#which involve a lot of tears and clinging for them
snickerdoodlles · 1 year
If you could have a storyline for chai what would it be ?
i might disappoint you nonny 😅
lita uses the mafia as flavoring for Phayu and Prapai, seemingly with the intent of more sexy, more dangerous, and/or more alluring. which is ridiculous. mafias don't exist in dramas to make the characters sexy. mafias exist in dramas to give pretty boys trauma and make my faves cry.
i think lita writers intended for the semi-legal street racing to be hot, but what i see is Pakin's recruiting grounds. just look at the rules: no violence allowed, bet anything from money to people, don't. tell. anyone.
no violence...enforced by violence and threats of death
bet anything from money to people -> what will you risk, what do you value, how do you treat your 'possessions'
don't tell anyone -> the most important and most obvious rule. why would Pakin give a shit about anyone knowing? the races are an open secret. he shuts down highways. this rule exists so that he knows who might be capable of keeping his other secrets.
the street races are designed to attract reckless young men who come from families with money, influence, and power. they give Pakin not only a lot of information on who might be useful to him later, but also leverage. any consequences from illegal street racing is unlikely to stick to these boys--which is why they think they're safe. but now Pakin not only knows a lot more dirt on them than they do him, but he's also the person they call when they're in trouble (see Phayu, see Prapai)
and Chai's his right hand man. he's the face of the races.
now, there are a lot of character quirks about Chai that i immensely enjoy. as i said in a previous post, the fact that his wardrobe includes zebra print shirts delights me endlessly. him trying to keep his customer service voice in place when the guy calls him a lackey is hilarious. when Rain ordered the mafia men to wait so that he could get a few kicks in on his kidnapper, my first reaction was to text tortoise "Phayu is Pakin's favorite, but Rain is Chai's." and i do think Chai genuinely likes both of them, and i like the idea of Rain sometimes chilling with Chai during the races.
i just don't think it will be enough.
Pakin got two big fish during lita canon--he sort of already had Phayu, given that Phayu works on his bikes and organizes his races, but now Phayu owes him a favor for his men scaring off Rain's kidnapper. and then there's the even bigger fish Prapai, who's the heir to an international corporation, filthy rich, and has shown discretion, loyalty, and drive as one of the top racers--and now owes Pakin a favor and can be threatened with conspiracy for murder. Pakin doesn't care about these two staying around in his races as much as he cares about the fact that he has a hold over them now. one of the main faces holding that power over them will be Chai, and Chai will always be Pakin's man first, Phayu and Rain's friend second.
these boys need to find a way to get away from the races and all these mafia men stat.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 months
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"I'm finna get this sh*t off my chest and lay it to rest". Pick the gif(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll for its corresponding message of me dissing your haters! 🐍🤭
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Pile One
Your haters are definitely people that are from your past which could consist of those who you’ve shared a close connection with and a group of individuals that were prominent in your childhood. These people made you discover both the positives and negatives that come with the feeling of being passionate, meaning at some point they made you feel really high about yourself and could have been the reason for one of your moments where you felt really low. You could have had an explosive argument with them or have experienced mounds of anger because they’ve betrayed you in a way that involves using your sensitivities as a way to manipulate you and degrade you. Just a lot of bullying energy here, maybe their goal was to make you feel less significant or capable and alone because of your interests that are considered taboo. They could be dark empaths or people pleasers who aren’t equipped enough to handle conflict without throwing someone, regardless of how close you are with them or how long you’ve known them for, under the bus and could also struggle with finding their own independence and confidence to stand up for those that they were supposed to love or what makes them authentic. I feel like your haters are just sore losers, they don’t know how to accept when they’ve lost. What’s pathetic is that they’ve spent so much time trying to get rid of you because they assumed it would make them superior or elevate them in a social circle. Your haters could show a lot of cowardice in a way that blocks them from being creative or gaining in their career, social network, or reputation.You and your haters could have similar backgrounds but cope very differently. They’re very impatient and could make impulsive and destructive choices for fast rewards that may feel beneficial when they gain them but turn ineffective as fast as when they received it. They’re great at conducting illusions though. At one point you could have seen them as crafty, but they’re a one trick pony. Their method in tearing someone down includes repetitively bringing up the same insults to cover up the fact that they can’t roast or really say anything truly jarring about you so they cling to that one thing to see if it will stick. I don’t even think your words are something that hurts you, it’s the fact that they intend to  stoop low is what hurts you. I see several themes of them trying to utilize shame. Shaming you for your quirks is the most obvious but I see a lot of sexual themes too. Your haters could have tried to make you feel as if you were less of the gender that you identify with or they’ve used slut shaming tactics with you which could have been severely traumatizing if you were really young and in school. They’re the type to not have anything else on you so they start making up stuff to again, see it sticks. I feel like you clapback at this by being who they’re not, which is someone that doesn’t care about what others have to say about them. You don’t answer to gossip or let someone convince you that your likes are what will keep you behind, you acknowledge that your likes are what makes you the shit and it shows in how people are positively drawn to you and want to see and hear more from you without you having to wear a mask for people to “like” you. Your haters can’t relate and that’s why they’re upset. You make them even more mad when you’re empowering and accepting yourself while they’re trying to expose you, even if they do it through lies, you’re like “Ok. This is who I am. Now what?” and this is how the tables turn.
What they did to you was a displacement of their own anger towards people they feel lower than which is a lot of people, including you. They got buck with you because they saw your kindness as a weakness and that was their mistake. What makes this pathetic is that they spent so much energy trying to get rid of you just to come back to see if they can have a seat at your table because they see you’re doing big things, that you’re happier without them, and that it’s no fun throwing away genuine people to impress people who don’t care at all about them. As much as they tried to make it seem like you’re invisible, you’re now in their minds rent free. What your haters don’t see coming, is how they’re about to recognize how extremely wrong in not just their actions towards you, but their judgment in how you weren’t going to be supported. It’s going to be very apparent for people in this pile on how much you guys are actually loved. You’re going to realize that the things that you felt like you missed out on in the past, actually never really mattered. Like for an example, you could have desired to “be like the cool kids” or just “normal,” because of the people that made you feel bad, but you’ll learn that your haters are the type to peak in high school or something that doesn’t really amount to anything in life compared to what you’ve been patiently building for yourself. Maybe you don’t see yourself as patient because you get frustrated, however, I see that it’s because you’ve actually always seen the value in yourself but you’ve dealt with people misunderstanding you which is something you’ve learned is out of your control but your anger is geared towards people who react so negatively to what they can’t be patient on or understand. I’m seeing changes with this that can look like reconciliation with family members who correct their behavior towards you instead of trying to control what you want to do with your life or enabling abusive behavior towards you or you could successfully build a community or a name for yourself where people look up to you or find inspiration from you to instill more confidence and self-love towards yourself but also some form of justice that they’re looking for.
The problem with your haters is they’re lost when it comes to finding their own personality and instead of working on that, they’d rather cling onto other people by shadowing them in some way but they still expect to outshine the source which isn’t at all how it works. They could be grifters or have the tendency to copy others or go after your “hand me downs” so that they can feel like they’re on your level. They’re the type to talk down on what you have but in private try to figure out how they can emulate you. Your name is still on their tongue and embedded in their brains long after you parted ways with them because it’s the only way that they can have relevancy. They’re like salt hating on all the other spices. If they spent more time working on their own flavor instead of trying to tear you down for what makes you stand out, then they would finally find themselves instead of making their bland nature everyone else’s problem. They lack seasoning and it shows in how they treat people. Unfortunately you can’t save them from that, so always remember that you don’t have to get even with them, their misery is already turning them every which way but loose. 
Pile Two
A wise woman named Beauteuss once said “How do you expect me to chase you? Baby, I’m so coquette cunt”. I feel like this is your energy and why you have your haters UPSET with you. You have a superpower that most people are afraid to step into or fail to acquire and control which is to stand on business. This comes so naturally to you that the bare minimum doesn’t even cross your mind when you interact with people. You could have a strong balance of venusian and martian energy, you’re charming and know how to have your way with others without seeming manipulative because you’re an open book. What you see is what you get, you mean what you say, you’re very honest with how you feel about others, and you’re bravely upfront about what you want. People could envy your love life or the attention that you get. They want to know your secret with how you have people wrapped around your finger. They want to know how you’re able to be in situations where you’re taken care of by people while still having authoritative people in a chokehold. In your haters’ mind, they see their connection with you as a wrestling match that they cannot win. Your haters tend to be people who are in your career field or environments both physical or virtual where there’s a competitive atmosphere. They have big personalities that are threatened by your resistance or nonchalant attitude to submit to anyone. It just seems like what you have when it comes to magnetism or magisterial prestige is the real deal that people around you can’t help but respect it even if they initially tried to overpower you. Their dominance is more of a defense mechanism, or like the equivalent of how animals exaggerate their features to scare away bigger predators. They have to create a facade in order to control the situation or others. They aren’t really secure with their accomplishments or faith in themselves because they can’t handle coexisting with people who have strong personalities.
Regardless of your gender, men see you as a threat because they feel like you’re better than them or that you should know your place. You do know your place and that’s the problem. You don’t allow romance to trick you out of your independence or stay in situations that don’t give you what you deserve or what you seek. You are a vibrant seducer, people tend to be engulfed by how you stimulate their self esteem and sexual desires but they mess up by thinking that you’re something to be possessed. Your lovers can turn into your enemies when they realize that they can’t control you or take you away from you wanting your own things. You could have been in multiple jobs where your boss had this mysterious hostility towards you even if you’re doing what you’re supposed to do and don’t really talk as much. It’s because they see that it’s destined for you to be your own boss and outgrow them in terms of professionalism. For people who think that they can’t relate to this energy because it seems exaggerated, it’s because the main thing that your haters fear about you is your potential which is why you attract people in one-sided competitions with you. You destroy your haters by seeing what they see in you. Some things for people are written in the stars, your haters see you as the kind of person who’s able to manifest luck, success, and specific luxuries based on how confident and appealing you are to others and how well life responds to your beliefs. They could be jealous of how what could be delusional or unrealistic for them comes into fruition in your life. They could actually try to believe that you have a big head until they see for themselves that you have physical evidence that back up your confidence and influence on others. Your haters just see you as a reflection of how feeble they are with wanting more for themselves. Your haters could be older people of the same sex as you because you remind them of what they don’t have anymore or regrets over things that they should have pursued in their youth. They could also be jealous of how sensually desirable you are to people both your age and older. They feel like other people see you as someone who can do no wrong. They want your grit, your ability to get things from others, your beauty, your canniness to destroy anyone who does you wrongly, your assertiveness to stand up for yourself, and your reluctance to settle for anything less. What riles your haters is how you don’t have to beg.
You don’t require anyone else’s permission on when and how you can take time for self care. Your colleagues wish they could be like you when it comes to prioritizing yourself or how you think and act like the job needs you more than you need it. You could have a talent for having multiple streams of income. I’m picking up a lot about platforms on social media or you being in an industry where people who may have more than you secretly admire what you bring to the table, but instead of seeing your gifts as something beneficial, they try to hide you or ignore you as a way to stagnate your growth. But I see that it never works because if you’re in a space where people don’t want to give you any credit, you don’t cry over it or invest more of your labor thinking that things will change, you move onto somewhere else and end up still living up to the purpose that people tried to keep you from reaching. This mindset translates itself to many different areas in your life, especially in love. You don’t chase after people withholding their respect for you and it shows your haters that they have a lot of growing to do and evaluation for toying with power dynamics is not serving them in the way that they think it is. You make your haters question if they truly have any finesse or not by making them overthink their position and credibility in life. You make them consider how they’ve been denying themselves from their inner prowess and how they’ve allowed their past failures to consume their competence for optimism and compassion. 
