#which i did i got myself a little notebook just for that lol its a very sad notebook I'll tell you
blimgus · 3 months
Regarding WHB
(sorry for mistakes im writing this on PC without autocorrect)
I've noticed that the game is loosing many of its tumblr community due to the recent drama (idk if we can call it that? i mean that PB did some really crappy stuff)
''What in Hell is Bad?" used to be one of my fav games due to great storytelling, interesting worldbuilding and awesome and unique character designs. It was also one of the few porn games (lol) targetting the female audience which wasn't relying on heavy and steamy yaoi.I've grown so used to the absolutely cursed humor of this game that it will take me some time to find a good replacement...
While many people were annoyed at the lack of content, I used to enjoy the slow pace and lack of grind requierments.The addition of battle pass seemed fine until the only added content started to appear behind a goddamn overpriced paywall.Honestly I fully understand that adding Bath Beel to a battle pass made all hell break loose for the internet community.The card that was expected to arrive on the seals banner or idk as a login bonus was taken away from us which was soooo unfair to Beel fans. Also taking our daily 10 pull was critical to the relations between the players and devs. Imagine being a new player now, having trouble getting even a single 10 pull.
I still want to enjoy the created fantasy world from whb, but when the devs make it hard I just sometimes want to give up on that game. Like Andrealphus and Sitri are still one of my faves and i might doodle them in my notebooks, however idk about how the future of game's story will look.
The community created around this game was honestly kinda like my little safespace? We were pretty laid back and used to weird and horny stuff so I got really into doing my little silly doodles and writing a few headcanons.Big fandoms usually scare me due to the big spectrum of "types of fans". Even if we had some drama in the community among users we wre able to get back together and solve our problems together.
I just wanted to thank all of the content creators of WHB tumblr/twitter fandoms since I know that some of you decided to leave the game for good.( I mean i know that most of us are boycotting the game but just wanted to mention those who decide to leave us) My time in the fandom was really special! I loved entertaining you with my little silly versions of the characters, writing some theories and other stuff. While im currently boycotting the game just like most of us, I'm a bit tired of the lack of communication from PB. I'd love to get some new lore to make new headcanons and stuff to make the sillies even funnier, but... drawing them currently feels like I'm trying to revive the fandom by myself. blimgus was mostly created from my love for the game and I really hope that the game one day will be still fun to play
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thedevillionaire · 3 months
Cheating a little bit on the director’s cut asks (only if you’re not oversaturated with those!), but you’ve referenced the longevity of your recurring universe a few times and I am SO curious to know if you remember what the first fully-formed story that came out of it was (whether it was ever written down or not). AND if your main characters have changed in any significant way(s) since then!
Hello, and thank you so much for the ask! In terms of written-down stories, I absolutely remember, and in fact still have a copy of it. It's called And She Danced, and it's kind of a character study? Sort of? About a Demon character of mine - long gone, never major - who could see others' darkest fears and/or deepest secrets, and kind of fed off...psychologically manipulating them into a state of terror, I guess. She called it 'dancing'. (Not actually dancing. Entirely psychological.) It doesn't feature any of my main-these-days characters, and isn't openly an Underworld piece, as I wrote it for my English/creative writing class at the time, which is why I still have it. But technically, that's the first Crimson Charisma story I ever wrote. I also have a lyric about the same thing/character/situation, and I like that a lot better than the story. I was 16 when I wrote the story, I think, or thereabouts, and...well, it kinda shows lol:
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(A sample is plenty of that now! haha) Otherwise, for a long time, the Underworld and its residents existed as my bedtime story to myself, as it were - the soap opera I'd play in my head nightly before falling asleep. I called it Nightgames at first. I've actually always kind of done this, with various characters and indulgent soap-operatic happenings. Since childhood. (My first next-door universe of this kind was called Catland. It featured cat people. I set it in Russia because that was so far away and foreign to me, and also huge, so maybe there could be a part of it populated by cat people, right? lol) Anyway, so I had an ongoing running story, of a sort, but I didn't write any parts of it down as recognisably "itself" for ages. Not in full, anyway. I do have a notebook with all sorts of character lists and lore and "plot points" from Back In The Day, but no full stories from the first...year or even more, I think. My first "primary main" OC, Echo, still exists to this day, though he's a lot less prominent than he used to be. Lilith and Aera were both OG characters, and they've had excellent staying power. Aera's story is a complex one that definitely got developed over time, but I had Lilith pretty right from the get-go. She's fairly straightforward in a lot of ways, lol. Cerberus is not quite an OG, as such, although he's certainly been around for a damn while now. He is what I term "first generation", although I had about 30? 40? characters by the time he showed up, about six months in, intended as a one-off plot device. GOOD JOB, ME. (He did actually fulfil that purpose, but then just...didn't fuck off. Thought he'd take over the whole damn place instead. 🤣🤣)
Anyhow, he's changed in many ways, and Kia in particular changed him in a way I didn't even think was possible, but his core essence has remained pretty constant. He knew his deal right from the start, he's always been more than a bit insistent about it, and I, as ever, have no control.
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iwitch-plus · 10 months
Online grimoire/journal, page No. 1 (probably more than that but its been years. Let's call it page one).
Getting to know my tarot deck/reintroducing myself to the community.
(In this post I write briefly about not feeling like I'm in tune with my practice, or myself at all, and then I get into my interview with my "new" tarot deck. If you just want to see the interview, keep scrolling until you see "The Interview". I think a more journal-style grimoire is the direction my posts might go. I don't see a lot of people talking about their shortcomings in this community, or maybe I just don't follow the right people who do. I used to be super active in this community, 1k followers who actually kind of cared and interacted with me on tumblr and discord. I did online readings, made posts about spells I've done, things like that. Well this isn't going to be like that. This is for me. If you feel as though you're lacking/want to get back into your practice, I feel the same. You can come with me on this journey and follow, or you can just read this and go about your day, or you can scroll right past it without giving it a thought, anything you choose to do is ok! I might share personal things on this blog. Not super personal, they will all be related to witchcraft, but instead of giving other's advice I'm going to be writing down my practices, tarot card readings, and everything else as a reference for myself. If that type of journey interests you, I implore you to give a follow and come along. Maybe if I know people are interested in that style of blog, it might motivate me to do it more lol. Thanks.)
I don't really read tarot...In fact I don't even think I can call myself a practicing witch. I've been on and off for just a little under a decade. Sounds like a long time when I say it like that, and I know so many things but I'm also still beginning my journey. CONSTANTLY beginning the same journey over and over again, it feels like.
Anyways, I got a new tarot deck probably two or three years ago...I actually got 3 new decks at the same time, and I've really only sort of used one. I've felt bad about it for a while. They just sit there collecting dust. For some reason, I was feeling drawn to this deck in particular and decided to go ahead and try my hand at getting to know the deck. Needless to say, it was a very insightful "interview" if you can even call it that. I wrote small passages in my notebook, but I wanted to type here to get my thoughts out. This might be long, you don't have to read it, I'm sort of more doing it for me...as a journal entry type thing I guess, but also as a reference to my interview with the deck so I have a more detailed version of it than just what's in my notebook. I just didn't want to use up more notebook that I needed to.
Before The Interview
Deck: The Antique Anatomy Tarot Deck
Why I bought it: I was intrigued by the name and the art style. It's beige which I like, and I love bones and antique type things so I figured hey why not.
Why I was drawn to it today: Recently I've been thinking about things I can do to help better myself. Growth wise. It's more about me and less about coming back into my practice. I have a couple decks that I thought about but none of them seemed right. Until, DUH! Antique Anatomy. It's literally focusing on the self, and not just the outer self but LITERALLY the inner self as well. That seemed helpful.
I started by cleansing it with incense smoke. I didn't do anything in particular, just held it over an incense stick that was already burning and talked to it a little.
Then, I looked at the cards. Actually looked at them. Took mental note of the colors being used, what bones were on which card, what the labels on the elixir cards said, what flowers were used in the art (if I was able to identify them by eye), how many of each flower/certain things were on the cards. I looked at EVERYTHING.
And Now, The Good Stuff. (there are 6 questions, in each one I'll include the card pulled, the zodiac sign/element related to it, numbers such as the number of the card or how many of a specific thing were on the card, and colors used on the card. I'll include key words that relate to all of those things, and then lastly I'll include my interpretation for each one.)
The Interview
Please Introduce Yourself.
Death: Scorpio - 3 - 4 - 6 - Red - Black
Key words: Stability, fairness, solution, growth, regeneration, passion, love, power, pain, necessary, emotional.
My interpretation: When I flipped the card, I literally said "how did I know it was going to be death?". I was thinking it to myself as a joke, but then I flipped it and BOOM. Death. That's alright, though. Also I find it interesting the deck showed me a Scorpio card as an introduction. I'm a Virgo, and I love/hate Scorpios. They have taught me so much, some have damaged me, some have loved me endlessly, and currently I'm in a relationship with a Scorpio. Very prevalent sign in my life. I think by introducing itself with this card, it's telling me that it is an emotional and powerful deck. It sees itself as necessary, powerful, un-biased, but at the same time also very passionate, loving, and may even acknowledge that it might sometimes tell me things I don't want to hear. It also seems to be good at helping people explore their shadow, which is interesting because that's actually something I've been doing recently, witchcraft aside.
2. What are your strengths?
7 of Rods: Fire - 5 - 7 - Yellow - Orange
Key words: Evaluation, patience, conflict, perspective, determined, optimistic, growth, success, does not give up in the face of adversity, experienced warrior.
My interpretation: By showing me the 7 of rods in response to what the deck's strengths are, I think it's telling me that it's main strengths are focused around personal growth, which I guess makes sense. It's telling me that no matter how hard it gets, or how often or little I use it, it has the patience and determination to still help me through whatever I may need guidance on. That's very kind, thank you deck. It's also telling me that it knows and has seen a lot, which I don't doubt at all. By just sitting on my shelves, it has seen me through heartache, love, sickness, new jobs, new homes, depression, happiness, tears I've cried and why I've cried them, it has seen every part of me. It has perspective that maybe I don't, and it's optimistic that we can work together to better myself.
