#which in turn also became the reason that playing with someone's hair is one of their favourite ways of SHOWING affection as well
byanyan · 6 months
it's been a while since i've talked about how important byan's hair is to them... how, after 10+ years of having little say in it, foster parents and caretakers always insisting it be kept shorter in boyish styles, it eventually became one of the first aspects of their appearance that they had any control over... one of the first ways they were able to express themself and their gender the way they wanted to... how excited they were the first time it was long enough that they were able to pull it back into pigtails and ponytails and how much they love playing with it and decorating it with cute little clips and scrunchies and ribbons... how they've bitten at least one hairdresser who tried taking scissors to it and how they hate having to cover it with a beanie during winter... how they consider it such a significant part of their look and style and how they take very good care of it because they do take so much pride in it... it's something i have a lot of feelings about, i really should talk about it more
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Milkshakes - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Should Have Been Me
Summary: 3 times you and Caitlin get milkshakes and once when she's just missing you, AKA the prequel to Should Have Been Me (based on THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, last part is angst but is also really sweet
Word Count: 3.5k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I hope this helps heal what was broken in Should Have Been Me
one. midnight talks.
Your dreams are coming true.
Caitlin and you just graduated high school and are on your way to the University of Iowa. Both of you had made the women's basketball team and were ready to start a new chapter together. And in the frenzy and excitement of graduation, the two of you found yourselves sitting in your favorite diner.
You are sitting across from your favorite girl, sipping milkshakes as the two of you talk about anything and everything.
"Do you think the team is going to like us?" You ask as you take a sip of your milkshake.
"They are going to love you," Caitlin responds. "I haven't met a single person who doesn't love you."
Her hand comes across the table to hold yours. If it was up to her, you would be sitting on her side of the booth so she could cuddle into your side. If anyone were to ask, she was 100% a physical touch girl. Some part of her was always on you at all times. There was just something about your warmth that she had been drawn to.
It had been like that since you could remember. Even before you were dating she would be right next to you. It became extremely helpful when she would get overworked during games, even if you couldn't see it. She has always had a big mouth on the court but when she was around you, it would tame her enough to just flirt with a technical instead of receiving one every other game.
When the two of you were growing up you would have sleepovers. You would always wake up with Caitlin curled up by your side. Even when you put a pillow in between you to separate the two of you because of the heat or whatever the reason, she would find her way to you in the middle of the night usually resulting in you waking up in a sweat but you never minded.
The only time it ever really got to be too much was when you were out and about with people. There is one time, in particular, you could remember it being a distraction.
Your high school team decided to go watch the guy's team play in one of their playoff games. It was an away game and you had all piled into two cars, not wanting to deal with using more gas than necessary or having to find parking. You and Cait had driven to school together and then jumped into one of your friend's cars. She was saving a spot for you when another girl from the team jumped in and sat in the spot, leaving you to sit on the other side and away from her.
She was annoyed but knew it would be fine if she sat by you during the game.
When you all arrived at the game, Caitlin stood right next to you to make sure she would be sitting somewhere around you. And she was right, she sat right in front of you which she was happy about. This meant she could lean back into your legs while you played with her hair.
When she sat down she immediately leaned back and your legs welcomed her torso. She was content. Content for at least a whole five minutes until you began to tab her back.
"Can you sit up? My legs are falling asleep," you say and she reluctantly gets up and slumps her shoulder. When you noticed her shoulders you leaned in.
"Are you okay CC?" You ask, whispering into her ear.
She nods. You don't push it.
A few of your teammates mention they are going to go grab snacks and you join them. You get up and squeeze Caitlin's shoulder. Her hand comes up to hold yours for a quick second before you remove it from her which she wishes you didn't.
When you come back, you notice someone has taken your spot behind Caitlin so you find a seat a little further down with the girls you just came back with.
You feel eyes burning into you and turn to see your girlfriend's eyes staring into your soul. You give her a questioning look but she just crosses her arms and turns back towards the game.
You get back into the game and cheer on the team. They come out victorious and you could not be more excited. The team decides to head to grab a bit after, and Caitlin stays as far away from you as possible. It doesn't matter if it is internally tearing Caitlin apart - she is mad at you and wants to make that known.
When you finally get back to the school and get in your car with Caitlin, she sits in the front seat, arms crossed just like the game, and doesn't say a word to you.
"CC what's wrong?" You ask as you turn to her before even turning the car on.
"Nothing," she says and you know she is lying to you.
You reach over and touch her arm and she immediately flinches away from you, turning towards the window.
"Caity babe, look at me," you say now putting your hand on her favorite spot on her thigh. Her knee begins to tap.
Your other hand goes to rub her shoulder and neck - you are doing all of her favorite things and you both know it.
She sighs and the tension she was holding in releases. She turns to face you - arms still crossed.
"Use your words, love," you say as your thumb comes to rub her cheek.
"it's dumb," she says and lets out a 'hmph'.
"It's not it if has you feeling this annoyed," you remove your hands from her.
"No," she yelps and grabs your hands bringing them into her. It all clicked.
"Come here," you say and open your arms. She unbuckles and awkwardly maneuvers over your center console and into your lap. You have to admit it is not the most conventional and you realize that when her elbow hits your horn. You let out a laugh and she lets out a groan. You move your seat back as far as it will go and you wrap your arms around your girl.
Her head finds its place in your neck and you feel her relax into you.
"I'm sorry," you say as you rub one of her thighs. Her legs are lying across your center console and her feet are on your passenger seat.
"'S okay," she mutters into your neck. "Just like being close to you."
"I know, I should have known that," you say. You sit there for a few minutes before loosening your grip on your girl. "Ready to go home?"
"Will you spend the night?" Caitlin asks.
"Of course," you say and kiss the top of her head.
The two of you talk about what you both plan on expecting to experience as you head into college. You reassure her that the team will love her. It is not that she was worried per se, but it was a known fact that people naturally gravitated towards you over her.
"I wish we were roommates," she says. It had been about two weeks since finding out that the two of you would be in different rooms but were still in the same dorm. She has brought it up at least once since you found out.
"I think we will be okay," you say.
"But we aren't even on the same floor," she says dipping her finger in your milkshake.
"Hey!" You yell at her and pull your glass back. You offer her the excess of your shake that they brought you in the mental cup and automatically grab her excess. She complies with the trade.
"We will be okay. We will see each other the same that we see each other now, if not more," you say. "Plus, if you saw me 24/7 you would get annoyed with me."
"I would not," she says appalled that I would even think that.
"You would," you say knowingly.
"Would not."
Would not."
"Would not." You know you are not winning this.
"Agree to disagree," you say.
"Fine, but I wouldn't," she whispers and takes another sip.
"Don't push it, Clark," you warn. She throws her hands up in defeat.
The two of you finish your milkshakes as you both continue talking about how excited you are, including how you plan to continue doing some of your favorite things together. It is all just a matter of time.
two. i love you.
It was the summer before junior year of high school and you and Caitlin were heading home from practice for your club team, Attack. She was driving the two of you back to your house when you mentioned you wanted to stop to get milkshakes. She happily pulled over at your favorite local spot. Once the two of you had gotten your sweet treat, you sat in her car drinking milkshakes.
"I feel like we are single-handedly keeping this diner in business," you say as you take the first sip of your milkshake. "They literally get better every time."
"I can't imagine our lives without these," Caitlin says.
The diner was the first place the two of you went when you got your license. Caitlin was the first to get hers and you were only a few months behind. When Cait got hers, she begged her parents to let her take you to get milkshakes and after hours of bugging them, they finally said yes.
She drove to your house and picked you up to get milkshakes, the first time without one of your parents.
Since then, the two of you have been there multiple times a week. That is how you ended up there now.
"This will always be our place," she says and you sit there in thought. The two of you sit there drinking your sweet treat.
"Cait?" You ask as she is finishing her milkshake. She looks up at you.
You go silent again and are just staring directly at her dashboard. Caitlin looks at you until you finally turn to look back at her.
"This will always be our place," you say, repeating the words she just spoke to you. She smiles.
"Ya," she says.
"Just like I will always be yours," you say and Caitlin freezes.
"I love you," you say.
Up to this point, the two of you had both told each other you liked each other more than friends and started to explore what that looked like. You would say the two of you had been dating for the past couple of months - keeping it really low-key as you didn't know how the people around you would take it. But there was something about this moment, something about being together and just doing life together that helped you realize she is your everything.
She looks at you slightly shocked.
"You don't need to say it back!" You say, not wanting to pressure her. You just didn't want to go another day without telling her. "I just needed to tell you because, well, I do. I love you, Caitlin Clark."
A goofy little smile makes its way to her face and she pulls you in for a hug. It isn't the most comfortable considering you sitting in a car and have some piece of the center console pushing into your rib cage but you didn't mind.
"I love you," she whispers in your ear as she hugs you.
It was the first of many times the two of you would say those three words to each other.
three. firsts.
You were in first grade, the same as Caitlin. Your parents decided it would be a good idea to enroll the two of you into a summer basketball league which you didn't want to do but Caitlin had convinced you it would be fun. Caitlin's convincing was really just saying it would be fun. She was your best friend and you had no reason to not believe her so you agreed and your parents.
Your dad took the two of you to the first practice and he watched as the two of you outplayed everyone else on the court.
To be fair, Caitlin growing up with two brothers, and with her competitive nature, she had her dad teach the two of you the basics before the first practice. It served both of you well considering there was no girl team and the two of you were on the boy's team.
He watched as the two of you ran circles around the little boys and were already playing well with each other - it had him thinking that both of you had insanely bright futures. And that was not just because of your dad but the other dads came up to him and sparked up conversations on how good the two of you were.
After practice, the two of you come bouncing over to your dad with giant smiles on your faces, faces still red from running around but neither of you could be bothered by that.
"That was so fun!" You say and hug your dad.
"I told you it would be," Caitlin says in a matter-of-fact tone.
You roll your eyes at your best friend.
"I know what you told me," you say. "But you didn't say it was going to be like that."
"Well I didn't know it was going to be like that," she says.
"Okay, girls, it was more fun than both of you thought," your dad says as he grabs both of your backpacks from you.
You load into his car and are on the way home.
"Daddy," you yell from the back. "Can we get a treat?"
"Sure sweetie," he says and pulls into a diner on the side of the road.
"I've been here before!" Caitlin yells and gets excited.
"Do they have anything sweet?" You ask giving it a questioning look.
"They have the best sweet treat," she says. "Well except my mommy's cookies."
"Oooo your mommy's cookies are really good," you say remembering having one the last time you were at her house.
"Ya but they have milkshakes here," Caitlin says excitedly. She begins to run ahead when your dad calls out to her to not run in the parking lot. She comes right back to your side and holds your hand.
"Milkshake? What's that?" You ask as you swing your hands.
"Wait, you've never had a milkshake before?" Caitlin stops dead in her tracks and looks at you like you are crazy. You shake your head no. She then proceeds to pull you to the door like you couldn't wait any longer or you would die.
"You need one now!" Caitlin yells.
The three of you sit in a booth, you and Caitlin on one side with your dad on the other.
Caitlin picks out a chocolate milkshake for the two of you to share. As the two of you waited, Caitlin wouldn't stop talking about how it's going to be the best thing ever and that you will never be the same. She was hyping it up so much, she made it sound like it was the most magical thing in the world.
The waitress brings out the milkshake and places two straws on the table. Both of your little fingers work to unwrap the straws.
"Okay, you try it first," Caitlin says as she pushes the glass towards you. She looks at you with excited eyes.
You stick your straw in and take a sip. It doesn't hit your tongue immediately as your little hands come to hold the glass as you try sucking the liquid gold up with all your might.
Your eyes light up when you finally get a taste of it.
"WOW!" You yell.
"Right?" Caitlin says with a laugh and sticks her straw in. She struggles like you do to get the first sip.
"I could drink this every day until I die," you say. Your dad lets out a little laugh.
"Well this used to be just my thing," Caitlin says pulling her legs up to sit on her knees. "But since you like them too, this can be our thing now!" The excitement radiates off of her and mesmerizes you.
"Ya! It is our thing now!" You say as the two of you finish every last drop.
four. without you.
It has been 3 years since she had lost you. Two years without you.
It's the second anniversary of your passing and Caitlin has made her way back to your hometown. She is driving through the town you two grew up in, not really having a destination but reminiscing on when you were here with her.
The two you both grew up in held so many memories.
She drives past a park - your park.
In high school when you couldn't sleep you would make your way to this park. It wasn't super far from your house but became much easier to get to when you had your own car.
If you had stopped responding to Cait at night it would be one of two things. Either you had fallen asleep or clearing your mind at the park. She would always check your location. It would worry her if you were at the park alone. It never mattered how tired she was, if she saw your little dot not at home after 9pm, she would be up and heading to your location.
You are at the park, on the court. It wasn't uncommon for you to be there at this hour - your parents and Caitlin knew you would go when you had too many thoughts in your head.
You run through a few sequences when you hear footsteps approaching.
You grab your ball and turn towards your girl.
"Babe, you didn't have to come," you say knowing she would be there every time.
She gives you a 'you've got to be kidding me' look and you give her a shy smile. You walk up to her and she wraps her arms around you. Typically it would be you holding her - that's how she preferred it but whenever you found yourself at the park, you would also find yourself in her arms.
"I couldn't sleep," you say after a few minutes. She rubs your back.
"I know baby," she says.
"What if I don't get in, or make the team?" You ask separating from her.
"That is crazy," Cait says as she tries to get you to look into her eyes. "You are going to get in."
"But what if I don't," you say, not able to look into her eyes.
Her hands come to cup your face.
"Look at me, please," she whispers. You slowly bring your eyes to hers. Tears threaten to fall.
"You are getting in and we will be playing college ball together and than we will get drafted to the W. That might not be together but that is okay, I have no doubt that we will end up together again. I will make sure of it," Caitlin says.
You believe her because your heart can't bear the thought of anything else.
Leaning in, you rest your forehead on hers.
"I love you so much," you say and kiss her.
Caitlin brings her fingers to touch her lips. She misses the way your lips mold perfectly to hers.
She keeps driving, finally pulling into an old rundown parking lot. She parks her car and sits there.
She grabs something from the passenger seat and holds it up to her chest, giving it a hug. It's the stuffed bear the two of you made on your anniversary all those years back.
As she hugs the bear, her hand finds the chain around her neck that holds the ring you never got the chance to give her yourself. She fights the tears but fails.
She looks up at the abandoned restaurant, void of light and life, sort of how she feels now.
There have been a lot of highs in the past few years but with the highs came the lows. She was incredibly thankful that Colin moved to Indiana with her because she would not have done on her own. She thought about you every day.
She stares off into the space as she thinks about you.
She hasn't been able to stomach the thought of drinking a milkshake without you and hasn't had one since. It didn't feel right.
She is busy in thought then something catches her eye. A pop of color amidst the grayish building.
Caitlin gets out of the car and makes her way over it. She walks up to see a single group of flowers growing through the pavement in front of the door. She bends down and runs her hands through them, bear still in her arms.
She squats in disbelief as her hand runs through your favorite flowers growing in front of one of your favorite places. She stares in awe, similar to how she would look at you.
A gust of wind comes and brushes through her hair. She sighs.
"Forever and always," she whispers, eyes closing - tears finally falling to bring life to what seemed to be the impossible.
AN: I had to end it that way, I do not apologize. Hopefully, this helps get a glimpse into life before the pain. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for all the love and support 🤍
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Hi guys and welcome to Addie’s research spiral into the gay moustache:
Moustaches have always been a symbol of masculinity, sexuality and social standing
Like legit dating back to the 1800s we had the whisker and beard movement which started pushing the idea that facial hair can be masculine and sophisticated and not just a sign of lacking in morality and uncleanliness like the victorians used to think and you can actually draw a direct line to men feeling threatened to the patriarchy in those times and the prevalence of facial hair- this assertion of dominance and masculinity being seen similarly in ww1 soldiers, where facial hair became the accepted norm then post ww1 it went out of style again then this cycle repeats again with most wars.