Pile Three
Your haters are obsessed with the fact that you don’t want anything to do with them. These are people who are used to playing back and forth games with other people. They’re so used to always being in drama and chaos or someone chasing after them to continue these same old messy cycles that it completely baffles them when you don’t engage with their toxicity. I’m seeing that you could be really patient with people who keep poking to get a reaction out of you until they go too far. You might cuss them out, but that’s about it. You say what you need to say and feel about this person and then you cut them off and move on with your life. The closure that you give to others is very brief or sharp, people may even consider it as foul, but you don’t do it for anyone’s liking or entertainment, you do it for yourself to release the stress that you’ve been carrying so that it can bring you to a start in your healing journey away from that conflict. Your haters are very lost when it comes to reality and their ego. I see this vision of two people playing a game, one person is constantly cheating throughout it, and when the other person finally decides to walk away, the cheater thinks that they’ve won. They’re proud of themselves until it settles in that they didn’t really win anything, you don’t care anymore, and you’re not coming back to play that game with them any longer and they’re dumbfounded yelling out to you “that’s it? You’re not playing anymore? Wait come back!” and you’re like no thanks, I’m good. I’m actually going to hold your hater’s hand and tell them in the nicest way possible that they need to find a life and that no one is concerned with them since they’ve driven out every single person that’s close to them from their life by being delusional and childish. They want to be the it person so bad by actually thinking that they have haters and that people are obsessed with them when no one cares enough to be. They rely on playing mind games with people to make it seem like they have influence on others and to boost their ego but they have no idea that it’s not the kind that they think. It’s getting to the point where if they’re into spirituality and feel like they’re being evil eyed, then it’s probably 100% true but not because they’re an icon or anything like that. People are wishing for their downfall because this hater does not know when to stop provoking others and will eventually get clocked if they don’t stop.
The universe is special with its timing but humans are faster when they want consequences to be dished out. But this person has a particular obsession with you because you got away unscathed the most from them. Things don’t have to be taken away from them or done to them for them to suffer. The punishment for them that’s going to hurt the most, is them seeing you live your best life, genuinely finding peace and healing away from the hurt that they were going to heavily imprint on your life. They’re going to have to witness you step by step, moving on and finding your groove back with yourself and newer connections with people who will treat you better. This is a teaching moment for them to understand that being toxic is not cute. They will meet their match and it won’t come from a person willing to stoop that low with them. They were mistaken to try their luck with you and now they’ll have no choice but to be haunted with this lingering feeling of you looking down on them forever even when you’re actually looking away (out of sight and out of mind). 
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rayassecretlife · 2 years
Do you still love me?
Pairing: Aged up!Neteyam Sully x Fem!Omaticaya!reader
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Summary: You and Neteyam’s family has stayed the same for many years, only one daughter who was now 4. But you fear that Neteyam doesn’t want more, scared he had fallen out of love with you after the birth.
Warning(s): Mature language, mentions of miscarriage, dad!Neteyam being a warning himself, just a lot of fluff and angst etc. not proof read
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“Mama!” Your ears twitched at the voice, your daughters crying voice echoing through high camp. You had been working on one of the hunters but quickly excused yourself at her call, pushing past the groups of people to get to her voice. “Where is mama!”
“Aratakai!” The people moved away from you once they noticed, all bowing their heads as you passed and apologizing for stepping in the way. You finally got to the center of the circle, a sigh of relief leaving your chest as you made eye contact with her. “What’s wrong?” She runs to you, clinging to your leg like she had been scared somebody would take her away. You looked up at the other person, forehead creasing at him.
“Look, Y/N-“
“Bad men! Bad men!” Your four year old cries against your leg and your eyes quickly glare at him, watching his ears fall. “Try to get uncle Lo’ak”
“Y/N, I swear I didn’t mean to bring her in the middle I-“
“You brought her on your scouting trip?!” Your voice is enough to alert the whole village and everyone around you is staring at Lo’ak, watching in fear of when Neteyam would approach. He was nowhere to be seen, which was a surprise being that he could feel your emotions and most definitely could feel your rage. “I won’t even let Neteyam bring her outside the barriers! Her own father!”
“She was already out there!” He interrupts, kneeling down to your daughter who had been clinging to your leg. “Arat, tell her what you were-“
“Enough!” You hiss, reaching down to pull her into your arms. Your heart was beating terribly fast, and her cries only made it worse. “I thought you grew out of your immature faze, Lo’ak. I guess I was wrong-“
“T-try get the fruit, mama” You looked down at your daughters face, tears staining her small cheeks. “Uncle Lo’ak take me home” Your ears flatten at her words, taking a second to look back at your brother in law. He understood your frustration, he wasn’t mad at you for snapping.
“Make way!” One of the hunters called, the very large Ikran coming to the group. Lo’ak gave you a reassuring look and you nodded, hand pulling your daughters head to lay against you, making sure she felt safe.
“Ma’Tìyawn, what happened?” Neteyam’s voice makes her lift her head, now allowing him to see her tears. You could feel his fear and anger raise almost instantly, looking around to find the route of the problem. “Arat-“
“She got into the forest, Neteyam” You tell him, now feeling your own tears ghost your eyes. You were so worried, so angry that someone had brought her down there. She was only 4, there was no way she could’ve made it herself—not without an Ikran. “Somebody brought her down there”
Your husband looks around at your clan, jaw clenched tightly with his eyes strained on each and every one of their faces. When Arat was born, he set strict rules to never bring any harm to her. The people were sworn to protect her at all costs, so who the hell put her in danger?
Whoever it was, he was going to find out—and he was going to kill them. There was no debate about that.
“Lo’ak found her… brought her home” His eyes turn to his younger brother, watching his eyes soften at the sight of him. When Lo’ak found her, he didn’t know how she had even gotten there—so confused he searched the area for the person.
But he got caught between sky people, and Arat almost got hurt. He had never been more disappointed in himself—never been so terrified something could happen.
You and Neteyam kept her secluded from anything that involved danger. It was your biggest fear that something could happen to her because even though you’d feel like this with any child of yours, she was your only one.
You needed to protect her.
He thanked his brother before turning back to you, noticing how badly you’d been holding your tears back. “If you saw anything of my daughter leaving high camp, I suggest you tell me” He raises his voice to the clan, anger even worse now that his family was upset. “I will find whoever did this. And if not me, you better pray she doesn’t find you” The clan chants to him and his word, knowing their fear of you and neteyam was much greater then their fear of the sky people.
“As I’ve said before, my daughters safety is all of your priorities in battle! Let one finger touch her, I won’t hesitate to retaliate against you, do I make myself clear!” You close your eyes as you stroke your daughters hair, letting a few tears fall from your eyes with a sigh. You just wanted to go home now. “You are dismissed”
Lo’ak places a hand on your shoulder and presses a small kiss to his nieces head before leaving, Neteyam finally turning to tend to you and your daughter.
“I want to go home” You ignore him, turning to walk back to your cave with Arat still in your arms. He followed of course, but very confused as to why you were acting so angry at him. Why were you so upset? He understood, but there is nothing more he can do.
“Fruit?” Your daughters voice is soft against your ear and you sigh, nodding your head with a sniffle as you set her down onto her feet. Neteyam leaned against the doorway, watching your every move as you put out some of the fresh fruit you had from before. “Thanks, mama” her little lisp surfaces and Neteyam couldn’t help but chuckle, watching you wipe off her tear stained cheeks.
“Excuse me” You cleared your throat before making your way into you and Neteyam’s shared room, not even making it to the bed until his voice chimed in.
“Can you talk to me?” You continued to ignore your mate, walking over to the basket that sat on the floor to pull your small cover up from it. You already knew this argument that was bound to happen. Always doing this around in circles bullshit. “Y/N”
“Leave me alone, Neteyam. Please” yeah, now he knew you were mad. Usually you’d be all over him by now, knowing that he had to work a lot and most of the time wasn’t home to spend time with you unless it was at night before going to bed. What he didn’t know, are the thoughts you’ve been having the past couple of days.
Before you gave birth to your daughter, Neteyam would talk about wanting a huge family. He wanted boys, girls, even a pet. You wanted all those things with him, but as soon as you gave birth—it was like everything you had planned changed.
Neteyam never showed interest in mating any more, barely even seeing you during the day due to his duties. You’d cry when he wasn’t around, wishing you still had that teenage fever love. Was it the birth? Did he not love you anymore? It was so unusual for a Na’vi to lose interest in their mate, but your relationship just felt so one sided.
And then there was the miscarriage.
The loss of your second baby took a huge toll on your relationship for the worst. Neteyam and you would be constantly fighting, and you didn’t work for the longest time just trying to get out of the cave. You felt useless, the people hadn’t seen their Tsahìk for many two weeks.
That is the reason you were so protective over your daughter. She was the only child you had and probably would ever get to have. It stung, you loved the idea of a big family. You never even bothered to confront him.
“Y/N, I can feel your upset with me. What is wrong?” He grabs your hand, turning you to face him. His face was full of worry, taking in the sight of your tears in front of him. Eywa, how he hated it when you cried. His hands reach to cup your face but you push them away.
“Don’t act like you care now” His forehead creases at your words and he’s already shaking his head, more then confused as to what you had been talking about.
“What? Your crying, My love. Of course I’m gonna care-“
“Really? Because you didn’t the last few weeks” Now he was full on mugging you, knowing for a fact that if you had been crying he would’ve known. He would have felt your sadness… he should have felt everything. “Our daughter could’ve gotten hurt today, Neteyam. Where were you?”
“She’s here, isn’t she? I’m sorry I wasn’t there, but you know I have duties and you cannot worry so much. I will find out who took her-“
“Not worry so much? I don’t have a choice, Neteyam! She’s our only daughter! Our only child! If I lose her… Oh Eywa, if we lost her…” You shook your head, wiping your tears as they quickly began to fall. “She’s all I’ve ever wanted, Nete. I can’t lose her”
“That’s what this is about? Why were you crying before-“
“Because you don’t love me anymore!” You snap, your husbands jaw dropping at your accusation. Didn’t love you? Was that a joke? “Y-you promised me a family, and I give birth and you just lose all interest in me!”
“I’ve gone through so many heat cycles, Neteyam. If you don’t want more just tell me!” He was took aback by your sudden outburst, hand pulling your waist so you could be closer to him. “And then the miscarriage… Am I just not good enough anymore?”
Eywa, you were so clueless. “Not good enough? Was that a joke?” He reaches up to cup your face in his hands, finally being able to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “Y/N, my mate, my wife, my beautiful fucking Tsahìk—you really believe I don’t love you anymore?”
“Everyday I wake up to you sleeping next to me, praying to Eywa that she keeps you safe while I’m gone. Telling you how beautiful you are everytime I see you, bringing home gifts for you and Arat, talking peoples ears off about you. I can’t even remember what my life was like when I wasn’t in love with you”
“And mating? I’ve always wanted to, but it’s been so long I didn’t think you wanted to anymore… and Arat’s birth hurt you so much I didn’t want to hurt you again” He thumbs away your tears, lifting your head so you could stare directly at him. “The miscarriage was not your fault, Baby. I promise you, everything you’ve been feeling, is the exact opposite of what I feel”
“Because I love you, and I want to build a family with you. I still want it all with you, Y/N. You hear me? Don’t cry, don’t cry because of this” His confession only made your tears worsen, arms wrapping around him tightly so you could cry. You were so naive, so stupid to believe he didn’t love you. Neteyam was a busy man, you should have known.
“I don’t want to lose you, Teyam” he shushes you, hand caressing the small of your back and your hair. Lose him? As if you could get rid of him that easily. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry, I wish you would’ve told me before so I could’ve fixed it” He sighs against you, pulling away after awhile and almost instantly taking your head back into his hands. “I love you so fucking much, Y/N. Do you hear me? Never say something like that ever again”
You sniffle, nodding your head with a small smile, leaning into your mate to press a kiss to his lips. “I love you so much more” He only pulls you back in, hands gently resting on your throat just to hold you there. He wanted you to know he was there, not going anywhere anytime soon.
