#when thor realizes he returns loki's feelings and things come to light however they do
iamanartichoke · 3 years
One of my pre-canon Thorki headcanons is that Loki's always harbored feelings for Thor but, of course, intended on taking that secret to the grave ... but, that didn't mean he was willing to sit around and watch as Thor "courted" various women.
So he played up the little brother card in a major way, making it a point to get between Thor and any girlfriend he had whenever the opportunity presented itself, in such an innocuous way that Thor could never quite tell if Loki was being a little shit or if he was genuinely clueless. Like -
Thor and Girlfriend are sitting under an apple tree in Idunn's orchard? Oh, Loki just happened to be climbing trees that day - he swings down from a branch with a bright, "Oh, hi! Fancy meeting you two here," while Thor and Girlfriend jump ten feet. Loki, oblivious, just hops down to the ground and helps himself to one of their apples. "Don't mind if I do," he says, sitting down on their blanket. "It's a lovely day for apple picking, isn't it?"
Thor and Girlfriend have planned to attend the feast (what feast? Any feast, they have them like every weekend) together, but Loki manages to finagle the seat at the table in between them and when Thor says, "uh, Loki, about where you're sitting," Loki cuts him off and says, "Don't worry, I figured you two would fight over who got to sit next to me, so I made it easy, you're welcome."
Thor and Girlfriend have just returned from a romantic horse ride through the countryside and, as they're in the stables, putting away the horses and doing whatever else it is people do post-ride, they get distracted by each other and are leaning in when Loki swings open the stable door. His "oh! Sorry!" is falsely apologetic and teasing. "You were about to kiss, weren't you? That's so sweet, I'll just wait," and then he goes and stands directly outside of the stable door and after about ten seconds yells, "Are you guys done yet?" and there's no reply, and another five seconds goes by, and he yells, "Now are you done?" and Thor practically roars back, "We're done now!" and he's ready to throttle Loki, he really is. Loki continues to be oblivious as he saunters back in, all smiles, like, "I'm so glad you two are back, I have big plans for us this evening," and Thor is just like, internally, norns, give me strength.
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wxnderlustfandoms · 4 years
not a villain [loki x teen!reader]
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[not my gif]
pairing: loki x teen! reader (platonic), avengers x teen!reader (platonic) 
description: you try to make loki feel more welcome after thor brings him to the compound, thinking it would be good for him. he thinks you’re just trying to get on his good side for selfish reasons, but after overhearing you defend him to the avengers, he realizes you see the good in him
word count: 2291
warnings: none really. 
a/n: not me taking this description straight from my shifting script and turning it into a fanfic lmfao
in a way a continuation of this headcannon because the reader’s powers are the same and its the same backstory. 
After the fight at the airport between the avengers, they all realized how stupid the accords were and how it provided them no freedoms to do the things they needed to. However, you pointed out that the idea of an accords was okay because if we’re being honest, the avengers didn’t really think about collateral. The avengers all met with the countries that made the accords and worked together to revise them to work the best for both parties. 
Once that was settled, you all moved back into the compound and returned to normal life. Well, as normal as you can get with the avengers. 
One day, you heard a loud booming noise outside and saw a flash of light come from outside. You opened your window and flew out quickly to investigate. When you got closer, you saw a tall blonde with longer hair and a hammer. With him was another tall man with long black hair. A few other avengers were already there and they seemed to be on edge. 
You landed next to them and realized that the blonde was Thor. He was an avenger and you remembered seeing him on tv when New York was getting attacked. 
“I’m sure you all remember my brother, Loki,” Thor introduced, gesturing to the man with black hair next to him. Loki looked about as excited to be there as everyone else was to see him. 
“Wait, wasn’t that the guy who attacked New York? I saw him on TV when I was a little kid,” You asked Sam quietly, whispering towards him. Sam nodded his head and you looked back to Thor confused. 
“Why is he here, Thor?” Tony asked, holding his armor-covered hand up to him, prepared to attack if he needed to. You seemed to be the only one not in a fighting stance, but to be fair, you really didn’t understand what was happening. 
“I believe that it will be good for Loki to come and live with us all here! Who knows, maybe he could even become an avenger with the proper training!” Thor boomed with a smile. You felt yourself smile a bit just looking at him, he radiated so much pure, optimistic, happy energy. 
“Absolutely not, he tried to take over the world, Thor. He killed people,” Natasha argued back.
“My brother may have had a complicated past, but I just know that this will be a good opportunity for him!” 
You didn’t feel as though you were in any place to take a side, as you were not there in New York and did not know anything about Loki, but you felt as though if Loki was here to train to become an avenger, he should be able to. He didn’t seem like a terrible guy. You listened to them go back and forth for a while, discussing things you once again couldn’t input on because you were a child when these things happened. 
Eventually, Thor convinced the rest of the Avengers to let Loki stay with them. However, he was basically on house arrest at the compound until they deemed him trustworthy enough to leave, and Tony made sure to tell Loki how he believed that to be a long, long time. Loki seemed to not be bothered at all, and hadn’t really talked throughout the entire interaction. His brother kind of took the lead and spoke out for him. 
The next week, you didn’t see Loki much around the compound. He seemed to be brooding in his room or something like that. You shrugged and just thought he might be taking his time to get comfortable. 
I mean, he did try to kill a lot of people in this compound. It's got to be awkward to just run into them in the same compound now that he lives with them, You thought, walking into the kitchen. Your wings flexed in surprise when you saw Loki in the kitchen. He looked up when you walked in and he looked like he was going to leave once he was aware of your presence, but you stopped him.
“You don’t have to leave, you know? We both live here and this kitchen is big enough for the two of us,” You said. 
His face didn’t betray what he was thinking, but he didn’t make another move to leave. You got out some ingredients to make a sandwich for yourself and looked over to Loki, who was looking through the cabinet. 
“So… you’re like… a god?” You asked him the question you’d been thinking the whole time since he moved in. 
He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. The look on your face told him you were being serious. 
“Yes,” He responded bluntly. You raised both of your eyebrows in your surprise that you got a verbal answer. 
You hummed, going back to making your sandwich. Loki didn’t seem to find anything he wanted in the cabinet and made his way to leave the kitchen. “See ya, Loki!” You said as he exited. 
The next few weeks went the same way, you running into Loki and initiating conversation with him, trying to get to know things about him. He was very blunt, his answers short. Sometimes he didn’t even answer and the conversations were very one sided but you still didn’t give up trying to get to know him. You knew that because Thor was still taking care of things on Asgard and coming back and forth, he didn’t really have time to check on how Loki was but for a few minutes. And the other avengers made no attempt to socialize with the god. So you decided to. You weren’t sure if they knew you were talking to him all the time, but if they did none of them made an attempt to stop you. They knew you were trusting, but they also knew you weren’t dumb, so they trusted you. 
One day, you caught Thor when he was visiting the compound and asked him what Loki’s favorite earth food was, or if he could bring him some food from Asgard. Thor was surprised a teenager was concerned about Loki, but thanked you for thinking about him. He told you about an Asgard dish that could easily be made with Earth food and you thanked him, going to the kitchen and started making it. When you were done with it, you went to Loki’s room and knocked on his door. It took a minute before he opened it, but he was surprised to see you when he did open it. 
“Hi! I noticed you didn’t seem interested in any of the snacks in the cabinet and haven’t really eaten any good meals since you got here, so I made you something. Thor said it was similar to an Asgardian dish. I’m… not sure exactly which one. It was pronounced weird. But I hope you enjoy it!” You said, handing it to him. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he just looked at the dish and then back up at you. 
“Anyway, I hope you have a good day, Loki!” You told him, walking back to clean up your mess in the kitchen. 
Loki stood there with the door open, looking at the dish. His thoughts were jumbled and he couldn’t figure you out. What could you possibly want from him that would make you try so hard to get on his good side? He appreciated the gesture, but he didn’t trust that it was just out of the kindness of your heart.
Later that week, you were hanging out with a majority of the avengers in a lounge room, TV on in the background, but you all were mostly just talking. 
The topic of Loki got brought up quickly. They started talking about still not being able to trust him and how awkward it is he lives at the compound now. Usually you wouldn't say anything because you didn’t feel like it's your place but you just had to this time. 
“Well maybe, if you guys even tried to talk to Loki, you would know he’s not a terrible person,” You defended. 
Bruce laughed, “Are we talking about the same man that mind controlled Clint and made me go all hulk mode on everyone?” 
Clint agreed. 
“Jesus,” You stood up, wings ruffled in anger.
“[Y/n], why are you getting so defensive?” Sam asked. 
You turned around and gave him an annoyed look. “Because you all are sitting here, saying Loki could never be anything but a villain, but won’t stop treating him like he is!” You threw your hands up in defeat. Walking a bit to the right before turning back to them. “Like, how is he supposed to prove to you guys he’s good when you won’t even give him the time of day! I’m not saying to go in trusting him 100%, I know he did bad things in his past. But haven’t we all? Isn’t there some part of our past we wish we could go back and erase because it was a mistake?” You looked to Natasha especially while saying this. 
“[Y/n], I understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s incredibly naive of you to trust Loki, and to compare what he did to any of us,” Clint responded. You looked at him, confused and hurt. Looking to the other people sitting in the room, they agreed, nodding their heads. Your eyes started tearing up. 
“If I’m too ‘young’ and ‘naive’ to understand these things then why am I even an avenger? You can’t sit here and constantly bring up my age and lack of experience when I try to say things just because you don’t think I’m right! If Loki’s villainy in the past never affected you guys personally you wouldn’t be sitting here holding this, what? 5 year grudge against him!?” You felt a few tears fall down your face and you brushed them away, almost angry that they decided to fall when you were trying to talk to your comrades. You were trying to tell them that you don’t want to be treated like a kid, but here you were crying like one. 
“[Y/n]...” Sam started, getting up when he saw you were crying. You shook your head, turning away from them and running back to your room. You collapsed onto your bed and let out a few sobs. 
You weren’t necessarily crying because the avengers didn’t accept Loki. It upset you, but that wasn’t why you were crying. You were crying because this wasn’t the first time they have brought up your age to belittle your opinion or said you were not experienced enough to have an opinion on something. You were sick of them treating you like that when you’d been a part of the avengers for almost 2 years. You jumped slightly when you heard a knock at your door. You thought it was Sam coming to talk to you, but you didn’t want to speak to him.
“Go away, Sam,” You yelled. 
“It’s Loki,” You heard his voice from the other side of the door. Your eyes widened in surprise and jumped up off the bed. Walking to open the door. You tried to make it look like you weren’t crying, but when you opened the door he could see the redness and puffiness around your eyes. 
“Is… something wrong?” You asked, having no idea why Loki would come talk to you of his own accord. 
“Can we talk?” He asked. You nodded and led him into your room. He looked around for a second, taking in your room before you sat on the bed and invited him to do the same. You sat more towards the middle of the bed, crossing your feet in towards you. Loki sat near the edge, barley making an indent in the covers. It was probably as awkward for him as it was for you. 
“Listen, I’m sorry if I’ve been annoying you the past few weeks. I’ve been trying to make you feel welcome here but I know it's been a lot. No one really wants a teenager all up in their business. So… I’m sorry,” You started, looking up at him.  
Now, you were usually good at reading people, however, ever since Loki moved into the compound, you could never read his face. Even now, you looked at his face and couldn’t see a single expression that revealed what he was thinking.
“I don’t understand you. Why are you so nice to me? And why would you go against your teammates to defend me? What exactly does that accomplish you?” You sigh a little as you realize he overheard you talking to the group of people out there.
“I don’t really have a reason to be nice besides wanting to make you feel welcome. I know what it’s like to feel… out of place.” You gesture to the wings on your back and the horns on your head. “Ever since this happened, the avengers are the only people that seem to accept me as the way I am. And I believe everyone deserves to have that. Even if the avengers don’t end up being that for you, I hope you do find it.” You explain. “I trust that you have good in you. Being mischievous doesn’t mean being evil,” You smile at him.
For the first time since Loki moved in with the avengers, he smiled. Even if it was a small smile, it was genuine. He nodded and got up, on his way to leave. Before he did leave though, he turned around and revealed he was never truly annoyed by you and enjoyed the talks you had. 
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mosswillow · 4 years
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🖤 Dark
❤️ Like on that line
💜 Not dark
                                      -Peter Parker- 
🖤 Your Room - One shot - reader-insert - Dark!fic Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon, oral (female receiving), spankings, punishment, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, unprotected sex, smut, vaginal intercourse. 
Summary: Your life is bland and boring but not for long. What happens when you catch the eye of a certain super hero?
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection that can be read together. this should be read either first or last.
                                     -Steve Rogers-
🖤Come Back - One shot - Reader-insert - Dark!fic Warnings: Dark! 18+, stalking, cults, kidnapping, blood, drugging, bondage.
Summary: Your father's death brings you back to your childhood home and the cult you grew up in. You just need a few days to pack things up before selling the place and leaving forever.
🖤🐶 Hiding Your Wolf - One shot - Reader-insert - Dark!fic Warnings 18+ dark fic, kidnapping, noncon/dubcon, public nudity, smut, werewolves, A/B/O dynamics. 
Summary - you’ve been hiding your wolf your whole life. You know you shouldn’t go out on a full moon but you want to so badly. 
🖤 🐶Useless - series - part one - part two  - Part Three- reader-insert - Dark!fic Warnings 18+ Adult content!, Werewolves, A/B/O, Possessive behavior, Dark, Non con/dub con, Forced marriage, power imbalance, general misogyny, Punishments, spanking, smut, violence, oral (male receiving) .
Summary: “Trying to fight this is useless doll, we’ll always end up right back here.” You’re the bottom of the pack, an Omega, and Steve has chosen you for his mate.
🖤Jumping In - One shot - Warnings: 18+ adult content!!, Kidnapping, smut, Dark fic, vaginal fingering, noncon/dubcon, yandere.
 Summary: You submit your application to the Avengers as a joke. You’re nowhere near qualified enough for the job. So why do they want you?
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection that can be read together. This is the first in the series.
🖤 Complex Flavors- one shot- Warnings 18+ Adult content!, Dark, drugging, sex pollen (sorta), noncon/Dubcon, Gaslighting, Abuse, choking, Smut, Drinking,
💜 Learning To Love - one shot - Warnings: Smut, feelings, angst, interrupted assault  (In relation to this, attacker going unpunished, intimidation, stalker vibes.), mature themes, 18+ adult content, slow burn?
Summary: Life always does this thing where it puts you in situations you swore you were done experiencing. You’re done having relationships, but they may not be done with you. *This is not dark but that doesn’t mean that it’s light reading.* 
                                       -Tony Stark-
🖤Your Mask - One Shot -. Warnings: 18+ adult content, Non Con/dub con, kidnapping, smut, Dark!, blackmail.Summary: You’re an independent woman working her way up through corporate America. What happens when a a one-night stands turns into an obsession?
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection that can be read together. This is the second in the series.
                                -Natasha Romanoff-
🖤Books - One shot - Warnings: 18+ Adult content, Noncon/dubcon, smut, oral, yandere.
Summary: You meet the most beautiful girl. She’s everything you’ve always dreamt of. Red flags? What red flags?
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection that can be read together. This is the third in the series.
                                       -Sam Wilson-
🖤Routines *(Dark!Sam Wilson x Reader) Warnings: 18+ adult content, Dark!, Noncon/dubcon, vaginal fingering, punishment, spanking, Stalking, voyeurism (kinda), masturbation.
Summary: You run into Sam at the grocery store one evening decide to catch up. He wants more though and won’t take no for an answer. You’re his and it’s only a matter of time before you realize that.
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection that can be read together. This is the fourth in the series.
Alone - Dark!Thor x ReaderWarnings: 18+ Adult content. Dark!, kidnapping, forced marriage, noncon/dubcon, oral (male receiving), violence, spit kink, Smut, Thor is mean af in this.
Summary: You’ve been hiding on earth for years after running away from an arranged marriage with Thor. What happens when fate brings him to your place of work?
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection
                                    -Bucky Barnes-
🖤Focus *- Dark!Bucky Barnes x ADHD!Reader Warnings! Dark! 18+ content, vaginal fingering, noncon/dubcon, smut, kidnapping, oral (female receiving)
Summary: You never should have taken the job cleaning for Stark industries. The Avengers might be heroes on the outside but something sinister lies just beneath the surface.
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection
that can be read together. This is the fourth in the series.
🖤New Year. - Mob boss!Bucky Barnes x reader Warnings: 18+ adult content, Dark!!!, Noncon/dubcon, manipulation, smut.
Summary: A New Years themed dark Cinderella story.
🖤Appropriate - Mob Boss!Bucky x Reader
Summary: You thought you knew who you married... You thought.
18+ Adult content, Dark, rape/noncon, punishment, violence, face slapping. 
🖤Synonyms  *- Dark!Loki x reader Warnings: Dark! 18+ adult content. Smut, noncon/dubcon, stalking, kidnapping, vaginal fingering.Summary - You’re average in every way, Loki doesn’t think so though.
*This is also part of Synonyms, a Dark!avengers collection
                              -Stephen Strange- 
🐶🖤Simple Silver - Warnings: 18+ adult content, dark!, ABO (no mentions of knots, heat, or rutt.), general misogyny, noncon/dubcon, smut, vaginal fingering, oral (male receiving), violence, orgasm delay/denial, kidnapping (kinda), she spits in his face in this, possessive behavior.
Summary: You’ve been given a gift, one not many Omegas get. A bracelet that when worn by an Omega changes their scent ever so slightly. All you need to do is keep the bracelet on and he can’t find you. 
🖤Iced Coffee   -  series master list  
Series Warnings: 18+ adult content, Dark, Rape/noncon, obsessive behavior, stalking, doctor/medical themes, needles (chapter one, not sex related), violence, abuse, kidnapping, forced marriage, smut, escape attempt.
Summary:You met Stephen Strange your last year of medical school. He was godlike and you were infatuated. You liked him and in return he humiliated you. Years later you were over it; made a career for yourself.He saw you again, remembered you, wanted you. He was going to show you that he had changed, win you over. You would be his and he would protect you forever, he just had to prove himself.
                                        -CHARLES XAVIER-  
🖤Try Again, and Again, and Again. Summary: Your life is so perfect. A sweet and caring husband, a beautiful home; but something is off.
Warnings: 18+ adult content, dark, smut, vaginal fingering MORE WARNINGS AT BOTTOM OF FIC.
Star Wars 
🖤The Stone - Complete  - (ao3 link) Dark! Warnings: Noncon/dubcon, smut, punishment, violence, possessive behavior. 
Summary: Rey goes on a camping weekend with her girlfriends. She isn't expecting to be accidentally bonded to a Fae prince. She also isn't expecting to discover that she is not who she thought she was. The life she's always known is a lie and her true identity a nightmare.
❤️ 🐶 To Be Warmed By The Fire - Complete - (ao3 link)  A/B/O Warnings: Slightly dubious consent, non consensual drug use, assault, smut, lots of feelings, arranged marriage. 
Summary: It's physically painful for Rey, as an Omega, to lie. Especially to an Alpha like Ben. As outspoken and independent as she is, she doesn’t actually like breaking rules. It’s why she leaves without telling anyone. It’s much easier for her to disobey when no one is physically telling her no. Her usual strategy is to just say nothing. That way, she can easily convince herself later that she never agreed to whatever rule she wants to break. This is different though, he wants her to say to his face that she won’t go. She has every intention of going to the party and nothing Ben says or does will change that. She knows, however, that he won’t leave until she gives in. In this instance, lying is the only option she feels like she has.
❤️ 🐶 The People You Love - WIP - (ao3 link) Warnings: Dubious consent, smut, unconscious medical procedure, lots of feels and sad times, running away, arranged marriage. 
Summary: Rey is raised by her grandfather, who takes her to an island away from society. One day a group of men show up on her island and she finds herself running away from Ben Solo. She doesn't know anything about the outside world but that won't stop her from running until she can't run any longer. She's always wanted adventure and now she's finally getting it, whether she wants it or not.   
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cozy-the-overlord · 3 years
Part 2 of Cozy’s Fluff-To-Angst Fun and Games
@loki-hargreeves said
Here's a fluffy-ish prompt for you,
Dancing together (anything between ballroom dancing or just dancing in the living room at 2am together) 💚
Summary: It didn’t have to be bad, Loki told himself. His parents were married through such an arrangement, and they were happy together. 
He would be happy too.
Word Count: 1,659
Pairing: Loki x OFC
A/N: I feel like if you’ve read any of my other stuff, you’ll know how my favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers. I thought I’d try a twist on that formula. Not sure if it worked, but here you go!
Thanks for reading!
Warnings: None? I think? It’s just Loki being lonely
Tags:  @lucywrites02 @silver-lupines @whatafuckingdumbass @the-emo-asgardian @imnotrevealingmyname @electroma89 @lokislittlesigyn @moumouton4 @theredrenard @justdontmindmetm
If you want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask/message :)
Read it on Ao3!
Loki had always loved dancing.
Alfheim balls were a little different from the ones he had grown up attending on Asgard, but the dancing was similar enough. It was a comfort, little scraps of familiarity floating in a frozen sea. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be swept up in the rhythm.