3. What are your limitations?
Strength: Leo - 6 - 8 - Red
Key words: Control, artistic expression, ego, anger, passion, values, understanding, calm demeanor, quiet resolve, understanding.
My interpretation: Okay this one was really interesting and sort of seems like the deck pulled a "my biggest weakness is that I'm too passionate about my work!" on me, but let's see if I can make some sense out of it. By showing me Strength in response to what the deck's limitations are, I believe it's trying to tell me that it does find itself a little big-headed or mainstream in a sense. Just looking at the key word "artistic expression" makes me think it's telling me to try to look further than just the colors and numbers on the cards, because maybe what the artist is trying to express isn't precisely going to align with what I need to hear, but the deck can't express that? Some other limitations it may be trying to express is that it's not going to be quiet about things. Besides maybe sometimes having to dig past the art for guidance, it's not going to sugarcoat or hold my hand. As much as it will support and have patience for me, that doesn't mean it's going to baby me. I appreciate that.
4. What can I learn from you?
Page of Coins: Earth - 6 - Blue - Purple
Key words: Fairness, values, orderly, determined, calm, peace, grief, sadness, prophecy, dreams, high power, studious, diligent, introvert, misses out on lighthearted aspects of life, buckle down, study, money, creativity.
My interpretation: I think by showing me the page of coins in response to what I can learn from the deck, it's telling me that I can learn how to be more in tune with myself, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's telling me that I can learn to dig into myself (and perhaps my shadow?) to find out more about myself. It's telling me it can show me how to interpret my dreams better, it can help me stay more focused, and potentially even help me connect with a something higher than myself again. All of this seems essential for my own personal growth, and if I can learn that from this deck then I would love to work more with it.
5. What is the best way to work with you?
2 of Coins: Earth - 2 - Yellow - Purple
Key words: Balance, duality, opposing forces, orderly, determined, optimism, growth, prophecy, dreams, higher power, harmony, over-indulgence, stagnant, creative solutions.
My interpretation: By showing me the 2 of coins in response to the best way to work with the deck, I think it's telling me a couple ways, both deck and user focused. One thing it's telling me is that it might work better with a higher power also helping? I don't exactly have one I guess...I love Aphrodite and have had altars for her in the past, and still consider her my patron Goddess but it's been so long. I'd have to rekindle that relationship and I don't know if I'm ready for that right now. It also seems to be telling me that it can work better by helping interpret my dreams, too? I've never considered using a tarot deck as a dream interpreter, but I do get prophetic dreams in a sense and I take my dreams very seriously, so maybe that's something to consider. I think it's also telling me that the best way to work with it is to stop over indulging myself in things that aren't good for my mental or physical health, which makes sense. How can one effectively get guidance when they aren't in the right state of mind or physical well-being? All in all, I think that the most important thing it's trying to tell me is that no matter what I may or may not do, we can work well together if I stay optimistic and determined to grow. If I ever stop having the motivation to better myself, then it doesn't think it can do much for me.
6. What is the outcome of our relationship?
Knight of Elixirs: Water - 4 - Purple
Key words: Stability, foundation, nurturing, caring, mystery, prophecy, dreams, high power, luxury, expansion, growth, loving, appreciate beautiful things, affectionate disposition, finding ideal partner.
My interpretation: By showing me this card in response to the outcome of our relationship, I think it's telling me that I'll be able to have a little bit more routine and stability in my everyday life. I think it's also telling me I'll be able to connect with my subconscious mind more, as well as my softer emotions such as nurturing, caring, and loving. It can help me appreciate smaller things in life instead of always looking at the bigger picture. By "finding the ideal partner" I think the deck means that it can help me find things in everyday life that will help with my personal growth. Ideal things to interact with and love besides literally the people and animals I love.
Very insightful. If you got through this whole thing, thanks for reading. I'm going to post a bit more frequently and hopefully that will actually help me gain the motivation to do this stuff more than just once every 6 months. I think it's essential for my personal growth, and for some reason I'm really obsessed with that right now but I lack the time and motivation. I don't actually lack time, but things are hard when you wake up late and you feel like every day is sleep, work, maybe eat, sleep, repeat. Here's to hoping this is the beginning of a new chapter for me.
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heylittleriotact · 5 days
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thanks you for the tag @preciouslittlebhaalbae - sorry this took absolutely forever to get to!
When did you start writing?
As soon as I was taught that a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I was the weird savant kid in first grade that was writing far above the level of my peers, but my teacher became concerned about the content of my writing because it was all really graphic, vicious, violent horror stories that included scenarios like two girls walking home from school and finding a severed head on the playground - complete with a vivid description of its dead eyes and the gravel sticking to the gore and strips of flesh and viscera at the base of the neck. I got sent for some counselling sessions and was told by the adults in my life that I was a very talented writer, but that I should write nice stories that are happy and make people feel good. Clearly that didn't stick. Thank fuck for that.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I've been very lax on reading for the past ten years or so. I haven't been able to get into things or maintain focus on novels long enough to get properly into them, but I do enjoy a good biography or autobiography.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm very paranoid about my voice sounding too much like someone else's. I've been reading more recently than I have in years and it's reaaaaally screwing with my confidence when I start putting things on paper because I start questioning if it sounds derivative and has been subliminally influenced by the author I'm currently reading. I have been told in the past more than once that my style is reminiscent of Ne*l G*iman which is a compliment that has aged like milk, sadly.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I focus the best at work lol. I just chuck in a headphone, queue up some music, pull out my notebook and my fountain pen and away I go. I have a big, beautiful white marble topped reception desk and massive windows that look out into downtown. The reception area has nice warm pot-lights on dimmers so I don't have to suffer under fluorescent lights like everyone else. Overall 10/10 super cozy.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music is a big one. I make character playlists for almost every major character I write with a mix of lyrical and instrumental music. It really helps me nail down motivations, personality, flaws, and how they feel.
Aside from that, going out and doing something always helps. Participating in something, observing people - all really great ways to find little pieces of life to cannibalize and turn into words.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Alcoholism/substance abuse
Many other mental illnesses
Death and mortality
Magic as an entropic force that is largely misunderstood by those who study it
The first time I clocked the recurring nature of these themes I was like "huh" and now I just embrace them.
What is your reason for writing?
It's something I've always been compelled to do. As an abused child, it was very much an escape when I was young. As an abused adult, it was very much an escape when I got older. Writing has always been a great way for me to work through things that I've otherwise felt I have no control over. I can literally do whatever I want and it's very liberating.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
All of them. Any of them. The fact that anyone would take the time to not only read my writing, but also take the time to comment on it and give me their thoughts about it, how it made them feel, what they liked etc. is so meaningful to me. I write for myself and I don't change plots/directions based on what I think or know readers would like, so to have people trust in my vision and the direction it's going in and still come along for the ride is huge for me.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hmmmm. I've never really thought about it. Mysterious and sexy, but pleasant and supportive seems like a nice way to be perceived.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've been told that I have a knack for battle/fight scenes, violence, and gore, which is unsurprising when one considers my tendencies when I wrote as a child.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm glad to be doing it again in the first place. I stopped altogether a few months into 2017 because I had used it as a coping mechanism for various abuses and traumas over the years, and then escaped the abuse and no longer required a coping mechanism. Anytime I tried to pick up a pen after that I just triggered myself and felt reminded of all the horrid reasons that I wrote in the first place.
Such a long gap has fucked with my skill and writing style and it's extremely noticeable when you hold up what I was working on in 2017 next to what I put out these days, but it's not necessarily a bad thing: the me that wrote like that doesn't exist anymore and that's okay. I'm having fun getting to know how I write now.
I very much danced around writing explicit sexual content for years on account of my face turning red and me giggling like a twelve year old every time I tried for years, but this year I've put serious effort into writing more smut and getting better at it. It's by no means perfect, but I'm really proud of how confidently I can approach sexual content these days.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
If I get too hung up on what other people want or might like I literally feel my characters cease to be mine and start to become weird gaseous inconsistencies in my mind. My stories deal with heavy themes, darkness, and personal struggles that I try to convey in a realistic way and that's not for everyone. Sometimes I wish I could just write nice happy stories like they told me to when I was a kid, but I feel like forcing myself into a box that isn't for me would be a betrayal to myself and this odd talent with words that I have.
Smut though? That's all about people-pleasing. Smut is written for me to enjoy, and you to enjoy, and anyone who comes across it to enjoy.
My brain is sore now so I won't tag anyone, but feel free to steal this if you'd like to!
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
Throwing right back at you for iona, arvid and petyr 🌎 and 📓
ooh, fun!!!
Ask game!
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🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
Arvid is very much a cleric of Tempus- maybe his devotion cools slightly throughout the course of the game (his faith used to offer him far more solace before being confronted with the cruelty and pettiness of other gods and the apathy of his own), but I think ultimately victory winds up affirming him in his -shaken, but intact- Tempuran beliefs.
It's difficult to articulate concisely, and now I'm really mad at myself for not putting color-coded sticky tabs on my first filled notebook, because it took me entirely too long to find a piece of text I was thinking of regarding some of his thoughts lol:
"It's never really the Gods doing the helping, right?" Arvid's voice is a quiet rumble in his chest now, as if sharing a secret. "It's always those who follow them. It's not Selûne who protected Last Light- it was Isobel. And it isn't her, or Shar, or Tempus, or Silvanus who stitch our wounds- it's us, and it's our -for lack of a better word- humanity."
"Gods, they have boundless power, divine judgment, and worship is... something I'm sure you don't want to hear me prattle on about, but godhood, my love... Godhood, it demands indifference. It requires, in their infinite grace, as much cruelty as it does apathy. And you, bright, passionate, brilliant you... apathy does not become you."