There is also within the later 1800s and early 1900s links to sexuality and rebellion because younger men not having a full beard and instead having clean shaven faces or moustaches was seen as a sign of rebellion against older generations , also the need for maintenance of this style made it viewed as effeminate
Someone put it as the moustache has always been tied with the three fs: fops, foreigners and fiends meaning it was perceived that men would need to be well groomed or gay, foreign (particularly from Latin countries) or lacking in morals and evil to have a moustache
Okay so the origin of the gay moustache aside from the connection to the well groomed element
So post stonewall riots the gay moustache became a real thing like one qoute I found that was funny was arnie kantrowitz saying it was a requirement in the gay community, you needed a a flannel shirt, mustache or beard, bomber jacket, jeans and boots. We were dressing like the blue-collar men that turned us on." And a lot of it stemmed from what was dubbed the Castro clone look
Okay so Freddie was not in fact the originator of the Castro clone look
The castro clone look basically took all the really masculine and macho staples and made it extremely gay
The look originally being inspired by the men of the Castro neighbourhood in San Francisco in the early 60s and THAT actually comes from the “greaser”/hood look inspired by the 50s Italian American men and Latinos who also their subculture was born from their stereotypes
The Castro clone look doesn’t have one distinct origin but its popularity was fuelled by gay artists like Tom of Finland, and musicians like the village people and Freddie and gay pornstars like al Parker
And Parker was one of the big names in the Castro clone look this in particular not only explains the reason for his look well but also peep the “pouring beers over eachother” line and let me take you back to bachelor party buddie
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And now I hear the republican man and Gerrard mentions and to that I say that’s the whole point of it
Like the hypermasculinised look was meant to not only play the macho aesthetic and be a form of queer signaling but it was also meant to subvert gay men stereotypes by instead doing this like extreme portrayal of masculinity
It’s drawing from straight men but making it’s undeniably queer
Like wife beaters, moustaches, denims and flannels were so tied to het males that they took that and still found a way to make it so undeniably queer that it became a form of queer signaling
Thus taking the power away from the macho hets and forming a new subculture
The gay moustache only started seeing its end around the 80s AIDS epidemic because the moustache aimed to make a person look older but as queer communities became more sick or perceived as unclean or sick the need to look clean and young grew and clean shaved faces became the trend again
So Eddie having the moustache isn’t some tie to Gerrard or straight people it’s actually so queer coded and a form of rebellion
And btw this isn’t even a niche thing it’s like a widely known queer thing to the point that one show got slammed for having a gay club scene set in that time and not having any Castro clones in it
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deonsx · 9 months
When You Ask Them To Be Tougher
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor
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Content: Nfsw
Dazai Osamu
Finally, both of you were tired and you were at home, but as if Dazai had enough energy, he climbed on top of you while you were lying on his bed. "Hmm..Bella.." He took your hands and spoke, "Pft I see you still have enough energy" He giggled at what you said and gave you a lot of kisses in the world. You knew what he wanted, of course you wanted it too, but he was always so gentle with you...like a glass that would break more than it should, but you always wanted him to treat you harder, but you never expressed it
You stopped him with your hand as he was already taking your underwear down from your leg. "Osamu..I need to say something.." the brunette, who looked confused, looked at you in surprise and the room fell into a long silence. "And? What is this? Is it something worth ruining the current atmosphere? " you couldn't speak "So you know..You're so kind to me..I'm so happy about it! I'm not saying I'm unhappy..just a little more.." dazai frowned "A little more?" You finally let out a deep breath, "I want you to be harder on me during sex”
Dazai's face didn't change, he looked serious. "Osamu?" You asked trying to break away from the silence. "Yes, my love, I understand." Dazai narrowed his eyes looking at you in a very obedient tone. You smiled at this and pulled him into a hot kiss. His hands went to your legs and he quickly untied the bra, which was the last remaining underwear on you, and threw it aside, leaving scars on your neck that will remain tomorrow. His fingers danced on your chest, while he was playing with one, he was sucking the other with bites with his mouth, then he slowly spread your legs
"Wow..a wet pussy already? Is this because of your request today?" He slowly leaned down to your ear and bit your ear. You felt his breath everywhere. "You are very naughty, aren't you? You are a naughty woman." You shivered as the cold air touched your pussy while he spread your legs with both hands. Dazai unzipped his zipper and you saw that he was already hard. This made your face blush. He slowly adjusted it towards you and gently put his head inside. It was the same as usual, but what was unexpected was that he suddenly pushed in. "Fuck, Osamu!" Your back arched quickly and you threw your head back screaming, "Nothing's Even Started Yet, 'Donna, Let Me Take This Chance You've Given Me”
Chuuya Nakahara
A shining red satin dress and blood-coloured wine on a beautiful dinner table. Everything that adorns this table is together, but for whom? Chuuya Nakahara Your boyfriend PM Leader finds less time for you just with this excuse, so you are angry with him, but is this the real reason for your anger? Not really... You always loved your night life... I also loved your fantasies in your sexual relationships, but it seemed like everything was too monotonous, everything was so simple and calm, you always wanted more from him, you had dreams, you dreamed dreams, but you never had the chance to tell him this
Tonight was a golden tray presented to you to give you that chance, you were going to do your best to seduce him, a thin red dress, black ankle high heels, a silver jewelery necklace, blow-dried hair, simple make-up and spicy perfume, everything was what suits you best, the doorbell rang and The sound of your heels echoed every time you walked on the parquet floors, each step became more exciting to see your lover's face. "Welcome, my love" You said to him in a flirty tone
his tired self seemed to recover quickly he chuckled "you look attractive darling...but all this preparation? are we waiting for someone?" you made a frown on your face "Not really...a special night" chuuya frowned "special?? I forgot an important day? that's impossible.." you giggled at his daze and shook your head no "It's a special night just to talk to you" He turned towards you while looking aside his jacket and hat. "hmm? What do you want to say?" You tried to look away in embarrassment but you had already made up your mind
"My love...I...I think our relationship, that is, our night life, has become a little simpler.." This sentence made Chuuya frown, "Do you mean it's become boring?" You tried to put it together quickly, "no no! Don't think like that...I'm just very towards me...I think you're being delicate" Chuuya caressed your hair and chuckled lightly. You didn't understand this and made an angry face. "What..what's so funny??" Your lover didn't speak and took you in his arms with an unexpected move. "H-hey!" you thought he was taking you to your bedroom but he placed you at the table with the wine "What are you doing??" Your boyfriend remained silent and slowly undressed you by placing kisses and bites on your neck. He slowly took the wine glass and dripped it from your neck to your breasts. "If You're So Shy, Then Let Me Handle İt, You Won't Be Able To Walk Tomorrow”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Your relationship with your lover had been going on for a year, of course you had a night life, but... he didn't spare enough time for you, but even if he did, he acted very lightly. You knew him, he wasn't that type of person, but then why was he treating you like that? Your nights came to your mind... "My love, I need you... " your fingers crossed his chin as you spoke to him in a flirty tone "Hmm? You need me so much right now darling" whenever you asked him and he agreed it was only licks oral or fingering
You were tired of begging him, of course you didn't tell him openly, but you knew he wasn't stupid either, so why was he hesitant to touch you? Have you ever had real sex in your one-year relationship? suspicious...of course you didn't suspect him, you knew he wasn't cheating then why? Finally you were going to discuss this issue with him. You were really tired of complaining. You tied your hair up in a messy bun and wore a light black dress. Fyodor always came home on time, this was like his routine. Finally, at exactly 20.00 the door rang and finally
You saw your lover with beautiful long purple hair, she had tied her hair into a ponytail, her beautiful purple eyes gave you a quick sharp look "I didn't know you were waiting for me so eagerly" she let out a small breath and quickly walked in she doesn't seem to care much "Fyodor...please I want to talk to you you have to listen ?" Fyodor took off his jacket and put it on the coffee table, rolling his eyes and leaning into the comfortable chair. "What is the reason for this relentless conversation, darling? You seem nervous these days." His eyes followed you until you sat next to him. "Or is some bastard bothering you? Just tell me, I will get rid of him in the most painful way." " you placed your hands on his hand "no no! this is about you..I-I mean us"
You felt so nervous 'what if I break his trust?' you thought, "How long has it been since I last had a truly passionate night with you?...I mean..you love me but you act so gentle and untouchable towards me" Dostoyevsky raised his eyebrows in surprise and tilted his head slightly to the side. This was the first time you saw him make that face. It could have been "I.. I heard you liked such things a long time ago.." your eyes widened old memories came to your mind when you were talking to your friend and she asked you what kind of men you like and you said "Let him treat me like his goddess~~fufufu" the things you said teasingly are now got into trouble
“Oh..those were just things I said casually..” fyodor gently held your chin with his hand “just like that?” You slowly lowered your head and leaned towards his hand, Fyodor's tired eyes closed slightly and he giggled. His harmonious giggle embarrassed you and made you blush. His hands wandered over your black dress. "I understand, dear.. It's all just nonsense." He left bites on your neck and made you blush. He pulled you onto his lap and while you was waiting for him to gently take off the dress you was wearing, he caused you to tear it from your chest. "Ah..!" It caused an unexpected gasp as you took off your underwear and threw them to a corner of the room “So You've Been Lusting After Me For A Long Time, Darling...Today I'll Make Sure You Take İt All İn”
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pandorxxx · 1 year
A fatal attraction…
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: DARK/dom/delulu/rough lo’ak, manipulation, knife play (threatening reader) , p in v, oral (M receiving), cursing, blood.
Final warning: This fic has very serious themes of toxic behaviors. There is knife play which involves the reader being threatened, and wounded. Please do not continue with this fic if you do not feel comfortable with the warnings above. Thank you kindly.
Synopsis: Lo’ak was a bad boy. He had a mean streak that could make anyone scared. Anger issues that made everyone shy away. So you could imagine his surprise when you decide to show him some kindness. But him being a delusional mess meant that he couldn’t see your kindness as anything other than your undeniable love for him. What happens when he confronts you about his feelings, but you don’t quite feel the same way?
It was no secret that lo’ak sully was often misunderstood. He was hardheaded, liked to follow his own path, even if it lead to absolute disaster. He often got compared to Neteyam a lot, and that also fueled the fire within him.
He fought a lot, he was a hot head. And if someone talked to him, even looked at him the wrong way, he would lash out. This was one of the main reasons he didn’t have many friends. Who would want to associate themselves with an outcast like himself? No one. So in turn, he became a loner.
You, on the other hand, were on the opposite side of the spectrum. A good girl, always did what you were told. You were very popular, super nice, and a helping hand to anyone who needed it. So you could only imagine lo’aks surprise when you started to talk to him. Befriend him, so to speak.
It had finally felt like someone saw him, for who he was. Like someone excepted him, flaws and all. You two would meet up once a week at his secret spot. Just to talk about life, or to let him vent.
The forest was still at this time of night. Very peaceful and inviting. You two had just wrapped up talking about your days.
“Good for you. Staying out of trouble for an entire day? I’m so proud of you.” You spoke sarcastically, shooting a friendly smile at the young boy. He chuckled, realizing your playful antics.
“You’ve got jokes, huh?” He started. “No one stepped to me today. I can’t promise I’ll stay this way.” He confessed, sitting back on his hands.
“Just because someone says something to you, doesn’t mean you can FIGHT them, lo’ak. You have serious anger issues.” You joked, however you were very serious. You would often downplay your criticism to him, because you knew he could snap at any second.
“Maybe. I only get angry when people fuck with me. Or when I don’t get what I want. I think those are pretty valid reasons, no?” He asked, his eyes involuntarily scanning your entire body. You shifted on the ground, the look making you feel alittle nervous and uneasy.
“You can’t always get what you want, lo’ak.” You spat. “Yes I can. And speaking of….getting what I want. I wanted to talk to you about something.” He spoke, scooting alittle closer to you.
You couldn’t deny how good looking lo’ak was. So your natural reaction started in your loincloth. A pool of slick forming as you felt his leg next to yours.
“Go on.” You joked, turning your head to face him. He smiled, gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand trailed all the way down to the band of your loincloth, and your breathing escalated.
“Lo’ak?” You asked, watching his strong hand trail down to your thigh, caressing it gently. God, did that feel good. But you refused to go down this road with a trouble maker like him. You just wanted to be friends with him, even if your body was telling you that you wanted more.
“You’ve been nothing but nice to me. And it’s kinda hard for me to understand why.” He started, his hand trailing up to your waist, forcefully bringing you into his lap to straddle him. You gasped, eyes widening as his hands made their way to your plush ass, squeezing it firmly.
“But then I did some thinking. And it’s obvious now….you like me. You wanna be with me. And baby, I want that too. I’m in love with you. We can finally be together, you know?” He finished, pecking your cheek lovingly. You were shocked. Your mouth was slightly agape as you stared at him with so much confusion.
“Lo’ak, I-I was just trying to be nice. I like you, yes. But as friends. I could never be with you. We’re opposites.” You confessed cautiously, trying your best not to tick him off. You knew how dark and angry he got with others, and you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.
You tried to lift off of his lap, but his lock on your hips was too strong for your little strength to go up against. “Oh! come onnnn. You’re telling me you don’t love me? Why would you say that baby?” He asked, leaving small kisses on your neck. You let out a sigh of relief, as if you’d been waiting on somthing like this. It felt so good, you started to become consumed by it.
You let your head go back to give him more access to your neck. His hands trailed up to the small of your back, holding you tight. So tight that the veins in his arms were protruding.
Maybe you did want him. Maybe this was meant to be. It felt so right, so good. Too good to stop. But he was a bad boy, you were a good girl. Those stories never end well. He would get you into trouble, bring you down. Did you really want that?
“Fuck, L-Lo’ak stop.” You whispered. And he obliged with one last kiss to your now bruised neck. However, he still wouldn’t let you go. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want me? Hmm?” He asked, glancing at your lips before meeting your eyes.
“Lo’ak let me go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” You spoke, using his shoulders to lift off of him forcefully and quickly. And to your surprise, worked. You stood before him, adjusting your loincloth and clearing your throat. His eyes never left you as he sat on the ground. He wiped his lips with his thumb, clenching his jaw in restraint.
“Really? You’re just gonna leave me? Like everyone else, right?” He asked, his baritone becoming very dark and scary. His braids shielded his eyes, but you could still see that intimidating glow.
You stood there in silence. In reality, you WERE leaving him. You weren’t thinking clearly, and you didn’t want the undeniable tension between you two to cloud your genuine feelings for him. The truth is, you didn’t know if you wanted to be with him. There were pros AND cons that you had to take into consideration.
“You know what? Go on. LEAVE.” He growled, fanning you off. He was visibly angry with you, and you didn’t want any parts of that. So, you did what you were told, and walked away from him. With not even a glance back.
And God, did that make him furious. You really left him. And he wasn’t expecting that. At least an “I’m sorry.” would’ve calmed him down. But it was clear to him that you really didn’t care. Not as much as HE did. You were just like everyone else. But he’d be damned if he let you just walk away from him.
You didn’t even make it 10 feet before you felt your hair being pulled from behind. He had forcefully pinned you to a tree. Your hair wrapped around his hand. You winced, pushing on his stomach, but of course he didn’t budge.
“Atleast you know how to listen. Alittle too fucking well though.” He growled, shifting his hand to your neck, gripping it tightly.
“Lo’ak please! I-Im sorry. I just thought you might’ve needed some space. That’s all! That’s all, I swear!” You rambled, holding his wrist to ensure that he wouldn’t squeeze your neck any tighter.
“Yeah, right. Don’t lie to me! Not right now.” He spoke through a clenched jaw, shaking your neck with every syllable. You squealed in fear, realizing that might have just sent him overboard.
“Fuck! I-im not trying to scare you. But you make me so fucking angry sometimes! What makes you think you can LEAVE ME? I won’t let you. I am IN LOVE with you! You’re not going anywhere.” He spoke, his deep voice rattling your eardrums. It was clear that he wasn’t going to let this go, and you didn’t want to piss him off further. So you did what you had to do, hoping it would get you out of this situation.
“I love you too, lo’ak! I do!” You nodded, a fake smile plastered across your trembling lips. He titled his head, scanning you from head to toe. His eyes met yours again, searching for some kind of bluff. And of-course, it was written all over your face. He let out a small chuckle, licking his lips.
God, he looked so good like this. Taking what’s his. His angry demeanor had your head spinning. Scared out of your mind, but turned on, nonetheless. What is wrong with you? Why would you be attracted to such toxic behavior?
Maybe because you always followed the rules. Never had any excitement in your life, never any thrill. And lo’ak provided that for you in this moment. As sick as it may be, you were attracted.
“You’re such a good liar, y/n.” He smiled, reaching his free hand down to his knife, the sharp sound of him pulling it startling you. He held the dull part to your cheek, rubbing it across the soft skin.
“Lo’ak please! Please, don’t do this. IM NOT LYING TO YOU!” You screamed, tears blurring your vision. “Yeah?” He asked, trailing the knife down to your top. “YES!” You spat.
“Prove that shit, then.” He growled, tightening his grip on your neck. Making you tighten your grip on his wrist. “I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything, I swear lo’ak!” You cried.
“Anything, hmm?” He asked, the knife trailing down to your waist. The cold blade barely touching your skin. You hated to admit it, but you secretly wanted more. You never knew how much the element of danger could turn you on. The fact that your life was in his hands made the slick pool into your loincloth. You rolled your hips slightly, just to feel more of the cold metal caressing your soft skin. You let out a small whimper, looking down at the source.
He glanced down as well, before meeting your eyes again. He squinted, studying your expression. That’s when he realized…
“You like this shit, don’t you?…. I thought you were a good girl?” He asked, tilting his head as he awaited an answer from you. You turned your head stubbornly, letting out a cute little huff in frustration.
“I AM a good girl.” You spat, directing your attention to him again. confident enough to talk back because you knew he wouldn’t truly hurt you now that he knew the truth.
“Yeah, like hell you are. I see right through you. You want this so badly.” He whispered against your lips, creating a dangerous amount of tension. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him right now.
“I don’t have much of a fucking CHOICE! You’re threatening me with a KNIFE!” You hissed, growing angrier by the second.
“Hmm. You’re right.” He smiled, letting your neck go harshly and backing away from you. You coughed, rubbing your bruised neck for a moment while you caught your breath. “You’re free to go. Sorry.” He said, a sarcastic grin plastered across his face as he watched you finally catch your breath.
You stood tall, chest heaving up in down in anger. You watched him grin, eyeing your small frame. A few moments of silence falling between you two. He motioned for you to walk off sarcastically, knowing damn well that you wouldn’t. You hated that he was right. You weren’t leaving anytime soon. You were too hot for him. You wanted it so badly that it made you mad. And before you knew it, you pulled him in by his arm, lips meeting his harshly. A kiss so passionate that it was deadly.
He grabbed the small of your back, bringing you closer to him. A few low hums from you both in satisfaction. With one hand he lifted you up, and you immediately wrapped your legs around his torso. Once he backed you into the tree, he let you go, the lock you had on his waist being enough to keep you up.
“Shit, j-just push it to the side. I can’t wait another second.” He spoke between kisses, using two fingers to push your loincloth to the side, exposing your dripping cunt.
You reached down quickly, trying to steady your hand enough to push his loincloth to the side as well. Exposing his huge cock.
“Need it in me. Please.” You moaned, rubbing the tip against your aching hole. Making him let out a low groan.
With a little push and pull from you both, he began to slide into you slowly. Earning a loud, pornographic moan from you. With another push, he bottomed out inside of you. He bit his lip, trying his best to be quiet. Instead letting out an intense growl before he started to thrust into you forcefully.
The rhythm he set was nothing short of satisfying. A steady pace with deep, firm thrusts. His mouth was slightly agape, letting out breathy moans with every stroke as he admired the source of pleasure. A thick layer of slick coating his cock, as the excess dripped down his warm sack.
You, on the other hand, were completely overstimulated. Every merciless stroke knocking the wind out of you. His cock expertly playing with your sweetspot. Your beautiful face was balled in pleasure. Your head flailing around, while your breast jumped from every deep stroke. Your sweet voice rippling from the force as your shaky hand pressed on his abs to slow him down.
“No, no, no.” He teased, holding the knife to your neck while the other hand held your hip in a bruising hold. You let out a whimper, holding his wrist to ensure that he wouldn’t go further than just a simple threat. “I want you to be a big girl for me. I want you to take every *thrust* fucking *thrust* inch *thrust.” He moaned in your ear, his fangs grazing over the skin.
“I-Im trying lo’ak. P-Please, mercy!” You whined. Your mouth was saying one thing, while your body was contradicting yourself. Your walls started to flutter around him, signaling that your orgasm was already nearing.
“Mercy, huh?” He asked, quickening his pace. Holding the knife alittle closer to your jugular. You let out a shameless moan at the action, making Lo’ak smirk. “Naughty bitches like you don’t deserve mercy.” He spat, eyeing you up and down.
Maybe he was right. Maybe you weren’t the good girl that you claimed to be. Because last time you checked, good girls didn’t like being called out of their names, nor did it make them cum with such force. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you began to spazz in his tight grip.
“Cumming! Cumming!” You screamed, that euphoric feeling washing over your entire body as your cream coated his cock. He continued his pace to let you ride out your intense high.
“Mhm, making a fucking mess on me. Look at that, fuuuck.” He spoke in a low tone, watching his cock disappear into your sensitive little cunt one last time before he pulled out slowly. When he pulled the knife from your neck, trickles of blood began to fall down your chest, to your plump breasts.
A high pitched agonizing whimper left your lips at the throbbing pain. But it was short lived once lo’ak began to lick the wound clean. In fact, he licked every line of crimson off of you. He started at the source, trialing down your chest all the way to your breasts. Using his tongue to swirl circles around your stained nipples, leaving dark hickeys along the way.
The scene alone was enough to make you cum again. He finally finished cleaning you, and his gaze met yours. A dark lustful gaze that lingered for what seemed like forever. Remnants of your blood on his plump lips and sharp jaw.
“Comere.” He hummed, grabbing your bruised and battered neck to engage in a sloppy kiss. So hot and sexy that your walls began to clench around nothing.
He let you down gently, still swapping spit with you like his life depended on it. Once you both pulled away for air, a line of spit connected the two to you.
“I want your pretty ass on your knees…now.” He commanded, running the cold metal blade along your waist line. You bit your lip, slowly falling to your knees as your eyes stayed on his.
“Yeah. Juuust like that.” He nodded, palming his still very hard cock. Stroking it in the direction of your swollen lips. The blade found your cheek, the cold, hard metal grazing your skin before it made its was to your mouth.
“You got my fucking blade dirty. Clean it.” He commanded. You whimpered in arousal, your skin radiating sex all over again. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him. He turned the blade to the side, rubbing it across your tongue gently as he jerked off to the site beneath him.
You closed your lips around the metal, letting him slide it out of your mouth slowly. He let out a soft groan as he watched you swallow and lick your lips clean of your own blood.
“Open your mouth.” He commanded, using the knife to tilt your head up. “Say please.” You challenged, rubbing his thighs gently as you glanced at his hard cock, then back up to his eyes seductively.
He titled his head, eyes narrowed at you, and tail swaying behind him in an excited manner. He took a few seconds to think about it, as his jaw clenched and unclenched with restraint.
“Open your mouth…please.” He obliged, smacking your cheek a few times in a gentle manner. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him.
He tapped his mushroom tip on your tongue a few times before plunging his entire length down your throat. Your eyes began to water as he set yet another merciless rhythm. You started to gag, your throat muscles contracting around his shaft.
“Mhm, cry for me. Come on, let me know how deep I am.” He nodded, one of his hands being tangled in your hair, using it as leverage to Fuck your pretty face. The other hand holding the knife to the side of your neck as a friendly reminder, that he was still in control.
Tears began streaming down your face. You were loosing air, and your throat was burning. But God, none of that mattered when your view was nothing short of amazing. Short breathily moans escaped his mouth ad his abs flexed, signaling that he was close.
