#when i’m on my computer in a few days i’ll try to dig the asks up and post them aaahhh
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um um um okay so please don’t hate me….. but they actually did send…. all 4+ of the asks….. I just forgot to ever post them….. I’M SO SORRY
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 5 months
Lover's Quarrel
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Pairing: Dark (aged-up) Katsuki Bakugo x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
Female Reader
SUMMARY: You get away from Bakugo’s toxic clutches. But soon your peace comes to an end.
WARNINGS: Toxic Relationship; minor Violence/Abuse.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
I just realized today is his birthday, so here it is :) hope you guys like this.
“...you better damn pick up my calls, (Y/N). I’m losing my patience here so you better get that fucking attitude out of your system or I’ll do it for you. Swear to god I’m gonna drag your stupid ass back home if you don’t come to your damn senses and if you fucking think that-”
You press a button, closing the voicemail with a sigh. Throwing your phone to the bed’s edge, you turn your back to it, curling yourself into a ball. 
Your mind is an unstable whirlwind of thoughts and worries and a solitary tear rolls down your face. It’s not fair.
None of this is fair.
You pull the blankets over you, but even their warmth isn't enough to calm the cold that scatters through your body. 
A sob breaks your composure and you hastily push your face into the pillow, smothering down the ugly sobs and whines that break out. 
It takes a long time until your eyes are finally dry and you have no more tears to weep.
But even afterwards, as you finally fall asleep, the heavy feeling still weighs on your heart.
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Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. 
Your friend looks at you and you’re quick to mute the notifications that pop up, eyes catching sight of the messages that Bakugo is spamming you before you black the screen. 
“I know I’ve asked before, but is everything really okay?” she asks, ignoring the movie on display in favor of looking at you, a concerned wrinkle settling between her brows.
“You seem… so distracted ever since you came. Is it about Bakugo?” 
You shift on the couch, uncomfortable. 
“It’s nothing.” you hesitantly tell her, measuring your words carefully. None of your friends know about the depth of Bakugo’s dark side and you’d rather not involve them.
Even though you’re almost sure that she suspects something is up, especially with the unannounced way you dropped by unannounced a couple of days ago, asking if you could stay a few days. 
“You can tell me, you know that, right? I’m not gonna judge or whatever.” 
You nod, giving her a small smile but no words come out of you despite the hefty weight on your mind. You don’t want to burden her with your problems. 
“I know, don’t worry. We’re just giving it some time. Lover’s quarrel and all.” you try to joke even though there's no humor in your smile.
"I see, okay." your friend draws a small smile, hesitating for a moment before letting it be. 
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Work drags far too slowly. 
Boring paperwork to be filled, a few documents that need reviewing.
Nothing that actually manages to successfully distract you away from your current problems. If anything, it leaves you with far too much time for your mind to wander through your situation.
A definitive break-up is more complicated than what it seems as you’re aware that Bakugo won’t peacefully accept that. 
Just the idea of having to deal with an even angrier Katsuki has you cowering further into your chair and you distract yourself by opening your work email, digging into the emails that need to be answered. 
You’ll think about Bakugo later. 
“Later” arrives much earlier than what you expect.
When the clock hits 6 p.m you reluctantly turn off the computer, gathering your jacket and your purse. 
When you check your phone out of habit, the lack of messages surprises you. Strange.
Maybe Bakugo is finally catching the hints that you want to be left alone? You sure hope so.
You couldn’t be more wrong about it and you almost jump when your co-worker shrieks in delight, nudging your arm as you retrieve your car keys from the purse. 
“Oh god, he’s so cute, damn. Seems like someone was eager to see you.” 
Your heart drops at the sight of the blonde man that leans against your car, crimson eyes fixed on you.
“You’re so lucky. My boyfriend never comes to pick me up.” she whines before finally saying a distracted goodbye, throwing adoration filled glances at Bakugo when she walks away. 
For a moment, you consider leaving your car in the open parking-lot. You could take the bus to your friend’s apartment. It would be no big deal, only half an hour before reaching her place. 
But the impassive expression on your boyfriend’s face warns you not to ignore him and you don’t doubt Bakugo’s ability to cause a overly explosive scene right in front of your workplace. 
Your legs walk on their own towards him and he straightens up, pushing himself off the hood as he walks to you, meeting you half-way, far too close for your comfort.
He’s wearing civilian clothes, you notice. They make his firm muscles bulge from beneath the thin material, the veins in his arms popping out with his hands hidden in the pant’s pockets, as always.  
“What do you want?” 
“Can we talk?” he asks.
“Talk then.” 
Irritation seeps into Bakugo’s face. He’s never had much patience. 
“We can talk in your car. The keys.” 
Despite his stretched hand, you don’t deposit the keys in his palm. It’s your car. It’s your life. You have to fight for it. 
You take a step back, shaking your head. 
“If you wanna talk, then we can talk here. Out in the open.” 
The corner of his mouth twitches with ire, and it compels you to take another tiny step away from him. 
“Will you stop fucking stepping away from me?” his voice booms loudly through the empty parking lot, eliciting a wince from you. “Quit acting like I’m gonna beat you to a bloody pulp or somethin’. I’m just trying to take you back home, you idiot.” 
“But I’m not going back.”
“You are.”
You clench your teeth, hoping it would help ease out the incoming flow of angry tears that threatens to spill at any moment now. 
“I said. I’m not going back.” 
Bakugo ignores your words, losing his patience upon your refusal. 
“Like hell you aren’t. I’ve had enough of this stupid attitude of yours.”
His hand latches to your wrist, holding it in a bruising grip, tight enough for you to feel the bones in your hands being painfully compressed together. 
“Ah, Katsuki, you’re hurting me!” you cry out, attempting to release his grip by using your free hand.
But your fingers are far too weak to pull him away and he groans when your nails scratch him. It makes him grip your hand harder and you sob, body limpless following forward when Bakugo tugs you in his direction. 
You bump into his hard chest, head sharply pulled back with his callous hand enveloping the back of your neck, his large palm easily covering all of it.
The tall hero doesn’t even bother looking around, unafraid of the possibility of someone walking by. Bakugo’s never been one to be overzealous, much less now that the position on Pro Hero Number 2 belongs to him. 
“You’ve had your fun these past days. But it’s over now, y’hear me?” the tips of his fingers dig into your neck, and you’re barely able to hold his threatening gaze, already knowing that you’re not coming out on top of this.
“You’re coming back home with me. No fuckin' fuss, no complaining, and that’s final. Like hell I’m gonna let you get away from me, so you better start fixing that attitude.”  
He squeezes your neck, looking at you with deadly eyes. 
“You hear me? Brat.” 
He keeps his hand on the back of your neck when guiding you to your own car, unceremoniously pushing you to the passenger’s seat before claiming the steering wheel for himself. 
A few tears escape from your eyes and you turn your face to the window, ignoring the sharp looks Bakugo throws your way.
You hug yourself, all of your hope dissolving at the realization that you’re never truly gonna be free from him. 
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rxzennia · 5 months
hibernation/ brumation
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 winter dormancy.
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in his five years of being your boss, aventurine hasn’t ever seen you send in a request for leave. but here he is, staring at your application for a month-long vacation.
a month? isn’t that a little too long?
you didn’t even stick a little comment about where you’re going or what’s happening, dammit! he wants to know so bad, but he feels like he’ll either overstep his boundaries or come off as clingy if he asks.
he’ll approve it, of course!
he wants you to not hate your job, and part of being a good boss is letting his subordinates take the leaves they’re entitled to
and you deserve a nice, long break, anyway
but the curiosity is killing him inside. what will you be doing? will you still hang around the IPC?
he really, really wants to barge into your office and wrench an explanation out of you
and also, how dare you try to take leave right into the holidays! rude
he wanted to take you out to dinner! to fancy places! he was prepared to have a schedule full of you!
totally not dates or his attempts to spoil you
he totally isn’t thinking of doing it so that you’ll spoil him in return
he’s found out that you respond to him if he rants at you
and that you get very soft and careful with him if he presses the right buttons
he digs that so much it’s unreal
there’s something about having you, of all people, treat him tenderly
perhaps because he’s seen firsthand what kind of monster hides in your scarf
or… what kind of monster hides beneath your silent, icy exterior
it just hits different when someone like you treat him so gently
and he knows for a fact that you’ll never abuse that power you have
he absolutely loves that. 100%.
“guess who’s here!” aventurine announces as he enters your office without so much as a knock, “hard at work, my favorite secretary?”
“out, please.” you hiss, sparing him barely a glance from your computer, “i’m concentrating.”
since when did your complaints stop him
he saunters over and sits himself on your armrest anyway
your scarf lift him up and set him down on the couch opposite to you
he finds his way back to your chair
you put him on the couch again
he comes back to your armrest
is he a cat obsessed with a particular box (namely, your chair) or something
you give up
“what is it?” you relent, scooting over so he can fit onto your seat, too, albeit barely
this man does not hesitate to invade your personal space
“where are you going for a month, hmm?” he asks with a playful smile, “can’t even tell me?”
oh, so that’s what this is about
but why is he resting his face in his hand and looking at you like he’s trying to flirt?
“hibernation.” you keep typing without giving aventurine much of a reaction, “not exactly, but close. brumation.”
wait. wait, what?
it doesn’t take a genius to know that aventurine is currently flabbergasted. “you… hibernate? like sleep hibernate?” 
“no, i hibernate awake.” you mumble sarcastically, but he catches it even if your words are muffled
“c’mon, i’m just checking!” he throws his hands in the air as if protesting your attitude
“yes, i sleep, for the most part.” you scoot over a little more and lift him up, setting him down in your lap. “but i’ll be awake here and there.”
you rest your head on top of his and continues to work, effectively caging him in
he realizes you’re much more like a snake than he thought
not in an alarming way
you’re coiling around him, but, like, in a friendly danger noodle way
“will you?” he chuckles; maybe his plans aren’t entirely foiled, after all, “for how long?”
you look at him. “a few minutes up to an hour?” 
you’re only getting up for water and/or changing sleeping positions
never mind, his plans to try to spoil you is, in fact, foiled
he pouts. he had the entire thing planned out already! all five days that you’ll be off!
he looks like a kid who’s about to buy the last donut but you beat him to it and buy the donut right in front of his eyes.
“you can visit.” you say, and you see him light up almost immediately. 
though, you don't think there’s much worth visiting, but whatever makes him happy
when aventurine visits you during your well-deserved vacation, he’s pleasantly surprised. you’re sleeping so peacefully, despite the fact that you usually rarely sleep at all.
you’re curled up into half a ball under your blankets and your scarf
and letting out little snores
is this what you look like when you’re asleep? 
so adorable. if only you’d let him see it often…
but he doesn’t know the frequency of your brumation period
as far as he knows, it’s once in five years, but he has no idea if it’s more than five years
you’re not covering your face, either
aeons, he loves seeing your unobscured face
you’re so beautiful under your scarf
especially the patches of scales along your neck, they glitter in white gold under the light
he wishes you wouldn't try to cover them up
during your entire month, he’s going to be in your room whenever he’s free
he will totally try to sleep next to you at night
what? it’s not like you haven’t shared a bed before!
it’s just that you’ve never been asleep by each other's side!
you will cuddle into him if he tries to hold you
and you will get fussy if he tries to get out of the hug
if only you were as honest when you’re awake
aventurine has been trying to catch you in your small conscious windows, but he’s having not much luck with that. though, this isn’t exactly a gamble, so “luck” might not be the right word here.
he’s so busy; he’s drowning in work 
your temporary replacement isn’t very good at their job
or maybe he’s just used to the way you do things and now everything feels wrong
he wants you back already 
because nowadays he barely has an hour to spend with you apart from bedtime
he hates it
what do you mean by he can’t sit next to your sleeping form while he signs papers?
horrible, very horrible
but eventually he does catch you when you’re awake
you’re drowsy and you’re dragging your blankets and your scarf with you around your room
the cutest thing he’s ever seen in a long while
he watches as you clumsily pour yourself some water, spilling some on the table because you can’t line up the jug and the glass properly
and he watches as you sluggishly flop onto your couch after you’ve downed the water
“had enough of the bed?” he asks, sitting down next to you and brushing a few strands of hair away from your face
“hnnnnnngh,” you grumble and turn to face away from him, you just want to go back to sleep
then you remember this is your boss’s voice
and you reluctantly mumble, “it’s too warm…”
do you even know what you’re saying? you’re melting his heart
“oh, that so? it’s too hot over there?” aventurine snickers softly, his hand caressing your face, the cool fabric of his glove making you sigh in delight. “you’re so lovely.”
he recognizes the amount of trust you have in him to let him visit you when you’re sleeping, and it’s doing things to his stomach. you’re so lazy, so barely aware of your surroundings, but you trust him to be around you while you are in this state.
there is an urge, and he acts on it. he nuzzles against your cheek, rubbing your noses together and planting a small kiss on your forehead. he’s been dreaming of holding you like you’re his greatest treasure, but he’s never mustered up the courage to do it. 
maybe someday he will tell you, and then he’ll be allowed to adore you openly the way he’s always wanted to.
“my favorite snake,” he whispers to himself, feeling a shudder of affection throughout his bones, “sleep well. i’ll look forward to taking you out when you rise.”
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wildemaven · 11 months
he makes life better | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x reader
-> word count: 1335
-> content warning: 18+ blog; bad day, annoyed with work, dealing with flat tire, joel being sweet, lots of fluff
-> note: this is for my sweet friend @gnpwdrnwhiskey hoping this brings a smile to her face 💞 this isn’t beta’d either so it’s probably filled with mistakes lol.
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Joel ❤️: How’s your day going Honey?
I’m so ready for my shift to be over. I’d rather read the dictionary, front to back, than deal with the shit they have me doing today. 
“That bad, huh?” Joel’s voice brings you an instant smile when you answer his call, silently stepping away from the mess that you were dealing with at work. 
“You have no idea. It already feels like it’s been the longest week, today has just added to the shit show life keeps throwin’ at me lately. Went to leave for work this morning and I had a flat tire. Ugh! I’m sorry for complaining.” You vent to him, tucking yourself in a secluded corner. You were going against policy by taking a personal call while on the clock, but you didn’t care about company policy or the outcome of you were to get caught at the moment— Joel was your only focus right now. 
“Hey, none of that. Don’t apologize for being stressed. Why didn’t ya call me ‘bout your tire?” Joel asked. 
You know he would’ve dropped everything the minute did call him, which is also why you didn’t. He had been stressing over starting at a new job site, one of the biggest ones he had been hired for. The last thing you wanted was to add to his already busy day of things he had to deal with. 
“You’d already left for work and had that new job you’ve been talkin’ about. Didn’t wanna bother you with it. I called AAA and had them put the spare on for me so I could drop it off at the tire shop. Now, I’m unexpectedly the owner of 4 new tires.” 
“I don’t care how busy I am— you need something, you call me, no matter what. Got that, Honey?” 
“Got it, Joel. Thank you.” You smile into the phone at his concern for you, always finding ways to make you fall even deeper in love with him. 
“Good. Hey, I gotta go. Tommy looks like he’s about ready to break his back. I should probably go help him before he actually does and my insurance takes a hit. I’ll see ya tonight then, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah. I should be outta here in 3 hours.” The end to your long shift, almost over. 
“That sounds great! I love you, Honey. I’ll see ya later.” You can faintly hear Tommy cursing in the background. 
“Love you too, Joel.” You tell him before the line goes dead. Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet before heading back to join your team and the never ending line of customers. 
The rest of your shift goes by fairly quickly. Joel’s phone call must have been just the moral boost you needed to sprinkle a little bit of extra positivity into your day.
The minute the clock hit 5 pm, you wasted no time clocking out and logging out of your computer for the day. Deliberately bypassing your usual exit path to avoid any chatty coworkers, Joel and home your main focus of the rest of your day, you weren’t going to waste any time stuck in drawn out conversations. 
Your purse thrown over your shoulder, work apron crumpled in one hand and the other holding your empty tumbler that once held the warm delicious coffee you had hoped would sustain you through the day, now wishing it was filled with something a little stronger to help you unwind when you got home. 
It’s a struggle trying to juggle your things as you search for your keys, lost somewhere in the depths of your purse along with the rest of your life's necessities. You pause in the middle of an empty parking space near where your jeep is parked to give the search your full attention. After some thorough digging, you locate your keys and let out an exasperated sigh, one step closer to being home. 
Taking a step forward as you press the unlock button on your key, you look up to see an unexpected sight. A familiar truck in the parking spot next to yours, and the most handsome man leaning on it. He looks like he came straight from the job sight, too. His peppered grey hair disheveled, but his soft curls were still intact even after a long day. The sleeves of your favorite green flannel are rolled up over his flexed forearms that are crossed against his chest, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders. 
The sight of him is enough to melt away any of the bullshit you had endured over the past week, a completely welcomed surprise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, letting your feet carry you the rest of the way to him. 
“Heard you were havin’ a shitty day. Couldn’t let my lady end it on a bad note.” He croons, pushing himself off the side of his truck, opening his arms to you. 
You melt into him, your face nestled into his shoulder. His rugged scent of musky vanilla and natural pheromones is permanently infused into the fibers of his shirt, it’s your favorite thing ever. His strong arms wrap around you as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, prompting you to straighten up, looking into his amber eyes. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beam at him. 
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to gently mold his lips over yours. “I’ve got a surprise for ya, Honey.” 
“This was enough of a surprise for me. What more could I need?” Stealing another kiss from him. 
“If I tell ya, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” He says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at you. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“We’ve gotta get going though, it’s time sensitive.” He grabs for your things and walks you around to the passenger door, holding it open as you climb in. “We’ll grab your jeep in the mornin’, if that’s okay with you?” 
“Whatever you say, Cowboy.” He leans back in for another kiss, before making his way around into the driver’s seat. 
The drive isn’t long. Down some familiar roads that lead to a dirt one off the main highway. His truck travels down the gravel road lined with a barbed wire fence. After a few minutes he’s pulling off to the side and killing the engine. 
“You brought me to my favorite place.” Looking over to his side of the truck, where he’s already looking in your direction. Your heart grows at how he thought to bring you here, knowing how much joy it brings you every time. 
“Thought you could use it. Look, here they come.” He says pointing to your window. 
Off in the distance, the small herd of cows were in pursuit of their evening meal and water break. Mamas with their little rambunctious calves trailing behind, trekking along the same path they travel each evening. 
It’s a calming sight. Their heads bobbling with each dramatic step. Tails whipping over their rear ends to swat away the annoying flies. A few stopping mid trek to look in your direction, letting out a long drawn out moo. Their friendly hello, it’s good to see you again, then back on the move. 
The sky is painted in pinks and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Your day feeling less shitty as you sit silently in the cab of Joel’s truck. His hand resting on your thigh while his thumb draws soft circles over thick denim seam. 
“Thank you for this. Didn’t realize how much I needed it. I love you, Joel.” You tell him, rolling your head over the headrest in his direction. 
“I did it because I love you, Honey. And s’what I’m here for.” There’s a low rumble in the air as he turns the key over, shifting the truck into drive. “Now, how ‘bouts we head on home and I spend the rest of the evenin’ show you all the other ways I love you?”
“Take me home, Cowboy.” 
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tvgals · 1 year
awkward! gojo x black! boss! reader
— when staying after work during no nut november, awkward! gojo ends the month with a bang…
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gojo was at his desk typing away at his computer, subconsciously ignoring the strain against his pants. gojo hadn’t touched himself in a month, him and a few of his friends doing a stupid ass nnn challenge. gojo was an idiot for accepting the challenge, knowing that almost everyday when he’d go home he’d stroke his dick to the thought of you, his boss. some days your tits would pop out of the top of your shirts, your ass poking out of the bottom of your skirts anytime you bent down to pick up a pen you dropped or a document, all the men in the office thirsted over your fat pussy lips on display.
