#when these are just dads trying to deal with loss
alienssstufff · 1 year
q!dapduo parallels in how they handle grief so INTERESTING I LOVE IT (I hate it. I wish they were still alive).
We got q!Slime who while yes he did threaten the lives of others, ultimately and interestingly he never blamed anyone else except himself (and his wife). Slime destroys because he is upset at himself.
Then we got q!Quackity who even if he doesn’t physically lash out or go on a rampage like q!Slime did, he pins the blame on everyone else and to this day is plotting to kill the dude for revenge - Quackity destroys because he’s upset at the world (and even more himself too, but he has not comes to terms with that yet)
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neraiutsuze · 8 months
i caved and went back to an old save right at the start of act ii, just so that in my head in one universe ryse and karlach could be together. broke up with lae'zel before she got serious about Us. all set for things to kick off.
and then i turned him down - of course, this was a Please Just Let Me Give Karlach The Sweet Fucking She Deserves save - and god, he looked so heartbroken and sad and - and - i didn't mean to reject you wyll i'm sorry i'm sORRY THIS WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN--
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firewasabeast · 13 days
so I made this post yesterday then felt the need to turn it into a little fic. enjoy!
“Oh my God, Evan,” Tommy breathed out heavily, trying to keep himself from grinding up against Buck's thigh.
Buck's only response was a hum against Tommy's neck, licking at the spot he'd been sucking on before going in for a bite.
Tommy had gotten to Buck's place about an hour ago. They'd managed to have dinner, dessert, and clean up most of the kitchen before Buck decided they'd gone long enough without touching. Tommy was rinsing the last of the dishes when Buck pressed himself against Tommy's back, reaching under the hem of his shirt to drag his hands over Tommy's muscles.
It didn't take long for the dishes to be forgotten. Or for Tommy's shirt to be tossed onto the table on their way up the stairs. Buck had lost his pants somewhere about halfway up the staircase, and the rest of their clothes were in small piles around the room.
They had time tonight. Neither of them had work the next day so it wasn't like they needed to rush through sex to get enough sleep. There would be no alarms to set, no helicopters to fly, no horrible captain to deal with. They could stay in bed for as long as they wanted... and sleep as little as they wanted.
Which is what led to Buck currently working on giving Tommy a hickey. Tommy couldn't actually remember the last time he'd been given a proper hickey. Probably high school, or maybe at a club when he was in his twenties? He couldn't really be sure, but he knew it never felt like this did. Buck's body pressed against his, one hand running over his abs while the other wrapped around the nape of his neck. The feeling of Buck's teeth scraping against his skin, then his tongue swooping in to ease the sting. The feeling of Buck's hair between his fingers while his other hand ran up and down his back and gave his ass an occasional squeeze.
Tommy was pretty sure he was in heaven. He made a mental note to tell his dad, should he ever have to speak to him again, that he did in fact make it through those pearly gates.
One more nibble against his pulse point had Tommy moaning, planting his feet on the bed and thrusting up against Buck.
Buck couldn't help but smirk. “Impatient,” he teased against Tommy's skin, kissing his way back up his jaw until he reached his lips. “I thought you were supposed to be the calm, cool, and collected one?” His lips brushed against Tommy's with every word.
Tommy shook his head, “Not with you,” he said before leaning up enough to give Buck a proper kiss. He could still taste a faint hint of tiramisu on Buck's tongue. Both of Tommy's hands traveled down to Buck's ass and he gave it a proper squeeze, eliciting a moan from him. He took the opportunity to hold tightly onto Buck and flip them over. It wasn't the first time he'd pulled that move, but it made Buck speechless every time, and Tommy loved doing that to him.
“Tom-” he huffed out, trying to find his voice as Tommy started working his way down Buck's chest. “T- Tommy,” he finally moaned. “N- Not fair.”
Tommy laughed against Buck's stomach, pressing a kiss just above his bellybutton. As he was continuing his mission to kiss over every inch of Evan's body before reaching his dick, there was a knock on the door that caused Tommy to pause.
“Ignore it,” Buck all but demanded, his legs twitching for Tommy's mouth to return to his thigh. Not one to disobey a direct order, Tommy continued.
Until the knocking started again. More persistent this time.
“Babe?” Tommy went to sit up, but Buck grabbed at his hair, keeping him in place.
“They'll leave.”
As if on cue, the knocking got louder, and faster.
Tommy sighed, sitting up and releasing himself from Buck's grip.
Buck whined at the loss. “We were just getting to the good part.”
“It could be an emergency,” Tommy said, rolling off the bed to look for his clothes. Begrudgingly, Buck got up as well.
“Hold on!” Buck yelled toward the door, he got his button up off the floor and put it on quickly, not bothering to mess with an undershirt first. As he headed downstairs he picked up his pants and ungracefully put them on. He tried buttoning his shirt, but seemed to skip a few of the buttons on his way, leaving it lopsided.
He didn't even bother trying to fix his hair.
The knocking started again just as Buck swung the door open.
“Took you long enough,” Eddie said, waltzing in with a six pack in one and hand a DVD in the other. “What the hell were you doing?”
“I, um, I was... I was working out,” Buck answered, wincing at his words. He was still in a bit of a daze, and trying very much not to think about the half naked man in his bedroom. He closed the door, then turned to Eddie who was setting his stuff down on the kitchen counter.
“What?!” Eddie exclaimed, sounding slightly offended. “You should have called me, Man. We could've worked out together.”
Which... no.
“Uh, yeah, it... it was a last minute thing. I- What are you doing here, Eddie? Were we hanging out tonight?”
Eddie shrugged. “Figured I'd just stop by. We could watch a movie, drink, I could mourn the loss of my child.”
“You haven't lost him, Eddie.” Buck crossed his arms over his chest, moving toward the kitchen. “He's just figuring stuff out.”
“Mm. Well, anyway,” he pulled out a beer and popped off the cap, taking a sip. “Movie?”
Before Buck could even try to think of an excuse, Tommy was walking down the stairs. Eddie noticed him first, and Buck turned to see that while he had on his pants, he was wearing a shirt that was very much not his.
Because his shirt was still on thrown on the table.
While Buck and Tommy were nearly the same size, Tommy did have a broader chest. And Buck often opted for tighter fitting clothing, so the particular shirt that Tommy was wearing clung to him like a rubber glove.
And if you asked Buck, that was one of the hottest things he'd ever seen.
“Hey, Eddie,” Tommy greeted, combing his fingers through his hair. It was in no way helping.
“Hey, Tommy!” Eddie replied cheerfully. He moved around the counter and held up his hand for a high five. “This is great! I didn't know you were here. Were you and Buck working out together?”
Tommy gave Buck a confused glance. “Uh, yeah?”
Buck knew that Eddie could be a little slow at putting two and two together. It was a quality they both shared. But he'd get there, and Buck watched as he started putting the puzzle pieces together.
First, he noticed the shirt. Then he noticed Tommy scratch at the hickey on his neck, which the shirt he chose did nothing to hide.
Then his eyes hit the clothes on the table.
Then his mouth opened. “Oh!” He looked back and forth between them, his lips turning up into a little smirk. “Oh you were “working out” working out? Okay, I'm understanding why I wasn't invited now.” He moved to the counter to grab the DVD. “I'm gonna go. Let you two, you know, get your hip thrusts in.”
“Eddie, you don't have to go,” Tommy said. “Might need more beer, but a movie sounds fun.”
“Yeah,” Buck agreed. “It's fine.”
“No, really, I am gonna go and enjoy Marley and Me on my own,” Eddie replied, backing up toward the door.
Tommy grimaced, shaking his head. “You cannot enjoy Marley and Me on your own. That movie broke me. I had to call out of work the next day.”
“Really, guys, it's all good. Sorry for the disruption. I will just...” his voice trailed off as he pointed behind him. He opened the door and left out, leaving Tommy and Buck standing there staring at each other.
“You're gonna go bring him back, right?” Tommy asked after a beat.
Buck looked Tommy up and down, focusing on the way his sleeves gripped Tommy's arms. “I think he'll be okay.”
“Ugh!” Buck pouted, heading for the door. “Fine.”
Tommy smiled, shaking his head. “I'll order more beer.”
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rboooks · 1 year
If you take requests can you do a dc x dp with dead tired ship?
I love requests~! I really hope I got dead tired, ship, right. I need to find out the ship names. It's Tim/Danny, right? If not, let me know, and I'll fix you another one.
Tim really wasn't looking forward to meeting the new heir to Vladco. Usually, his parents didn't want anything to do with new money, as they thought that new money was too close to no money, but Vlad Masters was different.
The difference? He bought out almost all of Drake Industries' shares, and now Tim honestly thinks he owns more of the family company than his parents. Jack and Janet hoped to make good connections with the man and slowly but surely trick him into selling the shares back to the Drakes.
Tim thought if he was smart enough to get the people that bought shares of his family company generations ago, not just once but at least eight times, then Vlad Masters wouldn't be as easy to trick as they thought.
Then again, his parents aren't the best businessmen around. If they were, they wouldn't be flying through the family wealth, leading them to bankruptcy.
Tim would know.
One day, he looked at their books when he was bored a few months after discovering Batman's identity. He tried to tell his mom about it, but she told him that he didn't understand the business well enough to tell.
So he signed himself into college-level business courses online to learn it. She didn't appreciate his initiative.
"Remember, Tim, Daniel Masters is who you must befriend," Janet says for the third time as they climb out of their car. " Friendships are the ladders to climbing up in the world."
"Yes, Mom." He tries to smile at her, but all Tim wants to do is go back to the roofs of Gotham and watch the Bats.
Jason is supposed to start his solo patrols tonight, which is a big deal, and he's missing it. His parents weren't supposed to be back for another month. However, their latest job was canceled due to locals complaining.
His dad grumbled about people getting in the way of history, but Tim thinks it has more to do with his parents wanting to dig up an old cemetery......apparently the locals like their grandparent's resting place to be left alone.
Tim also thinks it's not lovely to dig there just because the locals are poor, so he may have hacked into the country's files and flooded the internet with the disrespectful attempt that his parents were trying to make. It received the right amount of backlash to stop the whole operation.
He then sent the community an anonymous donation so they could fix it up, get the gravestones washed, and the stories of the buried people turned into a book. It's the least he could do.
Tim's parents didn't realize the loss of funds only because he carefully hid his tracks with shell companies.
They are greeted at the door by Vlad Masters. He gives his father a handshake, compliments his mother's dress, and even offers Tim a gentle hello. Masters is known for being a bit of a humble hermit, soft-spoken but with sharp, intelligent eyes.
Everything he expects new money to be, down to his mannerism and even the way he stands. Tim would have been able to clock him miles away without even knowing his name.
"This is my son, Daniel," Masters says, patting the head of a frowning boy Tim's age. He stands just a bit away from Masters as if he does not want to be near him. Tim notes the way he shies away from Master's hand.
"It's Danny." The boy hisses. Mom's face tightens at his manners. She never liked children being heard instead of seen. Danny takes a small breath before smiling at the Drakes with a friendlier composure.
The hostility was only toward his father?
"Please call me Danny. It's my real name, not a nickname," He says, offering his hand for a shake. Tim fights a wince. As the son of a wealthy family and not the head, Danny is not supposed to initiate a greeting with Tim's dad.
He just told the Drakes he needs to be aware of high society rules, making him easy pickings. His parents jump onto that weakness like a lion on a trap gazelle.
"Daniel. It's lovely to meet you. " Mom's articulation is just a shade away from being mocking. Danny's smile falls off his face closing down into a near-emotionless mask. "How old are you, deary?"
"I'm old enough to still hear correctly, unlike you. That's not my name. It's Danny." He says much to mom's surprise. Tim guesses she's not used to people challenging her so directly. He learned that, too, while he was running Gotham.
The elites always made passive-aggressive backhanded comments to insult each other. The poor told you to fuck off to your face.
"You do not speak that way to my wife, Daniel-" His Dad starts, but Danny holds up his hand.
"You either call me Danny or don't talk to me." He says. "I don't need to waste my breath repeating myself."
Wow. Tim thinks, watching the red growing on Dad's face. He's cool.
"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Dad demands, turning to an amuse-looking Masters. The other man raises a brow, his gentle smile still on his face, but somehow it looks more....dismissive now. As if he was looking at a child demanding the impossible.
"Why ever do you mean?" Masters asks, "Your tone implies you were insulted, but that would mean you are upset with a child asking to be spoken to with respect. Surely, a man of your standing knows children deserve respect?"
"They need to respect their elders." Mom cuts in her voice like ice.
"He is my son, so I am his elder. Not you." Master counters, "But not to worry, I will remedy this issue. Danny will no longer be speaking to you disrespectfully, as I will not allow him to be near you."
His parents had a few seconds of looking smug until Masters waved his hand back towards the driveway. "Have a lovely night, Mr. and Mrs. Drake."
"Excuse me?" Mom cries, and Tim can't believe his eyes. The rest of the wealthy guests have caught on to the issue and have gathered near the windows and doorway to watch.
"That's Fruitloop for You can leave now." Danny chirps starting to look more like his father by the amusement on his face. "Except for him. He's cool."
He points to Tim, who flushes at the attention. He had been staring at Danny, taking in every detail of his expression and body language, fascinated by the fact he did not once seem intimidated. He didn't even look bored.
He seemed comfortable in his slightly slouched posture and confident in his skin and abilities. But his earlier behavior implied that just as he is confident in himself, he also doesn't think very highly of himself.
Tim's never seen anyone like that. It's strange. New. Exciting.
Heck, it was exhilarating.
Tim wanted to break Danny Masters' head open and figure everything about him out. It felt like a new case just begging him to uncover.
"I am?" He asks in a slight daze, and the other boy offers him a dazzling smile.
"Yeah, you respect the dead. The spirits adore you."
"Oh, this is the young boy who protected that cemetery in Guatemala?" Masters asks with genuine warmth this time. "A fine job, Timithoy."
"It's Tim." He hears himself say, and Masters nods.
"A fine job Tim."
Danny offers him a wink, and Tim thinks his stomach just fell out of his body. What is this-?
"Timothy, we are leaving!" His mother screeches, tugging on his arm and yanking him away. The rest of the guests laugh as the Drakes are driven away. Tim knows he will never be allowed near Danny after this, so he turns his head around to give the boy one last look.
He meets the glowing green eyes of the Masters, who wave their fingers at him.
Tim starts following Danny around after that.
(Danny and Vlad know he's there and think it's cute. That's how ghost courts, so they don't see it as a problem. What is problem is getting along long enough for them to figure out a way back to their home dimension. Danny allowed Vlad to overshadow people just so they could have the means to eat, but he's getting really sick of Gotham. At least the soft clicking sound of a camera lures him to sleep at night.
Tim approaches Robin before his hero can go to Ethiopia. He doesn't understand what he is experiencing as his first crush and concludes that the Masters are aliens planning on luring small children by making them fall under a spell through their glowing eyes. Jason takes this very seriously and agrees to wait on his mission overseas. He realizes early on what's actually happening but, by that point, thinks Tim is hilarious and just edges him on.
He, too, thinks the Masters are aliens, but he's not about to tell Bruce.)
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queenshelby · 8 months
NOTE: This is a series of one shots and mini series for Cillian Murphy & Tommy Shelby in which he acts totally off-canon. Most of these shots are very dark in nature and you should read their individual warnings. All of these shots are requests from readers. Co-written with @darkshelbyfiction! ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER 18. MINORS DNI.
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It was Friday Evening, a few weeks after your 18th birthday and, as usual, you were out with friends when you ended up in some trouble. 
You were sitting at the bar, nursing a drink when a group of guys started harassing you. They kept commenting on how pretty you looked and wouldn't leave you alone.
You knew you couldn't handle them, so you did what you always do when you needed help and your father was away for work. You called your father's friend, Cillian who had been dealing with your misbehavior and troublesome nature for quite some time after your parents had divorced. 
He was an attractive man, in his mid-forties, with slightly greying hair and piercing blue eyes; he possessed a dominating and intimidating aura that seemed to command respect and when you saw him enter the bar, you were relieved. 
"Cillian! Thank God you're here! I was being harassed by these creeps," you said, your voice cracking slightly as you tried to maintain composure while still trembling from fear as he walked in. 
His eyes scanned the crowd, locking onto the group of men huddled together near the bar entrance.
"Y/N, let's get out of here," he said firmly, taking your hand and leading you away from the commotion. You felt a surge of relief, grateful that he had arrived just in time.
As you walked through the crowded bar, you could feel the stares of the other patrons on the back of your neck. You glanced sideways at Cillian, admiring his confident posture and the way he held his head high, as if daring anyone to challenge him. The mere thought of having someone take care of you sent a warm feeling coursing through your veins.
"What the fuck are you doing in a place like this anyway?" Cillian asked as he led you outside into the cool night air. "I mean, it's not like you've ever been much for restraint, but really now, Y/N?"
You didn't respond right away, instead opting to focus on breathing in the fresh breeze wafting over the cityscape. But then, you offered a sheepish smile and replied, "Well, I decided to try something new, and here we are."
Cillian snorted in response before offering to take you to his place since it was late and there wasn't any sense in letting you walk home alone, let alone allow you to stay in the empty house by yourself. 