Rowan was radiant, as always. She laughed as she spun in his arms, the skirt of her dress flaring around her legs in a sparkling golden blur, and when he pulled her closer he found himself laughing too. It was impossible to resist—her smile was infectious.
His wife was a brilliant actress.
Loki hadn’t known what to expect from the arranged marriage laid before him. He had been granted only a month to attempt to straighten his thoughts before being sent away to Alfheim to meet his bride. It didn’t have to be bad, he told himself. His parents were married through such an arrangement, and they were happy together. Happy enough at least. He would be happy too.
And … he could almost feel happy here. Dancing. Drowning in the music. Letting the cacophony of the ballroom wash over him. The two of them swooped across the floor, so smooth they might have been flying, all eyes on them. It almost felt like the life he had always expected to lead.
It almost felt real.
Loki felt lightheaded. Before his wedding, he had never cared for Elven wine, but now he had been finding himself warming up to the drink a little more with each banquet. It made everything seem distant. He liked that.
Rowan twirled again. Her gown was silky green, swathed in gold—his colors, of course. She had been wearing something similar when he first arrived. Really, between the dress and her dark curls, she could have been mistaken for Loki’s sister. It was something Thor had been quick to point out, smacking his shoulder with a boisterous laugh as soon as they stepped off the Bifrost.
Loki missed that laugh. Everything here seemed too quiet. The highlight of his wedding feast had been watching his brother drunkenly frolic his way through the night, challenging men he didn’t know to duels over women he had just met, spilling wine all over himself when a pretty girl brushed up too close to him. His mother had been mortified, but Loki found it endlessly entertaining.
He had nearly cried the next morning, when he came down to bid his family farewell. He hid it, of course. It wouldn’t do to have a son of Odin bawling like a baby over a goodbye. He even managed a weak laugh, when Thor clapped him on the back and congratulated him for surviving his wedding night, although he was curious as to what his brother would say had he known Loki spent it on a couch.
But he really felt it rising, that frozen knot of panic in his throat, when his mother gave him one last embrace. He wondered if she could hear the frantic, childish plea he left unsaid.
Please don’t leave me here.
But as powerful as his mother was, she couldn’t read his mind, and so leave him they did.
He didn’t blame Rowan. He couldn’t—this was no more her fault than it was his. In fact, he had tremendous respect for her. The speech she had given him that night, when they returned to the apartment they were to share as husband and wife, had been straightforward and concise—perhaps a little rehearsed, but not so much that her conviction was unclear.
Still, it had startled him.
“I’ll be your wife. When I’m crowned Queen, you’ll be my Crown Prince. You and your realm will have the power and control you so desperately desire. But you won’t have me. You’ll never have me. Understand?”
Loki nodded. What was he supposed to do? Of all the scenarios he had run through his mind, over and over again until he could barely focus on anything else, he had never prepared for such an abrupt dismissal. When she disappeared into the bedroom, slamming the door with a swish of her emerald gown, he could only stand there like the great gaping idiot he was.
She was swishing that gown now, as they circled the floor once more. She stretched her hand out to his, his hand grazing her waistline as they turned to the music. The crowd of nobles watching from the edges of the ballroom seemed to have drawn even tighter around them since he last looked. The muscles in Loki’s neck tensed, but he held his easy smile. He had learned to dance through these maskless masquerades, and he danced them quite well.
Rowan wasn’t bothered by all the eyes on her. She peered across the assembly, scanning the faces even as she fell back into his arms beaming. Loki didn’t even have to look up to know who she was searching for.
He had met him once. The Other Man. His name was Ari, and he worked in the royal stables. For banquets such as this, however, he was occasionally called in to aid the overworked staff. It was a station he had been born into, it seemed—his father had served as groom, his mother a kitchen maid. Ari had served alongside him as a stableboy in his youth. He and Princess Rowan had known each other since they were children.
Loki had met him when he discovered him lounging in the very rooms he shared with his wife. It was a rare occasion—usually Rowan was smart enough to keep her extramarital engagements outside of the palace—but it seemed that she had to step out for a moment and asked Ari to wait for her. They shared several minutes of stilted conversation. Loki tried to be polite, but the stablehand was clearly uninterested in friendship. They were both exceedingly relieved when Rowan returned to whisk her lover away. The foul-eyed smirk Ari shot at him as he left made Loki feel sick.
He thought about asking Rowan not to bring him back to their apartment. Surely that would be a fair request. If Thor had been in his position he would certainly have no qualms about making it. No, he’d demand that Rowan never do such a thing again.
But … Loki had never exactly been the demanding type. He didn’t want to be the demanding type. It was her life, her love, and he was the intruder from another planet butting in and turning it upside down. It didn’t bother him that she wanted to be with someone else. He wasn’t jealous. He didn’t want Rowan, not like that. He didn’t love her, and she certainly didn’t love him, and Loki was perfectly fine with that. He wanted her to be with Ari, if that was what brought her happiness. They both deserved to be happy.
But … he found himself thinking about them a lot. He had precious little else to do here, besides nod along in meetings where he had no real say and reread books that no longer offered him escape. Loki’s mind would drift off, and he’d wonder how they met, the princess and the stableboy. Maybe Rowan had been lonely as a child—after all, she had no siblings, and the Alfheim court held precious few her age. Maybe she had come to the stables to hide away from the weight of royalty. Loki had done that when he was little—hide in the stables, or the wine cellar, or anywhere safe and secluded where it felt like nobody was looking at him.
Maybe she had hidden in an empty stall, and Ari found her when he came into clean. He imagined Ari had been quite lonely too—there couldn’t be a lot of conversation to be had when one spends their days mucking after horses—and so when he came across the princess huddled in the corner, her silk skirt carefully tucked under her knees, he sat down next to her.
Loki imagined them talking, not about anything in particular, just bouncing from topic to topic the way children tend to do. Maybe Rowan brought up her favorite book. Maybe Ari showed her his favorite flower. It didn’t really matter. But Loki pictured them growing closer, meeting up in secret again and again, their endeavors growing wilder with their childish glee. He saw them sneaking away to the roof of the palace to watch the sunset and count the stars, laughing at the ant-like people scurrying by below as they snacked on stolen chocolates. He saw them creeping away to practice dancing in the moonlight, with nothing but the nightingale’s song to count their steps. He saw them slowly begin to look each other in a different light, nervous lips brushing against each other for the first time. He saw them hatch plans of escape—long, intricate schemes that called for stolen ships and falsified identities—before they came to their senses and realized such plans would never come to fruition. He saw himself enter their story and felt their loathing.
Loki wished he had that. That closeness, that bond. He wished he could talk to Rowan, really talk to her and trust her to listen. Not in a romantic sense, but as something else. Friends. Weren’t there stories like that, where the husband and wife in arranged marriages grew to have a friendship more powerful than anything romantic?
But somehow, Loki knew that to his wife, he’d only ever be the man trying to rip her from her beloved.
The music was reaching a close. Rowan pulled away in a graceful curtsey. Loki let her go with a bow. The crowd rippled with polite applause, devoted and empty as always. Loki kept his smile, blithe as can be.
His wife wasn’t the only brilliant actor in the room.
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smallestchances · 3 years
The Fourth Horseman (Thor x Reader)
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synopsis:  thor has done everything in his power to be seen as an actual powerhouse and threat to the mobs of new york, but the council of the horsemen are in the way. knowing they could lose everything they’ve built, mor goes to the people she knows can make things happen, and strikes a deal with the apocalypse wives.
word count: 4.9k
a/n: Welcome to the first installment of the Apocalypse wives!! Buckle up for a ride and send in asks when you’re ready for more :)
warnings: cursing, slight smut, mentions of abuse & murder
 You were a lot of things to a lot of people. Some people knew you as a determined spitfire who was fierce, protective, and not afraid to get her hands dirty for the people she loved. They knew you were an amazing friend.
Others knew you were an even worse enemy.
They knew you as an unforgiving bitch who painted her nails with the blood of those who wronged her. You were an unbothered, spoiled witch who wouldn't know humility if it was beneath your red-bottomed heel.
Thor knew that you were all of those things on a good day.
You sat with him now, in the middle of SHIELD. It served as the hottest and the most dangerous club in the state, and therefore your meeting place. Thor's hand is fit snugly around your waist, the sheer panel of your body suit allowing you to feel a semblance of his touch.
He's happy at the moment--genuinely happy and it's something you haven't seen in a long time. You can only look at him fondly, the low light of the club highlighting his jaw and the laugh lines that appear. His eyes twinkle as he talks with Loki, their relationship finally repaired after the trickster was fatally wounded trying to save your husband’s life.
Though you're still skeptical of the mischief maker, you have yet  to remember the last time you saw Thor this happy. Knowing this is the only reason you've allowed Loki to build his way back into your lives, you let him know that you have a dagger with his name on it should his loyalties change again.
As they talk, your eyes can’t help but linger to the exclusive third floor of the club — the circular balconies that complement the hollow interior of the building. The people up there sneer at those below, and you feel your jaw tick. Escorts, wannabes, and the closest inner circles of the underground world are found up there, and you knew that's where Thor belonged.
Three years. Three years, you and Thor had to fight and claw your way to get anywhere in the mafia world, and still you weren't at the top. Thor has already gained throes of power, influence, and support. 
You just had to take him further. 
"He won't be a problem."
Thor's words snap you back to the brothers' conversation, realizing the tone has taken a turn.
"You've only experienced Odin's grace," Loki replies. "He knows how to keep the appearance of kindness. Don't forget that I know his wrath more than anyone else.”
Thor swallows heavily at the reminder of his father's sins. "Loki—“
"No need for pity brother,” Loki interrupts, a genuine smile creeping on his face. "Despite my past, I've finally found a way to win against certain demons. I've gained you, a home, a psychotic sister-in-law—”
You wink at him.
"I'm in a better place than before," Loki concludes. "However, Father sees you taking me in as a personal slight. That, coupled with your growing success—“
"We've become his targets,” Thor finishes.
Those simple words cause the bass of the club music to become white noise. Blinking rapidly, you sit up quickly, leaning forward into Thor's space. "Your father now has you both on a hit list?” The disgust can’t help but drip from your voice. Loki only nods. Your eyes fall to the floor, tracing the patterned tiles as you process the information. "What does Frigga know about this?”
Thor makes a noise at the back of his throat. "Mother was the one who warned us."
You nod, chewing on your lip. "So we take him down first.”
Both men clear their throat sharply, Loki looking around cautiously. “Odin is the oldest living patriarch of the New York’s...companies. He has the support of the Horsemen— taking him down will not be simple."
"Nor should we announce it so blatantly my love," Thor shifts, pulling you onto his lap effortlessly, and his arms never leaving your sides.
"Your coward of a father wants to assassinate his sons because of the power they've gained,” is all you can grit out. “Something has to be done—”
“If we move too quickly, then we risk losing everything,” Loki interrupts. “Odin will declare us as enemies, and per his requests, he'll have the arsenal of Conquest, the men of Famine, and the tactics of Pestilence at his fingertips. Right now, we don't stand a chance.”
You bite the inside of your cheek harder, going through what you know of the Horsemen and their capabilities. You yourself have had little interaction with the infamous mobster, once before you married Thor and once to get Loki out of his clutches of abuse. He’s well known for being the first Horseman to retire instead of die, but his seat of War hasn’t been empty for long.
Frigga, his wife, was the one you knew well and respected. You knew her as a woman who did the best in every circumstance she found herself in, and fell in love with a man who changed too much before she realized what happened. Frigga had one of the largest hearts you knew, and you were certain she was the only reason the Asgardians were still standing as a viable threat.
"Without the council, we can defeat him," Thor mumbles.
Loki answers with a sarcastic laugh, downing the last shot on the table. "Turning the Council on a veteran member is impossible; especially since we don't have an insight into their ranks.” He gestures to the third floor of SHIELD. "We either lay low and build an army...or surrender while we still can."
You scoff at the two suggestions, rolling your eyes only to balk at the fact that Thor has yet to answer. "You can't seriously be considering this,"  you spit at him. At the answering silence, you slide off his lap to the far end of the couch. If we build an army, we’ll be  forced to outsource outside of New York— and that means making the horseman an even bigger enemy for after the war. Don't even get me started on what these potential ‘allies’ will want.”
"And surrendering is not an option,” is all Thor mumbles, his jaw ticking as he rubs his palms together nervously. "Do we strike a deal?”
You stand abruptly, avoiding Thor’s sorrowful stare as you barely announce that  you’re going to grab more drinks. You don’t want to hear another word of their conversation, but their words echo through your head as you descend the stairs to the first floor. Pushing past bodies, your mind barely registers that you pick up the pace when the bar is within eye-distance.
After ordering your drink of choice, you scrub a hand over your face in an attempt to clear all the thoughts in your head. You have half a mind to try to take out Odin yourself and with your bare hands, but you know everything Loki said was right.
Thor was so close to the finish line. He’d tried so hard to establish his reign separate from his father’s, trying to do better for the people and the misfits that found their way to him. Odin had started to spit on the values of being a Horseman, even towards the end of his reign. He allowed his community to fall and even hung Frigga out to deal with his coming consequences, and Thor got tired of it when it got too close to the people he loved.
Just thinking about the night everything came to a head, and how far you all have come, your eyes unconsciously float to the third floor.
There, you find a glimpse of the very men Thor & Loki spoke about. Tony Stark, Conquest; Steve Rogers, Famine; & Bucky Barnes, Pestilence.To the left of them, you find another group that everyone else in the club seems to have looked over.
Stunning under the multicolored lights, their skin tones are radiant as their tailor made attire fit their body types marvelously. They seem to be keeping to themselves, talking to each other in low tones, while holding themselves differently than the escorts around them.
The Wives.
You take a thoughtful sip of your drink as a glimpse of a thought passes through your brain...and you lie in wait to prove your theory. You don’t have to wait long as a commotion brings your attention back to the Horsemen, and you find Conquest and Pestilence unusually close to each other, tempers flaring.
Pestilence gets shoved back by Famine, and just as things comes to a head, faster than lightning, the Wives are there. Sekhmet Stark’s arms have wrapped around Conquest, Hecate Barnes has the attention of Pestilence solely on her, and Kali Rogers has found Famine’s lips on hers.
And that’s the moment that you knew the solution to your problem--well Thor’s problem. You’re almost vibrating in joy as you down the rest of your drink before going back up to the stairs.
Its surprisingly easy to get up to the third floor--just until you make it to the glass doors that separate the landing from the exclusive section.
Straight ahead, on a raised dias, you see that the Wives have returned to their place, with Sekhmet in the center, Kali to her left, and Cate to her right.
Taking a deep breath, you hold your head high and push the glass doors aside--just to be stopped by a bouncer.
“No walk-ins. Exclusive VIP only.”
You simply raise an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“Exclusive Personnel only,” he repeats.
You flash him a wicked smile and tilt your head to the side, trying to give him as much of a condescending look as you can muster. Satisfaction fills you as the bouncer deflates just slightly. You try your luck as you step forward again, but stopped again. 
“Who are you,” he asks, but the waver in his voice gives him away.
You see your window, and cross your arms while pursing your lips. “I’m going to pretend you didn't ask that and let you go this time around.”
He doesn’t move. “I cant let you in.”
“Really? Fine,” you shrug. “Explain to the Wives why you’re keeping them waiting.”
When the bouncer looks back at the women you mentioned, you know he’s exactly where you want him. “I’m going to have to loop back to you--”
You snap your name impatiently, and he mumbles it back with a nod before walking away. You wait with baited breath, knowing that with this stunt you could either end up with a bullet in your skull or the world at your feet.
Your throat tightens when you catch Sekhmet’s gaze.
When the bouncer makes his way back to you, he looks pale and motions with his head for you to follow him. “I’m so sorry (Y/N),” he says. “Right this way.”
You don’t allow yourself to breathe, even as you walk the short path to where you want to be. You feel curious eyes on you, but you don’t shy away from either of them, and instead hold your head higher as if you’re meant to be there--because you were.
Sekhmet stands when you both reach the Wives, a sharp, gleeful smile on her face as she opens her arms up in expectation. “Darling! Hello, so nice to see you again!” 
The pleasantries continue with all the wives until you’ve sat in the middle of them,  and you know it’s the most dangerous place to be.
When the bouncer walks away, the smiles drop. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Is what Sekhmet demands, her eyes focused solely on you. 
You don’t put down your guard, but you cooly reach for one of the full glasses of drinks on the table before all of you. You take your time taking a sip. “I’m someone who knows who you all are,” you say when you’re ready. 
Hecate simply hums in unamusement. “Are we supposed to be impressed?”
“As if the wives of the most powerful men in new york are a secret,” Kali giggles.
You don’t let their words phase you. You hum back in response. “See I know that you’re the very people who keep New York from burning to the ground.”
A surprised silence follow your statement, before Sekhmet picks up the next words quickly and carefully. “I don’t think I know what you mean,” she smiles. 
You roll your eyes. “Mind you, this is coming from someone who understands just what you hold within your palms.”
The next silence stands longer. Hecate leans in, her hands gripping the couch beneath, her eyes intense as they pour into you. “How do you know you’re right?”
You let a small smile slip, and take another sip before gesturing down to where you can see your husband and Loki still speaking intensely. “Thor. I love him to death,  I really do, and there’s not a heart out there that I wouldn’t rip out for him. He has power, a lot of it, and he's starting to develop quite a hold on New York.”
Kali nods. “Thor Odinson. I’ve heard of him.” She tilts her head to the side, looking out into space. “That New Jersey border deal was ingenious, I’m disappointed a Horseman didn’t execute it.”
Her words get grunts of agreement, and pride swells in your chest, 
“You & I both know that Thor didn’t have a hand in that deal until he showed up the day he needed to,” you giggled, and they stare at you openly. 
“Well shit,” Sekhmet laughs out loud, picking up her own glass.
Before you know it, you’re toasting with the most powerful women in New York, laughing with them and even exchanging high fives.
“I told  y’all a man couldn’t pull that off!” Sekhmet cackles. 
Hecate nods. “It was too good to be true.” 
“We didn’t know he had a wife,” Kali winks. 
Smiling with them, the anxiety in your chest lessens. 
“So what do you need?”
Sekhmet’s words bring back the somber mood, and you laugh nervously.  “What do you mean?
Kali speaks up seamlessly. “Thor is the eldest son of Odin. Odin, the retired horseman of War, who controls the upper parts of New York as the Asgardians. If Thor’s wife has enough pussy to show up uninvited to confront us, you can’t expect us to believe you don't want anything.”
Looking at them all, you decide to lay all your cards out on the table. “Odin is going after Thor.”
No one replies, so you continue.
“Loki & Thor have made amends and their father now sees them as a threat to his empire. He’s going to call on the Horsemen to wage War…” you trail off, cursing internally as they exchange looks. “But by the look on your faces I’m guessing he already has.”
Kali only nods.  “He approached them with a meeting this morning. The old dick had the audacity to pull rank and get me thrown out of the room when I spoke against him.” She takes a deep gulp of her drink, her jaw clenching at the memory.
The hope that allowed you to strut your way into the third floor comes back tenfold. “So you aren’t on his side?”  
“Fuck no,`” Hecate snorts.  “I’ve unfortunately seen every side of that man when he and Brock were on the council together and…” she trails off, her eyes distant. “New York has never seen a darker time. How Frigga stays with him, I’ll never understand.” 
“Even with all the power as she has, he won’t let her leave,” you mumble. The conversation comes at a standstill, but a tense once that allows all of you to look in upon your own relationships--and just how bad it could get. Clearing your throat, you go in. “Don’t support him.”
No one answers you, but you see curiosity glint within the eyes of the Wives.
“Talk to the Horsemen,” you continue, sliding to the edge of your seat. “I know you have more sway than I ever could if I talked to them. Don’t allow them to back Odin, let him hang to dry and I’ll take care of the rest with Thor & Loki.”
Kali is the one who answers you. “Unfortunately, they’re not allowed to just sit this one out. If The Horsemen stand aside when something as big as this happens we’ll look like we’re going soft.”
 “And I swear to you,” you promise lowly. “That any retaliation you face will be borne by Thor & I. On the blood of my heart, I will do anything for you if you step back for this and let us take him down.”
Your heart has crawled into your throat, pulsing so strongly you don’t know if you can breathe. They haven’t said no outright, and you could practically taste the possibilities, taste exactly what you & your husband can achieve--
“On your heart?” Hecate repeats.
You nod sternly. “On my heart.”
Hecate and Kali merely look at Sekhmet. She gives you a thoughtful look, and blinks slowly, tipping her head down slightly. “Seems we have a lot to talk about. Will you give us some space?”
The last question is directed at you, and you can’t help but nod vehemently and stand up. “Of course,” you breathe, walking away.
You bite your lip hard enough to force yourself not to look back.
Sekhi’s eyes roll into the back of her head as she leans back heavily onto the bathroom mirror. Gripping the edge of the counter tightly, a strangled moan rips out of her throat as her husband’s lips wrapped around her clit, sucking at just the right pressure.  Wetness drips down the junction of her thighs, and still Tony takes it all in stride, moaning vulgarly at her sounds. He lets up only slightly to grab Sekhi’s hand to shove it into his hair, and it gives her enough space to remember that she had another objective when she got him alone.