Your hands slid up his chiseled abs, tapping on his stomach lightly in hopes that he would let up. You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes to soften him up. Instead, he held the knife closer to your neck once again.
“You’re such a whiny bitch, you know that? I’m almost done. Keep sucking.” He commanded with a devilish grin. Seeing as you weren’t getting out of this, you let him use you completely. Your eyes began to roll back, exhausted hums leaving your lips as he continued to abuse your throat.
“Gooood girl. You’re g-gonna make me cum, baby. Is that what you want?” He teased, on the brink of his release. You nodded lazily, letting out a strained whimper.
“You know you’re mine now?” He asked, watching you flutter in and out of consciousness. Another lazy nod from you. He chuckled, so turned on by your fucked out state.
“Mhm, I’ll fucking kill you if you try and leave me.” He moaned, a little laugh hidden somewhere in that fatal threat. And it seemed as if the idea of your life in his hands, mixed with how pretty you looked on your knees was all the motivation he needed.
“Shiiit…” he moaned, mouth slightly agape as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. His thick seed spilled in the back of your throat. So fucking deep that it was no need to swallow.
You hummed in satisfaction, a delirious giggle escaping your filled mouth. He rocked you back and forth on him slowly as he let out a few strained grunts. After one final thrust, he pulled out of your mouth. You gasped dramatically, finally catching your breath as pools of spit flowed down your chin and chest.
He let your hair go roughly, letting you fall flat to the ground. A few groans in agony escaped your lips as you laid there, eyes heavy and tired.
He stared at you for a moment, surprised by what he had done to you. He squatted down, his fingertips grazing your bruised neck, and over the wounds he had left on you.
“I- umm. I’ve gotta clean you up. Tend to your wounds.” He spoke with a hint of disappointment in himself for doing this to you.
“I-I can do it.” You strained, trying to lift yourself off of the ground. To no avail, ofcourse. He clenched his jaw in anger, looking away from you briefly. The sight of you struggling beneath him was just too much to bare.
“No. I’ll do it.” He commanded, lifting you off the ground bridal style. Your lifeless body going limp in his arms as he walked out of the forest with you. He hated who he was sometimes. Hated that he was capable of such actions. But all that really mattered now, was making sure that his girl was ok. Even if you didn’t know that you belonged to him yet…
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @loaksslut @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @blue-slxt @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @sweethoneycn @luvv4j4ybe11
544 notes · View notes
livelaughlovesubs · 7 months
Pitiful thing
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Dom!reader x sub!Raphael (reader is gender neutral)
Part two!
!Warning! dark content (this is going to be disgusting), a bit gore (ripping wings!), sadistic reader, spit, vomit, dacryphilia, beating, biting, stepping, stomping, kicking, piercing (Rara is getting rid of an old one), anal play, sounding, slapping, use of sex toys, blood
Word count: 7.3k (my longest one yet)
Nini!rant: repost until it shows up in the tag…!
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The accident which occurred during Christmas was long forgotten. For you it was a brief interaction, a short encounter and a meeting never meant to happen. It didn’t matter what happened to him, to that angel, because in the end what they did to you were worse. Maybe it wasn’t justified and you were being petty, since that angel in particular hasn’t done anything yet, but do you regret it? No. It was fun.
On the other hand, it left the other party pretty impressed, as if the event left a brand on him. That angel thought something was established between you two. A special treatment only he got, as if he became a higher being. It’s not that he caught feelings for you, it was for the act you did to him. Even though it’s a curse in disguise, since he is the sun that got attracted to the night.
Not even a month later that man came down to hell again, landing at the same spot as last time, searching for a certain someone. Just like playing catch, about him looking for that vivid dream he lived down here. How ironic, once was enough to get him hooked and addicted.
And destiny was playing a prank on you, unexpectedly bringing you two together again. Because as fate planned, you crossed that path on that specific day too. A huge dust cloud was spreading in front of you, hindering your sight. It took a while to make out the familiar shadow between the mist. You squint your eyes, no way he was back here again. However you weren’t displeased. Why should you get upset about something insignificant like this anyway.
“Someone out for revenge?” You remarked and leaned against one of the food stalls. The familiar figure turned around to face you, his bright blond hair appearing from behind the mist. “No, rather, I’m here to thank you.” He said, slowly his entire figure emerged from the dust. “That’s surprising, why so?” His words caught your attention, you didn’t expect it from him, an angel. “You helped me become a higher being, I guess it is curtesy that I show you my gratitude. So, I’ll give you permission to touch me.” Raphael said with a smug face. It’s unnecessary to mention that you were hella confused, what did he eat this time?
The angel also seemed a little confused now and added, “…shouldn’t you be grateful and happy?” Ah. So that’s what was going on in his head. “Hah, haha.” You giggled, and continued with, “become a higher being? Really? You angels are more arrogant than I thought.” Raphael didn’t let it get to him, all he did was muttering under his breath, “right, a human couldn’t possibly understand something as complex as this. Fine, I don’t care.” That’s what he said, but he did sound a little disappointed.
“Right… hey Raphael, just tell me if you want to fuck. I liked how you cried.” You were now the one with a smug face. Suddenly he grabbed your shoulder and shouted, “Don’t forget your place, you are just an insignificant creature, we angels are the only ones loved by god.” The grip was tight, it almost started to hurt, but you couldn’t stand how he tried to intimidate you, so you replied, “oh yea? And who is named gods only mistake?” That wasn’t smart, he had all reasons to kill you after all. But hopefully he won’t, after all you are the one that got him ‘closer’ to god. You are the only hint those annoying things have.
The Blondie seemed to struggle with making a decision, before giving up. “Damn it.” He sighed and pushed you away. “Woa, how friendly of you. Now I’m definitely not going to help you become a greater being.” “And what if I threaten to kill you?” “You can’t because you’ll still need me.” This wasn’t going anywhere, it’d be better to just separate. Right now all you two were doing was fighting like children.
“So what do I have to do to get you to help?” Raphael crossed his arms and acted coldly, still having that overly confident aura surrounding him. His halo with the little sun was also shining slightly, how it irked you. All angels were the same, overly confident, arrogant and a pain in the ass. Then something clicked in your head, even if their personalities are shitty, you were still able to have fun. “… actually, nothing, just don’t resist.” “What?” You didn’t explain yourself, instead walked closer to him, resulting in him backing up some steps too. “What are you-” “I told you not to resist.” Your hand reached out to him, holding him by his waist. “Ugh..!” He tensed up, you could tell he was hesitating on what to do, still looking for the best solution. But you ignored it, why should you care about his comfort anyway, he came to ask you to touch him after all.
The hand, which was on his hips moved to his back and groped his ass, while your other one started to cup his bulge. He pushed you away again, “You! How dare you do something like that!” “You said I got permission to do it.” “And? That’s why you aren’t going to warn me?” You rolled your eyes and turned around, about to go back to your home in hell. “If you don’t want to do it I won’t. I’ll be on my way now, what a waste of time.” “Wait!” He yelled again, with a half angry and half desperate tone. “I’ll do it, just- not here.” “Pff, everyone saw your body on Christmas anyway.” “Still, ugh, why are you so stubborn?!” “I’m leaving~” “alright alright!” Raphael hurriedly raised his shirt, biting the end of it to keep it raised, showing off his piercings. The two crosses on his chest waved, practically inviting you to touch them. A small smirk escaped you, “hah, so you can be a good boy after all.”
A few moments later you were touching him all over. He stood and kept his arms behind his back while you gave him a sloppy handjob. Hands wrapped around his shaft, pressing down slightly when reaching the tip and repeating the movements. Every time you did that he flinched, his shoulders jerked upwards and his piercings clanked against his skin. All those accessories on his body were cute, he was the definition of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. Not to mention his moans were adorable too, and how he blushed like a maiden fresh in love. Did he get more sensitive during that time span? At least that cock cage he once had was gone, guess he didn’t get a new one. “Hey, get on your knees.” “Hmmm?!?” He sounded like he was protesting, but you can’t hear so it doesn’t matter. In the end, he did just as you said, why would he go though the extra trouble to be a brat only to follow your comment anyway. After he got on his knees, he soiled his clean white pants with dirt, his cheeks got a bit redder too. Because he kneeled down, you couldn’t reach his crotch anymore, so you placed your hand on his chest instead.
Fumbling with his pink nipples, tugging on them carefully. Rolling your finger over them and groping his pecs. It was embarrassing for Raphael, it didn’t hurt nor felt especially good, it was humiliating. Every single part of this was shameful and he truly didn’t know what he was doing here. Though somehow, he still found pleasure in the pain you gave him, it was scary how much he enjoyed it.
His saliva drooled down his chin, all the way down to his white sweater. A wet spot could be seen and it kept getting bigger. His bangs were also sticking to his forehead due to the sweat covering his body, and not to mention how much he trembled. It was cute, you wanted more. You pulled at his piercings, enough for it to hurt slightly, watching as his buds stretched forwards. “Mhm-mmM!” The angel groaned, face blushing furiously while he clenched his teeth. Eyebrows furrowed and expression twisted into one of shame. If you didn’t know better you would have thought he was going to kill you any moment.
“I’m done, get up.” Just as how abrupt you started this play, you ended it too. That was so sudden, he couldn’t even process the information before your hands left his body. He let his shirt fall down and asked, “what? But…” then he bit his bottom lip, followed by standing up on his wobbly legs, unwillingly getting up from his spot. “fine, ugh..” the man in front of you looked like a mess, seriously, he couldn’t even stand without shaking. “You did pretty well, come back another time.” “..?? Why’s that?” “Don’t follow me.” You turned around and left, ignoring him as well as his questions. “Hey, hey! Come back- you, ugh, damn it!” That man’s frustrated screams were the last thing you heard.
Some time has passed since your second meeting with him. To be honest, you were surprised he actually listened to you and didn’t follow you. Nevertheless, that didn’t change much about your perception of him. You weren’t sure yourself why you left like that, however you were sure on one thing, it was a good decision to leave that day. He will come to you by himself sooner or later, and if destiny is still in your favour, everything will go just as you anticipated.
Today you were chilling outside a hotel. It feels nice being alone for a bit, or rather, not being in the presence of any clingy devils. You didn’t necessarily hate them, but you didn’t have hard feelings towards them neither. At first you thought it wouldn’t bother you that they all subconsciously thought you were Solomon, but it did start getting on your nerves. Also how they didn’t even want to accept the fact that you were someone else, not trying at all to adjust. They were also rather… controlling. It was hard enough to sneak out without Satan or sitri noticing.
Raphael didn’t have such a peaceful time like you, he was frustrated beyond repair. The first time you touched him he was at least able to finish, last time you left him with a raging boner. That must be the reason why he missed you so much, he wanted you to finish what you started. So when he finally found you, his heart skipped a beat. He immediately landed in the back alley of the hotel, quietly and carefully, as if one wrong move would cause you to run away.
You noticed him when he started to walk towards you, wondering when he got here. It’s the first time he didn’t make a mess as soon as he came down to hell. “You, you are free now aren’t you?” Raphael proclaimed, a stressed expression on his face. The past two weeks didn’t go well for him huh. “Yea, and?” “The thing you did last time, finish it.” You eyed him up and down, he could feel your sharp gaze on him, it made him almost uncomfortable. Once again he was making such a bold request. Oh well, you have some spare space in your schedule and playing with something else once in a while is healthy. “I’ll pretend I heard you say ‘please’, anyway, follow me.” “Where are you taking me?” “I thought you preferred doing it inside?” “I’m not a pervert like someone else after all.” How impolite he was, but you’ll excuse him for this once.
You greeted the reception as you got inside the hotel and walked straight to the elevator, Raphael followed you with hesitant steps before joining you. It was a bit awkward, especially for him since it’s an unfamiliar environment, you could see how he fumbled with his hand. Maybe he was wondering why none of the devils were suspicious of him, or if his presence really is that unnoticeable. It could have been something entirely unrelated too.
The two of you didn’t exchange a word while waiting, and it continued until both of you arrived at the vip room (a small advantage of being friendly with the kings) of the hotel. Afterwards you pulled out a room card and unlocked the door with a click sound, opening and entering it. “Close the door behind you.” You said, in case it wasn’t obvious enough. He did without much thought, and started looking around in the room. It was pretty and had a bathtub too, to be expected for vip. The bed was kingsized, it took up so much space but the room still looked huge.
You sat down on the bed, he stood in front of you. Then you commented, “you know, Raphael, you value yourself so much but how comes every time we meet it’s about intimacy? You are pretty desperate for an angel.” He didn’t show much of an expression, even so you could read his body language and saw his fist tightening. “It’s a bit ironic.” A small chuckle slipped from you after saying that, then you patted the space next to you, telling him to sit down. The angel obliged and walked over, when he got close enough you pulled him by the arm to force him to sit down.
Just like what happened a few days ago, you do what you want without any regards for him. Once he sat down, you pushed him again to make him lay flat on his back. He didn’t really resist since he knew he was stronger than you, and this time he wasn’t restricted by any weird powers. “Keep your hands above your head.” Another command, he debated silently whether he should keep playing obedient, but after seeing how you left last time… he really didn’t want to get worked up for nothing again. It’s always so thrilling and surprising when with you, because you do what you want and never tell him your plans. Though sometimes he thinks it’s better he doesn’t know.
Now that his arms were hold above him, you tied them together. Despite the fact that he has been good until now, you can never be sure about the future. “Hey, why are you tying me up again?” Raphael asked. “I didn’t tie you up during Christmas,” You clarified. “You know what I mean.” “I feel more comfortable like this, don’t want to?” Your eyes stared into his coldly, showing that you ain’t up for games. He wanted to protest further, however the thought of you leaving him like that was something he couldn’t make peace with. Not after all the efforts he went through to find you. He went quiet again until you were done binding him.
Next thing you did was pulling out the rather familiar ball gag, about to install it onto him again. The angel widened his eyes, were you planning to recreate the past with all those equipments or what? Did you pity the fact you couldn’t do more? When you brought the gag closer to his face, he reluctantly opened his mouth, letting you bind the straps around his head. After gaging him successfully, you pulled out a cutter knife, bringing it to his neck. His pupils shrunk, he glared at you menacingly. You dragged the knife along his neck, taking note of how his breath got more and more shallow with each passing second. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you.” Yea, so reassuring, he feels so safe.
You grabbed his collar and pointed the sharp edge towards his shirt, afterwards you cut into his sweater. The knife was sharp enough to cut through the fairly thick fabric pretty easily. From the top to the bottom, until you split his clothes in two. He hold his breath the entire time, which was weird since normally he didn’t fear death nor wounds. A little blood was fine and he can take the pain, so why was he so nervous? It must be because of how stoic you were. You looked so chill and serious while you tore his clothes, keeping your attention on him and no one else. It’s the first time someone was focused on him like this, it was almost embarrassing, but he didn’t dislike it.
But you were thinking about how naive and cute he was, all you did was look at him for a few seconds and now his heart was pounding like crazy. It was way too easy to wrap him around your finger. Angels truly are useless and pitiful things. After you finished cutting through his clothes, you put the knife away. You only cut it in the middle, so that they were hanging from his shoulder like jackets. Since they were cut now, it revealed his bare torso. This is the third time that you’ve seen him in such a state. Those accessories he wore didn’t change one bit, still sparkling on their own. At this rate you were going to mesmerise every single one of them. Two vertical nipple piercings, two just below his chest, two on his navel which were connected by a chain, three belly button piercings and three rings a fairly large distance under his armpits on each side. He also had more, like two on his hips or some on his arms, but you weren’t entirely sure about it. Nevertheless you liked his piercings for many reasons.
This time you were better prepared for his sudden visit, so you had a whole bag full of stuff you wanted to try with him. The first one of those toys was a sounding rod, the same one he seemingly loved during Christmas Eve. Your hand made its way downwards and started rubbing against his bulge, gently caressing it until he got hard. Out of reflex he clenched his thighs, causing you to force them open to kept touching him. Small sounds of pleasure could be heard from him as he whimpered under the gag. “Mhm..mhm!” Those were only low grunts, you could see how he tired to keep his composure as long as possible. Next you pulled his pants down, revealing his semi erect dick. He was so eager it made you want to laugh, you didn’t even touch him that much but he still got hard. It was pathetic.
You took the metal rod and pointed the tip towards his slit before slowly inserting it. It hurt so much while you did it, it was unbearably painful. He wanted to move and clench his legs together again but you didn’t allow him, instead you said, “spread them wider, or I might pierce something I should’t.” With such a warning, he had no choice but to open them, reluctantly allowing you to play with him some more. His legs were trembling again as you forced the entire rod inside his urethra, tears started to build in his eyes. That was a bodily reaction to the sting and pain, since the metal wasn’t even wet when you shoved it inside him. “Hmm.. hgnG..” he yelped a little and jerked his hips, trusting forward. There was no helping it, it was so painful… yet why was he so aroused now?
After using that, you reached for another one of your toys, an egg vibrator. You strapped it against his tip, but didn’t turn it on yet. It was still the preparation process. Which is why you put one of the egg vibrator inside a condom, then pulled that over a dildo. This time you did reach for the lube, out of your own comfort, since the things you want to do will be harder without it. Squeezing some of that liquid onto the makeshift dick and pointing the tip against his entrance. The Blondie was on the verge of clenching his thighs together again, it took all his willpower not to. He was fearful of your treatment, however also thrilled. It’s like he loves and hates it, but most importantly he wants you to keep your attention on him. Don’t leave like last time, please don’t leave him alone.
While you were teasing his hole, you glanced at his figure. What he did was unbelievably adorable. How he made himself smaller by rolling into a ball, so helpless and vulnerable it got you acting on your desires. You did cover that toy with lube, but you didn’t prepare him. Instead you pushed and used your strength to force your way in again. “MhmMHH!!” Another scream. “Don’t be so tense, Raphael, it will only hurt more.” You gave him some advice, even though you were sure he knew himself. His chest raised and sunk, his breathing unsteady and eyes unfocused. Those almost emotionless eyes were half lidded and hidden by his bangs. This pulled your attention towards his bandages, especially that eye patch. You were going to rip it from his face one day.
His hands clenched around the rope you used to tie him up, legs wide open like he was some cheap whore and single drops of tears rolling down his face. The halo, which hasn’t been doing much until now, suddenly started to shine as if it was trying to distract you. You didn’t really mind at first, but the more you pushed that toy inside him, the more that ring of pure light shone. When the dildo fully penetrated him, his halo, that divine Symbole, was already illuminating the entire room. No need to say it blinded and annoyed you, leading to you hesitantly reached out to that thing. You touched it with the tip of your finger to make sure it wasn’t dangerous, before gripping it with your whole palm and yanking it off him. That wasn’t exactly hard to do, which kind of surprised you. You had an angels halo in your hand now… and it was still shining, which is why you threw it away.
Raphael’s expression was one of shock. Of course it would be that, no one ever ripped his halo off and he didn’t neither. It didn’t hurt, though it did feel like something disappeared from him, and his body got lighter. Well, all you did was throw it into another corner, so he can probably just pick it up later…right? Somehow, he was starting to get an unwell feeling about this, he was skeptical. He wanted to tell you how he felt about what you did or were doing, despite his wants he couldn’t, he couldn’t bring it over himself to tell you no. Besides this is nothing, he can bear it, all he had to do was to focus on you and pleasing you, then you’ll also keep your gaze on him. An eye for an eye right?
Everything was done now, your preparations were complete. You turned the vibrators on, directly skipping to the middle level. The eggs started to move and were rubbing against him. Even though he expected it made his shoulders jerk and dick twitch, it was still so sudden. One was placed on his tip and another deep inside him. “Hu-hmm…mhm.” Raphael panted. How amazing it felt at first, but the sensations and blood rush was becoming too much for him to handle. All you did was observe him for a few moments, then giving the relentless toys assaulting him a helping hand. Trusting the dildo in and out of him, other hand tugging at his piercings, mouth kissing his neck and eventually biting down. “NGhHnn… m-mhm..!” He sobbed a little when he felt your teeth sink into his skin. You bit hard enough to draw blood, and when you pulled back you were able to see the blood flowing down his shoulder to his collarbones and chest. The red fluid was giving a nice contrast to his smooth and pale skin, as if you were drawing on a white canvas. This was starting to stir something within you, out of impulse you used your finger to wipe the blood, then licking it clean with your tongue.