(I also kind of like to toy with the thought that, being a cleric to a different neutral deity, he has a bit of an inherent understanding of Gale and Mystra's relationship as god and worshiper remaining part of their lives for good, but that'd be entirely too long to get into lol.)
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
(I'm gonna concentrate on lyrics for this, mostly because it's like 1 am and my brain is kinda doing its best to not shut down lol.)
Following your example with this, this song, "creature" by half.alive, really informed the way I approached making Arvid, and I just can't not immediately think of these lines when I think of him:
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It's just... his theme song, despite me not listening to much else Christian altogether, lol.
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🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
Iona is a bit of a tougher case, because she has a background in a strict community of which she never really was a genuine believer, which was an offshoot of Ilmaterian belief, and that... kind of drove her to reject a lot of religious teachings.
Throughout the game, she's kind of looking for herself and what she believes in in all respects, but I like to think that, through being free to explore her fey nature and go back to her roots, later in life she'll kind of get back to a casual worship of the Seldarine, primarily Sehanine.
Since she'll wind up spending most of her life traveling in the dark and with an undead elf by her side, I think it'd be quite sweet if she were to find some comfort in the Lunar Lady, who is the protector deity of travelers, the elven dead, and the Moon, lol. I think she'd feel a sort of kinship with her, far more than she ever did with any god of the Faerûnian pantheon. (Now that I look at it, it's really sweet how the two of them are a Sun and a Moon elf, and Sehanine favors both Sunstone and Moonstone. That's just cute, I like that.)
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Not gonna lie, Iona's playlist is like 40 songs now, but one of the songs I feel most attached to with her is "The Hand That Feeds" by the Crane Wives.
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I mean, a lot of it is very Iona-core to me, but this sums up a lot of her kinda life-philosophy.
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🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
Oh i remembered a post I made about this way back when, and took entirely too long tracking it down, but I honestly can't phrase it any better than this lol: Petyr's got very little experience with any organized religion. He grew up among druids (I feel like it's rather natural a fit for a rather neutral/neutral good-aligned ranger), so he wouldn't say that he's a believer of any one specific faith, he's more in the "well of course the ancient powers are in perfect balance as they should be. gods are real, yeah, but they too are just pieces in this game- larger pieces, but pieces nonetheless, just like you and me" school of thought. His "faith" is less one with tenets, and rules, and a deity, and more of a general, handwave-y type of... mystic spirituality, where it's okay for him to just be as decent as he can be (which, the bar is at roughly his ankles there), do what he strikes him as right, and the rest will sort itself out. (If he had any magical aptitude, he would be a druid, but he doesn't, so he isn't, basically.)
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
This one is a little more difficult because the songs I associate with him are primarily instrumental, and/or in, like, Polish. Or Danish. There's some Icelandic and Russian in there too I believe. And the ones in English aren't the most.... shall we say, lyrically poignant pieces, lol.
It's all very vibes-based, more than words-based.
But of course, Abney Park's "The Traveler's Curse" was one of the first songs I started to associate with him, specifically because of these lines:
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kintatsujo · 1 year
It's interesting to me how different types of lists and notes help my different problems and how I like, have to identify those issues as separate sometimes in order to solve them
Keeping a to do list on my phone doesn't work because the transient and impermanent nature of digital storage ironically often means it sits in there for a bazillion years and nothing actually gets done, because I both have very little sense of when it got put on the list and staring at a habit app slowly go from green to red just stresses me out.
Keeping a day to day work journal, on the other hand, means that I can add things I DID do so that if I didn't do something on that day's list I often don't feel as bad about having to move it forward.
It also means that I can flip back and check when I did things like paying bills, and it's helpful to keep things like what I got in the mail and what we had for dinner in that journal. I dedicate one page of the journal to a single day and this keeps me from overloading myself (more recently I've been using the backs of pages for notes when people tell me shit instead of using it for another day and that's also helpful to be able to check back on.)
But it doesn't work for tracking the state of perishables in my fridge because I apparently need that info out where I can see it all the time and usually it's fine for things like paid bills to be out of sight out of mind. I can't put the perishables in an archive because that's a continuous Now concern.
Likewise it DOES help to keep my running grocery list on my phone because I can forget about getting light bulbs once I've got them in the house. It also helps to keep permanent lists of people's restaurant preferences on my phone so I do that too. (I have backups elsewhere but keeping it on my phone means I have it on hand whenever.)
But none of this works for longterm projects (such as home improvement or art projects).
For longterm projects, I don't always know when I'm going to be able to work on them on a particular day, and tracking progress on them would get lost in the shuffle if the only place I kept track of it was in my usual daily journal.
So I have my big ass portfolio binder and I keep track of longterm life stuff in there (there are also folders specifically to keep bills, checks deposited through mobile, and documentation I need to have on hand for a while). And the portfolio binder comes with me to both work and to people's houses, it lives in my work bag and I use it to plan everything before that stuff gets filtered out to the places it has to go.
I ALSO keep a yearly planner in that binder and use it to further keep track of the bills, my schedule at work, and my period, because it's easier to see what my body is doing if I can look at it on the yearly overview pages.
And on top of that there's a handful of lists in there to pull from if I'm having a "what the fuck IS the routine supposed to look like" day at work; procedures and things that I'd forget if I let them fade into monotony written in the back of the planner notes.
My webcomic has its own portfolio and different projects get dedicated notebooks (but not sketchbooks which is why having a copier is so essential)
Also I make worksheets for art work now lol
I should probably be on adhd medication tbh bc when I lay it all out like this it's sort of a full time job just keeping my own head on straight.
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imtryingmybeskar · 2 years
Hello! For the end of year writing ask, please can we have G, L and N?
Hi lovely! Thank you so much for asking!
G - Where do you think you grew the most ths year?
I am terrible for writing in fits and starts. I just can't keep to a schedule. But with Starman I did. Every week except for one when I had exams. So I proved to myself I can do it haha
Also I think my general understanding of the fundamentals of fanfic has got better. I've joined and am active in a few subreddits now and people there who have been writing fanfic for decades have helped me understand certain things.
For example; I generally write reader insert because I'm a horny bastard who loves to play with the Pedro characters. But someone pointed out to me that I write reader insert in the past tense which doesn't make a lot of sense since it's supposed to be immersive. That's why I re-did the first few chapters of Come Home. It's something so basic, but I hadn't realised I was doing it. And now I'm deep in Chapters 5/6 of Come Home I'm realising I should have done this as a third person OFC. There's A LOT more angst and hurt and trauma in there than I had initially planned on and the smut is a decent way away so I think going forward I'll keep the reader inserts for one shots and do more writing for OCs.
Always learning!
L - Which character did you write most about this year and why do you like them?
I took a LONG break from writing after Starman. It was so well received and I got so attached to the world that I needed a little distance from writing in general. I also started a new job which left me less time to write too.
So the two characters I've written most for this year are probably Ezra and Joel.
I love writing Ezra for his dialogue. His speech is so rich and I love finding the right words for it to flow properly. Eugene from The Walking Dead is my guide when I get stuck. I can always hear his voice and its a good basis for Ezra's I've found.
Joel....I've been in love with Joel for a long time. I watched playthroughs of TLOU before I ever played it and that VOICE holy crap! I love Joel for his duality. Joel gushing incoming!
When we first meet him he's a youngish father of a teenage girl. That life gets unceremoniously ripped away and we then see him two decades later as a rugged, damaged and brooding man. Except...he still has that capability for affection and we see it in glimpses with Tess when he cleans her wounds and when he refers to himself jokingly as "the romantic type" and she replies more seriously that "you have your ways".
Surviving has pummelled him and punished him but he's still standing, and the main way he's managed that is through bloody mindedness and literal brute force. But once he trusts someone, he shows he can open up.
With Ellie it's more difficult because of the obvious parallels with Sarah. But once she breaks through and he realises that he loves her too, nothing can stop him from protecting her and wanting to be close to her. Which leads to his downfall and the tragedy of TLOU2. I won't go into that except to say that I REALLY hope they do another series or 2 dealing with TLOU2. The scenes with Joel and Ellie at the museum for her birthday are some of my favourites in anything ever. I love seeing them as father/daughter. I love how fiercely they love each other and how giving and generous he is and how he's determined to give her some semblance of a childhood that she never got to experience. I love the way he looks at her, like her smile is the reason he gets up in the morning.
I think the lesson here is don't set me off talking about Joel Miller lol
N - Anything you were planning to write that never got written?
So much. I have notebooks full of ideas. I half wrote a Din and Grogu oneshot that had a kind of GoT/Robin Hobb Assassin books feel and I started to write a Fairy Tale Triple Frontier AU and then realised I actually want to smush them together and write it as an original story not as fanfic. So that's on the back-burner for now.
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fail-boy · 4 months
okok i did the playlists...i hope it sends bc i know tumblr gets weird with links
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUljoUDIIcPQogdOE124yj6sGb2WzrvSX&si=bQWn-xASUqMr6oJZ (video essay playlist, it hasnt been updated in a bit besides the couple i added on just now, but it's the ones ive watched more than once. ill definitely be adding onto it over time!!)
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ZoTzZJYiXF3UwDmPEQnGO?si=Og-Yhho6SE2NUIxeWJt-MA&pi=u-GGePLzyXQOe6 (playlist !!!!!! it was only gonna be a couple but. now it's eight hours...)
im very normal and not thinking about your lap still (it's been plaguing me for days), and i also did Not (i did) consider that you'd look rlly hot smoking while i was there 😔 ive never smoked before but i kinda wanna try it with you 🫣 id rather try edibles though first bc of those thc(?) nerds ropes!!!! they were my favorite candy growing up :3333
weeee okok ill try to catch up with dnp....thank you for the suggestion :3
my faaaavorite musical is falsettos (and in trousers which is like the prequel to it!), and i also really love ride the cyclone!!!!! the character jane doe is my favorite :] if you ever have the time i recommend ride the cyclone, it's an hour long (compared to falsettos being two hours long...) n really fun !! you can find it on youtube :3 (i also like bmc, i like to reenact bits and pieces of it as michael when im bored !!!!)
hereditary !!!!!!!!!! i absolutely love hereditary ive only seen it once but aaaaugh....peter is my favorite character n i care about him a lot :[ i tried watching saw but i got sad bc i was worried adam was gonna die and i immediately got attached to him lol, but i wanna try again !!!!! everyone talks about it so much i gottaaaaa, ill be brave 😤😤
i hope you're doing good today :33333 sending you all my love and good vibes for your cornflakes !!!!!!!!