"Okay, but can you not tell dad about this?" you asked hesitantly, looking up at Cillian.
"Sure, I will promise to keep quiet if you promise me to behave yourself the next time you go out and do not go to shady places like these," he replied gruffly, flashing a lopsided grin at you. His car was parked a few blocks away and the walk was a welcome change from the crowded bar. You chatted idly as you made your way to the vehicle, the tension from earlier beginning to dissipate.
Once inside the car, Cillian drove smoothly toward his apartment, and you couldn't help but admire the strength emanating from him despite his calm demeanor.
When you arrived at Cillian's place, he unlocked the door quietly, leading you upstairs to his living room with a protective hand on your lower back. You could feel his gaze lingering on you as he fumbled around in the dim light trying to find the switch for the lights.
Finally, the room lit up, revealing the tasteful decor and cozy furniture and, since he had only just moved into this new apartment, you took some time to assess your surroundings.
This place was a stark contrast to your father's modest abode - it was bigger, brighter, and filled with modern art pieces that hung on the walls. There was even a balcony overlooking the city, which would make for an amazing spot to watch the sunrise on lazy mornings. You realized that this was the first time you actually saw Cillian's home and it made you feel a bit awkward. However, you soon found your bearings and started making small talk with him as you waited for him to gather some blankets and pillows for you to sleep on the couch.
"Now tell me, how is school going for you?" Cillian asked casually, knowing that you were just about to sit your final exams, breaking the silence between you both as he took a seat next to you on the couch and handed you a glass of water. 
"Oh, same old stuff, you know, studying, taking tests," you replied nonchalantly, shrugging off the question.
"And that boyfriend of yours? How is he doing?" he continued, a hint of worry creeping into his tone after he had met this young man a few weeks ago. 
"We broke up last week," you admitted, feeling a pang of sadness. "It turned out that he was cheating on me all along."
Cillian placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly.
"It's just. I never...I mean, I should have seen it coming," you mused aloud, swirling the ice around in your glass of water. 
"Listen Y/N, you are a good girl. There will be others, others who are much more deserving of you," Cillian murmured softly, his thumb caressing your cheek gently, sending shivers down your spine. "But until then, don't rush things; it isn't healthy. Take some time for yourself, figure out what you want in life, and go for it."
"I guess you're right, Cillian," you sighed wistfully, staring blankly at the floor in front of you.
"I know I am right. I am always right," he mused, running a finger along your arm. You flinched at first, startled by the unexpected touch, but gradually relaxed under his gentle guidance. "Like I said, you are a smart girl, Y/N, so don't waste your youth on boys who don't deserve you," he went on to say before leaning closer.
You could smell the faint scent of soap and shampoo on his skin, a mixture of spice and cleanliness that made you feel strangely comfortable.
His fingers grazed your arm gently, sending a lightning bolt of excitement racing through your body. You wanted to pull away and yet, something strange compelled you to stay put. 
"Thanks, Cillian," you managed to squeak out, your heart pounding loudly enough to drown out everything else.
"You are welcome," he responded smoothly, reaching over to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear. His fingers lingered against your cheek, and his scent enveloped you, leaving traces of warmth in your wake.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you allowed yourself to lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder while his fingers traced undefined patterns over your skin.
His fingers eventually followed a trail from your neck down to your breasts, and as they reached your chest, he paused.
"You are beautiful, you know that right?" he whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
"I guess, yes," you muttered, your heart hammering wildly beneath your ribs as Cillian's fingers moved downward.
"Good," Cillian said and you could feel the heat rising within you, intensifying every sensation and emotion. His touch was almost too much to bear, yet it was also irresistible. You swallowed hard, unable to look away, captivated by the sensations coursing through your body.
"Let me ask you, Y/N, has your boyfriend ever touched you up here?" asked Cillian, his fingers tracing circles over your clothed breasts and your eyes widened, and you gulped nervously. "Yes, sometimes he has," you mumbled, biting your lip to suppress a moan.
"How about down there? Has he touched your special place?" Cillian's fingers danced provocatively, inching closer to your groin.
Your heart raced, palms sweating, as you shook your head in disbelief. You'd never imagined this kind of situation with Cillian, but his presence was intoxicating, overwhelming your senses.
"No, no one has," you finally mustered.
"Really?" Cillian's tone grew huskier, his fingers now brushing against your inner thigh. 
"I bet you're wet though, aren't you?" he asked you, smirking wickedly.
"No, I don't think so," you whimpered, but your voice lacked conviction as his fingers slid upwards, dangerously close to your panties.
"Come on, Y/N, admit it. I know you are aroused right now," Cillian coaxed, his voice low and seductive. "I have seen how you have been looking at me for years and now that you are old enough...," he then went on to say before trailing off and your face burned hot with embarrassment, but Cillian's fingers were relentless, dancing dangerously close to your panties.
"Cillian, we shouldn't," you protested weakly, but your heart raced and your breath quickened, betraying any attempt at resistance.
"Why not? Don't you want to be a good girl for me?" Cillian purred, his fingers teasing the edge of your panties.
"I do, but..." you trailed off, struggling to form coherent sentences.
"But what?" he prodded, his fingers slipping underneath the waistband of your panties. "Are you afraid of getting caught? Or maybe you think that you are still too young to have sex?" Cillian teased, his fingers expertly navigating through your underwear, his movements slow and deliberate. 
"No, but I am nervous," you admitted, your voice barely audible. The anticipation building within you was overwhelming, and you desperately wanted to feel his breath on your skin.
"Nervous about what?" Cillian taunted, his fingertips pressing lightly against your clitoris beneath your underwear.
"I am nervous about having sex. I am worried that it will hurt when you put your, you know....in there..." you murmured, causing Cillian to chuckle. 
"That's the thing, Y/N. The first time might be a little uncomfortable, but once you're used to it, it feels incredible. And trust me, I'll be gentle if you let me be your first," he assured you, his fingers now running over your wet slit, beneath your panties.
"I promise," he added, dipping one finger inside. You gasped softly, unprepared for the sudden intrusion.
"That feels weird," you gasped, gritting your teeth and clutching onto his arm for support.
"Because it's new," Cillian reassured you, his finger withdrawing briefly before sliding back in. "Try to relax, and breathe with me."
You nodded, closing your eyes and focusing on his voice, his rhythmic breathing. Slowly, you began to loosen up, allowing your muscles to unwind.
With each gentle thrust, you could feel his finger exploring deeper, discovering hidden depths within you.
You moaned softly, your hips undulating involuntarily, your breath becoming ragged.
Suddenly, he withdrew his finger, leaving you panting and wanting more.
"You are very wet now, Y/N," he murmured, his voice deepening even further as he pulled your panties down and slipped a digit back inside your folds. "And your pussy is so swollen, so ready for me. Please let me have sex with you," he begged you and your eyes shot open wide, and you gasped at the realization of what was about to happen if you said "yes"... You could feel your pulse throbbing in your veins, and your cheeks burning bright red.
"Come on Y/N. Let me put my cock inside that this little hole of yours. I promise it won't hurt for long," Cillian said, his voice dripping with lust. You glanced around nervously, aware that your heart was pounding uncontrollably and your breathing was heavy.
"You want to be my good girl, don't you?" Cillian whispered softly, his fingertip circling your nipple, creating a jolt of pleasure through your entire body. 
"Okay, but you need to wear a condom," you interjected, swallowing nervously.
"Of course," Cillian reassured you before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small foil packet.
You watched intently as he undid his pants, pulled them down and then carefully removed the condom, rolling it onto his erect cock with practiced ease. Your heart hammered in your chest and your own juices pooled between your thighs at the sight of his engorged member.
"So beautiful. Now spread your legs for me, baby," Cillian instructed, his voice thick with desire. You did as you were told, your hands shaking with anticipation. Cillian knelt between your spread legs, his erection hovering just inches from your wet, eager pussy.
"Just like this, huh?" he asked, rubbing the tip of his cock against your soaked opening. You whimpered, unable to contain your nervousness. 
His cock looked huge in comparison to your small opening and the idea of having it inside you frightened you, but also excited you beyond belief.
"Relax, alright?" Cillian murmured softly, placing a supportive hand on your hip. "You might bleed a little, but it's completely normal. Trust me, it's nothing to worry about." His voice carried a soothing quality, and your heart rate gradually slowed down.
"Now, lift off the couch a little so that I can watch my cock go in," Cillian declared assertively, the intensity in his voice raising goosebumps across your arms.
You gulped, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.
"Do you want me to lie back?" you ventured, feeling exposed yet curious after you adjusted your position.
"No, I want you to stay exactly where you are," Cillian insisted, his hand gripping your knee firmly.
"Okay," you murmured and Cillian sensed your apprehension and gave you a sly glance.
"Relax, Y/N. We are going to do this right," he assured you, his eyes locked on you. "It is going to be fun, okay? Just trust me."
You gave a weak nod, your heartbeat echoing in your ears, and a thin film of perspiration formed on your forehead. Cillian leaned in, his breath hot on your skin as he whispered, "Ready?"
"Yeah," you managed to croak back, your voice hoarse from anxiety.
You shifted restlessly on the couch, your heart pounding in your chest like a jackhammer. Cillian's firm grip on your knee grounded you, and gradually, you began to settle into the moment.
"Don't worry, I'll go slow," Cillian whispered, his voice rich and husky as he pressed the head of his cock against your wet entrance. You inhaled, steadying yourself, bracing for the pain.
"Breathe with me, Y/N," Cillian coaxed, his breath hot on your skin. "Take a deep breath and push out your pelvis."
You complied, your eyes squeezed shut as you focused on relaxing your muscles. Cillian eased forward, and with a slight pop, his cock breached your tight barrier.
"Ow!" you cried out, instinctively tightening against the intrusion.
"It's okay, Y/N," Cillian murmured encouragingly, stroking your upper thigh. "Just relax and remember to breathe."
You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as you forced yourself to relax. Cillian maintained a steady pressure, guiding his cock deeper into your slick, tight channel. Your heart hammered against your ribcage, threatening to burst free at any moment.
"Almost there," Cillian whispered, his voice sounding far away.
You grunted softly, feeling the stretch and burn intensify.
Cillian continued to guide his cock deeper, his pace steady and measured. The discomfort was overwhelming, but you focused on taking measured breaths, reminding yourself that this was part of the process.
"Alright, Y/N, we're halfway there," Cillian murmured, his voice low and soothing. "You're doing great."
"Is it supposed to hurt like this?" you whimpered, squirming uncomfortably.
"It is supposed to hurt a little," Cillian answered honestly before adding, "but it won't last forever. Just breathe and stay still for me. You will get used to the feeling soon," he reassured you and you took several deep breaths, willing yourself to relax. There was some blood on the cushion beneath you, but you pushed the image aside and focused on the task at hand. 
Eventually, you felt him bottom out inside you, his cock filling you up completely with a sensation you hadn't experienced before.
Your heart pounded furiously, and your breathing became ragged.
"You're so damn tight, it feels so fucking good," Cillian groaned, his voice strained and husky and, despite his efforts, his cock twitched inside you, growing harder.
"Please," you managed to whisper, unsure whether you were agreeing to continue or begging him to stop. You could feel your insides quivering, an unfamiliar sensation spreading throughout your body. It was pleasurable at last and this, mixed with the pain, confused you. 
Cillian's grip on your knee tightened slightly, steadying himself as he prepared to begin moving. He took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before releasing it slowly.
"Okay, Y/N, I'm going to start moving now," he warned, his voice husky and low. "Just relax and tell me if it hurts too much."
You managed a weak nod, squeezing your eyes shut and bracing yourself for the inevitable pain. Cillian began to move, his cock sliding back and forth inside you with agonizing slowness.
Each stroke sent waves of pleasure-pain coursing through your body, making you moan softly. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, and your heart pounded relentlessly in your chest. he growled in your ear, his voice low and gravelly.
"Oh, sweetheart, you're wound tighter than a spring. I can feel you clenching around me, fighting the urge to come undone."
You squirmed uneasily, your heart pounding like a war drum in your chest. "Cillian, please," you whimpered, your voice cracking like a gunshot. "Please, I can't," you moaned but he silenced you with a kiss, his tongue plunging into your mouth, tasting of salt and sin. His cock pulsed inside you, relentless as an iron fist.
It seemed to fill you up more fully with each passing second, and the exquisite torment it inflicted upon your tender flesh drove you to distraction.
"Feel it, Y/N?" Cillian whispered, his voice husky and low. "My cock is stretching you to your limits and it feels so good. You are so tight and so warm," he groaned and you could only nod in agreement, your breaths ragged and desperate. Cillian's cock surged inside you, thrusting deeper and harder with each passing moment.
Each movement sent delicious spasms through your body, making you moan helplessly. You could feel yourself unraveling around him, losing control of your inhibitions.
"Oh, God, Cillian," you whimpered, your voice cracking with desperation. "You feel so good inside me."
Cillian's eyes gleamed with triumph, his cock swelling larger and thicker. An insatiable hunger ignited within you, driving you to claw at his shoulders and squeeze his ass tightly.
"That's a good girl," Cillian rasped, his cock pulsing intensely within you. "Taking my cock like a champ."
You could feel the walls of your pussy clenching around his invading shaft, contracting rhythmically like a vise. Each contraction brought another wave of ecstasy, as you surrendered yourself to the blissful agony consuming you.
"Oh, fuck," Cillian groaned, his cock flexing powerfully within you. "So goddamn tight," he gasped before pulling out of you abruptly. "How about you turn around for me now and get on to your hands and knees," he ordered.
You hesitated for a moment, your heart pounding against your chest like a madman. But somehow, you trusted him. After all, he was Cillian Murphy—the man you've fantasized about for what felt like a lifetime. With a trembling hand, you slowly rotated your body until you were facing the opposite direction. You bent over, your hands supporting your weight on the couch cushions.
"Perfect," he praised. "Stay like that."
You heard him shuffling around behind you but did not pay much attention to what he was doing as, unbeknownst to you, he pulled the condom off his shaft and discarded it on the floor, wanting to fuck you bare. 
He then grabbed your hips roughly and pulled you back against him. His bare shaft entered you, feeling warmer and smoother than before. 
It slid effortlessly into your welcoming pussy, the sensation of his flesh against yours setting fire to your nerves.
"Something feels different," you gasped, confused, but Cillian silenced you. 
"Shh," Cillian hushed you, his warm breath fanning your ear. "Everything's fine," he said before he thrust into you again, his cock sliding deeply within you with a hungry growl. The sensation of his naked cock penetrating you felt amazing for him and you, but you still did not know why it felt different then before and put it down to the change in positioning.
For Cillian, this act was raw, primal, and absolutely thrilling. The thought of having his cum inside you thrilled him even more, claiming you as his. 
"God, Y/N," he gasped, his breath hot on your neck.
"Your pussy feels so fucking good," he groaned and you bit your lip, trying to stifle a moan.
"Cillian," you whimpered, your voice hoarse with desire, still unaware that he was now fucking you raw. His bare cock was inside you now just as he was getting ready to cum and you knew nothing about it. 
"I am close baby. So fucking close," Cillian muttered while slamming into you. Each thrust filled you with an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain that left you breathless.
"Oh, God, Cillian," you moaned, your voice cracking with desperation.
You could feel the walls of your pussy clenching around his invading shaft, contracting rhythmically like a vice and, soon enough, you could not take it anymore and came undone. 
You orgasmed, spasming around his cock, milking him and forcing you both to shout out in euphoria.
You felt your inner walls tighten around him, and Cillian's cock swelled, spurting hot cum deep inside you. His seed mixing with your wetness, marking you as his.
"Fuck," he groaned, his seed bursting forth, painting your insides white. You gasped in shock, your body tensing up as his semen spilled into you.
You felt the warm sticky substance trickling down your inner thighs but did not think anything of it, ignoring it in post-orgasmic bliss. 
Then, after a few more thrusts, Cillian pulled out of you and collapsed beside you on the couch and, immediately, you sat up, your gaze landing on the spot where both of you had been lying.
You didn't notice it initially, but now, you couldn't help but stare at that spot while Cillian reached for a box of tissues and, without words, handing you a wad of paper towels.
"What for?" you asked, puzzled as and he gestured to your pussy, leaking his cum. 
You stared at your own pussy before registering what had taken place. He had ejaculated inside you. The thought made you blush profusely but you didn't say anything. 
You clean up the mess with the tissue, wiping up the remnants of his release  before tossing it in the trashcan.
"Your pussy looks so good, leaking my cum," Cillian says, admiring your visibly flushed face and damp hair.
"Why did you do that?" you ask, knowing full well that he intentionally removed the condom. 
"I wanted to claim you," Cillian replies, his voice deep and resonant. "I needed to show you that you belong to me; that we are meant to be together," he told you while caressing your cheek gently with his thumb. "And now you are mine," he added confidently before forcefully kissing you again, his lips crushing yours hungrily till your body weakened under his passion.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Good Enough: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 1k
description: Once your father’s world, you start acting out when he starts ignoring you and only your father can figure out what is going on
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Jake and Neytiri were at loss, especially Jake he didn't understand what was going on with you lately and why you were acting out so much.  All you ever did anymore was talk back and argue with them, and they couldn't figure out why, usually Lo'ak was the problem child, not you. Today was the final straw when you snuck out to join the war party after Jake specifically told you to stay behind and watch Tuk and help with the wounded, something you clearly didn't agree with.