You bit him again and again, the area around his nipples, his other shoulder, his torso or abdomen. When you were done leaving bite or smooch marks on his upper body, you started kissing every of his wounds. Like his piercings or the ones you left on him. The vibe changed drastically, it felt soft and gentle in contrast to what you were doing earlier, making his heart pound faster. “Hmm…” a low content groan left him. What you did felt like it was forbidden to him, it felt like something two lovers would do. How he yearned for that, for any kind of love and touch this depraved man could get. At the same time he was so ashamed of his actions, how could- dare he enjoy the touch of someone who isn’t god? How could he even think about being in a relationship with anyone but god?
The vibrations were adding up with each other, especially the one on his tip. It was starting to hurt because of how sensitive he was. “Uhh..hu-ugh..” Once again he repressed his own feelings in order to keep you here with him. This however resulted in some squirming and trashing around to balance the pain. He rolled from one side to the other, irritating you a little. “Raphael, hold still.” You commanded, but he couldn’t listen, it’s like his body doesn’t want to follow him anymore. “MhHmm..! HmMm..” “Raphael.” You repeated his name, nothing happened. A silent minute passed, with his whines being the only thing that filled the room. Why was he acting up suddenly? Even though you tried to calm him down, he continued kicking around like he was riding the bike. Then you slapped him.
A loud sound erupted in the mists of complete silence, his face turned to the left side and an imprint of your hand started to show on his cheeks. “Uhh..!” He could still feel the sting of the moment you hit him, the aftermath also lingering for a few extra seconds. Eyes widened once again, a speechless expression featured on his face as he glanced at you. Another slap, this time his face turned to the right side. You haven’t uttered a single word yet, but you let out a deep breath. A few moments of silence again, now his eyes were completely hidden by his bangs, you couldn’t tell what he was looking at. What a coward, hiding his gaze like that, it was staring to get on your wrong side.
You punched his stomach, making the angel gag. It didn’t hurt that much, aside from the fact he felt like the food he ate was being forced out of him. For you though, it didn’t quench your anger, instead you were more annoyed now because the piercings he owned were in your way. You grabbed the chain and yanked on it hard, he yelled which was muffled by the gag again. “MhmmM!” You pulled on it again, now blood was dripping from where he pierced them. He moved his body, trying to escape before he froze on the spot. As if a hidden force was hindering him from just running away. And you tugged at it a third time, this time you managed to pull the entire chain off, running his piercing. “GaHHhh!! MHmMM!!” It hurt, it hurt so much and yet he still weren’t able to get on his feet. Was this some kind of trial god gave him?!?
A bit of his skin was stuck to the accessory, with that being said it got ripped off too. He was bleeding from his navel now, and that wasn’t exactly a small amount. It spilled down from all sides, turning his body and the bed red. “Uh-UhmM..!” A shudder ran down his spine at the sight of it, he was always covered in blood but never his own. His eye brows furrowed and pupils quivered, a small blush spread across his face. This was new, and arousing to some degree. It made him forget about the pain completely.
You took a look at the chain and threw it away, it looked disgusting all covered in blood and skin pieces. Also since the bed was red now you didn’t want to sit on it, instead standing up and stepping on his belly. “Huh, you are bleeding a lot more than I thought. It’s my first time I hurt someone to this degree.” Were you truly human? You said it’s your first time, but you looked so used to seeing blood, you didn’t even get nauseous from the look of it. He didn’t know what to do, all that happened was a deep blush forming on his cheeks, tears flowing down his face and blood storming through his new wounds.
You used more force to step on him, digging your shoe into his skin. The dirt which collected itself under your soles were now smeared onto his once beautiful skin. The imprint of your shoe looked nice on his helpless figure, just like the other marks you left on him. Then you started to raise your foot and stomp on him, enough for him to get the urge to vomit. “Ugh- ga-hghn…!” But the gag is in the way, if this continues he will just chock on his own vomit. He clenched his eyes, focusing on forcing it down. Of course that didn’t go unnoticed, you didn’t give him permission to close his eyes now did you? This led to you kicking the side of his head fairly gently, before stepping on his cheek. “Don’t pass out, I’m not done yet. The fun just began.” You smirked at him while you said that. A unsettling one at that, you could basically see the bad intention in it. Your expression just screamed ‘sadist’.
Finally you took the ball gag off him, he gasped and panted loudly. It didn’t take long for him to start chocking again due to you stomping on his stomach repeatedly. More tears spilled from him, his body wasn’t reacting well to your treatment. Why, was it because you were a human? He yanked on his binds, wanted to use his hand to cover his mouth. It was of no use, he was worn out now after such a long session. He couldn’t hold it back anymore and threw up all over himself. His entire figure was pulsating, lips quivering as he sobbed, then another round. This time it wasn’t just vomit but also blood. “Ah- urghh.. gahhh..” This was a huge burden on his body, making him nauseous and dizzy.
Your heart was beating fast, you wondered if sitri has located you yet with such a loud heartbeat. His pathetic face and posture was surprisingly beautiful, it felt so good watching him crumble underneath your feet. Rendering him powerless and dependent on your mercy felt great… how good would it feel if this was Gabriel instead who was suffering? The one responsible for your misery, to see him completely destroyed just like this. It sounded too delicious, so good you couldn’t keep a clear head anymore. You couldn’t help yourself! It’s his fault that he is an angel, it’s his fault he is of the same breed as Gabriel! You kicked him and kicked him again, bruising his body all while smiling with a content face. Swellings and dark spots were forming on that once flawless body. The more your view got blurred by red, the more you couldn’t separate him from your hatred. Oh well, you never claimed you were innocent anyway.
The beatings continued for some minutes, paired with random insults you wanted to throw at Gabriel. Looks like your anger got to your head. “Fucking whore, you think you are so much better than everyone else? You damn disgrace to your own race. God disappeared because of useless insects like you..!” Another kick, then you stomped on his chest, “fuck, I hate you Gabriel I hate you. It’s all your fault I’m like this, damn it.”
After calming down from your sudden outburst, you panted heavily. Now this was what you needed, a punching bag to vent your anger to. Your eyes fixated on him and only him, anything else didn’t matter anymore. Maybe you’ll get a complaint from the owner, but what are they gonna do, you were way more important than them.
Even though the ball gag wasn’t there anymore the angel beneath you didn’t scream a single time, the vibrators also weren’t turned off. All he did was gasp or whine while crying quietly. “Hic… hah..ha-haaa…” He didn’t cry due to the pain and torture, it was something else not even he understood. He smiled as he cried, watching you being so fixated on him you almost forgot to breath. His body looked like a war, or as if he tripped over paint with how many blue, purple or brown spots were spread on his skin. Not to mention all that red, even the tips of his once blond hair were dyed crimson now. The overwhelming smell of blood was filling your nostrils. Normally you weren’t a fan of that, however right now it didn’t bother you.
His wrists has bruises from the binds, his legs still twitched once in a while because of the toys and his stomach looked disturbing. As mentioned beforehand, bruises, bites and blood were present, also his vomit and cum made itself clear. There were other unidentified things mixed up in that toxic venom too, maybe some dirt and sweat. You didn’t care enough to try to figure it out though. It was damn disgusting how everything dripped down his body onto the mattress, and the smell was starting to get overwhelming. Not because of the blood but the other things. Nevertheless it felt good, knowing you’ll be the fall of him.
In the midst of this messy, unorganised situation, you hugged him. Currently unbothered by the fact that all the dirt and filth will get on your clothes too. You finally turned off the vibrators and took the toys out of him, an inaudible moan slipped from his lips as you did that. “Ah-..hng…” his wrists were bound together, but he was still able to move them, so he wrapped his arms around your neck. Raphael was holding onto you so tightly it was addictive. How would he react if you suddenly left like last time? Would he cry out in despair? Ah, that face must be really pretty…
He tried to hug you even tighter, probably using all his strength, despite that fact it felt like nothing. You really wore him out, enough for a seraphim to become this inexcusable disgrace. It must have been the stress building up inside you for the past few months, the stress of dealing with your harsh reality which led you to do such inhuman things to him. Who cares though, you were in hell already you can’t fall even deeper.
How he clung to you so desperately, how he whispered your name with that meek voice of his, it made you want to ruin him more. You cupped his cheeks, and pulled his eyepatch down. His hidden eye was a little bruised, maybe from a fight otherwise nothing special. How you wanted to pluck his eyeballs, they were so pretty after all. Raphael looked up at you with big eyes and shaky breath, as if he was expecting something. You kissed his forehead gently and slowly made your way over to his earlobes, now licking them with your tongue. The angel still had that pink blush covering his face as he enjoyed the first fluff moment he received since his creation, shuddering a tiny bit whenever you touched or caressed him. Then you whispered:
“you are so miserable it’s funny.” He didn’t have the strength to really answer you, so he just turned his head towards you. The confusion in his eyes were really noticeable. “Angels are so delusional and depraved, I have to hold back my laughter.” After saying that, you chuckled into his ear, “you’re such a crude and vulgar being, at this point I don’t even think you qualify as an angel. If there anything about you that says ‘graceful’ and ‘divine’? I think not judging by the state you are in.” You made sure to take little break between each sentence, so that he had time registering what you said. In the meantime you’d blow hot air against his ears. “Not even god wants you, you are a mistake, a flaw that shouldn’t exist.” He tensed up after hearing all that, shoulders now raised to his ears. You were clearly degrading him and making fun of him, so why was he so dazzled by your voice? As if you were hypnotising him, is there anything he could do in this situation?
“Don’t even try to hide it, you are unwanted. Isn’t it such an honour that I’m still willing to spend my precious time with you?” You said, still grinning from ear to ear. Then you used your fingers to force his eye open, whispering agin, “Hey, Raphael, you don’t deserve happiness. Please be unhappy a lot, so that I can be happy.”
“…what?” He seemed a bit confused, clearly finding it hard to come to terms with what you said. How could he anyway? He really didn’t want to believe your words, yet they sounded like a prayer, like a prophesy that was deciding over his fate. “You are all alone with no one to depend on. You are disposable and worthless. I’m the only one you have.” It felt like needled were poking at his heart, no, they were stabbing it. His head was empty, only the words you uttered were ringing in his ears. “Why don’t you come down to hell, heaven is too good for you. You don’t deserve that, just like how you don’t deserve your position.” Your voice was calm the entire time, though it somewhat drifted into being exited. Raphael thought about it and asked in a weak voice, “what is it you want me to do…?” “Your wings, I want them. Show me your wings.”
“…” silence. He didn’t hear anything. Then a beeping noise rang in his ears, unwilling to leave him alone. “Ah, ah.. ugh- ah, hah..haha…” he laughed. His body shook as he did. All he thought was, ‘god, what should I do?’ A wave of nausea washed over him, as if his brain was being cooked. “That’s sick, you know the wings are an angels pride? It’s a gift from our beloved god!” “Exactly, you don’t really deserve that now do you?” Ah… does he really have to answer that question? You knew the answer to it anyway. His heartbeat went faster, the urge to puke came back and he felt sick. He felt horrible, downright awful. It was becoming unbearable, that empty void he tried so hard to escape from, that he desperately tried to fill was eating him alive from the inside. He was so deep in thought so that saliva was running down his chin again, adding onto the turmoil.
You hugged him tighter, whispering in a low voice again, “poor thing, such a pitiful thing you are. It’s better to be at rock bottom than fighting for something you’ll never have. Even if god comes back he wouldn’t look at you, you are way too insignificant.” You caressed his cheeks again, showing him a comforting smile which hid your internal motives. “Shut up..” he trembled, “shut up, shut up, please, shut up… stop, stop it- please, stop, stop, stop it…!” He clawed at your shirt, making himself even smaller and curling into a ball.
It was too much. He doesn’t want this anymore. The best would be if he couldn’t feel and think, if he didn’t need to do anything. All he wanted now was to live comfortably, and the only comfort he could find was arching in pain by your hands, while being comforted by the same ones. You were filling that void inside him with poison, and he’d gladly eat every last drop.
Slowly he spread his wings, two pure white things appeared from his back and white feathers started flying around the room. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, something he was never done with anyone before. Hah, he has never even hugged anyone until now. You reached for his wings, rubbing the base and wrapping your hand around his wing bones, the other one was stroking his hair. How did Michael rip those off so easily? Doesn’t matter, you don’t have to make it pretty. While Raphael clung to you like his life depended on it, you brushed your fingertips over his soft feathers. They really are too good for him, maybe you’ll try and get a clean cut to gift them to andrealphus. He’d love them.
Suddenly something snapped, you could feel it due to the shift of strength. He bit down on your shoulder even more, enough to leave a mark on you too. The most of his voice got muffled by your shoulder. His on the other hand convulsed and trembled. Ah.. it hurts, it hurts.. but it’s worth it, it’s worth it, that’s what he kept telling himself.
“Easier than expected.” You muttered under your breath. It was impossible to pull the entire wing and bones off, which is why you had to break the bones. Raphael was still clenching his teeth and bearing the pain while you started to work on the second one. At this point your hands were completely red, the feathers were also tainted red. More blood stormed out from the newly opened wound, it made everything even more chaotic and bloody than it already was. His shirt, which you cut open earlier, was also no longer white. He was covered in red from head to toes.
The second time went a bit better than the first, because now you had ‘experience’. It was fun. The sound of bone shattering and breaking, the feeling of flesh tearing from under your palms and seeing how much you could do with your own hands. A soft and gentle smile made itself apparent across your face. Raphael screamed in agony, crying, shaking and smiling as he did. He doesn’t even know why he is smiling. Has he finally lost his mind? It’s not a bad feeling, but it is confusing. Haha.
Now that you took everything from him he looked no different than a normal human. Or rather like a hurt animal depending on you. At the rate he was bleeding, he was going to bleed out, yet all you two did was hug each other for different reasons. Somehow both of you didn’t care, you only assured him with, ‘I’ll take you to lucifer’s hospital after this,’ as you kept fumbling with his now red hair. It’s the first time you ever got to enjoy yourself like this, you weren’t going to ever let him go now. Who knows, next time it might be Gabriel whose wings you are holding in your palms. After all, it’s not enough to just keep the bird in a cage, you need to break its wings and keep it shackled, only then it will truly belong to you.
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4imhry · 9 months
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tutor-in-disguise/fuckboy!sunghoon x fem!reader ( PART 2!)
synopsis: The tutor your parents hired who came up with a godlike features and a prince charming like charms? You thought you did great at covering up your so called feelings towards him but unfortunately, he already got you wrapped around his finger. (literally) He wants you as much as you want him.
@mgzzn @jayhyunglover @kimsunoo2003 @heeseunghee7 @deobitifull
cream-pie!anal penetration!sunghoon being obsessed with you!smut,smut,smut!
I apologise to those who I didn’t add into the taglist because I’m afraid some of you might have changed your usernames!
please read PART 1 before you read this part!
the next day of tutoring and the days after that, everything went back to normal. it was as if sunghoon didn’t inappropriately fingers you under the table while having dinner with your parents. not gonna lie, he was pretty good with his fingers but you can’t get ahead of yourself.
you constantly need to remind yourself he’s a player and he’s going to play you like he did to the others. however, it was as if the scenario was imprinted in your mind, making you touch yourself from time to time from the thought of his pretty fingers sliding in and out of your pussy.
“understood?” he smiled softly, the tip of his pencil circling the answer of the question he had been explaining to you. just why the unnecessary fuck boy nature and his smart brain had to come with in one package? it frustrated you.
you nodded, flashing a small smile before immediately moving on to the next question.
you needed to focus. you have to. finals is nearing and having a fine ass tutor like the guy before you wasn’t helping. the small strand of his on his forehead which lightly moved when he shake his head or looks away, tugged a small string in your heart; it shouldn’t be this way.
“am I going too fast?” he said as he gazes into your eyes. you could only glanced at him briefly. your not so innocent mind can misinterpreted the sentence in a different way.
“nope.” you quickly replied as you straightened your back posture.
hours went by and sunghoon finally ended his session for the day. “mhm I see you’ve understand most of the topics. let’s go over a new syllabus next time yeah?” he chimed softly as he packed his things into his bag.
“yeah.” I briefly glanced at him, smiling sheepishly.
unbeknownst to you, sunghoon was checking you out whenever you’re looking away–mostly tried to get a glimpse of endearing you looked. you can just breathe and blink and it simply made his stomach swarmed with butterflies. he thought you were annoying at first. annoyingly cute.
“want a drink?” you asked as you look up at him; gesturing him to take the glass of water.
“sure.” and oh, he can’t help but his mind drifted to how good you looked when you look up at him. his cock hardens at the thought of you taking all of him. he wants to see that pretty face of yours scrunched up due to pleasure and your voice turned to whines and moans from him fucking you relentlessly.
he purposely let his hand brushed against yours as he take glass from your hand, his eyes not leaving yours as he drank from it. sunghoon acknowledged the smallest gestures he made was affecting you and he enjoyed it.
at school, sunghoon, being from someone who doesn’t talk to you on daily basis became someone whom always made the effort to engage in the smallest conversation with you.
it could be between classes or at the cafeteria, which he always greeted with a small pat on your head or purposely messed up your hair. It annoyed you sometimes because it might caused a misunderstanding to anyone else who didn’t know what’s the commotion between the two of you.
on top of that, it is also one of the reason it got your heart thumping against your ribcage over a slightest gesture from the latter.
“sunghoon!” you grunted. he replied with a chuckle, finding your reaction to be endearing before catching up with his friends as he retracted his hand away from your head.
“did you understand that?–mhm now I want to see how you do it.” he said it lowly as he handed the pencil to you, wanting to see how you would do. did his voice just went an octave lower? god, if only he knew what his voice did to you.
it’s not like you can call sessions with sunghoon was a failure due to his handsome features which causing a disturbance to you but he got a way in his teaching that caused you to understand his learning materials quickly.
to your surprise, your grades improved significantly. much to your parents satisfaction–they decided to keep him around for a while until your finals which caused you to grunt in frustration when they announced sunghoon is not going anywhere anytime soon.
perhaps, you might’ve rambled–fake a complain to not give away the delightful feeling in your heart, growing to love the attention sunghoon gives you.
“shall we take a break?” he lightly taps on your arm, which caused you to get flustered. you nodded in response.
you were thankful he’s such an understanding person. both of you have been going on the same topic for 2 hours. you knew sunghoon just wanted the best for you and to ensure you completely had enough knowledge for him to go over the next topic.
“y/n, your dad and I is going to go buy groceries.” she flashed a smile at you as she gently pat your shoulder.
“sunghoon, keep your eyes on her okay? make sure she behaves.” your mom joked, slyly winking at you, briefly without sunghoon knowing.
“mom.” you sighed.
“mhm absolutely.” the boy widely grinned, his eyes drifting to meet your yours. you momentarily shift your gaze to somewhere else, suddenly feeling vulnerable and small under his gaze.
it was a long silence after that until you spoke, “uh..do you want to drink something?” you swore you saw his eyes shifts to your lips. it made you feel conscious of how you looked like, you immediately lick your lips to moisten it.
“water would be fine.” he flatly answered.
you instantly got up from your seat, avoiding to be any nearer around him because you just felt light headed just by being around him. you hardly get to breathe normally. he just looked that good. effortlessly good.
“sunghoon?” you spoke, when you feel his presence behind you.
“yeah?” you can feel he said that with a sly smile on his lips.
and oh lord—if only you knew your waist would be gripped gently by his huge hands while you were reaching for some kind of snack on top of the shelf, you cussed silently under your breath for not being aware the dangerous gap sunghoon had with you when you strutted to the kitchen.
you let out a soft gasp when he placed his chin on your head, his front pressing against your clothed ass. you gulped when you feel it poking, him trying to get it between the crack of your ass causing your arousal to risen.