- 🫀🦷
hey sugar! it's so lovely to hear from you again <3
fuck yeah! i gave it a look through and ive seen a couple and some are new to me! im definitely gonna watch some tonight while me and my gf have the house to ourselves <3
ooooooh thanks cutie!!! im very excited to give this a listen as well! you have good taste pup i like lots of these songs <3
sweet thing <3 i want you in my lap more than anything, wanna cuddle you and kiss you and hold you while you try and be good for me <3 id love to smoke with you! that would be a lot of fun, we can start you with little joints and blunts and then build up to pipes and bongs :p i bet youd look gorgeous hitting a bong and getting all stoned <3
hell yeah! i rly hope you enjoy their videos, they're so good <3
oh yes ive heard of that! very good taste bb! ill try and check them both out this week, i have lots of time to myself! god ur really fucking adorable sugar id love to watch you sing your lil heart out
yippee!!! i have two hereditary tattoos; charlie's pigeon drawing in her notebook, and the little sigil that pops up everywhere (like on the grandma's necklace) <3 peter is my fave he's such a good relatable character! awww sugar thats so real of you, i wish i could watch it with you so i could hold you and keep you safe! maybe watch it with your partner and they can snuggle you while you watch it and keep u cozy and safe! its a really really good movie i think youll enjoy it!! adam is the scrunkly
my day was pretty good! busy as hell but im almost done for the day, just need to order dinner and eat <3 thank u sugar im sending good vibes right back and kisses and hugs <3
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smireyac · 2 years
new year, same post
so... 2022 huh?
i didn't even write a reflection post last year (well i tried but i never finished writing it) which i'm kinda really sad about because i really like having these snapshots of where i am at in my life every year... and i feel like i'm missing a year! because i am! so while i can't do a whole reflection of 2021, i can do my best and that's the best anyone can do
so 2021 was the start, crawling out of the hellscape that was 2020... in terms of overall quality, 2021 was a major improvement from the previous year. to make things easier, first i'll go thru what i actually accomplished on my list of goals i made at the end of 2020:
☑️ read new books: my goal was 10 and i read 8, three of which were comics/graphic novels and one was a road trip guide book? so technically i read more than before
☑️ watch new shows/movies: i made a letterboxd to keep track of what i watched instead of the notebook idea i had and i watched 48 movies/tv shows !!! wowie that's pretty good i never counted that out b4 :D
☑️ listen to new music: my spotify wrapped had very much different music than previous years so i did the dang thing too ...it uh... got flooded by OM music cuz i had a phase in the summer but other than that its all pretty diverse !
☑️ eat new food: i had kbbq for the first time in 2021 so i think that counts?
☑️ go on a road trip/visit some place ive never been before/go to a club: so i planned a pretty spontaneous trip to LA cuz i saw an ad on Instagram for a city pop night at a club in DTLA... i thought it was a rare thing (turns out it ain't lol) so i got my friends to go and it was really fun and i knocked these 3 things out in one go (tho the road trip one is a little ehh bc we didn't make any stops, we just drove ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) bc i've never been to little tokyo and it was in a club! so check!!
so as far as goals go that's pretty good! other notable highlights of the year include:
⭐ i passed my drivers test (after failing the first time lol) and got a car that i love so dang much!
⭐ tried dating (the first time) and it didn't get far lol (that's on me)
⭐ karaoke night after not seeing people in person for over a year
⭐ played d&d in-person again finally
⭐ HELLA MEGA TOUR!! THAT WAS TIGHT AF 10/10 would recommend
⭐ saw lindsay and kaveh at a book signing event that was pretty cool !! (still have to read the book lol;;)
so yeah ! it was pretty great, all things considered... i think around this time last year covid cases were surging and things were feeling bad again so my perspective of the year was tainted by that cloud but looking back, i think i had a pretty good run...
i had made another, separate doc as a kinda goal list ? but i never finished it either lmao but i did put 3 things on it:
🌠 read more (surprise surprise)
🌠 write something
🌠 join a club at school
i said 2021 would be the year of new and i think i accomplished that
SO 2022 HUH??
thats what this whole thing was supposed to be about lol
lotta stuff happened... started off strong by getting covid (lol), went to big bear for the first time, technically saw snow (on the ground) for the first time, saw remi TWICE in ONE YEAR, tried dating again (still didn't get very far), saw ORI AGAIN FINALLY, hung out with pals A LOT, ate good food, got really (back) into comics this year??, worked full time at the library this summer, got over my stupid crush FINALLY, went to 3 conventions - 1 of which being COMIC CON... anD OH YEAH I GOT PROMOTED!! pretty accomplished i would say
as far as my goals from last year i actually accomplished something!! and hey 2 outta 3 ain't bad ;^)
i reached my reading goal with 13/12 !! granted 5 of them were graphic novels again but i stuck with my book club (kinda;;) and read some stuff!! i started a lot more books than i finished this year but i want to push myself harder next year (this year)!! my want-to-read list on GoodReads is 500+ and that hasn't even been updated recently!! i gotta step my game up man,, i think i decided i want to try to be an editor someday so i gotta go for it!!
did i write something this year??? in fact i fucking did!! i wrote fanfiction even!! something i srsly never thought i would actually accomplish... and i started a first real draft for J+M and got thru most of the first "season" of that!! so that's cool!! i wanna write more!! i found this writing tracker like halfway thru the year and was trying to add to it retroactively but it was hard so i don't know exactly how many words i wrote this year BUT it's more than 40k!! so WOW!! I'll keep better track this year so we can know fr fr
if 2021 was the year trying new things, 2022 seemed to be the year of getting used to the new normal bc surprise!! covid is still around!! but ig it'll be endemic now instead of a pandemic bc we couldn't fucking eradicate it 🙄 whatever...
the last couple months of 2022 kinda painted the whole year a somber color but looking back, i can see that i had a really good time for the most part... i hope 2023 will be nice :^)
🎆 read more!! let's keep the ball rolling! 12 more!! once a month!!! and i'm not gonna add comics unless i've read a real book with words first!!!!
🎆 write more!! no goals let's just see what happens :^) i hope that maybe some fandom interaction will motivate me bc i love attention and praise!!! also my secret writing project 👀
🎆 apply to transfer to university next year!! this was supposed to happen this year but... shit happened yk
🎆 do stuff with friends!! gotta keep it up bb: NYC, hot springs, see snow, MKE??, LA
🎆 make new friends?? perhaps??? 👀 idk!!!
i will end this post with all the movies i'm super fucking pumped to see this year: M3GAN, the mario movie, the D&D movie, the BARBIE movie!!, new transformers movie??, blue beetle movie, SPIDERVERSE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!
it'll be a good year for me for movies ❤️
here's to 2023!! 🥂
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kaistarus · 2 years
Hey I read your fics (even the BNHA even though I haven't seen it yet) and they're all so great!?!
I've been looking for someone to who writes about nishinoya bcs that little man has an unexplainable hold on me and the way you write is just SO comforting and fun to read!
I have a couple of drafts in my word document but its been such a long time since I've last written sth and mostly it was only ever for myself to read, so I'm a bit nervous to upload anything.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you start writing and eventually posting it online?
I hope you have a great day! :)
Thank you so much for this!! :) It really got me thinking tbh lol
I've just always loved writing. I'm literally always writing. I write small things on my notes app, word doc, notebooks. I probably have twenty-thirty fics I'm too lazy to edit or just not satisfied with enough to post and a ton half-deas/random dialogues in my notes app lmao
I've read a lot of guides/articles on my own. I know my weakest areas, so when I'm reading books I pay attention to those sections to learn
I think I started posting because some of my ideas gave me a lot of emotion when I wrote them. I thought if I felt that way someone else might too and that was worth sharing. I mean, I had so many ideas for Noya and he had WAY less content. I felt like I could fill a void for people like me with brainrot at the time lol
idk if it gets less scary haha I'm always nervous. But even if people hate it, I know I'll love rereading it which is worth it
I hope this was what you were looking for and not me rambling about nonsense lmaoo
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
what if I actually go insane. on purpose
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 310: A Tale of Two Kacchans
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Deku was all, “hey, you know what sounds like a good decision? Abandoning my studies at the safest place in the country so that the bad guy who wants to find me and kill me has literally nothing standing in his way of doing that.” All Might was all, “I fucking knew you were going to say some bullshit like that so whatever, but I’M COMING WITH YOU and I’m also going to invite the Hawksquad to come with us, mostly so that I can steal Jeanist’s car.” Jeanist was all, “okay fine you can borrow my car, All Might, but only if you wear jeans.” All Might was all, “okay sure” and he wore jeans and also sunglasses and a leather jacket and it was pretty rad. Anyway so now they’re out there fighting crime and hunting down the LoV and stuff, and absolutely none of it is going to end well, I’m just letting you know now. But I guess we’ll let them enjoy it while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “happy belated Kacchan’s Birthday makeste, here’s the flashback you really wanted at long last,” and proceeds to pull the old vestige flashback out of the kitchen drawer and upend its contents all over my Friday afternoon without the slightest bit of warning. OFA III is all “WHAT’S UP I’M JUST SOME GUY, HELLO,” and okay?? Hello yourself. OFA II, on the other hand, is all, “okay yeah I have different hair and stuff, but I’m like 98% sure I’m either Bakugou or his goddamn twin, I mean look at me.” Which, yeah. I looked, and he really is though you guys. Anyway though, so he and OFA II basically just showed up in the First (who goes by Yoichi now)’s prison cell one day all “HEY THERE, WE’RE HERE TO SAVE YOU, APPARENTLY, ALTHOUGH WE SEEM REAL CONFUSED ABOUT IT TBH BUT HEY.” And so they saved him, and Yoichi was all “hey nice to meet you do you want to join my super-exclusive Saving The World Club”, and so they did, and then the chapter ended lol. I would have said yes too.
