#which between the sex magic elements
foone · 9 months
I want to make the wizard in One Hundred and One Magical Pistols trans, but the problem is that he's not afab. Or amab. He wasn't assigned anything at birth, because he wasn't born. (nor was I but that's a different story)
Like all chronomancers one of the first thing he did was undo his birth, because that's a risk you can't afford when you're a time traveler. What if someone goes back and shoots your grandfather? You'd get undone, unmade, a living paradox. And that can really put a crimp in your day.
So I'm not sure how to describe his gender, and that's on top of the whole issue that he's a wizard. Yeah sure, he uses he/him pronouns, but he's a wizard. If he had a driver's license, it'd be like:
NAME: *redacted because he doesn't have a name yet*
BORN: no
GENDER: Wizard
If sex is what's between your legs and gender's what's between your ears (and they aren't) , the answer for both of his is "incredible arcane power". What's in his pants? Probably a wand, a gun, or a portal to the Elemental Plane of trousers.
So I guess you could say he's afabtnaab(nb)tmtw.
Assigned female at birth, to not assigned at birth (not born) to male to wizard.
That's like, triple trans. That's the thing about fantasy worlds with wizards and shit, they can be trans in ways that we on earth can barely dream of!
Remind me to tell y'all about that dragon-to-werewolf-to-human enby. Speaking of which, they're an interesting case too. Like, you might think you'd call them an afab enby, but the thing is, they were born (well, hatched) as a dragon. Dragons only have one gender, and it's Dragon. They're very much like wizards in that way (which isn't a coincidence). So they didn't have a binary gender when they were a dragon, but when they became a werewolf, they got one (semi-arbitrarily: they got the gender of the werewolf that infected them). Or at least, they got a feminine body. They're still non-binary, because they're still a dragon, even if they have "female body".
And then when they turned into a human, they kept the female body, just... A human instead of werewolf version of it. So you could call them AFAB except they weren't assigned anything at birth, they were just assigned dragon at hatching.
So yeah. Gender, won't you?
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somedaylazysomeday · 11 months
An Emissary of the (Goblin) King
Your quiet life as a teacher falls apart when a student wishes you away. Eventually, Jareth has to decide what to do with you.
Jareth x fem!reader (no use of 'y/n')
*This was written for a request in which the reader was supposed to be plus-sized. As such, there are a few scattered references to weight and body shape.
**Not related to my other Labyrinth works.
Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 6,800
Warnings: themes of being forgotten, slight loss of identity, bar flirting, slight harassment, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie.
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When you had gotten wished away in your thirties, you were… perturbed. 
After all, you had been long past the days of fairy tales and make-believe. Magic was a lovely story element for children, a way to encourage their imaginations and allow them to dream of the impossible. But it wasn’t real. 
At least, that had been your theory between the ages of ten and thirty-something. Then, one of your second-grade students in the after-school tutoring session had gotten upset with you. You had told him that he couldn’t have a second helping of snacks unless he agreed to work on his math problems with you. He had been struggling with subtraction in particular, but was so energetic that it was difficult for him to focus. 
You hadn’t really been able to blame him - it was after school hours and the sun was beginning to set, throwing beams of blazing orange light from beneath a carpet of dark purple clouds. It was the perfect counterpoint to the playfully spooky Halloween decorations you had put up around the room. 
Anyway, when you had insisted that your student sit down and focus on his math sheet before you let him have another handful of gummy worms, he had pouted his tiny face. With an impressive amount of venom for a six-year-old, he said, “Well, I wish the goblins would take you away right now.”
You were still wearing an indulgent smile when you appeared in the straw-strewn throne room with an anticlimactic pop!
The Goblin King was lounging on his uncomfortable-looking throne, watching you with his own indulgent smile. “Wished away by a child, were you? Pity. He likely meant nothing by it, but… well, what’s said is said. I doubt he will opt to run the labyrinth, but let us see if he calls.”
Operating under the idea that you had fallen and given yourself a rather nasty concussion, you simply nodded and took a seat on the cleanest section of the stone floor you could find. It was quiet in the throne room, though you could hear the unmistakable sounds of distant chaos.
It had started small - brushing a piece of straw from the stone slab next to you. It fell into the pit and that made you feel a little better. Then you pushed the straw from the next stone, and the next until the section around you was clear. Then you started using your feet to push the straw down the stairs until it was gathered in a neat pile at the bottom. 
“Would you like a broom?” the man with the wild hair asked. You were cautious when you faced him, but he simply looked amused. 
“And a dustpan, if you don’t mind.”
He shook his head. “Unnecessary.”
You hadn’t bothered asking what that meant. Instead, you applied yourself to neatening the throne room, working from the edges and sweeping all the debris toward the pit in the center of the room. Even the brown dots - ones you hoped were mud but suspected were some kind of dried fecal matter - lifted easily enough under the stiff bristles of the broom. 
At last, the room was clean and you swiped your forearm across your perspiring face. You didn’t know how the pit was going to get clean, but you were going to be miffed if the answer was ‘you’. 
When you caught movement from the corner of your eye, you jumped. You hadn’t forgotten the room’s other occupant - how could you? - but he moved with such impossible silence that you couldn’t track him with hearing alone. 
The man came to stand beside you and you took the chance to study him subtly. He looked… strange.
You shook yourself, reflexively berating yourself for the unkind thought, but you hadn’t been wrong. His face was narrow, flaring out at the cheekbones. His eyes were mismatched, but not in a heterochromatic way. No, one of his eyes was bluish-green while the other was simply black, as if it were entirely pupil. 
His hair was long and straight, though cut at various lengths that left it tapering from his  head down. Like a shag haircut on steroids. You were a little jealous and had vaguely started wondering whether you would be able to pull off the style when he turned. You realized just how tall he was. 
His mismatched stare was heavy and intense, and you redirected your attention as soon as possible. You opted to look at the pit instead, to take in the pile of straw and droppings, but it was gone. 
“What happened to the straw?” you asked, bewildered by the empty pit in front of you.
He smirked, lips twisting with an amusement that didn’t reach his eyes. “I discarded it, of course.”
“No, you didn’t,” you contradicted. “I’ve been standing there the whole time.”
“I used magic,” he clarified.
“Magic isn’t real.” 
The man’s eyes widened, then narrowed at you. “Have you not yet realized that you’re in a different place than you were when you were wished away?” 
“You said that earlier,” you remembered. “‘Wished away’. What do you mean?”
“At last, the typical questions,” he sighed. “Admittedly, far later than they are usually asked. Allow me to explain.”
The explanation that followed had been interesting, if mildly ludicrous: the man was actually a fae named Jareth. He collected lost and wished away items, though the only ones of them people cared enough to chase down were living things. He guarded the Labyrinth, collected the living things that appeared in the Underground - mostly children and pets, as he had explained - and allowed the wishers to run the Labyrinth if they wanted their disappeared item back. 
It could have been a far shorter explanation if you hadn’t been far more convinced by your concussion theory. 
In the end, Jareth had gotten tired of listening to your counterarguments and had sent you to ask Hoggle the rest of your questions. Hoggle had answered your questions… eventually. With a lot of complaining and work between giving those answers. You didn’t mind - work was something to keep you from running in circles in your own thoughts, and you learned a lot about the Labyrinth and the Underground simply by following Hoggle around. 
Jareth didn’t call you back to the throne room for nearly a week. 
“It seems as though your wisher is not going to run for you,” he said, taking on an expression he may have thought looked pitying. “He is at home with his mother, playing and eating and sleeping quite well without another thought of you. Quite the heroic youth."
“He’s six!” you reminded, mildly outraged at Jareth’s censure. “Even if he had offered, I wouldn’t want him running your labyrinth. It’s a death trap.”
Jareth’s expression had flattened at your insult, his mismatched eyes glittering with irritation. “Whether he would have run or not is irrelevant in the end. The real question is: what is to be done with you?”
“I…” You disliked asking questions you already knew the answers to, but there was nothing to be gained by playing things cool. “Could I go back home?”
The blunt answer, though exactly what you had expected, still made you wilt. 
Jareth, for all that he made you nervous, didn’t look cruel about it. In a voice that was kinder than you had hoped, he said, “Even if I would agree to send you home, it would be impossible. You have been here too long. You have eaten and drank from the Underground. A single bite, a single sip… those could be reasoned with. Enough to influence a dream, forge a connection. But anything more? You are of this place now, more one of us than one of them.”
You wanted to argue, but something in your chest agreed, some nameless tangle of a thing recognizing that everyone and everything you had known were ‘them’. And you were not. 
Not anymore.
You had expected to be eaten by the Firies or thrown into the Bog or at least turned into a goblin, but Jareth had given you a different job: you were to be his hands and eyes in the human world.
“After all, no one will wish their belongings to me if they are ignorant of my existence,” he had told you. “You will spread information. Books and legends, stories told by firelight and in dark rooms as their occupants drift to sleep.”
And that was your task, had been for an eternity before you thought to check what year it was at all. People didn’t recognize you when you went to the human world, not even if you happened upon someone you had once known. That was fortunately rare, and became more so as the years faded. You didn’t seem to age, not the way you had. Perhaps there was an extra strand of silver in your hair or an aching joint where there never had been before, but it was uncommon. 
Oh, you looked the same as you always had. You could verify that any time you were on the surface. Just then, for instance, you were standing outside of a bar and could see yourself in the shine of the old-fashioned, gilt-edged windows. You were generously curved as you had been before, your face the same shape. 
If you stared too long, though, you could catch something strange in your face, in the way you walked. Nothing overt, of course, but something that made you look… sharp. Wild. It drew some attention when someone watched you for too long. The mask of your humanity - what remained of it, anyway - fell away with exposure. From there, it could go either way. Sometimes, humans fled like prey before a predator. Other times, they hit on you. 
Had humanity always been like this? So willing to run into danger? You didn’t think so, but it was getting difficult to remember. 
Either way, you had barely sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of wine before someone slid onto the barstool beside you. To be fair, you couldn’t be too upset about it. You had been searching for company.
“I’ll pay for that,” the man announced to the bartender. The bartender didn’t look like she could have cared less, but she managed a nod. “So, what’s your name?”
“I’m much more interested in learning yours,” you deflected. 
The stranger beamed at that and you smiled back. If you had your way, he wouldn’t learn your name. Even if he did, he would forget it before the day ended and you would never see him again. You would feel guilty about that, but you needed him for temporary relief from your body’s needs, nothing more. 
He could never be anything more. 
You pushed all of that from your mind and focused on your partner for the evening. He was handsome, the type of person you dated before you were wished away. It was getting harder to remember those days. 
The man’s personality was a little intense, but that tended to ease back a bit after someone realized that you weren’t going to disappear from them… yet.
Two drinks in, you had offered a smile that was almost genuine and were getting ready to suggest a change in location when your chest vibrated.
That wasn’t quite the right way to phrase it, but it was a difficult sensation to describe. It felt as though your ribcage and all of the organs it protected shook in tandem. The closest you had ever come to pinpointing the sensation was to compare it to the ringing of a gong, though thankfully, without the noise of the actual strike. 
The sensation was a warning that the Goblin King wanted you back in the Underground. It would happen more often the longer you ignored the summons, and would eventually grow painful. 
You rarely let it continue that long.
“I have to go,” you told your potential partner, standing abruptly from the stool and handing your credit card to the bartender. “Drinks are on me.”
At least, you assumed it was a credit card. It had no numbers or identification on it and you certainly didn’t have any money, but you had never had trouble paying for anything with it. Jareth had given it to you with minimal explanation. 
“Hang on-” the man protested, catching at your arm. You looked at his hand, then at him. Some of your strangeness must have shown through, since he slowly withdrew. He wasn’t wary enough, since he continued to speak. “What happened? I thought this was going somewhere.”
“It was,” you agreed simply, accepting your card from the bartender and scrawling a series of loops on the receipt she slid toward you. “Now it’s not.”
Fortunately for your almost-partner for the evening, he thought better of trying to physically stop you again and you left the bar unaccosted. 
Transportation to the Underground was rarely as dramatic as it had been that first time. Instead of a sudden, jarring switch in location, it happened as a slow fade. In this instance, you were walking and your surroundings seemed to blur slightly. When you could see clearly once more, you were in the Goblin King's throne room. 
Your forward motion hadn’t stopped, but it was far more risky to keep walking with the goblins thronging around your feet. You looked down at the group currently blocking your way and said, “Excuse me.”
The goblins - who had apparently been occupied in some kind of chicken-based game, shrieked and tumbled to either side. You continued toward the throne. 
For his part, Jareth was pretending he hadn’t noticed you yet. Instead, he was sprawled across his throne and studying the riding crop he had resting across his knees. Most observers would believe he was pensive, utterly lost in thought, but you knew better. Jareth loved to be watched, and if he could convince you that you had chosen to look without any prompting from him, so much the better. 
“You summoned me, sir?” you asked, reaching the base of the throne and offering a small incline of your head. 
Jareth glanced over, managing to look surprised, curious, and haughty. “Yes, I want a report on your progress.”
“Do you mind if I dismiss your subjects?” 
“As if you do not number among them?” Jareth tested, a corner of his mouth quirking upward knowingly. When you simply maintained eye contact, he gave a slight nod. “Very well, if it would please you.”
With effort, you managed not to shake your head at him. You were well able to focus even with the din of goblins around you, but Jareth took any respite he could get from them. 
“Can you all go downstairs for a while?” you asked, directing the question to the room at large. “I need to speak with the king.”
“You’s is speaking to him now,” one squeaky goblin pointed out, sounding sullen. 
Before the others could agree, you quickly cut in and diverted them. “You’re right, I am. But we need to talk about some very boring stuff and we need the room to be quiet. If you want to stay, you can’t make any noise. In fact, you could even help clean the throne room…”
You didn’t have a chance to say anything else, the goblins rushed out of the room in a panicked tide. You smirked at the receding wave of excitable, temperamental creatures. It seemed like a lifetime had passed since you had taught six and seven year-olds, but the goblins weren’t so different from human children. 
When you turned around, Jareth was sitting on the throne like it was a chair rather than a fainting couch. One of his eyebrows was raised and he looked impressed despite himself. “Someday, you must help me gain such mastery over my subjects.”
“Impossible,” you told him flatly. “They’re too focused on impressing you.”
“That has always been my burden to bear,” the Goblin King drawled, preening slightly as you tried not to roll your eyes. 
Jareth was the king. If you were to be technical about it, he was your king. He had left you alive when he didn’t need to. Even more than that, the nature of the job he had given you meant you had certain powers. The Goblin King did not bestow those lightly. You felt like you owed him at least basic respect, if not anything more subservient.
Besides, Jareth had enough people - well, goblins - trying to respond to his every need. You liked to think that he enjoyed the bits of personality you were willing to share with him. 
Rather than voice any of that aloud, you gave a shallow nod. "But you summoned me for a purpose. What do you need?" 
With the amusement still dancing across his fine features, Jareth tilted his head at you. "The work I gave you has never taken so long. I wanted an update on your progress." 
"My…" For the first time since you had found yourself in this strange land, you were thrown off by Jareth. He had never given any deadlines for your work, never ordered you to be done by a specific time. In fact, the opposite had been true. On the rare occasions that you worried about how long something took, Jareth was the first to remind you that he - and, by extension, you - had all the time that would ever exist. 
You managed to scrape together a semblance of competence. "An update. Yes. I can- That is, the work you gave me is complete. I distributed the books, set up special showings of the film, and orchestrated the release of some photographs." 
"All of that has been done?" Jareth checked. When you nodded, he gave you a stern look. "Then why did you not return to me immediately?"
As if on cue, something low in your stomach gave a heaving, disgruntled throb. You had never been overly desire-driven when you were fully human, and you blamed that for your current awkwardness - sex had never been common enough for you to grow blunt about your need for it. But you still had that need, and your body’s complaints were almost enough to drown out the weight of Jareth’s stare. Almost.
“I was in the middle of a different task,” you replied, trying to make it sound as bland as possible. Jareth’s attention span was stronger than that of his subjects, but he still made a concerted effort to avoid boring subjects. “Nothing of importance.”
Jareth studied his hands. “No, I imagine there is not much of importance in a dirty tavern.”
You froze. Not that you had been moving very much before, but every muscle locked down in response to the pointed revelation that Jareth could and did know where you went when you were Aboveground. “I-”
“You?” Jareth repeated mockingly. “Yes, you. You allowed a human to ply you with alcohol, then to paw at you. Though I suspect, given the tone of your conversation, that is far more innocent than what you would have done if I had not summoned you back here.”
“But how-”
Your question cut off abruptly when Jareth made a noise of impatience, tapping his cheekbone twice, just below his human eye.
“You watch me?” you demanded, surprise turning swiftly to anger and embarrassment. “Why?”
Jareth treated the question as literal rather than rhetorical, musing for a moment before he answered. “At first, to see if you intended to flee. It would not have worked, but it is always amusing to see humans try. Then, to be certain that you were performing your tasks to my standards. And finally…” The smile on Jareth’s face was indolent, with more than a hint of mischief. “Simply because I can.”
Glaring at an omnipotent fae king was probably not the wisest thing you could do, but your fury made you bold. “And have you watched me during my personal time before?”
Jareth let his head loll toward you for the best view of his self-satisfaction. “Yes.”
With a barely stifled noise of outrage, you spun with every intention of storming out of the room. Unfortunately for you, the powers Jareth had allotted you were nothing compared to his own. Without a sound or a motion from him, Jareth ordered the heavy doors to swing closed and there was nothing you could do to force them open once more. 
“I do not see why you are so offended,” Jareth told you, conversational tone coming from nearer than his throne. “I am well aware that humans have needs.”
“Then why interrupt me…” Your hissed demand had caught in your throat when you turned to find Jareth much closer than anticipated. The Goblin King twisted his head slightly to one side, matching the smirk that twisted his lips. You cleared your throat. “Why interrupt me when you know I’m occupied? Like you said, I have needs. It doesn’t help anyone if I’m too busy to meet them.”
“You are missing the most obvious solution,” Jareth informed you, spreading his hands to either side. “I can help meet those needs.”
“You?” you repeated skeptically. 
Jareth’s arms dropped and he looked almost offended. “And why not me?”
It may have been a rhetorical question, but you gave it as much thought as he had to your earlier question about his reasoning. “Well, you don’t seem like you would be interested. You don’t usually do things unless you have something to gain.”
“Have I not struck you as altruistic?” he asked. You shook your head, opting for honesty above tact. “Good. You are right, I don’t perform favors out of something as naïve as kindness. I have much to gain from this offer.”
