror. You wait, knowing Bucky will be back in no time when you don’t show up by the balcony.
You hear his bare feet on the carpet and you turn to see him standing in the doorway.
“It’s been more than five minu…” he simpers, but his voice tapers off into a groan as soon as he lays eyes on you. “Oh fuck doll.”
“What do you think of my new jammies?” you ask, doing a little twirl.
“Fucking hell baby doll,” he says, his eyes wide and his jaw slightly slack. “You look sexy as fuck. Do another twirl for me.”
He spins his finger around as his eyes darken.
You do another, this time a slow circle so he can take in every inch of you and when you look over your shoulder, wanting to see his reaction, he’s stalking toward you.
He grabs you and you expect him to shred the lace and throw you onto the bed. Instead, he wraps his large hand around the back of your neck and slides his thumb across your jaw, pressing it just under your chin until your eyes meet his.
As he stares in awe he drags you closer, dipping his head and running his nose over your skin.
“You tease me…and I love it,” he whispers in your ear, running a gentle finger along the edge of the lace at your cleavage. He smiles as goosebumps break out along your skin.
He roughly grinds his hips against you but his touch is reverent as he slips his finger under the slim strap at your shoulder.
“Do you like it?” you ask, looking up from under your lashes and smoothing his loose tie between your fingers.  
“Like?” he asks, lifting one strap and easing it off your shoulder.
His fingertips trace down your arm and he shakes his head.
“No. I fucking love it and I’m going to fuck you in it, this sexy little lingerie that has me so hard for you.”
You whimper and tremble in his arms, desperate for anything he’ll give you.
“Yes Bucky. Please. Do it. Now!”
He steps back, his tie slipping from your fingers and resting against the bare skin of his chest, now exposed with the open buttons of his shirt.
“Doll,” he warns. “You know better than that. Who’s in charge here?”
You drag your bottom lip between your teeth. “You are.”
“There’s my good girl. Now get on the bed, on your knees and face down.”
You hurry to do as he says and you feel him move behind you, his presence filling all your senses.
He runs a gentle, intimate hand over your ass cheek, so soft, almost like a whisper.
“Look at you. You’re soaked and I’ve barely touched you.”
With a soft kiss to your skin he moves downward, bringing his mouth closer to where you need him but when you lift your ass more, tempting and taunting him, he stops and the next thing you feel is the hard smack of his hand.
“I know what you want doll, and I’ll give it to you, but when I’m ready. Until then, I’m going to take my time.”
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@book-dragon-13 @goldylions @hiddles-rose @sebstanwhore @littleseasiren @kmc1989 @randomfandompenguin @hallecarey1
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flowerandblood · 11 months
The Prince and The Fox (Preview)
[ modern! • Aemond x friend! • fem!reader ]
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[ description: After the events of her childhood, despite her best efforts, her neighbor and the younger brother of her friend Helaena, Aemond, does not want to know her. This state lasts until a house party organized by his older brother, Aegon, during which an incident occurs that will change their relationship forever. Slow burn, angst, sexual abuse, groomer ex-Alys, rough Aemond. This is several anon requests combined into one fic. ]
WARNING: The main plot between the characters takes place in high school. Yes, in high school. The belief that teenagers wait with an intimacy when they are in love in high school is ridiculous to me. Aemond and the character here are the same age. Don't ask me how old they are, in my country you are of the age of consent in your first year of high school and an adult in the last year of high school, so if it is more convenient for you, think about it that way and decide for yourself. In this story, I am not following the trail that they are magically friends right away, but how they become friends and what that even means. I'm writing this fic to give the perspective of young, lost people, not adult women who want to see exactly themselves in everything they read. If that's all you expect, this isn't the fic for you.
I don't want whining about this in my comments or asks. I will delete these and block you. You have been warned.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
"Which scene do you want to talk about?" He asked coldly, dispassionately, and she swallowed loudly.
"About the Little Prince and the Fox." She said quietly, feeling him give her a brief glance.
He grunted under his breath, apparently agreeing with her choice, waiting for her elaboration on the matter. She swallowed with difficulty, licking her lips.
"What moved me most was how true this scene is. That the greatest enemy of friendship, or any close relationship, is haste. That only by respecting someone's barriers, only by approaching someone slowly and with understanding, can you really look at them from a distance.
By taming someone, by making that person grow attached to you, you take partial responsibility for that person's feelings, for making them trust you enough to believe that you won't intentionally hurt them with your behaviour. Until we really get to know someone we are just a crowd of people passing each other on the street."