“We--” She moans when his lips reattach and tug his face away from her core. He lets her breath, only to lap at her cum on her inner thighs. “We have to drop Odin,” She finally breathes out.
He only sighs, pausing to give her a quick peck on the skin he was worshipping. “That is not the name I want on your lips right now.” 
“We cant—Tony!--we can’t endorse him for his war.”
With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly gets up and places both his hands on either side of his wife. He leans in and she automatically reciprocates, lips meeting to exchange tastes. When they finally pull away, Tony speaks. “Since you won’t let it go...why the sudden interest in Odin, and betraying him.”
His words unconsciously allow a memory to flash behind Sekhi’s eyes, and she shakes it away just as quickly as it’s come. “You don't…” She tries to find the words before restarting. “I know he welcomed you into the Horsemen and helped you build your empire...but that man who sat in as War is not the same man today. He’s  an ass, too much of a risk, volatile—”
Tony shrugs. “People say the same about me.”
“Tony, you can’t imagine the things he’s done,” is all she snaps back.  “Since he’s retired he’s—”
Her lips run dry as the memory scratches again. Warm palms cup her chin and bring her gaze to meet warm brown eyes flooded with concern. “He’s what? Baby, has he done something?”
Even though his words are soft, you hear the threat behind it. The underlying danger that follows Conquest. Sekhi reaches up and holds his hands in hers, kissing his palm softly. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Tell me—”
After a moment he backs down and nods solemnly. He drops his hands back to their previous position on the counter. “Okay. Say we don’t back him. You know we have to choose a side in this or we’ll look vulnerable.”
“So choose Thor’s.”
Tony stills in thought before stepping closer to his wife. “I’m listening.”
“If we back Thor, Odin doesn’t stand a chance.”
Steve turns over Kali’s words in his head, rubbing her calf that’s been thrown over his lap. He ignores the bustle of the club around him, the quiet corner they’ve found the perfect setting for their conversation.
“He’d be decimated without too much of a fight,” he mumbles.
“Exactly.” Kali leans closer into him, lacing his fingers with hers at her ankles. “We support Thor, and gain his loyalty now...I’ve heard things. Things stirring in the air about him and how powerful he’s becoming. We show that he’s not a threat, that he's on our side—”
“And he immediately isn’t a threat any more. He becomes an ally.”
“Bingo,” Kali smiles brightly. “And, he’s just reconciled with Loki, meaning he’s got one of the biggest minds in the game on his team.”
Steve nods, turning his head to look her in the eyes. “So what you’re saying is we take him into one of our sectors.”
Kali shakes her head. “I’m saying more than that my love.”
Bucky downs his shot before scrubbing a rough hand down his face. “You’re suggesting he becomes a Horseman.”
Hecate nods. 
Bucky can only sigh while pointing his eyes to heaven. “Doll—”
His wife only groans, wrapping her arms around his waist so that he can’t help but absorb him into her. “You’ve never said no to me before, don’t you dare start now.”
Bucky laughs nervously. “I’m not. But think about it, if we turn against Odin, we’re deliberately breaking the laws that say he’s under our constant protection after he’s left the table. If we break them now, there’s no turning back.”
“You won’t be breaking it! You’ll be bending it.” Hecate shines an innocent smile at him, trying to press her nose into his as their foreheads lie together. “The title is merely passing down onto his son--as it should have, had Odin kept his actions honourable. Thor’ll have the loyalty of  Asgard, Frigga, and the men he has now. No one will fault you.”
Bucky doesn’t answer.
He groans. “I get it doll, I do. I’m as fond of that man as you are, but we’d have to have hard evidence that he’s broken our bylaws before we do. And even if we did, swearing in a new horseman is not a decision only I get to make…” Bucky trails off, sighing with a short laugh. “By the look on your face I’m guessing the girls are already on it.”
“Maybe.” Hecate gives her husband a quick peck on his lips, once, twice, until he melts into her. “Just tell me you’re on my side. You’re with me, aren’t you Buck?”
“Yea doll...I’m with you.”
When the bouncer comes down to meet you on the second floor, it takes everything in you to prevent yourself from smiling. You just know. 
As he escorts the three of you onto the third floor of SHIELD, you feel the men beside you tense even as you relax. When the bouncer called you by name, Thor’s eyes haven’t left you. 
“My love,” his deep timber resonates deep within you, caution in his voice. “What’ve you done.”
You meet his gaze levelly. “What needed to be done.”
Your husband doesn’t answer you before staring straight ahead again, the hallways you all turn becoming less and less populated until you find yourself within black marble halls.
“You work quickly,” Loki chuckles lowly in your ear.
“Enough to keep the title of psychotic sister in law?”
He smirks at you. “Seems so.”
The bouncer stops abruptly in front of a heavily bolted door, and after typing in a code it swings open. You lead the way in, but then hang back to grasp onto Thor’s forearm. He allows you to, but he’s tense and you bristle at the fact that he doesn’t respond immediately to your touch.
But the way he angles himself between you and the most powerful mobsters in the room, with the way his fingers flex towards his gun--you know he’s not directly angry at you. 
Sekhmet, Kali and Hecate sit on the opposite side of the room, in a similar set up to the one you infiltrated merely half an hour before. Their faces are nonchalant, but when Sekhemet winks at you, no words can describe the relief and the pure joy that passes through you.
Tony, Steve, & Bucky stand between you and the Wives, and you know you all will fit perfectly.
“Make yourselves comfortable,” Tony says cordially, gesturing towards the couches in front of them. Bucky goes off to the side to pour a drink, and Thor’s eyes trail him carefully. “How do you feel about hypotheticals?” 
Loki takes it upon himself to sit first, and you follow, tugging your husband along. Only when you’re both sitting does he reply. 
“I find them fun to indulge in…” He trails off, grasping the glass that Bucky hands him, not even bothering to take a sip before he sets it down.
“Then indulge with us.” Bucky smiles, and within a blink of an eye everyone has guns pulled out on you. 
The tension in the room is palpable, and Thor stands defensively in front of both you and Loki. The latter presses a small knife into your hand, before standing beside his brother. 
“Let’s say you come in here,” Steve smiles, shrugging casually, his grip on his weapon firm. “As an invited guest of the Horsemen. You have the audacity to not drink the wonderful poison Pestilence has poured for you, so things have to get a little messier than intended.”
Tony is the one who continues. “We’re feeling creative, so we shoot you in the kneecaps, to make you helpless. We shoot your wife between the eyes to make it quick. Your brother, however, we make it slow. “ Thor’s whole body clenches tightly. “We get all the information out of him, about your home base, your arsenal, your men--”
“And then we kill him,” Bucky takes it up. “We let you go. You’re no threat, your empire belongs to us, and the most important people in your life are dead.”
“What would you do about it?” Steve finishes.
Thor stays quiet for a really long time. No one takes their eyes off of him, and he takes his time to look Tony, Steve, and Bucky straight in the eye. You wait with baited breath on just exactly he might do, ready to  fight your way out if needed--if he wanted you to.
It’s when he presses his chest directly against the barrel of Tony’s gun that your breath hitches, and you scoot slightly towards him. 
“I’d leave, and thank you for sparing my life,” Thor answers. “A year down the road, I’d have enough physical therapy to start walking again, with a cane most likely. I’d make it a nice one, lightweight but made of vibranium to give it leverage, with the names of who I lost engraved on the stem. Two years down the road, I have all of your whereabouts, your routines, your dealings, your accounts, all under the sole of my shoe.
“Year three, I let you know I’m co ming. But I make it slow. I take out the men around you, so you know I’m on my way, and when I finally get to you?” Thor steps closer, but Tony keeps his gun steady. “I incapacitate you with the head of my cane, just in the right spots of your kneecaps to make it irreversible. I shoot your girls in between the eyes to make it quick, and I kill Rhodey, Sam & Natasha slowly. For them to give me information I already know. When I’m done with them, I kill you all myself, but make sure to watch the life leave your eyes as your blood pools around my feet. The last bullet I’ll leave for myself.”
The standstill is unbearable. Thor’s confessions hang heavily within the air, and it doesn’t dissipate when Tony puts his gun away, the others following suit. 
“Gosh, you’re morbid,” he chuckles. “And three years? Seems a little tedious.”
Everyone goes back to casual stances around the room, but Thor stays clenched in the same spot. Loki looks at him warily, and you notice the way the others see that he hasn’t calmed down.
You get up from your spot on the couch, dragging your hand across the back of his waist leisurely. That simply action causes him to deflate, and he watches you walk over to the Wives, who have a drink ready for you. 
“Personally, I think their smartest plan was getting rid of me,” you declare, and laughs that resonate through the room.
“Getting rid of you? I was the one that they kept around for information,” Loki challenges.
“Mmm, maybe. But obviously they killed the biggest threat first.”
Thor looks at you fondly as everyone laughs again, watching you toast with Sekhmet, Kali & Hecate. 
“As pleasant as this exchange has been,” he says, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Is there a reason you brought me here besides to threaten my wife and my brother?”
Kali nudges you on the shoulder, and you take the sign to walk up to him slowly. He presses you into him immediately, and watches as Tony approaches him with a glass of gin. 
When Thor gives it a side glance, he merely rolls his eyes and takes a sip before handing it over. Your husband takes it gladly, but just before he’s about to take a sip, Tony’s words stop him. 
“How do you feel about becoming a Horseman?”
Tags: @angelmashelle​ @fuckinglittlekitten​ @youngdreamer3214​ @rose-bliss​ @amethyst09​ 
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Stalker much?
Warnings: swearing
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x reader
AN: holy crap I just realized I’ve been working on this one since like June 😂😂 anyway, hope you guys like itttttttt!!
You stretch out lazily on the sofa in the living room of stark tower, watching a movie with the rest of the Avengers minus the infamous god of thunder, your head resting on Steve’s lap.
“You know I’m not a pillow, right y/n?” He asks with a teasing but playful smile.
You shrug slightly. “But if not, why are you so comfortable?” You counter. He laughs in surrender and the both of you turn your attention back to the screen but not before noticing the grins on Natasha and Buckys faces at your friendship.
The crew pays attention to the movie and all is peaceful until the door slams open and reveals an irritated looking Thor.
Everyone scrambles to get up and find out what’s wrong, Steve moving your head and ushering a quick apology as he does so, but that question is quickly answered when in walks the god of Mischief himself.
Unfazed by their arrival, you remain lounging on the couch, closing your eyes in an attempt to regain the previous calm.
That is until you feel a pair of prying eyes resting on you. Slowly, you open your eyes one at a time and find Loki staring at you curiously.
“Hi?” You say, remaining in your relaxed position.
“Hello there.” He says with a devilish smirk. He seems to be analyzing your every move.
You brush some strands of your y/h/c hair out of your face and peer back up at him confidently.
“Who exactly are you?” You ask, knowing it would push his buttons.
He gives you a puzzled look, the smirk still in its place on his face. “I am Loki of Asgard, the god of mischief.” He says with a strained and obviously annoyed laugh.
“Well Loki of Asgard, the god of mischief, I’m y/n of earth, the god(dess) of... well the god(dess) of nothing really but it would be cool to be a god(dess).” You respond with a smile.
“Quite the cheeky Midgardian aren’t you?” He says with a genuine laugh.
Feeling slightly uneasy, you sit up.
“I have no clue what that means but yeah I am.” You reply. He remains staring at you in curiousity.
“It’s what Asgardians call the people of earth.” Thor interrupts, causing Loki’s smirk to be quickly replaced by a grimace of sorts.
“Ohhh. Ok.” You reply simply.
Before Loki can ask anymore questions or say anything more about you, you stand up and make your way into the kitchen.
Once you’ve opened the fridge, you grab a bottle of water and go to close the door again.
“Hello again.” A voice says and you jump about seven feet in the air.
Loki smirks at your surprise and you send a glare his way.
“What the fuck?! Are you following me?” You ask, smiling sarcastically at him.
“I find you fascinating.” He smirks again, ignoring your question and you give him a pointed look.
“And I find you annoying. Now shoo.” You argue, your patience for the god clad in green wearing thin.
“Hm well I am good at that.” He smiles a bit. For a minute you think he’s going to teleport himself or whatever it is that he does somewhere else but he stays put, leaning against the doorframe and blocking your way out.
“Move or be moved mischief boy.” You say, your mouth set in an aggravated line.
“Oh I would quite like to see how you manage to do that.” He replies with another smirk settling on his own lips.
You glare at him, remaining unamused.
“That’s enough Loki.” Thor commands from behind his brother, causing Loki’s face to contort into yet another grimace. He cursed him quietly and then shot you a charming smile before moving aside.
“Was that so hard?” You ask loudly before going into the living room, not so much as looking Loki’s way to see his reaction.
The next morning, you find yourself up at the crack of dawn, unable to continue sleeping. You watch the sun making it’s way up into the sky for a moment before padding your way to the kitchen, tucking stubborn strands of your hair behind your ears as you go.
With a yawn, you enter the kitchen and stumble in surprise, quickly caught in another’s arms.
“Goodmorning darling.” Loki says with a smirk, his blue eyes glistening in the early morning light.
Slapping his arms away, you stand up on your own two feet and clear your throat.
“What are you doing up so early?” You ask, turning away towards the coffee maker in attempt to show your disinterest.
Much to your dismay, it didn’t work.
“I could not sleep. Too much going on inside my head.” He explains with the irritating smirk plastered to his face.
You pretend you didn’t hear him as you pour a cup of coffee for yourself.
Truthfully you had nothing personally against him but you’d heard stories and you’d been there when he tried to take over the world so you were really skeptical about trusting him or talking to him even.
“What is that concoction?” He asks curiously, nodding to the mug held in your hands. You look back at him wide eyed.
“You don’t have coffee on Asgard?” You ask with a laugh.
He smirks again. “We do I just wanted to hear you speak to me at least once.” He purrs and you glare.
“I speak to you. You just got here.” You say as an excuse, shrugging.
“No no. You shoo me away and try to end the conversation. That is not the same as speaking to me darling.” He corrects you.
“My name isn’t darling by the way.” You mutter as you take a sip.
“Well I haven’t caught your real one yet so what am I supposed to call you?” He smirks, leaning against the doorframe.
With a sigh, you glance over at him. “It’s y/n. Y/n y/l/n.” You tell him.
“Y/n. Perfectly suits you little minx.” He purrs and you resist the blush rising in your cheeks at the sound of the way your name rolls out of his mouth as though it was supposed to be there all along.
“Well now you know it so you can stop calling me these nicknames.” You say more harsh than you meant to.
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Loki replies with a shrug and yet another smirk.
Before you can reply, he’s moving to leave the room.
“See you around minx.” He says flirtatiously before stepping out of the room, leaving you to your own thoughts.
As you step into your office, you shut the door and turn around to go to your desk, instead immediately shrieking.
There, sitting in your chair with his feet up on his desk, is once again the god of mischief.
Though you knew he liked to trail you around, this was the first time in the months he’d been doing it that he had shown up at your workplace. You did enjoy his company more than you cared to admit, however it was very surprising and terrifying when he just popped up anywhere.
“Good god! Do you just have all of my schedule marked in that brain of yours?!” You hiss, a hand over your racing heart.
He chuckles at your surprise once again. “Parts of it, yes.” He admits shamelessly.
“You do realize this is a place of work right? Fury won’t appreciate you interrupting his employees.” You warn him. He rolls his eyes.
“Fury can live with a little intrusion I’m sure.” He waves off the warning, leaning back in your chair. You march over, ushering him out of your seat.
“Well I have work to do, reports to make. Not all of us can be gods.” You mutter, turning to your computer screen in order to busy yourself.
As you type, he watches over your shoulder curiously. After a few minutes of this, you spin around, this time surprising him. ‘Good’ you think to yourself with a smirk.
“Did you need something? Don’t you have things to do today? Or any of the other days you come to bother me?” You ask, obviously annoyed. The easy smirk returns to his face, irritating you.
“No not particularly. I am all yours actually.” He says, leaning against the wall.
“Lucky me.” You mutter angrily, turning back to your screen.
“Do I truly annoy you that much?” He asks with a small laugh, looking at you in disbelief.
Sighing, you turn back to face him.
“No. Not really. Work just makes me extra prickly.” You admit and he frowns in concern. You look at him, confused. You’d never seen him concerned about anyone.
He shakes his head a bit, trying to get rid of his feeling of sympathy. “Do you just do paperwork or do you have some sort of special ability I have yet to see?” He asks, taking a seat across from you.
“I do a lot of paperwork but no. I’m actually technically one of the Avengers, though no one seems to notice.” You mutter bitterly. “I have powers almost like Wandas. She controls minds and I’m somehow able to control the elements.” You explain.
“Interesting. Show me.” He insists and you sigh, getting up and grabbing a mug off of the shelf against your office wall and walking out to the water fountain just outside your office. You return and set down the mug and sit back down, causing Loki to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Just- stay quiet so I don’t lose focus. I don’t do this for entertainment purposes most of the time.” You explain briefly and he nods, gesturing with his hand for you to continue.
You focus your gaze on the mug of water and at your wordless command, the water inside starts floating slowly out of the cup. Loki watches in amazement as you send it flying around the room a few times and finally bring it to a halt above his head.
“Wait y/n-“ he starts as he realizes what you’re doing.
With a smirk, you drop your concentration and in return lose control of the water, snickering as it splashes all over Loki.
“As a trickster I am impressed.” He says with a small smirk. “However, as a person who is now soaking wet, I am annoyed.” He adds, the smirk growing into a devilish and plotting one.
Your face falls to a frown as you realize what you’d just done. “I only did it as payback for you following me so much lately.” You say as an excuse and he laughs a bit.
“Well now you have more than me following you around a bit to worry about.” He says mischievously. You let out a loud sigh and he chuckles.
“I suppose I deserve whatever I get then.” You sigh again.
“Yes. Yes you do.” He agrees, moving even closer to you.
Out of reflex, you back away a bit quickly.
“Are you done following me now then?” You ask, smoothing down your outfit to distract yourself from your practically vibrating nerves.
“Oh does it bother you? Perhaps I should do it more often?” He teases a bit, moving to the other side of your desk.
“Oh good god please no.” You groan and he laughs.
For a few more moments, neither of you say anything, both fine with the peaceful silence that had taken over the room. You tapped keys on the keyboard of your laptop furiously while Loki toyed with the knickknacks on your desk.
“Have you, by chance, ever wondered why I follow you so much?” He asks out of the blue, keeping his eyes on the thing in his hand rather than on you.
“I mean... I guess I may have? Why do you ask?” You respond curiously.
“Forget it. It is actually quite humiliating I must admit.” He mutters shyly, avoiding your eyes.
You shift your gaze from your screen to his face and that’s all it takes for your curiosity to take over fully.
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be Loki. You can tell me, if you like.” You offer, forcing your gaze to soften from its hard and concentrated expression.
“Alright...” He agrees, still sounding unsure as he clears his throat.
“I suppose... it may be possible that I fancy you a bit more than I may have let on.” He murmurs, his face going a bright shade of pink.
“No! Really?” You ask in a mock shock. He rolls his eyes as you giggle to yourself, his mouth set in a line.
“I am being serious y/n.” He groans, finally looking up to meet your y/e/c eyes with his own.
“I know you are. You showed up at my favourite coffee shop at the same time as me last week, happened to be visiting my favourite bookstore when I was there the week before and you’ve been trailing around me everywhere for months. It’s kind of easy to take a hint from that.” You giggle, smiling sweetly over at him.
He blushes an even deeper crimson, avoiding your eyes again.
“Of course you knew.” He sighs, chuckling to himself. “You are definitely intelligent enough to have figured it out.” He adds with a charismatic grin.
“You know, you didn’t have to stalk me to tell me you have a little crush. You could’ve just told me.” You respond, brushing more strands of hair out of your face.
He lets out a groan of frustration. “I was afraid. I believed you would never return the feelings.” He admits. “Me, an Asgardian god afraid of mere mortal feelings.” He scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Mere mortal?” You question teasingly.
“No. That is not- in no way was that- I did not mean it in that way.” He responds quickly, obviously kind of flustered.
You giggle a little bit, smiling over at him. “I was kidding.” You inform him, laughing even more as he shakes his head.
“Good. I do not see you as a mere mortal, no matter how mortal you may be y/n.” He promises, holding your hand in his own.
“Good. Because I... I see you as more than just some stalker too.” You admit.
He lets out a sigh, quickly going around the desk and helping you out of your chair, pulling you into his arms, your back to his chest.
“I have been waiting to tell you that for far too long.” He whines into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Took you long enough.” You say with a smirk, tilting your head up enough to see him.
He quickly spins you around to face him, your face only a few inches from his own.
Not able to take it anymore, you close the distance, pressing your lips onto his hungrily.
He hums in approval, deepening the kiss.
“Still afraid of your feelings?” You ask as you pull away.
He laughs, still holding your hand in his own.
“No I most certainly am not.” He responds, holding you close to him.