“Like what?” you asked. The suspicion in your voice was so thick as to be almost comical, but Jareth didn’t seem offended.
“Pleasure,” he answered simply. “Do you want to meet your needs now? Or will you wait until the next time you have a spare moment to be disappointed by some human in a bar?”
You thought about waiting, you really did. Jareth was cocky enough without giving him access to something as personal as your pleasure. But you were growing close to desperation. That could make you more likely to be careless in Aboveground, something you weren’t willing to risk.
“You’re right,” you said. “It is the most obvious solution.”
The only thing that saved you from the self-congratulatory smile that slid across Jareth’s face was the fact that you erased it with your lips a moment later.
The Goblin King’s teeth were sharp. It had been one of the first things you noticed when you met him so long ago, but you were still a little shocked to be confronted by that sharpness when you slipped your tongue between his lips. 
Jareth’s surprise rivaled your own, though for different reasons. For half a moment, he seemed taken aback by your ardor, but he recovered and took control of the kiss before you could get used to the taste of him. He was like the sweetest wine, and you were instantly addicted.
A hand latched around your jaw kept your head positioned just where Jareth wanted it, and he swept through you like a hurricane. It was all you could do to keep up with him, but you were the first one to succumb to wandering hands. 
His clothes were always so decadent, and you had been waiting a long time to see if they felt as lovely as they looked. You were delighted to say that they did - textures sliding and dancing beneath your fingertips - but you were more focused on what you felt under those clothes.
The heat of Jareth’s skin was immense even through his clothing, enough to pull an answering sensation of heat from you. Every item of clothing you removed from him ratcheted the temperature further up until you felt like there was fire under your skin. 
Halfway through removing Jareth’s ostentatious cape, you pulled away to deposit it safely on his throne. It wouldn’t do to have it trampled by goblins or, worse, land in chicken excrement. 
Jareth muttered complaints for every moment you were away from him, pulling you impatiently closer the moment you were in arm’s reach. “I don’t know why you did that. I intend for that throne to be our next destination.”
You cast an assessing glance toward the door. It looked heavily barred, and you hadn’t been able to budge it, but there was a distinct possibility… “Fine with me, as long as you’re sure we won’t be interrupted. I don’t want to toss any of your subjects from the window of your throne room.”
“The door is locked,” he assured you, ducking his head to press wet kisses down your neck before blowing gently across his handiwork. 
With a shiver at the abrupt shift in temperature, you nodded. “And no goblin has ever managed to circumvent a locked door before.”
Jareth paused, clearly intent on undoing your shirt, but gave a marvelously exasperated groan. “Fine.”
Your triumph was cut off by an abrupt shriek as Jareth pulled you into his arms so strongly that your feet left the floor. “Jareth! What are you doing?”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, pet,” he replied, pouting. “I’m not wasting any more time.”
And then he was striding toward a section of the throne room that looked distinctly… soft around the edges, and you recognized it as a portal. All of that was secondary, of course, to the ever-present awareness of being held in Jareth’s arms. 
As someone with a proud set of curves, you could count on one hand the number of times you’d been lifted by a lover. That was a shame, since being carried was something of a weakness for you, especially when you weren’t worried about being dropped. And nothing in Jareth’s expression or posture warned that he was about to run out of strength. 
You were still basking in the sensation as Jareth stepped through the portal and into a room that was nearly as large as the throne room. The major differences were that there was no pit and that the place of the throne was occupied by the largest bed you had ever seen. 
A smile stretched across your face as Jareth set you down on that large bed, and he frowned at you. “What is amusing you?”
“This bed is enormous,” you explained. “Yet I’ve never seen you with anyone.”
“I’ve had a partner here on numerous occasions,” he told you haughtily. “Perhaps you have not seen them because you are so busy finding partners among the humans.”
“Perhaps,” you agreed readily enough. “Or perhaps it has been such a long time that your last partner and I missed each other.”
“That…” Jareth’s lips pursed, “...is possible.”
You didn’t necessarily remember closing your eyes while you laughed at that, but you must have. When you opened them once more, Jareth was looming over you. “Pleased as I am to provide amusement, there are other noises I would rather pull from you.”
Your breath caught at the rough admission. Jareth’s face descended before you could scrape up a response, and then you were too concerned with meeting the intoxicating rhythm of his mouth against yours. 
The next thing you knew, you were resting more securely on the bed with Jareth holding himself above you. Both of you were fully naked and you had no idea how you had gotten that way. Most likely, he had used his magic to remove your clothing, but it was possible that you had been too thoroughly distracted by his kisses to worry about something as minor as what his hands were doing. 
In any case, you were reveling in the way your hands could roam over him without encountering any barriers. Jareth’s body was pale, muscles dancing subtly under his skin. That paleness was marked with occasional scars - silvery marks that spoke of injuries from long ago. You couldn’t see much of him below the mid-torso since he was pressed so tightly to you, but you could feel the delicious length of him, hot and hard against your thigh. 
When Jareth finally pulled away, he only went far enough to make eye contact without either of you crossing your eyes. “I want to taste you. Is that acceptable to you?”
“You’re the king,” you reminded him with a sardonic smile. 
Jareth’s jaw flexed and his mismatched eyes narrowed. “Precisely. Which is why I expect an honest answer when I ask a question. Do you want this?”
“Yes.” The confirmation was a little breathless, but Jareth’s reply had been unexpected for someone who placed such an emphasis on retaining control. “Yes, I do.”
“Good,” he told you with a nod. 
His patronizing tone might have set your teeth on edge, but Jareth accompanied it with a praising stroke down the length of your body. His fingertips trailed fire from your collarbone, over one breast, across the swell of your stomach, and down to the part of you that was aching for him. At the same time, he slid down until his face was even with your hips and you could hardly keep still with the anticipation filling you. 
With your knees already parted around him, Jareth had only to wedge his shoulders between your thighs to gain full access to your core. The sudden exposure to the air of the room sent a chill through the parts of you that were burning the hottest, but the coolness only heightened the sensations. 
Jareth didn’t give you any warning, any time to brace. Instead, he ducked his head suddenly, swiping the flat of his tongue from the bottom of your slit to the very top. He paused for a moment while you made a sound of startled pleasure, his lips quirking. 
“Delicious,” he told you. “I wonder if you’re even sweeter inside?”
Before you could offer any reply, Jareth apparently decided to see for himself. One of your legs was tossed over his shoulder while he pinned the other to the bed. That was the only thing that kept you from trying to strangle him with your thighs when he began to torment you in earnest. 
Those plush lips and wicked tongue explored every part of you, wringing pleasure from you like it was something precious he could save for later. 
An elegant finger pushed into your core, pressing into the heat and slickness of you without a bit of difficulty. Your muscles spasmed so dramatically that it forced you to sit up - or, more accurate, to try. Jareth’s arm across your hips kept you pinned to the bed, leaving you to writhe, squeeze your legs around him, and cry out your pleasure loud enough for the entire castle to hear. The hand pressing you into the softness of the mattress strummed fingers across your hip.
With an expression that felt wild with pleasure, you stared down between your own thighs and clenched even harder around that finger. Your eyes had met Jareth’s mismatched gaze where it peeked over the roundness of your tummy. Mischief glimmered on what you could see of his face, and there was a clear sense of enjoyment in his bearing. 
That eye contact sent an electric thrill through you, and you were gone. Your head kicked back against the pillow and you seemed to leave your body for an eternity, shattering into infinite pieces under the onslaught of pleasure Jareth was using to assault you.You may have made a noise - probably had, if you were judging from your experience so far - but you couldn’t hear it over the way your ears rang with the sound of your mind shattering. 
When you finally settled back into your body again, it felt too small to possibly contain everything you had felt. Jareth was applying long, luxurious licks to your core, sweeping over the entirety of your slit and it was all you could do to push him away. 
Jareth gave you a moment to collect your breath, but soon enough, he was peering down at you with no small amount of pride on his strange face. “Will you recover?”
You were a bit embarrassed by the strength of your reaction to him, but you managed a smile and a nod. “Guess I needed that more than I thought. It’s been a while.”
The fae tilted his head to the side, a hint of a smile showing the white points of his teeth. “My dear, do you honestly believe I have lived so long without learning to draw pleasure from someone? Your state of arousal has little to do with it.”
The post-orgasmic glow kept you from mustering the scoff that deserved. After delivering a sad little huff, you told him, “Humble as ever, Goblin King.”
“I would so hate to leave you with an inaccurate idea of my skill,” Jareth drawled. “I would be happy to provide further proof at your earliest convenience.”
Your breath caught in your throat, leading to an embarrassing cough. On the positive side, that cough gave you a moment to internally puzzle through that. Was Jareth volunteering to do this again sometime? He was technically your boss and your king, and thus a romantic connection you had never experienced before, but you couldn’t honestly say you wouldn’t be with him again. Even ignoring the pleasure - difficult as that was - you… really wouldn’t mind repeating this experience. 
“Uh, okay,” you said elegantly. 
Jareth simply smiled at you, but something about his intent gaze warned that he understood your thoughts as clearly as he did his own. Still, all he said aloud was, “Did that satisfy you, pet? Or would you perhaps like to continue?” 
Before you could fight it, your gaze dropped to the apex of his thighs. He was visibly hard and ready for you, his body betraying an eagerness that was totally hidden in his expression. Despite his state of arousal, Jareth was still giving you the option to be done with him. As he was known for his lack of tact, you recognized and appreciated the effort Jareth was putting into making you comfortable. 
And what better way was there to show your appreciation than to offer some relief?
“I think I might need a little more,” you told him, playing coy. You even added a demure drop of your gaze, though you could see him through your lashes. 
That was how you watched when Jareth’s expression sharpened, though his voice stayed careless. “I don’t believe in offering partial respite. I shall see this task through until it is complete.”
The smile that fought to spread across your face was only stifled by the way Jareth caught at your ankle and pulled you further down the bed. He surged upward at the same time until you were firmly beneath him. The fae dotted your face, jaw, and neck with kisses as he settled heavily on top of you. Your legs parted automatically to wrap around his waist and draw him closer, but you were taken aback when the length of him pressed against your still-sensitive core.
You were still surfing the wave of heightened sensation when you felt the tip of Jareth’s length notch into your opening. 
Jareth’s fingers trailed from your forehead down to your jaw, turning your head until he could peer into your face. “Are you ready for me, pet?”
“Yes,” you agreed eagerly. “Please…”
“Don’t beg, sweet thing,” he instructed. “You never need to beg for me.”
And then he was driving into you - robbing you of any ability to process that.
Jareth had seemed to have an average build below the waist, as you had expected from his elegant physique and slender limbs. Still, he felt earth-shattering as he eased inside of you, enough to take your breath away even considering how wet you were with the remains of your earlier orgasm. 
You were utterly still as he pressed in, locked in place by the amount of concentration you had fixed on the feeling of him. But the first time he withdrew from the depths of you, every part of you writhed beneath him. Your hands grasped, your toes curled, your head tilted in an attempt to ease the groan that fought for release from your throat. 
Jareth swallowed that groan, dipping down easily to sweep through your mouth just as thoroughly as he had the first time. He plundered you greedily, feeding on the sounds you made for him as his hips danced closer and away, closer and away. 
Infuriatingly, he kept you - and himself - poised on the edge of orgasm for an eternity, slowing whenever either of you came too close to the precipice. Jareth chased pleasure eagerly, though, tormenting you with fingers and lips to push you higher without allowing you the relief of release.
“Jareth, please,” you begged as his hips slowed once more.
He arched a brow at you. “Yes, pet? What do you need?”
“I-” You gave a hoarse gasp as a deliberate twist of his hips left the length of him brushing against your g-spot. It was followed by a noise of frustration when his pace slowed to a fraction of what it had been. “Please, I need to come.”
His smile was so sudden that it looked almost fierce. “My dear, why did you not tell me earlier?”
A retort sprang to your lips, but it died there as he shifted infinitesimally inside of you. That minor change had devastating effects on the angle of his thrusts inside of you, which picked up speed until it was all you could do not to drown in him. 
Your body tightened around his as it had done so many times before, but he didn’t slow this time. Instead, his lips caught yours as his thumb strummed your clit.
That kiss was only broken when your orgasm hit you like a train, kicking your head back and dropping your mouth open so you could cry out from the incredible intensity of the pleasure that filled you. Your limbs curled around Jareth, constricting to keep him pressed against you as tightly as possible.
On his side of things, Jareth didn’t seem inclined to fight his imprisonment. His hips pistoned between your trembling thighs, burying himself in you over and over until - finally - his rhythm faltered. 
Those sharp teeth were bared in a snarl as he pushed himself as deeply as he could get. The warmth of his release flooded you. 
When the frantic pulses of his hips slowed, Jareth let himself drop on top of you. His weight was on you for a fraction of a second before he twisted to pull you on top of him instead. Since he was still buried in your core, the motion left you in the grip of an aftershock, but you recovered enough to move off of him. 
Jareth’s eyes were closed, but his hands lashed out to keep you from moving as soon as you started to. “I don’t know where you think you’re going, pet, but you are mistaken.”
“I’m just rolling off of you, Jareth,” you told him, exasperated. “If I crush you, it’ll be regicide and I can’t imagine a goblin trial is pleasant.”
“It isn’t,” he agreed, eyes still closed. “But mostly because they show an inability to focus on a single issue for more than seconds at a time. And as for being crushed by you… Not only is it an impossibility, but it sounds rather pleasant.”
“Jareth…” you sighed. 
That made him open his mismatched eyes and you were startled to see the changes in them. The blue-green of his human eye was expanding both toward the pupil and over the white sclera. The pupil-less darkness of his fae eye was doing the same, slowly working out until the entire orb of his eye was dark. 
When Jareth finally spoke, it was with a smile that showed his sharp teeth. “Did you know there is a difference in the way you say my name now?”
You paused, scanning over his face for a moment before you asked, “And what does that mean?”
Jareth didn’t immediately answer you, but his smile didn’t fade during the stretch of quiet. At long last, he said, “It means that things have changed between us. It means that I encourage you to seek to satisfy your needs in my bed. And it means that I chose the perfect person to serve as my emissary in the human world.”
That was significantly less worrisome than what you thought he would say. In fact, it was even… sweet. “I certainly never thought I would end up here, but I can’t say that I regret it.”
“Faint praise,” Jareth said dryly. “But praise nonetheless. We shall see whether we can further improve your outlook on your place in my kingdom.”
“I look forward to that,” you admitted, relaxing slightly into him. 
Jareth’s arms tightened around you, drawing you even closer. “As do I.”
Author's Note - Thanks for reading! I'm not officially accepting requests, but someone sent this one in and it caught my interest enough to help me break through some writer's block.
Happy Halloween!
I don't offer a taglist for spicy fics, but you can find other works on my masterlist.
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talenlee · 7 days
3e: Winners and Losers In Lawful Space
Planescape is a silly place.
Dungeons & Dragons is a wholeheartedly silly game, and it’s important to remember that what makes it silly is an expansive growth out of a particular root. It is a tree of many branches but thanks to the way that it encourages people to build their own things on top of it, it has become a sprawling kind of folk narrative and generally accepted consensus material that then a company comes along and tries to augment and supplement. Still, as much as a corporate mind is at the head of what gets published, what gets handed to that corporation is going to derive from the mind of a dork who likes D&D. To that end, D&D’s lore is a constant push-pull between the kinds of nerds who like organising lists and the kind of nerds who like to invent new types of dragons they want to have sex with and they’re all trying to integrate one another’s material because that’s how nerds demonstrate mastery over a topic.
The result is that D&D lore is composed of parts that neatly and smoothly fit together and parts that should be airbrushed on the side of a van, and all subjects exist in a space between those two points, on a spectrum. And nowhere is this more evident than in the way that 2e’s setting Planescape introduced elements that 3rd edition tried to hide.
Planescape, as a setting, exists very close to the ‘airbrushed on a Van’ side of things, and it’s extremely obvious when you look at its roots in 2nd Edition. In this space, much of what makes Planescape Planescape was codified. For those of you unfamiliar, Planescape is a setting made up of the idea of ‘planes’ as distinct, discrete universes with their own rules separated not by time and space, but just by barriers or magical boundaries. You know how Narnia is supposed to work, with the wardrobe? It’s like that, but there are a lot more wardrobes and they all go to different places. Think a sort of multi-level Isekai scheme.
Anyway, it’s a setting with like, multiple whole universe-sized worlds, that may or may not have planets inside them, some of which follow a very narrow set of identifying rules, like the elemental plane of Fire, which is full of Fire, or are just like ‘here, but a bit weird,’ like Bitopia, which is a whole plane that is mirrored vertically at a certain height. If you look up in Bitopia, you see another whole country up there – that’s why it’s called that. Also everyone there is bisexual.
Planescape sought to build out more of that structured universe and then in each structured space, fill it with interesting notions. But the structure is a little odd, in that it’s hard to make an infinite number of chairs organise neatly, someone is always putting out one more where they shouldn’t. That means there are tidy diagrams of the Planar cosmology, and then you look inside any of the bubbles in that diagram and find it’s full of gibberish.
It was in 2e that, as far as I know, we were introduced world-wise, to the characters of the Modrons.
There’s a whole writing form that involves referring to Modrons in deliberately obtuse ways, with Modrons being the individual, plural, categorical, and utility terms for this people, but what you need to know about them is that Modrons are weird lil guys that are made out of a basic geometric shape – pyramid, cube, dodecahedron, all the way up to sphere (or down to sphere, depending on who you ask). They are truly perfect Lil Guys, a byproduct of a plane of true law and order which doesn’t in any way cohere to what humans (the people playing the game) necessarily assume about law.
They make a lot of sense in a storybook kind of way where you don’t need to have big answers for what they are or how they work or even how their philosophical bias towards pure lawfulness works. In the world of 2ed, where sometimes things that sound like they should be well explained, clear rules are kinda yada-yada-yada’d in a space that you might imagine is flavour text, the Modrons left a bunch of questions unanswered and seemingly, that was good. It was good that they were heavily ambiguous because what was the life cycle of ‘an orb?’ Any answer made them less mysterious and pushed them away from the oddness that they represented.
Anyway, 3e was an attempt by a serious company to do serious things and that’s why when they went back to talk about the Creatures That Lived In The Lawful Planes, they came up with the Inevitables.
Inevitables are the demons of small minds, writ large. Literally, the point of an Inevitable is to be a Lawful Neutral version of a Demon, an entity that exists purely based on rules, coalesced out of a world made of rules, and with nothing holding them back from expressing that. Each of the Inevitables is meant to respond to a rule in the universe and then enforce it. They are self-appointed near-immortal construct cops, and they’re meant to oppose things and people that break the rules that they, specifically, are meant to care about.