“So, about baby number two?”
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This is probably bad, I threw this together randomly butttttt finished in an hour so new record 🤭. Enjoy this little fluff while I prepare my smut writings!!
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jflemings · 5 months
Hi writer, may i request hc of piper meeting her mom's arsenal teammates and aunty leah
Which national team is reader?
reader is a matilda! i know that have a lot of jessie x tillies!reader fics because unfortunately i am biased (😬 i just love my girls okay) and also, i have more insight into the auswnt dynamics which makes it easier for me to write.
headcanons under the cut! it’s a bit of a long one
- piper was only little when you’d made the move from melbourne victory to arsenal. you were 22 and she was just shy of her second birthday, so the move had initially been quite difficult.
- during the first couple of weeks you’d leave her with staff whilst you trained, not willing to put her in such a chaotic environment without making her comfortable first
- steph and caitlin would pop in regularly to see her, often sneaking off when they thought no one was paying attention to play with her
- because you’d played against your arsenal teammates before they all knew that you had a baby girl and had been absolutely ecstatic to meet her
- you were early to training one day and had set piper up in your cubby with a blanket, toys and her bottle whilst you got ready. it had been a rough morning for the both of you and you were nearing tears as you changed into your training kit
leah had walked in not expecting anybody but halted when she saw you.
she looked between you and the babbling baby before immediately setting down her stuff and coming over to you. you could tell that she was obviously a bit distressed seeing you upset so she rubbed a hand up and down your back soothingly
“rough morning?”
that’s when the waterworks broke. you hung your head and had explained everything to leah, how neither of you slept very much last night which meant that you were both frustrated this morning.
leah had listened intently whilst cooing at piper and pressing the buttons on her hot pink toy flip phone. she let you get is all out before kim walked in
immediately she was in mother hen mode. the two of them just listening and offering help whenever you needed it
- from then on out, leah had become quite a regular visit to your apartment and in turn, bonded with piper like no other.
- meeting the rest of the girls was a lot better and less tears were involved, all of them getting the opportunity to meet piper through the day
- piper meeting katie was still the funniest interaction to date because katie had forgotten that you had a kid
she had louldy busy into the change rooms, skidding to a stop because she had been running late, and stared at piper wide-eyed
“which one of youse stole a kid!?”
piper had been consumed by her think accent and looked at her puzzled whilst you stood watching the whole thing. she was clinging to caitlin’s leg and had cookie crumbs all over her mouth, her eyes never once leaving katie’s face
“katie she’s y/n’s”
- it took a little longer for piper to warm up to katie, mainly because she couldn’t really grasp what she was saying half the time, but once she got the hang of it the two of them were inseparable.
- over the course of your first season at arsenal piper had established small groups of players that she would go to for different things.
- lotte, kim and viv were for when she got a bit too overwhelmed and needed a bit of quiet.
- she could be found with jen, katie or leah whenever you, steph or caitlin weren’t around.
- she hung out with lia and jordan when she wanted to talk, because they were the best listeners.
- steph and caitlin were often for comfort and familiarity. she would follow them around whenever she missed her nanny and poppy at home, and often found herself clinging to caitlin’s legs like a monkey.
- she kind of just… fell into beth or daan’s laps, never really seeking them out but also not being applied to hang out. beth would colour with her to get out of drills she didn’t really want to do and daan helped sneak unhealthy snacks at lunch time.
- what you weren’t expecting was for her to love manu. the goalkeeper had taken to your daughter straight away and would often keep an eye on her when training. piper was often found near the goals with her little hat and coat on, playing with her toys in the grass while manu trained. it was quite a sight.
- teammates came and went and piper adjusted to all of them fairly well.
- except for when jordan and jen left. she cried and cried and cried when she realised she wasn’t going to be seeing them everyday, even more so when jen had to break the news that she was moving to america.
jen makes the effort to call all the time, and jordan regularly texts to check in and see how things are
- kim gets referred to as captain kim or kimmy and nothing else. you know piper does it because the rest of you do it as a bit of a joke, but she also knows that kim is important to the team so she does it out of respect.
“captain kimmy can you please open my juice”
- all the arsenal girls are her aunties but only the aussies, leah and katie get the title when she refers to them.
“does auntie leah know jessie plays for chelsea?”
“can we go see auntie kyra?”
“auntie cait and auntie katie want to take me to the zoo! can i go mum? please please please”
“auntie stephy says i have to eat my carrots to get big and strong but i think she’s telling porkys”
- sabs and her got along great and the duo of manu and piper quickly became a trio.
- vic is a great listener like jordan and piper thinks her accent is funny.
- the younger players like laura, teyah, gio and laia paint piper’s nails and buy her new dress up costumes for her to wear, they always have a fashion show and tell her how pretty she is.
- emily loves to braid piper’s hair. the first time she did it you were in a meeting with jonas and your daughter didn’t have her hair done. she hat sat on the floor in front of your cubby with her hairbrush in her hand when emily came up to her
“do you need help with your hair?”
piper looked up at her wide eyed. she hadn’t really spoken to emily yet, her accent was like cloe and sabs’ but different “yes please”
“alright, i can help”
piper loved the way she looked with her dutch braids and told you as such when you came back, praising emily for how pretty she made her look.
- alessia was soft spoken and always crouched down to her height when the two of them spoke. plus she would bring her flowers sometimes, piper loves flowers.
- cloe was a bit lost at first when piper stopped her from going out onto the pitch her first training session. she had stuck her little hand out in front of her and planted her feet firmly on the ground
“you’re new”
cloe froze and looked around before realising that this must be the kid sabs talks about all the time. she nodded her head slowly “i’m cloe”
“cloe from canada?”
“cloe from canada.”
piper waved her hand “c’mon cloe from canada. come meet my mum”
- kyra needed no introduction. piper had run herself straight into the back of kyra’s legs and plonked her head
“you’ll hurt yourself doing that”
piper held her forehead “up! kyra pick me up!”
the pair of them were trouble, and after you and mini ran after kyra, harper, piper and charli all winter, you already knew what you were in for
(steph can’t catch a break)
- at the end of the day you’re just grateful that you’re raising your little girl around such a group of strong, talented women. you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
the one idea that won’t leave my head is black cat!reader having a horrible day, and not caring who’s around, she’s laser focused on finding luca, and she just clings to him
and maybe there’s tears involved, maybe there’s not, but either way, she (accidentally) let’s a few of the boys see her for her
the team loves!!!! landen
so much
and they all want to comfort her so bad (the only one that tries is mark. no thoughts, head empty)
after the whole ordeal she and luca are at home and she’s like 😟 they saw me emote
i also realized after reading this that i’ve never given any context as to who the fuck lola is so! lola is landen’s ex girlfriend. they’d initially got the apartment that lan is living in with luca this year together and then landen found out that lola was cheating on her and had never really been wlw to begin with.
lola was bicurious and her friend group had told her to use landen as a test. she’d realized after the first night that she wasn’t actually bi, but continued to drag lan on because landen loves really hard and she would’ve done anything for lola
after the breakup- landen shut down and locked lola out of the apartment with bags of most of her stuff at the front door. the bags were taken and lola never got her stuff back.
lan felt really guilty about it but luca and adam have both told her a million times that it wasn’t her fault, she was upset and if anything the bags being taken was karma
when landen started having luca over at the apartment, they ordered food and lola ended up being their delivery driver. she figured this was her chance to get her things back and when luca opened the door lola got extremely jealous and pretty much refused to believe that landen could be with him
landen took that really personally, cause she honestly has a little bit of an insecurity that she’s not the typical hockey gf and that she’s in over her head
she took the food and slammed the door in lola’s face and she absolutely refuses to speak to her.
she often comes up to lan at parties and on campus to try and tell her off and threaten to sue- which only started after she found out about luca
landens offered to pay her off and luca has even told lola and her boyfriend several times that everything was a complete accident, but they think the worst of landen and refuse to believe it
feeling too hard | opposites attract au, lf63
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landen walked into yost with her head down, looking at the shoes she walked by until she saw a pair she knew belonged to someone she’d be comfortable looking at, or talking to
when she saw seamus’, she paused, eventually deciding that if it wasn’t gonna be luca himself, or at least rutger- she was gonna take someone she knew would help.
she looked up, seamus immediately stopping in his tracks at the tears that were welted in her eyes.
“luca. i’m getting luca, one sec, lan,” he rushed, spinning in the direction of the dressing room and going right to lucas cubby
by the time the boys had reached her again, she was sat with her legs crossed on the floor and her head hung. luca kneeled in front of her, her body immediately shifting forward so her head was on his shoulder.
he adjusted, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck as he sat down, pulling her into his lap and kissing her temple
“what’s wrong, pretty? what happened?” he murmured softly, seamus having left the two of them to talk with some semblance of privacy
“i’m so tired, lu. i didn’t sleep last night cause of my presentation, which went horrible, cause she prof kept cutting me off to tell me to talk louder,” she started, slouched against him in complete exhaustion
“n’ then i worked from 10-6 and everyone was so mean today, it was really busy. someone pushed cudo and then knocked over all his food. a lot of people just kept arguing and i was alone today,” luca frowned to himself, knowing that she’d probably not be so upset had she been the only one affected
she could take a lot on herself- but the minute someone she loves is facing the same feelings she shuts down. everything falls and the stuff she’d already gone through only piled onto her frustrations
cudo was one of her favourite things in the world
“lola came to the store at the end of my shift.” she said, and luca froze. his hand stopped gliding up and down her back and his lips parted in shock.
“i just wanted to be left alone and so i just stood there and let her talk and then i walked away mid conversation and went on auto pilot to get here. i just needed to see you and everything is happening all at once and i don’t-“ she took a deep breath, trying to collect herself before the tears trapped on her waterline started to fall
“i haven’t been this overwhelmed in a long time and i’m feeling too many feelings and i want it all to stop,” she breathed out, sniffling into his shoulder and closing her eyes tight.
luca squeezed her closer, heart aching as he felt her finally start to cry, her body shaking in his arms.
“shh, angel. i’ve got you,” he whispered, holding the back of her head and keeping his lips pressed to her nose, kissing in between his sweet nothings.
he pulled the hat off his head, brushing her bangs back out of her face and putting his hat on her, backwards so that the hair would stay out of her face. he tightened it, fixing his hair slightly
“there, pretty. got your hair out of your face. i can get you something to eat? or i can have shea bring you my sweater,” she just nodded, looking up at him from his shoulder with shiny eyes and a sad look.
“alright, come on,” he helped her up, pressing a kiss to her lips before guiding her over to where they kept all the food, some of the guys that had been eating eyeing them a little.
she grabbed a bottle of water, a fruit cup and a granola bar, looking up at luca to confirm that she was ready to go back out to the hallway.
“i gotta get my gear on, pretty. but i’ll bring you my sweater and you can go sit on the bench. know you get hot, and the sound of our skates might drown out that head of yours’ hm?” she nodded, pulling him down to kiss her lips again
once she’d gotten his sweater, she made her way to the ice and sat cross legged on the bench, opening up her granola bar.
mark was the first one to get out onto the ice, taking a lap and then stopping at the bench.
“do i have to fight anyone? i’ll fight someone.” he joked, giving her a dumb grin as she chewed on her snack and eyed him, unsure.
“god?” his smile widened, and he nodded
“and i’d win,” he winked, taking off for another lap as she looked at her lap, fighting a smile.
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alexendria-rose · 2 months
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~The love Between a sorcerer and an ex assassin~ 3
Part 1, Part 2
A/n- so this is a little bit of the readers childhood past, this is mostly what the chapter is about. It will be a lot, I won’t go into specific details because that’s too much but I will basically be stating it. And yes the avengers do break up in this and I know it doesn’t make sense since Thor hair was already cut and Stephen isn’t in any of it but ya know it’s a fanfic so cut me some slack lol but most of it from here on out should be accurate. Also more of Stephen and readers slow burning love.