oh my sweet lord?? I didn’t realize we were getting a color page this week, but LOOK AT THIS
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this could have been a fucking volume cover. I’m almost mad that it wasn’t, lol but I mean fkldjslklk just look at it??! Horikoshi out here spoiling us and making sure we’re well fed since next week the manga is on break for Golden Week. well this will certainly help to tide me over. hot damn look at those colors
so now it’s raining on some dumb building in the middle of somewhere
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is this where the Hawksquad has set up camp for the night? or are we actually cutting back to the League? that’d be unexpected (but not unwelcome)
ffff nevermind dammit it’s just more random citizens under attack
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feels like this is the third or fourth scene we’ve had of civilians being Under Attack since this arc started. I mean no offense, but I think we get it by this point. it’s the end times, etc. etc. we’re well aware that things have gone to shit
so apparently these two guys are facing off against a girl with a mutant quirk. and she’s telling them that she’s not a monster and she was just scared, oh shit. I believe her btw, you can see it in her face
but these assholes don’t believe her at all and they’re pointing what looks to be some type of support item gun at her
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you know what’s interesting, is that this kind of random quirk discrimination is the exact kind of thing PLF and the like were swearing up and down they’d put a stop to with their glorious revolution. it’s almost like those guys were completely full of shit. huh
so yeah, fortunately for this woman someone is stepping in and intervening before she can be blasted to bits by this trigger-happy asshole for absolutely no fucking reason
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looks like a hero actually stepped in and saved her?? but no that can’t be, heroes are the ones that ruin everything and make everything worse, or so I understand. lol where did all of this sarcasm come from out of nowhere dlkdsjlk I’m sorry guys I just suddenly got swept up in the hypocrisy of certain people’s philosophies out of the blue idek
anyway so it is of course Deku saving her, and now he’s trying to talk thess jerks down all diplomatically instead of just kicking their asses, which is certainly a choice
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fucking impossible to miss the real world parallels here. shit. this woman nearly died for her crime of Walking While Having A Mutant Quirk huh. and meanwhile Deku is just letting this guy scurry away and even letting him keep that fucking bazooka of his, like, ????
fucking hell she’s crying!!
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lmao this chapter is actively trying to make me mad now huh. that’s some genuine righteous anger I’m feeling on behalf of this fictional ferret lady whom I only met two minutes ago. girl you are not the one who needs to explain herself here!! you didn’t do anything wrong holy fuck. everything about this situation sucks so much
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“I’m sorry I made you upset, please enjoy this panel of tiny!floating!Deku hefting this lady’s massive beach umbrella up for her like the fucking gentleman he is” well okay then thank you sir
and JUST LIKE THAT the tension is broken and I’m entirely incapable of taking the rest of this conversation seriously because Deku’s trying to be all calming and authoritative, but now the illusion has been broken because I know he only comes up to like her knees
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“well thanks again for saving me young man. I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do like protecting your Lucky Charms cereal from all those greedy children”
oh hey All Might
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you wouldn’t have just let that guy with the bazooka just walk away to commit more attempted murders would you?? man
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I ~CANNOT STAY HERE~ oh, well, sorry to keep you detained I know you’re busy
dfslkjlk oh my god
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fucking told you Deku didn’t pack any food lol. it’s literally all notebooks in that bag you guys. he couldn’t just leave them all in his dorm room when he left, because what if someone tried to read them and came across one of the pages where he absentmindedly doodled Kacchan’s name surrounded by little tiny hearts oh gosh
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I needed this Horikoshi. thank you for this wholesome soul-cleansing interaction after all of that bullshit earlier
so now Deku’s climbing up this tall building to eat his lunchbox more dramatically. Tokoyami would be proud
and Banjou is saying that society right now is just like in The Good Old Days (read: bad old days) when quirk society was even more of a mess than it is now
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which is exactly how AFO likes it, no doubt
so now Deku’s having a whole conversation with Banjou seemingly out loud lol, weird. and he’s basically saying that they don’t have any clues as to where TomurAFO and the League are hiding right now, and none of the Tartarus escapees they’ve found knew anything either
mmmmmfmhm, marge simpson noises
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but you think you can?? you, alone, by yourself?? you think you stand a chance?? I just need you to think this all through a bit more kid
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and of course my pleading is all in vain, because he’s a fictional character who can’t fucking hear me, and also because I’m pretty sure there’s only one character who is going to actually be able to get him to hear reason here. I’ve been saying it, and I’ll keep saying it lol. so until then I guess I’ll just have to be patient
anyway so it appears we’re segueing into another flashback??? HORIKOSHI PLEASE GIVE ME SOME BAKUCRUMBS BEFORE THE TWO WEEK BREAK, I BEG YOU
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oh my god oh my god I’m not readyyyyy, but also FUCK YEAH I AM SO FUCKING READY LOL LET’S DO THIS
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(」゜ロ゜)」 щ(゜ロ゜щ)
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well okay then sir. so are you an ~ancestor~ or a Kacchan from another timeline or so what’s your deal then
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(ETA: I’m going to punch myself in the face lmao. he’s Yoichi. he, the First. that’s his name. name reveal at long last what what!!)
(ETA: I actually think he’s going to end up being voiced by Nobuhiko whether he ends up being Kacchan or not, just because it fits right in with the general “identical in almost every way” aesthetic he’s got going on.)
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“some bright-eyed brat” oh come on. IT’S GOTTA BE HIM LOL
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oh my god you all are probably TIRED AS FUCK of all my screaming but I’M SORRY IMMA HAVE TO DO IT ONE LAST TIME BECAUSE...
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and so they really are the ones who busted First out of his jail cell huh
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so how did they know you were in the room?? why did they come and break you out?? and how, pray tell, did they know to get you to transfer OFA to them?? hmmmMMMMMMMM
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you guys. oh my god. it’s too much. every last bit of it lines up exactly with the Bakuverse theory sdkjfj I’m short-circuiting. it’s really fucking happening oh my lord
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lol, anyways so as I said in my other post, mysterious sexy guys with tragic pasts are what bring us together as a fandom, so whatever your thoughts are on the rest of it, let’s just rejoice in that. it’s what we deserve
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Hey!! Can I request something with Peter dating a physics nerd and she's going on and on about the theories that she believes and he's just sat there looking at her with puppy eyes, cause he thinks you are just really smart?
I’m a huge science nerd myself lol. Hope you like this...
Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings : none, gets slightly pg at the end tho 
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You were at Peter’s apartment sitting on his bed while he was at his desk busy completing your respective assignments. After sometime you sigh audibly, throwing back your head in frustration because you weren’t able to solve a particular problem for the last 20 minutes. You groaned further annoyed catching Peter’s attention as he turned to you with a look of concern in his eyes.
“What happened babe?”
“Uggh! I’m stuck with this stupid problem!” you groaned.
“Where? Let me have a look” he stands up from his desk and sits beside you on the bed.
“Here I just can’t balance this reaction at all!” you complained handing over your notebook to him.
“Oh it’s easy. I got this” he says, taking a quick glance at the chemical equation as he scribbles something on your notebook.
“Here it’s done, you had to take the molar mass instead of the atomic number”
“Wow! Peter you’re such a genius” you looked at him with adoration.
“Oh says the genius herself I’m honored” he says bashfully.
“Shut up! I’m not as good as you” you smack his chest lightly.
“Oh please don’t tell me that if I had to ask you all the theories proposed by Stephen Hawking you wouldn’t recite them in one single breath?” he quips, narrowing his gaze.
“That’s a little exaggeration” you retort 
“I don’t think so. Only I know how much of a big fan you’re of him”
“Fan?!” you gasped visibly offended to what Peter just said “Peter, Hawking’s is my idol. His theories as a physicist are groundbreaking without him who could have imagined that we would get to photograph a black hole?” you gushed “Like before the big bang there were no boundaries in the universe even time didn’t exist” you pupils dilated with excitement as you spoke more and more about it 
“Did you read his last book?”
“No Y/N still haven’t got the chance” Peter replies meekly.
“You should read it!” you exclaim “There he talks about the possibility of time travel. I know Mr Stark has already done that but it required high tech equipment. But sadly we are broke so travelling through wormholes is our only option. Did Mr Stark ever think of a possibility of a wormhole in our dimension?” you ask him with great enthusiasm.
“I don’t know but we can talk to him about it” you didn’t even listen to him as you started to talk about your own assumptions and theories and Peter just sat there listening to you patiently.
“Now if we consider Einstein’s words he said that the force of gravity is a consequence of the way mass warps space and time. The more mass we squeeze into a region of space, the more spacetime is warped and the slower nearby clocks tick. If we squeeze in enough mass, spacetime becomes so warped that even light cannot escape its gravitational pull and a black hole is formed. And if you were to approach the edge of the black hole – its event horizon – your clock would tick infinitely slowly relative to those far away from it” you rambled.
All this while Peter just quietly listened to you occasionally humming to agree to your theories as he looked at his geeky girlfriend with heart eyes. He loved how excited you get when you talk about your interests, how your eyes twinkle automatically and a bright smile adorns your face. He can just listen to you all day every word that comes out of your mouth feels like music to him. Sometimes he wonders how did he get so lucky to have a beauty with brains like you as his girlfriend.
“Peter are you even listening?” you ask him in between breaking his trance.
“Hmm? Yea-yeah carry on” he blinks his eyes stuttering as you carried on.
“So as per his postulates if we discover a wormhole interdimensional travel will be a piece of cake - oh shit…” you paused in the middle all of a sudden. 
“What happened?” Peter asked frowning
“I did again, didn't I?” you squinted embarrassed at how you got carried away.