These rules are completely out of whack, though, because one of them is meant to enforce say, justice, another the inevitability of death and another, the way the desert is a fixed ecosystem that nobody should try and change or interact with. And in that case, there are a bunch of plants that the Inevitables are going to have issues with, that don’t seem to be capable of forming complex political allegiances.
There’s a really interesting distinction between Inevitables and Modrons, to me. Modrons are weird and interesting but also, there’s nothing they can do that answers a question. Inevitables are a fun challenge that’s supposed to be present to oppose players or potentially be recruited into an adventure, but not for too long. But Inevitables, the 3e attempt to populate Lawful Planes with A Kind of Guy, sort of fell apart and are now more of a trivia question while Modrons have endured into 4th and 5th edition.
I don’t think there’s some greater, better reason for it or anything. I don’t think that Inevitables failed because they were Bad Design or something. But I do think that for me, the way that Modrons represented Weirdness was much more interesting than the ways the Inevitables sucked weirdness away with their simple, clear consideration of certain things as being part of natural reality.
After all: Inevitables would hunt down people who extended their lifespans because ‘everyone must die.’ But Inevitables were immortal. That’s a pretty interesting thing to juxtapose and maybe a character could struggle with that.
Or maybe they could make a big speaking trumpet and demand that everyone else refer to them as a Spokesmodron which is, in my opinion, much funnier.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months
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Fic Finder
July 21st
1. Hiii!! I was looking for a fic where Wei Ying was captured and his memory was forcefully being shown to the cultivation world in a mirror. I think in one of the scenes he begged them to not do it which made the others think that he was indeed a criminal but well he was not. I have been searching for it but can't find it anywhere. @yilinglaobunny
FOUND? Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
For no 1 there is a whole collection you could try
2. Hi! First, thank you for all your work!! It is so helpful.
I wanted to know if you could help me find a fanfic where Lan Xichen, Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao and Nie mingjue all swap bodies with each other. It seems to me that Lan Xichen becomes Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao becomes Nie Huaisang, Nie Huaisang becomes Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue becomes Meng Yao.
Thank you in advance for your time
3. There was a fic where it was implied that Wei Wuxian was s*xually (sexually) abused in Yunmeng Jiang as punishment (Not explicitly shown). So when he gets to do punishment with Lần Wangji in Cloud Recesses he gets on his knees and starts untying Lan Wangji’s sash, which spooks him and yards yadda happens Lan Wangji reports it to Lan Xichen. Can’t find it, would love to revisit
FOUND? Hands a tent, he is praying or he is crying by Amity_Bell (M, 6k, WIP, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Child Abuse)
4. Hello! I'm looking for a wangxian fic where Wei Ying ask Lan Zhan for his first born. I think Wei Ying is a witch? Thank you! @seke19
FOUND? 💖 spider lilies to sunflowers by cicer (E, 33k, wangxian, ABO, YL WWX, fairy tale elements, mpreg, omega LWJ, lwj topping from the bottom)
FOUND? take a sip of my secret potion (one taste and you'll be mine) by sweetlolixo (E, 16k, WangXian, F/F, Dark Fairytale, Witch WWX, Princess LWJ, Rule 63, Female LWJ/Female WWX, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Dragon LWJ, Identity Porn, Love Potion/Spell, Pregnant WWX, Childhood Friends, Fem!LWJ has a Dragon Dick!)
FOUND? A Sorta Fairytale With You by Speak_friend (E, 8k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Fluff and Smut, Fairy Tale Elements, Hand Jobs, animal injury (he got better!))
5. Hello!! Im not sure if this was already asked but im looking for this multichapter fic where all in the first chapter, it is revealed that jiang cheng imprisoned wei ying and a-yuan in this shed i think?? But after years wei ying manages to free a-yuan and he runs to the cloud recesses to get help @draconislyra
FOUND? on restitution by glitteringmoonlight (M, 98k, LSZ & WWX, JL & WWX, WangXian, Dark JC, not for jc fans, Captivity, Angst with a Happy Ending, no reconciliation though, definitely no reconciliation, Crossdressing, Non-Graphic Torture, Violence)
6. hiii admins ! i read a wangxian fic a few motnhs ago that i cannot find for the life of me :( it was modern with magic au, where wangji can see auras (mostly dark auras for anger) and red strings of fate form between people. He works at a garden shop/plant nursery with his brother and huaisang, wuxian works at a tattoo parlour with wen ning and wen qing + is a single dad to wen yuan afaik
FOUND! Demon Ink by Jade_Valentine (E, 189k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Tattoo Artist WWX, Magic, Chaotic Bisexual WWX, Demisexual LWJ, Slow Burn, Angst, Mutual Masturbation, Domestic Fluff, Welcome to my LWJ & NHS friendship agenda, Shower Sex, Brief mentions of past Lan Bro abuse at the hands of LQR, wangxian family feels, WWX is the Best Dad Ever, WWX's canonical abuse at the hands of YZY, Blow Jobs, Slight Make-Up Kink) Flower shop and tattoo parkor au LZ sees Dark energy coming off WY
7. hii im looking for a bottomji fic wherein lwj and wwx was cursed with a sex curse fighting the xuanwu and lwj end up getting preggo magically 😂 ive been looking for fics with the same premise through ao3 but i seem to be looking at the wrong tags?? please help me 😭🙏 thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️
FOUND? Questions at Dusk by ExtraPenguin (E, 18k, WangXian, Top WWX, Bottom LWJ, Mpreg, Lactation Kink, Class Issues, Hero Complex, Baby Animals)
8. Hi! This is fic finder. It was modern au where the jiang is assasin. They have a restaurant as their base camp. WWX is YLLZ, top assasin with the jiang. But then he retires. LXC and LWJ is a thief. They work together with LQY (either LQY or MY or both). I think LWJ and WWX civilian self is dating each other. The lans gets a mission ro break into the wens. WQ at first help them but she betray them because the wen threatening her. The wens know LWJ existance and kidnapped him to lure HGJ (i think it was to lure his alter ego not YLLZ). But then WWX is the one who rescue him. I think i mixed two fic @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
FOUND! all the problems we could solve by Stratisphyre (T, 20k, WangXian, JC & WWX & JYL, LXC & LWJ, Modern, Getting Together, somewhat non-linear, Fluff and Humour and Violence, Meet-Cute, Identity Porn, Thieves, a bit of a leverage vibe)
NOT FOUND You Only Die Twice by Mikkeneko (T, 11k, WangXian, Assassins/Spies, Assassins & Hitmen, Modern AU, Mafia AU, Action, Moderate Violence, a lot of people die but no named characters, not exactly lan sect friendly, not exactly lan sect critical either, Assassin LWJ, Kindergarten Teacher WWX, coffee shop meet cute, Let LWJ Say Fuck, slightly cracky, Non-Linear Narrative)
NOT FOUND🔒 (i've got) trouble in mind by seularen (E, 76k, wangxian, JGY/LXC, modern w magic, heist au, thief WWX, forger LWJ, consigliere JGY, epistolary, long-distance relationship, d/d elements, Canon wangxian kinks, happy ending)
9. Hello! I'm looking for a fic that was in my bookmarks but now I can't find it. The only thing I remember is this excerpt where LWJ and WWX where dueling/sparring and LWJ says yield while WWX is enthralled by his beauty and maybe says out loud how beautiful LWJ is. Thanks for your hard work!!!!!!
10. hello im trying to find a married(?) wangxian fic where wei wuxian sees lan wangji talk to and hang out with a female lan member he doesn't recognize. he gets jealous and starts to think that lan wangji doesn't love him anymore. at the end they manage to clear the misunderstanding with the help of lan juniors @pleasehelpmesobad
FOUND! White Flag by incendir (T, 37k, WangXian, NHS/NZH, OMC/ OMC) from the Resolutions series by incendir
11. Hello! Can you find a fic for me where wangxian want their own biological baby and find another lady to surrogate for them with the baby ending up being wei ying's and the lady's, and adopted into the lanclan by weiying and lanzhan?
12. Pleasee!! help me find this fic. Sob okay so nsfw ask
Basically wangxian as usual is having loud af sex and literally everyone knows this now lqr is like why tf are they so loud. Then he decides that he's tired of them and goes and gets married to some man and literally at his wedding. Anyways, he finds out how good sex can be and wangxian is like, we can be louder than that @thatperson0-0
13. oh my god i think i'm losing my mind... i just read this fic a few weeks ago, but i can't seem to find it anywhere!
wwx is a female in this and it's from lwj's pov, it wasn't finished i'm sure but idk if they decided to finish it in these weeks. they both go on a night hunt (?) and wwx gets cursed (?) or is hit with something and to help with that they both have sex. lwj confesses during it.
then later when they both are returning to cloud recess wwx asks lwj to forget about it but lwj is like 'i want to marry you'. wwx dismisses that saying 'you don't have to be responsible for this'. but lwj tries to persuade her but wwx keeps doding it and lwj thinks she doesn't want to be with him.
i really hope this work didn't go into hidden ones or is deleted :(
thank you so much for your work.
FOUND? ❤️ We'd roll and fall in green Series by x_los (G/E, 26k, WangXian, Gender Changes, Always a Different Sex, Accidental Marriage, Marriage Festivals, Holidays, Awkwardness, Fist Fights, Pining, Crushes, Sisters, Episode 7, mentioned canon-typical domestic abuse, mentioned canon-typical sexual violence (implication of minors), (not depicted just discussed as possibility), First Kiss, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Politics, School, Horror, Murder Mystery, Road Trips, Bitchy LWJ, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Competence Kink, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Self-Sacrifice, Battle Couple)
14. I lost a fanfiction and I hope someone here can help me ;-;
It was wangxian set to marry with Wei Ying leaving the Jiang Sect before meeting Lan Zhan. He kept meeting Jiang Disciples send to spy on him. I’m afraid I don’t remember anything else :( @kanrax-blog
FOUND? Bitter Endings; New Beginnings by miixz (T, 7k, wangxian, WN & WWX, major character death, ABO, Arranged Marriage, Unrequited Love, Stalking, Not JC Friendly, Unrequited JC/WWX, Alpha JC, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, No War au, Wēn Remnants Live, Brothers WWX & WN, Light Angst, Fluff, Falling In Love, endgame wangxian)
15. Hi! For fic finder I am looking for a fic which is Cloud Recesses study arc au. In it WWX grew up either as a disciple of Baoshan Sanren or his parents were alive and he travelled with them; ie he did not grow up in Lotus Pier. He hears about Cloud Recesses and tries to sneak in to explore but Wangji catches him. It happens to be the start of the lectures so WWX pretends he is part of the Jiang group and Yanli and Cheng play along. WWX goes on to charm everyone and is oodles above his classmates in knowledge and sword skills. I can’t remember how the story ends, whether it is just the lecture arc or if it goes into the Sunshot Campaign. Please help, thank you!
FOUND! Become Tomorrow by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, BSSR/LY, Alternate Universe, a story full of tragic pining gays, and one chaotic gremlin, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, WWX is BSSR’s disciple)
16. I am looking for a modern fic where Lan Wangji ran a bakery and Wei Wuxian was a doctor, or possibly vice versa. The doctor ran in before his shift to grab some treats for his nursing staff and I think it was before the bakery opening hours but the baker let them in anyway. The doctor began to stop by more frequently and possibly taste tested for the baker (an excuse to hang around). Would love to read this again, thank you! @gloriousclotpole
FOUND! crystalized by gusuvibes (M, 25k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bakery, Pining, Getting Together, Baker LWJ, Nurse WWX, Zizhen in a STARRING ROLE, Bunnies With Bad Names, Elaborate Descriptions of Delicious Baked Goods, Frottage, Eventual Smut, SexyBakingTime)
17. Hiiiii. Please can you help me find a fic. I dont remember much of it - just vague parts.
It was a time travel fic in which wangxian went back to their teenage years and were trying to set things right. I remember 1 part in which wangxian was trying to decide what to do with small mxy and wwx was against bringing him to cloud recesses. I believe it was because he was insecure about having mxy close to lwj when in their future, lwj was married to/ intimate with mxy's body.
Please see if you can find it or anything similar 🙏
FOUND?🔒 Here With Me by iamwish (T, 58k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Homophobia, Bad Parent YZY, POV WWX, POV LWJ, POV JC, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Has PTSD, and also depression sometimes, Unreliable Narrator) There's a bit in the last chapter (of the first fic in the series) where WWX remembers MXY & rules out bringing him to the Lan as an option due to awkwardness, & sends him to WQ instead
18. Hi there, request for the fic finder? Lost the tab I had it on and can’t remember the name. Only made it to chapter two.
It was Huaisang POV? First chapter was Wen Ning helping him sneak outta the Wen Indoctrination place, second chapter was Huaisang trying to break Wen Ning out of the Jin Basement/jail. Idk what happened in chapter three, lost the tab before I could read it.
Distinctly remember Huaisang whacking a dude over the head with a table in chap 1.
Cheers :)
FOUND? Jailbreaking by CullenBlue (T, 21k, WN & NHS, Canon Compliant, POV NHS, NHS Is A Little Shit, Cinnamon Roll WN, Fierce Corpse WN, Ghost General WN, References to Heavens Official’s Blessing, References to The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, NHS insulting the Wen Clan’s taste in interior Decorating, Mentions of Murder, WN made a friend by talking about his childhood trauma, BAMF WN, Panic Attacks, mentions of gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence in the Name of Comedy, Trauma, Is NHS taking anything seriously? who knows, Bromance)
19. hello, this is a ff request. i think it's a royalty au, might have been an ongoing series while i read it. i remember that wangxian get married, wwx births twins, but falls unconscious/ill after giving birth. i may be mixing fics up, but i think one of the children is a-yuan, while the other is an OC who is born with weak health. there are discussions for moving him to yunmeng as an older child due to the warmer weather. i think wq married nmj and moved to qinghe, jc and nhs are in yunmeng, and jyl and jzx are in lanling. mxy, whom wwx rescued and "adopted", follows wwx to gusu when he married lwj. again, idk if all of this is the same fic, or if i have mixed them up, but i hope this rings a bell for someone, many thanks!
FOUND! Lost in Diplomacy by Subtleladybird (M, 90k, WangXian, Historical, Royalty, Imperial Pair, Historical Inaccuracy, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Harem, Politics, Angst, Mpreg, Miscommunication, Brotherly Love, Not really a harem, more like one spoiled non-rival, Time Skips, Pregnancy, Violence, Childbirth, Miscarriage, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Married Couple)
20. Hi FicFinder! This is my first time requesting for a fic to be found, so I'm sorry if I'm bad at describing TvT
The fic I'm looking for is basically JGY spikes the Lan's tea during the Sunshot Campaign, and it results in JC and JYL thinking that WWX got r*ped (raped) by LWJ. It was found consensual in the end, tho after getting WQ to look at it. Also, there's JGY redemption iirc?
Thx sm <333 @diablolunaticofthemoon
FOUND! The Teapot Plot by ToxicAngel13 (M, 52k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Misunderstandings, Plots, protective Jiang siblings, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Idiots in Love, Damn Jins, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Pre-Burial Mounds, Potential for M-Preg, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Idiots Everywhere, LWJ ’s Biting Kink, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Protective WQ, JGS is his own warning, Protective JYL)
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exhausted-archivist · 4 months
Common Fanons That Are Confused As Canon
Through my time of collecting lore and learning things about Thedas I've come across a couple things of fanon that leaked into lists of canon elements. Which was an interesting little thing to follow the rabbit hole of where they even originated. While making this list I did ask others for any that I might have missed or not seen because I wanted to be thorough as I could when even making this list. I haven't been in the fandom long enough to see all the things that have come up.
To be clear, I thought it was neat to see what became so pervasive in the fandom to become easily mistaken as canon or misunderstood. I'm also not discussing whether canon as it stands is "good" or judging the fanon or anything like that.
I just wanted to put it all together in a list, especially as I have had friends who were getting into the series and ask about certain things; as well as Dragon Age Summer hitting us soon and new interest in the series abound.
Mages can sense other mages The closest source I can find to this is the fact that Anders states that he can "feel the power in you". No other mage states anything similar and could likely be attributed to the fact that he is possessed. Much like how Cole can sense your magical connection as an Inquisitor. An outlier is how Keiran can sense your magic regardless of if he has the Old God soul; but he is also not confirmed to be a mage as of yet.
All Saarebas always have their lips sewn shut/horns cut off This seems to originate from da2 specifically, with the model of Ketojan having the scarring, the other saarebas missing horns, the concept art, and then boils down to BioWare being inconsistent with their lore/depictions. Most of Thedas fixates on the fact that the Qunari have saarebas with their lips sewn shut, the Seer's yarn tale denotes that tamassrans tell the story of a saarebas with their lips sewn shut, the tarot art for Saarath, and the flippant joke between Sera and Iron Bull. But, the lore specifies that it is in extreme cases or in general that it can occurs but it is not the standard. [WOT p. 103 & 128] Much like tranquility, it is used as a form of punishment - one that we know can and is abused by certain factions. We also see saarebas characters in Inquisition who do not carry either of those traits. Specifically Hissera (multiplayer), Saareth (Trespasser), Heroes of Dragon Age models, and some Qunari in da2.
All Saarebas have their tongues cut out This is seperate from the previous point due to the different source of this fanon. It seems to be an exaggeration of one particulare line from Sten. In dao, Sten will state during the Broken Circle quest that "This is why we cut the tongues from mages, in Par Vollen." He is very general with the statement, but contextually it is reasonable people took this to mean all mages. However, since dao it has been made clear that it is not a universal practice throughout the Qun.
Elves are shorter than humans This one does have a clear point of where this started, though it is never stated in lore, back in Origins elven models were universally shorter than humans. But from DA2 onward, male elves were only shorter than their human counterparts of the same sex while female elves are shorter than both human sexes. Fenris is taller than f!Hawke while both forms of Hawke are taller than Merrill. Solas, Abelas, and a m!Lavellan are taller than female human characters but all human characters are taller than female elves (except Sera who has a female human model).
Dalish are illiterate This is a little less clear to me where its origins started. Perhaps based off of medieval period history (which da isn't necessarily medieval in time period) or due to the fact that most common folk in certain regions in Thedas are illiterate and reliant on pictures over written words. But we know from the Witch Hunt dlc that the Dalish keep tomes of their history and of the ancient elven empire. They also actively translate ancient elven script for their own records. Whether this is role restrictive or not is unclear, but we do know that the Dalish are literate in both Common and semi-literate in ancient elven script.