She said in a trembling voice, feeling for some reason tears under her eyelids and a tightness in her throat, her eyebrows arched in pain, her lower lip began to tremble, she played with the material of her white daisy dress in a nervous gesture.
She felt him watching her, an awkward silence fell between them.
She couldn't look at him.
She thought he was going to say something cruel, that he was going to tell her to stop wailing, but he said nothing. After a while he spoke up.
"I see this scene differently. They're both moving towards each other because they're determined to do so. They are both going their separate ways. There is a balance. The Little Prince doesn't force the Fox to approach him, just as the Fox doesn't force the Little Prince to approach him. They do it of their own free will. They tame themselves because that's the decision they made. You can't tame someone who doesn't want it." He said lowly, and she looked up at him feeling tears begin to run down her face.
Was he talking about himself?
Was she the Fox who wanted to tame him even though he didn't want it?
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horrorxxsapphic · 1 year
Breath of life
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D.J Masterlist
Summary: Daisy is struggling with having to deal with Billy and being sober, but you give her a breath of life
Warnings: mentions of drugs, drug usage/ex addiction, Billy Dunne being Billy Dunne
a/n: Not thoroughly proofread, pls reblog
wc: 1.1k
“From the top Daisy,” Billy calls out through the speakers, they’ve been recording a new song Billy wrote called “More fun to miss”. It’s a gag song he made to spite her, and Daisy knows it. She's been tight-lipped singing for the past hour, completely over Billy and his antics.
“Can’t we just call it a day? I’m not feeling it” she mumbles with an attitude into her mic, adjusting her bulky headset to hear better. “Not feeling it? Daisy get it together we have an album to make no one cares about your little attitude” Billy’s voice turns cold and stern like a father yelling at his child for not obeying him. Daisy feels her body begin to get warm with anger, she hates how he feels like he can order anyone around.
“I’m not your fucking kid, I said I’m not feeling it. It’s a wrap” Daisy pulls her chunky headphones from over her head, slamming them down on the music stand in front of her. Looking Billy sternly in the eyes as she rips her way out of the dim brown studio.
“Fucking dickhead” she says under her breath, walking briskly with her thick heels echoing through the corridor to the nearest closet-sized bathroom slamming its door behind her. The fluorescent light in there gives off a light blue hue in the gray-toned space, Daisy looks at herself up close in the somewhat dirty mirror with the sink gently digging into her lower stomach pulling at her dull eye bags and softly stretching the dry skin on her cheeks upwards.
She sighs to herself putting both hands on the corresponding edge of the sink and hanging her head down in defeat, she can feel the urge to dig back into her hiding place under the sink where her secret stash of coke is. Her left-hand slides under the sink where she feels the small yellow packet still taped where she left it, Daisy pulls the packet from under the sink and stares at the small bag that makes such a big impact on her life, feeling her chest start to get tight and her nose beginning to burn.
“Daisy you’re home” y/n calls out, greeting Daisy with open arms nestling her face in Daisy’s neck.
Y/n and Daisy have been dating for a little while before she was dryly welcomed (On Billy’s part) into what is now known as Daisy Jones and the six, y/n used to attend her small bar shows and cheer her secret lover on even when no one in the room was watching.
But let's be real, who wouldn’t have their eyes on Daisy? Y/n and Daisy met at Daisy’s family’s weekly house parties, Daisy’s parents know y/n parents through mutual friends. Everyone knew of Daisy’s parents or known by old family and friends, Margaret Jones.
Daisy Jones was born out of her own deadly loneliness.
At one of the first and last cocktail parties the Jones invited y/n and her family too, y/n was lucky enough to run into Daisy who was held up in her hippy-themed bedroom. Y/n too wanted to escape the snobbiness of downstairs events and wanted to locate the quietest room she could find, which led her to find the doe-eyed face of the love of her life.
Daisy didn’t shoo away the slightly flushed face of her future love, and instead saw the desperation on her face and told her to sit by her. This led to small talk, which turned into deep conversations, which then turned into them slick with sweat and handfuls of each other's hair.
“How was today?” y/n asked softly with her face still laying on the warm crook of Daisy’s neck. Daisy doesn’t say anything In return but instead tightens her arms around y/n waist putting her head on top of her shorter girlfriend's head. Y/n took that as bad news and sigh softly before answering, “What did Billy do now?”, “Just him being him as always” Daisy answers with a quick response. And with that she pulled away furrowing her brows, covering her face with her hand.