Warnings: cussing, Childhood trauma, SA, assault, PTSD, the inability to have children:(
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I never should’ve gotten involved between Tony and Steves fight. And now here I am hiding out in the sanctum, knowing Stephen would take me in. We’ve gotten closer in the last couple months-him not getting involved with either sides. Well unfortunately for me I was; especially on Steves side, where I was a walking criminal now and didn’t know where the others were-before I got onto that stupid jet; Stephen decided to get me before I got to far into the fight. The fight against the only family I knew triggering me in ways I didn’t even know. I couldn’t sleep knowing the avengers were split up and no longer had that family bond that we all once had. It was rough- not being able to go to Natasha and rant to her about this going around in my head. Now I was stuck with my thoughts- my childhood/the red rom triggering all of it; thinking about how it all started when I officially became a widow and there was not turning back,
“No please don’t!” My 5 year old self cried, the tears rolling down my cheeks as they pinned me down to the gurney. The doctor pinned my wrist down before putting a cuff on both of them.
“This is for the better. Dear child.” The doctor shushed me before patting my hair in a disgusting manner. “We’re just going to do a small procedure…” he whispered harshly. The other male opening up my small legs. I sobbed loudly wondering and pondering what procedure they should attempt to do-I was just a child not realizing that they were about to take the ability of not being able to have them myself. The doctor sticks the needle in my neck-me screaming at the pinch before realizing the black around me.
The fact that Draykov had so much faith in me at such a little age-made me sick to my stomach. Five years old I got the involuntary hysterectomy… most widows didn’t get those until they finally graduated but he knew I didn’t remember much of my family being the youngest widow; easily brainwashed it was like he kept me as a little trophy to prove to the other girls that I was smarter, swifter and better then them which made me an easy target for the girls that were jealous of the “great treatment” I was getting-not knowing being the favorite was ten times worse.
Draykov watched as I continued to fight the widow in front of me, my small arms and tiny body that was not even reached to full adulthood-just merely 12 years old, fought a widow much bigger then me; much older, more experienced. But for me-I was still quicker, faster and had much more advantage than her. I swept under her feet making her fall harder onto her back punching her across the face in the process knocking her out in an instant. Draykov starts clapping slowly making his way towards me before grabbing my chin- his thumb caressing my lip.
“Good job little one, look at you go.” He voice dripping with venom and poise. The way his eyes flicked up and down my body with the very exposed tightness of the suit clinging into the youth of my skin. I shake slightly under his touch, terrified as I stared at him.
“Thank you.” I mumble trying to stop the shake in my hands as he stared at me. The other widows watched in distaste, Natasha was the only one who looked at Draykov with disgust and anger in her eyes at the situation. God how badly I wish I can run away from this with her. Draykov grins at me his hand moving down to my waist caressing it with a soft touch but a disgusting one at that.
“This is why you’re the best widow my child.” He whispers lightly his hand resting on my waist. “You’ll get your reward later.” My stomach drops knowing exactly what that “reward” implied, something painful, something I’ve always wanted to stop but never could knowing it would just lead to torture rather than death. Draykov pats my hip before moving swiftly away from me. Natasha looks my way as the tears start to cloud my eyesight before looking at the widow that was unconscious below me- I quickly blink the tears away trying not to let the emotions fall knowing that punishment would eat away at me, I couldn’t be a weak widow-
The memory often ate me up, it hurt me that I couldn’t stop it but hurt more that I was just a child. A grown man idolizing a child that way… I laid in my bed staring at the wall before slightly gazing at the alarm clock near the bed- oh wow that’s lovely it’s already 1:00Pm and I’m here doing nothing. I sigh loudly taking the blanket off my body, my body shivering from the heat that was taken off my body but the cold hitting my exposed skin instead. My head pounded as I sat up too fast, the memories that sat in my head were knocking against my skull. I didn’t even notice the dry tears on my cheeks nor the red dark circles under my eyes. Why did the avengers have to split up? Everything was good, everything was great until that moment that everything went down hill for the team. And here I was hiding out in the sanctum because I was a literally criminal now; well I guess I’ve always have been… I guess it’s a different kind now huh?
I feet pad towards the kitchen in the sanctum rubbing my red eyes from the lack of sleep.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” I jump slightly at the voice turning around to face the only voice that I knew better then ever now.
“Why do you do that!” I groan towards Stephen. He chuckles lightly walking towards me as I lean against the counter. He stands right in front of me-way too close where our bodies are basically touching but reaches above me grabbing a mug a smile on that stupid smug face.
“For an assassin you really don’t seem to focus on your surroundings.” He laughs softly before moving his body away from me. Suddenly missing the closeness- nope can’t think of that. I roll my eyes at him before turning around and grabbing my own mug.
“An ex assassin.” I mumble lightly watching Stephen grab the pot of coffee pouring some in his mug, I bring my mug out giving him pleading eyes. “Can I have some?”
“You can,” he quicks an eyebrow giving me his teasing stupid smile.
“You know what I mean!”
“I know what you mean but you’re not saying it right.” He laughs moving the pot away from my grasp, I move my way in front of him trying to grab the pot from his hand but he moves way up so I couldn’t reach it.
“You’re an asshole. You know I could just flip you. Remember I’m an assassin.” I mocked him from what he said from earlier.
“You know that’s an unfair advantage. I’m just looking for one word.” He jokes looking down at me with a grin on his face. I try to jump up to grab the pot but he keeps it out of my reach before I end up tripping on my own toes because of my own stubbornness(can’t believe I use to be an assassin) Stephen uses his other arm catching me in the process of me basically almost falling flat on my face, my face close to his and his close to mine. My hand automatically placed on his chest as I looked at him. The tension obviously there from the way we both freeze from the contact, the intense eye contact. My eyes flickering all over his face, his doing the same as both our breath hitched at the same time. His head seemed to move closer to mine, my head unintentionally moving closer to his before realizing the situation; I grab the pot from his hand pushing my body away from him as quickly as I could. He clears his throat noticing the way I was hastily pouring the coffee in my cup trying to escape this situation.
I didn’t understand how Stephen made me feel these things. The way my heart always sped up around him, or the fact whenever he got super close my mouth would go dry, or whenever he would sit at his desk while I read my eyes would always linger towards him. Was it just strong friendship feelings? Maybe… but it was different that’s for sure. Something I haven’t felt before, but it also felt wrong. Part of me knew what I was feeling but that also scared me. Knowing I told myself that I would never get close to someone like that. Never. And I mean never.
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“Y/n. It’s a go.” The widow whispered into my earpiece. I brought the sniper up to my eye as I watched the person I had to take out. I didn’t care for who it was, my brain felt blank, as I just followed instructions. Yelena stood next to me as she stared at the same girl. I look towards Yelena and nod silently.
“Ready.” I mumble. Yelena nods back, focusing on the mission on hand.
“Fire on the place of three.” Yelena mumbles. “5,4-“ suddenly the alarms start ringing and kids start shouting. “She made us, target deployed smoke.”
“She’s on foot with the package. Stay high. Yelena and I are going to ground.” I mumble into the earpiece placing the sniper down as does Yelena. Before we start repealing from the roof onto the ground. We unhook our things before dashing towards the woman on foot with the package. We kick down the door that she moves across the woman getting hit with a car in the process. Yelena sees the package immediately going towards it, I run towards the woman tackling her down so she could grab the package, the woman starts to tackle me back before landing a hard punch on my face kicking Yelena legs in the process and grabbing the package back, she grabs Yelena hair pulling it back trying to get her to drop the knife but she also grabs a the thing from the package spraying it in Yelena face. I grab the woman while Yelena looks lose all the suddenly. I grab my knife before stabbing the woman in the stomach, and Yelena snaps her head towards me.
“Y/n stop!” She yells, the woman lays still looking at both of us, as I stand up to look at Yelena.
“Spray her with it.” The woman grunts out. “Free the others.” She manages to gasp out. Yelena looks at me as I glare Yelena the antidote holding close to my chest. Yelena grunts before trying to grab the bag from me but I kick her down grabbing my knife- not knowing what I was doing I start to lift my hand to stab Yelena but she was able to grab the antidote before I could spraying it on my face. I gasp out loudly dropping the knife in the process looking down what I was doing; wait where was? What was I doing? Yelena?
“Yelena?” I gasp out looking down at her, tears welling up in my eyes realizing I was about to kill the only kind of sibling I had.
I scream out loudly as I sat up from my bed. The sweat collecting on my forehead-actually everywhere on my body. I gripped the bedsheets as the tears welled up in my eyes thinking of the awful memory of being mind-controlled. All the evil things that draykov did while being mind controlled. How much he took advantage of that situation. My bedroom slams open revealing a very worried and scared Stephen. My hands start to shake as I look at him trying to form some sort of words. The tears trickling down my cheek. He rushes over to me moving himself on the bed before holding me close to his body. I grip onto his shirt my eyes wide in fear, he rocks me trying to calm my shaking form.
“It’s okay. I’m right here.” He consoles running his shaky fingers through my hair holding me close and tight; I feel my body relax from his warm and gentle hands running through my hair. I sigh deeply sniffling softly.
“I wish it was just a nightmare.” I murmur out calming down my breathing and my trembling. He places his head ontop of mine.
“We don’t have to talk about.” He coax me softly his voice gentle and tender as he continues to rock me and hold me close. “Just relax, I know you haven’t slept in days. I need you to sleep.” He moves his hand to my back rubbing gentle motions to calm me down. I take a deep inhale breath appreciating the fact that he wasn’t forcing me to talk but rather worried by the fact I was indeed not sleeping well. He lays down against the bed more, my head on his chest as he continues to rub circles on my back and his moving through my hair. I close my hairs enjoying hearing his heart beating against my ear, and his soft breaths included in so.
“Don’t leave.” I muttered sleepily holding him close as I feel the sleep overcome me.
“I won’t. Im right here doll.” He whispers before the sleep finally overwhelms me.
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The feeling of two strong arms around me, the soft patterns of breathing overshadow me as I start to stir slightly; I open my eyes to see the familiar cheekbones and facial hair that I’ve become accustomed to. His lips slightly parted from his soft breathing, his chest heaving up and down, and the way his nose scrunched up at whatever dream he was having; made my heart fluttering. He slowly opens his eyes sleepily looking down at me, he hums gently rubbing my back gently.
“You okay?” He says in a murmur but in a raspy sort of way. Who knew his voice could go even deeper. I nod shyly not use to being this close to a man(well consensually…) I had to admit this was the best sleep I’ve ever gotten- well ever.
“I’m okay.” I whisper quietly. “Thank you.” He closes his eyes leaning his head back a small smile coming up to his lips.
“Anything for you.”
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A/n: LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA BE ON TAG LIST. LOVE YOU ALL. please let me know if you like this btw I want to see love in the comments!!
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libraryofneith · 9 months
Out of Mind - Chapter 9 (Joel Miller x Female Reader)
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@hiroikegawa @evyiione @orcasoul @taz-97
*mrs weasley voice* Where HAVE you been?!!!! I know I know I'm sorry for my prolonged absence. I'm in my last year of uni, applying for post grads when all I really wanna do is write about our fav baby girl Joel Miller. If ever this happens again, which it probably will, worst luck I promise I've not abandoned you! I'm loving writing this fic and have big plans for new ones. Huge thank you to everyone who has liked and messaged me, assuring me that I have not been forgotten.
If anyone else wants to be the first to know when this fic is updated let me know and I'll add you to the taglist.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Summary: As you and Joel make the trade, your trust in him is stretched to its limits.