Dalish and City Elves don't have contact This seemingly comes from a misunderstanding stemming in the city elf origins in dao where some npcs will comment on how Dalish might be myths. However, in dao, da2, dai, the comic Knight Errant, and the novel The Masked Empire, that elves from both sides do semi-regularly trade people with each other if not visit certain alienages, as well have other points of contact with each other. Pol, Zevran, Coran (Vaea's uncle), and potentially Feynriel are all city elves that join Dalish clans. Merrill and Arianni are known Dalish who join alienages.
City elves are genetic/physical differences from the Dalish elves This one I have seen around a lot, most stemming from the idea of the previous one that the elves in the city are generations apart from the Dalish, implying they have no contact with each other. Which could be true for certain alienages. But as far as lore is concerned there isn't any example of this, not even as being a point of reference for the Dalish to consider any of the aspects as to what makes them "less of an elf" in comparison to Dalish.
Elves pass on their elven traits Most seem to know this isn't canon, albeit one of the less popular canon elements; but new fans don't always know this. It is popular fanon to give half-elven children the reflective eyes, smaller stature, more angular features, straighter nose bridge, and/or pointed ears from their elven parent.
Only elves can have mixed kids with other races This seems to come from the fact that elven traits aren't passed on to their kids when mixed parentage is involved. However humans, dwarves, and vashoth can all have mixed kids from the other races. According to Patrick Weekes, this decision was made consciously to avoid very racist and harmful rhetoric. We know of many elf/human mixed kids: Alistair, Eiton, Feynriel, Gestan and Thale (residents of elven area of Halamshiral), Kieran (conditions), Michel de Chevin, Rinnala, "Sabina's Brat" (son of the elven prostitute Sabina at the Blooming Rose), Slim Couldry, Tainsley (Potentially. Is described as a 7'(2.13m) human, though he references a Dalish uncle.) While mixed dwarf children are rare simply due to dwarven fertility issues we do know of two dwarf/human kids: Keiran (conditional) and the child of Tyrdaa Bright-Axe(Avvar) and Hendir (dwarf).
Elfroot leaves get you high/is Thedosian marijuana This is another Origins era thing, due to an easter egg that made a play on the American "This is your brain on drugs" anti-drug campaign using elfroot. This was then repeated in 2015 when Patrick Weekes said that its medicinal properties were rediscovered in 4:20. [Source] Elfroot hasn't been shown to get anyone high in canon, it is the roots that are primarily used as medicinal. In World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 the recipe for Dalish Deep Forest Comfort says you can substitute elfroot for spinach making the leaves more vegetable in quality. That said, marijuana leaves are edible and rather nutritious. They just don't have the chemical make up to induce a high. Those lie strictly in the buds. According to Origins, elfroot does flower though.
Red lyrium is completely different and more dangerous from blue lyrium This one is all on BioWare in regards to this misconception. Because while yes, it is more dangerous than the blue lyrium, they aren't two seperate substances. More that red lyrium is a branch off. To cover the generals of the written lore of lyrium it breaks down like this: Blue lyrium in it's raw form innately toxic to just be around to all but dwarves, however it will kill a mage who gets too close in proximity. That proximity being within the same room while non-mages would have to touch the stuff. It also has a pension of self-combustion without warning or a clear cause. When it is refined down for templar use it is "safe" for non-mages to come in contact with and consume. Whether this level of refinement is the same level as what is used to make various cocktails and liqueur is unclear. But we do know that getting too close, being in same room as lyrium refined to this level, is enough to make a mage sick. Finally, we have the most refined and diluted stage of lyrium, this is used by mages to make potions, certain alchemical work, and other things. This isn't enough to kill a mage, make them sick (without extreme over use), and infact can result in positive outcomes for a mage. Red lyrium overlaps with most of that, with a couple key differences. First off is that red lyrium doesn't seem to self-combust. There is some contradiction on whether or not non-dwarves can mine it as due to game mechanics you can destroy it, but the only ones we see mining wild nodes are dwarves. But if the red lyrium is grown from a living creature it seems accessible to all races? In codices about the various types of red templars, we learn that a small vial around a templar's neck is enough to make all the mages in the area around him sick.
Character Specific
Alistair is a dog person I couldn't track any clear origins for this, it seems to be a case of overlap with the stereotype that "all Fereldan's love dogs" and a mix of building off of a line of dialogue about him being raised by the hounds and them being his family. However, he doesn't seem overly one way or the other. He mocks dog at times, talks down in not such a playful way, and at times seems to treat dog with the same attitude he does Morrigan though not as blatantly. This could be chalked up to his joking nature though.
Alistair's obsession with cheese While he does admit to an obsession to cheese, it is often cited that Alistair makes a ton of cheese jokes in dao. When in truth he only makes four through out the entire game. Given his joking nature it is up to personal interpretation of how much he actually loves cheese.
Alistair and Cullen knew each other before Origins This is more specifically that the two went to the same monastery for their templar training. There is no canon evidence for this though. That said, there is a possibility due to not knowing much of anything about how the Templar Order trains its recruits nor the amount of monasteries they have in Ferelden for training.
Alistair collects toy soldiers This seems to come from the gifts he can be given during the Feastday dlc. Canonically he is given runestones and carved statuettes of various types stone. These statuettes are described in a manner closer to effigies than toy soldiers.
Alistair's mother is not Fiona This one is a bit funny as it has multiple origins and is dependent on the player's experience with the series. From what I have gathered there seems to be one of three sources: - People who never read the Dragon Age novel The Calling - People who read The Calling after playing dao and feels like it is a retcon (though The Calling was released prior to the release of dao, same with the novel The Stolen Throne) - People who take a "chuck the baby with the bathwater" approach to the lore The funny thing about this is that the cover story in dao for Alistair's mom is based off a combo of things; the hypothetical scenario Fiona told Maric and answers she gave Maric when he asked what to tell Alistair if he asked about his mother. The hypothetical was that Fiona would not return to the Circle and would hide from the templars and pretend to be a washer woman. When Maric asked what to tell Alistair of his mother, Fiona said to tell him his mother was human as she did not want him to deal with being half elven and all the stigma that comes with that as well as to tell Alistair that she was dead.
Aveline is straight She will kiss Hawke regardless of gender and ask them if they ever considered her and them. Though it is clear she never had romantic interest in Hawke in particular. An easily missed aspect I think given the general opinion of Aveline as well as most people seeming to not choose the flirtatious option with her.
Blackwall doesn't have a sense of humor This one genuinely surprised me considering he jokes with Sera, The Iron Bull, and Solas. His banter shows as much that he does have a sense of humor and tells jokes. But it does seem pretty common of a fanon characterization for him.
Dorian paints his nails His model doesn't have painted nails in game, but it is a popular fanon. There is nail polish in Thedas though. It's mentioned in the novel Masked Empire as well as the novel Last Flight. It seems to be of Anderfles origins, but given the Last Flight is post Orlesian occupation, it could originate in Orlais.
Lady Mantillon said, tapping an elegantly lacquered fingernail on the polished wooden arm of her chair, “we will fail, or we will be killed. Neither is acceptable.” - Masked Empire, Chapter 17 p. 362 Every one of her fingers glimmered with a jeweled ring, and her nails had been freshly lacquered. - Last Flight, Chapter 13 p. 144
Lyrium can be drawn from Fenris' tattoos There is no mention of this being possible in da2 or any of the subsequent media. There isn't even mention of others being able to sense the lyrium in his tattoos or even mages getting sick around him as they sometimes will dependent on the concentrations and/or purity of lyrium.
How Fiona was cured of the taint This comes from The Calling novel, where it isn't ever clarified what actually removed the taint from Fiona. The common fanon is that it was either the mentioned brooch, or that by having Alistair. That it was by having Maric's son who has Great Dragon blood due to being of the Theirin bloodline that cured her. However, in the novel she is very clear that the mages at Weisshaupt aren't sure what cured her. She only offers one explanation that the Grey Wardens theorized and trails off before saying what the second one was.
“It’s gone,” she said flatly. “The mages at Weisshaupt weren’t sure if it was because the First Enchanter’s brooch sped things up artificially, or... at any rate, all the corruption vanished. They don’t think it’s going to come back, either. There was test after test, but they think I may be the first Grey Warden that never has to endure the Calling again.”
Hawke is stabbed by the Arishok This fanon likely came into being due to one of the moves the Arishok has where it will leave you almost dead. So a bit of canon as it is in his move set, but fanon in the idea it is something that always happens in canon.
Unable to confirm if Fanon, Canon, or a mix of both
Teagan marries Bella, the barmaid from Redcliffe This one goes back really far and is hard to tell if it is a case of mistaken identity and association, or a really buggy option for the epilogue, or isn't actually a possibility. What I can confirm is that Teagan does have a woman he can marry given certain conditions are met in dao, but it is actually Kaitlyn, the sister who's brother goes missing in Redcliffe. If you properly compensate her for her grandfather's sword she'll open up a foundry in Denerim and will marry Teagan after having known him for a few months. According to this thread, you have to get Kaitlyn to move to Denerim with her brother, make Bella the maid to Teagan and in the ending slide Teagan and Bella will get married. Though I haven't been able to confirm that this is possible. (If you have a screenshot/video of this slide and know how to trigger this please let me know) This is also not an option mentioned in the Keep, however neither is Kaitlyn's. Which isn't surprising given some of the ending slides that were not direct player choice (ex) choosing Orzammar's king) are mostly cut from canon.
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greenwitchcrafts · 11 months
November 2023 witch guide
Full moon: November 27th
New moon: November 13th
Sabbats: None
November Beaver Moon
Known as: Digging(or scratching) moon, Deer rutting moon, Frost moon, Whitefish moon, Mourning Moon, Dark moon, Blotmonath, Fog moon, Mad moon, Moon of storms, Herbistmanoth & Freezing moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius
Nature spirits: Subterranean faeries
Deities: Astarte, Bast, Black Isis, Hecate, Kali, Lakshmi, Mawu, Nicnevin, Osiris & Saraswati
Animals: Crocodile, jackal, scorpion & unicorn
Birds: Goose, owl & sparrow
Trees: Alder, cypress & hazel
Herbs: Betony, blessed thistle, borage, cinquefoil, fennel, grains of paradise & verbena
Flowers: Blooming cacti & chrysanthemum
Scents: Cedar, cherry blossom, hyacinth, lemon, narcissus & peppermint
Stones: Beryl, cat's eye, citrine, yellow sapphire, topaz & turquoise
Colors: Blues, grey, sea green & silver
Energy: Deity communication, cooperation, death, divination, focus, passion, healing, preparation, secrets, sex matters, taking root & transformations.
The Beaver Moon gets its name because it is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead. During the fur trade in North America, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter-ready pelts. 
Other celebrations:
• Lunantishees
November 11th
Also known as: The day of the Sidhe
This day celebrates the Lunantishee Faeries & honors the sacred blackthorn tree that they protect. It is said these faeries dance around their host blackthorn tree or bush by the light of the full moon in which they worship. The Lunantishee are closely associated with moonstone as their name of Moon-Sidhe or moon faeries suggest. These faeries are intensely protective guardians who highlight to us the need to protect our homes & our personal energies/ourselves.
In some traditions people would leave offerings like cakes, milk, honey or ale to avert any mischievous behavior from the faeries & if you had a blackthorn tree leave blackthorn blessings upon you.
During this time it is advised to not pick, cut or prune these plants under any circumstances or else misfortune would be placed upon them.
•Night of Hecate
November 16th
Though many choose to honor the Goddess Hecate during this day, there doesn't seem to be any historical evidence suggesting this particular day has any traditional associations or events & likely was mistaken from Hekate's Deipnon which takes place during the dark phase of the moon. However modern practitioners use this day to honor Hekate despite this.
Some celebrate by having a feast filled with wine, mushrooms, bread & more while also leaving some at the threshold of their front door to symbolize the crossroads between indoors and outdoors.
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
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problematic-yuri-poll · 2 months
Problematic Yuri Tournament - Semifinals
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Gunjou vs. Gushing Over Magical Girls
Gunjou (manga by Nakamura Ching) [explicit; gore/violence]
Submitted problematic elements: The main character asks the woman who has a crush on her to murder her husband, she does, they run off together and have sex even though the main character is straight and only does it because she feels she needs to repay the person who murdered her abusive husband.
Submitted content warnings: Murder, Nudity, Suicide, Homophobia, Sexual Assault, Violence, Domestic Violence, Parental Abuse
Submitted propaganda: Your honour, they're murderers who nobody can understand. Even in their most intimate moments together the gulf between their understandings divides them, is this too not yuri?
Gushing Over Magical Girls (manga by Ononaka Akihiro) [explicit]
Submitted problematic elements: PHEW BOY, what isn't problematic about it? Sexual assault, manipulation, the entire cast being underage.
Submitted content warnings: Sexual assault for sure, noncon, dubcon, ageplay, bdsm
Submitted propaganda: Its genuinely good. Its a genuinely interesting story with excellent character designs and entertaining characters and the horniness is not just a coating of titties for fanservice, but fundamental to the plot. It is about self discovery and learning to accept yourself but not letting your desires consume you. The action is tense. The relationships between characters are interesting. Each character is charming in their own way, from the flop loser MC who is playing villain because she's hard up for magical girls to the magical girl who joined the good team bc the others watched her beat a demon in the head with a brick to the supervillain college dropout who wants to rule the world. There is an overarching mystery concerning why and how these girls gained power to begin with (i do NOT trust that little shit of a mascot). The mood and tone of the story is so masterful-- you can TELL when somethings wrong. There is also some very good comedy all throughout-- it's just a super fun read! They also got their first season of an anime recently (which is somehow hornier than the manga) so.
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melodymunson · 2 months
Billy Hargrove x fem reader x woman of color (woc) original character oneshot
18+ nsfw no minors allowed. You will be blocked!
Imagine with Older!Billy. (The reader is 21 and the burlesque dancer is the same age. Billy is 30.)
Nothin' but a good time
3.6K words
warnings: 3some, penetrative sex, rim job, blowjob, lesbian sex, strapon, rope, blindfold, use of a strapon (reader receiving), Hitachi wand, Tribbing, and a whip.
ao3 link
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Since graduating high school, Billy Hargrove has become a better person. He was no longer the typical jock who got mad, got into fights, and yelled slurs. After moving out of his dad's place, he studied hard to become a mechanic. The days of him being a prick and racist prone to anger were gone since therapy and some anger management.
The new and improved Billy only liked to be controlling in the bedroom when the mood called for it. With you, he respected your safe words and limits. There was nothing he would do to harm you or bring you any pain. Being together felt right and you met Billy at a hair metal concert.
You and Billy had a tumultuous relationship and romance. He had a tough exterior, but you were inseparable from him since you were in your young 20s. Even though he was 9 years older than you, it was one relationship you were proud of and didn't want to lose. One night, you went to a burlesque club and had a nice evening watching the stunning performers having a night you would never forget together.
The burlesque show experience was lovely and magical, yet different from the strip clubs you would go to with Billy. All the dancers were classy, and the art of the tease was alluring. Going to the burlesque club was your idea and once you and Billy had some drinks for the show, you became acquainted with one of the dancers. She was a beauty with mocha skin, gorgeous brown eyes, long hair, and a voluptuous figure.
Burlesque was the art of the tease and not just a strip show, like most people thought. There were elements to it, not just a provocative show where women got undressed. There was humor, sexually suggestive dialogue, and musical sketches mixed in with the burlesque performance. There were men in the show implementing acrobatics, but one female dancer did so well and you and Billy couldn't take your eyes off her.
Her name was Harmony and her burlesque name Cherry Bomb and she found you to be lovely and Billy charming. After exchanging numbers, you agreed to meet again soon, and you did at a hair metal concert. The concert rocked and Billy had fun moshing while you and Harmony crowd-surfed with some margaritas consumed throughout the show. Soon you were back to her place and had some red wine with Billy.
After the lovely wine, you enjoyed a joint together, shotgunning into each other's mouths, which led to you kissing Billy and then Harmony. The feeling of being high mixed with being drunk and euphoric made you happy in a mellowed-out way. You suggested getting the camera out and having Harmony teach you some burlesque moves as Billy filmed. It was a great time, and you had so much fun learning some burlesque moves.
That night started with a concert and having some simple fun together in a public setting, but would end with a bang. Billy and you had already agreed after meeting Harmony the first time that if the chemistry was there, you would go further and progress things with her. Soon you were making out with Harmony as Billy smoked and enjoyed the show right next to him in the car. What at first started as just innocent touches at first turned into more and the sight made Billy's cock harden in his pants.
Soon you took things to the bedroom and there you were with Harmony and Billy, about to have the best threesome of your life. That night would be one to remember forever and the first of many where you shared other people. At first, you were apprehensive about going into it, but you fully trusted Billy. Your relationship was serious, and you knew no one could come between the two of you.
You had agreed with Harmony and Billy that you would be in a full submissive mood, which suited Billy fine since he was mainly a dom and Harmony was a switch. Harmony was wearing red lingerie, and you were wearing rose gold. Billy looked at you both up and down, his eyes landing on your cleavage as well as hers as her hands roamed over your body.
Candles were lit, and the lights were dim in her bedroom as she showed you her drawer of toys, restraints, ropes, and whips. It was quite an impressive collection, and you were in awe of every item. Billy had some ideas as he took out a black blindfold, a black gag ball, a whip, and some white rope. Harmony's eyes lit up at seeing his choices.
Soon you were on the bed and tied up for them just your hands as Billy sat on the edge of the bed and Harmony had your legs spread, her mouth on your pussy. Still, with your lingerie on, he watched as Harmony's ass wriggled in the air and she finger-fucked you passionately with two fingers as her tongue massaged your clit. Underneath her, you were writhing in ecstasy, your nipples hard as rocks now. The moans coming from your mouth were otherworldly until Billy put a gag ball around your mouth.
"Be quiet, sweetheart. Let her take care of you," he ordered sternly, followed by a smirk.
"Mm, she tastes so good," Harmony boasts as she has her fingers coated in your slick now.
Billy's hand soon moves to her ass, earning mewls from her. You closed your eyes and bucked your hips as her mouth took you expertly. Having her do this for you and please you in this way was otherworldly. There was nothing you wanted more than to cry out her name for her as Billy's cock was now twitching, hardened in his boxers.
Billy took the blindfold and put it over your eyes, then removed the gag ball, wanting you to call out your safe word if necessary.
"That's right, eat that pussy good!" He encouraged Harmony before slapping her ass, causing her to yelp in pleasure.