“But that’s not all….. this time” she pauses, avoiding my eyes which makes me nervous. I remember the last time she acted like this, it wasn't something good.
“Daisy… what’s wrong?” Y/n says nervously as she pulls away from their slightly intimate moment but still holds both her hands between them. Daisy doesn’t say anything as she sits down on the seat behind her, slouching down with her face in her hands. “Baby you can talk to me” y/n whispers, squatting down in front of the redhead. “I was…” Daisy said, pausing as she dropped her hands that were covering her face, her eyes filled with tears, and her cheeks turning a cotton candy pink shade. “I was so close today, SO close,” she said with her words caught in her throat, Y/n doesn’t say anything back. Waiting for Daisy to get all her words out.
“I was so close to using today” Daisy finally gets out, and y/n softly grabs Daisy’s hands and kisses both of them firmly while making eye contact with her. Daisy gets off her chair and knees in front of Y/n on their fluffy green rug and Y/n does the same, nearly matching Daisy in height. “It’s never gonna be easy is it?” Daisy cries out grabbing onto her long-term girlfriend's frame, clinging onto her as her own body shakes as she weeps.
“It might not be easy now, but you're stronger than it is, Dais, You are,” Y/n says in Daisy’s ear, slowly rocking the two.
“Then why doesn’t it feel like it?”
“It will get better, I promise”
Daisy pulls back to stare at Y/n who meets her puffy-eyed glare. Daisy makes the first move, putting her forehead on Y/n’s sighing softly as Y/n matches her movement inching closer, with barely any space between the two lovers. Y/n can her girlfriend's breath on the top of her lips and smiles.
“Everything is gonna be okay Daisy…. I promise”.
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nikki-is-a-nerd · 5 months
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Lemon drops (deke shaw x water bending!reader)
From Strangers to Friends to Lovers. Deke won’t do what he did to Daisy ever again but that doesn’t mean you won’t do it for him…with your own little twist.
Tiny break from Ezra by writing about my beloved future man/rockstar/tech genius/shield director/agent baby boy.
Deke is a strange person to you. He's sarcastic, surprisingly smart, quick on his feet and funny. You also learned that he likes Daisy, not shocking but very interesting. You weren't one to speak much around the others, Fitz and Jemma would try to encourage you but you don't really talk unless you need to. You've observed his and everyone's movement since getting back to your actual timeline and Deke's past and you've decided that Deke doesn't deserve the harsh and rude treatment from the others, except Jemma, she's naturally kind and caring.
It was a regular day for you when you bumped into a seething deke who just exited the lab. Seeing as he was walking fast and you were clumsy by default you fell down.
"...Ow..." You said quietly.
Deke's eyes widened in shock and immediately offered his hand to help you get up.
"I'm so sorry." He said.
"All good. The worst it could do is a bruise." You said bluntly.
You looked at him carefully and continued speaking.
"You seem upset. Let's eat." You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the pantry and rummaged around for food.
"You know, I think this is the first time I've ever been alone with you." Deke said.
"That makes sense, I prefer to stay away and practice."
"Are you like daisy?" Deke asked.
"Sort of. Inhuman? Yes. Same power? No. She can cause earthquakes, I can control any liquid, but mainly water." You answered kindly.
"That's cool. Why do you avoid people?" Deke asked again.
"I avoid people because I get anxious. I may be an agent but I'm not good with socializing." You said bashfully.
You made a simple sandwich paired with sliced up apples and handed one to Deke and one for you. You sat quietly, when you let your curiosity surface.
"Why were you upset? Is it because of the rest of the guys? I apologize if they treat you badly." You said softly.
"It's alright, it's not even your fault, you shouldn't apologize. In fact you and Jemma have been the nicest to me!" He exclaimed. He took a deep breath and continued.
"I was upset since I gave daisy a bunch of lemons, she didn't get it, then I found out she's still very much in love with her dead ex, so I didn't say anything. The others found out and they made fun of me and I already felt excluded from the team." He said before hiding his head with his hands.
"what does the lemons mean?" You asked.
"Traditionally in my time, you leave a bunch of lemons on the bed of the person you like as a way to tell them that you have feelings for them." He answered.
"That's cute. You're giving something that's basically a luxury to you. That's romantic." You said truthfully.