“ah! hello satoru, what are you doing here so late?” you teasingly ask, walking up to him. “oh! i just-i just had to take care of some documents i forgot about!” gojo stammered, his eyes glued to his computer because he knows that if he looks up at you, his erection will be even more painful. “i see.” you nod, walking behind gojo, slowly trailing your acrylics along his shoulders, your tits pressing against the back of his head. “you’re doing such a good job.” you praise the ivory haired man, rubbing circles along his back. “thank you ma’am…” gojo sighs out, peering down at his dick, the blood flowing faster than ever.
“mhm. i’ll be in my office if you need anything, make sure to knock first.” you smirk, walking away. gojo heaved a sigh and slumped down in his seat, unzipping his pants. i mean, he could tug one right here and now. you were in your office, and gojo heard you locking the door. so if he were to get off to the thought of you in the office, you wouldn’t know. gojo unzipped his pants and shimmied them down a bit, his cock hitting just at his belly button with a thud. he groans, slapping a hand over his mouth with the other works at his cock. “shit shit shit.” gojo moaned, muffled by his hand. you were in your office scrolling away on instagram, your other hand digging around in a bag of chips. you decided it was time for gojo to head home for the night, he’d been working hard the whole week, it was only fair to give him a break.
you stood up and opened your door, your heels clacking against the tile floor. your face scrunched up in confusion as you heard meek moans and whines. you slowly converted into a smile, walking up to gojo as he stroked his dick even faster. “ah satoru, what am i going to do with you?” you tut mockingly, gojo immediately letting go of his dick and looking up at you with puppy eyes. “no no! it isn’t what it looks like, promise!” gojo cried out, trying to pull his pants back up. in a swift motion, you pull your leg up and pin gojo’s dick to his stomach with the toe of your heel. “oh shit!” gojo chokes out a strangled moan.
“now who do you think you are getting off in my office?” you snarl, putting more pressure onto his dick. “i’m sorry, ma’am! i just n-needed- i just needed relief!” gojo cried, fat tears streaming down his face. “my stupid little employee, what ever will i do with you?” you coo, retracting your foot from his dick. you hiked your skirt up and pulled your panties down, letting them fall to your ankles before stepping out of them. “w-what are you doing?..” gojo whispers, his eyes glued to your thighs. “teaching you a lesson. however will you learn to not touch yourself in my building?” you ask, unbuttoning your blouse to let your tits pop out freely. gojo’s breath starts to become more heavy and dense.
“i’m so- sorry! please ma’am, i’ll never come back!” gojo pleaded, his hands gripping at the handles of his chair. “oh no, you can stay as much as you want. it’s when you get too much free will, that’s my problem with you.” you say, staring into gojo’s eyes. you make your way in from of him, grasping his dick and slowly sinking down. gojo hisses and bucks his hips up involuntarily. “i’m sorry ma’am..” gojo whines, throwing his head back. you respond with a moan once you make it to the base. “feel so good already…” you laugh airily. gojo start breathing heavier and heavier, curling his toes in his work shoes. you open gojo’s computer and skim through a few documents, slowly rolling your hips onto his. “ah, satoru. these documents are all wrong!” you sigh out, now bouncing up and down onto his dick.
“‘m sorry, ma’am..i’m trying..” gojo whined, moving a hand to grab the fat of your hip. “apparently not hard enough.” you mumble to yourself, bringing gojo’s other hand that was grasping his chair to pinch your nipple. “doing so good f’me baby..” you mewl, trying to keep focused on the documents. “thank you so much..been thinking about this for years almost…all th-this time i’ve worked here…always had my..my eyes on you.” gojo admitted, you still bouncing on his cock. “you had all of these chances, satoru. what happened?” you ask, deleting all of gojo’s hard work. “was scared…i d-didn’t know how to talk to you…” gojo said, feeling his high approaching. you giggled to yourself, the gojo who barely talked to people at work and who often ate lunch alone in his car wanted you.
“i see..” you mumble, the feeling of satoru’s tip hitting your cervix becoming too much. “‘m gonna cum! please ma’am!” gojo practically screamed, arching his back. “give it to me, baby. cmon.” you coax gojo, feeling his hand move from your tit and to start vigorously rubbing your clit. you moaned out at the extra stimulation, feeling yourself let go. “shit- pl-please keep cumming..” gojo whined, slamming his cock upwards into you. gojo came with a whine, both of his hands gripping at your hips.
“g-good boy..” you praised gojo, loving the way his dick twitched inside of you. “t-thank you ma’am..” gojo cries out, feeling you stand up off of his dick. “don’t mention it.” you sigh out. “here, wear these tomorrow. i’ll check.” you demand, throwing your black lacy panties at him, walking back to your office. gojo nodded silently and turned back to his computer, his eyes widening at all the work that was lost by you. looks like he’ll have to stay later tomorrow.
@looking4chanel @draculara-vonvamp @therealcees-blog @laylasbunbunny @lovelytayy @d7n3 @deadgirlkisses @darkknightpeanutbagel @thecoloredpages @xricly @chinaza444 @baboon-milk333 @marcelineormars @mxspiderman2099 @ts1mp0ne @23victoria @ravereina @stevenknightmarc @laaailuh @diorsbrando @madz-rulez @spiderheartzz @chinieh @asensitivecookie @tourbug @anikaluv @mainvamp @strawberryshortcake143 @spectr3inl0ve @anitatvd @yuckyygutz @janaeby @milesmoralesesposa @lily-pythonz @naijagrl @ninaaaazzzz @sucuretcannelle @captaincyberqueen @cafehyunji @gtsflawless @v1rtu4lsworld
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olivia091108 · 8 months
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How to be a jackass:part 1
Summary:meeting bam and Ryan in westchester
Word count:3306
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So far filming for season two of jackass has probably been the best time I’ve ever had even though I’m getting injured or pranked every day.
All the guys are great and at first I thought it’s gonna be awkward not only being the new person but being the only girl.Thank god I was wrong for once I don’t think any of them actually cared as long as I actually did gnarly stunts.
The only people I haven’t met are the boys from westchester but Jeff says that we’re gonna film a group stunt with all of us soon.
I’ve done some mediocre stunts like pouting glitter in my eye which didn’t come out for a week and licking a mouse trap Owch. I also did one with wee man where he dressed as a baby and put in a pram and when people would ask to see ‘my baby’ they would be kinda disturbed.
Today I walk on to set and check the stunt list. Today I’m gonna get a pregnant belly strapped to me and walk around town drinking some beer.
Time skip
After getting a mean old lady shouting at me for ‘destroying my baby’ Jeff called all of us over and told us that at 5:30am to meet here because we’re driving to westchester tomorrow.Jeff actually banned us from going out after like we usually would do we finished for the day and I got the bus back to mine and my sisters apartment
Don’t get me wrong I’m excited but really 5:30 I’m sure there’s no harm in waking up later. I walk into the apartment and go to my room to pack since we will be staying there for 5 days.
I walk into my room and start packing stuff but I can’t find one of my favourite tops so I walk into Ella’s room to see if she’s taken it and I barge in without knocking to see her and Oliver mud sex scrambling to cover themselves with the sheet.
“Get out!”
“In a sec do you have my blue top the one with the buttons”
“Are you serio-“ I sigh and lean against the wall and she knows I won’t leave until she gives it to me. “It’s in my closet” I walk over and grab it off the hanger and scrunch it up in my hands
“Oh yeah by the way I’m gonna be gone for a few day”
“Leave!” She throws a pillow at me but I dick out the room before it can hit me
An hour later ella and Oliver knock on my door and wait for me to reply before walking in with very serious looks on both their faces.
Y/n we need to talk to you about something. You can’t just walk in without knocking we don’t have any privacy with you.
Alright I’ll knock next time
“It’s not just the knocking you always come home late and wreck the houses remember you broke olis computer at like 5:30 you never clean up after yourself and we just think that you should move back with mum and dad because we can’t keep living with you.”
“What your kicking me out I pay rent here”
“You don’t even pay a quarter y/n your’e basically living here for free.I rang dad he said it was fine you moving back soon”
“You know I can’t do that el”
“You could always get your’e own place I could help you have the money know”
“Fuck you. you know what I’ll leave right now.” I grab all my clothes in my wardrobe and try to shove it into my small suitcase and mange to mostly zip it and I grab a few personal thing and hold my piggy bank under my arm before leaving
It might’ve been a irrational idea because now I have nowhere to stay for the night and I can’t go to my parents not how I left there
It’s 1am I might as well go to set and wait till morning but with busses not running I have to walk 5 miles uptown.
Once I get there I only have to wait 2 and a half hours so I set my suitcase down and use it as a seat I dig around in my pocket for the taser I took from Johnny just in case.
I feel a hand grab me and by instinct Tase whoever it was. By the time my eyes have adjusted I realise I must’ve fallen asleep and everyone’s here to go to westchester.
While Jeff is complaining the taser Dave asks if I’ve been here all night. Nah I just thought I should get here early yknow only been here half hour.
We separate into 3 cars to get there and I’m in with Johnny Dave and wee man. I’m in the back with Dave and decide to use the 6 hour car drive as an opportunity for some sleep since I got 2 hours max last night.
I wake up not being able to breathe and feeling plastic on my face I try and pry one of my friends hands off of me but it’s no use and I have to rip the plastic bag now being able to breathe properly
I hear Knoxville’s laugh and a Camrea is pointed in my face all that adrenaline woke me up quick but I’m still not wide awake and I just flip him off while sitting up and stretching being confined in a car really isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world.
“Cmon y/n we’re here grab your bags.” I take my almost bursting suitcase and walk it into the large house we will be staying at. I hear taking and follow it to the living room seeing Johnny talking to the two boys I recognise from episodes but still haven’t met.
Jeff introduces them the one with the dark hair and blue eyes is bam and the blonde one with a beard is called Ryan. We all introduce ourselves and start chatting and getting to know eatch other. Another girl is here called Jenn she’s bams girlfriend she seems nice but I haven’t spoken to her much
I excuse myself to the bathroom and i see a blonde lady in the kitchen and ask her if she needs a hand. If you don’t mind that would be great
“I’m April bams mum it’s so nice to have you all hear but I am a bit worried honestly”
“Im y/n thanks for letting us stay and I promise I will try to protect you and your house.”
Me and April talk about all kinds of things and I soon meet her husband Phil who is such a sweetheart and it makes me feel even worse for him seeing how bam treats him.
I’m sorry your supposed to be getting to know eatchother and I’ve stolen you away thanks for your help with the dinner.
“Oh it’s no worries you seem wayy more interesting than them boys.”
Speaking of Chris has snuck up behind me and lifted me up and body slammed me onto one of the sofas it wouldn’t of hurt that bad if people weren’t sitting on it.
I sit up and move off of whoever I fell on and jsut laugh it off and I start talking to Ryan about some of his stunts and his life and what not. While telling me about cky videos and high school with his friends bam started to join in adding to the story.
After an hour of talking to the two of them we got along really well and had quite a few things in common with them. We got called for dinner and while I was eating I could feel myself drifting off even though I slept in the car for 6 hours.
I ended up face planting into the food which made everyone laugh and while I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe it off the topic of rooms came up.
Some people were gonna have to share because there’s not enough rooms Steve o and pontius are sharing as well as Dave and ehren. Johnny is with me and wee man and Preston are together.
We all go to our rooms and get unpacked and settled. “Yknow we’re only here for 5 days don’t you”.
“Can’t a girl have options” i didn’t want to tell Johnny about getting kicked out I just wanted to have fun here. While I get changed into my pjamas I get into bed and shut my eyes trying to fall asleep but either from the excitement of tomorrow or because I napped today I couldn’t.
I looked at the clock and it was 12:34 Knoxville was asleep by now I could tell by his heavy breathing. I decided to go downstairs and have some water so I snuck out of my room and when I got downstairs I see Jenn down their about to leave
“How come you aren’t staying?”
“Bams just being a bit of a dick right now but I’ll see you in a couple days bye”
I sit in the kitchen having some water and once I’ve finished I still don’t feel like sleeping so I decide to look around. As best as you can in the dark. I quietly open the front door and step into the garden it had a skate ramp and a swimming pool in it. I went to go back inside but the door is locked I’m not gonna ring the doorbell or id wake everyone up.
I walk round the back and I see a window open so I jump from the ramp to the roof and pull myself up I walk along to reach the window but I see something move next to me. It’s a squirrel. Shit I’m fucking terrified of them they’re Satan reincarnated.
“Oh my god oh my god stop”I try to move as quick as I can to the window and quickly climb in to the room and close the window quietly while repeating those words.
“Jenn I told you to go away”bam room shit. I don’t answer and attempt to just get out of the room but I step on something and it slips out from under me and I fall onto the bed.
“Shit sorry.” Bam leans over and turns his bedside lamp on and rub his eyes. “What are you doing”
“I got locked out of the house then I had to climb threw your’e window to get away from the squirrel like I said sorry and night.”
“Are you on something” bam asks not believing me. I pull a confused face not knowing why he would be confused. “ why were you running from a squirrel?”
“Cos they’re fucking scary haven’t you seen Charlie and the chocolate factory?” At my distress yknow way he does. Laugh.I soon join in and we’re just sat they’re laughing together in His room.
Once the laughing stops he breaks the silence. “How did you even get up here?”bam asks thinking back on my story “I jumped off your ramp.you any good at skating”
“Yeah pretty good you?”
“Stepped foot on one once and fell onto someone’s bed. It seems pretty cool other than that though”
“I could teach you sometime.”
“I’ll hold you to that bam” me and bam speak about anything and everything with me now sitting above his covers on his bed and we switched the lamp off.
He tells me all about his family and when he asks about mine something in the room shifts it’s awkward.
Well I actually left home when I was 16 because me and my mum never got along she always preferred my sister i always hung out with my dad but I didn’t have many friends but these girls invited me to hangout with them and I snuck out an we went to some abandoned school and we would go there smoke some weed and whatever and once we were spray painting and the police turned up my friends ran and a policeman got me and I kicked him in the balls and they took me to jail and when my mum got that call she went crazy she said she was so disappointed in what I’ve become and that she won’t bail me out because she didn’t actually want me to come home. My dad eventually came in and took me home but I got there and my room was all boxed up and she kicked me out and said she didn’t want to see me again so I moved in with my sister.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t know”
“Yeah well how could you I don’t tell anybody so I’m could u try not to mention that”
“Pinky promise”we interlock pinkies and I kiss my hand and he copies.the conversation moves on and soon enough we’re shushing the other to stop Laughing until I notice the clock and see that it’s 2:12 and I can tell bams tired and I am as well.
“Wait y/n it was cool talking to you and if you need to talk I’m always here.” I grab a pillow an throw it at hand face. Don’t get all sappy now bam I thought you were supposed to be a cool skater boy.
I leave and head back to my room and wriggle into bed having to shove Johnny over a bit and for a second I lay there thinking about bam and how much I trusted him I wonder what tomorrow will be like before I know it I’m out like a light.
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This one was acc really long
Omg guys I’m so pissed I wrote this like a week ago but I didn’t press save and I LOST RVEYTHUNG the first one was way better
Requests always open
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stevesjockstrap · 10 months
23 for Steddie please ❤️❤️
🫣 You’ve either under or overestimated what giving me free reign would inspire so I hope this is decent 😘
Eddie walked quickly into the library, wincing as his boots made loud sounds on the tile floor and echoed around him. He looked around briefly but didn’t let himself get distracted.
He saw a bay of computers along a wall and headed there. But after a lot of clicking and key smashes, he couldn’t get it to work. With a (louder than necessary) growl, he stood.
A man in a sweater and glasses wearing a lanyard was heading for him with a barely concealed scowl on his face. He found he was equally irritated and turned on by this.
“Could I help you with something, sir?” The man asked when he stopped a few feet away. The man pointedly took in his appearance, his big boots, his ripped jeans, the faded and torn band shirt that clung to him under the jean vest that was littered with pins and patches.
“Hopefully. I just need to print something from my email. But I can’t get in to-“
“Do you have a library card?”
Eddie grinned at the man now. He really did appreciate the no bullshit approach, and it was a fault of his for always falling for, well, bitchiness.
“I’m afraid I don’t, sugar.” He turned on his charm as he stepped closer to the man, pointedly looking him up and down. “I’m only in town for a few days so I’m not sure if I could accomplish that? You see, my band’s touring-”
The man, Eddie looked down at the end of his lanyard to see if he could spot a name tag or identifying information but came up dry, interrupted again, “Okay. We can just do a guest pass. Do you have change for printing?”
That did stump Eddie for a moment. “I’m sure I could go wrestle some up from the tour bus. Do I need that right now?”
Eddie chuckled when the man sighed and nodded at him, like he was the most insufferable person he’d ever had to deal with. “I promise I’m not trying to be a problem, love. We just got signed by a new record company and I need to look over the contract. And being on the road…” he shrugged.
“No problem. I’ll get you logged into the computer while you grab some money. It’s five cents a page.” He slid past him to begin typing on the computer.
Eddie jogged through the middle of the library, getting a glare from an older librarian at the front. As he came back in she watched him like a hawk. He grinned and gave her a little wave.
Approaching the bay of computers again, the hot librarian was nowhere to be found. He tried not to let it get to him. He logged into his email and hit print.
Nothing happened. He stood up again and looked around for brown waves and glasses. He finally walked around the corner in the back where he’d not been yet.
“Woah,” he breathed. He let out a low whistle as he approached a table set up with every manner of Dungeons and Dragons books, dice and memorabilia. He picked up the closest die and rolled it. “Fuck yeah. Plus six luck. Gunna need that, Munson.”
A throat cleared behind him and he grinned as he turned around. “Hey there, just who I need. I brought you a whole dollar in quarters. You don’t want to know what it cost me on the bus,” he winked. Jeff had made him promise to clean the bathroom. He shuddered to himself.
On the way back to the computers he continued trying to make conversation. “I dig the D&D table. You have a lot of nerds through here?”
He turned from the computer to face him with an unreadable look. “Yeah, my kids really enjoy it. We do a weekly campaign for the teens and a couple of them have wanted to start a younger group.”
“Y-your kids?”
Hot librarian smirked at him. “The kids in my teen group.”
“Ah,” Eddie nodded stupidly.
He stood up and walked over to a printer that Eddie hadn’t seen.
“Here you go,” he said has he handed over the pages. Eddie dropped the change in his open hand. “You owe me fifteen cents,” he looked up over his glasses at him.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie said too loudly. Kids behind him snickered and he turned to send a sheepish look at their grown up. “Uhh I can go grab some more… Maybe Gareth or Drew are back and their prices won’t be as steep.”
“What do you have to do with the contract after you look it over?”
“Huh?” Eddie asked eloquently.
“I would assume you have to send it back to someone? Fax it?”
“Oh. Maybe?”
The librarian shook his head, maybe affectionately. Eddie tilted his head and slid closer, dropping his voice. “All your librarian skills are so hot, you know?”
He huffed a laugh and Eddie grinned. “Well when you come back to fax it I’ll have to charge you again, so you can bring it then.”
“Ahh, so you’re already planning our next date, sweetheart? You should probably tell me your name first.”
“I’m Steve.” He actually held his hand out and looked up at him so he could see the blush across his freckled cheeks. Eddie was so done for.
Eddie shook his hand and didn’t let it go. “Eddie. Very good to meet you.”
Is 90s rockstar!Eddie and librarian!Steve a thing yet?
(The next day he comes in and Steve helps him fax the signed contract back and it gets brought up that Steve looked up his band.
“You checking me out, baby?”
“It’s one of my hot librarian skills, you know, research?”)
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Trial and Error: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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Sam and Dean's rooms are completely opposite of each other. Dean knocked down the wall separating two rooms so that you can have a much bigger room, but he managed to make it his own even with all of your things. Dean has different kinds of guns on the wall, his record player on a desk with his albums still wrapped in plastic on a rack beside the record player. You added some things such as cute throw pillows, a bean bag, and a desk with a computer and little trinkets on it.