It didn't faze her all too much though because she went right back to sucking your clit swirling it with her tongue as you moaned. Billy wasted no time putting his fingers into your mouth and you sucked them, instantly swirling his digits with your wet and warm mouth. Her tongue passionately fucked your pussy as her fingers hit your g-spot deeply, causing you to cry out around Billy's fingers.
"Fuck princess, I think you want my tongue, huh?"
You nodded and Harmony ate you out a little more before letting Billy switch places with her. Eagerly, he licked your folds, parting them with his tongue as Harmony watched fingering herself.
"Naughty little pussy. Want you to cum for us!" He bellowed as he slapped your clit.
"Fuck I wanna cum please Billy!" You cried out desperately, not even caring how needy you sounded at this point.
"Mm, good girl, you used your words. Cum all over my tongue and fingers," he demanded gruffly as his tongue and fingers worked in perfect sync.
Billy wasn't one for waiting and he was urging you with a serious tone, already knowing your pretty cunt couldn't resist the combination of his fingers and mouth. Arching your back, your filthy moans and the sounds of pleasure from Harmony fingering her wet pussy echoed off the walls.
"Mm yes, cum for him!" She cried out as she fingered harder and faster, wanting to find her release.
With just a few more licks from Billy, you found yourself cumming over his pretty fingers and whining his name. Billy then removed your blindfold and tapped his fingers on your lips. Eagerly, you sucked his digits clean as Harmony found her release.
"Now kiss each other!" He commanded in a firm, no-nonsense tone.
Eagerly her lips crashed against yours and she tapped her fingers to your lips, having you suck her digits eagerly. The way she tasted was incredible. Billy removed his shirt, pants, and boxers tossing them to the side as you and Harmony undressed completely.
"How about you watch Harmony here suck my cock for a bit as she sits on my face huh princess? And don't worry, I'll free one hand so you can touch yourself."
"Yes, Billy. Of course, sir."
Your words brought a smile to his face as he freed the rope. Soon you had a feeling in your hand again and fingered yourself as you watched Harmony sit on his face. Billy eagerly lapped at her wet cunt, dripping with her slick as she caressed his balls and stroked his shaft.
"Your boyfriend is so big," she complimented before taking him into her mouth and riding his face faster.
"Yes, so big. Love seeing you suck his cock and watching him eat your pussy," you whimpered as you touched yourself using one finger.
Harmony's eyes locked with yours as she sucked him off and gave him immense pleasure. It was incredible to watch, but your achy pussy was desperate and needy. Watching them please each other was sexy, but you were aching for them to offer you some relief. They continued to please each other and get each other off before Harmony stopped sucking him to say.
"Maybe your girlfriend can help me out with your cock, huh?"
Billy slapped her ass in response and fingered her as he came up for air. Wiping his mouth clean, he nodded.
"Sure, now go untie her and both of you can suck my cock!" He bellowed.
Billy's cock was flushed pink, and it was already beading at the tip with pearly pre-cum. Licking your lips as you took him into your mouth, Harmony sucked on one of his balls as he looked down at the both of you and groaned with vigor and lust. Billy grabbed a fistful of your hair as he bucked into your mouth, urging you to take more of him. You know exactly how he loved it and wanted to give him the best blowjob ever.
"Yes, that's right, slut, suck it! Don't forget to share, though."
Billy grunted as he bucked his hips, his balls heavy with cum as you sucked him trying your best to fit his huge cock, but couldn't. He tasted so fuckin' good and you wanted to give him immense pleasure.
"Mm, that's right, suck his cock!" Harmony urged as she pumped the part of his shaft you couldn't reach with your mouth.
"Now switch!" He demanded, pulling you off his cock by the root of your hair in his fist.
Harmony took him down slowly, her eyes watering and gagging around his cock as he pumped into her mouth, making her choke and soon adjusting as he guided her on his cock by pulling her hair. You sucked his balls first the right, then the left, making him buck his hips even faster. He pulled her off his cock and then sat up, suddenly getting an idea.
"Okay, now I want to see Harmony fuck you with her strap. Don't forget your safe word, though."
Billy's voice was gruff, and he meant business as he took the nearby black whip and cracked it against the bedpost. As Harmony got up to get the strap on that vibrated, he sat down in the nearby chair close to the bed and stroked his shaft. You got down on your hands and knees, ass up in the air for her. She came up behind you and lubed up the strap, as Billy's eyes locked with yours.
"That's right, sweetheart, let her fuck you good," Billy remarked with a gasp as Harmony adjusted the strap inside of you.
Her hands moved down your back, caressing it until they rested upon your hips leaving crescent-shaped marks there. Leaning in closer to you, she peppered kisses along your backside, then whispered into your ear.
"Be a good girl for me."
And with that last remark, she pumped her 8" fake cock inside of you. Harmony gripped your hips tightly, even smacking your ass a little as she made the most pornographic-sounding noises as her strap rested deep inside of your needy cunt, filling you up to the hilt. Billy held the whip tightly, knowing he would use it on you if necessary, especially if you disobeyed any command, and prepared to do his worst. The sounds escaping your lips were filthy as you clenched the duvet covers below you.
"Fuck yes, fuck my pussy hard!" You suddenly screamed as you looked over at Billy.
Practically breathless, she responded by telling you,
"Oh, fuck, you might regret that, princess!" She scolded you as she slapped your ass and picked up her pace, putting her foot on the bed to get a better angle for fucking your tight cunt.
Meanwhile, Billy was stroking his cock and letting the filthiest of moans escape his lips. She was incredible at this and you wondered if she had ever done this to any other girl. You hoped you were her first, though.
"Be sure to thank her for making you feel so good, sweetheart. Use your words wisely," Billy growled, bellowing as he stroked himself harder and then slapped your ass with the whip.
He wasn't too hard with you though and respected your use of your safe word, which was 'maroon'.
"Thank you, miss. Fuck me harder please!" You whined and begged her, wanting to feel her strap hit your G-spot.
"She's in no mood to beg. Is she Billy?" Harmony remarked with a cluck of her tongue as she slows inside you.
"You are right." Billy stopped stroking and walked up to you, slapping your cheek before he hit your backside lightly with the whip.
"Sorry, sir. Sorry, mistress. Please do your worst," you challenged them.
Billy rubbed your clit in harsh circles as Harmony pounded into you again, loving the feel of the vibrations from the toy as she turned it on and you could now feel vibrations as well. It was making your clit ache as you got all this stimulation from the vibrating strap and his fingers. Yours and Harmony's cries were echoing in the room as Billy fingered you. She used her strap with the vibrations at full speed, and Billy stroked his cock simultaneously, watching the show unfold in front of him.
"She loves this fake cock, huh? Maybe we should give her the real thing soon," Harmony muses in between her depraved thrusts into your aching cunt.
"Mm yes. I fuck her as you sit on her face. Use this little whore," he admonishes you in a scolding manner as he tilts your head up with a rough pull of your hair and spits in your mouth.
You were trembling with your eager and high-pitched mewls as they made you overstimulated, wanting you to come undone at the seams for them. Your second orgasm was fast approaching, and they were going to make you wait it out for them. First, you had to be their good little submissive. Pulling out of your cunt, she turns off the vibrator and tosses it aside.
Harmony grabs a Hitachi wand and brings it to the bed as she lies on her back, legs spread. Meanwhile, Billy is tying your arms up behind you with rope. Billy lines his cock up at your entrance and positions your face in front of her pussy as she uses the toy on her clit.
"Now I want to see you eat that pussy and no talking until I tell you to, sweetheart," he gruffly demands before smacking your ass, earning a yelp from you.
As you licked her entrance, separating her folds with your tongue, he pounded into you, not letting you adjust as your tightness clenched around his thick length. His hips thrust into you with reckless abandon as he bottomed out inside his hands, leaving imprints on your ass as he squeezed it.
"Mm yes, that's it. Good little whore eat that clit!" she snarled in pure bliss as the toy made contact with her pussy.
Looking up at her with pleading eyes, you continued to taste her slick heat, panting from the feeling of Billy's perfect cock as you devoured her pretty clit. Billy was getting lost in the ecstasy of it all, seeing you eat her out as he pounded your needy pussy from behind.
"Yeah, that's it. Take my cock and eat that pussy," he spoke in a husky tone as he held your head down against her pussy and bucked into you, harder, groaning in between his thrusts.
This went on for several minutes, you eating out Harmony, earning pretty mewls from her as Billy fucked you so damn good. Billy was closer to cumming, his cock twitching and his tip leaking pre-cum now. Harmony and you were getting close, but Billy still was not done. She tossed the toy to the side and turned it off.
"Mm wanna share that big cock with me?" Harmony begs as she gets close to her release.
"Yes please," you responded before you removed your fingers from her pussy and sucked them clean.
"Turn around princess and let her get on top of you," Billy firmly commanded as he flipped you over on your back.
"Sounds perfect," she remarked, wide-eyed.
"Yes, daddy. I'll share."
Harmony eagerly got on top of you her breasts, pushing against yours as Billy leaned down, spread her cheeks, and licked her ass before licking yours. He alternated between your ass and hers as he pumped his cock with his left hand until your cries satisfied him. Soon he lined himself up at her entrance as she gasped, fully adjusting to his size and whining into your mouth as she kissed you deeply with her tongue, tasting herself in longing as she passionately embraced you. Her soft breasts felt so good flush against your chest.
"God damn, this pussy is tight too, and that ass is delicious!" Billy gruffly declared as he slapped her ass.
You held onto her, caressing the curves of her beautiful and voluptuous breasts. She had such a beautiful body and gorgeous dark skin. The way she was being fucked by Billy was unholy as she latched onto one of your nipples, sucking greedily as she screamed for Billy.
"Yeah, good whore!" He proclaimed, tugging her hair and grunting deeply.
"Yes, so big, Billy. Your monster cock is so fucking amazing!" She practically yelled as he hit her at all the right spots.
Suddenly, he surprised you by having his cock buried balls deep inside of you again. It felt incredible to have him fucking you again, his cock coated in her slick and yours. Billy was truly your God of fuck.
"Billy so good. Love your cock, Daddy! Fuck us hard!" You shouted as his eyes met yours and he smirked.
Harmony's lips moved to your other breast as Billy positioned himself inside of her again and fingered your needy pussy and ass simultaneously. Billy then went right back to fucking you and Harmony's breasts hovered over your mouth.
"Suck slut!" She ordered. "How's that cock feel?"
"Good. S'good," you mumbled as she shoved her breast into your face.
The way you and Harmony were acting turned him on so badly, as Billy was getting closer than ever to spilling his load. He pulled out, turning on the toy to position it in between your pussy and hers, rubbing it against your clits as it worked its magic. The noises you and Harmony were making were practically filthy. Billy was smiling in satisfaction about how he was making you and this beautiful woman feel.
"Mm, now cum for me all over it," he firmly instructed as he increased the pressure by turning up the volume on the toy.
You sucked on her breasts and kneaded them as you rode the toy. Harmony cried out with pure ecstasy as she fucked the toy with reckless abandon. The vibrator felt intense, and you were moaning so loud for Billy as he fucked into her again.
"Billy gonna cum for you!" She cried out in bliss as she came undone at the seams.
Pulling out of her, he fucked you again, going balls deep as they slapped against your cunt. Harmony slapped your breasts and kissed you so deeply as Billy got close to cumming.
"Gonna cum inside you, princess," he warned as he fucked you deeply and Harmony kissed you.
"Yes, daddy cum deep inside of me!" You pleaded with him, your moans so loud, and it was like music to his ears.
Harmony sucked on your neck as Billy was about to ride out his high, making you squirm and scream out for them. The mess he was about to make inside of you was going to be so messy, but you loved being his little cum slut.
"Going to cum!" He screeched as his fingernails left imprints on your hips.
Billy filled you up to the hilt and pulled out his cock, still having some cum on it as Harmony pressed her clit firmly against yours. She wrapped your legs around her waist, getting Billy's cum all over her.
"You need to cum, honey. Come all over, my pretty cunt!" she beckoned as she left marks on your breasts with her mouth.
"So close!" You replied with a pleased hum.
Billy pressed his cock to your lips so you could suck him off and you did greedily take every drop he had, milking him dry. Harmony hit that special spot and made you throw your head back as more screams left your lips.
"Yes! I'm cumming, fuck me, yes!" You wailed as your orgasm crashed over you in remarkable waves as you rode it out.
Soon Billy and you passed out you in between him and Harmony. It was a mind-blowing night and not one you would soon forget. All your carnal desires satiated, and you had the best time of your life. Billy showed his dominant side, and you loved every moment.
More time passed with having Billy and you celebrating more anniversaries so happy together most of the time. There was nothing better than exploring new things with him and you started a sex room together complete with a sybian, restraints in every size and shape, and a sex machine. Sometimes you would bring girls home and he would get off as he watched before putting you in your place for starting without him. No other time compared to the first threesome, but you shared many more partners, like Steve and Eddie. But that's more stories for another time…
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Writing Reference: Aphrodisiacs
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The Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, lends her name to an extensive list of foods and other weird and wonderful items that are supposed to increase the libido and enhance the chances of seduction and therefore fecundity.
The issue of fertility has always been an overriding concern for humankind, and any substance that either enhances sexual prowess or increases the chance of conception has always been highly sought after.
Ancient man had a limited seasonal diet, and a bad hunt or the failure of a crop could literally be a life-or-death matter. Getting enough food to eat was an overriding concern.
Chances of fertility are restricted if nourishment is poor, and so certain foods were given magical powers in the hopes that they might increase both male and female potency despite the limited diet.
There is a marked differentiation between the foods that increase fertility versus the ones that enhance sex drive, and given that early man did not know about the chemical constituents of food, many aphrodisiacs were chosen as such primarily because of their symbolic significance.
The Doctrine of Signatures—the notion that a plant or a feature of an animal that is similar in appearance or quality to a body part could be beneficial to the organ it resembles—had an important part to play in deciding which foods had aphrodisiac qualities.
Example: The Rhinoceros Horn still carries a frisson as a stimulant to sexual appetites, as does Spanish Fly. Both these ingredients, sort of mystical precursors to Viagra, were ingested by men in eager anticipation of increased virility.
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Pliny the Elder and Dioscordes documented many of these aphrodisiacs as far back as the 1st century, and it is likely that they would have been regarded as such for some time prior to this.
The behavior and lifestyle of certain animals made them fertility symbols, too:
Example: The sparrow, a prolific breeder, was sacred to Aphrodite and its blood was a popular ingredient in love potions.
Steak was thought to contain all the virility of the animal it came from, the bloodier the better.
Ground rhinoceros horn is symbolic of the libido but the power of the rhino is also perceived as the ultimate in male sexual energy.
This ancient, visceral belief in the power of appearances has meant that many of the original foods that were considered to have aphrodisiac powers by ancient man still carry the same meanings today, despite their actual chemical constituents.
It is true to say that certain foods actually do have aphrodisiac powers purely because of these old beliefs, and generally owe more to folklore and symbolism than to fact; however, a symbol is a potent force and often the association alone is enough to bring about the desired effect.
Example: A dinner date where oysters and strawberries are on the menu will leave no doubt about the intended conclusion to the evening.
To our ancestors, any kind of food that resembled the penis, the vagina, or constituent parts thereof, carried powerful suggestive meanings, although latterly our ability to analyze certain minerals and trace elements has proven that some supposedly aphrodisiac foods may actually deserve their reputation.
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Example: The fifty oysters that Casanova reputedly managed to swallow every day for breakfast not only resemble the female sexual parts in scent, texture, and form, but it has also been discovered that their high zinc content may indeed help enhance the libido; a large proportion of zinc is spent when men ejaculate.
For ancient man it was not always necessary for the foods to be eaten for them to have the desired effect. Some of the weird and wonderful things considered to have aphrodisiac qualities were toxic, but could work their magic simply by close proximity.
Example: The berries of mistletoe were a reminder of the semen of the Gods and the little crosses on the undersides were kisses, but it would be unwise to eat them.
Seeds, nuts, bulbs, and eggs, because they are full of potential new life, were considered as aids to fertility; snails, too, were considered to enhance sexual appetites because of the viscous fluid of the trails they leave behind, although slugs are not considered to have any aphrodisiac qualities whatsoever.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 5 months
Eiden x top FTM reader ♠️
The foxes toys. 1800 words
Reader keeps shirt on. Magic dildo.
Being with Eiden has been an absolute rollercoaster. You had met only a few months ago when he just came to this world, lost and almost out of his element. Despite being in a whole new world his charm and charisma was electric.
You were well aware of his growing clan, and how he stabilizes their essence. While physically you have an open relationship there is no doubt that you are the only one who has his heart. The clan members are also fully aware of you. Some are definitely more welcoming than others, but all in all you get along with them fairly well.
“Hey Eiden, I'd like to try something different tonight.” You ask as you sit next to him on the bed. He instantly perked up hearing that chime in your voice that he knows is going to lead to a fun night.
“I'm always down to try something new!” The spark of interest and excitement in his eyes shone like stars. The look only got brighter as you opened a bag filled to the brim with different shaped sex toys. “Where did you get all of these?!” He was surprised but his voice quivered in excitement as he picked up one of the toys and it started vibrating in his palm.
“I may have asked the fox to let me borrow them…” You blush a little when his eyes snap to meet yours, instantly suspicious.
He let out a low hum. “He never does anything without it benefitting him as well. What exactly did borrowing these cost you?” He asked slowly and rightfully cautious. Thankfully one look down at his pants and anyone could see he hadn't lost any of his excitement, maybe he even got a little more turned on.
You shrug. “He just wants to know which one gets the ‘best reactions’ from you.” Eiden gives a slight laugh at the air quotes. Any stress you had melted away at the sweet sound.
“That sounds pretty cheap for him, but I won't complain!” Eiden gives a toothy grin. “I don't want to waste any more time.” He takes your hand and guides it to his thigh. You chuckle softly at his eagerness. Cute and earnest, if a little demanding.
You gently push him back on the bed and take your time unbuttoning his pants. His breath hitched when you pulled his pants and boxers down around his knees. His cock sprung up and slapped himself in the stomach, letting out the sweetest whimper when you pulled away.
“What are you doing?” Eiden shut his mouth when you started to strip off your pants. His heart raced when he saw how erect your little dick was too. No matter how many times he gets to see your body he always thinks it was something glorious. He would easily worship you if you'd let him.
Taking out a blue dildo you turned it over a few times in your hand before looking at Eiden. It had a few straps attached to it and Eiden knew exactly what it was for.
“Kuya said I have to wait to use this, but said I should wear it for a while first.” You gasped softly when you put the base of the dildo to your tip and the soft material seemed to mold around your shape. You secured the straps around your waist and hips. It felt similar to wearing a jockstrap.