"Jesus, I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders," he sighed. "Not to mention you almost got your sister killed!" He said to Neteyam and Lo'ak who you felt bad for, your dad was always so hard on them.
"I came on my own." You said rolling your eyes and making Jake whip his head in your direction.
"What did you say?" He asked.
"I said I.came.on.my.own. and that these two tried to get me to return home and I didn't listen to them, so if it's anyone's fault, it's mine." You said looking in dead in the eye as Jake was rendered speechless at you.
"I'll deal with you later." He said tiredly running a hand down his face.
"Yeah, it's always later with you." You mumbled as you left the tent and went to go see your grandmother so she could look at you.
After getting looked at by your grandma, you headed back to your tent hoping to get some sleep, making sure to avoid your father and how much he couldn't see how much you were hurting and that you were acting out to get his attention. You had been laying there silently crying when you heard your parents talking, probably assuming you were asleep.
"I don't know what I'm gonna do with her, I can't keep doing this." Your father said.
"Jake she's just going through something...l can try and talk to her." Your mother offered.
"I know she is....but why can't she be more like Neteyam or Kiri, you know?" He said breaking your heart as you realized you were never gonna be good enough for him.
"Ma Jake, don't talk like that...she is perfect just the way she is, sure her attitude could use some fixing but I still love her as the day she was born and so should you." Your mother said to him but it was too late as you knew how he truly felt.
You waited until everyone was asleep and decided to go for a night-time flight to clear your head and think about everything. You walked over to your Ikran and climbed on top of her before taking off.  After flying for a bit, you landed in a pasture and just relaxed trying to calm your thoughts wondering if one day you would be good enough for your father.
Jake was restless that night, hating that yours and his relationship were so strained, there used to be a day when you weren't seen without him and now you were practically strangers. He got up and went to check on you when he saw your tent empty making him worry as you and ikran were gone. He climbed on top of his and circled around looking for you or Ikran until he saw you both which he let out a sigh of relief.
"If you have come to yell at me or lecture me more, please go." You said not even looking at him which broke his heart.
"I haven't. Baby girl I just wanna figure out what's been going on with us lately?" He said taking a seat next to you.
"Why? It's not actually like you care." You said turning away from him and making him frown at your words.
"Hey talk to me. Where is this coming from?" He asked gently and even more worried.
"I heard what you said to mom about how you wish I was more like Kiri or Neteyam..Do you realize I've been acting out to get your attention because I don't feel good enough for you! You the one who trained me and yet you don't let me go out on missions but you'll tell Lo'ak of all people?? How am I supposed to feel when I'm told to sit here and take care of others when I know I could be out there helping you and mom?  You don't talk to me or have any time for me and I hate that so much, it's always later baby girl, or not now baby girl. I miss our relationship but it doesn't seem like you do." You said breaking down into tears as Jake sat there in shock at your words before moving towards you and gathering in his arms.
Jake held you in his arms gently rocking you as he tried to calm you down while he also processed your words, he never meant to make you feel that way, that you weren't good enough for him because you were if any of his children were a carbon copy of him, it was you. Once your breathing was back to normal he decided to speak.
"You are good enough for me more than...I never meant to make you feel like you weren't and I'm sorry that I did...when I have to stay back here with your sister and the others it's not because I don't believe in your abilities as a warrior, trust me I do...it's because I know that if something was to happen, they would have you to protect and defend them...I'm sorry I made you think I was doubting you or didn't believe in you because I do so much. I didn't realize that I had gotten so wrapped in the war party stuff and your brothers that I ignored you, it was never my intention. I hope you can forgive me, baby girl." He said.
"As long as you can forgive me for the way I've been acting." You said looking at him.
"Of course, what do you say tomorrow we spend the day together like we used to do?" He offered you.
"I would love that. I love you, dad." You said to him.
"I love you too baby girl." He said pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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toomanywatchers · 5 months
So I saw this popular post floating around amid the Watcher drama-
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-and here is my response to that with some iconic Watcher quotes:
Shane: "What's the deal with cousins?" - in TMS season 3
Ryan: "Hey dipshit, are you scared?" - in TMS season 3
Steven: "What's the trauma version of nostalgia?" Shane: "Trauma?" - in Pod Watcher ep 5 (aka the glorious Nose Soap Apple ep)
Shane: "I don't like people to acknowledge me as a human being." - in Are You Scared of Working Out
Ryan: "Class dismissed, you little blue ball sack." - in Puppet History's The Dreadful Demise of the Dinosaurs
Steven: "Who cares, man!" - in Making Watcher ep 4
Shane: "As soon as there's an element of competition, my brain just quits" - in Weird Wonderful World Roller Derby ep
Ryan: "You killed me!" Shane: " You're dead?" Ryan: "Yeah, because you asked for a blowjob." - in Survival Mode Demonologist
Steven: "Oh, I can't process the world right now." - Steven Eats Through Korea for 24 Hours Straight
Bonus one from the Patreon because I think about this moment at least once a day:
*answering the question on when would a gen z bark* Sam: "during doggy style?" Shane in disapproving dad voice: "Sam!"
and that is just a few quotes that I think about or quote from time to time. If you have a favorite quote and want to add to this post to out-ratio the original blogger- go for it!
Now my little rant that I've been trying to keep in but imma just add it here: it seems that most of the haters throwing out nasty comments seem to be old BFU fans who only watch Ghost Files and can not let go of the past and does not realize that BFU has been over for almost 3 years now. Guess what?
It's totally ok to miss and grieve the loss of something you love, but continuously comparing Watcher to just BFU is tiring. Watcher is so much more than BFU, and if you guys would just simply read Watcher's company motto then you would know that.
So how about instead of living in 2018, you come and join us in 2024 and recognize that Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara, and especially Steven Lim are still fucking hilarious alongside the wonderful team at Watcher.
ps: I decided to use a screenshot and cut out the name instead of reblogging the op's post because I simply do not want to give them any more attention.
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gisellaaa · 9 months
i’m at a loss of words even looking at you; no pain could ever reach how it felt when you twisted the knife.
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jh86 | traveling to michigan due to the loss of your father sucked. especially when a familiar face longed to speak to you.
The passing of your father was sudden, unexpected really. The last time you seen him-- a few months ago-- he was perfectly fine. A week ago, your mom called you stating he had fallen really ill. A few days after, she announced his passing to the family.
You made the unfortunate flight to Michigan, having to take your second semester finals earlier to be able to make it to Michigan. Luckily, all your professors were willing to allow you to take them early.
Being in Michigan brought a dark gloom over your head. Of course, it was mostly due to your father's passing, but the last time you were in Michigan, it didn't end well.
Last summer, you were in an on-and-off situationship with your long-term best friend Jack Hughes. At first, it was great. You had the ability to brag that you were the one Jack was fucking at night, you were the girl that Jack had his arm around at the party of the night.
Until you fell for him, something that was easy to do. Jack had charm, his game with women was off the charts. You knew he had a way with getting women to fall easily for him. Before you agreed to the friends with benefits deal, you swore to yourself you wouldn’t fall in love — but you did.
Instead of effectively communicating your feelings to Jack and dealing with the rejection, you ghosted him when you went back to school. You expected him to reach out to you, but instead you got nothing from him. In the end, you thought that hurt worse than rejection ever could.
You stood in front of the mirror that hung on the door to your childhood bedroom. Smoothing out the black dress, you sucked in a deep breath. You were sure Ellen and Jim would be at the visitation. You just were unsure if they forced their three sons to join along.
A soft knock pulled you from your thoughts. You opened the door to see your mother, her eyes clearly swollen from her late night sobbing.
“Are you ready, honey?” Her hoarse voice spoke. You gave her a sincere smile. You knew your mother was in a lot of pain. After all, she lost her husband — the love of her life. You were upset about your father’s passing, but your mother was just completely empty of any emotion besides grief.
“Yeah, I just need to grab my purse. I’ll be right down.” You replied, voice quiet. Your mother nodded, shutting the door to your room. Seeing your mother in this deep of pain hurt you beyond words could explain.
You reached for your purse that was slung on the desk chair, accidentally knocking a few things over. “Shit-“ You grumbled, trying to gather them. You noticed a small note that was hidden behind the old clutter on your desk.
Good Luck in Maine, Stevie. I’ll miss you while you’re gone! - Jack
The familiar — yet unfamiliar — nickname made your stomach turn. It came from your undying love for Stevie Nicks in middle school. When you and Jack would walk home after school, the sound of Fleetwood Mac was always playing from your speaker. Jack turned that into a nickname for you.
You had been wondering why listening to Fleetwood Mac had been making you upset recently, the note just clicked a few buttons in your brain to remind you.
You crumbled the post-it note into your hand, tossing it somewhere in your room. With a huff, you grabbed your purse and left the room. Your family had been waiting downstairs. Evelyn, your younger sister, had a blank expression on her face due to the grief. Your older brother looked like he hadn’t been sleeping well.
You were the epitome of a mourning family.
Your mom drove everyone to the funeral home, it was an hour before the visitation started. Your mother wanted to ensure the visitation room was prepped like how she wanted it.
The visitation room made your heart twist and ache. There were photos of your dad scattered everywhere. Family photos, old prom pictures, even pictures of him attached to a telephone pole from his first job were posted.
“Wow,” Your brother commented, his eyes turning glassy quickly. “This is… this is heavy.” He continued, swallowing harshly.
Your eyes quickly connected to a photo. It was of your father and Jim Hughes. They were the best of friends in high school. The photo was of them holding you and Jack when you were babies. You shook your head, rolling the tears out of your eyes.
Soon enough, the visitors started to roll in. They ranged from family to friends and even some of your own peers showed up. You and your brother stayed off to the side, watching as family consoled your mother.
“Surprised Aunt Nancy even showed her face. Last time I check, she was strung out on meth in Illinois.” Your brother scoffed, staring directly at your father’s sister.
“Dad wouldn’t have wanted her here.” You replied, agreeing with him.
Your attention was turned to the family walking in, the Hughes family. All five of them were present, even Jack. Your stomach turned, feeling queasy at the thought of being in his presence.
Jim spotted you and your brother, considering you were off to the side of the crowd. He led his family over.
“I see your mom is caught up with your father’s family?” Jim commented, a sad expression on his face. He lost his high school best friend, the guy he partied with through college, and the guy he purposefully lived next to in Michigan — just so they wouldn’t be apart.
“Nancy is here,” Your brother answered, watching as Jim rolled his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, honey. I’m sure this is hard,” Ellen frowned pulling you into a hug. You haven’t cried yet today, but this interaction was pushing you close to your limits.
“It is, but what can you do,” You answered, a small frown forming on your face. Your eyes trailed over to Jack, who was piercingly staring at you. You pulled out of Ellen’s grasp, watching as her and Jim got swept away by your mother.
Quinn was the first to speak up. “So, what happened? Jimmy said it was unexpected.”
You looked over at your brother, knowing you’d be the one to explain the story. “He got admitted to the hospital after he went for a high fever. Turns out he had many malignant tumors in his lungs and bronchus. He passed not too long after.” You sadly answered, your voice nothing short of monotonous.
“Fuck — that’s awful.” Luke sighed, scratching at his head. You and your brother shrugged simultaneously. “It happens.” Your brother responded.
Jack stood quietly behind Quinn, his attention fully devoted to you. Your stomach churned, causing you to become light headed. “I’ll be back,” You whispered to your brother, quickly walking out of the visitation room.
You found the women’s bathroom, quickly slamming open the door. You didn’t have time to lock the door behind you. Your body hunched over the toilet, the contents of your stomach spilling out of your mouth. Your body was shaking due to the exertion. You had a few tears spilling from your eyes, ones that you quickly wiped away.
You flushed the toilet, falling against the bathroom wall. “Of course—“ You commented, your voice quiet.
Slowly, your stood to your feet, standing in front of the mirror that was above the sink. You let out a shuddered breath. You ran the water, gargling some water in your mouth. You spit it out into the sink, feeling some relief.
While leaving the bathroom, you had your head in your purse searching for gum. You felt your body come to a halt as someone grabbed your arm. You found the gum, sliding a piece into your mouth, then looked up to see Jack.
“Are you okay?” Jack asked, his hand gripping onto your arm. You looked down, pulling your arm from his grasp. “I’m good.” You confirmed, nodding at him.
“Why didn’t you ever reach out?” He asked, his eyes forming into a glare. You raised your eyebrows, scoffing. “Are you really asking me why I didn’t reach out at my dad’s visitation?” You quickly fired back, watching as his expression changed.
“I just wanted to know, Stevie. That’s all.”
“Don’t call me that.” You stated, turning on your heels to walk away from him. You sucked in a deep breath once back into the visitation room, joining your brother once more.
This is going to be a long week.
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You peered out at the sinking sun, watching as night fell onto the town in Michigan. The colder atmosphere chilled the air, unfortunately you didn’t bring a jacket.
The large pier was empty this time of year. There were no tourists to occupy the town, just those who lived here year round. The sound of the water moving and occasional car driving past kept your mind at peace.
This is where you decided you hated Michigan.
A car door could’ve been heard if you weren’t trapped in your mind. The car door could’ve signaled to you that someone would be joining you within moments. It could’ve been a serial killer, or some elderly woman who wants to knit.
Instead, it was Jack.
He sat down next to you on the bench, quietly turning his head to you. “Your brother told me you were here,” Jack spoke, his eyes fixated on you. “I didn’t ask,” You simply replied, voice quiet.
“Do you hate me, or something? I’m lost at how suddenly you just disappeared, and why you did.” Jack blurted, turning his body slightly towards. you.
You shrugged, a small frown forming on your lips.
“Do you regret it? Or did we do something that we shouldn’t have?”
You shook your head, then shrugged once more. You didn’t want to speak to him, let alone be near him.
“Stevie, we were best friends before whatever happened this summer. Your dad just died, and you are like a closed off shell of what you used to be. Why won’t you just talk to me?” Jack pleaded, his eyes starting to water.
As badly as you wanted to explain your feelings, explain how you didn’t want to be one of those girls that he picks up whenever he wants just to throw them away, explain how you didn’t feel like you even compared to his previous girlfriends, or even explain how you fell in love with him, you chose not to.
Simply out of the fact you didn’t want to be one of those girls crying over the fact that Jack Hughes never loved them.
“I don’t want to talk Jack, at all. I just simply want to be alone,” You abruptly stood from the bench, pulling your sleeves over your hands. “Stop trying to get me to talk to you,”
You quickly walked back to your car, then slowed down once you realized he wasn’t following behind you. Once in the safety of your car, you broke down. Sobs racking your body during the whole drive back to your childhood home.
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The bar was practically empty at this point of the night. It was two in the morning and you were five drinks deep. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but due to your small tolerance of alcohol, it felt like a lot.
Your mind was running, thoughts swirling quickly through your brain. Frankly, you didn’t know why you haven’t just laid your feelings out on a silver platter to Jack.
You thought back to what he told you on the pier, and he was right. Your friendship had been deeply rooted into your life. It was wrong for you to shut him out like you’ve been. It was out of your own stubbornness, and now you were cursing yourself for it.
You sighed, fishing your phone out of your purse. You signaled for the bartender, asking for her to close you out.
“Hello?” Your brother’s tired voice grumbled through the phone. “Hey, I’m at Joe’s, can you come get me?” You slurred, your head resting against your hand.
“It’s literally two AM, are you serious?” Your brother continued to grumble, his voice becoming more annoyed. “Please?” You pleaded.
After a few moments, hearing him tap at his phone and the ruffling of his sheets. “Jack’s gonna be there in ten to come get you.” Your brother informed. “Stop being rude to him, by the way. He just wants to help.”
You heard the chime of the hang up sound, groaning to yourself. The bartender handed you the debit card that belonged to you, giving you a sincere smile.
After a little while, the door bell chimed, signaling that someone had entered.
“Stevie come on,” Jack muttered, standing behind you. You felt the tension, causing your less than sober state to fill with nerves. You slid off the bar stool, sulking as Jack led you to his car.
Once safety inside, Jack started the drive back.
“Why?” Jack asked, his focus on the road. “Why are you doing this to yourself again?”
“I don’t know, Jack,” You shrugged. Tears started to run down your face, regret filling your body due to your actions.
“You’ve shut me out once before, and you know how that makes me feel. I don’t know why you are doing it again.” Jack continued, his hands gripping onto the wheel tightly.
“I’m sorry, Jack” Your voice shuddered as you spoke, your eyes staring down at your hands.
“And I don’t know if you’ve just been acting like this because you are going through a lot right now, but I just wish you’d talk to me. And drinking — really Stevie — drinking? This is how you are going to work through your pain?”
“I-“ You stuttered, shrugging as you tried to finds words to speak.
“You don’t have to answer now, you’ve been drinking.” Jack stated, pulling into your driveway. You sat in the car, not sure of what to do or say.
“Can we talk tomorrow?” You asked, finally glancing over at him. Jack briefly glanced at you, letting out a sigh. “Yeah, just text me.” Jack replied, nodding. “Bye,” You quietly excused yourself, getting out of his car.