It's a cute room but still has room for Dean's things to go. Sam's room is in a different hallway than you and Dean, so you decorated a room near Sam's so you or Dean can use it if you ever need a break from each other or are fighting. It's a good set up you all have, and you're glad you found this place.
"Wow," Sam comments from the doorframe. "Not bad."
"Not bad? I haven't had my own room since ever. I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl, we've got this killer mattress." Dean sits on the edge and grins happily. "Memory foam--it remembers me. It's clean, too. There's no funky smell. There's no creepy motel stains."
"I added a few nice touches with my magic. This used to be a queen bed," you grin.
"I'm gonna go fix us some grub."
Dean leaves his room, leaving you and Sam alone.
"Knocking down this wall was the best thing I could have done. We have a bigger bed, a bigger room, and a bigger closet."
"Yes, because you need that."
"Of course I do."
"How are you doing with the babies?" Sam asks.
"We're doing okay." You smooth your hand over your growing belly and tap it a few times. "They're both kicking, they're both healthy, and I can't wait until they're both here. Only two more months to go. What can go wrong?"
You turn to leave the room but you stop short when you see Amara standing in the doorway. Suddenly, you have a splitting headache the longer you look at her. You groan and hold your head, turning away from her. Sam immediately goes to your side and prepares to catch you if you fall over.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," you sigh.
"That wasn't nothing. What's going on?"
"I've been having headaches whenever Amara comes around. Really bad ones. Dean doesn't know. It's probably nothing."
"Y/N, that's serious. He should know."
"What is he going to do? It's nothing, Sam. If it gets worse, I'll let him know, but I don't want him to worry about nothing."
You pass by Amara without looking at her, ignoring the pain in your head. The farther you get from her, the less the pain is. Soon, you don't have a headache anymore, but it does get you wondering how harmful this is going to be.
Sam heads to the library and digs into more books. He's been reading everything he can, trying to soak up all this knowledge knowing that one day, he's going to need it. You take a seat next to him, and that's when Dean comes in carrying three plates with burgers on them.
"What are you reading?"
"Sort of everything," Sam chuckles.
"Oh, good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me."
"You made these?"
"We have a real kitchen now."
"I know. I just didn't think you knew what a kitchen was."
"I'm nesting, okay? Eat."
You take a bite of the burger and moan at how good it tastes. You knew Dean could cook, but you didn't know it could taste this good.
"Wow," Sam says with a mouthful of food.
"You're welcome." Dean takes a big bite of his food when his phone rings. He finishes his bite quickly before answering. "Yo."
"Dean? Come quick," Kevin says on the other line in a panic.
"Kevin? What's wrong?" Kevin hangs up, leaving all three of you confused. "I want to finish my burger."
"Come on, he needs our help."
It takes five hours to travel from the Bunker to Garth's Houseboat in Missouri. Without detours and stops, it takes Dean less than four to get there. Sam and Dean take all the precautions when it comes to Kevin due to the kind of work he is doing. Dean enters the houseboat, but Kevin is nowhere to be found.
"Kevin? It's us," you call out.
Dean hears something coming from the bathroom, and he opens it to see Kevin on his knees, vomiting into the toilet. He has a bloody nose and looks absolutely wrecked.
"Found him."
"Get up," you instruct, helping him to his feet. Sam grabs Joanna so that she is out of the way, and you bring Kevin over to the table and make him sit down. He tries to move out of your grasp, but you glare at him in only a way a mom can do. "Let me see you."
"I'm fine."
"Shut up and let me look at you."
Kevin knows it's no use in fighting you, so he leans back and lets you examine him. With your magic, you're able to heal his bloody nose, clear up some of his sinuses, and relieve his body of pain. He sighs and closes his eyes, free of some of the pain he's been in for a while.
"Wow. You look like hammered shit," Dean comments and you glare at Dean. "Are you sleeping?"
"Not really."
"Are you eating?" you ask and cross your arms.
"Hot dogs, mostly."
"That is not acceptable, young man. You need sleep, a good meal, and a shower."
"I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. It was worth it."
"What was worth it?"
"I figured out how to close the Gates of Hell."
"Come here, you smelly son of a bitch."
Dean gives Kevin a big hug, lifting him off the ground. He sets him down and scrunches his face up in disgust once he gets a whiff of Kevin.
"What does this mean? What are we looking at?" you ask.
"It's a spell, and it's just a few words of Enochian, but the spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials."
Kevin hands over the piece of paper with the spell written down on it, but you pass it off to Sam who has a better understanding of the words. What with all the books he's been reading at the bunker.
"Trials like 'Law & Order'?"
"More like Hercules. The tablet says, 'Whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks should fear not danger, nor death, nor...' A word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity. Basically, God built a series of tests, and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates."
"God wants us to take the SATs?" you joke.
"I guess. Uh, he works in mysterious ways."
"Yeah, mysterious, douche-y ways. Alright. Where do we start?" Dean asks, wanting to get started.
"I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far, and it's gross. You've got to kill a hound of hell and bathe in its blood."
"Awesome," Dean smiles.
"Excuse me?"
"Hey, if this means icing all demons, I have no problem gutting some devil dog and letting Calgon take me away."
"Where are you going to find one?" you ask and cross your arms.
"Well, Hellhounds like to collect on crossroads deals. So, all we have to do is track down some loser who signed away his life ten years ago, and get between him and Clifford the big dead dog."
"That doesn't sound easy."
"It's not," you and Sam say at the same time.
"Look, you get on the net and see what you can dig up. I'm gonna go for a supply run because we need goofer dust, and the kid needs to eat something that's not ground-up hooves and pigs' anuses."
Dean leaves without leaving any room for argument. Your lower back has been hurting recently, so you take a seat on the only small couch that's inside the boat. You close your eyes for a minute or two, but when you open them, you see Amara on the other side of the boat. A splitting headache comes back to haunt you, and you're not able to hide it from Sam.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"Y/N, this isn't healthy."
"It's fine, Sam. It's not a big deal."
If you admit to yourself that there could be a serious problem, then you have to admit that your babies aren't okay. Anything that has to do with your babies is serious, and you will not be putting their lives in danger. If Amara wants to cause trouble for you, then you'll power through it and deal with the consequences later.
Maybe if you don't admit there could be a problem, then there won't be one.
"Go take a shower Kevin," you say and focus on him instead of Amara.
"I don't really--"
"Don't make me get up and smack you. I said, go take a shower." When he doesn't move, you narrow your eyes at him. "Now."
"Okay, I will." Kevin heads to the bathroom with a pout, but when he comes back twenty minutes later, he looks a lot better. He shaved, cleaned himself, put on clean clothes, and took care of his body for once. "Okay, I feel a lot better."
"You look better. Mama knows best," you grin.
"Speaking of, you have to slow down," Sam says. He has been researching demonic signs anywhere that would suggest someone's ten years is up while you relax. "Get some sleep. Take a day off, and at the least, open a window."
"No. You said nuking hell is how I get out. That's how I go home."
"Kevin, he's right. That's how you get home safely, but you can't live like this."
"You think I want to? I hate it here. I can't leave because every demon on the planet wants to peel my face off. I can't talk to anyone except you guys or Garth when he swings by, or my mom. Right? When she calls, all she does is cry. I just... I need this to be over."
Your heart breaks for Kevin because he didn't ask for any of this. He got dragged into this because God made him a prophet, and you had to trample all over his life.
"Let me ask you this. How do you expect to do your absolute best here if you're not at your best? You need to take care of yourself or else you'll struggle more than you should. Work smarter, Kevin, not harder."
"I know," Kevin sighs.
"Taking one day off or even half a day is not going to kill you or anyone else. Get some sleep and recharge your body."
The heavy front door squeaks open, and Dean comes in holding a grocery bag of good food for Kevin to eat.
"Did you know that there are, like, 6,000 kinds of tomatoes?" He sets the bag in front of Kevin, and the young man can't help but dig into whatever Dean got. "Did you find anything?"
"Yeah. There had been demonic signs ten years ago in Shoshone, Idaho. Meet the Cassitys who are small-time farmers who struck oil on their land in February of '03, which is weird because geological surveys—"
"You had me at weird," Dean cuts his brother off. "Does it sound like a deal?"
"It's the best lead we have right now."
"Okay, let's go visit the Beverly Hillbillies." Dean gets up and turns to Kevin. "You stay here, work on step number two, and if you come across anything about Hellhounds, drop a dime, okay? Between the claws, the teeth, and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be real bitches." Dean reaches into the plastic bag and produces two bottles of medicine for Kevin. "I got you a present. The blue ones are for headaches, and the green ones are for pep. Don't O.D."
"Thanks?" Kevin sighs.
"Are you sure about that?" Sam whispers as they walk away.
"Sam, we are on the one-yard-line. It is time to play through the pain."
You groan and get up, grabbing Joanna's hand who has been silently playing with her stuffed dolls.
"Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Thank you."
You follow behind the brothers back to the car where you strap Joanna into her car seat. Once everyone is in, Dean heads back on the road to make the twenty-hour drive from Warsaw, Missouri to Shoshone, Idaho.
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Lightning Chapter 43. Lord Praven
Two days later
“Aaaaaaaaand… touchdown!” Kira cried happily as she set her speeder down next to a cliff face. “How’s that, eh? Ten for ten?” She looked at the rough straw doll she was using as a stand-in for… anyone. “What? A seven?! That’s outrageous! It’s unfair!” She tilted her head. “Oh. So it counts against me if I don’t land parallel, or perpendicular? Only you would say that, jackass! You try landing the speeder when we’re going at eighty klicks per hour! See how you’ll do!”
She landed lightly on the sand and pressed in the supersonic sensor. She then pressed the switch, sending the plunger digging about a meter and a half deep inside. She then returned to the speeder to spend the next ten minutes.
“No, evening isn’t that much better than the day, little doll. The morning is, though.”
“What’s that? Practice my Forms? Aren’t I supposed to be conserving water? Such a silly suggestion! You should have your Mastery taken away for that. Oh? What’s that? Oh, right! You ain’t Master yet.” She took a swig from her flask. “Wait, how can you say that? You’re the kid Master Satele drools over! She’ll be so heartbroken to know that you’re not interested in serving next to—wait. Silly me, I shouldn’t make such jokes until you’re at least twenty, right? No? Eighteen is technically enough? Okay then. I start teasing you at eighteen." She nodded firmly. “Don’t give me that! There’s plenty of relationships with wide gaps that last! … not from eighteen though? You got a point. Okay, twenty. Final offer. Ah. Sensor’s done.” She coughed, groaned, then took another long sip. “How many left, you ask?” she lifted up the doll. “Hard to say. Maybe a few? Maybe? Damn. Need to call… what was her name? Welp. I need to call her again, whatever her name is.”
“Ah, Padawan Carsen. I trust the mission is unfolding smoothly?”
“No small talk, I’m in the sun. Now tell me what comes next.”
“I… I think I might have enough to triangulate the location within the next ten minutes. I’m sending you the deactivation code now, so you can head on over directly. Thanks again for leaving your Astromech here with us. With the central computer down, his processing power is all we’ve got.”
“Right.” Giving him up had been hard. “Let me know when you’ve got something. I’ll just be… thinking of something cool. Blasted binary star system…”
She got another call as soon as she hung up on Hare’en. “Hey, boss. You got any sundaes?”
“What kind of question is that? Do you think I can enjoy a sundae when my sweet little Padawan is suffering in the sun?” He made a slurping sound and Kira straightened up indignantly.
He laughed. “Sorry. And also sorry for putting this all on you. You’re more than ready for solo missions, but I wish I could at least be close enough to cheer you on. Anyway, you finished planting all those sensors?”
“Yeah. Any news about the Czerka Type Twelve, or whatever?”
“They’re still digging at the site. I hear Kamus and Less Sand Day’s testimonies have already started putting Czerka in a lot of trouble. They’re unlikely to bug us again for a little while.”
“Hang on, I’m getting another call. It might be Hare’en. I’ll just patch you in… huh?”
Her caller wasn’t anyone she knew. He was a pureblood Sith, though it was hard to tell if he was part of the Order or not thanks to his desert gear.
“Hello, Jedi.”
“Who are you?” Kira wondered, before recognition flashed. “Wait, you were one of the Sith alongside Darth Angral, weren’t you?”
“Indeed, I was. I am Lord Praven. But you are not the Jedi I’m looking for. My Master’s enemy. My student’s vanquisher.”
“If you mean me, Kira has me patched in. Say whatever it is you need to.”
“My Master seeks retribution for his son’s death. I must give it to him. When my Master heard you were on this planet, he demanded I power up the Shock Drum. He’ll destroy the entire world to kill you.”
“First of all, why is his retribution more important than anyone else’s? Your Master has killed billions of civilians. And he aims to kill billions more! Heck, your dearly departed apprentice nearly starved a trillion people to death!”
“I will not argue with you. It is not mine to question, merely to serve.”
“And second of all, the chances of me dying from the Shock Drum are minute! This is why you don’t use a tactical warhead to hunt a single fugitive. Your Master is insane.”
The pureblood sighed. “Perhaps your death will make him whole again. I have changed the activation code to the Shock Drum. If you want the new code, come and claim it from my dead body! I will be waiting for you in a valley near the Dune Sea.”
“Kira, I’m coming too. Heatstroke, or no heatstroke, I can’t let you face a Sith alone.”
“I’m glad for the company, but please come in the ship! Minimize your exposure to the suns!”
“Alright. Stay where you are. We’ll come pick you up in thirty minutes.”
Kira sighed and looked at the straw doll. “Don’t worry, Master. You’ll always be my second-best friend.”
Meanwhile, on Tython
“The situation on Fondor has been resolved,” Seraphim concluded his report. The man stood tall and proud, his chest thrust out and fists on hips. “The fleeing escapees were saved, and the Dreadnought Bloodfeather has been destroyed. It looks like Jedi Arnor is a free woman again. She’s a little beat up though, so it might take a while before she can present herself for debrief.”
“Thank you for your report, Seraphim,” Satele inclined her head. “You have done the Republic a great service today. May the Force be with you.”
“Next on the agenda… an update from Vajra,” Gnost read out. “And a proposal.”
“I hope he’s not requesting that we Knight his security risk of a Padawan,” Jaric grumbled.
“I doubt it. He and Kira both want Bela to be present on that happy occasion. Patch him in, please.”
“It’s not a transmission, but a recording,” Gnost said, pressing a switch beside him.
“Good day, Masters. I’m sorry I have to do this via recording, but Tatooine didn’t agree with me. I am resting right now, but I needed to inform you of a situation here on the planet.”
Vajra gave a brief summary of the project which Czerka designated as a ‘Type-Seven device.’ There wasn’t a lot to go on yet, but the fact that a Czerka hitman had opened fire on a Jedi was alone enough to trigger a dozen alarm bells.
“The real problem here,” Vajra went on, “is just how many people landed here and brushed off Agent Fauler’s urgent request for aid. Master Devel, Jedi Pridence, Havoc Squad, and at least seven other capable parties. Even I almost ignored it, given the urgency of my mission. But there were others who could easily have helped—Havoc Squad for instance, whose mission to punish traitors might be important to them, but it pales when compared to the big picture. Just imagine if Czerka had gotten their hands on whatever superweapon it is that lies beneath the sands of Tatooine. I think a contingency clause like a ‘code black’ is needed which obliges Jedi and armed forces alike to drop what they’re doing unless it’s just as critical. Thankfully, the crisis is unlikely to truly emerge from its shell now that Les… Lock Sand Dee? I think that’s his name? Now that he’s out of the picture, the urgency should be gone, though I still believe that the weapon needs to be seen to, and soon. I don’t know if I can do this personally, however. As I said, I am not at my best on a hot planet. Still, it might be possible, if I’m only out in the sun for a few hours… anyway, that concludes this part of the report. Rest assured, Kira is making great progress in finding the Shock Drum. I hope to have found Master Kiwiiks by this time tomorrow. I hope we do. Kira says her Master’s life force is growing ever weaker. May the Force be with us.”
“Type Sevens have always been troublesome,” Jaric complained. “When coupled with the Rakata, you know it’s a cut above the rest. I volunteer to deal with this myself.”
“And I should go too, to chronicle whatever I can find,” Gnost added. “As everyone here knows, Rakata tech is as illuminating as it is dangerous. Attuned to the Force in ways we can’t imagine. Such knowledge needs to be found, so that we can better understand attempts to recreate it.”
“A good idea,” Tol nodded. “I approve.”
“As do I,” Syo said. “We should reach out to Agent Fauler and ask him to let us know directly when the door has been excavated, so that you don’t arrive there only to cool your heels for the next five years.”
Everyone chuckled and nodded.
“Then it’s approved,” Satele said, in something of a hurry to finish today. “What’s next on our agenda?”
“A message from Master Nomen Karr,” Gnost said. “As well as a follow-up from his Padawan.”
“I wonder if he’s about to report a great triumph in his personal crusade?” Jaric said sarcastically. “If his Padawan has sniffed out another puff of smoke that’s not really there?”
“Let’s hear it.”
A holo of a bearded man appeared in front of them. Nomen Karr was still a handsome man despite being a decade older than Satele.
“Good day, my esteemed colleagues,” he began as he always did. “It pains me to be calling in to register a complaint against a fellow Jedi, but it needs to be done.”
“Oh?” Satele’s eyebrows rose. She looked around to find confusion and apprehension on all faces around her. Jedi rarely ever brought up small charges against fellow Jedi to the Council. Normally, it was dealt with directly. If the offending Jedi was a Padawan, the complaint was taken to their Master first.
“The Jedi in question is Vajra Devarath,” Master Nomen almost spat out the name, his face contorting for a moment. “He approached my Padawan behind my back and tried to lead her astray. He showered her with words of doubt and confusion. My Padawan was much dismayed by what he had to tell her. But that’s not the end of it. By now, I am sure you are all aware of my Padawan’s power? Her miraculous gift of Sight, which can pierce all lies and deceptions? The perfect tool to seek out truth? It has spoken. She looked upon Vajra and found a monster lurking within his heart. It was so fearsome, it frightened her senseless. She was wailing incoherently when I found her, abandoned and alone. I understand that Vajra is a rising star of our Order. He is the apple of more than a few Council eyes. But make no mistake, he is a grave danger to us! A viper poised to strike at our very heart! I request the Council restrict his movements until he can be redeemed back into the Light. Good day to you.”
Everyone in the room was too shocked to pause the recording in order to speak. Satele more so than others. A fury burned in her gut that she longed to give voice to, but before she could gather the wits to speak, the next recording in the series began to play.
It was a small woman, around Jasme’s age. Her straight black hair sat neatly against her neck. She bowed humbly before the Council and proceeded to speak.
“Greetings, respected Masters of the Council. My name is Jaesa Willsaam. I apologize for putting in my little postscript, but I couldn’t not do it. I… I feel conflicted for giving testimony counter to what my Master just did, but I need to give the whole truth, since it’s being brought before you. Please forgive my Master; he is merely overprotective of my talent. He meant no harm.” She took a deep breath. “Regarding the matter of Master Vajra’s words to me… I assure you, they were innocent enough. He wanted me to be sure of the path I was on. To really introspect. And I did. I still am. I suppose Master Karr interpreted my questions as a sign that I wanted to walk a different path. Coming to the vision… it was really intense. He and Kira Carsen came to say their goodbyes to us, but I was the only one in the house. I let them in, and gave them tea. But there was something about Master Vajra… like he was hiding something. I needed to know what it was, so I Looked. I saw a monstrosity, just as Master Karr said. It was this great beast with many heads whose breath spewed a cloud of poison into the air. Its body was wrapped around his heart. It looked at me, and the eye contact was enough to give me nightmares. Whatever it is, Master Vajra houses great darkness within himself… although he showed no outward signs of it. In fact, one might believe his façade to be the real Vajra. Master Nomen didn’t exaggerate about that. My apologies again for the impertinence. Goodbye.” She bowed deeply, and her holo disappeared.
“What… was that?!” Satele whispered, seething with outrage.