Eidens mouth was already watering at the sight of your new big blue dick but he only got more restless as you pulled out a few more toys, two small vibrators and a long tapered plug. He almost looked like a puppy trying to sit still while you dangle treats in front of him. You pushed him back down on the bed and took his pants all the way off discarding them in a heap on the floor, his shirt soon joining the mass of fabric.
There he laid completely bare for you, even spreading his legs to give better access to his cock and ass.
“Trying to make yourself more enticing for me?” You asked in a clearly teasing tone. Eidens smile just grew as he responded.
“Is it working?” You both already knew the answer but you also knew he got off on banter. He wanted to be a brat but was far too eager to commit.
“Yes.” You picked up one of the vibrators and settled yourself between his open legs. After turning it on to a low setting you gently pressed it against his tip. He flinched and moaned softly as you slowly slid it down his shaft and let it rest at the base for a moment before playing with his balls. Once you were satisfied with the sounds he was making you dropped the vibrator lower and pressed it against his tight sphincter. The vibrations slowly loosen the muscle until you could press the toy into his ass.
Eiden started squirming as it slipped in completely and started massaging his insides. It wasn't until after he stopped squirming did you put the plug into his ass. Slowly driving the vibrator deeper into him as well.
“Mmmnhh~” He moaned loudly as the plug popped into place securing itself and the other toy deep inside of him. You kissed up his neck and groped his chest as the toys worked their magic. He was already singing like a canary but you wanted more. Grabbing the last vibrator you turned it on and started pumping his cock with the vibrator snugly pressed between your palm and his twitching member.
His moans became louder as he struggled not to cum. He looked so hot that you couldn't help grinding your crotch into the bed. It felt so good that you wanted to melt but then again Eidens voice always made you feel euphoric.
Eiden reached up and grabbed your shirt by the collar pulling you towards him. He looked so needy, so desperate for you. It was exhilarating. You gave him exactly what he wanted in the form of a sloppy kiss that would make an incubus blush. When you pulled away Eiden had coated himself in a thin layer of his own cum.
“Awww, couldn't wait for me first~” He blushed as you teased him. He could barely think right now but still knew what he wanted, what he needed.
“I can't help that you know all my weak spots. Now hurry up and fuck me before I cum again.” He whined, shaking his hips up and down waiting for you to pull out the still humming vibrator and plug. The plug slipped out easily and the vibrator followed with a satisfying pop. Before he had a chance to complain about the emptiness you lined up your new cock to his ass.
Your knees almost gave out as you pushed the tip of the strap through his clenching ring of muscle. It felt like pleasure was injected straight into your nervous system making your whole body light up at once. The dildo was clearly enhanced because as you pressed the tip against Eidens hole you could feel the heat as if it was against your own skin.
“F-fuck, is this what your dick feels like? Gods I'm jealous.” You bit your lip to hold back your moans and you slid all the way in. Eidens face contorted into a starstruck pleasure. You had to stop though as small tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“Eiden? I'm sorry, did I hurt you?” You gently cupped his face as you started to pull out. Immediately his legs wrapped around your waist holding you in place. He shook his head softly as he nuzzled into your touch.
“I'm just happy that I get to be fucked by my boyfriend. I'm so happy-” You cut him off with another deep kiss. Your heart felt light as your tongues danced in each other's mouths. His mouth was sweet but his moans and whimpers were even sweeter.
When you started moving again his sounds only tasted better on your lips. As Eidens legs locked tighter around your hips it became troublesome to do long strokes, so instead your thrusts became harder and shallower. Eiden was loving every moment of it. One of his hands tangled itself into your hair while his other hand clenched around your shirt. Your arms caging Eiden beneath you as you pounded harder into his ass.
It felt amazing, feeling all his sweet spots from the inside. Every time you hit a spot he liked you could feel him clench around you. You could feel how hot his insides were and how smooth it felt on your cock. Your cock, YOUR cock. Yes, your cock finally piercing your wonderful boyfriend, truly it was a dream come true.
You kept going even after you could feel yourself coming to the edge. Your head felt fuzzy and your skin sweaty, but that just added to your pleasure. Eiden was getting close too, his hard cock bouncing against his stomach every time you thrust deep inside him.
You could feel your own orgasm beginning to overflow. You wanted to cum, you wanted nothing more than to cum and fill Eidens ass with your cum. You are so close, just a little more and-
“Nnnnh~” You let out a low moan as you cum hard, like something snapped inside your gut. A lewd warmth spread between your legs as you enjoyed the feeling. For a moment you felt Eiden clench around your dick as he came as well.
Eidens eyes went wide as he stared at you in shock and amazement. “What?”
“Did you just cum inside me?”
“.... WHAT?!” You both looked down and sure enough a thick liquid was dripping from Eidens spent hole. A thick blue liquid. When you came you didn't realize that the dildo also reacted and melted inside of Eiden, acting as artificial cum. “Well that explains why Kuya gave me like seven of these.” You started to finger Eidens ass and more of the blue goo leaked onto the bed. Eiden let out a tired moan as you fingered him and you let out a small laugh.
Pulling him close you kissed him on his temple and whispered in his ear. “Let's get you cleaned up. Knowing the fox I have a feeling this ooze has some extra properties, so unless you want to find out what he has planned…”
“I'll take a bath.” Eiden smiled tiredly. “I think I've cum enough for today.”
“I'll get it ready for you.” With another chase kiss you left to go draw him a warm bath. This turned out much better than you could have ever hoped. Unfortunately now you feel like you owe that old fox. That was probably why he didn't ask for much in the first place now that you think about it.
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ash-rigby · 7 months
It Becomes Us (Male Mutated Werewolf)[NB/M]
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Featured Characters: A nonbinary human (initially) and a male werewolf. Both are adults.
Description: Nightingale, a sorcerer who studies interdimensional portals, accidentally opened a gateway which led to their werewolf partner being bitten by an unknown creature. Orion feels changed in a way he can’t place and asks to be restrained during the next full moon as he is worried it will affect his typical shift. Little do either of them know, but his concerns are completely founded, as intense yet exciting changes occur. And perhaps they’re a little contagious.
Contains: Eventual Monster/Monster, Light Bondage, Transformation, Stomach Mouth, Long Tongues, Tentacles, Diphallia, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Excessive Cum, Praise Kink.
Nonbinary Character Anatomy: Nightingale uses a spell which allows them to switch their genitals at will. They utilize both a penis and a vagina at separate times during this scenario. Terms for both sets are used. Their original sex is not specified and their chest goes undescribed.
Content Warning: Body Horror
Completion Date: February 29th, 2024
Word Count: 4937
Requested by @mushki-art (this was won via a raffle; requests are not always open) who asked for a submissive werewolf story and invited me to spice it up with some eldritch elements. I hope you like it!
The tension immediately left Orion the moment he was bound. He released a relieved sigh, a soft expression coming over his face that made Nightingale want to kiss the breath out of him. Or tease his body until those honey-brown eyes swam with tears. But despite his position, it wasn’t the time for it; this was technically their fault.
“Comfortable?” they asked him, allowing themself the somewhat innocent action of running their hand through his thick, dark chest hair.
Orion cleared his throat and shifted under their touch. “As much as I can be.”
He was laid out on their bed, Nightingale’s magic purple rings glowing at his wrists and ankles which kept his arms out from his sides and his legs lightly apart. It wasn’t an uncommon look for him. Nightingale’s eyes trailed over his naked form, their lips quirking at the sight of his already half-full, twitching erection. He was always easily excitable in the days leading up to the full moon. At least that was a sign of normality.
They sat on the edge of the bed as their hand travelled to the newly healed bite scar on Orion’s left bicep. An uninterrupted ring of teeth marks with a single puncture at the center. The colour was dark and shifted to carry a green tint in certain light. It had baffled Nightingale for weeks, matching nothing in any of their peers’ records. They gently ran their finger around it.
“You simply can’t help getting bitten by things, can you?” Nightingale asked. “First that mangy, cursed wolf and now whatever this wants to call itself.”
Orion shrugged as much as his bonds allowed, giving a crooked grin. “I must be tasty.”
“Oh, I can vouch for that.”
“Really though,” Orion said, bringing Nightingale’s attention back to his face. “Thank you for doing this. It’s hard to say what’s going to happen tonight…and I don’t want to hurt you.”
Nightingale leaned over him and wrapped a set of deft fingers around his neck. His breath hitched, pulse quickening under their pressing thumb. He swallowed hard against their palm as his eyes glazed.
Nightingale smirked. “You couldn’t hurt me even if you wanted to.”
They closed the distance and kissed him, invading his mouth with their tongue and making him moan. His sweet noises stirred a needy throb between their legs. There was nothing they wanted more than to take him apart.
He was panting when they pulled back. A drop of saliva escaped the corner of his mouth. Nightingale licked it back up past his lips, passing once more over his lower teeth before moving away.
Orion whimpered. “Touch me? Please? Just a little before—.”
Nightingale shook their head and clicked their tongue at him.
“Down, boy,” they said. “You know that can trigger you to shift early.”
“Right…right,” Orion said. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, an involuntary growl sounding in his throat as he released it. “Fuck.”
He was hard, his cock straining and leaking as he hissed his desperate curses. Nightingale only just managed to keep their head about them. Respecting their partner’s concerns had to come first. They swiftly stood from the bed and moved towards the door.
“I’ll responsibly admit that you are far too tempting,” they said, drinking in the bound, aroused form they were walking away from with immense regret. “I have some things to finish up. Will you be fine on your own for a while, darling?”
“Yeah,” Orion said. His hands curled into shaking fists. “Probably for the best. I—I need to calm down and your scent is…it’s a lot right now.”
“Poor thing,” Nightingale said with a theatrical pout. “Though…if all our worries turn out to be for nought, I’m also looking forward to some play time.”
Orion groaned, his head falling back against the pillow. “Not helping.”
“Apologies. I’ll see you later.”
Nightingale left the bedroom and closed the door behind them before making their way to the candlelit workshop. They went to the organized chaos of their desk; loose papers, open books, their peacock-feathered quill. It was easy to pick up where they left off in transcribing spells from a borrowed tome but their mind still wandered.
It had been a little over two weeks since the incident that led Orion to wish himself bound. Nightingale’s interest in exploring other planes and dimensions was to blame. However, they didn’t regret their choice of pursuits. Years prior, it had allowed them to uncover a sigil that granted the ability to shift their body’s sex at will; which had been a godsend to ease their frequent but not constant dissatisfaction with their birth equipment.
However, portal-based magics were unpredictable by nature. Not to mention intricate. One misplaced stroke in drawing a circle could send one off their target; as Nightingale had unfortunately discovered. It was embarrassing, to say the least. They prided themselves on their attention to detail but perhaps they had become cocky after so many successes.
The portal opened to a clearly hostile environment. A long, maw-bearing tentacle had lashed out at Nightingale almost immediately. Orion, ever the dependable protector, lunged to their rescue. But he paid the price of a nasty bite wound and gods knew what else. He told them he felt changed in a way he couldn’t place. Some ineffable thing that had been lodged deep inside him and brought fear.
Nightingale was forced to hastily destroy the circle during the struggle to banish the portal, thus wiping away any knowledge of where they went wrong. They had been trying to recreate their mistake. It was dangerous, recklessly opening unknown portals, but having access to where the creature originated from was looking to be the only way to glean answers. To fix this.
With a heavy sigh, Nightingale set aside their quill and stared at the closed bedroom door across the room. They usually took great joy in binding Orion; he was so well-behaved for them. The unease on his face had soured things. However, not enough to void their arousal it seemed.
Despite the circumstances and attempts to distract themself, Nightingale was unable to banish the lewd thoughts from their mind. Orion had looked so pretty, spread out and tied down as he whimpered into their kisses. How wracked by need he was; panting, begging, weeping from his hard yet untouched cock.
Nightingale couldn’t help themself; perhaps it was what this worry needed. Quick hands untied the front of their robes and pulled them aside. Their breath stuttered as their fingers went straight to what was currently their pussy. They were already wet.
The goal was release; not a prolonged, indulgent pleasure. Nightingale stroked themselves furiously, the sigil tattooed on their abdomen glowing warm as they focused on their clit to make it larger. The growth was rapid and they whimpered at the swelling sensation. Its stout two inches pulsed under their hand, aching to feel that familiar lapping tongue.
“Orion,” they whispered. “Orion…Orion.”
Their hand flew over their sopping folds and clit. The filthy, wet sound of it was the only one in the room as they bit back their moans. In their mind was a vivid evocation of themself bearing down on a thick, raging werewolf cock as its owner tearfully begged to be inside them. It had throbbed so desperately against their pussy, the thick knot bulging in anticipation at its base but doomed to not fulfill its purpose that night.
A memory of a delicious, mournful cry as Orion came all over his heaving chest heralded Nightingale’s only briefly satisfying orgasm—gods, they needed him.
Nightingale slumped in their chair, a relentless quiver between their legs. Their swollen clit twitched as if suggesting a second round but they denied it. How dare they consider touching themself stupid at such a time? Shame was hot in their chest. Panting, their eyes drifted from slick-glistening fingers to the closed bedroom door, concern as much as arousal remaining unabated.
Please be okay.
It was then that they heard something, muffled behind the wood of the door. Orion’s voice, deeper and laced with growls. Their gaze snapped to the clock. It was only a little after nine in the evening; his shift normally happened closer to midnight. He was groaning, sounding distressed. Nightingale shot out of the chair and raced towards the bedroom, not bothering to take the time to close their robe before bursting inside.
They could barely process what they saw.
Orion had undergone a change. That was expected; though the exact form, not so much. The wolven features Nightingale knew were visible even through such mutation. But his dark fur carried a green tint. Gnarled horns sprung from his brow. Countless eyes adorned his shoulders and upper chest like a mantle, as wide and rolling as the four on his face. A long, tentacle-like tongue stuck out from his open mouth as he cried out. But Nightingale knew then that it wasn’t out of pain.
He was moaning in pleasure and they could see why. A second pair of arms had sprouted below the first, unfettered by Nightingale’s magic as their large hands stroked his cock; no—cocks. He had two. His mindless pumping was halted with a flick of Nightingale’s hand and glowing rings affixing to his wrists.
Orion growled in frustration but seemed to quickly come back to himself. Though his raging dicks continued to visibly pulse against his palms. All of his many bright yellow, now-reptilian eyes met theirs. His voice held a serrated edge and somehow sounded like two speaking in tandem, echoing and deep as an abyss.
“F-fuck…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t give me permission to—I-I couldn’t help it. Please don’t leave me like this—oh, gods, I need to cum.”
Nightingale shushed him gently, waving their hands to situate his new appendages at his sides. With him laying still and fully spread, a last oddity made itself known. A large, fanged maw had opened up in his stomach. The surrounding fur was wet with drool. Nightingale watched as a tongue snaked out from it and wrapped itself around one of his swelling knots. Orion groaned.
“Stop that,” Nightingale hissed, fearful and vexed over his lack of priorities. But he obeyed, keening as the tongue retracted and the strange, wide lips pressed tightly together. “This is serious, darling.”
They strode over to the bedside, heart pounding; though, to their chagrin, for two reasons. Cursing the pulse being echoed in their needy cunt, Nightingale looked Orion over. One half of his eyes fixated on their naked form visible between either side of their open robe while the other stared longingly at his dual endowment.
“Are you in any pain?” Nightingale asked.
“N-no,” Orion said. “It felt good. Really good. More than usual.”
Nightingale nodded, recalling his reassurances that shifting was a full-body pleasure instead of agony. Stretching, swelling, elongating. Hence the large erection he typically sported by the end of it that begged for any and all attention.
Orion had managed to calm himself somewhat and was speaking clearly. Disregarding the clear issue of him prioritizing the need to satisfy his arousal, his mind was still there. He hadn’t been lost to some unknown abomination's will—thank goodness.
“Well, you seem like yourself so far,” Nightingale said, a bit of tension leaving them as curiosity began to brew. They were certain he wouldn’t be hurt from touching and carded a gentle hand into his chest fur. “Any new urges? Aside from cumming in two damn directions at once.”
Their eyes flicked to his cocks, watching as precum pearled at one of the tips and lazily dripped down the thick shaft. It took everything in them not to rush and catch it with their tongue. They tried not to long too much for the taste. Or at least not let that show on their face.
“I don’t want to swallow you up if that’s what you’re asking,” Orion said and, despite themself, Nightingale grinned at him. “Not—not in the eating you kind of way anyway…I….”
His mouth snapped shut. The adorable thing was still under the impression that he wasn’t going to get fucked. But his eyes and straining, leaky cocks did all the begging for him. Denying him started to feel pointlessly cruel; as fun as it was under other circumstances.
This was proving to be no different from Orion’s typical shift. Not violent or dangerous. Just needy. A dog wanting to be good for his master for sweet, little rewards. Nightingale decided then that a touch of caution could be thrown to the wind. They weren’t so different from their lover after all; chasing pleasure before answers—reckless, amorous fools.
Fear abandoned, they had to admit it. This new form deeply excited them. He was beautiful. Such a striking change that begged to be known. A deep, thorough exploration was in order. One for the books indeed.
Orion’s breath hitched as Nightingale disrobed fully in one fluid, graceful motion. They climbed up onto the bed and sprawled belly down across his torso with their legs on either side of him. They pillowed their chin with their hands as they looked up into his face.
“Wh-what are you…?” he asked, bewildered.
Nightingale waggled their hips, rubbing their enlarged clit into thick fur. “I was thinking, given your over-excited state, perhaps this needs to be fucked out of you. Remember that pollen you stumbled into a few months back?”
“Yeah,” Orion breathed. They felt his heart begin to race beneath their hands, excitement from the memory and the confirmation that he was getting what he wanted. “Go for it…keep me tied up though. I don’t—I don’t know—.”
“Shh… of course, love,” Nightingale said. “I want to see what this body can do. Start with that pretty new mouth.”
They rose from Orion’s chest and turned, moving down until they were straddled over his stomach. The mouth opened beneath them with an audibly wet parting of lips. Hot, humid breath came in quick bursts against them as it opened wide; they could have sat fully into it if they had wished. The dark tentacle of a tongue writhed in the slick maw before rising and licking a line over Nightingale’s pussy. Orion shuddered.
“You’re…already soaked,” he said, digging deeper against their folds for the second pass.
Nightingale bit back a moan. “You were indisposed. I had to take matters into my own hand, so to speak.”
Orion groaned in a desperate and desolate tone.