“hoon? that’s adorable. you’ve gotten me a nickname now?” he murmured, his voice sounding gruff as he buried his face into your hair, inhaling your scent which affected him so deeply in various ways. his behaviour is kind of psychotic but weirdly attractive, it caused you rub your thighs together from it.
you inhaled a sharp breath when he began to shower your neck with kisses, creating small smooching sounds as he softly graze his soft lips on your neck.
“m-my parents..they would catch us–”
“m’no, they wouldn’t.” he whispered lowly, his lips brushing softly against your earlobe, turning you around to face him. “your parents just got out of the house for like 5 minutes ago.” he chuckled at how flustered you got, noticing the way your body tensed under his touch. his eyes fell on your breasts hidden under the baggy sweatshirt, watching how your nipples got perky due to his teasings.
he smirked. you’re being such a good girl for him by not wearing a bra today. how nice was that for him?
he took note of how silent you were becoming, growing shy under his gaze. it erupted a small laugh out of him. “you okay?” in which you slowly nodded as a response.
he placed both of his large hands on your waist, turning you around so you can face him. you inhaled a deep shaky breath when you saw the way he bat his eyelashes. they flickered to every features on your face.
“come on. I saw your poor attempts of resisting me so many times.” he grinned devilishly before using him thumb to caress your bottom lip, leading you to unconsciously parted your lips. you knew you should jab back at him with a harsh comment but it seemed like your mind was fogged with the way sunghoon was treating you right now.
“it’s adorable.” it didn’t go unnoticed that sometimes during your sessions with sunghoon, your gaze would fixed on his lips instead of focusing what he was saying or that the way your eyes was fixed on his pretty, slender hands which was rested on the table.
he inhaled and exhaled,
he leans in and slowly pecks your forehead, grazing his lips to plant a soft kiss on the tip of your nose and then he parted away a bit, his eyes meeting your eyes to grant your permission before his lips crashed into yours.
his body completely pressed against yours as his hand roam on your waist. he skill fully slide his tongue past your lips, letting it danced with yours causing you to let out small noises of pleasure. the pretty sounds you made was enough to make the aching tent in his pants harden.
he pulled away from the kiss, inspecting how he made a mess out of you. your hair slightly disheveled, your lips were bruised and red from being bitten and kissed, and your eyes peering up at him innocently, luring him in to take you in right then and there.
“such a pretty girl.” he murmured before lifting you up on the countertop with ease. you watched his muscles flexed when he carried you even if it happened for a millisecond. you can literally feel him undressing you with his eyes while his hand slid around your waist, pulling you closer to him while the other placed on the back of your head.
you pressed yourself harder against his groin, causing both of you to let out a soft moan from the friction. sunghoon just cant seem to pull away from you. he was addicted to the taste of your lips agaisnt his. he wanted more. both of you wanted more.
you keep grinding against his clothed bulge, the wetness soaking your panties wetting his pants as well. he grunted at how he eager you were being. his cock aching to feel you wrapped around him like a good slut you are.
“you’re driving m’crazy.” he murmured against your lips, freeing his huge cock from the straining of his jeans. he then lifted the sweatshirt you’re wearing skilfully over your head, with you lifting your hands up to ease the process. sunghoon immediately went for your tits, squishing them as he moaned at the sight of it. so soft. so squishy. you can feel arousal pooling in your heat when he fondle with your nipple, gently playing with it. it caused you to squirm in his grasp.
he took of his clothes, his eyes never leaving yours, watching the way your eyes raked over his well toned body, “m’want you..so bad mmph.” you let out a small whimper when you feel his bulge glide against your clit ever so gently yet so toe curling.
he abused your clothed clit by doing deep stroke on it with his clothed bulge. his precum staining his jeans, throbbing painfully to be released. you can’t help but drooled over how big he was. if this was how it felt when he dry humped you, then..would the size be twice bigger if he took his cock out?
you continuously let out loud whines and moans upon him teasing you, edging you. your clit was throbbing from his teasings. “h-hoon..” you sniffled.
“yes baby?” one of his hand squish your tits, fondling with your perky nipple as his lustful gaze never left yours.
“m’want you..” you gripped onto his shoulder.
he chuckled at how you adorable you were pleading for him. and who was he to deny your plead? he swiftly unbuckled his pants with one hand, letting if fall on the floor with a clinking sound. a grin made its way onto his face, the feeling sense of proud engulf him once he saw how you were not able to take your eyes off his fat cock.
“how is that..going to..” you murmured with fear mixed with excitement, eyes fixed on his cock. apart of you were worried if it’s going to destroy your insides from how big it looked.
“don’t worry. g’nna stretch you out.” he mumbles softly against your slips before pulling you in for another intoxicating kiss. his hand instantly bunched your skirt up around your waist and tear your panties with ease. he clenched them with his fist, taking a long inhale of it before throwing it on the ground. he then run his fingers along your wet folds–growing wetter every-time he touches you.
“I haven’t put it in and you’re already this wet f’me?” he said in amusement as he playfully tap the tip of his fat cock on your throbbing clit multiple times, causing you to let out a whine. he then glide his tip on your nub and your folds, letting the slick and his pre-cum erotically mixed together. the sight was enough to make him groan, almost making him cum right then and there.
“h-hoon please..” you moaned.
his eyes flickered to your features, a hint of concern painted on his face. “are you sure y’want this, baby?”
you eagerly nodded, gripping onto his forearm and he waste no time before pushing all of him into your dripping wet cunt. the tightness of your pussy, hugging all of his length made his breath shudders. the ecstasy of finally having you, succumbing to him.
“s-shit..why are you so fucking tight?” he grunted as he slowly pushed all of him inside your tiny hole, forcing all of him to fit in inside your squishy walls.
your eyes rolled back due to the feeling of him, throbbing, huge inside you. sunghoon grunted with every thrust, every slams he made against your cervix. “y-you’re sucking me in ngh.”
you were completely laid out on the counter, his huge hands secured to your thighs pressed to your chest as he kept thrusting in and out of you. he let out a deep groan when he feel himself getting clenched by your tight walls. you moaned when he began drilled your insides relentlessly. sunghoon was more than thrilled to see the girl he likes sprawled before him like this. titties bouncing, your lips bruised from his kisses, hazy eyes, disheveled hair. it felt like a dream.
he leaned down to capture your soft lips into another passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, swirling in arousal, as if his lips were moulded with yours. he grunted when you lightly bite on his lip causing him to piston his hips rapidly.
“ngh h-hoon! i-I’m..” your stomach suddenly form a tight knot from the continuous torture against your cervix. it’s insane how his cock was able to fit into you let alone stroking your insides.
“yes, baby?” he sly smirked as he changed the position, lifting one of your leg to hang on his shoulder, giving a better angle to slam his hips into. you let out a choked moan when his fat tip hit the spot.
he took note of that and continuously torture the spot, grunting as he almost approach his release. “g-god..” hearing your soft moans and whimpers turned him on ever, he felt like he can cum just from that alone. sounds of his balls slapping against your wet cunt, squelching with each movements he made. he rolled his hips harder into you, rutting himself in, wanting more of you.
“ngh mmph you feel too good..” he groaned as he fondle one of your tits, capturing your lips sloppily this time as he rapidly pick up his thrust feeling himself about to cum. he was excited about filling you up with his cum. “y’feel so good..around me. you’re practically drooling over my cock.” he said as he smothered your tits with kisses and gently bite them, the gesture was the opposite of what he did to your cunt.
“ngh-ah..hoon!” you cried out, getting even turned on because of his words. you were blissfully fucked out because of how big he felt. at this moment, you couldn’t believe one of your sexual fantasies actually came true. “m’gonna cum!” he smirked seeing your contorted expressions. he wished he could grab his phone and take a picture of it so can jerk off to it whenever he wanted to.
his middle finger reached out to circle your clitoris, spitting some of his spit onto them as he rub them gently and fasten his finger movements, rhythmically with the speed of his thrust. “I wanna cum inside you, princess.” he moaned. you nodded eagerly, practically grinding against him as he fasten his hips movements, his fat cock stroking your walls at a pace which got you to see stars. “can I cum inside you?” his voice shaky from the pleasure building inside him. “can I?”
you nodded enthusiastically, moaning uncontrollably. white substances mixed with his pre-cum forming a rim at the base of his cock as he thrusted in out of you, non-stop. soft moans and groans frequently coming out from the both of you. he changed the position and wrapped both of your legs around his waist, drilling into you causing you to cried out in pleasure. he was so deep. deep inside you.
“p-princess, I’m cumming–“
and as you came from the hottest sex you ever had (because it’s your first one), sunghoon keeps rolling his hips into you, milking his cock, not wanting his cum left to waist. you looked down to see where spurts of his cum keep trying leak from your pussy. you whimpered from the sticky feeling but it low-key turns you on. his cum keep spurting, he brushed some of them on your cunt and also pushes load of them into your pussy, loving the sight of it trying to leak despite how much he tries to push it in with his long fingers.
you moaned due to overstimulation when he gently grazed your clitoris with his index finger. he smiles at how fucked out you look. especially when it’s because of him. “It seemed like you enjoyed it too much.” he leaned in to capture your lips in a soft kiss, gentle kiss unlike the kiss you had during sex which was passionate and sloppy. it felt different. it’s..a good different.
it was as if sunghoon actually felt something for you. did he?
both of you pulled away from the kiss, staring into each other’s eyes. both of his hands still wrapped around your waist to keep you steady because he knew you’re gonna get sore from earlier. “y/n..”
you replied with a hum, not knowing where this is going. “I know what I did earlier isn’t proper. I apologise for throwing myself on you like that instead of taking you out for a proper date.” he said lowly, his hand reaching to brush a strand of your hair behind your ear. he just loved how your each of features are visible whenever you hair were tied nor tucked behind your ear. but even if you didn’t do either of those, you still looked gorgeous to him.
your eyes lit up due to his confession. “a..a date?” he nodded. “stay here I’m gonna clean you up properly real quick before your parents catch us naked at their kitchen.” he immediately sprinted to get a clean cloth from his bag. you tilted your head in confusion.
“have you always been prepared for this?” you chuckled at his “over prepared” gesture. it’s cute.
“for you? always.” he replied as he wet the cloth at the sink and wipe your thighs and legs, anywhere that’s glistening with his cum.
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this took a while for me to finish. lots of programs, procrastination, and studying. :”)
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wordstome · 11 months
now that we don't talk
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I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost And what it cost Now that we don't talk
alpha colonel König x beta ex-lover reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, reader's callsign is Eden, reader speaks French, omegaverse, exes to lovers, fraternization
2.2k words
tw: none
I swear to God one day I'll write something that doesn't involve that big hooded freak. But today is not that day.
Shoutout to loganlermanstanaccount here on Tumblr, who I won't tag. The bullet point headcanons with written parts interspersed format is from their excellent college roommate Miguel O'Hara post, which became their fic Rigor Mortis. I highly recommend both!
Also, excuse the absolutely butchered military content. I'm sure none of this is how it works in real life, but alas, this is fanfiction, not a research paper. Reader serves a Laswell-like role, but I refrained from labeling her as CIA even though I do call her a station chief. For the purposes of this fic, she's the voice in the operatives' ear during ops. We're playing a bit fast and loose with the terminology here.
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You’re a highly skilled intelligence agent and operative handler.
You’ve spent most of your life dedicated to your career: moving through the ranks, proving yourself, refusing to let anything stand in the way of your ambitions.
You’ve done some things you aren’t proud of, but always for the right reason. Or the reason that made the most cold, logical sense. Even when your heart tells you otherwise. Nobody in this line of work has clean hands, after all.
You’ve always done what needs to be done. For everyone’s best interest.
Today marks the first day of your collaboration with a PMC called KorTac. You’re hunting down a homegrown cult turned out-of-control terrorist cell.
You haven’t had much experience working with mercenaries, but in terms of hardened war criminals, KorTac’s people are quite well mannered.
Not that you had expected them to be rude and discourteous, but, well. You are an outsider. They haven’t necessarily embraced you, but their reception was nice enough.
You’ve got a meeting with their commander, but you can’t quite find the room you’re supposed to be meeting in. Not a great first impression to make, but luckily, someone takes pity on you.
He introduces himself. Korean. Callsign Horangi.
“You’ll get used to the layout of the base,” he says as you follow him through winding hallways.
“I hope so,” you reply. “I’ll be here for a while." You study the walls, the signs and numbers on the doors, trying your best to memorize everything.
"Do you know your commander well?" you ask. You're not the world's biggest fan of small talk, but you may as well know what you're walking into.
"König? Yeah, we've been close ever since he joined up." Horangi says, leading you into a long hallway. "He's a good guy. A little intense, but don't let that get to you. He's just getting the job done."
"We'll get along if he's competent." You can respect a man who forgoes pleasantries for making sure the shit gets shoveled.
"You don't have to worry about that." Horangi stops and holds the door open for you. "After you."
You study him for just a moment before entering the room. He's curt and to the point. Not bad-looking, either. Hopefully you'll get more chances to—
Your heart nearly stops.
KorTac's commander is facing away from the doorway, shuffling through some papers by the looks of it. But you would know him from any angle. The set of his shoulders, the way his stance is at ease but never truly relaxed, the way his hair curls at the nape of his neck.
You have to force yourself to step into the room. And when you do, he turns around.
You're vaguely aware of Horangi stepping around you to get into the room, but that's happening somewhere far away from the headspace you occupy right now. By the way König's eyes widen as they meet yours, he's in the same place too.
He hasn't aged so much as he's gotten more tired. He never did sleep enough, but now he looks like he hasn't gotten a sound night's rest in a long time. He's put-together, but there's a haggardness to him that probably wouldn't be noticeable to anybody but you. Someone who knew him when he was younger, and in the prime of his life. Someone who used to know every scar on his body, every crease of his brow, and now hasn't seen him in more than a decade.
The man who broke your heart stands on the other end of the room, staring at you as if he's seen a ghost.
The two of you stand there for a while before Horangi's voice shakes you back to reality. "Brought the station chief, sir."
"I...see." König—you suppose that's what he calls himself nowadays, the arrogant prick—clears his throat. "Thank you, Hong-jin."
"No problem." Horangi takes a seat. "The others will be in soon."
Horangi seems like a perceptive enough guy. Can he tell that the room feels several degrees colder? You pull a chair out, the furthest one from König's position possible, and ignore the hurt that briefly flashes across his face as you sit down.
The meeting goes well. It's just an opportunity for you to formally introduce yourself to the KorTac operators you'll primarily be working with for the next few months.
You can tell they're a close knit group by the easy way they interact with each other: they've worked together for a while.
König, too, is part of them, which must be how they pick up on the chilly dynamic between the two of you. Some of them are just puzzled. For most of them, it raises their hackles.
It doesn't matter to you. You can barely focus on getting through the meeting without feeling like you're going to faint.
It's absurd. You're not some delicate Regency-era lady. You're a hardened military officer. But it makes no difference.
It doesn't matter how long it's been, it seems. He's still the only one who can make you feel like this.
You can't get out of there fast enough after the meeting has concluded. Not only are the others shooting you suspicious looks, but you've spent too long in his presence. Any longer, and you don't know how you're going to keep your composure.
But you can't escape him. Of course not. Why did you ever think otherwise? You hear him call for you, and you walk faster. But it's futile.
This hallway is smaller, narrower, less open. Nobody's around to watch when he slams you against the wall to stop your hasty retreat. Nobody's around to see the way you sway in his hold, overwhelmed by the smell of him all around you. You're bathed in it, the overpowering presence of him.
"We need to talk." he demands.
"We just did. Meeting's over," you shoot back, making a paltry attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. He loosens his hold on you, but you're still trapped between him and the wall. No exit.
"I didn't plan this, in case you're wondering."
"That much was obvious." He's let his hair grow out longer, you notice at the most inopportune time possible. It suits him, you think.
He sighs in frustration. "If we're going to work together, we have to be civil."
"Don't worry. I wouldn't expose how much of a scoundrel you are in front of your precious squad," you bite.
You feel a twinge of smug satisfaction as regret settles into his expression. Too little, too late.
"I don't want it to be like this, either," he murmurs. "Ignoring and avoiding each other."
"You don't get to tell me how to act."
"You're right. But it's been a long time. Can't we try to get along? Not for my sake, but...yours."
"Well that's not condescending at all."
"That's not what I meant. I know my team. If you're walking around resenting me openly like that, they won't trust you. And they need to, if you're working with us."
He's right, and you know it. But there's that deep instinct inside you, older than your bloodline, waking up after a long slumber. It wants him, snapping at the bit to give into him and do whatever he asks of you. The urge will consume you if you don't fight it every step of the way.
You glare up at him, hoping you come off as brimming with resentment instead of desire. "As long as you and your team stay professional, I can too."
He's not satisfied with that answer, but it's all you're going to give him.
"Fine." He steps away from you, and you pour all your willpower into commanding your body to stay still. To not chase after his closeness. You sway on the spot, dizzy with his scent after having gone so long without it.
"This hallway is a dead end, by the way."
You try, you really do. But it's hard to be around him without feeling the urge to touch him, to press yourself against him and inhale him like the most destructive drug possible.
Your only recourse is to stay as physically far away from him as possible.
You do your best to ingratiate yourself with the other operators. You and Calisto are fast friends: she's got a breezy confidence to her that's quite refreshing. It also doesn't hurt that you speak French, as well. There's a bit of kinship felt whenever the two of you are holding a conversation none of the others can understand.
Horangi's a different story, though. The initial courtesy he showed you is a bit more clipped, now that it's clear something is up between you and König.
You can't believe you missed it the first time, the way König's smell is all over him. It really has been too long.
The two of them must be pretty close. You give up trying not to fixate on the idea.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but you were curious. Even more curious when you hear your name mentioned.
"It's pretty clear you and Eden know each other. None of us are stupid."
You freeze in your tracks. The door is closed, but you can hear Horangi's voice, loud and clear in the room behind it.
"It's not relevant. She's just here to do a job."
"I think it's pretty relevant that she gets up and leaves whenever you enter a room, regardless of what she's doing. She can't get away from you fast enough."
You give a surreptitious look at your surroundings, then lean down slightly, pressing your ear to the door.
"You're not going to give this up, are you?"
"Hell fucking no."
You hear König sigh. "Fine. We knew each other before I joined KorTac. Back when I was in the Jagdkommando."
Do you want to hear this? Your painful history, relayed to a near stranger? Horangi's not a stranger to him, that's for sure.
"We were...involved."
"You and a beta? Never took you for the type."
"Well, neither did I. But she was...special. Smart, pretty, deadeye with a knife. Wouldn't give me the time of day, of course. I was obsessed with her."
"Give me a fucking break, okay?"
"Can't wait to hear how this ended."
"Not...great. I was a total dick."
You can say that again, you think.
"I was young. Real dumbass who thought he was hot shit."
"You still aren't."
"Shut the fuck up." Something twinges inside you at the hearty laughter the two of them share. You missed that laugh.
"Despite everything, it was the most stable relationship I've ever been in. We looked out for each other. She knew me better than some of my family does."
"How did you fuck that up, then?"
"I got too comfortable. Started thinking I could do better. God, what a fucking idiot I was. I loved her like crazy, but I didn't realize how good I had it until it was gone."
"She left you?"
"No. I was the one who ended things. In the worst way possible, too. I told her the relationship wasn't going to go anywhere, that we were never going to be a serious thing."
"Ouch. Why not?"
You squeeze your eyes shut. You remember that night, like a shard of glass buried in your chest. As hard as you tried to forget, you'll never forget the way you felt. Like the world was ending.
You'll never forget the decision you had to make.
"I told her I couldn't see myself with a beta long-term."
"...that's fucked up."
"I know. I know. I was too caught up in that shitty macho alpha mindset. I was fucking ravenous back then, and I thought only an omega could give me what I needed."
"I get it now. If I were her, I would have quit on the spot seeing you in that meeting room."
"Yeah. She's a better person than I can ever imagine being."
Well. It's nice to know he regrets it, you think. Not that it does you much good now. Quiet as a mouse, you make a quick exit before you can get caught.