Gnost turned to Kana. “Padawan, would you mind summoning Archivist Jasme? I think she might have some insights into these charges.”
The Falleen bowed and left silently.
“Even I have difficulty believing such a thing,” Jaric snorted. “He’s starting to grow horns, and he’s way too attached to his Padawan—”
“Debatable,” Syo said softly.
“—but if he was a servant of the Darkside, we’d all Sense it. Especially if he hid this… monster!”
“I think Nomen has been allowed far too much freedom,” Syo said. “Not to mention indulgence.”
“And this Jaesa Willsaam. Whatever gift she possesses is clearly not so mighty after all if it feeds her such a big lie.”
The doors opened, and in walked Kana and Jasme, holding several weighty tomes in her hand. “You summoned me, Masters?”
“She was passing by the door,” Kana snorted. “Just my luck.”
“Jasme, you may want to keep the books down. And… maybe stay away from anything breakable. Master Gnost, please show her the accusation.”
The word ‘accusation’ stumped Jasme for a moment, but she watched it without questioning. As soon as Nomen mentioned Vajra’s name and started rolling out his charges, her expression grew stormy. Like Satele, Jasme was too incensed to speak when Nomen was finished, and the squawk denoting her first attempt at speech was cut off by Jaesa’s testimony. Jasme closed her mouth and listened to the rest, her expression shifting over the course of the message, from outrage to alarm.
Once the recording had ended, Jasme stood stunned for a second. Eventually, she shook it off and asked, “You—you don’t seriously believe this tripe, do you?”
“No,” Jaric said firmly. “Whatever his immaturities, Vajra has been a miracle worker like none other. This Jaesa Willsaam, on the other hand, is an untried, sheltered child so far as I’m concerned; one whose Master has been feeding her delusions of grandeur. And Nomen’s obsession with Darth Wide has been making us nervous for months now.”
“There is a reason why this Council does not act on Visions alone—” Tol began.
“Because of the Masters of Taris, I know,” Jasme said impatiently. “But in all honesty, I kinda believe Jaesa’s vision. However, I believe she’s grossly misinterpreted what she saw, proving how inaccurate it is.”
“Good. I was hoping you’d have something to share.”
“Given the timing… right after he was done with his mission on Nar Shaddaa, correct? I might have something,” Jasme said. “It… it’s an incident related to the SIS agent, Galen. The one who got captured and turned into a Power Guard. Vajra… knew he was going to ask for mercy, and wanted to be able to persuade him otherwise. So he did something utterly bull-headed. He watched the recording of Sadic turning Galen into a cyborg. Kira told me that he had this strange notion that it was arrogant to try to persuade Galen to withdraw his request without knowing what he went through. That, coupled with all the horrors he’s seen recently, horrors he wasn’t ready for—” Jasme through a disgruntled look around. “—the ‘monster’ in question is probably his trauma given form. Sort of. He does have a history of mental health problems after all.”
“I see,” Satele said softly, sitting back and pondering Jasme’s words.
“If this is so, Vajra must have been highly troubled. Why didn’t we Sense it when he stood before us?” Gnost asked
“Because of the Emperor, I’d say,” Tol answered. “He was high on adrenaline when we met him.”
“That explains it,” Satele nodded. “Jasme, did you see signs of distress afterwards?”
“Yes,” Jasme confirmed. “Given the increased dangers in my career change, he wanted to teach me the 101 of his approach to Lightsaber combat, so we trained together for a good two hours. All was okay at first, but he started to lose focus midway. He’d just trail off in the middle of a sentence. Rapid flashes of light made him jump. I imagine he has other issues I didn’t get to see in that brief time. I insisted he get some rest while he was here, but he got deployed again before he could get it. Kira promised to look after him for me.”
“I see. You’ve been most helpful, Jasme. Thank you. You may leave.”
“Don’t forget the books,” Gnost added as she turned to leave. She jogged back, red-faced, and left with her burdens in her hands.
“Nomen needs to be assessed for corruption,” Nikil said. “And his Padawan needs to be extricated from him before whatever potential she has is… focused in the wrong place.”
“Ironic that he was the one pushing for someone else to be reeled in for the same thing,” Oteg noted.
“We’ve asked Nomen to return to us before politely, but he ignored the invitation. I think we need to send in an escort this time.”
We don’t have Jedi to spare for multiple superweapons, but we can scrounge up a couple for a matter of disciplining a possibly rogue Master, Satele thought. I wonder what that says about us. “Master Syo, I think you should be the one to go fetch him. We don’t have the Knights to spare, but perhaps we can spare you for a few hours.”
“I can leave immediately. Does anyone know where he is?”
“He was supposed to arrive on Balmorra today,” Tol replied. “Investigating the disappearance of a Jedi. But he never takes his Apprentice on such dangerous missions. It’s possible she’s still on Nar Shaddaa.”
“Ask the Republic Embassy to confirm. Discreetly. If they’re there, go and bring her in. If we can get her out from under his thumb until we’ve confirmed his state, it will be enough.”
“Perhaps we need to consider the more overt route,” Satele suggested. “Order him back. If he ignores us, we strip him of his rank of Master and inform the Republic of the same. He will be forced to return to us with all his avenues drying up.”
“Such a course will cast a bad light on us, Grand Master,” Jaric protested. “In addition, a truly fallen Jedi wouldn’t act rationally. He might just get more desperate. Covert movements first, I say.”
“So be it.”
The mesa Lord Praven had guided them to was impossible to get to in their ship, so Master Vajra was forced to proceed on foot. Kira tried not to fume. The heat from outside was bad enough.
Still, couldn’t Lord Praven have just invited them to one of the many abandoned homesteads on Tatooine? Why did it have to be in such a difficult-to-reach place? Her Master was still unwell—he was already starting to pant like a dog, and his movement was an ungainly shuffle, completely different from his usual elegance fit for a throne room.
“Boss… this is desperate. You’re barely able to stand right now. I think you should be backup this time.”
He jumped when she spoke up, as though he had forgotten she was there, then nodded.
His steps slowed, as though he was losing… well, she hated to use the word steam. She moved to catch him if he stumbled, but he did not. Kira sighed. Watching over him was proving to be a strenuous exercise. Him being out here was a gamble they could not avoid. They had looked through Praven’s record en route, and he was not the sort of opponent that Kira could take on as her first solo fight.
Master Vajra had tried reaching Master Devel, but he was already needed offworld.
In peak form, her Master should be able to beat Praven hands down. But like this…
“I think I see an opening,” Kira said after a lot of walking. “I hope it’s cooler in there!”
Master Vajra spoke at last. “I’m not counting on it. This world is alive, and it wants to be hot.”
The exited to find themselves in a large cavern which opened into a plateau. Jagged cliffs above prevented the Garuda from landing directly, but there was a smaller Imperial ship which had managed to enter the gap.
Praven was waiting for them at the very edge. Unlike them, he seemed to bask in the rays from the suns.
“Welcome, Jedi. I applaud you for marching to your execution.”
“A courtesy I wish Angral would do us,” Master Vajra replied. “I ask you again, why is it that he deserves retribution, but the people he has killed don’t?”
“And I say again that it is not mine to question.”
“Remind me to thank Jasme,” the boss told Kira. “For teaching me the importance of questioning.” Turning to Praven, he asked, “So is that your philosophy? As long as your personal honor is untarnished, you don’t mind if your liege does as he pleases?”
“Don’t try to understand. A Jedi cannot understand.”
“It’s useless, Master. And we’re on a timer.” Kira stepped forward and drew her Saberstaff. “We’ll lecture him after we’ve stopped the countdown.”
“Right. Priorities.”
Praven was enraged. “You would send your apprentice to fight me? Am I not worthy of your attention?”
“Tatooine doesn’t agree with me,” the boss said, leaning against a stone shelf. “It’s a small miracle I’m even standing.”
Praven blinked. “What?”
“It’s true,” Kira snarled. “Now do you want to do this, or what?”
Praven cocked his head for a moment, then drew his Lightsaber. “So be it.”
Kira waited for him to salute before making her move. She danced closer, making her approach in a zigzag line. She closed the last few meters in a run and leapt into the air, striking with a downward jab. Praven blocked the attack before unleashing one of his own.
Kira blocked the chop aimed at her face and another pair at her ribs before counterattacking. He leaned out of the way, and the tip of her blade seared past him. Using his momentum, he smashed her blade upwards so that her reverse sweep missed his mouth.
His blade descended on her head, forcing Kira to cartwheel to the side. The Sith didn’t let up on his momentum, and rushed her with a flurry of attacks which Kira had no difficulty blocking at first, but each impact jarred her joints.
“Not bad,” he said approvingly as their blades locked. “You were Master Kiwiiks’ Padawan first, correct?” He attacked her shoulder, and she blocked, then kicked at his stomach. He dodged, then landed an elbow on her shin.
Kira fell with a curse, but backflipped to avoid the coup-de-grace. Thankfully, the blow hadn’t broken anything.
“She favored the use of the Force rather than the blade. In this, at least, you surpass her. Let’s see how you fare in the other aspect, shall we?”
Praven began hurling rocks at her, then fired a stream of Force Lightning. Kira managed to evade the rocks, and tossed a few right back at him, but the Lightning stymied her. She was reduced to blocking it with her Lightsaber. She tried to leap out of the way of another hail of rocks, but her struck leg buckled when she landed. She fell with a cry, and Praven leapt at his chance…
Only for her to be Pulled away.
“Oh. I’d almost forgotten you were here.” Praven sounded surprised by that.
“Kira really did well, didn’t she? I guess it’s my turn now.”
“As it should be.” Praven frowned. “Hmmm… you really do look ill. A mere breeze should be enough to knock you over.”
Kira rose painfully, noting the clouds in her Master’s eyes.
“I suppose that makes this… a fair fight.”
“What did you say?”
“I think it’s best I just show you.” Master Vajra raised his blade. “En Garde.”
Praven flourished his blade and held it in a side stance. He shifted to the boss’ right. The Raudra’s eyes followed him, but he remained still. Pity filled Praven’s orange eyes.
“I will make this quick.”
He charged in again, aiming a blinding flurry of strikes at the youth’s chest and neck. Master Vajra’s blade intercepted each strike with only the slightest movement of his body.
Praven’s eyes widened, and he threw more of himself behind his attacks.
The speed and power of his blades increased, and eventually, Master Vajra had to begin moving his body. But it was only a small win for Praven, who was now attacking with an all-out ferocity that put his prior attack on Kira to shame.
Kira exhaled in surprise. Praven really was good. He might be a match for a few top-fifty swordsmen in the Jedi order. But the question was, could he beat her Master in this state?
Kira was afraid that was a yes. Each salvo claimed a heavy tax on his reserves, and the Sith noticed. Denied of the quick victory, he instead tried to overwhelm her Master’s weakened body. He used leaps, dashes and rolls to force Vajra to move more than just his blade. And although the Sith was using more energy in this clash, it was the Jedi who had less to expend. But a moment came when her Master suddenly began moving for real.
Was forced to.
Praven hurled a particularly large boulder at him, and he leapt out of the way to avoid it. He then retaliated by going on the offensive. He spun into the Sith’s intended path and stabbed at his heart. Caught off-guard, it was Praven’s turn to fall back.
But the attack didn’t last, and soon enough, Master Vajra faltered enough for Praven to retake the initiative. Still, that didn’t mean his opponent was easy meat. He still had enough strength to counter the Pureblood’s offensive.
What a show it was turning out to be! The air around both men was saturated with the clash of red and blue plasma; the sound of Lightsabers clashing echoed through the caverns beyond the two men.
Her Master slowly gave ground under the blows which fell like leaves in an autumn storm; but he was not out. Not yet.
“Fall, damn you!” Praven roared and Pushed with the Force. Her Master sidestepped the attack, then backed away under another mixed series of attacks—blade, rocks, direct Force attacks, and even a blast of Lightning.
He batted aside the Lightsaber, and evaded the Force attacks. Praven used a Lightning flash to flank her Master, but the Jedi saw it coming. He ducked under the blow and swung at the Sith’s blade. His blade spun in an arc, scoring a slight gash on Praven’s face.
Praven backhanded, and this time the blow landed. Master Vajra was struck in the face, the blow only softened by his veil and the Force.
But his guard was momentarily down, and Praven seized the opportunity. A stabbing strike scored a gash on Vajra’s left flank—the first time Kira had ever seen him take a wound in a fight. The follow-up chop almost cut him in half, but her Master managed to dodge. The front of his robes were singed, however.
Vajra flipped out of the danger zone and rushed right back in, cutting off a piece of Praven’s armor.
“Not bad,” Master Vajra said softly. Kira couldn’t tell if he was calm, or drained. “But do you see what I mean? If we had fought in almost any other environment—”
“I’d have been defeated long ago,” Praven finished bitterly. “You have a strength I could not have foreseen. It’s no wonder you defeated Lord Tarnis.”
“Face it. Your Lord Tarnis wasn’t training to be a warrior. I wonder if he even listened during your lessons.”
“He did. But four years of neglect left him rusted.” Praven looked at his opponent with respect. “But it’s clear who the victor here is. You are seconds from falling. Accept your fate. I will give you a warrior’s death, and a warrior’s funeral.”
Holstering his Lightsaber, he fired a stream of Lightning with both hands… but it didn’t work. The Lightning fizzled out when it got close to its target.
“I’ve seen this trick enough to know how to unravel it,” Vajra whispered. “At least, at this power setting.”
“Incredible…” Praven whispered. He hurled rubble and rocks once again, but his opponent had dug out his final reserves of strength.
Without warning, he burst forth like a thunderbolt, his blade cutting through Praven’s arms like butter. The Sith Lord growled. Then he screamed—a shout whose volume was amplified by the Force.
Unprepared, her Master was struck back. He clapped a pair of arms to his ears, cursing silently.
Oh, right! His hearing was better than Kira’s!
Shit… this decided the match, didn’t it? Just one more Scream, a stronger one, and her Master was done for—but he surprised her.
A bubble shimmered into existence around Praven’s when he tried that a second time, and the scream was reflected right back at him. The only sound escaping the bubble was channelled upwards, and the ceiling was blown off. A large pile of rocks fell on the Sith, who fell to his knees in agony, screaming in pain.
The Sith fell face-first into the dirt, utterly defeated. His forearms were stumps, blood oozed out of his ears. “Brilliant,” he mumbled. “Brilliant! You are… an astounding warrior.”
Kira’s Master failed to rise, but he turned his eyes to Kira, who nodded.
“The code. Now.”
“It’s on my belt. Second pouch on the right of the buckle.” He closed his eyes and waited. “Well? Aren’t you going to kill me?”
“Not the Jedi way to kill a defeated opponent,” Kira replied. “But we promised you a long chat afterwards. So, we’ll be taking you with us.”
The Sith seemed confused. Kira sighed. He probably couldn’t hear right now. She took the stunner out of its sheath and pressed it against his neck. He made a rather comical gurgle and passed out.
Kira keyed her comm. “C2? We’ll leave the canyon in the Sith’s ship. Pick us up on the surface. We have to make up for lost time.”
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[movie review] avatar: the way of water (2022)
“the way of water has no beginning and no end. our hearts beat in the womb of the world. water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.”
pretty bold words from a movie that asks me to not pee for 3 hours & 15 minutes but also asks me to buy & drink a big soda in a ridiculous souvenir cup.
so, yeah. i’ve now seen this in both dolby & imax, and while i think imax was the better experience of the two, i can confirm that (as is usually the case in a james cameron venture) there just isn’t a bad way to see this movie. it’s funny, because most of the interesting things i can think of to say about it are criticisms but overall i definitely enjoyed it?
look, at a base level, the reason i liked this and i’m probably going to like all of the hopefully dozens of sequels this series keeps churning out is that the avatar franchise has become one of the few remaining standard bearers for high-effort filmmaking in blockbuster movies. like, basically every visual you see in this movie was probably created in a computer, but it does not look like it? at all? and i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again, it’s pretty clear that this is attributable to the absolute obsession that james cameron has for making movies look the way he wants them to look, and the fact that he seems to bring other people with that same obsession along for the ride.
the things that were problematic about the first movie (and the expanded universe surrounding it) are still problematic, plus a few new problems that they decided to add on top just so we don’t get bored, but before i start really digging into those things i just want to pause and say that i really miss when this kind of approach in blockbuster filmmaking was… not the norm, exactly, but definitely not as uncommon as it is now? so yeah, at the end of the day if i’m going to be watching some shooty scifi bullshit, i’d love for it to keep looking this good and having this much of an imaginative (but also extremely thoroughly well-thought-out) approach to the creation of a genuinely alien world. because the real star of these movies isn’t jake, and it isn’t neytiri, and it isn’t their kids. it’s pandora.
the movie seems to understand this, too, because yeah we start with jake narrating but it’s over this fucking wonderful shot of the camera just rapidly zooming down to the surface of pandora and then through the trees, and just sort of bludgeoning you with the fact that yeah, we’re back. and what i’ve kind of been dancing around is the fact that it’s pretty clear that creating pandora & bringing it to life was a labor of love for everyone involved, and that’s something that’s been obvious to me since the first movie, and i think it’s why so many people found pandora so achingly beautiful. returning there weirdly feels a little like returning home, or at least returning somewhere you really like being. it carries an actual emotional weight with it.
and, again, this opening narration is trying to very quickly usher us through the last 15 years or so of the sullys’ life but the visuals of these little vignettes are always emphasizing how much the forests of pandora are a starring player in these experiences.
honestly these opening scenes are asking you for a lot, because the status quo has changed quite a bit, and they’re about to hit you with the whole weird clone soldier thing? which still to this day doesn’t really make a lot of logical sense to me, but i’m willing to roll with it because such an entertaining movie is wrung out of it. and also because it fits in great with the thematic thrust of these movies, that the sky people are trying to steal pandora out from under the na’vi, so the idea of them literally appropriating na’vi bodies and shoving their gross human capitalist/military brains in there is just viscerally horrifying.
(... which makes it pretty fucking awkward that one of my biggest problems with this movie/franchise is that it appropriates & profits off of gross tons of indigenous culture…)
yeah okay let’s go ahead & pivot.
the white savior stuff is less visually apparent here because jake spends the whole movie as a na’vi, so that’s nice & i do drastically prefer things this way, but it’s still totally there? but on top of that jake is just the fucking worst father in this? like, neytiri calls him out exactly once for treating his family like a squad he’s the commanding officer of instead of a family? but he just proceeds to continue doing this for the whole rest of the movie and it’s never again a source of conflict? and i’m sorry, that’s not just bad writing, it’s fucking abusive?
in the first movie jake at least realizes he’s kind of a piece of shit and gets his ass kicked constantly for it. this movie acts like he’s just a big damn hero whose only flaw is that he tries to hide & protect his family (the objectively correct thing to do) instead of singlehandedly defeating the sky people. and i just. cannot.
i want to print out flyers about neytiri & staple them to telephone poles like she’s a lost cat, because where the fuck was she in this movie? she’s barely in it, and the one actually kind of big thing she does in the movie (threaten spider’s life to save her get blue!quatritch to release her daughter) is terrible? i just. ugh.
this is mirrored by the fact that when we see jake & neytiri with the omatikaya we barely hear from mo’at, who is one of the fucking best characters in the first movie and is even more awesome in some of the expanded universe stuff so i had a lot of high hopes that we were gonna get to see more of her, but nah, she basically just patches up some wounded and apparently has zero opinions about jake & neytiri leaving. (i mean, obviously that’s not the case, my point is that we don’t hear from her about it at fucking all.)
for that matter, we don’t see jake & neytiri interacting with the omatikaya at all really? we literally just see the clan functioning as a resistance cell against the returning rda. it’s hard to feel the sense of loss that you should feel when they leave because you never get to see them just… being the people? you’re asked to feel the loss exclusively through neytiri getting mad about it for exactly thirty seconds, which is treated dismissively by jake, which by the way is also an awful character moment for him. just. yuck.
i also don’t feel like i got to know the metkayina well enough? i know this movie is a lot more plot-heavy than the first movie, but it just feels like there’s an entire dimension missing this time, and i’m sad about it.
i know i’m starting to sound like i hated this movie, and i didn’t, for all the reasons i stated earlier plus a few more that i’m about to pivot to, but i just need to be really clear that me enjoying this movie is not an endorsement of everything about it? like, i feel like this is less of a star trek situation where i’m like “this 90% aligns with my values but has some issues because sometimes the writers suck” and is more like when i used to like star wars and was like “this is an extremely well-designed universe that it’s fun to immerse myself in and the movies are damn entertaining even if i frequently don’t like the stories that are being told.”