“I just bored you with my unnecessary physics theories again” you say sheepishly. 
“Hey no it was quite informative to be honest” he tries to cheer you up.
“Don’t lie Peter” you pout.
“I’m not!” he exclaims.
“I’m really sorry Peter this won’t happen again you could have just stopped me you know”
“Hey, hey,hey” he cups your face with his calloused palms “I know Y/N how much you love this subject and I can’t wait to see discovering new things in this field. And then I’ll be the biggest fan of your works” he says, his eyes full of admiration for you.
“Really? You don’t think I’m crazy?” you looked at him questioningly.
“Nope instead I think you look so cute while you explain things. You’re a genius Y/N, never be embarrassed about that” he said making you blush “okay now let’s finish the leftover assignment shall we?” you nodded as he went up to his desk.
“By the way have you read kamasutra?” you ask out of nowhere making Peter choke on his spit as he turned to you bewildered.
“Seriously Y/N??!”
“What? It has some pretty interesting theories which we can apply practically you know” you shrugged with a mischievous smile.
“I’m just gonna pretend you didn’t say that, god you’re crazy” he shakes his head flustered as you let out a carefree giggle.
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
i just read house unity and i am in tears!! it's so beautifully written, you must be an author bc that is pure TALENT 😭✨ if you don't mind can i request george x soft hufflepuff reader? she's kinda pure and george is like ily let's be together. thx!!
budding romance // george weasley
a/n: um UR TOO NICE!!! thank you so much!!! I do not mind in the slightest, so I hope you like it hehe! um i also love hufflepuffs so much they are like the best house (coming from a ravenclaw) my sister is a hufflepuff and like three of my good friends are hufflepuffs so y’all are the best and i have a major soft spot for u. 
i’ve always found something about botany and plants incredibly romantic, so if this just sounds like a fanfiction for plants, you know why lol. I also made George a bit soft in this so i hope you don’t mind that either <3 n e ways, i hope you enjoy this! thanks for requesting! also sorry this took so long :( i had a bit of a hard time finding a solid idea but i think it worked out :) like, reblog, or leave any feedback if you’d like!
summary: George needs a tutor for Herbology, but has no plans on learning.
The back of your neck was particularly warm, and you hadn’t decided if it was because of the blazing sun shining through the Herbology classroom glass ceiling, or the fact that George Weasley was staring at the back of your head.
Your delicate fingers traced the back of the Dittany plant, feeling the bumps and lines of the veins that trailed to the stem. You wrote down some observations in your worn notebook, before glancing back at the plant. You picked up a pair of garden scissors, prepared to cut the plant at the stem.
“George Weasley is looking over here,” your friend whispered to you, casting a glance over her shoulder.
“I know, he does it often,” you replied, using a pair of tweezers to pull apart the Dittany.
“Do you think he needs something?” she asked, returning back to her own plant.
“I just figured he was copying what I was doing,” you wiped a bit of moisture off of your hand and onto your apron, taking the opportunity to look over your shoulder.
George’s eyes met yours, and his face flushed with an embarrassed blush. You offered him a kind smile, your eyes falling down to his mangled Dittany plant. You looked back up to his eyes, this time sympathetically smiling at him.
You returned to your own plant, jotting down a few more notes in the stained journal next to you.
Herbology was a strong suit of yours, you had always found it relaxing and simple. The plants offered so much to people, and all you had to do was understand how to care for them properly.
After your eventual dismissal, you rubbed the back of your neck and felt a sunburn, cursing yourself for not bringing some sort of sunscreen in your bag.
You heard an awkward cough from behind you, followed by a weak “hello”. You turned to face the noise and was a little surprised to see the tall redhead it came from.
“Hello,” you said kindly, closing your bag.
“Hi,” he repeated, and you waited for him to continue.
An awkward amount of time passed before he realized he had already said hello.
“Oh, right, um” he coughed again, clearing his throat, “well, I just wanted to introduce myself.”
He paused, holding his hand out for you to shake.
“I know who you are, George,” you replied before he had the chance, smiling at his sentiment, “we’ve gone to school together for 6 years.”
“Yeah, I just usually say it formally,” he retracted his hand after he held onto yours for what he felt was too long, “you know, with an identical brother and all.”
You nodded your head, still smiling at the nervous boy.
“Well, I wanted to ask you something,” he said, his hands gripping the leather straps of his bag nervously.
“In addition to the introduction?” you said, trying to make him less nervous.
He laughed lightly, shifting from one leg to the other.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind,” you pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, finding it impossible to wipe the smile off your face.
“I was wondering, since you seem so good at it, if you would help me out in Herbology?” he spoke fast, and you nearly missed what he said.
“Oh,” you were surprised by his question. He and his brother had a bit of a reputation at this school, and tutoring didn’t seem to align with it.
“I get if you can’t or something, I know you must be busy with your own studies,” he began, but you waved your hands, cutting him off.
“No, no, I don’t mind,” your smile widened as he let out a relieved breath of air, his chest deflating.
“So you’ll tutor me?” he asked, a crooked smile dawning upon his lips.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not,” you replied easily, nodding your head.
There were many reasons not to tutor George, you found later. For one, you fell in love with him. Not that you could be blamed, he was incredibly charming and adorable. The other reason was that he actually had very little interest in the plants, and his efforts seemed more geared towards you.
You had asked Professor Sprout if you and George could meet in the Herbology room every Wednesday after her classes. She was skeptical, but she trusted you and allowed you access as long as you promised to keep George in line.
This particular Wednesday seemed no different than the others, besides the growing crush you had formed on George. You waited for him at a stool by the door, a textbook open in front of you, along with your Herbology journal, a few quills, your apron, your gardening equipment, and a dying Dittany plant you planned on showing George how to save. You had been waiting for a while, but George was usually late. You had pulled some Arithmancy homework from your bag and worked on it in the meantime.
“Sorry!” George burst through the door of the greenhouse, a book falling from his fumbling hands, “Sorry, I got caught up with Fred, I’m sorry I’m late.”
More and more apologies flooded from his mouth, like they did most days, as he made his way to the stool next to you.
“It’s alright,” you put away your homework and pulled your textbook to rest on the table between the two of you.
You stood from your stool and began putting on your apron, and moved over to the cabinet with the spare aprons. You got one for George and his hands fumbled behind his back, his focus on you. He watched the side of your face as you peered into the textbook, your fingers tracing the words as you read. You lightly tapped it, pointing it out to George.
“We’ll start here,” you said, sitting back down in your stool.
Your wand hovered over a watering jug on the table, and you cast the Aguamenti charm. Water poured from your wand, filling the jug.
George watched you, nervously turning his fingers over in his lap. He glanced down, noticing the habit, and smoothed his hands over his legs. He brought his hands to his hair and raked them through the red locks, rolling his shoulders back, trying to relax in your presence. He never was able to, and he knew this, but it didn’t stop him from trying.
George couldn’t care any less than he already did about Herbology. He thought it was boring and useless. Not many of his pranks required extensive knowledge about plants, and when they did, the plants were already in use. But, when he saw you from across the room, your glasses teetering on the edge of your nose, your fingers tracing over the lettering in the textbook, hair falling into your face, and that wonderfully sweet smile etched onto your beautiful face, he had to talk to you.
It took him a week or two of staring at the back of your head before you even noticed him. The first time that beautiful smile was for him, he could only think of you for the rest of the day. Fred was tired of it, honestly, George was desperately infatuated with you. George had worked up the tutoring plan with Fred, with the promise that he wouldn’t actually study anything. “We have a reputation to uphold, Georgie!”
“Okay,” your sweet voice pulled George from his thoughts, and his eyes flickered from your face to your hands on the book, “so this is a Dittany.”
Your hands moved from the book to the dying plant. Its previously green leaves were now brown and wilting. Your fingertips moved over the delicate leaves, to the stems, and you raked your fingers through the dry dirt.
George leaned forward on the table, putting his chin to rest in his palm. He listened to you talk about the plant, describing just about everything there was to know. He wondered how you knew all of this from memory, and admired you even more than he thought possible.
You reached over the table to grab the garden scissors, but they were just out of your grasp. George leaned forwards and picked them up, turning them to you. You hadn’t retracted your hand, so when he pulled them from the table, they slid open and you felt a sharp pain on your fingertip.
You pulled your hand away and nursed it in your lap. A red stain appeared on your apron, and soon it spread as your fingertip was flowing with blood. You heard the scissors clatter on the table and George turned to you, already spouting apologies.
“Shit!” he cursed, his body turning towards you and he slouched to become eye level with you in your seat, “I’m so sorry!”
You whimpered involuntarily, bringing your finger to your mouth to suck away some of the blood. You removed your finger and wiped it on your apron, only for the blood to continue flowing.
George was panicking, he felt absolutely awful.
“Can I see it?” you looked up to see his creased brow and guilt- flooded eyes.
You swallowed hard and nodded, offering him your hand timidly.
He gently placed his hands over yours, they were so large they nearly covered them completely. His hands were warm and calloused on the palms from years of gripping his Beater bat. He brought your hand to him, holding it close to his chest as he looked at the small cut.
“I am so sorry,” he repeated, and he rubbed his thumb soothingly on our palm.
He pulled out his wand and looked at you for wordless permission, which you granted him curiously. He hovered over your finger and mumbled a spell you hadn’t heard before. The broken skin on your finger began to mend together, and the stinging had been replaced with an odd numbness. There was still the remains of blood, but George brought his apron to your finger and wiped it away. He still held your hand, looking at your face.
“How did you know that spell?” you asked, surprised when your voice came out as a whisper.
“You learn a lot when you have siblings like mine,” George responded in a whisper, looking at you sheepishly.
His hand was tightening around yours, and his palm rested against the back of your hand. You wrapped your fingers around his thumb, squeezing it lightly.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
George’s eyes flickered down to your lips, and it was so fast you had thought you might have imagined it. Your eyes moved to his lips, noticing that his bottom lip was trapped between his teeth.