You stored that knowledge into your head as you spent that entire day with deke. You can say that after that, you two became friends. You truly enjoyed his company, even taking him with you when you train your powers. Deke has been silently pining for Daisy and you let your new feelings for your new friend grows as well. It really isn’t hard to fall for Deke, for you anyway. Deke
Months go by and everyone has been busy dealing with hydra’s resurgence and the new assassin shield now has to deal with. You were training while Deke kept you company with small talk until he went silent for a bit.
"So hear me out." Deke spoke out after the silence.
"Shoot." You said as you sent various sharp icicles flying into various targets.
"You never spoke of your feelings. Like romantically. So do you like anyone?"
His question threw you off guard so much so that you caused your water whip to freeze and shatter. You looked back at deke slowly, eyes wide.
"We are not having this conversation." You said cheeks already red.
"you're blushing! Who is it?" He said excitedly.
“Deke, we literally have an assassin to deal with, you really want to know who i have romantic feelings for?” You asked him.
“Yeah, i mean if an assassin who is genetically modified is out to get all of you, i want to know.” Deke said as he started throwing a rubber ball on the wall.
“Well I don’t have any.” A huge lie on your part but he doesn’t need to know.
Before Deke could ask again, Mack entered the training room and called you, a mission was being given to you. Deke watched you leave and he looked at Mack about to follow you out.
“Its a one on one meeting Deke, she’s gonna be fine. Go find Fitz and Simmons, they might need you.” Mack said.
“Can’t I wait outside Coulson’s office and wait for (Y/N) to leave?” Deke asked as he walked towards the door.
“No, but she’s gonna be fine. She’s strong.” Mack said.
“She’s strong, yeah, no shit. I know that.” Deke said under his breath mockingly.
Deke didn’t see you for nearly a month when you went undercover in Hydra. The radio silence he got made him anxious that even Daisy was annoyed by his pacing.
“Deke for the love of God! Stop Pacing!” Daisy said exasperated as she opened his door.
“(Y/N) has been radio silent for nearly a month! What if she’s hurt! Or worse dead! I’m sorry if i care about her too much that im afraid for her life.” Deke exclaimed.
Daisy gasps and a smile blooms on her face as she just realized something.
“You love her!” She said excitedly.
“What? No! I mean-but no! I gave you the lemons!” Deke exclaimed.
“Yeah that was months ago. You and (Y/N) have been attached by the hip since then and now you two are apart, you’re worried as hell! You like her!” Daisy reasoned.
“So maybe i do. What do you people do to show affection? Cause lemons apparently don’t scream i love you apparently.” Deke asked.
“Just be normal and tell her.” Daisy answered.
“Right, good one. Really what do i do?” Deke asked again.
When daisy just gave him the look he realized it wasn’t a joke and he was mortified. Tell you, face to face? That sounds worse than dying to a kree.
“I’ll think about it.” He said when Daisy stared at him.
When Daisy was about to leave, Coulson opened the door and told them to follow him to the meeting room. Everyone else was already there, save for you.
“Its time we extract agent (Y/L/N) from where she sent off her signal. Based on her last message to us, the assassin, Ruby, has had her suspicions on her now and its no longer safe for her to keep extracting data and sending it to us. YoYo, Mack, May and Daisy, you’re all with me. Deke, Jemma and Fitz, prepare the med bay to check up on (Y/N) and see if they injected or implanted anything on her that would compromise her in anyway.” Coulson spoke.
“Wait, why can’t i go?” Deke asked.
“Simply put, its too personal for you. It might endanger both you and (Y/N).” May answered.
Deke nodded his head in resignation and left with Fitz and Simmons. He assisted them in anyway and tinkered with some other tech laying around the lab to get his mind off of you. He didn’t know how long it was since the team left and returned but when he heard the lab doors open, he immediately stood up and carried your unconscious form to the bed and let Jemma check on you.
“What happened?” Fitz asked first.
“They figured her out and sent that Ruby chick to kill her. (Y/N) was lucky that she figured it out and was prepared. When we arrived, ruby was distracted enough that (Y/N) was able to freeze her legs in place but she shot her twice and she already had various cuts during their fight. She fell unconscious after a while. May and Daisy were the ones to try stop the bleeding but she still passed out.” YoYo spoke.
Deke stayed in the far corner, just watching Jemma care for your unconscious form. Since that night you’ve remained unconscious. They allowed your unconscious self to be moved into your room for more comfort, Jemma and Fitz often came by to check on you. Daisy came around to change your clothes and scold Deke for not showering. The rest had to continue with the mission and decode all the encrypted data you were able to get. Deke watched over you for as long as he could, often falling asleep in your room.