“Good.” You giggle, going back over to your desk. He whines a little in protest, making you laugh a little more.
“Can’t believe it took you so long to tell me. I was starting to wonder if it was true or if you were just stalking me.” You tease, tapping at the keyboard.
He scoffs a little. “I assure you, it was only because I was not courageous enough to ask a fine beauty like yourself to dinner.” He laughs as your blush deepens and your eyes go wide at the compliment.
You quickly recover, smirking to yourself as a plan comes to mind.
“Well then, pick me up at the compound at 5:00 Mischief boy.” You order, going over to give him a kiss. Before he can ask any questions or say a word, you use your wind manipulation powers to blow him out of the office, giggling to yourself at the sounds of his protests when you let the door shut on his face.
You quickly return to your work, daydreaming about your upcoming date the entire day long.
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dragoqueen · 3 years
5 Times Bucky Helped out Peter + 1 Time Peter Returned the Favor
Summary: Peter may or may not be one of the best procrastinators there is. Which leads to some tricky situations when he has patrol late in the night and school in the morning. Luckily, Bucky is there to help him out. 
Words: 1790
Alright, so maybe procrastinating on his homework by going on patrol wasn’t the best idea when he had a 3 page paper on WWII due the next day. But, in his defense, he had already created a plan for it. The thing could practically write itself at this point, and if only it could. The real problem was that he left it on his desk, and he didn’t remember half of it.
So here he was, sitting at his desk in the dark, with a single lamp on, a large mug of coffee to his right, and a computer with a blank google doc pulled up, the blinking cursor reminding him of every second gone to waste of him not getting any work done. His eyes were dry from staring at the screen for a good half an hour, and he was about ready to give up and just accept the terrible grade.
Suddenly, a noise from the hallway pulls his attention away from the computer. Footsteps slowly approach his room, though his spidey sense doesn't alert him of any danger. A mental arm slides through the cracked doorway and slowly the rest of the door opens to reveal Bucky, blinking from the sudden exposure to light. Peter quickly turns the brightness on his computer down before turning back to the man who had already taken a seat on the bed. “What are you doing up so late?” he asks gruffly, though Peter can sense the well-meaning-ness behind the question. 
“Forgot I had a paper due tomorrow. It’s kinda important, can’t miss it.” he answers. 
“You know you’re supposed to do that kind of stuff over time, properly. That way it turns out nice. What’s the paper over?”
“World War Two heroes.”
He lets out a soft snort, “well that should be pretty easy. You have two of us living with you.”
“Yeah, but all of my research is currently sitting in my desk at school and this is due tomorrow! It’s going to take at least a few hours to write this.”
“Peter, you can’t be doing this. A growing boy like you needs his rest. Especially you, being a growing spiderling and all.”
“I know. I’m sorry if I woke you up, I’m just trying to get this done as quietly as possible. I already made a cup of coffee to keep me up so I should be fine, and I promise I’ll go to bed when I’m done if you want to go back to sleep.”
“No. I’ll help you. Research will take too long, I’ll provide information and fuel. Stay here.”
Bucky stands up, ruffling Peter’s hair before exiting the room. Peter awkwardly sits there, his chair angled towards the doorway, as he waits for Bucky to return. He’s just barely fighting against sleep when he hears Bucky’s footsteps approaching the room. Ha makes an attempt to sit up more, but decides to just prop his head up with one hand. 
Bucky pov
Bucky gives the kid a smile when he sees him. He was super adorable, and was definitely worth protecting. He’d pulled plenty of all-nighters before, mostly just from nightmares and his body refusing to sleep. His mind always returns back to his time in the army and with HYDRA. He’d only told Steve about these nightmares, and typically they’d get through it together. Especially since Steve had trouble sleeping as well after being frozen in the ice for so long. However, Steve hadn’t been up when Bucky’s body refused sleep, and he’d seen the light in the baby spider’s room. One thing led to another and here he was, handing him a large pitcher of ice water, a cup, and a plate containing four ham and turkey sandwiches cut into triangle halves. 
“Here’s the deal. You’re going to work and I’ll answer any questions that you have. If you finish at a reasonable time, I’ll make you a huge breakfast in the morning as a celebration. What hero did you choose? Steve… Peggy…?” 
“Oh, actually Mr. Winter Soldier White Wolf Bucky Barnes, sir. I chose to write about you.”
“Me…” Bucky’s baffled. He hadn’t viewed himself as a hero in the slightest. Especially with all of the Winter Soldier… stuff. Even during the war he was more of a sidekick than anything. One of “Captain America’s” many accomplices. The kid was sweet though. “I… okay. I guess helping you with this thing is going to be easier than I thought. Umm… What kind of information do you need, kid?” 
“One paragraph has to be general information about your life before the war, like where were you born, where did you go to school, what was your childhood like, etc. The second one has to be what was your contribution to the war, what you were mots known for, etc. And then the third one is about your affect on others and our everyday life, which is more based on me than research I need for you. All and all, pretty easy. Especially with your help, Mr. Bucky Barnes, sir. My research hadn't resulted in a lot of stuff because it's a "controversial topic at school," the kid actually used air quotes. He's so precious. "But, I did you anyway because you're really cool and more people need to realize it. Sorry if I ranted a bit there."
“It’s fine kid. Like you said, this shouldn’t be too hard. Also, you can just call me Bucky.”
“Alright Mr. Bucky. Let’s get started? I can just write down the information I need and then you can go to sleep-”
“Nope, we’re in this together. I’m staying up as long as you are so better get started.”
“Oh… alright then. I’m going to write a quick thesis and then maybe ask you a few questions based on the different paragraphs, if that’s all right?”
“Perfectly fine, kid.”
Peter writes out a quick thesis he’d been mulling over as he’d stared at the blank screen for so long. He thought it actually wasn’t half bad. Then, he begins filling in information on Mr. Barnes’ (he was still planning on calling him that in his head) childhood, adding in a few fillers here and there to make the essay fit the guidelines. Every once and a while he’ll take a long gulp of water or take a bite of one of the sandwiches. They were really good.
By the time the kid has gotten to his conclusion paragraph, he’s nearly fallen asleep multiple times, and the plate of food has long gone, though Bucky had continued to keep the pitcher full for the kid, despite his reassurance that he didn’t need it. Like heck he did. Finally, kid types the last sentence and turns it in, slumping over his desk on top of the recently closed laptop. Bucky chuckles, and grabs the dishes from the desk, assuming the kid would move to the bed by himself. Once he’s returned to make sure he’s asleep, the kid’s passed out, still over the desk. Bucky picks the kid up and moves him to the bed, Peter only letting out a small sigh in his sleep as protest. He pulls the covers over him before closing the doors behind him, moving back to his own room after finally feeling tired. 
Steve’s sitting at the edge of his bed when he returns, looking slightly worried. He grins when he sees his husband return, scooting over to allow him to sit down. “Sorry I wasn’t up, you know you could’ve woke me up, right?”
“I know. But I didn’t want to disturb you. After all, you looked so peaceful,” he teases. “And anyway, the kid was still up doing an assignment.”
“He get it finished?”
“Yeah, helped him a bit. Gonna have to make him breakfast in the morning as a reward.”
“Well aren’t you the parent.”
“Shut it punk. I want to sleep.”
“Alright.” They both return to the bed and end up passing out almost instantly. 
Bucky wakes up first the next morning, surprised to get some of the best sleep he’s gotten in a while. As promised, Bucky makes a large meal, fit for the endless void of food that was caused from the family of spies, gods, super soldiers, and other assorted bottomless pits. For the rest of them he whips up some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. However, for Peter he makes a couple of chocolate-drizzled croissants (a favorite of the spiderling) a chocolate flavored smoothie (with a bit of coffee mixed in for energy), and a small bowl of assorted fruits. 
Soon after the foot is done the team begins to trickle in at their own pace. Pepper and Natasha are up first, having breakfast together with a cup of coffee before moving off to their assorted morning duties. Sam, Clint, and the twins appear shortly after, fighting over the biggest pancakes like children. In the middle of it Steve appears, giving his husband a kiss on the cheek before sitting in between the two squabbling children. Sam and Clint give one last glare to each other before settling with the food on their plates. Tony and Bruce were at a science convention meeting, so they were currently at a hotel in Washington. Strange had taken a visit to Kamar-Taj, so he too was absent from their breakfast.  And Thor, Loki, and Carol were all off-world. 
Finally, the spiderling made an appearance, solidifying his child-like being by rubbing his eyes with his fist, blinking into the chaos of the morning. FRIDAY automatically dimmed the lights as he walked in, alerting everyone of his presence. Various greetings were exchanged as he sat down at their abnormally large table for his breakfast. He looks at Bucky curiously, to confirm that his breakfast would be a satisfying reward, his eyes growing bigger than they had thought humanly possible when the tray of food was set before him. “Wow, thank you Mr. Bucky. You really didn’t have to do this!”
“Hey! How come the kid gets a special breakfast?” Clint complains.
“Because the kid actually works hard for things in life, and this is a reward for him. Now eat up Peter, Happy will be here to pick you up in about 20 minutes.”
Peter nods his thanks before digging into the meal. It tastes even better than he could have imagined and by the time Happy comes to pick him up, he’s eaten it all and feels fresh and prepared for the coming school day. 
When he returns from school he happily tells everyone in the tower of how his teacher really enjoyed his WWII essay and had him read it aloud, which earns himself a proud smile from Bucky. 
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Loki Odinson’s Guide on How to Woo a Noble
Chapter 2: The Feeling of Friendship
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Now that Loki made a good first impression, you became fast friends. Determined to get a day out of the palace, you and Loki sneak into the nearby village for some fun. Warnings: fluff, fluff, and fluff (did I mention fluff?) A/N: Just more young Loki and his crush. There’s references to the first chapter in this, but I realized you could probably read it as a oneshot if you really wanted. Anyway, one more chapter to go in my first attempt at a miniseries. As always, my lovely readers, I hope you enjoy :) Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
About a month after that night in the gardens, Loki once again found himself brooding in a tree. This time, however, it had nothing to do with you. Odin had left earlier that morning for a diplomatic mission to Alfheim, taking only one of his sons with him. Needless to say, it wasn’t Loki. The young god couldn’t fathom his father’s decision to bring Thor and not him when his brother was so reckless and brutish. Deep down, Loki knew it was because the Allfather was grooming his eldest to take the throne, but it wasn’t fair. Loki was still in the running to become king, but he’d never win if he wasn’t given the same opportunities as that oaf.
Loki sighed. He was aware of the fact that it wasn’t Thor’s fault he’d been left behind, but he still felt angry at his brother. After all, it was doubtful he spoke up on Loki’s behalf. With nothing else to do, Loki began to practice the latest spell his mother had taught him. Focusing on the energy in the air, he pictured what he wanted to happen. One deep breath later, he’d successfully produced a ball of light in his hand, a trick that would be useful the next time he was sneaking around in the servant passages. The next part was considerably harder to accomplish as it required much more control, but Loki was determined to feel like he was good at something. Slowly, he produced the desired effect, and the light began to pulse in his hands.
“Hey, Loki! Come down here!” you called, pulling him from his fixation on his spell and causing the light to fade away.
“Hello,” he replied, swinging off the branch he was seated on with impressive agility. “How did you know where to find me?”
“Simple. I just followed the pulsating ball of light. Not to mention you seem to have a thing for sitting in trees.”
You both laughed at that, and he felt a light blush color his cheeks. After the stargazing, Loki assumed that you’d be friendly to him when you passed each other in the halls of the palace, but was pleasantly surprised when it went beyond that. You’d begun to actively seek him out and, sure enough, had found him in a tree quite a few times. He wasn’t exactly sure when that habit started. He just knew that it was one of the best places to avoid people. Luckily, you happened to look up often. Or, perhaps, you were specifically searching for him among the twisted branches. Either way, the fact that you initiated conversations gave Loki the confidence to do the same. Soon, walks in the garden became a weekly occurrence. He was certain no one else knew yet, for if they did, it would surely be the subject of much gossip. Not to say that you were actually courting each other, though. It was merely friendship.
“Fair enough, I suppose. Where are you going?” he inquired, noticing the cloak you wore over suspiciously casual clothing.
“I think the better question is where are we going?”
“Ok, fine. You still haven’t answered the question, though,” he persisted as you started off down the path.
“Into town, obviously. Which reminds me, you’ll be needing this.”
You pulled out another cloak from a satchel that was hidden by the flowing cashmere fabric of your own. You were met with a hesitant look from Loki when you held it out to him.
“Are you sure about this? It seems ill-advised that we go out unaccompanied. Besides, that might clash with my outfit,” he mused, examining the cloak.
“Relax. We’ll be fine,” you reassured him. “Plus, the whole point is that we’ll look inconspicuous. No one will even notice what you’re wearing. Not to mention you look good in anything.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth once the words you’d just said registered in your mind. Though you hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud, it was exactly the push Loki needed to agree. Anyway, he never could resist a chance to stir up a little mischief. Walking side-by-side, the two of you made sure to stay quiet as to avoid detection from someone who could stop your plans. Eventually, you reached the wall surrounding the palace, but much to Loki’s confusion, not the part where the gate was.
“You are aware that there is no exit here, correct?” he inquired, though he was certain that you had some trick up your sleeve.
“Haha, very funny. This is where you come into play. Can you magic us out of here?”
Loki frowned for two reasons. For one, he wasn’t confident enough in his ability to get one person to the other side, let alone two. For another, what if that was the only reason you’d invited him to tag along? Not only would that mean you didn’t actually want his company, but he was also positive he’d let you down.
“If that is the only reason you have asked me to come along, I apologize, but I will have to disappoint you. Teleportation is not exactly my strong suit,” he admitted, eyes locked on the ground.
“Loki, gosh, I thought you knew. I seek you out because I like spending time with you. If you’re really not comfortable using your magic, that’s ok,” you consoled him as you stepped closer. “We can figure something else out. I do believe in you, though. All you have to do is get us to the other side of the wall, not into the village or anything like that.”
Loki bit his lip and stole a quick glance at you. He felt ashamed that he’d let his insecurities show to you, of all people. But, ignoring that for a minute, it felt good to hear you say you enjoyed his companionship. And you believed in him and his ability, which was another rare thing. Now, he had practiced teleportation before with some success. Well, that is, if you could count moving two inches as success. The wall before him was, what, nine maybe ten feet? Then he’d have to add an extra foot or two to ensure a safe landing. You were looking at him expectantly, already forming a plan in your mind in case you had to get past the guards.
“I can do it,” Loki decided, shaking out his doubts and squaring his shoulders.
“Perfect!” you squealed in delight. “Ok, let’s do this.”
“Just a couple of things if this is going to work. We need to stand as close to the wall as possible. And well, um, we are going to have to hold hands,” he added sheepishly.
“Oh! I-I mean, yeah. Of course. If that’s uh, a thing that has to happen then, sure. Yeah,” you rambled and looked away as you offered him your hand.
Once you interlocked fingers, Loki grinned at the familiar feeling. It took him right back to that perfect night that had led to this moment. Though he never knew why, Loki had always run on the cold side, so the warmth emanating from your palm was extremely welcome. He offered you a shy smile, which you returned with an encouraging one. He shut his eyes and furrowed his brows. You were careful not to make a noise, understanding the intense concentration he’d need to accomplish this task, something that he appreciated.
Loki started just as his mother had taught him, picturing the place he was trying to get to. He imagined the lush, green grass on the other side of the obstacle keeping you from your destination. Next, he focused on the distance he needed to travel. Once he had a clear image in his mind, the young god took a deep breath and prepared to complete his most impressive feat to date. That is, if he could actually accomplish it. A gentle feeling of wind passed by him, accompanied by the tingling sensation of his magic.
“Loki! You did it,” you cheered, pulling your hand away from his to throw a hug around his shoulders.
He slowly opened his eyes and embraced you, too. Now that he’d succeeded, he allowed himself to acknowledge the fact that, had he messed up, you could both be dead right now. Needless to say, the thought caused him to shake a little. That was soon replaced, though, when he realized that you were still hugging each other. You must have also noticed because you pulled away and nervously shifted your weight from side to side.
“We should probably get going now,” you said, starting to walk in the direction of the village.
Loki nodded and followed you with a dorky grin on his face. He was starting to be thankful that his father left him in Asgard. Unfortunately, remembering that did sour his mood, but he did his best to hide it. After all, he didn’t want to ruin his time with you. He’d almost entirely forgotten about it by the time you reached the houses on the edge of town. The two of you pulled up the hoods of your cloaks and joined the flow of people in the streets. That was when Loki realized he had no idea what exactly you planned on doing here.
“Well, what now?” he whispered to you, eyes shifting from side to side, expecting to be caught any second.
“Now, we shop! And don’t look so nervous, we’ll be fine.”
Eyes shining with excitement, you grabbed Loki by the wrist and pulled him into the busy marketplace. For once in his life, Loki decided to relax and enjoy himself. Besides, it’s not like anyone would be paying attention to him. As far as they knew, he was just another common kid running around. Granted, he might look a little more lost than anyone else milling in the streets. From the way you expertly navigated in the crowd, Loki could tell this was not the first time you’d been here. It wouldn’t surprise him if you also snuck out when your family spent time in your manor, which was even closer to the village than the palace was.
There were many potent perfumes and scented oils at the booths of the market square, filling the air with their heavenly aromas. They were starting to make Loki’s head feel a little foggy by the time you finally paused in front of a stall that sold candles, examining their wares. You were tapping your chin with the most adorable contemplative look on your face. The way the light was glimmering in your eyes completely transfixed Loki for a minute before he regained his senses and pointedly looked away before you could catch him staring. It was then that an item at the next booth over grabbed his attention.
“I will just be over there for a second,” he informed you, pointing at his destination.
“Ok, I’ll be done here in a minute. Don’t get lost without me,” you teased.
After squeezing through the mob of people that separated the two booths, Loki stopped and got the attention of the clerk.
“I would like that bracelet please, my good sir,” he said, gesturing to the one he wanted.
It was a thin gold band that, upon closer inspection, was designed as a snake with its tail in its mouth. A single emerald that served as the eye of the serpent was set in the medal. It was as if it was made for the sole purpose of Loki being able to present it to you. Unfortunately, the salesman did not share the same point of view.
“I’m sure you would, sonny, but how ’bout we find something more in your price range.”
He laughed then and gestured to the brightly colored, obviously cheap jewelry made of beads and string. Loki became indignant at the comment. Not only did this man think he’d be gormless enough to ask for something he couldn’t afford, but he also indicated that Loki had poor taste by suggesting he would like such an ostentatious accessory that was only fit for children and street performers. It took all his energy not to place a hex on him or reveal himself as a prince of Asgard. Instead, he quickly eyed the price tag and then emptied a pouch of gold coins that had enough money and then some.
“Believe me, it is, what was it you said? Oh yes, ‘in my price range.’”
Between the haughty, mocking tone of voice Loki used and the seemingly endless bag of riches, the clerk was left standing with his mouth agape. He eagerly inspected the coins, wanting them to be real but not quite believing it. Satisfied that he wasn’t being duped, and having no good reason to accuse Loki otherwise, the man handed over the bracelet in an ornate box.
“Will that be all, sir?” he asked, still not entirely trusting what just happened.
“Yes. Thank you,” Loki replied, pleased with the new respect in the man’s tone.
Spying you working your way through the throng, he went to meet you halfway. Based on your empty hands, it seemed that you’d decided not to purchase anything after all. On account of how noisy your surroundings were, Loki decided to wait until you’d made your way out of the market to present his gift to you.
“So, what did you get?” you questioned once it was quiet enough.
“Well, it is for you, actually.”
Loki opened the box and showed you the trinket. Now that he’d done it, there was no taking it back, but he suddenly became very self-conscious. Was it even appropriate for him to get you a gift if you were not courting? He was sure that his tutors would disapprove, but it was just hindsight now, and there was simply nothing he could do. The worst part, though, was that you’d yet to say anything. Rather, you were just standing there with a surprised look decorating your features.
“Of course you do not have to accept it if you do not like it,” Loki added somewhat dejectedly. “Or for any other reason, either.”
“Loki,” you breathed out in a soft voice. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”
The sincerity in your eyes chased away any lingering doubt he still had. Carefully, he picked up the bracelet and slid it onto your outstretched wrist. It was a perfect fit, and Loki’s skin tingled with magnetic energy from where it brushed yours. For a minute, neither of you said anything and instead just got lost in the other’s eyes. And then you were interrupted by a growl from your stomach.
“I, um, I guess I’m hungry. You?” you stammered, sheepishly fidgeting.
“Absolutely famished,” he replied, hoping to alleviate some of your embarrassment. “Well, I suppose we should be heading back to the palace then.”
“Are you kidding me? The best food is right here in town! Come on, I’ll show you.”
With that, you were once again bobbing and weaving through the crowds. Finally, you came to a cart emitting a delicious scent. After a short wait on line, you ordered some laufabrauð and urrädla for you and Loki to share. The crispy, fried dough treats were light and delightful on the tongue. Loki hummed in joy at the pleasurable taste.
“See, what did I tell you?”