“Well, it’s the least I could do,” he responded coolly, dropping your hand back into your lap and straightening his tie as if it had become too tight.
You looked down at your aprons, each stained with small drops of your blood.
“Ew,” you said, trying to wipe off the dried red stain, “Sprout will kill me!”
Pulling his wand back out, he placed it on the table.
“Here,” he moved close to you and wrapped his arms around you. You stiffened, breathing in deeply as his mouth was inches away from your ear. You felt him fumbling with the bow that tied your apron, and his hands grazed your lower back.
Soon the bow was untied, and George hovered for a moment, and he couldn’t help but smile as he smelled your wonderful perfume.
Your apron became lose and he pulled back, his hands moving to your neck as he pulled it off. He did the same with his own and laid them both on the table.
“Tergeo,” he said, pointing his wand at the aprons.
Your apron was as good as new, and so was his, all the dirt and blood removed from the cloth.
You swallowed hard, trying to push the moment of intimacy from your brain. You forced a smile at him, thanking him as you took the apron from him.
“You’re a much better student than you let on, George,” you said, holding the apron loosely in your lap.
He made a scoffing noise, but a genuine and flushed smile fell on his face.
Neither of you felt inclined to nurse a dead plant back to life, in fact, you had no idea what to do. George just stared at you, as if he were waiting for something.
“Um-” George spoke at the same time as you, and you closed your lips.
“No, you go ahead,” he said, bowing his head to you slightly.
You laughed and insisted that you weren’t going to say anything important.
“I was just going to ask if you wanted to take a walk around the grounds,” he said, already standing from his stool, “it’s awfully warm in here.”
George was right, the greenhouses seemed to be particularly warm. You thought some fresh air would be nice.
“Not very interested in the Dittany?” you teased, standing from your stool and moving to clear the table.
“Oh no!” George said nervously, hoping he didn’t offend you, “No, its wonderful-”
“I’m only teasing George, I know Herbology can be boring,” you smiled at him and laughed to yourself when you saw him visibly relax.
He was always so nervous around you, no matter how hard you tried to make him comfortable.
The two of you put away all the supplies, cleaning the table off for Professor Sprout. You had used the water left in the watering jug on any dry looking plants. George watched you going around the greenhouse, the sunshine making you seem like you were glowing. You held your hair behind your shoulder, peering into each pot.
“Alright,” you dusted your hands and tucked away your apron, “let’s go.”
George held the door open for you, and you ducked beneath his outstretched arm as you crossed the threshold. You followed his lead as he led you down a hallway.
“So you like Herbology a lot, right?” George asked you, casting a glance down at your side profile.
“Yeah, I do,” you replied.
“There’s a boy in my house, Neville, he’s great at Herbology,” George spoke fondly, his eyes turning to look out the tall windows.
“Sprout has talked about him,” you said, looking at George’s side profile, “says he’s quite talented.”
“Yeah, he’s great,” George said awkwardly, feeling quite uncertain in your presence.
“What’s your favorite class?” you asked, still trying to make some conversation.
George raked his mind, trying to decide if he should make up an answer to sound smart or be honest. He decided to be honest.
“I quite like lunch,” he said, casting a smile down at you.
You giggled, rolling your eyes playfully. He bumped his shoulder against yours, and you giggled even more.
You were eventually able to fall into a comfortable conversation, walking around the castle with ease. His hands tucked themselves into his pockets, and you crossed your arms over your chest. You eventually stopped in the courtyard, and George led you over to a bench under a large tree.
You sat close to each other, and he was painfully aware of the way your leg rubbed against his. He looked down at the spot where your skirt ended and your tights began, a lump forming in his throat. He looked at the side of your face, you seemed wonderfully content. Your eyes scanned the array of plants in front of you, looking at each of the vibrant flowers that were beginning to bloom.
“I really am sorry about your hand,” he said, partly as an excuse to pick up your hand and pretend to look at the healed cut.
Your felt tingles shoot down your arm at the unexpected touch. You looked at the hair that fell over his forehead as he peered down at your hand, holding it delicately.
“Oh, it’s alright,” you said reassuringly, “accidents happen.”
He smiled at your kindness, your eyes meeting. This time, you were sure he was looking at your lips. Your eyes danced around his face, and you felt your lips curling into a smile as he watched them.
“Would you mind if-” he croaked out, but the words seemed to be caught in his throat.
You giggled, and he dropped your hand, his head rolling back as a bought of laughter came from him. He suddenly seemed the most relaxed he had ever been.
Suddenly, when his head came to face yours again, his hands snaked up to hold your cheeks. Your eyes widened, and your smile did too. He brought your face to his, and you had realized what he was going to ask you just a second ago.
His hands were warm, and the callouses felt nice against your soft cheeks. His kiss was soft and gentle, and he waited for you to reciprocate. Your hands traveled up to wrap around his neck, and the second your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, his kiss intensified.
One of his hands traveled down to your neck, and his thumb grazed your jaw. The other slithered to your hair, and he lightly pushed your face even closer to his. Your nose pressed into his cheek and you leaned closer, your shoulder bumping into his. His tongue trailed over your bottom lip, and you sighed, opening your mouth to his.
“Ew! Get a room!”
You heard two voices shouting towards you. You pulled away, much to George’s dismay, who stayed in the same place with his eyes closed.
You looked over George’s shoulder and saw his brother and his friend.
“George,” you nudged him, casting your blushing cheeks and sheepish smile down at your lap, “I think you’re needed.”
George groaned, opening his eyes slowly. His hand was still tangled in your hair, and he slowly removed it. You felt chills as his hand raked over your neck and down your yellow tie, attempting to keep your close.
“What?” he said so poisonously, that your eyes widened.
“Keep it in your pants!” the younger redhead called out, shoving his shoulder against his friends, laughing.
“I swear to-” you heard George mumbled, already moving from his seat next to you and off to his brother.
The smaller redhead shoved his books into Harry’s chest, setting off in a run. Harry laughed loudly as George chased after his younger brother. George pulled his wand from his waistband, pointing it at Ron and easily casting a spell that bound a rope at Ron’s feet. Ron fell to the ground with a thud and George stood over him, smiling evilly.
He looked back at you, watching as you covered an entertained laugh with your hand. His face melted into pure admiration, and he abandoned Ron, leaving him tied up in the grass. George broke out in a jog, determined to hear your sweet laugh.
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pixelwisp-archive · 4 years
Itadakimasu!! | Part 3: Fly, Little Bird  (Written Chapter)
word count: 1.2k
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Tendou never thought himself to be a selfless person. He didn't really consider himself a selfish person either, necessarily, but he promised himself a long time ago that he wasn't going to set aside his own dreams for the comfort of someone else. His ambition always came first, and the endgame had always been Paris. He supposed, in a way, that had never changed - so why was there a familiar pool of guilt settling at the pit of his stomach? 
The corner of his lips tugged downward at the slight, involuntary tremor that rippled through his hands - the ivory envelope with gold trim, 'La Maison du Chocolat'  written in a delicate golden font across its center clutched in between them. You knew about Paris - about his dreams, his ambitions - and not once have you given him any reason to doubt that you would regard this news in any way other than with a painfully large grin and arms spread impossibly wide, pride radiating off you like a sunbeam. So why...guilty. Thoughts wandered to the pickle jar. The drunken nights on the balcony of your tiny apartment; stupid, cheesy French music playing on one of your phones as the two of you laughed and talked about what Paris would mean for the both of you. Tendou knew exactly what to say every time, but when the conversation trailed back to you, you would grin, sometimes laugh, but your answer was always the same - 'I'll figure it out when I get there. I don't really care as long as I'm with you'.
Ah. There it was.
Paris was his dream. Not yours.
'I'll follow you anywhere, Ten.’
Even if it wasn't what you wanted.
He was neither a selfless nor selfish person, but he knew you, and you were as selfless as they came. You would give up everything you’ve worked so hard for to follow him if he asked, completely setting aside your own whims to entertain his. Tendou shoved the envelope into his bag and hurried up the stairs to your apartment, trying desperately to will away the unwanted feeling that gnawed at him as he flashed you his usual Cheshire grin.
 In 12 months, he would be leaving for Paris to begin a paid apprenticeship with one of the most famous Parisian Chocolate Boutiques, working directly under the famous Sculptor and Chocolatier Patrick Roger himself - and you would not be going with him.
There wasn’t any way to break that news to you now, not when you were still so unwilling to stand on your own. He knew he needed to nudge you out of the nest the two of you built, reminding you of your independence, and hopefully, the will to chase your own dreams. He grabbed the pickle jar from under the sink, took a little extra from his own savings, and began the search to find you a new nest, one with more room for you to finally learn to fly. 
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“I’m sorry, you what?” Your body twisted toward him at the news, eyes bulging out of your skull. 
“I bought a new location. In Osaka! Trendy neighborhood, good lighting, pretty cheap actually-”
“When?! How?! With what-” your voice died in your throat as you picked yourself off the floor and scrambled to the kitchen. You ripped open the cabinet underneath the sink and fished around, a grunt of victory leaving you as you felt your fingers clasp around the familiar lid. Successfully retrieving the pickle jar from the depths of the cabinet, the faint glow of the kitchen light brought the full makeshift bank into view, and you couldn’t help but gawk when you saw its emptiness. 
“Tendou, why...” Your voice trailed off as your brain began to flood with worry. What made him decide to just buy a new location without talking to you first? It’s not like you would have said no. You couldn’t help but feel a pang of betrayal at the notion that he didn’t value your opinion as a business partner. Feet pattered against the linoleum as he rushed to stand in front of you, and your lifted your eyes to lock onto his own. The usual mirth that accompanied his features was ever present, but you knew him well enough to see the tiny sheen of something else that rippled over his features. Guilt?
“Paradis, it’s nothing against you, I promise. I just...I wanted it to be a surprise,” he explained, crouching down so he could maintain an even eye level with you. “I forgot you’re not a huge fan of them.” Your lack of response was probably beginning to gnaw at him, you thought, but whenever you tried to come up with something to say, it fizzled before it could reach your tongue.