You make it back to the the room you've been assigned to. They were nice enough to give you your own private quarters, something you deeply appreciate when you need to be alone with your own thoughts. Like right now.
It's a strange feeling, to sort of get closure like this. Not at the end, but at the beginning of something new. You still have to see each other. Does it help that you know how he feels? Maybe, but it doesn't ease your own guilt. In fact, it makes it worse.
You're not mad at him for telling Horangi. You're glad he did, actually. There are some secrets that cause more harm to keep than not.
You open a drawer and pull out the pill bottle, hidden underneath your other possessions, and stare at the label.
You would know.
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BOOM! There you have it. (In case it wasn't clear, the suppressants are for omegas.)
@sprout-fics's omegaverse 141 headcanons series inspired me to write something based off the idea of an omega disguising themselves as a beta in the military. Please check out her series, it's great.
I was really into exploring how omegaverse dynamics can make complicated relationships even messier. I did consider writing this story without the omegaverse, but I think now it's kind of an essential element. (I also just. Want them to have crazy nasty omegaverse sex. Sue me) I can't picture König ever breaking up with someone he deeply loved and was obsessed with, unless he had a reason like that. Still not a great reason, but a little bit understandable. Eden being a disguised omega also adds a bit of spice to the exes-to-lovers arc, too: she could have just come out and told him she's not actually a beta, but she chose not to for the sake of her career. Oof. Ruthless judgement calls were made on both sides.
I put this out because this idea had me in a STRANGLEHOLD, and I just had to get it out before I burst. Hopefully my writing's still up to par 😅 As for Kingdom Come, part iii may take a little while longer because a lot is going to happen in it, so I hope this can tide you guys over until then.
As usual, comments and feedback are always appreciated! I would love to talk about this au more. And again, if you'd like to be tagged, drop a reply. And if you're in the taglist and would like to be removed/only tagged for Kingdom Come, please let me know!
@crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria
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luv-indigo · 3 months
okay so, redesigning nadine for the third and (hopefully) final time. i felt she looked too similar to soraya (my keyframes fall mc) so i changed nadine up a bit. also!! i was trying to find oc templates to fill out for my visual novel ocs and although there’s so many out there, none were exactly what i was looking for soooo…. I made my own! i’ll post my other our life ocs with them soon but first, nadine ! (again)
I’ve also changed my own mind. Nadine will be my MC for Qiu’s route.
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Nadine introduction <3
Nadine spent much of her early childhood moving from place to place, all within her home state of California but oftentimes in different cities. Moving around so often made it hard to keep in contact with friends and after a while made it especially hard making friends in the first place.
When Opal tells Nadine they‘re moving once again, Nadine is surprised to learn they’re moving to Oregon, their neighboring state. This time, she learns it’ll be a more permanent location. Nadine doesn’t know exactly how to feel. She’s so used to moving around that being in a place for so long sounds foreign, weird and new. However, part of her can’t help but feel excited, especially since she gets her own room now! But no matter what, she knows mama will be with her every step of the way.
Upon meeting Qiu and Tamarack, Nadine quickly feels they can be the best of friends. Nadine has always been more of a quiet person but not necessarily shy. Spend enough time with her and you’ll find she can talk quite a lot. Yet she’s perfectly content with simply listening as well.
Nadine is mostly a rule follower. Rules are there for a reason right? She prides herself on being neat and orderly. All her belongings are pristine and in their place because that’s just how she likes it. During step 1, Nadine strongly dislikes getting dirty. Which can be difficult to avoid if you’re playing outside in the woods.
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Step Two !!
After four years, Nadine has adjusted well into her new home. Although Nadine needs glasses she very much prefers to use eye contacts instead. It’s also the most convenient when ice skating. She’s taken on ice skating as her main past time and she’s fairly good. Her transportation of choice has been rollerblading so it makes sense she got into ice skating as well.
Her other hobbies are more on the creative side. She enjoys crafting and drawing on occasion. Cosplaying is also one of her major hobbies. For years she has worked on making her Halloween costumes with the help of Mama.
During this time Nadine becomes more of a shy person. During her earlier childhood, she had no problem voicing her thoughts and opinions but it seems now that sort of thing gets harder to do as you age. Thankfully, she has her two close friends to turn to whenever she needs a hand, and in turn she will be there for them as well.
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Step Three !!
Nadine has less and less time to do things she wants. If this is how adult life is she wants zero part of it </3
Nadine has always prioritized their studies (although that became much harder to do when middle school started due to her procrastination habits). Now college is weighing on their mind. Nadine still very much enjoys ice skating yet she struggles to make time to practice. Similarly, cosplaying has turning into a year long project (for Halloween of course). Doing multiple cosplays a year is something she doesn’t have time for anymore. Although they are often busy, Nadine will always make time for a special someone and her best friend, Tamarack.
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Step Four !!
Nadine’s all grown up </3
Throughout many years Nadine has learned things about themselves and grown into the person they are today. Her experiences and the people she has been around since she was ten years old have impacted her life to mold her into who she is, for better or worse. And honestly, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
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And finally this little thing I made with all of Nadine’s doll icons. I had to edit many of them to fit the hair style and clothing options I wanted and it literally took forever </3 ouGh
Also, I apologize for the quality. I tried to preserve it as I was inserting the drawings into the template but resizing may have messed up the quality </3
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sevensymbols · 2 years
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summary: your first year at college is boring and uneventful. that is until you meet a boy named Jaemin and his model friend Jeno. warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT with some angst and fluff sprinkled in, sorta inexperienced reader, dom!jeno, manhandling, jeno is a soft dom at first but turns into a mean dom, spitting, spanking, unprotected sex, the plot is kinda rushed bc let’s be honest that’s not what we’re here for word count: 4,8k read on ao3 instead
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“Seriously Jaemin, how am I even going to fit in there?”
College wasn’t as fun as you thought it would be. You were excited to start your “new me,” excitedly waving your parents goodbye as you left with your suitcases to study in a big city. But as it turns out, college is not fun and neither are your roommates.
You met Jaemin, a self-proclaimed “math-wizard” (it was a lie), during your social studies lectures. You became friends mainly because he just wouldn’t shut up when he sat next to you. You quickly found out he’s an engineering student, although it was quite questionable as to how he got in the university and he lived in a private flat with his two roommates, who you have not met yet.
You quickly learned that getting rid of Jaemin would be very tough, especially since it seemed like you two were destined to bump into each other everywhere. And at the end of the day, he was much more fun than your roommates. He would disrupt the lectures quite often with his snarky comments and he would make you skip lectures just to do something he deemed to be fun.
His newest idea was for you to skip your evening lecture and go with him to his roommate’s fashion show. That is when you learned his roommate was a model, trying to make a name for himself. 
And that is how you found yourself in the lobby of the venue where the fashion show was held, pushing down the hem of your new dress you bought on the way there with Jaemin, who bought a tuxedo. You paid for the dress already wearing it and you’ve never felt so embarrassed.
“You look great,” Jaemin states, looking you up and down. “You’ll fit right in.”
“I don’t know...” you trail off, pulling down the hem of your dress again. You should’ve bought something longer.
“It’s fine,” Jaemin says, patting you on the back like a bro, ”let’s go.”
Unsurprisingly, you were not allowed in the main venue, because you were not invited. Instead, you opted for the smaller venue next to the main one where you could technically witness the whole thing as well, just not very close.
Suddenly everyone got quiet and soft music started playing from the speakers. You held your breath as you watched the first model walk down the runway.
He was tall, with dark hair and sharp eyes. The main point of his outfit was clearly the open back, which was muscular, and he was also wearing black leather heels. You’ve never seen someone so masculine yet so feminine, with a commanding yet friendly aura about them.
Jaemin leans closer to you and whispers. “So... that’s our Jeno.”
You clutch your purse and swallow thickly. Holy fucking shit.
You found out soon enough that the reason why Jaemin has brought you here was not because of the show itself, but mainly because of the after party. There was so much alcohol, so many interesting people around... it all felt like a fever dream.
“Jaemin, how the hell did we end up here,” you ask, looking around. “aren’t we too poor for this place?”
“Shh, no stress!” Jaemin waves you off. “Look, there he is!”
In front of you stood the tall man that opened the show, Jeno. He wasn’t wearing the beautiful backless piece anymore though, he was now in a blazer, his chest out for the world to see, muscles glistening in the purple light. When he saw you and Jaemin he smiled warmly and approached you.
“Hi there,” Jeno says, holding out a hand for you to shake. “You must be ___.”
“That she is,” Jaemin answers for you. “You have no idea how long it took me to convince her to come.”
You hit his arm playfully. “Hey!”
Jeno chuckles, a low, deep chuckle. “Well I’m glad you did, it is nice to finally meet you. Jaemin talks about you quite a bit.”
Now it was Jeno’s turn to get hit by Jaemin. “Not true!”
“Honestly, I can kind of imagine that,” you admit, chuckling as well. “This boy never shuts up.”
Jeno smiles, poking Jaemin with his index finger. “So she does know you pretty well.”
“Guys, stop ganging up on me,” Jaemin whines, throwing his head back. You and Jeno laugh and you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach.
This is going to be a long night.
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After a few drinks and an embarrassing performance on the dance floor, you, Jaemin and Jeno head to their shared apartment. Their other roommate is apparently not home yet for you to meet, but you also feel like you’ve met enough people tonight already. Jaemin offers you to sleep over and you accept, changing from your dress into one of Jaemin’s t-shirts, which he hands you after fist bumping you so things aren’t as awkward.
It is 3:32 when you stop trying to fall asleep on the couch. Your whole body hurts. You open your eyes to see a dim light coming from the kitchen. You get up and shuffle towards the kitchen, where you see Jeno sitting on the counter, drinking. He is still in the same clothes he wore to the afterparty, his chest still glistening in the dim light. He looks unreal, sculpted by the Gods, and your heart skips a beat. 
There is no way you can come near him alone.
You turn around to leave back to the couch.
“Can’t sleep?”
You turn back around and Jeno’s eyes meet yours, that sharp gaze you saw at the fashion show now replaced with puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah,” you admit, twirling your thumbs. There is an awkward silence which Jeno breaks by asking you if you want a drink as well. “Yeah, why not.”
Jeno gets off the counter and pours you a whiskey too. “Come sit next to me.”
You do so, hopping on the counter, and you are met with his sweet cologne. If this was your cue to faint, it was pretty on point. You take a sip of the whiskey, the alcohol burning at the back of your throat as you search for a conversation starter. “So how long have you been a model for?”
Really? Is that the best you could come up with?
“Ever since i was sixteen,” Jeno explains, taking a sip of his drink too. “My mom saw the potential, I guess. She used to take me to different agencies all over the country. Then I signed with my current company and I have been travelling as a model ever since. Though I mostly work here in the city and not abroad, keyword yet.”
“I see.”
“Now let’s just get this out of the way,” Jeno suddenly says, finishing his drink, now facing you. “Are you and Jaemin-”
“NO!” you shout, quickly covering your mouth. As much as you’re aware of the effect Jaemin has on others around you, the jealous looks you get when you two are hanging out, you could never see yourself being with someone like him. “We’re just friends. I mean I know what it looks like kinda but at the same time he’s like a bro-”
Jeno shushes you by pressing his index finger to your lips. “In that case, can I just say you looked so fucking sexy in that little dress of yours last night.”
Oh my God.
You choke on air, eyes growing wide. “I- I... I mean-”
He leans in so he is inches away from your face. “I want to kiss you so bad. Will you let me, pretty girl?”
You nod, and he crashes his lips onto yours. The kiss is needy, urgent and passionate. You can taste whiskey on his tongue and you are pretty sure he can taste it on yours as well. He threads his fingers through your hair, pulling it gently, before detaching his lips from yours and kissing down your jaw, to the shell of your ear, and then down your neck. You feel his wet muscle licking at your neck, his lips latching onto the skin. You whimper and that sound makes him groan and he momentarily returns to your lips to swallow your whimpers.
Your hands find his chest and you make Jeno shiver by running your fingers up and down, always stopping below his collarbone when going up and stopping above his pants when going down.
Jeno’s free hand squeezes one of your breasts through the fabric of your bra and Jaemin’s shirt. He gets off the counter and body rolls his crotch into yours, to which he has to cover your mouth because you let out a sinful moan.
“You are so hot,” he whispers into your ear and you really want to scream “YOU TOO” but his hands are everywhere and-
Suddenly the light in the hallway turns on and Jeno flies off of you. You’re still on the counter trying to catch your breath when in walks a guy with lavender hair. His eyes are half-closed and he is yawning with every step he takes. He takes one look at you and then at Jeno and points his finger at him.
“Is this your-” he trails off, squinting his eyes at the taller man.
“N-no!” Jeno explains, rather panicked. “She’s Jaemin’s friend.”
And that’s how you met Donghyuck, Jaemin’s second roommate.
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The next morning, you are all eating breakfast in the kitchen. You’re seated next to Jeno - as per his request - aka raising his eyebrow at you and looking at the empty chair next to him - and you are listening to Jaemin and Hyuck bicker about something.
Suddenly you feel a hand creeping up your leg. You are still only wearing your underwear and Jaemin’s t-shirt, so the access to your leg is pretty easy. You look up at Jeno, who has his hand hidden under the table, caressing your skin.
“Don’t make a sound,” he whispers and smiles at you, but his smile is sinister, and you soon understand why as his hand slowly, cautiously rides up, up, even higher, until it reaches the waistband of your panties. You hold your breath as his fingers cross that barrier and start playing with your clit.
You squeeze your legs together and Jeno is not happy about that, slapping your inner thigh and pushing your legs open again. His fingers trace your slit before entering you and you have to pretend to cough to surpass a moan that is creeping up your throat. You can tell Jeno has a lot of experience by the way his skillful fingers plunge in and out of you and you can feel your inner thighs becoming wet with your arousal.
You look at Hyuck and Jaemin, who are still in their own little world, and you suppose you’re in yours as well. Suddenly the pressure is getting on you and you feel like seeing stars and it’s all too much-
“Excuse me,” you suddenly say, pulling Jeno’s hand off of you and fixing your t-shirt before getting up. “I need to use the bathroom.”
“Sure!” Jaemin smiles at you and returns back to his conversation.
As you are leaving, you can see Jeno licking his fingers and smirking in your direction.
In the bathroom you grab onto the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks are flushed red and you have to splash some cold water on your face to try and get rid of the hot feeling. Then you look around, grab a towel and start cleaning the arousal off of your thighs. 
“That’s my towel, you know.”
You freeze. Not daring to turn around, you instead look at the reflection in the mirror to see Jeno leaning against the door frame. He walks in and closes the door behind him, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you towards him.
“Why did you run away like that?”
“I-” You cannot find the right words. “I’m sorry, I- I couldn’t come right in front of them-”
“Shh, don’t apologize,” Jeno coos, grabbing your face and pulling you into a deep kiss. Your face is hot again and your hands become sweaty and you don’t dare touch him. “You did so well for me back there, baby.”
Baby. Your knees were getting weaker by the second.
Jeno finally breaks the kiss and looks you deep in your eyes, grabbing onto the hem of the t-shirt you’re wearing. “I only wish you were wearing my t-shirt and not Jaemin’s. Next time, I’m gonna make you come so hard you will never think about anyone else’s dick but mine.”
“Next time?” you ask, squeezing the towel in your hands.
“Next time,” Jeno confirms, smiling at you. “Now let me give you my phone number and let’s get out of here.
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Over the next few weeks you and Jeno text often. Just about your day - for you it’s usually a café photo or a picture of Jaemin sleeping during your social studies lecture, for Jeno it’s mostly a behind the scenes look at his work. You’re getting giddy every time his name pops up on your phone, even if its just a few times a day.
That is, until one day, you receive the following text message:
Jeno: Sorry, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to keep talking to each other. Please don’t text this number again.
And just like that, you lose the one exciting thing about your college life. Sure, you still have Jaemin, and being with Jaemin is always fun, but you can’t help but think about what could’ve been with the tall, handsome model. You of course first think it’s a joke, but Jeno never ever replies to you again. You do not dare to tell Jaemin, he still doesn’t know about anything and you like to keep it that way.
Oh well. Life goes on.
A few more weeks go by since the faithful text and now Jaemin invites you to his flat again, this time he wants you to look after his new kitten as him and both of his roommates are going to be away for the weekend. You agree - there is nothing you want more than to get away from your own roommates.
As it turns out, looking after a kitten is much easier than you thought - mainly because kittens sleep just as much as adult cats do. You’re currently making yourself a sandwich and you can hear the TV from the living room playing the melody of your favorite reality show. You hum to yourself as you cut the tomatoes.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
You turn around, knife still in hand, only to see a pissed off Jeno. He’s wearing a long coat and his black hair is sleek, though it looks like he hasn’t slept in a while.
“I- I-”
“Who the fuck asked you to be here?” Jeno is mad, you’ve never seen him this way. The most problematic part of that is how much it turns you on.
“Jaemin!” you squeak. “He told me to look after Lyra.”
Jeno huffs. “Okay, well I am here now. So just leave.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I said leave.”
You frown and decide to stand your ground. “No. I am not leaving.”
Jeno pinches the bridge of his nose and looks down at the ground. Then, a word slips past his lips, and it almost goes unnoticed by you. Almost.
“I’m sorry, what did you just call me?” you ask, gripping the handle of the knife.
Jeno looks up, his eyes shooting arrows at you. “I called you a whore.”
“Why the hell are you calling me that?”
“Because that’s all you are, isn’t it? A stupid whore.”
“You asshole,” you spit out, waving the knife around. “I am the whore yet you’re the one pouncing on me the second you meet me? I’m so done with you, Jeno.”
“Stop fucking pointing the knife at me, Jesus, woman!”
You drop the knife on the counter and focus on Jeno again. “I am right, aren’t I?”
“I never would’ve touched you if I knew what a worthless bitch you are!”
That one hurt. It may not have been the best comeback, but something shifts in you.
“Why are you like this?” you ask but your voice betrays you, cracking in the middle of the sentence.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Jeno asks like a villain in a movie, folding his arms. “I don’t want you in my, or any of the boys’ life anymore.”
“Jeno, please,” you’re begging at this point, falling to your knees and crawling towards the tall man. “I don’t know what I did to you to deserve this.” Tears prick your eyes and your throat swells up. You grab onto his pant leg, sobbing, looking up at him. “I’m sorry...”
Jeno scoffs. “You’re so pathetic, you know that?”
You’re still sobbing, a weak “please” escaping your lips as you feel the tears pouring down your cheeks. Jeno bends down so he is eye level with you and suddenly opens his mouth, his tongue sliding out and licking the hot tears off of your face.
Then, a kiss.
This kiss is reminiscent of your first one, it’s needy and urgent. Jeno completely dominates the kiss, holding your face so you don’t move. He licks into your mouth and detaches his lips from yours, both of you trying to catch your breath.
“Get up,” Jeno commands. You oblige immediately, as if under a spell, and he throws you over his shoulder before walking into his room. There, he lays you down on the ground, not the bed, and you look at him as he takes off his coat.
He is a beautiful man. He is devastatingly handsome, his sharp features perfectly aligning with his sharp gaze. He deserves to be worshiped, for his face to be plastered on every single magazine cover until the end of time. 
Finally, he faces you again.
“Now let me make myself very clear,” he pauses, chuckling at your wide-eyed expression. “If you want to leave now, just say so. We won’t ever talk about this. But if you decide to stay, I will not hold back, you will take what I give you. No other man will ever satisfy you the way I will, tonight.”
He stands there and waits, hands in fists and knuckles white. He waits for you to say something, to get up and run away, yet all you do is let out a moan of the model’s name. You can’t believe how much of an effect this man has on you. Maybe you really are as pathetic as Jeno claims you to be.
“Fuck it,” Jeno sighs upon hearing it, rushing to you and kissing you again. He stops himself however, quickly jumping on his feet and clearing his throat. “Strip. I want you naked in 30 seconds.”