“Well, it is delicious, I’ll give you that. But better than what is served at the palace? I think you are crazy,” he said with a friendly laugh.
“Maybe. But you like crazy, don’t you, God of Mischief?” you teased right back.
Loki once again found himself blushing. He hoped you did not know too well just how right you were. At least, when it was applied to you. The clever remark Loki was preparing died on his tongue as he noticed a pair of royal guards approaching where you stood. You looked over your shoulder, following his gaze, and saw them, too.
“It’s probably fine,” you said. “They’re just walking in this general direction, right?”
“Perhaps,” he responded, though something about their urgent gait did not sit right with him.
The Einherjar were doing their best to avoid looking at the pair of young nobles but kept glancing at you to make sure you hadn’t bolted. Unfortunately for them, you both noticed, and with a small nod to each other, you took off, trying to lose them in the crowds. Though Loki had received training for battle, even his nimble feet couldn’t keep up with yours,  experienced in traveling the busy streets. When you noticed he was falling behind, you seized his hand without thinking about it. Sadly, it did more harm than good because Loki couldn’t focus on his footing when your fingers were interlocked with his.
Finally, you found a stack of boxes to hide behind. You dove down, pulling Loki behind you. Thinking you’d lost the guards, you both dared to peek out to make sure. After identifying their retreating forms, you and Loki descended into a fit of giggles. Unfortunately, you were too busy laughing to notice the figure approaching you.
“What are you two doing away from the palace? Running around unsupervised, no less.”
Your chuckles came to an abrupt stop. Looking up, you saw Heimdall standing over you, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Loki was pretty sure that was a rhetorical question, and that he’d be in deep trouble even if it wasn’t. You shot him a concerned look to which he responded with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Oh, wow. You’re right. This isn’t the palace,” you ventured, playing dumb. “Did you notice, Loki?”
“I had absolutely no idea! How confounding, don’t you agree?”
You nodded along, saying, “Indeed. Well, I suppose we should be heading back, now. Thank you, Heimdall, for alerting us.”
You and Loki started heading back in the direction of the palace, though neither of you actually had the intention of returning yet. You’d already started quietly giggling between yourselves, but it was cut off by a loud, exasperated sigh from the all-seeing god.
“It is no problem at all. Since we are all returning to the palace, we can walk together.”
You and Loki had no choice but to agree, and so you sullenly started your walk back, for real this time. The young prince was beginning to be annoyed by having his time with you cut short. It happened far too often, in his opinion. When he risked a glance at you, though, you were smiling.
“Don’t look so upset,” you whispered, elbowing him in the side. “I still had a good time.”
“Me too. And,” he whispered back, lowering his voice even further, “I rather think that we will have to do this again.”
You nodded, eyes lighting up in excitement. It made Loki’s heart flutter in his chest. The whispering continued all the way back to the palace. Once you’d reentered the gates, Lupus came running up to you.
“Hi boy!” you greeted the wolf pup, bending down to pet him. “Did you miss me?”
Loki bent down to pat your pet on the head, which was met with a lick on his face. He sputtered as Lupus’s tongue caught him right on the mouth, earning a laugh from you. It was then that your mother’s maid came rushing up to you.
“There you are!” she exclaimed. “Your parents are looking for you. Come along now, best not to keep them waiting.”
She grabbed you by the arm to whisk you away, and you helplessly waved goodbye to Loki, Lupus running behind you. He waved back and stared wistfully off into the direction of your abrupt exit. The light caught the golden bracelet hugging your wrist, and he couldn’t help but break out into a huge grin.  Heimdall, who was not about to let Loki off the hook so easily after his little escapade, cleared his throat, bringing the young god back to reality.
“Alright, fine. I apologize,” Loki conceded, though it was quite hard for him. Then a bit more nervously, he added, “You will not tell my father, will you?”
“You know I am required to report any significant events to your father,” he said. “Though, since this is only a minor infraction, I am willing to turn a blind eye, as it were.”  
“Thank you,” Loki said as Heimdall turned to leave. He made a mental note to work on ways to avoid Heimdall’s all-seeing gaze in the future. “I truly appreciate it.”
“You are welcome, my prince. Oh, and one more thing,” he said, turning back around, “they really do enjoy your company.”
He bid a stunned Loki goodbye and was on his way once more. Naturally, you’d expressed that you liked spending time with Loki, but he never could fully rid himself of doubt. Heimdall was certainly telling the truth, though, instilling Loki with a newfound confidence. He swaggered into the palace, completely certain that when he told you how he felt, whenever that may be, you would feel the same way, too.
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thunderiron: an AU where Tony is Asgardian, and grows up with Thor and Loki. However unlike Sif and the Brothers, Tony and Loki are extremely close - which is why when Thor and Tony start dating; they're terrified that Loki might see it as a betrayal
“You have to tell him,” Anthony says as he curls up on his side, tucking into the warmth of Thor’s body.
“Tell who?” Thor asks, deliberately playing dumb. He leans up on one elbow, tracing the swirling blue light glowing in Anthony’s chest. Anthony has magic in his soul, uncontrollable and wild, the result of a childhood accident that sometimes still lashes out when he’s upset. It was how they had met, so many centuries ago, when Maria had brought her son—too still from the toll the accident had taken on his body—to the palace to beg for help from Thor’s mother. Frigga had helped Anthony shape his magic into something almost manageable through a process that had taken many years. By the end of it, Loki had become the closest of friends with Anthony and Thor was utterly besotted.
Anthony gives him an exasperated look. “You know who.”
Thor flops back onto his back. “Oh my beloved, you couldn’t even give me the chance to enjoy the moment?”
“Going to have to go with a no on that one,” Anthony teases. “You know my brain works too fast.”
He rolls over, pinning Anthony between his thighs as he rumbles, “And what a beautiful brain it is too.”
Anthony laughs breathlessly, legs coming up to hitch around Thor’s waist. “You’re incorrigible.”
“And you’re exquisite,” Thor replies, kissing him deeply. He can’t quite believe that after waiting this long—all these centuries later—he finally gets to have Anthony by his side, in his bed, his life. He gets to hold him, kiss him, the way he’s always wanted. 
“My prince,” Anthony gasps.
“Hmm, call me that again.”
“My love.”
Thor groans, “Beloved.” He kisses him again, holding Anthony’s lovely face between his hands. “My beautiful Anthony.”
His hand is just starting to drift down Anthony’s side when he hears the footsteps coming down the hall. He pulls back, meets Anthony’s wide gaze as they come to the same conclusion. Thor reaches for their clothes but Anthony is faster, darting for the bathroom instead.
“Tell him,” he hisses before the door closes behind him.
A moment later, Loki throws open the doors to his room. Thor scrambles for one of the sheets, wrapping it around himself.
“Father has—” Loki starts to announce and then stops, his nose wrinkling. “What are you doing?”
Thor drops the casual pose he’d been holding. Maybe it had been too casual but as his brother and friends constantly remind him, subtlety is not his strong suit. Unfortunately, the blanket comes loose as he relaxes and he has to grab it before it fully drops. Well, he thinks ruefully, it isn’t like Loki hasn’t seen you done worse.
“Are you—were you—is there someone else in here?” Loki demands, eyes narrowing.
“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?” Thor blusters, feigning outrage. He knows that Anthony thinks he should just talk to his brother but Loki is…he wouldn’t say fragile exactly but he knows it’s been hard on him since Sif and the Warriors Three first came to the palace. He, Loki, and Anthony had been close growing up but things had changed once Loki started studying under their mother and Thor with the palace guards. It isn’t as though Loki doesn’t get along with his friends but he certainly isn’t as close with them as he is with Anthony and with Sif’s disapproval and the Warriors Three teasing him, benign as it may be, he’s sensed a growing distance between them, bridged mostly by Anthony. He doesn’t want Loki to think that he’s trying to take Anthony away from him.
“I am the picture of decorum,” he continues, “the soul of propriety, the—the—”
“I can smell what you’ve been doing,” Loki says flatly.
Thor’s mouth clicks shut. “Oh.”
They stand there awkwardly for a moment before Thor admits, “This is not the worst thing you’ve ever caught me doing.”
Loki smirks, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Are you referring to that time I found you with the Warriors Three?” he asks. Thor thinks he might hear Anthony choking in the bathroom. “Or when you tried to hide from Heimdall or—”
“So this isn’t even one of the worst,” Thor cuts him off before Anthony hears anything else. Many of these stories Anthony likely already knows, having been here for them, but he’s spent the last two centuries studying under the Dwarves of Nidavellir and Thor had gotten up to plenty while he’d been gone because he hadn’t been there to stop him. His mother calls Anthony the voice of reason in their friendship. He remembers how Loki had howled at that, insisting that he was the voice of reason but Anthony had just laughed and called him a terrible enabler but he’d said it fondly and Loki’s anger had melted away. Thor thinks it probably says something that Anthony is the voice of reason.
“What did you come to tell me?” he asks, hoping to forestall a further recitation of the things he’d done while Anthony was away.
“Father told me that Anthony is returning this evening,” Loki says, a pleased smile spreading across his face.
“Ah,” Thor replies awkwardly, unsure how to tell him that Anthony has already returned.
“And I thought I would tell you so that you can finally pull your head out of your ass but I see it’s still stuck as far as ever.”
“Hey,” he protests. “My head isn’t—what are you even talking about?”
Loki arches an eyebrow. “Your feelings for Anthony or are you as oblivious to those as you are everything else?”
“Brother, you’ve been pining for him since before he even left. I had hoped that, with his return, you would realize the depth of your feelings but it seems you’re still chasing chambermaids around your bedroom.”
“Haven’t we already established that I know what you were just doing?”
“Well—yes—but—how do you know it wasn’t someone else? Someone I have deep and abiding feelings for?”
Loki gives him a deeply unimpressed look and shoves a handful of clothes into his arms. “Cover yourself.” As Thor drops the blanket and reaches for the tunic, Loki continues, “Thor. You’ve been besotted with Anthony for half a millennia. Did you truly think I wouldn’t notice?”
“Hoped, maybe,” he mutters.
He sees Loki pause, puzzle over his words, and then a light of understanding dawns over his face. “Were you worried that I wouldn’t like it?” 
Thor drops back onto the bed, Loki sitting beside him. “I know it’s been difficult,” Thor says quietly, “with Sif and the Warriors Three and I didn’t want you to think that I was trying to take Anthony away from you.”
“As if you could,” Loki says haughtily. He smiles and gently nudges Thor’s shoulder. “Brother, nothing would make me happier than for you and Anthony to finally admit your feelings for each other.”
“Each other?” Thor asks. He had suspected, when Anthony had come to him first, that his feelings had been reciprocated longer than he’d thought but Anthony had kissed him before he could ask and then he’d been too swept up in his joy to think to ask later.
“You must know he’s been as enamored of you as you are of him,” Loki states. “Even you couldn’t be that oblivious.”
Pure delight fills his heart and he glances toward the bathroom. The door has opened just a crack, revealing Anthony smiling sweetly at him. He makes a small shooing motion and Thor chuckles fondly. “I’m blessed,” he says, “to have such an approving brother.”
Loki’s eyes flash and he opens his mouth to protest.
“No, you can’t take it back now,” Thor says quickly. “You’ve already approved of my beloved and for that, I’m glad.”
“Why?” Loki asks curiously, eyes narrowing.
“Because Anthony has already returned and I have claimed him as my own.”
He holds out his hand and Anthony emerges from the bathroom, crossing the room in quick, light steps to settle on his lap, curling into the warmth of his arms. They watch an array of expressions cross Loki’s face: disbelief, affection, and then finally stunned outrage.
“Anthony Starkson!” Loki howls. “You came back and you didn’t tell me!”
And as he watches his brother and his beloved bicker, Thor can’t help but silently thank the Norns—for the gift of his brother, for Anthony, for the friendship they share. He’s been blessed and with Loki by his side and Anthony in his heart, the future looks bright indeed.
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justjessame · 3 years
Glorious, Before the Burden - The Sanctuary ~ 5
I couldn’t help - once we finally managed to pull ourselves free from the bubble we would forever be able to create around one another and force ourselves to leave the cottage to forage for food in the village proper - glancing up at my husband’s profile looming above me.  As familiar to me as my own, but now with the sharper angles of age, wisdom, and - with the painful tug of loss that twisted inside of me that I knew he too felt deeply - grief, he also bore a hint of the unknown and strange.  
“You know that I can actually FEEL it when you sneak those glances, don’t you?”  My teeth met my lower lip to hold back a peal of laughter.  “I swear, your eyes hold as much heat as your body.”  
“Keep talking like that,” he tugged on our linked hands and pulled me ever closer, forcing that laugh I’d been keeping prisoner from him to escape.  “We’ll never make it to the village and we’ll starve.”  He growled, or perhaps it was a groan - both actually - and shook his head as he stole a lingering kiss that promised us both a greater treat than any sweet thing I could find in any shop on any realm.  
Our first stop, since I wanted to show off my gorgeous husband and introduce him, while also finding out how Michael was - was the bookshop.  A part of me feared that the village would have been dealt heavy damage from Thanos’ Snap - that the people I’d come to grow so fond of would have been rendered gone - as gone as our, but those thoughts would do us no good.  
Opening the door after taking a deep breath, Caroline saw me before I had a chance to see her - or rather she noticed Loki first. 
“My but you’re a tall one,” I giggled and her eyes fell to me.  “Praise be,” she came out from behind the counter and pulled me into a crushing hug.  “Michael told us that you were fine, that you were simply away taking care of your own business, but -” she was sighing and relaxing as she held me and swayed.  “All that alien nonsense, we were lucky, but the rest of the world wasn’t -” she pulled back and her smile was tinged with sadness.  “Thank goodness you’re back and looking so well.”  Loki was standing next to me and she took note of it.  “I’m guessing that he might be a reason for that blush on your cheeks.”  
“A little,” a wink and her grin grew.  “Caroline, I’d like you to meet my husband, Thomas.”  Loki held out his hand and she took it easily enough, making me think that she didn’t equate him with New York at all.  “Tom and I,” his free arm wrapped around me and pulled me close.  “Well, we’ve moved back to -”
“To forget to call your grandfather,” Michael’s voice chimed from the doorway.  “Come here,” I turned and saw him grinning with the sunlight glowing around him like a halo.  “Come give this old man a hug, Margaret.”  
Pulling free of Loki and Caroline, I was wrapped up in Michael’s warmth - more familial and paternal than the parents who raised me, than He Who Remains, more even than Frigga and Odin - letting him soothe me in a way that not even my husband could after the pain and loss of our realm, people, and yes - our little one.  
“Shhh,” he hushed me, while his embrace felt less restrictive and far more comforting than Caroline’s crush had, his face pressed into my hair.  “I know, I know.”  And somehow, some way, I knew he did.  
We - Loki, Michael, and I - had lunch in a quiet place that I loved, which I knew from experience would allow for some discretion while we spoke.  
“It’s gone?” His eyes had gone wide as we waited for our food, Loki - whom he had no issue calling Tom and didn’t actually show signs of flinching even though I knew he saw past any illusion my husband was casting - had told him about Asgard.  I couldn’t. Not when the loss of our home and people was so closely aligned to the loss of our son.  
Michael sat back.  Taking in the idea that an entire realm - one of the Nine, if you only went by Asgardian legend, but he knew that there were far other planets, timelines, and on and on it went - could be erased.  Even after what he knew Thanos had done, what he had witnessed, knowing that Asgard could so easily be wiped away was something terrible and hard to process.  We could commiserate.  
“Yes,” Loki nodded, pulling his hands back when our server returned with our food.  “Thank you,” he offered to the young man, and I smiled as Michael took note of his manners.  Waiting until we were alone once more, he noticed that neither of us were taking up our utensils.  “What? Have I done something improper?”  
“Not at all,” I assured him, touching his hand gently.  “I think you surprised Michael with your lovely manners, darling.”  Winking at him with a grin, I turned back to my own lunch.  “Asgard is gone,” eyes on my plate, I sighed.  “And this is home to me, or it was at a very dark point.”
It was Michael’s turn to reassure me, again.  A soft touch on my hand, but I didn’t look up.  “It’s still your home, Sigyn.  Always.”  Swallowing down the pain of memory, why I’d been in this very village before, and why we were back - I waited for it to pass.  “I’m guessing this isn’t going to be a short stay?”  
“No,” Loki answered for us.  “No, not a short stay.”  His fingers met my other hand, and for once I had someone on both sides offering comfort and strength.  “We plan on making this our home for the rest of our lives.  If -”
“If?” Michael’s tone was laced with curiosity and challenge.  “If what precisely?”  
“If you’ll have us,” my eyes rose, finally willing to meet his again.  “I know that my husband’s past isn’t easily forgiven and that my loyalty to him isn’t easily understood -”
Michael studied me - us - for a few moments.  “I don’t know your husband,” my throat tightened painfully.  “I know you.  If you trust and love him, then I’m more than willing to give him a chance.”  The air felt like it might be coming back into the room, but he wasn’t through yet.  “However, if you go back to your former ways -” his gaze seemed to burn into Loki’s.  “I’ll not have a single issue with calling up those twats that run amok in her garden, do you understand?”  
“Absolutely,” Loki agreed, and somehow our lunch continued on.  
Michael insisted on taking us, and our shopping, back to the cottage.  He seemingly couldn’t get his fill of time in our company - mine, Loki corrected when we arrived home.  We restocked the pantry while showing Loki around, introducing him and refamiliarizing myself with the village and the people who had shown me so much hospitality when I lived among them before.  
He came inside with us, and admitted that he’d kept my cottage from growing into disrepair while I was away - even with the aura of magic that I’d added, some cracks of age were bound to push their way through.  
“Made sure I kept it aired out,” he sighed, sitting down in his spot and gladly accepting a cup of tea.  “Just in case, you know.”  
“Just in case she popped back in?” Loki was teasing, light and easy, and it eased whatever lingering tension attempted to creep back in.  “We’re lucky you thought to do it,” he pulled me onto his lap, having taken my chair for his own once I brought the tea back for Michael.  “Thank you.”  
Michael was back to studying us, how we interacted and how Loki - since he KNEW me- behaved around me.  “You aren’t much like you were in New York, are you?”  
I waited for it - for Loki to stiffen.  For anger, or shame to rear its ugly head and for his sharp tongue to snap lash out and draw blood.  Yet it didn’t happen.  Instead he sighed, quietly, and then moved his head so that his face was closer to mine, inhaling in my scent - it seemed to give him strength.  
“New York seems a lifetime ago,” voice quiet, reflective.  “I’ve tried to push it to the past, to act as if it wasn’t me at all.”  His arms, the embrace that I’d grown so used to grew a touch tighter.  “It was like a fever - and as a Frost Giant, a fever is incredibly dangerous to my thought processes.”  I listened, curious and enthralled.  Loki hadn’t truly discussed it with me, I hadn’t brought it up.  Better, I thought, to rush forward instead of pulling it apart to learn from it.  “The idea of Asgard’s throne, a throne I’m sure Sigyn told you I’d been brought up to think I had every right to, it never honestly pulled at me.  Not until -” He shifted slightly and sighed.  “We married and as I said, it became like a sickness.  The throne, ruling over our people as King in Odin’s place.”  
He was right, I realized.  Loki hadn’t shown a single urge to rule until we wed, then as I started fearing that we weren't having luck at becoming parents, he started to obsess about becoming ruler.  
“Thor, my brother, being chosen over me was a blow that cut me far deeper than it should have.”  I heard the pain of their reconciliation and now the loss of not being able to rekindle it in his words.  “It grew, the heat of it, the fever.  Thanos,” Michael’s eyebrows shot up on his forehead and Loki nodded.  “Yes, Thanos was the one who backed my bid for Earth’s downfall.  It was madness.  A fevered madness that I couldn’t seem to fight.  It’s not an excuse, truly it isn’t.  I’m simply telling you why I don’t seem like I did in New York.”
Michael sat on the information for a moment while I did the same.  
I never considered that Loki might have been infected by something foreign, some illness, but it made sense.  Not from a standpoint that I needed to give him an excuse so I could love him - I loved him regardless.  It had never made sense to me that he had become so insistent on being King, on ruling in Odin’s place - even before the Allfather was ready to step aside - and even when he’d been jealous of Thor’s attention to me, he NEVER faltered in his affection for his brother.  The rage he’d felt when Odin chose Thor - the rage he felt when he wasn’t made ruler - it made little sense then.  
And he was correct.  A fever in a Frost Giant would do horrible things to their bodies and minds.  Burning from within, the havoc would be indescribable.  It would render any chance of Frigga or me pulling him free from the clutches of madness useless.  
“I think having Sigyn with you makes a difference too,” Michael broke past my puzzle breaking.  “Of course, I think she could calm the most savage among us.”  
Loki chuckled and held me closer.  “On that we most certainly agree.” 