“I know,” Nightingale said sweetly. “So awful of me to cum on my own. Not wrapped around your cock so you can feel my tight, squeezing heat milking you dry. Or buried deep inside you; throbbing, filling you until you’re leaking me.”
Every word seemed to spur Orion into licking Nightingale more fervently. A quick, ceaseless lapping as if they were water and he had been parched for days. His cocks pulsed in heavy, rhythmic tandem before them, spilling clear fluid in rivulets. The scent of him nearly had them drooling. His breath was so sweltering against their ass and cunt that it was akin to melting.
They wanted more.
“Darling,’ they said, drawing out the vowels. “I don’t recall telling you to hold ba—.”
A sharp gasp was punched from Nightingale as Orion shoved his tongue swiftly inside. He reached deeper than he ever had before with this method, twisting and pumping into them. They ground down to meet each thrust of the probing muscle.
There was a shift and a sucking sound within the maw and Nightingale felt a second tongue at their ass. They could no longer suppress a moan as it worked its way in, carefully but greedily. A third wormed into their cunt next to the first and entwined with it. A fourth, fifth, and sixth wrapped lovingly about their thighs, smearing warm saliva.
“Good boy,” Nightingale praised. “Goooood boy.”
Feeling he had earned it—and unable to help themself—, Nightingale reached out and brought their palms to those swollen cocks. They couldn’t fully wrap their hands around either one but they began to pump the throbbing shafts. Orion cried out, hips shaking and lifting as much as his restraints allowed. He dropped heavily onto the mattress as he was stroked. Precum spurted from him, running over Nightingale’s fingers.
“Y-your hands are so soft!” he said; whimpering, lower tongues thrashing inside Nightingale. “And you taste…you ta—fuuuuck. I’m not good. I’m a bad dog. I’m a bad dog! I can’t hold it—I can’t—!”
He came with a wavering cry. Thick, copious cum pumped out of both cocks, painting Nightingale’s chest. It splattered their face; hot, musky, and landing or dripping into their open mouth. They swallowed a half mouthful as their hands relentlessly milked.
Cumming took nothing out of Orion. He breathed heavily around whines, but Nightingale’s holes were still stuffed with wildly thrusting tentacles. They released him and leaned forward until their hands met the mattress between his spread legs. The tip of a seventh tongue curled around their pulsing clit. Their head snapped back with a loud moan as they instinctively began to thrust into it.
“There you go,” they said, practically growling. “Keep that right there.”
Orion’s dicks, full of boundless vitality, were pressed against Nightingale’s cum-covered torso. Their hard, sensitive nipples grazed the weeping heads as they moved. The tentacles squirmed deep inside them. They could feel a warm mix of Orion’s saliva and their slick making a mess of their thighs.
“Perfect, darling,” they moaned. “So perfect for me. Make me cum…make me cum.”
Roiling heat built inside them, pleasure throbbing through their holes out to their clit. With a few final thrusts, they were clenching down on Orion, squirting around his tentacles and into the gaping maw. His tongues paused as if to feel them come apart. He came again with a grunt, his cum hitting the underside of Nightingale’s chin as they panted and shivered.
Before Orion could think about starting again, they stood. The tongues exited them with multiple lewd, wet noises. Slick dripped from Nightingale in their wake. Both holes quivered; spent. But their clit had other plans, twitching insistently. Wanting to be enveloped again.
Nightingale gave a breathless, unsteady chuckle before mentally reaching out to the sigil bound to them. They gazed down, always loving to watch. A, swelling sensation overtook their clit as it lengthened into a thick cock, balls hanging beneath. It pulsed itself to a full erection without the aid of touch.
They took it into their hand, stroking as they looked over their shoulder to catch Orion’s many eyes.
“Objections?” they asked with a grin.
Orion swallowed, his dual endowment still raging. “N-no.”
“Let’s get a better view, then.”
Nightingale dropped off of the bed and, with a few waves of their hands, compelled the magic rings to re-situate their darling werewolf. Orion was placed face-down, his ass in the air. His top set of arms were set reaching out over his head, while the bottom ones connected at the wrists behind his back.
The position revealed that the mantle of eyes extended over his shoulder blades. And Nightingale also watched a line of sharp, deadly spines flare out from the base of his neck to the small of his back. They sidled up behind him where his tail lay draped down.
“Show me that hole,” they said, digging a hand into the fur at his thigh.
Orion obediently raised his tail, leaving it to curl over his back. He sucked in a breath as Nightingale took his large, furry balls into their palm. They teased, watching his cocks leak onto the sheets with every caress and squeeze. The flesh between his balls and hole twitched uncontrollably.
“Nightingale,” he moaned. “Fuck me…please.”
Nightingale hummed and released him. “Wag for it.”
A sweet, little whine sounded in Orion’s throat. His tail gave a twitch before waving through the air. It was soon whipping, his ass moving with it from the sheer eager force. His balls and cocks swung as well in an enticing display.
Nightingale halted his movement without a word, hands lighting on his ass. They spread him open, ready to work his hole with their fingers. But they took pause. They had seen the wetness there and assumed it was precum from his earlier position. But his wildly twitching, swollen-looking hole seemed to be dripping a clear lubricant; like a beast in heat.
There was a scent to him that made Nightingale’s head swim. They felt their cock take up a heavy, demanding throb. Their shaft was burning in their hand as they lined themselves up, a breath shuddering from them as they pressed against the fevered ring of muscle.
Perhaps they could simply just—.
Nightingale carefully breached Orion. He took them with ease and they moaned as they were welcomed by wet, clinging walls. The squeeze was exquisite, tight yet effortlessly accommodating to their shape. A single, slow penetration had Orion wailing with pleasure which compelled Nightingale into fucking him without a second’s thought, eyes wide and heart pounding.
Their thrusts were short; despite it all, they still held a distant concern over hurting Orion. They had impetuously shoved themself in after all. But that pulsating heat continued to serve their cock so well, clasping and sucking without resistance. A perfect fuck hole.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Orion chanted, slurred in ecstasy. “It’s never felt this amazing before! Harder…please, harder!”
Nightingale bottomed out with a grunt, pausing as they activated their sigil. There was a surge of heat as their length enlarged to a broad seven inches in Orion’s ass. They grinned at his loud, unsteady moan. Their hips pulled back and rammed them in to the hilt once more.
“That’s it,” they groaned, gripping at Orion’s fur. He whined, his hole pressing in around them, and they began to slam into him. “Good boys get every inch of this cock. Ngh—because they can take it so well. You make me so hard. So wild. Oh, gods…such a good boy!”
Nearly lost in the snap of their own hips, Nightingale almost didn’t notice a strange feeling coming over them. A sensation on their sides just below the ribcage. At first, they thought it might be the sweat pouring off of them and crawling its way downward. But this was different. Like someone had pinched their flesh, pulled, and their body yielded to it far beyond its natural elasticity.
There was no pain. It felt like stretching a muscle—until the moment it escalated to a near-orgasmic pleasure. Nightingale moaned with it and all at once became aware of their ability to move something new. Doing so brought two alien—yet very familiar—appendages into their view; long, dark green tentacles that opened into toothy mouths.
“N-Nightingale?” Orion questioned, the eyes on his back falling onto the new developments. “What’s going—ahhh, fuck.”
It should have frightened Nightingale or at least given them pause. But excitement coursed through them instead. They kept driving themselves into Orion as they fixated with fascination on the tentacles, reason outmatched by the sheer, feral arousal of it all. What would it take for more?
Something in the back of their mind answered. Not with words, but with ideas. Knowledge came to them in an instant and showed Orion as the answer to their heavily aroused query.
They needed more of his cum.
A laugh laced with pleasured noises bubbled from Nightingale. They guided their tentacles to Orion’s drooling cocks and latched on, one in each maw. There was more than enough space in those wet, fleshy sleeves to take him entirely. Orion moaned, long and loud; his face was out of view but it sounded like it came from around a lolling tongue.
“Mmm, you like that?” Nightingale asked.
“Yeeees!” Orion cried, all visible eyes rolling back. “More. More. More. Suck me more!”
Nightingale began to milk him with their tentacles as they relentlessly thrust, pumping at a desperate pace. He throbbed hard in their squeezing confines as precum streamed from him. They could taste it. The saliva at the tentacles’ mouths became profuse, speaking to their eagerness and hunger. Ready to drink him dry.
It didn’t take Orion long to cum this way. His hole clenched as his cocks pulsed with release. The tentacles sucked greedily, not letting slip a single drop of hot, potent cum. Nightingale could feel it travelling through the appendages and into their body.
Give it to me, they chanted internally with a need they could sense wasn’t entirely their own. Give it all to me.
Nightingale kept fucking, plunging deeply into wet, pliant heat. Orion was still hard. He had more to give; they could sense the mutation-driven overproduction of seed taking place inside him. Churning, spurting, primed to burst and sate this madness’ appetite. They would take it all. It was theirs.
Theirs to use; a delicious, addictive means of shucking off the limiting prison that was a human form.
“Let’s feed this together,” they growled, an abyssal tone creeping in with every syllable. “Succumb with me…succumb. Su—cum. Cum. Cum.”
The tentacles drank well with Orion’s frequent orgasms. He was a mess of moans and babbled words; begging for more when he was coherent, wracked by ecstatic shaking. Nightingale’s cock dug for that sensitive spot deep inside him with every thrust, forcing out smaller spurts of cum even when he wasn’t caught in the twitching throes of release.
Nightingale took in his lewd ambrosia, being suddenly struck by the licking tendrils of an otherworldly energy. A heated tingling overtook every inch of their flesh and turned the whole of them into one active pleasure center. Every pounding beat of their heart brought a deep ecstasy, their moans wild as they fucked and swallowed and changed.
A green tinge spread over their skin from their hands, claws sprouting from grasping fingers. Muscle and bone alike swelled and stretched as their body grew. Their large hands were soon able to fully grip Orion’s waist and pull him into their thrusts. The bed creaked threateningly beneath them.
Their skin rippled with emerging scales and a thick mane of fur erupted at their shoulders and upper back. Horns burst from their skull and curled backwards. Facial bones shifted to account for lengthening, sharpening, multiplying teeth and the first of two long tongues that lolled from their jaws as their tailbone pleasurably stretched out into a whip-like, spiny tail. Eyes and mouths opened up where they had no business being.
Nightingale’s head tipped back. “Fuck! Fuuuuuck!”
It was discordant roars as every maw found its voice; tongues lashing, teeth gnashing. More tentacles sprouted from their back and found their way—almost of their own accord—to being pushed in alongside their now-ridged cock in Orion’s hole. They panted and grunted, saliva dripping freely; bearing down on him like the feral, horny beast they now were.
Orion was soft in their sucking tentacles. Though spent, his voice came to them clearly through the haze.
“I need it. I need it…gods, fill me!”
A thick, pulsating knot swelled at the base of Nightingale’s dick and, when the final shift of their form clicked into place, popped in as they came with a warbling howl. Cum poured from them in a rhythmically pumping torrent unlike anything they had ever experienced before. They were locked in, but their hips continued to thrust forward with every throb, rocking Orion forward with their newly acquired superior size.
Nightingale curled over Orion as the pleasure abated; a low, prehistoric-sounding growl rumbling in their heaving chest. The room was suddenly deadly silent. Save for two unsteady breaths and a wet shifting as their connected bodies swayed.
Orion broke it first, shivering beneath them. “Nightingale…are you okay?”
Nightingale could only nod, not yet having caught their breath. They looked down at him, catching his eyes and expecting to find fear or disgust now that the spell of pleasure-chasing had likely faded. But there was awe and a softness in the way the gazing mantle roamed their body. Pure adoration.
He liked this, was Nightingale’s realization. Maybe because he had always been attracted to these things. Or because he was simply looking at his lover with unconditional affection—a loyal dog through and through.
A fierce possessiveness washed over Nightingale. They dismissed Orion’s bindings so they could lay on top of him comfortably, their still-throbbing dick nestled warmly inside. He smelled amazing as they nuzzled their nose into his fur. Mine, they thought, directed at no one. The presence in the back of their mind faded with an air of satisfaction and the planted knowledge that this was permanent; it had passed on what it wanted.
The mixed feelings that brought on lasted a fleeting moment before landing easily on acceptance. Nightingale had always somewhat envied monsters; too much else for people to focus on that the specifics of their gender weren’t often a consideration. It felt right in a way. Comfortable and fitting.
Even as Nightingale settled into the reality of this new body, they were still resolved to find the portal that the being had sprung from. And given this—however exciting—development, they needed to warn their peers as well. Direct visits would be best. To all of them. All who would listen. All with the mind and body to accept It.
Consume. Spawn. Proliferate.
Nightingale’s cock pulsed.
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chaifootsteps · 22 days
Regarding the anon's question about Hazbin getting rebooted in the future and hoping someone does... that's actually one of my personal goals.
Eventually. A few decades down the line when a reboot becomes feasible, plus after I hopefully launch one of the three main series I'm working on pitching (one of which is Hazbin-inspired, the other two drawing elements from other things I love).
Can't say for sure if it will ever come to that point, but in the hypothetical scenario that it ever does get to that point I have a few plans I'm swearing by if that does happen in the future:
Get as many of the original pilot cast as possible, providing they want to be part of the reboot and can still do the voices. If for some reason studio heads deem I can only pick two from the original pilot, Michael and Ed. If for some reason only one, Ed at the bare minimum and I will fight tooth-and-nail for that.
Make sure every character talks differently. Of the main cast, limit the swears to Husk and Angel as regular parts of their vernacular (Husk moreso than Angel, Angel gets the sex jokes). Have Charlie swear on a few occasions but be a bit nervous when she does except when the chips are down. Have Alastor only swear when the chips are down. And give him 1920's/30's slang (mostly 20's since if I recall he died in 1933).
Give Charlie her pilot spine back.
Depending on the episode length, have 1 song per episode, except on the scant few episodes that are musical episodes in themselves (think the A Canterlot Wedding 2-parter in Friendship is Magic). And only have the songs when the characters' emotions are at the height, for good or bad.
Properly showcase the worldbuilding. Make the hierarchy and the nature of contracts clear. Give Lucifer a bit of his "powerful King of Hell" persona back. Showcase the contrast between Heaven and Hell. Make them feel like fleshed-out places.
Don't have Hell just look like LA but red. It's a place that combines sinners from all different locations, times, and backgrounds with eldritch horrors who live there. Lean into that, have fun!
Slow down the pacing. Have the redemption plotline not be rushed. Take time to get to know the characters. While it would suck if the story was cancelled due to not having later season's greenlit, it's infinitely better for a series' longevity with its fandom to have them wanting more rather than looking back at a show and thinking the pacing was incredibly rushed. Don't ruin what you can tell because you worry about what you might not be able to.
That's an awesome goal. My crusty old ass will be watching eagerly!
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: afab gender neutral Character: Portgas D Ace Vibe: NSFW Dubcon (very lightly dubcon) AU: Fantasy AU Prompt: Fuck or Die Gift Giver: @undeadeurydice
Summary: Pure Element magic knights have an often fatal flaw. It's not YOUR job to keep one of them alive, but circumstances have forced the job onto your shoulders. You could say no, but then you'd probably both die.
Content Notes: dub con, fingering, sex - aside from mention of vaginal sex, no other gendered descriptions or terms are used, cream pie, mdni
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise - THIS IS gently EXPLICITLY STATED OTHERWISE
The heat of his breath against your ear sent shivers through you. His hands were hot against your skin. One finger pressed against your tongue caused drool to pool at the tip, dripping off your lips and slipping down his finger.
Ace moaned, reveling in the sensation of it before his hand moved down your stomach. His fingers teased against your lower abs, tickling through the topmost hairs of your mound.
You were on your knees, with the fiery beast on his knees behind you, ankles hooked over yours, knees between yours, keeping you locked against him. His stiff, leaky cock was rutting between your ass cheeks, sending a concerned moan against the finger on his tongue when it threatened to push into your ass.
“See? All warm now, huh?” He husks, and you nod. Your hands are against the stone wall, the sharp cold of the rock wall and floor protecting you against the consuming heat coming from the knight behind you.
Knight. Beast. You weren’t really sure which right now.
“I’m going to make it good for you too, don’t worry.” He promises, and you squirm, moaning as his finger hits your clit, pressing into it as his tongue licks your shoulder. “That right there huh?” He murmurs against your skin. He keeps his index finger on your tongue, moving his grip enough to hold your throat with the other fingers and his thumb.
“You’re so wet it’s hard to stay on it.” Two fingers move past your clit and slip deeper into your pussy. There’s a wet squelch as he moves them, teasing the entrance of your vagina before returning to your clit. “You’re dripping. I didn’t think you were really up for this.”
He tilts your head to the side, leaving a bruising kiss on your neck and forcing a whine from you, body shivering against the sensation. His rough fingers are sending jolts through you with each touch, making you squirm and moan.
“Keep your hands on the stone.” He reminds you, pressing your hand against it with his pussy-slicked fingers. “No matter how it feels, good or bad, don’t let go of the stone.”
He shifts and you feel his cock push against your labia, rubbing back and forth, teasing your clit as he lets your own juices lubricate him. You shiver at the size of him, shaking your head and trying to tell him to stop. Ace shoves the finger in your mouth further back, causing you to gag.
“If I don’t do this, I’ll literally - magically - explode. You won’t survive that. Even dressed and bundled.” His voice is firm, but there’s a sorrowful understanding in his tone. “If I die you’d freeze to death before you got back down the mountain.”
He removes his finger from your mouth, putting his hands over yours and keeping them against the rocks. “Say it.”
“I… I understand.” You say through nervous tears.
You’d been working up to this for almost an hour. First there was denial about his situation, then there was painful understanding. The cave you’d taken shelter in was getting hotter and hotter. The blizzard worse. If he left to expel the magical build up, you’d freeze before he returned.
It was a bad side effect of pure single-element magic, and most knights kept a Leaf instead of a Squire - Leaf being a play on the word Relief. Someone whose entire job was to be used as relief valve for the knight. You were a Squire, however, but your knight hadn’t survived the fight with the monsters. Ace’s Leaf hadn’t made it either. So here you both were.
He’d been prepping you for a good twenty minutes, but a few minutes ago he’d gotten so hot to the touch he’d burned your shoulder. So here you were, channeling the sharp cold of the cave through your body to combat the powerful heat rolling off Ace, sweating as much as you were drooling.
“I promise you’ll survive.” He says, holding your hands to the wall as he pushes slowly into your pussy. “Breathe,” he commands and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Easing in and out he gets the tip in and you gasp. It’s a strange sensation a mix of a burn and a throb as you stretch a little too fast to accommodate him. You’re not really that much smaller than him, but either he’s well endowed or your nerves are making you unfortunately clench.