The rest of the night, you laid in bed, thinking of things to tell Jack tomorrow.
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Jack sat across from you, nursing a hot black coffee. Your head ached with a never ending headache due to your hangover. You sipped on a iced chai latte, silent.
"Tell me what's going on," Jack requested, breaking the heavy silence with a sentence that made your body flood with anxiety. You wished you never asked him to talk - but you decided that your since your trip was coming to an end soon - it was now or never. Never meaning you would lose your best friend for good.
You attempted to gather words in your brain, opening your mouth to speak but nothing would flow into coherent sentences.
"I really - do you regret this summer? Do you thing it changed anything?" You asked, your mouth running dry with your words.
Jack knit his brows together in confusion, quickly shaking his head. “No, I don’t regret it. Do you?” Jack leaned forward slightly, his voice quiet. “I don’t regret it, but something changed.” You spoke, eyes tearing away from his.
“What changed, Y/N?” Jack’s face flooded with worry. “Because if it’s something I can fix, I want to. I just want my best friend back, I just want you back in my life.”
“That’s the thing, Jack.”
“What? What’s the thing?” Jack’s voice was rushed, his eyes searching your face for any answers. He used to be able to read your expressions like an open book, but now it was like trying to read a locked diary.
“I can’t be your best friend anymore-“ You were quickly cut off.
“What the fuck? Why? Why can’t you be my friend anymore? Because we fucked? I mean, I can see how it would change things but I feel like it-“ You quickly cut him off in return.
“No, Jack. It’s because I fell in love with you.” You harshly stated, eyes quickly locking onto him. You could visibly see a wave of emotion rush over him.
Jack sat in silence, his brain swirling with many thoughts and questions. He was unsure of which one to ask first, to learn about. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You scrunched your face, clasping your hands in your lap. “I’ve known you for how long, Jack? You’ve told me about every girl you’ve brought home, immediately knowing whether or not they’d be a quick hook-up or if it would be more. You’ve told me how many times you’ve ghosted girls over something small they did that threw you off.” You paused, sucking in a deep breath. “I didn’t want to be one of those girls.”
“You never were, Y/N. We have too much past to even make you remotely close to one of those girls.” Jack shook his head, disbelief flooding his brain. Did you really think that he would just drop you?
“Jack, be serious. If we didn’t have the past, if our families weren’t close friends, would I be one of those girls?” You asked, a stoic expression on your face.
Jack shook his head again. “Absolutely not. If you were one of those girls, Y/N, if I even remotely felt like treating you like those girls, you wouldn’t be sitting here right now. I wouldn’t have kept being around you all summer if you were one of those girls. You just — it was natural — it felt easy to be around you like that,” Jack explained, confessing thoughts in his head he never thought he’d say out loud.
“You are different. Your achievements are far different from how many Instagram followers you have, you have actual goals in life. You never thought of me as some fucking — as #1 draft pick with a 8.8 Million dollar contract — I’ve always just been Jack to you. I’ve always been the kid your parents forced you to hang out with. I’ve never been some celebrity in your brain. You make me feel different.” Jack let out a deep breath after his small speech, his eyes focused on you.
“Jack, I-“
“I’m not finished. You are in school, pursuing fucking politics, Y/N. You spend your nights studying instead of throwing back as much Pink Whitney as you can. Instead of posting sponsorships on social media, you post about your friends, family, achievements. I have always thought you were the smartest girl I’ve known. I always surrounded myself with girls different from you to try to convince myself that it wasn’t right to have feelings for you. Because you don’t deserve to be with a guy who won’t have a career in thirty years, who doesn’t even know what he’s going to do with his life in thirty years.” Jack ran a hand through his tousled hair, moving to anxiously fiddle with the strings to his hoodie.
“I think your monologue was longer than my final paper this semester, no offense.” You spoke, trying to ease the heavy mood. “I — uh — wow. That is a lot to process? Give me a second to think.” You spoke, thinking maybe Jack would actually let you think for a moment.
“Y/N, I’ve loved you since sophomore year of high school. That’s the whole point of that speech or whatever.” Jack stated quickly, clarifying his words.
“So, now what?” You asked, shrugging. “You go back to New Jersey, I go back to Maine, now what?”
“We figure it out. Because, Y/N, seriously. I’ve gone the past five months not speaking to you, and I really can’t go any longer.” Jack frowned, scratching at the small patches of stubble that had been growing.
“We figure it out?” You questioned, waiting for him to confirm his words.
“Yeah, I mean, we’ve figured out ways for you to come to New Jersey for like the past three years. I’m sure it won’t be any less harder, now. You have one semester left at college, then it’s up in the air, yeah? I think we’d be able to figure it out.” Jack nodded, feeling less suffocated that he had previously felt. “Only if you want to though.”
You, on the other hand, were still battling with your internal insecurities. Your lip was tucked between your teeth, biting at the dead skin. “I need to get some air, for a second.” You stood from the chair, heading outside the small coffee shop to think in peace for a moment.
You knew it wouldn’t be hard to figure out. And, you knew Jack would treat you right. He already did so much for you, as a friend. Sending you sweet messages when you were upset, ordering you uber eats when you were up all night studying, the signs were all green.
Yet, the lingering thought of if you were good enough still pounded into your brain like a headache.
You heard the door chime, not realizing they maybe you have been sitting outside for far too long. Jack stood on the side walk, a sad expression plastered on his face.
“Just let me know-“
You stood to your feet, rushing over to him. You placed you hands on his cheeks, planting your lips onto his. Jack hesitated, but soon his hands found your hips, squeezing.
“We’ll figure it out.” You mumbled, watching as his eyes flickered brightly.
“We will figure it out,” Jack nodded, pulling your body against his chest.
You were sure that Jack would do his best to navigate through his life, especially if you were by his side. You knew that Jack would treat you as best as he could, always ensuring you were happy with how the relationship was going. You knew Jack just as well as you knew yourself.
Maybe being back in Michigan wasn’t as bad as you thought it was.
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theblue6ook · 7 months
Out of My League [Ongoing Fic]
*ages are listed
B.B. [Before officially meeting Bruce]
“The Young Years” Bruce and Y/N are both dealing with loss and change at a young age. (a/n: "The Young Years" are essentially anecdotes from Y/N and Bruce's childhoods that make them who they are.) B (8) & Y/N (6) B (10) & Y/N (8)
“The Young Years” PT 2 Bruce & Y/N are struggling with some major daddy issues in this one. B (14) & Y/N (12)
“The Young Years” PT 3 Teenage trauma comes in many forms. Sometimes, it’s your dad kicking you out of the house… and sometimes, it’s running off to train in the League of Assassins. What can you do? B (19) & Y/N (17)
“Shit Interview” Y/N bombs her interview at Wayne Enterprises and has no idea what she's going to do now. B (23) & Y/N (21)
“Shit Interview” PT 2 Interestingly, Y/N meets Alfred Pennyworth, and he offers her a new interview for a different assistant position? She's hesitant but decides to take the opportunity. Little did she know who she'd be working for. B (23) & Y/N (21)
“Our Stupid Smart Kids” Alfred and John talk about their prospective problem children who are not really children anymore. Takes place during "A Shit Interview."
A.B. [After officially meeting Bruce]
"Shit Interview" PT 3 Y/N knew this assistant's job would come with different challenges, but getting her boss to show up to work was not something she thought would be on her to-do list. B (23) & Y/N (21)
"Shit Interview" PT 4 After two weeks of Bruce Wayne playing hooky, Y/N is finally putting her foot down. B (23) & Y/N (21)
"Shit Interview" PT 5 The day Bruce Wayne is finally supposed to work in office... and he's late. B (23) & Y/N (21)
“Shit Interview” PT 6 Bruce was only doing this to humor Alfred. It was just a way to show him he gave his new assistant a shot and it just didn’t work out… or at least that was what he was trying to tell himself. B (23) & Y/N (21)
"Other Lovers" Y/N just wants to spend her birthday with her fiance, but when he drops the ball, will Bruce pick it up?! (A continuation of "Shit Interview") B (23) & Y/N (22)
"Other Lovers" PT 2 Bruce is trying his best to make Y/N's birthday an experience to remember. B (23) & Y/N (22)
"Other Lovers" PT 3 Y/N realizes the end of her relationship with Russ is near. Bruce is realizing he might like Y/N more than he leads on. B (23) & Y/N (22)
"Other Lovers" PT 4 Going through a breakup is hard. Good thing Bruce is there to help. B (23) & Y/N (22)
“A Mundane Day” Is it ever really mundane office life as Bruce Wayne’s assistant? B (23) & Y/N (22)
“A Quiet Day” Bruce does not like celebrating his birthday. All of the pomp and circumstance was very “Bruce Wayne Bachelor,” but it wasn’t him. He wants quiet, he wants easy, he wants focus. So Y/N gives him that. B (24) & Y/N (22)
“A Sick Day” It’s not a cold. It’s not. It’s just… allergies or something. Y/N definitely does not need to stay home. Bruce disagrees. B (24) & Y/N (22)
coming soon...
(just to give you a sneak peek at what's coming next ;) )
“A Shit Day” Y/N gets kidnapped. Who else comes to save her besides Batman... he looks familiar. B (24) & Y/N (22)
“Mommy Monster” Y/N’s mother is back after YEARS and is she something. B (24) & Y/N (22)
“Bruce has friends?” Y/N meets the Justice League. B (24) & Y/N (22)
“Bombs and Ball Gowns” Y/N makes a choice at the gala. It almost costs her everything and now Bruce knows her secrets. (24) & Y/N (22)
“Out of My League” The justice league has some major shit going down, but now the team is suspected. How can Y/N get them out of this one… B (24) & Y/N (22)
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
HoH!Lawrence!Reader Headcanons
Contents: chubby!reader, Reader has hearing aids, Johnny is a single dad, protective older brother Robby Keene,
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🥋 When at a young age, Reader lost some of her hearing. She got sick and Johnny had to take her to the hospital. He all but burst through the hospital door with a young Reader running a fever. He had no idea what he was doing as a father, he was still figuring it out, but he knew when she was sick. She was very energetic, so he knew something was wrong when she wasn't.
🥋 Watching his daughter lose some of her hearing was hard for Johnny. He didn't know how to deal with that. And he blamed himself because how could he let this happen? He took it harder than Reader.
🥋 The hospital was beneficial and referred him to an ENT for Reader. He struggled to pay for the appointments, but he always saved up to pay for them whenever there was one coming up.
🥋 Life at home wasn't all that different despite the change. Johnny just got louder whenever talking to Reader or calling for her from another room. When she watched TV, she had the volume up really high. She wouldn't hear a knock on the door and whoever was on the other side would either keep knocking until Johnny heard it or leave if he didn't.
🥋 Robby would come over sometimes and he didn't understand all of this in the beginning. He realized that Reader was talking louder than before, and she sometimes wasn't responding to him when he spoke. It took his mom talking to Johnny about it before Robby got some answers.
🥋 It made Robby, who's just a few months older than Reader, very protective. They didn't go to the same school, but Robby knows how mean kids could be. He worried she got bullied for her ears not working like everyone else, but she brushed him off whenever he'd say something like "You just tell me if anyone bothers you about it, okay?"
🥋 It wasn't until a few years later, after some appointments, that she got offered to try hearing aids. Reader got excited and asked her dad if she could do it, to which he worried about paying for them. The nurse assured him that if he had insurance, they'd help pay for it. So, he had to go through the process of getting medical insurance to pay for the hearing aids. He would do anything for his daughter, especially feeling responsible for her sickness that led to her hearing loss. So, he did it, obviously.
🥋 After getting the hearing aids, Reader would get teased from time to time. But there were also those times kids were just interested in them. She would explain to them why she had them and what they did. If someone said something out of line or mean, she hit them like her dad told her to.
🥋 This, of course, led to a parent-teacher meeting that Johnny had to go to, which he didn't want to, but he did. They talked about how to act at school and Johnny argued about how if a kid was laughing at his daughter who has hearing loss, there's a problem there and it certainly wasn't his daughter. After they wanted to punish her for sticking up for herself, Johnny took her and left telling her she did the right thing. He got her ice cream after.
🥋 As she got older, she got tougher. She started not taking shit from anyone. As a kid, she brushed off all the mean things people said, whether they knew it or not. She stopped letting people off the hook because it was bullshit. And every time she told her dad about how she stood up for herself, he was proud.
🥋 That was until someone pushed her down in middle school. That made Johnny mad but instead of going back to the school about it, he decided to teach his daughter karate so she could fight off anyone who wanted to shove or hurt her.
🥋 So, when a boy tried to push her again, she blocked the attack and flipped him over. No one messed with her after that.
🥋 It garnered her attention, unwanted attention at that. She didn't mind but she just didn't think that anyone would be interested in her for her self-defense skills. But that's exactly what drew Eli and Demetri in because if no one was gonna mess with Reader, they might not mess with them if she was their friend. She knew they were likely hanging out with her for that reason, but she didn't care. Her dad kept teaching her karate and if anyone bothered her friends, she threatened to beat them up. She showed off her karate during rec hour and that usually did the trick to keeping people away.
🥋 When Miguel moved into the apartment across the way, Reader was the first person he met. Sort of.
🥋 She was walking through the complex when he spotted her and called out to her to say hello, but unbeknownst to him she wasn't wearing her hearing aids and didn't hear him because his voice wasn't loud enough. She just walked right into her apartment.
🥋 When he met Johnny, he asked about the "girl who wouldn't say hi to him" and Johnny passively mentioned how she's hard of hearing and also his daughter. Miguel apologized for if he sounded rude and not knowing and Johnny just kind of brushed that off because it wasn't any of his business.
🥋 They didn't cross paths again until Miguel's first day of school. He sat with Eli and Demetri. He believed it was just the two of them sitting there, but then Reader came to join them. She smiled and introduced herself to Miguel and he did the same. She was a lot friendlier than he initially thought after the little miscommunication issue that had happened. At that point, Reader knew of Miguel because her father told her about him and how he was going to teach him karate.
🥋 She laughed and teased her father about it when he told her. "You didn't open a dojo when you taught me to fight."
🥋 Johnny didn't think she was all that funny at the time though. He just told her she could be his co-sensei, and she happily took the position because wouldn't that be fun?
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Old Bear Diner
Cook!Eddie Munson XFem!Waitress!Reader
Summary : Reader becomes a waitress at a diner where a cook named Eddie works.
Word Count : 5.8k
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Warnings : Not proofread, rambly, swears, use of Y/N, original characters, petnames, cuteness, reader gets hurt, douchebag customer, parent loss, grumpy eddie, sunshine reader, fluff, idiots in love, i haven’t wrote a fic this long in a while.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Mom I’m home,” you spoke, as you locked the door behind you. Sliding your feet out of your shoes and hanging your jacket up, you found her.
Face lay on the table, pen in hand and eyes closed. Letters, notices, bills. Just a whole bunch of paperwork lay on the table, it’d been like this for a while. Since your dad got sick. Then he was gone.
“Mom,” you whispered, shaking her lightly. She groaned, body wriggling as she woke up, “Mom go to bed.”
“I’m awake.”
“I know, but go and rest now. I’ll put this away.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, rubbing her eyes. “Yeah.”
“How was work?”
“It was fine, the kids were golden.”
“Good I’m glad. You’ve got dinner in the microwave.”
“Thank you. Now go get some rest,” you said, kissing her cheek. “You’re such a good girl. Goodnight honey.”
“Night mom.”
And that’s how life had been for the last 18 months of your life. Just you and your mom. You sighed, walking over to the table. Stacking up the papers and putting them away.
There wasn’t much mess, your mom had been working all day and you’d been out most of the night. She was a nurse, and you had about any job you could get.
After quickly eating your dinner you picked up a few pieces of washing, swilled your plate and went up to bed. You babysat for a couple people in the neighbourhood, and sure they were fine, but one of the little ones came down with something and was near inconsolable.
Your bed was like heaven, after taking off your jeans you didn’t even bother to swap into pyjamas, falling to sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Morning mom,” you said, kissing her head as you walked passed. There was a plate of scrambled eggs and toast, along with a cup of coffee waiting for her. “Morning, where are you off too?”
“Oh I’m just about to go clean Mrs Harris’, her daughters out of town and she said she’d pay me good. Plus she’s a sweet woman so.” You mom sighed, taking a drink of her coffee.
“What did we say about taking more jobs?”
“Mom come on, it’s not a big deal. It’s just one time.”
“You said that about the babysitting and the store and the tutoring.”
“You need to take care of yourself.”
“So do you. Do you have a shift today?”
“Great, I’ll pick up some movies from Robbies work and then we can have a day together.”
“Honey,” she sighed.
“I gotta go mom, love you.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“You are an Angel,” Mrs Harris smiled as you placed a mug in front of her, taking one of your own in your hands. “Thank you for doing this for me, Anna had this holiday booked for months.”
You hummed taking a sip of the drink, “I bet the kids were excited.”
“You have no idea! Bouncing off the walls telling me all about it yesterday.”
“Well the beach is exciting.”
“It is, now how about you? How’s your mom?”
“We’re good, you know,” you shrugged.