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themilky-way · 4 years
the motive {loki odinson}
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gif credit: astouract
pairing: loki odinson x female! reader
summary: he takes pleasure in the way you react to his words. it’s a fun game up until you’ve had enough, and everything he’s wanted is sitting before him. based on the morning by the weeknd.
warnings: was supposed to be hella implied nsfw but i guess i got soft halfway through BUT i redeemed myself so ha 😼. anyways, minor nsfw themes and language, so caution. tiny, TINY angst oops. we kinky in dis one 
author’s note: i started school again so getting more works done will take a bit longer but i’ll try to write as much as i can! anyways hope this satisfies y’all 😌
it had started out as a joke. a fun little game that would bring him some sort of entertainment during his stay on earth. and while it did work fairly well during the first few weeks, he never thought it would transition into this-whatever the hell this was.
loki was cunning and devious; it was part of his nature that would never cease to exist within him. he enjoyed causing some trouble here and there if it meant he kept a molecule of sanity. so when thor suggested he stay with him at the avengers tower, he thought he might explode. living in a humongous multi billionaire house with the people who wanted him dead? it was a set up. it had to be.
for loki, the first few weeks had been tolerable. he’d wake up in his assigned bedroom, fix himself a mediocre breakfast once the kitchen was empty, and then scurry up to a quiet place. he discovered that he could do as he pleased whenever the compound was free of residents, and since the avengers had much bigger threats now, he didn’t have to worry about them spying on him. it was false freedom, but he could live with it.
when he’d have such luxury, he would sometimes walk down to the common room to settle with a good book. sure, it may appear to be a boring pastime, but it wasn’t as if loki was going to throw an exuberant ball without tony’s permission. not that he was a man- dare he say god-of seeking approval, but it was common courtesy, for odin’s sake! he had morals he needed to follow, thus requiring him to partake in hobbies that would not get him in trouble.
however, when he came across a particular mortal one night, the values he sought after vanished. it’s as if they never existed at all, and once again the laws of time and space defied him. you were there, taking up his entire field of vision in just an oversized t-shirt. could it be your partner’s? loki questioned. it most likely was, yet he found himself hoping it wasn’t. in that moment, it didn’t help that his mind had stopped functioning. when you stepped into the kitchen, the shirt hiking up slightly with every step, his body didn’t allow him to look away. his novel was discarded far away on the couch, and his hands searched for some type of cloth to grip. it was here, with your body bent over and curiously searching through the refrigerator, that his carnal instincts heightened. then, his knuckles turned white when you finally noticed him.
“oh fuck, hi,” you gasped. the glass bottle you were holding dropped, but it knew better than to actually hit the floor. seconds after catching it, you turned to look at the stranger in front of you. “didn’t see ya there.”
loki tried-really tried-to think of a good reason not to bend you over again, on that lovely kitchen counter your fingertips were dancing on, and take you right then and there. perhaps it might seem a tad bit rude? would such an action be impolite? the right answer was yes: it was absolutely all of the above. a first date is necessary to win the heart of a lady, and then a couple more to build a friendship. the relationship would come naturally, with given time, of course. in his head, the god was scoffing at how eager he was to win this clumsy, beautiful creature. he was one who took what he wanted-whenever he wanted-and didn’t look back. but loki was confined to the dull walls of the compound, and apparently so were you. he needn’t worry, for time had joined his side once more; he’d get to know how sweet you could taste, how your mouth would mindlessly shudder out his name, and the man couldn’t be more thrilled.
“are you able to speak?”
the simple question reached him, and when he searched for the source, he came face to face with you. you were standing in front of him, in all your delicious glory, and it almost broke him. still, he was deceitful; you couldn’t know that. “of course i speak, you fool,” loki shot back.
“okay, well, you didn’t answer me back there,” you pointed out. your hands were neatly clasped behind you, excitedly rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet, when you extended a hand for introduction. your name confidently slipped out, giving loki the most tender smile anyone could offer him. “pleased to meet you, sir.”
sir. the name stirred something up inside him, and he wasn’t able to tell if he’d accidentally let out a moan upon hearing it. did you know how innocent you sounded? how ravishing you appeared right now-with the soft skin of your thighs drawing out the patterns he so wished to kiss, or how the outline of your bosom prominently showed itself through your clothes. he stopped himself, though, before he could cross the line between observant and creepy. the last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable, having had the same dreadful feeling for far too long during his lifetime.
“don’t call me that.” the hand you were holding out was covered by his own. the handshake was quick, not too harsh or loose, but just adequate. he said his name, and he found himself missing the feeling of your skin against his.
“because it’s not for you to say.” a lie. a very well calculated one, at that. he may be properly forged in the art of deception, but right now he wasn’t quite sure he passed the test. if he could grant permission to any woman to use the term of endearment, it’d sure as hell be you.
“alright then,” you mildly laughed. “i’ll just have to find a name i can call you.”
after that, loki realized that his source of happiness ultimately came from you. he enjoyed the unlikely bond you both had, one that formed because of the god’s inability to keep it in his pants. it was awkward at first-with everything you did or said locked in his mind wherever he’d go-but the confidence he always carried with him returned at one point.
today, loki never forgot to let you know what you did to him. this was it. the game he sought after since his inherent arrival at the tower. this was the adrenaline, the crazed connection he’d been hunting for centuries. it ignited something-between the two of you-whenever loki’s mouth would hover over your earlobe, whispering just how agonizingly slow he could take you. he never mentioned how he’d go about doing it, leaving you to wonder which part of him would fulfill the deed. oftentimes, loki didn’t even have to say anything. if he was feeling particularly shy that evening, and the team was all there, all loki would do was pat his knee. if you want to, if you really need to, you can finish on my leg. the simple image of it would have your hand between your legs that night.
“loki, what the hell.” you found him inside your dorm one particularly rainy night, lighting the candles you kept on either of your nightstands. “i keep my door locked for a reason, y’know. and stop wasting my candles.”
“i can’t help myself, darling. they smell quite lovely,” loki smiled. it was sincere, adoring even, and the way he took comfort in your tiny space brought a light tug to your stomach. you stayed still as you watched his tall form stride over to you. a small breath caught in your throat when loki peered down at you, and he caught it. he knew what he did to you, and he gained a new sense of pride at just how quickly he could make your knees go weak. his thumb and index fingers suddenly-gently-lifted your chin higher so your eyes could lock together. his own searched for something as if to look for the answer to his next question.
“you’re aware this isn’t just strictly physical, right?”
quite frankly, you were not in the loop even a little bit. “what?”
the tiny whisper made him want to carve out your lips with his own, slow, and taunting, and hard. he refrained for the time being. “think hard on it. there’s no rush.”
“no, i get what you meant. it’s just” you shook your head, prompting loki to let go of his grip. “i dunno. i thought you didn’t catch feelings, let alone for me.” loki let out a hearty laugh which forced a goofy grin onto your face. you liked seeing him like this. happy.
“i’m not stone cold, darling. you’re the only one i’ve ever had an infatuation with, though. well done, you seem to have captured my heart,” he joked. you giggled with him as you lightly shoved his chest, but loki caught your wrist before you could take it back. the kiss he brought to the inside of it had you swooning. a childish, girly feeling, yet you couldn’t care less. the both of you stayed there for a while and casually chatted until it was time for loki to head out. that night, you hardly got any sleep.
ever since then, loki acted as if he didn’t remember it. he went back to his cocky self, not that you minded, but some simple recognition would’ve been nice. the days lapsed as they did before: loki doing everything in his divine power to make you ache for him. it worked, no matter how hard you avoided it, but soon you stopped trying. your body demanded for loki to touch you. to give you more than a simple brush of his lips to your wrist, yet he gave you anything but. and so you set out to change that.
it was the late hours of the night, with your team comfortably dispersed amongst the common room. movie night was in full effect, and no one had the intention of looking away from the gory film that was currently playing. you were seated next to wanda, the man you wanted painfully too far away from your reach. he didn’t have any clue you were angry with him, nor were you going to tell him. he was a thoughtful man, he’d figure it out.
you blinked away only to be met with his gaze. it was sharp, hungry. he looked you over as his tongue dipped out to run along his lip, biting it once he finally saw what he wanted. you’d be lying if you said it didn’t arouse you. of course it did; the poor man would rail you straight into this couch right now if he got the chance to.
you looked away, fearing vulnerability, and somehow managed to make it to the end of the marathon. you all said your farewell’s and deparated to your designated corridors, and just when you were about to close your door, a hand stopped it.
he pushed himself inside without much resistance from your own part. you stepped back and allowed him to close it, suddenly feeling a bit small. he looked at you then, the hunger replaced by confusion.
“is everything alright?” he inquired. no it’s not. you won’t shove two fingers into my mouth and tell me how good i’ve been.
“is everything alright-” you scoffed, “no it’s fucking not, loki.” you ran your hands through your hair and looked down, finding the decorative tiles on your floor quite intriguing.
“hey, woah, look at me. tell me what’s wrong, sweet.”
“that. that’s what’s wrong, loki. it’s the way you can tease me whenever you want, and call me sweet names and expect me not to react. you give me nothing to work with, for fuck’s sake!” a couple tears ran down your cheeks unbeknownst to you, but loki was quick to hold your face in his hands. his thumb wiped the drops in quick, tender-like motions and he crumbled at the way you focused on him.
“i’m sorry, darling. my intentions were never meant to bring you harm, much less sorrow. how can i fix this?”
“i need you to, fuck i-” you took a couple of breaths. “i need-want-you to touch me. to make me feel good, in all the ways you know how.”
loki chuckled quietly, a proud, defiant smirk curving along his lips. “is that what this is about? why, you could’ve just asked. no need for a tantrum.”
rolling your eyes, you tried to look away from him, but his hands began traveling to the curve of your neck, a lonely thumb parting your lips. he pried your mouth open and slipped it inside, letting the noise hidden in the back of his throat escape when your tongue wrapped around him. “is this what you wanted?”
your own luscious moan filled the room, and you felt his thumb push harder against your tongue.
“use your words, angel.”
an enticing gasp. “yes, sir.”
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet with Loki!
So a long time ago I made an equivalent to the popular NSFW-Alphabet.
Will probably make one for Bucky, too. Hope you enjoy! (:
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Feel free to use on your own writing Blogs!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Even though he might seem a bit ‘extra’ sometimes, Loki is actually a very reserved person.
He isn’t one to visit busy, crowded places - however if it’s for your sake, he’ll probably endure it if you wish (for example: seeing your favourite band live).
Actually, he prefers peace and quiet - so it’s no wonder that he feels the most comfortable in nature of any kind. If you’re searching for him, you’ll be most lucky to catch him reading under a tree. He very much cherishes long walks or even picknicks with you, simply talking for hours to come.
Since he is very well read, you may expect to getting many books from him, as well as recommendations on what to read. It’s a passion he wants to share with his love, and your opinion on his favourite literature is very important to him!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Since he is able to take on many forms, beauty standarts of our world, as well as outer appearances in general, don’t quite apply to this man.
No matter the looks, the God of Lies would always manage to look behind one’s facade and see their true personality - and yours was what he could describe as epitome of beauty.
He maily endears attributes not directly connected to bodily limits, such as how your embrace would make him feel save and warm, or the way you know how to use your words.
Another thing would be your voice, no matter if spoken or sung. It manages to sooth him, no matter the situation.
He believes that the eyes of a person reveal even the deepest parts of their soul - and when he looks in yours, he can tell that you are truly in love with him. The shining affection he can decipher in them will never fail to amaze him!
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Truth be spoken: If you’re feeling down, Loki is feeling pretty helpless, too.
Well, if you ask him, his skill is rather ruining someone’s mood instead of brighten in up. Anyway, he knows it would be selfish to dwell in his insecurities while you are in need of his help.
Your boyfriend will go to great lenghts just to see you smile again:
No matter if pulling magic tricks to distract you, extravagantly spoiling you the best he knows how or simply cradle you in his arms for as long as you need - he’ll pull the whole program. You’re the boss.
If you wouldn’t see it for yourself, you wouldn’t believe what kind of idiot the usually proud warrior is making out of himself while making such an effort. But it’s kinda cute, actually.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Believe it or not, but Loki is quite the cliché romantic when it comes to relationships.
He’s never been a person to cherish the superficial relations back on Asgards palace, and neither to stand to their social rules. You know how he was raised and what he’s gone through, so he would never want to go back to his old self.
Ever since you made him accept his origin and his past sins, there’s nothing standing in the way of the two of you even starting a family.
You giving birth to his heir will be the best day of his life - he is sure of it. And he is glad to have the chance to make everything better than his own adoptive father.
His top priority is keeping you save, and he’ll enjoy every single second of your time together.
It doesn’t matter where or how you are going to live - to Loki, home is where you are.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Oh, your boyfriend loves to play the game of who has the say.
There’s just no helping to this guy when he’s starting to press your buttons. Of course he respects you as much as no one ever before, but the sight of you to try and oppose him is just too attractive to him. He loves your fire!
In general, Loki believes in equality and talking everything over together. Even if he is basically a god, he’d never even think of being above you.
Actually, he has kind of a thing for being completely at someone’s mercy - at least in certain areas. (;
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Basically, you’d have fights about pity things, just to lay in each others arms a few minutes after.
It’s more of jokingly teasing rather than real conflict, with both of you breaking out in laughter this whole time. It’s really playful, with you making silly comments about the other.
The only real topics to discuss are Loki’s self-hate and some cultural differences, which are most of the time easily resolved. You just have an effect on this man that makes it hard for him to insist on his opinion.
Both of you will find a reasonable compromise, no matter what. That much is sure. Loki just can’t be mad at you for too long anyway.
In the end, before you even calmed down, Loki will simply pull you in his arms for a heavy make-out-session. Or even more - to make up for your fight. ;)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Not even his Silver Tongue could put in words just how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him.
Before, he was a God, a Frost Giant and a man with a shameful past. But you’ve helped him become the man he always aspired to be.
But it’s not just the great deeds you’ve done to him - Loki is aware of every little effort you’ve put into the relationship. No detail would escape his wary eye - no admiring glance, soft kiss or thoughtful gift.
And he is sure to give it back to you a thousandfold!
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Even though you managed to accomplish the impossible and have earned his unquestioned trust, some things are still pretty hard for Loki to talk about.
The Asgardian is afraid of negatively affecting you with the remaining darkness in his heart, to trouble you with his thoughts or annoy you with his insecurities. 
He has everything he’s ever wanted, so why should he bother you with making you think that there’s something wrong?
Yet he knows that most of this is only his mind playing games on him - since he’s still not used to being blessed with this much happiness.
Don’t worry, he’ll never let the darkness get the better of him ever again - since he now has you, the light of his life!
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As you should already know, you’ve made Loki accept and even truly love himself - even in his Jotun form.
He is not ashamed to use it in public, even for simple things as to cool you down on a hot summer day, or to better acclimate himself in cold areas. More than one time you’ve caught him admiring that form in front of the mirror, repeating the complimenting words you told him before.
But it’s also the other way around: Your boyfriend helped you to see your true worth, and to stand up for yourself.
You showed him that humans have more potential to be extraordinary than he ever thought before, after all. And he learned to enjoy many things about Midgard, due to your influence.
In return, he’d show you some magic tricks even a human could perform, as well as self-defense and knowledge humans have yet to learn about.
Together, the two of you make quite the infamous duo.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It’s no secret that Loki isn’t the most confident one, and always fears of himself not being worthy or good enough - and he’s no different when it comes to the love of his life.
Yet he’s also pretty subtle with his jealousy, rather expressing it through silently suffering rather than just admit that he’s afraid to lose you.
He’d express it through mocking comments on the object he’s jealous of (mainly Thor, to be precize), but also overdoing it with gifts and compliments, showering you with affection.
Yet you know him better than that - you look right through his walls, realizing what all this is about. So there’s no room for misunderstandinds.
You’ll show him that you’re his and his only - and deep in his heart, he knows it the whole time. There’s no real use for him being jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Well, he is  several centuries of experience ahead of you. But that’s no reason to get nervous!
Truth be spoken: He had always been pretty insecure about his comparatively thin lips, so he ‘practiced’ pretty hard to become a skilled kisser and make up for that fact.
It gets addicting, really: Once you felt the contrast of his cold, wet lips against your warm ones, you’ll never want to let go.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Loki would want it to be the most special day just for you - but even though everything would be well-planned, his nervousness will overthrow everything.
He will be so different than usually, completely losing his cool and acting like a huge dork.
That sad man will think he completely fucked up, but to you, it had never been about huge actions or extraordinary gifts.
After his last attempt to impress you had failed, Loki would desperately blabber his heart out about his true feelings about you.
And that was all it took to win your heart - that the God of Lies would be honest with himself.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Loki yearns for you to be his, ever since the two of you finally became a couple.
Actually, he wanted you to be very sure about the relationship, giving it some time to adjust and getting used to each other even after the rose-coloured glasses would fade away.
But after almost losing you during a mission, he realized that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He was determined to make you happy until your dying breath!
You wouldn’t suspect anything, since he would try to make it a big surprise - you could even call it a mischief.
He would probably make something like a paperchase, leading you to the most important places of your shared history, for example the spot of your first kiss.
In the end, he’d wait for you, revealing your new home he’d prepared all by himself.
Instead of a ring, he’d gift you an ancient, powerful relic - the Casket of Ancient Winters, saying it’s like a metaphor for you holding his dark side in check.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves to improvise new names. It has become like a sport to him to switch between them. A collection of his favourites:
Dwarf (because of your in comparison to his small stature)
Babe (he loves the human slang in case of exception)
My Treasure
My Queen
My Light
My Soul
My Angel
Mistress, on special occasions ;)
In contrast, you’d simply call him things like “snowflake”, “dork” or “asshole”. He knows it’s your way of showing affection.
If you really want to drive him crazy you call him stuff like “master”, “lord” or “my king”.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’ll probably be way over the top when it comes to helping you, and he’ll make a show out of it. Any wish dropping from your lips is his command.
Your praise makes his pride swell, and after so much time with you, he realized that it shouldn’t matter to him what others might think - the opinion of people he loves is the only thing that counts.
Loki’s strenght is in writing very poemic love letters, which he thoughtfully places on your nightstand for you to read, together with a flower or something else for you to wake up to.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
From the very first day, everyone knew - if they wanted to or not.
He’d brag about your beauty, wits, strenght, personality and talk everyone else down on the other hand. Every person on the tower is annoyed by his long, intense speeches about having found true love. No bad word may ever come over you as long as Loki is there.
Especially when it comes to his brother, he likes to show off like a galoot - sometimes softly slapping your ass or making out with you while staring him down, to “mark his territority”.
The two of you are basically inseperable - with Loki following you like a lost puppy, sometimes watching over you from within the shadows and fighting back to back on every mission.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Only few people lived to know the truth: But Loki is actually a very talented singer.
He even tried to write his own songs, yet he had to do it in secret since his father thought it to be “unworthy for a warrior” and “pityful”.
So he was pretty ashamed when you catched him singing when you came back early and  he stood under the shower, but as soon as you reassured him that you loved it and it sounded beautiful, the house would be filled with Loki humming and singing whenever he felt like it.
Especially his lullabies are to die for.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Of course Loki is very smooth when it comes to flirting or complimenting you, making you feel like a young teenager with their first love.
But his true way of affection is rather through assisting you whever he can, as well as some other small, lovely gestures instead of talking much.
Loki really is someone to indulge his lover in any way possible.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Loki is basically your biggest fan.
Sometimes he’s still feeling like your relationship is holding you back, so he will spare no expenses to assist you in whatever you want to achieve.
He also gives the best motivational speeches, making you feel like you could do anything.
If you finally reach your goal, he’s almost more excited about it than you!
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Your boyfriend can be very random - you could also call it mood swings. But you handle it well.
Even though he enjoys having a relatively normal life up to a certain extend, he is still a God and a Magician - I think that’s enough said about how many thrilling things happen to you on a regular basis.
Almost all of his thoughts revolve aound you and what surprise he could prepare to see your adorable reaction!
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Loki had his own fair share of pain in life, so yes, he’s very empathetic.
Of course he cannot understand what it’s like to be in a fragile, human body or properly understand your ways of living or coping with things, yet he finds your way of coping very admirable.
Your prince is a very good listener, softly stroking your hair or rubbing small circles on your back while he carefully listens to every detail of your pain.
He’s not one to give advice or judge anything, he likes to lead you towards your own resolution through conversation alone.
And you can be sure: He’s always there if you’re in need. No one would dare to hurt you, or they’d feel his wrath if it had to be!
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Well, what should I say? That man gave up a throne just to be with you. I think I don’t need to elaborate that might isn’t a topic in his life anymore.
As said before: You are his top priority, even though you told him that he is now free to live as he pleases.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Loki talks in his sleep.
Whenever you’d try to shuffle away from him or turn around, he’d swiftly scoop you into his arms again, always murmuring sweet words of affection into your ear.
Up until this day, he has no clue about it - it’s your own little secret.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Most certainly! You just got yourself a giant, freezing teddybear, dear! That man has to make up for years of neglection, after all. So ne is pretty needy for affection.
His speciality is trapping you in his hold with his limbs when you’re lying in bed, snuggling onto you from behin and especially plumping onto you and crushing you with is love.
Even in public, Loki just can’t bear not to be close to you. So you’ll always feel his leg pushing against yours when you sit next to each other, his hand on your knee or your pinkies intertwining.