You gulp, quickly taking off your pants, your t-shirt and your bra and then your panties. Suddenly you’re very aware of the fact that he is still very much dressed and the cold air in the room creates goosebumps on your skin. Jeno walks up to you and whatever emotion is on his face, you just can’t read it. 
“Open your mouth,” he orders and you do just that. He leans down a little, spitting into your mouth. “Swallow.”
You swallow, eyes still wide, looking up at the man in front of you. He doesn’t react and instead unbuckles his belt. He takes off his belt completely, ordering you to put your hands behind your back. He skillfully ties your hands with the belt and tests if you can move your hands or not.
“Jeno, I-”
“Did I tell you to speak?” Jeno shoots back, threading his hand in your hair and pulling on it. You don’t dare answer, instead you watch as he returns in front of you and pulls down the zipper of his pants. Pulling down his boxers, you gulp again at his size as his dick springs free. He is only semi-hard, but that is about to change as he guides it into your welcoming mouth. You suck on it, thinking of all the porn movies you watched and using your best techniques. “That’s right, suck that big cock,” Jeno groans, his fingers threading in your hair again.
You suddenly release his dick from your mouth with a loud “pop” and Jeno is about to protest, when you lick his balls, the base of his cock up to his tip. He lets out a moan, the first time you’ve ever heard him moan actually, and you couldn’t be more proud. Jeno suddenly grabs you by your hair and pulls you up, scooping you up in his arms and almost throwing you on the bed.
“Don’t think for a second that you’re the one in control here,” Jeno growls, grabbing you by your chin so you’re face to face. “It’s me who gets to dominate you.” He then flips you around so you’re on your stomach and spanks you hard.
“That’s for being a slut.”
“That’s for thinking you’re the one who calls the shots here.”
“That’s for fucking with me and making a fool out of me.”
Every spank was harsh against your soft skin, yet you enjoyed every second of it, your inner thighs getting coated with your arousal. However the last reason confused you quite a bit. “What do you mean-”
“That’s for speaking when not spoken to.”
Jeno gives you one more spank, although he doesn’t specify for what. Instead he lowers himself on the bed so he is facing you again. “You know, good sluts say thank you.”
“Thank you... sir.” You add the honorific just in case that is what he wants, and it proves to be a good choice, because soon enough his fingers find your aching cunt, all swollen and dripping just for him, and he starts playing with your clit just like he did that one faithful morning. His fingers then enter you, scissoring inside of you to stretch you out for his cock.
“Do we need a condom?”
“No- I’m, I’m on the pill,” you whimper. “Please, I need to feel you.”
You thought the time will never come but finally you feel his tip at your entrance and you gasp into the sheets as he slowly pushes in. “Fuck,” Jeno groans, “you’re still so tight”. He then starts moving, slowly at first but soon enough picks up the pace and you can’t help but moan out loud.
He doesn’t punish you for it but grabs you by the throat, arching your back and pulling you towards his chest. “Take it. Fucking take it. Be a good whore and take it.”
Jeno then starts moving much faster, your groans muffled by his big hand on your throat. His free hand starts playing with your nipple and he growls into your shoulder.
“Jeno, Jeno, Jeno,” you’re chanting his name like a prayer and it seems like he doesn’t care anymore that you’re speaking without being asked to.
“This is how I like you. Just a bitch desperate to cum,” Jeno says. He flips you over on your back and continues his merciless thrusts, hand not leaving your throat. “Say you’re a whore. Say it.”
“I’m- I’m-” you whimper, so close to release. “Jeno, I’m going to cum-”
“No the fuck you’re not,” Jeno booms, and, if it is even possible, speeds up his thrusts. “Not before you say what a fucking slut you are.”
“I’m a slut! Fuck, Jeno,” you moan, wrists aching from being tied for so long, “I’m your slut! You fuck me so good!”
“That’s right, it’s me who fucks you this good. You’re drunk on this big fucking cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes, oh yes!” you yell, arching your back again. “Jeno, I have to cum, I can’t do it...”
“Cum for me,” he says and you do just that, releasing on his cock, your cunt spasming. He comes right after you, burying himself deep inside of you, before slowly pulling out and watching his cum seep out of you.
Your heart has never been beating this fast.
You’re not sure if it is because of the mind-blowing orgasm you’ve just experienced or if it’s because of Jeno. The tall man is trying to calm himself down, but you can see his chest rapidly moving up and down.
You lay next to each other for a few minutes, neither of you saying anything. It’s a weird feeling really, you’re used to cuddles after sex, or long talks about the universe, but not this. Suddenly, Jeno turns to you, his hair messy, eyes dark and focused.
“I think you should leave now.”
You wonder what to do next, whether you should plead with him or just simply walk away. The truth is, it’s a bit too late to be walking around alone. But you figure you can just call an Uber and explain to Jaemin what happened later.
Well, maybe not everything.
You get up from the bed slowly, not saying a word to Jeno, before putting your clothes back on. You’re almost at the door when you hear Jeno murmur “say hi to Jae for me.”
Your ears perk up. “Say hi to who?”
“Jaehyun? The dude you fucked at the frat party like two months ago, you know, when we were still talking?”
You couldn’t be more confused. “Who the fuck is Jaehyun?”
Jeno looks at you, a visible puzzled expression on his face. “Then why would he tell me you guys fucked? He said you were there and he let you suck his dick in the bathroom and then you let him fuck you in the guest bedroom!”
“Jeno, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I don’t know anyone named Jaehyun. And any parties I’ve ever been to I have always been by Jaemin’s side. You can literally ask him, he’s your friend too, you know?”
Jeno gets up from the bed as well. “But then- but he-”
A lightbulb pops up above your head. “Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you stopped talking to me because some random dude told you I had sex with him?? Do you realize how absolutely insane that is?”
“Wait, no, ___, I-”
“Seriously, Jeno? You couldn’t have asked, I don’t know, me, if was even true?”
Jeno is quiet, and for what feels like the first time, you have the upper hand.
“You know what? I’m done, go fuck yourself Jeno.”
You storm out of the room, Jeno quickly running after you. He catches up with you very quickly, grabbing you by the arm. “___, wait, let me explain myself.”
“No, I don’t think I will actually,” you say, trying to sound as calm as possible. You are thinking of how crazy it is that Jeno is now the naked one while you are fully clothed.
“___, please. I’ve fallen in love with you!”
You stop dead in your tracks now, your heart skipping a beat. “Huh?”
“It’s true, it’s fucking true!” Jeno screams, looking at you but not making eye contact. “I wanted to ask you out on a proper date but then I met Jaehyun and he told me you guys...” he trails off. “I got so mad. Finally I like someone so sweet and hot and- I couldn’t control my anger. I’m so fucking sorry, I wish I could go back and undo what I had done but I can’t.”
“Kiss me.”
Jeno is as confused as ever. “What?”
“You heard me,” you nod. “If you want us to make up, just kiss me.”
Feverishly, he grabs you by your shoulders, pulling you close to him and kissing you. Out of all the kisses you two shared, this one is maybe the most desperate, with Jeno kissing you like you were the last person on Earth, you clutching onto his elbows as you lean into the kiss. “I’m never,” he stops and kisses you again, “making the same mistake,” kiss, “ever again,” kiss.
You break the kiss and look into his wide eyes. “Then does that mean you’re not throwing me out of the apartment?”
Jeno intertwines his fingers with yours, pulling you back towards his room. “Not only are you not leaving, but we’re not leaving my bed until the morning.”
He pauses, seeing you in his room fully clothed and clearly realizes he’s been naked this whole time. “I, um...”
You smile. It’s probably the first time you’ve done so ever since your first encounter earlier. “I guess you shouldn’t be the only one naked here.”
Jeno smiles too, pulling you towards the bed and you both fall on it. “I guess I shouldn’t.”
“Round two?”
“You don’t even have to ask, baby.”
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sausagepastry · 1 year
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Wanna share a couple of my rnnk headcanons! Sorry for the mistakes, my english is SUCKS, but i still want to show it (and hugging boys too) There should have been a little more of them, but I cut out some 1) Rinne and Niki are married! This marriage is not registered in any way, of course, but! they still had a small home wedding ceremony (where only Hiiro was invited) with traditions from the Amagi's village. As wedding rings, they used those rings that Rinne always wears on his hands 3) Rinne always wears a ring, and Niki not. He doesn't want to lose or spoil it while working, so he keeps it in his wallet 5) Despite the ban on kissing before the wedding, they have already kissed at least once purely because of teenage interest (hi 1417 rinnk), but this "does not count as a real kiss because it was before the wedding" 6) Niki and Rinne are both VERY tactile, so any physical contact is an integral part of their lives 7) Despite Rinne's rather vulgar character and the way he sticks to Niki, when the Shiina himself begins to take the initiative, there is a "boom" in Rinne's head and he feels embarrassed ( liomgomgomghessuchcuteilovehimilovehiiim) 8) Rinne likes to hug Niki from the back most of all 9) Rnnk 1417 is back. Before they became idols, Niki often took Rinne to karaoke because he saw his interest in this and wanted to makes him happy 10) Rinne stumbles into the cafe where Nicky works just because he missed him and wants to see his cute wifey 11) I think Rinne very quickly begins to miss Niki, like a dog. Sometimes Niki need to turn off the phone, because Rinne literally throws him texts and calls, which prevents him from working 15) Rinne may seem to those who do not care about anniversaries like "the day when we first met/kissed", but in fact he remembers it well and attaches great importance to all these days, and indeed to any little things if they are related to Niki 17) 1417 rinniki yeah. While living together, they often played games together and watched movies. And Niki was very bad at this 18) Niki has some form of "sleepwalking", he can start chewing, sucking and drooling in his sleep. Usually these are pillows and blankets, but if he sleeps with Rinne, then Niki use his hair and hands 19) Rinne often gives Niki toys from vending machines 20) Niki is not a fan of alcohol, but sometimes he doesn't mind drinking if it's together with Rinne 21) Drunk Niki becomes even more tactile, and also falls asleep very quickly, so when they drink together, it usually ends with Niki hanging on Rinne's shoulder and falling asleep right on him 22) Rinne is attention seeker, especially from Niki 23) For this reason, he is a little jealous, he does not like it when Niki praises someone else. When this happens, he immediately begins to ingratiate himself with his boyfriend and beg for praise and affection 26) Rinne likes to use colognes, Niki doesn't really like these smells. He likes Rinne's natural body odor much more 28) Rinne loves Niki's hair. He would be horrified if he found out that he was going to get a haircut (even he wanted to make him bald at night club). In general, he likes not only to pull his ponytail, but also to rummage in his hair. Rinna really likes to braid Niki and do his hair. Sometimes he helps Niki to put her hair in a ponytail (and they also smell very nice and soft to the touch. Rinne's hair is much tougher) 30) Rinne has Niki's photo on his pjone wallpapers. He really likes to take pictures of him, so Rinne's gallery is just teeming with photos of Niki. Niki himself has only photos of food on his phone, sometimes there are joint photos with Rinne (made by Rinne). Although sometimes he takes pictures of Rinne when he looks funny and silly 33) Rinne sleeps in her underpants, and Niki in her pajamas. But when it's cold, Rinne steals Niki's pajamas, even though they are a little small for him. And Nicky has a lot of clothes with food prints, including these pajamas, so one sleeps in bacon, and the other in scrambled eggs
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
I want these drabbles right now
I wanna read about Kyojuro and Giyu being your secret boyfriend crush while you are another Hashira's tsugoku.
So here it is! My mixed-imagine/drabble as I can't write short fics that well hahaha! I'm too detailed but Imma try!
𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 & 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐗 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None ^^
🌸𝑲𝒚𝒐𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝑹𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒌𝒖🌸
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You are Lord Tengen's tsugoku. You first met Kyojuro when Lord Tengen introduced you to him when he visited his best friend. His glistening eyes and flame-like hair, which you'll swear scintillated under the sun, can't help but draw your attention. A hit behind your head, and you were down.
"Y/N-chan? Are you alright?" You heard a loud voice that snapped you back to reality.
"Eh, she'll be fine. It's her fault for not being flashy." Lord Tengen's voice echoed as you sat up, rubbing the back of your head. "I'm sorry, Lord Tengen." You bowed, and your master just patted your head. "That's fine, little one. Just make sure to do better tomorrow. Today's training is over."
"Thank you, Lord Tengen."
The man pulled his friend away, but before completely taking him away, Kyojuro turned back to you and gave you a big smile. You blushed and immediately gave him a sweet smile. That's the first time that your heart has started beating fast for someone.
Kyojuro's visits became more frequent. He would even volunteer to train you for a day, which would make Lord Tengen happy as he could finally spend more time with his wives. Being your sub-trainer and also the one who sets your heart ablaze, you can't help but observe all his actions, taking them all in and applying them to yourself.
And as time passed, your Sound Breathing improved, which obviously made Tengen boast about you to his other pillars. Kyojuro sat beside you and draped his hands across your shoulder.
"I'm proud of you, little one." 
He says, imitating how Lord Tengen addressed you. This will definitely make you blush, almost wanting to just throw yourself on him to give him a smooch.
"Thanks to both of you." You said, smiling back.
For some reason, your first mission after that event was with Kyojuro. Tengen drapes his hand across your shoulder and tells you that he's confident that Kyojuro will take care of you. You swear that you saw Lord Tengen wiggle his eyebrows at Kyojuro, which made the flame incarnate red.
So during the mission, the Flame Hashira would often share his meals with you on your travels. Of course you would accept. But there's one thing. He wants to feed it to you like a little girl. Yes, the Flame Hashira seemed to not care about you indirectly kissing him through his chopstick. The thought makes you internally scream. His "UMAI" will stop those internal screams! Yes, he loved food, and you loved watching him eat.
Kyojuro would talk with you about his little brother, as he is also comfortable with you because of the bond that you have forged with him during your training. You love the way he talks and the way his eyes shine brightly while doing so. He's a little touchy, patting you by the shoulder, touching your arm, and even playing with your hair as he says, They look good.
However, in the battle, Kyojuro didn't give you a special treatment. He believes in your ability; he's your number two fan. Yes, because Lord Tengen is number one. But of course, he makes sure to help you whenever you're in trouble.
Both of you managed to finish the mission with minor wounds. But still, Kyojuro made sure that you were okay, always asking if there were other parts of you that were aching. Your heart wanted to just kiss him there.
When you're both sent back to Lord Tengen's estate as there's no need for major procedures on your injuries, Lord Tengen's three wives pull you into their embrace, with, of course, Suma crying her eyes out. Kyojuro looks at his best buddy and tells him how great you did at the fight.
Kyojuro spends the night in Lord Tengen's place because he is too tired. You visited him in his room and handed him some tea that you had made for him. Being the modest man he is, he couldn't help but blush as he looked at you, clad in clothing that matches Tengen's wives.
"Y-You're not cold with those clothes?" He asks shyly, handing you his uniform's jacket.
You took it, of course; you're in love with the man, so why not? You draped it over your shoulder, and you stopped yourself before all hell broke loose as his warmth and the scent of forest and campfires blanketed you.
Kyojuro asks you to sit with him, which you do, and he would ask you how your day has been and also ask about your injuries, making sure you are okay. He would even joke that if he didn't know who you were, he would mistake you for one of Tengen's wives because you are so beautiful.
"B-Beautiful?" You asked, blushing, which made Kyojuro realise that he had said too much. He went on all fours and bowed at you. "I'm sorry, I'm not looking at you in a bad way, Y/L/N-chan. You're just too beautiful to be ignored. I mean, you're strong and—"
You cut off his words with your sweet chuckle, which eventually made him look up. "Rengoku-san, thank you. You're beautiful as well." You said that made the guy almost lose his strength to do total concentration breathing.
Kyojuro's visits became more frequent after that evening than they had previously been. And he would bring you take-home meals that he had bought on his missions. He thinks of you more often as well. You even notice how he tries his best to give you a smile, even if he is in training with Lord Tengen. And there was a hit on the back of his head, and he fell down.
"Sorry buddy! I wasn't concentrating!"
Tengen would usually laugh it off, but of course, even without you two knowing, the man already knows that you two like each other.
But then, surprisingly, at the end of that day, Kyojuro finally confessed to you. Yes, he's the first to have revealed his feelings.
"I love you, Y/LN-chan!"
"Rengoku-san? You mean it?"
"Yes Y/L/N-chan! So, hush little darling, I'll do my best to make you happy."
"I love you too; I always did."
And of course, you accept it, finally getting the chance to throw yourself on him and give him that passionate kiss you have longed to do.
🌸𝑮𝒊𝒚𝒖 𝑻𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒐𝒌𝒂🌸
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You're the Love Hashira's tsugoku. Mitsuri has adored you since she first laid eyes on you, so she took you in as the successor of Love Breathing. And so, she will take on your training, and one day, both of you will accidentally stumble on her fellow Hashira, Tomioka.
Knowing Mitsuri, she invited the man to stay for a while for lunch. Despite his cold facade, Giyu didn't reject Mitsuri and walked inside the inn with the two of you. That's the first time that you've met the Water Hashira, and since then, you can't take your eyes off him.
Tomioka doesn't talk to you, obviously, because even with his fellow Hashira, he isn't that chatty. You and Mitsuri knew that the ravenette man would accompany you in surveying the secluded town where suspected demonic activity is happening. You wanted it, but you also felt like it would be kind of awkward.
In surveying, you need to disguise yourselves, so the three of you went into a kimono shop and bought clothes to wear. After that, Mitsuri decided that she'd survey on her own, acting as if she were a food connoisseur. You complained, but she said that she couldn't let you work on your own, especially if the mission needs two Hashiras, so you need to be with Tomioka and pretend as if you're married or something.
"Can we be like siblings?" Tomioka asked, perhaps uncomfortable with the thought. You sighed and just agreed, even if you didn't want to. You're kind of attracted to Giyu's silence, as he radiates an enigmatic aura that magnetises you more. So acting like his sister would be harder than expected.
But you had no choice.
Tomioka stayed silent, avoiding any conversations as much as possible. When asking about things, he would let you talk, and he'd just watch you from afar. That kind of pisses you off, as he doesn't act as brotherly as he should.
So, you just let his attitude slide for a few more instances. But then you were surprised when you saw another part of him when a drunk man tried to touch you inappropriately while you were about to ask the bartender about what's been happening to the town.
Giyu caught the man's arm and squeezed it tight, which made the man whimper. "Hey, don't touch my wife." He said that and pulled you away from the place. You can't help but blush at what he said. The shift from sister to wife in your pretending was quicker than you thought. Actually, you never thought the man could do that at all.
"Focus on the road, not on my face, Y/L/N-chan."
"Oh sorry."
But despite that, Giyu's hand on your waist couldn't help you focus at all. He pulled you nearer as he noticed this, perhaps trying to protect you. You blushed at the thought again, but no...
"I'll tell Kanroji-san that you're not focusing if you continue to turn red as a tomato out of nowhere."
So the Water Hashira notices your blush! You pulled away from him and cleared your throat. "It's part of Love Breathing." You lied, which made Giyu smile a bit. You were astounded by that, so you went near his face and poked his cheek. "Tomioka-san! I've got you to smile!"
He rolled his eyes and walked past you, pretending to ignore your antics, but inside, he felt a bit happy. And so you did.
The day passed without any information. Mitsuri contacted the both of you using her Kasugai crow, and she said that they might need to stay a bit longer.
So, you and Tomioka decided to check into an inn. And yes, you're both pretending to be married couples, so he only booked one room for the both of you.
The first couple of days were a bit awkward. But then you tried your best to just focus on the surveillance. But sometimes, you will catch Tomioka looking at you with no emotion. It would look creepy on other people, but on you, it makes you red.
So tonight, Giyu was just sitting inside your room, cleaning his sword, while you were in the other corner, enjoying your meal.
But still, the Water Hashira was the first one to break the silence.
"I'll be on a survey tonight. Want to come with me?"
"Sure Tomioka-san."
"Just make sure to not turn beet red once again. I'm not the demon, so you shouldn't stare at me too much."