Warnings: [whole fic is 18+ minors DNI], it puts its age in the bio or it gets the block button, cursing, graphic descriptions of violence, attempted sexual assault, i'm going to put *** at the beginning and ending of any descriptions of sexual violence so you can avoid if necessary, Joel is still a dick, not me getting mad at him for things I made him do.
"you know I'd never let them hurt you."
"Do I?"
An icy wind startled you awake. The tip of your nose and cheeks had frozen where they'd been poking out of your sleeping bag in the night. You blew into your hands and tried to rub some warmth back into them, careful not to move the rest of your body or you'd wake Joel who was pressed up behind you.
You'd split the first few nights out of Boston, one of you resting while the other kept watch, but soon exposure to the elements had rendered caution impossible and you'd been forced to sleep at the same time, swaddled under both of your sleeping bags, desperate bodies clinging onto each other for warmth. Most nights you could feel Joel fighting to stay awake, body tensing up every time you started to relax until you hissed at him to quit it. Whether it was for fear of being attacked or refusal to accept any comfort from you was hard to tell.
Your body stilled as Joel shifted against you and you felt a familiar poke in your lower back. It had become something of a wake-up call recently, gently poking you awake on the rare occasions that Joel slept longer than you. It was a sensation with which you were familiar and you kept reminding yourself that it happened to a lot of people in your current situation and it didn't mean anything. Still, as a long, low moan rumbled in your ear you couldn't help but wonder which mystery woman was plaguing Joel's dreams currently. Tess? A ghostly apparition from his past? Or maybe, just maybe, you'd managed to worm your way into his sub-conscious. But you quickly scoffed at the thought. If Joel had any dreams involving you they probably involved wringing your neck.
She was in his dreams. Again. He always clutched her to him as if he already knew how she would slip away when he woke up. That was the worst part - spending his dreams coiled around her, nose in her hair, arms wrapped around her body, thrusting his hips, searching desperately for release - then waking up still embracing her but having to tear himself away, thanking whatever heartless God existed that she was such a heavy sleeper.
He pried himself away from her warmth, trying not to notice the way she immediately started shivering without him, prodding her until she woke.
"Time to get up."
"Mfff" was all the response he got.
"C'mon move your lazy ass."
"Go away."
"God, you would sleep all day if I let you. Gotta be the worst smuggler I ever seen." That got her up.
"How much further?"
"Not long, we should be able to reach em before sundown. Now remember when we're in negotiations…"
"You do the talking, I decorate the background."
"I know, Tess told me." Joel grimaced.
"What you do is try to be invisible. These folk don't play nice."
He would've much rather done this on his own but Tess insisted he needed back-up. He'd told her before that Ciara was her responsibility, not his, that she would be the only person to blame if she got hurt, but they both knew that was bullshit.
"You ready?" If she was rattled, she didn't show it, just nodded.
Unfortunately for them, Joel's estimations were exact: it was barely afternoon by the time they got to Marcus's camp. Guards frisked them at the perimeter, he noticed that one of them lingered a little longer than was necessary over her and he had to resist the urge to punch him.
"Let's go."
As you made your way through the camp, you had a distinct feeling of de ja vu. You hadn't encountered a group like this since before you came to Boston, after which you swore you'd never put your fate in someone else's hands again, fat lot of good that did. Now you felt like a fish swimming into a net.
This Marcus reminded you too much of Robert, except while Robert needed to hire bruisers to do his punching, this guy looked more than capable of striking his own blows. He gave a curt nod to Joel then his eyes turned to you and there was a cruel glint.
"See you've traded Tess in for a younger model." Joel cast you a furtive glance, but said nothing.
"You got what's ours?"
"We have what we promised" Joel responded, producing the collection of guns and ammo you and Tess had filched from the FEDRA base. At the time you'd been pleased to put your skills in climbing and creeping to use but now you didn't like the idea of giving this guy weapons. When you'd asked Tess what he was going to do with it, she rolled her eyes and said "Some light gardening. What do you think?"
"It's still mine till I decide otherwise." But he opened the trunk at his feet revealing a treasure trove of tea, coffee and batteries. You struggled to keep the greed off your face and you could see that Joel was doing the same.
You'd told yourself that everyone needed tools to survive and it was up to him what he used them for, not you. But now, as you looked at Marcus, you could see the faces of everyone you'd ever lost flashing before your eyes.
"It's all there" Joel said as Marcus rifled through the assortment of weaponry.
"Sure seems that way, but now I'm wondering if this is an entirely fair trade."
"It's not. We're giving you FEDRA level weapons in return for batteries n bullshit. You know as well as I do Marcus, that you're robbin' us blind."
"Might seem that way to you, all tucked away in that cosy QZ, but what's the feeling of a gun at your side compared to the feeling of a woman underneath?" Suddenly, you could feel the eyes of every man in the camp on you.
"What're you suggesting?"
"Give me n' my boys a turn with your slice and we'll walk away happy customers."
"C'mon Miller, don't be greedy. We ain't seen a woman in months."
There was a horrible silence. You couldn't hear anything but the ringing in your ears. Finally, Joel replied: "I don't share."
"Probably cos you scared em all away."
"Listen, I promise we'll give her back the same way we found her, more or less. I'll even throw in a few packs of cigarettes we got off a trespasser a while back. Been saving them for a special occasion."
The men were closing in on all sides now, like walls sealing themselves.
"How many packs?" Your stomach dropped.
"Show me." Marcus produced the cigarettes with a flourish.
"J-Joel" you managed to stammer out.
"Shut up" Joel glared at you. "Unless you want a repeat of what happened in Austin."
Austin. That was his signal. Loosely translated, it meant trust me, even though things seem shit at the moment, I've got a plan. You have to trust me. And you did. At least, you thought you did.
Joel turned back to Marcus as you cowered behind him.
"At least lemme look at the merchandise."
Marcus beckoned him forward as you could feel his men shepherding you to their side of the camp. You felt a brush on the small of your back and you flinched, looking behind you, but all you could see was a sea of smirking faces.
You watched carefully as Joel went through the trunk. In a flash, you could see a glint of metal. Bullets. Joel must've stashed some in his coat pocket or sleeve. You glanced around, waiting for shouts of alarm or gunfire, but none came. Then Joel was looking at you, just for a second then back at Marcus, and you could see what he saw: under his jacket, a knife strapped to his belt, and a pretty hefty one. Could tear you a new one, or him.
Joel shut the trunk and stood.
"It's all here. I'll be back for her at midnight?"
"You two boys escort our friend out of camp, I get first go."
"Right well, enjoy."
You cast one last glance over your shoulder as two huge men prodded Joel with their guns, leading him away from you, as Marcus placed a beefy hand on your shoulder and led you away from him.
*** You swallowed your tears, refusing to give this man the credit of seeing you cry, repeating to yourself, please help me to be brave, please help me to be brave.
"Alright sweetcheeks that's far enough." Bile rose in your throat as his hand forced your head down, pushing you onto your knees. You didn't want to look at him but he grabbed your chin, tilting your head up.
"This'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back. I'd hate to return you broken to my associate. That's just bad business."
His shout was cut off by you sticking your fist in his mouth. Teeth pierced your skin but you didn't flinch. You just grinned and said
You said nothing, just nodded and started to unbuckle his belt. You ignored his hand stroking your hair in a disgusting display of tenderness and focused on your task until it came loose. You met his eyes one last time, smiled, then stuck his knife into his groin.
Marcus groaned pitifully and collapsed. Before you could finish the job, you heard the rattling of gunfire and you took off back towards the camp where you could see Joel, having grabbed one of the men's guns, shooting his way through Marcus's men. Unfortunately one man he hadn't accounted for was sneaking up on his left side. Not his left side.
"this'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back", sticking the knife into his side.***
The man barrelled into him and had his hands around his throat.
"Let go asshole!" You screamed, plunging the knife into his throat before he had a chance to obey your order.
Joel stared up at you with bulging eyes as you pulled him up, then you both dove behind a crate as shots rang out all around.
"You go left, I go right."
"Real smart thinking giving these douchebags guns" you quipped, but Joel ignored you, responding:
*** You nodded, then edged to your left as Joel drew their gunfire away. It was criminally easy to put your knife through the first two guys but as you grabbed the third one and slit the blade across his throat, you felt a fist closing in your hair and yanking you back. You tried to scream for Joel but another hand clamped over your mouth. You thrashed wildly but to no avail, whoever it was had you in a complete grip. Then you were going flying, hitting the ground with a grunt and feeling your arms and legs pinned as you stared, in horror, at the face of Marcus, covered in blood but still very much alive.
"Guess you shoulda finished me when you had the chance instead of running to help your boyfriend."
"Get off me!" You yelled, turning your face away, the only part of your body you could still move.
Then a single shot tore through the air and Marcus let out a gut wrenching roar above you. Two hands appeared on his arms, ripping him off of you. You remained on the ground, gazing up at the tree tops until a familiar face came into view, tufts of grey and black beard matted with blood.
"I'm gonna enjoy this so much more." You looked around wildly. The sound of gunfire had stopped but you couldn't see Joel, just trees above you.***
"Joel." He helped you up, keeping a firm but not ungentle grip as you swayed in the breeze. The sound of a groan brought you back to reality. Marcus was squirming on the ground like a fish on dry land. A gun was pressed into your hand.
"He's all yours." Marcus whined as you approached.
"No wait, please I didn't mean it, take what you want, let me go, I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again, please…"
You steadied your hand and aimed for his forehead.
"This'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back" and you pulled the trigger.
"Are you hurt?" You gazed at Joel who was looking at you with concern. You threw your head back and laughed.
"Am I HURT?!" With a scream that you didn't even realise you were capable of making, you launched yourself at Joel, punching and kicking blindly, shouting "are you hurt? Are you hurt? ARE YOU HURT?"
Joel caught your fists.
"I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could think of." You kept kicking him. "I had to get their guard down and get them separated from their leader." You kicked him doubly hard in the shin. "Ow, stop, you know I'd never let them hurt you."
"Do I?" You screamed, "DO I KNOW THAT?"
Joel held your gaze as your voice echoed throughout the forest. You were suddenly, painfully aware of the death that surrounded you.
"We need to get out of here." You tore yourself away from him and started searching blindly for your pack."
Joel jumped, then followed you as you ran out of the camp.