This time around Deke felt something was different today, a little more hopeful. He was cleaning your room when he heard you grunt when you accidentally moved your hand a little bit more and finding them a bit stiff. Deke wordlessly helps you sit up and hands you a glass of water.
“How long was I out for?” You asked Deke.
“A week and a half. You had a bunch of injuries that needed to be tended too, you lost a significant amount of blood, you had poison in your bloodstream that we had to filter out. Safe to say your body needed to recover.” Deke said.
“Sorry if that made you worried.” You said sheepishly.
“Its fine. It shook me up. This life of yours. Its not like mine, you willingly go to dangerous places and do dangerous things and that scares me.
“I understand that. Honestly the only reason I willingly pug myself through this is because, I don’t know what else im good for.” You admitted.
“You can do that healing thing you do. Stay here, be support or back up. Stay safe…with me, here.” Deke said holding your hand.
“Hey Deke, can you hand me my bag.” You said.
“Uh…sure.” Deke said as he grabbed the small pack and handed it to you.
Deke watched you rummage through your belongings until you managed to find what you were looking for.
“Give me your hand.” You told Deke.
Deke wordlessly handed you his hand and he felt you press something into his palms. He gave you a curious look and you smiled at him urging him to look at what you gave him. When he opened his palms he gave a small laugh as he saw a small pack of lemon hard candies in his hand.
“They didn’t have actual lemons in their pantry but they did have candy at least. Its not the same but i hope the message is clear.” You said as your faced flushed red.
“I get it! Lemons. You technically gave me lemons!” Deke said happily as he kept the lemon candies in his pant pocket.
He stood up and held your face gently as he leaned down to your level and gave you a soft kiss. You immediately reciprocated the gesture and held onto him, lacing your fingers through his hair. You two were too busy to notice your heart monitor going insane that Jemma had to rush to your room only to see you and Deke kissing. Jemma smiled and left quietly as you and deke relished the feeling of a new journey together.
Deke also made you promise to tell Coulson that you’re staying mainly as additional healer and purely back up for his sanity to which you agreed to. Not because he said so but because fighting no longer felt right for you.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
More Than This | Warren Rojas x Reader
request by anon: "22. “You’re not going to settle for that. Not if I have anything to say about it.” with warren and fem reader?? where warren is jealous of readers bf (now ex) cause she leaves him for warren. kinda got inspo of nicky and daisy’s fight and then warren steps in to help & defend her"
a/n: hello babe!! i love write for Warren, thanks for request, i hope u like and let me know your opinion about.
prompt: 22. “You’re not going to settle for that. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
words: 1.5k
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Warren was always a peaceful man, nothing annoyed him easily. It was as if he was shielded against everything, either he didn't know what was going on or he didn't care enough to do anything about it.
But this changed when you brought your boyfriend to spend some days with you on tour. You're a photographer of Daisy Jones and The Six, you always loved to photograph, since when your mother gave you a camera as a birthday present when you were a teenager, it was like starting a fire, a passion. After it you have invested in your career as a photographer and there you are, photographing the world's biggest band.
Actually the band was doing the Aurora tour, it was your first tour with them, you started working with the band as soon as the album started to be created. Since then you became very close to the band members, more to some than others, like with Warren, the relationship you had with the drummer was totally different than the one you had with Billy Dunne. You were very close and connected to each other.
You two are so close that Warren was the member you most liked to photograph, you've a lot of photos of him, during the concerts, practices, parties, on the bus or photos of you and him. Sounds strange but he was the first to make a friendship with you, you understand each other so well and always took care of each other.
For this reason Warren was so worried with your boyfriend, he try to be nice with the guy, but he couldn't trust that guy, everything on him looked so fake and the drummer feels that someone perfect as you shouldn't even talk to such a man. This could be confused with jealousy, and maybe it was, but the drummer ignored it, because the only thing that matters it's your girl's happiness.
You and your boyfriend "John" start dating before the first concert of the tour, you just had some dates when he asked you to be his girlfriend, you were surprised but accepted because you feel that this could work and could love him the same way he loves you.
In the beginning that was good, he calls you everyday, asks about your day, listens to you, and says how much he loves you and you do the same. It was all beautiful and perfect, but over time things were changing, he didn't call you like before or didn't answer his calls and when he answered he said he was too tired to talk. In a fight he said all this situation is your fault and said you are doing this to get him away from you.