“Hm, I do know. You remind me of myself and Anna when we lost Paul,” she smiled fondly at the thought of her husband.
“We’re just trying to learn how to do this all without him.”
“Of course. I found something for you actually,” she smiled, walking to her fridge. Pulling a piece of paper from under a magnet she passed it over.
“I saw it in the grocery store, thought it’d be better than you doing 20 different jobs a week. You could just stick to 2,” she joked. It was a slip for wanted workers at a diner. Waitressing staff.
“Thank you.”
“Of course Honey, now you get going. Enjoy your day with your mom,” she smiled, nodding you took the flyer with you. “Let me know if you need me to come and clean again.”
The woman chuckled, shaking her head waving goodbye as you headed to your car. You knew the diner, you drove past it going to and from jobs, you’d just never stopped by.
You’d have to pass it on the way to Family Video anyway, so there was no harm in asking.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It wasn’t too busy in the diner, there were people dotted around, some groups, some alone. Some eating, some not. It seemed like a great place to people watch, to see so many people from different places, with different lives.
Walking up to the counter you smiled at an older woman, crows feet by her eyes, flecks of grey through her dark hair, but her eyes shone, young and playful. “Hiya Honey what can I get for you?”
“Hi, I actually came to ask about the waitressing position, is it still available?”
“It certainly is, have you got any experience?”
“I’ve had a couple different jobs, I worked at a cafe during summer break. I’ve worked cleaning jobs, with kids, in retail.” The woman hummed, nodding, “Well the shifts would change, you’d have to do 4 or 5 a week.”
“I can do that.”
“You’d serve customers, do waitressing, help in the kitchen if needed, cleaning.”
“Of course.”
“Okay, if you leave your name and number we can call and talk about you having a test day and we’ll see how we go.”
“Thank sounds great.” She slid a writing pad and a pen across the counter to you, disappearing to refill someone’s coffee.
“Liz, order up,” you heard a male voice speak from the back.
Two plates of delicious looking food was placed on the window out to the front, but the chef themself wasn’t visible. The woman moved quickly, weaving around stools and booths, taking the plates to a couple at the far end of the diner.
You’d imagine that they’d all know each other forever, the way they spoke like old friends. The woman, Liz, made her way back over to you, taking the pen and pad back.
“We’ll give you a call,” she smiled.
“Thank you.” She nodded giving you a wink and you were on your way.
You could only hope you’d get this job, 4 or 5 shifts a week would be great, then you could have room for a couple of odd babysitting jobs and still keep the house clean for your mom. All you had to do was actually get it.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You dried your hands with a towel, leaving the dirty dishes to air dry before you put them away. Dinner was cooking on the stove, and your mom would soon be home.
The music of your radio hummed with static, the station hiding the silence of the house. That was until the loud sound of the phone ringing overpowered it.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hi, is this Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Hi there honey, this is Liz from the Old Bear Diner. I’m just calling about the waitressing job.”
“Right I see.”
“Well the position is yours if you want it, we’ll get you trained up.”
“What about the test day?”
“Well Mr Miller, the owner of the cafe you worked at, came here and when I mentioned you he couldn’t stop telling me how great of a worker you are.”
“That’s very kind. When would I start?”
“Wednesday if that’s possible, you’d start at 9am and finish at 5pm.” Quickly looking at the calendar you didn’t have any babysitting gigs, so it’d be perfect.
“Of course.”
“Great, I’ll be seeing you Wednesday Honey.”
“See you then.”
You couldn’t help grinning as you hung the phone back on the hook, taking dinner off the stove. Your mom found you dancing to the music on the radio, plating up your food.
“Good day?” she smiled, as you began to eat. “Mhm, definitely. How was work?”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Liz had shown you all the basics, how to use the till, where everything was stored, along with giving you a dark apron that sat around you waist.
“So when we have food orders, you hang them up here. Eddie will call when they’re ready, write the table numbers on the ticket if that’s easier for you,” she smiled.
“Right, is Eddie the chef?”
“Mhm, the one and only. You can also have anything off the menu for lunch, so just let him know and he’ll make it. I’ll introduce you now.”
Following her into the kitchen it was a lot of stainless steel counters, ovens, grills and deep sinks. “Eddie, got someone for you to meet,” Liz spoke, catching the taller man attention.
Turning to face you, you took him in. Dark curls, pulled back to sit in a bun at base of his neck, he was tall, lean but muscular, with tattoos dotted around his arms. His own apron sat around his waist, freckles and beauty marks decorated his face like his own personal constellation.
And his eyes, they were beautiful, like melted chocolate, you could very easily get lost in them. “Eddie this is Y/N our new waitress.”
“Nice to meet you,” you said softly, trying not to stair at the gorgeous man in front of you.
“You too. You shown her the basics?” he asked Liz. “Course I have, so be nice,” she warned, wagging her finger at him. “Always am.”
The older woman snorted, “You take that back, your uncle didn’t raise a liar.” This made Eddie smirk, smile lines and faint dimples appearing.
“Well we’ve got customers to serve, come on Honey.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Working at the diner was strangely something you looked forward to, something you enjoyed. Your mom wasn’t over the moon about it, worrying that you’d work yourself to sickness.
You were okay, you’d do your shifts go home, help around the house, spend time with your mom and still had time to do your babysitting gig. It worked out quite well.
“Morning Honey,” Liz smiled as you pushed through the door, “Morning.” You headed to the back, hanging up your jacket and your bag, tying your apron around your waist.
You walked past the kitchen, “Morning Eddie,” you called as you went, receiving a grunt of acknowledgment in return. He seemed nice enough, grumpy, but nice and beautiful - but you wouldn’t tell him that.
The diner was a 24 hour one so customers were already dotted around, it was a weekday so it was a lot of people travelling through, especially truckers.
“These are for table 4,” Liz smiled, handing you 2 warm drinks, nodding you went on your way. “Morning, I’ve got two hot chocolate.”
“Thank you,” an older man said, the younger one with him smiling slightly.
“Can I get you anything else?” you asked.
“Could we order some hot food?”
“Sure, let me just get a pad. I’ll be right back.”
Walking around the diner had become like a dance now, bouncing around the tables and chairs, back and fourth to the counter. “Eddie order for table 4,” you said, sticking the paper under a magnet.
Another grunt in acknowledgment, as the ticket was pulled down and into the kitchen.
“Morning Y/N,” a familiar voice spoke.
“Mr Connors, good morning. What can I get for you?”
“A tea for Cynthia,” he said, smiling over at his wife, “And a coffee for me.”
“I’ll bring them over.” The older man nodded, making his way to sit across the booth from his wife.
“25 years they’ve been coming here, and every time it’s like their first date all over again,” Liz said, sighing dreamily.
“Are you married?”
“Mhm, coming up to 15 years. Got a couple kids too, they mean the world to me. How about you Honey you got someone?”
You shook your head, “Now that does surprise me.”
“Why’s that?”
“I mean, look at you. You’re pretty girl.”
“Thank you,” you said shyly, “Honestly I’m just too busy.”
She nodded, filling up a mug with warm coffee and another with tea you heard an order called. “Order up.”
“I’ll take the drinks, you take the orders,”Liz said, sliding the mugs from the counters.
“Is this all of it?” you called over to Eddie, he turned half way so you could see the side of his face. He nodded and you moved quickly, feeling your face flush. Hoping that chatting with customers would take your mind off the beautiful man through the other room.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I’ll see you later Liz,” you waved to the older woman, “Oh hang on Honey, I’ve got something to ask you.” You stopped in your tracks, car keys in hand.
“Do you think you could do the night shift on Friday?”
“I’ll have to check my calendar when I get home, I’ll call and let you know.”
“Okay, thanks Hun, you have a good night.”
You hadn’t done a night shift yet, Liz did a couple a week and Eddie seemed to live there, often taking doubles. Speaking of Eddie you raised your hand to wave goodbye, as he took a drag from his cigarette.
Nodding your way he let out a breath of smoke, sitting himself down on an old crate at the door. You climbed into your car and we’re on your way.
“Mom,” you called out when you entered the house. It was strangely quiet, her car was on the drive so she must be here. Hanging up your bag and jacket, you slid your shoes off.
Your feet padded across the floor, finding your mom on the couch. Her eyes closed, her chest moving up and down gently. “Mom?” you said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She was burning up, “Mom, come on let’s get you to bed.” She groaned as you helped her up, eyes barely opening as you took her to her room. “I’ll be back I’m just getting you some water.”
Taking a glass from the side of her bed you went to the bathroom, filling it with water and grabbing her some medication from the cupboard. “Here you go mom,” you said, helping her sit up.
Closing the curtains, the room was almost in darkness. “Was work okay?” she croaked out. “Yeah it was fine, they’ve asked me to do a night shift on Friday, gotta check the calendar.”
“You go do that honey, I’ll be okay.”
“Okay. You rest up, I’ll come and check on you later.” The woman hummed softly, snuggling down under her blanket and resting her head on the pillow.
Luckily Friday was free and you could take the shift, and your mom was off so she could rest and and get rid of whatever sickness this was. Dialling the number for the diner you waited for a few rings, a voice finally appearing.
“Old Bear Diner, how can I help?”
“Hi Eddie, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh hello, you alright?”
“Yeah was just calling to tell Liz I can do the Friday night shift.”
“Right, I’ll let her know.”
“Thank you.”
“Hm. See you Friday.”
“See you.” After hanging up you pressed your hand to your chest, how could a 20 second conversation do this to you.
You couldn’t even see him, it was just his voice. Dear god his voice. Get it together. He’s just a hot guy at work, would you find him hot outside of work? Probably not.
Okay that’s a total lie - grumpy metal head. Yes please.
You groaned placing your forehead on the cold wall, suddenly feeling the need for a hot shower.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
“Honey go to work, it’s just a cold.”
“Fine, but you’ll call if you need me?”
“Of course I will now shift it, you’re going to be late,” your mom said, pulling you to the door.
“Drive safe, I love you.”
“Love you mom.”
Arriving at the diner it was already busy, but that made sense for a Friday night. You parked your car up and went in through the back, not wanting to squeeze your way past the customers.
Eddie was there, standing on a cigarette he was clearly finished with. “Hey,” you said.
“Hello.” He held the door open for you, letting you duck under his arm. You held your breath as you did so. How did he smell so nice?
“Is Liz here?” you asked.
“It’s her anniversary, so night off. So it’s us, May and Chris.” You hummed, May was older than you and Eddie, but Chris was around the same age.
“Okay well I’m gonna go and get sorted.” He hummed, heading back to the kitchen, but watching you go first. Soon enough you were out on the counter saying a quick hello to May and Chris.
“Evening,” the man smiled, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. “How’s it going?”
“You know,” you shrugged. He looked like he was going to continue, but a group of teens sat down at a booth.
“I’ll go and sort them,” you smiled, grabbing a pad and pen from the counter. “Hiya guys what can I get for you?” And so the shift began.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was busy, manic even. When one table was dealt with another three seemed to need your attention. By 11pm your feet were burning. “Y/N, you can have your break now honey,” May spoke.
“You sure?”
“Mhm, grab something to eat, have a drink.”
Your shift would end at 5am, so keeping your energy was important. Nodding you headed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water as you went.
Eddie turned slightly to see who was coming in, “Order?”
“Just mine.”
“What can I get for you?”
“Just some fries please.”
The man raised a brow at you,”That’s all you want?”
“Mhm.” He nodded, turning back to the grill, there were no tickets so it shouldn’t take too long. You opened your bottle of water, taking a swig.
“Go sit, I’ll bring it over.”
“You sure?”
“Do you know you ask that question about 50 times in a shift. I’m sure, go rest.”
You chuckled, pushing back into the main area, taking a seat on the furthest table. You head rested on your folded arms on the table, closing your eyes.
There was the faint sound of music playing from a jukebox, chatter, the sizzling of pans in the kitchen. It had become a soothing sound, a sound you were used too.
A few minutes passed, lightly dozing as you sat there. A hand pressed on your shoulder, “Hey.” Eddie.
“I’m awake.”
“I can see that. Eat up.” You rubbed your eyes, looking at the food on the table.
There was fries and a burger, “I only asked for-“
“I know. But you’re also falling asleep, so you need the energy. Eat up,” he said, offering you a tight lipped smile.
“Thank you.”
“Mhm. Eat.” You nodded, taking one of the fries, Eddie left you to it. Turning you head to watch him, you saw his eyes already on you.
Both of you looked away quickly, faces flushing. You tried to focus on your food, your shift would soon be over, then you wouldn’t see Eddie for a few days.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was finally the end of your shift and you were dead on your feet, you had no idea how the others did it. You threw your apron into your bag, sliding on your jacket and getting your car keys.
“See you later,” you waved to Liz who’d just arrived. “You get some rest Honey.” Heading out the back, you were met by Eddie, he stood by the wall smoking a cigarette.
“You heading out?” he asked.
“Mhm, I’ll see you Monday,” you replied, heading towards your car, feet heavy and eyes sore. “Y/N hang on.”
You turned to see Eddie, he threw the cigarette butt to the ground, “You’re dead on your feet, let me give you a ride.”
“It’s fine Eddie.”
“No it’s not, you look like you’re gonna fall asleep at the wheel. Come on we can even take your car, if you trust me.”
“Sure, but are you-“ he cut you off.
“Honestly, I’m sure. I don’t want you getting hurt. Now key,” he said, holding out his hand. You dropped them into his large palm without another word, heading to the passenger side.
“So where are we headed?” Eddie asked, you mumbled out your address, “Not too far then.”
“No not really. You really don’t have to do this.”
“Sweetheart, honestly it’s not a big deal.”
Holy fuck. Sweetheart. Oh my god. Your half asleep brain couldn’t deal with this.
“W-what about your van?”
“I’ll just walk back and pick it up, no big deal.”
You sighed, knowing you weren’t going to win this fight. You sat quietly, it wasn’t awkward it was nice. It was a comfortable silence. Resting your head against the window, you heard Eddie pull out from the diner.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Hey, Sweetheart, wake up.” Eddies soft tone brought you back. “I’m awake.” A light chuckle came out, “I know you are. You’re home.”
Looking up you were parked outside your house, “Thank you,” you said.
“Anytime.” The pair of you climbed out of your car, Eddie placing the keys back in your hand.
“You get some rest okay?”
“Okay,” you mumbled, looking at your feet. “Sweetheart, seriously,” he lifted your face softly with his fingers, holding it so you’d meet his eye.
“How many jobs have you done this week?”
“Well … I did a couple shifts at the diner, then I babysat Holly Wheeler, then I helped out at the green grocers. That’s about it.”
“And then you’ve been coming home and cleaning? Making dinner?”
“My mom can’t do it all alone.”
“You don’t have to do it all either, you’re gonna make yourself sick.”
“I’m fine.”
“Seriously you need to rest. I’m gonna tell Liz to swap your Monday shift okay?”
“No! Eddie please I’m fine.”
“But you’re not.”
“I need the money, I need to help my mom.”
“Your mom is the parent this can’t all be on you.” You felt anger bubbling up in your stomach, an emotion you’ve never felt towards Eddie.
“Well hospital bills don’t pay themselves, my dads care won’t pay itself off. I need to help her or we loose everything and I won’t do that. So think what you want, but if I don’t work at the diner on Monday I’ll find somewhere else,” you said, pulling your face away from his hand.
“Thanks for the ride,” you slinked passed him, unlocking the front door, not even looking behind you as you went in.
“Shit,” the curly haired boy said to himself.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You were back in the diner for your Monday shift, and maybe Eddie was right, maybe you were making yourself sick. On Saturday night you babysat some kids down the street. Then on Sunday you helped clean Mrs Harris’ house again, then came home to do your own.
“Order up,” Eddie called from the kitchen, you walked over taking the plates. “It’s for table 7.” You hummed in acknowledgement, heading over to the group.
It was 4 men, older than your mother, but younger than Liz. They seemed to be businessmen, you didn’t have a lot of those passing through here.
“I’ve got the waffles and bacon,” you spoke, sliding the plate in front of one of them. “Blueberry pancakes.” Another man raised his hand, “I’ll be back with yours in a second.”
“Take all the time you need Sweetcheeks,” one of the man said, his voice was sickly and you could feel his eyes on your behind as you walked back to the counter. You skin crawled at the feeling.
“Is this the last of it for 7?” You asked Eddie.
“Yeah, that’s all. You okay?” He questioned, you could see his furrowed brows through the window. “Yeah, fine.”
Turning you headed back to the men, “I’ve got scrambled eggs, bacon and hashbrowns.” You placed the plate down as quickly as you could without throwing it at the man. “And here’s the Old Bear special,” you said, to the creepy man.
“Thanks Sweetcheeks.”
“Can I get you anything else?”
“How about a top up?” he said, shaking his empty coffee cup. “Sure.”
Grabbing the jug of freshly brewed coffee you, took the mans mug, along with the others at the table, filling them up. “Can I get you anything else?” Please say no.
“Actually, I’d love a piece of you,” the man smirked, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to him. This caused you to panic dropping the coffee jug, the glass exploded everywhere and the hot liquid splashed your skin.
“You stupid girl!” The man exclaimed, throwing himself from the booth, his lap covered in the scalding liquid. “I-I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed.