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catboyidia · 5 months
Thoughts on asg having not only one kid but 3? (Aka the remnants)
im entirely on board with that thought, i think it would be entirely chaotic in every possible way! i do think they could figure out how to manage it though
being they’re first time parents and of three children, they probably have to play trial and error a lot, but i feel angeal is quickly able to pick up on each one of their quirks and sephiroth is able to strategize how to manage each of them, but poor genesis is stressed to hell and back and nearly ripping out his hair the entire time
i feel like infancy would be the easiest stage… meaning not easy at all because infants are usually a nightmare, and having three is most likely even worse! especially when its the remnants… i think baby loz would cling to angeal like his life depended on it, to the point angeal has to get one of those baby carriers that straps the baby to your chest, and none of the others would be able to settle loz no matter what. and i think kadaj would be an overall ultra fussy baby, none of them are getting sleep with him around and they all end up having to take shifts to care for him, although for some reason, after kadaj has started tiring himself out, sephiroth is the one that is for some reason able to put him to sleep. i think baby yazoo would be just an absolute angel though, like the perfect baby everyone would wish for, a little clingy but nothing near as bad as loz, and luckiky he doesn’t seem to have much of a parental preference so they’re all able to manage him quite easily.
i think toddler-childhood years with the remnants were a nightmare not only for asg but for yazoo and loz too for having to be brothers of kadaj! the remnants definitely gave asg a major run for their money, but mainly kadaj… kadaj was definitely a little asshole that would bully, fight, and steal loz and yazoo’s toys and such, and was definitely overall just very misbehaved, causing angeal to have to step in and issue punishments, meanwhile genesis was running around to try and sort everything out and help calm down a sobbing loz and sephiroth could probably calm yazoo with ease, although i dont think yazoo would be very bad, maybe a few tears here and there but sephiroth would just mainly have to talk yazoo out of trying to retaliate against kadaj… unfortunately, despite sephiroth’s efforts, genesis will be willing to look the other way on occasion when yazoo does retaliate.
teenage years were definitely the worst though, for everyone involved! genesis probably had to deal with each of their emotional problems, especially because teenage kadaj is most likely reminiscent of teenage genesis going through an angsty phase. loz still very much favors angeal, and i don’t think loz gets into much trouble, but i do think he’d be the most bullied of them all, so angeal would have to frequently try and help loz. angeal is definitely still the punishment giver though, although kadaj and sometimes yazoo dont always listen to angeal, so sephiroth has to step in instead, in which they know they’re in major trouble at that point. i feel like asg definitely raised them well enough that none of the remnants got into any truly bad trouble though, probably just doing the standard teenage angst kind of shit that would get them grounded for like a week.
overall, despite there definitely being plenty of ups and downs, i think asg would do pretty well with three kids! they would definitely be running around constantly but i think with just a bit of communication, the three of them would be able to manage the remnants, especially with each of the remnants having a different favorite parent. the remnants would ultimately grow up pretty well! healthy and happy for the most part! i think they’d be a really nice, healthy family at the end of day, especially when the remnants are all grown up
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ejzah · 8 months
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 27
Kensi stayed for dinner and while Deeks cleaned up. Over the course of the evening, Caleb slowly opened up a little more, even breaking a couple of smiles.
Deeks thought at least a part of his continued reserved behavior came down to embarrassment. While Deeks appreciated that Caleb recognized what he did was wrong, he also didn’t want him to wallow in guilt.
When he had finished cleaning the few dishes used for the pizza, and packed up the half-finished meal he’d started, Deeks made his way into the den. He found Kensi and Caleb with their backs to the door, bent over a book. He stayed in the doorway watching them interact, and listened to the rise and fall of Kensi’s voice more than the words.
“Wait, did you forget to read the fine print!!!!” Kensi exclaimed.
“They ate spicy salsa on accident and now it’s going to make them breathe fire,” Caleb announced in between giggles. “And then the whole house is gonna burn down.”
Deeks smiled as he recognized one of Caleb’s most favorite books. Even if it had be a crappy couple of days, he had a lot to be grateful for. Mainly the two people crouched over a book about dragons. He waited for them to finish before interrupting with a gentle clearing of this throat.
“Hey kiddo, it’s getting close to bedtime,” he said, and both Kensi and Caleb’s heads swiveled towards him.
“We were having so much fun, we completely lost track of time,” Kensi said, nudging Caleb with her knee. “I better get home. Have good night, ok?”
“Ok. Thanks for reading with me, Kensi.” He dipped his head, peeking up from under his bangs. “Can I hug you?”
“Of course.” Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around Kensi, clinging to her for several long moments. When he let go, Kensi brushed his hair back with a fond smile that made Deeks’ chest ache in a way that wasn’t physical. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Kensi,” he said.
“I’ll walk you out,” Deeks offered. “I’ll be back in a couple, buddy.”
Caleb nodded, turning back to the small pile of books and trains scattered nearby.
“Ugh.” Deeks rubbed his palms over his face as he and Kensi reached the front door. “This is not how I imagined today going.”
“Hey, we’re all going to have bad days. Compared to some of my other relationships, this is actually not that bad.
“Very reassuring.” Holding out his hand, Deeks waited for Kensi to thread her fingers through his. “I should have told you about Monica sooner,” he added.
“Yeah,” Kensi agreed. “But I also understand why you didn’t.” She sighed, her smile a little melancholy. “Exes are hard. Especially when there are kids involved.” She tugged lightly on his hand. “Let me know if you need anything. Talk, yell, cry. I’m here and I promise not to judge.” She nodded. “Well, not too much.”
Deeks chuckled, and shook his head. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” she told him, leaning in for a brief kiss. “Good luck with your talk.”
Deeks shut the door behind Kensi, dragging both hands through his hair. He’d been thinking about how to approach this conversation all evening, and still wasn’t settled on what to say. He walked back to the den; Caleb had cleaned up everything, with more care than usual.
“I’m ready to go to bed,” Caleb announced.
“Come here for a minute,” Deeks said, sitting in one of the chairs, and Caleb hung his head, shuffling over reluctantly. He stopped with his still lowered, which just made Deeks want to wrap him up in a big hug. He pulled Caleb onto his lap, settling him on one knee.
“Kensi said you told her you were upset about mom and that’s why you got mad and threw the block. Is that true?”
Caleb shrugged once, and then gave a single jerk of his head, still not looking up. Deeks gently tipped his chin up. The were the sheen of tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
“I don’t know.” Another shrug.
“You know you can tell me anything,” Deeks reminded him. Caleb didn’t respond, so he prompted. “Why are you upset about mom coming to visit?”
“Because you always get sad when she does,” Caleb answered, with a hint of sadness and bitterness, which had no place in a five year old’s voice. “I like it when we’re happy. And I like having Kensi here, and I don’t want it to change.”
Deeks blinked at him in shock for a moment as he processed everything Caleb had just revealed. He’d tried to conceal his true feelings about Monica, but apparently he hadn’t been as successful as he thought.
“Hey, first of all, you do not have to worry about how I’m feeling, Caleb. That’s not your job, ok? If you wanna see mom, then that’s what we’re going to do. It doesn’t matter how it makes me feel.” He tapped Caleb’s chin, until he made eye contact again.
“Secondly, mom coming back isn’t going to change anything with Kensi,” he said.
“You promise?” Caleb whispered hopefully.
“Yeah, I do.” He let that sink in for a few seconds. “So, what do you think about mom visiting again while she’s here?”
Caleb considered the question with a tilt of his head. “I don’t know. I have to think about it.”
“That’s fine. It’s always good to think about things before you make a decision,” Deeks said approvingly. As they talked, Caleb had slowly melted into his chest. He could tell he was fading fast.
“Hey, one more thing.” Deeks rested his hand on Caleb’s back. “I know you weren’t feeling like yourself when you threw that toy today at school, but that can’t happen again, ok?”
Caleb nodded into his chest, sniffling a little.
“It’s never ok to hurt people, even when we have really big feelings. If you feel like you did today again, you come talk to me, or Kensi, or another grown up,” he told him.
“Ok. I’m sorry, daddy.”
“I forgive you. We still gotta make it right though, so tomorrow I want you to apologize to your friend, and Kensi.”
“That’s all?” Caleb asked in surprise.
“First time offender,” Deeks joked, hugging Caleb tighter. “It happens again though, there’s gonna be more consequences. Like losing privileges.”
“Ok,” Caleb whispered again, curling his fingers into Deeks’ shirt.
“Love you, kiddo.” Kissing the top of his head, Deeks held him closer. A few minutes more wouldn’t hurt.
A/N: And of course, the book referenced in this chapter is the wonderful “Dragons Love Tacos” by Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri. It’s been a staple for me ever since Eric read it during one of his story time videos.
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kousgrl · 1 year
the night we met.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ apocalypse!tsukishima kei x gn!reader
“and then i can tell myself, not to ride along with you”.
cw: angst, one mention of blood, two character deaths.
an: this was originally a oneshot about terror in resonance, but i decided to switch it up to haikyuu! pls enjoy <3.
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tsukishima kei never believed in love. you see, anyone he had ever felt some sort of affection to had either disappeared like water slipping through his fingers, or they had died brutally without peace.
he never saw faith in love, especially now so. because what's the point if they're bound to leave anyway? what's the big deal on love if most people end up alone, closing this chapter of their life heartbroken?
for years he always felt that way, turning away any and all until [name] arrived. the person with the golden smile, the person with a personality so suited for him he questioned his beliefs on life as a whole. the person who stared him right in the eyes as he mercilessly tore down the undead.
"do you need something?" he would ask, immediately regretting involving himself with them. another responsibility to carry, kei thought.
"oh, not at all. i just thought you were pretty."
he’d raise an eyebrow. who on earth would say such a nonchalant sentence during the end of the world?
they escaped with tsukishima and yamaguchi, who they had learned was the taller boy’s last friend. the three walked for a while, pure silence. kei half hoped they would go their own way, but instead;
"i'd like to accompany you on your journey, pretty boy." he told them to stop calling him that, but they never listened. their voice was sweet, laced with a teasing tone whenever the pet name was brought up.
he liked the name a lot, however he'd die with that secret.
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the roof of the now abandoned date tech high was their place, the two's sense of relaxation. a place where they could find home in such a fucked up world.
"shortcake is gross, tsukki!"
"it's not, you're just incredibly tasteless." he’d tut, his eyes squinting towards the sky. the navy sky was bright with small lights which painted the darkness so beautifully, it was utterly mesmerising. and so were they. the way their eyes glistened in the night sky. the way their hand reached up to the stars, so desperate to cling onto them, yet so far away.
"i'd like to be a star," [name] spoke with sincerity, "so i can watch over you and yamaguchi."
"so, what? you plan on dying soon, then?"
his comment pulled a quiet chuckle from the person besides him, "maybe. you never know what the day will bring."
tsukishima promised himself he didn't love them, over and over again. and he didn't. for love was a cruel thing, he wasn't ready for the end of this chapter just yet. the two were like magnets, they could be distant and survive independently, however something always brought them back to one another, attached and forever restrained. kei truly thought he found peace when they first held him in their arms, fingers drawing lazy shapes over his shoulder, and their head rested atop his. the feeling was unusual, unnatural even, yet he felt like he had felt something change. and that's when he decided.
[name] was his home, his forever place.
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he'd never forget the fear stricken face they had frozen onto their features as yamaguchi fell lifelessly to the floor, crimson liquid pooling around him like a carpet, welcoming him to death. he had been bitten not long ago, and the surviving pair had no choice but to put him out of his misery. kei had pulled [name] towards him and cradled them gently in his arms, shielding their eyes from the pain in front of them both.
that's when he realised. tsukki shook with fear as he felt himself grow to realise how he truly felt as they both walked away from the small burial they had given their friend, tears dripping down his face. he was in love with them.
hopelessly, deeply, madly, in love.
and that love never faltered until the end.
[name]’s worst fear came true.
"kei, i… i can’t." they wobbled, knees buckling and collapsing down next to him.
he coughed violently, his blood felt fiery inside of him as the colour drained from his skin. "i need you to, okay? i don’t want you to see me as one of those.” with a heavy head, eyes to the ground, they stood. [name]’s hands shook as they pointed the barrel towards tsukishima’s head.
"i’ll always love you, kei."
and with that, he smiled.
they were the last sight he saw before his death, the empty body free of a soul, now lay still before them. their scared eyes with large tears rolling down rosy cheeks, mouth moving and yelling something inaudible to his ears.
but somehow they still looked perfect.
kei’s lover grieved for him, begging to have "their pretty boy" back home in their arms, deafening wails as [name] clung onto themself for dear life.
life was that way for a while, grieving, crying and surviving. an agonising cycle with seemingly no end. until they realised, and finally accepted that he was waiting for them, somewhere, and that he was okay.
because [name] was in love with tsukishima, utterly infatuated, if you will. and they understood that all good books must come to an end. not only did he finally close the awful story kei called his life, [name] also closed the chapter of them self and kei.
the memories were for their eyes only.
[name] turned the page of their story, and inhaled a sharp breath before turning around one last time. "goodbye, my pretty boy." they stared up at the sky with a gentle smile, never looking back at the person they called home.
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love can be a terrible thing, for the most part it is at least. but sometimes it's joyful, it's carefree and it's beautiful. it can be the best, or the worst, feeling in the world. it can leave you full, or empty. alone, or warm and fuzzy on a cold winter's night.