(okay i have to go on a quick tangent here since i don’t talk about star wars much anymore to clarify what i mean. hilariously, the last jedi coming along and actually being a good movie with good things to say is what made it impossible for me to continue enjoying star wars when i realized it had never been that before and was never going to be that again, like, it actually “ruined” star wars for me, but not in the way most people mean when they say that? like it’s probably the only star wars movie i’d rewatch if you asked me to. and i used to rewatch all of them frequently, and write fanfiction & whatnot. i was one of those.)
like the first movie, the way of water is a deeply problematic movie with superficially anti-imperialist themes, but like… considering that the vast majority of tentpole blockbusters are imperialist propaganda with a very thin coat of paint over them, that’s clearly better, right?
like, i think we often do this thing where when something at least superficially aligns with our values we hold it to a higher standard, and i’m not about to lecture anyone (especially if they’re indigenous) if they do that with this movie, it certainly deserves it because wow does it ever not practice what it ineptly preaches, but i am going to say that for me personally i would prefer imperfectly anti-imperialist movies that are made this well over unabashedly pro-imperialist movies that were clearly filmed in empty rooms composed of green screens or that circular led thing that the mandalorian & star trek discovery popularized. (for the record, star trek discovery does a much better job with it, but it’s still pretty obvious at times.)
and the other reason i really enjoy this is because, as much as i’m starting to feel like i kind of genuinely hate jake (but i can still empathize with him and i think the lengths he goes to to throw his own life between the bad guys & his kids is genuinely heroic) and as much as i fucking hate the way neytiri is written in this movie, i fucking love their kids? this jumped out at me even more on rewatch when i was more familiar with the general shape of the movie. when i first saw it i loved lo’ak & kiri but i thought neteyam especially wasn’t characterized nearly as much? like, he was just the “good kid” to lo’ak’s “rebellious kid,” but the thing about cameron movies is that so much characterization happens in the margins and when i was able to pay more attention to the details the second time through is fucking loved & wanted to protecc neteyam?
but yeah, i totally get why we focus on lo’ak. he’s an extremely good boy and i’m super invested in his story going forward. (kiri also rules, but i feel like that’s more obvious.)
also like, this movie has na’vi bullying in it, so uh. yeah. that’s… nice. for me. (sorry not sorry.)
so, uh, yeah. at the end of the day you have a deeply problematic but wildly entertaining movie that is kind of the standard bearer of high-effort blockbuster filmmaking in an age dominated by “just film it in front of a greenscreen & redirect people to the disney+ series”? again i have no beef with anyone who cannot enjoy this movie because of its problematic elements. i’m not out here waving my embarrassing unironic avatar fandom like it’s something to be proud of, and i don’t think i’ll ever really be able to enjoy this franchise in an uncomplicated way, which could very well result in me burning out on it like i did star wars before it, but idk. for now i’m enjoying it. and for me at least, this movie had more than enough to enjoy about it to overcome the things that infuriated me about it.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Mistake ~ JJK [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: jungkook x reader,
GENRE: Idol au, Angst, accidental pregnancy, smut (not the smutiest of smut but some smut), jungkook being an asshat
A/N: This came out so...I don’t know how to explain it. I like it! I do! I hope you do too!  🥺🥺🥺
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How did it come to this? One minute you were a University student on a foreign exchange program and the next...
The next you were sitting in a hospital waiting room staring around at everyone. Never in a million years would you have thought this could have happened to you. Sitting in the middle of a packed out room trying not to overthink things. There was a chance all of this was a mistake, everyone was late to their periods sometimes but then there were the pregnancy tests. 
All 32 of them sitting in your room back in your apartment. You had to be sure after all. You weren't going to just take one and assume it was correct. All 32 of them coming back as positive only worried you more so you booked the appointment praying that the doctor would tell you that you were wrong.
"Miss Y/l/n?" All eyes turned to look at you as you slowly raised up from your chair. Feeling as though you had sprouted a second head the way everyone kept their eyes trained on you. No one could possibly know that you were there because you thought you were pregnant. It wasn't as though this was just a pregnancy section of the hospital. You were probably just imagining things.
The white lights in the small room you had been taken to were blinding. It felt as though you were under the spotlight or in an interrogation. As you sat in the chair you could feel yourself beginning to sweat under pressure.
"What seems to be the problem?" The female doctor in front of you asked. She was wearing a white coat and sitting in front of her computer, looking as though she was fed up with her day before it had even begun. 
You glanced around her room trying to figure out where to start with what you were there for. It was a simple answer. I think I'm pregnant. But how could you think? The tests were pretty accurate and so were the signs. You'd missed your period, your mood changed, cramps, you always had to pee and your breasts felt as though they had been in 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.
"I think I'm pregnant," You mumbled as you looked at the doctor. Saying nothing she walked to the other side of the room to grab a small cup for you. 
"Go take a urine sample for me and walk straight back in here, we'll take some blood too." She came across as cold as she looked at you. She probably thought less of you, someone who had come to Seoul and got knocked up. But it wasn't as if you had planned on this happening.
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"You were right, definitely pregnant." She said as she laid out the test on the side for you. Two stripes on the small paper for the urine test and your blood came back positive within a few minutes. Normally when people found out that they were pregnant they were over the moon. But how could you be?  
"Would you like us to contact the father?" The father. That was where the issue lied. You'd been none stop calling him since you took the first test but you never got an answer from him. Calls would go unanswered, Messages would be left unread. All you wanted was for him to at least acknowledge that you were trying to get in contact with him. Not that you ever wanted to. He was an asshole to you but you knew you could never be able to do this alone.
Whenever you thought about the father your mind would go straight back to the night it happened.
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Cramped into a crowded club with people screaming to talk with one another, music blasting out of the speakers and large lights were flashing everywhere. It was hard to see anything as you tried to make your way to the bar, the main lights were off and the only thing true lighting the way were some small white lights along the floor. All you wanted was some water before you could find your roommates. Your roommates had dragged you out clubbing for the night to celebrate the end of a test you all had taken a part in and now they were missing. Making off with the only apartment key there was leaving you alone.
"Can I get a glass of water please?" You yelled out but the bartender ignored you as she began flirting with someone standing right beside you. It was obvious she didn't want to do her job, not that you blamed her. The guy beside you was incredibly good looking. Dressed in a blue silk shirt and some black jeans, he looked expensive from his haircut to his tattoos. 
It looked as though he enjoyed the attention he was getting from her though as he continued to flirt back with her but you needed some water. You needed to at least try and keep your head straight.
"Excuse me?" You asked the bartender who gave you the side-eye, excusing herself from lover-boy as she walked to stand in front of you. Raising her eyebrow and waiting for you to speak.
"Can I have a glass of water please?" Rolling her eyes at you she began putting ice into a cup, pouring water and leaving you to go back to the boy. Who seemed to have suddenly lost interest in her altogether. His eyes lingering on you as he took in what you were wearing. A white long-sleeved shirt with a suspender plaid skirt, looked quite cute on you as you sipped your water. His mind instantly wandered to what someone like you was doing in a club like this. A club designed so that people would go home together for one night stands, the place he frequented because it was easy pickings for him.
"Hi," You turned to look beside you, a little shocked that someone was speaking to you. The boy the bartender had been flirting with was smiling at you, inching himself a little closer as he sat on the stool beside you.
"Hello," You smiled before going back to scanning the crowds of people. Your roommates were somewhere in there dancing and having the time of their lives while you were left behind, you just wanted to go home. It was getting late and you were tired from the test and dancing.
"I'm Jk," He told you as he held out his hand for you to shake. Glancing at his hand and to his face, you nodded deciding to play nice and introduce yourself back to him. 
"Y/n." Your eyes immediately went back to the crowd which only seemed to make Jungkook like you more, he took it as you playing hard to get.
"Do you want to go and dance?" He questioned in your ear making you shiver and move away from him a little. Personal space was something you valued a lot.
"No, I'm just looking for my roommates. They ditched me and they have the only key." You explained, your eyes never once leaving the crowds. It was going to be easy spotting them, the two of them were in bright pink matching outfits, insisting that it would look great in the club.
"Oh shit, want me to help you find them? I bet it'll be easier with two sets of eyes." Jungkook stood up from his chair as he began looking around the room even though he had no idea who he was looking for just yet.
"That's true, here-" Pulling out your phone you showed him the lock screen of you and your roommates to help you look for them.
"I'm sorry it was a total bust, I mean you can stay here until the morning." Jungkook had insisted on taking you back to his apartment to get you something to eat and some warmer clothes since it was starting to get cold out in the streets. 
"Thanks, I'll just nap on the sofa." You said right before the doors to his elevator to his apartment opened. Your mouth dropped to the floor as you stared around at everything. 
This place was huge. Walking into the apartment you stared around at everything. As soon as you stepped inside it was an open floor plan. The living room was directly in front of some large floor to ceiling windows that looked out at Seoul. Then the kitchen was right beside the entrance. White marble countertops, grey cupboards and a hidden fridge. The entire apartment was larger than your common room in the dorms.
"I would just feel awful about making you stay on the sofa," He shook his head at you. His mother raised him better than that. 
"I'll take the sofa,"
"But this is your apartment." He smirked to himself as his back was turned to you. Turning on the oven and boiling some water, 
"How about we eat some ramen and then we can talk about it?"
Your hands gripped onto the counter as Jungkook slammed in and out of your roughly, your eyes almost rolling back as you cried out his name. Turning to look over your shoulder at him you smirked looking at the state he was in. He was sweating as he pounded into you from behind, moans mumbling out of his lips as he continued to dig his hands into your hips. Dick hitting that one spot that made your legs shake and your eyes roll back. 
"S-Shit! Right there." You cried out as he continued to fuck into you. You had no idea how it had come to be here. Jungkook fucking into you relentlessly as you cried out his name. The two of you had been sitting on the sofa one minute and the next he had you bent over the back of the couch, against the kitchen counter. You'd lost count of how many times you'd come around his cock alone. The familiar feeling of tightening began to grow inside of you as your breathing began to get erratic.
"Don't stop." You begged him as you reached down between your legs to start rubbing your clit mercilessly. Jungkook grunted as he continued to fuck into you. His hand taking over yours to rub your clit to match his hip movements. Your hips bucked back against him as you moaned out his name.
"You're so fucking tight," He moaned out, hands digging into your hips as he continued to fuck himself into you. Biting down on your shoulder as he moans out your name just a little.
Jungkook smirked as you pressed yourself against the window. The glass beginning to fog up as he fucked you against it. The two of you completely forgot what you were even doing in his apartment in the first place. 
One more orgasm and you were going to be on the floor as a shaking mess. Jungkook had his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you propped up not wanting this to end so quickly. You'd been the best lay he had had in a while and he wasn't willing to let it be over so quickly.
"So good, taking me so well like this," He chuckled as he continued to roughly pound into you, kissing up and down your neck. 
The familiar sensation of his approaching orgasm hitting him, he'd been fighting it back since the moment he'd begun fucking you. You had no idea if you were ever going to be able to stop, it was addicting having him inside of you like this. He felt so good and it felt as though there was something there for you. 
"J-JK!" You screamed out as he began to hit a little quicker, chasing after his own finish as he kept you pressed against the window. The faster he moved the faster he knew he was going to cum but he needed it, he needed to cum into you and feel himself fill you up.
Both your moans filling the apartment as he continued to roughly fuck into you. Your hand slammed against the window as you shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks from the overstimulation you were beginning to feel.
"C-Cumming!" You cried out, eyes scrunching together as your body spasmed, legs shaking as you clenched around him over and over again. It never felt like it was going to end as you continued to clench.
"U-Ugh fuck yes." Jungkook pushed your whole body against the window as he emptied himself inside of you. Holding himself deep inside of you as he kissed the back of your neck. Neither of you daring to move. If he let go of you, you knew your legs would give out and you'd be on the floor in seconds.
Waking up the next morning you felt as though you were never going to be able to walk again. Your whole core ached and you were dressed in a hoodie and some sweats that weren't yours. Images of your night with JK came back to you and you couldn't help but smile at them. It felt as though there was something really there for you and you couldn't wait to do that all over again. 
Rolling over ready to wake JK up with a surprise you frowned finding the bed completely empty. Your clothes were in a bag on a chair beside the bed. You wondered where JK could have been when you heard noises coming from the kitchen so you threw yourself out of the bed to go and see. 
Jungkook was standing in the kitchen making breakfast and dancing around, smiling to himself as he sang along to the music on the radio. 
"Morning," You breathed out happily as you watched him, fuck he was even prettier in the morning light. JK looked over at you and frowned wondering why you were still standing there and hadn't left yet. 
"What are you doing here?" He frowned looking over at you as he flipped his bacon over in the pan.
"I thought you wanted me to stay over..."
"Yeah, now I want you to leave," He laughed as he looked at you up and down judging you for standing there as if he would want to do all of that again.
"But last night-"
"Was a one night stand. Get over yourself...What did you think was going to happen?" He laughed looking at you as you pulled the hoodie around you tighter feeling embarrassed and ashamed for thinking that there could have been something there. 
"Oh you can keep that, I give it to all the girls that come over here, I have a bunch of the same one." You began to feel sick, staring at him as he passed you off as nothing more than something he had stepped in. 
"Seriously...Leave before I have to call security." Grabbing the bag of clothes from the bedroom you began heading for the exact, listening to Jungkook laugh as you walked out on him.
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"I just have a number but I can't get through to it," You mumbled taking out a piece of napkin from that night. JK had given it to you when you went to look in separate parts of the club.
"We'll try and contact him and let him know what's happening. In the meantime you need to be careful, you're only in the first month of your pregnancy so make sure you're taking care of yourself." Nodding at the doctor you began to stand up from the seat, wanting nothing more than to head back to the dorms and cry about all of this.
You could say goodbye to your University course, they had no help with child care and they didn't allow children in the dorms. You needed to find an apartment and fast. At least if you had your own place you could find your own childcare and continue with the course. You hoped.
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A month had passed since seeing the doctor and they finally told you that they had managed to get in contact with the father. Neglecting to inform you that the father was clear someone of high importance. A car had come to pick you up from your apartment and take you to a meeting with someone, instead of JK. 
"Are you Miss Y/l/n?" A female voice asked as you looked up from your phone. Standing there was a beautiful tall blonde wearing an all-black outfit as she held out a tray. 
"Sejin sends his apologies and promises you can go inside soon." Taking a glass of water she was holding out for you, you wondered how many times she had to do this. How many times she had to sit and be nice to someone one of her co-workers had knocked someone up.
"Thank you," Your voice cracked a little as you did your best not to cry in front of her. You'd been a crying mess for the last two weeks, going from one extreme to the other. Your roommates were beginning to catch on to what was happening. They'd heard you throwing up at stupid hours of the day and see the amount you had begun to eat.
"Can we get you something to eat? Drink?" Sejin asked as he pulled you a chair for you in a conference room. The guy you slept with must have been really important if they were pulling all the stops out like this. It made you wonder how they had gotten involved when the doctor had been calling JK's number. 
"No, No I'm okay thank you...Is JK going to be here?" Sejin stared at you as he frowned. That was the name Jungkook had given to you? It wasn't very creative. At least when he gave names to other girls he would call himself something else, not use his initials. 
"No, it's just me, you and the main boss." You nodded at him before looking down at the table in front of you. It felt awkward to be sitting there waiting for someone to come down and discuss your pregnancy. Someone who had nothing to do with the pregnancy in the first place that was.
"Ah you must be Miss Y/l/n, I wish I could say it was lovely to meet you." A voice boomed out as the doors to the conference room opened. Standing up you bowed to the man who had entered and he waved his hand to dismiss you. 
"Please, we're all friends here. I'm Bang PD." He sat down and smiled at you. Not the kind of smile that was reassuring in times like this but the smile that scared you. It felt as though there was some kind of hidden meaning behind all of this. 
"How about we cut right to the chase, no use beating around the bush." He laughed loudly making Sejin laugh forcibly as he sat down on a chair beside you.
"We know what you want so we have it, Sejin." He barked as an envelope was slid in front of you. Your name was written across the front in fancy writing but you frowned at the sight of it. 
"I just wanted to have some help from JK."
"JK? Is that what he went with? How incredibly creative," Bang PD uttered sarcastically as you frowned looking from him to Sejin. 
"I think you'll find the amount written inside of there is enough to help you." Pulling it open you almost fell out of your chair seeing the number that was written on a piece of paper. 
"We can have it sent to you right away and there will be no questions asked. Just never speak to JK again," The man explained as he watched the way your face contorted,
"Sir this-"
"Isn't enough? I can higher it if you like?" He questioned as he got up from his chair. Walking around with his hands tucked behind his back, your eyes trained onto him the entire time. 
"No...I don't want your money..." You slid the paper away from you as you watched him walk toward the window. Keeping his back to you as he looked out at the view. 
"I want some help from the father...I can't raise a baby on my own." You explained as you watched the way Sejin bit down on his lip. 
"You want the father to be in the babies life?" Bang PD questioned, he sounded completely shocked as if it was something so out of the world that you had asked that. 
"Yes. I can't raise a baby alone...I don't even live here, I just came for my studies." You began to feel angry as they tried to pass you a large sum of money to make you go away. 
"Do you have any idea who he is?" You frowned at the question. The way that they were acting had to have meant he was a big deal. 
"No. I just met him in a club, we went to his apartment-"
"Apartment!? He has his own apartment now?!" Bang PD screamed at Sejin who seemed to flinch a little at the idea of it while you seemed to grow more in confusion. Why wouldn't he have his own apartment? 
"Bring him in here. I have plans for him." Bang PD sat back down at the desk and looked at you. There was suddenly a switch in personality. Instead of being the strict and shouting man, he was with Sejin he was coming across as calm with you.
"There are some things you need to understand." You frowned before nodding at him. Inching your chair closer to the desk as you waited for him to explain everything that was going on.
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JK. Or as you now knew him as Jungkook walked into the room with a smirk on his lips. 
"What did you want to speak to me about?" You stared over at him as he didn't even glance in your direction. The person you had gone home with was completely different from the person he was. Jeon Jungkook. A famous Idol that was in a band and lived a very important life. Bang PD had explained that Jungkook shouldn't have even been out that night and that the apartment he had taken you to wasn't even his own and if it was it would be soon taken away from him. You didn't know much about the idol life but you knew how strict it was, how strict some companies were with their workers.
"Jungkook, do you remember Y/n?" The smile that Jungkook had been displaying quickly faded when he turned to see you sitting there. 
"By the look on your face, I am going to assume that to be a yes," Bang PD laughed forcing Jungkook to sit down by putting pressure on his shoulder and looking between you and him. 
"Well, congratulations Jungkook you're a soon to be a father." Jungkook laughed while looking at Bang PD, shaking his head and hitting his hand against the older man's arm. 
"That's a good one, what did she want? Money to keep her mouth shut?" Bang PD said nothing as he slid the papers over to Jungkook proving that you were in fact pregnant and the colour seemed to be drained from Jungkook's face. Staring at the piece of paper, reading and re-reading it over and over again as he looked from the paper to you.
"I want a DNA test, there's no way...She was all over everyone at the club!" That was a barefaced lie but you looked to Band PD who simply stared at the younger man. 
"Maybe this will be a learning experience for you. No more parties, no more drinking, no more girls. You're going to be a father to this child." You felt as though you were in the middle of the school principles office watching another child be scolded for something.