You felt guilty, you felt that you weren't paying much attention to him, that you were neglecting your relationship and must have driven him away. You even thought about going home to be with him and work it all out, but the curly-haired drummer wouldn't allow you to go.
You always talk with him about it, he listens and advise you, he always say that all of this is not your fault and sometimes he blame John for it, but you were always fighting with him when he talked that way about your boyfriend, you knew him, he wouldn't be pulling away on purpose, he loved you.
Oh but if you only knew how crazy Warren got when you talked about this guy, he was a fucking asshole, he could see it clearly, the guy was the king of assholes, and deserved everything bad for making you suffer like that. He couldn't believe it, what a girl like you was doing with a guy like that?
You were like a angel in the earth for him, gracing everyone with your charm, you deserved so much more than that idiot could give you and Warren was not a perfect man, he was not perfect for you, in fact the drummer faithfully believed that no one was perfect for you, but he sure could do better than that.
He was so outraged and nothing could change his mind about John, he knew a taker when he saw one and all he wanted to do was open your eyes, make you see who your boyfriend really was, but every time he pointed out the guy's mistakes you defended him, he didn't understand, you knew he was wrong and kept accepting the shit he was doing to you.
So when he sees John with you at the concerts he did everything to not hit him with a champagne bottle. Besides that, he made it clear that he didn't like John.
That night there was a pool party at the hotel given by Eddie. Graham, Karen e Daisy was there, but you don't, you were in your room because you were feeling down. So Warren didn't go to the party, a party isn't a good party if your favorite person wasn't there, and also he couldn't party while you were unwell.
But your boyfriend doesn't think the same, because he went to the party, left you alone in the bedroom, when you called the sweet drummer to be with you. When Rojas heard about it he almost went to the party just to hit that asshole, that idiot would regret it all, of course he wouldn't do anything in front of you he didn't want to scare you, it would be better to settle it somewhere hidden where he could take all his anger out on John.
While he couldn't do it, you and him were playing games and talking. In truth the drummer was telling dirty jokes to you, he loved how red your cheeks became with it or the way you laugh, he loves everything. Your fun was cut when John entered the room. He had a bottle in his hand, drunk, in terrible shape, and had a lipstick mark on his neck.
"What are you doing here? Y/n I said to you I didn't want you around this guy" John pointed to Warren and walked in your direction.
"And I told you I wouldn't stop talking with Warren, you are talking shit, stop with this!"
"How can you talk to me like that? I am your fucking boyfriend you owe me respect"He shouted in your face as he threw the bottle on the floor, Rojas pulled you away from the glass shards, for the first time you were afraid of him.
"You talk with her in that way again and I will kill you" Warren was holding back from hitting this guy, he didn't want to be violent in front of him.
"I didn't owe anything to you John, and if you want to know? It's over, all this shit it's over now, I'm tired of this shit" You push him to the door, so he pushes you back and that's a drop of water for Warren, he went off the guy and started to hit him.
You stared at the scene in front of you, Warren beating your now ex-boyfriend. You were in a trance until you went to the drummer and pulled him off the other guy. John looked horrible, all bruised and bloody, and he didn't even try to fight back, he just slammed the door.
You felt so overwhelmed that all you could do was cry. You weren't crying because you were going to miss him or anything, you were crying because you were so tired of feeling guilty and inadequate, look what you did, you got Warren into this mess because you couldn't leave that guy.
"I'm so sorry Warren, I didn't want this to wappen, you're hurt now and it's all my fault"
"This is not your fault, that guy is a shit, he don't deserve you, he doesn't deserve anything from you" He held your face, cleaned your tears and looked deep into your eyes he said.
“You’re not going to settle for that. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
So he hugs you and you two stay in that way for a few minutes. Hugged in a messy bedroom, while he cuddles your hair and you release all your fears in that hug, being in his arms makes you feel safe.
"Hum?" You moved away a little for look him in the eye.
"You will never take anything like this again, I won't let anything hurt you, I may have failed with you now but if you let me and want it I will take care of you" He put a lock of your hair behind your ear " I can't promise that I won't make mistakes and I can't promise that I will be perfect because that would too little of what you really deserve but just let me love you, even if you don't feel anything right now, I want to take care of you, I can give you more than this. Anything you want and allow me to do for you..."
You smiled, a real smile, nothing of fake smile, rejected calls, distrust, insecurity or guilt, no more. That things could not work, that relationship might not work, but everything would be new now. Because you deserve more than this.
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hellooo, if u like reblog and like. my requets are open
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