"maybe one day," they whispered to nothing, hands interlocked as the salt water sloshed at their feet. "one day we'll meet in another life. another chance to have the love we always wanted, but never received."
[name] smiled and shut their eyes slowly, the breeze made them feel lighter. "until we meet again, idiot."
and now, they enjoyed shortcake a lot more.
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morallygreyparents · 2 months
Linnie Cosma (maiden name Clearwater)
Basic Details:
-Full name is Linnie Lesley Cosma (maiden name Clearwater)
-Story ages range from 17,000 to his mid 60,000s (1,000 years for a fairy is equivalent to 1 year for a human)
-Parents are Cassia Sr. Clearwater (deceased mother) and Gonzo Clearwater (deceased father; unknown maiden name). Sister is Daisy Clearwater (deceased from an accident)
-Other relationship include: Nora Cosma (ex-wife, deceased), sons Darren "Schnozmo" Cosma and Cosmo Fairywinkle-Cosma, daughters Chelsea and Luna Cosma (adoptive), and grandchildren Cassia Fairywinkle, Peri Fairywinkle, and Julie Sharp.
Linnie is a rather tall but scrawny man with a low muscle mass and thin, narrow shoulders. He has fair skin and mid-length, green hair that slicks off towards just above his shoulders and has matching emerald eyes, which rest behind thin, rectangular, reading glasses.
He usually prefers not to show a lot to skin, usually sticking to a sweater (usually in either a pastel or neon green color) with black or tan pants with a belt on his waist (of course this is casual only. He's got other outfits that will be showcased with Sims 4) His black boots also have a small heel on the back. Adolescent Linnie usually wears a lime green dress shirt with neat, black jeans.
On occasion however, he can be seen with a green blouse or sweater with a skirt and matching heel outfit, a green house dress, or a black evening dress for special occasions, alongside pearl jewelry with his formal wear.
Personality, Likes, and Dislikes:
Linnie is an incredibly timid and soft-spoken man who constantly struggles with anxiety, depression, and a depleting self-esteem. He tries to be kind and compassionate to those that are going through a tough time and has endless patience for babies and small children. However, that normally leads him to being taken advantage of easily by the other adults in his life.
Growing up with a hard-working mother and homemaker father, Linnie believes that it's a man's priority to take care of the household and that his children should always be put first. While married to Nora, he works hard trying to keep his children as warm and cared for as possible, trying to make up for her negligence and uncaring attitude.
Though he is incredibly patient and hard to anger, Linnie can be resentful and hold grudges to those that had hurt him. His dislike for alcohol and judgement of those who drinks stems from still being hurt by Nora's drinking habits. He also never forgives those that had hurt his children, especially his younger ones like Luna.
He loves children and babies, believing that caring for them is his purpose in the world, working in a nursery prior to meeting Nora. He also has a small liking to coffee. If he had it his way, Linnie would tear down all bars and liquor stores in replacement for more children's services and facilities.
Due to losing most of his family and the people that he had loved, Linnie can be very overprotective of the few people still in his life, especially little Luna. He clings onto her and while is very openly affectionate and caring, he can be very anxious when she's away, and is notoriously picky when finding a babysitter, preferring to either stay home or take her with him.
Noteable Relationships:
-Nora Cosma: Linnie resents Nora for how poorly she treated both him and his kids, and is the main motivation as to why he doesn't like alcohol. He constantly complains that she barely does anything around the house and is much less involved in the children's lives that he is. Eventually, after an accident with his sister, Linnie divorced Nora, raising Cosmo by himself after Darren and Chelsea had gotten old enough to leave home.
-Daisy Clearwater: Before her death, Linnie loved Daisy very much, feeling very safe and secure around her. Daisy was very protective of her younger twin brother as well, constantly worrying about his well-being (well as long as she doesn't get distracted of course)
-Darren Cosma: While Linnie loves his son very much, Linnie and Darren's constantly clashing viewpoints on the world (alongside resentment and Darren's incarceration) forces the two to butt heads often. Linnie often finds himself being insulted by an aggravated Darren, and struggles to connect and talk
Chelsea Cosma: Linnie loved Chelsea very much and felt like she was the closest to him before she ran away from home to start her own band. While Linnie and Chelsea still call on the phone from time to time, Linnie misses her dearly, wishing she would visit more often.
-Cosmo Fairywinkle: Linnie had to raise a 12,000 year old Cosmo after finally divorcing Nora, coddling him until he had moved out. Linnie was also somewhat responsible in Cosmo finding out Wanda was cheating on him.
-Luna Cosma: Linnie loves Luna with all his heart and is very loving and protective of her after adopting her. Luna, being the sensitive child she is, often clings to Linnie for comfort, which he is more than happy to provide.
-Delia Dietel: Linnie’s current girlfriends who helps take care of Luna.
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somewhereinneptune · 2 months
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An intuitive message for those who need it 🖤
Welcome<3 I really did not know what to title this post,all I knew is I needed to post it.
Context : I was doing some automatic writing from spirit while getting some tarot cards about a decision I've been making several times, but never being able to fulfil due to my emotional side. I've been wanting to walk away from a situation that had started to bring me more pain than good, more confusion than clarity, and more waiting aimlessly than being present. I just never truly or fully walk away cause I have so much deep emotion and love for the person involved, and I keep clinging to the good parts of it, the healing or uplifting parts. Let's say the energy is healing, or is for sometime , yet the person's attitude and actions are harmful.
So today it was another moment of 'im done ' and I started jotting tips from spirit on how I can truly walk away without my emotions dragging me back, and it turned to automatic writing. Mid doing that, all I could see was me writing the tips on Tumblr and preparing it as a post, and when I was done I asked spirit about it,and they said many would be in need of the same message we provided, cause it's a collective time of karmic cleanse and leaving the old, stepping into the new (the last line came just now) and they highlighted or I remembered that Saturn has just gone retrograde, which makes so much sense. Any way, I hope this reaches whoever needs it,and I wish you healing from all that's not good for you<3
Tips from spirit about letting go from harmful and unhealthy situations:
1. Acknowledge and come to terms with your decision.Nothing can be done if you don't look it in the eye, be conscious of it fully, and say "I want to do it now. This ends NOW."
Acknowledge that you want to close the chapter and that that's your decisive action.
2. Be in the present,the flow of life amidst everything ; this will take time. When releasing anything,like going through a break up, transformations, or making any major change,it's important to acknowledge that it won't be done overnight, so take it slow,and let life go on. Don't drown in shame if some time passes and you're still releasing (don't feel like a failure or a fuck up/ unable to heal) it's okay , it's the natural process of life.
3. Expect that your ex will keep popping up , either through dreams, or physically trying to win you back, love bombing you, giving you promises and such. Don't fall for the old, for the tricks, for the crumbs. In fact, even if your ex is genuine about changing for the better, it is still your valid choice whether you want to take them back or not.
4. Leave with grace, and don't look back in anger. We either attain, or we learn. Acknowledge that this situation was a catalyst for you both, and that growth happens in harsh and painful environments. Growing is tough and raw, and it only requires a tough situation to do that for you. You learned a lot, set boundaries, and considered yourself in the end, that's a win. You gained something for yourself, otherwise this situation wouldn't have crossed your path. Adding to that, reflecting on how it was a catalyst and remembering or jotting down the things you've learned, the stuff this situation mirrored, or the way you've grown can help so much. It can help you to release it more lightly and less with anger and resentment.
"write it out" also kept coming to my head all day. It means write your emotions out, or they will suffocate you. Write the pain you feel, the tears, the betrayal, the everything. Let paper devour it all.
Also songs that came in my head :
Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish
Kiss it off me - cigarettes after sex
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scribeofred · 2 months
For that 'What {thing} do you remember me by as a writer' ask game:
Two fics (I suck at remembering names, sorry) - that one about the scifi-esque nightclub which involved a lot of red light and blood allegories - & the one where you didn't use names for the characters (I think they were just 'child' and 'guardian')
The phrase 'poured concrete'. You're one of the very few people I've ever seen use that exact phrase.
But mostly for your brilliant poetic descriptions which sucker one in and won't let go until you're good and ready for them to do so <3
See. This really, really, really goes to show that an author genuinely can't always know what parts of their writing will resonate with readers. I never would have guessed any of this! The red light story is Blood Moon, which I actually just recently reread myself for the first time in ages. Hilariously, I nevertheless forgot the phrase "poured concrete" appeared in it and I had to go search that up just now to figure out which story you would have read that in 😂 It's a good story, still one of my favorites, and I'm always delighted when readers tell me it's stuck with them.
Idk something about the phrase "poured concrete" feels so smooth and luxurious to me. I don't know how to explain it, it's just ~the vibe~ that's there.
And the allegory story! I had totally forgotten about that one?? Let me dig it up...
...yeah okay I'll just post it as-is. It needs a few more lines for a truly satisfying ending, but I'm strapped for ideas right now, so! Thank you for reminding me of it, and for your kind words! <3
“Up, up,” Warrior urges Child, weeping, clinging, too terrified to be of any help in the coming Battle—and there will be a Battle. Already the crush crush crush of Enemy boots, iron and spike and gore, shake the ground beneath their feet, shake in turn anyone who is inadequately shod, foundations shaky and ultimately distracting from Enemy approach.
“I can’t,” Child cries, wails, fingers fisted around armor edges and thick-woven fabric. Noxious fear smothers all movements, hampers any ability to protect, and Warrior sighs, exhaling frustration and anger and creeping crawling fear, an innocent but insidious attempt at corruption, already weakening, even as Child pleads that “It’s too scary.”
“The unknown is always scary at first,” Warrior agrees, then tilts Child to look up at the boughs spreading wide and thick and solid above their heads. “But look and remember—you are never alone, no matter how dark or unknown the path ahead.”
Child sobs and clings tighter, suffocating; Warrior blocks out the Enemy’s unceasing stomp and tilts Child’s head up. “Look. Do you see? The Light will go with you.”
Sniffling, damp-eyed and damp-cheeked, Child gives a faint head shake, then frowns, brows pinching in studious concentration as up, up, up the tree some glimmer—tiny, like the most muted of fireflies—winks to life. Then another. Another. Another, until their weak cast provides almost enough illumination to make out the ground spreading away from the base of the tree like ink.
“Oh,” Child says, soft, baffled, but already the tears are slowing as wonderment blooms, a burgeoning fascination with the Light, and Warrior’s heart blooms with Light and Joy afresh to see such innocent marveling at what is True and Good.
“Pretty,” Child says, chubby hand rising, fingers grasping, and then “Want,” and Warrior knows it’s time.
“Up you go,” Warrior says, lifting Child onto the nearest bough, the first step in a very long staircase spiraling high into the heavens. “Don’t stop climbing. No matter what happens, stay focused on the Light. It will lead you to salvation.”
Child nods, unsure but oh so brave to be willing to even try, and Warrior nudges Child, encouraging, to the next step before inhaling, deep and full, and offering up a prayer of safety for Child, for deliverance and grace.
Exhale doubt, fear, compliance, judgment—none matter at the onset of Battle. Inhale resolve, strength, boldness, harmony—victory is already won, but someone needs to claim it with fleshly hands, and so Warrior will. A frisson, electric, pulses up a spine straight under a light yoke. Today blood will water the weeds and the wildflowers, Warrior’s perhaps, Enemy’s assuredly.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 5 months
( @hxzelwallflower ) 🌸
A delayed response ── his swiftness being the reason they're still alive despite her best efforts to follow order . While Butch was use to this she on the other hand couldn't quite keep up , let alone handle a firearm properly resulting in numerous incidents with him nearly getting shot .
She knew the repercussions that'd come traveling these parts , and though the cowboy did his best to keep the situation from escalating there was clearly more to it than just your average gang up . A feeling she couldn't shake well after they retreated .