He absolutely loves surprise hugs, burying his face in your neck and hastily placing some kisses against your face.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
If you’re gone, he’s more likely to convert back to causing Mischief - even if only harmless one, like pulling pranks on Thor and the others.
You’ll get at least 20 calls a day by your angry teammates, like Nat complaining about how he changed her hair colour into green or turned into a spider to scare Scott.
And then, there’s Loki’s calls to add to that, mostly at night drunkenly telling you just how much he misses to have you in his arms and that every day without you is a lost one.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’s pretty much clear just what this man would do to you.
For you, he keeps his desire to cause mischief to a minimum, no matter how much it opposes his natural instinct.
He also had to promise you to not talk badly about himself, his past crimes or his Jotun form ever again.
Loki Odinson would die - no, live - for you. 
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If you want to get on the taglist  (or deleted from lmao) feel free to ask! ♡
Feedback is always appreciated!
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storyteller0417 · 3 years
Who Are You
A/N Just getting back into writing so please be kind. Loki has inspired me to pick up the pen again.
Rora let out a yawn as she stood in front of her coffee maker willing it to go faster. She looked at the clock letting out a groan, 5:15. Rora had to be at the barn for an early morning riding lesson to prepare for an upcoming show. She gave up hope that her coffee would be done before she got dressed and shuffled to her bedroom. Rora slid the closet door open pulling out a pair of wine colored breaches and her favorite grey sun shirt. She figured she might as well look her best if she was going to have to be up so early. Rora got dressed then sat on her bed to put on her socks and riding boots.
On her way back to the kitchen, Rora stopped in the bathroom to brush her teeth quickly and pull her blonde wavy hair into a low ponytail. She stared at her makeup bag for a moment trying to decide if that amount of effort was worth it today. She let out a sigh before pulling out just the basics. She rubbed on a tinted moisturizer and added some eyeliner and mascara to her eyes.
Rora gave a little nod as if approving of her appearance for the day before returning to the kitchen to make her coffee. She gave a little sip to ensure the taste was perfect before grabbing her backpack and heading out the door. She paused to lock the deadbolt before walking to the elevator to go down to the parking garage.
The doors of the elevator opened and Rora stepped out holding her keys. She walked over to her grey Honda Accord, doors unlocking as she approached. Once settled in, Rora put on her favorite playlist. City life didn’t exactly mix well with Equestrian life so she had a roughly forty-five minute commute to her facility.
Thor stepped into the Bifrost. “Where are you headed?” Heimdallr asked, his voice calm and eyes staring straight ahead as he remained ever vigilant of any unwelcome guests trying to access Asgard. “Hello Heimdallr, I am meeting with the Avengers on Midgard to continue searching for Loki. I have received word that they believe he is hiding somewhere in that world,” Thor explained, his deep voice echoing around the dome of the Bifrost.
“As you wish,” Heimdallr stated as he turned his sword to activate the Bifrost, “I will allow no one in or out until your return.” The Bifrost began to rotate and lighting sparked around the two and Midgard became the target. In a flash Thor was gone.
Rora was cruising on the highway after her lesson windows down and her music loud, the skyline of the city visible. Suddenly there was a beam of light that seemingly appeared from the clouds and shot all the way to somewhere in the city. Rora slowed her car some bot believing what she was seeing. But as soon as it was there it was gone. She pushed her sunglasses up and rubbed her eyes. “I’m clearly so tired I’m seeing things,” she muttered before stepping on the gas to accelerate enough to flow with traffic.
Rora had planned to wander the city and do a bit of exploring as she had moved there only a couple months prior. Her work and lesson schedule didn’t lend much in the way of free time so she was eager to go out. Rora pulled into her parking garage pulling into her assigned spot. She rode the elevator up to her apartment stepping out to be greeted by a neighbor who she had yet to meet. She wasn’t surprised, such a large building she had no hope to ever know everyone. She walked down the hall to her door and stepped inside.
Rora quickly changed into a flowy green sundress with an open back that fell a couple inches above her knees and a pair of plain brown sandals. The temperature was supposed to be warm today. She stepped into the bathroom and pulled her hair tie out. She redid her hair to a ponytail that sat higher on her head. She grabbed her wallet out of her bag and stepped out of her apartment locking the door behind her. Rora stepped on the elevator this time headed for the lobby. She stepped off the elevator and walked toward the exit.
Rora turned to the right once outside. She had seen a coffee shop down the street on her walks to and from work that had appeared to have an appealing menu. She looked at the different shops along the way during the five minute walk making note of which ones she wanted to stop at on the way home. Rora pulled open the door of the coffee shop and was greeted by a welcoming atmosphere. The tones of the wall were bright and cheerful but not overbearing. Most every windowsill had a plant or two all healthy and some baring bright flowers. The bar itself had almost a rustic feel made of aged wood that had been covered in polish to preserve its appearance. There was a large case on the counter that had more baked goods than Rora knew the name of.
None of this though caught her attention. In the corner of the café away from any of the other patrons was a man with shoulder length black hair and pale skin. His complexion was almost other worldly he was so handsome. He had a coffee of sort in front of him and a book in hand. He was what could be called over dressed for a setting like this. He was wearing a black suit with what appeared to be an emerald green vest underneath. Rora was so startled by his appearance she didn’t realize she was staring.
Loki took his coffee from the counter and found a table in a back corner of the café so he could keep a watchful eye on the door should anyone enter that he had successfully hidden from the last few months. He reached into his jacket which successfully hid the green flash of his magic. He pulled out a book and opened it leaning back in his seat some as he began to read.
Loki’s thoughts were interrupted when a recognizable energy entered the café. He peeked over the top of his book expecting to see an Asgardian but instead found what appeared to be a human woman. However, the energy she gave off said otherwise. He looked back down at the page he was reading but felt eyes on him. He shifted his gaze upward and found the blonde woman staring at him. When their eyes met she immediately looked toward the menu hanging behind the coffee bar. Even from afar, Loki could see her cheeks flush. Just who was she?
Loki’s thoughts were interrupted when the door flew open and Thor stepped in followed by Tony and Steve.
Rora quickly tried to make herself invisible when the mystery man’s gaze locked hers but she was having trouble focus on the menu when her face was on fire. Her thoughts were interrupted when a group of three men walked in the café. She turned and saw another man who also appeared other worldly, his long blonde hair far too perfect to be real. The second man was Tony Stark, she had seen him on TV many times. She also didn’t recognize the third man. He was as tall as the first, clean shaven handsome.
They appeared to be looking for something, or maybe someone as they scanned the café. Rora looked over to the mystery man but he had disappeared. How had he left without being seen? She turned her attention back to the employee and ordered an iced latte to go. While she waited the trio left and the café returned to its previous quiet buzz as patrons chatted or typed away on laptops.
Once her coffee was done she turned to leave and noticed his book still on the table. She walked over her curiosity peaked. Rora grabbed it reading the title. It was in a language she had never seen before. She went back and forth with herself about taking the book she imagined he would come back in search of it. Rora decided to tuck the book under her arm and exited the café.
Once outside, Rora looked up at the sky. There were a few small puffy clouds drifting across the sky and the sun was shiny brightly. She was reminded of the bright flash from earlier. She was wondering if that had in fact been real and not her exhaustion playing tricks on her. But what could possibly have caused it. As she walked she sipped on her latte pleasantly surprised at the flavor. She would be sure to return to the café more often.
Rora stopped at a little store the entrance sitting under an overhang. From what she could tell on the outside it was a book store. ‘Maybe the owner will know more about this book,’ Rora thought pulling the door open and stepping inside. The bookstore was quiet, it appeared no other customers were around. The store was much larger than it appeared from the outside. Shelves seemed to spread in every direct, every genre imaginable seemed to be available.
Rora moved farther into the store spotting the counter with an older woman standing behind it who greeted her ‘Hello, how are we doing today?”
Rora offered a smile and responded, “I’m doing great, how are you?” The woman responded that she was well before looking down at the book tucked under Rora’s arm. “What have you got there? It doesn’t appear to be anything you found on my shelves.”
“I’m hoping to find out what exactly this book is,” she explained as she placed it on the counter to be inspected. The woman picked it up, inspecting the cover and flipping through the pages. The woman pursed her lips, pulling her glasses down from on top of her head. After a few more moments she clucked her tongue. “I’m sorry dear, I just can’t place this language. It’s nothing I’ve seen in the 30 years I’ve ran this shop.”
Rora smiled and shook her head, “Don’t worry about it. Maybe I’ll be able to find his owner and he can tell me what it is.” She chuckled knowing that the chances of running into that man again were slim to none. “I’m just going to look around for a few minutes,” she added as she tucked the book back under her arm and turned to disappear between the many rows of book shelves. She found herself in a back corner looking at books on dressage. Some of the books she owned already but she was hoping to find something new.
Rora pulled out a book and was flipping through the pages when she felt the mystery man’s book being tugged from under her arm. She turned in shock as she hadn’t heard anyone approach her let alone stand directly behind her. It was him. The man from the café.
“Thank you for keeping my book safe,” Loki stated tucking it inside his coat and it seemingly disappeared. Rora’s face immediately flushed. She was so startled by his silence and the fact that he snatched the book out of her arm that she was struggling to find her words.
“Uh yeah sure. It seemed too important to leave lying on a café table,” she managed to say as her eyes shifted out the nearby window in an attempt to calm her racing heart. A tiny smirk tugged at the corners on his mouth, “Yes well there were some unexpected and also unpleasant patrons that showed up at that café just after you did.”
Rora’s gaze shifted back to his as she remembered the three men. “What were they looking for you for? Did you do something illegal?” She took a step back, his closeness was making her feel flustered. Loki noticed her step and kept his face emotionless but couldn’t help but chuckle internally. “Yes well some may call it illegal, I call it causing mischief,” he said as he turned on his heal to leave, “Thank you again for keeping my book safe.”
Loki began to walk away from her but she followed. “What’s the name of that book?” she asked walking quick enough to stay at his side. Given their height difference his stride was significantly larger than hers. “It’s a history book from my… home land,” he explained looking down at her curious why she wanted to know.
“Well where is that? I’ve never seen that language,” Rora was surprised when he pushed the store door open for her and motioned that she go ahead of him. Loki let out a sigh. She was quite persistent. He was thankful his car was waiting on the curb. “Some place very far away my dear. But I’m afraid I must go,” he stated before opening the door of the car and sliding in. Before Rora was able to question further the black Audi roared to life. Loki pulled away from the curb disappearing into the flow of traffic.
Rora found herself standing on the curb feeling like she had just experienced whiplash. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and run into Tony Stark. He and those two men seem to know something,” she muttered before turning to head home. Today had been so mentally overwhelming she decided it was better to explore the city another day.
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 27: Okay, who had natural disasters on their 2020 Bingo Card? [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]
After giving thanks to their hosts-- and, Loki learned, Steve’s temporary employers, for he’d agreed to work in exchange for the room they’d used-- 
They were allowed to set off, though the hosts expressed their concerns for his health, and, especially the wife, expressed their pleasure in having Steve working. They tried to cajole another day’s stay out of them, and Steve looked to Loki, entirely ready to respond, but lOki, jealous and already aching for it, shook his head. 
“I’m afraid we’ve lingered longer than we should already; we’re expected, and running behind schedule.” 
None could argue with that, though Steve gave him a disappointed look, but he did not contradict his words. 
And so they parted ways with New Amsterdam and left the area, waiting until they were out of the developed parts and well into the woods to talk. 
“We could camp out here,” Steve opened with, obviously hopeful. 
“No, as I said, I am using too much of your life as it is, taking too much time from you. We go forward today.” 
Steve’s lips thinned into a near-frown. 
“I hate having to scrape you off the ground every time we do this.” He said, words tight. 
Loki stiffened. 
“I apologize for being such a burden.” He spat, feeling wounded. It felt like a judgement-- he ought to be better than this. The problem was, he agreed. This should not affect him so, and it felt like weakness, allowing the stone to wreck him so thoroughly. 
“Loki…” Steve said, his name sounding like a warning before a sigh came from Steve’s lips. “That’s not what I mean. You have to know that.”
Loki glanced away. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” 
He looked up to find Steve’s brow furrowed, his hands shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants.
“Look, I… appreciate, I guess, everything you’ve done. You’ve kept me alive, when you didn’t have to, you haven’t abandoned me, even though it would have been easier…”
“Steve, stop, please.” Loki was not above begging. “This grand statement, this admission you want to work up to… it’s born of reliance. It’s born of fear. I don’t want--” He bit the words off. 
He didn’t want to take advantage, and he didn’t want some sort of pity or gratitude attraction. 
He wanted Steve Rogers, heart and mind and all. Not a Steve who had decided he was in love simply because Loki meant safety and a way home. 
Loki shook his head and pulled out the stone.
“I intend to take us back to our present today.” He said quietly. “This has gone on long enough. We’ve played pretend long enough, don’t you think? Our lives await us, in our own time, our destinies will not stop just because we have stepped out of the time stream.” 
And he was certain Steve’s destiny would be far from his, or worse-- destined to be his end. They were so much the opposite of one another, Steve so good and he so wicked. This would not end the way he wanted it to. And even if Steve got what he wanted now… Loki was under no illusions. Steve would come to resent him the moment his head was on straight and the rest of their lives was before him. 
“What? Loki, I thought-- you said that could destroy you!” Steve protested, his hands coming up as he stepped forward, hands closing around Loki’s hand that was holding the stone. 
“Better than letting me destroy you.” Loki responded, just as earnest. 
He wrapped his other hand around Steve’s wrist, and gave him no more time to argue. 
“Hold on!” He warned, before letting the stone go-- opening himself to it as he had never done before. 
He focused his thoughts on when they’d come from, the attack on the tower, the confusion of that night, Steve’s body crashing into his as the stone was activated. He held on to Steve with all the strength he had, and felt himself screaming-- singing-- falling--
And when they landed, the ground shook, upsetting the world around them. He could hear tires screeching to a halt and people shouting, could hear sirens and loud music, the sounds of a city, interrupted and shocked by that fact. 
They were back, or very nearly. 
All around them, the electrical grid shuddered and began to fail, New York City’s famous lights shutting down one block at a time. 
“Fuck Twenty Twenty.”  He heard someone grumbling as they flicked on the lights on their cell phone.
Close enough, Loki decided. He felt the ground shaking around him and closed his eyes for a moment, before realizing he was still standing, still holding onto Steve. 
He opened his eyes and met Steve’s, taking in the shock on his face. 
Loki dropped his hands. 
“It seems I was right: it was easier to do a larger jump.” 
“Easier-- Loki, Manhattan is all but blacked out!” 
Loki flinched.
Of course-- he had put himself above all those affected by his decision. It was exactly what he’d warned Steve would happen if he gained control of the stone, after all. 
Loki held the fisted hand out, and when Steve didn’t respond in kind, he simply dropped the stone at his feet. 
“I am sorry.” He said, looking up again, and into Steve’s eyes. “I didn’t know it would happen. I didn’t mean any harm.” 
That summarized all of it, he supposed. The whole adventure, Steve’s feelings, his own, the power outage, their return. 
All at once, he’d had enough of feeling like a failure. Of feeling weak and destructive in turns, fated to do nothing but be a burden or cause harm.
He opened his mouth to say more, thought better of it, and turned on his heel, beginning to walk away. 
Steve, however, grabbed onto him. 
“Loki, what the hell?” He demanded, voice warm and close behind Loki’s ear just like it had been when they laid together. Even though they had never lain together. 
“Have I not caused enough damage, Steve?” He demanded, pulling back and out of his arms, steeling himself against the disappointment he would see in his face. 
But Steve didn’t look disappointed; he looked hurt, and confused, and… and angry. 
“What damage? This?” Steve gestured with one arm out at the darkened city beyond. “You could fix it if you wanted to. I know you could. And you should. But this isn’t-- power outages happen, this isn’t damage the way you mean… what else?” He looked lost, and Loki hated that look on him. 
“I don’t know, sending you rocketing backward through time, trapping you into a frozen wasteland, nearly getting you killed, forcing you to take care of me while I worked to fix my mistakes?” Loki spoke snidely. 
“You saved the stone from Doom, you saved me from freezing, you got us both back here, at great personal cost, you’ve protected me and risked your life over and over again, and you think-- what, that I’m going to resent you for it?” 
“I think so, yes. And your friends will see us together and decide I’ve done something to you, and they will turn against you for deigning to think fondly of me. You think I haven’t seen as much before, Steve? I have lived so many times your years, and I’ll live so many times more after you’re gone.” 
Loki did not hide the hurt in his voice, even as a storm began brewing. 
“So what, you won’t give me a chance, because other people in the past have fucked up? Because you’ve decided you know how this will end?” 
“And what point is there in my staying, hm? I can’t help Barnes with the stone, and now you’ve seen what will happen, you see the destruction that using it causes. You won’t let anyone else use it, either.” The wind was whipping around him now, and he felt his hair stinging at his cheeks the same way the tears he would not allow to fall stung his eyes.
“Stay for me.” Steve called over the wind, his voice calm and strong despite the chaos around them. “Make the choice to do the right thing. There’s hospitals out there-- people who rely on power to breathe, people who need to see to be safe. We should help, try and get everything back online--” 
Above them, a bolt of lightning hit a tall building, and from that point, several more bolts split off, arcing over the city and beginning to restore light to the darkened buildings all around it. It was unnatural, powerful, almost miraculous. The work of a god. Thor had arrived. 
Loki nodded at the feat, the lightning’s brightness still clinging to the dark of the sky, even as the ground below began to glow once more. 
“As you can see, I’m not needed. You will always have better options than I, Captain.” 
He turned away again and fled into the last remaining shreds of darkness, hoping to hide from the Odinson, the Avengers, and his own feelings, all at once. 
This time, Rogers did not chase after him. 
Loki didn’t know whether to be sad or bitter or grateful, about that.
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Ragnarök: Asgard’s Twilight
Chapter 8: In The Arena
N/: Added a little reference to Planet Hulk this chapter in case anyone noticed it😉 Also, I changed Hela's color from green to red since I didn't like that Taika changed Loki's color to blue. Like, he really doesn't like Loki, huh🙄That and I like the idea of the Odin trio being the primary colors: Hela is red, Thor is blue, and Loki is green😁 Let me know what you guys think!👍
Thor’s body was thrown into a dirty cell forcefully as he grunted in pain. He ran to the door before it closed in his face. Thor yelled as he slammed his shoulder onto the door. A large dent was made, but it stayed shut.
He ran his fingers through his hair, exasperating as he realized just what he had gotten himself into. As he turned his head, his eyes fixed on an alien woman, with grey skin and long, dark hair. She donned some silver armor about her person. With high cheekbones and a slender yet muscular body, Thor could admit that she was quite the beauty.
“You there” Her voice broke the silence as Thor noticed that she was now looking at him with a stern expression “Come here”
He strode towards her, noting that she was much taller than he was. Where Thor stood at six feet and six inches, this woman appeared to be a whole foot taller than him.
Before Thor could say anything, however, the lady cut him off “It seems like you’re the Grandmaster’s new champion. Very well, then. We’ll make sure the audience gets their entertainment for tonight”
Thor furrowed a brow “I absolutely refuse to fight for that perverted, condescending slug” he sneered “There’s no time for any of this, I need to escape this place immediately”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, Golden Lion” She said “No one leaves this place, and if they do, they’re hunted by the Grandmaster’s scrappers and flogged for attempting to leave. Sometimes the punishments are worse, if the one above is feeling excited”
The lady extended her hand and flashed a small smile on her black painted lips “My name is Caiera. I act as an almost trainer for some of the fighters here. But seeing as the Grandmaster has chosen you personally as a champion, it must mean you already have some skill”
Thor was about to introduce himself. For one, if he even said his first name, there’s no way no one would ever let him leave. And secondly, it’s because he noticed who Caiera was.
“You’re...” he began “You’re one of the Shadow People. They held a power native only to Sakaar”
Caiera’s mouth opened slightly “Yes...how did you know that?”
Thor shrugged his shoulders “I had quite the education back home”
The two walked to the armory, where there was colorful armor with painted markings and alien creatures preparing themselves for the ring “I suppose I should warn you;” Caiera began “Many of the contenders will fight with blood to win. There is one the Grandmaster favors above all. He keeps him in a special cell, away from all the other fighters, until he is ready”
“I won’t have a problem” Thor stated, grabbing one of the weapons hanging from the wall “I have fought many enemies in my lifetime, and one way or another, I’ve succeeded”
Caiera seemed to differ “Well, this fighter is a big one, and he doesn’t take kindly to failure” She took the mace Thor was holding and replaced it with a blue-bladed sword “Do not be fooled, Lion; I may take liking to you, but you are alone in this fight”
Thor was about to respond, but some alien bodyguards grabbed him by his shoulders, hard. He was dragged once again by the ankles and thrown into a vacant room. The guards tied him to yet another chair, leaving the man alone in his thoughts. Thor twisted his wrists, the leather tight around his arms.
He needed to get home. Hela was probably on Asgard by now, and here he was, light years away. Thor leaned his head back onto the chair, closing his eyes in frustration. Looking up at the ceiling, Thor tried thinking of a plan. Anything to help him. But instead, his mind went somewhere else.