"You will help raise this baby and you will do it properly. Do I make myself clear?" The voice felt as though it was going to shake the room and Jungkook nodded his head. 
"Yes Sir," Bang PD lowered himself back down into a chair and looked at you.
"We will be wanting a paternal test, you're almost 8 weeks is that correct?" He began writing things down on some paper. Writing down the tests he wanted to run, what the rules for Jungkook were going to be.
"Yes Sir," You answered as you remembered the doctor's appointment you had with the female doctor and how she was scheduling you in for a few more soon.
"That means your scan should be soon. We'll come along to make sure that we can get a DNA test done. Set a few minds at ease. In the meantime, this information goes nowhere...Neither of you is involved with one another in the public eye." Standing up he began to walk towards the door. 
"I'll go and draw up some NDA's and you will be free to speak it all out.," With that, he left the room and Jungkook stared at you from across the table. 
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"How did you find out?" You looked over at him, 
"I took tests when I missed my period-"
"Don't play fucking dumb. How did you find out who I was and where I worked?" He cut you off not wanting to waste his time on something so stupid. There was no way the child was his, he was always careful whenever he slept with someone. Always made sure they were on the pill or that he used protection with them. 
"I didn't, the doctor called the number you left for me." Rolling his eyes he stared at you, looking you up and down as if he was judging you for coming to his workplace.
"You're only here for the money." You scoffed at him. It was unbelievable to you as to why you had slept with him in the first place when he acted like this. His whole attitude made you want to reach across and slap him up the side of the head.
"You mean the money I didn't take...I don't want money I want help raising a child." You argued back at him. 
"I thought you were too easy of a lay, I never should have fucked you. You've been nothing but a pain since." He grumbled as he looked over at you. Feeling nothing but resentment as he realised everything he was going to lose because he'd made one mistake.
"Trust me, if I'd have known how much of an entitled asshat you are I never would have slept with you either." You snapped at him pouring yourself a glass of water. The longer you sat there the sicker you began to feel because of the morning sickness and the sight of him alone.
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"Signed and dated. Both of you will make terrific parents." Sejin said as he tried to make everything seem as though it was fine. That this wasn't being forced down upon Jungkook but you knew he didn't want to be there. Which only made you happier with it. If Jungkook was miserable it made you happy. If he was going to be an arse to you, you could return the favour back to him.
"We will see you at the next appointment," Sejin explained as he began to walk you out of the conference room. Holding your bag for you as you put on a jacket. 
"See you then," You smiled weakly as he escorted you towards a set of elevators. 
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Months seemed to fly by through the pregnancy. Jungkook was worse than you had imagined. Refused to go to any of the scans, refused to even acknowledge that the baby growing inside of you was his. The boys all knew Bang PD had sat them down and explained what was going on and they seemed more excited than Jungkook. 
For you, things seemed to get worse. University was in the middle of kicking you out of your accommodation. Your roommates wanted nothing more to do with you now that they knew you were with child and refusing to tell them who the father was. Jungkook was nothing but mean to you whenever he was forced to be around you for longer than ten minutes at a time. It would be insult after insult about how he never wanted to have a child in the first place and now he was being forced into it.
"You're nothing to me, you know that right. As soon as that thing is born it will mean nothing to me." Jungkook hissed as you sat in the waiting room of the hospital. Bang PD had practically forced Jungkook there himself by sending him with a team of security and his manager. 
"This is all one big mistake and I'm never going to let you forget it," Humming at him you continued to read the magazine that was in front of you. Not listening to a word he said. You'd learnt to tune most of what he told you out as the months went by. 
"I can't believe they're forcing me into this. The baby is going to know I hate it when it grows up." You took in a deep breath. Ignoring the hormones that were beginning to make you feel angrier than usual toward Jungkook.
"I never wanted this. This is fucking stupid." That was it. You'd had enough.
"You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to get knocked up by someone who clearly loves himself too much to love anything else around him?!" You finally yelled out, ignoring the looks you were getting from the security men beside you. You were about ready to pop, 8 months pregnant and sleeping from house-sits to house sits because you couldn't find an apartment willing to take someone like you. Someone heavily pregnant without a stable enough income for them to rely on for rent. 
"You think you're the only one with problems?!" You got up when you heard your name being called out, Jungkook stared at you. 
"Try being homeless, 8 months pregnant with a guy who doesn't want anything to do with you and makes it clear that he hates you." You spat at him shaking your head as tears began to rush down your cheeks. 
"Do whatever the fuck you want. Be here or don't be here, I don't care anymore." You hissed at him as you began to walk down towards the ultrasound room. Sejin stared at Jungkook as he watched after you.
This whole time he had been doing his best to make you hate him. Make you hate him enough so that you would leave and never speak about this again but now he felt guilty.
Rushing into the room Jungkook sat down on the chair beside the bed you were sitting on. 
"You're homeless?" 
"What do you care?" You mumbled to him as you kept your eyes on the screen. All you wanted to do was check your little baby was okay before heading back to find an apartment. Sejin had been kind enough to rent you a hotel room for the last two nights but you couldn't continue to let him do that for you.
"Do you know what you're expecting?" A nurse questioned as she began to apply the cold gel to your stomach, you whimpered a little at the feeling. 
"No. I don't want to know," You admitted as you kept your eyes on the screen. Jungkook was about to open his mouth to say he did when a heartbeat began to play through the speaker beside the bed. 
"What's that?" He whispered as he listened to everything. 
"That would be the baby's heartbeat, nice and healthy." The nurse explained as she began typing, pointing at the baby on the screen and smiling. 
"Your little one is right here, sitting comfortably." She began taking photos. You had a million of them in a bag back at the hotel room. Keeping every memory of the little one whenever you could. 
"You'll begin to feel the little one move around more soon, they'll be getting ready to turn and come out." Jungkook drowned out the talk as he stared at the screen. The small blob that was his baby moving around and making his chest swell the longer that he stared at it. This was no longer something he could just ignore. There was his child growing inside of you. Developing its own mind. Growing cells and becoming a mini person.
Jungkook said nothing as the two of you came out of the ultrasound room. All he did was take a copy of the scan and head home. Saying nothing to Sejin who questioned why he was acting so weird. The boys watched as he walked straight to his room without uttering a word to any of them. They'd all stopped asking if there was any news on the baby. They were tired of being screamed at about it by Jungkook.
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After another month of staying inside of hotels and you were scared you were going to deliver in the middle of a hotel room. The thought terrified you. Delivering a baby alone with no one around you. But that morning you had woken up to a text from Sejin with an address attached to it along with a message asking you to meet him there as soon as you were awake so you did. Sejin had been helping you hunt for an apartment willing to take you so you assumed that this was all it was. 
"Sejin I don't see how I'm supposed to afford a place like this." You mumbled as you walked out of an elevator and into a living room. This place was bigger than the apartment Jungkook had taken you back to the first time you met him. Your feet were killing you as you held your hand over your stomach. Doing this whilst nine months pregnant was not your idea of a fun time.
"You won't," Sejin told you as he looked around for the boys. Namjoon was the first one to come rushing over to you, making you squeal when he suddenly touched your bump. 
"Hi. Sorry, I'm Namjoon." You looked at him and smiled weakly, looking to Sejin for help who smiled down at you. 
"These are Jungkook's band members," Sejin explained as Namjoon and Jimin began to lead you toward a sofa. Sitting you down and smiling at you. They were smiling at you so much it was starting to freak you out a little, 
"We've been dying to meet you," Yoongi told you as he bought over a mug of hot chocolate and set it down in front of you. They were all being so nice which wasn't something you had been expecting as you watched them all. You figured they were all going to be as nasty and Jungkook had been about the pregnancy. 
"What...I don't mean to be rude but what am I doing here?" You questioned looking over each of them before looking at Sejin who seemed to smile bigger than you had ever seen him smile before. 
"Boys, would you like to help her." 
Walking you toward a room on the second floor you frowned when the door was pushed open. Inside of the room was a whole nursery decorated perfectly, green walls with yellow and green items around the room. 
"You guys didn't have to do this," You whispered as you walked into the room running your hand over the crib the baby would sleep in. 
"We didn't," Taehyung admitted as he watched you slowly turning to look at all of them again.
"I did," Jungkook's voice filled the room and you turned around to see him standing by a second door in the room. 
"I realised after the last scan how much of a cunt I was being," He carefully eased you down into the rocking chair in the room and you kept your eyes trained on him. This wasn't the Jungkook you had known for the last 10 months. This had to be some kind of twin.
"Realising that I was going to be a dad really helped me shake out of that phase in my life...It's no excuse but I was like that because I didn't have a chance to be like that before." You stared at him as the rest of the boys left you alone to speak everything out.
"You think a nursery will make up for it?"
"No. I think giving you somewhere to live, helping you raise our child will at least start to make up for it." You watched him as he took out the scan he had taken home the last time you saw him. 
"I realised that all of this isn't some kind of cruel punishment...I accepted it as a sign to grow up and take responsibility for everything." Your body lurched forward as you felt a pain begin to radiate in your stomach, whimpering out as you gripped onto the chair.
"It's not funny, I was being serious." Jungkook sounded hurt as he thought you were laughing at what he was saying. It wasn't until you looked up at him and he saw tears streaming down your cheeks he knew there was something wrong. 
"What's going on?" He panicked as you began sobbing and rubbing your bump. Droplets of water hitting the floor below the chair as your water broke. 
"I'm-" Taking in deep breathes as all of the birthing classes had told you, you looked at him. 
"I'm in labour, I need to go." You panted as you got up from the chair. Braxton hickes had been nothing compared to what you were feeling right now. 
"We...We need to go." He reminded you as Jungkook linked your arm with his own. You stared at him as he picked up a bag from beside the door, 
"What's that?" You cried out as another pain rushed through you, spreading up your back as you felt as though you had been hit by a car.
"The go bag...I was reading up on things. I have clothes in there, for you and the baby," He explained as he began to help you walk towards the elevator, calling Namjoon as he got inside. 
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"Push!" Jungkook yelled as you sat with your legs propped up on the bed, pushing as hard as you could as you screamed out, 
"I don't see you doing this!" You screamed back at him as you shook your head. Sweat pooling down your head as you whimpered, 
"Here," Jungkook pushed pillows out from behind you and climbed onto the bed. Legs on either side of your body as he held onto you.
"We can do this together," He whispered as he held onto you, your mind in a spin as you cried. Tears streaming as the doctor below you told you to push again. Your hand gripped onto Jungkook's as you pushed, gripping him tightly as you pushed. 
"F-Fuck, that hurts." He whispered as you pushed once again. Holding him the entire time as you pushed. 
"Stop," The doctor whispered as she began to make sure everything was going well, 
"I can see the head." She announced as she looked up at you and Jungkook together. Your head resting on his chest as you got ready to push once again.
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Smiling to yourself you watched as Jungkook bounced your small baby up and down in his arms. She was wrapped in blankets as she slept soundly. 
"She's got your face," You whispered as he walked back over to your side of the bed, sitting down on the chair and looking at you and then to the baby. 
"She's got your nose," He whispered back as he looked at the sleeping child. Wondering how he could have ever said what he said about not loving her. She was perfect. 
"I'm sorry I was awful to your mum." He whispered as he looked from the baby to you again. Too tired to sit up as you smiled weakly at him,
"We forgive you," You told him as you smiled at him holding your daughter. 
"I'll never stop making up for it," He told you as he got up to put your daughter down into her crib in the hospital. 
"Never," He chuckled sitting down again in the chair as you looked at him, smiling a little more as you began to realise just how sorry he truly was about all of this. 
"We'll find a place for you, me and the baby but for now I think the dorms are a good place. The boys will help whenever we need them." He explained as he began to take out his phone. The boys wanted to know when they could come and see your kid and he knew now would be great while she slept. 
"For all three of us?" You questioned, wincing as you sat up in the bed and turned to look at him. 
"Yes...I mean, I want to be a part of my daughter's life...If that's okay?" Nodding at him you smiled before laying your head back on the pillows. 
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Year Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Everyone sang Happy Birthday to your little girl while Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist. The three of you had begun living in the apartment Jungkook took you home to and a relationship bloomed. Maybe it was being forced to be around one another for so long or the fact that you had a child together but there was something there. Jungkook asked you out not long after moving into your own place and the two of you were in a rocky relationship. There were still fights and arguments about the way he had treated you but you were working through them. Working through everything for the sake of your daughter. Who was covered in the cake as she smushed her face into the cake Jin had made for her. All of the boys were like uncles to her, whenever you needed time away for a test or Jungkook was working one of them would offer a helping hand. It was like she had a whole family. 
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​ 
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝟒. ♡ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
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"Hi! I hope u have a lovely day :] I was wondering if I could request an imagine where you're online friends with Gogy and one day you send him a picture wearing his merch and he can't stop thinking about it and finally ends up telling you he has a crush on you?? Thank you in advance :] I really enjoy your writing"
pairing: georgenotfound x reader
warnings: Zoom Video Communications none :)
links: | ao3 | request | masterlist |
⋆ song recommendation: Slowly by Josh Gilligan
(streamer bf gogy brainrot brrr) hello sweet anon! thank you for much for this request :) I love love love all the geo simps and their ideas. also thank you to my dearest LB for helping me with the plot help. happy reading, everyone! ♡ ᵍᵉⁿᵉ
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You tapped your fingers on your desk, nails clattering at you waiting to be let into your third Zoom meeting of the day. Usually, you got off with only one lecture, but because of upcoming exams, you were finding yourself in and out of virtual meetings and office hours. Sure, it was better than jogging from building to building, fighting the crowds, and searching for a seat in a packed lecture hall, but it was still wearing you down beyond belief.
You rested your chin in your hand as your window went from white to dark grey, the square with your name getting wedged in beside the professor. Everyone’s cameras were off, a thankful sigh leaving your lips as your head slumped down to lay against your arm, the danger of falling asleep suddenly becoming more prominent.
You jumped slightly as your professor cleared their throat, sharing their screen and beginning to ramble off facts listed on the slideshow. You played with your keyboard, focused on removing a crumb from beneath your spacebar that was almost unreachable. You usually took notes in the class, but today was just one of those days.
“... And with that in mind, I’m going to put you all into breakout rooms…” Your professor trailed off, eyebrows furrowed as they peered at their screen and clicked frantically to assign all of you to rooms. You yawned, smacking your cheeks and sitting up. You were determined not to be a shitty partner, at least. The white box popped up, inviting you to join breakout room four. That’s always lucky, you thought to yourself as you joined.
Once again, you were cursed to look at the buffering wheel of death as your internet struggled to sustain all your opened tabs. Please, just a little longer, you groaned internally, eyes dashing towards the receiver and exhaling in relief as your computer connected to the breakout room. You turned on your camera, eliciting your partner, George, to do the same.
You flashed him a smile as you struggled to open the article from the previous night. “Hi! How’s it going?” You greeted, not yet looking at him.
“I’m good, actually. How are you?” He engaged, his voice deep and tired.
You finally managed to split your screen enough so that you could see him and the article. “Yeah, I’m good too. Thanks,” you chewed the inside of your cheek, eyes skimming some of the notes you’d etched into the margins. “So, did you have any idea what,” you paused, squinting at the author’s name, “Robert A. Schneider means when he discusses how ‘men of letters’ fear the lower class more than anything?” You asked, as your eyes trailed across your screen to finally gauge his reaction, you were taken aback by his appearance.
His soft features and dark eyes made you feel safe. As he smiled softly, running his fingers into his hair, he seemed to be racking his brain for an answer. He opened his mouth to begin, detailing what you had previously thought with better articulation.
The two of you got through the basic questions the professor had scripted for the students, then finding yourself still stuck in the breakout room. On a normal day, your professor would have pulled everyone back into the call after the first few questions.
George swiveled in his chair quietly as he listened to you briefly explain your area of study. His kind smile made your heart flutter slightly. Deep down, you hoped the two of you would be stuck in the room for a while.
Soon your topics blended into what kind of movies you both watched, a debate on where you could buy the cheapest bread on campus, and what kind of party people the two of you were. After an hour, instead of worrying whether or not your professor was dead, you were swapping numbers and planning out how the two of you would turn the Florida Keys into the headquarters of your new cult where the members would all worship a separate bitchy philosopher.
You pulled one of your legs to your chest, resting your cheek against your knee as his laughing died out. “Okay, this might be a weird question, but I need to know why your webcam is so clear. Is it like an OnlyFans thing or…”
He chuckled. “Yeah it’s definitely OnlyFans,” he joked, making you laugh. “I’m actually a ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ” he mumbled.
Your eyebrows perked playfully. “You’re a what?”
He pursed his lips to fit the grin stretching across his face. “ᵃ ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ”
You snorted slightly. “Sorry darling, you’ll have to speak up. What was that?”
He wet his lips, rolling his eyes as he bashfully groaned. “I’m a Minecraft streamer.”
You giggled, him basking in your disbelief. He smiled a bit brighter as he shrugged, leaning back in his chair as you rambled off questions. “There’s no way! Nerd!” you chaffed, making him smile as if he liked it when you playfully teased him. “Are you super popular?” You asked, catching your breath.
He bit his bottom lip swaying his head slightly as if deciding not to answer. “Mmmm. Not really.”
“Well, come on, Georgios! Give me your Twitch user and I’ll be your biggest fan, I promise.” He laughed at your response, digging out his phone to send you a link.
“I’d like to see you try,” he mumbled.
After the class had finally ended, you’d learned that your professor was on the phone with their credit card company. In the following weeks, you and George were in constant contact, even becoming part of each other’s daily routines.
As you studied for finals, you’d turn on his stream, letting his voice alleviate some of the stress of your exams. He knew you were watching and would even drop hints for you in what he was saying, or he’d blatantly just ask what you were talking about in your essay for a certain class. After the stream would end, he’d call you either on Discord or the phone, just so it felt like the two of you were studying together.
Jokingly, you badgered him to send you some of his merch, threatening to buy it from a bootleg online store if he didn’t. He had only brushed it off at the time, but shortly after, you received a hoodie in the mail with his gamer tag printed across it.
It was late at night when you’d received it, the tiredness of your eyes and George’s dulcet tones lulling you towards the idea of a dead sleep. Yet, you were drawn from your pleasant relaxation with the shrilling of your doorbell. You shrugged out of your blanket cocoon, grabbing your phone and trudging down the stairs. As you tore open the bag, your phone buzzed with a text from George asking if you’d seen something that one of his chat members. You chuckled softly and dug your hand into the material, holding it out in front of you.
You snickered to yourself, running your fingers across the red patch in the center. You slipped it over your head, letting the softness of the fabric brush against your skin. You snapped a photo of yourself and stumbled back upstairs before sending it to him.
When you returned, George was focused on something he was crafting. His eyes darted down to one corner of the screen where his phone was probably sitting. His eyes flashed back up with a smug grin on his face as if he knew exactly what you were going to say. Your “Thanks sugar daddy xx,” probably didn’t help either.
“What, chat?” His voice came out slightly uneven as he bit back a smile. You skimmed what people were asking. “It’s not a nude. A friend of mine got something I sent them,” he answered nonchalantly, finishing up what he was doing. The chat began to spam quietly. “No, it’s not a maid costume. Jesus Christ.” He leaned back in his chair, grabbing his phone and opening your message.
A grin spread across his face, alongside the light dusting of rosy pigment settling in his cheeks. He chuckled to himself, quickly replying before getting back to his game. You scoffed at his response.
George (H325) Anything for my silly little baka
You curled up again, putting away your schoolwork and devoting your attention to watching his stream as you drifted off to sleep.
Once again, you found yourself at the mercy of your internet as you attempted to join the breakout room assigned to you. You almost jumped out of your chair when it finally connected and you found George waiting for you. You smiled slightly as he scrolled through his phone. “What are the chances?” You asked, pulling his eyes to you.
He grinned, clicking off whatever he was looking at. “I was just about to raid your inbox.”