“How stupid can you be! You burnt me! You absolute fool!”
“What’s going on over here?” Liz asked.
“This stupid waitress spilt hot coffee all over me and my breakfast, I demand that she’s fired!”
“I only dropped the coffee because you grabbed me!” you shouted.
“You stupid bitch! I’ll grab you alright,” the man launched for your throat, but was stopped by a hand around the back of his shirt.
“Get out,” Eddie said in his ear, his tone deadly, his eyes unblinking. “Me? She’s the one who-“
“You come in, you assault my staff and she panics, that’s your fault. You want to press charges go for it, but I doubt your wife will be happy when she finds out you’re trying to get with other women.”
“You asshole.”
“Get out of my diner, all of you. Before I show you how much you’ve pissed me off.”
The four men scrambled out, falling over each other as they went.
“Are you alright Honey?” Liz asked, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I’ll uh, go and get a broom and the mop.”
“Oh no Honey I’ll do it.”
“It’s fine, it’s my fault.”
“No. Don’t even think that,” Eddie spoke up, walking over to you, “It was that assholes fault. You’re going home.”
“W-what no!”
“Yes, well actually you’re going to the hospital to get your arm checked.”
You looked down, not even realising the burning sensation on your right arm. It was covered in hot coffee. “I have a shift to finish.”
“Fine, I’ll drive you there now. Liz, you and James will be okay right?” he asked.
“Sure and if not, I’ll call Chris or May or Connie.”
“Great, come on get your stuff, let’s go.” Eddie led you out the back, holding your things in his hand, another on the small of your back.
“We’ll take my van okay, we can pick up your car later,” Eddie spoke. You just nodded, not really having any words to say. Climbing up, you took your bag and jacket from him, placing it by your feet.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine.” Minus the humiliation, the burning on your arm, being assaulted by a man, and you know probably losing the best job you’ve ever had - yeah you were great.
“Sweetheart, hey. It’s okay, you’re alright.” Eddies hands touched your cheeks, wiping away at tears you didn’t even know had been falling. “I’m so sorry,” you sniffled.
“What on earth for? None of that was your fault!” he stated.
“But I could’ve just-“
“Sweetheart he was a slime ball who hasn’t got any in years cause his wife thinks he’s gross. It’s not your fault that he doesn’t know how to behave when a pretty girl is around.”
“I’m just sorry. I really liked working here.”
“Liked? You leaving or something?” he asked. “I thought that after that I’d - well you wouldn’t want me to work there anymore.”
“You’re like my favourite person at this place, if I had it my way you’d go nowhere.”
“I don’t want to leave.” He leaned over and squeezed your good hand, “Then don’t, except right now because you need a doctor.”
You huffed a laugh, and Eddie pulled away, started up the truck and you were on the way.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Walking into the ER, it wasn’t overly busy, and Eddie led you to a seat. “Stay here I’ll get us some help,” he said. You nodded as he went to the desk, speaking to the nurse sat behind it.
The nurse.
Oh man.
Your mom.
“What’s the name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” Eddie repeated. Your mom stood up walking around the desk, eyes meeting yours.
“Baby! What happened,” she said, rushing to your side. “I’m okay mom, just an accident at work.”
“Well thank goodness you came here. Let’s get you fixed up.”
It would probably get her in trouble, but she didn’t care, pulling you through to an examination room. Eddie followed you through, standing at the door.
“So I’m gonna clean it up and wrap it, we’ve got some creams at home to help.”
“I’m okay mom.”
“Thank you for bringing her in,” she spoke to Eddie. “Oh yeah of course.”
“So you work together?” she asked.
“Mhm, yeah Eddies the cook and uh the owner.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Eddie.”
“You too ma’am.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I can finish early, take you home,” Your mom said. “It’s fine I’m okay.”
“I’ll drive her, can bring your car by later.”
“You sure?”
“What a sweet boy. Now go, my shift ends at 4.”
Your mom pressed a kiss to your head, saying goodbye to the pair of you. Sat in the van, Eddie spoke, “Your mom seems nice.”
“Mhm, she is.”
“I can see why you want to look after her.”
“I’m sorry I snapped at you the other day.”
“I deserved it.”
“You didn’t, how were you supposed to know.”
“I should have backed off, I am sorry about your dad though.”
“Yeah me too, but you know we’re getting by.” He nodded, and sighed before talking, “Sweetheart, I know you’ll hate me for this, but I can’t let you come back to work until that arm heals up a bit okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
“But as soon as you’re good to come back, you can.”
“Thank you Eddie.”
“Of course.”
The drive to your house wasn’t a long one, and your arm wasn’t tingling anymore. “Thank you for today,” you said to Eddie.
“It’s okay, uh feel free to say no, but do you want some company?”
“Don’t you have to get back to the diner?”
“I’m the boss, I can go back whenever. So company?” You smiled, nodding, allowing him to follow you into the house.
“Your house is lovely,” he smiled.
“Thank you, uh get comfy, I’m just going to change.” You motioned to the lounge, as you headed to your room, wanting to get out of your work attire.
Changing into sweats and a short sleeve tee, you returned to find Eddie looking at photos dotted around the place. “That was the first vacation we ever went on,” you smiled.
You were stood between your parents, all of you had snowboards, thick coats and pants along with huge boots. You grinned a cheesy smile, a few teeth missing due to your age. Your parents were smiling too, laughing at your enthusiasm.
“You were cute,” Eddie nodded.
“Were?” you joked, but Eddies ears went pink. “I’m not saying you’re not cute now! You’re beautiful! I just mean that-“ You laughed, “Eds I’m teasing.”
The man smiled, face flushed, “You, Sweetheart, are a pain.”
“Hm, sure. Want to watch a movie?” you asked. “Yeah that sounds great.”
“I’ll go make some popcorn.”
I’ve got it, just tell me where it is.”
“I can do it.”
“Seriously, we don’t need another trip to the ER, what would your mother think of me?”
You rolled your eyes at him, making the man chuckle and leave to go to the kitchen. “It’s in the cupboard above the microwave,” you called to him.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The boy looked down, feeling a soft weight on his shoulder. They were half way through Return of the Jedi when he felt it. Looking down his stomach fluttered.
She looked so peaceful, her eyelashes kissing her skin, her chest rising and falling softly. Her hand didn’t look so red and sore now, her mom had done a great job. Soft breaths left the girl as she fell into a deeper sleep.
The curly haired man couldn’t help but smile, resting his own head on hers, letting his eyes fall shut.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You felt a comforting warmth beneath your cheek, rising and falling. A hand on your waist and a chin on your head. Shit. You’d fallen asleep.
Looking up slightly, you saw Eddie dozing away. He looked so cute. So calm. “Eddie,” you whispered. “Hm?” he mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” he said, voice deep and grumbly from sleep.
It was the sexiest thing you’d ever heard.
“We fell to sleep.”
“So?” You laughed at the sleepy boy, letting your head stay on his chest. “See, isn’t that bad is it?” he said.
“No, apart from the fact my mom is definitely home and has seen us.”
“I should probably go then,” he mumbled into your hair. “You don’t have to.”
“I know, but I need to check on the diner.”
You nodded, pushing up off of him, leading him to the front door. “Thank you for today.”
“Of course, I hope you don’t mind if I call to check how you’re doing.”
“Not at all, I mean you could drop by if you want.”
“Well I have to bring your car back so, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“I’ll see you,” you smiled softly. The man raised a hand, walking to his van.
Shit, you couldn’t let him go.
“Eddie!” you called, jogging over, feet cold on the concrete beneath. “What is it?” he asked, concern in his eyes.
“Um, I just,” you began, but stood on your tiptoes, pressing your lips to his plush ones. They were warm and soft and made your stomach burst. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you whispered.
“I’ll see you,” he smiled.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 3, Wave 2, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included. 
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Yang Xiao Long-RWBY
She is canonically wlw (has been for years but specifically kissed and got together with her now girlfriend in the latest season) and uses a prosthetic arm and has been shown to struggle with PTSD due to the traumatic nature of losing it during the show.
Canonically had her right arm chopped off, uses a prosthetic. Has PTSD. Is canonically in a WLW relationship.
She has a canon girlfriend and canonically has a prosthetic arm and PTSD
She's canonically sapphic (part of a recently canonised wlw slowburn relationship) and is an amputee (due to events from the 3rd season finale) who wears a robotic prosthetic. She also suffers from PTSD which is explored in the show
I will keep on submitting Yang to relevant brackets until I die. RWBY has plenty of strengths and weaknesses with writing, especially Yang's recovery arc, but instead of forcing her to push past her trauma and enter the battlefield immediately, we see her struggle with it, take time to process, and not be pushed into repression and when she chooses to wear her prosthetic, chooses to train to ready herself, and chooses to seek out her family and save lives, she isn't perfectly healed, as no one is. The show depicts her having flashbacks due to sudden loud noise, shaking hand the first few times she has to fight for her safety instead of training with her dad, and snapping at friends when they bring up Blake, the person she lost her arm trying to save (who, near immediately after ran away due to feeling she was endangering those she loved, furthering Yang's already present abandonment issues.) It isn't done perfectly but the intentions and general message sent are extremely positive and honest. She struggles less as the show progresses, and there are opportunities to consider herself less for being disabled or "become whole again" but she explicitly refutes these ideas and says that's she's better because of her failures and losses, and isn't any less whole. Her becoming disabled is also extremely tied to her being LGBT, because, as previously mentioned, she lost her arm protecting her then friend and partner, now girlfriend, directly after the villain who cut her arm off told her love interest that he would "destroy everything [she] love[s]. (Camera pans to Yang, he looks at her.) Starting with her." LIKE. He attacked her BECAUSE Blake cared for her so much and Yang ran to her defense blindly BECAUSE she loved Blake so much. When they reunite, they struggle with communication because Yang feels Blake is seeing her as weak, and through several things, mostly a climatic battle against the man who severed Yang's arm, they affirm each other as equals. I can go on but this is already too long. YANG SWEEP!!!!!
Yang lost her arm while protecting her best friend and future girlfriend from said girlfriend's abusive ex. Had a whole arc about learning to live with that loss and dealing with PTSD. Is totally devoted to and in love with Blake Belladonna and is just the sweetest but most badass character in the show.
She's one of the main characters, and just finished a 10 year slow burn romance. Plus, she has both physical and mental disabilities, but is never treated as lesser or incomplete.
Yang Xiao Long was one of the first examples of a sapphic character I ever saw in animated media with her character journey in the show being an iconic part of my teenage years and current young adulthood. The loss of her arm after a traumatic event in the show's 3rd volume was one of the big shockers of the show that nobody saw coming. Since then the show has done an amazing job in exploring both the mental and physical effects of her losing a limb, gaining a prosthetic arm and the recovery journey. Her character also has a major arc regarding handling her PTSD from both this and her past most notably in the 5th and 6th volume. Her character also has a slow-burn romance with her teammate and fellow main character Blake Belladonna which is one of my fave romances ever (it has everything: canon soulmates, friends to lovers, sunshine x grump,battle couple etc..) that has recently became CANON BABIEE!!! There are MULTIPLE characters in RWBY with various disabilities that are handled well in the narrative but i would say Yangs definitely the top FAVE!
Harrier ‘Harry’ du Bois-Disco Elysium
Bisexual. Struggles with addiction, post-polio syndrome, multiple kinds of mental illness, and whatever else he's accrued by living in a city with no accessible healthcare.
You know who he is. Vote for him.
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fandomtherapy44 · 2 months
Behind the roadhouse Dean x reader
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Summary: Y/n has a bit of a crush on Dean but there's kind of a problem. He's a Winchester
paring: Dean x reader
Warnings: Language, SMUT
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Monsters- Vampires, werewolves,ghouls and those aren't even the scary parts of my life. Try to deal with creepy men while working at a bar. Not just any bar, a hunter's bar, my family's bar. My mom Ellen Harville is one of the most badass women you'll ever meet and one of the toughest people but a loving mom. My little half-sister Jo is the other most important person in my life. Well, she’s twenty four so not so little but she will always be to me. My Mom had me with a random hookup she had when she was younger, told him and he took off so when I met Bill I was hesitant but then he became the best father that I ever got and I got a little sister out of the deal too. But then he died in a hunter accident so my mom forbade Jo and I not to hunt but then two sons walked into the bar and a particular Winchester got me not just enthralled with helping people from monsters but in him.
I was wiping down the bar when two tall handsome strangers walked in. “Hey there, welcome to the roadhouse. What can I do for you to get information, a drink, or both?” I finished with a smile mainly focusing on the blonde one. What can I say? I'm a sucker for green eyes. He gives me a flashing smile. “Hey there…” “Y/n” “Y/n, we’re looking for Ellen Harville do you know her?” “I better she’s my mom I’ll be right back.” They both look at each other in confusion. I walk back to the little kitchen. “Hey Mom, two guys are here looking for you.” She gets up and follows me back to them. “Hey there fellows I heard you're looking for me.”
“Uh yeah we’re John Winchester's sons and we got your call.” And the rest flew by so quickly. Ash helped Sam to look up information on the case and while that happened Dean and I had a talk. I poured him a drink and slid it to him. “What’s this for?” I shrugged while sipping a coke. “For your Dad, I'm sorry for your loss.” He took it and shot it back like it was water. “Thanks, you sound like you know the pain.” “My dad passed when I was thirteen so I know how it feels.” My heart panged with pain a little like it did every time I thought of my Dad. “Oh well, I'm sorry for you too, cheers to our dad’s.” We raise our glasses and I'm left with a thought that Dean Winchester doesn't seem like a bad guy.
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After that, Sam and Dean would visit us whenever they could and when they needed info. Dean’s and I’s relationship just grew and grew with every late-night talk, pool game, and drink. And it was scaring the shit out of me. I was closing up the bar and Dean and I were having another one of our talks. “Burger or hotdog?” he asks me. “Uh hotdog, is there any other choice.” I playfully responded. “What do you mean hotdog crazy lady?” “So I'm assuming your burger.” I leaned down to his level and he gave me his signature smirk. “Of course.”
With that, he swiped his tongue over his lips while he was staring at me. We both had the same idea we leaned in and to be this close was intoxicating, his breath hot and our noses were touching but my mom did not like our idea. “Dean we are closing for the day.” my mom said from the doorway and we quickly pulled away. “Uh right sorry I'll see you guys later.” He grabbed his jacket and gave me one more look before he walked out. “Mom! What the hell!” “You can not be with that Man!” “Why?” She looked down thinking about something but decided against it. “Just please be careful with those boys.” She turned away before I could ask any more questions.
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Dean and Sam had not been back since night. I mean they're busy but it felt personal to me. I tried to forget those butterflies that I got every time I got around Dean but for some reason I couldn't. Every guy that I had been with wasn’t really serious and I was fine with that but then I met Dean and in my locked trunk of hopes in my heart that maybe he was different. And he was. 
It was early in the morning and I was waiting at the table for Jo. She sneakily walks in going to the fridge. I flip on the light. “Late-night snacks sis?” She jumped at me. “Jezze Y/n I thought you were Mom.” I get up and go to the fridge to get a beer. Yes, I did need it to deal with my little sister’s attitude. “No, I'm worse. Mom would go easy on you compared to me.” “Y/n please let me go, I can do this!” I sign and sit down. “Sit down Jo.” she does. “Jo look, the reason I'm like this is because I couldn't bear if anything happened to you like… Dad and mom would agree.”
She looks down at her fiddling hands. “N/n I'm doing this because of Dad you got more time with him all I remember are the short times he came back from hunting. If I can do this I won't feel like I barely know him.” She was right. I couldn't take that away from her if this was her way of feeling closer to our Father then I would have to let her, even if that meant hunting. I sigh deeply, standing up and taking out my knife and handed it to her. “What is this?” “It was Dad’s” She looked up at me like I had given her gold.
“But he gave this to you.” “He did but it was his hunting knife and it's just been sitting in my pocket not doing much hunting so it seems right that you take it.” She jumps up and hugs me tight. “Thank you, thank you.” I pull back to look at her. “You can thank me by sending me the case and the location and call me everyday to make sure you're safe.” She nods her head. “Okay, that’s fair.” We let go. “Okay get out of here before Mom gets up.” She smiles excitedly grabs her bag and practically skips out the door.
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She had Ash set up a paper trail of casinos down the state line so Mom wouldn't really know where she was. Mom did not like it but had accepted it. It was about two days in and she finally called me. “Hey, I thought we said every day.” “Sorry, I got distracted.” “By what?” I asked a little confused. “Sam and Dean.” “They're there!” “Yeah I guess we picked up on the same story.” “So you have help good good.” All that was running through my head was Dean. “N/n you okay?” She asked, hearing my pause. “Yes, I am, well call to update me. Love you.” “Love you too sis.” She hung up and I just sat there for a second and the next one I decided what I was going to do.
I walk to the apartment door and knock on it. The door opened and there was Dean. My heart quickens but I play it off cool. “Hey, Dean.” “Hey, Y/n.” He steps aside and I come in. “Y/n what are you doing here?” Jo questioned. “Uh, I wanted to get in and gank this ghost.” “Why didn’t you just come with me in the first place.” That’s a good question and now for a good lie. “I was scared but I fought off the nerves.” That was a shit lie. “Okay well I'll catch you up.” I walk over to the map but not before looking at Dean and he looked back.