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It's only when he offers to help her down that the emotions kick in , stumbling against the cowpoke as her feet make contact with the gravel road . Her labored breathing coupled with streams of silver , clinging to him like her life depended on it .
Any adventure with Butch was bound to be a chaotic one; this time around, Eileen had tagged along, insisting that she could handle it… though Butch hadn’t exactly disclosed the type of danger they would be getting themselves into as it was quite normal for him to find trouble and for it to find him.
It seems the gang of fellas who had ambushed them may have known Butch, any outsider would be able to tell the matter was personal. The cowboy calls out warnings and the like to Eileen when they get a little too close to her before he steps in, putting a bullet in one of the aggressive men’s shoulders which cause him to stagger back and his accomplices to halt, recognizing that Butch meant business. For anyone who wasn’t used to seeing such a violent exchange so casually, it was no wonder Eileen had become overwhelmed. Not to mention how loud it was.
Once they retreat and find themselves somewhere safe for the time being, he’s surprised when Eileen bursts into tears upon descending his steed and she crashes into him, arms tightly wrapped around his form for security. He thought she had handled it fairly well all things considered, but clearly she had been putting on a brave face. It occurs to him that she had probably never been involved in a shoot out like that before and a pang of guilt is felt in his chest for getting her involved with some of his own dirty business.
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“H-Hey now, don’t cry, Darlin! We made it out alive, didn’t we..?” The sandy blonde manages a crooked grin that seems a lot less confident after he speaks. He wasn’t great at managing his own emotions let alone someone else’s, though he does feel bad for the poor girl. He made adventure sound much more glamorous than it truly was. His arms wrap around her form, rubbing her back comfortingly as she cries at his best attempts to reassure her.
“D’awww, look at ya… ya ain’t gotta scratch on you. Yer jus’ fine.”
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emlee81 · 5 months
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Joshua Faraday-Whiskey and Sunsets Pt. 3
After a few days on the trail with Joshua, I slowly begin to miss Salina and my old life. It wasn't a great life but it was the only one I had. I think Joshua begins to notice. Although he doesn't say anything at first. Maybe he thinks it'll pass and I'll be fine within a few days. If he only knew.
Two more weeks pass and I'm still floundering from leaving so abruptly. As much I thought I'd enjoy some time away from there and a little adventure, homesickness has permanently taken up residence in my mind.
"Mira." Joshua is lying beside me, my body pressed into his as he caresses my back. I stifle a sob, which has slowly overcome my senses.
"You miss Salina, huh?"
"I'd really love for you to stay," Joshua murmurs softly. "But if you can't take it anymore, I'll take you back."
I don't respond right away. I can't. Mostly because I'm crying. But now that I have Joshua, I can't abandon him. He's become a part of who I am and I'm not the sort who just runs off because I'm downtrodden.
"I'll...I'll stay with you, Joshua." I slide back, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping my face and nose.
"I shouldn't have expected you to just throw your life away because of me."
"You never asked that of me," I say vehemently. "I left on my own accord. You didn't drag me off, kicking and screaming."
"No," Joshua agrees. "But I asked a lot of you. Expecting you to just be okay with leaving that all behind."
"It's been an adjustment," I admit. I recall how Salina just took care of me. She never asked for anything in return. I never understood why she did that for me. I was a nobody.
"I'm sure things will get easier as time goes on," I add. Joshua hugs me close and I cling to him. As much as I ache for the familiarity of my old town, being with Joshua makes up for it. (Mostly.)
"All right." Joshua kisses my forehead and I smile through the remainder of my tears. "But if you change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me."
"Oh trust me, Joshua," I murmur, stroking his hair. "I'll let you know."
The ache does seem to slowly dull with time. There are times when it still hurts and I ache to be back with Salina and see all those regular patrons. But for the most part, I feel that I made the right decision in leaving with Joshua Faraday.
We'd had an interesting run in with a mysterious man dressed in black. He'd asked if maybe Joshua and I were interested in making some extra cash. Immediately I was intrigued by this man's offer.
"The lady isn't involved," Joshua says, that fierceness coming out in him. I smirk. After all these months, Joshua Faraday is still trying to protect me.
"I'll speak for myself, Mr. Faraday," I say crisply. The man in black smirks. He knows I'm not backing down from whatever this fight turns out to be.
"Mira," Joshua begins but I hold up my hand, halting his egotistical speech.
"I can look after myself. I have been for years now."
"It'll be dangerous," Joshua warns me.
"Joshua, life is dangerous."
"She makes a fair point," the man in black says. Joshua shakes his head, moving to mount his horse. I follow suit, smirking as we ride out of town.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
There are others. Each as different as can be. I don't recall all of their names but they're all fierce in their own way and I respect them for it. Especially when they realize just how tough I can be as well.
"This is madness." Joshua is leaning against the bar in the saloon, looking terribly uncomfortable. He shifts from one foot to the other, downing whiskey.
"No shit." Joshua looks directly at me. His eyes are beginning to glaze over. I don't know if it's because he's drunk or something else.
"Joshua, are you all right?"
"No!" The venom in his tone surprises me. I fall back, just staring at him. He mumbles an apology before refilling his glass.
"Let's take a walk," I suggest.
"I'm not in the mood for no damn walk," Joshua groans.
"We're going on a walk." I grab his arm, nearly dragging him out of the saloon, as a few others make an Oooh sound, like they know he's in trouble.
"What's your problem?" Joshua's words are slurred somewhat.
"You're worried about me," I say quietly. "Well, let me tell you something, Joshua Faraday. I'm just as worried about you."
"I'll be fine."
"You aren't fine now," I point out. It's pitch black out here, the only lights coming from the saloon and a few windows lit up from kerosene lamps.
"You don't belong in this fight." Joshua suddenly bends over, hurling. I step away.
"Why?" I demand once Joshua has finished getting sick. "Because I'm a woman?"
"You damn men! Always thinking us women are so damn fragile! It's disgusting."
Joshua wipes his mouth with the tail end of his shirt, glancing over at me.
"I'm just scared, Mira. Scared you won't make it out alive."
"As if I haven't had that same thought about you," I murmur.
"Yeah, but should something happen to me, you have a home to return to. Me? If something happens to you, I'll probably just end up drinking myself to death."
"Oh, Joshua." I move, gently wrapping my arms around him, burying my face in his back. We stand there, enveloped in darkness and our unsettling thoughts.
"We're gonna get through this," I whisper. "And once the dust settles, we'll go start a new life together."
Joshua reaches out to grasp one of my hands, holding it tenderly.
"That sounds like a mighty fine idea, Miss Ross."
Bullets rain down all around us. I feel like I've been shooting for hours at these idiots. There was a whole bunch of them, arriving on horseback, their leader in the middle, looking like he was some damn king.
I'd ended up in the bell tower with two of the others. One of them is indeed gifted with using a rifle.
We fire and fire. I suddenly see Joshua swing up on his horse, riding out to a small cluster of men. My heart jumps into my throat as I watch him risk everything.
It's over. Not everyone made it out alive. Luckily Joshua wasn't one of those. We say our goodbyes, collect our reward and head out to begin a new life together.
A year later:
"Joshua, just what are you doing?" I'm standing at the doorway of our modest little cabin, watching as Joshua climbs down from the roof, grinning proudly.
"I just finished the roof, baby." Joshua hops down from the last few rungs on the ladder, taking off his hat and wiping away the sweat on his brow.
"It's about damn time, too," I grumble. "I'm tired of getting rained on in the middle of the night."
Joshua laughs, grabbing me and spinning me around. I chuckle as he sets me on my feet again. I grab the front of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Joshua grins again. I love the teasing look in his eyes.
"I'm pleased it's finished, too." Joshua moves, putting an arm around my waist as we survey the finished cabin.
"Now that this place is weather tight," I say. "What do you think about us expanding our family?"
Joshua gives me a gentle squeeze, planting a kiss on the crown of my head as I nestle closer to his chest.
"I think I'd like that, Mrs. Faraday."
"Good because I have a little surprise for you."
"You're pregnant already?" I laugh.
"I'm not sure yet. But it's a strong possibility, Mr. Faraday."
"Well damn." Joshua scratches his beard, looking a little disappointed.
"I'll lose my drinking partner!" I laugh again, shaking my head.
"Don't worry, Mr. Faraday," I murmur. "We've always have our whiskey and sunsets."
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Axis and allies with a puppeteer s/o who does shows for kids ♥️ please and thank you
Allies + Axis with a puppeteer S/O
(I think this was asked prior to one of my limited character rules, but please keep in mind to skim over the rules before asking uwu thank you)
He thinks it's wicked creepy.
Even if it's for kids
Swears the puppets are slowly stealing the life of the kids
S/O might as well have fun with it
That back fires a little. Once he was the tiny puppet version if himself becomes... involves.
His puppet now must be the hero in the show as well.
Congrats! Now puppets are only 56% creepy...
He actually thinks it's sweet.
He use to play puppets with America at one point.
That was until one of them mysteriously crawled in bed with America as a little kid. That snowballed into a lot of tears and screaming that night....
He's glad to see most of the kids enjoying the show.
His S/O can witness England giving his attention to the kids who did find the puppets scary.
Magic tricks and song a longs is his thing, so his S/O can be at rest at events from now on.
He's neither here or there.
Thinks the kids reaction is adorable though.
It also doesn't take long for him to sit in the middle of the children as a very involved audience member.
There will be one or two kids sitting in his lap, hiding their face in his cape at the 'Scary dragon' parts.
He may have 'lost' his cape at a couple events because he didn't have the heart to take it from the little sprouts when they thought it was a heros cape.
And yes he gasps dramatically and eggs on the children as well during the show. May have also pretended to cry at some parts.
He's no stranger to stage plays and puppets.
He introduces his S/O to shadow puppets, and is wicked impressive with them as well.
Offers to help with the shows, even if it's with string or hand puppets.
He starts to make shadow boxes and puppets for the more scared kids to play with, making Goofy voices for them.
Oddly enough any recording or photos of him doing so vanish completely...
Insert happy Russia noises.
Of COURSE he collects puppets, especially from his country.
Some of which seemed cursed but those are the ones he holds the dearest to his heart, seeming them as misunderstood like him.
He has zero problem helping out, but the stage maaay need to be made a little bigger.
Kind of loves being the villian in the stories.
His S/O has since then edited the stories so the villians have a happy ending as well.
The kids flock to him when he gives his stage bow.
Scarf has now become a swing, and Russia a jungle gym.
He will not want to leave so good luck.
Tis hand puppet time!
He has kept a puppet that a small girl gave him during his... less that joyful Era.
He let's his S/O hold it ONLY if they are wearing gloves and all lose hair and clothing is tucked away!
He doesn't mind watching the show. It makes him feel nostalgic and childish.
Don't tell anyone he mouths the words after learning the scripts
Doesn't know what to do with the kids who are creeper out by the puppets.
He guesses he's a guardian now?
Once tossed a piece of popcorn at one of the evil villians, and the kids went wild with laughter.
7/10 would like to join events more often.
Yall thought he'd be scared?
He is a child om the inside and enjoys it more then literally anyone his S/O met.
Loves to help make tiny clothes for the puppets and even makes cute props for the kids.
Has some cute story ideas.
Occasionally joins in or watches over the scared children, distracting them or letting them hide and cling to him.
Sweet baby boy, is sweet.
He will make a very successful attempt at making him and his S/O as puppets.
They hold hands now. And will never let go.
An immediate spewing fountain of puppet history. How their made, the diffeent cultures between countries
S/O has a whole library of ideas and inspiration at their hands
He LOVES watching it with the children, even letting them gasp and hide their faces into his arms.
His S/O has to refrain from breaking character due to the stern and focused look he has during the show.
Make him as a puppet, PLEASE
It will be the guardian of his anime figurines from then on out.
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