You chuckled. “I almost wore your merch to class, just to out you to whoever my partner was,” you joked, making him roll his eyes.
“I’m glad it’s me then,” he responded. You began scrounging around for your article. After a beat of hesitation, George spoke up again. “Hey, I’m glad you like the sweatshirt…” You perked an eyebrow in his direction. “I actually haven’t been able to get that picture out of my head. I know it’s stupid,” he stated lightly, chuckling nervously. You could feel your heart beating in your ears. “It’s so lame, but I think I have a crush on you.”
You sat back in your chair, stunned. “I mean, the feeling’s mutual. Even if it’s lame,” you mirrored, winking at him. “I mean, maybe it’s not lame because I know I like you.”
He smiled to himself at your answer before chuckling, “Should we Zoom date or something?”
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haztory · 3 years
hi mcdonald’s can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nanami + “nice tits”
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“Nice tits.” from my writing event that ends today! 
 warnings: adult language and sexual themes, but that’s about it!
a/n: 3k words all for sanju that probably strays from the prompts but its fine bc i love you biiiiitch. thanks to everyone that requested a prompt! they will be out momentarily!!
nanami kento x gn!reader
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There’s a universal understanding amongst the adults in the general realm of well-formed maturity and a sense of responsibility that there is no situation to ever exist in which listening to Gojo Satoru’s advice is a viable option. 
Much less any advice about love.
“You know,” His voice sings to your left, interrupting the tranquil silence of your office by his surprise warping, “If you needed help in satisfying your urges, you only had to ask. Looking at porn during school hours is a bit of a cry for help, (Y/N).”
“Go away, Gojo.” You reply, hardly perturbed at his unannounced visit and continuing the matter at hand. Your index finger continues its motions, pushing the wheel of the mouse downwards and studying the plethora of Google Search images the float past your eyes on your computer monitor.
Gojo leans his elbow on your desk, perching himself on the left side of your body, “Hey, I don’t judge! I’ve done it once or twice myself. I just always pictured you as more of an ass-person.”
Landing on an appropriate image for your task you click it, enlarging it on your screen. Gojo whistles.
“Now that’s just obscene, isn’t it?”
A finger enters your line of sight, pointing itself obnoxiously at the screen, specifically at the rather large pectoral belonging to that of a male model. An image that is necessary for your study of a new cursed technique that you witnessed on your last excursion with Nobara, and not at all the focus of sexual release as Gojo might insist. Even if they are rather admirable in their size. 
You would rather die before ever telling him that, though.
“They should really put a warning on those honkers—”
“Is there a reason you’re bothering me?” You ask bluntly, printing the image and retrieving it from the printer tray beside you.
“I just wanted to see what my second favorite teacher was doing, but never did I think I would catch you in the act of making a shrine to tits, so—”
You roll your head to the left, meeting Gojo’s shit-eating grin with a deadpan stare. With a sigh, you shake your head, “I’m studying.”
Even beneath the blindfold, you can see the waggle in his brows as he props his head on the bent elbow. “Oh suuure.”
Huffing impatiently, you swivel your desk chair to face him, placing a singular finger on his chest to push him back from your immediate space. He only continues to grin in his usual unabashed manner, as though he’s caught you red-handed. It makes you roll your eyes once more.
 You didn’t need to explain yourself; it wasn’t like you were doing anything immoral. Sure, staring at a number of pectoral muscles might seem inappropriate to the passing eye, but it was easily explainable. 
But as it always is with Gojo, he manages to rub that small part of you that just has to fight back. Fuckin’ prick. “We came across a cursed technique two days ago that targeted the chest. It caused—”
Gojo waves his hand in your face, “Seismic tremors in the pectoral muscles that affected a cursed energy point, yeah, yeah. Nobara told me all about it.”
“If you knew what I was doing why are you making me sound like such a creep?!” You exclaim, kicking his chest with the heel of your shoe. He catches your foot with a laugh, dropping it and holding his index finger upward.
“Because it’s fun to tease you.”
Huffing, you turn back to your monitor and point at the door, “Leave.”
“Oh, come onnn,” He warps in front of your computer, leaning himself over the top of the screen, “I’ve brought you a little gift of knowledge to help your studying.”
Even as he desperately tries to insert his gangly arms into your line of vision, you continue typing into the search bar. Some variations of “pectoral”, “muscles”, and “large men”. For research purposes, of course.
“Oh yeah?” You ask noncommittally, knowing full well the manner in which Gojo dangles his plots of mischief disguised as help, “And what would that be?”
Smiling largely once more, he lets out a giggle, “The larger the muscle, the more potent the attack on the cursed energy.”
Sparing him a quick glance, you mumble, “Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.”
“No, but it does take a genius to figure out how to reverse the effects.”
He stops the statement there; grin audible in his words. After having spent years in the presence of the obnoxious Gojo Satoru, you already know there’s an ulterior motive to his words, something that is going to bite you in the ass rather aggressively.
And as much as you want to avoid being in the line of fire, especially the one directed by him, you’re simultaneously dying to know where this is going.
You hesitate to ask, but it comes out. Dripping in all of its cautiousness. “And?”
“And it also takes a willing participant to study.” His smile, in all impossibility, became even wider.
“I’m still not getting the picture.”
“A participant with rather large pectoral muscles.”
Oh no.
“Someone who would willingly participate for the sake of education.”
Of all the people to have figured out about your (not so) little crush on a fellow sorcerer, it had to be the world’s largest idiot and nuisance. You had to end this, now. Before he does something so irrevocably stupid— 
“Shall we go ask Nanami?”
And that’s how you find yourself flushed with absolute mortification, gripping your clipboard with tight knuckles against your chest, wondering how you ever managed to forget the utmost important rule when it comes to Gojo Satoru.
Never listen to him, especially on the matter of love. 
Maybe that’s indicative of the state of your crush as a whole, something you should probably pay more attention to, seeing as the minute Nanami Kento was mentioned, you’ve forgotten the extent of logic and reason and followed the whims of Gojo without hesitation. 
It’s problematic, horrifying, and ultimately a monumental issue at the moment considering your mouth is as dry as a desert and your brain absolute mush, rendering you completely unable to formulate any words.
“Wow, Nanami,” Gojo shamelessly says, one hand shoved in his pocket as he stands beside your frozen figure, “Nice tits.”
Nanami hums unenthusiastically, unbuttoning the last button on his blue shirt and elegantly removing it from his large, muscular frame. Folding it neatly on the expanse of the couch beside him, he turns his stoic gaze back to you, hardly even concerned about his half-nakedness. 
Whereas you felt yourself almost drooling at the revealed expanse of firm muscles peppered with sparse hair. The fact that it was that easy to get to see this, to almost be able to touch it— 
Maybe listening to Gojo isn’t a bad idea after all.
“Shall we begin?” Nanami asks, pulling his glasses off of his face with his (large) hands and folding them on top of his shirt. A strand of blond falls onto the front of his face and his gaze trails from the impassive stare at Gojo, to you. 
And by all that is sweet and holy you swear that you’ve ascended to an ethereal plane and before you sits an angel waiting to take you to the pearly gates. No longer stares a man unamused at the teasing of the white-headed idiot beside you, but instead a celestial being with a body made of pure stone and dare you say, looking at you with a tenderness in his gaze that was absent only a moment before.
An elbow digs into your side, pulling you rather dramatically out of your stupor and towards the smug grin of the man beside you. 
“Well?” Gojo asks, “If you’re not going to touch him, I will.”
“Thank you, Gojo, but I can take it from here,” You all but hiss, pushing him once more away from your body, accompanying the action with a pointed glare. Beginning a backward trek towards the door, he holds his hands up in surrender.
“Alright, alright. I can see when I’m not wanted. I’ll be back in half an hour.”
Opening the door and stepping out of it, he halts, turning his head to look over his shoulder and says, voice coated in that familiar tone of teasing, “Remember to use condoms, lovebirds!”
He shuts the door quickly, hardly giving you a chance to spear your ire at his retreating figure, but you have half a mind to chase him down the hall when you hear his echoing laughter ring out. 
An awkward silence settles between you and the man of your horrid fascination that not even an uncomfortable laugh can ease. Clearing your throat and trying to remember your sense of professionalism, you straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath, facing the handsome man with a confidence that was growing incredibly difficult to face. 
“I’m going to touch you. For research. Your chest, specifically.”
In a move you’ve never quite seen before, Nanami sheds that formidable air of quiet stoicism and lets a small smile grace the features of his face. It gently pushes against the corners of his mouth and his bare shoulders move the slightest bit with the exhalation of his amused breath. 
“For the tremors in the pectoralis.” He says, leaning his body to rest against the backing of the couch, straightening his legs wearing their usual tan slacks to rest naturally in the position and hands folding in his lap. 
You gulp. “Y-yes.”
“I read your report.”
“You did?”
“I always do,” With his eyes still trained upon yours you can see them widen a bit at the realization of what he’s said as if that were an intimate detail he hadn’t meant to make you aware of. He quickly brings his fist up to his mouth, clearing his throat, “You are one of the few sorcerers here that fill them out correctly. I learn a great deal from your detailing. It’s… very helpful. You’re very thorough.”
Blinking repeatedly, you only nod at the compliment. Despite wanting to combust internally at the growing flames that burn inside of you, you take a step forward. Then another until, in an unforeseen reversal of circumstances, you’re towering over the man of great strength and respect. The man you’ve admired for the longest time.
The man that continues to stare at you with a softness you’ve never seen him reveal before. 
You can see the spattering of freckles that have intricately placed themselves over his broad shoulders resembling that of an artistic constellation and the delicious protruding of his biceps, great in mass yet telling of his of strength as your try to conservatively trail your eyes over his torso.
He’s beautiful, incredibly so. Baring himself to you in this way only affirms that.
 “Thank you,” you breathe out, and it’s more intimate than you intended it to be, but truthfully, it’s as fitting a phrase as it can be considering the proximity and the intensity behind his stare.
It’s all you can give him without crumbling at his feet. Placing your fingertips against his shoulder, you gently push him back, silently instructing him to lay on the couch. He follows suit like the dutiful sorcerer he is.
“I’ll just be examining the way in which your cursed energy extends from your chest. It shouldn’t hurt, but if you feel uncomfortable, just let me know.”
He hums once more from his supine position on the couch. Despite being much larger than the couch allows, he hardly looks uncomfortable. Only watches the way in which you press your fingers into his chest, pushing into his muscle and slowly massaging your finger in a circle. You circle around the left side, trailing around the outer edge of the muscle and above the rib cage, stopping and pressing rather firmly when you feel a surge in an energy presence beneath the skin. Almost on the center of his chest.
You snort a quiet laugh when you realize where it is.
“Should I be worried?” His deep timbre vibrates your indented fingers drawing your focus to his interested stare. He looks relaxed, the usual crease between his brow hardly recognizable. A stark refute to the question he posed.
You quickly shake your head, smiling growing wryer, “No, not at all. I just… think it’s funny that your energy presence is strongest where your heart is.”
Nanami quirks an eyebrow, “Isn’t that the same for everyone?”
“Would it be much of a surprise if I told you Gojo’s comes from his mouth?”
Nanami rolls his head, a breathless laugh exhaling as he stares at the ceiling. “No, I guess it wouldn’t.”
“Everyone has a different point from which their energy roots itself. Each one gives a different feeling of sorts. It doesn’t really mean much in terms of power and technique, but it is noticeable. You have an overwhelming presence as is, I just…” Your shoulders drop with a sigh, one stemming desperately from loving admiration and instead try to disguise as just an exhalation, “…never realized it came from there. Kind of fitting if you ask me.”
His brows furrow in contemplation, unsure if whether he could accept the statement. Unsure of whether it was a fitting examination or compliment for him. He must deem it something insignificant of his ponderance because he quickly moves on.
“And yours?” He asks, alight with curiosity, “Where does yours come from?”
You hum, grateful to finally shed the last remnants of awkwardness and engage in the usual friendly conversation you tend to have with him. The brief discussions that always prod a little too close for friendly discovery, but never breach the line of professional respect. That self-imposed limitation that you desperately wish he’ll cross, that this conversation is once again coming toward.
“Take a guess.” Allowing that lilting tease to infiltrate your words, you watch as Nanami adjusts himself on the couch. Bracing his arms against the cushion, he pushes himself into a sitting position and crosses his arms. Trailing his eyes over your seated body next to him, he leaves a burning trail in his wake.
He fixates on your face for a second and your breath hitches, before he travels downward over the column of your neck, then your chest, to your legs. Drinking you in as per your consent and request. Then, he extends his hand. Palm facing upwards in a silent request. You understand.
Placing your own hand in his, he turns your hand upward, allowing full access to the center of your hand and tracing his finger over the lines.
“Your hands. That’s your center.” He says with finality, monotonous but confident. With a small smirk, he looks up at you, “You are a healer after all.”
You give a small nod, “I’m not sure if it comes from my fingertips or my palm, but yeah. My hands.”
Looking back down at your hand in his, he traces the finger in a circle, “Palm. That’s where I feel it the most.”
“What does it feel like?” You ask with a laugh, expecting something asinine and noncommittal considering Yuuji once said your presence felt like a cool wind on a summer’s day and Nobara insists that it feels like a warm shower.
Two entirely opposite feelings, yet somehow categorized in the schema of comfort. You hardly expect Nanami to give something so introspective, nor anything that reveals too much considering the extent to which he tends to maintain the boundary of respect in the conversations of explorations. The kind in which two people teeter on the thin ice of interest, yet never voice it.
And yet, his eyes connect with yours again, and it's entirely too overwhelming for you to process. Too interested, too warm. His face betrays no nervousness nor any hesitation as he stares, entirely convinced that this is what was meant to happen. As though he knew from the moment Gojo asked that it was going to unfold this way.
Like he prepared for it. Like he decided today was the day that he crossed that line.
“Home. Warm and comforting.”
Slow heat the creeps its way up your spine that makes your brain halt thought altogether and sputter intelligently, “Gojo’s kind of feels like… tar. Thick tar. Super gross.”
His hand, large and warm, encompasses your hand once more, lays it flat against his chest to feel both his exuding energy and the steady beat of his formidable heart.
“And mine?” He asks, low and gravelly. Like sweet honey that has you captured entirely, unable to escape. Not like you want to. No, you’d rather drown in this overwhelming redolence than ever live without it.
You don’t even realize your breathing heavily, nor that his face has gotten closer to yours. When did he move there? Did you move there?
Either way, his face is in front of yours, noses almost touching and the compulsion to answer him on the tip of your tongue.
“Addicting,” you whisper.
And then his lips are on yours, molding sweetly into you, and it's everything you have ever imagined it to be. Slow, yet firm. Warm and craving, and you can only fight for more, more, more.
His hand moves to the back of your neck, pulling you in impossibly closer and you place your hands on his bare chest, the great reason as to your current predicament entirely, to steady yourself and your erratic heartbeat. Time seems to slow in the passion of his kiss, and yet when he parts for air, you feel as though you only had him for a second.
All the months of pining could barely make up for that singular moment.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a while,” He says, leaning his forehead against yours, breath fanning over your aching lips. You scoff in laughter, meeting his smile with one of your own.
So, maybe, just maybe, listening to Gojo wasn’t a bad idea. And maybe, sometimes, he’s right about some things.
“Hey Kento?”
“You really do have nice tits.”
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deanstead · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Slight angst
Requested by @anotherfan07​: Could I request a Jay imagine where the reader is younger and the unit don’t think she’s really into him, that maybe she’s trying to get something! Maybe Hailey “catches” her being suspicious and hanging with a guy but in reality she’s trying to make a surprise for Jay! Maybe they confront the reader and Jay gets upset for not trusting her! Could ended it with a happy ending Thank you very much!!
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! I’m still watching Chicago halfway (chronologically watching all three) and I haven’t seen a lot of Hailey yet so I’m not confident that I managed to express her parts well enough, I hope this turned out okay! Feedback always appreciated! Requests for Jay x Reader are still open, ask away! ^^
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*gif not mine*
You looked up from your drink just as the door to Molly’s opened and he walked in.
Jay Halstead. He was impossible to miss when he walked into a room.
You had met Jay a few months ago when you had just moved in and settled into Chicago, alone. Then you had met Jay, the force of attraction almost magnetic from that first moment. At least, for you it had been.  
Jay’s smile widened when he saw you, waving and making a beeline for you. “Heya, Y/N.” he greeted, as your heart skipped a couple of beats without your permission.
“Hey Jay.” You replied, taking a few deep breaths to make sure you sounded calmer than you felt, hoping he didn’t notice. Jay eyed your almost empty beer bottle before taking his usual drink from Herrmann, adding, “My tab” as he pointed to you.
Herrmann grinned and nodded. “Attaboy.”
“Haven’t seen you in a few days.” Jay commented, turning back to you, effectively shutting down any protests you might have had about him paying for your drink.
“Missed me?” you shot back, a comeback he used on you pretty often and Jay chuckled before waving at someone over your shoulder.
“I gotta…” He pointed to a table behind me and I turned, realising he was here with his team.
You nodded. “I’ll see you around.”
Jay paused, “Everything’s okay right?”
You laughed. “Yeah, perfect. Thanks for the drink.” You raised your beer bottle and he laughed, patting you on the shoulder.
Jay weaved his way through the crowd towards the rest of his team who were already settled in here, most of their drinks almost half drunk. Hailey raised her eyebrows at him, as if she was waiting for an explanation.
“Something you wanna tell me?” Hailey asked.
“What?” Jay asked, real confusion lacing his voice.
Hailey nodded her head towards you.
“She’s a friend.” Jay responded, taking a gulp of his drink.
Adam laughed. “Oh come on, not gonna speak for Jay but do we really think a younger girl like Y/N is interested in Jay?”
Jay raised his eyebrows at Adam, punching him on the arm. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kevin laughed as well.
Hailey looked back at Jay. “You sure she’s not trying to get something out of this?”
Jay frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Just looking out for you. You don’t really know her. She breezes into town a few months ago, no one knows anything about her. Just… be careful alright?”
Jay glanced at you, your back turned to him, taking the last gulp of your beer as you got up to leave. “She’s a good person.” He responded, waving at you when you turned in his direction before you left the bar.
Hailey pushed the door of the café open, stepping out onto the street, squinting against the sunlight while holding the usual 2 cups of coffee for Jay and herself. As she was about to get into her car, she spotted a familiar person from the corner of her eye and turned.
You were standing at the end of the street, looking down at your phone when a man Hailey didn’t recognise walked towards you. She watched as you sprung up, hugging the older man, a bright smile on your face as he discreetly handed you a small bag.
Hailey quickly got into her stationary car, so that she could continue to watch you without being seen. You looked up and down the street before peering into the bag and looking up at the older man, an even brighter smile shining across your face.
“Damn it.” Hailey muttered under her breath, starting her car, now even more sure you were taking Jay for a ride after what she had witnessed.
Despite Jay’s denial that he was interested in you, Hailey could almost read Jay like a book. You, on the other hand, she hadn’t been sure about and now, she felt almost certain that she had been right about you all along.
Hailey glanced uncertainly at Jay, as she walked in, placing the coffee cup on his desk. “Thanks.” Jay said, without looking up from his computer.
Hailey glanced up at Voight’s empty office, wondering if she should just bring it up with Jay now, while they still had time, before a new case dropped in their laps.
Jay noticed Hailey hovering and looked up. “You okay?”
“Jay… about Y/N…” Hailey began, studying his face.
If she didn’t know Jay well enough, she might have missed the small frown that crossed his face as he pushed his chair backwards.
“Look…” Hailey said, before Jay could say anything. “I know you think she’s a good girl, and that she’s sweet but…”
“But?” Jay asked.
Hailey sighed, “Has she said anything about what she wants from you?” She paused again as Jay kept silent, watching her.
“I saw her today. With a guy.”
Jay looked up, the frown crossing his face again.