We had determined that the ghost was H.H Holmes I know it does sound insane and it is. I was mostly worried about Jo seeing she was exactly Holmes type. We were going to split off in pairs to search but not before I talked to Dean. “Hey” I stepped up to him.”Hey, you ready.” “as I'll ever be.” “Good well I'll be one phone call away.” “I know and if anything happens to Jo-” He put his arm on my shoulder. “It won't.” His eyes are so trusting. “And Dean.” “Mhh.” “You be careful too.” “I will.”
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Sam and I were checking upstairs while Jo and Dean went downstairs. “So… did you really want to come.” He asked casually looking around. “Of course, I did for my sister.” He stopped to look at me. “Really that’s what you're going with I mean why not go in the first place and you're scared Y/n I've seen you punch a man square in the face for trying to take your tip.” To be honest I didn't even know myself. “I-” We were rounding the corner and straight into Dean. “Dean Dean!” He kept on walking. “Where’s Jo!” He stopped dead in his tracks and spun to face me. “She was taken.” He keeps on going and I'm frozen.
We were back in the apartment and I kept walking back and forth. We are looking in the blueprints to see where she could be hidden while Dean’s phone rings. It was my Mom. Fear got stricken through my body how would my Mom even look at me? How would I?” “She's gonna have to call you back, she's taking care of, uh, feminine business.” Dean responded back and I thought my lie from before was shit. “Look, we'll get her back.” My heart was thumping.
“The spirit we're hunting, it took her.” I could hear from where I was how worried she was. “She'll be okay, I promise.” “You promise. That is not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester.” What the fuck does that mean. Dean had the same response. he lowers the phone and hands it to me. “She wants to talk to you.” I shakily take it. “Mom I-” “Dont even how could you let her!” The tears started to fall from my eyes and my face turned red from burning anxiety. “I'm sorry I just wanted her to feel closer to Dad.” “Well, she may be closer than you wanted now!” “You're her big sister!... Im so disapiontted in you.” She hangs up the phone with nothing else. I drop the phone on the bed. “I'll be right back.” I sobily say and run out.
I go out to the alleyway and kick the trashcan out of anger. “AHHH! Fuck!” I punched the wall and in my anger, and I had forgotten it was made out of brick. My knuckles started trickling blood and I slumped down the wall just feeling defeated. A pair of boots showed up in front of me. “Hey” I looked up and it was Dean. “Hey,” I respond softly my voice feeling raw. He sat down next to me. “We're going to find her N/n” I wipe my eyes.
“I shouldn't have let her go she was so desperate to feel something to our dad that I let her go… I'm so stupid.” I put my head in my crossed arms against my knees. “You are not stupid, you're a good sister.”  I dryly chuckle at myself. “I'm a sister who let her only sibling go hunting when I knew the danger.”  He sighs. “When I was sixteen and Sam was twelve we were hunting and I let him go look on by himself a ghost almost killed him.” I turn my head at him.
“Uh, no offense Dean but pep talk sucked.” “I not done the reason he didn't die is because he remembered what I had taught him and he had his tools not just weapons but knowledge and he was ready so is Jo she fine she has an amazing sister looking for her.” I wipe my tears and throw myself in his arms and he catches me. He pets my head in comfort I whisper. “Thank you.” We split apart really close. He leans forward pur noses touching. Then Sam comes running towards. “UH guys I think I know where she is.”
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She and the other missing girl had been in a storm drain. When had trapped H.H. ghost and Jo and I got topside. She threw her arms around me. “Are you ok!?” I put my hands on her face. “No no I'm fine just some scratches.” She took out Dad's pocketknife. “This protected me. So thank you.” “Anytime sis.” The boys get out of the drain. Sam and Jo go off to talk and that leaves Dean and I alone. “So….” He starts. I Bear hug him. “Thank you for helping save my sister.” “Of course.” This time I'm going do it. I grab his face and he accepts it, “Ah am.” I look behind him and it's my mom I'm so tried of people fucking cock blocking me.
The ride home let's just say that Christmas with a stepmom twenty years old is more comfortable. We get to the roadhouse and Mom practically drags us in. “Ellen? This is my fault. Okay? I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo and Y/n did good out there, I think their dad would be proud.” Dean tried to reason. “Don't you dare say that. Not you. I need a moment with my daughters. Alone.” The boys leave. “You're angry. I understand.” Jo started.
“Angry? Angry doesn't begin to touch it.” I mean I know why she’s angry with me but Sam and Dean? “Is this about me hunting, or something else?” I tried “Mom they were right there, backing us up the whole time.” “Like father, like sons.” “Mom what the fuck is that suppose to mean.” “I’m sorry I shouldn't have said anything.” Both Jo and I look at each other. “Mom what are you not telling us.” 
I went on a little walk after I learned what happened I guess Jo talked to them about it but my emotions were all over the place. Jo and I had a talk which ended in crying and a hug. I didn't know how to feel especially now with Dean.
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I was taking the trash out behind the roadhouse when I turned it was Dean. “Ahh Fuck! Dean, I almost threw this trash bag full of dirty napkins at you.” “Yeah shaking in my boots.” We just had a silent silence. “Look I just wanted to say sorry.” I was puzzled. “Why are you sorry?” “Because of my dad.” “Dean that wasn't your… fault.” He steps closer. “I know, but my dad's not here and I am so I'm sorry that Will is not here because of him.” I drop the trash and I kiss him. I didn't care at that moment that my clothes were covered in grease stains and a mix between blood and beer I had to. His lips were a little chapped but still were soft as a cloud. Our lips separated slowly. “I'm sorry I just..” His hands were on my hips now. “Had to.” He finished. 
18+ SMUT……
“I have about thirty minutes before my mom comes looking for me so do you wanna do this ?” He grabbed me and backed me to the wall. “Oh, I wanna do this I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you.” “Dean you-” I didn't get to finish my sentence before he kissed me again. And yes it was heaven. His tongue starts to prod my lips and I let him in. “Mhh Dean.” “You like that.” “Yes,” I said practically moaning. “How about this.” he goes down my neck slowly sucking on my sweet spots. “You are too good at that Dean.”
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“Yeah, hopefully I'm good at this too.” He unbuttons my shirt slowly and kisses down my stomach. To my pants. “This okay.” He was on his knees his hands on my pants band. “Yes.” He pulled down my pants. Grabbed my panties with my teeth to easily pull down. He starts to kiss my inside thigh. “Oh my gosh.” I throw my hand to the wall to steady myself. He kitten licks my slit. “Ahh” He then puts his tongue in me. “Ohh Fuck Dean!” He goes fully in and eats me out like a madman. I am so close. I grab onto his shoulder and grip it tightly. “Just let go honey.” I did and he lapped it up.
“Oh my gosh did you go to school for that.” I breathily let out. “Yeah, I majored in it.” I chuckle and my hand goes to his pants. “Do you want me to return the favor?” He takes my hand. “I would love that but we have about ten minutes left and I want to show you why I graduated at the top of my class.” I nod and he unbuckles his pants and drops them. I look down and his shaft is standing proud. He pulled down his underwear and it was bigger than I expected. “You ready sweetness.”
“Always.” He gently grabs my head kisses me again and starts grinding against me. He then slips in. “Ahh Dean!” “Tell me when I can move,” It feels a little burning but then it turns into pleasure. “Dean you can move.” He goes in and out moving slowly. “Y/n you feel so good.” He grabs onto my hips to pull me up onto around his hips. He thrusts in and out faster and faster. He breaths into my neck and I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I'm almost there are you Y/n” “Yes!” “Let's do it together!” He moves down to rub my clit. “Ahh fuck!” “Ok, one two three!” And we did. He pulled out his cock dripping with our fluids together. I then realized the time. “Dean I loved that but you have to go.” he grabs me one more time to leave a sweet kiss. “I'll call you.” “You better Dean Winchester.” He gathers himself and leaves. I didn't know where that left us but at least we would always have behind the roadhouse.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
I See Your Beauty
Charles Leclerc x Verstappen!reader
Genre: a little angst mixed with fluff and comfort
Summary: the youngest Verstappen is forced to do life without her vision. Thinking she might not be able fully experience her life due to the remarks of her father, she concedes that finding love is unlikely. Until she runs into Charles who helps her believe she doesn’t need her eyesight to be loved.
Warnings: Jos is his own warning now. Talks of disability and reader having an accident. Talks and depictions of verbal and physical abuse.
Request: nope this is self-indulgent. However, I am taking requests for Max, Charles, Lando, Oscar, and Daniel.
Notes: written in third person. Also, this fic deals with disabilities, particularly blindness. I myself am blind though I still have some vision left, which is mainly what I’m basing this off of. Please remember that blindness is a spectrum like many other disabilities. It is defined really by a loss of vision that can’t be corrected. I’m open to answering questions about it if y’all have any. My inbox and asks are always open :)
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The youngest of the Verstappen’s very close with her brother, Max. The two are barely a year apart so it makes sense. Though they get in each others nerves often as well. Victoria doing her best as the oldest to settle arguments between the two.
Jos decided that two children in racing gives him better odd then just one. Electing to have both start karting at an early age.
They liked racing together. Getting used to being each others rocks when their father was harsher then necessary. It became routine for the two to defend each other.
Then everything changed.
The two were moving up through the ranks. Competing harder then ever to make your dad proud.
The accident wasn’t her fault. A consequence of her father from trying to build a faster car and not having test run it.
The engine exploded during the race. Every one of her senses ranged useless as she tried to react.
Ears ringing.
Smoke from the fire burning in her nose.
Blood from whatever hitting her knocking her teeth into her lip.
Heat nipping at her skin.
Lack of sight making her steering erratic.
Max had immediately rushed to aid his sister. Their father only staring in disappointment. He became resentful of his father that day.
The ambulance arrived and took you away. Max begged to go with but Jos ignored his request, telling him he needed help cleaning up his youngest daughter mess.
After hours the finally arrived back home. The other two Verstappen’s confused why the youngest was nowhere to be found. Max finally broke down in tears, much to his father dislike, and clutched Victoria for comfort. Telling her everything that had happened.
While three of them went to the hospital to find you, the fourth sat wallowing in disgrace at the display from his children today. He couldn’t admit he’d made a mistake. One that might have cost him a child.
Meanwhile the youngest was out of surgery. Continually crying for her family. The nurses had tried to reach her father who had given the medics his cell number, but they had yet to hear from him.
When her family arrived she tried her best to make out their faces. The sparks from the engine had been so bright that they burned her retinas. The combination of the fire doing permanent damage. The impact of the engine had knocked her helmet almost all the way off and she instinctively pushed it away to try and see again. The protection of the visor gone.
The three siblings cuddled together in her hospital bed. The youngest not fully comprehending why she couldn’t see. The lights were too bright. She was squinting to make out the small details.
Things didn’t improve after that. Jos became angry towards her. Constantly reminding the girl of what happened, what she did wrong, and how if she hadn’t messed up she might have been successful.
Regardless, she listened to him berate her at everyone of Max’s races. He stopped commenting about Max when she was within earshot. Mostly because she told him off every time he insulted her brother. Jos already deemed her the disappointment of the family, standing up for Max couldn’t possibly make things worse.
Max had also gotten more protective of his sister. Having been the one to pull her away from the wreckage and cleaning up the damage made him realize he didn’t want you to get hurt again.
He made it to every doctors appointment he could. He attended as much physical therapy as you would let him. He even put on a blind fold so he could understand a bit better. He helped her learn cane skills and how to guide you himself. All in an effort to help his sister feel less alone.
He was aware she still had some eyesight lift. Mostly cloudy and bright patches dotted her eyes making it difficult to make out where things are and any specific details. She liked seeing what she could of her siblings faces though.
Max determined he was going to bring you to every race with him. The Verstappen losing all ability to drive now making things harder for her and she didn’t want to stay with her father.
Victoria had a room for her in her house and let her stay when she needed. Max always made sure there was a room for her if she wanted to travel with him. She loved how willing her sibling were to help her out. However, it left her feeling useless and vulnerable at times.
Eventually, Max helped get her a job with Redbull as a strategist. She enjoyed playing with the different data. Listening became a more essential job then seeing.
Race days were spent in the garage unnoticed in the back. Hopefully out of view of the cameras and away from her father. They saw each other often, much to her dismay. He always had something to say to her when Max wasn’t around.
It was during her downtime that she met Charles.
Deciding her cane was unnecessary since she knew her way around the paddock and the ground is relatively flat, she went to hunt down her brother.
Neither party was paying attention leading to them running straight into each other. She could vaguely make out the Ferrari red race suit standing in front of her. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Came the voice of Charles Leclerc. Though the two had never formally met, she had heard during interviews enough to know his voice.
“It’s alright, neither was I.” She smiled at the Monegasque. “Have you seen Max anywhere?”
He chuckles. “Unfortunately no. Are you his girlfriend?”
The question makes her laugh hysterically. “I’m his sister.” She can hear him sigh in relief at the clarification.
“That’s better at least because I wanted to say that you are very beautiful.” The playfulness in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed. Completely taking her off guard. Sure she’d gotten complements, but not often enough to make her used to them. The words of Jos not letting her believe them anyway. “Would it be alright if I give you my number?”
She lost all words in that moment. This had never happened before. “Sure-” she manages to stutter out before handing him her phone. The screen reading out things to her so she could get to her intended destination.
“I’ve never see a phone do that before.” Charles takes the phone from her and starts to put in his information.
She mentally face palms herself. Obviously he hasn’t realized she’s blind. “Actually I don’t have much of my eyesight.” She play with the bottom of her shirt. Her father having instilled in her that her blindness is something to be ashamed of.
“Wait- so you are blind? That is very interesting, I would like to know more if you’re okay with it.” The curiosity in his voice rising.
She wasn’t prepared for this. Nobody asks her questions about her condition. Even Christian doesn’t touch the subject and she never brings it up in conversation. “I guess, if your really interested.”
“Great, I’ll see you later tonight. Send me the address of where you’re staying.” His playful and flirty manner never faulted as he walked past her. Leaving the girl confused and blushing.
Little did she know that Charles had seen her around the paddock. Mostly hanging off of Max’s arm. He assumed she’d never notice him wave or try to get her attention. Turns out she couldn’t see him. He knows better then to assume. He blames it on the anxiety of being around her.
The youngest Verstappen finished up her duties as quick as possible. Catching a ride with her brother back to the hotel. He has learned to read her though and immediately noticed something was different. “What’s going on with you? You seem very smiley today.” He laughs.
“I can’t tell you because you’ll hate me.” She did her best not to appear nervous but was ultimately failing. Her hands fiddling in her lap.
“I could never hate you.”
She glances over at him. Eyes planted on the road. His calm demeanor putting her at ease. “Charles Leclerc asked me on a date tonight.”
Max begins laughing hysterically. His once smooth driving now a bit jerky from his sudden movements. “You thought I would hate you because of a date?”
She stutters a bit. “Well- aren’t you two rivals?” She manages. His laughing throwing her emotions all over the place.
“Sure, on the track. Off the track we are still friends and I trust him.” He explains. Relief floods through her body at his words. Her confidence in the situation going up a little.
She can feel the smug look on Max’s face. “Do you want help getting ready?”
The two siblings spent over an hour playing dress up. Max eventually having to video call Victoria and ask her opinion. The two trying to make their sister feel like she owns the world.
Dressing is less tricky then make-up. Sometimes she didn’t feel like it was worth the struggle and didn’t put it on. Some day she had to call Victoria to make sure everything looked right. If there was good lighting she was typically fine, but tonight was not one of those nights.
Growing up between two sisters, Max had learned a decent amount about make-up. He even enjoyed getting to do it on his sisters if they would let him. The almost squeal he let our when his sister asked for help was both hilarious and ridiculous. Immediately setting things up on the bathroom counter and going to work.
Max could tell his sister was anxious. Their father having scared away any of your potential boyfriends. Even going as far as to tell they that she is diseased. One of the worst things about having Jos around the garage, is that you’re left with him.
Though Max has stepped in many time and even lectured his father about his word choices, he never let up on any of the Verstappen children. All of them getting some aspect of their father’s insecurity thrown back at them like it’s their fault.
When he was done, Max tried to sooth your nerves. “Dad isn’t around. He’s in his own hotel room. Go have fun.”
And that’s exactly what she did.
The conversation between her and Charles flowed. He asked questions that weren’t invasive and was respectful if she didn’t want to answer. He made her laugh ridiculously hard.
So they kept doing it. She had to follow Redbull for work which made things easier in the two. Finding down time to meet up or celebrating together after races.
After the season was over, the two went on a holiday together.
Charles spent a good amount of time learning from her (and in turn Max) how to guide if the need ever arose.
Charles was so gentle with her. Always letting her know if there was something unexpected around. Telling her who was in the room.
If felt like a dream. One she never wanted to wake up from. Charles had assured her multiple times that she wasn’t dreaming and that their love is very real.
But alas, Jos likes to make things difficult.
A few races into the new season, Charles still had yet to formally meet Jos and the Verstappen siblings intended on keeping it that way. It wasn’t secret. Everyone in the paddock know the two were dating. Jos just hadn’t had the chance to talk to him yet.