“Odin, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla...” Thor whispered in prayer. The rage he felt towards his father was ever present, but Thor couldn’t be cruel. Couldn’t tell his body to simply move on and forget “Where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice-“
“-for those that have died the glorious death” That last part was said in unison alongside a familiar voice. Thor turned his head to see Loki, standing in the shadows with his hands clasped together. He moved forward to stand in front of his brother, looking at him solemnly.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Loki said “Being lied to. To have everything in your life be for naught and feel as if your actions never had meaning”
Thor could only turn his head away, with the sound of Loki’s exasperated breath “I’m only speaking the truth. Father lied to me as well, you know”
But Thor doesn’t say a word, unable to look at his brother in the eye. Either way, Loki only sighed “If it’s any consolation: from what I hear, most of the gladiators here are inexperienced, so you may have some leverage in the ring. Can’t say the same for the Grandmasters favorite contender, however. He’s supposed to be astonishingly savage and has never lost a fight. Apparently he’s quite the idol amongst the audience, even the slaves take liking to him”
Thor averted his eyes back to Loki “I suppose you won’t be aiding me this time, brother”
Loki shook his head “Never said that, but I cannot just throw away my position with the Grandmaster. You know me better. If I help you directly, then we’re both doomed. We’d only be making it more difficult to stop Hela. But indirectly, we may have a chance”
Thor cocked an eyebrow “Is the truth so unbelievable that not even you can face it?”
The sentence made his brother tense, his lips pursing tightly “What would you have me do? Call her mother and be done with it? Acknowledge Hela as my blood and in turn, Laufey? Should that be my most logical conclusion, brother?” Loki sneered “Oh no, forgive me, ‘uncle’” He made gestures with his fingers as he said that.
Alright, Thor thought, that was too far. They both were going through many emotions at the moment. Thor just got his brother back. He didn’t want their connections to go sour yet again.
He sighed deeply ”I’m sorry, Loki” Thor said “Truly. It’s just...so much has happened...I just...why would Father have a need to lie?”
Loki could shrug his shoulders “Neither of us know Father’s intentions, and I’m afraid now we never will. But what I do know is that the people of Asgard shouldn’t suffer for Father’s mistakes”
Thor remained silent, afraid to say the wrong thing or have his emotions control him again. Footsteps could then be heard coming towards the room, and Loki took that as his cue to leave “I’ll see if I can ensure that your fight runs... sufficient enough so as to buy time to conduct a plan. Between the two of us, all these lambent colors are making my eyes want to burst”
“Loki-“ Thor said, stopping his brother in his tracks. He could see that Loki wanted to say something else, but he held his silver tongue and remained silent, only looking at his older brother in desperation. Thor’s mouth hinged at the expression.
Like that, Loki’s projection was gone. The alien bodyguards returned, one of them holding a sharp blade in his hand “Need to get you nice and pretty for the crowd, little cub” he said in a low tone of voice.
Thor sat confused for a moment, but when the other bodyguard grabbed his hair, forcefully pulling his head back, his eyes widened in rage. He kicked the aliens knee and ripped at his restraints. Like paper they broke free. Thor threw the bodyguard into the wall, trying to go to the door, but the other alien grabbed his shoulders and pummeled Thor into the ground.
His assistant held the blade tightly and pulled at Thor’s hair so hard he winced in pain. It went as quickly as it came, as Thor could feel the strands releasing from his scalp. And he could’ve sworn he felt his head getting damp.
Loki looked out the giant window of the so called ‘VIP lounge’, contemplating what to do. His eyes fixed on the Grandmaster, who was currently rallying up the crowd and getting them excited for the fight soon to occur.
Turning away from the window, Loki paced about in his thoughts, thinking of a plan to escape. As he went to go get a drink, his attention was averted to the open hallway. There in front of him, was none other than The Vixen.
Making sure the Grandmaster was distracted, Loki followed The Vixen as she walked away, unaware of his presence. Or so the man thought, as she stopped in her tracks and acknowledged him.
“Shouldn’t you be getting on the observatory ships, Luke?” Vixen said, speaking Loki’s false name
Loki could only smirk “I thought that as the Grandmasters closest colleague you would join him in watching the Contest, hmm?”
The Vixen scoffed “I’ve seen far too many fights in my years, and all have ended the same. This’ll be one I will gladly skip”
“Really? I do believe that the match might prove to be quite...exciting” Loki noticed Vixen getting tense, almost positioning her body in a fighting stance. He too prepared himself for any oncoming attacks. Seemed The Vixen didn’t care that they were currently in the middle of a vacant hallway from which anyone could appear. Frankly, neither did Loki.
She lunged towards him, trying to throw a punch. But Loki blocked it, twisting the Vixen within his grasp before she kneed him and moved her leg so as to throw off his balance. The Vixen landed atop Loki, once again trying to throw a punch, but Loki was quick. He pushed Vixen off him with an energy blast, running towards her before she could regain her composure.
A dagger was pointed at his neck as Loki held The Vixen in place. Before he could move, Vixen’s poncho moved aside to reveal her bare arm. Loki could see markings and brands on her skin, and his eyes widened as he realized what they were.
“These are Asgardian runes...” Loki breathed, astonished. The Vixen took advantage of his dumbfounded state and attempted to attack him with her dagger, but they both turned their heads once they felt the presence of the Grandmaster.
His brows were furrowed, and his hands on his hips “Now just what you think you’re doing, Luke?” He scolded
Loki was about to answer, but turned back to see The Vixen walking away angrily and muttering in a familiar language, sheathing her dagger back onto her person. His eyes reverted again to the Grandmaster “Nothing. Was just distracted”
A quick excuse, he thought.
The Grandmasters arm went around his shoulder, and Loki felt an uncomfortable slither upon his spin “Good” The Grandmaster smiled “I wouldn’t want you to miss this event. Many of my guests have already bid on who will win. The winner will get a very...special gift from yours truly. Care to join?”
Loki could’ve sword her saw the man wiggle his eyebrows, and the slither his spin felt worsened. How he wanted to just take the man and shove him off the roof. But Loki played along and flashed an awkward grin.
“No...no thank you”
Back on Asgard, Hela and Skurge walked to the gates of the golden palace. They opened with a loud boom, several Einherjar guards pointing their spears at the Goddess of Death. They were about to charge, but Hela mockingly shushed them. Skurge had prepared himself for the supposed carnage. However, he was mistaken.
With a wave of her hand, glowing red with magic, Hela twiddled her fingers. The magical energy spread, and the guards put their spears down, their eyes lighting the same color. They moved out of the way for Hela to walk through, and they stood at attention. Skurge could only look on in a mix of confusion and astonishment.
Hela turned to him with a smirk on her face “Just a simple mentality spell to keep them in check. After all, what is a queen without her queensguard?”
She gazed upon the throne in front of her, walking up the steps and sitting atop it. Hela breathed satisfyingly, practically beaming. Skurge could’ve seen it as a beautiful sight, had the woman not been absolutely deranged.
“You know,” Her voice echoed through the halls, grabbing Skurge’s attention “The stars whispered many stories to me so I wouldn’t get bored. Had they not been in my company, perhaps I would’ve gone mad”
Skurge chuckled nervously “Yes...of course”
Hela held her chin up high “They told me of Loki’s escapades; how he managed to bend the mortals minds to his will and assert his dominance properly. I suppose he takes it from me, I have always enjoyed a more...mystical touch than just a furnished weapon”
“More than I can say for my brother” Hela rolled her eyes and sneered “That buffoon simply gave up his claim, and for what?! To keep peace within the realms? Had he truly been wise, he’d know that peace never lasts in these forsaken kingdoms”
She waved her hand yet again, and a projection of red energy rested on her palm. Skurge walked up a few steps to see, careful not to get too close. He could see Odin riding atop his horse Sleipnir, and next to him was a young Hela, dressed in a red cape and riding a dark steed.
“My father ruled the Nine Realms with an iron fist” Hela explained “By his side, I was his most valued soldier. His prized general. It never occurred to me, how he’d never acknowledge me as his daughter. I never even knew until years before he banished me into an eternal abyss”
Those last words were said with venom, yet Skurge could see a hint of sadness in Hela’s seemingly hollow eyes. He then saw the projection change. Young Hela was now standing next to a tall figure who seemed to pay no mind to her.
“Once I met Laufey,” Hela said, Skurge’s eyes widening “,noting else mattered. He made me understand that on Asgard, I was weakened. Nothing more than a weapon to Odin”
She stood from the throne and waved her arm, the magic spreading across the throne room to create an illusion. Skurge saw the walls turn from gold to stone. Mist covered the floor alongside skulls of the dead.
Hela still stood proudly as the sounds of tortured souls filled the room “With Laufey ruling Jotunheim, I ruled Niffleheim alongside my young brother, Fenris. I was an adored Queen. Every day, I had a new audience to bask in my radiance” She smiled, cheekily and deviously.
“But the All-Father,” her eyes grew dark “he didn’t like that. Oh no...he didn’t”
“...Such a mistake...”
Skurge looked to see a sight he never thought he’d see in his wildest dreams. Or his worst nightmares. In the dark ceiling, he saw winged horses, white as pure snow. It would’ve been a beautiful sight...had they not been plunging from the sky, blood spilling from their bodies like jewels off stone.
The legendary women riding these magnificent steeds all had fallen. Some were impaled by giant, black spikes, others were plummeting alongside their horses. Skurge could only look on in horror, as the faint sounds of battle filled his ears. Like feathers from a bird, the warriors descended from the heavens helplessly.
“You must understand, my Executioner” Hela said, Skurge turning back to her “The road to recognition always begins with the destruction of chains. To understand our place in the world, we must release ourselves from those who would imprison us. When our self fulfillment is complete, then the whole world will kneel to our feet”
Skurge listened to her words, thinking of how for most of his life, he had mostly been ignored by the people. It didn’t make him happy to serve Hela, but if this what was needed for him to be noticed....so be it.
Hela smiled down at him “I have my throne. I have my queensguard. Now, I need only my army”
The arena was booming with thousand of people. Cheers and screams filled the place as their blood pumped for the oncoming fight. Above them, the observation ships flew, the biggest one holding the Grandmaster. Loki stood next to him cautiously, his hands clasped closely to his chest.
A projection of the Grandmaster addressed the audience with a welcoming smile “What a show this has been. Let’s give a round of applause for our opening acts who perished oh, so gruesomely!” The crowd cheered him on “But now, it’s time for the main event. As you can see, I have rounded up some of my best contenders to, heh, ‘unwillingly’ participant in this fight”
The cheers of the crowd grew louder with every word. Amongst the other observation ships, The Vixen was on one, holding a glass of dark wine and looking down at the scene. Loki noticed her suspiciously. Seemed like she didn’t want to skip this fight after all.
In the arena, ten different gladiators stood outside the gates, waiting eagerly for the fight to start.
“But before we begin, allow me to introduce our newest contender” The Grandmaster announced “Standing at six feet, he’s a real heart throb, ready to show us what he’s made of. Ladies and gentlemen...” He pauses for dramatic effect “...I am proud to present, the newest addition of our show...Give it up for the Golden Lion!”
A whoosh noise was heard as the gates opened. Once they were fully unlatched, Thor walked out with blue-bladed swords in hand. His long hair was fully shaved, his Asgardian gear was replaced with gladiator armor, and his face was painted red. In his hand was a helmet, which he placed upon his head. Thor walked towards the other gladiators, not paying mind to their dark looks and snarls at him.
“Now, audience!” The Grandmaster said “It’s time for our favorite brute to show himself!”
This time, the crowd was going wild with anticipation. The gates opened, the sound of loud banging startling Thor as he bracedd himself “You know him...” He heard the Grandmaster say “...You all love him...Put your hands together for-“
A familiar green beast emerged from the shadows, donned with armor and a Spartan helmet. Hulk roared as he pounded his chest like a gorilla, making the crowd scream his name.
Thor could see the other fighters tense up, but all he could do was look in shock. Above him, Loki had the same expression as his brother, and they also seemed to have the same thing in mind.
“Oh crud...”
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dangerous-mess · 4 years
Loki, Come Down
Characters: Loki, Avengers (mentioned), Thor (mentioned), Tony Stark (mentioned), Chitauri (mentioned)
Contains: Mentions of a suicide attempt, mentions of self harm, mentions of the attack on New York (2012), childhood mentioned, religion and an afterlife mentioned briefly, self hatred
Word Count: 2.1K
Achilles, Achilles, Achilles come down. Won’t you get up off the roof?
After the invasion on New York city and the events that had happened in Asgard, Thor and Loki had returned to New York. Of course, once the brothers moved into the tower things were different. Everyone got along well with Thor as he was included and involved in every meal and activity hosted between missions. Loki, on the other hand, was not. He knew he wasn’t wanted as the room became quiet every time he walked in. It didn’t take a genius to know what was going on. Sure, he should have known everything he did all those years ago won’t go unforgiven overnight, but yet it was as if all of them, Thor included, held his mistakes over his head. 
Being the proud god he was, he refused to let how he felt show around anyone. He kept up the same façade, not letting anyone see how he truly was feeling. He slowly spent more time in his room, mostly reading any form of literature he could get his hands on. When he and Thor had first moved into the Thor he was forced to join particular missions and tasks Thor or even other members of the team were called upon to perform, but slowly he was let go and forgotten, as why would anyone trust the deceitful god. 
You crazy assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue. Redemption lies plainly in truth
The team had once again been called away on another mission, one that from what he had overheard, would last a while. Which only left him completely alone in the tower. That itself was a blessing and a curse. A blessing as he could roam and not being holed up in his room all day. But unfortunately, it also meant that Stark would most likely be watching the tower, through whatever means possible. 
The weeks the Avengers were gone, Loki spent most of his time reading or walking through the halls of the tower. Although he was free to leave the tower whenever he pleased, a part of him was scared to walk through the streets as himself, afraid of how the mere folks of New York would respond to seeing him. Of course, no one knew this. He was a god, and everyone on this planet were mere mortals, he could crush them with the bottom of his boot if he so desired. Yet, after everything he had gone through, specifically everything that had occurred over the last several years, his confidence and self-esteem had slowly gone down the drain. He had begun to hate himself, if he were to be honest, hate himself more than he had prior to being cast out of Asgard. More than he had when he tried to take over New York alongside the Chitauri Army. 
He truly realized now, more than he had ever noticed before, that he was a monster. He was much more than feared by the creatures that walked across Earth, he was hated by them as well. He was hated by the Avengers and he knew even his own brother hated him, even if Thor never said so. It was clear to Loki, he wasn’t a mere fool, he was a god. A god who is the master of lies, so of course he can see through the false statements his brother made. He had heard from Thor himself that humans tended to be forgiven creatures, if given time, but that was clearly a lie as well. 
The self is not so weightless nor whole and unbroken. Remember the pact of our youth.
Days turned into weeks as weeks turned into months and it eventually felt as if the god himself was simply going through the motions. He began to realize he was losing weight from not eating as much, only going to get food when he was positive everyone within the tower was fast asleep. Even then only taking a bit, no longer wanting to feel as if he was an incontinence or more of a villain for wanting to eat. The time Loki had once spent reading was now spent either sleeping or standing on the balcony looking as everything else was moving, while he felt trapped. 
The confidence that once could be seen on the god was gone. His hair is more of a mess, tangled and greasier than it had ever been before. He wasn’t sure when he bathed last and at this point, he had no energy to do so. Any time he attempted to shower, he ended up stripping down completely and staring at his nude self in the mirror. He stood there criticizing every little thing about himself, everything that was wrong with him. Although he was a god, Loki knew that he wasn’t immortal and if he continued down this current path he was on he was bound to kill himself. And for the first time, he wasn’t afraid to die, if anything he wanted to die. He just wanted to rid the world of the monster he was, to ease the stress he put on his brother for existing, and to make the lives of the Avengers better. 
In many cultures across history, Loki knew that the act of suicide was considered an honorable act. In many religions however, it was considered a selfish act and would not secure a person’s place in the afterlife. Loki being a god, was unsure what would come of him if he went through with his plan. Would he be allowed into some afterlife or if he would just be gone forever, a corpse lying within a grave who is not welcomed anywhere. Regardless, at this moment, what would be there for him, was not a concern for him in the moment. 
As he reflected on his life up to this point, his thoughts often brought him back to his childhood, before things turned sour. Back when his mother was still alive, back when he and Thor were close. Thinking back to that, brought a small sad smile to his face. He longed and missed the sibling rivalry and friendship Thor and him once had. He remembered all the times, Thor would tease him for reading, studying, and practicing magic whereas Thor led a completely different life. But at the end of the day, Thor was his brother and he always made sure to let Loki know before bed how proud of a brother he was and how one day, Loki would be a great King and leader. The smile that he had thinking about the past slowly turned into a frown as tears rolled down his cheeks. 
It is empty Achilles, so end it all now. It’s a pointless resistance for you. 
Originally he had planned not to write a note, but he felt that he owed his brother that much. So a few days before, Loki sat down on the balcony and using the moonlight, he wrote out a goodbye. He had only meant it to be a few short paragraphs, no more than a page at least. Though, that slowly turned into pages of grief and self-hatred. He wrote pages of apologizes and wishes to take back every mistake and foul sentence he had ever done or spoken into existence. His once neat writing became a mess as he neared the end of the note, the paper stained with his tears. Everything was becoming too real, and as much as the cocky and confident part of the god wanted to back down from this plan, he felt it was far too late. That he had to go through it, soon for that matter. 
The day arrived and like every other day, Loki spent most of the day sleeping. When he woke up, he forced himself out of his bed and took a shower for the first time in a long time. He made sure to scrub all the grime and filth that he could psychically wash off himself. He took the time to wash his hair, undoing all the tangles slowly, making sure his hair was back to the way it used to be. After he felt clean enough, he stepped out and dried himself off. As he brushed his teeth, he stared at himself, one last time in the mirror. He could see his ribs poking out, and how thin all of him had become. His skin was paler than it usually was and when he turned to close the door attached to the shower, he saw many strands of his hair covering the shower. 
The rest of the day after cleaning himself, was spent sitting on the balcony enjoying the sun and fresh air as he read his favorite book, one last time. 
You may feel no purpose nor a point for existing. It’s all just conjecture and gloom
Loki finished the book several hours later, and night had fallen several hours prior. He had used the moonlight as a source of light to finish reading his book, as well as turning the light to his bedroom on. He walked back into his room and sat his book down on his dresser, as he pulled out an outfit. It was the same outfit he wore all that time ago, during the attack on New York. He slipped into it, fixing his hair as he wanted to look perfect. He grabbed the note he had written just nights prior and stuffed it into the pages of the book he was just reading. He grabbed the book and made his way to the bedroom door. As he went to open it, he glanced around his room, taking it all in one last time. He sighed as he opened the door and turned off the light to his room. 
He made his way to the stairwell, knowing it would be less likely that he would be stopped or caught by any of the Avengers. He slowly made his way up several flights of stairs, in no rush, taking everything as he knew it would all be over soon. As he made it to the top of the building, he stopped and stared at the entrance to the roof. It was now or never, and he slowly began to have second thoughts. Was this really what he wanted? His hand was shaking as he grabbed the door handle, opening the door. He stepped onto the roof before stopping. He was frozen with fear, one of the few times he truly experienced fear. 
And there may be no meaning, so find one and seize it. Do not waste your self on this roof. 
Still struck with fear, Loki got his feet to move again and slowly made his way to the edge of the roof. He wrapped his arms around his favorite book, clutching it tightly to his chest. He sat down on the ledge, his feet dangling off, watching as the city was still wide awake even in the middle of the night. Multiple thoughts ran through his head, a split in what he should do. Half of his thoughts were screaming at him to jump, trying to convince him even more that he was a monster who needed to die.
Be real and just jump, you dense motherfucker
 While the other half calmly whispered for him to get off the roof, to reassure him that he wasn’t a monster. That if he just went and talked to Thor and Stark as well as the rest of the Avengers maybe things could change. 
Don’t listen, Achilles. You’re worth more, Achilles.
Soon enough both thoughts were overlapping and he could no longer tell right from wrong. He was becoming frustrated just wanting an answer, just wanting to know what to do. He wasn’t sure if it was out of frustration or anger but before he could stop himself, he let out a scream. He just screamed and yelled at the universe, cursing it for all the pain and sorrow it had brought upon him and his life. Tears rolled down his cheeks, as he spilt out all the emotions he had bottled up inside for so long. Soon his voice became hoarse and all that came out was whimpers as the tears just kept coming. The dam within him had broken and everything was spilling out. 
Clothe yourself in beauty untold and see life as a means to a triumph.
As Loki began to calm down, he realized he didn’t want to go through with this, at least not today. He slowly turned and moved his legs back onto the rooftop, clinging on to the book even tighter than he had earlier. He made his way off the roof and snuck back to his room. He would live to see another day, maybe things would get better with time, and if not the rooftop would always be waiting for him. 
How you will heal and you'll rise above. Crowned by an overture bold and beyond. Ah, it's more courageous to overcome
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