“Jay… it didn’t look good, they were meeting at the corner of that street, you know…” Hailey raised her coffee cup. “He passed her a package and she hugged him. I think…”
Jay interrupted her this time. “Yeah, I get it.” Jay felt a wave of disappointment washing over him, its intensity surprising even himself.
They remained silent until the silence was broken by Jay’s phone. He read it quietly without saying anything before Hailey asked, “Jay?”
Jay sighed, “She wants to meet.”
“Do it. Let’s just cut to the chase and ask her what she wants.”
Jay hesitated but finally agreed, his fingers quickly typing a reply.
You lay on your couch, drumming your fingers against the fabric, holding back your urge to check your phone. Before long, you felt the notification vibration.
Sure. Molly’s at 6?
You smiled, glancing at the box that was now sitting on your coffee table. Sending him a quick emoji, you sat up. It was still early but maybe you would pick out something to wear. You really hoped this would turn out well.
You paused as you stood outside Molly’s, taking a deep breath. It was early, so you knew it would still be quiet, which hopefully was a good thing.
You pushed open the door stepping into the familiar bar, which was empty except for Jay. And Hailey… Confusion hit you but you pushed the uneasy feeling down and stepped forward, heading towards them.
“Hey.” You greeted them.
You hadn’t spoken to Hailey much, so you weren’t sure why she was here with Jay. Maybe they were on a case and Jay was just stopping by for a short while.
Jay didn’t look up but Hailey pushed herself off the bar stool.
“Let’s cut to the chase.”
You frowned, looking from her to Jay, who still hadn’t glanced in your direction.
“What?” You asked.
“Whatever you’re trying to get from… this…” Hailey pointed between you and Jay. “I don’t know what you think you can get out of this but drop it, okay?”
“What?” You repeated, really confused now. “I don’t…”
Hailey sighed. “Look, I saw you this morning with that guy. Whatever you think you can get from Jay… let’s just save everyone’s time. We don’t want to know what it is. Let’s just end this now.”
You felt your gut flip over and the wave of disappointment that hit you felt like it was constricting your heart.
“You think I…” You sputtered before you took a deep breath. “Jay? Are you in on this…?”
You trailed off as Jay looked up, the look in his eyes everything you needed to know yet didn’t want to know.
You swallowed past the lump in your throat. “Not that I owe anyone an explanation but I just needed to get a package from him…” You could feel your body start to tremble.
“A package?” Jay spoke up for the first time and you could feel your heart clenching so hard it was almost impossible to breathe.
Your nails were digging into your palms. You stepped forward, moving around Hailey to stand in front of Jay. “Yes, a package from my older brother. My older brother who drove 123 miles from Madison to pass me a package I asked for.”
You took the box out of your bag and placed it on the counter as Jay’s eyes widened looking at you.
“A package I was excited to give to you. Until now.” You struggled to keep your voice steady. “Happy Birthday Halstead.”
“Y/N…” Jay spoke but you turned away, moving towards the door.
“Do me a favour.” You turned to look at both of them. “The next time you guys wanna pull this Intelligence crap, do it all the way.”
You could barely see Jay’s face anymore as you felt the hot tears well up in your eyes. Spinning around, you marched out the door, no longer sure if you were hurt, disappointed, angry or all three combined.
Jay watched you march out of the bar, frozen to his chair, pretty sure he had seen tears glistening in your eyes before you had turned away. Hailey’s expression was just as shocked as his before they turned to the box you had left behind on the counter.
Quietly, Jay opened it and in there sat a charming wristwatch, with the initials J.H. engraved into it. It was a beautiful piece and something you must have gone to a lot of trouble to get done.
“Jay… I’m sorry… I just…” Hailey apologised.
Jay shook his head. “You were just looking out for me. It’s me… I can’t believe I…” he muttered, looking up.
“I gotta go.” Jay pulled back his stool and looked at Hailey.
Hailey nodded as Jay jogged out of the bar, looking up and down the street but you had already disappeared.
Jay looked back down at the box he held in his hand and put his hand up to his face. “What the hell Jay, you’re a jerk.” He muttered to himself.
You slammed your door behind you as you sunk to the floor, finally allowing the hot angry tears to flow down your face.
You had told yourself not to let your guard down when you had moved. You had told yourself you were going to be fine on your own and it had been working until Jay Halstead had come crashing into your life. You had stupidly thought the connection had been too strong to be fake. Even if all he saw you as was a younger sister, it was something.
Instead, he had seen you as a fraud – someone who was trying to gain something from him. He thought you were someone who made use of personal relationships. Your heart clenched tightly again and you closed your eyes, taking deep breaths.
When you felt you had calmed down enough, you got up and made your way further into the house, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. You glanced at the clock on the wall, wondering who would be knocking on your door at dinner time. You hadn’t even ordered any food.
You opened the door only to be greeted by the one person you weren’t ready to see.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice the coldest Jay had ever heard.
Jay raised the box of pizza and a six-pack of beer. “I brought a peace offering.” His voice was more somber than usual as well, although he tried to smile at you.
You didn’t say anything and didn’t move from the door either.
“Y/N… let’s talk, please?”
You already felt yourself giving in although you gave a half-hearted protest before Jay stepped into your apartment anyway, putting the pizza and beer down on the counter.
You closed the main door, walking past him further into your apartment without facing him. “I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”
“Yes, we do.” Jay insisted and you turned to face him.
You raised your eyebrows. “Alone? Don’t you need your friends here?”
“Look, I’m sorry. I was a jerk.”
You could literally feel your heartrate quickening again and that unsettling disappointment and anger rising up to your chest once again.
You finally spoke. “I thought maybe you just saw me as a little sister. And you know, I was fine with that, I could handle that. But a fraud, Jay? Is that what you thought of me?” You could feel your voice rising with every word that came out of your mouth but it was like you didn’t have control over yourself anymore.
“If that’s what you thought of me, why the hell have you been treating me like… like I mattered?” You were speaking way too loudly now, a hot tear rolling down your cheek without your say-so. Angrily, you brushed it aside, taking another deep breath. “What, was this your big test? To see what I would ask from you? Nothing, I didn’t want anything from you and I still don’t want anything from you. Good talk. The door’s that way.”
You turned away again, your heart clenching harder in your chest as another tear rolled down your cheek. It took all your energy to continue standing upright when all you wanted to do was roll up into a ball and cry out all your anger and disappointment.
When you were met with silence, you glanced behind you but Jay was just quietly standing there. “I know I was a jerk, I’m sorry. When I heard you were with another guy, I just…”
“What, Jay? You thought I was shacking it up with some other guy but I was trying to come on to you, because I needed something from you? I thought we had a connection. Even if you didn’t have feelings for me, I thought it was a genuine connection-“
Jay didn’t wait for you to finish. Instead, he closed the gap between the both of you in three strides, cupping your face with both his hands and bringing his warm lips down onto yours. In midsentence, your eyes widened but before you could protest you were swept into the kiss, almost like being sucked into a vortex, his lips brushing gently against yours before becoming firmer and firmer. Your stomach was tied up in knots, the butterflies were working overtime as you felt yourself sinking deeper and deeper before Jay gently pulled away, as if afraid to take it too far.
The room was almost spinning by the time Jay pulled away. You pulled your gaze away from his green eyes and he cleared his throat awkwardly. “It was a genuine connection, if you didn’t realise that already.” Jay said softly as your eyes snapped back up to him.
“I was a prick. I just… everyone said it didn’t seem like you were really interested in me so I… look, I’m sorry. I’ve been beating myself up since before you stormed out of Molly’s back there. I can’t believe I doubted you for even a second…” Jay started rambling.
Jay didn’t let his eyes leave you for a second. “I’m sorry. Will you please let me make it up to you?”
You sighed as you looked up at him, your eyes flicking to the customised watch that you had almost thrown at him, now sitting snugly on his wrist. “Not if you don’t trust me.”
“Never again, I swear. I promise.” Jay said. “You want me to admit it? I behaved like an idiot, because I was jealous.”
You finally cracked a smile and Jay moved even closer, your bodies almost touching again. “And if you didn’t already know…”
He paused.
“Little sister my ass.”
You didn’t say anything, but you couldn’t anyway as Jay wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, bringing his lips to yours once again.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warning: swearing
Chapter 1
“Thank you for agreeing to guest lecture this semester. My students are really looking forward to hearing stories from a real life FBI agent,” Professor Walker was giving Spencer a tour of Georgetown University.
Spencer had agreed to guest lecture once a week in Professor Walker’s Criminology course following the return of the very much alive Emily Prentiss to the BAU. Spencer had snapped quite a few times at his co-workers and was still adjusting to the sudden development so Hotch signed off on this as a little break for Spencer.
Professor Walker was explaining faculty parking when Spencer heard that voice. It was so nostalgic and comforting, filling him with a sense of warmth that he desperately craved. He thought he would never hear it again.
“My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from three to six. Can you make the lab up one of those days?” the voice asked.
Spencer was desperately looking around, trying to find the owner of voice so he could prove it wasn’t all in his head and you were actually really here.
Then, Spencer saw you. You looked as gorgeous as ever. You were in a black pencil skirt and a dark green blouse with pale pink high heels which was a far cry from the crewnecks, leggings, and converse that Spencer had known you to wear most of the time in college. You looked very mature and that is not to say you didn’t seven years ago but you had this sense of confidence about you now.
“Okay perfect, see you then,” you hung up the phone and made eye contact with Spencer.
Your jaw went slack, eyes widening in what appeared to be horror, and you ceased all your movement.
“Dr. Reid? Do you have any questions?” Professor Walker asked, forcing Spencer’s gaze to drift back to him.
“Uh no, I-I’m all set,” Spencer stuttered.
In reality, he had not listened to a single word he had just said but he took the metro so he didn’t have to worry about faculty parking. He was still trying to process the brief eye contact he had just made with you and figure out if it was a dream or not.
“Perfect, then you are free to go! I’ll see you Monday morning, bright and early!” Professor Walker chuckled.
Spencer waved as Professor Walker strolled off to his office and his eyes scanned the campus for you once again. However, you were long gone. Maybe it was a figment of his imagination.
“What the fuck!” you whispered to yourself as you were in a full-on sprint in your heels.
You were trying to locate your car keys in your purse while maintaining your speed. You simply could not handle seeing him ever again. You didn’t even know why he was here. He chose the FBI over you so shouldn’t he be on a private jet or something flying across the country?
Once you made it to your car and slumped into the driver’s seat, you knew you were safe. He didn’t know what car you drove and there were way too many cars to go around looking in the windows of each one.
You took a moment to collect yourself before pulling out of the parking lot. You drove your normal route to Wesley Elementary School and turned off the ignition, hopping out the car.
The kindergarteners were all lined up in a not-so-straight line behind their teacher with their little coats and colorful backpacks on.
“Hi Mrs. Flynn!” you greeted, heading to the back of her line.
You saw a flash of purple before you felt two little arms wrapping around your knees.
“Mommy, I missed you so much,” she exclaimed as you picked her up.
“How much?” you asked.
“This much,” the girl outreached her arms, creating a gap the size of her arm span between them.
“I missed you even more than that, Josephine,” you kissed her cheek, carrying her back to the car.
You placed her in her car seat and got her all buckled up as she talked to you about her day.
Yes, Jo was Spencer’s, that much was obvious from her big brown eyes and curly brown hair. She looked just like her dad but he didn’t even know she existed.
You and Spencer had dated for a little over a year at Cal-Tech. He was already on his third PhD and you were in your second year of undergrad but you both were twenty.
You thought he was the one but looking back on it now, what did you know. You were young, dumb, and in love. As soon as he was recruited for the FBI, you were swiftly dumped as he gallivanted across the country to be a badass and save lives. Fuck Spencer Reid is all you could think as you moped around your apartment for the first two weeks, absolutely miserable.
Then, you realized your period was late and you were never late. When you found out you were pregnant, your friends and family were very supportive, your parents especially, they said they would support your decision either way.
You decided to keep the baby even though you were still very young. You knew it would be hard but you knew this was something you wanted. You knew ever since you were a child playing with baby dolls and then growing up and babysitting your neighbor’s kids that being a mom would make you happy.
You never reached out to Spencer though. He broke up with you and then moved across the country. You weren’t really up for a “hey listen, I know you live thousands of miles away now and don’t want anything to do with me anymore but I’m having your child” phone call so you simply never made it. Sure, some help may be nice but you had your parents. You certainly didn’t need any help from the asshole.
It had been hours since Spencer had seen Y/N but he still couldn’t wrap his head around it.
He went to his old dusty computer on his desk and typed in “Y/N Y/L/N”. He wasn’t proud of this but he wanted to know what you were up to.
He found your section on the Georgetown University website. You were an Associate Professor in biology. Spencer smiled, remembering all the night you would come over to his apartment with a bundle of flashcards and have him quiz you until you got every single one right.
Your instagram profile was private and Spencer didn’t even have an account to request to follow you on. Not that he would, an ex seeing you in public after seven years and then requesting to follow you on an account that he just made would definitely come off as creepy.
He could ask Penelope to do further digging but you weren’t a bad guy so that would be an invasion of your privacy and he didn’t really want to deal with all of Garcia’s questions.
Spencer sighed. He missed you. He thought about you very often. Spencer thought it would be selfish to keep you tied down to him when he wouldn’t be able to see you very often. He thought it would just make you miserable so he broke up with you in order to save you from the future pain. But it hurt him so much that he actually cried the entire plane ride to Virginia, the poor woman next to him handing him tissues occasionally. You were way out of his league to begin with, you would find someone new and better in no time, he thought.
In the seven years that had passed, he had a few occasional flings but never even close to what he had with you. You were his first love and undoubtedly his last because he had realized too late that you were it for him.
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
Hello can you make one of Floyd and Fem!Reader cuddling where he ends up biting her and turns in to smut? if not they just cuddling whould be ok!
I'll be honest, both Floyd and Jade scare me, if I were in Twst's reality, every time I saw them, I'd run the other way; I wouldn't be in the same room as them, I feel like I'm in constant danger.
Floyd is in third year and is +18
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“Is it true that moray eels have a second pair of throat jaws?”
It was a normal day in Octavinelle's bedroom. Students going to class, others strolling through the corridors, Monstro Lounge open to a certain public, with little admission of customers, Azul taking a couple of orders and even helping a couple of poor unfortunate souls at some tables away from the restaurant, Jadebeing in charge of the bar while Floyd… well, he was taking the day off with you.
The day was coming to an end, the sun was sinking over the horizon and neither of you two had gotten out of bed all day. Not even to fetch food from the cafeteria, Floyd simply called an employee, "servant", of the restaurant and asked ... nicely? That they brought them something from the menu, no matter what. And yes, I am speaking with irony. No, kindness is not in Floyd's vocabulary and by asking the employee kindly I’m saying that he gave them his murderous look, even if you paid attention you could notice that feeling of threat to crushing them in his arms with his famous hug.
Food, comfort, warm under the blankets, the day was more than perfect and even very calm for our beloved eel. Between cuddles, watching the news on each cell phones, social networks, even watching a documentary of marine life when there was nothing else to do, let's say within all it was a peaceful day.
Your question took him by surprise. Floyd was looking at some photos Cater had uploaded to Magicam, when his gaze fell on you, wide eyes fixed on your head. You were both spread out on the sheets, you turning your back on him while he was barely sitting in the middle of the mattress. Even with the comment coming out of nowhere and noticing that a pair of eels appeared on his computer screen biting a crustacean, Floyd couldn't help but smile maliciously.
“Do you want to find out?” He left his phone on the nightstand next to his bed.
“No thanks, your pair of sharp jaws in your human form is more than enough for me”
Intrigued by the eel’s food system, you continued to watch the documentary with full concentration, ignoring how your elusive boyfriend was approaching you, avoiding making too much noise nor the bed moving under his legs. You were a bit startled to feel Floyd's hand on your waist, tucking under your shirt, but still you continued to see the incredible but haunting images of the marine life ... more specifically, the life of the person who was now stroking the fat of your stomach with his long thin fingers, but nonetheless soft.
You placed your head on the palm of your hand, accommodating your body to one side and giving Floyd better access to run his hand around your waist, slowly climbing up your spine until it reached your neck. Your shirt, now raised at the back, perfectly revealed your skin, every curve and imperfection, even the contour of your breast.
When the computer showed the eel taking the deadly bite of its prey, Floyd's teeth slammed into your neck.
"Floyd!" you screamed as you felt his sharp teeth rip the skin at the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You tried to get rid of his bite by moving forward, preventing him from biting you or at least his teeth weren’t so penetrated into your flesh, but his hand moved forward, grabbing your stomach and pulling you even more to him. The bite wasn't short-lived, but it was deep enough to draw blood. His teeth detached from your neck, revealing the bite marks and small drops of blood flowing through them, there was even a trace of blood framing the bite.
You brought your hand to the wound, trying to undo the blood trail, the crime scene, that Floyd had caused. You applied pressure so no more of that crimson liquid would come out, but Floyd placed his hand over yours, moving it and preventing you from doing ... whatever what you were doing. You turned your head, about to object, but your eyes met his half-open, staring at his masterpiece, his bloodstained lips, your blood.
He dug his lips on your neck again, licking the few red drops that were left scattered on your neck, while again biting you, this time more slowly and carefully, with enough force to leave a mark, perhaps also a pacifier. His hand released yours, placing himself on your stomach again and with each bite, the palm of his hand, flat on your flesh, rose towards your chest, placing himself openly on your breast, squeezing and massaging it.
Between his nibbles and little kisses, Floyd wiped away all traces of blood that had remained on your neck, now paying more attention to the continuous skin in your sensitive area. His hand still lost in the valley of your chest lifted the shirt even more and passed it over your head, freeing you of the annoying garment. Now you lay there, on a comforter of scattered and ill-fitted sheets, with your chest exposed, your breathing ragged and your lips parted.
"Koebi-chan, you really are...a delicious delicacy" Floyd captured your lips with his, settling on top of you, his leg pushing yours aside and generating pressure with his knee on your covered crotch.
He detached himself from your lips to kiss you again, and again and again, until both were like a bundle without air and with swollen lips. His hands hovered over the contour of your torso, massaging your hips, your arms, your fingers, your collarbone, your tits. A hand replaced his leg, this now being the one that slipped between your pants and panties, brushing against your clit, but not giving the attention it needed. His other hand was still on your chest, playing and torturing your nipple between his thumb and index finger. A twist around here and your back arches from the torture, your hands went straight to his chest, trying to feel his abs on your fingertips, treating his skin the same way Floyd did to you. He took off for a second to get rid of his shirt, tossing it to the floor, and heading straight for your tits.
His hands over each one of your soft bundles, his tongue running around the contour of these and passing through your erect nipples, dedicating attention to one while the other was in need of his fingers. You ran your hand over his hair, pulling him back slightly, being able to clearly see his actions. His eyes widened and fixed on yours, teasing you with his gaze as he devoured your nipple like it was his last meal, and taking the opportunity to bring his hand back to your pussy, pulling down your pants. You closed your legs so he could maneuver the garment more easily, removing it and dropping it to the floor with the other ones. His hand stroked the inside of your thigh, going up and down, and moving one leg to get better access to your wet pussy.
You dropped your head back as you felt his fingers brush your lips and apply enough pressure to your clit. Floyd's cock poked on your other thigh, resting on your bare flesh, it was completely hard and you could feel how Floyd rocked his hips on your thigh, making it very clear that he needed to be inside you, now.
“Ko~e~bi~chan~” at no time Floyd took his eyes off your face and now more than ever his eyes were silently forcing you to look at him.
You raised your head, your face showing despair so that he could continue his task made Floyd detach from your nipple, leaving a thread of saliva connecting it with his tongue, and he gave you a smirk before descending towards your legs. His sharp teeth ran dangerously up your thighs, digging weakly before moving up to your crotch.
“I may not have a second set of jaws in my human form” he ran his tongue over your covered pussy, pulling you out a guttural moan, your teeth biting your lower lip to prevent louder moans from being heard throughout the dorm “but that doesn't mean I cannot devour you as you deserve”
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