She’d mentioned her childhood a few times but could never get out the full extent of what happened. Charles thankfully is patient with her and lets her take her time. He knows Jos’ reputation. Her childhood couldn’t have been the most amazing with him around.
This particular race, she was forced into close proximity with him. There had been a mistake during a pit stop for Max which made him lose some positions. Ending the race in fifth. To her it isn’t bad at all, but to the angry Dutchman unleashing his fury on everything, it most certainly is.
Sensing his rising anger, she had pulled her father into a more secluded area. Hoping that Max wouldn’t come back to the garage for awhile. At least not before she could talk some sense into their father.
She said nothing as strings of curse words left his lips. Only waiting for him to run out of breath.
“Did you see how he got lazy? He would’ve finished higher after the idiots didn’t do their jobs if he had put in more effort.”
“Max put in all his effort and you know it.” She scoffs. Arms folded over her chest. This is nothing new to her.
“Like you have any room to talk.” He snaps back. Her head now sagging, knowing his anger is now finding a new direction.
Charles, on the other hand, had been looking for her. It’s his first win of the season and she is nowhere to be found. Max ran up to him as the podium celebration ended. Patting him on the back for his well earned win.
“Have you seen your sister anywhere, mate?” He asked the Dutch.
Max ponders for a moment. “She might still be in the garage debriefing after what happened.” He replies. “I can walk you over if you want.”
The two drivers made their way to the Redbull garage to find most of those who would normally be inside, standing outside in a huddle. “What the hell is happening?” Max shouts over to Christian as the two approach him.
“I was just about to go find you.” Christian sighs in exasperation. “Can I call security on your father? He hasn’t stopped shouting since the race finished up.”
Charles and Max exchanged glances. The young woman’s absence now making more sense. “I’ll try and talk him down.” Stated Max before weaving his way through the sea of Redbull shirts. Charles following close behind.
Before the two could get further away, Christian yelled out to them. “Good luck, your sister has been trying!” The statement make the two move faster.
Charles could feel his emotions bubbling as the shouting got louder. As him and Max turn the corner, he immediately spots who he’d been looking for. Tears rolling down her cheeks as she felt around the floor looking for something.
Max steps in between her and the angry Dutch, shouting back and forth in their native tongue. Charles tries to spot what she’s feeling for. Scanning the ground until he spots her phone. The entire thing shattered. Small pieces of glass just barely reflecting the light. He’s down by her side in an instant.
“Love, it’s Charles, max is here also, I’m going to get you out of here okay?”
Her body turns towards Charles. It’s then he notices the specks of blood dotting her hands from feeling around the glass and a deep purple bruise forming on her forehead.
She’s struggling to breath now. Listening to the angry shouts. The pain in her head and the bright fluorescents not helping her see anything. She back in the crash.
Her father had spend from the end of the race until now laying into her. She had successfully defended Max and thought she was prepared to take the brunt of it. Until he snatch her phone and threw it at her. It hit her head so hard she was in the ground in seconds. Trying to feel her way around to where it might have gone so she could call Max.
The words were so familiar to her. The ones she heard in her nightmares when she was once again surrounded by smoke and bright lights stealing away her vision.
“I don’t want to crash again Charles. It’s to hot. It hurts too much. I can’t see anything.” She tried to search for him but ended up with more glass in her palm. The tears only thickening.
“Stay put, okay? I’m going to help Max and then I’ll be right back.” He didn’t want to leave her on the floor. She looked like a child, and so did Max in this moment. The two getting their fathers wrath with no end in sight.
Charles sprints back to Christian, yelling at him to call security, then sprints back to Max.
“Mr. Verstappen I think you are out of line here.” Says the monegasque. Signaling Max to stay with you. He didn’t move at first but it was obvious he was getting nowhere, so he obliged. Kneeling down to help his sister calm her breathing.
Jos scoffs at Charles. “You have no right to get in between me and my children.” Anger pooling from his features.
“I mean no disrespect sir, but you’re being an asshole.”
“And is she-“ he jabs his finger at the girl on the floor, “-not disgusting.” Charles almost hits him but refrains from doing so knowing security will be arriving soon.
“On the contrary, I think she is an angel.”
“She’s diseased. She hasn’t even tried to fix her mistakes. Look at her! She just wants attention for what she did to herself!”
Now Charles doesn’t hesitate to punch him. His fist colliding with Jos’ jaw, sending him stumbling into the wall.
Max took his attention off his sister, who was leaning against him, and placed it on Charles. Shock clearly evident of his features.
Jos attempted to confront Charles again, but security finally showed up and escorted Jos out of the paddock.
Charles exhales, glad the confrontation is over. “That’s not how I imagined meeting your father for the first time.” Charles chuckles nervously.
Is doesn’t take much longer until Charles has his love safely wrapped in his arms. Whisking her away to his hotel room. Max had stayed ti make sure everything got cleaned up at the paddock. Kelly arriving shortly with Penelope in tow, ready to comfort Max.
She cried when they were finally safe inside. Pouring out to Charles about the accident and what it had caused in her life. He listened intently, doing his best to soothe the girl. Her panic still clearly evident.
Soon enough she’d calmed. Her head laying in Charles lap while he threaded his fingers through her hair.
“It don’t care what anyone else says. I see your beauty and it is not defined by what you can’t see.”
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san8ny · 2 months
if you don’t mind can you do mom Dina x fem mom reader who meet through a mommy and me class (both of them are single moms bc I don’t like cheating 😭)
YOU’LL HAVE TO MISS ME - Dina x Fem! Reader
an: first dina stuff, i love her sm :(
Grief was a funny thing.
It was both subjective, and difficult.
Anyone can feel grief, yet deal with it differently than otthers would.
Before you sister passed, did you have the best relationship? Fuck no.
So, why did you feel obligated to drop everything and take in her bastard child?
Gurbles and burps interrupt your bleak thoughts as you look at the child tiredly through your view-finder, car parked infront of a place commonly recommended to you.
Once the minute has passed and you feel lesser anxiety, you unbuckle your seatbelt and exit the vehicle, opening the backseat door to your 5-month old niece, strapped in her baby carrier securely with a pacifier in her mouth.
You stare at her blankly, trying to fight the small smile that makes it’s way to your face as you pick her up, up and at ‘em, putting her on your hip as you gather her small bag of items on your other shoulder. This mommy shit was starting to grow on you. Just a few months ago, you were living in your cramped studio apartment with barely anything in the fridge to feed yourself, and now you had filled it to the brim with formula and starter food.
You’re sat in a circle with other women, mostly olders with you and some other girl being the obviously younger ones. Some women stare at you in what seems like respect, and others in blatant pity, probably whispering in contempt about how disgusting it is you got knocked up so young.
If only they knew, a tick reads in your head.
There’s an overly joyous women leading this, who you can only assume is the instructor, asking you all in an overly-babying and condescending voice what your names were.
Once it gets to you, you blink a few times, gathering what to say.
“We’re wearing name-tags though..”
“The babies can’t read, silly!”
Your face turns a shadely plum as you clear your throat, not what I meant..
You eventually say your name begrudgingly, the baby sitting on your lap letting out another comedically timed burp that you only softly pat her back at.
“Alright, now, we’ll turn to our shoulder partners and introduce eachother to one another!”
You nod to yourself as turn to the woman besides you, a child slightly older than your own sitting on her thigh.
“Uh, what’s your name.” You ask, tone less than a general asked question. She answers nonetheless— not that she had a choice.
You nod in acknowledgment, looking anywhere but at her to fill the quiet gap. She was pretty to say the least, looks ‘round your age..maybe even slightly older, but not dramatically. You tell her your own name as you take out a warm bottle for your niece from your cross -bag.
“How old is he?” Dina whispers, leaning back now with her child on the blanketed floor, crawling.
He? Can you even blame her? The baby was wearing an ugly onesie your ex at the time found at a Five&Below when you initially (abruptly) were granted custody which albeit, was a tad too big for her at the time but came in handy now, reminding you bittersweetly of how you had to drop out of college to become a mother quickly.
“Oh, uh, she’s 5 months right now.”
Dina looks at you with slightly widened eyes. “5 months? You look great..” She somewhat compliments.
You thank her, awkwardly chuckling as you place the infant laid on the blanketed floor back into your arms securely,
“They have a dad’s day next week, y’know?” She informs you, smiling as she not-so subtly drinks you in,
“Thank you for telling me, but, uh, she doesn’t have a dad.”
Dina looks at you solemnly, “I’m so sorry for your loss..”
“No! No! He’s not dead, I mean, I wouldn’t know him in the first place but—“
“Oh! Well, that isn’t anything to be shamed for! Sexual liberation is progression, you’ll find him one day—”
“This is my niece.” You finally get across, massaging your temples at the misinterpreting while Dina’s mouth gradually forms an ‘O.’ You remind yourself of why these sessions were going to be a pain in the ass.
Speaking of sessions, this thing was longer than you expected..
Dina speaks up again shortly after a while, apologizing for her quick mouth as you wave a hand in dismissal, it wasn’t her fault, but she felt some sort of guilt for her brashness. “It’s fine, I get it all the time. Not easy explaining but i’m use to it.”
“Yeah, I get you. My uh, ex-boyfriend died some time ago, so i’m constantly assuming anyone who’s in here has got a similar situation.” Dina says softly, her tone a bit bittersweet as she recalls her former, now deceased, partner
You both begin conversing as the time goes by— swapping eachothers babies to hold, talking about backstories, etc— coming here was semi worth it.
Eventually, Dina and you exchange numbers when the time comes, you bite your chapped lips as she walks herself to her ride, a red-head in the drivers seat who taps away at the steering wheel quite impatiently. Girlfriend maybe? You tsk at the discouraging thought, walking yourself to your own car and getting your, now asleep, niece inside her car-seat.
“MILFS, huh..” you murmur to yourself, fiddling with the scrapling of paper with her digits on as you start the engine before throwing it out the window. Fuck were you saying? You didn’t have time for this shit.
“We don’t have time for this, huh?” You murmur to the baby, smiling softly as you begin driving.
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partycatty · 9 months
dilf!johnny cage > to heal
how it goes when reader dates older johnny following the loss of sonya
warnings: grief, age gap, mentions of sex but no smut written
notes: i want to gnaw on dilf johnny until he is nothing but bones. it is for that reason that this post is LONG. yappasaurus rex over here.
masterlist <3
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•first of all mk11 was so bad at covering the grief of a man losing the mother of his child
•then again that also implicates that johnny is really, really good at hiding his emotions, especially around the people he's meant to be stoic around. i wouldn't necessarily cry in front of a thunder god or cryomancer either. and i'd try to keep it together for my kid.
•regardless, johnny falls into a deep, DEEP depression that eats away at him. he should have been there on that mission. he should've canceled that ninja mime shooting and spent one more day with his family before it was completely wrecked. and he'll tell himself this every time he looks at cassie's empty eyes. he stays sober, for her, but god does he wish he could just feel nothing sometimes.
•johnny stays smiles and jokes, but as soon as he closes the door to his sleeping quarters, all he can do is blankly stare ahead. damn him and his acting skills. he wants people to check up on him, but it's just so... hard to express his pain.
•some time passes and he considers himself recovered, but every time he sees his daughter excel in training or lips smile in the way sonya's did... god.
•imagine his surprise when his own daughter asks him to get back into the dating scene. cassie says something along the lines of "you're a sad old fart that needs a woman to get him off of the couch."
•cassie's right, unfortunately. johnny let his stubble grow in and hair grow increasingly wild. he didn't carry himself as well as he once did, which was especially worrying to those who saw him as the confident, sharp, charismatic character.
•johnny declines to his daughter, finding the conversation kind of off-putting. but, on a late tuesday, he decides "fuck it" and sets up a bumble profile while sitting on the classic leather dad recliner in the living room. the one thing he forgot to do? set an age range.
•so he's a little taken aback when a 29 year old you is the third person he swiped to. instinctively, he thought to swipe left on you, but curiosity got the better of him. he read your profile and realized you sounded incredibly mature and had the same interests as him. covering his mouth and holding his phone with the other, he swipes... right, feeling an immediate intense guilt.
•he doubted you'd match with him, but as soon as he swipes, a big "IT'S A MATCH!" covers his phone screen and he lets out an audible gasp, tightening his grip on his face. he then gets a twinge of embarrassment for himself. was he seriously flipping his shit over his first match on a mobile dating app? yes.
•johnny spends a good long while staring at the screen, wondering if you'd even message him. after all, men couldn't message first on the app. what if she thinks he's too old? what if it was an accidental swipe? what if...
•NEW MESSAGE! "hiii :)" johnny swallows, afraid to open the message. what would he say? what should he say? does bumble have read receipts? would you notice he opened your message and stared for several minutes?
•he settles on "hello, how are you?" it's been a while since he's had to genuinely flirt with interest, so he opens cordially. johnny was a charmer for sure, but this time he was playing for keeps, not just for fun. he also, unlike his younger version he met some time ago, wants to take his time.
•you two chat back and forth, and while you acknowledge to him that he is indeed a celebrity (and how hilariously stupid it was that he was on a public dating site), you express no real concern over it. you mention to him that you want to see him as a man and not a character. the deeper conversation of dealing with the spotlight could come another time, as johnny didn't want to scare you away.
•you two text for a lot longer than most matches on bumble. johnny's honestly terrified of meeting up in person. he wants to be so incredibly sure that it's you he wants to meet up with. he forgot to keep swiping, even. he was so fixated on getting to know you. he felt weird talking to multiple women on the app, since he was so used to married life.
•he can't bring himself to ask you on a real date, so you two settle on a friendly coffee chat. he shaves, gets a trim, and for the first time in a long time, stresses about wearing the right things. he even calls cassie and asks if he should wear shirt A or shirt B, but was very keen on redacting your age from the conversation. that was something he was afraid to disclose to her.
•what was this man so afraid of?? you are a SWEETHEART. you're so incredibly mature, have more "vintage" interests and asked so many questions, leaning in to listen. johnny didn't feel the need to perform, in fact, he found himself... with butterflies. he death-gripped his coffee to hide the fact that his fingers were trembling.
•one coffee chat turns into two, and then three, four, and eventually, he feels okay enough to plan a real date. his heart was swelling with excitement, a new warmth in his chest. you were so effortlessly patient and kind with him, never asking for anything of him besides his time.
•he plans a dinner date, squeezing you two into a lavish restaurant that he wouldn't have been able to get into if he wasn't a celebrity. he didn't want to overwhelm you with his money and fame, but god did he want to do this right. even though the topic of money was something you never thought to consider with him, he still wanted to show off at least a little bit. it's just in his character!
•there, he starts to come out of his shell a bit more. he starts flirting back, and you two hold hands across the table, intense eye contact as you converse freely.
•johnny takes a sip of his drink, looking down. but when he looks back up, he notices you admiring him with your sweet young eyes. and it's here that he realizes just how much you've revitalized him. he springs out of bed with a smile. you're the last thought in his mind before he falls asleep. when he is with cassie, he can't stop thinking about how much you two would get along.
•which, by the way, johnny is so incredibly sure to remind you that he has a daughter that's your age. you pause and think, trying to articulate your thoughts on the awkward circumstance.
•"i understand that it may be a little uncomfortable for her and the last thing i want is to drive a wedge between you and your daughter. you speak highly of her and i deeply admire that. i perfectly understand that she comes before me."
•johnny stops himself from tearing up. you're... just so kind. you're perfect.
•after the ninth date, he decides that he's ready to go back to your place. it's a quaint apartment, and it's there that you both make the conscious decision to have sex.
•it's slow and sweet, he's murmuring praises into your bare skin as he takes his time exploring a new body. older johnny takes his time with sex unlike his younger days. he needs to appreciate your beauty, complimenting every feature on your body. you're so divine.
•"such a pretty girl..." he whisper-groans above you, strong hands holding your hips in place with a passionate firmness.
•over the next couple months, he's still working toward officially calling you his girlfriend. a new partner in his life scares him, even if you make all of that tension disappear when you're around. it's just a lot to ask of a man to take that new step again.
•biting the bullet, he asks you at your doorstep holding a cheesily large bouquet, having to glance over it to get a proper look at you. you smile sweetly, nodding and immediately accepting in that gentle voice. you knew how much this meant to him to make things official.
•cassie eventually gets the chance to meet you, as her father brings you along to a holiday party with the family. it's... it's a little weird, she won't lie. i mean, it's just weird in general to see your dad with someone that isn't your mom. that's something that naturally needs time to adjust to. and your age isn't something she can avoid discussing.
•she doesn't hate you. she actually finds you quite enjoyable to be around! she's just a little uneasy that you're her age. but, after a long, long talk full of tears and reassuring words, cassie realizes she can learn to accept you being with her dad. i mean, she sees what you do to him.
•that sparkle in his puppy-dog brown eyes is back, and he just can't stop being engulfed by your presence. a hand is always on the small of your back, a grin always plastered on his face, and eyes are always locked onto you when you're doing the most mundane of tasks. he's chirpier, and people even joke that he seems as active as he was in his younger years. you got the old man's rusty gears turnin'!
•he loves you. he didn't realize he could do that again.
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