What is the matter with this man? He acts detached, but he notices every single bit of your actions that made a flush of heat crawl up your cheeks. Like Mitsuri, you're easily flushed.
"And, you're red again."
"Why are you observing me? Do you have a crush on me?" You asked Tomioka, which definitely caught him off-guard. He placed his sword on the table and crossed his arms. "What if I do?"
His answer shocked you. He doesn't act like he likes you, but he does. You gulped and looked away. A small chuckle escaped from Giyu's lips, and he just opened the window, readying himself to start the surveillance.
You tried to stop him, but he cut you off.
"Hush little darling, we'll talk about this later. Okay?"
"Yes sir." You muttered, blushing madly as he called you darling. You'll definitely let Mitsuri know about this. You know that she would never get mad at you for feeling this way.
Then after that, Giyu disappeared, and you soon followed him to start the surveillance.
You'll definitely talk with him about that later.
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖!
Thank you for checking this out my loves ^^
I'll make a few more fics and I hope you'll check em out~
Love yah! Requests are open so don't be shy!
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pinkaditty · 1 year
Idia Shroud Thoughts (Twisted Wonderland)
summary: a small collection of thoughts about Idia Shroud to cure my endless brainrot. some nsfw, some sfw. either way, 18+.
a/n: okok i promise I AM WORKING ON THE OBEY ME PERV THING ok i am i swear i promise <3. I just recently started playing Twisted Wonderland again after having uninstalled it like, a year or so ago and i immediately reentered my Idia Shroud brainrot bc he's my fav! more for the other of age characters will be coming soon. silent readers won't be blocked but psa that i do love it when you leave comments, likes, and asks!
cw: uwaaa as per usual! some smut implication, gn!reader though mention of underwear is present, sub!idia, annnnd i think that's it. please lmk if i missed anything triggering!
Idia Shroud who is...
Idia Shroud who is nervous.
He wasn’t the one to first approach. He was perfectly fine with watching you from afar, daydreams of you placating his intense yearning, and fantasies of you fueling his wet dreams and satisfying his libido. He was fine just being a background character until you grew closer. His nerves ate him alive whenever you approached, and he almost resorted to his old habit of talking through a tablet. But he managed, and you became friends. Every time you were close, he knew it would never be enough. Even when you got close enough to give the occasional hug or playfully punch him in the shoulder after a crushing video game loss, he knew these touches would only make it worse. But he couldn’t stop. He wanted to milk you dry of all the affection you were willing to give him, because it made him thrive, and only made his pining worse. Helping you with classwork, showing you his favorite video games, and inviting you over to do nothing together… It got worse and worse and worse for him until he was at rock bottom, believing his degeneracy could not get any worse. The dreams, the pretending, the yearning… It had taken its toll. Until you confessed. 
Idia Shroud who is possessive.
Not too possessive, but enough. His insecurities fuel his possessiveness, especially when he sees you talking to popular heartthrob Leona or sly tease Trey. His jealousy rises quickly and he can feel the roots of his hair blaze, turning orange before quickly fading back to blue. He cannot afford to lose his temper. It is times like these when he starts thinking about how you deserve someone better than a shut in, but he cannot bring himself to not cling to you. He simply must. Demonstrate that you love and want him and he’ll be happy. He cannot say that the occasional haunting thought of keeping you all to himself is not attractive, though.
Idia Shroud who is inexperienced. 
He’d had the occasional kindergarten or juvenile “relationship”, in which all it took to get a partner was sharing your snacks and offering a flower during recess. He was more innocent then, and less of a recluse. But over the years, he only found more and more reasons to shut himself in, and continued to find them until he didn’t need excuses anymore. The most he’s ever done is hold hands and hug, but even that was with family or when he was five years old. 
When you so much as lean on his shoulder he short circuits and stiffens, unsure of what he should do. When you grab his hand he freezes in place, wide eyed like a deer in headlights. When you kiss his cheek he jumps, shrinking in on himself and looking at you questioningly. It takes him a long time to even blush at these interactions, realizing that they come from a place of fondness and not emotionlessness or malicious intent. When he’s finally comfortable, doing these things in public will spook him immensely, but doing it in private is just fine. He’ll melt into your touches like he’s never been loved before. The thumping of your heart will be enough to soothe him to rest and a twitch of your fingers will be enough for him to grab yours, intertwining his fingers with them. He will breathe and you will be there and that will be enough. 
Don’t kiss him yet, though. You’d have to wait a few months to do that with him. 
Idia Shroud who is a pervert.
He simply cannot get enough of your smell. He doesn’t even mind if it's strong. It doesn’t matter. He will bury his face in your neck when you two are in private, and will do far worse when he’s alone. He often nicks your dirty clothes when he comes by your dorm. He usually takes worn shirts, hoodies, and bras (if you wear them), but will occasionally take a pair of your intimates. What he does with all those is obvious. He often sleeps with them, holding your clothes close to his face and inhaling your scent, pretending he was brave enough to convince you to stay over. And when a growing need makes itself known in his abdomen and his head starts to spin, he’ll wait til he’s alone before pulling out your intimates and shamefully pressing his face into them, wrapping a hand around his length. 
Idia Shroud who is submissive.
Well yes, he knows what sex is, he’s an adult. What he doesn’t know is all the particulars, how fond and loving it could be, how intense and overstimulating it could be, and just how many breaks he’d need to take. Before being with you, all he’d known was that watching hentai was enough to get him off. He knew what he liked in theory, all the twisted hentai fantasies locked under several layers of encryption on his laptop. But he didn’t know what he actually liked. He had never had anyone truly touch him before. When your fingers run down his arm or press into his thigh, he doesn’t know how to react. And when you touch bare skin, it’s even worse. It took you a long time to even kiss him, and it’ll take far longer to initiate and maintain any sort of extensive physical intimacy. But when he’s finally comfortable, you start out slow. You go no further than his torso for a few months, touching him carefully, paying attention to every hitched breath, gasp, and mumble that came from him, memorizing what he liked. When he says it’s alright, you’ll touch his thighs, and if he’s feeling brave, he’ll let you squeeze them and ghost your fingers close to his groin. With your permission, he’ll press his hands to your chest and hold you by your waist, and if he’s brave enough, he’ll squeeze your hips, too. When he finally lets you see his length, the two of you are limited to mutual masturbation for a while, foreheads pressed together and pleasured sighs mixing together. In the passing months, when he’s ready for more, you’ll start touching him, and he’ll start touching you, getting each other off instead of mutual masturbation. And finally, when he decides he’s truly ready, he’ll tell you, and he’ll let you take the lead and pin him to the nearest piece of furniture. 
Idia Shroud who is insatiable.
You’ve had him once, and you’ll have him again, and again, and again. After the first time, you worked together to see what felt and worked right for both of you, and once it was perfected, it just kept happening. He couldn’t get enough. He loved your touch, your taste, and all the sounds you’d make, and he loved how you made him feel. Each time he finished, whether he was inside or outside of you, under you or over you, taking what you had or doing the work, he always felt overwhelmingly yours. And he wanted to be yours over and over and over again, and he wanted you to remind him that he belonged to you each and every time. After taking control of things his whole life, it is immeasurably pleasurable to leave all the decisions to someone else. To be purely at their mercy, knowing he is safe in their arms. He cannot get enough of that feeling, and it’s all the better that it’s with you.
Idia Shroud who is in love with you.
a/n: screams and yells and kicks my feet i love him sm!! anyways i really really hope u guys like this one bc i actually really like this one. i think i did an exceptionally good job this time. again more will be coming for the other 18+ characs, like Trey and Cater and Vil and Rook and possibly Leona. I'll do the profs if asked, maybe, but the reader WILL NOT be a student. again i do appreciate likes, comments, reblogs, and asks!! thank you all so much!
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andy-15-07 · 8 months
After all we are a family
masterlist ! pairing: Finnick Odair x fem!reader x Johanna Mason
GENRE: fluff, love
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After everything that happened, with the revolt against the Capitol, you and Finnick went back to our home, in District 4. Everyone and things became normal.
When I got home, it was as if something was missing, not something rather someone and that person was Mags, she volunteered as a tribute for me because she knew I was pregnant, she was not only a mentor for me but she was like a mother. Mags and Finnick were my mentors in the 70th annual Hunger Games, they helped me survive.
Finnick decided that we should have a house right by the ocean, because the ocean is the only thing that reminds us of some beautiful memories, when you and Finnick declared your love for each other, when I called Mags mom for the first time and when I confessed to her that I was pregnant with Finnick's child.
I told Finnick that I am carrying his child after our wedding in District 13 and after I told him he was the happiest man in the world, he had a child with the love of his life, the one who was really happy was Johanna.
When you gave birth to your and Finnick's daughter, Mags Johanna Odair, Johanna and Finnick were with me and they were the happiest. If it was Mags, I know she was also happy that I named my daughter after her.
And the mornings spent with them are the most beautiful.
The morning sun wakes you up and when you turn to your husband's side of the bed, you are met with the place where he was sitting, it was empty, I realized where the most important people in my life were, on the beach.
I get out of bed and take my robe and head out of the house, when I reach the door I look at the scene that is happening in front of me. Finnick was sitting down on the sand with his feet in the water, with Mags on his lap and I see my husband showing something to our daughter.
I slowly leave the house and head towards them, the only thing I'm happy about is that they didn't hear me when I left the house and when I approached them.
"Every time I come here, but especially when I'm near the water, all my worries disappear, just like you did my love." Finnick tells our daughter.
"Good morning Finnick and good morning Mags!" You say and sit down next to them.
"Hello love, I hope you slept well," says my dear husband.
"I slept well. What's up with you two on the beach so early? How long have you been out?" You ask Finnick as you play with little Mags who was happy to see her mom.
"Not long ago, I think it's been 30 minutes since we've been out and the reason we're out is because our little Mags woke up crying and we said not to wake you so we came here, when she saw the water, she calm. It's as if she knows that this is our place, which makes us calm down, it's obvious that she's our daughter." He says and hugs our little treasure.
Johanna always says that her niece is a perfect combination of you and Finnick, Mags has Finnick's eyes and hair, my lips and nose and how we joke about Johanna's behavior when something doesn't suit Mags, which Johanna doesn't deny this.
"Of course she knows she's our daughter." You tell him and rest your head on his shoulder but your eyes don't stop looking at your beautiful daughter.
It's so quiet that we don't hear the famous Johanna Mason heading towards us.
"I know you're fine but I want to know where my favorite niece is." when Mags hears her aunt's voice it's hard to hold her.
Johanna comes and sits next to you and I take Mags from Finnick's arms and give her to her, who was already waiting for her with open arms.
Johanna Mason is not a person who shows her feelings and emotions but around you and Finnick she is completely different, she was always by our side and we were by her side. After all, we are a family.
"I really missed my little niece, sometimes I wish she would come with me, to protect her. But I know our little Mags is safe now, it's not like it was before, everyone is free. " He says and plays with Mags Johanna.
"Johanna, everything will be fine, everything is safe now. We are fine and we are a family no matter what." Finnick says and you keep looking at Johanna who continues to play with the little being, our treasure.
"Finnick's right, we're safe. Jo you know that too." you tell him and then he raises his head and looks in our direction and slowly nods in agreement.
You get closer to her and take her in your arms and after Finnick comes closer and hugs all three of us, his confidants, his wife, daughter and our friend but Finnick and I considered her as our sister.
We sit together on the beach and either look at the crystal clear water, or talk or play with Mags.
After all, we are a family.
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robin-writess · 3 months
hi I'm the anon that was requesting the Sean thing
it was so late at night I wrote Javier instead of Sean in my request and it became really messy, I'm so sorry. It was all meant to be only about Sean idk why I wrote Javier...
(it's 1am rn it's again - really late, I'm sorry if the things I write make no sense, I'm struggling😭)
Ohh okay! Don’t worry I do the same thing sometimes😭😭 also I am so very sorry for the long wait!! Please forgive me if this is bad I really hope you like it !!
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🎀Sean x Fem!Reader ; ‘you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen’🎀
• summary : You and Sean were invited to go with Dutch to a fancy party in Saint Denis, in which you’ll need to dress real fancy and nice. The whole reason y’all went was to find job opportunities, but Sean couldn’t concentrate on his main goal during all this, he’s too busy drooling over you.
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“Come on!” You hear Dutch yell, “if we’re gonna make it to this party we sure as shit better clean up a little.”
You take that as your cue to get ready as you head toward the old, decaying house to get dressed. Around ten minutes later, you walk out in a beautiful long, flowy dress (something like this, or this), your hair done beautifully and your makeup so stunning.
Dutch and Sean stand near the stagecoach as they wait for you. “Ah there she is,” Dutch says as he stops talking to Sean and looks over at you, “you ready?”
“Yep, all set.” You say as he helps you up into the coach.
The two men follow behind you and take their seats.
“Now what were you saying Sean?” Asks Dutch.
“Uh- I uh.. can’t remember,” Sean stutters, causing Dutch to stare at him in silence before looking over at you and back to Sean with a knowing look.
There’s a smirk on his face as he chuckles, “well anyways, about this party…..”
The coach comes to a stop as you’ve finally arrived. One by one you all step out and start making your way towards the entrance, handing all your weapons to the guard before entering.
“Sean, you do your thing,” Dutch says under his breath so only you and Sean can hear, “go talk to people, try to get as much information as you can. Y/n, you too.”
“Yes sir,” you both say in unison.
Stepping out onto the balcony, you see Bronte and a few other men. “Ah, the angry cowboys, you’ve arrived!” He says, “and you’ve washed!”
You take in your surroundings, hearing the sounds of people chatting and laughing together, music playing, and smelling the fresh air. You look around at all the fancy decor, the well dressed men and women in the crowd, but the feeling of someone watching you brings you back to reality. You see Sean eyeing you up and down from the corner of your eye.
‘That’s a little odd..’ you think to yourself, ‘he isn’t usually this quiet.’
“This is quite a party you’ve invited us to,” Dutch smiles and shakes Bronte’s hand. “Yes, quite something..” he replies.
The Italian man starts rambling on about the mayor, the natives, a major in the war and his young wife. It starts to bore you, you grow weary of the fake smile plastered across your face.
“Y/n,” Sean whispers, “I think we should get going.”
You nod in response. “We’ll be on our way sir,” you say to Bronte before going down to join the party with Sean.
Of course you still see that Sean’s attention is all on you as you make your way toward the crowd of people.
“Is there something on my face?” You ask, “something wrong with my dress or something? You’ve been staring at me the whole time Sean.”
“N-no there’s nothing wrong with your dress,” Sean nervously says, “and there’s nothing on your face.”
“Then what?” You chuckle.
“Uhm..” before Sean could even get his sentence out you all hear a loud noise, followed by “ooh”s and “wow”s from the crowd.
You both look up and see the most beautiful colors exploding in the sky, it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. It puts a huge smile on your face.
“Sean, look it’s so pretty!” You smile brightly at him before turning your attention back to the sky.
“You’re so pretty…” Sean says, not taking his eyes off of you despite the rare sight in front of him.
“Huh..?” You turn back to him, your smile faded into a confused look.
“Y/n, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen..” Sean starts, “especially tonight.. you look so pretty in that dress, your eyes are so stunning I just get lost in them every time you look at me.”
You feel your face heat up as he says all this. “Woah Sean, that was so random… are you serious?” You ask.
“I mean it.” He says.
You’re speechless. Did Sean really just say all of that to you?
“Sean I-” he cuts you off, his lips press against yours and his hand caressing your cheek.
“I love you, y/n…” Sean says as he pulls away.
“I-I love you too Sean…” you stare deep in his eyes, still at a loss for words.
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inkyquince · 1 year
Patreon Post: Wren's Unionising Perks (Wren)
content warning: Cheating, Cucking, Nasty Wren really into Remy's spouse
Wren always got what he wanted. Not while he was growing up, no, never then. But when he reached his twenties, he found out there’s a lot he could get, either with his winning smile, or with quick hands. Then his tongue could worm himself into some good graces in more ways than one. He liked getting what he wanted. Suddenly, he could put food on the table. Suddenly, he had a favourite leather jacket. Suddenly, life was a breeze and nothing could bring him down.
So, all in all, fuck you.
Fuck you.
God, he’d love to fuck you.
Regular little love story, you and Remy. Horse Ranch meets Riding School. Horrible father meets Horrible Future Husband. Married within 6 months.
Wren didn’t hate a lot of things. Bad hair days. Shit hands when playing poker. Maybe when those shark teeth cut his fingers when spending his Friday lunches at the prison. But fuck, he hated you. He really hated you. He hated you till his stomach was painted with his own cum, his cock sore as his fingers gripped the base too tightly.
Cute townie, trotting in here. Can’t ride a horse, looks lost when Remy rattles off facts about why his cows are the most excellent, didn’t even own a pair of boots until you ruined a pair of your fancy shoes in the mud. Real cute. The kind of adorable where if someone like you, with a face like that, Wren would definitely have you in his bed after a charming little riding lesson and some flirting. But he couldn’t. Because of that fucking golden ring adoring your finger.
He did do his best at first, keeping away from you, real polite, only sometimes swinging by to help out when you got lost on the stupidly big estate. One of his winning smiles, a squeeze of your elbow, and then he could disappear back into his work, only sometimes glancing over to see what you were up to. Sweet little thing. Sweet thing that he won’t lure into his bed at all, god no, because he will be fired at best, killed at medium, and turned into one of Remy’s best bulls at worst.
Which was annoying. He didn’t even pay attention to you. It’s like that one time when he was a wee sprog, his somewhat friend had a toy that they hadn’t played with in a while, and then acted so annoyed when he stole it for himself. Like, what did he expect? When people put stuff aside, Wren will usually take it and be halfway out the door before they realise it was gone.
He just happened to think that the same rules should apply to you. Get left in the corner too long, and he’s allowed to step in. No one puts baby in the corner and so on and so forth. But apparently Remy and the Church of England were against his very reasonable thought process.
Luckily, you seemed to agree with his thought process. Somewhat.
You were obviously bored. Leaning against the bedroom balcony, watching the cows be led out. Wren looked up from his horse, the scene mocking Romeo and Juliet as you barely looked at him, and he was getting a lovely view of your legs. But you did notice him. Soft brown eyed boy with the wicked smile. You didn’t get to meet him properly, only formally. Remy just vaguely gestured at him, called him Wren and moved on, with one gloved hand pressing against your back.
A gesture Wren also liked to do with you.
Spotting you, bored, petting one of the horses. Hand against your back. Inviting you to a poker game. You accept.
The others worry. They can’t have fun like they usually do. Nothing scandalous or perverted, not while the boss’ spouse is sitting so pretty at the table. You were fun, it turns out. Only got more fun as the others became drowsy and passed out from all the shots. Only you and Wren awake.
How could he resist?
Tit for tat, he offered. Which you countered with “Tits for Tattoos?”, which amused him. You pull off your shirt, in return to see one of his tattoos. He likes you naked, and you like him… Showing off to you.
You win a hand, he has to share embarrassing stories, tattoos, see if he can tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue. He wins one…
He gets to taste that pretty little mouth. Lick your teeth as his lean hands grip your thighs, pressing you close. Wren gets to grope and squeeze and touch, feeling his thigh get warmer from where you are perched so cutely. Best of all, he could tell that Remy had yet to do his husbandly duty and fuck you like a whore. You were his, and the thought of shoving your face into the pillows of the marriage bed to fuck your hole raw never crossed his mind.
Well, Wren was his right hand man for a reason. Pick up the slack where Remy can’t.
It isn’t the marriage bed, but it’s his, and fuck, you look good. Debauched and spreading your legs just for him. To be fucked, a couple of paces down from your mansion, in his little cottage. He couldn’t breed you, obviously, but the thought of keeping you full, sated and a happy little spouse for his friend had him stroking at your stomach greedily. All his, at least for most nights in the week, and maybe every other midday break.
Yes, Wren settles on, as he fucks into your hole roughly, enjoying the arching plane of your back as you grip his thin pillows and covers. Yes, this is how it should be. Enjoying a tight little thing in his own bed.
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