“You’ll never have to be a Leaf again, I swear.” His voice sinks into you and you can feel yourself relax a little. He pushes in deeper and deeper. Impossibly deep. You can’t imagine you have that much room, or he’s that big, but once he’s flush against your thighs you sigh in relief. You can take all of him, which means it shouldn’t tear you apart.
He moves slowly at first, giving you time to adjust, murmuring under his breath about how tight you are, how good you feel, how well you’re doing. Praises fall from his lips like little prayers, and you can feel the strange sensation of it all shift into something that feels weird, but good. So good. Your body’s warming up, and it’s not because of the infernal heat rolling off his skin, it’s the rush of your blood setting your skin on edge.
You lean forward, your weight keeping your hands on the rock wall, and Ace takes the cue with practiced observation. Some knights didn’t worry about the needs of their Leafs, but some took great pride in caring for the very people who kept them safe and functional despite the risks.
His fingers tease your clit as he picks up his pace, the soft slap of skin against skin as he pushes heavy thrusts into your growing need. He caresses your body with his other hand, running his fingers gently over everything he can reach. Following the curves of your muscles and peppering kisses against your back.
“It’s okay for it to feel good.” He assures you, his voice heavy. “I know… it’s not ideal… but it’s okay.”
You nod, your own breath coming out heavier and faster. Something is building up, like someone turning the coil to a wind up doll. The tension doesn’t feel bad, but it’s a little overwhelming. It’s like magic leaking out of your core, you can hold onto it, but it’s a concerning sensation.
“What, what- ah, Sir, Sir!” Your fingers tense against the rock, and Ace shifts, moving you closer to the wall, pressing your chest against the frigid stone. “It feels strange!”
“Don’t fight it,” Ace replies, a smile on his lips and hot air in his tone. “It’ll feel good - HURK!”
Your body tenses from your toes to your fingers and a rush of pleasure slams into you so unexpectedly you scream. You can feel yourself tighten against him. “Fuck you got tight!” Ace hisses, his rhythm stuttering only a little before he continues.
You squirm against the wall, the rush subsiding only slightly as his continued pace and fingers teasing your body are almost too much. Every shift is like a jolt, like your entire body is static electricity, allowing just the smallest thing to crackle against your senses. You whine as the pleasure builds, your position and mind both too hazy for you to do much but take it.
Broken begging murmurs of pleas fall from your lips as the overstimulating sensations start to tighten in your muscles again.
“Almost there,” he promises. “You’re doing so… good…!”
Ace’s hands tighten against you, the last few heavy thrusts sending you over the edge again. Fire roars from his back, filling the cave and jettisoning out the entrance. You feel something flood between your legs, splattering onto the stone as he pushes in deep another time, sighing against your skin.
“Good job.” He huffs, pulling out of you, but still holding on. He’s not terrifyingly hot, but the fire was blown away by the release. He’s the only source of heat right now. “Sorry.”
“I understand.”
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smrtnik07 · 7 days
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My entry for @cityfrightspm - Elena :]
if u wanna hear me yap about her design and slavic vampires.... u know where to go…
first off! about vampires... they're from south slavic mythology! specifically the serbia-romania area (as one would guess..) a root word for their name is Upir - mix of un- (to not/to not be) and pir (fire!), meaning they can't burn! this is why i changed her bloodfiend fleshy parts to look more like hot coal/burning wood :)
the context for the not burning thing is a bit of a longer story, ill yap about that later...
the outfit is based on mostly north serbian traditional clothing, with some patterns taken from romania! i gave her mostly male clothing (because i think elena would be mad at me if i put her in a skirt) with some elements from female clothes for funsies :]
before garlic became THE plant to ward off vampires, originally we used hawthorns, believed to be a magical plant here (one of... many). so that's what i used in this design; both as the actual plant itself, and in the patterns decorating her clothes :) i love how elena in game has this aura of confidence, i tried to play into that - wearing the thing that can kill her, right on her ankle and head; a bit cocky if you ask me
slavs believed the soul and the body are inseparable during life, but when one dies, their soul can take up to 40 days to move onto the second realm. if the body is destroyed thoroughly, or if the one who died was a good person in life, their soul won't have much trouble moving on. to help the dead move on easier, slavs cremated their bodies.
okk about actual vampires now...
if that isn't done, there's a risk one will become vampiric during the 40 day timeframe. bad people had a higher chance of 'turning' into a restless undead-basically undead witches, werewolves and vampires. those three are the same thing, so much so that in russian the words for werewolf and vampire switched meaning. they're all malicious entities with a similar function.
the whole 'not burning' thing is because.. you already had your chance. you cant go back and cremate them now that things have gone wrong. the best ways to kill a vampire are using hawthorn, or damaging their skin in general.. thats what the thorns from hawthorn were used for!
(this gets a bit gross) once their skin is damaged, you find out vampires dont actually have... meat. or bones. they're filled with a red jelly-like substance, which simply.... pours out of them if you cut them.... ew! one of the websites i referenced for this called them similar to pihtije (look that up if u dare. idk i think pihtija is yucky)
AND to finish off.... in today's pop culture vampires are generally associated with cannibalism and... sex? i find it interesting how things change overtime when spreading to different cultures! but i wanted to share the only correlation between vampires and sex i found researching the original myths!
Once someone turns vampiric, they can go back to their spouses and still are able to make children. If the child is born the same sex as the vampiric parent, they'll be born with similar... powers as a vampire. If the child is of the opposite sex, they'll be born human.
thats all for now tyyy for reading muah muah
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
Intentional Parallels of Dragonriders.
Targtowers and Dragonseeds
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Between these groups, there is reason to believe George intended for these 8 characters to have parallels with each other. They are on opposite sides of the war (for the most part), similar age line ups, none of them hatch dragons, and the group breakdown is exactly the same. I'll also be explaining why these are the pairs, but this is more book focused because it contains the whole narrative of the characters. I'll try to include book elements, but overall, this is a spoiler for HOTD and Fire and Blood.
Aegon and Hugh
They are the eldest of the groups. Both are on male dragons, renowned for their colour, and they both have kids in the show, and a wife they dismiss often, but that's neither here nor their. Both take on the leader role in the groups. Both call themselves King, in spite of there being direct issues with that. Both are lusty, violent, and drunk. At the end of their story, they are both killed by their men. They are also both complimented by their softer/ female counterpart. I do think show Aegon takes more from book High, his pursuit of the crown, and to rule is undermined by the men around him and isn't taken seriously. Daeron throws wine in Hugh's face in the books and for Show Aegon that doesn't seem so out of place.
Ulf and Helaena
My baby girl and this degenerate. I'm so sorry, but it's fair. The softer (very loose definition)/ female counterpart for the more traditionally masculine men. Both are the only female dragon riders, as in their dragons are female. They both have extreme reactions to things that happened during the war, Helaena with Blood and Cheese, but Ulf's character experiences a big behaviour change before and after the Gullet. They both die in the end as well, and both to some extent are self-induced. Ulf is poisoned (like Aegon), but he suspected the cups to be poisoned and drank anyway. Both their dragons also live past them, which isn't a very common thing in the war. Both their dragons also belonged to Targaryen queens before them, who are their only riders otherwise. Apparently, Aemond wants my girl to fight? Anyways...
Aemond and Nettles
I've done this more in depth here but for continuity sake.
Both ride really notable dragons that are strangely of the opposite sex of them. They both get or become the assumed paramour of older partners who possess some magic or power that they don't. Pregnancy is also a noted arc in their stories and affects their narratives. They also act as each other's welcome and goodbye into the narrative, Aemond can't come back while Nettle sis still there. They are both flying around the Riverlands in the end and are meant to parallel Daemon Targaryen. Both cost their teams allies as well in different ways. This one is more vague because I've done it before and better.
Daeron and Addam.
They are the most definitive and cohesive argument for this because they are the same age, and their dragons actually 'fight' each other. They also have the youngest dragons. Both are motivated by a horrible thing Rhaenyra does and inspire loyalty in the men they fight with. They are also charmers. Jace is tied to both of them as parallels as well and grew up with their mother's family. They are knighted during the war, and they die in the same battle against each other before they can truly fight. Genuinely read their parts of fire and blood if no one else. They are my boys.
I do think they are an intentional Parallels on George's part, although their are similarities past this point. Helaena and Nettles are the girls of the group, Ulf and Aegon are sexual with implied young girls and so on. But I do think these groups were meant to be compared to each other.
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Making Simon “Ghost” Riley into your boy toy (F!Reader):
Inspired by the stunning work on Twitter by BettyBRenders who created the image below that knocked the breath out of me and left me wheezing for a solid ten minutes.
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TW: bondage, dom/sub elements, praise kink, a touch of humiliation/degradation???, dirty talk, unprotected PIV sex (wrap it up!!), mentions of drinking/alcohol, submissive Ghost (minors absolutely NO PEEKING UNDER THE CUT)
You worked as a bartender at a local place that Simon often frequents after a mission. The two of you developed a friendly and comfortable vibe, but you didn’t pry when he was brooding which he appreciated.
If Simon was honest, he was a little sweet on you. Admiring you from afar. He loved that you let your sassy side show when you became more familiar with him.
So it was late one night, the bar was practically empty and the two of you got talking. The alcohol was working its magic, loosening tongues and boosting confidence, lowering inhibitions. And there was definitely some flirting going on.
When you mentioned that you hadn’t been on a date in a while, that surprised Simon.
“Why?” he asked.
You shrugged. “I have certain…tastes. They intimidate most men.”
Your gaze drags up to meet his and Simon can tell you’re studying him. You wipe down the bar and then stop with your hands braced on the counter as you lean in. He holds your gaze without blinking the whole time.
“You don’t look like the type of guy to shy away from anything,” you say.
A small smile curls up at the corner of his mouth. “Sounds like a challenge to me.”
You give a coy little shrug. “Maybe it is.”
Normally, you never go home with a customer. But the chemistry between you and Simon is sizzling hot and you’re not about to pass up this opportunity. So you reach over and you hook two fingers into the silver gleam of his dog tags at his throat, tugging him closer.
“I’d like to make you my boy toy for the night,” you whisper. “Does that scare you, tough guy?”
He smirks with a breathy little laugh that has your stomach in butterflies. He doesn’t back down, unlike most guys you’ve shared your fantasy with who can’t handle being dominated.
“I’d like to see you try, love. I doubt you could break me.”
That’s the green light you’ve been hoping for and you shut down the bar, kicking out the few stranglers who are still lingering. Minutes later, you’re in a hotel room with Simon, pushing him through the door as he backs up.
He always an intimidating presence when he entered the bar, but now that you’re alone with him, touching him, trailing your hands up his torso, you realize he really is just a solid wall of muscle.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you mutter under your breath, practically ripping his shirt open in your desperation to reach skin.
You push Simon deeper into the room until you pull out a chair. His shirt is unbuttoned now, still tucked into his pants. He’s left his mask halfway pushed up his face, the way he usually wears it when he’s in the bar. You glimpse scars and tattoos and muscles and you’re pretty much salivating at this point.
“Sit,” you say.
Simon fixes you with a steady look as he lowers himself into the chair, spreading his knees wide, hands resting atop his thighs.
“Shirt,” you say. “Take it off. Won’t be needing it.”
He huffs a laugh and obeys without protest. He could easily fight you on any of your demands and you wouldn’t be able to force him to do a damn thing so you’re curious to see how far you can push before he starts to get a little resistant. You’ve known Simon for a while now and you really want to see what it takes to get him to run his mouth off a bit.
When you pull out a pair of handcuffs from your purse, Simon’s eyes flicker slightly but that’s the only tell he’ll give you. He doesn’t budge as you put them on.
You circle him, dragging your hand over his biceps, his shoulders, sliding down his chest and back up to cradle his throat. As you skim your hand through his hair, Simon tilts his head back, watching you.
As you come around to stand in front of him, you push in between his knees. Hooking your fingers into his dog tags, you tug the chain snug beneath his chin, forcing his head up.
Simon’s pupils go totally BLACK. His lips part and his Adam’s apple bobs, giving away just how hot he thinks you are.
You smile a little. “You’re very laidback for a guy cuffed to a chair.”
“Not my first time, princess,” he replies. “If you want to rattle me, you’ll have to try harder than that.”
You raise your eyebrows and curve your palms over the top of Simon’s thighs, gliding higher and higher.
“Are you saying,” you reply, your voice low as you nuzzle against his cheek. “You’re not turned on right now?”
Simon clenches his jaw tight and says nothing. But he watches you. God, this man never STOPS looking at you. Studying you.
You kiss his neck, sucking at his pulse, smoothing your tongue over his skin and scraping with your teeth.
“If I touched you,” you murmured into his neck. “Would you be hard for me?”
You move your palms lower, bracketing his inner thighs, not quite touching his groin. Simon’s gaze drops to your hands, his lashes shielding his expression. But he dips his head in a single, barely-there nod.
You brush your knuckles against his crotch, finding his cock straining against his jeans. Holy hell, you knew he’d be big and now you can’t wait to actually see him.
At your touch, Simon doesn’t make a sound. But his eyes flutter closed and he bows his head. He looks like a man steeling himself for inevitable torture.
The metallic clank of his belt echoes in the anticipatory silence of the room as you unbuckle him, drag the zipper of his fly down with a gritty rasp.
Simon is watching you again with pitch black eyes. He doesn’t move a muscle and sits as still as a statue as you pull out his gorgeous, thick cock and wrap your fingers around him. But he throbs in your hand, betraying just how much he’s enjoying himself.
You bite your lip with a grin as you circle your thumb over the head of his shaft.
“With equipment like this, you must have the stamina have a horse,” you say, endlessly circling your thumb. Simon’s breath grows shallower and shallower. The tendons in his neck stand out. “I could fuck myself on your cock, coming again and again, but you…”
You trailed off, kneeling between his thighs and kissed the tip of his cock, slowly, flicking your tongue along the slit.
Simon’s breath catches in his throat. His abs flex tight and hard as a slab of granite.
“You wouldn’t come if I ordered you not to, right, Simon?” you said, smiling sweetly up at him, your breath fanning over his cock with every word. The sight of you right now is enough to completely wreck him, but he has a will of iron and he’s stubborn as fuck.
And he has to admit: you’re right. He’s a man accustomed to following orders.
You scrape your teeth over his hip, dragging a long, deep groan out of Simon when the welt appears.
“Fucking hell, you little minx,” he growls.
He breaks off with a strangled noise when you slide a hand lower and cup his balls with a firm squeeze.
“Goddamn it,” he breathes out, tipping his head back.
Feeling very smug and satisfied watching Simon slowly begin to crumble, you stand and shimmy out of your jeans and underwear. As you straddle Simon, you take a fistful of his hair and pinch his lower lip between your teeth.
“Do you want me to stop, Simon?” you ask softly with a teasing note in your voice. “Is it too much for you to handle?”
You feel Simon shift beneath you, straining at the cuffs, fists clenched. He’s strong enough that you have no doubt he could probably just bust out of them.
“Don’t tell me this is all you’ve got, love,” he says. “If you think you can make me beg already, you’ll have to work harder for it.”
You raise your eyebrows at the way he’s goading you on.
“Oh, is that what you’re waiting for, Simon?” you ask in a sugary-sweet voice. “You want me to make you beg for it?”
He manages a breathless laugh, his eyes bright with this banter between you, loaded with sexual tension. So you line up his cock at your entrance, resting just the tip inside you. And you sink down, oh-so-slowly.
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck,” Simon hisses under his breath.
You’re pretty sure you’ve found heaven on earth because every inch of him is filling you so perfectly.
When Simon tries to bow his head again, lips skimming your cleavage, you yank his head back by his hair until he’s forced to look at you as you begin to roll your hips, gliding up and down his length.
With your free hand, you touch his chest, tracing his tattoos and scars. Resting your palm at the base of his throat, your thumb sliding up over his pulse.
He tries to thrust up into you, but you grab his chin with a fierce look.
“Did I tell you to move?” you demand with steel in your voice. “Did I give you permission to do that?”
The corner of his mouth twitches with a smirk.
Your fingers tighten, digging into his jawline.
“No,” he says. Then after a moment’s pause, he adds, “No ma’am.”
You smile, clenching around him until he grunts and his whole body jerks.
“Good boy.”
Simon’s cock surges inside you at the praise.
“Oh, look at that,” you say. “The big, mean, tough guy is obedient and eager to please.”
You swear a little flush of pink creeps up Simon’s neck and into his cheeks and it only makes him even more endearing to you.
“Uncuff me,” he replies. “And I’ll please you by fucking you into the mattress, baby girl.”
You laugh and kiss him, licking into his mouth. When you pull away, you tap your fingertip against Simon’s lips.
“Oh, no, no, no, sweetie. You’re not the boss here, remember? I’m the one using you to get off. And if you’re very good for me, I’ll let you come. Otherwise, all you get to do is sit there while I play with that beautiful cock of yours.”
You’re a soaking mess by now and you strip off your shirt and bra, barely breaking your rhythm. Planting your hands on Simon’s chest for leverage, you work yourself up and down his shaft, over and over, until the burning fire of an orgasm builds between your thighs.
You lock your fingers around the back of Simon’s head and pull him down. Before you can tell him what to do, he has one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking hard enough to make you see stars. Your body is lit up like a live wire, buzzing with electricity, trembling on the edge of release.
“That’s it, love,” Simon murmurs against your skin, peppering your tits with kisses. “Look at you, baby. Fuck. Squeezing my cock so tight. You can practice that wicked streak of yours on me all you like if it gets you this fucking wet, princess.”
You’re in a frenzy now as your orgasm starts to take over, climbing hot and fast. With your arms around Simon’s shoulders, he’s like an anchor, keeping you steady through the pleasure that washes through you.
He kisses up your neck, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear as the aftershocks wear off. You go limp, sagging against him.
When you kiss him and finally give Simon permission to come, he’s driving up into you like a man possessed, teeth gritted, face buried in your shoulder.
You cling to him, encouraging softly, “God, you’re so close, Simon. I can feel it.”
He finishes with one final, deep thrust that has you gasping against his mouth and your eyes rolling back in your head.
The two of you stay that way for a while, pressed flush against each other, exchanging lazy kisses, until he goes soft and slips out of you.
You thread your fingers through his hair, nuzzling him, before you retrieve the key from your jeans pocket and uncuff him.
Simon takes your wrist and pulls you into his arms, carrying you off to the bathroom where he washes—and kisses—every inch of you with admiration.
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