“I saw your notebook, Y/n,” he mumbled. “You have so many plans for Paradis, and they’re all amazing! This new place has all the room to make your ideas on the page come to life. You could have a dining area, expand the menu, try new crazy things - this location can be your passion project; your baby.”  
Spontaneity wasn’t a new trait for Tendou. There were days where he would come home, tell you to collect your things, and wisk you away on a road trip for two days with no destination in mind, no other notice except a quick text to the team to take care of the shop while you two were away. Generally, you didn’t mind his antics, but this seemed next level, and you couldn’t ignore the feeling that it came with ulterior motives. 
Something else nagged at the back of your mind too - if you were going to Osaka, was Tendou coming with you? Was he staying here? What about the apartment? There’s no way he can keep it up himself. How did he get the money for a location in Osaka of all places-
Your brain shut down the moment Tendou’s finger poked in between your eyebrows.
“Paradis, you’re gonna get wrinkles. I already took care of everything, so ask me whatever you wanna know.” You sat on his words for a moment, rifling through the growing number of questions to deem which one most important.
“Are you coming with me?” His silence was loud enough to answer for him, and you looked down. You haven’t done any of this on your own before. You’ve always had someone’s arm held out to you to hang onto whenever life tried to rear its ugly head and swallow you. 
“I won’t be able to do it all myself, Ten.” Tendou frowned. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Y/n. You can always call me if you end up stuck. Also,” he pulled out his phone as if to confirm his next words. “Kuguri has been wanting to move out of Tokyo for a fat minute now. He said he’s totally down to go with you.”
The news of Kuguri accompanying you lifted a huge amount of pressure off you. At least you weren’t going up there alone. Your thoughts drifted to the potential Osaka had just granted you; A new opportunity, a blank slate for your ideas to come to life. You could finally try things you’ve always wanted to with this new location. The worry that plagued you began to dissipate, excitement taking over as you brought your eyes to meet Tendou’s once more.
“When are we supposed to leave?” Tendou grins, and places his hand over the one you had resting on top of the pickle jar.
“Three weeks.”
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Fun facts - 
I promise this is an Osamu x reader lmao just give it time
For Tendou’s apprenticeship, I combined two popular Parisian Chocolate companies: Patrick Roger, who’s style just seems so Avant Garde and very Tendou energy, and decided to make him the head of the popular chocolate boutique  La Maison du Chocolat, solely because I thought the name was very ~French~ and ~Fancy~ lol.
I know nothing of Chocolate or France tbh - I got my info from this Vogue Article that you can read here.
A/N: So sorry for the wait with Chapter three!! I was kind of struggling with which route would best keep the plot rolling the way I want it to. I hope you guys don’t mind that this chapter is entirely written, next chapter will def have more social media caps! As always, thank you so much for reading, feel free to shoot me an ask and engage or ask to be added to the Taglist!! 
ps: This wasn’t beta read so pls ignore the bad bits lmaofnjkasndfaksj
Taglist -
@larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @fucktheworlddude @doctorspencereid @keiarma @cherriechurros @halesandy​
I heard you guys aren’t getting tagged with updates and I’m p sure its because I’m st00pid so if this doesn’t work I’ll reblog and tag again! Sorry if you guys get notified multiple times lmao
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doodleodds · 4 years
I really, really, REALLY love your train!palace AU.
I was just curious if you have any other HCs for potential palaces — for either Akechi or Akira.
You don’t have to do any drawings or anything, I just loved reading about all your little details for the train AU and I’m starving for more haha
Ah thank you! I’m really glad you liked it!!! ^u^ I don’t really have any other hcs that i’m planning to draw (as of right now anyway B) ), but I did have an Akira palace concept a while ago that I’ll talk about below the cut if you’re interested! :)
(its kind of long cause once I started typing I just started rambling, so be warned)
Thanks for the ‘you dont have to draw anything’ by the way, lol xD There’s 1 drawing cause I couldn’t help myself though ;P
So, I dont know if it’ll be what you were hoping for, but a while ago i was thinking about an Akira palace about feeling overwhelmed that’s maybe called “Balancing Act” (i was thinking about calling it like. ‘tilting tower’ or something cause I think ‘tilting tower toppled’ would be a funny achievement to get once you beat it, but that just sounds too much like the fortnite thing and i cant handle that lmao), which the thieves (sans akechi- this will be explained later) probably realize exists somewhere around the end of sae’s palace.
Since the palace isn’t really akira’s distortion of a place so much as it is his distortion of what’s expected of him, his keywords could probably be something like “everyone’s happiness” and “his responsibility”? And I guess the location could just be leblanc since that’s where he lives?? I haven’t really. thought this part out too heavily lol ^^; feel free to interpret it as you’d like.
It’s probably been done before, but the whole thing is based around the idea of akira's shadow manifesting as atlas, but instead of holding up the weight of the sky, he’s holding the growing weight of people’s expectations. So, the palace itself is....you guessed it.....a tilting building! wow! It’s only not completely falling over because akira’s holding it up from the foundation, since it’s full of people he’s afraid to let down :)
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sort of like that. it doesn’t have to be an apartment building, obviously. In all honesty what’s in my head is just like. a giant white cube. cause i really don’t know what “feeling responsible for other people’s continued happiness” would manifest as aside from something that could maybe hold cognitions of said people, so please accept the apartment building for now lmao (again feel free to interpret as you like)! And his outfit is definitely subject to change, i just stuck him in the first thing that came to mind xD
“BUT SOPHIA,” i hear you asking, “IF AKIRA’S RIGHT THERE, CAN’T THE PT JUST FIGHT HIM AND TAKE HIS TREASURE REALLY QUICKLY?” NO, you fool!! He’s holding up the weight of the world! does it LOOK like he’s got time to fight, let alone know where the hell his treasure is?? It being Akira’s palace, of course he cuts a deal with them- find his treasure and they can just keep it since it’ll be a weight off his mind (literally), in exchange for someone bearing the building for just a few minutes so he can have a break before they actually leave with the treasure. The thieves agree to this and eventually head into the building he’s holding up (i thought the thieves stealing his treasure literally adding weight to his mind/being another burden he has to shoulder was a funny concept here), and begin searching.
pretty much at this point I just figured the goal would be scaling the building, since the treasure is most likely at the top? (cause i mean honestly speaking if it’s not with akira, where else would it be. just finding it sitting in the middle of the fifth floor seems anti-climactic). As they ascend, they realize everything is in perfect equilibrium, perfectly balanced on both sides of the building so it helps it not topple. E.g., on one floor one side of the hall has a ryuji cognition while the other has an ann cognition, or something to that effect.
Earlier I mentioned the thieves sans akechi finding out about this palace late into the infiltration of sae’s because if the thieves were to discover akira had a palace, i doubt they’d tell akechi when they know he’s going to betray them and wouldn’t want him to purposefully muck up their infiltration. I also thought it would be interesting to see an akechi cognition in the palace, and maybe have it purposefully doing something to throw akira off balance (a consequence of him knowing about the assassination plot, explaining why it would be late in sae’s palace)? my initial thought was literally something like ‘the thieves walk into a room just in time to see the akechi cognition step off the edge of the balcony and un-balance the building, causing the gimmick of the palace to become having to leave a party member behind to keep it balanced every time something throws it off-balance on their way to reach the top’ or something. but idk! that seems a little extreme and i didn’t really put any thought into how they’d get back down afterward, so. just consider there being a trouble-maker akechi cognition, lol. ^^;
anyway! they reach the top eventually, the treasure’s there. hooray! they head back down to send the calling card. I genuinely don’t know whether akira knows about his palace or not in this au or whether he even wants the pt to steal his heart, but. He gets a calling card none-the-less, since whatever is causing his distortion is harmful to him and his friends want to help him. And I don’t feel like exploring the potential consequences of it being his choice or not rn >o>
So the pt go back in to steal the treasure! And it goes really easily. in and out! but before they can leave, Akira’s shadow asks them to uphold their part of the deal- someone take the weight of the palace for him for a minute so he can know what it’s like to exist without the weight of that on his shoulders for a minute before he disappears. Now...if you know anything about atlas’ encounter with heracles, you know that he tries to trick him into holding up the sky indefinitely. WELL! guess what happens when one of the pt takes up his mantle under the building. Akira’s like “oh gee, thank you! you’re a great friend.” and then yoinks his treasure from the others and tells them they’re going to have to try to take it from him. he’s got people relying on him, and he needs this in order to keep them happy!!
the supposed gimmick of the palace continues, in that the PT are always one party member down during the boss fight (maybe you can switch out whose holding it? i don’t see why you couldn’t, so long as someone always is).
This is where my planning on the palace kind of ends, because I’m not sure what akira’s shadow turns into during the bossfight. Back when i first got into p5 vanilla, i didn’t have a whole palace au but i had a kinda melancholy akira shadow encounter thought out, where when his friends ask why he hasn’t transformed into a monster during his boss fight he says something like “i’ve got a palace. i’m already a monster, aren’t I?” or something to that effect. so, that’s an option, but it sort of doesn’t fit the vibe so... idk! again feel free to interpret it as you will lmao.
When they do defeat him and get his treasure back, he tells them to get out of the palace before it collapses and takes the (now probably crumbling) building from whoever’s currently holding it. The thieves feel bad leaving him there, and he tries to convince them that he’s heading back to his real self in a few moments so they shouldn’t worry, but they all band together for a hot minute and help him hold up the palace even as it collapses, and it’s like. a show of solidarity? Like a “you can call on us if you need help” kinda thing? and they’re with him till he disappears and they escape.
Not sure what happens when they get back to the real world or what akira’s treasure turns out to be (i’ve seen other aus where its his probation notebook so. maybe that?), but thats it!
...yep. i’m not as attached to it as the train one (cause its not got goro in it lmao), but! that’s what i got. :>
thanks for asking though, anon! I hope that was what you were looking for!
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